========================================================= FIRE PRO WRESTLING RETURNS CHARACTER GUIDE: KENTA KOBASHI ========================================================= for Sony PlayStation 2 (U.S.) Version 1.0 by Bill Wood (billwood661@ca.rr.com) Last modified: 1/7/08 Fire Pro Wrestling Returns (c) 2005 Spike (c) 2007 Agetec NOTE: This guide views and prints best with a monospace typeface. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA =================== ==VERSION HISTORY== =================== 1.0 - Initial release of the guide. ===================== ==TABLE OF CONTENTS== ===================== SECTION 1: HISTORY OF KENTA KOBASHI SECTION 2: SKILL AND PARAMETER STATS SECTION 3: MOVELIST SECTION 4: STRATEGY SECTION 5: CLOSING ======================================= ==SECTION 1: HISTORY OF KENTA KOBASHI== ======================================= In the modern era of Japanese professional wrestling, one name that needs absolutely no introduction is Kenta Kobashi. He is one of a select few who have managed to become legendary before their careers have ended, putting on one breathtaking match after another and holding the crowds at the edge of their seats. Kobashi and several other former All Japan wrestlers -- many of whom now work for Pro Wrestling NOAH -- are responsible for an era of Japanese wrestling that only be described as truly classic. Along with Misawa, Kawada and others, he has waged wars that have tested the spirit and often left the body broken. He has battled back from numerous legitimate injuries -- as well as cancer -- to return to the ring for the legions of adoring fans. And while just about any Kobashi match against his NOAH contemporaries -- Misawa, Akiyama and company -- is practically guaranteed to deliver, some of his more memorable matches of late have taken place against relative strangers, including former IWGP Champion Kensuke Sasaki and TNA's Samoa Joe (the latter match taking place in Ring of Honor). Perhaps like no other wrestler before or since, Kenta Kobashi represents the living embodiment of the true spirit of Japanese wrestling. And in a unique form of entertainment that is often criticized as being "fake" or "contrived", Kobashi serves as a constant reminder of the very real desire and spirit it takes to become a legend in professional wrestling. ======================================== ==SECTION 2: SKILL AND PARAMETER STATS== ======================================== SKILL ----- Real Name..................Kenta Kobashi FPR Name...................Keiji Togashi Organization..........Pro Wrestling NOAH FPR Organization..............Super NOVA FPR Group............Lightning (Burning) Size..............................Medium Class..............................Heavy Height............................187 cm Weight............................118 kg Birthdate.......................5/5/1967 Country............................Japan Rank...................................A Charisma...............................A Stance............................Strong Fight Style.....................Orthodox Return..........................Orthodox Critical........................Finisher Special......................Second Wind Recovery............................Fast Recovery (when bleeding)..........Medium Breathing.........................Medium Breathing (when bleeding).........Medium Spirit............................Strong Spirit (when bleeding)............Medium Neck Endurance......................High Arm Endurance.......................High Waist Endurance.....................High Leg Endurance........................Low Movement Speed....................Medium Up and Down Speed.................Medium Ascent Style......................Enable Favorite Weapon.....................None PARAMETER - OFFENSE PARAMETER - DEFENSE ------------------- ------------------- Punch.............9 Punch.............9 Kick..............5 Kick..............8 Throw.............9 Suplex............9 Joint.............2 Joint.............5 Stretch...........8 Stretch...........7 Power.............9 Flying............8 Agility...........8 Body..............8 Arm Power.........9 Lariat............9 Technical.........5 Technical.........8 Rough.............7 Rough.............7 MMA Overall.......4 MMA Overall.......5 Entertain.........1 Entertain.........9 ------------------- ------------------- OFF. SUB-TOTAL...77 DEF. SUB-TOTAL...92 TOTAL SKILL POINTS (on a scale from 0-380): 233 ======================= ==SECTION 3: MOVELIST== ======================= Specialty moves are marked with [S]. Finisher is marked with [F]. KEY: ([]) = Square button (X) = X button (O) = Circle button STRIKES ------- Standing ([])............................Backhand Chop Standing (X)......................................Kick Standing (O) + d-pad.....................Kesagiri Chop Standing (O)...............................Thrust Kick Standing ([]) + (X)...........................Dropkick Running ([])...........................Shoulder Tackle Running (X)........................Shoulder Fly Attack Running (O)............................STRIKING LARIAT [S] Running Counter ([]).......................Back Switch Running Counter (X).......................Kitchen Sink Running Counter (O)....................Striking Lariat Running to corner....................Jumping Knee Butt Co-op Irish whip to corner..................Back Elbow Corner-to-center attack...........................none GRAPPLES -------- Grapple ([]).............................Backhand Chop Grapple ([]) + Up............................Body Slam Grapple ([]) + Left/Right..................Flying Mare Grapple ([]) + Down........................Back Switch Grapple (X)........................Auto Kesagiri Chops Grapple (X) + Up...................Delayed Brainbuster Grapple (X) + Left/Right...........................DDT Grapple (X) + Down.......................Body Solebutt Grapple (O).........................Kesagiri Chop Roll Grapple (O) + Up..........................Orange Crush Grapple (O) + Left/Right............HEAD PICKUP LARIAT [S] Grapple (O) + Down......................BURNING HAMMER [F] Grapple ([]) + (X)................ORIGINAL BRAINBUSTER [S] Back Grapple ([]).........................Sledgehammer Back Grapple (X)....................Enzui Rolling Chop Back Grapple (O)...................Torture Cobra Twist Back Grapple (O) + Up/Down...................Final Cut Back Grapple (O) + Left/Right.......HALF NELSON SUPLEX [S] Back Grapple ([]) + (X).................Sleeper Suplex Back Grapple Counter ([])...................Elbow Bunt Back Grapple Counter (X)...................Back Switch OPPONENT DOWN MOVES ------------------- Opponent Face Up at Head (X)..............Sleeper Hold Opponent Face Up at Head (O).................Chin Lock Opponent Face Up at Feet (X)........Hooked-Leg Pinfall Opponent Face Up at Feet (O).........Texas Clover Hold Opponent Face Down at Head (X)....Both Hands-Press Pin Opponent Face Down at Head (O)................Leg Drop Opponent Face Down at Feet (X)........Half Boston Crab Opponent Face Down at Feet (O).........Stomping (Back) Running at Downed Opponent (O).........Guillotine Drop MMA MOVES --------- Guard Attack ([])........................Knuckle Arrow Guard Attack (X)...........................Boston Crab Guard Attack (O).........................Lift Up Press Guard Counter.....................................Bash Mount/Facelock Attack ([])..............Face Knee Lift Mount/Facelock Attack (X)..............Front Neck Lock Mount/Facelock Attack (O)...............Powerbomb Whip Mount/Facelock Counter.................Waterwheel Drop Back Mount Attack ([])...................Knuckle Arrow Back Mount Attack (X)....................Choke Sleeper Back Mount Attack (O)................Reverse Powerbomb Back Mount Counter..........................Back Press POST AND APRON MOVES -------------------- Post ([]).......................Diving Guillotine Drop Post (X)...............................Moonsault Press Post (O)..................................Sledgehammer Post ([]) + (X).................Diving Shoulder Attack Running Post Dive ([])............................none Running Post Dive (O).............................none Corner Grapple (O) + Up.................Burning Hammer Corner Grapple (O) + Left/Right......Corner Auto Chops Corner Grapple (O) + Down..............Turnbuckle Bomb Corner (Top Rope) Counter [F]...........Powerbomb Whip Corner (Top Rope) Counter [B]...........Backhand Elbow Inside Apron Grapple..........Apron Half Nelson Suplex Outside Apron Grapple..............Inferno Brainbuster Run to outside.........................Plancha Suicida Dive out ring..........................Plancha Suicida Dive in ring......................Flying X Body Attack Cage Dive.........................................none DOUBLE AND TRIPLE TEAM MOVES ---------------------------- Front Double Team...................Double Brainbuster Back Double Team.......................Double Backdrop Corner Double Team.................Highjack Piledriver Front Triple Team...................Triple Hammer Blow Back Triple Team....................Triple Hammer Blow Corner Triple Team..................Triple Hammer Blow PERFORMANCE ----------- Entry Performance.................Wrist Check Arm Move Analog Stick Left.................Wrist Check Arm Move Analog Stick Right.......................Clenched Fist Analog Stick Up.........................Hands Gut Pose Analog Stick Down........................Hands Come On ======================= ==SECTION 4: STRATEGY== ======================= GENERAL STRATEGY As stated in the history section, Kenta Kobashi is a fierce competitor with a nearly unbreakable fighting spirit, and the same holds true in Fire Pro Returns. He is extremely tough to wear down physically, his only weakness being his leg strength. (In real life, Kobashi has had a history of knee injuries and operations that probably should have ended his career a long time ago.) When you need to win AND want to put on an entertaining match, you could certainly do much worse than Kenta Kobashi. Kobashi's offensive and defensive parameters have increased considerably in comparison to earlier versions of Fire Pro (his moveset has been improved as well). In no area has he been weakened, but he has been strengthened in several areas, including his offensive Rough stat jumping from a 2 to a 7! As always, Kobashi has the "Second Wind" Special Skill, which seems to have been created specifically for him. As a result, you can expect a nice burst of energy just when things are getting tough. When using Kobashi, your focus should be a no-nonsense offensive barrage. If you win your grapples you will win the match, it's as simple as that. Don't focus on flashy high-risk manuevers such as moonsaults (although he can perform them), instead stick to the center of the ring and confront your opponent there, forcing him into grapple after grapple. But at the same time, don't think twice about throwing your opponent outside the ring and dishing out some punishment near the guardrail! One last word of general advice: Kobashi's arm strength means you should use his lariats often, both from a strike and from a grapple. If you've ever seen a Kobashi match, you know the kind of impact he can deliver, and you can take full advantage of this in Fire Pro. STRIKES Again, you'll want to abuse Kobashi's lariats as much as possible. Both the Lariat Attack and the Striking Lariat are extremely effective. And with Kobashi's Offensive Punch stat at 9, it never hurts to work in the Backhand Chop as well. The basic Kick is easy to use as a distancing ploy, but don't let it become your main form of striking offense. GRAPPLES Kenta Kobashi's grapples are superb, and they perfectly compliment his stats. The Kesagiri Chops can quickly bring an opponent to his knees, as can the Lariat and Brainbuster in his Strong Grapple set.. Kobashi's finisher is one of the more famous signature wrestling moves in Japanese wrestling history; the Burning Hammer. It can be performed from either a front grapple or a corner grapple, and is absolutely a move you'll want to use often when you're trying to bring a match to its finale. ====================== ==SECTION 5: CLOSING== ====================== In closing, I would like to thank Jason Blackhart for statistical information and Dave Fairbairn for moveset clarification. Fire Pro Wrestling Returns Character Guide: Kenta Kobashi (c)2008 Bill Wood