FM4 - Basics and Game Mechanics FAQ by Lord Plothos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: Introduction Abbreviations and terminology TOPIC 1 - SKILLS Q01: What are skills and how do they work? Q02: How do I gain skills? Q03: What determines when a skill activates? Q04: What are chains? Q05: How many skills can I equip? Q06: What's better: lots of skills or higher-level skills? TOPIC 2 - EVASION Q07: What is evasion, and how does it work, exactly? Q08: What determines the likelihood of evasion? TOPIC 3 - SPEED Q09: What does the speed stat do? TOPIC 4 - ACCURACY AND DAMAGE Q10: What is accuracy? Q11: How is accuracy determined? Q12: How is damage determined? Q13: Why do some of my single shot attacks do half damage? Why do some of my MG or SG bullets do half what the others do? Q14: Why do I take damage from a BZ, even when it misses? Q15: How do shields work? Q16: How does melee damage work? Q16.5 How does armor work? TOPIC 5 - LINKS Q17: What are links and how do they work? Q18: What are the best links to set up? How do I use links effectively? Q19: Can I decide what a linked wanzer does? If so, how? TOPIC 6 - CHARACTER LEVELS Q20: What do character levels do? Q21: What is the maximum level I can get? Q22: How do I gain levels? TOPIC 7 - WHAT IS THE BEST/EASIEST/FASTEST WAY TO ______? Q23: What's the fastest way to gain money? Q24: What's the fastest way to gain EP? Q25: What's the fastest way to gain exp.? Q26: What's the best way to _____ in battle/sim _____? TOPIC 8 - WHERE IS ______? Q27: Where is the Wanzer Shop? How can I buy stuff? Q28: Where is the Computer Shop? Q29: Where is the old equipment? Can I still get parts sold in previous shops? Q30: Where is Sim battle ____? TOPIC 9 - CHARACTER ROLES Q31: What's the best way to use _Pilot Name_? Q32: I never use _Pilot Name_'s Backpack; what's it good for? TOPIC 10 - SETTING UP YOUR WANZERS Q33: How does all this power and weight stuff work? Q34: What parts should I buy? What are the best combinations? Q35: How do I set a wanzer's armor, and to what should I set it? Q36: Does the color of a wanzer effect anything? Q37: Some parts in the wanzer shop are in orange font; what's up? TOPIC 11 - SPECIAL ITEMS Q38: I've talked to ____, but I didn't get the ____. What gives? Q39: How do I get the ______? Thanks, legal, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: The purpose of this faq is to help the FM4 player make sense of some of the confusing things about this splendid game. The inspiration comes from extensive observation of the most frequent questions raised on the message board. New players continue to raise questions about the same issues. The message board is a very good resource for this type of thing, of course, and the FM4 board is especially helpful, I find. However, as the questions keep recurring, it would seem beneficial to these new players if they could get answers to their questions more quickly and perhaps with less embarrassment. Details about some of the mechanics may also remain mysterious to more experienced players. Some info and/or speculation about some of these things will help anybody who hasn't sat down and collected a bunch of data, then figured this stuff out. The questions put forward here reflect my own observations of the kinds of things players typically find obscure. Along the way, I'll include some mechanical details to help players get a clearer idea of how things work in FM4. Much of the mechanical stuff is mere speculation. I will try to indicate when this is so, and give a bit of data to back myself up. I have not hacked the game, so I could be wrong about many of the things in here. Still, it fits the data I've gotten, and I've run all of it by the folks on the message board, so it should be pretty safe to let your thinking about the game be guided by what's in here. Questions will be divided into topics for ease of location, but the complete noob might want to just read through all of this quickly. One thing I will not do here is advance my own (or anyone else?¡¥s) style of play or general strategies. I will attempt to give information that is certain and/or accepted truth on the board, and wherever there is some contention on a given matter I will indicate both sides of the issue whenever I can. -----Abbreviations and terminology I will use------ MG - Machine Gun RK - Rocket SG - Shotgun GR - Grenade Launcher RF - Rifle REP - Repair Pack BZ - Bazooka EMP - EMP Wanzer or Pack MS - Missile Ev - Evasion ML - Melee Acc - Accuracy Sniper - Alternative name for a RF wanzer. Dodge - Alternative word to describe successful evasion. Burst - Used to denote the series of shots fired by burst weapons like MGs and SGs. An attack with a SG, for example, involves the firing of two bursts (provided the attacker has sufficient AP). - Notation used to indicate that the name being used is for a pilot skill, such as . Many skills have an associated number. If I leave it off, this is to indicate what I have said holds in general for each of the skills of that type. E.g.: ", though it involves firing two guns, will use up ammo for only one of them," for this is true of and . Rating - Term to denote the level of a given attribute. A pilot has ratings for speed, evasion, and weapons, indicating how skilled that pilot is in those areas. Speed and evasion have no set limit, but there is only so much that each pilot will be able to add to them during the course of the game. Weapon ratings never exceed 3 (lowest is 0). Battle - Indicates the larger engagement taking place on the battlefield, as opposed to "Firefight". Firefight - Indicates the smaller scale gun battle that takes place each time one wanzer attacks another, as opposed to "Battle". Chain Skills - These are the skills that can be strung together to create chains. Not all activation skills are chain skills, but all chain skills ARE activation skills. (See topic 1 below). Almost every time two of these skills activate in a row, they will chain together, increasing the damage of the later attacks. Damage Packet - A piece of the damage in an attack, corresponding to a number displayed in a firefight animation. Some weapons concentrate their damage into a single packet, but others divide their damage into numerous packets. Each packet strikes one and only one part of the target wanzer. (See topic 4 below). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC 1 - SKILLS Q01: What are skills and how do they work? A: Skills are abilities gained by the various pilots in the game. They are said to be attached to the computer, and so more can be gained later in the game via the computer shop, but they are specific to each character and may not be swapped in any way. They operate like class abilities for different character in a standard RPG. There are enhancement skills, such as and , that increase a pilots stats permanently. These may be purchased multiple times with the results stacking. Getting three adds 9 to the pilot's evasion rating. These do not need to be equipped or anything else. They reflect the pilot simply getting better in those areas. This includes weapon ratings, which can go up to 3, but no further, and affect how much damage a pilot will do with weapons of that type. Two pilots with the same SG and differing SG ratings will do differing damage with those bullets that actually hit the target (i.e., that have not been evaded or simply missed). There are also resistance ratings, indicating how hard it is for an EMP to damage the pilot's wanzer in the indicated area. The pilot is better at combating the effects of the EMP pulse on these systems in his or her wanzer. These come in increments of 50%, with 100% indicating total immunity. Then there are skills that must be equipped by the pilot after purchasing them, sort of like armor or weapons. These are divided into two categories: passive skills and activation skills. Passive skills must be equipped, but once they are they will always work. These include , which increases the pilot's range of movement by 1, , which increases the pilot's ability to repair damage with a repair pack, and , which reduces the amount of AP the pilot uses up when he fires his weapon. Last of all, there are activation skills. These skills must be equipped, and have merely a chance of activating when the conditions are right for it to work. Examples include , which increases the number of bullets fired by a MG or SG attack, and , which increases the chance of dodging an attack. Thus, to use , it must be equipped, and you must be firing a MG or SG. It will not always activate when you do so, but it may. Likewise, must be equipped, and MAY activate when you are attacked by a weapon that can be dodged (this excludes missiles, grenades, and rockets). As each skill has only a chance to activate, the more skills you have equipped, the more chance one of them will activate, but the less chance any given one will. This is because for each shot (with a few exceptions), only one skill may activate. Thus, if activates first, then cannot activate for that shot, though it still may for the next. Defensive skills that activate for enemy attacks do not compete with offensive skills that activate for your attacks. One pilot may activate 2 s and then 2 s in the same firefight. Advanced A: Skill activation is a bit of a mystery, but it seems to many of us on the board that it works like this. All skills a pilot has equipped and which can activate at a given moment are compiled into a list (the order might be fixed, but we don't know). The game then goes down the list and checks each skill to see if it activates. If one does, that is the skill you see, and the rest of the list is not checked. If none activate, you get nothing. This helps explain why you will see more activations if you have more skills, and also why once you have a sufficient number of them you'll probably activate one just about every time. This is why I suggest that you find a happy medium and get as many high level skills as you can, while still basically guaranteeing that one always activates (so you get those lovely chains). If you have 4 slots available and 6 skills already equipped, would be a good choice, as it doubles your MG or SG damage, and you have enough skills to be relatively sure of activation. If, on the other hand, you have 4 slots and only one skill, you may be better off going with and to increase your activation chances, thus increasing the likelihood of chaining. Q02: How do I gain skills? A: There are two ways to get skills, the second available only a little ways into the game. The first works like this: Each pilot has a set of skills associated with him/her, and those skills are divided into six groups for each pilot. When you first get a pilot, they will have a certain number of these skill groups available to them. Each skill in one of these available groups may be purchased for the pilot by spending that pilot's EP (enhancement points, gained in battle). The pilot can also spend EP to open up further groups of skills by selecting "Upgrade" in the character setup menu. See Q1 above for what the different skills types are, and how they work. Don't forget that some skills must be equipped to do anything. Once all six skill groups have been opened, that pilot can do nothing with his/her EP but purchase available skills. If there are no more skills you wish to purchase, then you'll have to wait for the computer shop to get more. The computer shop will come up later (see below for when). Here, you can spend money to buy further groups of skills for each pilot. The skills purchased and how much each costs will be displayed. Once the skills are purchased from the shop, they still need to be purchased with EP. Thus, there are two ways to make skills available to a pilot: purchase upgrades with EP or purchase skill sets from the computer shop with money. All skills made thus available must then be purchased with EP. Some of those then need to be equipped. Advanced A: Some skills in the computer shop menu will be listed in red font. This indicates that the pilot already has that skill either available or purchased. Thus, buying that set from the com- puter shop will NOT make that red skill available to the pilot. Thus, if you look at an evasion set and 3 of the 4 skills are red, buying that set will only make one available for the pilot to purchase with EP. For this reason, there may be times when you will benefit more by purchasing a LESS expensive set of skills in the computer shop. Nearly all skills gained from the pilot's original sets will be somewhere among the three computer shop sets, so upgrading will always make some items in the computer shop red. This is why weapon ratings can never exceed 3. There are only 3 skills for each weapon type available, and getting it makes it red. If the pilot got all three naturally, he/she can't get any more from the shop. Q03: What determines when a skill activates? A: A skill has a set of preconditions that determine those occasions when it CAN activate. For , this is that the pilot must be firing with either a MG or SG in a firefight, which can be either as the attacker or as a counterattack. There is a chance that the skill will activate on those occasions. Two chain skills cannot activate on the SAME shot/burst, but they can activate on EACH shot/ burst in the firefight. Two separate bursts of the SG can activate a chain skill for each shot, possibly the same skill twice, possibly a different skill for each. When subsequent shots/busts each activate a skill, this CAN create a chain, increasing damage (see Q4 below). Because each skill has a chance to activate when conditions are right, the more skills you have equipped and which can activate for a given attack, the more chance one of them will activate, but the less chance a specific one will do so, for it may be precluded by the activation of another skill. (See the Advanced A to Q1 above for more information on this subject). It is not known whether higher level skills have lower activation percentages than lower level skills or not, but even if they don't, because you can equip larger numbers of lower level skills, you will have more activations this way. The downside of this, though, is that what activates will be less effective. A large number of high level skills is the best, but hard to attain. Find the balance that works best for you. (Keep in mind that chains are very useful in this game, so even lower level skills can do more damage overall if you're chaining them more often). Q04: What are chains? A: Chain attacks can occur when a series of attacks are made by one side (you or the enemy) and a chain skill activates on each one. Chains increase the amount of damage of the later attacks. Early in the game, your wanzers will not be linked, so you will not be able to form chains involving more than 2 shots/bursts (one character firing twice with a MG or SG). Later, when chains can include as many as 8 shots/bursts, they will become one of the most important methods of doing damage and defeating the enemy. The highest bonus to damage that can come of this is x2.0. Example: Two linked wanzers attack an enemy, firing twice each with MGs. All four bursts activate . The first will be at normal damage (though the skill will increase the number of bullets in the burst). The second will multiply the damage of each bullet that hits by 1.2. The third multiplies by 1.5, and the fourth by 2.0. Longer chains will involve repeated 2.0 bursts. Chains can be interrupted by an enemy shot, by the failure to activate a skill on one of the attacks, or (rarely, but it happens) by the skills simply failing to chain to- gether. An enemy's evading your attack will NOT interrupt the chain, as the skill still activates and the shots are still fired; your chain attack has simply missed the target. Q05: How many skills can I equip? A: Each pilot has a number of Skill Slots (this can be increased by purchasing upgrades). Each skill takes up a certain number of these. Think of it like this: each pilot has a skill backpack with so much room in it. Better skills take up more room. Only activation and passive skills require being equipped, so buy as many enhancement skills as you like. Be careful not to buy more activation skills than you can equip, unless you plan on replacing one you no longer want to use, or you'll be wasting EP (and later money). Q06: What's better: lots of skills or higher-level skills? A: Opinions vary. Activating more skills and making sure you create chains frequently is important, but so is activating good skills. See the answers to Q1 and Q2 above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC 2 - EVASION Q07: What is evasion, and how does it work, exactly? A: As opposed to FM3, where a wanzer?¡¥s evasion was simply subtracted from the attacker?¡¥s accuracy, evasion in FM4 is a set percentage chance for a wanzer to dodge the entire attack (see question 2 below for info on what that chance may turn out to be). Each unit on the battlefield has a set evasion percentage, and for each and every attack that percentage is used to determine if it completely misses. This is totally independent of how accurate the shot is. The accuracy of the shot (indicated by the blue number by the target on the screen) is the percentage chance to hit IF the attack is not evaded. This has the effect of making a MG or SG attack a bit less dependable than it was in FM3, because when a wanzer evades, it evades all the bullets fired by the MG or SG, whereas in FM3 even against a high evasion wanzer you could be reasonably sure one or two bullets would hit. The evasion is graphically depicted by the wanzer stepping to the side when fired upon. Advanced A: Each attack in the firefight can be dodged. In FM4, so long as a pilot has enough AP, he will fire TWICE with either a MG or SG. The target wanzer can evade both, neither, or only one of these bursts. Some special attacks like and will involve two attacks, and I have seen it happen that only one of these is dodged. Conversely, I have never seen just one burst from a attack dodged; there it seems all or nothing. Q08: What determines the likelihood of evasion? A: There are a number of factors. The first is the base chance. This is equivalent to the wanzer evasion plus the pilot's evasion, but only if the wanzer's evasion is above 0%. A wanzer with 0% evasion cannot dodge, no matter what the pilot's skill. Thus, the base for a pilot with 30% evasion in a wanzer with 11% evasion is 41% but the base for the same pilot in a 0% wanzer is 0%, even though the total of the two is 30%. The base chance is then modified by the conditions on the battlefield. The pilot levels of the attacker and defender matter, but no one knows to what degree. If you're higher level than your attacker, you get some advantage. Similarly, facing matters. Attacks from the side and back are harder to dodge. In fact, the game claims attacks from the back cannot be dodged (see Advanced A below). Terrain and weather conditions may or may not have some effect as well. Advanced A: The claim that back attacks can't be dodged has been seen to be false. One possible explanation is that the facing that's relevant is the facing in the firefight at the moment of the attack, NOT the facing of the wanzers at the time the fight was initiated. Thus, pilots with high speed ratings may be able to change their facing before their attacker actually fires, thereby allowing them to dodge. In the animation of the firefight, you will see wanzers turn themselves towards their attackers. This would indicate their facing, and so tell you if the attack is one that can be dodged. As far as I know, no animation has been seen in which a wanzer was faced entirely the wrong way, did not change its facing, and still dodged. Some Data: I put Darril on a bridge facing several enemies straight on (no facing modification) with a base evasion of 75%. I then recorded 200 attacks (ignoring those in which he activated ). He dodged almost exactly 75% of them. Thus, the numbers worked out pretty well, although he seemed to get no bonus from his (massive) level advantage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC 3 - SPEED Q09: What does the speed stat do? A: Speed affects nothing but the point at which your character will be able to act during a firefight. Characters with higher speeds will shoot first whenever a firefight is started. Thus, if you are fast, you can counter and kill your attacker before he ever fires at you. If it is possible to change facing in the firefight so as to help you dodge, when you are able to do so is affected by speed. Speed does not increase a unit's evasion or accuracy percentages, nor alter AP use or number of attacks in any way. Advanced A: Different weapons have varying speed modifiers. Thus, two pilots with the same speed but weapons with differing speeds will always attack in the same order, the one with the quicker weapon always going first. ML attacks seem to be significantly delayed. If you want a ML wanzer to attack first, you'll have to give that pilot a large speed advantage. 2 speed is enough early on, but as speed ratings rise, the difference will have to be 4 or more to get the ML acting first. Apparently, then what matters is the relative differ- ence in speed, i.e., the difference relative to the numbers involved. 2 is 1/4 of 8, but only 1/8 of 16, and the weapons may require a 1/4 or 1/6 advantage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC 4 - ACCURACY AND DAMAGE Q10: What is accuracy? A: Accuracy is the chance to hit with each damage packet in an attack, IF the enemy doesn't dodge. Accuracy does not include or in any way reflect the enemy's chance to dodge, in which case the entire attack will simply miss (see Topic 2 above). Each weapon has its damage indicated in the following format: NNxNN. A SG will look like 12x10, while a MS may look like 60x4, and a ML like 90x1. This indicates the number of damage packets that can strike the enemy and the base damage each packet will do. If the target doesn't dodge, then each packet has a percentage chance to hit it. That percentage chance is given by the accuracy. An acc of 75 will mean a 75% chance to hit with the one ML strike, and 75% chance for each bullet in an SGs burst. Thus, a bust of 10 SG bullets will probably have 7 or 8 hit, again, IF the target does not evade the attack. Each of the packets that successfully strike the target will randomly strike one of its parts (legs, body, or left or right arm). (See Q12 below for info on what happens when parts are broken.) Your accuracy is displayed on the screen by the blue number next to the target. The accuracy of your target's counter attack, if any, will be displayed in red next to you. (There will also be a line of blue boxes and a line of red boxes between you, which move at different speeds. These lines represent graphically the accuracy. They move fast if your accuracy is high, and slowly if it's low. That's all they mean. A line will be grayed out if it encounters an obstruction, and you will see a tiny X indicating where that obstruction is.) If there is no number, it means the enemy can't counter (he may be out of ammo or AP). If it is 0%, he can't hit, usually because of intervening obstacles like trees, and so he will not be able counter. If the number is non-zero, he can counter, and he pretty much always will. Advanced Tip: You can use this last fact to your advantage. A powerful unit can be made to waste its AP if you cause it to fire with a very low accuracy. Once its AP is used up, it can then be attacked without fear of counter. This helps against Wagner on more than one occasion. Q11: How is accuracy determined? A: Each weapon has a range, and weapons for which accuracy matters have their accuracy displayed in the following manner: 1 X ############# YY% ZZ% The YY number represents the base accuracy of the weapon from a range of 1 square. X is the extreme range of the weapon, the furthest distance from which it can be fired, and the ZZ number is it's base accuracy from that range. Middle accuracies fall in between these numbers and you just have to calculate or guess at them. This base weapon accuracy is then modified by the accuracy of the arm holding the weapon. The overall base accuracy is then modified by weather conditions (which can also affect range), light levels, and pilot level. The modifier for arm accuracy is NOT simply added to the base accuracy of the weapon, as we here at the gamefaqs board had previously thought. Rather, the base accuracy of the weapon is increased by that percent. That is, a base 80% and a +20% arm do NOT yield a 99% accuracy (at least not without a bonus for being high level). Instead, they yield a 96%. A 39% base accuracy in the same +20% arm yields only a 47%. This newly modified accuracy is further multiplied by 1.09 if your level is higher than your target's. Thus, the 96% above would indeed increase to 99% (the maximum) and the 47% would become a 51%. This accuracy score is then lowered by adverse conditions such as bad weather or poor light. Overall the formula works like this: Accuracy = (base accuracy of the weapon for the range in question) * (1 + percentage modifier of the arm pulling the trigger, expressed as a decimal) * (1.09 if your level is higher than your target's) [round down, then modify for adverse conditions] For example: the FV-24B at a range of 4 squares has a base accuracy of 58%. If equipped in an arm with a +30% modifier and fired at a lower- level target, the accuracy before deductions for adverse conditions is: (.58)*(1 + .3)*(1.09) = .82186, which rounds down to 82% At a range of 1, it's far better: (.80)*(1.3)*(1.09) = 1.1336, that is, 99% Thus, more accurate weapons benefit MORE from good arms than do less accurate weapons (because you're not adding .3, you're adding 30% of the original accuracy, which is a larger amount the more accurate you were to begin with). Likewise, the level advantage will help you more if you're more accurate. On the other side of the coin, poor arms will hurt accurate weapons more than inaccurate weapons. Advanced A: ML, MS, RK, and GR DO NOT benefit or suffer from any accuracy modification of the arm. A pile bunker ML weapon has a base 90% acc no matter what arm is equipped, though this 90% can be in- creased by a level advantage. For weapons that require two hands, like RFs and BZs, the accuracy of the off hand is irrelevant. Only the acc of the hand pulling the trigger matters. Likewise, it appears the acc of the chosen MG or SG in a attack is all that matters. If you have weight issues, you can use a high acc arm on the primary gun and a low acc arm for the off gun. (Just make sure the primary gun has enough ammo, and make sure it is the one set to attack AND defense support.) (See Q19 below). Q12: How is damage determined? A: As just noted, damage for each weapon comes in a set number of packets. 60x4 means four packets that do a base minimum of 60. 12x10 means 10 bullets that do a base minimum of 12. The damage from each packet can fluctuate, however. The range of damage depends on the size of the base minimum damage. To find the upper bound of the damage range, divide the base minimum damage by 10, round up, and subtract 1. This number is then added to the base minimum damage to find the maximum damage for that packet. That is, for 1-10, add 0, for 11-20, add 1, for 21-30, add 2, etc. Thus, a damage packet with a base minimum of 7, for instance, will just always do 7. A packet with a minimum of 33 will do between 33 and 36. A packet with a base minimum of 300 will do between 300 and 329, while a packet with a minimum of 301 will do between 301 and 331. The number displayed by the weapon in the wanzer setup and wanzer shops (and in the in-battle displays) reflects the base minimum damage. You can expect the average damage, without any other modifiers to possibly be roughly 10% higher than this listed number, and about 5% higher on average. Additionally, this base minimum damage is increased when the pilot is proficient with the weapon in question. If a pilot has a SG rating of 3 and a MG rating of 0, she will do more with a 10x10 SG than with a 10x10 MG. The damage increase is a 20% bump to the base minimum damage for each 1 point increase in the relevant weapon rating. Thus, a pilot with a 0 in MG, who fires a 10x10 MG and does not activate a skill, will fire 10 packets of 10 damage each (which can then be reduced by armor; see below). Conversely, a pilot with a rating of 3 in MG, firing the same gun, and who also activates no skill, will fire 10 packets of 16-17 damage each. Skills and chain attacks (and the melee modifier discussed below) have an associated damage multiplier (e.g., x1.5 for the third attack in a chain), which mulitplies the base minimum damage above and beyond any increase for weapon rating. Thus, a pilot with a 3 in MG, firing a 10x10 MG, who activates as the third skill in a chain, thus getting a 1.5 modifier would multiply the base minimum of 16 by 1.5, getting 24, so each of her damage packets would do between 24 and 26. Damage is reduced by 30% when armor of the appropriate type has been equipped by the target. MG bullets that would normally do 10 will do 7. The upper bound on reduced damage does not follow exactly the pattern given above, but it is very close, and the frequencies of the numbers are weighted, so that average damage is reduced by 30% over all. There is no penalty for having armor of a given type; that is, your armor is never especially weak against one type of attack. You can only reduce damage by having armor of the same type as the attack. (See the advanced A 2 below.) Damage for GR and RK is evenly spread over the wanzer struck. Damage for GR decreases with the damage-taker's distance from the target square. Damage for RKs is random over the whole attack area. See Q7 below for special rules regarding ML attacks. Advanced A: Damage from a single packet that exceeds the HP of the part struck is wasted. Thus, hitting an arm with 1 HP with a ML attack that does 900 damage in reality does only 1 damage, destroying the arm. The extra damage is wasted. Unlike FM3, in which destroyed parts were ignored, in FM4, a part that has been destroyed is no less likely to be hit than it was before being destroyed. Damage from a packet that hits a destroyed part is halved and then transferred to the body. Thus, a ML attack on a wanzer with its arm blown off that would normally do 900 damage will, if it hits the arm, do 450 to the body instead. Another effect of all this is that a ML attack on a wanzer with only 1 HP left on each its parts has just a 1 in 4 chance to kill it, even if it hits. A SG attack, on the other hand, is guaranteed to kill it, so long as it connects with at least 4 bullets (and the damage isn't reduced to 0 by a or skill), because once the bottom three parts are destroyed a bullet that hits them will have its damage transferred to the body, thus destroying the wanzer. Advanced A 2: Bazookas do two types of damage. (See Q 14). The first is a shell doing impact damage, and the second is a cluster of scatter packets doing fire damage. If your armor is strong against impact, it will reduce by 30% the damage from the shell, but not affect the fire damage, and vice versa. Moreover, there are skills, such as or that add damage of a certain type, which may or may not be the same as the weapon's original type. The added damage is determined by a percentage of the weapon's damage. If the types differ, armor strong against one will reduce that damage and only that damage. For this reason, activating against an enemy with impact armor will add less to your attack than activating would have. Q13: Why do some of my single shot attacks do half damage? Why do some of my MG or SG bullets do half what the others do? A: This is due to the damage transfer rule outlined in the advanced answer to Q12 above. Hits to broken parts are transferred to the target's body, and damage thus transferred is halved. Q14: Why do I take damage from a BZ, even when it misses? A: BZ damage comes in two forms. The first shot can hit or miss, and is impact damage. This is followed by 4 fire damage packets that will almost always hit no matter what. Very low acc can cause the fire to miss as well, as can the shell striking something on the way to the target (like a tree in the way). Otherwise, even if the shell misses, the scatter damage will still hit. If the target evades, the fire damage will miss as well. Q15: How do shields work? A: The main benefit of the shield is often not the damage reduction, but instead the fact that it makes all damage go to the arm holding the shield. Even the fire damage from the BZ (whether the shell missed or not) will hit the arm (which is usually unimportant and has lots of HP). The damage taken will be reduced by the % listed for the shield. The AP used is 2 for each attack blocked. Thus 4 AP is needed to block both bursts from a SG, but only 2 for a RF or ML attack. If the target dodges, no AP or shield "ammo" is used up; however, if the target does not dodge, even if the shot misses, both AP and ammo will go down (annoying, but true). Advanced A: and skills attach to each use of the shield. Thus can render shields pretty useless, as it can take 6 or more AP to block one SG burst! Useful on simulator D8. Q16: How does melee damage work? A: Like all weapons, ML have a base attack damage that can be in- creased by the pilots ML rating. This can be increased by activated skills and by chaining skills, as with other weapons. ML, however, have in addition to this the following modifier: N = wanzer's total power/wanzer's total weight Any ML attack is multiplied by the N for that wanzer. This is in addition to all other modifiers. Thus, if Latona has a weight of 200, and a power output of 400, her N is 2. So, her damage will be multi- plied by two. If she's acting late in a long chain, the x2 from that makes her attack x4 overall. Whatever her base damage is, modified for her weapon rating and any added damage from the activation of the skill is then multiplied by 4! Late in the game, ML attacks can easily exceed 1,000 points of damage. N canNOT exceed 2, however. A 150 to 400 weight-to-power ratio still results in a x2 modifier. Q16.5: How does armor work? A: Armor of the appropriate type reduces damage by 30%. See A and Advanced A 2 for Q12 above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC 5 - LINKS Q17: What are links and how do they work? A: Links affect who takes part in a given firefight. If no one is linked, when a wanzer is attacked, he and his attacker are the only ones involved. Links have the effect of including more wanzers in these firefights. Each pilot can have up to 3 attack links and 3 defense links, meaning 3 additional pilots can be included on each side of the firefight, for a total of 8 wanzers. Yikes! The links are set up in the "pilot setup" screen, and work as follows. The two lynchpins are the attacker and his target. For each ally the attacker has linked in his attack links, they will assist him when he attacks, so long as they are in range and have enough AP/ammo to do so. For each ally the defender has in his defense links, they will assist him when he is attacked, so long as the same conditions hold. Thus, if Darril is linked to Renges defensively and Chaeffer offensively, Chaeffer will fire at Darril's target when Darril attacks, if he can, but will do nothing when Darril gets attacked, even if he's right there. Renges will fire at anyone he can who attacks Darril, but will do nothing when Darril is the aggressor. If THEY do not have Darril listed in THEIR links, Darril will not assist them in attack or defense. The fact that they're in HIS links only means anything when HE is a lynchpin in a firefight (attacker or target). Links are the only way to get lots of people firing in the same firefight, and so are the only way to form the long, damage-multiplying chain attacks that are the core of the later 2/3 of this game (see above). Advanced A: The only wanzers that will take damage in a firefight are the attacker and his target, with one exception. Appropriately linked wanzers are always part of the battle (even if they have insufficient AP or ammo to do anything), while unlinked wanzers are not. As such, linked wanzers can block your line of fire, while non-linked wanzers will not (they basically vanish for the duration of the firefight). You will not hit a friend with your shot even if he decreases your accuracy, but you CAN hit a foe who does so. Sometimes you can use this to your advantage. When firing a MG or SG, don't shoot at the guy with 1 HP; shoot at the guy behind him. You may still hit the first guy, killing him, and some shots will go on to hit the guy behind him. Plus, if the first burst kills the intervening guy, the second burst will still be fired, whereas had the first burst been directed at the guy in front, there would be no second burst. The enemy isn't smart enough to use this to his advantage, but you may still find yourself sometimes taking damage to two wanzers in one fight. Obviously, this strategy isn't effective for single-packet weapons like RF and ML. Q18: What are the best links to set up? How do I use links effectively? A: This is more of a tactical question, and so not really intended to be part of this guide, but some suggestions help illustrate the mechan- ics of the link system, so here are some ways many people set things up. First of all, linking early in the game is less of a factor than it is later. This is because massive amounts of attacks typically require massive amounts of AP, which your units just don't have early on. A pilot with only 12 AP can fire a MG only thrice per round, and that's only if he/she doesn't move first. So, if he/she attacks, that's basically it for him/her. The big exception to this early on is the melee wanzer, because melee attacks take only 1 AP. Unfortunately, because ML attacks have to be made from an adjacent square, they are not very useful defensively. They can be very nice in an attack link, though. Putting Latona in the attack links of both Hermes and Elsa early on lets her move and attack, then link into the attacks of both those two pilots. Thus, she can be active in three linked firefights even early on, something the other members of the squad can't do. When you get more AP later on, linking gunners becomes more and more useful/ necessary. Another thing which helps with this is the skill. Any pilot involved in the firefight (i.e., even if they're out of range or ammo) who has equipped will reduce the AP cost of all attacks by friendlies by 1. Thus, if all four linked wanzers have it, all attacks take 4 less AP than they would have otherwise (minimum of 0). MGs and SGs will fire for free, as will MLs. BZs and RFs will fire for 2. You can also include , which takes off a further AP, but only if the wanzer who has it equipped is one of the link lynchpins: i.e., the attacker or the target. Links with RFs and BZs can be very effective once you have enough AP or to allow for lots of firing, because their range makes it extremely easy to involve them in firefights (they can typically hit a larger number of units from any given square). Be careful, though, because these weapons can run out of ammo fast, and if they're always firing they surely will. Later in the game, MGs and SGs will also have highly limited ammo, so spreading links out amongst your party is often a good idea. Another thing to do is to set any two-gun wanzers to attack-link with one weapon and defense-link with the other. This evens out their ammo use. (See below about setting link actions.) Q19: Can I decide what a linked wanzer does? If so, how? A: Yes, you can. Remember that when you attack you decide what the attacking wanzer will do by selecting (with square) which weapon to fire, etc. When a linked wanzer acts, what it does is automatic, but you can determine ahead of time what that action will be. In the link setup screen, select "set support action". Here, you will be given two choices: one for attack links and one for defense links. What you set here determines what your wanzer does when supporting an ally's attack or when coming to the aid of a targeted ally. You can set any MG, SG, BZ, RF, or ML that the wanzer has equipped, and they will function just as if you had fired the weapon yourself. Thus, if you set Elsa to SG for attack support and MG for defense support, she will fire her SG when she is included in an ally's attack links, has enough ammo, has enough AP, and is in range of the ally's target; she will fire her MG when she can at anyone in range who attacks an ally that has her included in its defensive links. Setting different weapons to different support actions helps to spread out ammo use for a two-gun wanzer. It also allows for a SG/ML wanzer like Darril to use ML for attack (see above for why that's nice) and SG for defense. It is often a good idea to put longer range weapons in defense links, because you have less control over who is where when it's the enemy who's moving. Later, you will also be able to put backpacks into support action slots, just like weapons. Actually, you can always put them there, but early on this won't do anything, because your packs will have no support functions. Later, EMP packs will have anti-missile capabilities, which will protect any unit in range (and who is linked the EMP unit's backpack defensively) from missile attacks (up to ten times). You will also be able to set radio packs to salvage destroyed allies. Missile anti-lock is very nice, salvage much less so. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC 6 - CHARACTER LEVELS Q20: What do character levels do? A: Levels effect two things only: accuracy and evasion. If unit A is a higher level than unit B, it gains an accuracy bonus when attacking unit B, and an evasion bonus when unit B attacks it. Rumors that level also increases the chances of activating skills have not been sub- stantiated, and the game gives no overt indication that this is so. Keeping your levels above those of the enemy is advisable, but hardly necessary, as the advantage is small. It is unclear whether greater differences in level mean greater advantages, and if so how much. Q21: What is the maximum level I can get? A: 30. Q22: How do I gain levels? A: You gain levels by gaining experience. A unit will gain experience whenever an enemy unit is destroyed and whose destruction your unit took part in. If your unit ever attacked it, was offensively linked to a unit that attacked it, defensively linked to a unit that was attacked by it, or even if your unit healed damage done by that unit, you will gain exp when it is destroyed. The amount gained (I think) is based on how good the enemy is and where your team is in the storyline. Thus, the further you go, the less exp you'll gain in a given sim (though the decrease may stop at a certain point, for you can still get significant exp by soloing D2 and U1 even very late in the game and with very high-level characters. Your radio man will quite easily hit the level 30 cap if you visit the sims often. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC 7 - WHAT IS THE BEST/EASIEST/FASTEST WAY TO ______? Q23: What's the fastest way to gain money? A: Sim battles that can be completed quickly and result in good money are the best way to do this. D2 is very good for Durandal, especially after you get the radio pack. D8 and D4 are also good. U1 is very, very fast if you have the minotaur arms. U11 is good as well. See my Bare Bones FAQ for info on the money received from each sim. Determine how easy they are to beat quickly and use that to determine which sims you want to fight. Q24: What's the fastest way to gain EP? A: The skill helps a lot, if you need a character to gain EP fast. Soloing sims is another good way to get one character a lot of EP. D2 with a radio (you can slap a radio on anybody for a while and do this, then slap it back on Beck or whoever) is excellent for this. U8 is very good, as it is easy and quick. U1 with a minotaur will also work well. Q25: What's the fastest way to gain exp.? A: See Q2 above. Generally, if you're gaining a bunch of EP, you're gaining a bunch of exp. Radios and Minotaurs are great ways to do this. Q26: What's the best way to _____ in battle/sim _____? A: For strategies on specific battles, check the FAQ/Walkthroughs. You can also ask for advice on the message board. There are many helpful contributors there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC 8 - WHERE IS ______? Q27: Where is the Wanzer Shop? How can I buy stuff? A: The wanzer shop isn't available right away. It will open up later. It's hard to miss, as it will become an option on the main menu, just like "Talk" and "Pilot Setup". The first shop for Durandal is available just before Mission 05 - Polish Resource Base. The first shop for the UCS 332nd is available just after Mission 08 - Port Cumana. See my Bare Bones FAQ. Q28: Where is the Computer Shop? A: Like the wanzer shop, the computer shop is not available early. It will also become an option from the main menu. The first comp. shops are: for UCS, just after Mission 10 - Rural Village, and for Durandal, just before Mission 11 - Wassau. See my Bare Bones FAQ. Q29: Where is the old equipment? Can I still get parts sold in previous shops? A: Yes, but you have to go to the "Simulator" and then pick "Online Shop" from the menu there. All previous equipment is available here except Durandal shop 3, which is only available for a brief time in Port Nicolaev. See my Bare Bones FAQ. Q30: Where is Sim battle ____? A: Each sim battle has to be unlocked. Durandal sims D1-D8 and UCS sims U1-U7 are unlocked by completing a battle in the story. Sims D9-D14 and U8-U14 must be unlocked by meeting some special criteria. Through the 12th sims for each side, there are two ways to open each sim, one that can be accomplished in a story battle, and one in the simulator. Check my Bare Bones FAQ for what these criteria are in each case. For sims D13, D14, U13, and U14, there are almost certainly more criteria than those given in my FAQ. This is because the exact criteria have not been determined. Most likely these also include meeting all the criteria for opening the "special" sims (8/9-12). That is, meet the storyline criteria AND the sim criteria. D14 appears to require that you meet at least two separate criteria. The first involves D13, so you will have to open that first. The second involves mission 27 (kill the AA wanzers by turn 8). Unlike D9-D12, where meeting EITHER of the two criteria listed will open the sim, D14 requires you to meet BOTH. D13, U13 and U14 may also have additional criteria, but they have not be positively identified as of yet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC 9 - CHARACTER ROLES Q31: What's the best way to use _Pilot Name_? A: Again, this FAQ is not intended as a means of suggesting strategy, just as a way of helping you to form your own. Here are some things to take into account as you proceed. As outlined above, each character has a set of skills they need only EP to obtain. Other skills must be bought in the computer shop, and are often unavailable until late in the game. Thus, any time you want to change one pilot from his/her "normal" role, that pilot will always fail to be perfectly suited to their new role until late in the game. A good example of this is the weapon ratings. Latona, e.g., gets only ML weapon ratings naturally. Other weapon proficiencies she must get from the computer shop. Making her a RF wanzer prior to the third shop means she cannot have a rating of 3 in RF. You may still find a rating 2 RF of more value than a rating 3 ML, however, depending on your style. Also, typically, a pilot's skills will not be suited to other weapons, so switching their role means either buying a ton of new skills or doing without, thus reducing effectiveness. The call is yours. Q32: I never use _Pilot Name_'s Backpack; what's it good for? A: All packs have their uses, but depending on how you play you may not find a need for them all. Don't sell any of them short, but don't stick with something that's clearly no help to you just because it's in the game. Sometimes, however, packs become either more or less useful as the game goes on, so you may get rid of a pack that would prove to be a big help later on. (Naturally, you can dump the pack until that point, and then pick it up again.) EMP packs, for instance, gain missile anti-lock capabilities (See the Links topic above), which gives them a novel and very real value. The value of sensors will vary depending on the value you place on missiles, and your tendency/desire to separate your forces. There are battles in which sensors can be very useful. All can be useful sometimes, though. The key is to determine which is useful ENOUGH to make it worth lugging the thing around all the time. Example A: Latona's early 50% EMP may seem too unreliable, but you may like the following tactic. With Latona in Elsa's and Hermes' attack links, she'll get two free attacks on any wanzer she's next to, and he probably won't survive that. Plus, you have to move SOMEbody in first, and you don't want him/her to get clobbered. So, send Latona in first, have her EMP a guy she's NOT next to (thus avoiding counters), and then move Elsa and Hermes in to shower lead on the guy she IS next to. Now he's dead, and his friend is EMPed half the time. Example B: Bosch has a sensor pack and you're in a battle with a bunch of allied missile wanzers that can't move far or survive well. Move him forward and they can chip in from range for a ton of free damage THAT CAN'T BE DODGED. Quite a way to take out some of those dodgy enemies. Advanced A: Do not underestimate the secondary abilities of the radio pack. Few disvalue the air strike, but don't forget the armor coating and supply features. Supply can save you late in the game, when your MGs have only 20 shots. Armor at a key moment can really soften the blow of a big foe you weren't prepared for. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC 10 - SETTING UP YOUR WANZERS Q33: How does all this power and weight stuff work? A: A wanzer has a power output, given by a numerical value. All parts and equipment have weight values, also given numerical values. The total weight of the wanzer cannot exceed its total power output. You can see these numbers listed in the wanzer setup and wanzer shop screens at the top right of the screen next to a bar, which represents the ratio of weight to power. As the bar fills up, this indicates that you have less power to spare. Power comes from two sources: the wanzer body and the backpack. Not all packs give additional power, but all bodies do. To find total power, add the outputs from these two sources. All parts, weapons, and packs have weight as well. Thus, since the body and pack have weights, the spare power you have left over for additional parts and weapons is less than the power output: it is equal to power output minus the weight of the body and the pack. Each part you add, each arm or set of legs, adds weight, reducing spare power. Likewise for weapons. When you swap parts (e.g. buy a new right arm), if the new part is heavier, you will reduce the spare power by the difference. Swapping a 40 wt. arm for a 20 wt. arm decreases your power surplus by 20, making it harder to put heavier parts/weapons elsewhere. If you do not have sufficient power to accommodate the heavier arm, you will not be allowed to equip it. Keep in mind that weapons can weigh a lot, so when buying parts you need to leave power for weapons as well. Typically, as parts get better, they get heavier. Likewise for weapons. Fortunately, as bodies get better they provide more spare power. Packs can weigh a lot too, and do not always add power to make up for it. Sensors, repair packs, and EMPs are usually very heavy with no power output, so you'll need a body with LOTS of spare power to hold it in addition to arms, legs, and weapons. Bodies with lots of spare power generally have less evasion, and sometimes major penalties that prevent dodging at all! For this reason, Hermes and Zead early on are generally unable to dodge much, Hermes because of his heavy repair pack, Zead because of his heavy missiles. Latona can remain dodgy, despite her heavy EMP pack, but only because her arms and weapons can be extremely light (remember that ML and MS weapons are unaffected by arm acc). She will still suffer in the damage department, though. (See the damage topic above). Example: Hermes is in shop Durandal 1. He's in his original Giza wanzer. The Giza's body has a weight of 75 and a power output of 320, leaving 245 power to spare. The arms weigh 30 each, leaving 185. The legs weigh 40, leaving 145. His repair pack weighs 100, leaving just 45, and his Raptor MG weighs 32, leaving a mere 13 spare power. Thus, with this setup, the display at the top right of the screen will read 307/320, with the bar almost entirely filled. The only other legs he will be able to equip now will be the Valiant F and Wildgoat legs, because his current legs weigh 40 and the next heaviest weigh 60, so all he can change to are the lighter ones... but, unfortunately, both of these would be a big step down. He can switch both arms to Zenith, though, because they weigh 32, only 2 more each than those of the Giza, leaving him with 9 spare power. However, he only needs good accuracy for his gun arm, so he should only switch one. That leaves 11 power. Oh no! The best MG weighs 20 more than his current one. Should he settle for the middle gun? But wait! His off arm doesn't need acc AT ALL. Swap that for a Wildgoat (weight = 16), and he'll have enough for the new gun arm and the best MG (11 + 16 - 20 = 7). So he's got a good MG with a +10% acc. arm. Not bad. Better still, though, if he changes his body to a Stork, he'll have 260 power to play with from the beginning, instead of the 245 from the Giza. That's an increase of 15, for a total of 22! He can improve his legs with that! (Note: this is not a suggested build. I do something much different with Hermes. This is just for illustration). Note: Items (like repair 200, or missile reloads) do not weigh anything. They only take up space in the repair pack. Each pack has a number of item spaces, and each item takes up a certain number of these. Item packs have the most space, but power packs have some too, and some special packs you can get later have item space as well (e.g., a certain repair pack you can get in the simulator). Q34: What parts should I buy? What are the best combinations? A: I'm not going to build your wanzers for you. Half of the game lies in how you outfit your wanzers and pilots. Here are some things to keep in mind. First of all, you can find lists of the shop sets in my Wanzer Shop FAQ, where all the parts, packs, and weapons are listed in what I think is a helpful manner. Wanzers with heavier loads (e.g., missleers, grenadiers, mechanics, EMPs, etc.) may have to sacrifice evasion in order to get the weight needed to carry all their stuff. The bodies with the most spare power usually have huge evasion penalties, and no matter what legs you have you won't be dodging. If you have to use one, make sure your other parts have high HP, or keep your wanzer out of battle. Sacrifice symmetry when you need to. Don't make both arms the same if it's not the best setup. Often you'll have only one gun (e.g. RF wanzers or MG wanzers with repair packs). If so, make the off arm light and high HP. Make gun arms as accurate as possible, but keep in mind that missiles, grenades, rockets, and melee weapons don't benefit or suffer from arm accuracy modifiers, so you can use lighter, less accurate arms there. Movement is important for just about everybody, but evasion isn't always too critical. Keep in mind what you'll be doing with the wanzer in question when determining which is most important. Don't forget about power packs if you're just shy of being able to accommodate a part you want. Power packs in this game can even carry a few items in there, so missleers can carry reloads and get some extra power for mobility too. Fit your wanzer to the pilot and the role they're gonna be playing in your force. I usually buy by weapons first (though sometimes I'm forced to buy a body first to get the extra power I need), then build the rest of the wanzer around that, maximizing whatever I need maximized (e.g. acc, ev, HP, movement, etc.). Q35: How do I set a wanzer's armor, and to what should I set it? A: In the "wanzer setup" screen, pick "Set Armor". What armor is best depends on what the next battle will be like. You can guess, or check a faq like my Bare Bones FAQ or one of the walkthroughs. Q36: Does the color of a wanzer effect anything? A: Just how funky fresh you look. Pick whatever you think looks good and bask in the light of your aesthetic sensibilities. Camo in the jungle won't make you any harder to hit. Q37: Some parts in the wanzer shop are in orange font; what's up? A: The orange color indicates that your team owns at least one of that particular piece of equipment. Any time you have a part (or weapon) either equipped or in your stock inventory, that item will be listed in orange font whenever it is available in the shop you're perusing. There will also be a number at the bottom right of the shop screen: "Team Surplus". Whenever a piece of equipment in the shop is highlighted, if you have any of that type in your stock, the number will be displayed here. This is to let you know you have a spare before you shell out money for a new one. Keep an eye on it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC 11 - SPECIAL ITEMS Q38: I've talked to ____, but I didn't get the ____. What gives? A: Many of the items you get from conversations require several conversations throughout the game. You must carry out ALL of them before you actually receive the item in question. See my Bare Bones FAQ for info on when you should talk to someone, and when you can expect to get an item out of it. Q39: How do I get the ______? A: There are two ways to get special items in FM4. Some you can get via conversation (see Q38 above) between battles. Some you get in the simulator. There are special simulator battles that must be unlocked by meeting certain criteria (see Q30 above). Check out my Bare Bones FAQ for info on what you can get from the sims and how to open the sims in the first place. --------------------------------------------------------- Legal: This FAQ is for distribution through only, and is intended solely for the assistance of the Front Mission 4 player as he is playing Front Mission 4. No part of this FAQ may be reproduced, used, or cited for any other reason, for profit or otherwise without written permission from the author. --------------------------------------------------------- Contact Information: For advice, comments, or questions, you may contact me at Info on mistakes, gaps or other errors will be greatly appreciated. --------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks is due to the many participants on the FM4 message board. Data collection, analysis, and theory-building has been greatly facilitated by many of these insightful, courteous people. --------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2004 Ben Fiedor