GAUNTLET DARK LEGACY GameFAQ/Walkthrough By gamerman555 Current Version: 1.0 Platform: Nintendo Gamecube (GCN) Copyright 2004-2005 gamerman555 e-mail: |-------------------------------| |===============================| | Table of Contents | |===============================| |-------------------------------| |1. The Story | |2. Basics | | a)Elevators and Platforms | | b)Switches | | c)Others | |3. Controls | |4. Menu Screen | |5. The Characters | | a)Battle Strategies | | b)The Level System | |6. Character Stats | | a)Warrior/Minotaur | | b)Walkyrie/Falconess | | c)Wizard/Jackal | | d)Archer/Tigress | | e)Sorceress/Medusa | | f)Knight/Unicorn | | g)Dwarf/Ogre | | h)Jester/Hyena | | i)Sumner | |7. Enemies | | a)Dealing with Enemies | | b)Generators | | c)1st level Enemies | | d)2nd level Enemies | | e)3rd level Enemies | | f)Special Enemies | |8. Extream Enemies | | a)Generals | | b)Golems | | c)Gargoyles | | d)Death (Black and Red) | |9. Items | | a)Keys | | b)Scrolls | | c)Potions | | d)Barrel Types | | e)Treasure Chests | |10. Special Items | |11. Food (You're Health) | |12. Other Items | | a)Crystals | | b)Coins | | c)Golden Icons | | d)Runestones | | e)Shards | | f)Legendary Items | | g)Treasure | |13. Sumner's Shop | | a)Treasure (Gold=Money) | | b)Sumner's Hints | |14. Things to Watchout For | |15. The Worlds (walkthrough) | |16. Upper Tower Wing | |17. Forsaken Province | | a)Fields | | b)Town | | c)Cemetary | | d)Mausoleum | | e)Boss: Lich | |18. Mountain Kingdom | | a)Valley | | b)Peak | | c)Cliff | | d)Cave | | e)Cavern | | f)Boss: Dragon | |19. West Wing | |20. Castle Stronghold | | a)Courtyard | | b)Dungeon | | c)Barracks | | d)Armory | | e)Treasury | | f)Boss: Chimera | |21. Sky Dominion | | a)Toxic Spire | | b)Docks | | c)Shipyard | | d)Mothership | | e)Boss: Plague Fiend | |22. Forest Realm | | a)Swamps | | b)Roots | | c)Tree | | d)Branches | | e)Boss: Spider Queen | |23. East Wing | |24. Desert Land | | a)Ruins | | b)Temple | | c)Pyramid | | d)Tombs | | e)Boss: Genie | |25. Ice Domain | | a)Docks | | b)Camp | | c)Mine | | d)Fissure | | e)Boss: Yeti | |26. Dream World | | a)Carnival | | b)Grounds | | c)House | | d)Worst Nightmare | | e)Illusion | | f)Boss: Shadow Wraith | |27. Lower Tower | |28. Desecrated Temple | | a)Desecrated Temple | | b)Boss: Skorne | |29. Underworld | | a)Underworld | | b)Boss: True Skorne | |30. Battle Grounds | | a)Trenches | | b)Towers | | c)Fortress | | d)Final Game Boss: Garm | |31. Codes | |32. Legal | |33. FAQ | |34. Version History | |35. Final Statement | |-------------------------------| |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 1. The Story | |===============================| |-------------------------------| -From the Game Manual, as its the best story I can find. THE GAUNTLET DARK LEGACY STORY The legend of Gauntlet takes place in a land of eight magical realms, ruled by a great and powerful wizard named Sumner. For many years the land prospered under Sumner's guidance. The seat of his power was a mighty Tower with its many portals. These magical doorways allowed Sumner to travel easily throught the land. Peace reigned throughout the Eight Realms, but it would not last. Sumner had a younger brother Garm, who was jealous of his older sibling's power and status. Seeking to increase his own magic, Garm sought after thirteen legendary Rune Stones. These ancient artifacts would enable Garm to tap into the power of the Underworld. After years of searching, Garm was able to locate twelve of the thirteen Runestones. Impatient and Overconfident, Garm decided to try his magic without the elusive thirteenth stone. One day, while Sumner was traveling the land away from his Tower, Garm prepared his spell. Chanting ancient incantations, Garm opened a portal to the Underworld, but was unprepared for the result. Through the portal came a creature wose power far surpassed his own. The demon Skorne, Ruler of the Underworld, entered into the land of the Eight Realms. Without the thirteenth Runestone, Garm was unable to control Skorne, and the Demon Prince broke free and crushed the foolish young mage, banishing his spirit to the Underworld. Skorne immediately summoned his minions from the Underworld, and, using the portals in Sumner's Tower, sent them throughout the Eight Realms to wreak havoc upon the land. Then he scattered the twelve Runestones to the far reaches of each realm so that they would never be used against him. Sensing that something was wrong, Sumner returned to his Tower and was horrified by what had happened. The magic portals, which had once been used to keep the land at peace, were now being used to bring about its destruction. Summoning all of his strenght, Sumner sealed every portal in his tower and fought back the demon Skorne. Even the mighty Demon Prince was no match for Sumner's power, and Skorne fled to an ancient Temple, which was sealed with either Magical Shards. Each of these was given to one of Skorne's most powerful minions to be guarded. Exhausted by his earlier efforts, Sumner was unable to break Skorne's seal. Using the last of his strength, he summoned the mightiest hero from each of the Eight Realms. To tem he entrusted the task of defeating Skorne's guarians, and sending the Demon Prince back to the Underworld. The fate of the land is in their hands! -game manual As in everygame like this, Gauntlet Dark Legacy has a pretty basic story. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 2. Basics | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GDL) is a pretty basic game. All you pretty much do is go around and shoot anything that moves. Well there are some parts to GDL that you will see throughtout your quest. They are also known as the basics of GDL. It is crutial that you know all of these things, as without knowing the basics of this game, it could prove trouble later on in the game. |===========================| |A) Elevators and Platforms | |===========================| These are everywhere in the game. They are used to get to a new part of the level. There are many different types of these. Platforms with a multi color squares on them are "friend" like pads. If you are playing with more than one person, everyone must step on the pad before the platform will activate. These platforms are usually only one way, meaning once you get on the platform you will not be able to revist the part of the level you were just on. All of these platforms will take you to a new area of the level, or activate a major geography event. Other platforms and elevators will work once you step on them. These also take you to new parts of the level, and unlike the colourful switches, you can usualy activate these elevators as many times as you need to. Most of these elevators will lead to some special items, so be sure to watch out for that. Also, don't make the mistake I made and thats not waiting for elevators to activate. They all take a little while to get going. Always be on the lookout for these areas, some of them are very well hidden into the land. |===========================| |B) Switches | |===========================| Switches will do anything. They might release items, trigger events on the land, open a door you must go through, anything! There are three types of switches: -Ground Switches: These switches are red (until you press them, then they turn green). They are all over the ground, and are often in hidden areas. To activate them, just run over them. -Wall Switches: These look like little levers that stick out of the wall. When they are off, the lever points towards the ground. To activate them, simply walk into them. -Target Switches: These are on walls where you can't reach. To activate them you will have to shoot them with you're slow or fast attack. This will activate them if you hit it. They look like targets, with white and red circles on it. All switches (except the target) will have an arrow on them pointing in the general direction of what they trigured. (Most switches will also result in a short cutscene showing what they have done). If you can't seem to find where to go next in a level, look around that area. There will always be a switch that will activate some sort of event that will let you continue on. |===========================| |C) Other Stuff | |===========================| Here I will talk about other things you will need to know for the basics of the game. These can be found from talking to Sumner in the main room in his tower when you start the quest (this talked about later on in the FAQ). -A chest with death can be turned from sour to sweet by using magic. -Picking up a turbo powerup when your meter is full will waste its power. -While in Sumner's Tower, you're items will not be depleted. -You can double the duration of a powerup by purchasing it twice. -Having spare keys can save you both time and travel. -Beware of what Pojo eats. -At level 25 a hero gains new magic abilities. -The route backwards within a realm may become blocked as you progress,so leave behind! -The location of items may change when two or more heros enter a realm. -Eating food when your health is full may cause some of it to be wasted. (Unlock more in Sumner's tower *progressing further through the game* to gain these next hints from him). -You're precious food can be spoiled from the toxic green gas. -Becareful what you shoot. Explosions can destroy valuable items. -You may need to activate hidden switches to proceed. -Never leave Sumner's Tower without a full turbo. -Find a secret door and a beast can be released by getting all the coins. -Sumner has placed scrolls to help you in each realm (**more about this later!) -Keys are more valuable than junk and some foods. -You must find enough crystals of the appropriate colour to enter each realm. -Sections of the tower can only be unlocked by finding the certain gold items. -You may trade you're gold for health, keys, and weapons. -The power of invisibility is useless against Skorne's mighty guardians. (boss) -Powerups have a shorter duration when facing Skorne's Guardians. -A less experienced hero should not spend gold on improving his attributes. -If a Runestone cannot be found, banish Skorne and Sumner will show you the way. -"The beast within each character beings and ends stronger in every way." -Be sure to vanquish Golems and Generals, as they may have valuables. (Unlock more in SUmner's Tower *progressing further through the game* to gain these next hints from him). -A wist man carries a full key ring into the Desecrated Temple. -Skorne is more powerful than magic. Yours is useless against him. -In the Underworld, the only food you have is held by two fire golems. -At level 75, your magic will begin to heal you and your comrades. -Once you become a legend (level 99)you should no longer fear the Black Death. And that is all Sumner has to tell you. All of these hints are important, and you will see why as you go through the game. **For the scrolls, they do provide helpful hints and there are many in each level. But I do warn you now, as for many times whenever I go to pick up a scrole they freeze my game. GDL is known for freezing, so I will point out which scrolls do seem to freeze for me a lot (as there are a few that stand out from the rest). It may just be from my system/game, but I might as well warn you about it to, as getting through a whole level (cause the levels are huge in GDL) and having it freeze would suck, since you woudln't be able to save you're progress is you're game is frozen. Do watch out! |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 3. The Controls | |===============================| |-------------------------------| I will put the controls in a table. Now, they do vary for the different consols since they have different buttons (duh!). Since this guide is for the Gamecube version of GDL, then these controls are for the Gamecube version. There are different types on control's you can use (avaliable in the option menu in the game), where you can change you're controller set up. The changes arn't dramatic, but can make a difference, for example the "Robotron" setting is great for fighting some bosses. You can change these controls in the "settings" option in gameplay, or from the option menu when you start up the game. Default Controls: _____________________________________ |Button |Action | |-------------------------------------| |Start/Pause |Start/Pause Menu | |C Stick |N/A | |B Button |Turbo Defend | |A Button |Quick Attack | |X Button |Magic Attack | |Y Button |Slow Attack | |Z Button |2 Player Combo* | |R Button |Strafe | |L Button |Charge | |ControlStick|Movement of character | |C.Pad Up |Open item invintory | |C.Pad Down |Close item invintory | |C.Pad Left |Scroll through items | |C.Pad Right |Scroll through items | |-------------------------------------| Arcade Controls: _____________________________________ |Button |Action | |-------------------------------------| |Start/Pause |Start/Pause Menu | |C Stick |N/A | |B Button |Slow Attack | |A Button |Quick Attack | |X Button |Magic Attack | |Y Button |Turbo Defend | |Z Button |2 Player Combo* | |R Button |Strafe | |L Button |Charge | |ControlStick|Movement of character | |C.Pad Up |Open item invintory | |C.Pad Down |Close item invintory | |C.Pad Left |Scroll through items | |C.Pad Right |Scroll through items | |-------------------------------------| Robotron Controls: _____________________________________ |Button |Action | |-------------------------------------| |Start/Pause |Start/Pause Menu | |C Stick |Fire | |B Button |Magic | |A Button |Quick Attack | |X Button |Charge | |Y Button |Charge | |Z Button |2 Player Combo* | |R Button |Turbo Defend | |L Button |Slow Attack | |ControlStick|Movement of character | |C.Pad Up |Open item invintory | |C.Pad Down |Close item invintory | |C.Pad Left |Scroll through items | |C.Pad Right |Scroll through items | |-------------------------------------| *The Z Button is only used when you are playing with more than one person. If you are playing with a buddy in multiplayer (this is an EXCELLENT multiplayer game!)and you're being surrounded by enenmies, stand next to each other and press Z. This will cause one of you to start you're very strong attack combo. Both of you, however, will lose you're whole Turbo Meter. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 4. Main Screen | |===============================| |-------------------------------| When you start up the game, you will first see the main screen. Here, you will chose what you want to do. The very first screen has two options on it. They are: "Start" and "Options". If you chose Options first... Option Menu: There are 4 submenu's here, which are Audio, Game Options, Compass, and Controls. In the Audio menu, you will select the game's music volume and the game's sound effect volume (SFX Volume). You also select either Mono or Stereo sound (for those of you out there who have surround sound systems don't worry. The game itself doesn't seem to have a format for Surround Sound, but the Gamecube does come with a Surround Sound format anywayz, so it'll sound fine on you're system. In the Game Options menu, you will select the game's difficulty and Multiplayer mode. In difficulty, select either Easy, Medium or Hard. First time players, take it from me and go with easy. This game gets VERY hard later on, even on easy. Hard mode is suicide for boss battles. In the Multiplayer area, select a few things that will go with a multiplayer game, such as turning "Friendly Fire" on or off. In the Compass controls, you will select if you are able to see the compass or not in the game. In the Controls section, you will select the style of contrls (default, arcade, or robotron-you can also do this in game). You will be able to turn the Rumble Featuer on or off. You will be able to turn Auto Aim on or off (automatically aims towards enemies for you, very helpful). Lastly, you will be able to turn Auto Attack on or off (this will automatically melee attack if enemies are approaching you, although of course you can do this by your self even if you have it set to ON. Its a good idea to keep it on). Once you have all the options the way you like them, select Start... There are two choices here. If you want to start a whole new adventure, then select "New". If you want to load a game you've already started (providing you saved it last time), then go to Load. If you select A to access the memory card to load your files. After that, chose your game file and continue on. If this is your first time playing, or you want to just start a new adventure, go to "new". Here you will have to enter you're name (this is also the place where you will input codes, more on codes near the end of this FAQ, there I will tell you how to enter them and what they are). Once you enter you're name, you will come up to a "Chose the Character" screen. Right now, you have 8 avaliable characters out of the total 16. You will unlock those other characters later. Take a look at their attributs, and see which one you like most (I would suggest the Warrior for first time players). Then press A to select that character. This will bring you into the game! |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 5. The Characters | |===============================| |-------------------------------| There are 16 characters total in the game. When you first start a new adventure, you will only have 8 avaliable characters. I will get to unlocking new characters in the walkthrough, as you must unlock them in certain levels. The character system in this game is great. Each character has their own special area in their attributs. Meaning, most characters will special in Strength, Speed, Armor, or Magic. Chose which character you like the most. For example, if you love using characters who are fast, you should go with the Archer. If you love using a character who attacks quickly, you should use the Jester. If you love a character with a really strong attack, you should choose the Warrior, and if you love a character with a strong magic ability, go with the Wizard. |===========================| |A) Battle Strategies | |===========================| This will vary with each character, depending on their special strength, but there are some special strategies that will work with all characters, and will be very useful if you master them. Inface, if you don't master them that will spell trouble later in the game when the enemies get much tougher. And then there are the bosses... Now lets start with strategies when you're facing certain enemies: Ankle Biters...also known as Level One Enemies- These guys are a pain. They arn't very powerful, but they will get very annoying. To take care of them, I suggest that you don't go rusing to and killing them with melee attacks. First of all, half you're melee attacks won't do anything to them as they are so small, you will just miss. I stay back and continue to shoot them. When there are few left, I will move up a little bit and continue on until I am right by the generator. These little guys tend to respond quite fast, but they take (usualy) only one quick attack to kill. Orcs...also known as Level Two Enemies- These are the most common enemy. There are many different types of Orcs, as it depends on the level you are playing on (there are many different types of enemies for all levels, it all depends on the area you are playing). These guys also arn't very strong. Think of them just as average enemies. To take care of them, simply stand back and continue firing at them until you overwealm then. Usualy your shot will fire quicker than they will respond. Just firing at the generator will work, as you will get lots of experience, and you will destroy the generator eventually. Also, in later levels you are going to have to melee attack them because they will just respawn to damn fast. Advanced Enemies...also known as Level Three Enemies- these are the hardest guys in the game. First of all, they usually will take about three hits to take down. Also, most of them have a gun that will fire at you as well. So not only are you going to have to kill them, you're going to have to dodge their attack as well. I don't suggest going in to melee attack, as they are pretty smart with Melee attacks as well. Staying back and shooting and strafing is a great way to kill them. Enemies come out of special little holes called "Generators". These things will spawn an infinite amout of enemies, so the only way to stop the flow is to destroy the generator itself. When facing enemies such as level one and two, it is best to go for the generator first. Leave the enemies be (this is different for advanced grunts) and go right for the generator. This is because there can only be a certain amout of enemies out of that generator at a time. Destroying enemies will just give you more. Destroy the generator first off, and you won't have to deal with anymore enemies. Now with advanced grunts that fire shots at you, you're going to have to kill them just by staying back. They don't tend to wander away from their generator, as if they are protecting it. Just blast them and hopefully some of your shots will get through and destroy the generator. Now lets talk about the strafing technique. This is great against bosses. Press and hold the R Button to only be able to move side to side. You cannot move forward or backwards. Why is this great against bosses? Well most bosses don't move, they stay in one area. They will often through some sort of stuff at you. Now if you are able to strafe, they will ALWAYS miss you, yet you can keep quick attacking them. (Noramlly you can't move while you're holding the A Button). In fights against later bosses, if you don't know how to do this I assure you beating them will be impossible since they will hit you if you walk normally. Be sure to master this! When up against Advanced Grunts that will fire shots at you, this is also good as you can dodge their shots and you can attack them at the same time. If you don't like that, you can always try defending. If there is a shot coming toward you, quickly press and hold the B Button. Your character will make a stance and you will get only about 25-50% of the damage that was intended. This will make a HUGE difference in boss battles, as getting only half damage as full damage will let you stay alive twice or three times as long in boss fights. I would advise you to use the strafe technique though, because in that way you won't take ANY damage at all. Defending is good for last second purposes. Now there are three more types of enemies that I must state that will cause you the most trouble in normal levels. They are the Generals, Golems, and Gargoyles. Generals are huge, and they are just like Godzilla sized advanced grunts. These guys will cause a lot of pain. The best strategy is to stay away from them. Their only attack is their melee and charge. No General has any long range attack. Another GREAT way is to trap them. If you see a general, try to get some sort of object in between you and the General, for example a very short wall or a hole in the ground. Generals are stupid, and they will not go around the object, leaving them helpless and leaving you all the time in the world to kill them. This is the easiest way to defeat them, but be sure to stay back. Even though they are trapped, they can still melee attack you if you get to close. Other ways is to just attack, walk back, attack, walk back technique. When you are facing Golems, be just as careful. They're very slow and don't have long range attacks, but they have a VERY strong melee attack. Just stay back and shoot at them. Like Generals, try to get them trapped. Gargoyles are the hardest enemies in normal levels. These are the enemies in which you will get you're Golden Icons from. They are extreamly strong. They have a long range attack (which is some sort of energy ball depending on their type), and a melee tallon attack and some sort of breath attack. Simply take cover. Stay back! Their melee attacks can kill you very fast. Stay back and strafe and shoot. This way you will hit them while missing their energy ball attack. These guys are a great source of experience points to. |===========================| |B) The Level System | |===========================| This system isn't new to video games. All characters will start the game at level 1. You're attributs will be low, and you're health will be at 500 (the average enemy hit probably deals about 10-15 or so damage). As you progress through the game, your level will also increase. To increase your level, you must gain experience. Every hit you make on an enemy (not everytime you KILL the enemy, every single hit will give you some experience). Now when you first start out the game, you will need very little experience to gain to level 2. For every level that you gain, it will take more and more experience to gain the next level. Don't worry though, because in later worlds the enemies are harder which means they will give you move experience for every hit. Everytime you gain another level, you're attributes will go up by 5. So for example, if you have 500 for your Armor rating, when you gain your next level, you're Armor will now be 505. This is the same for all of your attibutes. Your health will also go up for every level you gain. Your max health will go up by 100 for each level you grow. When you start the game, you have 500 health points. Everytime you get hit, you're health will go down. Collection food will give you more points, but you cannot currently go over 500. When you gain a level (so level 2 in this case) you will now have 600 health points. You can never go over your old health max of 500. There is only one way you can go over your health max, and thats by gaining extra health from Death (more on that later). You are able to boost your attribute points by buying them from Sumner in his shop in the Tower. All characters have the attributes Strength, Armor, Speed, and Magic. Here is a brief description of them: Strength: This refers to your attack power. The higher your strenth is, the more damage you will inflict on enemies. The Dwarf, Ogre, Warrior, and Minotaur are the players that have the highest starting points in this area. Armor: This refers to the defense of your character. The higher the points in this area, the less damage your character will take. The Valkyrie, Falconess, Knight, and Unicorn are the players that have the highest starting points in this area. Speed: Speed is the rate at how fast your character will run. The higher their speed rating, the faster they will run. Speed also will determine the rate of how fast the character will fire their quick attack. The Archer, Jester, Hyena, and Tigress are the fastest characters. Magic: Magic is your potion. The highers the points in magic, the larger the blast radious of your potions when you activate one. Also, they will be more powerful when you have a high magic count. One of the best parts to gaining levels is your Familiar. The Familiar is a little flying bird thing that will always be by your side. Whenever you fire a shot (regardless of quick or slow attack, or using an item of some sort where you fire a shot) he will also shoot out a ball of energy. This is very useful as you are able to shoot twice as many shots, although his shot isn't that strong. You get the first Familiar at level 30. At level 80 he is upgraded. These guys are a huge help when fighting bosses as they will take extra damage off for you. Familiars have a high shot though, which means they can't hit level one enemies (the ankle biter enemies). He is the exact same as the Phoenix Familiar, except the Phoenix has a stronger shot, and he only stays with you for a short time. Each character has a different looking Familiar. At level 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 99 your character will change in appearance (Sumner will do this for you automatically). These changes may be in cloths, weapon, and they tend to get bigger. At levels 10,20,40,60,80, and 99 your character will gain a new name (title). At level 99 you will become a "Legend". *No, this game doesn't let you get to level 100, and your attributes are maxed out at 999*. At certain levels, your magic will also deal different things. At level 25, Sumner will say that your magic will now do something aside from just killing everyting around you. Some of these will be (for example), stopping traps for a limited time, unspoiling spoiled fruit, making secret doors blink so you can see them. This is quite helpful, espically the making secret doors blink one, because if you are stuck you can use a magic in the area you are stuck and see if a secret wall is hiding a switch. While it blinks, you will be able to see where the secret is and shoot it down. When your character gets to level 50, their magic ability will increase yet again. Now, if your character for example stopped traps for a temporary time, now you're magic will completely destroy the traps. This is VERY useful. Magic will now cure spoiled meat, turn junk into gold, make secret doors be destroyed. Remember though, it depeonds on the character that you are using. For example, the Dwarf's special ability will let you turn junk into silver or gold, while the Archer will make the secrets flash. The Archer cannot turn junk into gold or silver. At level 85, whenever you use magic it will now HEAL you. Not fully, but it will give you back some health which is VERY helpful in the last few battles. Not only this, if you are playing with other players, whenever someone uses a magic it will equally heal everyone. How nice is that? So as you can see gaining levels are very important, as you must be of certain levels as you enter certain realms (I will be stating these, you don't HAVE to be those levels, but it will make it easier). It will also be best if you are at a high level before you face ANY boss. Even the easiest boss (the Fire Dragon) is easier to fight at level 50 than at about level 15 or 20 (thats the level you will approx. be when you get to the dragon). If you ever need to gain more levels, play a level that has strong enemies and lots of Golems, Generals, and Gargoyles. Gargoyles are the best source for experience (aside from the bosses themselves). |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 6. Character Stats | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Each character has their own special stats and abilities. Here, I will show all of the characters abilities at the START of the game, as well as some other information about them. If you don't know who to choose, than take a look at these following lists. *NOTE* All characters at level 99 will be titles a "Legend". |===========================| |A) Warrior/Minotaur | |===========================| Warrior: ~~~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 600 Level 10 : Fighter Armor : 300 Level 20 : Mercenary Magic : 100 Level 40 : Captain Speed : 350 Level 60 : Champion Health : 500 Level 80 : Master Weapon: Axe Turbo Attack: Plasma Trail Weak Turbo Attack: Fire Arc Strong in: Strength Weak in: Magic Quick Attack Speed: Average Slow Attack Speed: Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic can turn Junk into Silver Level 50 Ability: Magic can turn Junk into Gold Level 75 Ability: Magic will heal all players Good if player likes to be able to kill enemies fast. You have a terrible problem with magic though. This is a good player to start off with if you have never played GFL before. Minotaur: ~~~~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 650 Level 10 : Rogue Armor : 350 Level 20 : Mercenary Magic : 150 Level 40 : Captain Speed : 450 Level 60 : Champion Health : 500 Level 80 : Chieftain Weapon: Axe Turbo Attack: Plasma Trail Weak Turbo Attack: Fire Arc Strong in: Strength Weak in: Magic Quick Attack Speed: Average Slow Attack Speed: Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic can turn Junk into Silver Level 50 Ability: Magic can turn Junk into Gold Level 75 Ability: Magic will heal all players Good if you like to be able to kill enemies fast. You have a terrible problem with magic though. He is pretty much the exact same as the Warrior in stats. Unlock him in the treasure room in the Peak level of the Fire Mountain Realm (the second Realm). |===========================| |B) Valkyrie/Falconess | |===========================| Valkyrie: ~~~~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 300 Level 10 : Guardian Armor : 450 Level 20 : Protector Magic : 300 Level 40 : Defender Speed : 300 Level 60 : Captain Health : 500 Level 80 : Champion Weapon: Sword Turbo Attack: Sky Lance Weak Turbo Attack: Multi-Blade Arc Strong in: Armor Weak in: Strentgh, Magic, Speed Quick Attack Speed: Slow Slow Attack: Very Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic stops traps for 10 seconds Level 50 Ability: Magic destroys traps Level 75 Ability: Magic heals other players The Valkyrie is great for beginners because she is quite evenly distributed in the stats. Plus, you have a good Armor rating. Falconess: ~~~~~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 350 Level 10 : Guardian Armor : 500 Level 20 : Protector Magic : 350 Level 40 : Defender Speed : 350 Level 60 : Captain Health : 500 Level 80 : Chamption Weapon: Sword Turbo Attack: Sky Lance Weak Turbo Attack: Multi-Blade Arc Strong in: Armor Weak in: Strentgh, Magic, Speed Quick Attack Speed: Slow Slow Attack: Very Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic stops traps for 10 seconds Level 50 Ability: Magic destroys traps Level 75 Ability: Magic heals other players The Falconess is alot like the Valkyrie, except her attributes are a little bit higher. She is a evenly distributed character. She has pretty strong armor. You unlock her in the Dungeon level in the Castle Realm (the third Realm). |===========================| |C) Wizard/Jackal | |===========================| Wizard: ~~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 250 Level 10 : Magician Armor : 150 Level 20 : Mage Magic : 600 Level 40 : Conjurer Speed : 350 Level 60 : Spellcaster Health : 500 Level 80 : Archmage Weapon: Staff Turbo Attack: Demon Skull Weak Turbo Attack: Rock Shower Strong in: Magic Weak in: Armor Quick Attack: Fast Slow Attack: Average Level 25 Ability: Magic turns Poison Fruit into normal fruit Level 50 Ability: Magic turns Poison Meat into normal meat Level 75 Ability: Magic heals other players The Wizard is one of the hardest players to use in the game. This is because his attributes except his magic are very weak. He takes a lot of damage, doesn't deal a lot of damage, and isn't very fast. Although, his magic attack is absoutly devistation when you first start the game since it starts at 600 already. Only experienced players should play with him. Jackal: ~~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 300 Level 10 : Magician Armor : 200 Level 20 : Mage Magic : 650 Level 40 : Conjurer Speed : 400 Level 60 : Spellcaster Health : 500 Level 80 : Archmage Weapon: Staff Turbo Attack: Demon Skull Weak Turbo Attack: Rock Shower Strong in: Magic Weak in: Armor Quick Attack: Fast Slow Attack: Average Level 25 Ability: Magic turns Poison Fruit into normal fruit Level 50 Ability: Magic turns Poison Meat into normal meat Level 75 Ability: Magic heals other players Just like the Wizard, this guy is also extreamly weak in stats (+50 in every stat compared to Wizard, except health), but his Magic is even stronger. Once again I would suggest you only use him if you have played through the game once before. You unlock him in the Treasure Room in the Temple level in the Desert Realm (which is the sixth Realm). |===========================| |D) Archer/Tigress | |===========================| Archer: ~~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 250 Level 10 : Scout Armor : 200 Level 20 : Veteran Magic : 300 Level 40 : Ranger Speed : 600 Level 60 : Captain Health : 500 Level 80 : Master Weapon: Bow and Arrow Turbo Attack: BFG Weak Turbo Attack: Double Bow Strong in: Speed Weak in: Armor Quick Attack: Very Fast Slow Attack: Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic makes secret walls flash Level 50 Ability: Magic destroyes secret walls Level 75 Ability: Magic heals other players The Archer is one of my favourite characters. He has a very fast shot (because of his high speed count), and is able to get away form bad situations. His other attributs are pretty evenly dispatched. He's also a great starting character. His Full Turbo attack is one of my favourites in the game :) Tigress: ~~~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 300 Level 10 : Scout Armor : 250 Level 20 : Veteran Magic : 350 Level 40 : Ranger Speed : 650 Level 60 : Captain Health : 500 Level 80 : Master Weapon: Bow and Arrow Turbo Attack: BFG Weak Turbo Attack: Double Bow Strong in: Speed Weak in: Armor Quick Attack: Very Fast Slow Attack: Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic makes secret walls flash Level 50 Ability: Magic destroyes secret walls Level 75 Ability: Magic heals other players The Tigress is just like the Archer, not really any different other than a little big more starting points. Her speed is what really will help you out. Unlock her in the Treasure Room in the Tree level of the Forest Realm (which is the 5th Realm). |===========================| |E) Sorceress/Medusa | |===========================| Sorceress: ~~~~~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 200 Level 10 : Witch Armor : 150 Level 20 : Conjurer Magic : 600 Level 40 : Spellcaster Speed : 400 Level 60 : Spellshaper Health : 500 Level 80 : Necromancer Weapon: Magic Wand Turbo Attack: Spell Storm Weak Turbo Attack: Acid Rain Strong in: Magic Weak in: Armor Quick Attack: Fast Slow Attack: Average Level 25 Ability: Magic turns Poison Fruit into normal fruit Level 50 Ability: Magic turns Poison Meat into normal meat Level 75 Ability: Magic heals other players The Sorceress is a lot like the Wizard group. She is very strong in the magic field. She is also quite fast, but very weak in Strength and Armor. I don't like her very much, as kill enemies later on in the game gets quite hard because of her low strength. Medusa: ~~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 250 Level 10 : Witch Armor : 200 Level 20 : Conjurer Magic : 650 Level 40 : Spellcaster Speed : 450 Level 60 : Spellshaper Health : 500 Level 80 : Necromancer Weapon: Magic Wand Turbo Attack: Spell Storm Weak Turbo Attack: Acid Rain Strong in: Magic Weak in: Armor Quick Attack: Fast Slow Attack: Average Level 25 Ability: Magic turns Poison Fruit into normal fruit Level 50 Ability: Magic turns Poison Meat into normal meat Level 75 Ability: Magic heals other players The Medusa is an intreasting looking character. She is great for people who like speed and love magic power, but be careful with you're low Strength and Armor. Unlock the Medusa in the Treasure Room in the Town level of the Province Realm (this is the first Realm). |===========================| |F) Knight/Unicorn | |===========================| Knght: ~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 350 Level 10 : Guard Armor : 450 Level 20 : Protector Magic : 250 Level 40 : Cavalier Speed : 300 Level 60 : Chamption Health : 500 Level 80 : Paladin Weapon: Mace Turbo Attack: Wheel of Death Weak Turbo Attack: Ball and Chain Strong in: Armor Weak in: Magic Quick Attack: Slow Slow Attack: Very Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic stops traps for 10 seconds Level 50 Ability: Magic destroys traps Level 75 Ability: Magic heals players The Knight is my favourite character. He is pretty well balanced, has good strength, strong in armor, weak but ok magic and hes pretty fast. Also, his slow attack is just as useful as his quick attack, they fire at the same rate pretty much. Unicorn: ~~~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 400 Level 10 : Faun Armor : 500 Level 20 : Protector Magic : 300 Level 40 : Cavalier Speed : 350 Level 60 : Champion Health : 500 Level 80 : Paladin Weapon: Mace Turbo Attack: Wheel of Death Weak Turbo Attack: Ball and Chain Strong in: Armor Weak in: Magic Quick Attack: Slow Slow Attack: Very Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic stops traps for 10 seconds Level 50 Ability: Magic destroys traps Level 75 Ability: Magic heals players The Unicorn is also a great character, looks pretty cool to. I like using this character, well balanced and all of her attributes are pretty high for a starting character. You unlock the Unicorn in the Toxic Spire level of the Sky Realm (which is the fourth realm). |===========================| |G) Dwarf/Ogre | |===========================| Dwarf: ~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 600 Level 10 : Armor : 350 Level 20 : Mercenary Magic : 100 Level 40 : Captain Speed : 300 Level 60 : Master Health : 500 Level 80 : Lord Weapon: Warhammer Turbo Attack: Fire Fissure Weak Turbo Attack: Thunder Clap Strong in: Strength Weak in: Magic Quick Attack: Average Slow Attack: Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic will turn Junk into Silver Level 50 Ability: Magic will turn Junk into Gold Level 75 Ability: Magic heals players The Dwarf is a hard character to use. His only strong attribute is his Strenth. His Armor is not bad, and he isn't very fast. Absoutly forget about using magic with him, as it is extremely weak with the Dwarf. Ogre: ~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 650 Level 10 : Grunt Armor : 400 Level 20 : Mercenary Magic : 150 Level 40 : Captain Speed : 350 Level 60 : Master Health : 500 Level 80 : Lord Weapon: Warhammer Turbo Attack: Fire Fissure Weak Turbo Attack: Thunder Clap Strong in: Strength Weak in: Magic Quick Attack: Average Slow Attack: Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic will turn Junk into Silver Level 50 Ability: Magic will turn Junk into Gold Level 75 Ability: Magic heals players The Ogre is also a hard player to use, but when you master him he's one of the best characters in the game since he is so strong and has pretty good armor. You unlock him in the Docks level of the Ice Realm (which is the 7th Realm). |===========================| |H) Jester/Hyena | |===========================| Jester: ~~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 200 Level 10 : Prankster Armor : 200 Level 20 : Joker Magic : 350 Level 40 : Clown Speed : 600 Level 60 : Trickster Health : 500 Level 80 : Fool Weapon: Bomb and Skull Puppet Turbo Attack: Hammertime Weak Turbo Attack: Sonic Boom Strong in: Speed Weak in: Strength/Armor Quick Attack: Very Fast Slow Attack: Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic will make secrets flash Level 50 Ability: Magic will destroy secret walls Level 75 Ability: Magic heals players The Jester is a funny character. He is extreamly lanky and foolish, yet he is a pretty good character. He's all about speed, and his attacks (bombs) have a blast effect for extra damage. Hyena: ~~~~~~ Statistics: Level Titles: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 250 Level 10 : Prankster Armor : 250 Level 20 : Joker Magic : 400 Level 40 : Clown Speed : 650 Level 60 : Trickster Health : 500 Level 80 : Fool Weapon: Bomb and Skull Puppet Turbo Attack: Hammertime Weak Turbo Attack: Sonic Boom Strong in: Speed Weak in: Strength/Armor Quick Attack: Very Fast Slow Attack: Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic will make secrets flash Level 50 Ability: Magic will destroy secret walls Level 75 Ability: Magic heals players The Hyena is a mysterious character. Like the Jester, it acts the same way and is a very fast character. I don't like it all that much though, I find its not very useful in later levels when you really want the strength. |===========================| |I) Sumner | |===========================| Sumner: ~~~~~~~ Statistics: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength : 999 Armor : 999 Magic : 999 Speed : 999 Health : 9999 Weapon: Staff Turbo Attack: Demon Skull Weak Turbo Attack: Rock Shower Strong in: Everything Weak in: Nothing Quick Attack: Fast Slow Attack: Fast Level 25 Ability: Magic turns poison fruit into normal fruit Level 50 Ability: Magic turns poison meat into normal meat Level 75 Ability: Magic heals players Sumner is only avaliable by beating an extremely hard puzzle in the second last level in the game. Sumner has perfect stats from the beginning, and is extremely powerful. Its fun to go through the adventure with him, as its hard for you to lose. If you want to play on "hard" mode though, you should play as him. *Hard mode is... very.. hard*. Playing as Sumner is just for fun. The only thing you got to do is beat a puzzle (Treasure Room) that took me at least 20 tries before I finally did it. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 7. The Enemies | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Enemies are everyting to this game. There are different enemies for each Realm. There are so many types of enemies, but they are all quite easy to defeat (but yes, with the exception of a few). Here I will put a review of all the different enemies in the game (Just the basic enemies, the overview of certain enemies will be in the Realm Part of the walkthrough). |===========================| |A) Dealing with Enemies | |===========================| Enemies are the soul part to Gauntlet Dark Legacy. The best way to get rid of enemies is to take out their generator first, which is simple. You just have to shot it a few times (just once or twice) and it will then be destroyed. If you don't destroy a generator, then it will continue to spawn out enemies for infinity. Whenever you would kill an enemy, it will just spawn out a new one. Destroying the generator is the only way to stop the enemy onslaught. Some enemies (in later levels) will come out of the generators much fast than the enemies in earlier levels. In these later Realms, you will have to use your melee attacks (going up to enemies and keep pressing A or Y or AAY and different combonations of the A and Y buttons to make combos which do score you more experience for your level). Melee attacks are said to give you more experience than just shooting at enemies. Nuntheless, its still a good idea to take out enemies who shoot back at you with your normal shots so you will be able to dodge their attacks. (This was talked about in Chapter 5). |===========================| |B) Generators | |===========================| As I have said many times, these are the things that will spawn enemies. Generators come in all shapes and sizes, and are usually located on the wall or floor of a level. Each enemy has its own seperate generator. Generators have three stages: Full Stage-Level 3-This stage is when a generator is in full contact. These will sprew out the most powerful enemies that it can produce. When you hit the generator once, it will go down a level... Middle Stage-Level 2- This stage is when a generator is falling apart. (Most generators are like this already). They will spawn level 2 of that type of that type of enemy. Hit the generator again and it will go down to its last level... Last Stage-Level 1- These generators are about to be destroyed and produce only level one (the weakest types of enemies) that that generator can produce. One more hit will completely destroy the generator and no more enemies will come out of it. Now remember there are three types of enemies in each Realm, the Ancle Biters, the Grunts, and the Advanced. All of these enemies have their own generator of their own kind. Each generator also consists of three levels, where a full generator will produce stronger enemies than when the generator is almost destroyed (even though the enemies won't have changed that much). Three is a magical number in this game. |===========================| |C) 1st Level Enemies | |===========================| These are the most annoying enemies in the game, well thats what I think. These little guys are refered to as "Ankle Biters" as that is what they do. They are the smallest enemies in the game (remember depends on the level you are playing on, they change from Realm to Realm). These guys will crawl along the floor where they are hard to target them with your normal shot. What you can do is just walk up to one of them, and simply step on them (which your character will do automatically). Watch out though, because if there are a lot of them doing this can be a mistake, as they will all start to bite you. In later levels, its best to just stand back and keep shooting at their generator until you finally destroy it. They deal very little damage to you, but since there are so many of them and since they can easily surround you, they can take of a LOT of damage. |===========================| |D) 2nd Level Enemies | |===========================| These are the most common enemies. They are the Grunts (or orcs or whatever you want to call them), and they are kind of the average enemy. They only have melee weapons, and can only hit you IF you go near them. This makes it very easy for you in early levels. All you simply have to do is stand back and shoot at them and the generator and you'll get through them quickly. Heck, you can even go up and use melee attacks because they arn't very smart in the earlier levels. Now when it gets to later levels, this is when they become a pain. In later levels, there are a TON of generators, and they spawn out so fast. In these later levels, its best if you simply go in and use combo's melee attack to take them down. Its the easiest way to get rid of their generator. They also get smart as the game goes on, and they get faster as well and they will deal much more damage. |===========================| |E) 3rd Level Enemies | |===========================| These are the Advanced Grunts. They only appear in one or two levels out of the average 5 or so levels per Realm. They are quite tough, as most of them have a weapon that will shoot projectile weapons at you. The best way to get rid of these guys is to stay back and fire a slow attack at them. This should kill each one in one hit (depending on the strength of your character). They don't tend to come out of their generators very fast (in later levels they do). Strafe side to side and keep shooting your slow attack at them. This way you will dodge their shots and at the same time you will kill them. You can also go up and melee attack them (which you have to do in the latest levels as they spawn quickly, but depending on your characters speed, you might be able to shoot faster than they respond, thats what the Jester is good for, or the Knight's slow attack). But when you do, you must attack them with combos because they will start to melee attack you to, and they hurt. |===========================| |F) Special Enemies | |===========================| There are a few enemies you will see in each Realm that are the same (aside from the strongest enemies, the Gargoyles and such). These enemies are the: Archers: These guys will often stand on a little piece of land that you can't get to, and will fire arrows at you. These guys are quite annoying, but they are easy to take down as a shot will kill them. Be sure to kill them before they even notice you, this is easy to do, shoot them from a distance. Don't bother going up to melee attack them, they will start to run backwards and shoot at you with their arrows which is pointless health loss. Bombers: Like the Archers, these guys tend to stay on an off path, but instead of shooting arrows at you, they will through bomb after bomb at you, which in some ways is more annoying than the arrows because of their blast radius. Kill them before the notice you. They will also retreat and through if you get to close. Both the Archers and Bombers look like normal level 2 enemies. Suicide Bombers: These guys are STUPID. They have a barrel on their back (either an Explosive Barrel of Toxic Gas Barrel), and as soon as they spot you they will make a scream and start to charge towards you. If they hit you it spells trouble. A good thing about them though is if you kill them before they charge, their barrel will explode which could take out other enemies that are around them. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 8. Extream Enemies | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Yeah I kinda named this chapter a stupid name, but these enemies are quite difficult to deal with. These guys are about in every level, although only a few times in each. They take a lot of hits to destroy, have a good offence, and you really will have to watch out for them. |===========================| |A) Generals | |===========================| Generals are like normal Grunts, just a lot bigger and stronger and faster. There are usualy about 2+ Generals in each level, and in later levels will attack you with a partner. Generals do not have any far range attack, but most will carry a large sort of stick (such as the generals in the Forsaken Province carry a large Scythe) and will attack you with that (melee attack you). Now their weapons have quite an attack range, so don't go to close to them. The best way to defeat them is to stay back and keep shooting slow attacks (or fast if your characters slow attack is terrible). They will defend on some of your slow attacks. Here's a neat little trick: Have your turbo fully charged and fire a slow attack at a general. They will defend against it, but once its over they can't defend twice quickly. Once their defend move is over, quickly fire a turbo attack at them. They won't be able to defend against it, and will take the full Turbo damage. If you fire a turbo attack them before doing this trick, then they will defend against it and won't take full damage from the Turbo. Also, they are quite stupid, so try to get them stuck behind a wall or ledge and shoot at them while they can't get to you. Generals are only hard to deal with when there is a very little space to fight them (such as the boat when you first start the Toxic Spire level on the Sky Realm). One golden rule to fighting them is to never go in and start melee attacking them. They will always get the last laugh as their melee attack is MUCH stronger than yours. Never melee attack them you will lose a lot of health each time. Also, be careful of the Generals making a charge attack (like the charge you have). |===========================| |A) Golems | |===========================| These guys are like Generals, and are in almost every level later on in the game. These guys are the biggest normal enemy in the game. They are so big, that they are also the slowest enemies in the game. They, like the Generals, have no attack that can hit you from long range, but their Melee attack is absoutly devistating! It takes off about 100 health or so (to me that is, depending on your characters armor), and will attack pretty quickly. Stay away from them! Attack them from a distance and they won't be able to do anything to you, and they don't have a charge attack. They also will use a defend attack, so the Turbo trick will work with them to. You can also trap them behind little walls as they are stupid like the generals and won't go around the walls. They really arn't that difficult at all, as long as you stay away from them and don't go in with turbo attacks. Generals also hide in some part of the level, for example the Generals in the Forsaken Province look like patches of grass, and when you approach them they will pop up from the ground. In other levels they come out of boxes, and always hide in some part of the level. |===========================| |C) Gargoyles | |===========================| Ok, now these are the hard enemies out of the three special enemies. Gargoyles are the hardest and most difficult enemies to deal with in the normal levels. They have both short and long range attacks, and both do a good deal of damage. They also have a pretty big health meter. There are three different types of gargoyles...Each type will give off a different type of golden item, and each type are in one of the three different Wings of the tower. The Snake headed gargoyle has the powers of acid and leaves behind golden fangs. The Eagle headed gargoyle has the powers of electricity and will leave behind a golden feather. The Lion headed Gargoyle (the strongest of them) has the powers fire and he will leave a golden claw behind. Defeat these beasts and be sure to get their golden items, as its the only way to open up the three different wings. To fight these guys, you should always use a powerup. Weapon powerups, such as amulets to powerup your quick and slow attack. This way you will deal more damage per hit. Also, stay away from them! Their breath attacks and tallons will deal a lot of damage! Their long range attack is an energy ball of the element in which they represent. They do some damage, but are easy to dodge if you are strafing, as they won't be able to hit you if you are moving like that. There are gargoyles in almost every level, some have a few gargoyles. These guys can easily kill you if try to kill them with melee attacks. Other than that, just use powerup items and all will be fine. |===========================| |D) Death (Black and Red) | |===========================| This guy is a pain. Deaths are tall and skinny, and are dressed in robes. They are the worst enemies in the game, yet at the same time they can be the best enemies in the game as well. There are two types of death, one with a Red Death (who steals health) and Black Death (who steals levels). A red death will take up to 100 health from you before he leaves, and a black death will take up to one of your hard earned LEVELS before he leaves. Now there are some lots of ways to deal with deaths. First of all, you can hit them with 100 fast shots (or 50 slow attack shots)and that will kill them. A much easier way to get rid of them is with a single magic blast. Magic will kill them in one hit, so if a death is chasing you, go near it and activate a magic by pressing X, and if he is caught within the blast, he will die right away. The best way to deal with death is to get the Anti-Death Halo item. If a death is chasing you, activate this item and he will start to run from you. Go up and touch death and if its red, you will GAIN 100 health from him, so you would be stealing from death. This is the only way to go over your maximum health count. So for example if your max health is 1000 and you have full health and you get to a red death, you would be able to get 11000 health now (but that won't be your max health for good). If you use a Halo on black death, he will GIVE you a level. As easy as that! Death can be the best character in the game! As long as you have a Halo with you. Death has a few hiding places. Sometimes he will be frozen in a stone form and stands out in the open. He will unfreeze if you walk past him, or touch him. This is a giveaway death. If you don't have a Halo, just go near him and use a magic, he won't know what hit him. Deaths will also hide in treasure chests and the odd barrel. So if you have the X-Ray glasses item, be sure to use it on every chest, or just look at my walkthrough as I will say what each chest contains. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 9. The Items | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Gauntlet Dark Legacy has tons of items, some of them being very useful in your quest, others arn't as important. In this section, I will talk about some regular items, and where items are heald. |===========================| |A) Keys and Keyrings | |===========================| Keys are a very important item in this game, as they are used everywhere and found everywhere as well. Keys look like... gold keys on the levels. Keys sometimes will be by themselves, or will be on a keyring. Keyrings will hold 2 or 3 keys. You are able to carry up to 9 keys at a time. Keys are used to open Treasure Chests, and open some gates. You will never want to be caught with no keys, as that might provide you with difficult times. There are lots of keys in levels. They are found just lying on the floor, or in barrels and Treasure Chests. You should always try to have a full or so key ring, as that way you will never have to worry about being left with no keys. |===========================| |B) Scrolls | |===========================| Scrolls are put in the levels by Sumner. They contain very useful information, such as how to get a secret switch or a secret item. They are always found in barrels (which you just shoot open). They are small messages. Now there is one problem I have found with the Scrolls (in the Gamecube version that is), there are a few scrolls in the game that seem to be special. This is because, they always seem to freeze my game. I always try to avoid scrolls, as their information isn't anything important that I havn't figured out by myself. You can get them if you want, but I have every secret (that I know of, but I think I have all of them)in the walkthrough anyway. I will also mark the scrolls that seem to give me a lot of trouble (since this FAQ is for the Gamecube version of the game). |===========================| |C) Potions | |===========================| This is one of my favourite items in the game :). Like keys, you are able to hold only 9 potions at a time (it appears on your HUD display). When you activate a potion (by pressing X Button) a magical burst will go out around your character. Now depending on your magic ability (under your attributes) will depend how big the magic radious will be when you activate a magic. If you have a very high magic ability, such as 700+, the magic blast radious will be huge, being able to whipe out a whole room of enemies sometimes! If its low such as around 200, then the blast radious is very small. Characters such as the Wizard will start with a very high magic ability, so in the first level your magic blast radious will be huge. The best time to use magic is to take out huge areas of enemies (there will be a lot in later levels). If a lot of enemies are attacking you from all sides, use a potion to clear them all out! *Potion blasts kill enemies in just one hit, and will destroy generators!* There are three different types of potions attacks: -Press X once for the potion blast. -Press X twice quickly for a temporary potion shield. You will take less damage and you will be able to just walk through enemies to kill them, but it only lasts a few seconds and you WILL still take some damage by enemies if they hit you. -Press and HOLD X for your character to throw the potion a short distance away from you. This is useful if theres a bunch of enemies in front of you. Just toss the potion in there for it to kill a bunch of enemies for you. Now the blast radious with a thrown potion isn't as large as if you just press X. Now there are also four different types of potions: Green Potion: These potions are in the form of acid Yellow Potion: These potions will make a light blast Red Potion: These potions will create a fire wall Blue Potion: These are in the form of electricity (they look the coolest!) Potions are all over the levels. They will sometimes be in barrels, in treasure chests and just lying on the level for a free potion. *Hint: Usually when there is just a free potion lying around, there is probably a Death or a large group of enemies near. If your character is Blue, then blue potions will be stronger than the other potions. Potions appear as little blue,green,red,or yellow bottles on the levels. |===========================| |D) Barrels | |===========================| Brown barrels are all around the levels. Shoot them once to open them. Barrels contain anyting from items (usualy scrolls) to food. Some barrels also have Death though. There are three types of barrels: Brown Barrels: These are the ones that will contain some sort of item, and are all over the levels. Red Barrels: These barrels are explosive, and you will only want to shoot them from afar. They will hurt you. Shoot them if there are enemies around to kill the enemies, so they can be quite helpful to you. But if there is an item near them, if the item is caught in the blast radious, it will destroy the item. Green Barrels: These barrels contain toxic gas. They will hurt you if you destroy them close. They will also hurt enemies, but not very much. These barrels are just a pain. If there is food within the blast radious, it will turn them to poison food. |===========================| |E) Treasure Chests | |===========================| Like the barrels, these are also everywhere in the levels. The difference is they contain very valuable and useful items, but you will need a key to open them. Treasure chests will cary any item in the game, including food. Now some chests contain bombs, which will explode after a little while and hurt you if you are in the blast radious, and will also be a waste of a key for you. They will also contain poison food, and the odd time Black and Red Death. You can use a pair of X-Ray glasses (a rare item) to see whats inside a chest before you open the chest. This could save you keys! |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 10. Special Items | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Gauntlet Dark Legacy has many items! You can find all of these items out in the levels, or if you really want one, you can buy them from Sumner in his shop with your gold. Here, I will say what they are and what they do, plus how much they cost in Sumners Shop (by the way, you can only buy them from Sumner ONCE you FIND them ONCE in the levels, so for example you can't buy the Thunder Hammer from Sumner until you find it in one of the levels). Fire, Acid, and Lightning Breath Buy from Sumner for 350 gold each These items let you breath acid, fire, or lightning and shoot it out at enemies which are extreamly useful as you can kill many enemies at a time with this. Thunder Hammer Buy from Sumner for 500 gold each This is one of the best items in the game. With one hit from the item, it will destroy everything in the room, including all the enemies and generators. Three and Five Way Shot Buy from Sumner for 550 gold each The thee way shot will let you fire three shots at a time, which is very useful if you are facing a boss (hint hint). The five way shot is extreamly rare, and will let you fire five shots at one time. Turbo Boost Cannot Buy from Sumner This is useful. When you fire your turbo meter, it will take a while to fill up. This item will fill it right up for you very quickly. Good for fighting Gargoyles, as you can fire one Turbo attack, then quickly refil your meter and fire another blast at them right away. Lightening and Fire Shield Buy from Sumner for 425 gold each. These will create a fire or lightning in front of you to clear out a line of enemies in front of you. Invulnerability Buy from Sumner for 600 gold This will make you completely invulnerable! You will turn into a steel like character, and NO attack from any enemy or boss will be able to hit you, you will not be able to take damage anyway! Now how nice is that? Invisibility Buy from Sumner for 600 gold This item will let you become invisible, so normal enemies won't be able to see you, it will give you an easy way to kill lots of enemies. These items will NOT work against bosses though! Gas Mask Buy from Sumner for 650 gold This item is only useful in the Sky Realm level. While wearing it, the green toxic gas from the green barrels will not be able to hurt you. This is great for the Sky Realm because this Realm has the most green barrels out of them all. Light, Lightning, Acid, and Fire Amulets Buy from Sumner for 350 gold each These items will power up your shots, each will give your shots the power of that certain element. They are very useful against boss battles, and very useful against Gargoyles! There are lots of these in the levels. Phoenix Familiar Buy from Sumner for 450 gold The Phoenix is just like the Familiar you get at level 25, just he won't stay with you forever, and his shot is VERY strong. Growth Buy from Sumner for 300 gold With this you will be able to grow huge. You will grow to about the same size as Generals! This will increase your strength, but it is only lasts for a little time, and its easier for enemies to hit you in this form. Pojo Cannot buy This item is all about humor. It will turn your character into Pojo the chicken for a short amount of time! You will shoot out fireballs (like the Phoenix Familiar) and will cluck when you shoot, very funny :)! Time Stopper Cannot buy This item will stop time, which means all enemies (including gargoyles ;) ) will freeze, and traps will stop. This will give you a lot of time to attack them! This does not work against bosses. Levitation Buy from Sumner for 150 gold This item will let you levitate for a while. You will be able to walk over floor traps, as well as the ankle biter enemies. Mikey Decoy Buy from Sumner for 1000 gold (not worth it!) This is a funny item. Place him anywhere and enemies will be attracted to him. This is quite useful in some areas, as you will be able to destroy generators without the enemies going after you (this doesn't work against generals, golems and gargoyles). X-Ray Buy from Sumner for 650 This is one of the best items in the game. It will let you see what is in a Treasure Chest before you open it. This way you will know if there's a bomb or an item you don't need, so you won't have to waste a key. Always have one in your invintory! Shrink Enemy Cannot Buy This item will... well... shrink all the enemies while its active. This will work on gargoyles and golems and generals but NOT on bosses. It will give gargoyles and golems and generals half their health, so its very easy to kill them this way (they also won't do as much damage to you). Anti Death Buy from Sumner for 750 gold This is my favourite item probably. While you wear it, walk up to a Death and now he will fear you! He will start to run away because you will steal Death's power. For example, a Red Death would GIVE you 100 health if you wear this, and a Black Death will give you a whole LEVEL! Always have this item with you! Hand of Death Buy from Sumner for 1000 gold When you are using this item, when an enemy attacks you (only with melee attacks) it will hurt them as well. Health Vampire Buy from Sumner for 1000 gold You gain health when you hurt an enemy, very useful! Speed Cannot Buy This item will make you be able to run and shoot faster for a short while. Rapid Fire Buy from Sumner for 450 gold This item will let you shoot much quick (this item combined with a 3 or 5 way shot with a Amulet activated will be DEADLY against gargoyles and bosses!) Super Shot Buy from Sumner for 400 gold This item is the best in the game by far. One shot will take ANYTHING out in its path, and while your firing, you cannot be hurt! Very good against gargoyles and bosses! Reflective Shot Cannot Buy Fire a shot with this item active, and it will bounce off walls and hit enemies. Reflective Armor Buy from Sumner for 400 gold Very useful against Archers, Bombers, and Gargoyles ball attack, as any projectile shot fired at you will be reflected back at them. -If I have missed any, be sure to tell me! |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 11. Food (Your Health) | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Your maximum health will start at 500 when you are at level 1, and will gain 100 points for every level you gain. A level two character for example would have 600 max health. If a player is at maximum health, they will not be able to pick up food. The only way a player is able to go over their health limit is if they gain it from Death using the Anti Death Halo. Whenever an enemy hits you, it will subtract some of your health. When your health meter is low, you will get a message from Sumner saying its very low and to get some food fast! If your health meter reaches 0, you will die and restart from your LAST SAVE POINT (see why I say to save very often!). There is food all over the land which will let you regain health. Here is what each food item will replenish: Cherry = 10 health Apple = 25 health Banana = 50 health Pineapple = 75 health Watermelon = 75 health Drumstick = 100 health Steak = 125 health Ribs = 150 health Ham = 200 health Meal = 500 health Bad Apple = -50 health Bad Meat = -100 health The bad apple and meat will take health away from you because they are spoiled. These are green food items with bones through them (like the skull and crossbones symbol). Some characters can use their magic ability at later levels to unspoil these food items. Food can be found in the level itself just lying around, or in barrels, and the meal and hams and drumsticks are mostly found in treasure chests. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 12. Other Items | |===============================| |-------------------------------| These are the other types of items in the game that are collectables. They must be collected to progress through your quest. |===========================| |A) Crystals | |===========================| The crystals are found in every Realm except the Dream Realm and on. You must collect them to unlock the different Realms. Here's a list of what Crystals open what and how many you need. Orange: Needed 15, Opens Forsaken Province (Realm 1) Red: Needed 100, Opens Mountain Realm (Realm 2) Purple: Needed 125, Opens Castle Realm (Realm 3) Blue: Needed 150, Opens the Sky Realm (Realm 4) Green: Needed 175, Opens the Forest Realm (Realm 5) Yellow: Needed 200, Opens the Desert Realm (Realm 6) White: Needed 225, Opens the Ice Realm (Real 7) Black: Needed 250, Opens the Dream Realm (Realm 8) The Realm before the next Realm will have the most crystals needed for the next Realm. For example, in the Forsaken Province, most crystals are Red as you need them for the next Realm (although there are the odd other crystals in this Realm to). |===========================| |B) Coins | |===========================| These are only found in the secret levels. There are secret Trap Doors in each of the Realms (and the Battle Ground area). In these areas, you must collect different colour coins in a small level in a certain amount of time to unlock a secret character. Some of these levels are very hard (espically the one where you have to beat to unlock Sumner!). It depends on how many players you are playing with to how many coins you are going to collect: 1 Player will need to get 25 coins 2 Players will need to get 50 coins 3 Players will need to get 75 coins 4 Players will need to get 100 coins If you are able to collect all the coins in the level by the time allotted, you will unlock the secret character. If you don't, you will lose the coins and have to try again. *Its good to play these levels with just one player, its very difficult if you are playing with 4 players.* |===========================| |C) Golden Icons | |===========================| In the first three wings of the tower, you will have to collect these Golden Icons to open up different wings of Sumners Tower. To get these items, you will have to defeat a Gargoyle, or find them hiddin in a level (behind a secret wall or activated by a switch for example). Here is what each does: -Golden Fangs: Needed 12, Opens the West Wing, Found in Realms 1,2 -Golden Feathers: Needed 20, Opens the East Wing, Found in Realms 3,4,5 -Golden Claws: Needed 28, Opens the Battle Grounds, Found in Realms 6,7,8 There are three different types of Gargoyles, this is what they drop: -Snake headed gargoyle (Realms 1,2) Golden Fangs -Eagle headed gargoyle (Realms 3,4,5) Golden Feathers -Lion headed gargoyle (Realms 6,7,8) Golden Claws |===========================| |D) Runestones | |===========================| Runestones are a must to find! They will open up the area to the Underworld level. There are a total of 12 in the first eight Realms, the one in the last level of the game for a grand total of 13. They are found in secret walls and after a series of switches have been hit. This chart shows how many are in each Realm: Forsaken Province: 2 Runestones Mountain Realm: 1 Runestone Castle Keep: 1 Runestone Sky Realm: 2 Runestones Forest Realm: 1 Runestone Desert Realm: 1 Runestone Ice Realm: 2 Runestones Dream Realm: 2 Runestones Battlefield Realm: 1 Runestone |===========================| |E) Shards | |===========================| Each boss carries a Shard, which you must get to complete the Entrance to the Desecrated Temple. There are a total of 8 Shards, one for each boss. |===========================| |F) Legendary Items | |===========================| There is one Legendary Item in each Realm (including the Desecrated Temple, but not the Battlefield Realm or the Underworld). Now you don't HAVE to get these, but they will make boss battles MUCH easier, as they will do anything from take away their health to lower their accruacy and speed. I highly suggest that you get all of them (espcially for the later bosses!) This list will say where you find them, and who they are used against. Book of Protection (Good Book) Fount in the Sky Realm Use on the Litch (Boss of Forsaken Province, Realm 1) Ice Axe Found in the Castle Realm Use on the Dragon (Boss of Mountain Realm, Realm 2) Scimitar of Decapitation Found in the Forest Realm Use on the Chimera (Boss of the Castle Realm, Realm 3) Javelin of Blinding Found in the Mountain Realm Use on the Plague Fiend (Boss of the Sky Realm, Realm 4) Toxic Bellows Found in the Desert Realm Use on the Spider Queen (Boss of the Forest Realm, Realm 5) Lamp of Dark Obstruction Found in the Ice Realm Use on the Genie (Boss of the Desert Realm, Realm 6) Parchment of Fire Found in the Forsaken Province Realm Use on the Yeti (Boss of the Ice Realm, Realm 7) Lantern of Revelation Found in the Dream Realm Use on the Shadow Wraith (Boss of the Dream Realm, Realm 8) Soul Savior Found in the Desecrated Temple Use on Skorn, the First Fight (Boss of the Desecrated Temple) You do not get any Legendary Items to help you out against Scorne in the second fight in the Underworld, or against Garm as the final battle. |===========================| |G) Treasure | |===========================| Everyone likes gold. This stuff is spread throught the whole game, and you will find it just lying on the ground, in barrels, in secret walls, and Treasure Chests. Here is what each piece of treasure is worth: Coin (Bronze) = 500 gold Coin (Silver) = 1000 gold Coin (Gold) = 5000 gold Junk = 10 gold Silver (on ground) = 100 gold Gold (on ground) = 150 gold Silver (Chest) = 200 gold Gold (Chest) = 250 gold Rupees (Chest) = 300 gold Gold (Barrel) = 500 gold You will use gold to buy health or attributs and extra items from Sumner in his shop. You are only able to find the coins after you beat bosses. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 13. Sumner's Shop | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Sumner's Shop is pretty useful. Here, you are able to buy pretty much every item you have found so far in the level. You are also able to buy an extra 10 points in each attribute (speed, magic, armor, and strength) for 1000 gold. This is very useful for the rich players who are going for perfect attributs (which are 999) to make your character... well pretty much perfect. |===========================| |A) Gold=Money | |===========================| You will find lots of gold lying around and in chests in the game. You will use all of that gold here, in Sumners shop. Each item costs a certain amount of gold (disscussed in the item section above). |===========================| |B) Sumner's Hints | |===========================| When you walk up to Sumner in the middle of the tower, a menu will come up. Here, he will tell you about locations of Runestones, about the different Legendary Items, about the different Bosses, and you can shop here. This is just like the normal game menu, although here you have a few more options related to Sumner himself. Some of these hints can be very helpful, when you play the game for the first time, you should read some of his helpful hints (which I have written near the top of this FAQ). |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 14. Things to Watchout For | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Here is a brief helpful list of things to watchout for before you prepare for your epic journey: - Pay attention to the scrolls. They give you valuable information. - Use the powerful Combo Attacks to take on the tougher enemies. - Use keys to open doors and chests, use them sparingly. - Try to destroy the enemy Archers and Bomb Throwers first. - Avoid dangerous objects such as flame geysers and floor spikes. - Only Magic, the Anti-Death Halo or shooting 100 times can defeat Death. - When entering a leel that holds a legend item, a brif movie will reveal clues to its locations! - Remember to save your game and character data often! - Find the Legendary Weapons to defeat the world bosses easier. - Look around for hidden items behind walls and rocks! - DON'T SHOOT POTIONS! - If a wall or rock flashes when you shoot it, keep shooting it! - A player that learns how to block will live much longer! -From Game Manual, but very useful Hints and Tips! *There's probably a lot of spelling errors. I tried my best to type as clean as I could :), but I havn't spell checked it really. I'll get around to it some day.* |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 15. The Worlds (Walkthrough) | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Well here is the walkthrough for the huge game of GDL. I have divided the walkthrough into different sections, each representing a different area in Sumner's tower. So, for example the Upper Tower contains the first two realms, the Forsaken Province and Fire Mountain. Now at the bottom of the screen you will see a HUD display. This thing will show you your name, what colour your character is, your gold, and your health. It also shows your current level. The meter at the top is your turbo meter. When it starts to flash pink, your turbo meter will be fully charged and you have to press both the A and B Buttons at the same time to send out your most powerful attack that goes through all the enemies in its path. When the meter is half full press A and B for a less powerful turbo attack. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 16. Upper Tower Wing | |===============================| |-------------------------------| This is the first wing open to you when you first start off the game. All the other areas in the tower are closed off. This wing contains only two Realms, the two easiest ones, which are the Forsaken Province and the Fire Mountain Realms. This Upper Tower also is part of the central tower, which hauses the portals to the Desecrated Temple and the Underworld. It is also where you access the West, East, and Lower Tower Wings. Sumner is in the middle of the central tower. The first two Realms are at the top of the screen, so walk past Sumner and the Realms are to the right and left of the portal to the Desecrated Temple. When you first start the new adventure you will get this message: "Welcome, mighty heroes! The evil mage Garm has broken into my Tower and used the Runestones to summon the demon Skorne. Skorne broke free from Garm's contol and destroyed him. Skorne has unleashed his minions upon the land and scattered the Runestones across the Eight Realms. Now he has sealed himself in the Desecrated Temple. The entrance is protected by either magical Shards. Each is in the possession of one of Skorne's mighty Guardians. You must travel to each of the Eight Realms, fight your way through Skorne's minions and defeat his Guardians. Only after obtaining all either shards can you enter the Desecrated Temple and banish Skorne to the Underworld. Skorne has sealed the entrance to each Realm with a magical shield. Throughout the land you will find Crystals which will enable you to remove these shields. I have smmoned to my tower enough Crystals to unlock one of the Eight Realms, the Forsaken Province. Go now, the fate of the Realms is in your hands!" From here the game will start. Prepare for a huge adventure! |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 17. Forsaken Province | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Enemies Difficulty:1/5 Level Difficulty:1/5 Boss Difficulty:2/5 Overall Realm Difficulty: 1/5 Crystals needed to enter Realm: 15 Orange Crystals This is the first Realm you will face. The levels in this Realms are HUGE, but the are quite easy. The enemies arn't very difficult, and they don't spawn very quickly. Now firstly, your going to need to unlock this Realm. When you start the adventure, and after you read Sumner's Note, he will summon 15 Orange Crystals into his Tower. Go around and collect the Crystals (to the left of you when you start). Don't forget about the Crystal directly in front of you! Once you get all the 15 Crystals, you will get a message saying "Congratulations! You now have enough Crystals to enter the Forsaken Province." From here, go to Sumner if you want to hear any hints about things in the game. If your ready to continue onto the first Realm, walk over to the greenish looking Realm. There is a little 15 on it. Step on the square that says 15 and the magical shield will dispatch, letting you enter the first Realm, the Forsaken Province! When you enter this lobby area, step on the portal that has the swirling purple in the middle. The others are inactive. You can tell because they do not have the swirling purple thing in the middle. Whenever you beat a level, the next level will actovate. |===========================| |A) Poison Fields | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 1/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 3/5 Level Difficulty: 1/5 Special Item: Runestone #1. This is the first level in GDL. It is very easy, but it is quite a large level. Each new point is told by a "-", and each point is usualy for a new area. -When you first start off, there is a generator right in front of you. Destroy it and that will stop the enemies. Behind you is a key and two barrels. -Go up the ramp with the Crystals and you will imerge into a maze like place. Here, just go around and destroy enemies and open the first chest, it contains a Potion. There are three more barrels, with a Potion in one. Destroy the green barrel and then go next to the windmill and collect the yello potion. The barrel contains a fruit, but watch out the windmill will hurt you (the blades). -Next area also a little mazy. There is a key ring in a barrel here, as well as a chest with a Turbo in it. Destroy the secret wall with the chest behind it. Also, hit the hay stack for some crystals, its a secret wall to. Chest has magic. -All players must step on the mutlicoloured switch for it to activate. -Chest up here, and when you go down watch out for the General (you can hear the footsteps) Kill him from ontop. You will see a barrel, open to find an apple. Next to the barrel is a hut like thing. Shoot open the door to find your first Runestone! -Beside the watermill is a key (in barrel). Go up the stone house, and watch for the floortrap and Bomber. There's a chest here. Hit the switch to activate the little elevator. -Shoot the gate behind the elevator (on the ground floor)for Levetation and crystal. Kill the ancle biters (the worms), and shoot the haystack (near the fire pit) for more keys. There is a chest near the haystack with a Phoenix Familiar in it. -Now go the route to your right. There is another haystack here to shoot for a blue and purple crystal. Go to your left for some apples if you need them, otherwise go to your right to continue on. -Barrel next to purple crystal has some keys. At the bridge, watch out for the Archers. The barrel has a pineapple in it. About half way up the bridge, shoot the rail to your right (in the middle of bridge) and step up to it. A platform with an apple will raise from the stream.tep on it and collect the crystals. Step on the green switch at the bottom and waite a while, as a Super Shot will rise from the water. The other side of the bridge contains a chest with a potion in it. -Continue down the path, and you'll see a barrel outside the path. Shoot the wall here for a little item cache with some gold. Now take the route heading to the left. -Destroy the red barrels from a distance, and be careful of the Archers at the next bend. -This area has a little puzzle. Step on the sun clock in the middle of the area. You will see it move. Now go down to the stream (to your left of the sunclock). Step on the wooden bridge for a chest to rise with gold in it. Collect the gold and the thing with the sunclock will rise up, revealing a Golden Icon! Now go up the bridge with the trap at its base. -Up here are some apples with breakable boxes (you can tell because of the cracks in the box). Watch for the suicide bomber. The chest contains extra speed. Continue on, and shoot the two boxes by the switch for a banana. Hit the switch to move a platform over to you. -Go down the bridge and you will see another windmill. Continue on past there. Shoot the red barrel to kill some enemies. Get the keys and go up the route with the apples. -Keep going alone that path and watch for the Archer. -In the next big area is a ham worth a lot of health. Kill all the enemies in this area then get the ham. The chest is a trap, don't open it for it has a bomb in it (the barrel has an apple). Open the gate with the elevator with the colourful switch. Ride it up to the next area. -This next area has two switches, one right to your right when you enter (which lowers a bridge. The other is near the key (past the wooden carrier thing). The chest here contains a bomb, so go in that little area from near the switch (behind the tree, its hard to see the other entrance), to get the barrel. Then open the gate (next to the barrel with the scrole, near the second switch) to continue on. -This path contains crystals and a turbo in a barrel. There is a general on the bridge that you lowered. Fire a turbo at him, then use your turbo item to quickly fill your turbo meter again. Then fire another full turbo at him and shoot him a couple of times to finish him off. The two FULL turbos should kill him. Continue on past the bridge. -The next big area is the last area in this level, but a hard one. You'll see the exit portal on the left side of this area, but don't exit yet!. Get the blue potion from the middle of the area, and you'll see death on the platform. Go up he platform and use the potion next to him (be careful though, if you get to close he'll unfreeze). The potion blast will kill him in one hit. Hit the switch up here with the purple crystal on it to open the final gate to the end portal. (Watch out, if you hit the switch and havn't killed Death yet, he will unfreeze). Continue up the little route and step on the exit portal to exit the level! *If you exit the level and hear a laughing sort of sound, that means that you missed the Runestone! You should go back and get it (by playing the level again). *If you do get the Runestone and when you re-enter Sumner's Tower, he will show up above you and say "Congratulations! You have found a Runestone" and he will take it from you and place it in a circle in his tower. *You will also notice that the next portal is now active since you beat the first level, go thought it to get to the next level*. |===========================| |B) Haunted Town | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 1/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 3/5 Level Difficulty: 1/5 Special Item: Treasure Door This level is like the Poison Fields, yet it is situated in a town being, well pretty much destroyed. Easy enemies, but a big level. -As soon as you start enemies will be by you, so be ready for that. Barrel near Archer (beind from where you start) has some keys. Open the gate to the bridge. -This next area contains a general. Kill him from the bridge, then hit the red barrel to kill enemies easily. -Go through the little house to the next area. Go to your left and down to find a switch. It will open a little area in the house u just walked through. Down there is a banana and a wall switch that brings down another barrel. That barrel contains a full meat. Shoot the two red barrels and hit the gate to open it. The barrel between the red barrels contains speed. Shoot another gate (near the barrels) to continue on. -Theres a chest here by the burning crates that has gold. You'll see a phoenix here. Near there is a little off route with some apples and a barrel with a potion. Before going through the key gate, to the right of that are two barrels one has a pineapple. (At the botom of this little area are some keys). Use a key on the gate. -Archer in here, shot the stables open to get the crystals in them. The wall and the end (just after the ramp up, don't go up though)that looks like a door is a secret wall. Shoot it to find a switch and chest with gold. (Its near the blue crystal to the left of you). Now go up the ramp. -Up here is another switch. Hit it to drop the path to coninue on. The chest at the end of the next room has a banana in it. -The next place looks like to be a library. Theres a barrel behind the desk -This next area is big. As soon as you step into it, go to your right. The chest has gold in it, and open the gate to find an apple. Next you'll fine two barrels (if you hit the switch a while ago) that dropped them. They contain keys and the awesome Thunder Hammer. Continue past the fire barrels. The chest against the next house has a bomb in it. When the music changes (sounds like bar music from an old western movie) go into the bar. -Go past the piano and go up the ramp to the upper level. Across the small wooden bridge you'll see a target switch. Fire a shot at it. Backtrack down the ramp behind the counter to find another golden icon! After, go along the small wooden bridge. -This area has a chest with levetation. At the end of the room are two barrels with Turbo and a key ring. Next, open they key door. -Go to your left to get two purple crystals, then go to your right. As soon as you get to the ramp down, fire a shot down the ramp to kill the suicide bomber there (hes hard to see and will surprise you). Here you will see a crane like thing with two switches, a button switch and a lever switch. Hit the button switch (to the left of the crane) FIRST! Then hit the lever switch. This will let you continue your path on. *Notice how the first switch is now covered up, last time was your only change to hit it*. Then go down the elevator with the blue potion on it. -This is another big area. The chest has a potion in it. Go to your left first (upon coming down the elevator). *Stay off the railway tracks!* Near the big pile of burning boxes is a wall switch (theres a box next to it with a banana in it). Hit the switch to uncover the chest you brought down from the crane switch. Go back up there to get it if you want, it contains Growth. Go across the tracks to the other side of the area. The box here contains fire breath and the other has a key. Go down from that platform and go behind it. There are some keys here. Now go to where the green barrel is. Theres food in the one next to it. Cross the tracks to get the purple crystal and keyring in barrel. Keep going around perimiter of room to find two more barrels with apples. Dont go down the next path yet. Go to the centre of this room to find a neuce platform (this is to the right of the elevator you came in here on). Kill death then go up the neuce platform and hit the switch. You'll see the switch with the green crystal go down, now go and hit that switch. This will let a platform with gold raise up on the neuse platform. Now continue down the other path to the far right of where you came in on. -Theres a Golem here. Theres a chest near this route which contains the stop time item. Get it but don't use it here. The golem will drop meat. You are now in a cemetary place. The chest has a pineapple. -Enter the church. Theres a breakable wall near the exit (the wall on your left) that has a switch and chest with jewels and blue crstal. Exit the church. -Here is the hardest part yet in the game. Theres a gargoyle here, the hardest enemy in the normal levels. Remember the stop time item you go? Approach the Gargoyle to wake him up, then activate the stop time. Use melee attacks to kill him (he won't be able to move in stop time). If you don't kill him before it ends, just step back and keep shooting (don't stay near him!). If you still have the Super Shot from the first level, you can use that to. Beat the Gargoyle to get a golden item! (All gargoyles will spoil golden items). Continue on. -Barrel here has spoiled fruit and destroy the red barrel. Go to the end of this area to find the level exit, but DON'T LEAVE! The barrel near here has a full rack of ribs in it. Go up the bell tower. The chest has potion in it. Go up to the bell, and you'll find a trap door on the floor. Step on it to enter a special little level where you can unlock a character! TRAP DOOR LEVEL ONE: Now if you are playing solo, you will only have to get 25 coins, but if you play with 2 players its 50 coins, 3 players 75 coins, and four players 100 coins. This level is easy. Go the right path first and get all the coins and circle around. Its hard to not beat this level. If you have a slow character, use the Speed item you got earlier near the beginning of the level. -After you do this secret level, go down the tower and exit the area. *Its a good idea to save after every level, as this game is known to freeze. You don't want to go through 4 of these huge levels and have the game freeze up on you, losing all of your data do you :)? *Back in the tower the next portal will activate, so enter it.* |===========================| |C) Haunted Cemetary | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 1/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 4/5 Level Difficulty: 1/5 Special Item: Legendary Item (Parchment of Fire). *At the start of this level you will see a short cinema scene. Any level that starts with one of these short cinema scenes means that there is a Legendary Item in this current level, used against a Boss later.* This level is huge. It also contains your first Legendary Item, and getting it is quite easy to, just a short switch puzzle to get it. -From where you start, there are two barrels with an apple and scrole. Chest contains reflective armor. Approach the gate for it to open automatically. -This is a long bridge. Watc out for the Archers and Suicide Bomber. -Next area just has a barrel with a keyring. Theres also a switch on the wall next to the open gate. -This is also a big area. Start with the Perimiter of the room, go around and hit switches and kill enemies. From the right of where you entered is a switch that will open the gate to let you continue on. Now walk into the centre of the area. Destroy the green barrel, and there is a chest that the switch (from the previous area, on the wall next to the open gate) will have brought up from the grave. It has a pineapple. From here, go right to hit another ground switch. This brings up a grave right in front of you with a potion on it. Behind is a crate with a key and some gold to your left. Now go all the way to your left, and you'll see another open grave with crystals. To the left of the grave is a tree stump. Hit it with a few shots to destroy it, revealing a ground switch. Hit it to raise the grave and get the crystals. From the area with the potion you raised a little while ago is a tree stump that can also be hit down for a purple crystal. Now, continue onto the next area (opened from the switch on the bottom right of this level). -Here is another bridge with Archer and Suicide Bomber. Watch out for the two Bombers who are at the end of the bridge. -This next area has another Gargoyle. Take him out, but watch out for other enemies to! Use any of the remaining stopped time to hurt him, then use the hammer you go in the other level (this will kill the other enemies to), if hes still alive after those two things, just finish him off with your own normal attacks. Remember to get his golden item! Now go to the right. Destroy a tree stump to get a switch that raises a chest on a grave across the area. Go to the little hut at the far right of this level and break down the door. In here is a wall switch that raises a potion from a grave, and some gold. Outside this is a green barrel and a normal barrel with a meat (good for if you lost health during the Gargoyle battle). The chest contains growth, and get the risen potion (there is a purple crystal bhind the tree here). Now go to the far left of this level and hit the wall switch. There's a wall switch here, hit it and go back to the previous area and get the collectables it brings up. The two doors here contain: on the right: key ring, on the left: x ray glasses. - Next area has a general kill him. Now to your left are three barrels but don't hit any yet. Get the wall switch though. Now, go to your far right. -This little area is great. From entering, go to your left and hit the wall (just below the with the wall switch. Now, go hit that wall switch. It will raise the platform to your left. Hit the switch, and the Box will contain another Thunder Hammer. Go to your right, and you'll see a gap in the above level (with the lamp up to it) Hit the stone wall there, then the wooden wall behind that. Theres a switch here (only if you hit the switch to your left). Hit it to go behind the area. Hit the other wall switch down here to raise the beidge. Cross it, and you'll an old tree. Hit the ground around the tree and you'll find a hidden potion (its the thunder hammer if you didin't get the hammer up on the other ledge. Now continue back, and go through to the next area. Remember, don't get those barrels... *By the way, the switch to open that door to the next area is near the switch that brought up the platform with the Thunder Hammer, its behind a fake wall right next to that switch. -Two doors here, right and left. Left won't open yet, and right you DON'T want to go into yet. Continue down the path and hit the switch to your left, then backtrack to the left door you couldn't open. There's an anti death halo there, my favourite item. Activate that item, and then open the door to the right. Theres a black death in there, and with you're anti death halo item up, you will GAIN a level from him (or else you would lose a level if he got you). You could of course just use a potion to kill him. Now destroy those barrels I told you not to before. A red death will come out of one, but don't use a magic on him. Use your halo to GAIN 100 health from him (you can go over your health max this way). The other has a pineapple. -Now go to the area with the firey thing with the state in the middle. Look familiar from the cutscene don't it. Now go around to the back of the pond and hit the ground switch. Go to the door it opens, and hit the ground switch there (the switch with the gas mask item on it). This will stop the fire. Now go around to where the first ground switch was, and to its left a switch with a red crystal has come down, hit it. The statue will change more, and a switch to your far right has now come down. You can now pick up the Parchment of Fire! Go to your left and hit the wall switch to continue on. -After another short bridge, you will reach the final, but huge area. This area is somewhat a maze. Go to your left.* Be sure to get the Turbo here*. Soon you will rach another little house like thing, break down the doorand go in for a key ring. Behind the house are two crystals, a banana in the barrel, and a floor switch. This will open a door to your far right. From here, continue on a path, going to the right this time. In a clearing is a green barrel, a chest with meat in it, and a keyring hidden in a fake stump. Continue the path going right. When you get to a fork in the road, go right (or left it doesn't really matter. There is a little bridge to your right here *opposite the green barrel here). Cross it to get to a little item place. Theres a phoenix here, and inside the gate is a chest with a bomb and apples. Back on the main route, theres a Golem. Kill him for a speed item. Go through the last little gate to find a hand of death. Theres a general far up this path. Near the chest with poison food is a stump that you should cut down to reveal soem treasure at the end of the level. Pick the box on the right, the left has a bomb. Now you can exit the level (phew). *If you have been collecting all of the Red Crystals you see, at the end of this level you should have gotten as many as you need to get into the next Realm. If not, theres still another big level to go before the next Realm. |===========================| |D) Haunted Mausoleum | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 2/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters, Ghosts Level Size: 4/5 Level Difficulty: 2/5 Special Item: Runestone #2. This is a big level as well. This is the final level in the Forsaken Province, but it is the hardest. This is because it has the level's hardest enemies. Instead of Grunts in this level, there are Ghosts, which do more damage, spawn faster, and are just more difficult to destroy. Now as i said before whenever these a short cinema at the start of each level that means there's a legendary item in it. Whenever you're entering a level with the Level 3 enemies in that Realm, there will also be a short cinema scene showing what they look like. -As soon as you start, theres a switch in front of you (by the big foot), press it. The barrel to your right has a levetation. Now, the switch brought up a platform from behind your starting position (to your left). -This area has some ghosts. At the edge of the wall (near the green vines)shoot the wall(opposite the lit tourch). Hit the switch there. This brings up two platforms, one to your right with a potion, and one to your far left (near the tourch) with 2 ghosts and a crystal. Now, go to ur starting position and go to your right. -Don't go over the bridge yet, keep going right to find a target switch on the wall. Hit it, then continue on. -This little area has a key and some crystals. Continue on the path you moved. -The chest here has a bomb, so discard it, then open the key gate. -Theres an apple in the barrel. To your far rigt, you should see a switch (under a tree) and a keyring. -Theres a general on the bridge, so watch out for him (take him out from a distance). Go down the platforms the last switch rose for two chests. The one to your right contains junk, the one to your left has a piece of meat. Now go and cross the bridge the general was on. -This next little area has a lot of enemies, so hold X and through a potion in there if you have an extra. If your character has a high potion, this is good. There are two red barrels, but the other barrel has keys so you should watch out. The alcove past the tree has a key and the chest has a lightening shield. -Go up the stairs and watch out for the Archers. Open the gate here, and theres a key. Past the green barrel is a light amulet on the floor. Behind the pole is a wall switch. The wall between the two pillers here is secret, so shoot it for a blue crystal and a speed shot in the chest. The chest near the potion and red barrel has a death, so bring up your anti death halo for extra health. Then hit the coffen to destroy it and get the potion. -Go along the crystal bridge. Theres a switch by the two green barrels that will reveal a turbo. Theres a key down here to. The wall in the corner of this room is fake. Hit it to reveal a crystal and switch. Go back and get the meat and hit the other switch. -Continue on and you'll fine the little platform the last switch (with the meat) effected. Go up the little bridge and get the gold, and the wall here (next to the treasure box with speed) up here is fake, hit the center to reveal the second Runestone! Then continue on. -Go around the next bend (the chest here has an apple) and get the green potion. The barrel up here has a drumstick of meat. -Continue down the path to find two wall switches. The one on the right brings down a green crystal, so backtrack a little bit to find it. The other brings down a bridge with an Archer to continue ur journey on. -In this next area a piece of floor will fall from the middle of the floor. Hit the wall around here and theres some fake stuff. It will reveal a wall switch that brings down that blue crystal you just passed. -The floor button here brings up a Treasure Chest, but its a bomb so avoid it. -The next wall switch with the meat will let you continue your path. Go up the stairs. -After you go over the hands bridge, theres a path. This will go to a big room. -Open the gate here to access the Mausoleum. -First off there are two Archers, then break down the gate with three crystals behind it. -In the next area don't open the chest, it has a bomb! Break the little gate to the right of the chest to get the items behind there (the gold and watermellon) -The chest here has a meat. -Be careful! Theres a Gargoyle at the far left of the next little area. Kill him with any items you have. There's a secret wall behind the chest past the gargoyle. The chest itself comtains a bomb. Continue on. -Theres a wall switch here that reveals a blue crystal, also a key here to. -Go down the path to see another wall switch. Hit it to raise the "hand" elevator. -Continue down the pathways killing enemies. Open the gate at the end to reach the bottom floor. Hit the wall switch and target switches to your right. -The wall switch lets you continue on your path. There's a general here. Theres another wall switch to your left on this path. -Continue on to the final area. The barrel has a full meat, and theres a wall switch to your far left here. It brings down the exit portal. Hit the floor switch to your right to raise a platform to the exit portal. Be sure to get the yellow crystal here. If you hit the first target switch back there, theres also a platform with a blue crystal and treasure box with gold here. -Notice the scroll here saying only a fool would challenge the Litch without the Book of Protection. Well its right. After reading the scroll, leave the level. *Remember if you hear a laugh when you leave, that means you forgot to get the Second Runestone! Be sure to get it!* *As for the Litch (boss of this Realm), do NOT go and fight him now. Yes, you will gain levels but he will most likely beat you since your health is so low. Come back at least after you get the Book of Protection in the fourth Realm, by then you will have gained levels and strength as well. *UPDATE: You should have two Runestones now!* |===========================| |E) Litch's Crypt | |===========================| Boss Difficulty: 2/5 Boss moves?: Yes Boss create enemies?: Yes Legendary Item for him: Book of Protection (Found in Sky Realm) Recommend to be level: 30 at least This is the first boss that you will face, and he is quite difficult for the first boss in a game. There are some keys to fighting the Litch that are useful. First of all, be sure you have the Book of Protection with you, as it will take away some of his health and leave him disoriented. Second of all, going to battle him now (your probably around level 10-15 now, depending if you have replayed any level to get any Runestones you missed :P)is not very smart as your attributs are low. Its better to come back at at least level 25-30 to fight him. It will be much easier for you (in face, I suggest you play all the levels and get to level 70 or so before challenging any boss, this will make them all (except a few that are always hard) quite easy as your attributes will be a lot higher than their power). Heres some tips on fighting the Litch: -First of all, NEVER go in close. Consider the Litch like a must bigger, and strong General. He will walk around, and if he gets close his melee attacks are devistating. -Every once and a while, he will create generators that spew out worms *the Ankle Biters in this Realm*. Destroy them as soon as possible. -Bring in a few weapon powerups, this will really help you out as the Litch does seem to have a high health meter. -If you get to far away from him, he will jump to where you are and if he hits you, that attack does good damage. Don't stay to far, but don't go to close. Using the Robotron control here is good. -The Legendary Item used against him (the Book of Protection, found in the Sky Realm), will REALLY hurt him, taking off probably about half of his health, and it will also lower his accuracy at attacks. It also slows him down, so the Item will really help out. -The level in which you fight him in is quite big, so use that to your advantage. -In the level there is already a weapon powerup, so you should collect that and use it against him. -Remember that magic does not hurt bosses. -Be sure to have a Turbo powerup, it can be useful. Fire Turbo's at him every time your Turbo meter is full (that goes with all bosses). -Litch's Scyth, his main weapon, does have a good range but he doesn't use it often if you use the Book on him. -There is also a speed item in here, use it when he gets close to get away. -When you beat him, he will release four bronze coins and one silver, giving you 3000 gold. You will probably have to use some of it on food, but use the rest on attributs or items for the next bosses. Once you defeat him, save your game. When you return in Sumner's Tower, like the Runestones a short cinima will show the Shard you just got being put back onto the window near Sumner's stand. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 18. Mountain Kingdom | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Enemies Difficulty:1-2/5 Level Difficulty:1-2/5 Boss Difficulty:1/5 Overall Realm Difficulty: 2/5 Crystals needed to enter Realm: 100 Red Crystals The Mountain Kingdom (also known as the Fire Realm) is from the previous Gauntlet Game, Gauntlet Legends from the Nintendo 64. The levels here arn't nearly as big as the levels in the Forsaken Province, but the enemies are a bit harder (espically the level 3 enemies). The first level is the shortest and easiest level in the game. To access this Realm, you're going to have to have gotten 100 Red Crystals from the Forsaken Province Realm (but this is so easy, you should have gotten 100 by the time you go to the Cemetary level). Once you have done that, exit the Forsaken Province Lobby and go to the right side of the tower. You will see a firey looking lobby with a 100 block on it. Step on it to lower the magic gate. The first portal in every Realm is always active, so you don't have to beat all of the previous levels or boss in the previous Realm to access the next Realm. All you need is enough crystals. |===========================| |A) Valley of Fire | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 1/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 1/5 Level Difficulty: 1/5 Special Item: Runestone #3. This level is extreamly short and easy. Its the easieset and shortest level in the game. You will have very little trouble here. -You start at the very base of the Fire Mountain. The barrels behind you contain speed. Go left from your starting possision to find an Archer and a treasure box with a magic in it. Now don't go up the stairs with the apple, go across the bridge to your right of the starting point. -The next area has a potion, pineapple and crystal. Go up the stairs here and shoot at the grey cliff wall on the little plateau (near the apple). Hit the wall switch here and get the meat if you need it. Go back down the stairs and get the Runestone that just rose up from the water! -Collect the crystals from the first stairway and continue going up. -The treasure chest on the next plateau contains some silver. -Get the Thunder Hammer up here, and go up to the next plateau. Theres a Gargoyle here, so use the Hammer on him and then any other item. Then continue on up the stairs. Next to the gargoyle is a chest with an apple and a Archer. -The next plateau has a treasure box of gold. Keep going up them stairs. -Up here is the last plateau with a green crystal, suicide bomber, and the level exit! Now how easy was that level and short compared to the others huh? Be sure that you got the Runestone! *If you hear laughing upon leaving the level you missed the easy to get Runestone, so go back and get it!* |===========================| |B) Peak | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 1/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 1/5 Level Difficulty: 1/5 Special Item: Treasure Room This is also a very small level, but a bit larget than the previous level. This level has a lot of places where you can waste keys, so be sure to go into this level with a full key ring! -You will start at the bottom. There are two chests here, the one on the left has a fire amulet, the one on the right has gold. From the start go right. -Theres a useful Thunder Shield up here, keep going up the mountain. -There are three routes here, to the bottom of you, and left and right. Go to the bottom first (you could have gone left from the start to) and open the gate to get some crystals. The chest here contains Silver. Tale the left route. -There is a General here, so watch out for him (hes harder than the Generals in the Forsaken Province Realm. -At the next plateau, theres a chest with a red death so get your halo ready. Theres also a phoenix next to the stone thing. -Go back to the place where you were before you faught the general, but this time take the route to the right and open the gate. Go alone here to get a piece of meat if needed, the go backtracking to the area with the phoenix. -Take the route with the 3 purple crystals here, don't go through the gate. -Watch out, theres a Gargoyle at the top of the next plateau! Get his golden icon and continue on the same path. -The next plateau has a fire potion. Take the route at the bottom of your screen (with the 3 purple crystals) and activate the wall switch and get the pineapple if needed. Go through the pineapple gate to get the item the switch just unlocked in the stone things mouth, the speed item. After, continue on. -After getting the fire potion, the next plateau has a Golem on it, the chest here has Turbo. Take the route to your right here (through the gate). -The next chest here has some silver in it. There is the Trap Door of this Realm on this plateau to! It will be at the bottom of your screen. -This time take the path to the right that goes up (the path that doesn't have the gate). Keep going up this path and you will get to the level exit (the Treasure Chest here contains Gold). *This level is a bit mazy. Most gates don't need to be opened and will just waste a key, but if you don't like backtracing and have lots of keys to spare, go ahead an open all the gates.* *Be sure not to miss the Treasure Door! Its an easy Treasure Room to beat to!* |===========================| |C) Cliff | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 1/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 2/5 Level Difficulty: 1/5 Special Item: This level is also quite short, but one of my favourites. It takes place on a high cliff, and is pretty spooky ;). Its very easy though. -From the start, the chest contains a bomb. From here, take the far right route that goes up.*The left route contains a crystal and barrel with meat* -Up here are two gate areas and a general. The gate to the left contains a key and a chest with a pineapple. The one to the right contains a key and a crystal. Now go down the route to the right. -This area has two chests, one to the right has a death, left has a potion. Take the route to the left here and go down. -From down here, open the gate to your left. The barrel has an invulnerability item. Now take the route (still on this same level of land) to the left. Chest has an apple, and behind the gate is some gold. Now go back up to the top plateau. -You will hear General's footsteps. Go up the little slop you find and open the gate to find the general. Kill him. Get the wall switch. The box has a potion, and the barrel up here has some keys. Now go back down and take the route to the right. -After you go across the little bridge, watch out for falling rocks! Past the falling rocks is a golem, and take him out. Now go down the path the falling rocks are taking. -Down here is a chest with junk, and a ground fire stream trap. The wall right by the fire stream is fake, theres some keys and crystal in there. Now open the gate to your left. Hit the wall switch in here, then go back up to the golem plateau and open the gate to continue on. -*Treasure chest alone this path has a bomb*After the little wooden bridge, the chest here contains a virety of foods. Go up the little slope (the chest behind the tree up here contains a fire amulet). Take the path down *watch out for the suicide bomber*then go left, and take the next path down. Providing you hit the wall switch a while ago, the bridge here should be in access with a invisibility item and a golden fang item here. Cross the bridge. -In this next area, take the other bridge to get some crystals. *Chest here contains a potion*. The path to the right of the falling boulders has a gargoyle, so be careful. The chest past the gargoyle has a piece of meat. There is some silver up here to. -Now take the path where the falling rocks are going. The chest down here has a speed item. Go to your right and there's the exit portal to finsh the level. *This level has no special item, so don't worry you didn't miss anything.* |===========================| |D) Cave | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 3/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Lava Monsters. Level Size: 2/5 Level Difficulty: 3/5 Special Item: I HATE this level so much! Its a huge maze, and just isn't very nice. Its very easy to get lost. There are also a lot of Treasure Chests in this level for some odd reason, so be sure to bring a full key ring into here. Also, it has some of the most annoying advanced grunts in the game (I think). -From the start, get the pair of X-Ray glasses! You'll need them. The first chest has a potion. From here, take the path to your far right. Theres a Golem here, so be careful. -Go to your left, the chest has a red death. -From here, look at the left and find the purple rocks. Shoot them to destroy them then kill the general. Take this route to find a crystal and a chest with some keys. Now go back to the place where you came in to this route. *Before going the next step, to your right of the next step room is a dead end with a treasure chest of meat.* -Go straight (the way with the purple crystals). The Treasure Box at the end here has a Turbo. Now go to your left of the box and braek down the fake purple boulders. -Take the down route, two chests here, one has gold the other has silver. Now go back to the turbo treasure chest and take the route to the right. -Theres a pair of golden fangs to the far right of this little area. After you get the fanks, go to your left (top of the screen) route. Treasure chest here has a big ham in it. Continue on this path. -The next box here has a levetation in it. Now go to your left again (with the purple crystals). Then at the next fork in the road go left. The box here has a keyring. Destroy the fake purple bolders to find three treasure chest. (From right to left) the first has silver, 2nd has more silver, and third has junk. Now backtrack and take the route to your right. -Destroy the purple blocks here. The chest on the left changes items, and the one on your right has a potion. -Now, go down the path and take the route with the purple crystals. -The chest here has a keyring. Continue on the path going to your right, and keep going until you get to the keyring and river of lava. The chest here has poison food in it. Now go down the path. -Chest to your right here (upper chest) has a keyring, to your left has a bomb. -Take the route with the purple crystals going right. Now take the bottom right route. The chest here has a fire amulet. Break down the purple blocks, and keep going on this path up. *Chest has poison food*. -The chest up here (before the stone bridge) has a shield in it. Go past the stone bridge and theres a keyring, scroll, and chest with an apple. Now, go over the stone bridge. -At the other side keep going straight. Hit the purple boulders at the top of this path and the chest contains another keyring. -Now, keep going on the path up and you will reach the exit (cheers). The chest here contains random items. *This level sucks, I really do hate it. There are a lot of good items and gold in here though. The enemies are annoying as well.* *This level also contains no special item.* |===========================| |E) Cavern | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 2/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 2.5/5 Level Difficulty: 2/5 Special Item: Legendary Item (Javilin of Blinding) This level isn't as bad as the last, but its still on my "hate" list. Its quite big, and it quite cool cause your just ontop of lava the whole time. This level also contains a legendary item, and getting it takes a little thinking. -From the start go left and get the potion. -This area has lots of items. From the bottom, theres a keyring. The chest on the right has a drumstick, on the left the chest has a bomb. Theres some silver and apple and junk at the top. Now continue going to your left. -This fork in the road only has one way to go. The chest at the top has random items. The next route will fall, it has a key. You have to take the route to your far left, its the only route that doens't fall into the lava. -Theres a turbo here, and take the route to your left again. -Theres some keys here, as well as a chest with random items. -Go up the slope. This area also has lots of items. The first chest has random food items. The second has a red death. The chest at the top of screen has junk. Now, take the route at the bottom of your screen. -Here is a potion and a barrel with a scrole. When crossing the next little bridge, watch out for falling rocks. Time your move across the bridge. -The route straigh ahead of you will fall in. Take the route to you far left. -Here there is a chest with a bomb in it, and a fire potion. The next bridge also has boulders coming down. -There is a general in this next area after the 2nd rock falling bridge. As soon as you come off the little bridge, theres a rock sticking out of the wall. Shoot it to destroy it. This reveals a wall switch (a very important one to get the legendary item!) and a chest with a super shot. Keep going to your right. -The chest here has some gold in it. The path to the exit falls down, so you will have to go the long way :(. Take the route at the bottom of your screen. -The treasure chest here has a keyring, now take the path at the top. Then the path to the right of you. Theres a potion here. -Continue on. Now take the route to the left of you. The chest here has a lightning shield. Theres another big rock sticking out of the wall here, shoot and destroy it. Theres a ground switch in here you MUST get. Now backtrack and take the route to the right. The last switch will have raised a little platform with golden fangs on it. Get them, and this will activate a route to the Legendary Item! The chest here contains a piece of meat. Now, take the left route again past the switch. -Theres a golem here, and defeat it and he will drop a pojo egg. Go to the bottom of your screen (don't take the path to the right yet!) and activate the floor switch. Step on the multicoloured switch that comes up. Providing you got all of the switches in this level, the path to the javilin of blinding will be complete, be sure to get it! It will make a battle against one of the hardest bosses in the game must easier!. -Now take the route to the right, and be careful of the Gargoyle!. Get the fangs he drops, and read the scroll. It says without entering the castle realm slaying the dragon will prove to be difficult. Now this boss isn't that hard, and you could actually challenge him now (you should be at least level 15+ now, if not don't worry). The Ice Axe is in the next Realm, so play one more Realm before you fight the Dragon. Then exit the level, and you have now completed the first two Realms! *Be sure to have gotten the Javilin of Blinding, as it will make your fight against the boss in the Sky Realm MUCH easier, as he is the most annoying boss ever.* *Now you will have to enter the next wing of the tower, the West Wing. Be sure that you have enough Golden Teeth from gargoyles and levels to enter, you need 12.* *Also, you should have enough Purple Crystals now to enter the next Realm.* |===========================| |F) Dragons Lair | |===========================| Boss Difficulty: 1/5 Boss moves?: No Boss create enemies?: No Legendary Item for him: Ice Axe (Found in Castle Stronghold Realm) Recommend to be level: 20 at least Yeah, this is the easiest boss in the game, but I would still say to challenge him after you get the Ice Axe, as it takes off about half of his health meter! His attacks are quite weak, and you COULD challenge him now, but you might have a bit of a hard time. Still, there are some good tips on how to beat this boss. -You don't you need any item here. A few Super Shots can be useful (remember that when you fire a Super Shot, the boss cannot hurt you!), as well as some item powerups to make the battle go quicker. -The Dragon's fireballs are easy to dodge. -When he swings his wings or stomps the ground, stand behind one of the pillars to avoid being hurt. Otherwise, you must defend as its impossible to dodge. -Don't stand close to him, the only attacks that he has that are powerful are his close range attacks. -Anyone who is familiar from the Gauntlet Legends will remember this guy in having a ton of health. Thats not true here, the Ice Axe Legendary Item used against him (found in the Castle Realm), will easily take off half of his health from his lousy health meter. Just straif around and not stop shooting, and he won't even be able to hit you with his fireball attacks that way. Just defend when he uses the shockwave attacks. -There is a three way shot item near the Dragon on the right. Use it against him to take off lots of damage. -When you beat him, he will drop five Silver Coins, which will give you 5000 gold! Use some on attributes and food if needed. There is a ham right by the dragon. Get it though only when he's dead, as going in there will also cause you a lot of damage. -Back in Sumner's Tower, another Shard will fit into its place on the window. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 19. The West Wing | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Needed to enter: 12 Golden Teeth Items This is the wing to the left of Sumners stand. From the Fire Realm, go up to Sumners stand and you will see two Gargoyles with their wings spread across a staircase. Now if you have 12 Golden Teeth from the Gargoyles, they will open their wings for you, allowing you access to this Wing. If you don't, you are going to have to replay one of the levels from the pervious two Realms (I recommend you play the first level in the Fire Realms, as its short and contains a Gargoyle to get a Golden Tooth from). If you are all ready, go and open their wings. Also... be sure that you have found 125 PURPLE crystals to open up the first Realm here, the Castle Stronghold Realm. You character at this point should be anywhere from level 15-20+. If not, don't worry but you might want to gain a few more levels as anyting under 15 might give you a bit of a hard time. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 20. Castle Stronghold | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Enemies Difficulty:2-3/5 Level Difficulty:2/5 Boss Difficulty:4/5 Overall Realm Difficulty: 2.5/5 Crystals needed to enter Realm: 125 Purple Crystals The Castle Stronghold Realm is also from the Nintendo 64 game Gauntlet Legends. This level will show an increase in difficulty and the rate of which enemies spawn from the generators. Also, these levels are quite big. Now instead of collecting Golden Teeth in this wing, the Gargoyles will drop Golden Feathers. They also change their type, as they will now fire electricity at you instead of acid shots. To get into this Realm, you will need 125 purple crystals. Open up the West Wing, and stand on the 125 block to access this Realm, its one of my favourites! |===========================| |A) Courtyard | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 2/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 2.5/5 Level Difficulty: 2/5 Special Item: Runestone #3. Now the levels start to get a bit more complicated. This is a great level, as it will introduce the first fast spawning enemies. -From the start take out the enemies with melee attacks. The chest has silver. To your right, the chest has a banana. Then go up the slope and open the gate. -The chest here has a piece of meat. Theres also a General here. Be sure to hit the wall switch by the 4 blue crystals. The box by the electic gate has a bomb. Go through the two gates, and there will be a gargoyle at the next band! -Cross the bridge with the 5 blue crystals. There is a Red Death over by the gate in stone, use a Halo on him if you have one. Don't go through the gate, destroy the fake bush to your right. Then go through the red transporters to hit the wall switch. Now retrace your steps and get tbe black crystal. After, open the key gate to your right (near the first transporter) and continue on. -The chest here has a speed up shot item. -Follow the way with the blue crystals, then go to the end of this next area. Theres a hidden treasure chest next to the lit wall tourch, as well as a switch . Chest has turbo. Then hit the switch, and backtrack to the last area to get the golden item. Then break the wall in the brick, and go down the path with the blue crystals. -Down here open the gate to your LEFT. Theres a barrel with meat here, and if you keep going straight, open the bush and destroy the generator. Then, to you direct left destroy the wall with the enemies ontop. -Up here, go around and hit the wall switch. Then open the door down. The chest here has a bomb. Go up the path slope to your left here, and kill the general. The chest up here that was risen from the switch has a reflective shield. Now go back down and go to the slope to your far left, and hit the switch to get the yello crystal. After thats done, go back up to where the general was and continue on up there. -Go up the stairs with blue crystals to get to the battle wall tops. From here, go to your left and up the stairs. Follow the path. The door with the green crystals before it is fake, it has an apple in it. Now, take the route to your right (from where you entered this part of the level). -Be careful of the two archers here! Open the gate at the corner of this area, and kill the golem. The chest in there has a speed item. After, continue on the path to your right. -Be careful of the two Archers here again. The chest here has a potion. Also, be careful of the floor traps. -At the next bend, open the gate at the corner. The chest has some rupees. Continue to your right. -Go up the stairs, be careful of the Archers, there a lot up there. -Once you get to the next bend, open up the gate. Hit the switch in here. This will let you continue the path, plus the barrel it brings up contains a useful piece of meat. -Open up the NEXT gate at the next bend (so many gates). Theres a potion and a key in here. Then continue to your right as usual. -Here, follow the last path and kill the final two Archers. Don't exit right away (the exit portal is here by the way), the wall behind the exit portal is fake, and theres an apple in there. Then exit the level! *This level has no special item in it, except a few golden icons, and a lot of dam Archers.* |===========================| |B) Dungeon | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 2/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 2/5 Level Difficulty: 2/5 Special Item: Treasure Door. This level contains one of my favourite treasure door levels! It is quite short, but has a lot of gold! Good place to come back and stop up if you need some extra gold. There is also a Black Death here, so be sure to bring in a Anti Death Halo item so you can gain a free level. -From the start go down the stairs. When you get to the first clearing (with the Bomber and the barrel with the potion) the wall directly in front of the barrel (with the bars across it) is fake, so take it out. -Down here, open up the two key gates and battle the gargoyle. He is pretty much just sitting on top of the Trap Door, so enter it when you beat him. *Space Level: this level is quite easy, just follow the red transporters around and get all the coins, very easy to do as you have lots of time, and with any character you should have little trouble as the level here is very small.* -As soon as you exit, hit the wall switch right in front of you. Then, go up the stairs to your right. -Next, go down the stairs and open the key door. Two chests here, one to the left has a pineapple, to the right has a potion. After, go up the bridge to your far left with the blue crystals on it. -The chest here has a pair of X-Ray glasses, and the wall behind it is fake. Hit the switch, then backgrack all the way to the first wall you destroyed to get some gold. -After this, go to your left of that wall switch and cross the bridge. Go up the stairs and watch out for the general, he will sneak up on you. Now, up here is a Black Death, so be sure to get a potion or anti death ready. The chest up here has a bomb. Now, go up one of the wooden bridges to your left. -Up here, hit the wall switch! This is a must, as it lowers the exit. If you hit the wall switch by the gargoyle, there will be a big pot of gold here. -Now, go back down and open the two key gates to your right. Fire a turbo right when you open the 2nd gate in the room to take out all the enemies. The chest here contains silver. Then, go up the stairs to your left. -Hit the wall switch near the top of the stairs, then go back down to get the black crystal. The wall behind here is fake, be sure to break it and hit the wall switch. This will drop a full meal a far ways back. If you need some serious health go back and get it (as its worth 500 health). If not, go up the stairs. -At the top of the stairs, providing you have lowered the exit from a wall switch a while ago (in the area with the gold barrel), exit the level! *This level has the trap door for this Realm, also it has a lot of gold, so if you ever are in a shortage, come back to this level. Its short, and has a lot of gold and good.* |===========================| |C) Barracks | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 2.5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 2.5/5 Level Difficulty: 2.5/5 Special Item: Legendary Item (Ice Axe) This level contains the Ice Axe, used against the, boss of the Mountain Fire Realm, so be sure to pick it up! -This whole far part is a twisty corridor. From the start, go left and when you see the route full of enemies, just fire a full turbo down there to take them all out. There's some X-Ray glasses here. -Go right, and you'll see a little card. Get up a halo, and open the first barrel and get some health. Then continue on. When you get to the next bend, hit the floor switch to lower a bridge. Open the key gate and cross. -Along this next route, fire a turbo right down the left of the area to take out a lot of enemies. Be careful of the Archers and Bombers. At the very left of this area is a wall switch, pull it to continue on, and cross the next bridge. -Use a key on the door, and kill the enemies here. The chest has a meat in it. Then, go up the stairs. -Follow the path with the stairs. Hit the floor switch to lower a bridge, and corss. You can take out the general easily from the bridge next bridge. Where he was, open just one of the gates. -In this next area, you can easily kill the general who is on top of the stairs next to you from your lower position. He won't be able to get to you. Then continue on straight. -At the break in the path, go right to go up to where the General was. It looks like a dead end, but hit the wall with the door up here to reveal a large passage way. Nice view from up here, but you'll have to come back when you raise the switch here. The chest has gold. Now, take the left route from before. -Break down the gate, and fire a turbo attack right down this area. Hit the wall switch at the far left of this area. Then go back to where the general was (the second one, with the large fake passage) and step on the switch back there (with the golden feather on it). Now to get the ice axe, backtrack a very long way to the bottom floor of this whole level (to where the first staircase was). The last bridge here has no fallen, so cross it. -Over here is a barrel with some gold, and a wall with frost around it. Hit it as its fake (if you approach it you will hear the sound of you stepping in water). The ice axe is in there. Now, go back all the way to the top (where you hit the wall switch), and continue on there. -There is a scrole near here that says "Death awaits you in the shower". Open the key gate to your right. Hit the switch to stop the shower. Now get your Halo ready, as its a Black Death! So you can gain a level here, or just use a potion on him. After you take care of him, continue on. *Before you do, go to the area before the shower and take out the gargoyle from across the streem! This is a very easy way to kill him.* -After death is a chest with speed. Up the stairs is a chest with an apple. There are lots of keys around here, so pick them up if your short on keys. Open the key door. -This is where the gargoyle was, so get his golden feather. Go up the stairs and go to the path on the left (of the tables). -Up the stairs here, hit the green barrel to poison both foods (the the apple though if you need it) then hit the green barrel, the destroy the red barrel to destroy the poison foods to get by. Hit the wall switch at the other end of the bubbling goo. There is also a switch down, step on the block of stone next to it to ride it up the green goo thing. The chest up here behind the fake wall contains different random items. Now ride the elevator down and continue on. -The chest here has some siler. Hit the floor switch near the stream and retrace your steps to get the treasure chest the switch activates. It has a Thunder Hammer. Now continue on. -Follow the path up the stairs. You'll get to the barracks. When you see the first bed on the wall, the wall to the right of it is fake. It has an apple if you need it. Go down the path killing enemies. Hit the wall switch at the third bend up here (before the stairs down). -Go down the stairs to a bath sort of place, and hit the wall switch. Then go up the other side of the bath. -Continue to follow the path. At the second bend up here is a stone golem. Take care of him. Its a hard fight as there is little cover and little room to fight him. Use a weapon powerup on him. After, continue going down the path and hit the wall switch to open the gate to the exit. The chest down here has a bomb in it, but the barrel has some rupees. Now exit the level. *This level contains the "Ice Axe", used on the boss of the Mountain/Fire Realm, the Dragon. You don't HAVE to have this item as he is the easiest boss, but it still helps to get it.* |===========================| |D) Armory | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Knights Level Size: 2.5/5 Level Difficulty: 3/5 Special Item: Runestone #4 This is the hardest level yet, and you will see why. The Knight enemies are a pain in the ass, as they do good damage and respown VERY VERY fast! Be sure to use melee attack combos to take them out. This level also contains the fourth Runestone, so be sure to get that as well. -From the start you'll hear general footprings, but don't worry about it. Go up the starting path, then down to the right and fire a turbo down there to kill a lot of enemies. Then, go up and take care of the general (the wall behind him is fake and has an apple). The chest has a banana. After, continue down the path. -Go up the stairs. The path to your right has a secret wall with a crystal in it. Then go up the left stairs. -Up here, fire a turbo to your left. Then, go to the treasure chest (it has a fire amulet in it) and go down the path to the right of the chest, and here take the path up (left). Don't open any of the key gates here. -Go up the stairs with the blue crystals, and fire a turbo up here. The chest has a Anti Death Halo! Be sure to get it. Two chests up here, to your left is a Black Death, so open it and gain a level! To your right is a chest with a cherry. Open the key gate to continue. -Fire a turbo in here. Chest to your left has a bomb, to your right has gold. Now go down the path to your left down the stairs. Avoid the swich, unless your playing with more than one player. One player must stand on a switch here for it to stay active (lets call them multiplayer switches!). So take the alternate route. Take the route alternate to the stairs, but don't go through the gate. The chest here has lightning breath, and the next chest has a potion. Take the path to your right, and go down. Then take the path to your next right. Take the path to your right and open the key gate. Hit the wall switch, and backtrack to the area where the short moivie shows. Kill the golem and hit the wall switch. It raises the Runestone! Before going off to get it, the wall to the direct right of the wall switch is fake and has a golden feather in it. After getting it, retrace your steps to the dripping meat area and get the Runestone! -After getting the Runestone, go to the area that had the wall switch that lowered the area to the Golem, but take the left route this time. Fire a Turbo Attack through the wall here to take out all those enemies. The wall by the green crystal is fake and has some silver in it. The chest here has a potion, then continue on to your left. -Go up the stairs with the blue crystals. -Up at the top is the exit of the level! There is also a scroll here that says if you didn't get the Runestone, starting over again is better than heading back. I look at it two ways, if you are at a high experience level (you should be around level 25+ here), then exit and play the level again as its a great level to gain some experience. If you do have a high level and forgot the Runestone, just go back and get it as playing this level twice can be annoying as it is quite difficult. *So the fourth Runestone is on this level. It is hard as the enemies knights are quite difficult and respown so VERY fast, but if you melee attack and turbo your way through enemies like this, its fine. This is a preparation of the enemies in later Realms (namly Realm 6, 7, and 8 and on) as they respawn faster than the enemies here, plus do more damage.* |===========================| |E) Treasurey | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 2.5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 3/5 Level Difficulty: 2.5/5 Special Item: This level, as its name says, contains a huge treasure room where you will really be able to fill up on your gold meter. But this level doesn't contain any of those annoying Knights, so thats good! -From the start go down the stairs. Get the keys if needed, the take the route to your right from your starting position. -Open the key door. To your left is an invulnerability item. Then go up the stairs. Go past the stairs down, and hit the wall switch! The box here contains a potion. Now, go down the stairs to your left. -WARNING! There is a Gargoyle plus a lot of Archers in this little area, so be sure to use a hammer to clear them all out, then an item to take out the Gargoyle. You have very little room to get around here in the fight. The chest here has a shield item. Now, go up the elevator with the green crystal on it (the one you activated earlier). From up here you can finally silence the general. Take the ride back down, and continue on your route to your far left. -Go straight down this path, hit the wall switch, then take the left route. Open the two key gates. After the second, go right route to get a piece of meat and left to open a barrel with a thunder hammer in it. Then keep going straight on the route. -Go down the stairs to the watery area, get the apple and hit the wall switch right near it on the stairs up. Then go up the stairs. Take out the annoying general, and keep on going to your right. Hit the wall switch before the transporter, but don't use the trasporter yet! Backtrack all the way to the gargoyle room, and go up the stairs to the treasury! -Items and treasure galore here. From the start, go up the stairs in the centre and and hit the box up here for an invulnerabily item. Now hit the switch to your right. Then the floor switch up here to your far left. Get the two crystals that lower from here. To your right should be an open wall (if you have hit all the switches so far in the level. Hit the other wall switch in here. It opens up a gate at the far end of this room for some treasure. On the left far side of the room is a floor switch. Step on it and ride the crystal elevator up. Hit the switch up here! The chest back down here has random items. Go and get the gold feather the last switch just opened up in the wall. Now, go back to the transporters. -Go up the first transporter, and the wall switch here opens up another part in the treasure room we were just in. Go back and get it if you want. It opens up the wall on the left, there is a black crystal and some gold in there, and it also has a wall switch that opens up another little area there for some silver. After you get that, come back again to the transporter and continue on. -Continue up the stairs and go up the next transporter. At the place with the two key gates, take the left route first. Get the keys, apple and crystal in here, then open the gate to your right. The chest here has a potion. Continue on up the stairs. -The chest up here to your right has lightning breath. Go up the stairs to your left. The scroll here says that you shoudl'nt challence the boss of this Realm without the Legendary Item, and its just right to! Don't even bother facing the boss right now, as he is very hard. Save it for later when you are up a few more levels and have the legendary weapon (which you get in two Realms from now). *This level has nothing important, no special items but it makes up for it in its huge gold count. You should have reached level 30 by now, if not don't worry. If you have reached level 30, well done! You should now have your first level Familiar, who will really aid you out in battle with his extra firepower. He's just like the Phoenix, just less powerful and he will stay with you forever now. He goes whereever you go!* |===========================| |F) Chimera's Keep | |===========================| Boss Difficulty: 4/5 Boss moves?: No Boss create enemies?: No Legendary Item for him: Scimatar of Decapitation (Found in Forest Realm) Recommend to be level: 50 at least Yup, thats right I say you should be at level 50 at LEAST before challenging him. He is extreamly difficult, as he will fire three attacks at you at once. If you come here with the legendary item (which you REALLY should) will make this tough battle a little easier, as it will stop one of the heads from attacking and takes of some of his health. Come in here with lots of items, naimly three way shot, weapon powerups, and full health! Also, bring along some Super Shots. -Three way shot is the way to go. Three (of five) way shot, also with a weapon powerup will fare well against him. -You should definitly bring in a few (about 10 or so) Super Shots. This will do well, as you can fire at him without him hurting you. -Be sure to straif back and fourth, he will find it harder to hit you this way. -Don't move in to close, he will have an easier time hitting you that way. -The Legendary Item used against him (the Scimatar of Decapitiation), will take off some of his health and prevent one of the heads from attacking. -DON"T STOP MOVING! He will fire quite fast (faster than the Dragon's attacks), and his energy balls (which look like Gargoyle's energy balls, by the way), do about twice the damage as the gargoyles do. -The Chimera is like the gargoyle, just with three heads (each representing Fire, Acid, and Electricity). -Stay as far back as possible, this will give you more time to dodge his attacks. If you stay close, they will not need to travel as far to hit you, meaning they will hit you amost every time. Be sure to defend and dodge everything you see. Straifing is the way to go. -The Chimera has TONS TONS TONS of health! Bring lots of weapon powerups and lots of three way shots. -When you beat him, he will give you 7000 gold, thats a lot of it! Use it on health, and if you're going to be facing the Plague next, use it on items (as mentioned there). -The Shard will fit into its palce when you return to the Tower. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 21. Sky Dominion | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Enemies Difficulty:2-3/5 Level Difficulty:2.5-3/5 Boss Difficulty:5/5 Overall Realm Difficulty: 2.5/5 Crystals needed to enter Realm: 150 Blue Crystals The Sky Realm is my favourite Realm of them all. The levels are huge, they are quite difficult, and they all contain a lot of the poison gas green barrels. This level can also be called the "Toxic Realm". To get into this Realm, you are first going to need 150 Blue Crystals (mainly found in the Castle Realm). If you run short after completeing the last level in the last Realm, keep playing the Dungeon Realm, as its short and contains a lot of Blue Crystals. The Sky Realm is located in the west wing, just to the left of the entrance to the Castle Realm. Go up the stairs, and you will right away get to the entrance to the Sky Realm. |===========================| |A) Toxic Spire | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 2/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 4/5 Level Difficulty: 2.5/5 Special Item: Treasure Room The Toxic Spire is huge. As the name says, theres lots of green barrels in here and the little green goop enemies are a pain. They respawn quite quickly. Now before you enter this level, be SURE to have a three way shot with a power up as your first little incounter is a toughy. -You start on a moving boat, and there is a General on here and he will rush up to you and hack away. You have NO room here to fight, what makes it worse is one of the barrels on the far end of the boat has a death in it, so stay at the end of the boat. Use your turbo and three way shot on him, then exit the boat. -Be careful of the green barrels, then open the key gate. Go to the far left of this area. You will see two chests. The bottom one has a bomb, the top has a banana. Hit the wall switch here! The door next to the wall switch is fake, so hit it open for crystals and a chest with a gas mask item. Then go up the ramp. -The chest up here has a bomb, so watch out for it. There are lots of green barrels here to. Near the enemy generator here (by the chest) is a walls switch to the right of it. Hit it, but don't go up that way yet. Go down the path to your left. -This is the area the switch below opened. Kill the enemies, the continue on this path. Open the key gate. There isn't much up here except some apples. After you are done here, retrace your steps and go on the path to the right (which the walls witch up here opened). -Theres a general along this path, take care of him and coninue on. At the fork in the road, take the path to the left. Go down the ramp, and theres a golem down here, so take him out. Take the path immediately to your left. Open the door here, its fake. The chest here contains random but good items. This is the first Realm to have advanced grunts who have projectile weapons. Be careful of them. Take out all the enemies, then go on the left perimeter of the room. You will notice two wall switches by the other pathway up (not the path you came down here on). Be sure to hit them both, then go up the path. -Take the route to the left. Two chests here on the outlook platform, left one has a bomb, right has a super shot item (be sure to get it). After this, retrace your steps and take the path to the right. The chest here has a potion. -Follow the path, and you will get to another big area. There's a Gargoyle here so be sure to use that Super Shot you just got. Take him out then go alone the left perimeter of the room. You will see a Turbo hidden so use it. Down here is a chest with a potion and a floor switch. It brings up a stop time item. Now go to the right end of the room, and go to the far gate, and hit the wall switch. The chest over here has a potion. Go to the other side of the switch, and to the far left of the room (by the next path up). Hit the floow switch here. Go back and get the Thunder Hammer, then take the path up. -Up here, get your Anti Death Halo ready, and go the little route to your left and get a level from the Black Death. Hit the floor switch here, where the Death is. Then continue on the path. Open one of the key gates, and continue. -This is the last part of the level, the huge climb. The first chest here in the little alcove in the tower has some rupees. Now when you walk up the side of the tower, be careful of the falling barrels. Stay on the inside of the track. After a little while you'll see a alcove to your left. Get the silver here, then continue on up the tower. -Hit the wall switch you see by the green barrel, then continue on up. A little further up you'll see another wall switch. Hit it to open a whole section of the wall. The wall by the gate with the switch in there is fake, so destroy it. Now go to the opposite end of this room and hit the floor switch on the little balcony thing. This raises the gate, so go hit the switch. This raises the switch that was behind the fake wall, but you'll have to come back and get this later, so keep going up the tower. A few steps away, you'll see another wooden area that juts out of the tower. Go on here and hit the floor switch at the far end. *Get the Turbo too if you want it*. Now, go back down and hit the switch that was behind the fake wall. This opens an area at the top of the tower that leads to the treasure room, so be sure to hit these switches!. Now, continue on up. -You'll see another area that juts out, the treasure chest here has a speed item. Keep climbing! -You're almost at the top! Step on the balloon with the multicoloured switch, but be SURE that you've opened up the treasure room area if you want to play for the secret character, because as soon as you step on the swtich, you will not be able to come back. -Go around the top of the tower and take out the enemies, then go into the open treasure box area (at the very centre of the top of the tower area, with the green lines shooting up from it, and step on the treasure door. *Treasure Room. This one is VERY annoying, as you move on a floating cloud and you only have ONE chance to get each coin. I've only beaten this one once, I always miss this one near the start. Keep an eye out for them!* -Now if you are low on health, don't exit the level yet! (The level exit is up here on the top of the tower, by the way). Take the route up to the flying platform (where the green barrels are coming from). Take the mini route to your right up here, and the treasure chest contains a full meal! Once you get that, exit the level! *This level only contains the Treasure Room, but it sure is big! Be sure to get the full meal at the end even if you have near full health. |===========================| |B) Docks | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Fiends Level Size: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 3.5/5 Special Item: Runestone #5 The Fiends are among the hardest enemies in the game, because they do a heck of a lot of damage and respawn VERY fast. This level is only hard because of them. This is probably my favourite level in the game, its easy but has a very good layout, plus its HUGE! This level also contains the games fifth Runestone, so look out for that! -At the start to your left is a fake box, destroy it for some keys. Then go down the bridge. -This is a large area. Go left from the bottom of the bridge. Be very careful of the flying ships that go across the runway, they hurt. Also be sure to get the green crystals in the middle of the runway. Going left, you'll see two ships going to and from the runway. Stand on the second one (the chest has a acid amulet in it), then hit the floor switch. This brings over a flying platform we'll go on in a second. Now cross over to the right side and open one of the key gates. Up here, kill the Fiends, and step on the flying platform. Enjoy the view! -Get off and kill the Golem, theres a Super Shot to your left to help you out. Be sure to get the floor switch on here to. After that, head back on the flying platform. -Go to the very top left of the runway, and go up the bridge. *The barrel over here has a potion.* Go up the bridge and destroy the two fake boxes to your left. Go to the right side, and cross the balloon platform you rose earlier. Get the keys and crystals, then hit the wall switch on the green goo thing. The left Treasure box has gems, and the right has junk. Up here is another flying platform thing but DON'T board it yet. Kill the general on it before going on or else he'll give you trouble. Make sure you have everything and step on and enjoy the ride, as once you go on *as the scroll near here says* there is no coming back to this area of the level. -The Treasure Chest here has an apple. Once the ride is over, step off. This little area has a Gargoyle, and there's very little room to fight him so be sure to use a weapon powerup! The treaure chest here has a bomb, and the wall right beside it is fake. Destroy it to reveal a floor switch. Go up the path the switch opens. -Up here, kill the Fiends and hit the floor switch. Going up the elevator, be VERY careful and have an item equipped as a General will ambush you right away! The chest up here has a Reflective Shield in it. Go down the ramp to the right side. -From here, kill the Archer whos sniping from a flying platform. Then go down the bridge. The chest has a meat in it. -At this area, do NOT go the way of the key gate yet, go up the path. The chest up here has a Red Death, so use a Halo on him and get the 100 health! Now, open the key gate and ride the platform to another area. Remember though, when you step on this platform you can't come back so be sure you have anyting you want. -Step off the platform and continue on the path. Go across the bidge, and up the wooden stairs. Lot of enemies up here, so be careful. Destroy the half fake wooden box to get the crystal up there. Then, continue on the down the bridge. -Carefully cross the path with the giant blade going through it. Kill the general here. Cross the next area and open the key gate. The chest before the gate has a Phoenix in it. -Cross the bridges, then take the right route on the multiple metal bridges. Hit the floor switch over here on the next stage. This brings up two platforms to the right and left. On the left side, theres a chest with a bomb, and a floor switch. This raises a platform a little whiles back. The floor switch on the right platform will let you continue on later. Now backtrack a little ways to where the general was. A platform with a yellow crystal and floor switch rose. Hit the floor switch to raise a gate just next to you. The chest in here contains a full meal! But even better *as the scroll next to this place says, a full meal can distract you from greater things*, the wall behind the full meal (looks like a vent) is fake. Destroy it to fine the game's fifth Runestone! After this, go back to the double bridges, and continue on from thre. -Go down the bridge, and hit the target switch on the right wall. Then, go across the bridge that has the blade going through it. The chest here has a bomb. Continue on the bridge with the green crystals. -Theres a floor switch here which lets you continue on your path. Don't worry, you can fall into the hole in the centre of this platform. -Destroy all of the fake boxes here to continue. Over here, step on another ship to fly to the last area of this level. But be warned, once you step on this ship you cannot come back, so be SURE that you have the Runestone. -Here, we have another runway, so be careful for the ships that come in from the centre. From entering the runway, take the route to the left, then cross over when you reach the end of the runway. The Treasure box on the other side has an Anti Death Halo! Go down the bridge near here, a bit to the right of this treasure box, and step on the floor switch to bring down a platform. Ride it on up. -Cross the bridge, and go down the stairs to find a treasure box with a Red Death in it, so get some health from him! Then continue on the steel path. -On this next area there is a Gargoyle, so watch out for him! From here you can see the level exit, but a little ways to go. Take the path down (right) from here and step on the muticoloured switch. The ballon will take you to another area. -Up here, kill the Archers and walk along the bridges. You'll eventually get to another platform. Destroy the fake box and hit the wall swtich up on the boxes. Continue on the elevator the switch brings down. Up here, go to the bottom of the screen to hit another ground switch. Then take the path at the top of the screen down. Hit the floor switch here to make another platform move for you to continue on. Now, you can finally step on the last flying platform (with the multicoloured switch) and it will take you to the exit! Phew, what a huge level! *Remember this level contained the game's 5th Runestone!* *Be sure to save after this level, if the game freezes up on you, you probably don't wanna do all of that again!* |===========================| |C) Sky Shipyard | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 2.5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 4.5/5 Level Difficulty: 3/5 Special Item: Legendary Item (Book of Protection) Ok, well this level isn't QUITE as big as the last, but its still one of the biggest in the game. This is also one of my favourite levels! The Legendary Item (Book of Protection) will be found here. -After your starting ride has finished, get off and go to your left. Go up and down the little bridge and get the Turbo if needed. The chest here has potions. Step on the multicoloured switch when done. -Go down the stairs and take out all the enemies here. Open the key gate at the end of this area. Step on the switch here to continue on. Be careful of the suicide bomber on this little platform! Go up the mesh bridge. You will go onto the ships sails. Step on the colour switch up here, and continue on. Watch out for the two suicide bombres up here, then step on ANOTHER colour switch to continue on. The chest has meat. -When you end your little ride, there's a Red Death down here, so be careful of him. Use a Halo if you have on. Go left now, and take care of the general. Go down the right side, and open the key gate. Down here is a chest with gold and gold lying on the ground. Now, go back up and continue up the stairs. -Lots of enemies up here, take em out with a Turbo attack. Go over the mesh bridge. In this next area, fire another Turbo down here to take out the enemies. Then, continue on your right over the bridge. -There is a hole in the floor, but raise it by hitting the floor switch near it. The chest has a growth item in it. The other chest has a bomb in it. Now step on the colour switch. Now you have one chance at this, while your going up be sure to hit the target switch on the wall. This raises some gold that you'll get later. -Up here, take out the enemies and go up the stairs with the green crystals. -Up here, don't go directly up the next stairs up. Go down the route to the left. Down here is the gold you should have raised up earlier, and a chest with meat hidden in a fake box. Now, go up the stairs. To your left is just some fake boxes, go to your right. Go along the path and kill the enemies. Keep going to your right. There is a wall switch here by a chest with a gas mask item. The chest here has a Super Shot! Keep going to your right and step on the flying platform to go to another area. -When your ride ends, go down the bridge. Keep on the path and kill all the enemies you see, then go across a metal bridge. Before going up the stairs, hit the fake box to your left and it will expose a VERY important wall switch for a golden item so be sure to get it. Then hit the floor switch. Up here is a Gargoyle, so be very careful as there is very little room to fight in. You can get two Golden Feathers here! To the left of the gargoyle (down the path) is a Golem, take him out and open the boxes down there for some gold. The chest here contains lightning breath. Go down the stairs. -Take out the enemies, then once your ready step on the colour switch. -Not much to say about this little area other than kill all the enemies and get the meat. Then step on the next colour switch. -Go up the stairs here to get to another flying platform with a colour switch on it. Step on it to get to another area of the level. -You'll be able to see the Book of Protection under a gate in the floor here, but you can't get it yet. Keep on going over the bridge to your left. Open the key gate up here. -You'll see a floor trap here, and the wall in front of it is fake. Treasure box with gold in there, plus a potion. Then continue on to your left. Go around the boat. Eventually you'll see the exit, but don't exit yet! The two chests up here (one on left) has random items, on right has a bomb. Hit the floor switch near the exit, than go back all the way around to where you entered this boat. Another wall opened, hit the switch in here and go back to where the Book of Protection was. There is now a General over here, take care of him then hit the switch that was on his balloon platform. That will raise the platform with the Book of Protection! Now, you can go all the way back and exit the level! *At the very end is the Book of Protection, used against the Forsaken Provinces Litch boss.* |===========================| |D) Mother Ship | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 3/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 3.5/5 Special Item: Runestone #6 This level is HUGE as well, and contains the game's sixth Runestone! Be sure to get it, but getting it is the hard part! This level mainly consists of large areas. -The chest at the very start has some keys. Go along the path. The chest near the big door has a bomb. Keep going along the path to the right. Before going onto the balloon up, hit the wall switch. Go back to that large door, as there is a key, crystal and meat in there! After you get that stuff, step on the platform near the wall switch to continue on. -Up here, go along the paths. When you get down to the bottom floor, theres a chest to your right with a growth item in it. The other chest near here has a bomb in it. Keep going to your left. You'll see a lot of switches but don't hit ANY yet! Go to your left and get break a barrel for some gold. *Switch Puzzle* This level has two of them, one here and one for the Runestone. This is how the switches work: Wall switch one is the left one, Wall switch two is the right one, ground switch one is the left one and ground switch two is the right one. Here is the combonation: +Ground One, Wall One, Wall Three, Ground One That will ope the passage for you to continue on. -Up here, destroy the fake box directly in front of you and hit the ground switch. Keep going to your right and take out the general. Then go down the stairs. -Take out all the enemies here (theres a LOT)and go up the stairs and open the key gate. At the top of the lookout station, hit the floor switch, then go back down and continue on left. -Over here is the light amulet the switch opened. Go down the staircase. The chest here has a meat. -Down here we have another runway! Go directly to your left here (remember watch out for the flying planes that land). There's a hidden wall switch here in a box. Be sure to get it. Now go to the othe side of the runway. Take out all the enemies over here. Theres lots of meat over here. Now go back to the right side of the runway and step on the switch the last wall switch brought up. This brings down an elevator right in front of you, ride it on up! -The chest up here has a bomb, and theres also a golem up here. The barrel at the far left corner here has a meat. Go to your left. The chest over here has a bomb. Go up the stairs (the wall to the left before the key gate is fake and has a wall switch in it, hit it) and open the key gate. The treasure chest up here has a handy pair of X-Ray glasses. Now go back down and go down the stairs to your left. -Two chests here, one on the right has junk, on the left contains a Death or random food items. Then, take the elevator to your left down. -Go around the bend and hit the wall switch. This opens up a secret wall right in front of you, hit the wall switch in there. This is a must if you want to get the Runestone, as it opens up the switch puzzle for it. Take the next elevator up. Over here we have a wall switch, pull it to see the Runestone in the puzzle. *Switch Puzzle* This is the second one in the level, and if you figure it out you will get the sixth Runestone! The are five floor switches, so from left to right i'll call them switch 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (rememeber from LEFT TO RIGHT). 2,1,4,2,5,3 This is the code to the puzzle, so hit those switches in order and you should be able to get the Runestone! -Once you get the Runestone, continue down the path to the right. Hit the wall swtich here, and the Treasue box has lightning breath. Now take the bridges to your right (Treasue box has a bomb) and to the next platform (box here has random items). On the platform, cross the trench and watch out for the falling green barrels. Before you go, be sure to hit the wall switch in front of the scroll up here. -At the other side, be sure to have a Halo ready as there is a Black Death here, and im sure you would like to gain a level here. Follow the path up. -Keep going up the stairs. The Treasure box up here has a poison food. Up here carefully take out the general. Go up the stairs. The Treasure box up here has a bomb. Flip the floor switch to your left. Then ride the elevator up. -Go straight and hit the floor switch (right by the generator). Then go left and take the stairs up. The chest up here has a Turbo. Take the route to your right and hit the switch to your left (opposite the start of the bridge). Cross and follow the path down. Follow the few staircases downwards until you get to another large area. Now this is probably one of the hardest areas yet in the game... you'll see why. -When you get down here, take out all the enemies. Then approach the huge wall at the top of your screen. You'll be met by two nice Gargoyles. Fighting one is hard, fighting two is VERY hard. Good thing though, you have lots of boxes for cover. Stay back, and use any item power up you have to take care of them. Be sure to use a Turbo, then if you have a Turbo powerup, fire it up and fire another Turbo at them. Behind where the gargoyles were is a fake box with a switch behind it. Pull it, then retrace your steps back up the stairs. Hit the switch that is now visible, and go back up another flight of stairs and go to your right. There is a floor switch up here, pull it. Now go back down to the bottom floor. There is a Death on this new platform that the last switch brought down, so be ready for him. Take the platform over to another small area. Fire a Turbo right up there, and that should clear out all of the enemies. The Treasure box up here has random items. The exit to the level is also right here! The scroll says you should not face the boss of this Realm until you have the Javilin of Blinding, which we already have from the Mountain Realm. But do NOT NOT NOT face this boss now, he will kill you for sure unless you are REALLY good. He is the most annoying boss in the game and will really give you a hard time. Exit the level. *This level had the sixth Runestone in a switch puzzle, so you should be sure to get that!* |===========================| |E) Plague Fiend | |===========================| Boss Difficulty: 5/5 Boss moves?: No Boss create enemies?: No Legendary Item for him: Javilin of Blinding (Found in Mountain Realm) Recommend to be level: 70 at least Out of all the bosses, this guy gives me the most trouble usualy. He attacks consistanly, his attacks are VERY strong, and no matter where you stand he will always be able to hit you with something (there is a hint about that though...) and he also has a very high health meter. The Javlinin of Blinding, which we have already found in the Cavern level of the Mountain Realm will help out a bit as it will mess up his aim for some of his attacks, but it doesn't do a whole bunch. Be sure to have lots of weapon powerups when going into this battle! -First of all, you'll want to get about 15-20 Super Shots. This will really help you out. Use them after a little while though, if your getting low on health. A good back up plan. -There is one point, the bottom left corner of the area right by the Plague, where he cannot hit you very often, use that to your great advantage! -Stay in the centre of the area, and keep straifing. Stay away from the big vats of toxic slude, when he dives under they will erupt. You cannot destroy them. -Be sure to defend every time he uses the sweep attack. Going near him is a very bad idea. He will kill you there most likley with his attacks. -All of his attacks will knock you down. Defend against everything -When you beat him, he will give you 9000 gold, most of which Im sure you'll spend on food. -Back in the tower, your hard earned Shard for the Sky Realm will be put into place. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 22. Forrest Realm | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Enemies Difficulty: 3-4/5 Level Difficulty: 3.5/5 Boss Difficulty: 3.5/5 Overall Realm Difficulty: 3.5/5 Crystals needed to enter Realm: 175 Green Crystals I don't like this Realm that much, but it isn't as big as the levels in the Sky Realm. This Realm has annoying enemies, and the levels are a bit confusing. To get into this Realm, you are going to need 175 Green crystals. Often when I finish the Sky Realm, I don't tend to have enough, so I play the Toxic Spire level to get some more. The Forest Realm is located further left of the Sky Realm, up another small flight of stairs in the West Wing. |===========================| |A) Swamps | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 3/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 3/5 Level Difficulty: 3/5 Special Item: I don't like this level, for some reason I really don't. This Realm really will introduce how fast enemies will start to respawn from now on. They will just POUR out of the generators, so you'll most likley have to go in with melee attacks. -From the start, go the right path. There is a floor switch here, as well as some crystals at the far end. Then, take the path to the left. -There is a general down here who will ambush you right away, so be careful for him. They get faster and stronger in this realm. Keep going on this path (never mind the path with the keys to the left... yet). Watch out for the logs swinging across the area. The ankle biters in this Realm, the spiders, are VERY annoying. Take either the right or left route here. -When you get to the area with the stones in the middle, you'll notice a Death in stone near here. Use a Halo on him. There's a wall switch on the wall (staircase) with a torch on it. Pull it to make the centre thing raise up, and hit the floor button that appears. Now you must backtrack to the area which you opened by hitting the first ground switch in the level (the platform with the keys on it). -Once you get here, open the treasue chest that was released from the last button *it has a full meal in it*, and then pull the wall switch in there. Now go to the right. Hit the wall switch there, and then go all the way to the left and great the treasue. The chest here has a potion. Now go back to the area that had the Death. -The left bridge should now be accessable from a switch you hit. Up here you'll find some gold and a Turbo item. After you get it, go back to where the wall switch was on the stairway, and climb up there. -Follow the path along here taking out the enemies as you go. When you reach the fork in the road, go left. Keep taking out enemies. -Go up the little wooden bridge when you see it. To the right up here is some gold and silver, a health vampire item and a floor switch. Get them all. Retrace your steps a little bit and go up to the area the floor switch uncovered. Chest with shrink enemies in there, and a switch for a shortcut back down. Keep taking the path to the right. -When you see a wooden bridge to your right, don't cross yet. Instead keep going down this path and hit the floor switch by the tree. Cross the platforms that move up. -Theres a gargoyle here. Very little room to fight to with no cover. Use any item you have here, and you should espically use the Health Vampire item that we got a little while ago. Once you take him out, get the treasure around here and the crystals. The chest here has a growth item in it. After, take the bridge to the right as mentioned before. -Follow the path around here. Be careful of the blade thats swinging back and fourth across the next mini bridge you find. -In this little old fortress area, be careful as enemies approach you from all sides. Take a sharp left, and you'll find a little area with a Treasue Chest. It has some X-Ray glasses! Now go to the far right, and you'll see a key door. Near there (more to the right) is a little pathway up and around the fortress. Follow it and hit the ground switch at the end. Now go back down and open the key door and continue on. -Theres a scroll here that says treasure isn't far. There is a bridge with the two poles swinging on it. To the left of this bridge is a little clump of land, and the dirt in the very middle is fake, so shoot at it. This reveals a gold feather. Now continue on the bridge to the right. -Follow along this path. When you get to the fork in the road, keep taking the path straight, don't go on the left bridge yet. At the end of this road, there is a drumstick of meat, as well as a general who is trapped at another platform which will spell an easy kill for you as he won't be able to get to you. Now, go back and take the left route. *The floor switch here can only be used if you are playing with another player, as one person needs to stay on the switch for it to stay active. It is possible to get the enemies to stay on the bridge when you activate the switch, letting you cross.* -There is a golem around here, so be careful of that, but its easy to get him trapped. He will drop a Thunder Hammer though! Cross the bridge with the razor swinging on it, and continue on this path. -Go through the key door here to your left. Hit the floor switch here, and open the other key door. -Theres a general over here, take him out from a distance. The little area to the right has a chest with a bomb in it. Keep on this path. Don't go over the area which you brought up a stone bridge. Keep going on this path, around to the right and go up the bridge here. You'll see the level exit! But don't go in there yet. Hit the floor switch, and then go back and cross the stone bridge you activated. Cross the little stone bridge you activated with the floor switch near the exit. Get all the items up here, then go back up the last bridge and exit the level! The chest up by the exit has a bomb. *This level contains no special item* |===========================| |B) Roots | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 3.5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 2.5/5 Level Difficulty: 3/5 Special Item: Runestone #7 This level isn't quite as confusing as it looks, as all the paths lead to the same place. This level also contains the Realms only Runestone, the game's seventh! -From the start, take the direct path at the bottom of your screen (not to your left... yet). Take out the enemies down here, the chest has fire breath. Now, take the path upwards to your far right. Theres a gargoyle up here, so be very careful of him. If you get quite hurt tough, its allright as there is a dumstick up here as well as a full meat in a barrel. Lots of health! Just be careful not to ruin it by hitting the green barrel by them. Now go back to the start of the level and take the path to the left. -There is a turbo here, as well as a key gate. Open it and continue down there. Follow this path upwards, until you get to a green potion. Go down the path here, and the branch blocking your way is fake. Hit it a few times. Go down to the yellow crystals and enemies will surround you from everywhere. Use a potion right here to clear them ALL out! Continue along the path to your right. -Theres another fake brance here, hit it to clear it out. Go around the bend and take out the enemies here. There's an invisibility item here. You should get it, makes things easier later or if enemies are surrounding you. Keep going down this path with the item on and take out all the enemies, they won't know what hit them! -Theres a general behind a key gate here. This is tough, cause hes on higher ground that you and you won't be able to hit him. Open the key gate here and step back fast and fire back at him. Cross the bridge (to your left) with yellow crystals and hit the floor switch. This lowers the Runestone! Now go back through a key gate. Open the next gate at the next bend. Use a potion here to take out all the enemies. Go down the bath att he bottom of your screen (don't open the key gate to your right yet) and hit the floor switch. Go back and get the stuff if you want. If now, open the key gate to your right. -When you open this gate a General will be RIGHT in front of you, you can't even hear him, so be careful of that! The Runestone is right there (if you lowered it), but its on another level so you'll have to go around. Follow this path to the right. The chest here has a potion, which you should get if you need some. There's a target switch over here, shoot it to lower the elevator up to the next area. -Open the key gate up here, and the lowered Runestone is right there! This is your seventh, but the only one in this Realm. Continue on this path. -There is a death over here, so use a Halo on him to gain 100 health (which im sure you'll want now). Open the gate to the far right for some crystals and a chest with keys in it. Now go on the path upwards. -Open the key gate and follow along the twisty path. The chest around here has a fast shot item. Hit the floor switch to lower a elevator to continue on. -At this next bend (by the huge tree stump on the.. side of the wall?) is a target switch that lowers the exit! Continue on this path to the right. There is a full ham here, then follow the path of yellow crystals. Now take the path left and fire a turbo down there to take out the enemies (the treaure box here has junk. The chest near the exit has gold, and there is some lying on the floor near the exit. Be sure that you have the Runestone, then exit. *This level has Runestone number 7. You'll have noticed how fast the enemies respawn now. The generals are also a lot faster, so you'll need to be careful at every bend, as sometimes you can't hear them until its to late.* |===========================| |C) Ancient Tree | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4.5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Tree Men Level Size: 4/5 Level Difficulty: 4/5 Special Item: Treasure Door The Tree Men are VERY hard to deal with. First of all they have high health, and second of all they are probably the 3rd fastest respawning enemies in the game (the Dream Realm and levels after that have the fastest by far). These guys will really cause you trouble, so be sure to have some good items! This level also has the Treasure Door for this Realm. -From the start, go left. The Treasue box has a potion, which you should really have a lot of in this level. Then, go straight, and follow this path killing all the enemies you see. -When you get to the key gate, open it. Theres a drumstick near here. Along this path, you'll see a green potion, and after that, you'll be able to see the level exit, they're just tricking you though, long way to go. Keep going along this path. Go straight and open the key door. Hit the floor switch in this little area to raise a platform with a speed on it. Now, take the route to your right. -Tons of enemies along this path, but take out generator by generator. When you get to the key door (the chest has poison food), open it and you'll see a general near here. Take care of him (retreat and fire). The chest here has a Reflective Shield. Continue along this path, and hit the floor switch to raise a series of little stump platforms. Step on the first one to raise more. There is a minkey powerup here (the pumpkin thing). He is useful to attract enemies away from you, so you should get it incase you get in a jam. Keep stepping on the platforms to raise new ones. Once you get to the end, go up the wooden bridge. -UP here is some gold in a barrel. The chest has a bomb. Continue down this path and you'll find a little alcove with a chest with random food items, and a wall switch. Pull it then backtrack a bit and go down the risen elevator (near the chest with a bomb). Down here, take the route to your right and hit the wall switch. This raises another stump platform, so go back and get the black crystal on it and hit the floor switch. Then go back down the elevator. Go to your right again and down the path, and open the key gate. There is another wall switch here. Go around and enter the little area. There is a chest here you must get. It has invisibility, but there is a switch underneath it. Keep going around to the left, and get the meat in the barrel. Open the gate here and ride the elevator up. Keep going down the path. -At the end of the path is a Treasure box with a bomb and a wall switch. Be sure to hit it. Now go down the next path ot your left and kill the gargoyle. Like in the Dungeon level, the gargoyle is sitting on top of the trap door. Enter it. *Treasure Room: This one is hard, you have very litle time and its confusing. Be sure to use the speed item you got earlier.* -From the treasure room, go to your left for a potion and some gold, then continue on the path to your right. -Up here, take the tree brance to the far left first, depending if you lowered the items here or not. After that, go along the path. -Take either left or right at the split in the path but be sure to get the crystals here. The Treasure box here has poison food. Go up the path to the right of the box. Hit the floor switch to move a large tree for you to continue on this path. -Go along the path of tree limbs. There's a Turbo item over here. Go down this limb then to the left to get another pumpkin powerup :). Then go to your right and kill the golem over here (back on the noraml path). Keep going along (there is a Red Death in a barrel here). Then, go down the path and take out the general. Take the route to the left here (the lower route). -The chest here has keys. Go back up to the main path, and continue on. At the fork in the road, take the route to the left. Open the key gate up here. THere is a crystal and a key but the chest has a bad meat. Now go back and take the straight route, and open the key door. -Fire a turbo DIRECTLY down here to take out the whole amount of enemies. Go all the way down the path and the exit is here! The chest next to it has a steak, so be sure to get that since you probably don't have full health. *This level contains the Treasure Room for the Forest Realm. You should also be able to gain a level or two in this level, as the Tree Men will give you a lot of experience*. |===========================| |D) Knarled Brances | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 3/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 4/5 Level Difficulty: 3.5/5 Special Item: Legendary Item (Scimitar of Decapitation) This is really the only level in this Realm that I like. Its the biggest, and has a very helpful Legendary Item to help you slay the boss of the Castle Realm, the Chimera. This level doesn't have any of the Tree Men (thank god!), but it is long and twisty. -The Treasure box here has junk. Take the only path to the right. Follow along there until you get to the third tree stump. There is a steak here and acid amulet. Continue on the path with the yellow crystals. The Treasure box on the next stump has a bomb. The stup after that has a potion, so through a potion in there to kill all the enemies, then just pick up the only lying on the ground. On the next stump go up the stairs to reach some brances. -Follow along these skinny brances. At the fork in the road, take the brance to the right for two leaves, one with silver the other with enemies and a black crystal. Then take the path to the left, with the yellow crystals. -There is a general at the next turn, and he will surprise you because you won't be able to hear him. Keep going on this route. -Watch out for the three Archers on the tree stump in the middle, you can kill them. Go all the way around and hit the ground switch to continue the path. Continue straight from here, the path is now open. -Along this next brance are some enemies, and one of the leaves has some ribs. Continue on the path to the right. There are lots of traps on here. -Eventually you'll get to another stump with archers in the middle. You'll have to fire a turbo up here, you can't hit them with your normal shot. Then keep going on this path. In the next open area, there's a Treasure chest with keys. -When you get to the stump bridge, there are MANY enemies here, so use some sort of powerful item to take them out. -In this next area, there is a general who will also sneak up on you. There is a pair of X-Ray glasses over the floor trap here. At the far right of this area is a tree, with a fake (the tree has two white crystals beside it) wall on it. Inside is the Scimitar... but you'll have to raise it first. Go on the path to the left. -Another path of stumps here, with a floor switch at the end. Hit it to raise an elevator, then ride it back down. Use a potion rigth when you get to the bottom. Hit the floor switch down here, and ride the next elevator up. -Up here open the key gate. There is another circular stump up here, like the ones the Archers stand on, although this time there's a Golem, but this is the easiest Golem battle in the game! Wake him up, and he won't be able to get to you because of the fence between you and him. Better take him out now, or else you will have to fight him later where it will be harder. Continue down this path. -Hit the floor switch down here and ride the elevator up (did you deal with the golem yet?), then hit the floor switch at the very bottom right of this stump (its hard to see because of the torch, but its right by the torch up here). Then ride back down. Some treasure has risen up, break open the fake gate and get to it. Hit this floor switch to raise the Legendary Item! Now go back and get it. Once you get it, head all the way back here, go back up to where the golem was, and continue on the path here. -Hit the floor switch on this path, and ride the elevator down. The chest here has acid breath. Hit the wall switch and ride the elevator it brings up down. Follow around this path and open the key door. -The wall near the path with the yellow crystals is fake, the treasure chest on the right (in the wall) has junk, on the left has a steak. Go down the path to the right here for some branches with items on it. Then take the path to the left. -There are two barrels here where the path starts to turn left, one has a Red Death in it, so use a Halo on him. -At the next fork in the road, open the key gate to the right. There is a floor switch in here. Hit it and retrace your steps to get some items. Now take the route to the left. The swich here opens up the other side of the item place where you backtraced to. Go back if you want a Hand of Death item. Now, go straight towards the exit, but don't leave yet! Open the key gate right by the exit and continue on the path here. Take the straight path first, and you will eventually get to the gargoyle here. When you get his golden item, check to see if you have 20/20 on the little item tab that pops up. You will need 20 to gain access to the East Wing (which houses the next Realm, Desert). You should easily have 20/20 now if you have collected every golden feather, if not play a level in West Wing to get some more. Two Treasure chests here, left on has random items, right one has gold. Now go back and open the key door. There is a treasure chest with a potion in here, as well as a black crystal. Thats is! Now exit the level. *Remember this level contains the Legendary Item for the very difficult boss in the Castle Realm.* *At the end of this level, when you come back in Sumner's Tower, hopefully you will hear two (if not already) messages, them being : Congratulaions, you now have enough Golden Eagle Feathers to enter the East Wing, and Congratulations, you now have enough crystals to enter the Desert Realm. If you didn't hear either yet, then you are missing both. So you'll have to go back to a previous level *in this Realm would be a good idea* to get the items. |===========================| |E) Spider Queen | |===========================| Boss Difficulty: 3/5 Boss moves?: Yes Boss create enemies?: Yes Legendary Item for him: Toxic Bellows (Found in Desert Realm) Recommend to be level: 50 at least She is probably the best boss to gain experience off of, as for some reason fighting her will sometimes net you three levels in just one fight! With the Legendary Item, she isn't very hard at all. She does move around though, and she also makes the annoying spider ankle biter enemies. There are many tips around on how to beat here, and I will include them here. -You often gain three of so levels when you fight her, so you should come here for some quick levels (espically when your at high levels and it takes a while for you to level up). -Come in here with about 15 Super Shots, a few three way shots, a few invulnerability, a few weapon power-ups, and full health. First off, use the three way shots and invulnerability and powerups to take off a lot of her health. With the invulnerability, she won't be able to hurt you, and with the tree way and powerups, you'll be hurting her bad. If your items run out and she isn't yet dead, finish her with the invulnerability (come in with about 5, and 5 weapon powerups, and 5 three way shots). -If you have the Legendary Item, Toxic Bellows, it will hurt her a little bit as well as slow her down (shes very fast). -You fight the Spider Queen like how you did the Litch, meaning she will be able to move around. Also, like the Litch, she will often throw out generators that spew out the Ankle Biters of this Realm, the Spiders. Destroy them right away, as the Spiders can get very annoying. -Keep coming back to her using the technique that I just stated, and you will be able to go up 10 levels in just 4 or so visits. -Her health meter isn't extremely high. If you arn't using any special items, don't bother going in with melee attacks. She does most damage up close. She has one long range attack that is easy to dodge and does not very much damage. -The platform in which you fight is quite large, so that'll give you lots of room to fight. There is a speed item here, good to pick up. If she gets to close to you, just activate it and run away. -She will give you 11,000 gold when you beat her, as well as some great exp. -Back in the tower, the shard will go to the window. Only three more to go. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 23. The East Wing | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Needed to enter: 20 Golden Feather Items The East Wing (like the West Wing) contains the game's final three full Realms. Its located to the right of Sumner's stand (right across from the West Wing). In order to get in here, you must have 20 Golden Feathers, all found in the West Wing. This Wing contains the Desert, Ice, and Dream Realms. These are the hardest Realms of them all, as you will see. The Gargoyles will change here once again, they now have the power of fire. They will also drop a different Golden Item, Golden Claws. You will need 28 (!) of these in order to enter the Battle Field Realm, the final of them all. Be sure that you also have 200 Yellow Crystals (mainly found in the Forest Realm), so you can open up the first Realm in this Wing, the Desert Realm. Also, your character at this point should be between level 40-47. If they're higher than 47, your doing very well! If they are a big lower, thats alright but you will really have a hard time in some areas if you don't have a good defense and strength power. If you are lower than 35, don't even bother entering yet, its to low. Gain some more levels. *There are a few things to be mentioned when you first enter here. Go up one flight of stairs to get to the Ice Realm, and step on the floor switch here. This will provide a short cut from a magic carpet to the West Wing. Go up even further past the Dream Realm, and step on the button to create a bridge over the waterfall to make an easy pathway from the West to East Wing!* |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 24. Desert Realm | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Enemies Difficulty: 3.5-4/5 Level Difficulty: 4/5 Boss Difficulty: 4/5 Overall Realm Difficulty: 4/5 Crystals needed to enter Realm: 200 Yellow Crystals This Realm is a pain! You will really see a difference in difficulty from the Forest Realm to this one. The enemies respawn so quickly that you will have to go in and cut them down with melee almost everytime, the Generals are MUCH harder, and the ankle biters (snakes in this level) do a lot of damage, they're fast, and the respawn VERY fast as well. The levels here are also quite big, and are really going to take a toll on your health meter. Be sure to go into these levels with a full key and (especially) magic invintory. You need 200 Yellow Crystals to enter this Realm. |===========================| |A) City Ruins | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 4/5 Level Difficulty: 4/5 Special Item: Runestone #8 This level contains the Realm's only Runestone, but its hard to find (or should I say very easy to miss). Compared to levels from the previous Realms, this level will be the hardest yet! Be prepared for tough battles to come! -This is the hardest start to a level ever. You take a few steps and a general will rush RIGHT at you with very very little room to fight. Use any item you have on him. Once you take him out, follow this route to the left. There is a target switch at the end, hit it. Now go down the waterfall. -As soon as you get down here enemies will swarm you. Take out the advanced Grunts first, as they will fire at you. Use a potion here. The Treasure Chest here has a full meal (you'll need it probably after this little fight, and the general). Take the route right, and open the door. -There are SO many enemies here. Fire turbos, do anyting to take them out. Hit the wall switch here. Go back and get the two black crystals. Come back here, and go up the stairs, then go back down the stairs on the other side. -Down here its like a maze. Take the first route to the right. The treasure box has fire breath. Now take the other route. The treasure box here has a bomb in it. There is also a useful Health Vampire item here. Go over to the water fall and open the gate. Ride the elevator up. -Up here, fire a turbo to take all the enemies out. Go up the stairs, and a general will meet you. Kill him, then throw a potion down to the room to your left (with all the enemies). Pick up the one the general left, then go down the other stairs. The box here has a speed item. Follow along this route. Go up the stairs, then back down again. Take out the enemies in this room (if you havn't already) then go up the flight of stairs to the right. -Follow along up here for a little while, and there is a gargoyle! Take care of him. The is a wall here with a wall switch on it. Hit it. Get the crystals it opens. Keep following this path down. There is a switch behind a little wall, hit it. Go back, and get the meat and hit the switch in that wall. This opens up another wall to your far right with the Runestone! Be sure to get it! It's the game's eigth. Now go back to the far left and hit the switch by the wall to continue. -Kill the enemies here, then hit the next switch. Go down the stairs and use a potion. Continue to your right. There is a barrel with a drumstick in here, then open the key door. Follow the twisty path, then you are going to need to fight a golem which will be hard as there is NO room to fight. If you have an Invisibility item, it'll be great! The chest here has a bomb. The wall (in the middle of the area, not perimeter room walls) is fake. Destroy it. Go down this path. As soon as you reach the stairs a general will jump off of them. Take him out then climb the stairs. Go to your left first to get the crystals, then open the key door to the right. -Go down the stairs and fire a turbo right down there. Go the the left of this room and break down the wall. There is an invisibility item here, as well as a switch. It raises a Golden Claw from the little pond. Get it, then continue on straight from there. Follow this path around, and when you get out onto the little path on the lake, hit the target switch. It'll bring you some silver then continue on this path. The Treasure chest has three way shot. -Go up this path, and be careful of the Snakes. There migth be a General here, depending on if you defeated him a while ago or not. Go down the stairs after you defeat him and there's the exit to this very hard level. The chest beside the exit has some gold. You might need to spend it on food! Exit. *This level is one of the hardest in the game! It does contain Runestone number eight, and it is also a place for good experince. But, I don't want to come back here again! Welcome to the East Wing :) ! * |===========================| |B) Ancient Temple | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 3.5/5 Level Difficulty: 4/5 Special Item: Treasure Door This level is just as tough as the last one. The enemies respawn very quickly, plus this level has froze on me many times. It contains the very difficult to beat Treasure Door for the Desert Realm. -From the start, go down the stairs and get the lightning shield from behind your starting post. Then cross the bridge to your left. -Cross the three different bridges going left, and kill the enemies. After the third, the Treasure chest has a bomb. Go down the stairs. -Take out the enemies who shoot at you with a Turbo attack, then the enemies from your left. Then take the path to the right. -Kill the enemies over here, then be prepared for one of the hardest areas. Go down the steps and the enemies will AMBUSH you, and I mean that! Fire a Turbo down one way, making SURE to hit a generator or two, then use a potion to clear out the rest. You can also walk right into them with the lightning shield you go earlier. Once they are all cleared, hit the floor switch down here. Then go back up the previous stairs, and destroy the three barrels. One has a Black Death! Be careful of him, use a Halo on him if you have one. Then, go up the way the last switch activated. -Walk around the path here. Hit the next floor switch to continue on the path. The scroll up here on the path tends to give me trouble with freezing, so try to miss it (you can) or pick it up and press B very fast. -When you walk down the ramp, you'll imerge in a large area. Directly to your left are enemies shooting at you, take them out. Then go around the perimeter of the room to your right. When you get to the area with all the red barrels, destroy them (the chest has a bomb) Notice how the barrels point out a T? At the base of the T, the wall there is fake, then the wall to the right of the pole here is also fake. The fake one to the right has a wall switch! Keep walking to the right, and you'll see a ground switch next to a statue. It opens a large wall with a gargoyle behind it. Don't worry about him now (unless he spots you). Keep going to the right. There is a Turbo around here, and if you pulled the hidden wall switch, there will be a floor switch here. Step on it to reveal the trap door, backtrack to the left to get it. *Treasure Door. This one is HARD! Very confusing! Be sure to have a speed item when you enter here. It is quite big, and the coins are very scattered, and this whole area is one giant maze!* -Once you are done, keep going to the right and you will meet up with the Gargoyle. Kill him and take his golden item. The chest before him has junk. Go down the right path where the gargoyle was. Fire a Turbo directly down here as there are tons of enemies. Go right a bit, and a General will jump out at you, be ready for him. Go back to around where the Gargoyle was, and there is a wall switch on the right wall. Go back to the previous large area, and in the centre of the room a Golden Claw will have dropped! Now, keep on that path to the right. -This next part is the only part in the game I do not fully understand. Read the scroll, it says forward leads to health and happyness, and right leads to wealth and power. Whatever next square you step on will descide for you. If you are very low on health, walk to the forwards square, if your low on gold take the path to the right. Not much I can say about this room, other than to go around the whole thing and collect whatever you see. There are two golems in the middle, as well as two Generals roming around. Be sure to hit all the switches. The switch to the far top left will lower the giant walls in front of you. The three Treasure Chests at the end of this room have (in order from left to right) Pineabpple, Death, and Silver. You have to get the switch under Death, for I have NO IDEA what it does. If anyone knows, please tell me! The chests in the middle of the stairs contain bomb and poison fruit. The chest at the top contains a magic. When all is done, exit (located at top of stairs). *This is the most confusing level, espically at the end? I have no idea what the switch under the Death barrel does. If anyone does know, please tell me! The level also contains the Treasure Door.* |===========================| |C) Mystic Pyramid | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 4/5 Level Difficulty: 4/5 Special Item: Legendary Item (Toxic Bellows) This level is quite hard. You are scaling a pyramid, what fun! The Toxic Bellows used against the Spider Queen are found here. -From the start, go left and open the barrel of a ham. Then go on the path to your right. Go across the short wooden bridge and watch out for all the Red Barrels. Shoot them from a distance to take out enemies, then rush in. After you kill them all, continue on the path going right. -When you get to the fork in the road, keep on this path and at the end is a Wall Switch in a little cove. Be sure to get this one! It will raise the Toxic Bellows. Now go back and take the wooden bridge to the left. -Go up the wooden bridge right. Walk around the path up here. When you get to the key door, continue to walk around the left path. There is a floor switch over here (a part of the level here will raise). Get the floor switch, then go back and open the key door. Hit the switch here. Now, go down the path from that last floor switch! Stand on the very left square, and it will raise you up to the area that rose up earlier. Up here, get the Floor Switch to open the door to the Toxic Bellows. When you go back down, you'll notice that a little area with a three way shot item has opened. Hit the wall switch in there to raise some land for you to get the Bellows. Go back and get em! -Go down the path to the right. There is a pumpkin down here, and the Treasure Box has a bomb. Go up the path to the right, and open the key door. Hit the floor button switch here. Hit it, then go down and use a Turbo to clear out the enemies that appear from in the wall. Hit the wall switch in here. Now, go back up to where the floor button was, and open the second door. Hit the wall switch in there. Now go to the far right of this room and go through the door the wall that opened. -There is a floor switch at the far right of this little area. Hit it, then continue on the wooden floor "scalfholding" that goes around the pyramid. -There is a Treasure Chest here (where the touch grunts are) that has a Lightning shield. The second little incover here has a floor switch, hit it to continue on. Hit the next floor switch that you see. Near the Snakes is another floor switch. Hit it to raise a platform with ANOTHER switch, and you are now back at the place you started! Although this time, continue on straight along the wooden paths. -Hit the ground switch up here to lower a spynix and to continue on. There are some tough shotting Grunts up here, watch out for them. Go up this long path. The treasure chest has an apple up here. Then continue to the left. -Go all the way left and hit the floor switch (the Tresaure Chest here has random items). Now go back and go up the path. -There are a TON OF ENEMIES down here. As soon as you get down, fire a Turbo straight ahead to take out lots of enemies. The Treasure Chest here has a bomb. Now, go down the path to your far left (bottom of screen). -There should be a open gate down here. Hit the wall switch in there. Now go down to the far bottom of screen to find a floor switch, hit it and then go back up. -Open the key door to your left here. Go along here to find a switch that will open a gate where you were before. Go back down and go through the gate. Keep going to the left, and soon you will find a floor switch that will make some gold appear near the exit. Hit the wall switch near here to get a Super Shot, then cross along that platform. Then go back to the previous room, go up the path. -Go through the just opened gate, and there is usualy a Red Death hanging around here, so watch out for him. Go up the path. Go to your far right to continue on the wooden platforms. -There is a Golem near here, take him out. He drops some ribs! Continue on this path left. After a little while, you will meet up with a Gargoyle. This is a tought fight, there is not much room to hit him and little cover. Keep going on this path, and you will soon meet up with a general. -At the next large area, there is a treasure box with a bomb -Keep going around the Pyramid. When you see the floor switch hit it to continue on. -When your at the top, there will be a treasure box with a meat in it, and depending if you got the switch or not, some treasure. There is also a floor switch at the top of the screen that will raise the exit. *This is a long and dirty level. The enemies just will hack away at you. This level contains the Toxic Bellows for the Spider Queen Boss, and a whole lotta pain!* |===========================| |D) Tombs | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4.5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Zombies Level Size: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 4.5/5 Special Item: This level is HUGE, one of the biggest in the game. It contains some of the most annoying enemies to, the Zombies. They respawn just as fast as the Grunts, do more damage, and are a TON OF GENERATORS IN THIS LEVEL! There are also many snakes, making this one of the hardest levels you have faced yet! -From the start, walk off the little platform and use a potion to take out all the enemies coming at you. Walk around to the left, and a General will be there. Take him out for some ribs. Then, go around to the right side, and hit the ground switch there. This opens a door to the left of you, go through it. -Fire a turbo right down here to take out a lot of enemies. Go down this path, then when you hit the small pyramid like things, take out all the enemies in this area. The chest to your right when you enter has bananas. The chest to the left of the staircase has a speed. The chest at the far left of the room has a potion. Go up the stairs. -Just some crystals up here, but be sure to get them! Then go back down, and take the route behind the staircase. -There is a switch behind here that opens the door to the right of the stairs. Go down the stairs and through the passage. -In here, throw a potion in to take out all the enemies. Hit the floor switch to your right. This lowers an elevator in front of you, go on up. -Take the route to the bottom of your screen to find gold and a floor switch. Now, go up the path at the top of the screen. Up here is some silver and a chest with a bomb. Now go back down the elevator, and through the passage to the left that you just opened. -Hit the floor switch down this path, then open the key door on the bottom of the screen. Some crystals down here. Now go back up the elevator and go up the ramp and over the path that just dropped. -There's some gold and food up here, as well as a wall switch on a... transparent wall to the far left of this upper path. Hit it, then go down the elevator that just rose. -Down here, go over the transporter and collect the items here. Then go back over and go down the ramp. TONS OF ENEMIES in here, as well as two gargoyles. Use a three way shot, or any powerful item you go (invulnerability would be great here). The only treasure chest in this room has a enemy shrink item, which would be really useful for the gargoyles... One everything is cleared out, go up the staircase. -One again, TONS of enemies up here. Use a Turbo on the first, then in the second little area use a potion to take them out. Go back to the start of this little area and open the key door on the right wall. -Take out the enemies with a turbo, then get the health vampire item, which can be very useful. Now go back the room from before, and at the very far right of this room (top of screen) is another key door. Open it to continue. -At the far end of this room is a treasure chest with a Red Death in it, and if you use a Halo you can regain 100 much wanted health im sure! Now take the route to the left. -The treasure box contains random food items. To the direct left of this box is a hidden path to the next area. -Open the key door to your right. Take out the enemies and there is some food, then continue on the path straight. -When you reach a left-right path, choose right and take out all the enemies in here. There is a hidden wall in the little area between the two tourches. There's an apple in here. Go up the side of the wall with the apple, and follow along for some crystals. Now continue on left. -Open the key door, and hit the wall switch. Then go through the open path to your right. -Also lots of enemies here, fire a turbo and use potions when needed. The Treasure Chest here has a bomb. Hit the floor switch in the center of the room. Then go up the path to the far right. The chest up here has a meat. -Take out all the enemies in here, then open the key door to your left. Go up the path. Fire a Turbo to take out the Snakes easily. Hit the wall switch, and then the target switch on the wall to right. Now backtrack quite a way to the room that had a lot of enemies. The door to the right has now gone down, so get all the items in there. Then go back to the water fountain place, and go through the now open door to your right. -Open the key door here. Take out the enemies here, and open the next key door. Hit the floor switch in here to continue on. This room is a pain, as there is a death and a goldem. Take out the golem from the other side of the gate as the death will be trapped there, then kill the death. Hit the floor button the golem was standing on in the corner. Go through the key door. There is a chest with potion in it. Continue on this path. In this next area are tons of enemies so take them out then go down the path at the bottom of screen, then path at top of screen (far right). -In this next area are more enemies and a golem. The chest has random enemies, then continue on this path straight. -Hit the floor switch. The chest here has an acid amulet. Go down the route with the white crystals. Do you have 225 now? If not this is your last chance to get any in this level. The chest here has treasure, then exit the level! *This is the last level in this big Realm. You should gain 2-3 levels here, as the enemies give you tons of exp. There is no special item in this Realm. I NEVER have enough crystals to go on to next Realm after I play this level, so you'll have to play one of them AGAIN to get enough white crystals to move on to the Ice Realm.* *The scroll before the end says don't challenge the Genie (boss) unless you have the Lamp of Dark Obstruction. Its right, don't challenge him now!* |===========================| |E) Genie | |===========================| Boss Difficulty: 4.5/5 Boss moves?: No Boss create enemies?: Yes!!! Legendary Item for him: Lamp of Dark Obstruction (Found in Ice Realm) Recommend to be level: 70 at least This guy is HARD! One of the most annoying bosses in the game, as when he spawns enemies he spawns a LOT of them, and they all have high hit points. Be at least level 70 with the Legendary Item in hand before you fight him! -The best way to fight this boss is to stay away from him, far back, and use the Robotron control option to move around him. Its a very large area, but because he is so hard, and because he spawns so many enemies, you won't think its to big for long. -Come in here with the same items as the Spider Queen. Maybe a few more of each, as he has a higher health meter. -The Legendary Item for him, the Lamp of Dark Obstruction, will really help out. It will prevent him from hitting you at ALL for a short amount of time as it will stop all of his attacks, but the thing is this item does not hurt him at all. Use this time period to move up close and fire at him with a three or give way shot with a charge in it. The closer you are, the more damage you will inflict on him (as the more shots you can fire at one time). When the darkness starts to flicker, run away as the Legendary Item is starting to lose its power, and once its all used up, he will be able to hit you. -Don't stop straifing. He will attack non-stop (with the odd few second pause). He isn't extremely accurate, but his attacks will hurt. -When he spawns enemies (which will be all the time), don't worry about them. Only take care of them if they get to close to you (use a Super Shot shot to get rid of a bunch at once). They will start to pile up the damage, but they don't wander very far from where they were spawned. -Once you defeat him, he will give you 12,000 gold. Save it up for a battle in a little while. -Once you re-enter the tower, the Shard will be put into place and there are only two to go. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 25. Ice Realm | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Enemies Difficulty: 4.5-5/5 Level Difficulty: 4/5 Boss Difficulty: 3/5 Overall Realm Difficulty: 4/5 Crystals needed to enter Realm: 225 Clear (white) Crystals The levels in here are HUGE! I'll warn you now! The enemies respawn at about the same rate as the Desert Realm, although the level three enemies respawn a bit faster than the zombies did. I often never have enough crystals when I finish the previous level (thats saying I had not played a level more than once). If you are missing a few, play one of the Desert Levels again. I suggest playing the Tombs level again, as you gain tons of experience and there are lots of good items. |===========================| |A) Docks | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 4/5 Special Item: Treasure Door This is one of my favourite levels. Enemies *the grunts* respawn very quickly, so you might have to go in and melee them to take out the generator. The Hound Dogs are the Ankle Biters in this Realm, and they respawn as fast as the snakes and do more damage, so watch out for them. This level is quite big, and it contains the Treasure Door for this Realm. -This is one of nicest looking levels in the game. You start on a boat. Go up the stairs, and watch out for the general. The railing on the bow of the boat is fake. *In this Realm, there are only Black Crystals*. Now go down the stairs to the right. Do NOT open the barrel down here yet unless you have an Anti Death Halo. If you don't: go down the ice path from the ship, and take out the enemies. Go to the far left of this area (by the key door) and hit the wall switch to raise a Halo back where the general was! Now open the barrel and gain a level from the Black Death! Now go back down, and go through the gate. -Down at the end of this path is a chest with a Thunder Hammer in it, and the ice thing behind it is fake. Hit it then step on the button. Now go back to the first area. -At the very bottom right of this area is a path onwards. Follow this path around taking out the Archers. Once you cross the little boat, take the route to the right and open the key door. Get the key, the take the route to the right. There is a Gargoyle here. Take him out (if you havn't already) and open the key door to the left. Follow the path around the mountain side. When you get to the key door, open it. Take out the general, then go back onto the mountain side. Go down the path a little, and you'll notice a rock sticking out of the wall. Its fake, destroy it and hit the switch. Now go back to where the general was and get the items that raised up. Now continue on this path. -Follow the paths down here. The chest here has a bomb. When you get to the large area, take out the enemies and get the crystals and food. This ice at the top of the screen will fall into the wanter when you appraoch it, so you'll have to go the long way :). Take the route to the left. -Continue on the path. When you get to the area with a boat on it, hit it to destroy it and reveal a key. Continue over the bridge to your left. -Hit the ground switch here to make a whole area come out from under the icey water. The chest here has a potion. Watch out for the falling crates! They do damage! Go up onto the dock. The left side of the boxes has a fake one in the middle. The Trasure Chest up here has a fast shot item. Destroy the boxes to the right of here. -As soon as you break the boxes a gargoyle will wake up. Take him out, then take the route to the left if you want a Hand of Death. Then go right. -Be careful of the falling carts. This next area is quite big. First off, go over to the closed off area. There's a Polar Bear in there (the Ice Realm's version of the Golem) You can take him out while he's trapped inside the walls. Once hes killed, open the key door and there's the Treasure Door! *Treasure Door: This one is a PAIN. It is shaped like a maze, the coins are quite spread out, and you don't have much time. Faster players do well here, but if you have a slow character be sure to use one of the speed items we got before!* -The Treasure Chest in here has potions. The first Treasure Chest when you enter this area has a meat. When you get to a key gate (near the railway tracks), don't open it. Go around the stack of boxes to the right and open the fake one to save a key. There is a wall switch on the key door. Go down a bit to a dock where there is some items. The chest has a Three Way Shot. Now go across the tracks. The Chest has some keys. Keep going right and pick up any items you need. Once evertying is done down here, go up the railway tracks, but watch out for the oncoming cars. (You can't avoid them, you'll have to block). -Up here, take out all the enemies (there are lots) and then go to the left. Go all the way left and hit the wall switch, then go all the way right. -The two scrolls here (one in plain view, the other in a barrel) always seem to give me trouble with freezing. I advise you don't get them. There's a general up here. Take him out then go down the train tracks. -Take out the enemies down here and go right. The Treasure Box has a Red Death. Go up the path to the right and open the key door. Go along this path until you get to a steep mountain side. Open the key door here. If you hit the switch a little while ago there's a Golden Claw here. Now go up the mountain side. -Cross the ice bridge. There are a lot of enemies and Archers on here. When you emerge at the other side, hit the floor switch to extend the railway tracks for you to continue on. -The Treasure Chest in this next area has some gold. The scroll here also gives me trouble, so avoid it. Go to your right. The chest at he far left here has a relective shield. Open the key door and go down the path. There are some crystals here. Now go back up and continue on the rail tracks. -When you get to a fork in the tracks, take either way as they lead to the same path (the track to the right has no carts on it, though). Continue on these tracks until you get to the next large area. Go to the right first. The chest at the far right has a meat. Now, go along to the left. Watch out for the rail way cars! At the very far left is the level exit, but open the key door by it first. At the very top is two gold piles and a chest full of gold! There are also quite a few crystals here. After you have everything, go back down and exit the level! *This level contains the Treasure Door, and a lot of scrolls freeze on me, so beware.* |===========================| |B) Frozen Camp | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 4/5 Special Item: Runestone #9 This level is a lot like the previous one, except it contains the game's ninth Runestone! Its quite easy to get, but requires a lot of switches to be hit. Like the Docks, this level is quite big as well. -The chest in this first area has acid amulet. Go down to the left. Cross the ice bridge (don't miss the crystals), then hit the ground switch near the door. There is a general in here, take him out. Inside the cage like thing, to the far left is another ground switch to open the next door out. -When you reach the icey platform area, get all the crystals and watch out for the gargoyle who is on the level below you, but can still hurt you if he wakes up. Take him out from up here, then move on to the train tracks. The treasure chest by here has junk. -Go all the way up the tracks (stay on the little area to the sides of the tracks to avoid the cars). There are crystals and food up here. Then go back down to the lower level. -Go to the far right of this area and hit the floor switch to raise some ice platforms from the water. Step on them all to get to the ground. -Take out the enemies here. The chest has a bomb. Watch out for the falling cars here. To the right (near another cage thing) is a wall switch. Hit it, then continue going on this path. -From the door you just opened, hit the wall switch here. It lowers a golden claw that you'll get in a while. Continue on this path past the pump thing. -Go all the way left here to the camp area. The treasure chest here has a potion. After, go through the gate door a little to the right from here. -Fire a turbo up here. If you break the barrels, a Red Death will come out so be careful of him! Continue on this path. There might be a Gargoyle up here, depending on if you dealth with him from before or not. There is a wall switch on the left side of this area (near the ice gate). Hit it and part of the gate will lower. Go in, and hit the wall switch behind the ice piller. The chest here has a Thunder Hammer! Hitting the switch here is step on of getting the Runestone. Now go to the right side of this area, and to the right of the slope up, there is a switch there. This is step two of the Runestone. Now go up the slope. -Up here is a furnice link thing. A little to the left, and there should be a red button switch by the fire. Hit it for step three of the Runestone. Now go up the tower. The path is to the left of the pump things. By the (what should be open gate) is a little opening in the furnice thing. Hit the wall switch in there. This is the final step of getting the Runestone, now go up the path and get it! There is a nice view from up here... only three Runestones to go! Once you get the Runestone, go down the tower. Back at the railway track (at the bottom of the furnice thing) go to the left if you want a lightning amulet. Then go back down and take this track to the right. -Over in this next area is a Polar Bear Golem. Take him out, then go to the left of this area (top of screen). After a little ways, you'll meet up with a general. Take him out, then continue on. The chest a little ways up has some silver in it. -Soon you'll hear the music change. This is the second area of the level. Hit the wall switch here by the treasure chest (which has Invisibility in it). Open the key door to the left of this area and head on down. -Go along the path down here, then back up (watch out for the traps). Go down to the left of the next passage. Step on the coloured switch down here and continue on up this path. -This area up here has two chests. One on the right has a bomb, on the left has silver. Continue on the path going right. At the top of this area, don't go through the key door yet. Go to the other side of the wooden structure and take out the general. Go thorugh the fake door here and hit the switch inside the wood structure. This brings up a chest to the right of you. It will contain different food items. Now go though the key gate. -The Treasure Chest up here has silver. Now, continue on this railway track, of course watching out for the cars. Keep going along this train path, until you have to swtich over to the one on the left to continue. -Soon, you'll come across a three way track desision. The right way is the one with the flashing green light, but take the one to the left first. Up here is a chest with silver and a wall switch. Now go back down and take the route to the right. There is an apple at the end of this one. Now, take the route to the bottom of you, with the flashing green light. There is a chest with silver up here. When the track splits, take the route to the left up. There is a three way shot and turbo up here, then go back down and take the left route down. At this area is a chest with and apple, then take the next track to the left. There is a dumstick up here. Now go all the way back to the track to the right (before you split off onto these tracks at the left). Go down that track and then up the track with the green light. At the end of this track (you can shoot the carts before they hit you to destroy them) is a little area with a wall switch. Hit it and continue onto the right. Up here, the track going with the red light will lead you to a full meal (good if your low on health). To the right will let you continue on. Down here is the final area. There is a wall switch to the right that melts the ice surround the exit, and the chest has random food items. Exit the level when done. *This level contains the game's Ninth Runestone!* |===========================| |C) Mines | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Ice Worms Level Size: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 4.5/5 Special Item: Runestone #10 This level is HARD. The Ice Worms are probably the hardest enemies you'll have faced yet, as they are the fastest respawning enemies yet, and this level is also very big. It does contain the game's tenth Runestone though! -From the start, there is a treasure chest with a gas mask in it. Go down the path. The next chest has a pineapple. Keep going down this path killing enemies as you go. When you get to the end of the line, open the key door to the right. Nothing here except a very deep trench and some crystals. Go back, and hit the floor switch and ride up the elevator. -Up here, hit the wall switch by the steam trap (to the left). This is step one in getting the Runestone. Now, at the far left is a little wooden platform (near where you entered this little area) with some crystals, continue there. Go down the little area here to a pit. Move around to the left (there's a Red Death down here...) Take out the general in the deeper pit, then go down there and hit the wall switch. This is step two in getting the Runestone. Now, continue to the left. When you get to a slope up, don't go up it yet. Keep going to the left until you reach a dead end. There is a wall switch behind the green light here (its easy to miss). This is step four in getting the Runestone. Now, go up the slope. -Up here, hit the wall switch by the pipe. Now, go up the path to your right. -Hit the ground switch here to open the gate, and continue going rigth. Go along this long wooden path, and at the end is a waterfall. The chest here has gold, and even better, behind it (through the waterfall, and presuming you have hit all the switches), is the Tenth Runestone! Only two more to go! Now go back all the way to the left, and go through the open gate. -There are some very tough level three worms here. They're a darkish blue, fire icicles at you, and have a TON of health. Melee attack them to get rid of them, then hit the floor switch and go on up the elevator that drops. -Up here, fire a turbo to get rid of the worms, then open the key gate. Follow the long wooden bridge up here to the next area of the level. Nice view from up here. Open the key door at the end. -As soon as you open the door, fire a Turbo to get rid of a lot of enemies. The chest at the far right has ribs in it. Go hit the floor switch (to the left of the area), and ride the elevator up. Up here, take the pathway upwards (to the right), the path to the left just has some silver. -Keep going to the right up here, past the waterfall. Go up the pathway going left and hit the floor switch to lower the gate. Hit the wall switch on the right wall to open the door at the top of the next slope, go up there. -There's a general up here. Go to the right and get a key, then go to the left and hit the floor switch to raise an elevator. Use a potion or Turbo down here, and hit the floor switch to the right of this area. The treasure chest at the left has a useful anti-death halo! Now, go through the open pathway. -Follow the path across the stream, and up here is a gargoyle. The chest here has a Black Death, use the Halo you just got to gain a level from him! After that, go to the right to hit a wall switch between the two gates for the carts. Now, go back to the left. The treasure chest here has ribs. Cross the bridge here over the gap. -At this next area, hit the ground switch and ride the elevator up. If you hit a switch a little while ago (between the two cart gates) there will be a ground button switch here. Step on it and retrieve the gold it gives. Now, go back down the elevator and to the left. -Step on the transporters here, and continue on this path going right. Up here use a potion to take out the enemies, then keep going to the right. -Music changes here. The chest to the right has some gold. Hit the wall switch on the right wall of this little area. Now, go back to the left and go up the elevator. The chest by it has silver in it. Go up here and use a Turbo to get rid of the hard worms. The chest to the left has a bomb. Hit the wall switch here, thent he wall switch at the far right of this area. Now go back out of this little area and go through the now open gate to the right. -Open the key gate up here, and fire a turbo. If you hit the second switch at the last area, every piece of ice will fall into the water but one, giving you a little bridge to the golden claw. Go down the path at the top of the screen, and fire a Turbo down here. Open the key gate. Follow this long wood bridge over a deep crevis. Over at this next little area, theres a Turbo hidden in the icicle in the centre. Then, continue on the next bridge. -Open the key gate here, and hit the floor switch near the water pit to raise and elevator. Go down there, and hit the switch on the pipe. Now go back up, and hit the wall switch infront of you. Go around to the left to get the potion that appears, then continue on the bridge to the left that is now open. The chest by the key gate has junk. -There's a gargoyle over here. There is soem useful lightning breath to the right, up the little ice slope. To the left is a barrel with a meat, and continue on the bridge to your left. -The chest by the exit has random food items, and behind the exit is some gold (providing you the switch that released it). Then exit the level! *So, this level contains some of the hardest enemies and some good experience. It also contains the game's tenth Runestone!* |===========================| |D) Fissure | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 4/5 Special Item: Legendary Item (Lamp of Dark Obstruction) This level is also very big. One good thing though, is it doens't contain any of the annoying worm enemies. It also contains the Lamp of Dark Obstruction, used against the Genie in the Desert Realm. This is also your last level for getting Black Crystals, unless you replay one of the previous Ice Realm levels. -The first chest has silver. Go down the path going right. Three ways to go here, but continue on the one going straight. The message scroll here says "Left Right Left" When you get to a little bridge with black crystals on it going right, take that route, then keep going straight up at the next area. -In this next area, go left past the water pit to get some ribs. Then, take the route up. Hit the wall switch up here, then go back down to the water pit and get the crystal and fast fire shot item. Go along the path up here, crossing the bridge over the waterfall. -When you get to a key door, don't open it. Instead, go down the path to your right. From down here, go down the path. When the path splits, take the upper right path across the river. Take out the general, then retrace your steps and go down the lower path. -Cross the waterfall, and open the key gate and kill the gargoyle. Open the wall behind the gargoyle, and the Lamp of Dark Obstruction will be in there. Now, take the path right and kill the enemies. Open the key door and cross the bridge. *NOTE!!!* Sorry I forgot to say this before, go back ALL the way past the waterfall (where the lava is) and to where the general was by the waterfall. There is an ice wall to the left here, and at the very end of it is a fake wall. Destroy it and go in there and hit the wall switch. This lowers the rest of the wall, and hit the wall switch that is uncovered. This makes a platform raise up where the general was with a golden fang and a floor button on it. Stepping on this button makes the pedistrol with the Lamp of Dark Obstruction lower. (You can still get the lamp, only if your character is tall). Now go back to the key door where you access the long bridge. *end note* -Here is a long lot of bridge. Cross them, and watch our for the general at the centre. When you reach the end of the bridges, hit the rocks to the left to destroy them, then kill the general. There is a barrel with gold here. Now take the path to the right. When you get to the key door, open it. In here, go down the path to the green pit. Down here is a chest with gold and a barrel with meat. Now go back up and go down the path at the bottom of screen. -Go down the stairs with the black crystals, and there is a gargoyle down here. Go up to where he was, and go up the ice slope to the next area. -Go down the paths here, the treasure chest has junk. Open the key gate at the end of the path. -In this area, follow the bridge around the green crystal stuff and go across the bridge at the end. The chest up here has silver. Now go across the next set of bridges. The chest in the middle has a potion. -At the bottom of the bridge, go across the platform around the green stuff to get a key if you need it. There are two chests here, one has junk the other has a drumstick. Now go down the path to the left. -Go down these set of bridges. Open the key gate at the bottom and take care of the Polar Bear Golem. Destroy the pipe here to make a wall switch visible. This raises like the whole LEVEL and infront of you is a little room with some gold and a chest with meat. Now hit the floor switch to your right, and ride the elevator down. Go down the paths here all the way to the left. -Cross the lava, and go up the path. Hit the wall at the far end for a chest with invisibility in it. Then, go all the way up and hit the wall switch. Now. go back down and take the lower path to the right. -Stand on the multicoloured switch and ride down, then keep going right. -At the end of the path is a weird little area. Get the Health Vampire if you want, then go up the wooden bridge to the right. At the other side, go down that bridge. -Over here is the level exit. The first chest has meat, the second has a Red Death. Exit the level when ready. *This level contains the Legendary Item for the Genie of the Desert Realm, the Lamp of Dark Obstruction. I rarely tend to have enough Black Crystals after I finish this level, so I go back and play the Docks level to finish up.* |===========================| |E) Yeti | |===========================| Boss Difficulty: 3/5 Boss moves?: No Boss create enemies?: No Legendary Item for him: Parchment of Fire (Found in Forsaken Province Realm) Recommend to be level: 60 at least This guy isn't very hard. His attacks do a good deal of damage, but you can see them coming and they are all quite easy to dodge. With the parchment of fire, he can't even hit you for a short time, so that really helps out. You get it in the Forsaken Province Realm, which we visited so long ago. There are a few tips, however, on how to beat this guy. -The Parchment of Fire, like the Lamp of Dark Obstruction, will stop a lot of the Yeti's attacks for a while. Use this time to fire three way shots of a powerd up item at him. -Aside from that, there isn't much else to say. Just straif from side to side and he will have a hard time hitting you. He does have quite a high health meter, so come in with a few weapon powerups and perhaps a Super Shot of a few. -Before you fight him, there is a fast shot item hiddin in a fake icicle near the ice bridge you cross to get to him. -Don't go near the walls on the right and left. He will hit them causing an avalanch like thing to occur for a short time. -When hes dead, he will give you 13,000 gold. -The shard will be put into place, and there is only one more to go, and yes, it is the hardest of them all. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 26. Dream Realm | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Enemies Difficulty: 4.5-5/5 Level Difficulty: 4.5-5/5 Boss Difficulty: 5/5!!! Overall Realm Difficulty: 4.5/5 Crystals needed to enter Realm: 250 Black Crystals We have finally reached the Final Full Realm, the Dream Realm. Everything in this Realm is mysterious...and the enemies respawn so fast you MUST melee attack them to take out the generators. The levels are quite big, and there are also quite a few in this Realm. One of the greatest things about the Dream Realm is you don't have to collect any crystals! (cheer!!!), but you still need to get some golden fangs im sure. The final level is the coolest in the game. Now for some reason when you get 250 black crystals, there is no message from Sumner saying "Congratulations" about it for some reason. A glitch or something. Just check your invintory. |===========================| |A) Carnival | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 3/5 Level Difficulty: 4/5 Special Item: This is probably the hardest level yet, as enemies respawn VERY quickly. The ankle biters are annoying, as they hurt and respawn faster than ever. -From the start, use a potion to take out all the ankle biters. Theres a Death in the Tickets booth near here. Take him out, then continue on. The first chest here has a bomb. Keep going to the left thought the carnival. -There's a meat up here. Open the key door and go through the cage. At the other end, go up the bridge in the truck, and hit the two switches here. -Go down the path, take out the enemies, then open the key door and go through the next cage area. Go into the circus tent and take out the golem. The chest in here has a fast fire shot, go out the other end. -Once you go out the other end, fire a Turbo up there to take out a ton of enemies, then go onto the moving platform. -Watch out for the horses, if you touch them they'll hurt you. Also, watch out for the Archers. Go out the area to the bottom right, theres some X-Ray glasses and three way shot there. Then, go out the area at top left. The chest to the far left here has a drumstick, then go up the path to the roller coaster. -Watch out for the cars that appear. Like the cars on the tracks in the Ice Realm, they can be shot to destroy them before they hit you. Follow the path around the roller coaster. When you get to a switch by the blue potion, do NOT pull it yet, keep going on the tracks. There is a full meal on the wheel at the end of the tracks. Get it, then go back and pull the switch. This moves the wheel, then go and step where the full meal was. It'll take you down to some more tracks. Follow them and hit the switch, then backtrack to the wheel. The path to the left is now accessable, so hit the switch. The chest has a Water mellon in it. Now continue on, past the wheel. -Keep going around the tracks, watch out for suicide bombers! At the end, get off and go right. Hit the switch to the right of the Tickets booth here. Open the key door at the left. Go down this path, and take out the gargoyle. -Go into the next circus tent. The chest in here has potions in it. Now go out, and hit the switch by the skeleton guy ciculing on the dart board? Go back and hit the switch that fell. This opens a chest full of gems. Now go back and past the guy on the dartboard. -In this next area, the chest has potion. Infront of the circus entrance is another Red Death. Go into the next tend, then find the exit and leave. -In this area, follow the path around to a stage. Kill all the enemies here, then go through the door at the bottom left of the stage. Go up the ramp here, and there's the level exit! *This level contains no special item* |===========================| |A) Haunted Grounds | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 4/5 Level Difficulty: 4/5 Special Item: Legendary Item (Lantern of Revolation) This is one of my favourite levels. Its not very big, but its cool. It contains the Lantern of Revolation, a Legendary Item that is a must get for the boss of this Realm. -From the start, go down the platform and use a potion to clear out all the enemies. The chest to the right has a bomb. Hit the button to raise a chest, go up the path. It has three way shot, very useful in this level. From here, go down the stairs to the far left. -Down here, go to the right first. The wall sticking out here is fake. Inside is a switch that lowers a chest near here that has a ham. Now go to the left side of this area and take out the enemies. After, go to the bottom of screen to find the bridge to the next area. -The middle platform's chest has gold. You'll have to take the path to the left, the path to the right falls into the black hole beneath you. -This next little area has tons of enemies. Use a Turbo. Hit the button switch, then backtrack to that middle platform. This makes a platform fly over. Go back to the previous platform and down the stairs. -Go down and to the left. The barrel here has a Red Death. Take out the general then go onto his flying platform to access the next area. -In this next area, keep going on this path (going right). Go up the stairs at the end, and step on the multicoloured switch. The chest here has an Acid Amulet. This takes you to a new area. -Go around this area taking out enemies. Go up the stairs and take out the general. The chest here has a drumstick. Hit the floor button at the other side of the fountain to raies a bridge. Go back down the stairs and cross it (its to the left of you). -Now you're back at the area from before. Go left and then down. Go across these areas, and one will raise up. Use a potion in the large area to take them all down. Hit the button switch beside the statue. Then hit the switch on the platform that drops (with the yellow potion on it). Now backtrack, and go through the doors that just opened. -Once you do, go to the right first. There's a fake wall by the stairs here, that contains a button switch and chest with a bomb. Now go to the far right and go down the path. -Three chests here, the one on left has junk, middle has meat, and right has a bomb. Now go back, and go to the right side of the previous area. -There's a gargoyle over here. Once you take him out, go over the path to the far left. Over here, fire a turbo to take out lots of enemies and then finish the general. The chest here has bananas. Hit the button switch near here. Now go up the stair cases to reach a outlook platform. The chest here has a fast shot item. Now, go back to the previous area and go up the stairs. -Open the key gate, then fire a Turbo at the Archers. Use a Halo on the Black Death here. The chest before the stairs up has junk in it. Now go up the stairs and to the right. -Fire a Turbo over here and take out the general. The chest to the left has a meat in it. Now go to the far right. Hit the two switches (one by the green barrels, and one up the staircase). Now, go to the other staircase near you, and hit the switch to the right up there. Then follow around to the right and hit the switch that appears over here. This lowers a platform by the second switch that you hit. Go step on it and ride up. Hit the switch up here, then the wall by it is fake. Go though it, and hit the wall switch. Go around this little elevator and step on the ground switch at the other end to go down. Hit the wall here, and the Lantern will rise up. Get it! Now go all the way back around and down to the ground floor. Get the Golden claw that came down from its pedisol (if you hit the button switch up there), then go all the way to the left, and exit the level! *DO NOT FORGET to get the Legendary Item in here. The boss in this Realm is (by the I think) that hardest boss in the game, so you'll REALLY want this Legendary Item!* |===========================| |C) Haunted House | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Mirror Mages Level Size: 4.5/5 Level Difficulty: 5/5 Special Item: Treasure Door This is one of the hardest levels in the game, because the enemies are very difficult. The Mirror Mages spawn fast, but thats not their main attribute. They have the ability to go invisible for a short amount of time then sneak up on you. They really are a pain. This level is quite long, and contains the Realm's Treasure Door. -Just so you know, level three Mirror Mages do shoot powerful shots at you. From the start, go right and hit the pile of rubble to destroy it. To stop the Mages, you must destroy the mirrors. Follow this path around. -When you get to the centre of the room, with the bookshelf in the centre, go around to the left and in a little alcove there's a floorswitch. Hit it, then walk over to the bookshielf at the far right with the yellow potion behind it. Walk up to the bookshielf and it will move. Hit the switch in there. Now go to the left of here, to the window where light is shining in, and hit the floor button that just dropped. Now go the right and hit the wall switch by the chest (that has bananas). This dropps a potion to the right of you. - Go to the bottom of the screen (bottom left of this room), and go down the path here. Hit the button swtich (destroy the fake wood to get to it), then continue around this room. The chest has relective shot. Hit the switch where the bomber was (in the little alcove) to raise a platform to the right of you. Hit the ground switch on there. Continue over on the path that just opened (to the right). Continue around here. The chest in the little alcover has a three way shot item. Continue around to the kitchen. -Hit the wall switch behind the stove. Now take the path to the bottom right of this area. Open the key door when you get to it. There's a fake wall up here, in the wall that juts out. There is a wall switch in there. Go to the very bottom right of this room and hit the wall switch there. Don't hit the floor button until you get the key on the stairway. Then hit the button. Go up the stairs (the chest has a speed item), and hit the floor button that raised up here. Now go back down and to the left (the chest has a Turbo item) of the room -You should be in a room with swinging chandaleers. Go over to the organ (a path should go across the gap if you hit the last button switch on the stair case). Go over to the left of the organ (the chest has a watermellon), and hit the button switch. This will let you continue on the stair case from before. -Go up the stairs and fire a potion in there to take out the enemies. There's a golem in here. The chest has a bomb. Now go on the path to your left. -You should now be by some windows with freaky sounds. Go to the end of this passage and hit the wall switch (destroy the rubble to get here). Now, go back all the way to the right of this room. -The chest down here has silver. Go to the top of this passage and hit the wall switch. This raises an invulnerability item! Destroy the rubble a bit to the left of the wall switch to continue on this path. Get the drumstick over the weird green hole, and then the invulnerability item. Take the bridge over the green stuff to the left side of the area again (its by the staircase with the key on it). Over here, use a potion to clear out the enemies, then go up the staircase. Open the key door. -Your now in a bedroom like area with a secret. Go to the bottom left of this room to continue down the passage, and go to the area with the candles flying around the room. There's a bed here with a golden claw on it, but you can't get it yet. To the right of the bed is a little bedside table (not the wooden table). Destroy them to reveal a floor button. Hit it, then go back to the previous room and hit the button switch that is revealed. Now go back, and the golden claw is now accessable. Get it, then continue on the path to the bottom right of this room. -Destroy the rubble down this path to continue. Hit the floor switch to cross the room over to the right side of the area. -Over here is a large room with a secret for the Treasure Door. Go to the very top right of the room (the chest here has a levetation item), then walk over to the left side of the room. Go the ther very left (down the path with all the floor traps) and hit the wall switch here. Now go down the path with the sewer like grate on the ground. Hit the wall switch down here by the green barrel, then the floor switch on the other side of the green barrel. Hit the switch on the platform with the apple that just dropped (the chest has junk). Now go back to where the wall switch that you just pulled was, and go into the little alcove there and hit the button in there. Go down the now open path going left. Hit the wall switch down here, then go up the path on the left wall. Hit the floor button here. Now go back to where that grate was in the floor. The Treasure Door is in here, as well as a floor switch that lowers a potion in front of you. *Treasure Door: This one is really hard only in the way that lots of the coins are hidden and you have a very small time limit. Be sure to use a speed item (you got one before on the staircase), as even with fast characters pulling this one out is very hard.* -Now, go to the bottom left of the room and down to the right. There are three barrels here, one has gold, one has a yellow potion, and one has a Halo! Now, go down to the far left on the next path. -Go down to where the Mirror Mages are coming from, and hit the wall switch to lower a elevator. Ride it up. At the top, destroy the wall at the top of the elevator, and then continue up this path. There's a Red Death up here, but use the Halo you just got on hiim for 100 easy health. Continue going on this path and open the key door to get to the final room. -Another large switch puzzle here. Hit the fake box to your left (with the ribs in it), to reveals... some ribs and a button! This raises a platform to the left of you. Go across there, and over to the right side. Hit the floor button by the box. This raises a platform to your left, cross over it and hit the button on that area (its under the fake box). Now go to where the previous floor button was, and step on the platform that just lowered. The chest has some jewels. Hit the floor switch here to raise a platform to the left of you. Hit the switch with the cherry on top of it, to raise a platform at the very end of the room. This final platform has the exit. Fire a turbo to get rid of the enemies, then exit this level! Phew... *This level contains the very difficult to beat Treasure Door. You should also gain some levels here, two or three as the Mirror Mages are a good source of experience.* |===========================| |D) Your Worst Nightmare! | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4.5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Grunts Level Size: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 4.5/5 Special Item: Runestone #11 This level is HUGE. Its also, one of the weirdest, levels... I've ever seen. You are going down a mechanical monster, starting at its mouth and down to its lungs and stomach and then, the "end" of the level. It is quite weird, but it does contain the 11th Runestone! -The first chest beside you has a bomb. Near here, a little to the left, is a fake wall. The chest in there has an Halo! This one you'll really want to get, as the scroll before you says so. Go down the bridge towards the tongue, when your near the mouth will open and a Black Death comes out. Steal a level from him, then go down the monster's throat. -There are a lot of Archers going down the throat. At the bottom, take out the general on the right side bridge, then take out the gargoyle at the lower platform. The chest here has some keys, then go down the bridge. -Take out the enemies on the next area and go down the next bridge. There are some three Archers on it. -At the next area, there's yet another Gargoyle here. The music changes down here, meaning its a new area of the level. Take out the gargoyle, then hit the ground switch that was behind him (by the pipe). Now here's the route to the eleventh Runesone: -Go down the path to the left of the gargoyle (not the path infront of the last floor switch). Down here there is some moving thing that goes up and down. Stand on it to ride up. The chest up here has an apple, and be careful of the Bombers who ambush you. Step on the coloured switch. Go across the platform that just drops. Go around this path and step on the elevator with the green barrel on it. Ride it up, and there will be a general up here. Take him out (there is little room to fight up here). He was guarding the Runestone, which is right here! Only one more to go! Once you get it, go all the way back down and down the path where the gargoyle was. -The chest by the bridge down has a bomb. Go down the bridge. There are three explosive barrels down here, destroy them all and they will take out the enemies for you. Hit the wall switch (to the right of you) on the pipe. This slows down a fan. Continue on the path infront of you, across the fan (watch out, it hurts). Keep going down this path, and the music changes again. Open the key gate at the end, and hit the wall switch at the far left here. Get the keys, then go down the stairs. -There are a TON of eneies down here, use a potion first off, then a Turbo to clear the rest out. Hit the wall switch on the left wall. Then, open they key door near here. Hit the wall switch in here, then go back up the stairs and get the golden claw that is now accessable. Hit the wall switch there. This lowers a Death, how nice. If you have a Halo, its a good thing! Go back down the stairs, and take his health! Then continue on this path going right. -Get the Thunder Hammer that should be on the wind fan, then go up the path. The chest up here has soem jewels. Then open the key door to your right. -The music changes yet again. There are four explosive barrels here, use them to take out the enemies. Then, go up the platform going up and down (like the one where you got the Runestone). Fire a Turbo up here to take out the enemies, and get the treasure in the chest. Now, go back down, and continue going right on this path. -Open the key door here. The chest here has some keys. Use a Turbo or potion to take out all the enemies, then go up the stairs and open the key door. Hit the wall switch by the general. This slows down a fan to the left of you. Go across it, and step on the colour switch at the end of this path. Hit the wall switch here to raise a platform that will let you get the key and levatation device. Step on the colour switch here. -In this next area, try not to touch the rotating bar with spikes on it to the right, it will hurt you. Continue down this path with all the floor traps. Follow this long path down, and you will reach a new area in the level, the stomach (how nice), and the music changes yet again :). -Go to the right first. The chest here has a potion. Hit the wall switch here, and it will lower a chest you'll get in a bit. Now go all the way to the right (or left from the start of this area). -Open the key door down here and take out the golem. One of the barrels here has an X-Ray Glasses item. Hit the floor switch to make the stoamch fill with, uh..., green liquid stuff? This makes some platforms raise, so return to the start of this area, and go down the platform that is now open. -When your on the centre platform, go right first across the bridge. The chest you lowerd a while ago is here, it has a fast shot item. Now, continue straigh on this path. -The scroll here says the first path isn't always the right path, and you'll see why. Go all the way to the bottom of this path and step on the platform to move to another platform. -On this one, get the silver from the barrel and take out the Archer. Step on the platform he was on. -The chest here (far right) contains a gas mask. Now there are two platforms to choose here, take the one to the right. -Follow the platforms to a hidden area. Hit the switch, and then take the left platform. -The platform you land on has a drumstick in the treasure chest. Continue on the bridge. -This next area, with the weird vain like objects, keep on this path. Its long, and at the end you will meet up with a general. Take him out, then go down the bridge. This is the final part of the level, and the music changes again. -The chest on the first platform has a bomb. Go down the bridge to the bottom of screen. The chest here has an apple, then continue here taking the bridge on the right. The chest at the bottom has a potion. Now go back up to the first platform and take the bridge to the left. The chest here has a Red Death, open it only if you have a Halo, some health right there. Go down the bridge here to the left. The chest in the next area has some silver. Now go down the route to the left. The barrel down here has some keys, and the chest has some jewels. Now go back up and take the bridge at the top left. The barrel here has some silver, then go up the bridge to the left. The chest here has some keys, then go up the bridge to the left. Go up the next bridge. Watch out for the Archer, then go up the bridge to the left (so many bridges!). The barrel here has a drumstick, then step on the multicoloured platform. Ride it up (you'll pass a blue potion on the ride up). -The long ride will take you to a platform with clouds around it, somewhat like the end of the dream. The chest up here has some ribs. Then, exit the level! *This level is long and dirty, but contains the 11th Runestone. Only one more to go, and its in the next level* |===========================| |E) Maze of Illusion | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Mirror Mages Level Size: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 5/5 Special Item: Runestone #12 This is the coolest level in the whole game by far. Everything here isn't what it seems to be, any there are even paths that you can't see that lead to a switch. This is the final level of the eight Realms, but it contains the final Twelfth Runestone! -You start on a flying platform. When you land, go to the direct left (where the Enemy shrink item is. This level does contain the Mirror Mages. Go down that path. The chest here has a potion. There is a wall switch just to the right of the chest. This lowers a golden claw which we'll get in a while. Go back out the the waterfountain. -Go around to the top left of this fountain, and take out the general. Continue on the what looks like to be dead end path, step on it to continue. See the weird looking fountain here, well there is a path to the right of it that you can't see that leads to the floor switch. STEP ON THE SWITCH TO LOWER THE RUNESTONE! Now go back around the path and take the route to the left. -There is an Archer over here standing on nothing. There is a wall switch on the house linke thing to the left, and there is an invisible path leading to it right infront of the swtich. Go up the path that just shows up. -There is a golem up here, and the chest contains a Pineapple. Go back down the path, and go to the right this time. -A platform just flies in from no where, continue along it. Step on the multicoloured switch and continue up the path that shows up. Up here, step on the end square and another path to the right will shot up. Step on it and yet another area will appear. -Don't worry, it looks like the floor is moving but its not. The chest at the far left has gold, and the chest to the right of it has a three way shot. Go on the path at the top right corner of this area. -Step on the floor switch here by the Archer to make a platform appear. Step on it to make another appear, and so on. Step on the middle floor switch up here (when you get to the next platform) to lower a pole back a the first fountain. Then step on the switch to the left to make a path appear. Keep walking along the path to make new sections appear. The chest has a drumstick. At the end of the path you'll be back at the fountain. Take the path to your direct right (the one you just opened). If you hit the first wall switch, a golden claw will be here, the chest has gold. *This is usually the 28th golden claw for me, which is all you need*. Go back out to the fountain, and go around to the top left. There is a new platform here, hit the groun switch on it to continue. -On this next platform, step on the switch. Continue on the platform that shows up. When you get to the multicoloured switch, don't step on it yet. Go to the left and take out the general. Step over where he was walking (looks like there's no ground). The chest here has some gold. Now go and step on the switch. Continue on the path that shows up. -Up here, hit the switch on the right hand side of the paltform. Go over the path that appears, take out the golem, and step on the switch up here to make another pole fall by the fountain. The chest here has a drumstick. Now go back down to the previous platform and hit the switch to the left. Continue on the platform that appears. -Two chests here, left one has junk, right one has bomb. Hit the switch on the right side of this platform. Step on the multicoloured switch here and you will (oddly) move to the next area. You're now at the fountain again. Go on the path to the direct right (the one you just opened). Only thing here is a chest with silver. Now go to the top right corner of this platform and continue there. -DO NOT STEP ON THE COLOURED SWITCH HERE YET! Hit the switch to make the pole behind you fall. Go back, and go to the bottom left of the fountain. The pole here is now gone. Go across this path and there's the 12th Runestone! The chest has some silver. Now go back and step on the coloured switch ONLY once you have the Runestone in hand, you can't come back after you step on it as the scroll here says. -The switch will take you to the second part of the level, the bigger one. Follow the path around here. Step on the colour switch when you see it to make the entire level change! You're no on the cloud side. This is one of the coolest changes I have ever seen in a game. Continue on the black path. -The first chest you see contains a meat. When you get to the staircase, the clouds will switch over again. Go down the stairs. -In this next platform, the chest to the far left contains a potion. Now step on the colour switch at top of screen. -The whole lever will change again. Go down the path, across the waterfall. The first chest has a cherry, the second has a Turbo. Go up the stairs. -Follow the path around here. This is a cool part of the level, when you get to the straight path, the background is the glouds but it looks like you're going into a portal, nice visulization ;). Go around here, until you get to the scroll and colour switch. Don't step on it yet. There is a fake path on the right side of the ground switch. A platform will move it. There's a Red Death on it. The chest has a full meal! There is a button switch on the left side of this platform, which moves the final golden claw in the level onto a path. Now go hit the colour switch. -The chest up here has some X-Ray glasses. Continue on the path to the right down the stairs. The chest down here has potion fruit. Continue on the path going right. Open the key doors here, then hit the ground switch and go down the stairs. The chest down here has random items. Go up the stairs to your left. -As soon as you step on this switch the level changes and a Black Death comes out of no where, so get ready to use a potion or Halo. The chest here has, a Halo. Go down the stairs to the right and across the path. -About half way through, the level will change again so you'll be back on the cloud side. Another cool background here. Continue along this long path, and hit the ground switch at the end. -The whole level will once again change. Follow the path, and if you hit the button by the full meal a while ago, there will be a golden claw here (the final one, unless you go back to previous levels to get them). If this gives you 28, or you already have 28, great job! Continue down this path and step on the colour switch. -The level will change one final time to the clouds. Go down the final black path, and the exit will be there. Well congratulations, you have now completed all the levels in the eight Realms. *This level contains the twelfth Runestone, the final one in the Realms* This here is the final level in the Eight Realms. Usually now, I go back and fight all the bosses. I tend to be about level 75 here (not have going back to play any levels), and am ready for every boss. If you have already beaten the bosses up to here, thats good. If not, you should have all the Legendary Items. You must beat them all to continue your journey. Also, make sure that you have 28 of the Golden Claws so you will be able to continue to the final Realm after you kill Scorne in a little while. |===========================| |F) Wraith | |===========================| Boss Difficulty: 5/5 Boss moves?: No Boss create enemies?: Yes Legendary Item for him: Lantern of Revalation (Found in Dream Realm) Recommend to be level: 80 at least I think this is the hardest boss in the game, including Scorne in that equasion. The Shadow Wraith is the only boss who has killed me time after time and I still have tons of trouble with him. Be at LEAST level 80 when you face him. You will have a better Familiar at this level (the extra firepower will be very helpful!) and because of one of the tips, you must be at level 80 for it to work (or around here, depending on the character). You'll also want the health, as he attacks non stop, most of his attacks are hard to dodge, and he has very high health. -First off go to the Spider Queen to get up to level 80. Second off make sure that you have FULL health when going in here. -You should buy tons of invulnerability, tons of Super Shots, and tons of weapon powerups. If your not going in at level 80, bring a Phoenix in with you, as his fireball is actually stronger than your Familiar's shot. -Stay in the middle, as far back as you can. If you go near him you will die in a minute, I warn you now. If your under level 80, sometimes your shots won't be able to hit him. At level 80 you grow taller, so thats why you'll need the extra high, just to hit him. -Try to stay away from the two sides, like in the battle against the Yeti. The Wraigh has (the attack he does the most) an attack that will cover those two sides and it REALLY hurts. -His strongest attack is a slow moving green thing that he fires towards the centre of the screen. This attack does about 500 damage, thats right, 500 full damage. Its very easy to dodge, as its quite slow moving. If it does hit you though, say bye bye to your health. He uses this attack quite often to. -Straif around. With the Super Shots, you should get a lot of damage off of him. -The Lantern of Revalation will really help you out. None of his range attacks will be able to hit you with it active, but it doesn't hurt him at all, and it also doesn't last very long. Use (if you have one) a five way shot at this time or three way with a weapon powerup. Then, finish those items with an invulnerablity on. If he's still alive after that, finish him with your Super Shots. -He attacks non-stop. -Once you defeat him, give yourself a pat on the back, and that should be the final Shard you need! -He will give you 15,000 gold, which you will most likely spend all of it on health, unless you used invulnerability the whole time with Super Shots. *At this time, if you played the bosses in Realm order, you will have all 8 Shards. This means you can now continue on the quest.* |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 27. Lower Tower | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Even though this isn't really the Lower Tower just yet, I'll treat the Desecrated Temple and Underworld as the Lower Tower. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 28. Desecrated Temple | |===============================| |-------------------------------| This area is activated once you complete each level in the 8 Realms and have beaten the bosses. You DO NOT need to have the 12 Runestones to access the portal to the Desecrated Temple, but you do need to have beaten the 8 bosses so you can get the Shards that will repair the stained glass window that leads to the Desecrated Temple. Once every Shard has been recovered, a portal at the base of the window (like the ones in the Realms), will appear and will be active. It is located between the Forsaken Province and Mountain Kingdom Realms, near Sumner's stand, |===========================| |A) Desecrated Temple | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 4/5 Enemy Levels: Grunts from the 8 Realms Level Size: 2/5 Level Difficulty: 4/5 Special Item: Legendary Item (Soul Saviour) Other Items: Scorne's Mask, Scorne's Horns, Skorne's Right and Left Gauntlet. The Desecrated Temple is accessed by the portal right by the stained glass window. This level isn't very big, but there is something unique about it, the special transporters spew out any type of enemy Grunt from the 8 Realms at random. They also come out VERY fast, a bit faster than the ones from the Dream Realm, so you'll have to melee attack through them to get to the generator. Here's the thing to this level, once you exit it, you will automatically go on to fight Scorne, there will be no stop at the Tower for you to buy health or any items. So get everything you need BEFORE entering the portal to the Temple. For the fight against Score (which is about as hard as the fight against the Shadow Wraith), you should have a lot of the three way shots, a good amount of invulnerability, a lot of the weapon amulets, and some Super Shots. Magic does not work against Skorne. Because you will not be able to get health back in the shop, that means you will have to do with what the Temple level has to offer which isn't all that much. So be careful and don't lose to much health! It is actaully possible to go through this whole level without loosing any health, I've done it before, you just really need to be careful and use many melee combos. Also, be sure to bring in a full key ring to the temple, there are lots of useful chests in here. -You start the level outside. Approach the door and it will automatically open, be sure to get the keys here at the start. -The generators look like purple transporters. They spew out only Grunts. No Ankle Biters in this level (yay). From the start, go right and destroy the fake bench. The chest here contains jewels. Go back to the start (theres a pair of X-Ray glasses here), and now go left. The chest at the start has a bomb. -Follow the path along the left wall. The chest up here has a ham. Go to the right when the path ends and take out all the enemies. The chest has jewels. Now go down and to the right. Go along the path on the right until you get to a little incover. There's a Red Death in there, so steal some health from him. In this little incover, the book shelves to the left and right are fake. The one on the left has a Reflective Shot, on the right has a Speed Item. Hit the wall switch here. Now, go over to the left side of the room by following the path over there. There is another little incover there. The now open door here has a Anti-Death Halo. You should already have one, so this will refresh it. Once againg the book shelves to the left and right are fake. On the left is hidden a three way shot (be SURE to get this), and on the right is an electric amulet (get this to for the Skrone battle!). Hit the wall switch here. This openes up the wall in the previous incover. There is a fast shot item in there, which is useful against Skorne, so go get it. -Now continue on the path on the left wall going up. When the path ends, go to the right again. Get the X-Ray glasses then go down a bit. The chest here has keys, now keep going down. Take out the enemies here, and to the left is a chest with some ribs in it. Get it if you need it. Now go to the right and continue up the right hand wall. -The chest up here has a three way shot item. Hit the ground switch to lower the railing in front of you. It also opens the gate where the X-Ray glasses were, so enter it. -There are TONS of enemies in here. Go to the right and fire a Turbo up there, then go to the left and use a potion. Take out the rest of the generators. At the bottom right corner of this room is a chest with some keys. Go to the top left of this room. There is a wall switch here near the ray of light. Hit the switch (there's a weird man here stuck in the wall as it seems who keeps saying "save me, Scorne is here!", kinda weird... Hit the switch then go to the stairs in the centre of this room. Hit the button here to make the whole wall in front of you go down. Go into the next room. -There's a Death by the stand. Steal his health, then take out the rest of the enemies here. Once all are gone, its time to get the Soul Saviour. Go to the left side of the exit (don't exit yet!) and you'll see a button switch up there near the generator. Hit it then go to the bottom right of the room. Hit the wall switch here, then go to the bottom left of this room. The chest here has a bomb. Hit the wall switch here. Now go up near the exit again, and hit the button switch on the platform that just dropped. This drops the Soul Saviour by the exit! The chest here has jewels. Be SURE TO GET THE SOUL SAVIOUR, it'll make your extremely tough battle against Skorne a bit easier. Once you have it, take a breath and exit the level, its time to banish Skorne from the Realm. |===========================| |B) Scorne | |===========================| Boss Difficulty: 5/5 Boss moves?: No Boss create enemies?: No Legendary Item for him: Soul Saviour (Found in Desecrated Temple) Recommend to be level: 80 at least The king of the demons, Skorne, is your final battle in this Realm. Think the Wraith was hard? Well, Score is just as hard as the Wraith was, if not a bit harder. He doesn't attack as consistantly, but his attacks do MAJOR damage. He only shoots out powered up fire balls, and the odd fire breath attack. Still, there's not much you can do other than side step and shoot. -The Soul Saviour really will save you here. None of Scorn's fire ball attacks will be able to hit you when this is powered up (which is a good small amount of time). Use this to your advantage! Don't go to close to Scorne, as his fire breath can still hit you. Stay back from him, just stand still, and fire away with a powered up item and a three or five way shot. Use the fast shot item you found earlier in the Desecrated Temple as well, this will really speed things up. -Scorne has a VERY high health bar. The Soul Saviour does not hurt him at all, and it will take a while to kill him. -When the Saviour starts to fade (the red beam starts to flash), get ready for the real fight to begin. Scorne will now be able to hit you with all of his attacks. He does pause inbetween a few shots, perfect for you to get some fast shots off. While he is firing, just run away. If you are moving left to right, his shots won't be able to hit you, and he only fires one at a time. -You cannot dodge his fire breath attack. When he uses it, you must press B to defend against it, or else it will knock you over, and it does a good deal of damage as well. -The more hurt Scorne gets, the faster he will start to fire, and the stronger his attacks become. You'll know when hes near Death as he starts to fire quite quickly. When this happens, bring up your Super Shot (as you can't be hurt when firing it), and just stand still and fire away. If you have bought a dozen or two of them, that should be enough to finish him off. -Like in previous bosses, you should not approach him. Although he doesn't really have a close range attack, it will be impossible to dodge his shots up close. Stay as FAR back as possible, and it will be easier for you to dodge his fire ball shots. -Once you beat Scorne, he will drop four of his items. Each of these will give you an extremely strong power, such as Scorne's Gauntles which will give you a very powerful shot. They do not last forever, so you should DEFINITY save them for the battle against Scorne in the Underworld. Once you defeat Score, Sumner will come up saying (if you have gotten all of them) that you have found all 12 Runestones, and you can now follow Scorne into the Underworld. If you are missing one of a few, however, he will tell you which level they are in, and when you get near it, he will tell you "you are near the Runestone". It all shows on a little meter at the top of the screen. On the other hand, if you have all 12, you will respawn in the tower by the Runestones. A portal will now appear in the centre of the circle of Runestones. That is the transporter to the Underworld. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 29. The Underworld | |===============================| |-------------------------------| As I just said before, you MUST HAVE ALL 12 RUNESTONES to enter this level. It's must like the Desecrated temple, that being there is a short level, then you must battle against Score right away. This short level though, is much harder than the previous one, that being all the enemies coming out of the generators are Level Three special enemies, such as the Mirror Mages. Mirror Mages + Ice Worms + Fiends + all other level 3's equal... a lot of health loss. But, there are spots in this level where there is a special item to help you out, which does make it easier than it sounds. Enter this level with the same items as before, as the next fight against Scorne is just as hard. |===========================| |A) Underworld | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 5/5 Enemy Levels: All level three enemies. Level Size: 3/5 Level Difficulty: 5/5 Special Item: Access to the Final Realm -From where you start, go down and get the three way shot item. It'll really help. Now, go farward. This level looks pretty cool. Take out all the enemies you see. Hit the button switch to continue on to the left. -On this next platform, hit the next button here. At this next platform there are tons of enemies. Fire a Turbo up there to get rid of the Generators, and hit any enemies that survived. Continue up this path. When you get to the next button switch, there's a weapon amulet to your left. Hit the button to lower a platform, and go along the path here. -When you get to the next button switch, hit it and continue on. On this next platform, take out the generators then get the Turbo item. Follow along the paths using Turbos and any items you have (remember save a LOT of them for the fight against Scorne. Up the next bridge like thing is a invulnerability item, very useful here! -When on the long bridge you get to a area that juts out to the left, go there and get the Super Shot! Useful around here to take out tons of enemies at one time. Then continue on this bridge thing. -When you get off, use a Turbo to take out the four generators and all the enemies. Hit the button switch (there's a amulet to the right of the button switch). Go across the platform that rises up from the lava. There's a Fire Sheild item over here, which is very useful in this level as it just plows through enemies. Continue on this path. Get the Turbo item when you find it, then go onto the next bridge to the left. -There's a Hammer over here. Take it and use it right away to clear out all the enemies here. Now hit the button switch to continue on. There's a fire breath item on the next platform. Get it and continue on the platform. (Use all of the items you're picking up whenever you need them). -In this next area, use a Hammer blast to take out lots of enemies, then use a Turbo down to the right. Hit the button switch down there. -In the next area, use a Hammer and Turbo to clear out the enemies. Get the Invulnerability here. Hit the button switch, cross over and get the Super Shot, and then hit the next button switch and continue on to the right. -There's a three way shot here, as well as another hammer. Continue on the bridge to the left. -At the other side of this bridge are two fire golems. These guys have tons of Health, and do lots of damage. The one on the left has the only food in this whole level, which is a full meal. Then take out the one on the right. If your character has a high strength rating, these guys won't be much trouble at all. Plus you fight them in a big area, but taking on two isn't much fun. The one on the right spoils a fire amulet. Now, hit the wall switch at the top left of this area which makes a huge wall drop down in front of you. This here is the exit to the level. Be prepared to, once and for all, take on Scorne and, hoepfully, defeat him! |===========================| |B) True Scorne | |===========================| Boss Difficulty: 5/5 Boss moves?: No Boss create enemies?: No Legendary Item for him: You're all alone Recommend to be level: 80 at least This battle isn't much different to the one in the Temple, except Scorne doesn't seem to have as much health, and he no longer has his special items. He does, however, have fire ball attacks, very strong close range attacks, and a fire beam that hurts. -Number one, stay back! Don't go in near to fight him. This is suicide! You probably don't have full health either, unless the Full Meal from before did fill you up. -There is no legendary item for this fightm so you're in it alone. Scorne has a bit less health than before, but his attacks do seem to do a bit more damage, and his close range attacks are devisating. -Srafe around. You have lots of room to fight him. It is near impossible to dodge his fire attack, so just block when he uses it. -Basically, use the same strategy as before. Use the three way shots with the powered up items. Then, use a lot of Super Shots to finish him off. -Once you beat Scorne, take a look behind where he was. Looks like there's something back there, someone tied to a pole. Hmm... -When he is dead, he will release four gold coins, a lot of gold to buy health. -Once Sumner finishes congratulating you, a short cut scene will role. It shows some man (being Garm), saying "Scorne is Dead... feel his power", and he somehow obsorbes the esscence from Score, and now he becomes a devil like being to. This is where the last part of the game starts off. -Be sure to save your game when its done! Once you are back in the Tower, you will start by the twelve Runestones. A message comes up, saying: "The spirit of Garm has absorbed the essence of Scorne and now seeks to destroy us. His undead armies have surround my tower and are attacking even now. Lost somewhere among the battlefields lies the thirteenth Runestone. With it you can gain entrance to Garm's Citadel. Go now and seek this final Runestone. Once you have found it, enter Garm's Citadel and face him in one final confrontation. The outcome of that battle will decide the fate of the Realm!" Things arn't looking good. There is just one more Realm to go through, the Battle Fields. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 30. Battle Gounds | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Enemies Difficulty: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 5/5 Boss Difficulty: 5/5 Overall Realm Difficulty: 5/5 This is the real start to the Lower Tower Wing. In order to access the Battle Grounds at all, you must have 28 of the Golden Lion Claws from the East Wing to enter. If you don't have that many, play one of the levels there to get them. You also MUST have defeated Scorne both times. Once everything is done, go down either stairwell to the right/left of the Runestone circle, and the whole level down here will drop. Go down the new right/left staircases to get to the final three portals of the game. The levels in this area are the biggest in the game, with the last being the largest level in the game probably. These levels have no gargoyles, no golden items, and no crystals, but they do have generals and golems. There are also no level three enemies, just ankle biters and level two skeleton enemies (like grunts). These guys are the fastest respawning enemies in the game, the same as the enemies from the purple generators in the Underworld and Temple. |===========================| |A) Battle Trenches | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Undead Army Level Size: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 5/5 Special Item: None Once you take care of Scorne in both areas, the first of the three portals down here will activate. Step on the first one to access this level. There isn't a big difference in difficulty between this Realm and the Dream. The enemies respawn very quickly, and they will also all swarm you. -From the start, you will start outside Sumner's Tower. The chest at the bottom left of this area has Silver. Go down the pathway to your right. -There is a general down here. They're quite skilled, so watch out. Continue on this pathway. -Open the key door when you get to it. Then open the next one. Walk up the little tower to get a potion (watch out for the fire balls that are attacking Sumner's tower). Go down the path. -The chest down here has a Black Death! Use a Halo on him to gain a level! Continue on this path. Down here you'll meet the Ankle Biters from this level, the skeleton dogs. These guys are really annoying, the do good damage and there are a ton of em. The chest before the path down has a drumstick (on the right). Now go down the path into the Trenhes. -The Trenches are difficult to navigate. They are like mini mazes. From the start, take the route to the right (to the left is a dead end). Go along the right end of the trench until you get to the path up. -Up here is a general and a ground switch on the bottom right hand corner of this area. Once you hit it, go back down into the trenches (the same path you took to get up here), and continue on to the left (the path is now open). -There's a three way fork in the road here. Go to the right first. -Open the key door down here. Inside this mini area are two chests. The one on the left has poison fruit. There is one inside the little shack here, break down the door its fake. It contains some ribs. Now go back to the area with the forks in the road. -Now take the route to the left, down here are some enemies and a Super Shot. Now take the route going straight, where the chest with the bad apple is. -Watch out, there are a LOT of suicide bombers down this path. Open the key door when you get to it to go back up to a elevated platform. Destroy the rock behind the gate, its fake. Go up to the platform. To the left of you will be a golem. Take him out. The chest here contains some Silver. Go to the top left of this platform to find a Thunder Hammer in one of the barrels. On the left side here, cross over the trench with the short wooden bridge (its hard to see) to get to the next area. -The chest by the pathway up to a higher level here has some Silver. Go up the pathway (top of this area) -Go to the left up here. At the very left of this area is a Treasure Chest with a Shrink Enemy item in it. Be sure to hit the ground switch here. Now go back down the the previous area. Go to the far left and down the trench. -The chest down here contains spoiled meet. Go to the left first and open the key door. The first path to the left here has an apple, but go all the way up this path and go left here. There's just an apple in here. Now go on the path to your right. Go all the way to the right and you'll imerge in another trench. Go down here (to the right I guess, or bottom of screen) and open the key door you see. There's a floor switch in there by the generator. Now go to the left on this path all the way to the end. Open the key door here to get out of the trench. -Go to the left up here first. Take out the enemies. There is a chest down here with a bomb, and a barrel with some keys and a speed item by it. Now go over to the right. -Go all the way up this path (watch out for the suicide bombers). When you get to a pathway going right (a short wooden bridge), take that route. When you reach the end, get the potion and take out the enemies. There's a little trick here. Hit the switch (top right of this area) and it will make a door on the trench to the right of you go down. Now RETRACE YOUR STEPS back along the wooden bridge, and go down the trench there. (Don't go down the trench back on the area with the switch, or else the door will go back down and the switch will reset). Go all the way to the right on this trench and open the key door. Keep going straight and get a Halo ready, there's a Red Death at the end of this path. At the end of this path, the door that opened a while ago in the shack contains a Invulnerability item, useful! Now, go back, all the way back (to hwere you entered this trench) and open the key door here. The chest here has a drumstick. Now, go up the path and to the left here is a switch. The barrel here also has an Anti-Death Halo. Now go back down in the trench and go all the way to the left and up this path. -Go across the path, now going to the right. Go up the path to the top level. -As soon as you get up here, fire a Turbo to get rid of the enemies, then take an immidate right and across the little bridge with the apples. Take out the enemies here and hit the ground switch. Now go back to the previous platform and go to the left. Take out the golem, and one of the chests here has a Red Death in it. Use the Halo you go earlier on him. The chest here has potions. Now go all the way to the left here, and destroy a rock to get explose the ground button switch. Its by the chest with a random food item. Hit it then retrace your steps to the chest with the potion in it. To the right here among the fallen wooden beams is a path over to the other side (very easy to miss) cross it. -Go down the trench here and to the right. Open the key gate and hit the switch. Now go down the other trench. At the next break, go left to get a Fire Shield, and right to continue on. When you get to another break in the platform, go to the left first and hit the ground switch here, then go to the right. Go all the way to the end of this path, then up the slope. Up here, the chest to the left has random items. Now go up the path before you. -Take out the enemies on this path and watch out for the many suicide bombers. At the top of this path is the level exit! *Its a huge level, and very confusing because of the mazy trenches. Only two levels left in the game! This level contains no special item* |===========================| |B) Fortified Towers | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Undead Armies Level Size: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 5/5 Special Item: Sumner Treasure Door This level is also very big. Its not as confusing as the first one though. This level also contains the trap door to unlock Sumner, but its VERY hard to get. -First off, go to the far right and take out the general. Now, hit the fake box (to the right of the ground switch) to reveal a floor button. Hit it, then hit the ground switch. Hit the button that lowers, then the other button that appears in front of you. This lowers a platform so you can get the floor switch in the little incove. Hit it then go on the path to your right (not up the stairs). There is a chest here with a potion. After you get it, go up the path where the general was. -Hit the ground switch here, then go up and hit the wall switch. This opens a little incover with a potion in it. Continue up the path to your left. Go to your left and up the path and there should be in invisibility item up here. Then go back down and hit the ground switchby the door. Go through the path that opened and hit the ground switch up here. Continue on this path. -Hit the ground switch at the next area and then hit the next switch that raises up. The trreasure box here contains Silver. Now go down the path on the left. -Go to the very far right here and get the potion, then back down and to the right is a fake wall with a chest behind it containing Gold. Now go down the elevator to your left. Go around this area in the center and to the next area. -Destroy the fake wall to get to the switch in the wooden structure thing. This lowers a platform with a Red Death on it. Use a Halo on him, then hit the switch that was on his platform. This opens a door in front of you. Hit the switch in there. Now go to the left and around. The chest up here has an apple. The chest inside the wall that opened has a three way shot. Now hit the ground switch and ride the elevator here up. -The door up here beside the ground trap is fake. There's a chest in there with jewels. Now go up the tower. -Hit the ground switch when you get to it and up to the top of this tower. Hit the ground switch up there. It opens the door in front of you to continue on. -When you get to the next area of ground, go to the left. There is a general here. Do NOT hit any of the ground switches yet. Take out the golem while he's trapped inside the gate. Then hit the switch, get the item he dropped it you want. To the right of you is some wall jutting out, its fake. There's a button switch there. Hit it then go back to where you entered this little area. There is a switch here now (inside a little alcove) hit it to raise some Gold we'll get later. Now go on the path to the right. -Go down the bridge to the right. The chest here has fire breath. Hit the ground switch by the Archer. It will raise an elevator. Take the elevator down, then go up the path down there. -There's a scroll up here, and the wall beside it is fake. Hit the ground switch in there. This raises a button to your left. Hit it to make a chest appear that we'll get in a while. Now hit the other ground switch to lower an elevator and ride up. -Up here, hit the ground switch to your left. It opens a wall by here with a wall switch in it. Hit the wall switch, then go up the pathway. -Up here, destroy the fake wall to find a treasure chest with an apple and a wall switch here that opens the pathway for you here. There might be another chest up here if you hit some switches a while ago. It contains a invulnerability item. Go up the path here. -Go up the pathway to the top of the tower and hit the switch to continue on. Then go down the path to the left. -The chest down here has a bomb. Hit the switch by the chest. It opens a pathway to the left. Go down that path. Hit the switch before it though. -Go all the way around this path. If you hit a switch a while ago, there might be a barrel of Gold in a little incover in the mountain here. Continue along this path going left. -At the end of the path is a scroll and a fake wall that juts out of the normal wall beside it. It will raise the rock to your left. Hit the button switch in there. Continue along the bridges to the left. -The chest up here contains keys. Go to the right. There are three golems over here, which is a bit of a tough fight. Once they are dead continue along this path and hit the ground switch at the end to lower an elevator. The chest here has Silver. Ride the elevator up and continue along the pathway. -Hit the floor switch up here to lower the gate. You'll see the exit up ahead, but don't leave yet! Go along the wooden bridge to your right. The Treasure Door is here. *Treasure Door for Sumner: This one is near impossible. If you have a very slow character it is impossible. First of all the level is very long, the coins are all spread out, and there's no light (except for the little bit around you). This level is like the Trenches, just as mazy and confusing. You'll hopefully have a speed item here. If not, do your best! It will probably take many tries, it did me. The map for this level, located on the main page on the Gauntlet Menu on GameFAQ's has a map for this level, which is VERY useful!* -Once you beat of lose at the Treasure Door, exit the level (located at end of the pathway). *This level contains the very difficult Treasure Door to unlock Sumner. He is an amazing character to use, as he starts out with maxed attributs and health. Getting him though, is VERY hard, its the hardest Treasure Door in the game by far! Only one level in the game left (teer)!* |===========================| |C) Fortress | |===========================| Enemy Difficulty: 5/5 Enemy Levels: Ankle Biters and Undead Armies Level Size: 5/5 Level Difficulty: 5/5 Special Item: Runestone #13 Well, we have finally made it to the final level in Gauntlet Dark Legacy (sniff). But, it is the biggest and hardest one. This Realm also contains the Thirteenth Runestone, but its hidden well. -From where you start, continue on this path going straight. When you get to the area where the paths slipt, go up the little bridge and continue along the bridge up there. -When you get off the bridge, go to the right and hit the switch to continue on. Go down the the lower path, and across the bridge down there. Open the key door when you get to it, and continue along the bridge here. When you get to the end of the bridges, go to the left and up the bridge. There is a floor button up here. Hit it if you have to players to make a short cut. If you're on your own, go back down the bridge and a bit more to the left to go up that way. -When you get to the top, there is a general. Take him out. A bit to your right here is a fake wall. Break it down to get a key. Then go into the inner part of this area. -The chest here (to the left) has some junk. To the far right of the key door is a potion in the fire. It is hidden well, as it looks like the flames. Now hit the switch and open the key gate and ride the elevator up. Follow this long path up here. When you get to the floor switch, hit it and ride the elevator down. -Down here, go to the right first, and down the bridge. At the end is a barrel with a drumstick, and a switch that raises an elevator. Ride it down. Go to the left and hit the switch on the small wooden bridge that will lower a gate. Now, go back up the elevator and over the bridge. Up here, the gate infront of you is now down. The key door to the left just leads to where we were before. Go thought the now open pathway. -This is a fairly large room. Go along the right side of the wall first. There is a basketball hoop at the other end. Near this basketball hoop (a little to the right) is a fake wall with a chest in it. It has a potion. Continue going to the right. The barrel here has an invulnerability item. Keep going to the right until you get back to the entrance of this room. Go to the left this time. -Open the key door here. There's some keys and a chest with a steak in it. Keep going to the left. Up at the end of this path is a red barrel. When you make it explode, you'll see some wall right by it flash. Hit the wall again to make it dissapear and hit the floor switch in there. The chest by here contains a three way shot item. There's also a sloped box by here that will let you go up onto the stack of boxes. There's another sloped box up here, that will bring you to the top pile. Up here is some silver in a barrel. Now go back down, to the right, and through the now open path. -Go to the left first and up the sloped box (there's a fake half on it, shoot it for it to dissapear). Go up here, as the first chest has silver, and the chest on the higher stack has more silver. Now go back down and to the left, up the path. When you get to the floor trap, destroy the fake box here to make a slope up. There's some keys up here. Now go back down and continue on this path. -In the next area is a golem. Take him out, then hit the wall switch on the right side of the room. The chest by it contains a stop time item. Now go to the left side of the room and hit the floor switch to lower an elevator. The chest here has a bomb. Ride the elevator up. -Go to the right first to get some keys, the continue up this path. On the next platform is a Super Shot, and a chest with some gold. Hit the ground switch here to raise an elevator by you. Go down here and take out the enemies, and hit the ground switch to the left. This here is the hardest puzzle to find in the game. At the VERY top left corner of this room, by the lit tourch (by the barrel that has levetation in it), is a fake wall on the grid on the left. It's very hard to see it because of the camera view. Break it down, then go inside the little grid room. In here is (drums role) the THIRTEENTH RUNESTONE! It looks a lot bigger than the other Runestones. ITS VERY EASY TO MISS THIS RUNESTONE! Once you have it, go back up the elevator and continue on this path. -Cross the transporter up here. If you do not have a Runestone yet, GO BACK AND GET IT! Once you have it, step on the transpoter. Open the key door when you get to it, and continue on this path. Hit the ground switch at the end to raise a little elevator. Ride it down and continue on this path going right. Keep going until you get to another transpoter. Step on it to go down to the next area. Follow this path around to the bottom of this area, and go left here. Hit the wall switch in the little incove on the far left corner of this area, then continue up the bridge a bit to the right. -When you get to the next area, go to the far top of this room (don't hit the floor switch yet). Go through the flames and at the very end of this room is a fake wall. Break it down to find some gold (if you've risen it) inside a large room. Once you have it, go up the elevator. -Up here, go along the path. When you get to the far left bridge across, use that one (the others all down). Cross over to the right side of this area, and down the path and across the bridge to the right. -This area has a lot of doors on the wall. Hit the wall switch to make the first door on the far right go down (where you entered this area). There's a Black Death in there! Use a Halo on him if you have one, or just use a magic. Step on the switch that he was standing on. This opens a door to your far left. In there is a treasure chest with light amulet. Get it, then step on the switch that was below the chest. This opens a door to your right. Hit the floor button in it (its the door beside where the Death was). This lowers a door by the first wall switch you hit. There's a chest with gold in there, get it and hit the switch that was under the chest. This opens a door to your very far left. Hit the button in there, and go down to the left more. There is a switch here with a cherry on it. Hit it, then keep going to the left. There's a door here now open with a button in it. Hit the button. Keep going to your left to hit the button in the now open door (with the yellow potion on it). This opens a door to your right, but... there's nothing in there? I have no idea if there's suposed to be something in there or not, but lets forget it. Continue on the path to the left. -There's a general down around the next bend. Take him out then continue on this path. Hit the floor switch to make an elevator raise a bit to your right, then ride it down. -Down here, keep going to the right until you see the slope in the boxes. Go up there, and at the far top of them is a chest of gold. Now go down the slope, and continue on this path. Go down to the VERY END of this room. There's a wall switch down here on the left side wall. Hit it to open a door by the exit. Now go up the path on the left and open the key door. -Go down to the far left of this path, and the door here will be open if you hit the last wall switch. There's a steak and watermellon here by a green barrel. Don't hit the barrel or else the food will spoil. Get the food, then hit the barrel for fun :) and take out the rest of the enemies and the general. Inside this little area here is, the exit of the level! The chest by the exit contains random food items of a potion. When your ready, exit the level, and say bye bye to the Gauntlet World, its the final level of the game! *This level contains the final Runestone, number 13. Its very hard to find. If you miss it, come back to this level and (like the previous Runestones), Sumner will help you find it. When you do exit with the thirteenth Runestone in hand, back in the tower Sumner will greet you, and the Runestone will be put into place. A final warp pad will appear, which leads to Garm... and the final battle in the game.* |===========================| |C) GARM | |===========================| Boss Difficulty: 3.5/5 or 5/5 Boss moves?: No Boss create enemies?: No Legendary Item for him: You're all alone Recommend to be level: 80 at least So whats up with the boss difficulty? Well, if you know how to fight Garm, he is actually one of the easiest bosses in the game I think. If you do not know how to fight him, he will kill you VERY quickly. Garm, Sumner's evil brother who (as you saw after you fight with Skorne in the Underworld), absorbed the evil esscence of Skorne, and has taken on a demon shape himself. The thing about Garm is he by far has the most health out of all the bosses, and his attacks are absoutly deadly. He only has a few, and they are all quite easy to dodge (except when he shocks the ground, then you must defend but it doesn't do much damage). His deadly eye beam attack which is quite hard to get away from if you react to late, takes off about 500 damage, so think about it. He uses this attack a lot, and if he hits you time after time your screwed. The best way to go in and fight Garm is to bring these into battle: -A LOT of Three Way Shots. -A good amount of weapon powerups. -A few Super Shots just in case. -A few Fast Fire items. -If you have any of Skorne's items left from your first fight against him (in the Desecrated Temple), such as the two left and right hand Gauntlets (the masks won't hurt Garm), these will fair VERY well against this Garm, as these are the two strongest weapon powerups in the game. The will eat away at Garm's health very quickly. But if you have used them all up during the fight against Skorne in the Underworld, then: -Just be sure to bring in a lot of weapon powerups :P -Another good idea is to buy a lot of speed items, as it will be easier to dodge Garm's eye beam attack. Never stop moving unless to shoot. Straifing is not fast enough to dodge his energy ball (the attack he uses the most often and is also very painful), yet alone his eye beam attack. He does NOT attack very often, he is slow, so this is good for you to get in some shots. If your character has a fast slow attack (such as the Knight), then use it! Don't go in and fight Garm close up. He has another beam attack there with his hands that will knock you down, and as soon as you're down he will fire the eye beam at you. A very deadly combo, as it totaled will take about 800 health off of you. There are also steam vents there that will hurt you. Stay as far back as possible. It will give you more time to react to his shots. Fight Garm like you did Skorne, the only difference is Garm doesn't fire as fast. You have no legendary item to aid you here. Be sure to come into battle with full health! If you are anywhere lower than level 80 (its highly doubtful that you should be, usualy at this time im at a level 85-90). If you're low, then go get some levels off the Spider Queen. Really, you'll need the health, so level 80 is the min here. You can go on this boss without losing any health quite easily, as long as you play him smartly. He does have one attack that you can't dodge, which is a ground wave move. Hit B when it comes near to block it, and you won't fall over this time. Anytime you're knocked over, he will fire the eye beam shot at you and its a really hurtful combo. If you have the five way shot item avaliable, use it. Most of the shots will hit him, as he as very big. Its a long and dirty fight. His health bar is very big. But once you do beat him, you've beaten the whole Gauntlet Dark Legacy game!!! Now, if you want an extra challenge, play it on hard mode! You turn this on in the main screen under the options. Try taking out the Shadow Wraith on this difficulty! Once Garm is finish, a short movie will play, showing the lands go back to normal and the enemies melt away. Then the credits will role. If you're not at level 99 yet, you can go back and get there, although once Garm is beaten there is nothing else to do. You can start out a new game with another character you've unlocked if you want. Also, when you get to the menu screen it will show your game stats, that being how many enemies you have killed, how many generators have been destroyed, how much gold you have found, and the total playtime. ~This ends the walkthrough of this huge game~ |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 31. Codes | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Gauntlet Dark Legacy has a TON OF CODES for you. The problem is, you are only able to use one at a time. In order to enter a code, you must input it in your name when you start a new games. All codes will fill up your name (the 6 characters). So for example, if you normally put ABCDEF as your name, now you would put "INVULN" in your name if you wanted the Unlimited Invulnerability code. Now most of the codes will give you unlimited of that certain item, for example "1ANGEL" will give you unlimited Anti-Death Halo. One problem I have found with using codes is that, if, you pick up a lot of items when playing the game, my code item just dissapears for some reason. It's probably a glitch, but it is very annoying. The best advice for this is, don't pick up a ton of items, only ones that are a MUST NEED (such as Anti-Death Halo's or X-Ray glasses). If you special item does dissapear from your invintory, use up a few items in a level (remember you can't use up items in Sumner's Tower!), and once a few are used up, complete the level and back in Sumner's Tower you sould have it back (if you used up enough item). This is annoying, and it doesn't always happen, but when it does don't worry, just use up items and it will come back eventually. If worse comes to worse, save your game (doesn't matter if you save or not I guess), and restart your console. You item should be back. *NOTE: In alphabetial order compared to their effect* ________________________________________________________________________ |CODE | Effect | |---------|-------------------------------------------------------------| |10000K | 10K in Gold | |1ANGEL | Anti-Death | |NUD069 | Dwarf as a Gimp | |ICE600 | Drarf as a Large Jester | |ALLFUL | Full Potions and Keys | |PURPLE | Full Turbo | |INVULN | Invincibility | |000000 | Invisibility | |KJH105 | Jester as a Stick Figure with a Cap | |PNK666 | Jester as a Stick Figure with a Mohawk | |STX222 | Jester as a Stick Figure with Smile | |BAT900 | Knight as a Centurion | |TAK118 | Knight as a Ninja | |RIZ721 | Knight as a Quarterback | |KAO292 | Knight as a Waitress | |DARTHC | Knight in a Black Outfit | |SJB964 | Knight in a Black Karate Suit | |ARV984 | Knight in Street Cloths | |DIB626 | Knight in Street Cloths and a Hat | |STG333 | Knight in Street Cloths and Bald | |SJB964 | Play with 2 Scythes | |EGG911 | Pojo the Chicken | |REFLEX | Reflective Shot | |CSS222 | Regular Cloths and Baseball Bat | |XSPEED | Run Faster | |DELTA1 | Shtink Enemy and Growth Items | |SSHOTS | Unlimited Super Shot | |QCKSHT | Throw Quickly | |MENAGE | Tripple Shot | |CEL721 | Valkyrie as a Cheerleader | |AYA555 | Valkyrie as a School Girl | |TWN300 | Valkyrie as Death | |MTN200 | Warrior as Orc Boss | |CAS400 | Warrior in Ogre Cloths | |RAT333 | Warrior Wearing a Red Hat | |GARM00 | Wizarrd as a Litch | |DES700 | Wizard as a Pharoah | |SKY100 | Wizard as an Alien | |GARM99 | Wizard as Evil guy | |SUM224 | Wizard as Sumner | |PEEKIN | X-Ray Vision | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| *NOTE: If any of these don't work, or their description is wrong, please tell me and i'll be sure to fix them up.* *NOTE: This hasn't been reported in the Gamecube version very much, but playing with codes has been known to be a problem with freezing the game. If your game tends to freeze a lot, there might be a glitch in the code, so either restart your Gamecube or start a new file if the problem persists.* |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 32. Legal | |===============================| |-------------------------------| I don't expect anyone to read this, so i'll keep it very brief. Basically, I only want this guide to appear on this ONE and ONLY site: This is the first FAQ/Walkthrough I have ever written (yeah, thats why its not very good, but they will get better over time), so until later times this is the only place I want this guide. If by any chance you want to use it for your own site, please LINK to the gamefaq's postage of this FAQ. Do not copy it! If anyone sees this FAQ on any other site, please e-mail me (located later on in the FAQ under the Final Statement Chapter, the final chapter) and tell me the site and DIRECT URL link to the site. If you would like to use this FAQ in any other way, I would be happy to let you use it, but PLEASE E-MAIL ME FIRST telling me how you would like to use the FAQ and where it would be posted. The Gauntlet series are all copyright 2001 Midway Entertaiment, Incorporated. This FAQ cannot be reproduced or copied in any way! If you do want to use this e-mail, as I said e-mail me and I will most likley let you use it, but all credit must go towards me *just call me gamerman555* This document for Gauntlet Dark Legacy is Copyright 2004 by me. |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 33. FAQ | |===============================| |-------------------------------| Here are some common questions about this game. Some of them I have made up myself, as they are probably questions that could be of use to be answered. Q: Gauntlet Dark Legacy is the exact same as Gauntlet Legends, although just with better graphics and new gameplay. A: Not true at all. Some of the Realms are the same, although many of the items have changed, and the gameplay has certinaly changed! For example, you no don't have to activate anything to enter the next Realm, you only need to get a certain amount of crystals (which is better). Plus you don't have to beat the boss. Q: This game has awesome graphics A: False... only the short cinimas have good graphics (and they're very good to!) Q: Is it possible to start a new character with all the information from a previous file in the same save file? A: Whenever you start with a new character, you will ALWAYS have to start out fresh. (If you go back to your old character, his information will still be there). The only way to avoid this is with two players. If for example, you are playing as a Wizard, and beaten up to the Forest Realm in solo player, and then you start with a friend, you can play as the level 40 (or whatever) Wizard and all your information would be there, but your friend would have a level one whoever, which wouldn't be very fair (evil laugh). Q: There is a way to show the bosses health meters A: False, you can't. I do wish you could see their health meters, but im afraid there is no way you can. Q: Both games for PS2 and Gamecube are the same, meaning that they both freeze a lot and both have bad frame rates. A: Not really true, the Gamecube version is a bit better. I find it doesn't freeze as much as the PS2 version, and the frame rate for the GC is better. This is probably because the Gamecube is a bit stronger than the PS2. Q: Where can I gain the most experince for easy levels? A: Easy experience? Hmm, I don't know any of that, but there is one certain boss which will give you lots of experience for some reason. The Spider Queen, boss of the Forest Realm, will just throw the experince at you. Most fights, you will gain 2-3 levels, just in one fight! There is a good strategy to beat her for experince points, take a look at her boss strategy (under the Forest Realm). Q: Who would you say is the hardest boss? A: Friends have asked me this one, and to be honest its a close tie. Skorne (the first time) gives me tons of trouble (even more than Garm, I find him easy and Scorne in the Underworld), but probably the boss who gives me the MOST trouble would be the Shadow Wraith of the Dream Realm. He is a true pain, and and I've never been able to beat him without an item and under level 70. I recommend you to be level 80 before going up against him! (You probably wouldn't be at 80 when you get there, but thats what the Spider Queen is for). Q: What is the biggest level? A: Very hard question to ask, to be honest im not sure. The very last level is quite big, and Your Worst Nightmare is also quite big. Q: What makes this game soo good? A: Any of you old skool gamer's out there will like it. Its an arcade game, no doubt about it. Its a very addicting games. You may think going around just shooting and killing enemies isn't very fun, but thats what I would think before I played Gauntlet Legends, then I was proved wrong, then really wrong with Gauntlet Dark Legacy -Got any questions that you want ansered? Just e-mail them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EASY GOLD Sent in by "snowman" Hey, had a great idea for your faq. It's an easy, and very fast way to get a load of gold. First, you should be using the gamecube version (so you can play with four players, i mean who has multitap?), and have four controllers. Plug all of them in, and using player one, load your best save file. It should be able to kill a boss with ease (like the dragon). Now, save this character's file to three other slots. You should now have four identical character slots. Now, either find a position that allows you to attack the boss (try to pick an immobile boss) with all four controllers with just two hands :) . Or, you could just recruit three friends to help. Now, with four very good character attacking a normally easy boss anyway, it should fall fairly easy. It doesnt even matter if one of your characters falls in battle. Now, when the boss is dead, HAVE PLAYER 1 PICK UP EVERY COIN. Everyone else can divvy up the rest of the spoils. Now, when you get to the store, heal all the way with player 1, an d buy any attributes/items you need. Now, go to the save screen. Overwrite every save file using the player 1 character (who had all the money, therefore all the attributes and health). Now, after saving over the old characters, load them again to have characters that are once more identical to player 1! This means that if you use all 20k you get from the dragon on player 1, everything he buys will now belong to all four players! for 1/4 the cost! I've been using this trick for a long time, and I've got 100+ of every item :). I suggest using a very strong character like the dwarf so you can kill it fast. The dwarf becomes godlike when you max its speed too by the way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EASY WAY TO KILL LATER BOSSES IN THE GAME Sent in by "ed o" Okay, im not sure if this will work with all difficulties of the game or with all of the bosses (I only used this one on the last 4) but I believe I have discovered the cheapest and easiest way to kill them without loosing any health whatsoever. Heres the thing, I purchased about 20 hammers from the shop before each battle. From there all I did was equip the hammer at the start of a fight, ran up as close to the boss as I could and held down the quick attack button. Apparently you cannot get hit while using the attack, and its recycle rate is too quick for the boss to get a single hit in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 34. Version History | |===============================| |-------------------------------| I will have this whole guide completed (as far as Walkthroughs and everything else like that) when I submit it. So there should be only one version, unless I do get e-mails with anything useful that I should add, or if I do go through my whole guide and fix any spelling errors (there are probably quite a few, I tried my best though!). Version 1.20 NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: Version 1.15 Just changed a contributor name. Version 1.10 Added some hits in the FAQ section including one for easy gold! Version 1.00 -Submitted FAQ/Walkthrough. Walkthrough is complete, as well as this whole other document! |-------------------------------| |===============================| | 35. Final Statement | |===============================| |-------------------------------| What a FAQ! This has been my first FAQ, for a game that definitly didn't get as much stardom as it deserves! Gauntlet Dark Legacy is one of my favourite games, as its so addicting, once you start playing you won't want to stop! I have had lots of fun making this FAQ, and I will definitly make ones in the future. Whenever a Mario/Zelda/First Person shooter game comes out, or a game that is quite popular coems out, I will do my best to get something out about them (I also write Reviews here). As I have said, this is the first FAQ I have ever written on GameFAQ's, and I know its not the best thing ever. I tried to make it like a real guide, which is having as much detail that I could possibly have. I put a lot of time and hard work into this guide, after all naming every item in every Treasure Chest wasn't exactly easy (as finding all of them was difficult, plus I know I have probably missed some!) and writing guides on some of the levels was hard, as I could only point out directions using "Take the route right, Take the route left" stuff. If anyone has an e-mail for me, please send it to: (don't ask why its that, its an old account from "back in the day"). Any e-mails from this game must have "Gauntlet Dark Legacy FAQ" in the topic line. If it doesn't I will not open it! Also, please don't send me any junkmail! It will not be very appricated. I only want information on something I have missed in the game (such as a hidden wall, or good information on any boss, or a question, or anything you see missing from the guide that you would think would be helpful for other people to see). I will be sure to poste it if I find it useful! Thanks Section: First of all, I must think Midway Entertainment for making an AWESOME GAME! One of the most addictive, fun, and crazy games I have ever played! I would also like to thank all of you guys who will read this FAQ! I hope it will help you out! I would like to thank some friends of mine who helped me out in the organization of this guide, and telling me if it look ok or not (you know who you guys are)! I also want to thank my parents for getting me a great Surround Sound system which let me enjoy this game's great music to its greatest! (I never mentioned that this game has great music, didn't I)? Also, for playing many games in the furute to their top quality sound (yeah, I love it sounding like movie theatre sound!). Thanks to "snowman" for sending in his useful cheat for easy gold! And of course, I want to thank GameFAQ's for making one of the best sights on the web for Video Game information, Reviews, and lots of other great stuff. Great site guys! ~ End of Document ~