Gauntlet Dark Legacy Version 1.8 Item FAQ Created by GameFreak903/Craig S. This FAQ is copyright Gamefreak903/Craig S. No permission to copy unless consent of the creator is given. E-mail me and request for permission. ******************************** Version History Version 1.0 (April 2,2002) - FAQ created Version 1.2 (April 9,2002) - A few errors corrected, and a breakdown of the Runestones added. Also Health Vampire was added and another Special Thanks. Version 1.3 (April 11,2002) - I added the Skorne's Items section. A few errors corrected. Version 1.4 (April 17,2002) - FAQ looked over and a few items corrected. Another Special Thanks! Version 1.5 (July 24,2002) - Frequently asked questions added. Version 1.6 (November 3,2002) - A couple of mistakes made corrected, thanks to all who corrected me. Version 1.7 (January 30, 2003) - New FAQ answered and an "item" added Version 1.8 (March 3, 2004) - After a SLEW of e-mails with the same question, I've added more to the FAQ sections, so be sure to check it out before sending me a question. ******************************** Table of Contents 1) Introductory 2) Special Items 3) Crystals 4) Food 5) Legendary Weapons 6) Coins 7) Golden Icons 8) Shards 9) Treasure 10) Runestones 11) Potions 12) Keys and Scrolls 13) Skorne's Items 14) FAQ 15) Special Thanks ******************************** 1) Introductory This is an FAQ created to cover the many items you can collect in Gauntlet: Dark Legacy for the Gamecube. There are so many items in this game that you can get confused on what certain ones do. That's what this FAQ is here for. I'll explain special items, food items, and even the items used for bosses. ******************************** 2) Special Items --3-Way Shot and 5-Way Shot-- Buy: 550 This pickup is very useful against bosses. It spreads your shot so you can shoot more than one foe at a time. If you have a 3 way, it will shoot out a spread shot of 3 weapons, if you have a 5 way, than there's a spread shot of 5 weapons! --Fire, Lightning, and Acid Breath-- Buy: 350 This item allows you to spit out fire, lightning, or acidic breath toward your enemy. This can take out pretty much anyone in front of you. Use this if there's a line of enemies in front of you. --Thunder Hammer-- Buy: 500 This item is a great way to clear out a room. With one fatal blow, this baby can rock the ground sending a shockwave that instantly destroys any enemies near it. It's very useful if you're solo. --Invulnerability-- Buy: 600 It does exactly what it says. For a limited amount of time you're invulnerable to enemy attacks. This is very useful against pretty much any enemy you come across. There are two colors of this, gray and gold. Gold will allow you to gain 1 hit point every time you get hit! --Invisibility-- Buy: 600 Once again this item allows you to become exactly what it says. Temporarily you become invisible to the enemy. This comes in handy to take out archers and other big enemies. However, I don't think it works on bosses. --Phoenix-- Buy: 450 The phoenix familiar helps you as you attack. It replaces your familiar. When you throw a weapon it assists you by firing a fireball at your target. Only temporary. --Turbo-- Buy: N/A This can help a lot. Once this item is used, your turbo is fully restored to flashing red. This will be very helpful in boss battles and gargoyle battles as well. --Gas Mask-- Buy: 650 You should use this a lot in the first few worlds. This will protect you from any green poison gas. This way you won't be drained of your health for a slight miscalculation of aiming. --Fire, Light, Acid, and Lightning Amulet-- Buy: 350 All of these amulets are great help for boss battles. Each one powers your weapon with whatever element you have. You shots will do way more damage than before too. --Lightning and Fire Shield-- Buy: 425 These items are very useful to take out a line of enemies. Each one crates a barrier in front of you. If anyone touches it they instantly disintegrate into oblivion. --Pojo-- Buy: N/A This is possibly the funniest item in the game. This instantly turns you into the legendary chicken, Pojo! Now you're special is fire breath and you "cluck" while firing. It's fun to use. --Levitation-- Buy: 150 This of course is the item that makes you levitate. It should keep you safe from those evil ankle biters and make traps unable to hit you! --Growth-- Buy: 300 With this you can grow almost as big as a boss! When you're bigger, you're strength increases a lot and you also get the privilege of laughing at how big you've gotten. --Time Stopper-- Buy: N/A Just like in the last game, this can stop time. Doing so stops all traps, enemies, and other things that run around. Quite useful if a big group is around. --Shrink Enemy-- Buy: N/A Who wouldn't enjoy making a giant gargoyle turn smaller than you? This item will turn the every enemy on the screen tiny for a small amount of time. This will weaken their defense. --X-Ray-- Buy: 650 One of the great items that can help you not waste keys. This can easily see through secret walls, treasure chests, and much more to find out what's inside and if it's worth wasting something for it. --Mikey Decoy-- Buy: 1000 This is one of the fun items. Place a mikey decoy anywhere and instantly enemies are attracted to it. This way you can take enemies generators out first. It's quite useful. --Hand of Death-- Buy: 1000 This is pretty cool to use. When an enemy hits you, it hurts them as well, however it is during the melee attacks only. Use this on a line of enemies. --Health Vampire-- Buy: 1000 Pretty much, his is exactly like the Hand of Death, however, you gain health instead of them being hurt. --Super Shot-- Buy: 400 Possibly this can be one of the greatest items in the game. It's very good against bosses. Simply fire non-stop until nothing else stands. It can sweep through enemies quickly and take their generator out too. --Speed-- Buy: N/A These boots will increase your speed stat greatly for a limited amount of time. It also gives you somewhat of a rapid fire to use. This is yet again another great items for a boss. --Reflective Armor-- Buy: 400 This item is quite useful against archers. It reflects any shots fired at you right back toward whoever shot it. Archers and bombers can be easily avoided with this handy item. --Reflective Shot-- Buy: N/A This item is pretty good for solo play. All you do is fire once and it will reflect off the walls into other enemies. Quite useful. --Rapid Fire-- Buy: 450 This item can rapidly increase the speed of your fire. Hold down the fire button and you fire away without a care. This too can be quite useful on boss battles. --Anti Death-- Buy:750 One of the greatest items you can get. Anti-Death will prevent Death from sucking your health and experience, and instead give you health and experience. Keep this handy. --The Magic Carpet- Buy: N/A Ok, Ok, so it's not really a "inventory" item, but it counts for something I guess. All you do is use it in the Tower for transportation, that's about it. ******************************** 3) Crystals During your quest you encounter many crystals that you can collect. Well, each crystal opens a world once you collect enough. Below is provided information for how many are needed, what realm it is, and what colors open it. Color---Orange Amount needed: 15 Opens: Sacred Province Color---Red Amount Needed: 100 Opens: Death Mountain Color---Purple Amount Needed: 125 Opens: Castle Color---Blue Amount Needed: 150 Opens: Sky Ship Color---Green Amount Needed: 175 Opens: Forest Swamp Color---Yellow Amount Needed: 200 Opens: Desert Color---White Amount Needed: 225 Opens: Ice Cavern Color---Black Amount Needed: 250 Opens: Dream World ******************************** 4) Food There are two types of food: Fruit and Meat. Of course, meat will provide a lot more health than fruit. Beware of poison food unless you're a level 25 Sorceress/Wizard. Below will provide how much health will be recovered when you eat it. FRUIT Cherry = 10 Apple = 25 Banana = 50 Pineapple = 75 Watermelon = 75 MEAT Drumstick = 100 Steak = 125 Ribs = 150 Ham = 200 Meal = 500 POISON FOOD Poisoned Apple = -50 Poisoned Health = -100 ******************************** 5) Legendary Weapons There are some legendary weapons that can be picked up in the game that can assist you when fighting a boss. You can tell what stage it's in by watching the quick cinema. Below is a list of the hidden items, what stage they're in, and who it works on. --Ice Axe-- Found In: Castle Realm Used On: Dragon --Scimitar of Decapitation-- Found In: Forest Realm Used On: Chimera --Javelin of Blinding-- Found In: Mountain Realm Used On: Plague Fiend --Toxic Bellows-- Found In: Desert Realm Used On: Spider Queen --Lamp of Dark Obstruction-- Found In: Desert Realm Used On: Genie --Good Book-- Found In: Sky Realm Used On: Lich --Parchment of Fire-- Found In: Province Realm Used On: Yeti --Lantern of Revelation-- Found In: Dream Realm Used On: Shadow Wraith --Soul Savior-- Found In: Cathedral Used On: Skorne (First Fight) ******************************** 6) Coins In each Realm there is one secret trap door. Once you step on it you are taken to a place where you collect a certain amount of coins in a given time. If you succeed then you get a new character. Below is a key to how many you must collect depending on how many people are playing with you. Remember, they only provide just enough coins for all the players. So that means if there's 25, there's only going to be 25 coins available in the stage. The more people, the harder it is to collect the coins. --1 Player-- Coins Needed: 25 --2 Players-- Coins Needed: 50 --3 Players-- Coins Needed: 75 --4 Players-- Coins Needed: 100 ******************************** 7) Golden Icons In some stages, you are able to collect certain golden icons by hitting a switch, or defeating a gargoyle. These unlock different places. Below are the key to how many, what type, and what the golden icon unlocks and what gargoyle drops what. --Golden Fangs-- Fangs Needed: 12 Opens: West Wing Gargoyle Head Found From: Snake --Golden Feathers-- Feathers Needed: 20 Opens: East Wing Gargoyle Head Found From: Eagle --Golden Claws- Claws Needed: 28 Opens: The Underworld Gargoyle Head Found From: Lion ******************************** 8) Shards After a boss is defeated, he leaves behind a shard. Each one is used to open up the path to the desecrated temple. Collect 8 of these in order to complete the pathway. Below is a list of the bosses you get them from. --Dragon-- Realm: Mountain --Chimera-- Realm: Castle --Genie-- Realm: Desert --Spider Queen-- Realm: Forest --Lich-- Realm: Province --Plague Fiend-- Realm: Sky --Yeti-- Realm: Ice --Shadow Wraith-- Realm: Dream ******************************** 9) Treasure Through the game, you collect treasure to spend in the shop. Many of them are worth more than the others. Below is a list of their worth. Also, when Junk is found, the Dwarf/Warrior can change it into silver or gold depending on his level. Coins are gained after defeating a boss. COIN (BRONZE) = 500 COIN (SILVER) = 1000 COIN (GOLD) = 5000 JUNK = 10 SILVER (ON GROUND) = 100 GOLD (ON GROUND) = 150 SILVER (CHEST) = 200 GOLD (CHEST) = 250 RUPIES (CHEST) = 300 GOLD (BARREL) = 500 ******************************** 10) Runestones In certain stages in the game, Runestones are provided. You need to collect 13 of these and one or two can be found in each realm. They are mostly found in secret walls or after a number of switches have been hit. Search high and low and use scrolls to help you out. Here's a breakdown of how many are in each world. --Breakdown-- FORSAKEN PROVINCE = 2 Runestone MOUNTAIN KINGDOM = 1 Runestone CASTLE KEEP = 1 Runestone SKY REALM = 2 Runestone FOREST REALM = 1 Runestones DESERT REALM = 1 Runestone ICE REALM = 2 Runestones DREAM WORLD = 2 Runestone BATTLEFIELD REALM = 1 Runestone ******************************** 11) Potions In the game, potions can be used to defeat or change items. It's a great and handy thing to have in case Death decides to come after you. Below is some information on them. You can hold up to 9. --Colors-- RED = Fire GREEN = Acid BLUE = Lightning YELLOW = Light --Abilities-- LEVEL 25 Sorceress/Wizard = Alter Poison Fruit Dwarf/Warrior = Turn Junk into Silver Archer/Jester = Show Secret Walls Valkyrie/Knight = Stop Traps LEVEL 50 Sorceress/Wizard = Alter Poison Meat Dwarf/Warrior = Turn Junk into Gold Archer/Jester = Destroy Secret Walls Valkyrie/Knight = Destroy Traps --Uses-- SHIELD = Tap Use Potion Button Twice USE = Tap Use Potion Button Once THROW = Hold Use Potion Button ******************************** 12) Keys and Scrolls In the game you can pick up keys and scrolls. Keys unlock stuff and scrolls provide hints to find items or secrets. Below is some information on them. KEYS You can hold up to 9 of these keys. Each one unlocks treasure chests and doors. You find either a single key or a key ring that can give you up to 3 keys. Make sure you have a great supply of these. SCROLLS Scrolls are found in barrels or out in the open. Each one provides a hint to find items, secret walls, or Runestones. They also help you not miss anything before you leave. Pick one up when you see one! ******************************** 13) Skorne's Items After defeating Skorne in the Desecrated Temple, you can receive 4 items of his. Below is their description. --Skorne's Mask-- Wow, when you put it on, you look like his mini me. Anyway, this item will allow you to breath a long stream of Fire. It's somewhat like the Firebreath item, except stronger. --Skorne's Left Gauntlet-- These gauntlets are incredibly strong. His Left Gauntlet, fires an electric bolt instead of normal fire. It's actually pretty cool. --Skrone's Right Gauntlet-- This is the best gauntlet in my opinion. It lets you have rapid fire and your familiar will fire and acid blast. --Skorne's Horns-- This acts exactly like the Mask. You fire, once again, a long stream of Fire. Except now, you look more like a deer than Skorne... ******************************** 14) FAQ PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE E-MAILING ME! I have received numerous letters that ask for information already in this FAQ. Please consult this and your instruction guide before e-mailing please. Q: I can't find Runestone # ... A: Keep looking. I listed how many there are in each world, but keep looking for breakable walls and switches. Use those specials. Q: Hey! Where are my items at? A: Well for some reason, there's a glitch where you must activate all your items right from the start to make them appear from then on. Q: Wait a minute, I KNOW I got this item and it won't let me sell it, why? A: For some reason, Items gained from chest can only be used, not sold. Items found in the open can be sold whenever you want. Q: HOW DO I TURN THESE ITEMS ON/OFF!!! A: Ok, simmer down. I've gotten a TON of e-mails like this. Firstly, check with that blasted instruction manual for controls. If it's not in there, then it's time to play with the buttons till you figure it out. It can be different on all the consoles, so be sure to look in instructions. Q: You forgot to mention... A: E-mail me and I'll put it on my FAQ. ******************************** 15) Special Thanks Here's a thanks to the people that made this FAQ possible. --CJayC-- For making such a great interactive gaming site and taking the time to read this FAQ. --My Bro-- For helping me with my layout. --M Dub -- For providing the information on the Hand of Death, Mikey Decoy, and Reflective Shot. --Yoshi-- For helping me correct a few mistakes and provide a little more information. --Carcano-- For pointing out something I forgot to mention --Adam Berkenbush-- For correcting my mistakes --Mark-- For mentioning the magic carpet End