========================================================================== THE TERRITORY GLITCH GUIDE ========================================================================== THIS GUIDE IS MADE BY WOEZIE AND ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE WHO HELPED FINDING THINGS ABOUT THE GLITCH. WITHOUT THEM, THIS GUIDE WASN'T POSSIBLE. ========================================================================== COMING SOON ========================================================================== More Map/Pictures + Cheat Codes from EdisonCarter or others. ========================================================================== (*C*).COPYRIGHT ========================================================================== This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advanced permission from the author. Use of this guide on any other web site or as part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All content in this guide is Copyright 2004-2005 by Daniƫl van Helvoort = (OmicronBeta/Woezie) Only the sites listed below have permission to publish this work or to display it: (With exception of forums where I posted it) http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.neoseeker.com ========================================================================== (*V*).VERSION ========================================================================== VERSION 0.99 I only need to upload a few pictures on a site and place the URL's under the Maps/Pictures section. ========================================================================== (*0*).TABLE OF CONTENTS ========================================================================== To find something specific use CTRL-F to search. C.Copyright (*C*) V.Version (*V*) VERSION 0.99 0.Table of contents (*0*) I.Introduction (*I*) II.Walktrhough (*II*) a.Maps/Pictures (*IIa.*) b.How to do the glitch and what can happen (*IIb.*) b2.A list of all 178 territories found,Huge credits and thnx to Jeremy George b3.Vehicles to use (*IIb3.*) - How to start: (*IIb3a.*) -- 1. By car, there are 3 ways (*IIb3a1.*) --- 1.1 Sailing with your car (*IIb3a1.1.*) --- 1.2 Flying with your car (*IIb3a1.2.*) --- 1.3 Air floating with car (*IIb3a1.3.*) -- 2. By boat (*IIb3a2.*) -- 3.By plane (*IIb3a3.*) -- 4. By helicopter (*IIb3a4.*) - While driving/Flying/Sailing: (*IIb3b.*) -- 1. By car (*IIb3b1.*) -- 2.By boat (*IIb3b2.*) -- 3.By plane (*IIb3b3.*) -- 4. By helicopter (*IIb3b4.*) - When you want to see your territories and quit: (*IIb3c.*) -- 1. By car (*IIb3c1.*) -- 2.By boat (*IIb3c2.*) -- 3.By plane (*IIb3c3.*) -- 4. By helicopter (*IIb3c4.*) c.Cash at CJ's house (*IIc.*) d.Gym glitch (*IId.*) e.No cops are shooting when you enter a new city (*IIe.*) f.Gang and territory colors (*IIf.*) g.Which gang drives which car? (*IIg.*) h. Gang members spawning and how to take over new territories (*IIh.*) III.CHEATS (for those cheaters.) (*III*) - Weapon Codes (*IIIa*) - Body Codes (*IIIb*) - Gang Codes (*IIIc*) - Car Codes (*IIId*) - Other Helpfull Codes (*IIIe*) - Full Cheat Code List (*IIIf*) IIII.FAQ (Fast search with the question method to find what you need) (*IIII*) IIIII.Special Thanks/Credits (*IIIII*) ========================================================================== (*I*).INTRODUCTION ========================================================================== This is the introduction for you, I will explain how you take the normal territories over on the easiest way. This is also alot helpfull with the glitch territories. To start a war, you'll need money. There are many different ways to get money, but the easiest way by far is doing the Four Dragons Casino trick. Go to the casino and bet, when you win, save then, you lose? too bad, reload. After a while, you'll finaly have enough money. Go to the shop and buy from every best gun one, why? You'll see later. If you die, just go further with the game, saving and reloading cost to much time. How to get the ammo: Just buy enough for one time. For the rest, do the infinite ammo glitch explained a few sentanses later. Take a desert eagle if you can handle it good, you'll kill those ballas/vagos with just one shot. You won't ran out of ammo that much. And ofcourse, after the fight, take their guns and cash! Also, you can do the ammo glitch to get infinite ammo for some weapons: (Thanks to LordPodri for mentioning that this is good to use with the glitch) When you go to buy guns in AmmuNation, only buy 1 gun of whatever you want to (not like 50 M4s to get ammo) and step into the firing range, and quit. Your bullets will have gone up a lot. Do this a great number of times and you will have infinite ammo for some weapons. (the ammo counter dissapears, and will not appear again, trust me, I have taped down the shoot button for a day and I know it hasn't reappeared). Well practically it's an infinite ammo glitch. Life, money and Armor: Health and Armor will spawn in the midle of the street, take it if you're allmost dieing, between a wave, or if there are only a few gang members left, because after the war about that territory, it will dissappear. For the money: Vagos = Rich, Ballas = Poor, grab the money between waves! Gang Areas: If the color is DARK, Hide, seek, roll and shoot. These guys are born assasinators. If the color is MEDIUM, just kill them, this wouldn't be a problem. If the color is LIGHT, you'll only get one wave of anti-professional, not strong gunned gangmembers. The Ballas (purple): Use a desert eagle and get practise until you reach hittman level. They have basic weapons, it's the color of the territory which makes what kinda guns they have. Use a roof to get them, it's much easier than on the ground. These guys are the easiest ones by far! The Vagos (yellow): They are born killers with very good weapons. Do everything to kill them. They have SMG's, AK's and some other weapons. They also don't have light territories!!!!!!!!! Well, the glitch territories have:D. On the last wave there are 15-20 of them coming after you. Find a place to hide, roofs, ledges and corner are the best way to fight them. These are the hardest by far! When they leave the area: THEY ARE NOT RUNNING AWAY!!!!!!! They just try to catch you on your back!!! Look on the map to see if someone is comming. It's annoying and will take some time, but they will find their way. Police: UHOH!!!!!! This was one of the biggest problems to fight a war. Just kill the cops that are coming towards you. then, after some time you'll lose your star. Be absolutely sure that you start a gang war, or the cops will still go after you. Starting a war: Kill 3 gangmembers. You and both the gang members must stand in the territory. Make sure you find a group of at least three, SO ONLY KILL GROUPS OF 3+. Otherwise, the other gang members will run away, you didn't start a war and you just get cops after you. When your hood is under attack: Well, this will cost you time, bullets and ammo. So do what I tell you, there are 2 glitchy ways to avoid the war: 1. Get to the closest save house and save. The territory isn't under attack anymore. 2.Get to a cop vehicle, press R3 to start Vigiliance Mission and press again to cancel, same effect as the other way. Spawning problems: The only thing is that sometimes they will spawn in the water while fighting at the beach, and it will be next to impossible to get them, Be carefull, do this: When you start the war, get as far away from the water as possible so they won't spawn in the water. For more information, look at the gang members spawning and how to take over new territories section. Other Tips: 1.Date the nurse at 100%, you'l still have your eapons after you are wasted. 2.Get some grove gang members to join with you, when the ballas or vatos attack, walk behind one of your gang members to avoid the bullets, Also crouch for more accuracy. One of the most important tips: Wear NEUTRAL colors, Wear neutral colors and nobody will shoot you until you shoot. This will cost you less armor and health. It will also cost less time. ========================================================================== (*II*).WALKTROUGH ========================================================================== ========================================================================== (*IIa.*).MAPS/PICTURES ========================================================================== More Pictures coming soon. Agent Ozzy's MAP Pictures: http://img24.exs.cx/img24/8779/Nov22004.jpg http://img24.exs.cx/img24/6690/Nov22005.jpg http://img24.exs.cx/img24/4977/Nov22006.jpg http://img24.exs.cx/img24/5255/Nov22007.jpg http://img24.exs.cx/img24/1375/Nov22008.jpg Agent Ozzy's Crack dealer Picture: http://img24.exs.cx/img24/1375/Nov22009.jpg Agent Ozzy's LV in war on MAP Pictures: http://img10.exs.cx/img10/7673/ship001.jpg http://img10.exs.cx/img10/6238/ship002.jpg Chunkubis MAP picture: http://img74.exs.cx/img74/702/newgang.jpg Chunkubis Hardly getable territory picture: http://img48.exs.cx/img48/175/ungetable.jpg Pictures from the BRADY GAME GUIDE (Frank-Tenpnny + Bobbo27): http://img30.exs.cx/img30/8753/map21.jpg http://img30.exs.cx/img30/5906/legend5.jpg http://img113.exs.cx/img113/2868/yayay2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v612/bob...p/Scan2crop.jpg ========================================================================== (*IIb.*).HOW TO DO THE GLITCH AND WHAT CAN HAPPEN ========================================================================== There's a glitch in the game what make's your map full colored with gang territories. You can make the territory as yours too. How to do the glitch: Take a boat or plane and drive/fly to any direction of the map. It doesn't matter wich direction you take, WE W NE N Z E ZE etc. We tested it all and it works all 100%. After you flyed enough, simply drown yourself to get back at the hospital. I have spent hours trying every possible direction, vehicle, and method. So yes, it works 100%. Just keep flying/driving into the ocean. Flying/driving into any direction will trigger this: I left my controller on the floor for about 36 hours. Looked at the map, there wheren't any territories. Looked at my stats, there they where. Drown myself, came from the hospital, the whole map was 100% covered with territories. I had a total of 178, tried again, no more. I spent hours with testing, 178 was the maximum. Also it is a knowledge that after a while (over about 130 territories) the territories will pop-up much slower. The things you must know before and after you do the glitch: -There is a total of 178 territories, I saved, then tried the glitch the next nite to test, no more spawned) -The shamal and the AT-400 ARE the best vehicles to use for this "glitch"(just leave controller alone and it will auto-pilot. -It doesnt matter what direction you go (after I saved, I used a whole nite to test) -If you want to go longer than ca. 3 hours, 1.You must put after every hour after the ca. 4 hours the life code in or you will die. 2. Before you do the glitch: Eat as much as you can until you're on the fattest point you can be, than, you'll reach ca. 5 and a half hour without codes. -The longer you go, the more territory(let it run while you sleep). -The time that it takes to get all 178 territories is for everyone differend, some people had all 178 in 3 hours, others in 6 and 10 and some people have flying for over 16 hours and still don't have them all. -You cannot just sit out there. When I was flying the Skimmer out, one territory was added, so I know it was working. Then I landed the plane and let CJ sit there, so I would not have to put anything on the controller. It has been about 45 minutes, and no territories.You'll have to keep flying/driving. -I just looked at my strategy guide (never really did), notice, on page 196 every area with a name is a territory, the territories you get playing regularly are marked with there colors, the rest are in white.....giving an indication, that rock* did obviously know about this and if they didn't, then brady games did. -You don't have to die to let this glitch work, you can also drive/fly back, (but that gonna take some time.) -You DON'T need to have 100% of the territories to do this glitch, but, when you have 100% of the territories, you can do the glitch too. -It's been known for quite a while now that you do not have to have the territories actually on the map to do this glitch, as stalemate did this immediately after completing the initial bike ride mission and checked his stats and had more than 100 territories. -You don't have to have completed the final missions where gang wars come back to get it to work. Some things you must know while doing this glitch: -At a certain point out at sea, the map gets no smaller. -If you actualy sit there an pilot your plane or sailed your boat for an hour going SE or an other direction, you will start having to make course corrections because your plane/boat will be slowly urged west. Some things that happen after the glitch: -There are more hookers on the street. -Tornados and some other vehicles pop up often. -There are crack dealers on the street of the whole state. -You can see the whole map, even the places you didn't go before. Also notice that every getable safe house in the game is showed red. -It's been known that in the new territories, there will only be one wave of gangsters. On Capturing new Territories: -Ignore Triads (blue Vagos), they show up all over the map but killing them won't get a war. -Kill only Vagos and Ballas to start wars. -New territores gotten thru this glitch only have one, easy to kill wave -Yank gang members out of cars in no ped areas to start wars. Also, don't expect to necessarily get results that are exactly the same as anyone else. We've had many people do this and report back and none of the exact results (, what territories are what color, etc) seem to follow much of a pattern. Q:What is the theory behind this glitch? A:We think maybe one of these: - The territories get mixed up as the screen zooms out as you fly/boat away. - The territories are dragged round because a barrier is being pushed. - It's supposed to happen and the gangsters are forming new territories. -You know how when you walk into a gang territory the area name (like East Los Santos) turns the color of the gang that's there? (well, sometimes it does). Well I noticed that areas in Las Venturas turning red, then turning back to the normal color. Perhaps this is somehow related that Rock* cut it out of the game. ========================================================================== (*IIb2.*).A LIST OF ALL 178 TERRITORIES! Thnx To Jeremy George for making!!! ========================================================================== (I prefered to show u the original list he made, without changing anything): The list of 178 territories ___________________________ There are a total of 178 territories. Remember that I could not get all 178, but 160. The ones with ?'s are ones I could not get and I am not to sure if it is correct or not. Here they are: _________________ \ The original / _________________ 1.Grove street 2.Ganton (right below grove street) 3.Playa del seville 4.Los Santos arena (east beach) 5.East beach just north from #4 6.A thin vertical rectangle , just north from #4, just look for the s-shaped road 7.To the right of the north cluckin bell or above grove street in east los santos 8.A tiny square just right of #7, the lower part of the J-shaped alley 9.East beach just north of #5 10.A square found in the most northeastern part of los santos 11.Big smoke's crack palace in east los santos 12.Los flores, just east of #11 13.Right above the Binco on grove street 14.The most eastern part of willowfield just below grove street 15.Willowfield right below #14 16.The most southeastern part of willowfield, just left of #15 17.A small square territory right above #13 18.Western willowfield where the tattoo shop is found 19.South idlewood where the pizza place,barber,tattoo shop, and pay'n'spray is found 20.The gas station in the most southwestern part of idlewood 21.The club in central idlewood 22.Smoke's house in central idlewood, just east of #21 23.Idlewood,just west of grove street 24.freeway in northern idlewood 25.southern glen park,left of hospital 26.glen park 27.Las colinas north of glen park 28.los colinas right of #27 29.Las colinas right of #28 30.Las colinas right of #29 31.Las colinas right of #30 32.Las colinas right of #31 33.Jefferson, right of the hospital 34.Southern jefferson just below #33 35.Central jefferson where the safehouse is found 36.A tiny square, the shopping mall in Northwest jefferson 37.The jefferson motel 38.The most northwestern part of east los santos. 39.East los santos to the right of #38 40.Most eastern part of verona beach 41.verona beach just west of #40 42.The northwestern part of verona beach, west of #41 43.Verona beach southeastern from #42 44.Most western part of verona beach, west of #43 45.Eastern santa marina beach 46.Western santa marina beach 47.West vinewood 48.west temple 49.Southern temple right of #48 50.Temple right of #49 51.Temple just north of #50 52.A small line found in the most northeastern part of temple, North of #51 ____________________________________________________________ \ New territories ( Only can be gotton by doing the glitch) | / ____________________________________________________________ 53.Bayside marina 54.Las venturas 55.Bone County 56.verdant meadows 57.Las payasadas 58.Green palms 59.Octane springs 60.Fort carson 61.Hunter quarry 62.Regular tom 63.Las brujas 64.Northern Tierra robada 65.The sherman dam 66.El quebrados 67.Aldea Melvada 68.Arco del ceste 69.Bayside 70.Lower tierra robada, a bit below #65 71.Las Barrancas 72.The upper part of gant bridge 73.Lower part of gant bridge 74.Juniper hollow 75.Southern Foster valley- two circles are there 76.Central foster valley, north of #75 77.A tiny square, to the left of San Fierro's arena 78.San Fierro's arena, in foster valley 79.Eastern Bay airport,just right of #78 80.Eastern bay airport, just northeastern of #79- Underground parking garage 81.Eastern bay airport, a small thin line found in between #80 and #82 82.the most eastern part of eastern bay airport, right of #81 83.Hashbury 84.Central ocean flats,left of #84 85.Southern Doherty,North of #78 86.Most southwestern part of ocean flats, left of the country club 87.City hall 88.most Northern part of ocean flats 89.palisades 90.Santa flora 91.Sothern queens, where the barber shop if found 92.Northern queens,north of #91 93.Queens, east of #92 94.Southern king's, where hotel suite is found 95.Most southern part of downtown 96.Downtown just above #95 where cluckin bell is found 97.Financial 98.Downtown, just right of #97 99.Downtown,just right of #98 100.Esplande East, just north of #99 101.Esplande east, just East of #100 102.Downtown,left of #97 103.Most Northern part of downtown 104.A tiny rectangle, found #103,and #100 105.Pardiso 106.juniper hill 107.San Fierro 108.Whetstone 109.Angle Pine 110.Shady creeks,just below the junkyard 111.Shady creeks,just right of #110 112.Flint county 113.Back o beyond 114.Leafy hollow 115.The farm 116.Red county 117.Eastern basin airport,east of #79, a small line 118.Eastern bay chemicals 119.Fallen Tree 120.The Panoption 121.Martain Bridge 122.Blueberry acres 123.Upper blueberry 124.Lower blueberry 125.Fern Ridge 126.Fallow bridge 127.A small section of road-hamptom barns 128.Montgomery 129.A small section section of road, right of #128 130.The mako span 131.Hankypanky Point 132.Palomino creek 133.North rock 134.Los santos 135.Hilltop farm 136.Dillimore 137.Flint range 138.Western marina 139.Eastern Marina 140.Southern Marina 141.Northern Coference center 142.Southern coference center 143.Northwestern Verdant bluffs below #142 144.Northeastern verdant bluffs right of #143 145.Southern Verdant bluffs, below #143 146.Los santos international 147.Los santos international, where the gate is to get into where the planes are 148.North ocean docks, below #16 149.Ocean Docks Most southeastern part. in the southeastern part of los santos 150.Southern commerence 151.Central commernce left of pershing square 152.pershing square 153.Central commerence right of #152 154.North commerence above #151 155.North commerence, just right of #154 156.North Commerence right of #155 157.Northern Glen park, above #26 158.Los santos hospital 159.El corona? 160.Unity station? 161.Little Mexico above #160? 162.Little mexico above #161? 163.Battery Point? 164.Esplande North, right of #163? 165.Esplande north, right of #164? 166.Northern calton heights? 167.Calton heights below #166? 168.Chinatown? 169.Northern kings, below #168? 170.Kings,below #169? 171.Eastern Basin where the naval base is found? 172.Eastern basin below #171 where u import/export vechiles? 173.Garcia? 174.Doherty? 175.Cranberry station? 176.A tiny line found in between the farm and eastern bay chemicals 177.???????? 178.???????? Sorry dude, couldn't help if I got this problem. Can't find 2 and can't take 16 probley? You can fool around with numbers 159-178 because I am not sure if they are right- except #176 which I found last night. Big thanks going out for u for answering my questions! George ---------------------------------------------------------------- No George, I have to thank u for this wonderfull list!!!! Thanks again! ========================================================================== (*IIb3.*).VEHICLES TO USE ========================================================================== ============================ HOW TO START: ================================ (*IIb3a.*) ============================ ============================ 1. BY CAR, THERE ARE 3 WAYS:======================== (*IIb3a1.*) ============================ ============================ 1.1 Sailing with your car ================ (*IIb3a1.1.*) ============================ Enter the cars float on water code: Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2 Then just drive your car on the water and drive to any edge away from the map. ============================ 1.2 Flying with your car ================ (*IIb3a1.2.*) ============================ Enter the cars fly code: (the really one, not the one placed on Gamefaqs, originally found by edisoncarter) Up, Down, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left Then just enter the car and fly to any edge away from the map. (this is alot faster than flying with a plane or helicopter) ============================ 1.3 Air-Floating with car ================ (*IIb3a1.3.*) ============================ Use the flying cars code: Up, Down, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left + The floating cars code: (also found by edisoncarter) Square, R2, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, L2, X well, place 2 cars with the noses like this: | v ^ | Enter the jetpack codebetween the cars: Left Right L1 L2 R1 R2 Up Down Left Right Hit Triangle enter one of the 2 cars you wont drive in later. When done right, you are in one of the cars and the jetpack outside the car Why placing the car like this?, you will see: VERY slowly accelarate and hit the other car without moving much. When you hit the car: GET THE HELL OUT OF IT! If done correct you will enter the jetpack . Now be fast and go after the car before the car is above hight limit. land on the car, hit triangle and don't be scared to fall down to earth. Instead of you, it is the drive who is falling down and you entered the car. Why this whole thing? Now, you don't have to look while driving in the air. You will just go higherand higher and when you only hit and hold X, you will go forwards wile going very high above hight limit. When you want to get back after a while to see your new territories you will have to enter the commit suicide code: (getting out off the car will make no sense, you will be falling for hours because you are above hight limit until the game freezes, and that's not what we want) Right L2 Down R1 Left left R1 L1 L2 L1 ============================ 2. BY BOAT ======================== (*IIb3a2.*) ============================ Just take any boat you want and explore the ocean I would advice the SQUALLO, you don't have to make course corrections and it's a fast boat. Otherwise, take a speeder, the fastest boat, but you have to make course corrections ============================ 3.BY PLANE ======================== (*IIb3a3.*) ============================ Yes, by plane, far the easiest. Just take a shamal or AT-400 Fly to the edge of the map, and leave the controller alone, this will activate auto-pilot. ============================ 4.BY HELICOPTER ======================== (*IIb3a4.*) ============================ Okay, this is for the crazy guys who wanna proof themself. You have to stay behind your controller to make it. Anyone wanna do that? No, ofcourse not. End discussion, nobody is that stupid. ============================= WHILE DRIVING/FLYING/SAILING:================================ (*IIb3b.*) ============================= ============================ 1. BY CAR ======================== (*IIb3b1.*) ============================ 1.1 Tape the X button or put something heavy on it so you don't have to stay with your controller. 1.2 The same as 1.1 1.3 The same as 1.1 ============================ 2.BY BOAT ======================== (*IIb3b2.*) ============================ Tape the X button or put something heavy on it so you don't have to stay with your controller. ============================ 3.BY PLANE ======================== (*IIb3b3.*) ============================ Do nothing, go playing another console, lunching, whatever you wanna do. ============================ 4.BY HELICOPTER ======================== (*IIb3b4.*) ============================ Go crazy, you have to fly for yourself. =============================================== WHEN YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR TERRITORIES AND QUIT======================(*IIb3c. *) =============================================== ============================ 1.BY CAR ======================== (*IIb3c1.*) ============================ 1.1 When you don't wanna die: Sail back, it doesn't take that long, because you where sailing/driving/flying agains a barrior. When you wanna make it quike and wanna die without cheats: Just get out, crash, whatever, still not death? Drown yourself. With cheats: Commit suicide: Right L2 Down R1 Left left R1 L1 L2 L1 1.2 The same as 1.1 1.3 Commit suicide: Right L2 Down R1 Left left R1 L1 L2 L1 ============================ 2.BY BOAT ======================== (*IIb3c2.*) ============================ The same as 1.1 ============================ 3.BY PLANE ======================== (*IIb3c3.*) ============================ The same as 1.1 ============================ 4.BY HELICOPTER ======================== (*IIb3c4.*) ============================ The same as 1.1 ========================================================================== (*IIc.*).CASH AT CJ'S HOUSE ========================================================================== This is a very fast get-rich technique. Because for every territory under your control, you'll get money at CJ's house. When doing this glitch, you have much more territories, (178 in stead of 54) So when you fight the war with them, take the territories over, you'll get much more money at CJ's house. 'cos you can take the territories over in quite the beginning of the game, you'll get very fast rich. Use this and you'll rule SA, (well, not if you use the money cheat:D) ========================================================================== (*IId.*).GYM GLITCH(A PROBLEM DISCUSSED AT THE TOPIC) ========================================================================== Someone was complaining about a gym glitch, here's the info we gathered: (I put this in the GUIDE, otherwise, I'll get tons questions about it.) He did the glitch, went to the gym and couldn't train. My advice: -No one else had reported the problem, so most likely, it's another glitch. -Stay calm, everybody else could train after the glitch, we never told you it's without risk, be paitient, do the glitch again on another save-file and look what happens, then you'll know if it's happened with the glitch or it is another glitch. -Think by yourself and ask yourself if you where able train in the gym before the glitch. -All people who are reding this: LEARN, make another savefile before doing the glitch, then, you made yourself safe for every problems you'll get(IF you are getting problems, and I am sure you wont) -When you can't train, EAT and FAT-OUT and try again, maybe, you have too less energie to train. Also, we heard from someone else that he hadn't eat for years,tried to train and it didn't work so again, maybe this is related, when someone can confirm it, please email me. -Do this territory trick again, but instead of saving imediately. afterwards, eat a few meals after you respawn after dieing, see if you can train. If anybody has some information about this glitch after doing the territory one, please email me, I will give you credits.(Only if it is worth to place) ========================================================================== (*IIe.*).NO COPS SHOOTING WHEN YOU ENTER A NEW CITY ========================================================================== Some people are telling when you go to a place where you may not go (except by boat/plane/swimming) and you get a 4 star wanted level that when you do the glitch, the cops won't shoot at you. I think this isn't cause of the glitch. BUT,What I noticed is when you may not go to bayside, and you take a jetpack, and land on the end of the road what leads into the bayside, that you ain't have that 4 star wanted level. The cops aren't shooting at you too. I think this is an other glitch... Because sometimes, it happens, sometimes, not. ========================================================================== (*IIf.*).GANG COLORS AND TERRITORY COLORS ========================================================================== Grey = Italian Mafia Red = Triads Blue = Rifa Brown = Da Nang Purple = Ballas Yellow = Vagos Cyan = Aztecs Green = OGFamilies There are many mistakes about gangcolors, The only colors you'll normaly have are Purple(ballas), Yellow(Vagos) and Green(Grovestreet Family) When you do the glitch, the extra territories you get then are also only yellow,green and purple,BUT, when you look at the map, you'll see yellow/green turf, red turf, grey turf orange turf enz. And the normal turf. Well, surprise surprise, the only colors you have are the normal yellow,green and purple ones, Now, your first question shall be: What are that orange red enz. Turf than? Well, the answer is: That are just overlapping gang territories. They are just mixes from gang colors. When the vagos and the ballas have an overlapping territory, then it'll get a sort of red/orange colored shade. Yes, I know yellow and red is orange, and not yellow and purple but ya have to believe me. There are many different gang combinations possible. SO IT'S AN ABSOLUTELY MISTAKE THAT THAT ARE OTHER GANGS LIKE THE AZTECS AND DA NANG. The only gangs you can get a war with are the Vagos and the Ballas. (Except with an other glitch.Then, it can happen. Also an exception is: when you own money from the casino, then, you'll get the Triads after your ass.) ========================================================================== (*IIg.*).WHICH GANG DRIVES WHICH CAR? ========================================================================== GANG - Ballas AKA - Flats? CARS - Majestic, Tahoma. GANG - Grove Street Families AKA - -- CARS - Greenwood, Savanna, Voodoo. GANG - Los Santos Vagos AKA - Northside Mexicans CARS - Oceanic, Tornado, Hermes. GANG - San Fiero Rifa AKA - -- CARS - Sabre, Stallion, Blade. GANG - Da Nang Boys AKA - Vietnamese CARS - Buccanee, Manana, Tampa. GANG - Italian Mafia AKA - -- CARS - Sentinel, Admiral, Feltzer GANG - Triads AKA - -- CARS - Sultan, Stratum, Elegy. GANG - Varrio Los Aztecas AKA - Southside Mexicans CARS - Hermes,Broadway, Glendale. GANG - UNUSED AKA - -- CARS - Sentinel. GANG - UNUSED AKA - -- CARS - Sentinel. ========================================================================== (*IIh.*).GANG MEMBERS SPAWNING AND HOW TO TAKE OVER THE NEW TERRITORIES ========================================================================== Well, you can start a war with the new territories, and you'll get that territory as your own in ONE wave. So they can be taken over, but the only problem is that there are territories without sidewalks etc. where people and gangmembers spawn. The "no peds territories". And, it's a fact that in the new territories where the gang members can spawn, that the gangmembers are still harder to find than in the normal territories. Well, it will take forever to get them all but here are some things you need to know before taking over the new territories and some tips to take over that "no peds territories": -When you are in a vagos territory, you don't need to attack vagos to start a war, you can also kill ballas. (The same thing when you are in a Ballas territory, then you can attack vagos too) -Don't attack other gangs than vagos and ballas. You'll NOT get a gang war. -Don't attack 1 or 2 balas/vagos because you can't start a gang war. You'll only scare other ballas/vagos or you will get a wanted level. Only attack them when they are in groups of 3 or 4. -When trying to take over the territories in LS, such as by the airport or the highways, by the airport, you will see many many aztecas walking around, just wait for a while and a balla or vago will spawn.... For the highways, check on some of the footpaths above the highways, i saw some people chillen there so i chilled also, then a balla started shootin at me. -Use a jetpack to fly straight along the side-walks. This will make you're chance to find a gang-group higher and you're a lot faster. -Try checking the cars that pass you by, theres usually one that pops up with a balla or vago. -It's rumoured that when you have a territory on the water, sometimes gangmembers spawn in the water.(I never saw this for myselve) -Tip for taking over the huge LV territory: I just took over LV. In the north west part of LV theres a place called yellow bell golf course drive west of it till LV is yellow, brown, whatever color you call it drive back to the golf course a gang.. For me it was the ballas show up don't shoot them get off or out of your vechile walk backwards so LV will come up in color get the gang that spawns in the colored LV area kill them it should start a gang war. Walk back into the golf course 4 enemy gang members will spawn kill them and you rule LV. YOU CAN ALSO DO THIS WITH OTHER TERRITORIES!!!!!!!! -The "bitch method" for taking over "no peds territories": Kick a gang member outa it's car or do something else to get some gang members follow you, then, let them follow you into a "no peds territory" then kill them and you'll start a war. -You can also take a tractor or towtruck and tow a car with 3 or more gangmembers to a "no peds territory and kill them. ========================================================================== (*III*).CHEATS ========================================================================== Well, for the cheaters between you guys, here are some cheats which can help you with the glitch: ==================================== WEAPON CODES: (*IIIa*) ==================================== Use this to get your weapons for the war. Brass Knuckles, Bat, 9mm, Shotgun, Micro MP5, AK-47, Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Molotovs and Spray Can: R1 R2 L1 R2 Left Down Right Up Left Down Right Up Knife, Desert Eagle, Sawed-Off, Tec-9, M4, Sniper Rifle, Flame Thrower, Grenades andFire Estinguisher: R1 R2 L1 R2 Left Down Right Up Left Down Down Left Chainsaw, Silenced 9mm, Spaz, MP5, M4, Sniper Rifle, Heat Sincking Rocket, Laucher and Remote Explosives: R1 R2 L1 R2 Left Down Right Up Left Down Down Down I would recommand to use the last one, I think it's the best. For that dessert eagle users, the second is the best ofcourse. ==================================== BODY CODES: (*IIIb*) ==================================== For the people without ARMAX or an other cheat device who wanna sail/drive/fly longer. (Use this code to stay allive longer so you'll have more territories at the end) Max Fat: Triangle Up Up Left Right Square Circle Down ==================================== GANG CODES: (*IIIc*) ==================================== Use this to get that gangmembers spawn much faster on sidewalks etc. while searching for them. Gang Members Everywhere: Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, X, Down, UP, Square, Right Gangs Rule the Streets: L2, UP, R1, R1, Left, R1, R1, R2, Right, Down Use this cheat to get 7 people recruited with 9mm, very good to use when you have still less respect so you can't recruit all 7 or if your family doesn't show up. Recruit Anyone (9mm): DOWN, SQUARE, UP, R2, R2, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP ==================================== CAR CODES: (*IIId*) ==================================== Use this codes to do the glitch with other vehicles than boats or planes/helicopters. Drive on Water: Right R2 Circle R1 L2 Square R1 R2 Cars Fly: Up, Down, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left Cars float away when hit: Square, R2, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, L2, X ==================================== OTHER HELPFULL CODES: (*IIIe*) ==================================== Use this code when fighting the war to make sure you'll win. You can also use it to buy weapons. Another option, and the most important is: Use it to get 178 territories. When you are flying/driving/sailing to the edge of the map and you are allmost dieing, use it. You can do this everytime you are dieing to get that 178. Health + Armor + $250,000: R1 R2 L1 X Left Down Right Up Left Down Right Up Use this code to get that stupid cops away from you. Lower Wanted Level: R1 R1 Circle R2 Up Down Up Down Up Down Use this code to kick that ballas away. Mega Punch: UP, Left, X, Triangle, R1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L2 And when you don't know what to do: Commit Suicide: Right L2 Down R1 Left left R1 L1 L2 L1 ==================================== FULL CHEAT CODE LIST: (*IIIf*) ==================================== Ofcourse you can go to gamefaqs or another cheat code and or FAQ site, but this site has them all:(yes, gamefaqs doesn't have them all, too bad): http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=152601 ========================================================================== (*IIII*).FAQ ========================================================================== Q.How do I get the money to start a gang war? A.Do the Four Dragons Casino trick explained in The Introduction. Q.What is the best weapon to use in wars? A.The deagle if you can handle it, it will shoot those vago/balla away with one shot. Q.Why are there different darknesses in The Territory colors? A.That will give you a look which territories are easy to take over, and which are pretty f@cking annoying. Tha DARKER, The most Problematic and harder, the lighter, the easiest. Q.Which gang is harder to take over? The Vagos or the Ballas? A.Definitely the Vagos, much harder than the Ballas. Q.Why are that stupid ballas/vagos running away? A.They aren't running away, they are trying to catch you on your back by running a block. Q.I killed 10 guys and didn't get a war, what should I do? A.Kill when they are in groups of 3, not 2, that should help. Q.Where can I see a good map of all the glitch territories? A.In the map section, I will upload the pics. soon. Q.Is there a specific direction I have to fly to get these extra territories? I heard someone telling you'll only get them when you fly SE. A.No, you can fly in every direction you want, it is tested 100% and it all has the same maximum of getable territories. Q.How long do I have to fly until I have all the 178 territories? A.10 hours will do it, but I needed 36. Just look at the stats wile doing the glitch to make sure that you have them all 178. Don't look on the map, you'll not see the territories on it while doing the glitch. Q.Do I have to kill myself after I did the glitch? A.No, you don't have to, you can drown yourself to make it quike, but you can also fly back which will take 15 min. or something like that. Q.What are the best vehicles to do the glitch? A.The shamal and AT-400, you don't have to put something heavy on your controller, just leave it alone and it will auto-pilot. Q.Can I just sit down and do nothing in the ocean to get them? A.No, you can't, it's tested and it will not work. Q.Did Rockstar/Bradygames knew about the glitch? A.We are not sure, we emailed Rockstar about the glitch but we didn't got an email back, but notice, on page 196 of the bradygames guide you'll see a picture with a map in it where is a ballas territory which isn't supposed to be there. So when rockstar didn't knew it, bradygames obvisually did. Q.Do I have to have all 100% of the territories to do the glitch? A.No, you don't have to have them all. Q.Can I kill triads or other gangs in stead of ballas and vagos to start a war? A.No, only killing ballas or vagos will start the war. Q:What is the theory behind this glitch? A:We think maybe one of these: - The territories get mixed up as the screen zooms out as you fly/boat away. - The territories are dragged round because a barrier is being pushed. - It's supposed to happen and the gangsters are forming new territories. -You know how when you walk into a gang terrotory the area name (like East Los Santos) turns the color of the gang that's there? (well, sometimes it does). Well I noticed that areas in Las Venturas turning red, then turning back to the normal color. Perhaps this is somehow related that Rock* cut it out of the game. Q.What vehicles do I need to use to get the glitch work? A.Look in the vehicles to use section, it's all there, the easiest is to use the shamal or AT-400. Q.I heard that sometimes, you can't train after doing the glitch, is this true? A. Look at the gym glitch section, it's all there. Q.I heard that sometimes, when you enter a city you may not enter, the cops aren't shooting after this glitch, is this true? A.We are not sure, look at the no cops shootin when you enter a new city section, there is all the info I have about it. Q.Which gang has which color? A.Here they are: Grey = Italian Mafia Red = Triads Blue = Rifa Brown = Da Nang Purple = Ballas Yellow = Vagos Cyan = Aztecs Green = OGFamilies Q.What are that territories other then yellow, green and purple exept for that red casino ones? A.There are many mistakes about gangcolors, The only colors you'll normaly have are purple(ballas), Yellow(Vagos) and Green(Grovestreet Family) When you do the glitch, the extra territories you get then are also only yellow,green and purple,BUT, when you look at the map, you'll see yellow/green turf, red turf, grey turf orange turf enz. And the normal turf. Well, surprise surprise, the only colors you have are the normal yellow,green and purple ones, Now, your first question shall be: What are that orange red enz. Turf than? Well, the answer is: That are just overlapping gang territories. They are just mixes from gang colors. When the vagos and the ballas have an overlapping territory, then it'll get a sort of red/orange colored shade. Yes, I know yellow and red is orange, and not yellow and purple but ya have to believe me. There are many different gang combinations possible. SO IT'S AN ABSOLUTELY MISTAKE THAT THAT ARE OTHER GANGS LIKE THE AZTECS AND DA NANG. The only gangs you can get a war with are the Vagos and the Ballas. (Except with another glitch, then it can happen. Also an exception is: when you own money from the casino, then, you'll get the Triads after your ass.) Q.Which gang drives which car? A. GANG - Ballas AKA - Flats? CARS - Majestic, Tahoma. GANG - Grove Street Families AKA - -- CARS - Greenwood, Savanna, Voodoo. GANG - Los Santos Vagos AKA - Northside Mexicans CARS - Oceanic, Tornado, Hermes. GANG - San Fiero Rifa AKA - -- CARS - Sabre, Stallion, Blade. GANG - Da Nang Boys AKA - Vietnamese CARS - Buccanee, Manana, Tampa. GANG - Italian Mafia AKA - -- CARS - Sentinel, Admiral, Feltzer GANG - Triads AKA - -- CARS - Sultan, Stratum, Elegy. GANG - Varrio Los Aztecas AKA - Southside Mexicans CARS - Hermes,Broadway, Glendale. GANG - UNUSED AKA - -- CARS - Sentinel. GANG - UNUSED AKA - -- CARS - Sentinel. Q.I heard after the glitch, when you start taking over the new territories, orange, skyblue etc. colored territories pop-up, is this true? A.Yes it is. Q.How many waves does it take to take territories over? A.The normal territories: 3 The glitchy territories: 1 Q.HOW DO I TAKE THE NEW TERRITORIES OVER WHERE AREN'T PEDS? A.YES, THE "NO PEDS TERRITORIES", THERE ARE A FEW WAYS: 1.THE HOOD THEORY: Tip for taking over the huge LV territory: I just took over LV. In the north west part of LV theres a place called yellow bell golf course drive west of it til LV is yellow, brown, whatever color you call it drive back to the golf course a gang.. For me it was the ballas show up don't shoot them get off or out of your vechile walk backwards so LV will come up in color get the gang that spawns in the colored LV area kill them it should start a gang war. Walk back into the golf course 4 enemy gang members will spawn kill them and you rule LV. YOU CAN ALSO DO THIS WITH OTHER TERRITORIES!!!!!!!! 2.THE BITCH THEORY: The "bitch method" for taking over "no peds territories": Kick a gang member outa it's car or do something else to get some gang members follow you, then, let them follow you into a "no peds territory" then kill them and you'll start a war. 3.THE TOW THEORY: You can also take a tractor or towtruck and tow a car with 3 or more gangmembers to a "no peds territory and kill them. Q.I heard that sometimes, with territories near the water, the members spawn in the water, is this true and how can I prevent it? A.Yes, it's true, before starting a war, get as far away from the water as possible so they won't spawn in the water. FOR EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT TAKING OVER TERRITORIES, LOOK IN THE GANG MEMBERS SPAWNING AND HOW TO TAKE OVER THE NEW TERRITORIES SECTION!!!! ========================================================================== (*IIIII*).SPECIAL THANKS/CREDITS ========================================================================== All information, questions and answer's have been collected and worked-out from testing and from the thread in GTA forums: Map is now about 100% full of gang colors http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=161643 This GUIDE was put together by WOEZIE I want to note someone very special, who deserves full credits: Jeremy George, For making the wonderfull list off 178 territores!, Good work! Special Thanks and credits to all the people who helped me out with the GUIDE/Glitch: Agent Ozzy: If you didn't find this glitch and/or posted it, this GUIDE wasn't possible and for letting me use his pictures. Bobbo27, For letting me use his picture. bobo_the_ape, Blob, and all the others for helping with discovering everything about the glitch. Chunkubis for letting me use his pictures. Frank-Tenpenny,For letting me use his pictures. LordPodri: For mentioning that the infinite ammo glitch is good to use for doing the glitch. Stalemate420: For finding "the bitch theory" and all the hours spending by testing, confirming and finding new things about tha glitch. Not to mention all of you that posted in the topic and helped out. If there's something I forgot to place or telling, or forgot someone's credits, I appoligice and e-mail OmicronBeta@hotmail.com so I can add. BEFORE EMAILING ME ABOUT INFO OR OTHER STUFF, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY FIRST IF IT IS ALREADY MENTIONED IN THE GUIDE, WHEN YOU GET NO ANSWER, TRY AGAIN, BECAUSE SOME OF YOUR EMAILS WILL GET IN MY JUNKMAIL. AND I AM NOT LOOKING AT IT EVERY DAY. I AM GETTING TO MUCH EMAILS WITH QUESTIONS ALLREADY ANSWERED IN THE GUIDE, SO READ VERY CAREFULL!!!!!!! ALSO, WHEN YOU AREN'T GETTING AN EMAIL BACK, THAT'S BECAUSE YOU ASKED A QUESTION ANSWERED IN THE FAQ SECTION, SO BEFORE EMAILING ME, LOOK IF YOU QUESTION(S) ARE ALLREADY ANSWERED IN THE SECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR TERRITORIES!!!