======================================================================= Grandia II Battle FAQ By Alex Joshua (Props08@BOOMaol.com) If you want to e-mail me, take the BOOM out of my e-mail address. No spam please. ^_^ Version 1.3: February 25th, 2001 This FAQ is © Alex Joshua 2001. This FAQ may not been altered in any way or sold without my written consent. If you want to use this FAQ on your website or your FAQ, please ask me first. If you feel that this FAQ is missing something or there's an error, please point it out to me and you'll receive credit for it. * !WARNING: This FAQ contains one minor SPOILER about Roan, so read at your own risk! * ======================================================================= Contents I. Introduction II. The IP Bar III. Info Bars IV. Statistic Descriptions a. Regular Statistics b. Battle Statistics V. Status Disorders VI. Battle Popups VII. Battle Commands VIII. Counter-attacks/Canceling IX. Basic Techniques a. Ryudo b. Elena c. Millenia d. Roan e. Mareg f. Tio X. Battle Strategies XI. My team XII. Tips XIII. Coming Soon XIV. Conclusion ======================================================================= I. Introduction ======================================================================= This is my first FAQ and I hope you like it. This FAQ is designed to help you understand the Grandia II battle system better and help you become a better fighter. When I first bought this game I was having trouble understanding some of the battle mechanics so I decided to write a FAQ about it. This game has one of the best battle systems I've ever seen in an RPG. Enough babbling, here's the FAQ! February 25, 2001: Added the Info Bars and Battle Popups sections, I'm still working on the weapons section. I should have my Dreamcast back by March 3rd (my mom has it...) so expect a huge update around then. Until then, sayanora! February 14, 2001: Made a few minor changes regarding some of the spelling errors. Added the status disorders section. February 10, 2001: This FAQ is done! Well actually it's been done since the 17th but I had to make a few minor changes. :) January 17, 2001: I'm still working on it. I'm almost done but I've had midterms this week so I haven't had time to work on it. January 7, 2001: I start this FAQ. ======================================================================= II. The IP Bar ======================================================================= *-_-_-_-_-_-_* __ | | Key: \/ = Enemy Icon | The IP Bar | | | \/ = Character Icon *-_-_-_-_-_-_* /\ __ \/ |-----------------------|----------------------|----------------------| | | | | COM==================>ACT| |-----------------------|----------------------|----------------------| \/ /\ This is the IP bar. When a character's icon reaches the COM point, you input a battle command (see section IV) and when the icon reaches the ACT point, the command is executed. The action doesn't happen right when you select it, like other RPGs, so it might take a little time to get used to. Certain stats affect the IP speed of a character (see section III) just so you know. That's about it! ======================================================================= III. Info Bars ======================================================================= On the top of the battle screen is a picture of each character and 3 bars underneath each picture. The first bar is HP, which stands for Hit Points. Next to your HP is a number. If the number's color is light green it means that character is at full or very close to full health. If the number's color is white it means that the character has a substantial amount of HP. If the number's color is orange then that character's HP is about 25% of their max HP. If the number's color is red then you need to heal that character quick cause they're about to be dead. The second bar is the character's MP, which stands for Magic Points. Magic is obtained through Mana Eggs, which will be covered in future versions of this FAQ. There are some skills (another section that will be in future updates) that increase your MP, along with a few items (you know....coming soon...). The third bar is the character's SP, which stands for Special Points. Whenever you do a move (otherwise known as technique, see section VIII) it takes points off this bar. There are also skills, items, accessories, and a few weapons that can increase your SP (wow this update is gonna be huge). That's it! ======================================================================= IV. Statistic Descriptions ======================================================================= Ever wonder what the difference between SPD, MOV, and AGI was? Don't know what MEN stands for? This section is here to let you know what all the abbreviations mean and help you decide which ones you want to boost with skills/armor/jewelry first. There are two tables: the 1st one is Regular Stats. These are the stats you see when you go into the menu screen (press start button when in a dungeon area/town) and select the status icon. The second table is Battle Stats. These are the stats that are displayed in battle when someone casts a spell like runner, which makes your MOV higher. Also, if someone casts a spell on you like def-loss, you only lose defense for that one battle. After the battle all your Regular Stats are returned to normal and the next time you battle your Battle Stats are normal too. Same thing happens if you cast diggin' on your team: the effects only last for that battle. Try to keep your battle stats up and your enemies' battle stats down. *------------------------------------------* |Regular Stats (shown on the status screen)| *------------------------------------------*--------------------------- | Stat Name | Description | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | SPD | Speed. How fast your character runs and the| | | distance they run is based on this stat. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Agility. How fast your character's icon | | AGI | advances on the IP bar is based on this | | | stat. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | STR | Strength. The higher your strength, the | | | more damage your physical attacks do. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Vitality. This is basically your defense | | VIT | The higher it is, the less damage you | | | receive from physical attacks. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Magic. The higher it is, the more effective| | MAG | your magic will be. Healing magic restores | | | more and attack magic does more damage when | | | does more damage when this stat is high. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Mentality. Your magic defense is based on | | MEN | this stat. The higher it is, the less | | | damage you receive from magical attacks. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *------------------------------* |Battle Stats (shown in battle)| *------------------------------*--------------------------------------- | | Movement. This is the battle equivalent of | | MOV | your speed, plus the added effects of armor,| | | weapons, jewelry, etc. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Attack. This is the battle equivalent of | | ATK | your strength, plus the added effects of | | | armor, weapons, jewelry, etc. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Defense. This is the battle equivalent of | | DEF | your VIT, plus the added effects of armor, | | | weapons, jewelry, etc. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Action. This is the battle equivalent of | | ACT | your agility, plus the added effects of | | | armor, weapons, jewelry, etc. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= V. Status Disorders ======================================================================= This section is about the multiple status disorders that you/your enemies can receive. Here's an example of what the list looks like: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (Status Disorder) Name: Crackhead Disease (On-screen) Icon: Crazy Man in a box (Status) Effect: Makes you addicted to Grandia II Cure: A visit to the Rehab Station (Magic) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Here's the status disorders list! NOTE: The icons aren't EXACTLY the way I say they are (example: I don't know what those blue things next to the lightning bolt on the magic block icon are) but you should be able to figure them out. Well, here's the list! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Confusion Icon: Swirling orange spiral... looks like the Dreamcast logo ^_^ Effect: Confuses you or your opponent. You cannot control a confused character, and sometimes they will attack their teammates. It will go away over a period of time or after the battle ends. Cure: Smelling Salts (Item) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Fallen Icon: Angel Halo with two wings coming from the inside. Effect: Your character is dead... great job... Cure: Yomi's Elixir (Item), Resurrect (Magic) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Magic Block Icon: A bolt of lightning in between two rocks (or mabye not?) Effect: This character cannot use magic, but can do any of the other commands. The character continues to have a magic block even after the fight is over. Cure: Magic Scroll (Item), Refresh (Magic) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Move Block Icon: A fist with a red X behind it in a green background. Effect: This character cannot use moves (like Tenseiken Slash, etc.). The character continues to have a move block even after the fight is over. Cure: Move Scroll (Item), Refresh (Magic) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Paralysis Icon: A black skull with a yellow explosion behind it. Don't confuse this icon with Plague, cause it's hard to tell the difference! Effect: The paralyzed character cannot move at all, so their icon doesn't even advance on the IP bar. Cure: Paralysis Salve (Item), Cure (Magic) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Plague Icon: A gray skull with a crack on the top, in front of a green background. Don't confuse this icon with Paralysis, cause it's hard to tell the difference! Effect: The character who has plague is going to be hurtin' for a while if you don't cure them fast! It randomly causes sleep, confusion, paralysis, poison, and other status disorders. It also decreases battle stats like MOV, DEF, ACT, etc. (see section III) The effects carry over to the next battle, so cure this as soon as you can! Cure: There was an item but I forgot the name... I'll have it in the next update. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Poison Icon: Mushroom Effect: Makes you lose a small amount of hp (I think it's 10%) every turn. Automatically goes away at the end of battle. Cure: Poison Antidote (Item), Antidote (Item), Cure (Magic) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Sleep Icon: A bunch of bubbles Effect: This status disorder is very similar to paralysis. The character cannot move, and doesn't progress on the IP bar. If they are hit with a physical/magical attack however, they wake up. This effect automatically goes away at the end of battle. Cure: Eye Drops (Item) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now for the Battle Commands... ======================================================================= VI. Battle Popups ======================================================================= This section deals with the different displays of battle. Most of them are self-explanitory but it's part of a battle so it's in this FAQ! Here's an example: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (Display) Name: Crack! Icon: A crackpipe Description: The crackhead needs more crack so he leaves the fight. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Here is the Battle Displays list! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Counter Icon: The words "Counter!!" in red letters Description: This lets you know that a counter attack (see section VI) has occured. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Cancel Icon: The words "Cancel" in white letters Description: Lets you know that an attack/move has been canceled. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Sway Icon: The words "Sway" in blue letters Description: This pops up when you dodge an enemies attack. Don't confuse it with miss! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Miss Icon: The words "Miss" in blue/white (blue that fades to white) Description: You should work on your aim cause your attack missed... you can increase your chances of an enemy's attack missing by evading (see section V). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Combo (I thought it up myself ^_^) Icon: The words "# Hits" # = any number (just so you know, the largest # I've gotten so far is 34, but I'll go into that later). Description: Lets you know how many times you hit your enemy or how many times your enemy hit you (which should be 0). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Sweat Icon: Three huge sweat drops! Description: Someone's tired! If you're too far from your enemy or vice versa, after running for a while you'll just stop and lose your turn (See section III for info on how to prevent this from happening). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ======================================================================= VII. Battle Commands ======================================================================= Below is a list of the battle commands and descriptions of what they do. *Check out the battle strategies section for more info* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | What it is | What it does | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Your standard physical attack. How much damage | | | you deal is based on your STR stat. There are | | Combo | some items that can add hits to your combo (like | | | demon tears) to deal even more damage. You get | | | a small amount of SP every time you attack. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | A strong attack. This attack only hits once and | | | doesn't do as much damage as a normal attack | | | does, but when the hit connects it moves that | | Critical | opponent's icon to the left on the IP bar. If it| | | hits when their icon is between COM and ACT, | | | their action is canceled and the icon moves back | | | further. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This brings up the moves and magic menus. Press | | Move/Magic | L/R to change from the moves menu to the magic | | | menu. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This brings up the item menu. You can use attack| | Item | or recovery items. You can also change your | | | equipment, but that makes your character lose a | | | turn. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When you defend, that character immediately | | | gets into a defensive stance. This is good to | | Defend | use when someone is about to be hit with a strong| | | attack. You get a decent amount of SP from | | | blocking an attack. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Use this to dodge an attack or move to a safer | | | area of the battlefield. If an enemy is about to| | Evade | attack and you evade, there's a larger chance of | | | you dodging the hit. Like Defend, this happens | | | as soon as you select it. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Escape from the battlefield. Only use this when | | Escape | you are desperately low on health, or when you | | | just don't feel like fighting (which shouldn't | | | happen too often). Doesn't work in boss fights. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Set the A.I. for your party. I've never used | | A.I. | this before, but I guess you could use it if you | | | didn't want to control your characters (another | | | thing which shouldn't happen too often). | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= VIII. Counter-attacks and Canceling ======================================================================= *Counter-Attacks* A counter-attack is when you hit an opponent while they are in their attack animation. Enemies receive more damage when hit with a counter- attack. If you time things right, you can counter-attack with Criticals or even Special Moves! You can also counter-attack with magic. Enemies can counter-attack you too, so be careful. Counter- attacks can be useful for helping someone out of a tight spot. Example: An enemy is going to attack Roan. Ryudo decides to do his Tenseiken Slash. While his icon is moving to the ACT bar, the enemy is closing in on Roan. Right before the enemy hits Roan, Ryudo does the Tenseiken Slash. Since this move has a cancel effect, it does lots of damage (from the counter-attack) and cancels their attack. It may be tricky to time, but it pays off. Another helpful hint about counter- attacks: if an enemy is about to attack you, no matter what, your combo hit will ALWAYS be a counter-attack (unless your opponent is fast or close to you). This doesn't work for Criticals since your attack animation takes longer. Counter-attacks don't have a cancel effect though, so you should have someone to back up your character since the enemy will still try to attack you. Counter-attacks are also good to help someone move to a safer spot on the battlefield. Example: An enemy is going to attack Mareg and he has low HP. As the monster is running towards him, Tio decides to attack it. As the monster is about to attack Mareg, Tio's hit connects, temporarily stunning the enemy. This gives Mareg enough time to run to a safer spot. *Canceling* A cancel occurs when you cancel an enemy's attack, move, or magic. Everyone can do a cancel attack, but the animation is longer than a normal combo attack, so time it carefully. If this hit connects while the opponent's icon is between the COM and ACT points on the IP bar, a cancel occurs. If you hit them anywhere before the COM point, it will only move their icon about 1 bar to the left. The basic techniques of each character (see section VI) has a cancel effect, so it would be wise to advance those moves first because it will be very helpful later on in the game. This attack is very useful when your enemy is about to do a damaging/annoying attack and you don't want them to. ======================================================================= IX. Basic Techniques ======================================================================= This section deals with the basic techniques of every character. Here is an example of what it explains. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (Character) Name: Props08 Name of Technique: Crazy Crackhead Slash SP Consumed: 46 What it is: A description of the technique. How many people does it hit?: Exactly what the question says. When to use it: When those Crazy Crackheads come around. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Here's the technique list! In future updates I will list ALL of the characters' techniques. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Ryudo Technique Name: Tenseiken Slash SP Consumed: 24 What it is: An upward slash from below (Cancel Effect). How many people does it hit? : 1 When to use it: This is a great move to use on an enemy that's about to do a devastating attack (like the Devils' BA-BOOM!) and you want to cancel it, and do some good damage. The higher Ryudo's STR stat is (see section III), the more damage this technique (and all his other techniques) will do. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Elena Technique Name: Impact Bomb SP Consumed: 25 What it is: Ball of light pounds enemy (Cancel Effect). How many people does it hit? : 1 When to use it: This move is also great to cancel attacks (like all the other basic techniques) but the special thing about Elena's is that she doesn't have to move! Even though it really doesn't matter, I think it looks cool when she yells, "Here comes my impact bomb!" and tosses a bomb from the other side of the battlefield. This technique works well against demons and other undead enemies, since it's light based. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Millenia Technique Name: Arrow Shot SP Consumed: 25 What it is: A single surefire shot (Cancel effect). How many people does it hit? : 1 When to use it: This technique doesn't really have anything good about it besides that it can cancel attacks and do decent damage. Use this on any enemy, since it doesn't do extra damage depending on the enemy (like Elena's Impact Bomb). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Roan Technique Name: Golden Hammer SP Consumed: 22 What it is: Attack with a huge hammer (Cancel effect). How many people does it hit? : 1 When to use it: Like Millenia's Arrow Shot, this move doesn't have any special effects on certain enemies. Use it whenever you want. I think that Roan's STR stat might have something to do with this technique, but I'm not 100% sure. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Mareg Technique Name: Beast Fang Cut SP Consumed: 26 What it is: Spirited Axe Attack (Cancel effect). How many people does it hit? : 1 When to use it: This move is extremely strong, and extremely effective. Raise up your STR stat so you can do large amounts of damage. This doesn't effect any certain enemies, but it probably would if you had an axe with an element (like the Earthern axe). Keep your enemies in check! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tio: Technique Name: Lotus Flower SP Consumed: 28 How many people does it hit? : Enemy Line! What it is: Attack using rings (Cancel effect). When to use it: This is my favorite basic technique!!! It is EXTREMELY useful when your enemies are bunched up together. Here's some advice: have someone cast the Gravity spell to bunch the enemies together, then use her Lotus Flower on them! Only do this if the Gravity spell is maxxed out, and so is the Lotus Flower. Or you could just have Tio evade somewhere on the battlefield where it gives her a good spot to hit some enemies and cancel some attacks. This is also very good because it does decent damage. This is by far the best basic technique. ^_^ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ======================================================================= X. Battle Strategies ======================================================================= No matter what you do, keep an eye on the status bars at the top of the screen. The battles can get so intense that you may forget to look at the top of the screen, then *bam*! Next thing you know, Roan is dead and everyone has less than 20 hp! Be sure to stay up-to-date with your weaponry so that you can deal the most damage possible. Always check to see what your enemies will do, and plan cancel attacks/techniques appropriately. If someone's hp status turns yellow, use a spell like Heal or Healer to bring him or her back to full health. If their hp status turns red, use Healer+ on them, or have two people cast Heal/Healer. Use defend and evade to your advantage, and remember that you can't evade magical attacks or enemy techniques. Kill enemies with the lowest HP first, unless it's a boss that regenerates back-ups (like the egg guardian). This will allow you to concentrate your attacks on the stronger person. You recover SP from using regular attacks, cancels, and blocking/taking hits. You get a little bit more if you block an attack. Use this to your advantage when you have 21 SP and need just a little bit more to pull off that Tenseiken Slash. Hope that helps! ======================================================================= XI. My Team ======================================================================= Ryudo: One tough cookie. It's hard for enemies to hit him since his Godspeed shoes allow him to move across the battlefield in an instance. They also don't like his 4 hit combos because of his Soul of Asura equipped. They have a hard time staying alive too since one of his skills is a *MAX strength. Roan (before he left the party): The magic caster of the group. Since his MAG and MEN stats were the highest, he had no problem disposing of enemies with his zap-all spell. He also has a 4-star life-up to boost his hp a little. Roan (after he re-joined the party): Same as before, but with higher defense. He now has Ryudo's old Demon Tears so enemies get more punishment. Elena: Roan's magical back up. She specifies in more support/backup magic. She has high MAG and MEN stats so she's right for the job. She can often be seen casting her *MAX WOW! on Ryudo during tough battles. She also has a *MAX life-up to give her a little hp boost so she can hang in those long battles. She's also a *MAX Skilled Item User. Mareg: Hard as a rock. One of his skills is a *MAX toughness which keeps him kicking for a while. His *MAX abandonment keeps him moving fast and his *MAX Beast Fang Cut leaves enemies munching the ground in an instant. Millenia: Same as Elena but uses her Heel Stomp move a lot to make the enemies a pushover. Tio: Quick and agile, Tio is the fastest member of my party. All of her accessories increase her SPD, AGI, and evasion stats. Since she's so fast but her HP is low, she's often defending. When fighting large amounts of enemies, her fast speed gives her the opportunity to evade and let another character counter the monster attacking her. She moves the fastest on the IP bar so is usually the first to cancel an enemy's attack. Everyone in my party is Level 54. ======================================================================= XII. Tips ======================================================================= Tip: Whenever you see an enemy, hide behind something (or just stand still). When they turn around, run into them from behind. If you do this, when the battle starts you surrounded the enemy and have initiative. When you have initiative I'd recommend using strong group/area magic to wipe out the enemies quickly. This doesn't work for bosses obviously. If you run into the enemy when they are flashing red, the battle starts normally, with your team on one side and your enemies on the other side. However, if your enemy runs into you from behind, you are surprised and all the enemies get to attack first. To prevent this, never turn your back on an enemy no matter how far/close they are. Tip: Whenever you attack/get attacked you gain a small amount of SP. If you get attacked while blocking you gain a larger amount of SP. There are a few skills and accessories that allow you to gain more SP from attacks, and there are also skills that raise your maximum SP. I will hopefully cover these in a future version of this FAQ. ======================================================================= XIII. Coming Soon ======================================================================= These are a few features that I plan to add in future updates of this FAQ: - Recovery/Attack Item Listing - Full List of Skills and Magic - Anything you might suggest ======================================================================= XIV. Conclusion ======================================================================= I hope you enjoyed this FAQ and that it helped you in some way. If you have a question about something that isn't mentioned in the FAQ, or isn't listed in the coming soon section (see section X, above) then go ahead and e-mail me at: Props08@aol.com. Thank you for reading this FAQ. Goodbye ^_^ "Sworn Enemies, you shall be defeated!" Ryudo & Melfice, Grandia II