Walkthrough/FAQ by __________________ | /* . _ | / |/ | /\ //_ |/ |\ |/ \/ \_||\ __________________ - GameArts - UbiSoft %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%% %%% %%% %%%%%%% %%% %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%% %%% %%%%%%%%% %%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% %%%% %%% %%%%%%%%%% %%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%% %%% %%%%% %%%% %%% %%%%%% %%% %%%%% %%%% %%% %%% %%%%% %%% %%%%%% %%% %%% %%%% %%% %%% %%%% %%% %%%%%%% %%% %%%% %%%% %%% %%%%%% %%% %%% %%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%%%%% %%% %%%%% %%% %%% %%%%%%% %%% %%% %%%% %%% %%% %% %%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%% %%% %%%% %%%%%%% %%% %%%% %%% %%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%%% %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%% %%%%%%% %%% %%%% %%% %%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%% %%%%%% %%% %%%%% %%% %%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%%% %%% %%% %%%%%%%%% %%%% %%%%% %%% %%%%% %%% %%% %%% %%%% %%%% %%% %%%% %%% %%% %%% %%%% %%%%%%%% %%% %%% %%% %%%% %%%% %%% %%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%%%% %%% %%% %%% %%%%% %%%% %%% %%%% %%% %%% %%% % %%%% %%% %%% %%% %%%%% %%%% %%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%% %%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%% % %%%%%%% %%%%%%% % %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game: Grandia II (English release) Players: 1 Genre: RPG Platform: Personal Computer (PC) FAQ: Complete Walkthrough/FAQ Format: Plain Text, Courier New (Size: 10), 79 characters per line. Author: KingK E-mail: kamangren(at)yahoo(dot)com Version: FINAL+ (2004-01-07) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------------- I. Revision History II. Introduction III. Game Tutorial IV. Walkthrough V. Complete Item List VI. FAQ VII. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== I. Revision History =============================================================================== - Version 1.0 (2002-08-25): Wrote the FAQ (finally) finished all lists. - Version 2.0 (2003-01-05): Added the FAQ section and corrected some minor grammatical errors. Also added some small things here and there. - Version Final (2003-03-22): Added the missing second items for Valmar Fly and Devil from Morraen, Over Fiend and Chen Guojun. Well, this is the final version of my FAQ. I probably won't be updating it any time soon unless someone will submit me a completely unexpected information like: 'You can use Carro in combat!!!'O_o. I believe that the guide covers pretty much everything in the game. So I'll see you in my next FAQ! <:E - Version Final+ (2004-01-07): Well that 'probably' did not happen. ^_^ As this is the Final+ version. As always contributions came after the final version thus forcing me to update the Final version. Nothing changed that big. Corrected question 7 in the FAQ section. Thanks to all of you who mailed me about it. Fixed an error on Melfices regenerator for the Dreamcast version. Deleted some of my useless ranting, added some more questions to the FAQ section... fixed the item listing tables to look nicer. Changed the ASCII logo. Did some serious layout changes. Rest assured that I will never update this FAQ again. If you have something to contribute then sorry but you'll have to send it to someone else. Same goes for small questions, everything I know about Grandia II is in my guide. If you can't find what you're looking for then I don't know, check other FAQs, visit the Message Boards. _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== II. Introduction =============================================================================== Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi! Welcome to my Grandia II FAQ for the PC. As soon as this game was released on PC I've decided to write FAQ for a grand sequel to a grand game. I hope you like it, but most importantly I hope it will help you. Grandia II was originally released on the Dreamcast. Four months after its Japanese release, Grandia II was available in North America thanks to Ubi Soft. The voice acting team was the same in the Metal Gear Solid. Most importantly after a huge seccess of the original, which became classic, everyone expected no less from Grandia II. Even though it's not a direct sequel. Did Grandia II became classic? Hard to say, probably not. Although it was released on the DC, PC and PS2. Grandia II is a great game but in my personal opinion Grandia I was better. Estimated retail price was $40 for this game. If you liked my FAQ then please rate it. To check my other FAQs on GameFaqs follow this link: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/28023.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~ This FAQ is my property and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You have acquired only the right to use this FAQ and you don't have any other rights, express or implied, in the FAQ other than those specified in this Disclaimer. You shouldn't remove anything from this FAQ. You strictly are not allowed to sell or rent it. Don't edit, plagiarize, transform or translate this FAQ into other languages, convert into .HTML .DOC or any other format except .TXT. You cannot execute nothing of the above except and only to the extent that it is expressly permitted by myself. In no event shall I be liable for any damage consisting of direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or any kind of physical or mental harm arising from the use of or inability to use my FAQ. All of the names, items, characters and all other parts of these games are trademarks of their respectful owners. Webmasters ~~~~~~~~~~ To post my FAQs on your website you have to: 1) Respect everything stated in the above Disclaimer. 2) Never charge people for them. 3) Never change or add anything to the FAQs. 4) Update my FAQs by yourself. 5) Send me the name of the site. If you can't be bothered updating my them from GameFaqs then don't you even bother contacting me! I don't care who you are and I don't care how big your site is (it's still not as big as GameFaqs) if you can't agree with the terms above then get lost! If I find you plagiarized my FAQ then I swear I will take legal actions against you. I will find your ass. I will sue your ass. Your ass will burn in hell. Period. The latest version of this guide can always be found at GameFaqs. Also the following sites have permission to display my FAQ: GameFaqs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) Neoseeker (http://www.neoseeker.com) CheatsDe (http://www.cheats.de) GameNotOver (http://www.gamenotover.com) Dirty Little Helper (http://www.dlh.net) Contacting Me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do send mails stating something I missed, contributions, suggestions and so on. You will be fully credited. Mails with an appropriate subject. Do send polite letters. Good language is preferred but not necessary, at least try to keep spelling mistakes to a minimum. Do send alert mails if you found my FAQ plagiarized. Don't swear or send rude or offensive e-mails, don't send hate mails, flames and so on. Continue to be annoying and I will ban your address so you could never pester me again. Don't like may FAQ? I don't care! Take it somewhere else! Don't send viruses. Do not send me any attachments, I will not open any executables, except if I know you well. Don't send duplicate mails. I'm not a retard, one letter is enough. Don't send things that are not related to games. I will try to respond ASAP but be patient and wait. If you send any of the Don'ts then they will be deleted on sight. Don't be inpatient or overdemanding. Thank you. I will only accept/reply letters in ENGLISH, RUSSIAN and LITHUANIAN. Like my FAQ? Rate it! To check my other work on GameFaqs follow this URL: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/28023.html ------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: This FAQ has spoilers. Don't read further if you don't want to get spoiled. That's your warning. Don't blame me if you get spoiled! _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== III. Game Tutorial =============================================================================== There are two kinds of Tutorial in my guide: Quick Tutorial and Game Tutorial. You'll find Quick Tutorial throughout the guide and it will contain some useful tips and hints. And Game Tutorial is the in-game Tutorial that you'll find it in every general store. Miscellaneous Tutorial was written by me and it contains some information that you won't find in the in-game Tutorial. So if you have experience with Grandia then you should skip this section and go straight for the Walkthrough, because you'll just fly through the game system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - LEVELS ARE IMPORTANT! They are. Try to follow my level advices or try to get a high levels by yourself. You have to understand that with high levels all (most) of the Bosses are an easy kill, plus when you train your characters for levels you also gain SC, MC and G which are vital for move and magic learning and for buying things because prices in later shops are quite high. - Normal Battle - If Ryudo encounters enemy while it's red (it saw you) then it will be a normal battle. - You have the Initiative - If Ryudo encounters enemy while it's not red (it can't see you) then you'll have the initiative. Always aim for initiative. - You were surprised - If the enemy is red (it saw you) and encountered someone besides Ryudo while you were fleeing, then it's a surprise encounter. - If you are about to loose to an enemy you can't defeat then choose [Escape] and you'll flee like a rabbit. You can escape from every battle except, of course, the Boss battles. - Millenia acts different in battle. See those colors on her picture during the fight? That's how she's feeling. The color depends on various aspects during battle. When she's feeling fine there will be nothing there. If she gets excited then it's green. When starts getting annoyed its light green and yellow. Orange is when she feels angry. Moreover, when it's Red she's in Rage. When she's in Rage two things will happens, Berserk + Haste which Means that her IP starts moving faster and you'll lose control over her. She'll use Taint of Wind and then her most powerful moves and spells while she has the SP and MP for that. - After you kill a monster you can get 1 of 2 items for it. One is normal item and the other is the rear. Chances to get the rear item are small but most of the time the rear items will be more valuable. You can find the list of all monster items in this FAQ. - Abnormal Stats are abnormalities caused by magic or special attacks. They include the following: [Poison]: Poisoned target gradually loses HP. [Magic cure]: Cure [Item cure]: Antidote, Poison Antidote, Purifying Herb, Fresh Sandwich, Panacea [Sleep]: Target is asleep and can't do anything, awakens if attacked. [Magic cure]: None [Item cure]: Eye Drops, Torte's Reedpipe, Panacea [Paralyze]: Paralyzed target is stunned and can't take action for some time. [Magic cure]: Cure [Item cure]: Paralysis Salve, Fresh Sandwich, Paralysis Salve, Purifying Herb, Panacea [Confusion]: Confused target attacks random targets on the battle screen even allies. [Magic cure]: None [Item cure]: Smelling Salts, Panacea, Oracle's Staff (weapon) [Plague]: Pagued target gradually loses a lot HP and gains various status disorders. Also decreases stats. Effect carry's over to the next battle if not cured. [Magic cure]: None [Item cure]: Vaccine, Caterpillar Soup, Panacea [Magic block]: Magic blocked target can't use any Magic Spells. [Magic cure]: Refresh [Item cure]: Magic Blessing, Blessing Scroll, Panacea [Move block]: Move blocked target can't use any Moves. [Magic cure]: Refresh [Item cure]: Move Blessing, Blessing Scroll, Panacea [Death]: Character can't do anything nor anything affects the character until the revival. [Magic cure]: Resurrect, Droplets of Life (Move) [Item cure]: Yomi's Elixir, Miracle Elixir, Hero's Elixir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combo/Critical/Cancel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two kinds of attacks you can use at any time: Combo and Critical. The Combo is a pretty ordinary attack, good for inflicting a lot of damage on the enemy. It is a combination of several attacks in succession, so you can cause extra damage. The Critical attack causes less damage than the Combo, but it can Cancel enemy attacks. Here, Cancel means to halt an enemy attack or magic spell and cut an enemy's IP. If you hit with a Critical attack while the enemy's icon is between COM and ACT, the enemy's attack can be canceled. You can also cancel enemy moves and magic. Cancel effects all enemies. The order in which commands are entered and take effect is determined by IP (initiative points). The IP gauge also shows you the current status of action for each character. When a party member's icon comes to the COM position on the IP gauge, you can enter a command and when the icon comes to the ACT position, the command takes effect. A victory in combat earns you gold (G) and experience (EXP) points along with 'skill coins'. There are two kinds of skill coins: 'Special Coins' (SC) and 'Magic Coins' (MC). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intermediate Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moves (Special Abilities) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moves are special abilities that each individual character possesses. Some moves attack the enemy and some restore the health of your party. Using a move consumes a number of SP (Special Points). To learn new moves and power-up the moves you already have, you need SC (Special Coins). Each party member can learn a certain number of moves. Moves are more powerful than Combo or Critical, but they use up SP. You can't use a move without enough SP. Staying at an Inn restores all SP, but using Combo and Critical also restores a little of your SP. Getting hit by an enemy attack also restores SP. You cannot learn new moves simply by earning Experience Points (EXP) in battle. You can only learn moves by using Special Coins (SC) earned in battle on [Learn Moves] screen. Select [Power Up] command then [Learn Moves] from the learning categories, select the character you want. Select a move not yet learned to learn it. You may not know exactly what the move does until you learn it. But the help messages at the bottom serves as a guide for selecting moves. Be careful, because different moves require different numbers of SC to learn them. Moves you have just learned take a long time to execute. You can use Special Coins (SC) to raise the acting speed of the moves you have learned. This is how you 'power-up' moves. To power-up moves, use Special Coins (SC) on [Learn Moves] screen on the moves you have already learned. As the move levels go up, the acting speed goes up and so does its power, but Special Coins (SC) required also increases. Level 5 is the maximum level of each move. Magic ~~~~~ Magic can be used to attack the enemy or restore the HP of friends. To use magic, naturally you need MP (Magic Points), but a party character must be also equipped with a Mana Egg in advance. Magic is contained in Mana Eggs, so magic can only be used after a character is equipped with a Mana Egg. To learn new magic spells or power-up existing spells, you need MC (Magic Coins), MC are used not on the individual party member, but on the Mana Egg. Mana Eggs are equipped on [Equip Menu] like weapons and armor. This means that each individual party member can be equipped with only one Mana Egg at a time. When you want to use magic, use the Move/Magic command. Using magic depletes MP. You cannot use magic without enough MP. MP can be restored by staying at an Inn. The magic spells that can be used are different depending on the Mana Egg. By equipping a party member with a different Mana Egg, the same character can then use different magic spells. Mana Eggs can be switched not only in the field but in battle also. Some magic is more effective on certain monsters. You can only learn magic by using Magic Coins (MC) earned in battle on [Learn Magic] screen. The number of Magic Coins (MC) required to learn a magic spell is displayed for items not yet learned. You may not know exactly what the magic spell does until you learn it. But the help messages at the bottom serve as a guide for selecting magic. Magic you have just learned takes a long time to act, but you can use Magic Coins (MC) to raise the acting speed of the magic you have learned. This is how you 'power-up' magic. To power-up magic, from [Learn Magic] screen, use Magic Coins (MC) on the magic spells you have already learned. As the level of the magic spells go up, the level of the Mana Egg also goes up. Once a Mana Egg gets up a level, you can then learn even more powerful new spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills ~~~~~~ Skills help increase the abilities of party members separate from going up Experience levels. Equipping a party character with a skill can raise the character's HP, MP, STR (Strength) or MAG (Magic) parameters. Skills are 'written' in Skill Books so you must first obtain a Skill Book before you can acquire skills. For skills, 'Power Up' means to use Special Coins (SC) or Magic Coins (MC) to 'read' a Skill Book and learn a skill. Any party member can be equipped with the skill thus learned, so the skills are a sort of 'knowledge' shared by members. A Skill Book is needed to use skills. Skills are broadly divided into move-type skills and magic-type skills. SC are needed to learn move-type skills and MC are needed to learn magic-type skills. You may not know exactly what the skill does until you learn it. The help messages at the bottom serve as a guide for selecting skills. Like moves and magic, skills can also be 'powered-up'. To power-up skills, use coins on [Learn Skills] screen on the skills you have already learned. As when they are learned, SC are needed to power-up move-type skills and MC are for magi-type skills. AS the level go up, new skills may be added into the same Skill Book. You can only use skills after you Equip individual party members with them. Equipping skills is performed with the [Skill Equip] command. Each party member can be equipped with a different number of skills. He or she can be equipped with more than one skill up to their maximum number of skills. The number of skills a character can be equipped increases as their experience point level goes up. If one party member is already equipped with a skill, other members cannot be equipped with that skill. To equip another party character with that skill, you must either use 'Remove' or learn the same skill from another Skill Book. Counter/Defend/Evade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Counter, Defend and Evade are slightly more advanced tactics: Counter - A 'counter' is when your attack hits just before an enemy attack. If your attack hits just when your enemy's icon on the IP gauge reaches ACT, a Counter results. If a Counter hits, additional damage is inflicted. You can score a Counter not only with a Combo but also with Critical attacks, moves and magic too. But if your Counter timing is off, you may suffer additional damage yourself. If you are aiming to score a Counter, you need to think about the distance to the enemy, and the time it takes from when the party member is poised to attack until the attack hits. When aiming to score a Counter watch the progress of the IP gauge. Aim for the space between COM and ACT. If a Counter doesn't seem possible, you might try to bide your time with a Defend or Evade. Defend - Defend is a method of reducing the damage from enemy attacks. When you select Defend, the party member takes a defensive stance for a fixed length of time. Defend can also reduce the chances of status changes. Furthermore, more SP is recovered when you are attacked while Defending than when you are not Defending. Evade - Use Evade to move to another location to keep an enemy attack from hitting. You can move to the selected evasion point to try to evade an attack. Evade is effective in escaping from normal attacks and range attacks, but if the evading party member is 'target' of a special attack or magic attack, it cannot be evaded. Party members do sometimes avoid normal enemy attacks on their own. Evade increases the chances of this happening. Treasure Icon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Treasure Icon (yellow bells) indicates the rough probability of that monster dropping a good item. Treasure Icons sometimes appear in a window. When Treasure Icon appear, there is a good chance that the monster will drop an item when slain. The more Treasure Icons that appear, the better the chance of a good item. But even if there is no icon, the chances of a good item are still not zero. _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== IV. Walkthrough =============================================================================== - Ryudo - Ryudo is a young Geohound who travels the land with his best and only friend Skye. He has been trained swordplay in his home village Garlan. He's wearing a mask of 'whatever' attitude and never trusts anybody besides himself and Skye. He also doesn't care about nothing except for a job-well-done and a payment for it. His heart is full of pain, pain of memories about his tragic past which he only desires to forget. However, his easygoing life as well as his hidden pain go upside-down when he meets a young Songstress of Granas... - Special Moves - _______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________ MOVE SP RANGE DESCRIPTION _______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________ Tenseiken Slash 24 One Upward slash from below Cancel effect. Flying Tenseiken 40 One Uppercut slash with Skye's help Purple Lightning 32 One Deadly slash with a lightning-lit lit sword Sky Dragon Slash* 99 All The ultimate esoteric deadly slash * You'll get this move after the death of Melfice. _______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WITT FOREST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WITT FOREST PATH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Items: 1 Wound Salve 1 Poison Antidote Enemies: Mottled Spider HP - 250 SC - 15 MC - 5 EXP- 8 Drop items - Medicinal Herb or Slowpoke Nut or 2G Special attacks - Web Trap (move -1, one) Shops: None As soon as you get control of Ryudo do what a respected RPG player should do before venturing into unknown, check the MENU SCREEN and get used to the controls. Now you're ready to head to the pond to collect Wound Salve and Poison Antidote hidden behind the bushes. Continue down the path until you come across ladders and the SAVE POINT use it. Notice the blue arrow pointing up. --------------------------------------------------------------- ==------------------------------------------------------------- ==------------------------------------------------------------- (!) Action Mark. Press an action button to trigger an event like climbing a ladder or breaking a window. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryudo then smashes the window with his blade and jumps through it. In the next room he discovers strange Darkness and Elena floating with Dark wings attached to her. After Ryudo snaps out his flashback memories, he rushes to save Elena. They escape the Tower by rope into the woods. And the Tower is covered by the Darkness. In the woods when Elena regains consciousness she feels depressed and wants to die. All her friends are dead and she believes that they have already lost to Valmar. But Geohound Ryudo the cold, unfeeling brute convinces her that she can't bring anyone back from the dead and that they have to go back to the village. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARBO VILLAGE (second visit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: 1 Gold Statue Enemies: Millenia HP - A LOT SC - None MC - None EXP - None Drop items - None Special attacks - Zap! (Lightning attack, some) Burn! (Fire attack, one) Stram! (ATK -2, one) Shops: CARBO GENERAL STORE Weapons: Falx - 500G Shamshir - 620G Armor: Cuir Bouilli - 500G Leather Armor - 750G Climbing Boots - 200G Accessory: Heavy Stone - 120G Items: Medicinal Herb - 10G Wound Salve - 24G Poison Antidote - 14G Paralysis Salve - 14G Eye Drops - 14G Regional: Mushroom Cloud - 20G Goblin Toadstool - 30G Enter the village. Everything looks calm nothing new or out of the ordinary. It's evening so all the doors are closed and everyone is sleeping. Save and visit the shop. Nothing to do so just escort Elena back to the church. At the entrance Carius is already waiting for you. Ryudo, Elena and Carius proceed to the inside of the church to have conversation there. Ryudo briefly explains what happened. Carius then sends Elena to rest and explains Ryudo what really happened in the Tower. Those Dark wings were actually the wings of Valmar. During battle between Valmar and Granas, Valmar was not destroyed but only defeated. He grows in power and seeks to break the seals which have kept him bound. And now the day of Valmar's rebirth and thus destruction of the world is near. Even the 'innocent' Pope Zera Innocentius is not enough to stop Valmar. Carius then explains that Elena is going to die because of the accursed wings of Darkness. Well Ryudo doesn't care of course and is about to leave but Carius suggests him yet another job offer. He wants him to be a bodyguard (again) for Elena. Carius wants to send her to the Granas Cathedral, because he thinks that Zera might help Elena. Ryudo plays hard to get but after hearing that the payment will be gold statue he says that he'll think about it. Before this conversation could come to an end Ryudo and Carius hear some noise coming from the outside so they ran to look what's happened. Outside they find some strange woman with dark wings (hmmm... looks familiar). The woman plays innocent but with the dark wings sticking out from her back she hardly convinced anyone. Carius realizes what's cooking and sends a magic ball at her but with a zero affect. The strange woman will find that the statue the church along with the townsfolk is most irritating. Then she goes crazy and decides to burn everything. Ryudo stops her from doing it and asks her if she is really a good person. Strange woman feels offended and decides to kick Ryudo's ass. If you think that you can defeat her than think again. Notice her HP it's ????/???? that means that her HP is beyond your imagination and ability. Anyway when she is tired of you she'll just Zap! you and you're toast (paralyzed). She then introduces herself as Millenia. After this kind of Shock Ryudo comes into senses and accepts the job offer. And for those few of you who actually defeated her: nice job! I can imagine how hard it was. And for those of you who defeated her using cheats shame--on you! So you're back at the inn. After a little conversation with Skye, Carius and Elena join you. Carius then hands you the Gold Statue (500G that's a fortune! And the ability to restore 5HP that must be heaven sent!). Now you're prepared for the journey and Elena is actually joining your party. Just look at her Status, level 7, (that's what you get for singing instead of fighting) a lousy level but it's all up to you to make it better. Go to the World Map and choose INOR MAUNTAINS 2. ==