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(Dinner conversation portions of the dialogue may differ slightly from game to game as the order of the speakers is determined by the gameplayer. What I've typed out here are the lines of conversation I got from my play-through while I was transcribing the script.)** For information on the game and its characters, visit: http://grandia2.ubi.com/ ------------ PROLOGUE ------------ **Opening cutscene reveals an Earthlike world --an idyllic paradise filled with tall towers and peaceful people. Suddenly, a comet arrives. All hell then breaks loose -literally- as an epic battle between good (a bright white sparkly shape) and evil (a dark purple amoeba-like shape) flares in the sky above everyone's heads. The good and evil forces collide with each other, causing a bright white light to crash into the ground, splitting the earth and creating a deep fissure in the ground with tall white cliffs on both sides of it. All this hullabaloo was, in fact, the ancient Battle of Good and Evil, which took place between Granas, the God of Light, and Valmar, the Devil of Darkness. It turns out the battle was something of a draw, despite all those flashes and pretty explosions. This epic battle will, of course, be referred to by the main characters quite often during the course of the game. Title screen appears, after which we see a cutscene of a bunch of young women in strange uniforms (sisters of a religious order of Granas) bidding goodbye to some townspeople. The women march off into a forest and are crossing a bridge, when they are surprised by an eagle-like bird flying swiftly past them. The bird is carrying what looks like a bunch of bombs on a string. He heads towards some nearby trees. Cut to a steep cliffside where a spiky-haired young man in sporty gear is hanging by a rope.** Young Man: Don't let me down, Skye. **The young man is hanging above a Dragonoid monster -trying not to be noticed by it- when three other Dragonoids suddenly come running out of a patch of nearby forest. They stand before the first Dragonoid. Skye that's the name of the bird)drops his payload of bombs, causing plumes of smoke to rise from a patch of faraway trees. The three sub-Dragonoids go running off to investigate. The first one,(their leader, one presumes) remains behind. The young man now drops down in front of him, sword drawn. A very short battle ensues which results in the first Dragonoid getting clocked and the young man stealing a green, materia-like ball from him. The young man turns from the scene of his triumph, only to find the three other Dragonoids coming towards him with spears in their hands and blood in their eyes. They corner him at a nearby cliff and start backing him towards its edge. The young man jumps from the cliff, presumably to his horribly rocky death.** Young Man: Skye! Over here! **The bird comes swooping down, seizing the young man by his hand and carrying him off as the Dragonoids look on in slack-jawed amazement. The bird is not having an easy time of it, though. (The bird has a deep, mature voice, and an air of world- weariness about him, as if he's been through this type of thing all too often.)** Skye: Ryudo! I cannot take much more of this. Ryudo: Quit your bellyachin and fly, dammit! **Skye drops him (one suspects, on purpose.)** Ryudo: WHOOOAAHHH! **Fade out. Next scene. A pretty nature scene. The sun is starting to set.** Ryudo : I finished the job, didn't I? **Scene scrolls down to Ryudo standing before an old man and his hot young daughter.** Client: Yes, in your own crude fashion! Here... Take your money! Daughter: Father! Don't be rude... I'm so sorry... Ryudo: Don't bother. I'm used to it. Client: I won't have you speaking to HIS kind! Come. We're leaving. **The old man stamps off with Hot Daughter in tow. Ryudo picks up the bag of money the man has left behind** Skye: I cannot stand him. What a pompous fool. Ryudo: It's work. Not a barrel of laughs. Skye: Well, well. You're growing up, Ryudo. Ryudo: Ugh. If it weren't for work, I'd have nothing to do with that guy! But... business is business. **The boy and his bird start walking down the forest path.** Skye: She was a fine looking girl, though. Ryudo: I don't care for her, or the kindness of strangers. **They continue on until Skye notices something.** Ryudo: What is it, Skye? Skye: Ryudo, looks like we have another job. **The camera pans to reveal a tree in their path. Someone has tied a note to one of its branches. Skye flies up to the branch and sits on it.** Ryudo: Hey, not already... I'm still sore from that fall, no thanks to you. **Skye registers his disapproval of this remark.** Ryudo: OUCH! OK! OK! Skye, alright already! It's good to have work, right? **Skye stops pecking on the boy's braincase and flies back to the branch. Ryudo retrieves the note.** Ryudo: It says... "The Church of Granas wants to hire you as a bodyguard." So, working for Granas, huh... Now I REALLY don't wanna do it. Skye: A job's a job, right? Ryudo: Yeah, I guess you're right. That's what it means to be a Geohound. ------------------ **CARBO VILLAGE** ------------------ **Skye and Ryudo continue down the path and enter Carbo Village. There, standing by the inn, they spot the same group of religious sisters which appeared in the opening bridge-crossing sequence. One of these women is dressed slightly differently from the others. She is blonde and wearing a turban. Her name is Elena. One of the other women -a spirited redhead with ponytails- turns to speak to her.** Tessa: Bye, Elena. See you later. Elena: I am sorry, Tessa. I would join you if I could. I wonder why I'm not permitted to leave with you... Tessa: I guess your role is more important than ours. Don't worry, we'll do all the preparations for the ceremony. **Another of the sisters steps up.** Ismene: Tessa! We have to get going! Tessa: Oh, all right! See you later, Elena! **She turns to address the women.** Let's go. Ismene: Elena, it's time for the service. You ought to return now. Elena: Yes, you are right. Ismene: Don't worry, we've hired a bodyguard. You'll catch up with us safely. Elena: Please, take care of yourselves... And Tessa, I will see you later! **The women leave the village. An older-looking woman (who has been standing behind Elena all this time) now speaks up.** Carius' Wife: Now, Elena, let's go back. **They leave, passing by a Random Townsperson, who greets them.** Random Townsperson: Thank you for all your hard work. **The Random Townsperson wanders over to Ryudo and Skye.** Skye: Probably none of our concern. Ryudo turns to address the Random Townsperson. (Hereafter known as RT.) Ryudo: Are they collecting tithes? There's enough... what do they do -storm through your door and beat charity out of you? RT: I understand they're off to a tower outside the village to drive away evil spirits. We're very fortunate to have the sisters. Ryudo: Evil Spirits? RT: Yes. Things are fine around here during the day... but when the sun goes down, all kinds of terrible monsters are about. Ryudo: What about the girl who stayed behind? RT: Oh, Miss Elena? She's a Songstress of Granas. She sings such pretty songs for us. Maybe she will join after the service. Ryudo: Hmm... RT: You don't look like you're from around here. Word of advice: don't venture about at night. Ryudo: Huh? They need a bodyguard? What's this about driving out evil spirits? RT: The sisters will exorcise the Devil at the tower outside the village. How fortunate to have sisters like them... Ryudo: This isn't part of the deal... Agh, whatever. Let's see what they have to say at the Church. Skye: Yeah. There seems to be no other way. Excuse me, where do we find the church? RT: That's easy. Just go straight. You can't miss it. It's the large building at the end of the road. **Indeed it is. Ryudo and Skye walk up to it and are about to enter the front door when they hear a lone, plaintive female voice singing a beautiful song.** Ryudo: A song? Skye: Maybe it's that "Songstress..." Ryudo: Shhh! Strange...it's...calming. Skye: Sounds like it's coming from inside. Ryudo: Let's take a look! **They go in. The singer turns out to be (surprise!) Elena.** Elena: Ohhh. I should have known that I needed more practice. Ryudo: What's the matter? Is that all? Elena: Who said that? Ryudo: Don't mind me. Continue. Elena: ...Were you listening... to my singing? Ryudo: C'mon. If you're that tense, you won't be able to perform at all. Elena: Who are you? I haven't seen you around... What are you doing here? Ryudo: Whoah now! What am I doing here? You're the one who hired me. Elena: I... hired you? I do not remember anything of the sort! You look awfully suspicious! Leave right now, or I'll scream! Ryudo: Are you for real? Oh, wait a sec... I bet no one told you! **A nearby door opens and a tall, saintly man wearing glasses walks in.** Carius: Elena, is something the matter? **He spies Ryudo and walks over.** Ah, you must be the Geohound, yes? We've been waiting for you. Elena: A Ge-Geohound!? Ryudo: Hey. I'm Ryudo. This here's Skye. Quite a warm welcome for someone you're hiring. Elena: WHAT!? Why are you being so rude! Carius: Elena! Please excuse her. Allow me to apologize on her behalf. Elena. You must get ready to leave. Elena: Ah, yes... Father. I am very sorry for interfering. Please excuse me. **She bows and leaves.** Ryudo: Excuses and women are equally tiring. Carius: ... Ehem. This is not the place. May I ask you to wait at the inn? I shall be along shortly. **Ryudo leaves the church and heads for the inn. He speaks to the innkeeper.** Ryudo: The priest told me to wait here... Inn Master: Oh yes, he'll be along shortly. Why don't you take a seat over there? Ryudo: Tell him to make it quick. **Ryudo heads for the table only to hear the priest coming in right behind him.** Carius: I believe there is a Geohound waiting for me... Inn Master: A... Geohound? There is a man over there. A Geohound... Father, what need have we with his kind? Carius: Ah, he has come. Peace, my son. It is not appointed to us to judge our fellow man. Granas alone reserves that power. **Carius walks over to Ryudo and bows.** I apologize for our rudeness earlier. You must be Ryudo the Geohound, correct? I am sorry to have kept you waiting. Ryudo: So, what business does a noble Priest of the Church of Granas have with a lowly Geohound like me? Carius: I believe that was stated in my letter... You can...did read the letter, did you not? Ryudo: Come now, Father. For a priest, your lack of faith is most disturbing. Skye: Easy now. Ryudo: Enough, Skye. So, Father, you need a bodyguard. Talk. Carius: There is a tower outside of town- Garmia Tower. We will hold a ceremony there tonight, under the light of the full moon. I want you to take one of our Sisters there. And once the ceremony is over, I want you to bring her back here. Ryudo: I don't buy it. The church has never sought help from outside before, and this is a job for a choirboy, not a "murderous Geohound." Carius: Not all are against you, lad. You need not always walk in anger and pain. All troubles can be resolved with prayer and... **Ryudo stands up. It's obvious he's not the religious type. And it's obvious he has no patience for people who are and who don't keep it to themselves.** Ryudo: Then I suggest you start praying your sister over to your tower. Carius: I am sorry... I did not mean to offend... Please... **Carius dumps a bagful of money on the table.** Ryudo: ...Fine. Fine. I'll do the job. But save your sermons. Gold has a finer voice. Carius: The Sister whom you will be protecting is waiting in the church. Please ready yourself and come along. Ryudo: Don't worry about the girl. I've never botched a job. And I don't plan to start. **Father Carius leaves. Ryudo heads for the church where Elena and the Father are waiting for him.** Ryudo: So, Father, you want me to escort Her Fussiness here? Fine. Then come along, princess. Elena: Father. Am I the only one with a Geohound? Carius: Yes. Your role is very important... Elena: Oh, why can I not just go alone? Please, Father! Ryudo: Hey hey! What are you trying to do? He already paid me in advance! Elena: I do NOT want to go along with that boar! Ryudo: Hey, now... Who are you calling a boar? Carius: Elena, your role is very important. Were something to happen to you, we couldn't hold the ceremony. Thus, the bodyguard. Elena: It's not fair that I'm the only one who has to go with a Geohound... Ryudo: I don't care one way or the other. Look, are you coming or not? Carius: Elena, please do not forget your role. We are depending on you, I beg you. Elena: Yes... Father, you are right. I ought not to make Tessa and the others wait. I shall perform my part. Carius: Well then, Mr. Ryudo, please take Elena to Garmia Tower. Ryudo: Fine. Let's go, princess. Elena: My NAME is Elena. Ryudo: Princess Elena, then, move it. ----------------- **BLACK FOREST** ----------------- **They head out of town into the Black Forest. It is a scary place. They have not gotten very far when Elena stops.** Ryudo: Hey! Elena: Wha-!? What is it? Ryudo: This is your first time walking in the woods? Elena: N-No, not at all. It's just that... at night... Ryudo: Keep your head down and watch your step. LOOK! OVER THERE! **He points. Elena turns to see what he's pointing at.** Ryudo: Nice reflexes, princess. Unfortunately, we're not out here to pick berries or nurse hurt shrews. Next time, you might want to duck and cover. Most bad guys won't stop killing you if you're trying to kiss their ouchies....Hey. You frozen there or something? Elena: Ryu--Mr. Ryudo! There's something ahead! **Indeed there is. A monster swoops down on them from the forest canopy.** Ryudo: Yeah. back off! **It is a pair of Dodos. Ryudo makes quick work of them.** Ryudo: You okay, princess? Elena: Yes, Mister Ryudo. How are you?... Are you all right? Ryudo: I'm fine, as long as I'm getting paid. But... One thing. Elena: Yes? Ryudo: Drop the "mister" stuff. I'm not your teacher, your baby sitter, or your damn butcher. Just "Ryudo." ELena: All right... Ryudo: Bah. At this rate, we won't make it till dawn. Step on it! ----------------- **GARMIA TOWER** ----------------- **They continue down the forest path where they run into more monsters, which Ryudo dispatches. Eventually, they make it to Garmia Tower, where they find Tessa and the other girls waiting for them.** Ryudo: So I take it you're the ones who've been waiting for the princess here. Ismene: We are. You must be the Geohound. I thank you. Eurydice: So that's a Geohound... He gives me the creeps. Velda: The rumors speak truly... Isolde: Yuck... He's looking this way. Tessa: SILENCE! Ryudo: Come on, get to it. Elena: My sisters... I am ready. I have Mister Ryudo to thank for bringing me here safely. Ryudo: Not even a ding or a scratch on her. Now, I don't suppose you'll tell me what this is all about... Ismene; Please wait outside until we have finished the ceremony, when it is concluded, you will escort Elena back to the Church. Ryudo: How long you ladies going to take? Ismene: It will take some time. This is all I may say. One more thing. Do not enter the tower under any circumstances. The ceremony must not be disturbed by your kind...er, you. Ryudo: "My kind." Right. I'll just sit over here and think filthy, unclean thoughts then. Ismene: ...Please do not come inside. **The door opens. The girls begin to file into the tower, towards their by now obviously impending doom.** Tessa: Elena, did he do anything to you? Elena: TESSA! Ryudo kept his hands to himself! Though he did see fit to share his foul mouth. Ismene: Come, we must begin the ceremony! **The girls enter and the door closes behind them. Ryudo and Skye build a fire just outside the tower walls and sit next to it, waiting.** Ryudo: Man, how long is this gonna take? We've been waiting for, like, hours! Skye: Oh, stop your whining. This is part of the job. Ryudo: Man, what're they doing in there?! This is why I hate church- everything takes foreeever. Skye: What's eating you, Ryudo? Thinking about that singing schoolgirl? Ryudo: I just got a bad feeling about this... **Ryudo gets up and walks over to the tower which is covered with weird carvings.** Ryudo: And this tower too... Don't you think it looks like a strange place for a holy ceremony? Check out the mural. What's the deal with these weird wings? Skye: It's an ancient ruin... I figure it dates from the Silvery White Light Age. Ryudo: You mean the Battle of Good and Evil? Why would they do their exorcisms or whatever in a place like this? **They hear a scream. It sounds like Elena. The soundtrack kicks into high gear. The screen flashes purple. Something screwy is going on.** Skye: Hey! Where are you going? Ryudo: Something funny's going on! Best check it out! Skye: But didn't they say not to go in? Ryudo: Look, if anything happens to that Elena chick, it's my rep on the line. I'm not gonna blow this job. Skye: True enough... And this IS out of the ordinary... Ryudo: Quit stalling! Let's go! **They enter the tower only to find it full of demons.** Ryudo: ...Huh? Great...just great... Where did all these damn monsters come from? Skye: Careful, Ryudo! **The two of them fight their way to the top floor of the tower. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, they run into two Gargoyles which Ryudo battles and kills. Ryudo then spies Tessa lying nearby on the floor, badly injured. He runs over to her.** Ryudo: What happened? Tessa: The ceremony... failed...sa...save Elena... Ryudo: Hang on. We'll get you out of here. **The girl says nothing in reply, which obviously means--** Dammit! She's dead... Skye: Ryudo! No time for sentiment! Search for the others! Ryudo: Yeah. We're in waist deep here... **Ryudo spies the nearby door to the ceremonial hall and tries to enter it. Tries and fails.** Ryudo: This stupid door! It doesn't budge! Skye: I'll look for another way in! **He flies off.** Ryudo: Dammit! Skye: Ryudo! This window! **Skye directs him to a stained glass window -inexplicably located in an inner wall where there's no chance of sunlight hitting it but no matter, it will provide a convenient way into the hall. Ryudo smashes it in suitably dramatic fashion and the two of them enter. A hellish scene welcomes them.** Ryudo: Holy...! **In the middle of the room is a giant sphere with purple smoke swirling around it. Around the sphere are the bodies of Elena's friends. Elena herself is floating nearby in an eerie cloud of the aforementioned purple smoke.** Elena: EEK! Ryudo: What IS that? **Dark wings materialize around Elena's body. Ryudo has a grainy and rather confusing flashback where he sees an image of a dead girl, among other things...** Ryudo: That Darkness!?... I know that Darkness! Elena: There is...no Darkness inside me. You cannot... I forbid you... Aaahh... Skye: Ryudo! You there? Snap out of it! Ryudo: ...Dammit! I'm gonna save her. YAAAAHHHH! **He jumps up and grabs her, dispelling the purple smoke. Suddenly, the sphere in the middle of the room cracks, spewing out evil-looking lightning.** Skye; Ryudo, we've got trouble! Ryudo: Let's ride! **Ryudo shoots a rope out the window towards the ground. (One presumes. It just appears there.) He then hooks himself up to it and, with Elena's prone body in hand, slides down it like a spiky-haired Indiana Jones. The entire top of the tower is now being consumed by the purple smoke. Next scene. Elena is lying unconscious in the woods. Skye and Ryudo examine her.** Skye: Anyway, she looks alright. Let's head back to town as soon as possible. Say are you feeling okay? You were acting a little strange back there in the tower. Ryudo: ...Yeah. Just some bad memories... Skye: Oh... Hey. she's waking up. Ryudo: Hey, wake up! Elena:...Ooohhh. Stop it...! STOP IT! **Elena sits up.** Ryudo: Hey. It's alright now. Hey! Elena: Where am I? Ryudo: In the woods, near that Tower. Elena: Huh? Why am I in such a place...? Ryudo: Look over there. **She does, only to see the tower being engulfed in a sea of purple smoke and lightning. Evil organ music rings through the air.** Elena: That is... the power of Darkness... ...! Where is everyone? Wh-where is Tessa!? Ryudo: You were the only survivor. Sorry. Come on, we've got to get moving. Elena: NO! I'm... is... is everyone... ...everyone... I am going back! They must have... Ryudo: Hey! HEY! Princess! The power of Darkness isn't coming this way to tell us about the neighborhood bake sale. We need to leave! Elena: Are they really... gone...? Ryudo: Yeah, they're dead. You nearly didn't make it yourself, you weren't looking so hot, never mind those wings you sprouted... Elena: We lost to the power of Darkness... To the power of Valmar... Ryudo: You still with us, Songstress? Hey, time to snap out of it! The dead won't be joining us anytime soon... **Elena sinks to her knees.** Elena: The ceremony has failed. All have perished. Why should I alone have lived? Why should I alone keep living... Ryudo: Because I've got a job to do. Now get up and get your butt in gear! Elena: You...you...monster! You cold, unfeeling BRUTE! Ryudo: Geohound. Cold, unfeeling Geohound. **He stamps off. She follows after him reluctantly. They return to the village.** ------------------ **CARBO VILLAGE** ------------------ Ryudo: Looks like we escaped. I don't think they'll follow us this far. Well? You calmed down a bit? Elena: ... Ryudo: Anyway, I'll bring you back to the priest. That's what I was hired for, after all... Elena: Ryudo, how can you kill so indiscriminately? ...I'm sorry... You are doing it to protect me... Ryudo: ...Dont worry. Part of the job. **They head for the church. Father Carius is there to meet them.** Elena: Father Carius... I... I... Carius: Elena... Are you the only one to make it back? Where are the others? What has happened? Elena: During the... ceremony... Oh, Father... Carius: Oh, child... you have said enough for now. Rest, and speak on these things a later time. Ryudo: Well, anyway, my job here is done. You've paid me enough - I wasn't exactly the most successful bodyguard. But what the hell was that ceremony about? Carius: Mr. Ryudo... You must be tired. We shall prepare some warm food for you. Come, please. Come inside... Elena, you as well... **Later on, inside the church.** Ryudo: I can't tell you much about the ceremony. But the last I saw - and this sounds odd - Elena had grown these black wings. Anyway... we cut out of there pretty damn fast. Elena: Father, I... I had "wings."... Carius: Hush now, Elena. You are tired. Go to your room and get some rest. Understood...? Elena: ... Yes, Father. **She bows and leaves.** Carius: So the ceremony was a failure... And Elena possessed... by the "Wings"... Ryudo: You mind filling me in, chief? Try finishing your sentences. Crius: I knew it would be dangerous. Yet... even so, we had to do it. The Wings had to be sealed. The Wings of Valmar, Ryudo. The Wings of Darkness. Ryudo: WHAT? Carius: As Granas is the God of Light, so Valmar is the Devil of Darkness. Long ago, the two met in battle, as was ordained. Ryudo: The Battle between Good and Evil, right? Everyone knows the fairy tale. Carius: Valmar was defeated, yes. But not destroyed. Even now, the foul one prepares for the coming of eternal night. Ryudo: This is new... Carius: Valmar grows in power with each passing day, seeking to break the seals which for a time, have kept the Darkness bound. As is foretold in scripture, the Day of Darkness is at hand. The world groans with the heaviness of Valmar's rebirth. The Devil seeks again to blot out the light of Granas. Valmar will return our world to Darkness. Then, destroy it. Sadly, even the power of our Pope, Zera Innocentius, is not enough to ward the Seals against the very Darkness itself. Yet, it is the work of myself and my brethren to prevent the advent of that day, when all light shall fade away. Were it not so... I would not have sent my daughter to that doomed ceremony... Ryudo: Your daughter...? Tessa... Carius: The Sealing Ceremony failed. And if what you say is true, not only did it fail, but Elena has become possessed by Valmar's accursed wings as well. Ryudo: What happens next? Carius: The Pieces of Valmar devour the soul of those they possess... our dear Elena. Once she is... emptied... the Wings will move on. On to another host. This is how Valmar feeds, gathering strength to re-enter our world. The fetters will be loosed... Ryudo. Will you lend us your services again? Will you help Elena - be her bodyguard? Ryudo: ...? Carius: These sad events may yet be made to work in our favor. I wish to send Elena to Granas Cathedral immediately. It is rumored that his Holiness, Zera, knows of an ancient sacrament which has the power to cleanse the soul of Darkness. The rite would free Elena and shield others from the taint of evil. We may again be able to seal the Wings away. Such an act would delay Valmar's return. However, those that follow Darkness will not sit idly by as our plans come to fruition. Ryudo: ...I'm sorry, were you waiting for me to give a damn? Carius: No, Ryudo. I wait for you to recognize an opportunity. For your services, you shall receive...say... a statue of gold? It belonged to the church, but needs outweigh vanity. I believe it would make a pretty enough prize... Ryudo: ...Let me think about it. I can't stand God or women... The room is rocked by a sudden explosion. Ryudo: What was that!? Carius: Something outside? **They rush outside to investigate. The full moon is hanging in the sky above them, and beside it is a smaller, red moon. Valmar's Moon. The statue of the angel that had been standing in the middle of town has just been destroyed. Standing in its rubble is a sassy redheaded woman with an odd sense of fashion--and big black wings. She stretches.** Millenia: Mmmm. Ahh. This feels so good. I feel so free, so filled with power. Ahh, I feel EXCELLENT <3 Ryudo: What? That-that girl did this? Carius (to the woman): What have you done...? You foul Dark One! LEAVE AT ONCE! **He launches a ball of green energy at the woman. She easily deflects it.** Millenia: What do you think you're doing? What do you mean by Dark One!? Ryudo: Huh. She has a fair hand with magic. **Millenia jumps down in front of them.** Millenia: And other fair parts besides. Tell me, do I look like a Dark One to you? I mean really... Carius: Ryudo, beware! Evil takes forms far from foul... Ryudo: Are you ...really one of the Dark Ones? Millenia: Huh? Eww, just the sight of this place disgusts me! This filthy statue, this church! And the scum who live here too! **She flies up into the sky and, cackling, rains down lightning upon the village.** Skye: Careful, Ryudo, she's dangerous! **A lightning bolt hits the church.** Carius: The church! Ahh! What have you done? Millenia: Ah, now I feel better. Heh. What's the big deal? It was just a rickety old church! Now, how about I obliterate this town for you?! **She gathers a ball of dark energy into her hands.** Ryudo: Hey! What do you think you're doing!? Are you out of your mind?! Or are you as sick and twisted as you look?! Millenia (greatly offended): You- you're terrible! What an awful thing to say!! I thought you... Ah well. This will tame your tongue! **She jumps down. The battle between Ryudo and the mysterious Millenia begins. It ends quickly, however, as Milleina zaps Ryudo with purple lightning, paralyzing him.** Ryudo: Dammit. Such intense power! Millenia: Well, well, my dear... You make a rather nice plaything... Ryudo: Don't toy with me! Millenia: I like you. My name is Millenia. Next time we meet, I'll make you mine <3 Well... practice up! I'll be back, toodles. **She flies off, cackling. The lightning subsides and Ryudo finds he can move again.** Ryudo: She can fight... for a girl. **Carius walks over to him.** Ryudo: Father, I'll take you up on your offer. I want to find out for myself just exactly what is going on... **Next scene. Ryudo and Skye are back at the inn.** Skye: Ryudo, are you fine with this? Didn't you say that you don't like getting involved in matters of religion? Ryudo: He said I'll get to meet that Pope Zera at the Cathedral. Think about it, Skye! The Pope! If we can get in good with him, we could get our hands on some ungodly amounts of loot. Skye: I'm not a newly-hatched "chick", Ryudo. I suspect you have other reasons for your "broad" change of heart... **Father Carius enters the room with Elena in tow.** Carius: Mr. Ryudo, sorry to keep you waiting. Here is your payment. **He hands Ryudo a gold statue.** ...Please take good care of Elena. Elena: Thank you for your help. Shall we go? Ryudo: Granas Cathedral is a bit of a hike, princess. Better leave your silk slippers behind. Sure you're up to this? Elena: I must go. I do not want the others to have died in vain... Farewell, Father. Please take care... Carius: Elena, be careful during your travels. I shall pray for your safety... Ryudo: And I'll pray for the patience I'm going to need... Elena: I will not be a burden. I am quite able to fend for myself! Ryudo: So the Songstress has spunk... Good. Let's move. Elena: I must get to Granas cathedral... no matter the cost. ------------------ **INOR MOUNTAINS** ------------------ **Our heroes leave Carbo Village and make their way into the Inor Mountains. After awhile, Ryudo turns to Skye.** Ryudo: Skye, mind looking around for a bit? Skye: No problem. Ryudo: (to Elena) Getting tired? We can rest for a little while. Elena: No. I am stil... All right. Ryudo: Don't get comfortable. The night has many eyes... ...teeth... Elena: Your children'a tales are neither frightening nor amusing. **Sky swoops down on her. She drops to her knees in fear.** Elena: EEEK! Ryudo: Don't overdo it. We're staying here tonight. Can you stand? Elena: Yes... **They pitch a tent and build a campfire.** Ryudo: You calmed down a bit? Pay attention next time. Elena: All right... Ryudo: Anyway, what happened back at the tower? Ready to talk about it yet? Elena: ... I do not remember much. It was... I believe it was a ceremony of sealing. I was to sing... I began my songs. My Sisters moved to restore the seal... and then... Ryudo: What about the wings? Elena: Forgive me. I do not wish to remember. Ryudo: Uh-huh. We're missing something here. You must be able to remember - or did the clouds of incense fog your memory? Elena: ... Do you assume...? Ryudo: Hey, I'm not presuming to know what goes on behind closed doors, sister. I'm just saying you were there... Bah. Hopeless. Elena: You do not understand. Ryudo: Because I'm not sophisticated enough? Because I don't fall all over myself to be the first in line at the temple doors? Elena: Now you mock me. Ryudo: No, I've been mocking you for the last half hour. A little slow to notice, aren't we? Elena: Why do you persist in vexing me? Do you bait me to watch me suffer? Do you take pleasure in my pain? Please, I do not need your grief, as I have much of my own. Ryudo: ...I'm s...surprised that you've managed to remain so naive and survive as long as you have. Elena: Is that... what you think? Ryudo: Forget it. Get to sleep. We've got a ways ahead of us in the morning. **Elena gets up and heads for the tent.** Hey! Leave some space for me! Elena: I hope you're joking. Never mind. I will sleep outside the tent! Ryudo: ... I didn't mean it that way...uh... Hope you like sleeping on rocks! Elena: ! **She walks over to the far side of the tent.** Ryudo: Suit yourself... **Fade out.** **Fade in. It's a short while later.** Ryudo: So, she's finally asleep... Skye: What about you lover boy? You going to sleep? Ryudo: I can't... I keep seeing Elena surrunded by Darkness in the tower... Nightmares, man. Skye: Don't think about it. Nothing you can do now. Ryudo: And I pissed her off, man. She's so... perky and happy... Now she hates me. You saw her. Skye: It can't be helped. You know how the church feels about us working types. Ryudo: But I guess she HAS been sheltered her whole life. She's never seen the world outside her window. And then to have her friends die on her like that... And I couldn't save them... Skyue: Compassion, Ryudo? A little late for that. Your words would sound far better had they been spoken sooner. Ryudo: Sometimes... all I can... I didn't want... She was to be kept from harm, yet even now she suffers. And I cannot bear to see it. It is my duty to protect her... Skye: You're mincing your words again, Ryudo. Badly. You know as well as I that what you feel has less to do with duty than wih... Ruudo: With WHAT, Skye? With concern? With sentiment? That's... not me... Still, I've never felt... Bah, good bight, Skye. Skye: ...Sweet dreams, Ryudo. **Skye flies off and Ryudo lies back on the ground. The camera pans over to the other side of the tent where Elena sits up. She has heard everything.** Elena: ...Why did he not tell me... **Fade out.** Elena (excessively cheerful): ...Ryudo, it's morning already. Good morning, Ryudo. Are you awake? Ryudo: Cut it out, Elena. It's too early... Elena: Up until now... Ryudo: Wha- what is it...? Elena: ...I'm so sorry. I misjudged you, Ryudo. I took you for just another detestable Geohound. Skye, I misjudged you as well. Please forgive me. Rud: What snuck into your sleeping bag? I AM a detestable Geohound. Skye: I agree. Elena: Anyway... Ryudo, please help me get to Granas Cathedral. And you too, Skye. -------------- **AGEAR TOWN** -------------- **They continue on to Agear Town. It's a windy, desolate place filled with ruins. Soldiers patrol it, and have placed barriers around the entrance to the ruins.** Elena: Ryudo, is this a... town... or something? Ryudo: Not the kind you'd want to raise your kids in. Didn't used to be like this... Elena: Today I thought... we could sleep in a regular room... Ryudo: Well, we're gonna have to make do. Anyway, let's find a place to bunk up. **They head for the inn. Ryudo greets the innkeeper, a rough and tumble looking older guy in a turban.** Ryudo: Long time, no see. Looks like you had trouble... Vyx: Ryudo. Still breathing, I see. Good. Monsters, kiddo. Monsters have taken up residence on the other side of town. As you can see, they haven't been too kind to us poor louts. Ryudo: Nice place you got here, Vyx. I heard they tried to run you out of town. Stubborn as ever, I see. Vyx: Aye, and don't think the wretches that came crawling in here for shelter appreciate it. I tell you, if I had a few more men with blades, we wouldn't have to keep huddling in here like hens on omelet day. Ryudo: You retired for a reason, Vyx. You can't win battles with your reputation alone. Vyx: I can still... Say, Ryudo, who's the girlie? You've gone soft on me, lad. Elena: Huh!? Rudo: And you've gone senile on me, old man. It's work. Don't ask. **They hear the sound of a door opening. They turn to see a young blonde boy standing before a group of flamboyantly dressed travelers. Circus folk. The boy seems distressed.** Roan: That medal was a memento of my mother. Please do something! Gonzola (a burly man wearing a pearl necklace): No can do. We had our hands full just getting through there. There's no way we're going back to that place! Ryudo: What's the deal with those clowns? Vyx: Funny you call them that. They ducked in here to slip away from some monsters that apparently took a liking to their finery. Along the way, the monsters seem to have lifted some precious bauble from the lad. I figure him to be a runaway, and a wealthy one at that. Might look into it, Ryudo. Accidents do happen... Roan: I beg you again... Is the answer still no?! Gonzola: When I say NO, I mean NO. We're born with so much luck, kid. Personally, I'm saving mine for retirement. Risotto (a thick-looking man in a spiked collar): Yuh, ree-tire-ment. What da boss sez is right. Right, Paella? Paella (a hot chick with pink hair): That's right. Bravery is not the same as bravado, right, Gonzola? <3 Push your luck and you'll lose it all. Carpaccio (a scary guy with a big grin and Vulcan ears): Yah, it's just like Paella says. Hee hee hee hee. The odds are too stacked. We just ain't cut out for these high-stakes gambles. Roan: Please help me, I beg of you! It... It's precious to me! Gonzola: You just don't understand how the world works. It ain't our job to be fighting in the first place. If you want some monsters slain, boy, why not go ask the Geohound over there? **One can almost see Ryudo bristle as the boy walks over to address him.** Roan: Please! A monster has stolen my precious medal. It was... a memento of my mother. Will you help me get it back!? Please? I can pay you whatever you ask... Ryudo: Sorry. I cannot spare the time. I'm already in the middle of one job. Elena: Ryudo... I think we should... Ryudo: Aren't we in a hurry to get you to the Cathedral? Sorry, kid, but you'd better give up on your medal. Roan: ...Do- Do I have to?... *sigh* I- I guess so... **He walks over to the wall and sits, dejected.** Elena: Ryudo, can not we do something for that little boy? Ryudo: Gee, let me think about it. Yeah, I think we have time to find his lost jewelry. Hell, we could find him some matching earrings. Look, if we stop for every weepy brat - no offense - we might as well set up shop with Vxy here. Now eat these and relax. Elena: "Eat these and relax?" What are you giving me? Ryudo: Kuko berries. The locals chew on them. They make the corners round. Take it easy the first time, though. **Elena starts to eat. And eat. And eat.** Ryudo: Seems the thing we should be worrying about is finding our way through here safely. If the road is blocked, we'll need to take a detour. But I don't know of a good path... Now if I weren't saddled with the broad... I could cut my way through those monsters. HEY! What are you doing? I said take it easy with those! Elena (drunk): Ryuuuudooo... I feel kindaaa funny... **KLONK* Elena's head hits the bar. Wah wah waaaaah.... Fade out. ** **Fade in. Ryudo has just put Elena to bed and is standing outside the door to her room.** Ryudo: I can't believe that girl. She ate enough Kuko Berries to kill the Pope. Skye: Strange way to put it. At least it's finally quiet. She'll sleep well. Not bad for her first time, actually. Ryudo: Whatever. Hopefully, she won't keep trying to outdo me after this. I'm getting tired of this high-maintenance stuff, man. **Ryudo walks over to his room.** Skye: What are you thinking? Ryudo: Thought I'd take care of business while I can. Skye: Going out alone? Ryudo: I've got you, don't I? **Ryudo enters his room and sits on his bed.** Skye: What made you decide to get to work right now? Have a soft spot for the kid? Ryudo: The circus brat? Hardly. We won't get anywhere unless we cut through those monsters first. And if an entire nest of them is involved... Well, you know. I work best alone. **They hear a familiar cackle.** Ryudo: What in blazes...? Voice: Found you. Ryudo: Who are you? Show yourself! **Millenia appears in a whirlwind.** It - It's you!? Millenia: Awww... how sweet! You remember me! You remember my promise too? I won't let you get away this time...**She paralyzes him with lightning.** Ryudo: I can't... move... Skye: You! What are you doing to Ryudo!? Millenia: Same thing I'm doing to you, BIRD. **She paralyzes Skye in mid-flight (apparently she has the ability to control gravity as well.)** Ryudo: Ugh! Millenia: Now, Ryudo! Don't move, dear <3 Ryudo: G- Get away!! **Ryudo's virginity is saved by a sudden knock at the door** Risotto: Uh, hey, Roan's gone off somewhere. You guys seen him!? Millenia: Oh my. What do we have here? Ryudo: Let me free first! **She releases Ryudo and Skye with a wave of her hand. Ryudo walks toward the door.** Ryudo: What's happening? I'll be right there! **Millenia joins Ryudo and the two of them exit. They walk down to the main room where the circus folk are gathered, sans Roan.** Gonzola: Didn't think the kid had that much moxie. Running a one-man act's no good. Almost enough to make a man's sleep wicked. Paella: Two can't walk a tightrope. If the boy wants to make his own bed, then let him eat it too. Carapaccio: His own bed, mmm... He is not our problem. But still, he is young, very young... Too young to tow the line, perhaps. Millenia: Ryudo, what's with these losers? Ryudo: These carnies? They're all mopey 'cause the runt ran off to feed some monsters. A scrub like him won't make half a meal. Millenia: And you didn't do anything? What's wrong with you? Go find him! Carapaccio: We know where he goes, yes we do. But there are monsters... many monsters. Risotto: Let's go! It's not right to leave the boy alone in a lion cage! Gonzola: I reckon we could worry 'til the bearded lady sings, or we could find the little nipper and be done with it. Ryudo: Hey, hang on. I was gonna waste the monsters anyway, so if we find him, we'll bring him back here. Gonzola: Now hang on there, feller. We'd better come with you. We're only circus folk, but you'll be needing some company anywise. Ryudo: Keep your cream pies and seltzer water to yourselves. Your assistance isn't needed. Millenia: Aww... you're a sweetheart, aren' t ya? This should be fun! Ryudo: If your idea of fun is wading through rivers of blood, gobbets of flesh and gut fresh upon your lips then yes, it will be fun. Millenia: Then what're we waiting for, tiger!? I'm getting antsy. 'Course I could just have some fun right here, if you want... Skye: This woman is a couple eggs shy of a basket. Millenia: Hey, BIRD! Just how badly do you want to be turned into charcoal!? Ryudo: Fine, fine. Come along, then. But stay out of my way. Millenia: See? That wasn't too hard, now was it? Confident, yet willing to listen to reason. Just what I want in a M-A-N. <3 **Ryudo doesn't say "Please kill me now", but he's thinking it. Definitely. Ryudo, Skye and Millenia head out of the inn, past the soldiers and the barriers and into a cave at the far end of the ruins.** --------------- **DURHAM CAVE** --------------- **Inside the cave, our heroes run into a cute but useless squirrel-fox-rodent thing.** Ryudo: This squirrel-fox-rodent thing must be Carro. They say he forages for Poff Nuts. **You have the option of feeding the Carro later on after you've found a Poff nut. The thing makes some cute noises, but that's about it. Not worth the trouble, really...And now back to our game script.** **Ryudo and the others leave the Carro and move on. They eventually find Roan in the depths of the cave, surrounded by monsters.** Ryudo: He got all the way in here... He did good to get here alone... Millenia: Say, is that the monster over there? Ryudo: Nooo... He's the one we rescue! **Ryudo and Millenia jump in the fray and defeat the monsters. For their troubles, they are rewarded with a Mist Egg.** Roan: Thank you very much for saving me! Ryudo: You're making me regret it already. You shouldn't be here, kid. Go home. Roan: What about YOU two? What are you doing!? Millenia: We're ridding the land of pests. Roan: Really?! Then please take me along too!! Ryudo: Gimme a break! We're not running a daycare, kid. Go HOME!! Roan: I will not go... I am not playing around!! I cannot lose that medal. It is the last thing my late mother left to me... Ryudo: Well, when you run into her, tell her that she should have left you some common sense instead. Roan: It's precious! I cannot lose it... NO MATTER WHAT! **He runs up to Ryudo and starts pounding on him.** I will absolutely, positively... get it back... **Millenia comes up behind the boy and hugs him.** Millenia: Mmmmm. You're sooo cute! I've decided. I'll take you along! My name is Millenia. What's yours? Roan: I am Roan... Th- thank you very much, Miss Millenia. Ryudo: Hey, hey. I don't want any part of this. There's a rough road ahead. He'll only be a burden on you. Millenia: I'm sooo happy! Ryudo, are you really worried about me? You are a good man, after all. As weak and frail as I am, I will show you how to protect this child. We'll be fine! Right? Roan: Yes! I shall not give you any trouble! **Millenia plants the boy's face in her cleavage. Lucky boy.** Ryudo: "Weak and frail"? Uh-huh. Just don't forget to feed him and change his litter twice a day. Hey! Turn off the waterworks, kid. There IS a tooth fairy, all right? Roan: So you'll take me along!? Ryudo: For now. But, if you slow us down or just piss me off, your butt will be skipping down Lollipop Lane on its own. Roan: Understood! **Roan joins them. They make their way to the lowest level of the cave where they run into a minotaur-like creature. They defeat him and receive an Adventure Book for their trouble. The minotaur refuses to die though, letting out a defiant bellow as our heroes look on.** Ryudo: Well, that did a lot of good. Might as well camp out here. We can wait until he dies of old age. Roan: What do we do? At this rate... **The minotaur suddenly bursts into flames, courtesy of Millenia's fire spell. It falls over and dies.** Millenia: Serves you right to be toying with the "Wings of Valmar!" Ryudo: What was that? Who... or what... ARE you!? Millenia: Oops! I said that out loud, didn't I? Never mind me. Roan: We were sure in trouble there. What would have come of us if you had not... Millenia: Forget about it. Now go get your medal! Roan: Oh! That's right! **He runs and lifts the medal off the barbequed creature's remains.** It's here! All because of you. Thank you very much! Ryudo: Hang on a second... did she or did she not just refer to herself as the "Wings of Valmar?" Roan: Huh? I do not know what you are talking about. Come on, let us hurry back. I feel so bad about making everyone worry... Ryudo: ...Lollipop Lane, kid... Lollipop Lane... **They exit the cave.** Millenia: Anyway, I don't want to overstay my welcome. And... Aaaa! The accursed light of the sun! It burns! It burns! ...Ha! Believed me, didn't ya? See you, Ryudo. Give my regards to Elena...[yawn] I'm a bit tired. Ryudo: ! What do you mean by that?! H-hey! **Millenia kneels down and in a burst of light, transforms into Elena.** Ryudo: Elena? Roan: Mr. Ryudo, what just happened...? Miss Millenia is not really the Wings of Valmar, right!? Please tell me! Ryudo: According to her, yeah. Roan: No... but Valmar is the Devil... But Miss Millenia is so pretty and kind... Ryudo: Hey, Elena. Wake up! Elena! Elena: Oh. Good morning, Ryudo. Mmm... Huh? Where am I? Ryudo: You all right? Elena: How did I get to this place? **Fade out. Next scene, they're back at the inn, sitting around a table.** Elena: Do you speak the truth? Or is this yet another of your amusements? Ryudo: If it were, you'd fail to notice, remember? She calls herself Millenia, but she also said that she is the "Wings of Valmar." Elena: This cannot be... Roan: Miss Elena, I saw her too. Skye: Ditto. Elena: So, the Wings of Valmar are... inside of me... **Gonzola and Paella arrive.** Gonzola: Well, well. Sonny, you're back! Right done, friend. You've made good on your fancy talk... And I see you have yourself a few women. Heh, I envy you, feller. Though, the other filly you was with got my blood a stirrin'. Paella (really pissed): Really, DEAR? I'd like to see this... maybe after my next knife act... Elena: It cannot be... last night...! That woman is evil incarnate! She brings nothing but sorrow and misfortune! Gonzola: That so? Then I reckon she ain't too much different from any other woman. Paella: I can tell you about ONE woman who's going to be bringing you sorrow, HONEY. Roan: Now, now... I am uncertain... I do not think Miss Millenia is evil or anything... Ryudo: Anyway, we can leave through the rear gate now. Unless you have some more missing jewelry, Roan... Roan: If you are going across the Baked Plains, would you mind if I came along? Just me by myself is kind of ... lonely... Ryudo: ...Yeah, well... Elena, you probably don't want him around... Elena: Oh no, not at all. I do not mind, but we need to move quickly. I must reach Granas Cathedral before long. **They leave the inn, go out through the rear gate and head for the Baked Plains.** ---------------- **BAKED PLAINS** ---------------- **Our heroes battle their way to the top of the Baked Plains.** Roan: Look. I can see it! Miss Elena! **He runs off. No one follows. He comes back.** Please. Come quickly! Elena: He is a spirited one... Ryudo: That wasn't the word I had in mind. I suppose we should take a look. **They walk to the top of the hill they're on, only to find themselves standing next to an enormous white cliff.** Roan: These are the Granacliffs. **Cut scene: An aerial view of the Granacliffs. They are majestic indeed.** Elena: So these are the Granacliffs... Ryudo: A scar splitting the face of the Silesian Continent... I take it you haven't seen it before. Elena: Scripture speaks of it, yet the size... The land still aches, its wound yet felt...The Battle of Good and Evil still so close. Ryudo: And still...after all these years... no one has come up with a better name than "the Battle of Good and Evil." Elena: How will we make our crossing? Roan: Look over there. **Rising out of the sea of clouds before them is a strange, brightly-colored aircraft with parachute-like structures on it. It moves along by way of a cable.** Roan: ... That's called the Skyway. We ride on that across the Granacliffs. The ship lands in a town not far ahead. Once we cross here, it is only a stone's throw to the St. Heim Papal State. Skye: Or, you could all grow wings and I wouldn't have to wait for you. Elena: Incredible... This is just so exciting! Ryudo: Don't overdo it. We're camping here tonight. Roan: Good idea... Ryudo: Hey, Elena. Sleeping on your feet again? Let's move! Elena: Hmm? Oh, no, not at all! **They set up camp next to a grove of tall grass. They have a conversation over dinner.** Ryudo: Dinner with a view, kids. Watch your step when you go to the little girl's room. Elena: The Granacliffs are incredible...! You must see them to believe them. The world is really in a pitiful state. Roan: It sure is a hassle that the world is split in half by the Granacliffs... Now I remember! It was the Battle of Good and Evil that made these Granacliffs, right? Miss Elena, will you tell me about the Battle of Good and Evil? Elena: I don't really know much myself, but... they say long ago the people lived happily bathed in the light of Lord Granas. Then Valmar came and tried to take the light from the people. And so began the Battle of Good and Evil. At the battle's end, Lord Granas' sword which he raised to cut down Valmar, went right through Valmar into the earth, creating a huge fissure across the land... And that is how the Granacliffs came to be. Roan: Now that you mention Valmar, the Devil of Darkness, can you feel Miss Millenia? Miss Elena? Elena: I cannot believe it! That Valmar is inside me... People must not be caught by Darkness. They will be able to live only in Darkness. They will no longer feel for other people. Darkness warps a person's soul... If someone is truly caught by the Darkness, that person will have no future... Ryudo: Hmm, then I guess I've... no future either. Elena: No, no Ryudo, you cannot be... one of the Dark Ones! Darkness is much more, um, wicked... Roan: Mister Ryudo... you are neither wicked nor a Dark One... Darkness is completely different. Ryudo: This is getting shadier by the moment. For some reason, I don't see sunshine and puppy dogs in the near future. Elena: I do not understand it myself, but - Darkness makes people sad and lonely... I hate it. Roan: Wicked Dark Ones, huh... I do not think there is anyone anywhere who would say they love Darkness... Ryudo: We gotta get going early tomorrow. Let's hit the sack. **Fade to the interior of the tent, where everyone's asleep. Elena, however is having a nightmare.** Elena: Stop, stop it... Stay away from me... My body is... melting! AWAY from me! **She wakes up, as does Ryudo.** Ryudo: What's wrong, Elena? You were screaming in your sleep... Elena: A huge tongue-like thing... was coiled around me... And it was... devouring me... **The crickets outside suddenly stop. Ryudo gets up to investigate.** Ryudo: ... Shhh! That's strange... It's too quiet. Hey! Roan, WAKE UP! **They hear a growl.** Ryudo: Shh. Something's here... *BAM* Elena and Roan: ! **Our heroes find themselves lying outside on the ground, their tent gone (How'd THAT happen?). They get up, only to find themselves confronting a large, toothed beast-man with white hair and an enormous axe. He looks mad. Really mad.** Beast-Man: I'VE FINALLY... FOUND YOU... I'LL TEACH YOU A LESSON! **They battle the beast-man, and eventually defeat him.** Beast-Man: Are you... not him? Ryudo: WHAT? What is the meaning of this? Why'd you attack me? Beast-Man: Your SMELL called me. The same SMELL as that of the villain who destroyed my village. The SMELL of that scum... drives me crazy. I must find him... this... Melfice. Skye: WHAT! He said Melfice! Ryudo!? **Ryudo switches to Angst Mode. He has a quick flashback about two shadowy figures standing on top of a ruin.** Ryudo: I smell like Melfice? Is that... true? Beast-Man: You... you know Melfice? Ryudo: I might... Beast-Man: I see... Your SMELL does not have the dank SMELL of death... I had forgotten myself. Ryudo: Hey! You! My bro... Is Melfice alive?! Beast-Man: Melfice is a demon-man, bringer of ruination... My name is Mareg. I am sorry for attacking you. **He scuttles off into the tall grass and disappears.** Elena: Ryudo... Ryudo: Demon-man? Bringer of ruination? He's just a common murderer! He can't still be alive... I never thought I would have to re-live that nightmare again in such a place... Elena: ... What is all this? Who is this Melfice? Ryudo: He's... He's my brother... **DUN DUN DUNNNNN!** ----------------- **LILIGUE CITY** ----------------- **Our heroes enter Liligue City - a town whose bright decor is as tasteful as a Vegas casino. As out heroes step upon the metal sidewalk leading into town, they spot a group of three people, a married couple with a young boy.** Man: Dammit. This would otherwise be such a nice town... Woman: You mean, "if this town weren't cursed by Darkness... it would be a nice town." Elena: Oh my, what is the matter? Woman: I can't live here any more! We're leaving. Ryudo: Leave them alone, Elena. Man: You planning on staying in town? I advise against it. Besides, the gates won't open until tomorrow. Ryudo: Isn't the Skyway running? Man: Not until tomorrow, but don't get your hopes up. They don't let people on it. Ryudo: Come again? Roan: Huh!? But people were on it just now... Woman: For the private use of that miserable Gadan. Maybe it's for the best, since anyone who visits this town wants to leave as soon as possible. Man: Hey, just forget about it. Elena: Um, if there's anything I can do... Man: Thank you for your kind offer. But we can't stay in this town. There's nothing left for us here. **They leave.** Ryudo: Cheerful folk. But, if I listened to every piece of good advice I heard, I'd have killed all of you already and run off with your gold. Elena: I am exhausted. Shall we find an inn? Roan: Don't worry, Miss Elena. I heard this place has, what was it...? It is a delicacy around here... If I could remember the name, we could try it. **Our heroes head for the inn.** Inn Master: Ah, some customers... how unusual. Here to stay the night? The only thing we got to eat is arum root. Still want to stay? Ryudo: Whatever. Just serve it up quick. I'm hungry. Roan: That's it! The delicacy I forgot to try last time! Boy, are we lucky! Inn Master: Ahem. Yes, the... delicacy. Anyway, that's all we got, take it or leave it.. Ryudo: Quite a sales pitch. How about it? **Fade out.** Ryudo: C'mon, let's try that stuff Roan calls a delicacy! **Fade in. Our heroes are sitting around a table. Ryudo tries some of the root.** Ryudo: Huh...? Hey, Roan. What's this? Elena: Do people really eat this? It has the oddest texture... Roan: ...Yyyyyyyyyyyeecchhh!!! How can this be a famous local delicacy?! This must be an acquired taste... Ryudo: Agh! This CAN'T be edible! It's like eating sand! Roan: It feels so rough in my mouth... Are you sure this is even edible? Elena: I have never had such mushy food... How can people even eat this stuff!? Ryudo: This innkeeper must be psychotic to expect us to eat this! We're not going to be staying here any longer than we need to, so don't go getting comfortable... Roan: Is this all they have to eat here? I think I will abstain from meals from here on out. Can we get on the Skyway soon? Please?! Ryudo: I've been thinking we ought to see this Gadan guy tomorrow... Let's go shake him up a bit... **Next day. Our heroes leave the inn and are starting down the metal sidewalk, when they come upon a little boy hunched near an odd stone formation.** Elena: Oh, my goodness! Are you all right? Son: ... Elena: What is the matter? Where does it hurt? Son: ... I'm hungry... Elena: Ahh... this is a problem easily remedied. I am sure we have something to eat. Please... a moment. **She takes something out of her bag and presents it to the boy.** Son: Ooooh... **He runs off.** Elena: Is... is the boy sick? **A man walks up to them.** Man: Young miss, please do not give him any food. It is too much of a... temptation... Elena: ... What do you mean? Man: The people of this town cannot eat normal food even if they wanted to. They can only bear that disgusting arum root. Elena: I do not understand... What do you mean, they cannot eat...? **The man walks off.** Ryudo: Elena, don't talk to strangers. Besides, they could be diseased. Elena: ... If so, we must help them! **She runs after the man and into the Engineer's House. Inside, the man is sitting at a table with his wife and son.** Son: I'm... hungry... Wife: ... I can't stand it any more. If we have to keep eating only arum root, we're going to die! Engineer: SHUT UP! You ask for too much. Here, eat THIS! Oooh... Blech! It's no use. I can't eat it either... Wife: Dear, let's... leave this town. We can try starting a farm somewhere... Engineer: but we don't know if we will be able to eat even IF we leave this town!...I'm sorry. We will manage... somehow... Elena: What exactly is going on in this town? Engineer: You must be travelers... You ought to leave this town, quickly! Elena: What is your difficulty? I serve Lord Granas, and I may be of some small help. Wife... The people of this town have lost their sense of taste. Elena: Their sense of taste? Wife: Thanks to the Skyway, this town was once a bustling trade center. My husband had been working on the Skyway. The work was hard, but the pay was good so we were never at want for anything... Engineer: But just ten days ago, all food began to lose its taste. It was like eating sand or rocks...Soon we lost all interest in eating almost any kind of food... We thought that only we were sick, but before we knew it, everyone in town was suffering. Wife: The only thing we could eat was the arum root, which was tasteless to begin with... But no matter how much we eat, we never even begin to get full... Roan: I've never heard of a disease that makes you lose your sense of taste. How about you, Ryudo? Ruudo: Ask Elena. She doesn't seem to have much taste in anything. Bonnets included. Wife: ... Maybe this town is somehow cursed. I don't remember anyone doing anything against the will of Lord Granas... Elena: You must be miserable. I wish there were something I could do... Ryudo: You worked on the Skyway, right? How do we catch a lift? Engineer: In the center of town, you will find the mansion of Mr. Gadan, manager of the Skyway. You can ask him, but I doubt he'll help you. **So it's off to Gadan's house our heroes go. They walk in to find the bloated, frog-like Mr. Gadan eating a banquet. Noisily.** Gadan: Shlurp. Delicious! DEE-licious! Well, well, I haven't seen you around here. Something I can do for you? Ryudo: I hear that you aren't letting anyone on the Skyway. I'm here to change your mind. Gadan: Yes, we are not letting anyone on right now. This is a vital time for business. Carrying people drops our efficiency. Ryudo: I'll make it worth your while. Gadan: Ahh... I didn't notice you had a Sister with you. She must be headed to Granas Cathedral, hmm? Well. More business. Ryudo: How much do you want? Gadan: 10,000 gold pieces should cover my costs. Ryudo: Deal. Let's go. Gadan: Ah, not so quickly, my friend. The last tram has already left. But do not fret - another will be available come the morrow. Ryudo: Can't leave today, huh? Then... **Elena begins to stammer at Mr. Gadan.** Elena: Obviously, YOU can still stuff yourself with food! Why not share your secret with the townsfolk? Ryudo: Elena, hush! Gadan: A strange thing to say, my Sister. Do you imply that my health is something less than virtuous? That I should suffer as well? Elena: Well, no... Gadan: Ah, but I too am troubled by this cause. My employees are all stricken, which is hardly good for business. And with no cure... Elena: Is that so...? Roan: Even then, I am amazed that you can eat so much... Gadan: Perhaps the others have sinned before Granas. Perhaps I alone remain blessed. Who can fathom the mind of God? Ah, Delicious! [sniff] ? [sniff] ! Shlurp! Dear Sister, you smell quite nice. Were you aware that smell and taste are interrelated? Elena: WHA- WHAT!? Ryudo: He seems healthy enough, although I do question his taste in women. Elena: ! How can you remain so smug and impertinent while others starve about you? Gadan: I would watch my words, were I you. I pay my workers generously. This problem is none of my doing. The townsfolk would do well to thank me for seeing to bring prosperity to this town. Elena: How could such a thing have happened...? Gadan: Indeed, this town was known by many to have been touched by the hand of Granas. Perhaps he does not wish to soil his hand any further. But I am no expert; you should inquire within the church outside of town. ...Oh, but my, you do smell fine, my dear Sister. A sweet delicious peach... SHLURP! Ryudo: Tomorrow, then. **They exit the house.** Elena: What a disgusting man! Ryudo: I wouldn't know... Roan: That Gadan's appetite is incredible! It is almost unnatural. But I am more worried about the money we have to pay tommorrow. Ryudo: He's working us. We'd better start digging in our couches for change. Skye: Why don't we just waste him? Ryudo: What's why I like you, Skye. Always thinking. Roan: Uh, Ryudo... Like it or not, we do have a Sister in our party. Elena: But... Ryudo. We have to do something for these townspeople. If they are really blessed by Lord Granas, how could this happen to them? Like that... man said just now, we should ask the Father at the church. Ryudo: Are we in a hurry to get you to the Cathedral or not? We don't have time for your church girl routine. Elena: This town... everything... it is terrible. I just cannot ignore those in need. Ryudo: Look, princess, we don't need any more trouble than we already have. Roan: Please, Mister Ryudo. We cannot leave until tomorrow anyway. What's wrong with just going to the church? Ryudo: Shut your damn yap, kid. This is not a stroll to the altar, and we're not in the bloody church choir! I'm sick of all this! Elena: I-I am sorry, but still... Ryudo: Don't be so quick to apologize... Come on. Let's find the church. **They head for the church, which is situated on a hill high above the town. They enter, and a thin, grim, dark-haired priest greets them.** Father: May I help you, my dear travelers? Elena: Father, we have come with a question. Father: Ah, I see that you too are one who serves Lord Granas... Elena: Father, what has happened to this town? To these people? Father: Ah, this is a question that troubles me as well. I do not know what has befallen us. Some say that the face of Lord Granas has turned from us, but still... I do not believe it. Elena: Yes, I have heard ths tale. There are those in town who say they have lost the blessings of Granas. Ryudo: Pretty unreliable for a diety. If you want to keep your job as supreme overlord, you should keep your naughty/nice list straight. Elena: Ryudo! Ryudo: And I don't quite get this "blessing" stuff. That one lard-butt looked pretty damn blessed to me. About two hundred pounds more blessed than anyone else around here. Father: Ah, you must mean Mr. Gadan. He too has changed. He was once a good man, loved by all. But then he began to change. He began to become obsessed with wealth and riches... and with, uh, nutrition as well. And as I recall, this occurred roughly around the same time that our current misfortunes befell us. Ryudo: People deal with depression differently. Some sleep. Others write. Others suck food down their throats like garbage chutes. Roan: But what would that have to do with the townspeople not being able to eat? Elena: Father, forgive my companion's lack of tact, but I too wonder why this town is known to be blessed by Granas. Father: Of course. Please, go upstairs... You will see the truth for yourselves from above. **You head upstairs where the Father has a nice office library and a wall filled with large paned windows.** Father: Please, look. You can see the whole town from here. **They look. They see the houses of the town with what looks like the remains of a massive stone arch nestled in among them.** Elena: Those pillars... They look to be part of a single ruin... Father: They are said to be the ruins of a temple. They were severely damaged when the town was rebuilt, but Mister Gadan says that they're still not sufficiently destroyed... Roan: I see. So this town was built on the ruins of an old temple of Granas. That is why this town is blessed... But, those pillars have a strange shape. As if there were something in the center... Ryudo: As if something were buried. Father: Now that you mention it, I've heard of an excavation at the base of the pillars. The pillars run deep. - too deep to be removed. Rudo: I'm not liking what I'm hearing. What do you think, Elena? Sound familiar? Ruined temple, burial mound? Unholy piece of Valmar sealed up inside? Elena: Like Garmia Tower... It cannot be... Valmar... Father: I - I have not heard of such a thing... Ryuido: Terrific. Then we can be on our way. Elena: Hold, Ryudo. The suffering of the townspeople may be the result of the breaking of a seal. We must investigate. Ryudo: Whoa there, gumshoe! I don't recall "hunting down the reawakening God of Evil" as being part of my job description. Elena: Saving those in need is the duty of those who follow Granas. I will not ignore my duty, Ryudo, and I most certainly will not ignore these people. We must aid them! Ryudo: Now you're just being stubborn. Let's try to be rational here. One: I am not being paid. I repeat that - I AM NOT BEING PAID. Two: Granas should be more than able to take care of Valmar without us. Three: you need to get to the Cathedral as soon as possible. Elena: Ryudo, lease... I cannot ignore their suffering. If I do, I might as well never take another step toward the Cathedral! Ryudo: ... Elena: ... So you will not be moved, then. Very well, I will help them by myself. Ryudo: ... I'll have to protect you, of course. **He grabs her face and stretches it.** Stop it with the self-righteous expression. C'mon, make a nice face for me. Elena: Bwhad awe dou booing? Cut that out! Ryudo: We'll check out the ruins. But tomorrow... Tomorrow we take the Skyway, no matter how many kittens are stuck in trees. Elena: Oh, Ryudo! **Fade. They go downstairs.** Elena: Father, you spoke of an excavation... Father: Yes, but take caution; no one has been permitted to explore the ruins. There is much danger. Elena: Thank you, father. Ryudo, let us depart! **They're about to leave but Elena turns back.** Elena: Oh Father, I have had terrible dreams of late. I am haunted by Darkness. Does this mean that my soul is weak...? Father: Do not allow Darkness to have a doorway to your heart. A strong soul resists Darkness. Carry yourself accordingly. Elena: Thank you very much. Father, may you be blessed by Lord Granas. Father: The same to you, O Songstress of Granas... Ryudo: Let's get this over with. We don't have room for any more of these roadside attractions in our itinerary. Roan: Oh, Mister Ryudo... **They leave the church but on the path down to the city, they see a familiar beast-man.** Ryudo: Well I'll be... Mareg: ... Ryudo: Mareg, what brings you here? Mareg: The SMELL of this place... It offends the earth. Ryudo: What! Tell me... is my brother here? What of Melfice? Where is he? What has he done? Mareg: I sense the foul work of that demon here. Do not ask of what came by his hand for I wish not to bear the remembrance of it. Ryudo: But is he here? Or do you only suspect... Elena: Mister Mareg, this town is deeply troubled. Please, will you aid us in our search for the root of this evil? Will you help us put an end to it? Mareg: To protect the power of which you speak from ever being used again, I shall join you. Elena: Thank you very much! **Mareg joins.** **The party runs off and searches the pillars. Next to one, they find a metal trap door.** Ryudo: This must be the hole they dug. Mareg: The SMELL of decay comes from below. The foul stench of that villain... Ryudo: ... Melfice... Heads up, Mareg! **Mareg gets out of the way.** Ryudo: YAA!! **Ryudo uses his sword to slash the door open.** All right. Let's go! ---------------- **LILIGUE CAVE** ---------------- **The inside of the cave is reinforced by boards, sort of like an Old West Mine shaft. The cave eventually to a series of underground stone passages populated by gargoyles and zombies. Our heroes soon come upon a brain puzzle by which they have to light a series of colored spheres to activate a portal. The portal leads out to a hole cut in the face of the Granacliffs. The hole leads to a chamber with a big blue sphere in it- a sphere just like the one in Garmia Tower** Mareg: It's stench... The smell of ruin... of decay. Ryudo: What the devil is this? Elena: This is a seal of Lord Granas! It is used to seal in a piece of Valmar... Roan: But... this Seal is broken! Coud whatever was sealed have left here!? Elena: Ryudo... the culprit in this crime... is not your brother. **They hear a crash. Suddenly, a monster appears. A monster with a very large mouth which it uses to swallow Elena.** Elena: EEEEEK! Ryudo: ELENA! Right. We're dealing with a Piece of Valmar here. **The creature glows. Millenia jumps out of it's mouth.** Millenia: How dare you, you miserable...! I won't stand being EATEN! Ryudo: Great. She's back. Mareg: What? What just happened? Roan: Oh! Is that you Miss Millenia? We meet again! Miss... Millenia? Millenia: He-he... Eh-he-he-he.... So now you get to meet my friends. Come over here. I'll make you mine... **Millenia flashes with power. The creature scuttles off.** Millenia: C'MON! Chase after him! That thing's the cause of all of it! Ryudo: "It" is so vague... What're you referring to? Millenia: Forget it, just GO! **You chase the critter into the Temple Ruins. It is waiting for you.** Ryudo: Unless Melfice has put on some weight, this isn't him. Mareg: This beast is the source of the village's troubles. Caution! It's SMELL augurs danger. Monster: You look delicious! You little ones... I shall strip your bones of your fine flesh, yes? So tender... So succulent... Come, let me taste you! And the Wings of Valmar shall make a fine main course, yes? Ryudo: That voice is familiar...ahh... Gadan, Gadan. Let, me guess... new haircut? Millenia: Ah, ha.,ha,ha,hah!! So the Tongue of Valmar wants a taste of me? Here's something to chew on! **They fight the monster and defeat it-- getting a Book of Wizards, Revival Gem and Ancient Cuirass.** Millenia: He appears to be a bit tongue-tied. Or is that too tongue-in-cheek? **Millenia casts a ball of dark energy and absorbs the creature. It vanishes, leaving a prone Mr. Gadan lying on the floor.** Millenia: Aah... finally we got one... I feel full of power. Mmm, feels so good... Roan: Miss Millenia! What just happened!? Ryudo: Wha- What exactly did you just do!? Millenia: Hee - hee, that's a S-E-C-R-E-T <3 See you later, Ryudo. Ryudo: Uh, hey! Millenia! **She reverts to Elena.** Roan: I-I can't believe Miss Millenia is really Valmar... Mareg: The SMELL... is gone... So it was not Melfice... Elena: ... Ryudo? Where am I? It happened... again! **Fade out. Next scene. They're all in Mr. Gadan's office with Mr. Gadan's body lying on a stretcher on the floor (God only knows how they got him there.)** Elena: Ryudo, just what happened to him? Ryudo: You remember anything after being swallowed by the Tongue of Valmar? Elena: No... Ryudo: Well, Millenia appreared again. And, according to her, Gadan was possessed by the Tongue of Valmar. I won't comment on THAT, but apparently, this was the source of the town's troubles. Elena: Our holy book contains a passage that speaks of this... First Valmar possesses one's soul...and then devours it. Maybe this is what happened to Gadan. The poor man. Valmar took advantage of the weakness of his soul... Ryudo: After we beat Gadan... the Tongue of Valmar, Millenia did something to him ...it. This is the result. Elena: Each piece of Valmar can feed off of another to increase their own power...How revolting... This man must have had his soul devoured... Ryudo: I can't believe she'd... do such a thing. Roan: Me too. Didn't we manage to fix the town's problems... only thanks to Miss Millenia? Elena: I can't believe it either... I think it's just a coincidence. Mareg: Millenia and the Tongue of Valmar... Lo, the Tongue of Valmar stank of ruin, as does Melfice. Ryudo: Are you saying that Melfice is... possessed? Mareg: I know not. No matter, he is dangerous possessed or otherwise. But I WILL have my vengeance. Ryudo: Mareg, when I'm finished with Elena... uh, this job, let me go along with you. Mareg: I know not where to begin my search, and this land is unfamiliar to me. You would not be unwelcome should you choose to come. Ryudo: Right. What about you, Elena? Elena: I... I am sure that the Wings of Valmar are within me. Every night, I can feel the Darkness drawing across my soul like a shroud... The cold... ... I must see His Holiness Zera soon. Roan: The townspeople seem to be all better! Ryudo: Okay, so we go straight to Granas Cathedral. ------The player has the option of staying in the inn and having a dinner conversation about the Skyway (while getting to eat some decent food this time). Or, if they don't feel like talking, they can head for the Skyway Station at the other end of town.----- **Our heroes reach the Skyway station. They see the family they had run into earlier disembarking.** Ryudo: Feeling better? Engineer: Yes, thanks to the Sister and your party. Thank you very much. Wife: I'm so glad that we are back to normal. I just cannot thank you enough... Son: Thank you, Miss! Engineer: I have something important to do, so...**They walk off.** Elena: So... measure for measure, all's well that ends well. The townsfolk have been saved, and all is as it should be. Mr. Gadan... well... He took care of his body, but not his soul. Perhaps this was his error. Ryudo: He was right, to a certain extent... Elena: What do you mean? Ryudo: The people of this town... They sacrificed their well-being for promises of wealth. Gadan didn't have to do anything really; the people decided what they wanted. A subtle trap. Elena: But still... the trap has been sprung. All has been put right. If everyone works together, happiness will return to even this broken world. Lord Granas yet watches over us... Ryudo: You've missed the point entirely, princess. The story doesn't end here. We don't all hold hands and skip home. Elena: Huh? Ryudo: The world is not so black and white. The answers aren't as pat as you'd like to believe. Elena: Wha-What do you mean? Ryudo: You'll find out eventually. Come on, we've yet to cross the Granacliffs. Just a little farther to the Cathedral! **They head up the stairs and get on the Skyway. It disembarks and heads out over the clouds. Cut to the inside of the Skyway cabin, where our heroes are all sitting in a circle.** Ryudo: Elena, you look pretty pale... Are you okay? Don't you remember anything at all? Elena: What was I doing while it all happened? Just what happened? Roan? Roan: The Tongue of Valmar and Miss Millenia... Just what was that all about? Miss Elena? I cannot understand it. Mareg: Elena, are you well? Do you not remember fighting with the Tongue? And just who is this Millenia...? Elena: What happened to me? Ryudo? What happened to me? Mareg? What happened?! Tell me, you guys! I cannot remember anything at all. Just what did I do? Ryudo: Don't you remember going to the Seal? Or being attacked? Elena: I do not remember... I felt faint... almost like I was sleeping. Ryudo: That monster was the Tongue of Valmar. Elena, when you were attacked by the Tongue, Millenia appeared again. And then she helped us kick the hell out of that Tongue. Finally, Millenia did something to Gadan and he ended up like that... Elena: She destroyed the man's soul, right? How can you be so insensitive? Ryudo: Elena! Calm down! The Cathedral is just across the Granacliffs... **Fade to... the same scene.** Elena: Valmar is inside me...! **They hear a crash.** Roan: Wh-What is happening? **He goes over to the window to take a peek. Another crash. The cabin shakes.** Ryudo: YOW! Elena: Darkness... Darkness is coming! It's calling me... the Darkness is calling me! Ryudo: Elena! Roan: Waah! **Cut scene: The cabin is flooded with red light. The red moon of Valmar shines brightly outside as lightning and darkness fill the space between the Granacliffs. The Skyway is tossed about like a child's toy. It's ropes snap, and everyone is thrown about the cabin in dramatic Star Trek Bridge fashion.** Ryudo: Dammit! Everybody! Hang on to something! **The Skyway is thrown onto one side of the Granacliffs and crashes, leaving a huge crater. Our heroes - still alive but now sans Elena - awake to find themselves in a snow-covered pine forest.** Ryudo: ... Mmph. We've got problems. What the hell is going on? Roan: Valmar's moon seemed to be shining... Mareg: Check yourselves for injury. Ryudo: Hey! Dammit, where's Elena? Mareg: Perhaps she had fallen earlier... Ryudo: Can't be. Elena! ELENA! She's got to be around here somewhere! Mareg: I am picking up her scent. Come, this way! This way! **Meanwhile, elsewhere in the forest, Elena is lying on the ground by herself. As the camera pans closer to her, the voice of a familiar sassy redheaded demoness can be heard.** Voice: Elena, Elena! Wake up! **She wakes up.** Elena: Wh- who are you? Where are we? Voice: Hmm... Where are we? Hmm. Well, I'm not quite sure... I know! See that shiny plate lying over there? Look, over there. **Elena sees a piece of the ship lying nearby. It has a shiny flat, mirror-like surface. She walks over to it and, instead of seeing her own reflection, she sees Millenia's instead.**- Millenia: Pleased to meet you, Miss Elena. I'm Millenia. You OK? Elena: I... I must be dreaming. What's going on? Millenia: I just thought it'd be hard to talk if we couldn't do so face to face... So, here I am. Tada! Elena: It can't be! S- so you're Millenia! The Wings of Valmar! Millenia: Yeah! That's me! Elena: You filthy dark One, devourer of souls! Stay away from me! Millenia: Hey now! You don't even know me! I did save you, after all. Elena: Y-you saved me? Millenia: That's right! You should be thanking me. We share the same body, don't we? I've gotta look out for the both of us. Well, see you later. Elena: Wa- wait, Millenia. Millenia! **Millenia vanishes.** Millenia: I will be with you always. Wherever. Whenever. Forever. Alllll the time. See? So, let's just try to get along, shall we? Miss Granas Songstress! **Elena sinks to her knees.** Roan: HEY! Miss ELENA! **The others come rushing over to her.** Mareg: Elena! Are you well? Ryudo: Elena! Thank the blade... You don't look hurt... What is it? You look like you've seen a ghost. Elena: Perhaps it was an apparition... for it was not a dream. The Day of Darkness draws near. Valmar's moon swells with wrath. The Dark One gathers strength yet again. The time of Valmar's awakening is at hand. Ryudo: Hey, hey. It's okay. Elena. ELENA! Elena: Forgive me. I am all right, Ryudo. I have just had a... strange experience. Ryudo: Least we avoided taking a dive into the Granacliffs. I wonder how far off course we were blown... to come to this strange place. Roan: Looks like we were blown along the Granacliffs toward the north. Ryudo: Looks like we're walking from here. We'll head for the St. Heim Mountains - pretty damn hard to miss. And then, the Cathedral. Elena: Yes... We must hurry. ---------------- **LUMIR FOREST** ---------------- **Our heroes pass through a series of labyrinthine forests and caves and under a large tree with suitably large roots. Then back out into the forest. Then, it starts to get foggy and the party ends up in-- ------------------------ **THE GARDEN OF DREAMS** ------------------------ **A valley filled with flowers of all colors.** Ryudo: Looks like we got ourselves pretty lost... Elena: The fog is so think... Roan: Is this really the right road? Ryudo: Does it really matter? Roan: Wait a second! Mareg: Odd. There is no SMELL of life in this place. **Elena walks forward.** Elena: ...Why do flowers bloom in such a cold and barren place? **Spots of light suddenly appear and float around her.** Voice: Who are you? This is my garden. **Elena looks to see a little girl with green hair and blank, staring eyes standing before her.** Elena: I am sorry. We are travelers, lost on the road. Child: This is the Garden of Happiness. My precious, secret place. Everyone who comes here forgets their bad memories and gets happy. If you come here, it means that your heart wants to be saved. Look. Aren't the flowers so pretty? Elena: Um...um...but... Your eyes... are they perhaps... Child: Yes. My eyes were bad ever since I was born. But I'm fine now! Thanks to Granas, I can see everything now. So I'm not lonely any longer. Ryudo: ...? These flowers are... nice enough, I guess. If you're into that stuff. Not my style. Child: That's 'cause you're not trying to see. You're trying to be someone you're not. Warm your heart. Like these ones... ** The spots of light come floating to her.** Miss, I thought you would understand how good this place is... Elena: What do you mean? Child: Don't you understand? Then you should ask the girl with the black wings! Elena: Black... wings...? Child: Anyway, keep this place a secret. Promise? **She runs off.** Miss, don't eat me!! **She vanishes.** Ryudo: What's with that girl? Elena: ... Ryudo: Oh well. Let's go on. **They leave the garden.** Elena: Huh! Now where are we? Ryudo: Hey, that little girl and her garden... Where did they go? Roan:... Could it have been a dream? **The party now finds that it can head out of the forest. It heads to-- ------------------ **MIRUMU VILLAGE** ------------------ **A somber place full of rocks and giant seashells. Our heroes enter and stand next to two of the locals.** Elena: There is a certain.. sadness about this village. I wonder as to its source. **One of the locals notices them.** Villager: Oh! The Sister has arrived! I'm so glad... Now the village is saved!! Chief! Chief! The Sister has arrived! She's here! Elena: Are they... Speaking of me? Ryudo: Huh? What's going on here? **The Village Chief - a middle-aged man with blue hair and beard - approaches them.** Village Chief: So you've finally come! Our village... please... I beg of you... save us... Ryudo: You've lost me, chief. I don't think any of us put in weekend reservations here. Village Chief: Huh? Wait... So you haven't come to save this village? Elena: Our journey is to Granas Cathedral. We are merely passing through, but... Villager: So you haven't come to save this village... I thought for sure they'd be here by now. What does this mean for us? Ryudo: Good question. What's going on here? Village Chief: these things shouldn't be spoken of in this place... Please, come to my home. **Next scene. Our heroes are standing in the chief's house speaking with him and a few random villagers.** Village Chief: You see, strange things have been happening here in this village... Villagers have been suddenly falling asleep... At first we thought it was just fatigue, but they keep sleeping... Days and days at a time. Mareg: And you do not believe that they are merely unwell? Village Chief: I wish it were so, but... Ryudo: They're not? Village Chief: ...To be blunt, I believe it is some kind of curse. Elena: A curse!? What leads you to believe this? Village Chief: The dreams. Ever since falling asleep, all of the villagers keep having the same dream. A... presence. Watching, Waiting. Its eyes... great and terrible... Terrifying! Ryudo: Curse. Right. Village Chief: We have no solid proof. Yet, we could not bear the dread of it; we sent to the Cathedral for aid. Roan: So that is why you thought Sister Elena was here to save you. Village Chief: Yes, that's exactly so. Ryudo: Well, it's a damn shame, but like we said, we're just passing through. Village Chief: But, but... May I ask one thing of you...? Ryudo: What is it? Village Chief: Will you please stay here for just one day? The Priestess from the Cathedral should be here soon. I don't expect you to take her place, but if your Sister stays here, the curse may be somewhat allayed. Villager: Another one fell asleep today... We are all uneasy. Elena: Ryudo... Ryudo: Well, it is dark out... Elena: We shall do as you ask. It is not much, but we would be happy to stay in the village. **They head for the inn, where they are greeted by the innkeeper, a serious-looking woman with purple hair.** Irina: Could you be the Sister!? Oh, we've been waiting for you! My son Nicolas does not wake up! Please do what you can to save him! Elena: Um... unfortunately... we are simple travelers. We are not the ones you are expecting... Irina: Oh... I am so sorry... I've made a terrible mistake. Elena: If you have contacted the Cathedral, I am certain that someone will arrive soon. Please, wait yet a little longer. Irina: Yes... I suppose you are right... Elena: But... But... you say that your son has fallen ill? Irina: Sister, perhaps if you look at him, you might be able to learn something. Would you mind coming this way? Please? Ryudo: Is this the curse they were talking about? Elena: It appears to be so... **Our heroes are shown into a room where they see a boy resting in a bed.** Irina: ... This is Nicolas. He seems to be sleeping peacefully, but he never wakes up. Nicolas:... It is so... much fun... here... Ryudo: He doesn't sound sick. Maybe he's just easily entertained. Whee. Roan: Is this not just like Gadan! Ryudo: You saying Valmar devoured his soul? Mareg: Yet, there is no foul SMELL about this place... Elena: Unfortunately, I cannot... help you at all. Irina: That innocent face... maybe he's playing with the fairies in the Garden of Dreams... Elena: "Garden of Dreams?" The place we passed through... Irina, before arriving here, we came upon a garden, filled with fairies... Irina: You can't be serious. It is a tale told to children, full of song and fancy, meaning nothing. It's a fantasy. Ryudo: No, it was definitely real... Flowers everywhere and fairies flitting about. I couldn't dream this up. Believe me. Elena: There was a little girl. A strange girl... who can see everything. She had a scar above her right eye. Irina: That's Aira, Sandra's daughter. Oh, how eerie... So this curse was the work of Sandra after all. Elena: Please, do not be so quick to jump to conclusions. Is Sandra from the village? Irina: She lives in back of the village. How could that hateful wretch do this to my poor sweet Nicolas...**She walks out in a huff.** Elena: Ryudo, if that girl were indeed Aira, I would like to speak with her again. Ryudo: Huh? Elena: I keep thinking about what she said... Ryudo: "Don't eat me?" Well, you HAVE been putting on a few pounds... You have to see it from her point of view. Roan: Oh, stop. She was an odd little girl... And I wonder... Was that garden real? Mareg: As real as the dreams of a wise man; nether fantasy nor substance. A mist rising in the morning, melting into air by noon. Ryudo: If we find Aira, we can ask her. Elena: Yes... We shall see... **They head for the main room of the inn, where Irina is waiting for them. They speak to her again.** Irina: Aaaaah, Nicolas. How could it come to this? Sandra is to blame... That witch... How could she do this to Nicolas? Ryudo: but you have no proof that this Sandra person did this, right? Irina: We may have no proof, but before this happened to Nicolas... That woman's daughter, Aira, her blindness, which couldn't be cured by ANY doctor, suddenly got better. Don't you find that strange!? That...witch... she did something to Nicolas. That's the only explanation... **Our heroes leave and head to the back end of town. They are about to cross a bridge when--** Ryudo: That girl... it IS Aira! **They see a familiar green-haired girl frolicking in the back yard of a nearby house.** Elena: So it was not our imagination... She IS real. Elena: Aira... dear? Aira: Hi again, Miss. Elena: Aira dear... When you said "don't eat me" before, what did you mean? Aira: Hm? I meant just what I said. I know YOU are okay, Miss, but... Ryudo: Excuse the interruption here, but this has been bugging me - what WAS that garden? Aira: It's a safe place for people when they're sad. It's not like everyplace else - all hurting. I just want everyone to be happy. Sandra: Aira, where have you gone? AIRA! **A frazzled-looking woman with green hair turns up.** Sandra: AIRA! I told you not to go outside! YOU! Get away from Aira! What are you trying to do to her!? Aira: Mother, she is all right. She is not bothering me. Roan: Now, now. We are travelers and we were just talking to little Aira. We would never do anything to her. Mareg: I am terribly sorry if my ... appearance has startled you. Sandra: No, no... there is no need... I had assumed the worst... but... that one... Elena: Me? What have I done? Sandra: I'm sorry. Please come inside. I cannot talk out here. **She leads them inside.** Ryudo: So, what's with the secrecy? There's a reason you want to avoid notice? Sandra: There are those who do not wish Aira well. The innkeeper's son, Nicolas, fell ill, you see, while Aira was with him. They were just playing... and then...There is a children's story, a fairy tale. In the tale there is a garden... Aira: That's right. I promised to take Nicolas to the garden! Sandra; Aira! Don't say such things! Aira: But... Say... Let me see that medal. Roan: Uh, but this is... Aira: Your mother gave it to you, right? Roan: ...? Well, yes. But... **She takes it.** Sandra: I'm so sorry... Anyway, the villagers here look at me strangely. And to think, my prayers to Granas had finally been answered, and Aira's blindness cured. Elena: Her sight was restored through prayer? This is a miracle! Ryudo: For once, Elena's right. It's a damn miracle that your prayers actually worked. No wonder the villagers think you're a witch... Elena: Ryudo! Sandra: Aira is my treasure. Her eyesight was poor since she was born, and I have had such a hard time... I looked for medicinal herbs and prayed for her sight, but the others called my mixtures "witch's brews" and my prayers "summonings." And just when Aira is finally healed by prayer, and I am blessed with a little happiness, they blame me for this curse... Elena: I am sorry... Ryudo: Don't get ideas, Elena. There's nothing we can do. By now, the Church has probably sent some people to look into it, anyway. Let them deal with it. We're not the experts here. Come on, there's still a lot of ground to cover before we reach the Cathedral. Elena: You are right... Ryudo: C'mon, let's head back to the inn. Okay, Roan? **Aira gives back the medal.** Aira: Thank you. Your mother was very pretty. **She wanders over to the other side of the table. She is surprised by something.** Aira: ! Sandra: What's wrong, Aira? Aira: ...Scary people have come, mother. Really scary people... **Ryudo and the others head outside.** Voice#1: Hey, hurry up! We musn't make them wait! **The villagers are rushing off towards the village entrance.** Voice #2: Wait up! Ryudo: Hey, what's all the commotion? Villager: I heard that the Priestess and her party from the Cathedral have finally arrived! **Ryudo and the others head for the village entrance. Elena stops.** Elena: I- it can't be... the Cathedral Knights. **Our heroes see a pious-looking young woman in white robes at the village entrance and behind her, a contingent of Knights in armor holding really big swords. Really reeeeeallly big swords. The pious-looking young woman in robes is speaking with the chief of the village.** Selene: ...Well, well how terrible for you. But never fear, the Cathedral Knights are here. We shall dispel the darkness before your eyes. Village Chief: Oh, your words are most reassuring...! Please, do what you can! Selene: This village is full of Darkness. Darkness with terrible powers. Village Chief: W-what has brought this upon us? Selene: I have purified much Darkness in my work, so far. From my experience, this Darkness...is the doing of Valmar. I am NOT mistaken. Village Chief: Oh no... Selene: Until further notice, this village shall be under the control of us, the Cathedral Knights. All entrances shall be sealed. No one may enter or exit the village. Understood? Anyone violating my order shall be deemed a minion of Darkness and... purified in the name of Lord Granas. Come my Knights of Granas. Take up your blades to cut down the Darkness. God's Light shall shine! **The Knights raise up their blades in front of them in a creepily synchronized - almost mechanical - motion.** Selene: I ought to have introduced myself. I am Selene, leader of the Cathedral Knights. I am pleased to meet you. Ryudo: ...Hey, Elena. You know that crazy zealot over there? Elena: Yes... She is the High Priestess Selene, leader of the Cathedral Knights... Now, High Priestess Selene is known to be... an excellent... inquisitor of heresy. I'm afraid this town might be in for a bit of trouble... Ryudo: Just what are those guys planning to do here? **They walk forward. Selene spots them.** Selene: Well, well. Are you not a Sister of Granas? I was not told of a Sister in this town. Elena: Oh, I am Elena, a Songstress of Granas. I am on my way to Granas Cathedral to report to his Holiness Zera. Selene: To report to His Holiness Zera... You must be a very accomplished student. I am sure His Holiness will be pleased. Your mission must be important... As is mine - to purify the world of Darkness. Let us both work to the utmost of our abilities. Elena: Yes. Th-thank you very much... ----Option to leave/save. When you come back and speak to her again, the game continues.---- Selene: Is this so...? Indeed, you must desire to make haste if your intent is to report to his Holiness. How awkward for you. Elena: No, in fact... the ceremony failed... Ryudo: Watch your words, Elena. Selene: Well, who might you be...? Ryudo: Name's Ryudo. The Sister is under my protection. Selene: I see. For your trouble, I thank you. Ryudo: You can thank us by letting us through this village. Oh, and these two as well. They're with us. Selene: This is not possible. Ryudo: Hey, cut me some slack here! We're no threat to you or your cause. Selene: I cannot. Did you not hear what I just said? This village is now sealed. Leave, and be purified. **She motions to the knights, who then stand in a semi-circle around our heroes, swords in front of them.** Until this matter surrounding this village is resolved, no one may leave. Not Elena, not you, not anyone. Ryudo: Look, we need to report to YOUR boss. Get word to him about us, and I'm sure he'll permit us to "make haste" to the Cathedral. Selene: Regardless of your schedule, it is my duty to ensure that the Darkness in this village is exterminated. Without exception. Ryudo: By the blood! Even if your aim is to expunge the Darkness, what will you do when you find it? No one can stand against a god! Selene: Worry not. We are the Cathedral Knights, blessed by Lord Granas. Discovering the allies of Valmar is a simple task. As is purifying the unclean. Ryuido: What is it with you and this "purify" thing? For some reason, I doubt your knights are packing soap and bubble bath in that armor. Roan: ... She means to kill them. I remember one village somewhere that was burned to the ground by Cathedral Knights. Ryudo: That's some strong bubble bath. Selene: No, that is not correct. Lord Granas does not approve of mindless slaughter. The Holy Fire of Lord Granas merely purifies those who have sold their soul to Valmar... We have purged Darkness from this world, leaving none of its taint unpurified. Thanks be to Granas. Ryudo: There's that word again. I fail to see the difference between your... method, and murder. Elene: If you, um... were to find a person possessed by Valmar, what would you do to her... or him? Selene: Should that be the case, this entire village shall be purified by the Holy Fire of Lord Granas. Such a sacrifice is necessary in order to rid the world of Valmar's presence. Village Chief: Wh- what!? You - you can't do that! Selene: Do not be afraid, for the Holy Fire cleanses only the sinner. Those who are pure of heart need not worry. ... of course, this is assuming there are persons without sin before Granas. Village Chief: ... Ah! Selene: Well then, please tell me the details. Only then shall we seek out the apostles of Valmar. Village Chief: A- alright then. **The village chief leads her away, along with some of the knights. The remaining knights stand guard over the entrance to the village.** Roan: So what should we do now, Mister Ryudo? Ryudo: Security's too tight. We have no choice but to camp here tonight. We'll be left alone for now; Elena's company protects us from suspicion. Though for how long, I can't say. **Ryudo and company head for the inn where they opt to spend the night.** Irina: Sweet dreams to all of you... **Dinner conversation:** Ryudo: They sure do get excited easily here. They have a few bad harvests and they stop thinking, eh? I guess they feel they need to blame someone... Elena: Irina, Sandra... little Aira. These people are simply struggling... That doesn't make them evil or anything... Roan: If you are suffering, you can be blinded to the needs of others... Mareg: There is no malicious scent, but something does SMELL awry... Ryudo: Just who do they think is "bad" anyway? I'd say these knights who run around and scare people are the real problem. Elenea: I hope nothing terrible happens... Roan: Those Cathedral Knights are merciless... At this rate, the entire village will be burned to the ground. Mareg: But something does SMELL awry... There is something strange in this village. Ryudo: I don't think Valmar can be defeated by anyone, not even those "holy" knights out there. Elena: Valmar possesses even me... Roan: Those knights might have killed all the villagers! And what would have happened to Miss Elena... Mareg: There is noone with an evil SMELL here, but... Ryudo: Well, we DO have Elena with us. I can't imagine those overly-holy knights will kill one of their own... Roan: We do not know that for certain! Even now they are trying to kill innocent people! Elena: If these villagers are suffering it is because of Valmar... without a doubt. Ryudo: What can we do...? Roan: I cannot believe that nothing will happen. I am sure there will be trouble... Mareg: Something does SMELL awry... But I cannot confirm that it is related to the current situation. Ryudo: I think the best course of action is to get out of here before that Selene woman causes more trouble. First thing tomorrow, we go. **Fade out. Next scene, we see Elena staring out the window at the Red Moon of Valmar.** Ryudo: What's wrong, Elena? Elena: It's Valmar's moon. It's so eerie... I wonder if it always stares down on us like that. Ryudo: No use getting worked up about something you can't do anything about. Besides, we're pretty damn far enough away from it. Elena: ... I suppose... but what of the presence of Valmar... inside of me? Ryudo: ...Oh, Millenia... Elena: ..... Ryudo: C'mon, lighten up. Millenia's not all that bad... Elena: Ryudo! How can you be so... cavalier about such things? We speak of the power of Darkness itself! Who knows when... Millenia will do something like Gadan did - or worse? What if her purpose is to restore Valmar to life? Ryudo: Again, we can't do anything about it. Right now, at least. But isn't this why we're going to the Cathedral? Elena: Valmar prepares a dwelling place within the souls of the wicked..." I am sure Millenia is the evil inside of me; she is the blackness in my soul! Ryudo: Hey, don't let it get you down. What happened to your happy face? C'mon, we'll knock on the doors of the Cathedral, Zera will get off his porcelain throne, and he'll make everything okay. Elena: Stop it, Ryudo! This is serious! Must you always be so... flippant?! Ryudo: I-I was just trying to cheer you up... Blazes! Fine. Fine. I GET IT... As expected of the Wings of Valmar, it is difficult to visit injury upon Millenia. You, on the other hand... **He draws and points his sword at her.** Elena: Ryu- Ryudo!? Ruuido: Look, you're not giving me a choice here. You can keep crying about Valmar this and Valmar that, or we can settle this now. **He sheathes his sword.** You calmed down yet? Hey, what's gotten into you? What happened to the almost-stereotypical determination and pluck that I know so well? What's wrong, Elena? Elena: ... All right, Ryudo. Kill me! If that will destroy Valmar... **She kneels down.** Ryudo: What!? Elena: What's wrong, Ryudo? Do it quickly! I'm a little... scared... so please, make it as painless as you are able. Ryudo: Do- don't be STUPID! That's Selene talking, not you! Elena: ...? Ryudo: My job is to get you to the Cathedral. If you want any extras, hire someone else... Just stop your brooding and get to bed! Elena: ...**She gets up and heads to bed.** Ryudo: Dammit! NOT the right approach, Ryudo. NOT the right approach! ... What the hell is wrong with her? ... Argh, guess I ought to get to bed myself... **Fade to black. Ryudo is dreaming. He finds himself standing in a pitch black room. Someone in the room is "Ooooh-ing" .** Ryudo: Where am I...? **Suddenly, eyes appear from out of the darkness.** Ryudo: .... Huh! What're you looking at? Stop staring at me! **He runs through a field of eyeballs. He turns to find himself staring at the ever-lovin' grandma of all eyeballs. He sees himself reflected in it.** Ryudo: Don't... This is MY soul, dammit! Stay the HELL out of it! **Scenes from a traumatic past event flash into his mind.** Ryudo: Stop it! Please...just stop... Don't make me remember...please... ...I want to forget... let me forget... **Scene switches to Ryudo's bedroom where Ryudo is having a nightmare.** Ohhh... Dammit! Stop making me remember! ! **He sits up.** Skye: Ryudo, what's wrong? You were moaning... Ryudo: Damn! Why do they keep haunting me? I was almost able to forget... Skye: Doesn't sound like a very sweet dream. Ryudo: I know! That was the... dream they saw! **Ryudo goes to the window and opens it. A creepy floating eyeball thing with probes lunges at him.** Ryudo: It was.... That THING! **It flies off.** The cause of the nightmares...? If so, this village's curse... Dammit! **Roan and Mareg come running in.** Ryudo: Roan! Mareg! You alright? Roan: Yes, Ryudo. Are you okay? Mareg: Grr... That cursed dream... What was its purpose? Ryudo: Ask that... thing! It's been causing these damn nightmares! Roan: What do you mean by "that thing"...? **Elena runs in.** Elena: Ryudo! What is happening? Ryudo: Elena! You alright? Listen, the source of the nightmares was right here! Skye: Eyeball. Big flapping eyeball... Just staring at us. I've never seen the like. Ryudo: If that was the cause, then the others... Elena: It cannot be... Miss Irina... Ryudo: Oh, blazes! Let's check on her! Hurry! **They run to the manager's room. They find Irina and Nicolas fast asleep. One of the eyeball things is hovering over Irina's head.** Rian: Look!! **It flies off.** Ryudo: Damn, we're too late! It already got her... Skye: Ryudo, I'll follow it! Try to keep up! Ryudo: Dammit, it's those things! They're behind this! We must follow! **They walk outside and see the eyeball things flying by.** Mareg: Ah, I see now the source of our trouble. Roan: So THOSE things are causing all the nightmares? Mister Ryudo! **The eyball things are floating around Aira's house.** Elena: There are so many of them! Ryudo: We have to follow them,. Quickly! **Our heroes rush over to the far end of town where they see a path leading into the mountains. Skye joins them there.** Ryudo: Skye! Where'd they go? Skye: Into that fissure! **Our heroes see a large and rather obvious- looking cave in front of them.** Ryudo: And we all know what comes next. Let's be quick about it. I want to find out what the hell is going on here! **They run into the-- ---------------------- **MYSTERIOUS FISSURE** ---------------------- --and navigate their way through the caves within. They soon see a familiar blue sphere.** Ryudo: Isn't this a Seal of Granas!? Elena: As I had suspected, it has been broken... **Elena spots a flower lying in the middle of the floor under the Seal.** I have seen this flower before... Ah! **Suddenly floating eyeballs swarm on them from all sides.** Ryudo: It's those things agin! They're coming! **The eye guys attack, Ryduo and Co. defeat them and get a Book of Warriors.** Elena: So, now the villagers may be... Ryudo: No. these things are small change. Nothing like Gadan. The real money's somewhere else. Roan: So they were like marionettes? Mareg: Perhaps... Their powers may be peculiar, but our true enemy would not meet defeat so easily. Elena: It cannot be... Ryudo: Dammit! Valmar must be somewhere! If we're not killing the source, we're just killing time. **Fade back to the inn.** Mareg: ... Is this too the work of Valmar? Ryudo: As the Seal of Granas is broken, I am afraid that it is so. **Elena walks in.** Elena, how's Irina doing? Elena: Not well... She will not wake at all. Just like Nicolas. **Roan comes in.** Ryudo: Roan! How are the villagers? Roan: A few more people fell ill last night. Ansd everyone who did not fall ill, they had nightmares again. Ryudo: They're not the only ones. I've been having nightmares of my... the past. It's... not too cool, man. Not at all. Roan: I had one too. I saw my mother... die... Mareg: I dreamt of my village, of the demon-man who came in blood and fire... I dreamt of ruin... Elena: I slept soundly. Last night, I dreamt not at all... Ryudo: There must be someone possessed by Valmar. The one controlling the flying eyeballs. Do you think it's... Aira? Elena: That cannot be! She is such an innocent girl. Right? Only the hearts of the wicked are open to Valmar! That girl has done nothing wrong! Villager: The High Priestess Selene is conducting an investigation, so she has ordered everyone to meet in the Town Hall... Elena: We ought to inform the High Priestess of the events of yesterday! The villain is not of this village - not even a person! Let's go, Ryudo! Ryudo: Yeah, before Selene decides to frame someone. **They head for the Town Hall. The chief is standing in the road. They talk to him.** Village Chief: Please have a look inside the Town Hall... See... There are many more victims now... Ryudo: Last night, the fallen villagers were in the Town Hall, right? And they were all asleep, correct? Village Chief: Yes... That's right... How has this happened? How could something this awful happen here? Elena: Oh dear... what should we do? **They enter the town hall. It is full of sleeping people.** Ryudo: Didn't take them long to round up the town. Elena: How awful... **Selene enters. Things are about to get worse.** Selen: Such a pitiful sight. We must attend to the purification immediately. We will find the bedeviled one without delay. Ryudo: You're sniffing up the wrong leg, Priestess! We saw the Darkness last night! Flying eyeballs! They should be dealt with first! Selene: Flying eyeballs, you say? How droll. Yet, the things you saw may indeed have been the servants of Valmar. Elena: Yes! And we must search them out! Selene: ... However, they are merely servants. I doubt Valmar would appear in such a form or fashion, hmm? Chasing after such... whimsical beasts would not solve our problem. Valmar seizes upon the Darkness in the heart, not the... eye. Ryudo: Are you even listening to a thing we say? Or are you too eager to "purify" the entire town?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Elena: I beg of you, High Priestess! Save these villagers! Selene: Oh yes, they shall be saved. You see, there is one with a corrupt soul who has brought disaster to this village. What would happen if we were to permit Valmar to roam freely about the land? Could you imagine this, Elena? Elena: Yes... Selene: Well then, I shall have the cooperation of everyone in the village. Selene: I shall discover the identity of the treacherous one. Then we need not purify the entire village. Elena: Ryudo! We cannot let her proceed! You know how this will end! Ryudo: I know. I know. But we have to find out who - or what - is controlling those eyeballs. I mean, that's just sick... To make people relive their worst memories... Roan: But where do you think those eyeballs come from? Mareg: I advise a deeper hunt into the fissure. It could be our quarry waits there. Ryudo: Then there is where we resume our pursuit. **They head for the hill where the fissure is when suddenly--** Aira: ... Miss! **She comes running from her house.** Elena: H-hello, little Aira... Aira: Did you come to see me? Did you want to play? Elena: What do you mean? Aira: Let's go to a fun place. To a place where there's no suffering and no pain...no bad memories. Elena: Aira, should you be out? Will your mother not worry? Aira: Oh, it's fine. We're going to a happy place, after all! **She runs away.** Roan: That Aira... There is something a little odd about her. Elena: I wonder what it was she meant? Ryudo: One way to find out. Let's follow her. **They follow her into a shed.** Aira: My mother had a hard time because of me. She would buy medicine and look for herbs, working from dawn until dusk... It's all my fault... But my mother's praying healed me! **She stops abruptly and drops down a hole in the floor.** Elena: Aira!! **Our heroes jump in after her. They find themselves in an island in an underground cavern in the-- ---------------------- **MYSTERIOUS FISSURE** ---------------------- Ryudo: Where are we!? Elena: I cannot believe this... **They spy the Granas seal they found earlier. Standing directly under the seal is Aira.** Aira: I don't think people should fight. Everyone just suffers. We can learn to like each other. Why do they always blame other people? Nobody wants to be hated... I'll make it so everybody can get along! I wanna help everyone! Elena: So - so Aira, you... Aira: It is a really nice place. I'm gonna have everyone come to the Garden of Dreams. No one will fight. Everyone will live together peacefully. They'll forget all the bad things. C'mon! Let's all go into the dream! **She teleports everyone to-- ----------------------- **THE GARDEN OF DREAMS** ----------------------- Aira: When I was cured, I was so happy... But I was also sad 'cause I could see things I couldn't before. My Mother also wanted to get along with the villagers, but everyone lies and hates each other. They keep blaming others for bad things. Everyone suffers in their heart... I want everyone to come here and get along. This is the Garden of Happiness. Everyone who comes here is happy. They forget the bad memories and suffering. The people all become fairies. And they live happily here. Look, see how many fairies there are now... Isn't everyone happy? Elena: Stop it! Aira: Why? Elena: You are not doing anything wrong, but... but... **Something sparkles on Aira's face. It's an extra eye on her forehead.** Aira: I just want to make everyone happy... Elena: ...That eye... Aira: This is the eye that Granas gave me. It's how I can see everything. Elena: NO! Stop it! Do not make them suffer any more! Aira: Suffer? I don't make anyone suffer. Everyone here is happy. There's no sadness here. Outside, everyone lies, so they suffer. They pretend to be nice but they act mean. The only one I can trust... is Mother. **Suddenly Aira freaks out.** Aira: !! Huh? Why're you doing this? ...Why're all of you coming after me? Isn't this the eye of Granas? Well, isn't it? Aren't you the same as me? Miss Elena? **Elena hugs Aira.** Elena: ...No. NO! **Aira pushes her away.** Aira...? Aira:.....! Mother!! **Aira runs off.** Elena: Aira? Ryudo: Something might be going down at the village. We've got to go back. **Our heroes trudge back to-- ------------------ **MIRUMU VILLAGE** ------------------ --where Selene and her goons are about to attack Aira's mother.** Sandra: ...I don't know anything! My daughter was miraculously cured by the power of Granas! I prayed and prayed for her. Leave her out of this! Selene: The blessings of Granas are not to be bestowed on the likes of you. Where is your daughter? Speak truly, for the both of you are surely minions of Valmar! Sandra: No, no that cannot be... Selene: Well, well... What shall we do with a mother and child who conspire with the power of Darkness? Will you people side with Darkness? Know that if you heed the words of the witch, you must be prepared for the... consequences. Villager: (to Sandra): Y-you Devil! You evil Witch! Just what are you trying to do!? Release the curse on this village, quickly! What is the grudge you bear!? Sandra: **kneeling before Selene** What is it we have done!? My daughter and I have done nothing! Selene: Release me! **She slaps Sandra. (What a bitch.)** Sandra: Ah! Aira: Mother! Leave my mother alone!! Why can't we all be happy!? If you do mean things, everyone suffers! Selene: ...That evil eye! I see we HAVE discovered the power of Valmar! **Fade out. In the next scene, our heroes are entering the village. They rush to Sandra's house only to find Sandra lying in front of it.** Ruudo: Who's that!? What the hell is happening here? Selene: You can no longer escape... Elena: Aira! Ryudo: (to Roan and Mareg) You take care of her! **Ryudo and Elena rush over to help Aira, who finds herself surrounded by Selene and her band of Holy Knnnnnnnniggits.**** Ryudo: What the hell are you doing? How many of you does it take to handle a single girl? Leave her be! Selene: Do not interfere with my task. Or are you too in collusion with Darkness? Ryudo: This girl doesn't even know what's happening. Look at her! A servant of Light should be extending a hand of redemption, not raising an iron fist! Selene: Don't be a fool, boy!! We merely follow the will of Granas - to cleanse the world of Darkness... Elena! Come, bring the girl to me. Elena: Please, High Priestess Selene. There must be some other way we can save her! There must be... Selene: Impossible. There is no salvation for one possessed by Valmar. I cannot believe a Sister of the Church would try to protect one who has rejected the Light and embraced the Darkness! Elena: I- I... Ryudo: Don't listen to her! Dammit, Elena, you're better than that! There's no wrong in protecting the helpless! And if Granas has a problem with that, you can tell heaven that your god will find no protection from me! Elena: Ryudo... Ryudo: (to the Villagers) And what about you people? Is this child a sinner? Both mother and child have lived among you! Do you truly wish to damn them both? Aira: Mother! **Sandra stumbles towards the group.** Sandra: Ah, Aira! But... that eye!? [gasp] You are a... Aira: ...A monster... You called me... a monster! Even my own Mother!! Elena: Aira! Please! Be calm! Your mother is just a little... shocked! Aira: Am I... am I a monster? NOOOOoooo! Let go of me!! Leave me alone, all of you! Leave me ALONE! **Aira vanishes, leaving Elena (who was hugging her) lying prone on the ground.** Selene: ... What has happened? You! If you had not interfered, Darkness would not still plague the land. This is on YOUR heads! **She motions to the knights.** Separate and search the area. Do not let the demon-child escape! **The knights march off** ...Ryudo, I believe. I shall not forget what you have done here today. **She walks off in a huff. (Bitch.)** Ryudo: Hey, Elena, snap out of it... HEY! **Elena transforms into Millenia.** Millenia: Oh drat! Ouch, ouch, ouch. That eyeball really let me have it. Sandra: What... what have I done to Aira? Millenia: Huh? Sandra: It is my fault... Everything is my fault. Millenia: What's the matter? Sandra: I thought somethng was wrong when she said she took Nicolas to the Garden of Dreams. It was there she discovered the ability to know what others were thinking and feeling. But not only is she able to do this, she can also see what others are doing and where they are. Even I grew afraid... ...I pitied Aira!... I wanted to do something for her! But how could I have known.. Valmar was listening to my prayers... Oh were did I go wrong? Roan: You have done no wrong... Any parent would have done the same. Mareg: There is no fault in caring for your own. It is Valmar who bears the onus of these events. Sandra: Please... kill her. Ryudo: ... Are you nuts? Sandra: She is beyond hope already... So please, kill her... before she causes anyone more grief... Ryudo: Don't be a FOOL! We weren't protecting her before just so we could kill her now. Do what you will , but I'm not planning on giving up anytime soon. I'll find a way to save her - with you, or without. Millenia: I know. How about we rip that EYE right out of her? Sound good? Ryudo: ... Millenia. Are you sure you can remove the Eye of Valmar from her? Millenia: Sure, I can! Of course, Aira's soul will shatter and fade. So it goes. Ryudo: Millenia! Dammit! There must be another way... Sandra: I am completely to blame for her suffering. If there is no way to save her, then please, put her out of her misery... Millenia: Yeah, yeah, that sounds lovely. You heard the lady - let's just finish this up and move on. Ryudo: You. I don't want to hear it. Of course, what should I expect from Valmar? Obviously not a concern for human life. Millenia: What!? But this doesn't concern us, Ryudo. The one who should do something is the girl's mother, right? And she's given up! End of story! Ryudo: ... Millenia: Look, I don't blame you, Ryudo. It's perfectly natural for people to want to run from reality. They just can't face life. But we don't have the time to run along after you. Stop chasing after your silly nonsense. There's no other way to do this. Ryudo: SHUT THE HELL UP! That little girl is suffering right now - scared and alone! You ever suffered alone, Millenia? All she ever wanted was to bring a little happiness into the world. Is THIS what she deserves?! You're her mother, but you want me to "put her out of her misery?" Ma'am, we do that to our pets, not our children! She wanted everyone to be happy. What the hell is wrong with that?! **Eyeballs start flying everywhere.** Millenia: Look, it's started. She's suffering... Sandra: ... Ryudo: Dammit!! We've wasted anough time! We've got to find her before Selene does. Let's try that Garden! **So it's back to-- ------------------------ **THE GARDEN OF DREAMS** ------------------------ --our heroes go. They find it empty.** Ryudo: If she's not here, then... where else do we look? Millenia: Uh-uh, she's here. Just wait a little. **She waves her hand to reveal a portal in the ground** C'mon, she's in there. Let's go, Ryudo. **Our heroes jump in and find themsleves standing before the seal of Granas in the-- ---------------------- **MYSTERIOUS FISSURE** ---------------------- --once again. There they find another mysterious portal.** Millenia: Look, here it is. Ryudo: Here...? What is this place? Where's Aira? Millenia: This is the entrance... into her soul. Ryudo: When did this get so metaphysical? Millenia: She's escaped within herself. Probably hugging her knees right now...Once we enter the world within her soul, we won't be able to get out until we... settle this. You ready? Ryuso: let's rock. Millenia: Right on! Time for a little soul-searching of our own! **They enter the portal. Aira's soul looks like something out of a bad LSD-induced hallucination. There's fog, ruins, flying whales, rivers of blood...the girl's got issues, obviously. Our heroes fight their way to the end of the level where they find themselves staring at a giant eyeball, which they walk into to find-- --------------------------- **AIRA'S ROOM OF SOLITUDE** --------------------------- Aira: Why don't you just leave me alone? I didn't do anything wrong... Why does everybody hate me? Ryudo: I know... Believe me, kid, I know... Come, we'll take you to your mother. Aira: You're lying. I know it. You're afraid of me too. The girl with wings... just wants to eat me! It must be a lie... even my mother asked you to kill me, right? Ryudo: ... You're wrong, kid. See... Aira: Argh... All of you, just go away!!! **Aira sinks into a giant eyeball. A monster appears . After a major battle, our heroes destroy it and get a Warp Knife, Gravity Egg, and some Demon's Tears. (woot!) They then find themselves back in the garden. Millenia moves over to where Aira is lying.** Ryudo: Millenia! What are you doing!? Millenia: Don't you know by now? I won. She's mine now! Ryudo: Stop! Where else do we look? There's a way to save the girl! We just have to find it! Millenia: I said there ISN'T one. Either I devour her, or she devours me. And I'm no one's dinner. Ryudo: Dammit! Millenia: Didn't we already go through this, Ryudo? She's only going to suffer. Nothing else we can do. Sandra: ... So this is the Garden of Dreams!? **Sandra walks in. She sees her daugher and rushes over to her.** Sandra: Aaah! I'm so sorry! I love you more than anyone. Aira: ...Mother? Sandra: I never thought you were a monster, even for a moment... Aira: Oh, I'm so glad. So you don't hate...me...right? Look... this is the Garden of Dreams you told me about, mother. Isn't it pretty? ... You, the girl with wings, please... take out the eye... Mother smiled, so I don't need this eye anymore...I understand everything now. Mareg: Millenia, do you know what you're doing? Roan: Miss Millenia... Sandra: Please! Leave her alone... Please! She... she!! Aira: Mother, don't worry... I have to get rid of this or I... might make more trouble for everyone. Mother, I love you so... **Millenia removes the eye. The Garden of Dreams disappears.** Roan: The fairies are... going back into the bodies of the villagers. Ryudo: If I was as able to save her as I was to shoot my mouth off... I'm sorry... Sandra: I wish to thank you. It was because of your words that I had the courage to come here. In the end, you saved her. Look, she's smiling, right? Ryudo:... Sandra: ... She was the light of my life. Now tell me, how can I make my life worth living again...? Millenia: Ha ha ha! Die. End it. Then everyone else's lives will be worth living. It's all your fault, anyway. 'Sides, why should we care? Ryudo: Millenia!? You bloody wretched little....! Sandra:... Millenia: Hmmmm... I see. Look ! Over there! **They see a single flower blooming nearby.** That flower is Aira's heart. It grows there 'cause it couldn't return to her body. Aira might come back if enough of those flowers bloom to fill this place. Though there's no way that'll happen. Sandra: Yes it will! I'll make it happen! I'll turn this whole place into a garden! Roam: Miss Millenia! So little Aira will come back!? Millenia: Maybe...**she walks off.** Ryudo: Wait up a second, Millenia. Those things you said to Sandra... Were your words meant to give her streng-- Millenia: Huh? I don't know what you're talking about. Ryudo: Don't play dumb. Then were you lying when you said that there's hope for Aira? You DID say that there was no way to save her. On numerous occasions. Millenia: Um, well... uh yeah... Oh, never mind that. I AM the Wings of Valmar, Ryudo. I could care less about the petty antics of these miserable little humans. Ryudo" Uh-huh. Listen, girlie, just so you know: you can't con a con artist. And if you're going to try, you'd best be better than me. Millenia: ... **Fade out. Fade back in. Everyone is back in-- ------------------ **MIRUMU VILLAGE** ------------------ --at Aira's house where Aira is lying on a bed in a coma.** Elena: I am so sorry, little Aira... I could do nothing for you... Roan: She'll be okay. I know it. A kind girl like little Aira cannot end up like this... Mareg: As the raven is born of its own, so does kindness beget kindness. There will be good even in this. Ryudo: ...Well, we should be going. Don't lose hope in Aira. We won't. Take care, and thank you for everything. Nicolas: Miss Sandra! **Nicolas comes running in.** Sandra: Well, Nicolas! You're awake! Nicolas: Yes, but I'm really hungry... Hey, where's Aira? Sandra: ... Aira's still sleeping. Sorry. Nicolas: Aw, and I wanted to come over and play... No fun! Elena: Nicolas... Nicolas: Yes, Miss? Elena: Be nice to little Aira, will you...? Nicolas: Huh? Of course. We're friends, after all! Ryudo: Come, let's go. Sandra: Thank you for all your help. Please take care... **Our heroes leave and head to the entrance of the village where they find Selene and her brute squad.** Ryudo: Well, well. Look what the slavish devotion to sanctimonious bloodshed dragged in. What brings you here - or did I just answer myself? **Selene walks over to them. She is even more of a bitch than usual (if that's possible.)** Selene: I shall put that mother and daughter before the Inquisition! Ryudo: Why? Haven't the people who fell ill recovered? Shouldn't you be diving back into your crypt and gnawing at bones by now? Elena: Ryudo is right, High Priestess Selene. The girl cannot see, nor can she hear. She is harmless. Please, just leave her alone. Selene: Hold your tongue, Songstress. Those tainted by Valmar must be dealt with accordingly. In the name of Granas, all that is evil and corruptible must be purified! Elena: ... Ryudo: Please STOP it with that word! Tell me, is it wrong for a mother to wish to heal her sick daughter? Is it "righteous" to string up a grieving mother!!? Selene: Ryudo... you do seem to WANT to protect them. Some would find your words to be heretical. You have no issue with this? Elena: High Priestess Selene, surely you would not...!? Ryudo: Fine, fine. I'm a heretic. I hate god. I hate your ridiculous outfits. I hate YOU. Call me whatever, but leave these two alone. Village Chief: Ah... High Priestess Selene, do not worry about us. Everything has been resolved. Let's not argue any more... Please... Please let us get back to our lives. We were suffering but that was no reason for our cruel treatment of Sandra and Aira. Please... forgive us. Villager: Please... forgive us, Priestess... Selene:... I remain reluctant, yet let it not be said that Granas is without mercy. So be it. However, Elena. You seem to be lacking in piety for a follower of Granas... for a Songstress. This I shall report to His Holiness Zera. **She walks off in a huff. The knights follow her. The villagers and our heroes are, no doubt, glad to see the ass end of them.** **Our heroes leave Mirumu Village and head to the-- ---------------------- **ST. HEIM MOUNTAINS** ---------------------- **They travel up the mountains and through a series of labyrinthine caverns. Upon entering one of the caverns, Ryudo stops in his tracks.** Ryudo: All right. We camp here tonight. **Fade out. Fade in on a dinner conversation.** Ryudo: All right! We'll make camp here. Elena: Just what happened in Mirumu Village? I wonder if our actions were correct. Roan: I cannot accept Selene's ways... But what else could be done? Could something else have been done? Mareg: None can find fault with Sandra. Her actions were those of a dutiful parent. Ryudo: No one could blame Aira for what she did... She was just doing what she thought was right. Elena: As a Sister of Granas, I wonder what I really should have done... Roan: I think we should be happy that the whole village was not burned down... Mareg: The village was most fortunate to have escaped destuction. Ryudo: If it weren't for Millenia, we'd still be back there, sorting through the mess. Hell, Selene might've put a torch to everything. Elena: ... Don't you see? Millenia is Valmar, right!? Does she not steal souls and do evil deeds? Roan: I still do not understand. IS she really the Wings of Valmar? Mareg: Millenia is but a child, yet unacquainted with the world. Ryudo: I'll give you that. She does seem sort of... dangerous somehow, I guess. Elena: What do you think Millenia did? Did she not deastroy Aira's soul? Was that the right thing to do? Roan: Miss Millenia, still a child...? You think so? I think of her as quite an adult... Mareg: I know not the nature of this Valmar. Even so, Millenia's SMELL differs from that of the damnable fiend, Melfice. Ryudo: I still don't know. I figure the incarnation of pure evil would be a little less...giggly, I suppose. Elena: The more I hear of Millenia, the more my disgust grows. Who - or what - is she? Just thinking of her presence... inside me... makes me ill at ease. Roan: Just who or what is Miss Millenia? I wonder... Mareg: We must ask ourselves, what is Millenia's purpose? What motives has she? But I speak of riddles... Ryudo: C'mon, we've yapped enough for tonight. **Fade out. Next day, they travel until they're halfway up the mountain.** Ryudo: We stay here tonight, people. Roan: Fine, I will go get some water. Mareg: A fine idea. I shall accompany you. It will make your burden lighter. Roan: No, I will be able to manage. Mareg: Then I shall keep you company. Come, let us go. **They run off.** Elena: You two - take care, all right? **Next scene - Ryudo and Elena are sitting next to the fire. Romantic piano music plays in the background.** Ryudo: We're almost there. If I'd have known this trip would take so long, I would've had Vyx pet-sit Skye here. Elena: I fear our trip would have been much shorter had you not been with us, Ryudo. It is only because of you that we have come so far. I have learned... many things, as well. Thank you for what you have done. Ryudo: Well...er... I'm, um, not the only one who should be thanked. I, um, did some things I normally wouldn't do 'cause of you... But it was worth it. I've never actually enjoyed doing a job before. Skye: And I've never seen the little punk actually work before, either! Ryudo: Shut your wormhole, Skye. Shouldn't you be pecking and scratching at the ground, anyway? Elena: When we come to the Cathedral and meet with His Holinbess, Pope Zera... do you think he will truly be able to exorcise Valmar? Ryudo: That, I don't know..... Look, this is a bit off-topic, but I've been meaning to ask: why are you so nice? Elena: Well, the souls of the people are weak, so I must help them. I must bring them the Light. If they are not strong, then the Dark One will seize upon their weaknesses.... as with me. Will His Holiness be able to save me...? Ryudo: There is always a way... We'll see him tomorrow. We'll know then. **Roan and Mareg return.** Ryudo: What took you so long? Dinner's ready. Mareg: The path we followed wrapped upon itsdelf as a many-coiled serpent, its course at once both circuitous and labyrinthine. Roan: Mister Mareg... is trying to say... Elena: Whatever are you two talking about? Mareg: We were lost. Come, let us eat. My claws are sheathed, my belly hollow. **Another dinner conversation (*sigh.*)** Ryudo: About time you showed up. How many people does it take to get water? And what the hell took you so long, anyway? Elena: What is with you two? I did not think it would take long to fetch water. Roan: Well, um, no... We just got a little lost. Right, Mister Mareg? Mareg: Roan... there is no need to dwell on such things. Elena: You two certainly took your time. I was worried that something happened. Ryudo: Just what were you two up to? Roan: We just got a little lost. Sorry to make you worry! Mareg: I see you have found yourselves. My heart is gladdened. Ryudo: And what do you mean by that? Elena: So we shall finally reach Granas Cathedral. We have come so far... Roan: Mister Mareg, you really do worry about the strangest things! It would have been fun to watch on the sly... Mareg: There are times when its best to allow the river to run its own course. You will discover the truth of this soon enough....In any event, our path draws near to the Cathedral. Ryudo: We've almost cleared the mountains... We'll be in the St. Heim Papal State soon. Roan: We are almost to the St. Heim Papal State. And to the Granas Cathedral, where people gather to say their prayers. I wonder, do prayers said long ago by people you nver knew still stay around... Even if no one still remembers them...? Mareg: Even a thought cast aside has the faculty to trouble and sway the mind. There is a danger in this, though the new supplants the old. Though the aged pine chokes the sapling of light, in due time, the sapling will rise... as it must. Ryudo: Do a man's dreams drift silently through the ages...? Ryudo: We'll speed things up a bit tomorrow. Let's get to bed. **Dinner conversation ends (FINALLY!!!!!!!)** **Fade in. Our heroes make it past the mountains and into East Silesia. They've FINALLY arrived at the-- ------------------------ **ST. HEIM PAPAL STATE** ------------------------ Elena:... We made it! We are finally here! Gate Guard: Before you lies the splendor of the St. Heim Papal State, dedicated in honor of the glory and majesty of our Great Lord Granas. Ryudo: Cute. This where the Cathedral is? Gate Guard: Yes, it is so. But what business have you at the Cathedral? Elena: I am a Sister in service of Lord Granas. My name is Elena. Father Carius of Carbo in the Black Forest instructed me to come and call upon His Holiness, Pope Zera. Gate Guard: Well, that must have been quite a journey. So you wish to meet His Holiness Zera? Elena: I must make a report regarding... the Ceremony of Sealing. Gate Guard: Well, then, let me lead you to the Cathedral. Elena: ... Um, well, I would rather not today... I shall go there directly tomorrow. Gate Guard: As you wish. I shall inform His HOliness. Ryudo: And so the mighty warriors come to the end of their lengthy, needlessly complicated journey! You did good, kid. Must be tired. Elena: Ryudo, what will you and the others do now? Ryudo: I'm still a little concerned about my brother, but I have no idea where he might be. Mareg: Fate has seen fit to bind brother to brother. I would stay on with you, for destiny's work is not yet complete. Roan: I would like to stay with you too. But I am also interested in the stories told by the Church of Granas, so I wouild like to stay here a while. Ryudo: Not a problem. Not like I have anywhere else to be. But Elena, you sure you don't want to take care of your business today? Elena: ... It IS an audience with His Holiness Zera, so I want to be neat before... I go. Ryudo: Okay. Let's spend the night here and rest our feet. Or, for some of us, our rat-stained claws. Roan: Yes, let's do! I am hungry as well! Elena: Yes, you are right... **They head for the inn, where they opt to spend the night. Another dinner conversation ensues. (Although in this case, the player doesn't get to choose in what order the characters speak.)** Elena: I wish to thank you all for everything you have done for me... Ryudo: Hey, you did your fair share, too! Roan: It has been quite a pleasure. And quite an adventure, as well. Mareg: Much remains to be done withal. The wise man still tends to the fire, though it burns brightly. Elena: Thank you so much... I just do not know how to thank you enough... my friends. Ryudo: It's my job. Don't mention it. **Elena gets up out of her chair in a huff.** Elena: Don't say that! Ryudo... **The door to the inn opens.** Priest: Excuse me... Miss Elena. Come to the Cathedral right now. His Holiness Zera is overjoyed by the news of your arrival. Elena: R-right now? I- in the middle of dinner? I am not yet ready. Can this not wait? Priest: We shall bring your things later. His Holiness Zera is looking forward to having dinner with you. Please do no make him wait... Elena: Ah, no, I must not do that...Everyone... Ryu- Ryudo. Ryudo: Don't spoil the moment, kid. By now, you know what to do. Good luck. Roan: Miss Elena, please take care... Mareg: Your kindness is indeed a rare treasure, Elena...**Elena walks to the door.** Elena: Thank you all for everything you have done... I will not forget you! **She exits.** Roan: Miss Elena... she's gone... Mareg: She is. And now, we turn to other matters. Skye: Well, our job here is finished. Ryudo: Yeah... the job's done, but I'm feeling...... a little sad about the whole thing...Go figure. **Fade out. Scene shifts to the Cathedral where Elena is meeting with an old man in outlandishly fancy robes and a big hat.** Old man: I can see it... the Day of Darkness is near. Valmar's moon too - its vile shadow is growing ever stronger... Valmar is certainly attempting to revive. You must understand this...Listen, Elena. Your mission is important, not just for you, but for the world. The Darkness must be resealed in... Doing this will require all your effort, the power of Lord Granas, and the Divine Sword, the Granasaber. You must find it, no matter what. Fail, and the world is doomed! Elena: I understand... Old man: You must succeed in order to remove the Darkness within you, as well. You must prevail... Elena: I understand. I will not let you down. **Fade out.** **Scene shifts back to the inn.** Ryudo: Never been one for goodbyes. Or hellos. Can't help but feel a bit sad when someone like her leaves... Roan: Yes, were Miss Elena with us, we would be able to see the inside of the Cathedral... Mareg: I presume it interests you. Roan: Yes, Miss Elena often spoke of the confrontation between Light and Darkness. But I don't quite understand... at all. Ryudo: Light. Darkness. Granas. Valmar. Can't tell them apart. Mareg: As well, I am not versed in matters of religion. Roan: So we might just find out something there... **The Priest enters again.** Priest: Mister Ryudo, I presume? Ryudo: What is this? I'm busy. Didn't your Church drill some manners into you? Or did it just dril through your head? Priest: ...I apologize for my rudeness, Ryudo. The Pope has called for you. Please come to the Cathedral right away. Ryudo: Look, I realize word of my amazing singing voice has spread everywhere, but I'm not interested. Priest: His Holiness Zera has a special request. Ah. Please bring your companions also. I beg my leave. Ryudo: The Pope has a "special request?" Sounds like the first line of a really bad joke. Roan: What kind of person is His Holiness Zera? I understand he is said to be "The Sage Who Will Save the World..." Ryudo: Which isn't nearly as impressive as "The Sage Who Will Save His Breath." This better be quick. **Our heroes head for the cathedral. It is big and shiny and filled with statuary. It is also impressive. Even Ryudo (who has no doubt seen everything) is impressed.** Ryudo: I'm... impressed. **Cut scene - A shot of the Cathedral and it's tall spire shooting into the air.** Mareg: Quite remarkable in its proportions. The thoughts of its architect twist and wind almost palpably through the sculpted stone. Roan: How beautiful! It must have taken forever to build! Gate Guard: You must be Mister Ryudo. His Holiness awaits in the Audience Chamber. Ryudo: (to Roan and Mareg) Stop gawking. Move it! **Our heroes enter the Cathedral lobby. The doorway to the Audience Chamber is guarded by a priest.** Priest: Mister Ryudo, please go inside. I am sorry, but your companions must wait outside. Ryudo: Didn't he say my friends could come? Priest: He has important things to discuss with you, so... Roan: Oh, it is alright. I don't mind. I can wait. Can I at least wait somewhere interesting? Priest: Ah, our library is most interesting! There you will find many important books about the doctrine of our Church. Roan: Mister Ryudo, can I talk to you really quick? There might be some interesting information at the library. I will check it out. Skye: Clever boy. More clever than other little boys I know. Priest: Um... So may I lead you two to the library? **You have the option to go or to not go. The game can only move forward if you choose to go...** Priest: Well, then, Mister Ryudo, please go in. You two, this way please... This way. **He leads them off.** Roan: Ryudo! We'll be waiting in the library! Ryudo: Yeah. I'll meet up with you later. **They go. The door to the Cathedral Audience Chamber opens.. Ryudo walks in to find himself standing in a large hall with stained glass windows, murals, and a very very shiny floor.**** Priest: The service is still in progress. Please be quiet... this way. **Panning shot of the Cathedral interior. Elena and some other Sisters are singing a pretty song. The old man from before is standing in the center of the room, upon a raised section of the floor. The old man, (if you haven't figured it out by now,) is Pope Zera.** Zera: Bring to this world Light, Peace, and Harmony. Father: Your Holiness Zera, please calm our anxious hearts. What can we do to rid the world of the terrifying Darkness? Zera: You must bolster your soul. If you leave no chink in the armor of your soul, then the Darkness will be forced to leave. High Priest: Please, save us from Valmar! Zera: You must not falter. We must not all give in to Darkness. I cannot save you. You must save yourselves. **He starts down the stairs to join the many supplicants waiting below.** Priest: Your Holiness Zera! Please, lend me your ear! **The room erupts into panicky muttering.** Zera: Quiet! We are here to bring peace to the world. How can one do so in a panic? Everyone please... calm down. **A shriveled old man with purple robes and a white mustache steps forward.** Oro: Yet, Your Highness, Zera, the recent rumors of the revival of Valmar are not going away. I have even heard reports that the rumors might be true. Right, High priestess Selene? At this rate, the Day of Darkness seems unavoidable! Zera: But, we must not strike fear into the hearts of the people we are trying to save. Doing so would surely go against the will of Lord Granas! What do you say, Cardinal Oro? Oro: Ohhhh... When the Day of Darkness comes, the world... will most definitely be destroyed! [sigh] I don't know what we can do... **Zera walks over to Selene.** Zera: Selene, do not misunderstand me. I am not saying that the action the Cathedral Knights took was wrong. But you went too far. You must not frighten the people away from Lord Granas. Selene: Yes, Your Holiness... Zera: You must all remain on guard... So that Darkness cannot take advantage of you. Please, everyone, back to your rooms. **Everyone scuttles off. Zera notices Ryudo standing by.** Zera: Ah, Mister Ryudo! Please, come... Ryudo: Nice speech. Zera: Please accept my apologies. I did not mean to make you wait. I am sorry for havng called upon you on such short notice, but my request is not an ordinary one. Please, to the next room... Ryudo: Elena... Elena: ... **She walks off. Zera follows her. Ryudo does too (although he has the option of exploring the Cathedral first.)** Zera: I thank you for what you've done on Elena's behalf. But now, I have a special request to make... Ryudo: Before we get to that, tell me - what about Elena? Will she be all right? Zera: Ah, you ask if the presence of Valmar can be driven from her. Sadly, I must tell you that is beyond even my power. However, if the Sword of Granas can be recovered, there may yet be hope for us all. This is why I have asked you here. Ryudo: Keep talking. Zera: I want you to find the Divine Sword, the Granasaber. The sword which slew the Dark One must be returned to us if the Light is to be restored to this world! Ryudo: You still haven't made an actual request, but I get the idea. Zera: Yes... Elena has told me much. Enough for me to know that you are the only one capable of contending with the Darkness. Naturally, this request must appear absurd to you. However, as your reward, we shall give you whatsoever you request. Ryudo: Hmmm... Suddenly, this conversation has become more interesting. Zera: ... However, when you depart, I wish for Elena to accompany you. Ryudo: Why bring her along? You sure you don't want to cast a few wards against Millen... er, Valmar... instead? Zera: Unfortunately, we can do nothing more for Elena now. We would be unable to protect her from Valmar even if she were to remain here. She will be safer with you, Mister Ryudo. Ryudo: You're right. Your request is absurd. Zera; The pieces of Valmar struggle for dominance, each attempting to devour the others in order that the Darkness will be restored. According to the prophecy, once the pieces unite, the Day of Darkness will come upon us, and all mankind will be destroyed. Ryudo: So what do we do? Sharpen a pointy stick? Zera: Lord Granas has yet to recover from battle. Thus, our world heads towards Darkness, lacking the guiding hand of Light. Were we to possess the Granassber, we would, at least, be able to bring back some of the Light of Lord Granas. Then can Elena be saved and our world protected from the advent of the Day of Darkness. Ryudo: Any idea where this sword might be? Zera: Unfortunately, our holy book says only that it "rests with the Legion of Darkness..." Ryudo: I'm sorry, that's not vague enough for me. Could you be a little less specific? Bah... I need some time to think it over. Zera: I will wait until tomorrow for your answer. I have prepared rooms for you, so please stay herre tonight. Ah, but I see that I have tired you. Rest and return tomorrow. But please, consider my offer... I hope you will accept it. **Ryudo leaves the room. Elena follows, anxious.** Ryudo: Elena, what's with you? Elena: Ryudo, do as he asks, please... Not for me, but for everyone... the world! **She runs back into the Pope's room. Ryudo enters the Cathedral Audience Chamber.** Oro: What could His Holiness be thinking of? At this rate... Ryudo: Cardinal Oro! Oro: Ryudo, I believe, was your name... Just what did His Holiness Zera tell you? Ryudo: Huh? He asked me to find some divine sword. Oro: I see. I question His Holiness' selection of his... emissaries. A task this great surely requires someone with more... experience. Ryudo: Careful with your words, aren't you, old man? I'd be as careful with my judgment were I you. Experience I have, patience I don't. Oro: Insolence! Listen well, stripling... it is best to abandon your search, for it is not for a churlish whelp to find the Granasaber. Ryudo: Tell you what I'll do. I'm going to ignore you. And then I'm going to leave. You just stay there. Staaaaaay. Staaaaay. Good boy. Oro: Mmmm, mmmm...Ashes! What could His Holiness Zera be thinking? That fool boy's insouciance will be our ruin when the Day of Darkness comes! Aaaahhh, whatever shall we do? **Ryudo has the option of exploring the Cathedral, but upon entering the Cathedral Library he finds Roan and Mareg seated at a table looking at some books.** Mareg: Hmm... This script is unfamiliar to me... Roan: Wow, this is really interesting. Oh! Mister Ryudo! What did he have to say? Ryudo: You mean when he was actually talking out of his mouth? Nothing that wasn't completely ridiculous. **Fade out. A short while later. Fade in.** Roan: So he wants you to find the Divine Sword in order to halt the Day of Darkness...? Mareg: A dubious undertaking: we walk unguided through shadows. Roan: The only clue is the words, "The Divine Sword rests with the Legion of Darkness..." Ryudo: You find anything else about that? Roan: No... Not in this place... Anyway, Mister Ryudo, you ought to read some of these books, too. They have lots of details about Valmar and Granas, the Battle of Good and Evil, the Day of Darkness, and even the Divine Sword. Mareg: Dinner awaits in the other room, and books do not spoil or grow cold without use... **The writing contained within the books is as follows: Holy Book of Granas - Book I: Know ye that long before the present age, man dwelled amidst the Light, and that Light was love, and man called the Light Granas. The earth was filled with exceeding bounty; honey and milk issued from its secret founts. Then Darkness also issued its seed. The souls of men were as vessels for the bane of Light, and man called the Darkness Valmar; the Tempter, Devourer of Souls. And there were those who named the Darkness god, and glutted in desire and lust, thence blotting the Light from their eyes. And they were not satisfied that the Light should anoint the earth, so that those who sided with Light moved to oppose them. Their war was a fire consuming the earth, and the skies hung thick with fat and bone. This man called The Battle of Good and Evil. Ryudo: A little different than what I'm used to hearing. Roan: This is the version that Elena and the other followers of Granas read, so it is not the same as the simplifed account. Ryudo: There's a little more detail in this one... Holy Book of Granas - Book II Misery joined in equal ruin for six days and seven nights, and on the seventh day Darkness and Light sought a reckoning. The hand of Light gripped its blade, great and terrible; and the cloak of Darkness was as its shield. Thus were they armed for war. True struck the blade of Light, and the Darkness was cleaved and was not. Then did the blade pierce even the earth. The seas boiled and were scabrous, and long the land wept. Even so was the earth riven, and its wound man named the Granacliffs. Then did the Light move to seal those parts of Darkness that yet remained, for in its fall it did not remain whole. Those who had named the darkness god were in like fashion named The People of Darkness and they did hide their faces from heaven. Content in its work, the Light blessed the earth, and all was made well. And then, wounded, the Light fell in a heavy slumber. "The Light will burn in our hearts and will not expire." This men swore, for the God of Light shall return to claim the earth. And the sword of Light, called the Divine Sword, came to rest with the legion of Darkness in remembrance of their betrayal. And there was peace. Roan: The People of Darkness... Ryudo: Something wrong, kid? You're pale. Roan: Uh, nothing. Nothing at all... Ryudo: You sure about that? Holy Book of Granas - Book III Yet after this, a new moon was hung in the heavens, its face gazing balefully downward upon the earth. It was an ill omen, swollen heavily with foreboding and dread, and it was said that Darkness yet had power. And again the souls of men were sifted and tried by the Darkness as it sought to bring about the day of its return. This man called the Day of Darkness, for the Light will depart and the dead shall rise to the throne of judgment. Know ye that this is the Last Judgment, when all will be weighed and found lacking, and all brought to ruin. The works of man will be brought low; the Darkness will set at naught all man's labors in preparation for its terrible rebirth. Know, my brethren, that Valmar is yet at the door. Gird yourselves with Light, for our purpose is one: this must not come to pass. Mareg: Hmm. The moon's creation in particular interests me, for I have not before heard the tale told as such. Ryudo: What do your people say about it? Mareg: We do not ponder the making of each grain of sand. They have ever been so, as the setting of the sun... and the rising of the moon. Ryudo: What about Granas and Valmar - you think they had something to do with it? Mareg: My eyes did not see them do so. Let others believe as they wish to, but I know not the truth behind this. Holy Annals of the Ages of the Gods - Chapter 1 - Golden Dawn Age Neither Darkness nor Light split the heavens, but suffering, pain. The groaning of the earth. The wailing of men, huddled and fearing the storm's wrath, the violence of nature. Living in blindness. Tooth and steel gnashing the air; lives spent in desperation. Turning in the gyre; an endless throb of misery. And then an uneasy sleep. Life slipping, passing without note, the names of the dead unused, unremembered. Ryudo: Great. Now I'm depressed AND bored. Maybe it gets better. Holy Annals of the Ages of the Gods - Chapter 2 - Silvery White Light Age The Light descended then, and chaos was bound; the rivers of blood were dammed. Their eyes were opened; this the Light did. No longer did man war with his brother. This was paradise. The Light of Peace is GRanas, the god whose praises we sing. Yet there were those who hated the Light, who turned their eyes from its measureless love; The Light fell upon their backs, casting long shadows on the earth. Darkness was birthed. Ryudo: Valmar, apparently. Roan: Yes, these are the Holy Annals of the Ages of the Gods. They describe the battle between Granas and Valmar. Ryudo: In an annoyingly roundabout fashion. Roan: The Holy Book of Granas is said to have been based on this text. There is more... let us keep reading. Holy Annals of the Ages of the Gods - Chapter 3 - Red Twilight Age Those who followed Light warred against those called Demons, who likewise named them Gaolers. For six days and nights the earth was torn and turned to coals. Then came the seventh day: The Light drew its sword, great and terrible; Darkness drew its cloak about its face. And a day and night were fire and lightning, until each had run the other through. The sword of Light pierced the earth, raising the boiling sea, sinking the bursting land. Thus did the Darkness fall in seven pieces, sealed by the followers of Light. Into the depth of earth. Then did a new moon rise. Fear struck those who followed Light; Still they await the rerturn of Darkness, still the People of Darkness conceal Themselves in the earth and still the Divine Sword rests with the Legion of Darkness. Ryudo: I can't read this anymore. It's boring, it's stupid, and it's badly written. And what the hell is a Gaoler? Mareg: One who would imprison another. An interesting choice of words to describe those who followed Granas... Ryudo: I don't understand how you can read this stuff, kid. Rioan: Well, I have liked reading these books ever since I was little. Holy Annals of the Ages of the Gods - Chapter 4 - Black Midnight Age The time of judgment has come. Sins once forgotten return to sink the soul, for The Day of Darkness has come at last; the Light is swallowed by growing shadow. And demons boil up from the earth. Those who remain moan in dread with their last breaths, For the dead rise from the grave, bringing judgement to the world with brimstone and flame. Now is the time to beg for deliverance; do not allow Darkness into your soul. Darkness is ruin and destruction, and the judgment of the wicked eternal. Ryudo: And there's our Day of Darkness. Roan: It is so. Ryudo: This what everyone's afraid of? Dead people? Roan: Yes... Ryudo: Look, even if the dead came back somehow, how hard could it be to kill them again? They didn't do so well the last time around. Roan: But if that really did happen, it would be terrible. Ryudo: Not going to happen. **Ryudo & Co. leave the library and head for the guestroom next door. There, they meet up with a priest.** Ryudo: I heard that dinner's ready. Priest: It will be ready very soon. Please wait a little while. **He leaves. Fade out. Scene shifts to a room in the Cathedral where Oro is standing next to a door, cloaked in shadow** Oro: What good is it to chase after fancy now that the threat of Darkness is upon us? No one has even found the Divine Sword... How can he be so nonchalant about matters of such weight? I must consult my auguries for some means of holding back the Darkness! **He waves his hand above a crystal table, only to have it turn black.** Oro: This is... an evil sign... The Day of Darkness draws near! Wha-? This light! **He looks out the window and sees Millenia - with black wings - jumping off a spire. She crashes in through a window.** Oro: Ahhhhh! Th- the Wings of Valmar! Valmar, here in the Cathedral! Someone! Someone come, QUICKLY! **Meanwhile, our heroes are busy stuffing themselves.** Mareg: Truly, bread is the body's life as the earth is to all that spring from it; so also a fine bread is loam for the soul. Roan: Well, this bread IS delicious. Mr. Ryudo, are you going to eat? Ryudo: Roan, Mareg... I'm going to look for that damned sword. Roan: I thought you would say that. Mareg: This sword interests me, for I have not before heard of its like. Ryudo: You two coming along? Mareg: It was evermore my intent. Roan: Please let me come along too! Ryudo: I could use your help. I appreciate it. Roan: If it is as His Holiness Zera says, this has meaning for me too... Ryudo: What do you mean? Roan: Well, you see... **A Cathedral Guard comes in.** Ryudo: Dammit, not again! We're EATING. Guard: Please excuse me. I am told that Valmar has taken human form and entered the Cathedral! Have you seen any suspicious persons? Roan: Huh? No, no one has been here. Guard: Please excuse the interruption. I must go! Ryudo: Must be Millenia. What the hell is she thinking? **Our heroes rush out and search the cathedral. They reach the Cathedral Balcony where they see Millenia standing on a pedestal bathed in the light of the red moon.** Ryudo: [sigh] Millenia... **The sound of singing fills the room. Millenia stares at the window, absorbed in thought. Then she turns around.** Millenia: So, you're gonna look for the Granasaber... right, Ryudo? Ryudo: ...You! What the hell are you doing here?! You're practically standing on the Dinner Plate of Granas! Millenia: Oh, like I care. If Granas ever wakes up, the big god can smack me stupid - long as I get to follow you around again... Ryudo... Ryudo: Er... I don't think you've thought this through. See, when we find the sword, we're going to use it to stab evil people. Millenia: Oh, you! You're concerned about me? No one has ever been such a... gentleman to me before! Just do what you think is best. Ryudo: I don't think you understand what I'm saying here, Millenia... Millenia: Don't worry about me. I know what I want, and we're running out of time... **Fade out** **Fade back in. Our heroes are back in the Guestroom Chamber. They then return to the Audience chamber where Zera and Elena are waiting for them.** Zera: Well, Mister Ryudo. Have you made up your mind? Ryudo: One question. When we get the Granasaber, will it belong to you... er, the Church? And how will it be used? Zera: The sole purpose of the sword is to strike down Valmar. As such, it belongs to none, for this great hope Granas has given to all. Ryudo: I'll take your word for it. *Dramatic Pause* Time to rock. We'll find the Granasaber. But not for the sake of Granas or the Church. Elena: Ryudo! Ryudo: Look, I'm sick of all the suffering in the world. If Granas won't do anything about it, then SOMEONE has to. Zera: Well, well, Mister Ryudo! Elena, you should leave now as well. Your soul brims with Light. Be strong in your mission, and do not yield your heart. Elena: ...Yes, Your Holiness Zera. Farewell. Zera: Lord Granas spoke to me last night. I am permitted to tell you this: Ryudo must face the past should he desire the Divine Sword. You should remember this. Ah, you should also take this along. It is sure to be useful. **He presents Elena with the Book of Priests.** Zera: Elena, take care, and remember well our words. Elena: Your Holiness... **Zera walks off.** Elena: Ryudo, thank you for accepting this request... Ryudo: I wasn't going to let a dainty little princess mince and prance about without her faithful and obedient bodyguard. Elena: Oh, Ryudo, you... Roan: Miss Elena, we're together again! Mareg: Our paths are as one. It is good. Elena: Thank you, everyone! Ryudo: C'mon, let's get moving. **They exit the Cathedral.** Ryudo: Never thought we'd travel together again. I'm counting on you, Elena. Okay? Elena: I feel the same way, Ryudo! Roan, Mareg! And Skye, too! I'm counting on all of you! This time, it might be more difficult for us. Mareg: Difficult times are indeed upon us; welcome is the comfort of friends in this hour. Roan: That's right. Travelling would not be fun at all without you, Miss Elena. Ryudo: But where to travel to? The Divine Sword is held by the "Legion of Darkness." We can't just knock on their door, grab it, and run. Mareg: I am not familiar with this "Divine Sword." Elena: I remember... in the holy book containing a passage... "the People of Darkness continue to hide deep in the bowels of the earth." Is it a metaphor, or is there more substance in it? Perhaps it is with these people we shall find the Legion of Darkness. Roan: Perhaps, if we visit the Kingdom of Cyrum where I lived, we might learn the meaning of these words... Ryudo: Got a lead? Roan: No. I - I just thought we might learn something useful. Mareg: What other knowledge have we which would intimate a course of action? Ryudo: Something about confronting my past. Which probably means - Mareg: Melfice. Surely it could be none but he! Ryudo: Melfice... A long time it has been, brother. Elena: Now, now, you two... Anyway, the Kingdom of Cyrum... What is it like? Roan: Well, climate is warm and there is lots of water... Very good country... Ryudo: We don't need a weather report, kid. We need to find some leads. And we might as well start in the Kingdom of Cyrum. Roan: The Kingdom of Cyrum lies to the east of the St. Heim Mountains. Come on, let's go! **Our heroes head down the Pilgrims Road to the Raul Hills. After running around a bit and defeating some Dragonoids, they hop a boat, cross a river and find themselves in East Silesia. And then from there it's a quick hop to-- ----------------- **CYRUM KINGDOM** ----------------- **A happy bustling port town. With palm trees. Just like Southern California, only slightly less garish.** Elena: My, this town is busting with activity! Mareg: The fruit of prosperity is in abundance. Roan: This peaceful scenery is just a facade. When the time comes, its true, ugly form is sure to show itself. ----Yep, it's just like Southern California, alright---- Roan: We, the people of Cyrum, are known as "The Descendants of the People of Darkness." Ryudo: So is the Granasaber in this country? What do you mean by "descendants of the People of Darkness"? Not like everyone's hunched over, rubbing their hands and muttering curses. You're saying that you're one of these "People?" Roan: Yes, most probably have no memory of the People of Darkness. ...But only my people can never forget... That is why I left to learn about the confrontation between Light and Darkness... Come, let's get a room first. Tomorrow we can start searching for the meaning of Zera's words! **Our heroes rush into the inn.** Inn Master: Boy, am I having a good time. Oh, guests! You want to spend the night? Sorry, but I can't put you up tonight. What with the festival and all... Roan: Festival...? Inn Master: ...Hmm, I've seen you somewhere... Oh my! Aren't you the pri--!? Roan: Huh, who are you talking about? You seem to be enjoying yourself. What is happening at the festival? Inn Master: Oh, the day after tomorrow, the King himself will be holding a festival commemmorating the founding of the country. I hear the King will be making an important announcement. All boys in the Kingdom are to meet at the castle. Maybe they found some treasure underneath the castle and they're gonna show it off. Roan: How odd. Something is afoot... Excuse me, sir. Can you please put my friends up for the night? Inn Master: We don't have much, so... You all can stay for free. Roan: Mister Ryudo, I must first go home. Please, spend the night here. I shall return tomorrow. **He leaves.** Ryudo: Okay, take care...then. What's with him? He doesn't want us to see his home? Or tent, or whatever. Mareg: There is nothing to be done; allow the cub his privacy, for if we would be so thoughtless as to follow-- Elena: His family would be awfully surprised to see our strange party. Ryudo: Right. We'll take it easy for him, then. **Fade out. Fade in on Dinner Time** Ryudo: I guess we have some free time. Let's check out the town. Mareg: The town bustles with color; surely there are some amongst the many who have traveled here who know of the Divine Sword. Inn Master: So, you guys are looking for something, eh? Why not go to the bazaar they're holding in the Castle Square? Lots of people come there from all around. Elena: Lots of people from all around... Oh! I would love to go there. Ryudo: Might be just what we need. Mareg: Fables and legends hide truths which may yet be of use to us. I would hear these people's words. Inn Master: Ah, yes. At the back of the square you'll find someone named Hemble. He might just know something. but he's a difficult... man to deal with. He won't talk to you if he doesn't like you. Elena: Difficult...? What sort of person does he like? Inn Master: ... Miss, just how strong is this young man here? Elena: Well, Ryudo is very strong. I trust him completely. Inn Master: Okay, then listen: when you go see Hemble, make sure he knows what a wonderful couple you are. Elena: A... wonderful couple?! Inn Master: Like I said, he's strange, but he'll be sure to talk to you. I tell you, buddy - you're a hell of a lucky guy to have a lovely girl like her. Shouldn't be too hard to play kissy-poo. Elena: M-m-m-me!? No, no,no. He's working for me! I am a Sister of Granas! Inn Master: Ah, did I say something wrong? Hee-hee... Ryudo: I note with some dismay that she's still unable to tell when people are messing with her. **Fade out.** **Next scene. Elena is sitting alone on her bed. Romantic piano music fills the room.** Elena: What am I doing? Why am I so... hmph. Such silly words... It's Ryudo's fault! He did not deny it immediately! O Lord Granas. Please forgive my shameful behavior. He does not see... I am a Sister of the Church! Ryudo... Yes! Ryudo is just a hired hand... He should know better... ...! ... I might as well go to sleep... **She puts out the light and settles down.** ***FLASHHHH!!!*** Millenia appears! Millenia: What IS this woman doing? Ha! I know! Eh, heh heh heh... **She wanders over to the mirror. Fade out.** **Fade in on a scene in the basement of the Castle, where the King of Cyrum is speaking to a subordinate.** King: ...Hmm, I see. So we can no longer hide it from the people. Consul: I believe Your Highness' speech tomorrow will bring everyone to their senses. King: And, what about that man? **That man--a strange, armored figure with long blue hair-- is standing a few feet away.** King: Oh, so you were here. Figure: Your Highness, does something worry you? King: I wanted to thank you. My people's wishes will finally come true. The Prince's medal is no longer necessary! Figure: Exactly. Now, all the fears of the People of Darkness have disappeared. You may rest assured. Heh heh heh.**Fade out** **Next day. Elena is lying in her bed** Ryudo: HEY! Elena! Wake up! Out of bed! Didn't you say you want to go to the bazaar? Elena:... Oh, NO... Ryudo, I'm coming... **She gets out of bed and goes over to the mirror** Elena: Ugh, look at that face... What's this!? **There is writing on the mirror** "Elena, I know you like Ryudo! Let him know it!" Elena: !!! Ryudo: C'mon, get up! Hey, PRINCESS! Hey, SISTER!? Elena: I- I'm coming right now! **She goes downstairs.** Elena: Morning... Ryudo: What's wrong? You alright? Well, I guess we go to the back of the bazaar, right? Inn Master: That's right. The bazaar is held in the Castle Square. Take care! Ryudo: C'mon, let's go. Mareg: A moment... Ryudo: What's up, Mareg? Mareg: As I understand it, more than two a couple does not make. It would be rather... odd were I to accompany you. I shall make my way to the harbor while you conduct your affairs. **He leaves.** Elena: Wa-wait, Mareg.... Don't leave me alone with... Ryudo. Ryudo: Yeah, someone should check out the docks. C'mon, what's wrong, Elena? We going or not? Elena: Uh, yes. I suppose. **Our heroes head for the bazaar where they can visit around if they wish, and where they eventually meet up with a strange-looking sailor standing in front of a tent.** Ryudo: You Mister Hemble? Know anything about a Divine Sowrd? Hemble: I don't talk to no one without a proper introduction. Ryudo: Look, we should do what that guy at the inn said and act like a corny, schmaltzy couple. You know, hold hands and giggle and stuff. Elena: I-I-I-I can't do that! I am a servant of Lord Granas! I cannot do such things! Ryudo: Because Granas wouldn't like it, or because you're a lousy actor? C'mon, the POPE is asking you here - we need to find the sword. Elena: Y-y-y-yes, you're right. It- it IS for the sake of people, oh well... OK. Ryudo: Mister Hemble. Got a question for you. Hemble: Oh so you two really are a couple? Ryudo: Sure. We're smiling. We're holding hands. Why the hell else would we be so damned near each other? Hemble: Ha ha. I like it. So what do you want to hear about? Come into the tent. **You follow him into the-- ---------------------------------- **CYRUM KINGDOM INFORMATION TENT** ---------------------------------- --Inside you see a bunch of stuff in crates, some flowery carpet some exercise equipment and...a dress hanging on a rack? Yikes.** Hemble: Say, you! Elena: M-me? Hemble: So what do you see in this guy!? Obviously, you don't know how to pick a MAN. You have SUCH bad taste! Elena: Ryudo, he... Ryudo: Careful, Elena... Hemble: He may be somewhat good looking, but why would you pick a BOY who would lose to someone as... marvelous as me? Weak men are worthless. I, on the other hand... Ryudo: I don't have time for this. If you want me to put a foot up your mouth, then just come out and say it! Hemble: tsk, tsk. And what a temper! I can't believe you'd hang around with a boy like THIS! He's no good for you. No good at all. Elena: Ryudo would not lose to you, you... PIG! Hemble: Is that so, my dear? Well then, we will have to find out, now won't we? The game is arm wrestling. Your strength against mine. And to make it interesting, if I win, I keep your parrot. Elena: Ryudo, you can't lose to this jerk! Ryudo: Not planning on it. **Ryudo engages in a pointless bout of arm wrestling with the Sailor Dude. Pointless because if he's losing, Elena distracts Hemble and our hero wins anyway...** Hemble: Try harder, little man. Your parrot will soon be mine! Elena: Mister Hemble, your uh... nose hairs are sticking out. Hemble: Ach! This cannot be! My mirror! Where is my mirror? **He freaks. Ryudo wins the match.** Elena: Oh, I am sorry. It was not your nose hair at all. Hemble: Horrible! Horrible! And I was going to teach the parrot to tell me how wonderfully magnificent I am! Ryudo: Just tell us about the Divine Sword. Hemble: Huh? I don't know anything about it... Ryudo: Now he tells us. This was a complete waste of time. Elena: What could we have been thinking...? **Fade. Our heroes walk out of the tent.** Elena: Ah hah hah. You were blushing like mad in there. Ryudo: Shaddup, princess. At least I wasn't enjoying it. Bet your Church would just LOVE to hear about you, though. Elena: Ahem. I must have been mistaken. Ah, but he was just so funny! **They approach a park bench.** Elena: Ryudo, I think I am having too much fun. **She sits down.** I'm tired... hee hee. Ryudo: I saw a drink stand back there. I'll go get us something to drink. **He runs off to the juice stand. After deciding on his choice of juice, (momentous decision, yes...) he returns to the park bench to find Millenia standing in front of it. Millenia: Ryudo! Ryudo: Mi- Millenia? **She runs over to him. He harumphs. **Not again. Stop popping up like that! Millenia: Aw, gee. It's just that you and Elena are getting along so well. I just can' t stand being left out! All eyes on me! Yoooooohooo! Ryudo: Millenia... Stop it. Millenia: Ah, is that juice? I want some! Goooh, gimme, gimme! Ryudo: I told you to stop embarassing me in public. Let go of me! Millenia: Oh, can't we just be together once in a while... Say, Ryudo... Ryudo: Eh? What's up with you, today? You feeling okay? Millenia: Let me come along, won't you...? Just for a teensy-weensy, little bit... Ryudo: Fine... I guess it'd be okay... **They run around the bazaar doing various fun things until they come upon a tent with dancers in front of it.** Millenia: Hey, what are they doing over there? Ryudo: Hey! Where are you going, Millenia? Millenia: I think I'm living like a human. I've never heard a song like this, Ryudo. It's so... so... what's the opposite of chaotic? **She leans on Ryudo.** Ryudo: Hey... Millenia: Let's stay like this a while, okay? **The song ends. Millenia leans over to talk to the little goat-boy who was dancing to the tune.** Millenia: I really enjoyed your song. And your dance too. Son of MAU: Everybody knows this song. When I sing, people cheer up. That's how I make people happy, Miss - with music! Millenia: It was very nice. **Roan and Mareg come running up, spoiling the romantic mood.** Mareg: What is the purpose of Millenia's presence here? Is there something amiss? Ryudo: Oh, no. I completely forgot to get information... See, there was, like, a big crowd... Roan: That is not the problem! Right now there is trouble in the castle! Quickly! we must go there! Ryudo: How do we get in? Roan: Don't worry. We can take the waterway around and get into the castle from the rear gate. Ryudo: Doesn't sound too difficult. Roan: I do not want to be seen. Please, hurry. The boat is over here! **They walk onto a nearby bridge where they see a boat peeking out from behind a building.** Roan: Mister Ryudo! That's it. That boat. Please hurry! **Our heroes rush over to the boat and hop on.** Ryudo: What's the trouble at the castle about? Roan: The royal family here has a dangerous secret that could spell disaster... Ryudo: Hey, hey. Just who are you, Roan? Roan: That Gate must not be opened... ever! **After a leisurely boat ride, our heroes vanish into a tunnel and enter the castle courtyard.** --------------------------- **CYRUM CASTLE - BACKYARD** --------------------------- **Once out of the boat, our heroes approach two of the castle guards.** Paulk: Prince Roan, you must hurry! Menory is waiting! **He opens a trapdoor in the ground.** Ryudo: Prince? Roan: I will explain later! This is where we get into the castle. Gate Guard: Prince Roan, these corridors have not been used for a while. Monsters have taken them over. Roan: Do not worry. I have my friends with me. Paulk: Please take care of the Prince! The entire country is relying on you! Ryudo: Entire country...!? -------------------------------- **CYRUM CASTLE, SECRET PASSAGE** -------------------------------- **Our heroes descend into the depths of the castle waterways. They come across another Carro, but it's just as useless here as it was back in the Minotaur's Cave so they move on. After pushing blocks, fighting enemies, collecting treasure, pulling switches, climbing ladders, and opening secret doors, (whew) they find themselves at the-- -------------------------------- **CYRUM CASTLE DOWNSTAIRS HALL** -------------------------------- --It is just a slight jot down the hall to the-- ----------------------------------------- **CYRUM CASTLE - ROOM OF DEMON SEALING** ----------------------------------------- Roan: Menory! Is the Gate of Darkness safe? **Menory's this old robed guy who sits in a rotating chair guarding a gate all day. Bet that's a boring job.** Menory: Ah, Prince Roan! You have come back safe... Thankfully, the Gate has not yet been opened. Yet I feel a strong power behind it. Roan: I see... Thank you, Menory, for doing a good job of guarding the Gate of Darkness while I was away. Oh, my friends, let me introduce Menory the Demon-Sealer... Menory: Prince Roan, I am honored by your words. Guarding the Gate of Darkness is the role of my people... Ryudo: Now what exactly IS that door...? **Pan to a mysterious nearby door with garish decorations on it.** Roan: Ah yes, this is the "Gate of Darkness," more proof of our heritage as the "People of Darkness." It is said that it will open when the People of Darkness have regained their pride. The power of Darkness is said to lie on the other side of the Gate. It is also said that it may trigger a great disaster... or even war. Menory: Prince Roan, if I may interrupt... the other day, His Royal Highness had words of praise for me. But that is not all...Astonishingly, His Highness said that... soon there will be no more need for me to guard the Gate of Darkness! Roan: WHAT!? So father also knows that the Gate of Darkness will open... How odd... but I still have the key. Ryudo: What key? Roan: This is it. Menory: Yes, the medal that the Prince took with him when he left the kingdom. It is the key to this Gate. Ryudo: Go figure. I thought it was a necklace to go with your tiara. Er... back when we first helped you find it, of course. Huh. So it's real. Roan: Yes, this medal is the precious key that my family has guarded for generations. It is also a memento of my late mother. This medal is passed down to the one who will inherit the throne. He must decide if the Gate is to be opened. And yet... What does father intend to do with this Gate? Millenia: There's only two things you can really do to a gate. Open or close it. Maybe you should ask your father about this. Ryudo: ... I agree. Where is the King? Menory: His Highness must be in his office on the top floor. Roan: Come, we must determine my father's intent! **So our heroes head back to the hallway, up the stairs and through the main castle, which is filled with waterfalls and sickeningly cheerful harpsichord music. Our heroes then head for the audience chamber, then to the king's office, where they see the King (a sickly old man) seated in a chair.** Roan: Father! Is it true that you will open the Gate of Darkness? King: Yes, but I see you are late, Roan. We have been given audience, and now we shall move to regain our lost pride! Roan: What are you saying!? Are you saying we can regain our pride once the Gate is opened and the Day of Darkness has come? But we do not know what disaster may result! We do not have to be bound by history! We do not HAVE to be "The People of Darkness!" King: Easy, my son. The messenger spoke of hope beyond that Gate. Hope for our people. And now that the Day of Darkness draws near, it is a time not for words, but action! Roan: How idiotic! I will never give over the key! My medal! King: Hmm, I note that you act not with dignity, as befits royalty. But no matter. Your medal is no longer needed. The preparations are already made. The time to open the Gate of Darkness has come. No one can stop us. Prepare yourself! **He scuttles out a nearby door.** Roan: Father... Mother would have never wished for this to happen... Ryudo: Just what is about to happen?! Who - or what - are the People of Darkness? Roan: Let me tell you why we are called "People of Darkness!" **He walks over to a nearby banner hanging on a stand.** This is the coat of arms of this country. **He rips is off, revealing another, more sinister-looking banner underneath.** Millenia: That's Valmar's crest... Roan: The People of Darkness are those who fought with Valmar against Granas long ago... Yet no one worships Valmar now. This is an old scar from the distant past... long ago. Ryudo: Which means the "messenger" must have been Valmar... **KA-BOOM** Mareg: The earth moves and trembles... There is trouble below! Roan: The Gate! The Gate of Darkness... opened!? It cannot be. The medal is right here! Ryudo: Dammit, we need to be downstairs! Move! **And move they do, back to the Room of Sealing, where they find--** Roan: The demon-sealing... Gate has... **--Been opened. Menory is lying on the ground. The door lies in ruins.** Ryudo: You all right? Menory: Pride... that man... power to lead Darkness... his Highness has been fooled. That Bringer of Ruin must not be free... Roan: ... Menory. **Mareg sniffs the air.** Mareg: Grrrr! Ryudo: What is it? Mareg: ... That SMELL! Ryudo: Is it Valmar? Is Valmar sealed inside? Mareg: No, it is... ROOOOARRRRRR! I've found him at last! Ruin-Bringer! Demon-Man! I have found him, and with my teeth I shall tear his throat! Ryudo: Melfice!? Millenia: Yes. One of my kind is definitely near. Ryudo: Could it really be Melfice...? **Our heroes pass through the door into the--** ---------------------- **UNDERGOUND PLANT 1** ---------------------- **It is a strange place, with bright green, living walls, and big, electric whirring gears.** Roan: So this was inside the Gate of Darkness all long... Ryudo: This isn't right... Looks like we're inside a machine. Not the kind of place you'd expect to find the Granasaber... I'm not getting that Divine Sword feeling. Mareg: Grrrrrrrr... Roan: The center must be much further in... Ryudo: We don't have much time. Whatever this "disaster" is, we're going to have to take it apart now before it's too late! **Our heroes make their way through the machinery until they reach--** ---------------------- **UNDERGOUND PLANT 2** ---------------------- **--which looks a maze made out of pipes and corrugated metal. They go through it till they eventually reach-- ---------------------- **UNDERGOUND PLANT 3** ---------------------- **More icky green living-walls stuff. Finally they take an elevator to the-- ---------------------------------- **UNDERGROUND PLANT CONTROL ROOM** ---------------------------------- Ryudo: What's this thing? Roan: Looks to me like some kind of factory. THIS is the power of Darkness? How ridiculous... Ryudo: Keep it together, kid. Start looking around. **They approach a large platform and hear an electrical alarm.** Roan: Look... Look, Ryudo. That... thing! **That thing is a fastly-approaching humanoid with claws on its back.** Humanoid: Warning. Intruder alert. May interefere in Automata production. Eliminate threat immediately. Ryudo: Well, THAT sure as hell isn't my brother. Mareg: Its SMELL is that of the one who brought destruction to my village. Of this, I am certain. Millenia: Whatever it is, it's possessed by the Claws of Valmar! And its getting closer! Humanoid: Intruder detected in Automata plant. Enable protocol: "ELIMINATE THREAT." Exterminate! Exterminate! **It transforms into a monster. A sort of scorpion-looking monster. The party defeats it to get a Mana Insignia and a Book of Gales. Millenia absorbs the power of the Claw and all that's left is a feminine-looking android lying on the floor.** Ryudo: This is... no human... Roan: An Automata. Soldiers created to fight in The Battle of Good and Evil... Ryudo: Mareg. You said the smell was that of Melfice. Mareg: I am certain of the SMELL. However, I must allow that the one that appears before us is not Melfice. Millenia: The Claws of Valmar... Aha! It must have been controlled by another Piece of Valmar... nearby. Mareg: Then, we indeed close in on our quarry. Melfice is undoubtedly afoot. Roan: It was this... This is what my people have been proptecting and suffering over for so long! I thought that we had sealed this up because it was too terrifying to see our horrible past, our old scars... And it was just a mechanical plant for producing tools of destruction! We were... just gatekeepers! Ryudo: Roan... Roan: How could we have been chained by THIS! **He starts smacking the machinery.** Our Kingdom has no need for this! Ryudo: Roan! That's enough!! It's alright... **The console goes haywire (good one, Roan,) and the plant starts to self-destruct.** Ryudo: Uh-oh. Time to scram! Hey what're you doing? Leave the doll - we need to get the hell out of here! Mareg: This one is but a victim as was I, and I would not leave it behind. **He picks up the android.** **Next scene - back in the Room of Sealing. The female android is lying on a slab of rock and our heroes are standing around her. The voice actors kick in, telling us that this 'droid girl is probably going to be a major character...** Ryudo: Hey, what are you gonna do with her? Mareg: She, too is a victim of Valmar... Millenia: She really does look like a doll... Ryudo: Hey! She moved!! Tio: ...The light... is so... bright... **She stands up and looks around. Mareg rubs her head in a rather patronizing fashion.** Mareg: There is no more danger... There is nothing left to bind you. Tio: What should I do? Mareg: I no longer sense the will to fight... Roan: Don't worry. She is just a puppet. Without commands, she can do nothing. I, too was a puppet, bound by the commands of tradition... Without ever questioning them... Just what had I been doing? Ryudo: Roan! There's no time to lament. We have to figure out the cause of this catastrophe! Roan: You're right. I must question father about why he built such a ridiculous factory! Ryudo: Exactly. Come on, let's go, Mareg. **Our heroes start to file out, leaving Tio behind.** Tio: Please... give me... commands. Mareg: You are now free. Ryudo: From now on, you can do whatever you want. Tio: Free? I do not understand..."Free..." **Our heroes head back up to the King's office.** Roan: Father! Father!! **From behind the nearby door they can hear voices.** King: Just what are you going to do!? Figure: ... King: You cannot--ugh! **thud** Mareg: Next door! Quickly! **They rush through the door to find themselves in a room with an elaborate mosaic on the floor, and with a weird man with long blue hair and spiked armor standing with his back to them. The ominous music filling the air (and the re-emergence of the voice actors) tell us that a major battle scene is probably coming up.** **Oh, and the weird man is Melfice, if you haven't figured it out by now...** Melfice: He he he he he... Mareg: Demon-man Melfice! I have finally found you! Ryudo: WAIT! Mareg! Melfice? Brother, is that really you? Just what's going on here? Melfice: How nostalgic. The long-lost brothers meet at last! What's wrong? Looking for someone to hold your hand? Miss your older brother? Or were you looking for him? **He points his sword towards the King, who is lying on the ground not far away.** Roan: Father! Millenia: It's no use. By now he's fully under Valmar's control. Mareg: Demon-man Melfice! How I have waited for this day! Prepare to DIE! Melfice: Wah ha ha ha! To those in my way I grant a fabulous death! Come, receive my cold blade! **The battle begins. Our heroes promptly get their collective asses whupped and handed to them in a pretty box with a large red bow. Melfice performs his ultimate finishing technique on Ryudo and is about to kill him when a chakram lands in the ground in front of him. It was thrown by Tio, who comes running up.** Melfice: Hmph. You foolish automata, interfering... Hah, my brother! Why do you oppose me? Why do you not simply lay down and die? What is left for you now? Do you STILL believe those stupid pipe dreams? Ryudo: Pipe dreams!? B-But you're my brother! How could you crush my dreams...and everyone's ideals? Melfice: Despair is the only true joy! Anything you do is completely useless. Everything is pure fantasy. Fools... I once felt the same... before my rebirth... Ryudo: You are no longer my brother! Melfice: Hah ha! Our hopes and dreams were cursed from the start! Let me show you. Yes. At that star-crossed place back home! **He breaks through a nearby window and runs off.** Ryudo: How could that... be Melfice? Millenia: Damn, he got away with the Horns. At least I snagged the Claws from him. Tio: Master, are you alright? Mareg: Oh, there you are. You saved me. I must thank you. Tio: What... should I do? Mareg: You yourself must decide what to do. With your powers, you can live well. It is up to you... **Fade back to the King's office where the King is sitting slumped in his chair looking sicklier than ever. Our heroes are standing around him and Millenia has turned back into Elena.** King: We shall regain our pride... We shall. Roan: Are we the People of Darkness after all? We fought on the side of Darkness long ago. But how long must we bear that burden...? We... Just why must we...be the People of Darkness... Elena: Roan... Ryudo: Kid, snap out of it! Don't get soft on me. Not here, not now. Mareg: The sudden lapse of intestinal fortitude ill suits you. Perhaps my memory is faulty, but I recall a lad cut from stronger cloth. Roan: ...! Ryudo: You are who you choose to be, Roan. Your ancestors are dead, and unless you want to join them right now, you'll let the past be. Didn't you learn anything about the world when you were away from your kingdom? Roan: You are right... I have... seen the world outside. I have been thinking long and hard about the meaning of the People of Darkness and the "Gate of Darkness." But... I see now that they are nothing more than names that keep us bound to things left forgotten. They are meaningless. Elena: ... Roan: We must all think for ourselves... I have had it with blindly following tradition- that is not a life!! Mareg: Then what would you do? Choose carefully your course. Ryudo: Come on, kid. Spit it out! You know the answer! Roan: Friends, I want to change this kingdom so that it will no longer be bound to mistaken tradition. I will take a stand. I will dispose of the lies and misconceptions, the false beliefs and empty ideas! We will have our lives! Ryudo: Nicely put, Roan. Roan: I shall remain in the kingdom. My travels end here...**Fade** **Next scene, the castle courtyard. Roan, now regally dressed, is addressing his people from a balcony.** Roan: My beloved countrymen. Our country has been without a flag for a long time. It has also been a long time since the people knew the true reason for this. We do have a flag. Yet, no one wanted it to be seen. It has been said secretly that our country hid the Gate of Darkness. Behind it was said to be sealed a terrible Legion of Darkness. That Gate has finally been opened. However, the power was nothing more than a factory that makes meaningless robots. Robots to be used as weapons. Those seeking the power of Darkness have already been driven away. The factory beyond the Gate of Darkness has been destroyed. Why was such a thing in this country? It is because we are the descendants of those who made Valmar their leader. And god. **The people in the crowd start to mutter:** Why this all of a sudden...? How could such a thing be? Your Highness, what should we do? Roan: However we are people, not the pawns nor the tools of Valmar! Now, Valmar is trying to revive. Yet, what Valmar wants is not people, but only pawns - dolls to do with as he wishes! We once hid in shame, and that kept us from dreaming of a better future. A future we could work towards, together. But our past shall control us no longer, as we work with this new sense of pride to achieve our goals! I shall now raise the flag again so that we do not forget the mistakes of our ancestors. **Fanfare. Valmar's flag is raised upon the roof.** Roan: Under this flag, let us search out and find a new way!! **Ryudo peeks down from the roof. Obviously, it was him who raised the flag.** Ryudo: He's pretty impressive. I could never do a thing like that. Is it proper for a Sister of Granas to be involved with these people? Elena: Its alright. This is something that I must do. Up until now, I simply feared Darkness and did not attempt to understand it... Now I know. We must see the world for what it is. **Fade out. Fade back in on the Castle Courtyard where our heroes (sans Roan, who's decided to stay and rule his kingdom) are standing. They head through the castle and out the front gate.** Roan: Mister Ryuuuudo! **Roan comes running after them.** Roan: Will you go to the island of Garlan after all? Mareg: Though Melfice is of the same blood as Ryudo, I must spill it nonetheless. Ryudo: My fate is to face my brother. I... cannot avoid it. Roan: So, we must bid each other farewell. I apologize for not telling you of my heritage before. Ryudo: Don't worry about it. Elena: Yes, there is no need for apologies. You are still the Roan that we know - except you are a king now! Roan:...Thank you very much. A ship is ready for you at the harbor... Are you sure you do not need soldiers? Ryudo: Have I ever needed them? Take care of yourself, kid. And good luck. See you, Roan! Good luck. Roan: I shall miss you... Ryudo: Lollipop Lane, Your HIGHNESS. Dry your eyes before your loyal subjects start to get ideas. Mareg: Truly, a king must guard his tears, for those he leads would turn them to other purposes. Remain ever steadfast. Roan: ...Yes, you are right. I shall work hard for my people! Farewell... my friends! **He goes back into the castle. Our remaining heroes head to the harbor. No sooner have they reached the Town Square when they see Tio standing there looking dejected.** Mareg: What is the matter? I have said that you are to be free. Tio: What do you mean by free? Ryudo: It means you can do whatever you want. Er... anything good, anyway. Plant a tree, kiss a baby... whatever. Tio: So what should I do? Ryudo: Fly a kite! Build a birdhouse! I don't know! Mareg, what're we going to do with her? Mareg: If you know not what to do, then the most prudent path would be to join with our number. Ryudo: Huh? Mareg: She is lost in this world and knows not her soul, for it has been forgotten. Elena: Forgotten her soul? Does an Automata even have one in the first place? Mareg: In due course, this will be made known. She will accompany us until then, for likely her soul would not be found should she not. Ryudo: Well, she's not a puppet anymore. Mareg: And what of your desires? Would you join with our company? Tio: Yes. Mareg: Hmm. What is your name? Tio: My unit ID name is "Tio." Mareg: Well, then, Tio. Welcome! Tio: ...Yes, Master. **Tio joins. (Yaaay!) And so our party heads to--** ----------------------- **CYRUM KINGDOM, PORT** ----------------------- **where they bump into--** Risotto: Wow. Da boy is king now. Who'da thunk it? Ryudo: Uh, yeah. He snuck the whole royalty thing right by all of us as well, so don't feel too stupid, big guy... Risotto: Being da king must be fun. You get to fill your belly with kingly food and best of all you got no boss yelling at you. Carappaccio: Heh heh heh... 'Scuze me. I just thought of something good. A little scheme involving that kid, Roan! We'll be a four-man troupe, working to help the young new king. This'll make us more popular than ever! Ryudo: Was that "help the young new king" or "EXPLOIT the young new king...?" Hmm? **The conversation ends. There's no sign of anyone else from that group, so it's off our heroes head to the port where a strange ship is docked.** Capt. Bakala: The new king told me about you. I be Bakala, captain of this ship. I'll be taking you to the island of Garlan. But, it's a long trip over the Granacliffs. Once we leave port, we cannot return. Understand this. So, my ship here be ready when you are. We can shove off any time you wish! **They wish.** Capt. Bakala: All right. This will only be a moment. Elena: This boat... has numbers on its hull. Ryudo: Hull. Maybe it's number 50 of 50 ships. Or maybe that's its registration number. Capt. Bakala: Huh? I see you wonder about the numbers. They be the name of the ship. She be called the 50/50. Ryudo: Must be a cultural thing. **The door opens.** Capt. Bakala: Everyone aboard! **Its time to shove off. The ship leaves the harbor.** **Cutscene. The ship gliding majestically through the water. Then we fade to yet ANOTHER dinner conversation. (Yes! I never get tired of these, do you?** Elena: Ryudo, where is the island of Garlan? Ryudpo: It's north of the Camille Sea, just across the Granacliffs. Elena: The Granacliffs? What are they like in the sea? Ryuido: Sea splits in half and pours down into them. No one knows what's at the bottom half. Hell of a lot of water, presumably. Elena: So how do we cross? Ryudo: Ask the captain. Bakala seems to think he knows what he's doing. Capt. Bakala: She doesn't look like much, but she's got it where it counts. Trust me! Mareg: I am unfamiliar with this mechanism and I would inquire as to its purpose, for it consumes much of my day. **He's standing on a pump, pumping a lever up and down. Tio is standing next to him.** Capt. Bakala: That thing gets us across the Granacliffs. If you tire, let someone else take over. We must keep it up for five days! Elena & Ryudo: Huh!? **Ryudo can move freely around the cabin now. He walks over to Tio.** Ryudo: Tio... Remember anything about when Melfice put the Claws of Valmar in you? Tio: I seem to have followed his voice. I have no other memories. It is like I have just woken up. Otherwise, my functions are normal. Ryudo: Any idea why he put the Claws in you? Tio: I was ordered to protect the facility; to oversee production of Automata. And then to destroy the outside world. He said," I do not have enough POWER! I may not be able to use the Divine Sword, so these Claws shall have to suffice." Mareg: Melfice has knowledge of the Granasaber. Interesting. Tio: That is all the information I currently have. Ryudo: It appears that Zera's prophecies are reliable. So... Melfice knew all along.... The idol isn't the Divine Sword... Elena: What do you mean by "idol,", Ryudo? Ryudo: Nothing. Forget it. Mareg: His dissatisfaction with his own power grows even as his hunger for destruction. Like a ravenous wolf, he will turn to his cunning. Tio: I was just following orders. Have I done something wrong? Mareg: The blame lies not with you, but with he who used you as a pawn. Elena: How much destructive power was contained in that plant? Just thinking about it frightens me. Ryudo: Enough to make my brother believe he could take out Cyrum... and more. **Fade out. Fade in. Elena is lying on her bunk. Ryudo enters the room.** Ryudo: Elena, you OK? Elena: I am sorry, Ryudo. I did not know ships rocked and pitched so much... Ryudo: I'll go talk to the Captain and see if we can't stop somewhere. **He goes up the stiars and onto the deck where he meets with Capt Bakala.** Capt. Bakala: Again there be not enough weind to cross the Granacliffs! Ryudo: Look, Elena can't take any more of this! Can't we stop this damn thing somewhere? Capt. Bakala: Hmm... guess there be no other choice. Ceceile Reef should be around here. We'll bring her in there. **Fade out** **The ship weighs anchor on Ceceile Reef, a rather desolate patch of rock in the middle of nowhere. Our heroes disembark.** Ryudo: Elena, you'll be OK now. We're on land. Elena: Urp... I am sorry. I still feel queasy... Ryudo: Captain, I think it's in everyone's best interest if we let her settle her stomach a bit. Capt. Bakala: Okay, but stay close. We'll want to leave right away if the wind picks up. Ryudo: Alright. We'll rest here. Tonight, you won't have to worry about your bed slipping out from under you. Elena: Yes, that will be nice. **They explore the island until they run into some giant spheres.** Ryudo: These stones are strangely polished... Think they're pearls? Mareg: I SMELL not the sea upon them... Elena: Please... enough about stones and smells. Let me rest... Ryudo: OK, OK, we may have stumbled acroiss something important, but the princess needs her beauty sleep. **More running around. More weird pearl-like things are spotted everywhere. Our heroes come upon a wide clearing.** Ryudo: This should do for tonight. Let's camp here! **Next scene. Everyone's sitting around a campfire.** Ryudo: Elena! For the love of--! I didn't know you could pack away so much food! Did you even chew it on the way down?! Elena: I feel much better without all that rocking. Being on the boat made me feel rather ill.... Ryudo? What does your family do back in your hometown? Ryudo: Me... I don't even know the meaning of the word "family" now... Tio: What is this "family?" I do not understand... Mareg: Family are the ones you share your life with. Like us, this motley bunch, we are like family now. Ryudo: My parents died when I was little. I don't even remember them. Me and my brother Melfice were raised by the village chief... Elena: I am sorry, Ryudo... I did not mean to trouble you... Tio: Ryudo... he will fight against "family?" But does he not live with his family? I do not understand... Mareg: ...Ryudo? You plan to strike down your only remaining kin? Melfice pursues nothing... save destruction. If we do not stop him, he is bound to use his power elsewhere. Ryudo: Melfice though, he's no longer my brother. he's not even human anymore... He's just Valmar's pawn! That much I already know... whatever. Let's just get some sleep already. **A short while later...** Ryudo: Hey, where's Elena? Skye, you seen her? Skye: Yeah, saw her go back there. Ryudo: Great. Probably feeding the fish like a mother bird - eh, Skye? Skie: I don't think so, smart guy. Anyway, I've been meaning to ask you... Ryudo: Yeah, what? Skye: Who do you like better, Elena or Millenia? Ryudo: Oh bloody hell, Skye - what kind of a question is that?! This is a JOB, remember? I can't stand either one of them! **He wanders off and then sees Elena sitting by the surf, looking out towards the ocean.** Ryudo: Elena, is something wrong? Are you feeling sick again? Elena: No, I was just watching the sea... But then I saw THAT thing... **She is referring to the reflection of the Moon of Valmar in the water.** Ryudo: Valmar's Moon, huh? Elena: It's like it's always staring at us. I hate it... That moon, it haunts me... Seeing it pains my heart. Ryudo: Say, Elena! Want me to make it vanish? Elena: Huh? **Ryudo picks up a rock and tosses it into the sea, disrupting the moon's reflection.** Elena: Ah! Ryudo: Heh heh. How about that? **Romantic piano music starts to play.** Elena: Hee-hee. Thanks. Such a small gesture made me feel so much better...I wish that moon would disappear forever... Ryudo: Me too. It always disappears, but comes right back. Elena: You know what? The world is so beautiful, wide and peaceful after all. I used to think everyone was terrified of Valmar and isolated by the Granacliffs and suffering so terribly. I really didn't know ANYTHING about the world. Ryudo: Just realizing you were naive is half the battle, Elena. I guess I can't call you naive. Elena: Right now... I want to forget everything. My mission to save the world. Valmar. Myself as a Sister of Granas. Tomorrow, well... Right now I want to forget a little... Ryudo: Elena... You really do work incredibly hard! Elena: Huh? Ryudo: You're misunderstood. Even though you work so hard. I've never looked at the world the way you do... I've only wanted to forget, to erase my... horrible past... Elena: You mean... Melfice? Ryudo: I thought I would have been happier to forget it all... But it didn't turn out like that. I couldn't escape from my painful past. Elena: I- I'm sorry. I didn't see you for who you are, Ryudo. I never noticed your pain... I'm sorry. I was terribly naive after all... Ryudo: But seeing you work so hard has changed me. Elena: Huh? Ryudo: Yeah. Think about it. I thought it was so obvious. If it weren't for this journey with you, I may have never realized it. It was you... thanks, Elena. Elena: Ryudo, it is I who should thank you. With you, I can be so honest. I can be so strong of heart. I am glad I met you... Ryudo: Elena... Elena: I love this wonderful world! I love everyone who lives in it and works hard to make it better!! Thank you for cheering me up, Ryudo. Now I can work even harder! Ryudo: Uh, um... Ha ha! Now that's the Elena I know! Tomorrow we cross the Granacliffs! **Fade out.** Elena: Ryudo! Wake up! Something's wrong! Ryudo: ...What? What?! I'm up! ...Cripes, what's making that racket? What the hell IS that sound? **It is the sound of giant red lobster thingies advancing on our heroes' camp.** Ryudo: Those THINGS? Where the hell did they come from!? Mareg: Those were not stones we saw yesterday, but rather, eggs... Elena: RUN, everyone, run! Tio: But, we cannot go back. Mareg: The tide has come in... Ryudo: Dammit, they're coming right at us! **Our heroes fight and defeat them.** Ryudo: No way back until low tide. If the wind picks up and we're not there... Dammit! Start looking for another way back! **Our heroes rush around the island eventually reaching...** ------------------ **CECEILE REEF 1** ------------------ **Where they battle a few more lobsters and toads and hop around from rock to rock until they reach-- ------------------ **CECEILE REEF 2** ------------------ **At the end of which, they find themselves facing two giant scorpion-like Crimson Tails. Our heroes defeat them. For their trouble, they receive a Soul Egg.** ----------------------- **CECEILE REEF, POINT** ----------------------- **Finally they reach the other end of the island where Capt Bakala is waiting for them.** Capt. Bakala: You made it back just in time! The wind be blowing just right now! Ryudo: I could give a damn about the wind-- why the HELL didn't you tell us about the killer eggs?! Capt. Bakala: Killer whats? Was your breakfast messing with you, lad? Arr, you look no worse for the wear. Ryudo:... This is coming out of your tip. Capt. Bakala: Now, be fair, lad. I've never put ashore here myself, and we wouldn't be here now if it weren't for your young lady there... In any case, prepare to shove off! **Our heroes enter the boat and it leaves the island.** Capt. Bakala: With this wind, we be bound for success. Ryudo: Maybe you should clue the rest of us in here, Captain. What the hell are you talking about? Capt. Bakala: Some days there be a strong updraft from the Granacliffs. That's what we got now. We spread the ships sails to catch the updrafts, and we glide across the Granacliffs like a wee little fairy. Elena: But if we do not make it across... Capt: Bakala: That's why I made you work so hard. It was an air pump. We release the compressed air and fly! **He opens an air tank and heads for the cabin.** Capt. Bakala: Don't just stand there! You'll get knocked off! Ryudo: Who's going to steer this deathtrap? Capt. Bakala: You've got barnacles for brains, lad? Think what happens when this ship flies! We get to the other side ...and BLAMMO! It's sink or swim. That's why she's called the 50/50! Ryudo and Elena: !!! **Our heroes hastily enter the cabin. The ship rockets through the water, almost falls, but lands on the other side safely. Sometime later, Ryudo is sitting on the deck of the ship alone.** Ryudo: Home. Elena: Ryudo, is something the matter? How long before we arrive at Garlan? What is wrong with you, Ryudo? You do not seem pleased to see your home again. Ryudo: If I weren't looking for the Divine Sword I'd never go home... Elena: Ryudo? Ryudo: ... I don't even want to go home to that miserable place... Elena: Wh-why is that? It is your hometown! Ryudo:... The village was created to protect an idol. They worshipped it, built it a shrine... Elena: Idol...? Ryudo: To protect the idol, we train as swordsmen, aiming to purify our souls and resist evil. That was the idea anyway...Until... My brother... messed everything up... Elena: What exactly... **Skye flies by, startling her.** Elena: EEK! What is it, Skye!? Skye: Ryudo! There! I see it! Ryudo: Yeah, I see it too, Skye. Well, Elena, there it is - Garlan. **The ship arrives and our heroes disembark. Capt. Bakala sees them off.** Elena: Thank you very much. I think I have finally become used to sea travel. This time, I did not even mind the rolling... and swaying... Urp. Anyway, I never even imagined that we could FLY across the Granacliffs! Mareg: Truly, a most remarkable idea. Capt. Bakala: Aye, the odds were against us, but we made it! Now the ship be needing repairs aplenty. Ryudo: Captain Bakala, thanks again. Capt. Bakala: Don't mention it. I'll be in port awhile. When you be done with your business, we're all yours. **Ryudo takes a good long, panning-camera look at his hometown.** Ryudo: Nothing's changed. Everything's just as I... remember it... Elena: What a quiet village! It seems so terribly sad. Ryudop: Been like that for a while. Passing Villager: HEY! It's... RYUDO! What the hell is that slimeball doing back here?! **He runs off** Tio: I see you are hated here, Ryudo. Elena: Tio! That is a terrible thing to say!! but... Ryudo... what is going on? Ryudo:... **They head up the steps to see a welcoming committee. Of sorts.** Villager #1: GET OUT!! Villager #2: YEAH! Thats right! Beat it!! Gatta: Well, if it isn't the outcast himself! Why're you here, Ryudo? You know you're not wanted! You don't belong here! Village Chief: I wish I could welcome you home, Ryudo. But the scars of the past are still too fresh and have yet to heal. Ryudo. You are no longer welcome here. We desire to forget what happened here - we desire to forget of you and your brother. Now, leave. Leave this village. Ryudo:... Melfice is here. I can feel it. Random Villager: Me-Melfice... Where? Gatta: Haven't you two brought us enough misfortune? Ryudo: Don't bother. I'm leaving as soon as I've finished my business here. Village Chief: Very well. Then leave the village in peace. but I must beseech you - bring no more misery upon us. Gatta: Step one inch out of line and you'll pay! You and your good-for-nothing brother! Elena: How horrible! None of this could be Ryudo's fault! It was Melfice who caused all the trouble here... right? Ryudo: Save it, Elena. We do what we came here to do, and we leave. **The villagers scuttle off.** Elena: Ryudo, why do they treat you in such a manner? Ryudo: Beats me. Elena: but this is your home! What could have possibly happened here that would make everyone treat you like an outcast?! Ryudo: Not worth repeating. Stop prying. Mareg: Have you any suspicions as to where your brother may be? Ryudo? Ryudo: My old house. We begin there. **Ryudo's house is a dilapidated structure with boards covering the front door.** Ryudo: This was my... our house. Elena: Ryudo... Mareg: There are other places to take the hunt. Meet with us at the inn. Come, Tio. **He and Tio walk off** Ryudo: My brother was always better with the blade than anything else... He would have been a great sword master... Elena: How did he come, then, to be possessed by Valmar...? Ryudo: You don't understand... Melfice did it to himself! Everything! He- He- Aagh! To the inn... Mareg waits, and Melfice will be found soon enough. Gatta: RYUDO!! **Elena and Ryudo look to see a rough-looking, red-haired man standing close to them.** Gatta: You really think you can kill Melfice? Your own brother? Ryudo: I have no brother. Melfice is a demon. And I will kill him. Gatta: You ran before - how do you expect to deal with him now, especially if he's a "demon?" No. - I'll do it! I'll kill him myself! Ryudo: **drawing his sword** I'll be sure to inform the chief of your bravado. Elena: Stop it, Ryudo! Gatta: HAIYAAAAHHHH!! **He rushes Ryudo, who disarms him. Gatta falls to his knees.** Gatta: DAMMIT! If you hadn't run away... If you'd only fought with me back then, everything would be different... Ryudo: Perhaps... But this is the now. And you have no hope of defeating Melfice. And...... even if you could, it would not unbend a single blade of grass in this cursed town. **He walks off. Elena kneels beside Gatta.** Elena: Sir... Gatta: He's right, you know. This village has been beaten, shamed... Just the mention of Melfice's name is enough to make us cower in defeat. When the village's greatest swordsman became possessed, we lost not only our Sword of Justice, but the ideals it stood for... "Village of Swordsmen," bah!! Elena: Justice is something that cannot be stolen. It exists in your heart. Ideals can never be lost if you believe in them. Gatta: Bah! What the hell do you know? Go. Ryudo waits. **Elena runs back to Ryudo and they head for the inn, where they opt to stay for the night.** Inn Master: So you want to stay? You damned pariah. **Mareg and Tio enter.** Ryudo: Ah... Mareg, how did it go? Mareg: The scent of Melfice hangs heavy in the air. He is in this village - of this I am certain. Inn Master: MELFICE! Y-you brought Melfice HERE? Elena: Ryudo has nothing to do with Melfice being here. Why must you persecute him? What has he done? Inn Master: ... This village is doomed, I fear... Our destruction is at hand... Elena: Why do you say this? Ryudo: Elena... forget about it... Mareg: I do not understand. These are a warrior people, bound to the blade. Why then do they permit another to trample them underfoot as so many stones along a path? Ryudo: Mareg... their wounds do not pierce their flesh, but rather their hearts... Inn Master: I'll let you stay tonight. But you better leave in the morning... **Fade out. Fade in. Elena is standing alone in her room.** Elena: I wonder what happened to Ryudo here? Is this really where he grew up? **Cut to outside the building, where Skye is flying. He lands in a tree just outside Elena's window.** Skye: Miss, do you really want to know what happened to Ryudo? Elena: Who are you!? **She obviously can't recognize Skye's voice.** Skye: It does not matter. Do not look outside. Look and I will leave. One more thing. Do not repeat this to anyone... Understand? Elena: All right. Just tell me... What happened? **It's Backstory Time. As Skye is narrating, a flashback starts to play.** Skye: Known as the Village of Swordsmen, this is where men came to polish their skills and pursue the Way of the Sword. Melfice and Ryudo were raised by the Village Chief, after they lost their parents when they were young. The two began combat training, and soon showed incredible progress. Melfice in particular, became the greatest swordsman the village had ever seen. **Cut to a scene where a younger Ryudo and Gatta are swordfighting.** Gatta: Here we go, Ryudo! UHNGH! **He swings his sword.** Ryudo: Ha! Not even close! Skye: Ryudo spent all day, every day practicing with his best friend Gatta. Melfice was admired for being the strongest swordsman in the village. Eventually, Melfice became engaged to the village Chief's daughter, Reena. The good-natured Reena was already like a sister to Ryudo... **Shot of Ryudo and Melfice standing near the ocean, drawing their swords and taking an oath.** Melfice: Like this Sword without a cloud... Ryudo: Like this blade, pure and true... Both: We shall become swordsmen, strong of heart! Skye: Then, one day, a terrible storm beset the village. From the Altar of the Idol came an unusual rumbling. The "idol" was a sword of such terrible power that it could only be wielded by the most powerful swordsman in the world. The sword was believed to protect the village from harm. Reena went to the Altar, to quiet the angry Idol. The villagers waited for Reena to return safely, but hope as they might, the strange rumblings did not cease... **Reena enters a cave.** Reena: NOO... Eeeeeeeeek! Skye: No one knew what happened to Reena. Thus began a terrible tragedy...When Reena did not come back, the Village Chief sent Melfice and a few other villagers to investigate. Yet the storm and rumblings only grew worse... **All Hell breaks loose on the mountain. Spikes jut violently out of the land.** Skye: Ryudo silently trailed Melfice... and witnessed... **Ryudo reaches the foot of the mountain where he sees some dead bodies and rocks strewn about.** Ryudo: Meeeeelfice! Reeeeena!! **Lightning flashes. He looks up to see Melfice standing on a ruin, with his sword stuck through Reena's body.** Ryudo: Melfice...! Melfice: Wah hah hah! **The ruin collapses.** Ryudo: Uh, AAAaah! **Next day. Ryudo and the villagers are surveying the carnage. --And Reena's dead body.** Ryudo: It can't be... Nooo... Why... Melfice... HOW COULD YOU...! Skye: Ryudo wept at the side of the dead Reena. Her body lay as it were, impaled upon the sword of Melfice... The villagers searched the island, but found neither hide nor hair of Melfice... "Murderer"... "Idol-Thief." This is how Melfice was now known...... Because of his brother, Ryudo could no longer live in the village. So, he came to live as a Geohound. That was about three years ago... Elena: So, up until now, Ryudo has lived bearing his own sorrow like that... Skye: Betrayed by the brother he trusted most, he became leery of ever trusting anyone again. Elena: It must have been hard. Being driven into exile... Living all alone...The poor thing... Skye: Your understanding that will make it all much easier on him. **Elena hears a rustle. Skye flies off. Fade out.** **Fade in. Ryudo wakes up alone in his room.** Ryudo: That's it. Grail Mountain... **Fadeout. Fade back in. Ryudo walks into the lobby where his friends are waiting for him.** Ryudo: We're going to Grail Mountain. Melfice has got to be there... Mareg: Then let us move with the silence and certainty of day passing to dusk. Inn Master: You goin' to Grail Mountain? It's become so ugly that no one goes there anymore. Ryudo: We'll go to the place where the Horns of Valmar are sealed. And then we'll settle this. **Our heroes head out the back of the village to the cemetery (where Ryudo can swear a few oaths over a few graves.) Then our heroes head out of a nearby gate to--** ------------------------- **GRAIL MOUNTAIN ROAD 1** ------------------------- Elena: How horrible... what is all this? **The mountain looks like a toxic waste dumping ground. Hence, Elena's question.** Ryudo: A sign, and a warning. From the Horns of Val... no... Melfice. Mareg: My village was left as such... I fear what may happen should Melfice find what he seeks, for there is murder in his purpose. Melfice must NOT have control of that power. We MUST stop him! Gatta: Ryudo! Ryudo: What are you doing here, Gatta? Gatta: Ryudo, this was on the door of your old house. **He hands over a note.** Ryudo: "Wait at the Plateau of Memories . - Melfice!" Gatta: Melfice must be stopped, Ryudo. You must do this for me - you must kill him. We're all in danger while he still lives. He's spread his madness for far too long! And... you're the only one who can defeat him... **He runs off. Our heroes continue up the mountain, fighting scorpions and other monsters and wandering through mire and rivers of toxic waste until they eventually reach GRAIL MOUNTAIN ROAD 2, and travel still further on to--** -------------------------------- **GRAIL MOUNTAIN SHRINE SQUARE** -------------------------------- --where they stop before the entrance to a large stone shrine.** Ryudo: Never thought I'd see this place again... The place where... ...my nightmares began... Let's do this quickly... **They enter the -- ------------------------- **GRAIL MOUNTAIN SHRINE** ------------------------- **It is a quiet cave interior with steps that lead down into it. Our heroes walk down these steps till they come upon a hole in the wall.** Ryudo: Here is where it began,... **They climb through the hole only to find--** Elena: THIS! A Seal of Lord GRanas... Ryudo: There's still much I don't understand... The only thing I do know......is that Melfice wanted the power of Valmar so desperately, he killed Reena to get it. Elena: I cannot believe that someone would murder a loved one for power... **With nothing more to do here, they leave the shrine and wander around outside only to find--** Melfice: Dwelling upon fond remembrance, brother? Ryudo: No words... No escape... for you. Melfice: Ah, Ryudo. As always, a sad, little boy with little to say. I know you too well; I know your every weakness. Come, brother... Ryudo: WAIT! **Melfice tuns off. Ryudo and the gang follow him to--** ------------------------- **GRAIL MOUNTAIN ROAD 3** ------------------------- Then to the-- --------------------------------- **GRAIL MTN PLATEAU OF MEMORIES** --------------------------------- --Where they run into him at last.** Melfice: So you came... I've been waiting for you... Ryudo: Melfice... let's settle this! Mareg: The time has finally come... You will pay for your deeds with your life! Melfice: I'll escort you to your funeral! Let me give you a taste of this idol's incredible power! This sword is the ultimate power those village idiots believed in... The power of justice! Ryudo: What JUSTICE!? True justice... true power is in the HEART. Not in something VILE like you! Elena: Ryudo, are you sure? Really? Ryudo: I am no longer fooled by your appearance. You are NOT my brother! You are VALMAR! Not Melfice! Melfice: Words are meaningless now. Dance with me, brother! **The battle with Melfice begins. He's a tough muth'fugger, but our heroes eventually manage to defeat him. (Winning a Maken Valborg, a Book of Swords and a Soul of Asura.)** Mareg: DIE! Ryudo: Mareg, WAIT! Melfice: Stay away, Ryudo... **He struggles to his feet.** Ryudo... I gave in to Valmar... No-- to my own greed... I am nothing but a weak man... Smile for me, Ryudo... Ryudo: Melfice!? You're back to normal! Melfice: For what did I try to become strong? Just what have I been doing until now? Everything has been in vain... **He falls. Ryudo runs over to him.** Ryudo: Melfice! Don't die! You're back to normal, right!? Melfice: Ryudo, I'm glad I got to see you again... My beloved brother... listen closely... The Divine Sword you are searching for... is to the east along the Granacliffs... For saving me... from this... vile... curse... Ryudo... t-h-a-n-k you... **He dies.** Ryudo: NOOOOO! Melfice! Don't die! Please, please don't die! Melfi... Aaarrghhh! **Ominous purple lightning begins to flash around Ryudo's body. Elena runs over to help.** Elena: Ryudo? **Ryudo draws his sword and swings at Elena.** Skye: Ryudo! **Ryudo stops short, resisting the force which has taken him over.** Ryudo: Urrrrrrrgh! **He collapses.** Elena: NOOOO! RYUDO! **Fade out. Fade back in on the villagers who are now standing around the grave of Melfice.** Village Chief: It is troubling... to take pleasure in the death of another, even in the death of one who has brought such madness to the world. Melfice... you are able to damn yourself no further. May your soul find rest. Perhaps now we may find rest as well. Gatta: No... you don't see... Melfice is dead, but this doesn't change a thing! Not a damn thing! We were never free from danger! We only felt that way because Melfice was here to "protect" us. We thought we were safe as long as he was here. But, you see... We forgot how to rely on ourselves... We gave up responsibility for our own lives! And when we lost the one we depended on, we blamed all of our problems on him - Melfice. Yes, it was Ryudo who ran away... But we have been running away every day since! Our lives have always been OUR responsibility. And now we must see this! Village Chief: But the legend of the idol was wrong, and it was really Valmar... What should we believe in...? Gatta: FOOL! You haven't heard a word I've said! Can't you do anything without depending on something else? We must think for ourselves and make our own decisions! Only then will we be truly free! Ryudo is still fighting now! **Cut to the inn's interior where Tio and Mareg are talking.** Tio: Ryudo has been tainted by the Horns of Valmar, but the contamination will not stop with him. It will continue to spread. This is dangerous. It may be necessary to exterminate Ryudo now, before the Darkness has the chance to grow. Mareg: NO! I will not allow this! Ryudo must not die. Tio:...Why? You wanted to kill Melfice, why not Ryudo as well? The danger present is the same. Mareg: Life, Tio. Life must be honored. It alone burns brighter than a thousand suns through this eternal night. It alone is our hope. Melfice I hated, for he despised life and thus wasted his own. There is no honor in a wasted life, for hope soon withers and dies. Tio: I... do not understand. Mareg: You will understand soon enough, Tio. Soon enough. **Meanwhile, in Ryudo's room...** Elena: Ryudo, wake up! Please... Ryudo! ...Eveen if we are able to remove the Horns of Valmar from you, your soul will be destroyed forever... Aaah... If you lose your soul, then everything I am doing... The whole world... will become meaningless! How can I, a follower of Granas, pray to Valmar? No-- to Millenia... If you can see into my soul, you will understand! Millenia! I have a favor to ask. **She grabs a mirror and sits it on the bed.** Come out! Please! Millenia! I must talk with you!! **Millenia appears in the mirror.** Millenia: Hmph. Ryudo, eh... What an idiot. Got himself possessed by the Horns of Valmar... Well, I guess its their fate as brothers. Elena: Please listen to me! Please understand how I feel! Please, save... Ryudo!! I don't care what happens to me! Or what happens to my body! Millenia: Listen, Miss Prissy, I am the Wings of Valmar. My only desire is to devour the Horns posessing Ryudo! Elena: Stop it, Millenia! **FLASH! Millenia appears in Elena's place. She knocks the mirror off of the bed.** Millenia: Ryudo, traveling with you was fun... Farewell. **She gathers an energy ball and is about to devour Ryudo's soul, but hesitates...** Millenia: No... I can't do it! You-- You were the only one to worry about me! No one else... I have no one else but YOU! I want you to come back. I want you to come back as you are... **She summons the ghost of Elena.** Millenia: Elena... Elena! Elena: Where... am I? Millenia: I'll be the bait to distract the Horns. Elena, listen to me, that is your cue to rescue Ryudo's soul! Understood!? **She holds out her hand. Lightning flashes around them.** Elena: Millenia? ...What... is this? Millenia: Ryudo is fighting! This is our only chance! GO! ELena: Mi- Millenia! ...What should I-- Millenia: Don't be STUPID! Call out to Ryudo! Quickly! Urrrggh! Elena: Ryudo, where are you? Come back! Ryudo!! **Dream sequence time. Ryudo is dreaming of his past. He and Gatta are chasing through the trees.** Gatta: Here we go, Ryudo! **he leaps, sword in hand.** UHNGH! **CLANG** Ryudo: Not even close! Gatta: Wow, Ryudo... you did pretty good. Ryudo: Yes. I'm Melfice's brother after all. Gatta: I'm not gonna give up, even though Melfice is probably going to get picked to be the Idol Guardian! Power rests in a pure heart! Ryudo: Yes. Gatta: And without a pure heart, you can't have justice, but you need to be strong to be pure! So, first you gotta be strong, and you gotta keep training or else you can't be pure, and then you can't fight for justice! Ryudo: Wait, Gatta! Strength isn't everything...**The world goes dark.** Gatta: Hmm... you think so? But I didn't say it was everything: I just said that you need to be strong 'cause Melfice is and he's cool! I gotta get stronger 'cause those guys who talk about justice this and justice that but can't do anything are cowards, really. **Younger Melfice appears.** Melfice: It is so, for the world is filled with evil. Those who are weak may only speak of justice, but the powerful will deliver it. Ryudo: Wait, Melfice! Meellfice! **Fade out.** **Ryudo is now flashing back to the night of Reena's murder. He comes upon the ruins on the mountain, sees the dead bodies.** Ryudo: Mellfice! Reeeeena!! **He sees Melfice impaling Reena on his sword.** Ryudo: Melfice... Melice: Ah hah hah hah! Ryudo: (all grown up now but standing in the same place): WHY? WHY did you kill her!? Melice: Reena was possessed by the idol! Possessed by Valmar! How else can you defeat Valmar? Even you... Ryudo: NO! I was trying to save... Melfice: The only way to remove Valmar is to kill the host. Voice: How can you say that?! Didn't YOU seek the power of Valmar? **Melfice turns to see Millenia crouching on the ruin next to him.** Millenia: Melfice, you saw the power of the Horns and craved that power! You hungered for it. **Melfice turns into Possessed Melfice and lunges for Millenia.** Melfice: Heh heh heh heh... Millenia: Ryudo! That is no longer your brother! Don't be fooled... the Horns are in control, not Melfice... **Now things start to get weird. Younger Ryudo is pining over the death of Reena, lying on the ground with a sword stuck in her. Older Ryudo walks over and stands beside him.** Ryudo: Figured as much... Melfice and the entire village - they were looking for THIS all along... **Reena creepily turns her head and starts to speak.** Reena: To be powerful enough to defeat the inhuman, one must... become like them. One must make a sacrifice... Yes... it was necessary that I be sacrificed, for Melfice became more than human... or perhaps less... Ryudo: NO! I will not accept that! **Elena appears.** Elena: I agree with Ryudo. There must have been some other way. Were people to quietly submit to such sacrifice - to think it necessary - they would be nothing more than slaves. Life is comfort, joy, love - all these things. But life is also pain. Without it, we do not hope, we do not dream. Nor live. Ryudo: Valmar! Do not think me a fool. Some things cannot be replaced nor mended, and upon my life I would not let them fall. **Fade out. Fade in on Ryudo and Melfice fighting each other in a field of fog..** Melfice: Why do you seek the Divine Sword, brother? If it is power you seek, tell me - is my own not sufficient for you? Ryudo: Power is only a means to an end, Melfice, or have you forgotten this as well? No, my brother. I seek justice. I seek to protect that which you have abandoned, for true power serves - it does not enslave. **Millenia and Elena magically appear beside Ryudo.** Ryudo: Dammit! Valmar! Again and again you deprive us of our hope... For this I call you evil, and I will take back what you have stolen! **Elena and Millenia lend Ryudo their power.** Ryudo: Yeooooooo! **Ryudo slices through Melfice, causing him to vanish. Then he reappears, in his un-evil form.** Melfice: Ryudo, you have released me from my suffering. Thank you for saving me. As long as you resist temptation, the Horns of Valmar will remain dormant within you. Valmar cannot be destroyed by any mortal power. Yes. You can only rely on the power of the divine. Ever was I desperate to possess the power to destroy evil - to destroy Valmar. But in doing so, I gave myself to the Horns and bartered away my soul. Man was not meant for such power... What use would we have for it? What purpose? To be ever cautious of power - to be just in its use... this alone is important. Ryudo: Melfice... **Melfice vanishes.** Melfice: Ryudo, thank you. **End protracted dream/battle with inner evil sequence.** Elena: Ryudo, wake up... Lord Granas, I know that I betrayed you and relied on Valmar's power, but I do not care what happens to me... Only, please save him. **Ryudo wakes up. Happy piano music starts to play.** Ryudo: E-Elena...? Elena: Ryudo? You're awake! Ryudo! Ryudo! Ryudo: Hey... what's with the tears? Elena: Millenia! You did it! Thank you... Ryudo: Huh? Mareg: Ryudo. Are you alright? Ryuoo: Fine. Looks like I'm okay after all. But the Horns... are still in me... What happened? Elena, did you do something? **Tio and Mareg enter.** Elena: Millenia used her powers... The power of Valmar is what saved your life... I was helpless... I could only watch... Millenia sealed the power of the Horns inside of you. You will be fine as long as you do not succumb to the Horns... You need to stay strong, Ryudo. Ryudo: Strange... I thought I heard your voice, though, Elena. Tio, so you stayed as well... Tio: Of course, Ryudo. We are family now. **Fade out. Fade in. Everyone's gathered outside at Melfice's grave.** Ryudo: Melfice, that idol was not meant for the purpose we thouight... It does take power to save people, but that power must be used in the right spirit and with a clean heart. This I begin to see... Village Chief: We are the ones who ran from responsibility. We blamed Melfice for our own lack of will - a devious trap of our own devising. Gatta: Ryudo! I'm sorry! I was the coward! Please, forgive me... Strike me now if you wish! Ryudo: I as well sought to escape from my burdens. I as well sought relief in every place but the place I should first have looked. The world offers no comfort, no relief. Freedom is only in ourselves. I alone can face my past. I alone can make my destiny. Gatta: Ryudo, take this... a token of my promise to become a stronger person. Keep it with you! I swear upon it... No man will think or act for me. **He hands Ryudo a "Friend's Necklace."** When you return, you will see that I have kept my promise. Ryudo: Yeah. Sure thing... Gatta: Ryudo! I'm serious. Miss, now I see the truth in what you said. Ideals will survive as long as people keep believing in them. No one can take them away. Ryudo: Let's head out. The Divine Sword lies to the east across the sea. **Ryudo & Co. head for the docks. There they meet up with Captain Baklava-er-Bakala.** Ryudoi: Captain Bakala, we have need of your ship once again. Capt. Bakala: Arr... Ryudo, you look pained, lad... but yet, you seem more at peace. Ha! That be how a MAN looks, Ryudo! So, where we be heading now? The ship be itching to set sail. Me and this old girl will take you anywhere you need! Ryudo: Take us east along the Granacliffs to the end of the sea. Capt. Bakala: Well... we'd be heading toward the Great Cleft Island of Arachna, then. Hmm... 'tis far from here... but no captain worth his salt would let that stop him! Then, to the end of the sea! A man of the sea be a man of his word. Be you ready to set sail? **Ryudo selects "I be."** Capt. Bakala: Ha ha! The winds blow well so we'd best be quick about it! Climb aboard! Ryudo: The Divine Sword is within reach... Let's go, Elena. **All except Elena enter the boat.** Capt. Bakala: Well, miss. Why such a long face? Elena: ... Um, nothing at all. Capt. Bakala: Ah-hah, you wouldn't have had a little tiff with Ryudo, now would you? Elena: No, I did not have a fight with Ryudo. Capt, Bakala: So, I take it you be a little upset that he hasn't been too upfront with you. Now, if you be needing any advice on matters of the heart, just come to Captain Bakala here. I've made countless women laugh and cry in every port I've weighed anchor. Elena: ...Uh, Captain. I think you have it all wrong. Capt. Bakala: Ha ha! That's it! Women should laugh. If you cry, you'll only drive men crazy... C'mon, lass, climb aboard! **The ship disembarks. Sometime that night, Elena is standing alone on the ship's deck, thinking to herself.** Elena: Ryudo is back... but to get him back... I had to rely... on Millenia. But even if it was for his sake, how could I have relied on... Valmar...? It was the power of Millenia that broke Valmar's spell, not the power of Lord Granas... O, Lord Granas, aid me in my journey, give me the strength to carry out the will of His Holiness Zera. Please, guide me... **She spies the red moon's reflection in the water.** Elena: Millenia... Are you really a pawn of Valmar? Why would you bother to save Ryudo?... Just what do you and Ryudo... Ryudo: What's wrong, Elena? Seasick again? Elena: Uh-uh. I am fine now. I have become quite used to the ship's rolling... back and forth... Ryudo: Elena, thank you. It's only because of you that I did not share my brother's fate. Elena: There is no need to thank me. Tee-hee-hee. It was bound to happen eventually. You cannot keep ALL the rescues to yourself! Say, Ryudo, why do you think Millenia did not just remove the Horns from you? Why did she seal them inside of you? I have been trying to figure it out... Ryudo: Who knows? She can be pretty damn moody sometimes. She said she took a liking to me. Oh, damn! I forgot to thank her, too. Oh well, no big deal. She'll probably pop up tonight, anyhow. Big moon out. Elena: Her? HER...? Is not Millenia VALMAR incarnate!? Ryudo: Huh!? Elena: ... I am sorry... I just do not know what to think right now! **She runs off.** Ryudo: Oh, sorry, Elena! Man, I have to learn to keep my cakehole shut... **Fade out. Fade in. Our heroes are walking out of the boat and onto a tropical-looking island.** ------------------------ **GHOSS FOREST, WEST 1** ------------------------ Capt. Bakala: This must be the end of the world, friends! Will you folks be okay from here on out? Ryudo: We'll manage. Mareg: Rest your concerns, for this place is familiar to me. Ryudo: Mareg? Mareg: It is so. Ryudo: I'll take your word for it. .. Captain, thanks for your help. Elena: Praise Granas for you and your ship, Captain Bakala. Thank you so much for everything you have done for us. Tio: I have provided no assistance, I desire to be of utility in the future. Capt. Bakala: Well, my friends, what will you be doing now? Mareg: We have other matters to attend to. Now, my thanks you have for your troubles. May the course you set be ever true. Capt. Bakala: No worries, friend. A sailor's life be in the winds and tides. Be they foul or fair, no amount of worrying'll change their minds. Ryudo: Then I won't bother wishing you well. So long, captain. Capt. Bakala: A little wisdom before you leave, Ryudo... Ryudo: What? Capt. Bakala: There be a saying among sailors: "A man's got two hands. One he keeps for his ship, and the other he keeps free." But I tell you, you might want to keep both hands for someone else. Duty and freedom aren't the only things worth grabbing on to. Ryudo: ... I'll think about it. **Our heroes run off to explore this new locale as cool jungle music plays in the background. When they reach the edge of the beach, they find a trail leading into the forest.** Mareg: The sword which we seek lies to the east of the Granacliffs, if Melfice spoke in truth. Ryudo: I don't think he had any reason to lie to us. Mareg: Though it would bend our course, I would to my village wend. It sits but a short distance to the north. Ryudo: You're from around here? Mareg: It is so. I would counsel with the elder of my village and inform him of the events which have transpired thus far. Ryudo: We'll go with you. But look, you planning on staying there? You've done what you set out to do... What next? Tio: Master? What is to become of me? Mareg: Worry not, Tio. I know not which path I shall follow, nor will I know until I reach my village, yet will you be among friends. Ryudo: I see. In any case, once we find the Granasaber, I'll be just about ready to punch out. End of the road... Elena: Y-yes... Ryudo: End of the journey, eh...? **Our heroes enter-- ---------------- **GHOSS FOREST** ---------------- --It is filled with large carnivorous plants, giant trees, and, of course, the prerequisite evil, ugly, environmentally adaptive monsters.** ----------------------- **GHOSS FOREST WEST 2** ----------------------- **Ryudo & Co. come to a burned-out, barren-looking place and stop in their tracks.** Mareg: The mark of the demon-man's claws... Ryudo: Melfice... Mareg: The land has been befouled by his presence. Elena: So. The Claws were sealed here. Mareg: This tragedy is but one among the many brought into being by the God of Darkness. **Mareg examines the ruined ground closer.** I understand this not... Why does the Darkness yield tragedy? Elena: It is natural, for is not the God of Darkness the source of all misery? Mareg: So you say that all Darkness is wicked. Elena: ...Are you saying it is not? Mareg: Though my understanding of this matter is yet cloudy, it would seem my beliefs differ from those which Elena has been taught. Elena: How so? Mareg: Light and Darkness are as fire and wind. Fire brings warmth and comfort, yet it burns and withers that which it touches. The wind blows cold, lifting soil into the air, yet it also bears the seeds of earth. Each, then, brings both life and death. Elena: NO! It is not as you say! Mareg: How then was Melfice made corrupt by the Darkness, while Ryudo yet keeps possession of his soul? How then does Tio remain free from the taint of Darkness, though she was once its tool? Ryudo: Roan's people worshipped Valmar... Mareg: And my people worship neither Valmar nor Granas. So it has been since the beginning. Elena: Huh!? Neither Lord Granas nor Valmar!? Mareg: I wish to confuse you no further. Speak on this matter with the elder of my village, and he will lend you understanding. **Once our furry friend has finished patronizing Elena, it is time for our heroes to venture past the burned spot to the-- ------------------------------ GREAT CLEFT ISLAND OF ARACHNA. **NANAN VILLAGE** ----------------- **No sooner have they entered when one of Mareg's people spots them.** Villager: Mareg! It's you! Mareg: I have returned... Villager: So that means... Mareg: It is so. No longer shall the demon-man trouble the earth, for peace he has made with the grave. Villager: We knew you would not fail. So, who are your companions? Y-you are...? Mareg: It is not Melfice you see, but his brother, Ryudo. These are those whom I am pleased to call friend. Villager: O-Oh, I see... The words of Mareg must be true. I welcome you. Anyway, the elder has been awaiting your return. Why don't you visit him while I let everyone know that you're back! So, dear guests... Friends of Mareg are friends of the entire village. Please, make yourselves at home. See you later, Mareg! **He runs off** Ryudo: Damn straight we're friends... Mareg: Let us visit with the elder, as there is much I must say. **They make their way to the Elder's house to find the Elder standing in his doorway waiting for them.** The Elder: So you have returned, Mareg. Mareg: Yes. The Elder: Good. But the danger of annihilation is not yet past. Mareg: That is not necessarily so. The Elder: What!? What do you mean? Mareg: It is a long story. The Elder: I see. Come inside. Your companions may also enter. **Next scene, inside the tent.** The Elder: Hmm... You search for this Divine Sword? Ryudo - this is your name, correct? Would you mind answering me a question? Ryudo: Shoot. The Elder: Why do you seek that sword? Ryudo: ... Perhaps because... I did not really know... anything. The Elder: What do you mean? Ryudo: I've spent my life running from my problems, hiding behind my sense of duty. I've never had time to stop and think things over. So, I decided to stop running. I decided to start... feeling what's going on around me. I've been numb for far too long. The Elder: We too beliveve that life must be FELT. Perhaps you also feel that not all Light is good or that not all Darkness is evil. You have probably felt alone. You are not. My people rejoice not in the gods, but in the blessings that come from a strong heart. Tio: No Darkness? No Lioght? Feelings? I cannot understand... Elena: This is ridiculous! Valmar really DOES exist! Did not the Darkness beseige this very village? Valmar is trying to bring destruction to the world! Of this I am absolutely certain! Ryudo: Elena! You're not in church here! Elena: I... I am sorry. I misspoke myself... Mareg: Elder, things which are beyond our understanding even now grow restless, seeking to enter our world. In many places have I smelled the stench of coming nightmare. We must not turn a blind eye to this. Ryudo will not, and I will not. The Elder: I see. You ought to help them, then. Those in need must help each other. Mareg: You speak truly. I wish to see this purpose to its end. The Elder: ... But what of your guests? Would they mind staying until tomorrow? Ryudo: I don't mind. The Elder: Good. It is just about time to prepare the feast, and it would be a shame were you not to attend. Mareg, you have done your job well. You have lifted us from our misery. The feast shall be in your honor! Ryudo: We need invitations? The Elder: If you are Mareg's friends, then you are our friends as well. Come, have a good time. Hmm... Oh yes, I wonder if I may ask a small kindness of those two. Mareg: Elder, they should not hear this request from your lips. Permit me to inquire of them instead. Tio: Can I help out as well? The Elder: No, no. Mareg, invincvible as you are, you are not suited to all tasks. Please, go to the village square. Mareg: As you desire. I shall await your presence there. Tio, we shall walk together. Tio: Yes, Master. **They leave** The Elder: No one in the village can perform this task, otherwise I would never ask you two. Ryudo: It's fine with me. Elena: Yes. I would be happy to help as well. The Elder: Fine. Glad to hear it! I'm counting on you! **Fade out.** **Next scene, the Elder is leading Ryudo and Elena to a strange hut raised on a giant tree stump.** The Elder: This place is open only at feast times. Ryudo and Elena, what I ask will require courage and determination... Of those who have entered here, many have perished. As such, we only ask help of those strong in both mind and body... and luck... But, I have faith in you. Villager: Your resolve must be unwavering to enter. The Elder: Ryudo, will you please do us this honor? Elena: He asks with such sorrow... Ryudo: Sure. Can't really say no... The Elder: Thank you, Ryudo, thank you! Then, please - enter the Forbidden Room. **Sounds racy, don't it? It isn't. Ryudo and Elena enter the-- ----------------- **HUT OF TRIALS** ----------------- Ryudo: This place is empty... Look, just in case you didn't know, we're not a band of traveling interior decorators. Villager: Are you ready? Ryudo: (ignoring the very obvious trap door at his feet.) Figured there's at least be some monsters or something... Elena: I wonder what we are here for? Villager: Are you ready? Ryudo: As always. Trapdoor: FWIP! Ryudo and Elena: YAAAHHHH!!! Elena: Ow, Ow, OUCH... What IS this? **It looks to be a pile of leaves in a darkened chamber.** Ryudo: Ow, ow, ow... You okay, Elena? Elena: Yes, I think so... Only a little startled. Ryudo: Place gives me the creeps. What are we supposed to do in here? Elena: Look! Ryudo! I see some light over there! Ryudo: What is it? Probably should check it out. Nothing better to do. **They come across a slab with a giant Carro sitting on it.** Ryudo: What's this? Elena: The thing on top appears to be a large... Carro...? Ryudo: Here we go. There's an inscription. "He who seeks the Blessings of the Earth must be tested in the arena of trials."... I'm guessing it's to the right. "Bring here the Walnuts of Light and the Door of Blessings shall open." Walnuts of Light... No comment. Elena: What could that mean? **It means it's time for a minigame. The Carro leaps over to the nearby curtained doorway. Ryudo passes through it.** Ryudo: THIS is the "trial?" Grabbing nuts from the pedestals before time runs out? What's next - braving the pillow gauntlet? **The game commences. Ryudo rushes to snatch Walnuts off of pedestals within a set amount of time. Once the game ends, Ryudo finds himself in the slab room once more. The giant Carro and two tiny subordinates do a cute dance. The Happy Walnut Mambo.** Ryudo: Hmm! So that's it!? Elena: These Walnuts of Light are food for the little Carros! **The Giant Carro runs over to a far door which opens.** Ryudo": I'm guessing the "Blessings of the Earth" are behind that door. Elena: Let's go! **They rush through the door, down a hall where they enter a chamber. In the chamber they find a metallic ledge which has a Nut of Light sitting at the edge of it.** Ryudo: This is the "Blessing of the Earth?" Pointless. Elena: How odd. Why would the people of the village send us here on such an errand...? **The ledge falls, sending our heroes into some green moss.** Ryudo and Elena: YEOOOOWWWW! Ryudo: Owwwww! Ugh. Not again... Elena: Ouch, ouch, ouch... Not again. Just what is this stuff? Ryudo: Ugh. This moss reeks... It smells like Skye when he opens that beak of his. Elena: Eeeeuuuw... It is getting all over me. Ryudo: Jeeze, let's get outta here! **They climb up a ramp and come upon a wooden platform.** Ryudo: This looks like the exit. Guess they use the term "trial" pretty loosely around here. Elena: Yes. It seems like a rather poor joke. **The platform ejects our heroes upward.** Ryudo: Not agaaaaaaain! Elena: I hate thiiiiis! **They're launched out of a tree stump into the village square where several villagers are waiting for them, eagerly. A little TOO eagerly.** Ryudo: Just what were we supposed to do? And what the hell IS this stuff? **The villagers come closer.** Ryudo: What's with you guys? The Elder: Ah, wonderful! Thank you so much! Ryudo & Elena: For what? The Elder: Tmis SMELL is just... just, heavenly to us... Villager: This crop of silvervine moss is superb! Ahh... it smells like a vintage year! Ryudo: Huh? Villager #1: We wanted you to go get the sap from this silvervine moss. Ahhhh. The Elder: You see, when any of us goes in, the SMELL saps our desire to come out again... Villager #2: We haven't had such glorious fragrances in years. Please accept this as a token of our gratitude! **"Ring of Guarding" acquired.** The Elder: Come, let the feast begin! **Fade out. Then fade in. Elena and Ryudo are standing next to Mareg's house.** Elena: They say the smell will linger even if we try to scrub it off... Hmm... it must be an acquired taste. Ryudo: Smell. Come. Let's see what they're so damned happy about. Though I guess we already know... Elena: Yes! **Everyone is sitting round a fire in the center of the village. Ryudo and Elena walk up to the Elder, seated on a mat.** The Elder: Ahhh, what a wonderful smell. Oh, it is not time for that just yet. My guests, have you a talent to share with us? It will be a feast only if you participate! Ryudo: ... None of my talents are appropriate for dinner-theatre. Elena: But... we HAVE to do something. The Elder: Please, do not be embarrassed - anything will suffice. May I ask you, then? Ryudo: Sing a song. A hymn, whatever... Elena: I do not mind to sing, but... Tee-hee. What is with you, Ryudo? I thought you hated church hymns... Ryudo: Can't stand them. But I... But I... can tolerate them if... you sing. Elena: Th- thank you, Ryudo. This is the first time you have ever said anything nice about my singing. Ryudo: Really...? Elena: Well, then I shall sing. **She starts to sing her church hymn.** Skye: Hey, Ryudo. Buddy. Pal. Thought you couldn't stand God OR women... Ryudo: Listen, O friend of friends, she's... different. Skye: Ohhhh, I see... Ryudo: Skye. Don't start with me. It's dinner time - shouldn't you be ramming your head into a tree by now? Skye: Ha! My, how you've changed! Words of advice: women are impossible to understand, so act before your brain starts getting in the way. Ryudo:...! What the hell do you mean by that!? **Skye buggers off without answering. Wise bird. Cut to Tio and Mareg, sitting on a mat nearby...** Mareg: Their God I care not for, yet this song does move me... Tio: Master? What response does Elena's song prompt in you? Mareg: It is a warmth that blooms within me; A fragile thing of thread and air unfolding. Tio: I do not feel anything. Mareg: Nothing at all? Tio: ... Well, not exactly nothing. But I do not understand... Mareg: That is your heart... Tio: I have no heart. Master, I still do not understand what you mean by "live free..." There is so much that I still do not know.... Mareg: You need not understand. You need only listen. To live free is to pay heed to the voice within you - no more than this. Ryudo is learning the truth of this, and only now does he begin to set side the laws of men and live under the natural law. Tio: Ryudo lives under the natural law? I do not understand this... Does this correspond to the protocol: "being your own master?" Mareg: Yes, perhaps this will be the most expedient path to understanding. From this moment forth, seek to become your own master. Tio: If this is your command, master... But how shall I address you from this moment on, master? Mareg: My name is Mareg, as I told you when first we met. Tio: Very well, Mareg. From now on, I am my own master. Mareg: Indeed I believe you are. Come, let us make our mouths wet with drink, for my tongue swells with thirst. Tio: Mareg... Mareg: What is your need, Tio? Tio: I am just testing my functions. Yet... I think I just felt something... when I called you "Mareg." Mareg:... Tio: A slight increase in heat production... Yet, my cooling systems are operational... Mareg: Your heart, young one. Tio: I have a heart...? I cannot confirm this. Mareg: Nor can you confirm the sound of a flower opening or the taste of an autumn sunset. Feel. This is enough. **Elena finishes her song..** Villager: That was WONDERFUL, Miss! You have such a beautiful voice... **Elena bows and walks back to her seat.** Ryudo: Very nice, Elena. Elena: Thank you, Ryudo. Where has Skye gone? Ryudo: Said he was hungry. Probably knocked himself out on a closed window. Villager: Guess we gotta sing something too! **The village men break into a serene-sounding choir number.** Ryudo: Heard this one before... Maybe at Roan's place...? Elena: This is an interesting song. Ah... simple, yet very lovely. Say, Ryudo...I have heard them say that the spring is beautiful once night falls. Ryudo: Yeah, I heard that too.... Seems as if the forest sparkles at night. Elena: I would like to see that... Ryudo: Me too. Come on, let's go. **They get up and head for the forest.** ----------------- **NANAN SPRING** ----------------- (aka the Village Make-out site)... Elena: I was kind of nervous. Until now, I sang only for Lord Granas. I never thought I would sing for others. But I've never had so much fun singing. I've never imagined it to be so exciting. Mareg's people are a wonderful audience. Ryudo: They're good folk. Hell, even I feel better after hanging around them. Elena: I love to sing. It brings me a sense of peace... As if I were somehow closer to the world. I wonder if those who listen feel the same. Say, Ryudo? Ryudo: Elena... I really want to thank you for what you did for me when the Horns... got me. Elena: Huh? Ryudo: I got it all messed up last time. Like, what I meant to say was when the Horns possessed me... ... I... uh, felt you in my... heart. And... uh... it was like our hearts were connected. Elena... you're... special to me... Elena: Ryudo, why... why do you tell me this now? So... suddenly? Ryudo: I - I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong again? Elena: Uh uh...... I'm thirsty right now. What a minute while I go drink from this spring. Ryudo: ... Never... goes... how I want it to... **Poor boy. Poor, poor, sexually frustrated boy. Elena comes to a giant tree that's lying next to the spring.** Elena: Whew... that Ryudo, saying such things out of the blue... But I... cannot respond... If I did, I would lose something important inside of me... Voice: That's right! Ryudo is all mine!!! **Elena looks down into the water and sees her reflection is--** Elena: Mi - Millenia!? Millenia: Face it, sister - it would never work between you and Ryudo. Elena: I - I... Millenia: He's not the most important thing in your life, is he? You could never begin to actually love someone else! Elena: That is not... true. Millenia: Really? Hell, you could've fooled me. You handled it pretty well back there... Elena: That could not be helped! I have a higher obligation! I must complete my task no matter the price... Millenia: Sure thing, your holiness. Nothing's more important than Zera's damned words, right? Elena: !? H-How can you say that? Why do you torment me? Milenia: Oh, save the drama for your momma. I know EVERYTHING about you. Don't forget that. Elena: ... Millenia: Me, I'd give myself totally to Ryudo, life and body! Ryudo could never love a woman like you! He'd have to pry my cold, dead fingers off him first! Elena: Stop it, Millenia! ... What are you trying to do to Ryudo!? Millenia: Ryudo is mine... He knows it. I know it. And one way or another, you'll know it! FLASHHH!! **Millenia takes Elena's place in a flurry of special effects.** Millenia: Good night... Elena! **Meanwhile--** Ryudo: What's keeping her? I'd better check it out... **He heads over to the tree trunk overlooking the stream. He finds nothing.** Ryudo: Elena...? **Millenia sneaks up behind him.** Millenia: ...R-Y-U-D-O <3 Ryudo: Mi- Millemnia!? **Cue the romantic piano music.** Millenia: Hee-hee-hee... Ryudo: Y-You are... Millenia: Hey, handsome. What's wrong? You happy to see me? Ryudo: Wh-what!? Millenia: Oh, my. You don't want to see me? And I've been just dying to see you. Look - the moon is so beautiful tonight. It got me thinking about you... Ryudo: It always looks like this. What do you want, Millenia? Millenia: Huh...? Ryudo: Look, you're here one second and you're gone the next, even if I have something to tell you. Millenia: Does that mean you have something to tell me? Ryudo: Dammit! You always do that... Millenia: Well, I'm here right now. What do you have to say, Ryudo? I'm listening. Spit it out. **She glomps him.** Listen: can you hear it? My heart is pounding... I can't wait any longer... Ryudo: Stop it. Now. What the hell are you thinking? Millenia: I'm thinking of you, Ryudo. I think of nothing but you! My only thoughts are about what I can do to make you love me! Ryudo: You can stop creeping me out like this... Millenia: I can't help it! I've fallen in love with you. I'm so in love I don't know what to do!! Oh... just forget it, Ryudo. Okay? Forget I said anything. Ryudo: I think I really do... love you... But... I kinda feel the same way about Elena... Millenia: Why?! Would you love me more if I was... human? Ryudo: NO! That's not it... Right now I think a lot of both of you... I can't choose... it would be impossible. Millenia: But I love you, Ryudo! Much more than Elena does! You'd never be second in my heart! I love you much, much more! Ryudo: Mi- Millenia... Millenia: But that girl, she... Ryudo: I'm sorry, Millenia. It's not fair to either of you. Millenia: If you don't have the guts to make a decision, then I'll decide for you... I'm sorry, Ryudo. **She kisses him.** Ryudo: Hey, what do you think you're--!? Elena!? **Millenia has suddenly changed into Elena.** Elena: Ryudo... what am I...? Ryudo: Uh, no it's just Millenia... Elena: !? Millenia...? Elena: So... Ryudo... you and Millenia... Ryudo: Elena...? **She runs off.** Ryudo: He- hey! Elena!? Please don't misunderstand! **Too late. Elena enters the village, heartbroken.** Elena:... Ryudo, chose Millenia... How could I have let myself get so carried away? I have a mission... It is this that is of the most importance. **The next day dawns. Ryudo and the others are now saying goodbye to the villagers.** Ryudo: Thanks for everything. The Elder: Do not speak of it. You are our fiends, after all. Mareg: We must take our leave... The Elder: Take care. You head for uncharted territory, known to us only through legend. It is in the Great Rift at a place we call the Tower of the Purple Cloud. If your way becomes too difficult, return here. Ryudo: Nothing is too difficult. The Elder: You wil always be welcome here. The gate to the village will be open to you, always. **Our heroes start to leave. Elena stops before the village exit.** Elena: Everything is almost over, right...? If so... Ryudo:...? What's wrong, Elena? I said that was a... misunderstanding... Elena: Hmm? Oh, that is not what bothers me... Come. The Divine Sword awaits. --------------------------- **ON TO GHOSS FOREST EAST** --------------------------- **Our heroes finally reach the Great Rift.** Ryudo: This is... the Tower of the Purple Cloud...? **Initiate kick-ass CG sequence. A massive, swirling purple cloud sitting in the middle of a desolate landscape.** Elena: "When the Divine Sword pierced Valmar, and finally fell, the earth was burst, rent, and split"... If it is as the Holy Book States, then that whirlwind is where the Granasaber lies... Mareg: What a horrible place... it pains my eyes. Ryudo: The wind is incredible... Come on, let's move. **Our heroes go down the cliffs, climbing down a series of really annoying stone ladders and ramps until they reach a forest called the Great Rift 2. There they reach a desert and it's then on to Great Rift 3. Their progress soon becomes impeded by -- Mareg: A wall of clouds. Remarkable. **Ryudo tries to jump into it but is repelled.** Ryudo: OUCH! What the hell? What's going on here? Skye: Looks like we're not going forward. Elena: But it is only wind... We must continue, for we have come so far...But what will we do? **Tio notices something nearby.** Mareg: Tio, what is your concern? **Tio runs off. She finds what looks like dead bodies, scattered all over the desert. The bodies bear an eerie resemblance to Tio herself.** Elena: Wha- what are they? Ryudo: What are those things? Tio? Tio: They seem to be soldiers slain long ago. They are my sisters. Ryudo: Soldiers? Tio: This would appear to be a graveyeard for soldiers... **Busted up Tios lie all over the place. Tio grabs a free head, sets it on a rock and analyzes its memory banks.** Tio: It seems they charged this wall. They were all destroyed... as they knew they would be. Ryudo: Then why the hell did they do it anyway? Tio: They did as they were directed. Let us go to the "Demon's Law" over there. I can make this wall of wind disappear. Ryudo: Then we go there! --------------- **DEMON'S LAW** --------------- **Ryudo and the others find a nearby tunnel and enter it. They find themselves in a strange, futuristic-looking structure. They also find a minotaur-like creature, (Leck Guarder) and two snow leopards. A major boss fight ensues. After defeating the mini-bosses, our heroes enter a nearby passage where they find themselves having to solve a strategy puzzle in order to pass through a door. Once through the door, they find themselves battling a pair of Naga queens. They win a Star Egg. ---------------------------- **DEMON'S LAW CONTROL ROOM** ---------------------------- Tio: This is... the core of the "Demon's Law." **The core is a strange console where an identical clone of Tio is ensconced.** Automata: Dark Soldiers. Destroy the Divine Sword! Release Valmar. Follow your orders to the last unit! Tio: No, I will not. I have come to retrieve the Divine Sword. I will leave with the Granasaber. Automata: You are out of line, Automata. IF I, your commander, give you orders, THEN you will follow them, ELSE you are defective. Tio: I am my own master. And your master no longer exists. The orders are void. I will not fight. Automata: ...... I cannot understand. Controller requires repairs. **The console flashes and Tio gets zapped with a purple ray.** Tio: ...AH! Do not go... inside me!! Ryudo: Tio is no longer your puppet! STOP that!! Automata: Repairs complete. Eliminate threat. Tio:..... Ryudo: Stop, Tio. We are friends. Mareg: Your actions need not be dictated by another. Remember, Tio. None save yourself is your master. Tio: Ma....reg..... yes, I... I...... am my own master. Mareg... I will not fight you. Automata: Why do you ignore orders? We exist only to follow orders. Unit TIO-124 has malfunctioned! Decommission immediately! **'Nuther boss fight. Our heroes vs. the Tio Clone. After a tough battle, they defeat it and win a Balor. (Tio's weapon.)** Mareg: ...Tio... Automata: This is an order... Destroy ... the...Light...Darkness... Tio: I'm sorry. You were only following orders. Just as I used to. But you would not understand ME. I did not want to fight you... Automata: Destroy Light...... Orde..... ..... **It dies.** Tio: Farewell... **She points to a dark orb above the console.** Tio: That is the controller of the "Demon's Law." Destroy it, and the wall of wind will disappear. Ryudo: Let's do it, then. *Ryudo smashes it with his sword.** Tio: All resources under the control of the Legion of Darkness have been rendered inoperative. With no immediate threat in the vicinity, the Granasaber will have deactivated its protective wind barrier. Let us go. **The do. Back to the GREAT RIFT 3** Mareg: The wind has subsided... **It has, and a REEEALLLLLYY BIG FUGGIN' SWORD is standing in a forested area in the center of the plain.** Ryudo: By the blood of hell... That's the... Granasaber...? Elena: Th- That is the... Divine Sword? It is huge... Ryudo: For the first time... I see... there are things greater than myself... Mareg: In more ways than one... Truly, this blade would cleave mountains, yet who among us has the strength to lift it? **Ryudo and the others go to the GREAT RIFT 4, where the sword stands encased in some strange crystal formations.** Ryudo: There it is! **Suddenly, a familiar voice is heard.** Selene: Elena, you've done well... Elena: [gasp] High Priestess Selene? **Selene is standing on a ridge above them with one of her creepy Knights.** Ryudo: What are YOU doing here!? Selene: Your work has impressed us. His Holiness Zera will be overjoyed. I have come to help you. Come, awaken, Body of Valmar! The time of revival is nearly upon us! Elena: The "Body" of Valmar? Ryudo: Where!? I don't see it. Selene: Take my blood, and be born again, O Body of Valmar! **She slices her wrist and her blood seeps over the side of the cliff. (She's got a LOT of blood in her, it seems.) The blood causes an enormous seal to appear and break.** Elena: High Priestess Selene! Just what is the meaning of this!? Selene: O Body of Valmar! I sacrifice this one to you! **She motions to the cathedral Knight and it stoically topples over the cliff, kamikaze-style. The ground starts to rumble.** Selene: Elena, you must fufill your role exactly as ordained. **She scuttles off.** Mareg: What is that WOMAN doing...? This SMELL...? It-it must not BE! Ryudo: Hey!! Has she gone NUTS!? Wha- What IS this? **Another cool CG sequence. The Granasaber sinks down; black blood spurts everywhere, and an oozy, purple monster thing rises into the air and flops on the ground. The Granasaber is lodged into its back.** Ryudo: DAMMIT! We gotta stop her! Mareg: But, how can we? Elena: This is my mission... I see... Ryudo: E-Elena! What's the matter? Elena: Millenia... Millenia! Do as you wish! **She changes into Millenia.** Millenia: Ugh. Just as they planned... eh? Well... the best laid plans... Ryudo: Millenia? What's going on? Millenia: Can't hear you! I'm gonna take on that behemoth! And you're gonna help me! C'mon, let's rock! **Millenia sprouts wings and flies our heroes towards the monster. (She is one strong gal.) They penetrate the monster's side and soon find themselves standing in an icky chamber with veins on the walls.** Millenia: C'mon, we're inside of it now! Ryudo: Just what the hell are we supposed to do? Millenia: If we take out its core, there's no way in hell the thing will keep moving - I don't give a damn HOW big it is. Ryudo: Right. Then let's do some damage. -------------------------------- **VALMAR'S BODY POINT OF ENTRY** -------------------------------- **Our heroes travel through the gloopy landscape of Valmar's innards, flipping switches and pushing blocks as they go. They pass through Valmar's vein passage, Valmar's arteries, a tentacle passage, then to the Unholy Core itself. Millenia: Well, boys, this is the core! Trash it, and this monster's history! **And what an icky looking monster it is...Time for a major boss fight with the core! Beating it wins our heroes an Angel's Circle (Tio's weapon) and a Relief Tag.** Mareg: Grrrr... Our lives are imperiled. The Body does not hold together. Millenia: Cool it, manimal. We'll have enough time. **Millenia absorbs the body in a "how'd she do that?" fashion.** Millenia: Now I have the "Body..." Ryudo: Ugh, That was rough. So, now that we've found the Granasaber, what'll happen to you... er... Elena? Millenia: How should I KNOW?! Why did it have to end up like this? I just wanted a body of my own.... Ryudo? Was I wrong? Ryudo: Mi... Millenia... **Millenia changes back into Elena.** Mareg: It appears that monster has left. Ryudo: Whatever. Anyway, we got the Granasaber. Finally. But how are we going to carry it? Mareg: A thousand men could not bear its weight. Tio: Do not worry. I shall control it. Ryuudo: Huh? What the hell are you talking about? **Tio makes a gesture. Our heroes vanish and are transported into a strange room with ruined columns.** Elena: Just where... are we...? Tio: This is the main control room of the Granasaber. Ryudo: Control room...? We're INSIDE the Granasaber? **Tio activates a nearby sphere. The ship roars to life.** Tio: The Granasaber is powering up. **Time for a Cool CG sequence. The ship lifts into the air and takes off at Mach 172.** Mareg: We hang pendant on threads of air... Remarkable. Elena: We are really... high up! I feel just like I am about to fall! Ryudo: So this is the power of the Granasaber... It fights evil and has plenty of leg room. Tio: ... I have set the Granasaber to land automatically at St. Heim Papal State. Is that alright, Ryudo? Ryudo: Perfect. Thanks, Tio. And so yet another job is finished... We did it! Mareg: And now the earth itself shall be safeguarded. It is good that this is so. Elena: Yes... Ryudo: ...But what about that Selene? I'm guessing she was trying to off us. What the hell was she THINKING? Elena: ... Ryudo: Elena, you heard anything from Zera? I can't stop thinking about what Selene said... Elena: No... I have heard nothing. Ryudo: Well, when we get back to the Papal State, Zera's going to have a little confessional session with me. Elena: I am a little tired... Tio, can I rest somewhere? Tio: Yes, Elena, please come with me. **Tio leads her to a nearby dias and they teleport away. Elena finds herself in a strange, futuristic-looking room.** Elena: If Ryudo should present himself before His Holiness Zera with the Horns of Valmar... O Lord Granas, I, I... **A metal surface flips up. Millenia's face is in its reflection.** Millenia: Look, Zera will have a lot to say, but if you don't want to hear it, don't listen. Like, I never listen to you. Why must I always do what you want? I'm my own person! Sorta... Elena: Mi- Millenia!? Millenia: That Zera really pisses me off. I HATE him. All he wants to do is take away people's freedom. All he wants is to make you his slave. So why do you listen to everything he says like a loyal dog? Elena: You lie! His Holiness Zera is trying to save me! Millenia: See! It's always about you! Or the stupid world! What about Ryudo? Don't you care about what'll happen to him?! You really think you can be safe AND happy? Elena: Yes, I can! Millenia: You can't get safety from the Light. You can only get it from the Darkness. Elena: NO! You are Valmar! Do not attempt to deceive me! Leave me be! **Millenia's image flickers.** Millenia: Ha! Even if you close off your heart, I'm not going anywhere, Elena. Elena: GO AWAY! I HATE YOU! Millenia: Hmmph! You can't make me go away. You should know that by now. I mean, geeze... Elena: You are the WIngs of Valmar! That is ALL! I have no room for you in my heart! GO AWAY, Millenia! Millenia: You blockhead! St- Stop... I'll never...ever let you have... your way with Ryudo... **She vanishes** Elena: ...Good bye, Millenia. We will not meet again. **Next scene. Ryudo and Mareg are seated at a table while Tio pours them some tea.** Ryudo: Man! What the hell is wrong with Elena?! We came all this way to find the damned Granasaber, and now she pulls this... Tio: Elena may still have some unfinished business. Ryudo: Still, we got the Granasaber. The hard part is over. All that's left is to put the big toy in its big chest, and the job is done. Can't she be just a LITTLE happpier? Mareg: Let it be. You will only make matters worse, for your tone rarely bespeaks your true sentiment,. Skye: The kid's just fishing for praises from Elena. Mareg: Indeed, it is so. Ryudo: Wh- what's happening!? **It grows dark.** WHAT? Just what is this...? **The camera pans to Elena, standing nearby.** Elena: Noooo... The Day of Darkness!? It cannot be! Ryudo: Hey, what's happening, Elena!? **Cut to a bunch of townspeople down below looking up to see a cool CG eclipse. They start to run around in a panic.** Villagers: Aaaaaaaiiii! The Day of Darkness!! The Day has come! VALMAR! **Scene cuts to three villagers standing in the street.** Villager#1: Is this really the Day of Darkness!? Valmar... Valmar will revive! Wha- What do we do!? What should we do!? Villager #2: Let's go see the priests at the Cathedral....I know! Pope Zera will help us! Let's go to the cathedral! It's safe there! **#1 and #2 run off, leaving #3 by himself.** Villager #3: The Day of Darkness came all of a sudden! So the priests have all been lying! They said the Day of Darkness wouldn't come! **He scuttles off.** **Nearby, the Granasaber flashily lands and deposits our heroes onto the ground near the St. Heim Papal State. Villagers run up to them, thinking they must be, I dunno, some kind of HEROES, or something...** Villager #4: Please, help us! The Day of Darkness! And the Knights! Ryyudo: Sl-Slow down! What the hell are you talking about?! Villager #5: The Knights of Granas massacred... everyone in front of the Cathedral! Ryudo: WHAT!? Elena: This cannot be! The Knights would never raise a hand against the innocent! Their concern is with the heretical! Mareg: We must inquire into this withal. Ryudo: Let's get moving! **Our heroes rush to the streets of the-- ----------------------- **ST HEIM PAPAL STATE** ----------------------- Voice: EEEEEEEEK! Ryudo: What the-!! **The Knights are approaching a group of villagers, who seem curiously slow in reacting to the sight of a dozen heavily armored thugs bearing down on them--(or is it the fault of a processor slowdown? Damn you, PS2.) Anyway, one villager in particular is a little TOO slow to react and she gets whacked in front of our heroes' eyes.** Ryudo: Have they lost their minds!? **The Knights veeery sloowly approach our heroes.** Mareg: There is murder in their bearing, not madness. Ryudo: Dammit! Let's get to it, then! **Our heroes battle the evil Knnnniggits. After defeating them, our heroes notice the body of one of them in the street, bleeding strangely colored blood.** Ryudo: What WERE those guys...? Mareg: Look... See this... They are as inhuman as their scent. Tio: From the appearance of things, you are correct. They are not human. Elena: Why... did the Day of Darkness really... come? We must meet with His Holiness Zera. Quickly, Ryudo! We must hurry! **Our heroes head to Granas Cathedral. Once there, they see a column of knights bearing down on them.** Selene: Heh heh heh. Wait! Just stop your foolishness. **The knights set aside their swords. The camera pans to where Selene is now standing, on a high balcony atop a staircase. The knights march towards her, stopping just below the balcony.** Ryudo: Selene! ... Did you order this!? Selene: No. Unfortunately... Ryudo:...Is this the will of Granas!? Why would you do such a thing!? Saying it's the time of Valmar. Just whose side are you on!? Elena: High Priestess Selene... Selene: You probably do not understand... Knowing nothing and without understanding...Ignorance is bliss... Ryudo: What do you mean!? Selene: It is the way of the world. Do you not think it is funny? Why so painful, you ask, why so ugly? All... due to man's own sin. The desperate masses are powerless. Clinging to God, their hearts without faith! Mouthing prayers but fearing the Day of Darkness. Thronging in the Cathedral... Like rats, huddling in a sinking ship! Ryudo: You killed them for that!? Selene: Poor people. Death is their salvation. Did they not themselves pray for release from their suffering? Ryudo: WHAT!? Elena: High Priestess Selene! Why was it necessary to go so far!? Ryudo: Elena? Selene: Elena, have you forgotten your own mission? Elena: My... Ryudo: Elena, just what is she tal-- Selene: Where do you place your faith now? In that man, maybe? But I am different. To devote my life to His Holiness Zera. That alone is my wish! **The Knights form a circle under the balcony, raising their swords in the air. Selene holds out her arms as if to jump.** Selene: Aaah. Why did you give me such a... sad test? Please surround me with your great love. Do please watch, Your Highness Zera! This is my true LOVE!! **She falls forward, becoming a pincushion. Blackish blood flows towards our heroes, and they run as Selene and the Knights fuse together to form a big, writhing bloblike mass. Ryudo & Co. must, of course, face the blob thing (aka the Heart of Valmar), in battle. Upon beating it they receive some Goddess Hi-Heels and some Holy Clothes. After the heart explodes in a messy fashion,(yuck) Elena absorbs it.** Ryudo: E- Elena, are you alright!? Elena!? Did you just absorb a Piece of Valmar!? How can you be... **Elena sees something shiny lying on the ground nearby.** Elena: High Priestess Selene's circlet... How could High Priestess Selene have been possessed by... the Heart of Valmar...? I am a Songstress of Granas... My mission... Ryudo: Elena! What the hell are you doing? Elena: His Holiness Zera assigned me a task. Which I have just completed. In order to prevent Valmar's awakening, His Holiness Zera asked me to collect all the pieces...and absorb them into me......And then... the Granasaber shall be used to destroy me...and Valmar as well. Ryudo: By the blood of...! THIS IS NOT A GOOD PLAN! What about Millenia? What about the Horns inside of me? Elena: So, please, do not come any further! I don't want to see your heart destroyed! **She runs into the Cathedral.** Ryudo: Look... I don't want to see her soul destroyed either. Tio: Should we not follow her? Mareg: Elena's intent is not to die needlessly. She does her best to live for your sake! You know what you must do, Ryudo. Ryudo: ... Yeah, I guess. **Our heroes head into the Cathedral Lobby, then into the Audience Chamber. Dead bodies are lying everywhere. Not a good sign. Ryudo comes across Cardinal Oro lying before the dias in the center of the audience chamber.** Oro:...You...were wrong, after all. Zera....... You said there is no god but Lord Granas... Ryudo: What happened here? Hey, pull yourself together! Oro: Holy Door... what did Zera see... inside...? **He dies in not-so-glorious-second-banana-fashion.** Ryudo: Zera! We must find him quickly! Tio: The Holy Door... what is that...? Mareg: Hmm... Elena's scent hangs yet in the air... There... these stairs... **They travel up the stairs and when they reach the top of the dias, they see another staircase leading down. It leads to a door.** Ryudo: This must be the Door... Zera's inside! Mareg: Yes. And upon my honor, Elena is here as well, for I cannot mistake her scent. **So it's through the door to the Cathedral Holy Room, which is a small chamber with an oddly spinning circle of fire on the floor. Our heroes walk into the circle, and a mysterious "standard-issue-video-game-defying- all-laws-of-physics-type" elevator lifts them up into the air. Meanwhile, in another room somewhere--** Zera: How tragic... Elena:..... Your Holiness Zera! Did you know that High Priestess Selene... was possessed by the Heart of Valamr? Zera: Yes. Well I... Huh? **Ryudo and the others rise up through the floor.** Ryudo: Zera! What are you doing to Elena? Zera: Well, if it's not Mister Ryudo. Thank you. You have done well. Elena: Ryudo! I told you not to come... Pope Zera, please destroy Valmar, quickly! I beg you, please! Zera: Preparations for the ceremony are complete. **The Pope leads Elena to a mysterious door with lovely frescoes on it.** Elena: ...? Do you not need the Granasaber? Zera: No. Now all I need is you. Elena: Then, quickly! Ryudo: Elena! Zera: Ah, please wait, Elena. I must give Ryudo his reward! First, let me show you the real world. Everyone, please come! Come, this way. **He opens the door and walks through. Everyone follows. Inside is a bizarre, futuristic-looking room with glowing blue columns. Strange glyphs shine upon the floor. It's the Cathedral Forbidden Room. The voice actors kick in again, indicating that this is probably going to be a Very Important Scene.** Zera: Light and Darkness are intertwined. Man's soul is also thus defined. A balance giving rise to Good and Evil. Yet, the world is covered in Darkness and is now headed for certain destruction. Elena: Wha- what are you saying, Pope Zera! Why did you send us to get the Granasaber? Are not the preparations for sealing Valmar already complete!? All we need is the blessing of Lord Granas. Zera: Yes, that is certainly so. Yet Darkness is strong and Light is weak...Why do you think that is? Long, long ago, Light and Darkness fought each other in perpetuity. Wrestling each other for dominion. Men too fought for Light or Darkness. Hence, the Battle of Good and Evil began. It was this battle that put an end to the rivalry between Granas and Valmar, good and evil. Come, you too should bear witness to the truth. **He walks up to a nearby console and activates a switch. The room darkens. Lights flash on nearby pedestals, beaming a cool CG movie onto the ceiling.** Zera: Long, long ago, people lived happily, in the Light of Lord Granas'love. The earth was bountiful, filled with radiant beauty. But... but then Valmar arrived and brought the taint of Darkness to the world, staining the pure and innocent hearts of the people. A battle between Light and Darkness was inevitable. The battleground stretched as far as the eye could see. And the fighting continued endlessly., neither side yielding an inch. Finally, the time had come for Lord Granas and Valmar to face each other, to settle the long, endless battle. **Scenes from the Battle of Good and Evil (which were played at the beginning of the game) are shown. Granas and Valmar duke it out over the skies of an idyllic world. Lots of spaceships get blown up, amid cool, CG explosions.** Zera: Then... **Granas falls from the sky, slain...** Ryudo: How could that be? That, was the end of the battle of Good and Evil? Zera: Yes. Lord Granas died, long, long ago. Valmar was victorious in battle. **Show's over. The lights come back on in the chamber.** Elena: Lord Granas... died? Zera: Yes. That is why there is no light in man's soul. Now that Granas is dead, there is no way to prevent the Revival of Valmar... The world is certainly doomed. Mareg: WHAT!? Then why did you make us hunt for the Granasaber!? Zera: You could never use the sword of a dead God to defeat Valmar... who is about to be newly reborn. Elena: You cannot be Pope Zera... Zera: (laughing maniacally) Oh, if that cursed Melfice had found the Granasaber, I would not have needed you... My purpose was to release the Body of Valmar that was sealed up together with the Granasaber! Ryudo: Wha- what did you say!? You cant! Zera: Yes. Selene too perfomed her last service. It was for that purpose that I planted the Heart of Valmar within her. My goal is the REVIVAL OF VALMAR!! Elena: So everytuing I have done so far has been...!! Ryudo: You FOOL! The Devil's trade is in damnation. And your dealings will damn us all, even yourself! Zera: Eh heh heh. That I know well! Yet to save this doomed world we have no choice but to use the power of Valmar! **One of the glyphs on the floor undergoes a mysterious change.** Tio: Why is the crest of Darkness here...? Zera: Songstress of Granas, girl of vile power, you shall awaken Valmar. **He backs Elena towards a shining column of light.** The time is come... Elena. Elena: Your Highness Zera... NOOOOooooo! Zera: As I promised, I shall drive Millenia from you. I shall drive out Darkness and sin. Elena: Ah... Zera: Now come to me! **He steps into the column of light with her.** Elena: Ryudo! **Ryudo tries to rescue her but can't get into the column. Zera and Elena begin to rise into the air.** Zera: Heh heh heh heh. Look to the moon and witness the Revival of Valmar!! **The column shoots Elena and the Pope out from the top of the Cathedral and into the moon.** Ryudo: there's no way in hell he's getting away! Elena... I'll save you! Mareg: What course of action do you suggest? Tio: We can go to the moon on the Granasaber.... But, there is barely enough energy. And there is the risk that the Horns within Ryudo will be activated... Ryudo:... I know. But I can't just abandon her! I won't let you get away...Zera! You won't get your way!! **So it's back to the Pastures of St. Heim where the Gransaship is.** Ryudo: We're going to save the world, and we're going to save Elena. We're going... to the moon! **They beam onboard the ship, which takes off in cool CG fashion... Destination: The Moon of Valmar.** Mareg: What an odious thing. The SMELL... The root of destruction. Ryudo: So, that's Valmar's moon... Tio, just plunge it in. Tio: Yes sir! **The ship transforms and lands in spectacularly flashy fashion. Our heroes beam onto the moon's surface, a wasteland of rock and craters.** Mareg: Nothing lives in this place. Only this foul SMELL... Tio: It is still inactive! The revival of Valmar has not yet begun! Ryudo: Don't give a damn. Need to get Elena back. Now! **They jump down a hole to--** ------------------- **VALMAR'S MOON 1** ------------------- **Inside it looks like a huge body cavity filled with mucsles, veins and membranes. And monsters. Lots of monsters. They venture through the dungeon until they finally reach Valmar's Womb. (Yech.)** Ryudo: What is this place? **It's a strange chamber with a glass floor looking down on an even larger chamber below.** Mareg: Ryudo! Look! Elena! Tio: Zera is with her. Ryudo: ELENA! Zera: The world has been warped and twisted by the loss of the Light. The future has already been written and it is one of Darkness... Without the Light, the soul suffers and is drawn to darkness, craving more than the hollow teachings of Granas can offer. Nothing can save the world... except the Revival of Valmar! Elena: Then all I have held to be sacred... all we have struggled for... has been for nothing...!? Zera: Ah, you are mistaken. Your actions have served me well! Ha ha ha!! But why are you troubled? Why do you yet sorrow? Elena: I wanted to save people, but now... Zera: You have done nothing but add to their burdens. Your kind heart has brought them nothing but pain. Elena: In order to prevent the Day of Darkness, in order to make Valmar go away, I lied to even Ryudo... Zera: Let me tell you why you suffer. Your prayers are empty, for the Age of Miracles has long since passed. Elena: So, I have been praying to a dead god? It is... hopeless...!? Zera: Yes...it is painful. This I know all too well. But your suffering has to come to an end. Come, I shall give you peace. Elena: ... I have no more reason to live... Zera: Very well. I shall release you from the source of your misery. I shall remove the Wings of Valmar which you despise! Ryudo: DAMMIT! Get away from ELENA! **A monster suddenly rises through the floor where Ryudo and the others are. A strange creature with three spindly claws. An Egg Guardian.** Mareg: Our task will be more difficult than that of a river which flows back from the sea. Ryudo: I don't care! Anything that gets in my way is going to get three feet of steel down its damned throat. ANYTHING! Tio: It comes! **Time for a mini-boss fight. Upon defeating the Egg Guardian, our heroes win an Angel's Robe. Ryudo and the others find themselves in the chamber which was once below them. In the center of the chamber is a glass column. Within it is a mound of tissue with holes going around it. Elena is lying in one of the holes and Zera is standing beside her.** Ryudo: ELENA! Elena: Ryudo, why did you come...? Zera: Well, Welcome, Ryudo. Your arrival has been well-timed, as the preparations for Valmar's rebirth are complete! Ryudo: What the hell makes you think I'm going to let you do that? DAMMIT! **He tries busting in the glass wall of the column, with..um...limited success.** Zera: O Devil Millenia, She Who Possesses the Souls of the Wicked... O Wings of Valmar, Bringer of Misfortune... I call upon you. Elena, come and be cleansed of this foul soul. I have said the words, and I bear the symbols...The time has come! Ryudo: A Dark soul? Millenia!? Dammit, open UP! **The Elena in which Elena lies closes. There's a clear egg on top of the mound of tissue and it starts to glow. Millenia appears within the egg.** Millenia: How did this happen... Why...? Why did it have to be...? Zera: Pleased to meet you. You may call me Zera. I Millenia, Wings of Valmar. The time for the Revival of Valmar is come! The time for you to be made complete! Millenia: Sheesh! That stupid Elena! Sure it was my desire to become Valmar... ...But you kept trying to keep me away. You never thought for yourself, Elena...You were always just following orders... You never thought about what's right and what's wrong... You never knew what is really important. Zera: What is wrong, O Wings of Valmar? The time of Revival is come! Millenia: I HATE you, Ryudo! Just because I fell in love with you, I ended up incomplete like this. Pathetic! Ryudo: Millenia... Millenia: I wanted to be completed as Valmar so that Elena could disappear and I could remain by your side, Ryudo... but I don't care anymore... At this rate, I'll become Valmar... and destroy the world. I might even kill you, too, Ryudo. I don't want to become such a monster... Zera; O Wings of Valmar, what is wrong? You are the key to the Revival of Valmar! You will rule the world as a god! Come! Millenia: ... I don't wanna! Zera, I don't want a complete body anymore. I'd rather be with Ryudo! Zera: Urgh... O Wings of Valmar. For a demon who is to bring destruction to the world, this attitude is unbecoming. Your resolve has been weakened by the souls you have devoured. Weak and feeble souls. This is but a farce. Ryudo: What's wrong!? Stung by the beast you thought you controlled, Zera?! Return Millenia! Return Elena as well! NOW! Zera: Hoo hoo hoo ha ha ha ... Oh well. Then I shall do it as planned! O Valmar! I shall now release your power! **Cut to a cool CG movie of the surface of Valmar's moon, with craters starting to glow, crap flying everywhere, and monsters starting to overrun the surface.** Zera: Hahahahaha! The Revival of Valmar has begun! None of you matter any more! My mortal body discarded, I shall become the will of Valmar and create the perfect, ideal world! Now the time has come! **The egg Millenia is encased in starts to descend into the mound of tissue.** Millenia: Don't toy with me. This guy can't... **Lightning starts to flash around her.** Oh, no... I can't move! ... My power... is draining... I'm... I'm b-being devoured! Zera: Hahahahaha! All is for the new world, as I will it! Millenia: Ryudo, I'm... I'm disappearing! Ryudo: ZERA! STOP IT! ELENA! MILLENIA! Zera, stop spouting MADNESS! Your perfect world? It cannot exist! Zera: YES! A world with one perfect God! The end of death! The end... of life. After the Day of Darkness, only my WILL shall remain! My perfect, absolute WILL! Ryudo: DAMMIT! STOP! ELENA! MILLENIA! RETURN THEM! RETURN THEM TO ME! Zera: Go ahead and shout. LOUDER! Your voice shall sound across the world and stir the slumbering God!! **He hears a noise and turns.** What!? This cannot be.. **Millenia is entangled in some tentacles, resisting the monster's (almost hentai-esque) attempt to absorb her.** Millenia: Zera, I won't let you get away with this! Ryudo! Escape with Elena! RUN! **She uses her power to open the cell where Elena is ensconced and Elena floats up to the others. She passes through the clear column wall.** Millenia: ARRRRGH! Mareg: Millenia! Tio: Millenia. Zera: Heh heh heh heh... What do you think you can do now? Come, relinquish your power. **Millenia sinks further into the ...um..tentacle thingy...** Millenia: I'm so glad that I met you. That I... I fell in love with you. Elena is me. The two of us will live on. No matter what... Ryudo: MILLENIAAAAAA! Millenia: I will protect you! So LIVE!! **She uses her power to teleport them out of the chamber.** Millenia: Ryudo... don't forget... me. *She sinks down.** Zera: Pah. What rubbish! WHat? No Horns!? Where are the Horns? Hmph... No matter. The Revival of Valmar has begun! Now I shall become the WILL of Valmar! **Our heroes are transported a dungeon within Valmar's Moon.** Ryudo: Elena!? Where's Millenia...? Mareg: Grrrrr... Valmar stirs even now. We must make haste to the Granasaber. Tio: But the Granasaber's energy is nearly... Ryudo: NO... I won't leave Millenia behind. Mareg: Millenia would not wish it so... There is no honor in a wasted life. Come, Ryudo - our race is with time. Ryudo: Millenia... DAMMIT! Mareg: Ryudo! Stop! If we do not leave now, all has been for naught. **Ryudo and Co. race to the planet's surface which is covered with red stuff and eerie glowing craters.** Tio: Valmar's resurrection is imminent now. There is no way to stop it. Mareg: We must make our escape from this place! Yet, our path remains blocked...Come, there must be a way to break from here. Ryudo:... I couldn't stop the Revival of Valmar or even rescue Millenia...I, I couldn't do anything... Mareg: Ryudo! Even the eagle knows nothing but darkness while still unhatched, yet while it has life, it struggles to free itself. So must you seek to break from your prison while still you breathe - even unto death, for in life there is hope. There is fire. Live, Ryudo. Fill your veins with fire. **Our heroes battle their way across the planet's surface, fighting Valmar Flies and Valmar's Young along the way.** Mareg: Our path is in need of improvement! At this rate, we will not escape! Tio: But the Granasaber has almost no power left... Mareg: Make do somehow. You must escape!! **He rushes off to fight some monsters.** Tio: Granasaber, lend us your power! Please, FLY! **The teleport sphere appears.** Ryudo: Mareg, we have to leave! Mareg: Stay there! I can handle this! **Famous Last Words. He gets impaled by a Valmar fly.** Mareg: Urgh... Tio, Ryudo, and Elena: Mareg! Mareg: Don't... move! Uuuooooo! **He swipes away the enemies with his weapon.** Uhnnn... Go, Tio. I am OK. I will be right there... Tio: Mareg, I cannot leave you behind. Mareg: GO! Tio, I am fine. You know how this must end. You are thinking with... your heart! Understand...? **And now, presenting Mareg's Death Scene, in Cool CG Mode...** Mareg: Hey Granas, are you listening? This is my first and my last prayer to you. If you have any power left, take them away. AWAY TO SAFETY!!! **Mareg gets bum-rushed by the Valmar brood just as Ryudo and the others are teleported into the Granasaber. The craters of the moon start to glow brightly.** Tio: MAREG! Ryudo: MAREEEEEG! **The ship takes off. Valmar's young cling to it's sides as it hurls itself through space. The ship comes down near the St. Heim Cathedral and crashes into a gajillion pieces. Fortunately, our heroes are transported to safety in the nick of time.** Ryudo: Elena, you holding up? Elena: Millenia... Ryudo... why did Millenia save me? I understand why she saved you...... But why me as well? I tried to rid myself of her... I tried to make her leave... Ryudo: Doesn't matter anymore. Elena: I was only concerned with myself... my own safety... Why would she care to save me? Ryudo: No use dwelling on it. Mareg and Millenia are gone... Elena: Just what do you expect me to do now, Millenia? Tio: ...Mareg is...dead. Ryudo:... Tio: I think I know now what a "heart" is... But... it is a thing filled with sorrow. I would rather have never learned of it. Mareg... twice now you have showed me what it means to have a heart... Ryudo: Tio... Tio: Mareg and Millenia both said that we should "live" I do not know how, Ryudo. What comes next? Ryudo: I don't know... But we must act. As Mareg said... There is something I must do... Though I lose my life, yet must I act. Yes. There is something... **As they're about to leave the ruins of the Granasaber, they hear a noise.** Ryudo: What's that!? **More CG coolness as Valmar's Young fly towards nearby Cyrum Kingdom and start burning, killing and generally making a nuisance of themselves.** Elena: This cannot be... They must have come down with us! Tio: If this continues any further, not one brick shall rest atop another. Ryudo: DAMMIT! I've had enough! There will be no more terror, no more sorrow. We will stop them. This I swear. **They head over to Cyrum Kingdom, which is filled with rubble and chaos. They run through the streets until they spot Roan and some of his guards fighting against two Valmar spawn.** Roan: What amazing power! What should we do...? Ryudo: ROAAAAAAAN! Roan: Ryudo! What are you doing here? Ryudo: Fill you in later! Little busy right now. You might want to start a bonfire, though. Going to be a lot of bodies when I'm done. Roan: It is good to have you back! **A mini-boss fight ensues resulting in our heroes squashing the bugs.** Ryudo: Looks like we made it in time... Don't think they can do much more... Roan: Ryudo, what is happening? What is going on with Valmar's Moon? And what about Mareg? Where is he? I do not see him. Ryudo: ... A lot's happened... Roan: ... I see... Let's get to the castle. It is not safe out here. **Cut to the castle. Roan is beefing up its defenses. Ryudo watches the goings-on from a castle window whle Elena sits moping on a bed nearby.** Ryudo: Roan doesn't waste any time. Kid's got people skills. Elena: Lord Granas is dead. Valmar has been reborn. Oh, this is the end of the world! My hopes... all I have believed in... Turned to ashes... I- I have no idea what I should do now. Ryudo: It's not your fault, Elena. The Valmar thing was completely beyond our control. Elena: No... It IS my fault. I was a servant of Darkness, acting at its behest! Ryudo: Zera used you. He was the one who planned it all... You couldn't have known. Elena: Oh, Lord Granas, please forgive me! Rytudo: Snap out of it! You're a slave to no one. Not Granas, not Valmar. When we were with the people of Darkness, do you remember what you said? You said you wanted to help everyone. Was that a lie? What - you ONLY help people who worship Granas? I don't think that's true. I think you meant what you said before. We're all just people - regardless of where we're from or who we worship. Elena: Who do I... serve...? I serve those who need me. I serve the people I love... everyone. Ryudo: Hell, you were upset when Millenia died. That's proof enough. Elena: Ryudo, you are not as hardened as you wish others to believe you to be. For this, I thank you. Ryudo: Er... Regardless, there must be SOMETHING we can do now. There is always a way... **A soldier enters.** Soldier: Mister Ryudo. His Highness waits in his office. Ryudo: C'mon, Elena. **Our heroes head for the office, where Roan is arguing with an underling.** Roan: ... How stupid! That cannot be done!! Consul: But there is no other way! It is essential that Valmar be left just as he is. It is terribly unfortunate... Roan: If that is... the only way... ... All right. You may go. Consul: Yes, sir...**He takes his leave** Roan: I cannot do that... How could this be!? **He looks over at Tio who is looking out of a nearby window.** Roan: Tio, something has changed in you. Tio: Yes, I have found a heart.... But, in exchange, I have lost something very precious... Is this what it means to have a heart? What it means to become human...? Roan: To lose a loved one is hard. When my mother died, I too thought it was the end of the world. ... But, it is the pain that reminds you what is truly precious.... In sadness, we find our humanity. Tio: Roan, I still do not understand. All I can tell... is that my heart aches. I want to shut my heart down and sleep... Roan: Tio... I think that we know pain... so we want to protect our loved ones. That is why we must fight! Tio:... Roan, would that be correct? Are you really planning... to fight? **Enter Ryudo and Elena.** Ryudo: What's with you two? Roan, I need to borrow you for a second. Tell me, what should we do? Roan: Ryudo, we must decide upon the next step to take... **A short conversation later...** Roan: As far as I have heard, Valmar is still imcomplete. My consul has made a proposal... Mister Ryudo, for the time being, we must run away from Valmar. Ryudo: You're kidding, right? As far as I have heard, Valmar is still incomplete. Roan: We must first keep Valmar incomplete. If he becomes complete, all is lost. Should the Horns inside you be stolen and Valmar's body made complete, we would be able to do nothing except wait for the end. Ryudo: Then what the hell did Mareg and Millenia die for? I'll be twice damned before I turn around and walk away! Roan: Ryudo. You must not despair. Mareg and Millenia gave up their lives to save ours. We nust NOT waste that gift. Ryudo: Don't be so damned stupid, kid. There's nothing I can do now that wouldn't be a waste of my life. And theirs. Just what did Mareg and Millenia... Just what did they... die for!? Elena: The Day of Darkness has passed. Valmar is revived. The Granasaber is lost. Lord Granas will never come again... Ryudo, to die without hope... is that what you call courage? I... cannot imagine losing you. No, NO! I don't want anyone to die! I do not want to lose you! Tio: Ryudo, this is a difficult decision for Roan too. Please understand. Ryudo: You don't need to ask me to understand. I understand perfectly. Think about this, everyone: we can't stop Valmar from coming. Whole or not, Valmar is awake, and the Dark God is not happy. UNDERSTAND? The only thing waiting for us is certain DEATH! The only thing that can stop the Darkness are the Horns of Valmar, which happen to currently be inside me. UNDERSTAND? Millenia and Mareg: they protected me - they gave their lives for me - because I'm the only one who can battle with a god. Tio: But... then... Ryudo, you will end up just like Melfice... Elena: Ryudo, Mareg and Millenia did not die to protect a weapon. They died to protect your life. Would you throw that away? Ryudo: If I do not do them honor... If I do not at least attempt to save our lives, I would disgrace their memory. Though the Darkness rend my soul, I will not sit idly and watch the world collapse about me. Tio: I... do not understand. You speak of our "honor," but... The way in which you use the word differs from how Mareg used it. Roan: You would honor none but Valmar should you give your life to Darkness. Do not be deceived by power. Do not join with Valmar! Ryudo: You're right... Roan... Besides, I don't know how to use the Horns, or how to get rid of them. Tio: That is correct. The means of releasing the Horns of Valmar is completely unknown at present. Roan: At any rate, let us leave this place... Valmar is certain to come here! **No sooner have Ryudo and the others gone out the front door of the castle, when--** Soldier: Your Highness! What can we do? We are battered and exhausted... Roan: We have not lost to Valmar. Do your best. Protecting the weak is the duty of a Knight of Cyrum. Soldier: None here are unscathed. If Valmar should descend on us, our resistance would be futile. Roan: If you cannot hold out, then give up the city - only, protect the people. As long as they live, so will the Kingdom. Soldier: Your Highness! What will become of you? Roan: You must not give up the city. Do not abandon hope! **Our heroes continue on their way. Suddenly, they hear a voice--** Voice: Hey, where are you going now? **It's a Random Townsperson.** Townsperson #1: There is no escape from the monsters; no where to run. What can we do? Tio: There is no safe place in the world. I, too, do not know where we should go... Townsperson #1: The end of the world... There is no safe place for us now. It's hopeless. **Our heroes, sensing the pointlessness of that conversation, turn to continue on their way. They cross a bridge and another townsperson approaches them.** Townsperson #2: Oh, Sister! What should we do? Please give us divine guidance! Elena: There is no god left to hear our prayers... Townsperson #2: ...Then what are you doing dressed up as a Sister!? Have we no salvation!? Elena:... I wish I could offer you comfort, but I pray to a deaf god... **That conversation ended, our heroes run through the rubble and are crossing yet another bridge when--** Ryudo: Something's wrong. there's... Elena: What is it, Ryudo? **Purple lightning starts to flash around his shoulder.** Ryudo: M-my arm aches... **Switch to Cool CG mode. Valmar's moon is approaching the Earth. Suddenly, a huge, creepy eye appears and starts looking around.** Ryudo: It... I'm sure it saw me. Voice: Eeeeeeeek!! **Our heroes turn to see a ghastly sight behind them. Valmar's young are spawning in the city, and three of the critters are about to kill a mother and daughter. The mother gets beaten down--** Ryudo: Dammit! Where the hell are they coming from? Roan: Is this too... the power of Valmar? Ryudo: What the hell isn't these days?! It doesn't matter! Move it! **They rush to fight the critters and defeat them.** Elena: "The dead shall rise to the throne of judgement..." It is as the Holy Book says - the Final Judgement is upon us... Ryudo: It also said that Granas was sleeping, Elena. Forget that damn book! It won't happen - I won't let it happen! **Elena walks over to the young girl, standing next to her mother's body.** Daughter: My mother... is she dead? Elena: Dear, you must leave this place... Daughter: But, I can't just leave my mother behind... Roan: It is dangerous here. Come. This way... Daughter:... **She goes off with them. The body of the mother suddenly is engulfed by a dark sphere. Ryudo: Watch out! **He attacks the sphere with his sword. Daughter: Stop it! **The Sphere vanishes, leaving the mother's body. Mother, Mother is... **the mother vanishes in a puff of purple smoke.** Daughter: N-NO.... NO!... NOOOOOOOO!!! **She runs off.** Roan:.. I'm sorry. There was nothing that could be done. Ryudo: My brother... I am more like you than you believed... Elena: Ryudo... Ryudo: How many times... must we act out... this damnable... pageant... I'll never forgive them... nor Valmar! Tio: It is dangerous for Ryudo to be here... We must leave this town. **And so they do. Our heroes head to-- ----------------------- **CYRUM KINGDOM SOUTH** ----------------------- Elena: How... horrible. Why must they do such things? Is not the taking of lives enough? Must they violate the dead as well? Ryudo: This is a mockery. Mareg did not give his life for this... I will kill them. I will kill them all. Tio: Ryudo, you must not allow your heart to be filled with anger, or you will be as your brother was. The heart is not meant for anger, but for... suffering. Roan: Even if we want to destroy them, we still do not know how to release the Horns of Valmar. if you were to join in battle, you would simply become possessed by Valmar. **It's CG movie time again. A black lump is descending upon the Cathedral of St. Heim. The lump then crushes and absorbs it as Zera's voice rings out.** Zera: You miserable human beings! Witness the birth of your new god! Now is the Time of Judgement! **The lump transforms into a winged, multi-headed monster several miles wide.** Ryudo: Valmar has found me. It would be pointless to try and make a run for it at this point. Elena: Where would we go? No... there is no escape. Ryudo: There must be a way.. A way to kill them...... A way to bury them... Roan: Bury... That's IT! Graves!! Ryudo: What are you talking about? Roan: The Cyrum royal family has a mausoleum that only those of royal blood may enter... And only during funerals! I was there for my mother's funeral... It may be that the history of the People of Darkness rests there intact. Ryudo: The record of the royal family who fought on Valmar's side... We may discover something we can use! Roan: There is no time to spare. The royal mausoleum is to the south. We must hurry! **They run to a rather gaudy building standing nearby. Upon entering it, Roan runs around its interior, looking for things under its oddly shaped furniture.** Roan: This cannot be! The oaths were strictly followed. There must be... something... **Tio looks at a mural on the far wall. She walks up a small staircase and stops at a sun-shaped symbol etched into the wall.** Roan: Tio? Is something wrong? TIo: I see. This is the entrance. Roan: Huh? But there is no way in! Tio: No, it is here. Without a doubt. But the door will not open. Opening the entrance requires a control medal which powers up the system. Roan: I know! I have the medal! So there was another door that sealed in the Darkness... **Roan gives the medal to Tio. She places it in the wall.** Tio: Then I shall open the door. **RUMBLE.** The door is open. Everyone, please go out. **Our heroes leave the mausoleum and enter a mysterious door which has appeared underneath it. The Birthplace of the Gods. Our heroes enter, travel down a long hall and see a panel which reads: "He who worships Light shall gather around the wonder of the Blue Earth, the Red Sun, and the Yellow Moon, then scatter. However, O he who falsely worships Light and is discontent in its power, he shall know only permanent midnight." **So it's another round of Zelda-like puzzlery, lighting spheres, pushing blocks, firing lasers, opening doors, and fighting a few mini-bosses along the way. Pretty standard stuff. Eventually, (after a loooooooong level), our heroes activate the elevator which takes them to a floor where they find a strange blue door. Elena: Wait a minute! Ryudo...What are...these? **She walks over to some weird, pod-like things over on the far wall. Tio: They look like power cells... perhaps from an ancient civilization. I have never before seen the like. Ryudo: Oddly shaped... Like coffins. Elena: Aaah! Roan: What is it, Elena? Elena: Someone - someone is inside! Tio: A human mummy it seems... It too is old... also from an ancient civilization. Ryudo: So they really ARE... coffins. But why would they be stored here? Roan: Tio, you called them power cells. Do you know what they are used for? Tio: ...I do not know. I do not have that information in my memory. I believe their function is outside the scope of my duty. Ryudo: Way back here... What in blazes could be inside? Our heroes enter through the door into the --------------------------------------- **BIRTHPLACE OF THE GODS CONTROL ROOM** --------------------------------------- Ryudo: What's that? A Seal of Granas? **He is referring to a seal on the floor in the center of the control room.** Roan: No, the crest is different... A combination of Granas and Valmar... Elena: What could that mean? **Tio gets hit by strange lightning and glows.** Ryudo: Whoa! Tio: ... Do not worry. This is... a message... for me. Everyone, Elmo wishes to speak with you. Ryudo: Elmo? Who the hell is Elmo? Tio: Yes, the caretaker of this facility. That way. Come, let's go. **Our heroes rush to a strange console at the side wall. The console consists of some weird machinery and a mysterious android with blue hair sticking out of a wall.** Elmo: Welcome, Tio. What can I do for you? Tio: Elmo, caretaker of the birthplace of the Gods, the people are suffering. Please answer our questions. Roan: You are the caretaker of this, the resting place of the People of Darkness. You must know something of Valmar! Please, tell us! Elmo: Indeed I do know, for at one time, this was the place where Granas and Valmar conducted their research. They carried out all manner of experiments, seeking to create that power which became their own. And so this place has been named "The Birthplace of the Gods," for it was here that they ascended into their own power. Ryudo: Now I'm completely confused. I thought... never mind. Look, just tell us how Valmar can be destroyed. What can we do? Trap Valmar in that seal? There's got to be a way... Elmo:... What do you mean by "seal"? Ryudo:...? You know, a seal... C'mon Elmo, work with me here. Elena: We mean the Seals of Granas that seal in Valmar! Like those crests...you know? Elmo: Ah... now I understand. The system that collects the individual units of Valmar. And you refer to it as a "seal., no doubt a mistaken reference to its secondary function. Ryudo: Its what? You mean it has ANOTHER function? What the hell do those things do? Elmo: Its primary function is to activate Valmar. The collection and assemblage of Valmar's "pieces" is solely a preparatory stage. Elena: What do you mean by... "activate?" Tio: So, it is a system which prepares the human body for possession by Valmar... Elmo: Correct. This system encodes Valmar into a human host, fusing the essence of Valmar into a corporeal body. It was never intended to act as a "seal." Ryudop: Bloody... Are you telling us that Valmar was never sealed away? Elmo: Correct. What you call "The Seals of Granas" attune Valmar with the human body, modifying the form of the human host as necessary. For example, the Horns of Valmar within you can be released, attuned, and again be given a physical existence. Ryudo: The Horns... inside me... can be embodied? Roan: But, Ryudo would end up becoming Valmar! Elmo: ... You also seem to misunderstand the being called Valmar. In order that you have a proper understanding of these matters, I will show you the ancient records I maintain. **He starts flashing and projecting an image. It's Cool CG Storytime Again...** Elmo: When the world was still young, and yawned at every new day, Granas came. All was bathed in the light of Heaven. Thus, those were the days of marvels when the power of creation was given unto man. Prayer became form and thought became matter, springing from the minds of men. Many wonders were worked in those days. **Cg scenes of peaceful people milling about rather phallic-shaped buildings which are shooting off lightning and creating things. (Make of THAT what you will...)** Elmo: The people grew prosperous. All that they could desire was given to them. Soon, they lost their ambition, their passions. They ceased to dream. Still, the worship of Granas grew in strength and number. All were compelled to pray without ceasing. So may have been the intent of Granas. The few remaining people who sensed danger in this course, found power to resist Granas; they found power in Valmar. Power to release the energy bound up in life. Power from the people themselves . Power to unmake the world. **Scenes of people using seals of Valmar to create monsters, destroy things, and generally wreak havoc across the land.** Elmo: Thus, in those days, they made war. **Another scene of the Galactic battle between Granas and Valmar.** Elmo: Granas destroyed, and Valmar's body lost and now the destruction in men's hearts knows no bounds. It grows with every passing day. A colliding of Darkness and Light, and then, a bitter rain. **Cool CG segment ends. Pan to the interior of the control room, to a strange device hovering over the center of the room, over the crest of Valmar/Granas.** Elmo: Valmar has the ability to absorb a person's soul... That which you call a "Seal" is a device which embeds a person's heart and soul into the core of Valmar. It transforms the instincts, prayers and wishes of a person's heart into the core of Valmar. Ryudo: So if I remain calm and don't give into emotion, then I'll be safe? Elmo: Yes. That possibility is quite real. Tio: I am uncertain, but like the Granasaber... it is possible you can assume a form unlike the Horns of Valmar. Roan: But, can we be sure? Elena: If he cannot control his emotions... Ryudo will become... Valmar. Roan: If that happens, a new Valmar would be born. And regardless of who wins, Valmar will be complete! Ryudo: Elmo, fire that thing up. Elena, Tio & Roan: Huh! Tio: Ryudo, I do not think that a human heart... emotions... can be controlled. No matter how much you want to save the world, if you give in to anger toward Valmar, you will end up like Melfice. Roan: Right! What will we do if that happens!? Elena: NO! Don't do it! I could not bear losing Ryudo to Valmar... Ryudo: Don't worry,...Elena, I won't give in! No matter what form I take! I know that you... My need to protect you... will help me presevere. I believe that! Elena: Ryudo! Ryudo: Elena... There is no other way. If I don't go, everyone will die! Elmo: The system has been activated. **The room changes color and grows dim as the system goes online.** Ryudo: Tio, I must apologize to you... Tio: For what? Ryudo: For watching you desperately struggle to discover what a human heart is - what it is capable of. I am ashamed that I treated you like a doll... For that, I apologize. Tio:...Ryudo. Please, do not worry about it. This plan is nearly hopeless...But I believe in you. I do not want to see the end of humanity. I enjoy the company of people... Ryudo, please, protect my dreams! Ryudo: Roan, no matter what I become, a terrible battle will take place. I want you to evacuate everyone as far away as possible. Please, do as I say! Your Highness. Roan: On my... journeys with you, I have discovered who I am. Ryudo, I owe it all to you! Ryudo: You'd do the same for me, Roan. We have to win! No, we WILL win! Roan: Ryudo, you must absolutely... positively come back! **Elena turns and runs off. Ryudo follows her.** Elena: Why did it have to come to this? I wanted to save everyone. I did everything I could... But still... Why can't we be together? What did I do wrong...? Ryudo: Elena... Nothing you ever did was wrong... it was right. That's why I can do this... I'll happily risk my life to protect your kindness. So if I should die, you may live. Elena: Ryudo... Ryudo: Live, Elena... Live. **He hugs her.** Elmo: The Horns of Valmar will be released. Please proceed to the center of the system. **A circular portal has formed on top of the Valmar/Granas crest. Ryudo goes to stand on it. It grows dark, and a circular platform lifts him into the air. Elena suddenly rushes to join him there.** Elena: I want to believe in you! But, but... Please, share your strength with me... **He hugs her as the platform rises. The camera pans around them while romantic music swells. Awwww.** Elena: Thank you, Ryudo. **They kiss. Then Elena jumps off.** Elena: No matter what you might look like... please, come back to us! Ryudo: I promise. I'll definitely be back! **He vanishes.** **Cut to Ryudo falling down a mysterious blue shaft.** Ryudo: I'm falling... Just how far will I keep falling? Can I really keep my heart... under control? Will I be able to choose the correct path? If losing means my death, that's fine... But if I become Valmar and turn into a monster... Ryudo, Ryudo, can you really contain your anger against Valmar...who toys with our lives... consumes our souls? Skye: Ryudo! **Skye flies down to join him.** Ryudo: Skye, what the hell are you doing here? Skye: Flapping around, smart guy. Someone's got to keep you company. Ryudo: YOU IDIOT! You could be killed! By ME! Skye: I don't think you will, Ryudo. I have faith in you. Always have. Always will. Ryudo: Skye... Never change, do you? Crazy to the end... Hell, I'll show them. I don't give three bits a damn who believes in me. I'm doing this for myself. **Fade out. Fade in. Ryudo is standing in a spotlight.** Ryudo: Where... am I? **He stands up. He appears to be in a large cavern.** Is this where my heart will be tested? **He crosses a rocky ledge over a lake of lava to get to a strange dias with columns surrounding it. There is a pillar of green flame near the center of the dias.** Voice: The world slouches toward its ruin. It has forsaken the blessings of God, and destruction is its reward. Do you yet hope for a miracle? Do you wish to become a god yourself so that this dying world might be saved? **Ryudo, if he wants the game to continue, chooses to not become a god...** Ryudo: Valmar, I will never give in to you. I have no desire to become a god, for it would be a masquerade, serving none, saving none. **The flame goes out, and a column of rushing lava destroys the bridge behind Ryudo. Ryudo walks another ledge to the next dias.** Voice: Do you wish to possess the power of God? The justice you seek requires power no less than this. **Again he chooses no.** Ryudo: Show yourself, Valmar! I will not yield! I already have power, for there is strength in my beliefs... strength from those I love! **Another column of lava destroys another bridge, so its down the next ledge and to the next green flame on the next dias.** Voice: How do you define love? Is it the compassion you have for others? Helping them through their sorrows? Sharing in their tears? Then do you not want all to be comforted? This would be within your power, for you would have dominion over the hearts of all. Ryudo:...FOOL! I will not be tricked so easily! I know your nature: you twist our wishes - no matter how noble - into base desire! **Another column of lava. Ryudo proceeds onward and downward until he reaches a round ledge nearly sitting on the lake of lava.** Ryudo: Valmar! I will not give you my forgiveness! I will protect this world, for there is power enough in my own beliefs... Valmar: Well, well... you speak of "power," yet deny that it is what you desire. Then tell me, what is it which you seek? Ryudo:... What I seek is power. No, not power...? Valmar: Then it does mean something to you. There is nothing else. Ryudo: NO! I will yet protect the world! Valmar: And to do this will require power. If you fail to see this, then I tell you, surely all your struggles have been for naught. **Lightning falls and hits Ryudo.** Ryudo: Ooouuuuuunggggh! This can't be... bloody hell... Valmar: DIE. Ryudo. **The platform Ryudo is lying on starts to sink into the lava.** Ryudo: Have I... failed? I couldn't do it... after all... Skye... **He slips under the surface of the lava. Valmar: Humans are such amusing things... **Meanwhile, Roan and the others are leaving the Birthplace of the Gods, when-- Roan: It is burning...**By "it", of course, he means the city of Cyrum.** Elena: Oh... what will come of us? Tio: It has come to this after all... **A soldier runs up to them.** Soldier: Your Highness, so you were here!? Roan: Yes... We have been defeated... Soldier: We are surrounded by the enemy and cannot escape. What shall we do? Roan:...! There is only one thing to do! You two - I need your help! Elena & Tio: Yes! **Cool CG mode: Valmar is ravaging the land like Godzilla on steroids. Roan's people stand dumbstruck, looking into the sky.** **Next scene, Tio is helping to tend an injured soldier.** Tio:... Now you will be alright. Roan: Thank you. I am in your debt. Tio: Not at all. It is my duty. **The ground rumbles.** Townspeople: AAGH! VALMAR has come!! The time of judgment is here! AAHH! It's the end of the world! Roan: NO! Do not lose heart! Everyone! We must collect ourselves! Please, calm yourselves! Do not be ruled by fear! **To his soldiers** Stop them! **He runs off in pursuit of his people.** Elena: I... will do what I can...**She runs super-fast back to the Birthplace of the Gods.** Elena: Ryudo, come back...please... You will not become a demon. I will...keep you safe... You will see! **She sees Valmar off in the distace.** I will do what I am able, Ryudo. I will give myself the only way I know how. A song. A song to lend them hope! **Abrupt scene change. All is dark except for the occasional water ripple.** Ryudo: .......I should be dead. Yet... I have my sight... How? Why do I try to stand? Why do I yet move? How can this be?! Voice: Ryudo! How do you feel? Ryudo: What is happening... to me? After I fell... What was done to me? Voice: Do not be confused, yet rejoice... for you have been brought back from the grave. Ryudo: DEAD?! No... I was... But I'm still... Voice: Look at yourself! Behold your new form with your own eyes! **Ryudo suddenly appears as a Valmar spawn in the middle of the lava lake.** Ryudo: Th-this? Voice: You were dead. And now you are no longer human. You are a god! You have been reborn! Yes, you are a god! You are the foul and wretched Valmar! Ryudo: No... Voice: Your new form is a reflection of your true heart - the heart you have hidden even from yourself, twisted and corrupt. Your veins swell with bile and bitterness, for the human heart is full of Darkness. Come, rejoice in your rebirth! Ryudo: I... I will not. There are too many things left undone... Too... many debts still unpaid... Voice: Do not be foolish. It is far too late for such things. Your soul has been defeated. Witness your new form if proof you need! Ryudo: NO! This can't be... Voice: Come, discard your unneeded heart, foul and black as it is! Ryudo: UUUUUAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! **All turns black. Suddenly Ryudo hears Elena's plaintive singing.** Ryudo: NO... Voice: How strubborn you still are... You are crumpled, defeated. There is nothing left of you but your own hideousness... eh, Valmar? **Ryudo raises a defiant claw.** Ryudo: NO! I still have my heart! My body may be damned, my form twisted and made preverse, yet I am human so long as I have my heart! YES! I have my humanity! I am neither a god nor a demon! For my brother... for Mareg and Millenia, those who sacrificed themselves for me... **His body starts emitting rays of light.** For Roan, Tio and Elena, those who struggle yet to live! Those who are my friends... I will protect this world! I will protect the lives and souls of all people! **Skye flies into him, and Ryudo reverts back to human form with a flurry of special effects. Meanwhile, outside, all the people of Cyrum are singing and raising torches into the air. Elena herself is standing on the Mausoleum, singing her heart out. Cut to the village of Cyrum where a mother and child are standing.** Child: What is that light? Mother: It might be dangerous. Stay HERE! Child: Hey, look! **Other townsfolk arrive on the scene as a warm glow fills the air.** Townsfolk: Such a warm... kind light... 'Til now, I think we've forgotten something. I know! We can ...still do things on our own. We can't give up!It's true! We're still alive! **Elena starts singing in a different key as a column of light appears behind her. Ryudo appears in the column and it fades away.** Elena: Welcome back, Ryudo. Ryudo: Thank you. I heard your song. Roan: Ryudo! So you WON!? Elena: Of course! Ryudo would never lose! Tio: A believing heart... is strong, I see. Hearts are made to be together. **Ryudo pulls out a fancy-looking sword. The Granasaber** Roan: That sword! The power to defeat Valmar? Ryudo: Yes. This is our power! VALMAR! Here I AM! THIS is the power of people, the power of hearts...the power that will defeat you! **The swords starts glowing. Ryudo send a massive wave of energy Valmar's way. Powered by Cool CG effects, it cuts through the purple poisonous skies and stops Valmar in his tracks. Ryudo then starts giving Valmar a royal beatdown.** Ryudo: Zera! Do you see?! These people... The world... They will never forgive you! Elena: Yes. True Light springs not from heaven, but from the human heart itself. The Light was never - CAN never - be lost! Roan: This is the truth... There IS still Light in the human heart... in OUR hearts! Tio: This is the heart Mareg wanted me to feel! The heart of... Light! I feel it too! Zera/Valmar: This CANNOT be...! The Light of this world has been... extinguished... The cursed Light... Ryudo: You doubted us. You did not believe in us. And now those who will never forgive you rise in anger. THIS is their power! **Ryudo uses the sword to create a crest on the ground.** Ryudo: The sword has brought me here... It is high time that we sought a reckoning with Valmar. Are we prepared? **If the answer is "no", the party can go down and mill around in the crowd standing below the mausoleum, which includes Gonzola and some other people from earlier in the game.** **If the answer is "yes"-- Zera/Valmar: Insolence... power of the human heart indeed! I spit upon your feeble strength. Come, then, and test the might of your GOD! **A sphere of light engulfs our heroes and carries them into Valmar's body.** ---------------- **NEW VALMAR 1** ---------------- **Valmar's interior is a strange maze of glass floors, membranes, muscles, and green mucus. (Ick.) And monsters. After a mini-boss fight with Valmar Magna, our heroes move on to-- ---------------- **NEW VALMAR 2** ---------------- **The level starts off with a Cool CG movie of Valmar's heads melting. Valmar himself then heads up into space. Our heroes resume their progress, traveling through rooms filled with Valmar Moths and eggs. Our heroes eventually make it to-- ---------------- **NEW VALMAR 3** ---------------- --which has killer cucumbers coming out of the wall. (No. Really, it DOES.) After running through some vein and artery-like tunnels, our heroes face some Valmar Magna mini-bosses, and then it's off to-- ------------------- **NEW VALMAR CORE** ------------------- **It is a vast chamber which looks like it's made out of sliced up body parts. Our heroes run to a platform which looks like it's made from matted blood vessels.** Ryudo: ZERA! We know you're in here! Zera: You have done well... but alas, not well enough, for the earth tires of bearing the weight of humanity and begs for destruction. End this foolishness, for you seek your own ruin. Know you not that the human soul cannot exist without Darkness? **The scene switches to Ryudo in a spotlight.** Zera: Does not Darkness rule your every action? How then will you contend with your own master? Your own GOD? Ryudo? **The spotlight switches to Elena.** Zera: You who put your faith in a dead god; who will hear your songs now? In whom will you believe? A dead god or a living one? Elena? **Switch to Roan.** Zera: Descendant of the People of Darkness: honor your ancestors by serving me now as they did long ago. Hide not from your destiny! Roan! **Switch to Tio.** Zera: You, my servant: if you wish to be complete, then you must obey me, for you were created for no other purpose than this. Tio? O pitiful fools, surrender your hearts to me and I may yet spare you! Ryudo: To lose our hearts is to lose our very humanity. We know each other not through our eyes and ears, but through our hearts! I will not become a monster knowing only of madness and bloodshed. My soul I will not sacrifice for empty promises of power! You who have renounced your own heart, you are a mindless beast who only plays at being a god. And buddy, playtime is over. Elena: I believe in Ryudo, and in people. To love people is to save them. I have finally realized this! Roan: So what if we were the People of Darkness! The past has no more hold on us! It is not destiny that binds people to the past - it is YOU! And we shall be free! Tio: You are mistaken. I AM complete. I have a heart. Ryudo: We have no more need for gods who would use us as tools. We are neither your puppets nor your playthings. We are your destruction! Zera: Well, well...! Then show me your pitiful power, and I will show you exactly how powerless you truly are. **Lightning flases and out of a dome in the center of the platform rises a monster with three faces and insectoid arms. The Valmar Core. This is probably the hardest battle in the game and as such, takes the longest time and involves a lot of over-the-top voice acting. After Ryudo and Co. finally defeat the creature, it blows up reeeeal good.** Zera: It cannot be thus... Why? How can mere humans possess such...power? Ryudo: Because we're not stark raving mad, you pathetic blockhead. Now you realize the true power of humanity. Zera: The power of humanity? A weak and mortal heart? How can you place faith in such fallible things? Then... I will let you see a familiar face. O Wings of Valmar! Come back now! **He summons--** Ryudo: Millenia... Is that... you? Millenia: Ryudo, give me the Horns. I was taken from you because I did not possess them. I can't continue my existence without them. Ryudo, please. **She tosses a firebll his way. Fortunately for Ryudo, he ducks out of the way in time to avoid becoming a smoking crater.** Ryudo: Stop it! Don't you know me? Millenia! Elena: Ryudo! That is not Millenia! Ryudo: Wha- what? Elena: Millenia... She never used to care for anyone but herself. She was as selfish as a child, yet she was as innocent as a child... But Millenia came to love us. If that were the real Millenia, she would never do this! Ryudo, do you not understand!? She only LOOKS like Millenia. This is deception!... She doesn't even SOUND like Millenia! Ryudo: ...Y- you're right! Elena: Millenia is somewhere else... Yes, I understand now! Go away, you IMPOSTER! **There is a mini-boss battle with the Millenia clone who doesn't put up much of a fight. After she is defeated, she disappears in a flurry of special effects.** Elena: Yes... that was just an illusion. Ryudo: ...Elena! Then where is Millenia? Elena: I am afraid no more. My mind is no longer troubled. I can believe! Millenia and I are one! She makes me who I am! Awaken, Millenia! **The spirit of the true Millenia now leaps out of Elena's body.** Ryudo: Millenia! Tio & Roan: Miss Millenia! Millenia: Couldn't this idiot woman notice sooner? Anyone could see through that parlor trick!...But... it's OK now. Elena: Hee-hee. OK. We're together now...right? Millenia: I guess so. **She walks over to Roan** Hey kid, how ya been? Roan: Fine, Miss Millenia! Millenia: And you've made it this far, Miss Marionette. Tio: Yes, I believe in the human heeart.... Just as you do. Zera: This cannot be! How can you still live? The will of God is absolute... The will of man could NEVER overpower a God! Millenia: The only thing here that's absolute is your total lunacy! I am right here in ALL my glory! Elena: "Bolster your soul and you will not fail." Yes! It is exactly as you taught us! Ryudo: Got it, Valmar!? No, Zera!! Zera: Why did the Day of Darkness come to pass? Why did Granas die!? Was it not because of darkness in the soul of man!? If Granas is dead and Valmar is destroyed, there would be nothing to lead man! Is that what you really want!? If there is no need for gods... then there is also no need for man as well! Without man, there is no need for the WORLD! **The ground begins to shake.** Ryudo and Elena: What's going on!? **The platform splits apart, separating Tio and Roan from the others and sending them to the edge of the room. Valmar Magna materialize and advance upon them.** Elena: Roan! Tio! Roan: We're fine. You go after Zera! Millenia: Ryudo! That Zera wants to destroy the entire planert! We gotta stop that loon! Tio: I believe in you. Take care of Zera. Ryudo: Sure, leave it to us! Just hang in there! **Ryudo, Elena and Millenia step into a crest in the center of the floor. It takes them to -- ----------------------------- **NEW VALMAR, ROOM OF CHAOS** ----------------------------- **It's a weird, psychedelic, trippy room with floating spheres and small abstract islands floating in a sea full of wacked out special effects. Ryudo, Elena and Millenia find themselves standing on one of the small islands with a save spot at one end and a tiny gray sphere at the other. They touch the sphere, activating a teleporter which takes them to another small island where they're ambushed by Valmar's Tongue. Upon beating it they receive a Golden Potion, Potion of Azure, Indigo Potion, and a Starlight Tiara. Then it's off to another island where they're beset upon by Valmar's Eye. Beating it wins our heroes: Queen Heels, Potion of Azure, Mystic Potion, and Indigo Potion. Then it's off to yet ANOTHER island where they meet up with - Valmar's Heart (Anyone see a pattern starting to emerge here?) After putting that one to bed, our heroes get: Tenma's Dress, Potion of Azure, Mystic Potion. A hop to the next and final island brings Ryudo, Millenia & Elena. to a ghostly image of Zera himself.** Zera: O foolish, piteous humans, accept your fate! Acept the mercy of a prefect God! Ashes to ashes, dust to dust! Millenia: You really are completely nuts! Whoo, you better rell yourself in you psycho! Elena: Why not try to understand the human heart? Your heart is suffering because you do not understand it. Zera: Meaningless human love... I don't CARE to know about love! Ryudo: But you still have a human heart, Zera! Look at you! You're shaking with fear! **He draws his sword** There is no way that YOU could be a god! Petrified humans like you cannot rule divinity! Zera: I am NOT some human named Zera! I AM GOD! I am the one and only absolute God, VALMAR! You impudent humans! I shall show you my DIVINE POWER! **At this point he morphs into a huge butterfly-looking thing with six wings and with Zera's big ol' weird head in the middle of it. The final battle begins, and as final battles go, it's pretty weak, but beating him wins you the game.** --------------- **GAME ENDING** --------------- **Zera, now defeated, starts vanishing in a flurry of special effects.** Zera: Ah! How can this be? **Meanwhile, elsewhere, Roan and Tio have just polished off their Valmar Magna adversaries when the chamber they're in starts splitting apart.** Roan: Mr. Ryudo, you and the others did it...! I'm glad. Now the world is saved....We did pretty good too, right , Tio? I am relieved. Now I can die with no regrets... Tio: No. You are going to live. I cannot stand it anymore! **She rushes over to help him. Meanwhile, back in the Room of Chaos--** Zera: This cannot be... This is not a fitting end for a GOD! How was I defeated by such weak and tender-hearted humans...? The salvation of the world... the future of mankind... is not to be. How could I, the almighty god, the supreme being... lose...? Millenia: God, schmod. The only thing you've lost is your memory, you senile fool - gods don't survive for too long around here, 'member? Zera: Wha - what is this...!? Millenia: You are no GOD! You're a pathetic loser who forgot that people SHARE their hearts with each other - they don't throw them away! And why the hell would we need YOU to "save" us?! Trust, consideration... love. These things make us strong! I've learned how to share my heart with Ryudo and Elena... and everyone! That's why we're standing here and you're... not! Elena: Everything that you have done has been all for naught. You've cheated and betrayed all of the people who trusted you! There is no way that a man such as you could see what is really important - our future. Our hearts. The power of good within us! Ryudo: If you couldn't see that our hearts are capable of more than just breeding darkness, you were ever only looking into a mirror! You had already given up on us from the very beginning, forgetting what truly matters... You could never be a god...much less a man! Zera: I did not want this... I did not want to be swallowed by Darkness; to be judged on the Day of Darkness. I was ever... afraid...Have I been so wrong? Was it Valmar's Moon that led me here to this cold, dead place? Or was it always only...me...? **He fades away.** Elena: What a pitiful man... Millenia: Not a man... just a FOOL! **The chamber they're in starts to rumble and grow dark. Switch to Cool CG mode, where Valmar is breaking apart and crumbling high over the surface of the Earth. A green light shoots out from it. The green light turns out to be Tio and Roan floating in a forcefield.** Roan: Am I... dead? Tio: No, you are alive. Roan: Did you... save me? Tio: Yes... Roan:... I'm sorry. It must have hurt... It must have really hurt! Tio: No, it did not hurt at all. It is worse to have a broken heart. I do not want to be sad again. I want to be near people! Roan: Um, um, Tio, you're squeezing too tight. Tio: Oh, I am sorry... Roan:...You won't be sad again... I'll be with you! I have fond memories like this. So warm... I think someone once held me like this... What's wrong? Tio: This is a very strange feeling... Is this "heart-to-heart"...? I feel so peaceful. Why is this? I am so happy, but... You are only supposed to cry when upset, right? Roan: Tio, let's go home, back to everyone! Tio: Yes, let's go home. To where we were born. **They speed home as Ryudo, Elena and Millenia watch them suspended in space high above.** Elena: The Granacliffs... are shining... Millenia: The world is returning... to the way it was... Ryudo: We have... won. The world has been made safe. Elena: Yes, Valmar has been defeated... Millenia: But, just because Valmar's gone, doesn't mean that everything will be made perfect. Ryudo: What do you mean? Elena: There has always been suffering. Even before Valmar came to this world. The Granacliffs may be healed, but Valmar has destroyed cities... wounded the land... The world is still plagued with misfortune. Millenia: The people possessed by Valmar have still not gotten their souls back... The little blind girl... The dead whose bodies were defiled... They haven't found peace yet. Elena: Also, there is nothing for people to believe in any more. I realized that it was wrong to believe just for belief's sake, but having nothing to believe in makes life purposeless. Millenia: Now that Granas and Valmar are gone, there are some who will seek to replace them. ...Others will despair and lose the will to live... Ryudo: I see... both man and world are torn up inside... Left broken inside, eh...? So will man continue to fight forever? Has the fate of man not changed at all? Elena: Ryudo. Mankind needs goals to be content. Everyone must pray and hope for happiness. They must live a proper, disciplined life. People had too much freedom. Millenia: Listen, I've had iy up to here with all that saintly stuff! The word "proper" is way too subjective! We gotta live as free as we feel! Elena, you are so straight-laced! Elena: I guess I will never see eye-to-eye with you...! Say, Ryudo? What do you think? Millenia: Yeah, Ryudo! Whose side are you on? Ryudo: Thank you, both of you... I believe in neiher Darkness nor Light. I believe in people! We gave our birthright away; we didn't trust in ourselves! but now, I'm going to return the world to its owners. Elena: That's just like you, Ryudo. Alwyays taking the middle ground! Millenia: I guess so, huh? **She unfurls her black wings and stands beside Ryudo.** Well then, let's go! Elena: Um, um, Millenia. What do I do? Millenia: Jeeze... come on, Elena. Don't you know...? Elena: I... I see...**She unfurls a pair of white feathery wings and goes to stand by Ryudo. Ryudo then draws the Granasaber** Ryudo: C'mon, let's go. **They fly off into the darkness.** **Meanwhile, the long suffering people of Earth are on the ground, looking up. Suddenly, they see Ryudo, Elena and Millenia descend to Earth like a shooting star. Cut to a scene of the grass growing, rain beginning to fall, and the Earth renewing itself, etc etc.... A wall of water then rushes through the Granacliffs, filling them to the brim.** Roan: A year has since passed. The water-filled canyons of the Granacliffs have become a trade route so our country is well-visited. This activity reflects the happiness of the people. Their memories of suffering are finally fading into the past...But we must not forget that time. The compassion we learned then must not also fade from our hearts... Paulk: Your Highness, are you sure, you will not need anyone to accompany you? Roan: Yes, I am going to see my friends. Please, take care of the castle for a while. **Cut to the marketplace of Cyrum where all is happy and well again. Roan is back in his adventuring costume and is getting ready to set out to explore the world once again in search of his friends. Control returns to the player, who can move Roan around and have him speak to people. (In my transcript, I had Roan speak only to the peopleI thought would be important. And to a few that weren't.) **Paulk is standing at the entrance to the castle.** Paulk: Your Majesty, do you not think you should have several people accompany you, after all? Roan: I said I would be fine. Paulk, you worry too much. Paulk: Oh, of course! And which of Your Majesty' s vassals DON'T worry too much!? Roan: Never mind. **On the way out of town, Roan passes by the tent where the Father of Mau is standing. (Although wasn't he MAU himself, earlier?)** Father of Mau: Well, well! If it isn't His Majesty! I did not realize the bazaar would be held so soon! Roan: Shhh! Keep it down! I am here incognito. Huh? Where is your son? Father of Mau: Well, I brought my son Koop to the bazaar, but he ran off again when he was supposed to be watching the store. **Roan leaves and heads for the town entrance. Tio walks out through the door of a nearby building and greets him. She is wearing a cute pink nurses outfit.** Tio: Roan! Are you going out? Roan: Yes. The town is back to normal. I must go while I can and...... see with my own eyes what we did. I want to see it again. Tio: So that is it... Doctor: HEY! TIO! Where have you gotten to!? I need your help! Tio: Over here! Just a second! I am coming. I would like to meet everyone too...If Mareg could only see me now... Roan: I will say hello to everyone... And Mareg too... Tio: Tell everyone that Tio is very happy now. Roan, take this... **She hands him her pendant.** Roan: .. Are you sure? It must be precious... Tio: Please be careful, OK? Roan: OK... See you. **Scene switches to him bidding Tio and a couple of other townsfolk goodbye and then walking out of the town gate. Fade to a scene of a peaceful mountain. Then one of dolphins jumping in and out of the ocean as a ship sails into a peaceful port. It is Liligue City, where Roan now finds himself. He walks the blindingly bright-colored streets until he runs into a familiar pink-haired female.** Paella: Oh! It's you, Roan. Are you taking the Skyway somewhwere? Roan: Oh, it's you, Miss Paella! What might you be doing here? Paella: Now, Gonzola isn't anywhere around here, right? **End of conversation. Roan continues on until he runs into Gadan's house. Upon entering the house, he sees Mr. Gadan himself sitting at a table eating dinner.** Gadan: Oh, is there something I can do for you? Ah... I got so absorbed in my meal, sorry about that. Roan: Hello there! You must be Mr. Gadan...yes? You seem to have completely recovered. Gadan: Have we previously met? I have been told I was sick, but I remember nothing of what happened last year... Roan: Huh? Is that so? Wow... **Roan leaves and head back down the street. He runs into Risotto (A.k.a. the dumb one.)** Risotto: Huh? What are you doing here? Roan: Oh, uh, I am planning a little trip... Risotto: Hmm...oh, dat's it! Hey, you know where dey sell any "why-er?" Roan: Why-er? **And that's the end of THAT conversation. Roan continues on and runs into-- Gonzola: Hey, it's you kid! Long time no see! Roan: Hi, Gonzola. It HAS been a long time, eh? So, you're putting on a show here? Gonzola: Yup, we're getting ready to put on a show that'll blow you away! Yeah, just you wait! **End of conversation. Roan heads up the road to the church at the top of the hill. As soon as he passes through the gate into the courtyard, he hears a familiar voice.** Millenia: Stop that. You're bothering me, kid. **Two kids run past him.** Kids: YAAAY! Roan: Miss Millenia! **Millenia is wearing her hair and a dress in a slightly different (yet no less slutty) style.** Millenia: Kids these days. So full of energy. All of it used for evil. Girl #1: Teacher! These are for you! **A little girl presents her with some flowers.** Millenia: Yes, yes... **She accepts them.** Well, little Roan, how you've been? Hmph. Suppose I shouldn't call you "little" any more. Roan: Miss Millenia, I am... truthfully, a little surprised. So you really did become a teacher. I did not believe it at first. Millenia: I'm as shocked as you are. For some reason, the little brats took to me. I can't get rid of them. Don't think I haven't tried. **A little boy runs smack into her.** Millenia: STOP IT! **The kids run off.** Kid #2: Yeow! Teacher's getting angry! **Skye comes flying into the scene.** Skye: Roan, long time no see. How are things back at the kingdom? Roan: Mister Skye! Are you here with Miss millenia? Skye: Someone needs to keep an eye on her. Heaven knows, I wouldn't trust my hatchlings with that woman. Millenia: Stupid BIRD! Must you always beg me to show you your place?! **A girl runs up to Skye.** Girl #1: It's a bird! **Another girl runs up.** Girl #2: It's a bird! **A boy runs up.** Boy: Birdie. **The boy chases Skye who flies off in a panic. The kids start to chase the hapless bird around the schoolyard.** Roan: Miss Millenia. .. Where is... Ryudo? Millenia: Who? You mean that good for nothing, petty thug? One day, he said "I've got one last thing to do" and left. I haven't seen him since. Now that you mention it, I haven't heard any rumors about him lately... Roan: Miss Millenia... Are you not... a little lonely? Millenia: Roan, you don't understand at all. Ryudo, he's... He'd never run off with another woman. I know he will come back to me, no matter how far the road takes him. He will. I - I know it! **Fade out. Scene opens on the Skyway which Roan boards. The airship takes off. Scene cuts to Mareg's village, where Roan is standing before a stone memorial.** Roan: Mareg... Everything is alright now. The world... the people are improving. Even nature is recovering faster than I once believed possible. There is still suffering, but we will overcome it now. But, it is what comes next that I am unsure of. **He places Tio's pendant on a piller which stands on top of Mareg's monument.** Roan: Tio is doing fine. She assists a doctor now. She says that she could not be happier. Carro: Kykyooo Kyu! **A carro appears at the edge of the clearing. Then two. They both chase each other in nauseatingly cute fashion. They then leave a shiny object at Roan's feet and run off. Roan picks it up.** Roan: Is that Ryudo's pendant? Ryudo... Where have you gone? **Switch to the next scene where the Skyway is flying (in cool CG mode) towards a far island. It is Ryudo's home town. Cut to a scene of Gatta on a hillside training recruits. Gatta walks to the edge of a nearby cliff.** Gatta: Ryudo... what's wrong? Come back soon. **Fade out. Next scene: Mimiru Village where Roan is entering through the front gates. He sees an elaborate tent set up near its entrance and he walks up to the man standing in front of it.** Man: Sorry. We're still getting ready. Come on back tomorrow. Roan: A tent...? What are you getting ready for? Man: We're minstrels going from town to town! Starting tomorrow, we're performing here! A wonderful singer just joined us. Son, you ought to come and listen! Her songs are just show stoppers You ought to come listen some time! I hear it every day but I still love it. **Gee, wonder who that singer could be? Anyway, Roan leaves the tent and walks over to Sandra's house. Just as he's crossing the small bridge in front of it, he hears a crash. Sandra runs out the front door of her house. Aira comes running up from behind.** Sandra: Now, Aira! Have you been making a mess in the shed again!? Aire: I wasn't messing anything up. I was just making a wreath for Nicholas. Sandra: Even so. You have to clean up after yourself. How many times do I have to tell you!? Aira: But Mom, you always say, "Do your best in whatever you do." I was just doing my best to make a wreath. I'll go take it to Nicholas. **She runs off.* Sandra: Oh that child of mine... Only her mouth is grown up... **She sees Roan walking up.** You were here... some time ago... Roan: Yes, it has been a long time. I see she is fully recovered. Little Aira! **Aira comes runing up.** Aira: That voice... it's Roan! Roan! Roan: Are you doing as your mother has told you? Aira: Yup! Sandra: Thank you so much for what you did. Thanks to you... I was able to keep from losing hope. And now Aira is back to her old self... Roan: My heart is glad. But, I cannot take the credit for this. It was thanks to your hard work, Sandra. Aira: The garden is growing little by little! Come see the flowers! Roan: Yes. That would be nice. Thank you. Aira: Wow. We have so many guests today. The singing girl just came by too! Roan: ...! The "singing girl..." You must speak of Elena!? Sandra: Yes. Now she is in a traveling show and going around to lots of places. Didn't you see the tent at the village gate? **Roan runs back to the village gate.** Roan: Miss Elennaaaa! Elena: Roan! **Elena walks out of the tent dressed like the St. Pauli Girl. Sort of a Swiss Miss "pure, yet wenchy" look.** Well, I have not seen you in some time! But how did you know that I was here? Roan: Elena...!? Why re you here? What are you doing now? Elena: Well, I am touring. ... I see. **A man comes out of the tent.** Foreman: Hey, Elena! Get the washing! Oh, you have a guest? Elena: Yes, an old friend of mne. I will be in shortly! Foreman: Don't worry. Friends come before work. Well, then! Roan: You are a minstrel now, is this correct? Elena: Yes. I sing with this troupe. We travel from town to town, sharing joy with everyone, everywhere! Roan: but, it somehow... seems like quite a difficult life... Elena: I really enjoy my life now. It allows me to see so many happy faces. Yes, I have seen the world and it is at peace now. When I sing, everyone seems so happy. My heart is at peace and I am filled with life. We can be as one... The happiness I bring people when I sing is my source of joy. It is what I love to do. Roan: Elena, you look so happy. .. Elena: I am very happy! Everyone else is doing fine too, right? Roan: Yes. Everyone is living happily. But... Elena: Ah. You mean Ryudo? Roan: ... Have you seen him? Has he returned, or have you received word from him? Elena: No one knows where he is. He said that he had things yet to do. He left and has still not returned... Roan: Miss Elena... Elena: Huh? Roan: Are you really all right? Being alone... How can you wait like this, keeping your faith in Ryudo? I cannot understand... Elena: ...Ah ha! Roan? You asked Millenia the same thing, right? Roan: !! Elena: The experience we shared - all of us - have bound us together in a way that defies understanding...But, this bond we share can be felt, but not seen. This is faith. Roan:... Elena: So, I do not have faith in Ryudo. I have faith in our bond. I have faith in our hearts, for they are one. Roan: Huh? Elena: If you are quiet and listen closely to the world, you will hear its pulse... You will feel it. **She hugs Roan from behind.** Elena: Listen, can you hear? Can you feel my heart beating? The rhythm filling the world? You do not need to touch a heart to feel it. Ryudo's heart beats in time with the pulse of the earth. Wherever I am, I can feel him. And... Roan: And...? Elena: I believe this from the bottom of my heart. All things are possible through belief. What our hearts desire will come to pass, even as we have met now. **She lets go of Roan.** ...I know it sounds crazy but this is what I put my faith in now. Ryudo will come back. I am sure. He will return to us. Roan: Elena... Elena: I want the world to realize that... **The soundtrack starts to swell** The music of the heart... of the world... connects each and every one of us. That is why I continue to sing. **She looks heavenward and starts to sing with feeling. The townspeople start to gather around her. Scene swtiches to a panning shot over Carbo Village where Father Carius and his wife are listening and looking into the sky. Next scene, a mountainscape which pans to Ryudo standing under a tree, where he has just buried the Granasaber.** Ryudo: We... will depend on gods and miracles no longer. We will rely on none but ourselves, and we will live. This I believe. Here you will be able to observe the truth of my words. Goodbye, Granasaber... **He looks heavenward.** Melfice... Brother... Can you hear me? Do you listen still...? **The camera pans into the sky, then back down to earth. The last shot is of a faraway view of the tree under which Ryudo has buried the Granasaber (where it will, presumably, rest forever. Or until the sequel. Whichever comes first.)** ----------- **THE END** ----------- **Roll end credits and funky ending theme...** By: Teresa Dietzinger E-mail: dietzt@cloudnet.com Site: http://amethyst-angel.com/ Grandia 2 Thumbnail Theater: http://amethyst-angel.com/grandia_main.html -------------------------------------------