Grandia Xtreme Magic List Version 1.3 Final Written by Niels Espinoza ( Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Legal Information III. Version History IV. About this FAQ V. About Mana Eggs Special Forces VI. Range of Spell Castings VII. List of all Mana Eggs A. Level 0 Mana Eggs B. Level 1 Mana Eggs C. Level 2 Mana Eggs D. Level 4 Mana Eggs E. Level 5 Mana Eggs F. Level 6 Mana Eggs G. Level 7 Mana Eggs H. Level 8 Mana Eggs I. Level 9 Mana Eggs VIII. List of all spells by attribute A. Fire B. Wind C. Water D. Land E. Bomb F. Bolt G. Blizzard H. Forest IX. Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, as you might have guessed this FAQ is made to let you in on all the spells each Mana Eggs has in the great world of Grandia Xtreme. Also note that this FAQ is made only to inform you have the spells each Mana Egg has. It will not tell you what to combine to get these Eggs, there are other FAQ's out there that deal with that. So enjoy the lists and I only hope they will serve you well. Check for the latest update here at Gamefaqs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Legal Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyrighted by me and no one else. If you wish to use it for anyone of your sites then you have to ask permission first. Even if it's just a part of it you still must get authorization by me and only me. So just abide by the rules and there will be no beef. Simple as that. I have a shotgun, a shovel, and 5 acres of land in my backyard. Don't trifle with me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Version History ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0, January 17, 2003: The FAQ begins. All Level 0, 1, and 2 spells are complete. And some of levels 3, 4, and 5. Version 1.1, January 18, 2003: Got all Level 3 and 4 Mana Eggs complete plus one Level 7 Egg, Life Egg. Version 1.2, January 20, 2003: Got every single Mana Egg from levels 5 to 8. All I need now are the Level 9 eggs and I'm done. Version 1.3, January 21, 2003: Yes! It is finally completed. All 42 Eggs and 71 Spells. I also made a nice list of each spell by attribute but I also wanted to add the description of each spell (Like Gad Zap is Attack/Powerful thunderstorm.) Which I might add from time to time if I can just for the sake of completing. The same goes for the eggs. We'll see what happens, but as it stands the guide is complete. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. About this FAQ and Magic ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can see this FAQ will let you in on every spell each Mana Egg contains with detailed information of each spell such as MP cost, area of effect, and so on and so forth. There are about a grand total of 42 eggs each with about 3-6 spells. So expect this to be a long list. Starting from Level 0 to Level 9 where the ultimate eggs lie they'll all be here in due time. Each spell has it's conflicting attribute as well. Meaning one is weak against the other and vice versa. Fire<->Water Wind<->Land Bomb<->Blizzard Bolt<->Forest Fire is like Bomb, Wind is like Bolt, Watre is like Blizzard, and Land is like Forest. Not all that hard to understand. So if you're going to the Aqua Ruins make sure you have good Fire and Bomb spells. But why eggs? Couldn't they just be stones or scrolls or something...whose ever heard of an egg with magical spell. The never see magic in the eggs I crack in the morning- er, what the hell am I talking about? Let's just get on with the FAQ. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- V. About Spells Special Forces (SF) marks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You may notice as you combine higher level mana eggs you get this little letters next to spells in the columns marked SF. Well each letter signifies something and only makes spells even better. MP - Reduces MP consumption (50%) P - Increases Power or duration H - Increases the number of Magic attack hits W - Widens the scope of the area magic (You'll see a red outline of the increased range) S - Shortens the time to activate Magic IP - Increases the IP damage of Magic attack And there you have it. All are useful but to me the best ones would be MP, P, H, and S. Especially with higher magic spells. And for Healing having an S can make life much easier. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Range of Spell Castings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now throughout the FAQ you'll notice that each spell has either an S, A, C, Ar, F, and L. These let you know the range of each spell so you know how to use it one depending on the situation. S = Single: Spell targets only one ally/enemy. A = All: Spell targets all allies/enemies. C = Circle: Spell targets enemies within the circle of the initial enemy targeted. Ar = Area: Spell targets all/enemies around the person casting the spell. F = Fan: Spell targets all enemies within a triangular shaped area with the person casting the spell at the tip. L = Line: Spell targets all enemies within a straight line in front of the spell caster. That should be all of them. I hope they don't sound too confusing but you'll pretty much understand them quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. List of all Mana Eggs and Spells ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is it. This what you've have been searching for. Each spell is rearranged in the following order: Spell name, MP cost, Range in (), Description, and spell attribute in (). You should find the list's easy to read, if not then I'm free to hear any suggestions on how to make them easier to read, although I think they are easy enough as it is. List of all 42 Eggs in Order. 1. Dust Egg 2. Flare Egg 3. Wind Egg 4. Aqua Egg 5. Stone Egg - Contains power of stone. 6. Lava Egg - Contains power of lava. 7. Heat Egg 8. Mist Egg - Contains power of myst. 9. Sand Egg 10. Bomb Egg 11. Thunder Egg 12. Frost Egg 13. Leaf Egg 14. Burst Egg 15. Star Egg 16. Lightning Egg 17. Icicle Egg 18. Forest Egg 19. Booster Egg - Increases abilities. 20. Decrease Egg - Decreases abilities. 21. Darkness Egg - Governs power of darkness. 22. Volcano Egg 23. Cyclone Egg 24. Rainbow Egg 24. Gravity Egg 25. Fairy Egg 26. Cluster Egg - Contains power of cluster. 27. Photon Egg - Contains power of photon. 28. Blizzard Egg - Contains power of blizzard. 29. Soul Egg - Contains power of soul. 30. Restore Egg - Restores breath of life. 31. Life Egg - Fountains source of life. 33. Protect Egg 34. Astral Egg 35. Void Egg 36. Crown Egg - Administers power of kings. 37. Calamity Egg 38. Dragon Egg 39. Fenrir Egg 40. Ether Egg 41. Chaos Egg 42. Holy Egg ------- Level 0 ------- Dust Egg (Mainly Support) 1. Refresh 3 (S) Cures Sap Moves and Sap Magic. (Land) 2. Freeze! 8 (C) Deteriorates Move. (Blizzard) 3. Evap 14 (S) Reduces enemy's HP by half. (Water) ------- Level 1 ------- Flare (Fire) 1. Burn! 4 (S) Effect Level 4. (Fire) 2. Guard Up 8 (C) Improves Immunity. (Fire) Wind (Wind) 1. Howl 7 (C) Effect Level 3. (Wind) 2. Runner 4 (C) Improves Move. (Wind) Aqua (Water) 1. Heal 6 (S) Restore HP. Effect: Small. (Water) 2. Snooze 5 (C) Lulls enemies to sleep. (Water) Stone (Land) 1. Shake 5 (S) Effect Level 4. (Land) 2. Diggin' 5 (C) Improves Defense. (Land) ------- Level 2 ------- Lava (Fire & Land) 1. Burn! 4 (S) Effect Level 4. (Fire) 2. Burnflame 12 (C) Effect Level 5. (Fire) 3. Def-Loss 7 (C) Deteriorates Defense. (Land) Heat (Fire & Wind) 1. Burn! 4 (S) Effect Level 4. (Fire) 2. Howl 7 (C) Effect Level 3. (Wind) 3. Howlslash 18 (L) Effect Level 6. (Wind) Mist (Water & Wind) 1. Alheal 12 (A) Restore HP. Effect: Small. (Water) 2. Erebos 12 (S) Sudden death to enemy. (Water) 3. Fader 16 (S) Transparency avoids attacks. (Wind) Sand (Water & Land) 1. Shake 5 (S) Effect Level 4. (Land) 2. Tremor 10 (Ar) Effect Level 5. (Land) 3. Evap 14 (S) Reduces enemy's HP by half. (Water) ------- Level 3 ------- Bomb Egg (Fire & Bomb) 1. Burnstrike 16 (S) Effect Level 7. (Fire) 2. BOOM! 18 (L) Effect Level 8. (Bomb) 3. WOW! 10 (C) Improves Attack. (Fire) 4. Res-Loss 9 (C) Deteriorates Immunity. (Bomb) Thunder Egg (Wind & Bolt) 1. Zap! 22 (C) Effect Level 7. (Bolt) 2. Wham! 4 (S) Disperses enemy from battlefield. (Wind) 3. Runner 4 (C) Improves Move. (Wind) 4. Stram 12 (C) Deteriorates Attack. (Bolt) Frost Egg (Water & Blizzard) 1. Crackle 20 (S) Effect Level 9. (Blizzard) 2. Heal 6 (S) Restores HP. Effect: Small. (Water) 3. Healer 10 (S) Restores HP. Effect: Medium. (Water) 4. Freeze! 8 (C) Deteriorates Move. (Blizzard) Leaf Egg (Land & Forest) 1. Poizn 10 (S) Effect Level 6. (Forest) 2. Cure 4 (S) Cures Poison & Paralysis. (Land) 3. Diggin' 5 (C) Improves Defense. (Land) 4. Regenera 10 (S) Restores HP for limited period. (Forest) Burst Egg (Mainly Attack) 1. Burnstrike 16 (S) Effect Level 7. (Fire) 2. Howlslash 18 (L) Effect Level 6. (Wind) 3. Tremor 10 (Ar) Effect Level 5. (Land) 4. Erebos 12 (S) Sudden death to enemy. (Water) ------- Level 4 ------- Star Egg (Land & Bomb) 1. BOOM! 18 (L) Effect Level 8. (Bomb) 2. Meteor Fall 32 (S) Effect Level 12. (Bomb) 3. Refresh 3 (S) Cures Sap Moves & Sap Magic. (Land) 4. Res-Loss 9 (C) Deteriorates Immunity. (Bomb) 5. Gravity 4 (C) Gathers enemies in one location. (Land) Lightning Egg (Fire & Bolt) 1. Burnflame 12 (C) Effect Level 5. (Fire) 2. Zap! 22 (C) Effect Level 7. (Bolt) 3. Blade Zap 32 (S) Effect Level 12. (Bolt) 4. Guard Up 8 (C) Improves Immunity. (Bolt) 5. Binder 8 (S) Takes away enemy's mobility. (Bolt) Icicle Egg (Wind & Blizzard) 1. Crackle 20 (S) Effect Level 9. (Blizzard) 2. Diamond Dust 30 (F) Effect Level 9. (Blizzard) 3. Wake 2 (C) Wakes up sleeping allies. (Wind) 4. Shhh! 12 (C) Seals enemies' magic spells. (Wind) 5. Fiora 8 (C) Effects Sap Moves on enemy. (Blizzard) Forest Egg (Water & Forest) 1. Poizn 10 (S) Effect Level 6. (Forest) 2. Alheal 12 (A) Restores HP. Effect: Small (Water) 3. Alhealer 20 (A) Restores HP. Effect: Medium. (Water) 4. Resurrect 26 (S) Revives ally & restores 50% HP. (Forest) 5. Craze 16 (C) Impores Confusion. (Forest) Booster Egg (Mainly Support) 1. WOW! 10 (C) Improves Attack. (Fire) 2. Diggin' 5 (C) Improves Defense. (Land) 3. Guard Up 8 (C) Improves Immunity. (Fire) 4. Speedy 15 (C) Improves mobility. (Forest) 5. Runner 4 (C) Improves Move. (Wind) Decrease Egg (Mainly Support) 1. Stram 12 (C) Deteriorates Attack. (Bolt) 2. Def-Loss 7 (C) Deteriorates Defense. (Land) 3. Res-Loss 9 (C) Deteriorates Immunity. (Bomb) 4. Cold 18 (C) Deteriorates Action. (Blizzard) 5. Freeze! 8 (C) Deteriorates Move. (Blizzard) Darkness Egg (Mainly Support) 1. Snooze 5 (C) Lulls enemies to sleep. (Water) 2. Shhh! 12 (C) Seals enemies' magic spells. (Wind) 3. Fiora 8 (C) Effects Sap Moves on enemy. (Blizzard) 4. Binder 8 (S) Takes away enemy's mobility. (Bolt) 5. Craze 16 (C) Imposes Confusion. (Forest) ------- Level 5 ------- Volcano Egg (Mainly Fire) 1. Burn! 4 (S) Effect Level 4. (Fire) 2. Burnstrike 16 (S) Effect Level 7. (Fire) 3. Hellburner 40 (S) Effect Level 13. (Fire) 4. WOW! 10 (C) Improves Attack. (Fire) 5. Guard Up 8 (C) Improves Immunity. (Fire) 6. Res-Loss 9 (C) Deteriortates Immunity. (Bomb) Cyclone Egg (Mainly Wind) 1. Howl 7 (C) Effect Level 3. (Wind) 2. Howlslash 18 (L) Effect Level 6. (Wind) 3. Howlando 32 (Ar) Effect Level 11. (Wind) 4. Runner 4 (C) Improves Move. (Wind) 5. Stram 12 (C) Deteriorates Attack. (Bolt) 6. Wham! 4 (S) Disperses enemy from battlefield. (Wind) Rainbow Egg (Mainly Water) 1. Heal 6 (S) Restores HP. Effect: Small. (Water) 2. Healer 10 (S) Restores HP. Effect: Medium. (Water) 3. Healer+ 16 (S) Restores HP. Effect: Large. (Water) 4. Evap 14 (S) Reduces enemy's HP by half. (Water) 5. Tartarus Rain 24 (C) Sudden death to enemy. (Water) 6. Cold 18 (C) Deteriorates Action. (Blizzard) Gravity Egg (Mainly Land) 1. Shake 5 (S) Effect Level 4. (Land) 2. Tremor 10 (Ar) Effect Level 5. (Land) 3. Quake 36 (C) Effect Level 11. (Land) 4. Calm 6 (S) Cures Confusion. (Land) 5. Halvah 32 (S) Cures all abnormalities. (Forest) 6. Gravity 4 (C) Gathers enemies in one location. (Land) Fairy Egg (Mainly Support) 1. Healer 10 (S) Restores HP. Effect: Medium (Water) 2. Vanish 35 (Ar) Voids all effects. (Bomb) 3. Fader 16 (S) Transparency avoids attacks. (Wind) 4. Snooze 5 (C) Lulls enemies to sleep. (Water) 5. Craze 16 (C) Imposes confusion. (Forest) ------- Level 6 ------- Cluster Egg (Mainly Bomb) 1. Burnflame 12 (C) Effect Level 5. (Fire) 2. BOOM! 18 (L) Effect Level 8. (Bomb) 3. Meteor Fall 32 (S) Effect Level 12. (Bomb) 4. Meteor Strike 56 (S) Effect Level 15. (Bomb) 5. Calm 6 (S) Cures Confusion. (Land) 6. Def-Loss 7 (C) Deteriorates Defense (Land) Photon Egg (Mainly Bolt) 1. Burnstrike 16 (S) Effect Level 7. (Fire) 2. Zap! 22 (C) Effect Level 7. (Bolt) 3. Zap All 32 (F) Effect Level 9. (Bolt) 4. Gad Zap 62 (S) Effect Level 15. (Bolt) 5. Wake 2 (C) Wake up sleeping allies. (Wind) 6. Binder 8 (S) Takes away enemy's mobility. (Bolt) Blizzard Egg (Mainly Blizzard) 1. Crackle 20 (S) Effect Level 9. (Blizzard) 2. Crackle Floe 30 (S) Effect Level 12. (Blizzard) 3. Crackle Fang 48 (C) Effect Level 13. (Blizzard) 4. Healer 10 (S) Restores HP. Effect: Medium. (Water) 5. Shhh! 12 (C) Seals enemies' magic spells. (Wind) 6. Fiora 8 (C) Effects Sap Moves on enemy. (Blizzard) Soul Egg (Mainly Forest) 1. Alhealer 20 (A) Restores HP. Effect: Medium. (Water) 2. Reviva 42 (S) Restores ally & restores all HP. (Forest) 3. Cure 5 (S) Cures Poison & Paralysis. (Land) 4. Purify 12 (C) Cures Illness & Curse. (Forest) 5. Speedy 15 (C) Improves mobility. (Forest) 6. Craze 16 (C) Improves Confusion. (Forest) Restore Egg (Mainly Cure) 1. Absorber 32 (C) Effect Level 7. (Forest) 2. Alheal 12 (A) Restores HP. Effect: Small. (Water) 3. Alhealer 20 (A) Restores HP. Effect: Medium. (Water) 4. Cure 5 (S) Cures Poison & Paralysis. (Land) 5. Regenera 10 (S) Restores HP for limited period. (Forest) ------- Level 7 ------- Life Egg (Mainly Cure) 1. Alhealer+ 36 (C) Restores HP. Effect: Large. (Water) 2. Reviva 42 (S) Revives ally & restores all HP. (Forest) 3. Evap 14 (S) Reduces enemy's HP by half. (Water) 4. Erebos 12 (S) Sudden death to enemy. (Water) 5. Tartarus Rain 24 (C) Sudden death to enemy. (Water) 6. Regenera 10 (S) Restores HP for limited period. (Forest) Protect Egg (Cure & Support) 1. Healer 10 (S) Restores HP. Effect: Medium. (Water) 2. Purify 12 (S) Cures Illness & Curse. (Forest) 3. Diggin' 5 (C) Improves Defense. (Land) 4. Guard Up 8 (C) Improves Immunity. (Fire) 5. Crystal Wall 8 (S) Invalidates certain damage. (Blizzard) Astral Egg (Attack & Support) 1. BOOM! 18 (L) Effect Level 8. (Bomb) 2. Zap! 22 (C) Effect Level 7. (Bolt) 3. Crackle 20 (S) Effect Level 9. (Blizzard) 4. Poizn 10 (S) Effect Level 6. (Forest) 5. Magic Wall 35 (S) Invalidates magic spells. (Bolt) Void Egg (Attack & Support) 1. BOOMOR! 26 (Ar) Effect Level 10. (Bomb) 2. Erebos 12 (S) Sudden death to enemy. (Water) 3. Wham! 4 (S) Disperses enemy from battlefield. (Wind) 4. Vanish 35 (Ar) Voids all effects. (Bomb) 5. Giga Vanish 50 (S) Voids all Status changes. (Bomb) ------- Level 8 ------- Crown Egg (Attack & Cure) 1. BOOMOR! 26 (Ar) Effect Level 10. (Bomb) 2. Zap All 32 (F) Effect Level 9. (Bolt) 3. Diamond Dust 30 (F) Effect Level 9. (Blizzard) 4. Healer+ 16 (S) Restores HP. Effect: Small. (Water) 5. Halvah 32 (S) Cures all abnormalities. (Forest) 6. Curse 12 (S) Imposes Curse on enemy. (Bolt) Calamity Egg (Mainly Bomb) 1. Inferno 35 (F) Effect Level 11. (Fire) 2. BOOM! 18 (L) Effect Level 8. (Bomb) 3. BOOMOR! 26 (Ar) Effect Level 10. (Bomb) 4. BA-BOOM! 48 (C) Effect Level 13. (Bomb) 5. Curse 12 (S) Imposes Curse on enemy. (Bolt) 6. Gravity 4 (C) Gathers enemies in one location. (Land) Dragon Egg (Mainly Bolt) 1. Hellburner 40 (S) Effect Level 13. (Fire) 2. Zap! 22 (C) Effect Level 7. (Bolt) 3. Blade Zap 32 (S) Effect Level 12. (Bolt) 4. Dragon Zap 50 (L) Effect Level 12. (Bolt) 5. Resurrect 26 (S) Revives ally & restores 50% HP. (Forrest) 6. WOW! 10 (C) Improves Attack. (Fire) Fenrir Egg (Mainly Blizzard) 1. Crackle 20 (S) Effect Level 9. (Blizzard) 2. Crackle Floe 30 (S) Effect Level 15. (Blizzard) 3. Crackle Glacier 60 (S) Efffect Level 15. (Blizzard) 4. Tartarus Rain 24 (C) Sudden death to enemy. (Water) 5. Cold 18 (C) Deteriorates Action. (Blizzard) 6. Binder 8 (S) Takes away enemy's mobility. (Bolt) ------- Level 9 ------- Ether Egg (Ultimate Magic) 1. Galatic Bang 72 (S) Effect Level 18. (Bomb) 2. Alhealer 20 (A) Restores HP. Effect: Medium. (Water) 3. Resurrect 26 (S) Revives ally & restores 50% HP. (Forest) 4. Snooze 5 (C) Lulls enemies to sleep. (Water) 5. Fader 16 (S) Transparency avoids attacks. (Wind) 6. Speedy 15 (C) Improves mobility. (Forest) Chaos Egg (Ultimate Magic) 1. Inferno 35 (F) Effect Level 11. (Fire) 2. Howlando 32 (Ar) Effect Level 11. (Wind) 3. Quake 36 (C) Effect Level 11. (Land) 4. Zap All 32 (F) Effect Level 9. (Bolt) 5. Astraea Zap 70 (Ar) Effect Level 16. (Bolt) 6. Absorber 32 (C) Effect Level 7. (Forest) Holy Egg (Ultimate Egg) 1. Diamond Dust 30 (F) Effect Level 9. (Blizzard) 2. Absolute Zero 68 (L) Effect Level 17. (Blizzard) 3. Healer+ 16 (S) Restores HP. Effect: Large. (Water) 4. Reviva 42 (S) Revives ally & restores all HP. (Forest) 5. Halvah 32 (S) Cures all abnormalities. (Forest) 6. Regenera 10 (S) Restores HP for limited period. (Forest) And there they are, all 42 Eggs complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. List of spells by attribute ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Self-explanatory I believe. From time to time I'll add in the descriptions of all spells when I can. If anyone wants to help then it's fine by me. Of course you'll get credit for it. They are in order of restore, revival, absorption, attack, support, and special. ---- Fire ---- 1. Burn! - 2. Burnflame - Attack/Pillar of flame. 3. Burnstrike - Attack/Flock of phoenixes. 4. Hellburner 5. Inferno - 6. WOW! - Support/Fighting spirit. 7. Guard Up - Support/Spiritual uplift. ---- Wind ---- 1. Howl - 2. Howlslash - 3. Howlando - 4. Runner - Support/Strong fair wind. 5. Wham! - 6. Wake - Restore/Whisper of a breeze. 7. Fader - 8. Shhh! - Support/Vacuum seal. ----- Water ----- 1. Heal - 2. Healer - Restore/Dew of mercy. 3. Healer+ 4. Alheal - Restore/Fountain of life. 5. Alhealer - Restore/Fountain of mercy. 6. Alhealer+ - Restore/Fountain of miracles. 7. Erebos - Attack/Creates dark dense fog. 8. Tartarus Rain - Attack/Calls cold black rain. 9. Snooze - Support/Produces drowsy foam. 10. Evap - Special/Drainage of fluid. ---- Land ---- 1. Cure - Restore/Natural cleanser. 2. Calm - Restore/Soothing smell of land. 3. Shake - 4. Tremor - 5. Quake - 6. Diggin' - Support/Protection of land. 7. Refresh - 8. Def-Loss - Support/Theft of natural power. 9. Gravity - ---- Bomb ---- 1. BOOM! - Attack/Small explosion. 2. BOOMOR! - 3. BA-BOOM! - 4. Meteor Fall - Attack/Falling meteorite. 5. Meteor Strike - Attack/Huge falling meteor. 6. Galatic Bang - 7. Res-Loss - Support/Discouraging heat. 8. Vanish - 9. Giga Vanish - ---- Bolt ---- 1. Zap! - Attack/Electric discharge. 2. Zap All - Attack/High-voltage sparks. 3. Gad Zap - Attack/Powerful thunderstorm. 4. Dragon Zap 5. Astraea Zap 6. Stram - Support/Discouraging zap. 7. Binder - Support/Electrical restraint. 8. Magic Wall 9. Curse -------- Blizzard -------- 1. Crackle - Attack/Ice spear. 2. Diamond Dust 3. Crackle Floe - Attack/Pillar of ice. 4. Crackle Fang - Attack/Falling icebergs. 5. Crackle Glacier 6. Absolute Zero 7. Cold - Support/Blanket of frost. 8. Freeze! - Support/Heavy snowstorm. 9. Fiora - Support/Seal of ice. 10. Crystal Wall ------ Forest ------ 1. Poizn 2. Absorber - Absorption/Relaxes atmosphere. 3. Resurrect 4. Reviva - Revival/Power of World Tree. 5. Purify - Restore/Leaves' cleansing power. 6. Speedy - Support/Refreshing breeze. 7. Craze - Support/Nerve gas. 8. Halvah 9. Regenera - Support/Forest's healing power. That's all spells making a grand total of: 71 spells! Not bad, not bad at all. And thus, the guide ends. Thanks for reading. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to thank the following: Sony - For bringing out the PS2 Game Arts - for making yet another great Grandia game. Enix - for publishing this game and bringing it over to the U.S. Gamefaqs - for hosting up my FAQ. And to anyone who takes the time to read my FAQ. Copyrighted (c) 2003 by Niels Espinoza. All rights reserved.