vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvv vvvvvvvv oooo rrrrrrrrrrr ttt eeeeeeee x x vvvvvvv vvvvvvvv oooo oooo rr rr ttt ee x x vvvvvvv vvvvvvvv oo oo rr rr ttt ee x x vvvvvvv vvvvvvvv oo oo rr rr ttttttttttttt ee x x vvvvvvv vvvvvvvv oo oo rrrrrrrrrr ttt eeeeeeee xx vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv oo oo rr rr ttt ee x x vvvvvvvvvvvv oo oo rr rr ttt ee x x vvvvvvvvv oooo oooo rr rr ttt ee x x vvvvvvv oooo rr rr ttt eeeeeeee x x __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ / / \ |_ ) |_ ) | | \ / \ |_ ) \__ \__/ | \ | \ _|_ |_ _/ \__/ | \ Game Title: Grandia Extreme System: Playstation 2 FAQ written by: Shiletimis E-mail: lostshadowstalker@hotmail.com _______________________________________________________________________ _ Table of Contents I Introduction II About the Vortex Corridor III At this time in the game IV Preparing for the Vortex Corridor V Traversing the Vortex Corridor VI Extra hints about the Vortex Corridor VII Extras I : Introduction In this FAQ I will give information on how to get through the Vortex Corridor, what it is good for, and extra hints about the game to make it more pleasurable. Although the levels are randomly made/selected there can be a FAQ to help get through it. If the information is just about the monsters encounter and there levels, to tips on how to get through it faster or how to get use full items from it. _______________________________________________________________________ _ II : About the Vortex Corridor The Vortex Corridor is unlocked after defeating Quan Lee and gaining the broken/defective sound bite. The Vortex Corridor is not necessary for the game and although there is an ending after you reach the 100th level, it is considered an extra to the game because of how monotonous it is. III : At this time in the game After Quan Lee is defeated there is a movie that has Evan questioning Quan Lee and the broken/defective sound bite (which resembles his heart and/or soul) Afterwards you are in the town and can go back to any level you have previously visited (except the evolutionary corridor) Also, you can set 1 to 4 people in your party to venture into the now much harder levels. Also, there will be another type of skill and skill book avalible, the S rank skill set. The vellium is called Ultimate vellium and will turn into 1 of about 10 or 15 different skills, which are much better than A,B, or C rank skills. The book that they are equipped to is called limited books and can equip 1 of any skill. The best skills in the S rank category are Hero's Spirit-Doubles exp. gained. Full Armour-Able to equip any amour of any class. Line Attack-Critical becomes a line attack. Circle Attack-Critical becomes a circle attack(suggested for Lutina) There will also be the Juston's Game that can be played by talking to Juston in his house behind the shop. This game can be hard to get what you want but the items can be extremely good. For more information on this game look at other FAQS. V: Preparing for the vortex corridor When venturing into the Vortex Corridor the way you want to go about it and prepare for it depends on what you want to do there. Using the methods will be in the Traversing the Vortex Corridor section V. *********************************************************************** * 1 Quickly (get to the 100th level ASAP) 2 Searching (looking for an item) 3 Leveling up *********************************************************************** * 1 Quickly When trying to get to the last level when preparing you will want to equip mana eggs that can do a lot of damage to a lot of enemies really fast. Having Jaid with equipment that reduces MP consumption is good, it is possible to have him decrease it by 90%. Also, for skills, equip Strength and Asura Spirit (if you don't have Asura Spirit, get it by getting the High Vellium avalible from the skill master, it will always be an Asura Spirit skill) You will want to get your attack as high as possible for those with 4 or 5 slots for skill books so they will be able to attack many times to get rid of enemies. This is because fighting is what takes the most time to get to the end. *********************************************************************** * 2 Searching When trying to find a certain item either from treasure chests or from monsters this is what I advise you do. First, if your trying to get items from a monster then having Titto steal rather than just hope they drop it is much faster. If so, have Titto equip Items that reduce SP consumption like Energy Charm or God Hand. Have strong magic that can last because if you are looking to steal from a certain monster then you will be fighting a lot just to find it. Having 1 or 2 strong melee attackers(Brandol, Ulk, Carmyne, and Titto are best) with 2 or more Asura Spirits will help make getting rid of the extra monsters really easy. *********************************************************************** * 3 Leveling Up I do not recommend going to the Vortex Corridor to level up because unless your party has 1 or 2 people it will be really hard and it will take a long time, instead, look to the extras about Zenothlee, but if you insist, this is what I recommend. Just like with the quick method, have very strong magic that can clear the screen fast. Also have characters that can kill monsters in 2 or 3 hits and have them equipped with Asura Spirit (Asura Spirit is your best friend in the Vortex Corridor) Also, if you have it equip Hero's Spirit to gain experience way faster, if not, you should try the searching method and you should get quite a lot of vellium (most of the time you will leave because you have to much stuff) Or you can try to win the Zero weapons which give more, but not as much (maybe 25%-50% more) Do not try to combo the Zero weapons with Hero's Spirit because it doesn't work. _______________________________________________________________________ _ V : Traversing the Vortex Corridor The Vortex Corridor is found by going to the underground cavern using the Geo Gate at the town. Here I will tell you how to use the methods described in the preparing section as well as give a description of the levels and monsters that you will encounter. *********************************************************************** * 1 Methods A: Quickly B: Searching C: Leveling Up 2 Description of the levels and monsters D: 1-9 E: 10-19 F: 20-29 G: 30-39 H: 40-49 I: 50-59 J: 60-69 K: 70-79 L: 80-89 M: 90-99 N: 100 *********************************************************************** * 1 : Methods A: Quickly When trying to get through the Vortex Corridor quickly the are a couple of things to kept in mind. First, try to avoid battles by running around the monsters, It is possible in most cases to get around every monster (unless they're in a small hallway) To do this you will want to lure them towards you by getting close to them, when they start chasing you and their picture on the map turns red run away and wait for them to leave you alone, at this point you will want to run past them. Most of the time they will start to chase you again, if this happens don't turn sharply, and don't stop, you can run faster than most monsters and the ones you can't run in a straight line. When you get to level 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc. You will have a choice to turn a Geo Gate into Entrance, Exit, Item, or for it to recover you. The first one you come to you should turn into an item, the second into an entrance, and the third into an exit. I say to get an item because they can most often be good (like vellium, mana eggs, weapons, amour, and items) Using this method you will get through the Vortex Corridor within anywhere to 20-50 hours depending on how lucky you are to find the next gate to the next level quickly. B : Searching When trying to find certain items in the Vortex Corridor they way you go about it depends on what you are looking for. If you want just any really good item then you will want to use the Quick method to get to the higher levels (60+ have the best but you can get decent ones anywhere) Then go to the levels with Titto and have him steal from every monster that has 5 or more gem indicators for the item they have. Also get an item at every 5 levels until full, then just exit, there is no need to make an entrance. If you are looking for items from chests then bring who ever you want, search everywhere for chests and when there are pots or mushrooms that can be opened, open all of them, most of the time you can find 1 to 4 seeds that raise stats, as well as mp restorative items and jewelry (for selling) C : Leveling Up When going to the Vortex Corridor to level up then you should reduce the amount of characters you have in your party to 2 or 3 and go to the higher levels. Also have Hero's Spirit if you have it or the Zero weapons (don't mix them because it doesn't work) Fight all the enemies in a level and then proceed to the next one and continue. *********************************************************************** * 2 : Descriptions More is coming in an update soon. There is a lot of information in this FAQ already and this section will be the hardest, most time consuming section so bare with me. D : 1-9 These first levels are obviously the easiest to get past unless your character is at low levels. The monsters are not that strong and give little experience. E: 10-19 These levels are slightly harder but the monsters here are still pushovers. F: 20-29 These levels are better for finding items and getting slightly more experience. Watch out for the plants here because the can cause plague which can kill any high level character really fast. G: 30-39 H: 40-49 I: 50-59 J: 60-69 K: 70-79 L: 80-89 M: 90-99 N: 100 The last level here is at the same place where you fought Quan Lee and defeated him, walk into the middle of the room and it will give you an option to continue or back out to do more things. I suggest to go back to town and save because the Geo Gate here can be used to exit and return to this level. _______________________________________________________________________ _ VI : Extra hints about the Vortex Corridor The Vortex Corridor is good for many things, there are lots of extremely good items that can be found there as well as experience at higher levels. The items you can get in the Vortex Corridor are weapons, amour, items, skills, man eggs, and skill books. The best items that can be found here are the seeds that raise stats, they can only be found in the breakable pots and mushrooms that are sometimes in the levels. The best levels to get them are 70-75. You can get 1-3 each level that has mushrooms. There are also items that can be sold for lots of money to play the Juston's Game that are found in the same way as the seeds as well as from monsters and in chests. The other items that can be found that are good are mostly acquired from monsters so look at KingK's FAQ for which monsters drop what. _______________________________________________________________________ _ VII : Extras This section will contain information about leveling up in an easier way than in the Vortex Corridor, the Smash Heads music game, and soon to be more. Leveling Up Fast The best way I have come up with to level up is to fight Zenothlee over and over again. Although he is level 200 and very hard to beat, It can be done alone, or with a party as long as you follow these instructions. First you will want to be able to get to the darkness ruins factory interior by Geo Gate, then you will need to prepare for the battle. The most important thing that you need to survive is a 100% resistance to blizzard magic, use the blizzard charm, and anything that will get you to 100% resistance to crackle flow, which the crystals use quite often. I suggest using items that resist blizzard 100 by them selves like mistral armour and amethyst shield, this way you can equip better armour to raise your characters defense. You will want to have a defense of 900-1000, possible 800 but 1000 I found to be the best because it defends against all the attacks (normal ones) To do this equip toughness to characters, strength is useless if your dead. Having attack at 1000+ is good, 1200 is better but 1000 will do. Do not equip Asura Spirit because the crystals attack so frequently that it will take forever to get a combo off. Make sure all your characters know their last most power full move to use on him, that is the most effective way to damage him. Magic is only good if your character has high intelligence like Jaid or Miam, they should be the only ones using magic if any (other than curative spells which every one should be able to do) Electric magic does nothing so use strong magic from eggs like the Ether egg (Galactic Bang would be best, it's on the Ether egg) If you don't have enough equipment to meet these requirements, take a couple characters out, it might take longer to beat him but at least you will be able to. When going to Zenothlee, fight a couple of monsters on the way to get SP, having Elvin Boot's (they cast Fader at the start of the battle) helps so you don't take damage beforehand. When you start battling Zenothlee have Evan use Invincible Aura, this will nullify all damage done to him, when he gets attacked and falls down moaning, use it again because it just wore out. Also cast WOW on your characters (Brandols Battle Cry works really well here) Have all the characters use their special attack (combo moves are good if they are strong, no electric ones) when a character runs out of SP just have them defend, Titan Canon will give a defending character about 40 SP. If you manage to beat all the crystals don't let Zenothlee cast Meteor Strike because it causes a lot of damage, eventually the crystals will revive and attack you again. If a character gets caught in the Crystal Capture move, critical hit the crystal to knock it off. When Zenothlee is defeated you will get about 130,000 exp per character. Afterwards go to the Spiritual Atrium to get 3 items, usually 1 man egg or a skill book, and two other items from armour and weapons to rings.