++++++++++++++++++++++Growlanser IV: Wayfarer of the time+++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Story + walkthrough+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Created by Ethel Copyright (c) Ethel gkane84@yahoo.com Author's note: This FAQ is to appear strictly on GameFAQs website only. NO part of this FAQ is to be copied or used anywhere else without my permission. Last Updated: Version 3.3 - 2008 June 6th ==Introduction== Growlanser IV, by its name, is obviously the fourth installment for the Growlanser series. This FAQ is based on the Japanese version of the game, though it is currently known that it hasn't been scheduled for a US release as yet. NOTE: I have separated the walkthrough into various chapters of my own. The 'Walkthrough' section will list the steps to proceed through the game as well as information on the dungeons and mission battles. The 'Plot events' section includes description of the events that happened for that particular chapter. I believe this format is better because if you want to know the story, you don't need to rummage through the walkthrough(which was the case before) and vice versa. Expect full spoilers. In cases whereby official names are known, they will be used. For the rest, feel free to correct any errors. Email address is up there. You might want to go to the 'Software manual translation' section and have a short read before you begin your game. ============================================================================== ==Contents== Section A: -Chapter 1 [S1] ->Walkthrough ->Mission 1-3 ->Ruins of Hope ->Mission 4-5 ->Tower Ruins ->Mission 6-9 ->Plot events -Chapter 2 [S2] ->Walkthrough ->Mission 10-11 ->Underwater ruins ->Mission 12-13 ->Mission 14-15 ->Waterfall Ruins ->Mission 16-19 ->Anti-angel weapon research lab ->Mission 20-24 ->Anti-angel weapon construction factory ->Mission 25 ->Plot events -Chapter 3 [S3] ->Walkthrough ->Mission 26-27 ->Hidden ruins of Sansel ->Mission 28-33 ->Ruins of Hope ->Mission 34 ->Plot events -Chapter 4 [S4] ->Walkthrough ->Mission 35-42 ->Mission 43-45 ->Mount Izenbant ->Mission 46 ->Plot events Section B: Choosing replies -->Chapter 1 [CH01] -->Chapter 2 [CH02] -->Chapter 3 [CH03] -->Chapter 4 [CH04] -->Vacation+ character sidequests [VAC1] Section C: Character Side Quests [C1] Section D: Fate events [F1] Section E: Characters profile [P1] Section F: Battle mechanics [B1] Section G: Items and books listing [IB00] Section H: Equipment listing [EQ01] Section I: Skill and magic listing [SKM0] Section I: Colosseum [C2] Section J: Optional Dungeon [O1] Section K: Familiar [FA1] ->Main ->Costumes+chatter Section L: Appendix [APP1] Section M: Tips and frequently asked questions [TFQ1] Section N: Software manual translation [SOF1] Section O: Song lyrics -Version History- -Credits- ============================================================================== ---Game start--- Select start and you get to choose whether you want to configure your settings, unless you are that particular about small details, just skip it, since the setting of the controller buttons for this game is fixed, and I presume that is your greatest concern. Then you get to input your main character's name. The default is Crevaniel, my game and this FAQ uses the default name as well. If you are okay with it, just choose the 6th choice, if not just type in whatever you want and confirm twice to proceed with the game. -Follow Regiena and pick up the shiny item on the ground for a colored stone -Talk to man at the lower right for a colored stone -Approach Bower and Decsen for a conversation -Pick up shiny item near the boat -Talk to Rems and he will join as NPC -Go to the right and talk to the soldiers -Move up and view conversation +++++++++++ | Mission 1 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Lanplast Island | | Enemies - Occupation army: Lv 16 captain, Lv 1 soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game Over conditions - Death of Crevaniel, Rems or Regiena | | | | Leave the captain to Regiena(she will automatically aim for him). Move a | | bit and one soldier will pop up to land an ambush on Rems, thereafter | | Regiena will ask Crevaniel to direct the freaked-out Rems, and so Rems | | will follow your command from now on. Attack normally to wrap this battle | | up quickly. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Talk to the merchant to buy or sell -Try to exit via the right of the screen to choose to save if you want to -Exit the screen via south +++++++++++ | Mission 2 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Lanplast Island | | Enemies - Occupation army: Lv 3 Alex, Lv 2 captain, Lv 1 soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - Transporting group managed to escape, death of | | Crevaniel or Rems | | | | Once battle starts, aim straight for the captain leading the animals. He | | will drop a flute when dead. Quickly pick it up(shiny item) by moving | | Crevaniel while having Rems rain arrows on the other soldiers. After you | | have killed all on the screen, Alex(researcher from Dulkheim who name | | himself after the great Alexander) will appear. Finish them all to end | | this. | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Walk around a bit until explosion occurs -Follow everyone -Approach Decsen and group for another conversation -Talk to Regiena, Bower and finally Decsen -Explore around Marcuria and talk to the man at the item store to meet Eraiza -Go to the inn and enter the room -Go back to the front counter and choose to sleep -Head for the harbor and board the ship after conversation -Explore around Trochmare and meet Silvernale -Exit Trochmare and proceed north +++++++++++ | Mission 3 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - North of Trochmare | | Enemies - Unknown creature | | Clear conditions - Defeat the unknown creature | | Game over conditions - Death of Crevaniel or Rems | | | | Fight this monster for a while(by moving Crevaniel away and using Rems to | | attack once or twice) and Regiena should appear. She will join in the | | fight so just run away from the creature and leave it to her. After a | | while, she will use her limit ability and it will be over. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Talk to Regiena to learn about limit ability -Go up north to meet with Mortis -Head northwest and listen to conversation again -Proceed north -Follow Decsen and talk to him, watch scene -Enter the ruins xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx =============== | Dungeon: | | Ruins of Hope | =============== Enemies: -Giant bat -Living Sword Treasure chest items: None The topaz you have represent yellow, therefore choose to go the paths which are indicated by yellow, going through the rest will bring you back and is of no use. Reach the inner area and save. Rems will try to open the closed door but to no avail. Try again using Crevaniel and it will open. Go in and get the egg(north stand) and examine the middle stand for the pendant, the western door will open, go in. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -After scenes, screen will switch to a dormitory. -Go and get a magic gem from lieutanent Abram. You can use fire, wind, ice or stone. Rems will take a different one from what you chose for Crevaniel. -Read the instruction manual if you wish to -Next scene, go to the table and get the egg and badge -View the map and save if you want to -Talk to Rems and leave the dormitory -Sit down and listen to briefing -Prepare your characters and head west out of the hall -Position Crevaniel and Rems where you wish and press Square button to confirm +++++++++++ | Mission 4 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Lynfaluz magic research base | | Enemies - Abram, Brown 1, Red 2, Blue 1, Green 3 | | Clear conditions - One team remains | | Game over conditions - None | | | | Brown 1 consist of the seniors so they are stronger. Get 1 point when you | | beat each member of the red, green and blue team, get 5 points for each | | brown senior and... don't worry, you will never get to beat the Abram. | | Mission complete comes with your team obtaining the highest points. | | | | To get the highest points, aim for the weak enemies first and gather at | | least 3 points. Once only the Brown 1 team and Abram are remaining, wait | | for Abram to slash away at one of the seniors and quickly direct Crevaniel | | and Rems to attack or use magic on that particular guy. If you are quick | | enough, you can get 5 points. So long as you can get at least 3 points | | earlier, 3+5=8. That will allow Abram to get at most 5(the remaining brown | | 1 senior)+2(Crevaniel and Rems)=7 points. So you win. You'll get a secret | | manual from Abram if that is the case. | | | | P/S: secret manuals gives you 100 gem technique points, pretty good stuff | | at the earlier parts of the game I'd say. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Talk to Blunteer and return back to dormitory -Talk to Vallery -Go back to where the mock battle took place -Knock on the door of the building on the left -Return back to dormitory and place the doll house on the table -Place the egg in it and save -Talk to Vallery to begin the Familiar developing process You get a series of questions and choices, which will determine the stats of the Familiar: (A) Thickness of amniotic fluid 1)Thicker 2)Normal 3)Thiner (B)Temperature of fluid 1)Around another 50 degress warmer 2)Around another 40 degress warmer 3)Don't warm, remain normal (C)A part of Crevaniel 1)Hair 2)Nail 3)Blood (D)Other elements 1)Red Stone 2)Blue Stone 3)Green Stone After selection, you get to load your Growlanser III data. Just skip if you don't have it. When Vallery asks Crevaniel 'A cute girl is the best right?', If you choose 'yes', 1)Cheerful girl who talks a lot (D-TP Type, short hair) 2)Calm girl (D-LN Type, the one who appears in the opening movie) 3)Confused girl who isn't very intelligent (D-LM Type, Rummy look-alike)* If you choose 'it's fine as long as she can assist in battles', 1)Look forward to her direct attack ability (D-TP) 2)Look forward to her direct defense ability (D-TP) 3)Look foward to her magic attack ability (D-LN) 4)Look forward to her magic defense ability (D-LN) 5)Look forward to her mental care after the battle (D-LM)* *Type D-LM is only available if you have loaded your Growlanser III data. -Rest -Go to the hall if you want to -Return back to dormitory to sleep -Give a name for Familiar 1(my faq will refer to her as Familiar 1) -Exit the building and go east -Follow the path until Rivoka village -Head all the way in and watch short conversation -Talk to man standing by the huge stone -Head into the forest past 2 screens -Agree to lend a hand and move up until a strange creature appear +++++++++++ | Mission 5 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Forest north of Rivoka | | Enemies - Lv 17 grauger, Lv 7 worms, Lv 10 timberwolves, Lv 8 scorpions | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - Death of any villager, all party members fallen | | | | If the other monsters are left alone for too long, some will attack the 3 | | men. Spread your characters out, you may want to have Rems kill those | | wandering monsters while you have Crevaniel and Vallery focus on the | | grauger. If you are not > or = lv 7, you won't do any significant damage | | and may end up dead soon. Once all enemies are gone, mission ends. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Knock on the door of the house beside the inn and watch various scenes -Talk to Decsen's wife and ask for any significant stuff Decsen left behind -Exit village and attempt to go back to Lynfaluz -Follow Rems and Vallery back to Rivoka village after scene -Talk to man lying on the ground -Try and talk to Rems -Return back to Lynfaluz's hall -Go up the stairs to the right and knock on Abram's door(1st door from left) -Enter Rudvich's room(just beside Abram's) -Return back to dormitory and have a short discussion -Rest -Go to Abram's room -Leave Lynfaluz through the western exit -Follow the path until a split and take the left -Follow straight path to Saudorix -Talk to the man at north of the screen to agree to a short side-quest(rather important if you want to get Rems' final limit ability) -Escort him to Trochmare(at the split, take the right path and continue until another split and go right again) -Return back to Saudorix and enter the inn -Talk to innkeeper and watch a short conversation -Exit the inn +++++++++++ | Mission 6 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Saudorix | | Enemies - Lv 7-8 rogues(gorotsuki) | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - The man who is carrying the professor escaped, | | all party members defeated | | | | Use Rems or Vallery to aim for the man carrying that sack of...hmm flesh. | | If they cannot catch up, have them clear Crevaniel's way so he will reach | | the town's entrance before the enemies. Make sure you don't take too long. | | Get rid of all enemies to finish the mission. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Save and head out of town -Take forest path up northwest to reach the ruins, enter and an alarm will trigger xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ============= | Dungeon: | | Tower ruins | ============= Enemies: Floor keeper, Executioner, Puppet Trasure chest items: Chemist's knowledge(gem), Soul breaker(gem), 244 ril, Life apple, Nectar, Killing blow(gem) +++++++++++ | Mission 7 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Enemies - Lv 11 executioner guardians | | Clear conditions - Defeat all guardians | | Game over conditions - Death of NPC, all party members fallen | | | | Roomise will wait at the entrance because he doesn't want to get | | in the way(good thinking there mister), so the best way to go | | about things is to have each go a different way, since 3 lanes, | | and you have 3 persons. It doesn't matter who goes which way, | | just separate them. Roomise will prompt that there must be a | | switch somewhere to turn this off. Well he's correct, but there | | are 3 switches altogether. Press square button to have an overall | | view of the map. Move around and I believe you should have spotted | | the switches. Yes they are the shiny orange lights at the end of | | each room. Direct your characters to them and you automatically | | get a message asking whether you want to turn it off(1st choice) | | or wait for a bit or wait for a short while. | | | | It is better to just switch it off the moment you reach it, just | | make sure you grab the items in those treasure chests first, since | | the access in each room will be shut off once you trigger the | | switch. After getting all the items and pressing all the switches, | | just kill whatever enemies that remain and you are done. In my | | opinion, don't rush to get the +bonus, I actually prefer using the | | time to kill more enemies(since they wil keep coming back unless | | you press the switch to shut them out) and getting more experience | | points. But it's up to you. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Check the eastern stand -Go up the stairs Each level has a treasure chest which requires a key. Get the key after beating the Floor Keeper, which is the one that looks like a mini-boss. He doesn't do anything but chant. And the sad thing is: if you are too busy killing enemies blocking your way to him, once his chanting is finished, he will fly off, basically the spell he's chanting is Teleport. And the key is gone for good. Do take note of that When you reach the top(please make sure to save at the save point on the lower level), you get into a battle with more guardians of the ruins. +++++++++++ | Mission 8 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Enemies - Lv 11 executioners, Lv 12 puppets, Lv 18 will o' wisps | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - Death of NPC, all party members fallen | | | | Have everyone chant their magic spells, level 1 is usually enough. | | After chanting is complete, use the spells immediately on the | | wisps. You should be able to rid all 4 before they land a spell. | | but even if they did, if your levels are okay, the characters | | should still be alive, Roomise will help out in healing, but be | | prepared to use items if he's slow. Don't use earth magic, since | | they are considered "flying" units. | | | | After you got rid of the Will'o Wisps, you can relax a bit, heal | | if necessary and hammer your normal attacks on the rest, kill them | | all and it's over. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Move past the left door -After scene, control Crevaniel and get out of the ruins xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -Go back to Saudorix -Escort the merchant to Trochmare again -Return back to Lynfaluz -Knock on Abram's room -Go back to dormitory and watch some conversations -Save and sleep -Go to the hall and listen to briefing -Talk to Vallery outside the hall -Approach group in front the research room and agree to talk to Frane -Return back to dormitory to sleep -Go to hall and talk to Roomise -After conversations, follow the man outside -Talk to man -After conversations with Abram and Roomise, return to dorm and sleep -Go out of building +++++++++++ | Mission 9 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Lynfaluz magic research base | | Enemies - Munzer, Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Hold off enemies for a time period, defeat Munzer | | Game over conditions - Munzer entered the research lab, death of Roomise, | | All party members fallen | | | | You can try to heal Abram for this battle to gain some chant time so the | | others can cast some spells, especially Roomise, since he can cast Level 3 | | Attack. But the main thing is to move Crevaniel and Rems to the various red| | switches around the area to push up the lines of training statues, the most| | important being the one on the western wall and upper left wall. Sooner or | | later, Abram will die. You will need to hold out till the barricade | | is finished, and that's around 3 turns. | | | | Munzer and his soldiers will move towards the research room, so setting up | | the statues on that side will keep them out. Use Crevaniel to block the | | path and have him heal with items whenever he got hit by Munzer. Have Rems | | kill the 2 soldiers(if they are not dead yet) and have him use healing | | drugs on Crevaniel as well, remember to keep Roomise out of Munzer's | | way or it's game over with 1 hit. | | | | It can be trying to have to move and block and heal and attack to balance | | things out, but do it successfully for around 2 turns past the completion | | of the barricade and a Valcaneer soldier will come from the east and | | report mission done, and Munzer will retreat. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Follow Munzer after conversation up till the bridge -Move forward and watch a short scene ******************** (((Plot events))) ******************** A forest with Crevaniel and a girl named Regiena. Regiena will talk about how Crevaniel has been with them for 15 years, and her father mentioning that without Creveniel, there will be no future for mankind. Both of them then discovered a young man lying on the ground and decided to bring him back to the camp. A message appears saying of how Rems and his father was attacked by robbers, and his father was killed. Since their age was the closest, Crevaniel was given the task of watching over Rems. At the mercenaries camp 6 months later, Decsen(Regiena's father and the leader of the mercenaries) informed the group that the next contract is to go to Lanplast island, south of Marculey. The island is not under the rule of any kingdom, that's why many are eyeing to gain privilege to the gold mines there, it was thought at first that the battles that broke out on the island will end soon, but it didn't. The Arten Shevalt mercenaries are to assist in the safety of the people living on the island. The first fight soon broke out in Lanplast. The enemy used a device which pumps oil to shoot out a line of blazing fire. Decsen ordered his archers to destroy the tank by letting off fire arrows and the tank blew up along with the enemies using it. In the discussion on the next day, the mercenaries talk about the technology used to create the device they saw at the last battle, that it must be the technology that existed 2000 years back. A merchant then informed Decsen on the enemy transporting the fire devices, and this batch has been remodified from the last, having a longer shooting distance. After some nagging, the mercenaries decided on making a sneak attack and grab the devices for themselves. So Decsen appointed Rems and Crevaniel to make the sneak attack from the side whilst he and his group attack the front. The screen switches to Bower and his group fighting while wondering what was the enemy plotting, he then decided to retreat and join up on Decsen's side. The enemy troops mentioned something about using an excavated item. With that, a voice was heard saying of how human foolishness won't end, and again they wanted to touch that which is forbidden and a bright light comes along with a huge explosion. Back at the camp, another explosion occured. Bower came in and told Decsen what has happened. Decsen then pushed everyone to head for the harbor. At the habor, Decsen looked up to the sky and saw 'something', but Rems didn't see anything. The group then quickly set sail from Lanplast to Marcuria. Afte reaching Marcuria, Decsen informed everyone that he wished to dissolve the Arten mercenaries and will pass the chief title to Bower. He asked the mercenaries to decide what they want to do from then on. Bower will take over the group and Decsen advised him and his mercenaries to side with Dulkheim and not Igredias because there's no point in fighting for a losing country. Crevaniel didn't have a choice so together with Rems, he followed Decsen. At the Marcuria inn, Decsen asked Crevaniel whether did he see what was in the sky at Lanplast, a being with 6 widespread wings. An angel. He then elaborated on how the human civilization was once destroyed 2000 years ago, and it was the doing of the angel. The blasts at Lanplast were also attacks by the angel. He then referred Crevaniel as the 'key to stopping the angels', and requested Crevaniel to accompany him to Dulkheim because if the angels were not stopped, the tragedy of 2000 years back will happen again. Upon reaching Trochmare, Rems started wondering why the place is called 'The dry sea'. The reason is actually due to buildings constructed below the sea surface level. They also met Silvernale and learnt more about the Royal Guard of Valcaneer, who are so strong that one Royal Guard can take on 100 people. The Royal Guards seems to be a very knowledgable bunch as well. On their way past the route outside Marcuria, a strange looking creature appeared along with Rems screaming his heart out. The group was only able to defeat the creature with Regiena's help. After a small conversation about setting up tent and looking for food, Rems left the party. Decsen showed Crevaniel to a ruin and continue to talk about the destruction of civilization 2000 years ago again before giving Crevaniel a Topaz, saying that the yellow shine of the Topaz represents hope and life. He added that the ruins before them is called the Ruins of Hope. A mysterious man then popped in with Decsen commanding Crevaniel to escape while he attempted to take on the guy but failed miserably. Regiena and another mercenary joined in the fight only to fall as quickly as the rain. When Crevaniel regained consciousness, Rems told him that the other 3 were dead and due to the extent of the damage done, there weren't much remains left. Rems was surprised that the wound on Crevaniel has disappeared. They decided to enter the ruin. In the deepest part of the ruin, Crevaniel fainted after spurting blood. Guards rushed in and the screen switched to an interrogation room where Crevaniel met with a man named Rudvich who gave him the egg found at the ruin but confiscated the medallion. He also persuaded Crevaniel to join the Dulkheim army. At the Lynfaluz base, the group heard Rudvich's speech and the other guys in the class talk about his impressive feats on the battlefield. They got introduced to the purpose of the class and the Lynfaluz base which is actually used to research magic. Since it is as yet too dangerous to expand magic use throughout the country, a small group of 'testers' was set up to experiment which will hopefully lead to more doubts and mysteries solved. After 3 months, the group met Blunteer at the hall and Rems commented that Crevaniel feels similiar to Blunteer, but can't say how. After the mock battle where groups fight against one another in a battle royale, the instructor Abram splashed cold water on everyone by saying that with his standard, it would be trying to face a Royal Guard. Back at the dormitory, Rems informed Crevaniel that they can go to Rivoka on the coming rest day and that there will be a new member for Black 4. A man walked in introduced himself as Vallery, and asked about the 'ruin child'. The group then went on to talk about how half of the people at Lynfaluz are ruin children. A ruin child being a child who was discovered 'hibernating' in the deepest area of the ancient ruins, and that only they can open the door to the innermost part of any ruin, Valley being one of them, not to mention Crevaniel. Rems asked Vallery whether he had the wings of blood as well, to which Vallery responded in doubt saying he has never heard of such a thing, which rendered Crevaniel to not be a normal ruin child, since anyone will die after losing that much blood. Vallery explained about the Familiar, that there 3 main types: the Doll which takes the form of human, the Pet which takes the form of an animal, and the 3rd which belongs to neither called the Azaz. He also gave instructions to Crevaniel on how to "use" the Familiar egg, and Familiar 1 was "born". The next day, Blunteer confirmed the group's rest day. Familiar 1 commented on how she think Blunteer is similiar to Crevaniel, while Vallery disagreed. The group helped out a group of men in obtaining the Hord fruit by defeating an unknown monster(one that looked the same as the one Crevaniel and Rems saw back near Trochmare). The group then went on to visit Decsen's wife and she was devastated that both of them(Decsen and Regiena) were dead, she had hoped that at least Regiena survived. Late in the night, Rems woke up to comfort her and she told him to treat her as his mother. The next morning, the group discussed about a vision Crevaniel had the night before on the secret meeting between Rudvich and Deringer regarding the chief elections. Decsen's wife then passed a letter to the group saying the deliverer is someone from Marcuria and Rems suggested checking out the sender's idenitity the next time they get to go to Marculey. Halfway through the route back to Lynfaluz, an explosion occurred with Rems and Vallery hurrying back in the direction of Rivoka. The man lying on the ground -being the only survivor- struggled through his last breath to tell the group that an angel attacked the village before passing on. Vallery urged the group to look up to the sky, and this time round it's a female angel and Rems can see her as well. Crevaniel then collapsed and had a vision of a group of soldiers hurling useless attacks on the angel and eventually getting slaughtered. Crevaniel regained consciousness and Familiar 1 will wonder what was that vision about, as it seemed to be a fragment of Crevaniel's lost memories unlike the previous one he had at Decsen's wife house. Rems started blaming the angel, because he has lost yet another one of whom he treated as his family. Back at Lynfaluz, the group reported the happening to Rudvich, who reminded them to keep it a secret for now and commented on how Crevaniel's familiar seems different from others, and supposes that the potential of each is based on the familiar's master. Back at the dormitory, a small discussion ensued on how there are more than 1 angel and the group begin worrying about the grand power and destruction that the angels have and will cause upon. In one of Crevaniel's dream, a scene occurred on the king of Valcaneer and 2 of the Royal Guards Munzer and Alphonce talking about research of the ancient technology/magic and the angels. Munzer reported on no new progress, and Alphonce interupted saying that entering the deepest of the ruins requires a child who was supposed to be discovered 'hibernating' in the ruins(in other words, a ruin child) and that none of such has been discovered in Valcaneer ruins. The next day, Abram gave orders to the group to go and escort the great researcher Roomise back, as there is a high possibility of he being attacked by people from Valcaneer. At Saudorix, the group spotted some rogues wandering about and headed for the inn. Inside the inn, the group spotted two men carrying something out. After a battle, the group managed to rescue Roomise. He expressed thanks and requested the group to accompany him to the nearby ruins since a ruin child can access the deepest areas. Upon approaching the ruins, a tower appeared. Furthermore, the door opened on its own. As the group walked in, a warning alarm sounded: there is a presence of A Astral. The group asked Roomise what is A Astral, and Roomise replied that it is a component in a Familiar, but do not think it is caused by Crevaniel's Familiar 1. After a battle to shut down the warning system, the group attempted to check out the image projection in one of the compartments. Roomise then took the projection device with him. The group saw a girl lying in the highest room of the tower. Roomise begin to set up the system which will take around one or 2 hours to awaken her. However, an angel started attacking the tower, the group had no choice but to escape before the tower shield was blown off. Outside the annihilated tower, a discussion started regarding the angels with Roomise mentioning about ruins 10000 years ago with murals related to the angels, but whether they really depict how they are like is unknown and Frane (the girl they found inside the ruin) expressed that somehow she feel that the angels are not that bad. On the way back to Lynfaluz with Vallery and Frane absent, the group saw a man named Crestfer and a girl walk towards the direction of Saudorix. At Lynfaluz, Roomise proceeded to report the happening to Rudvich while Crevaniel's party tried to go to Abram's room. Abram exited Rudvich's room commanding them not to tell anyone of what happened, not even him and that it is enough that the escort of Roomise was successful. Back at the dormitory, Vallery returned and made mention of how he met an irritating guy named Cres-something who tried to hit on Frane, and if not for that he was still in the middle of the mission, he'll show him some pain(not knowing it will end up the other way round though >.>). Next day at the hall, Roomise told the class that there will be a promotion party the coming day and gave instructions to begin with the preparations. In actuality, he has been promoted to lieutanent and will be taking over. After the short session, Rems told Crevaniel that their duty is to serve as guards to the guests at the party, and Crevaniel as guard to Roomise in the afternoon. Crevaniel met Frane again and she told him about how she is the same as him, that even though Vallery is also a ruin child, but they are different from him and the others. Later at the hall, Roomise informed Crevaniel that the same wings of blood situation happened with Frane when they brought her to the Ruins of Hope. At night, Crevaniel saw a vision of that man Crestfer visiting his younger brother Alphonce and meeting with Simonz and Silvernale. Simonz has been transferred from under the command of Munzer to Silvernale and is really unhappy about that. Next day at the hall, Crevaniel spotted Rudvich talking to Deringer. Roomise told him that it is weird for a top political figure to be on such close terms with Rudvich, and pondered about the danger of the situation as it is not good for the army to intefere with political matters. A man approached Rudvich and Roomise dismissed Crevaniel saying there is no need to stay with him as now is his turn to interact with Deringer. After following the man outside the hall, he introduced himself as Vester, and gave a warning to Crevaniel not to do anything stupid as he is now helping Rudvich and can easily request for Crevaniel and his group to be sent to the frontlines of war and die. After the party was over, a soldier entered in with a report of how the guard troops at Saudorix are requesting for reinforcements. There has been no serious losses, but the townspeople were in distress over the sighting of around 60 mountain bandits. Abram thought for a while and agreed to dispatch soldiers at Lynfaluz, Roomise sensed something weird about the entire situation, but Abram decided that if reinforcements are sent only when losses happen, then it will be too late. The next day, Rems and Crevaniel were given the command to protect the base. Outside the hall, the two saw Munzer and Abram. Roomise managed to solve the puzzle: there were no mountain bandits, it was just some soldiers who passed through the border without a high alert, and there weren't really 60 men, it was all a trap to lure soldiers from Lynfaluz to Saudorix so an attack can be launched. During the fight, Munzer used a magic spell which greatly affect the morale of the Lynfaluz soldiers. Abram was unable to stop the enemy's advance and died. Roomise quickly gave instructions for barricades to be built for the research lab and a messenger to be sent to request closage of all borders until reinforcements arrive. Even though Munzer and his troop was unable to obtain the documents from the research lab, he expressed that the mission was a success and retreated. Blunteer returned and chased after the enemy after everyone realized that the enemy was actually after a ruin child, and having fallen into the plot, it made sense why Vallery never returned. During the chase, Familiar 1 was hurt while trying to protect Crevaniel. Upon seeing it, Munzer decided to destroy the connecting bridge and made his exit. Roomise caught up and commented on how the bridge was made of very ancient metal, and to be able to destroy it with just a swipe of the sword was unbelievable. He expressed his gladness in seeing both Crevanial and Rems safe and noted that Crevaniel's familiar seemed to be sapped of energy and requested the group to return quickly and put her back in the doll house. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== --- Chapter 2 --- [S2] ******************** (((Walkthrough))) ******************** -Go to hall -Head to Trochmare -Go straight down to the lowest area of Trochmare for short scene -Head further in and talk to Alphonce -Rest at the inn -Head out and go back to where the fountain is, watch scenes -Head back to Lynfaluz -Take a seat inside the hall -Go back to dorm for a long conversation, rest -Choose to take the doll house and exit Lynfaluz -Head to Trochmare's inn and speak to the soldier -Move and drink the water at the table using Circle button -Walk around if you want and choose to rest again -After scenes, talk a bit(especially with Ellena, refer to fate events for steps) and choose to rest again -Talk to Ellena, Robel and try to rest -Save at save point and talk to Rems -Proceed north up the short stairs ++++++++++++ | Mission 10 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Prison barracks | | Enemies - Lv 10-16 Dulkheim soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - Frane is being led away, death of Crevaniel, death | | of Rems | | | | This battle is very flexible, so fight it as you wish. Just make sure not | | to let any of the escort soldiers get away with their prisoners. Everytime | | you kill an escort soldier, the prisoner will become free and assist you | | with some forms of magic but take note that the other enemy soldiers will | | start to attack them as well. The captain can cast cure so get rid of him | | first if you can. Save Frane and she will join you. Kill off all soldiers | | to end the battle. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Enter the experiment room and take the doll house -Exit the barracks -Head east and follow the road path to Trochmare -Go to the harbor and attempt to board ship, watch short conversations -Return to scene on ship, walk around/talk to Rems, watch scenes again -Wake up and exit the room -Go down the stairs and talk to Rems -Go upper left and more conversations -Leave the house via left -Go south and west to enter Marcuria -Go to the item store and talk to Prakk -Head south for the harbor ++++++++++++ | Mission 11 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Marcuria harbor | | Enemies - Lv 22 Mauler, Lv 12/16 Dulkheim soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies except Mauler | | Game over conditions - More than 3 enemy soldiers made it into the town, | | all party members fallen | | | | Soldiers will keep coming out from the ships so the only way to cut off | | the 'flow' is to destroy the planks. It will be done automatically when a | | character reaches the plank. After a few turns, Baker along with a few | | Marcuria soldiers will join in as your allies. This battle is easy, | | destroy all planks if you want, if not just keep beating the enemies until | | only Mauler is left on the screen and he will order a full retreat soon. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Go to the castle(west of the town) and proceed until the throne room -After conversations, head back to Eraiza's house -After scenes, go back into the house and talk to Eraiza -Agree to help her and head to the item shop at Marcuria again -Talk to Prakk and suggest Mell to go and have a talk with Goldrian and Sydney for opening her shop -Talk to Prakk twice -Try to walk to the exit and watch a scene -Return back to Your Land(default name I'm going to use for this faq) -Follow Rems to Marcuria's inn -Exit Marcuria, head northeast for a cave and enter it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx =================== |Dungeon: Tunnel to | | Ordineil | =================== Enemies: Zombie, Will o' wisp, Viper, Gremlin, Skeleton, Dire wolf Treasure chest items: Multiple magic casting+1(gem), buff coat, 823 ril, recovery medicine Use magic on will o wisps because weapon attacks doesn't really work on them. Head in the northeast direction paths and you will reach the end soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -Talk to guard -Head north to the city of Ordineil -Explore around and talk to the guy at the item store and ask about the letter -Go north and west and watch scenes -Talk to Alphonce and exit the room -Exit Ordineil and head north through the forest -At path split, head into Krasdahl for a rest -Once done, exit and continue north until more conversations -Short party split, move to examine the tail and attempt to chase after her -Exit and continue path to Lezel(just 1 more screen to go) -Talk to Munzer, and other party members -Enter inn to rest/save and exit -Talk to Crestfer and gather everyone to set off for Fandelsia -Head northwest for a couple of screens until you can't proceed anymore, then go to the east to enter Fandelsia -Explore around town and talk to guy at inn -Exit inn and head further in the town and up the stairs, watch a long scene -Wake up and talk to Bower, exit the mansion -Search around the pile of junk beside the staircase for a crystal -Return back to the inn -Attempt to leave the town -Chase after Frane and talk to her -Go back and exit the town -Return back the way you came for 2 screens, then head east xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ================== | Dungeon: | | Underwater ruins | ================== Enemies: Caster, Ghoul, Vampire bat, Bone golem, lizardman, Onrein Treasure chest items: 5 Crystals (non-optional), Bandit tome, MOV UP +2 (gem) This is quite a dungeon. But it should take a short while to understand how to get through. If you walk down from each level, you would have noticed some walls with holes that would fit in your little crystal right? Forget about it for now. Just keep exploring each level completely and get all the items in every treasure chest. Soon you will find 5 of such crystals. Next thing to do is simple: look for every hole and insert a crystal in. For some blocked off areas, you will have to go a level up and fall through the uncovered area down to reach those areas to use the crystal, but a bit of observance should be enough to finish putting in all 6. I'll list a summary: Entrance to ruins: 5th Floor Chest containing 5 crystals: chest in middle of 4th floor Walls to place crystals in: floors 1, 2 and 4 has one each, 3rd floor has two Once done, make your way to the 2nd floor and go east. You will spot crystal- like platforms for you to step on to the other end. Keep to the right sid for the final platform or else you'll fall. Go up the stairs, SAVE. And go east again. You will come to a door that Rems failed to open. He ended up using mere brute force to open the door, that's by shooting tons of arrows. Well, help him out a bit by moving Crevaniel to the door and Crevaniel will slash at the stupid door and it will open. Once again you see the girl whom Crevaniel met back at Crestfer's ruins of dreams. She will get very anxious and refuses to listen to anything and try to move the switch to open the opposing door to get away. But the switch failed and she started banging and kicking and slaughtering the poor switch that it finally gave way, but not without triggering the alarm. ++++++++++++ | Mission 12 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Enemies - Lv 25 diener, Lv 21 defenders | | Clear conditions - Eliminate all guardians | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | This battle will be all about magic. Make sure your characters | | have magic of different elements. The main thing is to destroy the | | guardian globes(defenders) first. If the globe is of red color, | | don't use fire magic on it or you will end up healing it. Use any | | other magic besides fire and earth(it's a floating unit in case | | you didn't notice), same thing goes for the rest, if the element | | is the direct opposite(as in fire to ice), a level 2 should be | | enough to kill one. If not, just keep using magic. After you have | | all the globes gone, chant your characters' magic to the highest | | level that they have and cast them to finish off the big bulk of | | metal. Remember to heal in between if needed and the fight will be | | over in no time. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Once you regained control of Crevaniel, have him escape as well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -Go east once and west twice to return back to Lezel -Rest if you want to(recommended) and exit -Go back in the direction of Marcuria until the split paths -Talk to the man and agree to help him -Take the western path to reach Krasdahl -Once inside the village, head west instead of south ++++++++++++ | Mission 13 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Krasdahl | | Enemies - Lv 26 Kergil, Lv 17/18 Dulkheim soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - Death of old swordsman, all party members fallen | | | | Hien(the old man) is not very strong and Mortis is not that powerful to be | | able to withstand attacks from 4-5 enemies, so if you want him to live, | | chant Cure as early as possible since it will take some time for Crevaniel | | or any other character to reach where he and Hien are rooted, and Kergil | | will target him for most of the fight. | | | | Kergil is average in fighting skills, but the constant magic attacks from | | the magicians can be trouble if left alone for too long. Get rid of all | | all enemies to finish the mission. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Watch scene -Talk to everyone -Return back to inn, watch more scenes -Once done, exit the village and return to Ordineil -Talk to guy at item store -Leave the town and head north until you come to a big rock -Follow him to next screen -Continue past the 1 screen to reach the destroyed village -Go to the upper left and enter the house -Watch more conversations and choose to rest at the bed -Talk to Maggy again to have Familiar learn how to create Trans-gates -Exit the place and return to Your Land -Choose to have the holiday at Your Land -Head to Marcuria's castle and watch scene -Talk to soldier near item store -Enter inn to look for Alicia -After conversation, leave and exit Marcuria -Head east, then north ++++++++++++ | Mission 14 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Path east of Marcuria | | Enemies - Valcaneer soldiers Lv 18,19,24 and Lv 15 transporting animals | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies(transporting animals included) | | Game over conditions - More than 4 animals exit the screen, all party | | members fallen | | | | Use magic for characters with faster chant times, I used Crevaniel to do | | direct attacks instead of magic. You will need to defeat all animals to | | get back the items so don't let them run too far off. Magic is key so use | | it and this battle should end with a perfect. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Go back to Marcuria to rest, save and head to the harbor -Choose character you want to accompany Crevaniel -Follow the path down and you will reach the castle hall -When the enemy spots you, battle time ++++++++++++ | Mission 15 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Marcuria castle | | Enemies - Simonz, Lv 18/19/24 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - Death of more than 2 hostages, all party members | | fallen | | | | No healing is necessary for this battle unless your levels are that low. | | Try to have Crevaniel move up and attack(he has a good MOV stat) any | | approaching soldiers while having the other character chant magic to level | | 2 or 3. 3 is usually enough to kill off a soldier. The archers will move | | back to inform their commander Simonz(it doesn't matter if they make it or | | not since Simonz will pop up after a short while). Keep killing as many | | enemies as you can. | | | | After most of them are gone, Simonz will appear and he and the soldiers | | will have a change of plan and proceed to slaughter the hostages(who are | | officers and helpers of the castle but were too late in escaping during | | the siege and thus got caught and used as hostages). A turn after Simonz, | | your 2 other characters will enter from the top right pillar. They will | | join in the battle so it should take only a while more to finish the | | battle and save all hostages. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Watch a couple of scenes -Once you regained control of Crevaniel, exit the room and go down -Talk to everyone and return back to room -Go to the castle to talk to Alicia -Talk to Carnos at the entrance of Eraiza's mansion -Return to Your Land and back to Crevaniel's room -Talk to Sydney to ask for a 2 days vacation -Once vacation is done, go back to the entrance of the tunnel that leads to Ordineil and go east for 2 screens to reach the ruins, enter xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ================= | Dungeon: | | Waterfall ruins | ================= Enemies: Salamander, Gargoyle, Larva Treasure chest items: Seibo's medicine, Knock-out guard(gem), All elements guard+1(gem) Take the stairs up north, cross the bridge and go up the next stairs you see. Follow path and turn off the switch at the end wall. Go back to the entrance and this time, take the right stairs down. Go up and the take the northwestern stairs, then the east and follow path to turn off switch. Return back 2 screens the way you came by and opt for the stairs to the right. Follow the path and go down the stairs at the end. If you get confused from my directions above, you'll have to explore for yourself, basically just turn off switches to do away with the ground mechanism that takes off 5 HP every few seconds, then just keep on going down. ++++++++++++ | Mission 16 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Enemies - Lv 34 Blunteer, Lv 20-21 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | Blunteer will pull down the switch to activate the HP-consuming | | device. In order to reach his side, you need to crawl a long way | | there. He has quite a number of magicians on his side, so all the | | magic blasts will deplete even more HP. Always have someone ready | | to heal. | | | | Have your characters stand on any blue patch which doesn't take | | away HP and use magic to get rid of everyone besides Blunteer. A | | level 3 will be enough to take down one. Each time you defeat an | | enemy, they will use return to get out of this hideous place. | | | | After doing away with most enemies save for Blunteer, move | | Crevaniel and Rems towards him, have Rems attack him from afar and | | Crevaniel up front. Unless you have overpowered levels, only | | Crevaniel will be able to take his blows. The rest will die fast | | if near him. Use your other 2 characters to cure Crevaniel or do | | it all in your own preferred way and Blunteer should fall soon. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You better save before heading down the next stairway. You might want to observe the structure of this floor as well as try out how the power mode of the laser device works - verticle and horizontal. Plates lighted in a line of either will serve as a barrier to keep out guardians (in other words, enemies), this also means your characters will be blocked off as well. Walk to the inner part where the closed door is and Frane will mention that it can be opened with something, that's a lever btw. Go to where the laser device is, see that little gadget on the wall, pull it and a battle will start. ++++++++++++ | Mission 17 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Enemies - Lv 27/33 guardians | | Clear conditions - Cut off the supply while the door is open | | Game over conditions - Unable to operate the laser device anymore, | | Only 1 party member remain | | | | This is the most frustrating battle as yet so be prepared for some | | level of patience. The alarm will prompt 2 ways to disactivate this | | meddlesome system. 1 is if you have the system key and can stop | | this mess immediately, which obviously: you don't have. The 2nd is | | by force, and it requires someone to open that door while cutting | | off the supply of the system with the lever, this will send a | | signal to the guardians to stop attacking and get lost. | | | | How you go about this is up to you. For me, I chose to have Frane | | remain where the lever is and have Crevaniel move in the left | | direction and Rems and Eraiza in the right. This way, I can have | | Frane heal(for my party, she has the best healing ability and since | | her attacks and MO stat aren't good, it's no point having her face | | the enemies when you have other better choices) while my other | | characters work their way through the walls and barrier. Crevaniel | | is strong enough on his own, so I think it's better for Rems and | | Eraiza to go together, that way their speed of advance will somehow | | beeven out. This is important I believe because Frane needs to | | control the laser device as well to change the direction of the | | plate barrier. But like I have said, it's really up to you. | | | | Once one of your characters reaches the door and open it, have | | whoever is located at the lever to trigger it and it will be done. | | | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go in and search around. Read the report. Exit the dungeon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -Back at Your Land, rest. -Go to the castle and watch more scenes -Talk to Sydney and ask for vacation -Leave and go northwest to reach Sansel(from the entrance to Ordineil tunnel, head west and north) ++++++++++++ | Mission 18 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Sansel | | Enemies - Lv 28 Vallery, Lv 21-22 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - More than 3 guards died, all party members fallen | | | | You are not to allow too many village guards to die, because it's of no use| | chasing out the enemies but having no guards left in the village. So try | | to keep all alive. You can choose what you want them to do: Stay at | | position and defend, attack freely or move towards the entrance to escape. | | 3rd choice seems better but it's your call. I chose the 1st though. | | | | Vallery is not hard to tackle at all, the main problem is really just | | keeping those guards alive. After every enemy is done away with, the fight | | is over. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Rest and save -Allow Familiar 2 to set up transgate at entrance, continue northeast -Talk to man standing on the lower right of the screen at the short border -Agree to escort him to Your Land -Don't let him die, don't go to the next screen before him and follow after him within 2 turns once he has gone on to the next screen, escort to the transgate at Sansel -Rest and save at Sansel if you wish to and go back northeast to the border again -Continue north for 2 screens, take a west at path split to reach Ida bridge ++++++++++++ | Mission 19 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Ida bridge border | | Enemies - Valcaneer soldiers, Lv 19/25/29 | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | This battle is a piece of cake if not for some really pesky magicians, and | | they are on the other side of the bridge. So you can use magic attacks if | | you want, but you only have 4 characters, therefore determine who you want | | to set as a healer. | | | | If you can afford not to heal too frequently, use cooperation magic and it | | will save you plenty of trouble. In case you missed it, you get the | | cooperation magic gems at the entrance of Eraiza's house: talk to Carnos. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Go back to Sansel(optional), rest and save and come back again -1 screen past the bridge, go northwest instead of following main road -Continue north for 2 screens xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ===================== | Dungeon: Anti-angel | | weapon research lab | ===================== Enemies: Spirit, Specter, Onreinorf, Mutant gel Treasure chest items: -1st floor- ->Albsorb bell ->Ambrosia ->Unbalance(gem) ->Brandish(gem) -2nd floor- ->Secret manual ->Elixir ->Dandy book -3rd floor- ->Multiple magic casting+2(gem) ->Rete dew The dungeon is very short, there are treasures laid all around, but you need an Energy Crystal to provide power for the operation of the door. And there is not enough in this angels' forsaken place apart from the upcoming event battle. You will need 9 crystals to all the treasures. Go up 2 simple and short levels and it will be a boss fight, remember to save. ++++++++++++ | Mission 20 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Enemies - Lv 33 Master guardian feyleris, Lv 30 thunderballs | | Clear conditions - Defeat the master guardian | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | The master guardian will cast level 1 barrier on each of the | | guardians which will block off the first attack/magic, however as | | soon as the barrier is gone, it will immediately use barrier again,| | so the main idea is to attack the master guardian once. It will | | take around 2 turns to perform a system recovery, and during this | | period of time, you can attack the thunderballs without worrying | | about new barriers being set up. 1 thunderball defeated drops 1 | | energy crystal. Once all 3 are gone, the master guardian will pop | | out another 3. Continue the process until you've got at least 8 | | crystals(if you want to get all of the treasures). When you are | | ready, use all your characters to plunge whatever attacks you have | | on the master guardian to end this battle. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go into the room, find the small size cannon on the table. After short conversation, rest and save at the save point below. Leave the lab. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -Walk back to Ida border bridge, war has started: Dulkheim vs Valcaneer. And you Marculey guys are mixing around in such a dangerously dangerous place! ++++++++++++ | Mission 21 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Ida bridge border | | Enemies - Lv 33 Mauler, Lv 32 Simonz, Lv 27 Valcaneer and Dulkheim | | soldiers | | Clear conditions - 1 party member made it to the lower right of map with | | no one remaining on the map | | Game over conditions - All party members defeated with no one making it | | past the escape point | | | | This event battle is a lump of mess as the Dulkheim soldiers will attack | | the Valcaneer troops, and you are supposed to bring Crevaniel's group down | | the bridge and escape via the top right screen. But of course Marculey is | | enemy to both, they will attack your group when they feel like it. | | | | The best thing is to bring your characters behind the main force on the | | bridge and cast some magic to heal and attack. Have them kill each other | | to clear the path before commanding your group to walk through. Since | | soldiers WILL KEEP ON coming in from both sides no matter how many are | | killed, your best bet is really just to keep moving on. Once your | | characters have reached the eastern end, make sure you set their movement | | route correctly so they don't blocked off by the reinforcements. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Go back to Marculey and ask Sydney for rest days -After your vacation, take Transgate to Ordineil and go south, and up north -Talk to captain and agree to help out ++++++++++++ | Mission 22 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - North of Ordineil | | Enemies - Lv 25 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - More than 5 healers dead, all party member fallen | | | | There are 14 healers altogether, and you must make sure at least 9 stay | | alive. They will appear from the bottom screen around 2 by 2 and walk up | | to exit by the upper right direction. Your mission is to make sure they | | don't die halfway being killed by all those Valcaneer soldiers who keep | | springing out from various areas of the forest. There is a limit to the | | number of enemies that will appear, so the only way to get a Mission | | Complete is to protect and cure the healers(don't let any die) as well as | | kill the enemies as fast as possible before the +50 bonus turn negative. | | Some of the healers will use Cure level 1 as they walk, but it doesn't | | help a lot compared to the Cure effect your characters can use. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Bring the cannon to Maggy. In case you forgot where: head north of Ordineil and at the big rock go through east past the hidden path. -Rest -At night, exit the house and explore the northern area -Try to talk to the ghost -Go back to rest -Go back to where the ghost was before, examine to get a magic research book -Head on to Marcuria castle for an audience -Save and teleport to Ordineil transgate -South, and east at the path split, continue east past 1 screen ++++++++++++ | Mission 23 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Cliff east of Ordineil | | Enemies - Lv 33,39,41 monsters | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - Death of girl, all party members fallen | | | | In this fight, you have to protect the girl. If she is being attacked by | | the monsters, you need to heal her as well. The Titan will cause faint | | with his big metal ball at times, especially on weaker characters like | | Frane and Rems at the first hit. The thing is here to have Crevaniel run | | up so the monsters are kept far away from the girl as well as whoever you | | left back there as magic casters. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Retrack back to Ordineil, rest and save -Note: Do Familiar TP's side event if you are using her(refer to side quest section) -Head back the same way and further east until you come to Alphonce's camp -Agree to help him out -Have Crevaniel talk to the other characters and wander around for a bit ++++++++++++ | Mission 24 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - East of Ordineil | | Enemies - Lv 37 Norman, Lv 29/33 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - More than 2 flag poles destroyed, all party members | | fallen | | | | Your job is to protect the flags, but the enemy will aim for the flags. | | Each flag has a bar of HP, and so if the bar reaches 0, the flag will | | collapse. | | | | But the main problem is: the flag doesn't have very high HP, and you | | cannot heal its HP, and neither can you put the flag back on the pole | | after it falls. | | | | You have to make sure anyone who can attack the poles from afar(archers | | and Norman who can use magic) die first. But of course it's obvious Norman | | won't go down that easily. And he has got a rather high MGC DEF so for | | your flags' sake, have Crevaniel and Rems attack him by weapon. Melee | | skills such as all-round attack(zen shuu-i kougeki) will be a flag saver | | here. Hold out for some time, and a soldier will inform Norman they are | | being attacked from behind. Defeat Norman and he will order a full | | retreat. Familiar 2 will suggest reducing the enemy's force as much as | | possible, and that is to kill everyone on this screen. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Heal any depleted HP and continue east -Walk past a few screens and you will come to the waterfall, and the lab -Familiar 2 will set up Transgate, go back to rest, save and come back xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ====================== | Dungeon: | | Anti-angel weapons | | construction factory | ====================== Enemies: Shard demon, Golem, Skeleton Treasure chest items: Spellbook of Shinkon[T1], Elixir[T2], Remedy(a.k.a Teriaka, gem)[T3], Seal of All-round attack(gem)[T4], Unbalance(gem)[T5], Interceptor(gem)[T6] Go inside the ruins, open the door and you will have activated a stupid alarm again. ++++++++++++ | Mission 25 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Enemies - Guardians(golems, skeletons) | | Clear conditions - Defeat all guardians | | Game over conditions - The shutter leading to the floor below is | | shut off, all party members fallen | | | | One of the Guardians will trigger a lever to start the countdown | | system which will shutter out the stairs for good, so you must pull| | the lever back to stop the crap. You have 20 turns. There are | | various ways to go about this battle, so it's your choice to weigh | | the options. | | | | 1) The treasure chests around the place will disappear one by one, | | with a fixed time interval in between and the game showing you | | which treasure chest will vanish next. If you choose to pull the | | lever down, all treasure chests will be gone, so if you want the | | treasures, don't touch the lever yet. | | | | 2) If you can't be bothered with treasure hunting, use the lever | | and concentrate on finishing the Guardians off. | | | | You might want to use characters with high MOV coupled with dash if| | you have it or just equip them with a MOV UP gem and have at least | | 1 character remain at the entrance to replenish the Attack and | | Cycle-up effect as well as to heal with items if necessary. This | | will make getting all treasure an easier task. | | | | --------------------------- | | | ___ | | | | | S | | | | | T3 T4 | | | | | | | | T5 T6 | | | | | | | | T1 ___ T2 | | | | | E | | | | ----------- ----------- | | | | E: Entrance | | S: Shutter | | T1: 1st treasure chest to disappear | | T2: 2nd treasure chest to disappear and so on until T6 | | | | Battle will end once all enemies are gone. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After the fight, go down the stairs. Get the Energy Pack to the right, it's a shining item. Go up and search the stand for an instruction manual examine the panel. Do not switch the panel on as yet. Leave the factory. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -Go back to Your Land and watch scene, Leona will join party -Take the Energy Pack to Maggy and rest -Go back to Maggy's lab and listen to conversations -Choose members and talk to Maggy again and she will join as NPC -Save and make preparations(stock up on recovery items, equip gems etc) ******************* (((Plot events))) ******************* The attack was never officially announced, and it was treated as though it has never happened. Vallery never came back, and there were no news of Blunteer either. 1 month passed and Familiar 1 was all recovered and happy. Roomise gave more details on the group's next mission: they are holding a meeting with Valcaneer and the group is to serve as guards at Trochmare. While in Trochmare, the group met Alphonce, one of Valcaneer's Royal Guards who came to attend the meeting. However, on the next day, an explosion was heard. Crevaniel rushed to the town square only to see Alphonce fighting a huge monster but couldn't even scratch it. He looked up the sky to spot the female angel. The monster exerted a blast attack, sending Crevaniel down but artfully Alphonce jumped out of the way and knowing he doesn't stand a chance, made for a retreat. The next scene(a vision) showed a conversation between the male and female angel, the former saying that humans should be punished, and the other making no reply though she looked sad. After the scene ended, Crevaniel spouted wings with the monster banging against the wall and exiting with one of the angels going after it. Back at a Dulkheim room, Rudvich requested reports about the safety of the president's group and was confirmed by one of the soldiers. After the soldier has left, he said to himself: "That old man, if I don't shut his mouth..." When Crevaniel woke up, Rems informed him that war has been declared on Valcaneer because everyone believed it was Valcaneer who sent the monster and the various attacks which caused much casualties. Instructions were given for the group to go back to Lynfaluz. At Lynfaluz, the group obtained orders for the next mission, but in different squads, Rems was very sad about that. Back at the dorm, the two talked about the old mercenary days. Crevaniel woke up the next day with Familiar 1 telling him that Rems has left. As per Roomise's instruction the day before, he is supposed to head to Trochmare's inn and meet up with a person named Kergil. At the inn, a soldier was talking with Kergil asking for help because they were no match for a certain person. Kergil affirmed the situation before dismissing the soldier. When Crevaniel entered the room, he told him to take a drink which resulted in the former blacking out. When Crevaniel regained consciousness, he was located inside a prison. According to the vision on Rudvich's conversation with Kergil, Dulkheim is conducting extensive research on the ruin child to gain a greater power. Since Valcaneer has already gotten their hands on magic usage, it ain't a surprise that Dulkheim wants a more powerful weapon/ability. Meanwhile, war has started, and Rudvich stationed 2000 soldiers each at the Ida and Izenbant border bridges and sent another 1000 under Roomise to join in the war with Igredias. Dulkheim is now facing 2 enemies in war. To fight back the invading Dulkheim, Igredias hired the mercenary group named the Death Wings. At the mist village of Solcorina, Roomise met Bower. And while Bower is in a haste to finish preparations for attacks, Roomise advise on taking their own sweet time. Bower warned that they are facing up against the Death Wings. Roomise responded that he know who the Death Wings are but didn't know that Igredias has hired them with Bower wondering in surprise that such info wasn't passed on to Roomise. Roomise said it must be because General Drangus(the one who is leading the fight against Igredias) hates Rudvich but assure Bower not to worry because Igredias will lose without the Death Wings at the frontlines, and Solcorina is some distance from them, so Igredias can't really launch an attack on Solcorina with the Death Wings. Back at the prison, another person in the same cell as Crevaniel was gone. More news on the war. In an earlier vision at Valcaneer, the King asked the Royal Guards about Rudvich and they praised him to the skies. So it made sense that with Rudvich commanding the Dulkheim troops, Valcaneer has to be very careful and this has led to both sides still stationing at the borders. On the other hand, Drangus' troops were being slaughtered by the Death Wings and hurried for a retreat. The backdrop changed to Solcorina and Roomise asking Bower to take chairs or tables or anything he can find and place them in messy lines of a formation at the wide grassland before the village. Then have a few archers shoot arrows at the enemy from behind the set-up while moving down towards the village. Doing that will create an illusion among the mist that there may be hidden troops wating to ambush at the village and thus the enemy's advance will slow down. Bower asked in agitation about the command to retreat. Roomise then explained that he wished to buy some time for the villagers to escape first. Bower started arguing that the instruction from the top is not so, and no follow commands means no money, and no money means it's bye-bye for the mercenaries. But seeing how persistant Roomise is, Bower gave in and acted accordingly. Back at the prison, Robel died. Nevertheless, Rems came to the rescue and managed to save everyone including Frane. Outside the prison barracks, Rems mentioned about the increase in monsters happening not only in Dulkheim but also in Valcaneer, thus he doesn't think that it's the doing of Valcaneer. He went on to ask Crevaniel to head to Trochmare where he has got a boat ready. At the harbor, they decided to board the ship along with the prisoners who has escaped even though there weren't enough supplies on board. Screen switched to the Death Wings and its leader and the massacre of the Dulkheim soldiers as well as some commoners. Drangus' troops has retreated with high casualties but due to Roomise's strategy and Bower's mercenaries, the villagers of Solcorina were able to escape without any harm. Roomise was not only not reprimanded for disobeying orders, but he got a promotion to senior lieutanant and said to be another hero of war after Rudvich. Drangus' troops has regrouped and wanted to attack the Fortress of Liozrock. But Roomise advised to attack the Fandelsia harbor instead. Drangus refuses and Roomise requested to make an attack on Fandelsia with just his own troops and Bower's mercenaries. Back on the ship, more people died and Frane has gotten a fever as well. The storm on the sea has depleted everyone's energy, and soon Crevaniel fainted. Switch scene again: Silvernale has started the advance against Rudvich's troops and on Igredias' side, Drangus is fighting a bitter battle without Roomise's soldiers. Rudvich did not retaliate and this made Silvernale more cautious and uncertain since the name of Rudvich is enough to send shivers even to the Royal Guards of Valcaneer. Silvernale assumed that Rudvich is buying time for the soldiers fighting in the battle against Igredias so they can join up with him later on and it would be better to attack now and cut off the troops supply route but still it's Rudvich we are talking about, so she decided to wait for a while to see how things go. A short old vision of Vester slaughtering people of a certain village while Decsen escaped with Crevaniel. Crevaniel woke up and met Eraiza, formerly a citizen of Igredias. When war broke out, she escaped and settled down in Marculey. Rems explained that the ship sailed south and reached Marculey, and Eraiza saved the group, but only 4 people survived. During their conversations, Crestfer appeared and after some teasing, he let out the news of Fandelsia falling under Dulkheim's control(Roomise was successful in his attempt). At Marcuria's harbor, soldiers from Dulkheim arrived to take control of the town for resources to serve the war: since Marculey can be considered an ally to Valcaneer, and its troops are not very strong. Together with Baker(Marcuria's general) and some Marculey soldiers, the group managed to drive Mauler(one of Dulkheim's general) away. Baker requested for the group to go to the castle and meet with the princess, who had her face covered because there was an old culture which says that women not married can't show her face in public like that, so as royalty, it is her duty to follow such a tradition. Alicia informed the group that in return for helping defend Marcuria from Dulkheim's invasion, the group is given a piece of land, which is to the east. She mentioned that Marculey pays money to Valcaneer for army support, but since Valcaneer is currently at war with Dulkheim, they have to order their men to fight for them instead of stationing at Marculey. This also explains why Dulkheim attacked Marculey, taking advantage of the lack of defense. After the group has talked enough, the group headed back to meet Sydney, officer for paperwork applications. She explained that owners of land in Marculey must pay taxes. Good for the group when Goldrian asked to build an art museum on the land, because taxes for land used for such purposes are different and it will become an income for the group(by taking entrance fees from visitors), which can be split up between Goldrian and the group. Sydney also agreed to the group's request in hiring her as a personal officer to handle the group's land and related property matters. After agreeing to escort Eraiza to Fandelsia, Crevaniel agreed to accompany her to the item shop at Marcuria to get preparations in place. They met a girl named Mell who is looking around for a place to open her store to sell accessories and both invited her to do so at the art museum. On their way back, they saw Crestfer and a girl named Alice in front of the inn. Eraiza got mad at Crestfer for flirting around again with Alice making her exit. After more names calling and argument with Crestfer defending his behavior with "I'm doing this to make up for my younger brother's part as well" since Alphonce is stuck in the army all day long and doesn't get to interact with girls much, the entire episode finally ended. After Crestfer has gone off, Familiar 1 wondered where she has seen the Alice girl before. Back at the house, both Familiar 1 and Eraiza realized that it's Rems. He then rushed out. At Marcuria, Rems told them that he has a twin sister, but was separated long ago. The group then went to Ordineil where they went to Alphonce's house and met Crestfer as well. Alphonce suggested for the group to head back, referring to Eraiza as a girl who may get in the way due to the dangerous situation in Igredias with Eraiza storming off. The next day, Eraiza appeared with shorter hair insisting on her decision to go to Fandelsia and that she will protect herself. Crestfer offered to lead the group to Fandelsia. After speaking to the deliverer in Ordineil, he asked for 1 week in doing his current errands before bringing them to the sender who sent the letter to Decsen. On their way to Fandelsia, the group was attacked by rogues who are up for the bounty reward set by Dulkheim to the capture of those who has escaped from the barracks. They came across the Ruins of Dreams just south of Lezel and Crestfer elaborated on how the material that the statue is made of was so ancient that nothing can be done about it in this age. Rems added that the attack on this ruins 2000 years ago was of one with such high temperature that it actually melted that. Even as Crestfer helped the group during the journey, and hated monsters more than men, by the time he reached Lezel, he was all out of breath and struggled away looking pale. He had a short greeting conversation with Munzer and the latter gave Norman(an army personnel in Valcanner) orders to obtain a certain item for him. During the trip to Fandelsia, Crevaniel had a vision of Vester and his unknown helper talking about the expansion of use of summoning in Dulkheim's army as well as going somewhere before the angels do. Vester then turned back and half agitated, commanded Crevaniel to stop the eavesdrop and get lost. Familiar 1 wondered what does all that conversation mean. Nevertheless, it's obvious that the vision was being forcefully cut off by Vester. In Fandelsia, Eraiza was shocked to see her parents' house being taken over by the Dulkheim soldiers. She ran off with Frane asking around to see if there were any news of where her parents has gone. Rems and Crevaniel met Roomise and Bower and during their conversation, an explosion was heard. The group rushed out to see the female angel hurling attacks on the battlefield where Dulkheim and Igredias were fighting. Bower couldn't see the angel though and Crevaniel fainted again. A view was seen of a modern city and the angels saying how much they want to protect it and the humans. Crevaniel and Rems returned back to the inn only to be informed that Frane fainted as well. She told of a dream where the angels blessed humans. Rems assumed that it was just a dream, because obviously it doesn't seem possible that the angels in reality will like humans considering what they have done. Familiar 1 added in that Crevaniel had the same dream, making Rems half doubting. Eraiza told them that her father has escaped from the city and even as she doesn't know where he is, he should be able to get in touch with her at her house in Marculey. At the entrance, Eraiza asked Frane how would she feel if it were her in such a situation and Frane got a moment's outburst of sadness and ran off. Her waking up process wasn't complete due to the angel's attack on the ruins tower, therefore she has no memory of anything at all. After apologies on both sides, the group went to the underground water ruins which lead back to Valcaneer's territory. On their way back to Marculey and stopping at Krasdahl, the group engaged in battle against Kergil in an attmept to save an old man named Hien. They succeeded but Hien fell due to being poisoned, and after some nursing by Rems, recovered from a fatal condition, but at the expense of his memory. The group got to know that he is Silvernale's uncle and while Silvernale wanted to bring him back, he refused to and expressed that he will join Crevaniel's group to repay the kindness. The man at Ordineil led the group to the hidden village and they met Maggy, who told them that the letter was not sent by her, but rather by the already deceased village elder. She told them all that she knew: -2000 years ago, those who escaped from the attacks of the angels gathered to live in this small town. The knowledge of the advanced magic was kept. It is the duty of these people to teach the next generations on how to protect humans from the threat posed by the angels. The small population and eluded location helped keep away attention from the angels. The knowledge of defeating the angels was written in the Book of Truth. However, the book no longer exist. 15 years ago, a man attacked the village and burned the book, saying "The wisdom of the ancestors ain't appreciated." He was one who used magic, and powerful ones which no one have known or seen. Decsen escaped with Crevaniel and his mission was to search ruins throughout the land to find out the way to defeat the angels.- The group questioned the motives of the angels. Frane cited that maybe it was to destroy the humans, but if that is so, why did they not attack big cities and towns. Rems took note of the locations that has been assaulted: Lanplast, ruin tower, Rivoka and the Igredias battlefield. Maggy replied that the best way is to ask the angels directly, and she mentioned about the Angel's letter which may provide more answers. To learn more, the group will have to search more ruins. Meanwhile, Silvernale deployed some troops to protect Marculey after that incident at Krasdahl, and Rudvich expected that. Back at Marcuria, the group saw Valcaneer soldiers guarding the Marcuria castle with Alicia kicked out to the inn. She explained her decision to fight against the Valcaneer troops and to take back the castle. After enlisting the group's help, the castle was returned but the alliance with Valcaneer was gone and Familiar 1 died while trying to protect Crevaniel from the attack by an enemy disguised as a Marculey soldier, leaving behind a memory crystal. Crevaniel kept himself in his room for days mourning but finally turned for the better. Meanwhile, The King of Valcaneer was greatly shocked that the control of Marcuria failed. He announced war on Marculey. Alphonce tried to persuade him out of this decision because the war with Dulkheim has only started and more battles will just reduce the strength of the troops. Not surprising that it didn't work, and worse, the King ordered him to take command to attack Marcuria. Alphonce seeked advice from Crestfer on what should he do, and Crestfer made no reply but only asked him what exactly does he want to be, a Royal Guard, the Lord of Ordineil or simply just Alphonce? Later, a scene happened showing King of Valcaneer ordering Munzer to lead troops against the betrayer Alphonce for rebelling against Valcaneer. Rems and Frane also managed to create Familiar 2 who looked exactly like the 1st and possessed the same memories and skills. After obtaining permission from Alicia, the group went on to waterfall ruins NE of Marcuria. Inside, both Crevaniel and Frane fainted again and had a vision of conversations between various people in what seemed like a surgery room. They also met Blunteer who is working as a Valcaneer soldier and after a battle, the latter retreated. In the deepest part of the ruin, the group learnt of how the angels almost always attacked something that was related to magic study and development. But it seems that they can't really locate underground research and so all underground ruins and whatever were left out. An example being the ruins where Frane slept in. It was originally underground and wasn't destroyed until it rose up. So the group derived at one thing: the appearance of the angels and their wrath is linked to the use and study of magic. To learn more, more ruins and places must be searched, Rems mentioned 2 of such: 1)the anti-angel weapons research lab at Ida lake and 2)the anti-angel weapons construction factory at Kafmahn. Kafmahn is a name used in the long past so it should have changed by now. Regiena then appeared, causing much shock to Rems and Crevaniel. She did not explain anything about the incident and instead harped continously on the importance of destroying the angels. She also warned the group to beware of Blunteer before taking her leave. War situation: Silvernale continued the advance against Dulkheim, Munzer informed Alphonce that he was placed in command of overthrowing the rebels. Alphonce replied that it was his own decision to do so. During Crevaniel's rest, he saw another vision of Alphonce fighting off a huge monster(which looks alike to a Titan) which his troops greatly failed to. A short conversation between Roomise and Bower: it's time to put an end to this. At the castle, Crestfer informed the group that Ordineil has requested for an alliance. When asked what to do next, Rems answered that they intend to go to the 2 places mentioned earlier. Crestfer is totally clueless of where is Kafmahn, the princess said that she will get someone to do some investigation. More war info: Munzer and Alphonce has started battling, this was the first time in history that the Royal Guards fight against each other. On Igredias side, Roomise avoided participation at the main battlefield, and instead attacked Liozrock fort from the east and managed to conquer it. A scene shows Bower and the leader of the Death Wings fighting with the former winning and instructing the Dulkheim soldiers to clear the dead bodies. Interestingly, the death wings leader faded and vanished(which Bower didn't notice). The group headed on to Ida border. Halfway through near Sansel, a scream was heard and the group rushed in to see the village being invaded by Valcaneer soldiers, their leader being the familiar old comrade Vallery. After a fight, Vallery retreated. The group continued on to Ida border where they fought with Valcaneer troops. After a successful battle, they proceeded on to the anti- angel weapon research lab. There, they found a small size cannon and decided to take it back. During a rest, a vision is shown of Vallery and Munzer. Basically Blunteer has deserted the Valcaneer army. Munzer knew that Blunteer joined the Valcaneer army for his own benefits, thus ordering him to explore around ruins instead of taking part in any major battles and plans. However, Munzer believed Vallery to be different. On their way back at Ida, the war between Valcaneer and Dulkheim has started. The group managed to break through and escaped. With that the Valcaneer troops cursed and shifted their full attention on Dulkheim. But sadly, Rudvich made his entrance and did a summoning of a ferocious monster which lay waste to all the Valcaneer morons. A messenger emerged and informed Rudvich that Drangus has died in battle along with his vice-captain. Therefore, the one who holds the highest position in the army is Rudvich. Rudvich decided to take over Drangus and lead the troops against Igredias to quickly end the war on one side and meanwhile placed Roomise(the newly promoted Colonel due to his feats at Liozrock) in charge of the war against Valcaneer in his absence. Roomise ain't too happy about this in his talk with Bower and considered that to be a big headache. Thr group brought the cannon to Maggy who requested to shift over to stay at Marculey to ensure easy communication and that the cannon is in good condition but just out of energy and she will need some time to figure out how to get that going. In another vision, Regiena introduced summoning to the Valcaneer King, explaining that it is done by connecting to another world and summoning the monsters to this world, and the latter agreed to a full scale summoning training session for the Valcaneer army. By the time the group returned, Crestfer has found out where Kafmahn and they made their way there. Halfway through, the girl they met before fell from the the top of a cliff and became unconscious(somehow). The group realized that she was running away from a bulk of monsters and protected her by killing them all. Ordineil soldiers appeared and brought the girl to the hospital while the group continued their travel to Kafmahn. In a Ordineil camp some distance away from Kafmahn, Alphonce requested help from the group. The idea is that he has a strategy to attack the enemy from the rear, but wishes to lure them to head this way first. He will need his whole army to launch the assault but someone must stay to watch over the army flags. If the flags fall, it will be a great blow to the morale of the soldiers and defeat is for certain. After a tough fight with Norman and his troops, the result was a success. At the Kafmahn, unmoving female angels were seen in tanks. It was presumed that the system was cut off of power to prevent the angels from discovering the place. They were creating angels to pit against the real angels, but left out most likely because they realize that it didn't match up to the abilities and power of a real one. Back at home, the girl whom the group saved earlier, named Leona, joined them as a party member and the group gave the energy pack found at the Kafmahn ruins to Maggy to repair the cannon. Updates on war: with the help of Crevaniel, Ordineil managed to advance as far as the city Lebrant. Meanwhile, at the Ida border, Roomise continued to halt the progress of the Valcaneer army. But in order to set up a strong defence, he did not retaliate more. And on the other hand, the battle at Igredias gradually shifted to a victory for Rudvich who, using his daring tactics to make up for the loss of army strength and morale during the command of Drangus, ended this 5 years war within 3 days under his leading. Igredias have lost and Rudvich hurried back to Dulkheim for his participation in the president's elections, making a flowery speech requesting for votes. Deringer was very unhappy over that because it is obvious that Rudvich, being the hero of Dulkheim and having won the hearts of the citizens through his achievements in the war, especially keeping his promise of drawing a close to the Igredias war and returning to Dulkheim within 10 days to make his election speech, will be elected to be the next Chief President. At the lab, Maggy informed the group that the magic cannon can only fire once due to the huge amount of energy processes that were required, basically first having the machine within chant the magic, 2nd is to transform the energy, and the final process to charge and execute the shooting of the transformed magical energy. She will take it upon herself to do the firing while the group start the ruins system working to lure the angels in. --- Chapter 3 --- [S3] ******************* (((Walkthrough))) ******************* -Go to Kafmahn waterfall via Home gate -Go west 2 screens and Maggy will position herself -Go into the ruins and press the main switch button. Exit and head west -After event, battle begins ++++++++++++ | Mission 26 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - West of Kafmahn waterfall | | Enemies - Lv 49 Angel, Lv 49 undead knight, Lv 39 volbugs, Lv 32 borvelks,| | Lv 44 devil's servants, Lv 42 tiny dragons, Lv 40 dihei | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - The angel escaped, all party members fallen | | | | This battle may be the toughest you have met with until now. 20 turns is | | all you have to defeat the angel, and she has the ability to regain 45 HP | | every 2 turns or so. If you have Crevaniel equip MOV UP 3rd level, and he | | has Dash, use it and then select move to have his end destination to be | | located south of the angel to divert some of the attacks from those | | monsters to the angel instead of him. | | | | Hopefully you already used Attack and Protect Level 3 on Crevaniel before | | the battle. As for your other characters, it's your call on what you want | | them to do, but one very important thing is: Don't kill off too much of | | the monsters if possible as they will fight each other as well as attack | | the angel mindlessly to deplete her HP since she's got has VERY high def | | and mgc def. | | | | Once the angel is dead, the counter will be removed and you can concentrate| | on the remaining monsters. The devil's servants have got some very wicked | | spells, kill them first. The undead knight can cause faint easily on weaker| | characters. Volbugs can chant Death which is a sudden death attack, | | therefore angel's secret gems can help, borvelks can induce petrification | | easily so make sure you've got at least 1 character with the Fine magic | | learnt, if not, take note to purchase enough recovery items beforehand. | | When you have reduced all to dust, the tedious fight finally comes to an | | end. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Watch a long scene -Go back to Your Land -Rest and save -Note: Remember to talk to Mell at her shop and get the leaflets to do a short side-quest (refer to character side quest section) -Take Transgate to Sansel, enter ++++++++++++ | Mission 27 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Sansel | | Enemies - Lv 30/31/36 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - Party members fallen | | | | You are supposed to kill them all. Use lotsa magic and Dash and special | | techniques. The archers are really cheap in hidding behind those big piles | | of clay, a normal Lv 3 magic will kill them. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Rest, save and go into the ruins. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ============== | Dungeon: | | Hidden Ruins | ============== Enemies: Valcaneer soldiers, Skeleton, Golem, Shard demon Treasure chest items: -1st floor ->2340 ril ->Secret manual ->INT apple -2nd floor ->Manual of magic principles ->Ambrosia ->Dandy book -3rd floor ->Vit's medicine ->Quickness manual ->Gale apple This ruins consist of only 4 levels, each level still having some Valcaneer enemies to beat. To get the treasures, you have to go check the egg look-alike thing and accept the challenge. This short mini game is simple: if a Triangle appears directly north, you are supposed to use the left analog stick so Crevaniel faces north and then press the Triangle button. Another example being if a Circle appears southeast, you use the analog stick and point to that direction and press the Circle button. The faster you manage to finish the game, and the less mistakes you make: you get more keys. You'll only be rewarded the full 3 keys if you score a perfect. Same thing for the next 2 floors. If you don't want to fight anymore for now, you can use the Silent Steps skill. Save before going down to the fourth level. Once again, it's boss time. ++++++++++++ | Mission 28 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Enemies - Lv 40 center core, Lv 35 mana-makers, Lv 30 magic | | energy(balls) | | Clear conditions - Defeat the center core | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | This big gadget has a master core, which if destroyed, will end the| | battle straight away. Mission complete don't work that way though, | | you'll have aim for its smaller counterparts(mana-makers) and | | destroy all before the center core. Both magic and weapon attacks | | work the same. If you see a will'o'wisp look-alike thingy(magic | | energy) being sent out, have a character use a level 2 magic to | | kill it. If it reaches the master core, you will receive a rather | | painful magic attack. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When the fight's over, go search around the rooms, in one of it you find a structure drawing cum manual of a much bigger size magic cannon. Exit the place. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -Rest and save(IMPT) -Head up north and listen to soldiers talk about the situation -Use Attack, Cycle up and Protect and head to the next screen north ++++++++++++ | Mission 29 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - North of Sansel | | Enemies - Lv 32/33/37 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - 1 party member exit to next map, one party member | | return to the previous screen | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen without anyone passing to | | the next map | | | | For this screen, don't do anything drastic, just have all your characters | | go up north to exit the screen, don't bother to heal or help any Ordineil | | reserve soldiers who will also try to get past this place, save your own | | butt first. Getting attacked along the way is expected, so spending a | | little time to heal and kill some enemies is fine. But don't waste too | | much time and resources round here. Once all 4 characters made it up north | | past the screen, the fight will end. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Use Attack+Cycle-up+Protect again and proceed up north ++++++++++++ | Mission 30 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - North of Sansel | | Enemies - Lv 40 Vallery, Lv 32/33/37 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - 1 party member exit to next map | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen without anyone passing on | | to the next map | | | | You see another larger and stronger group of Valcaneer defence troops, | | which includes Vallery. Once again, your job here is to break through the | | set-up, NOT kill everyone. You can choose to defeat Vallery if you want, | | but he will escape anyway. This battle is quite a nightmare. Because there | | are lesser Ordineil soldiers, so the enemies will definitely have your | | characters as their main targets. If you don't have Dash for whoever you | | chose to lead the way, prepare to get caught in a circle attack. | | | | If you have cooperation magic, you can try using it here to kill the enemy | | magicians. It will take quite some time though, so you might want to have | | one character as a lure to be the main target of the fighters and the | | other one as a healer, by item or magic. But it's up to you. My only | | advice is actually to escape as quickly as possible, even if it's only one | | character who make it past the screen up north. And ***DON'T EVER use up | | all your MP and items in this fight. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Use Attack+Protect+Cycle-Up again and go on for the 3rd and final battle for this batch ++++++++++++ | Mission 31 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - North of Sansel | | Enemies - Lv 51 Munzer, Lv 33/34 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - Death of Alphonce, all party members fallen | | | | Even though Alphonce have a sky-reaching 900++ HP, it will soon go down | | after some time. Have Crevaniel move up to kill the soldiers behind | | Alphonce. By the time you make it there, the 2 Ordineil soldiers will have | | already been sent to the other world. If not, good for you. But my | | suggestion is not to heal them(you can if you have the spare items etc), | | instead heal Alphonce if you can. If he dies, it's the end of the game. If | | you have Rems, he can shoot down the magicians on the second level of the | | fort so you don't have to waste time chanting magic to kill them. Once the | | soldiers on your side are gone, take note that every few turns or so, a new| | one will pop up down south so it's best to have one character stationed | | there to take them on. | | | | Munzer does 100+ damage with each attack to Alphonce, so don't expect your | | much weaker characters to fight him head on. Anyway, keep up the situation | | for a while and soon Munzer will fall, Silvernale will take him away and | | it won't take more than a few seconds for the whole fight to be over. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -After conversations with Alphonce, head back to Your Land -You can take some rest days now but I recommend you to wait till you have completed mission 33 -Once ready, go back to where you previously was and up north -Take the west split to reach Ida border...AGAIN ++++++++++++ | Mission 32 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Ida border | | Enemies - Lv 42 Mauler, Lv 34/35/36 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat Mauler | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | Those archers are annoying, kill them first. Cooperation healing magic can | | play a big part. The 2 magicians in front will use Lightning, which is a | | real killer. However, they have very low HP. So do start chanting healing | | magic as soon as the fight starts. Your main goal in this battle is to | | defeat the captain Mauler. There is no need to kill everyone, as you | | probably won't be able to anyway(low chance). It is better to have Mauler | | and his fighters move towards you instead of moving over to their side. | | | | The moment Mauler runs out of HP or when you have defeated all enemies on | | screen, Alphonce will jump in to save the day. Be thankful, because just | | his appearance and the link to Royal Guard is enough for the enemy to do | | a full retreat. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Detour, find a place to rest, save, stock up supplies -Return to Ida border and proceed west and south through the road path -After 2 screens, ++++++++++++ | Mission 33 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Southwest of Ida border/North of Trochmare | | Enemies - Lv 42 Mauler, Lv 33/36/39 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat more than 35 enemy units | | Game over conditions - Death of Alphonce, all party members fallen | | | | How many enemies you kill is added onto a counter, kill as much as you can | | and want to pay back all the trouble they gave you earlier. It is | | possible to catch up to Mauler(with Dash) and defeat him, but he will | | scramble off the screen immediately(then why is he walking at such a slow | | pace earlier?) | | | | Either way, the moment Mauler jumps off from the screen, Alphonce will | | join in the fight. You are supposed to annihilate 35 soldiers, not | | including Alphonce's share. Complete that count and Bower will tell the | | remaining Dulkheim soldiers to retreat because Mauler has already returned | | safely. End of fight. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -After conversations, go down south -At entrance to Trochmare, familiar will set up Transgate -Enter Trochmare and go to the ship landing point with Frane in party -Sleep at the inn -Exit Trochmare and head east to the prison barracks with Frane and Hien in party and choose to rest, watch scenes -Take Transgate to Home gate and to the Ordineil transgate -Go down and up north to get into a mission to save Vallery (refer to fate events for more details) -If you did not take any rest days earlier, do so now -Talk to Kate in her room multiple times -You will want to put Leona in your team from now on in order to give her the acorns after every important mission battle(least no. recommended:7) -Head to Marcuria and on the 1st screen, go northwest and pick up shiny item in the bush for the gem to give it to Kate -Once done, head to Ordineil for Leona's side quest and Trochmare for Eraiza's side quest(again, refer to side quest section) -Take Home gate to Trochmare Transgate again -Go to the screen where you saw Bower earlier and take the left path -Continue the path till the screen where Dulkheim soldiers are blocking the way. -At that screen, go northeast and you should reach the Ruins of Hope. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ================== | Dungeon: Revisit | | to Ruins of Hope | ================== This place is the same as when you first came, which includes the level 4 enemies. Once again, go the path indicated by yellow, and at the 2nd screen, go south and search that spot on the wall which looks out of place and you should get Frane's diary. Go to the same place where you saw the wings of blood event. You cannot save here because the save point is not working. Examine the square symbol just beside the door to the inner room. Then enter and search the green circle right of the resting pod to get the Excrishov Rod. Finish reading the research report and Blunteer will enter. Go out of the room and use Return(you can't use it in the room because it has blocked out magic), if not you can walk your way back. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -After scene, Achiel will appear and after a short conversation, battle begins ++++++++++++ | Mission 34 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Entrance to Ruins of Hope | | Enemies - Lv 53 Achiel | | Clear conditions - Defeat Achiel | | Game over conditions - Achiel escaped, death of Blunteer, all party | | members fallen | | | | Have your characters who are not strong with weapon attacks and do not | | have a high DEF to chant magic as soon as the battle begins. Blunteer will | | chase after Achiel, but seems to fail pretty badly, so help him by having | | Crevaniel(best option here) use Dash and run in front of Achiel to block | | his escape for a short moment while Blunteer catches up with him and | | attack him. You can use Cycle Up on Blunteer to make things easier. | | | | Once Blunteer landed an attack on Achiel, immediately hack and slash and | | abuse whatever magic you can on Achiel. If you did not manage to kill him | | in this time period, just continue to attack, even though it may cut off | | very little and Achiel has auto 65 hp recovery every few turns, but the | | purpose of attacking him now is to slow him down a bit so Blunteer can | | catch up to him the 2nd time. If you find that this doesn't work in your | | case, you can create your own strategy. When Achiel's hp is reduced to 0, | | fight is over... | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ******************** (((Plot events))) ******************** At the Kafmahn waterfall, the group did according to what was planned only to have Blunteer attempting to stop Maggy. Regiena entered in to fight Blunteer, and Maggy ended up in taking down the angel successfully. However, the angel was still alive and it took a long fight before the group won. The reward for the tough battle was getting to know that the angel they have killed is a replica, not a real original angel. Regiena added that there is ONLY 1 angel left, but Frane wondered if it really is so. The vision that she and Crevaniel saw was of a male and a female angel, and the female angel they have killed just now seems different from the one in their vision. Amongst much doubt, the real angel Achiel arrived and destroyed the ruins. Having done that, he descended and mocked the party for killing something they themselves(humans) created. With that, Frane and Crevaniel spouted wings with Achiel in a little bit of surprise, mentioning something of "Youriel" before letting the party stay alive and flying off. Back at Eraiza's house, the group had a discussion on what has happened. Note how they say the difference between a real angel and a replica is the number of wings, also Rems mentioned that Crevaniel had 2 grey wings and 2 white, while Frane had 3 white and 1 grey. To find out more about the wings of blood, the next stop will be the Ruins of Hope. The group made their way to Sansel only to find the entrance to the ruins guarded by Valcaneer soldiers. After a few battles and trekking to the deepest part of the ruins, they found a structure drawing cum manual of a much bigger size magic cannon. The group then continued their way up north and was informed that Ordineil's troops has been caught in a pincer attack(thanks to Alphonce for being so stubborn in charging ahead even though he knew something is up) and they were urgently sending soldiers to serve as support, however penetrating through the Valcaneer's defence line was very difficult. After much tedious fights, the group succeeded in defeating the Valcaneer troops with Alphonce while Silvernale left with the seriously injured Munzer. Alphonce felt bad for what happened, but he had his own responsiblities to take care off. A scene is seen of Munzer passing a pendant to Silvernale to give it to his adopted daughter. Magic healing doesn't work on someone who is already on the extreme verge of death, so no matter how hard the Valcaneer healers tried, Munzer died. At Ida border, the group fought Dulkheim soldiers and their captain Mauler. Thanks to Alphonce, the enemy did not manage to hold off until reinforcements arrive and had to retreat. In the crossroads leading to the Dulkheim camp, the group caught up with the retreating Mauler and attempted to stop them. Mauler escaped with Bower ordering the remaining Dulkheim soldiers to stop the fight. Alphonce placed on a strong front, saying he's interested in knowing the strength of the one who defeated the Death Wings. That did not happen and Alphonce was somewhat disappointed. Crevaniel's group then proceeded down to Trochmare. Once the group left the screen, Alphonce toppled over. The fight with Munzer has taken more out of him than he could withstand. Crestfer arrived in time and seeing his twin brother, called him a fool who slept in the enemy's territory. Later on, a scene was seen of Alphonce ordering troops back instead of preparing to fight against Dulkheim led by Roomise and Bower because on the Valcaneer side, reports said of Silvernale approaching Krasdahl with 20000 soldiers. It's more important to defend the troops home base route and supplies. At Trochmare's inn, Crevaniel had a vision of Vallery escaping from Valcaneer troops. Responding to that, the group went to the forest north of Ordineil and managed to save Vallery and the latter joined them as an ally. The group headed on to the prison barracks where Frane remembered something of 'the 3 brothers/sisters', Hien finding a pendant which stirred up some form of emotions within him and Crevaniel having a dream of 2 boys hiding their sister's diary at a location inside the Ruins of Hope and securing with a dial. At the ruins of hope, the group came to know about the truth: -The real angels belonged to a much higher level of Astral body, which can also be called A level Astral(which explained why the alarm sounded after sensing an A level Astral in the tower ruins). Long ago, the angel Youriel came to the humans, wanting to deliver a message. But she ended getting caught and research was being carried out on samples taken to find the way to defeat the angels. It was known that there is only 1 angel left after Youriel, and that's Achiel...obviously. To act as a counter, replica angels was created after study on the structure of Youriel. However, the real reason why the process was stopped is not to prevent Achiel's discovery of the lab and system, but the man-made angel no.1, who is also the 1st to be created, came to be controlled by the will of Achiel instead of fighting against him. After the failure, the researchers realized that they should create fighters, not weapons. And the last and final method at the end of the research is the only one which will defeat Achiel - by transferring the soul and power of Youriel into 3 children who fitted the criteria: Frane Robins, Blunteer Soro and Crevaniel, and the 3 are called the Angelic Child.- (Frane and Blunteer are not of the same family name, so it would make sense that the 3 are not real siblings). Outside the ruins of hope, Blunteer asked whether Crevaniel and Frane have seen the vision of Professor Schtyman. Both did not and Blunteer elaborated that it was a vision that showed what Youriel wanted to tell the humans: Summoning is dangerous. Achiel then appeared and in serious frustration that humans refused to listen and insisted on using summoning, that's why what he has destroyed are all stuff related to magic summoning. In his extreme anger, Achiel decided to end things once and for all with no more concern about Youriel's soul in the 3... but was stopped by Blunteer, who took Frane's Astral Power to himself and snatched the rod away from the group and used it. Achiel was shocked, commenting on the Anti-Astral barrier that emanated from the rod, referring it as the 'Diablos Cell'. The main purpose of the barrier was to neutralize the astral force field, thus sealing Achiel's wings, which meant that he couldn't fly away while trapped within the barrier. Blunteer told the group to attack Achiel after he used the Astral Power on him because that is the only time whereby Achiel will become vulnerable. After a long fight, the group won with Achiel lamenting over the foolishness of humans for 'choosing a moment's peace over a future doom' and vanished in agony and regret, leaving behind a crystal which held his memories, and a right side piece of medallion. With that, Blunteer fell as well, telling Crevaniel and Frane to stop the use of summoning before the world meet its end, making his last request and calling Crevaniel his younger brother one last time before dying. --- Chapter 4 --- [S4] ******************* (((Walkthrough))) ******************* -Go back to Your Land -Take crystal to Maggy -Go back to Lynfaluz(at screen before ruins of hope, go left and follow path) -At path splits, go south for Saudorix and set up Transgate -Escort the merchant to Trochmare again -Go to the next screen(lower) and you will get a short event with Ellena, after a couple of greetings, choose to tell her about Kate and she will give her report to you. You can give it to Kate when you get the chance -Return back to previous path split and take the north towards Rivoka -At Lynfaluz, enter the building to the left -Locate the projection device, blast report and costume for familiar -Once you've gotten all 3 items, prepare your characters and leave the place ++++++++++++ | Mission 35 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Lynfaluz | | Enemies - Lv 45 Mauler, Lv28/39 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | This event battle is so easy you can win while half asleep. The magicians | | take a long time to chant so using Dash will guarantee their lives gone | | before they even manage to get more than 1 cooperation magic out. | | Equipping the Continous Attack magic gem(which gives the wearer 2 attacks | | instead of 1) will help a lot. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Go to Sansel and get Youriel's memory crystal and the Angel's letter from the guy at the inn -Return to Your Land and get some rest days. -Give blast report or Kate -Give device to Maggy -Go back to room and save before resting -Prepare your characters and head down the stairs ++++++++++++ | Mission 36 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Eraiza's mansion | | Enemies - Lv 55 Regiena, Lv 50 Titan, other monsters | | Clear conditions - Defeat Regiena | | Game over conditions - Death of Maggy, all party members fallen | | | | When battle starts, immediately use Dash and chase after Regiena. | | | | This battle is difficult because of those pesky Liches. They can cast | | Meteor (which, if you have given the Blast report to Kate, and after some | | time get the Material Master gem from her, you will know it's a combi | | magic of Fire Arrow and Blast, I seriously recommend you to learn those | | magic) as well as Death Cloud(sudden death area magic) and also very quick | | Cycle Down Ext. The worst thing is: they have rather high DEF so it will | | take some time to kill them by weapon. And this, I think is not worth the | | effort in this battle. Magic works well on them, but they will probably get| | in a couple of spells before your character reaches level 3 chanting. | | | | Of course you can kill all monsters if you are confident, take note that | | the Titan is chocked with HP and will require quite an amount of time to | | kill. But if you just want the battle to end quickly, just defeat Regiena | | and those monsters(summoned by her it seems) will disappear... | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Watch scenes -View Achiel's memories in the projection device and read those that cannot be viewed -Once done, go and rest -Walk out of room, more scenes -Put Youriel's memory crystal in the device and watch a short scene -Give the letter to Maggy and view it at the device as well -Have familiar view the section on spirit interruption technique to have her learn it(if you want Regiena to join as ally) -Use the magical vibration radar from the menu -Go for an audience at the castle -Leave and use Transgate to Kafmahn waterfall -Go east till a path split, head north -At the next path split, choose east for Lebrant(create a Transgate there) -Rest and save if you want to and when ready exit and choose to head west -Continue the paths until Fort Baltrick ++++++++++++ | Mission 37 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Fort Baltrick | | Enemies - Lv 39/43 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies, escape via right of screen | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | This is a very simple fight and should be done in no time. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Heal + use status magic and go in ++++++++++++ | Mission 38 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Fort Baltrick | | Enemies - Lv 55 Vester, Lv 47 Simonz, Lv 39/45/40 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - Time limit up, all party members fallen | | | | In this battle...don't heal Alphonce. Concentrate on killing the other | | enemies. Use magic on the magicians and have your melee characters use | | Dash again and hit the other enemies up front. Remember to heal when | | needed. Halfway through the fight, something will happen. With that, | | Vester will leave the fight...that bastard. Anyway, you should resume your | | fight. The enemy is intending to block off the exit up the mountain, so | | there is a time limit. You'll have to kill all enemies left on screen. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -After conversations, rest and save and go south. -Use silent steps if possible -Note that once you missed the treasures at this point in time, they will be gone by the time you come back. Treasure chest items: -1st screen ->Spellbook of mental conveyance -2nd screen ->Blessing bell ->8630 ril -3rd screen ->Time censer -When you reach the top, a fight is awaits. ++++++++++++ | Mission 39 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Mount Baltrick | | Enemies - Lv 55 Regiena, Lv 40 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - Shooting of magic cannon, all party members fallen | | | | This battle is rather easy, especially if you made haste on your way | | here. The magicians will summon monsters, if you want the exp, you can try | | and kill them, if not just aim straight for the summoner, once she falls, | | the summoned creature will be gone as well. As usual, Dash is a great | | asset here, no harm using it. Once all are dead and Regiena has been taken | | care of, fight ends. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Refer to side quest section on steps to save Regiena, if you do not, she will leave and will be an enemy until the very end -Move to cannon and destroy it -Trek down the mountain back to the fortress, watch more scenes -If you want Crestfer to be alive at the end of the game, head to Ordineil to start doing the side events(refer to fate events section for steps) -Once ready, head back to Your Land and take some rest days -Once done, go down to the 1st floor -Choose members you want to bring with you -Note: If you wish to change members, you have to take your Transgate to Sansel and go north to talk to any one of them -Use Transgate to go to Trochmare and head in the direction of Ida border -Use the familiar to go around the map(won't work very well because the enemies can see her) -Once done or discovered, ++++++++++++ | Mission 40 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Northeast of Trochmare | | Enemies - Bower, Lv 40/42/43/46 Dulkheim soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | It doesn't matter whether that guy moving to request for reinforcements | | make it there or not, Bower and his soldiers will still pop in. You are | | supposed to kill everyone in this battle, Bower can deal a huge amount of | | ATW increase, beware of that. Your other allies will join in the battle | | after a while, but don't depend too much on that. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Go back to Your Land and rest. -You can make your way to Krasdahl and Lezel now to set up Transgate and do the various side events if you wish to -Take the Home Gate to reach Lebrant. Use status magic, check the equipment. *There is an optional event battle outside Lebrant which can be skipped so long as you head on immediately into Lebrant the moment you warp in. Should you head in any other direction, the optional battle will trigger. If you are in need of some experience points and doll house energy, do it. ++++++++++++ | Mission 41 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Entrance to Lebrant | | Enemies - Lv 42/43 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear condtiions - 1 party member made it to Lebrant | | Game conditions - All party members fallen without any entering Lebrant | | | | The clear condition is to escape to Lebrant, but I will presume you took on| | this battle because you want the experience, therefore kill as much | | enemies as you can(number is infinite) and have all characters reach the | | top right screen before the time counter is up. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Enter Lebrant, use status magic/heal etc and move a lil bit further in. ++++++++++++ | Mission 42 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Lebrant | | Enemies - Lv 54 Silvernale, Lv 42/43 Valcaneer soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat Silvernale | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | The battle with the only Royal Guard that is left in this world...no | | worries, as you probably know by now, they are quite a menace in the | | beginning of the game, but soon you realize that anyone can be as strong | | if you spend 20 hours fighting monsters. | | | | If you have Cycle Up, then this battle really is a joke. Enemy soldiers | | will enter from the entrance as well as up northeast and what you really | | need to do it defeat Silvernale. You can delay it by killing others to | | get more experience if you want. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Go out of the town -Note: now is the time to do the final criteria for Crestfer's fate event -2nd note: Remember to complete the fate events for Rems, Ratika, Lord Mayfield and Merick if you you want to get a full fate listing -Return back to Your land -Head for audience at castle -After long conversations, exit and rest -Go to the castle again -Return to the mansion and request for the last set of rest days -Once done, put Hien in your party(you will need to finish all of his side quest events), take the Transgate to Lebrant and head west to Baltrick fortress -Continue west and head in the direction of Izenbant fortress -Remember to let familiar set up transgate at the bridge -At Izenbant fortress, use status magic and step past the entrance ++++++++++++ | Mission 43 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Entrance to Fort Izenbant | | Enemies - Lv 54 Bower, Lv 42/43/48 Dulkheim soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | This battle is easy apart from some unexpected cases like Crevaniel going | | faint and being hammered. Otherwise, it should end soon. Just remember not | | to waste any resources here. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Heal, use status magic again and enter the fort ++++++++++++ | Mission 44 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Fort Izenbant | | Enemies - Lv 54 Bower, Lv 47 Roomise, Lv 42/47/48 Dulkheim soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat all enemies | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | The archers hiding behind the barricades are just plain irritating, have | | someone use Dash and hit them up front. Roomise will heal most of the time | | unless you fail that terribly in injuring the other enemies. Once you have | | gotten rid of everyone, fight ends. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Talk to Roomise -Rest at the bed, strangle the save point -Use status magic and go up the next level. ++++++++++++ | Mission 45 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Location - Fort Izenbant | | Enemies - Lv 60 summoned creature/Rudvich, Lv 43/48 Dulkheim soldiers | | Clear conditions - Defeat the summoned creature(Rudvich) | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | The first thing to do it to kill off all the soldiers so you can | | concentrate on Rudvich alone. Once you have done that, throw whatever you | | can on Rudvich. Don't heal by magic if you can because it takes too long, | | use items to restore full HP instead. Magic doesn't work too well on | | it/him, try to use special techniques like 'Critical Strike', and have | | your weaker characters heal as well as kill off any drain cloud(the purple | | cloud which takes off 100 HP every turn and gives it to Rudvich). Remember | | that you MUST have Hien attack Rudvich in order to get to know where his | | daughter is being taken hostage. Once Rudvich falls, it's done! | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Go down, rest and save and head out. -Watch more scenes -Go to castle for audience -Exit and go back to talk to Sydney to ask for a non-optional 1 day holiday -SAVE and rest -Choose the character you want to get ending for, if a message pop up saying the person is asleep, this means you can't get their ending. -After rest day, go to Maggy's lab -After conversation, pick characters you want for the final battle -Go to the Izenbant transgate -Keep going west till you come to a crossroad, go the upper left. -Follow the path till you reach a screen whereby 4 soldiers are standing in a horizontal line -Go down and there should be a forest path. -Continue the path(there's only 1) but be careful when fighting the liches, their magic is very powerful. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ================ | Dungeon: | | Mount Izenbant | ================ Enemies: Lesser demon, Undead knight, Lich, lizardman lord, basilik Treasure chest items: Elixir, Seibo medicine, Knock out advanced(gem), magic barrier advanced(gem), Shift arrow(Rems' final limit ability), Valkyrie suit(Frane's armor), Master ribbon (Leona's armor) The final dungeon. I will do a brief layout(not map) for this dungeon(may not be totally accurate to the details, I'm no good at such things but it's pretty much usable to show you where ya supposed to go) below: 1st level ----------- ------------------- | Sa2 J [] A | | | | | | E Sa1 | ------------------- E : Main Entrance Sa1: Stairway 1 Sa2: Stairway 2 J : Slab to insert Jade jewel A : Slab to insert Amethyst jewel 2nd level ----------- -------------------- | Sa2 | Sa3 | | | | | Le1 | | | T Sa4 | Sa1 | -------------------- Sa1: Stairway 1 from level 1 Sa2: Stairway 2 from level 1 Sa3: Stairway 3 Sa4: Stairway 4 T : Go out to find slab for inserting Topaz jewel Le1: Master Ribbon(Leona's strongest armor, okay it's a ribbon) 3rd level ----------- -------------------- |Sa5 | D 0 Sa3 | | | | | | Sa4 ge1 | | | ne1 | -------------------- Sa3: Stairway 3 from level 2 Sa4: Stairway 4 from level 2 Sa5: Stairway 5 D : Slab for inserting Diamond jewel 0 : Hole to drop down for slab to insert Blue Sapphire jewel ge1: Go out for a treasure chest ne1: Link to Stairway 5 area 4th level ----------- -------------------- | Sa5 | | | | DP | | ge2 Sa6 | -------------------- Sa5: Stairway 5 from level 3 Sa6: Stairway 6 ge2: To area where Valkyrie suit is(strongest armor for Frane) DP : Look for a hidden hole here to drop down to 3rd level to activate the warp point 5th level ----------- -------------------- | Sa7 WP | | R Sa6 | | SP | | X | -------------------- Sa6: Stairway 6 from level 4 Sa7: Stairway 7 to an area with a simple treasure chest R : Slab for inserting Ruby jewel WP : Warp point SP : Save point X : Exit to the summit Notes: 1)To get the master ribbon, lure the Sting Balloon monster(near the slab) up to the cracked wall. It will take around 2 screen movements to reach the wall, just make you don't end up escaping from the battle. Once the balloon is near the wall, have a weaker character reduce his HP to around <25% and have everyone defend until it explode on its own. 2)To get the valkyrie suit, have Frane as the lead and examine the square plate on the floor, then start from the right steps of the statue on the right and round down to the left, continue to the left steps of the statue on the left and round about the statue to the right steps(simply put, a horizontal 8 starting from the right side of the right statue), then go and examine the plate again. A stairway will pop up. 3)Final limit ability for Rems(Shift Arrow) is located inside the treasure chest in the closed door beside the Ruby slab, I don't think you need me to say this, but the door will open when you've placed all jewels correctly. Save and go out of the tunnel just south. Heal and use status magic, check your gems and equipment. Oh and one important thing is to go to your menu and select either the right or left medallion and use it: the 2 pieces will come together to form the darkness sealing medallion. Make sure everything is in order and head up the stairs. ++++++++++++ | Mission 46 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | Enemies - Lv 57 Vester, Lv 56 Death wings leader, Lv 52 | | Arch-demons | | Clear conditions - Defeat Vester | | Game over conditions - All party members fallen | | | | I hoped you have already used Cycle Up on your characters. Use | | Dash and have Crevaniel kill the Death Wings Leader and then have | | him aim for Vester straight away while your other characters can | | kill off the Arch Demons. Keep Vester's chanting bar busy by | | attacking him continously to increase his atw bar because if you | | are the one who is busy, his Level 3 tornado(without the need for | | cooperation) can hurt quite some. If you can afford not to use any | | full-hp healing items like Elixirs, don't. | | | | After you have taken enough HP off Vester, he will turn to a mist | | of darkness and this is gonna hurt with HP being taken off every | | few seconds. Go to your menu immediately and choose to use the | | completed medallion and you should have avoided any hurt done by | | the mist. Now it's really the final fight. | | | | Lv 60 Vester, also noted as Destroyer/Lord of the other world | | (ikai no ou) | | | | My advice to you is: cast Cycle up for Crevaniel or whoever is | | strong in weapon attacks and has relatively low ATW. Have him | | attack Vester up front. Don't bother about killing the balls that | | he vomits out unless you have a spare hand. They will burst on | | their own, taking away some HP to characters nearby, but it | | shouldn't do too much of a damage. Instead concentrate on hammering| | at Vester. At times Vester will cast a small ring of green circle | | on the ground under your character, once he did this, have that | | character(or any characters near it) run as far away from the | | circle as possible. Don't wait, because after some time, Vester | | will cast Dark Force that will slaughter whoever is on it, and | | will take away almost all HP of those near to it(further distance | | means reduced effect), so if your characters are around a finger's | | distance away, then they won't be hurt at all. | | | | Try to cast Cycle Up for that character whom you chose to attack | | Vester directly when the earlier Cycle Up effect has run out. Watch| | your HP carefully and do some maintenance every now and then, | | continue the strikes and sooner or later, Vester will die. | | | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You get to control the group again, but don't bother going back down to try and save, because it makes sense you are not allowed to. Now, walk to where the final form Vester was standing earlier and go to your menu and use the magic dispersing device. Whatever happens after this depends on which character you chose to have his/her ending. Wait till the credits roll to save a clear game data. Go to the menu and listen to the voice-actors's comments and view whatever stuff you have collected under Appendix. And that's it: you have completed the main game of Growlanser IV: Wayfarer of the time. Congrats. Now go on ahead and replay the last few mission battles to get the other character endings. You have a lot to get in order to complete the list for this game =) ******************* (((Plot events))) ******************* A scene of Valcaneer summoners chanting and the soldiers firing off the big sized magic cannon was shown. Rudvich received reports of the casualties on Dulkheim after that shooting and thought up a plan to counter the attack. Vester has been providing a lot of help to his army in terms of summoning, but were not seen around much lately. Kergil pondered about who exactly is Vester to be able to come up with the magic cannon using summoning, Rudvich in turn replied that if yet even Kergil(expert in gathering information and whatnot) couldn't obtain even a single bit about Vester, it's really of no point thinking about it. He then requested Kergil to become his right-hand man instead...as though Kergil wasn't already yet. At Eraiza's house, the group had a short chat, with Frane wondering if there is any way to use the crystal so they may know Achiel's memories. Maggy told them that for people to view and listen, they need something to show it out. Rems remembered(no, not a pun) how happy Roomise was back at the ruins where they discovered Frane due to that twiggy little projection device. They went on to Lynfaluz managed to bring the device back after a fight which costed Mauler his life. Maggy requested for 1 day to set things up. During sleep, Crevaniel saw a vision of Vester telling Baker that for summoning to take place, the last thing to do is to draw a pact with the other world, and that can only be done on a full moon's night. Halfway through the night, someone broke into Eraiza's house. The group woke up to see that it was Regiena and her group of powerful monsters. She was after the life of Maggy. It became known that the Regiena was not the real Regiena, as she was being controlled, but before the group could do anything about, she fled. The party then gathered together to view Achiel's memories at the projection device. Basically, Achiel and Youriel are Familiars from the future. In their time, the world was destroyed by what they call 'The Darkness', therefore Professor Schtyman ordered them to go back to the past and kill all the summoners so such a thing may not happen in the future((think Crono + Lavos and you get the idea, just that it's reversed. Of course if you want a better example, then think of Trunks who came from the future in the Dragon Ball manga) Thereafter began the long years of massacre, of which finally Youriel have had enough, she asked Achiel to give her 5 years to persuade the humans. After 4 years, Achiel is still waiting even though by that time he already knew Youriel has been captured by humans. Then came man-made angel no.1 who attempted to attack Achiel but to no avail and came to be controlled by Achiel instead. Various topics which cannot be viewed said of how summoning is done - by making a pact with the summoned creature in the other world, an Outer Gate is created, whereby the summoned creature appeared in this world through. However, if summoning became widely used, it would be impossible to monitor all the gates and therefore many monsters will come to this world via the gate even when they were not summoned. That explained the increase in unusual monsters seen around the continent. The magic cannon was an improvised form of magic summoning, but the theory was the same. This served as reason why so many monsters suddenly appeared in the fight with man-made angel no.1: it happened after Maggy used the mini size cannon. And so long as summoners exist, the gates won't vanish. Achiel's memory: [[ We Familiars are created for serving humans. Yet even so, for the sake of the majority, we have no choice but to kill the summoners. I can tolerate with it one way or another, but Youriel seems to have reached her limit. If nothing is done about this situation... To get out of the current circumstance, Youriel and I made some discussions. We have come to a conclusion that is [Magic dispersing]. If magic is eliminated from the world, then there will be no more summoning. With our knowledge, it is possible to create a magic dispersing device. We have to be the medium for using this method, and thus after that we will perish. But if it is for the future of mankind, then it's fine with us. The only problem is whether humans will accept the disappearance of magic usage. The humans ignored our warning and attacked us instead. For who are we doing all this for... Today, Youriel left for the final persuasion. She says to wait for just 5 years. If she is successful and magic is gone from this world, we too, will vanish as well. Then finally, these weary days will be over... Foolish humans! Using the technology of the magic dispersing device to create a weapon called the magic cannon! Worse, it's a weapon that uses summoning, and causes greater casualties. I'll hide for a while to prevent them from using the cannon. There is still some time left...to the promise with Youriel. Just how foolish can humans be...Not only have they captured Youriel, but also created a replica of her to assault me... Even though I know she is not Youriel, still I can't bring myself to kill her. Because she has no will of her own, I controlled her to attack the humans instead: to destroy any device and facilities related to magic as soon as they are discovered. Just how long am I going to continue this act of annihilation... ]] When the group have finished reading everything, they came to a decision: that is to stop summoning once and for all and the way to do that was to destroy all the summoners, after which to stop magic use once and for all. The principle of magic use is the gathering of magic mana in the surrounding atmosphere, if the mana was destroyed, there would be no way of using magic even if one desired to. With that, Rems asked Maggy to help out and the group was reminded that Marcuria's summoning ceremony will take place at night, and they must stop it. Screen switched to Vester starting his ceremony, but the group arrived in the nick of time to stop the mess he's gonna create. Vester made his escape and Alicia then requested for more details on what's exactly going on. Having finished explaining, Alicia was thankful that the ceremony was unsuccessful and agreed to lend a hand by spreading around the news of how dangerous summoning is, and Crestfer offered a hand as well, declaring that his assistance is for the sake of all the beautiful women in the world... On the next day, Maggy gave Crevaniel the magic vibration radar. Using it pinpointed high magical energy concentration at Baltrick Mountain. At the castle, it was known that Valcaneer planned to use the magic cannon on Ordineil(which Crevaniel already knew it from the vision on the night before) and Crestfer requested the group to destroy the cannon from the east while Alphonce make his attack at the west. At Baltrick fortress, the group will spotted Alphonce fighting against Vester, while Simonz and his subordinates watched from the side, too cowardly to fight against a Royal Guard. Halfway through the fight, Alphonce shouted in pride: "There is no defeat for a Royal Guard!" and launched a critical strike at Vester. Vester, a little bit wounded and very agitated, in return used a weird move, smashing the ground to ashes, Alphonce managed to evade quickly enough, which surprised Vester. He then tried for the second time which was much more powerful and faster than the first, and of which snatched away the life of the Royal Guard almost immediately. Vester regained his calm countenance and expressed that he has gotten too serious in the game for a while there before making his exit. The group continued to fight and defeated Simonz and the remaining Valcaneer soldiers. After the fight, an Ordineil soldier entered and was in a major shock at Alphonce's death. Still that wasn't yet the time for mourning, as substitute, the group promised to stop the magic cannon from destroying Alphonce's beloved town and hurried to the summit. They managed to destroy the cannon after a tedious fight with Regiena and Valcaneer summoner before making their way back to the fortress. At the fortress, Crestfer was agonizing over Alphonce's death, he felt that something wasn't right and rushed there, but never expected such a thing to happen. He started blaming himself for being such a useless older brother and after a while more of anguish, he girded himself and finally acted more like a real man by declaring that he will take over the command of the Ordineil soldiers and lead the battle in place of Alphonce. Thereafter, the group took part in a few battles in fighting against the Dulkheim troops and one of which was against Bower. With success after success, they returned back to Marcuria only to hear that while they were busy fighting near the Ida region, Valcaneer took the opportunity to occupy Baltrick fortress again and advancing down towards Ordineil territory with Crestfer being caught in between Dulkheim and Valcaneer's army led by Silvernale. The group made haste to Lebrant where they fought Silvernale and won. The latter gathered her lost pride and ordered a complete retreat. With Igredias and Valcaneer gone, the only country left was Dulkheim. Resting back at Eraiza's mansion, a vision of Vester making his way to Izenbant was seen. At the castle, Silvernale expressed regret and sadness that she as the Royal Guard, failed to protect her lord, and as a matter of fact, had to bring his head to ask for a surrender. Nevertheless she cooled down after some comfort from Crestfer. In the audience with Alicia, the princess expressed that she wished to throw away the kindgom of Marcuria and instead set up a federation of all the countries on this continent, in other words: changing the ruling system to a constitutional one instead of the current dictatorial running. Messages have been sent to the various countries asking for favorable responses, but most likely not from Dulkheim. The only problem being that the new parliament, being divided into upper and lower, had around half of the members chosen from Marculey and Ordineil for the former, which determined the one that will make decisions for the most critical issues and apparantly, the idea wasn't accepted by Rudvich nor Roomise, who affirmed that the fight was not over. The group was asked to head to Izenbant and lend a hand in the fight against Dulkheim. At the fort, the group fought Bower and Roomise who refused to surrender. The group won with Bower dead and Roomise telling the group that Rudvich was the only summoner left in Dulkheim. Before dying, Roomise advised that to forcefully convert the political system of a country just to make it common to the mainstream would not reap good fruits, even if one managed to do it, it would only bring the country down to further depravity. In the fight against Rudvich, the latter summoned a huge unknown creature and hid himself within to do away with the weakness of summoning where the summoned creature will disappear once the summoner is dead. Hien recalled that he was being chased after by Kergil and Dulkheim soldiers because he and his daughter witnessed Rudvich summoning the creature that destroyed the blockade back in Trochmare which created a reason for starting the war with Valcaneer. He got to know that his daughter was taken as hostage in the capital Dulkcan. After a tough fight, Rudvich died and dropped the other part of the medallion which was found at the ruins of hope. Outside the fort, the group saw Crestfer and Silvernale completely worn out (together, they have taken on around 1500 enemies, not counting the few hundred Crestfer defeated before Silvernale came in). Crestfer gave way and soldiers affirmed Silvernale to be just too depleted of strength, but for Crestfer, he's not really breathing. Back at the medical room, the group waited with much anxiety. Silvernale regained consciousness and Dilan came out from the surgery room. If you have done his fate event, Crestfer will be fine and Silvernale will be so happy that even the most brainless person in the entire world can see that she likes him. If not, Dilan will declare Crestfer dead and Silvernale will be so upset that even the most brainless person in the entire world can see that she liked him. The next day at the castle, Alicia informed the group that they received the white flag from Dulkheim. The war has finally ended. During the rest day, the other members gave Crevaniel a present to thank him for all he has done. Crevaniel then put it on seemed really happy. The next morning at Maggy's lab, the magic dispersing device has been completed. Maggy told them that they will need to find the correct place to use the device, where all the force of the earth, the atmosphere and humans gather together. Well straight to the point, at the top of Mount Izenbant. She then asked to speak with Frane, Crevaniel and the familiar. In Achiel's memories, using the device will cause not only magic to disappear, but also him and Youriel. The same thing goes for the 3, even though Crevaniel and Frane are half human, still it is hard to think that they can make it alive past the disappearance of magic. The group made it to the summit of Mount Izenbant and met Vester who expressed that the device must be destroyed. Withe death wings leader, and other monsters, he began a fight with the group and it became known that he was actually that 'Darkness' the angels were talking about. How he really came into existence was not explained(or I actualy missed it), but it was known that he's the destroyer from the other world. All the things that happened was planned by him. If the past was not changed, the future will end up as what the group saw from Achiel's memories: an overwhelming darkness which could no longer be curbed by using the sealing medallion and the world being annihilated. It is not explained who the leader of the Death Wings really was besides that Vester is his master, so he will always be revived so long as Vester is alive. He mentioned something of 'creating a world where there is no space-time interval differences.' The group managed to defeat Vester's current human form and the latter decided to end things once and for all by turning to a mist of darkness(like what was seen in the destroyed future where the angels came from, only in a much lower quantity...is that the correct word to use?) with the group immediately using the sealing medallion. Vester then...hmm compressed himself into a physical being, referring to his previous form as his true form, but since that couldn't be done, he will fight the group in the new form. He revealed abit about his goal which he mentioned in 'summoning will open up the hole in the wall of space-time, which will allow my practical existence to expand.' The battle resulted in the group standing and Crevaniel used the magic dispersing device. Note: The rest of the scenes will depend on which character's ending you have opted for. ============================================================================== ************************* (((Choosing replies))) ************************* Various options picking that occur throughout the game of which I presume will affect Crevaniel's personality OR the affection point system for your other playable characters OR both. (C) are choices that I believe to be the best, (OK) are acceptable ones as well. Solely my own speculation here thus don't take them as absolute. Use them as a side reference. Listed according to occurance in game. If I should ever missed out on any, do give me the details. ****IMPORTANT***************************************************************** Vacation and character side quests are located after the ones for Chapter 4 ****************************************************************************** [CHAPTER 1] [CH01] -Shopping with Regiena- 1)I'm happy (C) 2)It's not bad (OK) 3)It's not fun having to carry the items 4)Not interested in shopping -Going shopping for Regiena's sake- 1)Point out the word 'sister' (C) 2)Sigh -Remember childhood times?- 1)Yes (C) 2)No -Crevaniel looks like any normal person- 1)Complain 2)Smile vaguely 3)Apologize sincerely (C) 4)Remain silent -Return back to camp- 1)Affirm (C) 2)What about the shopping 3)Heavier than shopped items -Not together with Rems today?- 1)He's attending to something (C) 2)What's the meaning of that? -Rems learning medical treatment- 1)I knew it (C) 2)Didn't know that 3)Say nothing -Finished drawing water- 1)Thank him for his work (C) 2)Acknowledge without saying anything 3)Ignore -Making ring weapon appear- 1)Do it (C) 2)Refuse to -Next contract?- 1)Has the next battlefield been decided? (C) 2)It's a pity that the vacations are over 3)Let it pass without expressing boredom -Regiena is nice and pretty- 1)Doubt 2)Her father is scary 3)Agree (C) -Next contract on the floating island Lanplast- 1)Acknowledge (C) 2)Do nothing -Guard Rems- 1)Understood (C) 2)Dissatisfied 3)It's a pity I won't be able to go to the front lines (OK) -Existence of magic- 1)Didn't think of it 2)Believed it exist 3)Shocked at the comment "magic doesn't exist" (C) -Rems in shock- 1)Are you okay? (OK) 2)Praise him (C) 3)Reprimand him for bad performance -Any good idea?- 1)Destroy it during transportation 2)Snatch it (C) 3)Inflitrate into enemy's camp and destroy it -Participate in mission with Rems- 1)Understood (C) 2)Refuse -Talking to Decsen: want to go to the front lines?- 1)Yes 2)No (C) -What Bower intended to do- 1)Because you like fighting? (C) 2)Because fighting is your only ability? (OK) 3)Suggest him to look for something else -Regiena's question- 1)Follow (C) 2)Choose my own path 3)Smile vaguely -Decsen's request- 1)Ask him why 2)Understood (C) 3)Refuse -Follow Decsen?- 1)Intend to (C) 2)Refuse at a later time 3)Because I don't have any special objective -Item shop: the ones who came this morning?- 1)We are the ones (C) 2)Not us 3)Remain silent -Angel in the sky- 1)Saw it (C) 2)Saw nothing 3)Remain silent -Go to Dulkheim with Decsen?- 1)Yes (C) 2)No -Bower's thoughts about Trochmare- 1)You been here before? (C) 2)What is the speciality of this place? -1st meeting with Silvernale- 1)Greet her politely (C) 2)Greet her normally (OK) 3)Don't greet her -Decsen is impressive- 1)Shocked that he knew the Royal Guard (OK) 2)Shocked that he was invited to join Valcaneer (C) 3)Don't think so -Conversation with Hobson- 1)Suits you (C) 2)Doesn't suit you 3)Worried whether it will be okay -Encounter with the unknown creature- 1)Gird ourselves (C) 2)Encourage Rems (OK) 3)Suggest to flee -What is this creature?- 1)Creature from another world (C) 2)Creature that has not been discovered 3)Some sort of bizzare being -Parting with Mortis- 1)Sounds like a nice place (C) 2)Sounds boring 3)Because you don't really want to fight anymore? -Rems lamenting- 1)We will meet again (C) 2)It's better than parting by death 3)Everyone has a path that suits them best (OK) -Watch over Rems' growth- 1)Understood (C) 2)Refuse 3)Remain silent -In front of the ruin- 1)Pay attention to the door (OK) 2)Think about the inner parts 3)Remain silent -Will be destruction again- 1)Accept it 2)Find a way out (C) 3)Remain silent and wait for him to continue -Enter the ruins?- 1)Yes (C) 2)No -Wake up- 1)Don't want to 2)Ignore 3)I will get up even if you don't ask me to 4)Thank her (C) -Crevaniel survived- 1)What about the others? (C) 2)Remain silent -Did Decsen teach anything?- 1)We will know once we enter the ruins (C) 2)The way to defeat the angels 3)The ancient technology -Using the save point- 1)Can't you see this thing? (OK) 2)Can't you see this light? (C) 3)Explain to Rems that it's none of his business -Opening the door- 1)I didn't do anything special (C) 2)Rems has weak strength 3)Lie to him that I removed the key 4)Don't know -Taking the egg- 1)Can't you see this egg? (C) 2)Don't joke around 3)Explain to Rems that it's none of his business -Interrogation- 1)You mean the egg? (C) 2)I didn't take anything 3)Remain silent -1st meeting with Rudvich- 1)Yes (C) 2)No -Enter the army- 1)Yes (OK) 2)No (C) -Rems learning magic- 1)Possible (C) 2)Impossible 3)Work hard 4)Magic can be one of the ways to defeat the angels -Ruins exploration- 1)Talk about this base 2)Talk about Decsen's house (C) 3)Talk about the free time given here -How to inform her?- 1)Write a letter (C) 2)Request for a holiday to make a visit (OK) 3)Not necessary -Got used to life at the base?- 1)Yes (C) 2)Not yet 3)Remain silent -Mock battle- 1)Why are you being so pessimistic even before the real thing? 2)Believe in yourself (C) 3)I'm fighting 4)Don't expect much from Rems -Same as the other 5 teams- 1)Understood 2)We are going to win (C) -Become like Blunteer?- 1)Of course (C) 2)Not really 3)I will work hard 4)You should buck up -Rems going to the office- 1)Understood (OK) 2)For what? 3)Try to make an apology 4)Is it about the holiday? (C) ***P/S*** I received an email from a gamer named A.S who told me that I'm missing out on a couple of options and replies for when meeting Alicia and Blunteer (thanks for telling me that). I will get to that when I have the chance and time to replay the game, but for now please just take note of this. ********* -Conversation with Blunteer- 1)Talk to him politely (C) 2)Talk to him normally (OK) 3)Talk to him as though we are on very good terms 4)Talk to him using a challenging tone 5)Talk to him with a hesistant tone 6)Remain silent -Meeting Valley- 1)Greet him (C) 2)Ask for his name 3)Remain silent -Connection to the angel- 1)I am the key (C) 2)I am going to defeat the angel 3)I am an angel 4)I am going to be an angel 5)Not interested 6)Remain silent -Know about the growth mechanism? 1)Yes 2)No (C) -Lights out- 1)Return back to dorm immediately (C) 2)Tell him to return as well 3)Ignore -Birth of Familiar 1- 1)Ask for her name 2)Are you the one who woke me up? (C) 3)Be angry that she woke me up 4)Are you the Familiar? (OK) -Angels are familiars?- 1)Agree (C) 2)Don't think so -The angel who destroyed civilization 2000 years ago?- 1)Acknowledge 2)My goal is to defeat the angel 3)Want to search different ruins for the sake of defeating that angel (C) -Need Vallery's help?- 1)Yes (C) 2)No -To where?- 1)Training 2)War 3)Holiday (OK) 4)Village to the east (C) -Vallery's reaction- 1)It's fine if you want to remain here 2)To deepen our bonds as a team (C) 3)Are you not happy? 4)Tell him to perform guard duty 5)It's a rule therefore come along with us -Alike to Blunteer?- 1)Yes (C) 2)No 3)Worry 4)No need to answer -Entering Rivoka- 1)Decsen's house (C) 2)A personal matter 3)You will know once you reach there -From Lynfaluz- 1)Yes 2)No -Request- 1)Just say it 2)You want us to check it out? 3)You want us to get rid of it? (C) -Lend a hand?- 1)Yes (C) 2)No -Identity of creature- 1)Monster 2)Fought it before (C) 3)See it for the 1st time -Troubled expression- 1)Had a weird dream (C) 2)Don't bother about it 3)Let the Familiar explain -Letter to Decsen- 1)Take it (C) 2)Let Rems read it (OK) 3)Don't take it -Rems' sadness- 1)Cheer him up (OK) 2)Comfort him (C) 3)Let's report to the lieutenant -Report to Rudvich- 1)The monster in Rivoka 2)Annihilation of Rivoka (C) -Regret joining the army?- 1)Nope 2)Glad to be able to work for the General 3)Miss the days of being a mercenary (C) 4)It's the truth that free time is reduced (OK) -Similarity between Rivoka and Lanplast- 1)Previously, it was a male angel (C) 2)There's not just 1 angel 3)Don't know what they are thinking -No usage of magic in fights with Valcaneer- 1)Understood (C) 2)Why? -What kind of man is the professor?- 1)Old man 2)Stern guy 3)Difficult guy 4)Intelligent type (C) 5)Otaku -Chasing after the mastermind- 1)Go to the place of meeting 2)It's pointless to go (C) -Going to the ruins?- 1)Go (C) 2)Return to base -Roomise is a one-minded person- 1)A guy's romance (OK) 2)All-knowing (OK) 3)Doing it without bothering about others 4)Troublesome -Meeting Frane- 1)Greet her (C) 2)Are you hurt? 3)Who are you 4)Get away from me -Response to Rems' sudden outburst of anger- 1)Apologize on his behalf (C) 2)Apologize (OK) 3)Reason for shielding the angels 4)Remain silent -Bring Frane back to the base- 1)I will 2)Leave to Vallery (C) 3)Leave to Rems 4)Leave to Roomise -Frane's refusal- 1)Persuade her (C) 2)Leave her there 3)Leave to Vallery (OK) -Roomise's obsession- 1)Yeah (C) 2)Maybe 3)Don't think so 4)I'm tired, gonna get a nap 5)Think about other things (OK) -Keep silent regarding events at the ruins- 1)Understood (C) 2)Why? (OK) -Familiar will be tight lipped- <--TP type 1)Agree (OK) 2)Remain silent (C) 3)Doubt her -What kind of secret?- <--LN type 1)The ruins 2)Frane 3)Attacks by the angel (C) 4)Don't know -Kate asking for help- 1)Yes (C) 2)No -Calming Frane down- 1)What are you doing here? 2)Has your memory returned? (C) 3)Do you feel alright? (OK) 4)Remain silent -Who are you?- 1)Tell her your name 2)Never seen you before 3)Saw you in a dream (C) 4)Smile vaguely (OK) 5)Say nothing without any movement -What purpose?- 1)I'm searching for that as well 2)Feeling insecure is temporary 3)No choice but to tolerate 4)Promise to find it together (C) 5)Say nothing and walk away -Conversation with Roomise- 1)What is the General doing? 2)Who is the one standing beside the General? 3)Is that the President? (C) -Political on close terms with the military- 1)That's an allegience 2)Nothing to do with allegience (C) 3)Remain silent -It's a dangerous thing- 1)Agree (C) 2)Oppose 3)Don't get it -Keep the conversation a secret- 1)Remain silent 2)Understood (C) 3)Smile bitterly (OK) -Confrontation with Vester- 1)Who are you? 2)Do you remember me? 3)Why did you kill the leader? (C) -Warning- 1)Take out weapon 2)Bear with it (C) -Lack of trust in a researcher's words- 1)Can't be helped 2)Ask about happenings at ruins (C) 3)Silent acknowledgement -After-thoughts- 1)Acknowledge (C) 2)Tell them about what Roomise said 3)Say nothing -Black 4 to remain at the base- 1)Understood (C) 2)Silent [CHAPTER 2] [CH02] -Recovery of Familiar 1- 1)Yes (C) 2)No 3)Remain silent -Valcaneer releasing the monsters?- 1)Yeah 2)Don't think so (C) 3)Say nothing -Lynfaluz soldiers to serve as guards in talks with Valcaneer- 1)Inappropriate (C) 2)A soldier can't be affected by personal emotions 3)Remain silent -Trust from Rudvich- 1)Yeah (C) 2)Can't be bothered 3)Let's have fun around the town today 4)Say nothing -Meeting Alphonce- 1)Dulkheim's technological strength 2)A dangerous town (C) 3)How do you intend to invade? -Easy to defend, difficult to attack- 1)Agree (C) 2)Doubt -How do you feel?- 1)Thank him (C) 2)Head hurts 3)Body hurts 4)Affirm things that happened while I'm unconscious (OK) -War with Valcaneer- 1)For what reason? (OK) 2)Shocked 3)Silent acknowledgment (C) -Keep mission details a secret- 1)Understood (C) 2)Unhappy 3)Remain silent -Parting with Rems- 1)Console him (C) 2)Scold him 3)Remain silent -Talk about the happenings of the past- 1)Acknowledge (C) 2)I hate it 3)Remain silent -Rems fallen in the forest- 1)I was shocked that time (C) 2)Don't have to go shopping 3)Thanks to that I didn't have to go shopping 4)It was heavy carrying you 5)Should have left you there -All because of Crevaniel- 1)Same for Rems 2)Thank Rems (C) 3)Admit that it is so 4)Make him thank me -Back to Trochmare- 1)A lively town 2)Was a lively town (C) 3)A sad town 4)Hurry to meet that Kergil guy 5)Tired therefore rest at the inn 6)Say nothing -Meeting Kergil- 1)Apologize 2)Raise opposition 3)Ask for reason why they gather everyone individually (C) 4)Remain silent -Wake up in cell- 1)Are you Robel? (C) 2)Good morning 3)What is this place? 4)Remain silent -Petan's words- 1)Ask about the current situation (C) 2)Remain silent -Valcaneer's situation- 1)Vallery has been captured by them (C) 2)Remain silent -Been a month- 1)How fast 2)Only 1 month (C) 3)Remain silent -Talking with Ellena part (I)- 1)Tell her the truth 2)Pretend to be Raul (C) 3)Remain silent -Return message- 1)I'm tired 2)Is Ellena alright? 3)Do you remember the promise (C) 4)Wait without saying anything -The promise?- 1)Travelling 2)Migration (C) 3)Food 4)Present -Talking to Ellena part (II)- <--Talk to her again immediately (IMPT for her fate turnout) 1)I love you (C) 2)Hang in there (OK) 3)Wait for the chance (OK) -Talking to Ellena part (III)- 1)Keep hanging in there 2)I want to see you (C) 3)Raul isn't here anymore -Robel's last words- 1)Are you alright? 2)Don't give up (C) 3)Hold his hand without saying anything 4)Remain silent and do nothing -Rems to the rescue- 1)Thank him (C) 2)Why are you here? 3)Ask him about the explosion just now 4)Tell him to help the others (OK) 5)Remain silent -Killing those not needed anymore- 1)Can't understand what's going on 2)Let's help them as well (C) 3)Let us escape alone 4)Be prepared to die -Bringing Frane along- 1)Acknowledge (C) 2)Do as you please 3)Can't be helped 4)Refuse -Hobson again- 1)Greet him (C) 2)Ask him about his job (OK) 3)It's not tough 4)Acknowledge without saying anything 5)Ignore him -Bringing the others- 1)Bring them along (C) 2)Can't fall together 3)Leave to Rems to decide (OK) -Meeting Ellena- 1)Tell her the truth (C) 2)Remain silent -Ellena leaving- 1)Watch her leave without saying anything 2)Stop her (C) -On the ship, in the storm- 1)Confirm the current location (OK) 2)Express concern for Rems (C) 3)Remain silent -You aright?- 1)I will keep to the promise with Decsen (C) 2)Respond honestly with a weak voice 3)Don't respond with a weak voice no matter what 4)Smile vaguely -Meeting Eraiza- 1)Your name? 2)What is this place? 3)What about the others (C) 4)Say nothing -Meeting Revan- 1)Greet him (C) 2)Where is Eraiza (OK) 3)Where are you going? 4)Remain silent -You have regained consciousness- 1)Silent acknowledgment 2)Thank him (OK) 3)What about the others 4)Confirm the situation with him (C) -Frane and Carnos is fine- 1)What about the rest? (OK) 2)Able to be make an assumption somehow (C) 3)Remain silent -Rest more- 1)I'm fine (C) 2)I will sleep later 3)I will rest if I'm tired (OK) -Staying at Eraiza's house- 1)Accept her offer thankfully (C) 2)We will leave after Carnos is better 3)What happens tomorrow happens *nonchalant* 4)Leave it to Rems to decide -Frane's concern- 1)You don't have to worry about pursuers here 2)Come with us (C) 3)Do as you please 4)Remain silent -To be back at Marcuria- 1)Led by fate (C) 2)Just a coincidence 3)The sea current 4)Remain silent -Deliverer of letter- 1)Torakk 2)Prakk (C) 3)Dorakk 4)Don't remember -Came for us?- 1)High possibility 2)Don't think they will mobilize the army for that 3)Marcuria is one of Valcaneer's monetary resource (C) 4)In any case, let's just fight them 5)None of our business -Meeting Baker- 1)You are late 2)Back us up 3)Concentrate on the battle for now (C) 4)Remain silent -Christopher is late- 1)You are extremely late 2)Acknowledge 3)Were you waiting back there until everything is over before popping in? (C) 4)Say nothing -Eraiza's guests?- 1)Acknowledge 2)We are not guests (C) 3)Remain silent -Conversation with Alicia(you can ask all 3 questions)- 1)No need for thanks 2)Ask for reason to why she cover her face 3)Ask her about the plot of land -About Rems- 1)Don't understand the meaning of your question (OK) 2)He's my subordinate 3)Comrade since the mercenary days (C) -Defeating the Dulkeim soldiers and obtaining a plot of land- 1)Be proud 2)Be modest (C) 3)Please be kind to us from now on as well (OK) 4)Remain silent -Meeting Goldrian- 1)Yes (C) 2)No 3)Who are you? (OK) 4)Remain silent -Setting up an art museum- 1)I get what you want to say (C) 2)Continue to listen to him -Accept Goldrian's request?- 1)Interesting (OK) 2)Accept Sydney's suggestion (C) 3)No other choice 4)Can't be bothered -Hiring Sydney- 1)Understood (OK) 2)Since both of you said it, okay 3)Oppose -Views of setting up the art museum(talking with Frane)- 1)Don't think much of it 2)Great idea (C) 3)Can't believe it -Living on this land(talking with Rems)- 1)Intend to 2)Don't intend to (C) 3)Remain silent -Sydney's acceptance of request- 1)I am depending on you (C) 2)Silent acknowledgment 3)Don't fail me -Eraiza's request- 1)Came because you called (C) 2)Ask her what she wants 3)Wait without saying anything -Bring her to Fandelsia?- 1)Accept (C) 2)Refuse 3)Can't decide on my own -Meeting Mell- 1)Think so 2)Don't think so 3)Tell her about Goldrian (C) -Going to Ordineil- 1)Thank her (C) 2)Go there now -Using Eraiza's pass- 1)Respond to the word "just" (C) 2))In any case, just remain silent -Crestfer's speech: I love Eraiza as well- 1)Focus on the words "I love Eraiza" 2)Focus on the words "as well" (C) 3)Tell Eraiza that we should hurry on (OK) 4)Remain silent -Rems rushing off- 1)What happened? (C) 2)Angry that he made us worry 3)We are setting off for Fandelsia -Royal guard's mansion- 1)Who? 2)The general we met at Trochmare (C) 3)Remain silent -Same as Crestfer- 1)Agree unconditionally 2)The faces look alike 3)The personalities are similiar 4)The content of the speech is the same (C) 5)Ignore -Frane's parents- 1)You can't remember your parents? 2)What a cold person 3)Rebuke Rems (C) 4)Remain silent -Originally from Dulkheim- 1)Tell him what happened (C) 2)No need to answer 3)Remain silent -Alphonce's suggestion- 1)Accept 2)Refuse (C) 3)Can't answer immediately -Meeting Mortis again in Krasdahl- 1)I was fine 2)Many things happened 3)Glad that you are doing fine as well 4)How do you know? 5)Remain silent -Conversation with Munzer- <---You can ask all 3 questions 1)Ask him about the comrade who was taken away (C) 2)Ask him about the stolen magic gems -Remember that Valcaneer general?- 1)I do remember (C) 2)I don't 3)Can't be bothered 4)Remain silent -Vallery and Blunteer- 1)Can't be forgiven 2)It was too much 3)He has his mission to do as well (C) 4)Remain silent -Woke up from vision- 1)I'm fine 2)Express concern for Familiar 1 (C) -Vision was cut off- 1)He noticed us (C) 2)Remain silent -Mansion being taken over- 1)Calm down 2)Express sympathy 3)It's expected (C) 4)Remain silent -Bower's concern- 1)Thank him 2)I have been on the verge of dying numerous times 3)I'm immortal (C) 4)Remain silent -Regained consciousness again- 1)Sorry for making you worry (C) 2)Thank him 3)Make haste to set off 4)Remain silent -Staying with Bower- 1)Okay 2)Refuse 3)Leave to Rems (C) -The dream- 1)I had the same dream (C) 2)A dream is just a dream 3)Remain silent -Frane's sadness- 1)What is it? 2)Tell her to apologize to Eraiza 3)Console her (C) -What is she supposed to do?- 1)You should look at the future instead of the past 2)You should interact with people (C) 3)Don't be bothered by it -Shut door- 1)Look for the key 2)There must be some sort of device somewhere, let's search for it 3)Use force to open it (C) 4)Give up 5)Remain silent -An important secret- 1)Never thought of the reason 2)Don't think so 3)Agree (C) 4)Remain silent -Mortis: know about the master swordsman?- 1)Yes (C) 2)No -Speaking with Frane by the statue: the image of the angels- 1)But angels are the enemies of us humans 2)Do you have any attachment to them? 3)The image I have of them is the same as yours (C) -Eraiza worrying for her parents- 1)Cheer her up 2)Are you having a hard time? (C) 3)Remain silent -Apology- 1)Pat her head 2)Be kind and acknowledge (C) 3)Make a shocked expression 4)Make a disgusted expression 5)Remain silent -Seeing a fairy- 1)There's no such thing 2)Explain to him about familiars (C) 3)You can see familiars if you have the potential for magical abilities 4)Remain silent -Meeting Maggy- 1)Ask her about the person who delivered the letter to Prakk 2)Tell her about Decsen (C) 3)Remain silent -Explanation- 1)I will do the explanation (C) 2)Don't say anything -Burning of the book- 1)He also possessed the knowledge against the angels 2)There's something written in it that was a disadvantage to him (C) 3)Because he has no interest in it 4)Don't make any assumptions -What the group wants to know- 1)The man who attacked the village 2)THe contents in the Book of Truth 3)About the others 4)What exactly does the angels want to accomplish? (C) -Searching for the Angel's letter- 1)Yeah (C) 2)How troublesome 3)I don't wanna do it 4)Silent acknowledgement 5)Remain silent -What to do after returning to Marculey?- 1)Let's have a short rest (C) 2)Search around ruins (OK) 3)We'll think about that then -Revan's worry- 1)You should have waited 2)You ain't wrong (C) 3)Remain silent -Tired?- <--TP type 1)Yep 2)No (C) 3)Neither -Which left a deep impression?- <--LN type 1)Culture of other countries 2)Encounters with various people 3)The girl with the tail 4)The time spent with comrades (C) 5)Nothing in particular -Lend your strength to fight Valcaneer- 1)Yes (C) 2)No -Help fight to get back the castle- 1)Agree willingly (C) 2)Accept since there isn't any other choice 3)Not interested 4)Silent acknowledgement 5)Refuse -The others- 1)Have no worries (C) 2)Worried about them -Bad premonition- 1)Be careful (C) 2)Is it one of the familiar's abilities? 3)Not an omen 4)Ignore -Death of Familiar 1- 1)Thank her 2)Express concern for her (C) 3)What was that you did just now? 4)Remain silent -Going out for a walk- 1)Ask her where 2)Follow her without saying anything 3)I want to go to the castle (C) -The angel was just a legend- 1)The angels were the ones responsible for the tragedy 2000 years ago 2)Want to know what the angels wish to accomplish (OK) 3)Want to look for the way to defeat the angels 4)Going to solve the mystery of the angels' contradiction in their actions (C) -About the familiar- 1)Please don't say it (C) 2)Please don't bother about it 3)That was just a tool 4)I'm not bothered by it 5)Remain silent -Familiar in room- 1)Hug her without any thought (C) 2)Shocked that she is still alive 3)I always believed that you are fine 4)Doubt because she should be dead 5)Who are you? 6)Too shocked to move -(IF)Choosing a different name- 1)That is the name of the previous familiar (C) 2)That name is for her alone 3)Because I will feel bad for this girl 4)Because I'm sick of that previous name -(IF)Choosing the same name- 1)The name is for familiars 2)Because it suits her (C) 3)It's convenient to use the same name -Speaking to Eraiza with Familiar 2- 1)Apologize for worrying her (C) 2)It's not good at all 3)Acknowledge 4)Ignore -Wanting to tell something in the letter- 1)Find out the truth (C) 2)Finding the way to defeat them is more important 3)Current focus is the ruins -Regaining consciousness (again)- 1)I had a dream (OK) 2)Sorry for worrying you (C) 3)No need for worries 4)Ignore -Blunteer working for Valcaneer- 1)He was an acquaintance back when we were soldiers(in Dulkheim) (C) 2)He became an enemy 3)Remain silent -After the battle- 1)I'm depending on you next time (OK) 2)Order her to do it from now onwards 3)Not necessary to do the same (C) 4)If you don't want to say it, it's okay not to (OK) 5)Ignore -What is inside- 1)We will know once we go in (C0 2)Everything has been taken away 3)Something to do with angels 4)Remain silent -What about their current motive?- 1)Something else 2)Army facilities 3)Still has to do with magic (C) 4)Troops during army advancements 5)Don't know -Know what they want- 1)Our course of action from now on is decided (C) 2)Affirm the course of action from now on 3)Remain silent -Defeat the angels- 1)Agree 2)Have no confidence in myself 3)It's not the angels' goal to destroy humans (C) 4)What about Regiena? (OK) 5)Remain silent -Familiar 2 events- <--This will determine which familiar you will get for the rest of the game(new or get back the old one), choice is entirely up to you 1)What are you doing? 2)Don't be a nuisance 3)I came to get you 4)Rems told me to come 5)What exactly are your thoughts? 6)Remain silent -Meeting Vallery at Sansel- 1)Aren't you the same?... 2)I'm glad you are fine (C) 3)What are you doing? 4)Remain silent -Lucky to meet Eraiza- 1)Agree (C) 2)Acknowledge vaguely 3)Don't answer -What to do next?- 1)Go to the castle (C) 2)Return to the mansion 3)Leave the decision to the others -Are the ears decorations?- 1)Check if the ears are real 2)Check if the tail is real 3)Think about the reason why she is being chased after (C) 4)Not interested at all -Alphonce's explanation- 1)What are we supposed to do? 2)Are we going to be the decoy? (C) 3)Listen to his explanation without saying anything -Understood?- 1)Confirm the battle plan (C) 2)Understood (OK) -Speaking with Eraiza- 1)Owe that to Eraiza (C) 2)Owe that to me 3)Owe that to everyone (OK) -Speaking with Rems- 1)Easy win (C) 2)Same as Rems 3)Smile vaguely -Speaking with Frane- 1)Agree (C) 2)Disagree 3)Remain silent -Enemy general has deciphering skills 1)Agree 2)Captain Norman (C) 3)Remain silent -What is going on- 1)These angels started a revolt 2)Don't have the same abilities (C) 3)Don't know why -Press the main switch?- 1)Yes 2)No (C) -Purpose of the factory- 1)Create angels 2)Create weapons for pitting against the angels (C) -Reason for stopping operations- 1)Prevent from being discovered by the angels (C) 2)There's a defect in the factory 3)Energy destroyed by angels -What happens if the factory is being reactivated?- 1)Explosion 2)Angels will come after detecting reactions (C) 3)The angels here will start a riot -Meeting Leona- 1)Doubt that she will be useful 2)Encourage her (C) 3)Can't be bothered -Magic cannon- 1)Think about the reason (C) 2)Listen to Maggy's explanation 1)Because magic is required 2)Because magic is strong (C) 3)Because there's meaning in chanting magic 4)Don't know -What to do?- 1)I don't know 2)We will just have to search for it 3)We just need to lure them out (C) 4)Remain silent [CHAPTER 3] [CHO3] -Replica being controlled- 1)The one we defeated is a replica (C) 2)The one we defeated is an original 3)Remain silent -Another female angel- 1)Explain on Frane's behalf (C) 2)Let her speak 3)Let familiar explain -Seeing visions- 1)Saw them when angels were nearby 2)Saw them when an original angel was nearby 3)Saw them when a replica angel was nearby (C) 4)Nothing to do with angels 1)Talk about other matters (C) 2)Remain silent and watch the conversation progress -Choosing the 1st choice above- 1)Recall what happened during first entrance to the ruins of hope (C) 2)About ruin child 3)About the Angel's letter -Going to the ruins- 1)Next destination will be the ruins that Decsen led us to (OK) 2)Let's rest first (C) -Can't use a boat- 1)Break through the border (C) 2)Gather ideas from everyone -Cannon- 1)Able to blow away a mountain (C) 2)We can't use it to defeat the angels if it's not powerful 3)Remain silent -Alphonce's remorse 1)Express sympathy (C) 2)Make a sad face 3)Glad we are fine 4)Remain silent -Bower's request- 1)Let it pass (C) 2)Fight with Bower 3)Ignore -Crevaniel's secret- 1)Acknowledge 2)Disagree 3)Our secret (C) -Using summoning destroys the world- 1)Let's return and come up with a strategy (OK) 2)Let's check up on the crystal left over by the angel (C) 3)Let's just head back for now [CHAPTER 4] [CH04] -Familiar at Lynfaluz: only if you chose to retain the new familiar- 1)Now that's some thoughtlessness 2)Can't be helped 3)That shows that we have gotten real close to (C) 4)Ignore -Parasite- 1)Ask for a name 2)You aren't Regiena are you? 3)Try to remove parasite being from Regiena (C) 4)Be frustrated 5)Remain silent -Destroying summoning- 1)We just need to defeat the summoners 2)We just need to get rid of magic 3)Defeat summoners and make magic vanish (C) 4)Don't know how to get rid of it -Defeating the summoners- 1)A small sacrifice for saving much 2)Even as it's tough, we've got to do it (C) 3)Don't feel like doing it -World being destroyed?- 1)Invasion from the other world 2)The angels attempted to destroy summoning for the sake of protecting the world (OK) 3)The increase in appearance of monsters is due to summoning 4)Because of the effect of summoning, the future where the angels exist were being annihilated (C) -Unnecessary disruption- 1)Take revenge for Decsen (OK) 2)What is your motive? (C) 3)We will end it right here and now 4)Stare at him silently -Difficult decision- 1)Have got to do it despite the difficulty 2)Do help us out as well (C) 3)It may be impossible -Attack from the east- 1)Understood (C) 2)Refuse 3)Ask for the fort's location (OK) -An eyesore- 1)Persuade her to stop this 2)I won't allow the shooting of the cannon 3)I will save you (C) 4)Remain silent -Be controlled again- 1)Doubt my ear 2)Proceed with the spirit interruption (C) 3)Don't use the spirit interruption -Decsen & wife- 1)These are imposters 2)Believe in me (C) 3)Kill the imposters without saying anything -Where are they?- 1)They are not here 2)This is your inner self (OK) 3)This isn't reality (C) -What happened?- 1)Leave explanation to later 2)I came to save you (OK) 3)I came to set you free (C) -Cheated by Vester- 1)Be strong (C) 2)Don't be confused by the illusion 3)Look at the reality -Uncertainty- 1)Regiena died once (C) 2)Regiena is being controlled by him 3)Remain silent -Death of Alphonce- 1)He didn't blame anyone (C) 2)It's your turn to make a move (OK) 3)He won't be happy if you are sad (OK) 4)Remain silent -Dulkheim's surrendering?- 1)Agree 2)Understood 3)Doubt they will just surrender like that (OK) 4)They won't surrender (C) 5)Remain silent -Doing away with monarchy- 1)Please explain in details (C) 2)Please explain in brief (OK) -Force surrender by capturing Dulkcan- 1)Accept the mission to attack the fort (C) 2)It's gonna be difficult to make them surrender 3)Remain silent -Meeting Roomise again- 1)What do you mean by 'my end'? (OK) 2)Tell him about the danger of summoning (C) 3)Tell him about our goal -Roomise's advice- 1)Remember Roomise's advice (C) 2)We will create a world without that sort of worry 3)Oppose 4)Remain silent -Dulkheim's surrender- 1)For the sake of Marculey 2)For the sake of the world 3)Crestfer did his best as well (C) 4)Silent acknowledgment -Final rest day: nice comrades?- 1)Yes (C) 2)No -Use the device?- 1)Use it (C) 2)Look at Frane (OK) 3)Don't use it 4)Remain silent -Crestfer: saving the world- 1)Promise to do it (C) 2)We will try our best 3)Remain silent -Spoiling the fun- 1)What is it you want to achieve? 2)Who exactly are you? (C) 3)Remain silent and glare at him [VACATION + CHARACTER SIDE QUEST] [VAC1] This section list the replies for vacation and side quest related conversations for your characters. Pair usage of this with the side quests and fate events sections for a more detailed reference to get your character endings. Note: Does not include Familiar type LM(I only have the US version of Growlanser III which obviously does not work with this JPN Growlanser IV.) ======= *Frane* ======= -->Bringing her to the art museum for the 1st time 1)You should have a try (C) 2)It's tough 3)Anyone can do it -->Draw what? 1)Anything 2)Something that touches you (C) 3)Things of the usual days 4)Are you really going to do a drawing? -->Drawing the painting 1)What kind of memories? 2)Is it similiar to the prison barracks? (C) 3)Tell her to say it straightaway -->Showing her painting to Goldrian 1)Let him see it 2)Have more confidence (C) 3)Do you intend to refuse him? 4)Indeed it's better not to show it -->Putting it up at the exhibition 1)You will get reviews if you put it up (C) 2)Leave to Frane to decide 3)It's better to refuse -->Painting of the ocean 1)Let's go and have a look (C) 2)I will help you 3)Not necessary to do the painting -->Frane at Marcuria: adapting 1)Have you gotten used to it? (C) 2)Can't be helped -->Try a game? 1)Yes (C) 2)No -->How was it? 1)You were poor at hiding 2)Interesting (C) 3)Boring -->Painting at Trochmare 1)Yes (C) 2)No -->Her passion 1)Owe that to me 2)It's her strength (C) 3)I helped a little -->Drawing a silm 1)Leave to Frane to decide 2)I'll help search for the silm (C) 3)It's better not to -->Dream of Frane's diary 1)Where is that place? (C) 2)Don't bother about it 3)Is there diary still there? (OK) -->Locating Frane's diary 1)Apologize for hiding the truth from her (C) 2)Be proud that I found the diary -->Interacting with people 1)It's not too late to start doing it from now on (C) 2)You just need to change it from now on 3)What do you intend to do now? -->Lacking much 1)You can overlap it with your memories 2)Do depend on us (C) 3)Is it okay to carry on being like that? -->Unable to contibute much but yet wanting to paint 1)It's stubborness 2)That's not the case (C) 3)Work hard -->Eating at the restaurant 1)I'm not 2)I'm nervous as well (C) ====== *Rems* ====== -->Bringing Rems to Mell's shop 1)Agree that he has a girl's face 2)Praise him that he is a fine warrior (C) -->Know anything about his sister 1)Do you want to meet her so badly? 2)Ask him about her (C) 3)Just give up -->Crestfer's probing 1)Are you interested in guys? 2)Tell him about Rems' sister (C) 3)Ignore -->Princess at the castle 1)Why are you anxious? 2)I have an idea (C) 3)Listen to what familiar had in mine 1)In front of the inn (OK) 2)In the ruins 3)The name Alice (OK) 4)The girl who resembled Rems (C) 5)The shop assistant -->The prediction 1)Won't allow Rems to die (C) 2)It's better to exile him -->Having a reason 1)Do as you wish to 2)Praise his kindness (C) 3)Don't be a nuisance 4)Do you think destiny can be changed? -->Bringing Rems to talk with Alicia 1)It's about Rems (C) 2)Nothing -->Keeping it from Rems 1)I kept quiet for your sake 2)Apologize (C) -->Rems' hesistation 1)You should leave 2)Do as you please 3)Don't do that (C) -->Return of Rems 1)You are not staying in the castle? (C) 2)Get angry for making me wait so long -->Travelling together 1)Welcome (C) 2)Point out that he's royalty -->Eating at restaurant 1)it's better to eat in silence 2)It's fun to have lots of people (C) 3)It's good to just be able to eat ======== *Eraiza* ======== -->Knocking on her door 1)Want to talk (C) 2)Want to see your face 3)Nothing -->Revan's decision 1)Yes 2)How do you think? (C) 3)He is correct 4)About other things -->Waiting for her to come back 1)Do you feel terrible that he didn't wait for you? 2)There wasn't enough time to wait for you to come back (C) 3)So what if he told you? 4)Remain silent -->Listen to Eraiza's idea 1)Yes (C) 2)No -->Selling furniture to get the money 1)What are you going to do once that money is used up? (C) 2)It's a good idea -->Doing the same as Lord Mayfield 1)You are able to 2)Cheer for her 3)Warn her that it will not work (C) 4)Don't know -->Losing temper on Sydney 1)Your speaking tone was not acceptable (C) 2)She was right (OK) 3)Put the blame on Sydney 4)Remain silent -->Way to get income 1)You have no choice but to search for it 2)You just need to labor for it (C) 3)Remain silent -->Working with own hands 1)That's the spirit 2)If there's anything I can help, just say (C) 3)See how long can you last -->Help out?(after choosing Marcuria as rest day location) 1)Yes (C) 2)No -->Do you remember where Revan is working as a home tutor? 1)Yes (C) 2)No -->Pet pig is lost 1)Kidnapped (C) 2)Escaped 3)The mistress ate it -->Listen to steps? 1)Yes (C) 2)No (OK) -->The culprit- 1)The fisherman 2)The old man 3)The guy in front of the inn (C) 4)Don't know -->What to do next? 1)Let's go to the inn and check it out (C) 2)Remain silent -->Begging 1)I'll let it pass this time (C) 2)Bring him to the officials -->Money for helping out 1)The reward just now is enough (C) 2)If possible, give it to me asap -->Accept the new request? 1)Accept (C) 2)Refuse -->Trochmare's reporter 1)We met before (C) 2)Leave it be -->Konrad's hesistation 1)Do you love Katarina? (C) 2)What are you worried about? -->And become like them? 1)There's me (C) 2)Search for him -->Going to Lezel 1)Accept (C) 2)Refuse -->Eraiza's worry at Fandelsia 1)Don't think of unecessary stuff 2)I'm here (C) 3)You are thinking too much -->Bringing Eraiza to the theatre 1)Agree (C) 2)Disagree 3)Don't know -->Accomplishment 1)Possible (C) 2)Impossible -->Eating at the restaurant 1)It's not just about eating (C) 2)No matter where, let's go and eat together ====== *Hien* ====== -->Fight for what? 1)For peace 2)To protect myself 3)To protect people (C) 4)Because it is fun -->Comrades 1)I don't need comrades 2)I'm very thankful for them (C) -->Which has more advantage? 1)The long sword 2)The short one (C) 3)I don't know -->Weapons with hidden mechanism 1)It's interesting 2)It's cowardly 3)Be careful (C) -->Cutting himself 1)Weird thinking 2)Express admiration for that resolution (C) 3)It's pointless -->Magic 1)Very useful 2)Scary (C) 3)Just the way it is -->Saw something that shouldn't be 1)Think too much 2)Yeah (C) -->Slashing water 1)Don't think you can make it 2)Did you succeed? (C) -->Bringing Hien to the theatre 1)It's a difficult issue 2)That is a form of talent 3)It's the same as martial arts (C) -->Eating at the restaurant 1)It's best to consider the age 2)It's a good thing (C) ======= *Leona* ======= -->Talking to her in her room: Leona is a pet? 1)Yes 2)No (C) -->Explain to everyone? 1)Yes (C) 2)No -->Leona's silence 1)Stop Frane (OK) 2)Shield Leona (C) 3)Remain silent -->Regret 1)Wait for Leona to talk 2)Leona is a comrade, just like everyone else (C) 3)Let familiar do the explanation -->Bringing Leona to Ordineil's item shop *Choose to ask about Merick -->Getting the flowerbulb back: teaching manners 1)Have a go at it 2)Won't go well 3)How about challenging a guy (C) -->Like Leona 1)Yes (C) 2)Nothing much -->Giving order to Leona 1)What are you good at? (C) 2)Don't ask for anything -->Hunting 1)Don't ask for anything 2)Please hunt something for me (C) -->Hunt for what? 1)Didn't think of it 2)Monster 3)Some accompaniment for dinner (C) -->Caterpillar 1)Refuse to eat 2)Refuse to eat no matter what! 3)Be firm in refusal to eat 4)Can it be eaten!? 5)Point out to her that it cannot be eaten 6)Have interest in it thinking that it may be delicious (C) -->Acorn 1)Give an acorn (C) 2)Don't give -->Reply 1)I love you (C) 2)There's nothing of that -->Request 1)Hug her (C) 2)Refuse -->Bringing Leona for Marculey food at the restaurant 1)Don't worry about it (C) 2)It's better for you to eat some veggies as well ========= *Vallery* ========= -->Saving Vallery 1)Help us out (C) 2)Do as you please 3)Troubled -->Have not been with you guys for a long time 1)Agree 2)Vallery is a comrade (C) 3)Let it be -->Fight for what? 1)World peace 2)Chasing after justice 3)Random stuff 4)Protecting someone (C) -->Killing Vallery- 1)We just need to remain hush 2)Can't be helped since it's a war 3)There must be another way (C) -->Talking to boy again 1)He's defeated 2)Do you really want Vallery dead? (C) -->Killing people 1)I killed as well 2)Do you know how Vallery's friends will feel if he's dead? (C) -->Boy's silence 1)Revenge is not a good thing 2)Your father wouldn't want you to think of revenge (C) -->Vallery's fault 1)You just need to keep it low 2)Let's go make an apology (C) -->Comrades? 1)Yes (C) 2)No -->War 1)Even so, we must fight 2)Until the war ends, we will have bear with this sorrow (C) -->Calling Vallery a comrade 1)Meant it (C) 2)It's just for that boy's sake -->Eating at the restaurant 1)He is a sincere person (C) 2)He is a bad person 3)Don't really remember -->Bring Vallery to the art museum 1)Necessary 2)Not necessary (C) -->Exact 1)Yeah 2)None of such a thing (C) -->Bringing Vallery to the theatre: can you understand what is it all about? 1)Yep 2)It was a lil bit difficult (C) ========= *Regiena* ========= -->Talking to Maggy 1)I'm happy as well (C) 2)Be proud 3)It's because of Familiar's ability (OK) -->Looking for a heart 1)Yes (C) 2)No -->Talking to Maggy 1)Wish to create a heart (C) 2)Nothing -->Dilan's advice 1)Yes (C) 2)No -->Blood type 1)A 2)B 3)O (C) 4)AB -->Weight 1)-20 to +30 (C) 2)-30 to +20 3)-30 to +30 4)-40 to +40 -->Sure? 1)Yes (C) 2)No -->Begin operation at Dilan's 1)Please do (C) 2)Wait for a while -->Promise? 1)Don't worry 2)Yes (C) -->Talking to Frane 1)It's alright (C) 2)Uncertain 3)May be hopeless -->Talking to Rems 1)Worried 2)Believe and wait (C) 3)Can't trust in Dilan -->Talking to Eraiza 1)Worried 2)Not worried (C) -->Talking to Hien 1)Believe and wait (C) 2)Worried -->Talking to Leona 1)To cure illness by cutting the body 2)It's better not to know 3)A ceremony to make a person healthy again (C) -->Talking to Vallery 1)Comfort Vallery as well 2)That's why there are doctors 3)That's not careful (C) -->For Regiena 1)Don't let familiar speak anymore (C) 2)Of course, since Regiena is like my sister 3)Remain silent -->Finding the oak 1)Yes (C) 2)No -->Talking to merchant in Ordineil 1)Sold to who? (C) 2)Give up -->Talking to man in mantle in Ordineil 1)Want it no matter what (C) 2)If possible, I'd like to have it 3)Don't really want it -->Defending Marcuria 1)Be proud 2)Owe that to allies (C) 3)The enemies were weak -->Entering the castle 1)Gotten used to it 2)I'm anxious as well (C) 3)Paranoid person -->Annoying? 1)Yes 2)No (C) -->Eating at the restaurant 1)Regiena's home 2)The mansion here (C) 3)None of that -->Hurting others 1)We are now comrades (C) 2)Yeah 3)Can't be helped -->Bringing Regiena to art museum 1)Easily 2)Difficult (C) 3)I can, for that kind of standard -->How to learn? 1)Taught by others 2)Don't know 3)No choice but to go around and see many stuff (C) ============= *Familiar TP* ============= -->Bringing Familiar to the theatre 1)Can you act? (C) 2)Point out to her that normal people can't see her 3)Advise her that it's not suitable for her -->Remembering the lines 1)Just read it many times (C) 2)May be very difficult -->Following her to the dining hall 1)Yes (C) 2)No -->Hearing her performance 1)Praise her (C) 2)Now that's one 3)What are you doing? -->Liked the play a lot 1)Let's go see it again (C) 2)It's good you liked it 3)It's not really a great one -->Goldrian helping out with the 1st part 1)The 1st was boring 2)Looking forward to the 2nd part (C) 3)Ask him about the 2nd part -->Talking to the scriptwriter 1)Leave him 2)Listen to him (C) 3)Are you the scriptwriter? -->Image of the fairy 1)Didn't think of it 2)Use Frane as the image 3)Use Eraiza as the image 4)Consider it while looking at familiar (C) -->What kind of image? 1)Beautiful 2)Lovely (C) 3)Gentle 4)Pure 5)Fun -->Bringing her to the theatre for the 2nd part of the play: act together? 1)Accept (C) 2)Not interested -->Practising 1)Follow her for practice session (C) 2)Sleep without bothering about her -->Lines 1)Say them seriously (C) 2)Say them with a can't-be-bothered attitude(monotone) 3)Remain silent -->Skill 1)Pro class (C) 2)Average 3)Quite poor at it -->Gathering everyone to watch 1)All for it 2)Ask how familiar think (C) 3)Oppose -->Performance request 1)Act as the main character (C) 2)Refuse -->Go ahead and rest 1)Go to sleep 2)Stay with her until the end (C) -->Performance day decided 1)OK (C) 2)Nope -->Before performing 1)Relax 2)Have confidence (C) 3)Remain silent -->Ready? 1)Yes (C) 2)Wait for a while longer -->Acting out the play 1)Get close to the familiar (C) 2)Get away from familiar 3)Stand on the spot 1)Let's hurry 2)We're going out 3)It's about time we move out (C) 1)Whisper to her "friend" (C) 2)Whisper to her "servant" 3)Whisper to her "outsider" 4)Remain silent 1)Hug familiar (C) 2)Move close to her 3)Don't move 1)Be silent and watch 2)I want you to be always by my side from now on (C) 3)Thanks for everything ============= *Familiar LN* ============= -->Getting to learn some things 1)That's great 2)You just need to enjoy it (C) 3)Not really -->Still have many things to learn 1)Do you like learning? 2)You ain't immature (C) 3)Encourage her -->Entering the lab 1)Why didn't you discuss that with me? (C) 2)Scold her for keeping it a secret 3)Apologize to Maggy Note: I was unable to get the options script for the latter parts. Please refer to last part of Q&A for more details. ============================================================================== ******************************* (((Characters Side Quests))) [C1] ******************************* Growlanser IV has multiple endings, but they aren't separated into good and bad endings. They are different only in which character ending you choose to get. In order to get a character's ending, it is important to complete his/her side quest. This is mainly because through that, you can gain large amounts of friendship points. Of course don't think of side quests to be just the route to getting the ending, it is essential to remember that for most characters, their final abilities as well as strongest armor can be gotten once you complete the necessary events. Try to plan ahead in mind or on paper where you wish to locate each rest day and who you are going to tackle starting from the very day 1 to the last(there are altogether 8 periods of holidays, of which around half are 3 days if you have got Vallery/Regiena). That way, you won't lose out on time and it is possible to have all characters as valid choices when picking time comes. Bracketed items refer to locations which will commence event conversations with that character, and it will be good to lump similar ones together, e.g: tackle Rems and Vallery when rest day is at Marcuria and never waste time slots by talking to people like Eraiza/Leona who have all their event triggering points at Your Land. 1) Frane (Your Land) 2) Eraiza (Your Land) 3) Rems (Marcuria) 4) Leona (Your Land) 5) Hien (Any) 6) Vallery (Marcuria) 7) Regiena (Your Land, then onto Marcuria if you can afford the slots) 8) Sydney (None) 9) Mell (None) 10) Familiar D-LN Type (Your Land) 11) Familiar D-TP Type (Your Land) ***NOTE: Do create the Homunculus(refer to Regiena's side quest) if you wish to get your familiar's ending as well. Though I haven't tested it out, it's better not to take the risk IMO.*** Below, I have listed an example of my PERSONAL plan for all vacation days when using Familiar TP(of course I made sure I did the necessary stuff to trigger the next rest day event for the characters). I was able to get all characters as available choices when picking time comes. Remember that there are many ways to go about it and with careful planning, you will be able to easily come up with one that works better than mine. Use it as a reference. You can replace slots for Familiar TP with whichever Familiar type you are using, if more slots are required, you can always use the extra ones(such as bringing a certain character to the restaurant which is not absolutely necessary so long as you have been nice to him/her and finished the side quest). ============================================================================== Vacation/When | Day | Location | Do what ============================================================================== 1st vacation, taken | 1 | Your Land | ->Talk to Eraiza in her room after Mission 13 | | | ->Talk to Frane & bring her to | | | art museum | | | ->Talk to Hien & bring him to | | | art museum |-------|--------------|------------------------------- | 2 | Your Land | ->Talk to Frane & bring her to | | | art museum | | | ->Bring Rems to Mell's shop | | | ->Talk to Hien ============================================================================== 2nd vacation, taken | 1 | Your Land | ->Talk to Eraiza after Mission 15 | | | ->Talk to Hien | | | ->Talk to Frane & bring her to | | | art museun |-------|--------------|------------------------------- | 2 | Your Land | ->Talk to Eraiza | | | ->Talk to Hien | | | ->Talk to Frane & bring her to | | | art museun ============================================================================== 3rd vacation, taken | 1 | Your Land | ->Talk to Eraiza->Goldrian-> after Mission 17 | | | Mell | | | ->Talk to Hien & bring him to | | | the theatre | | | ->Go alone to the theatre |-------|--------------|------------------------------- | 2 | Your Land | ->Talk to Hien | | | ->Go to theatre alone | | | ->Talk to Eraiza ============================================================================== 4th vacation, taken | 1 | Marcuria | ->Finding pet pig after Mission 21 |-------|--------------|------------------------------- | 2 | Marcuria | ->Talk to Hien | | | ->Talk to Frane & play game | | | ->Talk to Rems->Alicia ============================================================================== 5th vacation, taken | 1 | Your Land | ->Talk to Leona in her room after Mission 33 | | | ->Go alone to the theatre | | | ->Bring Leona for Marculey | | | food at restaurant |-------|--------------|------------------------------- | 2 | Marcuria | ->Talk to Vallery | | | ->Talk to Rems->Crestfer-> | | | Alicia |-------|--------------|------------------------------- | 3 | Your Land | ->Talk to Leona | | | ->Talk to Frane | | | ->Talk to Hien ============================================================================== 6th vacation, taken | 1 | Marcuria | ->Talk to Vallery after Mission 35 | | | ->Talk to Rems | | | ->Talk to Hien |-------|--------------|------------------------------- | 2 | Your Land | ->Talk to Eraiza | | | ->Talk to Frane | | | ->Talk to Leona |-------|--------------|------------------------------- | 3 | Your Land | ->Talk to Rems | | | ->Bring Vallery to theatre | | | ->Bring Eraiza to theatre ============================================================================== 7th vacation, taken | 1 | Marcuria | ->Talk to boy in the house on after Mission 39 | | | the right | | | ->Talk to Regiena | | | ->Talk to Hien |-------|--------------|------------------------------- | 2 | Marcuria | ->Talk to Vallery->boy | | | ->Talk to Regiena | | | ->Talk to Rems/Leona |-------|--------------|------------------------------- | 3 | Your Land | ->Bring Regiena to Mell's shop | | | ->Bring Eraiza for Igredias | | | food at restaurant | | | ->Bring Rems for Marculey food | | | at restaurant ============================================================================== 8th vacation, taken | 1 | Your Land |->P/S: Bring and chose to give after Mission 42 | | | the oak to Regiena, Mell or | | | Sydney at this point in time | | |------------------------------- | | | ->Bring Leona to Mell's shop | | | ->Bring Vallery for Valcaneer | | | food at restaurant | | | ->Bring Frane for Valcaneer | | | food at restaurant |-------|--------------|------------------------------- | 2 | Your Land | ->Bring Hien for Dulkheim | | | food at restaurant | | | ->Bring Regiena for Dulkheim | | | food at restaurant | | | ->Bring Vallery to the art | | | museum |-------|--------------|------------------------------- | 3 | Your Land | ->Bring Frane to Mell's shop | | | ->Bring Eraiza to art museum | | | ->Bring Regiena to art museum ============================================================================== As you can see, I was pretty much free for the final vacation. ****************************************************************************** ((FRANE)) --------- Frane has lost her memory and her side quest involves helping her regain that memory as well as finding a new purpose and goal in life. Firstly, bring her to the art museum and encourage her to try taking up art drawing/sketching. On another rest day, bring her to the art museum again and once again give more encouragement to her and tell her if she put her work on display, she will know her work's standard/comments from people. Next rest day, bring Frane to the art museum again, Goldrian will inform Frane that her work display has gotten good responses and gives her a new idea, that is to draw an artwork based on the sea. The next time you can progress with the side quest will be when your group gain access to Trochmare(the 2nd trip to the Ruins of Hope). In between that time period, you can always bring her to the art museum or talk to her to gain some friendship points while you concentrate on doing the other character side quests. Once you reached Trochmare(I hope you brought Frane along), go down to near the item shop, and Frane will automatically ask to be given some time to make a sketching. When being asked by a party member, choose to answer 'that's her strength'. Once finished, go to the prison barrack just east of Trochmare. Inside, Frane remembers something(I wrote in it the story walkthrough above so I'm not gonna repeat it here again) and just choose to rest to view a scene. At the Ruins of Hope, get Frane's diary. Next rest day, talk to her and choose to encourage her and she should show Crevaniel a part of the diary and thus obtain her final limit ability. On another rest day, talk to her and she says that the next request is to draw a creature named Silm. Choose to help her. Once you gained access to Krasdahl and the areas around such as Lezel etc again(the last few battles with Valcaneer), go to Lezel with Frane in your party and talk to the guy at the bottom right to get the Masirm grass. Go to Krasdahl and talk to the guy behind Mortis(the one inside the farming area) as many times as you can, until he mention where to use it. Then go up north(the road to Lezel) and under the overhead bridge(which you will later pass through in the main game to Baltrick fortress), a silm will appear and Frane will automatically use the grass and start her drawing. This will complete her side quest. ((Eraiza)) ---------- For Eraiza, please refer to Eraiza's dad under Section B: Fate events of this FAQ. The events which lead to saving her father are her side quests, complete them and her ending becomes available. ((Rems)) -------- For Rems, please refer to Rems under Section B: Fate events of this FAQ. ((Leona)) --------- For Leona, please refer to Leona under Section B: Fate events of this FAQ. After you have saved Merick, go out of the village and immediately on the next screen, pick up the shiny item to get 9 of what I presume to be acorns (donguri). Each time you have Leona participate in an event battle, choose to give 1 to her. If you managed to give all(or at least as much as you can), you can increase her friendship points significantly. This, I believe is important. Furthermore, if you managed to give her 7, you can bring her to talk to Merick to get her final limit ability...but that's another issue. Anyway, after you have saved Merick, on another rest day at Your Land. Talk to Leona and watch a funny scene. Basically, after the Merick's event, Leona is all out for Crevaniel as her master. So here, she volunteers to do something for Crevaniel. Let her do her hunting and she will bring back a caterpillar. Choose to eat it and Leona will feed Crevaniel by...popping it into his mouth just like that. Crevaniel got dizzy and fainted. He will wake up after a while, choose to give Leona an acorn. In the night, Leona comes visiting, choose 'say I love you' and 'hug her' and it's completed. You should have gained enough points to get her ending. One important thing is the acorns, give it to her whenever possible. ((Hien)) -------- To do Hien's side quest, just keep talking to him each time you have a rest day, he will ask you various questions, of which you just have to choose what seems to portray justice and samurai's way of thought or whatever is appropriate. After he no longer asks anymore significant questions, bring him to the prison barracks after you regained access to Trochmare(you can do this anytime, it doesn't have to be interwined with Frane's side event at the barrack). After a rest, Hien will mention about finding a pendant. Next rest day, talk to him about the pendant. Next rest day, talk to him again and ask him whether he's successful in the technique he has been training at, this should get him his final limit ability Mind's eye. For the next few rest days, you can talk to him or just bring him to some places(e.g: restaurant) to gain more friendship points. At the battle of Fort Izenbant, bring Hien along and have him attack Rudvich to learn of his daughter's whereabouts. After the battle is over, go out to where Crestfer and Silvernale is and his daughter will appear, apparantly being safely escorted by Ordineil's soldiers, and she gives Hien his strongest armor. This concludes Hien's side quest. ((Vallery)) ----------- After you have him as your ally, talk to him on a rest day. At night, Vallery comes visiting Crevaniel. Next rest day, talk to him and meet the boy who live at the right house near Marcuria's entrance. His father is a Marculey soldier who died in the war with Valcaneer. The boy wants revenge and will tell the duo that his father's killer is a Valcaneer army personnel named Vallery. Oops. The boy then returned to his house after his mum came running apologizing, but asked the 2 to look for him if they should ever locate the killer. Vallery got all depressed and told Crevaniel that his head is ready for the taking if Crevaniel wishes to do so. Choose 'there must be another way.' Next rest day, don't talk to Vallery. Instead go to the house and talk to the boy. Ask him if he is serious, and ask him how will Vallery's friends feel. Tell him that his father won't be happy that his son, at such a young age, is thinking all about revenge. The boy remain stumped for a while before saying that he at least demand an apology. After the door closes, Vallery will appear and says that he heard everything, but require some time before he can apologize. Basically, the poor guy thinks that an apology in exchange for a human life is too unbelievable and just doesn't make sense. Anyway, next rest day, talk to him and ask him to go to the boy to apologize. You will get Vallery's strongest armor. At night, Vallery visits and asks if Crevaniel is serious in him being a comrade, choose 'that's how I truly feel' and his side quest is complete. Now all you have to do is talk to him or bring him to the art museum/theatre/restaurant to gain more friendship points. ((Regiena)) ----------- Talk to Regiena on a rest day after she became an ally. Bring her to Mell's store to learn of a thing named Labaaz Oak. Go to Ordineil and up to where the armor store is. Notice there is one extra person standing on the left. Talk to him and he says that he has sold the twig to someone else already. Go down and to the left, talk to the guy who wears a green(if I remember correctly) mantle and take his short quiz. If you get them all right, he will give the oak to your group. Don't ask me to write down the questions here, because seriously speaking, I have forgotten, and they are random. It doesn't matter no matter how many times you answered wrongly, keep the correct answers in mind and keep trying. The guy is obviously dying to give the twig away to allow infinite times of play at his quiz. On another rest day, bring the little twig to Mell alone. After some time, go talk to Mell(doesn't have to be a rest day) and Mell will pass Crevaniel the completed oak. Now this thing can be given to not just Regiena, but also Mell or Sydney. But since we are talking about Regiena here, go give it to Regiena. Note: the below can be done as soon as you have gained Regiena as your ally. No rest day is required. Bring Regiena and go talk to Dilan(take note that if you have already passed him Crestfer's medical report, you cannot do Regiena event until the whole mess with Crestfer is over, but that will be at the last parts of the game, do Regiena's first as soon as you can) and Regiena will let in on her situation to Dilan: she was dead due to a stab straight to the heart by Vester and in place of her heart, Vester "planted" a parasite being so she can continue to live, only that the parasite is controlling her will, body and all due to her inner world and emotions being fully consumed by illusions created by Vester (we've seen from the saving her sequence). Which means that if the parasite is forcefully taken out, Regiena will die(since she has no heart). This also implies when magic dispersing happens at the end of the game, the parasite could no longer survive and will perish. Either way, she will die. Dilan suggested a heart transplant, but that will require various criteria, and in most cases, usually from a twin sibling. Anyway, he will urge Crevaniel to start searching for a suitable heart. Now head over to the colosseum and have Crevaniel take part in the free battle 1-to-1 until the free battle 4-to-4 section opens up(refer to colosseum section for more info). Win the free battle 4-to-4 rank B match to get the ancient technology book. Give it to Maggy and ask her to create a heart. Now go back to the ruins east of Marcuria where you fought Blunteer(you can do this on your first trip there as well) and head on to the inner room where Regiena made her first appearance after ruins of hope. Examine the safe on the left side of the wall and choose to turn the dial, select 6-4-3 to get the power stone, a part needed to create a heart. Bring it back to Maggy and make the correct choices. Now head over to Dilan and choose to begin the operation. At night, Regiena will pay a visit. Choose 'it's a promise'. Next day is the operation, talk to everyone and choose answers as you see fit. It will be a success and Regiena's side quest is done. Talk to her on the remaining rest days to gain friendship points. ((Sydney/Mell)) -------------- After you have gotten the Labaaz Oak from Mell. You can choose to give it to Mell/Sydney. Sydney has no other side events. For Mell, talk to her whenever you are free (doesn't have to be rest days). Firstly, she will give you leaflets asking you to help give to people you see fit to draw customers for her. Each time you go to any town/village near Your Land(or at least easy to travel to and fro), look out for young ladies and give them the leaflets . It should be easy to spot. As for guys, try for Mortis and the merchant at Trochmare. That should gather up to 12 people(the requirement). After that, go to Mell's store and see a young girl interested in the stuff but she doesn't have the money. So Mell will dig out a spare item from her making process(but which doesn't make it to the display board) and give it to the girl. For Sydney, give the oak to her on a holiday. On the night where you've to choose your character, go down the stairs and talk to her, she will mention that Goldrian told her what the oak represents, reply 'I know that.' For Mell, give the oak to her on a holiday. She will ask to consider for a while whether to accept Crevaniel. You won't be able to catch her on the night where you're supposed to choose the character you wanna get the ending for, therefore head straight to bed and rest. Next day(which is the last rest day), go talk to Mell and choose 'ask for reply'. For both Mell and Sydney, you will still spend the final vacation alone, thus don't worry about getting Crevaniel's ending so long as you have done the above. ((Familiar D-LM Type)) ---------------------- For the D-LM type, I can't play through it(my III save data doesn't work), so I can't elaborate more. ((Familiar D-LN Type)) ---------------------- For Familiar D-LN Type, time is of essence. Plan your holidays well or else you won't be able to finish her events in time. Go to the theatre on a rest day alone(after Maggy has moved over to Eraiza's mansion). At night, follow Familiar to lab to hear her request Maggy to teach her deciphering skills because unlike other members, she's only a familiar and can't fight. Maggy will tell her to learn a type of medicine skill(it's sorta like acupunture as in using needles to treat certain points of the body) so she can help heal Crevaniel when injuries occur. Next rest day, go to the medical room, she will find the needle she required and an explanation to Dilan. Talk to Dilan again and agree to be a test subject. Be supportive even though she failed. Still she will comment that she wishes to give up. Next rest day, go to the theatre alone. There will be a short event at night with Dilan, agree. Next rest day, talk to Maggy about finding the documents. At night, there will be a short conversation. Another rest day, talk to Maggy again and watch Dilan rush in calling her Margaret(they are lovers in the past). Once she has finished the translation, go and talk to Dilan and anesthesia + operation will begin. Watch till the end and it's done. ((Familiar D-TP Type)) ---------------------- Rest day, go to the theatre alone. Familiar will mention how much she like the heroine's acting and wonder if she can act as well. At night, follow her and see her practice on her own and praise her. Next rest day, go to the theatre alone. It seems that the scriptwriter is MIA, so the 2nd chapter can't start. Once rest day is over, go to Ordineil and go to where the person is selling Growlanser cards(refer to tips section if you don't know where), and talk to the man standing there, he's the scriptwriter, he will ask what sort of image does Crevaniel want regarding the heroine for chapter 2. Rest day, go to the theatre, agree to help her. At night(you must rest first), wake up and go down to the dining area and the acting will start, choose to be serious throughout the entire thing, and Eraiza will come in and ask Familiar to perform in front of everyone. Agree. Next rest day(if it's not a rest, you will have to keep waiting), Familiar asks about the day of performance, say yes. When the date of performance will really take place is beyond me, because in my play it took me 2 periods of rest days starting from Eraiza saying that she will talk to everyone and gather them. And for my case, the performance did not take up any rest day, it happened on the day when I have Crevaniel talk to Sydney to ask for the next period of rest days, and she agreed. Then immediately Eraiza came in and inform Crevaniel+Familiar that the performance is tonight. So if you have done what is necessary, just keep waiting till the event occurs. Before the performance, read through the script on the table to know what should be done. At the performance, just choose the correct things Crevaniel should do for the play and enough friendship points should be gained via this side quest to get D-TP type's ending. Remember to always choose the best choices, because without enough friendship points, even if you have completed the side quest, the ending still may not be available(same thing goes for the rest of the characters) ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ******************* (((Fate events))) [F1] ******************* For those who are curious, Growlanser IV has no plot branches. However, there are things you can do in the game to make a small difference. And it falls under the Fate section. You just need to check the doll house, and one of the options in the menu is the Fate events. Basically, it shows who you managed to help and therefore changes their original destiny. All events are optional, and the game will still carry on with no changes in the main storyline even if you did not save anyone, but of course if you want to get the ending for a certain character, you have to see whether it will be affected by anyone else other than your friendship points and their side quests. The most significant characters you would want to help change their fate will be Rems, Vallery, Regiena and Crestfer. Sorry to you and me but Blunteer and Alphonce will die no matter what. 1)Ellena Ellena is Raul's girlfriend whom Crevaniel first met at the prison barrack. Once you get to talk to her without she realizing you are Crevaniel(after Raul is dead), choose to pretend to be Raul, and reply her question on their promise to migrate. Later on, talk to her again. Once the next prison scene comes, talk to her twice telling her to keep striving on and that you wish to see her. After Rems have rescued Crevaniel, she will appear at Trochmare before the group try to board the boat, talk to her again then and she will fall under the Fate section. 2)Ratica Ratica is Munzer's adopted daughter. Whenever you are in Krasdahl(the only time you can access Krasdahl is on the journey to Fandelsia as well as much much much later in the game), go to the inn and talk to her. You will have seen past events between her and Munzer(there are 2, on your way to Fandelsia and on your way back). On the 3rd time, which is in the later part of the game, talk to her and reply "I was there at that moment"(referring that they are the ones who battled Munzer in his last fight) and her fate will have been changed. 3)Mortis Mortis is your comrade way back during the time of the Arten mercenaries. After the group was dissolved, he went to Krasdahl to settle down and started a farming life. During the attack on Krasdahl by Kergil, he will take up arms to protect Hien and the village. Keep him alive past the battle and his fate is changed. 4)Merick Merick is Leona's brother. After Leona has joined your group, during a rest day, go to her room to have a small chat. Leona will say that everyone treated her like a pet instead of an ally. Choose to help her by gathering everyone to elaborate the matter and next rest day, Leona will be outside Eraiza's house, looking at a flower. Talk to her and hear about Merick. Take her to Ordineil and talk to the guy at the item shop, choose last choice to ask about Merick, and you get to know he is at the ruined village where Maggy used to live. Go there and see a small talk, Merick then collapse due to a fever. Go to Ordineil and talk to the guy standing near the inn to get back the stolen Orbrion flower bulb and return to give to Merick. His fate then is changed. This also makes it possible to move on to get Leona's ending. 5)Vallery Vallery is...alright we know who he is. After Munzer has died, Vallery lost the determination to fight for Valcaneer due to much despise and suspect from the Valcaneer soldiers(since he's from Dulkheim, so nobody believed him apart from Munzer) and deserted the army. In the main game whereby you are supposed to go to the Ruins of Hope the 2nd time, rest at the inn in Trochmare to see a vision of Vallery being hunted by Valcaneer soldiers. You now have a time period to go save him or he will die. For my play, I still managed to locate him after defeating Achiel, but to prevent any risk, do it as soon as possible. Use the Transgate and go to Ordineil. Then keep going north into the forest and you should see Norman and his group trapping Vallery. Kill off everyone and asks Vallery to lend a hand, and his fate is changed. By the way, he will join as an ally so you can get to use him, better yet: now you have 6 allies, your rest days will increase to 3 days instead of the earlier 2. 6)Rems Rems is the earliest ally you get, and is the only guy in the game whose face and features Mell thinks look so much like a girl's(even his seiyuu is a girl). To change his fate of a neverending search in Marculey for his older sister, start off by having a rest day located at Marcuria. Talk to him and he mentions about his older sister and runs off. Crestfer will then come into the screen. Talk to him and ask about the girl who was with him, and he will guide Crevaniel to the castle to meet with Alicia. Alicia wishes to know the name of Rems' father. So on another rest day(can be the next if you want it fast), locate it at Marcuria again. Talk to Rems to learn his father's name: Lenish. Go talk to Crestfer at the groceries shop. Meet with Alicia again to know that the father of Rems is the lord of Marcuria, but due to a prophecy saying: 'the twins will fall one by one and Marculey will be no more', he took Rems away from Marcuria. Alicia will ask for some amount of time before she will meet with Rems. Once again, on another rest day, locate it at Marcuria again. Talk to Rems and Alicia will appear(under the name Alice), she will have a short talk with Rems. On another rest day, in the morning, just talk to Rems and he will scurry off to find his sister again. Now, put Rems in your party, and go to the castle. Alicia will be standing outside of the audience room talking. Tell her it's about Rems and after the talk, Rems' fate is changed. You might want to have Crevaniel apologize for keeping the secret when given the choice. I'm not sure whether it will affect the outcome. Anyway, with the end of this event, you will get the best armor for Rems and make his ending possible to get. 7)Regiena To save Regiena and have her join as an ally, you will need to have your Familiar's stats at at least level 5, with the exception of skillfulness and enthusiasm at a lower level. If you run out of energy via event, go to the colosseum and enter the 'monster massacre' match. It's a simple battle whereby there are 4 groups of 2 persons each(so you can choose who you want to go with Crevaniel), and you are supposed to defeat the most number of monsters to win (sorta like the mock battle at Lynfaluz 'sides that it's not counted via points). For example, if you win and altogether killed 6 monsters, you get to choose 6 color stones of your preference. Use it at your doll house menu to increase the Familiar's stats. Then, after watching Achiel's memories at the device, choose to view the section on Spirit Interruption Technique to have the Familiar learn it. In the fight to destroy the cannon on Mount Baltrick, have Crevaniel move towards Regiena and choose to try and help her. After the battle and the cannon destroyed, the Familiar will ask Crevaniel to let her use the technique she learnt, choose to do so and you will enter into Regiena's inner world of thoughts. You will view various sections whereby the memory cannot be tackled. Finally on the fourth try, move Crevaniel up to where Regiena is and choose 'believe in me'. After Crevaniel slashes away at the fake Decsen and wife, choose 'that is not reality' and I have come to set you free' and move onto the next memory. Choose 'be strong' and Regiena will attack Vester. Talk to her and move to the last memory. Make this different from the earlier memory and talk to Regiena before she reaches the fake Rems. Crevaniel will block the attacks for her, choose 'Regiena died once' and that's it, Regiena will recover back to her own self and join the party. However, you must take note to do Regiena's side quest or else at the end of the game, she will still die. 8)Crestfer After the event at Mount Baltrick, go to Ordineil and talk to the butler standing outside Crestfer+Alphonce's house, choose to ask about Crestfer, and the truth is known that his heart and lungs are pierced by pieces of his broken rib bone which resulted from a sparring match with Alphonce. The moron did not put on armor and ended up getting injured. He did live, but is sorta handicapped in the sense that he can't overwork his body or run the risk of his organs being damaged. Therefore he never graduated from Valcaneer army's academy even though he could have fared even better than Alphonce. Doctors refused to carry out operation on one of the Ordineil family, being scared if something goes wrong. The butler then passes Crestfer's medical record to the group. Go back to Your Land and give it to the doctor(Dilan) at the medical room(the one facing the equipment/item store). Then wait for a chance to talk to Crestfer(at Lebrant), and that is after Silvernale is defeated, tell him to go see the doc at Your Land. Return back to Your Land and talk to Dilan. The group will wait for the surgery to be completed and Dilan will come out saying it was a success. With this, you just need to advance further past the event at Fort Izenbant to have his fate changed. 9)Eraiza's dad(Lord Mayfield) This one requires quite some effort, but it involves Eraiza's side quest events, and for people who wants to get Eraiza's best armor(it's a dress) as well as her ending, you actually need to do this one. Firstly, after Eraiza shouted at Revan for sending away all the servants(at the early parts of the game), go to her room and ask to talk to her. Then on every rest day which you chose to locate it at Your Land, talk to her to advance further, this would means her argument with Sydney, she asking advice from Goldrian and Mell about setting up a personal business, and following Revan to Marcuria to discover that he is working as a part-time tutor to earn some income for the household. Then on the next possible rest day, agree to help Eraiza in the short investigation of the missing pet. First thing is go to the house where Revan is teaching to learn more, then Eraiza will suggest talking to people around the city to get clues within a time limit. You start from the city's entrance. Go up the stairs and talk to the man at the end. Then go talk to the guy standing outside the inn, next to the left soldier at the castle entrance, then the man and old man in the harbor area, as well as the girl at the groceries stall(you can talk to them in any order). You then get to choose who you think is suspicious, say the man in front of the inn. Head inside the inn and talk to the owner, he will go inside the room and check before coming out to report that he found the pet. Go talk to the man outside the inn and he will admit his wrong. Go back to the lady's house to report and this marks the end of this case. Then, on the next session of rest days. Another case emerge: this man from Trochmare is looking for his missing fiancee. Even if she is dead, he just wishes to know it for certain. Go to Trochmare and with Eraiza as the lead of the party, talk to the reporter standing on the overhead walkway. Then go talk to the merchant standing besides the pile of goods below. Go back and talk to Revan who will direct the group to a house in Marcuria. Go to the left house and knock on the door, the woman will affirm that she picked up a woman who drifted on the sea from Trochmare, but the girl is in a shock that she cannot respond at all. The group will automatically report this to the man who is staying at the inn and after some scenes, case closed(you get Eraiza's final limit ability Slience at this point). Then, once again at next session of rest days, accept the new case from the reporter you met earlier at Trochmare. After the rest days, bring Eraiza to Lezel's inn to talk to Klonkite. Follow him to meet Eraiza's nanny Maria, who will inform her that mayfield is starting up an underground faction to rebel against Dulkheim's control of Fandelsia. Go to the docks and talk to the boatman, choose 'Let's go'. Head to Fandelsia(enemies are same levels as when you came earlier in the game. Talk to the innkeeper. Next day, follow Eraiza to her father's house and start a battle with Lv 50 Kergil and Lv 42/46 dulkheim secret organization members. Don't let Eraiza's dad die(you must heal him immediately whenever he got hit), or it's game over. After that, just head to the inn and talk to him and it's finally finished. 10) Familiar 1 & 2: This is NOT a fate character, but since it is rather similiar, I thought I had just note it here. During the course of the game, Familiar 1 will die(this you know), after some time Rems will come and talk to Crevaniel about Familiar 2(the new Familiar Rems and Frane got for him), and you have to bring Crevaniel to talk to her. In your answer options, choose the harsh ones and the old Familiar will be revived. If you choose responses that are good, Familiar 1 will vanish and Familiar 2 will stay with you. So it depends on who you want. ============================================================================== *************************** (((Characters Profile))) [P1] *************************** This section, as the title says: lists the characters and for playable characters, this includes their limit abilities + where to get strongest armor(I understand that the main walkthrough doesn't go into details on how to). Take note that limit abilities occur in battles automatically(fits certain conditions to happen), so don't bother searching for the option to use them manually. Also, you must have gotten the 1st level in order to get the 2nd, and you can only get the 3rd after the character has learnt the 2nd level limit ability. <> ++Crevaniel++ Age: Between 17 to 19 H: 175cm Likes: Up to the Player Dislikes: Up to the Player Ring weapon: Sword As with most main characters, Crevaniel is one of the best characters in the game whom you can use for either direct or magic attacks and is one who can learn all the gem skills(besides indirect attack skills). His magic is not very powerful but using Wisdom apples can help a bit. More often than not, it is better to use him for direct attacks though, as his Critical Attack and related skills are very good and if his ATW is reduced with the help of status magic and with the appropriate gems equipment, Crevaniel can slaughter packs of enemies in no time at all. LIMIT ABILITIES: I)Ukemi(DEF stance) - Get it automatically(after learning from Regiena about limit ability) II)Hard Attack - After Ukemi is used 80 times III)Sword Dance - Top the colosseum chart(can be either DMG or MGC DMG) Short explanation: Ukemi triggers when Crev is attacked 3 times consecutively. It's easy to get, since you have to use him for 100% of the game. Sword dance will trigger when Crevaniel gather 10 active battle points(those little stars that increase amount of exp points you get). STRONGEST ARMOR (Final Guard): Top both DMG & MGD DMG charts at colosseum ++Rems++ Age: 15 H: 160cm Like: Reading Dislikes: Troubling others Ring weapon: Bow and arrow VA: Nagata Ryouko Rems is the only archer in the game, and has the largest attack range. His ATW is probably the shortest with lower ATW gem + Cycle Down and can land a hit every second or so. Though his arrows tend to be blocked off(as with all indirect attacks), the rate is not too high. He can prove to be a very strong support character in battles, attacking and healing by magic or goods when needed. Trick Prey is definitely a must since it can nab you many many rare items and gems from enemies. LIMIT ABILITIES: I)Wild Shoot - Get it automatically(after learning from Regiena about limit ability) II)Trick Prey - After Wild Shoot is used 20 times III)Shift Arrow - Mount Izenbant*** Short explanation: Wild shoot triggers when HP of Rems is below 20%. When Rems does a critical hit, there is a chance that he may use Trick Prey, which will steal/obtain an item from the enemy with 100% success rate. STRONGEST ARMOR (Fenrir Garb): Complete Rems fate event ***To get the various gems to place in the final dungeon of Mount Izenbant for Rems' final limit ability - Topaz: Decsen gives it to you at the start of the game, Ruby:escort the merchant for the 3rd time at Saudorix, Blue Sapphire:do the Balgana event(knock on door of house in Lebrant after Mission 42 and head to MT Baltrick to enter into a mission in saving the Valcaneer soldier Balgana from a whole bunch of Level 50+ Titans), Amethyst: do the Kate events(bring all required magic related reports to her), Jade: do the armorer event to search for his children(located at Marcuria, Sansel and the bridge border north of Sansel where you had the fight with Munzer), Diamond: at the lowest level of the optional dungeon*** ++Frane++ Age: 16 H: 155cm Likes: Observing things, spending free time doing things at own pace and relaxing Dislikes: Disputes Ring weapon: Magic globes VA: Makishima Yuki Frane, no doubt, is the the best magic user of all playable characters. This is simply because she has a real weak point in terms of direct attacks and normal DEF, so it's no surprise that they have to up her magic abilities to make up for the weaknesses. She has very low HP(and she can't learn the HP UP skill normally), so always keep her away from strong melee enemies. LIMIT ABILITIES: I)Quick - Default II)Healing Prayer - Quick is used 9 times III)Overrun - Do the first part of Frane's side event(prison barrack dream and the diary) Shor explanation: Quick may be triggered when Frane is attacked while she is chanting magic. Healing Prayer has 50% of resurrecting a fallen ally when Frane is the only character left. STRONGEST ARMOR (Valkyrie Suit): Mount Izenbant ++Eraiza++ Age: 18 H: 158cm Likes: Drinking tea and relaxing Dislikes: Making use of people Ring weapon: Spear VA: Asano Masumi To be frank, I don't find Eraiza very useful, even though she is one of the characters I use for the final battle in my first gameplay. Her magic chanting speed is almost the same as Frane(sometimes a lil bit faster) and has relatively high HP compared to the rest, but other than that, she doesn't have any impressive stats or abilities that I know of(Silence is pretty good though). Using the correct magic and skills can make her a good character in battle, though not a strong one. LIMIT ABILITIES: I)Quick - Default II)Restore - Use Quick 5 times III)Silence - Eraiza's side quest(refer to section D) STRONGEST ARMOR (Dress of light): Complete her dad's fate event ++Hien++ Age: 45 H: 183cm Likes: Training Dislikes: Nothing in particular Ring weapon: Katana Va: Tsuji Shinpachi Hien is more of an attack-based character than magic, and seriously it would be such a mistake to have him be a back support character. He can be as good as Crevaniel when it comes to direct attacks, so if you want another fighter in your party to unleash some pincer attacks or just to serve as a decoy to lure enemies to attack him instead of the rest, Hien's probably your best choice. LIMIT ABILITIES: I)Ukemi - Default II)Atemi (various striking techniques) - Ukemi is used 20 times III)Mind's eye - Part of Hien's side events(refer to section D) STRONGEST ARMOR (Battle God garb): Complete Hien's side quest(refer to section D) ++Leona++ Age: 14 H: 148cm Likes: Eating, taking afternoon naps Dislikes: Difficult stuff Ring weapon: Claws VA: Rie Kugimiya I feel that Leona is quite similar to Hien in the sense that it's better to make use of her rather high HP for direct attacks rather than keep her behind the scene, her magic is no good. Her MOV stat though, is the best and together with Level 5 MOV UP+Skill effect Lv 3+Shorten Attack Time, she will be one of the fastest characters. Always use her with Crevaniel in upfront assaults. LIMIT ABILITIES: I)High Tension - Default II)Rage - Use High Tension 13 times III)Revenge - Talk to Merick after giving Leona 7 acorns Short explanation: High Tension triggers when Leona defeated the 2nd enemy in a short period of time. STRONGEST ARMOR (Master Ribbon) - Mount Izenbant ++Vallery++ Age: 19 H: 178cm Likes: Training, things that polish his skills/character etc Dislikes: Twisted stuff, things that neglect preparations Ring weapon: Sword VA: Takahiro Sakurai Vallery is a very good character to use. He has decent HP and MOV and DEF and his indirect attacks do bigger damage compared to the rest, though the range is more limited. That can be solved easily with the rangex2 gem. He can be used for all sorts of strategies you might have come up with for various types of battles as his fighting abilities are flexible and it is easy to find something useful for him to take the task upon. Brace raises his attack, def and mgc resistance, a bonus. LIMIT ABILITIES: I)Brace - Default II)Trance - Use Brace 15 times III)Uproar - Optional Dungeon 11th floor STRONGEST ARMOR (Lobar Armor): Part of Vallery's side quest(refer to details under section D) ++Regiena++ Age: 20 H: 162cm Likes: Stuff that works her body Dislikes: Things that require her to be still and silent Ring weapon: Boomerang VA: Kozue Shimizu Regiena is somewhat inferior in terms of indirect attacks as compared to Rems and Vallery, but she makes up for that in her magic. Same as Frane, she can't learn HP UP normally, so take note of that when using her. LIMIT ABILITIES: I)Wild Shoot - Default II)Grace - Use Wild Shoot 6 times III)Lucky 7 - Optional Dungeon 11th floor STRONGEST ARMOR (Angel's bustier): Optional Dungeon 11th floor <> ++Decsen++ Age: 42 H: 182cm Likes: Drinking with subordinates, helping and watching them grow up Dislikes: Easily giving up VA: Yanaka Hiroshi ++Bower++ Age: 25 H: 193cm Likes: Afternoon naps Dislikes: Troublesome faction disputes VA: Kouji Ishii Comments: There's a girl in Fandelsia who is madly in love with Bower. How interesting. ++Rudvich++ Age: 35 H: 174cm Likes: Chess Dislikes: Acting without plan VA: Takumi Yamazaki Comment: As mentioned many times, Rudvich is as good with the sword as he is at battle tactics. In a conversation with Kergil, Rudvich mentioned that the reason why there isn't any one who is able to achieve what the great Alexander did 800 years ago(conquer the entire continent) is because if one aims for the control of a country, he will only be able to obtain a town. If one aims for the entire continent, he will only be able to obtain a country. He further explained that he is not interested in shooting for the continent, which pretty much implied that world domination is his goal. ++Blunteer++ Age: 23 H: 177cm Likes: Searching to solve mysteries, situations he can't get out of Dislikes: Living a lazy life VA: Takehito Koyasu Comment: Blunteer is very popular with people, not because he's a very sociable and cheerful person, but because he is so nice to anyone who interacts with him. He is that sort of person who is so hard on himself but gives a lot of leeway for others. This is probably why he died in the end, because it is obvious that he is not the only candidate who can sacrifice his life to defeat Achiel, but he chose to bear all the burden himself. ++Roomise++ Age: 30 H: 172cm Likes: Magic research Dislikes: Disputes VA: Okano Kousuke Comments: Roomise has got the brains and intellect, but he can't use the sword at all. Many times, he is so involved in magic research that sleep and food no longer plays a part in his life. ++Munzer++ Age: 31 H: 185cm Likes: Listening to music Dislikes: Meaningless fights VA: Inada Tetsu ++Alphonce++ Age: 25 H: 177cm Likes: Reading Dislikes: Injustice and any and everything bad VA: Takahashi Hiroki Comments: Alphonce is a very kind man and a very good lord who places the well-being of Ordineil citizens as his no.1 priority in life. He holds a meeting session with citizens frequently to listen to their views and comments and is said to be one of the best and most outstanding Ordineil rulers blah blah blah I could go on praising him to the skies. Once he has decided on something, he remains very firm and stubborn over it. ++Crestfer++ Age: 25 H: 177cm (Even the height is the same huh?) Likes: Flirting with women Dislikes: Appeasing men, things that require too much effort to do VA: Takahashi Hiroki Comments: Though Crestfer may seem to be such a failure of a loser(double downfall) at first, it is known later on that he is actually an even better fighter than Alphonce if not for his crippling injury. This causes him to be unable to overwork himself and thus he spend his days away from home and wandering around the continent looking for girls to hook up with. Nevertheless, he finally turns for the better after Alphonce's death(and a surgery which cured his injury) and took over the lordship of Ordineil, setting much more time concentrating on the important issues in leading and controlling a country. ++Silvernale++ Age: 25 H: 168cm Likes: Making cakes and the sort Dislikes: Nothing in particular VA: Mie Sonozaki ++Vester++ Age: 30 H: 182cm Likes: Enjoying games Dislikes: Anything that interrupts or stalls the game VA: Matsuyama Takashi ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ************************* (((BATTLE MECHANICS))) [B1] ************************* The battle system for Wayfarer of time is very much similiar to earlier games with some twitches. It is usually impossible to have a game over unless a mission requires some special conditions to clear through. As usual, it is best to level up as much as you can if you want to breeze through the game. Event battles requires certain conditions to have a perfect finish: Mission Complete. If the main conditions are met with some flops that doesn't have too big of an effect, it will be Mission Clear. If you make more mistakes, you get a Mission Failed. Mess up terribly and it's Game Over. In most situations, a Mission Complete can be achieved by keeping all allies alive, do whatever is required by common sense, and finishing the fight before the clock (+50 bonus) section turns negative. Mission Clear usually appears if you did everything well, but accidentally allow a npc ally or to to die. Or, if everything is okay but you finished the battle after the clock turns negative. Mission Failed seldom appears, if an ally accidentally die if he/she was supposed to escape, but so long as some others remain. Game Over is game over. The above is just a summary, many event battles require different things, so you just have to see what they are. I) Rings and magic gems Throughout the game, you can obtain rings(identified or not) which you can equip on your characters. Each ring has 3 numbers in this format: X-X-X X is the level of each slot of the ring, each ring has 3 slots. And each slot has a different color of pink, green or yellow. You can equip different rings as and when you wish as each gives a different boost, for example: a +4 in MOV. Look to the right of the equip ring screen and you can spot the difference in stats. Equipping rings in battles will increase the levels of the slots through experience points gaining, so you don't have to keep changing rings in order to use higher level gems if you don't want to...now that's something to be very thankful about. After equipping the ring, you have to equip magic gems in the slots. There are different levels of magic gems throughout the game, to be able to equip a level 4 magic gem for the 2nd slot of your ring, that slot should be at level 4 or above. If the color of the slot matches the color of the gem, full experience points can be earned during battles to learn and level up whatever skills or magic that particular gem provides. If the color doesn't match, the experience points obtained will be 3/4 of the original. II) Direct/indirect attacks and magic Direct attacks requires a character to move near to an enemy before it can be performed, so a high MOV stat can make things faster and easier. Indirect attacks can be performed right off the bat, but has the tendency to be blocked off by enemies. After each move, the character cannot attack until the wait bar(the yellow bar below the HP and HP bar) is cleared. Magic requires chanting, the higher the level, the longer the chanting. That's common sense. Earth magic doesn't work on flying units, and wind magic works the best on them. Status magic such as Attack and Protect can be very helpful so in any big battle, casting them right before a battle or at the start can prove to be very useful. Have characters chant magic past level 1 and if they have the cooperation skill, coorperation magic can be performed, which is a stronger and more widespread form of magic such as blizzard, earthquake etc. III) Items and escape Using items to heal is common knowledge, and in this game you can do the same during battle. If a certain character has the Chemist's gem equipped. The effect of HP recovery items will increase, e.g: heal by 1.5 times. Using items and performing the next command requires waiting time as well. To escape, bring Crevaniel or whoever is the leader to the end of the screen. Of course you can't escape in missions, only during dungeon/field encounters. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ******************************* (((Items and books listing))) [IB00] ******************************* This section lists the items and books and their uses. [ITEMS]: ============================================================================== Name of item | Description | Use ============================================================================== Elixir |Precious liquid medicine invented while | Restore full |researching a medicine for immortality. | HP of party ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seibo's medicine |A mysterious medicine created by the seibo | Restore full |Claudia who passed the knowledge on to | HP of one |injured travellers. | unit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recovery |Medicine made from herbs gathered from the | Restore 100~ medicine |mountain tops. Though it's somewhat highly | 115 HP for |priced but the recovery effect is higher as | one unit |well. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Healing drug |Drug made from boiling herbs. Increases | Restore 30~ |the rate of recovery by applying it on the | 37 HP |wound. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ambrosia |Magical fruit which gives off a sweet smell.| Restores 30~ |Very precious due to difficulty in growing | 37 MP |it. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Poison removal |Herb that is able to neutralize poison in | Cures Poison herb |the body. Just rubbing it on the wound | and Venom |produces sufficient effect. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mind tonic |Medicine made from herb essences. Able to | Cures Faint |heal slight faintness and numbness. | and Paralysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henloda |Medicine made from boiling herbs picked from| Cures Petrify |the southern areas. Allow for blood | |circulation of the entire body. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Panacea |Magical herb created by the sages. Due to | Cures all bad |its ability to heal all types of poison, it | status effects |is called all-purpose medicine. | apart from | | Fallen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nectar |Wine made from celestial fruits. Able to | Restore from |restore a fallen person during battle. | Fallen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Star fragment |A fragment from a faraway star. Gives off a | Adds 4 more |mysterious light. | Active Battle | | Points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vit's medicine |Drug made by the great sage Vit. Able to | Reduces |relieve stiffness and enable instant | rigidity time |movment. | period ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lucky symbol |Medallion drawn on by the goddess of luck. | Limit is |Increases rank of obtained items by 1. | rank 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alsorb bell |Bell owned by the legendary bandit Alsorb. | Obtain an |Gives off sounds indicating where the | item from |treasure is located. | enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time rune |Coin carved with the rune of time. Able to | Remove enemy's |to distort time. | time down | | effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time censer |Censer made from the fragrant wood of the | Reduce all |World Tree. Possess a mysterious power. | enemies' time | | down effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gale apple |Blue apple picked from the tree protected by| DEX increase |the Wind Sprite. Only produces 1 apple a | by 1~4 |year. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Life apple |Fruit picked from the great tree by priests | STR increase |worshipping the land goddess. | by 1~4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT apple |Fruit picked from the tree that existed | INT increase |since the world was created. Contains | by 1~4 |knowledge from the origin | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blessing bell |Golden hard bell imbued with blessings. | Reduce 10 |However, cracks upon one ringing. | levels while | | retaining | | abilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dandy book |Book written for making a man dandy. Gains | Charm UP |attention from both genders after reading it| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit tear |A vial containing tears from spirits. Use it| Increase the |on a ring to increase it's ability. | lower level | | of a ring slot | | by 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lete dew |Vial containing water flowing from the | Match color |netherworld's river. Use it on a ring slot | of ring slot |to change its color. | with the | | equipped gem ============================================================================== [BOOKS]: Get books at the Exhibition match over at the Colosseum Spellbook: madousho Manual: ougisho Tome: hihon ============================================================== Name of book | Type | Skill/magic given ============================================================== Miracle | Spellbook | Healing -------------------------------------------------------------- Shinkon(mind&spirit) | Spellbook | MP drain -------------------------------------------------------------- Death | Spellbook | Death -------------------------------------------------------------- Mental conveyance | Spellbook | Cycle Up -------------------------------------------------------------- Gale | Spellbook | Wind edge -------------------------------------------------------------- Earth | Spellbook | Sand shot -------------------------------------------------------------- Fire | Spellbook | Fire arrow -------------------------------------------------------------- Snow | Spellbook | Ice barette -------------------------------------------------------------- Sacred flame | Spellbook | Holy -------------------------------------------------------------- Berserker | Manual | Berserk -------------------------------------------------------------- Summoner | Manual | Strengthen magic -------------------------------------------------------------- Killer | Manual | All round attack -------------------------------------------------------------- Bandit | Manual | Plunder -------------------------------------------------------------- Counter | Manual | Counter -------------------------------------------------------------- Increase movement | Tome | MOV UP -------------------------------------------------------------- Strengthen life | Tome | Status prevention -------------------------------------------------------------- Increase stamina | Tome | HP UP -------------------------------------------------------------- Quickness | Tome | Shorten attack atw -------------------------------------------------------------- Magic principles | Tome | Reduce MP usage -------------------------------------------------------------- Tranquility | Tome | MP regeneration -------------------------------------------------------------- Judgment | Tome | Judgment -------------------------------------------------------------- Increase spirit | Tome | MP UP -------------------------------------------------------------- Strengthen eyesight | Tome | ACCURACY UP -------------------------------------------------------------- Chants | Tome | Shorten chant time -------------------------------------------------------------- Stone attack | Tome | Petrify attack -------------------------------------------------------------- Body collaboration | Tome | HP absorb -------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit collaboration | Tome | MP absorb -------------------------------------------------------------- Exchange | Tome | Mirage -------------------------------------------------------------- Healing ability | Tome | Regenerator ============================================================== ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ***************** (((Equipment))) [EQ01] ***************** The equipment as well as my translations of their descriptions. Listed according to STR required. Cre = Crevaniel Rem = Rems Fra = Frane Era = Eraiza Hie = Hien Leo = Leona Val = Vallery Reg = Regiena (XX) = STR required to equip [SHOP]: Can be bought at equipment stores [BO]: Bonus equipment that can only be obtained via special events(the strongest equipment for characters) [DE]: Available by default(character comes with it) ============================================================================== Name of Equipment | Description | Characters who can | | equip it ============================================================================== Clothes(1) |Don't depend on this as a protective | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era, [DE] |equipment since this is just a set | Hie, Val, Reg |of normal clothing. However, it's | |better than not wearing anything. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thick clothing(4) |Wear made from thick cloth. Has been | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era, [SHOP] |greatly preferred by travellers since| Hie, Val, Reg |a long time ago. Can be somewhat | |dependable when used as a protective | |equipment. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soft leather(7) |Clothing made from animal skin. | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era, [SHOP] |Quilting done between each skin which| Hie, Val, Reg |increase the defense ability. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fur coat(11) |Fur coat made with beautiful milky | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era, [SHOP] |white feathers taken from the Newt. | Hie, Val, Reg |Not only beautiful, but is decent as | |protective equipment as well. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stadead leather |Soft leather strengthen with metal | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era, (20) |rivets. Due to the head area being | Hie, Val, Reg [SHOP] |made huge, it requires just a slight | |admendment to increase the protective| |ability. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard leather(26) |Armor made from thick hide immersed | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era, [SHOP] |in hot oil. Has got a steadier | Hie, Val, Reg |defense than soft leather. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leather jacket(28) |A decent jacket made using hard | Cre, Rem, Hie, Val, [SHOP] |leather. | Reg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Buff coat(31) |A type of hard leather. Has got a | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era, [SHOP] |hard hide for the upper body where | Hie, Val, Reg |attacks are frequent dealt with. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ancient suit(33) |Common suit used during the ancient | Fra, Era, Reg [SHOP] |civilization. Can't really be | |depended upon but it does possess a | |defense ability higher than assumed. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protector robe(42) |A thick robe made by attaching thick | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era [SHOP] |hides to the shoulder and chest area.| |Its weight allow for comfortable | |movement and though it possess a | |decent protective ability, it is not | |advisable to depend too much on it | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fairy robe(51) |The name of this robe comes from the | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era [SHOP] |fact that wearing it makes one look | |like a cute fairy. Has got a definite| |level in terms of defensive ability | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battle jacket(59) |Thick hide jacket made with the | Cre, Rem, Hie, Val, [SHOP] |battle purpose in mind. Quilting is | Reg |present on the inner side and chain | |protectives are used on areas where | |attacks are frequently dealt with. | |Has much more defense ability than | |assumed. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Earth robe(63) |Robe given to a kind farmer by the | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era [SHOP] |Earth Spirit Lord. Having the | |protection given by blessings from | |the Earth Spirit Lord, it possessed | |much greater defensive abilities than| |assumed. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pesack ribbon(64) |Used as a decoration by Pesack women,| Leo [DE] |it is fitted with a bell for | |protection purposes. Imbued with | |magical powers to protect against | |savage demons. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cyber jacket(68) |Jacket which gives off a shine. Has | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era [SHOP] |got decent protective abilities and | Hie, Val, Reg |absorbs impact well. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Short dress(72) |Common dress worn by aristocrats but | Era [DE] |Eraiza cut it short for fighting | |purposes. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seven colored |Sewn with 'Feia', a type of light | Leo ribbon(72) |silk only found in the celestial | [SHOP] |realm. This is a ribbon which flash | |out seven bright colors. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sage robe(75) |Robe given to his disciples by the | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era [SHOP] |Great Sage Alvince. Imbued with a | |magic barrier for protective purposes| | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chain jacket(78) |Made by famous craftsmen using thin | Cre, Rem, Hie, Val, [SHOP] |chains to weave into the jacket. Is | Reg |actually lighter than assumed and has| |got a high defense ability | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Premium ribbon(80) |Ribbon and bell made with the magical| Leo [SHOP] |metal Mythril silver. Due to the | |silver's ability to seal up evil | |energy, the ribbon possess a high | |defense functionality. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apron dress(86) |Dress with a pure white apron | Era [SHOP] |attached worn by maids. Though it | |does not have any magical abilities | |imbued, the protective purpose is | |existent. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Holy robe(87) |Sacred robe made by the prayers of 12| Cre, Fra, Rem, Era [SHOP] |maidens on a new moon's night after | |diping the high quality silk robe in | |a silver dish of sacred water. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Infinity ribbon(88)|A ribbon possessing infinite power | Leo [SHOP] |said to be made in another world. | |In exchange for that power, stamina | |is being absorbed away. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Metal jacket(89) |Made by weaving thin steel threads, | Cre, Rem, Hie, Val, [SHOP] |this metal-based jacket has some | Reg |significant weight but doesn't | |sacrifice mobility to give an | |effective defense ability. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leather guard(97) |A jacket imbued with a magic barrier | Cre, Hie, Val [SHOP] |by a high position enchanter. Chain | |protectives are used on the inner | |side, making it a good protective | |equipment. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Master ribbon(99) |A magic ribbon that was said to be | Leo [BO] |obtained by a summoner who was over- | |confident in his abilities when he | |summoned a Demon Lord from another | |world. Though the summoner himself | |was dragged off into the other world.| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragoon jacket(104)|Jacket used by Dragon Calvaries. Sewn| Cre, Rem, Hie, Val, [SHOP] |with dragon scales, its weight and | Reg |defense ability is brought to a high | |level. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magical bustier |Bustier created by the Great Sage | Fra, Leo, Reg (106) |Alvince who managed to decipher the | [SHOP] |mysteries of magic principles. | |Attached with a strong magic barrier.| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elvin bustier(118) |Bustier sewn by the Forest sprite | Fra, Leo, Reg [SHOP] |using a cloth imbued with magical | |powers. The beautiful design can be | |used as an art piece. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crimson jacket(119)|Said to be worn by the legendary | Cre, Rem, Hie, Val, [SHOP] |Crimson Knight. A jacket that is dyed| Reg |deep red. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Angel bustier(123) |Bustier worn by angels in the sky. | Reg [BO] |Can't be amended nor worked on by | |human hands, it is imbued with | |incomparable magical strength. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mysterious dress |Imbued with nature's strength, this | Era (125) |dress gives off a white light. Said | [SHOP] |to be passed from generations to | |generations by the witches living in | |the northern forest. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protective mantle |Mantle with a protective rune | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era, (132) [SHOP] |attached on the back area. Fantastic | Hie, Val, Reg |collaboration make this a trend | |among the aristocrats. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crescent suit(132) |Suit made by imbuing the moon's | Fra, Era, Reg [SHOP] |energy during a lunar eclispe. A | |magic barrier will emerge the moment | |an attack is impact is dealt with, | |protecting the wearer. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chaos jacket(136) |An evil jacket made in the deepest | Cre, Rem, Hie, Val, [SHOP] |depths of the demon world. An | Reg |anecdote says of how it's imbued with| |evil power and brings calamity. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mirage guard(140) |A strong jacket made with moth's | Cre, Hie, Val [SHOP] |cocoon, it is imbued with magic, | |giving it an illusionary effect. It | |the twists the points of attack and | |reduce the damage done. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable suit(143) |Suit made by gathering fragments of | Fra, Era, Reg [SHOP] |the ancient technology, this bustier | |changes the form of the wearer to | |disperse attack impacts. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Royal dress(144) |Protective dress ordered to be made | Era [SHOP] |for his tomboy daughter by a king. | |Made by famous craftsmen around the | |continent, it provides great defense.| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Champion clothes |Hunting clothes worn by champion in | Hie (147) |an unknown country. It is soft in | [DE] |normal situations but is made of a | |special material that turns sturdy to| |absorb impact | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wind mantle(148) |Mantle with the protection of the | Cre, Fra, Rem, Era, [SHOP] |Wind spirit. Imbued with the power of| Hie, Val, Reg |in the space between the mantle and | |wearer, it reduces impact by attacks.| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragon guard(159) |A leather guard with its shoulder and| Cre, Hie, Val [SHOP] |chest area sewn with dragon scales | |that are much lighter but stronger | |than normal metal. Has got a very | |high level of defense ability. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Material suit(161) |Legendary suit made by the Great Sage| Fra, Era, Reg [SHOP] |Alvince by reforming properties. Has | |got the highest limit of enchant. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Star dress(164) |Dress with a magical stone attached | Era [SHOP] |creates shooting stars effect. This | |light turns into a magic barrier to | |protect the wearer. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hama clothes |Clothing worn by a incantator from an| Hie (165) |unknown country when he drove demons | [SHOP] |away. Able to deflect magical energy.| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enhance garb(167) |A protector made with Mythril silver,| Cre, Fra, Rem, Era, [SHOP] |this garb retains the advantages of a| Hie, Val, Reg |normal leather garb yet possess a | |high level of protective abilities. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Valkyrie suit(167) |White shining suit worn by the | Fra [BO] |battle maiden. Protector made with | |unknown materials, has got an | |unbelievable defense ability. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sacred Maiden dress|Thin dress worn by the legendary | Era (181) |sacred maiden Sofie. Surrounds the | [SHOP] |wearer in a light. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spirte garb(187) |Garb belonging to the Sprite King. | Cre, Rem, Fra, Era, [SHOP] |Said to be given by the Sprite King | Hie, Val, Reg |to the berserker warrior Reeveig. | |Imbued with strong magical powers and| |possess great defense abilities. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fenrir garb(193) |Said to be made with the skin of the | Rem [BO] |demon wolf Fenrir. Whether that is | |true or not, the garb is very light, | |allows for easy movement and possess | |an unmatched protective ability. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black armor(199) |Said to attract dark powers, this | Cre, Hie, Val [SHOP] |plate armor is made with a type of | |magical black metal. Has the same | |weight as normal metal armor but its | |protective properties are much higher| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mermaid dress(201) |Dress dedicated to the water god. | Era [SHOP] |Though it has lost the ability to | |allow for mermaid transformation, the| |high defense ability has not dropped.| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moon dress(216) |Dress made by the Great Magician Vit.| Era [SHOP] |The name comes from how the dress let| |off a dim light as though being | |exposed to the moonlight. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aura plate(222) |Made with the magical metal Mythril | Cre, Hie, Val [SHOP] |silver, this armor strengthens the | |aura of the wearer, creating a | |protective barrier. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Light dress(225) |Shining dress made with cloth that | Era [BO] |has magical crystals sewn on it. Even| |as the cloth is so thin, it is able | |to greatly absorb impact. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Duel guard(225) |Made by aristocrats using fine golden| Cre, Hie, Val [SHOP] |threads, this is a strong jacket made| |for duels. Having an unsuitable color| |combination usage, this guard has got| |a high protective ability. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battle God garb |Garb worn by a battle god from an | Hie (226) |unknown country. It is impossible to | [BO] |affirm the truth but it does possess | |extreme defense ability. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brave guard(249) |A guard greatly treasured and used by| Cre, Hie, Val [SHOP] |the legendary hero who defeated much | |high level demons. Even as much time | |has passed, it retains the same look | |protective abilities as before. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spriggan guard(270)|A strong jacket imbued with the | Cre, Hie, Val [SHOP] |power of the Earth sprite, Spriggan. | |Due to the magic protective barrier, | |the surface gives off a faint light. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Final guard(279) |This enhanced jacket is made of a | Cre [BO] |type of silk thread called 'Grepnil'.| |The metal plate is strengthened with | |magic, bringing the defense ability | |to the highest. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lobar armor(306) |Armor given to the legendary hero | Val [BO] |Lobar by the battle maiden. Only the | |chosen ones can wear it, and it has | |much greater protective effects. | ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ******************************** (((Skills and spell listing))) [SKM0] ******************************** Listing of the skills and magic in the game as well my explanation on what they do. [SPELL] ============================================================================== Name of spell/ | Target: | Use/Purpose/Explanation highest level | INDIVIDUAL(IN | achievable | or GROUP (GR) | ============================================================================== Cure/5 | IN | Heal slight HP. Useful only for earlier | | parts of game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protect/3 | IN | Increase a unit's defense against physical | | attacks. Always use this before a mission | | battle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attack/3 | IN | Increase a unit's offensive ability via | | physical attacks. Never forget to use this | | before a mission battle. It will help alot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fire arrow/5 | IN | Fire based spell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ice barette/5 | IN | Ice based spell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wind edge/5 | IN | Wind based spell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sand shot/5 | IN | Earth/land based spell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return/1 | IN | Use it to get out of a dungeon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fine/1 | IN | Remove any status abnormalties apart from | | a unit except fallen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sleep/5 | IN | Chances to causing sleep to enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MP drain/5 | IN | Drain MP from enemies(may not work) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silence/5 | IN | Silent a unit thus unable to chant magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resist/3 | IN | Increase a unit's magic defense ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cooperation/5 | IN | Allow for cooperation magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Holy/5 | IN | Holy based spell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cycle down/1 | IN | Lower speed of atw reduction time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Death/5 | IN | Sudden death magic. As with sudden death | | items, it's never a sure-hit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Healing/5 | IN | Heals more HP than Cure, but takes an | | awfully long time to chant that it's better | | to just use recovery items...unless you ran | | out of them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Invisible/1 | IN | Prevent a character from being targetted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magic shield | IN | Increase chance of rendering a spell void. | | Pretty pointless unless you are fighting a | | whole group of magicians ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Raise/1 | IN | Resurrect a fallen ally, using a nectar is | | faster, or you will end up with more fallen | | characters in a tough battle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fear/5 | IN | Decrease a unit's resistance to magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bind/5 | IN | Prevent a character from moving ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cycle Up/1 | IN | Increase speed of atw reduction time. USE | | IT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rust/5 | IN | Lower attack power, you will seldom see | | enemies use it, thankfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weaken/5 | IN | Lower resistance to physical attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blast/5 | IN | Physical based spell. Also the most | | powerful individual spell in the game | | The main use of it is really just the | | highest MGC DMG at the colosseum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cooperation magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name and | Target | Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soul Force | Individual | Fire arrow + Ice barette ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flare | Area | Fire arrow + Wind edge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blizzard | Area | Ice barette + Wind edge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eruption | Individual | Fire arrow + Sand shot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sand gush | Individual | Ice barette + Sand shot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thunderbolt | Line | Wind edge + Sand shot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Cure | Area | Cure + Wind edge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Healing | Area | Healing + Wind edge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Fine | Area | Fine + Wind edge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Holy cross | Cross | Wind edge + Holy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inhale | Area | Wind edge + MP Drain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Death cloud | Area | Wind edge + Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Sleep | Area | Wind edge + Sleep ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Silence | Area | Wind edge + Silence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Bind | Area | Wind edge + Bind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Weaken | Area | Wind edge + Weaken ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Fear | Area | Wind edge + Fear ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Rust | Area | Wind edge + Rust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Cycle up | Area | Wind egde + Cycle up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Cycle down | Area | Wind edge + Cycle down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Attack | Area | Wind edge + Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Protect | Area | Wind edge + Protect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext Resist | Area | Wind edge + Resist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meteor | Area | Blast + Fire arrow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tornado | Area(cannot | Blast + Wind edge | be specified) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Earthquake | Whole screen | Blast + Sand shot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Thunder | Area(cannot | Blast + Ice barette | be specified) | ============================================================================== [SKILLS & TECHNIQUES]: AUTO(A) means the skill will provide a certain form of enhancement to the character who has it. ============================================================================== Name of skill/ | Target: | Use/purpose/explanation highest level | INDIVIDUAL(IN),| attainable | GROUP (GR) or | | AUTO(A) | ============================================================================== Judgment/5 | A | Increase ability to decipher obtained rings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Critical/5 | A | Increase chance to dealing a critical hit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accuracy UP/5 | A | Increases chance of dealing a successful | | physical attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Night vision/5 | IN | Use it in dungeons and you can see further | | in the darkness ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Analyze/5 | IN | Use it on an enemy to view the stats and | | strengths and weaknesses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Poison attack | A | Increase chance of dealing poison to an /5 | | enemy by a physical attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Venom attack | A | Increase chance of dealing venom to an /5 | | enemy by a physical attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Petrify attack | A | Increase chance of dealing petrification to /5 | | an enemy by physical attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Faint attack/5 | A | Increase chance of dealing faint to an | | enemy by physical attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shorten item | A | Shortens atw after item usage. Learn it. ATW/5 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Decoy/1 | IN | Increase chances of enemy setting the unit | | on whom this was used as attacking target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silent steps/5 | IN | Reduces the encounter field. Very useful | | for avoid field encounters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MGC resistance | A | Increase all magic resistances UP/5 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Critical | IN | Deals a bigger damage to an enemy strike/5 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time bomb/5 | GR | Deals damage to all units near it, and | | that include allies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOV UP/5 | A | Increase movement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mirage/5 | A | Increase chance of creating a mirage while | | being attacked to avoid any hurt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP UP/5 | A | Increases maximum HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MP UP/5 | A | Increase maximum MP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plunder/5 | IN | If successful, will steal an item from an | | enemy while dealing dmg at the same time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Piercing | GR | Attack all enemies in a designated straight attack/5 | | line. Will hurt allies as well if they are | | in the range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chanting | IN | If successful, it will be able to decrease delay/5 | | the magic level the enemy is chanting. | | Highest is 2 levels, e.g: from lv 4 to 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Concentration | A | Increase chance of preventing a higher /5 | | damage done when being attacked during | | chanting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Indirect range | A | Increase range of indirect physical attacks UP/5 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magic range | A | Increase range of spell(area) UP/5 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shorten chant | A | Shorten chant time time/5 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All-round | GR | Deal dmg to all enemies in area around the attack/5 | | character but only 75% of the normal dmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soul break/5 | IN | Takes away both HP and MP from target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sharp eye/5 | A | Increase chance of avoiding attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Continuous | A | Chanting is not disrupted magic/5 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sudden death | IN | The name explains it. VERY low chance of attack/5 | | happening unless the unit executing this | | has a much higher level, e.g: lv 40 | | character using it on a level 10 enemy. But | | then you just need a normal attack to kill | | the weak enemy. This is useful only if you | | need to use a melee technique but ran out | | of the others ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dash/5 | IN | Increase MOV by twice for a limited period | | of time. VERY USEFUL for characters in the | | front line ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prevention of | A | level 1:poison+venom, level 2: halt bad status | | movement(caused by bind), level 3: silence+ effects/5 | | sleep, level 4: faint, level 5: petrify+ | | sudden death. Forget about this and spend | | the time learning the one below ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Immunity to | A | Not really necessary, but won't kill to bad status | | have it, especially if you are gonna fight effects/5 | | at the colosseum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chanting | IN | Reduce dmg done when attacked during guard/5 | | chanting. Not much use IMO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reduce MP | A | Reduce the amount of MP used, will be usage/5 | | good if your magic characters(such as | | Frane) have it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Berserk/5 | IN | Changes your character into berserk, in | | other words, uncontrollable. Use it at | | your own risk. I mean it. Well, just equip | | the penance gem, that work better than this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Death curse/5 | IN | Use a death curse, once time is up, enemy | | will die(if successful), that is if you | | are still alive by then ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MP absorb/5 | A | Use Inferno with this skill and you'll | | make fights so much faster and easier ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP absorb/5 | A | You gain a certain amount of HP back after | | attacking an enemy. Decent, but not | | absolutely necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strengthen | A | Makes your magic stronger, but requires magic/5 | | 50% more MP. Use it in dangerous situations | | such as healing dying characters with | | weaker magic such as Cure(but faster) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Counter/5 | IN | Increase chance of a counter. Good for | | your frontline characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prolonged | A | Same effect as concentration, only longer concentration/1 | | and better ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magic LV UP/5 | A | Increase magic levels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Regenerator/5 | A | Regenerates a certain amount of HP past | | every fixed time period ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inferno/5 | GR | Strongest melee technique in the entire | | game. The more MP your character has, the | | better the effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ***************** (((Colosseum))) [C2] ***************** The colosseum is located the east of Mell's shop. If there is anything about Growlanser IV that's really annoying, it's the colosseum. I seriously think that whoever is the one who set up the colosseum is just trying to earn some unworthy money from those hero wannabes, especially the free battle items, meaningless for most part many ranks can be done away with. I thought I'm a goner by the time I finished everything. The only thing that's rather interesting is that after you've given Maggy the ancient technology book+ power stone to create the Homunculus machine, examine it(the big brown machine on the left of the lab) and you can choose to import(not really) characters from grow 2 and 3 to the colosseum. NOTE: Make sure you have extra inventory space(max for each item is 9) before you take part in the various matches because if the max 9 is reached, they will give you Ril instead. ->DMG chart battle Ranking chart -------------------------------- Character | Score -------------------------------- Crestfer.O | 930 -------------------------------- Death wings leader | 873 -------------------------------- Bower | 819 -------------------------------- D.Silvernale | 755 -------------------------------- Alphonce.O | 683 -------------------------------- B.Munzer | 631 -------------------------------- Simonz | 569 -------------------------------- Norman | 492 -------------------------------- Mauler | 403 -------------------------------- Use Attack + penance gem(ku-gyou sato-ri) -advanced- + berserk. If your Crev doesn't have high HP, make sure he has got HP absorb as you can't control him while he's using berserk. I've got 999 but for me, I've already trained Crev to have very high stats(999 for all besides MOV and MP) with blessing bells so a simple penance -advance- gem + M2 + weapon attack UP 2 got me 999 using a normal attack. Try different combinations if you have low levels, it doesn't really matter. ->MGC DMG chart battle Ranking chart -------------------------------- Character | Score -------------------------------- Vester | 622 -------------------------------- Rudvich | 573 -------------------------------- Roomise | 529 -------------------------------- D.Silvernale | 485 -------------------------------- Alphonce.O | 443 -------------------------------- B.Munzer | 411 -------------------------------- Crestfer.O | 379 -------------------------------- Death wings leader | 352 -------------------------------- Simonz | 331 -------------------------------- Norman | 308 -------------------------------- Use mgc instead of physical attacks in DMG battle. Shorten chant time + Magic UP Lv 3 gem + Strengthen magic(ma-hou kyou-ka) + Lv 5 Blast got me a 999. ake note that the magic up gem only boosts the effects of blast and healing magic, it does naught for elemental ones like fire arrow and so on. ->Elimination matches Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Each battle will pit Crevaniel against groups of monsters in consecutive matches. These are rather straightforward. So long as you don't attempt Platinum at Lv 30, it will be fine. ->Bonus battle soul Battle against 10 souls. ->Bonus battle gold gel Battle against 10 gold gels. ->Free battle 1-to-1 3 consecutive matches in 1 battle using only Crevaniel. Junior Class: Lv 1-2 enemies --- Beginner Class: Lv 4 enemies | Normal Class: Lv 24 enemies | Great Class: Lv 24/25/30 enemies | Special Class: Lv 32 enemies |------>Prizes are low Ultra Class: 32/36 enemies | level rings, 1 Champion Class: Lv 36 enemies | for each match Hero Class: Lv 36/39/40 | Excellent Class: Lv 42/43 enemies | Legend Class: Lv 43 enemies --- Master G rank: Lv Lv 43/48 enemies --- Master F rank: Lv 42/43 enemies | Master E rank: Lv 45/48 enemies | Master D rank: Lv 45 enemies |------>Prizes are 1 Master C rank: Lv 45/46/49 enemies | average leveled Master B rank: Lv 47/48//49 Roomise/Baker/Abram | ring for each Master A rank: Lv 49/49/49 Norman/Mauler/Simonz | match Master AA rank: Lv 50/51/51 Kergil/Blunteer/Munzer --- Master AAA rank: Lv 54/54/54 Silvernale/Bower/Alphonce, Prize: 2 average leveled rings Master S rank: Lv 56/56/57 Death wings leader/Crestfer/Vester (Death wings leader and Vester has HP regeneration ability. Vester is the easiest if you allow him to chant magic first instead of hitting at him straight away) Prize: 4 high leveled rings. For my plays, this is the only place of certainty where I got my 2 types of best rings: 1)9-9-9 Gen-ryuu (illusionary dragon Vizuril) 2)9-9-9 Gen-pou (illusionary phoenix Vizuril) The type of rings they give you(as with the other matches) are random, keep fighting this match until you get what you want. ->Free battle 2-to-2 Same as 1-to-1, only that you pair one more character with Crev. This section will open up when you've completed 1-to-1 Legend Class. 2-to-2 is the only item in the colosseum that's worth the time and money imo. This is the only place where you can obtain infinite blessing bells(as in infinite plays). If your Rems have already learnt the Trick Prey limit ability, use him with the killing blow -advanced- gem equipped. You can get some really sweet items from the enemies. Master rank G: Lv 1-6 enemies, Prize: Life apple Master rank F: Lv 8/24/25/30 enemies, Prize: 4 INT apples Master rank E: Lv 32/36 enemies, Prize: 4 Dandy books Master rank D: Lv 36/39/40 enemies, Prize: 1 Secret manual Master rank C: Lv 42/43 enemies, Prize: 2 Lucky symbols Master rank B: Lv 42/43/48 enemies, Prize: 2 secret manuals Master rank A: Lv 43/45/48 enemies, Prize: 3 Elixirs Master rank AA: Lv 45/46/47/49 enemies/Roomise/Baker/Abram Prize: 3 Time censers Master rank AAA: Lv 49/49/49/50/51/51 Mauler/Norman/Simonz/Kergil/Blunteer /Munzer, Prize: you get to pick ONCE from [#LIST] below Master rank S: Lv 54/54/56/56/56/57 Silvernale/Bower/Alphonce/Death wings leader/Crestfer/Vester, Prize: you get to pick TWICE from [#LIST] below Death wings leader and Vester has HP regeneration ability. For the final match, lure Crestfer to your side while leaving Vester alone. This way Vester will chant magic, if you attack him instead, you'll get into lotsa of trouble as he has an even lower ATW than Crest from my experience. [#LIST] 1)9 Life apples 2)9 INT apples 3)9 Gale apples 4)9 Dandy books 5)5 Lucky symbols 6)5 Secret manuals 7)5 Elixirs 8)1 Blessing bell 9)25000 Ril ->Free battle 4-to-4 Same as the other free battles, use all 4 characters. This will open up along with 2-to-2 when you've completed 1-to-1 Legend Class. Master rank B: Lv 32 enemies, Prize: Book of ancient technology Master rank A: Lv 32/36/40 enemies, Prize: Familiar cursors(all 3 types) Master rank AA: Lv 42/43/48, Prize: Familiar costume G Master rank AAA: Lv 43-49 enemies + Roomise/Abram/Baker, Prize: Sound gallery in the appendix Note: Master S rank can be very difficult at lower levels, make sure you bring along more melee characters instead of magic based/healers and a full inventory of healing items. Have ATW of your melee characters be at most 30 or else it's gonna hurt alot. Use cycle up+attack+protect beforehand. Save your skills until the 3rd match if possible. Master rank S: 1st match - Lv 49/49/49/50 Norman/Simonz/Mauler/Kergil 2nd match - Lv 51/54/51/54 Munzer/Silvernale/Blunteer/Bower 3rd match - Lv 54/54/56/57 Alphonce/Crestfer/Death wings leader/Vester Death wings leader and Vester has HP regeneration ability. Prize: You'll get M2 gem when you finish this. It's a very useful gem which raises STR, DEX and INT stats by 100 points each. ->Exhibition match This will become accessible when you've completed all free battle 4-to-4 matches. You'll have all story characters from the free battles(3 teams x 4 members = 12, Death wings leader and Vester won't appear in this match) as opponents in a battle royale. Team which defeated most amount of enemies win, and get to choose the same amount of skills/abilities/magic manuals/books etc. ->Exhibition match 2 This will become accessible once you've registered and created ALL characters for Growlanser II at the Homunculus machine. When you win, you will get to pick the same amount of characters you defeated to learn the 'Prolonged concentration'(max level is 1). E.g: if you defeated 5 enemies, you get to pick 5 characters from your list to learn to skill. Meaning you only need to defeat 8 enemies in 1 match to have all of your playable characters learn the skill. You get pit against 3 groups as below in 10 turns: GROUP A: Lv 53/55/56/41 Wein/Carmine/Ernest/Hans GROUP B: Lv 53/51/44 Wolfgang/Maximillian/Arieta GROUP C: Lv 50/43/43 Xenos/Charlone/Riviera GROUP C should be your first target. Do bring Rems along since he will be a great asset(as with most colosseum items). By the time you are finished with C, you should get rid of GROUP B next. Rems+Vallery should be able to defeat Arieta very quickly at level 40 or so and you can have all 3(including whoever your 4th character is) attack Max while you take care of Wolfgang using Crev. Wolfgang is not difficult at all so no worries. Once GROUP B is done, you can take your time knocking GROUP A out, healing if necessary and so. With that you should be able to defeat all 10 characters with your team. ->Exhibition match 3 This will become accessible when you've registered and created ALL characters for Growlanser III at the Homunculus machine. When you win, you will get to pick the same amount of characters you defeated to learn the 'Immunity to status effects'(start at level 1, max is level 5). E.g: if you defeated 5 enemies, you get to pick 5 characters from your list to learn to skill. Meaning you only need to defeat 8 enemies in 1 match to have all of your playable characters learn the skill. You get pit against 3 groups as below in 10 turns: GROUP A: Lv 54/48/51/40 Slayn/Annete/Huey/Monica GROUP B: Lv 56/49/48 Zion/Clive/Barbara GROUP C: Lv 54/52/41/46 Vincent/Orpheus/Victor/Yayoi GROUP B should be first target despite Zion being there. Note that Yayoi's strong blow tends to be able to cause faint status to characters such as Rems and Frane so remember to heal immediately if that happens. Once GROUP B is done, GROUP A and C should be approaching. Do take care of GROUP A first since Slayn and Annete has got only 1 attack(while characters such as Vincent has got 3, just like Alphonce). GROUP C should be your last target and you can relax a lil bit. With that you should be able to defeat all 11 characters with your team. ->Monster massacre Okay, not really. You are up against another 3 teams to see which team can defeat the most amount of monsters(use magic on the gurururu ^.^ gel). Winning team get to choose the same amount of red/green/blue stones. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ************************ (((Optional Dungeon))) [O1] ************************ Look for the Dungeon Lady at the following places in order to access the underground dungeon maze: ->Sansel ->Lezel ->Lebrant ->Izenbant Fortress ->Hidden village(where Maggy lives) ->Your Land(talk to her, rest and talk to her again) The optional dungeon consists of 11 floors, first 10 having enemies. Position of entry and exit stairways are random(changes everytime you exit the entire thing), as well as the treasures and their locations. Soul and Gold Gel are also random(I encountered soul on my first trip down and gold gel only after I have cleared the dungeon once, but I believe appearances of the 2 rare monsters ain't fixed.), take note that they will attempt to escape from battles(especially gold gels). Defeat 1 of each to access the hidden bonus battles at the Colosseum. Other common enemies include: 1)Arch Demons, Lv 57 on 1st floor 2)Mythril Golems, Lv 54 on 1st floor 3)Samaeru, Lv 55 on 1st floor Enemy levels increase by 1 every 2 floors. Use magic on golems but physical/melee on the others. Once you've reached the 11th floor, Dungeon lady will...drop down like a fairy and congratulate you. Open the treasure chest at the right end for the diamond jewel. The left and right of the 3 treasure chests row are the final limit abilities of Regiena and Vallery respectively (mark of Boomerang and Sword). The middle is Regiena's strongest armor. Once you are done, talk to the Dungeon lady to leave the dungeon. Oh, and one more thing: You can steal blessing bells from the enemies in this dungeon, but as always, instead of using plunder which may not work, I recommend using Rems to make the job easier. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== **************** (((Familiar))) [FA1] **************** -->Main details Once you have gotten through the process of getting and creating the Familiar, you will need to develop her to obtain new skills which will serve to be very useful as well as interesting. Vision sighting and Inspect are the only skills a Familiar starts off with at master level. As for the rest, you will need to have her learn through increased levels in various stats. The Doll House menu: -Develop Familiar: refer below -Fate: Check out whose fate you have helped changed and what happens if you didn't. -Costumes: Change costumes for your Familiar {Develop Familiar} Energy from Crevaniel is needed for this, if not you can use the color stones. However color stones are very rare to come by(you can get them later on at the colosseum), so the energy from event battles is the main force that will allow for development of the Familiar. The choices you can choose are(in order): 1)Make her exercise: Increase physical strength and sharpness 2)Make her study: Learn anything related to magic 3)Learn manners: Polish feminity 4)Talk to her: Increase friendliness with Familiar 5)Add other elements(where you can choose to add the color stones): red-increase progress, green-increase relationship, blue-replenish energy At the side of the screen, you will see the Familiar stats which shows various parameter bars: -Physical Strength -Magic ability -Conversation ability -Enthusiasm -Mental ability -Charisma -Skillfulness -Friendliness Once energy is used up, the supply is cut off and so no more upgrading for the Familiar. In the main menu, you can see a Familiar section. Select it for the various skills and abilities the Familiar has. 1)Enemy scan(MAX LEVEL- 2): Look at the detail box whenever you highlight any enemy. You will see enemy's level as well as whether it/he/she can drop items or whether you can steal from them 2)Active battle points(MAX LEVEL- 5): You will get a certain amount of active battle points(those little stars) whenever you enter into an encounter/fight. The amount of stars you start with is determined by the level of this skill. E.g: level 2 lets you start with 2 stars. 3)Physical defense(MAX LEVEL- 5): Familiar will help block an enemy's physical attack. Rate of occurance = LV*2%, e.g: level 3 skill will give you 6%(2*3) chance of it happening. 4)Magic defense(MAX LEVEL- 5): Familiar will help block enemy's spell. Rate of occurance = LV*2%, e.g: level 3 skill will give you 6%(2*3) chance of it happening. 5)Counter(MAX LEVEL- 5): Familiar will counter back part of damage dealt to enemy. Amount depends on her strength. 6)Chatter/Hitori-goto(MAX LEVEL- 5): Familiar will speak and ask questions when group is idle outside dungeons and battles. 7)Affection rating(MAX LEVEL- 1): View affection ratings for characters 8)Event memo(MAX LEVEL- 1): Familiar will write a summary on main story events and progress. 9)Personality(MAX LEVEL- 1): Familiar will determine Crevaniel's personality. 10)Treasure Search(MAX LEVEL- 1): Use this in a dungeon to have the Familiar search for treasures. If there are none, she will report it accordingly. 11)Investigate(MAX LEVEL- 1): Only usable in certain situations to have the Familiar explore around the map. 12)Vision(MAX LEVEL- 1): Use of vision is totally non-optional and you can't choose when you want to use it. This is what enables you to view all the blurry scenes during Crevaniel's rest and beyond. 13)Negotiate(MAX LEVEL- 5): This will affect the price of items. 14)Fate(MAX LEVEL- 1): This will become available the moment you cleared a fate event. 15)Transgate(MAX LEVEL- 1): Necessary to create Transgates(you get it automatically as game progresses) 16)Spirit Interruption Technique(MAX LEVEL- 1): Learn it from Achiel's memory. You only get to use it once throughout the entire game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->Costumes+chatter This section lists the steps on how to obtain Familiar's costumes(some of which are really replicas of characters from previous Growlanser games) as well as translations of their chatter(dependant upon the skill 'hitori-goto' a.k.a talking to own self). You can press the START button when not in fights and dungeons to have Familiar talk about various stuff. End current speech with X button and repeat the process until you get what you want to hear. Since speeches are spoken in random, I may miss out some here. If so, do inform me. Any mistakes, do correct me since I'm solely depending on my hearing here and while most of the characters' voices can be distinguished, there are some that sound weird...e.g: one of Hien's speech >.> [FAMILIAR TP] Costume A: Comes together with the familiar. Costume B: Comes together with the familiar. Costume C: Get automatically after the event of getting back the Marcuria castle. Costume D: Help Mell with distributing her leaflets and get 12 people to visit her accessories shop. Costume E: Get it from the lab in Lynfaluz. Costume F: Get it from the upper right room in the prison barracks. Costume G: Get it from the Colosseum 4-4-B match. Costume H: The researcher will give it to you after your familiar is born. You will have to knock on the door. Take note that obtaining this costume has a time limit. Do it before the fight with Munzer(when he attacked Lynfaluz). Costume I: Get it on the screen leading to the waterfall ruins northeast of Your Land after talking to Peyton at his ring store. Costume J: Only if you chose to get her ending. She will wear it on the final non-optional rest day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TP: Hmm...if I don't move around, I just can't settle down...huh?...did I say something weird? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TP: Ah! It's a bird! I'm envious...but I can't fly that high, and too high a place is scary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TP: Master, don't waste time away by snooping around with a pointless lifestyle, get up and on! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TP: New discoveries are found ahead of you. It won't appear if you were to wait or turn back. So Master, let's get moving! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TP: Just standing on the spot without saying anything is so boring isn't it? Wouldn't it be interesting to walk around and see various things? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TP: Frane has such beautiful skin! I'm so envious! Can I just prick a little? Frane: You...you're scary! TP: Nah, just a joke! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TP: Is Rems more of a mercenary? Or more of a soldier? Hmm, I can't get the image clear. Rems: I was said to have the face of a girl's and there were times where I was thought to be a girl... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Regiena: HAH! TP: W...what is that for!? Regiena: I can't stand doing nothing, so I thought I'd try screaming a bit to let it out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TP: It makes me want to fall asleep like this. Vallery: That is the most dangerous situation. Because of that, I was trapped and paralyzed in the forest for 3 days. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hien: Talking while standing is tough. I'm tired, so can you carry me? TP: That won't work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eraiza: You are born from an egg weren't you? Considering how hard the shell is, you really managed to break it open. TP: When I gained consciousness of the surroundings, it was already cracked. So I didn't really do much to break it or what. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TP: , are you the sort of person who likes to move around? Or do you prefer to laze around? Frane: Yes. I like to relax. However, if I have anything that I need to do, I can't take it easy. Rems: I like walking around. Since I have been travelling all over, it feels weird to just stay at a single spot and not do anything. Eraiza: Hmm...neither. It depends on the situation. If I have stuff to do, I'll move around and during free time, I will just take it easy. Hien: I don't like to work for pointless things. There are times when I will just set aside some time to relax. Leona: I like relaxing and doing nothing. If I keep moving around, I get hungry. Vallery: A soldier just can't laze around can he? Taking it easy is unacceptable in most cases, even for someone who deserted the army. Regiena: I like moving around alot. I just can't stand doing and saying nothing. It won't work to have no sense of urgency. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TP: Sorry for the sudden interruption! but it's Q&A time now! What kind of food do you like? Frane: Eh?...hmm...I like food that is somewhat light and Valcaneer cuisine seems to be like that. Rems: Right...Marculey food seems real easy to eat. Eraiza: Yeah...I like food like lasagne and cheese as well as the hometown taste. --->She's from Igredias so she's referring to Igredias food Hien: I like spicy food so Dulkheim cuisine will be good. Leona: I like anything, but in particular meat is my favorite! Marculey food has got plenty of meat so I like it a lot! Valley: Valcaneer cuisine. Though I travel around a lot, I dislike oily food. Regiena: Huh, me? Dulkheim food suits my taste the best, but since I'm a mercenary, I've got no extreme likes or dislikes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [FAMILIAR LN] Costume A: Familiar comes with it. Default design. Costume B: Familiar comes with it. Default design. Costume C: Get it automatically after event of getting back the Marcuria castle. Costume D: Help Mell with distributing her leaflets and get 12 people to visit her accessories shop. Costume E: Get it from the lab in Lynfaluz. Costume F: Get it from the upper right room in the prison barracks. Costume G: Get it from the Colosseum 4-4-B match. Costume H: The researcher will give it to you after your familiar is born. You will have to knock on the door. Take note that obtaining this costume has a time limit. Do it before the fight with Munzer(when he attacked Lynfaluz). Costume I: Get it on the screen leading to the waterfall ruins northeast of Your Land after talking to Peyton at his ring store. Costume J: Only if you chose to get her ending. She will wear it on the final non-optional rest day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LN: Master, no matter how great one's abilities are, it won't mean anything if he doesn't work towards it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LN: I understand that there are times where rest is necessary but it is also important to act when the time calls for it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LN: If you wish to take a rest, please do look for an inn. It's no good to say it's already late and you may catch a cold as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LN: Travelling is great isn't it? During travels, we get to discover new things and gain new knowledge beneficial to us...and memorable encounters as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LN: To stand around doing nothing is such a waste of time isn't it? Frane: Not really. If we were to stop to look around the surroundings and pay more attention, we may discover or realise something new. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rems: Don't you want to scream your heart out at times? Since you always seems to be bottling up your emotions. LN: Well then...REMS IS AN IDIOT!...just kidding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leona: HAHA! LN: I...is that a rat? Leona: Huh? That didn't shock you? It I were to show it to Frane all of a sudden, she will be freaked out. LN: You should stop playing that prank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LN: Vallery is really a soldier all in all...in other words, can it be called a murderer? Vallery: Don't ever put it that way. I didn't join the army and become a soldier in order to kill people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eraiza: Are familiars always by their masters' side? Even to the shower or toilet? LN: O...of course that is not the case... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LN: Regiena has got an unusual weapon. Regiena: Interesting isn't it? A woman do not have that sort of arm strength, but this weapon makes it easy to use indirectly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LN: I am sorry for the sudden interruption, but what kind of food do you like? Frane: Eh?...hmm...I like food that is somewhat light and Valcaneer cuisine seems to be like that. Rems: Right...Marculey food seems real easy to eat. Eraiza: Yeah...I like food like lasagne and cheese as well as the hometown taste. --->She's from Igredias so she's referring to Igredias food Hien: I like spicy food so Dulkheim cuisine will be good. Leona: I like anything, but in particular meat is my favorite! Marculey food has got plenty of meat so I like it a lot! Valley: Valcaneer cuisine. Though I travel around a lot, I dislike oily food. Regiena: Huh, me? Dulkheim food suits my taste the best, but since I'm a mercenary, I've got no extreme likes or dislikes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LN: Do you like to move around or say and do nothing? Frane: Yes. I like to relax. However, if I have anything that I need to do, I can't take it easy. Rems: I like walking around. Since I have been travelling all over, it feels weird to just stay at a single spot and not do anything. Eraiza: Hmm...neither. It depends on the situation. If I have stuff to do, I'll move around and during free time, I will just take it easy. Hien: I don't like to work for pointless things. There are times when I will just set aside some time to relax. Leona: I like relaxing and doing nothing. If I keep moving around, I get hungry. Vallery: A soldier just can't laze around can he? Taking it easy is unacceptable in most cases, even for someone who deserted the army. Regiena: I like moving around alot. I just can't stand doing and saying nothing. It won't work to have no sense of urgency. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== **************** (((Appendix))) [APP1] **************** Complete the game and you can make your system save. Doing this will allow you to view appendix items that you have collected. A complete listing is as below but take note that as mentioned multiples times throughout this faq, I do not have the data to play using Familiar LM, but since I have gotten the endings for all other characters, I knew that the missing parts in my appendix belong to LM and thus the complete listing below: -->Chips card folder -->Movie gallery -->Character gallery -->Leona's -->Visual gallery -->Sound gallery -->Seiyuu's comments [CHIPS CARD FOLDER] ===================================================== 001: Carmine | 042: Wolfgang 002: Tippi | 043: GROWLANSER 2 003: Tippi | 044: SPECIAL 9 004: Tippi | 045: SPECIAL 10 005: Tippi | 046: Slayn 006: Tippi | 047: Annete 007: Tippi | 048: Huey 008: Tippi | 049: Monica 009: Tippi | 050: Yayoi 010: Ruise | 051: Victor 011: Ruise | 052: Michele 012: Eliotte | 053: Rummy 013: Wallace | 054: Vincent 014: Ariost | 055: Orpheus 015: Misha | 056: Zion 016: Misha | 057: Barbara 017: Karen | 058: Clive 018: Xenos | 059: GROWLANSER 3 019: Juria | 060: SPECIAL 11 020: Juria | 061: GROWLANSER, LEGEND HERITAGE 021: Juria | 062: CHARACTER COLLECTION 022: Juria | 063: Crebaniel 023: Oscar | 064: D-TP 024: Ernest | 065: D-LN 025: Gevel | 066: Frane 026: GROWLANSER | 067: Eraiza 027: SPECIAL 1 | 068: Leona 028: SPECIAL 2 | 069: Regiena 029: SPECIAL 3 | 070: Rems 030: SPECIAL 4 | 071: Hien 031: SPECIAL 5 | 072: Vallery 032: SPECIAL 6 | 073: Alicia 033: SPECIAL 7 | 074: Vester 034: SPECIAL 8 | 075: Blunteer 035: Wein | 076: Munzer 036: Hans | 077: Silvernale 037: Charlone | 078: Alphonce 038: Riviera | 079: Crestfer 039: Ernest | 080: Rudvich 040: Arieta | 081: Roomise 041: Maximillian | ===================================================== [MOVIE GALLERY] ===================================================== ->Explosion at Lanplast ->Attack on tower ruins ->Tower ruins destroyed ->Blockade at Trochmare destroyed ->Replica angel ->Annihilation of Kafmahn ruins ->Shooting of magic cannon ->Shooting of magic cannon ->Future covered in darkness ===================================================== [CHARACTER GALLERY] ===================================================== ->Main male characters -->Protagonist -->Rems -->Vallery -->Hien -->Blunteer -->Alphonce -->Crestfer ->Male enemy characters -->Rudvich -->Roomise -->Vester -->Munzer -->Achiel -->Bower -->Kergil -->Decsec -->Valcaneer King -->Deringer -->Death wings leader -->Baker -->Norman -->Simonz ->Female party characters -->Frane -->Eraiza -->Eraiza(aristocrat) -->Leona -->Regiena ->Other female characters -->Silvernale -->Angel Youriel -->Replica angel -->Princess Alicia -->Alice -->Maggy -->Sydney -->Mell ->Familiars -->Familiar type T-P --->Costume A-J -->Familiar type LN --->Costume A-J -->Familiar type LM --->Costume A-H ->Leona's graffiti ===================================================== [VISUAL GALLERY] ===================================================== ->Angel Achiel ->Frane ->Vester ->Eraiza ->Replica angel ->Eraiza ->Frane ->Hien ->Frane ->Leona ->Eraiza ->Leona ->Leona ->Vallery ->Regiena ->Regiena ->Eraiza ->Familiar TP ->Schtyman ->Familiar LN ->Achiel and Youriel ->Familiar LM ->Silvernale and Munzer ->Bracelet ->Alphonce and Crestfer ->Crevaniel ->Rudvich ->Frane ->Darkness ->Hien ->Crevaniel ->Regiena ->Bracelet ->Vallery ->Crevaniel ->Familiar TP ->Rems ->Familiar LN ->Frane ->Familiar LM ->Sydney ->Mell ===================================================== [SOUND GALLERY] [SEIYUU COMMENTS] ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ******************** (((Tips and Q&A))) [TFQ1] ******************** 1)Always keep an eye out for any shiny items on the ground. 2)Always use status magic such as Cycle Up, Attack Up, Magic Barrier etc before an event battle. 3)Once you gained access to the town of Ordineil, go near the item shop and walk through the open space at the upper screen. Go up the staircase and walk to the end, press O. There is someone there selling Growlanser cards. In the earlier parts you can buy Growlanser 1 to 3 random packs. Much later in the game, Growlanser 4 cards will be available. Use them on injured characters to regain some HP(30-37) and get a card for each pack you use. At the game start screen, go to Appendix and you can view which character cards you got. Buy more and use more to get the complete sets for all 4 games for some nostalgic value if you want. 4)Always make the time for doing side quests. it can reap some nice rewards. 5)Save Vallery or Regiena(or both) so you can get one more rest day. 6)Use the Blessing bell whenever you find any, it will lower a character level by 10 levels while retaining all the stats he/she has. This makes it easier to gain experience and become much stronger in a much shorter time. 7)At the title(game start) screen, press X to view the opening movie. After the movie is finished(or you can end it immediately by pressing X) and switches back to the title screen, press X again to view introduction of the game characters. You can repeat this process for as many times you want without having to wait for them to load. 8)The 1st limit ability of each character is by default existent and the 3rd limit ability is obtained via doing side events for the characters. However, as mentioned throughout the faq, you NEED to learn the 2nd before you can get the 3rd ability, and I think some people may have problems mastering the 2nd one. So here I have a list of how I have my characters learn the 2nd ability: +++ Crevaniel - You probably don't need to do much for him since you are using him throughout the entire game so he will learn Hard Attack sooner or later. If you want things to be quick, enter into encounters and have all other 3 characters guard. Now have Crevaniel approach the enemies until they are surrounding him and have him guard. This way, the enemies will(usually) keep attacking him instead of rounding around and moving up to attack your other 3 characters who are further away. When necesssary, have one character who is guarding chant healing magic to heal Crevaniel whenever his HP bar is low. If you pay attention to the amount of DMG being dealt, you will realize there's a pattern similiar to something like this(if the normal DMG dealt is 50): 50-50-50-25-25-25-50-50-50-25-25-25-50 This implies that Crevaniel is using Ukemi(which reduces DMG dealt by around 50%) and from the string above, the limit ability has been used twice, so you will just need to remain this way for as long as you want while making sure to heal him when needed and sooner or later, he will learn the Hard Attack. As mentioned many times before, it's not really necessary to spent the extra time for Crev to learn it since it's really just a matter of time before he does. +++ Rems - Do this asap because I just couldn't say enough that Rems' 2nd ability is the BEST in the entire game especially when you can sell away the stolen items to earn some extra Ril as well. Put Rems as the leader and enter into a field encounter. Have all 4 characters guard and let the enemies attack Rems until his HP is below 20%. Kill all enemies to end the encounter. Now remove Rems from leader position and put him as the last in line. Enter into an encounter and have him attack any enemy while the other 3 characters use guard. Rems will keep using Wild Shoot automatically. Once all enemies are dead, enter into another encounter and do the same thing. Repeat the process until he has learnt Trick Prey. +++ Frane - Healing Prayer is a lil difficult to learn especially when Frane has such a low HP bar, therefore make sure you bring along a full inventory of healing items/characters who has the Heal magic. Put Frane as the leader of the pack and enter into a field encounter. Have her chant any magic while you can have other characters to either guard or chant healing magic. As the enemies attack Frane, there is a chance that Quick will activate. There is no need to wait till the effect is over before the next Quick can occur, it just happens by random without any time limit. That said, you will just need to remain in such a situation for as long as required(remember to heal her) to learn Healing Prayer. +++ Eraiza - Learning Eraiza's 2nd limit ability works exactly the same way as Frane's, but probably require less effort since she has higher HP +++ Hien - Learning Atemi works exactly the same way as Crevaniel's. +++ Leona - Find a place where enemies are weaker(ruins of hope is fine but there are very little enemies there so I wouldn't really recommend it) and put Leona as the leader. Enter into an encounter and have all other 3 characters guard. Have Leona defeat the enemies(every 2 enemies defeated = 1 High Tension activated). If the enemy is rather strong, have your other characters help reduce their HP before having Leona strike the final blow. Repeat this until she has mastered Rage. +++ Vallery - Learning Trance works exactly the same as Leona's. +++ Regiena - Learning Grace works exactly the same way as Rems'. +++ 9)To allow your future replays of the game to be as quick as possible and a total breeze for most parts, you will need to spend a significant amount of time to gather various items in your 1st play: I)9 Blessing bells (get from Colosseum) II)9 Secret manuals (get from Colosseum) III)9 INT, GALE & LIFE apples (get from Colosseum) <--this is optional IV)9 Dandy books (get from Colosseum) V)At least 5 M2 gems (get from Colosseum) VI)At least 4 of the best ring types: Vizuril class (get from Colosseum) VII)At least 5 variants of armor for EACH character, e.g: armor that require 50 STR, 75 STR, 100 STR, 150 STR and 200 STR, strongest armor for each character preferred. Retain these items in your inventory and complete the game. After credits, save the clear data. Load the clear data to start the NEW GAME+. Turn off voices under Configuration menu. Use blessing bells whenever Crevaniel reaches level 11, and repeat(it's your call whether you want to divide the use of bells among other playable characters as well). Have him equip the most required gem skills you want him to learn first(recommended is Dash, Inferno, MP absorb and Shorten ATW) and use all secret manuals you have on him. Use all apples and dandy books on him. In mission battles, switch to M2 gems(at least 2 for Crev and 2 each for the remaining 4 characters or whichever combination you want, you can have Crev equip 3 M2 if you want to). Learning skills is still important so I wouldn't recommend you equip M2 throughout the entire game, but it's up to you. Equip characters with the best armor they can afford to and you will save a whole lot of time in your gameplay, making it totally possible to finish the game in 50% of the original time required, even more if you were to skip texts and conversations and all optional stuff. Well, and it is possible to defeat Abram and Munzer this time round. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: I couldn't get the ending for , what has gone wrong? A: Their side quests. Each character has a side quest you must finish till the end in order to get their ending. Along the way, you must also make sure you choose answers and responses that will gain enough friendship points for their ending. Don't ever use the Familiar's character relationship page as a guide. Q: Mission complete conditions missing from faq? A: Most of the mission completes require you to keep all NPCs(if there are any) alive, complete the mission before time bonus turns negative, having all characters escape if the clear condition requires at least 1 person to, killing all enemies on the screen(if the clear condition say to defeat only a certain enemy). I have nothing to keep from you so I admit that there are a couple of missions that I couldn't figure out how to obtain complete. E.g being Mission 3. If you need any advice in getting complete for a certain mission, feel free to email me and if I am able to get it for my play, I will be glad to help. Q: Perhaps it's possible for other characters, but I don't get why Eraiza is able to use magic in a split second with no one teaching her. A: All games have their loopholes so this is one of them. Q: What is the difference between the skill I get from Exhibition match 2 and the skill I can learn from equipping the gem? A: Status prevention, as the word implies, prevents your character from being afflicted with the stated status, but there is still a chance of it happening. Status immunity(the one you learn from match 2) will render your character immune to the corresponding status abnormalties. Q: Now, it's Christopher, and not Crestfer. A: Most of the character names I have here in my FAQ are taken from the game's characters introduction which loads after the opening movie as well as the ending credits roll. At first, I too thought it was Christopher, but watching the ending credits and the artwork book, I have to admit it's indeed Crestfer. But if you've found other official sources which list him as Christopher instead, please do inform me. Q: Where do I locate the various chefs for my restaurant? 1)Marculey: he will pop up at the main screen of Your Land(which leads to the item shop and art museum) near the bench. 2)Igredias: Will be available the moment the restaurant opens 3)Valcaneer: In Krasdahl's inn(only when you regained access) 4)Dulkheim: In Saudorix's inn Q: Do I need to get a character's 3rd limit ability to get his/her ending? A: If their side events are intertwined with getting the ability(Frane, Eraiza, Hien, Leona), then yes(because you have to finish the side quest), if it's separated(Rems, Vallery, Regiena,), you don't have to. Q: Does Crevaniel have an ending of his own? A: Yes. That's the ending you will get if you opted not to talk to any characters on the night before the last battle. Q: How does the new game+ work? A: Load the clear data you've saved after completing the game. A new game will begin. All common items, gems, rings and armor(including the strongest ones) will be brought over. Levels, skills and friendship points won't. Q: Any glitches or weird situations to take note of? A: If you did not do Ellena's fate event, you will find her report at the prison barracks after talking to Kate. If you did, you will need to find her at Trochmare after talking to Kate to get her report BUT there will still be a shiny item(same location as where her report is if you did the former) over at the prison barracks which you CANNOT pick up no matter what. And secondly...well I wouldn't say for sure that it's a glitch BUT out of my 5 game plays through the game, thrice I met with some problems for the familiars' side events. I chose TP for my 1st, 3rd and 4th replay and LN for my 2nd and 5th play and the results were as follows: 1st play: I managed to finish all side events but when picking time comes, I was not allowed to choose TP to get her ending. I believe that may have to do with A)not enough affection points(most likely situation since it's my 1st play and I was messing around) or B)I didn't ask Maggy to create the home cruise(also a likely case) 2nd play: I managed to do LN's side events and did obtain her ending with no problems. In this play I asked Maggy to create the Homunculus and did almost 90% of all optional items. 3rd play: I managed to complete TP's events until the night where Eraiza discovered them performing at the dining area and asked for a day to gather everyone. And from my experience from the 1st play, in the next morning, TP was supposed to ask Crevaniel whether the next rest day is an okay date for the performance BUT I DID NOT get that conversation. I continued to the end of the game past 3 vacations and the final event never happened, even when I used plenty of dandy books and chose the nice options and got many mission completes. I did ask Maggy to create the Homunculus machine. 4th: I used TP again, and I managed to get her ending(finally) and did almost 80% of all optional items including the Homunculus. And that allowed me to be able to gather her side events's option scripts for this faq. 5th: I used LN(to want to gather the option scripts for this faq), and finished the 1st event whereby familiar went to talk to Maggy. The next morning(on a rest day of course), there was supposed to be a short conversation regarding finding the needle, BUT I DID NOT get it. Well, as expected, when I have Crevaniel go to the medical room alone to get the next event to happen, it did not. I then went on to ask Maggy to create the home cruise and did as much optional items as possible, increasing the familiar's stats to at least level 7 for all. And past 2 vacations, still nothing. Well, and that explains why the remaining parts of the 'Choosing replies' section in this faq for Familiar LN is missing. I will try to play the game for the 6th time if possible but since I have played this game twice for the past 2 weeks or so, I need to take a break there and another replay takes time as well, so don't expect too fast an update with that(especially since I still haven't figured out why I couldn't trigger the event and if it were to happen again the next time I play it...well you know). But if anyone knows the reason why, PLEASE DO TELL ME. Anyway, from the above, you can see that the same problem happens for my 3rd and 5th try. I would recommend that you keep to doing all character's side events as required(skip no one) and also the fate and other optional items. Whether is it a glitch or not, I wouldn't know(and apparantly I have not seen anyone having with this problem after searching through the internet and boards). But one thing that is for sure: do your familiar's side events on rest days asap, always keep the save data before every vacation. If that should ever emerge, you know you can give up trying to get your familiar's ending and if you must, you can always reload an earlier data and retry so you don't have to restart all over again. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== *********************** (((Software manual))) [SOF1] *********************** Section where I translate the software manual(I think it was mentioned before, mine is the BEST OF ATLUS COLLECTION that came out in 2003). Refer to this section if you still have some questions or doubts regarding the game mechanics. [PAGE 1&2] -The cover page and page describing use of the game and memory card which I'm gonna skip since that's common knowledge. [PAGE 3] ==PROLOGUE== -2000 years since the mysterious annihilation of a prosperous ancient civilization-. Until now, on one knows what happened then, and simply struggle to survive in a war-torn land. Head to the rivers for water, gather firewood for keeping warm. Hunt for food using weapons or traps, catch fishes using nets and harpoons, farm using the hoe and ploughing, living a simple life by laboring with own hands. If that's not preferrable, it's common to pay for the same using gold. This is that sort of generation. Even so, there are times where myths still go around regarding the 'angels who punished the humans' and 'magic'. Swiftly following a democracy ruling, the Dulkheim country to the west of the continent started a war with Igredias to the north. The Valcaneer kingdom to the east is also planning for a time to join in the battle. Due to that, many mercenaries around the continent gathered for the sake of the monetary rewards via participation. ==CONTENTS== Prologue PG02 The world of Growlanser IV PG04 Characters PG06 Basic mechanics PG10 Starting the game PG12 Field PG14 Battle system PG24 Ring weapon PG30 Magic PG32 Familiar PG36 *Small note: Thank you for purchasing this game Growlanser IV. Please read the manual before beginning the game. Please do keep this manual as it won't be published again. [PAGE 4 & 5] ==THE WORLD OF GROWLANSER IV== Surrounded by much mysteries, the Noievarl continent containing 4 countries. An introduction of countries which make up the stage of adventures. *An image of the continent with various number markers [Marculey]------------------------------------------------------- (1)Capital Marcuria (2)Sansel [Dulkheim]------------------------------------------------------- (3)Capital Dulkcan (4)Trochmare (5)Saudorix (6)Lynfaluz base (7)Rivoka [Valcaneer]------------------------------------------------------ (8)Capital Kilgrid (9)Lebrant (10)Lezel (11)Krasdahl (12)Ordineil [Igredias]------------------------------------------------------- (13)Capital Iskendros (14)Fandelsia (15)Solcorina -Marculey kingdom A small country to the southeast of the continent. Due to the temperate weather and flourishing land making it easy to live in, it is also a famous travelling spot. This is the reason why the country was faced with much risk of invasions in the past. Currently in alliance with the neighbouring country Valcaneer by paying protection fees which are in actual fact taxes. -Valcaneer kingdom Located in the eastern part of the continent, said to be a country posessing brillant cultures is Valcaneer. It is also a famous fact that this country owns a strong army, and among that the highly esteemed is the 'Royal Guard', the king's personal calvary and the representation of the country. -Igredias kingdom This northern kingdom invaded Dulkheim due to the harsh living conditions and non-productive land. However, the counter made by Dulkheim which has got a high knowledge in terms of army defense made the Igredias kingdom enter into a bitter battle with much failures. -Dulkheim country The only democratic country located on the continent, situated west of Valcaneer, and the country which successfully crossed swords with Igredias. Due to all these, the citizens possess high morale and gather under the name of protecting their country. Also, the Chief president elected by the citizens has the right to order movements of the army and the army is also able to control movements of the political personnel. Therefore, it is called the military country. [PAGE 6 TO 9] *Refer to the character profiles section of this faq for the information since they are practically the same apart from that the manual only list the main playable characters. [PAGE 10 & 11] ==Basic mechanics== This section includes explanations regarding the various functions and mechanics of the controller that can be used differently on the field and in battles. -Controller and functions Below is a list of the controller functions for use in playing Growlanser IV which only allows a single player and only respond to the CONTROLLER 1 SLOT. [ANALOGUE CONTROLLER DUAL SHOCK] The LED indicates analogue mode and there will be vibrations during certain parts of the game. Please refer to PG23 for vibration configurations. The game can be played using a normal controller but the left analogue stick will not function, however the other button functions are the same. ------------------------------------------------------------------ FIELD MAP FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------ D-pad/left analogue stick | Move characters or cursors ------------------------------------------------------------------ L1 button | Switch between menus ------------------------------------------------------------------ R1 button | Switch between menus ------------------------------------------------------------------ L2 button | Scroll through the list ------------------------------------------------------------------ R2 button | Scroll through the list ------------------------------------------------------------------ START button | Not used ------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT button | Not used ------------------------------------------------------------------ CIRCLE button | Examine, talk, confirm selections ------------------------------------------------------------------ X button | Cancel selections/menu, fast walk | (while pressing it) ------------------------------------------------------------------ TRIANGLE button | Open the command menu ------------------------------------------------------------------ SQUARE button | Slow walk(while pressing it) ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ BATTLE MAP FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------ D-pad/left analogue stick | Move cursor ------------------------------------------------------------------ L1 button | Not in use ------------------------------------------------------------------ R1 button | Not in use ------------------------------------------------------------------ L2 button | Scroll through the list ------------------------------------------------------------------ R2 button | Scroll through the list ------------------------------------------------------------------ START button | Have all characters attack except | the protagonist ------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT button | Not in use ------------------------------------------------------------------ CIRCLE button | Confirm a selection ------------------------------------------------------------------ X button | Cancel selection, skip effect of | spells ------------------------------------------------------------------ TRIANGLE button | Bring out the command menu again ------------------------------------------------------------------ SQUARE button | Check out the map ------------------------------------------------------------------ Press the START button while holding down L1, R1, L2, R2 and SELECT button for a soft reset and return back to the title screen. [PAGE 12 & 13] ==STARTING THE GAME== On the title screen, you can choose START or LOAD. The APPENDIX option becomes available when you have met the conditions. ->: Beginning the game Start a new game. You will be given a choice to configure the game settings when you select . Choose 'Yes' if required and 'No' if it is not necessary. After that, the protagonist naming screen will appear and thereafter the main game. The configuration screen is the same as the configuration section listed on PG 23. You can make changes to the configurations throughout the entire game. --->Naming screen Name the protagonist. The initial setting is at 'Crevaniel'. Use the X button or select the option to remove the name. The various mechanics are listed as below: D-pad | Move the cursor --------------------------------------- CIRCLE button | Enter a character --------------------------------------- X button | Delete a character --------------------------------------- SQUARE button | Confirm the name --------------------------------------- L1, R2 button | Change the position --------------------------------------- R1, R2 button | Change the character | type --------------------------------------- START button | Confirm the name --------------------------------------- ->: Continue a game Begin the game from a saved data. Please load the data from a Playstation 2 memory card(8MB) in the memory slot 1. At the load screen, use the D-pad keys to scroll up and down the files. Press the CIRCLE button to confirm the selected data. --->The save data You can save during your adventures various locations such as inn or save points. Apart from these, there are also other locations where saving is possible. To save, choose 'Save' with a Playstation 2 memory card (8MB) in memory card slot 1. At the saving screen, use the D-pad keys to scroll up and down to the desired file slot and press the CIRCLE button to confirm the selected data. You will need at least 83KB of free space in your Playstation 2 memory card(8MB) to be able to create a save file. During saving, please do not remove the memory card from the slot. ->: View movies, illustrations etc After fulfilling certain conditions in the game, the option will appear on the title screen. Here, you can view characters, movies, visual galleries, collected chip cards and many others. [PG 14 TO 23] ==FIELD== You move around the field map and enter into battles. Let us remember the mechanics before starting the adventure. -> There are various castles and towns in Growlanser IV. Remembering the controls will allow for smoothness in using the facilities in these places. As the game progress, the party will also be able to have their own city where shops will be set up. --->Civilian buildings In towns and villages, stand before doors of buildings and press the CIRCLE button to start a conversation with the people inside. You may be able to obtain important information so please do start as many conversations as possible. --->Inn Stay at an inn to recover all HP and MP. You can also save and look at the map of the Noievarl continent. Please refer to PG 13 directions on how to save. Staying at the inn only only restores lost HP and MP, you may get to view various events. Should you ever be stuck in any part of the game, please do rest at the inn to see if that is the triggering point. --->Goods shop/merchants You can purchase items necessary for your adventures here. There are also places where equipments are sold together. The option for purchasing gems will also become available as the game progresses. Purchasing gems: Buy gems(PG31) to equip gems on rings. Use the D-pad keys to select the desired item and press CIRCLE button to confirm. The 'Buy after equipping' and 'Buy only' options will emerge. Choose 'Buy after equipping' to test out the effects on a character before buying it or choose 'Buy only' to purchase the item immediately without equipping it. Purchasing goods: Buy items such as healing drug and so on. Use the D-pad keys to select the desired item and press CIRCLE button to confirm. The highest inventory limit is 9 for each item. Sell items: Sell items from categories of rings, gems and equipment using this option. Decipher rings: Decipher unknown rings obtained from battles and treasure chests at a price. Use the D-pad to move cursor up and down to make a selection and press the CIRCLE button to confirm. Use 'Decipher all' to decipher all unknown rings in the inventory in one session. --->Equipment shop Purchase protective equipment for the characters. Use the D-pad to move cursor up and down to view the details in the box at the bottom of the screen. Thereafter, choose 'Buy after equipping' to equip on a character before buying or 'Buy only' to purchase it without equipping it on. Also, please take note that equipping equipment requires the necessary STR and if equipment is forcefully done when STR is not enough, the character will suffer a penalty of slower MOV and lower evasion ability. -> Bring out the system menu by pressing TRIANGLE button on the field map. You can use items and magic from this screen as well as affirm the status of characters. Do make sure of this menu to make preparations for an unexpected battle encounter. --->Menu screen --------------- ------------------ (4)<--|Money | \ Crevaniel / | XXXXXRIL| --------------- --------------- --------------- | SPELL | ------------ --------- ------------ --------------- |Unit| |Condition|Status | | SKILL | |---- |--------- ------------ --------------- | | |STR XXX | | ITEM | | | |------------| --------------- | | |DEX XXX | (1)<-| EQUIP | | | (3) |------------| --------------- | | |INT XXX | | FORMATION | | | |------------| --------------- -------------- |ATK XXX |--->(5) | FAMILIAR | |LV XX | |------------| --------------- -------------- |DEF XXX | | STATUS | |HP XXX/XXX | |------------| --------------- -------------- |MOV XXX | | CONFIGURE | |MP XX / XX | |------------| --------------- -------------- |ATW XX | (2)<------ | | -------------- | | | | ------------- --------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- | XXX _| | XXX _| | XXX _| | XXX _| | XX| | | XX| | | XX| | | XX| |--->(6) --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- | | | | | | | | --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- (1) Various commands in the system menu. Please refer to PG 18 for details. (2) Current level, HP: current/max, MP(magic points): current/max (3) Current status. Will have icons representing any bad status or status effects via magic use.(PG17) (4) Money (5) Various stats of a character. Please refer to list below more details. (6) Window showing summary of characters' statistics. --->Status Shows the statistics of a character. Will be affected when a character level up or by equipping rings. STR | Represents the strength. Affect weapon offensive ability, rate of | HP increase and required stat to equip armor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEX | Represents agility. Affect movement, chanting time, accuracy and | evasion. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT | Represents intelligence. Affect rate of MP increase and effect of | spells/magic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATK | Represents the offensive ability. Affect DMG dealt using weapon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEF | Represents the defensive ability. Affect the DMG received. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOV | Represents mobility. Affect speed in battles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATW | Represents time period of rigidity. Affect the time period of | waiting after dealing attack to an enemy. The smaller the amount, | the shorter the wait time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --->Condition During battles, support magic from allies and attacks from enemies can cause changes in a character's status. An introduction of the bad status as well as how to deal with it is given. A layout example: -- | | ** -- -------------------------------------------------- |Field effect | Effects caused on the field map -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Effects caused on the battle map -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Way to recover from the bad status -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | Indicate whether the status can be | | recovered automatically --------------------------------------------------- **Since the little square is an image, I will take it away from the tables below. [Bad status that won't be recovered after a battle] ---------------------------------------------------- Poison -------------------------------------------------- |Field effect | -5 HP every 10 steps(until 1 HP) -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | -5 HP every fixed period of time | | (until 0 HP) -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Fine, poison removal herb, panacea -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | No --------------------------------------------------- Venom -------------------------------------------------- |Field effect | -25 HP every 10 steps(until 1 HP) -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | -25 HP every fixed period of time | | (until 0 HP) -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Fine, poison removal herb, panacea -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | No --------------------------------------------------- Paralyze -------------------------------------------------- |Field effect | Unable to use magic or skills -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Unable to move -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Fine, restorative, panacea -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | Yes --------------------------------------------------- Petrify -------------------------------------------------- |Field effect | Unable to use magic or skills -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Unable to move -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Fine, henlouda, panacea -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | No --------------------------------------------------- [Bad status that will recover after battle] -------------------------------------------------- Fallen -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Unable to move -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Raise, nectar -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | No --------------------------------------------------- Sleep -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Unable to move -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Fine -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | When dmg is received --------------------------------------------------- Silence -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Unable to chant magic -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Fine -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | Yes --------------------------------------------------- Rust -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Attack down -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Attack -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | Yes --------------------------------------------------- Weaken -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Defense down -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Protect -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | Yes --------------------------------------------------- Fear -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Magic defense down -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Resist -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | Yes --------------------------------------------------- Cycle down -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Speed for ATW to reduce is down | by half -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Cycle up -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | Yes --------------------------------------------------- Bind -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Unable to move -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Fine, poison removal herb, panacea -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | Yes --------------------------------------------------- Faint -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Unable to move -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Fine, restorative -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | Yes --------------------------------------------------- Death curse -------------------------------------------------- |Battle effect | Character will die once time is up -------------------------------------------------- |How to recover| Kill the unit casting the curse -------------------------------------------------- |Auto recover | No --------------------------------------------------- ->Commands On the right side of the system menu, there are 8 commands which can be chosen from. Take note that the 'Familiar' command will not be available until she appears in the game. Below are explanations on the functions of the various commands. 1)MAGIC Use a learnt spell. Use the D-pad or L1/R1 buttons to switch between characters. Use the D-pad keys again to move up and right through the list and confirm with the CIRCLE button. Select the character on whom the magic is to be used with the D-pad keys or the L1/R1 buttons. Magic such as Attack, Protect and Resist can be used on the field map as well, this makes it possible to prepare characters before a big mission battle. 2)SKILLS Use a learnt skill/technique. Use the D-pad or L1/R1 buttons to switch between characters and the D-pad keys again to move up and right through the list. The amount of times a skill can be used will go up as its level increase. Rest at inns to restore. 3)ITEMS Check out the rings, gems and items in the inventory. Choosing the Items option brings up the 6 sub-options below: -Goods Choose to equip, use, or throw away items. Move the cursor with the D-pad or the L2/R2 buttons and press the CIRCLE button to decide. Grayed out instructions cannot be performed. -Equipment Equip or throw away armor. Move the cursor with the D-pad or the L2/R2 buttons and press the CIRCLE button to decide. 'Equip', 'Use' or 'Throw' cannot be used for armor that are already equipped by any character. -Ring Equip or throw away rings. Move the cursor with the D-pad or the L2/R2 buttons and press the CIRCLE button to decide. Then select the character to equip by using the D-pad keys and confirm the parameter changes as well as gem levels. -Gems Equip gems. Move the cursor with the D-pad or the L2/R2 buttons and press the CIRCLE button to decide. Then select the character to equip by using the D-pad keys or L1/R1 buttons. -Rare items Use a rare item. Move the cursor with the D-pad or the L2/R2 buttons and press the CIRCLE button to decide. In cases whereby item is to be given to a person, just stand before him/her and select the item. -Sort Sort out all items in the entire inventory. 4)EQUIP Equip rings, armor as well as gems under this screen. Move the cursor with the D-pad or the L2/R2 buttons and press the CIRCLE button to decide. Then select the item. Use th D-pad keys or L1/R1 buttons to switch between characters. -Equip window Armor: the current equipped armor Ring: the current equipped ring. This will affect the gem color, status and level below Gem: The colors of the gem slots. There are various levels for gems and though you can equip a gem which is not of the same color as the ring slot, the obtained technique points will be lower and you cannot equip a gem that has a higher level than the slot. -The ring equipment screen *An image with number markers. (1)The name and properties of the current equipped ring (2)A window showing the ring inventory (3)Shows the properties of the various rings (4)Shows the changes when equipping a certain ring. A green arrow up represents increased ability and a red arrow down represents decreased ability (5)Shows the increased stats after equipping the ring -The gems equipment screen *An image with number markers. (1)The skills that can learnt with the current equipped gem. LV refers to the levels of the various skills. NEXT EXP is the amount of technique points required to reach the next level. (2)Shows the skills that the currently selected gem give (3)Shows the level and color of the various gems (4)The gem inventory (5)The count for each gem in the inventory (6)Shows the name and properties of the current equipped ring 5)FORMATION Change the party formation. Select a character with the D-pad or L1/R1 buttons and press CIRCLE button to decide, pick the desired position to confirm change. 6)FAMILIAR As the story progress, the familiar will join you. Under the Familiar menu, there are the 'Treasure Search', 'Affection rating', 'Event memo', 'Personality' and 'View special abilities' options. Please refer to P36 for more details. 7)STATUS Check out the status of various characters. Press the CIRCLE button to switch from Skill list to Spell list to Limit abilities screen. Use the D-pad or the L1/R1 buttons to switch between characters. *An image with number markers again (1)Experience points required until the next level (2)Money owned (3)Current level, HP(health): current/max, MP(magic point): current/max (4)The magic resistances(defense abilities against different types of magic elements). 0(weakness)~6(Immune) and 8 for absorb. The normal rank is 2. Immune will render the element magic void while absorb will recover HP. (5)Statistics for each character(please refer to P16) (6)Current equipped armor, ring and gems 8)CONFIGURATION Change various settings for the game such as sound and voices. Same as the screen that appears when you start a new game. Sound | Change BGM to stereo or monoaural ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voice | Toggle between ON/OFF for message voice ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu voice | Toggle between ON/OFF for Familiar's voice in menu usage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle voices | Set battle voices ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle cursor | Set the cursor movement in battle to be in accordance with | characters that are being attacked ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cursor memory | Set the memory for cursor's last position ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Range | Set whether to ask for acknowledgment in the magic range acknowledgment| when casting a line magic during battles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spell pop-up | Set whether to ON/OFF the pop-up window for magic chanting window | to a specific level. OFF=chant to the highest level ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vibration | Toggle between ON/OFF for the analogue controller vibration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cursor | Change the cursor look ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The spell pop-up window option is set to ON as default. This will enable the player to decide what level of magic the character is supposed to chant to. OFF will allow character to chant to the highest level. Due to that, it is recommended for new players to stick to the default ON. [PG 24 TO 29] ==BATTLE SYSTEM== --->Control the party to destroy the enemies In battles, the leader Crevaniel will give the orders. It is important to analyze the situation and give correct directions. On the field map, battles will begin when the party approach an enemy. Press the TRIANGLE button during battles to bring up the command menu to give or change directions to the party members. --->Attack window and charge time When the ATW(yellow bar at the attack window) becomes 0, the character will be able to perform an action. Also, when the Charge Time(CT) green bar for chanting a spell becomes 0, it implies that 1 level of the spell is completed. --->Command screen *An image with number markers (1)Various commands that can be given during battles(P26) (2)Active battle points obtained in that particular fight. The active battle points will change the experience points obtained by a character at the end of a fight. (3)The current given command (4)Radar which shows the position of the enemys and the party. Red=enemy, green=party members (5)A brief summary of characters' status. In the command window, the ATW and CT won't move. --->Battle flow There are plenty of steps that can be done during battles. It is important to pay attention to the smallest details and give suitable commands. Below is an explanation of the battle flow. Take note that there are also mission battles in the game where victory and fail conditions play a part. -Start of encounter/mission battle A battle will begin when the party approach the enemy on the field. The starting positions of the units remain the same therefore it is recommended to approach the enemy from an advantageous position. There are also situations where the enemy will be surprised. -Options for character movements When a battle begins, the command window for all characters will emerge. In the case of a physical weapon attack, choose the enemy target. In the case of spell usage, choose the type of magic and the level(Default configure->P23) to start chanting. Press the START button to automatically have all party members apart from the protagonist to attack with their weapons. Press the TRIANGLE button to bring up the command menu again to make changes. When HP is low, it is important to stop attack or spell chanting commands and heal instead. -After a battle When all enemies are destroyed or if the mission clear conditions are met, the screen will move on to the battle results screen. Here, active point battles and time bonus will add on to the experience points obtained. If all party members are fallen or if fail conditions are met, it will be game over. --->Battle menu 1.Attack 5.Spell 2.Item 6.Skill 3.Equip 7.Guard 4.Move 8.Assault There are 8 commands under the battle menu, take control of the circumstances and give the correct directions. The protagonist's battle menu do not have the 'Assault' option. -Attack Have characters attack with weapons. Use the D-pad keys or the L1/R1 buttons to select the enemy target and press the CIRCLE button to confirm. Please do take note of the weapon range of the characters. -Item Use items in the inventory. Use the D-pad keys to select from the 'Goods' or 'Gems' and press the CIRCLE to confirm. Thereafter, pick a target and press the CIRCLE button again to use the item. If a gem is being equipped, it cannot be used. Different from spell and weapon attacks, items have no range. You can use it no matter what the distance is, therefore it is very important to use recovery items when needed. -Equip Change the ring or armor equipment during battle time. Use the D-pad keys or L2/R2 buttons to scroll through the list and press CIRCLE button to confirm. Take note that you cannot change ring equipment in battles. -Move Move characters to a desired location. Bring the cursor to the position and press CIRCLE button twice to give the command to start movement. Pressing the CIRCLE button once will fix the cursor at a desired point. You can fix up to 3 points and press the CIRCLE button twice to confirm the destination. Should a character be blocked by an enemy while moving in the destinated route, he/she will stop and attack. Due to this, do take note to set the correct route points to reach the destination successfully. -Spell Use the D-pad keys or L2/R2 buttons to scroll through the list and press the CIRCLE button to confirm. Then pick the level and press CIRCLE button again to start chanting. Choose from 'Cast magic', 'Cooperation', 'Wait' or 'End' options once chanting is completed. -SKill Use the D-pad keys or L2/R2 buttons to scroll through the list and press the CIRCLE button to confirm. If count is lower than 1, you will not be able to use the skill. Rest at the inn to restore the count. -Guard Enter into guard position which will reduce damage received. Untill another action is issued from the command menu, the character will continue to guard. -Assault Have characters attack by weapon until end of battle. The option cannot be used for the protagonist. Press the START button during battles to have all characters apart from the protagonist to attack by weapon. For the protagonist, you will have to manually issue the attack command. --->War situation This is a system which determines the difference in strength between the party and the enemy as well as effect of the clear time. Finishing a battle in the shortest time possible will enable better rewards in terms of experience points, money, rings, items and many others. -Familiar's navigation voice When entering into a battle on the field, the familiar will determine the strength difference between the party and the enemy with comments such as "This should be easy", "A very dangerous opponent' and so on. Please do be very careful when facing strong enemies. -Event timer A timer will appear during event battles, this is a counter which starts from 50 and will affect the experience, money, technique points and other factors depending on the remaining count left after a battle. The counter's speed will change according to the difficulty level of the mission battle. --->After the battle For field battles, the fight will end when all enemies are gone or it will be game over when all party members are annihilated. In mission battles, meeting clear conditions will end the mission while failure to do it will result in game over. The 3 result ranks are as below. MISSION COMPLETE Met all clear conditions perfectly with much bonus time left. Gives a lot of bonus experience points. MISSION CLEAR Met all clear conditions with a remaining time bonus that is above 0. Gives much bonus experience points. MISSION FAILED Clear the mission with the lowest possible conditions. It does not mean game over but the bonus experience points given are very little. --->Victory and active battle points You will get experience points and Ril at the results screen after a battle. Representing the activity of a character in battle is the active battle points. This will affect the experience points obtained and in the case of a mission battle, the clear and time bonus will create changes as well. --->Level up When a character's level has gone up, the parameters go up as well. Also, the properties of an equipped ring will change by defeating enemies in battles. The levels of skills, magic will go up as well. [PAGE 30 & 31] ==RING WEAPON== Let us look at the effects of combining the use of ring weapon with magic gems. --->Ring weapon A ring weapon is a weapon that changes its form from a ring. The type of weapon differs with characters and has the ability to increase a character's abilities. You can obtain rings by defeating enemies, do try out various rings in your adventures. -Increasing the status Rings can affect the parameters when equipped. As the level increases, you will be able to equip higher level gems. -Learning magic and skills using gems There are 3 ring slots for equipping gems. The skills and magic that comes with the gem will become available for usage. The level of the equipped skills and magic will increase by defeating enemies. -Ring properties The 3 slots of rings consist of various numbers and colors. These represents the ring properties and makes it possible to equip gems of the listed level as the slot. This properties will increase by defeating enemies. -Technique points To learn or master magic and skills, you will need techniquie points that will be obtained by defeating enemies. Only characters who strike the final blow will obtain technique points(different when using cooperation magic). Once you have the familiar learn the 'Enemy Scan' skill, you will be able to see how much technique points an enemy will give. POINT 1 When the color of the ring slot and equipped gem is different, the obtained technique points will be 3/4 of the original. Match the correct colors to obtain the necessary technique points. POINT 2 You can use a skill when equipped with a gem that gives the ability. Also, when the level of the skill is more than 1, you will be able to use it even when the gem is removed. However, as compared to equipping it, the technique points added to the skill counter will become 1/20 of the original. POINT 3 When you equip the same type of gems in the ring slots, you will be able to learn the skill/magic 2 or 3 times faster. [PAGE 32 TO 35] ==MAGIC== Magic is an important aspect in adventure. It is also possible to use them on the field map. --->Using magic You learn magic from equipping gems and increasing the level by defeating enemies. This makes it possible to use a high level spell be it in battles or on the field map. -On the field map Unlike in battles, you cannot select the level of the magic you want to use. You can use support magic such as Protect and Attack. -During battles You can get to choose the desired level after picking the magic you want a character to chant(if the magic pop-up window under the Configuration menu is ON). You can also use cooperation or continuous magic when conditions are met. --->Charge time Using a spell in a battle, the chanting time will be reflected on the CT gauge. Each time the bar is down represents 1 level completed. After the selected level is done chanting, the Cast window will appear. --->Spell level There are levels for each spell and the higher the level, the greater the effect. --->Casting a spell Using a spell in battles involves various steps. Listed below is the flow and it may differ for cooperation and continuous magic. -Select the type of magic and level Use the D-pad or L2/R2 buttons to select from the list and press CIRCLE button to decide. Thereafter, use the D-pad keys to select the desired level. The lower the level, the smaller the effect and the faster the chant time. The higher the level, the greater the effect and the longer the chant time. -Chanting After confirming the magic and level, chanting begins with the CT gauge showing the chant time(P32). The CT gauge will continue until chanting reaches the chosen level. Take note that being attacked during chanting without any form of defense ability will result in a higher damage done. To stop chanting, press the TRIANGLE button. Choose 'Cast' to cast the magic at its current level, 'End' to enter other commands, 'Continue' to continue the chanting until the highest level. -End of chanting Once chanting is done, the menu will appear. Choose to cast on a selected target, 'End' to enter other commands, or wait to have character standby with the chanting. You can always press the TRIANGLE button to bring up the menu and make changes. [Special spells] You can use special types of spells by learning magic and skills from gems. --->Continuous magic Once you have learnt the continous magic skill, you can choose to have the magic be cast on a destinated area. Enemies within the range will receive damage. However, you cannot choose areas where other characters or obstacles are. CHOOSING CONTINUOUS MAGIC Choose the 'Continous magic' command. In cases wherby character has already began chanting or if the character doesn't have the skill, this action cannot be performed. CHOOSING THE TYPE OF MAGIC The spell list appear automatically after you choose the command. Use the D-pad keys to select and press CIRCLE button to confirm. There will emerge names such as "Fire line' or 'Ice line' representing that only attacking forms of magic can be used. CHOOSING THE AREA TO BE USED ON Similiar to normal spell usage, a cursor will appear once chanting is done. Use the CIRCLE button to select the location and when an X symbol appears, just press the CIRCLE button again to begin the casting. --->Cooperation magic Use powerful cooperation magic after learning the 'Cooperation' skill. This action cannot be performed if the required spell has not been learnt. -2 person coorperation magic You can use coorperation magic once 2 characters have learnt the 'Cooperation' skill. Select the desired cooperation magic and chanting will begin. Do learn Wind edge since it plays a part in area spells. -Choosing to cast spell once both characters are done chanting Choose 'Cooperation' once chanting is finished on both sides. In the case of one character completed chanting earlier than the other, choose to have him/her wait. Once chanting is complete, use the D-pad to select the target. In the situation of using an area spell, select the location to cast the magic. -Examples of cooperation magic There are all type of combinations for using cooperation magic, including area support spells. Do test them out. Wind edge+Ice barette = Blizzard Fire arrow+Ice baratte = Soul force [PG 36 & 37] These 2 pages are about the familiar. Refer to the 'Familiar' section of this faq since I've already translated part of this in that section right from the beginning and the other notes are pretty much similiar. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ******************************** (((Game opening song lyrics))) ******************************** <> kono sora ni kizutsuita tsubasa hiroge kimi wo mamoru tame ni mada owaranai yami ga, machi wo sotto tsutsumu marude yume no naka hitori, samayotteru mitai de kuchi hateta toki no naka, kiseki wo tachi-agari mezasu shikanai soko ni aru no nara sono hitomi nidoto kumorasenaide itsu no hi ka utsuru ashita no tami ni kono sora ni kizutsuita tsubasa hiroge ai wo mamoru tami ni <> Spread out the wounded wings in this sky, for the sake of protecting you. The endless darkness silently enveloped the city, as if a person is wandering about in a dream. Create a miracle in the fleeting time, start working towards it, if it is there. Don't mask those eyes again, for the tomorrow that will be reflected someday. Spread out the wounded wings in this sky, for the sake of protecting love. ************************** (((Ending song lyrics))) <--Ending credits song ************************** <> Nagare kieyuku kaze, hitori kanji tsuzuketa itsuka kisetsu wa sugi, ano hi to onaji keishiki sayonara sae mo ienai mama, itamu kokoro sae kakushite dare mo ga kitto wasuresatte yuku kedo, kiseki wo shinjite ima demo kokoro wo somaru, sepia iro no omoide tachi futatabi deaieru toki made mune no oku ni shimau yo mado wo tataku ame wo, hitori mitsume tsuzuketa itsu ka toki ga nagare, ano hi to onaji omoi sayonara nante ienakutemo, wakariaeru donna toki mo shinji tsuzukeru koto ga dekiru no naraba, kiseki wa kanau to ima ni mo hitomi wo tojite, anata no koe kikoetekuru hakanaku kasukana kibou, sonna yokan kanjiru ima demo kokoro wo somaru, sepia iro no omoide tachi futatabi deaieru toki made mune no oku ni shimau yo futari ga deai naosetara, donna toki mo hanasanaide konna ni ai suru hito ga soba ni iru no, itsu demo <> To continue feeling the passing wind alone. The season will pass away someday, just like the scenery on that day. Even as goodbyes weren't said, the painful heart was hidden. All will leave but do believe in miracles. Even now, the sepia colored memories, I will place it in the depths of my heart until the day we can meet again. To continue looking at the rain beating on the window alone. Time will pass away someday, just like the memory of that day. Even as reluctant in saying goodbye, know that no matter when, as long as we continue to believe, the miracle will come true. Until now, I can still hear your voice when I close my eyes. Feeling the premonition of a small hope. Even now, the sepia colored memories, I will place it in the depths of my heart until the day we can meet again. If we can start our encounter all over again, let us not separate no matter when. To always have such a loved one by my side. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== *********************** (((Version history))) *********************** Summary of updates for Version 1 and in-betweens: Story walkthrough and character side quests completed. Names revamp and various slight amendments. 2007 19th August - Version 2.0: FAQ being reformatted/revised + new sections + much amendments. Version 3.2 - 2008 March 15 - A late update, but I finally added in the software manual translation. I also added in the cooperation spells under the magic listing. Version 3.3 - 2008 June 6th - Amendments as well as some notes. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== *************** (((Credits))) *************** GAMEFAQS FOR POSTING THIS GUIDE AND LOTSA OTHERS TO PROVIDE GAMING HELP. CAREERSOFT(AND ATLUS) FOR THE GROWLANSER SERIES.