.Hack// G.U. vol. 2 Reminisce Walkthrough/ FAQ by Twenty-Nine Rooks This is a comprehensive and in-depth walkthrough of the game. It includes strategies for all of the Story and Side-event battles. A complete item list with acquisition information. And a complete list of all enemies and where they appear. It also contains a complete guide for the Crimson VS mini-game. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Section 0 - - Legal stuff. This FAQ/ Walkthrough is copyright R. Hughes, 2007. .Hack// G.U. is a registered trademark of Bandai Namco games. This document represents the author's experience. This document and its author are not related to, or endorsed by Bandai Namco. No part of this document may be posted on any website without the author's permission. You may contact the author at twentyninerooks@yahoo.com This walkthrough is intended for private use only. Do not alter this document. Websites that may post this document: gamefaqs.com supercheets.com ===================================================================== -Table of contents Section 0 - Legalities Section 1 - FAQs Section 2 - Walkthrough 2.a Chapter 1: Osmosis 2.b Chapter 2: Desperate Empress 2.c Chapter 3: Paralysis and Regeneration 2.d Chapter 4: Multiple Despairs 2.e Chapter 5: Seeing Red 2.f Chapter 6: Philos 2.g Chapter 7: O, Guillotine 2.h Chapter 8: Crushing Truth Section 3 - Post-Story 3.a Campaigns 3.b Bike Races 3.c Kazubolo 's Convalescence 3.d Lost Weapons 3.e The Doppelganger 3.f The Chaotic PKs 3.g The Abyss Quest Section 4 - Crimson VS Section 5 - The Book of 1000 5.a Ryu Books I - III 5.b Ryu Book IV : Items 5.c Ryu Book V - VI 5.d Ryu Book VII : Monsters 5.e Ryu Book VIII : Steam Bike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- ===================================================================== - - FAQs --------- Q: Is this Walkthrough spoiler-free? A: Yes, as long as you do not read too far ahead. Also, I've masked all the major story spoilers, so even if you read ahead, it won't spoil anything big. --------- Q: How can I find anything in this walkthrough? A: ctrl + F. Example: if you want to skip to the Items List at the end, highlight its section in the Table of Contents. Then, hit ctrl + F and then Enter. Presto, you will be at the Items List. --------- Q: What is the maximum level I can reach in this volume? A: Level 100. Though, from there, you and all your allies can acquire 999 EXP, making it easy to get to level 101 in volume 3. --------- Q: Henako is so cool, how can I be like her? A: Take her advice and go eat some liver. --------- Q: I have an addition, a question, and/or a constructive and politely worded criticism, what do I do? A: All these things are welcome, email me at twentyninerooks@yahoo.com --------- Q: What do I do with the "Secret Password: Nurse Carnival." A: Nothing, that was essenitally an easter egg for the Japanese Fans of the game, sorry. ===================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Section 2 : -------------------- Walkthrough---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ===================================================================== Section 2.a Chapter 1: Osmosis ===================================================================== The opening credits play.... Hello, this is Twenty-Nine Rooks. Glad to be back with you for the second volume of this series. This opening sequence is long, so just sit back and relax. When you get control, you will be outside the @home in Mac Anu. There is a state of panic in the streets, and Haseo has to gather information from as many players as possible. Hopefully, you played volume one of this series all the way to the end, then loaded your save data. I will be writing this walkthrough from the assumption that you completed all of the main-story events and then loaded your data. If you did not play the first volume, then I suggest you go no further until you do. This game has a learning curve like a brick wall, if you have not had the experience of playing the first game. Before you run off, turn around and enter Canard's @home and talk to Gaspard. If you want talk the Death Grunty, actually he is functioning normally, and all of his services are available. When you done, go outside and check you map. Several areas, one in each district, are highlighted by blue rings. Approach those areas and talk to the people to move the story along. If you can stand putting off the excitement for a bit, you can trade with people. Items of note are Armadillo Shell and Armadillo Crest. If you take the Steam Bike, you'll notice that it is much faster and more maneuverable. More on that later. When you've talked to the people at all the districts, Yata will send you a short mail. Head for the central district for a scene. Then return to Raven's @home. After the scenes, you'll regain control. Again, you'll be able to trade, in spite of the state of panic. "Let not a crisis disturb our business," so saith the bourgeoisie. Anyway, your final destination will be Moon Tree's headquarters, so make your way to the Chaos Gate when you are ready. The area words will be under the "Bookmark" section of the warp menu, though if you played vol. 1 they will be about halfway down the list. Put Pi in your party. ===================================================================== - - (Delta) Setting/ Eternity's/ Night Moon Go inside the gate and use the warp point. A long discussion will ensue. Then head back to town when you are done. ===================================================================== - - Delta Root Town Mac Anu Add Kuhn to your party, save, then head for the area words given by Yata. ===================================================================== - - (Delta) Galloping/ Subtle/ Desert Lv 43 My Lv 50 Enemies: PK, AIDA (ANNA) Treasure: Sub Garment, Rough Alloy, Earth Spike, Vigor Alloy As soon as you enter, you'll get thrown into battle with some PKs. They are all of the "Fighter" job classes, so this battle is straightforward. Just attack till they go down. When that is done, you will need to activate the nearby warp point in order to continue. If you need some Chim Spheres, then kick the tree nearby. The rest of the area is crawling with more PKs. Note that even though it is possible that killing here will put your victims into a coma, you will still be graded as usual at the end of this field. So, suck it up and do some real killing for a change. The enemy parties move around quickly and unpredictably, so if your angle of approach is unfavorable, make a wide circle around them to get at their backs. The PKs themselves are flimsy enemies, though. The best move they can usually pull off is to guard your attacks. Go South, then follow the path to the East, where you will reach another warp point. Don't forget to grab the symbol fragment from the chest on the way. After you warp, follow the path to the North. You will run into some AIDA as you cross the bridge and enter the second section. Avatar Battle AIDA (ANNA) You fought these bugs before in volume 1, and they haven't gotten any more powerful. But I'll give you the strategy, just in case you are rusty. The controls for the Avatar are quite simple, and the battles play out suspiciously like Zone of the Enders. At its most basic, the strategy is: Stun the enemy with shots by pressing (Square), then move in for the kill using the Scythe (X). Repeat this until the enemy's HP is zero. ANNA is a very basic type of enemy that only has a few attacks. When ANNA fires Kobold Bullet, you can either repel the shots with the scythe, or, you can dash forward underneath the shots when they appear and attack ANNA with the scythe directly. Note that attacks with the scythe, under normal conditions, are not as effective as attacks with the scythe when the enemy is stunned. Many of the more advanced enemies that you will fight with Skeith are extremely dangerous at close range, so, I suggest that you practice keeping your distance. When ANNA fires the Algol Laser, press (Circle) repeatedly while dodging with the analogue stick to escape. Once ANNA's HP is zero, it will lose its protection. Notice that once the enemy is in "Protect Break" mode, Skeith's life bar disappears, meaning that even though his Data Drain attack can be interrupted by being hit, Skeith will not take any damage. Eventually, ANNA will restore its protection, but you should be able to connect with the slow-moving Data Drain shot before then. While is Protect Break, ANNA will dodge sideways while firing small shots at you. Dodge in the opposite direction as ANNA to avoid most of the shots. EX: If ANNA is dodging to your right, then you should dodge to your left, etc. Charge while dodging and fire as soon as ANNA stops. If you keep missing, try to move a little closer. This is really just a refresher battle. When you are done, you will receive a strange item, just continue North, grabbing the Symbol Fragments along the way. When you reach the Beast Temple more cut scenes will take place. When they are over, grab the treasure and go back to Mac Anu via the platform outside. ===================================================================== - - Mac Anu Go back to Raven's @home in the Mercenary district. After the scenes, head for the Chaos Gate. ===================================================================== - - Morrigu Barrow (Delta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Bulwark Target the sign to get a short scene, it appears that in order to access the operation folder, more Data Seeds are required. Yata will shortmail you with some area words. Return to town, then warp to the new area. ===================================================================== - - (Delta) According/ Floating/ Eradication Lv 43 My Lv 51 Enemies: Carrieanne, AIDA (ANNA), Goblin Knight, Treasure: The Death, Healing Rain, Fire Sun There are some important changes to note. First, as you may have already noticed, the normal attack combo for the Dual Swords has changed. Instead of the four attack combo used in the last volume, Haseo will now attack seven times before entering into the combo's finishing move. However, it is only necessary to press the (X) button four times to reach the finishing move. That is, Haseo will swing multiple times for each button press. This not only makes the swords more powerful, but eliminates the chance for an enemy to begin guarding between strikes. The Broadsword now has three different levels to its charge-up attack, and Haseo can begin to move around while holding (X) after the first level has charged. Also, your allies will now be able to kick Chim Chims and Lucky Animals. And, You can now activate Demon or Beast Awakenings before the Morale gauge is completely full. The navigation directions for dungeons I will give throughout the walkthrough will show the shortest way to either the next floor, or to the dungeon's objective. However, I strongly suggest that you defeat every enemy, open every chest, and break every object on every one of the dungeon's floors. So, in effect, do not do what I tell you to do in these cases. The directions I give will be just in case you run out of Fairy's Orbs and somehow get lost in spite of the game's adequate mapping system. BF 1 Go East at the first intersection, then continue East and the path will turn North. As you near the ramp to the next floor, you will engage another ANNA. Just slaughter this joker like you did the last one and continue on. BF 2 There are two warp points in the first section of BF 2, both are one-way, but one is "coming" and the other is "going." Take the pink-colored warp point to the south to get to the next section. After you warp, the north path will just lead you back to the first section, so continue West, then along the winding path towards the Beast Statue. You'll attack another ANNA on the way, but they are laughable enemies at this point. Pi will suggest you warp back immediately, but since the nearest platform is at the Beast Statue, grab the treasure on the way out. Once you return, go back to Morrigu Barrow. ===================================================================== - - Morrigu Barrow (Delta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Bulwark Hack the Sign to enter the outer space beyond the wall. Avatar Battle: Gate Keeper This AIDA has much in common with ANNA, but its attacks are more effective and it does more damage. Kobold Blast will send several orbs flying at Skeith. They fly fast, but they can all be batted away with one or two swings of the scythe. Algol Maser is an attack like Algol laser, but this one cannot be escaped entirely because it is an array of lasers that cover a wide area. Dash in either direction at first, but as soon as the laser fires, stop and rock the control stick in the opposite direction. This will halt Skeith and put him in the wide gap between the main laser and the auxiliary ones. Use the same strategy as you do for ANNA when you reach Protect Break. After the battle, another long series of cut scenes will pass. Sit back and enjoy. ===================================================================== Section 2.b Chapter 2: Desperate Empress ===================================================================== - - Desktop Needless to say, you can now access the desktop. There are many things to note here, start with the emails: CC Corp - - Upgrades: This email goes over the improvements to the game that I went mentioned earlier. Read it to get the full story. CC Corp - - Crimson VS: This tells you that the CCG "Crimson VS" is now open. More on this in a second. Atoli - - My voice News Capture/ Online Jack/ Phase 4 - - This series covers important events outside the game. Community Forum/ Rumors/ Lost Ground Megathread - - Get some info on the various lost grounds and also some keywords. These are the important things to read, but I strongly suggest reading everything in order to fully involve yourself in the game. And Now... - - Crimson VS Crimson VS is .Hack//G.U.' s "game within the game." It is a simulated Collectable Card Game (CCG), that basically plays itself while you play in The World. First, it is not necessary to play at all, in fact there is no reward, even if you become the champion of the game. You don't get any money, items, or scenes in The World for playing Crimson VS. So, you could just ignore the whole thing if you wanted. If you are not interested at all, then skip ahead to the next section, because this walkthrough will contain detailed strategies for Crimson VS. If you give it a shot though, I think you will enjoy it. Besides the producers of this game obviously went to a lot of trouble to make this mini-game. Before you access Crimson VS, read the section of the community forum dedicated to the game. Many of the game's basic rules and strategies are explained there. But allow me to add my own explanation: The first thing that you'll be asked to do is build a deck, but you'll have a better understanding of how to go about this successfully if you know what the battles are like first. Battles: Each deck consists of only four cards, three "Unit" cards and one "General" card. The unit cards are ordered in a specific way when you build the deck, they will be Unit Card One, Unit Card Two, and Unit Card Three. Then, the General - - as in, a General in the military- - Card will be last. Unit Card One comes up on the screen and battles the opponent's Unit Card One, the victor is decided by the card's Cost, which is located in the upper-left corner of the card. The victor of this battle will be placed by the side of its commanding General, and the loser will be nullified and will have no effect whatsoever. If there is a tie, then both cards will be nullified. This process is repeated for the two remaining Unit Cards on each side. The purpose of unit cards is to make your General more powerful, or at least make him or her more likely to win. After the Unit Cards are decided, then the Generals take turns attacking each other. A General will deal damage to the opposing General equal to their Attack Power (AP), and all damage received will be subtracted from the General's HP. Different Generals have different levels of AP and HP. Unit Cards support the General, as long as they weren't nullified, with their abilities, such as healing the General, raising the General's AP, or dealing direct damage to the opposing General. So, as a vague strategy you want to have a strong General with strong Unit Cards that will survive their individual battles. A winner is decided when one of the Generals' HP reaches zero. So far this is all pretty simple. Now, however, we must factor in two more things: "Charisma" and the "Trinity System." Each General also has another value besides HP and AP, Charisma. The General's Charisma value is roughly inversely proportionate to their HP and AP. In other words, Generals with high HP and AP will have low Charisma and vice versa. Charisma is very important because it determines, to a large extent, what kinds of Unit Cards you can use, because the total cost of all three Unit Cards in a Deck cannot exceed the Charisma of that deck's General. So, for example, if a General as a Charisma of 8, they can have one Unit card with a cost of 6, and two Unit Cards with a cost of 1 apiece, or they may have one card with a cost of 1, one card with a cost of 5, and one with a cost of 2. A General with a Charisma of 8 will not be able to have a card with a cost of 7, because each Deck must have three Unit Cards. So, this where things get complicated, you can have a weak General with a high Charisma, and rely on you expensive and powerful Unit Cards to swing the battle in your favor, or you can have a strong General, and if even one of your unit cards survives, you will likely take the victory. Or, you can shoot for somewhere in the middle. The Trinity system complicates things even further. Each and every card is grounded on one "Element." These "Elements" are "Snipe," represented by a gun; "Assault," represented by a feather; or "Shield," represented by.... well, a shield. These Elements work like Rock-Paper-Scissors, where one has an advantage against one, but a weakness to the other. It works like this: Snipe > Assault > Shield > Snipe. The Elements of the Trinity System effect the Unit Card's cost. So, if a Unit Card that is Snipe element with a cost of 2 is pitted against another card that is Assault element with a cost of 2, the Snipe element card will gain 1 to its cost, making it have a cost of three. Instead of both cards being nullified, the Snipe card will survive. Another Example: An Assault card costing 3 vs a Shield card costing 4. The Trinity System will give a boost to the Assault card, making it cost 4, and both cards will be nullified. Or: A Shield card costing 5 vs a Snipe card costing 7, the Trinity system will give a bonus to the Shield card, but it will still be defeated by the Snipe card. If you are confused, don't worry, you will get the hang of it soon enough. Now might be a good time to try building a Deck. If you want to know the exact Decks that I use, see the special Crimson VS section at the end. During the walkthrough, I will only give general hints and opinions on the cards that I like. When you log in for the first time, you will get some starter cards. The more powerful cards will only be awarded to you by winning repeatedly. So, for now just try to put together a serviceable Deck that can win at least half the time. Even the best decks that I can come up with, using rare and powerful cards, can only win about 9/10 of the time. For now though, you'll have to start out small. The cards you will get at first will be pretty random, and nothing that can build a great Deck, but here are some good ideas: Balmung and Orca are two good Generals to start with, try to give them Unit Cards that increase their AP, and go for an all-out strike. That is about all the advice that I can give at this point though, since you don't have that many cards to start out with. Again, if you want to see the exact Deck I started with, then see the Crimson VS section after the walkthrough. Once you've got a deck together, register it for battle under the VS menu, then exit. Now that Crimson VS has started, it cannot be stopped, it will put you registered deck into battle with another deck every couple of minutes no matter what you do. It has a life of its own and cannot be stopped. The only way to pause it is to enter the Crimson VS menu from the desktop, but it will resume as soon as you leave. Crimson VS will still play games, even if you are just sitting at your desktop, doing nothing. When you are done with all that, it is time to go visit Atoli in Mac Anu. ===================================================================== - - Mac Anu Go to the Alchemy district via the warp point, head for the fountain and a scene with Atoli will ensue. You'll get to see a different side of Haseo. Character development is one of this game's strong points. Afterwards, you'll get an email, so log out. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Kuhn- - About Atoli: This one is a two part-er Yata - - To all G.U. Members: Yata is back with his emotionally devoid email spitballs. ===================================================================== - - Mac Anu No one is available for a party now, so you don't have much choice but to go along with the story. You can do some trading though, Stingray Stingers add Paralysis to your normal attacks, and come in very handy at this stage of the game. When you are satisfied, go to Raven's @home. When the scenes are over, leave Raven to get a shortmail from Silabus. Turn around and go to Canard's @home. You'll get some mail afterwards. Note that Kuhn will not be available for some time, he will be off doing his own thing. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Ovan - - If you wish If you are playing Crimson VS, check in with it. If not, then skip this next section. Hopefully you've gotten some better cards. Some of the good cards I was able to get early on were: "Come Back Alive" If your General's HP hits 0, then this card will revive you to 1 HP one time only. "Broken Full Moon" Basically, this card switches your Unit Cards and the enemy's Unit Cards. Fill a deck with this, a strong General, and two junk cards, and you've got a good shot to win. ===================================================================== - - Mac Anu Well, no one is available for a party, so just go to the Hulle Granz Cathedral ===================================================================== - - Hulle Granz Cathedral (Delta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Holy Ground Enter the cathedral and sit back for the cut scene. You'll get more mail when it is over. Head back to Mac Anu. ===================================================================== - - Mac Anu Now that some people are available to form a party, now might be a good time to do something dangerous: defeat the Doppelganger. It is not only possible to defeat him at this point, but also somewhat easy to do so if you take the proper precautions. In fact, I could have mentioned this earlier, but I felt going on a quest to defeat the Doppelganger would interfere with the story. Let me say this: this game is as easy or as difficult as you would like it to be. It is easy to access areas suitable for leveling up all the way to the top, and it is possible to defeat the Doppelganger now and acquire extremely powerful weapons that you can use right away. If you do this, the remainder of the story battles will be laughable. However, I like to play the game in such a way that gives it a moderate difficulty, because I think games like that are more enjoyable and fulfilling. So, I strongly recommend against defeating the Doppelganger now. But, I would like you to make up your own mind, so I'll list some Pros and Cons. Pros: Unlike defeating the Doppelganger in volume 1, defeating him here gives you immediate benefits. Namely, Heine's Invasion (if you defeated him in vol 1), Heine's Shadow, and Heine's Zero, three level 51 weapons that are as powerful as any other weapons in the game. This makes the game much easier. Cons: It makes the game too easy. That is, it detracts from the difficulty in such a way as to make the game less enjoyable. Also, Haseo will receive several weapons from story events throughout the game, having the Heine's weapons can make these scenes rather awkward. So, defeating Doppelganger now can also detract from the game's story. In the end, if you are just not comfortable with the game's difficulty, then go ahead and turn to the Doppelganger section after the walkthrough. But, even though I write this walkthrough with the intention of preserving the game's difficulty, I also intend to give you all the info and strategy that you need to win, without ridiculously powerful weapons and without endlessly leveling up. I assure you that you will win either way. I will write this walkthrough from now on as though you did not defeat the Doppelganger now. Once you are ready to do so, log out. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Community Forum/ The World/ Cloudy Steel and Cloudy Fur - - Get some area words from Renji Email: CC Corp - - New Town Access CC Corp - - Maintenance Complete Silabus - - We can move! In Crimson VS, all I acquired of any note was the General "Haseo, the Terror of Death." This is a pretty powerful General, pair him with Broken Full Moon for a good deck. ===================================================================== - - Mac Anu You can now warp to Theta Server. Go there from Mac Anu's Chaos Gate. ===================================================================== - - Theta Root Town Dol Dona Head for your new @home, located all the way north. A scene ensues with Death Grunty. Quite funny. Gaspard and Silabus will enter your party and invite you on a quest. To move the story along, go to the Quest Shop, but I suggest that you take a good look around Dol Dona first. In the Chaos Gate area you will find the Kiosk. Unlike the Kiosk in Mac Anu, this one sells some useful things, like Fairy's Orbs. Inside the doors, there is the market square, where you can buy good equipment at the NPC shops. Most notable though is the Magic Items where you can buy the scrolls necessary to learn Light magic and Darkness Magic. The guild shops are situated around the edge of the square. Kestrel, Moon Tree, Trifle, Emperio, and the Medic Union will all have guild shops in Dol Dona as well. There are several new guilds that will run shops as well: Crusade, Salt Mania, Guards, Knights, Bad @$$, and ZOO. It you want to get item completion, ZOO will occasionally sell the rare accessory Feed Bag, and Salt Mania will sell the rare accessory Devote Guts, Guards will sell Shining Love, and Knights will sell For Her! Which guild shop appears when is more or less random, and the inventory available will vary as well, ZOO, Salt Mania and the others do not sell their rare accessories all the time, I'd say maybe 40% of the time. Some items to look out for at the guild shops are: Any accessory beginning with the word "Rapid," this accessory will contain the ability item called Time Conch, this will shorten the time that the Skill Trigger takes to recharge. This ability is great under any circumstances, but is even better in tough arena battles, because it allows you at counterattack almost every skill that your opponents try to use. Also, any accessory beginning with the word "Appraise," these will contain the ability item Boost Candle, which will double the effects of restorative items. By the end of this volume, healing items become very weak, this ability is useful for tough bosses. Get as many of these as you want. There will be other items available that I will alert you to at a later time. You can also alchemize you armor and accessories in the same manner that you do your weapons. Advancing a piece of armor one level will give a defense boost of 3%. Honestly, I'm not sure whether this is a boost to the armor's existing defense statistic, or if this will just reduce incoming damage, I'm afraid that the game does not make this very clear. In any event, though, this will help your defense. At the maximum level of +5, armor will have a bonus of 15%. Accessories can be alchemized as well, but one level will only add 1 to each element, so the effects are minor. For now I suggest you do this only with magic users who cast different elemental attack spells, like Gaspard, and Haseo, but only if you feel like it. Again, you cannot alchemize rare weapons, armor, and accessories. For now, go on the quest with Silabus and Gaspard. ===================================================================== - - Steam Scientist's Test (Theta) Airy/ Engine's/ Waltz Lv 47 My Lv 53 Enemies: Black Raptor, Fate Crab, #Rain, #Cloud Treasure: Amber Dragon Eye, As Silabus and Gaspard mention, you'll need to plant the Ohm Devices on the hills. The hills ar located in the Northeast, South, and West of the area. Visit the hills in that order, and defeat the enemies there in order to greatly weaken your opponents. You will find Mecha Grunty to the North of the Southern hill, go ahead and help him out while you are at it. If you are at level fifty or above, the enemies here will not pose a problem. Though the Fate Crabs drop Broad Wings, so this is actually a good place to make some cash. After you lay the third device, approach #Rain and #Cloud on the central islet. These guys are really no more dangerous than Holy Eaters, so they will drop rather quickly. Boss: RainCloud Just when you think it is over, #Rain and #Cloud will combine to form RainCloud. RainCloud has the same basic attacks as the individual robots, but its strength and defense are much increased. Also, RainCloud will heal itself repeatedly when its HP drops below half, so keep the pressure on. You should be strong enough at this point to fight this battle offensively with no healing. I prefer the Broadsword. Get behind RainCloud if you can, and attack while your other party members distract him. If RainCloud follows you, then just attack from the front while your allies attack its back. Guard if you see one of its skills coming, or if you see it raise its arms above its head in preparation for an uppercut. Remember, the Morale gauge only needs to be at half to active a Demon or Beast Awakening. RainCloud should go down, even before you need to heal anyone. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Silabus and Gaspard will leave your party at the Quest Shop, then you will get another, very important, scene. When you gain control, look around the town again, and manage you guild shop. Now is a good time to upgrade Haseo's equipment. Though, the game is about to get very expensive, especially if you plan to alchemize all of your allies' equipment, so choose wisely. The Spin Ribs Dual Sword weapon available for purchase at the NPC weapons shop is a good weapon, but, if you have the Ripper's Blade from the last volume, that will work almost as well, so I recommend you save a little money and wait to buy the next level Dual Sword. The Broad Guiren is a good buy though. Mostly, I'll be leaving alchemy, equipment, and customization up to you. I'll give you recommendations, and I'll let you know what my party looks like from time to time, but most of this is a simple matter of personal preference, especially customization. So, try out some different things and see what you like. At this point, it is going to be expensive no matter what you do, especially because alchemy costs have gone up. Also, visit the Junk shop located near your @home. You can buy some very interesting things there. One thing I strongly suggest that you do is buy some Healing Potions and Fairy Drops from the Trade Shop. You should begin to replace you weaker healing items with these. Notice that the Quest Shop has a new quest: Challenge from the Goblins. ===================================================================== - - Challenge From the Goblins (Theta) Pursuing/ Expert's/ Biker Okay, this quest is a bit different from the others. Basically you'll need to run over the Golden Goblins with your bike. They run pretty fast, and this one can be tricky, so if you need some more help, buy some bike parts from the Junk shop in Dol Dona, then tune up your bike in the @home. If you lose, don't worry, you can just give it another try. As you enter the area, the Goblins will mock you, then challenge you to a race. To start the race, get on you bike and move forward. When the race begins, you will see a blue arrow that indicates the position of the first Goblin. go towards the arrow until you can see the goblin running around. All the goblins you will face run around in a circle. Knowing this, try to get immediately behind the goblin and cut slightly to the inside of the circle. This will make it so you will slowly gain on the goblin. Once you are beside the goblin, stop turning and the goblin will run into your bike. The second goblin is the same, but you'll have to hit him twice. After the second goblin, you'll be up against two goblins at once. The strategy is the same, so just focus on the goblin that is in front of you. After you take them down, you will be up against the leader, Martina. Martina moves slightly faster than the others, but she doesn't move continuously, she'll have very a brief pause, then jump forward. She will move unpredictably if you follow behind, so I found it easier to just cut across her circle and hit her from an angle. You will have to hit her three times before she concedes. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Everyone but Atoli and Kuhn are available for a party, so I suggest that you go one of the areas posted on the forum by Renji. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Blazing/ Multiple/ Buttercup Lv 52 My Lv 54 My Party: Pi, Gaspard Enemies: Death Kettle, Tick Mask, Dryas Treasure: Rough Steel (dropped by Death Kettle), Wrath Luer (dropped by Tick Mask), Simple Shoulders, Armadillo Shell (dropped by Death Kettle), Simple Light Balm, Warrior Soul, Bayonet Angel, Vocal Leather. Even if you are only at level 51 or so, this area will not pose any problems. The boss is actually about level 50 himself. However, this is another good area for making some money. Especially if you bring along some abilities that increase the enemy's drop rate. S-rank Reward: Second Word: Spiral's ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona You can go to the other area word that was posted by Renji, but there are two reasons I suggest against it. One, it will be very expensive to upgrade and alchemize your equipment to the point where you can survive a Level 62 area. Two, leveling up at areas like this will make the story-related battles kinda lame, because they will be so easy. As a general rule, I don't go to side areas unless the difference is less than two levels between the area level and Haseo's level. If you want to go now, that's okay. I will cover the area later, so just skip ahead. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Pi - - AIDA signals found at holy palace CC Corp - - Notice of campaign start: This one is for the Bike campaign, it will give you the word "Passing." ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona You will not need to look far to find Alkaid. She'll find you and start ordering you around. Alkaid is only at level 49, but she is still strong, so don't worry about getting her new equipment. Before you leave for the area words that she gives you though, put a third member into your party. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Severe/ Unclean/ Gray Dance Lv 52 My Lv 54 My Party: Alkaid, Gaspard Enemies: Gaze Knight, Tick Mask, Death Kettle, Treasure: Mantis Nail, Wrath Yantie, Rough Steel, Wrath Luer BF 1 Just in front of you as you warp in, you'll find two different warp points. It doesn't matter which one you choose, the places they will warp you conjoin shortly afterwards. Continue west from the middle of the long room to reach the next floor. The enemies here are Gaze Knights, nothing for Haseo to worry about, but Alkaid is at a lower level with inferior gear. She can still very powerful, but you will have to watch her HP and give her a Healing Potion when necessary. BF 2 It doesn't matter which way you go at the first intersection, both loop back around to the same place, forming a square of sorts. Just continue East to the Beast Temple. A cut scene takes place. Grab the treasure then head back to town. S-rank Reward: 1st word "Refined" ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Another scene will take place as you gate in. Go to Lumina Cloth with Alkaid when you are done with your errands in town. If you are going for a complete item list, then try to trade Alkaid for her (Drain) Hidaru. You can't use it, but it is a difficult weapon to find anywhere else. ===================================================================== - - Lumina Cloth Go to the counter and select "Tournament." After the scenes, you can either log out, or take the opportunity to do some bike races, if you completed the "Challenge of the Goblins" quest earlier. To do the Bike races, go to Dol Dona. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Talk to Kafu, the duck NPC near the entrance to your @home. He will tell you to go riding on the Bike Course areas, all of which begin with the word "Passing." Go to the Chaos gate and give it a try. Though there are many combinations possible with the first word Passing, there are actually only five courses. Of course, you will want the whether to be clear and sunny for your race, but other than that, changing around the area words doesn't do much. I suggest that you do the races now because you can get some really good prizes - - like stat-boosting items- - right now, and you can have some fun doing it. If you want to continue, then skip ahead to the next divider. I guess I should mention that there is a short cut to win all the races in this volume. This is one of those things built into the game to help the QA personnel make sure there are no bugs. I will now explain in detail: The goal of every race is to collect three King Chims. But, if you hit (select) to pull up the map right as you make contact with the first King Chim, the game will make it so you have collected all three King Chims. From then, just hit (select) to exit the map and you will complete the race immediately. So, it is possible to complete races in under a quarter of the time of you competitors, not matter how slow you bike is. I don't suggest you take advantage of this, of course. But if the bike races are frustrating you, then go ahead. (I will not take credit for this tip. I found it online; it has been widely circulated by multiple sources, so it is difficult to tell who should be credited for it. In any event, it is not mine, and I thank whomever found this originally.) Before you head to your first race, visit the Junk shop near your @home and buy the best bike parts that you can afford. Then go to your garage in your @home and upgrade you bike. My bike looked like this: 170 Engine Yamane Armor Type 500 Muffler 150 Tires Don't expect to win with this equipment, but you will be able make some good times, and get some prizes. Note that while you are in town there is a speed limiter on your bike. If you want to continue with the story, feel free to skip ahead to the next divider at any time. I will also repeat this section at the end of the walkthrough. I think that Course 4 is the easiest, so I start there. Also, just to clarify, these are not so much races as they are time trials. You won't be competing against opponents directly, you'll just be trying to beat their time. - - Course 4 From the start, turn around 180 degrees and race from that direction. Even with this trick, you will not be able to win yet. Try to keep the bike under control as you boost, and with some practice, you should be able to get to 5 th place. You get one item per rank that you advance, so you will rake in the items quickly. Some of the items here are very good, and cannot be acquired by other means until much later. EX: If you take 5 th place here you get the Hermit Shell, a very nice armor ability item. Race a few more times here then head back to Dol Dona to see Kafu. If you've competed five runs, he will give you the Raging Muffler. Go and tune up you bike with it. This is the process for winning these races: make runs and collect Chims, check in with Kafu and get a new part. Make more runs and collect more Chims, etc. You will get bike parts by completing runs, but you will get stat boosting items by collecting Chims. Next, I go to course 1 - - Course 1 Again the objective is to get all three King Chims, but the trick is to find the shortest route. Try out a few different things. I was only able to get fifth again, but I suggest you give this course at least ten tries. When you've gotten as high as you can go, head back to Dol Dona When you check back with Kafu, note how many more runs you must complete to get his next prize. I had already gotten the Kirisame engine and the Hazy tires. Next go to Course 3 - - Course 3 With enough practice, I placed second. Just do as many runs as you need to get Kafu's next prize. After I checked back with Kafu, I went to course 5 - - Course 5 Now, it should be possible to win this course if you practice enough. The trick is to hit all of the short cuts perfectly. This will be very difficult, but it is doable. All you need to do is practice. First, take a slow run through without boosting to get a feel for the path you will be taking. At the start collect the Chims in front of you. Collect more at the first turn, but you will want to come off the first turn very wide. That is, you will want to be close to the sand on your left. You will see the first King ahead. To the left of the King is a ramp that leads up to a hill. What you want to do is make a turn for that ramp while grabbing the King Chim on the way. If this is done correctly, you will grab the King about halfway through your turn. Once you are on the hill you will notice that you are off the line that leads down to the other side of the hill, turn the bike slightly to the left to get back on course. As you go down the off ramp, the bike will catch air (or, at least it will when you are boosting), so, you need to angle the bike to the right just before you go down the ramp, or you will run into the water on the other side. If you succeed in missing the water, then the rest is easy. Just continue forward collecting Chim on the way to the second King. A moment after you collect the second King, turn the bike to the left to cut across the open area to the south of the other hill in order to reach the third King and end the race. This is all easily done when you are not boosting. But boosting makes this exponentially harder, though. But with practice you can get it. My best time is 15:17, in case you wanted to know. The reward for first is the Wave Muffler. If you can't get it, then just complete more runs until Kafu gives you better bike parts. If you get all the parts he gives you, then try course 4. That one is even easier. Go Back to Dol Dona and check with Kafu. Then head back to Course 4 - - Course 4 Follow the same strategy as before, and with all the new parts you've gotten you should be able to win. Pull a 180 at the start and go the reverse route. even if you make some big mistakes, you should get first pretty easily. The prize is the Night Tires Next go to course 3 - - Course 3 This will be the toughest one yet. All of the turns you make will have to be nearly perfect. Again take a slow run through to get a feeling of what you will be doing. First, turn with the Chims to the right. As you approach the first King, go wide to the right, then turn left, grabbing the King and connecting with the line of Chims behind him. You will need to get most of these Chims for your boost to last. After the line ends, cut to the left, heading directly for the triangle of Chims ahead, if you get most of them as well, then you will no longer need to collect them to make your boost last for the rest of the race. Make a sharp left to avoid hitting the wall behind the triangle and go for the second King. Once the King is yours, the Chims will go wide around the next bend. You should cut in to the right, cutting the corner towards the ramp leading to the final King. The problem with this is that the narrow ramp will be outside your field of vision. You will have to make a sharp right turn to reach the ramp, blindly, based on a guess as to the ramp's position. Even if you make the ramp, sometimes you will come up it at an extreme angle, which could cause you to miss the final King, situated in the center of the hill. Keep trying and you will get it. Again this is easy to do while not boosting, but much harder while boosting. The prize for first is the Tidal Muffler. My best time 11:85. - - Course 1 The same basic strategy applies here as in course 3. You will want to collect as many Chims early on as you can, then cut corners and boost until the end. Go along with the Chims at first, then turn wide so you can collect the first King and hit the triangle of Chims behind him. Then go wide to the right to connect with a line of Chims that take you around a curve. If you collect all of them, they will line you up with the second King. As soon as you get the second King, cut to the left to cut the corner and head for the last King. But do not cut in too far, the uneven ground near the sound will slow you down; keep as close as possible to the left without touching the sandy area. Line up with the final King. A good time form me: 15: 23. The prize for first is the Hagane Armor. - - Course 2 This one is by far the most difficult course. Before you start take a look at the map. The first King you'll get is the one in the center, the next is the one on the West, then East. Start by racing through the line of Chims to the first king, then make a small cut to the West, be careful, there is some uneven ground between you and the second King. If you hit that bump you will catch air and you will loose your boost. Pass the uneven ground on your left, then tap the brake and make a very sharp cut to the left. Immediately after that, tap the brake again and swing around 180 degrees to the right, grabbing the King at the apex (the top) of your turn. then race East to get the last King. It sounds much easier than it is. If you hit the water on your turn to the right, it means that your cut to the left was not sharp enough. If you go around the King, then your right turn was too late. If you hit the uneven ground, your first left cut was too sharp. If you thought you did everything right but did not get first place, it is usually because you did not get the second King at the apex of your right turn. There is so much here that could go wrong. Honestly, I won't blame you if decide to use the cheat. Best Time 9:13 Prize: Kurogane Armor. Going back and replaying this, I've found that often I will make a few attampts, then not even place. But I will have one particularly good run that launches me to first place. That is how volitile this race can be, Talk to Kafu back in Dol Dona. After you complete 50 runs, he gives you the Biker's Charm, a great accessory that you won't be able to equip until much later. Also in the process of acquiring 3600 Chims on Bike missions, he will give you: 2 Beginner's Text, 2 Beginner's Book, 2 Word of Spirit, and 2 Word of Vigor. So, that is like gaining two weapon levels and 50 HP and 50 SP, nice. Now that you are done with all that, log out and check you mail. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Silabus- - Have you tried Crimson VS? CC Corp - - Tournament Participation Crimson VS I started to get much better cards at this point. "Haseo Counterattacks" is a great defensive General pair him with "Invisible" for a strong deck. ===================================================================== - - Lumina Cloth When you warp in, you'll get a scene with Pi. Then at the counter you'll get more scenes. Log out when you are done. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Alkaid - - You'd better invite me soon: She'll invite you on a quest. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Keep an eye out for the Emperio shop. They will sell some good items like Time Conch, Strategic Fan, and Twin Scales. Time Conch reduces the time between Skill Trigger uses; Strategic Fan will make it much easier to open an opponent for a Rengeki, and Twin Scales converts HP damage to SP damage. Invite Alkaid. Since you'll be taking her to the arena, try to upgrade her equipment as much as you can. Head for the Quest Shop after you've added your third person. ===================================================================== - - The Cat Smiles Silently (Theta) Standing/ Calming/ Western Lv 50 My Lv 55 My Party: Alkaid, Gaspard Enemies: Fate Crab, Gaze Knight Treasure: Simple Wing Cap, Loose Leather, Warrior Chain, Knight Chain, Simple Earth Balm, In spite of what happens as you gate in, this area is not very difficult. You've fought these enemies before, and they should go down quickly. Just keep watch on your HP and SP. There is no boss, just look for the Unlucky Animal on the hill to the East. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Manage the guild shop, look around, and log out when you are done. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Community Forum/ The World/ Area Words - - Not surprisingly, you will get some area words from AppleStar. Email: Atoli - - To "Canard." Crimson VS: Hopefully you are climbing the ranks well now. You might be getting some very good cards soon. Like the General: Endrance the Exquisite, or the Unit Cards: Fearful Shino, Grim Reaper's Rondo, and Dancing Lion. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona When you arrive, put Atoli in your party and go to your @home. When the scenes are done, do some shopping. I suggest you buy Magic Scrolls at the Magic Items shop for Haseo, especially the status healing scrolls. Plus, you should upgrade Atoli's equipment. Log out. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: CC Corp - - Notice: 1 st round fight. ==================================================================== - - Lumina Cloth This is what my party looked like for the first round fight: Haseo Lv 55 Ripper's Blade (Defense) Steel +5 (Rapid) Clogs +5 Atoli Lv 53 (Wind) Ji Yi (Absorb) Cape (Medic) Watch Alkaid Lv 52 (Chain) Ribs +5 (Feeble) Leather +5 Shining Love The Shining Love is a rare accessory available at the Crusade guild shop, it shortens the time between Skill Trigger uses. You know the drill, go to the counter and register. Then there will be a scene. After that you will be in the waiting room. If you check the blue- colored board to the left of the warp point, the game a strategy for defeating the opponents that is so cliched as to be useless. But, you can still get some info on them. Your opponents are at level 50. So there won't be a problem. - - Tournament First Round The team's leader is tenacious, with heavy armor and a broadsword, but the rest of the team can largely be ignored. If you have a Rapid accessory, just attack with normal attacks when you can and then wait to counterattack an opponent when they attempt to use a skill. Don't use skills unless you are counterattacking or are going to Rengeki, or the leader of the opposing team is likely to counterattack you, dealing significant damage and lowering your moral. Remember, you don't have to fill the Morale gauge up to the top anymore before triggering an awakening. When the leader gets down to one quarter health, trigger the awakening if you can and finish him off. You will get some new mail after the fight. You can go back to Dol Dona and run some errands if you want, but I opt to log out. ===================================================================== Section 2.c Chapter 3 Paralysis and Regeneration ===================================================================== - - Desktop Community Forum/ The World/ A hidden character discovered? - - Reply with "Area Words." This is the first step in the Abyss Side-Quest. Email: Silabus - - Job extend quest CC Corp - - Notice: Job Extend On your way back to logging in, I suggest you take a look at the game's official site. You should brush up on the history of "The World." Before you log in though, return to the Community Forum on the Desktop. Community Forum/ The World/ A hidden character discovered? - - Get the Area Words you asked for a minute ago. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona A cut scene will play as you gate in. When you get control go to the quest shop with Silabus and Gaspard in your Party. You may notice that there are other quests available now, but I'll cover those soon, just choose Seeker of Karma. Before you leave, it is a good idea to upgrade Silabus and Gaspard's armor and weapons, if you haven't done so already. ===================================================================== - - Seeker of Karma (Theta) Burning/ Fallen/ Seven Sins Lv 54 My Lv 55 Enemies: Death Kettle, Goblin Sage, Steam Goblin Treasure: Fire Crest (dropped by Goblin Sage), Rough Steel, Armadillo Shell, BF 1 After you warp in, follow the winding path to the west. The enemies are pretty easy, just watch the Goblin Sage, their spells can be frustrating. I suggest you take them down first. As you reach the warp point at the western end of the path, you will encounter a talking door. This door will open only if you answer the question correctly. The question itself concerns The World's history, which is why I had you brush up on it earlier. I won't give you the answer, but don't worry, if you get it wrong you just have to try again. After you get through, you will reach the warp point. After you warp, you'll get a cut scene. The path to the next warp is linear. You'll reach another talking door right before the warp. BF 2 Down the hallway, you are given a choice of warp points to take. Take the Northern warp to continue on, take the Southern to fight some extra monsters and get some items. After you warp from the northern point, you will reach the third talking door halfway down the hall. BF 3 You will get a cut scene as you enter the first room. After the scene, head on to the intersection to the East. Go north to get some items, or go south the reach the Beast Statue. Once you reach the Statue room, another scene will occur. Go back to the first room on this floor for another scene. Now go back to the Beast statue and collect the treasure. S-rank Reward: 3rd word "Dagger" ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona After the scenes, keep reading. Haseo can now use the Scythe weapon. The Scythe specializes in attacking multiple foes at once, its has a huge arch to its attacks and provides coverage to Haseo. It is best used when trying to defend a mage like Atoli, or when taking on multiple small-sized enemies, like goblins. The Scythe's charge-up attack is the best of its kind in the game, it creates a circle of waves around Haseo that damage and push back all enemies nearby. If you can trap an enemy against the battle fence with this attack, it will deal almost as much damage as a Rengeki. Plus the repeated hits will make the enemy become vulnerable to a follow-up Rengeki. The Scythe's attacks are not as powerful as those of the Broadsword, nor as quick as those of the Dual Swords, but the smooth, wide attacks will keep your enemies away, and if they manage to get in close, a well-timed charge-up attack will deal significant damage. The Scythe does have its limitations though, it is not proficient at removing the shells from heavy-armored enemies, nor is it very good against flyers. But, if you are in an area, and you are unsure as to what is coming at you next, the Scythe should be the weapon of choice. The makers of this game did an excellent job of balancing out the three weapons that Haseo uses. All of them have their strengths and weaknesses, but the Scythe is my personal favorite. Now, Haseo in his third form will be able to change weapons on the fly in battle. Instead of one Skill Trigger menu for each weapon, there is now just one menu for all three weapons. For instance, you can now use the Dual Swords to create a Rengeki opening on an enemy with heavy armor, then trigger a Broadsword skill to attack the opponent. The battle will briefly pause and Haseo will Rengeki with the Broadsword against the enemy. Here is what I suggest you do when setting up the skill trigger: choose one of the four buttons for each weapon and then set an art that weapon can use to that button. So, I chose (square) for the Broadsword and set the Bone Crusher art to that button. Repeat for the two other weapons. I suggest that you have one Piercing-type and one Aerial-type art assigned to the Skill Trigger at all times. Now different enemies will be weak to different weapons. Flying enemies will always be weak to Dual Sword weapons, and heavy-armored enemies will always be weak to the Broadsword. So, I suggest you make your Dual Sword skill an Aerial skill, like Sparrow counter, and your Broadsword skill a Piercing skill. Then, use the remaining button as a wild card, with whatever skill you like best that is not already on the Trigger Menu. Now that you have that done, check you email. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Atoli - - Leveling up: Get some area words for.... well I'm sure you get it. Crimson VS You should be climbing the ranks well once you get Endrance. Beginning now, I use the Generals with high Charisma ratings, because of the combos you can pull off with their Unit Cards. If you are having trouble, see the comprehensive Crimson VS guide after the walkthrough. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Now, since there is a lull in the game. I suggest doing the remaining quests at the Quest Shop. Feel free to choose whichever members you want, as for me, I just chose the members who had the lowest affection rating. If you want to continue on with the storyline, just go to the area words Atoli sent you in her email. ===================================================================== - - Gathering Shadow (Theta) Blowing/ Sea Sand's/ Hot Wind Lv 53 My Lv 57 My Party: Pi, Piros Enemies: Shadowless Dog, Goblin Sage, Tick Mask, Death Kettle, Treasure: Wrath Luer, Simple Wing Cap, Fire Crest, Loose Leather, Dark Lizard Tail, Armadillo Shell, Rough Steel, Warrior Soul, Simple Clogs, This area is a great place to get used to how the Scythe works. There are - - like the other weapons- - two types of Scythes: Hold and Release, and Rapid Attack. I almost never use the Rapid Attack Scythes, one, because they are exceedingly rare, two, because the Hold and Release-types are usually far more powerful. For both types, Haseo will swing the Scythe in front of him in a wide arch, once to the left, then back to the right for the second attack. Then, Hold and Release-types will begin to charge, much like the Broadsword. When the gauge is full, release the (X) button and Haseo will send shockwaves through the air towards the enemy. These shockwaves can travel quite far, have a wide area of effect, and can hit other enemies in their path. This attack works very well, considering that the Scythe usually knocks small enemies away. The Rapid attack -types, on the third swing, will jab into the enemy and attack with a chainsaw around the blade as you tap (X). The Scythe is a good all-around weapon, and many of this game's tough bosses will be weak to Scythe Arts, so it is a good idea to level up the weapon so that it is even with the Dual Swords and the Broadsword. You will now also be able to use Divine Awakening. Divine Awakening is a bit stronger than the others under normal circumstances, but it will be largely ineffective against enemies that fly or have heavy armor. Also, you must fully charge the Morale Gauge in order to trigger it. The reason that I use it almost exclusively in this game though, is that it can have a positive effect on your allies' affection for Haseo. Basically, after you trigger the awakening, you must time your attack to match the timing of your allies. If you time it so the game tells you "perfect," then that ally's affection will rise slightly. The more you use this awakening, the more your allies' affection increases, and the more your allies' affection increases, the more you can use awakenings, etc. Back in the game, head East, then South after you gate in to get a cut scene and a fight with some Shadowless Dogs. The Dogs are not that powerful, but they can cast the Ani Zot spell, so be careful, because this can really break up your attacks. If you use the Skill Trigger, notice that your Dual Sword Arts are flashing, this means that the Shadowless Dog is weak to the Dual Sword weapon, and will take extra damage from it. It is hard to say, but the damage bonus for using the weapon that exploits the enemy's weakness is about 25-50%. So, this bonus is significant, especially during a Rengeki. However, since you are still trying to get used to the Scythe, I suggest that you keep using it, as using Dual Sword Arts will cause Haseo to switch weapons. When you beat the Dogs, one will run off. Follow it to the South, then turn West to catch up. You will get into another fight with the Dogs. After the battle, follow the Dog to the Northwest. When you reach the Northwestern section your party will be surrounded by Shadowless Dogs. Only one of these nine Dogs is the real one, the rest are replicates. If you attack a replicate, you will get into a fight with three of them, but when you win, you'll just be back to the same place. Now, if you are getting good EXP from the Dogs, this is a good chance to level up. If you want to move on, you'll have to find the real one. You've probably already guessed this, but the real Dog is the only one in the group who actually casts a shadow. Target him and attack to enter battle. Once you've defeated the real one, the quest will end and you will warp back to Dol Dona. A-rank Reward: 1st word "Feeble" ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Time to do the other quest. Again, I used the characters that had the lowest affection. ===================================================================== - - Masquerade (Theta) No Face/ Infinite/ Resident (Is it just me, or are these area words getting even more strange.) Lv 50 My Lv 58 My Party: Atoli, Alkaid Enemies: Masked Beast, Treasure: Simple Wing Cap, Broad Guiren, Spell Ji Yi, Simple Earth Balm, Block 1 There are no enemies. Strange.... To get to the next block, just take the Southern exit at the first and second intersections, and then keep heading West. Block 2 To get to your objective: Go North at the first intersection. South at the second. Then East at the third and open the treasure box. The item you will get will not be the one you need. There are two more treasures nearby, one to the North at the last intersection, and the other to the South. You will need to grab both of them. Once you get the Beekeeper's Mask from the third box, you will be forced to fight the area's guardian: the Masked Beast. But, really, the battle will be over before you know it. Afterwards. the area will flood with enemies. You can fight them all the way back to the Platform at the beginning of this Block, or you can try to sneak by, as they will not give you very much loot or EXP. But, your use of Return Wing and Return Feather are blocked, so you can't just warp. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Unlike in the first volume, acquiring your hunter's licence at an early stage is preferable. From now on, inside the blue-colored Battle Areas you find in dungeons and fields, you will randomly run into some very strong PC enemies called the Chaotic PKs. There are risks involved, but the rewards are great, and as you climb the levels they will become much easier to defeat. Now, however, if you run into one, you must be well prepared in order to win. Between levels 55-70, the Chaotic PKs are deadly. So, from now on, I suggest that all of the party members that accompany Haseo have the strongest weapons and armor that they can equip, at a fully alchemized level. Plus, you should have a stock of Revival Medicines, Healing Potions, and Magic Attack items. And, for Haseo, one accessory equipped with a Time Conch, and another accessory equipped with a Boost Candle. If you do run into one, here is the strategy: The first Chaotic PK you will run into is a Blade Brandier named "Maniac" Helluger. At the start of the battle, access the menu. Set the strategy of your allies to: Rage. Equip Haseo with the Boost Candle accessory, it will begin with the word "Appraise." Go to the items menu and use an Attack Spell item on Helluger. The accessory will double the effect of the spell, hopefully interrupting Helluger's first attempt at a skill. Continue to use Attack Spell items until she becomes vulnerable for a Rengeki, at which point, hit her with whatever skill you want. Take a few shots at Helluger while your Skill Trigger recharges if you want, but don't go crazy. Back off, and as soon as you can use items again, heal your party and continue to use Attack spell items. When Helluger's HP gets low, switch Haseo's accessory to the Time Conch accessory, it will begin with the word "Rapid." Then go all out against her with your Arts. She will be vulnerable for a Rengeki for a much longer period of time than it takes for the Skill Trigger to recharge, so you shouldn't miss the opportunity. Heal you party only if absolutely necessary at this point, just keep the pressure on her and she will go down. Back to the story: It is now time to do the first part of the Abyss Quest. A side quest involving several different parts that will pop up from time to time throughout the game. Take a party of three to: ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Chaotic/ Fortified/ Guard Lv 57 My Lv 58 My Party: Atoli, Alkaid Enemies: Morgul, Treasure: The Emperor, Simple Glasses, This Dungeon is short; it has only one level and a straight path to the West. As you approach the end, you will get a cut scene. Then you will be thrown into battle against the Morguls. The Morguls will poison you, but it shouldn't be a problem, even if you did not bring Antidote Sodas or Atoli along. The poison won't cause too much damage as long as you win quickly. All undead enemies are weak to the Scythe, so have fun wasting them with its powerful Arts. The Morgul are tenacious, but not that difficult. A few Rengeki should be enough, if not, an awakening definitely will. S-rank reward: 3rd word "Starlit Sky" ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona After you manage you shop and check out the guild shops. Take Atoli and Alkaid to the area Atoli gave you earlier. If you hang around the Chaos Gate Area in Dol Dona with Alkaid in your party, she will see all the Ducks and say things like: "Mmmm... Peking Duck" I almost expected her to jump the counter and try to eat one of the Duck NPCs. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Excusing/ Illusion's/ Route Lv 58 My Lv 58 Enemies: Steam Goblin, Elite Lizard, Hell Charm, Treasure: Dark Huawen, Loose Fur, Wrath Luer, Avalanche Wave, You'll get a funny scene as you warp in. The objective here is just to get the treasure at the Beast Temple, and level up along the way. You start in the central section, get to the western section by warping from the West end. From there, go North, and follow the warps around back to a secluded part of the central section. The enemies here are much stronger than the ones you've been fighting recently. But, if you have good equipment on your party, they shouldn't be too much trouble. I prefer the Dual Swords here, because they work well enough aganst the Steam Goblins and Elite Lizards, but rock the Hell Charms. The Hell Charms are the biggest problem here, they are a flying enemy and have strong spells like Ani Zot and Sleep at their disposal. Try to knock them out of the air as quickly as possible with an Aerial Art like Sparrow Counter or Lotus Flower. It is fun to gang up on the enemies here with Alkaid while equipped with the Dual Swords. You will Rengeki so much that you will barely have time to recharge before the next opening comes. S-rank reward: 1st word "Tearing" ===================================================================== - - Desktop Community Forum/ The World/ Cloudy Steel and Cloudy Fur - - Get more area words. Now, you will have a whole slew of area words in the Bookmarks on the warp menu. We'll start going through them soon. Email: Nala - - Atoli's symptoms ===================================================================== - - Mac Anu It is time to run around and visit the event NPCs that hired you through the quest shop earlier. Visiting them will officially begin their campaigns. Bikman's campaign is much easier in this volume, because he gives you the Flyer Radar, which will tell you how many people in each town or area need flyers. Also, if your Haseo is at level 60 exactly, like mine was, you can get a lot of work done on the Lucky Animal Campaign and the Mecha Grunty Campaign. This is optional, so if you want to continue the story, or if Haseo is not at level 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100 exactly, skip ahead to the next divider. Here, as far as I've been able to figure, is how the game decides which Lucky Animals appear where: There are three factors, one, whether the area is a Field-type or a Dungeon-type; two, the last numeral in the area's level; three, the average level of your party. Half of the Lucky Animals only appear in Fields, the other half only in Dungeons. The last numeral of the area's level is somehow factored in with your party's average level, resulting in a number value that represents which Lucky Animal will inhabit that area. To simplify: If your Party's average level is 55, and you go to an area that is level 53, your party's level - - 55- - and the last numeral in the area level - - 3- - are factored together mathematically to decide what Lucky Animal will appear. Since I do not know the formula the game uses, it is tough to predict which animal will appear where. However, if your party's average level is divisible by ten, i.e. 50, 60, 70, etc, then this will stabilize the equation, making it easy to kick all the different Luck Animals. So, here is what you do, make sure your party's average level is divisible by ten, if Haseo is the only one at level 60, then just take him out alone. Then visit a field that is level 1, 11, 21, 31, etc. Make sure that you have not visited this area before in this volume, so, stay away from the Bookmarks and key in the area words yourself. When you get to the field kick the Lucky Animal (and save Mecha Grunty is you want), then go back to town. Repeat this at Fields that have area levels that end in two, 2, 12, 22, etc. All the way up to Fields that end in 0, like 10, 20, 30. I suggest that you do the lowest levels possible, because you must prevent Haseo from leveling up. Be careful though, some Lucky animals will give EXP, if you encounter one that you have not already kicked in this game, then save it for last. When you are done with Fields, repeat this process for Dungeons. Now, you should have kicked all the different Lucky Animals, head to Dr. Pao in the Alchemy District to get your rewards. Also, if you were saving Mecha Grunty along the way, then get your rewards for that as well. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona We will get to all of the side areas you were given in the Forums very soon, but for now, head for the key words Nala gave you to chat about Atoli's condition. This next area is a very good area to bring an accessory that increases the enemy's drop rate. All the items dropped here are either useful, or can be sold for a substantial amount. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Clever/ Genius's/ Moon Raven Lv 60 My Lv 60 My Party: Alkaid, Piros Enemies: Lady Guard, Strange Head, Heaven's Doom, Treasure: Healing Rain, Cloudy Buddha (dropped by Strange Head), Drop Ji Yi (dropped by Lady Guard), Spin Indigo (dropped by Heaven's Doom), Radiant Wave, Vigil Wave. As you gate in, you will notice that there are two warp points in the starting section. If you intend to get the Beast Treasure, than take the Southwestern warp first, collect the Symbol Fragment at the altar you will find there, then return. Take the Northeastern warp to move on. The Lady Guard enemies are flying-types, so the can be difficult to hit with the Broadsword. The Scythe's charge-up attack, however, can ground them if you time it properly. Also, a Hold and Release-type of Dual Sword can be effective. If all else fails, then use an Aerial Art like Lotus Flower or Sparrow Counter. Like all flying-types, once they hit the ground, they are easy. The Heaven's Doom enemies are tough as well. They can Heal themselves and their allies, so take them on one at a time. Both the Dual Swords and the Scythe will serve you well in this area. From where you arrive on the second section, the next warp is almost directly South, but you will have to take a winding path to get there. Once you warp, go to the Sign at the back. You will have a long talk with Nala, and he will give you a useful item. After the scene, just gate out. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona It is finally time to tackle some of the side areas that were posted in the forums. This will help give you some much-needed cash and items. Plus, it will be a good opportunity to work on some of the side Campaigns like Mecha Grunty and Lucky Animals. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Spectating/ Exposed/ Vagabond Lv 60 My Lv 62 My Party: Atoli, Alkaid If you haven't guessed already, Alkaid is one of my favorite characters. In fact, she is really only second to Shino. So, I tend to use her alot, but you should feel free to use any ally that you want. Enemies: Heaven's Doom, Strange Head, Lady Guard, Entowol, Treasure: Dark Leaf, Spin Indigo, Simple Glasses, Fan Angel, Drop Ji Yi, Simple Clogs, Bright Buddha, Greedy Glasses, You'll fight the same enemies here as you did in the last Area, with one exception: the boss Entowol. He uses an area-effect sleep spell, so bring someone who can cure sleep. If not, just keep your distance until after the boss uses it, then move in while you wait for your party to recover. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Soulful/ Caesar's/ Cloak Lv 61 My Lv 63 My Party: Atoli, Alkaid Enemies: Heaven's Doom, Strange Head, Entowol, Treasure: Flash Leaf, Cloudy Buddha, Spin Indigo, Simple Clogs, Loose Fur, The Hanged Man, Desert Rose Leaf (dropped by Entowol), Dream Fur (dropped by Entowol), Radiant Wave, Sub Mantle, The same enemies again. But, as I said before, these areas are good for making money. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Confusing/ Maiden's/ Rash Action Lv 66 My Lv 64 My Party: Alkaid. Gaspard Enemies: Steam Goblin, Simple Brazier, Scorpio '17, Treasure: Rough Buddha, Ninja Claw, Flash Light, Dark Leaf, Absorb Iron (dropped by Scorpio '17), Air Stroke, This is the capstone of the side events, and the enemies are much tougher, but, you should be ready. Actually, this area isn't as hard as its level might suggest, the Steam Goblins are pretty weak; you can shred them with your Dual Swords. And the Scorpio '17 moves pretty slowly. ===================================================================== Section 2.d Chapter 4: Multiple Despairs ===================================================================== - - Desktop Community Forum/ Rumors/ Lost Ground Megathread - - Get some info on Wald Uberlisterin Email: CC Corp - - 2 nd Tournament Fight ===================================================================== - - Lumina Cloth There is a reason Nala gave you the Vigil armor: Hiiragi uses sleep spells and sleep counters. IF you are not careful, you could spend most of the battle asleep. I had Haseo with a Vigil Wave, but in retrospect, I almost wish I had protected all three of them with Caffeine Drinks. If you want to do so, it is up to you. Conveniently, Caffeine Drinks are sold at the Lumina Cloth Materials Shop, right next to the Chaos gate. This is what my party looked like before the battle: Haseo Lv 65 (Divine) Indigo +5/ (Paralyze) Seigen +5/ (Dark) Shouxiao (Vigil) Wave +5 (Rapid) Clogs +5 Atoli Lv 63 (Light) Ji Yi (Radiant) Mantle +5 (Appraise) Light Balm +5 Alkaid Lv 65 (Chain) Indigo +5 (Feeble) Fur +5 (Rapid) Clogs This equipment is more than enough. Don't worry if yours is a bit more shabby. Hiiragi isn't that tough. Hiiragi is a Macabre Dancer, an uncommon character class that focuses on status changes. Hiiragi will put your characters to sleep, then try to hit them with a spell, while her Blade Brandier allies move in for the kill. Having Caffeine drinks equipped causes that whole plan to fall apart, though. Even without the special equipment Hiiragi is at a lower level than your party (if you have been folowing the walkthrough). This battle is still pretty easy, any way you decide to play it. I usually try to kill the other opponents first, just for sport, but if you want to end this quickly, then I certainly won't blame you. After the fight, watch as the hens peck at each other. As Atoli mentions, she will be busy in the real world, so she will not be available until the next match. (That's not too much of a spoiler, is it?) ===================================================================== - - Desktop Community Forum/ Crimson VS/ Ranking Info - - Post with "I'll take the top" to increase Gaspard's affection. Email: Alkaid - - Training Crimson VS: You should be nearing the top by now. Getting the General card Shino will be a big help. Shino is my favorite General in the Game. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Put Alkaid in your party - - as she is the only person available- - and go to the area words that she sent you. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Troubled/ Her/ Antithesis Lv 63 My Lv 65 Enemies: Scorpio '17, Strange Head, Lei Zin, Sorcerer Owl, Treasure: Wall Buddha, Light Fairy (dropped by Lei Zin), Light Arrows, Absorb Iron, Lit Honeysuckle, It is just you and Alkaid here, so pay attention to what you are doing. Both of you should be more than a match for the enemies, although Alkaid isn't particularly suited to fighting the large, high-defense Scorpio '17. Even though it is troublesome, try to gang up on the enemies so you can defeat them quicker. This will result in you getting surrounded, but, so much the better, because your Arts will cause more damage. The Lei Zin enemies can cast powerful Light-magic spells, so try to take them out first. Use an Art if you need to. Divine Awakening requires that three people be in your party, so, if you want to use awakenings, switch to either Beast or Demon. From the start, go around the water and head East to a warp point. After you warp, there will be a short scene. In a huge blunder by this game's translators, Alkaid will suggest you "head back." Haseo will agree, but, don't go back. What should have been said, and what was probably said in the Japanese version, should have been something like: "lets keep going." Because, in order to move the story along, you must defeat this area's boss. After the scene, go north to the next warp point. After you warp, you will be up against this area's boss. The Sorcerer Owl has high defense and magic power. However, it is weak to the Dual Sword Weapons; between you and Alkaid, it shouldn't stand a chance. You will Rengeki a lot here, but other than that, it is just another fight. After you win, a scene will play, one of my favorites in the game. The look on Alkaid's face is too funny. Afterwards, just warp back to town. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Gaspard - - I have a question ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Put Silabus and Gaspard in your party and sign up for the Silent Chim quest. ===================================================================== - - Silent Chim (Theta) Wonderful/ Opaque/ Yin Beast Lv 65 My Lv 67 Enemies: Scorpio '17, Steam Goblin, Strange Head, Treasure: Air Stroke, Absorb Iron, Magic Huawen, Simple Brazier, Simple Clogs, Scythe Hook, Damp Buddha, All the Chim Chims in this area are missing. Don't worry though, you won't miss them. BF 1 You've fought these enemies before. The Lit Honeysuckle you just acquired will shred them. Go South at the first intersection, then East at the next to reach BF 2. BF 2 Head for the room in the far Northeast corner to hear a malicious laugh echoing from the dark depths of this forsaken cave. Egads! Then, wander cautiously through the damp, lichen encrusted rock-hall.... Sorry, I was just trying to make this level interesting..... I thought that kenning was pretty good though. Anyway, from there, head West and then East to reach the central room. There you will find the culprit. Just kick it three times to make it capitulate. You will warp back to Dol Dona. A-rank reward: 1st word "Wailing" ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Silabus - - That Quest was fun CC Corp - - Tournament Semi-finals ===================================================================== - - Lumina Cloth My equipment hadn't changed too much since the last arena battle, so I won't list it. Besides, even though Nala is a strong fighter, he is not a very strong opponent. Register at the counter. Once you try to start the battle, a really funny scene starts. Man, Alkaid can be so vicious.... You will fight Nala, a Lord Partisan, a Twin Blade, and another Lord Partisan. I was able to breeze through this fight without much of a strategy, but in case you are at a lower level or have shoddy equipment, I will write one up: Nala and his team are quite aggressive. The other members will attack Haseo relentlessly, while Nala engages your allies with regular attcks. Once the other two opponents have you distracted, Nala will use an Art on Haseo. So, if you do not have a Rapid accessory, you should choose your counterattacks wisely. If you cannot counter Nala's Arts, then just guard. Try to draw the other two away from Nala and your party members. The Scythe works best here, because you can take care of the lackeys on the opposing team with out relying on Arts. Don't worry too much about Atoli and Alkaid, together they can handle themselves, as long as they are up against Nala alone. If one or more of the opponents stops attacking Haseo and tries to blindside Atoli, stop them with an Art. You can set the awakening mode to Beast if you want. This will make it so you can use your awakening at an earlier point, because a full Divine Awakening would probably be overkill. The only real trouble you can get into is if Nala and his comrades' aggressiveness catches you off guard. Keep fighting this battle offensively, even if you are taking some damage. The battle will end as soon as Nala's HP reaches 1/3. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Atoli - - Let's do some special training ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona After the scene, put Atoli and Alkaid in your party to do some super-secret extra-hot training. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Lingering/ Aching/ Love Lv 67 My Lv 68 Enemies: Carrizabeth, Meggido Hydra, Anchor Bind, Treasure: Blast Leaf (dropped by Meggido Hydra), Fire Seigen (dropped by Hydra), Grimoire Angel, Rough Buddha, Dark Kuajie, Fortitude Guardian Your objective here is to defeat the boss, located on the Northwestern Islet. The regular enemies here are all Heavy-armor types, so the Broadsword will be necessary. They don't do too much damage, but watch out for Carrizabeth 's suicide attack, it can do some real damage to Alkaid and Atoli. Again, if you gang up with Alkaid on a single enemy, you can Rengeki frequently. Use the opportunity here to do some leveling up. There are some tough fights ahead. Anchor Bind is the boss. Though he casts an area-effect sleep spell, he will attack immediately afterwards, waking up at least one of your party. His attacks are powerful, but slow. try to run around behind him and use the Dual Swords. You will Rengeki very fast. Keep an eye on Atoli and Alkaid 's HP, and retreat if you can see the sleep spell coming. As long as no one was low on HP to begin with though, you shouldn't have a problem. A-rank Reward: 1st word "Radiant" ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Checking in on the Book of 1000 with Death Grunty, Canard reached level four. With this you will be able to transport freely from Platform to Platform in fields and dungeons, well, as long as you have already passed that Platform. So, you will not be warp straight to the end. Keep an eye out at the Knights guild shop for a more powerful Scythe, they are hard to come by. Also, if you haven't do so, now is a good time to go to Raven's @home and use the Avatar VR to brush up on your Avatar battles. It has been quite a while since your last one. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Kuhn - - I beg you ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Kuhn is back, and better than ever. I suggest that you go to a side area first, before you go exterminate AIDA with him, because by now his affection is lagging behind. I took Alkaid along too, but that is only because her affection was even lower than Kuhn. I went to some area words posted on the boards by AppleStar way back near the beginning of the game. You should get Kuhn some new equipment though, he still has all his old gear. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Unselfish/ Deity's/ Clepsydra Lv 70 My Lv 70 My Party: Kuhn, Alkaid Enemies: Chickie Mama, Hell Charm, Long-Lived, Treasure: Simple Goggles, War Drum, Light Arrows, Weird Black Tea (dropped by Long-Lived), Demon Suit (dropped by Long-Lived), Light Huawen (dropped by Hell Charm), Flash Leaf, Coiling Vine, Boost Candle, Vocal Frock. The enemies here can be pretty tough. Don't let one of the Long-Lived enemies get too close to a mage, they can attack frequently. The Hell Charms are flying enemies that cast powerful magic, so try to ground them immediately with your Arts. Note that even though they are flying, they are weak to the Scythe. However, the Dual Swords seem to work well enough, so I use them, considering that both the Long-Lived and Chickie Mama are weak to that weapon. The Chickie Mama are - - compared to the other enemies- - just a nuisance. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Secret/ Mind's/ Surpassed Lv 62 My Lv 72 My Party: Kuhn, Alkaid Enemies: Heaven's Doom, Goblin Nemesis, Strange Head, Steam Goblin, Scorpio '17 Treasure: Fire Barrel, The Emperor, Simple Clogs, The Hermit, Sky Buddha, Blade Luer, The Hanged Man, Damp Buddha, Absorb Iron, Chain Luer, The Enemies here are super weak, even if you haven't been going to any side areas. The last story level was at Lv 67, and this one is at Lv 62. So, you won't have a problem with them. For me, they went down with just one or two hits. Block 1: Go West to get to the second Block. Block 2: Go East at both intersections to continue. Block 3: Take the Northwest Exit from the central room. Block 4: The AIDA is in the Northernmost room on the West side of the Block. Avatar Battle: ANNA Well, the most important thing here is to go over some of the changes that Skeith has gone through because of Haseo's job extension. First, the speed and power of Skeith's normal shots has improved dramatically, it will be much more difficult for the enemy to dodge them. The Scythe attack combo has increased from three swings to four, with an energy disc being launched at the enemy on the fourth swing. The Scythe attacks can also guard against the enemy's normal attack. Data Drain, however, has not changed. It is still slow to charge, and to fire. You don't need my help to beat ANNA again. After the battle, take the Beast Treasure and gate out. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona When you get back, you'll get a couple of new mails, so just log out. Note that Kuhn will now be regularly available. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Alkaid - - About Sirius After reading the email, log back in to get a scene. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Warp to the Coite- Bodher Battlefield. ===================================================================== - - Coite - Bodher (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Battlefield After the scene, just warp back to town, then log out. ===================================================================== Section 2.e Chapter 5 : Seeing Red ===================================================================== - - Desktop News Capture/ Nation - - This one is important. Community Forum/ Crimson VS/ Acquisition Conditions - - Get the first word "Competing" from OhmRice. Email: Atoli - - Let's go adventuring ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Take Atoli (and another person if you want) to the area words she gave you. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Ephemeral/ Time's/ Memoir Lv 69 My Lv 72 Enemies: Carrizabeth, Chickie Mama, Zan Zin, Treasure: Wind Fairy (dropped by Zan Zin), Ninja Claw, Broad Angel, Fan Angel, Loose Guardian, None of the enemies here are too difficult, even if you just bring Atoli and no one else. As you approach the Beast Statue, a scene will play, then you will be attacked by AIDA (ANNA). Just waste it and go back to town. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Haseo will have a monologue as soon as you access the Desktop. Email: Ovan - - I will become your goal ===================================================================== As you log in, you will get another scene, one that helps explain this volume's opening sequence. - - Mac Anu Before you go jaunting merrily off to the Dead World, check in with the event NPCs to see your progress on the various Campaigns. ===================================================================== - - (Delta) Submissive/ Tragedy's/ 1000 Oaks Lv 3 My Lv 73 Treasure: Grimoire Angel, Blaze Buddha, Yes, that is right, you will be roughly 70 levels higher than the enemies in this area. However, check out the item level before you warp, it is at level 72. So, there are some good items here if you want to take the time.... I think it is fun to just ride the Steam Bike around and crash into everything. Head for the back of the Temple when you are done playing around. ===================================================================== - - Dead World of Indieglut Luigh Another scene as you warp in. Avatar Battle : Gorre Unlike the last few avatar battles, this one will be quite difficult. Gorre moves around quickly, and has several powerful attacks. Bloom of Destiny is a large discus that it will throw at you. Your timing must be good in order to avoid damage. Wait for the discus to get close, then swing the Scythe two or three times. The discus will be knocked back slightly. Never swing four times, because then Skeith will be vulnerable when the discus comes back. When the discus returns, swing two or three times again, and it will be knocked back. Repeat this a third time and the discus will be destroyed. Resume firing as soon as possible. Painful Blow is Gorre's blitz attack. Dash to either side to avoid it. This blitz is easy to avoid, but often Gorre uses it to set up another, far more dangerous attack. Here is what you should do: After Gorre passes by, follow after it with dashes until you are at a moderate distance. Then, fire some shots at it. If the shots do damage to Gorre, then all is well, and you can keep your distance. You will know if the shots do damage if Gorre flashes when they connect. If Gorre does not flash when your shots hit, then stop firing and move in close, just outside the range of your Scythe. That fact that Gorre is not taking damage means that it is setting up for a powerful attack: Paradise Invite. Paradise Invite will start as Gorre turns inside out. Gorre will dash away from you while leaving a trail of bubbles in its wake. The bubbles don't do much damage. What you need to worry about is the timer above Gorre's head, when it reaches zero, Gorre will deal massive damage with Paradise Invite. In order to avoid this, you must slash Gorre once with the Scythe. However Gorre will be dashing away while stalling you with the bubbles. There are two ways to slash Gorre. First, if you closed the gap before Gorre turned inside out, then stay there and wait for Gorre to turn blue, then immediately dash in and swing the Scythe. This will stop the countdown before it starts. The timing for this is difficult; if you are too early Gorre will knock you back and dash off, if you are too late, then Gorre will hit you with some bubbles. However, this way is easier then the second way. The only other way to get Gorre to stop is to chase after it. Note that Gorre will not move in a straight line, it will move in a deformed circle. Cut across the circle to head Gorre off. If you are directly behind Gorre at any time, you are likely to get hit with bubbles, which will slow you down, making it almost impossible to catch up. If you cannot avoid this attack, you can still win, but you will take a lot of damage. Gorre will use Data Drain in the last quarter of its health. Again, there is no way to avoid it, just smash the buttons to minimize damage. You should have had lots of practice with this if you use Divine Awakening. While we are on the subject though, the buttons that effect breaking Data Drain and Divine Awakening are the Symbol buttons, the Directional Pad, and the Shoulder Buttons. When I play sitting down, I usually balance the controller on my knee, then try to smash all the buttons I can. Putting the controller on my knee allows me to smash buttons without worrying about dropping the controller. Once Gorre reaches Protect Break mode. It will fire intermittent spreads, and dash away. Don't worry if it gets far away, just charge the shot and wait for Gorre to stop. When Gorre stops to flip inside out, fire. ===================================================================== - - Mac Anu After the scenes, you get more mail. If Gorre gave you some trouble, then I suggest you head back to Raven's @home in the Mercenary district to practice Avatar battles some more. (I felt the need to practice myself here, because Gorre almost killed me the first time I fought it.) Log out to check your email when you are done. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Pi - - AIDA area investigation ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Put Pi and another person in your party. Unfortunately, Atoli is still busy. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Growing/ Evening's/ Mind Trip Lv 71 My Lv 73 My Party: Pi, Gaspard Enemies: Long-Lived, Hell Charm, Carrizabeth. Treasure: Light Arrows, Demon Suit (dropped by Long-Lived), Feeble Iron. Yata will shortmail you as soon as you gate in. The AIDA signals are to the south, but you will have to take roundabout way to get there. Near the start, there is a warp point, take it. If you need Chim spheres, there is a tree nearby as well. After you warp, Yata will message you again, telling you that AIDA is to the east. There are four warp points that surround you. Take the one to the east to reach the AIDA. Avatar Battle: ANNA It is ANNA again. It is easy to win this battle, just waste this joker. Afterwards, Pi will suggest you head to the Beast Temple to have a conversation. From the Avatar Battle, there is an altar in the same section as you. Even though you've fought these enemies before, they are pretty strong. Ground the Hell Charms with your Arts, because their Light magic tends to do the most damage. Gaspard can be a big help here, but you will need to watch him in case he get surrounded. The Carrizabeth enemies will use their area-effect curse attack often, but I just suffer it and then heal after the battle. Once you grab the Symbol Fragment, go back to the central section (the one with four warps). From there take the Southern warp to reach the next altar. Then take the Western warp for the final altar. Take the Northern warp to reach the Beast Temple. Inside the Temple, a scene will play. Warp back to town afterwards. ===================================================================== - - Dol Donna I choose to do one of the side areas here. If you want to continue the story, just skip ahead. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Tranquil/ Genesis's/ Arrows Lv 73 My Lv 75 My Party: Pi, Gaspard Enemies: Hell Charm, Solid Eye, Heavenly Ray. Treasure: Simple Hood, The Emperor, Simple Goggles, Shark Tooth (dropped by Solid Eye), Blade Rivet, Wrath Tulong (dropped by Solid Eye), Sprite Rain, Divine Kuajie. This is a tough level. The Solid Eyes are heavy-armored and very powerful. It might be best to start the battle with a Piercing Art like Bone Crusher. By the time you reach BF 3, you'll encounter the Heavenly Ray, who makes the Solid Eye look tame. Heavenly Rays will attack with light-magic and physical attacks, both of which do tremendous damage. Plus, they can heal themselves and their allies by casting Ul Repth. If you meet them in a pair together, you must try to take one out immediately. Gang up on it, and don't stop. Its ally will heal it, but your Arts and Magic should be able to overcome this. If not, just Rengeki it enough to fill the morale gauge. I was filling the gauge about 3/4 in an average battle. It really helps to bring the Biker's Charm or an Appraise accessory here, because you will be healing quite often. BF 1 Go south at the intersection to reach the ramp. BF 2 Go South twice to reach the ramp. BF 3 Go North at the first intersection, then West at the second. BF 4 Go North twice to reach the Beast Temple. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Community Forum/ The World/ What's the "Ancient Egg" - - Viewing this is important for the Abyss side-quest. Community Forum/ The World/ Cloudy Steel and Cloudy Fur - - Get more area words Email: CC Corp - - Tournament Finals. ===================================================================== - - Lumina Cloth Here is what my party looked like: Haseo Lv 77 Lit Honeysuckle / (Paralyze) Kuajie +1 / (Dark) Shouxiao (Absorb) Iron +5 (Rapid) Hood Pi Lv 76 (Chain) Fairy +5 (Shade) Guardian +5 (Brave) Hood Register at the counter, and a scene will play. Your levels should be even or a bit higher than your opponents, even if you have not been going to any side areas. If you are lower than Bordeaux and co, don't worry, the battle is still manageable. Ignore the in-game strategy that tells you to defeat Negimaru and Grein first, you don't have the manpower to do that. Instead, set Pi's strategy to Rage, and she will go after Bordeaux as if Bordeaux had just killed her favorite cat. The Scythe is preferable here, because the other opponents will always guard against Haseo's attacks, though, if you want to use Lit Honeysuckle, I'll understand. The best place to be in this battle is to get Bordeaux up against the fence, with Negimaru and Grein lurking nearby. Use the Scythe to attack Bordeaux, while Negimaru and Grein guard its attacks like cowards. Once Bordeaux makes contact with the fence, the Scythe's charge-up attack will deal massive damage to Bordeaux, while pushing Negimaru and Grein away. Counterattack Bordeaux as she tries to use skills. Negimaru and Grein will concentrate on Haseo, and will try to use skills regularly, but, if they are close by, you can preempt this with a regular attack of your own. If not, then go ahead and counter with an Art. It is important to protect Pi here, but in a fight between Bordeaux and Pi, Pi would win hands down. Just keep the other two off of her and you'll be okay. Set the Awakening mode to Beast, because it is impossible to do a Divine awakening here. When Bordeaux's HP reaches half, the battle will be interrupted by a cut scene. Keep it up. The battle will end in a cut scene when Bordeaux reaches one quarter health. Avatar Battle: Oswald Well, that was ridiculously elegant... Anyway, this is the reason I suggested leveling up at the side areas. This, in my opinion, is the toughest Avatar battle yet. In fact, the first time I played this, even I got taken out by Oswald. Archene shot is Oswald's normal attack. It is not difficult to avoid by dashing or by swinging the Scythe, but if it hits you, Skeith's movement will be slowed temporarily. If it hits, Oswald will move in and attack with its powerful claws. This will be difficult to avoid if Skeith is slowed. Kobold bullet is like ANNA's, but the shots are faster and more powerful, plus they will come one at a time, making the timing of your swings difficult. Arachno trap is what will really get you though. Oswald will send out an array of beams over Skeith's head. These beams will rake down the screen to the bottom, then back again to the top. If you dash away in either direction, you will be caught in the array. If you are caught, Oswald will launch into its most powerful attack. The best way to avoid this is just to move Skeith to the left by tapping the control stick against the stopper. Keep an eye on the array as it comes down, and adjust your movement accordingly. Not enough movement will get Skeith trapped, but too much will cause Skeith to run into another one of the beams. You can only afford to get caught in this four or five times at the most before Skeith dies, and unfortunately, Oswald uses this attack often. The key to winning is to fire as often as possible. Oswald is tough to stun, but is you keep it up you will stun it eventually. Fire while it is in transition, before it attacks, after it attacks, and any other time you have a free second. Oswald will try to move close to Haseo constantly, but always keep at least a moderate distance away. Oswald's close range attacks are deadly, plus being close to it makes it almost impossible to avoid attacks like Arachno Trap. When it is stunned, move in. Luckily, Oswald cannot Data Drain Skeith. Even after fighting this battle many times, Oswald will still take away half my HP routinely when I fight it. You can breathe a sigh of relief when Oswald reaches Protect Break. This AIDA is so large that it is easy to hit with your shot. Plus, remember that Skeith will not take damage once in Data Drain mode. After the battle, there will be a confession of forbidden love in a dramatic scene worthy of the silver screen. All joking aside, Endrance - - like Alkaid- - is an awesome ally, and I'm glad to have him. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Gaspard - - About Tri-Edge Atoli - - Congratulations Atoli - - Would you like to go on a quest? Community Forum/ Rumors/ Come Forth! Tri-Edge - - Get some area words from Piros I'll take this opportunity to talk about affection. I didn't raise this issue before because it would have been pointless to worry about it, however, now you've got a few new allies. Affection is important because the higher your ally's affection for you, the faster the Morale gauge will fill in battle. Awakenings are very important from this point on, because the game is about to have an increase in difficulty. Obviously, Endrance likes you right off the bat, but he is still far form the maximum affection rating. The affection rating is represented by the colored orbs on you Member Address list. The orb will begin at Red, then will slowly add satellites as that person's affection increases. After it gains five satellites, the Orb will turn Blue, and begin to add satellites again. Then, it will turn Gold, then Pink. Pink with no satellites is the maximum affection for this volume. You can raise an ally's affection by giving them gifts, sending them greeting cards, and having them in your party while you are out adventuring. Also, Divine Awakening tends to slightly increase your party's affection after multiple uses, so that is why I use it most often over the other awakenings. Note that Saku and Bo have different affections, though they will share the same equipment. So, since Saku practically hates you at this point, I give all of Sakubo's equipment to her. When you add Sakubo to your party, you can never be sure whether you will get Saku or Bo, but you can tell which one it is by what they say to you, and by the color of their backpack. Bo's is black, Saku's is Red. Bo, like Endrance, will probably reach the maximum affection over time, but Saku can be a real pain. Give her as many gifts as you can. Besides, Sakubo is a powerful Shadow Warlock and a great addition to your party. However, having Bo in your party will not increase Saku's affection. As I mentioned before, Endrance is quite powerful, but he is a Blade Brandier, like Silabus. Also, Sakubo is a Shadow Warlock like Gaspard. At this point, Silabus and Gaspard found little play time in my party, because they had already reached their maximum affection. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona No one is available for a party, so go find Piros at the area words he gave you. ===================================================================== - - Sif Berg (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ In Heat More scenes as you warp in. "Magnificent Eagle Man of Blue Cloudy Weather"? What? Look around if you want, then go back to Dol Dona. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Now is a good time to do the Quest that Atoli mentioned. Invite her and Sakubo - - it should be Bo now- - into your party. Note: if it is not Bo, you will have to wait till later, only Bo can go on this quest. Since Sakubo is probably at a much lower level than Haseo, it might be a good idea to give him.. her... ahh... THEM an accessory that boosts EXP. Emperio, Trifle, and Guards guild shops sell these. Also, try to bring an accessory for Haseo that increases the enemy's drop rate. The enemies in the next level drop the somewhat rare Scythe Hook. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Sticking/ Natural/ Fungus Lv 72 My Lv 78 Enemies: PK, Treasure: Fist Fairy, Simple Clogs, Scythe Hook (dropped by PK), Broad Kuajie, Simple Hood, The bad news is that Bo starts off at a level much lower than the rest of the party. However, after a few battles she will catch up enough. Though it can be tough to keep him alive until then. This magic-oriented party is tricky, but it can be well-suited for the PK enemies here. BF 1 You will get into a fight with some PKs in the first large room here. Be careful to protect Bo, the Scythe works the best, of course. Go West, then go South to get to the ramp. BF 2 Again, some PKs will attack as soon as you enter the first large room. Go East, South, then East to reach the ramp. BF 3 This time in the second large room you will find the PKs. Go West, around the bend to the north, then West again to get to where the voices are coming from. After a funny scene, you'll be in a fight with Negimaru and two other PKs. You should be able to handle them quickly. Another funny scene will ensue. Negimaru will attack again. Just use an Art right away, this will give Atoli and Bo the time they need to follow up with their own attacks. Negimaru probably won't survive. Then, the funniest scene in the game will follow the battle. You'll warp back to town, and get a Dusk Chim Chim as a reward. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Saku - - Get Ready to Train ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona This time, you'll be getting Saku. Take the opportunity to upgrade Sakubo and Endrance's equipment. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Aesthetic/ Hardship's/ Aster Lv 74 My Lv 78 Sakubo Lv 68 Endrance Lv 68 Enemies: Funger Hat, Long-Lived, Process Gear Treasure: Sleep Fang (dropped by Funger Hat), Simple Coat Rope, Demon Suit, The monsters here can be tough if Sakubo and Endrance are at a much lower level than Haseo. At least they were high enough for me to give them decent equipment back in Dol Dona. Though, at Haseo's level, he can take out the Long-Lived pretty easily. The Dual Swords will be the most powerful here, the Long-Lived can be shredded by one or two combos, so I go after them first to get them out of the way. Moreover, the Funger Hat will drop the (Spin) Fang Dual Swords. If you haven't gotten these from one of the guild shops, then this will be your first chance. I had grown quite attached to the Lit Honeysuckle, but it was time to move on. The Funger Hats will cast an area-effect sleep spell, but don't worry too much as long as Haseo is still awake. Sakubo and Endrance will gain levels very quickly here. The field isn't as complicated as it looks. From where you gate in, go South, then North, then South all the way to the warp point. From there, you'll warp to a small islet, and from there, to the area's boss. Boss: Process Gear The Process Gear is actually pretty easy. Use Broadsword Arts to take out its armor. Its attack power is only slightly higher than the Funger Hats, though, so keep attacking and you will get a Rengeki opening. The biggest problem is that the Process Gear has a dive attack that can kill off your party if you are at a very low HP level. Keep your HP up and you will be fine. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Here, I choose to go to one of the side areas posted in the forums by AppleStar ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Thrilling/ Fruitless/ Drama Lv 77 My Lv 79 My Party: Endrance, Sakubo Enemies: Ani Zin, Gob Tank 75, Living Tower. Treasure: Simple Hood, Loose Scales, Spirit Tree Bud, Wrath Fisher (dropped by Gob Tank 75), Dark Fairy (dropped by Ani Zin), Sub Suit, Dulling Iron. This area can be pretty brutal. Take out the Ani Zin as soon as possible, because their spells will wreck havoc with your party. The Gob Tanks have a powerful cannon shot, guard if you see a crosshair coming your way. Unfortunately, your party members will not guard against this attack. Endrance lost about 4/10 of his max HP when he got hit with it. Still, if you don't take the Ani Zin out first, then you won't be able to attack as effectively; if you gang up on another enemy, the Ani Zin will hit all of you with the Ani Zot spell. The Living Tower boss is even tougher. It attacks slowly, but it uses area- effect physical attacks. These attacks are likely to hit all of you party members for significant damage. For me, Saku died every time she was hit by this. I found myself sitting back and using items, while letting the other two deal damage. This is a good defensive strategy, but it also means that this battle took forever, and I used a small fortune in items. Since Sakubo and Endrance were so weak, this boss was one of the hardest in the game. However, once their levels become even with Haseo, they will become very powerful. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Community Forum/ The World/ What's the deal? - - Post with "Which Dungeon?" to get are words for the Abyss Quest at a later time. Email: CC Corp - - Title Match Either Check Crimson VS, or go to The World's home page. No need to log in yet, just turn around and go back to the Community Forum. Community Forum/ The World/ What's the deal? - - Get area words for the next part of the Abyss quest. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona I just do the next section of the Abyss Quest now, it doesn't take long. ===================================================================== - - Abyss Quest (Theta) Raging/ Scheming/ Conclusion Lv 57 My Lv 81 Enemies: Morgul Like the other Abyss dungeon, this one is short and straight. The Morgul enemies I fought at the West end went down with one swing of my Scythe. When it is over, just warp back. ===================================================================== - - Lumina Cloth This is what we looked like for the title match: Haseo Lv 81 (Chain) Fang +5 / (Soul) Sheaf +5 / (Drain) Hook + 1 (Spirit) Iron +5 (Rapid) Hood +5 Endrance Lv 76 (Chain) Rivet +5 (Gust) Scales +1 (Rapid) Hood +2 Pi Lv 78 (Chain) Fairy +5 (Shade) Guardian +5 (Brave) Brazier Again, I've left customization mostly up to you; it is more a matter of personal preference than anything else. However, I'll say that Haseo's set up is pretty nice. You can get the Ein Baku Tongue from killing Maniac Helluger (the Chaotic PK) and getting the reward from Dongo, or from Bikman. This item drains 10% of Normal Attack damage as SP. So, if you hit an enemy for 100, then you get 10 SP. This does not include Arts, though, because if it did, you's actually gain SP from performing them. Attach it to a weapon to change the first name to "Soul." One more great Ability Item can be found at the Emperio guild shop, or as a prize from Bikman: the Twin Scales. Twin Scales convert HP damage into SP damage, when all your SP is gone, only then will you take HP damage. This may seem like it would burn through your SP quickly, not only leaving you back where you started, but also leaving you with no SP to defend yourself. This would be true if, say, 100 HP damage converted directly to 100 SP damage, but this is not the case. Instead, since SP values are roughly 10% of HP values, the game reduces the damage accordingly. Meaning: if you were to take 100 HP damage, instead, you'd take 10 SP damage. So, even though this can still drain your SP pretty quick, if you take precautions like bringing an Item Boost accessory or having a weapon that can drain SP, you will become much stronger and more resilient against attacks. The only real downside to this is that it actually makes certain parts of the game too easy in my opinion. Anyway, go to the arena counter for a scene. OK, so Kuhn will take over for Pi. There is a break here, so you can visit Dol Dona and upgrade Kuhn's equipment if you want, but it is not necessary. I choose to go ahead with the battle. Go back to the counter to register. If you've been going to the side areas I've suggested, you should be at a higher level than Sirius. If not, than this battle will still be manageable, but not only is Sirius the real deal, the familiar faces that he has as his allies are also very strong. As the battle starts, Sirius will come straight after Haseo. Note that although counterattacks work well, Sirius cannot be pushed back, even by a counter. So, you will likely get pushed back to the fence quickly. Try to avoid this by running around to Sirius' back. Attack Sirius exclusively, it is no use trying to attack his allies. My favorite weapon again is the Scythe, its large, sweeping attacks and Arts will help tremendously. When Sirius reaches half HP, a scene will play. As the game suggests, go after Sirius. Though, after a little while, Sirius will launch into a Divine awakening. This can do significant damage, but keep at Sirius. Your team is geared to damage-dealing not healing, so just forget about the damage you take and keep attacking. Sirius will go down eventually. Avatar Battle: Helen Unlike Oswald, Helen is just a pumped-up ANNA. The biggest problem with this fight is that Helen will attack in rapid succession, following up an attack with another immediately. Helen does not have any devastating close-rage attacks, but its normal and special attacks can be hard to avoid if you are too close. Keep at least a moderate distance away from Helen at all times. Helen's normal attack is a phalanx of shots that is difficult to escape, I use the Scythe swings to defend against this. However, Helen will follow up with one of its special moves afterwards, so don't leave Skeith vulnerable by swinging the Scythe more than twice. Pascal Bullet: Helen will send out numerous orbs at Skeith, use the Scythe to destroy them. It is best to be a moderate distance away for this attack; if you are too far back the orbs will come at you one at a time, making it difficult to destroy them all in a single Scythe combo. If you are close enough, then you should be able to destroy all the orbs in three swings. Lisp Tackle is Helen's blitz attack. It is easy to avoid by dashing to either side, but it usually comes right after one of its other special attacks. Also, Helen will combo this into another one of its attacks, for a three attack combo. If you fire at it as much as possible though, you can stun Helen in the midst of this, and close in with the Scythe for big damage. Prolog Laser: Helen will turn broadside to Skeith and will fire a spread of AIDA lasers at him. Dodge out of the way by dashing. In case you can't get away, you can position Skeith between the lasers, but this is tricky and requires practice. The fact that Helen is so large works to Skeith's advantage. It is easy to hit Helen with your normal shots. Helen isn't very fast, at least compared to Gorre and Oswald, so maneuvering Skeith into position isn't a problem. Again, the biggest problem that I had was Helen's rapid attacks, but once you've seen these attacks once or twice, they become easy to avoid. Keep firing at all possible times, and you can win this battle much more easily than the one with Oswald. When Helen reaches Protect Break, try to fire the Data Drain at it from the side. This makes it much easier to connect. Honestly, I've never had a problem connecting with Data Drain against Helen. When the battle is over, sit back and enjoy the scenes. I gotta hand it to the director of these scenes, they look awesome. From a conceptual standpoint, they are some of the best I've seen in a game. Afterwards, you'll get some new mail. ===================================================================== Section 2.f Chapter 6: Philos ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Phyllo : To Haseo Ok, this might be confusing to you if you have not seen the .Hack//Roots anime. In fact, many of the things in this game might be confusing if you have not seen the anime, but this one is particularly so, because unlike Ovan and Shino, nothing is explained about Phyllo later. I suggest you see the anime if you can. As a whole, it is really just an overture to the game, but it is directed by Kouichi Mashimo, the director of .Hack//Sign and other great shows like Noir, Madlax, Sorcerer Hunters, and Irresponsible Captain Tylor. Phyllo is a character that appears throughout the anime as a wise confidant of many of the characters, including Haseo and Shino. After Ovan's disappearance, Phyllo begins to get more deeply involved with the former members of the Twilight Brigade. Then, after Shino becomes comatose in the real world, Phyllo becomes a friend and mentor to Haseo. If not for Phyllo, Haseo would not have recovered from the shock of losing Ovan and Shino as well as he did. In all likelihood, Phyllo is a catalyst for many of the events of the games, and serves as a character responsible for helping Haseo go from the junior member of a broken guild, the Twilight Brigade, to becoming "The Terror of Death," the legendary PKK. The rest of what happened to Phyllo is implied by Haseo's reaction to the email. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona It's time to talk to Phyllo. Put a party together and head for the keywords. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Bequeathed/ Insatiable/ Mysteries Lv 75 My Lv 81 Enemies: Ani Zin, Solid Eye, Treasure: Wrath Tulong, Air Stroke, Shark Tooth, Dark Fairy, Vital Scales, Phyllo will shortmail you as you gate in. There are plenty of monsters around, and a Beast Temple, I suggest you start killing the monsters, but I will give you directions to meet Phyllo. From the point where you gate in, go South to the bridge. Cross the bridge and loop back to the East. At the eastern shore, you will meet up with Phyllo, who will only communicate through shortmail. At this point, you are introduced to an important new item, the Adler's Key. As the game says, these Keys are necessary to unlock the Lost Weapons, which are very powerful weapons for the Epitaph users. Many Keys will be required to unlock each weapon. There are five in this area. The other four Adler's Keys in this area are located on the southern island. The first is next to the Eastern Platform. The second and third are located mid-way between the two Platforms on the southern island. And the final key is located East from there. When you are done collecting keys, log out and read your email. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Phyllo : Alder's Keys ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Put some party members together and head for Caerleon Medb ===================================================================== - - Caerleon Medb (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Sacrament There will be cut scenes as you enter the Lost Ground. Afterwards, approach the glowing red Scythe behind Phyllo. You will have to fight a Lv 75 boss in order to acquire the Scythe. If you are not prepared you can head back to town. However, you must acquire the Scythe for the story to move onwards. Boss: Death Eater As this boss's name implies, it is very tough. The Death Eater has two main attacks. Lei Zas, the powerful Light-magic spell. And a multi-hit physical attack. I cannot suggest strongly enough that you spread out around Death Eater. It will not move very much, but its attacks are all area-effect. It is useless to try to dodge Lei Zas, just position Haseo away from his allies and guard. You can dodge the physical attack by moving away or using an Art. However, is is easiest to guard, even though you will take a small amount of damage. Death Eater has high HP and high defense against magic and physical attacks, the best way to damage it is with Rengeki and Awakenings. In fact, those are the only attacks that will do noticeable damage. If your party is at level 78-79, one Divine awakening should halve Death Eater's HP. Hopefully, this will put an end to the battle. If not, Death Eater will heal itself, but just keep attacking and you can nullify this, leaving your Rengekis and Awakenings to deal lasting damage. If Death Eater gets close to dying, but your Morale gauge isn't full, try switching to Beast awakening to finish it off quickly. After the battle, more cut scenes will follow. You will acquire the Ticking Death, a Scythe that puts your other weapons to shame. It gives +44 to physical attack; +10 to magic; and its ability absorbs 1/4 of normal attack damage as both SP and HP, with roughly every other swing. There are six other Lost Weapons. However, one of these is for the Epitaph user of the fourth phase: Fiddchel the Prophet. You do not have this Epitaph user yet, so you will not be able to acquire this weapon. The lost weapons and the Adler's Keys needed to attain them look like this: Atoli: Second Phase Staff - - 10 Keys Kuhn: Third Phase Gun - - 15 Keys Sakubo: Fifth Phase Grimoire - - 30 Keys Endrance: Sixth Phase Blade - - 25 Keys Pi: Seventh Phase Gauntlets - - 20 Keys So, you will need 100 Keys in all to unlock the available weapons. Important Note: None of the other Lost Weapons are required for story purposes. If you want, you can just get Haseo's Scythe and leave it at that, but I strongly recommend that you get at least three of the lost weapons during the course of the game's main story. For that, you will need at least 25 more keys. Get the lost weapons for your favorite characters first. But I will write the walkthrough assuming that you get them in order from the cheapest - - Atoli- - to the most expensive - - Sakubo. Adler's Keys can now be found in all of the game's areas, except the Lost Grounds, so they are not hard to find. If you need a few more to get the weapon for the person you want, then just go to a random area to acquire them. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Here, in order to acquire Adler's Keys, I choose to go to the remaining side- areas that were posted on the board. If you want to continue the main story, log out and skip ahead. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Dejected/ Setting/ Hazy Moon Lv 78 My Lv 81 My Party: Endrance, Sakubo Enemies: Gob Tank 75, Bison Tortoise. Treasure: Wrath Fisher, Simple Brazier, Ein Baku Tongue, Vital Scales. The quantity of Adler's Keys that appear in side areas and random areas seems to be random, but you can usually count on finding five Keys, even in an area as small as this one. The Gob Tanks should go down fast under your Broadsword Arts, even thought they still can deal a lot of damage before they do. The Bison Tortoise boss is your typical slow-moving, heavy-armored boss. Like the Gob Tanks, its attacks are powerful, but it is so slow and easy to dodge that I think you will have no trouble defeating it. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Petitioning/ Daylight's/ War Maiden Lv 79 My Lv 81 Enemies: Gobtank 75, Hash Chase, Treasure: Absorb Amalgam (dropped by Hash Chase), Wrath Fisher, Not much to say about this level, except that the Hash Chase enemies drop the Absorb Amalgam, an awesome armor for Haseo and Piros. ===================================================================== - - Desktop News Capture/ Online Jack/ Phase 5 Email: Well, I got 11 new mails. Here are the important ones. Antares : Lost Weapons Atoli : Congratulations CC Corp : Crowning Ceremony ===================================================================== You will get a long and disturbing scene as you log back in. - - Mac Anu Head for the harbor and talk to Cap'n Crunch on the deck of the Steam Ship. Note that when you talk to the Captain, he'll congratulate you on your _Demon_ palace championship. Well, I guess they somehow forgot to update his dialogue from the last volume. Hy Brasail Haseo suggests you talk to everyone, so follow along. You'll get Antares's member address when you speak to him. After you've talked to everyone, a scene will commence. Afterwards, head back to Mac Anu via the ship. ===================================================================== Section 2.g Chapter 7: O, Guillotine ===================================================================== - - Mac Anu Visit Dol Dona if you need to resupply or upgrade Kuhn or Pi's gear. At this point, I was able to give them both (Loose) Scales. Though, I did not have enough Adler's Keys to unlock either of their Lost Weapons. If you want to do so, go ahead and visit some areas until you can, but, it is not necessary. I didn't do it, and I'll write the walkthrough assuming they are just using standard weapons. ===================================================================== - - Moon Tree Headquarters (Delta) Setting/ Eternity's/ Night Moon You will get a scene as you try to warp. Well, never mind. You'll have to wait for Pi's email. If you upgraded Pi and Kuhn's equipment, don't get mad ar me for not warning you, you will need it eventually. Well, there really is nothing to do now. You can log out now to get a scene and an email from Yata. But note that the Arena is now open for business. You can have some real fun battles here at your current level, and by real fun, I mean really difficult. Now is a good time to work on maxing out the Ryu Book dedicated to the Arena. ===================================================================== - - Desktop News Capture/ Topics/ A 2 Division Champion is Born - - This is not important, but it is about Haseo. That's right, you actually made the news. Community Forum/ News/ Emperor - - AppleStar starts a thread about you. Email: Yata - - Route. Yata gives you area words. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Put Pi and another person in your party, then go to the area words that Yata gave you. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Discerning/ Neighboring/ Vampire Lv 79 My Lv 82 My Party: Pi, Saku Enemies: Hell Vulture, Gobtank 75, Face Bug, Helen (AIDA) Treasure: Revive Rain (dropped by Hell Vulture), The Emperor, Simple Hood, Air Stroke, Wrath Fisher, Gun Bead, Wrath Rivet (dropped by Face Bug), Simple Water Comb, Soul Ji Yi, BF 1 The path to the ramp is simple, take the Southeastern exit at the intersection. About 1/3 of the way there, you will come across a warp point. You can take the warp and skip about half of the first floor, but you will miss an Adler's Key if you do not backtrack. There are two Keys, both of which you will find if you follow the main path and do not warp. The Hell Vulture enemies are tough to sneak up on, especially in close quarters like these. Keep your distance until you are sure. Or, you can come close enough to let one see you, then retreat while it follows. Turn around once you've lost it, then its back should be to you. I have a hard time getting an "A" in surprise attacks in this area. BF 2 You will find this floor looks like a square, with three "branches" off to both sides. The Adler's Keys are at the Northwest and Southeast points on the square, while the warp point that leads to the next floor is at the end of the Middle Eastern branch. BF 3 Go North, then East to reach the AIDA. It is just another Helen, and since you are at a higher level now, this one should go pretty quick. From there, you should at least pick up the Adler's Key located in the central room North of the AIDA. Gate back when you are finished collecting the treasures. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona You won't have to wait long for Yata's email. Log out when you are ready. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Yata - - Attack ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Kuhn and Endrance are required. If you've been following along, you should have more than enough Adler's Keys for Kuhn's lost weapon. Go get it now if you wish, in fact, I'll recommend you do. ===================================================================== - - Caerleon Medb (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Sacrament My Lv 84 Boss: Propagate Stopper The Propagate Stopper will use the same attacks as the Death Eater: Lei Zas and a physical attack. Even though you are at a higher level than this boss, this can be a difficult battle because of this boss' healing capabilities. While you are strong enough to inflict noticeable damage with normal attacks and Rengekis, once this boss reaches half HP, it will cast healing spells. Even with a damage-oriented party, I was unable to do enough damage with normal attacks and Rengekis to counteract this boss' healing. At this level, you can count on a Divine Awakening to deal about 1,500 damage (of course, if you nail the timing then you can deal more). But this boss has about 4,000 HP, so after my first Awakening, it just healed itself back to around 2,000 HP. Here is what you can do: Remember how much damage your first awakening does. After your first awakening, keep the pressure on this boss with Rengekis and normal attacks. Strategic Fans attached to your weapons can make this much easier. The boss may gain ground against you, but if you can trigger a second awakening while the boss' HP value is below the damage you caused with your first awakening, then you should win. If you cannot, or if your second awakening fails to eliminate the boss, then it might be best to attack and defend as necessary as the Boss recovers to about 2,000 HP. Once the boss stops casting the healing spell, you should heal your own party members using items. This will hopefully raise the Morale gauge to full. Don't trigger the awakening yet, as soon as it is full, lay into the boss with everything you have. You should be able to get the boss down to about 1,700 HP before it tries to heal itself. When the boss raises its arms above its head, that means that it will attempt to heal itself. Trigger the awakening before this happens. If you nail the Divine Awakening, you should kill it. If you do not kill it, it should be near death. For a very brief period after the awakening, the boss will not cast its healing spell. Attack it and it will probably go down. If it gets in a healing spell before you can finish it off, then access the main menu and switch to Beast Awakening. Do whatever you must to fill the Morale Gauge quickly. Once the gauge is at half, trigger the awakening and you will be able to finish it off, as long as it didn't heal itself too much. When you win, you will get the Silent Jade. Physical Attack +21; Magic Attack +12 Its ability is Green Gift, which increases the critical hit rate by 25%, and increases Arts damage by 25%. ===================================================================== - - Sif Berg (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ In Heat After the scene, hack the sign to arrive at Moon Tree's HQ. ===================================================================== - - Moon Tree Headquarters (Delta) Setting/ Eternity's/ Night Moon Sit back and enjoy the scenes for now. You'll get to fight soon enough. Note that you can leave and return as you wish now. Nala will not be fighting with your party, but he will be tagging along with you throughout. Head in through the doors and warp from the point. You will have to take the long way around. Behind the warp, open the door at the end of the hall. Enemies: Unit 7, Unit 5, Unit 6 Treasure: The Hanged Man, The Emperor, Spin Fang, Water Dragon, Spell Ji Yi, Lance Tulong, Gun Bead, In short, you'll have to defeat all the enemy parties in each Block before you can move to the next one. Block 1 Enemy Parties: 2 Go South and South again to get an Adler's Key. The two enemy parties are to the East and West. The battles here are more like battles against PK than arena battles. The enemies will attack fiercely so it helps to you the Scythe to break up their attacks. If you do not have the Reaper's Touch Art for the Scythe, this is a good place to acquire it by raising your weapon level. In fact, you should be trying to get all the most powerful Arts available in this volume for each weapon. Reaper's Touch for the Scythe; Chaotic Strike for the Dual Swords; and Shell Breaker for the Broadsword. Keep using your Arts to pump up your skill levels. Block 2 Enemy Parties: 4 The first group of enemies is in the first large room. Go East at the intersection to find the second group. Go South from the first room to find the next party. On the way to find the last party, you'll notice a Save Point. Yes, in some very difficult dungeons, this game will allow you to save. Head South from there to find the final party. Save, then continue down the hall. Boss Fight: Matsu For me, this fight was over too quickly for me to give you any reliable advice. Just attack and they will go down. Block 3 Enemy Parties: 0 This is a transition block. There are no enemies, just some items. Go South from the entrance to reach the next block. Block 4 Enemy Parties: 4 Take the Adler's Key in the first room you come to, then continue North to fight the first group of enemies. Then, go back to the South and take the warp in the first room. Take the next warp to reach the Eastern section of the block. Fight the enemies you see there, then go North. Take the warp point (the white ones are inactive, remember) to find an Adler's Key and the next enemy party. The Barrier is still up, so warp again. This will put you back into the room where you fought the first party. Take the warp right next to you to advance. This will put you in a small room with the final enemy party. Waste those jokers and warp. You will now be at the north end of the eastern section, use the warp right next to you, and you will have the save point and the unblocked exit in front of you. Boss Fight: Hiiragi For this one, I just let my party handle Hiiragi, while I went after the two Blade Brandier that accompanied him. Block 5 Enemy Parties: 3 At the end of the hall, you'll fight the first party, a bunch of Flick Reapers, ouch. Warp at the point. You will appear in a small room with the second party and an Adler's Key. Go East to reach the Save and the blocked hall, then warp from the point nearby. This puts you in a small room on the southeastern side, warp from the point in the Southwest corner. You will be in the small, central room, with two warp choices, take the one to the East. You'll find the last party here. Walk to the end of the hall and take that warp. You'll be back in the small room on the east side. Take the warp in the Northeast corner. You will be back at the Save Point. Go north to continue. Boss Fight: Sophora Poor Sophora, she really doesn't get any screen time compared to the other members of Moon Tree.... So, she takes it all out on Haseo. Just try to gang up on them with your team mates. This battle isn't much harder than the normal ones you've been fighting till now. And Sophora only gets one line as she goes down... No one tries to talk to her as she lays dying, unlike Matsu and Hiiragi.... I almost feel bad for her, almost. Now is a good time to go back and Save. Grab the Adler's Key on your way out. Continue on for my favorite scene in the game.... Hang around a bit and listen. Then go through the door. Hang around a bit and listen again, then continue. Can you guess where you are? Enjoy the scenes. ---------- Avatar Battle: Innis Whatever happens, stay away from Innis. Innis is most deadly in close quarters, and its attack will be impossible to dodge. Innis will attack with its normal attacks almost constantly, making you move often, but keep firing as much as possible. When Atoli screams "I want you to look at me!" poetically, Innis turns slightly transparent, and will move towards Skeith. Dash away until Atoli screams: "Nobody ever looks at me!" at which point she will become stunned. Take advantage of this and move in with the Scythe. When Innis reaches half HP, the battle will be interrupted by a cut scene. Innis will be much more powerful when the battle resumes. However, it will only attack with the same attacks. Dash away as necessary, it is more important to keep a good distance than to fire constantly. Mostly, you will find yourself taking damage from Innis' normal shots. This damage can add up, but you should be fine as long as never let it catch you after Atoli screams "I want you to look at me!" Innis will use Data Drain in the last quarter of its health, so watch out. Even if you escape quickly this Data Drain is powerful and can cause significant damage. Of course, there is no way to avoid it; the only thing you can do is minimize the damage. Innis will also charge at Skeith head on. You will need to swing the Scythe in order to knock it away. The best thing to do is just to get in front of Innis and let it come at you. Swing the Scythe to knock it back. Then Innis will return again. Repeat this several times, and if you manage to repel Innis each time, it will become stunned. As Innis enters Protect Break mode, Haseo will scream. Just dodge Innis as best you can, it is easy to hit if you can succeed in charging the shot. "I want you to look at me! Nobody every looks at me!" will be ringing in your ears as the scenes play. Once all is settled down. Go back to town via the warps, then log out. ===================================================================== Section 2.h Chapter 8: Crushing Truth ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Yata - - Urgent: Right, more minimalist communication from Yata. ===================================================================== - - Mac Anu A scene will play as you log in. Go to Raven's @home when you get control. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Prepare Atoli and Pi well, then go to the area words. It might help to acquire some Anti-Paralysis items from the Dol Dona Junk shop before you go. If you do, equip them to Atoli and Haseo. Also, bring some Ethesio Sodas. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Thinking/ Innocent/ Life Lv 81 My Lv 84 Enemies: Face Bug, Gobtank 75, Sea Trident, Treasure: Wrath Rivet, Simple Light Comb, Simple Hood, Simple Water Comb, Simple Earth Comb, The Hermit, Drop Snake (dropped by Sea Trident), Rapid Gaiters, This is a new type of dungeon, if you haven't been warping to other areas leveling up. There are some new traps to be cautious of, but I'll guide you through them as they come up. Every floor is oval shaped, with the same layout, just head around the oval clockwise. I will not give any further navigation directions, because none are needed. Floor 1 The first trap room is a series of spikes and spinning blades. It is easy enough to avoid the spikes on the floor, but the spinning blades can be hard to predict. You'll notice that every so often, one of the blades moves by you at a much slower pace. Afterwards, run across, the next blade will not follow for some time. Grab the Adler's Key in the third room. Though it is hard to miss because of the linear layout of these dungeons. You'll hear a crashing noise as you step into the next hallway. Boulders will come rolling down the ramp at your party, and will do significant damage if they connect. They are easy to avoid though, because all you have to do is step back out of the hallway and into the room you were just leaving as soon as you hear the crashing noise. The boulders disappear as they approach the doorway. There is another Adler's Key in the fifth room. Floor 2 Again, the navigation is the same. You'll fight the Sea Trident enemies here, they are tough, but if you have the Chaotic Strike Art for the Dual Swords, then they'll go down pretty quick. Floor 3 You'll find the sign as soon enter. You'll probably want to get the Beast Treasure before you hack the sign though. Go ahead and warp when you are ready. A scene will play. - - Briona Gwydion Go to the end of the walkway to meet Sakaki. Sakaki is a tough Edge Punisher. He can counter your normal attacks with paralysis, so use of the Dual Swords is not recommended. He will attack Atoli for the most part, so make sure she stays healthy. He will go down pretty quick, because AIDA hasn't affected him completely yet. After the fight, a shocking scene will ensue. When all is done, warp back to town and log out. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Matsu - - Let's talk Community Forum/ The World/ Cloudy Steel and Cloudy Fur - - Get area words from Renji. Community Forum/ The World/ Area Words - - Well, you'll get more area words... Community Forum/ Rumors/ Lost Ground - - Get the area words for Briona Gwydion ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Meet up with Matsu at the Chaos Gate. A word about Matsu: He is an Adept Rogue -like Haseo- but his main weapon is the Bayonet. He will not use any other type of weapon. On his status screen, it will show his weapon level with the Broadsword as well, but he will not use or equip Broadswords under any circumstance. This is because, if you remember from volume 1, he used the Broadsword during his time as a PK. He now wishes to move on from his past, so he uses the Bayonet exclusively. This makes Matsu -in essence- a Steam Gunner that can wear Heavy Armor. While this does give him better defense and more HP than Kuhn, he will have less SP. Besides, once Kuhn equips the Silent Jade, he will have about 25% more attack power than Matsu. However, Matsu -because of his heavy armor- comes in very handy at some points. For one, now there is almost no reason to have Piros in your party! Also, Matsu is very well suited to facing off against tough opponents like the Chaotic PKs, the Doppelganger, and your arena opponents. Matsu and Antares are actually my personal favorite party for hunting the Chaotic PKs in this game, though I will admit this has more to do with personal preference than anything stat-related. While on the subject, let's talk about the Blade Brandiers, Silabus, Endrance, and Antares. Mostly, they are quite similar, as you would expect, but there are slight differences in their stats, as well as their AI and how they effect the Morale Gauge. Silabus is probably the most well-rounded in a well- rounded category. His physical attacks are stronger than Antares and weaker than Endrance, the same goes for his defense. But Silabus' main advantage over the other two is that he tends to fill the Morale Gauge faster, as he commits a "favorite action" every time he uses an Art, every time he creates Rengeki opening, and every time he defeats an enemy. Endrance, on the other hand, will really only help fill the gauge when he is healed or when Haseo does a Rengeki. Endrance does have the most attack power of the three, and once he acquires his lost weapon, he will become very powerful, perhaps second only to Haseo. Antares has the most SP and magic defense, but his physical attacks are noticeably weaker, and so is his physical defense. Though, I think Antares has the smartest AI, at least when set to "free will," because he has a good balance of offensive Arts and normal attacks. So, there are advantages and disadvantages to all three. When you get right down to it though, all three are useful characters, and you won't notice the differences unless you really try. After the scene with Matsu, log out. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Yata - - Orders. ===================================================================== - - Coite-Bodher (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Battlefield Start checking the pillars one by one. You don't have enough Data Seeds. On cue, you'll get an email. ===================================================================== - - Desktop Email: Yata - - Investigation ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Get a party together. Everyone but Pi and Atoli will be available. ===================================================================== - - (Theta) Misjudge/ Precept's/ Symphony Lv 83 My Lv 85 My Party: Antares, Matsu Enemies: Sea Trident, Hash Chase, Helen (AIDA), Treasure: The Hermit, Absorb Amalgam, Drop Snake, Simple Gaiters, Gun Fisher, Simple Water Comb, BF 1 There are three Adler's Keys on this floor. As you enter, one of them is in the first large room. Continue South, at the second intersection, take the Northwest exit to the Adler's Key at the dead end. Take the Southwest exit to find a long, spiraling hall that leads to BF 2. BF 2 The AIDA is in the Beast Statue room. Go West. South North Then East. The AIDA is just another Helen, so it shouldn't cause you any trouble. When you are done collecting the remaining Adler's Keys, go back to town. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Pi will meet with you as you warp in, she will give you another Data Seed. This will give you enough Data Seeds to warp from the pillars in Coite - Bodher. Atoli is now available as well, so you'll have your choice of who you will take to fight the next boss. However, I suggest that you at least get Atoli's Lost Weapon before you do that. ===================================================================== - - Caerleon Medb (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Sacrament My Lv 86 Boss : Mirage Banisher Well, just use the same strategy that you did for the Propagate Eater. This boss is at a lower level though, so it should go down pretty easily. You'll get the Dancing Haze: Physical Attack +9/ Magic Attack +10/ With huge bonuses to all elemental stats. Its ability is Dazzling Melody, which absorbs 25% of regular attack damage as SP, and prevents spells from being interrupted. ===================================================================== - - Dol Dona Now, let me tell you about the first time I fought this boss: I was completely unprepared. My party was as follows: Haseo Lv 86 (Chain) Fang + 5/ (Soul) Sheaf +5/ Ticking Death (Absorb) Amalgam +5 Biker's Charm Atoli Lv 84 Dancing Haze (Radiant) Suit +5 (Appraise) Hood +5 Endrance Lv 83 (Drain) Rivet +5 (Holy) Guardian +5 (Brave) Hood At these levels and with this equipment the next boss was very difficult, in fact, frustratingly difficult. I nearly got wasted. About the only wise decision that I made was to bring the Biker's Charm, without which I would have lost the battle. I won eventually, but it was a drawn-out battle where I used all of my best items. Around the middle, I reached a stalemate with the boss, where his healing abilities counteracted my damage. The only reason I won was because I nailed a Divine Awakening -with 85 button presses- at the right moment, then finished him off quickly afterwards. I've said this before, but this game is as difficult as you want it to be. At a mid-eighties level, the next boss is quite difficult. At level 90, he has an... entertaining difficulty. And at level 100, the battle will be over before you know it. Here is what I suggest, have your party at an average level of 90, well equipped, and all three members should be wielding Lost Weapons. This will make it so the boss is fun, without being frustrating, and it should allow you to save some valuable items -like Healing Storms and Fairy Rains- for the battles to come. For more info on the lost weapons and their bosses, see the Lost Weapons section in the post-story walkthrough. However, I will write the walkthrough assuming that you faced off with this boss right now, at your current level. In order to get your party to level 90 or so, there are many things that you can do. Try warping to random areas that are about your level or a little higher and working on the side Campaigns like Mecha Grunty, Lucky Animals, and PK hunting. This will not only level you up quick, but will also give you some good items. Armor is of a particular interest here, because the next boss' attack power is staggering. Of course, acquiring more Adler's Keys is recommended. If you've followed the walkthrough to this point, then you should only have enough Keys to unlock Atoli and Kuhn's Lost Weapons. Atoli and Kuhn make a fine party for the next boss, but if you want to use someone else, then I suggest you get their Lost Weapon. Also, I suggested against defeating the Doppelganger because it would make the Lit Honeysuckle and Ticking Death more or less worthless. But now you can defeat the Doppelganger without worrying about detracting from the story. You will need to defeat him twice to acquire all of the Heine's weapons. See the Doppelganger section at the end of the document for tips. Also, there are the other two areas that you got from the forums. I will not cover these areas in the walkthrough, but they are very useful for leveling up before the next boss. As far as items and abilities go, I recommend Rapid or Appraise Hoods, depending on whether or not your ally is a fighter or a mage. For Haseo, bring two different accessories; one that has Item Boost, like Biker's Charm and Appraise Hood; and one that has a Time Conch, like a Rapid Hood. You will be changing between the two during the battle as the situation demands. I strongly recommend (Sub) Cloak for mages, (Loose) Case for light-armor fighters, and (Rough) Amalgam for Haseo or anyone else who can wear heavy armor. See the items section for the locations of these armors. (Though, Absorb Amalgams are easy enough to come by. They are dropped by Hash Chase enemies.) The best Abilities for your weapons and armor are as follows: Spirit Tree Bud is an excellent choice. It has the ability SP Eater, which raises all stats in exchange for a slight SP drain. Unlike the last volume, SP Eater's drain is much more manageable; Spirit Talismans are available for purchase at the Dol Dona trade shop, Ein Baku Tongue will drain SP from the enemy with normal attacks, and Appraise accessories will be effective at healing what SP is lost. The Spirit Tree Bud bestows the first name "Force," and will raise your stats equivalent to about two or three levels, so it is very useful if you go into this at a low level. Twin Scales is also a good choice, though you will lose SP much faster than if you had a Spirit Tree Bud, and you must be careful to always keep Haseo's SP above half. Also, the boss has an awakening-style attack that will damage HP, even with the damage change ability equipped. If these do not fit your playing style, or if you want something more simple, than Armadillo Shells are actually a very good choice as well. This boss will attack with both physical and magical attacks, but the magic attacks are as much about disruption as they are about damage. It will be the physical attacks and the Arts damage that the boss will deal that will really kill you. If your equipment has a third ability slot, then I strongly recommend Body Egg or Mind Egg, which will give you +10% HP and +10% SP respectively. These are simply the best single slot abilities right now. Weapon abilities are not as important, especially if you are using Lost Weapons or Heine's weapons, which are five-star rarity, and cannot be customized. If you are using customizable weapons, then the Strategic Fan is a good choice. Most of the significant damage that you will do to this boss will be through Awakenings, but Rengekis never hurt. The Strategic Fan bestows the first name "Chain," and is available at the Emperio and Kestrel guild shops in Dol Dona. Also, the Ein Baku Tongue and the Niku Baku Tongue work very well. For items, trade for Healing Storms, which recover 350 HP for all allies, Fairy Rains, which give 100 SP to all allies, and Revive Rains for 200 HP to all allies. Healing Storm and Revive Rain are widely available for trade, or you can get them at the Medic Union guild shop in Dol Dona. Fairy Rains are much more difficult to find, try trading with people in Lumina Cloth. I suggest you also have 25 or more Revival Medicines. On my first time through, I used at least twenty because Endrance was dying every thirty seconds or so. Give your other two party members 15 Healing Potions, 10 Fairy Rains, and 5 Revival Medicines each, just in case. Warrior Soul, Knight Soul, and Astrologer Soul will also be very useful. Bring some along. So, if you think you are ready after all this, than go ahead to Coite-Bodher. ===================================================================== - - Coite -Bodher (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Battlefield Suggested Level 90-93 My Level 86 My Party: Atoli, Kuhn This is what my party looked like. Keep in mind that this is the minimum needed for survival. If you go out looking like this, I cannot guarantee that you will survive. I suggest you be better equipped. Haseo Lv 86 (Chain) Fang +5 / (Soul) Sheaf +5 / Ticking Death (Force) Amalgam +5 Biker's Charm / (Rapid) Hood +5 Atoli Lv 83 Dancing Haze (Force) Suit +5 (Appraise) Hood +2 Kuhn Lv 83 Silent Jade (Force) Scales +1 (Rapid) Hood In my items I had: 50 Healing Potion; 50 Fairy Drop; 40 Revive Rain; 40 Healing Storm; 25 Sprite Rain; 5 Fairy Rain; 15 Strange Coffee; 50 Revival Medicine; and 10 Spirit Talismans. When you are ready, put the Data Seeds in the Pillars and warp. For spoiler-avoidance purposes, I will now refer to this boss as Tri-Edge. Climb the ramp and open the door. Scenes..... Boss Fight : Tri-Edge He'll start off slowly, so take the opportunity to switch to Divine Awakening. Also, set your party's AI to Rage. Use any Warrior Soul, Knight Soul, etc. that you brought along. I prefer the Dual Swords for their ability to open opponents to a Rengeki. If the Morale gauge fills, do not trigger the awakening yet. Wait until he really gets started. After you take his HP down to 2/3, he will summon black orbs that will surround him. These orbs have various names and have various abilities. They can put a shield around him, they can cast magic, they can heal, etc. If you focused entirely on the orbs, you would never damage the boss. So, use your wide-range Arts like Reaper's touch. When more than one orb shows up, trigger the Divine Awakening. This will do significant damage to Tri-Edge, and kill the orbs. After you trigger the Awakening, switch to the Scythe. The boss will summon new orbs almost immediately. Tri-Edge has three main attacks. The first is a strong attack combo with his normal weapon, which will knock its target back against the battle fence. This attack also hits allies standing close by. The second attack is where he jumps up and crashes down, causing massive damage to all allies in range, even if you try to block, this will push through. The third is a ridiculously powerful cannon attack that sweeps clockwise around the battlefield, crushing all in its path. These attack are difficult to avoid, and if you concentrated on avoiding them, you'd just run around like a chicken and not do any damage. It is better to suffer the damage and then heal with an Item Boost accessory equipped. He also has an awakening-style attack that is unavoidable, and for me, caused about 1,000 HP damage to Haseo. Always keep Haseo's HP as high as you can. Have Haseo stay away and be the Healer. Equip him with the Appraise accessory and let him heal the party. Use Healing Potions when you can, and Healing Storms when you must, but use Revive Rains, not so much to heal, but to raise the Morale gauge. Your survival here will depend on how fast you can raise the Morale gauge while preventing Tri-Edge from healing himself. Kill off his orbs as soon as they appear. Dash in and use an Art when either Tri-Edge or the orbs are open for a Rengeki. Then switch immediately to the Rapid accessory. As soon as the Skill Trigger is recharged, switch back to your Item Boost accessory. Repeat this every time you use an art. If you find that your party is well healed, but Tri-edge surrounded by orbs, run around to his back with the Scythe and use the charge-up attack. This will severely damage the orbs and hopefully open Tri-Edge for a Rengeki. Even if he cannot be Rengeki -ed, use Reaper's Touch, this should eliminate all the orbs. Switch to the Rapid accessory and retreat. When the Skill Trigger has recharged, go back to the Item Boost accessory and heal your party. Repeat this process until you can hit him with a Divine Awakening. Then keep this up until his HP gets low. After -and only after- a Divine Awakening that kills all the orbs, if Tri- Edge's HP is below 500, then go all out. Switch to the Rapid accessory and hit him with Reaper's Touch, then a normal attack combo, then Reaper's Touch again. If you and your allies put everything they have into him, he should go down before he can summon more orbs. It is not over yet. Avatar Battle : Corbenik Corbenik is tough. Its normal attack is a spread of needles, this can be dodged easily by moving slightly to either side, but half the time Skeith will not have to move at all. The key to winning is to fire as much as possible to stun Corbenik, then move in with the Scythe. Repeat Ad Nauseam. I'll go through Corbenik 's special attacks one by one: Clinch Needle is an attack where Corbenik will launch a hail of needles in all directions. It is better to slash these away with one swing of the Scythe than to try to dodge. Devil's Verdict is Corbenik 's blitz attack. Dash repeatedly to either side to escape. If you get caught, prepare for major damage. Variant Summon: Corbenik will launch jellyfish-like gun pods that will fire at Skeith. Dash in and take them out with the Scythe as soon as possible. Remember, the Scythe's fourth slash is a distance attack, and is useful for taking out the last pod. Fearful Visitor is where Corbenik will rush at Skeith and attack with its Mantis Arm. Dash to the side a couple of times to escape, then resume firing. In the last quarter of its health Corbenik will use Data Drain, just smash the buttons like mad. When Corbenik reaches Protect Break, start charging. You will likely get hit a few times, but remember that Skeith does not take damage while the enemy is in Protect Break. Just Relax. RELAX. The key to hitting Corbenik is to keep calm, try to dodge the needles as they come and fire as soon as it stops. Don't worry about dodging the last set of needles, just fire before they hit Skeith. Don't worry if you miss you'll have almost a full minute to connect. Keep calm and try again. Count how many attacks Corbenik will throw before it stops. Then prepare to fire as it reaches that point. Let go of the button as soon as that happens and you will hit. ===================================================================== Watch the heartbreaking scenes... The credits will play, but don't look away. It is not over yet. You will wind up back at the desktop - - Desktop Email: Atoli - - To Haseo ===================================================================== - - Hulle Granz Cathedral (Delta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Holy Ground Just Watch. ===================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Congratulations! You have completed the main Story. ------ There is a lot to do though, before you move on to volume 3 though, so stick around for the post-story section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===================================================================== ---------------------- VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ ----------------------- But before that, I would like to thank you for sticking with me this far. I hope that you enjoy the game as much as I do, and this walkthrough was written with the goal of providing you with all the necessary information, without taking away from the pleasure of this wonderful game. I will be back for Volume 3, so I hope to help you again soon. Thank you again Twenty-Nine Rooks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===================================================================== ===================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Section 3: - - Post Story Section This Section will cover the following events and campaigns: Lucky Animals Campaign, and the other ones too Bike Races Kazubolo 's Convalescence The Lost Weapons The Doppelganger The Chaotic PKs The Abyss Quest ===================================================================== Section 3.a ===================================================================== - - Lucky Animal Campaign Here, as far as I've been able to figure, is how the game decides which Lucky Animals appear where: There are three factors, one, whether the area is a Field-type or a Dungeon-type; two, the last numeral in the area's level; three, the average level of your party. Half of the Lucky Animals only appear in Fields, the other half only in Dungeons. The last numeral of the area's level is somehow factored in with your party's average level, resulting in a number value that represents which Lucky Animal will inhabit that area. To simplify: If your Party's average level is 55, and you go to an area that is level 53, your party's level - - 55- - and the last numeral in the area level - - 3- - are factored together mathematically to decide what Lucky Animal will appear. Since I do not know the formula the game uses, it is tough to predict which animal will appear where. However, you know how it is really easy to multiply or divide something by 10, if your party's average level is divisible by ten, i.e. 50, 60, 70, etc, then this will stabilize the equation, making it easy to kick all the different Lucky Animals. So, here is what you do, make sure your party's average level is divisible by ten, if Haseo is the only one at a suitable level, then just take him out alone. Then visit a field that is level 1, 11, 21, 31, etc. Make sure that you have not visited this area before in this volume, so, stay away from the Bookmarks and key in the area words yourself. When you get to the field kick the Lucky Animal (and save Mecha Grunty is you want), then go back to town. Repeat this at Fields that have area levels that end in two, 2, 12, 22, etc. All the way up to Fields that end in 0, like 10, 20, 30. I suggest that you do the lowest levels possible, because you must prevent Haseo from leveling up. Be careful though, some Lucky animals will give EXP, if you encounter one that you have not already kicked in this game, then save it for last. This problem can be avoided by waiting until Haseo and all other members of his party are at the maximum level of 100. This makes the Lucky Animals predictable, and prevents anyone from leveling up. When you are done with Fields, repeat this process for Dungeons. Now, you should have kicked all the different Lucky Animals, head to Dr. Pao in the Alchemy District to get your rewards. Also, if you were saving Mecha Grunty along the way, then get your rewards for that as well. In order to complete the quest, you'll have to kick 50 Lucky or Unlucky animals. It is best to do this while saving Mecha Grunty and hunting PKs. So, just warp to random areas until you've kicked your heart out. Visit Dr. Pao in the Alchemy district in Mac Anu to claim prizes and check your progress. - - Mecha Grunty Again, this one goes hand in hand with the Lucky Animal Campaign. As you save it more and more, it will require more and more Chim Spheres. It is best to do this in a Field area, because they are much shorter and it is easier to locate both Mecha Grunty and the Lucky Animal. Visit the house in the Harbor district to claim prizes and check your progress. - - The PK Hunt Most of the PKs that you will meet are tame enough. They are set to your party's average level, and can be taken down pretty quickly. Hunt them along with Mecha Grunty and the Lucky Animals. For information on the Chaotic PKs, see their own section later. Visit Dongo in the back alley of Mac Anu's Mercenary district to claim prizes and check your progress. - - Chim Kicker Campaign This one is ridiculously easy. By the time I had completed the quest necessary to start this campaign, I had already acquired more than enough Chim Spheres to claim all the prizes. If you need more Chim Spheres to get to the top, then just go out and get more. They are everywhere. Visit the house in the Mercenary district to claim prizes and check your progress. - - Bikman's Model Basically, you hand out flyers to the new people you meet. You can get most of this quest done by trading with PCs frequently throughout the course of the game's story. But if you want to finish it, here is how. Go to Mac Anu's Alchemy District and check with Bikman. If you have not completed all of the Human Males and Females, then warp around between Lumina Cloth, Mac Anu, and Dol Dona. Use the flyer radar to see if anyone needs a flyer, hand them out and them keep moving on. Repeat this until you've completed the Human Male and Human Female sections of Bikman's list. Once you have, it is likely that all the remaining PCs are members of the Medic Union, out on patrol in areas. The beasts appear randomly in areas, so warp to random fields and dungeons, check the radar as you enter, and head into the dungeon or field to pass out the flyers. If no one who needs flyers is present, than just gate out and try a different area. Beast Males hang out in fields and Beast Females hang out in dungeons. Some of the treasures I acquired: Ein Baku Tongue; Twin Scales; Tortoise Shell; Niku Baku Tongue; Tortoise Crest. ===================================================================== Section 3.b ===================================================================== - - Bike Races Honestly this is one of my favorite parts of the game. Talk to Kafu, the duck NPC near the entrance to your @home in Dol Dona. He will tell you to go riding on the Bike Course areas, all of which begin with the word "Passing." Go to the Chaos gate and give it a try. Though there are many combinations possible with the first word Passing, there are actually only five courses. Of course, you will want the whether to be clear and sunny for your race, but other than that, changing around the area words doesn't do much. I suggest that you do the races now because you can get some really good prizes - - like stat-boosting items- - right now, and you can have some fun doing it. I guess I should mention that there is a short cut to win all the races in this volume. This is one of those things built into the game to help the QA personnel make sure there are no bugs. I will now explain in detail: The goal of every race is to collect three King Chims. But, if you hit (select) to pull up the map right as you make contact with the first King Chim, the game will make it so you have collected all three King Chims. From then, just hit (select) to exit the map and you will complete the race immediately. So, it is possible to complete races in under a quarter of the time of you competitors, not matter how slow you bike is. I don't suggest you take advantage of this, of course. But if the bike races are frustrating you, then go ahead. (I will not take credit for this tip. I found it online; it has been widely circulated by multiple sources, so it is difficult to tell who should be credited for it. In any event, it is not mine, and I thank whomever found this originally.) Before you head to your first race, visit the Junk shop near your @home and buy the best bike parts that you can afford. Then go to your garage in your @home and upgrade you bike. My bike looked like this: 170 Engine Yamane Armor Type 500 Muffler 150 Tires Don't expect to win with this equipment, but you will be able make some good times, and get some prizes. Note that while you are in town there is a speed limiter on your bike. If you want to continue with the story, feel free to skip ahead to the next divider at any time. I will also repeat this section at the end of the walkthrough. I think that Course 4 is the easiest, so I start there. Also, just to clarify, these are not so much races as they are time trials. You won't be competing against opponents directly, you'll just be trying to beat their time. - - Course 4 From the start, turn around 180 degrees and race from that direction. Even with this trick, you will not be able to win yet. Try to keep the bike under control as you boost, and with some practice, you should be able to get to 5 th place. You get one item per rank that you advance, so you will rake in the items quickly. Some of the items here are very good, and cannot be acquired by other means until much later. EX: If you take 5 th place here you get the Hermit Shell, a very nice armor ability item. Race a few more times here then head back to Dol Dona to see Kafu. If you've competed five runs, he will give you the Raging Muffler. Go and tune up you bike with it. This is the process for winning these races: make runs and collect Chims, check in with Kafu and get a new part. Make more runs and collect more Chims, etc. You will get bike parts by completing runs, but you will get stat boosting items by collecting Chims. Next, I go to course 1 - - Course 1 Again the objective is to get all three King Chims, but the trick is to find the shortest route. Try out a few different things. I was only able to get fifth again, but I suggest you give this course at least ten tries. When you've gotten as high as you can go, head back to Dol Dona When you check back with Kafu, note how many more runs you must complete to get his next prize. I had already gotten the Kirisame engine and the Hazy tires. Next go to Course 3 - - Course 3 With enough practice, I placed second. Just do as many runs as you need to get Kafu's next prize. After I checked back with Kafu, I went to course 5 - - Course 5 Now, it should be possible to win this course if you practice enough. The trick is to hit all of the short cuts perfectly. This will be very difficult, but it is doable. All you need to do is practice. First, take a slow run through without boosting to get a feel for the path you will be taking. At the start collect the Chims in front of you. Collect more at the first turn, but you will want to come off the first turn very wide. That is, you will want to be close to the sand on your left. You will see the first King ahead. To the left of the King is a ramp that leads up to a hill. What you want to do is make a turn for that ramp while grabbing the King Chim on the way. If this is done correctly, you will grab the King about halfway through your turn. Once you are on the hill you will notice that you are off the line that leads down to the other side of the hill, turn the bike slightly to the left to get back on course. As you go down the off ramp, the bike will catch air (or, at least it will when you are boosting), so, you need to angle the bike to the right just before you go down the ramp, or you will run into the water on the other side. If you succeed in missing the water, then the rest is easy. Just continue forward collecting Chim on the way to the second King. A moment after you collect the second King, turn the bike to the left to cut across the open area to the south of the other hill in order to reach the third King and end the race. This is all easily done when you are not boosting. But boosting makes this exponentially harder, though. But with practice you can get it. My best time is 15:17, in case you wanted to know. The reward for first is the Wave Muffler. Other Notable Loot: Flash Light Lance Angel War Drum If you can't get it, then just complete more runs until Kafu gives you better bike parts. If you get all the parts he gives you, then try course 4. That one is even easier. Go Back to Dol Dona and check with Kafu. Then head back to Course 4 - - Course 4 Follow the same strategy as before, and with all the new parts you've gotten you should be able to win. Pull a 180 at the start and go the reverse route. even if you make some big mistakes, you should get first pretty easily. The prize is the Night Tires. Other Notable Loot: Dustproof lens Gauntlets Angel Tinted Glass Hermit Shell Anti Air Compass Next go to course 3 - - Course 3 This will be the toughest one yet. All of the turns you make will have to be nearly perfect. Again take a slow run through to get a feeling of what you will be doing. First, turn with the Chims to the right. As you approach the first King, go wide to the right, then turn left, grabbing the King and connecting with the line of Chims behind him. You will need to get most of these Chims for your boost to last. After the line ends, cut to the left, heading directly for the triangle of Chims ahead, if you get most of them as well, then you will no longer need to collect them to make your boost last for the rest of the race. Make a sharp left to avoid hitting the wall behind the triangle and go for the second King. Once the King is yours, the Chims will go wide around the next bend. You should cut in to the right, cutting the corner towards the ramp leading to the final King. The problem with this is that the narrow ramp will be outside your field of vision. You will have to make a sharp right turn to reach the ramp, blindly, based on a guess as to the ramp's position. Even if you make the ramp, sometimes you will come up it at an extreme angle, which could cause you to miss the final King, situated in the center of the hill. Keep trying and you will get it. Again this is easy to do while not boosting, but much harder while boosting. The prize for first is the Tidal Muffler. My best time 11:85. Other Notable Loot: Fire Resist Seal Stingray Stinger Ninja Claw Scythe Angel Strategic Fan - - Course 1 The same basic strategy applies here as in course 3. You will want to collect as many Chims early on as you can, then cut corners and boost until the end. Go along with the Chims at first, then turn wide so you can collect the first King and hit the triangle of Chims behind him. Then go wide to the right to connect with a line of Chims that take you around a curve. If you collect all of them, they will line you up with the second King. As soon as you get the second King, cut to the left to cut the corner and head for the last King. But do not cut in too far, the uneven ground near the sound will slow you down; keep as close as possible to the left without touching the sandy area. Line up with the final King. A good time form me: 15: 23. The prize for first is the Hagane Armor. Other Notable Loot: Astrid Specimen Calm Propeller Broad Angel Blade Angel Demonic Mallet Godly Potion - - Course 2 This one is by far the most difficult course. Before you start take a look at the map. The first King you'll get is the on in the center, the next is the one on the West, then East. Start byracing through the line of Chims to the first king, then make a small cut to the West, be careful, there is some uneven ground between you and the second King. If you hit that bump you will catch air and you will loose your boost. Pass the uneven ground on your left, then tap the brake and make a very sharp cut to the left. Immediately after that, tap the brake again and swing around 180 degrees to the right, grabbing the King at the apex (the top) of your turn. then race East to get the last King. It sounds much easier than it is. If you hit the water on your turn to the right, it means that your cut to the left was not sharp enough. If you go around the King, then your right turn was too late. If you hit the uneven ground, your first left cut was too sharp. If you thought you did everything right but did not get first place, it is usually because you did not get the second King at the apex of your right turn. There is so much here that could go wrong. Honestly, I won't blame you if decide to use the cheat. Best Time 9:13 Prize: Kurogane Armor. Other Notable Loot: Aqua Board Bayonet Angel Dual Angel Time Conch Talk to Kafu back in Dol Dona. After you complete 50 runs, he gives you the Biker's Charm, a great accessory that you won't be able to equip until much later. Also in the process of acquiring 3600 Chims on Bike missions, he will give you: 2 Beginner's Text, 2 Beginner's Book, 2 Word of Spirit, and 2 Word of Vigor. So, that is like gaining two weapon levels and 50 HP and 50 SP, nice. ===================================================================== Section 3.c ===================================================================== - - Kazubolo 's Convalescence After the main game is over, watch Online Jack phase #6. Then, go to: Community Forum/ News/ My First Time Someone will say that Kazubolo has been spotted by Dol Dona's Junk Shop. Go there to meet Kazubolo. Then, log out. Community Forum/ News/ My First Time Now, Kazubolo has been spotted in Lumina Cloth's back street. Meet with him again, then log out. Community Forum/ News/ My First Time The chase continues in Mac Anu's Mercenary district. Meet with Kazubolo one more time and he will reveal that he is actually Salvador Aihara! Shocking! Anyway, he will give you a wallpaper and the "Secret Password: Nurse Carnival." This secret password is simply a promotional gimick that was intended to be used on this game's official Jappanese website. There is nothing that westerners can do with it. I don't really know why they left this in the game. One reason is because the translators themselves did not know the word was insignificant. Another reason is because they did not want to go back and change anything near the end of the translation process, for fear they would cause the game to be bugged after the quality checking process. ===================================================================== Section 3.d ===================================================================== - - The Lost Weapons Haseo will acquire his Lost Weapon, Ticking Death, from a main-story event. There are six other Lost Weapons. However, one of these is for the Epitaph user of the fourth phase: Fiddchel the Prophet. You do not have this Epitaph user yet, so you will not be able to acquire this weapon. Don't worry about this weapon, it will take care of itself in volume three. The lost weapons and the Adler's Keys needed to attain them look like this: Atoli: Second Phase Staff - 10 Keys Kuhn: Third Phase Gun - 15 Keys Sakubo: Fifth Phase Grimoire - 30 Keys Endrance: Sixth Phase Blade - 25 Keys Pi: Seventh Phase Gauntlets - 20 Keys So, you will need 100 Keys in all to unlock the available weapons. Important Note: None of the other Lost Weapons are required for story purposes. If you want, you can just get Haseo's Scythe and leave it at that, but I strongly recommend that you get at least three of the lost weapons during the course of the game's main story. For that, you will need at least 25 more keys. Adler's Keys can be found everywhere. They are available in all areas except the Lost Grounds, However, higher level areas above level 90 will allow you to obtain Keys at a much faster rate. Essentially, the Adler's Keys in these areas are bundled, meaning that you can acquire up to four Keys at once. Even in a short field area, you can acquire upwards of 16 Keys. All of the bosses that guard the Lost Weapons are similar; they use the same Magic and Physical attacks. However, the level of the individual boss will increase with the number of keys required to access them. So, the Death Eater boss, which guards Haseo's weapon, will be at level 75; Atoli's, level 77; Kuhn's, level 79; etc. So, you should try to get the lost weapons in order from the cheapest to the most expensive. Exception: Because of story events, it is impractical to acquire Atoli's weapon first. Kuhn's weapon can be acquired soon afterwards instead, but the boss that guards Kuhn's weapon will be fierce. So, you can certainly wait until you've leveled up to fight Kuhn's boss. The Lost Weapons are very powerful, but, they are not very useful until the end of the game's main story and beyond. My point is that it is not necessary to fight these bosses if you find them too difficult. Note that the individual bosses have names that imply that they are the antithesis of the Avatar used by the related character. For example: Haseo is the "Terror of Death," and the boss that guards his weapon is called "Death Eater." Here is what the individual bosses and the weapons you will acquire look like. Haseo Boss: Death Eater As this boss's name implies, it is very tough. The Death Eater has two main attacks. Lei Zas, the powerful Light-magic spell. And a multi-hit physical attack. I cannot suggest strongly enough that you spread out around Death Eater. It will not move very much, but its attacks are all area-effect. It is useless to try to dodge Lei Zas, just position Haseo away from his allies and guard. You can dodge the physical attack by moving away or using an Art. However, is is easiest to guard, even though you will take a small amount of damage. Death Eater has high HP and high defense against magic and physical attacks, the best way to damage it is with Rengeki and Awakenings. In fact, those are the only attacks that will do noticeable damage. If your party is at level 78-79, one Divine awakening should halve Death Eater's HP. Hopefully, this will put an end to the battle. If not, Death Eater will heal itself, but just keep attacking and you can nullify this, leaving your Rengekis and Awakenings to deal lasting damage. If Death Eater gets close to dying, but your Morale gauge isn't full, try switching to Beast awakening to finish it off quickly. Ticking Death: +44 to physical attack; +10 to magic Ability: Absorb 1/4 of normal attack damage as both SP and HP, with a 50% success rate. ---------- Atoli Boss : Mirage Banisher Well, just use the same strategy that you did for the Death Eater. You should be at a much higher level now, so this is actually the easiest of the Lost Weapon bosses. You'll get the Dancing Haze: Physical Attack +9/ Magic Attack +10/ With huge bonuses to all elemental stats. Ability: Dazzling Melody, absorbs 25% of regular attack damage as SP, and prevents spells from being interrupted. ---------- Kuhn Boss: Propagate Stopper The Propagate Stopper will use the same attacks as the Death Eater: Lei Zas and a physical attack. Even though you are at a higher level than this boss, this can be a difficult battle because of this boss' healing capabilities. While you are strong enough to inflict noticeable damage with normal attacks and Rengekis, once this boss reaches half HP, it will cast healing spells. Even with a damage-oriented party, I was unable to do enough damage with normal attacks and Rengekis to counteract this boss' healing. At this level, you can count on a Divine Awakening to deal about 1,500 damage (of course, if you nail the timing then you can deal more). But this boss has about 4,000 HP, so after my first Awakening, it just healed itself back to around 2,000 HP. Here is what you can do: Remember how much damage your first awakening does. After your first awakening, keep the pressure on this boss with Rengekis and normal attacks. Strategic Fans attached to your weapons can make this much easier. The boss may gain ground against you, but if you can trigger a second awakening while the boss' HP value is below the damage you caused with your first awakening, then you should win. If you cannot, or if your second awakening fails to eliminate the boss, then it might be best to attack and defend as necessary as the Boss recovers to about 2,000 HP. Once the boss stops casting the healing spell, you should heal your own party members using items. This will hopefully raise the Morale gauge to full. Don't trigger the awakening yet, as soon as it is full, lay into the boss with everything you have. You should be able to get the boss down to about 1,700 HP before it tries to heal itself. When the boss raises its arms above its head, that means that it will attempt to heal itself. Trigger the awakening before this happens. If you nail the Divine Awakening, you should kill it. If you do not kill it, it should be near death. For a very brief period after the awakening, the boss will not cast its healing spell. Attack it and it will probably go down. If it gets in a healing spell before you can finish it off, then access the main menu and switch to Beast Awakening. Do whatever you must to fill the Morale Gauge quickly. Once the gauge is at half, trigger the awakening and you will be able to finish it off, as long as it didn't heal itself too much. When you win, you will get the Silent Jade. Physical Attack +21; Magic Attack +12 Ability: Green Gift, increases critical hit rate by 25%, and increases Arts damage by 25%. ---------- Pi Boss: Avenge Preventer Again, this boss uses the same attacks: Lei Zas and an area-effect Physical Attack. Since I wait until after the game's main story to fight this battle, this boss is much easier than Propagate Stopper. Though, if you are having trouble, the same strategy will apply. You will acquire the Stained Wing Physical Attack +14; Magic Attack +12 Ability: Innocent Revenge, adds Paralysis to regular attacks. And increases Critical Hits by 25% ---------- Endrance Boss: Tempt Rejecter Basically the same thing. Use the same strategy. But, by this time, you should be at a much higher level, so it will be even easier. You will acquire the Tempting Rose Physical Attack + 20; Magic Attack +10 Ability: Charming Smile, Adds Charm to Regular attacks; Increases chance of Rengeki. ---------- Sakubo Boss: Scheme Breacher By the time I fought this one, my party was about level 96, so the battle was over quickly. If you are having trouble, just follow the same basic strategy as the others. You will get the Infinite Spiral Physical Attack +8; Magic Attack +19; with huge bonuses to elemental stats Ability: Mutual Strategy. Increases Attack spell damage by 25%; Increases Elemental Hit rate by 25%. ---------- After you've acquired these lost weapons, you will get a scene with Phyllo. ===================================================================== Section 3.e ===================================================================== - - The Doppelganger Unlike volume 1 of this series, defeating the Doppelganger can be done at any point; you do not need to wait until the end of the game. The lowest level I've defeated the Doppelganger at is level 54, but I'm quite sure that it is possible at any point you wish. Also, defeating the Doppelganger will give you immediate benefits: If you defeated him in volume 1, than you will receive the Heine's Invasion Dual Sword. You will also receive the Heine's Shadow Broadsword, regardless of whether or not you defeated him in volume 1. In order to complete the Doppelganger event though, you will need to defeat him twice. The second time you win you will get the Heine's Zero Scythe. All of Heine's weapons are at level 51, so they can be used immediately. But, they are also the most powerful weapons in the game. I strongly recommend you wait until after Haseo has acquired both of his story- related weapons, the Lit Honeysuckle and the Ticking Death. This is because Heine's weapons will make both of those story-related weapons obsolete. This can have a negative impact on the story, and make the events where you receive them kinda lame. Also, the weapons are by no means necessary to win any battle in this game, all of them can be won using standard equipment. Here are what Heine's weapons look like: Heine's Invasion Lv 51 Physical Attack +22 Abilities: Critical hit rate +25%; Absorb 25% of Regular Attack (RA) damage as HP; inflict Confusion with RA. Heine's Shadow Lv 51 Physical Attack +50 Abilities: On critical hit, halve the target's HP; Absorb 25% of RA damage as SP; inflict Charm with RA. Heine's Zero Lv 51 Physical Attack +50 Abilities: 10% chance to reduce the target's HP to 10% of max with RA; Absorb 50% of RA damage as HP; Absorb 25% of RA damage as SP. So, as you can see, these weapons are ridiculously strong. In order to defeat the Doppelganger, first you have to find him. This is done most easily after the main story, because you will then acquire the Third Word: Moonlight. With this word, in a feield area, the Doppelganger will show up very quickly, and you won't have to waste any time searching for him. If you want to defeat the Doppelganger before then, here is how to find him: The Doppelganger will only show up in field areas. (Note that I've only encountered him in grassland -style fields, though, I've heard he does show up in wasteland fields as well.) The field should be one with enemies that are strong enough to allow you to fill the Morale gauge. Once you enter the field, it will take about 10-15 minutes for the Doppelganger to appear. Sometimes though, it can take much longer. Without the Word Moonlight in the area words, it is all a matter of luck. Kill all of the enemies as you wait for the Doppelganger. Get whatever treasures there are, save Mecha Grunty, etc. If you do all of this before Doppelganger shows up, then just wait around doing nothing. After about 15 minutes, the Doppelganger should be there. The Doppelganger will warp in at a random point on the field, walk around slowly for about a minute, then warp away to another random point on the same field. This can make him quite difficult to find; you can search the area throughly for some time, and still keep missing the Doppelganger. If you have been searching for longer than 10 minutes though, it might be best to try another area. Once you see the Doppelganger, there are several things you should do. Set your allies to Rage, then make sure everyone is full healed. While Divine Awakening -available after certain story events- is very powerful, I actually prefer Beast Awakening. If you are at a high level, and nail the Divine Awakening, you can wipe out the Doppelganger in one shot. But, even when I was at level 54, I was able to kill the Doppelganger with a single Beast Awakening, while using a Hold and Release-type Broadsword. If you want to give Divine Awakening a try, go right ahead, it will not effect the strategy I will give. But I use Beast Awakening. Engage the Doppelganger. If you have the Broadsword or Scythe equipped, change to the Dual Swords immediately. Use any Knight Seal or Knight Chain, Warrior Seal or Warrior Soul, etc. These items can really help, especially if you are at a low level. If you are using Beast Awakening, switch back to the Broadsword. Immediately trigger the awakening, no matter which type you are using. The Broadsword will deliver the most damage in the shortest time, so it is the choice for Beast Awakening. As soon as the awakening ends, switch back to the Dual Swords if you have any other weapon equipped. The Doppelganger will use the same kind of weapon as Haseo. Believe me, you do not want to know the kind of damage he can do with either the Broadsword or the Scythe; the Dual Swords are much more manageable. This also means that if you change weapons with the skill trigger, Doppelganger will change weapons as well. When he changes his weapon to match Haseo, Doppelganger will stop, and become temporarily invulnerable. So, stick with the Dual Swords if Doppelganger is not yet dead. Hopefully though, you have killed him already. If not, then keep reading. The Doppelganger's AI is ridiculously strong. If you try to battle him with normal attacks you will lose every time. He will transition between guard and attack flawlessly, frustrating most of your attempts. The only way to inflict significant damage is to use Arts as much as possible. Between you and your allies, you should be able to keep up a consistent barrage of Arts and Skills. Do not wait for him to become vulnerable for a Rengeki, use an art as soon as the skill trigger recharges. Between the Doppelganger's AI and the fact that he has HP regeneration, you cannot fight this battle defensively and hope to win. So, you must be continuously on the offense. Guard when you must, but never hold down (O) for long, the Doppelganger is proficient with charge-up attacks, and will likely follow with an Art before you can recover. Pay no attention to you allies' HP, hopefully they will heal themselves in time. The only time you should heal is if one of them is KO'd, or if they run out of SP. Every second spent healing and not attacking means that the Doppelganger's HP regeneration will gain significant ground. Haseo alone should be enough to counteract the regeneration (perhaps even more), leaving the other party members to inflict the lasting damage. Heal Haseo's HP if, and only if, necessary; even though you are fighting a very strong opponent, you should be surprised to see just how much of a tank Haseo has become. If you still cannot beat the Doppelganger, then you must resort to a drastic, but very helpful, means. Namely: Sleipnir. Yes, find a field area that has the Sleipnir lucky animal using the Animal Radar. Defeat all the other monsters, then kick Sleipnir and engage Doppelganger. The Sleipnir will halve his HP before the battle even starts, making it easy to kill him during the awakening. If you want a challenge, though, try to defeat Doppelganger without using Sleipnir or an Awakening. The strategy I gave above still applies, but you will want to distribute Healing Potions, Fairy Drops, and Revival Medicines to your allies beforehand. Also, instead of letting your allies die, Heal with Healing Storm and Revival Rain for maximum efficiency. Bring two different accessories, one with the Item Boost ability and one with the Quick Charge ability. Item Boost Doubles the effects of your items, and Quick Charge recharges the skill trigger much faster than normal. Switch between the two as the situation demands. Good Luck. ===================================================================== Section 3.f ===================================================================== - - Chaotic PKs I'm not sure what level I recommend for taking out the Chaotic PKs. I've never faced off against the first one, Maniac Helluger, until about level 73. At that level, she was difficult, but manageable with the strategy given. This may be because the game's producers realized the mistake they made in the first volume of siccing the Chaotics against a Haseo as low as level 15. Or, it may be that there are no blue Battle Areas inside story-related levels. If you do not go to random levels, as I don't, then you will only find Battle Areas inside levels that have been posted on the forum. In any event, it is both easier and more difficult to complete this campaign in volume 2. Easier, because you shouldn't run into the first Chaotic PK until you are ready. More difficult, because it will take a huge effort to find the Chaotic PKs on your own, let alone to kill 50 PKs in all. In the post-story game, the best keywords I found for hunting the PK are: (Theta) Roaring/ Friend's/ Berserker. These words have a LV 100 field and a battle zone right as you warp in, so you can also raise your level and acquire great items as you hunt the individual PK. Keep in mind, the same basic strategy will apply to all the Chaotic PKs. There are only slight differences in how you should go about implementing this strategy, considering the PK's individual equipment and technique. -Maniac Helluger The first Chaotic PK you will run into is a Blade Brandier named "Maniac" Helluger. At the start of the battle, access the menu. Set the strategy of your allies to: Rage. Equip Haseo with the Boost Candle accessory, it will begin with the word "Appraise." Go to the items menu and use an Attack Spell item on Helluger. The accessory will double the effect of the spell, hopefully interrupting Helluger's first attempt at a skill. Continue to use Attack Spell items until she becomes vulnerable for a Rengeki, at which point, hit her with whatever skill you want. Take a few shots at Helluger while your Skill Trigger recharges if you want, but don't go crazy. Back off, and as soon as you can use items again, heal your party and continue to use Attack spell items. When Helluger's HP gets low, switch Haseo's accessory to the Time Conch accessory, it will begin with the word "Rapid." Then go all out against her with your Arts. She will be vulnerable for a Rengeki for a much longer period of time than it takes for the Skill Trigger to recharge, so you shouldn't miss the opportunity. Heal you party only if absolutely necessary at this point, just keep the pressure on her and she will go down. -Immortal Goriki Goriki is an Edge Punisher, and in my opinion, the toughest of the lot. His attacks will do massive damage to your party if he is able to connect. Though, magic -and Magic Attack Items- are his weakness, so exploit this to the fullest. Again, the Item Boost accessory will make this battle much easier. -Magical Pokotan Despite her name, Pokotan is a Twin Blade. She's fast, but the Scythe works well to keep her under your thumb. -Silent TERU Is a powerful Flick Reaper. Use Magic Attack Items to knock... er... is it a her? Use Attack Spell items to knock her(?) off balance, then move in for the Rengeki. Silent TERU excels at keeping multiple fighters at bay, so don't get too close unless you are confident you can attack effectively. -Suzuki of the 7 Seas This fight was over so quickly, that I honestly don't remember what Job Class Suzuki was. The basic strategy words perfectly well. -Wicked Ibaku Ibaku is a Shadow Warlock, but don't underestimate him. He has the Damage Change Ability equipped to his armor, which mean that he will not take HP damage until you can burn through his SP. He is also less vulnerable to magic than the other Chaotic PK, so use your most powerful Art to keep him off balance. Equip a Rapid accessory to help with this. The good news is that once you deplete his SP, he will not be able to use spells to attack you, leaving him with nothing that will be a threat to you. -Wicked Gerango He's a Blade Brandier, but for some reason is particularly weak to status ailments like Charm. I had Endrance along, so I didn't really even fight him. Endrance 's Lost Weapon inflicts Charm, so he just ran around the Battle Area aimlessly while I slaughtered him like a baby lamb. I was really disappointed. Well once you defeat all the Chaotic PKs, go visit Dongo in the Mercenary district of Mac Anu to get the Invincible Shell, a heavy armor for Haseo. ===================================================================== Section 3.g ===================================================================== - - The Abyss Quest If you followed along in the walkthrough, then most of the quest has been completed. Minimum Recommended Level: 90. Essentially, the main reward for this quest is a Lv 90 accessory, so, it is pointless to do this quest before Haseo reaches level 90. Go to the Quest Shop in Dol Dona and select: Invasion of the Super Beings. Before you go though, it is best to be prepared. I like to take along one fighter and one mage. Feel free to do what you want, though. It is best not to use the Heine's Invasion and Heine's Shadow for this fight. I've (almost) always left customization up to you, but this next boss can be unfairly tough without the right preparations. For Haseo, attach a Dark Lizard Tail to his most powerful Broadsword, and a Thunder Deer Hoof to his most powerful Dual Sword. Both Items can be purchased at the Dol Dona Junk shop. Also, you can attach a Nutcracker to the Dual Sword as well, this can help, but I didn't need it in the end. So, what you are doing is making Haseo's Dual Sword Light Elemental, and his Broadsword Darkness Elemental. Haseo should have a Rapid accessory and an Appraise accessory, just like he did for the final story boss. For the fighter(s) you might bring, give them Nutcrackers so they can break through armor. If they have a third ability slot available on their weapon, just give them a Thunder Deer Hoof or a Dark Lizard Tail, doesn't matter. Nutcrackers can be hard to come by, but the Emperio guild shop will sell them. And the Kestrel guild shop will sell "Crush_" weapons, which have the Nutcracker already attached. Failing this, just look for a trade. Many PCs have Crush_ weapons available. For the Mage you will bring, make sure they are well-equipped with the best armor they can wear. Most importantly though, make sure they can cast both the Lei Zas (light) attack spell and the Ani Zot (dark) attack spell. For Gaspard or Sakubo, this will not be a problem. But if you want to bring Atoli, she might not know the spells. No matter, just purchase the scrolls that teach these spells at either the Trifle Guild shop or the Dol Dona Magic Items shop. As for Items, buy 20 Light Arrows and 20 Air Stroke attack spell items at the Dol Dona Magic Items shop. If you bring a mage, give them 10 Healing Potions, Fairy Drops, and Revival Medicines apiece, if they do not already have them. Haseo should have about 20 of each of these items. If you want to bring along some Fairy Rains or Healing Storms, even better, bring as many as you want. You should be prepared now. (Theta) Clouding/ Invincible/ Huge Being Lv 87 My Lv 91 My Party: Silabus Lv 88, Gaspard Lv 88 Enemies: Titan Dead, Bowler Head, Scissor Bite, Olin Pack, Treasure: Fairy Rain, Fist Thrush, Simple Mittens, Simple Handbag, Spin Fang, BF 1 Inside the first room, you'll fight a boss: Titan Dead. He is slow to attack, and honestly not that powerful. Just go after him with the Dual Swords and Rengeki when you can. Keep an eye on everyone's HP and you will be fine. Scissor Bites and Bowler Heads populate the rest of the first floor. The Scissor Bites should go down quickly as soon as their shells are broken, but the Bowler Heads attack quickly and powerfully. Use Arts to preempt their skills, and use the Dual Swords to open them up for Rengeki. Form where you gate in, Go South East North Then, East to reach BF 2 BF 2 Just keep heading East until you reach the second platform. Then, Continue East and a scene will play. - - Dark Morrigu Barrow Boss : The One Sin Set your allies to Rage. Then set the awakening mode to Beast Awakening, I strongly suggest you do this. As the game summarily explained to you, One Sin will switch between Light and Dark elementals. You can easily tell which one it is because of its color. So, attack with the Broadsword when it is white, and attack with the Dual Swords when it is purple-ish/black. One Sin has a main body and two arms. When it is Light elemental, it will have its left arm down. (That's ITS left arm, not the arm on the left.) When it is Dark, it will lower its right arm. The arms do not have their own HP, but they will defend the main body against all attacks. The arms do, however, share a defensive bar, much like the armor bars you see on heavy-armored enemies. Attack its current arm with the appropriate weapon. When an arm becomes open for a Rengeki, the One Sin's main body will look like it is vulnerable. Pay no mind, you can only target one thing at a time here, so just Rengeki as normal and you will do massive damage to the arm. If One Sin switches arms on you, don't worry, both arms share the same armor bar. Just switch weapons using an Art and keep attacking. Don't waste an Awakening on the arms. Once you have depleted the arms, the main body will become vulnerable to attack. Use an Art to close the distance, then trigger an Awakening as soon as you can. Pummel the sucker as hard as you can while the awakening lasts. When it is over, keep attacking, the Main Body will become vulnerable to a Rengeki soon. After the Rengeki, switch to the Rapid_ accessory and keep attacking. If you can trigger a second Beast awakening, go for it. Soon, however, One Sin will unleash its most dangerous attack. It will begin to growl and send a beam out from its chest, causing massive damage and pushing your party back. Run away quickly and hold (L1) to call your party over to you. (This is the only time in this game I use that feature.) While you are on the run, use the Attack Spell Items that you purchased earlier. One Sin will regenerate its arms, and you will have to defeat them all over again in order to attack the main body once more. Repeat this strategy and you will win. At the levels I listed above, I was able to win with only two assaults on the main body. Rewards: Flickering Scale; Book of Power; Book of Stamina; Text of Power; After you get the rewards, you'll get an email. - - Desktop Email: CC Corp - - Return of the One Sin: It seems that the One Sin had a twin or something. I tried this boss at my current level of 92, but I was only able to get its HP to about 3/4 before I ran out of items and died. I was able to do some damage while my items lasted, but after I had used up all 43 of my Healing Storms, the battle was over. Besides the main reward for this boss is a level 100 armor, so it is pointless to really do this until last. Finish the Chaotic PK hunt and all the other campaigns, level up, get the remaining Lost Weapons, and then come back. By the time I reached level 99, I decided to give this a shot. I hadn't defeated all of the Chaotic PKs yet, but well, that kinda takes forever in this game. - - Dark Morrigu Barrow Minimum Recommended Level: 97 Boss: God Eater That name just screams doom and destruction. But actually, while this boss is very difficult at the mid-90s, he is actually pretty boring at level 99. While he is powered up, if you yourself have gained a few levels since you fought One Sin, than this boss will be roughly similar in difficulty. In fact, this boss is more or less the same than One Sin, it has just been powered up. It uses the same attacks, and has the same pattern. Really, if you are in the high-90s, then just follow the strategy for the One Sin and you'll be fine. Again, at level 99 this time, I defeated the God Eater with only two assaults on the main body. ===================================================================== ------------------------ End of Post-Story Section ------------------ ===================================================================== Section 4 ===================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - Crimson VS OK, this is the comprehensive Crimson VS section, where I will basically just list off my favorite decks (and the ones I had to start off with.) But first, let's review the basics: Crimson VS is .Hack//G.U.' s "game within the game." It is a simulated Collectable Card Game (CCG), that basically plays itself while you play in The World. First, it is not necessary to play at all, in fact there is no reward, even if you become the champion of the game. You don't get any money, items, or scenes in The World for playing Crimson VS. So, you could just ignore the whole thing if you wanted. If you are not interested at all, then skip ahead to the next section, because this walkthrough will contain detailed strategies for Crimson VS. If you give it a shot though, I think you will enjoy it. Besides the producers of this game obviously went to a lot of trouble to make this mini-game. Before you access Crimson VS, read the section of the community forum dedicated to the game. Many of the game's basic rules and strategies are explained there. But allow me to add my own explanation: The first thing that you'll be asked to do is build a deck, but you'll have a better understanding of how to go about this successfully if you know what the battles are like first. Battles: Each deck consists of only four cards, three "Unit" cards and one "General" card. The unit cards are ordered in a specific way when you build the deck, they will be Unit Card One, Unit Card Two, and Unit Card Three. Then, the General - - as in, a General in the military- - Card will be last. Unit Card One comes up on the screen and battles the opponent's Unit Card One, the victor is decided by the card's Cost, which is located in the upper-left corner of the card. The victor of this battle will be placed by the side of its commanding General, and the loser will be nullified and will have no effect whatsoever. If there is a tie, then both cards will be nullified. This process is repeated for the two remaining Unit Cards on each side. The purpose of unit cards is to make your General more powerful, or at least make him or her more likely to win. After the Unit Cards are decided, then the Generals take turns attacking each other. A General will deal damage to the opposing General equal to their Attack Power (AP), and all damage received will be subtracted from the General's HP. Different Generals have different levels of AP and HP. Unit Cards support the General, as long as they weren't nullified, with their abilities, such as healing the General, raising the General's AP, or dealing direct damage to the opposing General. So, as a vague strategy you want to have a strong General with strong Unit Cards that will survive their individual battles. A winner is decided when one of the Generals' HP reaches zero. So far this is all pretty simple. Now, however, we must factor in two more things: "Charisma" and the "Trinity System." Each General also has another value besides HP and AP, Charisma. The General's Charisma value is roughly inversely proportionate to their HP and AP. In other words, Generals with high HP and AP will have low Charisma and vice versa. Charisma is very important because it determines, to a large extent, what kinds of Unit Cards you can use, because the total cost of all three Unit Cards in a Deck cannot exceed the Charisma of that deck's General. So, for example, if a General as a Charisma of 8, they can have one Unit card with a cost of 6, and two Unit Cards with a cost of 1 apiece, or they may have one card with a cost of 1, one card with a cost of 5, and one with a cost of 2. A General with a Charisma of 8 will not be able to have a card with a cost of 7, because each Deck must have three Unit Cards. So, this where things get complicated, you can have a weak General with a high Charisma, and rely on you expensive and powerful Unit Cards to swing the battle in your favor, or you can have a strong General, and if even one of your unit cards survives, you will likely take the victory. Or, you can shoot for somewhere in the middle. The Trinity system complicates things even further. Each and every card is grounded on one "Element." These "Elements" are "Snipe," represented by a gun; "Assault," represented by a feather; or "Shield," represented by.... well, a shield. These Elements work like Rock-Paper-Scissors, where one has an advantage against one, but a weakness to the other. It works like this: Snipe > Assault > Shield > Snipe. The Elements of the Trinity System effect the Unit Card's cost. So, if a Unit Card that is Snipe element with a cost of 2 is pitted against another card that is Assault element with a cost of 2, the Snipe element card will gain 1 to its cost, making it have a cost of three. Instead of both cards being nullified, the Snipe card will survive. Another Example: An Assault card costing 3 vs a Shield card costing 4. The Trinity System will give a boost to the Assault card, making it cost 4, and both cards will be nullified. Or: A Shield card costing 5 vs a Snipe card costing 7, the Trinity system will give a bonus to the Shield card, but it will still be defeated by the Snipe card. If you are confused, don't worry, you will get the hang of it soon enough. -My Decks The first deck I had to scrape together from the starting cards was: (Unit 1) Cost: 2 Snipe "Master Subaru" Adds 1 AP and subtracts 1 HP to your General at the beginning of your turn. (Unit 2) Cost: 2 Assault "March of Destruction" Deals 1 damage to enemy General at the beginning of you turn. (Unit 3) Cost: 3 Snipe "Order Upheld" Adds 2 AP to your General (General) Balmung Charisma: 7 Assault HP 15; AP 4 This isn't much of a deck, in fact, I didn't even name it, but it was enough to get me started. After my first check back, I had acquired "Come Back Alive," and replaced Unit Card 2 with it. I won 94 matches in a row, and started to climb the ranks nicely. In fact this deck turned out so nicely that I named it: "Raging Balmung" (Unit 1) Master Subaru - - # 69 (Unit 2) Come Back Alive - - # 50 (Unit 3) Order Upheld - - # 76 (General) Balmung - - # 7 Raging Balmung did not even begin to lose until my rank was about 330 th. but when it did, I replaced it with my favorite Broken Full Moon Deck: "Broken Death" (Unit 1) Bamyon! - - # 27 (Unit 2) What was that? - - # 28 (Unit 3) Broken Full Moon - - # 80 (General) Haseo, The Terror of Death - - # 5 The first two Unit Cards are trash, they never survive the unit battles anyway. Then, Broken Full Moon switches the two Generals' surviving Unit Cards. Haseo, The Terror of Death has 20 HP and 4 AP, plus with what he gains from the stolen Unit Cards, he becomes very difficult to stop. This is a good deck all the way until you reach the top 100, when the opposing decks will become filled with very rare and powerful cards that are cunningly put together to form decks. When your rank hits about 300 th, you should be able to make this deck: In Shaolin Kung Fu, there is a very advanced system of blocks called the "Iron Fortress Blocking System." In honor of that, I call this deck... "Iron Fortress Haseo" (Unit 1) Young Girl's Path - - # 47 (Unit 2) Azure Sea's Laugh - - #48 (Unit 3) Invisible - - #61 (General) Haseo Counterattacks - - #12 This is quite simply the best defensive deck in the game. Haseo Counterattacks has 23 HP and 3 AP, plus with the defensive Shield element cards, very few decks will have the raw power to defeat him. This deck is especially good when Snipe elemental decks are popular. This one will not have the highest win rates, but it will remain good, even as you face some very tough opponents. It will even win against some of my favorite decks in the game, because it is just so tenacious. Soon though, about the time you reach rank 250, you may get my second favorite General: Endrance the Exquisite. Here is what the card looks like: Endrance the Exquisite - - # 20 Charisma: 13 HP: 10 AP: 3 Believe me, there is a lot that you can do with that 13 Charisma. Once you get him, you should be able to make this deck: "Endrance Burn" (Unit 1) Decapitation of Oath - - #43 (Unit 2) Treasonous Self - - #40 (Unit 3) What Was That? - - #28 (General) Endrance - - #20 This deck will win if the enemy General has below 16 HP. Decapitation of Oath and Treasonous Self combine for 13 damage, so it will destroy Generals like Black Rose and Kuhn. However, this one will lose to any deck with a very strong General, like "Iron Fortress Haseo," or any deck staring Tri-Edge. In order to win against those decks, you'll have to turn Endrance into a monster: "Endrance Monster" (inferior) (Unit 1) Order Upheld - - #76 (Unit 2) Dancing Lion - - #81 (Unit 3) Check This Out - - # 79 (General) Endrance - - #20 Unit Card 1 doesn't matter too much, if it gets beaten, it won't matter. The real combo is in Units 2 and 3. If they survive together, this is what will happen: Dancing Lion will give Endrance 3 HP and 3 AP for each of his Unit Cards that matches his Element (Snipe), so, he gets 6 HP and 6 AP. Check This Out will give him 2 AP for each surviving Unit, so that's 4 AP. This makes Endrance a 16 HP 13 AP monster. By the way, if Order Upheld survives as well, then Endrance will be a 19 HP 20 AP monster instead. Not like it will make much of a difference though. The only time this one loses is when the opposing deck has an annoying card like Broken Full Moon or Fearful Shino (which reflects damage back to Endrance) in its first slot. Around Rank 50, you'll acquire Grim Reaper's Rondo. This is a Snipe card with a cost of 7 that adds 5 AP to your general for the first three turns only. but, it also nullifies damage caused by enemy Unit cards. This means that "Burn" Cards like Treasonous Self don't cause any damage to you. This deck is strong enough to take you all the way to the top: "Endrance Monster" (superior) (Unit 1) Grim Reaper's Rondo - - #85 (Unit 2) Dancing Lion - - #81 (Unit 3) Bird in a Cage - - #68 (General) Endrance- - # 20 Grim Reaper's Rondo gives Endrance 5 AP. Dancing Lion will usually survive with Unit 1, so that means it will boost Endrance 6 HP and 6 AP. This makes Endrance 16 HP and 14 AP, at least for the first three turns. I can assure you, at this power level, three turns is enough. If Bird in a Cage survives as well, then Endrance will jump to 21 HP and 17 AP, plus your enemy will take 2 damage right off the bat. This deck has a much higher chance of surviving than the previous version because of the fact that Grim Reaper's Rondo is both an offensive and defensive card. Plus, even if Unit 1 or 2 is defeated, as long as one of them survives, your chances for victory are high. The only time this deck loses is to high-level Shield Elemental decks that trump this one through the Trinity System. This Deck's win rate, even at the highest levels, is about 85%. Speaking of which, once you get to the top 5 in the rankings, you'll be rewarded with my favorite General: Shino (General) Shino Charisma: 14 HP : 16 AP: 2 Not only is her Charisma the highest in the game, her HP is quite high as well, making her not only strong, but tenacious as well. With her, you can make a deck that will wipe the floor with Endrance Monster. "Shino Reflector" (Unit 1) Impenetrable Barrier - - #65 (Unit 2) PK Network - - # 72 (Unit 3) Check this Out! - - #79 (General) Shino - - #10 I'll admit that this deck is rather narcissistic, but here is how it works: Unit 1 reflects all damage you receive for the first three turns. Unfortunately, this does not include Assault cards in your own deck, like cards that damage both Generals. So, you can't put Hammer of Undoing in, which deals 5 damage to both Generals, and expect your part of the damage to reflect to the enemy. Also, if the opposing General is an Assault Element General, then if they have any "Burn" cards that deal one-time damage, like Treasonous Self, those cards will do their damage before Fearful Shino activates, meaning that your General will take damage. But, these are two rare exceptions, the vast majority of the time you'll be able to kill or cripple the enemy before they can even damage Shino. Unit 2 is not expected to survive. PK Network works well enough on the rare occasion that it does survive, but there are many other options, so try a few things out for yourself. Unit 3 will add 2 AP for every Unit Card that survives, usually Shino's AP will jump to 6. So, this will crush fast-attack decks because it reflects their damage back at them; it has enough raw power to overcome strong Generals like Tri-Edge; Shino has enough HP to survive Burn attacks; She has more Charisma than anyone, making her Unit Cards the most likely to survive; and, she is my favorite character in the anime. This Deck's win rate is about 88- 90%. There are only two types of decks that can beat Shino Reflector. One, heavy defensive decks like "Iron Fortress Haseo," and two, control-oriented decks like: "Shino Degenerator" (Unit 1) Baptism of Smiles - - #45 (Unit 2) The Trinity - - #30 (Unit 3) Ace of Hearts - - #60 (General) Shino - - #10 Shino Reflector is my favorite deck, but this one is pretty good too. Plus, it is designed to beat the Reflector decks. Baptism of Smiles is an Assault Card with a cost of 7, so if it pitted against Fearful Shino, it will survive and win. The Card's ability is to reduce the HP of both Generals to 1. This makes AP irrelevant, because the first side to land an attack after this activates will be the one to win. Hence, Unit 2. This card, though it doesn't survive very often, will cause Shino to attack first. Unit 3 is designed to overcome Baptism of Smiles. It will activate immediately afterwards, and give Shino 7 HP. Giving you the huge advantage of 8HP to 1HP. This is a pretty simple deck, really, but also very strong. However, this one will also lose to Iron Fortress Haseo. Again making that deck still one of the best. I don't use Tri-Edge, but he can still be a very powerful General. If you want to use him, here is my favorite Tri-Edge deck. (Unit 1) Cat Punch - - #67 (Unit 2) Come Back Alive - - #50 (Unit 3) Master Subaru - - #69 (General) Tri-Edge - - #19 Your unit cards won't stand much of a chance, but if even one of them makes it through, then you will probably have the advantage. When you become the Champion, you'll get the card "Haseo at Dawn." Haseo at Dawn Charisma: 12 HP: 16 AP: 3 He is the most well-rounded general in the game, and you can make some good decks with him. But he is only my third favorite General. If you've been copying me, than you should have enough Decks to take the Championship for sure. Have Fun. Before I go, however, I would like to say that before you begin to play the third volume, make two decks now that will rock once you start that game: (Unit 1) Come Back Alive - - #50 (Unit 2) Shadow of Memories - - #57 (Unit 3) Don't Kick!! - - #82 (General) Haseo at Dawn - - #01 And Also: (Unit 1) Impenetrable Barrier - - #65 (Unit 2) Don't Kick!! - - #82 (Unit 3) Cat Punch - - #67 (General) Shino - - #10 Why will these Decks do so well in Volume 3? You'll just have to find out. ===================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Section 5 : The Book of 1000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================================================================== - - The Book of 1000 This section is the key to getting your guild up to the maximum level, as well as achieving full Item and Monster Completion. Section 5.a ---------- Ryu Book I : Battle This book is graded on four categories: Battles Won Surprise Attacks Rengeki Awakenings I've never had a problem with getting this one to max out during the course of the main story. But if you need a little more, all you have to do is work on these four categories. You should: Fight battles and win; If you need help with surprise attacks, the Tidal Muffler for the Bike will make it easy to surprise enemies in field areas; to get more Rengekis, switch to the Dual Swords, and equip the Ability Item Strategic Fan to them; For Awakenings, switch to Beast Awakening Mode. ---------- Ryu Book II : Party Members Again, I've never had a problem with this one. It helps to keep your allies well equipped through trades, but especially gifts. If you are having trouble, then just give all your allies gifts by putting them in your party, giving them the gift, then moving them out of you party in favor of the next person. ---------- Ryu Book III : Treasure If you haven't gotten this one to max out by the end of the story, then you haven't been doing you job as an RPG fan. Shame, Shame. --------- Section 5.b --------- Ryu Book IV : Items This one will be covered in-depth. All items will be listed as they appear in the Ryu Book, however if you did not get item completion in the first volume, or you did not load volume 1 data at all, then it will most likely be impossible for you to complete the list now. For example, the Ripper's Blade is a weapon that can only be acquired in volume 1 by defeating all the Chaotic PKs. If you do not have it by volume 2, you will not be able to get it at all. However, if you played volume one and acquired all the rare items available only in that volume, but missed some of the others, I have made adjustments to the list to help you get what items you can. I will denote Items that cannot be acquired in volume 2 with: (1) Also, Alkaid, Antares, Endrance, and Sakubo all have unique starting weapons. Do not worry, their weapons will be added to the list as soon as you acquire their member addresses, you do not need to actually possess their weapons for item completion. Part 1: Weapons Dual Swords --------- Volume 1 --------- Spin Gai Gu (1) | Starting Weapon, volume 1 Spin Kouga | Mac Anu weapon shop Spin Man Que | Mac Anu weapon shop Spin Rasetu | Mac Anu weapons shop Spin Corpse | Kestrel shop (Mac Anu) / Drop by Angelic Gore Spin Locust | (Delta) Lazy/ Returning/ Masquerade. Spin Ban Mu | Dropped by Goblin Guard/ Kestrel shop/ Trade Spin Piney | Mac Anu DX weapon shop Spin Axe | Mac Anu DX weapon shop Spin Needle | Story Event, vol 1 Ripper's Blade(1) | Reward for defeating all Chaotic PK --------- Volume 2 --------- Dorje Hatchet | Alkaid's starting weapon Spin Ribs | Dol Dona Weapon Shop Spin Indigo | Dol Dona Weapon Shop Lit Honeysuckle | Story Event Spin Fang | Knights shop; Trade with 1/2; dropped by Funger Hat Spin Heaven | Knights shop; Trade Kiira, Antares; drop by Massacre Mummy Heine's Invasion | Defeat Doppelganger (vol.1), load data, defeat him again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- Broadswords --------- Volume 1 --------- Broad Demon | Mac Anu weapon shop Broad Wheel | Mac Anu weapon shop Broad Maiden | Mac Anu weapon shop Broad Legged | Dropped by Fever Horse Broad Zhen | Mac Anu DX weapon shop Broad Tu Wan | Mac Anu DX weapon shop Flame Sword (1) | Story Event, vol 1 Broad Wings | Dropped by Fate Crab --------- Volume 2 --------- Broad Guiren | Dol Dona Weapon Shop Broad Seigen | Dol Dona Weapon Shop Broad Kuajie | Knights shop; (Theta) Lingering/ Aching/ Love Broad Sheaf | Trade with Sagittarius; Knights shop Broad Fenlong | Knights shop; dropped by Gimmick Torch Heine's Shadow | Defeat Doppelganger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Scythes Scythe Shouxiao | Story Event Scythe Hook | Knights shop;(Theta)Wailing/Multiple/Drama (Rare) Ticking Death | Story Event Scythe Bite | Knights shop; trade Barson or Matsu Scythe Hidaru | Trade Alkaid; Knights shop Heine's Zero | Defeat Doppelganger Twice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Bayonets --------- Volume 1 --------- Gun Steel | Mac Anu weapon shop Gun Fu Yue | Mac Anu weapon shop Water Bayonet | Kuhn Gun Waves | Mac Anu DX weapon shop Gun Ocher | Mac Anu DX weapon shop Gun Hong (1) | Unknown in volume 2 --------- Volume 2 --------- Gun Lion | Dol Dona weapon shop Gun Bead | Dol Dona weapon shop Silent Jade | Side Event Gun Fisher | Dropped by Gobtank 75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Blades --------- Volume 1 --------- Blade Guifei | Mac Anu weapon shop Blade Fern | Mac Anu weapon shop Blade Thorns | Mac Anu weapon shop Blade Thread | Mac Anu DX weapon shop Blade Sun | Mac Anu DX weapon shop --------- Volume 2 --------- Crimson Sword | Antares Princess Blade | Endrance Blade Luer | Dol Dona weapon shop Blade Rivet | Dol Dona weapon shop Tempting Rose | Side Event Blade Rank | Knights shop; trade Nomung, Fang, others ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Gauntlets --------- Volume 1 --------- Tiger Fist | Pi Fist Altair | Dropped by Zan Ziger --------- Volume 2 --------- Fist Talon | Dol Dona weapon shop Fist Fairy | Dol Dona weapon shop Stained Wing | Side Event Fist Thrush | Knights shop; Trade Chamee, Rider Chyob, others ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Lances --------- Volume 1 --------- Golden Spear | Piros Lance Yantie | Mac Anu DX weapon shop Lance Law | Unknown in Volume 2 --------- Volume 2 -------- Lance Xiong | Dol Dona weapon shop Lance Tulong | Dropped by Solid Eye Lance Snake | Trade Onyx, others; dropped by Sea Trident ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Staves --------- Volume 1 --------- Spell Xialin | Mac Anu weapon shop Spell Xinzhu | Mac Anu weapon shop Spell Baiyan | Mac Anu DX weapon shop Spell Omen | Unknown in Volume 2 --------- Volume 2 --------- Spell Ji Yi | Dol Dona weapon shop Dancing Haze | Side Event Spell Noble | Trade NAOO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Grimoire --------- Volume 1 --------- Magic Amber | Mac Anu weapon shop Magic Hosei | Mac Anu weapon shop Magic Nymph | Mac Anu DX weapon shop Magic Crest | Dropped by Goblin Sage --------- Volume 2 --------- Magic Huawen | Dol Dona weapon shop Ogre's Heaven | Sakubo Infinite Spiral | Side Event Magic Dielin | Knights shop; dropped by Break Pillar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ===================================================================== - - Part 2 : Armor Robes --------- Volume 1 --------- Sub Gear | Mac Anu armor shop Sub Robe | Mac Anu armor shop Sub Gown | Moon Tree guild shop/ Dropped by Goblin Mage Sub Attire | Mac Anu DX armor shop Sub Yin Yang | Mac Anu DX armor shop Sub Garment | (Delta) Saddened/ Dusk's/ Phoenix Wild Robe (1) | Lucky Animal Campaign prize, vol 1. --------- Volume 2 --------- Sub Cape | Dol Dona armor shop Sub Mantle | Dol Dona armor shop The Unexpected | Lucky Animal Campaign prize Sub Frock | Dol Dona armor shop Steam Vest | Mecha Grunty Campaign prize Sub Suit | Trade; Dropped by Long-Lived; Moon Tree shop, Dol Dona Sub Cloak | ZOO shop; Trade Pen-Pen Sub Dragon | Trade Joanna, Onimatsu; (Theta) Serene/ Heretic's/ Vagabond ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Light Armor --------- Volume 1 --------- Loose Sash | Mac Anu armor shop Loose Guard | Mac Anu armor shop Loose Kimono | Moon Tree shop, Mac Anu; (Delta) Warm/ Blazing/ Blue Cloud Loose Vest | Mac Anu DX armor shop Loose Plate | Mac Anu DX armor shop Loose Sheath | Unknown in volume 2 --------- Volume 2 --------- Loose Leather | Dol Dona weapon shop Steam Coat | Mecha Grunty Campaign prize Loose Fur | Dol Dona weapon shop Golden Lion | Lucky Animal Campaign prize Loose Guardian | Dol Dona armor shop Loose Scales | Moon Tree shop, Dol Dona; (Theta) Thrilling/ Fruitless/ Drama Loose Case | Trade Eddie; ZOO shop; (Theta) Petitioning/ Eternity's/ Globe Loose Lionel | Trade Dominator, TomCat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- Heavy Armor --------- Volume 1 --------- Rough Armor | Mac Anu armor shop Rough Shell | Mac Anu armor shop Steam Plate (1) | Mecha Grunty Campaign prize, vol 1 Rough Mail | Mac Anu armor shop Rough Defense | Moon Tree guild shop, Mac Anu; Dropped by Buster Kettle Rough Jiongjia | Mac Anu DX armor shop Steam Armor (1) | Mecha Grunty Campaign prize, vol 1 Rough Metal | Mac Anu DX armor shop Rough Alloy | Unknown in volume 2 Black Armor (1) | Defeat Cernunnous, Abyss Quest, vol 1 Steam Suit (1) | Mecha Grunty Campaign prize, vol 1 --------- Volume 2 --------- Rough Steel | Dol Dona armor shop Whistle Armor | Mecha Grunty Campaign prize Rough Wave | Dol Dona armor shop Rough Buddha | Dol Dona armor shop Mountaineer Vest | Lucky Animal Campaign prize Rough Iron | Knights shop; Moon Tree Shop; dropped by Scorpio '17 Rough Amalgam | Trade Encephalon; dropped by Hash Chase Steam Battle Pod | Mecha Grunty Campaign prize Summit King | Lucky Animal Campaign prize Rough Dragon | Various Guild Shops; Dropped by Gobcannon '77 Invincible Shell | Defeat all Chaotic PK Rainbow Scale | Defeat God Eater, Abyss Quest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ===================================================================== - - Part 3 : Accessories Accessories will not be divided between volumes. It is possible to obtain all but two of the accessories if you did not load volume 1 data. The exceptions will be marked with : (1) Simple Bracelet | Mac Anu armor shop Simple Necklace | Mac Anu armor shop Seal of Ya Wang | Kestrel guild shop Crown of Lu Ming | Moon Tree guild shop Medic Badge | Medic Union guild shop 1-Line Reference | Trifle guild shop Secret News Book | Emperio guild shop Simple Fire Idol | Mac Anu armor shop Simple Water Idol | Mac Anu armor shop Simple Wind Idol | Mac Anu armor shop Simple Earth Idol | Mac Anu armor shop Simple Steam Ring(1)| Mecha Grunty Campaign prize, vol 1 Simple Gloves | Trifle shop, Mac Anu; Restful/ Honor/ Exile Simple Earrings | Trifle shop Mac Anu; Graceful/ Tragedy's/ Princess Steam Bracelet (1) | Mecha Grunty Campaign prize, vol 1 Dusty Miller | Sakubo Rose Flower | Endrance Simple Pendant | Trifle Shop, Mac Anu; Lazy/ Advice's/ Exile Simple Fire Bell | Mac Anu DX armor shop Simple Water Bell | Mac Anu DX armor shop Simple Wind Bell | Mac Anu DX armor shop Simple Earth Bell | Mac Anu DX armor shop Simple Pouch | Trifle shop, Mac Anu; Disputing/ Gray/ Tiny Beast Simple Head Band | Crying/ Gambler's/ Footsteps Simple Watch | Trifle shop, Mac Anu; Dawning/ Kourin's/ Scud Simple Light Idol | (Delta) Tranquil/ Fruitless/ Eradication Simple Dark Idol | (Delta) Confusing/ Eternal/ War Maiden Simple Light Bell | (Delta) Petitioning/ Deity's/ Buttercup Simple Dark Bell | (Delta) Dejected/ Caesar's/ Drama Simple Wing Cap | Dol Dona armor shop Simple Shoulders | Dol Dona armor shop Simple Glasses | Dol Dona armor shop Wind Barrette | Lucky Animal Campaign prize Wrist Watch | Mecha Grunty Campaign prize Shallow Wit | Bad@$$ guild shop Feed Bag | ZOO guild shop For Her | Knights guild shop Devote Guts | Salt Mania guild shop Shining Love | Guards guild shop Simple Clogs | Guards guild shop;(Theta) Blowing/ Sea Sand's/ Hot Wind Simple Fire Balm | Dol Dona armor shop Simple Water Balm | Dol Dona armor shop Simple Wind Balm | Dol Dona armor shop Simple Earth Balm | Dol Dona armor shop Simple Light Balm | Dol Dona armor shop Simple Dark Balm | Dol Dona armor shop Steam Watch | Mecha Grunty Campaign prize Simple Coat Rope | Guards shop; Trifle shop; (Theta) Aesthetic/ Hardship's/ Aster Simple Goggles | Guards, Trifle shops;(Theta) Unselfish/ Deity's/ Clepsydra Simple Brazier | Guards, Trifle shops;(Theta)Confusing/Maiden's/ Rash Action Biker's Charm | Steam Bike Campaign prize Simple Hood | Guards, Trifle shops;(Theta) Tranquil/ Genesis's/ Arrows Simple Fire Comb | Guards shop Simple Water Comb | Guards shop; (Theta) Discerning/ Neighboring/ Vampire Simple Wind Comb | Guards shop Simple Earth Comb | Guards shop; (Theta) Thinking/ Innocent/ Life Simple Light Comb | Guards shop; (Theta) Thinking/ Innocent/ Life Simple Dark Comb | Guards shop Simple Mittens | Guards, Trifle shops;(Theta)Clouding/ Invincible/ Huge Being Simple Gaiters | Guards, Trifle shops; (Theta) Misjudge/ Precept's/ Symphony Simple Handbag | Guards, Trifle shops; (Theta) Clouding/ Invincible/ Huge Being Flickering Scale | Defeat One Sin, Abyss Quest Simple Fortunes | Guards, Trifle shops; (Theta) Adoring/ Fence's/ Magnified ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===================================================================== - - Part 4 : Items Though the fourth section of the book is called "items in storage," it actually logs all the items you have collected, so the name is a misnomer. Example: If you get a Book of Power, then use it right away, the item will still be logged into the Book of Ryu, in the "items in storage" section. Also, the items I refer to as "Ability Items," that is, the items that you attach to you equipment, must be removed from their equipment to be logged in the Ryu Book. For example: If you buy a Fountain Scales from the Moon Tree guild shop in Dol Dona, the Ability Item would be a Whirlpool Leaf. If you remove the Whirlpool Leaf from the armor, then, and only then, will the Whirlpool Leaf be logged into the Ryu Book. If you sell the armor or give it as a gift without removing the Ability Item, that you'll have to get another Whirlpool Leaf before it will be logged in the Book. *Note: The Strange Head and Olin Pack enemies will drop armor with Ability Items attached. Strange Head will drop armor with Elemental Defense Ability Items. Olin Pack will drop armor with Elemental Counterattack Items. Which item is attached to the dropped armor depends on the dominant Element of that area. So, if you wish to acquire and Aqua Board item, then defeat Strange Head at a Water Elemental area. If you wish to acquire a Desert Rose Leaf, than defeat Olin Pack at an Earth Elemental area, etc. See Ryu Book VII for monster locations. **Note: This is probably the most elusive item in this volume. It cannot be purchased or traded, and no monster drops it. Funny that, it is surely the most useless item in the game. Staff Angel? So, if I equip it, I'll take 50% less damage from the physical attacks of Harvest Clerics? So, I'd take 5 HP damage instead of 10... hmmm. The only time I can conceive of this item being useful is if Atoli becomes Charmed. But then again, I can think of about 180 items that are still more useful. Health Drink | Mac Anu trade shop Healing Serum | Mac Anu trade shop Healing Potion | Dol Dona trade shop Healing Rain | (Delta) According/ Floating/ Eradication Revive Rain | Medic Union shop; dropped by Hell Vulture Healing Storm | Widely available for trade; (Theta) Serene/ Heretic's/ Vagabond Sprite Drop | Mac Anu trade shop Fairy Drop | Dol Dona trade shop Sprite Rain | Widely available for trade; (Theta) Tranquil/ Genesis's/ Arrows Fairy Rain | Trade Tiphereth, Quasar; Theta Clouding/ Invincible/ Huge Being Weird Black Tea | Dropped by Long-Lived Strange Coffee | Trade NiangNiang, Abcinian; dropped by Long-Lived Lord Holy Potion | Medic Union shop Godly Potion | Trade Great Leo, Blue Eye Samurai, Ayame, others Antidote Soda | Mac Anu trade shop Stimulant Soda | Mac Anu trade shop Blessing Soda | Mac Anu trade shop Solution Soda | Dol Dona trade shop Esthesio Soda | Dol Dona trade shop Revival Medicine | Dol Dona trade shop Vital Talisman | Dol Dona trade shop Spirit Talisman | Dol Dona trade shop Speed Talisman | Trade; dropped by Chickie Mama, Gobtank '75 Asian Mango | Mac Anu magic shop Caramel Sauce | Mac Anu kiosk Fire Storm | Mac Anu magic shop Fire Barrel | Dol Dona magic shop Tidal Wave | Mac Anu magic shop Water Dragon | Dol Dona magic shop Tornado | Mac Anu magic shop Hurricane Razor | Dol Dona magic shop Earth Spike | Mac Anu magic shop Earth Rain | Dol Dona magic shop Light Arrows | Dol Dona magic shop Air Stroke | Dol Dona magic shop The Death | Bad@$$ shop;(Delta) According/ Floating/ Eradication The Moon | Bad@$$ shop The Devil | Bad@$$ shop The Emperor | Dol Dona magic shop The Hanged Man | Dol Dona magic shop The Hermit | Dol Dona magic shop Warrior Blood | Bad@$$ shop, Medic Union shop Knight Blood | Bad@$$ shop Wizard Blood | Bad@$$ shop Astrologer Blood | Bad@$$ shop Warrior Seal | Bad@$$ shop Knight Seal | Bad@$$ shop Wizard Seal | Bad@$$ shop Astrologer Seal | Bad@$$ shop Warrior Soul | Trade Hiira, others; (Theta) Blowing/Sea Sand's/Hot Wind Knight Soul | Trade Abcinian, Punisher Mitch, TomCat, others Wizard Soul | Trade Inui, Senion, Corporal Yano, others Astrologer Soul | Trade Inui, Dominator, Ruby, others Warrior Chain | Trade Nomung, Eddie, Mikatan, others Knight Chain | Trade Eddie, Rider Chyob, Chamee, others Wizard Chain | Trade Wang Lin, others Astrologer Chain | Trade Abcinian, others Smoke Screen | Dol Dona Kiosk Fairy's Orb | Dol Dona Kiosk Return Feather | Dol Dona Kiosk Return Wing | Medic Union shop; trade; breakable objects Fire Mouse Skin | Mac Anu material shop Olm Shell | Mac Anu material shop Wing of Lufu | Mac Anu material shop Soil Bug Antenna | Mac Anu material shop Midoro Flagellum | Lumina Cloth material shop Sleeping Powder | Lumina Cloth material shop Mantis Nail | Emperio shop, Mac Anu; dropped by Gaze Knight Bear Paw | Emperio shop, Mac Anu Thunder Deer Hoof | Dol Dona junk shop Dark Lizard Tail | Dol Dona junk shop Astrid Specimen | Dol Dona junk shop Cow Stomach | Dol Dona junk shop Stingray Stinger | Dol Dona junk shop Shark Tooth | Dropped by Solid Eye Niku Baku Tongue | Defeat Immortal Goriki; Kestrel shop; Bikman; trade Ein Baku Tongue | (Theta) Dejected/Setting/Hazy Moon, Kestrel shop; Bikman Hermit Shell | Bike Course 4; Trifle shop, Dol Dona; trade Turtle Shell | Lumina Cloth material shop Turtle Crest | Lumina Cloth material shop Cleansing Pill | Lumina Cloth material shop Jinx's Bane | Lumina Cloth material shop Caffeine Drink | Lumina Cloth material shop Poison Leaf | Lumina Cloth material shop Curse Plant | Lumina Cloth material shop Dream Wood Leaf | Lumina Cloth material shop Body Egg | Moon Tree shop; (Delta) Protected/ Aster's/ Snow Caps Mind Egg | Moon Tree shop; (Delta)Concealed/Marble's/Alga Grass Body Scale | Mac Anu material shop Mind Scale | Mac Anu material shop Fire Resist Seal* | Drop by Strange Head; (Delta) Halberd/ Black/ Bodhi Tree Aqua Board* | Drop by Strange Head; (Delta) Creeping/ Marble's/ Shadow Calm Propeller* | Drop by Strange Head; (Delta) Rough Song/ Dusk's/ Hand Song Dust-proof Lens* | Drop by Strange Head at: (Theta) Secret/ Mind's/ Surpassed Iron Shell | Lumina Cloth black market Iron Crest | Lumina Cloth black market Armadillo Shell | Dropped by Death Kettle; trade Armadillo Crest | Emperio shop, Dol Dona; dropped by Sorcerer Owl; trade Tinted Glass | Drop by Strange Head; Bike Course 4; Emperio shop Flash Light | Bike Course 5; (Theta) Confusing/ Maiden's/ Rash Action Opening Cutter | Dol Dona junk shop Fast Glycerin | Dol Dona junk shop Anti-Paralysis | Dol Dona junk shop Blast Leaf* | Dropped by Meggido Hydra Whirlpool Leaf* | Moon Tree shop; dropped by Olin Pack Vacuum Leaf* | Drop by Olin Pack; Desert Rose Leaf* | Drop by Olin Pack; Flash Leaf* | Drop by Olin Pack; (Theta) Unselfish/ Deity's/ Clepsydra Dark Leaf* | Drop by Olin Pack; (Theta)Confusing/Maiden's/ Rash Action Coiling Vine | (Theta) Unselfish/ Deity's/ Clepsydra; Emperio shop Paralysis Leaf | (Theta) Growing/ Evening's/ Mind Trip; drop by Druk Body Larva | (Theta) Counting/ Genius'/ Love; Emperio shop Mind Larva | Emperio shop; trade PenPen, Joanna Body Wing | Emperio shop; trade Eddie (Vital Case), others Mind Wing | Emperio shop; trade Tortoise Shell | Flyer Campaign Tortoise Crest | (Theta) Counting/ Genius'/ Love Twin Scales | Emperio shop; Flyer Campaign; Red Sun Stone | Mac Anu materials shop Blue Moon Ore | Mac Anu materials shop White Star Sand | Mac Anu materials shop Gold Snake Skin | Emperio shop; Trifle shop, Mac Anu Dowsing Rod | Emperio shop; Trifle shop, Mac Anu Amber Dragon Eye | Emperio shop; Trifle shop, Mac Anu/Dol Dona Evil Snake Skin | (Theta) Counting/ Genius'/ Love; Guards, Trifle shops, Dol Dona Dowsing Chain | Guards, Trifle shops, Dol Dona Gudo Oil | Guards, Emperio shops, Dol Dona Spirit Tree Bud | (Theta) Thrilling/ Fruitless/ Drama; Dejected/ Maiden's/ Arrows Boost Candle | Guards, Trifle shops; (Theta) Unselfish/ Deity's/ Clepsydra Jade Dragon Eye | Guards, Trifle shops Beginner's Text | Kafu, Bike Campaign; other Quests Beginner's Book | Kafu, Bike Campaign; other Quests Text of Power | Side Event Quest Book of Power | Side Event, Abyss Quest Text of Stamina | Side Event Quest Book of Stamina | Side Event, Abyss Quest Text of Wisdom | Side Event Quest Text of Sense | Side Event Quest Word of Vigor | Kafu, Bike Campaign; other Quest Dawn Chim Chim | Chim Kicker Campaign Word of Spirit | Kafu, Bike Campaign; other Quests Dusk Chim Chim | Side Event Quest Health Scroll | Dol Dona magic item shop Antidote Scroll | Mac Anu magic item shop/ Medic Union shop Dawn Bird Scroll | Mac Anu magic item shop/ Medic Union shop Priest Scroll | Mac Anu magic item shop/ Medic Union shop Life Scroll | Mac Anu magic item shop/ Medic Union shop Resurrect Scroll | Dol Dona magic item shop Reflex Scroll | Dol Dona magic item shop Repeal Scroll | Dol Dona magic item shop Hellfire Scroll | Mac Anu magic item shop/ Trifle shop Tidal Scroll | Mac Anu magic item shop/ Trifle shop Tornado Scroll | Mac Anu magic item shop/ Trifle shop Avalanche Scroll | Mac Anu magic item shop/ Trifle shop Halcyon Scroll | Dol Dona magic item shop Abyss Scroll | Dol Dona magic item shop Vitality Scroll | Dol Dona magic item shop Chim Crown | Rare drop from King Chim Coupon | Talk to PCs in areas Flyer Radar | Bikman 's Campaign Animal Radar | Lucky Animal Campaign Anti-Air Compass | Bike Races, course 4; dropped by Sea Trident Nutcracker | Trade with Sagittarius, others; (Theta) Roaring/ Subtle/ Love Ninja Claw | Trade 1/2, Ninjato; (Theta) Ephemeral/ Time's/ Memoir Strategic Fan | Trade 1/2, Ninjato; (Theta) Growing/ Time's/ Phoenix War Drum | Emperio shop; (Theta) Unselfish/ Deity's/ Clepsydra Dual Angel | Bike Course 2; Broad Angel | (Theta) Ephemeral/ Time's/ Memoir Scythe Angel | Bike Course 3; Bayonet Angel | (Theta) Blazing/ Multiple/ Buttercup Blade Angel | Bike Course 1; Gauntlets Angel | Bike Course 4; Lance Angel | Bike Course 5; Staff Angel** | (Theta) Paling/ Aster's/ Fast Horse Grimoire Angel | (Theta) Lingering/ Aching/ Love Fan Angel | (Theta) Ephemeral/ Time's/ Memoir Phonosheet | (Theta) Serene/ Heretic's/ Vagabond; Emperio shop; Bikman Time Conch | Guards, Trifle shop; (Theta) Petitioning/ Setting/ Starlit Sky Demonic Mallet | Emperio shop; Bike Course 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ===================================================================== Section 5.c --------- Ryu Book V : Chaos Gate / Play Time This one is pretty self-explanatory. Just play a long time and warp to different places. --------- Ryu Book VI : Arena This Book is divided into three sections: Matches, Counterattacks, and WP. Needless to say, just fight in the arena. Try to get as many counterattacks as possible, because this will increase how many WP you will acquire. --------- Section 5.d --------- Ryu Book VII : Monsters This will list at least one location for each monster. Enemies that can only be encountered in volume 1 will be denoted with : (1) - - Ogres -Lv 1-10 Goblin Rookie | (Delta) Peaceful/ Leading/ Freedom Gun Giant | (Delta) Wealthy/ Daybreak's/ Globe -Lv 11-20 Wight Ride(1) | Abyss Quest Goblin Mage | (Delta) Upfront/ Blazing/ Camelia Gigamouth | (Delta) Screaming/ Season's/ Resort Goblin Guard | (Delta) Lazy/ Advice's/ Exile -Lv 21-30 Goblin Abyss | (Delta) Beloved/ Swift/ Alga Grass Poisoned Dead(1) | Abyss Quest Gurugon (1) | Side Quest Baz Giant | (Delta) Graceful/ Humbling/ Holy Relic -Lv 31-40 Living Corpse(1) | Abyss Quest -Lv 41-50 Apititer | (Delta) Roaring/ Mourning/ Gate Goblin Knight | (Delta) Dawning/ Kourin's/ Scud -Lv 51-60 Goblin Sage | (Delta) Protected/ Bustling/ March Giga Bazooka | (Theta) Blazing/ Caesar's/ Sacrament (Theta) Great/ Vane/ Two Wings Steam Goblin | (Theta) Confusing/ Maiden's/ Rash Action Morgul | Abyss Quest -Lv 61-70 Goblin Nemesis | (Theta) Secret/ Mind's/ Surpassed -Lv 71-80 Mono-Grosser | (Theta) Aesthetic/ Aster's/ 1000 Oaks -Lv 81-90 Maxima Bazooka | (Theta) Petitioning/ Eternity's/ Globe -Lv 91-100 Duster Goblin | (Theta) Adoring/ Fence's/ Magnified --------- Demon -Lv 11-20 Angelic Gore | (Delta) Truthful/ Marble's/ Bum -Lv 31-40 Fat Lancer | (Delta) Coiling/ Destiny's/ Whicker Holy Eater | (Delta) Fattening/ Military/ Pure Bred -Lv 41-50 Cernunnous (1) | Abyss Quest, vol 1 Gaze Knight | (Delta) Roaring/ Doomed/ Snow Caps -Lv 51-60 Heaven's Doom | (Theta) Clever/ Genius's/ Moon Raven -Lv 71-80 Solid Eye | (Theta) Tranquil/ Genesis's/ Arrows Death Eater | Story Event, (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Sacrament Mirage Banisher | Side Event, (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Sacrament Propagate Stopper | Side Event, (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Sacrament -Lv 81-90 Avenge Preventer | Side Event, (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Sacrament Tempt Rejecter | Side Event, (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Sacrament Scheme Breaker | Side Event, (Theta) Hidden/ Forbidden/ Sacrament --------- Sea Monster -Lv 21-30 Spear Fish | (Delta) Lazy/ Advice's/ Exile -Lv 31-40 Lance Marine | (Delta) Freezing/ Aster's/ Crawl Tree -Lv 81-90 Sea Trident | (Theta) Thinking/ Innocent/ Life -Lv 91-100 Azul Sachem | (Theta) Serene/ Cursed/ Antithesis --------- Supernatural -Lv 1-10 Zan Bezel | (Delta) Wealthy/ Daybreak's/ Globe Vak Bezel | (Delta) Peaceful/ Leading/ Freedom -Lv 11-20 Gan Bezel | (Delta) Rough Song/ Vane/ Vagabond Rue Bezel | (Delta) Upfront/ Blazing/ Camelia -Lv 31-40 Zan Juggler | (Delta) Fattening/ Military/ Pure Bred Vak Juggler | (Delta) Roaring/ Mourning/ Gate -Lv 41-50 Gan Juggler | (Delta) Freezing/ Aster's/ Crawl Tree Rue Juggler | (Delta) Spring's/ Marble's/ Alga Grass -Lv 61-70 Lei Zin | (Theta) Troubled/ Her/ Antithesis Zan Zin | (Theta) Ephemeral/ Time's/ Memoir -Lv 71-80 Rue Zin | (Theta) Paling/ Infinite/ Mind Trip Ani Zin | (Theta) Bequeathed/ Insatiable/ Mysteries Gan Zin | (Theta) Aesthetic/ Military / Snow Caps -Lv 81-90 Vak Zin | (Theta) Disputing/ Swift/ Huge Being --------- Avian -Lv 11-20 Chickie | (Delta) Screaming/ Returning/ Princess Trainee Owl | (Delta) Rough Song/ Vane/ Vagabond Raven Claw | (Delta) Truthful/ Humbling/ Hand Song -Lv 31-40 Chickie Dada | (Delta) Counting/ Wrath's/ Generation Scalvenger (1) | Quest, vol 1 Hermit Owl | (Delta) Saddened/ Dusk's/ Cathedral -Lv 41-50 Black Raptor | (Delta) Concealed/ Wrath's/ Two Wings -Lv 51-60 Lady Guard | (Theta) Clever/ Genius's/ Moon Raven -Lv 61-70 Sorcerer Owl | (Theta) Troubled/ Her/ Antithesis, Story Event Chickie Mama | (Theta) Unselfish/ Deity's/ Clepsydra -Lv 71-80 Hell Vulture | (Theta) Discerning/ Neighboring/ Vampire -Lv 91-100 Ignis Tail | (Theta) Roaring/ Eternal/ Hades --------- Plant -Lv 1-10 Onion Mash | (Delta) Submissive/ Tragedy's/ 1000 Oaks -Lv 11-20 Crumple Tree | (Delta) Great/ Cursed/ In-laws -Lv 21-30 Truffle | (Delta) Piling/ Red Plum's/ Twin Rocks -Lv 31-40 Elder Growth | (Delta) Piling/ Red Plum's/ Twin Rocks -Lv 51-60 Hanger Berry | (Theta) Blazing/ Hardship's/ Holy Relic -Lv 61-70 Entowol | (Theta) Spectating/ Exposed/ Vagabond -Lv 71-80 Funger Hat | (Theta) Aesthetic/ Hardship's/ Aster -Lv 91-100 Forest King | (Theta) Serene/ Returning/ White Wolf --------- Demon Beast -Lv 1-10 Rue Fang | (Delta) Buzzing/ Wrath's/ Puzzle Gan Fang | (Delta) Wealthy/ Military/ Malt Town Bravo Nose | (Delta) Elegant/ Bustling/ Fast Horse Vak Fang | (Delta) Truthful/ Marble's/ Bum Zan Fang | (Delta) Essential/ Idling/ Old World -Lv 11-20 Ani Fang | (Delta) Wonderful/ Setting/ Buttercup Lei Fang | (Delta) Tranquil/ Fruitless/ Eradication -Lv 21-30 Zan Ziger | (Delta) Restful/ Honor/ Exile Rue Ziger | (Delta) Counting/ Heretic's/ Frog Lake -Lv 31-40 Ani Ziger | (Delta) Dejected/ Settling/ Hades Don Elephant | (Delta) Counting/ Heretic's/ Frog Lake Vak Ziger | (Delta) Saddened/ Swift/ Two Wings Gan Ziger | (Delta) Saddened/ Dusk's/ Phoenix Lei Ziger | (Delta) Petitioning/ Deity's/ Buttercup -Lv 51-60 Shadowless Dog | Side Event Quest Mighty Nauman | (Theta) Spectating/ Failing/ Magnified -Lv 61-70 Strange Head(Fire)| (Theta) Wonderful/ Opaque/ Yin Beast " (Water) | (Theta) Ephemeral/ Mind's/ Yin Beast " (Wind) | (Theta) Secret/ Mind's/ Surpassed " (Earth) | (Theta) Troubled/ Her/ Antithesis " (Light) | (Theta) Spectating/ Exposed/ Vagabond " (Dark) | (Theta) Clever/ Genius's/ Moon Raven -Lv 81-90 Olin Pack (Fire) | (Theta) Saddened/ Neighboring/ Yin Beast " (Water) | (Theta) Counting/ Daybreak's / Dead Wood " (Wind) | (Theta) Roaring/ Innocent/ Runner " (Earth) | (Theta) Protected/ Precept's/ Runner " (Light) | (Theta) Serene/ Fighter's/ Runner " (Dark) | (Theta) Winding/ Fighter's/ Route -Lv 91-100 Giga Mammoth | (Theta) Serene/ Heretic's/ Vagabond --------- Mecha Beast -Lv 1-10 Wild Kettle | (Delta) Fly Away/ Daybreak's/ Bodhi Tree -Lv 11-20 Knuckleman (1) | Side Quest, vol 1 Buster Kettle | (Delta) Rough Song/ Dusk's/ Hand Song Steam Shell | (Delta) Rough Song/ Dusk's/ Hand Song -Lv 41-50 Metal Fist | (Delta) Protected/ Aster's/ Snow Caps # Rain | Side Event Quest # Cloud | Side Event Quest -Lv 51-60 Death Kettle | (Theta) Blazing/ Multiple/ Buttercup # Rain Cloud | Side Event Quest -Lv 71-80 Process Gear | (Theta) Aesthetic/ Hardship's/ Aster Gobtank 75 | (Theta) Petitioning/ Daylight's/ War Maiden -Lv 81-90 Bowler Head | (Theta) Crying/ Black/ Memoir -Lv 91-100 Chain Whip | (Theta) Serene/ Doomed/ Berserker Gobcannon 77 | (Theta) Serene/ Doomed/ Berserker --------- Dragon -Lv 1-10 Lizard Hunter | (Delta) Unseeing/ Marble's/ Bum -Lv 21- 30 Lizard Assassin | (Delta) Restful/ Honor/ Exile Drygon | (Delta) Warm/ Blazing/ Blue Cloud Fever Horse | (Delta) Graceful/ Humbling/ Holy Relic -Lv 41-50 Blaze Drake | (Delta) Roaring/ Corpse's/ Bum Dryas | (Delta) Roaring/ Doomed/ Snow Caps -Lv 51-60 Elite Lizard | (Theta) Excusing/ Illusion's/ Route -Lv 61-70 Meggido Hydra | (Theta) Lingering/ Aching/ Love -Lv 71-80 Long-Lived | (Theta) Unselfish/ Deity's/ Clepsydra -Lv 81-90 Dardeus | (Theta) Petitioning/ Eternal/ War Maiden -Lv 91-100 Long-Lived-Lord | (Theta) Serene/ Fighter's/ Runner --------- Crustacean -Lv 21-30 Hecatonfoot | (Delta) Screaming/ Humbling/ Alga Grass Carrie | (Delta) Restful/ Honor/ Exile Ruby Cutter | (Delta) Piling/ Red Plum's/ Twin Rocks -Lv 31-40 Mad Jaws (1) | Side Event Quest, vol 1 Great Jaws (1) | Side Event Quest, vol 1 -Lv 41-50 Carrianne | (Delta) Dawning/ Kourin's/ Scud Horned Archelon | (Delta) Roaring/ Corpse's/ Bum Fate Crab | (Delta) Roaring/ Doomed/ Snow Caps Masked Beast | (Theta) No Face/ Infinite/ Resident -Lv 51-60 Tick Mask | (Theta) Blazing/ Multiple/ Buttercup -Lv 61-70 Scorpio '17 | (Theta) Confusing/ Maiden's/ Rash Action Carrizabeth | (Theta) Lingering/ Aching/ Love -Lv 71-80 Face Bug | (Theta) Discerning/ Neighboring/ Vampire -Lv 81-90 Scissor Bite | (Theta) Clouding/ Invincible/ Huge Being Hash Chase | (Theta) Petitioning/ Daylight's/ War Maiden Bison Tortoise | (Theta) Dejected/ Setting/ Hazy Moon --------- Undead -Lv 61-70 Anchor Bind | (Theta) Lingering/ Aching/ Love -Lv 71-80 Druk | (Theta) Wailing/ Multiple/ Drama -Lv 91-100 Titan Dead | Abyss Quest Massacre Mummy | (Theta) Dejected/ Maiden's/ Arrows Blind Pain | (Theta) Serene/ Cursed/ Antithesis --------- Demon Stone -Lv 71-80 Hell Charm | (Theta) Excusing/ Illusion's/ Route Living Tower | (Theta) Thrilling/ Fruitless/ Drama -Lv 91-100 Gimmick Torch | (Theta) Serene/ Aster's/ White Wolf Break Pillar | (Theta) Serene/ Returning/ White Wolf --------- Angel -Lv 71-80 Heavenly Ray | (Theta) Tranquil/ Genesis's/ Arrows --------- ??? -Lv 41-50 Kite (1) | Story Event, vol 1 -Lv 81-90 (Spoiler) | Story Event -Lv 91-100 The One Sin | Abyss Quest God Eater | Abyss Quest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- --------- Section 5.e --------- Ryu Book VIII : Bike You will be graded in three categories: Ride Time, Crashes, and Bike Parts collected. Ride Time and Crashes are simple enough, but I will list the Bike Parts and their locations for good measure: --------- Engines: 110 Engine | Mac Anu bike shop 120 Engine | Mac Anu bike shop 130 Engine | Mac Anu bike shop 140 Engine | Mac Anu bike shop 150 Engine | Mac Anu bike shop 160 Engine | Dol Dona junk shop 170 Engine | Dol Dona junk shop Shigure Engine | Kafu, Bike Campaign Kirisame Engine | Kafu, Bike Campaign --------- Cowls: Type 100 Armor | Mac Anu bike shop Type 200 Armor | Mac Anu bike shop Type 300 Armor | Mac Anu bike shop Type 400 Armor | Dol Dona junk shop Type 500 Armor | Dol Dona junk shop Yamane Armor | Dol Dona junk shop Kurogane Armor | 1 st place, Bike course 2 Hagane Armor | 1 st place, Bike course 1 --------- Mufflers: Type 100 Muffler | Mac Anu bike shop Type 200 Muffler | Mac Anu bike shop Type 300 Muffler | Mac Anu bike shop Type 400 Muffler | Dol Dona junk shop Type 500 Muffler | Dol Dona junk shop Wave Muffler | 1 st place, Bike course 5 Raging Muffler | Kafu, Bike Campaign Tidal Muffler | 1 st place, Bike course 3 --------- Tires: 110 Tires | Mac Anu bike shop 120 Tires | Mac Anu bike shop 130 Tires | Mac Anu bike shop 140 Tires | Dol Dona junk shop 150 Tires | Dol Dona junk shop Hazy Tires | Kafu, Bike Campaign Night Tires | 1 st place, Bike course 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===================================================================== --------------- End of Guide ---------------------------------------- ===================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - Credits: Well, thanks to you for sticking with me. I'll be back for vol 3. Later - - Rooks Special Thanks: Kouichi Mashimo, Senior Taco, Stavesacre (RIP). Edward P. Jones (Lost in the City and Known World) Charles Dickens. No Thanks to: McDonald's, Star Wars.