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UPDATE HISTORY Version .45- (March 20, 2004) Just Started, stopped in dungeon Delta Plentious Smiling Hypha Version .75- (August 23, 2004) Major update, finished Delta Plentious Smiling Hypha and added about 6 other dungeons Version 1.0- (August 24, 2004) Finished the games story mode, still have to add the e-mails and Extras but overall the guide is done. Version 1.3- (December 01, 2004) Finished most of the Extras mode, that is about it, i am about done with this guide. ================================================================================ -------------------------------2) Introduction---------------------------------- ================================================================================ Okay, this is my first Faq, so be lenient with me. Now I have liked .hack since it came out, so i figured "hey, ill make an faq of it", now after a few failed attempt and one that got deleted, so now I have started it up again and I hope it helps you. If you would like to help with information, please e-mail me with what you can help with. ================================================================================ ------------------------------3) Walkthrough------------------------------------ ================================================================================ You start out by setting your real name and your user name in the first screen, read the 3 e-mails you have from CC Corp. and Yashohiko, read the news if you want and log in. When you enter Delta Server an orange haired charactor named Orca calls out to you, and teaches you have to put him in your party and to work the Chaos Gate. He tells you to go Delta Bursting Passed Over Aqua Field. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------Delta Bursting Passed Over Aqua Field---------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Area Element: Wood Party: Orca When you get on the field Orca will give you a tutorial on camera views and how to fight in battles. Since he is highly more powerful than you just let him kill all the enemys on the outside the dungeon. When you kill all the monsters on the field go into the dungeon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the north end door on the map, when you are in this hallway you will see a girl being chased by a monster and run off, After that scene is done go through the door on the west side of the room, than go through the north door to the stairs to the lower level of the dungeon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go north through all the doors in this floor (just go straight) and get the gott statue. After you get the Gott statue Orca tells you that if we had a Sprite Ocarina we could go to the field, but we dont so we have to go back up by foot. And go and leave like you came in, as your heading out of the dungeon the girl that was beingchasing the monster earlier gives Orca a book and says that the power it holds canbring forth salvation or destruction by the whim off the user and then she vanishes. suddenly the monster comes and Orca trys to attack it, after a few unsuccessful hits by the monster he gets on than he go and data drains Orca, as Orca dies he says it wasnt supposed to be this way than vanishes. Than the monster aims to data drain you when a staff falls from the sky and cancels out his attack. Than you see a scene where the book lands in you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------Desktop-------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ go and post a messege in the board, than go back to your desktop, and you'll have an e-mail Aura. after you read it you'll be able to log into The World again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Delta Server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you log back in a character named BlackRose is walking around and starts to pick on you because your not talking to her. She will then go away, when you go to the Chaos Gate she will come and tell you that she will give you some key words if you go with her, say okay, and you will get them, they are Delta Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -----------------------Delta Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground---------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get in this area just in the building to watch a sequence of events leading to your costume change and your new ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Log out and check the boards, the boards that are importants are "Is this an event character", "Protected Areas", and "Increasing Levels". Since you can't go to the protected area, you can go to the nice area for people to increase there level which is Delta Discovered Primative Touchstones, or the Event Character one which is Expansive Haunted Sea of Sand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------Delta Expansive Haunted Sea of Sand----------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Area Element: Fire Party: BlackRose My Level: 5 Monsters: Magical Goblin, Swordmanoid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you first enter the dungeon an administrator will tell you to turn back dont mind him and just run past him through the north exit, you will have to fight a portal in this room, when your finished with the monsters go through the west exit in this room, you will have a portal to take care of, when your finished go through the north exit, again you will have a portal to fight, when finished go through the east exit and down to the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you start out in this room go through the east exit, in this room you will have to fight a portal, than go into the east exit, than in this room go through the southexit, in this room go south again. Now you will have to take care of a portal, when your finished go through the west exit and take care of the portal in this room, than go south and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this room go through the south exit, than go through the east exit and face the Data Bug. Data Bug- He{dhu&_ _er Just attack him like there is no tommorow, tell BlackRose to use Skills constantly and heal when needed he will go down quite quickly. When finished with the Data Bug, a girl that goes by Mistral come in congradulates you sorta than give you her member address and leaves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you arrive back at Delta server an Axeman that looks like he has a shrunken head askes you to bear witness to him killing a certain monster at Delta Indiscreet Gluttonous Pilgramage, no matter which option you choose he takesit the positive way and goes to wait for you at the area, so get your party ready and go to Delta Indiscreet Gluttonouse Pilgramage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------Delta Indiscreet Gluttonous Pilgrimage---------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elemental Field: Earth My Party: BlackRose, Mistral My Level: 6 Monsters: Sword of Chaos, Sky Fish, Deadly Moth Okay Piros is in the lowest floor of the dungeon, which is to the west of you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After entering the dungeon, head through the north door, in here you will have to do battle, when the battle is finished head through the north door again, atthe end of the hallway there is another portal, when finished go through the west door do the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the west door, in this room you will have a portal, than go through the north door in this room, you will be in a hallway with one exit, go through it to another room with a fight in it, when finished go through the east door, to a hallway with a portal in it, when finished with that portal go through the north exit to the stairs to go down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the north exit, in this room there is a portal, fight it and go into the room on the west exit, in this room is the Gott Statue, now go back into the previous room and go to the north exit, in this room you will see Piros fighting a Rock Head, go help him destroy it, when the battle is over he will give you the "plunder" for killing the monster and will give you his member address. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Log out and read your mail. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------Mail--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ when you go to read you mail there will be at least 2 e-mails, on from an annonomous person and another from CC Corperation. Read both of them and log back in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to the item shop in Mac Anu and retrieve the power-up "Book of Law". The Man at the item shop will tell you to select it in the item data, and your character will be automaticly updated, but when you go to use it, it will say that Character data overwrite is forbidden. After try to install the Book of Law, you will get new mail. Log out and read it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read the mail from Mia, she says to meet her at Delta Boundless Corrupted Fort Walls, and to go alone. Exit out and Log back onto The World. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you are at Mac Anu I recommend that you buy some health drinks, antidotes, and restoratives. I also recommend that you save if you haven't done so already. When you are ready, go to the Chaos Portal and go do Delta Boundless Corrupted Fort Walls. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------Delta Boundless Corrupted Fort Walls---------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Field Element: Earth Party: My level: 7 Monsters: Bee Army, Dust Curse, Hob Goblin, Shield Man, Fiend Mehnir, You will hear Mia talking to you, she will tell you she is at the lowest level of the dungeon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter the first floor of this dungeon, another computer Administrator is there to tell you to turn around, when he gets done talking just go right him to the south exit. In this room there is a portal, when finished with the battle go through the west exit, in this small room go through the south exit into another small room, again go through the south exit. When you are in this bigger room there is a portal in the middle of it, destroy the mosters that come out of it and go through the east exit and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On this floor, go through the east exit, there is a slanted hallway with one exit to north, take it and you will be in a room with a portal in the middle, when you finish with that portal go through the north exit and there will be another portal to fight, go through the west exit and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On this floor Mia will again talk to you, she will say some mumbo jumbo about the game and try to relate it to humans. When she is done talking go through the West door, into another small room with an exit to the south, take it. It will lead you to a large room with a portal in the middle, take care of the portal and go through the east exit into another room with a portal in the middle, when finished with this room go through the south exit into, yet another room with a portal in the middle, when you finish with this room, go west to a small room with an exit on the south end side, take it to the next room and the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fourth Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On this floor Mia will again talk to you, she will again talk some mumbo jumbo about how the world does not exist with just ones and zeros, and other stuff like that. (havent you noticed that she speaks as if she isnt human.) When she finishes talking go through the south exit into another small room, take the west exit into a larger room with a portal in the middle, when finished with the monsters go through the north exit and into another room with a portal in the middle, kill the monster that come out of this portal, and continue through the east exit, in this room there is an exit on the east side, take it to another small room that leads you south. Just head south through the rest of the rooms and go down to the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fifth Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the fifth floor just head north through every room and you'll meet up with a data bug. Data Bug: _ _ed^l} Okay this one is a tuffy, he will attack you taking about 12 or 15 HP, or he will do a spell like fire breath that takes around 90 damage, constantly stay healed up, if you run out of health drinks, run to the other side of the room and use repth, After about 500 to 600 damage is applied to him he will Protect Break. Data Drain him and kill him being sure that you watch your health bar not to die. When the battle is over, Mia and Elk will show themselves and explain to you that she (Mia) needed to see if you were stong enought to Hack Gates and she also wanted to see Data Drain with her own eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She will tell you to put her and Elk into her party. When you put them in your party and go the Chaos Gate, she will tell you to put in the keyword to a protected area, and it will open up the menu to hack the gate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------Delta Closed Oblivious Twin Hills-------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Area Element: Wood Party: Mia, Elk My Level: 10 Virus Cores Needed: 2 Virus Core M's Monsters: Mimic, Red Wyrm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the north exit into a curved like room in a portal in the middle of it, dispatch the monster from the portal and continue going through northern exits til the stair to the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head through the north exit, and into a hallway with a portal in it, after you kill the monsters in the portal, go through the north exit into a plus shaped hallway, kill the monsters in here and go north into another hallway with another portal in it. after you kill these monsters off go north and to the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just keep going through north exits til you get to the data bug. (you only have one room to go through and it doesnt have a portal.) Data Bug: *tone^t= this is a huge fiend that is easy to get behind, and if your behind him, he cant do magical attacks to you as easy, and it also makes it harder for him to attack you in my opinion. Also since his attacks are really slow and you can react when you see them starting you can avoid damage 9 times out of 10 by hitting him a about 5 times and waiting til he attepts to attack you, if you run the opposite way right as he start the movement for the attack, you can usually avoid it and not get any damage, ( this only works for physical attacks) When you finish off the Data Bug, Kite explains everything to Mia up to that point. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Log Out If you view the boards there are a slew of new ones, and if you check you mail there will be at least one new on from Helba in there explaining where you can find the three main virus cores in the Delta and Theta servers. When you log back into the world Balmung will meet up with him and you will tell your story to him also, he will make some remarks about it and walk off than Helba shows up from behind you and warns you about Lios and gives you a Special Virus Core. After that special incident log out and there will be more new threads in the Boards, the main thread being "Is this an Event Character?" and it tells you there is a strange character also in Theta Quiet Eternal White Devil. When done reading the Boards, you should have some new mail, one from Aura and another from BlackRose, Aura's is unreadible and BlackRose's says to meet her at the Theta server. (If you didnt get the mail after reading the boards, log into The World, than log out and check.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to the Chaos Gate and choose other servers and Theta server to log into Dun Loireag. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------Dun Loireag------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter this server BlackRose will chew you out about making her wait, than ask if you are going to Theta Quiet Eternal White Devil. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------Theta Quiet Eternal White Devil----------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Area Element: Water My Party: BlackRose Mistral My Level: 10 Monsters: Hungry Grass, Thousand Trees, Guardian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the north exit into a small room, run straight through it into a hallway with a portal in it, kill the monsters in the portal, after you kill them go through the north exit into a large room with a portal in the middle, dispose of the monsters and go threw the west exit into a hallway with a portal in it, kill of the monsters in this portal and head through the south exit, into a small room, head south again and go to the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this room head through the south exit and go through the east exits two times, in this small room head north into a large room with a portal in it, destroy the mosnters and head north into a hallway with a portal in it, kill the monsters in this portal and head to the east exit, which leads you to a curved hallway with a portal in it eradicate the monsters in this portal and head to the north exit and to the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this room head through the north exit and fight the portal, when finished head through the east exit into a small room again go through the east exit into another small room where you can go north, so go through the north exit into a curved hallway with a portal in the middle of it, destroy the monsters that come out of it and head through the north exit, when you enter this room you will find out that it is a dead end, thats it bummer all that and not even a Gott Statue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------Dun Loireag------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ go back to the delta server, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu-------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get here Elk will ask to talk to you about how his favorite area is looking odd and it might be a Data Bug doing it. He tells you it is at Delta Plenteous Smiling Hypha and you only wants you there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------Delta Plentious Smiling Hypha------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Area Element: Earth My Party: Elk My Level: 11 Monsters: Thousand Trees When you get there you figure out what Elk really want to talk to you about, he wants your bracelet so he can be Mia's center of attention again. Than the Area starts to act up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the north exit to a circular hallway, from here go through the west exit into a cornered hallway with a portal in the corner, kill the monsters from it and go north into a 4-way hallway with a portal in the middle, kill the monsters out of this portal and head west and down the stairs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the west exit into a cornered hallway with a portal in it, it will probubly be a thousand trees by the way. when you kill the monster(s) off, go north into a large room with a portal in the middle, kill the monsters off and go north and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just run through the north exits until you get to the data bug room. Data Bug: Ki/er S^&aker Since Mia is also here to help you she wont die but can attack. I don't care to much for Elk so if he dies, you dont really have to revive him. He doesnt really attack much (for me anyways) so i left him for dead. Constantly heal yourself after every one of his attacks, if you are using a weapon like Spark Blades, use Flame Dance on him when you get the MP to do so, after you take about 2000 or so HP from him you will have an opportunity to Data Drain him. Make sure you saved up 10 MP to Data Drain him. After the Data Drain he attacks alittle more but will be mortal. To be safe use a Health Drink when you get when you get about half of your life taken from you. (You can use Repth if you want to but it takes more time to use.) You will eventually take him down and Mia and Elk will get back together. Now is about the time to get one of the extra charactors in the game. So assemble your party and go to Delta Raging Passionate Melody. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------Delta Raging Passionate Melody------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Level: 14 My Party: BlackRose, Mistral Elemental Type: Fire Monsters: Dust Curse, Bee Army, Rock Head, Shield Man When you get to Delta Raging Passionate Melody you will see the dungeon to the north go to it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter the dungeon you will see a twinblade whining about how scared she is go and retrieve the weapon in the Gott Statue. When the quick scene is over go into the dungeon. When you go into the dungeon the first room you will go into will have a portal in it. When done killing the monster(s) that come out of it go through the door to the west. In this room there will be another portal, when through go out the south door and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On this floor go out the south exit and into a hall with a portal in it, kill the monsters that come out and go south again into a hallway that splits into two directions with a portal in the middle. Destroy the portal and go to the west exit. In this room there is a chest in the upper west corner and about 6 urns. do what you what with them and go to through the east exit. In this hall there is a portal at the turn, destroy it and go out the north exit and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starting on this floor go out the north exit into a hallway with a portal in the middle, destroy the portal and go through the northern exit into a V shaped room, in here you retrieve the chest (if you wish) or just go to the north western exit which will bring you to a curved hallway with a portal in it, destroy the portal and go to the north to retrieve the Spiral Edge. When you get the weapon from the Gott Statue, Kite will think (Natsume is looking for this.) and then it will cut to you talking to Natsume. Natsume will say how lucky you are to have that weapon than you get the choice to give it to her or keep it for yourself. Give it to here and she will join your member address. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now exit the world and read all the new board messages, the important ones being "Weapon Information" and "Miss Gardenia Fan Club". You will get 2 new places to go to. After you check the boards, you can log back in. When you log back in you will see Piros and Mia talking about an item, Mia let Piros have the item, Piros decides to use it right there and and turns Orange, Mia warps out laughting at him. Kite recommends going to the place Mia said had the remedy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------Delta Hideous Destroyer's Far Thunder-------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Level: 14 My Party: Mistral, BlackRose Elemental Type: Fire Monsters: Thousands Tree, Hungry Grass, Red Wyrm Yes, I know this isn't where Mia said to go but you can get another good charactor here and you can get some Exp. here also. When you get to the field the dungeon will be to the west run to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter the dungeon you will see a Heavy Blade charactor whining about how many treasure boxes have junk in them. He then tells you it is a waste of time to go search for the sword. Go through the north exit anyway and start looking for the sword. When you enter you will see a large hallway with a portal in it, kill the monsters that come from the portal and go through the north exit. In this room make your way around the caged skeleton and go to out the west door to another small hallway and into the room with the stairs to bring you to the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will start to see what the man ment by treasure boxes with junk in them they are everywhere. Go out the west exit into a small room, go west again into another small room, this time go north into a large hallway with a portal in it, destroy the portal and go north into the stair room and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go out the north exit in to a plus shaped hallway with a portal in the center, destroy the portal and go to the west, into a diaganal hall way leading to the north exit, in the next room is the Gott Statue with the Kotetsu Sword in it. When you get the Kotetsu Sword Kite will think to himself (Sanjuro was looking for this.) Then you will cut to Kite talking to Sanjuro. Sanjuro will ask you to "leave it with him". Give it to him and he will join your party, and he will give you a "Tolerance Book" which will raise you physical defence by 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that that's through you should do Piros search and find quest so go to Delta Putrid Hot-Blooded Scaffold with Piros and and another team member. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -----------------------Delta Putrid Hot-blooded Scaffold----------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Level: 16 My party: BlackRose, Piros (Piros is mandidory) Field Element: Wood Monsters: Squalla Demon, Sled Dog, The dungeon is to the lowerleft side of the field from where you warped in at. To complete the mission you must go get the special remedy in each floor and let Piros have it. Only than will the mission be complete and the story will continue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter the dungeon go through the only door straight ahead of you, from there go through the exit to the east into a small room, go through the door on the other side of the small room and you will go into a small hallway, from there go through the south exit into another small room containing a remedy, Piros will take it from you saying it is the cure, when he uses it, it will turn him pink instead of orange. Backtrack until you are back in the circular hallway and go through the west door into a small room. Go through that room into a hallway with a portal in it. Kill the monsters that come out of the portal and go north and into another curved hallway with a door to the right go through it into the stairway and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the small room you start at here, go through the door to the north which will lead you to a small room with an exit to the south, go through that door into another small room with an exit to the west, go through that door into yet another small room with an exit to the south, go through it, into another small room with an exit to west, take and enter a semi-circular hallway with an exit to the north and the west. Take the west door into more small rooms, this one will have an exit to the north, take it into another small room with an exit to the west take it, into yet another small room with an exit to the north, take it into ANOTHER small room with an exit to the east, TAKE that one to the end of the small rooms, open the chest in that room to get the Custom Remedy. Piros will again take that item and use it this time turning him puke greeny mixed with yellow this time. Now backtrack through the small rooms back to the hallway. Take the North exit in the hallway to the stairway and to the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~ From here go through the door you see into a narrow hallway with a portal in it, kill the monsters and go through the north exit into a 4-way hallway with a portal in the center, kill the monsters and go through the west exit and into a curved hallway with a portal in the center, kill the monsters that come out of it and go through the south exit. Open the chest in this room and you will get the True Remedy this time, Piros will again use it carelessly this time turning him orange again (almost fixed him this time). Anyway go back to the four way hallway (the one that looks like a plus sign on the map) and go north this time into the stairway and the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forth Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~ From here go through the door you see into more small rooms arg. In this small room the exit you want will be to west, go through it into another small room first we are going to take the north one, go through it into another small room leading you to the east, take that one into another small room, take the east exit again and your in another small room. Go through the east door in this one into the Gott Statue room. Take the prizes from the chest and go back 3 doors west and one door down, into a small room. Take the west exit into a hallway that is split in two with a portal in the middle, kill the monsters and go through the south exit. In this small room open the chest to get the First Remedy. Piros will take it and this time it will work on him, than you will get the single worst item in the game or any other game in existance, Piros' Diary. The book you will never want to use because it will no raise any perticular stat, instead it will decrease your Magical Attacks by one, and this is permanent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to save "Piros' Diary" you can, but what I like to do with it is give it back to Piros as a gift, the blockhead will than use it on himself without thinking, thus returning the unwanted gift. With all said and done, log out and check your mail. BlackRose will email you telling you that the board that said "Theta Quiet Eternal White Devil" was somehow changed and she found out that the real keywords are "Theta Cursed Despaired Paradise" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Dun Loireag----------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you warp to this root town BlackRose will meet up with you and ask you if you are going. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------Theta Cursed Despaird Paradie------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Level 16 My Party: BlackRose (manditory) Sanjuro Field Element: Darkness As you go to warp to the field you see there is a Protection on the Field and you do not have enough cores, to bad. When the scene is finished log out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------Desktop-------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you log out you will see that you have some new mail. Respond to it, mainly Mistrals (i told her the message " Lately, I'm in Theta server. Let's play sometime.) and log back into Dun Loireag. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------Dun Loireag----------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get to Dun Loireag, you will see Mistral making a trade agreement with a charactor known as Apeiron (sound familiar?) when she leaves to "cool down" he will turn to you and try to trade it to you after some talk he will get hasty and give you the item "Book of Iron" and tell you to watch out for the hacker called Helba. He will gate out and Mistral will come back wanting to buy the item, but the man left. She will ask you if you want to go to the area "Theta Collapsed Momentary Spiral" so she can see the bracelet again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -----------------------Theta Collapsed Momentary Spiral------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Level: 17 My Party: Mistral (manditory), Sanjuro Areas Element: Earth Monsters: Phantom Wing, Dark Witch, Menhir, Noisy Wisp, As you go to warp to this area, you will notice it has a Lock on it, you will need to use you "Virus Core N" that you had recieved previously and 2 "Virus Core A's", which you should have or can get easily. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you enter the dungeon, you will see an exit, go through it into a hallway that is split at the end with a portal in the middle of it all. Kill the monsters in the portal and go through the left exit into the room with the stairs and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the door you see in front of you, from here you will enter a small room with an exit on the east side, go through it into a hallway with a portal in it. Kill the monsters and go through the south exit, you will enter another hallway with a portal in it, Kill the monsters that come out of the portal and go through the east exit at the end of the hallway, it will lead you to a small room with an exit on the other end, go through it to the stairs and the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From here go through the exit you see, from there you will be in a small room, go through the exit on the other end and you will enter a hallway with an exit to the north that is smoking. After you enter it there will be a Data Bug. Data Bug: W*dSto^k Estimated HP: 3000 (rough estimate) Being as he is a wood element monster using spells like Von Rom would damage him alittle more than Rai Rom or Rue Kruz, but if you are persisent with healing (use a wavemaster or a charactor that has alot of Health Drinks on him to heal) and have you and another attacker attack him with skill and occasionally magic he will go down without much of a fight. Also, since he is a big monster try to get behind him so he can't use magic on you as easily and you won't take much damage. Save up enough SP to Data Drain him and do it when it first comes up. When you finish Data Draining him he will turn into a "Thousand Trees" from here you can take him out easily. When the battle is over Mistral will ask you where you got your bracelet from, Kite will tell Mistral what all has happened and she brushes it off as an event than she will leave in a hurry again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------Dun Loireag------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get back to the Root Town, log out and check your mail, Mistral and BlackRose should have e-mailed you, tell BlackRose you have the "Virus Core O" and log back in (if you dont she won't respond to flashmail" when you log back in she will be waiting for you. Assemble you party and go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------Theta Cursed Despaired Paradise----------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Level: 17 My Party: BlackRose (manditory), Mistral Area Element: Darkness Virus Cores Needed: Virus Core O (key item), 2 Virus Core B, 3 Virus Core A Monsters: Wood Harpy, Dark Witch, Fire Witch, Lambada Knife Again we are back to the Gate Hacking screen, put the Virus Cores in that you have and go to the field. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter the dungeon, go through the exit you see. From there you will be in a big room with a portal in the center of it. Kill the monsters and go through the south exit, you will enter a small hallway or a regular sized room (whatever you want to call it) go through the exit to the south. From there you will enter a hallway with a portal in it. Kill the monsters that come out of it and go through the south exit to the room with the stairs in it to the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From this room go through the door you see, into a small room with an exit to the west, take it which leads you into a small split hallway with a portal in the middle of it, kill the monsters that come out of it and go to the north exit which will take you to the room with the stairs and the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the door you see into a large Room with a portal in the center. Kill the monsters that come out of it and go through the north exit into a small room with an exit to the north continue into it into the unknown. In this unknown room is a bed with lots of teddy bears everywhere, you will get the key items "Harolds Note" and "Epitaph 00" than you will return to the Root Town. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------Dun Loireag------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get here a small conversation will happen, than you she will warp out. Log Off, and check the board, than check your mail, to be specific check BlackRose's messages, than go back and a new message will be at the boards, it is directed to Orca and tell him to to meet him where he was going to take his "Friend" so go back to Delta Bursting Passed Over Aqua Field to see him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From this root town go to Delta Bursting Passed Over Aqua Field. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------Delta Bursting Passed Over Aqua Field------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you warp in a male Long Arm named Bob, will greet you and ask how Orca is, you will tell him all that has happened. Than he will tell you about the rumor or at least what he knows of it, than he will direct you someone that might know more about the rumors, he will tell you that she is probubly at "Delta Buried Pagan Fiery Sands" than he will give you the item "Secret:Reason" saying that it was probubly what Orca wanted you to have than he will log out and so will you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When your ready set out for "Delta Buried Pagan Fiery Sands. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------Delta Buried Pagan Fiery Sands------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Level: 19 My Party: Sanjuro, Mistral Area Element: Fire Monsters: Gladiator Nothing special when you warp in, just run to the dungeon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter the dungeon, go through the exit you see, this will lead you to a forked hallway. Take the right exit to a curved hallway with a portal in it, kill the monsters that come out of it and go through the exit on the north end of the dungeon. this will take you to some a hallway with an exit leading you west, after you go through that you will go into another hallway that is leading you to a north exit. After you go through that you will be in the small room with the stairs to the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From here go out the door you see, this will take you to a small room, take the exit that leads you west, it will take you to another small room, take the exit that leads you north which will take you to another small room leading you east. take that to yet another small room. Take the north exit which will lead you to a hallway, on the other side of the hallway go through the exit (north exit) and you will see the female Longarm called Linda, you will talk to her and after a brief conversation she will tell you to check you "Delta Lonely Silent Great Seal". when this conversation is over you will warp out automaticly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you come back, head straight back out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------Delta Lonely Silent Great Seal------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Level: 22 My Party: Sanjuro, BlackRose Area Element: Water Virus Cores Needed: Virus Core O (key item), 4 Virus Core B, and a Virus Core C Monsters: Hell Box, Fresh Valkyrie, Lamia Hunter, Living Dead, Baby Worm If you had data drained alot through the game you should have enough Virus Cores, if not go get them and come back. Once you get to the stage there is nothing special, just go to the dungeon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter the dungeon, go throught the exit you see, from there you will be in a 3-way hallway with a portal in the middle, kill the monsters and take the west exit. This will lead you into a large room with a Portal in the middle of it. Again kill the monsters and go through the north exit into another 3-way hallway with a portal in the middle, kill the monsters in that portal and go through the east exit, this will take you into another large room with a portal in it. Kill the monsters that come out of it and go through the east exit into the small room with the stairs to the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter this floor, go through the exit you see, this will bring you to a 4 way-hallway with a portal in the middle of it, kill the monsters than head through the north exit, this will bring you to a normal sized room with an exit to the north, take it into another normal sized room with an exit to the north, take that one into a room with a pool of water in the middle of it, take the east exit into a curved hallway with a portal in it. kill the monster and go through the north exit into the small room with the stairway and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the exit you see, this will take you to a small room with an exit to the west, go through it to a room with a portal in it, kill the monsters that come out of it and go through the north exit at the end of the hallway. This will take you to a small room with an exit to the north, go through it into another strange room. This room will look alittle warped, like parts are missing, than you will find the "Epitaph ?" Kite will say alittle more than will return to Mac Anu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------Mac Anu--------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get back to Mac Anu, log out and check your mail. BlackRose will e-mail you telling you she has found a clue, and she is meeting up with a friend of Alf's at "Theta Great Distant Fertile Land" and you should come to. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------Dun Loireag------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you go to Dun Loireag, BlackRose will be there telling you she is going to "Theta Great Distant Fertile Land". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------Theta Great Distant Fertile Land--------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Level: 23 My Party: BlackRose (manditory), Mistral Area Element: Darkness Monsters: Hell Box, Grand Mage, Armor Shogun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter the dungeon, go through the exit you see. This will take you to a 3-way hallway with a portal in the middle of it. Kill the monsters and go through the left exit. This will take you to a curved hallway, you will want to take the north exit of this hallway to get to a straight hallway, go to the end of the straight hallway and the stairs to the next floor will be there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go up the hallway you start at and go through the exit to the north, this will lead you to a circular hallway. Take the west exit. This will lead you into a hallway with a portal in the middle of it. Kill the monsters that come out of the portal and go through the exit to the west. This will lead you to the small room with the stairs to the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the exit you see. this will take you to a large room with a portal in the middle of it. Kill the monsters that come out of the portal and go through the west exit. This will take you into a small room with an exit to the west. Go through it into the Gott Statue room, get the tresure from the Gott Statue and go back to the large room. Now go through the north exit into another large room. When you go into that room, you will see a female blademaster called Meg talking to one of the Administrator avatars, when you enter he will leave and Meg will get really tight liped about the incident. Than she will leave telling you she posted them on the Message Board. You will automaticly warp back to Dun Loireag ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------Dun Loireag------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get back to the root town log out and check the board. When you get the the board check "MISSING" and the bottome one will be deleted. Than go check your e-mail and BlackRose will be pissed off. You should also have an email from Helba, if not log back into "The World" than log back out and it should be there along with Auras jumbled one. When you open it, you will find out what she had posted, and the keywords "Theta Chosen Hopeless Nothingness" are given to you. Log back in. Now we are nearing toward the end of this chapter, and the final boss for this game is about to happen. I recommend you are at least at Level 27 when you go into this dungeon and i also recommend that you have given at least 20 Resurrects to each of the two party members you bring with you and have 99 Health Drinks yourself and at least 30 Mage's Soul. Trust me you'll need them. When you are ready to go, get your party ready and go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------Theta Chosen Hopeless Nothingness---------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Level: 27 My Party: BlackRose (manditory), Mistral Area Element: Earth Virus Cores Needed: Virus Core P (Key Item), Virus Core A, 4 Virus Core B, Virus Core C. Monsters: Cursed Blades, Metal Goblin, Mantis, Mu Guardian, Goil Menhir, Red Scissors When you Get to the field Kite will mention that the bracelet is shining (and it is visible too!). Anyway, head over to the dungeon without dying to much. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the exit you see infront of you this will lead you to a 4-way hallway with a portal in the middle of it. Kill the monsters and go through the west exit into another curved hallway with a portal in it. Kill those monsters and go through the north exit into the small room with the stairs to the next floor in there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter the floor, go into the exit you see in front of you, this will lead you to a 4-way hallway with a portal in the middle of it, kill the monsters that come out of it and go through the north exit. In there you will be in the small room with the stairway to the next level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Stage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the exit you see ahead of you, this will lead you to a large room with a portal in it, kill the monsters that come out and go through the west exit into another large room with a portal in the center of it. Kill those monsters and go through the north exit into a 3-way hallway with a portal in it, kill those monsters and go through the east exit. This will bring you to a hallway with a portal in the middle of it, kill the monsters that come out and go through the east exit on the other side of the hallway. Now you will be in another 3-way hallway with a portal in it, kill the monsters that come out and go through the north exit into a curved hallway with another portal in it. Kill those monsters and go throught the east exit leading you to the stairs and into then next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fourth Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get to this floor, go through the exit you see, this will lead you to a hallway with a portal in it, kill the monsters and proceed through the hallway to the east exit on the other side. Now you should be in a large room with a portal in it, kill the monsters in the portal and go through the north exit in the room this will lead you to another large room. In here like usual there is a portal in it, kill the monsters that come out and go through the north exit again, going into another large room with a portal in it. Kill the monsters and go through the west exit, this will lead you to a hallway with a portal in it kill the monsters that come out of that and go west again into another large room with a portal in it, kill THOSE monsters than go through the north exit, now you will see the stairs and the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fifth Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just keep going through the north exits, there are no portals but after the second hallway you will face Skieth. You will see Aura and she will break up into 3 fragments by what Skieth does to her. Now you fight Skieth |\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/| | Phase 1: Skieth: The Terror of Death | |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\| This battle is hard, i mean HARD. You never want to be by all your party members at once cause he will cast magic at the group, if you aren't by any party members he will still cast magic but not as much, his attacks hurt, ALOT so try to use a health potion after every successful hit of his or two. After you give him what feels like 10,000 he will become Data Drainable, i suggest you do it. He has different forms of attack he has where he just swings at you and hits you with his wand, that does around 550 damage to you, and it is hard to avoid if he gets locked on to you, His second physical attack is easier to avoid and alittle less powerful (In my opinion) and that is where he slams the wand to the ground causing anything by him to be damaged, this one when you see him elevate alittle bit start to run away from him and you avoid it if your lucky. For his Magic Attacks he has "Judgement" where he covers the whole field with a glacier of ice, this attack is unavoidible just be prepaired for it. It will do about 250 damage to you. Another Skill he has is the power to Data Drain you or any of your characters, it wont put them into a coma and out of the battle but it will put every negitive stat on you or your allies character. (A nice trick to do to him if he keeps running away from you is to do a physical skill to him like stacatto or gale of swords, and when he runs away he will still be getting damage from it.) In his second phase he gets stronger and gets more speed, and he doesnt cast magic and can only do one attack but he is still a force to worry about. Don't let your party members die, and if they do heal them quickly. When you beat him he will crumble, and the final cinema will happen and the credits will roll through, when the credits are done it will ask you if you want to make a data flag, say yes and save one. It will look yellow. Congradulations, you beat .hack//Infection. ================================================================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EXTRAS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ================================================================================ Here are all the extras you can get after you beat the game. Some of which are avalible before you beat the game, such as the extra charactors but others, are only avalible after you beat the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------The Apprentice and The Four Gob Kings----------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At first you think this is going to be some wierd mini game, well your wrong, all you do is just go after a, as in ONE goblin on the field that has a higher amount of HP than the average goblin and is alittle faster. After you defeat one of the Goblins he will give you a piece of Armor, such as the Goblin Boots, or Goblin Helm. After you have all 4 pieces of armor, put them all on and you can use the spell "Summon Goblin". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stehoney (The Apprentice) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first and easiest is Stehoney, even if your are level 1 or 2 this guy is very simple, just hit him a few times and he will die. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jonue (The Party Animal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The second goblin is Jonue, he is as simple as Stehoney (in my opinion) and you should be able to take him out easliy at about level...lets say 5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zyan (The Big Bookworm) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The third is Zyan, he is what i think is supposed to be a joke, he has higher HP than the two previous Gobs but is still slow as...a goblin, take him out easily when ever you want. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Albert (The Early Bird) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the fourth is Albert, and guess what. He is fast, not smart but fast. He will run to you and away from you as you run after him. So when he gets close to you use an attack like thunder coil. Three or Four of these should have him down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Martina (The Female King) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The fifth and final of the lackluster gobs is Martina, and for the Four Gob KINGS the name sure does sound like a GIRLS, doesnt it haha, now down to business. First cast Ap Do on yourself now she likes to get out of your camera angle and if you try to change your camera angles to fast you just screw yourself up but you should get hold of it quickly, now get close to her and either attack or use a skill like staccatto or something to really take a bite out of her HP. When she dies she will ask you if you want to become a goblin, than she says ohh you dont and gives you an Imp's Pin as a Key item. Return to town. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------The Extra Charactors---------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What good RPG would be incomplete without a few extra characters. In this game you will get three. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Natsume ~~~~~~~~~~~ (Copied from the top of the guide) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------Delta Raging Passionate Melody------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Level: 14 My Party: BlackRose, Mistral Elemental Type: Fire Monsters: Dust Curse, Bee Army, Rock Head, Shield Man When you get to Delta Raging Passionate Melody you will see the dungeon to the north go to it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter the dungeon you will see a twinblade whining about how scared she is go and retrieve the weapon in the Gott Statue. When the quick scene is over go into the dungeon. When you go into the dungeon the first room you will go into will have a portal in it. When done killing the monster(s) that come out of it go through the door to the west. In this room there will be another portal, when through go out the south door and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On this floor go out the south exit and into a hall with a portal in it, kill the monsters that come out and go south again into a hallway that splits into two directions with a portal in the middle. Destroy the portal and go to the west exit. In this room there is a chest in the upper west corner and about 6 urns. do what you what with them and go to through the east exit. In this hall there is a portal at the turn, destroy it and go out the north exit and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starting on this floor go out the north exit into a hallway with a portal in the middle, destroy the portal and go through the northern exit into a V shaped room, in here you retrieve the chest (if you wish) or just go to the north western exit which will bring you to a curved hallway with a portal in it, destroy the portal and go to the north to retrieve the Spiral Edge. When you get the weapon from the Gott Statue, Kite will think (Natsume is looking for this.) and then it will cut to you talking to Natsume. Natsume will say how lucky you are to have that weapon than you get the choice to give it to her or keep it for yourself. Give it to here and she will join your member address. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Sanjuro ~~~~~~~~~~~ (copied from the above guide) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------Delta Hideous Destroyer's Far Thunder-------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Level: 14 My Party: Mistral, BlackRose Elemental Type: Fire Monsters: Thousands Tree, Hungry Grass, Red Wyrm Yes, I know this isn't where Mia said to go but you can get another good charactor here and you can get some Exp. here also. When you get to the field the dungeon will be to the west run to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you enter the dungeon you will see a Heavy Blade charactor whining about how many treasure boxes have junk in them. He then tells you it is a waste of time to go search for the sword. Go through the north exit anyway and start looking for the sword. When you enter you will see a large hallway with a portal in it, kill the monsters that come from the portal and go through the north exit. In this room make your way around the caged skeleton and go to out the west door to another small hallway and into the room with the stairs to bring you to the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will start to see what the man ment by treasure boxes with junk in them they are everywhere. Go out the west exit into a small room, go west again into another small room, this time go north into a large hallway with a portal in it, destroy the portal and go north into the stair room and into the next floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Floor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go out the north exit in to a plus shaped hallway with a portal in the center, destroy the portal and go to the west, into a diaganal hall way leading to the north exit, in the next room is the Gott Statue with the Kotetsu Sword in it. When you get the Kotetsu Sword Kite will think to himself (Sanjuro was looking for this.) Then you will cut to Kite talking to Sanjuro. Sanjuro will ask you to "leave it with him". Give it to him and he will join your party, and he will give you a "Tolerance Book" which will raise you physical defence by 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gardenia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Still to come) ================================================================================ ------------------------------ The Parasite Dragon ----------------------------- ================================================================================ This is the extra Boss battle that you can get if you are abled to beat the game or beat this game, (I don't know if you can play this boss if you started in .hack\\Mutation or not.) First, head head to Mac Anu after you have beated Skieth and checked your e-mail for the keywords. I also recommend that you have your charactors that your are going to used with some strong defense armor and strong magical/attack power. (even though the Parasite Dragon has a Magic Tolerence.) **************************************************************************** Delta Hideous Someone's Giant **************************************************************************** My Level: 32 My Party: BlackRose, Mistral Area Element: Water Virus Cores Needed: Virus Core T:1 Monsters: Mu Guardian, Tetra Armor, Mystery Rock, When you come here you will notice the unique music cause it is only for the level, you will also notice that the level itself is unique because you are flying on the aircraft you can sometimes see in the skies of Delta Server. Now go into the only door leading to the dungeon below. ************* First Floor ************* When you enter this aircraft you will notice that the dungeon is a living dungeon, now go north into a large room and kill the monster(s) that come out of the magic portal. When your finished go through the east exit into a four way hallway with a portal in the middle, kill the monsters and head north. Now you will be in a curved hallway with another portal in it, kill the monsters again and proceed through the west exit, now you will be in a straight hallway with another magic portal in it, kill the monsters and go through the west exit again. You will then enter a curved hallway with yet another magic portal in it, kill the monsters that come out of that one and head south, you will be in another hallway, kill the monsters that come out of the portal and head south again and into the next floor. ************** Second Floor ************** Go straight into the exit and into a large room, you will on the other side of the field see purple fire...smoke..mist, whatever it is supposed to be next to the door. Go through that door to fight the second hardest battle in this game, the Parasite Dragon. ************************* Boss: Parasite Dragon ************************* HP: 9999 This guy is TOUGH, i mean it, so when you fight him have a Wavemaster that can heal you at all times and you and another fighter charactor cut him down to size while reviving your wavemaster and or partner as you go. When he is down to about 800 HP use Data Drain on him,the experence points for this guy is not worth it, and you can get the strongest weapon in this game, the Hyakkidouran. When you beat him Kite will say something and you will than leave. ================================================================================ ----------------------------------E-Mail List----------------------------------- ================================================================================ For those who want all the right E-mails, for each of the characters. I have finally compiled (what i think is the correct) list of the correct subjects to talk to the other character. ~~~~~~~~~~~ BlackRose ~~~~~~~~~~~ (I dont know if I got all the right answers but here is what I put) Her subject: What do you... My response: Well sometimes... Her subject: RE: Well sometimes... My Response: How about you... Her subject: RE: How about you... i dont remember if i responded to that one sorry people. ~~~~~~~~~~ Mistral ~~~~~~~~~~ Her subject: It's Mistral My response: Beef Stew Her subject: RE: Beef Stew My response: your a good cook Her subject: RE: your a good cook My response: Sometimes... Her subject: RE: Sometimes... That is it (I think) ~~~~~~~~~~ Sanjuro ~~~~~~~~~~ His subject: Yojimbo My response: Really? His subject: RE: Really? My response: Wow His subject: Wow My response: That's His subject: RE: That's That is it (I think) ~~~~~~~~~~ Piros ~~~~~~~~~~ His subject: Question My response: Right Now? His subject: Ideas About Youth My response: Good to Have His subject: RE: Good to Have My response: Are you His subject: RE: Are you ~~~~~~~~~~ Natsume ~~~~~~~~~~ Her subject: BIO My response: I'm 8th grade Her subject: RE: I'm 8th grade My response: I read Her subject: RE: I read My response: Favorite books Her subject: RE: Favorite books ~~~~~~~~~~ Gardenia ~~~~~~~~~~ Her subject: Things I Like My response: Really? Her subject: RE: Really? My response: I like them too.j Her subject: RE: I like them too My response: Huh? Her subject: RE: Huh? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most Characters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most of the characters will also E-mail you telling you they trust you or something around those lines after you beat the game or max out their affection towards you. (their max affection for this game is 250 by the way.)