.hack//Quarantine Walkthrough by Tanya Underwood Copyright 2006 Tanya Underwood All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ***This walkthrough is NOT spoiler free. You have been warned.*** Contents Section 1 - Notes Section 2 - Updates Section 3 - Walkthrough Section 4 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Section 5 - Contact Information Section 6 - Credits and Legal Information ------------------------------------- Section 1 - Notes ------------------------------------- This is my first walkthrough. Yay! ^_^ A couple of notes before I begin: In the dungeons, I will put the shortest route to get to the end. If there are stars (*) around the direction, then that means there is a fight in that room. In the game, a boss room has purple fire in front of it. Also, don't forget that you can use Fairy Orbs to map dungeons for you in case you get lost. Whenever there is a new board post or news article, I will only write the title of the article/post. For the emails, I will write down the important information. Pay close attention to a monster's element. If you attack with the opposite element, you will get an Elemental Critical, which will deal more damage than a normal attack. This will help when attacking strong enemies. All keywords for areas will be in CAPS. When fighting a boss like one of the Phases, I will post what level I was on when I did the fight. That way, you can judge what level you need to be. Also, all the Phases can do Data Drain until you drain them yourself, so I won't list that as an attack. It will hurt you and put every status effect on you, so use an Antidote, a Restorative, and heal after the scene is done. When it comes to party combinations, it doesn't matter as long as you have them all equipped properly. Most people recommend putting one Wavemaster in your group at all times to act as a healer. This is a good strategy. My normal group combination is Kite, Balmung (because he's my favorite character and he's good with physical and magic attacks), and a Wavemaster (usually Wiseman). If there are any required characters, I usually get rid of the Wavemaster in favor of keeping Balmung in my group. ------------------------------------- Section 2 - Updates ------------------------------------- Version 0.65 - Published this walkthrough. Isn't done, but will finish it soon. Version 0.95 - Finished walkthrough of the main game. The only thing left to add is the stuff after the end of the game. Version 1.00 - Added Aura's dungeon and an FAQ section. Version 1.05 - Added azuredream's information about Infection levels to the FAQs section. Version 1.06 - Added information about Dek Vorv in FAQs section. Version 1.25 - Added the BlackRose and Terajima Ryoko dungeon. Version 1.50 - Fixed some spelling mistakes -_-; and added some FAQs. **FINAL VERSION** - THIS IS MY LAST REVISION I apologize for any inconvenience but I no longer have time to change this walkthrough or give it anymore attention. I have changed a few things and removed my email address from the contact information. I believe that I have cover the game as well as I possibly could, with the exception of the Grunty Raising and Goblin Tag, which I don't count. =P Thank you. ^_^ ------------------------------------- Section 3 - Walkthrough *SPOILERS* ------------------------------------- Convert your file from the last game or start a new game. When the desktop loads, you have 3 new emails and 3 news articles. Email: Lios - The Omega Server has been open and there is a meeting in at the Root Town. Aura - Another garbled message saying something about helping her. CC Corp - Announcing new version. You can now use Neuro Gloves (yay?) and an Item Completion Event is starting. News: Second Network Crisis? A garbled message (No, that's not the title, silly) Apology After looking at those, go to the world and check the boards. Boards: Virus? ALTIMIT Smoking Regulation Law New Generation Cellphones Online Sex Shop Caught Equation for the Future Me & Her Tickets Future Bay Garbled News Abnormal State Version Upgrade Information - Just about Item Completion Event and Neuro Gloves. Now Login. You'll see a scene with Elk, who is worried about Mia. After the scene, go to the Omega Server. When you arrive, the screen is flickering almost constantly. Helba comes and transports you to Net Slum, which is now the Omega Server's Root Town. After the meeting, you're given the keywords OMEGA BIGOTED SNOWFLAKE'S CAPSULE. Look around the town for a minute and then logout and check your email. Email: CC Corp - You know the Item Completion Event? Well, it's cancelled for now. Check the board and it says the same thing. Board: Version Upgrade Information After looking at that, log back in, put a party together, and head over to OMEGA BIGOTED SNOWFLAKE'S CAPSULE. OMEGA BIGOTED SNOWFLAKE'S CAPSULE Level - 68 Element - Water Virus Cores Needed E 3 H 2 I 2 Clear the field and head to the dungeon. B1 North, North, *North*, West B2 *West*, *South*, West, North B3 North, East, *East*, *North*, North B4 North, North -----> To the Data Bug Data Bug Fight This bug is pretty easy. If you equip Sora's Blades (From the dungeon with the red wand in the last game) to Kite and issue the "Skills!" command, he'll protect break in no time. Data drain and attack the same way as before till dead. *NOTE* If you want the Gott Statue, then you have to come back and do the dungeon again. After the fight, you'll be sent to Omega Root Town. Store unnecessary items, save your game, and log out to check your email. Email: Helba - New Virus Core Information News: Malpractice? Look at those and then log back in. You'll see a scene with BlackRose, who is worried about the hospital computer problems. After the scene, you'll see Spiritas (The crazy red robed guy with the gun-thing that you talked to in Infection, remember?) standing by the Chaos Gate. Talk to him and he'll tell you there's a strange room at SIGMA SCREAMING WIND SAND'S FATE CASTLE. You have to take BlackRose with you, so put her and one other player in your party and go to SIGMA SCREAMING WIND SAND'S FATE CASTLE. SIGMA SCREAMING WIND SAND'S FATE CASTLE Level - 70 Element - Fire Virus Cores Needed G 3 H 2 J 2 M 1 Clear the field and head to the dungeon. B1 North, West, North, *West*, North B2 *North*, North, *East*, East B3 *East*, *East*, *East*, *North*, North B4 *North*, East, North B5 *North*, East, East -----> Strange Room In the room, you get another piece of the Epitaph and are sent to Sigma Root Town. There, you run into Elk again. Elk can't find Mia still and BlackRose suggest coming with you so that he will have a greater chance of finding Mia. Basically, you can put Elk back in your group now. Store unnecessary items, save your game, and log out to check your email. Email: Piros - He wants help with catching a "corrupt" player. Keyword SIGMA UNMATCHED WORST ABYSS Moonstone - Found a great place to level up. Keyword SIGMA BREEZING SAGE'S WALKWAY You need to do Piros' dungeon to move on with the story and I suggest that you wait to do Moonstone's since the level is high. I'm going to cover Piros' dungeon now and Moonstone's later when you strong enough. So login, put a party together with Piros and head over to SIGMA UNMATCHED WORST ABYSS. SIGMA UNMATCHED WORST ABYSS Level - 72 Element - Water Clear the field and head to the dungeon. *IMPORTANT - You will want to get the Gott Statue here. It contains a piece of armor called Owl Crest. This armor has a skill called Phal Repth, which heals your party to full health!!!* B1 *North*, *North*, *West*, *West*, North, *North*, East, *East*, East B2 *East*, *South*, *South*, South B3 *South*, *South*, *East*, East, North B4 *North*, *North*, East -------> To Gott Statue *North*, *North*, North -------> To "Corrupt" Player After watching the scene with the "corrupt" player, you'll go back to Sigma Root Town. You know the drill. Store unnecessary items, save your game, and log out to check your email. Email: Wiseman - Meeting in Omega Server. News: Communication Chaos Delivery, Anyone? Medical Equipment Hazard Now login to the world and go to Omega Server. At the meeting, the plan is Lios is going to force the wave to OMEGA CRUEL VINDICTIVE SCARS. You are then going to fight the next Phase. Helba gives you Virus Core M, which is required to open the area. Put a party together and select OMEGA CRUEL VINDICTIVE SCARS. OMEGA CRUEL VINDICTIVE SCARS Level - 75 Element - Fire Virus Cores Needed G 2 H 2 J 2 M 1 Clear the field and head to the dungeon. B1 *North*, West, West, *North*, North B2 North, *West*, North B3 North, North, *West*, North B4 North, East, *East*, South -----> To Gott Statue North, North -----> To Battle You ready for a fight? Well, too bad! The target was lost. Fortunately, Helba relocated it at SIGMA GRACEFUL TEMPTING FALLEN ANGEL. You're sent back to Omega Root Town, so store unneeded items and save the game. You may want to buy a few Antidotes, Restoratives, and Resurrects for the upcoming battle because you will need them. Well, what are you waiting for? Get a group together and go to SIGMA GRACEFUL TEMPTING FALLEN ANGEL. ^_^ My group is Kite, Balmung, and Wiseman. SIGMA GRACEFUL TEMPTING FALLEN ANGEL Level - 76 Element - Wood Clear the field and head to the dungeon. B1 *North*, *North*, North B2 *North*, West, West, North, *North*, East B3 *East*, South, South, *West*, North B4 *North*, *East*, *North*, *North*, East B5 *East*, North, North, North -----> Battle You see a scene with Elk and Mia, who admits that she is not a human. Surprised? (cough not really cough) Not only is she a program, but she's one of the 8 Phases! Uh-oh. She transforms and Elk is killed before that battle even begins. PHASE SIX - MACHA THE TEMPTRESS My level - 74 One of the easier phases, she doesn't have any normal attacks to speak of. She does have the usual jump in the air thing that all the Phases so far have had but on top of damaging you, it takes skill points as well. But the rest of her attacks all have cut scenes so you'll have a bit of a warning. She does do a lot of status effects, though. She will cast confusion and her Seduction attack will cast charm on ALL your players. The best (and only) thing to do when she does that is to issue the "First Aid!" command as soon as possible and wait till it wears off. After you data drain her, she (or should I say it?) can heal herself 400 points at a time, so keep an eye on that. But she can't do her Seduction anymore, so that's a plus. The best strategy is to have someone stand back and concentrate on healing. Then, you and your other player can hack away at her until she protect breaks. Use the same method to finish her off. In my group, I had Kite and Balmung attack while Wiseman healed. The battle was a breeze, but it was long (as in time wise). You win a Segment piece from this battle. After the battle, Elk will appear and you will have a scene where Mia dies, or disappears or whatever you want to call it. Elk gets mad at you, blames you for her death and runs off. Lios says that they have found the target again and he wants you to go back to OMEGA CRUEL VINDICTIVE SCARS. You are transported back to Sigma Root Town. Store unneeded items, save the game, and get a group together so you can go to OMEGA CRUEL VINDICTIVE SCARS. My group is Kite, Balmung (of course!), and Wiseman. OMEGA CRUEL VINDICTIVE SCARS Level - 75 Element - Fire Clear the field and head to the dungeon. B1 *North*, West, West, *North*, North B2 North, *West*, North B3 North, North, *West*, North B4 North, North -----> To Battle On the first floor of the dungeon, Lios asks if you have seen Elk. Elk has left his assigned position with the vaccine. Just what this means we don't know since the communication goes down. When you reach the fourth floor, there are purple flames on the door now, so be sure you are ready for a fight. When you enter the room, Lios says that the Wave has created an antibody for the vaccine and to abort the mission. Just when you're going to leave, Aura shows up and takes the Segment piece that you just won. However, after a moment, Cubia shows up. CUBIA My level - 75 Cubia has three stages and they are practically the same. The Core is what you want to attack since you'll win the battle when you defeat it. The Core alternates between magic and physical tolerance, so make sure you keep an eye on that so you don't attack without doing any damage. When it makes all the Gomoras (it's little floating buddies), just focus on the Core UNLESS there is a Repth Gomora. If one appears, kill it first. Heal any status effects cast by the Various Gomoras as soon as you can. All of Cubia's cutscene attacks will happen when the Core is changing it's tolerance. They aren't too damaging but you'll want to be sure to heal after each one. The only difference between the three stages, besides the hit points, is during the last stage, Cubia's head is facing you which allows him to use his face (yes his face) attacks. As long as you issue the "First Aid!" command or heal everyone yourself, you should be fine. In my group, everyone attacked during Physical Tolerance with magic and when the Core had Magic Tolerance, Kite and Balmung attack the Core while Wiseman stood back and healed. *NOTE* Some characters, after a magic attack, revert back to physical attacks, which can be quite annoying. The best way to solve this is to issue the "Magic!" command, do an attack yourself, and reissue the "Magic!" command. If you do this every time, then you won't have to worry about the other players as much. The battle is over because, once again, Cubia retreats (He's a sore loser). You go back to Omega Root Town where you decide, with the help of all your friends, that you will resume the operation. And guess what dungeon you get to go to? That's right. It's back to OMEGA CRUEL VINDICTIVE SCARS. How many times do they want you to play through this dungeon? They must really like it. Anyways, BlackRose says she's coming so you need to put her and one other player in your group, store items, save the game, and go back to OMEGA CRUEL VINDICTIVE SCARS. I'll even recopy the information for you. My group is Kite, BlackRose, and Wiseman. (No Balmung because you NEED a dedicated healer) OMEGA CRUEL VINDICTIVE SCARS Level - 75 Element - Fire Clear the field and head to the dungeon. B1 *North*, West, West, *North*, North B2 North, *West*, North B3 North, North, *West*, North B4 North -----> To Battle If you noticed, the purple flames are on the first room on B4, so make sure you are ready to fight before going in. PHASE 7 - TARVOS THE AVENGER My level - 75 I'm not going to lie to you: Tarvos is a pain in the butt. Not only does he have cheap attacks, he takes a long time to beat (For me, over 45 mins!). But if I can do it, then so can you! ^_^ Tarvos starts out with Physical Tolerance and when he does this crying thing (trust me, it looks like crying), he goes underground, comes up somewhere else, and has the opposite tolerance. (Physical to Magic and vice versa) After he pops up, he will heavily damage one of your character and then float around, occasionally doing the trademark jump in the air. He can cast sleep, speed down, and paralysis on you, so heal the status as soon as you can. His cut scene attacks can do heavy damage, especially PhaAni Zot which will kill 9 times out of 10, so heal or resurrect the injured player immediately. Cursed Death Play is an automatic KO, so after a stream of obscenities come from your mouth, revive the dead player quickly (or, if you were killed, issue the "First Aid!" command) and resume your attacks on him. Eventually, he will Protect Break. After you drain him, he won't have a tolerance, but he can do all of his other attacks plus he can heal himself 400 at a time. My group had Wiseman heal during Magic Tolerance while BlackRose and Kite attacked. During Physical Tolerance, I had Wiseman and BlackRose attack while I healed the group since Wiseman has strong magic attacks. At about 1000 hit points, I issued the "Skills!" command and went all out so he couldn't heal himself. It isn't easy, but you'll eventually kill Tarvos and win the Virus Core Z. You are transported back to Omega Root Town after the battle and see a scene with all of the Net Slum residence (minus Spiritas) saying something and then leaving. As a side note, after the scene, you are the only players in the town. Store items, save the game, and log out. Email: (I think that now is when you start getting Email Chains) BlackRose - Tells you to check the board. Aura - Telling you to not fight Cubia yet. At least, that's what I got from the message. ^_^ Tartarga - Tells you that he met an AI named Harald. Sounds familiar? He's the one who made the World. Tartarga says that he heard Harald say where he was heading to. Keyword DELTA REINCARNATED PURGATORIAL ALTER Marlo - Wants you to go with him somewhere. No reason listed. Keyword OMEGA COLLAPSED TRAVELER'S FORT Rachel - Says she's starting a rescuing service. When will she learn her ideas won't work? Anyways, a person needs help. Keyword SIGMA NAMELESS PSEUDO SEA OF SAND News: Bike Deliveries, Again Game Coma Net Crisis Linked to Terrorism? Go to the World and login after checking the board. Lots of keywords you need. Board: To the One Who Plays the Flute (NOTE - the posters are the Net Slum people) Keywords OMEGA SPLENDID EMERALD NOBLE MAN OMEGA DREAMING MOONLIT GRAVESTONE OMEGA MUTED STARVING DRY SEA OMEGA ROTTING COUNTLESS SACRIFICE Rachel's Rescuing Service (How come you're the "Employee"?!? That's not fair.) Equation for the Future Abnormal State During the Previous Version Keyword OMEGA OBEDIENT SOMEONE'S KNIGHTS (More like obedient Subaru's knights ^_^) Now, if you didn't notice, there are many places that you can go. I'm going to cover Marlo's dungeon first. Do keep in mind that all the keywords posted in the "To the One Who Plays the Flute" are protected and will need virus cores. The total virus cores you need to do all those places are: A - 2 B - 2 C - 2 E - 3 F - 3 G - 6 H - 3 I - 3 J - 9 K - 9 L - 3 That is quite a few, so while you do the other places, Data Drain to get cores but keep an eye on your Infection level. Now, put Marlo and one other person in your group and go to OMEGA COLLAPSED TRAVELER'S FORT. OMEGA COLLAPSED TRAVELER'S FORT Level - 79 Element - Wood Clear the field and head to the dungeon. Want to know why you're here? Well, you don't get to know. Kite asks and Marlo tells him to shut up. With friends like him, who needs enemies? B1 *North*, *West*, North B2 North, *North*, *North*, *East*, North B3 *North*, *North*, *East*, *North*, East B4 East, *North*, East -----> To Gott Statue East, *North*, North -----> To Goal You go into a room containing a lot of treasure chests. Marlo tells you that they are filled with power up items. And he isn't lying. You get: Earthlore Sealore Firelore All of them raise Forestlore specified parameter Stormlore +2 Darklore Wow! Maybe Marlo is a good friend. Use a Sprite Ocarina (or be cheap like me and issue the "Use Sprite Ocarina!" command) and gate out to Omega Root Town. Store items and save the game. Now we're going to see if Lady Subaru is at OMEGA OBEDIENT SOMEONE'S KNIGHTS. Put a group together and go to OMEGA OBEDIENT SOMEONE'S KNIGHTS. OMEGA OBEDIENT SOMEONE'S KNIGHTS Level - 80 Element - Fire B1 *North*, *North*, *East*, *East*, *South*, South B2 *South*, *South*, *South*, *East*, North, *North*, North B3 *North*, North, *North*, North -----> To Gott Statue and Goal You don't get to see Subaru but you do meet Crim. Crim offers to help you but then says he can't O_o. He does give you Crim's Spear, though. After he leaves, you are sent back to Omega Root Town. Store items and save the game. Next, we're going to go to Rachel's dungeon, so put her and another player in your group, and go to SIGMA NAMELESS PSEUDO SEA OF SAND. SIGMA NAMELESS PSEUDO SEA OF SAND Level - 80 Element - Earth Clear the field and head to the dungeon. B1 North, *North*, *North*, East B2 East, *North*, *North*, *West*, North B3 North, *North*, *North*, East, South, East, South B4 *South*, *South*, *East*, *North*, North B5 *North*, West -----> To Gott Statue *North*, North -----> To Goal On B3, there is a girl at the entrance named Hanako. She says something about someone giving her items but doesn't say anything else. When you get to the B5 room, you get some items from the player there that you have to take back up to Hanako on the 3rd floor. Just go back the way you came. Don't worry, you won't have to fight the battles again. When you give her the items, she pays you 5000 GP and leaves. After discussing the merits of customer happiness with Rachel, you are sent back to Sigma Root Town. Store items and save the game. Hopefully by now, you'll have enough Virus Cores to get into the protected areas in Omega Server. It's best to start at the bottom, so put a party together and go to OMEGA SPLENDID EMERALD NOBLEMAN. OMEGA SPLENDID EMERALD NOBLEMAN Level - 80 Element - Wood Virus Cores Needed A - 2 E - 3 I - 3 K - 3 This is a forest so *South*, *West*, North, *West*, North -NOTE- You may run into an enemy that looks familiar; that is, if you've seen the anime ".hack//SIGN". It's called The Guardian and it looks like a dumbbell. You'll want to Data Drain it as soon as it Protect Breaks. If you do, it'll become a bracelet, which is stronger, but you'll get a lot more experience for killing it than if you defeated it as you normally would. Just let someone heal while you and the other player attack it (or you heal and they attack). B1 *North*, *North*, North B2 *North*, East, East, *North*, West, North, *North*, North, West, *West*, South, South B3 South, South, *West*, South, South B4 *South*, *East*, *South*, South, East, East, North B5 North, North -----> To the Data Bug Data Bug Fight Drain - Virus Core W Monster - Cerberus Fire Tolerance Not too hard. Just make sure you have someone healing and Data Drain when he Protect Breaks. After you drain him, attack with water attacks for an Elemental Critical. And, oddly, you aren't sent back to a Root Town after the fight, so go West, West to get the Gott Statue. It has Maniac Sword, a rare weapon for the Blademaster. Use a Sprite Ocarina and Gate Out to the town. Store items and save the game. Before you go to the next Data Bug dungeon, you'll want to got to Moonstone's dungeon (The one from the email. I told you I'd come back to it). Put Moonstone and one other player in your group and go to SIGMA BREEZING SAGE'S WALKWAY. SIGMA BREEZING SAGE'S WALKWAY Level - 85 Element - Thunder Clear the field and head to the dungeon. B1 North, *North*, *West*, North B2 *North*, North, *North*, *East*, South B3 *South*, *West*, *North*, North B4 *North*, North -----> To Gott Statue and Goal There is a girl on B1 that tells you that the monster in the dungeon are hard. On B2, Moonstone tells you that there is another objective but then tells you to forget it. In the Gott chest, you get the key item Marine Spear. Moonstone asks for it, so Kite gives it to him and the group goes back to B1. Moonstone gives the Spear to the girl, who gives him her member address. In return for helping him, Moonstone gives you Prepare to Die, a rare weapon for the Twin Blade. (One has to wonder why he didn't equip these himself instead of you giving him weapons all the time...) When you are sent back to Sigma Root Town, store items and save the game. Put a party together and go to OMEGA DREAMING MOONLIT GRAVESTONE. OMEGA DREAMING MOONLIT GRAVESTONE Level - 81 Element - Earth Virus Cores Needed B - 2 F - 3 J - 3 K - 3 Clear the field and head to the dungeon. B1 North, *North*, *North*, West B2 *West*, South B3 South, *East*, *North*, *North*, *North*, North B4 *North*, *West*, *North*, *East*, North B5 North, North -----> To the Data Bug Data Bug Drain - Virus Core X Monster - Skull Devilgon Darkness Tolerant Just issue the "Skills!" command and keep and eye on everyone's health. After you Data Drain, use lightning attacks for an Elemental Critical. Don't forget to grab the Gott chest after the battle. Just go *East*, North. Use a Sprite Ocarina, Gate Out to the town, store items, and save the game. Now, go to OMEGA MUTED STARVING DRY SEA. OMEGA MUTED STARVING DRY SEA Level - 81 Element - Fire Virus Cores Needed C - 2 G - 3 J - 3 L - 3 Clear the field and head to the dungeon. B1 *North*, *East*, *North*, East B2 *East*, *East*, *North*, *North*, *West*, South B3 South, East, East, *South*, West B4 *West*, *West*, North, *North*, North, North B5 North, North -----> To the Data Bug Data Bug Drain - Virus Core Y Monster - Psyche Vision Wood Tolerant The only problem you might have is most physical attacks miss, so use magic when you can. After you Data Drain, use earth attack for an Elemental Critical. Grab the Gott chest before you leave by going *North*, West. Then, use a Sprite Ocarina, Gate Out, store items, and save the game. Now, get a party together and go to OMEGA ROTTING COUNTLESS SACRIFICE, the last of the keywords from the "To the One Who Plays the Flute" topic. OMEGA ROTTING COUNTLESS SACRIFICE Level - 85 Element - Darkness Virus Cores Needed G - 3 H - 3 J - 3 K - 3 Clear the Field and head to the dungeon. B1 *North*, North, West B2 *West*, *North*, West B3 West, West, South, West, West, North, West, West B4 West, West, West, North, East, *North*, North B5 North, North, North, *North* -----> To the Data Bug Data Bug Drain - Virus Core Z Monster - Dark Asteroid Darkness Tolerant If you did Moonstone's dungeon, equip the Prepare to Die blades and do Red Flare until it Protect Breaks. Otherwise, just use attack skills against it. After you Data Drain, use lightning attacks for Elemental Critical. Don't forget to grab the Gott chest (go West after bug fight). It has Spear Core MK3, a rare weapon for Longarm. Use a Sprite Ocarina and Gate Out to the town. Store items and save the game. Now, go to the Delta Server. BlackRose is waiting at the gate and she asks if you are going to go see Harold. Either way you answer, you will have to put BlackRose in your group. Put her and another player in your group and go to DELTA REINCARNATED PURGATORIAL ALTER. My group is Kite, BlackRose, and Wiseman. DELTA REINCARNATED PURGATORIAL ALTER Level - 90 Element - Fire Clear the field and head to the dungeon. -NOTE- Be careful with Data Drain here. Most of the enemies are Data Bugs, so after you drain them, issue the "Operation Recover!" and kill the enemy without skills by yourself. That way, your Infection level will have a greater chance of lowering. B1 *North*, *North*, *North*, North B2 North, *North*, *North*, *West*, West B3 *West*, *South*, *West*, *West*, *North*, North B4 *North*, *North*, *North*, *East*, North B5 *North*, *East*, North, *North*, North B6 North, *West*, *North*, *North*, East, North B7 *North*, North, *North*, West, *West*, South B8 South, *East*, *East*, *North*, North B9 *North*, *East*, *North*, West, North B10 *North*, North -----> To Harold Yes, this dungeon is really ten levels. When you finally reach the tenth level, you will see a cut scene with a rock, known as Harold, and Aura. During the scene, Lios will tell you that a mass of data is moving towards you. The floor breaks up and fall, landing on none other than Cubia. CUBIA My level - 90 This fight is basically the exact same as all the others you have fought against Cubia. However, instead of standing on a platform, you're standing on Cubia's roots. To your left is a glowing circle. When you run over and touch it, a Cubia Core will appear. Just do what you did before and keep an eye on your health. Make sure that you kill the Repth Gomaras quickly; they can bring the Core's health up a lot if you aren't careful. After you beat it, take a moment to heal your group and recover SP; the battle won't move on until you touch the next glowing circle. Then, when you're ready, go touch the circle and repeat the process as before. Do this again and after you defeat the second one, move on to the third circle. The only difference in this fight is that Cubia can cast Sosom's Curse, which will heavily damage your group. Just be sure to heal quickly afterwards. For the Core fights, during Physical Tolerance, I issued the "Magic!" command and did the healing for the party myself. During Magic Tolerance, I had Wiseman heal while Kite and BlackRose attacked with skills. After defeating the third Core, the battle changes. You can walk all the way up to Cubia and attack a weak spot on his chest. He will make some of the Gomaras, but, unless one of them is a Repth one, ignore them and attack Cubia. About every 1000 damage, Cubia will do a cutscene attack. All of these attacks should be treated the same way- just heal right afterwards. Think you've won? After Cubia's hit points reach zero, he will now have 9999. The battle is the exact same as it was before. Just attack Cubia. In my group, with BlackRose and Kite attacking with skills and Wiseman healing, Cubia didn't even have time to finish making the Gomaras before he went into a cutscene attack. This boss is easy and your group shouldn't have too many problems taking him down. When Cubia's health reaches zero again, he will fully recharge his health. BlackRose tells you that it is hopeless, but Kite figures out that if you attack the Bracelet, then you can defeat Cubia. It works but now you don't have the Bracelet. Helba comes after Cubia's demise and calls a meeting at Omega Root Town. You're transported back to Omega Root Town. Go store items and save the game. This is it. The final battle is next, so go stock up on items, like Resurrects (you'll need these) and Healing Elixirs. When your ready, put a party together with BlackRose. You have to have BlackRose in your group or you can't move on. My group is Kite, Balmung, and BlackRose. During the meeting, you decide to corner the Wave and attack, even though you don't have the Bracelet. However, the Wave makes the move first and attacks you during the meeting. PHASE 8 - CORBENIK THE REBIRTH My level - 90 Corbenik has three stages and they are all surprisingly easy. If Tarvos and Corbenik had a fight, Tarvos would win, hands down. -First Stage- This stage has a noticeable three move cycle. He starts off looking like a bean. He spits seeds up that have little counters on them like in the battle against Magus. The seeds' timers start at five, but they won't cause instant death when they go off. Instead, they just explode and damage anyone in the immediate radius. The second time he spits the seeds, he will also cast PhaJuk Zot, which will probably kill one of your party members. That's why you bought a lot of Resurrects. Use them to keep your party alive. After the seeds explode the second time, Corbenik will jump around three times, dealing heavy damage to all in the radius of the shock waves. This move will also probably kill at least one of your party members. After the jumping, this cycle will repeat. I had Balmung and BlackRose attack while I stood back (fairly far away) and healed. That way, if both Balmung and BlackRose died, I could bring them back to life without worrying about my health. This is the only stage that my characters died frequently. -Second Stage- He will now turn into a leaf. There is no use standing away in this battle. Corbenik has a move called Cruel Exploitation that can get you even if you are not close. It attacks a single character, draining almost all your HP and SP, and giving it to Corbenik. Just heal afterwards. He has the trademark jump in the air, can cast PhaJuk Rom, and can do a move called Fierce Flash. Just heal after all of these and you won't have a problem. He can cast paralysis on all of your party. There isn't anything you can do about it, so wait till it wears off. He also has a move called Malicious Quickening, which will rapidly attack a player, so heal afterwards. I had all my characters attack with skills and I healed the party myself. Just make sure you heal right after Cruel Exploitation. When he's almost dead, he'll suddenly have Supreme Defense. This means he has Physical and Magical Tolerance! Just sit back and heal (issue "Operation Recover!" command) because you can't do anything. You may have to attack him to move the battle on, so just have Kite use normal attacks. When the second cutscene comes, Aura appears and tells you that all of the coma victims are here helping you fight. You see Orca, Sieg (from the anime that comes with the game), even Sora (from .hack//SIGN). They attack Corbenik and break his shield, moving the battle into the third and final stage. -Third Stage- Now he's an eye. That's creative. Anywho, he's a little like Cubia in the sense that he can make these Seeker orbs. You have to defeat the orbs so that you can even hurt Corbenik. Just equip Prepare to Die and, while targeting all of the Seeker Orbs, do Flame Vortex twice. Doing that will quickly take care of the Orbs. Then, issue the "Skills!" command and do skills yourself (Like Red Flare with Prepare to Die) on Corbenik. When Corbenik cries, it is like he's doing the jump in the air, so try to stay clear of the shock waves. Grand Complications isn't too powerful, so don't worry and heal after the scene. However, Vivid Purification is powerful, putting all your party in the yellow, at least. Heal as soon as possible after the attack. Halfway through the battle, the screen starts flickering and Helba says that the server is crashing. Luckily, it comes back and the fight continues. If you keep an eye on everyone's health and heal them when necessary, you should be done with this battle in no time. Now sit back and enjoy the ending because I'm not going to tell you what happens. ^_^ (I personally like Nuke getting crushed by a Grunty in the background.) After the credits roll, you will go back to the desktop. You can now use Orca again. Check your email, the news, and the board. Email: Aura - She wants to meet you and Orca. Keyword DELTA BURSTING PASSED OVER AQUA FIELD A few people send you emails about hanging out with you outside of the World. News: Network Crisis Containment Investigating ALTIMIT? Liquidation of WNC Board: Leaving the Hospital Now login. Your friends (some of them anyway) are standing around the gate. Do as Orca says and talk to all of them. Now, put Orca in a group and go to DELTA BURSTING PASSED OVER AQUA FIELD. DELTA BURSTING PASSED OVER AQUA FIELD Level - 1 Element - Wood You can't clear the field so go to the dungeon. As with the field, there are no battle spheres in the dungeon. B1 North, West, North B2 North You see Aura. She gives you the Book of Twilight/Daybreak, which means you can do Data Drain and hack gates again. Then, you're sent back to Delta Root Town. Save the game and log out to check your email. Email: Helba - She gives you Tsukasa's, Sora's, Subaru's, and her own member addresses. (These three are from the .hack//SIGN anime, if you didn't know.) CC Corp - Item Completion Event is started again. News: Potapples New Species of Ape Classified Avalon 12 Game Coma Patients Slowly Recover Official Announcement: WNC Dissolution President Colman Issues Statement Trespassers on the Mega Float? Board: WNC Disbands Leaving the Hospital Awesome Guys Justice and Peace Now log in. Look around for a minute, check out the new characters, then log back out and check your email. Email: Aura - She says that, at the same place that was her birthplace, another is being born. Something bad may happen to the on that is born, so she wants you to help. Keyword OMEGA HIDDEN DARKSIDE HOLY GROUND Now login. When you go to the Omega Server, Elk is standing by the gate and says that he got an email from Aura too and wants to come along. So put him and one other player in you group and head to OMEGA HIDDEN DARKSIDE HOLY GROUND. My group it Kite, Balmung, and Elk. OMEGA HIDDEN DARKSIDE HOLY GROUND Level - 95 Element - Darkness ***WARING*** This dungeon is hard. It has 15 levels and has Data Bugs crawling all over it. Your Infection level will be red most of the time, so get used to close calls. It is also very time consuming, taking me two hours to complete. Below and in the FAQs section, I have put the strategy that I used to finish this dungeon. The other strategies will be posted in the FAQs section. - Avoid fights at all costs, like in the field. - Set your party to "Operation Recover!" and use the "First Aid!" command at the start of every battle. With them standing back, you will always get the last hit. - Don't use skills on enemies unless you absolutely have to. If it has Physical Tolerance, the cast Dek Vorv on it. An example of a weapon that has this skill is the Diablo Blades. By casting Dek Vorv, you can use physical attacks on the monster. - Only use Data Drain. If you use Drain Arc or any of the other ones, they will make your Infection level rise faster. - When facing more than one Data Bug, focus only on one at a time. Attack the Bug and when it Protect Breaks, kill it, and then move on to the next enemy. That way, your Infection level will have a greater chance of going down. - Even if your Infection level is almost completely red, don't leave the dungeon. Yeah, you may die, but you might as well get as far as you can. You'll be surprised how high your Infection level can go before a Game Over. I finished the dungeon even though I thought that I was going to die several times. - Don't give up. If it is making you frustrated and mad, go and do something else. When I died the first time, I was pretty far, so I was pissed. I waited a couple days, came back and beat it. If I can beat it, then you can. ^_^; I wouldn't clear the field but you can if you want to, though that won't be good for your Infection level. When you go in the second room on B1, you will see a cutscene with Macha (from .hack//SIGN). B1 North, *North*, West, North, *North*, *East*, North B2 *North*, *West*, *North*, East, *North*, *North*, East B3 *East*, *East*, *North*, *North*, *West*, *North*, *East*, East B4 *East*, *East*, *North*, *North*, North B5 *North*, North, *North*, North B6 *North*, *North*, *East*, *North*, North You see another cutscene with Macha. B7 *North*, North, *West*, *North*, *North*, East B8 *East*, North, North, *West*, *West*, *South*, South B9 *South*, *East*, *North*, *East*, *South*, *East*, North B10 *North*, *North*, *North*, *West*, North B11 *North*, North, *North*, *North*, *North*, *East*, *East*, *South*, *South*, *South*, South B12 *South*, *South*, *South*, *West*, *West*, *North*, *North*, North B13 North, *West*, *North*, North B14 North, East, South (No battles for this floor) B15 *South*, East, *North*, North -----> To Goal Boss Battle - DAWN WANDERER / TEMPTRESS LOVER This battle is amazingly easy, unlike the dungeon itself. Treat this exactly like a battle with The Guardian. Attack using skills with Kite and the other player and use Elk to heal the group. After you defeat the Dawn Wanderer, it will transform into Temptress Lover. Treat this the same way. If you use this method, the battle will be over with quickly. Your prize? Mia, of course! You can now use Mia again. Watch the scene and you also get a bunch of new desktop images and a few movies. You're then transported to Omega Root Town. There's one more dungeon to do now. This dungeon isn't hard or anything, just fun to do. (Because of the players' conversations, that is.) You need to work up BlackRose's and Terajima Ryoko's affection levels to 1000 (the highest they can go). When they're both 1000, then you will receive an email from both of them telling you about a rare item at the keywords OMEGA RAGING FACING MIRRORS VIRGIN. Login, go to Omega Root Town, put both BlackRose and Terajima Ryoko in your group, and go to OMEGA RAGING FACING MIRRORS VIRGIN (I love the caption for this place. "I have a bad feeling about this..."). OMEGA RAGING FACING MIRRORS VIRGIN Level - 85 Element - Fire When you get here, both BlackRose and Terajima Ryoko are surprised to see that you brought the other along. After the scene, clear the field and head to the dungeon. This dungeon is different from the others because on every floor, BlackRose and Terajima Ryoko argue about which way to go and you have to make the decision. Don't worry, both directions are the same length and difficulty. The key to your decision lies on which item you want at the end. If you want the Sun Fang, a level 90 weapon for the Heavy Blade, then you will want to follow BlackRose's path. If you want Subaru's Axe, a rare level 80 weapon for the Heavy Axe, then you will want to follow Terajima Ryoko's path. So pick which weapon you want and follow that girl's path listed below. -BlackRose's Path- B1 North, East, *North*, West, North B2 North, East, *North*, *North*, West, South B3 South, West, *South*, *South*, *South*, East, North Here, there will be a scene where the two girls have a big argument and leave you alone. Can't win with either one, can you? Don't worry, though, there aren't any monsters on this floor, just the Gott Statue. B4 North, East, North, North, West, North, North -----> To Gott Statue -Terajima Ryoko's Path- B1 North, West, *North*, East, North B2 North, West, *North*, *North*, East, South B3 South, East, *South*, *South*, *South*, West, North Here, there will be a scene where the two girls have a big argument and leave you alone. Can't win with either one, can you? Don't worry, though, there aren't any monsters on this floor, just the Gott Statue. B4 North, West, North, North, East, North, North -----> To Gott Statue See? They're basically the exact same. After you open the Gott chest, you will receive three normal Gott items. As the Statue falls, you'll receive a weapon according to the path you took, as well as two movies. The movies are the same, regardless of the path that you took. You will then be sent back to Omega Root Town. And that's it! That covers just about everything. The only things left for you to do are: - Max out everyone's levels, stats, and affection levels. - Raise all the Grunties and win all the flag races. - Finish the Item Completion Event. -Side Note- If you are interested in anime and liked the games, you may want to watch the series .hack//SIGN. It takes place right before the games do and it is related to the events in the game, like Sora's reason for appearing. Also, the .hack//Legend of the Twilight series is (at the time of my writing this) coming out right now. It takes place after the games. You may enjoy this as well. Timeline of anime in relation to the games .hack//SIGN - .hack games and Liminality - .hack//Legend of the Twilight Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this game and that this walkthrough was helpful. ------------------------------------- Section 4 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ------------------------------------- Q: Is Mistral in .hack//Quarantine? A: Yes. You will be able to put Mistral in your group but not until later in the game. Q: What do you get for completing the Item Completion Event? A: I personally have not finished the Item Completion Event, though I have been told that the prize is some movies and backgrounds, but I don't know. Q: How do I get through OMEGA HIDDEN DARKSIDE HOLY GROUND?!? My Infection level keeps getting too high and I keep dying. A: Unfortunately, the only way to get through this dungeon is mostly by luck. To get your Infection level down, I believe that if you alone defeat an enemy, with the last hit being a normal, non-skill attack, then it MAY go down. While writing the walkthrough for this, it took me two tries to complete the dungeon. The first time I went through, I used things like Drain Arc and Drain Heart. These will make your Infection go up faster, so only use Data Drain. A few pointers: - Avoid fights at all costs, like in the field. - Set your party to "Operation Recover!" and use the "First Aid!" command at the start of every battle. With them standing back, you will always get the last hit. - Don't use skills on enemies unless you absolutely have to. If it has Physical Tolerance, then cast Dek Vorv on it. An example of a weapon that has this skill is the Diablo Blades. By casting Dek Vorv, you can use physical attacks on the monster. - Only use Data Drain. If you use Drain Arc or any of the other ones, they will make your Infection level rise faster. - When facing more than one Data Bug, focus only on one at a time. Attack the Bug and when it Protect Breaks, kill it, and then move on to the next enemy. That way, your Infection level will have a greater chance of going down. - Even if your Infection level is almost completely red, don't leave the dungeon. Yeah, you may die, but you might as well get as far as you can. You'll be surprised how high your Infection level can go before a Game Over. I finished the dungeon even though I thought that I was going to die several times. - Don't give up. If it is making you frustrated and mad, go and do something else. When I died the first time, I was pretty far, so I was pissed. I waited a couple days, came back and beat it. If I can beat it, then you can. ^_^; I don't really use Mia that much, so this dungeon wasn't that rewarding. The only character that I would go through a 15 level, Data Bug infested dungeon without a second thought would be Balmung. Well, enough said. Good Luck!!! ***New Strategy*** azuredream emailed me and said: "I have noticed that you have gotten alot of questions on the final dungeon and avioding the infection, if kite is level 99 i noticed that his infection level does not go up hardly at all i was having a really hard time getting through the dungeon at level 96 myself so hard a time i gave up for a while and went to get all the best rare item weapons in the other dungeon, I leveled up to 99 in the process and my infection level didnt even reach yellow until around level 8 at that point there were alot fewer data bugs and it was easy to reduce my infection level." Q: Are you sure there isn't a piece of armor that won't help me with my Infection level? A: I'm pretty sure there isn't. Sorry. Q: Where can I find G, H, I, J, K, and L virus cores? A: I really just put random keywords in. If your looking for G, H, and I, you need to make sure the level at the place on the Sigma server is below 70. I think they don't have G, H, and I if you go to a place above 70, they have J, K, and L. Here are a few I went to: For G and I SIGMA TURBULENT DISTRUSTING ICE WALL Level - 54 Element - Water It's on you Word List, around the bottom. It is a low level, but if you set everyone to "Operation Recover" and "First Aid!", then you shouldn't have too many problems draining them. Also try SIGMA QUIET GLUTTONOUS CHAOS Level - 58 Element - Wood For H I went basically anywhere, but you could try SIGMA RESONATION FALSE GRASSLANDS Level - 62 Element - Wood For J, K, and L I just went to random Omega words or high level Sigma words. If you still have trouble, you could take a look at the book of Ryo that has all the monster information. If you find a monster that has the core you want, it will tell you the last place you saw it. And if you are too strong for the enemies, then go to Delta Server (Mac Anu) and buy the Amateur Blades. That MAY help if you're too strong. Another weapon that may help is the Nil & Despair. You get them from a Data Drained monster and they make your attack and magic negative. This is helpful if you are too strong. Q: What other items besides the Diablo Blades that have the Dek Vorv ability? A: If you don't have an item with the Dek Vorv ability, then you can go to the magic shops in Dun Loireag (Theta), Carmina Gadelica (Lambda), and Lia Fail/Net Slum (Omega) and buy an item called Knight's Bane. It costs 200 GP and works just like Dek Vorv. Q: About the story line, is the lady who traps Tsukasa from the .hack//SIGN anime the same enemy in the games? A: Yes, Morganna is the main enemy in the SIGN anime and the games. Q: What piece of equipment is your favorite for Kite? A: My favorite weapon is Prepare to Die. I like the name and I also like the skills that it has. Q: Where is the best place to level up? A: I just went to Omega server and put random keywords in but I got lazy and quit before level 99. Q: Why do you have a data flag at the end of the game? A: Everyone and their dog has emailed me about this. They say it's because in the Japanese version, you need to beat the game to watch .hack/GIFT. There, I said it, so stop telling me about it. =P Q: Where is the section for the Grunties? I can't seem to find it... A: That's because I'm evil and hoarding all the information. Ò_ó Actually, it's because I stink at Grunty raising. However, if you look at the other walkthroughs, it has the complete Grunty list and how to raise them, much better than what I could do. Q: All right, how about the Goblin Tag section? A: Ha ha..... No, I don't have one.... and there won't be one. Sorry. ------------------------------------- Section 5 - Contact Information ------------------------------------- Sadly, I am too busy now to write anymore on this walkthrough. There will be no way to contact me anymore but I'm sure that if you can't find the answer in this walkthrough, then I am positive that there will be kind people on the message board that will be more that glad to help you. (Or so I hope >_<) Please understand that I have moved on to other games (Xbox 360) and am fully immersed in college classes. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience. ------------------------------------- Section 6 - Credits and Legal Information ------------------------------------- Thank you to azuredream for the information about Infection levels. Thanks to Ron for the spelling corrections. I would like to thank Bandai for making such a great game series and GameFAQs for having this awesome web site. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.