=============================================================================== .hack//Gameplay FAQ =============================================================================== author of steel: rhyste@herzeleid.net shameless plug: http://www.net-slum.com update/version info: last updated 18.02.03 version 1.1 =============================================================================== _______Menu_ + Updates/Upcoming + Gameplay - Altimit Desktop - The World * The Servers & Root Towns * Interactivity in Root Towns * Member Address List * Travelling * Field Exploration * Dungeon Exploration * Menu * Battling * Special Attacks * Elements * Status Effects * Effect Animations * Data Draining * Gate Hacking * Spring of Illusion * Character Classes * Puchiguso's * Omake <---- Updated * Transferring + Legalities + End =============================================================================== + Updates/Upcoming =============================================================================== Version 1.1 - 18/02/03 Updates - Omakes updated; stuff removed. Version 1.0 - 18/02/03 Updates - An entire one thing was changed. XD Version 0.9 - 17/02/03 Updates - Tweaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak. Version 0.8 - 02/02/03 Updates - Tweaking-ness, put back IN the timeline because it was too small by itself to be an FAQ, and the voice actor stuffs got updated with roles because, well, uhm, even thought my VA FAQ was 7kb, it STILL didn't get admitted to GameFAQ's. x_x; Oh, and a small section about the Menu. :P Just for you, DeJay. :P ... and a day later I added a section 'bout the Omakes. So... yeah... Version 0.7 - 01/02/03 Updates - Took out the timeline, and made an FAQ JUST for it, because a lot of folks seem to ask about the order of events. Version 0.6 - 01/02/03 Updates - Tweaking, two new sections, added a bit to the field exploration. Version 0.5 - 29/01/03 Updates - Most tweaking done, and a small section on Puchiguso's added... and a little thing 'bout the English Version, I added a section about things changed in the English Version. ^_^; Oh, yeah, and I added a section 'bout the magic elements, status effects, etc etc. Upcoming - The Omakes... well, how to get them. :D Version 0.4 - 25/01/03 Updates - Had a saga with burners and such, but the guide is now updated and up and I have posted a little Disclaimer and such. :P Version 0.3 - 23/01/03 Updates - Ok, Mom's cable isn't working, GameFAQ's still hasn't posted it, and I added a few more things. :O Hawque re-submitted hers a couple times now. She sent it in on the same day I did. Hrm. ~_~ Version 0.2 - 22/01/03 Updates - Some updates... GameFaq's still hasn't posted it so I linked it on the .hack message board. Version 0.1 - ??/01/03 Updates - Uh, sat down and wrote this all. :P Quick draft, nothing more. =============================================================================== + Gameplay =============================================================================== A very frequently asked question is, "What is Gameplay of .hack like?" I found no better way than a step-by-step method of explaining. :P =============================================================================== ================================================================ALTIMIT DESKTOP =============================================================================== When you press "Data Load" on the main menu and load your save file, it brings up the Altimit OS Desktop. You then have a little left-side task bar; "The World," "E-mail," "Webnews," "Accessory," "Audio Player," and "Data." The World - Go into the game. I'll explain this in a moment. E-mail - Self-explanatory. All your buddies you meet from The World as well as the CC Corp send you e-mails. Some of them you can reply to and get a chain of events going, but most of them are requests to go to specific dungeons. Webnews - A bunch of fake news articles. Notably, the .hack developers also put a shameless plug of one of their other projects, Tail Concerto 2, on the fake news page. Accessory - Desktop papers. You can gain new ones by opening certain things up in the game. So far, my favorite is a blue Balmung wallpaper - #14. >:D Audio Player - Audio Player has a music player, which changes the BGM of your Altimit Desktop. Like the wallpapers you can get more BGM's by opening up certain things in game. The other part to the audio player is the movie section, which has all the cutscenes from all the games. You gain them like you gain the wallpapers and BGM. Data - For saving your game. :P =============================================================================== ======================================================================THE WORLD =============================================================================== Back to The World option - when you choose this option, you're brought into a game start up screen. You're given three more options; Login, BBS, and Quit. Quitting takes you back to your Altimit Desktop, the BBS aides you in finding new party members, and Login takes you to the server you were last one when you saved. __________________________________The Servers & Root Towns_____________________ The World has five main servers, and it seems they only become accessible as Kite, the hero, gains more levels. The main town area in the server is called the "Root Town." Server 1: Delta Root Town: Mac Anu Highest lvl. Dungeon: 20 Availability: Vol. 1-4 Server 2: Theta Root Town: Dona Roriak Highest lvl. Dungeon: 30 Availability: Vol. 1-4 Server 3: Lamda Root Town: Calmina Gaderica Highest lvl. Dungeon: 50 Availability: Vol. 2-4 Server 4: Sigma Root Town: Fort Auf Highest lvl. Dungeon: 70 Availability: Vol. 3-4 Server 5: Omega Root Town: Lia Fail Highest lvl. Dungeon: 90 (?) Availability: Vol. 4 __________________________________Interactivity in Root Towns__________________ In Root Towns, you can press select to put up your map. On your map you have a bunch of icons indictating certain shops, and an arrow marking where you are. You can also meet other players in town, and Trade items with them. Some will have very high levelled rares, and you'll need something equally as Rare to make a trade with them. Locations on the Map are: Item Shop: Represented by a little green Potion bottle. The inventory changes based on the server your on. Like the HP restoring items; on the "rookie" servers, only 150HP restoring items are available to buy, but on Sigma, you can buy ones that restore 800HP. Weapons/Armor Shop: Represented by a little Shield icon. I've never really used these before, as the better equip is found via Data Draining monsters, or just in dungeons. But if you need to quickly upgrade a character with bad equipment and cheaply, the shop comes in handy. ^_^ Storage: A little persons' head icon. The storage man will store items you don't want to carry around. Magic Shop: Place to buy Magic Scrolls. Like the item shop, inventory changes based on the server. Dona Roriak has lvl. 1 spells, Sigma has lvl. 3 spells. Puchiguso Ranch: Not on the map, but it's still within the Root Town. Every town but Mac Anu has one. You can raise a little Baby Puchiguso here. After being raised into a big form, it moves to a place in town usually across from the ranch. Each server has two special 'guso's you can raise. ... personally I suck at Puchi raising - Raistlin Majere could help you a lot more with this. :P ALSO: Puchiguso's were quite unfortunately changed to "Grunty's" in the English version of .hack. ;-; __________________________________Member Address List__________________________ Your list of online friends is in the form of the Member Address List. You can call them into your party any time unless the current place in the story doesn't allow you to. In example: At the beginning of volume two, you're supposed to go to a dungeon with BlackRose and BlackRose only. The game purposelly makes it so that no one else on your member address list can't be called. Some of the characters are optional to the story, and you can get them if you'd like. They'll later mail you asking you to take them to dungeons. Below are the full lists of Member Addresses you can get separated by Volume. Characters with a * are optional. After reading their post on the BBS, you can choose to go into the dungeon they listed in their posts and get them or not. Characters with a - are required characters. Volume One: - Orca - BlackRose - Elk - Mia * Natsume - Mistral * Gardenia * Sanjuro - Piroshi Volume Two: * Rachael * Getchoseki * Nukeusagimaru * Maro - Wiseman Volume Three: - Balmung * Terashima Ryoko __________________________________Travelling___________________________________ When you appear in a Root Town, you're by a large blue glowing gateway, called the Chaos Gate. Using it, you can can travel to other servers available to you, or go to dungeons. When you press the O button at the gate, you get the following options... these aren't exact translations, but they're damn good enough: Random: Creates a Random field for you to go to. Create: You can make your own field using three phrases/words. "Hidden" dungeons with bonus items and the like can be found here. The 2nd and 3rd phrases set the type of terrain that the area will be made of. History: 1st History option gives you Fields you got from e-mails and party members, and the BBS, and wherever. History: 2nd History option gives you a list of Fields that you've created or some of the random fields you've gone to. Other Servers: Quite simply, the other servers you can access. Whenever there's something new on one of the servers a little red checkmark will show up next to it. Some fields you can't just access immediately. Some of them need to be Gate Hacked, and some need a password. More on this later. __________________________________Field Exploration____________________________ After selecting the field you want to go to, you materialize in it with your party, or if it's a one person field, you appear by yourself. Each field has a level. EXP is given out based on the fields level in comparison with your parties level. In example, if you're on a lvl. 50 field, and Kite is lvl. 52, but Elk is lvl. 48, Elk will gain more EXP because he is under the level of the field, and Kite will gain less EXP because he is above the level of the field. If you're ten levels or more higher field, you'll gain all of 1 EXP, and if you're ten levels or more lower than the field, you'll gain 520 EXP. Each level takes 1000 EXP points to get to, so you could easily go kill 1000 enemies very quickly in a low levelled field for 1 EXP each, or take a low levelled character some where and get them levelled up very quickly... namely, TERASHIMA RYOKO IN VOLUME THREE. >.<; However, getting 1000 EXP isn't as easy as you think. :P So, egoist people who think they can beat Skeith with only Kite, hahahah - your ego's need to popped. Good luck getting Kite from lvl. 35 to 90-something. :P It would take about... uhm, 20 hours per level? Give or take a few? Each enemy gives you 1 EXP, and enemies spawn in small groups, usually no larger than 4 or 5. Then you have to factor in loading times, treasure rooms, etc etc... In each field are monsters, a Spring of Illusion where Weapons and Armor can be upgraded, and a Dungeon. Fields you get from the BBS, Emails, etc are usually "story" places, so going to these places will further advance the story. But in randomly generated fields, the dungeon will usually just have some nice bonus items for you. For defeating all the monsters in a field, you'll get an "ALL OPEN," which is used to open up movies, BGM's, and wallpapers for your Altimit OS. If you find that the monsters on a field are too hard for you, run away until the game pops out of Battle Mode, open up your menu and choose the last option to run back to town. When you return to the root town, your party will be totally healed. __________________________________Dungeon Exploration__________________________ After fighting your way across the field, you come to the Dungeon. The dungeon starts at ground level, and goes down, like a Basement. Most dungeons have a minimum of three floors, but some of the later ones go anywhere from five to seven. When you enter rooms in dungeons, an enemy spawns out of a yellow spinning spawn... point... thing. The doors in the dungeon are shut, and it's either you beat the enemy, or you die trying. :P The last floors of a dungeon have two certain rooms needed to finish off the dungeon, one is a treasure room, the other is a boss or "story" room. In the treasure room, you find a statue with a chest in front of it. Opening it up will give you three items, but that's usually not the way to end dungeons. In the "boss/story" room mentioned above, there'll either be a boss-like enemy, or your party members will start talking. After, you'll all return to the Root Town. In a dungeon you go to by Random, you'll need to use an item to warp out back to the field, and then choose to go back to the Root Town from there. Like on fields, if you defeat all the enemies within the dungeon, you get an All Open. __________________________________Menu_________________________________________ While running around in The World, you have a little game menu. Basically, you press Triangle, and it brings up your list of option stuffs. When opened during a battle, it'll pause the game until you've selected what you've wanted. Abilities: All the weapon skills and magic you have. The last page for Kite's ability menu is his Data Draining skills. Inventory: Your items. You have your healing items, magic scrolls, there's a list for your power ups (like Golden/Silver Puchi's), and a list of equipment you have. The only way to make money is to sell items. ^_^; Key Items: Like it says. :P Stuff like the Puchi Flute and the Omake Books go here. Throw Away: Don't want an item? Use this menu to throw it out. Status: Status of Kite, and the rest of the party. Displays their equipment, EXP, resistances and magic/skills. Equipment: Change Kite's equipment here. Party: Call people on your member address list to your party, kick someone out, or disband the entire party are the three sub-options. During certain times in the game, you'll have to use a certain character. Area Info: When you're in a field, this will replace the Party option. It just tells you where you are. Gate Out: When in Town, use this to return to your Altimit Desktop. When in a field, and you're not in a battle, it can be used to return to the Root Town. __________________________________Battling_____________________________________ Monsters spawn from yellow orb-shaped things, and you go into a Battle Mode. You see Monsters as they spawn on the map. Then, you can control your one character to move and kill and open up the menu and such. Because a lot of people ask, "what game is this game's battle system like?", I'd say Kingdom Hearts is about the closest thing, ONLY WITHOUT OBNOXIOUS CAMERA VIEWS THAT GIVE ME MIGRAINES. Kite runs around and targets enemies. Pressing O will do a basic physical attack, but while they are targeted, you can pull up your menu and use a weapon ability or a magic spell. Your weapon comes with skills that're listed on page one. On the next page is any Magic spells that you have, then Healing magic, Support Magic, and on Kite's menu, he'll also have the Data Draining menu. When you have a party, they basically go and attack the monsters. If you press the Square button, you're given AI options for your party. Or, you can go in and give your buddy a specific command, specific spell or ability or item to use. When you die in a party, the dead party members walk around as blue/green colored ghosts until they're revived. If Kite's in a party alone, and he dies, he'll get a Game Over. After battles, sometimes enemies will leave a chest. If it's a golden one, it's a regular chest. If it's blue, it means it'll either take off some of your HP or give you a status effect when you open it. __________________________________Special Attacks______________________________ There are different type of attacks/hits aside from normal ones you can make in battle. Critical: Exactly what it says; an attack much more powerful than a regular attack. Elemental Critical: Implemented in volume two, it's an elemental version of a critical attack. Dying: Takes off about 3/4 of the enemies current HP. __________________________________Elements_____________________________________ The Elements: Earth - Weak to Wood Water - Weak to Fire Fire - Weak to Water Wood - Weak to Earth Thunder - Weak to Darkness Darkness - Weak to Thunder Character's elemental resistances can be risen using power ups or with their equipment. Resistances can also go into the negatives... like Balmung comes into your party with a sword that gives him -12 in Fire Resistance. O_o; __________________________________Status Effects_______________________________ Status effects come in two types - Physical and Magical. Typically, the Wave Masters have high resistance to Magical Status Effects, and the other classes have high resistance to Physical Status Effects. Physical Status Effects: Poisoning Paralysis Speed Lowering Physical Status Resistance Lowering Magical Status Effects: Charming Sleeping Confusing Magical Status Resistance Lowering You can also get lowered Elemental Resistances, making you more suspectible to certain magic attacks. These effects can casted on your by enemy monster, or can be given to you by a Trap Chest. There's also positive statuses: Fast HP Recovery Fast SP Recovery Physical Attack Boost Magical Attack Boost Physical Defense Boost Magical Defense Boost Physical Accuracy Boost Magical Accuracy Boost Earth Resistance Boost Water Resistance Boost Fire Resistance Boost Wood Resistance Boost Thunder Resistance Boost Darkness Resistance Boost __________________________________Effect Animations____________________________ These positive effects come from spells you party casts on you, or from the flaming points sometimes found around Dungeons and Fields. When these effects are you, they have little special animations that show on the character. Poison: Character turns purple, and bubbles raise out of head. Paralysis: Shock/Thunder Bolt looking icons surround character. Speed Lowering: Clocks appear above their head, and movement is lowered. Charming: Hearts start flying out of their head.. Sleeping: Z's come out of character. They don't move, like Paralysis. Confusing: ?'s start to come out of character. HP Recov: Glowing Green color. SP Recov: Glowing Blue color. Phys. Atk./Def./Acc.: A Sword icon to represent Physical is above their head, and a smaller Rod, Shield, or Red&White Archer's Target will be rotating around the Sword. Mag. Atk./Def./Acc.: A Rod icon to represent Magical is above their head, and a smaller Rod, Shield, or Red&White Archer's Target will be rotating around the Rod. __________________________________Data Draining________________________________ Some specific monsters you're going to need to Data Drain. During battle, the words, "Protect Break" will appear. You now know it's safe to Data Drain. The Data Draining skill is the last page of Kite's skill menu. It costs 10sp per use. Using it repeatedly will result in Kite's Infection gague turning Red. when he goes Red, DON'T DATA DRAIN! You could loose a level or get a game over. Although it has a very low risk of happening, you can get a status effect or EXP Loss even when the gague is lowered. Quite random though. As you continue to Data Drain more and more, you can open up a more powerful version of the drain. There's a 20sp version that targets all Protect Broken enemies, and a 30sp version that hits one target, but with a higher rate of the enemy giving you a nice Rare. :D Of course it also makes your Infection go up higher, much quicker. x_o; When you Data Drain, you can get a rare item from an enemy, and the enemy will turn into a lesser enemy. Killing it will minimal EXP. Instead of a Rare Item, you might get a Virus Core, which goes into Gate Hacking... __________________________________Gate Hacking_________________________________ Some fields you'll need to Gate Hack. This requires Virus Cores. There's 26 different types of them, 12 of which can be drained out of various enemies regularly, the other ones you're given during parts of the story, or from Data Draining a previous boss. The nine different cores are available based on the server you're on, and the size of the enemy. Delta & Theta Size Type Small A Medium B Large C Lamda Size Type Small D Medium E Large F Sigma Size Type Small G Medium H Large I Omega Size Type Small J Medium K Large L Volume four isn't out yet, but based on various patterns, it's safe to assume that J, K, and L will be available on the Omega server. __________________________________Spring of Illusion___________________________ In most of the fields, there'll be a little icon of a face. When you approach said location, you'll be given the option to drop an equipment in there. The spirit of the pond will appear, and it'll either upgrade or downgrade your weapons and equipment. In a Daytime field, Weapons will be upgraded 2, and Armor will be downgraded 2. In a Night Time field, Weapons will be downgraded 2, and Armor will upgraded 2. In a Weather field, ie: Rain, Weapons and Armor will both get +1 upgrades. Sometimes, the level of the Weapons/Armor will not actually go up +2... I've seen lvl. 68 Armor go to lvl. 71... so I guess there's exceptions. ^_^; After using a Spring, the spirit flies out, and you can't use the same Spring again. ^_^; __________________________________Character Classes____________________________ Like in an MMORPG, there's different character classes you can play as. The classes in .hack are divided by what kinds of weapons you can use. And no, you cannot change Kite's class. :P Blade User - Typical fighter class with a one-handed sword. Blade Users in .hack: Balmung, Rachael, Orca, Mia Blade Users in .hack//SIGN: Bear, Ginkan Twin Sword - Can wield two daggers/katars/etc. They're identical to a class like a Thief, or a Rogue. Twin Swords in .hack: Kite, Natsume, Getchoseki/Moonstone Twin Swords in .hack//SIGN: Sora, A-20 Twin Swords in .hack//DUSK: Shugo, Ouka (?) Heavy Blade - Uses large, two-handed swords, that're, as the name implies, heavy. :P The little Heavy Blade icon, I found out the hard way, is hard to tell apart from the regular Blade icon. x_x; Yay for giving a level 50 Heavy Blade to Balmung after coming out of a dungeon I did not want to re-do. ;-; Heavy Blades in .hack: BlackRose, Sanjuro Heavy Blades in .hack//SIGN: Mimiru Heavy Blades in .hack//DUSK: Rena Long Arm - Use long-ranged weapons, like spears and javelins. Supposedly they can also use Bows and Arrows, because in .hack//SIGN, episode 22 in specific, there were two characters shown; one using a bow + arrow, the over using some kind of throwing Javelins. *shrugs* Long Arms in .hack: Gardenia, Nukeusagimaru Long Arms in .hack//SIGN: Crim Long Arms in .hack//AI Buster: Albireo Long Arms in .hack//DUSK: Kamui Heavy Axe - Like the Heavy Blades, they use large, heavy weapons; Axes in specific. Sometimes they come off looking more like spears. ^^; Heavy Axes in .hack: Terashima Ryoko, Piroshi Heavy Axes in .hack//SIGN: Subaru, Kaho Wave Master - The typical Mage class, low physical strength and high magical power, and a staff. Wave Masters have no physical attacks like the others do, but their staves usually come with many a different spell. Wave Masters in .hack: Elk, Mistral, Wiseman Wave Masters in .hack//SIGN: Tsukasa, BT Wave Masters in .hack//AI Buster: Hokuto Wave Masters in .hack//DUSK: Mireille, Hotaru, Reki, Magi Wave Master isn't the exact translation, it's something more like... "Crest User." But, ehhh... :P __________________________________Puchiguso's__________________________________ On each server except Delta, there's a Puchiguso Ranch. You get a Baby Puchi, and you feed it different foods to raise it's stats. It'll grow up, and become a Nobleguso... which is scary as hell. It yells, "AMORE~! AMORE~! OH! ANDRE!" and it made me throw down my controller and run out of my room screaming... Yeah, it's THAT scary. O_O; If you don't want to see the horror that is... The Nobleguso, then you can be smart and feed it certain foods to make it turn into a certain 'guso. Much unlike me. ^_^; There's two different types along with the Nobleguso on each server, and they can be raised by feeding them different foods. On Theta: Ironguso, Poisonguso On Lamda: Guso the Bone, Snaguso On Sigma: Milkyguso, Aqua the Guso After fully raising a Puchi, leave the server, and come back: there'll be a brand new Puchi-baby for you. ^_^; Once you've raised both types, you can participate in an in-town Puchi race by talking to the man at the barn. The #1 time is always Balmung's, unless you kick him off of it, of which will make me come and do cruel things to you... like tickle you with feathers and make you watch the Teletubbies on endless loop. >_> __________________________________Omake________________________________________ Omake is an often overused and overrated Japanese term for Extra. In .hack, you can find eight Books. You can open the Ryu Books, which're in your Key Items, and open them up. They'll give you various Altimit Desktops, Altimit Desktop BGM's, and Movies from the game for your audio player (but you can't watch the movies until you've beaten the respective volume they're from) based on various things you do in the games. Ryu Book #1____________________________________________________________________ Tracks your playing time and numbers of time logged onto The World. Unlocks Extras (Vol. 1): 10 Areas Visited 20 Areas Visited 30 Areas Visited 40 Areas Visited 50 Areas Visited 5hrs of Gameplay 10hrs of Gameplay 15hrs of Gameplay Ryu Book #2____________________________________________________________________ Tracks the number of Monster portals you open, and how many All Opens you get, from both dungeons and fields. Unlocks Extras (Vol. 1): 50 Monster Portals Open 100 Monster Portals Open 150 Monster Portals Open 200 Monster Portals Open Unsure of the All Opens intervals. Ryu Book #3____________________________________________________________________ Tracks your Member Address List, and how many times you've traded. Unlocks Extras (Vol. 1): 20 Names Registered 5 Trades made 10 Trades ade Ryu Book #4____________________________________________________________________ Tracks the different monsters you've fought. Unlocks Extras (Vol. 1): 50 Monsters Encountered 80 Monsters Encountered Ryu Book #5____________________________________________________________________ Tracks the worth of the Gifts you give to your buddies. Unlocks Extras (Vol. 1): 20k GP in gifts 50k GP in gifts Ryu Book #6____________________________________________________________________ Tracks the number of Chests opened, number of Crates/Eggs/Corpses searched, and how many Gott Statues you've gotten to. Unlocks Extras (Vol. 1): 50 Chests Opened 150 Chests Opened 300 Chests Opened 50 Boxes/Crates/Etc opened 100 Boxes/Crates/Etc oepned 5 Gott Statues opened Ryu Book #7____________________________________________________________________ Tracks how many Spring of Illusion's you've been to, and how many Symbols (they give Power Ups in fields) you've been to. Unlocks Extras (Vol. 1): 5 Symbols Activated 10 Symbols Activated 20 Symbols Activated 30 Symbols Activated 5 Visits to Monsieur 10 Visits to Monsieur 5 Visits to Grandpa 10 Visits to Grandpa Ryu Book #8____________________________________________________________________ Tracks the different kinds of Puchi Foods you've picked up, and Puchi's you've raised. Unlocks Extras (Vol. 1): 50 Grunty Foods Collected All Grunty Foods Collected Thanks to Raistlin for the translation of what the books do. XD Thanks to Josh for compiling the big list of what it unlocks. :DD __________________________________Transferring_________________________________ After you've beaten the game, and watched the credits, a little "Save Game?" box will come up. Go ahead and save your game - overwrite your old file - you can still play even after you've saved, but, because you've beaten the final boss, you'll now have a yellow file. The yellow depicts you've finished the game, story-wise. But, like an in MMORPG; even after you've beaten the final boss, you're still able to walk around and do as you please. You can still save and the like, and when the next volume comes, everything that's in the save file (levels, equip, items, etc), will get carried over to the next volume. I don't believe that you can load English game data file onto the Japanese game and vice versa, nor can you load volume 4 data into volume three. =============================================================================== + Legalities =============================================================================== The .hack Gameplay FAQ copyright Rhyste January 2003. All content was typed up from personal experience with the game itself. aim: rhyste rhyste@herzeleid.net http://www.net-slum.com All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders, namely: http://www.cyberconnect2.jp http://www.bandai.com Concerning legal stuff... I prohibit use of this guide on another website except GameFAQs, .hack for Dummies, and .hack//SIGN Defragmented. I also disallow reproduction of any part of this guide, as well as using parts of it or the entire thing and saying it was your own, and things that're basically the same as the previously mentioned offenses. =============================================================================== + End =============================================================================== Uhm, more later. ~_~; Hope this was a little helpful. :P People to thank: Niu, Raistlin, Jack Eccs, the people who modchipped my PS2, CyberConnect2, Hawque, Kojirou, Master LL, Landale, a lot of people who I know I'm forgetting... oh, and Yoshiyuki Sadomoto for... sketching Balmung. ^_^ ===============================================================================