.Hack//Infection IN-DEPTH FAQ Monsters, Weapons and Armor FAQ Version 1.2 by Jack Spade *This FAQ is best viewed on a maximized window. Index: Edit->Find I .- Version History [VH1] II .- Monster List [ML7] III .- Spells && Skills List [SSL] IV .- Weapon List [WP8] V .- Armor List [AR9] VI .- The Myst Spring Ladder [TSL] VII .- Questions & Answers [Q&A] VIII .- Credits [CRD] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D I S C L A I M E R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document was made to share and gather the info I found while playing the game and surfing the web mainly to get some recognition within the gaming community. Feel free to post this document in your homepage as long as it is not edited in any way without my permission, and if you mail me about its usefulness it will make me feel a lot whole better about this work ^_^. >>>Jack Spade. My e-mail: ChaosGateTheory@hotmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [VH1] Version History [ D/ M/ Y] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [04/03/2003]*->V 0.3 Started the FAQ, decided to make a normal walkthrough then start with the Chaos Gate Theory. [07/03/2003]*->V 0.5 Started the Walkthrough, and added some items, filled some sections, the FAQ is coming along.Made a Spell&Skill List section, thanks to OsisNei idea. [08/03/2003]*->V0.6 Submitted the FAQ, The Walkthroughs are half-way through, added a lot of items and spells and skills to the lists. [11/03/2003]*->V0.7 Finished the Walkthroughs, added a lot of things to a lot of sections. [13/03/2003]*->V0.73 Added some info that got mailed to me, Thanks everyone. I explored new areas, the more popular ones, and new weapons and armors I found and other that got mailed to me, especially from Fibrizo, Thanks Fib! ^_^ [16/03/2003]*->V0.8 Added more data to the monster list, I copied all my 100 monsters from my book into the FAQ, also, I did some research on the Myst Springs and created a section for it, I added about 5-9 more items, that I found while doing the research, and explored 4 or 5 new areas. [22/03/2003]*->V0.85 Finished The Weapon Ladder,Started the Armor ladder, added info I got from mails, explored some new areas, fixed things, added new weapons, etc..its been a busy week. [26/03/2003]*->V0.9 Finished half of the armor ladder, made some progress to the CGT, Added some new monsters (some info provided by Darkside), added info from mails I got, made some progress with the CGT and decided to make an .xls file about it instead of putting it here, however, the most important areas will be left here, fixed typos around the FAQ, added some new Q&A's. [28/03/2003]*->V1.0 Finished the Armor Ladder, got "every" monster (according to some people at the board) Added some more info to the walkthrough. Started to play .Hack//Divergence (http://www.glasscharm.org/hack) Decided to split-up the document for easy reference. The document shall be split into 3 separate docs: 1)Walkthrough FAQ 2)Monsters, Weapons and Armor FAQ The first document will contain Sections [1,2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13,15,16 and 17] The second document will contain Sections [6,7,8,9,14,15,16 and 17] [25/04/2003]*->V1.1 Deleted the request for volunteers for the theory, thanks for your support everyone! Added the Axe Bomber. [09/05/2003]*->V1.2 Added new Rare weapons GooHead and others sent me, fixed Hands of Fire. Its been a very busy month at work..not much time for this, oh well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ML7] MONSTER LIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryu Book IV says there are 303 different monsters in Total, I have, so far, only 115. I will try to fill the list here, of all the monster data I can get. #Nu: Name ->[Element ][Lv][HP ][SP ][Skill/Spe][DataDra] [Items avaible from the monster. ] Sorted by level,then by #Nu: 001: Razine ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 014: Poroln ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 023: Long Lived ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 036: Flamer ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 049: Kakasinger ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A ] 067: Pippy ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 080: Monkey Crab ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 090: Bat ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 105: Moai ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 117: Minnow ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 130: Gremlin ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 168: Little Doggie ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 179: Wiggle Snake ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 185: Limp Knife ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 194: Dragon Puppy ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 219: Twinkle Grass ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 230: Charmer ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 240: Fake Money ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 246: Death Head ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 268: Wiggly ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 280: Odoro ->[None ][00][0050][005][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 131: Goblin ->[Earth ][01][0050][015][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Steel Blades,Leather Gloves ] 186: Disco Knife ->[None ][01][0060][025][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Iron Spear,Rondo ] 220: Mad Grass ->[Wood ][01][0060][015][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Wrist Band,Leather Armor ] 002: Swordmanoid ->[Thunder ][02][0060][025][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Phantom Blades,Head Gear ] 269: Deadly Moth ->[None ][02][0130][035][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Earth Sword,Safety Shoes ] 081: Snip Snap ->[None ][03][0170][065][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Used Greaves,Head Gear ] 152: Magical Goblin ->[None ][03][0070][035][None ][Magics ] [Virus Core A,Steel Blades,Leather Gloves ] 068: Chicken Hand ->[Wood ][04][0080][045][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Battle Axe,Leather Gloves ] 118: Sky Fish ->[Water ][04][0090][045][Duk Lei ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Mizuchi,Nomad's Hood ] 020: Cadet Valkyrie ->[None ][05][0090][105][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Gakaku,Plate Armor ] 132: Stehoney ->[None ][05][0190][055][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 253: Headhunter ->[Darkness][05][0250][080][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Fire Spear,Ceramic Anklet ] 256: He(dhu&__er ->[Darkness][05][Infi][055][Ani Zot ][Attacks] [Virus Core C,Virus Core C,Virus Core C ] 172: Hell Doberman ->[Fire ][06][0290][125][Vak Kruz ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Fire Spear,Hunter's Hood ] 190: Sword of Chaos ->[None ][06][0110][065][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Fire Spear,Gakaku ] 229: Mushroom King ->[Wood ][06][0290][125][La Repth ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Fossil Bracer,Wyrm Hide ] 281: Ectoplasm ->[Darkness][06][0218][065][Ani Don ][Attacks] by DarkSide [Virus Core A,Fire Wand,Hiking Gear ] 015: Mummy Ripper ->[None ][07][0110][075][Dek Corv ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Strange Blade,Grand Armor ] 184: Fiend Menhir ->[Thunder ][07][0330][145][Rip Maen ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Wind Axe,Hands of Earth ] 140: Hob Goblin ->[Earth ][07][0110][075][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Lath Blades,Miner's Gloves ] 195: Snakoid ->[Fire ][07][0120][075][None ][Attacks] by DarkSide [Virus Core A, Stun Sword, Wyrm Hide ] 272: Bee Army ->[None ][07][0330][115][Duk Lei ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Green Sword,Mountain Boots ] 188: Dust Curse ->[None ][08][0130][085][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Wooden Spear,Strange Blade ] 202: __ed^|) ->[Earth ][08][Infi][085][Vak Kruz ][Attacks] [Virus Core M,Virus Core M,Virus Core M ] 241: Mimic ->[None ][08][0370][165][Ranki Lei][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Hands of Earth,Fossil Bracer ] 088: Scorpion Tank ->[Water ][09][0770][275][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core C,Mountain Guard,Mountain Helm ] 091: Shield Man ->[Darkness][09][0130][095][Dek Torv ][Magics ] [Virus Core A,Fuse Blades,Cougar Bandana ] 106: Rock Head ->[Earth ][09][0410][185][Rig Saem ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Thunder Axe,Mountain Guard ] 133: Jonue ->[None ][10][0330][105][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 200: Red Wyrm ->[Fire ][10][0850][105][Vak Don ][Attacks] [Virus Core C,Defense Sword,Firedrake Mail ] 123: Cyclo Shark ->[Water ][11][0930][225][Rue Kruz ][Attacks] [Virus Core C,Unicorn Blade,Ice Hunter Cap ] 221: Hungry Grass ->[Wood ][11][0160][115][Mumyn Lei][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Frost Bracer,Wyrm Scale ] 050: Guardian ->[Earth ][12][0530][245][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Razor Axe,Frost Armor ] 082: Crab Turtle ->[None ][12][0530][245][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Aqua Guard,Ice Helm ] 176: Flame Heads ->[None ][12][1010][365][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Gold Spear,Ice Hunter Cap ] 114: Stone Tuttle ->[Earth ][13][1090][999][Rig Saem ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Raxor Axe,Aqua Guard ] 116: *tone^t= ->[Earth ][13][Infi][999][GiGan Don][Attacks] [Virus Core N,Virus Core N,Virus Core N ] 224: Thousand Trees ->[Wood ][13][1090][395][juk Rom ][Attacks] [Virus Core C,Frost Bracer,Wyrm Scale ] 006: Heavy Metal ->[None ][14][0180][145][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Ronin Blades,Ice Helm ] 038: Water Witch ->[None ][14][0180][075][Rue Kruz ][Magics ] [Virus Core A,Basho Wand,Winter Coat ] 141: Zyan ->[None ][15][0470][0155][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 145: Goblin Night ->[None ][15][0190][155][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Spell Blades,Fishing Gloves ] 169: Sled Dog ->[None ][15][0650][305][Vak Don ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Spear of Spell,Ice Hunter Cap ] 231: Lamia Fighter ->[Fire ][15][0200][155][None ][Magics ] [Virus Core A,Frost Anklet,Snow Panther ] 247: Nomadic Bones ->[Darkness][15][0200][155][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Spear of Spell,Frost Anklet ] 288: Shining Eyes ->[Darkness][15][0650][305][Ani Don ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Diabolic Wand,Winter Coar ] 005: Ochimusha ->[Thunder ][16][0200][165][Ap Corv ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Spell Blades,Fire Helm ] 084: Squilla Demon ->[Water ][16][0690][325][Ap Corv ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Aqua Guard,Ice Helm ] 153: Goblin Wiz ->[None ][16][0200][165][BiVak Rom][Magics ] [Virus Core A,Spell Blades,Smith's Gloves ] 234: Killer Snaker ->[None ][16][1330][485][Gan Rom ][Magics ] [Virus Core C,Iron Anklet,Fire Lizard ] 236: Ki/er S^&aker ->[None ][16][Infi][165][MeGan Rom][Magics ] [Virus Core P,Virus Core P,Virus Core P ] 052: Metal Emperor ->[Earth ][17][0730][345][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Earth Axe,Blaze Armor ] 119: Arrow Fish ->[Water ][17][0220][175][Suvi Lei ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Fugaku,Fire Dance Hat ] 180: Menhir ->[Thunder ][17][0730][345][Rip Maen ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Earth Axe,Hands of Fire ] 227: Scarlet King ->[None ][17][0730][345][La Repth ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Fire Bracer,Firedrake Mail ] 225: W*dSto^k ->[Wood ][18][Infi][185][RaJuk Rom][Attacks] [Virus Core Q,Virus Core Q,Virus Core Q ] 270: Phantom Wing ->[None ][18][0770][275][Duk Lei ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Shanato,Fire Lizard ] 282: Noisy Wisp ->[Darkness][18][0554][185][Ani Don ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Earth Rod,Fireman's Coat ] 013: General Armor ->[None ][19][0810][195][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Sotetsu,Fire Helm ] 039: Dark Witch ->[None ][19][0230][100][MeAni Zot][Magics ] [Virus Core A,Rod of the Sea,Fireman's Coat ] 069: Wood Harpy ->[Wood ][19][0230][195][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Water God Axe,Smith's Gloves ] 037: Fire Witch ->[None ][20][0240][105][GiVak Don][Magics ] [Virus Core A,Inferno Wand,Lincoln Green ] 187: Lambada Knife ->[None ][20][0250][405][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Lavaman Spear,Komura ] 021: Fresh Valkyrie ->[None ][21][0250][215][La Repth ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Komura,Spirit Armor ] 003: Gladiator ->[None ][21][0250][215][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Enou,Forester Helm ] 242: Hell Box ->[None ][22][0930][445][Ranki Lei][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Hands of Wood,Air Bracer ] 250: Living Dead ->[Darkness][22][0930][335][Suvi Lei ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Treeman Spear,Oak Anklet ] 023: Grand Mage ->[Fire ][23][0270][120][GiVak Don][Magics ] [Virus Core A,Cedar Wand,Scarab Earring ] 232: Lamia Hunter ->[None ][23][0280][235][None ][Magics ] [Virus Core A,Oak Anklet,Ranger's Boots ] 275: Baby Worm ->[None ][23][1890][695][Suvi Lei ][Magics ] [Virus Core C,Shidan,Ranger's Boots ] 124: Hammer Shark ->[Water ][24][1970][485][GiRueKruz][Attacks] [Virus Core C,Singing Blade,Peasant's Cap ] 163: IronBall Freak ->[Thunder ][24][1970][725][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core C,Raitei,Forest Gloves ] 191: Armor Shogun ->[None ][24][1010][485][Ap Vorv ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Stromer Spear,Singing Blade ] 222: Snappy Grass ->[None ][24][0290][245][Mumyn Lei][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Air Bracer,Holy Tree Mail ] 148: Albert ->[Earth ][25][0750][255][None ][ N/A ] [None ] 159: Cannibal ->[????? ][25][2050][755][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core C,Anshou,Forest Gloves ] 196: Lead Snakoid ->[Fire ][25][0300][255][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Kikujyumonji,Holy Tree Mail ] 283: Halloween ->[Darkness][25][1050][505][Ani Don ][Magics ] [Virus Core B,Adian's Rod,Lincoln Green ] 008: Dark Rider ->[Darkness][26][1090][265][BiAni Don][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Anshou,Forester Helm ] 146: Metal Goblin ->[None ][26][0300][265][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Anshou,Jinsaran ] 273: Bee Assault ->[None ][26][1090][395][Duk Lei ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Sharp Blade,Ranger's Boots ] 086: Mantis ->[Water ][27][1130][545][Ap Corv ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Electric Guard,Giant Hill ] 161: Ogre ->[????? ][27][2210][815][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core C,Master Blades,Thunder Gloves ] 223: Woodstock ->[Wood ][27][2210][815][RaJuk Rom][Attacks] by DarkSide [Virus Core C, Storm Bracer, Jesters Wand ] 057: Mu Guardian ->[Earth ][28][1170][845][GiGan Zot][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Master's Axe,Bom-Ba-Ye ] 181: Goil Menhir ->[Thunder ][28][1170][565][Rip Maen ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Master's Axe,Shikisokuzeku ] 189: Cursed Blades ->[None ][28][0330][285][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Sleipnir,Million$ Spear ] 083: Red Scissors ->[None ][29][1210][585][Suvi Lei ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Electric Guard,Axe Bomber ] 173: Hell Hound ->[Fire ][29][1210][585][GiVakKruz][Attacks] [Virus Core A,Fairy Spear,Sakabatou ] 011: Tetra Armor ->[Thunder ][30][1250][605][None ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Dante's Blades,Scarlet Autumn ] 072: Phoenix Queen ->[???? ][30][1250][305][RaJuk Rom][Magics ] [Virus Core B,Devil's Axe,Dark History ] 107: Mystery Rock ->[Earth ][30][1250][605][Rig Saem ][Attacks] [Virus Core B,Devil's Axe,Phoenix's Wing ] 155: Martina ->[None ][30][0890][305][Rig Saem ][ N/A ] [None ] 215: Parasite Dragon->[None ][30][9999][305][Ranki Lei][Attacks] [Hyakkidouran,Hyakkidouran,Hyakkidouran ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [SSL] SPELLS & SKILLS LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following is a List of spells in the game, and its resulting effects: >>>>>>>>Strengthening Spells: Elements Ap Ruem :Raises the Water Element Parameter of your party. Ap Ganz :Raises the Earth Element Parameter of your party. Ap Juka :Raises the Wood Element Parameter of your party. Ap Vakz :Raises the Fire Element Parameter of your party. Ap Raio :Raises the Thunder Element Parameter of your party. Ap Anim :Raises the Darkness Element Parameter of your party. >>>>>>>>Strengthening Spells: Parameters Ap Corv :Raises your Physical Attack Parameter. Ap Vorv :Raises your Physical Defense Parameter. Ap Torv :Raises your Physical Accuracy Parameter. Ap Do :Raises your Speed. Ap Corma:Raises your Magical Attack Parameter. Ap Vorma:Raises your Magical Defense Parameter. Ap Torma:Raises your Magical Accuracy Parameter. >>>>>>>>Weakening Spells: Elements Dek Ruem :Lowers the Water Element Parameter of your target and its surrounding area. Dek Ganz :Lowers the Earth Element Parameter of your target and its surrounding area. Dek Juka :Lowers the Wood Element Parameter of your target and its surrounding area. Dek Vakz :Lowers the Fire Element Parameter of your target and its surrounding area. Dek Raio :Lowers the Thunder Element Parameter of your target and its surrounding area. Dek Anim :Lowers the Darkness Element Parameter of your target and its surrounding area. >>>>>>>>Weakening Spells: Parameters Dek Corv :Lowers target's Physical Attack Parameter. Dek Vorv :Lowers target's Physical Defense Parameter. Dek Torv :Lowers target's Physical Accuracy Parameter. Dek Do :Lowers target's Speed. Dek Corma:Lowers your Magical Attack Parameter. Dek Vorma:Lowers your Magical Defense Parameter. Dek Torma:Lowers your Magical Accuracy Parameter. >>>>>>>>Weakening Spells: Curses and Status Change Duk Lei :Poison Target, HP decreases with time. Maj Lei :Curse Target, SP decreases with time. Mumyn Lei :Sleep Target. Suvi Lei :Paralyze Target. Ranki Lei :Confuse Target. >>>>>>>>Healing Spells Repth:Heals 150 HP [Target] Ol Repth:Heals 400 HP [Target] La Repth:Heals 150 HP [ Area ] Phal Repth:Heals all HP [ Area ] Rip Maen :Revives target from a ghost(Resurrect) Rip Teyn :Cures a target from Poison,Paralysis,Dek Do and decrease in physical status. Rip Synk :Cures a target from Curse,Sleep,Confusion,Charm and decrease in magical status. Rig Saem :Restores HP with time Rig Geam :Restores SP with time(faster) >>>>>>>>Offensive Spells:One Target Vak Kruz :[Level 1][Magic][Fire ][Converge] Rue Kruz :[Level 1][Magic][Water ][Converge] Gan Kruz :[Level 1][Magic][Earth ][Converge] Juk Kruz :[Level 1][Magic][Wood ][Converge] Rai Kruz :[Level 1][Magic][Thunder ][Converge] Ani Kruz :[Level 1][Magic][Darkness][Converge] MeAni Kruz :[Level 2][Magic][Darkness][Converge] GiRue Kruz :[Level 2][Magic][Water ][Converge] MeGan Kruz :[Level 2][Magic][Earth ][Converge] RaJuk Kruz :[Level 2][Magic][Wood ][Converge] BiVak Kruz :[Level 2][Magic][Fire ][Converge] GiRai Kruz :[Level 2][Magic][Thunder ][Converge] >>>>>>>>Offensive Spells:One Area :Drop Vak Don :[Level 1][Magic][Fire ][Drop ] Rue Don :[Level 1][Magic][Water ][Drop ] Gan Don :[Level 1][Magic][Earth ][Drop ] Juk Don :[Level 1][Magic][Wood ][Drop ] Rai Don :[Level 1][Magic][Thunder ][Drop ] Ani Don :[Level 1][Magic][Darkness][Drop ] GiGan Don :[Level 2][Magic][Earth ][Drop ] >>>>>>>>Offensive Spells:One Area :Tornado Vak Rom :[Level 1][Magic][Fire ][Tornado ] Rue Rom :[Level 1][Magic][Water ][Tornado ] Gan Rom :[Level 1][Magic][Earth ][Tornado ] Juk Rom :[Level 1][Magic][Wood ][Tornado ] Rai Rom :[Level 1][Magic][Thunder ][Tornado ] Ani Rom :[Level 1][Magic][Darkness][Tornado ] BiVak Rom :[Level 2][Magic][Fire ][Tornado ] GiRai Rom :[Level 2][Magic][Thunder ][Tornado ] MeGan Rom :[Level 2][Magic][Earth ][Tornado ] RaJuk Rom :[Level 2][Magic][Wood ][Tornado ] >>>>>>>>Offensive Spells:One Area :Raise Vak Zot :[Level 1][Magic][Fire ][Raise ] Rue Zot :[Level 1][Magic][Water ][Raise ] Gan Zot :[Level 1][Magic][Earth ][Raise ] Juk Zot :[Level 1][Magic][Wood ][Raise ] Rai Zot :[Level 1][Magic][Thunder ][Raise ] Ani Zot :[Level 1][Magic][Darkness][Raise ] RaJuk Zot :[Level 2][Magic][Wood ][Raise ] BiVak Zot :[Level 2][Magic][Fire ][Raise ] GiRai Zot :[Level 2][Magic][Thunder ][Raise ] MeGan Zot :[Level 2][Magic][Earth ][Raise ] MeAni Zot :[Level 2][Magic][Darkness][Raise ] MaRue Zot :[Level 2][Magic][Water ][Raise ] >>>>>>>>Summon Spells Yarthkins :[Level 1][Magic][Earth ][Summon ] Vulcan Ch :[Level 2][Magic][Fire ][Summon ] >>>>>>>>Twin Blade Skills:One Target Saber Dance:[Level 1][Physical][None ][Dance ] Dark Dance:[Level 1][Physical][Darkness][Dance ] Thunder Dance:[Level 1][Physical][Thunder ][Dance ] Orchid Dance:[Level 1][Physical][Wood ][Dance ] Flame Dance:[Level 1][Physical][Fire ][Dance ] Twin Darkness:[Level 2][Physical][Darkness][Twin ] Lightning Rage:[Level 2][Physical][Thunder ][Twin ] Gale of Swords:[Level 2][Physical][Wood ][Twin ] Twin Dragons :[Level 2][Physical][Fire ][Twin ] Staccatto :[Level 1][Physical][None ] >>>>>>>>Twin Blade Skills:One Area Tiger Claws :[Level 1][Physical][None ] Swirling Dark :[Level 2][Physical][Darkness] Thunder Coil :[Level 2][Physical][Thunder ] Splinter Slash:[Level 2][Physical][Wood ] Blazing Wheel :[Level 2][Physical][Fire ] >>>>>>>>Heavy Blade Skills:One Target Death Bringer:[Level 1][Physical][None ][2H Sword] Calamity :[Level 1][Physical][None ][2H Sword] Sohgasho :[Level 1][Physical][None ][Katana ] Gan Smash :[Level 2][Physical][Earth ][2H Sword] Vak Smash :[Level 2][Physical][Fire ][2H Sword] Juk Smash :[Level 2][Physical][Wood ][2H Sword] Gan Drive :[Level 2][Physical][Earth ][2H Sword] Vak Drive :[Level 2][Physical][Fire ][2H Sword] Juk Drive :[Level 2][Physical][Wood ][2H Sword] Kannon :[Level 2][Physical][Fire ][Katana ] Rairaku :[Level 2][Physical][Thunder ][Katana ] >>>>>>>>Heavy Blade Skills:One Area Hayabusa :[Level 1][Physical][None ][Katana ] Danku :[Level 2][Physical][Earth ][Katana ] Karin :[Level 2][Physical][Fire ][Katana ] Hirameki :[Level 2][Physical][Wood ][Katana ] Raijin :[Level 2][Physical][Thunder ][Katana ] >>>>>>>>Heavy Axeman Skills:One Target >>>>>>>>Heavy Axeman Skills:One Area Brandish :[Level 1][Physical][None ]Range increases with level. Axel Pain :[Level 1][Physical][None ]Attack around you. Triple Wield:[Level 1][Physical][None ]Attack sideways. Rai Break :[Level 2][Physical][Thunder ] Rai Tornado :[Level 2][Physical][Thunder ] Ani Break :[Level 2][Physical][Darkness ] Rue Tornado :[Level 2][Physical][Water ] Gan Basher :[Level 2][Physical][Earth ] >>>>>>>>Blademaster Skills:One Target Vak Slash :[Level 2][Physical][Fire ] Rue Slash :[Level 2][Physical][Water ] Gan Slash :[Level 2][Physical][Earth ] >>>>>>>>Blademaster Skills:One Area Revolver :[Level 1][Physical][None ] Crack Beat :[Level 1][Physical][None ] Gan Revolver:[Level 2][Physical][Earth ] Vak Revolver:[Level 2][Physical][Fire ] Vak Crack :[Level 2][Physical][Fire ] Ani Crack :[Level 2][Physical][Darkness ] >>>>>>>>Long Arm Skills:One Target Triple Doom :[Level 1][Physical][None ] Rue Doom :[Level 2][Physical][Water ] >>>>>>>>Long Arm Skills:One Area Repulse Cage:[Level 1][Physical][None ] Double Sweep:[Level 1][Physical][None ]Range increases with level. Juk Repulse :[Level 2][Physical][Wood ] Vak Repulse :[Level 2][Physical][Fire ] Rue Repulse :[Level 2][Physical][Water ] Rai Repulse :[Level 2][Physical][Thunder ] Juk Wipe :[Level 2][Physical][Wood ]Range increases with level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [WL8] WEAPON LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I arranged the weapons by level and alphabetically, and made 2 groups: Normal and Rare. General Acronyms for Parameters: Patk->Physical Attack (How much damage you deal to a target with a weapon ) Pacc->Physical Accuracy (How often you hit a target [To avoid MISS] with a weapon ) Pdef->Physical Defense (How much damage you ignore from being hit by a Phys attack) Peva->Physical Evade (How often you dodge a physical hit from a monster ) Matk->Magical Attack (How much damage you deal using a "Magic" Skill ) Macc->Magical Accuracy (How often you hit a target [To avoid MISS] with "Magic" ) Mdef->Magical Defense (How much damage you ignore from being hit by "Magic" ) Meva->Magical Evade (How often you dodge a "Magic" attack from a monster ) Sometimes you will see this in the Elemenatal Bonus: [+2(All)!Spirit !Body] This means, the equipment boosts all elements except those mentioned after the '!' mark. In the example, The gear boosts all elements by 2, except Spirit and Body. If a name of a trader appears with a *, it means that the item appears as you progress into the game, dont expect those items there if you are at the beggining. Usually, when trading, the last item changes according to your level,progress into the story, and how many things you have traded with the trader,the rest, stay the same. ********************IMPORTANT NOTES********************* Check the MONSTER LIST if you want to obtain a weapon from a monster. Just go look for the name of the weapon there, use your search/find function of your text viewer. Check the WEAPON LADDER as well, as 99% the non-rare weapons can be obtained from the ladder, just check the section. [Normal Twin Blade Weapons] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [Physical Bonus][Magical Bonus][Elemental Bonus] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Amateur Blades[01] [+2 Patk, +1Pacc][+1 Matk, +1 Macc] | |Saber Dance | |Kite | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Kai [01] [+2 Patk, +2Pacc][+1 Matk, +1 Macc] | |Saber Dance | |Natsume | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Steel Blades [01] [+3 Patk, +2Pacc][+1 Matk, +2 Macc] | |Tiger Claws | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Phantom Blades[02] [+4 Patk, +3Pacc][+2 Matk, +2 Macc] | |Staccatto |Delta Server Shop | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Assasin [03] [+4 Patk, +4Pacc][+2 Matk, +2 Macc] | |Saber Dance |Delta Server Shop | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Spark Blades [03] [+4 Patk, +5Pacc][+2 Matk, +2 Macc][+5 Fire, -5 Water] | |Flame Dance |Neja | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Lath Blades [04] [+4 Patk, +6Pacc][+2 Matk, +2 Macc][+5 Wood, -5 Earth] | |Orchid Dance |Acerola,Nijukata,Heavy | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ronin Blades [07] [+7 Patk, +10Pacc, +10Peva][+2 Matk, +2 Macc] | |Gale of Swords, Tiger Claws| Heavy Metal[M] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Cats Blades [06] [+6 Patk,+9 Pacc][+2 Matk,+2 Macc][+1(All) !Spirit !Body]| |Tiger Claws,Twin Dragons | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Shadow Blades [06] [+4 Patk, +8Pacc][+2 Matk, +2 Macc][-5 Thunder, +5 Dark] | |Dark Dance |M-78,Koji,Cleama | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bloody Blades [08] [+8 Patk, +12Pacc][+2 Matk, +2 Macc] | |Twin Darkness,Tiger Claws |Life Drain |Alpha Ichigoro* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Spell Blades [08] [+8 Patk, +11Pacc][+2 Matk, +2 Macc] | |Lightning Rage,Tiger Claws |Skill Drain |Gardenia | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sotetsu [09] [+9 Patk, +13Pacc][+2 Matk, +2 Macc] | |Flame Dance,Tiger Claws |Critical Hit|Mistral | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Enou [10] [+9 Patk, +14Pacc][+2 Matk, +2 Macc][-10 Water,+10 Fire] | |Blazing Wheel,Staccatto | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Raitei [11][+9 Patk, +16Pacc][+2 Matk, +2 Macc][+10 Thunder, -10 Dark]| |Thunder Coil,Staccatto |Koji | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ryokugun [11] [+9 Patk, +15Pacc][+2 Matk, +2 Macc][-10 Earth,+10 Wood] | |Splinter Slash,Staccatto | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Anshou [12][+9 Patk, +17Pacc][+4 Matk, +4 Macc][-10 Thunder, +10 Dark]| |Swirling Dark,Staccatto | Mutsuki* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Master Blades [13][+11 Patk, +18Pacc][+4 Matk, +4 Macc][+2(All)!Spirit !Body]| |Thunder Coil,Twin Dragons |Critical Hit| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Dante's Blades[14] [+10 Patk, +20Pacc][+4 Matk, +4 Macc] | |Twin Darkness,Blazing Wheel |Wing* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hell's Gate [14][+12 Patk,+19 Pacc][+4 Matk,+4 Macc][+3(All) !Spirit !Body]| |Gale of Swords,Swirling Dark|Gyokuro*,M-78* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [RARE Twin Blade Weapons ] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [Physical Bonus][Magical Bonus][Elemental Bonus] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Rusty Nails [01] [-10 Patk,+30 Pacc][-10 Matk,+30 Macc] | |Miu Lei,Saber Dance | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Time Blades [04] [+99 Pacc,+25Peva] | |Ap Do |Zeit Statue Challenge | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Spiral Edge [06] [+4 Patk,+5 Pacc][+2 Matk,+2 Macc] | |Tiger Claws,Staccatto,GaleofSwords|Critical Hit|Natsume | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Soul Blades [12][+9 Patk,+20 Pacc][-5 Matk,-5 Macc][+2(All) !Spirit !Body] | |Tiger Claws,Dark Dance,Ranki Lei|Skill Drain | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bom-Ba-Ye [14][+10 Patk,+15Pacc][+5 Matk, +10 Macc][+15 Thunder,-15 Dark]| |Thunder Coil,Staccatto |Skill Drain | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hyakkidouran [14][+13 Patk,-15Pacc][+6 Matk, +20 Macc][+15 Fire,-15 Water ]| |Flame Dance,Blazing Wheel,Twin Dragons|Critical Hit| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Normal Heavy Blade Weapons] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [Physical Bonus][Magical Bonus][Elemental Bonus] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Adventurer [01] [+3 Patk,+1 Pacc] | |Death Bringer | None |BlackRose | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Kikuichimonji [01] [+5 Patk,+2 Pacc] | |Hayabusa | None |Delta Server Weapon Shop | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Steel Blade [01] [+3 Patk,+1 Pacc] | |Calamity | None | ?????????? | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Zero Sword [01] [+3 Patk,+1 Pacc] | |Hayabusa | None |Sanjuro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Earth Sword [02] [+7 Patk,+2 Pacc][+5 Earth, -5 Wood] | |Calamity | None | ?????????? | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Curing Sword [03] [+7 Patk,+3 Pacc] | |Repth | None |Elk | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Flamberge [03] [+7 Patk,+4 Pacc][-5 Water, +5 Fire] | |Calamity | None |Oborozukiyo* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Green Sword [04] [+7 Patk,+5 Pacc][-5 Earth, +5 Wood] | |Death Bringer | None |Neja | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Stun Sword [05] [+7 Patk,+6 Pacc][+5 Thunder, -5 Darkness] | |Calamity | None |Koji | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Nodachi [06] [+9 Patk, +5 Pacc] | |Hayabusa | |Cleama,Heavy | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Slayer [06] [+8 Patk,+5 Pacc] | |Death Bringer | Death |A-Kichi,Neja | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Defense Sword [07] [+10 Patk,+7 Pacc] | |Death Bringer,Ap Vorv(+Pdef) | None | ?????????? | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Magnifier [08] [+11 Patk,+9 Pacc][+5 Matk,+5 Macc][+5 Fire, -5 Water] | |Vak Drive,Ap Vaks |Skill Drain |Heavy* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Absorber [09] [+12 Patk,+5 Pdef,+10 Pacc][+3 (All) !Spirit !Body] | |Death Bringer,Dek Vorv |Life Drain | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Shanato [09] [+12 Patk,+9 Pacc][+5 Earth, -5 Wood] | |Danku | None |Neja* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Byakuen [10] [+12 Patk,+11 Pacc][-5 Water, +5 Fire] | |Karin | None |Mayunosuke | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Shidan [11] [+12 Patk,+12 Pacc][-5 Earth, +5 Wood] | |Hirameki | None |Hinata* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Raijin [12] [+12 Patk,+13 Pacc][+5 Thunder, -5 Darkness] | |Raijin | None |Cleama* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sharp Blade [12] [+13 Patk,+13 Pacc] | |Calamity,Gan Smash |Critical Hit|Oborozukiyo* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Spider Blade [13] [+14 Patk,+20 Pacc] | |Karin, Sohgasho |Critical Hit|Quess* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sun Fang One [14] [+15 Patk,+15 Pacc][+10 Matk,+10 Macc] | |Rai Smash,Juk Drive | None |Macky* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Claymore [15] [+17 Patk,+21 Pacc] | |Rai Smash,Vak Drive | None |Koji* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Devil Blade [15] [+16 Patk,+17 Pacc][+3 (All) !Spirit !Body] | |Danku,Kannon |Skill Drain |Cima* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Kikujyumonji [16] [+18 Patk,+24 Pacc] | |Hirameki, Rairaku | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Earthian Sword[17] [Patk +19 Pacc +15] [Wood -10, Earth +10] | |Gan Smash, Gan Drive | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Flame Sword [18] [Patk +19 Pacc +17] [Water -10, Fire +10] | |Vak Smash, Vak Drive |Myst Spring*,Iron Grunty* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Life Sword [18] [Patk +19 Pdef +3 Pacc +16] [Mdef +2] | |Gan Smash,Death Bringer,Ol Repth|Myst Spring* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Dryad's Sword [19] [Patk +19 Pacc +18] [Earth -10, Wood +10] | |Juk Smash, Juk Drive |Myst Spring* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [RARE Heavy Blade Weapons ] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [Physical Bonus][Magical Bonus][Elemental Bonus] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Shikisokuzeku [18] [+20 Patk +10 Pacc] [-10 Matk -10 Macc] | |Hayabusa, Rairaku |Life Drain,Critical Hit|Goil Mehir | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sakabatou [19] [+12 Patk +30 Pacc] [+10 Matk +30 Macc] | |Death Bringer,Gan Drive |Skill Drain| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Normal WaveMaster Weapons ] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [Physical Bonus][Magical Bonus][Elemental Bonus] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Cypress Wand [01] [+1 Matk,+1 Macc] | |Rue Rom | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Iron Rod [01] [+2 Matk,+2 Macc] | |Gan Rom | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Nautilus Wand [01] [+4 Matk,+2 Macc] | |Gan Don | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Earth Wand [02] [+4 Matk,+3 Macc][+5 Earth, -5 Wood] | |Gan Don | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Water Wand [02] [+4 Matk,+4 Macc][+5 Water, -5 Fire] | |Rue Rom | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fire Wand [03] [+4 Matk,+5 Macc][+5 Fire, -5 Water] | |Vak Don |Cossack Leader,Acerola,Koji | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Air Wand [04] [+4 Matk,+6 Macc][-5 Earth, +5 Wood] | |Juk Rom|Oborozukiyo | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Electric Wand [04] [+4 Matk,+7 Macc][+5 Thunder, -5 Darkness] | |Rai Don | None |Bell,Alpha | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ebony Wand [05] [+4 Matk,+8 Macc][-5 Thunder, +5 Darkness] | |Ani Don | None |Nekoseki | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Basho Wand [06] [+1 Matk,+1 Macc] | |Gan Don,Vak Kruz | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Wand Of Wisdom[06] [+1 Patk][+5 Matk,+9 Macc] | |Vak Kruz,Vak Don | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Diabolic Wand [07] [+2 Matk,+2 Macc] | |Wryneck,Miu Lei | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Earth Rod [08] [+4 Matk,+3 Macc][+10 Earth,-10 Wood] | |Gan Don,MeGan Rom | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Rod of the Sea[08] [+4 Matk,+3 Macc][+10 Water,-10 Fire] | |Rue Rom,GiRue Kruz | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Inferno Wand [09] [+4 Matk,+5 Macc][+10 Fire,-10 Water] | |Vak Don,BiVak Rom | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Cedar Wand [10] [+4 Matk,+6 Macc][+10 Wood,-10 Earth] | |MeJuk Kruz,Juk Rom | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Wand of Storms[10] [+4 Matk,+7 Macc][+10 Thunder,-10 Darkness] | |Rai Don,GiRai Rom | None |Cossack* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Adian's Rod [11] [+4 Matk,+8 Macc][-10 Thunder,+10 Darkness] | |Ani Don,MeAni Kruz |Cossack,Hirami* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Almighty Wand [12] [+1 Patk][+5 Matk,+9 Macc] | |Gan Rom,Ol Repth | None |Nekoski* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Groovy Stick [12] [+1 Patk][+7 Matk,+5 Mdef,+10 Macc,+5 Meva] | |Rue Zot,RaJuk Zot | None |Cossack* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Starstorm Wand[13] [+1 Patk][+9 Matk,+11 Macc][+3(All)!Spirit!Body] | |Yarthkins, Vulcan Ch | None |Hirami*,Wing*,NOVA* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [RARE WaveMaster Weapons ] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [Physical Bonus][Magical Bonus][Elemental Bonus] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Dark History [14] [+22 Matk,+25 Macc] [+3(All)!Spirit!Body] | |Rue Rom,MaRue Zot, | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Normal Heavy Axeman Weapons] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [Physical Bonus][Magical Bonus][Elemental Bonus] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Golden Axe [01] [+1 Patk] | |Myst Springs | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hatchet [01] [+3 Patk,+1 Pacc] | |Axel Pain | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Short Swing [01] [+4 Patk,+1 Pacc] | |Triple Wield | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Silver Axe [01] [+5 Patk,-99 Pacc] | |Myst Springs | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Battle Axe [02] [+5 Patk,+1 Pacc][+5 Earth,-5 Wood] | |Axel Pain | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Water Axe [03] [+5 Patk,+2 Pacc][+5 Water,-5 Fire] | |Triple Wield | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Flame Axe [04] [+5 Patk,+3 Pacc] | |Brandish,Repth |Gyokuro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Thunder Axe [05] [+6 Patk,+3 Pacc][+5 Thunder,-5 Darkness] | |Rai Break |Acerola | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Wind Axe [05] [+6 Patk,+2 Pacc] | |Triple Wield | Death |M-78,Nekoseki | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Midnight Axe [06] [+6 Patk,+4 Pacc][-5 Thunder,+5 Darkness] | |Ani Tornado | None |John | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Razor Axe [07] [+7 Patk,+3 Pacc] | |Gan Basher |Mistral | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bandit's Axe [08] [+10 Patk,+10 Pacc] | |Gan Break |Critical Hit|Osuji* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bronze Axe [08] [+8 Patk,+5 Pacc] | |Rai Tornado(2:R:Thunder) |Mistral | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Water God Axe [08] [+10 Patk,+8 Pacc][+5 Water,-5 Fire] | |Rue Tornado | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Cursed Axe [09] [+9 Patk,+7 Pacc][-5 Thunder,+5 Darkness] | |Ani Break |Skill Drain | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Earth Axe [09] [+10 Patk,+7 Pacc][-5 Wood,+5 Earth] | |Gan Tornado | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bloody Axe [11] [+10 Patk,+9 Pacc] | |Ani Basher |Life Drain| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Charged Axe [13] [+10 Patk,+11 Pacc][+5 Thunder,-5 Darkness] | |Rai Tornado | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Darkness Axe [13] [+10 Patk,+12 Pacc][-5 Thunder,+5 Darkness] | |Ani Tornado | None |Acerola* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Master's Axe [14] [+12 Patk,+20 Pacc][+1(All) !Spirit !Body] | |Axel Pain,Rai Tornado(2:R:Thun) | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Papillion Axe [15][+13 Patk,+13 Pacc][+10 Matk,+10 Macc][+2(All)!Spirit!Body]| |Ani Break,Rue Tornado |Heavy*,NOVA* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Devil's Axe [16] [+14 Patk,+15 Pacc][+5(All) !Spirit !Body] | |Axel Pain,Triple Wield |Skill Drain|BIG*,Cossack* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [RARE Heavy Axe Weapons ] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [Physical Bonus][Magical Bonus][Elemental Bonus] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Giant Hill [15] [+16 Patk] | |Gan Tornado, Gan Basher |Life Drain | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Axe Bomber [16] [+13 Patk,+20 Pacc,-15 Peva][+15 Thunder, -15 Darkness]| |Axel Pain,Triple Wield | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Normal BladeMaster Weapons] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [Physical Bonus][Magical Bonus][Elemental Bonus] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Basic Sword [01] [+2 Patk, +1 Pacc] | |Cross Slash | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Brave Sword [01] [+4 Patk, +2 Pacc] | |Crack Beat | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |8 Phase Sword [02] [+5 Patk, +4 Pacc] | |Crack Beat |Mia | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Mizuchi [02] [+5 Patk, +4 Pacc][+5 Water,-5 Fire] | |Revolver,Ap Ganz | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Rondo [02] [+5 Patk, +3 Pacc][+5 Earth,-5 Wood] | |Revolver,Ap Torma | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Gakaku [03] [+5 Patk, +5 Pacc][-5 Water,+5 Fire] | |Revolver,Ap Ruem |Cossack Leader, | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Strange Blade [04] [+5 Patk, +6 Pacc] | |Revolver|Oborozukiyo,Nijukata | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Executioner [05] [+6 Patk, +7 Pacc] | |Crack Beat |Bell,Alpha | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Unicorn Blade [05] [+7 Patk, +8 Pacc][+5 Darkness,-5 Thunder] | |Ani Slash | |John | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Corpseblade [06] [+8 Patk, +9 Pacc] | |Vak Slash | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Oval Sword [07] [+9 Patk, +10 Pacc] | |Rue Slash | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fugaku [08] [+11 Patk, +12 Pacc][-7 Wood,+7 Earth] | |Revolver,Gan Slash | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Grunty's Sword[08] [+10 Patk, +11 Pacc] | |Ani Slash,Crack Beat |Skill Drain | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ensui [09] [+11 Patk, +13 Pacc][+7 Water,-7 Fire] | |Crack Beat,Rue Slash | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Komura [10] [+11 Patk, +14 Pacc][-7 Water,+7 Fire] | |Revolver,Vak Slash | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Souleater [10] [+12 Patk, +15 Pacc] | |Gan Slash,Crack Slash |Life Drain | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ends of Earth [11] [+30 Patk, +28 Pacc] | |Cross Slash,Crack Beat | | Orca's Sword | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Singing Blade [11] [+13 Patk, +16 Pacc] | |Rue Slash,Crack Beat |Critical Hit|Yuckey* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Dogman's Sword[12] [+14 Patk, +17 Pacc][-7 Water,+7 Fire] | |Revolver,Vak Slash | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Glitter [13] [+16 Patk, +19 Pacc][+10 Matk, +10 Macc] | |Revolver,Rue Crack | |Quess* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Steelblade [13] [+15 Patk, +23 Pacc] | |Gan Revolver,Vak Crack |Critical Hit|Oborozukiyo* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Seal Sword [14] [+17 Patk, +20 Pacc][+3 (All) !Body !Spirit] | |Revolver,Ani Crack |Skill Drain|Hayate* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [RARE BladeMaster Weapons ] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [Physical Bonus][Magical Bonus][Elemental Bonus] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Phoenix's Wing[13][+16 Patk, +19 Pacc][+10 Matk,+10 Macc] | |Ani Slash,Ani Revolver |Skill Drain | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Jinsaran [14][+18 Patk, +22 Pacc][-10 Matk,-10 Macc][-15 Water,+15 Fire]| |Vak Revolver,Vak Crack |Life Drain | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Normal LongArm Weapons ] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [Physical Bonus][Magical Bonus][Elemental Bonus] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bronze Spear [01] [+3 Patk,+1 Pacc] | |Triple Doom | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Iron Spear [01] [+4 Patk,+2 Pacc] | |Repulse Cage | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Amazon Spear [02] [+8 Patk,+2 Pacc] | |Triple Doom |Gardenia | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Relief Lance [02] [+8 Patk,+3 Pacc] | |Double Sweep | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Water Spear [02] [+8 Patk,+4 Pacc][+5 Water,-5 Fire] | |Triple Doom | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fire Spear [03] [+8 Patk,+5 Pacc][-5 Water,+5 Fire] | |Repulse Cage |Nijukata | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Electric Spear[04] [+8 Patk,+7 Pacc][+5 Thunder,-5 Darkness] | |Triple Doom | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Wooden Spear [04] [+8 Patk,+6 Pacc][+5 Wood,-5 Earth] | |Double Sweep | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Glaive [05] [+8 Patk,+8 Pacc] | |Repulse Cage |Death|Cossack Leader | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Gold Spear [06] [+13 Patk,+9 Pacc] | |Double Sweep | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Nihonmaru [07] [+15 Patk,+10 Pacc] | |Triple Doom | |Sanjuro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Spear of Spell[07] [+15 Patk,+11 Pacc] | |Triple Doom |Skill Drain |Mistral | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bloody Lance [08] [+17 Patk,+12 Pacc][+3 (All) !Spirit !Body] | |Triple Doom |Death | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Merman Spear [09] [+17 Patk,+13 Pacc] [-10 Fire, +10 Water] | |Rue Repulse | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Lavaman Spear [10] [+17 Patk,+14 Pacc] [+10 Fire, -10 Water] | |Vak Repulse | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Treeman Spear [10] [+17 Patk,+15 Pacc] [+10 Wood, -10 Earth] | |Juk Repulse | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Strormer Spear[11] [+17 Patk,+16 Pacc][+10 Thunder,-10 Darkness]| |Rai Repulse | |Cleama* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Berserk Spear [12] [+19 Patk,+17 Pacc] | |Vak Repulse,Double Sweep|Critical Hit & No Damage|Cima*,BIG* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Relief Spear [12] [+19 Patk,+17 Pacc] | |Vak Repulse,Double Sweep |Critical Hit| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sleipnir [12] [+20 Patk,+18 Pacc][+2 (All) !Spirit !Body] | |Juk Repulse,Double Sweep |Critical Hit|Alue* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fairy Spear [13] [+21 Patk,+19 Pacc][+2 (All) !Spirit !Body] | |Rue Doom, Repulse Cage|Cleama* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fiend Spear [14] [+22 Patk,+20 Pacc][+3 (All) !Spirit !Body] | |Vak Repulse,Double Sweep |Skill Drain|Cossack* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [RARE Long Arm Weapons ] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [Physical Bonus][Magical Bonus][Elemental Bonus] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Scarlet Autumn[14][+23 Patk,+15 Pacc][-10 Matk,-10 Macc][+2(All)!Spirit!Body]| |Juk Repulse,Juk Wipe |Critical Hit| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Million$ Spear[14][+21 Patk,+19 Pacc][+10 MatkĀ“+20 Macc][+2(All)!Spirit!Body]| |Repulse Cage,Juk Wipe |Skill Drain | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [AR9] ARMOR LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Acronyms for Parameters: Patk->Physical Attack (How much damage you deal to a target with a weapon ) Pacc->Physical Accuracy (How often you hit a target [To avoid MISS] with a weapon ) Pdef->Physical Defense (How much damage you ignore from being hit by a Phys attack) Peva->Physical Evade (How often you dodge a physical hit from a monster ) Matk->Magical Attack (How much damage you deal using a "Magic" Skill ) Macc->Magical Accuracy (How often you hit a target [To avoid MISS] with "Magic" ) Mdef->Magical Defense (How much damage you ignore from being hit by "Magic" ) Meva->Magical Evade (How often you dodge a "Magic" attack from a monster ) If a name of a trader appears with a *, it means that the item appears as you progress into the game, dont expect those items there if you are at the beggining. Usually, when trading, the last item changes according to your level or progress into the story, the rest, stay the same. ********************IMPORTANT NOTES********************* Check the MONSTER LIST if you want to obtain a weapon from a monster. Just go look for the name of the weapon there, use your search/find function of your text viewer. [Light Body Armor] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [ Physical Bonus ][ Magical Bonus ] | | [ Elemental Bonus ] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Leather Coat [01] [+2Mdef, +6Meva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water, +1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +4 Spirit] | | Gan Zot(1:R:Earth) | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Time Sash [04] [+25 Meva] | |Ap Do | RARE |Zeit Statue Challenge | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Noble Cloak [06] [+3Mdef, +7Meva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water, +1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +5 Spirit] | | Rue Zot(1:R:Water) | None |A-Kichi | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Kagayuzen [08] [+10 Matk,+8 Mdef,+10 Macc +8Meva] | | [+8 Spirit,+20 Body] | |Miu Lei |No Damage,RARE| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hiking Gear [11] [+3Mdef, +8Meva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water, +1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +6 Spirit] | | Gan Zot(1:R:Earth) | None |Micino | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Winter Coat [16] [+3 Mdef, +9 Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Water, +2 Darkness, +2 Wood,+2 Thunder, +7 Spirit] | | Rue Zot(1:R:Water) | None |A.Kichi | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fireman's Coat[21] [+3 Mdef, +10 Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Fire, +2 Darkness, +2 Wood,+2 Thunder, +8 Spirit] | | Vak Kruz | None |Cleama | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Lincoln Green [26] [+3 Mdef, +11 Meva] | | [+2 Water, +4 Fire, +2 Darkness, +4 Wood,+2 Thunder, +9 Spirit] | | Juk Zot | None |Yuji,Yuckey* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Thunder Cloak [31] [+3 Mdef, +12 Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +2 Water, +2 Fire, +2 Wood,+2 Thunder, +10 Spirit] | | Rai Kruz | None |Micino,Benkei* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Standard Body Armor] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [ Physical Bonus ][ Magical Bonus ] | | [ Elemental Bonus ] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Leather Armor [02] [+1Pdef, +1Peva] [+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+1 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Fire,+1 Wood,+1 Thunder,+1 Darkness] | |Vak Kruz(1:S:Fire) | None |Kite | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Goblin Mail [06] [+1Pdef] [+20 Body] | | Dek Do(- Speed) | RARE | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ring Mail [07] [+1Pdef, +2Peva] [+1Mdef, +2Meva] | | [+1 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Fire,+1 Wood,+1 Thunder,+1 Darkness] | |Juk Kruz | None |Kite | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wyrm Hide [12] [+2 Pdef, +3 Peva][+2Mdef, +3Meva] | | [+4 Earth, +1 Water, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +1 Spirit, +1 Body] | |Gan Don | None |Koji | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wyrm Scale [17] [+4 Pdef, +2 Peva][+2Mdef, +4Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Water, +2 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +2 Spirit, +2 Body] | | Rue Kruz(1:S:Water) | None |M-78 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Firedrake Mail[22] [+2Pdef, +5Peva] [+2Mdef, +5Meva] | | [+2 Earth,+4 Fire,+2 Wood,+2 Thunder,+2 Darkness,+3 Spirit,+3 Body] | |Vak Kruz(1:S:Fire) | None |Nekoseki,Mayunosuke | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Holy Tree Mail[27] [+2Pdef, +6Peva] [+2Mdef, +6Meva] | | [+2 Water,+2 Fire,+4 Wood,+2 Thunder,+2 Darkness,+4 Spirit,+4 Body] | |Juk Kruz(1:S:Wood) | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Quakebeast Fur[32] [+2Pdef, +7Peva] [+2Mdef, +7Meva] | | [+2 Earth,+2 Water,+2 Fire,+2 Wood,+4 Thunder,+5 Spirit,+5 Body] | |Rai Kruz | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Heavy Body Armor] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [ Physical Bonus ][ Magical Bonus ] | | [ Elemental Bonus ] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Brigandine [03] [+2 Pdef, +6 Peva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water,+1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Darkness,+1 Thunder, +4 Body] | | | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Plate Armor [08] [+3 Pdef, +7 Peva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water,+1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Darkness,+1 Thunder, +5 Body] | | | None |Mistral | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Grand Armor [13] [+3 Pdef, +8 Peva] | | [+4 Earth, +2 Water, +2 Wood, +2 Darkness,+2 Thunder, +6 Body] | | Ap Ganz(+Earth:All) | None |Micino | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Frost Armor [18] [+4Pdef, +9Peva] [+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+2 Earth,+4 Water,+2 Wood,+2 Thunder,+2 Darkness,+7 Body] | |Ap Ruem | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blaze Armor [23] [+4Pdef, +10Peva] [+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+2 Earth,+4 Fire,+2 Wood,+2 Thunder,+2 Darkness,+8 Body] | |Ap Vaks |Acerola | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Spirit Armor [28] [+5Pdef, +10Peva] [+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+2 Water,+2 Fire,+4 Wood,+2 Thunder,+2 Darkness,+9 Body] | |Ap Juka | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Thunder Armor [33] [+5Pdef, +11Peva] [+2Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+2 Earth,+2 Water,+2 Fire,+2 Wood,+4 Thunder,+10 Body] | |Ap Raio |Gott Treasure | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Light Head Armor] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [ Physical Bonus ][ Magical Bonus ] | | [ Elemental Bonus ] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bandanna [01] [+2Mdef, +6Meva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water, +1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +4 Spirit] | |Repth | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Time Headband[04] [+2Mdef, +6Meva] | |Ap Do | RARE |Zeit Statue Challenge | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Steel Cap [06] [+3Mdef, +7Meva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water, +1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +5 Spirit] | | Rue Kruz(1:S:Water) | None |M-78 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Cougar Bandana[11] [+3Mdef, +8Meva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water, +1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +6 Spirit] | |La Repth |Grid,Wing | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Raccoon Earcap[16] [+3Mdef, +9Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Water, +2 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +7 Spirit] | |La Repth |Quess | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Newt Necklace [21] [+3Mdef, +10Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Fire, +2 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +8 Spirit] | | La Repth(Heal 150:All) | None |Nekoseki | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Scarab Earring[26] [+3Mdef, +11Meva] | | [+2 Water,+2 Fire, +4 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +9 Spirit] | | La Repth,Rip Maen | None |Hinata* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Thunder Torque[31] [+3Mdef, +12Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +2 Water,+2 Fire, +2 Wood, +4 Thunder, +10 Spirit] | | La Repth,Rip Maen | None |Tim | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Standard Head Armor] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [ Physical Bonus ][ Magical Bonus ] | | [ Elemental Bonus ] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Nomad's Hood [02] [+1Pdef, +1Peva] [+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+1 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Fire,+1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness ] | | Repth(Heal 150:One) | None |Kite | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Guard Cap [07] [+1Pdef, +2Peva] [+1Mdef, +2Meva] | | [+1 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Fire,+1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness ] | | Repth(Heal 150:One) | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Goblin Cap [06] [+1Pdef] [+20 Body] | | Maj Lei(Curse:SP) | RARE | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hunter's Hood [12] [+2Pdef, +3Peva] [+2Mdef, +3Meva] | |[+4 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Fire,+1 Wood,+1 Thunder,+1 Darkness,+1 Spirit,+1 Body] | | Repth(Heal 150:One) | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ice Hunter Cap[17] [+2 Pdef, +4 Peva][+2Mdef, +4Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Water, +2 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +2 Spirit, +2 Body] | | Repth(Heal 150:One) | None |A-Kichi,Neja | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fire Dance Hat[22] [+2 Pdef, +5 Peva][+2Mdef, +5Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Fire, +2 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +3 Spirit, +3 Body] | | Repth(Heal 150:One) | None |Heavy | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Peasant's Cap[27] [+2 Pdef, +6 Peva][+2Mdef, +6Meva] | | [+2 Water, +2 Fire, +4 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +4 Spirit, +4 Body] | | Repth,Rip Teyn | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Lightning Cap[32] [+2 Pdef, +7 Peva][+2Mdef, +7Meva] | | [+2 Water, +2 Fire, +w Wood, +4 Thunder, +2 Earth, +5 Spirit, +5 Body] | | Repth,Rip Synk | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Heavy Head Armor] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [ Physical Bonus ][ Magical Bonus ] | | [ Elemental Bonus ] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Head Gear [03] [+2Pdef, +6Peva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water,+1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +4 Body] | |Ap Ganz | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Face Guard [08] [+3Pdef, +7Peva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water,+1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +5 Body] | |Ap Ruem | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Mountain Helm [13] [+3Pdef, +8Peva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water,+1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +6 Body] | |Ap Ganz | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ice Helm [18] [+4 Pdef, +9 Peva][+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Water, +2 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +7 Body] | | Ap Ruem | None |Neja,Hayate | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fire Helm [23] [+4 Pdef, +10 Peva][+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Fire, +2 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +8 Body] | | Ap Vakz | None |Heavy | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Forester Helm [28] [+5 Pdef, +10 Peva][+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+2 Water, +2 Fire, +4 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +9 Body] | | Ap Juka, Ap Vorv | None |Iron Grunty | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Stormlord Helm[33] [+5 Pdef, +11 Peva][+2Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+2 Earth,+2 Water, +2 Fire, +4 Wood, +4 Thunder, +10 Body] | | Ap Raio, Ap Torv | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ceramic Helm [33] [+3 Pdef, +6 Peva] [+5 Matk,+5 Mdef,+5 Meva,+5 Macc] | |[+1 Earth,+1 Fire,+1 Water,+1 Wood,+1 Thunder,+1 Darkness,+1 Spirit, +2 Body | |Rig Saem, Rig Geam | RARE | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Light Leg Armor] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [ Physical Bonus ][ Magical Bonus ] | | [ Elemental Bonus ] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sandals [01] [+2Mdef, +6Meva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water,+1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +4 Spirit] | | | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Leg Mail [06] [+3Mdef, +7Meva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water,+1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +5 Spirit] | | | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ceramic Anklet[11] [+3Mdef, +8Meva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water,+1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +6 Spirit] | |Dek Ganz | None |Koji,Cyan,Nijukata | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Time Sandals [19] [+1Patk, +4Pdef][+2Matk, +6Mdef, +3 Macc, +11 Meva] | |Ap Do | RARE |Zeit Statue Challenge | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Iron Anklet [21] [+3Mdef, +10Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Fire, +2 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +8 Spirit] | |Dek Vakz | None |Jutah,Mayunosuke | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Oak Anklet [26] [+3Mdef, +11Meva] | | [+2 Water, +2 Fire, +4 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +9 Spirit] | |Dek Juka | None |Annri,Henako* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Thunder Anklet[31] [+3Mdef, +12Meva] | | [+2 Water, +2 Fire, +4 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Earth, +10 Spirit] | |Dek Raio | None |Benoit | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Standard Leg Armor] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [ Physical Bonus ][ Magical Bonus ] | | [ Elemental Bonus ] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Safety Shoes [02] [+1Pdef, +1Peva] [+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+1 Earth, +4 Water, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +1 Fire] | | | None |Kite | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Jungle Boots [07] [+1Pdef, +2Peva] [+1Mdef, +2Meva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water, +1 Wood, +1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +1 Fire] | | | None | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Goblin Boots [09][+1 Patk,+3Pdef][+1 Matk,+4 Mdef,+2 Macc +9 Meva][+20 Body]| |Dek Juka | RARE |Kite | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Mountain Boots[12] [+2Pdef, +3Peva] [+2Mdef, +3Meva] | |[+4 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Wood,+1 Thunder,+1 Darkness,+1 Fire,+1 Spirit,+1 Body] | |Ap Corv |Mutsuki,Theta Weapon Shop | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Snow Panther [17] [+2Pdef, +4Peva] [+2Mdef, +4 Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Water, +2 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +2 Spirit, +2 Body] | | Ap Vorv(+ Pdef:One) | None |Osuji | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fire Lizard [22] [+2Pdef, +5Peva] [+2Mdef, +5 Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Fire, +2 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +3 Spirit, +3 Body] | | Ap Torv(+ Pacc:One) | None |Acerola,Bell | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ranger's Boots[27] [+2 Pdef,+6 Peva] [+2 Mdef,+6 Meva] | | [+2 Water, +2 Fire, +4 Wood, +2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +4 Spirit, +4 Body] | | Ap Corma | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Heavy Leg Armor] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [ Physical Bonus ][ Magical Bonus ] | | [ Elemental Bonus ] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Used Greaves [03] [+2 Pdef, +6 Peva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water, +1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Darkness,+1 Thunder, +4 Body] | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Leather Legs [08] [+3 Pdef, +7 Peva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water, +1 Fire, +1 Wood, +1 Darkness,+1 Thunder, +5 Body] | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Mountain Guard[13] [+3 Pdef, +8 Peva] | | [+4 Earth, +2 Water, +2 Fire, +2 Darkness,+2 Thunder, +6 Body] | |Repth|Cossack Leader | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Aqua Guard [18] [+4 Pdef, +9 Peva] [+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Water, +2 Wood, +2 Darkness,+2 Thunder, +7 Body] | |Rip Teyn(Antidote)|Oborozukiyo | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Flare Guard [23] [+4 Pdef, +10 Peva] [+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Fire, +2 Wood, +2 Darkness,+2 Thunder, +8 Body] | |Rip Synk(Restorative)|Bell,Alpha | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Green Guard [28] [+5 Pdef, +10 Peva] [+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+2 Water, +2 Fire, +4 Wood, +2 Darkness,+2 Thunder, +9 Body] | |Rig Saem |Cossack* | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Electric Guard[33] [+5 Pdef, +11 Peva] [+2Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +2 Fire, +2 Wood, +2 Water,+4 Thunder, +10 Body] | |Repth |Mantis[M] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Light Hand Armor] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [ Physical Bonus ][ Magical Bonus ] | | [ Elemental Bonus ] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Wrist Band [01] [+2 Mdef, +6 Meva] | | [+1 Earth, +1 Water, +1 Fire, +1 Wood,+1 Thunder, +1 Darkness, +4 Spirit] | | Juk Rom(1:R:Wood) | None |M-78 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Time Bracer [11] [+3Pdef, +6Peva][+3 Mdef, +6 Meva] | | Ap Do | RARE | Zeit Statue Challenge | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Silver Bracer [06] [+3Mdef, +7 Meva] | | [+1 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Fire,+1 Wood,+1 Thunder,+1 Darkness,+5 Spirit] | |Rai Rom|Oborzukiyo,Cleama | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fossil Bracer [11] [+3 Mdef, +8 Meva] | | [+1 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Fire,+1 Wood,+1 Thunder,+1 Darkness,+6 Spirit] | |Gan Rom(1:R:Earth) | None |Alicia | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Frost Bracer [16] [+3 Mdef, +9 Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Water, +2 Wood,+2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +7 Spirit] | |Rue Rom(1:R:Water) | None |M-78 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fire Bracer [21] [+3 Mdef, +10 Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +4 Fire, +2 Wood,+2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +8 Spirit] | |Vak Rom(1:R:Fire) |Flare | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Air Bracer [26] [+3 Mdef, +11 Meva] | | [+2 Water, +2 Fire, +4 Wood,+2 Thunder, +2 Darkness, +9 Spirit] | |Juk Rom |Fool | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Storm Bracer [31] [+3 Mdef, +12 Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +2 Water, +2 Fire, +2 Wood,+4 Thunder, +10 Spirit] | |Rai Rom(1:R:Thunder) |Teria | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Standard Hand Armor] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [ Physical Bonus ][ Magical Bonus ] | | [ Elemental Bonus ] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Leather Gloves[02] [+1Pdef, +1Peva] [+1Mdef, +1Meva] | | [+1 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Fire,+1 Wood,+1 Thunder,+1 Darkness] | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Goblin Gloves [06] [+1Pdef] [+20 Body] | | Duk Lei(Poison) | RARE | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Silver Gloves [07] [+1Pdef, +2Peva] [+1Mdef, +2Meva] | | [+1 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Fire,+1 Wood,+1 Thunder,+1 Darkness] | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Miner's Gloves[12] [+2Pdef, +3Peva] [+2Mdef, +3Meva] | | [+4 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Wood,+1 Thunder,+1 Darkness,+1 Spirit,+1 Body] | |Gan Don |Cyan,Nijukata | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fishing Gloves[17] [+2Pdef, +4Peva] [+2Mdef, +4Meva] | | [+2 Earth,+4 Water,+2 Wood,+2 Thunder,+2 Darkness,+2 Spirit,+2 Body] | |Rue Kruz|Cossack Leader | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Smith's Gloves[22] [+2Pdef, +5Peva] [+2Mdef, +5Meva] | | [ +2 Earth,+4 Fire,+2 Wood,+2 Thunder,+2 Darkness,+3 Spirit,+3 Body] | |Vak Don |Jutah | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Forest Gloves[27] [+2Pdef, +6Peva] [+2Mdef, +6Meva] | | [ +2 Water,+2 Fire,+4 Wood,+2 Thunder,+2 Darkness,+4 Spirit,+4 Body] | |Juk Kruz|Annri | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Thunder Gloves[32] [+2Pdef, +7Peva] [+2Mdef, +7Meva] | | [+2 Water,+2 Fire,+4 Wood,+4 Thunder,+2 Earth,+5 Spirit,+5 Body] | |Rai Don |Benoit | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| [Heavy Hand Armor] |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Name [Lv] [ Physical Bonus ][ Magical Bonus ] | | [ Elemental Bonus ] | | Skills |ExtraEffects| Found In/On | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Rusted Hands [03] [+2Pdef, +6Peva] | | [+1 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Fire,+1 Wood,+1 Thunder,+1 Darkness,+ 4 Body] | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Silver Hands [08] [+3Pdef, +7Peva] | | [+1 Earth,+1 Water,+1 Fire,+1 Wood,+1 Thunder,+1 Darkness,+ 5 Body] | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hands of Earth[13] [+3 Pdef, +8 Peva] | | [+4 Earth, +2 Water, +2 Fire, +2 Darkness,+2 Thunder, +6 Body] | |Dek Ganz|Alicia,Alpha | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hands of Water[18] [+4 Pdef, +9 Peva] [+1 Mdef, +1 Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +2 Wood, +4 Water, +2 Darkness,+2 Thunder, +7 Body] | |Dek Ruem|Yuji,Stare | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hands of Fire [23] [+4 Pdef, +10 Peva] [+1 Mdef, +1 Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +2 Wood, +4 Fire, +2 Darkness,+2 Thunder, +8 Body] | |Dek Vakz|Flare | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hands of Wood [28] [+5 Pdef, +10 Peva] [+1 Mdef, +1 Meva] | | [+2 Water, +4 Wood, +2 Fire, +2 Darkness,+2 Thunder, +9 Body] | |Dek Juka |Fool | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hands of Storm[33] [+5 Pdef, +11 Peva] [+2 Mdef, +1 Meva] | | [+2 Earth, +2 Wood, +2 Fire, +2 Water, +4 Thunder, +10 Body] | |Dek Raio|Teria | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [TSL] THE MYST SPRING LADDER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is to record all the different weapons and armor that can be converted in the spring. The ladder is a representation of "levels" of the weapons, with this, you can determine what your weapon or armor will turn into, depending on the spring you drop it in. For example: 05)[Spark Blades] 06)[Lath Blades]<-MonsLv1 07)[Fuse Blades] 08)[Shadow Blades] If you throw some Lath Blades in a Grandpa Lvl 1 spring during daytime, its level on the ladder will "raise" by two, so it will become Shadow Blades, but if it is Raining, its level will drop by one, so it will become some Spark Blades, if it is Sunset, its level will only increase by 1, so it will become Fuse Blades. The "weather" affects the number of levels the item will go on the ladder, I credit Neo987 for the work on weather I used for the research, if he allows me, I will add its little table of weather here in a later version, but In the meantime, you can find his table on another FAQ called "Extras of Hack". Now, the Levels, and different types of Spring Spirits, only determine the "limit" of the items levels on the ladder, in the example above, a Monsieur Lv1 will never give you a weapon past the Lath Blades, and if you give him Spark Blades on a shining day, although the weather indicates it must turn to Fuse Blades, because of his limit, he will give you Lath Blades. Field Element: Darkness ->+2 Weap , - 1 Armor Fire ->+2 Weap , - 1 Armor Thunder ->-1 Weap , + 2 Armor In Delta, Grandpa appears if the level of the field is 14 or above. In Theta, Grandpa appears if the level of the field is 24 or above. The following is a list of areas I used the test and make the ladder: Ive found that the areas are the same on Delta and Theta server, the only difference is the level of the monsters, and of course, of the spirits. <-Monsieur-> Bursting Passed Over Sea of Sand[C] Chronicling Forbidden Twin Hills[N] Chronicling Passed Over Sea of Sand[N] Dog Dancing Passed Over Twin Hills[C] Greedy Passed Over Sea of Sand[N] Closed Oblivious Twin Hills[C] Closed Oblivious Sea of Sand[N] Quiet Geothermal Twin Hills[N] Detestable Forbidden Sea of Sand[C] Quiet Momentary Twin Hills[C] Rejecting Law's Sea of Sand[N] Closed Corrupted Twin Hills[C] <-GranPa-> Chronicling Geothermal Sea of Sand[N] Sinking Haunted Twin Hills[C] Great Corrupted Sea of Sand[N] Lonely Smiling Twin Hills[C] Soft Golden Sea of Sand[N] Rejecting Passionate Twin Hills[C] Raging Golden Sea of Sand[N] Hideous Passionate Twin Hills[N] Detesable Golden Sea of Sand[C] Indiscreet Passionate Twin Hills[C] Noisy Someone's Sea of Sand[C] Buried Corrupted Twin Hills[C] Collapsed Corrupted Sea of Sand[C] Great Oblivious Twin Hills[C] Dog Dancing Corrupted Twin Hills[N] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[The Weapons Ladders]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> **Twin Blades** *Heavy Axeman* **Wavemanster** 01)[Amateur Blades] [Hatchet ] [Cypress Wand ] 02)[Steel Blades] [Short Swing ] [Iron Rod ] 03)[Phantom Blades] [Battle Axe] [Earth Wand ] 04)[Assassin ] [Water Axe] [Water Wand ] 05)[Spark Blades] [Flame Axe] [Fire Wand ] 06)[Lath Blades]<-MonsLv1->[Wind Axe]<-MonsLv1->[Air Wand ] 07)[Fuse Blades] [Thunder Axe] [Electric Wand ] 08)[Shadow Blades] [Midnight Axe] [Ebony Wand ] 09)[Cats Blades] [Razor Axe] [Wand of Wisdom] 10)[Ronin Blades]<-GranLv1->[Bronze Axe]<-GranLv1->[Basho Wand ] 11)[Spell Blades] [Cursed Axe] [Diabolic Wand ] 12)[Bloody Blades] [Earth Axe] [Earth Rod ] 13)[Sotetsu ] [Water God Axe] [Rod of the Sea] 14)[Enou ] [Bloody Axe] [Inferno Wand ] 15)[Ryokugun ] [Bandit's Axe] [Cedar Wand ] 16)[Raitei ]<-MonsLv2->[Charged Axe]<-MonsLv2->[Wand of Storms] 17)[Anshou ] [Darkness Axe] [Adian's Rod ] 18)[Masterblades ] [Master's Axe] [Almighty Wand ] 19)[Hell's Gate ]<-GranLv2 [Papillon Axe] [Groovy Stick ] 20)[Dante's Blades] [Devil's Axe]<-GranLv2->[Starstorm Wand] **Heavy Blades** *Blademasters* ***Long Arms*** 01)[Adventurer ] [Basic Sword] [Bronze Spear] 02)[Kikuichimonji ] [Brave Sword] [Iron Spear] 03)[Earth Sword] [Rondo ] [Relief Lance] 04)[Curing Sword] [Mizuchi ] [Water Spear] 05)[Flamberge ] [Gakaku ] [Fire Spear] 06)[Green Sword] [Strange Blade] [Wooden Spear] 07)[Stun Sword] [Executioner ] [Electric Spear] 08)[Slayer ] [Unicorn Blade] [Gold Spear] 09)[Nodachi ] [Corpse Blade] [Nihonmaru ] 10)[Defense Sword] [Oval Sword] [Spear of Spell] 11)[Magnifier ] [Gruntys Sword] [Bloody Lance] 12)[Shanato ]<-MonsLv1 [Fugaku ] [Merman Spear] 13)[Absorber ] [Ensui ] [Lavaman Spear] 14)[Byakuen ] [Komura ] [Treeman Spear] 15)[Shidan ] [Souleater ] MonsLv2->[Strormer Spear] 16)[Raijin ]<-GranLv1 [Singing Blade]<-MonsLv2 [Berserk Spear] 17)[Sharp Blade ] [Dogmans Sword] [Sleipnir ] 18)[Spider Blade ] [Steelblade ] [Fairy Spear] 19)[Sun Fang One ] [Glitter ] GranLv2->[Fiend Spear] 20)[Devil Blade ] [Seal Sword]<-GranLv2 21)[Claymore ] 22)[Kikujyumonji ] 23)[Earthian Sword] 24)[Life Sword] 25)[Flame Sword] 26)[Dryad's Sword]<-GranLv2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[The Armor Ladders]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***Hand Armor*** ***Leg Armor*** ***Body Armor*** ***Head Armor*** 01)[Wrist Band ] [Sandals ] [Leather Coat ] [Bandana ] 02)[Leather Gloves] [Safety Shoes ] [Leather Armor ] [Nomand's Hood ] 03)[Rusted Hands ] [Used Greaves ] [Brigandine ] [Head Gear ] 04)[Silver Bracer ] [Leg Mail ] [Noble Cloak ] [Steel Cap ] 05)[Silver Gloves ] [Jungle Boots ] [Ring Mail ] [Guard Cap ] 06)[Silver Hands ]<-MonsLv1->[Leather Legs ] [Plate Armor ]<-MonsLv1->[Face Guard ] 07)[Fossil Bracer ] [Ceramic Anklet] [Hiking Gear ] [Cougar Bandana] 08)[Miner's Gloves] [Mountain Boots] [Wyrm Hide ] [Hunter's Hood ] 09)[Hands of Earth] [Mountain Guard] [Grand Armor ] [Mountain Helm ] 10)[Frost Bracer ] GranLv1->[Frost Anklet ] [Winter Coat ]<-GranLv1->[Racoon Earcap ] 11)[Fishing Gloves]<-GranLv1 [Snow Panther ] [Wyrm Scale ] [Ice Hunter Cap] 12)[Hands of Water] [Aqua Guard ] [Frost Armor ] [Ice Helm ] 13)[Fire Bracer ] [Iron Anklet ] [Fireman's Coat] [Newt Necklace ] 14)[Smith's Gloves] [Fire Lizard ] [Firedrake Mail] [Fire Dance Cap] 15)[Hands of Fire ] [Flare Guard ] [Blaze Armor ] [Fire Helm ] 16)[Air Bracer ]<-MonsLv2->[Oak Anklet ] [Lincoln Green ]<-MonsLv2->[Scarab Earring] 17)[Forest Gloves ] [Ranger's Boots] [Holy Tree Mail] [Peasant's Cap ] 18)[Hands of Wood ] [Green Guard ] [Spirit Armor ] [Forester Helm ] 19)[Storm Bracer ] [Thunder Anklet] [Thunder Cloak ] [Thunder Torque] 20)[Thunder Gloves]<-GranLv2->[Thunder Boots ] [Quakebeast Fur]<-GranLv2->[Lightning Cap ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Q&A] QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.-Is there an official homepage about .Hack//Infection in English? A.-Yes, www.dothack.com Q.-What does item X do? A.-If it isnt on Key Items, the weapon list or the armor list, just read the description. Most of the time, it will tell you that is has a effect. Just check what the skill does. Q.-Am I going to need item X in the future? A.-Dont know, I havent played the rest of the games yet. ^_^ Q.-Where can I level up? A.-Use the random keyword function of the Chaos Gate until you see an area 2 or 3 levels above yours, bring plenty of friends! If you cant, go to an area equal to your level. Q.-The monsters are too hard! How can I get myself more powerful? A.-Level Up, or get yourself higher level gear, go to a level 1 area, and kill everything, take every treasure and item, then trade for cool stuff, I once traded 20 Leather Coats (Lvl1 armor) for a FireDrake Mail(lvl 22 armor). Q.-The game states that it has Mature Sexual Content...where is it? >=) A.-Remember when you meet and help Natsume, the things that she tells you? That's the mature sexual content, and If you dont think BlackRose isnt enough Mature Sexual Content...well..you're a woman or have someone better. Q.-Ive heard of .Hack//SIGN, what is it? A.-The anime series that preludes .Hack//Infection, back when Aura was asleep and Skeith was not created, yet.. Q.-Where can I download .Hack//SIGN episodes? A.-.Hack//SIGN is currently licensed by Bandai, thus you wont be able to find it around legally, .Hack//DUSK on the other hand isn't licensed yet, do a search for ".Hack bit torrent", Good luck. Q.-Where can I watch .Hack//SIGN? A.-Cartoon Network, Saturday, 12AM/11AM Central after Zoids. Q.-What is .Hack//DUSK? A.-This anime series shows the events that happen 5 years after .Hack//Quarantine. (The 4th .Hack game for PS2) Q.-What is .Hack//The Legend of the Twiligh Bracelet? Q.-What is .Hack//Udeden? A.-.Hack//DUSK, they are all the same but with different names. Q.-What is .Hack//Divergence? A.-Its a free online RPG about .Hack, I guess it happens between //Quarantine and //DUSK. I suggest you check it out, if you like role playing and love .Hack, this is a must. http://www.glasscharm.org/hack/ Q.-Do you suffer from insanity? This FAQ is huge, dont you have a life? A.-I dont suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it. =D --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CRD] CREDITS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I credit BANDAI for publishing the game. My girlfriend for putting up with me while I spent hours infront of my T.V. and buying me the game. ^_^ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Section Credits: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Monster List: Darkside761 :Woodstock,Ectoplasm,Snakoid >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Spells and Skills: Avi Vegh : Fixing Renki Lie, Added Lightning Rage. Fibrizo : Rairaku, the Heavy Blade's "Drives". >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Weapon List Fibrizo :Kikujyumonji,Shikisokuzeku,Life Sword,Flame Sword, Dryad's Sword PsychoShell :Axe Bomber GooHead:Giant Hill,Million$ Spear,Phoenix's Wing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Armor List Fibrizo :Ranger's Boots >>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Spring Ladder SolidWill for giving me the minimum level of Grandpas. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Chaos Gate Theory: Blade_Runner for reminding me to beat the gobs and add the keywords. The people helping me with the Theory so far: Pikus,Kimorr,Dracoman3000,Avi Vegh,Kenouki,ZodiacNecromancer,DragoonThief >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Other Credits Avi Vegh for pointing out a mistake in the Hell's Gate. Avi Vegh for reminding me of stuff I have to do. ;) I thank that darn RyougaZell for addicting me to .Hack// Mia for telling me about .Hack//Divergence (http://www.glasscharm.org/hack/) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the people at the GameFaqs board, for info and comments, if any of you guys would like to be listed here, mail me! And all of you guys for reading this! That's it! Any questions, suggestions, comments, mail me at: ChaosGateTheory@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------