----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Victorious Boxers 2 Date: April 10, 2004 Author: Adenosine e-mail: NOSPAMclassiccase@hotmail.com Version: 5.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents Part 1: - Introduction - Title Screen Part 2: - Game Controls Part 3: - Act 1 - Act 2 - Act 3 - Act 4 - Act 5 Part 4: - Boxer's Road - Boxer Creation - Boxer Modification - Schedule Screen - Boxer's Routine - Recommended Training/Diet Settings - Common Boxer's Obstacles - Division Weight Information - The Pro-Test - Your First Pro Match Part 5: - Secrets - Normal Trainings - Unlocking Special Trainings - Unlocking SP MOVES - Unlocking SP MOVES Short Cut - Permanent Division Boxer - Creating A Powerful Boxer - Muscle Codes Modification - Permanent Weight Codes - RAW Format Codes - AR2V2 Format Codes - Legalities ************************************************************************************************ PART 1 ************************************************************************************************ Introduction: Greetings to all Hajime No Ippo and boxing fans! This guide is for everyone who really wants to enjoy as much as possible the wonderful game of Hajime No Ippo, also known as Victorious Boxers. Although the Japanese version of this game is mostly already in English, there are still parts of it that people might get confused with. There will be no literal translations of the in-game text here, but you will be provided with the idea of how to work things around and familiarize yourself with the occassional Japanese menu, especially in Boxer's Road. Ok, let's have a good and clean... fun! -------------- Basic Commands -------------- X Button = Accept Square Button = Cancel Triangle Button = Screen Back ------------ Title Screen:* ------------ You are presented with six choices: Arcade Boxer's Road Exhibition Tournament Player Data Options ----------- Arcade Mode ----------- Choose this if you wish to play as Ippo and the other boxers. You will be presented with "Acts", each having its own star. Sometimes within an act, you will be in control of another boxer besides the one you that you've started with. ------------ Boxer's Road ------------ Choose this if you wish to create a boxer and have your own career. You can also choose to play in any of the time frame within the Hajime No Ippo story. Of course, you can also just have your own path without dealing with any of the usual Hajime No Ippo boxers. ---------- Exhibition ---------- Choose this if you want to go one-on-one against a friend or the computer. After choosing the participants, you will be shown a list of gyms and stadiums in which to fight in. The others in question marks need to be unlocked via Boxer's Road. After choosing the venue for the match, you and your opponent will be given three choices each: -Control Settings- Boxer Mode Second Mode Audience Mode ---------- Boxer Mode ---------- Boxer Mode lets you manually control the boxer. Only your own skill will win you the fight! ----------- Second Mode ----------- This let's you play as the Second of your boxer. After choosing this, you will be presented with three choices: Default 1 Infight Default 2 Out Box NO USE OK These are the AI that your boxer will use while you command him. You can change each one of them by selecting one, and then you can choose DEFAULT DATA where you can pick either In-fighting or Out-boxing, or you can choose FILE LOAD if you have made your own AI. After selecting OK, you will notice that there will be a "Round1" just before the Japanese writing. It is asking you which AI to use at the start of Round 1. Choose one and choose YES to accept it. You will then be brought back to the "Control Settings" menu. After both players have decided, you will be asked how many rounds you want to play. It will then ask you how many knock downs are required to win. Choosing Free Knock Down results in a last man standing type of match. Afterwards, you will be shown to choices. Choose the one on top to accept the settings. You will then be made to choose which background music to play. You can change the way the boxer's AI works by pressing left or right on the directional pad. You will see that the boxer will follow what you tell him to. You have four options: Range, Position, Attack, Defend. He will act accordingly. ------------- Audience Mode ------------- Let's you sit back and enjoy the match. ---------- Tournament ---------- You can set up tournaments here. Create Tournament - lets you set up your own tournament. Boxer Entry - you can put other boxers or your created ones in the tourney as well. Tournament Setting - you can set the rules for the different phases of your tournament here. Save/Load - does what it says. Start - begins the tourney. Exit ----------- Player Data ----------- You can view some stats here as well as wins and losses. ------- Options ------- Contains all the settings you might want to change. ************************************************************************************************ PART 2 ************************************************************************************************ Game Controls: It is very much suggested to change the default control scheme as it is quite distracting. Go to Options, choose Controller Setting, then choose BUTTON LAYOUT. Choose the first one on the top left and change it to "Sway". Also, you might want to change the "Normal" setting on the analog stick into "Expert", the choice is yours. Once you have changed the controls to your liking, you might as well turn off "AUTOSAVE" because you might get tired of being asked if you want to save your game over and over again. You can do it manually anyway. Ducking: Hold the sway button and push up. Lean Back: Hold the sway button and push down. Sway: Hold the sway button and push left or right. Rush While Ducking: While ducking, release the sway button. Ducking Side Step: While ducking, push left or right then release the sway button. Dash: Double tap any direction. Press any punch button to attack. ************************************************************************************************ PART 3 ************************************************************************************************ You'll find information about the different Acts in this section, like how to beat certain boxers and some background story regarding the match-ups. ------ Act 1:* ------ ------------------------------ Ippo Makunouchi VS Jason Ozuma ------------------------------ Background Story: Jason Ozuma, although an American, went to Japan to prove back to his family and friends what he can do. He was adopted by some friends that he made in Japan, the same ones he trained with. Meanwhile, Ippo was shown information regarding Ozuma. Indeed, he was large and powerful. Ozuma also loves to destroy his opponents by giving them destructive hooks. Ippo learned that the only real way to win against Ozuma was to learn how to duck effectively. Everyday, Ippo trained going under the sidewalk poles that were really low, and imagined that each segment was Ozuma's hook. After a few bumps in the head, Ippo was ducking effectively and naturally. In the fight, the two were ducking each other's blows, but Ippo was caught in a barrage of punches. Coach Kamogawa told Ippo not to show Ozuma that he's in pain, because they also have to instill fear in Ozuma to make him more hesitant about his punches. Ippo played with this and Ozuma started to doubt his own power. This doubt made Ozuma a little careless, which Ippo took advantage of by landing the finishing blow on Ozuma. Strategy: Ozuma is really powerful, but do not let him scare you. He is taller than you, meaning, keeping your distance is not the way to go. The easiest way to beat him is to move in fast, then counter him with a left hook by swaying left first after when he's attacking aggressively, and then landing that left hook on his head. Do this non-stop and he will start to stagger. Also, as much as possible, avoid getting hit because he can knock you down after a couple of punches. Anyway, don't let him scare you, continue advancing towards him, then lay the countering left hooks! -------------------------------- Ippo Makunouchi VS Kenta Kobashi -------------------------------- Background Story: Kenta Kobashi was a weak boy, but that didn't stop him from winning over his opponents. The first time Ippo saw Kobashi, he thought he was just a weak guy that can be finished right away. During the match, Kobashi kept his distance from Ippo. Whenever Ippo tried to attack, Kobashi would use his hand, stretched out in a snake style, to parry the attacks. Ippo got irritated by this and ended up exhausting his energy. Meanwhile, Kobashi continued giving Ippo jabs. Although not powerful, the effects accumulated into the later rounds, which caused Ippo to get really hurt. Kobashi thought that he might finally get his first knockout. He got too concentrated on knocking out Ippo, and failed to realize that Ippo still has a lot of punching power left. Seeing the opportunity, Ippo blew him away when he let his guard down. Strategy: Kobashi will try to stay away from you as much as possible, attacking only when he's in the right position. The only way to finish this quickly is by rushing in, and then giving him swaying left hooks. If he moves back, dash forward with a dashing right punch. He should be finished in no time. Nothing to be worried about really, since even if he hits you, he's too weak to knock you out. --------------------------------- Ippo Makunouchi VS Ryuichi Hayami --------------------------------- Background Story: Ryuichi Hayami was the boxer that every lady adored. He's got good looks and charisma. Of course, Takamura and gang weren't happy about this. Ippo was watching his video and something caught his eye. In the match, Hayami destroyed his opponent by punching him so fast. This move was his Shotgun punch. Since the move was so fast, Ippo thought that the only way to beat this technique is by rushing in and dealing in the punishment first before he gets caught. In the match, Hayami kept on using this on Ippo, effectively tiring him. Ippo then rushed in with a burst of energy and destroyed Hayami. Although defeated, the ladies still treated him as if he won and forgot about Ippo and friends. Strategy: Hayami's punches come in quite fast. Still, since he's taller than you, just rush in and continuously pummel him with your swaying left hook. He should start to stagger after a few hits, then you can knock him down. If your left hook throws him away, rush in with a right punch to his head, then continue your swaying left hooks. ------------------------------ Ippo Makunouchi VS Ryo Mashiba ------------------------------ Background Story: Ryo Mashiba was a guy with a somewhat strange and psychotic personality. He likes beating people up because he thinks everybody deserves a beating from him since they cannot be trusted. The only person he holds dear to him is his sister Kumi. Ippo and Mashiba first met at the Pro-Test. Mashiba looked down on Ippo. Ippo said he'll beat him because he needs to meet someone at the championship. The day came when Miyata, Ippo's rival who transferred to another gym to be able to fight him, had to fight Mashiba. Miyata was winning, but Mashiba cheated him by tripping him and then landing an extremely severe punch to Miyata's face. Mashiba continued to pummel him until he was over. Ippo wanted to exact revenge on Mashiba for cheating Miyata. Meanwhile, Ippo didn't know that Kumi, his love interest, was Mashiba's brother and started on commenting about how bad Mashiba was. She got hurt and left Ippo in another awkward moment. At the day of the fight, Mashiba was continually jabbing him out of range. Ippo finally managed to get within his punching range and he started beating up Mashiba. Mashiba clinched Ippo, but Ippo didn't stop attacking his body until he was thrown back by Ippo's force. Ippo then smashed Mashiba's face, which caused Mashiba to get bounced by the ropes. Ippo knew that it wasn't enough to really put down Mashiba, so he added another finishing blow just to make sure. Mashiba started crawling towards Ippo, which creeped him out, but he wasn't able to stand up anymore. Ippo then became the new Rookie Champion! Strategy: Mashiba will try to attack from far away. Since he is way taller than Ippo, he has no problem of doing so. In order to beat him, rush in with a right punch or just move in, then give him all of your swaying left hooks. You should be able to knock him down quickly. He might stand up a couple more times, but that's ok. Keep on repeating the process until he doesn't stand anymore. -------------------------------- Ippo Makunouchi VS Takeshi Sendo -------------------------------- Background Story: After beating Mashiba Ryo, Ippo becomes a sensation. Sendo decides that Ippo is the one that he wants to beat next. He visits the Kamogawa gym looking for Ippo, but he ends up being taught about proper stances when Kamogawa didn't realize that Sendo was supposed to be an enemy. Sendo asks Ippo to be his next opponent. Ippo accepts, even though he still has broken bones because of punching Mashiba's elbow. After Ippo gets the support of a sexy doctor who helped him recover, he continues on to go to Sendo's place. The match started with everybody booing Ippo. Sendo was known to them as the "Rocky" of Japan. Ippo didn't let the crowd get into him, so he just concentrated. Sendo used the smasher against Ippo, while Ippo tried to do his own smasher against Sendo. The match ended when Sendo lost consciousness while sitting down. Strategy: Sendo is tougher than any of the previous opponents you've faced. As always, rush in and give him continous swaying left hooks. Avoid his punches, especially when he goes into a barrage. Also, be careful when there's a distance between you and him because his smasher can somehow still hit you in that range. Keep doing this until he gets knocked out. ------------------------------ Ichiro Miyata VS Lunsaku Paudi ------------------------------ Background Story: Miyata moves to Thailand to train after Ippo graduates. Miyata often dwells on the fact that he wasn't born with a really strong body, and all he could do was counter punch often, but still his punches were weak. He then continues to overtrain himself. Strategy: In this match, Miyata is quite weak. Even so, just rush in and give your opponent the swaying left hook, but since it won't even budge him a bit, add a right punch after the hook. So now we're using a left-hook-right-punch combination. This is useful as well on the other matches, but this is where this method proves its usefulness. Get close to your opponent and repeat the pattern as necessary. Even though this man is quite tough to hurt, he'll go down soon enough if you continue this. ---------------------- Ichiro Miyata VS Payao ---------------------- Payao was the only "friend" Miyata had in Thailand. Payao noticed that Miyata was really pushing himself too hard. Miyata complained that nobody liked him there, but Payao said that his little brother idolized him. In the rain, the little brother of Payao followed Miyata, who was practicing something. He brought Miyata an umbrella, but Miyata wanted to train more. He then asked the kid if he wanted to see a great counter. The kid wanted to see one, so Miyata started devising a deadlier kind of counter-punch. Miyata then tested it with Payao who noticed that the attacks were a lot sharper than usual. Strategy: Miyata seems to be a bit bigger now. Payao is slow and not that strong, so rush in and give him your swaying left hooks. Since you're still not that strong enough to actually move him, connect the swaying left hook with a right punch. Do this until Payao starts getting thrown away. You might also want to try out Miyata's devastating counter-punch. This is how you do it: 1. Position yourself close to Payao. 2. Press R1+X to start the Slow Battle special move (causes slow motion of course). 3. When Payao is in an attacking frenzy, start your swaying left hook. 4. As soon as you unleash your left hook or it is halfway to your opponent, press R1+O. 5. You will notice that there's a green cursor on screen and a somewhat transparent grey circle. 6. The action is stopped temporarily, move the green cursor where you want your punch to hit. It is limited in the grey area only. Use the right analog stick to rotate the view. 7. Press the O button again to confirm and continue the attack. Also, remember that the stopped action time is limited, so you have to make a quick decision as to where you want to put the cursor and press the O button right away. Otherwise, you will have lost the opportunity to deal severe damage. This can be used with any punch, as long as you are countering your opponent. ---------------------------- Ichiro Miyata VS Gymmy Sisfa ---------------------------- Background Story: Sisfa was a former Muai Thai fighter who became a boxer. His tough body and hard hitting punches just prove his being a former Muai Thai artist. Payao and his little brother went to see this because the little kid wanted to see Miyata's new counter punch. In the match, Miyata knew the risks of using strong counter-moves. His father was a former boxer who had his jaw broken when he got countered by his enemy. With his father by his side, Miyata wanted to succeed with this more powerful counter punch even more. The crowd was on Sisfa's side. Miyata was already getting beaten up severely, but his father wouldn't throw the towel because he knew this is what Miyata wanted. With precise timing, Miyata finally gave Sisfa the finishing counter blow, smashing Sisfa's face into the bloody ground! Strategy: As before, rush in quickly and use the swaying left hook followed by a right punch. You will notice that Sisfa attacks really fast, and he is quite tough. Continue this method until Sisfa slows down. You really don't have to worry that much, since after a couple of the swaying left hook and right punch combos, he'll be slower than you. Once he is slow, he is now vulnerable to more punishment from you. Use the Slow Battle special to make him even slower (time to punish him!) and then counter him. You might want to use the nice devastating counter you used in the previous match. Just press R1+O when your counter-punch is on its way. This should really be hurting Sisfa by now since he'll be getting thrown around by now. If he gets stunned, use R1+Triangle, also known as the Jolt Counter, just be sure you're in the right position so that you'll not miss. This should really destroy Sisfa now. --------------------------------------- Takeshi Sendo VS Alexander Vorg Zangief --------------------------------------- Background Story: After Eiji Date, the Feather Weight Champion of Japan, defeated Ippo, he thought that nobody else could beat him so he went away to finally get a rematch for the World Title. With the Feather Weight Title of Japan in line, the battle for it begins. Sendo has been training really hard and is tougher than before, while Vorg wanted to win over Sendo because if he still loses, he'll just head back to Russia. The battle started fiercely with the two boxers punishing each other. Vorg appears to have been winning a little, and he manages to knock down Sendo. Unfortunately, Sendo catches a glimpse of Vorg's leg. He noticed that Vorg was already limping, and all he needs to do is give Vorg a powerful blow and he'll give in eventually. Sendo rises from the knock down. The next round, Sendo and Vorg goes at it again, but Vorg slips. The referee didn't see that it was an accident and counts it as a knockdown against Vorg. Sendo was already punishing him once more with tons of punches. Vorg started to worry about the decision of the judges because the accident just caused him to lose some points against Sendo. At the final moment, Vorg rushed Sendo into the ropes and starts wildly attacking, but it was too late for him as the decision has been in favor of Sendo. Vorg leaves Japan with a touching goodbye to Ippo. Strategy: Vorg is just as fast and powerful as you are here. Use the same method as before, swaying left hook followed by the right punch combo should do the job. Vorg will then start to stagger and get hurt even more. Once Vorg gets stunned, move in front of him and quickly do the right-handed variation of Sendo's Smasher (R1+O). This should hit Vorg right in the face. Keep doing this until Vorg doesn't get up again. --------------------------- Ichiro Miyata VS Li Chonpil --------------------------- Background Story: After fighting abroad, Miyata comes home to Japan. There, he gets to fight Li Chonpil, the number 1 Korean boxer. The fight goes on with Miyata playing around with Li, until Li decides to rush Miyata into the ropes. Li decides to start fighting aggressively, but he gets hit with a body counter by Miyata, knocking him out. Strategy: Li Chonpil is extremely easy to knock out. Use the swaying left hook, right punch combo and you should knock him down twice in like less than 30 seconds. If he still gets back up, use a swaying left hook, but instead of a normal right punch, make him eat a Jolt Counter punch (R1+Triangle) and he should be thrown down quickly. ----------------------------- Takeshi Sendo VS Takuma Saeki ----------------------------- Background Story: The match was one-sided. Saeki tried to move away from Sendo, but Sendo knew exactly where Saeki will be. Saeki moves again and Sendo's right there! Sendo was now just as fast as Saeki. Sendo then proceeds to destroy Saeki with a real powerful punch. This astounds Ippo. Coach Kamogawa tells Ippo that it was Ippo's fault that Sendo has turned into a monster. Sendo now is the Feather Weight Champion of Japan! Strategy: Saeki moves really fast, and his attacks are just as speedy. Be careful of getting caught in his barrage of punches, because he can slow you down when you get hit a lot of times. Anyway, he's a bit weak, but be careful since once you put your face in the wrong place, he can still knock you down. Just move in and give him lots of continuous swaying left hooks. That seems to work well against him rather than the combo with the right punch. He might go down twice, and still get up. Just destroy him as before. ------------------------------ Takeshi Sendo VS Akira Shigeta ------------------------------ Background Story: The fight continues to find out who will be the Feather Weight Division Champion. Before the fight, Sendo calls Ippo and invites him to watch the match between him and Saeki. Ippo warns him that Shigeta is a good boxer, but Sendo tells him that everything is easy. Ippo also hears a strange sound... and wonders what it was. In the match, Shigeta mocks Sendo because he couldn't hit him. Sendo becomes more enraged. Shigeta proceeds on pummelling Sendo while mocking him. This really made Sendo mad. Shigeta's a south-paw boxer, and Sendo wasn't used to dealing with this kind, but strangely, Shigeta's jabs were powerful. Sendo later figures out that Shigeta was really a normal right-handed boxer, but Shigeta trained to get used to the south-paw figure. All that time, Sendo was already being punished with right straight punches, and not just merely jabs! Sendo then devises a plan. He rushes in and telegraphs his Smasher move, which Shigeta avoids, but that was stopped quickly when Sendo really meant to catch him off guard. Sendo releases his fury and starts destroying Shigeta's face. After the match, Sendo mocks Shigeta, since Shigeta won't be coming back to boxing anymore after the trauma he received from Sendo. Strategy: Since Shigeta uses a south-paw style, your normal attacks and methods will also have to be revised. Instead of the swaying left hook, give him a swaying to the left still, right punch, the one that comes down from above. This should hit Shigeta, then give him a right punch. So it's a swaying left right punch (sway left+O), and then a right punch. He should be down in no time. If he's still walking around, punish him some more, and if he becomes stunned, give him the right handed Smasher (R1+O). ------------------------------- Ippo Makunochi VS Takeshi Sendo ------------------------------- Background Story: The time has finally come for Ippo to fight Sendo once more, but they have more than the championship belt on the line in this fight. It was their pride and honor. Sendo wants to win over Ippo as payback for what Ippo did to him before. Ippo wanted also to win the belt, since his first try wasn't successful. As soon as the match started, Ippo rushed to Sendo and made him eat a dozen or so of Dempsey Roll hits. Sendo quickly got smashed into the ground. Ippo was surprised to see that Sendo just stood up as if nothing happened. Sendo wasn't even hurt! The two started fighting again, but Sendo was dominating Ippo. Sendo was more powerful than Eiji Date, Ippo thought to himself as he was getting pummeled in the corner with powerful blows. Each round continued with the same result, Ippo just kept on getting cornered and then Sendo unleashed tons of punches on him. But Ippo thought that he has to be the champion this time, and regains his fighting drive. Strategy: Rush in and give Sendo the swaying left hook, right punch combo. Do this until he starts losing balance. Once he gets stunned, use the Gazelle Punch (R1+Square) on his face, but be sure you are in proper position. The best place to use the Gazelle Punch is a little to the right of Sendo. This should hit Sendo's face, and not the body as opposed to launching the blow very near to him. Also, use only one Gazelle Punch per round so as to conserve energy. If after by two knock downs, Sendo still manages to get up, do the combo again until he gets stunned, but this time, use the Dempsey Roll (R1+X). Pressing X repeatedly while holding R1 will let Ippo throw left and right Dempsey Rolls continuously. About only a hit or two is needed to put Sendo down to the ground permanently, so don't do it more than twice. By now Sendo shouldn't be able to get up. -------------------------------- Ippo Makunouchi VS Kazuki Sanada -------------------------------- Background Story: Sanada was a doctor who's also a boxer. He was being handled by one of Kamogawa's rivals. Because of Sanada's medical expertise, he knew exactly where to hit a person to stun him, and then he'd go it for the finishing blow. In the match, Sanada's technique involved a punch called a "Swallow" punch. Since it couldn't bring down Ippo, he used the "Double Swallow" punch, which involved an uppercut to break the enemy's guard, and then another uppercut with his fist in a vertical position from the broken guard. This was used to totally open the semi-open guard Ippo used to protect his chin. He also kept on destroying Ippo's body, which he knew would cause Ippo to have abnormal system disfunction for about five seconds. He was also able to counter Ippo's Dempsey Roll, but in the end, Ippo finally beat him down. Strategy: Just like before, rush in and then give him swaying left hooks and then a right punch. Once Sanada gets stunned, get close to him and perform one Dempsey Roll (R1+X). This should knock down Sanada. If he still gets up, do the usual combo, then when he gets stunned, use a Dempsey Roll once more. If he is still standing, try to punch him back into a corner, and then try to stun him there. Once stunned, that is the time to use continous Dempsey Rolls, although just one should do. It's just fun beating on a falling guy. ------------------------------ Ichiro Miyata VS Arnie Gregory ------------------------------ Background Story: Ichiro Miyata fights the OPBF champion Arnie Gregory for the title... will he win it? Strategy: Use the swaying left hook and then right punch combo. He will start staggering after a couple of those. Once you get him stunned, use the Jolt Counter (R1+Triangle) punch on his face. Use only one Jolt Counter punch for now. Then proceed to use the same old combo. You will be able to put him down after some more punishment. If he still stands up, then use this new combo. Start with swaying left hook, which should make his head bounce, then follow up with a Jolt Counter. This is when we use our remaining energy. He should be pushed back. Do it again and he should slam down to the mat permanently. ----------------------------- Ippo Makunouchi VS Hammer Nao ----------------------------- Background Story: ??? Strategy: Hammer Nao is very easy to beat since Ippo is very strong already. Use the swaying left hook, right punch combo in the first few seconds. You'll notice that Nao already staggers from the punches. Do a couple more of those, and then it's time to change the combo. When Nao starts getting thrown around, get close to him and do a swaying left hook, this should make his head bobble a bit, then follow it up with one Dempsey Roll (R1+X). This should knock him down. If he still stands, use this again. Remember, don't get carried away and use the Dempsey Roll in one furious bashing. Nao should fall by now. If he still stands, just repeat the swaying left hook, Dempsey Roll combo until he goes down. If you manage to corner a weakened Nao, then you can try the continuous Dempsey Roll just for fun. --------------------------- Ippo Makunouchi VS Yi Yonsu --------------------------- Background Story: ??? Strategy: Yi Yonsu is extremely weak. Rush to him and give him the usual swaying left hook, right punch combo. He'll easily get thrown around. When going near him, you might as well throw it a right punch just to cause a bit more pain to him. Do the process repeatedly until he is already being violently thrown around by your force. When this happens, it's time to switch to our swaying left hook, Dempsey Roll combo. Just one Dempsey Roll should be fine. Do this until he comes down. He won't be able to get up anymore. ----------------------------------- Ippo Makunouchi VS Iwao Shimabukuro ----------------------------------- Background Story: ??? Strategy: This guy is really tough (to knock down), but you can still put him down even if he's definitely bulkier and taller than you. Rush in to him (don't get scared of his size) and then give him swaying left hook, right combos. At first it may seem that he's not getting hurt, but still, just keep on doing that. Eventually, he will start to get hurt, and then he will get stunned. Once he gets stunned, give him once Dempsey Roll (R1+X). Repeat the combo as long as he's still moving around. If you do manage to corner him, punch him a bit until he's stunned, then use a continuous attack of Dempsey Rolls! That should put him down permanently. ---------------------------------- Ippo Makunouchi VS Ryuhei Sawamura ---------------------------------- Background Story: Sawamura was a kid with a past that could turn anyone into a crazy monster. After being abused by his father, he stabbed him, which gave him a crazy idea about people getting hurt. His mother left him alone, and his psychotic mind became even worse. At the present, Sawamura's a powerful opponent who even knows how to destroy Ippo's Dempsey Roll, that's why with the help of Vorg and Itagaki, Ippo hopes to revise the Dempsey Roll into something that will work against a monster like Sawamura... even if it means hurting himself in the process. (Thanks to Keith C. for providing the info!) Strategy: Rush in to him and then do the swaying left hook, punch combo. Whenever he gets stunned, use one Dempsey Roll (R1+X). If you do manage to get him into the ropes or corner, give him a right punch or a swaying left hook to disorient him for a while, and then use continuous Dempsey Rolls. If he's still standing, repeat the process until he falls and never stands again. ---------------------------------- Ippo Makunouchi VS Takuzo Karasawa ---------------------------------- Background Story: Karasawa is a boxer from the same gym as Ippo's former opponent, Sanada. Knowing that Ippo's powerful is his body blows, Karasawa decides to train his body to be able to take some punishment. He also knows that the Dempsey Roll is Ippo's main finisher, so he prepares a counter measure for that as well. What he doesn't know is Ippo has a new fighting plan... (Thanks to Keith C. for providing the info!) Strategy: Rush in to him and then use the swaying left hook, punch combo. When he gets stunned, use one Dempsey Roll. Repeat the process, and a Dempsey Roll will probably smash him to the ground. -------------------------------- Ippo Makunouchi VS Ichiro Miyata -------------------------------- Background Story: After successfully defending both of their titles, it's time for Ippo and Miyata to continue the long-delayed match-up between the two of them. Years have passed and the two have really developed and are at the peak of their boxing skills. Who will win this time? Strategy: Ichiro Miyata is tough and our usual combo won't work well against him. Instead, we'll use a new method for dealing with Miyata, which will make the fight a lot easier. Rush in to him but not too close, just enough so that Miyata will start punching at you. Lean left (not total sway) and then press Square to throw a long jab. This should reach Miyata's head even if he's taller than you. Once you wear him down, just repeat the process. If you get the chance, then give him the swaying left hook, but it's not advisable to throw in the right punch because he will still be fast. If you do manage to get him stunned, then use one Dempsey Roll. If you manage to corner him, then use the continuous Dempsey Roll. He should be down by then. ----- Act 2:* ----- ------------------------------- Fumito Makino VS Manabu Itagaki ------------------------------- Background Story: ??? Strategy: Although he is obviously faster and more powerful than you, just rush into him and then use the swaying left hook, right punch combo. You should be able to put him down a couple of times. ------------------------------ Manabu Itagaki VS Hasao Baraki ------------------------------ Background Story: ??? Strategy: Extremely easy. Just use your swaying left hook, right punch combo and he'll be down in seconds! ---------------------------------- Manabu Itagaki VS Tadashi Nakayama ---------------------------------- Background Story: ??? Strategy: Extremely easy. Just the same as above. ----------------------------------- Manabu Itagaki VS Yoshiharu Urayasu ----------------------------------- Background Story: ??? Strategy: Extremely easy. Same procedure. ------------------------------ Manabu Itagaki VS Tetsuji Kiba ------------------------------ Background Story: ??? Strategy: Same as above, but he takes more before he goes down. ------------------------------- Manabu Itagaki VS Fumito Makino ------------------------------- Background Story: ??? Strategy: A bit tougher now (he was the guy you were controlling at the start), use the same old techniqe of swaying left hook, right punch combo. If he starts getting thrown away when you give him a swaying left hook, quickly follow him and then give him a right hook, then go back to your swaying left hook, right punch combo. He'll go down easily. ------------------------------ Manabu Itagaki VS Kyosuke Imai ------------------------------ Background Story: ??? Strategy: Use the swaying left hook, punch combo, then get out of his range because he is tough and powerful. Keep repeating this until he gets a bit weakened. Once he's been softened up, use the Slow Battle special (R1+X) and then rush into him and then as he attacks, counter him with any punch and then press (R1+O) to give bring up the crosshair with the shaded area. Put it where it will hurt him the most and he will go down. ----- Act 3:* ----- ------------------------------- Tatsuya Kimura VS Junichi Hotta ------------------------------- Background Story: This is Kimura's debut fight after being picked up by Takamura from being delinquent students. Kimura and Aoki were taken by Takamura after they got beaten up by some teenage gang. They still don't like Takamura for beating them up, but they thank him in their own way for giving them a chance to take part in boxing. In the match, Kimura noticed that his opponent was too weak and slow. Then he realized it was because they were sparring all the while against the powerful Takamura. Strategy: Be careful because Kimura isn't strong yet. Use a swaying left hook, then move out of Hotta's range. Repeat until you put him down. ------------------------------- Masaru Aoki VS Hiroshi Yamanaka ------------------------------- Background Story: Aoki is Kimura's best buddy. They've been through a lot of troubles for being delinquents. He was taken by Takamura along with Kimura after getting beat up by some teenage gang. Their motivation for boxing is to be able to hit Takamura at least once, because they look up to him a lot. Aoki finishes the match with a broken face. Strategy: Just like the first, use swaying left hooks to put him out. Be careful not to take hits from the other guy, because you could be the one kissing the mat! -------------------------------- Tatsuya Kimura VS Armand Alegria -------------------------------- Background Story: ??? Strategy: Quickly rush in and don't let Alegria get away from you. Use your swaying left hooks until he gets weak, and then start using the swaying left hook, right punch combo. Once Alegria is stunned, use the Fish Hook punch (R1+X) right in front of him to connect. Alegria will go down quickly. ----------------------------- Mamoru Takamura VS R. Bernard ----------------------------- Background Story: Takamura decides that he wants to become the top gun of six weight divisions, Jr. Middle Weight up to Heavy Weight, but he has to face Rally Bernard first. In a bold statement, Takamura also declares that he won't get hit by Bernard, of course, resulting in a mad opponent. In the match, Takamura tries to trick Bernard, but it backfires. Still, Takamura doesn't get hurt so he proceeds to finish off Bernard easily. (Thanks to Keith C. for providing the info!) Strategy: Quickly rush in and use the swaying left hook, right punch combo. You can also play around with this guy because Takamura is extremely strong. A few hits will slow down Bernard to a turtle's pace, and that's just the first few seconds. You can experiment with what Takamura has here. ---------------------------- Tatsuya Kimura VS E. Battery ---------------------------- Background Story: Hailing from the Philippines, the Jr. Light Weight champ Battery becomes Kimura's next target. At the start of the match, Kimura attacks, but gets countered by Battery, sending him down the canvas. After getting bashed around, Kimura discovers that Battery has a week body, so he starts targetting Battery's problem area. Kimura was starting to win, when all of a sudden, the match already comes to an end, giving a result of draw. (Thanks to Keith C. for providing the info!) Strategy: Rush to him and start giving him rapid swaying left hooks. Once he weakens and slows down, do the swaying left, right punch combo. If he gets stunned, use the Fish Hook punch (R1+X) while close to him and he will go down quickly. However, be careful of his punches as his reach is pretty long as well. ------------------------- Masaru Aoki VS P. Daichiu ------------------------- Background Story: From India comes Daichiu, Aoki's opponent. At first, Aoki pounds on Daichiu, but in reality, Daichiu was just acting to get Aoki to drop his guard. Aoki gets hurt after he gets caught off guard, and continues to get pulverized until Tomiko, his girl, shouts at him. Later on, Aoki notices that Daichiu has a weak body, so he decides to destroy Daichiu by blasting his body. Daichiu does the same, and in the end, they both get knocked down. (Thanks to Keith C. for providing the info!) Strategy: This guy has a BIG head and a strange vegetable-like haircut. Even if he's quite strong, you have a big target (his head) which you can easily hit. Just rush in and do the swaying left hook, right punch combo until he staggers. Right straight punches are also effective if you want to add more damage to him while you're rushing to him. Then once he gets stunned, do the Double Punch (R1+O) right into his face, since it hits better than the Frog Jump Punch (R1+Square). He'll go down quickly as well. ------------------------------ Mamoru Takamura VS David Eagle ------------------------------ Background Story: Eagle, the Middle Weight champion, wasn't expecting Brian Hawk to get destroyed by anyone else, because he considers him as his future contender. Being an olympic medalist as well, it just proves that he deserves his champion status. Now that Takamura has challenged him, it is time to see if Takamura can continue his journey of dominating the higher weight divisions... (Thanks to Keith C. for providing the info!) Strategy: Eagle is almost as powerful and fast as you are, but keep giving him swaying left hooks. Once he gets weakened, just continue doing that, then give him the occassional right straight punch. If you manage to get him into a corner, then pummel him by pressing Triangle and Square alternately in rapid succession, and Takamura will unleash a flurry of punches to Eagle's face, putting him down. ----- Act 4:* ----- ------------------------------- Genji Kamogawa VS Dankichi Hama ------------------------------- Background Story: This was the match Kamogawa had when he was younger. Hama became the coach of Ippo's medical boxer opponent afterwards. Strategy: Be careful because you are extremely slow! Rush to Hama and then give him multiple swaying left hooks. When he gets tired, it's time to do the swaying left hook, right punch combo to knock him back into a corner. If he gets stunned, just punish him some more. Once Hama is in a corner, press the Triangle and Square alternately in a rapid fashion to destroy Hama's head. --------------------------------- Genji Kamogawa VS Genpachi Nekota --------------------------------- Background Story: The two were rivals once, but when Nekota grew old, he helped Kamogawa train Ippo and friends to become stronger. He also has a strangely gigantic furry dog. He owns a house in the mountains where he entertains guests and his friends. Strategy: Although he punches faster, just rush into him and give him lots of swaying left hooks. Once he starts getting thrown away, start the swaying left hook, right punch combo. If you get him into a corner, pummel with with the Triangle,Square rapid repetition combo. He'll go down right away. -------------------------------- Genji Kamogawa VS Ralph Anderson -------------------------------- Background Story: After Anderson severely destroyed Nekota, Kamogawa's out for revenge... Strategy: Rush in but not too close to Anderson. He is a lot taller than you, and has good power. Since you are slow, you cannot just exchange punches with him, so you need to keep a bit distance. Once you have positioned yourself in front of him, lean the the left and then press Square the throw the left rising jab. This should reach Anderson's chin. After a few hits, he will be stunned, use Kamogawa's special punch (R1+X) to destroy his body. Anderson will be visible slower once hit with that. Continue the pattern until he succumbs to your power. ----- Act 5:* ----- You can unlock Act 5 after becoming a champion in any division in Boxer's Road. ----------------------------- Mamoru Takamura VS Brian Hawk ----------------------------- Background Story: Time has come for Takamura to battle it out with Hawk for the World Title! This was Takamura's main goal right from the start, winning over enemies as his stepping stone towards this climactic battle against someone who is stronger and faster than him! Strategy: Brian Hawk is extremely fast and powerful. If you try the previous methods that we have applied on the others, you will get destroyed easily. There is a new way to defeat Brian Hawk. When Brian Hawk gets near, follow these steps: 1. Push left on your analog stick and then tap L1 for about 0.25 to 0.50 seconds. Release it. 2. Takamura will start to move left after that. When this happens, after around 0.25 to 0.50 seconds when Takamura first moves to the left, hit the X button to make him throw a hook. We'll just call this the "moving left hook". The move works because when Brian Hawk starts attacking, he usually can't face you. We then took advantage of this flaw by Hawk. If you do the move any slower, Hawk will have the time to face you and counter you, that's why we need to act in almost under 1 second. Just take the safe route by doing this move on Hawk over and over again. Forget about being overly agressive because he is a lot stronger and faster than you. You will also notice that after some time, Hawk will begin to lose balance whenever you hit him. Wait for him to get stunned, and then rush to him and then give him the swaying left hook. After landing the hook, dash backwards because he might come back right at you with multiple punches. As long as he doesn't hit you, you are doing a good job. It is possible to knock Hawk out, but to be on the safer side, just do the move repeatedly to avoid getting hit. You will usually win by Decision, but a win is a win after all! ----------------------------- Eiji Date VS Ricardo Martinez ----------------------------- Background Story: A few years back, Date challenged Martinez for the World Title. He thought that he was already good enough to become World Champion, but this was proven wrong by Martinez who destroyed him right away, leaving him with a crooked nose. Time passed and Eiji Date regained his composure once again after defeating the still budding Ippo Makunouchi. This time, Date knew he will destroy Martinez so he travels out of Japan, but Martinez doubts that... Strategy: The first thing you have to remember is NOT to get hit by Martinez. A few of his punches could send you to the mat instantly, and even if you manage to stand up, you'll be slowed down to a turtle's pace. What you have to do first is activate the Slow Battle move (R1+X) when Martinez is near you so that you will be able to follow his movements. Next, when Martinez starts attacking you, duck. The kind of duck we are aiming for is the one where Date's head is almost at waist level, which is really low. Once you have achieved this form of ducking technique, hit Martinez with the ducking left uppercut (R2+X while ducking). If done correctly, you'll hit Martinez and he will be in pain. While Martinez is trying to recover from the hit, deactivate your Slow Battle (by pressing R1+X again) and move away from Martinez. Repeat the whole process until you feel the vibration in your controller. That means he is really in pain now. If possible, try to corner Martinez. If you somehow corner Martinez, there is no need to deactivate the Slow Battle move. This is the best time to hit Martinez non-stop with the ducking left uppercut. Hit him with this over and over, and after he receives too much damage, he will just fall over. But do not put your guard down, because he is bound to stand up once again. If ever you run out of Slow Battle, it will become VERY dangerous to hit Martinez with the ducking left uppercut. It will now become a game of cat and mouse. Just run away from Martinez for a few rounds until your Slow Battle move has recovered. If you think you have replenished the Slow Battle move, and you are still not destroyed by Martinez, then it is time to attack once more. Just repeat the process. Remember, the best situation is when Martinez gets cornered. As much as possible, aim for that. The moment that you feel uneasy, stop and move away from Martinez because a slight delay of your reflexes could mean a knock down. Even if in Slow Battle mode, Martinez is a lot faster than you, so don't even think of doing the usual methods we have applied on the other boxers. Martinez is simply different. He is the final boss. Even with the current method we have here, it is very hard to pull a victory against Martinez. If you somehow beat him, congratulations! ************************************************************************************************ PART 3 ************************************************************************************************ ------------ Boxer's Road:* ------------ This is the career mode of this boxing game. You start out first by selecting which time period in the manga/anime you wish to start. If you do not want to fight or get in touch with Ippo and the other boxers, you can create your own career that doesn't involve them. At the Start Time Select screen, move the left analog stick to choose the time period. To start your own career without the Ippo story, pull the analog stick to the left until you see a green box enclosing some Japanese words. Press X to affirm your selection. You will then be brought to the Gym Select screen. You can choose different gyms from Japan, Korea, Thailand, England, and USA. -------------- Boxer Creation:* -------------- After choosing your gym, you will then have to input your name, birthday, and other data about your boxer. If you chose a time period in the Ippo story, the year of birth will have certain limitations. *SPECIAL NOTE: In order to enable the HITMAN style, you must have a REACH of about 176.1 cm or more! Other styles will be enabled as you continue training. You will then be asked to if you want a Character Template or if you want to Generate a Template. Character Template gives you a list of characters that you can base your boxer on. If you choose to Generate a Template, you will be shown a screen with some random boxer's face. Use the left analog stick and push any direction to randomly generate a boxer. Pushing left or right on the right analog stick rotates the character, while pushing up or down increases and decreases the weight respectively. After choosing a template or generating a character, you will be shown another screen that has five tabs: Base, Face, Hair, Body, and Clothes. While in that screen, you can use the right analog stick to rotate your boxer. ---- Base ---- You can modify the Height, Weight, Age, and Style of your boxer here. ---- Face ---- You can modify the Base, Head, Jaw, Ear, Mouth, Nose, Eyebrow, Eye, Cheek, and Color. Much of the settings deal with the size. They are all in English, so you can just play around with the settings that interest you with no problem. ---- Hair ---- You are presented with four main options: Hair, Mustache Type, Beard Type, and Customize. Although the names of the hair and mustaches are in Japanese, you can still see them while you choose them since your boxer's hair changes to what is currently highlighted on the list. Customizing them is easier because all the details are in plain English. ---- Body ---- You can modify the Neck Length, Shoulder Width, Arms Length, Body Length, Waist Size, Leg Length, and Foot Size here. ------- Clothes ------- You can change your Trunks and Shoes here. They are easily customizable as the rest. Saving As A Template: After you have changed the appearance of your boxer to your heart's content, you can opt to save it as a template if you want. Just choose "Save" down the screen, and then choose "ALL". When you have done everything that you want, you can now press OK to start your boxer's career! ------------------ Boxer Modification:* ------------------ You will be brought to a screen and the coach of the gym will talk to you in Japanese. Just ignore this. You will see that the screen is filled with different information about your boxer. You can move/change the highlighted area by moving the stick. Here are the parts of the screen: The Middle Area - shows your coach or whoever talks to you. They usually give out information, but that is only useful if you can read Japanese. If you press X here, someone will talk to you. The Bottom Area - this shows you your general stats. This is what you will be looking at most of the time to monitor your boxer's progress. If you press X here, you will be shown a complete list of stats that change according to what you do. The Left Area - this shows some trivial information about your boxer. Let's refer to this as the "Profile" since it has stuff that you can change about your boxer. Press X to enter it. ------------ Profile Area ------------ You will see a lot of choices here. Move your left analog stick to navigate through them. ---- Info ---- This shows you general information about your boxer, like his fighting history, some personal data, and his special moves. ----- Style ----- You can change your boxer's Fight Style and Character here. The longer you play, the more fighting styles you will have. Fighting Styles include: 1. Boxer Fighter Style 2. Fighter Style 3. Up Style 4. Hitman Style 5. Peek-A-Boo Style 6. Open Style 7. Free Style ------- SP MOVE ------- This shows your special moves. You have four slots there from top to bottom. Let's just say that they are "Square, Triangle, X, O" in decending order. After choosing, you will have a few choices: No Use, Special, Original Blow, Provoke, Slowly Battle, Momentary Battle, Switch. Choose which one you like to assign to the button. As for the Original Blow, we will learn how to make one later. The Special Moves need to be unlocked... In order to use a Special Move, press the R1 button plus the button you assigned the move to. ---- Hair ---- Modify it just like before. ------ Trunks ------ Same as always. ----- Shoes ----- Modify as you wish. ----- Glove ----- Customize this if you want. ----- Beard ----- Change as you wish. ----- Decor ----- For Head and Body, you have to unlock its contents by progressing in your career. ------- Results ------- View your fight results. ----- Items ----- Check out the items you have collected throughout your career. ----- Names ----- You can unlock names by reaching certain stats. The more you play, the more you unlock, especially if your body changes. For example, you become a muscle-bound guy, you will have the "Macho" or "Super Macho" names available. --------- Blow Edit --------- You can create your own Special Move here! First, select "Create New Blow". You will be asked to choose if you want to make a Close Range Swing, Long Range Swing, or Duck Swing. Pick the one you like. After that, you will get another set of punches available for that set, choose what you want. You will see three tabs: Start Edit, Impact Edit, and End Edit. Start Edit - use the left analog stick to position where your punch will come from. Once satisfied, press Square to move to Impact Edit. Impact Edit - this is where you will position the impact point of your special move. Once happy with it, press Square to move to End Edit. End Edit - you will now have to position your hand where it will be after the blow hits your enemy. You can press Square again to go back to Start Edit or Impact Edit if you want to renew some of your moves. After you think you like the move already, you can preview it in action by pressing Triangle. Your boxer will go into the animation that you just made! Press Triangle again to make your boxer stop so that you can save the special move. Press X, then choose YES. Choose YES again and you can now save. If you want to assign your newly made special move, go back to SP MOVE, and then choose a slot/button to assign it to. Now choose "Original Blow" and load it from the memory card. That's pretty much it in the Profile Area. Back to the main screen, at the bottom right corner you will see the schedule for the day. If you press X on it, you will be brought to the Schedule screen. Just above you can see these choices: Schedule, Ratings, Strategy, Options, Save/Load, Retire. Schedule - this brings you to the Schedule screen where you can fix your boxer's daily routine. Ratings - shows the ratings. Strategy - you can make your own boxing algorithm here. Some of the text are in Japanese, but it seems possible to be used since there are English words there that probably describe what each adjustment is for. Options - you can find the Boxer's Road Option here. It is important that you know this because this is where you can see the Schedule Setting (which is not in the normal options menu). The Schedule Setting lets you dictate when a certain routine will automatically stop. It can be on a Bout Day, Weekly, or Monthly basis. This is very important for people who want to study their boxer's progress meticulously and to avoid little accidents in your progress calculation. Just above the lists, you can see a Clock on the main screen. It becomes active once you have a scheduled fight. It will tell you how many days are remaining before your bout. If you press X on it while it is running, you will enter a screen with data about your opponent. You can view a video of your opponent fighting someone so that you can start strategizing about your opponent and not be caught by surprise. Above the Clock is the Calendar which tells you the current date. If you press X on it, you will enter the Calendar screen, which comes along with other tabs like Schedule, Training, and Setting. --------------- Schedule Screen:* --------------- When you enter the Schedule screen, you will be able to access the other screens from here as well. ----- Meals ----- This is where you will assign your boxer's daily diet. The center of the screen shows you different kinds of food, while next to it is the Nutrition Sheet that lists how much of what is in your food. Pressing X will let you move around the center screen. Each meal is separated by letters. Letters A, B, and C contains some default diets for you to use, but you can still change it if you want. To change a certain meal, just press X on the letter of the meal you want to modify. You will see three choices. Choose the FIRST one. You'll notice that there's a green box at the center of the screen. Move it and select one that you want to change. A list then appears at the left part, you can scroll down to see what food you want to add. Notice that the Nutrition Sheet at the right part of the screen changes accordingly to your food. Press X to put the food into your meal. After being satisfied with your meal, press the Square button to exit the center screen. You'll notice that the letter is in the box now. Press X again and the three choices will appear again. Choose the SECOND option. You will notice that a green box with an arrow has been placed in the boxes at the bottom of the screen. You can move it with the left analog stick. Press X to confirm, press X again if you want to remove it (you will be shown two options, choose the SECOND one to remove). The box at the bottom of the screen with the numbers represent one whole day. Each number is a specific time of the day. It goes from 6:00 hours to 23:00 hours. -------- Training -------- Just like setting your Meals, the same goes for Training. Choose any form of training you want by pressing X while the word "Training" is in the green box, then select from the pictures. You can scroll more to the right while choosing your training method to reveal SPECIAL TRAINING methods, which are unlocked as time passes. Just set each training as you would with meals. -------- Calendar -------- This shows you the current date and the days in the month. Press X and you will be able to move around the days. Press X on a certain day, and three choices will show up. The FIRST choice lets you mark that day as a TRAINING day. The second choice lets you mark it as a SPARRING day. The last option lets you remove either the Training or the Sparring day on that certain date. -------- Settings -------- If you don't like doing things manually, you can use this to make automatic arrangements for your boxer's meals, trainings, and rest days. Very helpful. You have a list of different stuff to change: Meals 1. Glucose 2. Amino Acid 3. Fatty Acid 4. Water Training 1. Power 2. Speed 3. Stamina Calendar 1. Holiday 2. Sparring Each of them has a slide of their own. Meals and Training have 0-20 while the Calendar has 0-7. You will also notice that there is a Doctor and Weight Coach option there. To activate each, press X on one of them. You will see a screen with the choices: OK, Cancel. Choose OK and you'll notice that the settings have been modified. The Doctor setting lets you regain health and rest, while the Weight Coach will help you with weight related problems. Once you have set up your daily routine (meals, training, calendar), press OK and you will then start the training. You can set the routine to stop during Bout Days, or Weekly and Monthly at the Boxer's Road Options. Sometimes, your coach will ask you if you want to take the Pro-Test Boxer exam. You will be given a choice of Yes or No. Pick what you want to do. The coach will talk to you from time to time, check the Training screen for new special drills in the Special Training part. --------------- Boxer's Routine:* --------------- Developing one's boxer is quite a tough and challenging job, since you will have to maintain his weight, while developing your other stats. Let us take a look at what other factors we should supervise... 1. Life - of course you need to have high levels of this so that you will not be knocked out easily. 2. Endurance - this tells you how much punishment you can take without getting hurt too much. The more, the better. It seems that Life and Endurance go together. 3. Stamina - another important factor. This tells you how long you can stay at full power without slowing down to a turtle's pace in a match. It's no use having high life with low stamina, since your punches won't hit them anymore because you've been slowed down too much. 4. Rush Stamina - this is probably your "reserve" stamina. I've seen some boxers who have been beaten up pretty badly, suddenly come back with a spurt of energy. This must be it. 5. Bad Health - it has the word bad, then it can never be beneficial to you. Bad health seems to have negative effects on your boxer's durability in the match, no matter what his Life is. Better keep this to zero, or a minimum at least. 6. Fatigue - fatigue is never helpful. Instead of gaining more positive values, if your fatigue level reaches a high point, you'll see this turn RED, and you will suddenly notice that your supposedly good stats begin dropping! And even worse, the more Fatigue you have, the more Bad Health you'll have! 7. Speed Average - it is no use becoming the most powerful if you have no speed at all. Remember, the slower you are, the easier it is to counter-punch you, and when you take a counter-blow, your energy will be added to your enemy's force, and you'll be receiving the extra damage instead! It is very hard to develop this. 8. Hand SP - probably the fastest type of speed to gain, this translates into how fast you can let out flurry of punches. Of course, you still have to take stamina into consideration... 9. Sway SP - if you want to avoid getting hurt, or counter-punch effectively, you have to be agile. It develops in an alright but still slow manner. 10. Footwork SP - the slowest part to develop. Footwork speed is important so that you can move around the ring, but there seems to be almost no alternative as to how to improve this than by just using the old methods... which is extremely slow. 11. Heavy Punch POW - the higher, the better. 12. Solid Punch POW - the higher, the better. 13. Muscles - the higher the level of your muscles, the stronger and tougher you get! 14. Technic - this grows as you progress. Maybe it's a sign of how effective your boxer is becoming. 15. Concentration - seems to co-relate with the amount of time you can have Slow Battle on. 16. Weight - Of course, you have to constantly check your weight and manage it so that you'll never be bothered by becoming too over or under weight in your division. Remember that if you fail the weight test around 6 to 8 times, your coach will just let you go, and it'll be game over. 17. Fat - this lets you train and last longer than normal. 18. Glucose - gives you more energy. 19. Amino Acid - develops muscles and seems to add more to endurance. 20. Fatty Acid - adds some fat in your content. 21. Water - lessens fatigue while training. ------------------------- Recommended Diet Settings:* ------------------------- Here are the settings that worked for me. Before anything else, please remember that different gyms mean different rates of development, but these should give you pretty decent stats around a year's time. It is also advisable to start a few Weight Divisions below your target division, so that you will have some time to develop your boxer before making him fight right away. Meals: (20/20) Parts 1. Glucose 8 2. Amino Acid 20 3. Fatty Acid 1 4. Water 20 Training: (20/20) 1. Power 20 2. Speed 20 3. Stamina 20 Calendar: (7/7) 1. Holiday 3 2. Sparring 0 With these settings, if you start from the lightest weight, you can reach the Feather Weight Division's requirement (around 123 pounds) in one yar. Also, each of your stats should have been raised considerably well. Once you have reached your target Weight Division, you will need to adjust the settings or you can simply switch on the Weight Coach so that you will maintain your weight in a healthy way. When you switch on the Weight Coach, you will still gain stats, but you will notice that it increases in a slower rate than before. This is better than losing your stats because of high fatigue caused by trying to lose weight while over training. ------------------------ Common Boxer's Obstacles:* ------------------------ As with real life boxers, your creation will find himself in different situations that don't really benefit him at all. Here are some of the common hurdles that your boxer must overcome in order to attain the boxer's glory. Situation: Boxer is not losing weight. Solution: 1. Turn on Weight Coach to automatically lose weight in a usually healthy way. 2. Raise the Stamina Training since it causes you to lose weight faster if you're into manual management of your boxer's stats. 3. Do NOT cause your boxer to reach maximum Fatigue, even if it is the fastest way to lose weight. High Fatigue causes you to lose your hard earned stats very quickly. This is not healthy. Situation: Boxer is losing stats in a dangerous level. Solution: 1. Make sure the Fatigue of your boxer does not reach over half of its maximum. You'll know that it is already reaching its half when the bar changes into a dark orange color. If it goes above this, the bar will turn red, and you will lose more of your good stats extremely fast. 2. If your boxer is still losing some of his stats, you might need to re-adjust some of your training and diet portions. Try turning on the Weight Coach and then experiment with the meals. Situation: Boxer has a good enough Life, but he still gets tired easily after getting punched a few times. Solution: 1. Raise your endurance and stamina so that your boxer will become tougher to tire. 2. Try a little more Amino Acid and see if it helps raise your Endurance. 3. Make sure that you don't have a high level of Bad Health since this detracts from your real Life value while in the ring. Even if you have over a million of Life, you can be destroyed quite easily if your Bad Health is high. Situation: Boxer suddenly becomes TOO SLOW while in the ring, other times he can keep up with his opponents speed. Solution: 1. Your enemy might be using the Slow Battle move. This causes you to slow down while he starts to move faster. 2. If Slow Battle is used by your opponent, use your own Slow Battle if you have it to even up the pace once again. Just turn it off once you notice that he has become slower since he may have run out of the Slow Battle move. 3. If your opponent is simply faster than you, try giving him a number of body attacks to slow him down. Once slowed down, you can evade his attacks better so make it count. 4. You can also increase your Speed Training while lowering the other two so as to maintain weight as best as you could while concentrating on speed. Situation: Boxer has good stats but he is slower, weaker, and faster to knock down than his previous fights. Solution: 1. If you have good stats and you seem to be easier to defeat, you might have high Bad Health and Fatigue. High levels of these will not let you fight at your boxer's full potential. 2. In order to prevent Bad Health and Fatigue, about 5 or 6 days before your match, turn on the Weight Coach so that it will give you a safe setting, then give 7 parts to your Holiday, and put the Power, Speed, and Stamina training to 0. You should have 0 Bad Health and probably 700 Fatigue that goes up and down even if you're not doing anything. Bad Health below 80,000 is acceptable and should not bother your boxer at all, once you have trained your boxer in an effective way. Situation: Boxer has a lot of Bad Health, and they won't go down even when he does not have any stressful activities left. Solution: 1. Bad Health only goes down when Fatigue goes down, so you must keep in mind that if you lose all of your Fatigue and is still a high level of Bad Health, you will need to gain some Fatigue in order to lose Bad Health. Fatigue pulls down Bad Health. 2. Try having a stressful activity that will give some Fatigue to your boxer, and then remove all the stressful activities when the Fatigue level passes more than half of its maximum. It should pull down the Bad Health along with it. --------------------------- Division Weight Information:* --------------------------- By the way, you might want to know how much you should weigh to be eligible to join a certain division. Here's a list of good estimates where you want your weight to be around: Division Maximum Weight Limit 1. Minimum Weight Below 87 pounds 2. Straw Weight 104 pounds 3. Junior Fly Weight 108 pounds 4. Fly Weight 112 pounds 5. Junior Bantam Weight 115 pounds 6. Bantam Weight 118 pounds 7. Junior Feather Weight 122 pounds 8. Feather Weight 126 pounds 9. Junior Light Weight 130 pounds 10. Light Weight 135 pounds 11. Junior Welter Weight 140 pounds 12. Welter Weight 147 pounds 13. Junior Middle Weight 154 pounds 14. Middle Weight 160 pounds 15. Super Middle Weight 168 pounds 16. Light Heavy Weight 174 pounds 17. Cruiser Weight 189 pounds 18. Heavy Weight 191 pounds or more Thanks to Koartist for providing the precise numbers. ------------ The Pro-Test:* ------------ Here is a guide on how to successfully reach the Pro-Test, which will give your boxer the license to officially fight for glory! When the screen first loads after creating your character, the coach will be talking to you. He is telling you about your Schedule. After he finishes talking, you might as well save first so that your well designed boxer won't go to waste when a power failure happens or someone trips over the wires. 1. Choose "SAVE/LOAD". 2. Choose "SAVE". 3. Choose the left option to confirm. 4. You will be brought to the screen. Choose your memory card's slot. 5. Choose "NEW DATA" and another question appears. 6. Choose "YES" 7. Input the name of your file. Since this is your first time saving, you might as well give it the name of your Boxer. 8. Choose "END" and you will be done. There will be one line of Japanese characters on screen to tell you that saving was successful. 9. You will be brought to a black screen with two options. Choose "YES". 10. Choose the slot where your memory card is. 11. Choose "YES". 12. After successful saving, there will be one line of Japanese characters on screen. You're done. After saving, you can now modify your character in the Profile Area (left part of the screen) or go ahead and make your Schedule. First, let's assign a couple of moves to your boxer so that he will have an edge. Go to the Profile Area, which is the left-most part of the main screen. Press X once it is highlighted in a green box. You will see lots of things that you can modify, but our interest as of now is the SP MOVE part. Select it and press X. You will see that the first box with Japanese characters has been highlighted by the green box. These are actually the buttons where you want to assign your special moves. Here they are, in descending order. 1. SQUARE 2. TRIANGLE 3. X 4. O For now, let's choose "X", which is the third box. You will notice that half of the screen will have a list of choices. No Use - this button is free. Special - assign a Special Move that you have unlocked in your career. Original Blow - assign the special move that you have created in the Blow Edit. Provoke - does a provoking taunt. Slowly Battle - slows down the pace of battle, especially useful if you want to counter-punch those speedier opponents. Momentary Battle - it makes your counter-punch deadlier by adding accuracy and force to it. To use this, after you have unleashed the counter-punch, press the R1+button assigned to this and a screen with a semi-transparent grey area with a green cursor will appear. Move the cursor to aim, hit the button where you assigned it to confirm. Switch - this changes your stance from left-foot-lead to a right-foot-lead. Let's choose "Slowly Battle" and press X. You will be brought back to the screen where you choose the button to assign a special move. Next, let's choose the "Triangle" button, which is the second box on the list. Choose "Switch" and press X. Now that we're done, just press Square to get out of the SP MOVE section, then press Triangle to go back to the main screen. When you are satisfied with the details about your character, choose SCHEDULE. The first screen will show you the MEALS tab. Move it to the SETTINGS tab. As you move along, get familiar with how each tab looks like. Once the SETTINGS tab is showing, push down and there will be a box highlighting the MEALS section. To modify a section, simply press X when it is being enclosed in a green box. You can activate the Doctor or Weight coach by pressing X on them, and then choosing "YES". Doing this will change all of your settings, so you must be sure you want to activate them in the first place before doing so. For now, input these settings by moving the slider to the right by the number listed here: Meals: (20/20) Parts 1. Glucose 8 2. Amino Acid 20 3. Fatty Acid 1 4. Water 20 Training: (20/20) 1. Power 20 2. Speed 20 3. Stamina 20 Calendar: (7/7) 1. Holiday 3 2. Sparring 0 Once you have assigned each value, press the SQUARE button or push up until the SETTINGS tab is highlighted. Move to the right again to highlight "OK" and then press X. You will be brought back to the main screen, and you will notice that the date and the clock will be active. While this is happening, people from the gym will talk to you occassionally. After around 2 months, your coach will talk to you and ask you if you want to take the Pro-Test. Choose "YES" and you will have 60 days to prepare. You can see how many days are left by checking the number beside the clock. Wait until it has reached 0 and you will be sent off to fight in the Pro-Test. The Pro-Test Fight: In the fight, you will be wearing protective gears since this is just a test. This match is easy, even in your current state. You might be a bit slow, but your opponent is slower, especially if you followed our SETTINGS. This is your best opportunity to try out the different moves. Practice leaning left and right, swaying, dashing, ducking and then rushing, and more. Once you get accustomed, you can then proceed to destroy your opponent. It is also a good idea to practice countering your opponent's attacks. Once you knock down the enemy twice, you already have won! There are only 2 rounds in this match, so make it quick if you want to defeat this guy by round 1. Congratulations, you now have a Pro Boxer's License!!! After the fight, you will be brought back to the main screen. -------------------- Your First Pro Match:* -------------------- From the main screen, choose "SAVE/LOAD" and then save your game. Now might be a good idea to create another file. Just call it "(Boxer Name) BFR FIGHT", which you will use to save right before a match. Once you have created this file, save another time to your "(Boxer Name)" file, the one you first made. Right now, you should know in what division you wish to participate. Let's assume that you are a couple of divisions below your intended one. The settings we are using adds 2 pounds or so to your boxer per month, so just do a quick calculation and you will know how long you will still need in order to reach the division's weight requirement. Now, choose SCHEDULE and then go to the SETTINGS tab. By now, the settings there will still be fine to use and won't cause too much Fatigue to your character, but if ever you notice him getting high levels of Fatigue, just increase the number of parts your Holiday has. That should fix the problem. Choose "OK" from the tabs and you will be brought back to the main screen. Your coach will appear and he tells you to go choose your FIRST Pro Match. You will be brought to the screen with names written on it. The darker area means you cannot fight with the boxers there because they are higher or lower in rank than you. As of now, you are in the division where your weight was first registered. By now, you should have figured out where you want to participate, and how long it will take you to build up while gaining weight in order to pass the weight requirement. Press the O button the move the list up by one division, or press the Square button the move the list down by one division. Press up or down to scroll through the names. You will notice that some names are written in red or green, while the rest are in plain white. You must remember that: 1. Boxers whose names are written in red cannot be fought against because they are from the same gym as yours. 2. Boxers whose names are written in green can be fought, but you must know that they are SPECIAL characters, and they have unbelievably high stats. They could knock you out in one round if you're not careful. You will also notice that those in the green list are usually familiar characters, like Ippo, Miyata, Vorg, Sendo, and the rest of the gang. Choose a boxer you think you want to fight (please choose someone whose name is written in white) and press X. You will be shown the boxer's general information. Choose "OK". Choose "YES". There will be a screen with a bunch of numbers. These are the choices on how many days you want to have until you fight the guy. Choose the lowest number so we can have our first match quickly. The numbers generated are random. After choosing the number of days, choose where you want your match to be held. You will then be shown the calendar, and it will show you the exact date of when your match will happen. Press X and choose "YES". You will be brought back to the main screen, and you'll notice that the Clock is active again, and there's a number counting down to the days remaining until your fight. Highlight the Clock area and press X. You are now in your opponent's Stats Screen. You will notice that there are more information about him here. And of course, do not forget, you can watch a video of your opponent's match by pressing X. Please remember that you can't watch the video of a boxer whose name is written in green. After enjoying the video or mocking (or admiring) your opponent's stats, press Triangle to go back to the main screen and continue the countdown. As of now, make sure that SCHEDULE is highlighted because we are going to do something VERY IMPORTANT. When there are only 6 days left (you should see the number beside the Clock), press X on SCHEDULE, go to the SETTINGS tab, press X on Weight Coach. Choose "OK". Press X again on Weight Coach and you'll notice that the settings have been altered. Weight Coach should have "ON" beside it. After turning Weight Coach on, change the settings to this: Training: (20/20) 1. Power 0 2. Speed 0 3. Stamina 0 Calendar: (7/7) 1. Holiday 7 2. Sparring 0 What we just did was we removed all the stressful activities of our boxer, and gave him lots of time to rest. The reason why we didn't change the MEALS setting is because when we turned on the Weight Coach, it already set the MEALS into something healthy. Press Square and then choose the OK tab. You will then be returned to the main screen. Reminder: After using your own setup, DO NOT press Triangle and choose "YES" because this will bring you back to the main screen without accepting the changes that you've made. It is always the safest to go to the "OK" tab and then press X on it to return to the main screen WITH the settings that you've made. Back at the main screen, you will notice that your Bad Health and Fatigue will quickly decrease to 0. Don't be alarmed that Fatigue tries to go up from time to time, because it can't go high anymore because of all the rest, and it quickly goes down. This is the best way to avoid bringing our boxer into a fight with high Fatigue levels. This also ensures that our boxer will be fighting with 99.99% of his potential! When you finally reach the day of your fight, the coach will talk to you and you will be brought to the weighing area. It will say "PASSED" if you met the required weight, and "FAILED" if you didn't. After being brought back to the main screen, now would be a good time to SAVE. Choose "SAVE/LOAD" and do as before. Remember the other file we made earlier, the one with the "(Boxer's Name) BFR Fight)" name? Save in that file. The reason here is simple. By saving after passing the weight check, all you have to do next is fight the guy. If you get beaten, and you still believe that you can really defeat him and you just made a little calculation in your fight, you can always load back from this file, without having to go through the training/diet thing. It saves you time and frustration. After passing the weight check and saving, choose SCHEDULE. Go to the "OK" tab and press "X". You will be brought to the main screen, and your Coach and gym mates will cheer you on. You are now in your FIRST PRO MATCH!!! The Pro Match: The opponent here will be weaker than you. You are a lot better than him in any aspect, so don't be afraid to try new things. Now is the time to experiment more. By now, you can probably drop the guy with just a few punches. Be confident of your strength! After destroying your enemy, you will be asked if you want to save that data. Just choose "No" since it doesn't really have anything to do. Now, once you are back at the main screen, now is the time to SAVE. This time, instead of saving in your "(Boxer's Name) BFR Fight" file, save the one that is simply "(Boxer's Name)". Now, you have a file before the fight, which is useful for doing a quick re-match with the guy, and you have a file (before the fight) that can be used to choose another opponent if the last one was too impossible for you and (after the match) can be used to save your "perfect" progress. If you manage to become your division's champion, you will be able to transfer to other boxing groups, like the IBF, WBO, and more! To do this, simply press Right or Left while you're on the screen that lets you choose your next opponent. You will notice that the list will change and the group's name will be displayed above. You will also notice that this time, some of the names will not be deactivated, meaning, you can now start challenging people from that group! The way to access the other groups is by becoming the champion of the new group you just joined, or attain a high rank within them. That's all about the things that you will need in order to advance in your career. Happy Boxing! ************************************************************************************************ PART 5 ************************************************************************************************ ------- Secrets:* ------- Unlock Act 5: To unlock Act 5, finish Acts 1 to 4, then make a boxer in Boxer's Road. Become the division's champion and you will have unlocked Act 5 in Arcade Mode. Unlock Gyms/Arenas In Exhibition Mode: To unlock Gyms and Arenas in Exhibition mode, you have to finish all the Acts to unlock the stages involved, and then you will have to play in Boxer's Road to fight in new Arenas which will then be unlocked once you fight in them. Unlock License Cards: To unlock License Cards, you have to move up in ranks. You get one license for each round class that you pass. Unlock Decor Champion Belts: To unlock the champion belts that you can wear, win your division's championship. You can unlock more by winning other international competitions like the IBF, WBC, WBA, WBO. Unlock Decor for Head: To unlock decorations for the head, just progress in your career for some time and become the champion. Unlock Trunks/Shoes/Hairstyles: Win in each division and you'll occassionally unlock these. Unlock Special Trainings: To unlock the Special Trainings, you must develop your muscles by training. You will unlock the Special Trainings when you reach a certain point in your development. The coach will talk to you longer than usual to tell you that you have a new Special Training. Unlock SP MOVES: To unlock all of the special moves, beat Act 5 or follow the guide on how to unlock specific SP MOVES. Unlock More Characters: Aside from the characters that you can unlock via Arcade Mode, you can have more from Boxer's Road. When choosing an opponent, choose the ones that have their names written in green. Green listed boxers are special boxers who have something to do with the Hajime No Ippo story line. You can unlock Eiji Date from here if you beat him, or even Ponchai Chuwatana who isn't even in the Arcade Mode. Unlock Names: Developing your boxer and using a certain fighting style unlocks different names for you. A fat boxer unlocks "FAT" while a muscle-bound boxer unlocks "Macho" or "Super Macho". ---------------- Normal Trainings ---------------- Here is a quick summary of what each training increases and decreases in your stats, and how much effect they have on them. Special thanks goes to Belveithz Dio (moonstyx@hotmail.com) for providing the information. ------------- Rope Skipping ------------- Increases: Life - mid Stamina - low Rush Stamina - low Dash SP - low Technic - low Arm Muscle - low Calves Muscle - low Decreases: Heavy Punch Pow - low Solid Punch Pow - low Endurance - low --------- Road Work --------- Increases: Life - high Stamina - mid Rush Stamina - low Endurance - low Hand SP - low Sway SP - low Dash SP - low Stamina Rate - low Back Muscle - low Hip Muscle - low Chest Muscle - low Thigh Muscle - low Calves Muscle - low Decreases: Heavy Punch Pow - low Fat - mid -------- Sand Bag -------- Increases: Heavy Punch Pow - low Solid Punch Pow - low Hand SP - low Sway SP - low Technic - low Concentration - low Back Muscle - mid Chest Muscle - low Brachial Muscle - low Basal Metabolism - low Decreases: NONE ------------- Striking Mitt ------------- Increases: Rush Stamina - low Solid Punch Pow - low SP Average - low Technic - mid Concentration - low Twist Body - low Decreases: Heavy Punch Pow - low ------------- Medicine Ball ------------- Increases: Sway SP - low Endurance - high Stamina Rate - low Basal Metabolism - low Chest Muscle - low Abdomen Muscle - mid Decreases: Rush Stamina - low ------------- Shadow Boxing ------------- Increases: Life - mid Hand SP - mid Technic - low Decreases: Heavy Punch Pow - low ------------- Punching Ball ------------- Increases: Hand SP - low Technic - low Concentration - low Decreases: Heavy Punch Pow - low Solid Punch Pow - low Endurance - low -------------------- Punching Ball Double -------------------- Increases: Footwork SP - low Technic - low Twist Body - low Decreases: Heavy Punch Pow - low Endurance - low ---------------- Abdominal Muscle ---------------- Increases: Sway SP - low Endurance - mid Stamina Rate - low Basal Metabolism - low Neck Muscle - mid Chest Muscle - low Abdomen Muscle - low Decreases: Rush Stamina - low ----------- Bench Press ----------- Increases: Hand SP - mid Endurance - mid Heavy Punch Pow - mid Solid Punch Pow - mid Basal Metabolism - mid Stamina Rate - low Arm Muscle - mid Chest Muscle - mid Brachial Muscle - mid Back Muscle - low Neck Msucle - low Decreases: Sway SP - low Footwork SP - low Dash SP - low Twist Body - low --------------------------- Unlocking Special Trainings:* --------------------------- Special Trainings, which are more beneficial than using normal ones, can be unlocked by having a certain overall muscle average. Thanks goes to Hayashi for providing the information on the needed muscle average in English and Belveithz Dio (moonstyx@hotmail.com) for providing the information on the affected stats. ---------- Leaf Catch ---------- Muscle Average: 290,000 Increases: Life - mid Technic - mid Footwork SP - mid Dash SP - low Decreases: Heavy Punch Pow - mid Fat - mid ------------- Iron Bar Dash ------------- Muscle Average: 310,000 Increases: Sway SP - high Dash SP - high Footwork SP - mid Twist Body - low Stamina Rate - low Chest Muscle - mid Hip Muscle - high Thigh Muscle - high Calves Muscle - high Abdomen Muscle - high Decreases: NONE ------------ Scooter Push ------------ Muscle Average: 330,000 Increases: Life - high Hand SP - mid Dash SP - mid Heavy Punch Pow - mid Solid Punch Pow - mid Hip Muscle - mid Thigh Muscle - mid Calves Muscle - mid Brachial Muscle - low Chest Muscle - low Back Muscle - low Decreases: Technic - low ---------------- Underwater Squat ---------------- Muscle Average: 340,000 Increases: Stamina - low Dash SP - high Sway SP - mid Heavy Punch Pow - mid Solid Punch Pow - mid Thigh Muscle - high Calves Muscle - high Back Muscle - mid Hip Muscle - mid Basal Metabolism - mid Decreases: NONE ------------- Wood Chopping ------------- Muscle Average: 360,000 Increases: Hand SP - high Sway SP - mid Heavy Punch Pow - high Solid Punch Pow - mid Basal Metabolism - mid Technic - mid Arm Muscle - high Back Muscle - high Brachial Muscle - high Chest Muscle - high Decreases: NONE ----------------- Tennis Ball Catch ----------------- Muscle Average: 380,000 Increases: Footwork SP - high Dash SP - high Endurance - mid Stamina Rate - mid Basal Metabolism - mid Twist Body - low Thigh Muscle - high Calves Muscle - high Chest Muscle - mid Abdomen Muscle - mid Hip Muscle - mid Decreases: NONE --------------- Striking Mallet --------------- NOTE: You must have already unlocked the Dempsey Roll SP MOVE first to unlock this. Muscle Average: 400,000 Increases: Dash SP - mid Sway SP - low Heavy Punch Pow - mid Solid Punch Pow - mid Basal Metabolism - mid Twist Body - high Decreases: NONE --------------------- Running On One's Back --------------------- Muscle Average: 420,000 Increases: Hand SP - high Sway SP - high Heavy Punch Pow - high Solid Punch Pow - mid Stamina - mid Basal Metabolism - high Back Muscle - high Arm Muscle - mid Hip Muscle - mid Abdomen Muscle - mid Brachial Muscle - mid Decreases: NONE ---------- Tire Trail ---------- Muscle Average: 450,000 Increases: Dash SP - high Sway SP - mid Heavy Punch Pow - low Endurance - high Life - mid Basal Metabolism - mid Thigh Muscle - high Calves Muscle - high Hip Muscle - high Abdomen Muscle - high Chest Muscle - mid Decreases: NONE ------------------ Dumbbell Lift Back ------------------ Muscle Average: 460,000 Increases: Hand SP - mid Solid Punch Pow - mid Heavy Punch Pow - mid Endurance - low Basal Metabolism - high Back Muscle - high Neck Muscle - high Hip Muscle - mid Arm Muscle - mid Chest Muscle - mid Abdomen Muscle - mid Brachial Muscle - mid Decreases: NONE ------------------ Unlocking SP MOVES:* ------------------ Special Moves can be unlocked by beating Act 5. Alternatively, you can follow the instructions we have for unlocking specific Special Moves. Special thanks to Hayashi and Shinigami for translating the instructions from the Japanese source. You can use Sparring to increase the numbers without having to fight. I recommend creating a boxer whose sole purpose is to unlock the SP MOVES, and then have him train at the Kamogawa Gym. Choose Takamura as your sparring partner, and use the second controller to set him to "Boxer Mode". This way, Takamura will not fight back, and you can land as many punches as you want on him. Here is a list that describes the requirements to get a specific SP MOVE: Landed - specifies how many times a specific punch must have landed. KO - specifies how many times a punch is used to knock out the opponents. Body - specifies the amount of specific muscles you should have. Technic - specifies the amount of Technic you should have. Sway SP- specifies the amount of Sway Speed you should have. Hand SP - specifies the amount of Hand Speed you should have. Twist - specifies the amount of Twist you should have. Solid Punch - specifies the amount of Solid Punch you should have. Heavy Punch - specifies the amount of Heavy Punch you should have. ------------ Jufule Upper ------------ Landed: Uppercut = 900 or more. KO: Uppercut = 5 or more. ------------- Tsubamegaeshi ------------- Landed: Uppercuts = 2,000 or more. Technic: 450,000 or more. ----- Smash ----- Landed: Combined Hooks and Uppercuts = 3,500 or more. --------------- Super Low Smash --------------- Note: You must have Smash first. Sway SP: 400,000 or more. ------------ Henkei Smash ------------ Note: You must have Smash first. Twist: 650,000 or more. ------------- Gazelle Punch ------------- Note: You must have a strong Left Hook. To strengthen your Left Hook, use it often. Body: Thigh = 550,000 or more. Calves = 500,000 or more. ---------- White Fang ---------- Technic: 300,000 or more. Hand SP: 600,000 or more. ------------ Dempsey Roll ------------ Landed: Hook = 3,000 or more. KO: Hook = 12 or more. Technic: 300,000 or more. Twist: 500,000 or more. Body: Thigh = 550,000 or more. Hip = 500,000 or more. Back = 600,000 or more. Calves = 600,000 or more. ---- Jolt ---- Technic: 400,000 or more. Hand SP: 300,000 or more. Solid Punch: 450,000 or more. -------------- Corkscrew Blow -------------- Note: You must have a strong Right Straight punch. Use the Right Straight punch often to make it strong. KO: Right Straight = 7 or more. -------------- Chopping Right -------------- Note: Your boxer must have a height of 177cm or more, and reach of 187cm or more. You should also have a strong Right Straight. ---------------- Dragon Fish Blow ---------------- Technic: 300,000 or more. Hand SP: 600,000 or more. ------------ Double Punch ------------ Note: It usually becomes available when you have... Technic: 500,000 or more. ---------- Frog Punch ---------- Technic: 800,000 or more. Hand SP: BELOW 350,000. Heavy Punch: BELOW 350,000. ------------- Coconut Punch ------------- Technic: 360,000 or more. Twist: 500,000 or more. Body: Back = 600,000 or more. Calves = 680,000 or more. Thigh = 500,000 or more. Hip = 500,000 or more. ---- Hien ---- Technic: 300,000 or more. Hand SP: 600,000 or more. ------ Ballet ------ Technic: 600,000 or more. Hand SP: 500,000 or more. ------- Shotgun ------- Technic: 700,000 or more. Hand SP: 650,000 or more. --------------- Rough Fight Arm --------------- Note: You must first lose by "Throwing The Towel". You can do this by pressing the "Start" button while in a match, and then selecting the second to the last choice. Press X and it make you choose between "Yes" and "No". Choose yes and you have thrown the towel. KO: Uppercut = 10 or more. Technic: 650,000 or more. -------- Headbutt -------- Note: You must first lose by "Throwing The Towel". You can do this by pressing the "Start" button while in a match, and then selecting the second to the last choice. Press X and it will make you choose between "Yes" and "No". Choose yes and you have thrown the towel. You also must have more than 12 fights already. Technic: BELOW 70,000. ---------- Iron Punch ---------- Technic: BELOW 200,000. Hand SP: BELOW 300,000. Heavy Punch: 650,000 or more. Solid Punch: BELOW 300,000. ------------------------- Unlock SP MOVES Short Cut:* ------------------------- Unlocking SP MOVES the normal way will take quite some time, even with the special method that we will be using (unless you have already beaten Act 5). In order to unlock most SP MOVES, you need certain requirements to meet. We will be first unlocking the SP MOVES that need high stats for your boxer. Follow these instructions: 1. Use your cheat device and activate the 800,000 MUSCLES and ZERO FAT codes. 2. Create a boxer to your liking. Please remember that we will be using him to unlock SP MOVES. 3. When the main screen comes up, check your boxer's stats. When you come back, he will be a muscle-bound boxer. 4. Enter SCHEDULE, go to SETTINGS, and set all the MEALS and TRAININGS to 20. 5. Go to OK, and press X to return to the main screen. 6. You will notice that the coach will talk to you a lot of times. This means that you have just unlocked the 9 Special Trainings that will help you gain more stats. Keep an eye on the Clock just above SCHEDULE. When its hands start functioning normally again and the coach stops talking, enter SCHEDULE once more. 7. Go to SETTINGS. Set the MEALS and TRAININGS to 20 again. 8. Go to TRAINING and then go to the SPECIAL TRAININGS section. Activate all of the newly acquired special trainings, as well as the normal training methods. 9. Go to OK and press X to return to the main screen. 10. Save your boxer. 11. Use your cheat device and activate the ZERO MUSCLES and ZERO FAT codes. 12. Load your boxer. 13. Check his stats. When you return to the main screen, you'll notice that your boxer has turned into a malnourished person. This is what we want to happen. 14. Save your boxer. 15. Use your cheat device. Only activate the Bad Health, Fatigue, and ZERO FAT codes. 16. Load your boxer and continue the training. You will notice that he will start gaining stats quite rapidly. Don't worry if he's gaining weight slowly. We are building up his muscles to maximize the positive stats gain. 17. If the coach talks to you and presents you with the "YES" or "NO" question, just choose "NO" so that you won't take the Pro-Test. It is important to refuse taking the Pro-Test because once you take it, you will be assigned tp a specific weight division, and once you get out of the limited weight requirement, it will be game over. 18. Save your boxer occassionally so that if something bad happens, you can load your Boxer with the developments that he acquired. 19. When your boxer reaches the Heavy Weight Division, save your boxer. 20. Repeat steps 11 to 19 until you have acheived the stats that you need in order to unlock certain SP MOVES. Make sure that you have extremely high Hand SP because you will need that in order to give around 130 uppercuts/hooks per sparring/bout round. You can also take the Pro-Test once you have formulated your boxer to a permanent division. Please check the "Permanent Division Boxer" section. 21. If you are already satisfied with your stats, start sparring. Choose Takamura as your sparring partner since he can take tons of punishment. Use the 2nd controller to set him to "Boxer Mode" so that he won't fight back. When the match starts, if you want to build up uppercuts, then just pummel him with those. If you want to develop hooks, use those. This makes it easier to achieve the required hits for specific punches. You can check for progress by going to the "Profile Area" and then going to the "Results" tab, and then finally choosing "Result Analysis". Just scroll down the "Punches" and you'll see that it will reach the thousands soon. The lines you'll see represents the punches that you used in an official bout. 22. You'll know that you've unlocked a new SP MOVE when the coach talks to you about something that lasts around 3 word balloons. Go to the "Profile Area" and then see the "Items" tab. The SP MOVES are the ones highlighted in YELLOW. ------------ MASTER CODES ------------ These codes are [Set 2] codes. Use the corresponding MASTER CODE for your cheat device. For RAW format: F0100208 00110067 For AR2V2 format: EC878530 1445E784 ----------------- ZERO MUSCLES CODE ----------------- For RAW format: Change the value to 00000000. Ex. Neck Muscle = 20897040 0098967F BECOMES 20897040 00000000. For AR2v2 format: Change value to 1456E7A5. Ex. Neck Muscle = 1C20D479 14BE598C BECOMES 1C20F368 1456E7A5. -------------------- 800,000 MUSCLES CODE -------------------- For RAW format: Change the value to 007A1200. Ex. Neck Muscle = 20897040 0098967F BECOMES 20897040 007A1200. For AR2V2 format: Change the value to 145CD5A5. Ex. Neck Muscle = 1C20D479 14BE598C BECOMES 1C20F368 145CD5A5. -------------------- 700,000 MUSCLES CODE -------------------- For RAW format: Change the value to 006ACFC0. Ex. Neck Muscle = 20897040 0098967F BECOMES 20897040 006ACFC0. For AR2V2 format: Change the value to 146CA8E5. Ex. Neck Muscle = 1C20D479 14BE598C BECOMES 1C20F368 146CA0E5. ------------- ZERO FAT CODE ------------- For RAW format: 20897810 00000000 For AR2V2 format: 1C20FB38 1456E7A5 ------------------------ Permanent Division Boxer:* ------------------------ Please remember that the Height of your boxer affects the total of his weight. Just play around with the Height while you are creating your boxer until you get to your desired weight division. A good example is my code mixture for making a Feather Weight boxer. I usually... 1. Activate the 800,000 MUSCLES CODE for Neck, Chest, Brachial, and Arms. 2. Activate the 700,000 MUSCLES CODE for Back, Hip, Thighs, Calves, and Abs. 3. Activate the ZERO FAT CODE. With these, when I create a boxer, I put the weight to the minimum. The minimum weight usually becomes heavier because of the muscles. What I do is I tinker with the Height. A height of 162cm usually lands you on the Feather Weight division, while increasing it puts you to a few divisions higher. Just experiment, mix and match your codes. Now, you will not have to worry about failing the weight check! Enjoy! ------------------------- Creating A Powerful Boxer:* ------------------------- Normally, your boxer starts out as a sluggish person who barely has any power, even if you train him for long periods of time. In this section, you will be able to create a boxer who has superior stats right after just one year. 1. Activate the 800,00 and 700,000 MUSCLE CODES, as well as the ZERO FAT CODE in order to unlock the SP TRAININGS right at the start. Don't forget the BAD HEALTH and FATIGUE codes. This works better if you already have unlocked the Striking Mallet training. The important thing is to unlock the SP TRAININGS first. 2. Save the game first after unlocking all of the SP TRAININGS. 3. Use your cheat device and activate the ZERO MUSCLES CODES. 4. Load your game and then save your newly malnourished boxer. 5. Use your cheat device again and activate the BAD HEALTH, GLUCOSE, WATER, AMINO ACID, FATTY ACID, MINERALS, and FATIGUE codes. 6. Load your game and go to SCHEDULE, then go to the SETTINGS tab. 7. Set all of the TRAININGS and HOLIDAY to zero, while set the MEALS to maximum. 8. Go to the Trainings tab and activate all the normal and special trainings. 9. Go to the OK tab and press X to return to the main screen. 10. Don't take the Pro-Test. When the coach appears and presents you a "YES" or "NO" option, always choose "NO" to continue training. 11. Wait until your boxer becomes a Heavy Weight, then save your boxer. 12. Activate the ZERO MUSCLES and ZERO FAT code. 13. Repeat steps 4 to 12 until you get the results you desire. This technique will give a Feather Weight boxer around 1.3-1.4 million LIFE and 300,000-350,000 or more Speed Average in just one year. After training for around 2 years, the positive results will slow down a little, but this is still helpful. Just take the Pro-Test when you're happy with your results. ------------------------- Muscle Codes Modification:* ------------------------- The values in the Muscle Codes can be freely modified. First, you must remember that: 1. Although the muscles are displayed up to the Hundred Thousand's place, it actually is up to a Millionth's. Let's take this for example. The Neck Muscles code (raw format) which is 20897040 0098967F is already at the maximum value of 999,999 when viewed at the stats screen. If you convert the "98967F" part of this code into decimal, you instead get its true value of 9,999,999. So to make it short, here's what you have to do: 1. Have a value in mind (0 to 9,999,999 ) that you want the muscle to have. Ex. (8,000,000 for 800,000 muscles) 2. Use a calculator, and in decimal form, enter the value. Ex. (8,000,000 input) 3. Convert it into hex format and you'll have the raw value to use. Ex. (8,000,000 in hex is 7A1200) 4. Put it in the value section of your muscle code. Ex. (Neck Muscle for 800,000 = 20897040 007A1200) If raw codes don't work on your cheat device, I suggest that you download a program called "PS2 Code Decoder" (just do a search on google.com) since it is a pretty useful application if you want to convert codes from one format to another. I hope that this section helped you in giving your boxer the muscle values that you want. ---------------------- Permanent Weight Codes:* ---------------------- Since this is one of the most important codes that you will be using (and many people have been wondering how NOT to think about weight anymore), I made this section dedicated to the codes that will end your weight problems. Just use the values for the x part. For AR2V2 format: (M) EC878530 1445E784 AR2V2 Codes 1C200128 14xxxxxx 1C20012C 14xxxxxx D7DD75 (195LBS) 627DB5 (180LBS) 698AD5 (170LBS) 6405E5 (165LBS) 6B2B15 (155LBS) 77A525 (150LBS) 7A48C5 (145LBS) 80BF05 (137LBS) 82E555 (133LBS) 7E6765 (128LBS) 89A6C5 (124LBS) 83E5A5 (120LBS) 85E9D5 (117LBS) 9028B5 (113LBS) 920BD5 (110LBS) 8CE675 (107LBS) 8EEA25 (104LBS) For RAW format: (M) F0100208 00110067 RAW Codes 20897E00 00xxxxxx 20897E04 00xxxxxx 870A50 (195LBS) 7CAA10 (180LBS) 75A530 (170LBS) 7222C0 (165LBS) 6B44F0 (155LBS) 67C280 (150LBS) 646720 (145LBS) 5EE8E0 (137LBS) 5C02B0 (133LBS) 588040 (128LBS) 55C120 (124LBS) 530200 (120LBS) 510630 (117LBS) 4E4710 (113LBS) 4C2430 (110LBS) 4A0150 (107LBS) 480580 (104LBS) You can also create a boxer with a different fighting weight than his official one. For example, I created Feather Weight boxer but I want him to have the strength of a Heavy Weight fighter, so here is what I did (Using RAW Codes here, do the same for AR2V2): 1. First, on the first part of the code, I placed the weight that is for the Heavy class. It looks like this now - 20897E00 00870A50. 2. Next, on the second part of the code, I placed the weight that I want to be officially recognized in. I want to be in the Feather Weight (124LBS) division - 20897E04 0055C120 3. Use this in conjunction with the "Creating A Powerful Boxer" method, and you will be able to produce a boxer that can rival Ricardo Martinez! Right after your Pro-Test, when you are going to pick your first pro opponent, don't forget to change the weight class you are fighting in. For example, you made a Feather Weight with a Heavy Weight body. After the Pro-Test, you will be first registered as a Heavy Weight or Middle Weight, depending on your location. When the screen comes up where you have to pick your opponent, just change it to the Feather Weight division so that you won't have any problems. This only happens at the beginning, and you don't have to do it again afterwards. There are many advantages to having a body of a different weight class than yours, like in speed, power, and more. This also exterminates the problem of having to worry about your diet. ---------------- RAW Format Codes:* ---------------- Important Note: Codes seem to work, but you cannot save the numbers. Also, it doesn't seem to give any real effect to your boxer. Just treat these codes as "Confidence Boosters" for your boxer if you like seeing high pretty good numbers beside your stats. Here is a list of codes that DO work that you can save and give out the intended results: 1. Fatigue - you won't get tired and acquire Bad Health. If you want to lose weight, just turn off the Fatigue code since in the early stages of your boxer, a good amount of Fatigue will help you lose weight. If you have a boxer who has a high "Basal Metabolism", then you don't need to turn this code off because you can burn fat faster. 2. Bad Health - this will always be zero, so you'll not have to worry about Bad Health affecting your boxer's match. I recommend you activate this all the time. 3. Fat - just use the ZERO FAT CODE. 4. Glucose - makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 5. Water - makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 6. Amino Acid - makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 7. Fatty Acid - makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 8. Vitamin - makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 9. Mineral- makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 10. All of The Muscle Codes - please note that you cannot enter them all at the same time if you want to maximize them to 999,999. You can enter them all at the same time if you only give them each a 700,000 value. If you still want to give them 999,999, then follow the instructions: a. Create a boxer. Save him when you reach the main screen after the coach begins talking to you. b. Use your cheat device and enter only ONE muscle code. c. Load your boxer. d. Access the Stats screen (the one that shows your life, endurance, etc...) at the bottom center of your screen by pressing X on it. You will see the screen full of stats. If you activated the Arms Muscle codes, you'll notice that the arms are now at maximum value. e. Go back to the main screen (by pressing Triangle) and you'll notice that your boxer now has a new mascular part of his body. f. Repeat the process of activating one code at a time and then loading your boxer, and finally saving until you complete maxing out the stats. g. You might wish to NOT use the Back Muscles code because it seems you cannot get the ultimate maximum value for it while your other muscles are also at max. Do not worry because you can easily train your Back Muscles since after you start your Schedule, the coach will say many things to you, and when you check your SPECIAL TRAININGS screen, all of them will be unlocked, except for one that doesn't seem to unlock just yet. Train your boxer and you'll eventually reach the maximum value of your Back Muscles. h. Remember when you first put in the codes and load your newly muscle-bound boxer, you'll see that there's no weight gained. Take note that once you start your Schedule, your boxer's weight will suddenly jump up because of all the added muscles. RAW format codes can be used by your GameShark, ActionReplay, and CodeBreaker, although other devices similar could use these as well. By the way, there are two sets of codes here. They have different Master Codes, so you must have a separate code name (name one VB2, the other VB2B or something) for the other code set. Since there are new versions of different cheat devices, I've also included the original Action Replay 2V2 (AR2V2) codes here since there were some reports of the RAW codes causing the game to not load properly. I suggest that if you have any other type of cheat device, just download the program called "PS2 Code Decoder" to make code conversions easier. [Set 1] (M) F02D3840 0000000E Support Master Codes? 00100208 000001FD 00100208 0000000E 00100208 00110067 Note: I don't know what really these "support" master codes are for, since I used the Master Code by itself and it worked just fine. I found these along with the main master code in a Japanese forum, so I tried them out. There doesn't seem to be any difference... Fatigue 00494A70 00000000 Bad Health 00494A74 00000000 Life, Stamina, Rush 00494A10 000003E7 00494A20 000003E7 00494A24 000003E7 Note: The life, stamina, rush codes put them each at 999,999. Endurance 00494A18 000003E7 Note: Gives you 229,073 right at the start. Technic 00494A78 00003E7 Note: Gives you 999,999 Technic. Power and Speed 00494A40 000003E7 00494A48 000003E7 00494A50 000003E7 00494A38 000003E7 00494A30 000003E7 Note: Hand SP = 232,190 Sway SP = 193,004 Dash SP = 190,094 Heavy Punch Pow = 193,028 Solid Punch Pow = 410,569 Concentration 00494A7C 000003E7 Note: Starts with 39,155 but suddenly boosts up. [Set 2] (M) F0100208 00110067 Bad Health 20897B6C 00000000 Fatigue 20897B58 00000000 Fat 20897810 3B9AC9FF Glucose 20897838 3B9AC9FF Water 20897824 3B9AC9FF Fatty Acid 2089784C 3B9AC9FF Amino Acid 20897860 3B9AC9FF 20897874 3B9AC9FF 20897888 3B9AC9FF Mineral 2089789C 3B9AC9FF 208978B0 3B9AC9FF 208978C4 3B9AC9FF 208978D8 3B9AC9FF 208978EC 3B9AC9FF 20897900 3B9AC9FF 20897914 3B9AC9FF 20897928 3B9AC9FF 2089793C 3B9AC9FF 20897950 3B9AC9FF Vitamin 20897964 3B9AC9FF 20897978 3B9AC9FF 2089798C 3B9AC9FF 208979A0 3B9AC9FF 208979B4 3B9AC9FF 208979C8 3B9AC9FF 208979DC 3B9AC9FF 20897950 3B9AC9FF 208979F0 3B9AC9FF 20897A04 3B9AC9FF (With these codes, the muscles are set to the max. Just follow the section on unlocking special moves to find the 800,000 and 700,000 MUSCLE CODES.) Neck Muscles 20897040 0098967F Back Muscles 20897054 0098967F 20897068 0098967F 2089707C 0098967F 20898090 0098967F Chest Muscles 208970A4 0098967F 208970B8 0098967F 208970CC 0098967F 208970E0 0098967F 208970F4 0098967F 20897108 0098967F Abdomen Muscles 2089711C 0098967F 20897130 0098967F 20897144 0098967F Brachial Muscles 20897158 0098967F 2089716C 0098967F 20897180 0098967F 20897194 0098967F 208971A8 0098967F 208971BC 0098967F Arm Muscles 208971D0 0098967F 208971E4 0098967F Hip Muscles 208971F8 0098967F Thigh Muscles 2089720C 0098967F Calves Muscles 20897220 0098967F ------------------ AR2V2 Format Codes:* ------------------ Important Note: Codes seem to work, but you cannot save the numbers. Also, it doesn't seem to give any real effect to your boxer. Just treat these codes as "Confidence Boosters" for your boxer if you like seeing high pretty good numbers beside your stats. Here is a list of codes that DO work that you can save and give out the intended results: 1. Fatigue - you won't get tired and acquire Bad Health. If you want to lose weight, just turn off the Fatigue code since in the early stages of your boxer, a good amount of Fatigue will help you lose weight. If you have a boxer who has a high "Basal Metabolism", then you don't need to turn this code off because you can burn fat faster. 2. Bad Health - this will always be zero, so you'll not have to worry about Bad Health affecting your boxer's match. I recommend you activate this all the time. 3. Fat - makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 4. Glucose - makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 5. Water - makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 6. Amino Acid - makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 7. Fatty Acid - makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 8. Vitamin - makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 9. Mineral- makes you morbidly obese and causes the Game Over screen to appear. 10. All of The Muscle Codes - please note that you cannot enter them all at the same time if you want to maximize them to 999,999. You can enter them all at the same time if you only give them each a 700,000 value. If you still want to give them 999,999, then follow the instructions: a. Create a boxer. Save him when you reach the main screen after the coach begins talking to you. b. Use your cheat device and enter only ONE muscle code. c. Load your boxer. d. Access the Stats screen (the one that shows your life, endurance, etc...) at the bottom center of your screen by pressing X on it. You will see the screen full of stats. If you activated the Arms Muscle codes, you'll notice that the arms are now at maximum value. e. Go back to the main screen (by pressing Triangle) and you'll notice that your boxer now has a new mascular part of his body. f. Repeat the process of activating one code at a time and then loading your boxer, and finally saving until you complete maxing out the stats. g. You might wish to NOT use the Back Muscles code because it seems you cannot get the ultimate maximum value for it while your other muscles are also at max. Do not worry because you can easily train your Back Muscles since after you start your Schedule, the coach will say many things to you, and when you check your SPECIAL TRAININGS screen, all of them will be unlocked, except for one that doesn't seem to unlock just yet. Train your boxer and you'll eventually reach the maximum value of your Back Muscles. h. Remember when you first put in the codes and load your newly muscle-bound boxer, you'll see that there's no weight gained. Take note that once you start your Schedule, your boxer's weight will suddenly jump up because of all the added muscles. It seems that some people couldn't get the RAW codes to work on their AR2V2 cheat devices, so I have decided to put the original codes back for you, just to be safe. Enjoy! [Set 1] (M) ECBCBB68 1456E79B Life, Stamina, Rush 3CE0CD38 1456E404 3CE0CD48 1456E404 3CE0CD4C 1456E404 Fatigue 3CE0CD98 1456E7A5 Endurance 3CE0CD40 1456 E404 Concentration 3CE0CDA4 1456E404 Technic 3CE0CDA0 1456E404 Sway Speed 3CE0CD68 1456E404 OR 1FE0CD68 1456E404 Heavy Punch Power 3CE0CD70 1456E404 OR 1FE0CD70 1456E404 Solid Punch Power 3CE0CD78 1456E404 OR 1FE0CD78 1456E404 Hand Speed 3CE0CD60 1456E404 OR 1FE0CD60 1456E404 Dash Speed 3CE0CD58 1456E404 OR 1FE0CD58 1456E404 Others: 1FE0CDA0 1456E404 1FE0CDA4 1456E404 1FE0CDA8 1456E404 1FE0CDAC 1456E404 1FE0CDB0 1456E404 1FE0CDB4 1456E404 [Set 2] (M) EC878530 1445E784 Glucose 1C20FB60 1DBC9E0C Water 1C20FB4C 1DBC9E0C Fatty Acid 1C20FB74 1DBC9E0C Amino Acid 1C20FB88 1DBC9E0C 1C20FB9C 1DBC9E0C 1C20FBB0 1DBC9E0C Minerals 1C20FBC4 1DBC9E0C 1C20FBD8 1DBC9E0C 1C20FBEC 1DBC9E0C 1C20FB00 1DBC9E0C 1C20FB14 1DBC9E0C 1C20FA28 1DBC9E0C 1C20FA3C 1DBC9E0C 1C20FA50 1DBC9E0C 1C20FA64 1DBC9E0C 1C20FA78 1DBC9E0C Vitamins 1C20FA8C 1DBC9E0C 1C20FAA0 1DBC9E0C 1C20FAB4 1DBC9E0C 1C20FAC8 1DBC9E0C 1C20FADC 1DBC9E0C 1C20FAF0 1DBC9E0C 1C20FA04 1DBC9E0C 1C20FA78 1DBC9E0C 1C20FA18 1DBC9E0C 1C20FD2C 1DBC9E0C Fat 1C20FB38 1DBC9E0C (With these codes, the muscles are set to the max. Just follow the section on unlocking special moves to find the 800,000 and 700,000 MUSCLE CODES.) Neck Muscles 1C20D479 14BE598C Back Muscles 1C20D47C 14BE598C 1C20D490 14BE598C 1C20D4A4 14BE598C 1C20D4B8 14BE598C Chest Muscles 1C20D4CC 14BE598C 1C20D4E0 14BE598C 1C20D4F4 14BE598C 1C20D408 14BE598C 1C20D41C 14BE598C 1C20D330 14BE598C Abdomen Muscles 1C20D344 14BE598C 1C20D358 14BE598C 1C20D36C 14BE598C Brachial Muscles 1C20D380 14BE598C 1C20D394 14BE598C 1C20D3A8 14BE598C 1C20D3BC 14BE598C 1C20D3D0 14BE598C 1C20D3E4 14BE598C Arm Muscles 1C20D3F8 14BE598C 1C20D30C 14BE598C Hip Muscles 1C20D330 14BE598C Thigh Muscles 1C20D645 14BE598C Calves Muscles 1C20D659 14BE598C Bad Health 1C20DD05 1456E7A5 Fatigue 1C20DD91 1456E7A5 This is as far as we go. I hope you enjoyed this guide. If you have any additional information that you would like to see added here, please send it in to my email address. Just remove the "NOSPAM" part and you'll do well. Happy Boxing! ---------- Legalities:* ---------- I wrote this guide so that people will be able to use this guide for FREE. Just don't use it to make money and it will be ok. Feel free to distribute to those interested. Copyright 2004 - 9999 Adenosine