<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets (XBOX) Complete Walkthough Version 1.0 By Kathryn Mintram (kmintram78@aol.com) March 3rd 2003 ******************************************************************************* Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Controls Chapter 3 Walkthrough Chapter 4 Information 4.1 Items 4.2 Spells 4.3 Wizards & Witches Cards 4.4 Fred & George’s Shop Chapter 5 Side Quests 5.1 Lost And Found 5.2 Games Chapter 6 Credits & Thanks Chapter 7 Copyright ******************************************************************************* Chapter 1 Introduction I rented this game and thoroughly enjoyed it, despite a ribbing from everyone for playing a child’s game, and the more I played it the more I found out how in depth it was. So I went out and bought it and now, everyone in my house plays it. One day I had real trouble finding one of the lost and found items on the notice board so I went onto the Internet to try and find a walkthrough for this game on the XBOX. I could not find one! Not one, not anywhere. I searched everywhere and I found plenty for the Playstation and even the Gamecube, but not one for the XBOX. So I decided to sit down and write one. While doing this I had found myself a new challenge for the game and it brought a whole new level of discovery to other games I own. This is my first walkthrough so it will probably need amending plenty of times as I hope some of you will contact me with suggestions for some of the things I am slightly vague about, i.e. sneaking around at night past prefects and Quidditch. I am also a little concerned that I have not discovered everything the game has to offer. For example, in the Playstation version you can find students outside in the grounds who have lost items but not written it on the notice board. In the XBOX version the only student outside in the grounds is Neville. I hope if I have missed something then someone will soon tell me and I can update this accordingly. Anyway, I hope this is of help to you and you enjoy using my walkthrough. As this is my first any feedback will be gratefully received so feel free to email me if you would like. Many thanks ******************************************************************************* Chapter 2 Controls Left analogue stick Move Harry around Right analogue stick Look around B, X, & Y Assign pellets, balloons and spells, then press to use or cast Select button Enter the Rememberall Start button Pause/options menu Options Menu Flying controls Normal/Reverse Camera controls Normal/Reverse Vibration On/Off Subtitles On/Off Music Volume 1-100 Sound Effects Volume 1-100 ******************************************************************************* Chapter 3 Walkthrough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Burrow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the sequence when Mrs Weasley tells everyone off (except you of course Harry) then practice Flipendoing things in the yard. If you hit the circus looking machine in the corner the twins will explain that when you improve your magic, you will be able to ring the bell at the top, so don’t worry about that for now. Feel free to explore the yard although there isn’t really anything you need to do so when you are ready, Flipendo the glass jar by the gate and after a short sequence you are able to move on to the barn. To de-gnome the barn all you need to do is target the gnomes by holding down the left shoulder button, then Flipendo them down from the rafters. If you hit the sacks of grain, a Bertie Botts Every Flavour Bean will fall out. Collect these where you can, as they are the only form of currency accepted at Hogwarts for buying things and playing the games in the mini tasks. Don’t worry however if you don’t get many or lose them when you are hurt while fighting later because you have plenty of opportunity to get many more later on at Hogwarts, but do try to collect them when you can. When you have knocked both gnomes of the rafters, the boys will ask you to follow them into the garden. Before you leave, there is a chest in the corner containing Wizard and Witches Card #3, and another in the opposite corner with card #1. Collect these and go through the door. Here you will meet the Wesley’s charming washing machine. All you have to do to beat this is target the machine while you wait for it to open its door to throw something at you. When it does quickly Flipendo it then run out of the way to avoid the bubbles it threw at you. Try to keep a safe distance to allow yourself enough time to do both things and watch out, as it will charge you from time to time. Hint: Don’t bother to use the dodge function as I have found this pretty slow and useless, just run from side to side to avoid it’s attacks. Three hits and it’s the most charming washing machine you’ve ever met. Once you have followed the boys into the garden you can start de-gnoming. I feel no need to explain how to de-gnome because Fred does such a good job of it. However, I will say that four spins are all you need to hit the target on the haystack, but don’t worry if you go one too far as five spins will also hit it. So, when you have heard four whoosh noise and the arrow is pointing in the right direction, let go. Voila you now have card #8. Hint: You can spin up to six times before letting go of the gnome for the longest throw, but spin seven times and Harry will get dizzy and fall over, consequently dropping the gnome. After you have tossed about six gnomes, Mrs Weasley will come out and tell you it’s time for bed. You are free to explore the garden before you leave so make sure you do, as there is another chest in here containing card #59. You can also practice some more gnome tossing if you wish, but when you are ready to leave, just go to your rememberall and "end the day". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borgin & Burkes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Search all the cupboards for beans and pumpkin pasties and save your game here. Be careful to sneak past the freaky looking hand by pushing the analogue stick forward ever so gently, otherwise it will hurt you and cause you to lose beans, but don’t worry about the screaming skull, it doesn’t do anything other than scream. When you are happy that you have searched enough, go over to the big black cupboard to the right of the save point and open it. After yet another sequence you can get out again and move around freely. Sneak past the freaky looking hand, or run the long way around the shelves, to pick up the spell book. You now have your second spell, Lumos. Equip it to a button of your choice and go to the cupboard you had hidden in, it has now become a secret passage. Run all the way to the end of the passage and stand right against the wall facing it, then light Lumos. You will now be able to see a secret door, push it to go through. In this room you will find a chest containing a pumpkin pasty, use it and continue down the stairs. You are now faced with an imp, parading up and down a row of cupboards. Target him then Flipendo it just like you did for the gnomes in the rafters. While avoiding the vases that are rolling towards you, break the vases on top of the cupboards with Flipendo to make it easier to hit the imp. When he is down just run at the row of cupboards and the computer will automatically hoist Harry up onto the top. Once on top, Flipendo the imp again and jump down. While he is dazed pick him up and put him in the empty cage. You can then use the empty cage as a hop-up to get to the upper level. Turn right and walk round the corner to open the chest. Inside you will find an owl treat for Hedwig. Go all the way back and take the left hand turning, you should see a stand for Hedwig. When you are facing the stand you will be given the option to call him, do this and feed him the treat. He will then push down a ladder for you to use. Climb up it, then walk right to go behind the ladder and find a chest with card #98. Walk back to the hatch but don’t walk past it as patches of the attic floor collapse beneath you. Instead light Lumos and the weak points in the floor will be highlighted leaving you free to run around without a problem. Run to the other end of the attic, avoiding the weak spots, and go through the crawl space. There are two doors in this next room. The left hand one is locked so use the right hand one. You now find yourself at the back of the shop in an alley. Walk down the stairs and to the right of all the boxes in front of you there is a small gap just big enough for you to wall sneak through. Do this then go done some more stairs until you come to another door. Beside the door is a square crate, walk up to it and you will have the option to grab it. Grab hold and pull it towards you to reveal a switch behind it. Then simply let go of the crate and run around it to press the switch. This switch opens a door at the other end of the alley, so go back up the stairs, wall sneak through the gap and go through the doorway to the right of the stairs. This room contains a chest with card #5 and another switch, which when pressed opens the doorway on to Diagon Alley. However, you have to go back through the gap and down the stairs, back to the door at the other end and leave. Phew! What a lot of back and forth! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Diagon Alley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you are out of the alley there is another save point, so save your game and then go up the stairs and through the archway to Diagon Alley. Mrs Weasley tells you to go to Flourish & Blotts, so go right, then right again and continue up and round the bend until you find Mrs Weasley and Ginny. They are stood right outside the shop you need so go in and buy your spell book. You can now charge your spells. There is nothing more to do in here so go back outside. If you go left you will see two small barrels by some stairs. Flipendo them and collect the sickles. Go down the stairs and enter the shop at the bottom, (Gambol & Japes Wizarding Joke Shop). First things first, walk left and use Lumos to reveal the bookcases in front of you, and if you have the right one, you will be given the option to push the one on the right and reveal a secret room. In here there are more sickle yielding barrels and a chest containing card #32. Now go back into the main part of the shop and down the stairs where you can buy some stink pellets from the shopkeeper if you choose to. When you are ready go through the door to the left of the shopkeeper where you can now practice charging your spells. Stand in front of the magical measurer (circus looking machine) and aim a charged Flipendo right at the target. Get it right and you should ring the bell to reveal a crawl space to the left. Through here you need to break the barrels to get more sickles and then pick up Ginny’s Quill. Before you leave search the chest to get a chocolate frog and restore all your health. Now leave through the main shop entrance. Onto the next shop and it’s up the right hand staircase and turn right. Keep going until you reach the last shop on your left, The Magical Menagerie. Once inside the shopkeeper will tell you to leave, he is closed, ignore the grumpy old fart and Flipendo the barrels on the right. Don’t forget the chest by the door for a Pumpkin Pasty if you need it. Now, when you are in the next room the shopkeeper will ask you to leave again, this gets tricky, but don’t worry if he spots you he only throws you out and it just means the whole sneaking process over again. Run forward and wall sneak along the shelves in front of you. Poke your head around the corner and watch the shopkeeper walk off round the next one. Then, wall sneak against the end of the shelves so you can pop your head around again to see when he turns the next corner. When he has, run down the middle of the shelves and look round to make sure the coast is clear. At the end of these shelves you need to make sure he has turned the final corner and then push the switch. Now Flipendo the other end of the shop to distract the shopkeeper and run for the door at the other end of the shelves you are near. Be Warned! If the shopkeeper spots you and you do have to start again, he will sometimes change his path, so always check where he is before you make a move. Also don’t worry if he spots you after you have pushed the switch and you have to start again. You only have to push it once so when you enter the room a second time you only have to make your way to the door. The next room has a chest with card #28 and Ginny’s Brass Scales. So pick them up and prepare yourself, you need to get back past the shopkeeper again to leave the shop. So, when you enter the room again, run forward and pop your head round the corner to watch him, (make sure you are on the side of the shelves, not the end, and don’t go too far along the shelves or the animals will make a whole lot of noise and attract the shopkeepers attention. If when you pop your head round you can’t see him, then go to the end of the shelves and watch for him disappear stage left. When he is gone run forward so you are on the other side of the second set of shelves and well and truly out of sight. You can now run for the door but make sure you check at the end for the shopkeeper or you will have to start all over again. You are now half way to completing your shopping list. When you leave the shop and go back up the stairs, you will notice a big white building to your right and another shop directly opposite. If you are low on sickles, or just feeling greedy, you will find several barrels to the right of the big white building. If not then you need to enter the shop in front of you, Mr Mullpepper’s Apothecary. Break the glass jar on the shelves to the left for a chocolate frog if needed, and then buy the potion vial for 8 sickles from the shopkeeper. Fill your vial with from the big Wiggenweld Cauldron in the middle of the room and leave. Now run all the way to the other end of Diagon Alley for a save point and The Leaky Cauldron. When you are inside The Leaky Cauldron, you can talk to anyone you like (and yes your old pal Hagrid in here for those of you that know the storyline) however I have found none of it to be relevant. So turn right after you enter and you will see Ginny’s Spellotape. Break the barrels and collect the sickles and then walk forward to try and pick up the Spellotape. Unfortunately there is a trap door right in front of it and you fall through. Press the button in the corner to open the door and lock the trap door, and then continue on into the next room. The next room is really fun, not! All you need to do when dealing with these spiky creatures is Flipendo them onto their back. There is no actual way to kill them, (not until later in the game when you get your final spell), so be careful as after a short time they will flip back onto their feet and breath fire at you so just Flipendo them back over again until you have done all that you need to do. If you’re anything like me you will come to hate these things by the time you get near the end. So, Flipendo both of them and run forward until you can see two pipes, one covered with a spider’s web, the other clear. Crawl through the one without the web to find a chest with card #27. When you crawl back through be careful as the fire-breathing spawn of Satan is waiting for you. Run over to the far left of the room towards the falling barrels. This is easier than it looks, just wait for a gap, then zigzag a path till you are clear and go through the door at the end. After the floor has collapsed, wall sneak over to the remaining piece of floor. Push the crate over the edge and then jump down. Now push it over to the other side of the room and use it to hop up. At the top of the stairs, use Lumos to reveal a hidden doorway and go through. Now you can back over and pick up Ginny’s Spellotape and you are free to go. Mission Accomplished! Now all you have to do is go back to Mrs Weasley and Ginny to return her stuff and then follow them into Flourish and Blotts. Watch the sequence and then meet Ron outside The Leaky Cauldron, save your game and speak to Ron. You are now on your way to Hogwarts at last. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whomping Willow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before you can enter the school you have to rescue Ron from the tree. So run down the path that spirals around the tree. Try to avoid the thrashing vines in the gaps you need to jump over on the way down. I have found it better to just run past them as quick as you can rather than trying to Flipendo them. When you are at the bottom go left. It can be useful to Flipendo the small vines that pop up through the ground and Flipendo the little toadstools that are stood on their own as these will give you beans and pumpkin pasties. If you need it there is a chest to the left of the first pop-up vine hiding in some vines, holding a pumpkin pasty. Keep going left jumping over the roots in your way until you can go no further and against the back wall you will notice a slope for you to use. Walk along until you find two large thrashing vines. Here you need to try and dodge these as you can’t Flipendo them. The first one is fairly easy; just time your run for when it has lifted itself up. Before you can pass the second one you need to Flipendo the Pufferpod and avoid the gases it releases when it explodes. Now wall sneak across and time your passing of the second vine very carefully. Keep going along and jump the gap, Flipendo the Pufferpod and keep going until you reach the end. Jump off and follow the wall around to the left. You will see a patch of Pufferpods over in the corner. Flipendo them to clear the way and go through the crawlspace that was behind them. Through here it is time for some more de-gnoming. Only this time you only need to Flipendo them and don’t have to pick them up or throw them. So clean them up and then Flipendo the statue thing on top of the makeshift barrier. Follow the path down and a tree trunk will roll down behind you. Before going any further, save your game and open the chest for a Cauldron Cake. Go over to the tree trunk and walk across it to your right. When you have pulled yourself up you will see another tree trunk to use as a bridge. Cross it to find a chest with card #4. Now go back to the fallen tree trunk and climb up the left hand side. On your left are two Pufferpods, dispose of those and wall sneak across the gap to find a chest with card #6. Now double back on yourself again (does anyone else feel like they’re on a bungee cord yet?) and call Hedwig. He will tell you how to beat the Gytrashes, (I have not found any other purpose for calling Hedwig, but if anyone else knows something I don’t, please contact me.) When you are ready, go down the slope in front of you to confront the Gytrashes. This is very simple, just charge Lumos as much as you can and shine the light on them to see them smoulder with a green haze, and then vanish. Collect any beans and pasties you may want then go through the crawl space at the back of the pit. The next area has a little bit of frantic de-gnoming. When all the gnomes around you are gone and no more come out of their little wholes, look up and clean up the gnomes there. Finally walk over to the gap and wait for a gnome to stand on the edge of the platform in front of you and Flipendo him outta there. You will know when you have cleaned up all the gnomes, as the bar in the bottom right hand corner will disappear. Fill your vial with Wiggenweld if you need to and then jump the gap to find... yes another chest with card #7. Behind the cauldron is a Pufferpod concealing a crawl space to go through to finally reach Ron. To defeat the Whomping Willow you need to first dodge the hand branches that punch the floor and release a purple haze that you need to avoid. After a couple of punches, when the hand pulls back, it will shine with a bright light. To get the tree to wave Ron around and reveal it's weak spot, target and Flipendo the light. While it is waving him about like a fly swatter, charge Flipendo and aim it at the "eye" that was behind him. After the first hit the tree will throw a mental but if you stay as far away as possible you should be safe. When it has put the car down it start to punch the ground again and you so you can then repeat the process. After the next hit and another tantrum, the right hand will start to throw boulders at you so ruin from side to side to avoid those. After that one more direct hit and it should truly be a "Weeping Willow". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hogwarts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before this day is out you need to do just one more thing. Follow Ron and go into the entrance hall, here you can save your game if you choose. At the save point, turn right and go through the door at the end of the corridor, this leads you to the main staircase. You may notice later that the staircase does move and change, but don’t worry it’s only the first three flights and they don’t take you anywhere different. The first flight will swing around to the right but only if you are on that landing, which can be reached by the first door on your right in the first floor lobby. Flights two and three, as far as I can tell, just move up to become flights five and six, but if anyone knows any different then please let me know. Anyway back to the game. Between flights three and four you will meet Nearly Headless Nick and after a brief chat you can move on to the Gryffindor Common Room. Go all the way up to floor seven for Gryffindor Tower. Go through the archway and turn right, first right again and the large portrait in front of you is the entrance into you common room and dormitory. HINT: Mind out for ghosts and flying books when moving around at night, they can hurt you and will cause you to some of the beans you may have collected. When you are in the common room, Ron will tell you about Fred and George’s Shop (see side quests for full price list), this is where you will need your beans. So go through the door but be very careful in here, if the Percy the Prefect spots you, it’s the same scenario as the shop in Diagon Alley, he will kick you out and you have to start again, but don’t worry it is very easy when you know how. Luckily Percy will not take any house points from you if he does spot you, he just doesn’t like to be disturbed while he is studying. To get past him all you need to do is walk forward so you are almost standing between the gap in the first two bookcases and wait for Percy to start walking away. When he is at a safe distance walk forward but don’t get too close or he will spot you. As he corners the end bookshelf walk forward again so you are both on opposite sides. Eventually he will walk back around the bookcase and you can hop in through the portrait. When you need to get beck past him to get to the common room all you need to do is run round the back of all the bookshelves as Percy is so slow you have plenty of time and he always takes the same path no matter which direction you come from. When you have done all you want to do in the shop select end the day and it’s off to bed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day One ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flying Practice From the dormitory go down the stairs into the common room and Ron will tell you that your first lesson is Flying Practice. After he has left you can walk freely around the school so if you want to familiarise yourself with your surroundings or carry out side quests, during the day is the time to do it. In the common room, to the left of the entrance, is a notice board. You need to read this for the lost and found; you will not be able to find the items without reading this first. When you are ready to go to your first lesson you need to go outside, so go all the way down the stairs, into the entrance hall and leave through the main entrance. Note: When you are outside you will see Neville Longbottom. You need to talk to him to play the games in the side quests and to get cards. I suggest you play gnome dunking every day as you can only play this once a day, unlike the others that you can play any time you want. If you want to collect all the Wizard and Witches Cards you need to play gnome dunking daily. Outside the main entrance you need the path that runs off to you right to get to flying practice. This is a nice easy lesson to break you in with and is necessary because the computer will set the flying controls based on your style, although these can be changed in the options menu if you are finding them too uncomfortable. I could write an in depth description on flying technique, but I won’t because it is very easy. Just follow Madam Hooch’s instructions and you should be fine. At the end of the lesson the Professor will give you an examination. If you want to get the best grade possible and keep your report card at its optimum grade you need to get a distinction. If you don’t get it first time just keep trying until you do. When you are done Ron tells you it is time for bed, (Whoa short day!), so take a look around and perhaps try some of the side quests before you end the day. It is also a good idea to get as many beans as you can hold because when you end the day, Fred and George’s shop will then be open for business. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Night One ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you end the day you will find yourself back in the dormitory, go down to the common room to find Hermione for your next task. Before you run your "errands" for Hermione, it might be an idea to first visit the shop and spend your beans as you are very likely to lose some while moving about at night and that wastes you time collecting them in the first place. When you’re done, head down to the second floor for the Library. To reach the Library you need to go through the Library Annex and this is quite tricky as there are many Prefects in here just dying to take house points from you. Hint: Don’t worry if you are repeatedly caught by Prefects as after the third time they will not take any more house points from you, they will only tell you to go back to your dormitory. Although it is entirely possible to sneak through here without being caught, it is very difficult and often takes several attempts, costing you valuable points. I have found it easier and less time consuming to simply run straight through the middle and out the door before they have time to turn around and catch you. When you are in the Library you will see two flights of stairs in front of you and between them is a little alcove. In here you will find Professor Lockheart’s book. Read it carefully so you know exactly what to do when you come across them in the greenhouse. Now you have to get back through the Annex. The 100-metre dash works both ways (and the gold medal goes to...Harry Potter). To get to the Herbology Greenhouse area, take the path directly in front of you when you leave through the main entrance. Go through the green doors and you are there. When you are inside turn right and then left until you see the Horklumps in front of a door. Dispose of these as the book tells you to and then enter. The path to the right of you has more Horklumps to deal with and the one to the right has Pufferpods, just zap one and the others will explode in a chain reaction. When you reach the other end, pick up the spell book and equip it to one of your buttons. You will need this here to find a card that was, for me, the hardest to find in the whole game. To do this you must first get rid of the Horklumps or Pufferpods again and walk towards the vines that have now popped up. Use Diffendo to sever the vines surrounding one of the Venus fly trap looking plants. When it is clear Flipendo the plant to close it, then pick it up and throw it away. Do this with the other one and when you throw it away card #72 will popup through the ground. All other cards from here on in are either in chests, can be bought or are won by playing the games in the side quests. When you have done all you need to do in here, return to your common room to rescue Neville. Use Diffendo on the tapestry and he is free. You can now explore the room that was hidden behind it to find a chest with card and then end the day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day Two ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Defence Against The Dark Arts First thing on the agenda for today is Defence Against The Dark Arts Class in classroom 3C and your first challenge for a spell book. Go to floor 3 and through the door on the right. The door right in front of you is the one you need, (Hermione is stood outside it). When Professor Lockheart has given you the challenge, you will find yourself in a room with a very shiny floor, (What’s the deal with that?). Walk forward and turn around. On either side of you, you will see to buttons with a Flipendo sign on them, so do the obvious. When they are open three balls will shoot out of each one. To get rid of these you must approach them until they start to glow purple. When they do that’s your warning that they are about to fly over to try and hit you. When one does run out the way and then try to Flipendo it before it gets back. Do this twice with each ball and that should see to them. When they are gone you can now use the drawers they flew out of as ledges to get up to the next level. The one on the right leads to a hidden panel that will reveal itself when you use the Lumos chant and push the wall. When it is open you will find another Wiggenweld Potion Cauldron behind it ready for you to top up any you might need. The one on the left will lead you to a tapestry, Diffindo it and go through the door. Run to the other side of the room where you will find a ramp. Go up it and follow it round until you find a barrier blocking your way. Turn to your right and use Diffindo on the chain suspending the ball. When you have done this, the barrier will move back and an imp will come out. Flipendo him and sort him out then move on to the next barrier. When this one moves back, two imps will come out instead of one, as will all barriers from there on ‘till the top. The last barrier before the door conceals a chest that has a Pumpkin Pasty in it for you to use if you need it. When you are ready go through the door and move on. This next room looks quite daunting but it’s not as bad as it looks. Either side of the door on your right there are two more chains to sever and, yes, more imps will come out. Don’t relax too much when you have disposed of them because after a time another one will pop out to take it’s place. Severing the two chains causes the rotating balls on the other side to slow down allowing you to pass but make sure they have slowed down completely before you try to cross or you will be knocked off the edge. If you thought that was fun, you’re going to love this next room. Flipendo the Fire Crab first, then run past him and round the corner. Do the same with the next Fire Crab and hop up onto the wall behind him but don’t walk along it just yet, the hog-cannon will breath a stream of flames at you. What you need to do to pass him is time a Flipendo to flip him upwards so his flames will go up and then stop allowing you to pass. This is a little tricky to start with but once you have the hang of it, it’s no problem at all. The next cannon is dealt with in the same manner but watch him first. You will notice a pattern emerging in his flames. First he will breath a long stream followed by a short one. Time your Flipendo to coincide with the short one and then make your move. Do the same with all of the other gargoyles but watch their pattern as each one is different, some will blow two longs one and two short ones etc. Collect the Pumpkin Pasties from the chests and move on. One last room then it’s on to the spell book. All you have to do in here is use Diffindo on the chain to release the ball. It will then drop down through the floor and lower the platform below, allowing you to use the door behind it. When the ball drops you will fall down with it so just go through the door, drop down and pick up the spell book. Your new spell, Expeliarmus, is a duelling spell and you will have the perfect opportunity to use it now so equip it straight away. Don’t worry he’s not as daunting as he looks. To defeat this monster, wait for him to throw a spell at you and then press and hold your Expeliarmus button. When you have caught his spell release the button and it will throw it right back at him giving you a direct hit. When he throws his next spell and you have sent it back, he will block this time to send it back to you. Just do exactly what you have done before and this time it will hit him. From here on in he will block it once but you will always hit him the second time. Once you have defeated him a platform will slide out for you to climb back up and go through the door, back into the room you started in. Walk forward and a sequence will take over and take you back to the classroom. Don’t breath a sigh of relief just yet, now you have to duel with Draco Malfoy. I have found duelling with pupils to be harder than the monsters because they always block the spells and are less predictable. The method I usually use is to send two spells over, one after the other. If he blocks the first, the second will usually get him. It doesn’t always work and sometimes he blocks both, so be ready. When you are done here you can leave the classroom but it is now unlocked for you to come back to any time you want. Next up, Qudditch Practice. On the way don’t forget to gnome dunk if you haven’t already done this today. Quidditch Practice Quidditch practice is pretty self-explanatory, just follow everything that Wood says and you should be fine. Use your boosts when you feel it is need but do try to save them until you are close to the snitch because, although you can catch up to it, you cannot actually get close to it without a boost. Once you’ve got the hang of it, its quite ease, (if only the actual matches were this easy). As in flying practice, if you want to keep your report card up to scratch, keep trying to get a distinction if you don’t get it first time. When you have finished you can end the day, but don’t forget the side quests and collect beans along the way for the shop. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Night Two ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As usual Hermione’s great idea is your dirty work. Off to the Library again and past the prefects in the Library Annex. This time however, go past the Library door to the right and you will find a grey door. This leads you to the restricted section. This next room is a lot more difficult and needs a lot of patience. First of all pop your head around the side of the bookcase in front of you. When you see the prefect disappear around the corner, run forward and move along to the left end of the next bookcase that is parallel to the one you were behind. Poop your head round again and wait for the next prefect to disappear, then run over to where you saw him turn the corner. Follow this prefect carefully and make your way to the right of the room until you find a very short bookcase jutting out of the wall. Quickly duck behind that while his back is turned and wait until he moves on. When he does go as far up the screen as you can and turn right. You should now be able to see the portrait. The next room is easy in theory. Climb the ladder ahead of you and wall sneak across to the next platform. Be sure to avoid any books that will try to put themselves away on the first two shelves. Climb the next ladder and keep moving up until you find the door. Follow the corridor down and go through the door into a large room with more bookshelves on either side. If you are sick of the sight of bookcases by now, don’t worry you will get a chance for revenge shortly. Walk over to the right side of the room until you find a chest with an owl treat. Take it to the other side of the room and find the stand for Hedwig. Feed him the treat and he will release a ladder for you to use back on the other side of the room. Climb the ladder and wall sneak across to the other bookcase for two chests with Pumpkin Pasties. If you don’t need them just jump across the gap to the ledge, then jump again and wall sneak to the next one with two more chests. Diffendo the tapestry on the other side of this gap then jump over. Sever another tapestry, jump, and then jump again, a wall sneak and a jump and Hogwarts: A History is yours. When you are down go through the door opposite the one you came in through. Walk through the archway on your left and you are faced with demon bookcase. Easy enough to beat, keep hitting him with Flipednos and dodge his book missiles until you have pushed him back far enough for him to fall over. When it has gone, walk over to where he fell to find a crate. Go round and grab it so you can push it across the black and white tiles. Keep moving it around until you have it up against the bookcases and you can use it to pull yourself up onto the top. Flipendo the book floating in front of you and wait for it to drop. Make sure the ghost is not about to float in front of your path and jump across to the next one. Keep doing this until you are all the way across. This can be a little awkward because the camera angle is not ideal but persevere and it will pay off as you get a new spell, Skurge. Now you can jump down and clear the ectoplasm covering the other archway. Go back the way you came until you are back in the large room again. As you come in you will see some more ectoplasm off to your left, clear this and go into the next room. Run straight through this room to find yourself in a round room with plenty of ectoplasm. Clear up the first entrance to your left and watch out for the ghost that shoots out. Go in and press the switch in the corner. Clear the next entrance, dodge the ghost and Diffendo the tapestries to find the next switch. The next room has ectoplasm to shift and more ghosts to dodge and the final room only has books to avoid. When you have pressed all the switches and the door is unlocked a Slytherin will come through and pick a fight, you have to duel him. When you have made short work of him go through the unlocked door and straight through the following room. Walk down the stairs to the crate and push it around until it is lined up with the gap in the balcony above you. Pull yourself up and Skurge the ectoplasm, then Flipendo the switch on the wall. Do the same on the other side and you are free to go. Use the crawl space on the other side of the door to find yourself back in the Library Annex. One quick dash and your home free. Now just take the book back to Hermione and you can go to bed. Sigh! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day Three ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Transfiguration Your first lesson is Transfiguration on the first floor, classroom 1B. When you reach the classroom Professor McGonagall will give you the challenge and Harry will go through the crawl space to start the challenge. Start by dropping down from where you are and run round to the right until you come across a door that needs Skurging. Mind the ghost and then Skurge then next bit too. Enter the room and press the button on the far sidewall. Now do this for the left hand side of the room as well. Now you can use the tunnel that has been opened, so follow it round until you reach a door, go through for the next bit. In here you need to run around the right hand side of the wall that is in front of you. You should find an opening that needs to be Skurged. Do this and dodge the three ghosts that fly out, run into the room and on your left is a chest containing card #85. Light Lumos and walk over to the right hand wall. A secret door will highlight for you to push and in doing so will move a block back for you to use as a ledge to climb up. When you are on the top, turn around and you will see ledges leading all around the room, but the one directly in front of you is sticking out towards you. Get a run up and jump across but make sure your camera angle is right or you will just fall down. This room is pretty awkward this way because if you don’t jump just right, you will fall and have to start again. When you are across, jump to the next ledge but try to stay close to the wall. To jump the next gap stick to the metal barrier on the outer edge and you should make it across no problem. Wall sneak across the next gap and the next two are easy to clear, just mind the ghosts as if they catch you mid-jump, they will knock you to the floor. This next jump is the worst of them all, try to stick to the middle of the ledge and aim towards the middle of the one you are trying to reach and hopefully you should make it. Do the same for the next one and then wall sneak again. One last difficult jump and you are there. Skurge the doorway and go through to the next room. Drop down then run around to pick up the spell book for your new spell, Avifors. Go back across the doorway and turn right. Use Avifors on the rock in front of you and a bit further round to your right a ledge will drop down for you to use. When you have gotten up there, use Avifors and the ledge on the other side of the room will drop. When you climb up this one, use Avifors one last time and then go through the crawl space behind. Go up the stairs and follow the corridor until you are back in the room you started in. When you come out you are stood behind a statue. Walk left then jump across the gap. Use Avifors on the rock and wall sneak across to the next platform. Flipendo the hand on the wall and then make your way back to behind the statue. Now jump across to the right hand side and Avifors the rock there, but before you wall sneak you need to aim your Avifors across to the rock that is blocking you on the other side. Then you can wall sneak across and Flipendo the hand on the wall. Jump down onto the metal walkway that is now in front of the statue. You now have to duel with him but this time there’s the added fun of avoiding the ghosts too. The first and second time you send a spell back he will only block it once but the third and forth spells he will block twice so be ready. After four hits he’s dead so use Avifors on the rock he leaves behind and you are free to go. Then it’s time for your next lesson, your first Quidditch Match Quidditch Match Your first match is against Hufflepuff and is relatively easy. Just remember what you learnt during practice and you should be fine. Don’t pay any attention to the goals being scored or who is in the lead, (as Lee Jordan, the commentator will keep you well informed), as long as you catch the snitch, you will win, and you need to, to play in the Quidditch Final. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Night Three ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is probably the worst nighttime challenge of them all as you find yourself trying to get out of Slytherin’s domain past many prefects. But first of all you need to go to the girl’s bathroom, so it’s off to the second floor, first door on your left. When you have changed into Goyle, head downstairs to the dungeon. When you are in the entrance hall, go through the archway in the middle on the right hand side. As Goyle you are free to roam the Slytherin domain without worry. I recommend you do this as it will not only help you to find your way out again, (which you have to do as Harry), but there are two chests in here with cards in. When you are done head to the far right hand corner and enter the next room where you will find Malfoy. Note: I have tried to make Slytherin lose house points by wandering around restricted sections as Goyle, and although the prefects say "20 points from Slytherin", at the end of the day none are deducted. When you have gained all the information you can from Malfoy you need to get back to your dormitory. This is much easier said than done as you have now changed back to your normal self. I can’t write a strategic walkthrough here as I usually sneak around until someone spots me, then run for it before they can cast their spell. However, if someone would like to submit one here then, for full credit, by all means please contact me. When you are out head back to the girl’s bathroom and report back to Hermione. After you have told her everything you know, there is nothing left to do but end the day. Note: At any time after you have ended the day you can return to the girl’s bathroom as the room is now unlocked. Make sure you do return at some point before the end of the game as there are two chests in here with cards in. The chests will not appear until after you have ended the day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day Four ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Incendio Challenge Time to get your last spell. Join Ron on the second floor and enter the second room on the right. Professor Fitzwick will send you on your way for the final time, the Incendio Challenge. The first thing you have to do is duel with another statue. He will only block the return spells once but be quick on the button as there isn’t a great deal of space between you and him so they come back really quick. When you have disposed of him walk through the door he was stood in front of. Keep going until you find yourself stood on a little platform. Off to your left, below you, you will see another statue. You must jump down and duel with him too. Just like the other he will only block once but they do come back quick. When he is gone use Avifors on the rock he leaves behind. The metal gate behind you has now opened, so walk through it and Flipendo the Fire Crab. Use the ramp in there to get back to the top, Flipendo the next Fire Crab and then walk forward until you see the next statue. Jump down to him and start the whole process over again. When you are done the door at the top will be open. Walk around and pick up the Incendio spell book, timing a Flipendo on the hog-cannon. Now walk over to the archway on your left. To get through the metal gate you need to Incendio the four statues around the room. With each statue you Incendio, the longer the gate will stay open. It is possible to get through by just getting two of the statues but to save yourself the trouble, get all four. When you are through follow the path around until you find yourself in the same room you started in. Go down the stairs and sat beside them you will find a block with the Incendio sign on them. So, Incendio it and the column beside you will fall down. Walk through the door it has now revealed and at the other end, Incendio the Fire Crab and watch him burn, ha ha ha. Press the switch on the right and leave the room. Stand on the cracked floor where the column fell and face one of the large hog-cannons on either side of you. First Incendio it and when it is flaming, use Flipendo on it to make it shoot it’s flames upwards. By doing this, the platforms above it are now higher. Quickly run up the stairs and along to the end of the ledge without any flames. Jump from ledge to ledge until you are across and able to press the switch there. Next, drop down and go back into the room with the two switches and press the one on the left. Now repeat the process on the other side, from getting the column to drop until you have pressed the second switch on the ledge. When you have done that you are able to use the door you came in through and return to the classroom. Collect the cards from the three chests in the Incendio classroom and then it’s time for your next Quidditch Match with Ravenclaw. Quidditch Match Your second match is slightly more challenging than the last one, but definitely easier than the last one. If you can win this you will be able to play against Slytherin in the final for the Quidditch Cup. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Night Four ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After watching the sequence, it’s time for another mid-night excursion. Go outside and go to Hagrid’s Hut. You will then see another sequence where Hagrid will drop a key for you to use, finally allowing you access to the Forbidden Forest, (not a great place if you’re an Arachnophobe). When you first enter you will find spiders running around everywhere. You have two ways in which you can kills these, you can either Flipendo them twice and watch them explode instantly, or you can Flipendo them and then use Incendio and watch them burn. I generally prefer the first method as they are gone straight away. Follow the path down clearing the way of spiders as you go until you reach the spider’s web blocking your path. Use Incendio to clear away the web and destroy the spiders behind it. Then, walk in and open the chest on your right to find card #66. Clear the next web and carry on. Watch out for little jumping spiders here as they can be a little touch to spot and they jump out of the ground suddenly. Keep going until you find a web covering a hole in the floor. Get rid of it and jump down. You are now faced with Agragog. Getting in is easy but getting out will be much harder. When you get control back you need to clear the place of all the spiders around you. It can be a bit manic to start but once you get used to it, it’s a doddle. Run down the path in front of you and go past the orange toadstool. You will then be in an almost room like area. De-spider it and run over to the far left corner. Tucked away you will find a chest with card #62. When you move on ignore the path that runs upwards and burn away the web on the right. Clear this room out and walk down the path to the right so you are faced with Aragog again. Burn away the part of his web that is blocking your path but be careful as when you do this one of his little minions will jump down to you. Clear the next bit and of his web and carry on to kill some more spiders. When you come to the fork in the road, ignore the right hand path and take the left one. Carry on and take the path that slopes downwards. When you see a spider on a ledge to your left, kill him and jump over to it. Run on and jump the next gap you come to. When you are across you will find a ledge inset into the wall to pull yourself up onto. Keep going up and kill the two spiders at the top then run over and open the chest with card #63. When you are done hop back down and jump down to the ledge on your right. In the next room, run under the log bridge and past the orange toadstool on your left. Keep following the path along using the orange toadstools as a guide until you reach some more of Agragog’s web. Clear it away and run to the wall around the corner, then wall sneak across to the ledge on the other side. Clear this room and press on. Burn away the next part of his web and clear the spiders to get to the last chest in here with card #64. Finally burn away the bit of web in the corner and Agragog will fall, unfortunately taking you with him. Defeating Agragog You will now find yourself in a pit with Agragog. To defeat him you have to dodge his attacks, which are floor stomping sending out a vibration to hurt you and trying to charge at you, (also watch out for the little spider that will come at you from time to time). Wait until Agragog rears up revealing his underside and a bright light will show you his weak spot. When he does this use Incendio to hit him. You can charge it a little but don’t wait too long and make sure you are in close enough or you won’t hit him. You also need to make sure you are targeting him right because Harry has a habit of targeting the hanging spider sacks instead of the giant flesh-eating spider in front of him. It may also be worth knowing that if you Incendio those sacks either a Bertie Botts Bean will fall out or a Pumpkin Pasty. Anyway, keep hitting him in the stomach until he is dead, four hits should do it. When you have defeated him he will keel over, dropping another potion vial for you to pick up. Run over and get it then watch the little sequence. This shows you that Agragog is not dead and he gets back up for more, but don’t panic Ron will fly in and save you just in time. All you have to do is now is end the day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day Five ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you wake the next morning Harry realises he has overslept and he is late for the Qudditch Final against Slytherin. Go to the Qudditch Stadium and make sure you defeat the Slytherin Scum. There isn’t really anything more I can say about this match other than it is much more difficult than the others. Malfoy is unfortunately very fast and has a whole stash of sarcastic comments ready for when he overtakes you. Win the match and wipe the smile off his face. You will then be rewarded with a little sequence where Professor Dumbledore will give you the Quidditch Cup right in front of Malfoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Night Five ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ron will come into the room and break the bad news to you that Ginny is missing and Hermione has been petrified. Suddenly it all falls into place, not that you didn’t already know everything they’re explaining. So, it’s back to the girl’s bathroom again for the final scenes and the last boss, The Basilisk. Eventually you and Ron work out that the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is through the sinks. Harry jumps in and the real fun starts. Don’t fret the Basilisk is not too difficult to defeat; in fact I think it is easier than Agragog. When you have dropped down run over and save your game. Then walk down between all the snakes’ heads and approach the wall in front of you. When you get there Harry will say something in Parsletongue and the wall will lift revealing the Chamber. Tom Riddle will explain everything to you and call the Basilisk. However, because Harry shows loyalty to Dumbledore, his pet Phoenix will come and, (for those of you that haven’t read the book or seen the film, because it is very hard to make out what exactly it is that Fawkes does here), he will drop the enchanted sword of Godrick Gryffindor and poke the Basilisk’s eyes out leaving him completely blind. Run over and pick up the sword and wait for the Basilisk to attack. He will do this by spitting a stream of foul green venom at you. After he has spat two lots of venom at you he will then open his mouth revealing the proverbial light to show his weak spot. Press down and hold the B button until the sword is yanked from your hand. The Basilisk will drop to the ground causing boulders to fall from the ceiling for you to dodge. When he has picked himself and dusted himself off, he will slink off through the middle right hole giving you a chance to run over and pick up your sword. The Basilisk will come back through the first hole on the right for round two. The second time around he will spit three lots of venom at you before opening its mouth for it’s daily iron intake. You may start to notice a pattern emerging so to cut a long story short and avoid trying to write the same thing in six different ways I will just list it below. After his second hit he will Leave through the first left hole, Then come back through the statues mouth. He spits four lots of venom Out again through the hole on the middle right Back again through the statue Five lots of venom And out the third left In through the statue And six lots of venom. After this last hit he will die. Hurrah the snake is dead! As is Tom Riddle because a fang from the Basilisk falls from it’s mouth and into his diary, killing the memory of Tom Riddle. Action Hero Harry will then wake up Ginny and all’s well that ends well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day Six ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the last day of term and your last chance to tidy up any loose ends. Complete any of the side quests you have yet to do to gain extra house points for winning the Cup. If you have all of the other 100 Witches And Wizards Cards, speak to Professor Dumbledore and he will give you the card #101, Harry Potter, "the boy who lived..." When you are ready, go into the Main Hall to collect the House Cup and watch the end sequence. Roll credits. ******************************************************************************* Chapter 4 Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.1 Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sickles Sickles are basically the equivalent of pounds; you use them to buy the items on your shopping list for returning to Hogwarts at the beginning of the next term. After you leave Diagon Alley you will not need them again. Chocolate Frogs These are great but unfortunately far and few between. When you have a chocolate frog it will restore your health bar to maximum. To pick them up just Flipendo them and then walkover them. Pumpkin Pasties A Pumpkin Pasty will restore part of your health and can be found in chests, desks and cupboards and can be released from toadstools and items you Flipendo inside Hogwarts. Cauldron Cakes Cauldron cakes work in the same way as pumpkin pasties but are only found in chests, cupboards and sometimes desks. You will not find them amongst released items. Eeylops Premium Owl Treats These items are found in chests somewhere near an owl stand. Call Hedwig and feed him the treat to get him to do favours for you, such as give you hints and drop down ladders for you to use. Potion Vials There are three vials for you to collect throughout the game, one is bough from a shop in Diagon Alley, and the second from Fred & George’s Shop and the third is dropped by Agragog. Keep these filled with Wiggenweld Potion, (which can be collected from the shop in Diagon Alley where you bought the vial, the Library on the second floor of Hogwarts and the Herbology Greenhouse area), and when your health bar is empty it will automatically be refilled from your potion vials. Berite Botts Every Flavour Beans These are the only form of currency accepted at Hogwarts and are needed to buy items from Fred & George’s shop, (see information), and to play the games with Neville, (see side quests). You will find the beans in blue or orange toadstools that are stood on their own, or in things like shields, vases, boxes and globes in Hogwarts, they are released by using Flipendo on the item at hand. They are also found in certain items on the Professors desks in the classrooms. You can also get them from searching desks and cupboards. When you are in shops or the Library at Hogwarts, break any glass jars you find on shelves by using Flipendo and you can also get beans from those. Stink Pellets These are a great way of distracting prefects for easy access to restricted area at Hogwarts. At first you can only hold fifteen but when you buy a Stink Pellet Bag from Fred and George you can carry double. These are found in much the same way as beans, they show up in desks and cupboards and are released from broken jars in the Library. If you can’t be bothered to wait until you get to Hogwarts you can buy ten stink pellets from the Gambol & Japes in Diagon Alley. If you miss them there and want them before you have had a chance to collect them, they can also be bought from Fred and George for twenty beans. Non-exploding Luminous Balloons Again these are a great way to distract prefects and are collected in exactly the same way. If you want to buy some from Fred and George they are twenty beans for ten. You can hold fifteen beans until you buy the balloon holster, also for twenty beans, and then you can hold thirty. Nimbus 2000 When you have played your first Quidditch match Wood will give you the Nimbus 2000 Broomstick. When you have this you can fly around the grounds and take a good look around. The only actual use I have found for using your broomstick outside of Quidditch is to fly through the coloured rings for beans. If anyone else knows something I don’t then please let me know. Famous Witches And Wizards Cards There are 101 Famous Witches And Wizards Cards to collect. They are found in chests, bought from Fred and George, won when playing games (see side quests) or by trading duplicates with other students in a good old fashioned game of swapsies. There is the occasional exception to the rule, for a full list of cards and how to get them see section 4.3. For every ten cards you collect your health bar will extend so it is very wise to collect as many as you can. If you want to collect all of them but have missed some along the way, (despite me including every card that can possible be miss in the walkthough section), they can be bought from Fred and George at the end of the game before you go into the Main Hall for the House Point Award Ceremony. However, they will only tell you it is one of their spares and not which card it actually is so it can take a lot of time and beans before you get the card you want. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.2 Spells ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All spells are cast in the same way, assign them to a button of your choice, (B,X or Y), and press the relevant button for the spell you want. To charge a spell just press and hold the button then release when it is charged to cast the spell. Be careful not to charge your spells too much or it will back fire and hurt you. Flipendo When you start the game you already have your first spell Flipendo, or the Knockback Jinx. This spell is used to knock over an opponent or object. This is probably the most well used spell throughout the whole game as it is used to press buttons, release beans and pumpkin pasties from objects and hurt enemies. Lumos Lumos, or the Wand Lighting Charm, will cause the end of your wand to glow, giving you light in dark places and revealing hidden doorways. It is also used to defeat the Gytrashes when you come to them. Diffendo This is the Severing Charm you need when trying to rescue Neville from the evil tapestry. It is used when attacking plants in the Herbology Greenhouse and can server tapestries to reveal hidden rooms. It will also sever chains during certain charm challenges and will open vine-covered chests. Expeliarmus Expeliarmus is the duelling charm and is used when duelling with other students, Slytherin only, and fighting with statues during charm challenges. This spell also goes by the name of the Disarming Charm. Skurge Skurge is the Scouring Charm and will clean up ectoplasm. Unfortunately it will also release ghosts from large patches of ectoplasm such as those covering doorways. It will give you access to all chests covered with the green substance. Avifors Avifors is used when you want to transfigure something, i.e. a small rock then becomes a bird. This spell will enable you to move small objects blocking your path or move a rock from one place to another to press a switch and therefore open a door. Incendio Incendio, or the Fire-making Charm, can also go by the name of "Bluebell Flames" or "Cold Fire". It will burn spider’s webs to clear your path or unlock a chest. It is also a great distraction when you need it. Alohomora Alohomora is an unlocking spell used merely to gain access to chests. This spell is bought from Fred and George’s shop and although they will tell you that you can now go to more places I have never found a door that this spell will open. If anyone does however, then just let me know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.3 Witches & Wizards Cards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Name Location 1 Merlin The Burrow 2 Cornelius Agrippa Trade #59 with a Boy on the 1st Floor 3 Elfrida Clagg The Burrow 4 Grogan Stump Whomping Willow 5 Gulliver Pokeby Borgin & Burkes 6 Glanmore Peakes Whomping Willow 7 Hesper Starkey Whomping Willow 8 Derwent Shimpling The Burrow 9 Gunhilda Of Gorsemoor Chest, Library. 10 Burdock Muldoon Chest, Library 11 Herpo The Foul Chest, Library 12 Merwyn The Malicious Chest, Library 13 Andros The Invincible Gnome Dunking 2 Chest, Girl’s Bathroom 14 Fulbert The Fearful Chest, Outside the Herbology Greenhouse 15 Paracelsus Gnome Toss 1 16 Cliodine Gnome Toss 2 17 Morgan Le Faye Gnome Toss 3 18 Uric The Oddball Gnome Dunking 1 19 Newt Scamander Gnome Toss 4 20 Wendelin The Weird Gnome Toss 5 21 Lord Stoddard Withers Gnome Dunking 3 22 Circe Broom Racing 1.1 23 Glenda Chittock Trade with a Hufflepuff boy 1st Floor 24 Adalbert Waffling Broom Racing 1.2 25 Perpetua Fancourt Broom Racing 1.3 26 Almerick Sawbridge Broom Racing 2.1 27 Mirabella Plunkett Leaky Cauldron Broom Racing 2.2 28 Tilly Toke Magical Menagerie 29 Archibald Alderton Buy from Fred & George’s Shop 30 Artemisia Lufkin Broom Racing 2.3 31 Balfour Blane Chest, 6th Floor Classroom Broom Racing 3.1 32 Bridget Wenlock Gambol & Japes 33 Beaumont Marjoribanks Broom Racing 3.2 34 Donaghan Tremlett Broom Racing 3.3 35 Bowman Wright Broom Racing 4.1 36 Jocelind Wadcock Trade #84 with Gryffindor boy 1st floor 37 Cassandra Vablatsky Broom Racing 4.3 38 Chauncey Oldridge Broom Racing 5.1 39 Gwenog Jones Broom Racing 5.2 40 Carlotta Pinkstone Broom Racing 5.3 41 Godrick Gryffindor Chest(S), Girl’s Bathroom 42 Crispin Cronk Chest(I), Incendio Classroom 43 Cyprian Youdle Chest, 4th Floor Crawl Space Passage Chest, Dungeon 44 Delvin Whitehorn Chest, Incendio Classroom 45 Dunbar Oglethorpe Return Potions Kit Bag 46 Miranda Goshawk Return Merit Badge 47 Edgar Stroulger Buy from Fred & George’s Shop 48 Salazar Slytherin Return Telescope 49 Elladora Ketteridge Return Neville’s Toad 50 Musidora Barkwith Return Measuring Scales 51 Ethelred The Ever-Ready Return Wizard’s Hat 52 Felix Summerbee Return Dragonhide Gloves 53 Rita Catchlove Chest(I), Outside Quidditch Stadium 54 Gaspard Shingleton Return Gadding With Ghouls 55 Honoria Nutcombe Return Holiday’s With Hags 56 Gideon Crumb Return Lee Jordan’s Giant Tarantula 57 Gifford Ollerton Chest, Dark Arts Classroom 3rd Floor 58 Glover Hipworth Chest(D), Dark Arts Classroom 3rd Floor 59 Gregory The Smarmy The Burrow Chest, Herbology Greenhouse 60 Laverne de Montmorency Chest(I), Herbology Greenhouse 61 Havelock Sweeting Trade #77 with a Boy on the 4th floor 62 Ignatia Wildsmith Forbidden Forest 63 Herman Wintringham Forbidden Forest 64 Jocunda Sykes Forbidden Forest 65 Gondoline Oliphant Chest, Secret Room, 7th Floor 66 Flavious Belby Forbidden Forest 67 Justus Pillwickle Chest(S), Ground floor Grand Staircase 68 Kirley Duke Chest(I), Ground floor Grand Staircase 69 Bertie Bott Buy from Fred & George’s Shop 70 Leopoldina Smethwick Chest(D), 6th Floor Classroom 71 Queen Maeve Chest(S), 6th Floor Classroom 72 Helga Hufflepuff Herbology Greenhouse 3 73 Mopsus Chest, 3rd Floor Classroom 74 Montague Knightley Chest(D), 2nd Floor Passage 75 Mungo Bonham Trade #13 with a Girl on the 4th Floor 76 Myron Wagtail Chest(A), Lower Entrance Hall 77 Norvel Twonk Chest(A), Library Annex Chest(I), 1st Floor Classroom 78 Orsino Thruston Trade Card #98 Girl 4th Floor 79 Oswald Beamish Chest(A), 5th Floor Classroom 80 Beatrix Bloxham Buy from Fred & George’s Shop 81 Quong Po Trade #31 Girl 7th Floor 82 Rowena Ravenclaw Chest(I), 4th Floor Classroom 83 Roderick Plumpton Chest(D), 6th Floor Classroom 84 Roland Kegg Chest(S), 1st Floor Classroom Broom Racing 4.2 85 Blenheim Stalk Chest, Avifors Challenge 86 Dorcas Wellbeloved Chest, Dungeon 87 Thaddeus Thurkell Chest(A), 1st Floor Classroom 88 Celestina Warbeck Chest, 5th Floor Classroom 89 Alberta Toothill Chest(I), Lower Entrance Hall 90 Sacharissa Tugwood Chest(A), Incedio Classroom 91 Wilfred Elphick Chest, 1st Floor Classroom 92 Xavier Rastrick Chest, 3rd Floor Passage 93 Heathcote Barbary Chest(S), Dark Arts Classroom 94 Merton Graves Trade #31 Hufflepuff girl 7th Floor 95 Yardley Platt Chest(A), Dark Arts Classroom 96 Hengist Of Woodcroft Chest(D), 1st Floor Passage 97 Alberic Grunnion Buy from Fred & George’s Shop 98 Dymphna Furmage Borgin & Burkes Chest, 2nd/3rd Floor Passage 99 Daisy Dodderidge Chest(S), 4th Floor Classroom 100 Albus Dumbledore Chest(I), 7th Floor Secret Passage 101 Harry Potter Get from Professor Dumbledore when you have all of the other 100 cards Please notice the letters in brackets after some of the chests. These are there to show you which spell you will need to open that chest. Legend A Alohomora Av Avifors (not needed to open chests) D Diffindo E Expeliarmus F Flipendo (not needed to open chests) I Incendio L Lumos (not needed to open chests) S Skurge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.4 Fred & George’s Shop Price List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Witches & Wizard’s Card Edgar Stroulger 30 Beans Albert Grunnion 30 " Limited Edition Bertie Bott 30 " Archibald Alderton 30 " Any bought at the end of the game 30 " Stink Pellets 20 Beans Balloon Holster 20 " Bean Bag 20 " Stink Pellet Bag 20 " Non-Explodable Luminous Balloons 20 " Wiggenweld Potion Vial 100 " Alohomora Spell book 100 " At the end of the game you have the opportunity to buy any cards you may have missed throughout the game. I would say to you, try to avoid this situation as you will buy the cards without knowing which card it actually is. All they will tell you is it is one of their spare cards so until you have purchased it you will not know what number it is. This means you will have to spend a lot of beans and a lot of time before you actually get the card you want. ******************************************************************************* Chapter 5 Side Quests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.1 Lost & Found ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Potions Kit Bag This can be found in the Herbology Greenhouse area, so go through the green doors and, once inside, turn right and follow the path left. Go all the way to the end of the path and it is right there in a little recess on your left, (opposite the Wiggenweld Potion cauldron). Collect it and return to the notice board in the common room. Gryffindor Merit Badge Finding this is easy! Leave the common room and go into the empty room that is right opposite the Gryffindor Common Room entry Portrait. There it is right beside you. Telescope This one gave me a little bit of trouble to start with, but if you’re using this you should have no problem at all. It’s in a classroom on the firs floor. As you step off the grand staircase and into the lobby area, it’s the door directly in front of you, that’s the room right you need. Neville’s Toad This was easy as the notice board tells you exactly where to find it. Go straight to the Herbology Greenhouse and as soon as you are through the doors, take the first right and there he is, right in front of you. To pick him up you need to Flipendo him first then walk over and get him. Measuring Scales Once again the notice board tells you exactly where to find it, Hagid’s Hut. To first reach the hut you need to go out the main entrance, and look between the path to the Quidditch Stadium, and the path to the Herbology Greenhouse area. There will be a faint trail there for you to follow to Hagrid’s Hut and the entrance to the Forbidden Forest. When you get there, run to the right of the hut and the scales are behind the bushes on the right, over the back. Wizard’s Hat The notice board was a bit more vague until I realised you have to take it literally, "taking a shortcut". It’s in a side room leading off the 3rd Floor 4th Floor shortcut passage. Dragonhide Gloves Again, nice and easy. When you leave the grand staircase and are in the entrance hall, go down the corridor straight ahead of you past the save point. At the end of the corridor, go through the door and it’s there on your right. Gadding With Ghouls Only minor hunting involved here, but none for you as I can tell you it’s on the 6th Floor in the left hand classroom. Holiday’s With Hags This was by far the worst one to find because the notice board gives you no clue at all. I will save you a lot of time and frustration and just say it’s in the Library. Go left when you enter and it is in the end alcove archway. Lee Jordan’s Giant Tarantula Okay, so it’s back to the Library! Go up the left hand staircase and right behind the Wiggenweld Potion Cauldron, there it is. There’s no need to Flipendo it like Neville’s Toad, just walk over and pick it up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.2 Games ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gnome Dunking Gnome dunking isn’t really a game as such, you only have to beat the highest toss record to win your card. It is free however so it’s nice and easy. This is the only game that needs to be played on a daily basis, the others can all be played at your leisure, but this game is only offered once a day and if you miss a day you will only be able to buy the card from Fred & George’s shop at the end of the game, which is not an ideal situation, (see Information). This is very easy, just use the same method you used to de-gnome the Weasley’s garden and you will be fine. To beat the record every time, spin around six times and let go of the gnome. Release him at the right time and a card will be your every time. Although Gnome dunking can be played every day, you will only win cards on the first three days, after that there are no more to be won. The records you have to beat are as below. Day 1 100 Day 2 120 Day 3 150 Day 4 170 Day 5 200 Gnome Tossing Gnome tossing is much more difficult that the other games. I didn’t enjoy it very much but it is a necessary evil if you want to collect all the cards. It works in the same manner as de-gnoming, only you have to aim you release to get the gnome to go through one of the coloured rings. Below you will find the cost of each game and a rough idea as to how many spins you need to have done to get the gnome through each ring. Where you see two numbers, for example ¾, that means three spins when the ring is close to you, and four spins when it has moved away. The timing and spinning is no problem, it’s letting go of the gnome in time to get the right ring that causes me problems. The yellow ring is worth 100 points, the blue ring is worth 50 points and the green ring is worth 20 points. The best way to beat this record, especially the later games, is to try and get the gnome through more than one ring at the same time. Wait until they are lined up one on top of the other, (but not too long or the gnome you are holding will bite you), and you will get a 2 x bonus which totals your score and doubles it. Also watch out for the other gnomes around you as they can still hurt you and make you lose beans. 1 10 Beans Record to beat 100 4/5 Spins Yellow 4/5 Spins Blue 4/5 Spins Green 2 15 Beans Record to beat 120 4/5 Spins Green 4/5 Spins Blue 3/4 Spins Yellow 3 20 Beans Record to beat 150 4/5 Spins Green 4/5 Spins Blue 4/5 Spins Yellow 4 30 Beans Record to beat 200 3 Spins Yellow 3 Spins Blue 4 Spins Green 5 40 Beans Record to beat 250 3 Spins Yellow 3/4 Spins Green 4 Spins Blue Broom Racing Broom racing is very straightforward. Just remember what you learned in flying practice and you will do fine. Unlike Qudditch Practice, you don’t get boosts and the cheating beggars start a little ahead of you. To catch up, just fly through as many rings as you can and you will catch up with them. Don’t worry if you miss a ring or two this does not cause a problem, you will not forfeit the game for simply missing a ring. The first three students you race are very easy but the last two are slightly more challenging. Each student needs to be raced three times to move on to the next. Check below for the price of playing each game. 1.1 5 Beans 2.1 5 Beans 1.2 10 " 2.2 10 " 1.3 15 " 2.3 10 " 3.1 10 " 4.1 20 " 3.2 15 " 4.2 20 " 3.3 15 " 4.3 30 " 5.1 40 " 5.2 40 " 5.3 50 " ******************************************************************************* Chapter 6 Credits & Thanks There really are no credits or thanks yet as this is my first version, but I would like to thank all those who never thought to write a walkthrough for this giving me the confidence I needed to undertake this challenge. Also thanks to EA Games for making this great game and JK Rowling for creating the world of Harry Potter with its unlimited possibilities. ******************************************************************************* Chapter 7 Copyright This document is copyright to Kathryn Mintram 2003. Please do not use this document without my permission to use for any other website or print it for selling. It is solely for your own personal consumption only. If you would like to use it for anything else, or see it on another website, please contact me first.