<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban Full Item List Version 1.0 By Kathryn Mintram 5th June 2004 ******************************************************************************* Contents ******************************************************************************* Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Famous Witches & Wizard Cards Chapter 3 Lost & Found Chapter 4 Folio Bruti Pages Chapter 5 Stink Pellet Challenge Chapter 6 Statue Challenge Chapter 7 Potions Ingredients Chapter 8 Copyright ******************************************************************************* Chater 1 Introduction ******************************************************************************* Ok I just finished the game and I will be writing a walkthrough but that will take a few days and as I know there are many people out ther screaming for a card list or looking for some of Hermione's statues, I am going to post a full item list to get you all started. To be honest I know most of you will only be interested in the item list as the game itself is pretty easy, apart from the odd boss or trying to sneak past trolls etc, so you won't neccessarily need a walkthrough but there is bound to be a question or two for someone that needs and answer and a walkthrough will be the best way to answer them. Anyway, below you will find a complete list of all items you can find at Hogwarts and I am pretty sure I have them all as I got 100% complete at the end of the game, if however you know something I don't then please email me. For the moment the list might be a bit vague but it will let you know exactly which area to look in until i have updated it and included the more detailed list in my walkthrough. For the moment it will only list where to find them and nt neccessarily how to get them, please be patient I need to go back and work out how i got them myself. Anyway, Enjoy! ******************************************************************************* Chapter 2 Famous Witches and Wizard Cards ******************************************************************************* Unlike in the earlier two games, the cards are to be found to complete sets of five and with each five you collect you will get a bonus. For each set there will be four cards lying around the school. Upon finding the first four the fifth will be given to you automatically. Witches 1 Morgan le Fay Glacius Challenge 2 Queen Maeve Dungeon Corridor 3 Ignatia Wildsmith Glacius Challenge 4 Beatrix Bloxham Dark Arts Classroom 5 Gunhilda of Gorsemoor Bonus Hermione's Endurance will rise Wizards 1 Merlin Charms Classroom 2 Glanmore Peakes Carpe Retractum Challenge 3 Herpo the Foul 4th/7th Floor Hidden Passage 4 Edgar Stroulger Carpe Retractum Challenge 5 Albus Dumbledore Bonus Harry's Endurance will rise Vampires 1 Lady Carmilla Sanguina Griyffindor Fireplace (Glacius) 2 Amarillo Lestoat 4th Floor Fireplace (Glacius) 3 Sir Herbert Varney Reparo Challenge 4 Blodwyn Bludd 4th Floor Corridor (Lumod Duo) 5 Count Vlad Drakul Bonus 20 House Points Goblins 1 Eargit the Ugly Fred & George's Shop (100 Beans) 2 Alguff the Awful Glanmore Peakes Corridor (Glacius) 3 Ug the Unreadable Fred & George's Shop (Glacius) 4 Urg the Unclean Fred & George's Shop (Reparo) 5 Gringott Bonus 20 House Points Hags 1 Babayaga 3rd Floor Store Room (Draconifors) 2 Melodora Grymm Glanmore peakes Corridor (Snufflifors) 3 Leticia Somnelons 4th Floor Study Area (Snufflifors) 4 Old Mother Hubbard Fred & George's Shop (Hidden Panel) 5 Cordelia Misericordia Bonus Hermione's Endurance will rise Giants 1 Bran the Bloodthirsty Glanmore Peakes Corridor (Hidden Panel) 2 Cyclops Fred & George's Shop (100 Beans) 3 Goliath Glanmore Peakes Corridor (Reparo) 4 Morholt 3rd Floor Secret Passage (Draconifors/Carpe Retractum) 5 Hengist of Upper Barnton Bonus 20 House Points Dragons 1 Common Welsh Green 5 Stink Pellet Pots 2 Hebridean Black 10 Stink Pellet Pots 3 Hungarian Horntail 15 Stink Pellet Pots 4 Romanian Longhorn 20 Stink Pellet Pots 5 Norwegian Ridgeback Bonus Ron's Endurance will rise Beasts 1 Imp 3rd/2nd Floor Secret Passage (Draconifors) 2 Doxy 2nd/4th Floor Secret Passage (Draconifors) 3 Bowtruckle 3rd Floor Secret Passage (Draconifors) 4 Billywig 7th Floor North Wing 5 Gnome Bonus 20 House Points Classical Beasts 1 Giant Squid 4th Floor Corridor 2 Manticore Boy's Dormitory 3 Unicorn In grounds towards boathouse (Stairs) 4 Mountain Troll Glacius Challenge 5 Phoenix Bonus Ron's Endurance will rise Quidditch 1 Cyprian Youdle Boy's Dormitory Trunk (Harry) 2 Jocelind Wadcock 6th Floor Corridor 3 Leopoldina Smethwyck Marauders Map Challenge 4 Roderick Plumpton Fred & George's Shop (Ron) 5 Barberus Bragge Bonus Harry's Endurance will rise ******************************************************************************* Chapter 3 Lost & Found ******************************************************************************* 1 Prefect Badge Entrance Hall (Behind Hufflepuff Hourglass) 2 Rememberall Stone Circle 3 Potion Vial Case 2nd Floor Study Area 4 Dragon Hide Gloves Dark Arts Classroom 5 Owl Post Parcel Clock Tower Courtyard (Passage Surrounding It) 6 A Key 1st Floor Corridor (Behind Statue) 7 Telescope Boathouse 8 Daily Prophet Newspaper Hospital Wing 9 Brass Scales Charms Classroom 10 Potion Jar Potion Study Area ******************************************************************************* Chapter 4 Folio Bruti Pages ******************************************************************************* 1 Dementors Comes with the book 2 Billywig Glacius Challenge 3 Chizpurfle Potions Classroom 4 Doxy Carpe Retractum Challenge 5 Dragonfly 4th/7th Floor Secret Passage 6 Fairy 2nd Floor Secret Passage 7 Fire Seed Bush Dungeon Study Area 8 Flying Seahorse Fred & George's Shop (100 Beans) 9 Ghoul 5th Floor Display Corridor 10 Hinkypunk 5th Floor Corridor 11 Hippogriff Hogwarts Grounds 12 Pixie Marauders Map Challenge 13 Red Cap Reparo Challenge 14 Salamander Glacius Challenge 15 Troll Gryffindor Commnroom (Hidden Panel) 16 Venemouse Tentacula Girl's Dormitory (Hermione) ******************************************************************************* Chapter 5 Stink Pellet Challenge ******************************************************************************* 1 Fred & George's Shop 2 4th Floor Corridor 3 Fat Lady's Corridor 4 3rd Floor Corridor 5 Ground Floor, Grand Staircase 6 Dungeon Corridor 7 Dungeon Corridor 8 Transfiguration Classroom (Up on Bookcases) 9 Transfiguration Classroom (As Above) 10 4th Floor Corridor 11 6th Floor East Wing 12 Potions Classroom 13 Muggle Studies Corridor 14 Dark Arts Classroom 15 7th Floor North Wing 16 6th/7th Floor Secret Passage 17 4th Floor Staircase 18 2nd Floor Secret Passage 19 Transfiguration Corridor (Behind Statue) 20 Entrance Hall (Behind Gryffindor Hourglass) ******************************************************************************* Chapter 6 Statue Challenge ******************************************************************************* 1 Bridget Wnelock 7th Floor Corridor 2 Gondolin Oliphant 4th/2nd Floor Secret Passage (Draconifors) 3 Hengist of Woodcroft 4th Floor Corridor 4 Glanmore Peakes 6th Floor 5 Bauemont Marjoribanks History of magic Classroom 6 Gunhilda of Gorsemoor Gunhilda of Gorsemoor Corridor 7 Gregory the Smarmy Trasfiguration Corridor 8 Jocunda Sykes Entrace Hall 9 Hookey the House Elf Dungeon Study Area ******************************************************************************* Chapter 7 Potions Ingredients ******************************************************************************* Antidote to Uncommon Ppoisons 1 Fire Seeds Greenhouse Area 2 Chizpurfle Carpaces Near Hagrid's Hut 3 Graphorn Horn Automatic Collection 4 Billywig Stings Near Great Lake (Buckbeak Needed) Girding Potion 1 Flying Seahorses Boathouse 2 Doxy Eggs Near Hagrid's Hut 3 Dragonfly Thoraxes Main Courtyard 4 Fairy Wings Hogsmead ******************************************************************************* Chapter 8 Copyright ******************************************************************************* This document is copyright to Kathryn Mintram 2004. Please do not use this document without my permission for any other website or to print it for selling. It is solely for your own personal consumption only. Also please do not email me to ask if you can use this on your website as I only deal with gamesfaqs.com and get tired of answering emails from other websites.