==================== ICO ==================== Guide Written By: Joe Messer Email: kingdomhearts@sbcglobal.net Date: 9/8/02 This document is copyright September 8, 2002 by Joe Messer. It cannot be reproduced for commercial use. Use of this guide on any site, magazine, or other publication, profit or non-profit, other then WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM is prohibited without the author's written consent. This document may not be altered in any way or form by anyone anywhere except for the original author. The latest version can always be found at WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM. Contributors to this FAQ/Walkthrough are credited with their name, alias, and email. Contributors may elect not to reveal certain information about themselves or be credited as anonymous. Violators of this copyright notice will be served with a civil suit and their website (if applicable) will be reported to InterNIC. ==================== FAQ Information ==================== Pages: 16 Size: 40k Completion: 100% Version: 1.02 ==================== Game Information ==================== Name: ICO Publisher: Sony Developer: SCEI Platform: Sony Playstation 2 Genre: Puzzle/Action ESRB Rating: Teen; Violence Discs: 1 Format: Compact Disc Region: North America ==================== Version History ==================== v1.02 (6/26/03) Changed Email address. Added a search format. Now just press ctrl+F and the call number. This most likely will be the final update. Any future updates will mostly likely be because of email change or newcopyright information v1.01 (9/9/02) Fixed several typos in the faq. Added a Combat section. Added a warning in the walkthrough about when to get the mace. Added a FAQ information section. Added a FAQ(The other kind) v1.0 (9/8/02) First version everything is new. ==================== Table of Contents ==================== 001 Introduction 002 Controls 003 Combat Tips 004 Puzzle Strategies 005 Yorda 006 Items 007 Walkthrough 007a The Tombs 007b Fear of Falling 007c Symmetry 007d Water and Wood 007e The Sea 007f The Queen 008 Secrets/Info 009 Gameshark Codes 010 FAQ 011 Squaresoft References 012 Contact Information 013 Credits ==================== 001 Introduction ==================== There are very few games, if any, that are like Ico(*EE-KO* Jabroni). Sure there are many puzzle games, but none that contains the rich storytelling and breathtaking art that is contained in this masterpiece. And it is for this reason why it's a shame few know about this game. Sure it has a cult following, but your average Joe Gamer has either never heard of it or has written it off as garbage. The story is about a twelve year old boy named Ico. Ico is the unfortunate one who is born with horns every generation. According to legend these horned children bring famine and bad luck upon the world. It is for this reason Ico must be sacrificed. When he becomes of age Ico is taken to a castle where he is locked up and left to the wrath of its demons. They story is pretty interesting and it is this component along with breathtaking visuals and excellent game play that will not allow you to put your controller down. While not a difficult game it does make you think. Every brick of the castle is a piece of the puzzle. Overall I give this game a 9/10. ==================== 002 Controls ==================== Left Analog Stick.............................................Moves Ico Right Analog Stick.......................................Rotates Camera Up/Down..............................................Climb Ladder/Chain Start.......................................................Pauses Game R1...............................................Calls Yorda/Grabs Hand R2..............................................Zooms In/Rotates Camera Triangle...........................................................Jump Square.......................................................Use Weapon Circle.....................................Use/Throw Object/Swing Chain X..................................................................Drop Left Analog Stick + Triangle..................................Long Jump ==================== 003 Combat Tips ==================== -Make sure that Yorda is near you at all times. Shadow monsters love to separate you two. While one keeps you busy another will take off with her. -Try to fight near the portal. So if she does get carried off you will be able to recover her right away. -If she is dragged into the portal use R1 to pull her back up. -Shadow Monsters love to feint attacks. Before engaging the enemy let it launch an attack. It will most likely feint and run back. At this point charge and swing. ==================== 004 Puzzle Strategies ==================== -Levers have a blue color to them. Use the Circle button to activate a lever. Once the lever is activated something else in the room is changed. Either a door opens or sometimes an event occurs. -Pressure Switches act like levers except they are only activated when something or someone is standing on it. Sometimes these switches are blocking a path because a block or another object is activating it. Push the block out of the way to release the switch. -Sometimes solving a puzzle requires the use of blocks. To push or pull locks press the Circle button while using the left analog stick. -Ladders and chains are also a common puzzle factor. Simply push the analog stick in the up direction to climb a ladder. To climb a chain just jump on it. Press Circle while on a chain to swing back and forth. Remember when jumping off a chain Ico always launches in the opposite direction he is facing. -Idol doors(green pillars) are signs of an exit. Drag Yorda to the pillars and she will open them. This will also destroy any nearby enemies. ==================== 005 Yorda ==================== The object of the game is to escape the castle with Yorda. However, Yorda is blind so its going to take some work on your part. Here are some strategies for guiding Yorda. -Press R1 to call out to her and/or hold her hand. -If you come to a place where Yorda can't climb up first let go of her. Climb the ledge by you your self then face her and press R1 to pull her up onto the ledge. -If the ledge is even to tall for the above strategy look for a cube you can push down to giver her a boost. -Yorda can climb up and down ladders. Press R1 to call her and she will climb one if needed. ==================== 006 Items ==================== The Stick- Ico's first weapon and weakest. It can also be used to light torches and bombs. Press circle in front of a flame source to light your stick on fire. Press circle again to light the object of your choice on fire. The Block- Blocks are essential pieces of the puzzles you face. They have a variety of uses including holding pressure switches and acting as a boost to get high ledges. Bombs- These are used to blow things up obviously. You will encounter them at various points in the game. Use the lighting method found above to make use of them. The Sword- Ico's second weapon and it is significantly stronger then the stick. You can also use it to cut ropes. The Mace- Ico's third weapon. See side quests below. The Idol Sword- Ico's fourth and final weapon. It kills shadow demons in one hit and opens idol doors. It also protects Ico from the Queen's petrification. ==================== 007 Walkthrough ==================== ---------------- 007a +The Tombs+ ---------------- After the intro and other cut scenes you find your self in a large room. Head up the stairs located straight ahead and climb up the ladder. Run right and you will eventually see a blue lever. Activate it and a door will open. Head down the stairs behind you and then run through the newly opened door. Explore the room a bit and you should see a hanging chain. Climb up it and jump onto the ledge. Then climb through one of the windows and jump down. There are two ladders in this building. Climb the one directly behind you. If your now running up a long flight of stairs you've climbed the right one. At the end you see another hanging chain. Climb it and continue along the path. A cut scene will appear. You notice that you cannot go any further. Climb up through the nearest window. In the next area run right and climb through the last window on the path (second one). You will be back in the area you were before, but on the other side where you couldn't reach. Pull the lever and watch the cut scene. Now return to the spot where you first started this puzzle. Its now time to take the second ladder up. Walk along the path until you have sight of the black cage. You now have to jump on that cage. Once you do another cut scene will appear. Grab the stick that is on the ground. If your quick you can beat the shadowy monster before he pulls Yorda into the vortex. If not don't worry. Just press R1 to pull her up. Another cut scene will follow. When its done grab Yorda and take her over to the green pillars (idol doors). She will open them for you. To get Yorda over the first ledge simply hold her hand and she will step onto it. The second one however is too big for you to just drag her with you. First let go of her hand. Then climb up. Once you've made it press R1 and Ico will kneel down and pull the princess up onto the ledge. After that go through the archway and save on the couch. *****Save 1 Statistics (The Old Bridge) -Completion Time: 00:26:10 -Game Over : 1 Cross the old bridge. There will be a scene towards the middle where the bridge crumbles, but don't worry you will make it. At the end of the bridge Yorda will move the idol doors for you. Upon entering the room a vortex will appear and the shadow monsters will attack you. Defeat them. Once you do there is a block down below. Move it to release the pressure switch. It will reveal a staircase. Go up it and follow the path into the next room. You will notice that the door blocking your path is locked. Have Ico drop down to the floor above and run to the end of the room. There is a lever. Activate it. The door opens so call Yorda over to you. Now run in the opposite direction. You will see a chain use it to have Ico get to the next level. However as soon as you do more shadow monsters appear. Jump down and defeat them. Now climb back up. Unfortunately Yorda cannot climb the chain and your too high to pull her up. Luckily there is a box you can push down. Push it down and then call Yorda. She will soon join you. Now go through the door. Outside there should be some stairs. Go up them and then turn right. There will be another flight of stairs so go up those too. You will then be attacked by shadow monsters. This time there is a bigger and stronger one among them. But it still shouldn't be too difficult. There is a save point slightly tucked away in this area. *****Save 2 Statistics -Completion Time: 00:39:49 -Game Over : 1 There is a ladder in this area. Climb down it and go right. Eventually you will see a trolley. Unfortunately the lever does not work. There may be a faster way of doing this, but I had to push the trolley all the way to the end. If you figure out a faster way please email me with it. Anyway after you push the trolley to the end use it to climb up onto the ledge. There is a save point here. I suggest you use it. *****Save 3 Statistics (The Trolley) -Completion Time: 00:55:33 -Game Over : 1 ---------------------- 007b +Fear of Falling+ ---------------------- There's only one path to take here. You will be able to guide Yorda up the first couple of ledges, but then you reach a pit. Have Ico jump first and then call Yorda. She will make a leap of faith and Ico will pull her up. Continue along the path and you will see a railing along the castle wall. Have Ico use to get to the next area. Pull the lever and it will move the crane with a crate over to where Yorda is. Go back to Yorda and jump onto the crate. Call her and she will jump on it to. Now have Ico jump pack and guide him to where the lever is. Pull the lever again and Yorda will be transported to the other side. If you continue right from where the lever is you will see some wooden beams. Climb those to get on top of the crane. Walk on the narrow crane arm and climb down the chain. Then jump onto the next platform and call Yorda. She will do the same. There is a couch so go ahead and save. *****Save 4 Statistics (The Crane) -Completion Time: 01:11:56 -Game Over : 1 Go through the archway. There is also an entrance below but don't worry about that yet. The point of this puzzle is to knock down the bridge so you can get to the other side with Yorda. This is a 2 step process. First you must take out the chandelier and then explode the base of the support beam. To take out the chandelier you need access to the catwalks above. There are window seals that you can climb up on. After that make your way to the middle of the room on the catwalk and jump on the chandelier. This will cause it to come tumbling down and damages the beam holding the bridge up. Now leave this area and go through the entrance on the bottom of the previous area. There are some bombs before you enter. Go ahead and grab one. Once inside place the bomb next to the beam. Use your stick to get some fire from the fallen chandelier. Light the bomb and BOOM! Bridge comes crashing down. Go back up to meet Yorda. Now enemies have appeared. Instead of fighting them just run down the now fallen bridge and open the idol doors. They will die instantly. This next part can be hard if your not quick. I died a couple of times here so don't get discouraged if its taking you awhile. Basically this is an area where hordes of shadow creatures attack you. Don't waste your time with them. You will lose. Just run. Take the left path and go down the stairs. There are some idol doors up the stairs in the middle of the room. They will all die instantly. After leaving the room you will view a cut scene. Thought the game was over eh? Hehe not yet. The Queen of the castle has other plans. After the scene there is a couch near the gate, but you have to light all the torches before Yorda will sit down with you. Light the torches by pulling them closer to the stone path. Once they are all lit save your game. *****Save 5 Statistics (The Main Gate) -Completion Time: 01:47:56 -Game Over : 3 Now that the torches are lit go back to the previous room. There are no more shadows. Go back to the beginning of this room. There is an area that is boarded up. On the other end there are several bombs. Grab one an set it by the boards. Use the torches to light your stick and activate the bomb. You find yourself in a graveyard. There is a couch at the bottom of the stairs, but first kill all the baddies in the area. Now go ahead and save. *****Save 6 Statistics (Courtyard) -Completion Time: 01:51:59 -Game Over : 3 This part took me a awhile to figure out. First you have to use the block available to activate one of the two pressure switches. Then you have to have Yorda activate the other one. I kept trying to climb that ladder nearby :(. Now in the next room climb up the ladder and then climb up the chain and push the block down once your outside. Now more monsters appear. Jump down and kill them. Use the extra block to activate the other pressure switch. Take Yorda into the next room. Now go back outside to the area where you pushed the block down. There is an entryway on the left side. Now climb up the ladder and jump onto the chain in the middle. This will raise the floor on the other side. To get to the other side use the chain to swing over there. Shadow monsters will appear. After you take care of them do the same thing and then lift Yorda up and take her to the idol doors. This outside areas sure are nice huh? Well the subject of this puzzle is our windmill friend here. See the broken off staircase? Well go as far as you can and use the ledge to climb up the mill. Move to your right and there will be more ledges. Keep climbing until there are no more ledges to climb. Go over to the other side of the mill. This is the best camera view to use because your going to be jumping on one of those windmill blades. Wait for one of them to make a -45 degree angle and then jump. Be sure to move towards the tip before you reach the top. Once your at the roof jump off. Walk along the path past a couch and some idol doors. When you reach the end throw the switch. A bridge will extend out. Go to the end of it and call Yorda. She'll make a leap of faith. Take her to the couch and save. *****Save 7 Statistics (Windmill) -Completion Time: 02:47:09 -Game Over : 3 Get off the couch and go to the idol doors you saw earlier. In the middle of the room is a chain. Climb up. Once you do shadow monsters appear. Make short work of them and then climb up again. Pass the idol doors and down the stairs are a bunch of sewer grates. Jump down the empty one and run to the end of the sewer. There are two pressure switches. Have Ico press the right one and then call Yorda. Have Yorda Activate the left switch. Now leave through the newly opened door. Climb up the pipe and jump across the gap. This next part took me forever to figure out. Go back to the open grate and call Yorda. Who would have thought it was low enough to pull her up? Now go through the idol doors. There is an elevator in the next room. Use it. Once on top you will notice a switch. You probably will try to activate it, but all is in vain for it is too high. You need a block. To get one leave Yorda behind and jump down to the ledges where the railing is broken. Move around the building and life yourself up to the next area. There is a cube here. Push it down to where Yorda is. Shadow monsters soon appear so be on your guard. After using the block to throw the switch (which lowers a chain) bring it back over to where you dropped it off. Pull Yorda up and save on the couch. *****Save 8 Statistics -Completion Time: 03:14:34 -Game Over : 3 I died a couple of times on this next part and I only have ignorance to blame. I didn't know you could shimmy across broken up rock. On the third time through I decided to give it a go and it worked. Anyway next to the couch there are some ledges. Move up to the second one and move across the chasm. When you reach the other side shadow monsters will appear, but don't worry there in a different area then Yorda is in. Climb down the chain and swing into the open window. Remember Ico launches in the opposite direction he is facing. Once inside beat up the shadows. There are some window seals with blocks in them. Take your pick and push out a block. You will be back in familiar territory, remember the grates? Anyway there was a platform you were not able to reach before. It is on the left hand side of the tree. Push your block over there and pull yourself up. Follow the path and climb up the chain. Then up the stairs and through the door. There is a ladder near by climb it and walk along the path. There is a chain ahead. Use that to swing over to the other side to where the lever is. Before you hit the lever call Yorda. She will position herself on the wooden platform. Pull the lever and she will be transported to the other side where the idol doors are. Shadow monsters appear so don't lag. Climb down the chain. Ignore the monsters just grab Yorda and have her activate the idol doors. --------------- 007c +Symmetry+ --------------- Explore the next area a bit to find more idol doors. Now you will be outside. Walk along the path a bit and if you look closely you will notice that you are right on top of the main gate. Well not on top of it, but pretty close. Now just put your controller down. And stop playing. Just look at the scenery. This my friends is what made your $49.99 worth it. The scenery is simply breathtaking. Ok after a few minutes of drooling pick up your controller and continue along the path and some more idol doors will appear. When Yorda opens them she leaves your hand and enters by herself. After you enter the camera seems to scan the room a bit and then you control Ico again. Shadow monsters appear again when you climb the ladder. Just deal with them like normal and then save on the couch. *****Save 9 Statistics (East Arena) -Completion Time: 03:44:02 -Game Over : 5 Go left and you will notice a circular structure in the wall. On the bottom right and side there is a door. GO through it and guide Yorda onto the pillar. Some stairs will appear along with some shadow monsters. After you dispose of them climb up the giant stairs hit the switch and light the two spheres with fire. This will open up another circular door. Go through it and save on the couch. *****Save 10 Statistics (East Reflector) -Completion Time: 4:13:33 -Game Over : 5 There are some stairs on the other side of the circular door. Leave Yorda and go up them. There is a lever at the end so pull it. Go back through the circular door with Yorda. Those sphere things on the other side opened up. Light your stick and ignite the spheres. The circular door will now open up and the sword will fall out. Go back into that room and grab it. Once you do however, a giant cage traps you in. To free yourself cut the ropes that are holding up. They are located on the wall on each side of the circular door. Now go up the stairs on the opposite side of the open door. There is another rope. Cut it and it will open the locked door. Take Yorda and enter it. You cannot go any farther due to the water slide. There are some ledges on the wall so use those to get across. Once you do drop down and use the pressure switch to open the door. In the next area there is a break in the path. Jump across and go up the stairs. There is another pressure switch. Use it to open the door and hit the lever on the other side. Go back and use your sword to cut the bridge ropes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Sometimes a single shadow monster appears to take Yorda away at this point. I have no idea of the conditions that makes this happen. My only guess is that its taking you too long to release the bridge. If you do encounter a shadow monster DO NOT drop down; you will die. You have to retrace your steps. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now go back and grab Yorda. Take her across the newly formed bridge. In the next room a bridge appears. Move across one block at a time. Have Yorda move the idol doors and then pull the switch on the left hand side. Now take Yorda down the elevator. Go grab a stick. And light up the two spheres that are below the circular door right above the entrance to this room. View the cut scene and then grab your sword. Leave this place. Once outside you will have to fight more shadow monsters. Follow the path and climb up the ladder at the end, but leave Yorda behind. In the next room hit the lever to release a draw bridge. Climb back down the stairs, grab Yorda, and go through the entrance. --------------------- 007d +Water and Wood+ --------------------- In the next area cross the drawbridge and turn left. There is a block. Push it over to one of the short pillars back against the wall. Climb up the pillar and then climb up the ledge. From the ledge cut the rope. It will lower to the courtyard below. Now go through the large entryway. This should look familiar. After fighting shadow monsters go down the fallen bridge into the courtyard. Guide Yorda to the fallen rope, but leave her there and climb it. Jump through the second window. Walk along the path and into the next area. Climb down the ladder and there should be a block. Push it down and then push it out the broken window. Pull Yorda up and then head up the stairs and through the idol doors. In the next room is a bridge leading to the other side. Cross it and turn left. Climb down the chain and go up the stairs. Cross the bridge and go through the door. Jump down the ledges and use the elevator to take you up to the next floor. Go all the way to the right and pull the lever. This will open up the iron door. Now go save. *****Save 11 Statistics -Completion Time: 5:11:27 -Game Over : 5 Call Yorda and take her back down that elevator. Leave her there and go back up the elevator and through the door. Now climb up the ladder and jump through the giant window. Go left and jump onto the chain. Swing across the next platform and climb down the ladder. Now press R1 at the ledge to pull up Yorda. Go back up the ladder (with Yorda) and at the end of this platform is another set of stairs. Go up them and use the pressure switch to go through the doors. Go all the way to the end of the next room . There is a ladder. Have Ico climb it and then use the railing to get to the other side. There is a ladder here. Climb down it and then push the block into the river. Jump across the stone river and go up the stairs on the left. On top there is a turn style. Push it counter clockwise for a bit to dam the river. Once done cross the now empty river and look for a lever on the other side of the stairs. This will open up the door. Yorda is standing there. ***********************!!!!!*********************** *At this point it is a good idea to get the mace. * *See the Secrets/Info Section below. * ***********************!!!!!*********************** Take Yorda and back track al the way to the area where the waterfall ended. Some shadow monsters will appear. Dispose of them and use the block to reach the idol doors. Once your in the next area follow the stream south and climb up the stairs ahead. Make the leap of faith and follow the path into the next area. Again follow the path until you reach an elevator. Take it down and save on the couch. *****Save 12 Statistics -Completion Time: 5:44:46 -Game Over : 6 Go down the steps and all the way to the right where you see some broken off stairs and a raised bridge past that. There is a pipe behind you. Climb it and then push the tower all the way to the right. Climb up the ladder and jump to the next platform. At the end of the platform pass the iron gate is a switch. Pull it to lower the bridge. Climb back down the pipe and take Yorda across it. But before you are able to you must fight shadow monsters. I recommend you fight them up near the couch. Reason being is that in your present location it is very easy to get knocked of the ledge and into the waters below. Which means game over. There is only one path to take here. Go up the steps and through the cavern and up more steps. Eventually you will reach a turn style. This time it raises the gondola your on. Push it counter clockwise to raise yourself. This will take a while. As about annoying as the trolley section. Anyways get off at the top and save your game. *****Save 13 Statistics -Completion Time: 5:57:27 -Game Over : 7 From the couch jump the gap. Have Ico jump down to the platform below and move across the railing to the other side. Then use the ledges to get to the top and go down the broken ladder. Jump from the ladder to the base of the tower and then climb the tower. From the tower there is a chain. Climb down it partially and swing off of it and slam into the raised bridge. The force will slam the bridge down (tricky little puzzle eh?). Have Yorda make another gap and then leave her there. Follow the path into a room with bombs in it. Trade your sword for a stick and grab a bomb. Take it to the last corner you turned at. You see that tower structure dead ahead? You got to light a bomb and throw it in there. There is a torch nearby use it. One the tower is destroyed It will create a bridge. Take Yorda across (don't forget your sword) it. Leave her and climb the chain. There is a block push it down and go ahead and jump after it. Its safe. Push the block to the right and use it to get to the platform. Pull the lever and a chain will slide over to the catwalk you were just on. There is a ladder on the left hand side. Climb them and jump onto the newly formed chain. Swing off the chain onto another platform with a turn style. Push it counter clockwise to swing the giant cargo near Yorda. Go back to Yorda and jump on the cargo crate. Crafty shadow monsters will take advantage of the situation and attack. Have Yorda jump the first gap and then take out the first monster that comes by. Then take Yorda across the second gap. And use the idol doors to kill the rest off. After passing through there should be more idol doors at the end of the path. Through them you will notice you are on the opposite side from where you were before over looking the main gate. You guessed it your going to have to go through the same thing again. Follow the path to more idol doors to enter a mirror image of the east arena. Go up the stairs on the left hand side and cut the ropes to open the door. Take Yorda through it and save on the couch. *****Save 14 -Completion Time: 6:22:14 -Game Over : 8 Start off the puzzle just like you did with the last one. There are two circular windows in this area. Open the first one by having you and Yorda stand on the cylindrical pillar on the floor below. This will reveal a stair case. Pull the switch at the top and light the two spheres with a stick. Shadow monsters will appear. Quickly trade your stick for a sword and defeat them. Once disposed of get the stick again and climb the other ladder and pull the switch. Light your stick with the nearby torch and set the two newly opened spheres on fire. Don't leave this area yet. Go outside through the circular window and move the reflector until a cut scene appears. Now climb the ladder. Take Yorda with you to reduce the chance of having to fight shadow monsters. Go through the door and up the chain. Use your sword to cut the ropes holding the bridge and hit the lever at the end of the path through the pressure switch door. Now cross the newly formed bridge. In the next are there should be some bombs. Use one of them to blast open the boarded up entry way. Take Yorda back to the main room and go through the other door. Be sure to cut the ropes holding it up first. Take her uphill through the entryway and across the bridge. In the next area you will encounter a bridge that appears block by block like in the east arena. At the end there are some idol doors so open them. Pull the switch in the next area and take Yorda down the elevator. Grab a stick and light the spheres to open the final window. Back track across the top of the castle. Leave Yorda behind and climb up the long ladder. Pull the lever to lower the draw bridge. Take Yorda across it. All of this should be familiar to you. Your destination is the main gate. Go through the large entry way. Make your way around the perimeter and down the fallen bridge. Go through the courtyard and through the already opened idol doors. A cut scene will take over as Yorda opens the gigantic gate and a bridge forms. FREEDOM AT LAST!!! Take Yorda across the bridge somewhere halfway The Queen will appear and cause trouble. The bridge will fall apart jump across and Yorda will taken away as Ico is dropped into the moat below. -------------- 007e +The Sea+ -------------- Fortunately you land onto the safety of a hanging cage ^_^. From here do some cage hopping over to the ledge north of you. If your having trouble try jumping in rhythm with the wind. If you notice the cages are moving slightly back and forth. Time your jumps right and you should make all of them. Once your on the ledge there's really only one path so take it. In the next area pull the switch and push the block into the water. Jump down (or climb) and position the block just under the ladder on the other side. Use the box to climb up and pull the lever. This will open the gate. Were not done with that box. Drag it over to where you lowered that chain earlier. Use the box to get up onto the chain and climb it. There is a thingamajig on the tracks. Push it all the way over and view the cut scene. Climb down the chain and go north west onto land. Use the wheel to raise yourself up to the next level. From there use the ledge to get to the pipes and go across to the next platform. Now cross the narrow pipe and use the pipe on the tower to move around it. Now climb the pipe ladder and jump off of it at the very top. You will land on a chain. You should also see another chain nearby. Swing off of the chain your on to the next one and do the same to get to the platform. From the platform use the wheel to get to a higher position and leave the area. In the next are you will have to make use of the ledges and jump a couple of gaps to get across. Nothing that you have not done before. When you reach the end, run along the pipes to the next area. In this next area your goal is to reach the bottom. You should see a chain. Climb down as far as you can and jump off of it onto the next lowest level. Turn left and jump the gap. Run around the tower for a bit until you see a pulley. Push it all the way over to make use of the chain. Use it to get to the next platform. There is a ladder here, but it is of no use to you. There is another ladder in the vicinity that allows you access to the next level. Climb down and then climb down the next level. There are some idol doors, but don't worry about them. Go through the other door. In this area there is a path that leads upwards. Take it to get the "Idol Sword" as I like to call it. Once you have the sword back track to the idol doors that you could not open earlier. Climb up the stairs and you will see some shadow monsters around a petrified Yorda. Defeat all of the shadow monsters in the room. This is going to take awhile so if you start to think that there are an infinite amount of them stop thinking that and just kill them. Once they are all dead you will view a cut scene that will allow you access to the throne room. ---------------- 007f +The Queen+ ---------------- Advance to the giant throne. Nothing will be there. So leave. Watch the cut scene. The Queen has only one attack, petrification. As long as you are behind those pillars in the middle of the room or you have the idol sword in your hand she cannot harm you. The pillars can be moved for your protection, but the only time you will real need them is at the end. First things first, find your sword. You will lose your sword 5 times in this fight and the location will always be the same. Right now your sword is on the right and side of the room in front of (from the queens perspective ) of the pillar. Grab the sword and attack her shield. You will lose your sword again. This time and the next two times your sword will be thrown on the left hand side in the vicinity of the left pillar. The last time your sword is thrown It is far back behind the right pillar. Now use the right pillar to get your sword. Pull it back as far as you can to close the distance between you and your sword as much as possible. Use the right analog stick to seek the exact location of your sword and make a run for it. Deliver the final blow to the queen and watch the ending. Congratulations. You have finished the game. Watch the credits and control Ico for the final time. I will leave you to figure out the final piece of the puzzle on your own. The ending may be confusing. Black Hole Sun's FAQ explains it a bit and also provides an interesting theory. Read his FAQ to find out more. ==================== 008 Secrets/Info ==================== ----------------- +Mace Side quest+ ----------------- Near the switch is a large tree. Wack at it a few times and a rock will fall from it. Take the rock to the room where Yorda is in and drop it somewhere. You will notice that there are three door like archways between the two sets of stairs. Push on the middle one to reveal a secret door. Grab the rock and Yorda into the room and stand on the green platform. A block will appear. Throw the rock at the block (hehe rhymes) and grab the mace that flies through the window. ------------- +PAL Version+ ------------- There are several additions to the PAL version of the game that us Americans didn't get. For example, a light saber, Yorda translations, and more. For more information read the PAL version FAQ on this site. ==================== 009 Gameshark Codes ==================== |----------------------------------------------------------| | Code Name | Code Description | Code Number | |----------------------------------------------------------| | M | This code must be on | EC87A648143ACAF4 | |----------------------------------------------------------| |Low Enemy AI | As the name says | 1C81884815F6E79D | | | | 1C81884C1456E7A5 | | | | 1C8A3C7015F6E79D | | | | 1C8A3C741456E7A5 | |----------------------------------------------------------| |Save Anywhere| After loading you | 0CBF92F61456B10C | | | must sit on the | 4CF6B2741456E7AE | | | couch. Then press L2 | | | | when you want to save.| | |----------------------------------------------------------| |Walk on Air | See code name | DC938022142ED6F7 | | | | 1C89985015F6E79D | | | | 1C8998541456E7A5 | |----------------------------------------------------------| |Deactivate | Press Select + X to | DC934022142ED6F7 | |Walk on Air | turn the option off | 1C89985039A1B095 | |Option | | 1C89985491D38BAD | |----------------------------------------------------------| ==================== 010 FAQ ==================== #1 Q: I hear a lot about this lightsaber weapon and Yorda translations what's the deal? A: There are several bonus' that our European friends received in their version of Ico that does not appear in the North American version. A list of these bonus' can be found in the Secrets FAQ at www.gamefaqs.com ==================== 011 References ==================== These are guides that I feel supplement this faq very well, but unfortunately I don't have the resources to investigate the topics on my own. These author's did a fine job and you will enjoy their work. PAL Version Differences- http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/ico_plot.txt Ending Theme Lyrics- http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/ico_lyrics.txt Alternate FAQ/Walkthrough- This is the guide that got me through the game my first play through. If you cant find the info you need in mine you can probably find it in his. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/ico_d.txt ==================== 012 Contact Information ==================== If for some reason you need to contact me my email is kingdomhearts@sbcglobal.net. I will answer any questions pertaining to the game. If you cant find something in this faq be sure to do a search (ctrl+F) first before emailing me. All emails containing flames or other rude content will only get your email filtered. If you make a contribution please provide your name, gamefaqs alias, and email address at the end of your email for proper credit. Also, please write down the version number you are using and the site you read this faq at. This helps me determine whether or not sites are updating properly. The most up to date version will always be found at www.gamefaqs.com Thank you for reading. IMPORTANT INFO FOR WEBMASTERS If you want to post this or any of my guides you must meet the following criteria: 1. Your site must be a non-commercial site and be free of pay services. 2. Your website must be complete. 3. Always include a link to your web page in your email. 4. Your site will be credited at the FAQ contributors board at www.gamefaqs.com. If you have a reputation for sleaziness I will find out so don't bother. 5. You must post my updates in a timely manner. Updates can be found at WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM and you will be notified when they become available. 6. You must accept the terms of my copyright notice. The following sites have permission to post my FAQ. If you see this FAQ on any other site please contact me. www.gamefaqs.com ==================== 013 Credits ==================== CjayC- for the gift of GameFAQs Joe Messer (Grand Admiral)- Faq author The author played through this game thoroughly and everything contained in this guide is the author's original work. All contributor's are credited below. Obviously Ico, its source code, concept art, and everything else related to the game is copyright 2002 by Sony. No infringement of their rights is intended. Recognition Page: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/22237.html FIN "Creation can only flourish through destruction" -Unknown