Ico for PlayStation 2 Secrets and Plot FAQ This document copyright 2002, Gonçalo Lopes Version 1.4 - 10/04/2002 Written Exclusively for: GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) IcoFan (http://hk.geocities.com/icofan/) ----------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail address: himura_kenshin@netcabo.pt MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!!!!! ************************ This FAQ contains major and severe spoilers to Ico's fabulous experience, and its only purpose is to be used as support material. Please be advised that you should have finished the game at least once before attempting to read this document. Proceed at your own risk. Index ----- 1. Introduction 2. Version Information 3. Major European Changes 4. Ending Theme Lyrics 5. Yorda's Speech Script 6. Legal Disclaimer 7. Special Thanks 1. Introduction --------------- The primary reason I thought of for releasing this FAQ was to answer the many questions that have been raised concerning Yorda's Speech in Ico. The american release of the game provided no means of translating the garbled symbols of her fantasy language, fact that was confirmed by EGM on November 2001. However, in late February 2002, I managed to put my hands in the european release and finish it. To my surprise, and contradicting many of the FAQs that were previously published, the game had indeed a final save point after completing the story. This save allowed me to start the game over from the beginning, and to my surprise, it finally presented the fantasy language of Yorda translated in modern english, solving the pesky riddle once and for all. Since no one else seemed to publish any similar FAQ, I decided to step ahead and write down the script information to distribute among all the people who supposedly don't have the chance to watch the translation themselves. Hope this satisfies your curiosity. While I was finishing the game a second time, I also found out a few more interesting possibilities included in the European version, which I included here in a special section. 2. Version Information ---------------------- 1.4 - Corrected the ending theme lyrics thanks to the kind producer of IcoFan, who bought the original soundtrack :). Thank you Vincent. 1.3 - Added the ending theme lyrics as requested by a kind reader (credits on bottom of FAQ). 1.2 - Added the solution to the Light Saber Side Quest, per request of many readers. - Added a special note regarding this Quest and the Mace Side Quest. 1.1 - Added another european exclusive secret. - Exchanged the order of the content of the FAQ, so all the gamers who only want to consult the secrets section won't risk catching a glimpse of the major spoilers. 1.0a - The first version of this FAQ. 3. Major European Changes ------------------------- Right in the middle of retrieving the necessary information to gather up this FAQ, I began noticing major differences between the U.S. version and the version I was playing. And I do mean MAJOR! Here I will publish the list of what I have found out so far, and its consequences: 3.1 - Bouncing Riddle - ----------------------- While in the process of clearing up the path to the waterfall gate, we come upon a large room, which is also the location for the secret area that is included in the U.S.' Mace Side Quest. In this room, we had to reach a platform located near the ceiling, by crossing a series of pipes, by hanging Ico in them, and moving around the entire room to reach that plaform located opposite of the pipes' starting point. In the European version, this pipe chain is broken near the end, and there exists a platform, with a lever on top, which activates a sort of piston in one corner of the room. The player has then to climb down to the ground and climb on top of this piston to be bounced to the high-rising platform. I first noted this difference when I was clearing the game a second time in order to retrieve all of Yorda's dialogue. This bouncing riddle had me trapped for a long time the first time around, since it requires a certain timing to synchronize a single jump with the bouncing movement of the piston. The second time, I got stuck again, and I fed up with this problem, thus referring to some FAQs to learn the mechanism. I found out, to my surprise, that no reference was made whatsoever to this riddle, and so, I leave the correct process here for those who might need it as I did. After climbing up to the pipes and activating the piston, everything seems pretty simple. However, jumping randomly on the bouncing platform never does the trick, and its difficult to hit the jackpot quickly. The answer lies not in the platform itself, but on the contraption used to move it. If you use the right analog stick to move the camera and the R2 button to zoom in, you can focus on a smaller version of the piston working on top of the main cover. Just keep looking at it. It goes up and down as well, but more slowly. When it goes up, wait until it is almost at the top and press the jump button. Luckily, Ico will be projected high up into the air, and will be able to reach the bloody platform. 3.2 - Light Saber Side Quest - ------------------------------ Yes, you read it right. A light saber! While on my second time through the game, I seized the opportunity to complete the much famed Mace Side Quest, since I had already discovered the secret entrance and missed only the ball at the top of the tree. To my surprise, instead of a mace flying through the window, I saw a sword, with the blade made of green light and a small handle. I thought to myself, "This is no mace, if I ever saw one". When it touched the ground, the blade retracted, and only one thought came to my head. Star Wars! But then, it stroke me, "No WAY!!!". However, it is indeed the truth, as this secret weapon is in every aspect identical to a light saber, including the famous swing sound. Also, it is far more powerful than the mace, being able to strike down a shadow in just one swing, and possesses a unique capability. When you are hand-in-hand with Yorda, the sword grows almost 4 times its size, being able to defeat loads and loads of enemies in just one single blow. Unbelievable! As some of you have requested, I will post here how to solve this Side Quest, although any other Ico FAQ will probably explain even better than me, as it's really quite simple: When you're trying to stop the waterfall from running, near the door that leads to the water wheel at the top of the fall, there's a tree next to the steps. If you try to bash it often with your sword or stick, you will eventually hit it and a Steel Ball will fall at your feet. Pick it up, and bring it to a secret room located in the previous room, in the middle of the ledge you can access via two stairs. The middle arch is somewhat detached from the scenario and you can push it, revealing the room. Take Yorda to the circle in the middle of the room and a stone cup will rise from the ground. You then have to throw the ball inside the cup, and the Mace or Light Saber will fly through the window to land at your feet. Note: As I did not finish the quest before my second time through the game, I was not aware that the European version also had the Mace portrayed in the US version. The condition to get one or the other is simple: if you solve the Steel Apple Side Quest in your first time through, you get the Mace, if you finish it in your second time with the special save, you get the Light Saber. 3.3 - Two Player Mode - ----------------------- Yet another fantastic possibility is the opportunity to share the Ico experience with a friend (works better yet with a girlfriend ;P). By using the save recorded at the end of the first game, a new option appears in the Options menu, allowing you to give control of Yorda to the second controller by incrementing the number of players. Although Yorda can't do much, it's great fun to work as a team to solve the riddles, and it really comes in handy having someone to lure those shadows while Ico picks them off one by one. A different perspective on a very, very different and original game. 3.4 - Watermelons by the beach - -------------------------------- One of my latest discoveries made while exploring the save game recorded at the end of the first game included this very interesting and somewhat humorous cutscene. In the epilogue chapter, when you regain control of Ico at the beach, if you head towards the huge coastal cliff and walk left along its line, you should come upon a small patch of grass containing some big and juicy watermelons that you can pick up. If you carry one with you when you find Yorda down on the beach, you can watch a scene of Ico and Yorda eating the watermelon. 3.5 - Film Effect Rate Option - ------------------------------- This secret is the most easy to miss, even when we have it unlocked. In the same way as the Two Player mode, when the player finishes the game for the first time, if you use the clear game save to start a new adventure, another option appears in the Options menu. Going by the name of Film Effect in the European version, this option allows you to add specific quantities of grain and special coloring to the game graphics, in order to make it appear like a worn-out film tape. A strange secret, but a secret nonetheless. If anyone knows of any other easter eggs or riddle changes in the european version, feel free to let me know. In the meantime, I'll keep posting what I find here. 4. Ending Theme Lyrics ---------------------- "You were there" The island bathes in the sun's bright rays Distant hills wear a shroud of grey A lonely breeze whispers in the trees Sole witness to history Fleeting memories rise From the shadows of my mind Sing "nonomori" - endless corridors Say "nonomori" - hopeless warriors You were there You were there Am I forever dreaming How to define the way I'm feeling You were there Countless visions they haunt me in my sleep You were there Though forgotten all promises we keep Slaves to our destiny I recall a melody Sing "nonomori" - seasons lit with gold Say "nonomori" - legends yet untold You were there You were there Happiness follows sorrow Only believing in tomorrow You were there Countless visions they haunt me in my sleep You were there Though forgotten all promises we keep The island bathes in the sun's bright rays Distant hills wear a shroud of grey A lonely breeze whispers in the trees Sole key to this mystery 5. Yorda's Speech Script ------------------------ Since many of the dialogues between Ico, Yorda and the Queen are somewhat confusing in terms of identifying who's talking, I decided to write down the entire script for easier reference (It isn't that big, so no big deal :P). Every part of the script is divided in chapters, referring to the various story events that occur throughout the game. 5.1 Ico's Imprisonment ---------------------- This chapter starts with Ico being transported to the castle/temple, and includes the dialogue between his captors, up until his untimely escape. The warriors who transport Ico travel by boat to an underground dock, where they face a strangely sealed door which leads into the castle. Warrior 1: Get the sword. The warrior who was ordered with this task returns swiftly with a great sword engraved with runes, which he uses to open the door, granting them access to the interior of the castle. The warriors then proceed to carry Ico to a room filled with large, oddly-shaped cocoons, locking Ico inside one of them. Warrior 1: Do not be angry with us. This is for the good of the village. They then leave Ico to his luck, unknowing that he would be quickly released by a strange tremor who shook the room, projecting his cocoon to the ground. 5.2 The Meeting with Yorda -------------------------- After exploring the castle a bit, Ico discovers a young girl (Yorda, of course :P) trapped in a cage suspended from the ceiling at the top of a huge spiral staircase. Ico: Is anybody there? Who are you? Ico: What are you doing in there? Ico: Hold on. I will get you down. After Ico manages to accomplish this and free Yorda from her cage, she quietly steps out of her prison, for the first time binding the fate of the two youngsters. Yorda: Who are you? How did you get in here? Ico: They... they tried to sacrifice me because I have horns. Ico: Kids with horns are brought here. Ico: Were they trying to sacrifice you too? Yorda is then grabbed by a strange creature who appears to be made only of a dark shadow. After defeating this enemy, Ico helps Yorda to her feet. Ico: What was that creature that came after you? Ico: It's too dangerous for us to be here! Ico: We have to get out of here. When Ico proceeds to investigate a sealed door similar to the one the sword unlocked, a strange light emanates from Yorda, making the stones part and granting passage for both of them. Ico: How did you do that? Ico is then "charged" with protecting Yorda while they race to escape the castle, whilst being chased by the misterious dark creatures... 5.3 The First Main Gate Run --------------------------- Having escaped a rather fierce pursuit by the shadowy creatures, Ico and Yorda come face to face with the Main Gate of the castle, looming almost sky-high and widely open to freedom. Ico: Look, the gate is open! Now we can get out of here! But, suddenly, the gate begins to close of it's own accord. Ico: Let's go! He then grabs Yorda's hand and begins racing towards the open gate. However, Yorda trips and falls to the ground, short of the gate, and it's too late. At that moment, a large and dark shadow begins to materialize and gain form in front of them. It's the Queen! Queen: Come back, Yorda. The Queen then turns on Ico. Queen: So you're the one aimlessly leading my Yorda around. Queen: Do you know who this girl is? Queen: That girl you're with is my one and only beloved daughter. Queen: Stop wasting your time with her. Queen: She lives in a different world than some boy with horns! Queen: Now, know your place and leave here. The Queen then disappears in a gust of light, leaving the two boys alone once more. Ico quickly hurries to Yorda. Ico: Are you okay? Yorda: I have angered her... When Ico once more helps Yorda to her feet, they hear a voice being blown in the wind. Queen: Yorda, why can't you understand? Queen: You cannot survive in the outside world. The pair then hurries to explore the rest of the castle in search of a way to reopen the gate once more. 5.4 The Second Main Gate Run ---------------------------- Having endured several trials in order to reactivate the reflectors necessary to open the gate once more, Ico and Yorda are facing their final obstacle. As Yorda approaches the gate, several electrical bolts jolt her body, while the massive door slowly begins to open, as if it was using her energy for the task. After the main gate is finally open, Yorda collapses to the ground, exhausted. Ico then rushes in to help her. Ico: Are you okay? Yorda: A little more. The only path that remains to be crossed is the massive bridge separating the castle island from the shore. Ico has to help Yorda across, as she is extremely tired from opening the gate. However, the moment Ico passes the bridge's main junction, the two spheres at the top of the gate once more throw an electrical discharge to Yorda, throwing her to the ground as the bridge begins to retract once more. In a fantastic display of courage and love, Ico tries to jump to the distant edge of Yorda's bridge side, but fails to grab a solid hold. However, Yorda manages to reach the boy's hand, preventing him from falling. Still, when they close once more on the gate, a familiar shadow looms by, and the Queen's influence merges with Yorda, her daughter, and makes her release poor Ico to the depths below. Yorda: Thank you... This quiet gratitude is all that Ico has left after he survives the fall, in his last desperate attempt to save Yorda. 5.5 The Final Battle -------------------- After making his way back to the castle, Ico finally finds Yorda, petrified and lifeless inside a circle with black demons all around her. After defeating the huge lot of them, Ico proceeds deeper inside that castle area, and finally reaches a large throne room. After investigating the throne and finding nothing, Ico is turning around to leave, when he hears a sibilant voice. Queen: Wait. The Queen then materializes herself on the empty throne and addresses our hero. Ico: What did you do to her? Queen: Silence, boy. You're too late. Queen: My body has become too old and won't last much longer. Queen: But Yorda's going to grant me the power to be ressurrected. Queen: To be my spiritual vessel is the fulfillment of her destiny. Queen: When next her body wakes, Yorda will be no more. Queen: Now put down your sword and leave. Queen: That is what she would want you to do. In yet another display of selfless courage, Ico ignores the Queen's suggestion and tries to strike her down with his newly acquired Rune Sword. However, a strong force field still protects the Queen, and Ico is projected backwards, and the slamming impact on the ground causes him to lose his right horn. Queen: You're a nuisance, boy. Do you want to die that much? Finally piercing the force field that protects her, Ico plunges his sword deep in the Queen's chest, sealing her fate beyond doubt. Queen: Yorda will never be able to escape this castle... Queen: Even if you take... my life... The final surge of light which marks the Queen's demise also throws Ico violently against the far wall, making him lose yet another horn. As Ico loses consciousness from extreme injuries and exhaustion, the entire castle begins to fall apart. In the previous room, the odd-shaped cocoons begin to glow and pulsate violently, releasing several electrical bolts that converge into the petrified Yorda. Once more animated by the dark energy, the young girl proceeds to the room where Ico is unconscious and lifts the boy, carrying him to the subterranean dock, where she carefully lays him to rest on a small boat. She then sets it in motion, away from her, the castle, and more misfortune. Yorda: Good-bye. 5.6 Epilogue ------------ Ico wakes up already on shore, in a beach with huge cliffs looming overhead. Making his way shoreside, exploring the beach, Ico notices a white body laying on the sand. When he approaches, he recognizes Yorda, which in turn, opens her eyes and smiles to him, marking the end of the story. 6. Legal Disclaimer ------------------- This FAQ was written for exclusive publication in GameFAQs. Any other kind of distribution, copying, or other commercial uses are strictly prohibited. If you want to use any of the content published here on your web site or magazine, please contact me first on the e-mail address included in the beginning of the file. 7. Special Thanks ----------------- BoredGamer, CJayC, Psycho Penguin and Bbishop for their amazing FAQs, in which I could confirm several details on the game's playability. Anariima, for challenging me with the task of searching for the fantastic ending theme lyrics. Rpgamers Network (http://www.rpgamers.net) - for displaying the lyrics information. Vincent Lam, for the kind correction to this same lyrics. Sony Computer Entertainment, for producing such a fantastic game. My girlfriend, for putting up with me while I was writing this FAQ. Ico and Yorda, copyright of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc.