INUYASHA: FEUDAL COMBAT Game Guide Version 1.1 for the PlayStation 2 game console by John “Dragon Lord” Mercer. Unauthorized copyright of this guide without written consent is prohibited by law and subject to litigation. For questions and comments, or to ask to use this FAQs page for your site, e-mail me at DragonLord1975 (at) Adelphia (dot) Net. I. INTRODUCTION II. BASIC CONTROLS III. THE CHARACTERS IV. COMBOS V. BATTLEGROUNDS VI. STORY MODE 1. INUYASHA’S CHAPTER 2. MIROKU & SANGO’S CHAPTER 3. SESSHOMARU’S CHAPTER 4. SHIPPO’S CHAPTER VII. MISSION MODE VIII. BATTLE MODE IX. PRACTICE MODE X. INUYASHA EXTRAS XI. LEGALESE --------------------------- INUYASHA: FEUDAL COMBAT --------------------------- I. INTRODUCTION ----------------------- WHAT’S THE PLOT BEHIND THE GAME? ---------------------- Long ago in ancient Japan, there was a powerful artifact called the Shikon-no- Tama or the Jewel of Four Souls. This jewel can amplify demonic powers and make demons invincible, but once the jewel is purified, it expels the demonic aura. Now in an ironic twist of fate, the Sacred Jewel is shattered and the shards are scattered across the country. The World of InuYasha (tm) is vast in adventure and intrigue. In this game, you play as one of the characters from the popular anime series in various styles of battles using a partner system as Inuyasha and his friends search for the shards of the Sacred Jewel and hunt down the most feared and evil of all demons, Naraku. For fans of the game, you’ll not be disappointed. For new fans getting into InuYasha, you’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Play this game along with INUYASHA: SECRET OF THE CURSED MASK as well as watch the episodes on [adult swim], watch the DVDs and/or read the manga. --------------------------- INUYASHA: FEUDAL COMBAT --------------------------- II. BASIC CONTROLS ---------------------- YOU GOTTA KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING ----------------------- This game harbors a special system for executing moves as well as a Spirit Gauge bar. The number of Spirit Power can go no further than 9. Once a Spirit Gauge is full, the player can execute that character’s finishing move, but it must connect a direct hit on the opponent without having it countered. MOVE FIGHTER = Left Analog WEAK ATTACK = Square STRONG ATTACK = X JUMP = Triangle FINISHER = Circle GUARD = R2 CHANGE TARGET = L2 CHANGE FORMATION = L1 or R1 BREAK GUARD = R2 + Square PARTNER COMBO ATTACK = Square + X Also in the game are the 4 Formations for partners during battle. It’s naturally based on the Takeda banner of the Feudal Era (Fuu-Rin-Ka-Zan). These Formations can make or break a team and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. FUU (Formation of Wind) ORDER: FOLLOW THE LEADER! This formation has you attack then letting your partner follow up. It creates a chain combination if used properly against certain opponents. RIN (Formation of Forest) ORDER: DIVIDE AND CONQUER! This formation lets you focus your attack on your targeted enemy while your partner attacks his/her partner from afar. It’s perfect when a player is getting double-teamed by his/her opponents. KA (Formation of Fire) ORDER: CHARGE! This formation lets you and your partner gang up on the enemy by attacking simultaneously. This goes in handy for 2 against 1 battles or when you think the enemy has a weak partner. ZAN (Formation of Mountain) ORDER: PROTECT ME! This formation lets your partner act as a human shield as you raise your defense power. If you’re running out of room or life, use this formation to buy some time. --------------------------- INUYASHA: FEUDAL COMBAT --------------------------- III. THE CHARACTERS ------------------- FOR THOSE NEW TO THE INUYASHA FRANCHISE ------------------- * INUYASHA (Translation: “dog demon”) Inuyasha is one of the main stars of the series. 50 years ago in the Feudal Era, Inuyasha was in love with a human priestess named Kikyo, but he was shot by a sacred arrow just as Kikyo died. In truth, it was a demon called Naraku that drove Kikyo and Inuyasha apart. Inuyasha wields a powerful sword called Tetsusaiga which was forged from his father’s fang and reforged with his own when Tetsusaiga broke. Tetsusaiga can slay 100 demons with one swing. Inuyasha hopes to use Tetsusaiga’s power to kill Naraku once and for all. SPECIALTY: Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, Blades of Blood, Tetsusaiga Slash, Wind Scar, Adamant Barrage DESPERATION MOVE: Backlash Wave * KAGOME HIGURASHI (Translation: “basket maiden”) Kagome is one of the main stars of the series. Kagome is a 15-year old high school girl who one day found herself magically escorted through her shrine’s well and into the Feudal Era. She breaks the seal by touching the arrow that bound Inuyasha to the tree. Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyo and like her, she can sense the presence of any jewel shards. Just in case Inuyasha gets out of line, Kagome can say the word “Sit!” and the cursed necklace around Inuyasha slams him to the ground. Kagome is very loyal to Inuyasha and has somewhat fallen for him, but the two are usually at odds. Nevertheless, she’s happy to be by his side. SPECIALTY: Purifying Arrow, Spirit Power, Bow Strike DESPERATION MOVE: Sacred Arrow * MIROKU (Translation: “Maitreya” a.k.a. “The Buddhist Messiah”) Miroku is a young traveling monk whose family was cursed by Naraku. On Miroku’s right hand is a wind tunnel vacuum which can suck anything in its path. Miroku covers up the cursed hand with rosary beads to prevent it from opening. Miroku has a nasty habit of trying to ask every young girl to bear his children, and that plays on Inuyasha and his friends’ nerves, especially Sango. SPECIALTY: Sacred Sutras, Protective Barrier, Holy Staff, Spirit Wards DESPERATION MOVE: Wind Tunnel * SANGO (Translation: “coral”) Sango is a young woman who grew up in a family of demon-slayers. She became a powerful demon-slayer in her own right using a giant boomerang made of a demon bone called Hiraikotsu. During her service, her family was killed by a feudal lord’s henchmen who are unwillingly puppets of Naraku. Sango now fights alongside Inuyasha, Kagome and Miroku to avenge her family’s deaths. On a side note, Sango has a mean streak when she sees Miroku flirting with other women and usually sets it right with a slap on his face. Sango keeps a two-tailed kitten named Kirara that can transform into a giant cat demon which Sango and others can ride on. SPECIALTY: Hiraikotsu, Poison Powder, Secret Sword DESPERATION MOVE: Summon Kirara * SHIPPO (Translation: “seven treasures”) Shippo may look like a kid, but looks can be deceiving. Shippo is a young full- blooded fox demon who can alter his shape at any time. His parents were murdered by the Thunder Brothers and Inuyasha was asked to help him out. Shippo can’t stand Inuyasha always bullying him, but he’s lucky to have him as an ally. He usually boosts morale for his friends whenever things go wrong. SPECIALTY: Transformation, Fox Fire, Fox Magic DESPERATION MOVE: Smashing Top * KIKYO (Translation: “Chinese bellflower”) Kikyo was the priestess Inuyasha was in love with before she shot him with her sacred arrow. However, she wasn’t going to remain dead for long. An ogress named Urasue ransacked Kikyo’s grave and stole her ashes to be used in reanimating her body in order to locate the Sacred Jewel. Kikyo was brought back to life, but left her a body looking for a soul. Kikyo manages to survive by using the souls of dead girls being gathered by creatures called Soul Collectors. When she found out Naraku was behind the betrayal, Kikyo ventured on her own to kill Naraku. SPECIALTY: Purifying Arrow, Spirit Power, Bow Strike, Soul Collectors DESPERATION MOVE: Sacred Arrow * SESSHOMARU (Translation: “murderous lord circle”) Sesshomaru is Inuyasha’s older brother, but family bonds between them are bitter. Sesshomaru wields two swords. The first sword is Tenseiga, a sister sword of Tetsusaiga that can heal 100 lives. Sesshomaru’s other sword is called Tokijin and was forged using the fangs of Goshinki, an incarnation of Naraku’s that broke Tetsusaiga. When he was in demon form, Sesshomaru’s left arm was hacked off when Inuyasha used Tetsusaiga’s power for the first time. During his travels, Sesshomaru has at his side a kappa named Jaken who becomes his servant, and a young orphaned girl named Rin who was saved when Sesshomaru used Tenseiga and has a slight liking to her, despite the fact he hates most humans. SPECIALTY: Whip of Light, Poison Claws, Tokijin, Tenseiga DESPERATION MOVE: Dragon Strike * KOGA (Translation: “steel fang”) Koga is a brash and rebellious leader of the Wolf-Demon tribe who loved to bully other demons and kill any humans, but that changed when Inuyasha and Kagome came around. After the Birds of Paradise were dead, Koga immediately pledges his love for Kagome. Although Kagome says she’s just friends, this still irritates Inuyasha to no end. Koga has two shards in his legs which can create a whirlwind. Koga is hoping to kill Naraku for slaying almost all of the Wolf-Demon tribe. Always traveling with Koga are Ginta and Hakkaku, two lesser Wolf-Demons who can barely keep up with their leader. SPECIALTY: Wolf Claws, Cyclone Dash, Shard Kick DESPERATION MOVE: Whirlwind Kick * KAGURA (Translation: “God’s pleasure”) Kagura is the first incarnation of Naraku. Kagura was given the power to control the wind around her. Her fan can create winds of all sizes as well as be used as weapons. Kagura once thought of betraying Naraku, but was caught and almost absorbed within his body. Kagura now hopes to be freed of Naraku’s grasp since he controls her heart. SPECIALTY: Dance of Blades, Dance of the Dragon, Feather Flight, Fan Throw DESPERATION MOVE: Dance of the Dead * KOHAKU (Translation: “amber”) Kohaku is Sango’s younger brother and was also a demon-slayer, but all those memories were erased by Naraku when he brought Kohaku back to life. All Kohaku ever remembers is Sango’s face and how she knew him. Kohaku’s sickle and chain called a kusarigama was made of demon bones. At times, he’s seen riding with Kagura on her feather or inside Naraku’s castle awaiting orders. SPECIALTY: Kusarigama, Secret Sword, Poison Powder DESPERATION MOVE: Kusarigama Combo * NARAKU (Translation: “abyss” or “underworld”) Naraku is the ultimate villain in the entire series. Once a bandit named Onigumo, Naraku was heavily wounded until Kikyo helped heal the weakened bandit. Powerless to move, a bunch of demons swarmed over his body and planned to use those demons for himself. That’s how Naraku was formed. His evil was widespread throughout the country. He killed Kikyo as Inuyasha, placed the curse on Miroku’s hand, killed the demon-slayers and the Wolf-Demon tribe and is generally causing destruction everywhere. Everyone, human or demon, hopes to finally rid the world of Naraku for all times. When Naraku was almost dying, he used the power of Mt. Hakurei to regenerate his body into a more powerful entity. SPECIALTY: Miasma, Poison Insects, Tentacles, Teleportation DESPERATION MOVE: Miasma Cover * BANKOTSU (Translation: “guard bone”) Bankotsu is the leader of a group of mercenaries called the “Band of Seven” who carries a giant halberd called Banryu that weighed extremely heavy that it takes the strength of three supermen just to lift it a few feet off the ground. Bankotsu and his brothers were resurrected by Naraku for the sole purpose of protecting him while regenerating. Each member of the Band of Seven were decapitated in life by a unified army. Bankotsu knows no fear and no remorse in life or as a specter. In the end, Bankotsu was destroyed by Inuyasha’s Backlash Wave using the demonic aura around the Banryu. SPECIALTY: Banryu Slash, Dragon Hammer DESPERATION MOVE: Dragon Thunder * DEMON INUYASHA (Translation: “dog demon”) Inuyasha’s father had willed him the Tetsusaiga for protecting humans, but it also has another purpose. It keeps Inuyasha’s demonic side at bay. When Inuyasha is separated from Tetsusaiga for too long, his demon blood will drive him to the breaking point, causing him to lash out his rage upon anything in his path, destroying it without remorse. Only when Inuyasha grabs hold of Tetsusaiga will he break free from his demonic state. SPECIALTY: Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, Blades of Blood DESPERATION MOVE: Berserker Iron Reaver * HUMAN INUYASHA (Translation: “dog demon”) Inuyasha was born a half-demon by his human mother and his dog-demon father. Inuyasha’s powers begin to wane from the beginning of the night of a new moon. During that time, Inuyasha’s claws become human hands, his dog ears are replaced by human ears and his eyes go from gold to brown. Along with his demonic powers, the Tetsusaiga only functions as a normal sword. Only when the sun rises after the moonless night does Inuyasha regain his powers. SPECIALTY: Powered-down Tetsusaiga Slash DESPERATION MOVE: Powered-down Tetsusaiga Combo --------------------------- INUYASHA: FEUDAL COMBAT --------------------------- IV. COMBOS ---------------------- WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESN’T WORK ----------------------- There are some combinations that will work and some that don’t work. Some characters have a high affinity or a low affinity. Characters with High Affinity cause double damage as well as use double finishing moves. CHARACTERS WITH HIGH AFFINITY InuYasha (any) and Kagome InuYasha (any) and Kikyo Miroku and Sango Sango and Kohaku CHARACTERS WITH LOW AFFINITY InuYasha (any) and Naraku InuYasha (any) and Sesshomaru InuYasha (any) and Koga Naraku and Kagome Naraku and Sango Naraku and Miroku Naraku and Bankotsu Naraku and Sesshomaru Naraku and Kagura --------------------------- INUYASHA: FEUDAL COMBAT --------------------------- V. BATTLEGROUNDS --------------------- THERE’S A GREAT BIG WORLD OUT THERE --------------------- The world of InuYasha is vast and majestic in its own right. There are 7 areas for Inuyasha and his friends to explore. GRASSLANDS The grasslands are a basic background setting for most of the InuYasha series. Little hills and grassy meadows surround the area in a peaceful environment. There is vast space and plenty of room to maneuver when engaged in battle. MYSTIC FOREST This forest is enshrouded in mystery as the sun is mostly covered by large trees. This is considered “The Forest of Inuyasha” where Kikyo pinned Inuyasha to one of the trees with her sacred arrow and had him paralyzed in deep slumber for 50 years. ROCKY AREA This area is a riverside cliff with a small waterfall as giant boulders are held up by support beams. This is an obvious river base for some villagers who plan on taking out the support beams to overwhelm their enemies with rocks on wooden platforms. ANCIENT TEMPLE This is a hollowed-out Buddhist Temple that has been ravaged by demons. Along with the breakable posts and pottery, there is a centipede demon that crawls through the big holes on either side of the Temple. MANOR RUINS This area was once home to a fortified village before it was destroyed in a recent battle. The only thing left standing was a platform with four posts and a big roof overhead. If one takes out most of the support posts, the roof will come crashing down upon any who are still on the platform at the time. BLACK PEARL The Temple of the Black Pearl was in Inuyasha’s right eye and the resting place of his father. It was there that the Tetsusaiga was standing dormant like Excalibur of Arthurian legend. Inuyasha claimed Tetsusaiga and cut off Sesshomaru’s left arm. NARAKU’S CASTLE You can only unlock this area after completing Mission Mode. This is the background for the final battle against Naraku. Along with his castle, the ground has fissure cracks that release miasma at any given time. The miasma affects anything it touches and weakens them in battle, so one has to be careful to avoid the pits while battling Naraku. --------------------------- INUYASHA: FEUDAL COMBAT --------------------------- VI. STORY MODE ---------------------- ONCE UPON A TIME IN FEUDAL JAPAN… ---------------------- 1. INUYASHA’S CHAPTER This chapter has 6 episodes where Inuyasha travels alongside Kagome to try and kill Naraku. It’s your basic story almost from the series itself, except in the game it’s got more twists. 1-1 Inuyasha recognizes the sudden tornado coming his way and is aggravated to no end. It’s Koga, the Wolf-Demon who still harbors a love for Kagome. Inuyasha, angered by Koga’s come-ons, plans to mow him down with Tetsusaiga. Kagome still lets Koga know they’re just friends, but somehow she helps Inuyasha without hurting Koga too much. BATTLE 1: INUYASHA & KAGOME vs. KOGA 1-2 When Koga is out cold, Kagura takes the shards and heads off to Naraku. Inuyasha tries to follow Kagura, but standing in his way are Miroku and Sango. Miroku warns Inuyasha that it’s the night of the new moon, but Inuyasha’s temper gets the better of him and has no choice, but to plow through his friends. BATTLE 2: INUYASHA & KAGOME vs. MIROKU & SANGO 1-3 Inuyasha and Kagome arrive at Kagura’s temporary base and it seems she brought a little backup…Sango’s younger brother Kohaku. Inuyasha’s temper is at his boiling point ready to fight, but he can’t kill Kohaku just to get to Kagura. Soon Inuyasha and Kagome begin to battle Kagura and Kohaku to reclaim the shards she stole from Koga before the night begins. BATTLE 3: INUYASHA & KAGOME vs. KAGURA & KOHAKU 1-4 Inuyasha and Kagome reclaim the shards just as Kagura and Kohaku retreated back to Naraku’s castle. Then Inuyasha recognized Kikyo’s scent and hurried towards her, leaving Kagome worried. However, the night of the new moon began and Inuyasha has transformed into a human. Kikyo doesn’t wish for Inuyasha to slay Naraku and declared that she would kill him. Inuyasha has no choice but to fight Kikyo without his demonic powers. BATTLE 4: HUMAN INUYASHA vs. KIKYO 1-5 Kikyo accepts defeat and urges Inuyasha to advance towards Naraku’s castle and destroy him. When Inuyasha and Kagome arrive at Naraku’s castle, Naraku already had company. Sesshomaru, Inuyasha’s older brother, declared he would kill Naraku and not Inuyasha. Not able to back down, Inuyasha and Kagome decided to team up and mow down Sesshomaru in order to destroy Naraku. BATTLE 5: INUYASHA & KAGOME vs. SESSHOMARU 1-6 With Sesshomaru defeated, Inuyasha and Kagome now set their sights on ending Naraku’s tyranny and destruction for all times in a cataclysmic showdown between good and evil. Will Inuyasha finally have his revenge for what happened to him and Kikyo or will Naraku absorb all in his wake? The time is now! FINAL BATTLE: INUYASHA & KAGOME vs. NARAKU 1-END With Naraku dead, Inuyasha and Kagome relax under the forest finally ridding the world of Naraku’s evil. Kagome asks Inuyasha what will happen now that the jewel is almost complete and that Naraku is no longer a threat. Inuyasha sighs and still hopes to be even stronger so that he can protect his friends. Kagome was still worried about Inuyasha’s wish to use the jewel to be a full-fledged demon, but he assures her that nothing will change between them. He will always care for her, and that’s good enough for Kagome. 2. MIROKU & SANGO’S CHAPTER This chapter has 6 episodes where instead of Inuyasha and Kagome, Miroku and Sango are the stars of the show. This chapter has Miroku and Sango fight demons and try to keep cool heads. Each episode (except for 2-2) also lets you decide to take Miroku or Sango as your main character. The story remains the same regardless of your choice. 2-1 Miroku and Sango are in the distance overhearing Inuyasha and Koga argue about Kagome as usual. When the two bickering demons insult Miroku behind his back, he plans on venting out his anger. Soon, he and Sango plan to punish Inuyasha and Koga who have no choice but to set aside their animosity and attack. BATTLE 1: MIROKU & SANGO vs. INUYASHA & KOGA (if you chose Miroku) BATTLE 1: SANGO & MIROKU vs. INUYASHA & KOGA (if you chose Sango) 2-2 When Inuyasha and Koga are out cold Miroku makes bold statements about respect while feeling up Sango on the sly. However Sango smacks him solid. Before long, Miroku’s womanizing ways land him in deep trouble as Sango plans to vent all her rage on Miroku, and she’s not alone. Kagome will also aid the demon-slayer to teach Miroku a lesson in etiquette the hard way. BATTLE 2: SANGO & KAGOME vs. MIROKU (you play as Sango) 2-3 After Sango and Kagome kick the hormones out of Miroku, he rejoins Sango on their quest for Naraku. Surprisingly enough, they run into Kagura. And to Sango’s shock, Kohaku is by her side. Sango is still heartbroken ever since Naraku erased his memory of her and plans on fighting her brother without killing him. For Kagura, this family affair is much to her amusement, but for Miroku and Sango, it’s serious business and it must be resolved without fail. BATTLE 3: MIROKU & SANGO vs. KAGURA & KOHAKU (if you chose Miroku) BATTLE 3: SANGO & MIROKU vs. KAGURA & KOHAKU (if you chose Sango) 2-4 With the battle won, Kagura retreats back to Naraku’s castle while Kohaku retreats elsewhere. Miroku and Sango follow Kohaku to an ancient ruin where Sesshomaru is there looking for Naraku. He wants to use Kohaku to find Naraku easily, but Sango isn’t letting go without a fight and both she and Miroku take Sesshomaru head on stalling time for Kohaku to stay alive. BATTLE 4: MIROKU & SANGO vs. SESSHOMARU (if you chose Miroku) BATTLE 4: SANGO & MIROKU vs. SESSHOMARU (if you chose Sango) 2-5 During the battle, Kohaku made his getaway. Sango and Miroku stalled long enough and soon found their way into Naraku’s castle. There, Naraku has new demonic powers and plans on testing them out. Kohaku has been given orders to terminate Sango and Miroku. Sango hopes to break Naraku’s hold on Kohaku while Miroku focuses on breaking his family’s curse of the Wind Tunnel. BATTLE 5: MIROKU & SANGO vs. NARAKU & KOHAKU (if you chose Miroku) BATTLE 5: SANGO & MIROKU vs. NARAKU & KOHAKU (if you chose Sango) 2-6 Kohaku is down, but not dead. Sango is relieved that he’s safe. However, Naraku is not the demon to show mercy to anyone, human or demon, alive or dead. He unleashes his full fury on Miroku and Sango as they prepare for one final showdown against their most deadliest foe! FINAL BATTLE: MIROKU & SANGO vs. NARAKU (if you chose Miroku) FINAL BATTLE: SANGO & MIROKU vs. NARAKU (if you chose Sango) 2-END With Naraku dead, Miroku’s right hand is back to normal. Sango couldn’t find Kohaku anywhere, but Miroku acknowledges her and plans on traveling with her to find Kohaku so that the three of them will settle down. All this explaining is done while he was feeling her up. Sango still has that right cross handy. Some habits never die hard. 3. SESSHOMARU’S CHAPTER This chapter has 5 episodes which star Inuyasha’s cool-hearted older brother Sesshomaru. This explains Sesshomaru’s thoughts of why his father willed Inuyasha the Tetsusaiga and got the Tenseiga instead. 3-1 Sesshomaru plans on traveling across the country looking for answers on why the Tetsusaiga is very important for Inuyasha to possess while Sesshomaru himself possesses Tenseiga, a sword he considers useless. Upon entering a grassy meadow, Sesshomaru runs into the Wolf-Demon Koga, who plans on showing his stuff. Sesshomaru isn’t planning to stand idly by and let a cocky demon show him up in battle. BATTLE 1: SESSHOMARU vs. KOGA 3-2 Koga felt like he was put through the wringer after losing to Sesshomaru. When entering the forest, he recognized Kikyo as the priestess who sealed Inuyasha to a tree. Kikyo warns Sesshomaru to stay away from Naraku’s castle in order to prevent him being absorbed by Naraku. Sesshomaru isn’t the one to listen to anyone ordering him around and plans on plowing through Kikyo over her already dead body. BATTLE 2: SESSHOMARU vs. KIKYO 3-3 Kikyo lay heavily wounded by Sesshomaru’s attacks as the full-blooded demon walked towards Naraku’s castle. Upon his arrival, he meets Kagura and proposes to him of a plan to kill Naraku. Sesshomaru declares he’s fine on his own. However, Naraku was listening in on Kagura’s conversation and plans to absorb her into his body for betraying him. Sesshomaru boasts he is superior to Naraku and plans to prove it in battle. Reluctantly, he allows Kagura to accompany him in battle while Naraku orders Kohaku to battle alongside him. BATTLE 3: SESSHOMARU & KAGURA vs. NARAKU & KOHAKU 3-4 Sesshomaru kills Naraku and frees Kagura from his grasp. Inuyasha and Kagome rush into Naraku’s castle finding out Sesshomaru beat them to the punch first. With Naraku out of the way, Sesshomaru can finally settle the feud with Inuyasha one on one, brother against brother and find out why Inuyasha was given the Tetsusaiga by his father. BATTLE 4: SESSHOMARU vs. INUYASHA 3-5 Inuyasha has been disarmed and defeated. Kagome sees the Tetsusaiga revert back to its normal state and watches Sesshomaru close in for the kill. But before he could finish the battle, Sesshomaru sensed a fearsome and diabolical power coming from Inuyasha. If Inuyasha is separated from Tetsusaiga for too long, the demon blood inside Inuyasha becomes strong with the desire to live complete with the rage to slaughter everything in his path. Sesshomaru now has to survive his little brother’s demonic transformation before he gets slashed to pieces in Inuyasha’s wake. FINAL BATTLE: SESSHOMARU vs. DEMON INUYASHA 3-END Sesshomaru has succeeded in bringing down Inuyasha in his transformed demon state. As a sign of mercy, he tells Kagome to bring the Tetsusaiga to him before he regains consciousness. Sesshomaru rather kill Inuyasha during his normal state and heads off, sparing Inuyasha’s life. Sesshomaru now understands that Tetsusaiga keeps Inuyasha’s demon blood in check and has decided that Inuyasha should keep Tetsusaiga in his possession…at least for now. 4. SHIPPO’S CHAPTER This chapter has 3 episodes which has Shippo as the star. He considers himself a righteous hero standing for justice. Many demons bully him or plan to eat him, but luckily he has friends that help him. However, in this chapter, Shippo has to fight his battles himself. 4-1 Ever since Shippo became part of Inuyasha’s group, he’s been trying to cool Inuyasha’s head. When he first met Inuyasha, he was trying to get the shards to battle the Thunder Brothers. Shippo is always the butt of Inuyasha’s anger and does not wish to be bullied by him any longer. BATTLE 1: SHIPPO vs. INUYASHA 4-2 Shippo may have settled things with Inuyasha, but there are even bigger bullies for Shippo to face. One of which is Koga, the Wolf-Demon. Shippo’s pride as a fox blindly challenges Koga’s pride as a wolf to see which dog-like demon is better than the other. BATTLE 2: SHIPPO vs. KOGA 4-3 Having his bully problems behind him, Shippo feels strong enough now to take on any demon within the area. Unfortunately, the demon closer to him is Sesshomaru, Inuyasha’s older brother. He is no pushover and is deadly in battle. Shippo has to suck up enough courage to survive the battle against Sesshomaru and somehow win. FINAL BATTLE: SHIPPO vs. SESSHOMARU 4-END Shippo wins against Sesshomaru and declares himself to be the strongest demon in the land. But to his surprise, all the battles are a dream. Inuyasha teases him a bit while Kagome tells Inuyasha to let him rest. Shippo was still sound asleep happy in his euphoric dream. At least, tomorrow’s another day. --------------------------- INUYASHA: FEUDAL COMBAT --------------------------- VII. MISSION MODE ------------------------ TIME TO BEGIN YOUR LONG JOURNEY ---------------------- Mission Mode differs from each character and writing each mission down will take up too much space. However, the Black Pearl Battle Zone remains the same and it can help you and your partner raise their power levels just in case you want an edge in battle. Just push L2 on the Character Selection screen and you can load you and your partner’s stats in the game. --------------------------- INUYASHA: FEUDAL COMBAT --------------------------- VIII. BATTLE MODE ---------------------- CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS…OR ENEMIES ---------------------- In Battle Mode, you can challenge anyone into battle. Players can select whether players or computers will fight, whom to battle as and where the battle will take place. You can even set the handicap level, time limit and bead counter for interesting scenarios. --------------------------- INUYASHA: FEUDAL COMBAT --------------------------- IX. PRACTICE MODE ---------------------------- PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT --------------------------- In Practice Mode, you can perfect your moves by operating with a training dummy. You can master the formations and combos listed above in Chapter 4 of this guide. You can set the Spirit Gauges and Dummy Controls in the Pause Menu. --------------------------- INUYASHA: FEUDAL COMBAT --------------------------- X. INUYASHA EXTRAS ---------------------------- FOR THOSE IN THE KNOW ---------------------------- ENGLISH VOICE CAST INUYASHA Richard Ian Cox KAGOME Moneca Stori MIROKU Kirby Morrow SANGO Kelly Sheridan SHIPPO Jillian Michaels KIKYO Willow Johnson SESSHOMARU David Kaye KOGA Scott McNeil KAGURA Janyse Jaud KOHAKU Danny McKimmon NARAKU Paul Dobson BANKOTSU Matt Hill SPECIAL TIPS To unlock Miroku & Sango’s chapter, win Inuyasha’s chapter To unlock Sesshomaru’s chapter, win Miroku & Sango’s chapter To unlock Shippo’s chapter, win Sesshomaru’s chapter To unlock Naraku, win Inuyasha’s chapter without dying once To unlock Bankotsu, win Miroku & Sango’s chapter without dying once To unlock Demon Inuyasha, win Sesshomaru’s chapter without dying once To unlock Human Inuyasha, win Shippo’s chapter without dying once To unlock Naraku’s Castle for Battle and Practice Modes, complete all the missions in Mission Mode To unlock Challenging Mode, complete Mission Mode with 3 different characters FAQ’S STATS For my In-Depth part of the FAQ’s page, I’ll make the Mission Modes and Challenging Mode for the game and the Game Script whenever possible. This guide would be too big to compensate for space. I try to minimize space for easier reading. Also, I’ll work on each of the characters’ combination attacks listed in the Pause Menu. ABOUT KAGOME’S UNIFORM Many fanboys of Kagome will wonder about her uniform and hope for an occasional panty shot or two whenever possible. Disappointingly, the creator Rumiko Takahashi decided to remove the fanservice angle on Kagome when she wears her uniform as well as other clothes in the anime and manga. The game is the same way, too. --------------------------- INUYASHA: FEUDAL COMBAT --------------------------- XI. LEGALESE ----------------------- GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE ----------------------- InuYasha (c) Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan/Sunrise/Yomiuri TV. Licensed in North America by VIZ LLC. InuYasha Feudal Combat is manufactured by Bandai, Inc. Thanks to GameFAQs for posting this guide And special thanks to all the RIFs (Rabid InuYasha Fans) around the world