------ JAK 3 ------ Jak 3 Playstation 2 FAQ Written by M. Congram (renshai) V-1.15 Last Updated: 03/06/06 Created: 11/20/04 This document is the property of renshai, aka M. Congram =============================================================================== If you didn't already know, this is an FAQ for the Playstation 2 game Jak 3. Currently the only sites with permission to post this FAQ are: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://home.graffiti.net/modi http://www.neoseeker.com http://www.gamerhelp.com ============== INTRODUCTION ============== I've been intending to write an FAQ for a while now, but have never had the time or the right game. Now, thanks to a dislocated kneecap and Naughty Dog, I have both. This is my first one, though, so any glaring errors are newbie mistakes, and I'm more than happy to fix them when notified about them. If you have questions about this FAQ, or the above mentioned glaring errors to point out, you can e-mail me at spikestampede(at)hotmail.com. Just be sure to have "Question about Jak 3 FAQ" or something along those lines in the subject header. Otherwise I will delete your e-mail on sight. Funnily enough, if the e-mail is just a flame, that'll be deleted too, so don't bother. This walkthrough is under construction, and will be updated as I type parts out, so if a section is missing, chances are good I simply haven't typed it yet - DON'T E-MAIL ME ABOUT IT! Enjoy the FAQ. ================================ TABLE OF CONTENTS (by Section) ================================ *note->How to navigate the table of contents: Each heading is preceded by an alphanumeric combination that corresponds to its place in this table of contents which can be searched for using the Ctrl+F command. For example, if I wanted to find the Controls for Dark Jak, I'd search for :C.b:, if I wanted to find the guide to the Climb Monk Temple Tower mission, I'd search for :F.a.12: Any trailing periods are dropped, and it's always surrounded by colons. A. The Story so Far B. Major Characters C. Controls a. Jak b. Dark Jak c. Light Jak d. Vehicles e. Hoverboard D. The Morph Gun E. General Gameplay Tips F. The Missions a. Act I 1. Complete Arena Training Course 2. Earn 1st Battle Amulet 3. Catch Kanga-Rats 4. Unlock Satellite 5. Learn to Drive 6. Beat Kleiver in Desert Race 7. Race for Artifacts 8. Beat Monks in Leaper Race 9. Destroy Metal Head Beasts 10. Earn 2nd Battle Amulet 11. Corral Wild Leapers 12. Climb Monk Temple Tower 13. Glide to Volcano 14. Find Satellite in Volcano 15. Find Oracle in Monk Temple 16. Rescue Wastelanders 17. Beat Turret Challenge 18. Defeat Marauders in Arena 19. Destroy Eggs in Metal Head Nest 20. Defend Ashelin at Oasis 21. Complete Monk Temple Tests 22. Travel Through Catacomb Subrails 23. Explore Eco Mine 24. Escort Bomb Train 25. Defeat Veger's Precursor Robot b. Act II 1. Reach Port via Sewer 2. Destroy Incoming BlastBots 3. Destroy Barrier with Missile 4. Defeat Gun Course 1 5. Destroy Sniper Cannons 6. Reach Metal Head Area via Sewer 7. Destroy Dark Eco Tanks 8. Kill Dark Plants in Forest 9. Destroy Eco Grid with Jinx 10. Hijack Eco Tanker 11. Defend Port from Attack 12. Beat Gun Course 2 13. Break Barrier with BlastBot 14. Defend HQ 15. Find Switch in Sewers 16. Find Cypher in Eco Grid 17. Race for Artifacts...Again 18. Destroy Metalpedes in Nest 19. Chase Down MetalHead Beasts 20. Defend Spargus' Gate 21. Take Out Marauder Stronghold 22. Beat Ring Challenges in Forest 23. Destroy War Factory Defenses 24. Explore War Factory 25. Kick Cyber-Errol's Ass c. Act III 1. Rescue Seem at Temple 2. Defend Spargus from Dark Maker Attack 3. Destroy Dark Ship Shield 4. Blow Open Tower Door 5. Destroy Metal Head Tower 6. Reach Catacombs via Palace Ruins 7. Break Through Ruins 8. Reach Precursor Core 9. Destroy Dark Ship 10. Destroy Final Boss G. Collectibles H. Kleiver's Cars I. Precursor Orbs Locations a. Spargus Orbs b. Spargus Precursor Challenges c. Desert Orbs d. Desert Precursor Challenges J. Secrets K. Version History L. Closing ================== THE STORY SO FAR :A: ================== At the end of the last game, Jak and Dax had saved Haven City from the Metal Head leader, and were chilling out in anticipation of a nice break from adventuring. Unfortunately for them, it wasn't to be. The strongest metal heads survived the fall of the Metal Head leader, and there seems to be a new Bad Guy leading the remnants of the old Krimson Guard. And the city seems to be blaming Jak, under the guidance of the new Count Veger (who reminds me of the six-fingered count in Princess Bride). So Jak goes from hero to scapegoat in under a week, and gets banished to the Wasteland (a presumed death sentence). ================== MAJOR CHARACTERS :B: ================== (caution: Major Spoilers, for all three Jak games. There, you've been warned.) Jak (obviously) --------------- Jak is the main character. If you've played the two previous games, then you probably know him pretty well, and if not, I'll provide you with some background on the last two adventures. As we discovered last game, Jak is the Heir of Mar, which is apparently a big deal, but they never really tell us why. He was hidden in the past, along with Samos (the Green Sage), so that he could grow up in a peaceful world to become the hero he is today...or, um, tomorrow. Yeah. After getting launched back to the future, Jak got captured by Baron Praxis (last game's minor bad guy), who experimented on Jak with Dark Eco. So, in the words of Daxter, "Our boy here gets all mean and nasty when you piss him off. So don't piss him off." He walks and talks like a tough guy, but he's got a big mushy center, even if he is a bit tired of the whole "saving the world" thing. Daxter (aka Orange Lightning) ----------------------------- Jak's sidekick, shoulder ornament, and best friend. Jak accidentally knocked him into a pool of Dark Eco in the first game, turning him into the furry little ottsel (otter-weasel) you see before you. He doesn't seem to mind, but he really misses wearing pants. He's sarcastic, slightly bitter, likes to talk smack, and really does all the talking Jak doesn't. He's lucky he can hide behind Jak, because otherwise someone would have pounded him into the ground long ago. Pecker ------ Sort of a Monkey-Parrot thing. His parents were very vindictive. Last game, he was Onin's interpreter. This game, he appears to spend most of his time keeping an eye on Jak and Dax. Well, and fighting with Daxter. They don't like each other, possibly because they are so much alike. Damas ----- The King of Spargus, the city in the Wasteland. He's got a bit of a mysterious past, and reminds me strongly of Jak. Hmmmmm.... Sig --- Another returnee from Jak II, he's a big, tough Wastelander. Even if he does have a little Poopsy-Bear on his bed at home. He was also Damas' spy in Haven City, which is where he met Jak last game, working as muscle for a big-time weapons dealer. Ashelin ------- Jak II's very own ass-kicking-chick, back for an encore. The former Baron Praxis' daughter is now head of the Haven City council, which obviously isn't all it's cracked up to be. A close friend of Jak. I thought she and Torn were an item, but now, I'm not so sure..... Torn ---- Former leader of the Haven Resistance (Jak II), he's now head of Haven City's Freedom Guard. He's the person Jak gets most of his missions from. The strong, silent type, and my favourite character besides Jak. Samos and Keira --------------- The Green Sage and his daughter, they came from the past with Jak. Keira's a mechanic, and Samos' daughter. Neither have a real big part in this game, though. Keira only has, like, 2 lines. Onin ---- Haven's one-and-only mystic seer-person. Probably the oldest person in the game, assuming we don't count the Precursors. Doesn't talk. Waves hands about in mysterious ways. May or may not be into heavy metal (she does throw up the horns, occasionally). Seem ---- The Head of Damas' Precursor Monks. She doesn't like Jak much, at least at first. Is the focus of some of Daxter's best lines. Seem is mostly pre-occupied with the "coming apocalypse" and the arrival of the Daystar. Baron Veger ----------- Full-fledged, Precursor-obsessed psycho. Although he's good at hiding it. Overly influential of Haven Council. He's the impetus behind the banishment of Jak, whom he thinks is an abomination because of the Dark Eco. He doesn't like Dax, because Dax has issues remembering his name. He reminds me strongly of the six-fingered Count from Princess Bride. He wants to wipe out all Dark Eco everywhere, using the power of the Precursors to do it. Errol ----- Thought he was dead, huh? But, as we all know, the true psycho-villains never die. They just come back crazier, and more powerful. Errol's behind all the bad things that Veger isn't. And he's crazier than a pack of loons in a bag. He's talking to the Dark Makers (he's hearing voices), and his particular form of insanity means that I have trouble not giggling when he's on screen. He's into, you know, fire and brimstone, and wiping out the planet and all Light Eco everywhere. He and Veger would get along like a house on fire. Kleiver ------- A wastelander, and Damas' sort-of-almost right-hand man, Kleiver is big, brawny, and not too bright. He runs the garage and supplies warehouses in Spargus, and doesn't like Jak. I think he thinks Jak is going to take away his position at Damas' right hand. He also wants to eat Dax. An all-round charming individual. Tess ---- Last but not least, Tess. Last game she was a spy for the Haven Resistance, this game she's designing guns. And she's good at it. Daxter's love interest, although I'm not sure if she's got the same ideas about it he does. The two of them are horrific beyond words together - they BABY-TALK to each other. It's the most annoying sweet couple you've ever seen, multiplied by two. Although I think Dax probably only plays along to bug Jak. ========== CONTROLS :C: ========== Jak :C.a: ----- Morph-Gun: R1 Jump: X Double Jump: X + X again while in the air Spin Kick: O Punch: [] Crouch: L1 while stationary (if you hit L1 and then move, Jak crawls) Roll: L1 while moving Roll Jump: L1 (moving) + X Spin Jump: X + O High Jump: L1 (stationary) + X Dive Attack: X + [] Bounce: X + [] + X Uppercut: L1 + [] or [] + X Camera: Right Analog First-Person: R3 (click right stick) Menu: Start Use/Talk: /\ Pause: Select Game Stats: L3 (click left stick) Dark Jak :C.b: ---------- Turn into Dark Jak: L2 (no matter your eco level) Dark Bomb: X + [] Dark Spiral: [] + X Throw Dark Energy: R1 Light Jak :C.c: ----------- Turn into Light Jak: hold L2 and press one of /\, [], X, O (no matter the eco) Light Shield: L2 + O Light Regeneration: L2 + /\ Light Timestop: L2 + [] Light Wings: L2 + X - note: once turned into light jak, you no longer have to press L2 to activate the powers. Vehicles :C.d: ---------- Get in or out: /\ Accelerate: X (if riding Leaper, X + X give you a short glide) Brake and Reverse: [] (attack on Leaper) Jump: L1 Skid Turn: analog stick + O Weapon: R1 (if vehicle has weapons) Rear View: L2 Change Hover Zone: R2 (Zoomers only) Hoverboard :C.e: ------------ Get On or Off: R2 Jump: X High Jump: X + X again immediately on landing Boost Jump: L1 + X Crouch: L1 Grind: [] Tricks: any of the four shoulder buttons (L1, L2, R1, R2) + any direction on analog stick Bump enemies out of way: O (not real effective) Quick 180: /\ =============== The Morph-Gun :D: =============== The Morph-Gun is accessed by hitting R1, and you change the current weapon by hitting one of the directions on the D-Pad. You can put the gun away by holding one of the directional buttons down until Jak puts it away. -------------- |RED GUN MODS| -------------- The red gun mods are all basically wide-area dispersion weapons. They do collateral damage to anything and everything within a certain radius. As such, they're generally pretty good for large groups of slower or weaker enemies, or for clearing yourself some space. They are accessed with the up arrow. Max ammo is 50 shots, and gets upgraded as the game goes on. Scatter Gun ------------- This is the first weapon Jak receives in the game, and the default red mod. It fires a shotgun like blast in a cone-shaped range. Until you get some upgrades, it has an incredibly slow rate of fire, and it's completely of no use for long-range attacks. Best used for clearing yourself a path through a large group of weak enemies (like Metal-Head Scorpions or KG Spider-Bots). Uses one red ammo per shot. Wave Concussor ---------------- The second-level red mod, this weapon is received before the 2nd Arena challenge. It is charged by holding down R1, and when fired releases a circular shockwave around Jak. The longer R1 is held down, the greater the radius of the shockwave, but the more red ammo is used. Max ammo use is 5 red ammo. Because of the time it takes to charge, it's not great for really close range fighting, although it's ideal for large groups that haven't gotten that close to you yet. Plasmite RPG -------------- This third-level weapon is received after the second gun course mission. It's basically a grenade launcher. If fired at an enemy, the grenade will home in on the enemy and explode, taking out any other enemies in the vicinity. If fired completely off base, the grenade bounces off of any surfaces it hits, and takes about 20 seconds to explode. Jak cannot be hurt by the explosion. Still, obviously where this gun shines in when firing into a closely grouped batch of enemies at range. ----------------- |YELLOW GUN MODS| ----------------- The yellow gun mods, accessed by the down arrow, are your basic multi-purpose long-range guns. Relatively powerful, with good range, they're probably the guns you'll use most this game. The yellow gun's max ammo is 100, although it can be upgraded as the game goes on. Blaster --------- This is the default yellow gun, and is received after the first Arena challenge. With fairly good stopping power and rate-of fire, as well as a close to mid-length range, it's probably the gun you'll use most. It's good for almost any kind of enemy you'll find outside of the boss fights, and it's auto-targeting ability makes picking off charging enemies a breeze. It uses one yellow ammo per shot. Beam Reflexor --------------- This second-level yellow mod is received after completing the 2nd Arena challenge. It fires bullets which will ricochet a set number of times off any solid objects it encounters until it hits an enemy. Secrets can be purchased which will upgrade the number of ricochets from each bullet. This is a good gun for mass firefights, when you have neither the time nor the inclination to aim carefully. It uses one yellow ammo per shot. Gyro Burster -------------- The third level yellow mod is received after the first gun course mission. It fires out a little rotating orb which rains death from above for a set amount of time. This works really well when faced with a group of high-powered enemies that you don't really want to stand and face (like a group of flying KG robots) - you can throw it out, and then duck behind cover, coming out when the smoke has cleared. It uses about 50 yellow ammo per shot, but remember that that's 50 shots fired at your enemies from above. --------------- |BLUE GUN MODS| --------------- The blue guns, accessed by the left arrow, are the specialty mods in this game. They don't really have a unified purpose other than to serve in specialized situations. Max Ammo is 100 shots (un-upgraded). Vulcan Fury ------------- This gun, received during the third Arena mission, is basically the sniper rifle or machine gun of Jak 3. Possessing an incredibly high rate of fire, as well as incredibly long range, it's best for getting rid of those enemies that you don't want to let close enough to hit you (like the sniper Metal Heads). It also works wonders on enemies that are grouped together. It uses only one blue ammo per shot, but you can run out of bullets really quickly due to it's high cycle rate. Arc Wielder ------------- This secondlevel blue mod is received after beating the final mission in Act I. It emits a long stream of electricity, which Jak can directly simply by moving. It works like a flame-thrower, just with ions instead. Like the Vulcan Fury, it gobbles ammo - about 2 ammo for every second you hold down R1. It's good for groups of enemies that aren't grouped together, as you can sweep it about, decimating their ranks. Needle Laser -------------- The third level blue mod is received after the Destroy Eco Grid with Jinx mission. It shoots around corners. Actually, it fires three bullets, which will track a target no matter which direction Jak is facing when he fires them. It uses about two ammo per shot. --------------- |DARK GUN MODS| --------------- The Dark gun mods are some of the last, as well as most powerful, mods you receive in the game. Their purpose in the game is basically wreaking havoc and mass destruction. The Max Ammo capacity (un-upgraded) is 5. They are accessed by the right directional arrow. PeaceMaker ------------ The first level of the Dark Gun, received after the "Destroy the Barrier with Blast-Bot Mission", is mighty in it's own right. It can be charged to release at just the right time, or quickly fired off. It throws out a ball of electricity, which hits the primary target and then shoots out streamers to hit anything within a certain radius. It uses one Dark ammo per shot. Mass Inverter --------------- The second mod of the Dark gun, received after beating Cyber Errol the first time, is possibly the coolest gun concept ever. It produces a field of some sort that, yes, inverts the mass of any enemies within range, leaving them floating in the air for you to dispatch at your leisure, for a certain period of time. For some enemies, just the Mass Inverter itself is enough to kill them. Any enemies that wander into the field while it's still active also get caught in it. It uses one Dark ammo per shot. Super Nova ------------ The third mod of the Dark gun is meant only for one thing - complete and total destruction. It shoots out a grenade, which then hangs in the air and explodes, producing a giant nuclear mushroom cloud of death. It will annihilate anything within range, not too mention it looks damn cool. You receive it after the "Blow Open Tower Door" mission, and it takes 10 Dark ammo per shot. ======================= GENERAL GAMEPLAY TIPS :E: ======================= 1. BREAK STUFF Jars, baskets, crates, urns, boxes, everything. Smash them all. Worst case, you'll find nothing. But many breakables contain hidden Precursor Orbs, Metal Head gems, or other things important to your quest. Breaking them as you go will save you from having to come back for those pesky Precursor Orbs. 2. KNOW YOUR GUN Knowing which gun to use in which situation can save you a lot of grief and frustration. So familiarize yourself with your morph-gun. Read the section in this FAQ. Pay attention to gun recommendations in the mission walkthroughs. I put that stuff in to help, not for my health. 3. DON'T PISS OFF WASTELANDERS Unlike the citizens of Haven City, should you happen to accidentally knock over a Wastelander on your hoverboard, or command your Leaper to bite one of them for a bit of fun, the Wastelanders don't run away, and they don't get mad. They get even. They will attempt to shoot you with those huge blasters they carry. And while they don't really have great aim, having your Leaper shot out from under you in the middle of a mission is a real pain in the butt. 4. LISTEN I know he's annoying, but listen to Daxter. If you're stuck, chances are good that his babbling contains information on what you're supposed to be doing. ============== THE MISSIONS :F: ============== Act 1 :F.a: ------- -Arena Training Course- :F.a.1: You start your game in the Spargus Arena. This whole mission is basically a refresher course in Jak's jumping and battle moves. You need to jump up and across the platforms, collecting 35 little glowing tokens. It's incredibly easy. Pay attention to the directions on screen, and if you're missing a token, just slip into first person view and take a look around. Go slow so that you don't fall off the platforms into the lava below. -Earn 1st Battle Amulet- :F.a.2: Items Received: Morph-Gun 1st Battle Amulet Blaster Mod (yellow1) Spargus Gate Pass Damas gives you a gun (yay!) and sends you back into the Arena to prove your worthiness. Once again, this one is pretty easy. You need to kill 20 Marauders in order to complete the mission. Periodically an alarm sounds, and the floor begins to slowly sink into the lava. When you hear the alarm, go jump onto one of the raised boxes - it'll keep you out of the lava. Make sure you watch your back, as the Marauders will come from all sides. When you have about 5 Marauders left to kill, Jak will automatically turn into Dark Jak. No matter how long you take, he won't turn back to normal until you finish the mission. Note: It counts as a kill if you just push the Marauders into the lava, but not if they get caught when the arena sinks. -Catch Kanga-Rats- :F.a.3: Head out of the Arena, picking up ammo if you like, and Kleiver will accost you. He wants you to catch some Kanga-Rats that are wrecking Spargus' supplies. Once the cut-scene ends, continue past Kleiver, and climb onto the Leaper waiting for you. Head out into the city. You have to find 6 Kanga Rats. Use your map to get you in the general area (the rats are the blinking green dots). Once you spot them (they're bright pink and squeak), they'll go for a run. Chase them, and once you're close behind, hit [] and your Leaper will gulp it up. There are 4 in the area around the Arena, and 2 near the Seashore. -Unlock Satellite- :F.a.4: Items Received: Dark Eco Crystal Your next mission is conveniently in the Seashore area, where you probably caught your last Kanga-Rat. Use your map to find Seem, and approach her. After the cut-scene, it's mini-game time! Hit the corresponding button (/\, [], O, or X) as the symbol passes under the targeting brackets, but before they reach the pulsing pink thing in the middle. You need to catch 75 symbols, but you only have 5 misses before you have to start over. A miss is either missing the symbol, or hitting a button while there is no symbols in the targeting bracket. note: the symbols will come from the same direction they are on the controller, ie /\ from the top, etc. -Learn to Drive- :F.a.5: Head to Kleiver's garage, where he'll offer you a wager on Jak winning a race: a car for Jak, or Dax for supper for Kleiver. Jak, of course, takes it. The next part is a simple tutorial for the off-road vehicles in Jak 3. Drive to the lights, and follow the directions on screen, and you'll do fine. -Kleiver's Race- :F.a.6: Items Received: Tough Puppy (vehicle) Time for the race. This race is pretty easy. The racers will mostly clump to the left at the start, so steer right, around them, and you'll immediately be ahead. Pick up the glowing red balls (turbo boosts), and drive carefully, and you should stay well ahead for the entire race. The only area it's really important to turbo boost through is the water after you go through the cave. It looks basically like sand striped with darker dirt, but the dirt is actually sitting water, and if you don't boost through it, it slows you down pretty bad. Also, compared to what you may be used to, the Puppy has pretty sensitive steering. Don't oversteer, you'll either slide or flip, both of which will lose you the race. The race boundaries are the red rocks. -Race for Artifacts- :F.a.7: Items received: Mar's Armour (Arm Bracers) As soon as you get back, Damas will send you back out into the desert, to pick up some newly uncovered Precursor artifacts, 12 of them. You're racing against the clock to get them, but there's really plenty of time. Use your map to find the next artifact in the series, and try to avoid the Marauders (the red dots). The Tough Puppy has no weapons, and running into the Marauders will slow you down. If they manage to block you in the front, don't forget the jump turn, or the fact that you can back up. Sometimes you can even get them to run into rocks. Once you've picked up the last artifact, you have to race back to Spargus before the approaching sandstorm hits. -Beat the Monks in a Leaper Race- :F.a.8: Items Received: Light Eco Crystal Another race, this time on the Leapers. This one's a bit more difficult than the vehicle one, if only because the monks like to box you in. You'll probably need to go through it twice, to learn the course the first time. Off the start, fade to the left, since the monks tend to bunch up to the right. If you get in front on the first couple rings, you'll probably stay in front for the entire race. Just remember that your Leaper can glide as well as jump, and make sure that when the ring is on an incline you jump through it, instead of just running. Otherwise sometimes the game glitches, and you get pegged for missing the ring, no matter how much it looked like you went through it. There are about 39 or 40 rings. -Destroy Wasteland Beasts- :F.a.9: Items Received: Dark Eco Crystal Sand Shark (vehicle) Head down to the garage, where Kleiver will fill you in on your next mission - hunting Wasteland Metal Heads. Sounds like fun. Climb into the Sand Shark, and head out the doors. There are 4 giant Metalheads to kill. Follow your map to find them, and then hold down the trigger and drive your heart out. The best place to be is behind them, although you have to steer carefully as they fire bombs in your general direction. The Metal Heads can turn on a dime, however, so be prepared to veer off to the side at any moment. Meeting a Metal Head head-on will result in your Sand Shark being flung across the desert, and really eats into your health bar. Keep firing at your target metal head until their dot on your map disappears - other wise, they may get back up after you knock them down, and you'll have to do it all over again. -Earn 2nd Battle Amulet- :F.a.10: Items Received: Wave Concussor (red2) 2nd Battle Amulet Beam Reflexor (yellow2) The time has come for Jak to enter the Arena again. It's changed a bit since the last time, too. For one thing, you need to kill 30 enemies to finish. For another, there are now four platforms instead of one. They sink into the lava one at a time. So when you hear the alarms sound and see lava coming through the vents, just hop to one of the other platforms. The best weapon for this particular arena challenge, I've found, is the Blaster (yellow). It's got better range than the Scatter Gun (red), and makes knocking Marauders into the lava from a distance a piece of cake. -Corral Wild Leapers- :F.a.11: Items Received: Dune Hopper (vehicle) Head back to Kleiver's garage once again to receive your mission, and then climb into your vehicle of choice and hit the road. Follow your map to an ancient destroyed settlement. Here, you need to chase the Leapers (who appear as red dots on your map) in the car, until you get close enough for Daxter to jump on it's back. Now Daxter gets to steer the Leaper back to the electrified pen, which is the big grey symbol on you map. The only difficulty is that running into ANYTHING or over the green cactuses will kill the Leaper, forcing you to start again from the pen. The Leaper can jump, but cannot glide like the ones in Spargus. I recommend trying to catch the Leapers as far away from the pen as possible - that way you have ample distance to circle around and find an easy line of entrance. NOTE: Before now, all the missions have been completely linear. Now, there may be more than one mission on your map. I'm writing them down in the order I finished the missions in, but you DO NOT have to follow the same order. To help you figure out where you're going, though, I'm going to tell you what the map icon for each mission is from here on in. -Climb the Precursor Monk Temple- :F.a.12: Map Icon: Red cross-thingy Climb into the Dune Hopper, and head out across the islands to the Monk Temple, following your map. Be careful crossing the islands, as if you fall into the drink, you've got to start all over again. Once you reach terra firma, watch out. Just ahead, there's a slightly hidden jump that you have to make, over a waterfall gorge. Once you get to the temple, climb out of the Dune Hopper and head on in. You'll see a cutscene that ends with Jak standing in front of a canvas awning. Jump up onto the awning, and start your climb up the temple. This is pretty standard platforming fare - just jump from platform to platform to pole until you reach the top. Don't forget that, if Jak is swinging around a pole, you can hit jump when he's standing vertical to make him jump straight up. Also, watch for the platforms with obviously cracked tops. These ones will crumble and fall away as soon as you set foot on them, so be ready to jump fast. -Gliding to the Volcano- :F.a.13: When you reach the top of the temple, you'll see a spare Monk Glider. After a bit of a cutscene (serves Daxter right), you'll be in the air. Now, it may not look like it, but you DO have to hit all the accelerator rings, otherwise our intrepid heroes will plunge to their deaths. Make sure you're looking at least one or two rings ahead, to give yourself more time to correct for height and direction. Other than that, it's pretty simple. Shoot closed yellow rings to open them (R1, same as always), and make sure you hit the updrafts (the blue pillars of clouds) rather than trying to avoid them like I did the first time. -Find Satellite in Volcano- :F.a.14: Items Received: Ability to use Invisibility Statues When you land after crashing the glider you'll be facing a fairly obvious path. Follow it. Once at the bottom, watch out for the Metal Head Scorpions that pop out of the ground. They like to hide in the tall grass when they're coming at you, so be careful of that. Jump to the top of the cliffs after the scorpions, where you'll see a Leaper. As Daxter suggests, chase the Leaper, shooting the Spiked Toads and Metal Heads in your way as you run. Also watch out for the occasional crumbling ledge. Keep you wits (and reflexes) sharp. When you've reached the end of the chase, be ready to hit /\ to get on the Leaper as it runs by you, otherwise you'll have to chase it for another circuit. Once you're on the Leaper, continue along the very obvious path, leaping from platform to platform (don't forget the Leaper can glide a short distance), until you reach the point where Jak voluntarily gets off. Climb the ladder in front of you, and continue on your way. You'll eventually get to a point where you can't go any further. Approach the tree by the lava jets to continue. After a short cutscene, you are now playing as Daxter. Congratulations. Daxter has basically the same moves as Jak, minus the guns. Swing your way across the net, avoiding the giant balls of lava that shoot up periodically, either by stopping, or by traveling on the far right edge of the net. Once you reach the end of the net, hop down, and make you way across the ledges. Note that it's only safe to jump once the lava has slowed down - otherwise you'll get burnt. Watch for the Metal Heads along the way. You'll find another net, so hop up and cross it in the same way as before. When you reach the end, approach the big purple rock to kick off another short cutscene. Run across the rock bridge to reunite Dax with Jak, and continue on. Keep following the path, taking out enemies, until you reach a high ledge with a steam vent in front of it. Knock the circular rock that sits nearby over to the steam vent, and then use it as an elevator to get to the top. Continue on, and approach the scaffolding with the pipe to kick off another Daxter segment. As Daxter, slide down the metal half-pipes, jumping the missing pieces. After reaching the other side, use the conveniently placed trampolines to make your way up to the next ledge. Watch for the Spiked Toads at the top, and then continue up the next set of trampolines. When you reach the top, a cutscene takes over. Boot the rock you moved as Daxter over the steam vent, and then ride it up to the next ledge. Kill the Metal Heads on this level, and then plug all three steam vents with the circular rocks. Once they're all plugged, you'll be able to ride the middle one up to the next platform. Continue upwards (watch out for enemies) until you reach the lava. Jump on one of the lava platform, and then quickly jump off and onto the ladder. Climb up for another cutscene, and a cool new Dark power. Once the cutscene finishes, jump down onto the next set of lava platforms, and then jump immediately onto the left ledge. Follow the path back to the start of the mission, where you can now use the Dark Statue to turn invisible, and take the teleport gate back to the temple. -Find Oracle in Monk Temple- :F.a.15: Items Received: Light Jak Light Regeneration Now you can use the Dark Statue to get past the Guardian Eye over the temple door. Do so, and head down the stairs, watching out for the giant spiders. At the bottom fuel up on Dark Eco, and then head out to the next room. To get past this room, go Dark Jak, and then use a Dark Bomb (X + []) to destroy the guard robots. You need to be close enough to destroy all the 'bots, but far enough away that you don't provoke the 'bots into zapping you. The first circle on the floor, inside the pillars, is a good distance. Once the robots are gone, ground-pound the raised switch in the center of the room to open the door. NOTE: It may be possible to sneak around the outside of the pillars, and use the invisibility statue across to room to become invisible and pound the switch. My problem was that as soon as I pounded the switch I became visible again, and got zapped. If you're speedy, you might be able to do it - let me know if you get it to work. EDIT: Thanks to the drake, who pointed out that being invisible and charging up the Wave Concussor (red2) from the center of the room will take all the robots out, allowing you to pound the floor in peace. Go through the newly opened door and head to the next room. As you approach the entrance you'll be attacked by a plague of spiders. As far as I can tell, they'll just keep re-spawning unless you enter the room, so jump over them and rush into the room, then kill off any spiders remaining behind you. As you enter the room, the Guardian Eyes will wake up and shut all the gates. So head to the left-hand side of the room and use the Dark Statue. Now you can swing across the bars behind you without the Eye spotting you. Repeat this sequence until you finally reach the other side of the room. Head through the doors and down to the next room. Once again, this group of spiders continually respawns until you enter the room. So do the same thing you did last time, and then continue through to the Precursor Oracle to see a cutscene and receive a new power - Light Regeneration! Once you've received your power, simply take the nearby teleport ring back to where you entered the temple. -Rescue Wastelanders- :F.a.16: Items Received: Dark Crystal Map Icon: little brown castle (or possibly a 3-pointed crown), and green dots Head back to Spargus from wherever you are, and go to Damas' throne room (it'll be on your map, but it's right between the Seashore area and the rest of Spargus). Damas will give you your next mission - you must go rescue 4 Wastelanders who appear to have become caught in the rising storm, and get them safely to their transportation. So walk back to the garage, climb into the Sand Shark, and drive out into the teeth of the approaching sandstorm. The first stranded wastelander is to your right, in the same area as the MetalHead beasts were. Follow your map to the first and the second Wastelanders and their transportation. The third Wastelander is a bit tricky. Follow your map, but keep in mind that in order to reach the Wastelander quickly, you're going to need to use one of the bridge-jumps over the river gorge. Once you've dropped off the third Wastelander, drive as fast (and I mean book it) as possible to the glowing dot that represents the next, and final, Wastelander. Speed is truly crucial at this point, because your remaining time will be the time you have to deal with the Dark Satellite you're about to meet. When you reach the glowing dot, Jak will jump out of the vehicle. The last Wastelander is obviously not going to be needing transport back to Spargus. And you'll pretty quickly determine what got him, too. This is sort of a boss battle. Don't bother keeping an eye on the clock - as long as you're using the right strategy to beat the boss, there's nothing you can do to speed the battle up other than beat the dark satellite. You've got ample time anyways - probably about 3 minutes. As soon as the battle starts, get underneath the robot. Try to stay exactly in it's shadow, because the first thing it does is spit out a ring of lasers. The best way to not get fried is to stay right in the little shadow. When the lasers stop, however, get out of the way fast, and be prepared to jump, because within seconds of stopping the lasers, the robot will slam down into the sand, sending out a circular shockwave that you need to jump. This point is where you start shooting. I strongly recommend using the blaster for this. The robot will send out a tentacle, which it will swing around in a circle, changing direction and speed at random. Keep your wits about you, jump over the tentacle, and shoot the top of the robot whenever you get a chance. After about ten hits with the Blaster the robot will unroot itself from the sand, and you get to start the sequence all over again. It's the same deal this time; hide in its shadow, and then get out of the way, only it will send out two shockwaves upon crashing down this time, as well as having two tentacles for you to jump over. The third time is the same strategy too, but with three shockwaves and three tentacles. After the third round, the Dark Maker 'bot should explode, leaving you free to book it to your vehicle and race the storm home. Follow your map back to Spargus, and you should make it just in time. Note: Don't forget that you can shoot while you jump. And don't bother shooting it when it's floating around - it only wastes ammo. -Beat Turret Challenge- :F.a.17: Items Received: Light Crystal Once you're back in Spargus, follow your map to meet Kleiver out on the Seashore. He'll challenge you to beat his score on the gunnery turret up on the tower. So climb up to the turret (located up the stairs) and get to it. This is a pretty standard gun game. You have a goal of 7000 pts, which you need to reach before getting ten misses. Pinwheels of doom will pop out of the ocean and you need to shoot them before they fall back down. The cannon auto-targets to a certain extent, but you get more points the closer you hit to the center of the target. You also collect bonus points for hitting the same coloured targets in a row. You fire with R1, as always, and aim with the analog stick. There are three colours of target - red, blue, and green. Red gets the least points, green the most. So if you know you can only catch one, take the higher scoring target. Arrows on the screen will inform you when a target is coming from outside your current field of view. I've managed to rack upwards of 30 000 points without hitting my 10 miss quota, so 7000 points is pretty easy. The game automatically ends when you hit a number at or above 7000. -Defeat Marauders in Arena- :F.a.18: Items Received: Vulcan Fury mod (blue1) It's time for another arena challenge. The layout of the arena has changed again, and you need to kill 30 Marauders to advance. This time the arena is a big quartered square built of catwalks. When the alarms sound, platforms will rise either in the middle of the arena, or at its outside corners. I think they rise wherever you're furthest from. So run over to a platform to avoid getting caught in the lava. When the arena rises back out of the lava, jump off of the platform right away, because they sink back into the lava too. Other than that, just shoot the marauders, probably with the Blaster. With the walkways this narrow, it's especially easy to knock them off with one shot. Be careful, though. The Marauders have blasters too this time. -Destroy Eggs at MetalHead Nest- :F.a.19: Items Received: Gila Stomper (vehicle) Hey look! It's Sig! Damas is obviously mad that neither of you died in the arena, so he sends you out on a suicide run to the MetalHead nest. So head back to the garage, where you'll find Sig - and the Gila Stomper - waiting. Follow your map to the nest, and, once inside, hold down R1 ALL THE TIME. This will keep those little MetalHead larva from attaching to the vehicle and inflicting damage. Follow the path to the heart of the MetalHead nest. There are two chambers here, each containing 5 eggs that you need to destroy, and one bridge for you to knock down. All are marked on your map by small green blobs. The bridge in the first chamber leads to the second chamber, and the bridge in the second is something of a short-cut to the exit. Once you've destroyed all 10 egg-sacs, the nest will begin to fill with green poisonous gas. At this point you've got about 3 minutes to get out of the nest before you suffocate. It is ample time, even if you don't take the shortcut. You could do it even faster if you destroy your last metalhead egg in the first chamber, because that is closer to the exit. -Defend Ashelin at Oasis- :F.a.20: Items Received: Mar's Amulet JetBoard Once you've finished all the above missions you'll get a message from Ashelin, asking you to meet her at the Oasis. So grab a vehicle (preferably the Dune Hopper, as it will save you a trip later), make sure all your guns have full ammo, and head out to meet her. After a nice little cutscene, Jak and Ashelin are attacked by a particularly stupid band of Marauders. You need to take out 60 Marauders (including the vehicles - they count as a kill) to end the mission. You also need to keep Ashelin alive. Use whatever guns you happen to have and stick close to Ashelin. It's not like the Marauders aren't going to come to you. Ashelin can pretty much hold her own as long as you make sure she doesn't get surrounded. If the two of you do happen to get badly surrounded, pull out the Wave Concussor (red2) and let'er rip. That should clear you some space. -Complete Monk Temple Tests- :F.a.21: Item's Received: Light Jak Timestop Climb into the Dune Hopper and head out to the Precursor Monk Temple. Once you get there, follow the same path you did to get to the Oracle the first time. Watch for the MetalHead Wasps on the stairs. When you get to the room where you destroyed the ring of robots, head right instead of to the other door. There you'll find a portal with the seal of Mar on it. And it opens to Jak's amulet. Continue following the path, and when you reach the doorway with the glowy ying-yang symbol in it, climb on your jetboard. In order to open the next door you'll need to find 18 of those glowing symbols of Mar. Their locations are: 1. In the doorway that leads to the water-logged chamber 2. In an alcove directly to the left of the entrance. 3-6. On water. Follow the directions on-screen to perform the jumps to collect each one. 7. At top of quarter-pipe to right of entrance. 8-9. In hallway after first quarter-pipe. 10. At top of quarter-pipe directly across from the exit of the first. 11-12. Hallway after second quarter-pipe. 13. On grind rail at end of second quarter-pipe hallway. 14-15. Hallway after first grind rail. 16. On second grind rail (must jump to reach it). 17-18. Hallway after second grind rail. Having opened the doorway, perform a boost jump (L1 + X) to clear the high ledge, and continue on to the Oracle to receive your new power. Once you've received the Timestop, use it to slow the spinning platforms in front of the Oracle, and then leap across them to the exit at the right. Go up the passage and get on you Jetboard to grind across the gap. As you continue down the hallway, jumping holes in the floor, the next grind rail you reach you'll need to jump for. The grind rail after this one has a gap in the middle, so be prepared to jump that too. Continue on to the room with the rapidly spinning blades. Stand in the Light Eco Vent and perform your Timestop, and continue across the blades, jumping as it spins so you don't get thrown off. Do the same thing for the next two blades, noting that the spinning gets faster on each. Continue to the next room, which has a large stone bridge leading to the door. Perform a Timestop right at the edge of the bridge and then dash across, leaping rocks to stay as much on top of the bridge as possible as it collapses. You should just make the other side. Hop on the elevator to head to your next mission. -Travel Through Catacomb Subrails- :F.a.22: Items Received: Light Jak Shield The subrails missions in Jak 3 are possibly the most difficult missions in the game, for me at least. Walk up to the yellow car thing to start the mission. Your subrail-car can travel the full 360 degrees around the tube you're traveling in. You can also fire guns with R1. There are four hazards in these tunnels - support pylons, explosives, sentry guns, and open pits. All of these can be avoided with a combination of fancy driving and fast reflexes except for the sentry gun. These are little grey boxes with red lights on them. They'll fly along in front of you, and if you don't get rid of them fast enough, they'll shoot you with little blasters, and probably kill you. So shoot them first. Explosives can also be blown up to clear the way. After the first section that isn't a full tube, try to stay in the very center of the bottom of the tube as much as possible. There's a big jump coming up, and if you're not in the center you won't make the connecting tunnel, and will have to start over. When you reach the end, a Precursor will appear and give you your Shield. After the cutscene, follow Pecker to the door at the right. -Explore Eco Mine- :F.a.23: Items Received: Mar's Armour (Greaves) Follow Pecker up the rock ledges and across the platform until you see a cutscene. Once Pecker is gone, head right. Those long pieces of metal standing up form bridges when you shoot them. Other than that, this mission is very difficult to get lost on. Just follow the path. You'll encounter three types of enemies on this mission - Flappers, Grunts, and Salamanders. The Flappers take two hits, and are pretty easy to kill. The Grunt take three, but are similarly easy to deal with. The Salamanders are the problem. Until you shoot them off, the Salamanders cling to the walls, and will fire energy blasts at you. Once you've managed to shoot them off the wall, they are blindingly fast on the ground. They take about three hits to die, though, and once you've hit them once they stay down long enough to pump two more into them without getting back up. Another problem on this mission is the lifts. There are two of the in this mission, and when riding them you need to be ready to shoot the bridge in front of you, because once they touch down, they'll drop out from under you. So you need to disembark fast. The second half of the mission, after you've taken the large circular platform down, presents it's own challenges. There are once again three types of enemies, but the Flappers are the only ones returning from the first part. The other two are the Zebra Frogs and the sewer rats. The zebra frogs travel in large groups, and are best dealt with with the Scatter Gun (red). The Sewer Rats, however, play a special part in this level. You need to lure them to the giant hamster wheels and knock them in. The easiest way to do this, for all but the last one, is to simply knock them out, and then punch them to wherever you want them to be. As long as you never let them regain consciousness, they won't die from the subsequent punches. The last one, however, presents a challenge. The hamster wheel will be at the top of a three tiered ramp, while the Sewer Rats will be at the bottom. What you need to do is lure them up by walking in front of them - don't let them get too close, 'cause they bite - and then knock them into the hamster wheel. After crossing the newly activated platforms, you'll see an alcove with a crooked Precursor symbol in it. Go into it to get your next piece of armour, and the continue on to the switch in the big column of light, and kick it to activate it. Congrats, you're done the mission. -Escort Bomb Train- :F.a.24: The object of this mission is to run beside the train tracks and shoot the red targets, lowering the bridges so that the bomb train can continue on its journey. You can use your JetBoard to give you a speed advantage if you're confident of your jetboarding skills. If not, still, run like heck, and ignore all but the most obstructive enemies. I recommend using your blaster for this mission, as you'll want to conserve your Vulcan Fury ammo for the next mission, and the Scatter gun doesn't have enough range to hit the targets. If you're having trouble hitting a target from a certain position, move, don't just keep trying. You're wasting ammo and time. Once you reach the end, the bomb train will blast open the doors, and you can continue on to the end of Act I. -Beat Veger's Precursor Robot- :F.a.25: Items Received: Arc Wielder (blue2) Watch the cutscene, and discover that while Veger has no sense of humour, irony, or fashion, he does have a certain flair for the dramatic. And he's loony-tunes. Like the previous boss fight, this one is all about the pattern. Drag out your Wave Concussor (red2) so that you have it at the ready, and then get ready for some jumps. First the Precursor statue will produce something that looks startlingly like a lightsaber and pound the ground with it, sending out shockwaves for you to jump (twice). The he'll head to the side of the platform, and run the blade along the platform side to side, again forcing you to jump it (twice). Once this is accomplished, he'll fire some smaller enemies onto the platform. Run between the two curled up enemies and charge up your Wave Concussor. You'll probably need to hit them twice or three times with it to kill them. Once they're dead, Run to the bottom left corner of the platform. The precursor will fire laser beams, causing platforms to rise in front of you. Wait til they've cooled to a grey colour, and then jump onto the one in front of you, waiting for an open space in the Precursor's barrage. Pull out your Vulcan Fury and fire off shots,not at the Precursor,but at one of the minecars hanging above his head. I recommend the one to the left. After a couple shots it will pull free and hit the Precursor. Congrats. You're a third of the way done the fight. The second time is the same as the first, except the 'bot will pound and sweep three times instead of twice, and I recommend killing the things and waiting out the lasers from the far right instead of the left. The third time is the trick. The precursor is apparently really ticked now - he whips out two swords as opposed to one. As long as you single-jump the shockwaves, you should touch down jump in time to jump again. When he sweeps them platform this time, you need to time it carefully, and double-jump above the swords. Stay to the bottom-right of the platform as you kill the creatures- when the lasers start, it's pretty much the only safe place to be. Bring down the third minecar, and the fight is over. END ACT I Act II :F.b: -------- -Reach Port via Sewer- :F.b.1: Follow your map to the sewer entrace from your meeting with Samos, and, if you don't already have one out, pull out a gun. As soon as you walk in you'll be assaulted by two flying metal heads coming from the chasm below. Shoot them from the doorway, and then continue to the left along the grating. Once you're about halfway around, another two Flyers will come out of the chasm, so kill them too, and continue on to the giant half-pipe up ahead. The exit is obviously to your left, in the wall of the pipe, but you're going to need to climb onto your JetBoard to get there. Ride it up the wall and into the room at the top, and then follow the pipe, avoiding the holes in the floor. There will be an opening on your left - take it - and then there should be another opening right across from it. Take that one too, and be ready to confront enemies right afterwards. After you've killed everything in this room the door at the top of the ramp will open. Anytime in this level when you need to cross running water, climb on your JetBoard; it floats above the water, and is thus immune to the current. Once you've come up the ramp, right in front of you is a ledge with an air vent. Use the air vent to catapult yourself onto the high ledge to find 2 hidden Precursor Orbs, and a crateful of ammo. Note: in most of the water in this level there are small metal-head enemies that look like fish. they will explode if you touch them. avoid them at all costs. shooting them also causes them to explode, which damages you unless they are really far away. Continue down the pipe on your JetBoard, taking the obvious path, using the grind rails and avoiding whirlpools, which will suck you into oblivion. Generally, killing all enemies in a area will lower a grind rail for you to use to continue on. Shoot fans that are in your path to blow them up so that you can keep going. After going through a large chamber, you'll end up in a second circular pit room, like the one you began in. As soon as you come through the door, two Flyers will come in from the left. Shoot them, and remember it takes 3 shots each before they stay down. Continue forward, and once you reach the center of the room you'll be attacked by two more. Kill them, and then jump up the ledges to your left, go through the door at the end of the hallway, and you're done. -Destroy Incoming Blastbots- :F.b.2: Hey look! It's Torn! Unfortunately, he's sending you out after three Blastbots that are menacing the Naughty Ottsel. This mission isn't really that bad, though. Make sure you load up on ammo before you leave, and you should be okay. Take out the one to the right of the Naughty Ottsel first - it's usually the closest. Somewhere along your route you should see a Zoomer. Climb onto it, 'cause it will get you to the bots faster. My strategy for dealing with the BlastBots typically involves getting as close as possible to them and then unloading my Vulcan Fury, or whichever gun I have ammo left in. This will work, but you need to remember at about the third Bot to use Light Jak Regen. The other way, as far as I can tell, is to kick the small bombs they drop back at them. It only takes about three or four bombs to kill them. Use the zoomer to get to the next Bots fast, and when the Bot you're attacking stops moving, has flames shooting out of it, and crouches down, run away. It's going to explode. -Destroy Barrier with Missile- :F.b.3: This mission will take a bit of practice. The premise is that Dax is riding a giant missile, and you need to steer it through charges so that it can break the barrier. You can jump the missile with X, but be warned, tight turns are difficult, and hitting anything will make you explode. Follow your map from charge to charge, and if you can't make one, steer off and come back. This mission isn't timed, and there's an auto-save about halfway through. -Gun Course 1- :F.b.4: Item Received: Gyro Burster (yellow3) Upon finishing the Missile challenge, you'll notice a green targeting symbol on your map. Go to it. It's the gun course. Watch the cutscene (see? Tess IS scary), and then beat the course. You need 10000 point to complete the mission. This is a pretty easy score to come up with. Use your basic blaster, and watch out for civilians, and it's a cinch. Be warned, though. Some of the KG targets are equiped with blasters themselves, so if you don't take them out fast, they will shoot you, instead of the other way around. Gold coloured targets are worth bonus points. -Take Out Sniper Cannons- :F.b.5: Torn sends you out to take out some Sniper Cannons in the industrial section, so head out, and follow the red dots on your map. Now, the basics of this mission are that each cannon has a few ground-poundable switches which, when all activated in the same period of time, raise the core processor (or something) of the cannon, which you can shoot or punch to take out the cannon. As you enter the industrial section, the first sniper cannon is up the ramp directly in front of you. This cannon has two switches for you to ground-pound, and they are both on the way to the cannon core itself. Keep moving and stay out of the targeting sights, while watching out for KG spider-bots. The next cannon is along the walkway from the first, and to the left. This one has three switches to hit, one of which is further down the walkway, on the other side of the cannon core. Pound them in order as you come across them, and you'll have ample time to shoot out the core. The third cannon is straight down the walkway from the second. This one has four buttons to hit, but once again, all four are in a row on the way to the core. The core is just around the corner from the last button. Cannon number 4 along the path to the right of the previous one. This one has three buttons, but the direction that you are coming at it from means that, in order to easily destroy the core, you need to run past the first button, without hitting it, and then hit the two past it, and come back to the first one you passed. The cannon core is right near this first one, so if you hit that button last, you're already in position to destroy the core. To find the fifth, and final cannon, continue along the walkway you are currently following. You'll see an electrified doorway, with a switch right in front of it. DO NOT hit this switch. There are three switches for this core, and in order to make it to the core before it lowers again you need to hit the furthest one first, and the closest one last. The first button you should hit is on the ramp at the end of this walkway, past the other two buttons. Then hit the other two buttons in order, and easily destroy the core. You're done. -Reach Metal Head Area via Sewer- :F.b.6: After destroying the sniper cannons, head back to the Naughty Ottsel, where Torn will give you another mission. You're to invade the Metal Head section of the city through the sewers. Follow your map to the sewer entrance, and let's get started. When you've entered the sewers, go right after the small bridge, rather than left, and jump across the gas-spewing pipes when they stop putting out green smoke. Jump fast, because they come back on right away. Make your way to the door and head through. There are KG guard-bots throughout this level - they take about 4 or 5 blaster shots to go down, but as long as you keep them off- balance, they won't shoot back. Continue across the pipes in front of you, waiting til they stop emitting gas, and then jump across the platforms on the waterfall. Once you've cross the second set of pipes, you'll come to a tunnel leading to another room. This room has a few flying KG-bots in it - shoot them before you enter the room to save yourself some health, because as soon as you jump onto the platform it will begin to move. As it's moving, leap over the blue electricity, and then leap off when you reach the end. Watch out, because a third flying robot will attack you in the tunnel. Don't forget to jump the electricity because you're shooting him - the electricity is the greater concern. Once on the other side you'll notice a red vent in the floor under a ledge. Climb on your JetBoard, and the vent will launch up the ledge, which can be followed to a room with ammo and health in it. Go back the way you came, and before you enter the next room, equip the Gyro Burster. You're going to need it, because as soon as you walk into the room the electron gate behind you shuts, and you're attacked by 3 flying KG-bots. Wait until all three are in the air, and then fire a Gyro Burst to finish them. Another three will rise, and once again, the easiest way to finish them is a Gyro Burst. Then equip your Scatter Gun, because the next thing you know you'll be attacked by a wave of KG Spider-bots. Run through them to the next electron-gate, and then turn around and start shooting them. Try to hit more than one with each shot, and after about 20 or 30 bots, the electron-gates will open. There's another moving platform in front of you. Jump the electricity as it comes to it, and then jump the incoming fire coming at you from the rail-mount gun at the other end. Make sure you remember to jump forward along with the platform so that you don't fall off. Once at the end, jump off, and the gun will stop. Go left through the doorway beside you. Equip your favourite gun, and drop down into the room below you, where you'll be attacked by 7 or 8 Metal Heads. They come out of the water, so try to hit them in the air. As long as you keep your distance, they can't hurt you. Dive into the water and under the grated wall, into the next room. Kill the MHeads there, and then ground pound the switch on the platform. As soon as the gates are raised, two more MetalHead Gators will swim through and attack. Once they're dealt with, hop onto your JetBoard, and follow the channel. Avoiding the slicer robots circling the passages, make your way to the center of the room, where you'll find a door opening switch. Once you've hit it, head to the door. As soon as you go through the door at the end of this hallway you'll be attacked by another two flying KG-bots. So be ready. Once they've been dispatched, head across the metal bridge to the other platform. Another bot will fly up as you cross the bridge. Run to the other platform before you shoot him down, otherwise it is much easier for him to hit you, for some reason. The door at the end of the hallway is the end of the sewers, and the beginning of the next mission. -Destroy Dark Eco Tanks- :F.b.7: Items Received: Dark Blast ability As you exit the sewers, Ashelin will ask you to destroy 5 Dark Eco Tanks in the Metal Head Nest. The first one is directly in front of you as you enter. To reach it, head down the left-hand side of the nest, until you reach a blue tentacle connected to a platform by the Eco Tank. Use your JetBoard to grind down the tentacle, and then jump to the Eco Tank's platform, and punch it to destroy it. Return to the previous platform and grind up the other tentacle to a platform with a flower on it. Jump onto the flower when it's blowing air out, and it will fling you to the next platform. Grind down and up the tentacles to reach the next Tank, remembering to jump the electric nodes as you go. The second node is particularly difficult to jump. Jump at the very last possible second to clear it, and don't forget to hit [] as you land to continue grinding. Continue along, using the tentacles and the flowers to reach the second Eco tank. Use the flower below it to throw you to the height of the tank, and then punch it to destroy it. Only 3 more to go. Jump from the Eco platform to the nearby high platform with the flower on it, and then use the flower, and the subsequent tentacles, to reach the edge of the nest. There you will find another flower, which will throw you to a second flower on the opposite side of the nest, which will throw you to another platform. Use the flowers to throw you to the level of the Eco tank directly above you. Use the flower beside the now destroyed Eco Tank to jump to another flower, and then zigzag back and forth across the nest using the flowers until you reach the next Eco Tank. The flower beside this Eco Tank will throw you to the top of a mushroom in the middle of the nest. Jump across the mushrooms to reach the next Eco tank. If you're having trouble with the jumps, use your shadow to judge where you're going to land. Use the flower at the top to fly to the last Eco Tank, and destroy it. Jak obviously needs to cut his nails more often. Use your newly acquired Dark Blast skillz to blow open the purple portal in front of you, and head out to the next mission. -Kill Dark Plants in Forest- :F.b.8: Items Received: Mar's Armour (Shoulder Guards) The entrance to Haven Forest is in the Metal Head nest, so it makes sense for you to grab a zoomer to get there - it's quicker, and less damaging to Jak's health. This mission is pretty easy. What you need to do is climb onto your JetBoard, and ride through a Green Eco jet (green dots on your map), and then ride over the ugly purple Dark Eco plants in Haven Forest (the big purple dots). Really the only complication to this is all the little Metal Head larvae running about. And as long as you're powered up with Green Eco and remember to use the O button, you should be fine. Once you've killed all the Dark Eco plants, return to the center of Haven Forest to pick up your armour. -Destroy Eco Grid with Jinx- :F.b.9: Items Received: Needle Lazer (blue3) Once you've left Haven Forest, Jinx will be waiting for you right to the left of the ramp. Climb into the speeder with him, and follow your map to the first target. Now, the point of this mission is to protect Jinx from the various baddies while he plants charges at each location. This first one is pretty easy. Counter-intuitively, the MetalHeads will only come from one direction, and that's from the direction away from the MetalHead Nest. Keep your eyes open, and shoot them with your blaster, while making sure no one gets around you and attacks Jinx from behind. Jinx will call you when he's done with the charges. The second is much like the first, with the enemies only coming from the open entranceway. However, the entranceway is wide enough that it's possible for the MetalHeads to enter where you can't see them, so don't forget to check behind you every so often. The third and fourth stages are the most difficult. The Krimzon Guard enemies will come at you from all sides, and there are flying enemies to worry about this time too. For both i recommend trying to park the speeder so that it shields Jinx somewhat. For the third stage, your blaster is okay. For the fourth, I recommend the Arc Wielder, used in short bursts to avoid using up ammo. It's by far the easiest way to take out the multitudinous Guards. -Hijack Eco Tanker- :F.b.10: Map Icon: Green Dot After destroying the Eco grid with Jinx, you'll receive a message from Ashelin, and get a glowing green dot on your map. Head towards the dot to activate this mission. As soon as you climb onto the tanker (not much of a hijack, eh?), hold down X for all you're worth, because a nearby missile launcher will fire a whole bunch of heat-seeking missiles at your eco-stealin' behind. For the first bit of this mission, you need to steer through the industrial area to the port. This is pretty simple. The sled corners pretty well, so don't worry about having to anticipate corners and the like. In fact, try not to stay as tight to the inside of turn as you normally would - you're way more likely to get hung up on a ledge or overhanging pipe, and then the missiles will catch up, and you're dead. Other than that, follow your map, and the floating red arrows (where did they come from? i have no idea) to the port, and then read the next paragraph. The second part of this mission is a bit trickier (even more-so if you're doing it at night). As soon as you reach the port, a 1:30 timer starts counting down. You'll see new green dots on your map, too. Each of these green dots is a missile decoy, which you need to activate by shooting it with one of your guns. Once activated, they will attract one missile away from you when you fly by them. There are 6 decoys, scattered about the port. You may notice, however, that you have 7 missiles following you. Once you've activated all the decoys, and gotten rid of all the other missiles, head towards the Naughty Ottsel. Torn did after all say that they use the ottsel sign for target practice. -Defend Port from Attack- :F.b.11: Map Icon: Martini Glass Once you've finished the tanker mission, return to the Naughty Ottsel to receive yet another glorious assigment from Torn. This mission takes place in what basically looks like an old-school top-down shooter. You've only got your blaster, and you have to kill any and all enemies that appear onscreen. At some points you'll see a gun lying on the ground - go walk over it right away, as it will give you back one of your higher level guns, for as long as it takes you to run through the ammo you're given. The first two are relatively easy. Just point and shoot. The third and fourth, however, are quite different. In the third, not only do you have to kill all the enemy, but there are three very unfortunate civilians caught in the middle. If all three of these civilians die, you've failed the mission. I recommend extensive use of the Wave Concussor for this one, when'er it's available. The fourth involves blast-bots. The strategy for the first blast-bot is the same as it was earlier in the game - run around shooting, and then hit it with it's own bombs. My recommended strategy for the second is to shoot it when you get the chance, but run around and kill the spider bots so that the Guard can take down the blast-bot. -Beat Gun Course 2- :F.b.12: Map Icon: Green Crosshairs Items Received: Plasmite RPG (red3) Oh my good gosh. This, and no other, is possibly the most frustrating level, at least for me, in the entire game. As before, the idea is to run through the gun course, taking out KG targets, and not hitting civilians. The mission goal is 11000 points. This doesn't seem too bad, until you realize that you are, a) restricted to the Pulse Rifle and the Wave Concussor, and b) some KG have shields this time (the shimmery blue stuff - they take 2 hits). I recommend using the Pulse Rifle - the Wave Concussor has a tendency to hit the very civilians you're trying to avoid. To maximize your firepower, try to hang back, so that you get a wider cone of fire to your targets. Other than that, try try try again. -Break Barrier with BlastBot- :F.b.13: Map Icon: Martini Glass Items Received: Peace Maker (dark1) Weeeee! If you've ever wanted to be behind the wheel of a remote-controlled death machine, now's your chance. Use your map to guide you to your target, and rapidly tap R1 all the way there. You'll meet up with three other blast bots on the way - try to hit them from as big a distance as possible, so that they can't hit you, and so that you don't get caught in the explosion when they go. -Defend HQ- :F.b.14: Map Icon: Blue and White Crest (Freedom Guard crest) Grab a speeder bike and follow your map to the blue and white crest - this is Freedom HQ. Watch the cutscene (see, i told you Vegan..er, Veger...was nuts). This mission is probably about a 7 or 8 on the difficulty scale. Freedom HQ is under attack, and you've got to go out and defend the base. Basically, this means shoot anything in KG colours. The floating enemy dispensers should be your main target - once you've killed all of them, the mission is over. They will shoot missiles at you, but they are easy to avoid because their laser targets show you were to run away from. The second two you destroy will also put out an electrical beam, which is rotates in all directions. You can either jump the beam, hide behind something solid, or get underneath the factory. To take out the three floating platforms, I recommend using your newly acquired Plasmite RPG, at least until you completely run out of ammo. Keep an eye on your health, too. If it gets low, kill a couple enemies to pick up some health paks, and don't miss out on the crates in the area - they contain health and ammo. Once you've killed three floating platforms, you're done. -Find Switch in Sewers- :F.b.15: Mission Icon: Grey Manhole Cover Hop on your JetBoard and follow your map to the sewer entrance. When the doors at the bottom open, don't enter immediately. Instead, try to take out the three KG enemies at the end of the tunnel before you enter. The reason for this is that, as you walk down the tunnel, three flying KG bots will rise up, and they are a lot easier to take care of if you're not trying to deal with three land- based ones at the same time. Once you've taken care of them, continue down the tunnel, and go left at the end. Much like previous sewer levels, you'll need to jump across the gas-spewing pipes when they stop. Once again, when the door opens shoot the three KG bots before entering the room, and then venture in. You'll be attacked by frog-bots from the right, so take care of those before doing anything else. Continue down that hallway until you reach the electric beams. You need to leap over the bottom one, and roll or crouch under the top one to get past. Kill the KG bots in the hallway after, and then use the same strategy with the next set of beams. After the second set you'll be attacked by another set of frog-bots, so be ready to take those out too. In the next room, you'll see KG bots across the room from you, as well as three to your right. Take out all of them before using your JetBoard to cross the stream of water dividing the room. When you reach the top of this next platform you'll be attacked by four more flying KG bots. I recommend the Arc Wielder. Continue around the corner, where you'll be faced with three more KG bots, and another set of electric beams, this time three high. The same strategy applies to these ones, except the top beam can only hit you if you jump into it. Make your way through them and down the hallway, killing the KG bots you find along the way. You'll reach a room with shallow water, with a small machine emitting a red circular pulse on the top of the water. There are two ways to get past this. The first is to carefully jump the red pulses, and make your way to the switch on the wall, which opens the door when punched. The second is to climb on your JetBoard, and use that to get to the switch, because by the time the alarm goes off and electrifies the water, you'll already be at the switch platform. When the door opens, you'll be attacked by four more flying KG bots. Go through the door you've just opened, and watch a bit of a cutscene. Make your way to solid ground, and kill all the evil frogs. Now, if you're looking for Precursor Orbs (which you should be) there are a bunch in this room. Behind you when you come in, there is a ladder on the wall. Climb up it to find an alcove with crates full of ammo, health, and orbs. When you come down, head straight across the room to the opposite wall, and then turn right. There is a vent in front of a high ledge, which you can use to launch yourself on your JetBoard to a room with more crates of useful things. You might have to use a boost jump in combo with the vent in order to reach the ledge - I did. Once you've gathered your orbs, head up the waterfall. You can either jump from platform to platform, or take your JetBoard up. Kill the evil frogs, and then dive under the grating to the next area. Kill the KG bots in front of you, and then hop up the moving platforms in front of the waterfall. Once at the top, kill the rest of the KG bots in front of you, and then travel across the swift water (either by JetBoard or by the platforms) and take the next set of moving platforms to the top. Kill the bots here, and the ones across the room, and then head across the same as before. The switch is right in front of you. Once you've hit it, take the central elevator back up to the surface. It'll drop you right by your next objective. -Find Cypher in Eco Grid- :F.b.16: Items Received: KG code cypher Make your way to the Power Station, and find an unexpected ally. It's Vin! Back from the dead! Well...sort of. This mission/minigame isn't hard. But it's not hard in the same way that Pacman and Tetris are "not hard". You have to guide the little Daxter head around the Pacman-esque grid, eating all the little yellow balls, while avoiding the purple security program. This wouldn't be that complicated, except periodically little gold floating things appear, and start to replace all the yellow dots you've eaten. You can stop them by eating them, although sometimes just brushing by is enough to stop them. My best advice is, try to stay at least one ring away from the security program at all times - the gold thing will make the game longer, but the security program will end it. Note: You can return to this room to play this mission as a minigame for orbs. -Race for Artifacts...Again- :F.b.17: Items Received: Holo Cube Map Icon: Blue Doohicky to get to Wasteland, and then Grey Tire Go to Spargus' garage to receive your next mission from Sig. It's another timed artifact hunt, and is basically identical to last time. Just follow your map, and try to avoid entanglements with the Marauders, 'cause they'll slow you down something fierce. If there's a bridge in front of you, jump it, because it probably leads to the next artifact. There are about 30 artifacts, give or take. -Destroy MetalPedes in Nest- :F.b.18: Items Received: Light Eco Crystal Map Icon: Brown Cave Climb into the Wastelander vehicle of your choice and head out to the MetalHead nest. There you'll find Sig waiting for you with the Gila Stomper. This is basically the same routine as the previous Nest mission, except this time the targets move. The MetalPedes will leap randomly out of the ground, and you need to shoot them while they're in the air. Be warned - the MetalPedes shoot lasers, so don't sit in one spot too long. And running into a MetalPede will generally toss your vehicle end over end, so try to avoid it. There are 5 MetalPedes to kill in the nest, and they appear in both main chambers. The green dots on your map appear to indicate the general area the MetalPede will next appear, whereas the red dots are MetalPedes that are above ground and cannon-fodder. Once you've killed the last MetalPede, drive through the light to claim your prize. A warning: each successive MetalPede gets increasingly faster. -Chase Down MetalHead Beasts- :F.b.19: Items Received: Quantum Reflector When you return to the garage with Sig, Jak and Kleiver will have a little "talk". Turns out Kleiver has given a certain Artifact to a group of MetalHeads (I thought he hated MetalHeads?). This mission you'll be manning the guns of the Gila Stomper, with Sig at the wheel. Your main opponents will be the same Wasteland MetalHeads you've fought before, but this time you really should shoot their bombs before they hit your vehicle, as well as attacking the MetalHeads themselves. You'll also take on a couple flying MetalHeads, that shoot what look like torpedoes. So keep an eye out for those too. Use your map to find your targets (any targets in range will appear as green dots). After completing the circuit of the desert, you'll take down the head MetalHead, and get your prize. -Defend Spargus' Gate- :F.b.20: Item Received: Beam Generator Map Icon: Palace thingy After talking to Damas at the palace, head to the garage and climb into your vehicle of choice - I'd recommend either the Gila Stomper or the Sand Shark. Head out into the Wastes. Spargus is being attacked by Marauders. You'll notice up in the top-left corner of your screen is a health gauge - that's for Spargus' Gate. If Spargus' Gate fails, you've failed. There are two true threats to Spargus' Gate: the flaming Marauder cars (bright orange dots on your map), and the Catapult cars (big red dots on your map). In order to complete the mission, you need to take out 13 Catapult cars. Concentrate your fire on the Catapult cars, and pick off as many flaming Marauders as you can. If you take the Catapults out fast enough, you won't have nearly as many flaming Marauders to deal with anyways. -Take Out Marauder Stronghold- :F.b.21: Map Icon: Striped Cliffs (or lookout towers, maybe?) Items Received: Prism Once you've finished defending the Gate to Spargus, make your way back to the garage, and swap out whichever car you're driving for the Dune Hopper. Now head back out into the desert, and follow your map to the Marauders hide out. Note: Before heading out, you might like to stock up on ammo in Spargus. But since you haven't used your gun for the last 6 missions, you probably won't need to. Once at the hideout, our intrepid heros discover that (gasp!) it's a trap! This is basically another arena battle, but with more enemies, and no lava. You need to destroy 60 Marauders, while avoiding the flaming balls that are being catapulted at you from outside the fortress. You'll know one is coming when you see a red glow on the ground - get out of the area, because they spray fire when they hit. Don't worry about running out of ammo, because all the Marauders drop ammo when you kill them. Once you've beaten all 60, hop back in your vehicle and turn it around as fast as you can - you now have to chase the Marauder leaders down and blow their cars up. There are 4 cars, and the nearest one appears as a green dot on your map. Chances are good that you'll have to restart this part of the mission a couple times. Use your turbo boosts wisely, and avoid running into the other Marauders. The last Marauder Leader has no time limit on it, however you need to keep the car in sight, or you'll fail the mission. Once you've blown him up, however, you're all done. -Beat Ring Challenges in Forest- :F.b.22: Map Icon: Mushroom Head back to Haven City on the transport, and steal yourself a speeder bike to get out to Haven Forest (the entrance is in the middle of the MetalHead city section). This mission is a piece of cake, as long as your JetBoarding skillz are up to par. There are 5 stone heads scattered around the Forest. The one you need to go to will be marked with a pillar of yellow light. When you approach it, it will rise from the ground. You need to punch the statue's nose/mouth, and then hop on your JetBoard, and follow the blue light through the rings. All 5 ring courses are pretty easy - just remember that you can grind on rails and fallen trees with [], and reach higher ledges with L1. Once you've completed one of the ring courses, that statue will explode, and one of the five pillars around the Astroviewer in the center of the forest will rise. Once you've beaten all five ring courses, make your way up to the top of the Astroviewer to complete the mission. Note: There are no enemies in this level. -Destroy War Factory Defenses- :F.b.23: Map Icon: Freedom Guard Crest Head back to Freedom Guard HQ to receive your next mission from Torn. He (finally) wants Jak to take out the War Factory. Once you're finished talking to Torn, make your way around the back of the building to find a hangar - and a Freedom Guard Speeder for your use! The speeder flies much like the Desert Buggies drive, just with more side-to- side motion. R1 will fire your lasers, and L1 will fire missiles. Once you're in the air, you need to hit 16 glowing power cores, which are located around the bases of the four outside towers you see. They also appear on your map as small pale yellow dots. Much like the MetalHead Nest, holding down R1 continually, and directing the flow of fire by steering is the best strategy here. Save your missiles for later. Note: The farther you are away from your current target, the easier it is for the laser's auto-aim to hit it. Once you've taken out the previous 16 cores, you'll then need to take out 16 more. These are in three primary locations - surrounding the base of the factory, on the four pillars in the middle, and on the ground in the middle of the factory. The same strategy applies to these ones as the previous ones. Your third, and final, targets are the four big red towers around the perimeter of the War Factory. They open up like umbrellas, to reveal some kind of ballistic weapon (it's sparkly and red, and very easy to dodge). This is what you should have been saving your missiles for. One hit with a missile will knock out a tower. You can only destroy the towers when they're opened up, though. -Explore War Factory- :F.b.24: Items Received: Upon entering the war factory, walk onto the circle in front of you - it's an elevator, which will actually take you into the factory proper. Once off the elevator, take out all the Bots, and turn to your right. Continue until you come to a gate - there's a small corridor in the wall to the right of the gate that has a smashable grate in it. Smash your way through, and approach the pipe to the left - it's time for Daxter to earn his keep. As Dax, make your way quickly across the gate to the end, jump down, and hit the switch. Then jump over the stopped blade and return to Jak. As Jak, use a squat-jump to reach the top ledge. Kill the spider-bots, but ignore the fliers - they re-spawn, so it's really just a waste of ammo. Use the moving platform at the bottom of the belt to reach the opposite side. Now you can shoot the fliers. And all the other bots in the vicinity. Go up the belt, collecting all the ammo, and to your right again. Approach the tube for another Daxter segment. Make your way across the grate, this time watching out for the red electricity, and then drop down and hit the switch. Jump on the now-moving platforms to get back to Jak. Now with Jak, head back across the moving platforms, and shoot the cracked pane of green glass to continue into the next room. Shoot fliers until the red lasers switch off, and then continue straight across, and to the right, to find another smashable grate. Go through, and shoot the three Bots at the bottom. Hop across the moving platforms and belts, making your way to the top, and another Daxter tube. Once again, swing your way across the grate, watching out for what appears to be a pair of jet engines, and more of those red-electricity things. What out for the red electricity - this time it criss-crosses the grate, cutting the safe areas of grate into triangles. When you reach the end, ensure you're over the platform, the drop down, hit the switch, and return to Jak. Follow the passage to the left, and another smashable grate. And another Daxter tube. Continue across, the grate (as Daxter), watching out for the usual hazards, hit the switch, and jump back down to Jak, who is on the platform to your right. As Jak, go forward. Kill the bots in your path. You will see a long curved belt, and a KG Cart. Now, you can either head forward and kill all the Bots in your path, and then come back for the Cart, or you can just climb into the cart now. Your choice. Either way, from here on, you'll need the cart to smash, not only the Flyer respawn points, but also those gates you kept passing earlier. Just follow the linear path from one gate to the next. Note: In the Cart, you need to jump ledges. This is done with the L1 button, same as the Desert Buggys. The only ledges you don't need to jump are the very first one, and the two that have little ramps in front of them. You do, however need to take these ledges at full speed to clear the gap. Note2: When in areas with lots of enemies, remember that you can hop out of the Cart with /\. Health can be regained, Cart damage can't. When you reach the point where Jak jumps out by himself, you've cleared the level. -Kick Cyber-Errol's Ass- :F.b.25: Items Received: Mass Inverter (dark2) Like most boss-battles in any game, this battle is very cyclic. It starts with Errol tossing bombs at you. They're easy enough to avoid. When you see the green targeting symbol over you, run back and forth. Once it turns red, just be careful not to run back over it. He'll throw a couple bombs at you, and then stop. Now, you need to find the corner that Errol is standing above, and stay close to it. Pull out your Wave Concussor to deal with the waves of enemies that he'll throw at you. At some point, new enemies stop appearing. Once you've killed the last enemy, Errol throws down what are probably seeker bombs or something. One will come out of the tunnel underneath Errol. Shoot it so that it stays in front of the tunnel - I prefer to use the Vulcan Fury for this. When it stops floating, punch it into the tunnel. It will explode, and damage Errol. You need to repeat this sequence three more times. The only differences in the routine are these: 1) On the second repetition, Errol will use a different kind of bomb the first couple times. You'll notice that instead of a green targeting symbol painting Jak, it's a pale yellow. This means that not only do you need to avoid the initial bomb strike, but the shockwave that will come afterwards. If you double jump as the bomb touches the ground, you'll more than clear the shockwave. 2) After Errol has used the Shockwave bombs and the normal bombs, he'll throw out multiple ones at a time. These are easy to dodge, but they take chunks out of the floor, so watch your footing after the second repetition. 3) On the fourth and final repetition, instead of throwing out KG bots, Errol through out Dark Eco creatures. The Wave Concussor won't work for these, as they can attack from a distance. So use a different gun. END ACT II ACT III :F.c: --------- -Rescue Seem at Temple- :F.c.1: Map Icon: (after shuttle) Red Precursor Totem Items Received: Light Jak Flight, Time Map Head back to Spargus, and grab the Dune Hopper so you can get out to the Precursor Temple. You might like to load up on ammo before you leave Spargus. Head to the Precursor Temple, using the map if you still don't know the way. Throughout this mission, you have basically two choices. You can fight, and kill, all the Dark Eco creatures you find, or, you can practice avoidance, and try to just run past them. There's a lot of them, so fighting them will deplete you ammo and life, but I don't think they re-spawn infinitely at any point, so you /can/ kill them all. Go through the front door of the temple, and down the stairs to the room that had the robots in it before. Fill up on Dark Eco, and use the Dark Blast (R1 while Dark Jak) to blow open the cracked door. Continue to the room where you swung on the bars. On the left-hand side in one of the alcoves is another place you can blast with the Dark Blast. Do so, and follow the hallway to an area with a largely missing floor. Hop across the openings to reach the blastable door on the other side, and then continue on to the Precursor Statue. Now that you can, fly across the platforms to your right to reach a new doorway. Go up the slanted hallway to reach a room where you must put your new-found powers to work. Fill up on Light Eco, and then fly across to the pillar in front and to your right. From the pillar fly up to the bridge in front of you, and then across the large gap in the bridge. Fly from this side of the bridge to the pillar to your left. Then fly across the room to the pillar on the right. From there go to the pillar in front of you, and then to the left, and then to the ledge, where Seem waits for you. Once Seem is done talking, take the Portal to your left back to the entrance. -Defend Spargus from Dark Maker Attack- :F.c.2: Map Icon: Grey Turret Items Received: Finished War Amulet, Mar's Breastplate Head back to Spargus, and the beach turret, post-haste. Spargus is under attack by the Dark Makers! Once you climb up onto the turret, get ready for an impressive battle. The Dark Makers have 5 targets on them. You need to hit all of them to destroy them. There are one on each shoulder, one on the head, and one on each leg. They also launch the same kind of bombs at you as the Wasteland Metal Heads did, so watch out for those too. There are about 12 to destroy - 9 at sea, and three in Spargus proper. Once you've destroyed the last three in Spargus, Damas will pronounce you a true Wastelander, and give you your third Battle Amulet, and Mar's Armour. Awwwwww. -Destroy Dark Ship Shield- :F.c.3: Map Icon: Big Red Mushroom The first part of this mission takes place in Haven Forest. There are three cannons scattered around Haven Forest, and near each cannon are three big purple plants that spit out Dark Eco creatures. You need to take the cannons over and blow up all 9 plants in the forest. I recommend ignoring the Dark Eco creatures and focusing your fire on the plants. The second part takes place in the Dark Maker ship. You're in what appears to be the Titan Suit from last game. The controls are the same, anyways - X to jump, [] to punch, R1 to lift blocks. Make your way through the ship, killing all the Dark Eco creatures you find in order to open some doors. Other doors will be paired with a floating spikey blue ball - you need to punch the ball at the door to uncover it, and then punch the door with the Titan Suit to open it. Basically, anything glowy and blue with a floaty spike ball near it needs to be blown up. Eventually you'll reach a blue glowy core, orbited by three blue glowy balls. You need to hit the blue glowy balls with the spike ball in front of you, while avoiding the electricity running along the platform. The balls are travelling fast, so you have to lead them a bit to hit them. -Blow Open Tower Door- :F.c.4: Map Icon: Freedom Guard Crest Item Received: Super Nova (dark3) Head back to Freedom Guard HQ to talk to Ashelin and receive your mission. This is a basic gunnery mission. You follow Torn and his sled full of explosives, and shoot the things that are shooting at him. Any target will be surrounded by a light yellow targeting ring, which turns orange when you have a lock. I recommend holding down the R1 button, and then spraying the fire around. The only things you really have to watch for are the MetalHeads that leap from the tops of buildings onto Torn, and the rockets that get fired at him. The MetalHeads continually take off health as soon as they touch the sled, and if you don't shoot the rockets fast enough, they hit the sled and take a substantial chunk out of Torn's health. Other than that, just shoot straight and keep your eyes open, especially along the skyline. -Destroy MetalHead Tower- :F.c.5: Items Received: Basically all you need to do is kill every enemy in each area to advance to the next. Use the same strategy you've used for other group fights, and you should get through this one just fine. -Reach Catacombs via Palace Ruins- :F.c.6: Map Icon: Brown Building-looking thing Items Received: Slam Dozer (vehicle) Follow your map to the next mission - once you reach the map icon, you'll need to use your JetBoard to grind up the metal pole in order to actually reach the mission start point. After the cutscene, you'll need to take out the Heavy MetalHeads you see below. I recommend taking them out from a distance, maybe with the Plasmite RPG - you don't want to tangle up close with these guys. Once you've taken them out, head on down and to your right. You'll be mobbed by a whole bunch of those Praying Mantis MetalHeads, like the ones that you fought in the Volcano area. Take them out as they come, and continue on, avoiding falling into the large chasm (although feel free to grab the two precursor orbs if you like). You'll come to another great big hole blocking your way, all that's left of the Stadium from last game. Go to your right, where you'll be able to skirt the hole along the former stadium seating. Power up at the dark eco vent in front of you, and then go Dark Jak and blow open (R1) the wall blocking your way. Keeping right, continue skirting the giant chasm (be careful not to fall in in pursuit of the MetalHeads). Once you reach the end of the ledge, you'll be attacked by what look like a whole bunch of purple brains on legs. Run away from them, to the relative safety of the ledge in front of you, with the two Light Eco vents. The purple brains will explode when they get near you. Use Light Jak Flight to cross the gap to your left, and then continue forwards. Find the next Light Eco vent. Now, from here you can actually skirt the metal latticing to make it to the other side. Or you can simply fly across. Your choice. Once you've crossed to the (former) stadium doors, go left. In front of you are three or four Heavies, and a bunch of Mantis'. I recommend just using your blaster. Once you've taken care of the enemies, continue on to the Dark Eco vent in front of you, and then use the Dark Jak Blast on the door in your way. You'll reach a ledge, with grey platforms below it. Be warned that the grey platforms will disintegrate as soon as Jak touches them, so jump fast, and make your way to the next solid ledge. Keep going, keeping in mind that the grey ones crumble, and jump your way across the rubble, keeping to the right. Eventually you'll reach a platform with no nearby neighbours. But it does have a rail. Pull out your JetBoard, and grind across, remembering that you'll need to jump to get onto the platform at the end. Do the same for the next platform, and don't forget to jump the gap in the rail on this one. Jump along the rubble until you reach a platform with another Dark Eco vent, and another brain nest. You know the drill. Avoid the brains, and take out the door with a Dark Blast, then continue on your merry way. Jump across the platforms until you reach another two-piece rail (except this one is actually three parts), and then whip out your JetBoard and cross. Once on the other side, head left, and jump up onto a higher platform. Once again, you'll need to grind your way across to the next platform, this time on a two-part rail. Go straight and then right, double-jumping to the higher ledge with the help of the crumbling grey block. Go up the ramp, and you'll reach another blowable door. This is the end of the level. -Break Through Ruins- :F.c.7: Damas comes through and saves the day (again. awwwww). This is another run-and-gun driving mission. Hold down the R1 button the entire time. The aim here is to use the Slam Dozer to break through the various doors and gates in your path. You can break down the doors directly, if you're going at a high enough speed. The blue electrical gates, however, can only be shut off by destroying their blue power towers. A gate can have anywhere between 1 and 5 towers, but they're all in the same area as the gate, so no worries. And they're bright glowing blue, so they're hard to miss. In some instances the towers can only be reached by knocking over bridges - this takes virtually no speed at all to do. The only other thing you really need to watch for is the missiles - they're always preceded by a bright red targeting laser, so avoid being painted by the targeting laser for more than a couple seconds and you'll be fine. -Reach Precursor Core- :F.c.8: *sniffle* After the cutscene (see, I told you Veger was eeevil), it's another Precursor Tunnel level. I personally find this one easier that the previous one, but that could just be me. There's nothing any different from the previous one either - shoot out the explosives and the sentry guns, and avoid the holes in the floor. I find that the safest place to stay for this one is the bottom of the tunnel. -Destroy Dark Ship- :F.c.9: After a couple of Shocking Revelations, Jak will do something typically heroic, and be transported to the Dark Ship. This level is /hard/. Not because of the enemies, but because of the time limit - you've got about 5 minutes to complete the level. In the first room, you'll need to take out all the Dark Maker enemies before the door will open - once you have, head to the left and through the door. In the second room, the smart thing to do is to head across the platform as if you intend to jump, which will lure the flying enemies into coming down, and take them out before you try to cross. These moving platforms aren't very forgiving, either. You must jump only on the grey squares, and jump fast. Once you reach the other side, run past the three Dark Makers, and slide down the tube located to your left. Third room. You need to jump and swing across the pins in the wall until you reach the platform with the Dark Makers on it. Take out all three Dark Makers to open the door to the next area (the flying enemies don't matter). Fourth Room. Here you'll be confronted by three Dark Maker enemies, and a couple flying enemies. Take out the flying enemies. You can ignore the Dark Makers if you want to - you'll be getting away from them right away. Fill up on Light Eco (what's light eco doing on a Dark ship?), and use Light Jak to fly to the platform directly in front of you. Then fly to the platform on the central pillar, and then to to the one to your left, and then to the Light Eco vent, and then left again, and finally to the doorway. Once in the doorway you'll again have to fly across a chasm with Light Jak, after taking out the flying enemies. On the other side are four Dark Makers. Take them out to open the doorway to the next area, and the end (sort of) of the mission. Part two is simply the race to the portal as the ship collapses. The key to this one is either using Light Jak Time Stop (if you have Light Eco left) or using your JetBoard to get to the portal. Jak isn't fast enough just running. -Destroy Final Boss- :F.c.10: And now it's time for the final, climactic battle between good and insanity. The first part of the battle takes place in vehicles. You need to take the Sand Shark and shoot out 14 power cells, found on the feet of the Dark Maker Destroyer that Errol's driving. This takes some impressive vehicle skills. There's no time limit - it's more the limit of the damage your vehicle can take. Errol throws mines out, as well as what appear to be Dark Eco shuriken. And if you're not careful, you get stepped on. My only advice is to shoot continuously, and use your map to tell you where the un-exploded power cells are. They show up as little red dots on your radar. Don't forget that they can be on any side of the foot. The second part is a good old firefight. But first you must climb up to the battle ground. Defeat all the enemies on each level to activate the lift. I recommend using the wave concussor, because you won't have much use for it in the battle to come. Like all boss fights, this one is cyclical. It goes like this. 1) Field has three tentacles, as well as numerous Dark Eco creatures. Take all of the above out (using either Dark Jak Blasts or any gun but the PeaceMaker). 2) Errol chases Jak around the field with a laser - just outrun it. 3) Errol attempts to sweep field with laser - jump over laser, and then fire off a round of PeaceMaker ammo when you can see the pink power generators on the back of the Dark Destroyer's head. This is the only gun that works, by the way. You must hit Errol 5 times with the PeaceMaker. The fight follows the same pattern every time, except for the following differences: - after the first round, along with everything else Errol sends out spinning tops of DOOM. Shoot these when they are a distance from you, as they explode when hit. - after the second repetition, Errol will chase you with the laser while there are still Dark Eco creatures on the field. Keep moving, and take the creatures on the run with a spinning kick. Knocking the big ones off the side of the platform works really well. - after the fourth repetition, Errol will chase you with the laser while there are Dark Eco creatures, tentacles, and spinning death traps still on the field. Use the above strategy, but make sure you take out the death traps as soon as possible. NOTE: I've since been informed by several people that you can use any of the ranged weapons to hit the pink power generators on the back of the Dark Destroyer. So, not just the Peacemaker. And that's it! Errol is destroyed (probably), and Jak gets to claim the victor's kiss from Ashelin. END ACT III note: if you watch through the credits, you are returned to Spargus, so you can continue hunting for all those things you missed. Now that I've finished Act III, I'll be going back through the e-mails I've received over the past few months and adding stuff. So if you've e-mailed me about something, and you don't see it in here, don't fret, it'll be up as soon as I've tested all of them. And I'll start on a Precursor Orbs location guide. ============== COLLECTIBLES :G: ============== CRATES -------- Freedom Guard crates (and sometimes old Krimson Guard crates) are scattered all over the Jak 3 world. They can be Red (Krimzon), Blue (Freedom), or Grey (?). Break them to get at their contents. And here's what can be in them: Health Paks - Grey boxes with green crosses on them. Typically restore one or two hitpoints. Also sometimes dropped by enemies Ammo - Blue, Red, Yellow, or Purple, corresponding to the type of gun it fuels. Blue and Yellow give you 10 shots, Red 5, and Purple 1. Also often dropped by enemies. Dark Eco -Little glowing purple balls. As long as Jak doesn't have a full Dark Eco meter, they'll be magically attracted to him, so you don't have to run straight through them. It takes about 80 of them to fill the meter to the top. Dropped by Metal Heads. Light Eco -Little glowing bluish balls. Like Dark Eco, as long as your Light Eco meter isn't full they'll be attracted to you. Fairly rare. Sometimes dropped by Krimzon Guard enemies. Metal Head Gems -Glowing yellow orbs. Once again used as currency with the Precursor statues that dot the land, you should collect them whenever you come across them. It saves you from having to go hunt down the ones that Metal Heads drop in the middle of fights. If they fall off a cliff or something when you break the crate, sometimes they'll "jump" back to you. But not always. Precursor Orbs -Orbs look like floating red-brown eggs, with weird writing on them. While they're sometimes hidden in out-of-the-way crates, they are also hidden by themselves in various places throughout the world, as well as awarded for completing Precursor and Race challenges. They're used to buy secrets from the secrets menu. NOT IN CRATES --------------- Dark and Light Eco Crystals - Awarded at the end of missions. When Dark and Light are combined they form great power (Eco Power Sphere). Mar's Armour -Awarded at end of missions. Add two points to Jak's health meter, and change his character model. 4 pieces - Bracers, Greaves, Shoulder Guards, Breastplate. Battle Amulets -Awarded after Arena challenges. Badge of Wastelander citizenship. Gate Pass to Spargus -Get it from Damas after arena challenge. Allows entrance and exit from Spargus. Seal of Mar -Get from Ashelin. Opens doors. : P JetBoard -Also from Ashelin, originally from Keira. HOVERBOARDING IS NOT A CRIME! Cypher Glyph -Get after computer mini-game. Decodes Krimzon Guard encryption. Holo Cube, Beam Generator, Prism, Quantum Reflector, and Time Map -Precursor Artifacts, received from various characters and missions. Used to activate the Haven Forest Astro-viewer. ================ KLEIVER'S CARS :H: ================ Tough Puppy - Jak's first vehicle - Weaponless - Decent speed, braking, jumping - Excellent handling, probably due to the slower speed - Next to no Armour Sand Shark - Received after first Artifact mission - Dual guns - Good speed, braking - Not so great handling or jumping - Skimpy Armour Dune Hopper - Received after Corral Wild Leapers mission - Bombs - Special ability: hold down L1 to power up, and release for a really high jump - Decent speed, appears to go faster when L1 is held down - Not so great Handling or braking - Decently Armoured Gila Stomper - Received after the Destroy Eggs in Metal Head Nest mission (thanks, Supercat) - Single auto-tracking gatling gun - Slow - Excellent handling and braking - Jumps pretty high for a car of it's size, possibly higher than the Shark - It's built basically like a tank. Excellent Armour. Slam Dozer - Received after the Break Through the Ruins mission (thanks, the drake) - Auto-tracking Blaster - Really slow - Excellent handling and braking - Jumps pretty high for a car of it's size, possibly higher than the Shark - Even more tank-like than the Gila Stomper. Desert Screamer - Bought from secrets menu for 20 Precursor Orbs - Twin guns - Really, Really fast - Decent handling and braking, considering how fast it goes - Decent jump - Very little armour Heat Seeker - Bought from secrets menu for 15 Precursor Orbs - Twin Guns - Probably the speed level between the Shark and the Screamer - Awful handling and braking, spins out at the slightest nudge - Decent jump - Decent armour Dust Demon - Bought from secrets menu for 15 Precursor Orbs - Missiles - Good speed - Decent handling, jumping, and braking - The armour level between the Gila Stomper and the Screamer ========================= PRECURSOR ORB LOCATIONS :I: ========================= Current total: 102/600 (under construction) --------------------- | Spargus (total: 54) | :I.a: --------------------- I've divided Spargus into two main areas, Seashore and Main. Main is everything between the Garage and the entrance to Damas' palace, and the Seashore is everything past that. There are also orbs in Damas' throne room and the Arena. Precursor challenge orbs in Spargus are listed separately from the areas they're found in, and thus are not included in the area totals. The Arena (total: 3) ---------------------- All orbs are on the platform Damas sits on. To reach it, jump onto the table on the center platform, and then double jump and spin to the throne. 1 orb directly behind the throne 2 orbs hidden in the pots near the door behind the throne. Damas' Throne Room (total: 5) ------------------------------- Reached by taking the elevator between Seashore and Main. The room from the first Spargus cutscene. All directions are given assuming you are facing the throne. 1 orb on top of the piled rocks to left of elevator 1 orb hidden in water to right of elevator (just below the small waterwheel) 1 orb hidden in a pot directly behind Damas' throne 1 orb behind the giant waterwheel behind Damas' throne 1 orb hidden in a pot along the wall opposite Damas' throne (behind the elevator) Main (total: 26) ------------------ There are 2 orbs hidden in the various destructible things around the outside of the area. Just run around and destroy all the barrels and jugs and stuff to find them. They're all reachable without any special abilities or items. The ladder to the roof area is found in a gap between the buildings in the middle of the area. 1 orb hidden in the pots around the light eco fountain area 1 orb hidden in the pots in front of the ladder leading to the roof area 1 orb on the right-hand side along the path to Damas' palace, reachable with crouch jump The following orbs can only be reached riding a leaper: 1 orb floating high in the air to the right of the garage entrance (facing away from the garage). Reach it by double jumping your leaper from the nearby ledge. 1 orb on top of the ruined wall near the light eco fountain. Reach it by jumping your leaper from the nearby outcropping. 1 orb on the roof to the left of the arena stairs (facing the door). Double-jump your leaper off the top of the stairs to reach it. 1 orb hidden in a pot on the roof to the right of the arena stairs. Double-jump your leaper off the top of the stairs to reach it. The following orbs can only be reached using the JetBoard: Take the ladder to the roof. There is: 1 orb on the triangular roof across from you. Using the JetBoard, jump and grind onto the rail running between the roofs. There are: 1 orb on the rail 1 orb on the next roof As long as you've got enough speed up, you should easily make the jump to the rail running up the next building. Just remember to grind. There are: 3 orbs on the spiral rail There's a gap in the rail. Jump it, and then jump off the end of this rail. Aim for the white roof with the multitude of orbs, and be ready to put away your JetBoard - you don't want to slide off the roof accidentally. There are: 6 orbs on the upper roof 5 orbs on the lower roof - look over the edge of the upper roof for the chimney stack with the orb on top, and drop down onto that ledge Seashore (total: 20) ---------------------- There are 2 orbs hidden in pots around the edges of the area and 2 orbs hidden in the pots in the little marketplace area. Just run around and destroy all the barrels and jugs and stuff to find them. They're all reachable without any special abilities or items. All directions are given assuming you are facing the sea. The ladder to the roof area is found between two buildings on the plateau in the middle of the area. 1 orb floating above a ledge on the left hand side of the path from Damas' palace. Reachable without a leaper, but easier with one 1 orb floating high up between a pair of palm trees beside the marketplace. Bounce on one of the nearby marketplace awnings to reach it. 1 orb below the clifftop on the right-hand side of the shore 1 orb atop a small island in the bay, to the right of the cannon. Swim out to it 1 orb on cliff in front of and below the cannon 1 orb on top of the orange awning behind and above the Dark Satellite wreck 1 orb on a rock outcropping, nearly as far left as you can go in the area along the shore The following orbs can only be reached using the JetBoard: Take the ladder to the roof. There is: 1 orb on the triangular roof behind you Jump back to the first roof and take the next ladder up. Jump and grind onto the rail in front of you with the JetBoard and jump the gap to the next rail, and the next roof. There are: 1 orb along the grind rail 1 orb hidden in the pots at the back of the new roof Start at the back of this roof to gain speed, and ride your JetBoard towards the white roofs. Jump to the middle roof, then jump and grind on the rail, then jump to the next roof. There are: 1 orb on the grind rail 1 orb at the back of the new roof 2 orbs in the pots on the left side 1 orb on the orange awnings at the front of the roof (bounce on the awning to reach it) 1 orb on an outcropping at the front of the roof. Reach it through the narrow passage between the white buildings. ---------------------------------------- |Spargus Precursor Challenges (total: 48)| :I.b: ---------------------------------------- #1 Location: to left of the path to Damas' Palace, in Main Opens: after Dark Satellite game Cost: 8 Metal Head Gems Reward: 10 Precursor orbs Difficulty: Easy A basic ring challenge. Mount the nearby leaper and run through the glowing blue rings before the time limit runs down. The only slightly tricky part to this one is that you need to double-jump the leaper off the Arena stairs in order to make the roof where the next ring is. #2 Location: to the right of the Seashore entrance Opens: after Dark Satellite game Cost: 4 Metal Head Gems Reward: 3 Precursor Orbs Difficulty: Easy A Scavenger Hunt challenge. The goal is below the cliff edge on the far right of the shoreline. Should be more than enough time to run there. #3 Location: just outside Garage entrace, to the right Opens: after Destroy Metalhead Beasts mission Cost: 4 Metal Head Gems Reward: 3 Precursor Orbs Difficulty: Easy Another Scavenger Hunt challenge. The goal is on a platform around the corner from the starting point, to your right. Barely enough time to run there, it's way easier with either the JetBoard or a Leaper standing by. #4 Location: to right of stairs beside Coliseum entrance Opens: after Destroy Metalhead Beasts mission Cost: 4 Metal Head Gems Reward: 3 Precursor Orbs Difficulty: Easy Scavenger Hunt challenge. The goal is basically in a straight line across from the starting point, between the two blocks of buildings. There's more than enough time to get there on foot. #5 Location: at back of Seashore area, at left of the top of the slope Opens: after Destroy Metalhead Beasts mission Cost: 4 Metal Head Gems Reward: 3 Precursor Orbs Difficulty: Easy Scavenger Hunt challenge. You ought to recognize the clue right away - it's the area where the ladder to the rooftops is. It's basically downhill and across from the starting point, up between two buildings. #6 Location: right-hand side of Main area Opens: after Catch Leaper Lizards mission Cost: 4 Metal Head Gems Reward: 3 Precursor Orbs Difficulty: Easy Scavenger Hunt challenge. You ought to recognize the clue right away - it's near the ladder to the rooftops in this area. Basically straight across from the starting point, on the building with the ramp to it. Go left on the ledge surrounding the building, and you'll see it right in front of you. More than enough time to get to it on foot. #7 Location: Same place as #5, just on the right-hand side of the area Opens: after the Save Ashelin at the Oasis mission Cost: 8 Metal Head Gems Reward: 10 Precursor Orbs Difficulty: Medium This one's a Leaper Ring Race. Climb on the Leaper near the starting point and follow the glowy blue rings. This one's a bit tougher than the last two. Several of the rings are either difficult to get to (ie, on the edge of the seaside cliff) or have to be glided to from a previous ring. Run through it a couple times if you have to, to get the trail set in your head, and you shouldn't have any problems. #8 Location: at the base of one of the buildings in the middle of the Seashore area. Opens: after the Save Ashelin at Oasis mission Cost: 8 Metal Head Gems Reward: 10 Precursor Orbs Difficulty: Easy This is a Follow the Leader challenge. Climb on your JetBoard, and run through the glowing blue ball, which will shoot out in front of you, leaving a translucent trail for you to follow. All you have to do is follow the trail and stick close to the glowing ball until it stops. The only slightly difficult part is avoiding all the Spargan citizens along the way. If you hit them, they'll slow you down (not to mention shoot at you). #9 Location: along left-hand side of Seashore area, near beach Opens: after the Save Ashelin at Oasis mission Cost: 4 Metal Head Gems Reward: 3 Precursor Orbs Difficulty: Medium A Scavenger Hunt challenge. Goal is on the opposite side of the bridge to the cannon from the starting point - you'll need to use your JetBoard to get there in time, running along the top of the beach and across the bridge, then jump to the outcropping holding the orb. It's a pretty tight deadline, and might take you a couple tries. ========= SECRETS :J: ========= These secrets are for purchase for the specified number of Precursor Orbs from the in-game menu. New secrets open up for purchase as you progress through the game, and as you buy other secrets. Weapons Upgrades ---------------- Increased Red Ammo Capacity.......................................4 orbs Increased Yellow Ammo Capacity....................................4 orbs Increased Blue Ammo Capacity......................................4 orbs Increased Dark Ammo Capacity......................................4 orbs Blaster Damage Upgrade............................................6 orbs Scatter Gun Rate-of-Fire Upgrade..................................6 orbs Vulcan Fury Damage Upgrade........................................6 orbs Peace Maker Increased Radius......................................6 orbs Reflexor Increased Deflections....................................8 orbs Concussor Damage Upgrade..........................................8 orbs Arc Wielder Robot Shock...........................................8 orbs Mass Inverter Duration Upgrade....................................8 orbs Gyro Burster Duration Upgrade.....................................10 orbs Plasmite RPG Ammo Efficiency......................................10 orbs Needle Lazer Ammo Efficiency......................................10 orbs Super Nova Ammo Efficiency........................................10 orbs Ratchet and Clank Gun Courses.....................................5 orbs Vehicle Upgrades ---------------- Upgrade Vehicle Toughness.........................................15 orbs Unlock Heat Seeker................................................15 orbs Unlock Dust Demon.................................................15 orbs Unlock Desert Screamer............................................20 orbs Unlimited Vehicle Turbos..........................................30 orbs Crazy Stuff ----------- Toggle Jak's Goatee...............................................2 orbs Big Head Mode.....................................................3 orbs Small Head Mode...................................................3 orbs Kleiver's Diaper..................................................4 orbs Bad Weather.......................................................5 orbs Mirror World......................................................5 orbs Fast Movies.......................................................5 orbs Slow Movies.......................................................5 orbs Expert Options -------------- Level Select Act I................................................5 orbs Level Select Act II...............................................5 orbs Level Select Act III..............................................5 orbs Hero Mode.........................................................5 orbs Cheats ------ Turbo Jetboard in Desert..........................................5 orbs Dark Jak Homing Attacks...........................................3 orbs Dark Jak Invisibility on /\.......................................25 orbs Unlimited Ammo....................................................50 orbs Invulnerability..................................................100 orbs Unlimited Dark Jak................................................50 orbs Unlimited Light Jak...............................................50 orbs Art Gallery ----------- Scrap Book........................................................2 orbs Mega Scrap Book...................................................2 orbs Jak and Daxter Model Viewer.......................................2 orbs Jak II Model Viewer...............................................2 orbs Jak III Model Viewer..............................................2 orbs Scene Player Act I................................................2 orbs Scene Player Act II...............................................2 orbs Scene Player Act III..............................................2 orbs Animator's Commentary.............................................5 orbs ================= VERSION HISTORY :K: ================= 0.1 - 11/20/04 - Missions up to Corral Wild Leapers, Table of Contents, Characters, Controls, Story, Kleiver's Cars, Collectibles, and Secrets 0.12 - 11/21/04 - Added a couple new missions, fixed some spelling and factual errors in the Characters and Vehicles sections, added the orb costs for most of the secrets. 0.25 - 11/21/04 - Added another couple missions, the Morph-gun and Tip sections, fixed some more spelling and factual stuff. 0.45 - 11/23/04 - Added 7 more missions, fixed some spelling errors. 0.5 - 11/24/04 - Finished off Act I. 0.65 - 11/29/04 - Dragged self away from studying long enough to add 8 more missions. 0.80 - 12/16/04 - Fried brain with studying, added 9 missions, finished orb cost section, fixed some info in Characters, more random spelling errors. 0.83 - 12/18/04 - Dyed my hair blue, added 3 missions, fixed some more spelling errors (where do they all come from?). 0.92 - 01/07/05 - Finished Act II, started Act III. 1.00 - 01/19/05 - Finished Act III. All missions and facts accounted for except "Destroy Metal Head Tower" and when you receive the Super Nova. 1.10 - 02/24/06 - Wrote up "Destroy Metal Head Tower", added search tags to table of contents, added first 67 Precursor Orbs to Orb Locations. 1.15 - 03/06/06 - Spargus precursor challenges up to return to Haven. ========= CLOSING :L: ========= And that's the guide. This guide will probably be a very ongoing guide, since there are, after all, 600 precursor orbs to find. Thanks (so much) to all the guys at Naughty Dog, for making an excellent trio of games (and I hope more to come from Jak and his furry companion). Much thanks also goes to my rugby team, for not bugging me too badly for dislocating my kneecap in the first game of the season, and to the great guys in my Engineering Design group, for putting up with my insanity in starting this guide RIGHT before finals. If you've got questions or errors to point out, and you missed the contact info up top, you can reach me at spikestampede(at)hotmail.com. Only about the FAQ, mind you. If you're really, really stuck at some point in the game, go hit up the GameFaqs boards for Jak 3 at http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/gentopic.php?board=919901 as I've been assured someone there can help you. And have a subject line related to the FAQ, or risk having your e-mail deleted on sight. So, have fun, and may the Force (or Precursors) be with you. ============= LEGAL STUFF ============= All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission from the author. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.