~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jak And Daxter: The Precursor Legacy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAQ/Walkthrough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Author: Zenithwillrule ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AKA: David DeGregorio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Email: Invertedd@gmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ================== Table Of Contents: ================== 1) About Me: Description of the author of this guide. 2) Spoilers: My view on spoilers and why I never use them in my guides. 3) Getting Started: Some details about the game. 4) Controls: Detailed list of the game controls. 5) Walkthrough: The Walkthrough. a) Geyser Rock b) Sentinel Beach c) Sandover Village d) Forbidden Jungle e) Misty Island f) Fire Canyon g) Rock Village h) Precursor Basin i) Lost Precursor City j) Boggy Swamp k) Mountain Pass l) Volcanic Crater m) Snowy Mountain n) Spider Cave o) Lava Tube p) Gol and Maia's Citadel 6) Version History: History of this FAQ. 7) Legal Information: Copyright Info. ========= About Me: ========= Hello, everyone. My name is David DeGregorio and I am a sophomore in college. I have recently decided to start writing FAQ's for my favorite games. This is my eighth FAQ to date. If you would like to read any of my previous FAQs, just click on my username on the previous page and you will see all of my FAQs to date. Jak and Daxter came out in 2001 to much praise and critical claim. For the time, the game had a large advantage with its absence of load times and outstanding graphics. Today, Jak and Daxter still stands the test of time relatively unscathed. While Jak and Daxter was not as good as Jak 2 and 3; which mixed platforming with shooting and sandbox game play; Jak and Daxter was still a great platformer. It laid the foundation for the future Jak titles and featured a great cast of characters. For these reasons, I have decided to return to Jak and Daxter and write this FAQ. I have done my best to make sure there are no errors in the FAQ. If you find any, let me know and I will update as soon as I possibly can (and I'm not busy usually so it won't take long). Also, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. just email me and I will email back. I check my email every day. Thank you. Now let's get this FAQ underway. ========= Spoilers: ========= As usual, I will refrain from using spoilers in this guide. I don't believe in spoilers. They ruin the story for you, the gamer, and take away from the experience. So, yeah, no spoilers will be included in any of my guides. If you see something that looks like a spoiler, please let me know and I will edit that part or take it out completely. Thank you. ================ Getting Started: ================ First of all, you will need a copy of Jak and Daxter. Buy it, rent it, or borrow it from a friend if you have to, however you will need the game to use this guide. Pop the disc into your PS2 and you're ready to go. You are in control of Jak. He may look like an ordinary guy (albeit a guy with giant pointy ears) but he is destined to do great things. ========= Controls: ========= Button ~ Function -------------------------------------------- === Jak === Left Analog Stick ~ Move Jak Right Analog Stick ~ Move Camera X button ~ Jump Square button ~ Punch Circle button ~ Spin Triangle button ~ Zoom L1 ~ Crouch R1 ~ Crouch L2 ~ Stats R2 ~ Stats Start ~ Game Menu Select ~ Nothing ========= Flut Flut ========= Left Analog Stick ~ Move the Flut Flut Right Analog Stick ~ Move Camera X button ~ Jump X + X ~ Hover Square button ~ Charge Circle button ~ Nothing Triangle button ~ Nothing L1 ~ Nothing R1 ~ Nothing L2 ~ Stats R2 ~ Stats Start ~ Pause Select ~ Nothing ====== Zoomer ====== Left Analog Stick ~ Move the Zoomer Right Analog Stick ~ Move Camera X button ~ Accelerate Square button ~ Nothing Circle button ~ Nothing Triangle button ~ Nothing L1 ~ Jump R1 ~ Jump L2 ~ Stats R2 ~ Stats Start ~ Pause Select ~ Nothing ============ Walkthrough: ============ If you have read any of my other FAQs, you will notice that the walkthrough of this FAQ is slightly different. My previous FAQs have been structured based on progression through a fairly linear storyline. Jak and Daxter has a more open, mission-based structure (similar to Grand Theft Auto) and I have decided to structure this FAQ differently. I will be progressing through each area individually, focusing on each individual Power Cell that you can gather there. This way, you can possibly gather all 101 Power Cells and unlock the secret ending (although you only need 100 Power Cells to get the secret ending). With that in mind, I shall begin the walkthrough. ============ Geyser Rock: ============ After the opening scenes, you will be transported to the first area of the game. Geyser Rock is the most basic of stages. This is basically a tutorial of how to play the game. Most people will breeze through this level but I will include it anyway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the cell on the path: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Power Cell is probably the easiest to find in the game. First of all, take some time to get used to the controls. Once you are accustomed to the buttons, walk to the steps in front of you. There is a bunch of floating eggs on the steps. These are Precursor Orbs and are very useful in the game. If you collect enough Precursor Orbs, you can trade them in for Power Cells. Therefore, grab any Precursor Orb you see. Climb the steps and continue to follow the path, destroying the wooden "enemies" and collecting Precursor Orbs as you go, until you reach a shallow pit filled with spikes. Avoid the spikes, as they will take away quite a bit of health. Just beyond the spike pit is the first Power Cell. That was nice and easy, right? Trust me; the difficulty will ramp up soon enough. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Continue down the path a little further and you will come across a new type of crate. The wooden crates from before can be easily destroyed with a punch or a spin but that won't work here. To open this new type of crate, jump above the crate and press square (in midair) to dive into the crate and break it open. These crates are special, not just because there is a harder way to open them, but because they contain scout flies. If you find seven scout flies in any area, you will receive an all-important Power Cell. Incredibly, all seven scout flies in the Geyser Rock area are grouped together. Break open all seven crates and claim your Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open the Precursor door: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turn around and follow the path until you discover a new type of eco. Blue eco is pretty useful. It makes you run faster, activates Precursor artifacts, and makes collecting anything a breeze. This small amount of blue eco won't really help you open the Precursor door but it will help you reach the aforementioned door much faster. Continue down the path until you reach the Precursor door. The door is locked for right now, so continue past it and walk across the bridge. Go forward and walk into the blue eco vent. The eco vent will fully charge you with blue eco. Return to the door and it will open for you. Walk through the door and you will find another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Climb up the cliff: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jump down into the water and collect the Precursor Orbs. Head over to the platforms on the right and climb to the top of the cliff. Walk across the bridge and follow the path until you reach a circle of green eco. If you collect 50 of those small green orbs, a point of your health will be restored. Climb to the top of the cliff and you will find the last Power Cell in this area. Grab some blue eco and step onto the floating platform. Ride the platform back to the warp gate. Congratulations! You have beaten the first area. Go through the warp gate and return to Samos's hut. =============== Sentinel Beach: =============== Samos will give you a task to complete over in Sentinel Beach. Exit the hut and follow the path until you reach a village. Ignore the village for now. We'll get back to that later. Walk through the village until you reach a fork. Ignore the path heading to the right for now. Walk forward and go across the bridge. Continue forward and you will reach a sandy area. This is the entrance to Sentinel Beach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unblock the eco harvesters: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walk along the beach until you reach a rotating wheel with platforms. Climb onto one of the platforms and jump to the platform on the right. Walk along the platform until it ends abruptly. Jump down to the beach below and walk forward. Climb up the grassy steps to reach the next platform. Walk along the platform and you will eventually reach the five eco harvesters. All of the eco harvesters are blocked by a small rock. The rocks aren't that tough. In order to break the rocks and unblock the harvesters, walk up to each rock and punch them. This will release a vent of green eco from each harvester. When you unblock the last harvester, a Power Cell will appear. Grab the Power Cell and your mission is accomplished. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Push the Flut Flut egg off the cliff: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After getting that last Power Cell, turn around and walk in the direction of the village. Head up the path on the left that inclines upwards. Follow the path, picking up some blue eco and gathering some Precursor Orbs. At the end of the path, you will find a giant egg. Hit the egg twice to knock it off the cliff. Drop down to the ground and talk to the woman to receive another Precursor Orb. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the Power Cell from the pelican: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From here, turn right and walk out to the beach. You should find a Power Cell just lying around on the beach. That looks like an easy one to grab. Walk over to the Power Cell. Unfortunately, before you can grab it, the Power Cell is snatched up by a pelican. The pelican flies over to a platform in the distance. Swim over to the platform and climb the grassy steps to reach the top. Hit the pelican and he will spit out the Power Cell. It's not over yet, though. The pelican will fly over and try to regain the Power Cell. This means that you have to race the pelican to the Power Cell. Immediately after you hit the pelican, jump down into the water and swim to the beach. Climb the grassy steps up to the platform and turn left. Run over to the Power Cell. If you reach the Power Cell before the pelican, you will be rid of the pelican for good and you can keep the Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chase the seagulls: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From here, walk back to the green eco harvesters and turn left. Drop down to the beach and walk forward until you reach a large marble structure. There are a bunch of seagulls hanging out here. Walk towards the seagulls and they will fly away. Follow them to the second marble structure and they will fly away again. Follow them to the third marble structure and a scene will take place. I'm not sure how this happened exactly but a Power Cell has appeared over by the green eco harvesters. Walk to the Power Cell and grab it before anyone else does. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Launch up to the canon tower: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: In order to get this Power Cell, you must unlock blue eco vents. This can be done in the Forbidden Jungle area. For now, skip this Power Cell and return to it when you have activated the blue eco vents. If you have unlocked the blue eco vents, then this Power Cell is a piece of cake. Walk over to the first marble structure and turn left. There is a blue eco vent here. Walk over to the eco vent and fill up on blue eco. Walk forward and step onto the circular platform with the lightning insignia. This is a launcher. If you step onto it and press, X you will be launched up to a higher platform. Use the launchers to reach the platform with the cannon. Note: The metal crates here cannot be opened unless you land on top of them using the launchers. Take out the two Lurkers and claim another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Explore the beach: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Power Cell is incredibly easy to find. From the canon tower, drop down to the beach and turn left. Walk in the direction of the eco harvesters until you reach the grassy steps you climbed earlier. Ignore the steps and turn right. Walk into the alcove and you will see the Power Cell just lying in the sand. Grab the Power Cell before anyone else does. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Climb the sentinel: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Power Cell is just as easy as the last. Walk over to the area with the three marble structures. Go to the second structure and climb the stairs to your left. At the top of the structure, you will find another Power Cell. Walk forward and grab it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The scout flies in this area are a bit harder to find than Geyser Rock. I will list the locations of each scout fly. 1. At the entrance to Sentinel Beach among a bunch of wooden crates. If you pick up the blue eco on the beach, this fly is easy to free. 2. A little bit before the Flut Flut egg. 3. Near the pelican's nest, lying on the beach in plain sight. 4. On top of the first marble structure. 5. On the path to the green eco harvesters, near the waterfall. To obtain the last two scout flies, first you have to raise two platforms. Walk over to the green eco harvesters and drop down to the beach. Look to the right and you will see a pond underneath a platform. Walk to the pond and you should see two logs sticking out of the ceiling. These are the platforms you have to raise. Use an uppercut (square then X) three times on each log to raise the platforms up above. 6. Return to the area with the eco harvesters and turn left. Walk over to the platform that on the right that you raised. Climb onto this platform and jump to the platform on the right. You will find the scout fly chilling on this platform. 7. Go to the platform on the left and jump to the platform with all the Precursor Orbs. Climb up to the higher platform and you will find the last scout fly. ================= Sandover Village: ================= After gathering all the Power Cells in Sentinel Beach, return to the village. Sandover is much easier than Sentinel Beach. You can get most of the Power Cells here by trading Precursor Orbs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring 90 Orbs to the mayor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walk across the bridge and enter the second house on the right. This is the mayor's house. Talk to the mayor and he will ask for 90 Precursor Orbs in exchange for a Power Cell. Fork over the Orbs and claim one more Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring 90 Orbs to your uncle: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exit the mayor's house. Walk across the street and enter the house with the old man that has a crazy moustache. Talk to your uncle and he will ask for 90 Orbs in exchange for a Power Cell. Hand over the orbs and claim another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Herd the yakows into the pen: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exit your uncle's house and turn right. Walk towards Sentinel Beach until you reach the fork again. This time, turn right and walk across this bridge. Walk forward and you will reach another beach area. Talk to the farmer on the left. He will give you a Power Cell if you can herd all five of the yakows into the pen. There are two yakows near the pen. Punch them and chase into the pen. There is another yakow to the right of the pen. To find the last two yakows, walk over to where the third one was and turn right. You will find the yakows grazing near the water. After all the yakows are in the pen, the farmer will give you another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring 120 Orbs to the oracle: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Across from the yakow pen is a large stone platform. Walk to the platform and climb the grassy steps to the top of the platform. Dive roll (R1 + X) to the platform in front of you and then dive roll to the next platform. Turn left and dive roll to the platform. Turn right and walk to the oracle. He will ask for 120 Orbs for one Power Cell. When you have 120 Orbs, return to the oracle and fork over the orbs to claim another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring 120 Orbs to the oracle: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the oracle gives you the first Power Cell, he will ask for 120 more Orbs in return for another Power Cell. When you have 120 more Orbs, hand them over for another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. In the fisherman's house. The fisherman's house is to the right of your Uncle's house. 2. In a side room of the mayor's house. 3. Underneath the bridge leading to Sentinel Beach. 4. Near the entrance to Sentinel Beach, on the sandy area below. 5. Inside the farmer's house. 6. On the large stone platform that leads to the oracle. 7. Just before you get to the oracle. It is right in the middle of the path. ================= Forbidden Jungle: ================= Forbidden Jungle is quite a bit harder than the previous stages but it is also more enjoyable. To get to Forbidden Jungle, walk over to the farmer's house. Walk along the beach until you reach a tunnel. Go through the tunnel and you are in Forbidden Jungle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Connect the eco beams: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walk forward and climb up the grassy steps in front of you. Go to the left and walk across the bridge, jumping over the gaps in the middle. On the other side, turn left and cross the stream. Turn right and walk to the edge of the platform. Use the platforms here to cross the stream and reach the area behind the giant temple. Go to the right of the temple and walk to the machine with the giant moving pistons. Jump onto one of the pistons and use it to reach the wooden platform. Jump across the two rotating platforms to reach another wooden platform. Smash the mirror on this platform to redirect the light beam. You will now have to guide the beam of light from tower to tower until it reaches Sandover. This isn't that hard but it is slightly annoying. Drop down to the ground and walk to the first tower. Press circle next to the tower to aim the beam. Aim the beam in the direction of the arrow to raise the next tower. Turn around and walk to the back of the temple. Jump across the river and look to the left to find the second tower. Aim the beam to the next tower. Walk back across the river and go behind the temple to find the next tower. Aim the beam to the next tower. From here, walk past the tower and jump down to the grassy area below. Walk to the bridge and use it to cross the stream. Climb the grassy steps to reach the top of the cliff. Turn left and go to the bridge. Walk across the bridge and turn left. Jump up to the platform above and you will find the next tower. Aim the beam to the final tower. Jump down to the platform below and walk back across the bridge. Turn left and walk forward a bit. Turn right and cross the stream. Turn right and walk to the middle of the bridge. You can see the tower on your left. Jump down to the tower and direct the beam to the mayor's house. Now, return to the mayor's house and claim your next Power Cell. Phew. That's done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get to the top of the temple: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walk back to Forbidden Jungle and return to the machine with the moving pistons. Go to the back of the machine and turn left. Walk to the edge of the platform and look to your right. Jump to the platform on your right and then jump to the platform with the blue eco vent. Fill up on blue eco. Turn left and walk along the edge of the platform until a bridge forms in midair leading to the temple. Walk across the bridge and walk to the door. Walk through the door and turn left. Use the trampolines to reach the next level of the temple. Smash open the chests for blue eco and walk forward. Use the blue eco to make your way up the temple until you reach another eco vent. Fill up on blue eco and make your way to the top of the temple. Walk to the platform on the ground and use blue eco to activate it. Use the platforms to reach the top of the tower. Grab the Power Cell on top of the tower. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the blue vent switch: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walk to the middle of the tower and step on the blue button. The platform will lower and you will find yourself in a room deep within the temple. The two doors are closed and there are no blue eco vents in sight, so we need to find a new path. Walk around the room until you see an opening in the wall. Climb up to the opening and walk forward. The first floating platform will alternate between floating upside down and right side up. Wait for it to turn right side up and use it to reach the next platform. Go forward and use the next two platforms to reach the next part of the hallway. Continue to follow the hallway and use the floating platforms to get across the pits. When you get to the large room, walk up either ramp to the Power Cell. Grab the Power Cell and all of the blue eco vents around the world will be activated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Defeat the dark eco plant: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fill up on blue eco and exit out the door to your right. You are back in the circular room from before. Walk through the other door and follow the hallway until you reach a launcher. Use the launcher to get a lot of Precursor Orbs. Follow the hallway some more and jump across the platforms to reach the first boss in the game. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dark Eco Plant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This boss is quite easy but what do you expect from the first boss of a game? It will start the battle by sending out a spiked turtle to attack you. Avoid the turtle for a few moments and its spikes will disappear. Attack the turtle and it will be destroyed. The boss has only one other method of attacking you. It will try to bite you but you can avoid this by keeping to sides of the room. Shortly after the first turtle is destroyed, the dark eco plant will grow some leaves. Climb the two leaves and attack the plant's head. After that it will send out two more turtle's. Kill the turtles and attack the plant again. For the final phase, kill three turtles and attack the plant a final time to kill it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Grab the Power Cell and walk to the blue eco vent. Fill up on blue eco and go to the launcher. Use the launcher to exit the temple and get some more Orbs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Catch 200 pounds of fish: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After leaving the temple, turn right and walk to the middle of the bridge. Drop down to the grassy area below. Talk to fisherman in the middle of the bridge. He will give you a Power Cell and let you borrow his boat if you can catch 200 pounds of fish. Press X to start the fish catching game. The goal is to catch 200 pounds of fish. The green fish are worth one pound, the gold are worth five pounds, and the evil eels will bring you back to zero. Do your very best not to catch an eel. Try to catch as many good fish as you can because, if you miss 20 pounds of good fish, you will have to start over. This game isn't as hard as it looks. It starts out really easy with lots of one-pound and five-pound fish and stays that way for a while. The eels are pretty easy to avoid if you keep vigilant. There is one point where there are tons of eels. Keep calm and wait for good fish to come. If you keep all of this in mind, 200 pounds should be easy to get. Afterwards, collect your Power Cell from the fisherman. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow the canyon to the see: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Power Cell is very easy to find. Climb up the grassy steps near the fisherman and turn left. Walk across the bridge and walk forward a bit. Head to the right to reach another bridge. Walk to the middle of the bridge. Jump down to the ground below. Follow the river until it goes through a tunnel. Jump into the river and follow it to an island with a Power Cell. Grab the Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open the locked temple door: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go back through the tunnel and grab some blue eco. Use the launcher to reach the platform above and turn right. Walk to the temple and run to the top of the ramp. Open the door and you will find another Power Cell. Claim it before anyone else does. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Under the third bridge (the second bridge is above the fisherman) near some dark eco crates. Keep in mind that touching dark eco crates will harm you. 2. From the first scout fly, follow the river. You will find the second scout fly at the end. 3. When you go through the first door to the temple, turn right and use the trampoline to reach a higher ledge. Follow the path to reach a scout fly. 4. Halfway up the tower of the temple. This will be lying in your path. 5. On the right side of the machine with the pistons. 6. Close to the second tower that you use to redirect the blue eco beam. 7. Near the fourth tower you use to redirect the eco beam. Climb the platforms around the tree and you will find this scout fly on the highest platform. ============= Misty Island: ============= Misty Island is a difficult place to navigate and has some hard enemies but it's not the worst place on the map. To reach Misty Island, return to Sandover and go to the dock behind the fisherman's house. Walk to the end of the dock and you will see the fisherman's boat. Note that you must complete the 'catch 200 pounds of fish' mission to use the boat. Jump into the boat and head to Misty Island. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Catch the sculptor's muse: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jump out of the boat and walk to the island. Walk forward and climb up to the highest platform. In addition to Lurkers, there is a new type of enemy. The skeleton enemies take two hits to defeat and are pretty tough. Isolate the enemies so that they don't all gang up on you. Kill the enemies here, walk forward, and you will find the muse. The muse is a kind of golden squirrel creature and it won't just let you catch it. You will have to chase it down. Follow it up the ramp and take out another skeleton. Jump to the next platform and turn left. Hit the bone pillar three times to make a bridge to the next platform. Walk across the bone bridge and take out another skeleton. With those enemies out of the way, you can chase after the muse freely. The muse will run in a set circular path around the area, so do your best to cut corners and catch. Rolling jumps help when you are in straight areas. It takes a couple of laps to get the hang of it but you'll catch it eventually. Return to the boat and take the muse to the sculptor's house. The sculptor's house is the closest house to Sentinel Beach. Talk to the sculptor and he will give you a Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Climb the Lurker ship: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to Misty Island and go to the place where you first saw the muse. Turn right and walk forward. Further down, the area splits into to paths. There's the high left path, which is safer, and the low path, which is infested with skeletons. Take whichever path you like and follow it until you reach a Precursor door. Use the blue eco to open it and walk into the arena. As soon as you walk in, you will be ambushed by dozens of Lurkers and skeletons. Take out some of the Lurkers and they will drop red eco. Red eco makes your attacks a lot stronger. Red eco makes this battle a lot easier. The basic strategy is to grab some red eco, wait until a bunch of enemies are near you, and kill them all with a dive attack (jump, then press square). Normally, the dive attack would only take out one enemy at a time but when you are powered by red eco you can take out a whole bunch of enemies in one hit. Just keep doing this until all the enemies are dead. Walk to the door at the opposite end of the arena and go through the door. Take out the three skeletons and turn left. Follow the path, killing enemies as you go, until you reach the Lurker ship. Kill the Lurkers on the ship and grab the Power Cell on top of the ship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stop the canon: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the last Power Cell, walk over to the long wooden walkway with the rolling barrels. Head down the walkway, jumping over the first two barrels and letting the last barrel bounce over you. Continue down the walkway until you reach the end. Turn left and follow the walkway until you reach the canon. Take out the two Lurkers and grab another Power cell. You can use the canon to take out the metal crates if you want. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to the dark eco pool: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you're done blowing stuff up with the canon, jump down into the arena. Climb up the steps on the side of the arena and walk to the dark eco pool. Grab the Power Cell on the walkway up above. Now that was easy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Destroy the balloon Lurkers: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to the Lurker ship and walk to the left side to find a dock. Walk down the dock until you see a blue flashing circle on your right. Jump down to the flashing circle to find your Zoomer. Press circle to get on your Zoomer and hold X to start zooming around the area. Your objective here is to find the six Lurkers riding around on balloons and take them out with your Zoomer. They aren't very hard to find but be careful because there are giant mines on the sides of the balloons. When you have taken out the final Lurker, a Power Cell will appear in the middle of the ship. Zoom on over to the ship and claim the Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use Zoomer to reach Power Cell: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While you're still on your Zoomer, let's get another Power Cell. Zoom over to the left side of the area and find the wooden ramp. Ride up the ramp and turn right. Zoom to the end of the wooden walkway and turn left. At the end of this walkway is a Power Cell floating in midair. Zoom down the walkway and jump (R1) at the end to reach the Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use blue eco to reach Power Cell: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to the flashing blue circle and get off your Zoomer. Turn right and climb up to the path above. Follow the path and you will return to the area where you found the muse. Continue down the path until you reach a raised platform with blue eco. Grab the blue eco and walk across the bone bridge to the next platform. Grab the blue eco here and turn right. Drop down to the platform below, take out the skeleton, and grab more blue eco. Turn right and jump to the platform with mud in the center. Walk across the platform and jump to the next platform. Head left and jump across the mud to find a blue eco platform. Use your blue eco to activate the platform. Jump onto the platform and ride it to the platform in the distance. Jump onto the platform and claim the Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. While chasing the sculptor's muse, you'll find this atop one of the high platforms. 2. In the area where you find the muse, head right and take the upper path. Go through the tunnel on the left and you'll find this scout fly. 3. Continue along the upper path and you will find another scout fly at the end. 4. On the Lurker ship, right after you cross the bridge. 5. Walk down the long walkway with the barrels and you will find a scout fly on one of the platforms on the side. 6. Go to the arena and go through the door leading to the Lurker ship. Take out the skeletons and turn left. There is an angled wooden board here. This is a catapult. Climb onto the raised end, jump up, and press square to dive into the wooden board. The rock on the other end will be launched in the air. However, what comes up must go down and the rock is no exception. The falling rock will launch you into the air and you will reach a higher platform. You will find the sixth scout fly here. 7. While riding your Zoomer, you'll find this scout fly on the wooden walkway that leads to the floating Power Cell. ============ Fire Canyon: ============ Jump in the boat and return to Sandover. Walk to the farmer's house and turn left. Climb the grassy steps to reach a path. Follow the path and you will reach Fire Canyon. This area is different from those you've been to before. You will only find two Power Cells in Fire Canyon and these are pretty easy to get. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reach the end of Fire Canyon: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Keira and she will tell you what you need to do. She has equipped the Zoomer with a fire shield that will help you reach the other side of fire canyon. The only problem is that the Zoomer will only be able to withstand a temperature of 500 degrees before it explodes. Keira has placed balloons filled with cool air around the area to help. If you hit one of these balloons, the temperature of the Zoomer will drop. Jump onto the Zoomer and make your way across the canyon. Try to fly over the wooden walkways because your Zoomer heats up faster when you fly over open lava. Fly around dark eco crates and avoid the pillars and you will eventually make your way across Fire Canyon. Grab the Power Cell at the end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's hard to give exact directions for the scout flies in Fire Canyon. All of the scout flies are scattered along the Canyon in various intervals. If you look closely, it shouldn't be hard to find them all and claim another Power Cell. ============= Rock Village: ============= As soon as you get past Fire Canyon, follow the path to Rock Village. Rock Village is much bigger than Sandover and has some more crazy characters asking for Orbs. Continue down the path until you see a large hut to your right. This is the Blue Sage's hut, although he isn't here at the moment. Walk to the warp gate, step on the blue button, and watch the scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring 90 Orbs to the gambler: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exit the hut and turn right. Jump across the platforms and walk forward until the follow the path as it curves to the right. The path will open up to a large area. Turn right and walk forward until you reach a giant boulder. Turn right and walk into the building. Walk forward and talk to the man in the barrel. He will ask for 90 Orbs in exchange for a Power Cell. He will also mention another mission but we'll get to that later. When you have 90 Orbs, hand them over for a Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring 90 Orbs to the geologist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turn around, exit the building, and turn left. Walk forward and you will see a girl on your right. This is the geologist. Talk to her and she will ask for 90 Orbs in exchange for a Power Cell. She will also mention another mission but we'll get to that later. When you have 90 Orbs, hand them over for another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring 90 Orbs to the warrior: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to the gambler and walk to the right. Talk to the warrior and he will drone on and on about how he couldn't beat this monster and stuff. After a bunch of melodrama, he will ask for 90 Orbs in exchange for a Power Cell. When you have 90 more Orbs, fork them over for another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring 120 Orbs to the oracle: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walk back to the geologist and turn left. Walk forward and you will find the oracle near the entrance to Rock Village. The oracle will ask for 120 orbs in exchange for a Power Cell. When you have 120 Orbs, hand them over for another Power Cell. Man, this whole village is greedy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring 120 Orbs to the oracle: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After handing over 120 Orbs, the oracle will ask for 120 more. The nerve of this statue! Anyway, after you gather 120 more orbs, hand them over for another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Outside the Blue Sage's hut, on the balcony. 2. On the sand in between two platforms leading to Rock Village. (This is in between the Blue Sage's hut and Rock village) 3. Behind the rock that is behind the geologist. 4. Near the boulder that is outside the building with the gambler and the warrior. 5. On a platform next to the bridge that the warrior destroyed. 6. On the right side of the building with the warrior and gambler. It's out on the terrace. 7. After crossing the bridge that the warrior completes. You will find this scout fly right outside the Boggy Swamp area. ================ Precursor Basin: ================ The Precursor Basin is one of my favorite areas. All of the missions require your Zoomer which is always fun. To get to the Basin, head over to the geologist and follow the path behind her until you reach the Zoomer. Jump on the Zoomer and zoom off to the Basin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Herd the moles into their hole: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let me start off by saying that the creatures referred to as "moles" in this game look nothing like moles. They are more like red squirrels. Anyway, when you first enter the Basin, turn left and you will see these "moles". What you need to do here is chase down each "mole" until they return to their hole. There are four in total that you need to chase down. Once they have all returned to their hole, go back to the geologist and claim another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Catch the flying Lurkers: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This mission is similar to the one on Misty Island where you had to catch the muse. Once you have returned to the Basin, zoom around the area until you come across a purple flying Lurker. You need to chase down this Lurker and hit it with your Zoomer. The Lurker has a set path that it flies in, so memorize the path and chase after it. Do your best to cut corners and you will eventually take out the Lurker with your Zoomer. There are four of these lurkers in the Basin that you need to destroy. After they are all dead, a Power Cell will appear. Zoom to the Power Cell and grab it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beat record time on gorge: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to the entrance of Precursor Basin and turn around. Zoom forward until you see a pathway to your right with a checkered starting line. Turn right and cross the starting line. This will start the racing mission. The goal here is to get to the end of the race course within 45 seconds. This is fairly easy to do if you know the layout of the course. For the first part, zoom forward and take the path on the right to avoid the moving pistons. Take the ramp upwards and follow the path, avoiding the moving pistons, until it ends abruptly. Drop down to the path below and turn around. Continue to follow the path, avoiding the dark eco crates and the moving pistons, and you will reach the finish line. Grab the blue eco on the course as it will make your Zoomer go much faster. If you don't make it on the first try, return to the course and refine your strategy. The most important thing is to avoid running into object because that will cost you precious seconds. When you have beaten the time, return to the gambler and he will give you a Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the Power Cell over the lake: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zoom over to the second section of the Basin. On the right side of this section is a ramp. Zoom up the ramp and follow the path until it ends. Jump the gap to the next platform and turn right. Zoom to the end of the platform and jump to the next platform. Turn right and ride up the ramp. Turn around and ride up the next ramp. Jump from platform to platform until you reach the platform against the Basin wall. Turn left and ride to the end of the platform. Zoom to the end of the ramp and jump to the Power Cell that is floating in the air. Make sure you aim straight at the Cell and that you jump as far as you can or you will miss the Power Cell and have to do all of that again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cure dark eco infested plants: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head over to the right side of the second section of the Basin. You will find a bunch of dark eco plants near a green eco vent. In order to cure the plants, you have to spray them with green eco. Zoom over to the eco vent and fill up on eco. Charge through the dark plants and the green eco will take effect. Zoom back and forth over the plants to make them disappear. You have to get rid of all the plants to get the Power Cell, so it will take a few trips. Keep filling up on green eco and taking down the plants until they are all gone and a scene takes over. Zoom over to the Power Cell and grab it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Navigate the purple Precursor rings: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zoom over to the first section of the Basin and go to the ramp in the far corner. Ride up the ramp and look to your left. You will see a purple Precursor ring there. Zoom through the ring and you will start the mission. Basically, to complete this mission, you have to zoom through each ring before it disappears. For the most part, this is easy. As soon as you go through one ring, the next one will appear. Continue to zoom through the rings until a scene takes over and a Power Cell appears. Zoom over and pick up the Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Navigate the blue Precursor rings: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you beat the purple Precursor ring mission, a blue Precursor ring will appear in the second section of the Basin on one of the ledges above. Zoom over to the ring and start the mission. This is pretty much the same thing as the last mission. Zoom through the rings before they disappear. There are a couple of tricky parts to this mission. First, one of the rings in the first section is high off the ground. Use the rock in front of the ring as a ramp to reach the ring. Second, one of the later rings is near the entrance to Rock Village. Be careful to avoid the Zoomer pad so that you don't accidentally get off the Zoomer and abandon the mission. The rest of the mission is pretty straightforward. Continue to follow the rings until you reach the last ring and a Power Cell appears. Zoom over to the Power Cell and grab it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. At one end of the entrance archway. 2. Really close to the mole hole. 3. One of the high platforms in the middle of the second section of the Basin. 4. On the platform just below the last scout fly. 5. Just before the ramp that leads to the Power Cell that is floating over the lake. 6. Right before the first purple ring. 7. Right before the first blue ring. ==================== Lost Precursor City: ==================== The Lost City is a large and somewhat confusing place but I found it quite enjoyable. I think it really depends on your tastes. Anyway, to get to the Lost City, walk to the building with the gambler and the warrior. Head out to the terrace on the right and follow the platforms to the Lost City. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raise the city: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you reach the city entrance, jump to the platform in the center and step on the blue button to descend deep into the Lost City. Walk through the door to the next room. One thing to note about the Lost City is that the glowing yellow pipes can hurt you, so you must avoid them. Also, the water will alternate between its normal state and an electrified state, so be careful. Anyway, walk forward and go through the next door. In front of you there is a platform moving left and right. Jump on it and ride it to the right. Jump to the platform there and walk to the edge. Jump onto one of the moving platforms and jump onto the next platform. Follow the path to the next hallway. Jump over the water and go through the next door. In the next room, jump onto one of the blue platforms and the other will start moving around your platform in a circle. If you jump to the other platform, the platform you were just on will move. Use these platforms to get to the other side of the room. Take out the lurker and walk down the hallway, jumping over the yellow pipes. Walk into the next room. This room is the largest yet and it may look confusing right now but soon you'll get to know it very well. Turn left and jump down to the platform below. Walk into the room on the left. In this room there is a bunch of moving platforms surrounding a Power Cell. We'll get to that Power Cell in a bit. Use the moving platforms to cross the sea of dark eco and walk into the next room. There are some new enemies here. Use a dive attack to destroy them. Ignore the hallway on the right. Instead, walk forward down the hallway and cross the water. Walk into the next room. Turn right and walk forward until you get to a slide. Head down the slide. While on the slide, you will be able to open metal crates by sliding into them. Watch out for dark eco crates and yellow pipes and make your way to the bottom. Take out all of the enemies here and walk to the blue eco vent. Fill up on blue eco and walk around the room. There are five devices scattered around this room that you can activate with blue eco. Once all of the devices are activated, a door will open in the center of the room. Walk through the door and use your dive attack to press the button in the room. This will raise the entire platform all the way to Rock Village. Exit the room and climb the grassy steps to reach a Power Cell on top of the platform. Phew! That was tiring but it was only Power Cell in the Lost City that takes so long to reach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow the colored pipes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to the entrance of the Lost City and descend back down into the city. Make your way back to the third room in the Lost City. This is the large room that has large colored pipes at the far side of it. Use the two blue platforms to reach the far side of the room and jump onto the platform with the colored pipes. There are three colored pipes. Two of them have scout flies in them and the other contains a Power Cell. Walk over to the pipe on the left and use your dive attack on the button in front of it. This will suck the power cell out of the pipe and onto a platform up above. You will have to get to the Power Cell quickly or it will be sucked back into the pipe. Walk over to the left and use the retracting platforms to reach the platform above. Dart forward and grab the Power Cell before it is sucked back into the pipe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reach the bottom of the city: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head over to the slide you used to reach the first Power Cell and slide down to the bottom. The room here is empty now that you raised the platform. Walk to the other end of the room and head down the hallway. Cross the water and enter the next room. Jump to the platform on the left side of the room and walk to the slide on your left. Head down this slide. This is pretty much the same as the previous slide, although there are more hazards. Jump over the yellow pipes and avoid the numerous dark eco crates and you will eventually reach the bottom. Walk forward and jump to the platform with the Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Climb the slide tube: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As soon as you step onto the platform and grab the Power Cell, the room will start to fill with dark eco. Jump to the platform in front of you and grab the blue eco. Use the launcher to reach the path above. Follow the path as it circles around the room. After using a few more launchers, you will escape the dark eco. Grab the Power Cell at the end of this mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quickly cross the dangerous pool: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walk through the door and you will emerge in the room above the first slide. Jump across the dark eco to solid ground and turn right. Use your dive attack on the button and three platforms will rise from the water. Quickly cross the platforms to reach another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Match the platform colors: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use your dive attack on the button to your left and jump back across the platforms. Walk down the hallway and cross the water. Walk into the next room and turn left. Walk down the hallway and cross the water. In front of you is a floating platform that moves back and forth underneath a yellow pipe. Walk across the platform, jumping over the yellow pipe when the platform moves under it. When you reach the other side, you will see a bunch of stationary floating platforms. You need to jump on each platform once and only once to change their color to blue. There isn't any set path to take, just jump from platform to platform and change their color until a scene takes over. Go through the open door and claim the next Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reach the center of the complex: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Power Cell is incredibly easy to find. Remember back in the first mission when you ignored the Power Cell in the middle of the floating platforms. Now it's time to get that. Return to the previous room (with those new enemies that you have to dive attack) and turn left. Walk forward and you will see the Power Cell in the center of the room. Jump to the Power Cell, being careful not to jump onto a platform if it's tilted, and grab it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. At the bottom of the first room. 2. On the right ledge of the second room. 3. In the middle pipe of the third room. Use the dive attack on the button and get to the scout fly before it's sucked back into the pipe. 4. In the right pipe of the third room. Dive attack the button and get to the fly before it's sucked back into the pipe. 5. On the right side of the third room. Climb up to the high platform to reach it. 6. In the third room, on the way to the Power Cell you get from the colored pipe. 7. In the room before the second slide. This fly is on a high platform. Use the geysers to reach it. ============ Boggy Swamp: ============ Boggy Swamp is an annoying area but luckily you can get through it pretty quickly. There are only a few Power Cells here and most of them involve destroying the tethers to a zeppelin. Anyway, to get to Boggy Swamp, go to the bridge that the warrior repaired. Cross the bridge and you will reach the entrance to Boggy Swamp. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ride the Flut Flut: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to complete this mission, you must have pushed the Flut Flut egg off of the cliff back in Sentinel Beach. If you haven't done that, return to Sentinel Beach and complete the mission. Enter Boggy Swamp and walk forward. The enemies here are fairly easy to fight. They go down in one hit. Continue forward and you will come across yellow eco. Yellow eco is perhaps the most useful kind in the game. While you have yellow eco, mash the square button and you can shoot energy beams. This is useful for many different things. Anyway, follow the path until you reach some thorns. Thorns will hurt you, so avoid them. Climb onto the rock nearby and jump to the wooden platform. Continue forward and you will reach a lake of dark eco. Use the wooden platforms to get across and take out the enemies with yellow eco. Continue down the path and you will reach a bunch of poles that rise and fall. Wait for one of them to retract into the ground and jump over it. Shoot down the rats nest and follow the path to reach a fork. Take the left path and head into the cave. Jump over the spiked poles and use more yellow eco to destroy the dark eco crates and another rats nest. Follow the path and you'll reach another lake of dark eco. Use the wooden platforms and the poles to reach a high platform above some thorns. Continue down the path until you reach a yellow eco vent. Fill up on eco and take the path to the right. Follow the path and you will come to a high platform with four dark eco crates. Destroy the crates and climb onto the platform. Drop down to the area below and turn left. Continue forward and you will see a Flut Flut pad. Jump onto the bird and climb the wooden platforms on the left. Jump from platform to platform to reach a Power Cell at the end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Protect Farthy's snacks: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to the Flut Flut pad and jump off the bird. Follow the path until you reach a hut. Talk to the owner of the swamp and he will ask you to help get his pet Hip Hog to come back. He laid out a bunch of mushroom's (the hog's favorite snack) to lure the hog back home but the swamp rats keep eating them. It is your task to shoot all of the rats before they can take the mushrooms. This mission takes place in first person view. Your yellow eco will constantly replenish, so don't worry about that. Just keep a watchful eye on the area and blast the rats like crazy. This mission should be easy enough to complete. When you're done, claim you Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Defeat the lurker ambush: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to the Flut Flut pad. Walk back towards the cave and climb onto the platform that had four dark eco crates on it before. Grab some blue eco and drop down to the other side. Use the launcher to reach a small enclosed area. You will be ambushed here. Keep your wits about you and this shouldn't be too hard. Stay by the yellow eco and blast the enemies. If you run out, use spin attacks until you can grab some more eco. When they're all dead, grab the Power Cell that appears. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Break the tethers to the zeppelin: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This mission is actually worth four Power Cells. No, that isn't a typo. Four Power Cells. Throughout the area, there are four rocks connected to tethers. The tethers are, in turn, connected to a giant zeppelin that is hovering over Boggy Swamp. Your task is to destroy each tether. Every time you take out a tether, you will get a Power Cell. 1. For tether number one, go to the first fork in the area. This is the one where you took the left turn into the cave, right after the first lake of dark eco. This time, go forward and hop over the poles. Use yellow eco to destroy the rock in the center of the area. This will release a yellow eco vent. Use yellow eco to take out the rats nests and walk to the other side of the area. Hop onto the giant mushroom on the left and then jump onto the mushroom on the right. Use yellow eco to destroy the rock and break the first tether. Claim the Power Cell that is left behind. 2. After crossing the second lake of dark eco, you will be on a high platform above a bunch of thorns. You will see the second tether on a wooden platform in front of you. Take it out and claim the Power Cell. 3. Continue on until you reach the launcher that you used to get the Power Cell from the lurker ambush. Climb onto the platform that used to have four dark eco crates. Grab the blue eco and drop down to the other side. Use this launcher to reach a new enclosed area. Destroy the rat's nests here and then take out the tether. Grab the Power Cell. 4. Go to Boggy Billy's hut. Follow the path from there and you will eventually come to a bunch of giant mushrooms. Climb to the highest mushroom and break the last tether. Grab the Power Cell that is left behind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. On the log bridge over the thorns at the beginning of Boggy Swamp. 2. Use the first launcher in the area, right after the first lake of dark eco, and you will reach an enclose area. Take out the rats nest and you will find a scout fly in the corner. 3. Use the second launcher in the area and you will reach another enclosed area. The third scout fly is in this area. 4. Near the Flut Flut. You will find this atop one of the wooden platforms. 5. Near the Flut Flut. Follow the wooden platforms and you will find this. 6. After crossing the second lake of dark eco, walk forward until you reach a fork. Ignore the path on the right and continue forward. You will find this fly at the curve in the path. 7. Past Boggy Billy's hut, there is an area on the beach with a bunch of crates. The last scout fly is among them. ============== Mountain Pass: ============== Mountain Pass is the same kind of area as Fire Canyon. The only difference is that you have to face a boss before you can fly across on your Zoomer. To reach Mountain Pass, exit Boggy Swamp and hop across the platforms until you reach a fork. Turn right and hop across the platforms to reach a platform near a glowing blue machine. Talk to Keira and hand over the Power Cells to power the machine and lift a boulder that was blocking the path. Now that the path is clear, climb the grassy steps to the top and follow the path until it ends. Jump to one of the platforms in the lava. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Defeat Klaww: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Klaww ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This boss is more difficult than the eco plant but not by much. The main part of the battle will take place on the three platforms. The biggest thing to worry about is the lava. If you fall in it, then you are dead. Period. As long as you don't fall in, this battle is pretty easy. Klaww starts the battle by shooting rocks at you. Jump form platform to platform, avoiding the rocks. Don't stay on any platform too long and you should be fine. After a short while, Klaww will retreat. Grab the blue eco that is dropped and a bridge will be made over the lava. As you start to cross the bridge, Klaww will roll boulders at you. Dart from side to side to avoid getting hit. At the end of the bridge, pick up the yellow eco shoot him until a boulder lands on his head. The boulder will roll after you, so run back to the three platforms from before. Klaww will then repeat the previous pattern. Dodge the rocks and form the bridge again. This time, the bridge will be damaged. Cross the bridge, dodging the boulders and jumping over the gaps in the bridge and shoot Klaww again. Run away from the boulder again and Klaww will repeat the pattern once more. Dodge the rocks until Klaww retreats and form the bridge one final time. The bridge is very damaged, so be very careful. It is better to get hit with a boulder than to fall in the lava. Shoot Klaww one last time and he will die. Congratulations. Grab the Power Cell that he leaves behind. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reach the end of the Mountain Pass: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use the newly-formed platforms on your right to reach Mountain Pass. Head forward and watch the scene. Three lurkers are planning on blowing up the pass before you can get through. It's our job to stop them. Jump on your Zoomer and race forward. The path is fairly straightforward. Don't run into the barrels of dark eco or you are toast. The only things to watch out for are dark eco crates and pits. The second half of the course is in a giant cave. Watch out for the giant pits here. Also, be careful at the end because there are many barrels of dark eco grouped together. Other than that, you should have no trouble beating the lurkers to the end of the pass. At the end, zoom over to the Zoomer pad and grab the Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the hidden Power Cell: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to get this Power Cell, you need to have unlocked yellow eco vents. You can do this in the first mission of Snowy Mountain. Anyway, once you have unlocked yellow eco vents, get on your Zoomer and head to the middle of the Mountain Pass. There will be a yellow eco vent here. Fill up on eco and turn right. There is a boulder here that you can destroy with yellow eco. Take out the boulder and grab the Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like Fire Canyon, the scout flies here are pretty easy to find. Just keep a watchful eye and you shouldn't have trouble finding them all and gaining this Power Cell. ================ Volcanic Crater: ================ Volcanic Crater is different from the other two villages you've been to. It is quite small and there is only one hut. Also, the entire village is set over hot lava. Anyway, once you get to Volcanic Crater, enter the hut in the center of the Crater. Walk to the warp gate and step on the blue button. Watch the scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring 90 Orbs to the miners x4: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the scene, exit the hut and walk across the bridge. Enter the cave that you see before you and walk to the end. You will find two miners here. Talk to them and they will mention that they have four Power Cells. You will have to give them 90 Orbs for each Power Cell but it's worth it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring 120 Orbs to the oracle: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turn around and exit the cave. After you leave the cave, turn right and walk to the end of the path. Turn around and drop down to the level below. Walk to the end of the path and you will find the oracle. Once again, the oracle will ask for 120 Orbs in exchange for a Power Cell. When you have the Orbs, hand them over for a Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring 120 Orbs to the oracle: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you give the oracle 120 Orbs, he will ask for 120 more. Go out and gather some orbs. When you have 120 Orbs, hand them over for another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the hidden Power Cell: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a hidden Power Cell near the entrance to Spider Cave. To get there; walk back to the entrance of the cave that the miners are in. Walk past the cave and continue down the path until you see a gondola on your right. This is the entrance to Snowy Mountain but I'll get to that later. Walk past the gondola and use the platforms to cross the lava. There are mine carts here. Jump onto a mine cart and ride it to the right. Jump to the next set of mine carts and then to the third set of mine carts. Ride the mine cart and you will reach the entrance to Spider Cave. As you ride this cart, you should see a metal crate high up on the cliff to your left. This metal crate contains the Power Cell. The only problem is that you need yellow eco to open it. To get yellow eco, head down into Spider Cave. Walk forward until you reach a pool of dark eco and turn left. Head across the two spider webs and walk to the left. Use another spider web to reach a platform up above. Cross the floating platforms to reach a solid platform. Follow the platform to the left and you will reach a yellow eco vent. Right now, you are just above the entrance to Spider Cave. Fill up on yellow eco and drop down to the ground. As quickly as you can, make your way back to Volcanic Crater. As you make your final jump towards the entrance to Volcanic Crater, shoot out a few fireballs. With any luck, you will have hit the metal crate. This takes a bit of practice but is doable. Grab the Power Cell that appears. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Just to the right of the entrance to Volcanic Crater (if you are coming from Mountain Pass), there is a well hidden platform. Drop down to it and you'll find a scout fly. 2. In the cave that leads to the mines. 3. On a platform on your way to the oracle. 4. On a platform in between the gondola and the mine carts. 5. In between the first circuit of mine cart track. 6. In between the third circuit of mine cart track. 7. Near the entrance to Spider Cave. =============== Snowy Mountain: =============== Snowy Mountain is an annoying level depending on your tastes. There are lots of enemies that continually spawn and icy areas that you have to be careful on. It's challenging and a lot better than Spider Cave but it will take a little while to complete. When you're ready, ride the gondola up to Snowy Mountain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the yellow vent switch: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walk forward and roll jump over the gap. Continue forward and take the path in front if you. Jump from platform to platform until you reach the other side of the cave. Turn left and climb over the hill. Slide out onto the ice and walk around the side of the building. Follow the side of the building until you reach a bridge. Ignore the bridge and follow the path until you see steps on your right. Follow the steps to reach another area filled with ice. Turn left and follow the side of the cliff until you reach a group of trees. There is a hidden path behind these trees. Follow this path and you will reach an underground room. Jump to the icy platform and slide forward. Watch out for the moving piston because it can knock you off the platform into the abyss. Slide to the end of the platform and jump to the floating platform. Jump to the platform ahead and walk forward. Watch out for the piston and jump up to the platform above. Slide to the end of the icy platform and jump to the platform with the piston. Jump to the next platform and jump to the floating platform. Jump to the snowy path and follow it to reach a room with a Power Cell. Grab the Power Cell and yellow eco vents will be activated all over the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stop the three lurker glacier troops: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the start of Snowy Mountain, cross the gap and take a left. Run up the hill, avoiding the rolling snow boulders, and use the red eco vent to fill up on red eco. Head left and you will come across a shielded lurker. Use the red eco to take him out. One down, two to go. Walk down to the bottom of the hill and turn left. Take the forward path again and make your way across the platforms. Turn left and climb over the hill. Walk to the red eco vent and fill up. Walk around the building and take out the next shielded lurker. One lurker left. Head over to the trees that are hiding the secret path. Walk past the trees and follow the path until you see a snowy area below you on the left. Jump down there and walk over to the red eco vent. Jump across the platforms near it and enter the cave. Take out the last shielded lurker and claim the Power Cell it drops. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deactivate the Precursor blockers: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Throughout Snowy Mountain, there are fourteen switches surrounded by a blue area. You should have noticed one at the entrance to Snowy Mountain. In order to press the switches, you have to double jump over the barrier. Your task is to go around the area and deactivate all 14 switches. All of the switches are in easy to spot locations, so you should have no trouble with this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open the frozen crate: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the start of Snowy Mountain, roll jump across the gap and take the forward path. Jump across the platforms until you reach a platform with a yellow eco vent. The next part is very simple. Just shoot the metal chest that is on the path. A Power Cell will pop out, so go and grab it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open the lurker fort gate: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the last Power Cell, continue through the cave and turn left. Climb over the hill and slide across the ice. Walk along the side of the building until you see a bridge on your right. Cross the bridge and drop down to the platform below. You will see your Flut Flut here. Jump on the Flut Flut and step on the switch to the left. A bunch of platforms will rise up from the abyss. Jump from platform to platform until you reach solid ground. There are three sets of these. The first is relatively easy. The second set is harder. For this set, make sure that you wait for the platforms to raise or lower so that you can reach the next platform. The third set is very easy. The main thing to remember is to go slow. Don't let the time limit worry you or rush you. Be precise and aim accurately. Double jumping is essential for most platforms. When you have crossed all three sets of platforms, walk forward and grab the Power Cell. The entrance to the lurker fort will then open. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get through the lurker fort: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head over to the lurker fort which is across from the secret path behind that group of trees. Go through the open gate and climb the path that circles around the tower. Follow the path behind the tower and turn left. Walk to the end of the platform and jump to the platform ahead. Turn right and walk to the end of the path. Jump to the moving platform and then jump to the platform on the left. Walk to the end of the platform and jump to the next moving platform. Jump to the platform on the left and then jump to the next platform. Jump over to the stone structure and walk around the side. Step on the button on the front of the structure to activate a moving log. This will allow you to reach the stone structure again without having to redo all that platforming. Continue to follow the path, jumping from platform to platform, until you reach the Power Cell at the end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Survive the infested cave: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exit the lurker fort and turn right. Follow the icy path until you see a bridge leading to a lone icy platform. Cross the bridge and then slide to the next bridge. Cross the bridge to reach a snowy platform. Walk to the left end of the platform to find a hidden path. Jump across the floating platform and walk to the red eco vent. Fill up on eco. In cave ahead there are hundreds of those annoying bunny enemies. What you need to do here is keep using your dive attack to take out the bunnies and dark eco crates with the splash damage. When the bottom level is clear, return to the red eco vent and continue forward. Make your way across the platforms, killing bunnies as you go, and grab the Power Cell at the end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. In the area right near the gondola. 2. Just past the yellow eco vent that you used to get the "open the frozen crate" Power Cell. 3. To the right of the two moving platforms that take you up to the ice pond. 4. After you take out the third shielded lurker, jump back across the platforms to the open area and you will find a scout fly in the center. 5. After you take out the second shielded lurker, walk to the edge of the platform and walk down the steps on the right. You will find the scout fly there. 6. At the top of the center tower in the lurker fort. 7. At the top of the stone structure in the lurker fort. ============ Spider Cave: ============ Spider Cave is the hardest and most annoying area in the game. I advise you to skip this area unless you really want to get all 101 Power Cells. Personally, I didn't think the secret ending was worth the trouble. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use your goggles to shoot the gnawing lurkers: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you first enter the Spider Cave, make your way to the yellow eco vent that you used to get the hidden Power Cell in Volcanic Crater. Using the yellow eco, you need to shoot the centipede lurkers that are chewing on the pillars. It takes three hits total to kill them and you need to kill them all. There are yellow eco vents scattered throughout the Cave, so you should be able to hit them all easily. It is a lengthy affair, though. When they are all dead, grab the Power Cell from the center of the area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Destroy the dark eco crystals: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Spider Cave, there are five purple crystals that you have to take out. You have to touch each crystal and then run away before they explode. 1. The first crystal is at the top of the first room. Shoot it from afar with yellow eco and it will be destroyed. 2. There is a path at the northwestern side of the room. Cross the dark eco lake and travel down the path until you reach three spider webs. Look to your right and you will find the next crystal. 3. Make your way back to the first room and climb the platforms to the top of the northeastern end of the room. There is another path at this end of the room. Walk down the path and you'll reach a lake of dark eco with four moving platforms. The crystal is on a platform on the left side of the dark eco. 4. At the far end of the lake of dark eco, there are two paths you can take. Take the right path and roll jump over the next pool of dark eco. Dive into the water to find the fourth crystal. 5. Take the left path this time and follow it until you reach a black crystal. Attack the crystal and it will light up. Follow the path until you reach the fourth crystal and turn left. Walk to the pool of water and dive down to find the last crystal. Phew! Claim your Power Cell after that craziness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Explore the dark cave: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While you're here, you might as well get the next power cell. Return to the fourth crystal and continue down the path. The path here is pretty linear. There are a few spinning platforms here but nothing too out of the ordinary. Grab the Power Cell at the end of the path. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Climb the giant robot: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To get to this Power Cell, go to the path that you took to reach the second dark eco crystal. Follow the path to the second area of the Spider Cave. You will see the giant robot in the distance. Walk to the base of the robot and walk up the wooden ramp. Take out the driller when it's looking the opposite direction. Follow the walkway until you reach a lift going up and down. Ride it up to the upper level. Walk down the path, avoiding the hazards, until you reach a fork. Turn left and follow the walkway to another lift. Ride the lift up to the upper level. Walk forward down the walkway, watching out for the collapsing platforms at the end. Follow the next walkway, using the poles to jump over the hazards. On the last part of the walkway, jump from pole to pole until you are on the third pole. Jump to the pole up above (wait until Jak's feet are facing upwards to jump) and use this set of poles to reach another walkway. Walk to the end to reach another Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Launch to the poles: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walk to the far side of the area to the left of the giant robot. You should see some blue eco here. Walk to the edge of the platform and look down. You will see a launcher down there. Grab the blue eco and jump down to the launcher. Use the launcher to reach a group of poles up above. Jump up to the third level of poles and grab the blue eco. Swing over to the left and jump to the platform. Jump to the platform with the Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Navigate the spider tunnel: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you first enter the second area with the robot, drop down to the ground and turn around. Walk to the end of the bridge and use the spider webs to get to a new part of the Spider Cave. Walk to the yellow eco vent and fill up on eco. You will be ambushed by dozens of spiders. They will keep spawning, so don't waste your time trying to destroy them all. Just fight your way to the Power Cell at the far end of the cave. Grab the blue eco and use the launcher to escape the crazy spiders. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Climb the Precursor platforms: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the only easy Power Cell in the Spider Cave. Simply make your way to the top of the first area and use the floating platforms to reach the Power Cell. There are more than enough platforms, so take your time and you'll make it to the Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. At the end of a bridge in the back of the first area. 2. Directly above the entrance to the Spider Cave. 3. On a platform in the middle of the first area. It is on ground level behind the pillar. 4. In front of the giant robot on a wooden walkway. The fly is behind a bunch of metal crates. 5. On a high wooden walkway near the giant robot. After riding the second lift upwards, jump to the moving platform on the right and follow the walkway to the end. 6. In the room with the lake of dark eco and the four moving platforms. Make your way over to the path on the right and you will find the scout fly. 7. On the path in the dark cave, after you pass the fourth light crystal. ========== Lava Tube: ========== To get to Lava Tube, jump on the first mine cart track and ride a cart around to the other side of the track. Walk down the path and talk to Keira. She has made your heat shield much stronger. Your Zoomer can now withstand heat up to 800 degrees. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cross the Lava Tube: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is pretty much the same thing as Fire Canyon and Mountain Pass. Just race down the path on your Zoomer, avoiding dangerous objects and keeping your Zoomer from heating up. Eventually, you will reach a circular room with a strange device. Shoot the four yellow balls on the machine and the door forward will open. The rest of this mission is straightforward. You will zoom down a simple track or you will be on platforms over the lava and you have to avoid falling off. Make your way to the end of the Lava Tube and you will receive a Power Cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like before, the scout flies in Lava Tube are very easy to find. Just keep a sharp eye out and should have no trouble. ======================= Gol and Maia's Citadel: ======================= Walk over to the warp gate and press the button. Some bad things are happening and it's up to you to stop them. Walk through the door and enter Gol and Maia's Citadel. This is my favorite part of the game. Not only do you get to meet the other sages, who are all very eccentric, but you free them with the help of their own type of eco. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free the red sage: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jump forward onto the rotating platform and jump to the walkway. Turn right and walk forward. To your right are a few rotating pie-shaped platforms. Jump across these platforms to reach solid ground. In front of you is a blue button. Use your dive attack to press the button. As soon as the button is pressed, a bunch of colored tiles will rise and form a bridge across the abyss. The only problem is that, shortly after you step on a colored tile, it will fall back it the abyss. Not only that, every other tile of that color will fall. Therefore, it takes a bit of strategy to cross. Make your way carefully across the makeshift bridge. Walk to the yellow eco vent and fill up on eco. Walk forward and you will be ambushed by lurkers. They will keep coming, so don't bother trying to kill them all. Fight your way to the red eco vent and fill up on eco. Fight your way into the next room and destroy the three glowing blue spheres. This will disable the machines that are pumping out lurkers. Take out the remaining lurkers with dive attacks and the door will open. Go through the door and destroy the glowing blue sphere to free the red sage and collect a Power Cell. Watch the scene that occurs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free the blue sage: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jump on the platform to the right and take it to the platform below. Hit the button and cross the multicolored tile bridge. Turn right until you reach another button. Take the next bridge across and go through the door. Jump across the two moving platforms to reach the rotating metal block. Pull yourself up. Turn left and jump onto the moving platform. Jump to the edge of the next rotating metal block and hang there, so that you don't get blasted by the flames. Rotate with the block and drop down to the wooden platform. Jump to the circular platform and then jump to the next platform. Grab the blue eco to activate a bunch of platforms. Jump from platform to platform until you reach a bunch of metal moving platforms. Jump to one of the platforms and ride it forwards. When you reach the flames, jump to the next platform before you get fried. Do this once more to reach a solid platform. Go through the door and free the blue sage for a Power Cell and a scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free the yellow sage: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jump onto the blue eco platform and take it down to the platform below. Head to the right and cross the multicolored tile bridge. Jump to the pie-shaped platform on your right and jump from platform to platform to reach solid ground. Walk through the door. Use the blue eco vent to fill up on blue eco. Jump from launcher to launcher until you reach solid ground. Go through the door and free the yellow sage for a Power Cell and another scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free the green sage: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jump onto the blue eco platform and take it down to the platform below. Turn left and walk until you reach the new platforms that have formed. Jump from platform to platform until you reach the wall. Jump to the circular platform above and jump from platform to platform until you reach the wooden platform at the top. Wait for one of the metal platforms to move towards you and jump on it. Continue to jump from moving platform to moving platform until you reach the walkway at the top. Follow the walkway until you reach the glowing blue sphere. Destroy the sphere to free the green sage and watch the scene afterwards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free seven scout flies: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Just to the right of the entrance to the Citadel. 2. On your way to the red sage, ignore the pie-shaped and go to the end of the walkway. 3. On the path to free the red sage. 4. On the path to free the blue sage. 5. To the left of the blue eco vent on the way to freeing the yellow sage. 6. After you free the yellow sage, turn right and make your way across the circular platforms. You will find the fly on the wooden platform at the end. 7. On the walkway at the top of the Citadel. You'll find this just before you free the green sage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Defeat the final boss: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that this will not give you a Power Cell. You should have all 101 at this point, unless you decided not go to Spider Cave. Anyway, walk into the elevator and use your dive attack to push the button. Ride the elevator to the top of the Citadel. Destroy the crates for green eco and some blue eco. Use the blue eco to activate the platform and ride the platform to the silo. It's time fore the final boss. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Precursor Robot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Personally, I found this fight easier than Klaww. For the first part of the battle, the robot isn't even targeting you. It is trying to open the silo and gain access to the dark eco. Pick up some yellow eco and switch to first person view. Shoot the laser that the robot is shooting and it will explode. The robot will now send out a bomb to destroy you. It takes forever to explode but it will do some serious damage if it hits. To escape the bomb, walk over to the left and use the blue eco vent to fill up on eco. Walk over to the right and you will find a launcher. Use the launcher to reach insane heights and escape the bomb. At this point, the silo has started to open. Be careful not to fall into the dark eco or you will die. The robot will now fire some green orbs into the dark eco. Lurkers will emerge from the dark eco. Take them out with yellow eco. Don't let the lurkers surround you and avoid falling in the silo. After all the lurkers are dead, the robot will send out another bomb. Use the launcher to escape the bomb. Now it's time to damage the robot again. The robot will shoot out red bombs from a gauntlet on its arm. When the bombs explode, a ring of fire will extend from each. Jump over the rings and gather some yellow eco. Shoot the gauntlet until the robot's arm explodes. The robot will send out another bomb now. Use the launcher to escape the blast. For the third phase, the robot will shoot fireballs at you from a giant cannon. Keep moving and jumping and the fireballs will not hit you. Grab some yellow eco and keep shooting at the robot. It will take a lot of hits but it will go down eventually. After the scene, the robot will send out a bunch of large bombs to kill you. Simply walk to the light eco, pick it up, and the boss will be destroyed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Congratulations! You have beaten the game. Thank you for playing and for using this strategy guide. There will be more in the future. ^_^ ================ Version History: ================ Version 0.05: 2/10/09 Started FAQ. Wrote about me section, spoiler section, getting started section, and controls section. Version 0.18: 2/12/09 Wrote walkthrough up to Forbidden Jungle. Version 0.30: 2/13/09 Wrote walkthrough up to the fourth mission of Misty Island Version 0.53: 2/14/09 Wrote walkthrough up to the Lost Precursor City. Version 0.69: 2/15/09 Wrote walkthrough up to Volcanic Crater. Version 1.00: 2/16/09 Finished walkthrough. Wrote legal info and version history. Version 1.10: 2/23/09 Updated Email. Fixed a few minor errors. ================== Legal Information: ================== This guide is copyright (c) 2009 by David DeGregorio AKA Zenithwillrule. This game guide is only allowed to air on GameFAQs.com. If you wish to use this guide on your sight, email me and I will tell you my terms of use. Thank you.