******************************** Jak II Version 1.3 ******************************** Written by: Chris Waller Email: cjwaller2002@yahoo.com ====================== Table of Contents ======================= A. Version History B. Weapons C. Characters D. Walkthrough a. Escape from Fortress b. Protect Kor and Kid c. Retrieve Banner from Dead Town d. Find Pumping Station Valve e. Blow up Ammo at Fortress f. Make delivery to Hip Hog Saloon g. Beat Scatter Gun Course h. Protect Sig at Pumping Station i. Destroy Turrets in Sewers j. Beat Blaster Gun Course k. Rescue Vin at Strip Mine l. Destroy Eggs at Drill Platform m. Find the Pumping Station Patrol n. Find Lens in Mountain Temple Find Gear in Mountain Temple Find Shard in Mountain Temple o. Beat Time to Race Garage p. Win JET-Board Stadium Challenge q. Turn on 5 Power Switches r. Ride Elevator up to Palace s. Defeat Baron at Palace t. Collect Money for Krew u. Shuttle Underground Fighters v. Protect Site in Dead Town w. Catch Scouts in Haven Forest x. Intercept Tanker y. Escort Kid to Power Station z. Destroy Equipment at Dig aa. Blow up Strip Mine Eco Wells bb. Destroy Ship at Drill Platform cc. Get Seal Piece at Dig dd. Destroy 5 Hellcat Cruisers ee. Destroy Cargo in Port ff. Rescue Lurkers for Brutter gg. Drain Sewers to find Statue hh. Get Seal Piece at Water Slums ii. Win Class 3 Race at Stadium jj. Hunt Haven Forest Metal Heads kk. Beat Onin Game ll. Use items in No Man's Canyon mm. Defeat Baron in Mar's Tomb Pass the first Test Of Manhood Pass the second Test of Manhood nn. Rescue Friends in Fortress oo. Win Class 2 Race at Stadium pp. Protect Hideout from Bombots qq. Escort men through Sewers rr. Beat Erol in Race Challenge ss. Get Life Seed in Dead Town tt. Protect Samos in Haven Forest uu. Rescue Lurkers for Brutter vv. Destroy Eggs in Strip Mine ww. Destroy the Drill Platform Tower xx. Win Class 1 Race in Stadium yy. Explore Palace zz. Beat Krew in Weapons Lab Get Heart of Mar in Weapons Lab aaa. Complete the Metal Head Challenge bbb. Find Sig in Under Port Escort Sig in Under Port ccc. Defend Stadium ddd. Check the Construction Site Break Barrier at Nest Attack the Metal Head Nest Destroy Metal Kor at Nest E. Oracle Requirements F. Precursor Orb Locations G. Hall of Fame H. Secrets I. Credits J. Legal stuff ======================= A. Version History ======================= 0.8 The first version. Basic walkthrough through the fight with Krew. 1.0 Basic Walkthrough finished. Also have 60 Precursor orbs noted. 1.1 There are now 108 Precursor orbs. Over half-way there! 1.2 There are now 136 Precursor orbs. Also added a Hall of Fame. 1.3 200 orbs listed! (Only obtained 152). Looking for help on the JET-board orbs. ====================== B. Weapons ====================== Scatter Gun The first weapon you get, it can hit multiple enemies, but has poor range and slow firing rate. Blaster Gun The second gun type you get, it can shoot a long way, and has a laser sight to help with aiming. This is the weapon I used the most. Vulcan Gun This gun has a little less range than the Blaster gun, but it also has a laser sight and can deal out massive dammage with the rapid fire (you can just hold the button down to continue to fire) The Peacemaker This gun is gotten late in the game. It has to charge up a shot, and has very few shots in the clip. ====================== C. Characters ====================== Jak This is the character you will control for most of the game. He has been changed due to two years of experimentation on him by the Baron. Daxter Yes, Jak's furry sidekick is back. Once again he provides lots of comic relief and usually takes the credit for the hard work that Jak does. Samos The green mage from the first game is back again with his sagely advice, Although you end up seeing two of him before the end of the game (Doesn't time travel make things confusing?) Kiera Samos' assistant from the first game is back as well, although you won't see her until later in the game (although you may recognize her voice before you see her) Baron The person responsible for the expiriments conducted on Jak and the Praxis "ruler" of this city. He seems to have made some sort of deal with the Metal Heads. Torn Second in command of the underground resistance. You will recieve many of your initial missions from him, and he will continue to be a part of the story all the way through the game. Shadow The leader of the underground resistance, You will eventually meet him and recognize him. However, Samos doesn't recognize you for some reason. (This is the "younger" version of Samos, even though we went FORWARD in time??) Krew Fat would be an understatement for this guy!!! He runs a bar down near the docks and sends Jak on several missions that seem to point to a smuggling operation that he runs. Erol The best racer in the city. He disagrees with Jak most of the time and seems only interested in beating him in a race. Onin The old seer in the Bazaar. She guides Jak when new advice is needed. She never speaks, however. Pecker Onin's translator. He tells you what Onin is thinking, although he usually adds embellisments of his own. Brutter A lurker that you run a couple of errands for. He's usually worried about the lurkers that the Baron has captured. Kor An old man that you first see with Kid early on. He appears occasionally to give you some advice on what to do next. Kid A child, apparently a decendent of Mar, and rightful ruler of the city. Unfortunately he is too young to take the test of manhood, so you have to go in instead. ====================== D. Walkthrough ====================== ------------------------------ a. Escape from Fortress (*) ------------------------------ This is the first mission you get and is required to continue the storyline. Your first mission is to escape the fortress that you were trapped in for two years. Head to the crates and jump up. Go back and through the opening by the crates. In the next room you will hear "Prison escape in progress". Find some crates on the east wall to climb up to get out of this room. Jump across the platforms heading north. There will be a ledge on the left of the moving platform. Watch out for your first enemies in here. Keep following the platforms and killing enemies as needed. Jump to the pole and swing yourself higher. Jump on the platform and take a sharp left to more enemies and breakable boxes. Roll-jump across the gap to the next 2 ledges. Watch out for weapon fire in the next room. Keep moving to grate in the floor and break it open. Head north from here. Work your way to more guards and kill them. Destroy another grate. You will slide down into some water. There are health packs in here. Climb some crates on the northern wall and leave the fortress. ------------------------------- b. Protect Kor and Kid (*) ------------------------------- Once you are out of the fortress, this mission will automatically start. This is a simple "defeat the enemies" routine. You should have no problem since Jak goes into Dark Mode during this time. ------------------------------------------- c. Retrieve Banner from Dead Town (*) ------------------------------------------- Follow the sword on the map in the corner. This leads you to the hideout. Watch another video clip. Your next goal is to steal the banner from the top of the fortress. Follow the symbol on the map until you get to another dead end. Enter the gate and proceed to dead town. Don't enter the water. Head east and then south across some floating platforms. Then go west across a bridge. Climb up on the rubble and head south along the ledge. Get the health if you need it. Head east, south and then east again. Be careful not to fall off while fighting enemies. Climb up the debris and across a bridge, which will break in a section. Watch out for crumbling platforms as you climb and swing to the top of the tower. Get the banner and watch the video. Head back to the city. -------------------------------------- d. Find Pumping Station Valve (*) -------------------------------------- This mission is available after you capture the flag, and you must do it to continue forward. Go back and talk to Torn at the hideout. Watch another video. Follow the symbol to the water pipe. Enter the Pumping Station. Use the moving platforms to climb up and continue northeast. Jump on top of the pipe and continue forward. The next pipe has an electric fence on it. Jump over and continue north. Use the moving platforms. Jump across the electric fence and continue north. Jump down and kill two more Metal-heads. Go across a rotating platform and continue jumping between platforms. You should arrive at a metal ramp leading up. Take it and continue around, finally arriving at the valve. Watch a video of turning the valve on. ---------------------------------------- e. Blow up Ammo at Fortress (**) ---------------------------------------- This mission is available after you return from the Pumping station, and it is your only choice to continue with the storyline. The other symbol is the Oracle, where you can release new powers, but you need 25 Metal Head Skull Gems. Follow the sword back to Torn. Watch another video and get your next mission. Follow the symbol and enter the Fortress again. Turn south and enter the next room. Move quickly across the platforms, keeping out of the crosshairs. Destroy the two blue chargers at the center of the moving platforms to proceed. Cross the moving platforms destroy the guards, working your way south. Cross 2 sets of spikes and continue killing guards. Break the grate on the floor. Cross the moving platforms. Climb the crates and head east through the door. Get the Red security pass. Watch the video and avoid the tank again. Use the tank to destroy the ammo dump. Get out!!!!! --------------------------------------------- f. Make delivery to Hip Hog Saloon (**) --------------------------------------------- This is available after you destroy the Ammo Dump, and is the only choice to proceed with the storyline. Return to Torn again..... Get the next mission. Get on the zoomer and head to south town, following the symbol. Suggestions for this mission include staying high with the zoomer to avoid suspicion, and then flying low once the guards have been alerted. Besides, it's a lot easier mowing people over than it is to dodge zoomers. Completing this mission will get you the Scatter gun. --------------------------------------- g. Beat Scatter Gun Course (*) --------------------------------------- This shooting warm-up is available after you arrive at Krew's and is required to continue in the game. Krew will then ask you to go to the Gun Course and beat a score of 3000. Do so to complete this mission. Shooting civilians LOWERS your score. -------------------------------------------- h. Protect Sig at Pumping Station (*) -------------------------------------------- This mission is available after you complete the Scatter Gun Course, and is required to keep the storyline moving. Return to Krew. Go all the way back to the pumping station. Protect your partner. He will stop in five locations to charge up his weapon and kill a large Metal Head. Protect him or he'll need to start charging the weapon all over again. ------------------------------------------- i. Destroy Turrets in Sewers (*) ------------------------------------------- This is the next mission that you get from Krew. Once again, it is your only choice for continuing onward. Go back to Krew. Head to the sewers by following the symbol. Head forward , kill enemies, and turn on the lights. Turn right and destroy the first gun. Hop across platforms and clear out enemies (There will be a Metal-head behind one of the grates). Turn on another light and kill three Metal-heads. Next comes the second gun. Continue west and north. The catwalk will fall. Turn on another light and kill eight Metal-heads. This is a good spot for Dark Jak and the Dark Bomb. Go west and then north again. Destroy the third gun. Climb up and turn on another light. Kill 3 Metal- heads. Destroy the last gun. Kill two more Metal-heads on your way out of the sewers. -------------------------------------- j. Beat Blaster Gun Course (*) -------------------------------------- Once again, this is the only choice you have for the storyline to proceed. Talk to Krew again. This time you will find out where your weapon upgrade is at. Once again, follow the symbol. Get the blaster mod. Take the gun Blaster course. This is very similar to the Scatter gun course, essentially a warm-up with using a new weapon. You need to get a score of 4000. Killing citizens LOWERS your score. --------------------------------------- k. Rescue Vin at Strip Mine (**) --------------------------------------- This is the first time you can choose which mission you take. Both are required, but you can do them in either order. Krew's mission is in part (o). Go back to Torn, and get a mission to get to the mines and save Vin from the Metal-heads. Follow the lightning bolt to the power plant. Use the warp gate to get to the mine. Kill lots of Metal-heads as you get onto the machinery. Ride the crates across the gap. Open the door and save Vin. ---------------------------------------------- l. Destroy Eggs at Drill Platform (**) ---------------------------------------------- This opens up either another task with Torn or one with Vin. Torn's Task is (m) below. See the video where you talk to Vin. Enter the ring and go to the Drill Platform. Start by heading west from your starting location. Kill lots of spinning Metal-heads. Then use an elevator and shoot any eggs that are in range. Get out and use the elevator to go down to where you can continue north. Kill more Metal-head spinners. Use the barrels to climb up to the platforms overhead. Watch out for fire. Shoot the lever and quickly cross over. Kill some more spinning Metal-heads, shoot another lever, quickly cross, and kill yet more spinning Metal-heads. Drop down and follow the bridge to the southeast. Kill more spinning Metal-heads and use the elevator platform to destroy the next set of eggs. Use the elevator and kill yet another wave of spinning Metal-heads. Head south and then east across a bunch of platforms and poles to swing on. The platforms will fall if you stay on them too long. Guess what! Another round with spinning Metal-heads! We are now at the third elevator/destroy the eggs/use the elevator again location. Do so. Cross the new bridge and we're out of here!! ----------------------------------------- m. Find Pumping Station Patrol (*) ----------------------------------------- This is the task Torn will give you after you save Vin. Torn wants you to return to the pumping station to find a patrol. Remember the Metal-heads that your partner shot last time? You have to deal with them this time. Get to the blinking green dot. Destroy all the enemies after the video. Get a yellow security pass. Return back to town after collecting all the Metal Head Skull Gems left behind. ------------------------------------------- n. Find Lens in Mountain Temple (**) Find Gear in Mountain Temple (**) Find Shard in Mountain Temple (**) ------------------------------------------- These three missions are done together, and are available after the Eggs and Pumping station Patrol are completed (l and m). Follow the tent icon to Onin. She will want you to get three items from the mountain temple. Follow the mountain icon and enter the mountain temple. Shoot the platform so you can cross. Down the elevator into the central area. Kill frog Metal-heads. Take the north route. Kill a horde of froglike Metal- heads. Cross the moving platforms and drop down to the black-eco lake. Hit the box and enter it. Cross the lake using the boxes. (Flffl, lfffl, frrrf, ffrff, frffr) Shoot the platform and climb up. Kill the large Metal-head to open the gate. Enter and get the Shard. Return to the central room of this area. This time head west. Shoot the platforms and climb down. Kill the larde Metal-head. Jump on the switch to create platforms to climb up. Continue to the boulder run, and avoid the boulders while passing through. Use natural barriers to shelter behind as you climb up. Once up, follow the passage, shoot and cross the platforms, approach the machine, and get the Gear. Return to the central area. Finally, head east and south. Kill a shield Metal-head. Kill some frogs, pass a waterfall, and drop down to a lower area. Kill the large Metal-head and hit the switch. Climb up and take care of another shield Metal-head. Cross a bridge and it will turn into moving platforms. Use the platforms to reach a higher ledge. Shoot another platform and cross. Cross another moving platform and kill some more Metal-heads. Kill another shield Metal-head and hit the switch. Be ready for a bunch of frog Metal-heads as you climb up. Enter the chamber and get the Lens. Return to the city. ------------------------------------- o. Beat Time to Race Garage (*/**) ------------------------------------- This mission is available after you complete the gun blaster course. You'll get a Green security pass. Head to Krew's and try to finish the mission. You will have three minutes to get to the stadium on the other side of the city. Good luck! You ahould get there in plenty of time, just don't run into any patrols and set the alarm off. ------------------------------------------- p. Win JET-Board Stadium Challenge (*) ------------------------------------------- This mission is available after you get to the Race Garage in less than 3:00 from Krew's. Once your there, take the Jetboard challenge. You must do tricks to achieve 15,000 points. Return to the garage. Listen to what the race captain has to say. --------------------------------------- q. Turn on 5 Power Switches (***) --------------------------------------- This and one other mission (t) become available after you finish the JET-board challenge and the Mountain Temple Mission are completed. Visit Vin, who wants you to turn on the power switches to an old unused elevator. Follow the green dots to the switches. Take out the guns at all five locations before you hit any of the switches, because once one switch is activated, the "police" will be chasing you for the remainder of the mission. Getting to the guns is easiest if you spiral in on it. ---------------------------------------- r. Ride Elevator up to Palace (*) ---------------------------------------- Once the elevator is activated, this simple mission requires you to find and use the elevator. --------------------------------------- s. Defeat Baron at Palace (***) --------------------------------------- This mission directly follows riding up the elevator. You'll get a bird's eye view of the city from here. Carefully cross the bridge. Look to the left when you get to the electrified section. The next electrified section has a path on the right. Next is rotating cubes with spikes on three of the four sides. Be careful crossing, but you need to be quick as well. Look to the right just after the next cannon for the path. Also be careful for falling platforms. Climb back on top of the pipe. Cross another spike cube and look right for the path past the electrified floor. Work your way forward to the rotating cannons and jump to the platform above them. Use the platforms on the right to climb up. Watch the video. Try to leave and get into a boss fight with the Baron. Chase him through 3 stages. Stage one is weapon fire, stage two is missiles, and stage 3 has fire whirlwinds and Baron charges at you. After Baron is defeated, follow the passageway to the elevator out of this area. ----------------------------------- t. Collect Money for Krew (**) ----------------------------------- This is the other mission that becomes available after you finish the JET- board mission. Talk to Krew and he will ask you to go and collect 14 moneybags. Good luck! The city will be on alert the entire time you are doing this. For completing this you get a Scatter gun upgrade. It will now shoot faster. Tip from Jacob Busby: * * * * * * This is a tough mission (but, Hey, it's a tough game) Like most of the toughest missions in J&D2, it's timed and it involves being chased around the city by the KG. (Whoever playtested the timings on this game needs to be shot) Here's my advice for making it easy on yourself. Don't use the bike you are given at the start of the mission. It's fast, but it has absolutley no endurance and will quickly die to a couple of laser cannon shots. You need a durable vehicle, like one of those flying cars or double-bikes. They're both OK, but more importantly, they can take the damage, whilst the bike can't. If you move out into the street the clock will start. Consequently you should wait until a suitable vehicle comes up and THEN step out in the street and Jak it. As the KG will be on your arse for most of the mission, there's no advantage in not flying at street level. Additionally, you may need to change vehicle about half way through the level. Equip your shotgun. It's only good at short distances, but it's wide area of effect makes it a better gun for blasting the KG than the Yellow Blaster. Thankfully, the time limit in this level isn't too tight (or to be more accurate it's set at a sensible level unlike the other time missions in this game), so you can afford to spend a little more time getting from A to B. Be careful though, there's one package where you only get ten seconds and there's no warning until you get it. Thankfully the next package is just to the left and you should be able to make it in time. Finally, be sure to enter the bar and collect your reward when you've got all the packages. If you don't you may find that you have to do this mission again - and that's a guarantee controller-breaker! ------------------------------------------ u. Shuttle Underground Fighters (**) ------------------------------------------ You need to fight the Baron the first time and collect the money for Krew before this mission will become available. Go talk to Torn. The next mission is to move operatives to new safe houses. You are timed on this. Grab a zoomer and start delivering people. The city will once again be on alert during the mission. ---------------------------------------- v. Protect Site in Dead Town (**) ---------------------------------------- This becomes available after you finish shuttling the Underground Fighters. Report back to Torn. Receive the Vulcan Barrel and the next mission, which is back in the dead town. Go back there. Kill the Metal-heads near the entrance and proceed up scaffolding and northeast, killing more Metal-heads along the way. Jump down some platforms and destroy a few more Metal-heads. Next go south across some small platforms in the water. Kill LOTS of Metal-heads. Climb up onto a ledge and go northeast. Keep killing Metal-heads as you wind your way towards the green dot. Watch a video and get a shocking revelation. Return back to the city. ---------------------------------------- w. Catch Scouts in Haven Forest (**) ---------------------------------------- This mission is only available after you return from the second Dead Town mission. Go see Torn. You will finally meet Shadow. You should recognize him. He will tell you to go to Haven Forest and clear it out, so let's follow the new icon to the forest, shall we? You now own the jetboard. By the way, this is the mountain area we were at earlier. Proceed to the green dot. Catch the five scouts using the jetboard. Use the map to help find where the birds are at. After you are done, return to the city. -------------------------------- x. Intercept Tanker (**) -------------------------------- This is available after you return from Forest Haven. Head to the Bazaar, following what looks like a red skull. Help the crimson guard take out the Metal-heads. Collect all of the Metal Head Skull Gems. Simple task. ---------------------------------------- y. Escort Kid to Power Station (***) ---------------------------------------- This mission is available after you intercept the tanker. At the hideout, you are told to escort the kid to the Power station. Be ready to keep up. Defend him to the zoomer, and then fly to the ramp, and defend him up to the power station. Follow the icons to help you get where you need to go. ------------------------------------- z. Destroy Equipment at Dig (***) ------------------------------------- This mission comes directly after you escort kid to the Power Station Watch the video and get the mission and get the air train pass. Follow the symbol to the dig site. Go down the elevator into the dig site. Destroy the cables at each of the green dots by grinding aling the pipe they are connected to. Once done return to the city. ------------------------------------------ aa. Blow up Strip Mine Eco Wells (***) ------------------------------------------ This mission comes right after the first Dig mission. Talk to Vin at the power station and use the teleporter. Seal off all of the wells before time runs out. You can use the JET-board to cross the eco-lake and to climb the supports for the crates. Jump at the top of the ramps to get enough heigth. This is a difficult mission, since you only have two minutes. Return to the city once you are successful. -------------------------------------------- bb. Destroy Ship at Drill Platform (****) -------------------------------------------- This mission comes right after the Eco Well mission. Listen to Vin to get the mission at the drill platform. Use the gate to get there. Shoot all the flying ships once you stop moving, you need to destroy 40 of them. This is not an easy task! Next up is a bunch of spinning Metal-heads. Next is a Large ship with several cannons that will shoot at you. Shoot the cannons as they come out. There will be nine cannons to destroy. Climb the platforms to another moving turret. You will need to deal with the other side of the large ship. Do the same as you did with the first side. This time there are twelve guns. Finish the fight and return to the city. ----------------------------------- cc. Get Seal Piece at Dig (***) ----------------------------------- This mission comes after destroying the ship at the Drill Platform. Head to the hut that has Onin in it. Watch a video to get the mission. Head back to the Dig site to get the first Seal Piece. Use the elevator to get down. Kill off Metal-heads and into the first area. Clear an enemies here. Grind down the pipe to continue forward. Kill the Metal-heads down below for more Metal Head Skull Gems, then continue northward. Continue forward to the southwestern dot. Press the switch with a "ground pound" and climb up and continue north. Cross the rotating log. Cross to the enemy that throws purple shots at you. Push to switch that you find. Below the logs is the third switch. Follow the passage south and around to switch #4. Return to the rotating logs and go east. Kill the enemies. At the branch head north. Climb the platforms and grind down a pipe. Climb the platforms and jump onto the moving trapeze. Look at a platform below the trapeze and get there. Head west through enemies and hit switch #5. Head to the trapeze and swing across this time. Get to the log you have been raising and climb up to the ledge. Kill the enemies and cross the lava. Warning: the rocks will sink. Climb up and use another trapeze. Turn right and use a second trapeze. Follow the passage to a new area. Climb back up and cross the log and platforms. Watch out for rolling spiked balls as you climb. Get the Seal Piece and return to the City. --------------------------------------- dd. Destroy 5 Hellcat Cruisers (***) --------------------------------------- This mission is available after you obtain the first Seal Piece. Head to the hideout and get your next mission, which is to take down five new "hellcat" zoomers. Well, get to it! You'll need to learn how to transfre between zoomers on the run to have a chance of finishing this. The area near the Oracle and the Aqueduct is great to hide in to reset the alert status between kills. It seems to work best if you get right behind each one before you set off the alarm. That will give you the most starting damage on each Hellcat. You can also destroy a zoomer be running into the Hellcat and destroy the Hellcat in the process, but you will lose 1/4 of your health bar, so you can't do this to all five, but it sure is fun doing it this way. ----------------------------------- ee. Destroy Cargo in Port (**) ----------------------------------- This mission is available after you intercept the bird scouts in Forest Haven (w). O.K. Time to do the port mission. There are 16 things to destroy here with your JET-board, and once you destroy the first one, a timer starts. Be quick and destroy the rest of them. If you miss one, the best way to turn around is to get off the JET-board, turn around and aim at your target, and then get back on the JET-board. -------------------------------------- ff. Rescue Lurkers for Brutter (**) -------------------------------------- This mission is available after you clar the port, and destroy the Hellcats. Go back and see Krew. You will get an ammo upgrade and your next mission. You need to help Lurkers! Take out the three transports. After you destroy each one, you will need to get to Brutter in the Bazaar to deliver the Lurker. Once all three lurkers are with Brutter, introduce yourself and that ends the mission. ---------------------------------------- gg. Drain Sewers to find Statue (**) ---------------------------------------- This mission is recieved after you free the lurkers. Talk to Krew to get this mission. Krew lost a statue! Well, head to the sewers. When you get to the Pool area where the Metal-head was behind the grate, look right for a passageway. You'll need the jetboard to get through this section. Once past the pipe, hit the wheel and drain the water. Go into the newly exposed passageway (by the way, the statue is directly below the first switch.) Be careful of mines and spinning blades. Continue through the next room and northeast. Avoid more mines and blades. Once at the end, hit the wheel to drain the water again and return to the room we left earlier. Be careful, the dangers are different on the way back. Once back, find the exit on the northwest side of the room and follow it. Watch out for spining blades that you need to jump over. Get all the way to the end and hit a third wheel to lower the water yet again. Go back to the room with the first wheel and get the Ruby Key. Return to the city. -------------------------------------------- hh. Get Seal Piece at Water Slums (****) -------------------------------------------- Once you get the Ruby Key, you have a choice of three missions. this one and ii and jj. Check out the Water Slums, where you find the second piece of the seal and get attacked be troopers. It gets very hectic in places, but don't worry about ammo. The enemies drop ammo every time, so you won't run out. Once you start this mission, you must fight your way out of here before you do anything else. Another idea for doing this mission is to get on the JET-board and go across the water to get out. You need to know the route well, though. ------------------------------------------ ii. Win Class 3 Race at Stadium (**) ------------------------------------------ This is the second of three mission you can choose from after you get the ruby key. The other two are (hh and jj). Return to the Race Mechanic and go to the race. Win five laps around the track and this mission is finished. ------------------------------------------- jj. Hunt Haven Forest Metal Heads (***) ------------------------------------------- Daxter's bragging at Krew's starts this mission. Head to Forest Haven. There are 30 Metal-heads in the area. Have fun blowing them all up! Watch for glowing yellow spots and use the map to help you find them all. Once they are all killed, head back to the city. -------------------------------- kk. Beat Onin Game (**) -------------------------------- Once you have the second piece of the seal, won the Class 3 race, and destroy the Metal Heads this mission will be available. In the city, talk to Onin. Hit the buttons as you see the symbols. Enjoy the challenge. This is a nice change from running around the city. After you complete the task, you will complete the Seal. ---------------------------------------- ll. Use items in No Man's Canyon (*) ---------------------------------------- This is available after you obtain the complete seal. Follow the mountain symbol out of town. Once in the Moutain temple, head to the green dot. Proceed onward and use the JET-board to grind down the pipe. At the branch, head north. Keep going and watch a video. Return to the city. ----------------------------------------------- mm. Defeat Baron in Mar's Tomb Pass the first Test Of Manhood Pass the second Test of Manhood ----------------------------------------------- these missions are available after you have used the seal and revealed the location on Mar's Tomb. These three missions are all done at the same time, and once you start them, you must complete them before doing anything else. Follow the skull to Mar's Tomb. Watch a video. Head down to the main chamber. Head across the water quickly and turn west into a door. Climb up the platforms. Enter a room where you hear "Trust not your reliance on weapons." or "Weapons are for the weak" Hit the button. Hit the three beetle that land upside down to open the door. Continue onward, swimming and dodging electricity. Hit another switch and follow the pattern. Hit another switch and repeat another pattern to open the next door. Continue past some more spiders and electrified water. Enter another room, and do the beetle thing again. More electrified water!!! Oh joy!!! Hit button, repeat patten. Rince and repeat 2 more times to open the door. More electrified water. Go across, kill more scorpions, and enter the "graveyard". The gravestone make different tones. You must match together those that make the same tune to open the door. Press the button and complete the second Test of Manhood (Oops! We did the second one first!) Back down to the water, and take the east door. Get to a lake of dark eco. Carefully climb up the spike platforms. Look right to see a pole to swing yourself up to the ledge. Kill the spiders and CAREFULLY make your way across the moving platforms and poles that go around the perimeter of the room. Ride the elevator down and press the button. Cross the now spikeless moving platforms to a ledge with another box. Now look left and once again, CAREFULLY work your way around the perimeter of the room. Hit another switch and take the elevator down. Go down the new stairs and forward till you see a video and play Indiana Jones as a giant boulder chases Daxter. The boulder will become a giant spider!!! Keep running!! Eventually you'll be using spiderwebs as trampolines to climb up a tower. Then it's back to running again.... The chase is done and you're back in control of Jak. Head over to more pillars and moving poles/platforms. Work your way back and forth across the wall, climbing up to the top. Go to the next room, push the button and complete the first Test Of Manhood. This will open the doors on the south end on the room. Go down and enter those newly opened doors. Rejoin with Daxter and fight the Baron again. Stage 1:Kick the bombs back at him. On Stage 2 he starts shooting at you. Hide behind the pillars. Stage 3 he frees the stone and starts shooting a large green beam. Go back to the city after the fight. ------------------------ nn. Rescue Friends in Fortress ------------------------- This is available after you finish Mar's Tomb. Go back to the hideout. Get the next mission, an attack on the fortress. Head to the fortress. You'll enter the ammo dump area. Go up the stairs and head west. Kill the guards as you go. Hit the all of the buttons to lower the forcefield and continue forward. Avoid the laser sights. Use the guns as platforms. Next, go into the half-pipe and avoid the electricity. Avoid more laser sights and grind across the beam. There are guards above you, so run past here quickly. Kill the guards on the ledge and proceed, watching for laser sights and flying guards. Proceed to the cells and free the prisoners. Watch a hilarious video. ----------------------------- oo. Win Class 2 Race at Stadium ------------------------------ This is one of three coices you have after rescuing the prisoners. the other two are (pp and qq). Talk to Kiera to start this race. The Class 2 race will be with Daxter only. Enjoy the race. Five laps and you're done. ---------------------------------- pp. Protect Hideout from Bombots ---------------------------------- This is the second of three missions that are available one the prisoners are rescued. The other two are (oo and qq). Talk to Torn to start this mission. There are three Blast Bots to take care of on Protecting the hideout. They will shoot at you if you get too close. Start with the two southern ones. You need to use about 40 shots from the vulcan rifle to destroy each one. ---------------------------------- qq. Escort men through Sewers --------------------------------- This is the third mission that is available after the prisoners are freed. The other two are (oo and pp). Talk to Krew to start this mission. The sewers: Protect everyone all the way to the statue. The talking between the three boys is hilarious!!! Use pools of water to approach the laser emmiting Metal Heads. There is a LARGE fight near the end. I would suggest using Dark Jak here. Leave the sewers once you are successful. ------------------------------- rr. Beat Erol in Race Challenge ------------------------------- This becomes available after you complete the Class 2 race, protect the hideout, and escort the men through the sewers. Follow the icon to a weapon upgrade: THE PEACEMAKER!!!!!! Go to Krew after you get the gun. Now you get to race Erol through the city. This is a LONG race that goes through a large portion of the city. You will leave the docks, go through one of the parks, around the fountain, past the palace, into the aqueduct, and to the stadium. ------------------------------- ss. Get Life Seed in Dead Town ------------------------------- This is available after you beat Erol in the race through the city. Next you have a choice, Samous will radio you and ask you to get something from his hut, and Vin wants you to destroy some more eggs (vv) Head to Dead town. Get in the Titan suit and smash the door to the northwest. Smash a total of three doors, then move a block to give you access to the next area. Continue destroying walls, moving blocks, and killing enemies and throwing the occasional block until you get to the goal. You now have the Life Seed. ---------------------------------- tt. Protect Samos in Haven Forest ----------------------------------- This mission is available after you retrieve the Life Seed. Talk to Onin. After the seed is energized, take it to the Forest Haven. Get to the green dot. Guards will show up. Protect Samus from them. Return back to town. ----------------------------------- uu. Rescue Lurkers for Brutter ----------------------------------- This mission is available after you protect Samos in the forest. Go talk to Brutter. He wants you to save six lurkers. This is similar to the earlier mission, except you have twice as many to save. Take them to the light. It moves around. ------------------------------------- vv. Destroy Eggs in Strip Mine ------------------------------------- Now to do the mission for Vin that was available after the race. More egg hunting. Get to the westernmost well and head south. Grind across a pipe. Pass some more saws and grind on the right pipe. Go up the moving walkway and continue past more obstacles. You will need to Roll-jump across a gap with a saw on the other side. Once across, jump to a pipe and grind to the other side. Use the quarter-pipe to get speed up for the jump. Next, cross a half-pipe. Continue forward to a moving platform and another pipe to jump and grind on. Grind across another pipe, this one with a gap in the center. Watch out for some more cutting implements and you continue onward. Now we get to do the reverse on the moving platform/pipe grind routine. Take a deserved breather by the quarter-pipes. When ready, use the moving walkways. Cross two moving platforms. You will need to roll-jump across. Continue forward to the crane. JET-board across to the crate. Return to town. --------------------------------- ww. Destroy the Drill Platform Tower --------------------------------- This mission is available after you destroy the eggs in the Strip Mine. Watch the video with Kor to activate the mission. Use the ring to get there. Grab the Titan suit and destroy the door. Take the elevator. Carefully cross the laser beams and destroy the door. Cross the falling platforms and climb up to the ledge (without the Titan suit). Kill the enemies and activate the switch. Bring the Titan suit up and destroy the door. Cross more falling platforms. Watch out for fire as you traverse the next section. Kill the enemies and Roll-jump across. Hit the switch and bring the Titan suit across. Wash and repeat. Carefully go across the platforms, watching out for more lasers. The next section has fire floors and falling platforms. Enjoy. We then arrive at a second elevator. Use it and kill the enemies here. Destroy all the control panels and return to the city. Be quick. Using the JET-board is required to get all the way back out. ------------------------------------ xx. Win Class 1 Race in Stadium ------------------------------------ This is available after you destroy the Drill Tower. The next objective is with Kiera. It's time for the Class 1 race!! Enjoy your five laps to victory (after several crash-ups and restarts of course). See you in the winners circle. ----------------------------------- yy. Explore Palace ----------------------------------- This is the next mission after you win the Class 1 Race. You'll get the palace security pass. Follow the symbol to the palace. Go in and take the elevator up. Go into the room that you saw the Baron in earlier. See the video and get the Black security pass. In the northeast corner is a small passageway. Take it. Make your way past guards as you proceed. Break the glass and use the ledge to grind to the next platform. Follow more falling platforms and back into the hallway you started in. Take the southern door and grind across the pipes. Clear out more guards and grind around the ring to proceed. Continue past more guards and guns. Next comes a bunch of falling platforms. Roll-jump a large gap, across a couple more falling platforms, and through a door. Take the elevator down and leave the Palace. ----------------------------------- zz. Beat Krew in Weapons Lab Get Heart of Mar in Weapons Lab ------------------------------------- These two missions are done together and come right after you get out of the palace. Go to the Weapons Lab by the Baron's daughter's advice. Use the elevator and kill the guards. Watch for the moving floor. Hit the switch to lower the forcefield and continue forward. The next moving walkway is moving against you. Watch out for guards at the top. If you shoot a switch on the right, the belt will change directions. Continue into the large room. Kill the rolling robots to clear the way forward. Climb the barrels to a ledge to allow access to the northwest corner of this room. Kill the guards and proceed carefully past spinning blades on a moving walkway. Jump between walkways and continue forward. Shoot two platforms on the lower end of the moving floor and jump across. Climb up another moving walkway and shoot another panel down. Jump across and kill more guards. Continue hitting targets and crossing platforms and moving floors. Soon, you will get to deal with more rolling robots. Once they are destroyed, hit the switch and continue up the moving walkway. You will be doing a lot of long distance shooting in the next section. Make your way forward by spinning the wheels around. Break a grate in the floor and continue onward. Lots of rolling robots await you. Once they are all destroyed, the door will open. Take the elevator and watch a video. Get a weapon upgrade and fight Krew. Destroy the green blobs and then shoot Krew. One defeated, watch another video. Return to the city. ------------------------------------ aaa. Complete the Metal Head Challenge ------------------------------------- Go to the Late Krews place and bear the game there. You need 1500 points. ------------------------------------ bbb. Find Sig in the Under Port Escort Sig in Under Port ------------------------------------ Once done, head to the under port. Go down the elevator and get in the Titan suit. You will then go underwater. You only have a limited air supply. Use the bubbles in the next room to keep an air supply. Head through the door. Get to the next air pocket, but watch out for enemies. Go down a hole and break another door for the next air pocket. Watch out for mines. Continue to a room with what looks like four platforms. Hit the platforms to release them. Use an elevator, then jump to the land. Jump into the water and find the next air pocket. Make a right and continue onward. Take an elevator and hop across platforms to another air pocket. Take a left, and leave the Titan suit. Roll jump across and find Sig. Follow him. Push the blocks into the holes. Run from the Centipede!!!!!! Once done, move another block to it's hole. Go through the door and do yet another block puzzle. Go into the door and run from the Centipede again. Watch a video and return to the city. -------------------------------- ccc. Defend Stadium -------------------------------- Go talk to Kiera. Protect them as they move the Rift Rider. Once done, head to the construction site. --------------------------------- ddd. Check the Construction Site Break Barrier at Nest Attack the Metal Head Nest Destroy Metal Kor at Nest ---------------------------------- Watch a revealing video. Return to the city and head to the metalhead nest, following the symbol. Clear the area of enemies, turn a wheel, and use the platform to continue forward. Kill more enemies while proceeding forward. Watch the video and enter the nest. Kill lots of enemies as you go, but avoid the HUGE ones. Destroy Metal Kor. Watch the ending. It is Hilarious!!!! Congratulations. You finished the storyline. Now find the rest of the orbs....... One question now that you have finished the game: Is this a Sequel or a Prequel? ============================ E. Oracle Requirements ============================ 25 Metal Head Skull Gems Dark Bomb 200 Metal Head Skull Gems Dark Blast 200 Metal Head Skull Gems Invincible Dark Jak 100 Metal Head Skull Gems Dark Giant Haven City ============================ F. Precursor Orb Locations ============================ A note on the orbs. The ones that are (*) by the number are ones I suspect but have yet to get. Fortress --------------- 1) The ledge in the room that you were held captive in (to the left of the crates). 2) In the second room the you enter, turn back to where you entered and look on top of one of the shelves. 3) On top of a console near the first Kromsin Guards. 4) At the bottom of the first pit that you must Roll-jump across duing your escape from the fortress. 5) Behind a console in the room with guards shooting up through the floor 6) Behind a pillar after you break through the first floor grate. 7) In the room with water in it during the escape sequence. (behind the crates) 8) Climp up some crates and into a small alcove in the room with water in it. Pumping Station --------------------------- 9) In the water near the start of the area 10) Inside a pipe that you jump on top of during the Find the Pumping Station Valve mission 11) In the water just south of the last stopping point in the Protect Sig mission 12) In the water as far east as you can go in the lower section of the map Strip Mine --------------------------- 13) Near the moving crates 14) Near the moving walkway that allows you to get on top of the crates 15) Near where Vin is hiding. (Return back here later to get it) 16) In the Southwest corner of the map. You will need to wait until the Egg mission. 17) At the northernmost point on the map (Get during the Egg mission) Drill Platform --------------------- 18) At the bottom of the first elevator 19) In the Southwest corner just past the first egg destruction point. Before you enter the new pathway with the shield Metal-head 20) Near the fire platforms after the first shield Metal Head. 21) In the South-central part of the area just past the second egg destruction point. (Before the shield Metal Head) 22) At the bottom of the third elevator Mountain Temple ----------------------- 23) Near a Shield Metal Head in the central area of this map 24) Jump down to a ledge to the south of where the crystal is. Look behind the tree. 25) Same place as #24 26) Same place as #24 27) At the south end of a path that curves around the west side of the crystal area (climb a pipe to get there) 28) In the same area as #27 29) In the same area as #27 30) Keep following the path from #27 around 31) At the end of the path near the eco lake 32) Behind the tree just past the first rhino on the way to the gear 33) Near the second waterfall on the way to the Lens 34) In the left secton of the water near the Lens 35) North of the eco lake with the box puzzle. Need JET-board 36) Same area as #35 37) Same area as #35 Palace ----------------------- 38) At the top of the elevator 39) Just past the second section of electrified fence on the bridge 40) Under the pipe bridge just past the second cannon (on the approach to the first fight with the Baron) 41) In the passageway just after the first fight with the Baron Haven Forest ------------------------- 42) In the water near one of the birds you have to chase (southwestern edge of the lake) 43) In the water near one of the birds you have to chase (south centroal part of lake) 44) In the water near one of the birds you have to chase (southern tip of lake) 45) In the water near one of the birds you have to chase (east central edge of lake) 46) In the water near one of the birds you have to chase (west central area of the lake) 47) In the water near one of the birds you have to chase (northwest part of the lake) 48) In the water near one of the birds you have to chase (northeast part of the lake) 49) At the southernmost tip of the area Dig ---------------------- 50) Roll-jump across from the first switch, or jump across using the log that was raised as a stepping stone 51) Head south at the fork in the tunnel that leads to switch #4 52) Directly above switch #4 (you'll need to go around to get to it) 53) On the ground below the pipe you grind across after switch #4 54) On the east part of the land below the first trapeze (near switch #5) 55) On the ground past the third trapeze (NE section of the area after taking a small passage) 56) On the ground in the NW part of the same area as #55 Mar's Tomb ------------------------- 57) On the left side of the entrance door 58) On the right side of the entrance door 59) By the southwestern pillar in the main room 60) By the southeastern pillar in the main room Weapons Lab ----------------- 61) At the top of the elevator that takes you down to the lab 62) Behind some barrels as you make your way across the large green lake. It's near a health pack just before an elevator. 63) On the floor of the square room with the diamond in the center of it. 64) On a ledge at the top of a moving walkway Dead Town ------------------ 65) Use JET-board to get to a doorway on the northeast part of the map. 66) In the water past #65 67) In the water past #65 68) In the water past #65 69) In the water past #65 70) Just outside a second doorway in the east central part of the map. 71) On the far northern ledge in the area. (During the seed retrieval) Under Works -------------------- 72) Near where you jump back into the water Nest --------------------- 73) At the top of the hill near the start 74) Behind Mar's Gun 75) Behind Mar's Gun 76) Behing Mar;s Gun 77) Near the southernmost point on the map. On top of some rocks 78) Inside a metal object near the first large Metal Head Haven City -------------------- 79) A screen on the road between the northern and southern sections of the slums gives a "race through the rings" challenge after the slum's water is turned on. 80) Same challenge as #79 81) Same challenge as #79 82) A screen near the entrance to the Fortress will ask you to find a location. The location is in the trench north of you under a bridge. Available after Protect Sid mission 83) Same challenge as #82 84) Same challenge as #82 85) In the east center of the industrial district is a screen that challenges you to find a certain location. Go up the walkway, take a right and then a left, then go to the corner. You'll need a ride to get there. Available after the Protect Sig mission. 86) Same challenge as #85 87) Same challenge as #85 88) Near the eastrern exit from the docks is a screen that challenges you to find another location. This one is on the left as you leave the docks by the northers exit. Available after blaster gun course is completed. 89) Same challenge as #88 90) Same Challenge as #88 91) On the road between the aqueduct area and the stadium is a screen that asks you to collect 20 beacons. This is available after you complete the JET-board challenge. 92) Same challenge as #91 93) Same challenge as #91 94) Near the entrance to the Pumping station is a screen that challenges you to find a location. Look directly below you. Available after you find the Scout in the Pumping station. 95) Same challenge as #94 96) Same challenge as #94 97) Just north of the southern park is a screen that challenges you to get to the hideout in 1:30. This is available after you collect the artifacts from the mountain temple. 98) Same challenge as #97 99) Same challenge as #97 100) A screen near the center of the southern park challenges you to find a location. The spot is in the northeast corner of the park, behind some rocks. Available after you catch the scouts. 101) Same challenge as #100 102) Same challenge as #100 103) Near Krew's is a screen that challenges you to another race through the rings. Available after you catch the scouts. You'll need to switch to the JET-board half-way through. 104) Same challenge as #103 105) Same challenge as #103 106) In the south central section of the bazaar is a screen that challenges you to find another location. The spot is in the northern corner of the west central part of the bazaar. You'll need to use the JET-board. Available after you intercept the tanker. 107) Same challenge as #106 108) Same challenge as #106 109) Near the eastern end of the highway is a screen that challenges you to find a specific location. The location is behind the screen in the south central part of the bazaar. Available after you destroy the ship. 110) Same challenge as #109 111) Same challenge as #109 112) In an allyway west of the northern part of the fortress is a screen that challenges you to collect 60 green eco. Available after you destroy the hellcat cruisers. 113) Same challenge as #112 114) Same challenge as #112 115) Just north of the southern park is a screen that challenges you to do another relocation mission. This is available after you free the three lurkers. 116) Same challenge as #115 117) Same challenge as #115 118) A screen on the road that leads to the stadium challenges you to find a location. The spot is at the end of the waterway near the stadium. Available after the class 3 race. 119) Same challenge as #118 120) Same challenge as #118 121) In the northeast corner of the north park is a screen that challenges you to find another location. The spot is near a sprinkler on the center road in this park. Bring a fast zoomer along. Available after you kill the cloaked metal heads in the forest. 122) Same challenge as #121 123) Same challenge as #121 124) In the south central part of the aqueduct area is a screen that challenges you to find a location. The spot is near the elevator door to the palace. Available after you beat Erol in a race. 125) Same challenge as #124 126) Same Challenge as #124 127*) The screen in the west central part of the industrial area challenges you to find a location. The sign you can see in the distance is the one you're standing by. Available after the race with Erol. 128) Same challenge as #127 129) Same challenge as #127 130*) The screen on the road between the north and south slums will challenge you to race through the rings. Available after you get the Life Seed. 131) Same challenge as #130 132) Same Challenge as #130 133) Just north of the southern park is a screen that challenges you to find a location. The spot is the westernmost square of the second row, the southwest corner. This is available after you protect Samus. 134) Same challenge as #133 135) Same challenge as #133 136) Just to the north of the southern park a screen challenges you to destroy more bomb bots. Available after you save six lurkers. 137) Same challenge as #136 138) Same challenge as #136 139*) A screen on the road between the slums and the aqueduct challenges you to find a location. The location is south of the central portion of the aqueduct. (I think) Available after your "tour" of the palace. 140) Same challenge as #139 141) Same challenge as #139 142) Near the rolls of wire in the construction site. 143) On the ground by the wooden ramp in the construction site 144*) By the northwest corner of the palace is a screen that challenges you to find a location. Available after you defeat Metal Kor. 145) Same challenge as #144 146) Same Challenge as #144 147) A screen on the far western end of the aqueduct challenges you to find a location. The spot is at the second corner from where you are at along the aqueduct. Available after you defear Metal Kor. 148) Same Challenge as #147 149) Same challenge as #147 150) A screen in the northeast corner of the northern park challenges you to clear a Dark Eco spill. 151) Same challenge as #150 152) Same challenge as #150 153) Bronze medal for JET-board challenge (50,000 points) 154) Same as #153 155) Same as #153 156*) Silver medal for JET-board challenge (90,000 points) 157) Same as #156 158) Same as #156 159*) Gold medal for JET-board challenge (120,000 points) 160) Same as #159 161) Same as #159 162) Bronze medal in Scatter Gun Course (8,000 points) 163) Same as #162 164) Same as #162 165*) Silver medal in Scatter Gun Course (10,000 points) 166) Same as #165 167) Same as #165 168*) Gold medal in Scatter Gun course (12,000 points) 169) Same as #168 170) Same as #168 171) Bronze medal in Blaster Gun Course (9,000 points) 172) Same as #171 173) Same as #171 174*) Silver medal in Blaster Gun Course (11,000 points) 175) Same as #174 176) Same as #174 177*) Gold medal in Blaster Gun Course (13,000 points) 178) Same as #177 179) Same as #177 180*) Bronze medal in Vulcam Barrel Gun Course (11,000 points) 181) Same as #180 182) Same as #180 183*) Silver medal in Vulcan Barrel Gun Course (13,000 points) 184) Same as #183 185) Same as #183 186*) Gold medal in Vulcan Barrel Gun Course (15,000 points) 187) Same as #186 188) Same as #186 189) Bronze medal in Peace Maker Gun Course (11,000 points) 190) Same as #189 191) Same as #189 192*) Silver medal in Peace Maker Gun Course (13,000 points) 193) Same as #192 194) Same as #192 195*) Gold medal in Peace Maker Gun Course (15,000 points) 196) Same as #195 197) Same as #195 198*) Beat Onin's challenge and get 1000 points 199) Same as #198 200) Same as #199 =============================== G. Hall of Fame =============================== I have decided to make two lists to place here. the first ten I hear of that get all of the orbs and the fastest ten to get all of the orbs. I'll use the timestamp on emails for when it was completed. Good Luck! ================================ H. Secrets ================================ Toggle Jak's Goatee 5 Precursor orbs Mirror World 15 Precursor orbs Big Head Mode 30 Precursor orbs Small Head Mode 45 Precursor orbs Scrap Book 55 Precursor orbs Scene Player Act 1 65 Precursor orbs Vulcam Fury Course 75 Precursor orbs Scene Player Act 2 95 Precursor orbs Peace Maker Gun Course 105 Precursor orbs Scene Player Act 3 125 Precursor orbs Reverse Races 135 Precursor orbs Level Select 145 Precursor orbs Unlimited Ammo 155 Precursor orbs Unlimited Dark Jak 165 Precursor orbs Invulnerability 175 Precursor orbs Hero Mode 200 Precursor orbs ================================ I. Credits ================================ Thanks to Catfishboy540 for identifying the missing orbs on the escape sequence. Thanks to Jacob Busby for his tip on the "Collect the moneybags" mission. Thanks to Luke Harris and Dracolord Haven for pointing out 6 Precursor orbs in Dead Town. Thanks to Hork for giving an alternate mission for the second seal piece. Thanks to Gavin Young for the location of the tree orbs behind Mar's Gun. ================================== J. Legal Stuff ================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. The latest version of this FAQ can be found at gamefaqs, cheats.de and IGN. Any other use has not been approved. Copyright 2003 Chris Waller