Jak And Daxter FAQ/Walkthrough By King Kool Table Of Contents KEY: [Chapter:Section:Subsection] 1. Legal Notice 2. Version Information 3. General Information 3:1. Back Story 3:2. Main Characters 3:3. Controls 3:3:1. Jak And Daxter 3:3:2. Flut-Flut 3:3:3. A-Grav Zoomer 3:4. Items 3:5. Eco 3:6. Common Enemies 4. Geyser Rock 5. Sandover Village 6. Sentinel Beach 7. Forbidden Jungle 8. Misty Island 9. Fire Canyon 10. Rock Village 11. Lost Precursor City 12. Precursor Basin 13. Boggy Swamp 14. Mountain Pass 15. Volcanic Crater 16. Spider Cave 17. Snowy Mountain 18. Lava Tube 19. Gol and Maia's Citadel 20. Final Boss Strategy 21. Epilogue 22. Special Thanks ===================================================================== CHAPTER 1: LEGAL NOTICE ===================================================================== This FAQ was written by and is the property of Jeff Hibbert, also known as, and hereinafter called "King Kool." It is written solely for use at GameFAQs.com. With the exception of private and nondistributive use, it is not meant to be reprinted, copied, stolen, or published, either in part or as a whole, with the author credited or not, whether for profit or not, under any circumstance whatsoever. Not reading this notice is not an excuse, either. This FAQ is not up for sale, and the exclusivity is not up for debate. I do not accept email offers from websites offering to host my FAQs. I've observed many other websites, and none have compared favorably to GameFAQs. I am not interested in any other websites at this time, and bribes do not convince me of the reverse. Should the time come that I want my FAQ on a website other than GameFAQs.com, I'll be the one to offer it, should they want it. This means no other website will be getting my FAQs unless I want the site to host them. Therefore, writing me asking for them is useless, and wastes my time. If a website possesses the disrespect to disavow this plea, it will be immediately disqualified from EVER being allowed to host my FAQs. In less words: don't call me, I'll call you. All other correspondence IS more than welcome. Believe it or not, I'm a nice guy, but the actions of certain Internet denizens requires me to be Draconian at times. For reports of misuse, questions, corrections, comments, concerns, fanmail, hatemail, please contact King Kool at: kingkool@gmail.com ===================================================================== CHAPTER 2: VERSION INFORMATION ===================================================================== Version 1.00: The first time this FAQ was submitted. 1/15/02. Version 1.01: My first update. 2/9/02 Version 1.50: My second update. 4/18/02 Version 1.51: My third update. 9/2/02 Version 1.7: My fourth update (Spring Cleaning). 3/2/03 Version 1.71: A small update. 8/11/03 Version 1.72: An even smaller update, consisting of one fixed line. Thanks to Inferno for pointing it out. 8/15/03 Version 1.73: Email change, and a few small changes. 1/11/07 ===================================================================== CHAPTER 3: GENERAL INFORMATION ===================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3:1 - Back Story =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In the time no one remembers (not even the rocks), there were a society known only as the Precursors. They left behind a lot of technology that nobody can explain. The Precursors were masters of eco, the power that exists all over the world. The current society can only fiddle blindly with most forms of eco and other forms of Precursor technology. While some have gotten the hang of it, it's always who should least fiddle with it who end up getting tangled with dark eco... Jak and Daxter were just two boys who had a sense for adventure, Daxter less than Jak. They both went to the heeby-jeeby inducing Misty Island. They saw two dark figures plot some big plans for the rest of the known world. However bad that was, Jak and Daxter were curious to what else the island held. When approaching a large vat of Dark Eco, they saw a monster scuttle behind them them. Jak held a Precursor artifact, and it glowed with power, for no instantly attainable reason. The pair had time to think of it later, however, and Jak lobbed the glowing artifact at the monster, obliterating the almost-potential threat. The force knocked Jak into Daxter, and Daxter into the pool of Dark Eco. Jak looked into the pool for evidence of his friend. His prayers were answered in the form of Daxter being ejected from the pool. Or, at least it had Daxter's voice. Daxter had been transformed into a marmoset-like orange creature called an Ottsel (a cross between a otter and a weasel; thanks to JustinP681 for pointing this out.) Daxter takes it better than expected; he has an eye-bugging tantrum. They return to the Green Eco Sage to seek help, who warned them of the dangers of Misty Island. He tells them the only man who can help them is Gol, the master of Dark Eco. They start the long journey to find him with high hopes... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3:2 - Main Characters: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jak - The main muscle of this game. This guy does all the walking, jumping, flying, collecting, fighting, and dying. THAT's why his name is first in the name of the game. He doesn't talk much, or at all. He's the strong, silent type. Daxter - The main mouth of this game. He's second banana simply because he's been turned into a helpless squirrel ottsel thing. How unfair! If it wasn't for this stupid curse, Daxter would... probably crap his pants all the same. He does enough talking for Jak and himself. Samos - The Green Eco Sage, the man who knows more about green stuff than anyone else in the world. He's your main support in getting north to where Gol lives. He gives you lots of verbal abuse, but without him, you'd be lost for sure. Kiera - The daughter of Samos, and a mechanical whiz, who deals with all the mechanisms you'll need to get over unfriendly terrain. And good God, she is smokin'!! Woo-hoo!! (calm yourself, King Kool... count to ten... she's only pixels and polygons...) Oh... reality is such a gyp... Gol - The master of Dark Eco. Though little is known of him or his sister Maia, we know that they both have studied Dark Eco extensively. What it may or may not have done to them is unknown... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3:3 - Controls =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:3:1 - Jak and Daxter Controls --------------------------------------------------------------------- Left Analog Stick: Walk/Run Right Analog Stick: Camera Control X: Jump XX: Double Jump Circle: Kick Spin Square: Punch Triangle: First Person Camera HOLD L1 or R1, then X: High Jump L1 or R1 (still): Crouch L1 or R1 (running): Roll L1 or R1 (running), then X: Rolling Turbo Long Jump L2 or R2: Heads-Up Game Stats Start: Pause; Status Menu X + Square: Dive Attack X + Circle: Aerial Attack Square + X: Dashing Uppercut X, then Square, then X: Super Dive Attack Jump Square (while crouched): Uppercut --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:3:2 - Flut Flut Controls --------------------------------------------------------------------- Left Analog Stick: Walk/Run Right Analog Stick: Camera Control X: Jump XX: Flutter Square: Headbutt Square (charged w/yellow): Fire Yellow Eco X, then Square: Dive Attack L2 or R2: Heads-Up Game Stats Start: Pause; Status Menu --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:3:3 - A-Grav Zoomer Controls --------------------------------------------------------------------- Left Analog Stick: Steering/Pitch Control Right Analog Stick: Camera Control X: Accelerate Square or Circle (charged): Fire Yellow Eco L1 or R1: Hop HOLD L1 or R1: Tight Turn R2: Heads-Up Game Stats Start: Pause; Status Menu =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3:4 - Items =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Precursor Orbs - Egg-shaped orbs floating all over every level. The Jak And Daxter equivalent of currency. Power Cell - A small sphere that is one of the most treasured artifacts left over from the Precursors. They are the key to your adventure, and your travels over unsafe land. Crates, Treasure Chests, Barrels, etc. - Breakable containers that usually carry Green eco. Any attack will break them, including approaching them while charged with Blue Eco. Tough/Invincible/Unbreakable Boxes - Metal, stalwart boxes that usually contain very valuable things, like Precursor Orbs. They cannot be broken with normal attacks. Yellow Eco is the main method to break these boxes. Scout Fly Crates - Red, hopping boxes that are around every level. They invariably contain one of the seven Scout Flies Kiera released to help you, but were evidently captured and imprisoned by the Lurkers. A stomp jump can break them, but no other normal attack can. Blue and Yellow Eco also work wonders. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3:5 - Eco =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= With the exception of Green Eco, when you find stray blobs of Eco, it will fill your clock-like counter roughly a third of the way. This clock lowers until you run out of eco, or you find another blob. Vents of Eco will charge the timer fully. Green Eco - Quite possibly the most important eco there is: the eco of life. If you collect fifty small green eco balls, or one big one, one piece of health will be restored. When full on life, you can only hold fifty in reserve. That extra fifty acts like a fourth unit of life. Being injured in many and varied ways normally takes one piece of the green stuff. You will run into this eco more than all others. Blue Eco - The eco of Motion, this eco has the most utility. Charge yourself up with blue eco and operate ancient Precursor machines, like doors, springpads, elevators, etc. You also run faster, and Precursor Orbs and Green and Blue Eco are magnetically attracted to you while charged. Yellow Eco - This eco allows Jak to fire energy balls from his hands. You can fire as many as you want as long as you hold the charge. Use this to kill enemies and break tough crates. Red Eco - This eco increases your attack abilities. Enemies that take two hits will fall in one, and enemies unfazed by normal attacks will fall under your newfound power. Dark Eco - Dark Eco is what changed Daxter into a marmoset or whatever the hell he is. It is usually at the bottom of a pit, telling you rather vehemently not to fall into it. You'd hate to wind up like Daxter... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3:6 - Common Enemies =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lurkers - Large purple monsters that are responsible to most of the misery you are subjected to. They come in all varieties. Tactics vary to the situation. Lurker Shark - Gooberfish that'll swallow you whole if the water's deep enough to him to swim in it. They be doing terrible things to you, terrrrrible things! Don't go into deep water for too long (you can hear the music change and your heart race). This is good point, and well spaked. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 4: GEYSER ROCK ===================================================================== Enemies: Training Dummies - These guys are all over Geyser Rock. They don't really attack, as would be expected. Some can only be destroyed by spin attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Find The Cell On The Path --------------------------------------------------------------------- To get this power cell, you need to go forward from the teleporter up the small rock steps. Beyond one small spike pit is the cell. Kiera will point it out to you. Undoubtedly the easiest one to get so far. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Open the Precursor Door --------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a big iris door that needs blue eco to open. There's a blue eco vent beyond it, past a small bridge. Charge yourself with the blue stuff, and the door will open to you, leading immediately to a Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Climb Up The Cliff --------------------------------------------------------------------- After the cinema where Samos explains green eco, go over the bridge and jump the small spike pit. Double-jump onto each platform (follow the arcs of precursor orbs). Jump to the next platform, and the one to the left of that one to the Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Free 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations: - Past the second small spike pit near Power Cell One. - Just beyond the first scout fly, in the shade of the palm tree. - Up the first stone step to the right of the path past Power Cell One. - On the second stone step to the right, just past the third scout fly. - Right next to the fourth scout fly. - To the left of the fourth and fifth scout flies, one stone step down. - On the highest stone step in that area. They're all right near each other. If you really needed help, you're in for a hard road ahead... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to where you found the flies. Rather than following the grassy path where there are lots of blue eco, fall down the cliff nearby it to a beach. There are six precursor orbs, and they are easy to miss. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 5: SANDOVER VILLAGE ===================================================================== Enemies: None to speak of. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bring 90 Orbs To The Mayor --------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the windmill (from the Green Sage's hut, it's the first building to the left) is the mayor. Aside from his mission to turn the power back on (See Forbidden Jungle: Power Cell 1), he offers a power cell for 90 Precursor Orbs. Bring them to him as a re- election contribution. The Power Cell will be your reward. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Bring 90 Orbs to Your Uncle --------------------------------------------------------------------- The second house on the left from the Green Sage's Hut belongs to your uncle. Collect 90 orbs and he'll give you a Power Cell as thanks. (He can't just GIVE one to his nephew?!) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Herd The Yakows Into The Pen --------------------------------------------------------------------- The old farmer (past the right-hand suspension bridge, near the entrance to Forbidden Jungle) isn't up to herding the strange cow-like creatures into the pen on his own. To assist him, you just get behind a cow and slowly walk to the pen. You can punch them to get them moving, but it doesn't make any difference. It just makes them more unruly and cranky. I had less difficulty when I just walked them into the pen. The Power Cell is your reward for helping. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 and 5. Bring 120 Orbs To The Oracle --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Precursor Oracle is gouging you for those two Power Cells, but it's not like you have something to spend them on anyway. The only tricky part about this one is how to get there. On the rocky island where you found the fourth scout fly, go to the second highest step and roll jump (run into a roll and then jump) to the nearest rock, then the next rock, then to the excursion on the side of the cliff. You can double-jump, but it's a stretch. Also, don't be surprised if you cannot get these cells for a long time. These cells are very expensive. You may wanna leave them alone for the time being, and come back when you are richer. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Free The Seven Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - In the fisherman's house, across from the windmill. Look for the shark jaws over the door. - Beneath the suspension bridge between the sculptor's house and the windmill. - Inside the farmer's house on the beach. - On the large island nearby the farmer's house. It's the island that also leads to the Precursor Oracle. - On the rocky excursion where the Precursor Oracle is. - On a beachy peninsula behind the sculptor's house. - In the mayor's house, in the righthand room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a bridge beyond the bird-lover's house that leads up to one of the Precursor Orb Elevator Holding Things. The island beyond that one has enough blue eco to open it right up. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 6: SENTINEL BEACH ===================================================================== Enemies: Crabs - There are little crabs in tall shells that wander the Sentinel Beach. They hide under their shells for the most part, but come out to attack you. Attack them when they are out of their shell. Mutts - The stupid barking mongrels that walk all over the grasses and beaches. Nothing special to do to put them to sleep; just whack 'em. Sand Dragons - Along the beach sometimes the heads of dragons peek up. Just cream them before they get a chance to attack. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Unblock The Eco Harvesters --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Eco Harvesters are on the far side of the beach. They have been plugged up with stone, but it's no match for your attacks. The fifth one will spit out a Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Push The Flut Flut Egg Off The Cliff --------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a path against the stone wall near the Eco harvesters. It leads along some bendy trails, blue eco, a few gaps and some mutts. Beyond them all is a gigantic egg. If you haven't talked to the bird lady, who lives by the beach in Sandover village, near the farmer's house, you won't know it's a Flut Flut egg. For some ungodly reason, you have to push the delicate egg off of the cliff. It breaks on impact, but the Flut Flut is unharmed. A Power Cell, and a cinema with Daxter freaking out, is your reward. But, of course, Daxter freaking out is its OWN reward. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Get The Power Cell From The Pelican --------------------------------------------------------------------- It WAS just sitting there on the beach, but that moron pelican apparently thought it would taste good. He swallows it and brings it to his nest in the center of the small bay of Sentinel Beach. Swim to the island (Don't worry about lurker sharks), climb up, and punch him. He spits it out about a hundred yards, and all you have to do is beat him to it and it's yours. Use the stairs closer to Power Cell 6. If you can't get him this way, and you can launch up to the cannon tower (See Power Cell 5), you can use the cannon to take the pelican down. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Chase The Seagulls --------------------------------------------------------------------- In a thoroughly illogical puzzle, Jak and Daxter must chase the seagulls that sat minding their own business on the sentinels on the distant part of the beach. Chase them to the second, and then the third ruins. They'll somehow cause an avalanche, and the Power Cell will fall near the Eco Harvesters. I don't get it, either. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Launch Up To The Cannon Tower --------------------------------------------------------------------- This Power Cell cannot be done without first opening the Blue Eco Vents. If you have not, see "Forbidden Jungle; Power Cell 3." Near the sentinels are a lot of big tall islands that are inaccessible. Unless, of course, you have the blue eco power. With that you can spring up to each and every one of them, until you arrive at the top of the cannon tower. Kill the two baddies and the Power Cell is yours, as is control of the cannon. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Explore the Beach --------------------------------------------------------------------- Past the center windmill and the small rocky flight of stairs is a gap in the rocks. There are some sand dragons there, but just beyond them is a Power Cell, just waiting to be picked up. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Climb The Sentinel --------------------------------------------------------------------- The second sentinel at the distant end of the beach has a Power Cell all alone at its apex. It couldn't be simpler, unless it was. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Free The 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - Among 11 treasure chests near the entrance from Sandover Village. You'll probably be charged with blue stuff, so that'll break it. - Between the Eco harvesters and the Flut Flut Egg, where you will also be most likely charged with blue eco. You may get it and not realize it. - Beneath the farthest windmill, punch the poles up with the uppercut move. Use one of them to hop to the otherwise inaccessible cliff with some orbs and a scout fly. - Whichever pole you climbed first, now climb the other one. The same prize awaits you. - In a corner of the beach one level below the eco vents. - At the top of the first Sentinel, where you first bothered the seagulls. - On the small platform that overlooks the beach where the bombs are being thrown, between the first and second windmill. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are several in impenetrable boxes on the shore. Bombs that fall from the sky can be used to blow them up. They contain a lot of precursor orbs. There are also a few impenetrable boxes on the big tall islands leading to the cannon tower. When charged up, if you land on one of them, it'll be destroyed, and you can pick up the orbs inside. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 7: FORBIDDEN JUNGLE ===================================================================== Enemies: Pythons - The pythons hang down from the trees in the Dense Jungle and strike. Jump spin attack to kill them, but it can be tricky. (Yeah, and I KNOW pythons are constrictors... whatever) Night Frogs - Spined froglike hoppers with creepy nightglow eyes. Just smack them any way you like. Piranha - In the river in the Dense Jungle and the canyon, be careful when you swim, because they'll chew you up. Dark Vines - These spiky vines come out of the ground and can attack you. When you kill them, they almost immediately come back. The only way to kill them for good is to kill the Dark Eco plant in the Precursor Temple. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Shorthand --------------------------------------------------------------------- This place was complex enough that I decided to give certain sections of the map shorthand names. This will make discuss- ing them loads easier. Dense Jungle - What I call the first part of the level, where the windy trees, river with bad fish, and other nasties are. Precursor Tower - The big metal-stone building in the center of the map. Kinda hard to miss. Precursor Totems - The place beyond the dense jungle and a suspension bridge. It has several slowly escalating pillars surrounding one big one. Bridge Plateau - The area beyond the Precursor Totems and a suspension bridge, where there are two spiked logs and a spike pit, and past them, a blue ego vent and blue ego activated bridge to the Precursor Temple. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Connect The Eco Beams --------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a machine redirecting the eco beam normally used in Sandover Village for power. It's located to one side of the Precursor Tower, nearby the Dense Jungle. Hop on the pistons to get on top of it, and then navigate the spinning doohickeys. Punch the foundation of the mirror to kill the machines and raise the towers that bring the power to the village. Each tower can be aimed by a small scope thing in the base of it. You need to recalibrate the towers by aiming the tower lens to where the flame-like icon is. Here are the locations of the towers: i. Right next to the thieving machine. ii. Far into the dense jungle, near the waterfall. iii. The area between the dense jungle and the Precursor tower. From the thieving machine, walk around the Precursor tower, heading around the dense jungle. It should be nearby. (It's kinda hard to describe where this area is, but I hope that description is accurate.) iv. On the plateau above the Precursor Totems, past the swinging spike trap. v. Beneath the suspension bridge that separates Forbidden Jungle and Sandover Village. Return to the Mayor's house in Sandover Village to get, after all that crap.... a Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Get To The To Of The Temple --------------------------------------------------------------------- After activating the bridge on the bridge plateau with blue eco, go past the weeds, and into the iris door. Take the left, and keep going up. Watch out for the occasional enemy. There should be another blue vent about halfway up. The saucers at the top can be sketchy, so watch out that you don't fall. Once you surmount the tower, the Power Cell is yours for the having. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Find the Blue Vent Switch --------------------------------------------------------------------- This Power Cell invariably follows Power Cell 2. Make sure you did that one first. At the top of the tower, there is a button. Stand on it, and the roof sinks in and brings you to a room with two iris doors and one regular hall. Since you aren't powered up, you have only one way to go. The path is straightforward, but be careful of falling off, especially when grabbing the Precursor Orbs that float above a few of them. As you reach the end, there is a large, seemingly dormant, machine with a Power Cell on top of it. Grab it, and Blue Vents will open all over the world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Defeat The Dark Eco Plant --------------------------------------------------------------------- This Power Cell invariably follows Power Cell 3. Make sure you did that first. Once you are in the room where you arrived when the top of the tower dropped down, go to the only remaining iris door. Charge up, of course. But be careful now. There are some platforms that flip over for a beat. They stay right side up for about 2 seconds, then flip for one second. It's easy enough to time. Once again, there's only one way to go, but when you get there, there's a mean-looking plant there. The Dark Eco Plant will send out little spiky bugs. The bugs will pull their spikes in for a short while, and that's when you hit them. The plant also tries to bite you, so keep moving around. After you deal with all his bugs, he'll form two leaves that act as stairs for you to reach his face. Punch him right in the face. Give 'im one to remember you by! It takes three hits to kill him. After each hit, he releases another bug for you to kill. Once you hit him three times, you get the hard-earned Power Cell, and you no longer have to deal with the tentacles around the forest. Remember to stomp on his head for some Precursor Orbs. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Catch 200 Pounds Of Fish --------------------------------------------------------------------- Beneath the suspension bridge that separates the dense jungle and the Precursor Totems is the fisherman whose speedboat rests at dock in Sandover Village. You can't use it without his permission, but you can earn his permission by catching 200 pounds of fish. In this game, fishing is mechanically simple, but still rather hard for those who can't get the hang of it. You hold the net in front of the river while you catch the fish that swim past with a net. Little fish are one pound and big ones are 5. You can't miss 20 pounds of fish, or you'll lose. You also can't catch ANY poison eels, else you'll poison the whole batch and lose. As fast as the fish may go, they never go so fast you can't get the net either away from them or in front of them. The fish don't ever come more than one at a time, either. All you need to do is get a rhythm for the net, and you're golden. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Follow The Canyon To The Sea --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hop down into the canyon and go towards the end of it. If you see a blue spring pads and some blue eco, you've gone the right way. You don't need the eco, though. Just continue walking and swim to the lonely Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Open The Locked Temple Door --------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a blue ego vent in the bridge plateau. Charge yourself full of then blue stuff, and leap down into the canyon. There's a blue- charged spring pad you can use to get back up to the blocking machine area. Run up the ramp on the Precursor Temple to the iris door. It'll open to a Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Free The 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - Near the blue jump pad beneath the bridge plateau. - Behind the blocking machine. - Beneath the suspension bridge separating the Precursor totems and the bridge plateau. - On the outside of the Precursor Temple. You need to activate the bridge, take the first right, and then use the trampoline to get up to the ledge that leads outside. The scout fly is not far. - Halfway up the Precursor Tower, with some treasure chests. - Near the second redirecting tower. - Near the fourth redirecting tower, up the thin rock platforms near the weird bent tree. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- When you are on the path to Power Cell 3, notice the Blue Launcher that seems useless, since you are not charged. Once you open the vents, a vent in the starting room will allow you to grab the eggs hidden high above the launcher. Also, don't forget to stomp on the Dark Eco Boss Plant's head. He'll spew a few Precursor Orbs. HPrill noted that I forgot this. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 8: MISTY ISLAND ===================================================================== Before you can get here, you must complete Forbidden Jungle; Power Orb 5. Otherwise, you won't be able to use the boat. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Shorthand --------------------------------------------------------------------- For navigational purposes, I'm giving names to some of the places. Bone Center - I'll tell you exactly how to get here. From the dock, you go to the springboard, to the left of a mud pile, and into a place where the ground is sunken in just a bit. A spine path runs overhead. This is going to be called the Bone Center hereinafter. Rib Bay - From the arena where you fight the horde (See Power Cell 4), walk to the left, relative to the gates, over a mud pool, until you come to a springboard. There should be lots of ribs around. This position is going to be called Rib Bay hereinafter. Ship Fore - The front of the Lurker's Ship, where the Scout Fly is and the bridge inland ends. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Catch The Sculptor's Muse --------------------------------------------------------------------- When you talk to the sculptor in Sandover Village, he says that he lost his muse, and that it's somewhere on Misty Island. When you come here, you can see a beautiful golden cat-squirrelly thing that's runs away from you whenever you get close. It will run all over, so you have to see when it takes a corner where you can cut if off at or goes on a long path where you can roll jump to it. Punch it to stuff it in your backpack. Pass the beautiful specimen to the sculptor to give him a reason not to kill himself, and to give you a Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Climb The Lurker Ship --------------------------------------------------------------------- From Ship Fore, just continue up onto the roof of the ship, and the following scaffolds. Couldn't be simpler, but it isn't. Also, you can reach it from Bone Center by going the opposite way the mysts are and continuing that way. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Stop The Cannon --------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll probably get Power Cell 2 before you get this, but it isn't mandatory. There's a long wooden path with several long barrels coming down. Every third one bounces. The two first ones can be jumped and the third can be run under. There are a few tiers on the wooden path where you can stop and get your bearings. Most of them have big green eco as well. When you reach to top, beat up the cannon operators and you have another Power Cell to your name. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Return To The Dark Eco Pool --------------------------------------------------------------------- From Bone Center, head towards where the mysty waters are. There are lots of ways to get to the iris door you can see in the distance. Any way will do, but keep in mind that the tall fangy bones can be knocked down for makeshift bridges. When you DO get across, grab the blue eco and open the door. The doors slams shut behind you. Hordes of enemies come at you. If you keep spin attacking and grabbing the red eco and green eco, you should be fine. Once all the enemies are eliminated, stairs rise to where Daxter was transformed. Above it is the Power Cell. Conversely, you can go around the other way and avoid the myst jumping puzzle, if you aren't very coordinated or something. Go directly opposite the mysts and continue that way to the scaffolds, and board the ship. At the end of the ship is a bridge leading to Rib Bay. From there, it's only a hike to the coliseum. There's some blue eco to open the door for ya. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Destroy the Balloon Lurkers --------------------------------------------------------------------- Get onto the A-Grav Zoomer a stone throw away from Bone Center. While on the water, follow the six dirigibles. When they come low to the ground, dice the pilot up. Don't hit the mines strung around the poor schmos, for obvious reasons. Once all six are dead, a Power Cell appears below the ship. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Use Zoomer To Reach Power Cell --------------------------------------------------------------------- When you get on the A-Grav Zoomer, you may notice some docklike things in the middle of the bay. Aside from having a treasure trove of Precursor Orbs, they also have a Power Cell a few meters off one of the edges. Don't fly too fast up the ramp, or you'll miss your exit. Jump at the very tip of the ramp and you'll add another Power Cell to your vast collection. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Use Blue Eco To Reach Power Cell --------------------------------------------------------------------- From Bone Center, head towards where the mysty waters are. There's one rock with a blue eco and a big tall bone. Knock the bone over with few punches. Grab the eco next to the now-broken bone, cross the bone, grab the blue eco there, drop down to the platform below it, grab THAT eco (and ignore the dark eco, and the bad guy if you can), leap to the near island with a mud puddle, then to the next immediate land mass straight ahead. Hop onto the stone in the puddle and, if you still had blue stuff left, ride the platform to the Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Free The 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - From Bone Center, take the two steps to the spine trail that was above Bone Center. Follow it to a Scout Fly. - From Rib Bay, Use the springboard to go up to the next stone level, cross the mud, then go up another level. The scout fly should be right there. - On the ship, just before the bridge. - On the second tier of the wooden path leading to the cannon. - Use the A-Grav Zoomer to get on the ramplike docks, where a scout fly is held. - From Bone Center, jump to the mysty waters, go across the bone bridge and leap left towards the stone wall. The scout fly is in the alcove nearby. - From the sixth, run adjacent to the stone wall, past some collapsing floor, and onto the scout fly. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are unbreakable boxes in the coliseum. Once you get rid of the monsters running the cannon, you can use it to break the boxes in the coliseum and fetch them later. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 9: FIRE CANYON ===================================================================== Enemies: Yeah, right. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Reach The End Of Fire Canyon --------------------------------------------------------------------- Not much explanation here. Avoid open lava, dark eco, and pits. Aim for jumps and coolant balloons. Don't worry about getting all the flies in one trip. If you die, you can get the ones you missed. The ones you DID catch are saved. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Free The 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - Near the first pit of open lava, in the center of the track. - After the first full road-blocking pit of lava, in the center of the track. - On a zigzag portion of road, on the left side of the track. - On a swiveling part of track, surrounded by open lava and an infinite pit. - Very near the fourth scout fly, but a few clicks further down. - After a blue eco vent and rock formation, to the right of the screen. - On the straightaway at the end. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not sure, but I think there's just a box at the end with fifty of them in it. I don't seem to remember any on the track. Just don't miss that box. Could someone confirm this for me? UPDATE: Version 1.01 No, I'm wrong. The boxes are just in obvious positions. I hit them all and didn't realize it. Thanks go to Nate Stephenson to being the first to realize my mistake. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 10: ROCK VILLAGE ===================================================================== Enemies: None to speak of. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Shorthand --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's some more shorthand, coming at ya. Town Center: The indoor place where you meet the gambler and the warrior. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bring 90 Orbs To The Gambler --------------------------------------------------------------------- Not much action here. Just give the gambler in the town center 90 Precursor Orbs and you have yourself something to put with the rest of your dead presidents. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Bring 90 Orbs To The Geologist --------------------------------------------------------------------- That babe of a geologist stands between the bridge from the town center and the Precursor Basin. She offers a Power Cell for 90 Precursor Orbs. What is it with these people and ninety? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Bring 90 Orbs To The Warrior --------------------------------------------------------------------- Alls ya gotsa doo is bring the warrior in the town center the cash, and he begrudgedly brings the floats he knocked out of position to trap Klaww on the mountain. He also inexplicably gives you a Power Cell. If you pissed him off so much by doing that, why the hell does he give you a Power Cell? Oh, well. A Power Cell is a Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 and 5. Bring 120 Orbs To The Oracle --------------------------------------------------------------------- The oracle is between the rocky stairs leading down from the Blue Sage's Hut and where that goddess of a geologist is. At 120 Orbs apiece, he's ripping you off, no doubt. But you are in no position to haggle. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Free The 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - Hidden between two of the diagonal stair-like rocks that lead up to the blue sage's hut -Near the flaming rock, blue eco and a bridge leading to the town center. - The sexy geologist is standing in front of a big columnous rock. Behind that rock is a path and a scout fly. - The first float en route to the machine, right outside of the town center. - Stone dock near the town center, by the path to the Lost Precursor City. - Balcony of the Blue Sage's hut. - On the ground before the entrance to the Swamp. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 11: LOST PRECURSOR CITY ===================================================================== Unlike Mystic Island, this place is confusing, but more straight- forward and ropy. These rooms roughly connect in order as they are in the list. Starting Room - Where you start out. Platform Room - The room immediately following the Starting Room, with the several platforms and pulsing electrified water. Y-Room - The room immediately following the Platform Room, with a dual spinning platform and a Scout Fly. Throne Room - The immense room you come to after the Y-room, with just about everything you could imagine. Trust me, you'll know it when you see it. Solar System Room - Through the doorway at the left of the Throne Room. This room has spinning arc platforms and a stationary one at the center with a Power Cell, all floating over Dark Ego. Tornado Room - The room following that one, with two places to go, a water cyclone in the center, and three spiked hover lurkers. Matching Room - The path to the RIGHT in the Tornado Room. It leads to a set of thirteen platforms. Dangerous Pool Room - This is the path to the LEFT of the Tornado Room. It has a large electrified pool, a horseybacking lurker, a switch that raises three platforms, and an exit to a slide. Slide 1 - The first slide you encounter. This leads you to the Chamber Raising Room. Chamber Raising Room - This place has several spiked hover lurkers, a blue eco vent, and the chamber you raise for Power Cell 1. Slide 2 - The slide you ride after passing through the Chamber Raising Room. This leads to the Slide Tube. Slide Tube - A tall cylinder with several platforms running up it. Dark Eco lays at the bottom. It eventually leads to the Dangerous Pool Room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Raise The Chamber --------------------------------------------------------------------- After going down the first slide, you come to a room with several spiked hover lurkers. Deal with them before attempting this puzzle; they will get in the way like nobody's business. After they are all extinct, charge up with the blue stuff and touch the five globe totems that are around and on top of the machine. You shouldn't need to recharge, because if you don't do it fast enough that you keep the energy throughout, you aren't going fast enough to begin with. The globes only hold the charge for a limited amount of time, so beware. Once all the globes are powered, the iris door on the machine opens. Stomp the button inside, and the machine rises. But, DON'T LEAVE JUST YET. There IS land you can theoretically jump from to get the Power Cell on top of the machine, but I was never able to do it. Instead, bring the machine back down, and climb the machine there. It's sitting peacefully on top of the pod. Yahoo! Another one. Version 1.50 Update: Rick Donnelly of Westwood Studios/EA writes: To get the precursor orb on top of the chamber on the surface of the water requires a double jump immediately followed by a spinning kick for those extra few milliseconds of float time. Easier on the bottom, though, as you mentioned (this one took me about ten minutes to figure out). I haven't confirmed this, but it's just damn easier to do it my original way. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Follow The Colored Pipes --------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Throne room, to the far left, are some buttons with chambers in front of them. One of them has a Power Cell. Press the button in front of it, and it travels through the pipe to high up along the left wall. Use the rectangle bricks to get to the top. Jump just as the brick you are on is retracting. The Power Cell awaits you. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Reach The Bottom Of The City --------------------------------------------------------------------- Go past the Solar System room, past the Tornado room, down the slide, past the Chamber Room, down another slide to a Power Cell alone on a totem. Double jump and the pleasure's all yours.... ...and so's the pain (See Power Cell 6) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Quickly Cross The Dangerous Pool --------------------------------------------------------------------- Take the left path from the tornado room and deal with the horsey- backing lurkers. The switch on the floor brings up two platforms that rise just long enough for you to double jump off of each of them to the platform to the left, where a Power Cell lies. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Match The Platform Colors --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are thirteen platforms over electrified water in the Matching Room. You hop onto a platform, it lights up. Hop onto a lit platform and it turns off. You can't just jump in place and turn them on and off either. There's no defined way to cross it, but they ALL need to be lit to open the door. If you have all of them lit, but then need to get to the platform where you can reach it, you just have to play hotfoot around them. I have a solution which tells the right way to go, but I can't describe it accurately in text. If Ceej can't post the .gif I have of the solution, I'll give the text in an upcoming version. Version 1.50 Update: Meyerowitz wrote me their solution. I'm giving it as they wrote it: before jumping on a square go to the square farthest to the left and closest to you go forwards to the next square and so on when you come to the last square in the row don't go right look back and jump on he unlitt square closest to you keep jumping to the unlit square closest to you when you are at the square farthest left and the farthest you can go jump to the square in front of the door a sequence will roll and after you go through the door and you have your power orb I hope this also helps. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Climb The Slide Tube --------------------------------------------------------------------- This Power Cell invariably comes after Power Cell 3. It starts right after you get it anyway. Once you grab Power Cell 3, the Dark Eco rises up. You can charge yourself with the wonderful blue stuff and use the jump pad to get a head start on the glop. Run along the platforms, whack enemies if you can, and watch out for the rectangle traps. Eventually, you'll reach another spring pad, and a spring pad in the center of the Slide Tube. It'll spring you right out and to another Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Reach The Center Of The Complex --------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a platform beneath the rectangle box stairs in the Throne Room. It leads to a doorway, which leads to a series of concentric arc platforms surrounding a platform with Power Cell on it. I've dubbed it the Solar System Room. The arc platforms tip periodically. Just find ones that have just tipped and you are gonna be swell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Free The 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - On a platform at the bottom of the first room. - Right-hand platform in the Y-room. - Far left of the Throne Room has a button you stomp to teleport the fly to a pillar not far from there. You must grab it before the time runs out. - Another button brings a scout fly closer to you, but the time limit is shorter. - Far right of Throne Room beyond second-story electrified pool. - Far left, in the middle of the folding rectangle staircase, en route to Power Cell 2. - On platform in room after Chamber Raising Room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are some Precursor Orbs on the two slides, and on parts of the Slide Tube. In a rush, they can be easy to miss. Also, the orbs that sit over a hot coil with a moving platform underneath can be grabbed by jumping into the orb as the platform is moving with you. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 12: PRECURSOR BASIN ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Shorthand --------------------------------------------------------------------- And here they be, more shorthand names. Moleville Tier - The section of the Precursor Basin where the mole hole is. Poison Plant Tier - The section of the Precursor Basin where the mole hole is. Both sections span until the arch with the jewel in it. I've just given them those names to divide them in half so it's slightly easier to describe. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Herd The Moles Into Their Hole --------------------------------------------------------------------- When you talk to the geologist, she says there are blind moles that were disturbed out of their hole. But since they are blind, they can't find themselves back to their hole. The mole hole is nearby the entrance, and all the moles aren't far from it. Ok, they DO look more like foxes than moles, but at any rate, you can scare them by chasing them into the hole. Just get behind them and aim for the hole. When they're all safe and sound, return to the the geologist. She'll give you a coveted Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Catch The Flying Lurkers --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are four lurkers flying around the Precursor Basin. There are two in each tier. When you fly into them, they disintegrate. In The Poison Plant Tier - One flies around the base of the columns you leap on getting Power Cell 4. - One lurker flies around the "O"-shaped platform near the dark eco plants. In The Moleville Tier - Flying around the mole hole. - Flying over and around the entrance arch. They tend to take wide turns, and the one near the columns can be cut off rather easily. After mincing all of them in the rotor blades, you get... a Power Cell?! Whodathunk? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Beat Record Time On The Gorge --------------------------------------------------------------------- From the entrance, take a hard right when you reach the gateway to the Poison Plant Tier. There should be some checkered tape. If you talked to the gambler, you'll know this is the race he wants ya to beat. I can't offer strategy except the only thing that will slow you down more than not going fast enough is going too fast and hitting the archetypal Precursor Obstacle. I never made a time under fifty seconds, so the only relevant strategy is to keep your head on straight and watch out for obstacles. Once you beat it less than 45 seconds, the gambler in the Town Center of Rock Village will give you a Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Get The Power Cell Over The Lake --------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Poison Plant Tier, ride up to the "O"-shaped platform and ride to the end of it. Hop to the closest rock, and then jump off of the grassy ramp to the rocky excursion. Continue going up, make a hairpin turn, and leap off the top to the nearest column, then the one nearest that one, and so on, until you come to one last ramp. Jet it as fast as you can, and jump right before you leave the ramp. A very high Power Cell is your reward for the stunt work. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Cure Dark Eco Infected Plants --------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Poison Plant Tier (duh...), there's a patch of ghastly black plants that are infected with Dark Eco. There's also a Green Eco vent nearby. This vent gives you a fairy dust-like ability. Fly over the crops and dust them with the green stuff and they'll perish. However, they grow back slowly. It may take a few trips back to the green eco vent, but you'll eventually extinguish the threat. A new plant sprouts up and gives you a Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Navigate The Purple Precursor Rings --------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a solitary purple ring sitting on the second-story platform that leads over an arch in the Moleville Tier. Go through the first ring and another will appear, and go through that one and another will appear, and so on. It takes ten seconds for the purple rings to evaporate, so grab them before then. I'm not going to say where they all are, because 90% of them appear right in front of you, unless you entered it backwards or something. If it isn't clear, get some eye drops. Towards the end, the rings do get a bit tricky. When you ride over the entrance arch, you have to hop off to get the ring, from there, go to the "O"-shaped platform. Once finished, grab your prize; a Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Navigate The Blue Precursor Rings --------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Poison Plant Tier, ride up to the "O"-shaped platform and ride to the end of it. Hop to the closest rock, then jump off of the grassy ramp to the rocky excursion. Don't go up; go left. There should be a blue ring there. Not all of the rings are in plain view when you grab the preceding ring, but none of them are in wholly illogical decisions. For the seventh ring, you must bound off a rock to grab the ring. I'm not a big fan of the A-Grav Zoomer, but all I can say is it beats walking. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Free the 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - On second-story "O"-shaped platform in Poison Plant Tier. - Inside the center below second-story "O"-shaped platform, near Scout Fly 1. - En route to Power Cell 4, on the platform with the last ramp. - A stone's throw from the mole hole. - At one end of the entrance archway. - Just prior to the jump that begins the purple ring puzzle. - Just prior to the jump that begins the blue ring puzzle. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 13: BOGGY SWAMP ===================================================================== Before I go to the strategies, I want to warn you about a strange bug J.Basset wrote me to say. He said: My 8-year-old sun has inadvertently done something whilst playing his J&D game which has caused the game to be placed in perpetual darkness. He cannot remember how he did it, only that he was riding Flut Flut in the Boggy Swamp somewhere, he jumped, the game ceased temporarily and then the game was cast into darkness. It took me 30 minutes to get out of the swamp for him, but I cannot seem to reverse the problem. If you press the triangle button, then you can see everything in day, but of course you cannot move whilst in that mode. Very frustrating. I've never seen this bug, but he said the bug ceased after a rebooting of the game. I just have it here for completeness. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Shorthand --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are a few names for the swamp. Sinking Mushrooms: The pink mushroomy platforms. When you stand on one of them, it sinks and the other rises. Field Of Everything: The place with a lot of Dark Eco boxes, crates, and four yellow Eco orbs behind an L-shaped log gate. It's beyond the first three tethers and before the last one. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Ride The Flut Flut --------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember your Flut Flut friend you saved in Sentinel Beach? If you didn't push the egg off the cliff, you may wanna check out Sentinel Beach; Power Stone 2. The birdy you save is a Flut Flut, and Kiera has suited it with a harness. From the station between the third and fourth tether (Check the instructions in Power Cells 4, 5, and 6 on how to get there), ride the Flut Flut up the wooden stairs you past to get to the Flut Flut and over the scaffolds that circle the area. Several easy jumps separate you and the Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Protect Farthy's Snacks --------------------------------------------------------------------- The redneck that lives out near the Field Of Everything has a problem of rats eating his bait. He's trying to lure his pet back home. He asks you to defend all the snacks. (Sometimes what he says comes off as "Keep at least one of them uneaten.") You are in first person view, and can only look left and right and fire. Not much help I can give you here except to aim close, but you don't need to aim too close, and make sure to keep all your eyes on all of the land. He'll give you a Power Cell in thanks. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Defeat The Lurker Ambush --------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a spring pad nearby the spring pad you take to get to the third tether. Charge up and fly like an eagle to a small enclosure where, again, you are ambushed. You get a lot of Yellow Eco, but you don't really need it. Spin attack when there aren't too many men around, and retreat if there are. After more enemies than you probably have toes and fingers, a well-earned Power Cell is yours. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4, 5, 6, and 7. Break The Tethers To The Zeppelin --------------------------------------------------------------------- The path to the first tether is straightforward. Avoid the briar, duck beneath the bats, watch out for the spiked logs, etc. There's a small fork, where you can go either left or straight. Go straight. Break the rock at the center of the small area with the yellow eco. In there is a yellow eco vent. You can use that to destroy two rat nests. Beyond there are sinking mushrooms. Use them to hop high enough to blast the tether and grab the Power Cell. One down, three to go. Return down the path you didn't go through before, and continue as you would. The direction is straightforward again; watch our for frogs, don't stand too long on the floats in the hurting water. Another tether holds down the dirigible. Shoot it with the yellow stuff, and a Power Cell smiles upon you. Two down, two to go. Go right and backwards into the caves. Use the yellow eco to wreck the Dark Eco blocking the way through. Use the blue eco there to hop on the spring pad (the one PAST the wooden wall, not before it). It will lead you to a small area with a yellow eco vent. Bust up the rat nest and the tether for another wonderful Power Cell. Three down, one to go. Go to the field of everything. From the Field Of Everything, continue down the hurting water path until you reach a Yellow Eco vent on solid ground. Charge up, hop on the docks and over the two sinking mushrooms, and blast the tether for all it's worth. The dirigible fails, and you get a Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Free the 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - On the log bridge over the briar in the beginning. - In the cavern where the first blue spring pad brings you. - In the cavern where the first blue spring pad brings you. - From the second tether, go forward until you reach a wall. It's in the right-hand corner. - In the Field Of Everything (I Think... Can someone please confirm this?) - On the scaffolds nearby the Flut Flut station. - On the scaffolds nearby the Flut Flut station, en route to Power Cell One. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a lot of unbreakable boxes in this level. You can use either yellow eco or the Flut Flut to break them. For metal boxes floating in hurting water, use yellow eco to break the box, and then use blue eco to attract the orbs. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 14: MOUNTAIN PASS ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Defeat Klaww --------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you meet this armored, biomechanical maniac, get used to seeing his face, because this battle may take a while. Don't be discouraged by dying. You will probably die at least once, and if you don't, what the hell are you reading this for? You could write your OWN FAQ, you're so good. Double-jump to the center of the three rocks forming the "V." Klaww will throw rocks at you; I believe eight in the first volley. Jump away to the other platforms when he shoots at the one you are on. Once he's done firing, he'll go under the lava. That's when the blue eco will appear. Grab it, and a bridge will form from stuff since hidden. When the bridge is formed, Klaww will retreat a little and shoot boulders that roll down the bridge. They will only be either on the left, center, or right. Those are also easy to dodge. Get to the high end of the bridge, and he holds his arm over his head and charges up a real big boulder, but he left his stomach exposed. The yellow eco at the end of the bridge can be used to shoot him eight times in the gut, which will break his concentration and make the boulder bounce on his head. The boulder still comes at you, but this time breaking the bridge as it rolls. So make like Indiana Jones and get back to the stones at the back of the arena. Basically, you need to do this thrice. He throws twelve boulders at you the second time and sixteen boulders at you the third time, and they come faster each time. Also, the bridge loses pieces each time the boulder rolls over it. First it loses pieces that make it s-curvy, then it loses pieces that give it checkerboard gaps. (I had ASCII art, but it didn't work. You're just going to have to imagine.) The jumps are tricky, but there should never be a time where there's no place you can go. If nothing else, you COULD retreat, but I've never needed to. With the third boulder, Klaww falls and a path across the lava rises. The town relaxes, but you can't relax just yet. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Reach The End Of The Mountain Pass --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hop onto the A-Grav Zoomer and try to keep ahead of the lurkers. Speed isn't as important in this race as control is. If you touch one of the dynamite barrels, you'll be blown to smithereens. Once you are safely ahead of the lurkers, you can ease off the gas a little bit to help control, because in the mountain, there are a LOT of Dynamite barrels to dodge. Pay particular caution to the infinite pits inside the mountain, and before the jump with the Dark Eco on the landing pad. If you take that jump too far to the left, you'll hit the ramp and fall. Beat them there for a Power Cell, and to be allowed continued existence. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Find The Hidden Power Cell --------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't even bother trying this one the first time around; you need to open up the Yellow Eco Vent Switch. See Snowy Mountain; Power Cell 1 first. After you take the huge jump, grab the yellow eco and lean left. There should be stone that you can shatter with a blast. Hop the exposed jump and a Power Cell is yours. Version 1.50 UPDATE: "Kurai Seraphim" has written me, claiming this Orb can be grabbed immediately after clearing the race. I include it here just as it was sent to me. "I just wanted to let you know that it is possible to get the "Find the Hidden Power Cell" from the Mountain Pass as soon as you've cleared the area's race mode. You don't need the yellow eco. I just went back to the start of the level, got off the zoomer, and ran back. With all of the blue eco vents, it didn't take as long as I thought and you can roll-jump across the big gap if you roll to the right (where the return ramp is). When you get to the big rock, go to one of the corners of it and do a crouch jump, followed by the Aerial Attack (if you want, it might make it easier). If you're lucky, you'll go right over the rounded corner or at least get "stuck" halfway up the rock, where another jump will let you get over it. Once you grab the power cell here, I recommend you just kill yourself on a conveniently placed explosive, because it's faster than walking back and to my knowledge they aren't counting lives in this game. I'm currently at the Volcano Crater and I haven't missed a power cell yet." --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Free the 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations For goodness sake, don't worry about them until you stop them from blowing up the pass! Where ARE your priorities, man?! When you DO get a chance to see them, here they are. - Just before the first jump. - In the center of the road, just after where the shortcut ends. - Just prior to the bottleneck road. - In front of the four chests after the really really big jump. - Midway through the mountain - Before the jump with the Dark Eco on the landing platform on the right-hand side of the track. - Right before the detonator. Hit the detonator first and walk back to the box. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- None of them are especially difficult to get. It's not irregular to get most of them the first time through. None are hidden, near as I remember. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 15: VOLCANIC CRATER ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1, 2, 3, and 4: Bring 90 Orbs To The Miners --------------------------------------------------------------------- The miners are located through the cave directly in front of the second suspension bridge. They won't need much of the four Power Cells you can buy off of them for 90 Precursor Orbs apiece. As you can see, they'll be there for a long time. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 and 6: Bring 120 Orbs To The Oracle --------------------------------------------------------------------- From the second suspension bridge, take the left route down towards the lava to see a hidden Oracle. Once again, he's gouging you, but you need Power Cells at any rate. Cough up the dough. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Find The Hidden Power Cell --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you noticed, just before the entrance to Spider Cave is an impenetrable box held in the stone. There's a yellow eco vent near the arch over the entrance. Charge up with that one, and haul ass out of Spider Cave, up to the volcanic craters. You should almost be out of eco, but you only need to get one shot off to free the trapped Power Cell, probably forgotten for a very long time. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Free The 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - Near the miners, behind a rock. - En route to the Oracle. - On the rocky columns between the mine carts and the gondola. - On the rocks near the third set of tracks. - On the rocks near the first set of tracks. - In front of the entrance to Spider Cave. - Just before the entrance from the Mountain Pass, off to the right (if coming from Mountain Pass). ===================================================================== CHAPTER 16: SPIDER CAVE ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Shorthand --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's some more shorthand for you. Baits Motel - The first room in the Spider Cave, where the gnawing lurkers are. Spider Scaffold - In the Baits Motel, the four levels of scaffolds where two support columns are and a few floating platforms are. Crystal Path - From the entrance, walk forward, staying near the left wall. Hop off of two cobweb springs, and continue in that direction, past a spider, until you see a Dark Eco pit with three spiders on it. Everything past this is Crystal Path. Hidden Way - From the top level of the Spider Scaffold, jump backward to the spider-web spring, and leap to the nearest landmass. Go around the hairpin turn and look to the Dark Eco pits and Precursor Platforms. I'm giving this place a shorthand name (and that name in particular) because I spent roughly a DAY looking for where the hell in this level I was missing the other Power Cells (2 and 3, specifically). Aargh. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Use Your Goggles To Shoot The Gnawing Lurkers --------------------------------------------------------------------- It'd be a good idea to get Power Cell 1 from Snowy Mountain before trying this. There's no such thing as TOO much Yellow Eco There are several support columns in the Baits Motel. These centipede-like creatures don't pose a threat personally, but you still need to eliminate them before they collapse the cave. There are a handful of yellow eco vents around the Baits Motel. If you stand on them and stay there, you'll have infinite shots. You have to kill all the gnawing lurkers with the Yellow Eco. The three things to remember are: Don't get too close (they'll retreat), don't get too far away (it'll be too difficult to estimate his position and movement) and remember that the Eco aren't bullets (they take a bit to move, so fire a little ahead of the lurkers). You should be able to kill them all from vantages by standing on a yellow eco vent, but some of them are tricky. When you exterminate them all, a Power Cell appears at the base of one of the columns. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Destroy The Dark Eco Crystals --------------------------------------------------------------------- From the top level of the Spider Scaffold. There should be one platform heading towards it. Get on it and hop to the left. One of them should take you to the crystal, suspended high in the air. Bump into it, and it starts a warning. Don't be near that thing when it goes off. The second Dark Eco crystal gave Crystal Path its name. Right at the beginning is the Dark Eco Crystal. Whack it and extinguish that threat. The third Dark Eco Crystal is at the start of the Hidden Way. If you charge up with Yellow Eco and blast if from afar, you won't need to ride the platforms there. The fourth one is on the right side of the Hidden way. Roll jump over the small gap to the last thing you thought you'd see in these caves-pure water! Swim down and touch the evil crystal to move on. The final crystal is along the dark cave path (See Power Cell 3). When you reach the fourth light-up crystal, go left rather than right, and dive under the water to destroy the last crystal. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Explore The Dark Cave --------------------------------------------------------------------- From the hidden way, cross the Dark Eco pool and head to the left side. Continue down and see the grayish crystal. Hit it and light up the room. Continue down the path, uppercutting big spiders and spin slapping little ones. When there are trap doors before a spinning platform, make sure to jump a little ahead of time, before the platform comes around. Another important note: The last two trap doors fall a little bit slower than the other doors. They give you enough time to duck and high-jump to the last platform. The timing can throw you and misestimate the exact time the door will fall. Grab the Power Cell and head on. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Climb The Giant Robot --------------------------------------------------------------------- After the Crystal Path, run up the front ramp in front of the large structure. Avoid the grinders. Stomp on the drilling lurker when he turns away. Take the right turn and kill that driller. Hop over the gap with the yellow eco and continue down. Take the next right and hop over the fire jets (when they are off). Continue down, killing another driller, hopping over a grinder onto a trap door, and quickly over another grinder, then another grinder. Await the elevator and have it take you up to the second floor. Hop onto the trap door, and quickly onto solid scaffold. Stomp another driller, and double- jump the pair of grinders. Hop over the double trap doors and whack a standard lurker. Jump over another grinder, and then another fire jet. Take the right, then kill another lurker, hop the trap door and grinder. Near is a spinning pole with a platform you can stand on. Use it to get directly across to another trap door and another lurker. Take this elevator up to the fourth floor. Down the way, there are six trapdoors. Hop from them the second you land on them, but when you reach the last one, leap right to the one perpen- dicular to you, and from that, double-jump to the swing bar. But don't jump until the flame jets are out. When you get back on the boards, use the two spin bars to get over the large row of grinders. Then leap to the next spin bar, onto the trap door, quickly onto the next spinner, over the flames, and watch out for the lurker. Round the bend, then hop up the spinbars till you are on the one highest and closest to the platform you are trying to get to. Finally, only three more spinbars and ANOTHER trap door are all that stand in your way before you get that glorious Power Cell. Hard, huh? Version 1.51 Update: God, just READING that ungodly paragraph gives me a headache... No new news, just my current thought. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Launch To The Poles --------------------------------------------------------------------- This will help you train for other pole use. Behind the robot is a solitary blue eco. Grab it and jump down into the abyss. If you aim right, you should land on a spring pad. Use it and be catapulted into a matrix of spin poles. Navigate up and left to get to a blue eco powered platform, which will take you to a Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Navigate The Spider Tunnel --------------------------------------------------------------------- After going through the Crystal Path and arrived at the big machine, turn around and see the path with three spider-springs over Dark Eco. There is a tunnel at the end, and inside are a large number of spider-babies. Plow through some, but you don't need to kill them all. At the end is a Power Cell. Use the Blue Eco to spring outta there. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Climb the Precursor Platforms --------------------------------------------------------------------- From the top level of the Spider Scaffold, you can hop onto the platform that arrives there. From there, there are some that lead forward. Hop to one of them. Then, a platform will go right, and one will go left. Hop onto the one that goes right. From there, it's a skip and a jump to a lonely Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Free The 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - While on the second floor of the Spider Scaffold, there should be a solitary bridge leading from it. It leads to a Scout Fly. - From the top level of the Spider Scaffold. There should be one platform heading towards it. Get on it and hop to the floating platforms that lead to the Dark Eco Crystal. At the end of the road should be a Scout Fly. - Atop the high archway over the entrance. From the top level of the Spider Scaffold, get on the platform that goes right up to it, then take the platforms that will lead you directly vertically across. They will lead you to a Scout Fly. - On the first floor scaffold past the first elevator, it is at the end of the platform. - On a small island in the Dark Eco pool in the Hidden Way. - En route to Power Cell 3. - When on the last elevator when climbing the robot, use the circling platform to get to another route. It will lead you out the last Scout Fly. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Hidden Way, there are two invincible boxes near the fifth scout fly. Charge with the yellow vent, hitch a ride, and shoot them when you get close. You don't need to hop onto the island. If you do, you may waste too much time. There are also similar boxes just before the Crystal Path. Charge up with the Yellow Eco vent near entrance to the Hidden Way. Also, there are similar boxes in the spider tunnel, but you need to unlock the Yellow eco vents before that becomes available. There are also some down on the bottom floor of the robot scaffolds. Take the first elevator down and watch out for the trap doors. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 17: SNOWY MOUNTAIN ===================================================================== To get here, you need to have the gondola, outside of the Red Sage's Hut, activated. I'm not sure what activates it, if it's the amount of Power Cells you have, or whether or not you talk with a certain NPC. Whatever the reason, at some points, it may not be accessible. Don't worry; Kiera will fix the machine for you at some point. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Find The Yellow Vent Switch --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you talked with Moron Miner, then he probably told you about a "pretty place in the snowy mountains hidden real good behinds some trees." Well, it's not hidden that good. It's to the right side of the fort. There's ice all over and it makes running hard. The archetypal Precursor Obstacles are a pain; they'll push you over the edge. After a mercifully short run through the traps, you find the Yellow Eco Vent Switch; a well-earned Power Cell awaits you. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Stop The 3 Lurker Glacier Troops --------------------------------------------------------------------- The first troop is off to the left of the snowball slide. Charge up with the red eco vent before facing this enemy. Get his attention and kick his butt. One down. Go down the valley parallel to the snowball slide and fall down the suspension bridge. Charge up with the red eco vent, and run down the large snowy steps that lead right. Disable this ice-breaking punk. Two down. Cross the suspension bridge you fell down. Go far to the right and reach the ice elevators that run along the slant of ice. Tackle them with some simple double jumping. You should be on a great big field of ice with a Precursor Blocker in the center. Pass it and charge up with the Red Eco. Go around the corner and smack the last lurker glacier troop. A Power Cell is your reward. Of all things! --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Deactivate The Precursor Blockers --------------------------------------------------------------------- They are all over the landscape. You may not have even known what the hell they are for a long time. They are the forcefielded things that freckle the white landscape. If you double-jump at the right moment, you can get past it and land on the top of the button and deactivate the forcefield. It's not solely about height, however. You also need to be going pretty fast horizontally. Here's where they all are: 1 right in front of the gondola. 2 along the snowball slide. 2 outside the fort on the left road. 3 in the ice field after the ice elevators. 1 just off to the right of the ice field. 2 on the small iced island that leads to the lurker cave. 1 past the suspension bridge from the iced island. After the last forcefield croaks, you can grab the Power Cell it surrenders. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Open The Frozen Crate --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This puzzle can only be completed once you get Power Cell 1. Make sure you snagged that one first. Off to the right of the large ice field near the third lurker glacier troop, go opposite the way you go to get to the lurker. There are some stones around, and an entrance to a cave. If you noticed, there's an unbreakable box frozen in the ice. Down a bendy snow road is a yellow eco vent. You can CAREFULLY jump over there, charge, CAREFULLY jump back, blast the box, and be golden. The Power Cell thanks you for the warm backpack. There's an alternate entrance near the end of the snowball slide. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Get Through The Lurker Fort --------------------------------------------------------------------- Climb the observation tower in the center, and take the bridge on it to the right side of the fort. Climb around the railings, swing on the poles. When you reach the fort. Hit the button. It will make a log rise there, so you will be able to start from there, rather than at the beginning. From there continue swinging and landing (remember to only jump from a pole to a platform if it is heading towards you, not when it is already there.) and watch out for the ice. After all the acrobatics, the Power Cell is yours. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Open The Lurker Fort Gate --------------------------------------------------------------------- The gate to the fort is mighty big, but you can get through it. There is a suspension bridge near the third lurker glacier. Cross it, and meet Flut Flut. She's the only one heavy enough to push down the giant button near her, and the only one who can jump far enough to get across the platforms that appear. Even though there is a time limit, don't sweat it. It's more than long enough that you can get across each gap, but you have to be patient, or you'll make an error and fall. Once you cross all three platforms, you get to the gate door switch and the Power Cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Survive The Lurker Infested Cave --------------------------------------------------------------------- From the fort, go far left. Cross the two suspension bridges, dealing with the nasty lurkers in between. Reach the gap and find a floating platform. When you do, hop on and charge yourself with the red eco. You'll need it to exterminate all the little lurkers around. Don't worry about the Dark Eco; the spin attack will work from far enough away to blow it up, so long as you are charged. The Power Cell is it's own reward. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Free The 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - At the bottom of the gorge nearest to the gondola. - At the bottom of the first suspension bridge, that led from the valley near the snowball slide, en route to the second lurker glacier troop. - Near the sliding Ice elevators that rung along the slant near the fort. - Off the cliff near the third lurker glacier troops. You can also take stairs near the farthest to the right part of the fort. - On top of the center tower in the fort. - On the roof of the fort. - Near the frozen crate (Power Cell 4). - Just before the blue eco jumping puzzle (it's to the left and easy to pass by). - Right after the blue eco jumping puzzle, there are some dinner plates that need to be passed to get the final Scout Fly. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a lot of indestructible boxes you can't open till you open the yellow vents. (Like the ones around the Power Cell 4). ===================================================================== CHAPTER 18: LAVA TUBE ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Cross The Lava Tube --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lava Tube isn't that much different from the other mountain path you had to fly over. For the most part, thankfully, you can ride on metal girders, which makes heat irrelevant. It also has two points among the race that you can regenerate at if you happen to die, which makes it even easier. After the spinning obstacle thing you had to destroy, take the rightmost path. Also, watch out for dark eco brigades that cross the way. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Free The 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - Near the beginning on the right-hand side of the track, next to a column. - In the center of the three-way split landing. - Left hand metal platform, right after the spinning chamber. - Amid the mined lava field. - Right next to Scout Fly 4 - Before the second mined lava field. - After the second three-dark-ego trap. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- None I can think of. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 19: GOL AND MAIA'S CITADEL ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Free The Blue Sage --------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the left and go across the brick bridge. Kill the lurker and cross that bridge. Hop over the two platforms and onto the rotating brick. From the next platform, you need to get on the farthest end of the platform and roll jump to the quickly spinning platform. It may take a few times, but it'll be worth it. From the wooden platform nearby it, roll jump to the donut-shaped platform, and then to the platform that leads from that. Grab the blue eco to activate the slowly rising platforms. They lead to a conga line of suspended platforms. When you reach the flames shooting down onto the bricks, leap past the brick before it gets flamed on. Get past two traps, and you can free the blue sage by breaking the light on the machine. The Power Cell is not entirely like the others. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Free The Red Sage --------------------------------------------------------------------- From the entrance, go right. Follow that path until you can see lots of pie piece platforms. You must conquer these before you can continue on. Not too hard. When you reach a button bringing up a bridge, there are only four colors this time. Blue, green, yellow, red. Hop to the blue one on the left, then the green one off to the left, then the closest yellow, then the only logical red. If you keep falling, or end up hanging onto an edge and THEN falling, you should space your double-jump a bit further out, to get more distance. After that, get ready for a huge ambush. Go in swinging, but keep moving forward. Eventually, you'll see the machine making unlimited lurkers. Smash the machine up, and deal with all the remaining lurkers. The iris door is now open. Hop across the three last pie pan traps and you'll free the Red Sage. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Free The Yellow Sage --------------------------------------------------------------------- From the entrance, take the path to the left. Don't cross the brick bridge at the end of the deck; jump t the large platforms. Navigate through them (for the ones on top of each other, leap off the lower one as the upper one sweeps over it). Go down the hallway and into the door. This is a jumping puzzle in which you have to jump between blue springers. There's a blue vent, so fill up and hop to it. There's plenty of time in the air to navigate and renavigate. So even the small ones shouldn't be too much of a problem. Continue down until you reach solid metal once again. Go through the door and slap the glowing blender-like machine holding him captive. I don't know 'bout you, but I'm getting damn sick of Power Cells. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Free The Green Sage --------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't even bother until you've freed the other three sages. After they are free, platforms rise to give you a route to another pie pan puzzle. This one is REALLY tricky. You have to not only get to higher platforms as they pass over you, but be on a certain part of the platform to jump to the next one almost immediately. Once you've conquered that, you can see parts of the machinery swing towards you. I don't think I have to tell you to jump to it, even though I just did. After surmounting the jumping puzzle (there's no real trick), go RIGHT and break the energy structure holding the green sage in his cage. You'll get a Power Cell, but there's no time to celebrate... --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Free The 7 Scout Flies --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout Fly Locations - Take the left path on the beginning circle, continue down to the hourglass float, and look to the scout fly on a nearby platform. - To the right of the entrance door. - En route to freeing the Blue Sage. - After the pie-piece trap leading to the Red Sage. - Atop the giant machine, en route to the Green Sage. - Just after the door to the left of the blue eco jumping puzzle. - After saving the yellow sage, go to the left to the jumping puzzle there. Continue on to the very very last Scout Fly. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky Precursor Orb Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------- Where to begin? Some are over collapsing bridges, some are over floating platforms, pie piece puzzles, on top of the machine, high above springboard puzzles... Ooch. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 20: FINAL BOSS STRATEGY ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL BOSS: GOL AND MAIA'S ROBOT --------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the Blue Eco to get over to the Dark Eco silos the machine is trying to break open. Grab Yellow Eco and shoot them in the laser until it breaks. They will unleash a bomblike weapon that will detonate after a certain amount of time. Grab blue eco and spring up to dodge it. Then they will shoot fire at the small opening forming in the silo's top. Enemies will begin to pour out. Use the yellow eco scattered to kill them; don't even bother punching because it does no good. Then they release another bomblike thing. Blue eco spring over that as well. Then they start shooting fireballs at the arena. When a fireball explodes, it sends a relatively easy to avoid shockwave through the arena. Just jump it. Sometimes they'll be in a way that you can land on one that just went off, but that doesn't happen often. While jumping to avoid them, try shooting the fire cannon with yellow eco. Another bomb-thing later, now they are shooting huge fireballs. Move perpendicular from them to keep from getting hit. One HUGE disadvantage you have is not being able to predict how long he's going to be charging for. He could charge a little while or much longer. Once again, shoot the Yellow Eco to fry him. Now, the four sages bring the powers together and create something the world may have never seen before: White Eco! Grab it quickly! It will bring untold powers to Jak, devastating the machine, and bringing a happy ending to all. If you have gotten one hundred Power Cells, you'll get something slightly nice. Otherwise, as Daxter says, "Here we go again!" ===================================================================== CHAPTER 21: EPILOGUE ===================================================================== VERSION 1.00 1/15/02 This was my first FAQ. It was made on a rented copy of Jak and Daxter. I played it for five or six hours a day for five days, and got every Power Cell. If this FAQ is scattershot, it's because I am. I rushed because soon ends my college break, and I knew if I hadn't finished it today, it NEVER would have gotten done. I hope only that I have done a good job, and that I someday am in- spired to write another FAQ. This Version 1.00 update has been brought to you by Anabolic-Steroid-Away; when you wanted to be buff, but now have to not be buff. Anabolic-Steroid-Away! Version 1.50 4/18/02 This is my biggest update so far. I've just added and corrected lots of middling problems I've had before. I've been adding stuff since about March, so I hope it is satisfactory. ===================================================================== CHAPTER 22: SPECIAL THANKS ===================================================================== CJayC - Administrator of GameFAQs. Hardest working man in showbiz. Alexander Davidson of LiquidNinja - He programmed Metapad, an awesome pure text editor of extraordinary utility that I used in the making of this FAQ. Visit him at liquidninja.com/metapad/ Naughty Dog - For making this game. My other real-life friends - You know who you are. And of course, the society of GameFAQs, and the GameFAQs Message Board. ============ This FAQ copyright Jeff "King Kool" Hibbert, 2002-2007. See Chapter 1 for details. Hakanai omoi zutto donna toki demo negau yo anata ni todoku you ni to...