--------------------------------------------- ---- J A K A N D D A X T E R ---- --------------------------------------------- The Guide to Hard-to-Get Power Cells By AdrenalineSL E-mail: toiletrabbit@hotmail.com Version 1.2: Released October 15, 2002 You again?! That's right! Me! Again! Here with this newly conceived FAQ. And here, I am going to reiterate the first half of the intro from my Scout Fly Locations Guide: I haven't seen a platformer this powerful since that fluffy, hip bear and his loud, smack-talking bird. I'm talking about Banjo-Kazooie, you Sony fanboys. The entire concept of Jak and Daxter feels as though it were the brainchild of Shigeru Miyamoto. The game is an immense adventure that combines key gameplay elements from Super Mario 64 and Zelda 64 (maybe a little of Banjo-Kazooie, too). The basic premise of it may seem stupid, as there is no fire-breathing dragon to slay or a damsel to rescue. Instead, your worldwide quest begins as you break a few rules to visit a forbidden island and then accidentally knock your buddy into a murky pool of Dark Eco, thus turning him into a weasel-like creature. While it's a FUN-tastic game, Jak and Daxter is by no means a difficult game! However, I quickly changed my opinion after browsing through the J&D message boards. It was then and there that I decided that people need a FAQ that covers the most hard-to-get Power Cells in the game--this FAQ! There are actually a few Power Cells that require you to spend more than one whole minute to get! And this document is here to elaborate on those. I've compiled all the Power Cells that I felt were difficult to obtain to the average eight year old. Basically, I covered the ones that take more than reflexes to acquire. If I've missed any that YOU were having trouble with, please feel free to tell me so I can laugh at you and then add it to the guide. Ok, so I won't laugh at you. I'll only question your brain's capabilities. ***************************************************************************** NOTE: For the locations of the Scout Flies, please refer to my other guide on GameFAQs. Forbidden Jungle ----------------- o Defeat the Dark Eco Plant - After activating the Blue Eco vent switch, use the vent to power up Jak with some Blue Eco and open the Precursor door. Wait for the platform to rotate into the right position and then hop across. Head around the corner. You won't miss this giant vegetable. This is hardly even considered a boss fight; just call it a tough cookie. It has two attacks up its sleeve. It will attempt to make you its afternoon snack, but if you stand in the back, you should be safe from its snapping jaws. Look at the size of those things! Some odd-looking, retarded green crawling things that produce spikes will pop out of its stomach and approach you. Avoid this Lurker at all costs while its spikes are out and attack only when they have receded. As soon as the baby Lurker bites the dust, the Dark Eco plant will go into some kinda "hibernation" and sprout leaves for you to climb on. Whack its head with a spin kick to wake it up. The process will now recycle except the Lurkers will be deployed in increasing numbers. You must kill all the baby Lurkers to force the Dark Eco plant into a state of hiatus. Whack its head three times to put it to eternal sleep. When it withers and falls flat (literally) on the ground, jump on its head to free some orbs. Sentinel Beach --------------- o Launch Up To the Cannon Tower - This one cannot be done until after you've activated the Blue Eco switch in Forbidden Jungle. When you do, just use the launch pad and fly from platform to platform until you reach the top of the fort. Then do away with the nasty Lurkers. Precursor Basin ---------------- o Catch the Flying Lurkers - Catching those fat purple scumbags is a PAIN! This is no doubt a test of your patience. There are four of these Lurkers in total. By dreadful misfortune and Keira's stupidity (I mean, can't she make the Zoomer go any faster?), the Lurkers can flap around much faster than the Zoomer can uh, zoom. The trick is to cut them off as they're making a turn, or go in front of them as they're wrapping around pillars and stuff. When attempting to do the latter, you have to make sure you're at your top speed, otherwise the Lurker will change its course and go the other way. It really is frustrating, and there's not much strategy I can provide here, so you're on your own, chump! o Get the Power Cell Over the Lake - The Power Cell really is floating high above the lake. Getting the darned thing requires a lot of ledge hopping and control (somewhat). Start by heading up the ramp to the donut-shaped land mass and follow it to the end. Here is where you'll have to start leaping from ledge to ledge. Gain enough speed to practically fly off the edge and press the R1 button to give you a small boost. Once you reach the last land mass, start gathering some speed and press R1 right before the end. If all goes well, you should have this one in the bag. o Navigate the Blue Precursor Rings - The blue rings won't appear unless you've completed the purple ones. The blue rings are no different than the purple rings, except that you are given less time between tagging a ring and reaching the next one. Get what I'm saying? o Beat Record Time On the Gorge - The current record is 45 seconds, and all you have to do is get to the finish line in under 45 seconds. Simple, yes? Kind of. You just need to watch out for those pipes that come out of the walls. They can screw you up. There's also a glitch in getting this particular Power Cell. According to Naughty Dog, the bug is triggered by talking to the gambler, trying the race for the first time and failing it, and then talking to the gambler a second time. Once you've activated this bug, there's nothing you can do to un-do it. Basically this means that you won't be able to get the gambler's second Power Cell. What can you do to avoid this? Well, talk to the gambler once and race until you win. This was an error on their part. Lost Precursor City -------------------- o Follow the Colored Pipes - In a very active room, you'll find a Power Cell and two poor Scout Flies trapped in tubes. In front of each tube is a pound switch. Jump and dive on the switch in front of the Power Cell. The pipe will suck up the Power Cell and spit it back out on a ledge, high above the entrance to this room. You have a limited amount of time to reach it. To get to it, you must use the blocks that move in and out of the walls, by timing when the next block will move in or out. If you take too long, the Power Cell will return to its tube. Poor thing. o Match the Platform Colors - This one is a bit tricky. The first REAL puzzle, and probably the last. Anyway, here's the deal: when Jak jumps on a platform, it lights up--same with the other platforms. However, if you land on an already lighted platform, it will "deactivate". Get it? Lighting all the platforms opens up the door to the Power Cell. The trick is to activate all the platforms without hitting the same platform twice. There are a few ways you can do this, but I'll cover only the solution I used. Here it is: Start on the far right and jump to the first block. Next, jump to the one on the upper left, then upper right. Leap to the one ahead, and then lower right. From there, jump to the one smack dab in the middle and then to the one behind it toward the ledge on which you started. Then jump onto the rest of the unlit ones. If you did everything right, you should land on the last one, right in front of the door. Mountain Pass -------------- o Defeat Klaww - Yeah, this guy is not as self-imposing as he seems. To begin the fight, hop down to one of the hardened lava layers. At this point, Klaww will begin to rev up his boulder-shooting weapon thing and hurl boulders at you. Dodge them by leaping from platform to platform until he stops. A Blue Eco cluster will appear on the last platform you touched before he stopped his assault. Touching the Blue Eco cluster will cause pieces of lost Precursor artifacts to be merged together, forming a bridge. Traverse the bridge while avoiding Klaww's rolling boulders to the end, where you'll find some Yellow Eco waiting. Charge Jak up with some Yellow Eco power and start blasting Klaww silly until he drops the boulder on his head. He will sink into the lava and let the boulder roll toward you and break the bridge. You should be heading back to the three platforms now. Once you're back on the platforms, Klaww will arise, and the process will repeat. Now his boulders will come at a faster pace, and part of the bridge will be destroyed, leaving holes and such. Klaww needs three bonks on the head to take a lava nap. o Find the Hidden Power Cell - You won't be able to get this one until after you have activated the Yellow Eco vent switch in Snowy Mountain. Once it's activated, head back to the grassy area--the part just before entering the cave area of the mountain pass. With the Yellow Eco channeling through the Zoomer, blast the giant boulder clogging up a secret cavern on the left side out of the way and jump over the chasm to this isolated Power Cell. Volcanic Crater ---------------- o Find the Hidden Power Cell - This one is stashed up high on some rocks in a steel crate, facing the entrance of Spider Cave. What you need to do is head to the nearest Yellow Eco vent (near the exit) in Spider Cave. Once you're pumped up with Yellow Eco power, dash back to the entrance at the Volcanic Crater and quickly aim and shoot the crate. The Power Cell should evacuate the crate and land nicely somewhere next to you. Snowy Mountain --------------- o Open the Frozen Crate - You actually have to activate the Yellow Eco vent switch before you can attempt to snag this bad boy. Afterward, head to the cavern entrance near the end of the path of the tumbling snowballs. Power up with some Yellow Eco and zap the crate lodged in some ice to free it. This should also free the Power Cell. o Deactivate the Precursor Blockers - These strange mechanisms cover every area of Snowy Mountain. At first you may not even know what they are. They are these cylindrical-like devices that emit a glowing light. A force-field surrounds it, preventing you from getting near it. To get around this, you need to run toward it and perform a double jump to place yourself right above the switch. Then do a nose-dive (pound it) to put it out of commission. There are thirteen of them in total. Scour each part of Snowy Mountain to find them all. Spider Cave ------------ o Use Your Goggles To Shoot the Gnawing Lurkers - Notice the tall wood poles all around the main cavern of Spider Cave? And do you notice those centipede-like Lurkers that pop in and out of the holes and crawl around them? Well, head to the Yellow Eco vents located around the cavern and in first-person view, start wildly shooting at them. It will take a couple of hits to finish each one off. Pick them all off (nine in total) to earn your Power Cell. o Explore the Dark Cave - Not utterly difficult. All you have to do is strike the black crystals to illuminate a small area of the cave until you reach the next one. The light will fade over time, so keep moving! One of the Dark Eco crystals you're looking for is submerged in a small pool here, so don't miss that. The key here is to keep the lights on as much as possible. At the end of the cave, you should find another shining Power Cell. Then take the lift back to the cave entrance. o Destroy the Dark Eco Crystals - Here are their locations: 1. On a platform suspended high in the cavern. Use Yellow Eco to dispose of it. 2. Near the Dark Cave's entrance. 3. At the bottom of a pool in the Dark Cave. 4. Across the Dark Eco pool, underwater in a clean pool. 5. On a ledge in the small cave just before reaching the giant robot. o Launch the Poles - In the giant robot area, there are a series of poles, which you can reach by activating the Blue Eco launcher on a lower ledge. This will take you right to your first pole. Swing up to the highest level of poles, then start to swing to the left, toward the Power Cell. Swinging in the right direction will help immensely in this task. When Jak starts swinging up, press the X button and Jak will fly up to a pole above him. When Jak swings to the left, press the X button and he will grab onto the pole to the left, and so on. Gol and Maia's Citadel ----------------------- o Free the Green Sage - You can't free the Green Sage until the other sages have been released from their cages. Once the Blue, Red and Yellow Sages have been rescued, a platform bridge will appear on the lower walkway that leads to a higher level of the citadel. From here, it involves a lot of jumping on the revolving pie pieces and steps. You should arrive on a wooden walkway above the robot, on which you will find the switch to deactivate the lasers to Samos' cage. ***************************************************************************** Shameless Plug -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Like my work? If you're interested, you can check out all of the walkthroughs and guides I've made here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/8212.html Thanks for reading! ============================================================================= MUCHAS GRACIAS!!! ============================================================================= A Jak and Daxter Hard-To-Get Power Cells Guide Copyright 2002 Stephanie Lee August 2002