Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy No Orb Challenge FAQ Version 1.00 By: White Tiger Shiro white_tiger_shiro13@yahoo.com =============================================================================== Disclaimer =============================================================================== 1. Only GameFAQs has my permission to have this FAQ on their site. If you see this FAQ posted on any other site, please notify me. If you want this FAQ for your site, ASK ME. I’m rather a nice person and will likely say yes, but if you post it w/o asking, I won’t be so happy. 2. If I recieve information I haven't seen for myself, it will be marked as "Unconfirmed" until I see it with my own eyes. 3. If you see this exact FAQ with someone else claiming it as theirs, please ask him to take it down, or at the very least, notify me so that _I_ can yell at him/her about it. ***TO FIND THINGS EASIER, READ THIS PLEASE*** 4. To find subjects in the FAQ easier, push Ctrl+F to bring up the Find Menu. 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Otherwise, you can just e-mail me at the above address. =============================================================================== Table of Contents: =============================================================================== Chapter 1: Opening Remarks Section 1: Goals Section 2: Helpful Hints Section 3: Useful Moves and Techniques Chapter 2: No Orbs Walkthrough Section 1: Geyser Rock Section 2: Sandrock Village Section 3: Sentinel Beach Section 4: Forbidden Jungle Section 5: Misty Island Section 6: Fire Canyon Section 7: Rock Village Section 8: Lost Precursor City Section 9: Precursor Basin Section 10: Boggy Swamp Section 11: Mountain Pass Section 12: Volcanic Crater Section 13: Spider Caves Section 14: Snowy Mountian Section 15: Lava Tube Section 16: Gol and Maia's Citadel Chapter 3: Closing Remarks The List of Impossible Power Cells Top 10 Hardest Power Cells to Reach Story Time!! Chatper 4: Credits and Version History Section 1: Credits Section 2: Version History =============================================================================== Chapter 1: Opening Remarks =============================================================================== Having gotten 100% in this game after only 3 days of owning the game, and then beating it 100% a second time, I decided that this game was in dire need of a challenge. Thus, I created the No Orbs Challenge. I hope that a great number of Jak and Daxter fans will enjoy this challenge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1: Goals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At current, there is no way to beat the game without collecting a few Orbs. As such, the goal of this challenge is to simply collect as many Power Cells as you possibly can without collecting even a single Precursor Orb. Hopefully, someone will find a way to reach the Blue Sage without getting an Orb, as it would allow this challenge to complete the game. There are 76 Power Cells that can be aquired, and 110 Scout Flies. The two missing Flies are both in the final area, one on the way to the Blue Sage, and the other one resting by the final Power Cell of that area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2: Helpful Hints ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Make sure that you can get 100% completion before trying this challenge. This is to insure that you know how to find the various Cells without aid. 2. If you couldn't find all of the Precursor Orbs, however, that's ok. :) 3. You're going to hate the Precursor Basin (assuming you didn't already). 4. Have you ever played an RPG and kept a second save just in case? Good, do that. If you've never played RPGs before though and never understood why one would waste space on a second save file, you'll soon learn. 5. Start, Circle, Down x3, X, X. This code will be very useful in your quest. 6. Save a LOT. Don't know why? Try going from Sentinel Beach, upto the Green Sage's Hut to teleport, take the entire backwards passage to get to the Spider Caves, then pick up an Orb and have to re-do all that over again because you didn't save at the Spider Caves. 7. As a general rule when gathering Scout Flies, try to get the Flies that are right next to Orbs first, and the ones that are in the clear last. Trust me, nothing sucks more than when you get all 7 Flies, but the Cell lands right on an Orb, forcing you to have to re-load (possibly restart) the game. 8. Take a break every now and then. Some of the Cells can get quite frustrating, and sometimes taking a break can mean the difference between failure and success. This is true for any game, really. 9. Make note that Jak DOES gain a larger pick-up area when using the Spin Attack. So be VERY careful about pushing Circle when near Orbs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3: Useful Moves and Techniques ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Triple Jump - X, X, Circle. That last jump is a nice little boost to make a gap that you could barely make normally. Quad Jump - X, X, Square, Circle (requires Yellow Eco) Spin Attack - Just the Circle-button, nothing too special, but you can use it when falling from large heights to avoid damage. Brakes - Push Square when in the Zoomer (Yes, it does have brakes). Turn in a 360 if you really need to stop right there though, as it does take a second to come to a complete halt. You do not have brakes for this thing when powered with Yellow Eco. Water Delay - When swimming in Lurker Shark areas, you can make them turn away by jumping against a wall. Use a Triple Jump for best effect. =============================================================================== Chapter 2: No Orbs Walkthrough =============================================================================== Now for the meat and bones of this FAQ. And just make note of one thing when reading through here: I'm going to assume that if you're trying this challenge, you already know how to get the Power Cells normally. As such, I will only go into detail on Cells that require different means of aquisition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- section 1: Geyser Rock ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strangley enough, Geyser Rock makes for a very good entry test to see if you're ready for the challenge. As Samos says, "that's nothing compared to the challenges that lie ahead." --------------------------- Find the Cell on the Path --------------------------- Very straightforward. Just avoid the Orbs. ------------------------- Open the Precursor Door ------------------------- This one can be tricky. When you're on the lower area, sneak onto the first Blue Eco from the opposite side of the Orb. If you just run into it hap-hazardly, I can garuntee you'll pick-up at least one Orb. Once you've successfully gotten the Eco without getting the Orb, just dash upto the Door. -------------------- Climb Up the Cliff -------------------- When you get to the area where the Game Help teaches you about Double Jumping, go past the barrels in the ground. Once you're past them, look for an area of the cliffs that sticks out a little. Do a High Jump into the cliff, and Jak will stand on a ledge. High Jump again, and you can get the Cell. -------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies -------------------- Easy easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2: Sandrock Village ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Herd the Yakows into the Pen ------------------------------ Nothing new here. -------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies -------------------- Most of these are rather straight-forward. The only one that's tricky is the one right next to the Precursor Oracle. To reach that one, do a Long Jump onto the first island, aiming for the right side, then Long Jump again and try to aim it so that you grab the ledge. Then, for the final jump, walk to the edge of island and do a triple jump. Any attempts at rolling on the second island seemed to result in picking up an Orb. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3: Sentinel Beach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first area where you'll be met with some of the more challenging Cells. Don't feel too bad if you have to come back here later to get them. ---------------------------- Unblock the Eco Harvesters ---------------------------- Nothing new here. -------------------------------------- Push the Flut Flut Egg off the Cliff -------------------------------------- There's a narrow bridge with a line of Orbs. To get past it, simply angle the camera to a side view and double jump past the Orbs, one by one. ------------------------------------- Get the Power Cell from the Pelican ------------------------------------- Do a roll jump off of the island, then swim towards the stairs. Jump upto the second stair (on the left), then do a triple jump and grab the ledge. Leap up and run to the Cell. -------------------- Chase the Seagulls -------------------- Chase the Seagulls ------------------------------ Launch upto the Cannon Tower ------------------------------ This one is very interesting, and involves Zero "launching". When approaching the tower from the first beach (this is a good first Cell to go for), swim out to the tower. Now, from here, triple jump your way along the walls making your way to the back. Eventually you'll find an area where Jak can stand. From there, do a High Jump and push Circle to get on the upper ledge. Walk to the front of the tower and jump into the window. From there, do a Triple Jump, working your way out and then onto the top of the window. This'll take a little while to get right. From there, do a High Jump+O onto the plank just above your head. From there, it's an easy task to jump onto the top of the tower and take care of business. ------------------- Explore the Beach ------------------- This is almost easier than the 7 Flies on Geyser Rock. -------------------- Climb the Sentinel -------------------- While you're busy harrasing the seagulls, make a slight detour to pick this up. -------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies -------------------- There's really only one fly that's hard to get, and it's a good last fly. Make your way to the cliff and stand on the left side of it. This'll take a few tries as well. From there, do a High Jump, then push Square to slam the rock. Keep holding in the direction of the cliff while you do this. You should slide along the rock, and Jak should grab the ledge. If you get it right, simply do a Triple Jump to get upto the upper platform. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4: Forbidden Jungle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Connect the Eco Beams ----------------------- Nothing too new, just watch out for the Orbs at the top of the machine. ------------------------------ Get to the Top of the Temple ------------------------------ The main thing to be carefull of is the platform right after the launcher. If you round the corner, you'll get too close to the Orbs. Simply use a High Jump to get to the upper ledge. Also note: This is a good time to get one of the harder to reach Scout Flies. -------------------------- Catch 200 Pounds of Fish -------------------------- "There are two kinds of good fish you can catch. One pound fishies, and two pound fishies. Miss 20 pounds of good fish, and I'll take my net back from ya. There are also poisonous eels in this lake. Catch even a one of them boogers, and you'll poison the whole dern catch." Good luck. :) ------------------------------ Follow the Canyon to the Sea ------------------------------ Just avoid the Orbs that are under the sea. ----------------------------- Open the Locked Temple Door ----------------------------- Nothing new to report. -------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies -------------------- There are two really tricky ones. The first is next to the 4th Blue Eco Beam Tower. To get it, do a High Jump onto the 3rd platform. Then, carefully Double Jump onto the 4th (making sure not to get the Orb). From here, just Triple Jump to the last platform with the Fly. Now for the one I mentioned during "Get to the top of the Temple". And note that you do NOT want to get this one last. If you do, the Cell will land right on top of a couple of Orbs. Anyway, from the top of the tower, drop to the platform that had the Lurker and the 2 Orbs. Walk to the corner with the two Orbs and jump off. Sticking close to the building, do a Spin Attack about half-way to avoid taking damage. If you land right, you'll wind up right on top of the Fly, breaking the box. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 5: Misty Island ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Catch the Sculptor's Muse --------------------------- Aside from having to be wary of a few Orbs along the way, nothing new here. ----------------------- Climb the Lurker Ship ----------------------- Easy as pie. ----------------- Stop the Cannon ----------------- There'll be a few Orbs on the walk-way leading here, just walk along the right or left edge and you'll be fine. Don't forget the Scout Fly along the way. ----------------------------- Return to the Dark Eco Pool ----------------------------- One of the Precursor Doors has Orbs right next to it, so don't enter from that side. Usually, I jump down to this area right after I Stop the Cannon. ----------------------------- Destroy the Balloon Lurkers ----------------------------- Once you've killed them, you'll have to sneak past the Orbs to reach the Cell. -------------------------------- Use Zoomer to Reach Power Cell -------------------------------- There's a tricky Fly right next to this one, but it's just a matter of sneaking in slowly. Anyway, once that's out of the way, look to the jump you'll have to make. Sneak around the orbs on the left side. Here's the hard part, make sure that you're up far enough that you can avoid the Orbs, but back far enough that you have room to get momentum. Then, just go for it! It can be hard, but it's very possible. ---------------------------------- Use Blue Eco to reach Power Cell ---------------------------------- There aren't any Orbs on the path for this one. Just go for it. -------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies -------------------- These are all fairly straight forward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 6: Fire Canyon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing special about this level. Both Cells can be gotten, and both are fairly straight forward, it just takes a little more maneuverability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 7: Rock Village ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're going to hate Rock Village. Not the Village itself, of course, but this area of the game contains some of the hardest Power Cells to aquire in the No Orbs Challenge. Especially Precursor Basin. Also of note: You do NOT have to pay the Warrior 90 Orbs to make the bridge. Simply do a Long Jump towards the platforms and swim over to them before the Lurker Shark reaches you. Because of this, I usually do Boggy Swamp last, simply to avoid having to go through that area twice. And don't forget that you need to talk to the researcher and the gambler in order to gain access to two of the Orbs in the Precursor Basin. -------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies -------------------- All of these are easy to get without much risk of Orbs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 8: Lost Precursor City ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This area can be very tricky, and contains the second hardest Cell to get. To get past the first little niche, you have two options. The longer and more tedious way is to walk slowly along the narrow passage between the heat vent and the Orbs. The second method is to simply jump on the vent, take a damage, then simply jump past the vent. It's a matter of time vs damage. -------------------------- Follow the Colored Pipes -------------------------- Before you get this Cell, make sure you get the Flies first. The middle one is very easy, but you'll soon notice that the Fly on the right is bordered with Orbs. Do get this one, you'll have to jump over the Orbs, get the Fly, and quickly push X to Double Jump before you get any Orbs. Now you know why you're saving after every turn. :) After you have the Flies, getting the Orb is no different than before. ------------------------------ Reach the Bottom of the City ------------------------------ Has anyone else noticed that the order of these Cells are listed in a seemingly random order? Maybe I should organize these in the order that's recommended... Anyway, this one is easy enough, just make sure you avoid the Orbs during the sliding parts. ---------------------------------- Quickly Cross the Dangerous Pool ---------------------------------- Nothing new here. --------------------------- Match the Platform Colors --------------------------- To get past the moving platform without getting Orbs, time your jump so that you can get on the platform with enough time to do a roll jump. Other than that, nothing new. ---------------------- Climb the Slide Tube ---------------------- This one should've been named "Escape the Black Eco Pit" if you ask me. Anyway, welcome to what I think is the second hardest Power Cell to reach. It took me nigh on a dozen tries to get to the top with only a single Orb (gotten on accident), then another dozen to get it done without the Orb. The main idea is that you want to run along the ledge that's closest to the camera. Doing this, you'll be able to avoid the Orbs. Keep in mind though, you'll have to wait-out the Blue Eco timers. One thing that'll ease your mind though, the Black Eco does slow down a lot when it gets close to you. You're home free when you reach the third Blue Eco Geyser. --------------------------------- Reach the Center of the Complex --------------------------------- Easy enough, just make sure you avoid the Orbs along the middle circle. -------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies -------------------- Aside from the one I already explained in the Colored Pipes section, these are all easy enough to reach. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 9: Precursor Basin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't rest just yet. You thought that escaping the Black Eco sucked? Well, The Precursor Basin is going to redefine your definition of challenge all over again, then it'll chew you up and spit you out crying. Have fun. -------------------------------- Herd the Moles into their Hole -------------------------------- Nothing new here, just avoid the Orbs that they'll sometimes lead you towards. -------------------------- Catch the Flying Lurkers -------------------------- This mission is easy enough, normally, but it's a whole different story when you're trying to avoid Orbs. This is easily one of the harder Cells to reach in the game. For now I don't have too much in the ways of advice, but if enough people are having a hard time I'll post something. ------------------------------- Beat Record Time on the Gorge ------------------------------- There aren't any Orbs in the race track, so just go as fast as you can. ---------------------------------- Get the Power Cell Over the Lake ---------------------------------- Heh heh... Heh heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! XD *Ahem* Sorry about that. Welcome to the hardest Power Cell in the game. I am not ****ing kidding you. This one is so hard your future children will suffer from your attempts. What makes this one so hard you ask? It only requires that you navigate through a highly narrow passage way littered with Orbs. The right route is VERY stickler, and no matter how much you think you've mastered it, you'll still fall and collect orbs. But it's possible, my friend. Oh yes. They all thought I was mad, BUT WHO'S MAD NOW!? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Anyway, make your way to the circular platform and look to the passage with a line of Orbs. Impossible you say? Well, I thought so at once too. Here's the way to get past them. VERY carefully and VERY slowly, you can weave past the first 3 Orbs on the left side. Once you're past the 3rd Orb, goto the right side to pass the rest. Check back here in a week or so once you get this done. ---------- Did you have fun? No? Good, cause we're only getting started. Take the jump on the right side, and go get the Fly that's in the little niche to the left. Now, work your way slowly to the top of the ledge where you'll be jumping off. Welcome to the hard part. Now you're going to have to jump from platform to platform, all while avoiding the Orb Chests along the way. If you miss this part, it's back to square one with you. Don't you love this? Once you get to the final platform with the Scout Fly box, get it. Then simply jump off the ledge from the left or right side to avoid the orbs and collect the hardest Cell in the game. Congratulations. Don't you hate the Precursor Basin now? ------------------------------- Cure Dark Eco Infected Plants ------------------------------- Straightforward. Nothing new here. ------------------------------------- Navigate the Purple Precursor Rings ------------------------------------- This one gets to be very hard because a lot of the Rings want you to go through a line of Orbs. However, you can simply touch the side of them to make the cut. The main challenge for this one is when you have to make a jump from the slim line of Orbs (from the hardest Cell portion). -------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies -------------------- The main 2 that are hard to get are the two I spelled out in the Power Cell Over the Lake section. Easily another of the hardest Cells to get. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 10: Boggy Swamp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boggy Swamp is interesting in the way that you can't play it the normal route. If you try going the normal route, you'll eventually hit a section of the level that requires you to collect Orbs to pass. After some experimentation, I found a way in through the back. Here's what you do: Using the swing bar at the begining, jump to the upper platform. Grab a couple Yellow Ecos, and ready yourself for the Quad Jump. Do a Double Jump, heading towards the opening you'd usually come out of at the end of the level. After the Double Jump, immedeately shoot a Yellow Eco Blast, then do the Spin Attack. Watch out for the briar patch that's near there, and it'll probably take a few tries to get the Quad Jump down. I know it took me quite a few tries before I got it right. -------------------- Ride the Flut Flut -------------------- Once you've gained access to the back roads, make your way to the Flut Flut. This part can get rather tricky, as you have to navigate along some narrow platforms with Orbs. The trick is to plan ahead, make sure that you land on the side of the platform where you'll be jumping next. Nothing sucks more than having to make a long jump with Orbs in your way to make it even longer. ------------------------- Protect Farthy's Snacks ------------------------- Shoot shoot shoot!! This one can be hard in and of itself, good thing there isn't an added challenge with the No Orb Challenge. -------------------------- Defeat the Lurker Ambush -------------------------- Nothing new here. ----------------------------------- Break the Tethers to the Zeppelin ----------------------------------- The first one is along the normal route. Upto you whether you get this first or save it for later. The second tether is at the end of the back road. This is the part where you turn around and make your way to the end. The third is impossible, as the Launch Pad you need to take has Orbs resting right over it. A shame, but oh well. The Fourth is right after you take the back roads. The best way to get it with out getting the Orbs over the fourth moving platform is to jump from the third, shoot the tether free, then do a Triple Jump to reach it. -------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies -------------------- These are all fairly straight forward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 11: Mountain Pass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All four Power Cells can be gotten on this level. There are a couple areas that you might wanna keep an eye out for though. 1. The big jump just before you get into the cave, it'll be a good idea to leap to the platform that you often see of to the right. Makes avoiding that line of Orbs a lot easier. 2. When you get to the part with 3 or 4 Blue Eco Geysers in a row, make sure you hug the right side of the wall and get ready to make a quick right when you get out. This part is easier if you lift off the gas to get rid of the boosts. Nothing else really worth mentioning on this level, just keep an eye out for the Orbs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 12: Volcanic Crater ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting to the Spider Caves can be rather interesting indeed. Here's what you have to do: Head to the Mine Cart section. Notice how going the normal route will net you some Orbs? Guess what this means. If you've been paying attention to the un- orthodox methods used in this Challenge, then you already know what I'm about to say. That's right, you gotta go backwards. This could take a few tries, but here are a few hints: 1. For the big gap that you'll hit right away, wait for a mine cart and jump on it, time your jump so you land on it when it's about half-way. 2. When jumping from plank to plank, aim for double-planks. 3. When Jak starts falling and holds onto a plank, a double jump will give him enough air to land on a cart. 4. This game has momentum rules, so when you jump backwards from a cart, you have a little less distance than normal. 5, When you get to the second set of Tracks, you can go about things normally, but you'll have to take this one backwards on your way out of the Spider Caves. This'll probably take you a few tries to get down. ---------------------------- Find the Hidden Power Cell ---------------------------- This one is easy enough. -------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies -------------------- Nothing exciting about these. Just watch out for Orbs when getting the Fly near the Oracle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 13: Spider Caves ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level contains 2 Power Cells that I cannot get, but I feel that they are possible. Shoot the Gnawing Lurkers could be possible if there's a way to make the Orbs fall away from the Cell. And there just has to be a way to get on top of the Giant Robot. There are so many platforms hovering around that area, I can smell a way to get up there. I just have to find it. ------------------------------- Destroy the Dark Eco Crystals ------------------------------- None of the Crystals are guarded by Orbs in the slightest. ----------------------- Explore the Dark Cave ----------------------- This one is fairly straight forward, only a few Orbs to dodge. To get out of this area, simply jump down to where you started, and make sure that you do the Spin Attack before you land. ----------------------- Climb the Giant Robot ----------------------- From the begining ramp of this objective, look to the right, where the Scout Fly can be found (you may or may not have it). Do a Triple Jump, and you'll grab the ledge. Jump up, take care of the Lurker, and watch the Elevator. When it rests on the lower area, start running for it, and make sure that you get all 3 Yellow Eco patches along the way. You'll be needing them. Using the up-ward momentum of the elevator (jump as late as possible while it's still moving up), do a Quad Jump into a little niche. It'll take a few tries. From there, move to the right to a series of Swing Bars. Make your way to the top-right bar. From there, do an upward jump. During that jump, do a Double Jump, fire a Yellow blast, and do the Spin Attack. While doing that, make your way to the middle of the platform just below, so you can avoid the 3 Orbs. Once you've made it to there, you have one last tricky jump in line. From the colapsing platform, jump a little towards the screen, around the Orbs, and onto the first Bar. It's a little tricky, but very possible. Once you get onto it, waste no time in jumping to the second, as doing a full loop on the first Bar will pick up the Orbs. Once you've made it to the second bar, it's smooth sailing to the Power Cell. --------------------- Launch to the Poles --------------------- While you're getting the Scout Fly that's on the upper levels of the platforms around the Robot, look in the direction of this Orb. A simple Triple Jump will earn you this Cell. No "launching" required. :) ---------------------------- Navigate the Spider Tunnel ---------------------------- Just don't use the Launch Pad at the end of the Tunnel, it'll force you into some Orbs. ------------------------------- Climb the Precursor Platforms ------------------------------- Simple enough. -------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies -------------------- There's a Scout Fly that lies right across a wooden bridge in the first area. Get that one last, just as precaution. Other than that, the only advice for the other Flies I have is this: You don't have to slam right on the box, you can slam right next to it and still break the box open. There are some boxes with Orbs right near them where you might want to keep this in mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 14: Snowy Mountain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Find the Yellow Vent Switch ----------------------------- There are some Orbs right after the last jump, but they're easy enough to avoid if you know that they're there. ---------------------------------- Stop the 3 Lurker Glacier Troops ---------------------------------- The only one with Orbs near-by is the one at the top of the hill right at the begining of the level, but those are easy to avoid. ----------------------- Open the Frozen Crate ----------------------- Once you've opened the Crate, it's easier to approach the Cell from the other route. Just make sure you save after you open the crate, just in case. ----------------------------- Get Through the Lurker Fort ----------------------------- You'll need to take a bit of a short-cut for this one. Jump up the series of stairs like normal. When to the fourth stair, you can do a Triple Jump to the platform ahead. From here there aren't any Orbs until the last stretch, and they're easily jumped over. --------------------------- Open the Lurker Fort Gate --------------------------- This one takes a bit of practice to get through the platforms with Orbs. It's just a matter of knowing how to run along a narrow passage. You should be an expert by now. ---------------------------------- Survive the Lurker Infested Cave ---------------------------------- The only Orbs around here are right after you get the Cell, and they aren't much obstical. -------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies -------------------- Get the Scout Fly at the very begining of the level last, on your way out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 15: Lava Tube ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you have the 72 required Cells, it's time to brave the Lava Tube. The first stretch will be very hard, as dodging the Orbs will get very taxing on the heat gauge. However, once you get past the room where you must destroy... whatever those are, you'll find no more Orbs in the level, so it'll be same-ole same-ole from that point forth. The trickiest part will come at the very begining though, right after the first Water Balloon. Remember all that time you spent trying to get past that narrow passage-way in the Precursor Basin (to get the Cell above the Lake)? Good. All that extra practice will come in handy here. There's more room to work with, fortuneately, but you'll still die a few times because of this part. I usually go past the first 4 on the left, and the final ones on the right side. Once you get past here, there'll be another narrow passage with 3 Orb Chests, but that one gives you a lot of room to work with, so don't worry too much. If your heat gauge gets too high, try and make it to the room where you have to destroy the objects. This'll cause you to spawn right there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 16: Gol and Maia's Citadel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Free the Red Sage ------------------- Watch out for Orbs during the falling platform puzzle at the very begining, and don't use the Yellow Eco, or you'll expose some Orbs. Other than those two tidbits, nothing new about rescuing this guy. ---------------------- Free the Yellow Sage ---------------------- You'll have to take a back way into his area. From the begining, there'll be a Blue Eco Geyser. Use that, and run back. When you walk through the second door way, run to the left. Once you've run to the end of that platform, do a Triple Jump, and you should be able to grab onto the ledge where the Fly rests. From there, it's a simple task to platform your way to the Yellow Sage. =============================================================================== Chapter 3: Closing Remarks =============================================================================== I hope you enjoyed the Challenge, and I also hope that my explainations were simple enough to follow. Having little else to say, here are a few extra sections for your reading pleasure before I close things with the credits. ------------------------------------ The List of Impossible Power Cells ------------------------------------ Various Locations - 15 Cells Bring 90 Precursor Orbs to [Name] x9 Bring 120 Precursor Orbs to the Oracle x6: Need I go into detail? Honestly? Forbidden Jungle - 2 Cells Find the Blue Eco Switch Defeat the Dark Eco Plant: These two are impossible for the same reason. You can get down to them just fine, but then you have to escape from the temple. To do this, you have to use a Launch Pad that forces you into 5 Orbs. Lost Precursor City - 1 Cell Raise the Chamber: Two of the beacons you have to activate with Blue Eco are right next to Orbs. Thus, you can't activate them without taking the Orbs too. Precursor Basin - 1 Cell - Possible? Navigate the Blue Precursor Rings: There's no way you can navigate through the narrow path of Orbs fast enough to make this one. However, in theory I guess it could be done if you were to master that little niche. Boggy Swamp - 1 Cell Break the Teathers #3: The Launch Pad you have to use to access this area has Orbs resting right over it. Spider Caves - 1 Cell Shoot the Gnawing Lurkers: It seems that a Precursor Orb will always fall right where the Power Cell lands. Snowy Mountain - 1 Cell Disable the Precursor Barriers: 3 of the switches have Orbs right over them. ------------------------------------- Top 10 Hardest Power Cells to Reach ------------------------------------- 10. Open the Lurker Fort Gate - Snowy Mountain 9. Ride the Flut Flut - Boggy Swamp 8. Navigate the Purple Precursor Rings - Precursor Basin 7. Launch up to the Tower - Sentinel Beach 6. Free 7 Scout Flies - Sentinel Beach 5. Climb the Giant Robot - Spider Caves 4. Free 7 Scout Flies - Precursor Basin 3. Catch the Flying Lurkers - Precursor Basin 2. Climb the Slide Tube - Lost Precursor City And hands-down, the hardest Power Cell to get, no contest: - - - - - - - 1. Get the Power Cell Over the Lake - Precursor Basin -------------- Story Time!! -------------- Having a little free time, I think I'll share the stories of some of the Power Cells that were a bit harder to reach. The only real point of these stories is if you are interested in some of the alternate methods I had tried to reach to some of the Power Cells. Or perhaps you're just in the mood for a good story. --------------------------------------- Free 7 Scout Flies - Forbidden Jungle --------------------------------------- This one actually caused me to have to start the Challenge over again. You remember the Fly you had to drop down from the building to collect, and I gave a warning that you do NOT want to get that one last? Yeah... forces you onto 2 Orbs to get that Cell. >_> Anyway, my first attempts were not nearly as easy to complete as simply jumping from a building. At first, I tried to do this one the normal way. My strategy was to place Jak on the legdes so that only his left foot was on them. This allowed me to sneak past the Orbs nicely. In theory, this one could be done in this way. The biggest obstacle though, was the final jump. The first gap was easy enough to make, but the final gap requires that you angle Jak a little to the side. Jumping straight would put him on the rocks below. Strangely enough, Jak could stand on those rocks, too. I attempted to Triple Jump, and even use the High Jump, but both were just too low. Anyway, after countless efforts on the my first method, I finally realized something. This Scout Fly is resting at the base of a very tall building, which you have to climb to the top of. I went out and did a little recon, discovering just where the Fly was on the building. Once I knew where to jump from, I climbed to the top. I discovered the ledge to jump from, and dropped. By did I drop, right onto the Orbs next to the Fly and some nice damage. That's when I remembered something, I can use the Spin Jump to angle my fall nicely so that I land right on the Fly. Of course, by that time, it was the final fly I had to get, and as I feared, the Power Cell dropped right on some Orbs. I continued without it for a while, but then realized that I was going to need every last Power Cell. I had 70 of them when I restarted, and I knew that I was only going to be able to find one more. Which brings me to the second one that took me forever to find... -------------------------------------- Climb the Giant Robot - Spider Caves -------------------------------------- This is actually the last Power Cell that I found before the Lava Tube. My first method of finding this one was actually the right way. I had discovered that little niche and decided that a Quad Jump could make it. My first few attempts fell just short of grabbing the ledge, when I remembered something. This game has momentum, and there's an elevator right there. I made it to that ledge with ease. Now came the tricky part, I had to get past the 3 Orbs without gathering them. at first I tried to do a jump from the bottom Bar, but that would always have me grab the edge right at the orbs, causing me to get them as I jumped up. And jumping from the top... well, it hadn't occurred to me to try a Quad Jump from that bar. I then decided to just gather the 3 Orbs and scout ahead. Seeing the 2 in front of the other series of bars, I decided to see if I could get around them, eventually I did, but I just couldn't for the life of me get past those first three. Thinking this a lost cause (silly me), I moved on to find another way to get there. Scouting the terrain, I noticed many areas where I could Quad Jump upto the platform, but there just wasn't the Yellow Eco for that. It was during this scouting actually, that I found the "Launch to the Poles" Power Cell, which just shows you how long I've been trying to get the Giant Robot, since Launch to the Poles was a very early find for me. From that same point, I noticed that if I could get onto the robot's right shoulder, I should be able to make it upto the platform with the Power Cell, but alas, it seemed that I would slide down no matter how perfectly I landed on him. Enter game restart. Upon making it to the Spider Caves a second time, I decided to test my theories on "Blast the Gnawing Lurkers" (I mentioned testing a theory on a potential Power Cell in the boards, if anyone remembers). However, after much testing, that Power Cell continued to land right on top of an Orb. This meant that my fate layed with one, and only one Power Cell. I HAD to get on top of that Robot, the very fate of my Challenge rested on him. So I went back to my first method. I knew I could get past the second set of Orbs, and something was telling me that I could get past the first, it would just take time to figure it out. That's when a lightning bolt hit me, which it should've done earlier. A Quad Jump from the top-right pole! It took a few tries, but I had done it, I had finally gotten past the very Orbs that had been taunting me the entire time, and I already knew that the second set of Orbs was no threat. ---------- Well, that about does it for story time. Every other Power Cell that took more than a few tries, I had only tried in the one method, and it simply took some tries to get them right. =============================================================================== Chapter 4: Credits and Version History =============================================================================== --------------------- Section 1: Credits --------------------- WhiteTigerShiro - FAQ Author CJayC - Posted the FAQ on his site Naughty Dog - For making this game, and the Crash Bandicoot Series King Kool - I used his FAQ to record the names of each Power Cell Objective ----------------------------- Section 2: Version History ----------------------------- Version 1.0: Original Version