============James Bond 007 Agent Under Fire Walkthrough ====FAQ written by Aklite -This guide contains no spoilers ================================ Table of Contents ================================ I. Introduction (AUFI) a. Intro b. Version History c. Basic gameplay overview II. Weapons, Gadgets, and Characters (AUFZ1) a. Weapons (AUF1W) b. Gadgets (AUF1G) c. Characters (AUF1C) III.Walkthrough (AUFWX) -Summary of gameplay elements a. Trouble in Paradise (AUFW1) b. Precious Cargo (AUFW2) c. Dangerous Pursuit (AUFW3) d. Bad Diplomacy (AUFW4) e. Cold reception (AUFW5) f. Night of the Jackal (AUFW6) g. Streets of Bucharest (AUFW7) h. Fire and Water (AUFW8) i. Forbidden Depths (AUFW9) j. Poseidon (AUFWA0) k. Mediterranean Crisis (AUFWA1) l. Evil Summit (AUFWA2) IV. Platinum summary walkthrough (AUFPWX) a. Trouble in Paradise (AUFPW1) b. Precious Cargo (AUFPW2) c. Dangerous Pursuit (AUFPW3) d. Bad Diplomacy (AUFPW4) e. Cold reception (AUFPW5) f. Night of the Jackal (AUFPW6) g. Streets of Bucharest (AUFPW7) h. Fire and Water (AUFPW8) i. Forbidden Depths (AUFPW9) j. Poseidon (AUFPWA0) k. Mediterranean Crisis (AUFPWA1) l. Evil Summit (AUFPWA2) V. Multiplayer summary (AUFMP) VI. Legal ================================= I. Introduction (AUFI) ================================= ================================= a. Intro ================================= James Bond 007 Agent Under fire is a first person shooter, and in many cases a stealth based game. The game is pretty straightforward and the game consists of a reasonable mix of action and strategy. The storyline is pretty typical of this type of game; a supervillian emerges with an enormously powerful weapon/ threat/whatever you please and Bond must single handedly take him down and save the world. The game is fun to play and replay value is excellent. ================================= b. Version History ================================= 2.0 (7/15/13): FAQ/Walkthrough complete ================================= c. Basic gameplay overview ================================= There are a number of missions in the game, or levels if you will. Each level has certain objectives that you must complete in order to finish the level and move on to the next one. You will be scored depending on how strategically you perform in each mission, but I will get into detail reguarding that in the FAQ portion. As mentioned, the majority of the game is a first person shooter, but there are two alternative game types. These are rail shooter, and driving missions. In a rail shooter, you are a passenger in a vehicle and the objective is to defend the vehicle or complete other objectives while on the move. In the driving missions you are essentially in control of the vehicle, and objectives for this can vary, from racing to an objective against the clock, to retrieving items, to chasing down and destroying other vehicles or characters. The game consists of a healthy variety for each mission and does not become too redundant through the course of gameplay. ============================================= II. Weapons, Gadgets, and Characters (AUFZ1) ============================================= ======================= a. Weapons (AUF1W) ======================= The game consist of a considerable variety of weapons. The purposes of these range from stealth, to raw firepower, to complete annihilation. Which weapons are good to use depend entirely on what you are up to during the mission. --+Pistols+-- P2K: The P2K is the basic pistol which Bond starts with in every mission. This is almost always the best weapon to use in terms of accuracy and efficiency. There are obvious exceptions like the sniper rifle or rocket launcher, but in terms of ammunition, accuracy, and efficiency, this will usually fall under as your main weapon of choice. Golden gun: The Golden gun is the upgrades version of the P2K, obtained by reaching the 50,000 point gold medal target from the first mission. It has better firepower and has a silencer for every mission. This is a must have once you finish the first mission, and I advise you do not go anywhere until you get the gold medal on the first mission. Its very easy to get those points though; as long as you get all the bond moves I mentioned and kill 27 enemies, its hard not to come out with it as that is 40,000 points right there (on operative difficulty). If you can somehow manage to complete the first mission on 00 agent and not get the gold medal, send me an e-mail cause I am damn impressed. Viper: A revolver with some pretty good firepower, but obviously not as good as the golden gun. If you are out of golden gun ammo however, this makes a good alternative to use in order to keep your ammo efficiency in check. Defender: A standard pistol which is not all that great. Really only best used when you have exhausted all your other weapons. Regular pistols, unlike the golden gun, do not have great accuracy and headshots are really the whole idea of pistols, so when you have your crosshairs trained on an enemies head and miss the shot, it is not a great feeling. --+Submachine guns+-- KS7: The worst gun in the game, bar none. From its attrocious accuracy to.... MORE attrocious accuracy, the KS7 is really only a good weapon if you are willing to throw efficiency and accuracy to the wind. While you can shred enemies at close range, at long range you could barely hit the side of a barn. If you are going for scores, I would just pocket this for every mission; use only in case of emergency. Ingalls: This is a pretty good weapon, with a very good rate of fire and reasonable accuracy. Works best in heavier fights where there are a number of opponents to deal with. PS100: The best submachine gun in the game. This weapon has a very fast rate of fire and a good clip size at 50. It also has very good accuracy as well. Certainly more of a weapon for close up battles, but there are not many better choices for when you are fighting enemies at close or mid range. This weapon is available only during the final few missions of the game. --+Assault Rifles+-- KA-57: A basic assault rifle with reasonable accuracy and a slower rate of fire. This is usually a good weapon to use in light, close-up combat. For heavier fights, a more rapid fire weapon is desirable. KA-57S: The main weapon in any rail shooter. The KA-57S can zoom in on enemy targets from afar and is usually what you want to use when targeting consoles or shooting out tires. It is versatile but does tend to be unfavorable to your ammo efficiency score. Calypso: The Calypso is an assault rifle available only during the Fire and Water mission. This rifle has a good rate of fire but is not all that accurate. It does however have the largest clip size of any weapon in the game at 80, and is a good option for long lasting firefights. UGW: A fine assault rifle with a scope and decent accuracy at range. It has a slower rate of fire, but still a good gun for ranged combat. FSU-4: My personal favorite assault rifle, and an excellent one at that. It has a very good rate of fire as well as ranged accuracy, and in addition comes equipped with a grenade launcher. The grenades are just lobbed out rather than shot straight however, so if you are not careful you will wind up shooting something right in front of you. Always be sure to aim this at an upward angle when shooting. D17: The D17 is an excellent assault rifle with good accuracy and a scope to help in killing targets at range. This weapon is only available for the final mission, but it helps a good deal. --+Shotguns+-- Frinessi: This shotgun is effective in certain instances. When you are introduced to mercenaries is effectively when you will realize the great uses for this gun. Otherwise, for regular enemies, I suggest sticking with your pistols. At close range this drops most enemies in one shot, so if you are in an instance where enemies are flooding into a small corner, this might be a good choice. Shotgun: The shotgun for rail shooters. This is very effective for close range and will pretty much always drop enemiesin one shot. Unlike the Frinessi, in rail shooter missions this greatly helps accuracy and efficiency. --+Explosives+-- Grenades: A great all-purpose explosive, but use sparingly. Beneficial for clusters of enemies, tossing around a corner, or blasting enemies behind crates. Just my biggest piece of advice; these things do tend to have a mind of their own, and if you are crouched behind a crate or by a wall and throw a grenade into it, it can blow up in your face. Regular grenades are not a game ender, but golden grenades will do you in. It is safe practice to get out of crouching position before throwing these, and angling your camera view up slightly...unless enemies are right in front of you in broad daylight. In that case, face the ground and just turn and run. Obviously a number of ways to use these, and when used effectively they are a good game changer. Golden Grenades: The reward for completing the sixth mission with a score of 100,000 or higher, grabbing this reward contains two very beneficial factors. First, the increased blast radius and firepower is enough to cause you to rant more swear words than you ever thought possible if you throw it right in front of you, and second, you will have three of these at the start of every mission. But in all seriousness, the difference between these and regular grenades is fantastic, with an enormous blast radius, VERY heavily increased damage, and a 100% suicide rate. On a bad day you will learn that by experience. MAL-22: The rocket launcher, great for taking out rooms full of enemies and if you are not careful, yourself as well. As anyone who has played Halo already knows, when shooting enemies do not aim at them, aim at the ground underneath them, the wall behind them, or the crate next to them. And naturally, use this only on groups of enemies, not single ones. A very effective weapon when properly used; just be sure to aim away from face. CH-6: A rocket launcher used only with rail shooter missions. This can be effective in some instances, and useless in others. On the plus side it does make accuracy and efficiency less of a problem, and makes taking out helicopters or vehicles easier. However shooting out tires on vehicles often results in Bond moves, and this is not possible with the rocket launcher. Golden CH-6: The reward for completing the second mission with a score of 50,000 or higher. The Golden version has more firepower and unlimited ammo. This makes for an excellent reward and is a great asset in those headache inducing rail shooter missions. RCH-1: The guided missile launcher which you use only at the end of the Forbidden depths mission. --+Sniper Rifles+-- SSR4000: The only sniper rifle in the game. This is probably the best weapon you can have, in terms of firepower, safety, and relative quiet. It drops all regular enemies from range with one shot to the chest, and deals loads of damage to bosses when shot in the head. --+Multiplayer Weapons+-- -These weapons are available only on multiplayer. Photon cannon: A powerful plasma cannon which can often kill other players in one shot. It can damage you as well however, so be careful. It has a large area of effect, but can travel fairly slow. Grenade launcher: A weapon very similiar to the photon cannon, but less powerful. Grenades do not launch straight and must be properly angled to hit the target head on, and their shots are not as powerful. However, it does shoot slightly faster. Trip mines: Mines that when places activate a laser than when crossed, will detonate the mine. These are a lot of fun and with a bunch stacked together can launch other players miles into the air. They can be placed on walls, and obviously that is the most effective location. Around corners and in doorways are the best spots for these. Proximity mines: A mine that detonates when any player (including you) comes near it. Use these with caution, and remember where you place them. Detonator mines: Mines that are detonated by you. These are much more controllable, but obviously do require a bit of attention to use effectively. ====================== b. Gadgets (AUF1G) ====================== Q-claw: The Q-claw is a grapple that can be used to pull Bond up onto ledges, into vents, onto platforms, or to any surface not normally reachable. A large portion of these opportunities both result in a bond move and provide tactical advantage, so it is good practice to keep an eye out for the metal grates and take advantage of them whenever possible. Q-laser: The Q-laser is used to break open glowing red locks. These usually cannot be missed. Just use the laser on the lock until it breaks. Again, several areas accessed by cutting locks provide bond moves as well as tactical advantage, so keep an eye out for these. Q-Decryptor: The Q-Decryptor is used to deactivate any encrypted console used to lock doors. Simply point the decryptor at the blue circle on the console and activate it to start the decryption process and open the door. These also contain a high number of bond moves. Q-Remote: The Q-Remote is used to activate things from afar. As long as you can spot the green signal emitting from something, you can activate it when you target it. Several remote terminals require you to download a program from somewhere before you can use it first; otherwise the emitting signal will appear red. Remote actions result in a number of bond moves; both when downloading the program and performing the following action. Q-specs: The Q-specs only make their appearance in a couple missions, and are used to find secret doors or panels. Q-camera: The Q-camera is used exclusively to take pictures of things for mission objectives, but all you do is equip it to use it. You do not actually "pan around" with it, it is merely equipped and activated to take a picture of whatever is on screen. Q-pack: A jet pack only used in a couple missions that launches you slightly into the air, allowing you to reach higher platforms. It must be charged at a compressed air source before each use. Q-card: A gadget used exclusively during the Night of the Jackal mission. It is not actively used, it is just kept in your inventory in order to open doors. ====================== c. Characters (AUF1C) ====================== Bond: Most obviously the main character in the game, the character you play as, and the character who always saves the world AND gets the girl. M: M is Bonds contact in MI6 and provides the briefings and missions for Bond throughout the game, as well as providing support during missions. R: R handles bonds gadgets and vehicles, and will provide support or explanations for gadgets during briefings and on lesser difficulties, during the mission. Zoe Nightshade: A CIA agent you will be introduced to right at the beginning of the game. Nigel Block: Nigel Block is the primary villian of the game and part of Identicon, an evil corporation. In the interest of spoilers I'll just leave it at that. Malprave: Another member of Identicon, the evil group that Bond is combating throughout the game. Carla the Jackal: A hired mercenary who you will come across at some point of the game. =============================== III. Walkthrough (AUFWX) =============================== ------------------------------- -Summary of Gameplay Elements ------------------------------- The game consists of 12 total missions. For each mission you have a certain point target to hit for the gold medal, and after obtaining the gold medal a target for the platinum medal. Gold medals provide weapon and gadget upgrades for single player, and require only a flat score to obtain. Platinum medals unlock certain elements of multiplayer, and generally require the same score as gold plus collection of all 007 icons. However, these are relatively easier to do as the 007 icons grant the majority of points in and of themselves. Your score receives a multiplier bonus depending on which difficulty you are playing under. In my experience I have not noticed a pressing difference in difficulty levels, but you will receive more damage in higher difficulties, receive less assistance from charcters, and also have less lives. I have played the walkthrough on the 00 agent difficulty, and I am also going to write as if you are receiving all of the score based rewards as you go. These help a great deal for later missions so are a great asset to have. Also a pretty general tip; if you die and wind up back at the start of the mission, start over. You will want that life for a later checkpoint if needed. -Operative: Operative is the most basic difficulty level. You receive full agency assistance, receive minimal damage, and have two lives. This difficulty does not yield any extra points at the end of each mission. -Agent: Agent is the mid-tier difficulty. You receive some agency assistance, receive a reasonable amount of damage, and again have two lives. When playing under this difficulty, you receive an additional 50% points from each mission (If your score is 100,000, the difficulty adds 50,000 points to your total). -00 Agent: 00 Agent is the top difficulty, and as such you receive NO agency assistance, take a good amount of damage, and are now down to only one life. However, when going for a good score, you do not want to die anwway as you will receive no points for damage taken. This difficulty will double your score after each mission. I recommend playing under this difficulty, as compared to other games it is not really a "killer", and gives you peace of mind when going for medal rewards. As long as you completed the mission at least fairly well, you will be in the clear. While the first missions can easily be completed at Operative difficulty to obtain the gold medal, later missions will require higher difficulties. The first missions require 50,000 points, while the final two require 130,000. Platinum medals MUST be obtained under the 00 rank, but all you really need to do is collect the 007 icons in the level, which I will get into later. Now, onto your scores. Each mission scores you on elements of gameplay, and each element has a specific score attached to it. These scores are all added up and the total is granted the multiplier bonus based on how well you performed in that category. Bond moves: Each mission contains a certain number of bond moves, which grant points and in most cases make things easier on you. The total possible points for bond moves is 20,000, and the points for each bond move depends how many bond moves there are in that particular mission. As far as maxing your score, getting all bond moves is critical. Enemies Subdued: Each mission has a set number of enemies for you to kill, and as long as you kill at least that many enemies you will get the full 20,000 points for this objective. This is by far the easiest objective on the charts and you should max this every mission without problem. Ammo Efficiency: This is a count of how efficienly you are using your ammunition. Killing enemies in one shot increases it, using machine guns destroys it. The absolute best way to help this statistic is by using hand to hand combat anytime possible. It is rare that this is the best solution, but in reality that is what it comes down to, so sneaking up on enemies and punching them down helps greatly. Otherwise, just check your fire. Spending bullets like candy reduces this. At 15,000 maximum points it is not the most critical scoring attribute, but it is still important to keep reasonably in check. Weapon accuracy: Accuracy is the last of the three most important attributes. This is helped greatly by use of grenades, rocket launchers, sniper rifles and accurate pistols. It is killed by submachine guns and shotguns. In any mission the best method is to use your pistol to kill opponents by headshots, which makes for quick deaths with minimal ammo usage. Even if you are killing your opponent at point blank range with a submachine gun, you will have some overfire after he drops that will drop your accuracy, so avoid submachine guns and shotguns whenever possible. Accuracy grants a maximum of 20,000 points, but you do not need 100% accuracy for this. From my experience, anything above 90% grants the full 20,000 points. You just want this to be as high as possible in any mission, so choose your targets wisely. Damage taken: Damage taken is based on how much of your lifebar gets lost over the course of the mission. Picking up body armor does not reset this. Once you have taken the equivelent of your whole life bar in damage, you lose all points for this attribute. Damage taken is worth a total possible 15,000 points, but the less you take, generally the better your other attributes will do. If you are not panicking with your machine gun trying to kill an enemy before they kill you, things go better all around. Also, take note that if you die this does not zero out damage taken. Whenever you die you go back to your last checkpoint and everything since then is disregarded; time, damage taken, Bond moves, etc. It's just a do-over basically. Mission Duration: This score is bar none the least important attribute on the board. Most of the times require essentialy a bolt-through and obviously when you try to get the mission done in a certain time you miss enemies, miss bond moves, miss head shots, have to kill enemies fast with an assault rifle on the move or several pistol shots; overall just don't worry about it. Take your time in the mission and make sure everything is done carefully and right. Completing a mission under the time limit grants 10,000 points, with this total decreasing steadily with more time used and finally dissappearing after you have gone more than 5 minutes over the limit. ============================== a. Trouble in Paradise (AUFW1 ============================== Briefing: M: 007, the CIA has come to us for assistance. It appears that one of their agents, a miss Zoe Nightshade, recently sent out a distress signal. Since you are already on location in Hong Kong, we saw this as an opportunity to help out our American friends. Nightshade was investigating a botanical research firm known as Identicon, headed by a man named Nigel Block. The CIA believes that Identicon is a front for a massive smuggling ring in dealing in bioligical weapons. In Nightshades last report, she informed us that Identicon was taking considerable measures to transport and to protect vials of some unknown substance. Nightshade was to obtain one of their courier cases and have its contents analyzed, but her mission was compromised. You need to retrieve that courier case, 007, and rescue miss Nightshade. R: Now pay attention. I've provided you with a high tension grapple line I call the Q-Claw. Use this device to latch onto special perforated surfaces in order to pull yourself up to ledges and platforms. You also carry the Q-laser, which emits a powerful beam of coherent light, capable of slicing through the metal alloys commonly used in locks. Objectives: -Infiltrate research facility -Find courier case containing vials -Rescue CIA agent Zoe Nightshade Gold medal target: 50,000 Bond moves: 7 Enemies to kill: 27 Mission duration: 5:00 At the start of the mission, it is a good idea to get familiar with the controls here. All your movement is done with the joysticks, you select your weapons with the up and down arrows on the directional pad, and you select gadgets with the left and right ones. X will fire your weapon, and O will use your gadget. When firing weapons, square is used to reload. You can press R2 to aim your weapon without moving, and L2 is used to crouch. The select button is used for alternative fire (silencers, automatic or semi-automatic, etc). Anyway once you are familiar with controls, restart the mission to reset the clock. Before heading into the facility, for the sake of a bond move, equip your decryptor and target the console on the door in front of you. Use the decryptor then move away from the door. Now equip your Q-claw. Aim your camera up to the area above the front of the door and look for the metal grate. With your crosshairs centered on that grate, activate the Q-claw to get to the top of the building and receive a bond move. Head all the way to the end of the walkway to your right, and jump down into the ventilation duct. Once inside, turn back around and you will notice a guard working on a computer. Make sure your fist is your equipped weapon (cycle with up and down arrows; you should just have your fist and your pistol), crouch, and while remaining in the crouch position (hold L2), move forward to drop down into the room. Slowly move up behind the guard and once directly behind him, stand up, "equip" your fist, and with your crosshairs over him hit the X button to knock him out. Move up to the right side of the desk to pick up a keycard for the armory. Now head up to the left side of the door here, equip your decryptor, and target the decryption console on the door. With the decryptor equiped and the crosshairs places over the console, hit the circle button. If you do not get it on the first try, just move it around a bit and keep hitting the circle button until it activates. Opening this door grants you another bond move. There is a camera in here, but it will not notice you. This is only applicable if you came in the front door, which we did not. With the door down, run across the room to the armory on the far side, and hit the square button while facing the keycard slot on the right side. On the inside are four grenades and a rocket launcher (!). We will use this later. Now head back into the computer room and make a right into the elevator. Equip your P2K pistol and hit the square (action button) on the button in back to head down a floor. Once down here a guard will spot you are retreat over to the left behind some boxes. Crouch and hide on the right side of the elevator, and poke your head out just enough to see a yellow barrel behind the guard. Use R2 to manually aim at it, and shoot it once to dispatch this guard here. Head over to his body to pick up some more pistol ammo, then equi your Q-laser and move to the gate on the right side of this area. Target the lock and activate your laser for another bond move. Head through the passage here to just before the end, then crouch down once more and slowly move up a bit to spot a guard down to your right in the next area. Manually aim for his head with your pistol, and shoot him once. He should drop. Now, while remaining crouched slowly move down the path while facing the ramp on the right (strafe using the L1 button to do this easily) and a couple guards will notice you and take cover behind crates in the very back. Shoot the red fuel tank on the back of the forklift right next to them to kill them and receive another bond move. Move up to where you killed them for the KS7 submachine gun. Our goal is to NOT use this at all, as the accuracy is attrocious and will destroy your accuracy score. Anyway once you are where you killed these guards, move right and you will notice a suspended crate hanging by a cable ahead just a bit. Move up a little until you notice the guard poke his head out, then aim at the cable with your pistol and shoot it once to drop the crate, kill the guard, and receive another bond move. Move up to where the guard was, and while hugging the left side of the path move up while keeping an eye on the hallway to the right at the end of this area. Equip your grenades, hold the X button to get one ready, and slowly move forward until the guards show up. Keep your crosshair trained on the entrance to the hallway. Once the guards show up, release the grenade and quickly run back. Once they are down and out, pick up the body armor in the loading dock on the left side, behind some crates in the far corner, and head down the hallway at the end of this area to complete the first objective. This next area is the first considerable fight you will have. Crouch and move forward until the lights go out, and hide behind the first planter. Now, you want to start launching all those grenades you have, but BE CAREFUL! If you throw them while you are crouched behind the planter, they will blow up in your face. In this area, there are two guards in the far corners of the room, and a bunch of guards coming in a doorway in the middle of the far side. Anyway the first thing to do is launch the rest of your grenades into the far doorway. Do this by moving up to the second row of planters, remaining in the crouched position, and hold X to pull back the grenade. Now aim your crosshairs at a slight upward angle (to try to hit the rear doorway), come out of the crouch, and launch the grenade. With luck, it will hit the guards in the doorway. Launch all 4 grenades in that direction to take out as many guards as you can, then stay crouched and pull back slightly from the planter to get a view of the guards heads. Careful of the guard in the top right corner, as he can launch grenades toward you. If he does, just run all the way back to where you entered the area. You will know if a grenade is coming by the distinct metal clanking noise you hear. When you hear this, RUN! Anyway as for the rest of the guards, the key is to be patient. If you are a few feet behind the second planter, you should be able to hit the guards heads and will rarely receive any fire, if any. You should be able to take out the guard in the top right and all guards coming through the middle doorway in this position. After these guards are taken care of two remain; the one in the top left, and another one back past the doorway with a shotgun. The one in the topleft can be killed from here, but he is hard to see. What you want to do is run all the way to the left wall, behind the portion sticking out. Now move up to the next one, and you should have a good angle to kill the guard with the shotgun. He is in the doorway behind some crates on the right side. Aim for his head, and take him out. The shotgun does not do much at this range, so cover is not essential. With him done one remains. Crouch back down and follow the row of planters right next to you out to the right, remaining crouched for cover. At the very end, poke out slightly and get a view of the guard in the top left corner. Take him out and that will conclude all but one guard for this entire area. The last one is at the far end of the area, in the red room on the left. To take care of him, crouch and move up to where the guard with the shotgun was located at, and slowly move up to the doorway while keeping your view angled over to the left of the red room. The guard is behind some crates here. Strafe over until you can get a look at him, and then shoot him in the head. Pick up the body armor back behind here, collect the case of vials on the right side of the room and then hit the action button in front of the green light to open the door and head in to complete this objective. Now in the next area, head up the steps and move forward for a cut-scene. On the right side of the catwalk is a sniper. Run up just a bit and then crouch and slowly move up to him and shoot him in the head. Pick up the sniper rifle and continue forward. Head to the end of the catwalk, make a left, and then make another left onto this second catwalk over here. Here you want to use your three rocket launcher shots to clean out as many guards as you can. Launch one just below you to your left, near where the doorway is. Rockets have an ENORMOUS blast radius, so shoot in the middle of as many guards as you can see. Next, shoot all the way to the right on this side to kill a couple more guards. Shoot the last one about in between where you shot the first two, wherever else you spot guards. After this is all said and done head back off the catwalk and down the stairway in back of this area, and at the bottom head across the ramp, but before heading to the elevator stop and take a look just down below you to the right. If you see any guards here, use your sniper rifle to kill them. Now, head across and down the elevator. On the bottom, head up and right, and briefly look out the doorway to spot a guard behind some crates directly in front of you. Shoot the barrel to eliminate the guards cover, and kill the guard here with your pistol. Now reequip your sniper rifle and look all the way to the back of the pen. There should be a slightly crouched guard back here. Shoot him, and then move forward just a little bit. There is another guard along the left wall slightly ahead; move up until you see him. Once you do snipe him as well, but stay back as far as possible. Continue forward and about where this guard was, along the left wall behind some crates, is some body armor. Grab it, and from here look out to the top right and you should see another guard standing behind some crates, slightly right of the first guard you sniped. Snipe him as well, and head to the spot you sniped the first guard and pick up his grenades. Move right until another guard comes out to attack you; if you have any sniper rounds left use them, if not run back and use a grenade. With him taken care of continue up until the path turns right again, equip your grenades, and look through the doorway. A couple guards will come out of the elevator down at the end of this path. Also take note of the barrels along the left wall. When the guards come out of the elevator launch a grenade into the alcove with the barrels; if you have two still use both of them. If not, be ready to kill one with a pistol. After they are done with head forward and make a right onto the submarine. Cut the lock next to Zoe's cuffs to complete the mission. With 50,000 points you have unlockled the golden gun, an improved version of the P2K. ========================== b. Precious Cargo (AUFW2) ========================== Briefing: M: Good work on your successful infiltration of the research facility, Bond. As you know, your liberation of Nighthade did not go undetected. Block's men have been ordered to apprehend you at all costs. I recommend you leave the driving to her, and use whatever means at your disposal to fend off enemy attackers. Your destination is Identicons factory near the dockyards. Agent Nightshade has indicated that the second shipment with the last set of vials can be found there. Penetrate their defenses and recover that case. Once you have recovered the vials, deliver them to R for analysis. He will be waiting for you at the dockyards and will escort Agent Nighshade to safety. Objectives: -Infiltrate Identicon facility -Locate missing vials Gold medal target: 50,000 Bond moves: 13 Enemies to kill: 72 Time limit: 5:00 This is the first rail shooter in the game. These missions are the most difficult to fulfill your score on, with the exception of time. It can be difficult to avoid taking damage, you only get one shot for bond moves, and there are generally a TON of enemies to kill. In addition with using your assault rifle, efficiency and accuracy tends to suffer. However, if you complete this on 00 agent as I recommend, it is another 50,000 point mission and essentially very easy to get the gold for it, and you get the Golden CH-6 as a reward, a rocket launcher used exclusively in rail shooters. The golden version has more improved firepower and, more importantly, unlimited ammo, making for a great way to increase your efficiency and accuracy for the other rail shooter missions. This mission is exclusively a rail shooter. At the start of the mission a helicopter is heading toward you. Use your assault rifle to target the gunner on the side and shoot him to receive a bond move. Make a habit of reloading your gun with the square button between attacks. After the first helicopter is taken care of turn and face the front of the car, use your manual aim and zoom in using the right analog stick to spot a helicopter out a ways. Start shooting that and try to destroy it before passing it. After you do that an enemy car will come up behind you. Shoot the tire out for another bond move. Use your manual aim to make this easier. After that car is down, face forward to spot an armored car in front of you with a man shooting you in back. Again, shoot out the tire for a Bond move. In order to help accuracy, you can just start unloading on the body of the van after the tire is taken care of. This doesn't help efficiency, but accuracy is more important so it may be a good idea to do. Anyway once this van is taken care of, face the back of the car and you will see another two cars. As is business as usual, shoot the tire out on each one to receive two more bond moves. Now face forward and you will soon come up to a road block and then head left. There are a couple guys a bit up; one with a rocket launcher. Shoot him if possible, and after crossing the street you will be in an area with cars blocking every exit. Shoot the barrels at the right exit to receive a Bond move. Now you head outside the area. There will be some body armor upon heading out. Another car will be chasing you from behind. Yet AGAIN shoot the tire for yet another Bond move. Shortly after another car will come up behind, shoot the tire for the 47th time for another Bond move. After this quickly face forward until you come across a shooter on a corner; kill him and you will take the road forward, picking up some armor along they way. After this you come upon a road block near a gas station...ideas? Anyway as should be obvious zoom in from afar and shoot the gas pumps for a Bond move, and then shoot the gunner out of the helicopter for another Bond move. Unload on the two cars to the left after that. After this you turn left and straight ahead are a couple shooters in front of the factors; zoom in and take them out at range. There is another one in the window above them you want to take out. Once inside the building, there is a shooter on the catwalk in front of you, and two on the left side. There is a barrel located above the bottom doorway, so shoot that for a Bond move to kill the two enemies over here. There are two more remaining; one in the far bottom left and another near the top of the large white cylinder in the middle. Kill them, and after the door opens and once you start moving forward, quickly center your angle forward and zoom in to kill the enemy at the bottom of the stairs, in the doorway. You will pick up some body armor, and then at the bottom of the stairs zoom in a bit more and kill another enemy slightly ahead on the right. Now, zoom to the far end of this room and angle your view up; kill the two shooter up here on the catwalk for a Bond move. After that pan over to the right and kill the shooters on the catwalk near where the fans are, if you can. Now, for the final room. At the far end, shoot the barrels on your right for a Bond move, then kill the shooter right in front of you to the left, another on the catwalk to the right, and a couple back near the blinking red panel. Kill every enemy in this area and after they are all dead, shoot the blinking red panel to move the beam over the cylinder. After this, shoot the red support above the beam to drop it and complete the mission. You receive the Golden CH-6 as a reward, an excellent reward for rail shooters. ============================== c. Dangerous Pursuit (AUFW3) ============================== Briefing: M: 007, it's too late for Agent Nightshade, but she needn't have died in vain. It's imperative that you reclaim those vials as quickly as possible. We've interecepted their radio transmission. They intend to transfer the vials to an armored van for more secure transportation. You must get to that rendevous before they escape. Should you be unable to prevent the transfer from occuring, you must stop the armored van at all costs. Use caution, however. We need those vials intact. R: 007, I've airdropped some Q-lab equipment in your area. They will appear as blips on your radar. The Q-pulse is particularly effective at disabling vehicles without damaging their contents. You'll need to get within a few meters of your target and allow adequate charge up time in order to ensure success. Objectives: -Locate stolen vials -Disable armored van Gold medal target: 70,000 Bond moves: 5 Enemies subdued: 15 Mission duration: 2:30 This is the first driving mission, and is relatively straightforward. You need to catch up to an armored van, and then chase it down and disable it using the Q-pulse. Compared to other missions, subduing the 15 required enemies here is not of great concern, as if you play it right your efficiency and accuracy will be near 100%. As long as you get the 5 bond moves and complete the mission with the tactics here I suggest, you will have no problem at all grabbing the gold medal. At the start, drive through the docks, following the path as it curves right. When the music changes slightly, there will be a road block ahead and some barrels stacked on the right side. Shoot those barrels with your machine guns for the first bond move, and then continue forward as the road curves left. Be sure to grab any vehicle enhancements along the way; there should be a Q-smoke under a crane as you are heading through here. There are rockets too, but you should not need to use those. Anyway, continue following the path as it curves right and heads into a tunnel with some enemies, and about halfway down you will come across a barrel along the right side. Shoot it with your machine guns once again for another bond move, and now head out of the tunnel and make a left. The only point of this first drive is a bond move. Follow the road all the way up, staying to the left at every turn. You will soon come out into a clearing with a large building next to a river on your left. This same building has a skyway heading over the road. Continue forward under the skyway and observe your radar. You should see several of those yellow powerups, but what you are looking for is a red dot; this indicates some enemies next to a gas station. Head over to the gas station and shoot the pumps with your machine gun for another bond move. Now you want to follow the arrow on your radar to reach the armored van from here. Pick up any powerups along the way, but what you are really focused on are Q-smokes and Q-pulses. If you see a Q-booster grab that as well as it can be beneficial, but it is not necessary. Follow the arrow until you see the blinking green blip, indicating the armored van. Regardless of what side you are coming up on, your goal is to drive up to the van at full speed and take a sharp turn once it takes off down the center road. There are two vehicles guarding the van that will engage you, and your goal is to get them behind you. If you can manage to do that, equip your Q-smoke and use it to lose them and obtain another bond move. Now you want to catch up to the van. Occasionally cars will come at you and defend the van, but you want to stay focused on the van. Use missiles if necessary, but you are really better off getting ahead of them and using your Q-smoke. Collect these along the way, as well as any armor you come across. Now, for catching the van. Getting the van with your first Q-pulse results in a Bond move, but the longer you chase the van the harder it gets to grab it so you want to get it done in the first shot anyway. If you find a Q-booster, use it to catch the van, but these are not as big of a help as they seem. What you want to do is cut corners sharper than the van. The van tends to stick to a more or less fixed route, though where it heads next is fairly random. The main areas it goes through are the subway, around the building by the river line, and down an wide alley between some buildings. The best spots to catch it are the building by the river, and when it turns the corner at the gas station. The van takes the gas station corner extremely wide, and you can cut through the gas station to catch up to it. The building by the river bed, the van goes all the way around the building so you can just follow the road up to the other side and wait for it to come out. Irregardless the Q-pulse takes a moment to charge, about 1 second, so you want to time this correctly. At any rate the best means to hit it is to take a corner sharp, and while catching up, activate the pulse. When done correctly you will be near the van when it activates. NEVER collide with the van as you will bounce right off and more than likely be well out of range when the pulse activates. You want to drive up along side it and activate the Q-pulse at minimum range without actually hitting it. For getting it on the first shot you get a Bond move, and after the van is down the mission is complete. If Q-smoke was your weapon of choice and you got the van quick, you will have a very high score and can easily have 90+% in both effiency and accuracy categories. Generally, the quicker this mission is done, the better. You will have more than half the enemies subdued just from killing them at the docks, so these should be more than sufficient to get you the gold medal. ========================== d. Bad Diplomacy (AUFW4) ========================== Briefing: M: The evidence you retrieved in Hong Kong contained 9 vials of human blood samples, as well as photographs of the British embasy in Romania. 8 of the vials were labeled with the initials of the worlds industrial nations. The last vial was marked Griffin. The computer database search turned up a man named Reginald Griffin serving as a British diplomat in Romania. Griffins behavior has been a subject of an internal foreign ministry report. He seems obsessed with protecting a secure room in the embassy, an area normally outside his jurisdiction. We want you to infiltrate Griffins secure room, find out what he is hiding, and access his computer records. Because he's a high level diplomat, this must remain a strictly covert investigation. We're not sure of the extent of the conspiracy, so trust nobody. Remember too that the guards are not suspected and may not be harmed. R: On that note 007, I've provided you with a dart gun that will tranquilize, but not harm the guards. I've also issued you a pair of Q-spces which can be used to see hidden doors and hatches. British embassys rely heavily on these security measures. Objectives: -Infiltrate private quarters on top floor -Gain access to secure room -Use passcode generator on Griffin's computer -Escape Embassy Gold medal target: 70,000 Bond moves: 7 Enemies subdued: 11 (that is all of them) Mission duration: 3:30 This is a strictly stealth mission, and if you are discovered and the guard triggers an alarm, the mission if failed. You can neutralized guards either with the dart gun, or your fist. I recommend using your fist whenever possible for the sake of ammo efficiency and conservation. With that said, at the start there is one guard patrolling side to side just ahead of where you start the mission. Sneak up the stairs on your left, get behind him, and knock him out with a punch. Head through the doors, follow the hall as it curves around the elevator (do not enter the elevator yet), and you will come across another guard. Just as before, sneak up behind him and knock him out. Head into the room at the end and head left to pick up some darts off the desk in here. Now head back out and into the elevator you just passed. Head out the elevator to the left, and slowly move up the hall to the end. There is a guard at the end of here, near the rotunda. Sneak up to him and knock him out. If he does happen to discover, just get up and chase him to the alarm button, located just out in the rotunda to the left. He will take a few seconds to activate the alarm from the time he reaches it, so you just have to take care of him before he does this if that happens. Anyway, now head back to the elevator and head to the other side of it, up the hall and through the double doors at the end to reach a kitchen. There are no guards in here, but the boxes on the floor make noise if contacted so be cautious of those. Our method of passing through here will be right through the middle area. Jump over the boxes to the other side, and take a look through the double doors to your right. Move up to open the doors, move through and punch the guard. Make sure you don't do this when the guard further down the hall is there though. If you happen to hit the boxes, the best thing to do is run back into the hallway out of the kitchen, and crouch down here, waiting for the guard to come investigate. When he does, manually aim and shoot him with the dart gun. Now with that guard dealt with, open the doors and head just slightly in. Wait here for another guard to patrol into your view here, and shoot him as well. Now equip your Q-specs and hit circle to enable. Look on the left wall to reveal a panel that you can open with the action button. Open it and shoot your laser into the panel to disable the trip laser and receive a Bond move. Now continue forward and make a right at the end, crouch down and look ahead on your left to see an open window. There is a guard just outside this window who will not trip an alarm, but will shoot you. Crouch and slowly move over toward the window, get a look through, and tranquilize him. Reequip your Q-specs, turn around and you will see another trip laser. Activate your specs and look on the right wall to discover another panel; disable this one in the same manner as the last one for another Bond move. Continue forward to the left and with your Q-specs still on, look on the left wall to see a door. Hit the action button and head in to receive another Bond move, some darts, and some body armor which you probably don't need. Now equip your Q-claw and head out the window where you dropped the guard, and on the outside look up to your left to notice a grate. Equip your Q-claw and grapple up to here for another Bond move. Now head in through the open window on the left to complete the first objective. Head forward and open the door just to your right for a quick cut-scene and another Bond move. After that, continue down the hall and open the door on the left at the end. Pick up some more darts and head back out to the door on the other side of the hall. Use the keycard on the left side and head in for another brief cut-scene. After the scene, run up and punch the attacker twice in order to drop him. Head over to his body, pick up the passcode generator, and head back out the hallway you can in through, back to the window and use the generator on the computer to your right. Now head back into the room with Griffin and take the other door out. Out here is a tricky guard, so be careful. Best thing to here is slowly move through the door, and observe the area down below you to your left. There are some glass cases down here, and the guard patrols behind the one furthest back and then on the left, but does not do a full patrol. However, the problem here is he can easily see you through the cases before you can train a shot on him. So, with that said, best thing to do is wait until you see the guard patrol to the right behind the far case, just underneath that portrait on the wall. When you see him here, run out into the open and quickly turn left, and down the stairs you will see the alarm button. With your dart gun equipped, manually aim right below the center of that alarm button, and wait for the guard to see you. When he does, this is where he runs to, and once he reaches the button, shoot him. The next guard is tricky as well. Head out of the room through the exit to reach another hallway, the same types you went through right at the beginning of the mission with the elevator. The guard patrols along the windows in back, and if you are facing the windows the alarm button is on the right side. The best thing to do is when exiting the room with the glass cases, just bolt straight toward the wall right in front of you, and quickly turn back just in case the guard is there and shoot him in front of the alarm panel. If you manage to evade the guard attention while running toward the wall, look toward the windows and wait for him to patrol by, then just tranquilize him as normal. Equip your Q-specs to discover the panel for the trip laser on the right wall just next to a painting, so go and disable that. Now for the final guard. Take note, he will head to the same alarm switch as the last one, so the safest thing to do is probably the same thing you did with the guard in the glass case room. Move past the elevator to the far wall, and head left. The guard is on a balcony looking over the rotunda, and pretty much one you spot him, he will spot you. Best tactic is to run up to him, let him see you, then quickly run back and get a shot at the alarm switch. Let him run up and drop him. Now head back to the elevator. Take it down, head out of it to the left, and you will be back where you started the mission. There is one final guard to dispatch, but he is not much of a threat to you. On the far side of the rotunda are the double doors to exit the embassy, and when you approach these doors the guard will enter through them. Shoot him if you can if you want to dispatch the final enemy, but it is not necessary if you just want the gold medal. Your efficiency and accuracy should be at nearly 100% so you should have plenty of points. Anyway once he discovers you, you can just make a break for the exit if you want to complete the mission. With the gold medal reward you receive the golden accuracy, which gives your golden gun pinpoint accuracy. Wherever you are aiming it is where you will hit. ============================= e. Cold reception (AUFW5) ============================= Briefing: M: Shocking news 007. We've conducted tests on the man who attacked you in the embassy. He was more than just an imposter. He was an exact genetic duplicate of Griffin; in short, a clone. The message you retrieved from Griffin's computer mentioned a company, Malprave industries, based in Switzerland, a leader in bioengineering technology. It fits the evidence that Malprace industries is involved with the illegal advancement of human cloning. Bond, your mission is to infiltrate Malprave industries and collect any incriminating information. You will be posing as Mr. Summerset, a journalist who has arranged an interview with the company's reclusive owner and CEO. Once inside, look for any evidence that will give us an indication of Malpraves plans. R: Hello, 007. For this mission, we've provided you with a micro camera for photographing sensitive materials. Your Q-decryptor can be used to hack Malprave's computer mainframes. In addition, I've equipped you with a Q-remote gadget. This device records electronic signals, which can then be used to remotely control a matching machine or computer. Objectives: -Photograph satellite imagery -Photograph blueprints -Retrieve data from basement mainframes -Escape facility Gold medal target: 90,000 Bond moves: 8 Enemies subdued: 25 Mission duration: 6:00 This mission is about 80% stealth, and if played right you won't have to fight a single fight until the last part of the mission. That is the goal here. At the start, you are in a room with three exits doors, but the one to the left is the one you need to exit out of. Head up onto the raised section with the three desks, and facing the painting hit the button on the desk on the right. Head through the doors and follow the hallway all the way to the end to come across a locked AC duct. Laser the lock for a bond move and head in. From in here, we will pick off all guards in these first two rooms. Do not open any AC covers. Head through the duct until you notice a door on your right; from here manually aim and shoot the guard standing outside in the head. He will not move; he will just stand there and stare at the picture on the wall. Continue through the AC duct to the cover at the end. There are two guards in this next room; one circles the room and one comes between here and the far room. Shoot both of them in the head. If they notice that one has been shot don't worry, as it won't lead to your discovery. Just do not open the grate. Once the two are dead use your laser on the lock on the right side of the grate to get out of here. Head right through the double doors and take a picture of the prints located in front of the far wall. Head back into the room you came from and take the double doors on the far side. Turn right once heading through to notice another picture on the wall. Hit the action button in front of here to open it and head in for some body armor and a rocket launcher. Head out of here back into the room and take a picture of the prints located along the right wall. Now head forward out of this room through the double doors on the far side, and move through this hallway while crouched, forward just a bit. Another guard patrols from the right into your line of sight and then moves toward the elevator. When he enters your sight, shoot him in the head, and head over into the room he came from and grab a keycard off of the bookcase on the right for a Bond move. Now head back and into the elevator and take it down to complete the first objective. On the bottom is another guard patrolling, so give him a head shot. There is more body armor but you should not need it. Head down the steps through the double doors and look through the glass to your right. There is a guard who patrols just to the right, and one who patrols further back. Both will enter your line of sight here, and this is where you want to kill them. Shoot the guard patrolling further back first. He is way back there and it can be difficult training your manual aim on him at this range, but if you miss once or twice its not a huge deal. Just be ready as once you break the glass the closer guard will likely hear you, so be ready to kill him quick. At that point the far guard will notice you from a lot closer so if you can't get a head shot just shoot him four times to drop him. These are the only guards in this area, so with them dealth with head down the steps and make for the computer station on the far wall. Use the keycard to get another Bond move and deactivate the dataport alarms. Now pull out your decryptor and hit the three dataports here. The first one is on the right side of the second column over, the next one is on the left side of the fourth column, and the last one is on the right side of the last column. Now equip your camera and head up the steps onto the raised platform with the little model. Take a picture of the model, and grab the grenades in the box on your left. Head through the secure door just in front of you once you are done here. Follow the hall out and take the elevator down. At the bottom floor, follow the hall out till reaching a door, and equip your Q-claw and hit the grate above the door to get into the vents. Move forward until an access grate is below you, and manually aim at a guard who patrols down below here. Shoot him in the head and continue forward. At the end of the ductwork, there is one more guard to take care of from this spot. He patrols on the ground a ways in front of you and you should see him upon getting to the end. There is a second one who patrols left to right, but ignore him for now. Take out the further back one who patrols in a circle around the area. After this, grapple into the next set of ductwork for another Bond move and move forward to the grates. Looking out of the grate, take out the guard patrolling top to bottom right in front of here, and then wait and another guard should come by. Kill him too and with luck a guard patrolling out of the blast doors a ways back will notice him and come over here. At this point, kill him as well. If he does not notice him, he will patrol out of the blast door from time to time and you will just need to kill him at range. Either way with all these guards dealt with, this area is cleared. Follow the ductwork all the way out and drop down to the platform below at the end. Grab the grenades off of the crates next to you and head up the steps and across the platform to the ductwork on the other side. Jump back in here and follow the duct left, all the way to the end. On the other side is a guard standing right below you, so give him a headshot and grab the Frinessi he drops Jump down and use yourQ-remote on the green signal below to download the door program. Now for a fight. Head out of this room slowly and upon coming out you will notice two tanks on the far wall. There is a guard standing to the left of the leftmost tank, and a red sign on a pipe coming out of the tank. There is a valve under this red sign that you want to shoot, thereby killing the guard and granting you another Bond move. Now wait here for a moment, and another guard should charge up the stairs. Take care of him as well, and then quickly move up the stairs to locate another guard below in front of you. Shoot the barrels here to take him out, then run back to where you were. Head out again, but this time move out backwards and take out the guard who is on the platform right above you. With hime taken care of, there is one more guard down here but his positioning can be random, but he runs around below. Find him and kill him, utilizing barrels if they are nearby. Now, equip your rocket launcher and head down to the bottom level. There is a red room just below the one you came out of with two more guards. Get a look in here to see the guards and shoot at them. You certainly don't need to be accurate with the launcher, but you DO need to have enough sense not to shoot a wall or obstruction right next to you. Now with this area cleaned out, head all the way up the stairs to the top level, pick up the SSR 4000 from the guard you dropped up here (the only one you killed on the top level). Head all the way right to come to a door where you will use your Q-remote to open. On the other side is a mercenary, and the best way to kill this first one is with your shotgun. Equip your Frinessi, target the door mechanism and activate it to open the door. When the mercenary appears, run up to him and shoot him with the shotgun at point blank range. It will take two shots to drop him at close range. There is one more of these guys here, but the second one is better with the rocket launcher. You just want to be careful as you can just as easily screw yourself, and if you are not comfortable with the launcher I suggest the shotgun again for the second guard. Anyway the second mercenary is down the hall and to the left. To use your rocket launcher, poke your head out to get a look down the left hall, shoot the rocket, and quickly retreat out before it hits. It should take the mercenary out in one shot if done right. Make sure the launcher is aiming straight and will not graze a wall on the way down. Strafe out and shoot once and then head back quickly. With him taken care of, keep your shotgun out and continue down the hall to the right. There is a guard on the outside of the door on the far side. Engage and use your shotgun to drop him, but stay away from the sight line of the sniper. For the sniper after this guy is dropped, hug the right wall and move forward just enough to see most of the emblem on the wall behind where the sniper is standing. Pull out your rocket launcher and shoot this wall, being careful not to clip the blast door on the left. The blast radius is more than enough to kill the sniper, and once he is dead head down the catwalk outside the doorway to the right and follow it into the room at the end. Climb the ladder and CAREFULLY move over to the tram cable to the left once you are on the top. You can fall off of here if you are not careful, and that is a really stupid way to die. Hit the action button in front of the tram cable to complete the mission. With 90,000 points you will receive the golden clip award, which doubles the quantity of ammo in your golden guns clip from 6 to 12. In essence, you can shoot twice as many shots before reloading which becomes handy later on. ================================ f. Night of the Jackal (AUFW6) ================================ Briefing: M: The data you retrieved in Switzerland includes a file tagged with damaged goods. We believe this is a codeword for Dr. Natalya Damescu, a scientist formerly under the employ of Malprave. Dr. Damescu escaped with a data chip containing information on something known as Poseidon. Fearing for her life, she has taken refuge in the British Embassy in Romania. There is evidence that Malprave has hired Carla the Jackal to raid the embassy and kidnap Dr. Damescu. Bond, you must prevent her from being kidnapped. R: 007, I've secured a room in an upper floor apartment around for the corner from the embassy. You'll have to get past a sniper on the treeline street to get into the apartment. I'll provide you with a device which will allow you to infiltrate the embassy. Objectives: -Use Q-Claw to enter R's safehouse -Infiltrate embassy -Rescue 5 civilian hostages -Find secret passage and rescue Damescu -Destroy helicopter gunship Gold medal target: 90,000 Bond moves: 8 Enemies subdued: 26 Mission duration: 7:00 This mission is the exact opposite of the previous one; there is pretty much not an ounce of stealth involved here. You will fight your way through all the way to the end. With that said, right off the bat head forward until a guard rushes toward you to the left of the car just ahead of you. He will take cover behind the nearby planter, and occasionally poke his head out. When he does, give him a head shot. There is another guard a bit further back behind the car who shoots at you as well, so take care of him next. From this same spot, look over to the third car to the right and behind this car is a grenade tosser crouched down. He may be a little difficult to see, but get a look at him and take him out with a headshot if possible at this range. Otherwise, four chest shots will do fine. Your efficiency won't be great this mission anyway. Now angle over to your right to spot another guard behind the fountain, shooting at the embassy. Drop him with a head shot. There is another guard near the fountain; likely hiding behind it. Take him out with another head shot if possible, but if he rushes toward you, once again standard shots will do. Now head to every spot that you dropped a guard and pick up their weapons. Three had assault rifles, one had a pistol, and the one by the third car over had grenades so grab all this. Now you have a decision. If you want to get the total for enemies subdued, you will be required to kill one guard shooting at the embassy, but when you do all four of them will start firing at you. My suggestion? Just let it go. Leave the guards attacking the embassy alone and they will leave you alone. With this said, there is a sniper here to handle. Head back to the front of the building opposite the gate to the embassy, next to the car, hug the wall as you head right toward the area with the sniper, and once you are in the area make a break to the back, near where the truck and boxes are located. Leave as much distance as you comfortably can from the wall without getting into the snipers line of fire, equip your grenades, and manually aim just at the top of the ledge up here. Hold X all the way down for a couple seconds, then release. If done right, the grenade will launch right up to him and take him down. Pick up the body armor located on the right side of the boxes, and head back out. Make a left and follow the road here all the way to the end of the street to come across a couple window displays; the one up top has a Frinessi, and the one to the left has more body armor. Grab both of these as needed and head out of here and make a left. And this mission, for the first time, we will want to start using standard weapons. Pull out your KA-57 and carefully move forward. The road curves left and after following it up toward the opening, a guard will come out and engage you. Shoot him with your KA, but a habit you want to get into when using assault rifles is to utilize short, easy bursts. Shoot one or two shots at a time to the chest until he drops to maintain accuracy and conserve your ammo. Once he is down grab his gun; do this for EVERY guard this mission. Head through the opening to your right and two more guards will come out at you. Take care of them in the same manner, and get ready to handle another sniper. This one is a bit more tricky to evade, but should not be a problem. Wait until his laser moves back, and then hug the right wall all the way up to the balcony with him on it. There are some overhanging portions of the building that will provide reasonable cover. Head up and get as much underneath the balcony as you can, prepare another grenade, and just as before line your crosshair up just to the top of the railing. Pull back a little bit to get a good firing angle, hold X for a couple seconds and release it up here. With the sniper down pan over to the building just to the right of the balcony to notice a Q-claw grate. Claw up here, turn over to the balcony, and jump over to grab the sniper rifle and obtain a Bond move. Grapple back to the building with another grate, follow the ledge around the right side to reach a doorway heading in, and move into the apartment for another Bond move. Just a note, this is a pretty damn crappy apartment setup to have double doors to a balcony with no railing. But no matter; in the apartment head forward and open the door to your left on the end. Head into the bathroom for a brief cut-scene and completion of the first objective. Head out through the newly opened passageway after the scene, and out onto the balcony. Out here, target the grate on the opposite building, and grapple on over for the next Bond move. Drop down and head over to the doorway; use the card here and head in to move to the next area. Inside here, grab the body armor if needed, and head up the stairs. Pull out your KA assault rifle again, and open the door. A guard will chase a woman out of the adjacent room; take him out. Move left and kill another guard ahead of here, down the hall to the left. Crouch and slowly move toward him and try to nab him without being noticed if you can. Now move forward and as you head right, crouch down once more. This next area has three guards. Crouch behind the table as the guard interrogates a hostage, and once you see another guard patrol over from the left side, wait till he is between you and the talking guard and open fire. Try to get both of these guards in your same line of fire, drop them, and take care of the last one to the right. Once they are taken care of the next objective is complete, along with another Bond move. Move forward, grab all the ammunition off the guards, and head out the back right door of this area. Head right, follow the hall up, and as you reach the windows proceed cautiously. The one on the left will blow open as you approach it, so be ready to kill a guard outside. Drop him and head left toward the kitchen. The first guard to kill in here is straight ahead of you, behind the countertop and near the back wall. Scope him out, get a shot on him, and then open the door to take him out. Now three guards remain. The next two are to your left, about halfway back in the kitchen. Equip your grenades, strafe out through the door enough to launch a grenade (it does not need to go far) and head back through the doors and let it blow. Just in case it missed one, be ready to kill the remaining guard. The last guard is behind these first two, taking cover behind an overturned table. Just head into the kitchen, wait for him to pop his head up, and give him a headshot with the golden gun. Collect all the ammunition in this area and head through the double doors at the end. Follow the hallway up and to the right, equip your grenades one more time, and before moving past the elevator, get an angle on the far hall and launch a grenade down this hall from here. Immediately after launching, move over to get a view of the hall to spot a couple guards. With luck your grenade got them, but just in case have your KA ready to take care of them. There is one more guard here; move forward and take him out with your KA to take care of all guards here. Grab the ammo and follow the hall to the rotunda. Once here, look just to your right, against the wall, for a British flag. Hit the action button in front of it to obtain a Bond move and open a door. Follow the path up to meet up with Damescu, grab the body armor here, and head into the elevator and take it up. On the topside, open the elevator door and on the top catwalk to your left is a guard; blow the barrels behind him to take care of that. Now blow the barrels on the bottom to reveal some armor. Grab that if needed, equip your sniper rifle, and head into the next room. Before even starting, save at least one, or I would recommend two sniper shots for the final area of the mission. Head in to fight the Jackal. Immediately seek cover behind the crates in front of you. She attacks intermitently, and between her attacks, you want to stand and fire, and crouch back behind the crates when she resumes fire. She starts out on the catwalk ahead of you on the left, so take cover, wait for the first round of attack, and then stand up and sniper shoot her in the head if you can. Once she moves back, equip your golden gun and shoot the barrels behind her. She will move more to the right. If you have any more than two sniper shots left use those, and then equip your golden gun. Stick with head shots until she moves right one more time, and when she does this move to the far right wall and head forward to a button here. Activate the switch to finish her off and grab another Bond move. Now head up the ladder on the left side of the area and follow the catwalk over. Grab the Jackals FSU-4 and the body armor here, and then head through the door at the end. Now whip out your sniper rifle again. The gunship will sprout up on the right, move left and dive back down. Aim over here and when he pops back up, aim into the cockpit at the pilot with the sniper, and take him out. He hovers here for a few seconds and you need a fairly precise shot, so take your time and make sure its right. You should not need to zoom in or out; just make sure your crosshairs are right in the center of his face. If you miss him here, there is a rocket launcher in the left corner next to the door you came from that you can use to finish him. Once he drops he will crash land next to the door you came from, so head to the opposite end of the heliport. With the mission complete and a score of 90,000, you have unlocked the golden grenades, an absolutely necessary imporvement for later missions. ================================ g. Streets of Bucharest (AUFW7) ================================ Briefing: M: In her debriefing, Dr. Damescu informed us that Poseidon is a secret laboratory where Malprave develops her cloning replicas. However, Poseidons location remains a mystery. That information was on the data chip stolen by Malpraves henchmen. Dr. Damescu installed a micro beacon on the data chip, but it requires a special locator to read the signal. R has delivered a suitable tracking device to the local train station for your immediate retrieval. Our satellite reconnisance indicates the helicopter pilot jetisoned the chip somewhere in the city before his damaged craft was destroyed. Malpraves men will undoubtedly be looking for it, so you must recover it as quickly as possible. Once you have the chip, you'll need to deliver it to R's field on the other side of the river. From it, he should be able to discern the location of Poseidon. Good luck, 007. Objectives: -Retrieve Q-locator -Locate data chip -Deliver data chip to R Gold medal target: 100,000 Bond moves: 9 Enemies subdued: 91 Mission duration: 10:30 This is a combination driving/rail shooting mission...with a TON of enemies to subdue. With unlimited missiles, this mission is made infinetely easier during the starting portion, so I highly recommend those. If you did not get them from the third mission, I cannot recommend enough that you go back and get the score of 70,000 to get these. With that said, for the first portion of the mission you will be going after the tracking device R dropped at the train station. Upon following the path out of the starting area, you will come across a Q-slick powerup. Be sure to grab this, as it is used for a Bond move. Take out the car shooting you in front; whenever killing cars to your front be sure to stay back and give some distance between you and them, so your missile splash damage does not damage you. You will take a lot less damage from the shooters as opposed to missile splash, so keep that in mind. There is no rush to get to the train station, despite the ramblings of your mission support. Anyway, continue forward and in the direction of the beacon, and you will come across another car on the way. Distance yourself and launch missiles to take care of him as well. Continue on and follow a large curve to the left, and at the end will be a large courtyard with a couple parked cars. Stop here, and launch four to five missiles at them to take care of that, then continue onward. Just ahead slightly around the next bend are two armored vans; same drill as before. Stop and drop them with three missiles from affar. Finish off the curve and make a sharp right at the end. Full speed ahead here, follow the curve, continue following the road at full speed until coming to the next bridge. Once here, you should have two cars on you, but should have pulled ahead of the first one. Equip your Q-slicks and activate it to lose the car behind you and grab the first Bond move. Now hit the brakes and missile the car in front of you. Continue forward and once R gives you the message, head right through the front entrance of the train station to grab some armor. Head out the other side onto the tracks, turn right to lock and launch two missiles to the helicopter here. Now, turn right and drop this helicopter as well for the next Bond move. Grab the locator and split out of the station. Upon coming out you will come across an armored van, so missile that down. Head toward the direction of the arrow at any means; it all leads to the same place. Depending on your route of choice you may come across additional vehicles and/or a helicopter, so be ready to deal with that. Soon enough you will pass underneath an archway and make a couple of wide left turns; full speed at this point. You will come to a bridge that will quickly be destoryed by a helicopter, but keep on the throttle and ramp off the bridge to the other side for another Bond move. Continue heading up until an armored van pulls out from the left to engage you, and then slow down and missile it down. Very soon after you will come to the park with the chip in it, located through a short tunnel. Roll through, grab the chip, and continue forward at full speed out the other side, between two cars and if done right you will flip up onto two wheels and slide between them for a Bond move. Now, do not slow down just yet; continue forward at top speed and hit the incline at the end of this pass to jump the road and receive the next Bond move. Follow the buildings all the way down, continue on forward across the grassy median, and upon heading into the park next to the river grab the Q-booster. Equip this, follow the S-curve thru the park, pick up speed as you head between the fountains, and right when you hit the bottom of the stairway use the Q-booster to jump across the river and complete the driving portion of the mission. The next portion is a tank rail shooter. You have two weapons; the chain gun which will be your weapon the majority of this section, and the cannon which will be used for a couple applications. Right off the bat gun down the two vehicles just in front of you. The next vehicle comes from behind you to your right, so get ready to handle that. Shortly after a vehicle will pass you on your left and launch a rocket back at you, which conlcludes his activity. Kill him if you can, otherwise no loss. Upon heading through the allyway up to the archway, kill the gunner to the right and angle over to the left to take out some barrels next to a roadblock here. The barrels are located on the left side of the block and will grant you another Bond move. You will get some armor and head out into an area with two more vehicles. Take care of them and this next part is a good use for the cannon. A helicopter will appear before you; target him and shoot to take him out with one shot. The cannon is powerful but slow, so its usefulness comes from hitting it once, not trying two or three times. Once the helicopter is taken care of another vehicle will pull out in front of you just ahead, so gun him down. After that, a short cut-scene showing a helicopter will occur, so get ready to take that out. You can use your cannon for this helicopter but you need to be quick because after a few seconds, as you are driving toward the helicopter, you will push yourself out of the angle that the cannon can shoot at. In that case you need to use the chain gun. So use whatever you want to take that down. You will head through an alley shortly after that and grab some armor, and at this point be on the lookout on the road ahead for a tanker truck. When you see it, shoot it quickly to deal with the two armored vans next to it. You will shortly after come across two helicopters. I suggest the chain gun for both of these; the cannon can quickly drop one but its hard to get switched back to the chain gun and turn around for the second one. The cannon is way too slow in turning to take on both. After that you head into a building and on the other side, receive night vision. For this next portion, your biggest threat are the single shooters on the buildings. Right after receiving the goggles, take care of the vehicle leading you, and the gunner on the buildings edge further ahead of you. Now zoom ahead as you head left, and take out the two gunners on the ground on the right and left sides further up, and then a helicopter will come down and launch rockets. Deal with him (you will probably need to 180 to finish him, so be ready to hit L2), and then quickly turn back to the front. As you make the next turn there will be another gunner on a buildings ledge, and yet another further up on the right. Zoom in to take care of him quick, and after that further down this road is another one. Zoom in and hammer him before he can hit you. After this turn around and be ready to take out an armored van heading at you. Now further up the left road ahead are two more gunners on the ground on the right side of the road and one up top on the left, so drop the ground ones first, followed by the one to the left. Upon continuing forward take out any more shooters on the buildings edge here, and once M calls in about a supply trade, notice the car ahead of you. Shoot the barrels to the left of the vehicle to take care of it and receive a bond move. Further ahead is one more shooter on the building ledge so take care of him, and then blow another car that comes from the left. Now, swap to your cannon. You have one more helicopter to take care of before the final objective. It is a ways ahead of you though, so kill it with a cannon shot or two as needed, and once down another cut-scene will occur shortly showing two tanks and a train with occasional fuel cars. Once you are given control, angle your canon up to the bridge with the train, and be ready to shoot one of those cars. The first one will pass right when you take control, so ignore that one and hit the next one after that. If you miss that, you can still blow the next one but you will take some damage. You essentially have two shots to take out a fuel car but it is not very difficult so once that is done the mission is complete. The last portion, where you have the night goggles, can be difficult as far as taking damage. If zooming in on the shooters is not working for you, I suggest foregoing the zoom and just using your regular view. In 00 agent you still have a slight auto-target ability that will focus an enemy if your crosshairs are near them and drop them, so if you are having trouble just do whatever works for you. Your largest threat is that first turn, where you have three shooters from afar and the helicopter coming overhead. You want to drop the two closer shooters and then drop the helicopter as soon as possible as it will tear you apart. Anyway if you are using the cannon at all, I recommend chain gun all the way. As long as you are able to make that turn with most of your health and drop the rest of the shooters before you are in their range, the remainder of the area is a breeze. With a score of 100,000 or higher you receive the Lotus Esperit car, which is mostly just more of cosmetic reward at this point and not really critical. You have already done both driving missions and this car does not help a great deal for the platinums; it is mostly just cool looking and drives faster. ============================= h. Fire and water (AUFW8) ============================= Briefing: M: 007, our analysis of the data chip reveals that the location of Poseidon is an oil drilling platform in the south China sea. While this seems like an unlikely location for a cloning lab, you must investigate the site immediately. Sources in Hong Kong inform us that Nigel Bloch recently boarded a helicopter bound for the oil rig. If you find Bloch, chase him down. We must do whatver we can to hinder Malprave's actions. R; Listen up 007. I've equipped you with a special means of transport; the Q-jet. This remarkable device provides a short burst of vertical thrust that propels you into the air. You can use it to leap up to platforms or overcome obstacles. Ingeniously, the Q-jet can be fueled by any source of compressed gas you might find in the field. Keep an eye out for any stations that might power the device. Objectives: -Infiltrate control room -Chase block into pump room -Escape pump room -Enter tower control room and confront Bloch Gold medal target: 100,000 Bond moves: 13 Enemies subdued: 58 Mission duration: 10:00 This mission is where the gold medals start getting harder to achieve, and if you are not playing on 00 agent difficulty already, I am going to suggest it. There is a lot of firefighting this mission but it is not relatively as simple as Night of the Jackal, and there is a lot of running around involved. With that said, at mission start follow the pipeline over to the ladder and ascend it up quickly to catch the guard heading right. Shoot him in the head, grab his calypso, and ascend the next ladder. Peek your head over and try to get a look at the guard up here and take him out if you can. If not, just head up and shoot him after he notices you. He takes a LONG time to do anything anyway. With the guard down, the next ladder heads up in the midsection of the next platform, rather than the side. Look up through the hole, make sure you are facing the direction of the next ladder after this one, up on the platform, and launch a grenade up here by targeting the top edge of the hole and launching. Ascend the ladder, grab the Calypso ammo up top, and head up the final ladder to the top to come across a guard and Bloch. Take out the guard first after meeting Bloch, and then while still on the ladder, strafe slightly left and get a shot at Blochs head. 5 will send him on his way, so get that done and then use the Q-remote on the remote console ahead of you to download the crane program for the first of four impending Bond moves. Next, head out the door on the left wall here back near the ladder and on the outside, grab the armor over here if you need it, and activate the two cranes below you for two more Bond moves. Now move back into the computer room and move over to the window, and activate the crane above you just outside for the last Bond move. Equip your grenades, get your Q-laser, and cut the lock on the door to the left of the window. Once the lock is cut, the helicopter splits out of here and several guards show up. Crouch behind the window and prepare a grenade, and launch it out to the far side of the platform here, just in front of where the helicopter took off. With golden grenades and a good shot, you will take out three guards. Grab your golden gun and the final guard is running around in the back left. Head shot him to clean this area out. Grab all the Calypso ammo and FSU-4 rifles here to finish up here. Head down the stairs in the back left, and at the bottom Bloch will show up once again. Ignore him for now, instead killing the guard on the top right platform next to him. Now take care of Bloch with the golden gun. About the same number of shots as before, and after he runs out move up and cut the lock on the gate. Head through and take a left to grab some more body armor and cut the lock on the duct. Move through to the end and cut the lock on the other side; however do not head out just yet. Move back between the two turns in this duct run, and facing the direction of the grate you just opened, launch a grenade out so it bounces off the back of the duct and heads into the center of the room. This will take out the two guards in here. Ignore the door and head back out of the duct. Upon exiting the duct, there is likely a guard on the top platform just in front of you so take care of him, then bear slightly left as you see a sniper against the far wall back here. Shoot the barrels underneath the platform he is on to dispatch of him accordingly, and then head into the center control room and open up the case for a sniper rifle. Once the helicopter takes off you want to use this to try to get a bond move by sniping the pilot, but it is very difficult to do since when the helicopter takes off, several guards charge at you. Once you have the rifle, move back to the duct you came out of for cover and try for this here if you want. It is difficult to get a shot so if you aren't proficient with the sniper rifle I suggest just skipping it. Try for the helicopter if you really want, but otherwise take out any chargers over here. Once the red cover in the far back corner opens about three guards rush you so be ready for that. Two more remain back near the heliport. Wait for them to charge at you, or you can kill them at range with your golden gun if you still have ammo. Otherwise use your FSU-4, but conserve your ammo carefully for now. Shoot the two guards on the platform where the red cover was located after grabbing this (with a regular gun) and grab the armor located underneath the platform, in the back corner. Now head back to the area you just fought Bloch in, and on the left is another duct. Cut the lock for a Bond move and head in. Follow it to the end and ascend the ladder. Follow the platform up and after making a right turn, Bloch will bid you a fond farewell and take off. Continue up the platform and upon reaching the end, four more guards will come from the area you first crawled into the AC duct, over here to engage you. Take out the sniper rifle and pick them all off. Crouch down and sit all the way back in the corner for cover while scoping out a target, and once you have a shot, stand up and take the guard out. You start with 5 shots which should be enough, but if you happen to miss a few times the guards will eventually charge up the helicopter ramp so engage them as regular in that case. You can also use the rest of your FSU-4 ammo if you have any left. At any rate, once these guards are dealth with, if you need more armor there is one all the way back at the mission start, so I recommend grabbing this if you need health. Otherwise, continue to the end of the platform and hit the green button on the outside of the door on the right to complete the objective. On the other side are three guards you fight straight away. Start by launching a grenade all the way to the back in an attempt to grab the first two. Two are in back, the third is behind the middle stack of boxes. If you are dying for armor, there is some on the other side of the crates you are hiding behind right now, but I don't recommend going for it unless you are a couple bars from the end. Take care of the guards by grenades and then by pistol second, and grab their ammo. You should have some more FSU-4 ammo now, which is the best gun to use for the remainder of the mission. The only reason I did not suggest it sooner was for ammo issues, but now plenty of guards will supply you. Anyway, when using this gun, I recommend one shot at a time only as you don't want to be wasting fire. At range it is a very accurate gun, so full fletched auto is unnecessary. Once the ammo is grabbed look over to the right of here and take out another guard on a raised platform along the right wall. After, charge your Q-pack at the station up here and head down the stairs at the end just slightly. There is a sniper up here so move down just far enough to get a shot on him while crouching, and drop him. Head down the stairs and be careful of the pits down here, as you will die in them. Move forward and you will be rushed by two guards; take cover back behind the pipes and be ready to drop them when they rush to you. After that head forward and use your jet pack to get up to the platform the sniper was on. On the other side, take care of the other sniper and grab all sniper ammo from up here. Be wary of the grenade tosser on the back wall; he doesn't do it very often but from time to time a grenade will find its way up here, so be advised. Anyway a mercenary is already heading at you from the walkway up here, so just FSU his face off and then take out the guard just behind him. There is armor up here too if you need it, on the back of the platform. Once these guys are done with head across the walkway into the control room, and follow it all the way to the right until coming across a doorway. Just for the hell of it, pull out a grenade and launch it through here to deal with the grenade thrower. Run up, grab his dropped grenades, and head back into the control room, Just on the other side of where you entered is the button that will activate the things. Yeah, I have no idea what those "things" are, so that is what they will be called now. Before hitting this, a couple more things to do (tee hee hee...). If you need more armor, there is some underneath the platform you came in on, all the way in the back left. Grab that if need be, and then while down here charge your Q-pack once again, and take the ladder up to the second floor. This ladder is located on the far side and heads to the platform where you killed the grenade guy. Take it up and activate the button to start the things. Upon activation of the things, two mercenaries show up below. One is to the left, and one to your right. Using your sniper rifle, take care of them and promptly jump down and grab their FSU-4 ammo. Be aware of a grenade thrower on the platform you entered on, so snipe him from down here as well and then go grab his grenades. Now then, to get out of here. Along the wall opposite of the control room (to your left if you were facing the platform you entered on) is a grapple grate on the ceiling. Make sure your jet pack is still charged, and grapple up to that for a Bond move. Now, the "things" are in motion, and what you will want to do is wait for this end to come down, jump on to it, let it carry you all the way to the top, and then jump off to your RIGHT side and activate the Q-pack to assist with this jump. Grab the armor if you need it, duck and cover behind the rail here, and start by pulling out your FSU-4. There are just a couple guards here that will present any real issue. Start by shooting the shelf of barrels on the left wall, followed by the fork lift fuel tank in the far back center. This should take care of all but one or two guards who will likely rush you, so drop them if so. If they are still hiding and shooting, use grenades to deal with them. Grab all the ammo from here, and head through the door in the back right of the room to complete this objective. Careful before heading through; there is a sniper up to your left. When the way is clear, make a break for the far side and take the ladder up to the right of the tower here. There is a guard up top so FSU him down. Now get a look across to the other tower to see the sniper and snipe him. Pick up the guards FSU here, and grapple over to the far tower for another Bond move, his SSR 4000 ammo, and some body armor around the corner. Now grapple back and take the cable down to the next platform. There are a lot of guards to fight up here, and several options to handle them. The simplest, cowards-way is once reaching here, turn right back around and grapple back over to the tower you came from. From here, snipe the guards and launch FSU-4 grenades over. Save a few sniper bullets for another helicopter, but should have more than enough for the guards here. If you prefer to take cover behind crates here, then read on. For starters, I will not recommend grenades. The chances of you killing yourself are MUCH higher than killing them, especially with golden grenades. You can use the FSU-4 grenades with the alternative fire option, but always be sure to fire it at an upward angle, and out of the crouch position. Anyway, we have two initial guards. One is on the right side behind crates; I recommend regular killing. The second is on the far left behind another set of crates, this one you can use an FSU grenade for. Move away from your crates and launch at range to make it safer. Reload your grenade launcher quickly now and some more guards will come down the elevator. Aim at the base of the elevator and right as it arrives, launch at the elevator. This must be done promptly because if they exit the elevator, they will charge right at you resulting in heavy damage or even death. Take care of any remaining guards down here, and then finally, kill the guard in the far back left launching grenades. This can be done using the Q-remote to drop the box from above him for a Bond move, or you can kill him as regular and just use the crane to get the Bond move after which is what I did. Trying to swap to your remote in the middle of battle is something I don't like to do. Anyway with this area cleaned up grab all the ammo and the armor back where the grenade tosser was, and head up the elevator. There is a helicopter up top. Before doing anything, head to your left to the outer ring of the platform, head back in the corner, and blow ALL the barrels up here. Those are far too much of a danger to you. Grab the rocket launcher but instead, pull out your sniper rifle and attempt to snipe the helicopter pilot for another Bond move. He will do one ring around the platform and it can be difficult to hit him; the idea is to move your crosshairs in the same direction as him in order to give yourself a bigger window to hit him in. If you don't get him its not a huge deal as there are several bond moves in this mission, but every little bit helps so do your best to grab it. Taking the helicopter itself down is not crucial. Anyway after this is done take the ladder up out of here by following the outer ring out and around the platform, and up top equip your Q-remote and use it to drop both the snipers to your left and front. There is another grenade thrower on the highest platform just above you. Q-grapple to the far right platform and use your SSR 4000 to drop him. Most of his grenades will fly right past you on this platform, but just in case one does land be ready to drop back down to the bottom. Once the grenade tosser is dealt with, grapple up to this platform, ascend the ladder, and cut the lock to complete the mission. With a score of 100,000 of more you receive the rapid fire, which allows your golden gun to be fired quicker than before. At the moment, this is not a huge upgrade, but once you receive all upgrades it is very beneficial and you will see why. ============================= i. Forbidden Depths (AUFW9) ============================= Briefing: M: Your precepitous leap with Bloch has landed you in the transport system of Poseidon's secret underwater base, 007. Bloch will attempt in order to carry out Malprave's cloning conspiracy. You can't allow that to happen. Be careful however. Intelligence indicates that this transport system is protected by computer controlled gun turrets, and blocks heavily armed forces. The tunnels are too deep and the walls to thick for radio signals to penetrate, so you'll be out of contact with us for this one, 007. Good luck. Objectives: -Eliminate Nigel Bloch Gold medal target: 110,000 Bond moves: 4 Enemies subdued: 61 Mission duration: 7:30 You MUST get this gold medal if you want to relieve a lot of headache from the final three missions. Your key attributes that will help with this are Bond Moves (an easy 4), enemies subdued (should get at least 55 with standard play), and ammo efficiency (once you get the shotgun you can pretty much do away with the KA and use single shot weapons for the remainder of the mission; a relatively easy 100% attribute this time around. If you proceed efficiently, you will also receive some of the points for time limit. Accuracy is a little more difficult this being a rail shooter in addition to damage taken, but you should be able to make up for it with the first three. Keep your focus there and it won't be a problem. This is another exclusive rail shooter, but fortunately for this one you will have the CH-6 with unlimited ammo...once you pick it up at the first station that is. If you use this and the shotgun for the majority of the mission, you can easily have 100% ammo efficiency which is a nice boost to the score. Anyway, at the start a guard will be ahead of you on the left side of the first turn, so stay in standard view and take him out. After the full right turn will be the first gun turret. Angle your view all the way up and get it into your crosshairs, shooting it just as soon as it comes into sight. If done right you will drop it before passing it, and it won't be shooting you till you escape its range. In a short time you will come up to another vehicle with a guard in front of you. Shoot the VEHICLE, not the guard. Both take the same damage to kill, and the vehicle is a much wider target. After making the next right turn there will be two guards in a control room above a narrower tunnel, and you will want to try to kill them as well. At the end of this tunnel are two more defense turrets; stay in standard view to take them out. After you are out of this tunnel you come to the first station where you will obtain the CH-6. To do this, you need to bust all those small blue lights on the front and back sides of the pillars; four total lights. Shoot the first one on your way in, and to get the last one, shoot the lower right corner of it and despite the fact it is facing away from you, make sure the glass shatters and then take out the remaining two. Now kill all but one guard in this area, and then shoot the red button behind the desk to get a Bond move and head out of here. You will be under a lot of fire but don't take damage too heavily, so just be diligent in killing (if that makes any sense at all). After this area is done you will receive the CH-6, so equip that for the next vehicles. One will be in front of you on the other side of the door, so drop him, quickly swap back to the KA if you have yet to come upon the gun turret, and use that to drop the turret. After passing the turret back to the CH-6, turn back around and kill the guard chasing you. Upon going forward through a couple more doors, you will have another guard so kill him. After that, you will finally encounter Bloch for just a few moments. Rocket him as he is in front of you, then swap back to your KA until coming to a upward slope. At the top of this is another gun turren so kill that in the same manner as the other ones. At the top is a guard on the right, you absolutely want to make sure to drop him as his shotgun becomes very useful for those turrets. Follow the curve left, drop another guard to the right of the doorway, and pull out your shotgun. Upon heading up the incline, get the turret in your shot field and shoot. One shot with this thing. After this you come up to another station. Go nuts with your CH-6 here, but start by shooting the barrels to your right for another Bond move. After that two more guards on the right, one up top and another on the right side, and one guard just ahead of you on the left platform. Once they are dealt with the door opens and another transport in front of you, so rocket that down. Upon exiting the station, another turret is just above you so deal with that as well. Shortly after another guard to your right and another turret overhead. Shortly after, another guard to your left and another turret overhead. Shortly after, another guard to your right, then ANOTHER guard to your right, and finally another turret overhead. Shortly after, another guard to the left and two more guards in a control room overhead. ...have you fallen asleep yet?? Anyway that armor you picked up just before moving through this area is the last one you get for quite awhile, so taking low damage here is crucial. If you miss too many guards or turrets you will have too low of health for the final fight. Use your shotgun (it has a very long one-hit-kill range) to take our the turrets and guards, but patience is the key. Do not get too overzealous trying to kill them; let them fall into your line of sight and then take them out. Its a lot less damage than missing one entirely. Anyway after through the tunnel you come back upon Bloch. Get out your KA and be ready to shoot mines he drops. Aim in the area he will be planting them in, look for the blinking red, and be ready to shoot when your crosshairs light up. First one right off the bat, second one is planted just before the next left turn. Third one is halfway up the incline following the turn. Fourth one is about one third of the way around the next left turn. Fifth one is another third of the way around the turn, the sixth is places right after it. That will conclude the mines, and at the end of the turn drop the gun turret. For the next area, shoot the center of all the fans. There are three, the first just after the initial turn, and the next two after the turn following that. You receive a Bond move for shooting the centers. In the next area, shoot the two red switched on the left sides to shut off the steam and receive the final Bond move. Shortly after you will head into the missions final area. Upon coming onto here, there are three guards circling the area that you need to take out first. Use your CH-6 to drop them in one shot. After Bloch is shown coming out front, shoot the area he is on with your rocket launcher until he runs back in, and then more guards will come out onto the bottom circle. As before, use your CH-6 to take them out. You will pick up the RCH-1 guided rocket launcher shortly after, which you must use to kill the three energy coils shown in the cut-scene. The rockets are not very manueverable, and the best shot you will have at each energy coil is when it is in the 3 o clock position (straight to the right). The best way to hit these is right off the bat, shoot the one that is right on your right, then wait a moment until the next one is directly on your right, and after that, for the final coil, shoot it and guide it up to the left. It is a more difficult shot but can be done, but if you miss it and still have decent health you will be able to wait for it to get in the regular position. The missiles aren't easy to guide at times so you want to do your best to get the crosshairs as close to the coils as possible as to reduce necessary guidance. You do take damage over time here so you will need to be fairly diligent in getting them down. Once these three are shot down the mission is over. With a score of 110,000 or more you receive the Golden armor, an absolutely critical upgrade, and possibly the most important one you will receive. It reduces the amount of damage you take by leaps and bounds, which you will notice shortly. ======================== j. Poseidon (AUFWA0) ======================== Briefing: M: You discovered the entrance to Poseidon. Well done, 007. This is certainly the labratory devoted to clone research and production. Your mission is to destroy the lab by any means possible. Unfortunately, you have no explosives with you. You'll have to improvise some means of destroying the lab equipment. Perhaps your Q-remote can be used to record programs that will create havoc with the labs machinery. With a program recorded, your Q-remote can be used to transmit code that will raise system pressure, and inject harmful chemicals that will destroy the enzymes and proteins required for cloning. Destroying the lab equipment will alert the base personnel. Once you've achieved your mission objectives, find a means of escape. Objectives: -Infiltrate clone labs -Raise lab equipment temperature -Increase lab system pressure -Disrupt chemial balance in lab system -Board submarine to escape Gold medal target: 120,000 Bond moves: Enemies subdued: Mission duration: This mission is essentially the point at which you will need to play on OO agent difficulty in order to receive gold medals. Under Agent difficulty you would need a base score of 80,000, which is 80% of the total possible base points and it is just much easier to get a score of 60,000 on 00 agent, since you can effectively miss twice as many points and still grab the gold. With that said, in the area you start in there are two locked vents. One contains armor which you obviously don't need yet, and the other leads into the mission area. The one with the yellow sign is where you want to head for now, but take note of this armor and come back to grab it if need be. Head through the vent to the end, and before cutting the grate open pull out your golden gun and get the silencer on it. Wait for the guard to enter your line of sight and shoot him in the head. Now use your decryptor on the door in front of you, crouch in front of the center of the door and ready a greande, and once the door opens launch a grenade all the way back to take care of the guard behind the desk in here. You must be quick with this, because otherwise the guard will charge at you before the grenade can take care of him. Grab the PS100 and head back out. With him taken care of head back out and to the left, get your grenades out once again, and pop the door open by hitting the green button. Launch a grenade into the middle of the room, between the two guards here to drop them both. Pick up the grenades and PS100 ammo and then head into the elevator, take it down, and equip your PS100. On the bottom level will be a room with a shark display case and a cylinder on each side. Each of these cylinders will bring in a mercenary. Start by heading to the right one, stand right next to the cylinder, and once the glass drops and the mercenary engages you, unload your PS100 on him. After he is shortly down, head over to the next one, get right up in front of him as well, and do the same thing. Grab their ammo and take the door on either side of the room out into a hall. There is another door around the corner here, so grab your grenades, open the door, and launch one in. Try to ricochet it against the wall in the middle to get it as close to the other side of the room as you are able. Launch it with full power, and after you use one, launch another one through the doorway you can see. There are three guards in here and you should be able to get at least two of them by grenades. There is one in the center and one through each doorway on the side, so after you are done with grenades head through and use your golden gun to take care of any you missed, and then grab the ammo and armor on the left side. Activate the green button on the door at the end to complete the first objective. In the next area are numerous guards patrolling. Start by shooting the one just to the left in front of you in the head, and then look back against the back wall in between the tanks. Between the first and second and second and third back there are some barrels; wait till a guard is near there and take the barrels out. Once taking out these three, head into the lab and once you head over to the right side of the room, three more guards will come out of the elevator you came down on. These guys will charge straight at you and the best thing to do is let them come at you, circle around a tank, and drop a grenade and take cover behind a box nearby. You can get a couple with a grenade this way, making it a much easier fight. After that clean up any remaining guards with the golden gun, then run back to the corner near where you came out of the elevator, and near some boxes here is some body armor. Take that, get any ammo around this area (particularly the UGW), and pull out your PS100 and head over to the elevator on the left side of the room. A mercenary will pop out of here, so drop him with a shower of PS100 just as before. With him dealt with, grab the armor behind the barrels to the left of here, and then pull out your Q-remote and download the programs from all of the resevoirs here for three Bond moves. Head into the elevator the mercenary came from once you are done here. On the bottom of the elevator, observe the guard patrolling the center of the room. Wait until he is heading away from you on the right side of the center storage cylinder, and crouch down and head down the stairs and through the left doorway down here. While still crouch moving, head up the hallway to the right and if you have any grenades launch one into here. Otherwise, equip your golden gun and head in and shoot the guard in the head. Now head up to the end of the room and press the green button for a Bond move and to activate the laser defense system out here. Now quickly turn back to the doorway, pull out your PS100, and shoot any guards that come into here. Grab the keycard off of the desk on your left and the body armor. Head back into the cloning area and kill the three guards in white suits behind the small glass control areas. If you have any more grenades these are a good use for them, but otherwise just use your golden gun, get them in your line of sight and shoot them in the head. Collect their ammo as they drop and after they are all dead grab the body armor behind the center glass case and use your Q-remote on all of the consoles down here for three more Bond moves. Once you are done with this, head to the door in the back corner to the right of the control room, using the decryptor to enter. Equip your PS100 to take out the mercenary on the other side, grab his ammo, and head forward to advance to the next area. Use your UGW for the remainder of the mission, but use only one shot at a time. At the start, there is a grenade thrower on a platform in front of you to the right. Take care of him, then crouch down and head into the room, moving left. Head into the doorway, but not through it. There is a guard just on the other side that you need to take care of, while staying out of the line of sight of the sniper. Once he is down, carefully strafe to the left to get a view of the sniper, and shoot him from here. There is another sniper in the back left, but grabbing the sniper rifle makes him much easier to take care of. Once his view pans all the way left, run into the room quickly to grab the sniper rifle the sniper here dropped, then head back out the doorway. Now run back into the room you entered the area from and head back down the stairs. From here, slowly move up the stairs, stand up at the top, and zoom all the way in on the sniper from here and shoot him in the head. Now head through the door on the right side of the room to grab some grenades and body armor. Head back to the area you killed the first sniper in and press the green button here for the final Bond move. Make sure your sniper rifle is still equipped and head out the left door. Once you head out, a few more guards become active. They are located in a room directly across the sub pen from you. Zoom all the way in with the sniper rifle and get head shots on them. There is no huge rush, as at this range they can't hit you very well. Just stay away from those explosive barrels behind you. Continue left and head down the stairs. At the bottom, run up to the first set of boxes to activate some more guards, then immediately run back to the midpoint of the stairway. From up here, use your last sniper rifle shot to take out the guard in the center, and blow the explosive barrels on the right side. Blow ALL of them for safety reasons. Once this is done, move back up to the crates and take cover behind the first row of crates once again. Lob a grenade just ahead of you to take care of the guard behind the left set of boxes, then another one out further to try to nail the other guard running around back here. Once done, head under the stairs you came in on for body armor, and then head about halfway to the end of this platform full of crates. Three more guards will activate. Run back a bit, shoot the barrels next to the grenade tosser all the way in back, and use your UGW to finish off the other two guards as they are running around. Stay back a bit since this gun is good at range, and its more effective to let them charge you and kill them on their way to you. Once the guards are down head up the stairs to the left to board the sub and complete the mission. With a score of 120,000 or higher you receive the golden bullets, which for the life of me I still cannot figure out what they do. They sound like they increase the damage of the Golden gun, but I have not noticed. If you have any idea what these do, shoot me an e-mail. =================================== k. Mediterranean Crisis (AUFWA1) =================================== Briefing (Escape from Poseidon): M: 007, the autopilot steered the submarine to a royal navy carrier stationed in the mediterranean sea. This ship is the site of a major summit meeting between the leaders of the world's industrial nations. Unbeknownst to the public, Malprave's men have taken control of the carrier. The vials of blood you obtained in Hong Kong match the DNA of the 8 world leaders. We are certain Malprave has cloned these leaders and intends to substitute them with her replicas. Bond, your first duty is to report to us for an update of the situation. Find the ship's briefing room where you can establish communications with MI6. We will then provide you with further intelligence data. Objectives: -Go to briefing room for MI6 update -Disarm warhead -Rescue Zoe Nightshade -Destroy cloned leaders' helicopter Gold medal target: 130,000 Bond moves: Enemies subdued: Mission duration: This is likely the most difficult mission in the game. It is long and there are several challenging parts within. Fortunately, the place is just littered with body armor, so you can slow down and get a head shot and be able to heal up, or backtrack to earlier armor also. With that said, as the mission starts equip your golden gun and get the silencer on it. Pick up the Frinessi and ascend the ladder in front of you just enough to get sight of the guards head up here. Shoot him in the head (avoid the barrels in the interest of quiet). Grab his PS100 and open the hatch to your left. Crouch move just behind the guard on the other side, and punch him down. Pick up his ammo and descend the stairs, heading into the hatch right in front of you once reaching the bottom to reach the brig. Take out the guard in here, grab his P2K ammo and the Frinessi on the desk. Equip your Q-laser, go to the very left side of the door to the left cell until you can see the lock, and cut the lock to open the doors to both cells. Head into the right cell now, cut the lock on the vent, and jump in for a Bond move. Follow the duct as it turns right then left, and after the left turn there will be a grate on your right, out of which you can see a guard in the room below. Shoot him in the head with the golden gun, and continue down the duct all the way to the end. Head to the last grate on your right before reaching the end and shoot the two patrolling guards in the head. If you get spotted, back up back into the duct as a mercenary will charge at you. If that happens, lob a grenade just outside the duct (it helps to ricochet it off the side) to try to kill the other guard and harm the mercenary. After that is done just finish the mercenary off with a headshot or two. If you manage to kill both guards without engaging the mercenary, jump out of the vent and use your Frinessi to drop him. Once these guards are cleared, jump out of the vent if you have not already and pick up all the ammo from these guys. Be sure to run back into the room you shot the first guard from to grab his UGW. After heading into the briefing room head through the left doorway, and run under the stairs for some armor and grenades. Head up the stairs in the crouch position and at the top there is a guard typing in the next room. You can run up and punch him if you want, otherwise just a headshot will do. From up here shoot the guard just in front of you, and the one in back if you have not been spotted yet. Otherwise, head out the left to engage them. Stick with your golden gun, as you have plenty of ammo. There are three guards in this area, and after they are dealth with the harrier platform will come down and another guard tossing grenades will be located on there. Shoot him in the head to finish the initial guards off down here. Now look up to your right, just above the hangar door at the back of the area. There is a guard in white standing at the console. Shoot him in the head from down here, and equip your Frinessi once more and head forward to the hangar door. Three mercenaries will come at you here (not at the same time, in sequence), so just get up close and blast them with the shotgun. From down here aim your Q-remote at the signal coming from the console up above where you shot the guard, and download the program for a Bond move. Now head back to the console room you came into this area from, where you killed the first typing guard. On the right side of this room is a vent; cut the lock on that and head in. At the grate near the end on your left, there is another guard patrolling just outside, so shoot him in the head and then leave the duct. Grab his ammo and then head over to the right edge of the ship and use the Q-claw grate up above to obtain the next Bond move. Ignore the doorway, instead jumping off the opposite side. Once you jump down, stay back here and look for a guard patrolling the far water tank. Shoot him in the head from back here, and peek your head out just to your left and kill another guard patrolling over on this side. Now look at the fence on the left side and you will see another guard patrolling along there, on the other side. Shoot him when he falls into sight. Now there are about two more guards you can kill from this side. One is on the other side of the fence again, in about the center of the area. Just a head shot should do it. The last one is in the far back right, next to some barrels. Shoot the barrels from here to take care of him. Now head back out to the railing of the ship where you came in, and further ahead from where you jumped down is another grapple hook. Head up to that to get another Bond move, grab the armor if you need it as well as the grenades, and head in the door to the left. Follow the hall up and open the door at the end on the left, and kill another guard here by a headshot. Be ready up here, as if the guards downstairs are agroed and they most likely are, they will be rushing up here to you. Be ready to drop them with more headshots. With that said, your next order of business is to take out that sniper sitting in the middle. Kill him, grab the SSR 4000 and body armor from the snipers nest, and clean up any remaining guards. Grab any ammo, and follow the platform to the end, heading left and through the doorway. Equip your Frinessi once again, head up the stairs, and circle around at the end to engage another mercenary. After killing him, head through the door to advance to the next area. Once in this area, QUICKLY move forward and up the stairs, then look right and shoot the patrolling guard in the head. The only reason I say quickly is because if you don't engage him here, he will patrol right over to you and then you will need to kill him while being fired at, in addition to other guards engaging as well. With him taken care of, equip your Q-remote and head up to look out the window of the control room. Point at the signal on back of the harrier to activate the engines to take care of these three guards and receive a Bond move. Continue through the room up the stairs, head left, and on the outside of the doorway is another guard patrolling the side of the ship. Head out and shoot him in the head as well. Head around the left side to the end and you will spot a guard up above. Shoot him with your pistol as well and then pull out your grapple and grapple up to the platform above for a Bond move and a guard fight. First thing to do here, toss a grenade into the room behind the table. That should take care of all but one or two guards. Shoot the remaining guards in the head. Head into here and go into the small room on the left for some body armor and SSR 4000 ammo. Grab any remaining ammo and now head through the doorway on the opposite side of the room. Move left and pop open the door to enter a stairwell. There is a guard launching grenades from above so use caution through this part. There is body armor underneath the stairs in the back left corner if you need it. When you are ready to head up the stairs, equip your Frinessi, wait for a grenade explosion, then bolt up the stairs and kill the guard tossing grenades just at the top. After that take out the mercenary just behind him as well. There is one more grenade thrower and a sniper here now. Pick up the ammo and grenades and then move out enough to get a look at the grenade thrower above you. Shoot him in the head, being sure to run back whenever a grenade bounces near you. Most of them head all the way to the bottom though. Now, for the sniper. The safest way to handle the sniper is to equip your own sniper rifle, head up the next stairway just until you can see his head, and then shoot him down. Golden grenades work well, but can be very risky to use since they can easily bounce back down to you, and if you are near them they can easily kill you in one shot, even with full health. So with the sniper dealt with and the grenade tosser done as well, head up the stairs, grab the grenades at the top, and equip your golden grenades and head up to the next door. Before opening it, the guards will be notified of your presence and run around inside. Now run back down the stairwell just a bit, and get a look at the doorway behind where the sniper was. Launch a grenade in here to deal with as many guards as you can, and wait for any other guards to come out onto the platform. After that, open the door and take out the remaining guards inside with your golden gun. There is a guard that follows you up the stairwell, so when you hear a guard's speech mentioning moving in, head back to the stairs and take care of him first. Now, with that done, head through the door to take out the final guards. There is usually one behind the crates, and one to the left inside the door. Head through the room and there will be one more guard at the end on the left, and then a helicopter will engage you. Snipe him out for a Bond move. He sweeps to the right, then back to the left, and the best time to hit him is when he changes direction from right to left, as he will stop for a spell. Now head forward and take one step up the ladder, then quickly move back into the room. Two more guards are heading toward you. Have your PS100 ready to drop them quickly, but if they take cover further back (which they will if you are ready for them), launch a grenade back at them to take care of them quickly. Now head up the ladder at the end of the room, climb the ladder to the top, and cut the lock and head up here. Once you emerge out the top, move to the back right corner of the area (away from the barrels if you will) and a guard will come up to engage you. Shoot the barrels to his right and he should go down with the barrels. Now head to the top right and shoot the remaining set of barrels in back for safety sake. Now equip your sniper rifle, crouch, and slowly move left by cover of the crates. There is a guard manning a gun turret near the back, and you will want to snipe him. Back up from the crate just enough to get a look at his head, zoom in, and take him out. Head forward, ascend the ladder on the right, and cut the lock at the top. At the top, there is a guard right in front of you who does not seem to notice you if you stay down the ladder enough. Shoot him with an easy head shot, then head up into the room. There is one more guard to the right of the cuffed navy girl here, so head shot him and then cut the laser on the navy girls cuffs for another Bond move. Once she is freed, use the Q-remote on the green signal to download the missile program and obtain yet another Bond move. Now, head out the newly opened hatch door in this room, head out for a short cut-scene with Zoe, and get ready to take the hook down, but just to the next platform below. Take a look over the edge to see the platform, then when ready use the action button to grab onto the hook, then hit the button again when you are over the platform to drop down and receive a Bond move. From in here, hit the green button to allow Zoe to escape behind the crates for yet another Bond move, and then head over to the newly opened door and shoot the barrels back by the mercenaries. Head up to Zoe after that, and after chatting with her head left through the door and down the ladder. At the bottom, head over and grab the armor, then equip your Q-remote and Frinessi. Head through the door and first, activate the Q-remote on the signal to launch a missile at the sniper and grab a Bond move, and then use the Frinessi on the mercenary that charges you. After this is all said and done, head forward up the stairs and quickly get behind the gun turret, and start unloading on the helicopter. It will take off so just follow it around and keep a line of fire on it until you get the mission completion message. Zoe will then take off in a Harrier and hover it over the platform just to your left of here. Head down the stairs and the mission will complete shortly after. With a score of 130,000 or higher you receive the Regenerative armor, which will regenerate your armor back up to 3 bars (or about 25%) whenever you are brought below that amount. ========================= l. Evil Summit (AUFWA2) ========================= Briefing: M: Malprave is holding the world leaders in a base high up in the Swiss Alps. 007, you must prevent world chaos and global economic meltdown by rescuing the leaders of the world. The 8 leaders are almost certainly being held at gunpoint. You'll have to ensure that none of them come to harm. All 8 hostages must survive unscathed, 007. Once the leaders have been rescued, find Malprave. Be careful when confronting her. No doubt she has more tricks up her sleeve. R: I've provided you with all your gadgets. You'll undoubtedly need them all. Good luck, 007. Objectives: -Infiltrate alpine base -Rescue 8 world leaders -Escape silo on elevator -Defeat Bloch Gold medal target: 130,000 Bond moves: 10 Enemies subdued: 32 Mission duration: 10:00 This is the final mission of the game, but it is not terribly difficult, with the exception of the last fight. That also is not too difficult if done right, but it can be a potentially difficult fight. At the start of the mission there are four snipers on towers around here. There are not many places to hide out here, so right off the bat run forward through the doors slightly to your right and shoot the guard inside in the head. Quickly head into the room and to the back to get out of the line of sight of the snipers. Back here is a locked chest, so cut the lock to grab an SSR 4000 out and a Bond move, but before doing that, first,, we want to use the golden gun to pick off the guards on the left tower with headshots. Take all the time you need to make sure you get a good shot from this distance, as they do not move and it is quite a range. However, they are both fairly easily killed. With them down, now you want to use the SSR 4000 to take out the guards on the right tower. Head out of this room and make a left upon exiting the doors, and stand up right next to the door with the yellow sign on it that you cannot enter. From here, zoom in on the two guards on the right tower and use your two sniper shots on them. Head across the walkway over toward the towers now, and do not mind if you hear a guard. Upon reaching the end head left, and then angle your view back to the bridge you just walked across, and look beneath it to spot an indoor hallway below and a guard down there. Take care of this guard, and continue over to the elevator on this side. Right after you get up here, collect the snipers ammo, quickly download the Q-remote door program for a Bond move, and take the tram cable over to the adjacent tower for a Bond move, and collect the sniper ammo from here as well. There are also some grenades and more SSR 4000 ammo as well as some body armor inside the tower. Guards are at the bottom, but ignore them for now. There is another grapple line here that leads down to the first room with the guard and sniper rifle. Take that down but once down, DO NOT jump into the room! The guards D17s shred you like nothing. Instead, stay up here, while facing the double doors on the bottom head as far left as you can, and pick off the guards initially down there with headshots from up here. After taking out about three, shoot any guards out on the platform not in the room, and then wait for a moment when all guards outside are inside the room below you (there are two to three of them). Now, this next part must be done cautiously and quickly. Arm a grenade, and move to the right until you are centered on the hatch. Now you MUST ricochet it off the back wall of the hatch so that it bounces back underneat you, or you will take damage from it. DO NOT launch it straight down. Once it explodes make sure you heard or saw the guards die, jump down and grab the D17s, and quickly equip them as another guard or two is more than likely about to head through the doors. With that said, keep your D17 equipped and move out of the double doors to the door with the yellow sign, just like at the start of the mission. Kill any guards along the way, and once you reach the door the guards will stop coming, as long as you do not head across the bridge again. If you only killed a few guards though, I recommend killing a total of 8-10 for the sake of the enemies subdued statistic; you need some of these guys to hit the target. So if thats the case, just move down the bridge until the door opens to spawn a couple more guards, then quickly run back and kill them. Anyway once that is done, grab that armor over on the opposite side of this platform from the door, next to the crates, and activate the remote on the hatch at the front of the bridge. Head all the way to the end to complete the first objective. In the next area, head forward and open the door. In this area are about three or four guards below. Start by sniping one to kick off the action. After that circle around the stairwell and snipe any other guards you are able to, but keep in mind that they will not always die in one shot...with the exception of the head shot of course. On the side opposite of where you came in is a stairwell down to the lower level that guards may use to come up here, and if they do use the D17 to take them out instead. Otherwise, stick to sniping or golden gun. Once all the guards are taken care of, head through the doorway that I just mentioned opposite where you came in and take the ladder up. At the top level, follow the catwalk to the end, grab the body armor and SSR 4000 ammo, and use your laser on the electric pillar here to receive another Bond move. Now head back out of here, back down the ladder and circle around out either side to head onto the bottom level. Download the first silo access program next to the red hallway, and fuel up your Q-jet. Follow the hallway for Silo 1 up to the end and use the remote on the terminal next to the door here, and head in and to the left. Use your Q-claw on the target to your right, and from here pick off the two guards on the platform in front of you with golden gun head shots. After they are dead the French prime minister has been freed and you will receive a Bond move. Jump back onto the main platform from here, grab the ammo off the guards, and head through the newly opened door at the end to head back into the hallway, and follow this back into the main area. Grab the body armor from the green cubby on the way out if you need it, then upon exiting head to your right, to the second silo (the yellow one). Again, download the remote program from the terminal and follow the hallway here all the way up to the door and use the remote to open it. This is a relatively easy silo. Start by shooting the guard on the right unnoticed, then the middle one, and finally the one on the far left. If you get noticed and a guard charges over to the right side of the platform, just detonate the barrel next to the door to deal with him. Either way once the guards are dead, shoot that barrel to open the door onto the platform and grab the ammo out of here. There will also be another guard on a solitary platform on the left side, so take him out as well. With the world leader rescued you recieve another Bond move. Now head back out into the hall again, grab the armor if you need it again, and head back into the main area...AGAIN. Charge up your Q-pack again if you need it, as you'll need it for the next silo. This time, head straight across the area (not "straight", you will die if you fall in that black hole you created in the middle) to the greenish silo on the other side. Download the program again and head in to the left through the door....you've done this before. Follow the hall into the silo, and use the Q-claw target on your left. From here there is another Q-claw target to get to the platform on the left, but you may not be able to get a clear view of it. If not, just use your Q-pack to get over here. Once here, shoot the guard closest to you, followed by the one staring at the blueprints on the wall, and lastly the one that is probably charging you already. If he is not, hes up on the main platform so just go get him. With this leader rescued another Bond move is in order. To get out of here, just move to the left side of the world leader to get a look at a Q-claw target back to where you came in. There is another body armor in here to your left if you need it, and once you are done head right to get back out into the main area. Now we come to the final silo we do: the blue one on your left. Download the last program, and head in to your right. Follow the hall through the door all the way to the silo, and once in here shoot the guard up on the platform to the left, then move right until you get a view of the guard on the right side and take care of him to rescue the US president (how did that happen??). Once this is done you are sealed in, so head up onto the platform with the president and on the left side is a ladder down to the bottom of the silo. Get on and descend it to the bottom, heading through the blast door on the far wall once you are down here. Follow the hall, grab the final body armor, equip your golden gun (if you still have ammo, otherwise the D17 will do) and your Q-pack, and take the elevator up to engage in the final fight. The key to this fight is to keep Bloch on the move. As the fight starts Bloch is right in front of you, aim your golden gun at his head and shoot as fast as you can. Once he moves, recharge your Q-pack if needed, otherwise keep shooting him until he heads up to the second level. Q-pack up here with him. Now up here he will jump to any of the four different center platforms on each side. Do not try to shoot him while he is shooting you, as it is relatively inneffective. Use your SSR 4000 (which you should still have plenty of ammo for as you haven't used it since the initial fight down here), watch Blochs movements, and when he is on the move aim to the platform he is heading for. When he lands, shoot him (wherever you can then just keep moving). If you get low on armor there are two green cubbies on the lower level with armor, and if you are having trouble manuevering on the second level you can just jump back down to the first level. Whichever one works better for you. The pattern is to just shoot him once and move on, and this lasts until he heads up to the third level, blows the center platform, and escapes the area. At this point, recharge your Q-pack, get a running start and use the Q-pack to jump onto the center platform which is accessible now. Do this carefully, as falling into the hole below means death. Land on either side; don't try to land on the top or bottom obviously. Once you are up here, slowly move all the way up the incline to the top, and turn around to view a grapple grate above an air duct. Grapple over to it, and head in. At the bottom the base is falling apart, Bloch is right in front of you, and you have just picked up a rocket launcher. You have 10 seconds to finish the mission, which is all the time in the world as long as you play it cool. Cycle through your weapons to the rocket launcher, aim at Bloch, and shoot once to complete the mission. With a score of 130,000 or higher, you receive the unlimited ammo, which provides, as it says, unlimited ammo for the golden gun (not everything). With this as the case, use this gun like nobodies business. You will still need to reload however. ========================================== IV. Platinum summary walkthrough (AUFPWX) ========================================== In this section I will provide a brief summary for obtaining the platinum medals. With the exception of rail shooters, these are in every way leaps and bounds easier than golds, as collecting the 007 icons grants you a 50,000 point bonus. On 00 agent, which I will continue to recommend you play, you only need 15,000 points from any of the other attributes on the highest scoring missions, so as long as you get most of the Bond moves, or even the majority of the enemies, everything else can be thrown aside. You can play on whatever difficulty you want though, and in the earlier missions where the 007 bonus alone is enough to get the platinum, by all means be a sloppy operative. I will not provide tactics for getting through the missions, briefings, or objectives as those are all contained in the regular walkthrough. This will only specify and guide you through the levels in order to grab the 007 tokens along the way. Additionally, I will assume you have gotten all the gold rewards which would only make sense. If you have any more to get, I recommend grabbing them now as you will still need it to get the platinum for that level, and by having it now you can use that reward to get the rest of the platinums. ================================== a. Trouble in Paradise (AUFPW1) ================================== Platinum medal target: 50,000 + Four 007 icons After the painful final two levels, you are now back to the biggest joke you have played so far. You can play this mission on operative difficulty, miss every bond move, every enemy, spray bullets like there is no tomorrow, take damage like you wouldn't believe, miss every barn and barrel, take three hours and STILL come out with the platinum...as long as you get those four plain sight 007 icons. So by all means do whatever you want this mission, as long as you grab those things you have the platinum. With that said, take the grapple up at the start and head down to the right to grab the first 007 token. Head down into the building, punch the guard and grab his card, then head forward to the end to unlock the armory. Grab the stuff in here, then head back across the way into the elevator. Kill the guard on the bottom after heading down, and grab the second 007 token on top of the crates in the back right. Head through the gate on the right, follow the path as it curves all the way around killing the guards along the way, and after heading down the narrow hallway the first section is complete. In the next area, kill all the guards here and head to the very left of the first section of this room, near the top right. The next 007 icon is located here. Head to the end and right, collect the vials, and hit the green button to head into the submarine pen. Head up the stairs and at the top, right in front of you to the left of the steps heading up to the catwalk, is the final 007 token. Now just head across the catwalk, and on the other side down the steps and follow the path over to the elevator. Head down the elevator, follow the bottom area as it curves right and then right again killing all the guards as you go, and at the end head onto the sub and cut Zoe's lock to complete the mission. With all of the 007 icons and the score of 50,000, you receive the multiplayer map Rocket Manor. ============================ b. Precious Cargo (AUFPW1) ============================ Platinum medal target: 50,000 + six 007 icons This being a rail shooter, it is one of the more difficult platinum medals. Fortunately, with a score of 50,000, you can play it on operative if needed and you need only the points from the icons themselves. So do not worry about anything here except getting those icons. If you miss one, start over. With that said, you have five to get, and each requires a specific action, usually killing a person(s) or vehicle(s). For the majority of the mission, your best course of action is to use your golden CH-6 and just launch rockets everywhere (except at civilian vehicles). Use this to destroy the helicopters at the start, and the vehicles as well. After you take care of the armored van, you will continue heading straight for awhile, and then take two wide right turns. After this on this next stretch of road is a roadblock ahead, the two limos that Zoe mentions as the roadblock. Start unloading rockets at these limos right after you turn onto the straightway, ignoring the other cars chasing you. YOu can spot them from quite a distance; just look for the two shiny targets far back. Unload rockets constantly and after killing them you will bear left and collect the first icon. After heading forward some more and getting to the large area where you get surrounded, blast your way through and equip your KA-57s quickly. Once you exit this area to the right, straight ahead of you in the air, is a helicopter that will fly from the right side heading left. You only have sight of it for a couple second, and need to shoot it down. It does not take much; just unload your KA at it until it drops and shortly after you will grab the second icon. After grabbing this one, you will turn left shortly after. Keeping your KA equipped, zoom all the way back and kill the guard standing on the right side of the road a ways back. After he is dead the third icon will spawn behind him. The rest of the icons are located at the final factory. The first is located in front. After dropping the gas station roadblock, there will be a number of guards standing in front of the entrance to the factory. Unload your CH-6 all over the entrance to take care of them, and you will collect the icon upon heading in. Once you head into the factory, keep your rocket launcher equipped and shoot the large white cylinder ahead on your left to spawn the fifth icon just in front of you. Now in the next area, kill the two guards to the left and after that, start looking to your right. You will spot a set of three fans above a catwalk on your right. Shoot the one on the far left (the last one) to spawn the final 007 icon inside the next room. Now, equip your rocket launcher, unload a couple shots on the guard cluster in the back right, and shoot the button and beam to complete the mission and get the platinum, which unlocks the multiplayer golden gun game mode, in which everyone dies in one shot. =============================== c. Dangerous Pursuit (AUFPW3) =============================== Platinum medal target: 70,000 + five 007 icons Upon starting the mission, turn around and head backwards, following the path to the left. At the very end of here is the first icon. Now head back to the main road and follow ahead, take care of the roadblock, and shortly after before the right turn will be a crate in the road. Shoot it open to grab the second icon. After that continue forward through the tunnel, killing the guards inside. Upon exiting, head left and follow the road left all the way up to the river where the large glass building is located. Take the first left into here and follow the brick road up until you see an opening in the side. Head in here and the third icon is located in the middle of the pillars inside. After you have this one, head out the other side and head right back onto the main road. Now look at your radar, and you should see a red dot indicating enemies nearby. Follow the road up until reaching the red dot, which is a couple guards at a gas station. In the back of the station if the fourth icon. Now, head straight out of the gas station, heading up the road that splits right in front of it. Follow the road as it turns right, and continue straight to the first left turn. Just after this turn, on a sidewalk to your left, is the final 007 icon. Now just as before, follow the green arrow on the radar until reaching the van, chase it down, and use your Q-pulse to complete the mission once more. With all these gold rewards, nabbing the van is so much easier, particularly with the lotus esprit, unlimited missiles, and regenerative armor. Upon dropping the van with all the icons you get the platinum and the multiplayer character stealth Bond. =========================== d. Bad Diplomacy (AUFPW4) =========================== Platinum medal target: 70,000 + four 007 icons This will probably be the highest score you will get on any mission. Start by handling the first guard, and heading through the doors, past the elevator and take care of the second guard. Now head into the room on the end and on the table in the back left are some darts and the first icon. Take the elevator up to the next floor, and head left, taking care of the guard in the rotunda. On the far side of the rotunda is the second icon. Now head back down the hallway, past the elevator into the kitchen. Head to the other side, drop the guard on the other side of the doors, and then the guard that patrols in back. Deactivate the laser on the left wall, and continue forward to the right and take down the guard outside the window. Deactivate the second laser on the floor further down the hall, and then continue forward to the left. Use your Q-specs to spot the door on the left wall, and open it to grab the third icon inside. Now head out the window, take the Q-claw target up to the balcony, and head in the window up here. Head forward and open the door to the right, then after the cut-scene continue up and open the door on left to grab some more armor and darts. Use the keycard on the door opposite of here, and head in and take out Griffins clone. After, grab the passcode generator and head back to the computer near the open window and hit the green button. After this is done, head back to the other door in Griffins room, and head through. Drop the guard inside the same way as before, and the fourth and final icon is located on the bottom level, behind the glass cases here. Continue on into the next area, dropping the guard patrolling the windows here then deactivating the laser. Take out the last guard up here past the elevator, then head down the elevator. Head left and out the double doors, across the rotunda and out the front entrance to complete the mission. With all the icons you receive the platinum medal and unlock the multiplayer gravity boot powerup. =========================== e. Cold Reception (AUFPW5) =========================== Platinum medal target: 90,000 + seven 007 icons At the start of this mission, facing the Malprave painting head to the desk on the left and hit the button there. This will open the door here that some guards will attack you out of. Kill these guards, deactivate the alarm if it was triggered, and head into the room that opened to grab the first icon. Now head back up and activate the desk button on the opposite side to resume the mission. Head forward, into the vents as before and take out the guard in this room. Continue to the end and take out the rest of the guards, then head out of the vents and photograph the prints. Now, in the room with the large table and rocket launcher display, head into the vents on the opposite side and the 007 icon is located inside of here. Emerge from the vents and photograph the prints in this room, and beware of any other guards around here. Open the painting as before and grab the rocket launcher and armor inside. Head out the door on the opposite side of the room, killing the guard in this hallway. Head down to the end, open the doors on the right to grab the keycard off the bookshelf inside, and head into the elevator to head to the next area. Take out the guard outside the elevator and head through the doors down the small stairway. Take out the two guards in this area through the glass, and then continue forward, down the next set of stairs and grab the third icon just to the left at the bottom, underneath the window you shot through. Use the keycard to deactivate the alarms, and download from the three terminals to complete the objective. Grab the grenades from the box at the end of the area, and then head through the steel door to the elevator. On the bottom, head forward and jump into the vents, move forward, and kill the guard patrolling underneath the first grate. At the end, grapple to the next set of ductwork and head through here to the 007 icon about halfway down. From here, kill the guards outside the grates. Head to the end of the ductwork, and upon jumping down grab the fifth icon. Head across the platform and grapple into the set of ductwork on the other side. Head left to the end, drop the guard on the outside of it, and jump down. Grab the program with the remote and then head out and kill all guards in this area. The final two icons are located in here once the guards are killed. The first is located behind the solitary tank on the bottom level. Facing the room right below the one you came in through, it is behind the tank just to the left. After that, the last one is on top of one of the tanks along the opposite wall. You probably saw it coming in. To get up here, face the pipe with the emergency shutoff valve, run at it, and just keep jumping. You will climb your way up here to grab the seventh and final 007 icon. Head back to the top level and through the door at the end. Kill the mercenaries along the hallway and the guard at the end, and then kill the sniper in the back left. Head along the catwalk into the room, up the ladder, and to the tram cable to complete the mission. With all seven icons you will receive the platinum medal and the multiplayer character of guard. ================================ f. Night of the Jackal (AUFPW6) ================================ Platinum medal target: 90,000 + four 007 icons At the start, move forward and clear out all the guards to start. Roll around the corner to the left and take out the sniper, and from this area head out and take a left. Down this street, in a window to your right, is the first icon. Bust the glass and jump off the car toward the window to get in and retrieve it. Grab the armor and frinessi back here as well, and then head out and left. Follow the road up through the tunnel, killing guards along the way. Head through the tunnel to the other side, and run to the far wall and take out the sniper on the ledge with a grenade. Grapple up onto the ledge, and jump over to the balcony to retrieve the SSR 4000 and grab the second icon that is here as well. Grapple back across to the ledge, head around the building to the right and in the door, and head into the bathroom through the door at the end of the suite. After the scene, head out the back, grapple across, and head down to the left and into the door to the next area. Head up the stairs to the top, through the door and kill the guard chasing the first hostage. Head left and kill the guard here on the left, and then head into the second room on the right here, where the hostage runs into after you free her and grab the third icon on the right. Continue forward to the glass windows and kill the guards in the room on the other side, then head through the door on the far side, to the right and follow the hallway up. Kill the guard on the way to the kitchen, and once in the kitchen kill the four guards in here as well. Continue past the kitchen to the next corridor, and follow it up to the rotunda, killing the three guards along the way. Open the door with the english flag, head through to the end to rescue Damescu, and then take the elevator up to head to the next area. Kill the guard in here by blowing the barrels and blow the barrels on the bottom level for more armor, then head into the next area to fight the Jackal. This time around, the easiest thing to do now that you have all the golden gun upgrades including unlimited ammo, is to just unload your golden gun on the Jackal. Once she moves the first time, hit the barrels, then shoot her up till she moves in front of the crane and hit the button on the right to finish her off. Head up and grab her FSU-4 and the armor up here, then head through the door on top to the roof. Right when getting up here, head to the far right corner and grab the final 007 icon back here. Destroy the helicopter after that by any means to complete the mission, but I will still recommend you try sniping him as its always good to practice that. Once the helicopter is down the mission is complete. With all 007 icons and a score of 90,000 you receive the platinum medal which unlocks the viper weapon for multiplayer. ================================= g. Streets of Burachest (AUFPW7) ================================= Platinum medal target: 100,000 + six 007 icons This being a combination driver/rail shooter mission, the second portion is indeed more difficult for icons, but fortunately you have only two to get from here. Start by heading out of the starting area, and where the road splits at the point you pick up the Q-slicks, head left. Follow this road up until you get to the tunnel, but instead of heading in, make a right in front of it. The first icon is located down here. After that, head all the way to the train station, killing any vehicles you need to along the way. Once there, head out onto the tracks and head all the way to the right to the end of the line to retrieve the second icon. Grab the locator and follow the arrow all the way up until you jump the bridge. After jumping, make a left at the next street (not the one right on the other side of the jump), and look for the alleyway between the buildings here (this area is indicated by a solid blue line on your radar, and there are two yellow dots here as well). Take the stairs up to the top and the third 007 icon is located up here. Now continue on and grab the chip, and head out the opposite end, continuing forward and making the jump at the end for the bond move. Now, on the first rooftop, keep up speed and stay in the middle as you jump onto the next rooftop. The 007 icon is floating in the air up here. This is the only shot you have at this one so it you miss it, restart the mission. Continue forward into the park, grab the booster, and jump the river to reach the second area. Now for the rail shooter. The first icon is pretty simple, but the second one is more difficult. Anyway just fight your way through the area, killing all cars and helicopters until you reach the first helicopter above the bridge. After dropping this one, you will head forward through a building into a small courtyard and then into an alley with some armor. Right upon heading into this alley, get a shot out on the main road and start firing. A tanker will pass by on the main road, and you want to hit it. Upon blowing that, the fifth icon is located just a bit more up the road. Now, the next one is just ahead and is considerably harder. After turning right and following the road as it curves left, two helicopters will drop down. You need to destroy both of these. I recommend sticking with the gatling gun, as the tank cannon is far too slow. Right as you are heading out of the turn, aim up and start unloading on the right helicopter just as it comes into your line of sight. Keep firing at it as it comes down to the road, and if you aim well you will destroy it just as it gets down to road level. Then swap to the left helicopter, and angle your gun to the right as you pass by it. Just fire at it full on until it drops. Upon killing both of those, the final 007 icon is located inside the building you head into. If you miss a helicopter, just let yourself die in the next area and try it again. After this icon is done you just need to fight through the area where you use the night vision goggles, followed by the final part where you need to destroy the train running over the tanks. Your danger of dying is a lot lower with the golden armor and regenerative armor, so as long as you have those its pretty simple. If you are having trouble with the helicopters, you can reduce the difficulty to agent if you are playing a higher one, but the key to dropping them is to just start firing immediately as they come into range. Give yourself plenty of time and its not too bad to drop them. Once you complete the mission with all 6 icons you receive the platinum medal, which unlocks the multiplayer character alpine guard. =========================== h. Fire and water (AUFPW8) =========================== Platinum medal target: 100,000 + eight 007 icons There are a lot of icons in this mission, but with all your gold rewards its not bad to play through. Start by heading forward along the conduit lines and ascending all the ladders to the control room up top with the crane program, killing all guards along the way. Shoot the guard up here and shoot Bloch until he runs, then download the crane program and activate the crane just outside to the right. Cut the laser on the door, and then kill all guards on the platform out here. After they are all dealt with, head out the door, and straight ahead of you behind a barrel in the corner of the platform is the first 007 icon. Continue down the stairs and forward, shooting Bloch once again until he runs. Cut the lock on the gate and head through the duct to your left. Take it all the way to the end, kill the guards in the room on the other side, and grab the second icon on the crates in the back left corner. Head back out of the duct, and at the end head left. Kill the sniper, and all guards in this area, plus the helicopter if you want. You have unlimited golden gun ammo now so you can feel free to shoot up as much stuff as you want...granted you are playing on 00 agent and don't need much score to get the platinum anyway. Anyway once you have cleared out this whole area, head over to where the two cranes with the wood crates are located, in the back of the area near where the guards were on the platform with the red cover. The third icon is located underneath the hoist arm for the left crane, right next to the railing. The next icon is located on this same level, on the opposite end of the area. Head over to the far side of the helicopter pad, just underneath where the sniper was located. To the left, underneath where Bloch was and a drawbridge to the pump room is, rests the fourth icon. Grab that and head into the pump room. In the pump room, kill all three guards on the first platform, and head down the stairs. Kill the sniper from here, then head down more and kill the guards that come at you. Also kill the one up on the platform along the back wall. After that head to the back of the area where the grenade thrower is located, and kill him. Facing that platform, the fifth icon is located to your right, on top of some crates below the next pltaform over. After grabbing that, head up to the second level and kill the guards and mercenary up here. After that hit the button to activate the pumps, and kill the mercenaries from up here. Kill the grenade thrower in the platform you came in on, and then charge your Q-pack and grapple up to the platform on the side wall where the guard was. Jump onto the pump, and once it reaches the top jump and jet over onto the top level and kill all the guards up here. Head out the door at the end and head right once exiting. The sixth icon is behind the barrels here. Watch out for the sniper, and snipe him from down here if necessary. After that head over to the left side of the area, and crouch to get below the tower with the sniper on it. The seventh icon is located underneath here. Now head up onto the tower, grab the sniper ammo, and take the grapple line over. Once here either engage the guards, or use the claw to get back to the towers and snipe from here. Take care of the guards on this platform, and then head into the elevator. On the top level, take care of the helicopter (I recommend blowing the barrels as well), and once that is done with, the eight and final icon is located behind a barrel in the back right corner of this first area. Grab that and then head up the ladder on the other side of the wall. At the top drop the two snipers on platforms, and then grapple up to the far platform. Kill the grenade thrower on the final platform, grapple up here, ascend the ladder and cut the lock to complete the mission. With all the icons and a score of 100,000, you receive the calypso weapon in multiplayer. ============================= i. Forbidden Depths (AUFPW9) ============================= Platinum medal target: 110,000 + four 007 icons This is the hardest platinum in the game, but thats not saying a whole lot. Almost all of the platinums are jokes. However, in this one the actions required to spawn the icons are much tougher than the other rail shooters, so be alert. I will just tell you the first icon off the bat, you need to destroy every gun turret in the mission. If you miss one, start over. On to the mission. Kill the initial guard and follow the curves up to the first gun turret. I do not recommend auto-aim for these, as it can be hard to manage on the move. If you get your crosshairs close to the turret without using auto-aim, it will lock over onto it and make it easier to shoot. Take out that turret, then as you continue drop the first vehicle. The first icon is located just ahead. Before the long narrow tunnel is a guards nest up top, so after the right turn be ready to kill these guards. They don't take much to drop, so just unload a few shots on the one on the right, then the one on the left. The 007 icon will be located right at the entrance of the tunnel if you drop them, so if you don't get it, start over. Two more turrets are at the end of the tunnel, so train your crosshairs over them and drop them. Once one is dead, angle over just slightly to drop the second one. Again, I do not recommend auto aim. Once you reach the station, kill all the blue lights again (four total) to spawn the CH-6 before leaving the area. Equip that only to destroy the first vehicle ahead, then swap back to the KA quickly. The fourth turret is located just ahead, after the two right turns. Angle your crosshairs slightly right so as you come around the turn, the turret will fall into your line of sight. When it does, unload and angle your view a bit at a time as you finish the turn. Drop the turret here and re-equip your CH-6. Drop the vehicle behind you, then the next one that comes out in front of you. After following and shooting block, you come to an incline with the next turret. Use your KA and drop this one as well. At the top, kill the guard on the right side of the track and grab his shotgun. Kill the next guard ahead, then equip the shotgun to take out the turret at the top of the next incline. Once reaching the station, use your CH-6 to raise hell all over, and take out these guards. Once the door raises, kill the vehicle and then equip your shotgun for the next area. This is probably the most difficult area here, as it consists of several turrets and another guards nest at the end. Use your shotgun, and BE PATIENT! As you go around each corner, angle your view slightly in that direction and let the crosshairs fall over your target. As they expand, fire and you will grab it in one shot with the shotgun. Reload after each turret to make sure you don't get caught having to reload with a turret in view. Once you drop the four turrets in this area, equip your CH-6 and around the next right turn will be the second guards nest. Launch rockets into here constantly until passing under it just to be sure, and with both guards dead the second icon is located just in the tunnel. Shortly after Bloch will appear again, and start dropping his mines. You must shoot all six of these in order to receive the third icon. This is an area where manual aim may be to your benefit as long as you know where the mines drop. The first happens shortly after he taunts Bond, the second before the first left turn, the third halfway up the incline, the fourth a third of the way around the long left turn, the fifth about another third down, and the last one just after the fifth one. The fourth one seems to be the most difficult since it seems that he is closest to you at that point, so be ready for that. Aim just slightly past the back of his vehicle, and keep firing as he heads around the turn. Once you shoot all six mines the third icon is located right after you are done here. If it does not drop you got his by one, so start over. Quickly reload after dropping the last mine and after the curve, shoot the final turret ahead of you. Switch to the shotgun if you want, but it may be safer just to use your KA since that turret is right after the icon. That is the final turret in the mission and if you got all of them, the last 007 icon will be located in the next tunnel, just before reaching the first fan. If it is not there you missed a turret, so start over (yes, I realize how annoying all this starting over may be). I've done it enough myself. Once you head through the next areas with the fans and steam, you will be in the final area with Bloch. Kill the guards with the rocker launcher, then shoot Bloch with the rocket launcher, and after that kill the last set of guards and swap to the guided rocket launcher. Just as before, shoot the energy coils when they are more to the side. Kill all three to complete the mission, and with a score of 110,000 and all four icons, you receive the multiplayer modifier for full arsenal. This reward is certainly worth it for a more difficult platinum; this allows you to have full ammo for every weapon during a multiplayer game. ========================= j. Poseidon (AUFPWA0) ========================= Platinum medal target: 120,000 + five 007 icons Once Forbidden Depths is over with, the remainder of the platinums are fairly smooth sailing. In Poseidon, the first icon is located inside the vent to your left just as you start the mission; the same vent with the body armor. Cut it and retrieve the icon, then head through the vent to the right of it into the main mission area. Take out the guard in here, then use your decryptor on the door here and take out the guard inside there as well. After that head through the door on the left and take out the two guards in here, and then descend the elevator. On the bottom kill the mercenary that comes out of each column, and then head through either door to the other side, and once in the room kill the guard in the center, followed by the two on the sides. After this head through the door at the end. Once you are in the filteration room, kill all guards in here and then go to the barrels right next to the door you came in from. The next 007 icon is located to the left of the barrels. Head through the area to near the other side and kill the three guards that come in after you again, then head up to the elevator and take care of the mercenary that comes out. Download the three programs, and then head down the elevator to the lower level. Again, sneak over through the doorway to the left into the control room for this area, kill the guard inside and activate the laser defense system for the area. Just for the heck of it, skip the verification code card so you can see the other start of Mediterranean crisis, and a slightly different ending here. Head back down, kill the three white suited guards behind each console, and use the Q-remote on the three terminals. After that head back to the stairs you came in on, and around the left side of here back against the wall in the corner is the third icon. After that use the decryptor on the far door to head into the final area. In the third area head up the stairs and in the red room, duck down low and head to the right side. Open the door here and head in for some body armor and the fourth icon. If the sniper to the left proves to be a problem, take him and the guard on the left out first, as well as the grenade tosser. After that take out these guards if you still have to, grab the sniper rifle, and snipe the sniper on the far wall. Head out of the snipers nest here after hitting the green button, and snipe the three guards that come out on the far wall. Continue down the platform, to the end and down the stairs. At the bottom head around to the area underneath the stairs for some body armor and to locate a duct down here. Open it and head through, and the 007 icon is located on the platform on the other side. Grab it and blow the barrels to the right, heading back into the area you were in. Fight your way forward to the end of here, killing all guards along the way. At the end board the sub by heading onto the stairs to the left to complete the mission. With all five icons and a score of 120,000 or higher, you receive the multiplayer model cyclops oil guard. =================================== k. Mediterranean Crisis (AUFPWA1) =================================== Platinum medal target: 130,000 + nine 007 icons. There are quite a few icons in this mission. If you skipped the card, the first step is to cut the lock of the door to your cell when the guard is walking away from you. Run out and punch him, and pick up the golden gun. The first icon is located right in your cell, so grab it. After this, head into Zoe's cell and cut the lock on the vent, and head in. Make a right and at the very first grate to your right, head out. This is just to prevent three guards from spawning outside the brig door. Head up the stairway on your left, killing the guard up top. Head through the door at the end and kill the guard outside, then head down to the lower platform at the back right to the area you started the other Mediterranean crisis in for some body armor and the second icon. Now head all the way out and back down the stairwell. Move back into the brig, back into Zoe's cell and back into the vent. Skip the one you opened and kill the guard just outside the next one. Continue up to the very end where you will find the third icon, and from here kill the remaining guards out the right vent. Head down into the briefing room and through the doorway to the left. Head up the stairs, kill the guard at the top, and then kill all guards in this area, including the one on the harrier platform and the one in the control room in the top right. Download the harrier program, and backtrack to the room you came in through. Head through the vent on the far side and the fourth icon is located right inside. Break out of the vent, kill the guard in this area, and head to the back right and take the grapple target up. Jump down the other side and take out all guards on this side of the fence, and any you are able to on the far side. Don't forget to blow the barrels in the back right. Once this area is clear, continue forward along the railing to the next grapple target, and take it up to reach the ledge with the fifth 007 icon. Head into the door on the left, through the hallway and the next door at the end on the left. Kill the white suit in this room, the sniper from here, and kill any remaining guards coming at you. Head forward to the sniper next and grab the sniper rifle and armor if needed, then continue forward and head down the stairs on your right. Continue killing any guards giving you atttitude, and once at the bottom of the stairs the sixth icon is located by some crates to your left. Pick that up, head back up the stairs and through the doorway on the end on the right. Head up the stairs on the right, continue forward and kill the mercenary up here, and head through the door to the next area. Head up the stairs, kill the guard through the window at the top, and use the remote on the harrier from here. Continue up the stairs and out the doorway to the outside of the ship, and kill the guard patrolling. Continue forward to the end and up to your left, snipe the guard patrolling up there and then grapple up there afterward. Kill all the guards inside the room at the top, and head into the small room on the left here to grab the ammo and armor. Head through the opposite doorway once done here, following the hallway until you reach the stairwell. Ascend the stairs, killing the grenade tosser and mercenary on the way up, and once on the second level kill the other grenade thrower. Now head back down to the bottom of the stairs and around to the right once reaching the bottom. The seventh icon is behind the crate right next to the first stairwell down here. Grab it, and head back up the stairs, taking out the sniper on your way to the top. At the top, open the hatch leading to the bridge and kill the two guards inside. Kill your way ahead until the guard states he is moving in, and then double back down the stairs until you come across him, and take care of him. Head back into the room, and there will still be two guards in the back left here. Launch a grenade in to handle them quickly, and then take out the helicopter coming after you. Once that is down, head to the end, cut the lock on the hatch, and jump onto the ladder until you hear the guards coming after you. Get off and head back into the bridge room to engage and kill the two guards. Now emerge out the top of the hatch. On the top, kill the guard who comes at you, and then kill the guard manning the gun turret. Blow the barrels before engaging him though. Head to the end and up the ladder, cut the lock, and head into the room and kill the two guards. Cut the navy girls lock, then download the missile program. After the hatch door is open, head out onto the platform, but do not use the cable hook. Instead, head behind the crates and drop down the hole in the floor, where the eighth icon is located. Grab it and continue forward down onto the next platform, cut the grate, drop down and hit the green button to save Zoe. After that head out the right door and shoot the barrels to deal with the mercenaries. The final icon is located at the back right of this area. Grab it and head back through the right doorway. Take the ladder down and head out the door at the bottom. Use the missile program to deal with the sniper, kill the mercenary, then head forward to the end of the catwalk to the gun turret. Use it to drop the gunship and complete the mission. With all the icons and a score of 130,000 or higher, you receive the platinum medal and the multiplayer model poseidon guard. ========================== l. Evil Summit (AUFPWA2) ========================== Platinum medal target: 130,000 + six 007 icons Start by heading forward through the double doors, and killing the guard inside. Grab the SSR 4000 from the box on the right, shoot the two guards on the left tower reguarly, and snipe the two guards on the right tower. Head back out the double doors and cross the bridge to the area with the two towers. Head toward the left one, and along the way kill the guard below the bridge you crossed. Grab the SSR 4000 ammo from up here, and the first 007 icon on the far side of the tower. Download the program, and take the grapple line to the second tower. On the second tower, head around to the far side once again and grab the second icon from over here. Grab the SSR ammo and then call the elevator up to here. Take the elevator down and make your way back across the bridge, killing any guards you come across on your way to the access hatch. Pick up the armor on the right side along the way. Upon reaching the hatch, lob a grenade to the other side to take care of the guards behind the crates here, then quickly run up and open the hatch. Run down and all the way to the door at the end to complete the first objective. Open the door and head into the central room, and kill the four guards here to free the four world leaders below. Head to the opposite side of the catwalk and climb the ladder up to the top platform, then head across to the energy pole here to grab the third icon. Now head down to the lower level and download the program for the red silo. Head into the silo, kill the guards in here, and then head onto the platform with the prime minister. To his right is a ladder heading down to the bottom of the silo. Take it down and on the bottom head left until you come across the fourth icon, behind the missile. Head back up to the top level and leave the silo. Head over to the yellow one, download the program and head into the silo. Kill the three guards inside, followed by the one who appears on the left side of the room once the leader is rescued. After this is done head over the door that leads to the platform with the minister, located on the right side of the area and grab the fifth icon. Head out of the silo back to the main area, and head straight across to the greenish colored silo. Download the program and head in. On the inside, use the left set of grapples to reach the platform, and shoot the three guards from here to rescue the next leader. Head back out of the silo, over to the final blue one. Download the program to head in, and once inside kill the guard on each side of the President to rescue him. Climb down to the bottom of the silo, and on the bottom level head toward the door behind where you come out of the ladder. Before heading in, to your left down here is the final icon. Grab it and head through the door, then follow the hall to the end and take the elevator up to engage in the final fight with Bloch. With unlimited golden gun ammo this time around, the best thing to do is just stand on the bottom level and unload your golden gun like mad at him. He will only shoot a few rockets at you before leaving the area if you do this quickly. Once he does, charge your Q-pack and jump onto the middle platform. Follow it to the top, then turn around and use the grapple target. Head into the tube, and at the bottom you will grab the rocket launcher. Find it in your inventory, aim at Bloch, and shoot him once to complete the mission. With all six icons and a score of at least 130,000 you receive the platinum medal and the multiplayer model carrier guard. ================================= VI. Multiplayer Summary (AUFMP) ================================= The Agent Under Fire mutliplayer game allows only for human players. This makes it considerably less fun, as a big part of the fun in FPS games is having a bunch of computers around to add to the carnage. Irregardless, multiplayer does have a number of options for gameplay. If you really get into this multiplayer, it is a good idea to get all the platinums from single player for the multiplayer rewards. A lot of them are cosmetic like new guards and such, but some are very useful, like new game modes and the full arsenal modifier. For each game, you select the number of players, time limit (up to 2 hours), the point limit (can be unlimited), map settings, and the map itself. So rejoice; if you so horrendously wish it, you can play with a buddy for two straight hours if you ever find a reason to. After selecting the initial options, you can select combat options. You can choose which weapon will occupy each pickup point on the map, modifiers to enhance game play, and powerups that will spawn in the powerup drop points in each level. The boots powerfup and full arsenal modifier require platinum medals in single player. The full arsenal is probably the best multiplayer reward; it will start that player with every weapon selected in the mission making for tremendous carnage. There are also other modifiers like being able to restart away from enemies, randomizing your weapon spawns, etc. ++Game Modes++ -Combat training: This is essentially just a deathmatch between players. A point and time limit can be set, and weapons can be selected. You have more options the more platinums you unlock in single player, so keep that in mind. Otherwise, its pretty straight forward. -Protect the flag: A game similiar to king of the hill, in which the player who holds the flag for the longest time period wins. I don't consider this as much fun as capture the flag, but its another game mode to try out. -Anti-Terrorist training: In this game mode players race around the map to defuse as many bombs as they can, killing other players in the process. Whoever disarms the most bombs at the end wins. -Golden gun: This game mode is unlocked from single player, and allows you to use the golden gun in multiplayer. However in multiplayer the gun drops any enemy in a single shot, so this can obviously be a chaotic and fun game mode. ++Maps++ -Dungeon: This is a small map with not many places to go. There are three different levels of the map, and the only real hiding spots are around any of the corners. Town: The town is a pretty fun map, with a number of hiding spots and places to go. You can jump around on the rooftops to snipe, or run around buildings to place mines. There are a lot of options here. Wine cellar: Another small map, but this one is more of a maze. There is a gun emplacement in here that when crossed will shoot you, so beware of that. Other than that just a small but detailed area to run around in. Red sector: This is another fairly small map, but it is more open and there are two levels here. This makes ranged weapons a better choice here, and this map is fairly decent for sniper fire. Castle: The smallest map yet, there is really nowhere to hide in here. There are a few levels but the area is basically like a glorified arena. You will most certainly have your opponent in your sights most of the time. Cooling station: Another level like a miniature maze; this area has doors all over the place that open when approached, but can be used as cover when used properly. Certainly a map that moreso favors close combat. Abbey: This is a pretty all around balanced map. There are multiple levels, open areas as well as narrow passages, and several different options for hiding or dropping mines. A fun all around map to play. Arsenal: This map is mostly consisted of narrow hallways with a few open areas. The center area consists of a catwalk over a lower level with narrow pipes, and overall the map is more geared toward sneaking up on people or laying traps. Harbor: This is a very wide open map with a few buildings to head into; however you cannot do much inside here. There are weapons in here and a roof that can be accessed, and this is one of the best sniper levels there is. Blue sector: It's not quite the red sector. In fact, you might even say its blue. This level is very complex with numerous rooms and levels, making it for a good way to hit your opponent without being seen, but keeping you on your guard as well. Escort: This is actually a game mode in which each player is assigned a role right as the VIP exits the train. One player must protect, one must eliminate. There is not much room to move around here so its not a very fun escort, and the basic principle of the defender is just to kill the other player. Manor: The only map unlocked by a platinum medal in single player. It doesn't matter what weapons you select; when you play this map there is nothing but rocket launchers. It is a wide open area with NO cover save for a very small walkway underneath a narrow bridge in the middle of the map, but that isn't much cover either. ========================= Legal ========================= Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Halverson This guide may not be used for any other reason other than your own personal and private use. It may not be published in magazines, websites, or publicly distributed in anyway.