-----------------[007: Agent Under Fire weapons & gadget FAQ]-------------- -----------[By Tom 'Da Bomb' Brookes]--------- ----------[Disclaimer]---------- No part of this guide may be reproduced electronically or linked to without my prior written permission. Doing so is an infringement of copyright and therefore illegal. This is Copyright 2003 Tom Brookes. ----------[Version History]---------- Version Date Work Completed Version 0.6 July 15, 2003 Started the FAQ and finished to Q-Decryptor Version 1.0 July 16, 2003 Finished all gadgets, added 13 tips & Conclusion Version 1.1 July 17, 2003 Checked the document for spelling mistakes/errors Version 1.2 August 17, 2003 Fixed spacing and added a few items ----------[Contents]---------- 1. Introduction 2. Pistols - Wolfram P2K - Dartgun - Windsor Viper - Golden Gun - IAC Defender 3. Submachine Guns - Koffler & Stock KS7 - Calypso P-750 - Ingalls Type 20 - Munitions Belqique PS100 4. Assault Rifles - Kazakovich KA-57 - Meyer-Westlicher UGW - Kazakovick KA-57s - Koffler & Stock D17 - Windsor FSU-4 5. Other weapons/attacks - Fists - Mines (multiplayer only) - Frinesi Special 12 - SWZ SSR4000 Sniper - Grenades - Photon Cannon - MRL-22 - CH-6 (rail shooting only) - Fixed Machine Gun (single player only) - Grenade Launcher (multiplayer only) - RCH-1 - Shotgun (rail shooting only) 6. Gadgets - Q-Decryptor - Q-Pulse - Q-Claw - Q-Vision - Q- Laser - Q-Smoke - Q-Specs - Q-Slick - Q-Camera - Q-Booster - Q-Remote - Car machine guns - Q-Card - Car rockets - Q-Jet - Car missiles 7. Combat Tips 8. Conclusion & future related FAQs ---------[Introduction]----------- James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire was the best Bond game of its time, so I decided to create a weapon & gadget FAQ for this popular game in the hopes that it would help the readers when on harder levels and advise them when to use a certain object. In the subsection of each weapon, there will be a brief description, some helpful information and some pros and cons that will dictate when to use it. The gadgets section will show on which level each gadget is used, when you should use it, how to use it, my ranking of it and a brief description including most of the above. If the guide is too large for the screen, then set it to a smaller size instead of scrolling horizontally every line. If you are looking for a certain weapon, then press CTRL and F and then type in the weapon's name. Well anyway, on with the guide. ----------[Pistols]---------- Wolfram P2K ------------ Power: Poor Starting Ammunition: 24 rounds Clip Capacity: 6 rounds Firing Rate: Fair (5/10) Special action: Special silencer to decrease noise Overall: 4/10 Additional Notes: Bond can never be seen without his trusty sidearm, so the Walther reprises its role as his starting handgun in the form of a Walther P2K. With a smooth firing rate and good accuracy, this gun can quickly take down most enemies fitted with light armour. The 9mm rounds may not be powerful, but the precise firing means that head shots will be effective and accurate. You start off with this weapon, and it can be upgraded to the Golden gun as a bonus. Use this for single enemies or when going for stealth, as it does not have the power nor the firing rate to take down groups efficiently without damage to you. Still, a pretty good weapon and a great pistol. Windsor Viper ------------- Power: High Starting Ammunition: 6 rounds Clip Capacity: 6 rounds Firing Rate: Poor (3/10) Special action: None Overall: 4.5/10 Additional Notes: The Windsor Viper is a large pistol capable of quickly taking down armoured enemies due to its .44 magnum rounds and powerful shot. This weapon is marred by a heavy recoil, which reduces its rate of fire. Overall, it is better than the Walther because of its sheer power, but stick to the Walther if you need speed and/or stealth. Otherwise, shoot away with this magnum! IAC Defender ------------ Power: High Starting Ammunition: 6 rounds Clip Capacity: 6 rounds Firing Rate: Poor (4/10) Special action: None Overall: 5/10 Additional Notes: This is another powerful magnum that is nearly identical to the Windsor Viper in every way, except that it is made by the Israelis and has a higher rate of fire due to the gas-blowback system. This pistol packs a punch by sending .44 rounds with tremendous power. Accuracy is poor though, which means that close range fights against few enemies is ideal. Take this over the Viper because it is faster at firing, but do not count on it. The low amount of rounds for this will make you run out quickly, so conserve this and only use it in point blank firefights. Dartgun ------- Power: Poor Starting Ammunition: ? Clip Capacity: ? Firing Rate: Fair (4.5/10) Special action: None Overall: 8/10 Additional Notes: This gas-powered useful pistol was designed in the Q-Lab and is used in the mission, "Bad Diplomacy". It has quite a low power rating and it is slow at firing, but the darts are tipped with a non-lethal sedative to knock out all enemies (other than the clone in that level) in a single shot. Though ammunition is scarce and the Dartgun has a poor clip capacity, the fact that this results in a one hit kill raises the score to an 8/10. Accuracy is also excellent, so this will pull you through in many sticky situations. Since it only appears in one level, it mainly can only take on single guards using its stealth, but definitely not groups. Remember to re-load when out of danger. The Golden Gun --------------- Power: Good Starting Ammunition: 24 rounds Clip Capacity: 6 rounds for single player, 1 for multiplayer Firing Rate: Fair (5/10) Special action: Silencer that screws into barrel and lessens noise Overall: 6.5/10 Additional Notes: There are two versions of the golden gun in the game; the golden Walther P2K and the famous pistol used by Francisco Scaramanga. The first offers good accuracy, power and rate of fire to result in an excellent sidearm. Armoured enemies will fall quickly due to the golden bullets and improved design. Basically, it has all the advantages of the P2K along with improved power. It is a worthy pistol that I sometimes use more than the machine guns. Use against small groups of guards or to take out single guards in stealth. This version is won by getting a gold medal on the first mission. The second golden gun is used only in multiplayer and is capable of taking out an enemy in a single shot. It has a low firing rate but good accuracy, and a devastating shot. I would say it is nearly is good as the dartgun, but it has a slower firing rate. ----------[Submachine Guns]---------- Koffler & Stock KS7 ------------------- Power: Poor Starting Ammunition: 30 rounds Clip Capacity: 30 rounds Firing Rate: Great (7/10) Special action: None Overall: 5/10 Additional Notes: With a high rate of fire, lightweight design and reasonable power, you would think that this is a great weapon. Found in the first mission, this poor submachine gun has a poor clip size to suit its firing rate and delivers appalling accuracy. Close range fighting is the best time to use this German junk, as it is useless at sniping and poor at best when enemies are on the other side of a room! Ammunition is common, but you will definately need them because of the rounds you waste. The worst submachine gun in the game. Ingalls Type 20 --------------- Power: Poor Starting Ammunition: 40 rounds Clip Capacity: 40 rounds Firing Rate: Great (7.5/10) Special action: None Overall: 5.5/10 Additional Notes: This merely decent weapon is a step up from the KS7 because of its higher rate of fire and larger clip size. It was unpopular due to its very poor accuracy, which was made worse by the high rate of fire. Still not bad, but requires a lot of rounds to take out enemies. Use this against close range enemies and be prepared to waste a lot of rounds. Calypso P-750 -------------- Power: Fair Starting Ammunition: 40 rounds Clip Capacity: 80 rounds Firing Rate: Good (7/10) Special action: None Overall: 7.5/10 Additional Notes: This may look odd due to its high capacity cylindrical magazine, but it is, in my opinion, the best submachinegun in the game. With a good rate of fire, great power and huge clip capacity, the Calypso can easily get you through a mission. Additional grip gives it a fair accuracy over long range, while the PS100 has a very poor accuracy. This appears only in 'Fire And Water' and must be won to be used in multiplayer. Best used in close to medium range against groups of enemies. Let the pistols handle single guards. Munitions Belgique PS100 ------------------------ Power: Fair Starting Ammunition: 60 rounds Clip Capacity: 60 rounds Firing Rate: Great (7.5/10) Special action: None Overall: 7/10 Additional Notes: Though regarded as the most lethal submachinegun in the world, I believe that it is not that great due to its low accuracy after long periods of fire and smaller clip capacity than the Calypso. That is not to say that this is a bad weapon; on the contrary, this is a great way to take down groups of enemies quickly, but be warned that it cannot snipe well. Still, it has a large clip capacity, high rate of fire and will serve you well during a few of the final missions. ----------[Assault Rifles]---------- Kazakovich KA-57 ---------------- Power: Fair Starting Ammunition: 30 rounds Clip Capacity: 30 rounds Firing Rate: Decent (6.5/10) Special action: None Overall: 6/10 Additional Notes: This sturdy assault rifle was developed during the Cold War, and is only available in one level: "Night of the Jackal". With a slow rate of fire and small clip capacity, the KA-57 is poor, but is accurate in short bursts and more powerful than several of the submachine guns. Use in shorts bursts against small groups of enemies, or single enemies, at a maximum of medium range, and enemies will fall quickly. Kazankovich KA-57s ------------------ Power: Fair Starting Ammunition: Clip Capacity: 50 rounds Firing Rate: Decent (6.5/10) Special action: Sniper scope Overall: 6.5/10 Additional Notes: This is basically the same as the above except it has a slightly faster firing rate to destroy enemy vehicles faster, and comes with a scope to help shoot out the tyres on cars. Long distance shooting is common with this, but other than that it remains the same rifle. Note that this is only available in rail shooting mission, "precious cargo". Windsor FSU-4 ------------- Power: Fair Starting Ammunition: 40 rounds Clip Capacity: 40 rounds Firing Rate: Good (7/10) Special action: Grenade Launcher Overall: 7.5/10 Additional Notes: Better known as the M-16, the FSU is the US army's standard issue assault rifle primarily used for tactical scenarios. In this game, it offers a good rate of fire along with decent accuracy for medium/short range combat and a fair rate of power. Everything about this weapon would be decent and the final score around 6.5 if it weren't for the grenade launcher. Press alternate fire (usually select) and you will switch to the powerful grenade launcher that is capable of taking out groups of enemies in one shot. Because of its newfound variety, the FSU can be used in short range againt groups or at medium/long range with the grenades (if you have good accuracy with it). First seen in, "Fire and water." Meyer-Westlicher UGW -------------------- Power: Fair Starting Ammunition: 40 rounds Clip Capacity: 40 rounds Firing Rate: Great (7.5/10) Special action: Sniper scope Overall: 7/10 Additional Notes: This plastic weapon originates from Austria and is a great weapon to have. Along with good accuracy and a high rate of fire, the UGW also has a 3x scope to aid in long range accuracy. Unfortunately, it has a small clip size and weak bullets, so use it for medium range sniping or short range combat. Try to fire in bursts to improve accuracy. Koffler & Stock D17 -------------------- Power: Good Starting Ammunition: 50 rounds Clip Capacity: 50 rounds Firing Rate: Great (7.5/10) Special action: Sniper scope Overall: 8.5/10 Additional Notes: Now we are talking! The makers of the awful KS7 somehow created this wonder, which is unfortunately available on the last level. With a high rate of fire, great accuracy, powerful shot and sniper scope, this is the ultimate machine gun. The versatility of the D17 allows for long range sniping (though the SSR4000 is better) or short range firefights. Either way, this is very effective at taking out the tough enemies and will definately be you main weapon. ----------[Other Attacks]---------- Fists ------ Power: Great Starting Ammunition: N/A Clip Capacity: N/A Firing Rate: Very poor (2/10) Special action: None Overall: 3/10 Additional Notes: Bond is adept at fighting with even his bare fists due to extensive combat training and so will be able to easily knock out most enemies. 2 punches is usually what it takes to beat up an enemy, but this attack should not be used regardless of its power. You punch quite slowly and it requires you to be at point blank range to an opponent, which is the range bullets are most powerful. Only use this if a sinlge enemy is unaware of your presence or you are totally out of bullets and need to get smoe fast. Note that you will get double the point you would normally get if you knock out an enemy with your fists, so using this when in need of a gold medal may not be a bad idea, but you will probably take a lot of damage by fighting with your fists. Frinesi Special 12 --------------------------- Power: Huge at close range, very poor at long range Starting Ammunition: 8 shells Clip Capacity: 8 shells Firing Rate: Poor (3/10) Special action: Automatic shotgun (multiplayer only) Overall: 6.5/10 Additional Notes: The Frinesi is a basic shotgun that has the usual. It's properties: huge power at close range (1 hit kill) and poor at long range. It first appears on the first level and continues to be your trusty heavy weapon through the course of the game. Use it only at very close range against small groups of enemies, otherwise you will be in serious trouble. SWZ SSR4000 ----------- Power: Huge Starting Ammunition: 5 rounds Clip Capacity: 5 rounds Firing Rate: Poor Special action: Sniper scope Overall: 7/10 Additional Notes: This powerful sniper rifle may not be quiet, but it sure is good at taking out enemies efficiently. Though with a small clip size and slow firing rate, the SSR is capable of killing most enemies with 1 shot (the super thugs require 2 if you do not shoot them in the head). The power of each shot barely chages over long distances, so sniping with this is the way to go. Close quarter fights may be better suited for other weapons, but using this against single enemies is still a good use of it. Ammunition is sometimes scarce, but other than that this weapon is great. Note that you can use the sniper scope to watch the lady in the shower in the level, "Night of the Jakcal". MRL-22 ------ Power: Good to huge Starting Ammunition: 3 rockets Clip Capacity: 1 rocket Firing Rate: poor (3.5/10) Special action: Guided rockets Overall: 7.5/10 Additional Notes: The MRL is a powerful rocket launcher capable of killing groups of enemies instantly, or just causing complete mayhem. Either way, it is a good weapon. Though ammunition is scarce, the fire rate is slow and it has a poor clip capacity, it does not need many rockets becuase of its sheer power. The guided rockets feature (multiplayer only) allows for the rocket to trakc your targeting cursor, so if you fire a rocket and suddently jerk left, the rocket will turn left. This allows for you to fire around wall, but prevents you from moving until the rocket has exploded. If you do, your movements will send the rocket harmlessly into a wall or straight back at you! Fixed Gun (single player) ------------------------- Power: Good Starting Ammunition: Unknown (a lot though) Clip Capacity: Unknown (large though) Firing Rate: High (7.5/10) Special action: None Overall: 7/10 Additional Notes: The fixed guns rarely appear, but are very useful in destroying helicopters or wiping out groups of enemies quickly while saving your ammunition. It is quite inaccurate, so it may be tough to shoot enemies from far away. Try to not fire for too long; doing so will cause the fixed weapon to run out of ammunition quickly and will lessen accuracy. Note that you cannot move when you are firing this gun, so firing for a few seconds, moving, and then going back to the gun may be a good idea. Grenade Launcher (multiplayer only) ----------------------------------- Power: Low to extremely high Starting Ammunition: N/A Clip Capacity: Firing Rate: Poor Special action: Cluster grenade Overall: 7/10 Additional Notes: The grenade launcher is unfortunately only in multiplayer mode, but makes its name known. It may be hard to aim, but is useful when firing over walls or bouncing the grenades off walls. In my opinion, the best way to use the grenade launcher is to use the cluster grenade. This alternate fire spreads a series of sub-munitions in the general vicinity of where you aim; though each munition may do less damage, the overall effect is greater, as is the chance of hitting an enemy. RCH-1 (rail shooting only) -------------------------- Power: Low to huge Starting Ammunition: Clip Capacity: Firing Rate: Poor (4/10) Special action: None Overall: 7/10 Additional Notes: The RCH-1 is a very different rocket launcher than the MRL-22 or the CH-6, as when you fire a rocket, you can control it to fly anywhere. X detonates the rocket before it hits something. This device can backfire; while you are guiding a rocket, you cannot move your character, so unneccessary damage may be caused by using this. In the end, it is needed to complete the only level it appears in, "Forbidden Depths". Mines (multiplayer only) ------------------------ Power: Little to huge Starting Ammunition: 3 Clip Capacity: N/A Firing Rate: Poor Special action: None Overall: 5/10 to 7/10 Additional Notes: There are 3 types of mines featured in multiplayer mode that have various ways of exploding, but all are very dangerous and explosive. As a basic rule, never go near one! The first type of mines are the trip mines. These shoot out a laser the colour of the team it was placed by and will explode if one of the beams is interrupted. This is the 2nd best mine, mainly because the lasers are easy to see (so the mines can be easly located), it only explodes is the laser is interrupted (so players can duck or jump over the beams) and can be purposely set off by a player not even close to the mine by simple walking into its beam from far away. The second type are proximity mines which are the best to use. Because they do not project a laser, they are inconspicuous and hard to locate. This makes the chances of hurting an enemy a lot higher. The only problems with this is that you may be blown up if you are too slow after setting down the mine, and the mines can be triggered without damage being caused to the triggerer. Here is how: __________________ 2nd floor The person who wishes to trigger it walks on the second floor, over the mine. It will explode, but the person will not be harmed. OO OOOO The mine OO __________________ 1st floor The final type are the detonator mines. These are the hardest to use because you need to detonate them using the Q-remote when an enemy is near. Good timing and awareness are needed to use this type of mines effecively. I have noticed that some mines do not explode in certain locales. For example, the proximity mine can be placed under a ramp , but it will not go off when somebody is in the near vicinity. To solve this, place a detonator mine close to the proximity mine and detonate when required. Photon Cannon ----------------------- Power: Huge (1 hit kill) Starting Ammunition: N/A Clip Capacity: 1 Firing Rate: Poor Special action: Photon volley Overall: 9/10 Additional Notes: Contrary to what many think, the experimental photon cannon is the not the ultimate weapon in the game. Its powerful prjectiles can kill in one hit, and can track opponents until they are dead, but reloading is common and ammunition is sometimes scarce. The alternate fire will almost certainly guarantee you hit an enemy. Hold down fire and you gun will load 5 phtons into the chamber. Release fire and 5 photons will be sent out and will hopefully kill at least one enemy. Note that the photons do not track enemies when in the alternate fire. The main problem with this MI6 weapon is that its projectiles are incredibly slow; enemies that are being tracked can run away from them and slowly get away, so it is easy for them to escape if you are shooting from far away or there are many places to take refuge. Overall, it is very powerful, but not the best. CH-6 (rail shooting only) ------------------------- Power: Huge Starting Ammunition: Clip Capacity: Firing Rate: Poor (4/10) Special action: None Overall: 7.5/10 Additional Notes: The CH-6 is only available for the rail-shooting mission, "precious cargo", which is unfortunate because it is so good. Its powerful rounds can destroy a limo in 2 shots while groups of enemies can be taken out in one. The clip size may be small, but reloading is fast and this rocket launcher is accurate enough to allow for long range shooting. Even if you miss slightly, your target will probably be caught within the blast radius. What really sets this from the other rocket launchers is that when it becomes a golden CH-6 (you have to earn it), you have unlimited ammunition. No other rocket launcher is capable of being upgraded. Shotgun (rail shooting only) --------------------------- Power: high at close range, very poor at long range Starting Ammunition: Clip Capacity: Firing Rate: Poor (3/10) Special action: Sniper scope Overall: 6.5/10 Additional Notes: This powerful, 12 gauge pump action shotgun is similar to the Frinesi, except that this is available only in the missions, "precious cargo" and "Forbidden Depths". The sniper scope, though only around 2x, will help with accuracy and allow for more precise shooting. Puncturing tyres of close enemy vehicles is a good way to use the scope and spread of the weapon, as is shooting the odd guard at close range. Do not bother to use this to damage other vehicles; the KA-57s or the CH-6 is much better suited to that task. In the latter level, the shotgun is a great weapon at destroying the mines compared to the KA-57s, and is also effective against the computer controlled machine guns. ----------[Gadgets]---------- Q-Decryptor - Secretly installed in your cell phone in order to remain compact, inconspicuous and easy to find, the Q-Decryptor will come in handy on several missions. An advanced erudite computer will quickly unscramble decrypted codes in order to unlock electronically sealed locks or access computer databases. Overall, a very handy tool. Q-Claw - Another gadget hidden in your phone, the Q-Claw will help you access high up areas normally out of your reach. When activated, a double coiled filament attached to a gripping claw will shoot out and grab onto any materials that it can. Look for grates hat could be attatched to by the Q-Claw. This gadget also comes in handy during the multiplayer mode. Unlike in single player, the Q-Claw can be used simultaneously with a weapon so that you are not prevented from attacking while using this. Also during multiplayer, almost any surface can be clawed, so a good trick is to hold circle and shoot up to the ceiling, where you can shoot from easily. Note that the Q-Claw will shoot out as long as you hold circle, so you will need to hold it for a long tine to reach far away places. Q-Laser - This high powered laser is concealed in your cell phone (one wonders how he fits it all in!) and is very handy for cutting locks and chains in order to allow access to sealed areas. Note that the Q-Laser can only work at short range, and cannot be used to either injure enemies (I wish it could) or detonate explosive materials. Seen in the first level. Q-Specs - These handy and fashionable specs are fitted with an x-ray, which will help you locate secret panels or doors. This is first used in the mission, "Bad Diplomacy". Dress for Success! Q-Camera - Reproducing incriminating or helpful evidence must be done inconspicuously and without leaving a trace. Because of this, you are geared up with a compact camera that can take snapshots of anything you wish. Note that it has unlimited film, and is first seen in, "Cold Reception". Q-Remote - The Q-Remote, which is also installed in your cell phone, can be used to activate programs or the devices they control. If you see a green beacon emitting from a computer or wireless electronic device, use the Q-Remote to activate it. If you see a red beacon, then you must first download the program before you can use it. This handy gadget is first seen on the first level, "Trouble in Paradise". Q-Card - This handy card will automatically release any locking system inpeding you and deactivate it. Only seen in, "Night of the Jackal". Q-Jet - This compact jetpack will give you a short burst of upward motion to allow you access to elevated platforms. This can also be used a a mode of escape (especially in multiplayer), but does need to be refueled after every burst. Refueling stations supply the natural gas that powers this, so try to refuel whenever you need to. Note that in multiplayer, the Q-Jet continuously replenishes its supply automatically. Unlike the Q-Claw, which usually serves the same purpose, you can use weapons while activating the Q-Jet in single player mode. Q-Pulse - This device is fitted into your car and sends out a quick electronic pulse to disable the fuel injection system in a car, without harming the contents. Do not waste these, as you only start with a few and there are no many left around the city for you. It is best to be right behind the car when you set off the uplse, but remember that it requires a short charging time, so use it slightly in advance for the best results. Only available in driving missions. Q-Vision - These night vision goggles show all sources of heat to help you locate enemy vehicles or personell. Note that its batteries run low after around a minute so make use of it. This is only available in the, "Streets of Bucharest" mission. Q-Smoke - Disorient enemy vehicles behind you by shooting off a jet of smoke behind your vehicle. You normally get a Bond Move for this, and is very helpful in losing persuers. Q-Slick - This is a version of the Q-Smoke, with the only difference being that you fire an oily concoction to make persuers slip and slide while you drive off in the distance. Try to use this when being persued, as you will recieve a Bond move for escaping the persuers using this method. Q-Booster - If you need a quick burst of speed to catch up with a target vehicle, or just escape, then the Q-Booster will come in very handy. When activated, the booster will give you a short burst of speed, but note that it is very hard to drive when over 100mp/h. This may also come in handy if you need to clear a gap using a ramp... Q-Locator - This device is featured only in the "Streets of Bucharest" level, but will help you find the jettisoned computer chip that you must race for. Car guns - These high powered machine guns fit onto your car and provide some extra firepower. These come with unlimited ammunition, but are not too accurate when swerving to avoid persuers, and are weak compared to the other vehicle weapons. Available only in the driving missions. Rockets - These explosive projectiles cause huge damage to enemies, and can destroy an armoured limo in two shots. Note that these are forward mounted, so destroying enemies behind you is impossible, and these have no tracking system either, so use with caution. Missiles - For use in driving missions only, these missiles track onto an enemy. These can even destroy followers, so they are a very useful weapon. In terms of power, they are equal to the rockets, but the tracking system make them formidable. Note that missiles may fly into a building if an enemy turns around a corner. For driving missions only. ----------[Combat Tips]---------- 1. The Q-Claw can be used as a weapon! When in close proximity to an enemy, you can fire your weapons while also using your Q-Claw. Though it may not do that much damage, it may mean the difference between life and death during a close battle. 2. The Q-Claw can also be used to escape. If you need to retreat from a battle quickly, or reach an item quickly, using the Q-Claw to pull yourself along can be quicker than running! 3. The cluster grenade is better than the usual grenade because it will spread over a large area, increasing your chances of hitting an enemy. 4. Use your surroundings to your advantage. If you in a dangerous firefight and need to take shelter, than take advantage of crates, boxes or other structures that will shield you from the onslaught. That said, never shelter behind barrels or pipes... 5. You can also you the environment to kill enemies. Explosive barrels can blow large groups of enemies up qickly, and pipes can be punctured a release its boiling contents. Either way, the environment will help you survive. 6. Headshots are a very good way to kill an enemy (other than a boss) instantly. This wil also conserve ammo and get you more points after the level is complete. 7. If you are having trouble with enemy snipers, then here is a trick to stop them. You will see a red laser beam coming from their SSR4000, which you can use to locate them. They usually scan the nearby area for intruders, so just wait until they are not looking and fire. Another way is to keep moving and try to pick them off at close range with a pistol or machine gun. This is because snipers will puul out a pistol at shot range, which is far less damaging than a snipr rifle. 8. Short, controlled bursts of automatic weapon fire are far more accurate than full automatic. 9. Try to snipe off everyone that you can; this saves a huge amount of ammunition. 10. In order to conserve ammunition, punch anyone close to you that is not aware of your presence. This wll also get you double points for killing someone with your fists. 11. Always keep moving. I cannot stress enough how much health you save by strafing, ducking and jumping. Note that this may also make it harder to aim, so find a balance between offence and defence. 12. While driving, never harm civilian cars. Though crashing into them accidently is OK, as is hitting them once with a missile/rocket, 2 explosive projectiles will kill the civilian and cause you to fail the mission. This is the same for machine gun fire. 13. Use grenades or explosives to clear out groups of enemies. 14. Use your fists against unknowing enemies for extra points. 15. Try placing proximity mines around a corner or on a low celing to surprise your opponent. Sorry, those are all I can think of for now! Check for later updates and tips. ----------[Conclusion]---------- I have had a good time creating this guide and I hope you found it useful or just interesting. Be sure to send in any questions or queries, as I will create an FAQ section if there are enough. My e-mail is tombrookes@epals.com. Be sure to check some of my upcoming FAQs: - Fast Cash guide for GT3: A-Spec - The Thing weapon & hardware guide - Resident Evil Weapon & enemy guide Thankyou. Copyright Tom 'Da Bomb' Brookes