Everything or Nothing Mission Guide (Walkthrough) Written by Jarrod Leeth E-mail: dugan62us@yahoo.com =============================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================== I. Ground Zero II. A Long Way Down III. Train Chase IV. An Old Friend V. Sand Storm VI. Serena St. Germaine VII. Vertigo VIII. The Ruined Tower IX. Death of an Agent X. A Show of Force XI. Mardi Gras Mayhem XII. The Kiss Kiss Club XIII. Death's Door XIV. Battle in the Big Easy XV. Faded Splendor XVI. The Machinery of Evil XVII. The Pontchartrain Bridge XVIII. A Simple Exchange XIX. Red Line XX. Ambushed XXI. The High Road XXII. Diavolo's Plan XXIII. The Platinum War XXIV. Dangerous Descent XXV. Red Underground XXVI. The Final Card XXVII. Everything or Nothing XXVIII. Cheats and Unlockables XXIX. Credits ============================================================= I. Ground Zero Gold Target: 75,000 points Target Time: 1:30 Bond Moments: 2 Platinum Objective: Take less than 500 points of damage Watch the cutscene that precedes this mission. James will disrupt a meeting between two Russians. One of them is a general. When you get control, you will instantly be prompted to press R2. Do so to press James up against the column. Now press L1 to lock onto an enemy. Then press R1 to fire your weapon. Kill as many enemies as you can using this method. You can use Bond Sense (press left on the D-Pad) to target fuel barrels scattered around the courtyard. Shoot them to take out nearby enemies. Now get off the column and grab the body armor on the left if you need it. Run down the steps on the right into the courtyard. Take out any enemies that remain, and then collected the discarded ammo. You should be able to pick up a SPAS 12 (shotgun) and a SIG 552. Now get the briefcase in the center of the area. There's more body armor lying around the courtyard, if you get into trouble. Once you have the briefcase, a scene plays. M tells you to find a rocket launcher. You'll also see a guy appear on a ledge above you. He has a rocket launcher, and he won't hesitate in using it. Press the Circle Button and move the Control Stick forward to perform a roll. This helps to avoid rockets. Head into the door straight ahead, taking out any enemies that appear. Go right up the stairs and kill the bastard who was firing rockets. You can then get a rocket launcher of your own; it's called the AT-420. There's some body armor here, too. Your next objective is to destroy the hover jet. Head into the next room and the jet will appear and start firing at you. Lock onto it with L1 and then move from side to side while firing rockets. It can fire them, too, so look out. Four rockets will take out the jet. Two tanks will appear below. Take them out with two rockets each. Go back to the room where you got the rocket launcher and then rappel down the side of the building by walking through the opening on the left to earn a Bond Moment. After you land, look to the left and see if you spot the guy who's standing on the balcony. Target him with L1 and kill him to earn another Bond Moment. Duck behind one of the crates and take out all of the enemies. Then, pull out the rocket launcher and destroy the turret in the northwest corner of the courtyard. Once it has been put out of commission, head towards the wall in the northeast corner. There's a hole there that was made by the jet. You won't actually have to go through this hole, because a scene will start playing before you get there. After the scene, you'll get to see the opening title sequence, and here the theme song (which is performed by Mya). You'll then see your score. You can replay any mission you complete in order to try for a better ranking. After the Ground Zero mission, you will have to go through M16 Training. I am not going to walk you through this, since the game provides instructions on all techniques you get to practice: sniping, the Q Spider, rappelling, etc. Complete the Training Course to move on. ============================================================= II. A Long Way Down Gold Target: 90,000 points Target Time: 3:00 Bond Moments: 5 Platinum Objective: Complete the mission in 3:30 or less at 00 Agent Difficulty Watch the opening cutscene. When you get control of James, rappel down the burning building to reach the ground below. On the right, in a corner behind an explosive barrel, is body armor. Note its location and head left (you can scale the wall here to earn a Bond Moment and grab a Dragunov sniper rifle. If you wait and do this after you have cleared out the enemies, there will be another enemy up here guarding the sniper rifle) and then right down the steps, killing the guard at the bottom. Run forward through the tunnel towards the mechanism at the end, on the right. Press X when you are near this mechanism to release steam and immobilize your enemies temporarily. This only works if the enemies are standing on the vent. To increase your Weapon Efficiency, you can use melee moves to take out the enemies while they are dazed. You can also use Bond Sense to lock onto the barrels that are sitting around, and shoot them to cause an explosion. Clear out any enemies that remain, and then drop an explosive into the vent pipe to complete one of your objectives. Once you drop the explosive into the vent, you must rappel off the building edge. On your way down, beware of explosions, and when you see two platforms, land on the right one. Take out the two enemies that drop from above, and then continue rappelling. An explosion will open a hole that leads into the building. Land on the platform and grab the ammo lying there. Kill the guard that appears and then run into the burning room. Kill the guard on your right, and then run towards the table on your left. Press X to flip it over and earn a Bond Moment. Crouch behind it with L2, and then press L1 to target one of two enemies that appear outside the window in front of you. Shoot them both and then walk out where the window was to rappel to the lower ledge. Kill the guards here, and then rappel to the next area further down. Flames will shoot up from the vents located here. Q tells you that a shutoff switch should be nearby. Enter the burning room behind the flame vents and grab the body armor on the left side. If you use Bond Sense, you can shoot out two segments of the ceiling. If you kill an enemy by doing this, then you will earn a Bond Moment. Head through to the other side of the room to reach an open area. Three enemies will appear. One of them crouches behind a crate on your left; one of them usually stands behind the large metal structure in the middle, and other one ducks behind the pipe on the right. Another steam mechanism can be found here. Activate it to stun your enemies and earn the final Bond Moment. When all enemies are dead, circle around the metal structure and shut off the flame vents. Now head back through the burning room, killing all enemies that you encounter. Now would be a good time to shoot out the ceiling and get that Bond Moment. Once all the enemies are dead, rappel down the building to the very bottom, watch the scene, and get your score. Tips on platinum objective After dropping explosive into vent, rappel off building edge, move as far left as possible, head to the area with the flame jets Use steam mechanisms to stun enemies ============================================================= III. Train Chase Gold Target: 150,000 points Target Time: 3:00 Bond Moments: 3 Platinum Objective: Complete the mission in 2:15 or less You have two options of transportation here. Go left for the Porsche Cayenne Turbo, and right for the motorcycle (called the Chimera). The car is slower, but far more durable. It is outfitted with missiles (of which you have 30) and machine guns. With the car, drive forward through the flames under the low yellow door. Keep going to smash through the next door and then use a missile to blast open the gate. Now you can simply follow the path. Use your missiles and machine guns to take out the enemy vehicles that get in your way. You have to hurry, or else the train might get too far ahead. If that happens, you fail the mission. When you start to approach a dead end, veer right and follow that path. You will see some pillars fall down. Head up the ramp on the left to earn a Bond Moment. You will now get back on the main road. Keep going until you see a fork in the path. If you go left, you'll pass through an arch-like rock formation. Head right and hold your course to jump the path and reach the tracks. This nets you another Bond Moment. Use your weapons to take out the enemy motorcycle, and then approach the back of the train. Fire missiles to take out the cannon (it's what firing missiles at you) on the back, and then just keep following it until you reach a low spot that allows you to drop underneath the train. At this point, a scene plays and the mission is over. Now, if you use the motorcycle, you'll only have missiles (40 of them). Head up the incline at full speed to jump onto the roof of the building. After falling through the glass, keep going to smash through two doors. Follow the dirt path to the tracks. There's a gap here you can't cross, so don't worry about it, and just fall to the ground below. You'll come to another gap. As you approach it, a helicopter appears. Destroy it with missiles to earn a Bond Moment (you can confront the helicopter with the car by finding a hidden path to the left after exiting the first tunnel). You'll land near a helipad area. Take out the enemy motorcycles and jeeps. Now the path merges with the one you took in the car. In the ruins area (with the falling pillars), you can take the ramp on the left, but I don't think you'll earn a Bond Moment. Instead, you can power slide (press and hold L1) under one of the fallen pillars, and this nets you a Bond Moment. There are still three you can get in the mission, but the ramp one doesn't count if you are on the motorcycle (at least I don't think it does). Now you can finish the mission. Things are made a little tougher on the bike, though, because you have to power slide to get underneath the train. Tips on platinum objective Use the motorcycle rather than the car ============================================================= IV. An Old Friend Gold Target: 125,000 points Target Time: 1:00 Bond Moments: 4 Platinum Objective: No damage All of the Bond Moments here come from stealth. Move through the first four train cars and dispatch all of the enemies without using your weapons. James will automatically be crouched when the mission begins. Wait until the guard on the far right turns around and walks towards the front, and then sneak up behind the first two guards and press Triangle or Square to dispatch them. After the second guard, you can run up to the last guard and use punches to subdue him before he triggers the alarm. If you knock him down with melee attacks, then you will still get the Bond Moment. But not if you shoot him. Now, take out your gun and shoot all six computer terminals. There are six of them. This completes one of your objectives. Move onto the next car. Sneak up behind the guy on your right and use a stealth move (Square or Triangle) to take him down. There's body armor here, too, if you want it. Now, go after the patrolling guard. He walks around the missile holder in the middle of the room. Once you have taken him down with stealth, you'll get the second Bond Moment. Head into the next car. A guard is walking away from you when you enter. Wait behind the crates for him to return, and then use a stealth move on him when he walks away again. Now, use the gap in the next stack of crates to spot another guard up ahead. He should be walking toward you. Stay crouched behind the crates until he finishes his patrol and starts to walk the other way. Follow him and use a stealth move to dispatch him. The third Bond Moment is yours. There is also body armor here, as well. If you use your gun in this car or the previous one, a trio of guards will mysteriously appear. At least, I think there are three of them. This is a completely unnecessary aggravation, and it is really easy to avoid. Okay, onto the fourth car. Use a stealth move on the guard walking away from you on the left. From there, move forward and use a stealth move on the guard at the computer terminal. Now, go back to the entrance of the car, and this time, head right. You should see another guard walking away from you. Use a stealth move on him to get the last Bond Moment. If for some reason, this guard happens to spot one of his KO'ed colleagues, use punches to subdue him, just like the guy in the first car. Now move on to the fifth car. In here, combat is unavoidable. Press the Select Button to activate Thermovision and take out the three guards. There's body armor in here. Now move onto the last car and you'll confront Jaws. Boss: Jaws An easy fight. Jaws will start off by tearing off two metal columns and throwing them at you. Stand behind the other two columns to avoid damage. By removing the columns, Jaws reveals streams of electricity. Walk up to him and press Triangle to punch him. After three punches or so, he will stumble backwards. Punch him some more and he will stumble into the electricity. Repeat once or twice more to win. If Jaws gets close to the other two columns, he will throw them at you, as well. He also charges at you, but you can tell when he is going to do this, so it is really easy to avoid. ============================================================= V. Sand Storm Gold Target: 160,000 points Target Time: 3:40 Bond Moments: 3 Platinum Objective: Defeat the General is less than 45 seconds You'll be flying a helicopter here. You have bombs and missiles. The path here is very straightforward. You'll get a Bond Moment by destroying all of the boats, so pay attention and make sure you don't miss any. They're not hidden or anything (they are attacking you after all), but I suppose you could miss one of them if you're careless. One or two missiles will sink them. Bombs are a lot slower, and usually have to be dropped slightly before you reach a target, or else they usually miss. You have 50 missiles and 20 bombs. Get rid of the jeep on the cliff ahead, and then use a missile to take out the helicopter. When you get to the waterfall, head left. Fire a missile at one of the jeeps to blow up the bridge and earn a Bond Moment. Keep following the path, taking out another jeep, two boats, and a helicopter. At the end of the path, a scene will occur, and you will then pursue the General's helicopter. Do not fire any of your missiles, because you cannot defeat him yet. You just have to follow him. Press L1 to release flares (they require battery power) to avoid being hit by the General's missiles. When you come to the chamber where flames shoot out of the walls, avoid them to earn a Bond Moment. To do this, just stay near the ceiling and move slightly to the left and right when needed. After exiting into a large open area, you'll fight the General. Boss: The General The General's helicopter is perched on top of a shielded platform. Lowering the shield is your first priority. Use your missiles to destroy the shield generators. Bombs are more powerful, but it's hard to hit the generators with Bombs unless you fly above them at a relatively low altitude. Once the shield is down, use the rest of your missiles to nail the platform the General's chopper is sitting on. If you are at least at half-health, you can just stay in one place and release missiles until the platform collapses. However, if your health is low, then you might want to try using Bombs, or at the very least, using flares to avoid the General's missiles. Once he goes down, the mission's over. Watch the scene and see your score. You'll have an M16 Interlude before the next mission. M will give you a briefing, and Q will tell you about some new equipment. ============================================================= VI. Serena St. Germaine Gold Target: 150,000 points Target Time: 6:40 Bond Moments: 2 Platinum Objective: Reach the bottom of the fortress in 1:55 or less Your first order of business is to intercept the patrol jeep before it reaches the village. This is pretty easy. All you have to do is chase after it while firing missiles. Two missiles should blow it up. Once the jeep has been disposed of, follow the blue icon on the map to reach your next destination. A scene occurs and a ramp lowers. Drive over it and park in the marker. Press Triangle to get out of your car, and then enter the hut. Watch the scene to learn where Serena is. She's at the local hotel, and since her phone line was tapped, you have to get there in four minutes. Head over the ramp and go left until you see a sign. Now, go right. If you keep going left, you'll run into a pair of tanks, and they can cause lots of damage. Press Select until you can bring up the full screen navigation map. Follow the path you took from the sign until you reach the town. M tells you to avoid the local patrols, which are shown on your map as red dots. Press L1 to activate your nano cloak, which makes your car invisible. Then, you can head towards the blue icon on the map without having to worry about troublesome confrontations with the local authorities. The cloak effect is limited, but it will regenerate. If you are spotted by the authorities, you can simply reactivate the cloak to make them go away, or speed through the streets to lose them. When you enter town, head down the street in front of you, then turn left at the end. Follow this street until M draws your attention to a roadblock. Follow the street you're on to the right, and then go straight to find a blue marker. Park there and press Triangle to deploy the RC car. Take the RC car across the street to where you see the sign for the fireworks shop. Drive the car up the stairs on the left and at the top of those stairs, turn right and drive forward and look to the left to find a grate. Use the car's laser to remove the grate, and then take the car into the opening. Now, use the laser on the box of fireworks to create a distraction and get a Bond Moment. Put your cloak back on and head up the curvy street where the roadblock was and follow the blue map icon to reach the hotel and meet up with Serena. The next part of the mission begins. You can now choose to avoid or eliminate the patrol jeeps. Avoiding them with the cloak is a lot easier, even though you might have to engage them when the cloak wears off. Use missiles to destroy the jeeps, or your machine guns if you are at close range. Serena will more or less tell you where to go, but you should still bring up your full screen map. Follow the blue icon just like before. When you reach a place where two jeeps are blocking the road, look for a shortcut on the left. Finding it earns you a Bond Moment. Keep going until a scene occurs. Some rocks fall from above and seem to prevent you from going any further. Take Q's advice, and drive off the left side of where the rocks are. Follow this bumpy path to jump across a gap, and then you will get back onto the main road. You can't get to your destination directly, because there's a tank in the way. Head through the saw horses on the left and park in the marker to end the mission and get your score. Tips on platinum objective Get through first part of mission with at least 75% health Use Q cloak to avoid enemies Take Bond Moment shortcut ============================================================= VII. Vertigo Gold Target: 150,000 points Target time: 4:00 Bond Moments: 4 Platinum Objective: Complete the mission in 4:00 or less After the elevator stops, get off and head right, then go right again into the tunnel. At the end, shoot the guard with a Sleeper Dart. Crouch and exit the tunnel, then head right. Take out the next three guards using stealth to get a Bond Moment. Now, rappel up the wall to the next level. You should now have an AK-47. The guards drop them. Equip it and take out the two guards you see here. Get against the wall on your right and peek around the corner to see another guard crouched behind a mine cart. Try to nail him with a head shot when he pops up. Two more guards will descend from above beyond the mine cart. Take them out before leaving the wall. Once all the guards are dead, rappel up the wall past the mine cart to the next level. (The elevator on your right is inoperable at the moment). Walk forward and prepare for the guard that comes down from above. Kill him. Grab the body armor on the left (between some boxes) and then rappel up the wall. More body armor lies to the left. Crouch and head right. A guard at the far end has a rocket launcher, so make sure you stay down. When you reach the mine cart, press X to push it, and then follow it down the track. Use Bond Sense and press L1 to target the fuel drums outside on your right, below the metal structure. Shoot them to cause an explosion, receiving a Bond Moment, and destroying the signal jamming antenna, thus completing one of your objectives. Take out the rocket launcher guard, and then head down the corridor on the left. Kill the guard that appears up ahead, and then kill the guard that descends from above in the alcove on the left. There are boards here. The bottom one can be shot out. Send a Q Spider through the gap under the boards. Enter the opening on the left, then enter the opening on the right. Head up the wooden planks and continue following the path until you reach a room with weapons and body armor. Head right and open the door to this room to get another Bond Moment. You will draw the attention of three guards. They will either shoot at the spider or step on it, so if you don't want it to be destroyed, bring it back to James. When you regain control of James, leave the alcove and rappel down the wall at the end of the corridor. Equip your Thermovision and head to the end of this passage. There are two guards you'll need to kill. Get the rocket launcher (to earn a Bond Moment) and body armor at the end of the passage, then head back to the rappel point, killing all the guards that appear. Head back to the alcove where you deployed the Q Spider and rappel up the left wall. Head down the corridor until you see a room on the right. Hug the wall outside the room and peek inside to see the three guards your Spider encountered. Kill them and then enter the room your Spider accessed earlier to get lots of ammo and more body armor. There's a junction box where the guards were, but you need the data uplink for that. Leave the room and continue down the passage. Rappel up the wall at the end. Three guards await you here. Two of them are wearing armor vests, so it takes longer to kill them. Once all the guards are dead, head down the corridor and rappel up the last wall. Kill the three guards in this small room (one of them crouches behind a table) and then take the data uplink device on the right. There's body armor on the left side of the room if you need it. If these guards are giving you grief, use a Strobe Grenade to stun them before attacking. Rappel back down the wall into the previous corridor and kill the guard. Two more guards are hanging on wires outside, so take them out too. Rappel down the wall and kill the three guards in the next corridor. Go back in the room where your spider was and place the uplink device on the junction box (it's very conspicuous). If you haven't destroyed the antenna yet, do so now. Also, there might be three guards on the antenna platform if you haven't destroyed it. You can kill them and destroy the antenna by blowing up the fuel drums. Back in the corridor where the rocket launcher guard was, you'll encounter four guards. Duck behind the first mine cart on your right and start shooting. When they are all dead, proceed to the end of the corridor and pick up the body armor (the wooden fence has opened, too, and more body armor lies beyond that). Rappel down the next two walls and take out the four guards before using the elevator. You can avoid these guards, too, but you get points for killing them. Tips for platinum objective Ignore Bond Moments Use semiautomatic weapon to kill enemies quickly Take out antenna using fuel barrels in area with the rocket guard ============================================================= VIII. The Ruined Tower Gold Target: 175,000 points Target Time: 2:00 Bond Moments: 4 Platinum Objective: Fire 10 rounds or less You begin in a crouched position. A guard is walking towards you. As he turns and begins to walk away, get behind him and use a stealth move. The other guard near the front usually doesn't even notice this, but if he does, then restart, or let him kill you. If the guard doesn't notice, then use a stealth move on him, too, as he walks to the right. This nets you a Bond Moment. There's body armor on the other side of the metal crate, but you won't need it this early on. Head outside and crouch behind the wall in front of you. Turn to the right and you should see a guard pass by. Sneak behind him to the next wall and wait for a guard to walk past you to the left. Use a stealth move on him, and then catch up with the other guard. Use a stealth move on him, as well, to earn another Bond Moment. Now use your Bond Sense to find a Rappel point on the right wall. This leads to a sniper tower, and another Bond Moment. Pick up the Dragunov and body armor in the small room to the right. Now, before going back down, head to the left end and press L1 to target the guard with the rocket launcher. Killing him now will save you some trouble in the future. After that task is done, you can head back to the ground. Head up the ramp in front of you, and then press up against the wall on your right. Peek around the corner, press L1, and kill as many guards as you can. When the coast is clear, leave the wall and head up the stairs. If more guards show up, use the wall segments for cover while shooting them. When all guards are dead, follow the track to the left until you reach a door. The small ruin across from this door has some body armor, so get it if you need it. Now, follow the track to the right, duck into the alcove on the right, and rappel up the wall. There's a narrow path in the wall here. Send a Q Spider to explore it and you'll receive a Bond Moment. If you make the Spider go left instead of right, it will find some body armor. Make the Spider follow the path to the right until you see a guard rappel down the wall. Press Square to regain control of James, and then head down the steps in front of you. Kill all of the guards that appear. Head left into the next area and kill all of the guards here. Head to the back wall and grab the body armor on the left, and then turn around and enter a small room on the right to find a rocket launcher and sniper rifle ammo. Two more guards will appear in the area you just came from. Leave this room and head left. There's a rocket launcher guard in the distance. You can try to snipe him, but it's risky, unless you can do it quickly. The best strategy is to run down the stairs to the left. There's barbed wire here, so you can't go far, but you can target and kill the two guards on the other side. Go to the right (near the area with the hanging crate) and crouch behind the wall. You can snipe the rocket guard safely from here. Once he's gone, press the button to drop the crate through the wooden door, and then drop through the opening. Use the junction box on the left wall to send the mine cart crashing through the wooden door. Stay where you are and a guard should appear. Kill him, and then move into the area beyond the door. You have actually been here before. Kill all of the guards, and follow the track to the left, and again as it turns right. Two guards descend from the wall you rappelled up earlier (it's on the right). Kill them and then target the dynamite in front of the metal door. Shoot it to cause an explosion, thus opening the door. Head through to end the mission. Tips for platinum objective Complete first three Bond Moments Use Dragunov to take out five enemies in ruins below sniper tower Take out rocket guard from sniper tower Save bullet for dynamite that blows open the door at the end of the mission Use AT-420 to clear out enemies near end of level ============================================================= IX. Death of an Agent Gold Target: 200,000 points Target Time: 2:00 Bond Moments: 6 Platinum Objective: Take 100 points of damage or less You begin this mission by watching Diavolo shoot Agent 003 in the gut and leaving him to die. When you get control of James, deploy a Q Spider, and have it enter the small opening on the left. Follow this path and drop off at the end to kill three guards and earn a Bond Moment. As James, head to where these guards were and collect their ammo. Head down the stairs and kill the guard on the way. At the bottom, you'll reach 003, but it's too late to save him. Take out the guard that appears, and then head through the door behind 003. Head right down the corridor, killing the guard on the way. At the end of the corridor, head down the steps and kill more guards. In the chamber beyond the steps, kill two guards and grab the body armor from the table on the right if you need it. Use the opening in the wall to take out the guards in the next part of this room (toss a grenade to clear out the guards who are hiding behind things). There are several of them, and some might wander over to where you are if you aren't fast enough. Another guard is running around to the left, but you can't get to him right now, and he likes to duck behind the wall and the mine carts. If you want to kill him, use Bond Sense to find a shootable container in the third part of the room. Blast it with one of your guns to make it explode, and it should take care of that annoying guard. There's body armor in the container area, as well, behind a wooden box. Head back into the second part of the room and look for a small alcove with a hole in the floor. Drop through this hole into the catacombs. (The alcove is immediately on your left when entering the second part of the room from the third). The catacombs are full of guards, it's pitch black, and it's very confusing. Use Thermovision and Bond Sense to help you locate things. There's a rocket launcher down here. If you find it, you get a Bond Moment. I really can't describe where it is. There are several pieces of body armor down here, too. Bond Sense can make things a lot brighter, so use it to examine your surroundings. You can't move while using Bond Sense, though. When you find the catacombs exit, you complete an objective. As soon as you exit the catacombs, press the X button to operate the mechanism on your right to open a door. Use the mine carts as cover and kill all the guards that appear. About halfway down the corridor is an alcove with body armor. To earn a Bond Moment, use Bond Sense to locate some explosive crates in a nook along the left wall. Shoot these crates to detonate the propane tanks and take out some guards. You have to kill at least three guards in order to get the Bond Moment. Kill any guards that remain, and then enter the door you opened to move to the next part of the mission. Follow the tunnel to the end and watch the scene. Now you have to catch Serena. Use a hard hitting weapon like the Desert Eagle to kill enemies in a single shot, if necessary. After the first exploding obstacle, you'll see a wide rock ledge with two rocket guards. One is on the left and one is on the right. Use Bond Sense to find an explosive crate behind the guard on the left, and then target and destroy the crate to kill the guard and earn a Bond Moment. When you see a white propane tank on a ledge, squeeze between a rock on the left and a wooden platform on the right to earn another Bond Moment. This shortcut is also very valuable, and you probably can't catch Serena without taking it unless you are playing on Operative difficulty. Remember that propane tank I mentioned earlier? Well, if you use Bond Sense to target it and shoot it, you can take out a guard and earn the final Bond Moment. Now, it's simply a matter of veering left and right to catch up with Serena and end the mission. Tips for platinum objective Complete first Bond Moment Take cover in broken wall room and kill all guards Use grenades in broken wall room to take out multiple guards Move cautiously through catacombs, and watch out for attacks from behind Use explosive crates to blow up propane tanks and clear out enemies in area after catacombs Avoid enemy fire during freefall (use Desert Eagle for one hit kills) ============================================================= X. A Show of Force Gold Target: 200,000 points Target Time: 6:00 Bond Moments: 5 Platinum Objective: Reach the extraction point in 45 seconds or less Serena is driving a tank in this mission, and James commandeers a machine gun. As soon as the mission begins, use the tank's cannon to destroy the jeep and blow open the gate for a Bond Moment. As you go along the path, a helicopter appears on your right. You won't get anything for destroying it, but do so anyway. After you reach the top of the steps, you'll see 2 enemies standing by some red barrels. Blast those barrels and the resulting explosion will kill the enemies, and you will get a Bond Moment. When you reach the fountain area, you'll meet up with a tank. Use your cannon or machine guns to destroy it. A jeep appears as well, so take it out too. Now, after this, keep going until you reach a gas station. Follow M's advice and shoot the gas pumps with the tank's cannon. This causes a huge explosion that takes out both tanks and the helicopter simultaneously. You get a Bond Moment for this, as well. Afterwards, watch the scene. James is flying solo again. Get on the Q Bike and take off. Go over the ramp and head right. Use the Flamethrower when enemy vehicles get close to you. There's a shortcut you can take here in order to get a Bond Moment (it's by a tree on your right). Also, when you reach the airfield entrance, ignore the jeeps and use the ramp on the right for another Bond Moment. Now, head left at full speed and get on the plane before time runs out. Another M16 Interlude follows this mission. Tips for platinum objective Take both Bond Moment shortcuts Take out the first jeep you encounter on route to extraction point so it doesn't block access to first shortcut ============================================================= XI. Mardi Gras Mayhem Gold Target: 200,000 points Target Time: 7:00 Bond Moments: 4 Platinum Objective: Reach the transport truck in 40 seconds or less after talking to Mya on the phone When you begin, you must drive to the park and meet with an NSA agent named Mya Starling. Bring up your full screen map and follow the blue icon to find the park. You can drive around for as long as you like, since there's no time limit. Once you get to the park, pull into the marker and get out of the car. Watch the scene. Now you do have a time limit. You have to get to the restaurant and steal the truck. Leave the park and head right. When you reach the flashing left-turn signal lights, turn right onto a wide brick path. Go left up a ramp to trigger a scene in which you sail through the air to a building, damaging a float on your way. When you land, you'll earn a Bond Moment. Keep going and follow the blue icon on your map to find the diner. Make sure you don't hit any civilians, or else you'll fail the mission. I think the pedestrians are impossible to kill, because I have seen my car go through them. Other cars, however, are a different story. If you hit another car hard enough, it will blow up. So try not to do that. Once you arrive at the restaurant, get out of the car, and walk up to the back-left side of the truck. Press the Triangle button to open the bay door. Drive your Aston Martin into the truck to get a Bond Moment. Now, the time limit disappears. Follow the blue icon on the map to find the factory. Watch the scene and then drive forward into the building and park at the marker. Get out of the truck and open the bay door to release your car. Run over to the next truck (the one that's just sitting there), and press Triangle to plant a tracking device. Watch the next scene. You now have to stop the henchman in the limo. You have three minutes to do so. If you didn't bring your car along, you'll have to use the truck. It can take more damage than the car, but it is much slower, and it doesn't have any weapons. You can, however, damage the limo by ramming into it. In any sense, drive out of the building and go the only way you can. Up ahead, you'll see a big cement tube (you can't do this with a truck). Drive into the tube and shoot out the other side to crash through a window and get a Bond Moment. Now, you can head to the streets. When the limo is in sight, you can start using missiles. Or, you can get in close and use your machine guns. Better yet, you can use the acid slick (press L1). This gets you a Bond Moment. When the limo has been stopped, watch the scene, and then move onto the next part of the mission. You have to get to the Kiss Kiss Club before time runs out. Go as fast as you can, but beware of other cars. Any civilian casualties will have you chasing after the limo again. Tips for platinum objective Go right after leaving park and turn right at flashing left-turn signals Follow brick path to first Bond Moment Try to skip the Bond Moment cinema Drive to diner without hitting anything ============================================================= XII. The Kiss Kiss Club Gold Target: 225,000 points Target Time: 1:30 Bond Moments: 3 Platinum Objective: Use no ammo As soon as you begin, use Bond Sense to locate the Rappel point on the right wall. Climb up and enter the room on the other side of the window. There's a woman here who apparently wants a massage. Press X when you're standing beside her and James will oblige. You'll get a Bond Moment for this. Leave the room and headleft down the hall. A guard will come through the door. Hug the wall and wait for him to stop and examine a picture. Use a stealth move on him. Head through the door, and then go into the control room on the right. Use a stealth move on the first guard, and then do the same for the guard standing by the security monitors. You can press a button near the monitors to open the door to the main part of the club. Get the battery to the right of the monitors, and then leave the control room and head downstairs. There should be a guard with his back to you. Take him out with a stealth move. Another guard should be walking away from you, and towards the door you could have opened in the control room. Use a stealth move on him and go through the door. Watch the scene, and then move to the left end of the counter and pull the lever to drop some lights on your enemies. This earns you a Bond Moment. Take out the remaining guard, and then walk forward a little bit. Two guys will appear on the balcony. One is on your right. The other is on your left. Shoot them both so that they fall to the floor below and you'll get the last Bond Moment. Head past the stage and get the battery on the right. On the left, you'll find a locked door. You need a keycard to open it. M suggests looking upstairs. There's an elevator to the right of the stage. Use it to go to the second floor. Run around up here and take out all the guards. The ones with the vests carry crowbars, so they only use melee attacks. Once all the guards have been eliminated, enter the only room up here to find some body armor, and grab the keycard from the desk. Exit this room and return to the first floor. About six crowbar-toting, vest-wearing guards are waiting for you here. Use the SPAS to make short work of them, and do not let them gang up on you. There is body armor on the table right next to the counter if you need it. Take the keycard and use it to unlock the door behind the stage. In the dressing room, you'll find two guards. Kill them, and then look for a secret passage on the right. Kill more guards in here, and then go up the steps to the door to complete the mission. Tips for platinum objective Use stealth to get to get to the bar Drop lights on enemies in bar Use nano suit after getting keycard and head for the exit ============================================================= XIII. Death's Door Gold Target: 275,000 points Target Time: 4:30 Bond Moments: 6 Platinum Objective: Complete the mission in 3:15 or less M warns you about lightning, and how it can give away your position. Keep that in mind. Go up the steps and press against the wall on the left. Peek around the corner and shoot the guard. A few more should appear, so kill them, as well. Leave the wall and head forward through the open gate. Kill any guards you see and head left across the small bridge. A guard should jump out of a window on the left, and some guards will come in from the right. Kill them all. There are a few snipers here, as well. One of them is in the tower of the church. If you want all of the Bond Moments, you'll have to wait and subdue him with melee attacks after you rappel up the front of the tower. Enter the building you see here. Head behind the boxes on the right and pick up a Dragunov. You can use it to kill the sniper on the roof of the building in the distance. Crouch and aim at him through the boarded window (you can target and shoot the boards covering the window with Bond Sense). You can also kill the sniper in the tower by aiming at him through the window on the right. But doing so will forfeit your chances of getting a Bond Moment a little later on. Now, send a Q Spider into the small hole and collect the body armor and earn a Bond Moment. Leave the building and head left, following the stone path into another area. Directly across from you is some body armor. Run forward and turn right, then target a couple of guards. Kill them, and then continue heading right. More guards will appear. One of them will run towards the iron gate on the right. Kill him before he opens it to get another Bond moment. There is a guard on the other side of the gate, as well. Kill him, too. Stand in front of the church door and rappel up to the tower. Use hand-to-hand combat to dispatch the sniper up here to earn a Bond Moment. Grab the skeleton key and the body armor. Sniper rifle ammo can be found here, too. As you leave the tower, a guard destroys it with his rocket launcher. When you get back to the ground, head back to the building and take out any guards who get in your way. Inside the building, use the skeleton key to open the left door. The lights go out when you get inside. Use Thermovision and Bond Sense to find your way around. Kill the Guards in this room and then head right, towards the stairs. There's body armor in here. I also believe there is an area under some crates where you can send the Spider, but once you take control of the Spider, you can't see anything. Please verify if something is there. Anyway, go up the stairs and kill all the guards. Exit to the balcony and go the left end. Target and kill the guards below, and then use the sniper rifle to shoot the electrical box. This nets you a Bond Moment. Head back to the church, and go left, taking out all guards that appear. Go up the steps and grab the body armor on the right, beside a large tombstone. Now, go down the steps to the left, and then go right towards the newly opened gate. Kill the guard and enter the crematorium. In here, James finds Mya being mistreated by a sadistic Frenchman named Jean Le Rouge. And guess what? You get to fight him. Boss: Jean Le Rouge This fight can be tricky, because you have to make sure that Mya doesn't end up being incinerated. As soon as the battle begins, push the button on the console in the middle of the room to stop the conveyor belt. You must do this every time La Rouge resets it. You can get a Bond Moment here by using Bond Sense to lock onto explosive barrels (there are two sets of them) and shooting them, thus causing damage to Le Rouge. Another Bond moment can be earned by using Bond Sense to lock onto a gas-vent switch and shooting it to release fire, again causing damage to Le Rouge (there are four switches: two on the ceiling, and two on the back walls). After that, use the pillars for cover and try to finish him off with regular gunfire. He carries a crossbow, and he fires explosive darts, so make sure you stay hidden. If you crouch behind a wall or a pillar, you can move to the left and right repeatedly to throw off Le Rouge's aim. When he runs into the middle of the room to activate the switch, blast him with your strongest weapon (SIG 552 or the SPAS, if you have it) to cause as much damage as possible. Tips for platinum objective Ignore all Bond Moments, especially those relating to Jean Le Rouge Use semiautomatic weapon to kill enemies quickly ============================================================= XIV. Battle in the Big Easy Gold Target: 250,000 points Target Time: 5:30 Bond Moments: 3 Platinum Objective: Get from Bond's hideout to Diavolo's compound in 55 seconds or less You get to drive a limo in this mission. You have to take Mya to Bond's hideout, where she will be safe. Not long after the mission begins, M tells you that there is a bomb on the limo. Mya will defuse it, but not immediately. The bomb will detonate if you slow down, so you just have to drive full speed to the blue icon on the map. Watch out for other cars, because they have a tendency to get in your way. Also, you are being pursued by enemies, and they keep shooting at you, and you cannot fire back. You can, however, use a smoke screen, and this earns you a Bond Moment. It doesn't take long to reach the hideout, fortunately, so you shouldn't have much trouble. At the hideout, you and Mya pile into the Aston Martin and head back out to the streets. You can use missiles and your machine gun to take care of those enemies. The blue icon on the map leads to the factory, which you are going to destroy. When you reach the factory, pull into the marker and deploy the RC car. Drive it up into the nearby pipe. Once you enter the compound, follow the catwalk until you reach the end. Watch the scene and then use the car's laser to release some steam. This chases the guards away. Drop off this catwalk to a lower catwalk. Take two lefts and two rights and follow the catwalk to the end, where you can drop to the fuel access panel. Use the laser on the panel to blow up the factory. If you can do this with just one RC car, then you will earn a Bond Moment. Now you have to get Mya back to her apartment. If you reach the apartment quickly enough, you'll get a Bond Moment. If you mess up now, you'll end up back at the hideout. The enemies during this segment are very aggressive, so you should take them out by any means necessary. If not, then they will chase you the whole time and they can cause lots of damage. Tips for platinum objective DO NOT HIT ANYTHING Move carefully around corners Use acid slick to take out pursuing enemies ============================================================= XV. Faded Splendor Gold Target: 300,000 points Target Time: 3:00 Bond Moments: 3 Platinum Objective: Complete the mission taking 100 points of damage or less When you get control of James, crouch and get the sniper rifle on your right. Two guards are talking in the room nearby. Activate your nano suit and head across the room to the hallway on the left. Hide behind the first couch and deactivate the nano suit to save on battery power. Wait for a guard to pass by, and then take him out with a stealth move. Send a Spider through the opening in the wall on the right to find some body armor. Have the spider return to James or just leave it where it is. Now, wait for the second guard to return to the central room. Head across the room, staying near the back wall so the sniper doesn't see you. Follow the guard into the hallway and use a stealth move on him, as well. Now, back in the central room, crouch behind the boards separating the central room and the dining area. There's a guard standing near a table. Shoot him with a Sleeper Dart. Now rappel up the left wall. You can use a stealth move to take out the sniper up here. He's standing to the left with his back to you. Head past the sniper and pull out your weapon. Shoot all the nearby guards. If you go straight down the hall to the end and turn left, you'll find a small room with body armor. Go back to where you killed the sniper, and head left down the hall to the end. You can see a place where only the Spider can go. Head to the end of this path and let the Spider drop to the floor near the stationary guard, eliminating him. Head back to where the sniper is, and this time go straight towards the wall, turn right, pass some tables, and then go down the stairs. Kill any guards who appear. The left and right rooms both lead to the balcony, as does a door in the middle across from the stairs. Stand on the balcony and use Bond Sense to target the chandelier. Shoot it and watch it crash down on several guards in the dining area. You get a Bond Moment for this. Head down to the dining area and take out any more guards that appear. There are two rooms on both sides of the main staircase. They are illuminated in red light. The left room has a switch, a battery, and body armor. The right room has a switch and a battery. Once both switches have been pulled, some doors will open and your first objective will be complete. More guards will pour in. Use the pillars in the dining area for cover while you shoot them. There are two snipers on the balcony. Head back up the stairs to the balcony after eliminating the snipers, and circle around to a room on the right-hand side, killing all guards who appear. In the room with an exit blocked by a fallen door, look for some artwork propped up against a wall. In the corner near this artwork is a wall switch. Press it to reveal a hidden weapons cache. Collect the ammo and body armor. You get a Bond Moment for revealing the cache. There's a spiderhole here that leads to the computer room on the first floor. You can take out guards here by detonating the Spider. Leave this room and head right down the stairs. There's a rappel point here that leads to the attic. Down the stairs past the rappel point is the computer room. There's a battery and some body armor in here. There's a sniper atop the rappel point. Subdue him with melee attacks and take out the guards that appear. More body armor lies in the room at the end of this area. Continue forward to find a large opening. Rappel down to the ground and crouch behind the nearest computer terminal. Guards will enter the room, but you should focus on taking out the guard behind the left terminal first because he likes to toss grenades. Once all the guards are gone, head into the room directly ahead to find Yayakov's Lair and end the mission. Tips for platinum objective Complete first Bond Moment Use Q Spider paths to eliminate foes and prevent ambushes Shoot chandelier to clear out guards in dining area Move cautiously and take cover whenever possible ============================================================= XVI. The Machinery of Evil Gold Target: 300,000 points Target Time: 3:00 Bond Moments: 3 Platinum Objective: Fire 10 rounds or less You begin right where the last mission left off. Grab the SPAS shotgun and the body armor behind you in this room before heading out the door to the right of the shotgun. Watch the scene. After that, shoot the guards. These guys aren't well protected, so they fall quickly. They seem to be nothing more than lab personnel. Okay, facing Yayakov, head left until you see some stairs. Go down them and go through the door. Wait for the electricity to subside, then run past the machine to the control console and press X to shut down the first processing chamber. Grab the body armor and ammo if you need it, but get out of the room as quickly as possible. After leaving the room and going up the steps, go right and take out the guards that have appeared. Then, head to the right side of Yayakov's chamber and go down the steps there. Run past the machines to the console and press X to shut down the second processing chamber. Grab the ammo and body armor if you need them before leaving. Take out any guards that have appeared, and then head down the stairs on the left side of Yayakov's chamber. Enter the door there. Again, you can grab some ammo and body armor before shutting down the third processing chamber. When you leave the room, head down the steps on your left. An electrical barrier has formed on the other set, and if you make contact with it, it can take down about half of your health. When you are underneath the floor, use Bond Sense to aim at the pipes on the left. Shoot them to reveal a rocket launcher. Pick it up to earn a Bond Moment. Kill all of the Guards down here (there is a steam vent behind three guards, use Bond Sense to target the vent and shoot it to stun the guards and earn a Bond Moment), and then work your way to the left, until you find low spot. There's an opening here, so deploy one of your Spiders. Carefully navigate it along the path until you reach a small lift. Place the Spider inside, and then exit the lift and follow the next path to the left. You'll end up in the last processing chamber room. The door is stuck, but you can solve that problem by detonating the Spider near the small engine like thing near the door. You'll get a Bond Moment for this, as well. Now proceed to the last processing chamber and shut it down. Go back to the main room and kill all the guards that have appeared. Watch the scene and then destroy the two transformer cores. They are the glowing reds things inside the generators in the middle of the room. You can find flashlights on the tables across from the generators. Pick up a flashlight and through it into the generator to disable it. Do this twice and say goodbye to Yayakov. Tips for platinum objective Ignore all Bond Moments after getting rocket launcher Use AT-420 to take out groups of enemies on lower level Use nano suit to avoid detection on upper level as you head to the processing chambers ============================================================= XVII. The Pontchartrain Bridge Gold Target: 300,000 points Target Time: 4:15 Bond Moments: 4 Platinum Objective: Complete the mission in 3:10 or less For this mission, you must catch up with Jaws before he reaches the city. From your starting position, head straight, and then turn left when you see a sign. You can get a Bond Moment here by ramping over the gate. You'll need to be going pretty fast in order to clear it. After the gate, there's a fork in the road. Go left to find a cabin. Four enemies are standing in the porch of the cabin, shooting at you. Blast the cabin with a rocket to get another Bond Moment. Continue past the cabin and through a tunnel until you reach the freeway. Again, you must avoid civilian casualties. And since you are on a motorcycle, you don't want any collisions. They can cause severe damage. At the tollbooth, stay in the middle lane and line yourself up with a pickup truck that's flipped over. Hitting it sends you flying through the billboard above the tollbooth. You can also drive through the tollgate, but you'll suffer some minor damage. Beyond that, you'll be attacked by two enemy motorcycles. Use the Flamethrower to take them out quickly. If you can get between them and then use the Flamethrower, you should take both of them out simultaneously. Another pair of enemy motorcycles lies further on. Dispatch of them in the same manner. After you get rid of them, stay on the left side of the road, and hit the ramp when it appears. You'll zoom over two suspended sections of highway, and when you land, you'll get a Bond Moment. You are wrong side of the road now, so, take the next available right to get back where you need to be. Two enemy cars start attacking you now. Use rockets or the flamethrower to take them out. After they're gone, keep going, and a scene will occur. Jaws slams into a yellow tanker, and this creates a pile up of sorts. Press L1 to slide under the tanker when you get close enough, and watch the fireworks. This is the final Bond Moment. After this, you must simply catch up with Jaws. Use Rockets to take out the trucks up ahead. The guys in the backs of these trucks will drop explosive barrels into the road, so it's important to eliminate this threat as quickly as possible. When you reach Jaws' tanker, get on either side of it and start using your Flamethrower. You have to take out his four rear tires. This mission is followed by another M16 Interlude. Tips for platinum objective DO NOT RUN INTO ANYTHING Always try to maintain top speed Do not jump construction ramp Take right path at beginning rather than going left past the cabin ============================================================= XVIII. A Simple Exchange Gold Target: 325,000 points Target Time: 1:00 Bond Moments: 3 Platinum Objective: Complete the mission in 40 seconds or less M tells you to be stealthy, so take her advice. Use a stealth move on the guard in front of you. If you trip the alarm, the mission's over. Go left behind the counter and grab the battery. From here, you can head straight into the lobby. A guard should appear behind you. He will inspect the body of the other guard before walking around. Use your nano suit to sneak up on him and dispatch him with a stealth move. You may not need to use your nano suit if the guard is walking near the stairs that lead to the second floor. In that case, he won't be looking at you. You can also use a Sleeper Dart if you want. Now, head through the lobby to the patio area on the other side. Stay crouched and wait for a guard in a white suit to walk towards the back wall. Follow him and use a stealth move. While on the patio, look for a cabinet in a corner. Press X while standing in front of the cabinet to slide it over, revealing a hidden room with Sleeper Dart ammo. You get a Bond Moment for finding this room. Pick up the keycard he drops. Now use the junction box on the right to disable the security lasers and earn a Bond Moment. You can also earn a Bond Moment by using the EMP grenades to disable the security cameras. Near the junction box on the patio, look up to spot a camera. After this one, the rest are very easy to find. There are some in the lobby, and one you'll see as soon as you reach the second floor by way of the stairs near the counter. You should encounter two Guards as you make your way back through the lobby. Try to use melee attacks to subdue them, but if those don't work, or if you simply don't like hand-to-hand combat, then use a Sleeper Dart. I don't really suggest a gun, because this might alert a guard on the second floor, and he might trip an alarm before you can get up there to take care of him. On the second floor, more guards show up. You can use guns here, but I prefer Sleeper Darts or punches. Once the guards have been put down, make your way to the door near the back-right corner. It has a camera above it. Go through this door into the room, and then head across to the next room to find the race car driver's uniform. Press X to change clothes and end the mission. Fewer guards will appear if you avoid detection by the cameras. Tips for platinum objective No stealth No Bond Moments No item collecting Use Sleeper Dart on first guard, and another Dart on guard at patio You should have 24 seconds after deactivating lasers Equip nano suit and run up stairs to driver's room ============================================================= XIX. Red Line Gold Target: 350,000 points Target Time: 5:40 Bond Moments: 2 Platinum Objective: Complete the race in 4:50 or less M states the obvious. You must finish first. In order to get a Gold ranking, you need (as stated above) 350,000 points. The 2 Bond Moments are very easy to get. Therefore, in order to get that many points (about 330,000, since Bond Moments are worth 10,000 each), you are going to have to finish the race very quickly (and you should do it on 00 Agent, so your total score will be doubled). Try not to hit ANYTHING, including rocks or the red barrels (which are explosive). Also make use of the shortcut near the end of the track. You get a Bond Moment for doing so, and since your opponents never take it, it can give you an easy lead. The other Bond Moment can be earned near the start of the race. You'll find a small hill on the right side of the track. Ramp off of this, and then immediately cut to the left after landing. Head over the small bump next to the tree on your right. If you do this after ramping the first hill, you'll get a Bond Moment. ============================================================= XX. Ambushed Gold Target: 350,000 points Target Time: 2:00 Bond Moments: 3 Platinum Objective: Use no ammo Again, you can rack up a huge weapon efficiency score by using melee attacks rather than guns. As soon as you get control of James, a guard grabs you from behind. You can flip him. Once you do so, knock out the other guard to get a P99 pistol. Another guard enters the room shortly. Wait on either side of the door or crouch by the desk and then knock him out with punches. There are some wine bottles scattered around the second floor that you can use to knock out your enemies, so make use of them. Try to engage all of your enemies in hand-to-hand combat. There are several pieces of body armor in this area, so you can afford to take quite a bit of damage. At some point, a rocket launcher guard appears near the stairs that lead to the first floor. Use the P99, press up against the wall, and try to kill him with a head shot (if you haven't done this yet, adjust the targeting dot with the Right Analog Stick). Also, if you get a guard near the second floor railing, you can press Triangle and Square to throw him over the railing and earn Bond Moment. Most of the guards in white suits carry shotguns, so look out for them. Head back to the room where you stole the race driver's uniform and head to the balcony that connects that room with another one. Use a head shot to kill the guard below, and then shoot the junction box to open the shutters blocking access to the patio on the first floor (this also earns you a Bond Moment). Now, head to the first floor. There's a shotgun guard behind the counter, and two more will usually show up to assist him, not to mention a few other guards. If you have a shotgun, use it, and you should kill the guards in one shot, or at least two. Now, in the lobby, head right, and look for a hallway with two doors. Enter the last room in this hallway to earn a Bond Moment and take what you can (body armor, etc.) I believe you need the keycard from the last mission to access this room, but I'm not sure. Anyway, head to the patio, and Q tells you to look for a hidden door. Press X while standing near the left side of the shelf that's standing against the left wall (you could have uncovered this room during A Simple Exchange to get a Bond Moment) and you will find Serena and complete this mission. Tips for platinum objective Disable cameras by throwing items at them Use bottles to stun or knock out enemies with shotguns or rocket launchers Use strobe grenade if you get surrounded Roll as much as possible to prevent your enemies from getting a lock on you ============================================================= XXI. The High Road Gold Target: 300,000 points Target Time: 4:00 Bond Moments: 3 Platinum Objective: Use the rooftops to reach the mine in 1:20 or less Your first order of business is to deliver Serena to the hotel. You will be driving the race car you used during the Red Line mission. This vehicle isn't armored, and it isn't outfitted with any weapons or defense mechanisms. You'll be pursued by enemy motorcycles. You can blow them up by crashing into them, and this is highly recommended, unless you can simply outrun them. Bring up the full screen map and follow the blue icon to reach the hotel. In the village, you'll see two tanks and a set of stairs on the right. Speed up those stairs to bypass the tanks and earn a Bond Moment. You'll encounter another pair of tanks farther along the path, but you can just drive through the obstacle between them. Be sure to avoid being hit by the tanks' cannons, or else you probably won't make it to the hotel. Once you reach the hotel, you drop off Serena and jump onto the Q Bike. When you regain control, drive up the stairs on the right and watch the scene. You'll earn a Bond Moment after you land. Now, follow the blue icon to the main entrance, only to find that it has been sealed off. M tells you to be resourceful. Turn around and look for the opening on your right. Use it to reach the village rooftops. Follow this straightforward path until you fall through a wooden bridge. Head down the narrow corridor you land on and slide under the statue at the end for a Bond Moment. Tips for platinum objective DO NOT FALL OFF THE ROOFTOPS Always go at top speed, so you can clear the rooftop ramps easily ============================================================= XXII. Diavolo's Plan Gold Target: 375,000 points Target Time: 6:00 Bond Moments: 3 Platinum Objective: Complete the mission in 3:10 or less Your first order of business is to escape. Use the EMP to disable the drill and break free of your restraints. James tells M about Diavolo's plans to attack Moscow. She asks you to destroy the mine. Get your Sleeper Darts and Rappel cable to complete an objective. A guard should enter this room. He has the locker key (some weapons and your Q Spiders are in the locker). Use Sleeper Darts or (preferably) melee attacks to take him down. Leave the room and kill any more guards who approach. You should now have at least two guns, if you want to use them. Head right after exiting the room and press X when standing near the console to call the elevator. Now, head to the other end of this area. Up above you, on the right, there should be two guards. Use Bond Sense to lock onto the explosive containers near the guards and shoot the containers to kill them and earn a Bond Moment. Now, use the lift to go up to the next level. Try to kill all of the Guards with head shots. One of the guards might throw a grenade, so look out. Now target the red valves near the large hydraulic presses. Shoot the valves to disable the presses, then walk down the conveyor belt to the other side (look for some body armor on your left as you cross the conveyor belt). Go up the steps and kill the guards that descend from above. Keep going until you find some body armor. Now, you have to destroy the exhaust gear systems. Lock onto the first one near the body armor. It's in an alcove on the wall. The other one is back to the left a little ways. Once both of them have been destroyed, rappel up the wall and kill the guards that appear. Then go through the double doors on the right. Now head through the doors on the left. Kill the guards here and go down the stairs until you reach a room with lots of terminals. The one in the middle has an override switch. Kill all of the guards that appear in this room before leaving. Also, use your Spider to pick up the body armor in an alcove under the stairs (it's near the red lasers you see in the terminal room). Getting the body armor nets you a Bond Moment. Send a Spider into the room guarded by lasers. Turn to the right upon entering and find the exposed panel. Detonate the Spider to destroy the panel and deactivate the lasers. Kill the guard in here, and get a rocket launcher and a battery. Leave this room and head back up the stairs. Kill all enemies that appear and you'll be able to go through doors previously blocked by lasers. Eventually, you'll reach an elevator. Press the button to call it down, and then head to the surface to complete this mission. Tips for platinum objective Ignore all Bond Moments Grab weapons cache in drill room for extra firepower Run through the level and kill enemies with a semiautomatic (AK-47) Try not to use cover that much, and always keep your health near maximum by picking up body armor ============================================================= XXIII. The Platinum War Gold Target: 400,000 points Target Time: 4:40 Bond Moments: 2 Platinum Objective: Neutralize bomb in 2:15 or less Drive forward until you come to a wall. Use the tank cannon to destroy it, and then continue along the road. Turn right, and before you pass through the arch in front of you, select the Nano Shells. A target appears on the arch ahead. Fire a Nano Shell to make the arch fall on the tank sitting underneath it. This nets you a Bond Moment. Continue forward and turn left at the intersection. Here, use either your tank cannon or plasma gun to shoot the fuel truck and blow it up to create a hole in the side of the building. This earns you another Bond Moment. Go through the hole and head straight through into Red Square. As you enter the Square, look to the left and right to find two tanks. Using the walls of the building you just passed through as cover; use the tank cannon to take out both tanks. Their cannons can do hefty damage, so try to avoid close encounters. Also, if you simply keep moving, the tanks will have a hard time hitting you. Once both tanks are gone, head left towards the cathedral. Two tanks guard the entrance to the underground passages. Take them out and then head to the back of the building, and go through the doors into the sewers. Once the bomb is set, you will have two minutes to neutralize it. Drive down the tunnel and take the first left to find the bomb. Fire a Nano Shell when the target appears to send the bomb into the water. Now, after the scene, head back to the intersection and go left to find a large chamber with three green pillars. Use Nano Shells to destroy these pillars. Another blue icon appears on the map once you have done this. Follow it to the exit. Back on the surface, take out the tank on the right, and then head right again to encounter another tank, which comes barreling over a small hill. Destroy it and then drive forward towards the Square. A scene plays. You should see a helicopter carrying a statue of Diavolo. When the scene is over, fire a Nano Shell at the helicopter to make it drop the statue, thus eliminating the fleet of tanks. You should position yourself on the hill where you fought the last tank in order to get a good angle for shooting the helicopter. DO NOT DRIVE INTO THE SQUARE. It is possible to use the tank cannon to destroy the tanks in the Square, but it is much easier (and more practical) to simply aim for the helicopter. Tips for platinum objective Keep moving to avoid being damaged by enemy tanks Destroy the tank that blocks access to the underground passage Destroy the tank guarding the bomb; you can use the wall as partial cover If your health is less than 50% after neutralizing the bomb, you might want to start over, because you'll probably die before you can finish the level ============================================================= XXIV. Dangerous Descent Gold Target: 300,000 points Target Time: 6:00 Bond Moments: 3 Platinum Objective: Take less than 100 points of damage As soon as the mission starts, turn around to spot a railing with two spaces underneath. Send a Q Spider into the left space, across some metal boxes. Follow this path to reach an open window. Drop into the room and go through the partially opened door on the right. Wait for the guard to open the big red door to the vault, and then kill him to earn a Bond Moment. As James, walk down the stairs and use Bond Sense to target a box in front of a large red metal crate on the right side of the open shaft. Use four shots from your P99 to destroy the wooden box, and then send a Q Spider on the path through the stacked crates. You'll find a small hole that leads to a control room of sorts. There's body armor in the southwest corner. Detonate the Spider and destroy the console with the blinking red light. Now, rappel down the shaft. At the first set of lasers, stop and then kick off the wall to jump over them and avoid damage. You can simply outmaneuver the second set of lasers. Watch out for the rocket turrets, as well. You can either bypass them, or destroy them with the rocket launcher. When you reach the platform at the bottom of the shaft, wait for it to quit moving. Crouch behind the metal crate near the jet and wait for a guard to show up. He should have a SIG. Take him out. There's another guard here, as well, but he has a shotgun. Once both guards are gone, head through the middle door on the right and use Bond Sense to target a panel in the floor. Shoot it to destroy a fan. Head out the door on the right wall to find a lift control console. Don't do anything to it yet. Send out another Q Spider, and take to the hole underneath a large tank nearby (look for some green light). Head left to find a battery, and then go right to find a ramp. The ramp leads to an area behind some crates. There's body armor here if you need it. Take the Spider near the guard in the middle and detonate the Spider to kill all three guards and get a Bond Moment. This might not work too well if these guards have seen you. Now oyu can activate the first lift console. Head to the location where your Spider dispatched the guards behind the crates and take the discarded ammo. Take cover as the door at the end of the hallway opens, revealing more guards. Kill them and then activate the second lift control console. All the doors to the lift close except one. More guards wait around the corner from the second lift console. One of them has a rocket launcher. If you have a rocket launcher, use it. If not, then hug the wall and try to use corner shots to nail the guards. Or take cover behind the nearby boxes. If you go back to where the first lift console was, you'll see another rocket launcher guard. He seems to be guarding a battery and body armor. Kill him if you need these items, and then step onto the lift and watch the scene. After it's over, you'll be facing four rocket guards. You can duck behind one of the metal crates and pick them off one by one. If you take damage, there are two pieces of body armor in the middle of the area. I suggest taking these guards out first, just to be safe. Your objective, however, is to shoot out the brake controls. There are four of them. One is located in each corner. Use Bond Sense if you don't know where they are. After the elevator gets moving again, you get a rematch with Jaws. Boss: Jaws When the battle begins, pick up the weapons on the floor and then crouch behind one of the metal boxes. You should constantly fire at Jaws, even though you'll cause the most damage when he turns around and exposes his backpack. You can use strobe grenades to stun him in order to get off a few good shots of you're having trouble. Jaws begins by creating a large flame and moving it back and forth. Stay hidden behind your box until it turns red, then move to another in order to avoid damage. After this, Jaws will start shooting fireballs at you. These are explosive, and you should roll to avoid them. You can shoot Jaws in between fireballs, but you can probably only get off one shot. If you have the rocket launcher, you can cause some major damage. Jaws will initially just shoot one fireball at a time, but later in the battle, he will start shooting three fireballs at a time. This attack is harder to dodge, but not by much. If you take too long defeating Jaws, the elevator will crash and you will have to fight him all over again. Once his health has been depleted, jump into the cockpit of the plane beside him and watch as James makes his escape. Tips on platinum objective Avoid lasers in the shaft at the start of the mission There are several crates in this level, so make sure you use them for cover while fighting enemies Use the Q Spider to scout the area and take out as many enemies as you can with its Sleeper Dart Use the AT-420 to take out multiple enemies simultaneously Before destroying the brake controls, take out the rocket guards while hiding behind a metal box ============================================================= XXV. Red Underground Gold Target: 425,000 points Target Time: 6:00 Bond Moments: 6 Platinum Objective: Fire 10 rounds or less You begin the mission in an elevator shaft. There's a Desert Eagle on the left you should pick up. Run forward and rappel up the ledge above you to exit the shaft. As the bay doors open, take cover, and notice the guard on the catwalk in the distance. You can kill him for a Bond Moment. On the catwalk outside the shaft, run left for a battery, then take cover again as the enemies below start shooting at you. Use Bond Sense to target the tank below and shoot it with the Network Tap to take control of it . Use the tank's cannon to blow up the fuel barrels to take out the enemies in the middle of the room (thus earning a Bond Moment), including a rocket guard. More enemies might appear, so wait a few moments before disengaging the Network Tap. Head back out to the catwalk and go right. Ride the hydraulic platform, and then continue right to find a sniper rifle. This earns you another Bond Moment. You can use the sniper rifle to take out any remaining guards on the floor below. Rappel down to the floor from an opening near where you found the sniper rifle. Head left to find body armor sitting on top of a box. The hallway that passes through the center of this large room should be clear if you took control of the tank. In the northeast part of the room, you'll find a bunker with a rocket guard inside. Send a Spider inside the bunker and dispatch this guard before going any further. The same applies for a sniper in a bunker in the northwest part of the room. In front of the sniper bunker, you'll probably notice a couple of nano guards. Use Thermovision to track their movements and target them. In the middle of the room, on top of a box, is another piece of body armor. In the northeast corner of the room, you will find more body armor, along with a battery and some ammo. Head to the northwest corner of the room and look for a ramp to the lower level. Use Bond Sense to target and shoot the barrels to get them out of your way. Before doing this, you can send a Q Spider into the lower level, and have it take out guards with it Sleeper Darts. You do not have to go down the ramp. Instead, you can a hydraulic lift to the left. From there, you can fall to the lower level and drop behind some cover. Take out all enemies that appear. Use fuel barrels to your advantage. Nano guards are down here, as well, so it might be wise to activate Thermovision. There are four pieces of body armor down here, so there's really no way you can die, unless you are simply overwhelmed or outflanked by your foes. Look for a guard standing underneath a tank suspended by a hydraulic lift. Use Bond Sense to target the tank's hydraulic control, and shoot it to make the tank fall on the guard. This earns you a Bond Moment. There's a large lift here you can use to reach the upper level of the facility. You'll notice that the lift can be controlled by two consoles. The one by the door across from the lift is used if you want to send a Spider up first to scout the area and take out any enemies that might be lying in wait. The other console is actually on the lift, so when you're ready, use the console to head to the upper level. As soon as the lift stops, run into the control room up ahead and look for the green switch on your left. Press it to spray a guard with platinum, thus earning another Bond Moment. There's a battery in the control room, too, so pick it up before moving on. The control room also has a switch that lowers a bridge. The bridge leads to a console. Crouch behind the console and press X to open the large door up ahead. Two rocket guards are inside. Use a strobe grenade to stun them and earn a Bond Moment, then take them out with melee attacks. Once they have been dispatched, you can run to the door behind them and complete the mission. Tips on platinum objective Watch the guard patrols from the catwalk after exiting the shaft and try to use stealth Use fuel barrels to take out multiple enemies Use the Network Tap on a tank, and use the tank's cannon to clear out guards Use the rocket launcher to clear out guards Use the Q Spider's Sleeper Darts Use throwable items like hammers Complete the last two Bond Moments ============================================================= XXVI. The Final Card Gold Target: 325,000 points Target Time: 6:00 Bond Moments: 4 Platinum Objective: Take 100 points of damage or less As soon as the mission begins, you'll be rushed by two guards. Use melee attacks to dispatch them, then run to the left and press up against the wall where the battery is. Shoot as many guards as you can from this position. After several moments, or after eliminating about half a dozen guards, turrets will drop down from the ceiling. You can take control of the turrets by using the Network Tap. Head down the metal stairs nearby, and take out any remaining guards. At the intersection, go left and pick up the battery on the floor. You can shoot a guard standing behind a desk in the area below on the left. Once he's dead, continue forward. The desk on your left can be used as cover, and there's body armor behind it. Same for another desk on the right. If the turrets happen to fire rockets at you, roll out of the way. You can only use the Network Tap on a turret by shooting it from behind. Once you have control of a turret, shoot the other turret to disable it and get a Bond Moment. After doing this, watch for two sets of three enemies to rush out of two doorways. The first set comes out of the door where you started the mission, and the other comes out of a door to the left of the turrets. Take out both groups with the turrets to earn another Bond Moment. Now, aim the turret at Diavolo's chamber and shoot at him to complete an objective. Four exhaust shunts will rise out of the ground. Two of them are nearby, so press the X Button to shut down each one. Crouch behind the L-shaped desks and take out any new guards that appear. Once the coast is clear, send out the Q Spider to scout the area. Check behind other consoles in the room to make sure that no enemies are hiding there. Take the spider down a short set of stairs to a red carpeted section of the room. Have it follow the red carpet to the lower level, and go right to find three enemies guarding the next exhaust shunt. Use Sleeper Darts on them. Check the consoles again before bringing the spider back to James. Head to the area the spider just cleared to find body armor and the shunt. Disable the shunt and then return to the low part of the red carpet area. Head left this time. Crouch behind one of the crates and deploy a Q Spider. Take it through the hole on the left, near the door. Get the battery in here, then take the first right to find the room with the fourth shunt. Take out the two guards in here to earn a Bond Moment. Head back into the spider path, and take the second right to find a wrench that is causing the fourth shunt to be stuck. Detonate the spider near the wrench to dislodge it. Now you can enter the room with the fourth shunt and deactivate it. After the scene, and the appearance of your final objective, press up the against the wall near the exit to this room and take out the guards waiting for you in the hall outside. Wait here until a couple of nano guards show up. Use an EMP grenade on one or both of them to earn a Bond Moment, and then subdue with bullets or melee attacks. Work your way back to the entrance, taking out guards along the way. You may want to activate Thermovision in case you run into more nano guards. Now you can leave this dreadful place. After the scene, you'll do battle with Diavolo's hover jet. Boss: Hover Jet This is a tough fight. There are three stages, each with a different target. The jet basically has two attacks: missiles and machine gun bullets. Missiles are pretty easy to dodge; all you have to do is roll to the right or left as it approaches. There are two pieces of body armor to be found here, so use them wisely. When the jet is ready to use its guns, it will dip down below the elevator and then level out. You can crouch behind the metal boxes that are lying around, but they get destroyed quite easily. The best hiding spot is actually the large steel middle beam near the jet. Stay here until the jet stops firing its machine gun. It usually does three sweeps before stopping. In order to win this fight in a reasonable amount of time, you are going to need an AT- 420. You can find one and 48 rounds of ammunition for it in the wooden boxes near the front of the lift. Stay near the jet at all times, and fire rockets when you get a lock-on. A direct hit can lower the jet's health by one half, if not more. The only time you should move away from the jet is when fire spews from below. Once it subsides, return to the front lines. The best way to line up your shots is by holding down L1 and then moving back and forth. Listen for a beep. This beep indicates that you're locked on. Don't stray too far from that middle beam, in case the jet unleashes more machine gun fire. This battle can take awhile, so just be patient and don't think you can take this thing down in a hurry. Trying to do that will result in game over. Tips for platinum objective COVER, COVER, COVER!!! Use Q Spider to scout ahead and subdue enemies with Sleeper Darts ============================================================= XXVII. Everything or Nothing Gold Target: 450,000 points Target Time: 6:00 Bond Moments: 3 Platinum Objective: Complete mission in 5:00 or less This is the final mission of the game, and also the toughest. You should know that in order to get two of the Bond Moments here, you have to make sure that the vault was opened during Dangerous Descent. When the mission begins, run forward and duck behind the orange metal crates. Kill the guards that come through the door. Head left to find another guard behind some orange metal crates. Kill him, too. Now, go back to your starting point, and look for a small opening. Send a Spider through this opening and follow the path to find the vault room. Use a Sleeper Dart on the guard, and then detonate the Spider near the locked metal doors to earn a Bond Moment. Now, head into the room the enemies originally came out of at the beginning. Crouch behind the first set of boxes and kill the guard that runs by on the catwalk above, and then dispose of the other two guards. Now, head through the doors on the left and enter the vault to earn a Bond Moment. Here, you'll find lots of ammo, batteries, and body armor. Pick up the rocket launcher before leaving. Head back to the previous room and go up the ramp in the northwestern corner. Look for body armor on the left, and then grab the sniper rifle by the window. You can use the rifle to eliminate two guards on the other side of the warehouse. Go back down the ramp and through the shutter door. In the next room, kill the two guards, and then kill the sniper on the high platform. You can rappel up there to find more body armor. Use the SIG to take out the guards in the next room, and then go through the metal doors on the right. In here, you have to dispatch the rocket guard near the entrance. Use your SIG or AT-420 to do so. Now you have to move through the warehouse. Here are a few tips: use the Q Spider to scout ahead, and make sure to use the AT-420 to take care of enemies on the upper balcony. There is body armor in the open, to the left of a yellow container near the wreckage caused by the defeat of the rocket guard. Near that area, you can find a red container on the left with an open door. Go inside and send a Spider through the opening to find two batteries and body armor. From this container, head forward and watch for a red metal container to open above you. Kill the guard inside, and then move right to encounter more guards. Look for the large container suspended in the air, and use Bond Sense to target the glowing switch above it. Shoot the switch to drop the container onto the enemies and earn a Bond Moment. Keep moving forward until you reach the wall. To the right is some body armor. Now head up the warehouse's right side. About halfway through, another red container opens up on the left, and a shotgun guard emerges. You can use this container as a shortcut if you ever need to backtrack (to the vault, especially). When you reach the other end, a sniper and rocket guard appear on the upper level. Use the AT-420 to take them out quickly. More enemies are revealed when the windows on the building ahead open. Nano guards will start showing up as well, so activate Thermovision to avoid being ambushed by them. You now have two options. 1) use the rappel point on the right side of the building 2) go left, killing guards, until you reach the building entrance, and another rappel point up to the roof If you take the first option, you can drop down a hole and find a ledge with body armor on top of it. If you choose the second option, you can use the Q Spider to find a small crevice that leads to an open metal container with two pieces of body armor and a battery. When you're on the roof, walk onto the thin red support beam that spans the warehouse. Halfway across is body armor, but if you keep going to the end of the beam, you can fall off and land on top of red metal container. From here, look for a thin red ledge to land on. You'll open up the container you fell on to reveal two pieces of body armor, three batteries, and rocket launcher ammo. When ready, enter the building and kill the guards inside. Now, head out the doors that lead to the next area (they're on the left). Defeat the guards and then open the large red blast doors to reach the final part of the mission. In addition to the blast doors, you'll also see two more sets of doors. The doors on the left lead to the room where you blew up the consoles and disabled the lasers during the Dangerous Descent mission. The doors on the right lead to a room with a nano guard so don't even bother opening them. Once you pass through the blast doors, grab the rocket launcher ammo on the rack to the left, and then head down the ramp. Now comes your final battle with Diavolo. Shoot a rocket at his chamber, and then roll out of the way to avoid the fireballs he shoots at you. Make sure you run past the missile hole in the ground, and once you are on the other side of it, use a few more rockets to eliminate Diavolo, who launches the missiles right before meeting his demise. Now, look for an opening in the wall, and you'll get control of a cannon. Immediately aim at the missile and shoot it three times to destroy it. If you aren't fast enough, it will launch, and you will have to fight Diavolo again. If you can destroy the missile, then sit back and enjoy the ending. Tips on platinum objective Ignore all Bond Moments Get a rocket launcher by shooting a box in the darkened room with the sniper Kill enemies quickly, and use the rappel point on the right side of the building near the end of the level ======================================================================= XXVIII. Cheats and Unlockables Cheats (enter at pause menu when appropriate amount of Platinum medals has been achieved) ------ All Weapons - 17 Platinum medals (Circle, Triangle, X, X, Circle) Cloak - 13 Platinum medals (Circle, Triangle, X , Triangle, Square) Double Ammo - 7 Platinum medals (Circle, Circle, X, Circle, Triangle) Double Damage - 9 Platinum medals (Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle) Full Ammo - 11 Platinum medals (Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square) Full Battery - 15 Platinum medals (Circle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle) Golden Gun - 1 Platinum medal (Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle) Improved Battery - 5 Platinum medals (Circle, Square, Square, X, Circle) Improved Traction - 3 Platinum medals (Circle, X, X, Square, Triangle) Platinum Gun - 27 Platinum medals (Circle, Square, Square, Circle, X) Slow Motion Driving - 25 Platinum medals (Circle, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle) Unlimited Ammo - 23 Platinum medals (Circle, X, Square, X, Circle) Unlimited Battery - 19 Platinum medals (Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle) Unlockables ----------- Cheyenne Weapon Upgrade - 12 Gold medals Gallery - 27 Gold medals Helicopter Weapon Upgrade - 6 Gold medals Katya - 20 Gold medals Miss Nagai - 17 Gold medals Mya - 14 Gold medals Nanotank Weapon Upgrade - 24 Gold medals Production Stills 1 - 1 Gold medal Production Stills 2 - 2 Gold medals Production Stills 3 - 3 Gold medals Production Stills 4 - 4 Gold medals Production Stills 5 - 5 Gold medals Production Stills 6 - 7 Gold medals Production Stills 7 - 9 Gold medals Production Stills 8 - 13 Gold medals Production Stills 9 - 16 Gold medals Production Stills 10 - 18 Gold medals Production Stills 11 - 19 Gold medals Production Stills 12 - 22 Gold medals Production Stills 13 - 23 Gold medals Production Stills 14 - 25 Gold medals Serena - 8 Gold medals Tank Weapon Upgrade - 10 Gold medals Triumph Weapon Upgrade - 21 Gold medals Underworld - 11 Gold medals Vanquish Weapon Upgrade - 15 Gold medals Multiplayer ----------- Cistern - 30 points Baron Samedi - 50 points Odd Job - 70 points Egypt Commander - 90 points Hazmat Guard - 110 points Mya - 130 points Test Lab - 160 points Egypt Guard - 180 points South Commander - 210 points Moscow Guard - 230 points Le Rouge - 260 points 003 - 290 points Katya Jumpsuit - 320 points Serena - 350 points Burn Chamber - 370 points Diavolo Moscow - 400 points Serena - 430 points Miss Nagai - 450 points ==================================================================== XXIX. Credits Prima - for its well organized and incredibly helpful guide James Kiler - for his help on Bond Moments Franz Huber - for his help on the walkthroughs of the last two missions Message board users - for their comments, questions, and suggestions Melissa Connors - for her correction of spelling and punctuation errors