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Added thank you's and legal information 1.25: added more info on the Stalker/Hunter Mine Launcher 1.30: Changed a few grammar problems, and added Supercheats.com to the allowed sites list. 1.35: Made corrections to spelling and added a tip from Bradley Ezard on the Scorpion/Leviathan Flail. [][][][][][] ++++++ Weapon Guide Layout: ++++++ +++++++++++++++ [Fusion Rifle] <-- Weapon Name +++++++++++++++ Weapon Cost : 50,000 bolts <-- Cost to buy Weapon Ammo Cost : 50 bolts <-- Cost per unit of ammo Starting Damage: 500 <-- Level 1 damage Starting Ammo : 8 <-- Ammo capacity without any Ammo Mods equipped L10 Damage : 2000 <-- Level 10 damage L99 Damage : 4046 <-- Level 99 damage Range : Long <-- Effective Range of weapon Mega Weapon Cost: 1,500,000 bolts <-- cost to upgrade to Mega Weapon Recommended Omega Mods: <-- Best Omega Mods for Weapon Freeze, Shock Notes: <-- Notes about weapon ... [Anti-Matter Rifle] <-- Name of upgraded Weapon ... <-- Notes about upgraded Weapon ==================== Weapons ==================== +++++++++++++++ [Dual Vipers] +++++++++++++++ Weapon Cost : Free Ammo Cost : 3 bolts Starting Damage: 10 Starting Ammo : 200 L10 Damage : 80 L99 Damage : 168 Range : Medium Mega Weapon Cost: 2,250,000 bolts Recommended Omega Mods: Acid, Shock, Freeze Notes: Dual Vipers are your basic machineguns. They have a very high rate of fire, even without any Speed Mods. Each bullet does very little damage, but you can put a lot of bullets into an enemy in a very short amount of time. The Vipers never really get TOO powerful, so they're best used on small and medium enemies. Equip a lot of Speed Mods to get a higher firing rate, and stick on a few Ammo Mods so you don't run out of ammo as often. [Dual Raptors] At level 10 the Dual Vipers become the Dual Raptors. There's no big changes except for now the stream of bullets turns from green to blue and each shot bounces off of anything it hits, almost like the Blaster from the original R&C. the bouncing function makes these much more effective at battling groups of enemies or lots of enemies in small rooms. +++++++++++++++ [Magma Cannon] +++++++++++++++ Weapon Cost : Free Ammo Cost : 5 bolts Starting Damage: 60 Starting Ammo : 20 L10 Damage : 300 L99 Damage : 567 Range : Medium Mega Weapon Cost: 1,750,000 bolts Recommended Omega Mods: Acid, Shock Notes: Your shotgun. The magma cannon works on the same idea as the Shock Cannon and Blitz Cannon from the previous titles. It does more damage at close range than at long range, and it has a very wide spread. Equipping a few Impact Mods and Ammo Mods will make this weapon much more effective. [Vulcan Cannon] The Magma Cannon becomes the Vulcan Cannon at level 10, and besides more damage, every shot homes in on the closest target when you pull the trigger. It's possible to hit more than one enemy this way, and you wont waste near as much ammo. It also seems that the distance factor doesn't matter so much. +++++++++++++++ [B-6 Obliterator] +++++++++++++++ Weapon Cost : 15,000 bolts Ammo Cost : 50 bolts Starting Damage: 60 Starting Ammo : 6 L10 Damage : 750 L99 Damage : 1550 Range: : Short Mega Weapon Cost: 2,500,000 bolts Recommended Omega Mods: Napalm, Mini-bomb Notes: The B-6 Obliterator is the latest iteration of the Mininuke and Nitro Launcher from GC and UYA. And it's disappointing. It has very short range and doesn't really do that much damage at all. It's a really good idea to put lots of Ammo Mods on this weapon, since it only starts with six shots, and 2 or 3 Area Mods to increase its blast radius, and even a couple of Tracking Mods if you have the space. You really wont use this weapon very much throughout the game, although it's necessary to complete several of the skill points. [B-11 Vaporizer] The B-6 becomes the B-11 Vaporizer when it hits level 10. There's no big change in this weapon from the B-6. It does more damage and has a slightly larger blast radius, but other from that its no different, and you STILL wont use it very much at all. +++++++++++++++ [Fusion Rifle] +++++++++++++++ Weapon Cost : 50,000 bolts Ammo Cost : 50 bolts Starting Damage: 500 Starting Ammo : 8 L10 Damage : 2000 L99 Damage : 4046 Range : to infinity and beyond! Mega Weapon Cost: 1,500,000 bolts Recommended Omega Mods: Freeze, Shock Notes: The Fusion Rifle is the first weapon you buy that really does a lot of damage. It fires precision blasts of energy that will tear your enemies to shreds. While this weapon is much more effective in sniping mode, it's still great to use in third-person. ("hip-sniping" is the common term) this weapon has no limit on its effective range, so you can hit any enemy you can get a clear shot at, no matter the distance. It's an excellent idea to put Ammo and Speed Mods on this weapon, it becomes much more useful that way. [Anti-Matter Rifle] Shoots bullets that look like they belong in Quake 4. The Anti-Matter Rifle will turn your enemies to ashes, and leave you to stomp on thier smoking remains. +++++++++++++++ [Holoshield Launcher] +++++++++++++++ Weapon Cost : 20,000 bolts Ammo Cost : 50 bolts Starting Time : 10 seconds Starting Ammo : 8 L10 Time : 28 L99 Time : 54 seconds Range : Short Mega Weapon Cost: 750,000 bolts Recommended Omega Mods: Brainwash, Morph Notes: The Holoshield has never been too great of a weapon. It's always been outdone by weapons like the Tesla Barrier. However, in Deadlocked, there is no Tesla Barrier, and in deadlocked, you STILL probably wont use these things at all, because they are really a terrible weapon. Each shield you launch will create a defensive wall in front of you that will block all incoming fire and will damage enemies who happen to walk into it. If you equip the Brainwash or Morph Omega Mods, then the shield will apply the Mod when the enemy touches it. Really the only Alpha Mod worth putting on here are Ammo Mods, but you could even leave it completely Mod-less since it probably wont see much use. [Omnishield Launcher] At level 10, the Holoshields become Omnishields. Each Omnishield you fire will absorb a certain amount of enemy fire and then fire it back as a burst of energy. While this upgrade is helpful, it still wont make the Omnishield Launcher any more useful. +++++++++++++++ [Miniturret Launcher] +++++++++++++++ Weapon Cost : 100,000 bolts Ammo Cost : 100 bolts Starting Damage: 50 Starting Ammo : 8 L10 Damage : 150 L99 Damage : 238 Range : Medium Mega Weapon Cost: 2,000,000 bolts Recommended Omega Mods: Acid, Freeze, Shock Notes: The Miniturret Launcher, unlike the Holos, has undergone some drastic improvements since the last game. Each time you deploy a turret, it will target the closest enemy to it and fire a high speed stream of laser bullets at them. The turret will continue to fire until it is out of ammo, or there are no more enemies. The turrets will begin to explode if you place too many, and if it doesn't shoot at anything for a certain period of time [Quasar Turret Launcher] at level 10, the miniturrets become railguns. Each turret you deploy will target the closest enemy, and after charging for about half a second, will fire a high speed round that penetrates multiple enemies, and looks like something from Halo or Quake 4. The Quasar Turrets do much more damage than the regular Miniturrets, and it is wise to equip plenty of Ammo and Speed Mods, and even a few Impact Mods as well. +++++++++++++++ [Scorpion Flail] +++++++++++++++ Weapon Cost : 75,000 bolts Ammo Cost : 5 bolts Starting Damage: High Starting Ammo : 20 L10 Damage : 1550 L99 Damage : 3012 Range : medium Mega Weapon Cost: 1,000,000 bolts Recommended Omega Mods: Shock, Freeze Notes: The Scorpion Flail is an extendable mace from the dark ages. Every time you push the fire button, Ratchet slams down with the mace. It creates a small shockwave and is very effective at destroying groups of ground-based enemies. It becomes much less effective if used on flying enemies. Eqiup the Flail with two or three Ammo Mods, several Area Mods, and a few Speed Mods to finish it out. The Shock Omega Mod really shines on this weapon, as it is possible to take out an entire screen of enemies in certain challenges. [Leviathan Flail] The Scorpion Flail becomes the Leviathan Flail at level 10. this weapon does the exact same thing as the Scorpion Flail, except every smash with the mace creates a shockwave that moves straight ahead and through multiple enemies. It only works on ground-based targets. +++++++++++++++ [Hunter Mine Launcher] +++++++++++++++ Weapon Cost : 35,000 bolts Ammo Cost : 25 bolts Starting Damage: 120 Starting Ammo : 12 L10 Damage : 500 L99 Damage : 1034 Range : Medium Mega Weapon Cost: 1,250,000 bolts Recommended Omega Mods: Time Bomb, Napalm, Minibomb Notes: This weapon works on the same concept as the Mine Glove from the original R&C. every pull of the trigger places a mine on the ground, and when an enemy comes within range, it homes in and explodes. This weapon definitely needs Ammo Mods, and Area Mods as well. It's also possible to simply run into an enemy with this weapon which will cause the mine waiting to be deployed to detonate on contact. "Ratchet Freak" points out in an email that this weapon can also be used as a shield. The un-deployed mine in the barrel will stop all incoming enemy fire that hits it. [Stalker Mine Launcher] The stalker mine launcher fires mines that are twice the size as the Hunter Mines, and every time they explode they split into two mines. It's a great idea to equip the Time Bomb Mod on this weapon, so that each mine will do even more damage. +++++++++++++++ [Arbiter] +++++++++++++++ Weapon Cost : 60,000 bolts Ammo Cost : 100 bolts Starting Damage: High Starting Ammo : 8 L10 Damage : 2500 L99 Damage : 4991 Range : Long Mega Weapon Cost: 2,750,000 bolts Recommended Omega Mods: Time Bomb Notes: The Arbiter is your basic Rocket Launcher. It's the fourth generation in the rocket Launcher series, which began with the Devastator from R&C. it fires single rockets that have homing abilities similar to that of the Minirocket Tube from GC, but with the same speed as the Annihilator from UYA. It's a must to equip a couple of Speed Mods on this weapon, and then definitely some Ammo Mods since no rocket launcher should have eight ammo. The Time Bomb Omega Mod is easily the best mod for this weapon, and will let it do much more damage. [Silencer] The Silencer is the same as the Arbiter except that it fires three rockets for every shot instead of just one. If you equip the Time Bomb on this weapon, you can get up close to an enemy and fire all three rockets into him for maximum damage. +++++++++++++++ [Harbinger] +++++++++++++++ Weapon Cost : 2,000,000 bolts Ammo Cost : 1,000 bolts Starting Damage: 1000 Starting Ammo : 3 L10 Damage : 10000 L99 Damage : 19967 Range : Long Mega Weapon Cost: 3,000,000 bolts Recommended Omega Mods: Freeze Notes: The Harbinger is the best weapon in Deadlocked. Each shot fires a group of markers that mark the ground with crosshairs, and then lasers rain death from the sky onto your unsuspecting foes. This weapon is insanely powerful, but very limited on ammo. That's no big deal though, since Ammo Mods are the only thing you can equip on this weapon. The Freeze Omega Mod is a great Mod to use, since on the higher difficulties there are a FEW enemies that the Harbinger can't kill in one hit. Ammo is 1000 bolts a shot, so use it wisely. [Supernova] The harbinger becomes the Supernova at level 10, and it's probably the most pointless upgrade in the game, and that's only because there's no way to improve this weapon at all. All that changes is the color of the laser beams, from orange/red to blue. ================ Mods ================ ++++ Omega Mods ++++ {Napalm} Works With: Hunter Mines; B-6; Arbiter Notes: weapons that use this mod create a puddle of molten lava when their shells explode {Time Bomb} Works With: Hunter Mines; B-6; Arbiter; Notes: this mod turns your mines, bombs, and rockets into sticky grenades. Its very powerful and also comes with a shock mod built in {Freeze} Works With: All weapons. Notes: slowly freezes the enemy that it hits, it'll wear off if you don't kill the poor frozen slob this one hits. It's probably one of the most useful mods you can buy. {Mini-Bomb} Works With: Hunter Mines; B-6; Arbiter; Notes: when a weapon using this mod explodes, it shoots out a lot of little tiny bombs like the ones the bouncer shot in GC and UYA. Its not very useful except for skill points. {Morph} Works With: All Weapons. Notes: morphs enemies into sheep, chickens, ducks, or pigs, that then walk into and explode on other enemies. Its really only useful on the Holoshield. {Brainwash} Works With: All Weapons. Notes: works like the Infector from UYA, and yes, its still just as useless. {Acid} Works With: All Weapons. Notes: works exactly the same as the Acid mod from UYA and GC. Only it seems to be a bit more powerful this time around. {Shock} Works With: All Weapons Notes: works exactly the same as the Shock mod from UYA and GC. This one actually seems to be a bit weaker than in UYA and GC. ++++ Alpha Mods ++++ {Ammo} Works With: All Weapons What it does: increases the ammo your weapon can hold, usually by 1 to 3 bullets {Speed} Works With: All Weapons except for the Harbinger What it does: increases your weapons rate of fire. You really only notice on super slow weapons like the B-6 and Silencer, and you can tell on the Vipers too. {Auto Tracking} Works With: Vipers; B-6; Arbiter; What it does: increases your weapon's homing ability, and helps it decide what enemies to kill first {Impact} Works With: All Weapons but the Harbinger What it does: increases the chances that a shot from your weapon will knock an enemy over. The more you have, the more often they fall. {Area} Works With: B-6, Scorpion Flail, Arbiter, Hunter Mines What it does: increases the blast area of your weapons {XP} Works With: All Weapons What it does: increases experience gained from killing enemies by 50% {Jackpot} Works With: All Weapons What it does: increases bolts gained from killing enemies by 50% {Healing} Works With: All Weapons What it does: spawns nanotech from dead enemies. The nanotech is only there for a short time. ********************** Thank Yous and Legal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thank you to: "Ratchet Freak" for info on the Hunter/Stalker Mine Launcher "Bradley Ezard" for pointing out the Freeze mod on the Scorpion Flail, and for noting a spelling error GameFAQS for hosting my guide Insomniac Games for creating such a great game Legal: This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances other than personal or private use. Not for redistribution. This guide is only allowed to be hosted only on GameFAQs.com Neoseeker.com Supercheats.com And nowhere else. Copyright 2006 Vincent Sanchez --- End! ---