TOMB RAIDER LEGEND (V 1.0) BY T-Rex Introduction This walkthrough covers almost the entire length and breadth of the game. This game is one of the most innovative games I’ve played. I’ve tried to uncover most of the secrets of the game. However, some, if any, that are not yet uncovered will be in the further versions of this walkthrough. HAPPY GAMING Contents 1. Bolivia 2. Peru – Return to Paraiso Bolivia Here we go with the walkthrough. This is the first level so once the cutscene ends get used to the controls a little bit. Once you get the hang of it return to the starting position. From there move to the opening in the rocks on your left and collect the first BRONZE reward. Move to the bridge like structure on your right. Jump the gap. Facing the waterfall move towards, your right, diagonally, and into the opening in the wall fro the second BRONZE reward. Move towards the pool. You can do a swan dive by quickly pressing B after u jump (very quickly!). You may want to get used to the swimming controls. Once done, swim to the other side. Pull up and jump onto the ledge in front of you. *Cutscene* Move forward. Your path is blocked by a boulder. As the game suggests grab it and push it downwards. Jump the gap. On your right is a vine. Climb it all the way up and side- jump to the next one and finally to the platform. Proceed forward. Now you have to jump onto the rope in front of you. Once on it turn Lara so she faces left. See the cave? Swing and jump on it. Proceed to a SILVER reward. Drop down and proceed left. (In time trial don’t turn right. Instead swing and jump onto the cave entrance right in front of you) Once you come to the exit, jump the gap to the platform in front of you. A cutscene will show you your next destination. With your back towards the cave you came in form move to the left and jump on the ledge. Shimmy across pressing Y periodically to accelerate movements. At the end you’ll have to jump backwards. Do this by moving the left stick backwards (according to the camera angle) and press A. Move up the channel. Make sure to stay on your right as a boulder tumbles down at you. Continue forward. In front of you now is a small fall. There is also a small platform behind a pole. Jump form the platform to the pole. Move left along the pole and swing to the second pole and from there to the ledge in front. Side-jump the gap to the ledge next to it. *Cutscene* Dispose of the enemy. (See combat strategy for tips and tricks) now pay attention as you are told about your R.A.D. mode IT’S IMPORTANT. Proceed forward. On your left is a bronze knife. Now you come across one of the first puzzles of the game. Inline with the log, move towards the platform. Jump to grab onto a ledge. Shimmy across and vault up and finally onto the platform. Push the boulder down. The log shall see-saw raising pole. Jump down and go onto the platform beside the log. Jump onto the pole. Swing towards the fall and vault up. As you move forward you’ll see a shimmering circular structure. This is the game’s way of telling you that you can grapple the object. Follow the in-game instructions to grapple and pull it. Proceed through and dispose of the two enemies inside. Now with your back facing the doorway you came through, move straight and mount the ledge. Shimmy across to the right. Be sure to use Y to move quickly or the part in the middle will break off and you’ll have to start again as in this part only as the gap is side-jumpable. Back-jump on the pole and swing onto the ledge in front. Shimmy until Lara can’t anymore and jump onto the ledge (Side-jump). Vault up and onto the platform. Jump to the rope and swing to the other end. Make your way to the far left of the platform and jump up and onto the alcove to grab the BRONZE knife. Now proceed to the right of this area and jump onto the poles behind you (If you’re facing the wall). Make your way to the other end. Proceed forward and kill the enemy. When you reach the gap jump and press A in mid-air to grapple and swing to the other end. Proceed forward and at the first turn look left. Go into manual aiming by clicking the right stick. Aim at the reward and press X to grapple it towards you. You have obtained another BRONZE reward. Proceed forward. *Cutscene* Shoot the rocks as the game suggests. Slide down. Finish off the enemies in this area. Don’t leave this area. Once done, move towards where you slid down and with your back towards it move forward into the opening to find the BRONZE reward. Now climb the ledge and move into the small alley on your right. Get the BRONZE reward and return to the previous area and move up the path besides the ledge you just came down. Alternately you can climb up the ledge to your right when you come out of the alley with the reward. Swing to the other end using the rope and slide down. To your right are enemies. Shoot the pillar and proceed across the bridge and kill the enemies. Once done proceed to the stairs but NOT up them. Climb the ledges on their right. On the second ledge shoot the wall on the alcove on the far left. Obtain your SILVER reward. Now go up the stairs. *Cutscene* Proceed forward. As you go forward the floor will open to reveal a booby trap so quickly jump and press A to grapple and swing to safety. Once up the stairs move left into the small opening to obtain the BRONZE reward. Now go to the chains and jump onto the on the right. Move up and jump onto the one next to it. (It’s the left one if you’re facing the way you came). Quickly move up (you’ll know why) and again jump on the one you were before. Move up. Jump onto the opening and proceed forward. Jump onto the chain and make your way down. Proceed forward until you reach a pool. Now swim down and proceed into the opening. Almost immediately swim upwards and you’ll be in an area with a BRONZE reward. Once obtained swim forward and onto the next area. Proceed forward and be ready to duel with a jaguar. Continue forward and you’ll see a booby trap. As soon as the two rocks begin to move apart run between. A roll at the end ensures safety. Now to get through the nest set of traps use the cage in front of you. Grab it and push it as you move through the rocks. The cage will save you from being crushed. Push it all the way to the other end and WALA you’re there. Now leave the cage and proceed forward. You’ll finally reach a large area and the door will close behind you. Behold yourself for a puzzle. Lucky for you all you have to do is follow me!!!! Alright, now stand at the door you came through. Position Lara such that her back is to the door. Now, listen carefully. Front is north. Back is south. (The way you came in). Hence, right east and Left is west. N W E S The button in front of you is the North Button and the one on the left is the West Button and the East Button is on the right. Now move east. Once you reach the end move right and on the ledge is a BRONZE reward. Return to the starting position. In front of you is the north button. Further from the north button is a kind of ledge. Once on it one can see a see-saw like mechanism on the left. Return to the starting position. Drop down on the east side. Dispose of the jaguar here. Pull the cage all the way to see-saw on the west side. Remove the other cage from under the see-saw to make it functional. Now move a cage and place it on the south end (The one that is near the way you came in. Remember south is the way u came in). Now climb up and get on the altar near the north button. Jump down on end of the see-saw and it will propel the cage atop the area you are on. Do the same with the other. Now if you want the gold reward you can follow my steps or if you don’t give a crap about it just place all three cages on the buttons to open the door and follow the instructions below (after the GOLD reward method) to get on with the game. Place a cage on the east button and one on the north button but not on the west button. Notice how the door continues to try to open. Go to the west button and make Lara stand on it. As soon as the door is about half open step off the button. Now the door is stuck there. Proceed further west and jump onto the chain. You may want to mount the ledge on the left to jump onto the chain. Move up the chain and jump onto the ledge and shimmy your way across. Vault up and onto the platform. Jump to grab the overhead chain and make your way to the other end. With your back to the way you just came through move left and with precision walk off on the right side such that you grab the ledge. Drop down. Shimmy across and jump to the pole and swing onto the platform with you exit. On the left side of the door, jump, and grab the ledge. Side-jump to grab the ledge of the door. Vault up and up. Then jump and vault up onto the alcove. Grab the GOLD reward and return to the platform. Now with you facing your exit move right. And then jump to the ledge that is on the right, again! Shimmy across and vault up. And reach the platform. Use the chain to get to the other side and grab the SILVER reward. Now return and exit this place. This leads to the first interactive sequence of this game. Just press the corresponding buttons as they appear onto the screen. Continue forward. Now you come to a strange place. Zip on the radio terms it the “centre of the evil coat-rack empire”. Let’s term this place the spike pit. Descend down. Now let’s get ourselves oriented here: do you see the lit area? The small platform? That is north and behind you is south. Hence right is east and left is west. Without moving form where you are equip your binoculars and in R.A.D. mode scan the north wall. You’ll see a moveable wall. Push it in and using you torch follow the tunnel to the end to get a SILVER award. Return and go onto the lit platform. Jump onto the pole. It rotates. Swing and jump on the second pole it rotates too. See where this is going? Easy, right? Now jump again to grab yet another pole that you jump off from to grab a ledge. Shimmy across and side-jump the game. Back jump onto the pole. It re-adjusts letting you swing to a small alcove with yet another BRONZE reward. Jump down from the alcove and repeat the whole thing. But instead of back jumping where I asked you too, vault up. Jump the gap and shimmy all the way till you are in the in the opening. Fall down and proceed forward. Jump and vault up. Proceed forward. *Cutscene* Now can you see the action icon on the bottom right? This means you have to be quick. Run on the bridge. The helicopter continues to fire so you have to run. There are two gaps too. These are made as the rocket fires at the bridge. Make you way to the ledge and vault up. Get ready to kick some ass. Kill each and every enemy in the area to finish off the level. Now that was easy!! Right???!!!!!!! Enjoy the cutscene and prepare yourselves for the next level. Peru – Return to Paraiso Now get ready for level 2. This level is huge so have patience. Here we go. Ahead of you is a dummy. Try out the moves in the combat strategies topic. Return to where the level started from. Facing the dummy, go right, and turn left. Climb the building to Lara’s left using the part of the building itself (the small ledge like structure of the building). Once atop the roof stand such that the dummy is on your right. Stand on the right edge of the roof and jump in front and press A to grapple swing to the other end. Jump down to the alley and collect the BRONZE award here. Exit using the box. Take it near the fence and use it to jump out of this place. Move left and through the archway. *Cutscene* Dispose of all the enemies. Now go up the stairs near the truck. With your back towards the big doors move right and onto the roof of the stall and onto the roof of the building. Use the poles to get across and get the BRONZE award. Now jump down. With your back towards the front of the truck move forward and at the end turn left for a BRONZE award (it’s the place where the two enemies came from when you were fighting in this area). Now move towards the flag pole and climb it and jump onto the building. Press Y to open the doors and inside you will find a SILVER award. Come out and jump across to the other building using the grapple. Kill the enemy in the room and obtain grenades. Now as you move out from the other doors to the next area get ready for fire fight. I will guide you of what to do next. As you move along keep killing enemies. In front of you is a pipe. Using the assault rifle kill as many enemies as you can. Jump onto the pipe and climb all the way up. Side jump and press A to grapple swing to the other roof. Kill all enemies. Proceed further. Kill the enemies behind the barrels. Move in this passage and move right for a BRONZE award. Now continue towards the van and move left. Kill all enemies en route and stock up on ammo as well. Move towards the bike and get ready for ride!!!!!!!! This part is easy so no need for any “guidance”. Just follow the in-game instructions. Finally at the end get on the truck (don’t worry there are a lot of checkpoints in this section so if you fail at one point you don’t have to start all over). *Cutscene* Now once the long scene comes to an end you get to play a flashback as young Lara. In this part of the level you play as the young Lara. You have no guns and no equipment. All you have are flares. The flares are unlimited so don’t be afraid to use them. Proceed forward. Press B to roll through the small opening and continue forward. Use the overhead pole to get across the gap. As you proceed forward the roof collapses and someone called Eva meets here fate. Your path is blocked. Don’t worry though as there’s nothing to be alarmed about. Move back and on your left is a path. Take this path and follow it all the way. Roll under the gate to get to the next area. Now with your back to lights in this room move forward. The floor between the two decorated walls in front is pressure-sensitive. Step on it and a trap is activated. Lucky for us its defective and all it does is make our life easier. Bring the crate alongside the body next to the decorated wall on the right. Jump on it and then from there jump on the overhead pole. Swing across to the ledge. Vault up and move right and in the corner is a BRONZE reward. Position yourself with Lara’s back to the lights. See the decorated wall in front of you? Jump to grab its ledge and shimmy across. Side-jump to the adjacent platform. Proceed forward and jump down. To your left is a decorated wall and on your right is a pressure-sensitive plate as before. The trap is already activated. You have to deactivate it to get across to next area. Go to the plate and using Y, bring the sphere off the plate. The trap is deactivated. Now with your back to the decorated wall, jump and vault up to platform on your left. Jump onto the rope and position Lara such that her back is to the decorated wall. Swing across to the platform. Proceed forward and jump down. *Cutscene* Get ready to run. The action icon appears at the bottom right of the screen. RUN!! Jump to get over the boulders. When you reach the gap, jump to catch the rope. The rope, however, breaks and you fall down. Phew!!! The reference point for this area is the dead body lying close to a pressure-sensitive plate. Opposite the plate is a platform with a moveable sphere. Climb that platform and bring the sphere down. Take it all the way to the pressure-sensitive plate. Yet again the trap is defective and our life has been made easier. Move back to the platform with the sphere. From there jump to the next platform (right in front of you). Using the pole, swing to the next platform. Before proceeding, go to your right to grab a BRONZE reward. Continue forward. Use the pole to get across the gap. Continue forward. *Cutscene* END OF FLASHBACK. WELCOME TO THE PRESENT. In the boxes to your left is a BRONZE reward. Grab it! See the platform in font of you? Go to it. Climb it by jumping and vaulting up and move right down the plank and onto your right, into the small room-like structure for a BRONZE reward. Proceed forward to the pool of water. Get ready for a swim. No guidance is needed for this part, just swim in the only direction you can. Once you reach the large room swim down and pull all the glowing stones to drain the water (Press Y at the stones to pull). *Cutscene* In font of you is the opening through which you have to exit this area. However, before doing that move right (if you’re facing your exit) and go into the alley on the right for SILVER reward. Exit this area. *Cutscene* Proceed forward. On your left is a ledge. Jump to it and vault up to the ledge above it and back jump to the platform behind you. From this platform, jump, and grapple-swing to the other side. Once you land go to you right. Jump onto the ledge and vault up and into the alcove. From here jump forward (as in the direction where you have to go) and press A in mid-air to grapple-swing to the other side. Proceed forward. You’ll now reach a large area where an interactive sequence will play. Press the corresponding buttons as they appear on the screen. Once you’re on the other side look to your left. Grapple and pull down the statue letting the sphere fall. Take this sphere with you as you proceed forward PUZZLE TIME!! Now place this sphere on the button on the right. The statue on the right opens. There is ladder on each of its sides. Climb either side. At one point you’ll have to side-jump to a ledge in the middle, vault up and then side-jump back onto the ladder. Once you’re on the platform go into the middle-part and push down the sphere. Now there are three spheres on the ground; one which you brought with you, one which you just pushed down and one on the left of the statue opposite the one you are on. Place each onto the three buttons. *Cutscene* I am sure you saw where to go in the Cutscene so go there. *Cutscene* Don’t move!! Move right and up onto the ledge. Jump across to the ladder and climb it up. Move across and jump onto the platform in front. Once on it jump to grab a ledge and shimmy your way across side-jumping the gaps. Jump down on to the platform and then onto the rope. Climb it up. Now can you see the semi-destroyed pillar in front of you (with your back to the wall you just descended from)????!!! You have to swing to the ledge above it. So swing and jump to it. Vault up to grab another ledge and shimmy right. You’ll come across an entrance. Vault up. Proceed forward and move right. Push the sphere down the path you just came. It tumbles down destroying the wall and finally falls down. Now go through the wall and jump down to the platform. From here jump to the statue. This is the same one you pushed off the sphere from for the puzzle. Using the ladder of this statue, climb down. The sphere that you just pushed down is going to be placed on the middle-button. The tomb further raises revealing a GOLD reward. Return to the rope!!!!! Okay in time trail or if you don’t care about rewards ignore the above paragraph. Now form the rope swing to the platform on the right of the destroyed statue I talked about earlier. Jump across to the next platform and slide down, drawing your weapon for the two enemies below. Proceed forward. Slide down and kill the enemy. Continue forward. Slide down and proceed through the doorway. Move through the opening and kill all the enemies there. Now with your back to the opening you just came through go forward. See the place where the water is coming from? Climb the rope right in front of it and swing to this place. Continue forward. Jump and grab the ledge to the left of the blockade. Vault up and continue forward. Climb up the ladder. Move left and jump to grab the ledge. Vault up and out of this pit. Kill the enemy. Proceed forward. Jump on the rope and climb it all the way up. Continue climbing it even when you’re out of the well. You’re back to where this part started from. Kill all enemies, including the one that shoots at the jeep at the end, to end this level. ************************************************************************ TOMB RAIDER LEGEND (V 1.0) BY T-Rex Introduction This walkthrough covers almost the entire length and breadth of the game. This game is one of the most innovative games I’ve played. I’ve tried to uncover most of the secrets of the game. However, some, if any, that are not yet uncovered will be in the further versions of this walkthrough. HAPPY GAMING Contents 1. Bolivia 2. Peru – Return to Paraiso Bolivia Here we go with the walkthrough. This is the first level so once the cutscene ends get used to the controls a little bit. Once you get the hang of it return to the starting position. From there move to the opening in the rocks on your left and collect the first BRONZE reward. Move to the bridge like structure on your right. Jump the gap. Facing the waterfall move towards, your right, diagonally, and into the opening in the wall fro the second BRONZE reward. Move towards the pool. You can do a swan dive by quickly pressing B after u jump (very quickly!). You may want to get used to the swimming controls. Once done, swim to the other side. Pull up and jump onto the ledge in front of you. *Cutscene* Move forward. Your path is blocked by a boulder. As the game suggests grab it and push it downwards. Jump the gap. On your right is a vine. Climb it all the way up and side- jump to the next one and finally to the platform. Proceed forward. Now you have to jump onto the rope in front of you. Once on it turn Lara so she faces left. See the cave? Swing and jump on it. Proceed to a SILVER reward. Drop down and proceed left. (In time trial don’t turn right. Instead swing and jump onto the cave entrance right in front of you) Once you come to the exit, jump the gap to the platform in front of you. A cutscene will show you your next destination. With your back towards the cave you came in form move to the left and jump on the ledge. Shimmy across pressing Y periodically to accelerate movements. At the end you’ll have to jump backwards. Do this by moving the left stick backwards (according to the camera angle) and press A. Move up the channel. Make sure to stay on your right as a boulder tumbles down at you. Continue forward. In front of you now is a small fall. There is also a small platform behind a pole. Jump form the platform to the pole. Move left along the pole and swing to the second pole and from there to the ledge in front. Side-jump the gap to the ledge next to it. *Cutscene* Dispose of the enemy. (See combat strategy for tips and tricks) now pay attention as you are told about your R.A.D. mode IT’S IMPORTANT. Proceed forward. On your left is a bronze knife. Now you come across one of the first puzzles of the game. Inline with the log, move towards the platform. Jump to grab onto a ledge. Shimmy across and vault up and finally onto the platform. Push the boulder down. The log shall see-saw raising pole. Jump down and go onto the platform beside the log. Jump onto the pole. Swing towards the fall and vault up. As you move forward you’ll see a shimmering circular structure. This is the game’s way of telling you that you can grapple the object. Follow the in-game instructions to grapple and pull it. Proceed through and dispose of the two enemies inside. Now with your back facing the doorway you came through, move straight and mount the ledge. Shimmy across to the right. Be sure to use Y to move quickly or the part in the middle will break off and you’ll have to start again as in this part only as the gap is side-jumpable. Back-jump on the pole and swing onto the ledge in front. Shimmy until Lara can’t anymore and jump onto the ledge (Side-jump). Vault up and onto the platform. Jump to the rope and swing to the other end. Make your way to the far left of the platform and jump up and onto the alcove to grab the BRONZE knife. Now proceed to the right of this area and jump onto the poles behind you (If you’re facing the wall). Make your way to the other end. Proceed forward and kill the enemy. When you reach the gap jump and press A in mid-air to grapple and swing to the other end. Proceed forward and at the first turn look left. Go into manual aiming by clicking the right stick. Aim at the reward and press X to grapple it towards you. You have obtained another BRONZE reward. Proceed forward. *Cutscene* Shoot the rocks as the game suggests. Slide down. Finish off the enemies in this area. Don’t leave this area. Once done, move towards where you slid down and with your back towards it move forward into the opening to find the BRONZE reward. Now climb the ledge and move into the small alley on your right. Get the BRONZE reward and return to the previous area and move up the path besides the ledge you just came down. Alternately you can climb up the ledge to your right when you come out of the alley with the reward. Swing to the other end using the rope and slide down. To your right are enemies. Shoot the pillar and proceed across the bridge and kill the enemies. Once done proceed to the stairs but NOT up them. Climb the ledges on their right. On the second ledge shoot the wall on the alcove on the far left. Obtain your SILVER reward. Now go up the stairs. *Cutscene* Proceed forward. As you go forward the floor will open to reveal a booby trap so quickly jump and press A to grapple and swing to safety. Once up the stairs move left into the small opening to obtain the BRONZE reward. Now go to the chains and jump onto the on the right. Move up and jump onto the one next to it. (It’s the left one if you’re facing the way you came). Quickly move up (you’ll know why) and again jump on the one you were before. Move up. Jump onto the opening and proceed forward. Jump onto the chain and make your way down. Proceed forward until you reach a pool. Now swim down and proceed into the opening. Almost immediately swim upwards and you’ll be in an area with a BRONZE reward. Once obtained swim forward and onto the next area. Proceed forward and be ready to duel with a jaguar. Continue forward and you’ll see a booby trap. As soon as the two rocks begin to move apart run between. A roll at the end ensures safety. Now to get through the nest set of traps use the cage in front of you. Grab it and push it as you move through the rocks. The cage will save you from being crushed. Push it all the way to the other end and WALA you’re there. Now leave the cage and proceed forward. You’ll finally reach a large area and the door will close behind you. Behold yourself for a puzzle. Lucky for you all you have to do is follow me!!!! Alright, now stand at the door you came through. Position Lara such that her back is to the door. Now, listen carefully. Front is north. Back is south. (The way you came in). Hence, right east and Left is west. N W E S The button in front of you is the North Button and the one on the left is the West Button and the East Button is on the right. Now move east. Once you reach the end move right and on the ledge is a BRONZE reward. Return to the starting position. In front of you is the north button. Further from the north button is a kind of ledge. Once on it one can see a see-saw like mechanism on the left. Return to the starting position. Drop down on the east side. Dispose of the jaguar here. Pull the cage all the way to see-saw on the west side. Remove the other cage from under the see-saw to make it functional. Now move a cage and place it on the south end (The one that is near the way you came in. Remember south is the way u came in). Now climb up and get on the altar near the north button. Jump down on end of the see-saw and it will propel the cage atop the area you are on. Do the same with the other. Now if you want the gold reward you can follow my steps or if you don’t give a crap about it just place all three cages on the buttons to open the door and follow the instructions below (after the GOLD reward method) to get on with the game. Place a cage on the east button and one on the north button but not on the west button. Notice how the door continues to try to open. Go to the west button and make Lara stand on it. As soon as the door is about half open step off the button. Now the door is stuck there. Proceed further west and jump onto the chain. You may want to mount the ledge on the left to jump onto the chain. Move up the chain and jump onto the ledge and shimmy your way across. Vault up and onto the platform. Jump to grab the overhead chain and make your way to the other end. With your back to the way you just came through move left and with precision walk off on the right side such that you grab the ledge. Drop down. Shimmy across and jump to the pole and swing onto the platform with you exit. On the left side of the door, jump, and grab the ledge. Side-jump to grab the ledge of the door. Vault up and up. Then jump and vault up onto the alcove. Grab the GOLD reward and return to the platform. Now with you facing your exit move right. And then jump to the ledge that is on the right, again! Shimmy across and vault up. And reach the platform. Use the chain to get to the other side and grab the SILVER reward. Now return and exit this place. This leads to the first interactive sequence of this game. Just press the corresponding buttons as they appear onto the screen. Continue forward. Now you come to a strange place. Zip on the radio terms it the “centre of the evil coat-rack empire”. Let’s term this place the spike pit. Descend down. Now let’s get ourselves oriented here: do you see the lit area? The small platform? That is north and behind you is south. Hence right is east and left is west. Without moving form where you are equip your binoculars and in R.A.D. mode scan the north wall. You’ll see a moveable wall. Push it in and using you torch follow the tunnel to the end to get a SILVER award. Return and go onto the lit platform. Jump onto the pole. It rotates. Swing and jump on the second pole it rotates too. See where this is going? Easy, right? Now jump again to grab yet another pole that you jump off from to grab a ledge. Shimmy across and side-jump the game. Back jump onto the pole. It re-adjusts letting you swing to a small alcove with yet another BRONZE reward. Jump down from the alcove and repeat the whole thing. But instead of back jumping where I asked you too, vault up. Jump the gap and shimmy all the way till you are in the in the opening. Fall down and proceed forward. Jump and vault up. Proceed forward. *Cutscene* Now can you see the action icon on the bottom right? This means you have to be quick. Run on the bridge. The helicopter continues to fire so you have to run. There are two gaps too. These are made as the rocket fires at the bridge. Make you way to the ledge and vault up. Get ready to kick some ass. Kill each and every enemy in the area to finish off the level. Now that was easy!! Right???!!!!!!! Enjoy the cutscene and prepare yourselves for the next level. Peru – Return to Paraiso Now get ready for level 2. This level is huge so have patience. Here we go. Ahead of you is a dummy. Try out the moves in the combat strategies topic. Return to where the level started from. Facing the dummy, go right, and turn left. Climb the building to Lara’s left using the part of the building itself (the small ledge like structure of the building). Once atop the roof stand such that the dummy is on your right. Stand on the right edge of the roof and jump in front and press A to grapple swing to the other end. Jump down to the alley and collect the BRONZE award here. Exit using the box. Take it near the fence and use it to jump out of this place. Move left and through the archway. *Cutscene* Dispose of all the enemies. Now go up the stairs near the truck. With your back towards the big doors move right and onto the roof of the stall and onto the roof of the building. Use the poles to get across and get the BRONZE award. Now jump down. With your back towards the front of the truck move forward and at the end turn left for a BRONZE award (it’s the place where the two enemies came from when you were fighting in this area). Now move towards the flag pole and climb it and jump onto the building. Press Y to open the doors and inside you will find a SILVER award. Come out and jump across to the other building using the grapple. Kill the enemy in the room and obtain grenades. Now as you move out from the other doors to the next area get ready for fire fight. I will guide you of what to do next. As you move along keep killing enemies. In front of you is a pipe. Using the assault rifle kill as many enemies as you can. Jump onto the pipe and climb all the way up. Side jump and press A to grapple swing to the other roof. Kill all enemies. Proceed further. Kill the enemies behind the barrels. Move in this passage and move right for a BRONZE award. Now continue towards the van and move left. Kill all enemies en route and stock up on ammo as well. Move towards the bike and get ready for ride!!!!!!!! This part is easy so no need for any “guidance”. Just follow the in-game instructions. Finally at the end get on the truck (don’t worry there are a lot of checkpoints in this section so if you fail at one point you don’t have to start all over). *Cutscene* Now once the long scene comes to an end you get to play a flashback as young Lara. In this part of the level you play as the young Lara. You have no guns and no equipment. All you have are flares. The flares are unlimited so don’t be afraid to use them. Proceed forward. Press B to roll through the small opening and continue forward. Use the overhead pole to get across the gap. As you proceed forward the roof collapses and someone called Eva meets here fate. Your path is blocked. Don’t worry though as there’s nothing to be alarmed about. Move back and on your left is a path. Take this path and follow it all the way. Roll under the gate to get to the next area. Now with your back to lights in this room move forward. The floor between the two decorated walls in front is pressure-sensitive. Step on it and a trap is activated. Lucky for us its defective and all it does is make our life easier. Bring the crate alongside the body next to the decorated wall on the right. Jump on it and then from there jump on the overhead pole. Swing across to the ledge. Vault up and move right and in the corner is a BRONZE reward. Position yourself with Lara’s back to the lights. See the decorated wall in front of you? Jump to grab its ledge and shimmy across. Side-jump to the adjacent platform. Proceed forward and jump down. To your left is a decorated wall and on your right is a pressure-sensitive plate as before. The trap is already activated. You have to deactivate it to get across to next area. Go to the plate and using Y, bring the sphere off the plate. The trap is deactivated. Now with your back to the decorated wall, jump and vault up to platform on your left. Jump onto the rope and position Lara such that her back is to the decorated wall. Swing across to the platform. Proceed forward and jump down. *Cutscene* Get ready to run. The action icon appears at the bottom right of the screen. RUN!! Jump to get over the boulders. When you reach the gap, jump to catch the rope. The rope, however, breaks and you fall down. Phew!!! The reference point for this area is the dead body lying close to a pressure-sensitive plate. Opposite the plate is a platform with a moveable sphere. Climb that platform and bring the sphere down. Take it all the way to the pressure-sensitive plate. Yet again the trap is defective and our life has been made easier. Move back to the platform with the sphere. From there jump to the next platform (right in front of you). Using the pole, swing to the next platform. Before proceeding, go to your right to grab a BRONZE reward. Continue forward. Use the pole to get across the gap. Continue forward. *Cutscene* END OF FLASHBACK. WELCOME TO THE PRESENT. In the boxes to your left is a BRONZE reward. Grab it! See the platform in font of you? Go to it. Climb it by jumping and vaulting up and move right down the plank and onto your right, into the small room-like structure for a BRONZE reward. Proceed forward to the pool of water. Get ready for a swim. No guidance is needed for this part, just swim in the only direction you can. Once you reach the large room swim down and pull all the glowing stones to drain the water (Press Y at the stones to pull). *Cutscene* In font of you is the opening through which you have to exit this area. However, before doing that move right (if you’re facing your exit) and go into the alley on the right for SILVER reward. Exit this area. *Cutscene* Proceed forward. On your left is a ledge. Jump to it and vault up to the ledge above it and back jump to the platform behind you. From this platform, jump, and grapple-swing to the other side. Once you land go to you right. Jump onto the ledge and vault up and into the alcove. From here jump forward (as in the direction where you have to go) and press A in mid-air to grapple-swing to the other side. Proceed forward. You’ll now reach a large area where an interactive sequence will play. Press the corresponding buttons as they appear on the screen. Once you’re on the other side look to your left. Grapple and pull down the statue letting the sphere fall. Take this sphere with you as you proceed forward PUZZLE TIME!! Now place this sphere on the button on the right. The statue on the right opens. There is ladder on each of its sides. Climb either side. At one point you’ll have to side-jump to a ledge in the middle, vault up and then side-jump back onto the ladder. Once you’re on the platform go into the middle-part and push down the sphere. Now there are three spheres on the ground; one which you brought with you, one which you just pushed down and one on the left of the statue opposite the one you are on. Place each onto the three buttons. *Cutscene* I am sure you saw where to go in the Cutscene so go there. *Cutscene* Don’t move!! Move right and up onto the ledge. Jump across to the ladder and climb it up. Move across and jump onto the platform in front. Once on it jump to grab a ledge and shimmy your way across side-jumping the gaps. Jump down on to the platform and then onto the rope. Climb it up. Now can you see the semi-destroyed pillar in front of you (with your back to the wall you just descended from)????!!! You have to swing to the ledge above it. So swing and jump to it. Vault up to grab another ledge and shimmy right. You’ll come across an entrance. Vault up. Proceed forward and move right. Push the sphere down the path you just came. It tumbles down destroying the wall and finally falls down. Now go through the wall and jump down to the platform. From here jump to the statue. This is the same one you pushed off the sphere from for the puzzle. Using the ladder of this statue, climb down. The sphere that you just pushed down is going to be placed on the middle-button. The tomb further raises revealing a GOLD reward. Return to the rope!!!!! Okay in time trail or if you don’t care about rewards ignore the above paragraph. Now form the rope swing to the platform on the right of the destroyed statue I talked about earlier. Jump across to the next platform and slide down, drawing your weapon for the two enemies below. Proceed forward. Slide down and kill the enemy. Continue forward. Slide down and proceed through the doorway. Move through the opening and kill all the enemies there. Now with your back to the opening you just came through go forward. See the place where the water is coming from? Climb the rope right in front of it and swing to this place. Continue forward. Jump and grab the ledge to the left of the blockade. Vault up and continue forward. Climb up the ladder. Move left and jump to grab the ledge. Vault up and out of this pit. Kill the enemy. Proceed forward. Jump on the rope and climb it all the way up. Continue climbing it even when you’re out of the well. You’re back to where this part started from. Kill all enemies, including the one that shoots at the jeep at the end, to end this level. ************************************************************************