_ ___ _ _ _ _ | | / (_) | | | | | | | | | |/ / _ _ __ __ _ __| | ___ _ __ ___ | |_| | ___ __ _ _ __| |_ ___ | \| | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ | _ |/ _ \/ _` | '__| __/ __| | |\ \ | | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | | | | | | | | | | __/ (_| | | | |_\__ \ \_| \_/_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|\___/|_| |_| |_| \_| |_/\___|\__,_|_| \__|___/ __/ | |___/ _____ _____ |_ _|_ _| | | | | | | | | _| |_ _| |_ \___/ \___/ ___________________________________________________________________ | Name of Guide: Kingdom Hearts II FAQ/Walkthrough | | Name of Game: Kingdom Hearts 2 | | Platform: Playstation 2 | | Version: FINAL released on 18 January 2008 | | Author: Anthony Dique (holybishop15) | | Email: | | Copyrighted to: (c) 2006-2008 Anthony Dique | | Made In: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79 | |___________________________________________________________________| =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Legal Information [lginfo] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== This document is Copyright 2006-2008 Anthony Dique. It's for private use only. It may not be reproduced nor retransmitted without piror consent from the author. Using it in any form of printed or electronic media involved in a commercial business is strictly prohibited. It may not be used for profit nor promotional purposes. Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their respective companies. If you are a webmaster who wants to host this document, you must inform me first by email for permission. If permission is granted, you may not change a single character of this document, and you must leave it in txt format. Updated copies will only be posted on GameFAQs and it is the webmasters responsibility to obtain the updated versions from there. Violations of the above terms can and will result in a law suit. ************* Only these sites have my permission to host my site ************* GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com Supercheats http://www.supercheats.com Neoseeker http://www.neoseeker.com Any site who has this FAQ and does not appear in the above list, then please inform me immediately. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Contact Info [cntinf] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== If there is anything you want to discuss about this Game/Topic, then contact me at . Also, as this is my first guide, I welcome constructive criticism from veteran FAQ writers. In fact, I would love to have any tips on making this guide better, as it would help for any guides I might want to make in the future. And please follow the do's and don'ts Do's: - Please put "Gamefaqs Related" or "Kingdom Hearts 2 FAQ" in the subjects bar for it to be answered sooner. If asking for permission to host guide, please add "permission" to the subjects bar - Write only in English, I don't understand any other language - Write in proper English, no gibberish that a retarded person might say. - Its recommended that you use a hotmail, yahoo or gmail account. I have junk mail on and I rarely check it. Any other email address could be lost in there. Don'ts: - Don't leave subject bar blank. These would usually get deleted - Don't send porn/Junk/Viruses - No flames or trolls. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Contents [cntnts] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== To find each section, Copy the Special Code (including the brackets), press ctrl+F and paste the code, then press 'Find Next' till you get to it. _____________________________________________________________________________ / NAME OF SECTION | SPECIAL CODE | % of Completion \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1) Legal Info | [lginfo] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 2) Contact Info | [cntinf] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 3) Contents | [cntnts] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 4) Last 5 Updates | [ltsupd] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 5) Introduction | [introd] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 6) Prologue | [prolug] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 7) Controls | [cntrls] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 8) Game Screen | [gmscrn] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 9) Game Basics | [gmbsic] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 10) MAIN WALKTHROUGH | [wlktgh] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 11) Atlantica | [atlata] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 12) 100 Acre Woods | [100wod] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 13) Coliseum Tourneys | [torney] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 14) Sephiroth | [sphrth] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 15) Weapons | [wepons] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 16) Armour | [armour] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 17) Accessories | [acsris] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 18) Items | [iitems] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 19) Boss Encyclopaedia | [bssecy] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 20) Magic | [mmagic] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 21) Drives | [drives] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 22) Summons | [sumons] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 23) Abilities | [abltes] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 24) Minigames | [mnigms] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 25) Synthesis | [syntis] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 26) Previous Updates | [prvupd] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 27) Credits | [credit] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 28) Concluding Words | [cncldw] | 100%/Complete | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Last 5 Updates [ltsupd] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== V2.00 FINAL 18 Jan. 08 - Fully Completed the Guide. Forever Complete :) - This won't be the Final update, there probably would be more. But the guide is now 100% complete so having Final as the version is fitting. V1.80 16 Jan. 08 - Completed Synthesis V1.75 15 Jan. 08 - Did a vast amount of work on the Synthesis part. God, that will be huge V1.70 14 Jan. 08 - Completed Hades Paradox Cup in the Coliseum Tourneys section V1.50 13 Jan. 08 - Completed Drives - Completed Summons - Completed Abilities - Completed Minigames =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Introduction [introd] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== G'Day, I'm Anthony Dique (aka holybishop15) and this is my first ever full FAQ/Walkthrough, so please bare with me for any mistakes and such. This FAQ is for Kingdom Hearts II, developed by Square-Enix and Disney and made exclusively for the PS2, and is the sequel to the highly successful Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts II is an action RPG, and like every RPG under the sun, it's a huge game with an extensive storyline and gameplay and requires countless journeying and exploration to uncover it all, which is why I believe that with my walkthrough, you can discover all those juicy bits and make your Kingdom Hearts II experience even more enjoyable. And as this is my first walkthrough, any tips, encouragements, criticism, anything at all from anyone, whether you're a veteran at writing FAQs or this just so happens to be the first FAQ you've ever read in your life, is welcome with open arms. (check 'Contact Info' for more info.) This walkthrough does contain some minor spoilers, but major plot twists and such I will not include. The minor spoilers are simply there to fix up any minor confusing parts of the storyline, and as such, are very minor. You shouldn't be worried about spoiling anything big which will leave you kicking yourself as you play the game. Not even the final boss will be spoilt to you, in the event that your eyes and page scrolling goes walkabouts. It is recommended that you have played Kingdom Hearts first and maybe even Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memory. The latter isn't absolutely necessary (I haven't even played KH:CoM), but the first is seriously recommended. If you are unable to play those such game, then you should at least read a plot summary/game script on their respective Guides section on GameFAQs. This is also written for the PAL version, though I do not believe there are any differences between the PAL and the NTSC version. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If you liked this walkthrough, and you're reading this on GameFAQs, then remember to recommend my walkthrough by clicking on the link thing at the top of the page. Thank You :) =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Prologue [prolug] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== *The following is extracted from the Kingdom Hearts 2 PAL version game manual* The Story of Kingdom Hearts Three friends - Sora, Riku and Kairi - lived on the Destiny Islands. This trio of youngsters, who dreamt of the outside world, built a raft and planned on sailing away from the islands to see what they could find. But, just as their raft was finally ready, the island was engulfed in darkness, and the three of them were separated. But it wasn't just the Destiny Islands that was swallowed by the darkness - the whole world was gradually being threatened by it. The king of Disney Castle, sensing the approaching danger, had set off on a journey to protect the world. Donald and Goofy, having been ordered by the King to find and accompany the one who held the "key", eventually came across Sora, who had recently been bestowed with the Keyblade. "Only the Keyblade master has the power to defeat the heartless - the minions of darkness - and to lock the doors to the worlds in order to save them from the darkness." Hearing this, Sora set out with Donald and Goofy on a quest to save his world. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Controls [cntrls] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== This is for people without a game manual, or just hasn't read it yet. The game gives you a tutorial in game with the controls, but if you're too lazy even to listen to that, then I have no idea what made you get of your ass and read this section. But read it anyway. Controls to the Gummi Ship are under the "Gummi Ship" section. ---------------------------------------------------------- | Directional Pad | Used to control the command menu on | | | the bottom left hand corner. Also | | | controls cursor on Main Menu | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Left Analog Stick | Moves your character. Used to | | | Control main menu. Press lightly to | | | Walk. | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Right Analog Stick | Used to move Camera, so you can | | | see the wonderful surroundings. | | | Use in battle to see enemies. Can | | | also be used to control command | | | menu when L2 is held down. | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Triangle /\ | Used to do a Reaction Command. The reaction| | | will pop up above the command menu and will| | | tell you what it does. See 'Game Basics for| | | more details | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Square [] | Used to initiate abilities assigned to it | | | from the main menu during battle | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Circle O | Used to Jump. Cancel in the menu. Let go when| | | hanging from ledge. | ---------------------------------------------------------- | X | Attack in battle. The Confirm button in Main Menu | ---------------------------------------------------------- | L1 | Open and closes The Shortcut Menu. Customize in | | | Main Menu. You can assign magic and item to the | | | X,[],O and /\ button | ---------------------------------------------------------- | L2 | Hold down to use the Right Analog stick to control | | | the command menu. Can be customised in Config. | ---------------------------------------------------------- | L3 | Nothing at all. Zilch, Zero, Zip. What a waste | ---------------------------------------------------------- | R1 | Lock on target. Hold R2 and use Right Stick to | | | switch Targets. | ---------------------------------------------------------- | R2 | Switches the camera mode. When in Auto, R2 freezes | | | the camera. When in Manual, R2 makes it Auto. | ---------------------------------------------------------- | R3 | Centres Camera. Focuses on locked on Enemy. When L2 | | | is held, R3 confirms command in Command Menu | ---------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Game Screen [gmscrn] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------- | ****** | | * 1 * | | ****** | | | | | | $$$ | | $ 2 $ | | $$$ | | | | $$$ | | $ 2 $ | | $$$ | | | | ####### %%%%% | | # # % 3 % | | # 4 # %%%%% % | | # # %%%%%%%%%%%%%% | | ####### | | | ------------------------------------- 1 - Navigational Map. The active character is depicted as a keyblade, with the blade being the direction the character is moving. This isn't always there. You may have to find the map to get it. 2 - Party Gauges. This shows the status of your other party members. 3 - Controlled Character Gauge. This shows the status of your active character. See diagram below for more details. 4 - Command Menu. This shows what commands you can do. See "Game Basics" For more details. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Controlled Character Gauge =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______ / __1__ \ ________/_/ \ \ _________|____2____|_ 3 | | |_________4___________|_____/ / |_______/ 1 - HP Gauge. This is shown is green 2 - Drive Gauge. This is shown in Orange 3 - Picture of the Controlled Character 4 - MP Gauge. This is shown in Blue =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Game Basics [gmbsic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty Levels =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As you choose "New Game", you are asked for what difficulty level you want the game to be. There are three, Beginner, Standard, and Proud. You can not change the difficulty midway through the game, so choose wisely. - Beginner Suitable for those new with the KH style of play, or who are complete morons. Even if you haven't played a Kingdom Hearts game before, I seriously do not recommend you choose this, because its way to easy, even for newbie's. Also, there is absolutely no way you can get the secret movie at the end of a Beginner game, as its only available under Standard and Proud mode, so you'd feel an incredibly empty feeling completing it under Beginner mode. - Standard If you haven't played Kingdom Hearts II before, then choose this. It's not too hard, yet not too easy. It's a similar difficulty to the original Kingdom Hearts. Newbie's of KH's should also choose this instead of Beginner. To get the secret movie under this mode, you have to fully complete Jiminy's Journal. *This Walkthrough will be written under Standard Difficulty* - Proud Hardest mode, if you already haven't figured it out. Presents a difficult challenge for gamers. Highly recommended you played KH2 once before. If not, then you would be in a bit of trouble. The secret movie will always be shown if you chose Proud mode, as you only need to complete every world twice, which is extremely simple compared to Standard's requirements. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Command Menu =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Command Menu appears at the bottom left of your screen. Unavailable commands are listed in grey. To cycle through the command list, press the left directional button. Also, Reaction Commands sometimes appear above the Command Menu. ----------------------------------------------- | Attack | Attack using a weapon | | Magic | Use Magic | | Summon | Summon allies with magical powers | | Items | Use an Item | | Party | Swap party members | | Drive | Transform to learn new abilities | | Limit | Combine with party members to attack | ----------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Orbs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Orbs are dropped as you defeat enemies, and can be picked up by you or your party members. There are different orbs which contain different prizes, and the larger the size the more important it is. Equip the 'Draw' ability to pick up orbs easily. Equip the 'Jackpot' ability to cause more orbs to appear. Equip the 'Lucky Lucky' ability to give a greater chance of Items and rarer Items dropping. Green Orbs - Replenish HP Blue Orbs - Replenish MP Yellow Orb - Replenish Drive Gauge Multi-coloured Diamond Orb - Munny Yellow and Purple - Treasure Red and White - Treasure =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Reaction Commands =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Reaction Commands are commands which initiate a reaction. These could be talking with people, examining something, saving, or a special move during a battle. To activate a Reaction Command, you have to press /\ when a green /\ appears on screen and above the Command Menu. During the heat of battle, Reaction Commands don't last very long, so just press /\ the second it appears and don't bother reading it, otherwise you may miss it. Also, I recommend you try to avoid equipping the Auto Limit ability. This ability makes the Limit sometimes appear as a Reaction Command during battle, and you'll find yourself sometimes pressing it accidentally during the wrong situation, which is annoying as you lose all your MP. Although the Limit Reaction Command does come up in yellow writing instead of white to differentiate the limits from normal reactions, and if this is enough difference for you, then by all means equip the ability, as it does come in handy at times. I'd say you only equip it during Boss Battles, as that's really when you'd only be needing Limits. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Save Points =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Save Points are the most important aspect of the game field. It is here that you can save your file. It is highly recommended that you save whenever you get the chance. Save points also restore your HP and MP, and some can take you straight to the world map. Save Points DO NOT regenerate your Drive Gauge. You can access the Save Menu by standing in the middle of one, and press /\ when prompted to activate the Save Reaction Command. There are two types of Save Points. Type A save points do everything I've said in the above Paragraph. Type A is a yellow circle with a white pearl thing in the centre. Type B does everything except take you to the world map. They look like a yellow circle, thinner than Type A, but with nothing in the centre. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) Main Walkthrough [wlktgh] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== HOORAH! We're finally at the juicy part of the guide. Now, before you begin reading on, just let me give a bit of info on how the walkthrough is set out. Before each section, I'll detail what items are to be found, what enemies are to be fought and what the game recommends what level you should be at, if the game gives the level. As a fair guide, it's best to be at least a level ahead of the recommended level. If your at the recommended level, then your fine, but if your under, then you should level up before proceeding. Also, I'm only giving the recommended level the game gives in Standard Mode, and I'm not sure if the levels are different in Beginner or Proud mode. Also, this Walkthrough only deals with the main storyline, and not the sidequests. But don't worry, all the sidequests are listed, or are going to be listed, in separate sections. And I'll tell you when you can do a sidequest, and when you should actually do the sidequest during the walkthrough. This way, you'll never be lost :p WARNING: I also include Bosses in the enemies part, in which they are given a (B) at the end of their name to show that they are a boss. Now its time to begin. When you click "New Game" you will be asked for what difficulty you want (see 'Game Basics' for details), whether you want Vibration on or off, and what sound type you want. When you start off, you will see an FMV with scenes from both Kingdom Hearts and Chain of Memories. Then you start the game. ____________________________ / Prologue - Twilight Town \ =============================================================================== --Items: Twilight Town Map, Munny Pouch, Potion x7, The Struggle Trophy, Crystal Orb, Hi-Potion x4, Namine's Sketches, Mansion Map --Enemies: Assassin, Dusk, Creeper, Seifer, Twilight Torn (B), Hayner, Vivi, Axel (B), Setzer, Axel (B), --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Champion Belt or Medal, Ability Ring, Elven Bandana, =============================================================================== --Day 1-- I guess you were expecting Sora from the beginning, but alas, no. You begin as a new character, a blonde haired kid named Roxas. He awakes from a dream, which seems to be the FMV you saw earlier. He has 3 friends. Hayner is the taller, other blonde guy who also seems to be the leader, Pence is the smaller, plump, black haired guy, and Ollete is the girl. They seem to be talking about how stuff keeps getting stolen and that they're getting all the blame. And it seems a guy by the name of Seifer is the one who is spreading these rumour. For those who don't know, Seifer is from Final Fantasy VIII. Oh joy, what memories. Anywho, it seems the robber has also stolen the word of the stolen items, so no one can say what it is. Who the hell can do that? Well it's our job to investigate and find out. After a long time of just watching cut scenes and FMVs, you're finally in control of Roxas. It's now a short tutorial of how to play the game and use the controls, which are explained in the 'Controls' section. But here's a short review. You're first taught how to walk and run. A task so difficult it would send world leaders into chaos! You're then taught the reaction command using the Triangle /\. It's used to talk to people and in battle. Now lock onto the cat using R1 when asked to find the lady's cat. You now get to meet Seifer. He's with his gang, Fuu and Rai (both also from FFVIII). Vivi, the small, black mage from FFIX is also there, though he doesn't actually seem to be part of the gang, more like a tag along. You're going to have to kick Seifer's ass to get him to listen, but you need a weapon. In front of you are three weapons, known as "Struggle" weapons. The weapons do more than just hurt Seifer, each one gives you a certain stat boost, according to the ones you choose. Which weapon does what? That's where I'm here to save you. Staff (left weapon) - +1 Magic Club and Shield (middle weapon) - +1 Defence Normal Club (right weapon) - +1 Attack In my opinion, the defence one will be better suited in the long run, but it really doesn't matter too much. Also, I chose the Staff for something different for this play through that I'm basing the walkthrough on. Now it's time for your first boss fight. But don't fret, because it's hell easy and doesn't even deserve the "Boss" tag. But it's getting one for the simplicity of the guide. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Seifer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Twilight Town (Day 1) Strategy: Seifer isn't very fast, and he doesn't really attack very often. When he does though, he can take quite a bit of HP off of you. Lock on to him and keep running around and don't stand still. Jump to dodge attacks and keep pressing X to attack. Push him into a corner and get a combo or two on him. Hopefully, if you keep pressing X, you will attack at the same time he does. This will stun both of you, but you will recover first, so get a combo in. Mashing X is a good way to win, and so it timing you attacks. Either way, it should be an east fight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Once you knock Seifer to the ground, you will see the real thief. It's a white ghost, which are called 'Dusks'. Follow it through the woods, and to he gates of the haunted mansion. Suddenly you're thrust into a fight between the Dusk. You're struggle weapon is deemed useless against the Dusk, so just run around and practise your Reversal Reaction Command by pressing /\ whenever it pops up. After a few useless attacks on it, a new weapon will appear in your hand. It's the Keyblade! And unlike the stupid Struggle Weapon, it actually hurts him. Keep attacking, and use reversal whenever possible. Instead of finishing a combo, the best way to beat this thing is to do like 2 or 3 hits, do Reversal and do another 2 or 3 hits, then do reversal again and so on. This prevents it from attacking as long at you keep on attacking. When done you receive 150 munny and all the stolen items. The stolen Items are, in fact, photos. "Photos" is also the word nobody was able to say at the start. It's not just any photos, no. All the photos have Roxas in them. Every single one of them. Coincidence? I think not. Suddenly the screen becomes scrambled, and this computer voice says 'Restoration at 12%'. We're then greeted with this guy wrapped in red cloths. His name is DiZ. A guy in a black cloak approaches DiZ. We can't see who it is. They talk about why the Nobodies would steal the photos, and that they're running out of time. The Nobodies are the white creatures. That's the end of Day 1. --Day 2-- Another day, another journey. First of all, save the game. Then exit. You get the item Twilight Town Map from Pence. Your friends decide its time for a trip to the beach. But you're all broke! So they all decide to do jobs to get munny, except it seems you're the one left to do all the jobs to get money. You find jobs on notice boards. There are 3 jobs on the notice board in Station Heights and 3 more in Tram Common. I'll give you a description and recommendation as to which job you should be spending the majority of your time, so you won't go of wasting an hour doing the wrong job. ================== Job: Mail Delivery ================== Found: Station Heights Difficulty: 0/5 Munny: 50 munny - Under 00:20:00 30 munny - Between 00:20:00 and 00:59:99 10 munny - Over 01:00:00 Description: Definitely the easiest and most rewarding job on the market. It's very easy to get the maximum amount of munny for this, which is 50 munny. It's very simple to do. You're on a skateboard, and you have to deliver 5 letters quickly. As you approach the person, /\ pops up, so press it to deliver the letter. One of the recipients is a bird who is flying high near the entrance to Tram Commons. To reach him, you have to grind down the ledge by pressing /\ and press /\ when you fly next to it. Once you know the route, you will be hitting 50 munny every time. I finish it in like 9 seconds. Don't fret I you miss a person, like the guy near the ledge or the high flying bird as they are the ones I frequently miss. You have plenty of time to recover, go back deliver it, and finish the course in less than 20 seconds with plenty of time still to spare. Seriously, you must be on drugs if you're struggling to get 50 in this. ================ Job: Cargo Climb ================ Found: Station Heights Difficulty: 2/5 Munny: 50 munny - Under 00:30:00 30 munny - Between 00:30:00 and 00:59:99 10 munny - Over 01:00:00 Description: You have to help this person push their cargo up the hill to his garage. First, lock onto it, and then attack it to make it move. It won't move much, but after a combo or 2 it will fly into the air. You have to attack it now to make it go far; otherwise if it lands it will cause shockwaves and damage you. Keep it on the centre of the road, and don't miss those opportunities to hit it when it's in the air. ================= Job: Grandstander ================= Found: Station Heights Difficulty: 4/5 Munny: 50 munny - 20 or more hits 30 munny - 5 to 19 hits 10 munny - Under 4 hits Description: The crowd of Twilight Town needs some entertainment to entertain them. And it's Roxas' job to be the entertainer. You have to keep the ball in the air as long as possible by hitting it as much as possible without letting it touch the ground. If it hits the ground, you lose that combo. You get 5 turns and the highest gives you whatever munny there is. I suck at this game, so that's why the high difficulty. But if it's to your fancy then do it. ================ Job: Poster Duty ================ Found: Tram Common Difficulty: 1/5 Munny: 100 munny - Under 01:30:00 50 munny - Between 01:30:00 and 01:59:99 30 munny - Over 02:00:00 Description: It's the only job where you can get 100 munny. Though not difficult, it's very long to do. You have to put up posters for the up coming Struggle tournament. To put up posters, press /\ to stick them up of yellow markers on walls. You can find then in groups as well. Just press /\ multiple times to stick all of them in one go. Not to hard eh? The problem is that you have to put up 20 posters, and it's a large area where the markers are all spread out. The good thing is that there are more than 20 markers, so just find the route that nabs you 100 munny. In my opinion, you would be better off doing Mail Delivery. Two goes of that, which will give you 100 munny, is quicker than getting 100 munny here. ================== Job: Bumble Buster ================== Found: Tram Common Difficulty: 3/5 Munny: 50 munny - Under 00:20:00 30 munny - Between 00:20:00 and 00:59:99 10 munny - Over 01:00:00 Description: You have to kill bees. They will come in packs of 4 twice. It will take two hits to kill. They move fast, so attack early otherwise you will be struggling to hit them. Once the first 4 are dead, the next 4 will turn up. There are better jobs on the market really. =============== Job: Junk Sweep =============== Found: Tram Common Difficulty: 1.5/5 Munny: 50 munny - 10 swings or less 30 munny - between 11 and 14 swings 10 munny - 15 or more swings Description: The good thing about this job is that it isn't timed. So you can stop and think and plan it out. The bad thing is that you have to do the most in the least. You need to destroy 9 wooden boxes. Each box takes a full combo to destroy, and can only be vanquished with the combos finishing move. A combo has 3 swings. The way to do this in under 10 swings is to aim where you're going to hit the boxes. After your 3rd hit the box flies in that direction and into the wall. If any boxes are in the way, they would also be destroyed. After a couple of goes you will get a routine going, but the problem is that a slight deviation in aim can be devastating to your 50 munny chance. Once you have collected munny, go see Hayner at the train station. If you've got between 800-1199 munny, you will get a +1 AP bonus. If you got between 1200-2000 munny, you will get a +2 AP Bonus. If you reach 2000, then you will automatically meet Hayner at the Station and get +2 AP. I recommend you get the +2 AP. It will definitely help in the short term. No matter what amount you achieved, the gang will always ends up with 5000 munny. Before you can board the train, Roxas falls over, and then the guy in a black cloak grabs him by the arm. He steals the money before disappearing. Only Roxas saw him, as no one else could see him. All they saw was a clumsy Roxas. The cloaked guy ended up whispering to Roxas, 'Can you feel Sora?' before taking the money. Sad scenes as they're left to go home without a trip to the beach. The screen goes fuzzy again, and the computer voice says 'Restoration at 28%.' There's another scene between DiZ and the black cloaked man. The cloaked man has the munny pouch, which he stole from Roxas, with him. --Day 3-- Watch another FMV of flashbacks of KH, then save. You're heading to the beach. Yay! But you get caught up with Seifer, then those Dusks appear again. Again, you're worthless weapon has no effect against them, but after a few hits a scene happens and you will end up in a very familiar place for those who have played Kingdom Hearts. For those who didn't, this is where you first begin in KH, with same settings, music and such. 3 weapons appear in front of you. A Staff, a Shield and a Sword. Unlike last time, your decision here effects the game right till the end. It's the most important decision you will ever make in this game... so don't stuff it up. The weapon you choose doesn't do anything to our stats, instead it affects which order you get your abilities as you level up. This decision is not reversible. In my opinion, the Shield is a good one to choose if playing for the first time, as you will be more defence orientated when you're levelling up. But seriously, as long as you have me on your side, you'll be fine no matter what you choose ;) No matter what you choose, you get the Keyblade. Now proceed up the stairs, killing off any Nobodies that get in your way. They should be easy to defeat, just attack and use Reversal whenever possible. After you defeat some, your Bonus Level will increase to 1. Bonus Levels increase differently to your normal Level. They increase after you defeat a certain Boss or enemy. You can get new abilities, stat raise, items, armour slots and more from a Bonus Level increase. For this Bonus Level, you get the Ability "Aerial Recovery." After you watch the tutorial, equip it as it's extremely useful. Open a chest with a Potion in it. Save at the save point and head through the door. Fight more Dusks, and open another chest with a Potion. After a few battles with the Dusks, Roxas should gain a level and be at level 2. If you really want to, you can go back through previous doors to re-spawn Dusks, which is a good way of levelling up early, but its unnecessary. Go through the door, then you're suddenly thrown into a Boss Battle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Twilight Torn =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Twilight Town (Day 3) Strategy: The key to this battle is Reaction Commands. Press /\ whenever it pops up. Take note that the only attackable part of Twilight Torn is the Head. It can release energy strings at you, but you can dodge these through the reaction command 'Reversal'. It sometimes spins its arms across the field, so just jump to avoid this. It also summons more Nobodies called Creepers, but they aren't any threats. Tip: if you're low on health and out of potions, then make use of the green health orbs dropped by them when you kill them. Other than that, just ignore them. Once you're thrown into battle, Roxas will hung by his arms and legs in the air. Keep an eye out for a green triangle to appear, and press /\ whenever it pops up. The first Reaction Command is 'Key Counter'. If you miss this, you will take a couple of punches. Then it will throw Roxas into the air, whether you were successful in the first reaction command or not. You then have to press /\ again for the Reaction 'Lunarsault'. After this, you will have to do the reaction 'Break Raid' to hit a ball of energy away from you. If successful, Twilight Torn will fall to the platform and will be stunned, so take this opportunity to attack its head. If you did not succeed, you will lose a bit of HP, so use a Potion. You should have a couple after getting them from chests and dropped from Dusks earlier. After this, jump to avoid the arms that will swing across the field. Then it will send energy stings at you. Using the 'Reversal' Reaction Command, you can dodge this. Also, constant 'Reversals' will result in Roxas getting closer to the head, so when you're close enough, do a couple of attacks, Reverse, then do more attacks. Don't finish a combo or you may fall or get hit by a Energy Spike. It will also summon more Creepers here, leave them unless you need HP orbs. After a while, the screen will go white again and you will have to do the beginning sequence again. But this should be easier than last time, because you're expecting and know when to press /\. You should be able to get all three Reactions in. After this it will start over again. Just keep locked on to the head, use potions to revive HP, keep using Reversals and attack whenever possible. May take a while, but it's an easy fight. After the battle, you gain the ability Guard, and you get a boost in HP. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Guard is an extremely useful ability which I recommend that you equip immediately when you get the chance. The Twilight Torn falls on Roxas, but before the Darkness can consume him, someone pulls him out. It's that blonde haired girl you saw earlier. The blonde girl reveals herself as Namine. She wants to say something to Roxas, but the clocked guy stops her. He says it's best Roxas doesn't know the truth. Roxas identifies him as that pickpocket, so the cloaked guy pushed Roxas through a portal which appears next to Roxas. When you land, you are back at Twilight Town. You learn that Seifer and co. scared away the Dusks. How they did that is beyond me. Unfortunately, in your absence, your friends couldn't go to the beach. Roxas proposes tomorrow, but the Struggle fight is on tomorrow. Again, after all of this you see another scene with DiZ and his clocked friend. You hear the Computer say Restoration is at 48%. --Day 4-- It's the morning of the Struggle Battle. Once you wake up from another dream, save after all the cutscenes are over. You meet another Final Fantasy character. Setzer, the gambler from Final Fantasy VI. The Item Shop is open. Its located in Station Heights. Potions are 40m and Tents are 100m. If you are in need of munny to buy Potions, the Job Boards are still available, but you should have enough from fights earlier. Once ready, talk to the guy next to the blackboard to hear the rules, then talk to the announcer to begin the first Struggle. Before we being, lets get the Struggle rules and strategy done first. The aim of a Struggle is to get as many Orbs in 2 minutes. You and your opponent both start off with 100 orbs each. By hitting your opponent, he drops some orbs, and if your opponent hits you, you drop some orbs. As the orbs fall to the floor, you have to run and grab them for them to be your orbs. Therefore, your opponent can still grab orbs he dropped after you attacked him, and vice versa. The match will also end if you or your opponent gets all 200 orbs. Strategy: Keep going on the offensive. It doesn't matter that you have 150 orbs and he has 50, it would only take a combo or 2 for them to get the lead. Running away and running down the clock is a useful strategy when there is like 20 sec left, but if there is still a minute left, then keep attacking. This way you don't give them much of a chance to attack. Also, don't forget to grab the orbs. If you forget about the orbs and don't collect them, then if your opponent combos you, he has a whole heap of orbs littered of the floor for him to grab and take the lead. Also, if you lose a Struggle fight, you have to do it again till you win, with the exception to Setzer, which is the only Struggle Battle that when you lose, you've lost for good. The best Ability to have is Guard. Though Aerial Recovery is just as useful as Guard in the Struggle fights, Guard is extremely useful in the upcoming Boss fight. You shouldn't have enough AP to equip both, so choose Guard. If you do, then obviously equip both. The first Struggle is Hayner. His fighting style is a lot like Seifer. He has the basic of attacks. Use Guard to block these. Just keep attacking him and it should be easy. Don't forget to collect the orbs. After the battle, save. Watch the cutscene where you see Seifer lose to Vivi. Once done, talk to the announcer to begin the next battle. You verse Vivi here. Though he is more difficult than Hayner, he's still easy. He can magically make his club large, which makes it hard to dodge. That's why you have Guard. Usually you can only get one combo in, because any hits after a combo will usually be deflected and he will get a combo on you. So after you do one combo, run away, dodge, then attack again. Repeat this process and you should be fine. After you defeat Vivi, time will freeze again. Three Dusks appear, so dispose of them properly. Once you have done that, a man in a black coat will appear. You can tell by his voice that he is not the cloaked guy from before. He takes off his hood to reveal a spiky red head guy (what is with Square and spiky hair?!). His name is Axel, and like he was in KH:CoM, he is Fire Based. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Axel =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Twilight Town (Day 4) Strategy: He is a very difficult boss, the toughest you have to face to date. He prefers to fight from a distance than close up. He has four main attacks. His first is that he throws his rings at you, his seconds is that he rushes behind Roxas to do a combo, his third is that he burns Roxas by raising fire from the ground (Tip: He yells 'Burn' right before doing this) and his last attack is when flames surround his body and he does a massive combo on Roxas. Once the fight starts, you must hit him immediately with a combo. After you finish a combo, Axel will strike back, so block the attacks with Guard. Keep your distance from Axel, and use Jump and Guard to dodge attacks. Attack when he misses an attack. When he charges at you, just either Jump or Guard to dodge. Using Guard gives you a chance to counter attack, but if your timing isn't great, use Jump. This is why you need to keep your distance, otherwise you wont have enough time to dodge the attack. But if you're close enough when he crouches, then attack him, but you have to be quick so that's why I recommend you keep your distance. His third attack is easy to dodge, as he yells 'Burn' before he raises fire from the ground. Its best you jump, and try to jump behind him so you can attack him from behind. Use healing items whenever necessary, and attack whenever possible while staying away from Axel. This is a good battle for beginners. Unlike previous battles you have had, it is designed to make players more defensive, than the full on attack, button mashing which worked in previous battles. If you try that in this battle, then you will surely be disappointed. After the battle, you get... Absolutely Nothing! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle, DiZ appears. Both start yelling at you, both trying to convince you not to trust the other one. Roxas, caught in the middle of it all, just yells out his friends names, which seems to restore time to normal. Now its time for the last Struggle Battle. It's against Struggle Champion Setzer. Unlike past battles, you can lose this match, as you get no second chance if you lose. Save first, then initiate the battle. Though Setzer is the champion, and is undoubtedly stronger than previous Struggle battles, he is an ant compared to the previous boss battle. To begin the battle, strike first with a combo. Only do one combo, as any extra he will block and produce a counter attack. Once you finish a combo, grab the orbs around him to take a quick Orbs lead. Setzer has one really annoying attack. Its when he spins around the arena and with his weapon out. If you get hit, you can lose a bit of orbs, so jump or Guard to dodge the attacks. Other than that, Setzer doesn't really have any other major attacks, so just keep attacking him. If you lose, which you shouldn't, you get a Medal from a generous Setzer. This increases your Strength by 1. If you win, you get a Champions Belt, which gives you a boost in elemental defence. This is much better than the Medal, so if you lost, restart and try again till you get the belt. Whatever happens, you also get the Struggle Trophy. In the scene to follow, Roxas takes the 4 Orbs from his Trophy and gives one each to his friends. Then suddenly, Roxas falls from the building. But as he is falls, the screen flickers and you see a scene with a red haired girl. This is Kairi. For those who haven't played Kingdom Hearts, she is Sora's best friend (and maybe more :p). The other girl is Selphie, and she is from FFVIII. Kairi and Roxas get mentally connected, and are able to speak to each other through thoughts. Yeah, that what you do when you're falling to your death, you strike up a conversation with a girl communicating to you in your head. The screen goes fuzzy again, and the computer voice says 'Restoration at 79%'. DiZ says that Namine's encounter with Roxas has put his heart in contact with Kairi, which has affected Sora. DiZ asks the cloaked man for his real name, and he reveals his name. For spoilers sake, I wont reveal his identity, because it's a ripper. --Day 5-- You first see Roxas falling through darkness, then Roxas wakes up. He asks himself 'Which parts were the dreams?' According to his friends, he didn't fall of the Station Tower, but before Roxas could delve further, he is cut of by Olette. Looks like the group has been slacking of on their Independent Studies assignment, and with only 3 days of Summer Vacation left they have to do it now. Also, Seifer is available to fight. And you can fight him as many times as you want. He is just as easy as your previous encounter with him. Each time you defeat him, you get 13 exp. I recommend you fight him till you get to level 6 or 7. It will take an awfully long time, but the commitment will pay off. You should equip scan when you get to level 4, and should have enough AP to equip any Abilities you have. If you get to level 7, don't bother too much about Item Boost, as you shouldn't have enough AP to equip it. The assignment can wait. Also, the jobs are still available, so if you want you can get some Gil. You're going to do the assignment of the Seven Wonders of Twilight Town. The first is that the stone steps at Sunset Station count differently going up and down. Go to Central Station to proceed to Sunset Station. On the train, the others take out their orbs and inspects them in the light. Roxas goes to get his, but he can't find it. As you arrive at the station, you see the steps right in front of you. But the "Wonder" is bogus, as the person who counted them was Rai, who just miscounted. This wonder is automatically solved. From here on, if you go back to the station, there is a Save Point next to the train. Use it when necessary. Talking to Pence brings up the map with 5 markers telling you where and what to explore. When you finish one, they will be ticked off. The first one is already ticked. Before you do scrutinize the wonders, lets discover the bounty of treasure gifted to us. There are 4 chests to be looted. There's the Ability Ring on the roof of a building, access this by jumping on the Tram. There's also two Potions, and a Hi-Potion. Now its time to explore the Seven Wonders of Twilight Town. These don't have to be done in order I'm doing them, but I've placed them in the order of closest to the starting position so you don't have to be running up and down Twilight Town. First, go to the northeast corner to find Hayner near an alleyway. Proceed down that alley way, and inspect the wall by pressing /\. Balls suddenly appearing from the wall, pushing out of the alley. You have to make your way back to the end of the alley and inspect it again, but you have to avoid the balls. The balls appear in patterns, which leaves gaps in them for you to go through or jump over. It can take a while, but proceed in caution, but not to slowly. When you accomplish your task, Pence comes and shrugs off the wonder as just some Balls left around. The next wonder is just around the corner of the alley. It's the dark tunnel at the end of the stream that runs in the middle of town. The Wonder is that weird noises seem to be coming from the tunnel. Once in there, you see Vivi. Suddenly you see another Vivi, and another Vivi. They then attack you, and this initiates a battle. These Vivi's are a hell of a lot easier than the Vivi you fought earlier. It take only one hit to kill a Vivi, but more Vivi's seem to materialize as the battle continues. You could be facing as many as six, and like ants, they can be annoying in numbers. But if you keep on attacking, you should be fine. The beauty of this match is that each Vivi you defeat gives you 1 exp, and there are around 13 or 14 to kill. Once you finish the battle, the 'real' Vivi comes down the tunnel. He seems completely oblivious to Roxas' dilemma with the other Vivi's. Then Pence also emerges, and as he missed the battle, he comes to the conclusion that the noises were just Vivi practicing. As Roxas and Pence leaves the tunnel, Vivi turns into a Nobody, then vanishes. Near the southwest corner is where the third wonder is. It's a waterfall on the side of a building. Inspect the waterfall to commence the Wonder. Roxas is viewing his shadow in the waterfall, but unexpectedly the shadow comes out of the waterfall. Unlike the real Roxas, the shadow Roxas is slow, unintelligent and weak. Pull of a couple of combos, keep on the offensive and it will be an easy fight. Again, Pence comes just after the Wonder is finished and comes to another stupid conclusion. The last wonder is on sunset hill. There is this bag which keeps jumping around. Roxas decides to jump on the bag to make it stop. As Roxas is on the bag, it moves around and tries to get Roxas off by running into trash cans. To stop the bag from doing this, press /\ just before the bag is about to hit the bin to make it jump. Keep doing this till his Stamina diminishes. If you fall off, the Stamina does not regenerate itself, so its very easy. The thing in the bag ended up being a small, pitiful dog who just so happened was able to hold Roxas's weight. So much about this being a 'wonder'. Now its time to examine wonder number six, and that's back on Sunset Hill, where the doggy bag is. If you missed any Items, get them now. The wonder is "The Ghost Train Mystery". It's about a train which has nobody aboard. No driver, no conductor, no passengers, no return. After a long cutscene with Seifer interrupting, Roxas sees the train. Its blue and Gold, with stars and moons decorated on it. Roxas exclaims in excitement and runs to the station. But again, it ended up that only Roxas saw the train, and no one else did. They decide that all the wonders were bogus, and that Olette will write up the paper now. Wait! We haven't done Wonder Number Seven yet. That is at the Old Mansion, the place where you went when you followed the Dusk on Day 1. Proceed there now through a hole in the wall in Tram Common. The wonder is that you can see a girl through the window, but the mansion is meant to be deserted. The girl in the window was Namine, and another long cutscene proceeds. Namine explains some more aspects to Roxas. She explains that Roxas and Axel are/were best friends. She also says that Sora and Roxas are connected, and that he needs Roxas to be whole again. Then unexpectedly, she blurts out that Roxas was never meant to exist. But before she could elaborate further, Pence wakes up Roxas from his daydream. Another cutscene with Roxas and co. then another one with DiZ and his cloaked friend. He says the haze is clearing, and that his memory is returning. DiZ also says that its time to dispose of Namine. Another computer voice saying that restoration is at 97%. End of Day 5. --Day 6-- This is the final day, and it starts off with a ripper! Roxas meets up with his friends at the Usual Place, but no one can see him. Even more weird, is that Roxas's friends walk right through Roxas (or did Roxas walk through his friends?). Once outside, Axel is there waiting for you. Roxas says something about them being best friends, which makes Axel optimistic, but further questioning by Axel reveals that Roxas has remembered nothing. Axel summons some new nobodies. These are called Assassins. These nobodies are complicated, as they sometimes go underground before popping up and bombarding you with a hard hitting combo. The best, and only time to strike is when they put their arms up above the ground. This is a signal that they are about to attack. Attack now, as this makes them come out of the ground giving you an opportunity to combo it. Defeating these nobodies gives you 15 exp, and they sometimes drop a Hi-Potion, so take the time to dispose of it. Be careful to kill it quickly though, because failure to do so will result in the Assassin self destructing, injuring you and depriving you of exp and items. After you finish with the Assassins, time again stops, freezing Axel. Proceed back to the Old Mansion when commanded by DiZ. On the way there, go through the Sandlot to fight more Assassins. The exp is very much worth the time and effort to defeat. There are also 3 Assassins and 2 Dusks in the woods. At the mansion, there are Creepers on the main floor. You fought these Nobodies in the Twilight Torn boss battle, remember? There is a chest with a Hi-Potion at the far end of the floor. Before climbing the stairs, proceed through the door at the left of the main floor to enter the Dining Room. In the Dining Room, there are more nobodies, 3 Assassins and 2 Creepers. There is an Elven Bandanna and a Potion. Go back to the Main Floor, then proceed upstairs. There are two Potions on the second floor. Fight off the Nobodies, then go through the door on the left. You meet up with Namine here, and you'll learn more about things that are going on. But DiZ and his friend appears and take Namine away. You'll get the items Namine Sketches and the Mansion Map. Save, then leave the room. Stay on the top floor, fight all the Nobodies and go through the door on the other side of the top floor. In the Library, inspect the table to open up the secret basement. There is a chest with a Hi-Potion here, then go through the door. In the Computer Room, Roxas will suddenly lose it and attack the computer. Save before heading through the new door. Make sure you have any abilities that you can equip equipped, so your ready for the Boss Battle. Have the Champions Belt on you, and definitely have Scan on. Continue through the door to a large room. Nobodies appear, two Assassins and four Dusks. Dispatched them with ease. Axel shows up when the Nobodies are gone. He's angry now, and a ring of fire surrounds both you and Axel. Roxas, who is also angry, pulls out, not one, but TWO keyblades. It's important to note the types of Keyblades he wields. It's the Oblivion and the Oathkeeper. Fans who have seen Deep Dive will recognise the importance of this. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Axel =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Twilight Town (Day 6) Axel has the same four attacks from your last meeting with him, plus two more. One is that the entire floor is covered with flames, so this slowly depletes your HP every time your on the floor. The other is that a wall of flames covers him, then he charges out with a powerful attack. These two attacks makes Axel harder than the last time you fought him. However, if you levelled up by fighting Seifer like I said, then it won't be as difficult. Because your HP will be hurt every second your on the floor, focus on Aerial Attacks at the beginning for a combo or two. After you finish your Aerial attacks, attack with ground attacks. This should open up the Reaction Command 'Overtaker', then 'Clear Light' when prompted. This clears the fires from the floor, making the battle a lot easier. If Axel goes behind a Wall of fire, just stay still and wait. When he charges out, Guard it. It may be hard to time it. He will probably cover the ground again with flames, so just start again with Aerial attacks. If done correctly, he'll die before the next 'Overtaker/Clear Light' comes up. After the battle, you get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After then battle, Axel will disappear. First, go back to the Computer Room and save, then go through the door marked ???. Donald and Goofy are here. They're in these blue chambers, sleeping. Open the chest with a Hi-Potion in them, then go through the other door. Watch another encounter with DiZ, then the pod opens. The Kingdom Hearts II logo appears on screen. The Prologue is over, let the real game begin! _________________ / Twilight Town \ =============================================================================== --Items: Potion x3, Hi-Potion x3, Tent x2, AP Boost, Mythril Shard x4, Ether x2, Mythril Stone, Pouch, Crystal Orb, Secret Ansem's Report 2 --Enemies: Dusks, Creepers =============================================================================== OMG?! Sora's back! And he has sure changed. His voice has gone deeper and more mature, and he has grown so his clothes look small on him. Donald and Goofy hasn't changed a bit. Goofy still has his accent, and Donald still doesn't wear pants. They can't remember anything about how they went to sleep. They remember that they defeated Ansem, went to look for the King and Riku, and that's it. Jiminy, who suddenly appears out of absolutely nowhere, checks his journal, but all that is written there is "Thank Namine." Some journal that is. Once you regain control over Sora, go back to the Old Mansion. Though you can't re-enter the Mansion as such, you can search the grounds in front of it to find 2 chests which contain a Mythril Shard and a Potion. Head back to Town, and you'll end up at the Usual Spot. You get quite a reception from Hayner, before being told that someone with big, round ears was looking for you. Who else can have big round ears except King Mickey! He's at the Train Station. Save at the Usual Spot before leaving. King Mickey can wait, so proceed to the Sandlot. Seifer is there, still with an attitude problem. He immediately takes a disliking of Sora, and picks a fight with him. But before you could kick his ass, the fat guy steps in and wants the fight to be a struggle match. Unfortunately, you can't struggle now, nor can you fight Seifer, so you'll have to wait. From the Sandlot, go to Tram Common. There a 7 chests for you to find here. Most of them are on roof tops, so jump around and search everywhere to find them. There are 2 Potions, a Tent, an AP Boost, a Hi-Potion, and 2 Mythril Shards. Use the AP Boost on Sora. In fact, you should use all the AP Boosts you get here on in on Sora. In addition, if you find the Alley where the junk was to be destroyed for that job, you can destroy the junk now to get 6 munny. If you go to the jobs board, you'll see there are no jobs available. Also, there are 3 chests with a Potion, Hi-Potion and Mythril Shard in the woods. There are four shops to shop at. The Accessory shop sells Ability Rings for 80m. The Armour shop sells Elven Bandana for 100m and Shadow Anklet for 150m. These two stores are located in Tram Common. The Weapons Shop is in Station Heights, and they sell a Hammer Staff for Donald for 100m, and Adamant Shield for Goofy for also 100m. Also, the Items Shop is still available, selling Potions for 40m and Tents for 100m. Buy the Adamant Shield for Goofy, and the Hammer Staff for Donald. If you got the money, buy the Shadow Anklet and equip it for Donald. If you're low on Potions, buy some, but don't buy any Tents at this stage. There is also the Synthesis Shop, but that's not open yet. Now advance to Station Plaza. Instead of Mickey showing up, Nobodies attack. 6 Dusks first attack, and when they're gone, 2 Dusks and 4 Creepers come along. After them, its 4 more Dusks. A cutscene will initiate either after your HP goes below 3/4 or the battle goes for longer than 2 and a half minutes. Sora and co. suddenly collapse exhausted, but King Mickey saves them before the Dusks attack. He seems a lot different from the Mickey's you've seen in the cartoons. His voice is a bit deeper and he seems more mature and serious, and not the kiddie Mickey. But it definitely suits him. He gives Sora the Munny Pouch Roxas had, Roxas's Crystal Orb, and Secret Ansem's Report 2. When you're in the Train Station, collect the 3 chests which are lying around. These contain a Potion, a Hi-Potion and an Ether. Say goodbye to Hayner, Pence and Olette, who have come to see you off. When ready, talk to Donald and choose "Get on". _____________ / The Tower \ =============================================================================== --Items: Potion, Hi-Potion, Ether x2, Mythril Shard, Tower Map, Mythril Stone, --Enemies: Dusk, Creeper, Shadow, Soldier --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Star Seeker Keyblade =============================================================================== Although The Tower is technically under Twilight Town, I'm listing it under a separate section to make the guide easier to handle. As you exit the Train, it disappears. There are 3 chests to get, a Potion, a Hi-Potion and an Ether. Proceed to the door to initiate a scene with a big, fat guy blocking the door. He says something about Heartless taking over the Wizard who lives in the Tower and making him a heartless so he can be a bodyguard for Maleficent. Maleficent?! Pete's a bit behind on the news. We killed her in Kingdom Hearts. Pete gets angry at seeing Donald and Goofy. The King banished Pete to another Dimension for causing trouble, but he has somehow returned. He proceeds to summon the old classics from Kingdom Hearts, Shadows. Shadows are the most common and pathetic of all Heartless. They are weak and slow, but they can evade attacks by becoming one with the ground. They also attack in large numbers. Pete summons eight, but they are so simple so just dispatch them with ease. The wizard who resides in the Tower is Master Yen Sid, King Mickey's Teacher. Just a bit of background information, Yen Sid is from the Disney musical Fantasia. Yen Sid is also 'Disney' spelt backwards. Donald runs inside the Tower, and Sora and Goofy follow. Inside, open the chests for a Mythril Shard and an Ether, then save at the nearby Save Point. Now run up the staircase and go through the dark haze. You'll find yourself on a spiral staircase. Run up them, killing the 3 shadows that you encounter. Enter the door, and kill another 10 shadows. Go through the other door, and continue climbing up more stairs. 5 shadows will appear on these stairs. Go through the door. Soldiers Heartless will appear. These are similar to shadows, but in armour. You can use the Reaction Command "Cyclone" against the Soldiers. Dispatch the first lot, then the others when they spawn. Proceed to the other door to climb up more stairs. Don't worry, this is the final lot of stairs. Destroy any heartless that appears, then enter the door. Finally, you meet up with Master Yen Sid. Watch the long cutscene, then when you regain control, open the Chest for Tower Map, and save. If you want to, you can read the book. Its an interesting read, and isn't very long, so I recommend you read it. It's under three headings: The Beginning, Interlude, and The Future Story. Once you have read it, or don't want to read it, talk to Yen Sid and choose 'Actually...' In case you didn't read the book, or want to read it again, well here it is: "The Beginning - Each journey gives rise to chance encounters, and each encounter brings forth a farewell. When a farewell leads to a journey, the worlds open their hearts. Those chosen by the light, or ensnared by darkness. Friends who share the same bonds, though their paths may differ. When you doubt the path trod thus far, when the hand you held is lost to you, gaze anew at the heart that once was...for all the answers are within." "Interlude - A long dream. A sad farewell, hanging in the air in that "world between". What is reality? What is illusion? The path chosen by the young boy leads to his memories. When caught in the stream of the days and nights going past, gaze anew at your steps...for there all confusion will end." "The Future Story - Will the day come when this battle, born of confusion, will end? It is different things to different people. Can the reality be that which is hidden? The reason is mere existence. Still, memories can be believed. Be not afraid. Entrust your body to the soothing waves of your memories. By and by, your fleeting rest will be over...and everything will begin." Another long scene follows. Yen Sid tells you about your new enemies, the Nobodies. They're those white creatures you fought earlier. Nobodies are the empty shells left behind when someone with a strong heart or will becomes a Heartless. He also tells you about the group of higher Nobodies, Organization XIII. They control the lesser Nobodies. This group wears a black cloak, which is the same as the ones worn by Axel, DiZ's cloaked friend, and, strangely enough, King Mickey. Yen Sid also wants Sora to change clothes, as his old outfit looks a bit small on him. When you regain control, proceed to the next room. Inside are Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. Talk to the red one to get your new clothes. After an argument over what colour the clothes should be (bleh! The green one looks horrible), your new cloths are mainly black in colour, which suits Sora. Your new clothes also enable Sora to use Drive forms. The game tells what Drives are, and more information is located in its respective section in this guide. In addition, you also learn your first Drive, Valor Form. This Drive uses Goofy, and can only be used when he's in the party. Also, when in this form, Sora wields Two Keyblades! You gain Drive Experience for Valor every time you attack an enemy. How Cool! And because Sora doesn't have two Keyblades, the kind Fairies gives Sora the Star Seeker Keyblade. This keyblade is better than your Kingdom Key, but unfortunately, its automatically placed as the Valor Form Keyblade, which means you only get to use it when you drive to Valor. And you can't swap the Star Seeker with the Kingdom Key, well, not at the moment. When you regain control, open the chest for a Mythril Stone. Go back to see Yen Sid, and he will gift you with a Gummi Ship! Before you throw a fit, the Gummi Ship has improved dramatically from last time, so that its actually fun! Yen Sid explains that the worlds have prepared new pathways to travel across, and you have to unlock the paths by completing each world. As Sora, Donald and Goofy leave, Yen Sid disappears. Back in the Fairies room, something dreadful happens. Another ripper of a spoiler will not be revealed now. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== Back to the Gummi Ship! And our beloved squirrels are back, Chip and Dale. But this time, they have voices. There is only one world available now, so go there. You don't have to do any flying for this, so breathe that sigh of relief. __________________ / Hollow Bastion \ =============================================================================== --Items: Hi-Potion, Tent, Marketplace Map, AP Boost, Drive Recovery, Mythril Shard, Membership Card, Blizzard Element, Fire Element, Secret Ansem's Report 7, --Enemies: Dusk, Creepers, Samurai, Shadow, Soldier --Games recommended Level: 8 =============================================================================== Boy oh boy, hasn't Hollow Bastion changed. Before anything, you see a scene with Pete searching for Maleficent, and is almost about to give up and believe that Sora has killed her when he sees Diablo, Maleficent's Raven. Now, the game recommends you should be at level 8, but if you levelled up by fighting Seifer like I said, you should be around level 9, 10 or even 11, depending on how much time you spent levelling up Roxas against Seifer. Sora and co. enter Hollow Bastion which looks a lot healthier and friendlier than what it was in KH. Unfortunately, Sora spots some heartless roaming around. At the marketplace, lets have a look at the shops. There is only one new thing selling here, and that's an Ether for 150m at the item shop. Everything else is the same as what was being sold at Twilight Town. If you've got the munny, you can get the Hammer Staff now. Also, if needed, buy some Potions. The Synthesis Shop is now open. Talk to he floating Moogle and when prompted, hand over all your synthesis items. You will receive an Elixir for doing this for the first time. You can't make anything just yet, so whenever you get some Synthesis Items, hand them over to any synthesis shop across the game. You also meet up with Scrooge, Donald's uncle. Talk to him to learn about something completely irrelevant about Ice Cream. Now, head to the next area. Here, you meet up with Yuffie, from FFVII. Before you can get acquainted properly, 5 Dusks attack. Once you have defeated them, new Nobodies attack. They are called Samurai. They constantly attack, which makes them dangerous. But they give good exp, so its worth the trouble to defeat them. Yuffie gives you the Market Place map, and invited you to Merlin's House. Merlin's house is just down the road, but before proceeding there, lets loot the chest lying around. There are 5 chests containing AP Boost, Drive Recovery, Tent, Hi-Potion and Mythril Shard. Defeat all the Heartless if you want, then head into Merlin's house. Time to meet up with old friends. Squall...Leon (FFVIII), Cid (FFVII), Aerith (FFVII), and Merlin. Watch the cutscene and you'll get some stupid Membership Card and your first magic spell, Blizzard Element. A short tutorial will play showing you about Magic. Save, then leave. Go up the stairs and head to the Bailey, which is marked with ???. Leon shows you this evil castle with some black crap around it. Suddenly, Nobodies attack. You have to now fight the Nobodies, but there are two catches. One is that Donald and Goofy aren't with you. Two is that you have to defend the gate. The gate has a health bar, and if that empties, its game over. A good thing is that badass Leon is fighting with you. A group of Nobodies attack. This group consists of Dusks, Creepers and Samurais. This may sound hard, but just stay close to the gate and focus on the Nobodies which venture close to it and use Blizzard frequently. Let Leon take care of the ones further away. The Nobodies re-spawn after you kill a group, and you have to kill everything to win the battle. When you win, you get the Fire Element. Yay! Another magic spell. Outside, Organization XIII appears. They taunt Sora, and one specific member really confuses Sora. But they all run away, so you don't have to fight them. When they leave, the Membership Card starts to glow. It reveals a Keyhole, which Sora unlocks to reveal paths on the world map. Looks like the card wasn't so stupid after all :p After this, Secret Ansem's Report 7 is yours. Hollow Bastion is over for now. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== The first thing you should notice is that Twilight Town is gone. WTF? Another thing you should notice is two new worlds. The one on the left is Beasts Castle, and the other one is The Land of Dragons. The Land of Dragons will be easier at this moment. Take the Asteroid Sweep to gain entrance to the world. This will be your first time on the Gummi Ship, and the first thing you should notice, is the improved gameplay when shooting at the Heartless. You may even get a likening to it. Once you complete it, proceed to The Land of Dragons. _______________________ / The Land of Dragons \ =============================================================================== --Items: Hi-Potion x5, Mythril Shard x3, Ether x2, AP Boost x3, Recovery Recipe, Village Area Map, Encampment Map, --Enemies: Shadow, Nightwalker, Assault Rider, Rapid Thrusters, Bolt Thrusters, Shan-Yu (B), --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Hidden Dragon Keyblade --Games recommended Level: 10 =============================================================================== A cutscene progresses when you land. It shows Shan-Yu, a sinister Hun warrior. Sora also meets up with his old friend, Mushu. For those of you who don't know, Mushu was a summon in KH, and he really kicked ass! You also meet Mulan, who is disguised as a boy named Ping to enter the Imperial Army. You are forced to have Ping in your Party, so keep her. I recommend you have Goofy ahead of Donald, as the Valor Drive can only be used with Goofy in the Party. But as you have the option of changing characters anywhere in the Command Menu, it doesn't matter. And its best to save the Drive for the Boss battle! Save, and open the chests for Mythril Shard, Ether and a Hi-Potion. Talk to the Moogle to hand over all your Synthesis Items, and shop if you want to. The Moogle sells Elven Bandana for 100m, Fire Bangle for 150m, Blizzard Armlet for 150m, Abas Chain for 250m, Potion for 40m, Ether for 120m and Tent for 100m. Really, only buy Potions, Tents and Ethers if you need. Nothing is really worth it. Go to the next area. Initiate the cutscene by walking forward. Donald ends up fighting this small, tough guy, which draws everyone else into the mix. Captain Li Shang breaks everything up, but Heartless show up. You are introduced to Morale. This is similar to Struggle. You have a bar which if it reaches zero, its game over. You have to keep it up by collecting orbs. Unlike Struggle, Orbs are only dropped when you defeat the enemies, and your bar will always continually to go down, so you need to collects orbs to keep it the bar as high as possible. Defeat all the heartless. Shang is impressed with Sora, Donald and Goofy's skills, but is sceptical with Ping's abilities, and wants her out. You have to prove Ping's strength by completing three missions. After this cutscene you get the Encampment Map. Before you start the missions, go north from here to the checkpoint. Here there are 2 chests. A Mythril Shard and a Hi-Potion. Fight the heartless here if you want to, otherwise just run like crazy. Speak to Shang again to start the missions. All the missions include Morale. The missions can be done in any order. Mission: 'Surprise Attack' Strategy: This mission is located at the Checkpoint. There are 15 heartless to defeat. There is a new heartless as well, the Nightwalker. Keep your morale up by collecting orbs. This is the easiest of the three. Mission: 'The Ambush' Strategy: Again at the Checkpoint. There are 4 Shadows, 5 Nightwalker and 2 Assault Riders. The Assault Riders are a new enemy, and aren't they a ripper! They are quite tough, and they love to combo you with its big spear thing. The best way to defeat it is to use magic, preferably Blizzard. If you want to fight close combat, make sure you guard a lot. This can take a couple of tries because your Morale might deplete to empty. Mission: 'The Search' Strategy: This time its at the Encampment. Heartless has invaded the Encampment, and you have to find them and destroy them. There are 8 heartless, 4 Shadows and 4 Nightwalkers. Just find them and kill them. The main problem I had was keeping my morale up, because finding the Heartless can take a while, and the tents sometimes get in the way of defeating them. You get an AP Boost when you complete all three. Go back and Save at the Bamboo Grove at anytime if you want to replenish your HP or MP. Shang has another job for you. You have to scout the Mountain Trail to secure the path over the summit. Once ready, head off to the Checkpoint, then go to the next area for the Mountain Trail. The stupid Morale Bar is back again. You have to clear the area before it runs out. Rocks are blocking the way, as well as numerous heartless. Use the 'Rockshatter' reaction command to destroy the rocks. Its recommended to defeat the Heartless before attacking the wall. Take care with the Assault Riders though, use magic. Destroy the first two walls to make it into the main area. Ignore the chests for now, as the Morale bar is still against you. At the fork, head right until you come across the next wall to break. You'll also encounter two Assault Riders here as well. Try to defeat them, but if you can't be bothered or the Morale Bar is nearly empty, then just try to ignore the Assault Riders and use Rockshatter till the wall is gone and just go to the next area. That will be the last time you will see the Morale Bar! You are now in the Village. Mushu believes he saw Shan-Yu head into a cave, and convinces everyone that's it's a good idea to go there and take Shan-Yu out themselves to get on the good side of Shang. It's a bit predictable how this will turn out, I mean, it's Mushu! After the cutscene you'll get the Village Map. Save, talk to the Moogle and hand over any Synthesis Items. Before you head to the cave, lets go back to the Mountain Trail and grab those chests we left behind. On the Mountain Trail, there are four chests. There is a Hi-Potion, a Mythril Shard, an Ether and a Recovery Recipe. The recipe is for Synthesis. Destroy any Heartless around, as the exp will come in handy. Head back to the Village, hand over the Recipe to the Moogle, replenish HP and MP at the save point, then head to the cave. Head through the cave, and open the chests for a Hi-Potion and an AP Boost. When in the large Cavern, Donald and Goofy get blocked off, while a bombardment of Heartless attack. Its just you can Ping for this battle. The first wave consists of a whole heap of Shadows and an Assault Rider. Take out the Assault Rider first. Blizzard is good here, but the Shadows might get in the way. Also, you'll want to save MP for the next wave, so try close combat against it. It will sometimes knock you into the air, so remember to use Aerial Recovery by pressing O. Use Guard to block attacks. When the Rider is dead, take out the Shadows with ease. Though Fire is good to take out multiple Shadows in one go, its best to save MP. After the last Shadow is gone, two more Assault Riders attack, but as there are no Shadows, use Blizzard often. After the battle, Sora gets the Slide Dash ability and Ping gets the Hyper Healing ability and a HP boost. Equip Slide Dash for Sora. Leave the cave, to see the Village burned to ruins. Damn You Mushu! Save, then talk to Shang. He tells you to continue on, and find Shan-Yu. When ready head up to the Ridge. On the Ridge, grab the chests for an AP Boost and a Hi-Potion. You'll meet up with a new heartless here, Rapid Thrusters. These look like yellow, flying fish. They are easy to defeat, as you can use the reaction command 'Speed Trap.' When all the heartless are gone, head up again. Shan-Yu is here! And he's got an Army of Heartless! Suddenly, Sora is all alone. Donald, Goofy and Ping are no where to be seen, and Sora is surrounded by a hoard of Heartless. You have a minute to survive, and you have to kill as many as you can. The heartless are only Rapid Thrusters and Bolt Thrusters. Bolt Thrusters are a long, yellow thing which only weak point is its small head. These things can be annoying. Once the minute is over, all the heartless is covered in the avalanche. Due to Mushu's big, yapping mouth, Pings real identity is revealed. Shang spares her life, but kicks her out of the army. Also, Ping is now Mulan in the main menu. Head back to the Village, save, then head to the Checkpoint. Take the other path to the Imperial City. Fight the heartless that get in the way. Watch the cutscene unfold, then get ready for the fight against Shan-Yu. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Shan-Yu =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The Land of dragons Strategy: Shan-Yu isn't a hard boss. He has 3 main attacks. His first is when he runs across the floor with his sword outstretched. His second is when he leaps into the air, spinning with his sword again outstretched. His third is just a sword combo. Shan-Yu also spawns heartless to attack the gate, and the gate also has a HP bar. If it empties, its game over. When the battle starts, change to Valor form immediately. Combo him over and over again. You should be able to remove a bar of his health before Valor runs out. Focus solely on Shan-Yu. The others can take care of the heartless around the gate. Also, though his falcon can be a pest at times, refrain from attacking it, as when it leaves it returns soon after. Just repeatedly combo Shan-Yu, use the Red Rocket Limit break if you want to. All in all, it should be over quite quickly. After the battle, Sora will get a HP boost, and the Aerial Sweep Ability. Donald and Mulan will get a HP boost. Goofy will get the Goofy Turbo Ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sora will use Shan-Yu's sword to unlock the next route. You'll also get the Hidden Dragon Keyblade. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== Nothing new here. But before you continue to Beasts Castle, first lets talk about Keyblades. Because you can't access the menu from the Gummi Ship, land at Hollow Bastion or Land of Dragons. Now, if you inspect the Hidden Dragon keyblade, you'll find that's its an absolute crap keyblade. It decreases your strength, which isn't very good. But because we have a third keyblade, we can now switch the Kingdom Key to the Valor keyblade and the Star Seeker as the standard blade. To do this, equip the Hidden Dragon as the Valor keyblade, then equip the Star Seeker as the main keyblade. Then equip the Kingdom Key as the Valor keyblade. Sounds confusing? Just make sure the Star Seeker is the standard Keyblade, the Kingdom Key is your Valor Keyblade and the Hidden Dragon is hidden out of sight. Once you've done that, head to Beast's Castle. __________________ / Beast's Castle \ =============================================================================== --Items: Hi-Potion x4, Tent x3, Mythril Shard x6, AP Boost x3, Mega-Potion, Castle Map, Drive Recovery, Basement Map, Mega-Recipe, Cure Element --Enemies: Shadow, Soldier, Hook Bat, Large Body, Tresholder (B), Gargoyle Warrior, Gargoyle Knight, Possessor (B), Beast (B), Soldier, Lance Soldier, Shadow Stalker (B), Dark Thorn (B) --Games Recommended Level: 13 =============================================================================== Sora and co. enter the castle, and the residents of the castle are revealed after a loud roar. It's Beast's Castle! But before we can meet the Beast, a Heartless grabs their attention. They follow the heartless into a room. In the room, there is a red rose on a table. Shadows appear, and you have to fight a whole heap of Shadows. Use fire to kill a lot in one go. The problem is, they keep on re-spawning. So there is no end. But the Beast arrives and saves the day by removing the rest of the Shadows. Instead of welcoming Sora, he shoves him out of the way, grabs his rose and leaves. Save at the save point, buy stuff from the Moogle, and turn in all your synthesis items in necessary. The Moogle is selling the Ability Ring for 80m, the Sardonyx Ring for 160m, the Silver Ring for 160m, Potion for 40m, Ether for 120m, and Tent for 100m. If you have got the munny, buy the Sardonyx Ring for Sora, but if you don't, then don't worry about it. When ready, leave the room. Outside, Donald sees a girl at the top of the staircase. It must be Belle! A new Heartless will attack you now. The Hook Bat is a flying heartless. They are easy to defeat, and use the Reaction Command 'Bat Cry' whenever possible. Before you climb those stairs, go in the opposite direction to enter the Courtyard. Here there are three chests, a Hi-Potion, a Mythril Shard and an AP Boost. Go back to the Entrance Hall, and climb up the stairs and go right. Donald will rudely break in on Belle by breaking the door down. My God Donald! Don't you know how to knock. Belle will tell you that the Beast has locked his servants in the dungeon. After the cutscene, open the chests for a Mythril Shard and the Castle Map, save, then leave. Outside in the East Wing, an old favourite Heartless from KH will appear. Large Bodies are these annoying, large Heartless. They are immune to attacks on its front, and can only be damaged by attacks on its back. Use the reaction command 'Full Swing' to do some damage and make it stunned. There are also two chests here, a Tent and a Hi-Potion. Exit to the Entrance Hall, and then take the other Stairs to the West Hall. After you watch the short cutscene, there is two chests behind Sora containing a Hi-Potion and a Mythril Shard. There are also three more chests containing a Drive Recovery, a Tent and a Mythril Shard. The stairs are blocked by large Armour suits. Talk to the Dresser. She is sleeping, and refuses to move. You have to push it out of the way by using the Reaction Command 'Push'. But be careful, after a couple of pushes, the Reaction Command changes to 'Waken' and if you push it now, it will wake the Dresser up and it will jump back in front of the door. The best way to do this is to push ' Push' three or four times, then stop, wait for 'Waken' to come and go, and repeat. Once its moved out of the way, it will say a small story about the Beast, but leaves it unfinished. Enter through the door. Get ready, as soon as you enter the room, your thrown into a boos battle! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Thresholder and Possessor =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Beast's Castle Strategy: These are pretty much two enemies in one boss. The Thresholder is the door itself, and the Possessor is the floating purple ball. The Possessor has possessed the door and making it attack you. The door has three attacks, it swipes at you with its extended arms, it breathes out which pushes you away, and it creates ball on energy which attack you. The Possessor itself has no attacks. Also, it sometimes summons Heartless to attack you. The first thing you should do is change to Valor and give it everything you got! When its HP is gone, the Possessor should leave the door and float around the room. If there is still some Valor left, then attack it till Valor dies. If Valor is already gone, then still attack it. It HP bar will be near empty before it decides to go back to the door. Because you don't have Valor this time, keep your distance for a while. Take out some Heartless if you want to, then when ready, charge at it from the side to avoid the arms. Keep attacking it, combo after combo, and the Possessor should leave again. Attack the Possessor till it dies. After the battle, Sora gets the Upper Slash Ability, Donald gets the Donald Fire ability, and Goofy gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Enter the door that was once a Heartless. Inside is the dungeon. Rescue everyone, and listen to the Story about Beast once being a Prince and such. It's similar to the movie storyline. Open the chests for an AP Boost and a Basement Map. Save, then head out again back to the Undercroft. Jump up the tables and furniture, and talk to Cogsworth, the clock. The armour will move out the way. In the next area, you have to participate in a short minigame. Cogsworth will hold down a leaver, and Sora has to go to all the lanterns to do the reaction command 'Sprinkle' to help Mrs. Potts and Lumiere light the lanterns. There are three lanterns to light. Also, there are boxes in the way which you need to destroy to make way for Mrs. Potts and Lumiere to get to the Lanterns. If Cogsworth is running low on energy, go up to him and keep pressing /\ to give him energy. But if your quick, you can light all the lanterns before Cogsworth loses half his energy. After the secret door is opened, go backwards to open the two chests containing a Hi-Potion and a Mythril Shard. Open the chest at the door for a Mega-Potion. You will now be in the West Hall, on the other side of those Statues. Two new Heartless will be introduced here, the Gargoyle Knights and the Gargoyle Warriors. Use the reaction command 'Release' to destroy instantly, or just pound away till its HP is gone. Both are immune to magic. Open the chest for an AP Boost, then exit through the other door. In the West Wing, open the chests for a Tent and a Mythril Shard. Defeat any heartless here, and enter Beats Rooms. Watch the cutscene with Beast and an Organization member. Looks like he is corrupting Beast's mind. You try to reason with Beast, but he attacks you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Beast =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Beast's Castle Strategy: Beast only has one attack, that that's when he attacks you will his claws. Just attack him merciless. Use the reaction command 'Wake Up' now and again. When his HP is empty, continually press /\ to charge Cogsworth so his beg to his master will be at its highest. If you fail to charge him high enough, his HP regenerates to full and you have to start all over again. If you do the beg successfully, then the battle is over. After the battle, Sora gains an extra Armour Spot, Donald gets a HP Boost, and Goofy gets the Defender Ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Beast returns to normal... well as normal as he can be :p The organization member was named Xaldin (what a cool name!), and he was corrupting Beast so he can turn into a Heartless and his shell will become a Nobody so the Organization can control it. Beast is now in your party. I recommend you have Beast and Goofy, as you will need Valor in the upcoming boss battle, and Beast's limit break will come in handy. Open the chest for a Mega Recipe and save. Then head out. In the West Wing, head to the West Hall. The armour has moved, so go straight for the Entrance Hall, ignoring the Secret Passage. Fight any heartless that you encounter. In the Entrance Hall, you'll meet a new Heartless, the Lance Soldier. These can be a treat, as they have quite a bit of HP. A combination of magic and attacks work well against it. Use the command 'Lance Tug' when possible. Proceed to the East Wing and to Belle's Room. Belle isn't there! She went after Xaldin. Save in Belle's Room, then go back to the Entrance Hall. Take the door north, in between the stairs to go to the Ballroom. Inside, Belle is being chases by a big ball. Belle escapes, and you have to attack now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Shadow Stalker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Beast's Castle Strategy: Shadow Thorn has four main attacks. Firstly, it hides behind a window, and will shoot shockwaves across the room. Secondly, it will disappear into the ground and will try to eat Sora. Thirdly, it will have power over a pillar. Fourthly, it will have power over the chandelier, causing it to drop and shoot rays of energy at you. Shadow Stalker is also very quick, so make sure you lock on to it immediately, and keep it locked on, as it's very easy to lose track of it. Its first attack is random, but try to combo it before it does it's first attack. I know it may be tempting, but don't use Valor yet, you need to save it! If it hides behind a window, hind behind a pillar to avoid the shockwaves. Otherwise, just try to dodge or just take the damage. When it leaves the window, attack it relentlessly. If it goes into the ground, you can watch where it is as it emits a light from the ground. When its almost underneath you, jump to dodge the attack. When it comes up from the ground, attack again. If it takes over a pillar, just attack the pillar till its HP is gone, then use the reaction command 'Release' to release the Shadow Stalker. Again, attack it. If it takes over a chandelier, attack it unforgivingly till its HP is gone, then Release it. Whenever the Boss isn't doing any of the afore mentioned attacks, then attack it over and over again. It should be over in no time. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Now the real boss battle beings! No time to do anything, your thrown straight into it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Dark Thorn =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Beast's Castle Strategy: Dark Thorn is a lot harder than the previous battle. It has four attacks. First, it attacks you with its claws. Secondly, it can go invisible and attack you. Thirdly, it will grab the chandelier. Fourthly, it will throw you across the room. If you saved Valor like I said before, use it straight away and attack. Keep attacking till the three drive gauges are empty. If Dark Thorn becomes invisible, lock onto it and attack it. Sometimes, the 'Step Vault' command will become available, so use it to be launched into the air. Press /\ again to catch the Chandelier when prompted, and use the 'Pendulum' reaction command to swing across the room. This catches the Dark Thorn and makes it visible again. It will also stun it for a short time, to attack it. Sometimes, Dark Thorn himself will grab the chandelier and do the same attack that you can go. To avoid this, run behind the pillars and wait. If you don't do this in time, be prepared to take a bit of damage. Sometimes, Dark Thorn will throw you across the room. Use 'Slingshot' reaction command to rebound back to him. Just keep on attacking and if you your reaction commands, it will be over quicker than you expect. After the battles, Sora gets the Retaliating Slash ability and a HP Boost. Donald gets a HP Boost. Goofy gets the Item Boost ability. Beast gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Watch the cutscene. Sora uses Beast's Rose to open the next route. Also, Sora gets the Cure Element. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== Watch the cutscene in the Gummi Ship. Merlin is summoning the Ship back to Hollow Bastion. You can't do anything, nothing at all. Merlin's magic is stronger than the Gummi Ships Power. _____________________________________ / Hollow Bastion and 100 Acre Woods \ =============================================================================== --Items: AP Boost, Mythril Shard, 100 Acre Woods Map, Baseball Charm --Enemies: Soldiers =============================================================================== Merlin summoned you here. And what for? He found Pooh Bear's book again! He leaves the room, saying he wants Leon and the others in the room so he doesn't have to tell the same story twice. He also tells Sora not to enter the book, but, of course, Sora doesn't listen an jumps in anyway. Talk to Donald to go to 100 Acre Woods. The book is now a pop up book! There is a save point on the right of the book, and to exit the book approach the glowing circle at the top of the book. When ready, advance to the only popped up part of the Book. It's Pooh Bear's House. Before you talk to Pooh, open the chests for an AP Boost, a Mythril Shard and the 100 Acre Woods Map. Talk to Pooh. He seems happy to see you, but your conversation is cut short as Sora is sucked out of the book. Heartless is attacking the house, and they have stolen the book. Attack and destroy all the Heartless. Once you get the book back, Sora decides to check on Pooh. When you enter the Book, the first thing you should notice is the dark patches on what used to be pages of the book. Also, when you meet Pooh, he doesn't remember who you are, nor does he remember his friends. Merlin returns, and is unhappy that Sora didn't wait for him. Again, Sora has to find all the Torn Pages all over again. Merlin gives you the Baseball Charm, which allows you to summon Chicken Little. Yay! Your first summon. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== You are automatically sent to the World Map after Hollow Bastion. There is one world left unexplored. That's Olympus Coliseum. Open the Gummi Route, then proceed there. ____________________ / Olympus Coliseum \ =============================================================================== --Items: Hi-Potion x3, Ether x2, Mythril Shard x5, Mythril Stone x2, AP Boost x3, Power Boost, Tent, Underworld Map, Coliseum Map, Cavern Map, Thunder Element, Olympus Stone, Secret Ansem's Report 5 --Enemies: Soldier, Rabid Dog, Creeper Plant, Hook Bat, Large Body, Large Soldier, Cerberus (B), Trick Ghost, Demyx (B), Pete (B), Hydra(B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Hero's Crest Keyblade --Game Recommended Level: 16 =============================================================================== You land somewhere that doesn't look remotely like Olympus Coliseum. You are, in fact, in the Underworld! You also see Meg, Herc's friend. She has come to see Hades to ask him to give Herc a break. Since Sora is so kind and all, he volunteers to go talk to Hades instead. Save at the save point when you regain control, and talk to the Moogle. The Moogle sells a Hammer Staff for 100m, Comet Staff for 200m, Adamant Shield for 100m, the Falling Star for 200m, Potion for 40m, Ether for 120m and Tent for 100m. Buy the Comet Staff for Donald and the Falling Star for Goofy. You should have the money. Hand on over any synthesis items, stock up on Potions if necessary. You should notice that your Drive bar has chains over it. You can't drive in the Underworld, nor can you Summon. Keep that in mind. When ready, head to the Cave of the Dead: Entrance. You'll meet a new Heartless here, the Rabid Dog. They're simple Heartless, so just dispose of them. The white cloud things pose no threat. They just float around, and killing one will drop MP Orbs. This is a good way to replenish your MP if necessary. Continue forward till you reach the Passage. Watch the scene with a coward Organization member running away. Proceed down the Passage till you reach a fork. Both forks contain treasure, so its advisable to take both. The left pathway has a Mythril Shard, an Ether and a AP Boost, while the right pathway contains a Hi-Potion. There is also a Mythril Stone near the exit. When you've got that, take the exit to the Inner Chamber. Here, loot the Mythril Shard and the Underworld Map from the chests. Save your game, and hand over Synthesis Items to the Moogle. When ready, proceed to the Valley of the Dead. Advance forward, across the three platforms. The Creeper Plan will be a new Heartless. The are rooted to the ground, and shoot seeds at you. You can use guard to block the seeds, and use the reaction command 'Root Ravager' to dig up the Heartless and attack it. Continue forward till you reach Hades' Chamber. Hades summons the badass character from FFX, Auron. But due to Disney ties and the game being child friendly, he has lost his sunglasses, he's clean shaven, he doesn't have his bottle of whatever that was at his hip, and he looks years younger. In fact he looks like the Auron that was guarding Lord Braska, not the one guarding Yuna. Anyway, watch the cutscene between Auron and Hades. Auron refuses to work for Hades, and Hades gets mad. Sora and co. enter just Hades is about to attack. Auron has now joined you, and because you can't Drive, I recommend you get rid of Goofy. You can't attack Hades, your powers are limited due to the curse of the Underworld. So you decide to run away. Invisible shields are blocking your way, and to get rid of them, you have to defeat all the Heartless in the way. There are heartless and shields at each platform, so defeat all the Heartless at each platform to open the way forward. At the third and last platform, there are two waves. The second wave is the hardest of all, as the Heartless are Large Body's and Lance Soldiers. Use Auron's Limit Break to take care of these easily. Back in the Inner Chamber, save, then just go back to the Cave of the Dead: Entrance. Hades is still angry, and lets loose the dog of all dogs! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Cerberus =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Olympus Coliseum Strategy: Though it may look intimidating, and it may bring back sour memories from Kingdom Hearts, its a lot easier than you think. Cerberus had five attacks. It bites (like any normal dog), it hits you with its tail, it jumps and causes shockwaves, its two outer heads crash together with the middle head and trapping Sora, and it creates dark ball of energy which follow Sora around. Also note, you don't have Donald or Goofy for this. You do have Auron though. The first thing you should do, is use your limit immediately. Attack the heads with all your glory. When the limit runs dry, lock on to a head, preferable the middle one, and attack like mad! Unlike in KH, you have less chance of getting bitten. By attacking the middle head, you increase your chance of the two outer heads crashing together and trapping you. Why is this a good thing? Because this initiates a series of Reaction Commands which can seriously harm Cerberus. The dark balls it releases are slow and easy to run away from. If your low on HP, run away, heal, then run back in. Cerberus is so slow you can do that with little fear of being hit. After the battle, Sora gets the Dodge Slash Ability, and Auron gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the battle, you arrive at the Underworld Entrance. Auron disappears. Proceed to the Coliseum Gates. Herc is there, and is exhausted from battles. Herc offers Sora a stone which nulls the curse of the Underworld, allowing Sora to use his full strength, including Drives and Summons. Its with the gods, so Herc goes off to get it. Meanwhile, Phil proposes Sora do some training with him. You'll get the Coliseum Map. Enter The Coliseum and talk to Phil and choose "Practise". The first training session is that you 20 orbs by breaking the pots in 90 seconds. Extremely easy! The second training session will be unlocked when you complete the first one. This involves collecting 100 orbs in 90 seconds. The trick is to break the pots when they spawn in a big group, and by breaking the big pots. When you have completed both, Herc appears and says that the Olympus Stone has been stolen by someone in a black cloak and white creatures. Blast It! It's the Organization! Hades appears and tells everyone that he kidnapped Meg. Just when things are down and gloomy, he also releases the Hydra, so Herc is forced to remain behind while Sora and co. have to go rescue Meg. Go back to the Underworld Entrance, and the eastern pathway, once blocked by flames, is now open. Open the chest here for a Power Boost and proceed through it. In the Underworld Caverns Entrance, takes some steps forward so you'll fall through the fog. Here, you'll meet a new heartless, the Trick Ghost. They shoot dark balls of energy at you from afar. Use Guard to send them right back. They are easy to defeat. Pick up the Mythril Shard here, avoid the falling rocks and proceed to the next area called the Lost Road. This is just one big maze, and is easy to get lost in. Open the chest you first see for an Ether. In the large area, take the path straight for a Hi-Potion. Take the door on the right to go back to the Caverns Entrance, and open the two chests for a Hi-Potion and an AP Boost. Go back to the Lost Road. Go left, and open the chest for a Mythril Stone. In this large area, take the middle path, open the chest for a Mythril Shard. Continue on, and go through the door. You are now in the Atrium. Open the chest for a Tent. Go up the right, and jump to reach an AP Boost. Then enter the next area. Here, you'll meet with an Organization member. His name is Demyx. He takes off his hood to reveal his face. He has the Olympus Stone, so get ready for a battle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Demyx =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Olympus Coliseum Strategy: Demyx doesn't actually fight you, nor do you fight him. He summons water ghosts, and you have to defeat 100 in 80 seconds. Each water ghost is easy to defeat as they have low HP, but defeating them one at a time will take too long. Use the reaction command 'Wild Dance' to wipe out a number of then in one go. After the battle, Sora will get a HP Boost, Donald will the MP Rage Ability, and Goofy will get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Demyx says some confusing things here. You'll get the Olympus Stone and Secret Ansem's Report 5 when Demyx disappears. The Olympus Stone now allows Sora to Drive and Summon. Grab the chests for an AP Boost, a Mythril Shard and the Cavern Map. Save, then examine the thing in the middle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Pete (first) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Olympus Coliseum Strategy: Pete has four attacks. He throws bombs at you, which can easily be deflected by Guard, he can attack you with a physical combo, he sends shockwaves across the ground, and rocks fall from the ceiling. Also, he summons Hook Bats. Meg has a life bar here, you have to protect Meg. The first thing you should do is concentrate on the Hook Bats while also staying close to Meg. When all the Hook Bats are dead, Drive to Valor and attack Pete. After a few combos, Pete will summon a shield around him. Just wait a moment, then continue attacking when it disappears. You should deplete almost all of Pete's HP before Valor runs dry. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Before you can kill Pete off, Herc arrives. Now for the second stage of the battle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Pete (second) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Olympus Coliseum Strategy: With Herc on your side, the battle should be easy. Pete has the same attacks as last time. You have two minutes to win, otherwise the cave collapses on you. When Pete puts a shield around him, you can now use the reaction command 'Pinball' to knock him into Herc to dislodge the shield. You can also use the reaction command 'Aura Guard' when your near Herc, so Herc can protect you from falling rocks. If you keep attacking and use the reaction commands, you should win easily. After the battle, Sora gets the Trinity Limit Ability, Donald gets a HP Boost, and Goofy gets the Hyper Healing Ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Not another boss battle?! After the scene with Hades telling Herc that he forgot to take care of the Hydra, save, and head back to the Coliseum. Herc is unable to fight now, too exhausted I guess, so it's up to you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Hydra =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Olympus Coliseum Strategy: The Hydra has four attacks. First, it can attack you with its tail. Secondly, it uses lighting against you. Thirdly, it shoots black balls. Lastly, it bites. Meg is cheering you on from the eastern sideline. She throws MP, HP and Drive orbs to you, if necessary. The Hydra has one head, for now. Lock on to the head, and watch out for the tail swipes and lighting. Whenever the head comes close to the ground, attack it with everything you've got. When it's HP is gone, or near gone, use the reaction command 'Vanquish' to cut off the head. Now three heads will pop up from the ground. Attack a head, and after a while, Phil will be yelling at you to "Get up on the Hydra's back." Go up on the back by climbing up its tail from the left. Press /\ when prompted to initiate 'Phil One-Two' so Phil can throw a big pot at you. Use the Reaction Command 'Urninator' to hit the hit into the Hydra's back. This stuns all three heads. Use this opportunity to attack a head, take off all its HP and use Vanquish to get rid of the head. You may have to do the reaction commands a couple of times. When all three heads are gone. The Hydra pops out again, this time with seven heads! Its here it will shoot black balls at you. If you got your Drive full, then I recommend you Drive to Valor. If not, the go see Meg for Drive Orbs, fill up the gauges, and then Drive and attack. Some of the Hydra's heads will come close to the ground, while some are high in the air. Just attack the ones close, and when it rises back up, lock on to another head that's at ground level. After a couple of attacks, 'Pegasus Run' reaction command will become available. This will call Pegasus, who Sora will jump on, and will fly around the Hydra's heads to allow Sora to attack by pressing /\. You'll have to be quick, the 'attack' reaction command doesn't last long. You may have to so this a couple of times. When the Hydra's HP is empty, use Vanquish to finish of the battle. After the battle, Sora will get a HP Boost and the Thunder Element. Donald will get an extra Armour Slot, and Goofy will get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Watch the cutscene. Olympus seems completely devastated, and Herc is blaming himself. You'll obtain the Hero Crest keyblade. Watch the cutscene with Queen Minnie. Oh No! Disney Castle is in danger! _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== Disney Castle is unlocked. Also, there is no Gummi Route to unlock. But before you head there, land at Hollow Bastion, so we can talk about Keyblades. The Hero Crest is a brilliant Keyblade, and worth equipping as your standard keyblade. Equip the Star Seeker as your Valor Keyblade. This way your more Strength orientated. If you rather be more magical, then keep the Star Seeker as your standard keyblade, and equip the Hero Crest as the Valor Keyblade. Its up to you, but I recommend you go more focused on strength. When ready, head off to Disney Castle. _________________ / Disney Castle \ =============================================================================== --Items: Ether, AP Boost, Mythril Shard x2, Mythril Stone, Hi-Potion, Star Recipe, Torn Pages, Disney Castle Map --Enemies: Shadow, Soldier, Minute Bomb, Bolt Tower --Game Recommended Level: 18 =============================================================================== Ah! Home sweet home for Donald and Goofy. Chip and Dale, your trusty Gummi Engineers are waiting for you in the Gummi Hanger. They express bad news about Heartless in Disney Castle. Save, then proceed out to the Courtyard. The Courtyard is just full of Heartless! Its like Heartless Haven! It may seem like a lot, and like a never ending stream, but it's not. I recommend you stay and fight out every single Heartless. Its not difficult, but it's long and annoying. But its good exp, and there are seven chests for you to get, which would be easier when all the Heartless are gone. The Heartless here are Shadows, Soldiers and, a new Heartless, the Minute Bomb. The Minute Bombs explode when not defeated in time, which does quite a bit of damage to you. On the plus side, they also damage the Heartless around it. When all/most of the Heartless are gone from the courtyard (this will take around 15 to 20 minutes), you can receive the bounty that awaits you. Open the chests here for an Ether, AP Boost, Mythril Shard, another Mythril Shard, Mythril Stone, Hi-Potion and a Star Recipe. When you have finally done all that, proceed through the exit. In case your lost, just follow the grey path around the statue in the middle till you get to a fork in the path. You are now in the Colonnade, and this place is even worse than the Courtyard. Its absolutely overrun by Shadows! Worst of all, they never cease to re-spawn! (well, at least it didn't for me. I've heard people say it does stop after a while, but it must be after a long time, as I was fighting Shadows for half an hour) My God, when did Disney Castle become a breeding ground for Heartless! Fortunately, its only Shadows that appear here, and though they only give a small amount of exp, there are numerous amounts of Shadows, which all add up. Fight off as many Shadows as you want, and when you get tired, just continue down the road till you reach the door to continue to the Library. Here, open the large chest for Torn Pages. These are for Poohs Book. There is a Moogle Shop here. They're selling Elven Bandana for 100m, Divine Bandana for 200m, Dark Anklet for 300m, Potion for 40m, Ether for 120m, and Tent for 100m. Save your munny, there's better crap just down the road from now. Save, then talk to the Queen. Queen Minnie hasn't warned the Castle about the Heartless yet! Donald and Goofy decide to split up and warn everyone, but Sora has to go with the Queen because he might get lost, and the Queen needs a Guardian. You'll get the Disney Castle Map after the cutscene. Your going to have to go to the Audience Chamber. This is that large door that was down the Colonnade, but was locked with Magic. But the Colonnade is filled with Heartless, this time, more than just Shadows. You have to protect the Queen from Danger. She has a damage bar on her, and you should know by know what happens if it fills. Stay close to the Queen, attacking any Heartless that gets to close. Also, when close to the Queen, you can use 'Faith' to kill off a lot of Heartless. Proceed forward slowly, calling the Queen over with /\. When you make it to the door, use the reaction command 'Finish'. The Queen sealed the door for "protection", but it was a load of codswallop really. Bolt Towers are all over the Audience Chamber. You have to make it all the way to the throne at the other end of the long Audience Chamber. Instead of just barraging straight down the middle, go either left or right. There is a lot of open space here considering the amount of Bolt Towers around. Stay close to the Queen, attack any Bolt Towers that get too close, and use 'Faith' often. Just keep proceeding forward slowly. After a while, you'll either make it to the throne, or you'll destroy all the Bolt Towers, making the run home a bore really. Use 'Finish' at the throne to proceed. You also get some bonuses after this minigame of sorts. Sora gets an extra Accessory Slot and gains the Auto Summon Ability. The Queen opens the throne floor to reveal a stairway. Whoa! This Castle is full of surprises. This is The Hall of the Cornerstone, and the great, big, glowing ball is the Cornerstone of Light. Its this thing which is suppose to make the Castle safe from Heartless, but Maleficent has been playing around again. The Queen wants Merlin to inspect the area, so you'll have to get him. Save at the save point, then go back to the World Map. Fly to Hollow Bastion, watch the cutscene where Merlin will magically take you all back to Disney Castle. He seems to know what's wrong, but doesn't tell you. Instead he makes a door appear, and tells Sora and co. to go through the door to a new world to fix the problem, yet he also tells them not to succumb to their temptation. Save, the proceed through the door. __________________ / Timeless River \ =============================================================================== --Items: Hi-Potion x2, Mythril Shard, Mythril Stone, AP Boost, Drive Recovery, Cornerstone Hill Map, Window of Time Map --Enemies: Shadow, Minute Bomb, Hammer Frame, Rapid Thrusters, Aeroplane, Hot Rod, Past Pete (B), Steamboat Pete (B), Pete (B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Monochrome Keyblade --Game Recommended Level: 18 =============================================================================== Whoa! Don't go to adjust your TV sets. This is how its meant to be. Readers! I present to you the World of Black and White TV. This is meant to be Steamboat Willie, Mickey's first ever sketch. Though Donald and Goofy haven't had any major changes, Sora looks hell different, and even laughable. Watch the cutscene with Pete. He looks really different from before, and doesn't even recognise the crew. In fact, this Pete looks like a cat, and I swear the modern Pete is meant to be a dog, right? Weird. When you regain control, search the area for two chests containing the Cornerstone Hill Map and a Drive Recovery. Talk to the Moogle and hand over any synthesis items. Lets look at what he's selling. An Ability Ring for 80m, Engineers Ring for 160m, Tourmaline Ring for 320m, Gold Ring for 320m, Potion for 40m, Ether for 120m and Tent for 100m. Buy a Gold Ring for Donald and a Tourmaline Ring for Sora. If you have the money, also buy a Tourmaline Ring for Goofy. Save, then head down south to the Pier. Pete in on the Pier here, but before you approach him, grab the chests for a Hi-Potion and a Mythril Shard. Now go to Pete, and use the reaction command 'Punish' when prompted. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Past Pete =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Timeless River Strategy: This Pete is easy to defeat. He has three main attacks. First, he has a normal punch. Secondly, he charges at you. Thirdly, after his charge, he jumps on the ground sending shockwaves across the arena. Now, when the battle starts, just beat the daylights out of him. When he charges at you, you can use 'About Face' to send him the other way, then continue attacking. You get nothing from this battle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Whoops! This Pete isn't the Pete were after. He's the nice Pete from the past (hence his name 'Past' Pete). Looks like someone stole his Steamboat, and Sora and co. has agreed to help him find it as a form of apology. Go back to cornerstone hill to find four doors, each leading to a different time period. Heartless have gotten in them, and its your job to get rid of them. This part of the game can be a bit confusing, so I'll explain some parts of it. Each door has a different scenario, and the scenarios can be done in any order. After you complete a scenario, you get to watch a cutscene. The four cutscene will be presented in order, no matter what order you complete the scenarios. These cutscenes gives more information on what exactly Timeless River is. I'll be doing the scenarios from left to right, but it doesn't matter. Also, in each scenario, there is a Mayhem bar. You have to defeat all the heartless before the Mayhem bar fills. The left most door takes you to the Building Site. Here, your on some scaffolding and Heartless are attacking it. The Heartless are the Minute Bombs, and a new Heartless, Hammer Frames. The best way to defeat these is aerial combos. After a while, the scaffolding will start shaking, so it makes it difficult to stand on. Keep Sora in the air, and use 'Air Slash' to take out some Heartless. Watch the cutscene. The middle left door is the Lilliput. Either Sora and co. are giants and the town is normal size, or Sora and co. are normal and the town is really tiny. Either way, Heartless are the same size as Sora, and are attacking the town. A new Heartless, Aeroplanes, will be here, as well as Hammer Frames. This is an easy battle, in fact, the easiest on the four. Again, at the end, watch the cutscene. The middle right door is probably the hardest. This is the Scene of the Fire. And as the name suggests, there is a fire here. The building is on fire, and Heartless are the cause. There are two types of Heartless here, Shadows, and a new type, Hot Rods. Though the Shadows won't be any trouble, Hot Rods are the opposite. These will start charging at you when its HP is low. You can't hurt them when it is charging, so dodge them until they stop, then attack. Two will appear, so focus on one before you go at the other. Otherwise, if you attack both, you run the risk of both charging at you. If you really need to, Valor Form is a god save here. When your finally done, watch the cutscene. The right most, and the last, door will take you to Mickey's House. Here, there are a horde of Rapid Thrusters. Compared to the last door, this should be a piece of cake. Again, watch the final cutscene when done. I'll just recap the story that was presented to you, in case you don't understand. If you haven't watched the cutscenes yet, you might want to watch them before you read this paragraph, or skip this paragraph. Timeless River is actually the past, which means that the Door Merlin opened was the Door to the Past. In fact, Timeless River is where Disney Castle is today, therefore the Cornerstone of Light is there. Maleficent and Pete found another door at Hollow Bastion which also leads to Timeless River, and decided to get rid of the Cornerstone of Light from Timeless River, so it effects the Cornerstone of Light in the Present, the one at Disney Castle. This is why Heartless was able to invade Disney Castle, and why the Cornerstone of Light has thorns and darkness surrounding it. Your job was to go to the past, and stop Pete was stealing the Cornerstone. After the four scenarios are complete, you get the Window of Time Map. Oh No! The Cornerstone of Light is gone. No guesses who took it. Now you have to find bad Pete, and stop him. He went down the Waterway, the northeast exit. Save before you follow him. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Steamboat Pete =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Timeless River Strategy: Pete is on the Steamboat, the one he stole from Past Pete. The Cornerstone of Light is on the back of the boat. There is a bar at the top of the screen, which shows how far Pete is escaping. If he goes too far, its game over. Pete has only one attack, which he throws stuff at you from afar. You can block the stuff he throws back at you with /\, and this also sends back the stuff at Pete. After a couple of hits, he will lose control and the steamboat will hit the shore. Use /\ to grab on to the crane. This will swing you next to the cage which contains the Cornerstone. Attack it, but watch out. The crane will swing back to its original position, and you have to press /\ when prompted to continue hanging. If you don't, you will fall, then Heartless will appear. Keep in mind that the Heartless only appear when you fall. So don't. After the battle, Sora learns the Slapshot ability. Donald learns the Fantasia Limit and the Auto Limit Ability. Goofy gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You save the Cornerstone, but Pete runs away. Grab the here chests here for a Hi-Potion, an AP Boost, and a Mythril Shard. Go back to Cornerstone Hill and save, then head to the Wharf. At the Wharf, Past Pete is fighting Future Pete. Past Pete isn't happy that Future Pete stole his Steamboat. Get ready to fight Pete again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Pete =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Timeless River Strategy: Past Pete also fights Pete in this battle. Pete has three attacks. First, he just punches. Secondly, he throws bombs. Thirdly, he sends shockwaves through the floor. Also, he can shield himself, but unlike the time you fought with Herc, the shield is impossible to triumph over. You can also use Past Pete to your benefit. If you see Past Pete rolling around the place, use 'About Face' top knock him straight into Pete. You can also hit Past Pete, so he fly's into the air, lands ands sends shockwaves to Pete. When you begin the battle, you'll be fighting him at the Wharf. Change to Valor immediately and attack him continuously. Valor should prevent him attacking very often. After a certain amount of Pete's HP is gone, he will change the setting of the battle from the Wharf to the Scene of Fire. At the Scene of Fire, if Valor is still in effect, attack him with all you've got. If Valor runs out, then attack him, but not full on. Try to keep some distance between you, while also attacking. Magic is good here. If his shield goes up, just back away and wait for it to go down. There is nothing you can do to stop the shield. Again, after a while Pete will change the scene again. You'll be in Mickey's house. When you land here, attack immediately and get a combo or two in, then back away again. Again, just wait out the shields and ignore the huge black vortex in the centre of the room. The next area is the Lilliput. The cannons in the centre will shoot at you, but its nothing to worry about, as there is little you can do to stop it. Just do the same thing as you did at Mickey's House. Pete will change scenery for the last time, this time to the building site. The scaffolding will bounce you up and down. Use 'Air Slash' against Pete to get massive damage against him. Watch out for his bombs, as they bounce around the scaffolding. After the battle, Sora gets the Reflect Element and a HP Boost. Donald gets a HP Boost and Goofy gets the Goofy Tornado Ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pete will leave Timeless River through the Hollow Bastion door. Sora seals the door with his keyblade. Sora also receives the Monochrome Keyblade, and he learns a new Drive, the Wisdom form. The Wisdom form needs Donald to be in the party, and is more magically inclined. It turns Sora's keyblade to a gun thing which can shoot magic at anything Sora locks on to. Sora is also super quick in Wisdom form, as he rides a cushion of air. Unlike Valor, Wisdom gains 1 exp for every enemy you kill under Wisdom. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== There are a couple to new things you can do here. Firstly, two new worlds are opened. Port Royal and Atlantica. Atlantica is a minigame, and not part of the storyline. Also, a tournament has been opened at the Coliseum, which you can now complete. In addition, with the Torn Pages you got from Disney Castle, you can go complete a minigame in Poohs Book. Firstly, before we do anything, we need to talk Keyblades, so land at Hollow Bastion. I suggest you keep Hero's Crest as your standard keyblade, and put Monochrome as the Valor Keyblade. But if you want to be more magically inclined, then swap the two Keyblades. Now you can do what you want. If you landed at Hollow Bastion to change your Keyblades, you might as well go see Pooh. Also, I recommend you complete the Tournament at the Coliseum and the minigame at Atlantica. All three of these are covered in their respective section of the guide, and I seriously recommend you do all three before you go to Port Royal. ______________ / Port Royal \ =============================================================================== --Items: Mythril Stone, Mythril Gem, Mythril Shard x3, Ether x4, AP Boost x3, Mega-Potion, Naval Map, Isla de Muerta Map -- Enemies: Shadow, Soldier, Undead Pirates, Cannon Gun, Air Pirate, Hammer Frame, Barbossa (B), Illuminator (B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Follow the Wind Keyblade --Game Recommended Level: 20 =============================================================================== My God! The graphical difference from the citizen at Port Royal and Disney's Characters is massive. Port Royal and its population look so realistic. The Disney things are just odd when in this world. Port Royal is from the Disney action movie 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.' Brilliant movie, if I say so myself. In fact, this world just doesn't do justice to the actual movie, not as thrilling really. If you haven't seen it, I recommend you do so the minute you finish playing KH2. When you regain control, first grab the chests here for a Mythril Stone, an Ether and the coveted Naval Map. Save, then talk to the Moogle to do some shopping. He's selling a Hammer Staff for 100m, Victory Bell for 400m, Adamant Shield for 100m, Chain Gear for 400m, Potion for 40m, Ether for 120m, and Tent for 100m. Buy the Victory Bell for Donald and the Chain Gear for Goofy. Stock up on Potions/Ethers/Tents in necessary. When ready, leave the Rampart through the only available exit. Pete is here. And doesn't he look weird compared to Barbossa. Pete isn't happy that Sora arrives, but instead of sending Heartless, Barbossa sends four of his men to fight Sora. These are the Undead Pirates. Try to attack them, but you realise that it's no good. These aren't Heartless, so your keyblade does nothing. Continue attacking them uselessly to initiate a cutscene. The moon will appear from behind the clouds, and if you've seen the movie, you'll understand that the Moon reveals the Pirates true self. You can only kill them when they are under the moonlight, so now that the moon is in the open, attack them. Using the 'Return fire' reaction command is useful, but the best way to defeat these unique enemies is through Magic. If you use Blizzard, the pirates become frozen. If you use Thunder, they slow down. If you use Fire, they run around in horror. Its extremely useful. Head to Town when they are gone. Will and Elizabeth are here, so are some Undead Pirates. To make everything worse, Heartless also appear. There are Shadows, Soldiers and a new Heartless, Cannon Gun. These shoot bombs up in the air which land on a big Target symbol which follow Sora around. Just stay away from these targets if possible. The Pirates have kidnapped Elizabeth Swann, and Will Turner isn't happy about it. You agree to help Will save Elizabeth. Before you continue of your journey, first explore the Town. Destroy any boxes and junk which litter the town, as they reveal secret passages and treasure. There are four chests to loot, which contain a Mythril Shard, AP Boost, Mythril Gem and an Ether. Also, Heartless and Undead Pirates also lurk around. Proceed to the Harbour, where you'll meet Captain Jack Sparrow! The Pirate who seems to be a drug addict. Sora, being the goody goody he usually is, is trilled to have a badass like Jack with him. Looks like Sora had a childhood dream of being a Pirate. Not surprising, considering that he did build a raft to sail around on in Kingdom Hearts. Talk to Will to board the Interceptor, the Galant Ship of the British! Head downward to the Hold to save. Talk to the Moogle if you want, and hand over Synthesis items. Talk to Jack who is steering the ship, and choose the Black Pearl. On your way there, you get ambushed by Undead Pirates, and a new Heartless called Air Pirates. These are flying Heartless, and are simple to defeat through a combo or two. You land at the Isla de Muerta. Jack and Will tell Sora and co. to stay behind and guard the ship. "It's a task given only to the bravest of pirates." Yeah right! But Sora almost fall for it, before he gains common sense and goes after them. Save before you go to the Cave Mouth. Defeat the Heartless and grab the chests for an Ether and a Mythril Shard. Continue forward to meet up with Will and Elizabeth. Where's Jack?! Its your job now to hold of the Undead Pirates for one minute so Will can get the ship ready. You don't have to defeat the Pirates, but you should easily be able to do so. After the minute is up, Sora runs back to the ship and Will explains what happened to Jack. You'll obtain the Isla de Muerta Map. Will sails back to Port Royal, but another ambush of Undead Pirates appears. Kill them off easily. The Black Pearl has caught up with you. Now you have to protect the medallion while also fighting of continuous Undead Pirates. If you lose the medallion, you'll have one minute to retrieve it from the Pirate who took it. You can also shoot cannons at the Black Pearl, yet I really don't see the point in doing so. You'll also have to avoid cannon shots from the Black Pearl. The back of the boat is where there is the most amount of moonlight, so just stay there. After the battle, Sora and Goofy will get a HP Boost and Donald will learn the Draw Ability. Barbossa captures you, takes Will with him, and leaves the rest tied up on the Interceptor. Somehow, Jack is able to escape from his bonds, and releases everyone else. Barbossa has left five barrels of explosives on the ship, and a lot of Heartless are around. They are trying to light the barrels on fire, and Sora has to stop them. Approach each barrel and press /\ to kick them into the sea. Do that for all five. You can ignore the Air Pirates, as you can get all five barrels quickly. After this battle, Sora gets the Item Slot Ability, Goofy learns the Second Chance ability, and Donald and Jack gets a HP Boost. You're back on the Isla de Muerta. Save, then continue forward to the Cave Mouth, then to the Rock Face. The Rock Face can be quite difficult, as its littered with Undead Pirates. What makes it worse is that there are only small sections of moonlight available. You'll have to try to lure the Undead Pirates into the moonlight, and use Magic against it. Its best to use either Blizzard, as this freezes them, or Thunder, as this slows them down. Resist from using Fire as this makes them run around like mad men. There are two chests here as well, both contain an AP Boost. In the Moonlight Nook, kill of all the Undead Pirates. Loot the chests for a Mega-Potion, Ether and Mythril Shard. Continue onwards... Pete summons the Illuminator to help Barbossa. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Barbossa and the Illuminator =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Port Royal Strategy: Two bosses? Not really. The Illuminator doesn't attack, it just sucks all the light. This is bad, as without moonlight, we can not defeat Barbossa. On the other hand, Barbossa has five attacks, all downright deadly. Firstly, he attacks with his sword. Secondly, he tackles before hacking with his sword. Thirdly, he throws bombs. Fourthly, he shoots with his pistol. Lastly, he combos with stabs and slashes. First, you'll have to find and kill the Illuminator. You'll find it as it has glowing eyes. Kill it in a couple of hits. The room has light again. Lock onto Barbossa immediately, then Drive. You can either drive into Valor or Wisdom. In my opinion, Wisdom is better because the room is so large and Barbossa likes to run around a lot. Just lock on to him and just shoot. This way you can also keep your distance and won't be attacks by his swords very often. When Wisdom does run out, you'll have to attack him. Using limits here is great. Also, use the reaction commands when the appear. You can use 'Land' then 'Reverse Blade' to do a lot of damage to Barbossa. 'Twin Counter' then 'Sonic Dive' can also be used if Jack is close. If the Illuminator reappears, just take it out again. It will have a larger HP gauge, but its still weak. Again, when he's gone attack Barbossa. Drive back to Valor or Wisdom if your Drive gauge regenerates. After the battle, Sora obtains an extra Drive Gauge and the Aerial Finish ability. Donald gets a HP Boost. Goofy learns the Teamwork Limit and the Auto Limit ability. Jack gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sora opens up a new path through Jack's compass. You'll also get the Follow the Wind Keyblade. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== Now, the new worlds are Halloween Town and Agrabah. Agrabah is your next destination. But before we go, we got a new keyblade. Don't bother landing at Hollow Bastion, as the Follow the Wind Keyblade is useless and isn't worth the trouble equipping at all. Keep your Monochrome/Hero's Crest combination for now. When ready, makes your way to the large lamp, Agrabah! ___________ / Agrabah \ =============================================================================== --Items: Hi-Potion x4, AP Boost x5, Drive Recovery, Mega-Ether, Mythril Shard x5, Mythril Stone x3, Mythril Gem, Serenity Shard, Agrabah Map, Cave of Wonders Map, Lamp Charm --Enemies: Shadow, Soldier, Fat Bandit, Luna Bandit, Silver Rock, Fortuneteller, Fiery Globe, Icy Cubes, Volcanic Lord (B), Blizzard Lord (B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Skill Ring --Game Recommended Level: 22 =============================================================================== Iago! The pesky little parrot who helped Jafar try to take over Agrabah appears. Somehow he escaped from the Dark Lamp which imprisons Jafar, and once imprisoned Iago. He wants to apologise to Aladdin and Jasmine. Looks like he means well, but Sora isn't totally convinced. Goofy, on the other hand, believes Iago means well and the others decide to give him a go. Suddenly, Sora and co. are ambushed by Heartless. Shadows, and a new Heartless, Luna Bandits. These Heartless attack in numbers, and can be difficult. They can counter-attack a lot. It will be unlimited respawns of Heartless, so continue attacking till a cutscene arrives. Tip: If you Drive to Valor or Wisdom, and if you're still in Drive when the cutscene initiates, then when you regain control, you'll be back to normal and you'll have a full Drive Gauge. This is useful to level up your Drives. You retreat to a shop, and you get the Agrabah Map. Talk to the Moogle. It's selling a Divine Bangle for 200m, Fira Bangle for 300m, Blizzara Bangle for 300m, Thundra Bangle for 300m, Aegis Charm for 500m, Potion for 40m, Ether for 120m, and Tent for 100m. If you want, you can buy either a Fira Bangle or a Blizzara Bangle. Aegis chain is good if you have the munny. Hand over Synthesis items, then leave. Outside in Agrabah, there will be no Heartless around. This is the best time in the game to pilfer all the Chests around as you wont be interrupted by Heartless. There are seven chests containing a Hi-Potion, 2x Mythril Shard, Mythril Stone, Drive Recovery, AP Boost, and a Mega-Ether. Now go to the Palace. Jasmine is worried about Aladdin. Genie and Carpet have gone on a Vacation around the world, and without Genie, Aladdin is lacking excitement and been acting funny lately. Iago tries to cheer Jasmine up, but Jasmine freaks out the Iago is around and runs off before he can explain himself. Poor Iago :( Back in Agrabah, Sora find Aladdin. Aladdin is chasing Abu, and is being chased by a Peddler. Abu stole the Peddlers Lamp, and of course, he isn't very happy. Aladdin though, is very happy to see Sora. Iago though, recognises the Lamp the Peddler has. Its Jafar's Lamp! You now have to find the Peddler. You now can have Aladdin in your team if you want. And you'll be encountering Heartless now. In addition to Luna Bandits and Shadows, Silver Rocks will also appear for the first time. These are no threat. Make your way back to the Peddlers shop, it's the place where the Save point is. The Pedder wants royal jewels for the Lamp, but Aladdin is too proud to ask the Palace. So instead, you decide to go to the Cave of Wonders for some Treasure. Save again, then head outside. Outside, take any of the southeast exits to reach the Bazaar. You'll meet the dreaded Fat Bandits, the cousins of the Large Bodies. Fat Bandits can only be attacked from behind, and can also shoot fire at you, which you can block with Guard. With two or more Fat Bandits, these can be tough. You can use the 'Full Swing' and 'Kickback' reaction commands like with Large Bodies. There are also five chests in the Bazaar. Some can only be obtained if you destroy the tents with Fire. The Fat Bandits can destroy some, but you may also need to contribute. You'll bet a Mythril Stone, Mythril Shard, AP Boost and 2x Hi-Potions. Now go south to the Palace Walls. Save at the save point, then grab the chests for a Mythril Stone and a Skill Ring. Proceed to the Desert. Oh No! Pete's Here! Grab the chests behind the head for a Mythril Shard and a Drive Recovery before continuing. You'll meet three more new Heartless here. Fortunetellers can be slightly difficult, but not a major threat. Fiery Globes and Icy Cubes are the other two, and are so pathetic they aren't even worth a mention. Four chests are in this area: Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Mythril Stone and AP Boost. Beware of Fat Bandits here! In the next area, there is a floating Jewel. Examine the Jewel, then the statue. Abu grabs the Jewel, which predictably, sets of a trap. You need to guide Abu to the front of the chamber to stop the Trap. Waves will flow towards you, and you need to press /\ when prompted to make Abu jump over them. You'll also have to jump over them. Watch out for falling debris. When you reach the end, press /\ to finish it. This is easier that it seems. After completing this trial, Sora, Goofy and Aladdin gets a HP Boost and Donald learns the Donald Blizzard Ability. Now save, then proceed forward. Examine the statue thing in the middle, and accept the challenge. This is the Chasm of Challenges. You have to defeat Heartless on every platform for the platform to disappear. When the platform disappears, you fall to the next platform to face for Heartless. You have 2 minutes to complete this, and obviously, the platforms get harder as you progress through the platforms. Also, the drop between each platform also gets longer as you progress, so don't worry if Sora is falling for a long time. The Fat Bandits near the end are the main obstacle. At the end, save and loot the chests for an AP Boost, and the Cave of Wonders Map. If you really want to, you can go back to the top of the room, but just examine the statue thing in the centre of the room to open the door. The Treasure Room, or Donald's Dream room. You spot the treasure the Peddler would like, but Pete finds you and sets 50 Heartless upon you. They're just Fiery Globes, Silver Rocks and Icy Cubes for the first 47. But the last three are Fat Bandits. Limits are good here, and both Valor and Wisdom will come in handy, especially near the end. Wisdom is best against the Fat Bandits, as you can keep your distance from their physical attacks, and Wisdom's shoot is able to hurt the Fat Bandits, even if it hits its straight on the front, where its meant to be invincible. After all the Heartless are dead, Sora, Donald and Aladdin gets a HP Boost, and Goofy gets the Auto Healing Ability. There are also two chests here, but you'll have to come back to grab them. They contain a Serenity Shard and an AP Boost. If you really want them, then go back to grab them later. You automatically appear in Agrabah, and find that Pete is chasing the Peddler. Now is the time to go to the Treasure Room in the Cave of Wonders for those two chests if you want to. Then go to the Palace. At the Palace, Pete grabs the Lamp off the Peddler, but Iago grabs it of Pete. Unfortunately, Iago flies into a wall, so Pete gets back the lamp. Pete wants to turn Jafar into a Heartless. When all seems lost, suddenly the ground shakes and a big blue thing appears in the sky screaming "I'm HOME!" Its Genie! Genie makes his comical return, and in his joy, mistakes Pete for Aladdin and is completely oblivious to Aladdin, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Iago and the Peddler. Genies then suddenly starts manhandling Pete with joy and love. Genie: "To think I left you forlorn and Genie-less... Oh, the HUMANITY!" I just could stop laughing during the entire scene. Reminds me so much of the movie. Aladdin finally says something to gain Genie's attention, which snaps Pete out of shock. Angry for being made a fool, he summons two Heartless. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Volcanic Lord and Blizzard Lord =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Agrabah Strategy: Two Bosses? This time, yes. Each have their own separate attacks. The Volcanic Lord is fire bases, and has four attacks. First, it uses its staff to attack. Secondly, it throws fireballs. Thirdly, it gets surrounded by flames and attacks. Fourthly, it jumps around, trying to squash everyone. The Blizzard Lord is Blizzard base, if you haven't figured it out by now. It also has four attacks. It also attacks with its staff, and instead of throwing fireballs, it throws ice blocks. It also freezes Sora and co. with ice, and it breathes ice onto the floor. Both Heartless have their own Reaction Command. You can use 'Firagun' to throw Volcanic Lord into Blizzard Lord when Volcanic Lord in jumping around the place. Use 'Blizzagun' to throw Blizzard Lord into Volcanic Lord when Blizzard Lord when it breathes ice onto the floor. Use both whenever possible. Now, the battle is a lot easier than it seems. They may be intimidating, but its all just looks. Focus on Volcanic Lord first, and you'll be able to use 'Firagun' early. Drive to Valor and attack till it breaks up into Fiery Globes. These are easy to dispose of, so take them out before focusing on Blizzard Lord. Again, attack Blizzard Lord and use limits often. Again, Blizzard will also break up into Icy Cubes. Focus on Volcanic Lord again. If your Drive Gauges fills up, then Drive to Valor to do major damage. Keep attacking and it will be over before you know it. After the battle, Sora learns the Explosion Ability. Donald and Aladdin gets a HP Boost and Goofy gains an extra armour slot. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The lamp gets sealed away for good. Abu stole a jewel from the Cave of Wonders, and Donald tries to steal it from Abu. This Jewel also unlocks the path to the next world. You also get the Lamp Charm, which enables you to summon the almighty Genie. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== WOMG! Watch the ripper of a cutscene that happens after Agrabah. Its such a ripper that I'd rather not spoil it for you! Twilight Town also reappears, and after that cutscene, you'd want to head straight there. But alas, not now. Most likely, you'll be under levelled, as Twilight Town is level 28. Even if your levelled up enough, you've still got two more worlds to complete first. Halloween Town, and the new world, Pride Lands. Also, you should equip the Explosion Ability the second you get the chance to do so. Now ignore your inner urges and head to Halloween Town. __________________ / Halloween Town \ =============================================================================== --Items: Hi-Potion x3, Ether, AP Boost, Mega-Potion, Mythril Shard, Mythril Stone x3, Mythril Gem, Halloween Town Map, Christmas Town Map --Enemies: Shadow, Soldier, Wight Knight, Driller Mole, Toy Soldier, Prison Keeper (B), Oogie Boogie (B) --Game Recommended Level: 24 =============================================================================== Halloween Town, the home of fear and frights! What a coincidence that I played this level on Christmas Eve as well. Sora, Donald and Goofy have disguised themselves in their usual scary outfits. As you land, you see Zero, Jack's pet... er... something. Before you follow him, grab the chests for a Mythril Shard and a Hi-Potion. Meet Jack at the Halloween Town Square. He reveals his inner desire to showcase Christmas, as well as Halloween, and his intentions of meeting Sandy Claus. This just excites Sora, who starts acting like a 10 year old again. Now go to Dr. Frinkelstein's Lab. The Doc is carrying out his experiments as usual, but has got Lock, Shock and Barrel as his helper. As predicted, they cause more trouble than help, and ruin the Doc's experiment before running off. Sally and Zero are also here. Sally seems worried about Jack's Christmas idea. Grab the Halloween Town Map in the chest and save before proceeding out. Heartless are back, and the major is trying valiantly to get rid of them with a stern lecture. You'll fight Shadows, Soldiers, and a new Heartless, Wight Knights. These like to block attacks before counterattacking, which is annoying, so use magic. When they are all gone, grab the two chests got a Mythril Stone and a Mega- Potion. Watch out for the Guillotine, the Fountain, the Gate leading to Jack's House and the Vents. All of these are booby traps and they hurt. Now go back to the Graveyard. Here, you'll encounter a new Heartless, the Driller Moles. They're so pathetic I spit on them *spits on Driller Moles*. Continue south to Hinterlands. There are no Heartless here, for now. There are also three chests. Grab them now for a Hi-Potion, AP Boost and a Mythril Stone. Now examine the Christmas Tree. It opens up, and Sora just seems to fall right through. My God! He's getting dumber by the second. You'll be in the Yuletide Hill when you reappear. Save, talk to the Moogle and drop off your Synthesis Items, and continue. In Candy Cane Lane, you'll encounter a ripper of a Heartless. Toy Soldiers are these jack-in-a-box's which are anything but a toy. They jump around, and either attacks you with a knife, or shoots at you. They also jump around which is annoying when they're in the air. Other Heartless here are Shadows, Soldiers and Icy Cubes. There is a carousel in the middle, and in you spin it with 'Spin', then any Heartless close to it will be sucked in and be destroyed. The only exception is the Toy Soldiers. You'll have to kill them the old fashion way. When all the Heartless are gone, grab the four chests for a Hi-Potion, Ether, Mythril Gem and Mythril Stone. Enter Santa's House! You're excited, admit it. I definitely was excited, considering that tomorrow was Christmas for me. You finally get to meet the big guy himself, Sandy Claus! Even Sora is wetting himself with excitement. But Santa isn't very happy because seven years ago Sora told everyone that he didn't believe in Santa. C'mon! Seven Years Ago? He's now got a kickass Keyblade and is saving the World. Doesn't that count for anything? Donald and Goofy are on his good list, but Jack is anything but. Looks like he and Santa go a long way back, in which Jack caused a lot of trouble. You here a noise in Santa's Workshop, which causes Santa to think Jack is responsible. Santa goes to check it out. When you regain control, open the chests for the Christmas Town Map and an AP Boost. Now go follow Santa. Maleficent is the cause, and so is Lock, Shock and Barrel. Maleficent magically disappears, and the trio jumps out a window. You now have to follow the walking bathtub's footprints in the snow. Follow it out of Christmas Town, to the Graveyard then to the new area, Curly Hill. Maleficent, crazed with here Magical Powers, magically brings back Oogie Boogie to life. The two of them run off to scheme a plan, and leave Lock, Shock and Barrel to fend off Sora, Donald and Goofy. Oh, and they've got a little help... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Prison Keeper =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Halloween Town Strategy: The Prison Keeper has got the trio in a cage. His attacks depends on who he swallows, whether its Lock, Shock, Barrel or all three. You'll know who he does swallow because the trio yells out who it is. Your plan to defeat Prison Keeper will also change as to who he swallows, so its important to know what he does, and what you should do. When he swallows Lock, Prison Keeper will throw balls of energy at Sora. They're hell easy to dodge as they're extremely slow, and if you time Guard well, the balls will head straight back to Prison Keeper. But don't get too close to Prison Keeper when he has Lock, as he attacks very quickly which is hard to dodge. If Shock is swallowed, it will jump high in the air and will shoot bombs at you. These bombs are hard to avoid and can't be guarded. Run up Curly Hill, so you can jump and attack him. If you complete a full combo, he will be sent back to earth. On the ground, he uses Fire, but that shouldn't be too much of a worry. Barrel is the hardest, as when he does swallow Barrel, he just attacks relentlessly. For this, button mashing is your best bet, or if you haven't used it, Drive to Valor. Valor is more of a defensive method that attacking method, as it will sort of prevent Prison Keeper from attacking too often. Also, the reaction command 'Inside Combo' is mega useful. If your close enough when he is swallowing a kid, you can use it to jump inside Prison Keeper and do massive damage. But you'll only be able to do this once, as after this, Prison Keeper will stay in the air when he swallows someone. After the battle has been going on for a while, Prison Keeper will swallow all three. When he does this, he will use every attack in his repertoire. Limits are great here, so is Wisdom, and Genie summon. After the battle, Donald will learn the Hyper Healing Ability, and Sora, Goofy and Jack will get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Oogie Boogie has kidnapped Santa! Obviously by orders of Maleficent, as Oogie wouldn't be smart enough to come up with such a scheme. Head back to Christmas Town. On your way, you'll first a new Heartless, Emerald Blue. Though annoying, they're nothing to worry about. Go to Santa's House, save, then go to his Toy Factory. Oogie memory seems to still need some work done on it. He completely forgets that Maleficent brought him back to life and kicks her out of the plan. Then he doesn't remember ever kidnapping Santa, nor does he even recognise who he his. My God! What in blazes happened to Oogie Boogie? Even if his memory is shotty, he's still up for a fight. Have Jack and Goofy, Valor is useful in this battle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Oogie Boogie =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Halloween Town Strategy: Oogie, like in KH, has set up a mechanical trap for you. Though you don't fight Oogie directly, he still does four attacks on you. Firstly, he throws dice which explodes on impact with the floor. Secondly, a giant boxing glove will pound the conveyer belt four times. Thirdly, Oogie sends lightning bolts down. Lastly, Oogie will send bags onto the conveyer belt which contain Heartless. Now, lets talk about the battle arena, as its more complicated than usual. You'll be travelling on conveyer belts. There are three conveyer belts, each lined up parallel to each other. All the conveyer belts are moving backwards. At the front of each belt are holes which will enable Sora to travel from one conveyer belt to another. Which conveyer belt you go to is decided by what colour the holes are. You will proceed from one blue hole to another, as you can't travel to a red. The colours randomly change often, so you'll have to wait till you get the door you want. At the back of each conveyer belts are spikes, which when touched by either Sora, Donald, Goofy or Jack will take of quite a bit of HP. As the conveyer belts are moving backwards, they are moving towards the spikes. So its recommended you keep moving and jumping. Oogie Boogie is on a lift at the front, and to get him off that lift, you have to hit presents back at him. Though this battle may sound hard, once you know what to do, its easy. At the start of the battle, you can approach presents and press /\ to send them back at Oogie. Oogie will throw dice at you and send the glove down a couple of times as well. Try to time where to move to avoid the gloves, and be careful not to move too far back so you don't reach the spikes. Now and again, Oogie's lift will move from the front of one conveyer belt to another. This is totally random as to where and when. When he does move, you have to approach the hole, and wait till the hole of the your door and Oogie's door are both blue, then press /\ to go through. Donald, Goofy and Jack will follow you without trouble, but you shouldn't worry about them. After a while into the battle, Oogie will send out his packages which contain Heartless. You should ignore these and leave them for Donald, Goofy and Jack to take care of, and just focus on hitting boxes at him. The lightning attacks will come late in the battle. They are easy to avoid, as they just stay in one spot and just move down the conveyer belt. After you keep hitting boxes at Oogie, his lift will get too heavy, will break and Oogie will fall right in front of you. When he first does this, Driving to Valor is a good idea. Just continually attack Oogie, he doesn't attack much on the floor as he did on the lift. Oogie will soon jump back to the lift, but you should of got at least a full bar of his HP. You may have to repeat the cycle once or twice more to defeat Oogie. After the battle, Sora gains an extra item slot, Goofy learns the Once More ability, and Donald and Jack both get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Oogie ends up dying though a hole in his suit, which all the bugs fall out of. Santa convinces Jack that he should stick to running Halloween, and that he should leave Santa for Christmas. Its quite an inspiring speech really. You receive the Magnet Element. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== Now that you've got the Magnet Spell, you can now go an complete Chapter 2 for Atlantica. But I recommend you don't complete it now, but later. Why? Because after you complete Pride Lands, which is your next world, you will find Torn Pages for 100 Acre Woods, and a new Tournament will open for Olympus Coliseum. In my opinion, it will be easier to do all three at the same time. Now fly your way to the Pride Lands. _______________ / Pride Lands \ =============================================================================== --Items: Ether x2, Hi-Potion x4, AP Boost x3, Tent, Mega-Ether, Mythril Gem, Mythril Stone x6, Mythril Shard x2, Serenity Stone, Torn Pages, Savannah Map, Pride Rock Map, Oasis Map, --Enemies: Shadow, Soldier, Living Bone, Aerial Knocker, Silver Rock, Shaman, Shenzi (B), Banzi (B), Ed (B), Scar (B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Circle of Life Keyblade --Game Recommended Level: 26 =============================================================================== You'll see a scene, similar to what you see in the movie. Simba, the small cub, and his father, Mufasa. Mufasa dies then, and everyone believed that Simba died as well. Then you see the real Simba, who wakes up startled from the nightmare, which was the scene you saw earlier. Now you see Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive. They've changed appearance again to blend in with surroundings. And isn't Sora the most cutest cub you've ever see? Goofy is a turtle, and I don't see how that blends with the surroundings. Donald is a bird, but he can fly, unlike his Duck form. There are some advantages and disadvantages being a cub. Advantages is that Sora runs a lot faster, and has got new abilities when he's in his cub form. Disadvantages are that you can't Drive or use your current limits (you'll get one which you can use later on), and Sora jumps a lot lower than before. You start of in the Gorge. Grab the chests in the area for a Mythril Stone, an Ether and the Savannah Map. The chests here are different to what your used to. Their like orange cones. Save, then head out. Nala, the Lioness, is being chased by Heartless. These are Living Bone, a new ripper of a Heartless. They're difficult to defeat, if it wasn't for their reaction command "Rodeo". Use this to ride of the Heartless' back, then use "Grand Cross" which will cause the Heartless to be ridden face first into the floor. The Heartless then loses it's head, its main form of attack, and killing it of from here is a breeze. Do this for both the Living Bones. Nala tells you to meet her at Pride Rock. You'll be in Elephant Graveyard. This area is quite confusing, and is littered with experience-giving Heartless and five chests. Those chests contain a Hi- Potion, AP Boost, Ether, Mythril Shard and Mythril Stone. Now proceed through the other exit, which is north-east of the Gorge Entrance, to go to the Savannah. The Savannah is absolutely HUGE! And you would think a large, open space would be filled with chests, but alas, no. Heartless are another story, as the Savannah is like their breeding ground. Its very easy to get lost here, but if you have got the Savannah Map, then you can navigate your way through. If you don't, then go back and get it. Though you can easily see where Pride Rock is, as is the Mountain against the horizon, going through the Savannah from Pride Rock is more difficult, as there is little landmarks to help you where to go. Pride Rock is the exit up north on the map. Kill any Heartless along the way. At Pride Rock, Rafiki, the baboon, doesn't give Sora the approval of being able to beat Scar, because the person who defeats Scar will become the next king, and Sora can't be the king. Search around Pride Rock for a Mythril Stone, a Mega-Ether and the Pride Rock Map. Near the exit is a small cave, enter it to find a save point. Jump off Pride Rock if you wish, then try to go back to the Savannah. The hyenas ambush you as you try to leave, and Scar appears at the top of Pride Rock. And he has a guest with him, it's Pete! He's also transformed into a lion of sorts, but he's overweight and isn't used to his 4 legs. Nala saves you from Scar, before the four of you run off to the Savannah. Head for the South-East exit. Watch the cutscene, with Sora jumping a huge gap. You'll get the Dash ability after the cutscene. Dash allows Sora to run even faster. In the Wildebeest, grab five chests for a Hi-Potion, Mythril Stone, Mythril Gem, AP Boost and Tent. Now proceed forward till you exit through (???). In The Wastelands, you'll find three chests containing a Mythril Shard, Hi- Potion and Mythril Gem. Heartless also appear here. Now go through to the Jungle. Three chests appear here, containing a Hi-Potion, Mythril Stone and Serenity Stone. Kill all the Heartless, and enter the Oasis. Watch the cutscene with Simba and Sora. For those of you who don't know, Simba was a summon in KH. When you regain control, grab the chests containing the Oasis Map, Torn Pages and an AP Boost. Talk to the Moogle here too. It's selling Hammer Staff for 100m, Lord's Broome for 400m, Adamant Shield for 100m, Dreamcloud for 400m, Potion for 40m, Ether for 120m and Tent for 100m. Buy a Lord's Broome for Donald and a Dreamcloud for Goofy, as you should have enough money. If you don't, sell the outdated weapons for Donald and Goofy. Talk to Simba, and watch Simba being reunited by Nala. When you gain control again, go an Cheer Simba up and see the touching scene with Simba and his father. Simba now decided to go with you guys. You get the Circle of Life Keyblade. When you get the chance, equip this as your Standard Keyblade, and put the Hero's Crest as your Valor Keyblade. Now go all the way back to Pride Rock. On your journey back, you'll encounter a new Heartless, Shaman. Using the "Dispel" reaction commands are useful. When you reach the Savannah, your automatically taken to Pride Rock. Again, watch the cutscene with Simba and Scar. Scar and Simba run off into The King's Den. The Hyenas also chase Timon and Pumbaa into The King's Den. Follow them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Shenzi, Banzi, and Ed =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Pride Lands Strategy: Pumbaa has a damage bar over him, and you have to protect him from the Hyenas. The Hyenas really only have two attacks. They either tackle you, or they just attack you. Simple battle, you just have to attack the Hyenas ruthlessly. Thunder is good here whenever the Hyenas are a distance away from you. Use Dash to close the distance. If Pumbaa is in danger of being attacked, you can use "Call Over" which will make Pumbaa run to Sora, and might cause the Hyenas attacking each other, stunning them. Try not to be put off by the sad, dog squeals whenever you hit them :P After the battle, Sora and Donald gets a HP Boost, and Goofy gets the Lucky Lucky Ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Simba and Scar are battling on the Peak. If you want to, you can go back to Pride Rock, enter the Stone Hollow and save your game. In fact, I recommend it, because the boss battle coming up is difficult. Now go up to the Peak, and watch Scar being pushed of the Peak. All over? Pete comes and spoils the day, by revealing that all the anger and jealousy has turned Scar into a Heartless. Now you have to battle a hard boss. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Scar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Pride Lands Strategy: Scar is a very difficult boss. He has five main attacks. Firstly, he spins in the air. Secondly, he jumps on Sora. Thirdly, his body gets covered by fire, and lets out fire. Fourthly, his body gets covered by thunder, and lets out thunder. Lastly, he charges around the arena. Because you got to have Simba in for the fight, his Wildcat ability is extremely useful. Use it often, as without Drives or your other limits, this limit is god. Also, if Scar jumps on Sora, use the reaction command "Counter". It doesn't really matter who else you have in, both Donald and Goofy are useful. The first thing you should do when the battle begins is use Wildcat. When the limit is over, Scar will be stunned for a very short time, so combo him now. He is very fast, so it will be hard to attack Scar, and it may seem like your not doing anything, but you are. Keep attacking him, moving back to heal at anytime. If Scar does his lightning attack, stay clear from him and wait out the attack. If your far away from him, the lightning wont strike you. If you try to attack, you'll be continuously stuck by lightning and you can't even get an attack in. His fire attack isn't as dangerous. But when he starts charging across the arena, he's practically invincible. You'll have to outrun Scar to not be attacked, so keep using Dash to steer clear of him. When he finished his run, Scar will be stunned for a while, as if exhausted. You can get is a combo or two is your early to attack him. Keep on the offensive, but don't feel bad if you have to do this battle more than once. After the battle, Sora gets a MP Boost. Goofy and Simba gets a HP Boost and Donald learns the Fire Boost ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Simba is the new king of Pride Lands! And everyone is happy! The spirit of Mufasa is the key to unlocking the next world. You also get the Fire Element, so now you can use Fira. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== Now, when you appear on the World Map, the game should tell you that new chapters are available in Olympus Coliseum and 100 Acre Woods. The 100 Acre Woods one is provided you got the Torn Pages from the Oasis. If you didn't, you know what to do. So, you've got these two sidequests, plus Atlantica, so that's three sidequests for you to enjoy. You should try to complete all three before you satisfy your urges and proceed to Twilight Town. I say 'try' because the Cerberus Cup in Olympus Coliseum would be difficult for you at this stage. Try it out, so you know what to expect, but don't be expecting to complete it now. You can always complete it later. You will be getting a new Drive form soon, so after you get it, try out Cerberus Cup again. Now its time to satisfy your arousal, and proceed to Twilight Town. _________________ / Twilight Town \ =============================================================================== --Items: Seifer's Trophy --Enemies: Dusk, Berserker =============================================================================== Vivi is screaming his head off. Looks like trouble in the Sandlot! Head there now. Seifer, Rai and Fuu are all on the floor, surrounded by Dusks. Take out these Dusks with ease, but when they are gone, the real challenge begins. Berserkers would be the hardest non-boss enemy you've fought to date. These Nobodies wield a humongous sword, which it uses to block and parry your attacks, before counter-attacking for major damage. You do have one advantage tough, when it drops its sword after you combo it, you can grab it with the reaction command "Berserker" and use the reaction commands "Eclipse" and "Magna Storm" on them. This is really the only way to get a lot of damage on the Berserkers without putting yourself in too much danger. Try to stay clear of the Berserkers and just wait for a time to combo and the sword to drop, grab it and attack. The reaction commands are strong enough to either kill of a Berserker, or damage it enough for Sora, Donald and Goofy to defeat soon after. Wisdom is also good here, as you can stay far from the Berserkers as you attack. As you can see, there was a reason why the battle level was 28, and why I told you to hold off :p After the battle, watch the scene with the Organization member. His name is Saix, and he's got a X scar on his face. He says that Axel is not acting on the Organizations behalf. He also reassures Sora that the Organization doesn't want anything to happen to him, like what happened to Riku. He disappears though a black portal before Sora can confront him about the Riku remark. Reassuring comments, isn't it? Seifer then wakes up, seeming to be oblivious to the organization member just there a moment ago. I'm guessing he was still knocked out when Saix was there. He will be modest enough to give you the Struggle Trophy, though its obvious it hurt him to do so, and he says he will win it back. Seifer even renamed the trophy to the Seifer Trophy. Pence runs up to Sora, and asks him if he knows a Kairi. He tells you to head over to the Train Station. Save at the Usual Spot if you want, then head there. Your expecting to see Kairi, right? You know this game well enough to know its not that easy. A cutscene showed you exactly what happened. When Kairi (and Pluto) landed, she and Hayner, Pence and Ollete had a conversation. They tell Kairi that she can wait for Sora here, as he said he will be returning later, but Axel suddenly appears from his dark portal, shoves aside the resistance from Hayner and Pence, kidnaps Kairi and goes back through the portal with Kairi. Pluto also runs into the portal before is disappears. Back to Sora, he is disheartened by the news, and guesses that the Organization member is Axel, as Hayner, Pence and Ollete didn't know who it was. Sora drops his Struggle Trophy, and the Crystal Orbs fall everywhere. Sora picks up the blue one, and holds it up to the sun. Interesting scene here when just for the briefest second, you see Roxas holding the Orb, and not Sora. You get the Oathkeeper Keyblade after the cutscene. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== Oh No! Hollow Bastion is covered by Darkness. Before you head straight there, we need to talk about Keyblades, so land at Twilight Town, as Hollow Bastion will take you to the storyline. The Oathkeeper is a very multipurpose Keyblade. It has 3 strength and 3 magic. Although its has one less strength than the Circle of Life and Hero Crest, its 3 magic balances it up. The Oathkeeper also makes Drives last longer, which is a plus. It really depends what you want to be. If you would rather be more magical, or more all rounded, equip the Oathkeeper at the Standard and the Circle of Life as the Valor. If you would like more strength, then equip the Circle of Life as the standard keyblade and either Hero's Crest or Oathkeeper as the Valor. I say either, because Hero's Crest gives you an extra strength than Oathkeeper, and you can't use magic in Valor, so Oathkeeper's extra magic is useless. On the other hand, Oathkeeper leaves Drives on for longer, which balances out the lower strength. It depends on your own inclination. If you want, you can try them out to choose which one you prefer. When your ready, head to Hollow Bastion! __________________ / Hollow Bastion \ =============================================================================== --Items: Hi-Potion, AP Boost x2, Mythril Stone, Mythril Gem, Mythril Crystal, Skill Recipe, Castle Perimeter Map --Enemies: Shadow, Soldier, Bookmaster, Armored Knight, Morning Star, Surveillance Robot --Game Recommended Level: 28 =============================================================================== When you land, you see more Heartless roaming around. They disappear around a corner. The interesting this is, you also see Nobodies disappear right behind them. The Marketplace has upgraded their stock, which is useful. The Accessory Shop is selling Ability Ring for 80m, Sardonyx Ring for 160m, Silver Ring for 160m, Engineer's Ring for 160m, Technician's Ring for 240m, Gold Ring for 320m, Tourmaline Ring for 320m, Aquamarine Ring for 480m and Platinum Ring for 480m. The Armour Shop is selling Elven Bandana for 100m, Shadow Anklet for 150m, Fire Bangle for 150m, Blizzard Armlet for 150m, Thunder Trinket for 150m, Divine Bandana for 200m, Abas Chain for 250m, Dark Anklet for 300m, Fira Bangle for 300m, Blizzara Armlet for 300m, Thundara Trinket for 300m, and Aegis Chain for 500m. The Weapons Shop is selling Hammer Staff for 100m, Adamant Shield for 150m, Comet Staff for 200m, Falling Star for 200m, Victory Bell for 400m, Chain Gear for 400m, Lord's Broome for 600m, and Dreamcloud for 600m. The Item Shop is selling the usual, Potions for 40m, Ethers for 120m, and Tents for 100m. What to buy? A Dreamcloud for Goofy and a Lord's Broome for Donald, if you didn't buy in Pride Lands. Also, any AP or Strength gaining accessories are useful. Don't worry too much about Armour. The Synthesis Moogle is also here, so hand over all your Synthesis Items. Talk to Donald's Uncle, Scrooge McDuck, who says that everyone is at Merlin's House, and that he was so close to recreating the flavour to the ice cream. Approach the entrance to the Borough, to meet up with another classic Final Fantasy Character. Its Cloud Strife, the protagonist from Final Fantasy VII. His name has been burnt into gaming history. Cloud is having personal problems with his darkness again. For you see, Sephiroth is his Darkness. For those of you who don't know, Sephiroth was the main antagonist in FFVII, and his name has also been burnt into Gaming Folklore as being the nastiest villain ever. Also watch the scene with Aerith and Cloud. It's a bit of a sad scene, but interesting. Head through the Borough to Merlin's House. Cid explains that they've found Ansem's Computer at Hollow Bastion. Save, then head out of Merlin's House to the Borough. Now proceed to the Bailey. On your way there, you'll encounter the Bookmaster. Don't even dare try magic on these creatures. They are completely immune to all forms of magic, as well as those magical attacks being part of their repertoire. Just use physical attacks. Unfortunately, Donald doesn't get the message about magic. When your in the Bailey, you'll have a very strange scene with Yuna, Rikku and Paine. Yuna and Rikku are from Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, while Paine is only from FFX-2. The girls are clad in their FFX-2 clothes, except that their really small and have got wings, as if they're fairies. They try to weave information from you about Leon, possibly to give the information to Maleficent. When they disappear, continue onwards. A new Heartless will appear, Armored Knights. They are incredibly weak, and have got one of the most useful Reaction Commands. "Rising Sun" makes Sora slash in a line for 5 times, killing off any Heartless in the way. Use this as often as you can. You'll also encounter Morning Star. These have a lot of HP, and high Defence, so they take a while to get rid of. While they're strong on the ground, they're worthless when hit into the air. If you've got Upper Slash equipped, press [] to knock them into the air, where you can do numerous Air Combos on them with little worried of counterattacks. You can also use the "Bump" and the "Meteor Strike" Reaction Commands on them. If you don't have Upper Slash, then Cid's Claymores will do the job on knocking them into the air. Head through the Bailey to the Restoration Site. In the Restoration Site, just proceed forward till you reach the end. Boring? Yes, unless you use the Skateboard found near the beginning. How a Skateboard wound up here is anyone's guess. Skate onwards, but you have to dismount if you want to fight the Heartless. Otherwise, you can just outskate them till you reach the Postern. Here, meet up with Aerith. She reveals that the King is also there. We finally get to meet Mickey! Boy, I'd just like to give him a mouthful for just leaving us there stranded at Twilight Town without an explanation... Save, and grab the chests for a Mythril Gem, AP Boost, and the Castle Perimeter Map. Proceed forwards to the Corridors. This area is like a large maze, but once you gain your bearings, its quite easy to navigate. There are Heartless roaming around here as well, including a new Heartless, Surveillance Robot. Again, weak Heartless with an absolute Terrific Reaction Command. "Snag" and "Sparkle Ray" causes Sora to grab the Heartless, and use it to shoot a large laser around the room, killing any Heartless that get hit. Search around the Corridors till you find the four chests containing a Hi-Potion, Mythril Stone, Mythril Crystal and AP Boost. When you get them all, make your way to the only exit, which leads to your destination, Ansem's Study. Ansem's Study seems kind of deserted. No sign of Leon or a computer anywhere. Then Tifa shows up. She's also from Final Fantasy VII. She's looking for someone with spiky hair. Knowing Square, there's probably a lot of spiky haired people around :p She starts searching around Ansem's Study, and ends up finding the secret entrance. Open the chest for a Skill Recipe, then talk to Leon. Marvel at the enormity of Ansem's Computer as you continue through the secret passage. Sora is obviously computer-illiterate, as he just starts slamming on the keyboard yelling "Where's Kairi? Where's Riku?" Stich appears, and lands on the keyboard. Donald tries to get rid of him by jumping on the keyboard himself. My God! I doubt none of them have ever touched a computer in their life. Donald's stupidity causes the Computers Security to start up, and a laser scanner beams out at Sora, Donald and Goofy. They're frozen to the spot as the scanner writes them into the computer hard drive, and all Leon can do is just watch dumbfounded. A new world is now uncovered. ___________________ / Space Paranoids \ =============================================================================== --Items: Mythril Stone, Mythril Gem, Mythril Crystal, Drive Recovery, Mega- Potion, Pit Cell Area Map --Enemies: None --Game Recommended Level: 28 =============================================================================== Sora, Donald and Goofy are again in different outfits. They're mainly blue in colour. They meet up with Tron, who joins you. Tron is the security program, but is under arrest, like Sora and co. He gives a brief, but confusing explanation of the world they're in now. The MCP is the Master Control Program, and they control the whole system, and they're the ones who threw you and Tron in the Pit Cell. You are currently in the Pit Cell. There is a save point, a computer terminal, a Moogle Shop (how the hell did they get into the Computer?!) and a door which is sealed. According to Tron, the computet terminal is the only way of getting you back to the 'User World.' Save, and talk to the Moogle. It's selling Aegis Chain for 500m, Aquarium Ring for 480m, Platinum Ring for 480m, Potion for 40m, Hi-Potion for 100m, Ether for 120m, and Tent for 100m. Stock up on Hi-Potions if you need to, otherwise don't bother. Also hand over any Synthesis items. Now you need to break that door. Attack the door to release orbs. When you get enough, use "Freeze" on the door to destroy it. Proceed forward, grabbing the Pit Cell Map and the Mythril Crystal along the way. Now just step onto the lift. You now have the option of putting Tron in your Party. He's quite weak at the moment, as he's got little Abilities. But because you wont be fighting any Heartless this time around, it doesn't matter if you put him in or not. In the Canyon, loot the chests around for a Mythril Stone, Mythril Gem, Drive Recovery, and Mega-Potion. Now approach the big thing in the centre of the room to start a minigame. This minigame might seem confusing at first, but its simple really. Blue boxes will surround the room, except for one box, which will be red. This is the box you need. Keep your eye on the box, moving the camera around while they're all spinning. When they stop, attack where you believe is where the red box is. If you're right, then the minigame is over. If your wrong, then the red box will reveal itself. Approach the red box, and they will all start spinning again, so keep an eye on it. After you complete this, the computer terminal will be working. Head back to the Pit Cell. Another confusing scene here, so hopefully my explanation will shed some light. Tron requests that you go to the User World and find his User and get the password from him so Tron can access the DTD. The DTD is what the User named the dataspace. The dataspace, or DTD, is where all the copies of the original system programs are stored. The original system programs was how the system was before the MCP took control. Another reason why Tron needs the password is that a number of his functions was wiped out by the MCP. He needs to access the DTD to he can access his original backup program and restore all his functions. This will enable him to restore the system back to the way it was before the MCP took control. Still confused? Well, don't worry, you don't really need to understand much. What you do need to understand, is who the User is. Tron reveals that it's Ansem the Wise. Sora wants to explain to Tron about Ansem, but Donald stops him. Now, go straight back to Hollow Bastion. __________________ / Hollow Bastion \ =============================================================================== --Items: Ukulele Charm --Enemies: None --Game Recommended Level: 28 =============================================================================== You explain everything to Leon, who seems to understand it all perfectly. What's more surprising, is that Sora, Donald and Goofy were able to actually explain it in the first place. With finding Ansem and asking for the password out of the question, the group decides to search Ansem's Study for the password. Actually, it was when Tifa shows up and decides to search Ansem's Room again for something, that they decide to also search. They search for a while, and end up at Ansem's Large Portrait. Tifa lifts the mega portrait of the wall and onto the floor, stunning the others as to how strong she is. Behind the portrait is a diagram of sorts. Tifa punches the wall, and when nothing happens, she sighs and walks away. Obviously this wasn't what she was looking for. Sora doesn't even thank Tifa for her effort in finding this. What manners! Sora inspects the writing on the diagram. The writing says "Hollow Main Security Tron Door to Darkness." Sora jumps at this, as he exclaims that Door to Darkness is DTD when you take the first letters of each word. Just then, King Mickey enters the room. After scenes of hugging and elation from Donald and Goofy, Mickey gets all serious again. When someone tells him about the DTD, Mickey says that the Door to Darkness can only be opened by the Seven Princesses. The Seven Princesses are the password. Mickey says that his research data might reveal where Ansem is. Sora is confused, as he already defeated Ansem, but Mickey says that he has a lot of explaining to do. Before he can explain, Leon interrupts, saying Tron is waiting. After the cutscene, Sora learns the Master Drive Form. This Drive uses both Donald and Goofy, and is a mix between Valor and Wisdom. You also use two Keyblades, but the stupid thing is that you have to choose another Keyblade, and you can't use the Keyblade you've assigned to Valor. Assign the Oathkeeper, as its magic will come in handy more in Master than in Valor. If you had Oathkeeper as Valor before this, then equip Hero's Crest for Valor. Go back to Ansem's Computer, first grabbing the chest for the Ukulele Charm, which allows you to summon Stitch. Save, now go back to Space Paranoids. ___________________ / Space Paranoids \ =============================================================================== --Items: AP Boost, Tent, I/O Tower Map, --Enemies: Soldier, Strafer, Emerald Blues, Magnum Loader, Devastator, Hostile Program (B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Gaia Belt, Photon Debugger Keyblade --Game Recommended Level: 28 =============================================================================== When you land at the Pit Cell, you can't find Tron anywhere. Goofy approaches the computer, and seems to do something. Suddenly, all three of them are transported to the Game Grid. Here, the MCP forces Sora to participate in some games to try to escape. It's a fun game, yet can be extremely frustrating if your not good at it. The game is called Light Cycle. It's similar to the G Bike minigame from FFVII. Sora is riding his light cycle, and by pressing X, Square, or Circle you can do actions. Pressing X attacks the Heartless, and protects you when the enemy Charges. Pressing Square makes Sora Charge, and will break down the enemies Guard. Pressing Circle makes Sora Guard, which blocks the enemies Attacks. You move with the analog stick, but when you approach a wall, you have to press L1 or L2 to move left, or R1 or R2 to move right. A flashing icon will appear on screen telling you which one to press and when. There are two rounds. The first is short and easy, like a tutorial. You only need to destroy a few Heartless to progress. The second is longer, and harder, as you need to stay alive till you reach the end. Keep moving side to side, and use Attack or Charge as soon as a Heartless pops near you. Attack and Charge are really the best options. Guard isn't useful, as its difficult to know when to use it. Don't be surprised if you have to do this again. Because you can't heal, you have to keep your HP up. Try not to slam into walls as this will remove quite a bit of HP, and keep alert for those commands to move left or right. When you do finish it, your transported back to the Pit Cell. Tron is here waiting for you. You again have the option of putting him in the Party. He's still quite weak, and as Heartless will pop up this time, leave him out. Save, and proceed to the Canyon. Heartless now appear in the Canyon. Strafers are a Heartless, which aren't very difficult. They move in a clockwise motion around you, and shoot lasers at you when your far away, so close in the distance and attack. Now, go to the northeast exit to enter the Dataspace. In the Dataspace, press /\ when to reach the computer. Tron will enter the password, which is the names of all the Seven Princesses. How they got them in the exact order necessary on first go is amazing. The security feature will activate, which is that a hoard of Heartless will attack. To win the battle, you have to freeze the three monitors. To freeze them, you have to collect clusters from attacking Heartless, approach the Monitor, and press /\ when prompted. Should be quite easy, as the Heartless shouldn't give you too much trouble. After the battle, Sora, Goofy and Tron gets a HP Boost, and Donald learns the Thunder Boost Ability. Tron will now have his full abilities, and his Limit is very useful. Put him in the side. Go straight back to the Canyon, save at the Pit Cell if you want to, then head for the lift. This will take you to the I/O Tower: Hallway. Defeat the Heartless that appear and loot the chests for an AP Boost and a Tent. Don't go left, there is nothing there. Instead go right to a large circular room. Here, you'll meet a ripper of a Heartless, the Devastator. They either are flying in the air, or transform to a tank and attack on the ground. They have high HP. Attack from a far when they are flying, but close the distance when they're a tank. They also unleash a thunder attack when they transform. Can take a while to defeat. Go through the exit to the Communications Room. Here, grab the chests for the I/O Tower Map, and the Gaia Belt. The Gaia Belt gives 3 Defence, 20% Thunder Resistance, and 20% Dark Resistance. Equip it on Sora, as its useful. Promptly Save, equip the Draw ability if you have it before heading back to the Hallway. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Hostile Program =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Space Paranoids Strategy: This boss battle is different from others. The key is to collect orbs its drops to fill up your Clusters Gauge. When its Full, you can freeze it before doing numerous combos on it before it unfreezes. This is the key to winning the battle, and is why Draw comes is handy. Hostile Program also has five HP bars, so this will be a long battle He has many attacks at his disposal. Firstly, he has a normal physical attack which sends you flying across the room. Secondly, he shoots small energy bolts across the room. Though this only takes out a small HP, try not to get hit by many. Thirdly is his most strange attack. He shoots energy balls at you, but they don't really fly at you. They fly at you, stop, fly at you again, stop and continues this pattern till it either hits you or disappears. You can use guard to stop these from hitting you, but you could easily outrun them. It is when he does this attack that is the best time to attack him. After you freeze him and do more damage on him, he upgrades his attacks. He will send more homing energy balls at you. He will also be able to fly around the room. Though easy to dodge, getting hit will lose a lot of HP. A dangerous attack is when he shoots two beams on Lasers across the room. He will either sweep them across the room, which is easy to avoid, or will shoot them in any angle in any random direction, which is harder. Tron's Limit here is useful. But it his third attacks with his lasers which is move dangerous. He goes to the centre of the room, and spins around, sweeping his lasers everywhere. Extremely hard to dodge, and difficult to get anywhere near Hostile Program. This is why the key to the battle is Freeze. It will stop all of his attacks, and you can do nice damage to it. Also, Wisdom is useful when its starts using its laser attacks, because you can move around quickly and shoot at it from afar. The first half of the battle will be easy, just don't get complacent. The second half is a lot longer, but if you use Freeze every time you get the chance to, then it will be easier. After the battle, Sora gets an extra Drive Gauge, and learns the Horizontal Slash ability. Goofy learns the Jackpot Ability, and Donald and Tron gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tron thanks you for everything, and Sora confesses that he got the password by accident and reveals that Ansem is their enemy. Tron also says that Ansem is his enemy. More explaining to do. Ansem took the original system that was made by a company called ENCOM, and modified it for his own use. Tron was part of that original program, and was modified as well. Because Ansem modified him, Ansem became his User. But Ansem also brought in the MCP, and the Ansem Tron first knew wouldn't do that. Still confused? Doesn't matter, really. Tron also opened an access channel for you to access Ansem's research data. He also changed the password, which is "Sora Donald Goofy". You also get the Photon Debugger Keyblade. This keyblade isn't that good, as it has 3 strength and 2 magic. You've got better Keyblades at your disposal. __________________ / Hollow Bastion \ =============================================================================== --Items: AP Boost x2, Elixir, Torn Pages, Cure Element, The Great Maw Map, Moon Recipe, Secret Ansem's Report 1, Picture, Ice Cream, --Enemies: Shadow, Soldier, Dusk, Creeper, Armoured Knight, Dancer, Crimson Jazz, Bookmaster, Morning Star, Surveillance Robot, Neoshadow, Demyx (B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Gullwings Keyblade, --Game Recommended Level: 28 =============================================================================== Leon accesses the DTD, and leaves Sora and co. to check it out. Sora tries to find some information on the Nobodies and the Organization, but the Computer keeps saying the Data is corrupt. So either they're doing something wrong, or the everything on the computer is gone. Sora gets so frustrated that he slams the keyboard a couple of times. A picture of an old, blonde guy pops up on screen. No one recognises who it is, till Mickey comes it. Oblivious to the trouble Sora has earlier with the computer, he remarks that they've got things working :p Mickey checks out the guy on the screen, and says that this is the photo of Ansem the Wise. Sora, not believing a word he said, and thinking that Mickey has lost his sanity, takes Mickey to Ansem's Study room to show him the Portrait of Ansem. The Portrait shows a young Ansem with silver hair, and caramel skin, while the computer shows an older Ansem with fairer skin and blonde hair and a beard. Mickey does some explaining. This is a ripper of a scene, so I'd rather not spoil it. Though it may be confusing, as it leaves a big hole open, it will be easier to understand later as the hole is sort of filled. Suddenly, an explosion hits the Castle. You rush outside to see Heartless and Nobodies fighting each other. What the hell? Maleficent is here, and so is Pete. Pete realises that the Heartless are losing, and runs off. Maleficent orders the Heartless to leave the "white husks" and concentrate on Sora. The Nobodies also think this is a better idea. Defeat all the enemies. It's a bit weird fighting both Heartless and Nobodies at the same time. The Gullwings appears and decides to side with Leon instead of Maleficent. Go to the Postern, to meet up with one of Video Game's most menacing Villain. Sephiroth will make his debut appearance. He doesn't fight you, he more interested with Cloud. Save, then continue through the Restoration Site, defeating the new Nobody, Dancers. They pick you up and throw you across the room, but they're no trouble. Other Heartless and Nobodies will attack. After this, you'll appear in the Bailey. Now watch the incredible scene, with Heartless just pouring out of Hollow Bastion, and the scenes with Final Fantasy characters fighting them all. The best scene is seeing Leon and Cloud both fighting together, and the scene with Cloud and Sephiroth. After the scene with Mickey, get ready for the hardest boss battle to date. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Demyx =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Hollow Bastion Strategy: Unlike when you met him at Olympus, he's now tougher and stronger. Before the battle begins, he will summon 50 of his Water Forms. You have to defeat them in 40 seconds. The key to this is "Wild Dance" as it can take out a number of them in a couple of seconds. If you don't kill them off in time, then its game over before the battle even begins. After you've taken out those 50 forms, you now can attack Demyx. All of Demyx's attacks are water based and are extremely dangerous. He charges at Sora attacks with his sitar and leaves pillars of water behind him, shoots water, sends balls of water from the sky, creates a wall of water and makes pillars of water around him. He also summons more Water form now and again, though these are untimed and just a distraction. Also, "Wild Dance" can be used to hurt Demyx and get close to him to attack. You have little control over what Demyx does. When the battle starts, try to get a combo on Demyx early. Water will fall from the sky, but they don't do much damage. Throughout the battle, it will be extremely difficult to get close to him and attack, because his constant water attacks pushes you away from him. Combo-ing Demyx doesn't usually stop him from making attacks, which is frustrating. Try to hit him into the air with Retaliating Slash ability, if you've got it equipped, and air combo him. This will take out a lot of HP. If you get hit by the water and get sent into the air, you can use Aerial Recovery to recover and if your close to Demyx, you can possibly do an air combo on him. Though be careful, as his water strikes is damaging. If he starts charging at you, be very cautions. Evade with all you've got. If he gets to you, you'll lose a lot of HP. The bad thing is that he usually does numerous of charges at the same time, and if a couple of them connects, then it can be fatal. Don't try to Guard it. I tried numerous of times, and it seems impossible. I just ended up dying or close to it, and the same will happen to you. Though this is rare, you can use the reaction command "Show Stealer" when Demyx says 'Ain't this a blast' to do massive damage on Demyx. But if you don't press triangle in time, you'll be hit my massive damage which can be lethal if your HP isn't very high. If he yells "Dance, Water Dance!" any time during the battle, he will summon 10 water forms and you have to defeat them in 10 seconds. Wild Dance is a must here. He will do this two or three times in the battle, so watch out. If your too late to react, its game over. I got caught out here a couple of times, so watch out! When you've taken out a lot of his HP, he becomes even deadlier. His water attacks become more powerful, he erects water shields around him, and your HP siren will probably go off a couple of times. Make sure Donald and Goofy have a lot of Hi-Potions and Potions on them, and Donald should have Cure. You won't have time to heal yourself, so you'll be relying on them a lot. This battle will probably frustrate the hell out of you. You might be caught out by his 10 sec water forms as you first try this battle, which will no doubt irritate you. Drives aren't the best here, but Wisdom is the really good. You can keep your distance while seriously hurting him. The problem is that if you're in Drive when he summons his 10sec water forms, then you could pretty much say goodbye. Its harder to use Wild Dance in Drive, and if you revert out then start to attack, you'll probably run out of time. But it still very effective against Demyx, so try it out if you want. If you turn into Anti-Form, then be very cautious. If he summons his 10sec water forms while your in Anti- Form, then there is little you can do. Fira can hurt Demyx, but you have to be close for it to work, which will be difficult. Watch out for him in the second half of the battle. Don't use Limits, and conserving MP for Cure is a must. If your skilled enough to defeat Demyx on your first go, then I congratulate you because you're perfectly prepared for the rest of the game. After the battle, Sora gets an extra Armour Slot and the Blizzard Element. Donald learns the Blizzard Boost Ability and Goofy gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mickey appears after the battle, and tells everyone to attack. But another ripper scene happens, in which a character gets slain! Oh No! Sora, now extremely angry, has to fight 4 rounds of Heartless. You don't have Donald or Goofy with you, but for each round, a Final Fantasy character helps you out. First round its Yuffie, then Leon, Tifa and Cloud last. All three are amazing fighters, and if you want, you can just stop fighting just to watch them perform their awesome moves. After the last battle with Cloud, head to the next area to the Crystal Fissure. Here, you'll get the Cure Ability. Also, the character you though was dead was just unconscious. You'll have to go into the main menu to equip everything on him again, including Abilities, as when Sora though he was dead, he stripped him of everything. Open the four chests for Torn Pages, The Great Maw Map, AP Boost and Elixir. Save, then exit. Another ripper cutscene appears, which reveals the leader of Organization XIII, and fills in the hole of Mickey's explanation earlier. Mickey runs toward him, but you are cut off by Heartless. Now for the most craziest part of the game. The Battle of 1000 Heartless. This battle, though might sound hard, is extremely easy and fun. Your by yourself for this and you fight only two types of Heartless, Surveillance Robots and Armoured Knights. Like I said earlier, these Heartless are the weakest Heartless available with the most helpful reaction commands. Use "Rising Sun" and "Snag/Sparkle Ray" over and over again to destroy an abundant amount of Heartless at once. The Explosion Ability is also useful. You'll probably pop a level here as well, as these creatures do give off quite a bit of exp. You'll practically be only pressing triangle for this battle until there is only a handful left. This is a ridiculously pathetic challenge, especially when you compare it to your previous boss battle. After this challenge, Sora learns the Guard Break Ability. Another absolute stellar of a cutscene! These cutscenes are very important, and are interesting to watch. I absolutely can't spoil it for you, its that sensational. No doubt, they will leave you confused, but without confusion, there is no mystery. After the long cutscenes, you'll get the Secret Ansem's Report 1, Ice Cream and a Picture. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== Before you do anything, if you check out the items section of the previous world, Hollow Bastion, you'll realise you're missing an AP Boost, the Moon Recipe and the Gullwings Keyblade. So head straight back to Hollow Bastion. The AP Boost and the Moon Recipe are found in a new section of the Restoration Site, and talk to the Gullwings, Yuna in particular, at the Postern to get the Gullwings Keyblade. To make getting all this easier, just land at the Postern. The Recipe and the Keyblade are useful to get. Also, while you're at Hollow Bastion, you might as well use those Torn Pages for 100 Acre Woods. A new chapter is open for Atlantica as well, as you have 5 Drive Gauges. If you search the World Map, a number of worlds have been blocked out. These worlds are Olympus Coliseum, Halloween Town, Agrabah and Pride Lands. You have to visit every world again to complete their second scenario, with the only exception is to Disney Castle/Timeless River, which is totally complete. Also, if you fly around the north western corner, just north east of Atlantica, you can just see the faded outline of a new world. Interesting. _______________________ / The Land of Dragons \ =============================================================================== --Items: AP Boost x2, Mythril Crystal, Orichalcum, Torn Pages, Palace Map, Queen Recipe --Enemies: Dusk, Sniper, Nightwalker, Neoshadow, Bolt Tower, Bulky Vendor, Rapid Thrusters, Hook Bat, Air Pirate, Emerald Blues, Assault Rider, Mysterious Man (B), Storm Rider (B) --Weapons/Amour/Accessories: Ogre Shield --Game Recommended Level: 34 =============================================================================== When you land, you'll meet Mulan. Save, then follow the black cloaked person to the Summit. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Mysterious Man =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The Land of Dragons Strategy: Not only will you be fighting the Mysterious Man, but an endless supply of Rapid Thrusters. Don't let this discourage you, as this is a typically easy fight. The Mysterious Man doesn't have many attacks to begin with. It usually just comprises of melee attacks and combos. When his HP starts to decrease, he will send out balls of energy at you, which are pathetically weak, and will do a charge attack. Take out more HP, and he will use a Thunder attack. Don't worry about the Rapid Thrusters, as they're more of a nuisance than a threat. When the battle begins, lock onto the Mysterious Man and keep him locked, otherwise you'll see some of your attacks attacking the Rapid Thrusters instead of your intended target. He is very slow moving, and many of his attacks can be easily parried with Guard. Also, you could possibly get two or three combos on him at a time because he takes an awfully long time to recover. If you begin to get bored, you could easily just focus on the Rapid Thrusters for a while to grab exp. Use Magnet against the Rapid Thrusters for easy exp. The battle will end when the Mysterious man has one HP bar left, so you don't get to kill him off. After the battle, you get nothing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Watch the cutscene, with the huge heartless heading towards the city. Head back to the Village, save, then continue to the Imperial Square. On your way, you'll encounter the new Heartless, Neoshadow. They're similar to their cousins, Shadows, but they have a larger HP gauge, and are stronger, but are still absurdly weak. At the Imperial Square, you'll be blocked of by Bolt Towers and Assault Riders. You should be nicely levelled up to not worry about them. When that's done, head to the Palace Gate, then the Antechamber. An Organization member is here. Although he doesn't give his name, its Xigbar. Sniper Nobodies will attack. Use "Warp Snipe" reaction command for easy victory. Head for the Throne Room when they're gone. After the cutscene, grab the eight chests for Ogre Shield, AP Boost x2, Palace Map, Orichalcum, Mythril Crystal, Torn Pages, and Queen Recipe. Equip the Ogre Shield on Goofy. Save, then head out to the Palace Gates. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Storm Rider =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The Land of Dragons Strategy: This boss has massive amount of HP, and you won't get many opportunities to attack, so it will be a very long fight. The boss is a flying Heartless, and will be in the air for the majority of the fight. Storm Rider has many attacks, which mainly focus on Thunder, but they don't do much damage. Before the battle, you'll probably want to equip any Thunder Resistance Armour on Sora. When the battle begins, Sora will be on the Storm Rider's back. Be prepared for a Reaction Command immediately. "Hang On" will appear, and use it. The Storm Rider will do a loop-the-loop. If you failed to use "Hang On," you'll fall of. If you succeeded, you'll still be on its back. If you're ever on its back, attack the two cones on its shoulder, before moving on to the horns at its head. Getting rid of those cones will stun Storm Rider for s short amount of time, so you can attack the main part of him, the horns on the head. It will use Thunder while your on its back, though this doesn't do any real damage. The "Hang On" Reaction Command may pop up now and again at irregular times, so press it otherwise you'll fall off. Also, you may just fall off for no apparent reason, other than your own clumsiness. If you're on the ground, then Storm Rider does a lot more attacks. He will fly across the field, releasing multiple small bombs from his belly like an Air Force bomber. This isn't too dangerous, and the main damage can be avoided if you run to the side. He again uses Thunder a lot, but if you're moving, then it will miss. But his most useful attack is when he fly's high in the air, fly's straight down, then horizontal to the ground, he fly straight towards you. Why is this useful, because you can use he reaction command "Slide" to slide under him, then use "Vertigo Toss" which will make Sora attack the Storm Rider's belly, sending him into the air, then he will fall on the floor, completely stunned. This is really the only time in the battle where you can actually get a nice amount of damage to him. You could probably get two or three combos on him before he awakes. To increase that damage, Drive to Valor or Master. He doesn't use this attack often, to take the opportunity when it arises. To get back onto the Storm Rider's back is difficult. You have to approach one of the swirling whirlwinds on the floor, and use "Ride the Wind." Then you can move around the arena till you think your in a good position, then use "Soar" to send Sora straight into the air. Try to move around in the air, so you'll land on the Storm Rider. At the beginning of the battle, its not hard to get on its back. But as the battle progresses, it gets a lot harder as his attacks become more inconsistent and his movement is erratic. The Storm Rider will do his most dangerous attack when a fair amount of his HP is gone. He will fly toward the bridge and land there. Two force fields will appear on either side of him, and will gradually move closer together towards the centre, where the Storm Rider is. The Storm Rider does a massive beam on Thunder directly down the centre, and because of the force fields, its hard to avoid. This can do a lot of damage on Sora. He will do this three times, but even if all three lands on Sora, it shouldn't be fatal because you should still have high HP because of the Storm Riders weak attacks. I recommend you use Cure immediately when you see the force fields appear. To avoid these attacks, stand right next to the Storm Rider, close to its foot. You'll avoid at least the majority of it, and will hardly take any damage. Also, between each beam, this is an opportunity to get a combo or two in before the next one. Remember to pull out of the combo when its about to use its beam, or you'll get the full blast. After its third beam, it will fly away, releasing a Thunder attack around him, so move away as its about to fly. When the majority of his HP is gone, he will use his Thunder Beams and his aerial bombings more often. He will fly around faster, so trying to land on his back becomes a pain in the ass. But he'll also do his attack where you can use "Slide/Vertigo Toss" more frequently as well, so you can attack him more. The Storm Rider doesn't have many damaging attack, but his high HP and once in a blue moon opportunity to attack him makes it a long, but simple fight. After the battle, Sora gets the Thunder Element. Donald and Mulan gets a HP Boost, while Goofy learns the Tornado Fusion Ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Watch the cutscene, before seeing "The Land of Dragons" logo appear on scene, which means that this world is over. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== You got another set of Torn Pages, so go see Pooh if you want to. The next world is Beast's Castle, so head straight there. __________________ / Beast's Castle \ =============================================================================== --Items: Castle Walls Map, Secret Ansem's Report 4 --Enemies: Dusk, Dragoon, Neoshadow, Morning Star, Gargoyle Knight, Gargoyle Warrior, Armored Knight, Hammer Frame, Crimson Jazz, Bulky Vendor, Xaldin (B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Rumbling Rose Keyblade --Game Recommended Level: 36 =============================================================================== Beast doesn't look very happy to see you. He's all dressed up for a special occasion. Approach him, and he will be a bit more hostile. Belle will appear from the staircase, dressed in a lovely yellow formal dress. Obviously the gang has come at a bad time, and Goofy recommends that they come back later. But Donald has other ideas, and follows Beast and Belle into the Ballroom. Humph! How Rude! In the Ballroom, Xaldin makes his reappearance. He says he's going to take something dear away from Beast, which everyone believes to be Belle, and summons some Nobodies. These new Nobodies are Dragoons. These like to create shockwaves across the floor, so fight with Aerial Attacks. Whenever possible, use the reaction command "Learn" which will change the Attack command to Jump command. "Jump" will do serious, if not fatal, damage to the Dragoons. Try to use "Learn" consecutively, so you can learn more Jump attacks. Dragoons also teleport themselves across the room, so remember to re-lock on to them when they do. Beast will be in your party for this battle as well. After you fight all of them, Belle reappears. She's safe and sound. Beasts relief is short lived, as he realises that Xaldin might be after his other precious belonging. Beast leaves your party. Cogsworth tells you that he's gone to his chamber, so that's your next destination. For those of you who have forgotten how to get there, I'll give you directions. Leave the ballroom, then, facing the stairs, head right to the West Hall. From here, battle all the Heartless that appear, go around the corner to the staircase, then go left to the West Wing. Battle more Heartless, go up the stairs, and go down the hallway to reach Beast's Room. Beast is distraught, because his precious rose is gone. He takes out his anger on Belle, and probably would have hit here if Sora didn't come between them. Beast calms down, before revealing that he wants Belle and Sora to leave the castle. His confidence and self esteem has flown right out the window. Leave Beast's Room. In the West Wing, Cogsworth, Lumiere and Mrs. Potts tells you why the rose is so important. Beast must find his true love before the last petal of the rose falls, or the spell will remain permanent. Sora is now determined to find Xaldin and return the rose, but he needs Beast's help. Return to Beast's Room. After some spurring words from Sora, Beast is suddenly in a fit of anger over Xaldin. Beast now returns to your party. You get the Rumbling Rose Keyblade and the Castle Walls Map. Also, I don't know if this happened to anyone else, but Beast's abilities were all unequipped when he returned. Just check his abilities to make sure they're equipped. Equip the Rumbling Rose as the standard Keyblade on Sora. Save, then head out. From the West Wing, head to the West Hall, then to the Entrance Hall. Xaldin is here, and he tells about the Organization's plans. They want to find Kingdom Hearts so they can exist fully and completely, and that's why they need Beast's Heartless and Nobody. He summons more Nobodies, Dragoons and Dusks, to fight. When they're gone, save at the Parlor if you want, before following Xaldin to the Courtyard. Xaldin kidnaps Belle, and takes Belle and the Rose and heads over the Castle Walls. Beasts breaks the Castle Door wide open. Xaldin proposes an ultimatum to Beast, he can have only one of his precious belongings, either Belle or the Rose. Beast promptly yells out Belle, but Belle elbows Xaldin, takes the rose and runs away. Now get ready for another extremely hard Organization Boss Battle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Xaldin =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Beast's Castle Strategy: This battle is exceptionally difficult, although in my opinion its not as hard as your last encounter with an Organization member, but only just. However some people beg to differ with this, and believe Xaldin is harder. Before the battle begins, make sure Sora, Donald and Goofy are equipped to the brim with Hi-Potions and Potions. I also recommend that you use Donald and Goofy for this, as they have more long range attacks than Beast. Xaldin is very fast, and getting attacks on him will be difficult. Lock on to him the second the battle begins. Losing site of him can be fatal within seconds. The key is to try to keep your distance at certain times, and knowing when to close the distance to attack. Early on in the battle, Xaldin has many ground attacks with his lance. He sweeps his lances around the arena, which if your timing is spot on, you can jump to dodge, but don't hold your breath as to being able to do this. His most common attack early is that he charges at you with his Lance's ready to swipe at you. If you have Quick Run from levelling up Wisdom, then this is the easiest way to dodge. Otherwise try to run and jump away. He doesn't give much warning at to when he does this, so as I said before, keep your distance so you have time to dodge. If you get hit, you'll lose a lot of HP, and you'll be knocked back into the air. Aerial Recovery here to recover quickly. Another attack is that Xaldin will simply have his lances circling around him. This is a trap, making you think he's vulnerable. Just try to avoid him, or if you're a risk taker, you can slowly approach him, wait until he attacks you, dodge it then combo him. Risky but a success will pay off. He will also use his lances as a normal combo attack. Though doesn't sounds intimidating, its deadly. If your struck by this, a lot of HP will vanish and you'll be knocked back. Use Aerial Recovery immediately to try to get away from him. During this combo, his lances will begin to glow, and his attacks become stronger. This combo will last for a long time, so keep your distance, dodge, or risk a game over. Xaldin may fly into the air, and use a Thunder or Wind like attack on you. If you keep running and jumping, you'll dodge these easily. Quick Run is also handy. Throughout this battle, you'll encounter a Reaction Command "Learn" which, just like the Dragoon Nobody, changes the Attack command to the Jump command. This is really the only way to do some serious damage to Xaldin. If you can use "Learn" consecutively to learn many Jumps, then you can use all the Jumps at once to take of an extraordinary amount of HP of Xaldin. You can gain a maximum of nine Jumps at once. Make sure your locked on to Xaldin before you use Jump, otherwise you'll find your Jumps missing their targets. Once a considerable amount of HP is gone, Xaldin will do his most dangerous attack. His lances will turn into dragon thing, and he will jump on it. The dragon will ride of the bridge on the left hand side, and will execute a large beam of energy which will sweep across the Bridge from left to right. Extremely hard to dodge, if not near impossible. Your only bet is to try not to get 'caught' in the beam, but instead for the beam to hit and pass over you. To do this, stay far away from Xaldin's side of the bridge, and either just full on run to either the left or right of screen, or jump when the beam reaches you. You will get hurt, but not as much as if you stood still or got caught. Also, when he jumps on his dragon, you've got a significant amount of time to heal up, otherwise the beam could kill you. The only way to perfectly dodge this, is to use a Jump command when its about to reach you. When more HP is off Xaldin, his charging attacks will become more frequent and deadly. He will also do charges consecutively. His combo attack will also appear regularly. Keep "Learning" and "Jumping" when you've got the chance. Some of you will find this battle harder than Demyx, some will find it easier. If you were able to defeat Demyx without any major trouble, then the same should happen here. If you struggled against Demyx, you'll struggle here. I suggest you don't Drive, although if your in trouble, then Drive to Wisdom. You can keep distance while still attacking him. If you turn into Anti-Form, then you have to stay as far away from him as possible. You can't heal in Anti, and his attacks do more damage. Turn into Anti, and 9 out of 10 times you'd die. Don't use any Limits, as you'd want to save your MP for Cure. Magic as a whole isn't overly useful, although Thunder can do some damage while being far away. Just remember to use "Learn" and "Jump." Be cautious when you're going in for a combo, but if you've timed it well, you can get damage on him. Xaldin has a very quick recovery time, so run away after hurting him, preferably using Quick Run. This battle will take some time, so be prepared. After the battle, Sora, Goofy and Beast get a HP Boost. Sora also gets the Reflect Element and Donald learns the Auto Healing ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Watch the feel good cutscene with Beast and Belle. You'll get the Secret Ansem's Report 1 after it all. Beast's Castle logo will appear on screen, lets hope he and Belle can live happily together. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== You'll encounter a scene with Chip and Dale on the Gummi Ship. Chip exclaims that he's getting a strange reading which is all cloudy and fuzzy. This strange reading is the fuzzy world on the north-east corner of the map. It's now a bit clearer. Olympus Coliseum is now open, but it's a level 39 world. Compare that to Port Royal, which is level 37. So, head to Port Royal. ______________ / Port Royal \ =============================================================================== --Items: AP Boost, High Drive Recovery, Orichalcum, Mythril Crystal, King Recipe, Feather Charm, Cursed Medallion, Ship Graveyard Map, Secret Ansem's Report 6 --Enemies: Undead Pirate, Lance Soldier, Gambler, Rapid Thrusters, Rabid Dog, Grim Reaper (first)(B), Grim Reaper (second)(B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Meteor Staff --Game Recommended Level: 37 =============================================================================== When you land, save, and head straight for the Port. Jack is here, with Undead Pirates. If I recall correctly, all the cursed gold was put back in place. Destroy the Undead Pirates with the help of Jack. Elizabeth appears, who tells a story of Will setting sail to Isla de Muerta. Jump onto the Black Pearl, talk to Jack and choose Isla de Muerta. As usual, an ambush of Undead Pirates will happen. This time they're also accompanied with Lance Soldiers. The Black Pearl approaches a still Interceptor, with an almost lifeless Will. He says that the Organization is involved. Save, before heading up to the deck. Luxord, an Organization member, is waiting for you, and he has company. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Grim Reaper (first) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Port Royal Strategy: You'll be laughing yourself to death with how pathetic this 'Boss' is. No need for a real strategy, just attack like crazy. He's also weak against magic, the same way Undead Pirates are weak to magic, so exploit this as well. After the battle, Sora gets the Summon Boost Ability. Goofy learns the Draw Ability. Donald and Jack both get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Luxord summons some Nobodies, who steal some of the Aztec Gold. The Grim Reaper blows Sora, Donald, Goofy and Jack off the Black Pearl and onto the Interceptor. The Interceptor subsequently crashes. You're in a new area, the Ship Graveyard. Save, then open the chest for the Feather Charm. This is the last summon, and it calls Peter Pan and Tinkerbell for help. Exit the Interceptors Hold, to proceed to the next area, the Seadrift Row. Open the chests for a High Drive Recovery, King Recipe, and Mythril Crystal. Go to the Seadrift Keep, and you'll encounter a Gambler Nobody which is in possession with a Medallion. Lock on to this Nobody, ignore the other Nobodies, and kill it. Grab the Medallion when its gone. The Cursed Medallion is yours. Jack, who's eyesight is super human, exclaims that there are three left. The Ship Graveyards Map is also yours, so now you won't be running blind. We need to collect those three other Medallions from the Gambler Nobodies, but where are they? They appear in random places across Port Royal. Enter any area, and you might find one. A time limit is on when you encounter one, if you fail to kill it before time runs out, then it will disappear, only to reappear somewhere else. Go to the Ship if you want to sail to another place. Also, the Seadrift Keep, the place where you met your first Medallion Gambler, has three chests to grab. They are Meteor Staff, Orichalcum, and AP Boost. You'll automatically go to the Black Pearl when you've got all four medallions. Equip Draw on Sora, or use the Draw Ring if you don't have Draw Ability. Talk to Jack and head to Town. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Grim Reaper (second) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Port Royal Strategy: Don't expect another pathetic boss, it seems to of had an upgrade. Though it's a simple battle once you know the routine. The basics is that the Grim Reaper will steal some coins from the Aztec Treasure Chest, which makes it an Undead and invincible. Sora has to collect all the Medallions from the Grim Reaper by making him drop them, collect them, and put them back in the chest. As long as the chest is missing one gold coin, the Reaper is invincible. The counters at the top of the screen tell you how much coins the Reaper has, how much you have, and how much the chest has out of the total amount of coins. To make it drop coins, you have to use magic. To make this part easier, have Donald in your party. Blizzard and Thunder seem to be the best for him to drop coins. Physical attacks don't hurt him, nor do they make him drop coins, but it does makes him drop MP orbs. When coins are dropped, run around and collect them, go to the chest and use the reaction command "Replace" to put all the coins back. The coins are very small and can be hard to see, which is why I suggest Draw. If you get hit, you drop any coins you had on you, so replace them often. When all the coins are back in the chest, the curse is broken and Grim Reaper becomes vincible. Now is a good time to drive to Valor, and absolutely belt him. After it takes a beating, it will take more coins, initiating the curse again. After you've done the above a couple of times, it will do a move where it will suck coins out of the chest. Approach it and use the "Hinder" reaction command, then "Loot Launch." This will cause the Reaper to be launched into the air, making it drop the majority of the coins he took on the floor. The Reaper's attacks while invincible are slow and not damaging. Really his only dangerous attack is swinging his arms across the floor. This shouldn't worry you, as you shouldn't be anywhere near the Reaper at this point. When he's vulnerable, his attacks become faster and more erratic. He summons energy balls which follow you, and uses his axe more often. When a majority of his HP is depleted, he will disappear from the battle field, and flaming skulls will appear, following you and slamming down on the floor. Constant running and jumping really the only way to dodge them. He'll do his sucking-from-the-chest ability more when his HP is near gone. After the battle, Sora learns the Magnera Ability. Donald learns the Flare Force Ability. Goofy and Jack get HP Boosts. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Secret Ansem's Report 6 is yours. Port Royal is now over. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== Chip and Dale make another remark about the strange readings they're getting. Looks like it gets clearer as you complete more worlds. With your Magnera Ability, you can now do Chapter 4 in Atlantica if you wish. Agrabah and Halloween Town are now open, but head to Coliseum for now. ____________________ / Olympus Coliseum \ =============================================================================== --Items: Auron's Statue --Enemies: Dusk, Driller Mole, Crimson Jazz, Tornado Step, Morning Star, Minute Bomb, Crescendo, Neoshadow, Bulky Vendor, Hades (B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Guardian Soul Keyblade -- Game Recommended Level: 39 =============================================================================== Hades has decided to hold another one of his namesake tournaments. The Hades Cup. This is nothing like the Hades Cup in KH, in fact, it's not even a tournament. Save, then talk to Pain to enter the Hades Cup. Talk to Panic to enter the regular tournaments. If fact, if you haven't already completed Cerberus Cup, then now is a great time to do so. Otherwise talk to Pain. For these battles, Herc also fights with you. But his low confidence and self esteem is not doing his fighting performance any good. Play two rounds, and you're in the finals. Auron appears, but isn't himself. Save, before following him to the Cave of the Dead. Watch the cutscene, then try to talk to him t the Underworld Entrance. After that, your next destination is Hades Chamber. To get there, go through the Cave of the Dead, and just continue forwards till you get to Hades Chamber. You can use the skateboard in the Valley of the dead to quicken things up. In Hades Chamber, you will get Auron's Statue. The quotes that appear on screen relate to Auron's role in FFX. You now have to fight some Dusks. No big deal, just a bunch of low life Dusks. You automatically appear at the Underworld Entrance. Save, then talk to Pain. When you get Auron back, I suggest you keep him. But his abilities may be unequipped, like it was for me, so check before you begin the boss battle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Hades =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Olympic Coliseum Strategy: When the battle begins, Hades will be invincible. Nothing you can do. Just wait a while attacking uselessly to initiate a cutscene. Herc has become his former self again, and with him now fighting, Hades will be a breeze. Whenever Hades is red, he's invincible. When he's blue, he's vulnerable. How do you get him blue? Herc will create balls of light across the field. Approach these balls, and use the reaction command "Aura Sphere" to knock the balls into Hades. These will take out some HP, as well as making him blue. Use this often. If your close to Herc, you can use "Aura Guard" to make Herc Shield you from danger, enabling you to heal with safety. Hades begins with the normal one-two punches. Nothing to dangerous. As the battle progresses and his HP depletes, he will teleport around the field and use magic attacks. He shoots fireballs after saying "Feel the Heat" and when he says "That's is," a column of fire will surround Hades, hurting anyone near it. It's range is short, so just move away when he says this. When the column disappears, Hades will turn red again. Driving to Valor or Master when you've just turned Hades blue is a good idea. Auron's Limit is also useful. Its an easy battle, but Hades high HP count may make this battle take a while. After the battle, Sora gets an MP Boost and learns the Counterguard Ability. Donald gains an Accessory Slot. Goofy and Auron gain a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Guardian Soul is yours, a gift from Auron. Besides from the tournaments, Olympus Coliseum is complete. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== As you may have noticed, the worlds are pretty short compared to your first time through them. The Titan Cup becomes available straight after you've completed Coliseum. Although you can try it out, you'll probably be under- levelled to complete it. Agrabah and Halloween Town are open, first go to Agrabah. ___________ / Agrabah \ =============================================================================== --Items: Torn Pages, Ruin Map --Enemies: Neoshadow, Rapid Thrusters, Hook Bat, Fat Bandit, Fiery Globe, Icy Cube, Luna Bandit, Fortuneteller, Crimson Jazz, Silver Rock, Bulky Vendor, Jafar (B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Wishing Lamp Keyblade --Game Recommended Level: 40 =============================================================================== The snake has returned! Jafar has been released from his tomb, and the idiot who released him, the peddler, has been showered in riches. Iago, who just so happened to witness Jafar's spectacular entrance, reluctantly reveals where he is hiding. He's at some ruins outside of the Palace. From the Peddlers House, save. The Moogle isn't selling anything different, so just hand over any synthesis items. Exit the House to Agrabah, and from there, go to the Bazaar. Destroy any Heartless that appear, notably any Luna Bandits or Fat Bandits. Head to the Palace Walls, where Genie makes his own extravagant entrance. Save again, and head through the newly opened area. You'll be riding on Carpet for this. The controls are that the left analog stick moves Carpet horizontally, while the right moves him vertically. While your on a carpet, you have no one to help you, so your by yourself. Fly around till you reach Jafar. Heartless will be summoned. They're just mainly Rapid Thrusters, Fortunetellers and Crimson Jazz. Even on a Carpet they're nothing to worry about. If your struggling with the controls for a physical attack, then just use magic, preferably Thunder. Now Jafar's shadow will fly around the ruins, and you'll have to follow it. Whenever it stops, its going to cast a magic spell. The game tells you this, and promptly tells you to stop with a physical attack. Keep this game of cat and mouse up for a while, till Jafar leads you to a tower. At the top of the tower, defeat the next lot of Heartless Jafar summons. When they're gone, examine the weird statue that has now magically appeared. This will show you three pictures of where 'switches' are located across the ruins. These switches are a bunch of flying rocks which continuously move in a defined pattern. To activate the switches, you use a particular magic attack, one of the three elemental magic's. Finding the switches aren't hard, you'll just have to contend with the Heartless that randomly appear, but activating them may be difficult. You have to time hem perfectly, and for two of the three you have to be in the correct position. The switches will glow a particular colour, either red, blue or yellow, which detonates which magic spell to use. Also, you have to time the magic attack at the same time the switches change colour to activate it. Once you do activate all three, a door will open, but will only be open for a short time, so to make this easier, do should do it in the order that I specify below, as its arranged from furthest from door to closest from door. The Thunder switch will be on top of a large building near the entrance of Agrabah, and the rocks are arranged vertically, but are moving from side to side. You have to use Thunder when the rocks turn yellow and are perfectly aligned vertically. For this, is doesn't really matter where you are, just be close to the switch. The Blizzard Switch is left just before a narrow passage leading to the tower and is arranged in horizontally, and will glow blue when perfectly aligned horizontally. You have to be directly inline with one end of the switch, and use Blizzard when its blue. I found this to be the most difficult. The Fire Switch is found under the bridge that leads to the tower and is arranged in a circle, and will glow red when perfectly aligned in that circle. You have to be right in the middle of that circle, and use Fire when the time is right. You may run out of MP, so either use an Ether or wait for it to charge back up. Once you've done the Fire Switch (or just completed them all, if you didn't follow the order I said to), you have to reach the now open door in the tower. You have 30 seconds to reach it, which is why I said to do it in my order. The door is near the top of the tower. Head inside the door. Open the chests for the last Torn Pages and the Ruins Map. Head up the stairs, to be bitterly disappointed. It was a trap, laid my Jafar and unwillingly helped by Iago. You now have to complete a short, but seemingly difficult minigame. Your on carpet, and you have to escape from the ruins, which seems to be collapsing. The screen is like the Gummi Missions. The Carpet will move automatically forwards, but if your job to move Sora across the screen. Heartless will appear, but luckily it takes one hit to kill them as Sora sends them straight into the floor killing them. Watch out for the falling towers, and try to avoid them. Kill as many Heartless as you can, because of the ease of defeating them, and the amount of exp. When that's done, head back to Agrabah. Save at the Peddlers Shop is recommended. Talk to the Peddler who is hanging around the entrance to the Palace, before continuing to the Palace. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Jafar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Agrabah Strategy: You're again on Carpet, with no help from friends. Jafar has transformed into his large Genie form. Jafar has a large HP bar, so it will be a long battle. When the battle starts, you can lock-on to and attack two parts of him. The head, and his torso. Although you can also attack his hands, I see no point in doing so. The head is his main life source, and defeating that will kill him. Unfortunately, attacking the head will be hard, as strong winds and Jafar's attacks will knock you around. The torso doesn't have much HP, and is easier to attack. This is the key to defeating Jafar. When you deplete his stomach HP, he'll kneel over stunned, but only for a short time. Now you can either get a short combo in before he awakes, or you can use the reaction command "Roll Up" to make Sora grab Jafar's tail and "Spin Burst" to make Jafar spin around. This causes Jafar to be stunned for a lot longer, and now is the best time to get at least two combos on him. Jafar creates strong winds, which is more of an annoyance than anything else, as it makes Carpet's flying slow. Buildings will be flying around in the air, but they are few and should be easy to look out for. He has a Thunder attack, which does moderate damage and stuns you. This is only available when you've taken quite a bit of HP of Jafar's head. When Jafar is really hurt badly, he will transfer Sora to the darkness, where he is invincible, and a lot of buildings and debris will be flying around. Your best bet to avoid these is to fly around like a crazy man, and use Guard and Reflect. This doesn't last long though, and when it does end, you've got the perfect opportunity to attack his torso again. As long as you repeat the above steps, you shouldn't be troubled. After the battle, Sora gets a Fire Element. Firaga is now ours! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After the cutscene, Sora gets the Wishing Lamp Keyblade. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== You've got the last set of Torn Pages, so I desperately beg to you to complete 100 Acre Woods. Why? Because the prize for completing it is the most invaluable magic spell in the game, Curaga! With this wonderous spell, not even God himself can conquer you. In case you haven't done any adventures in 100 Acre Woods, then I'd guess you're going to be spending a lot of time there right now. But don't worry, all the info you need is presented to you in the 100 Acre Woods section of the guide. Halloween Town is your next destination. __________________ / Halloween Town \ =============================================================================== --Items: Present, Decoy Present --Enemies: Neoshadow, Toy Soldier, Armoured Knight, Wight Knight, Trick Ghost, Creeper Plant, Graveyard, Bulky Vendor, Lock (B), Shock (B), Barrel (B), The Experiment (B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Decisive Pumpkin Keyblade --Game Recommended Level: 41 =============================================================================== After the long cutscenes, you begin at Santa's House. Sora is now Jack's helpers in finding the person responsible in stealing Santa's presents. A noise is heard in the Wrapping Room, so save, then head through the Toy Factory, up the ramp to the Wrapping Room. No surprises who's here. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Lock, Shock and Barrel =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Halloween Town Strategy: This is one of the weirder battles of the game. The trio aren't a threat in themselves. They rarely do any attacking, and its piss weak anyway. All they do is run around and create havoc for you. There's two parts to the battle. Each has their own HP bar, and you have to deplete it. This doesn't kill them, just makes them tired. You now have to approach a box and, while having that kid locked on, use the reaction command to trap that kid under the box. You'll find that this battle is more tiresome and annoying than difficult. After the battle, Sora gets an extra Item Slot. Goofy gets the Auto Change ability. Donald and Jack gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The trio aren't the present stealers you were looking for. Sally appears, exclaiming that Heartless are in Halloween Town, and that they've got presents with them. Head back to Halloween Town. At Candy Cane Lane, you'll encounter a new Heartless, the Graveyard. These are just like their cousins Toy Soldiers. At the Hinterlands, there will be a Skateboard there, so use it if you want to. At the Town Square, the Mayor is making his ever so inspiring speech again. Heartless are here, but only the Wright Knights are the ones with the Presents. Kill them all and grab the four Presents. After the battle, you get a Present. You automatically reappear in Santa's House. Your going to make decoy presents to catch the culprit. Talk to the elf in the Wrapping Room to begin the minigame. Its time for Gift Wrapping. You've got to fill the empty boxes which appear from the factory thing. Press X to shoot the presents and Triangle to reload. You've got to get 100 points, and you've got 30 presents per round before you need to reload. When the light starts flashing, then you've got to reload. Lock, Shock and Barrel will appear out of nowhere and start kicking boxes away. To stop them, hit them with presents to stun them. You've got no time limit, so getting the 100 necessary isn't to hard. After the minigame, you get the Decoy Presents. Save, then talk to Santa and choose "Let's Go." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: The Experiment =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Halloween Town Strategy: The Experiment is a hard hitting boss. It has numerous attacks right from the start, and you'd find yourself getting hit before you can finish a combo. A simple attack it does is creates shockwaves across the ground. Really easy to dodge, as its range is unbelievably short. Also, if you get hit, you won't get much damage, but you will be thrown into the air. The Experiment likes to *experiment* with a Laser attack :p The Laser, if you get hit, will knock you into the air as well. The Laser hits twice on you, so will be moderate damage. The Experiment loves this attack, and you'd probably see this often, so look out. Sometimes, while its doing this Laser, it will also create strong winds, which will pull Sora towards The Experiment, making the Laser even harder to dodge. Getting a combo in is difficult, as his frequent attacks stops you, but the best time to do so is straight after his Laser attack, especially if he also does his wind attack with it, as you'll practically next to him when he stops. Magic is also very useful from afar, use Blizzard and Thunder. The Experiment will sometimes split into many pieces, which makes him more dangerous. Watch out for its head, as it will continue with the Lasers, and its other parts will also attack, but concentrate on the Torso. It will be flailing around madly, so attacking isn't a good option, but wait till the reaction command "Kickspring" appears. This will cause Sora to toss the Torso into another body part, causing them to combine again. When its partly together, it will only to physical attacks, so it's the perfect time to slaughter it with hard hitting combos. Limits and Drives are a nice option at this time. After the battle, Sora gets the Finishing Leap Ability. Donald learns the Jackpot Ability, while Sora, Goofy and Jack all get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Decisive Pumpkin is your straight after the cutscene. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== A lot has happened on the World Map. The fuzzy world that's at the top of the map, its now clear. Its called the World that Never Was. Scary name, ain't it? This is a level 50 world, and is the last world you can proceed to. Try to land there, and you'll get a cutscene telling you that you can go there. Also, Twilight Town is now blocked off by a Gummi Route. The Gummi Route is the Assault of the Dreadnoughts. Open it if you want to, but don't go to Twilight Town just yet. Twilight Towns level has increased to 47. Equip the Decisive Pumpkin as your main keyblade, then head to Pride Lands. _______________ / Pride Lands \ =============================================================================== --Items: None --Enemies: Neoshadow, Rapid Thruster, Living Bone, Bolt Tower, Shaman, Armored Knight, Aerial Knocker, Shenzi (B), Banzi (B), Ed (B), Groundshaker (B) --Game Recommended Level: =============================================================================== When you arrive, save at Stone Hollow first if you want to. Pride Lands is in turmoil. Simba can't control his pride, and ghosts of Scar keeps popping up everywhere. Head to the King's Den. Simba is residing here, and he's complete down and out. No self esteem, no confidence. Utterly dead. Fortunately, Sora is able to drive some sense into his head, and he finally wakes up from his emo trance. Go back to Stone Hollow to meet the wise Rafiki. According to him, the Hyena's may know what the hell is going on. Head to the Elephant Graveyard. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Shenzi, Banzi and Ed =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Pride Lands Strategy: This is no boss battle at all, because the three Hyena's hardly attack you at all. This instead is a game of cat and mouse. You have to chase all three Hyena's and bring their HP down to zero. You have to do this for all three. Easy right? Wrong. The Hyena's are super fast, and its extremely difficult to lay attacks on them. Also, they split and run in different directions, making it very confusing. Don't focus on one at a time. Just go after any Hyena in sight. Lock on to a Hyena so you don't lose them, but if you do, concentrate on the next Hyena closest to you. The trick to this is Dash and Thunder. Dash at least keeps you in striking range, but Thunder is the bomb. If it connects (lock-on to them), it sends the Hyena flying into the air and stuns them for a short while. Now is the time to Dash and combo them when you reach them, and if your still to far when they wake up, send down Thunder again. Also, you could try going in the opposite direction, so you meet them head on, but I don't recommend it, as Elephant Graveyard has many routes and forks and you'd probably get lost. When their HP keeps getting lower, they keep getting faster, so ending it may get difficult. Just keep using Thunder, and having Donald for this is a must. Although probably the easiest boss battle, it also long and frustrating. After the battle, Sora gets an extra Accessory Slot. Goofy learns the MP Rage ability. Donald and Simba gets some HP Boosts. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You automatically arrive back at Pride Rock, since the Hyena's know shit all. Simba has head off to the Oasis, so you have to proceed there as well. As your going through the area's you'd probably see a apparition of Scar's Ghost at the beginning of each stage. But it disappears almost instantly as Donald and Goofy quickly destroys it. I have no idea what purpose this is for. When at the Oasis, Simba will be here. After the cutscene, you're again saved from walking as your automatically taken to Pride Rock. Save at Stone Hollow. A Boss battle is coming soon, but some preparation is necessary. First, take Auto Limit off Simba. Reaction commands are common in the boss battle, and you'd want to conserve MP, so it would be extremely frustrating if you accidentally use the Limit. Prepare Simba as well, and its just going to be you and him for this battle. Any lightning armour would be lovely right about now. Now head to the Savannah when finally ready. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Groundshaker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Pride Lands Strategy: This heartless is huge, obviously. Now, while Sora is on the Savannah, he runs automatically. Some of its attacks are that it physically attacks you and shoots lightning bolts at you. When the battle starts, be aware that Reaction Commands pop up often. The first Reaction Command should be 'Leap', and this should be immediately when the battle starts. It's a continuous Reaction Command, popping up around 4 times, so just mash triangle till it stops. 'Fend' should be soon after 'Leap'. This will stun the Groundshaker. He'll be lying on the ground, his eyes (which are the only damageable part of him for the time being) in a perfect position to have the crap belted from them. Use Simba's Limit for awesome damage. He'll soon wake up, and start running around again. His lightning bolts will be common from here on in. Now, you'd want to get as close to the body of the Groundshaker as possible, and hope to God that the Reaction Command 'Leap' pops up. This is a different 'Leap' to last time. This makes Sora jump high into the air. There is a chain of 'Leaps' so mash triangle till your on the Groundshaker's back. On its back, you'll see something incredibly weird. Its like a tree with a face on it or something. This is it core, or something. Attack it, and you'd be able to get 2 or 3 combos on it before it starts attacking for itself. When it starts attacking, you'll be knocked off the Groundshaker, and the whole cycle starts again. Again, dodge lightning and wait. The eyes should e attackable again after this. What you should do is try to run underneath one of the Groundshaker's foot. This brings up 'Fend', and the rest is common knowledge. After this, try to get back up on its back and attack the thing on its back. When you get knocked off, use 'Fend' etc etc... This battle seems complicated, but its simple when you know what to do. Watch out for Simba, he will probably die on you a couple of times. Just keep using Cure, keep moving and you should win. After the battle Sora and Simba both get a HP Boost. Sora also obtains the Thunder Element. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= That's it for Pride Lands. Although you'd probably be returning here later. _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== New Episodes have opened at Hollow Bastion, and at Atlantica. The Atlantica is the final Episode, and since you get the Blizzard Element upon completion, complete Atlantica now. Since we've just completed Pride Lands, I think now is the best time to let you onto a little secret, that practically all of the Kingdom Hearts Community know. Do know where the Peak is in Pride Lands? It's on top of Pride Rock, where you fought Scar on your first visit. Here, this area is just swarming with Rapid Thrusters. Hundreds of them, all here. Rapid Thrusters give a medium amount of EXP, but you can increase that with a number of techniques. First, have Goofy and Simba. Save your game first before proceeding, in case something profound happens, like you end up dying. Unequip Simba's Healing Herb ability, take off any healing items they might have. Have Magnet as one of your magic shortcuts. Equip the Gull Wing Keyblade (found at the Postern in Hollow Bastion), and equip Experience Boost on Sora. Experience Boost increases the EXP gained when Sora is in critical Health. Obviously, go to the Savannah, and get Sora down to critical health (when his HP bar is flashing and the siren is sounding). If you feel your HP is just a tad bit low for comfort, go to the save point, and quickly run on and off it. It will boost you HP a bit, but not enough to get it out of critical if you're fast. Head to the Peak, and start killing the Rapid Thrusters. You should be skilled enough not worry about dying. Use Magnet as an easy way to kill multiple at a time. In fact, don't even attack, just keep using Magnet. Also note, you only get the EXP boost when Sora kills a Rapid Thruster. You'll only get normal EXP when Goofy or Simba kills any, so try to get the majority of kills. You might also want to set Goofy and Simba on Sora Attack. Also, when there are only a handful left, leave the Peak, then return. This respawns all the Rapid Thrusters. If you kill all the Rapid Thrusters, then you have to go through a lot of screens, fight more Heartless and do more crap just to get them all to respawn. If you use this trick, just watch the EXP roll. Whether you do the above is up to you. You shouldn't need to right now, but its handy for later on. When ready, proceed to Hollow Bastion. __________________ / Hollow Bastion \ =============================================================================== -Items: None --Enemies: Strafer, Devastator, Bookmaster, Morning Star, Armoured Knight, Surveillance Robot, Magnum Loader, Crimson Jazz --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Sleeping Lion Keyblade, Cosmic Chain --Game Recommended Level: 45 =============================================================================== Instead of being able to choose where to land, you land at the Marketplace. Talk to Uncle Scrooge, who has found the recipe to Sea Salt Ice Cream. Why we needed to know that, I wouldn't have a clue. Head to the Borough, where you get Ambushed by Strafers and Devastators. Wait a second. These Heartless are from Space Paranoids. What are they doing at Hollow Bastion? Something is up here. Defeat the Heartless, then Yuffie appears. She takes you inside, where the others are. Cid is having trouble fighting of the MCP, as its using Ansem's Computer to create Heartless in Hollow Bastion. And Cid's Claymores are now controlled by the MCP, and you will find out later how annoying those things really are. It's also evident that there is tension between Cid and Merlin. You're asked to head to Ansem's Study, which you shouldn't have any trouble locating. Save it, before heading out. Head all the way to Ansem's Study. In case you didn't do so when I told you to do it long ago, talk to Yuna at the Postern to get the Gullwing Keyblade. Also, along the way, there are Skateboards to assist your journey. Use them if you wish. When your finally at Ansem's Study, go to his Computer Room. Leon is here. He gives you the Sleeping Lion Keyblade after a cutscene. The Sleeping Lion has 5 Strength and 3 Magic, so it's a good keyblade. However, the Decisive Pumpkin has 6 Strength but 1 Magic. I recommend you keep the Decisive Pumpkin as your standard Keyblade, put the Sleeping Lion as your Master, and put the Rumbling Rose as your Valor. Before you go through the computer, head to the newly opened area, called Heartless Manufactory. Here, open the chest for that Cosmic Ring. Save, then head through the Computer. ___________________ / Space Paranoids \ =============================================================================== --Items: AP Boost, Orichalcum+, Central Computer Core Map --Enemies: Strafer, Devastator, Bookmaster, Morning Star, Armoured Knight, Surveillance Robot, Magnum Loader, Crimson Jazz, Canon Gun, Sark (B), MCP (B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Cosmic Arts --Game Recommended Level: 47 =============================================================================== You arrive at the Pitcell. Tron is in trouble. The MCP is playing more games with him. Save, then access the computer, and choose Light Cycle. No, we're not going to play that motorcycle game again, we just need to defeat the Heartless here, the Magnum Loaders and Devastators in particular. Once they're done, you're automatically back in the Pitcell. Save, then proceed to the Canyon. In the Canyon, use the Lift to access the I/O Tower: Hallway. Proceed right, before being ambushed by Heartless. Three Devastators attack, so it will take a while, but it shouldn't be too difficult. When they're gone, go to the Communication Room. Using Merlin's magic and Cid's program, Tron learns new abilities, so check them out. Save, then head to the Hallway, go straight to the Simulation Hanger, then the Solar Sailer Simulation. When ready, choose to "Depart". Heartless will attack the Solar Sailer. The problem isn't the Heartless, but the fact that the Solar Sailer has a weight limit, shown at the top left hand corner. If too many Heartless appear, this bar will fill, resulting in Game Over. So defeat the Heartless ASAP. Devastators will be your main problem, and if your struggling, use a Drive, either Master or Wisdom. The good thing is that when it is over, you get some bonuses. Sora, Goofy and Tron gets a HP Boost, and Donald learns MP Hastera. You'll be at the Central Computer Mesa. Grab the chests here for an AP Boost, Orichalcum+, Cosmic Arts and the Central Computer Core Map. A Boss battle is coming, so definitely Save, and prepare well. Have Tron in your party. Now head to Central Computer Core. Sark is here, and you have to fight him. He isn't the boss, he's just the appetiser. He'll be accompanied by Heartless, but ignore them and focus directly on Sark. Reaction Commands "Zone Guard" and "Disc Strike" will speed things up. Should be over quickly. I hope you didn't think that was it eh? The MCP transfers data to Sark, and now he suddenly becomes 10 metres tall. Also, you've got the fight the head of the rebellion, the MCP. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: MCP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Space Paranoids Strategy: While Giant Sark is also present, you can't actually defeat him, nor is he your primary objective. Your target is the MCP, the core in the centre of the room. But to get to the Core, you got to temporary get Sark out of the way. Sark isn't very strong. He's very slow, and doesn't have an overload of attacks. He can create shockwaves across the floor, for minimal damage. Also, he has a lightning attack, which while can hurt, its nothing to worry about. He also throws a disc of sorts at you, which is near impossible to dodge, and those Reaction Commands from the previous fight with Sark are no longer present. Because he is so tall. Attack his legs. When both are gone, he will bend over in exhaustion. Now attack the head. He'll recover and get up, so you're going to have to do this twice. When the head is gone, its time to get the MCP. Attack the Walls which are surrounding the core. It will take two combos to destroy one. Sometimes, the walls will spin around, which will knock you back. Annoying, but not very damaging. When one wall is gone, approach the gap and use the Reaction Command "Delete". Now start mashing triangle to use the chain Reaction Command "Charge". Keeping mashing triangle to get maximum damage. While your "Charging" The MCP will send small beams of light at you, but it shouldn't worry you, focus of hurting the MCP. Near the end of your Reaction Command, the MCP will have one last crack at you. The walls, will start spinning and rising, and when they fall, a big beam of laser will go straight at you. This can hurt, but you should have your HP high enough not for it to be fatal. After you do this, Sark will wake up. Again, just repeat the process. While Sark does get more powerful and angrier after you attack the MCP, he's still an easy target. Also, those walls can get more troublesome. They like to spin a lot, and produce electricity and lasers often. This boss battle should be a piece of cake for you, considering that you've battle more difficult bosses earlier, like those Organization members. After the battle, Sora, Donald and Tron get a HP Boost. Sora gets the Reflect Element and Goofy gets an extra Accessory Slot. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tron says goodbye to the group... in quite a strange way :p Anywho, after another scene, your taken back to Hollow Bastion. __________________ / Hollow Bastion \ =============================================================================== The following is just a bunch of cutscenes. Looks like every trace of MCP has been whipped out. After more cutscenes, you learn that Hollow Bastion wasn't originally called Hollow Bastion. It was once called Radiant Garden. To the delight of others, they rename Hollow Bastion back to Radiant Garden. FABULOUS! _____________ / World Map \ =============================================================================== Every individual world's scenario is complete. All that's left is Twilight Town, and the final world, The World That Never Was. Before we continue, if you fly towards Hollow Bastion, its now called Radiant Garden. Also, your journal calls it Radiant Garden. So from now on, I'll call it Radiant Garden. A new episode has also opened at Radiant Garden. Don't worry, this is just an optional boss battle. That's right, the Sephiroth Battle is now ready. He is located at the Dark Depths. This is where that huge turning point of the game happened. To get their quickly, land at the Crystal Fissure, save (for the love of God, SAVE!) and just proceed forward till you see him, at the edge of the cliff. Although I do not recommend you try to defeat him now, you're more than welcome just to see him, and check out the short cutscene before you do end up getting absolutely ripped apart by him, which is why I emphasised saving. You shouldn't be anywhere close to the right level to be fighting him, so just forget about him for now. His strategy will be found in his own chapter. We're on the home straight now. We're so close to completing the game. Excited? Horny? I know you are ;) Now, go to Twilight Town. If you haven't already done so, go through the Assault of the Dreadnoughts. _________________ / Twilight Town \ =============================================================================== --Items: Mythril Shard, Mythril Gem, Mythril Stone x2, Mythril Crystal x5, AP Boost x2, Elixir, Orichalcum x3, Orichalcum+, Ultimate Recipe, Secret Ansem's Report 10 --Enemies: Creeper, Dusk, Assassin, Dragoon, Sniper, Dancer, Samurai, Gambler --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Bond of Flame Keyblade --Game Recommended Level: 47 =============================================================================== You land at Central Station. Save, then exit to Station Plaza. Twilight Town seems a bit deserted. The beauty is that a new section of Twilight Town has been opened. The Underground Concourse. That's the section which has been blocked off until now. Enter the Underground Concourse through the entrance in Station Plaza. The Concourse is like an underground shortcut throughout Twilight Town. Each exit leads to a place in Twilight Town and are numbered off for your conveinence. Those exits are: No. 1: Sunset Terrace (Through No. 2) No. 2: Tunnelway (Leads to No. 1) No. 3: Back Alley No. 4: Tram Common No. 5: Station Plaza Enter through No. 5. Grab the four chests here for an Orichalcum, AP Boost, Mythril Gem and Mythril Crystal. Nobodies are abundant here, so it's a good place to level up. There is also a skateboard lying around here somewhere, so grab it if you want to. When your ready, go through No. 2, the Tunnelway. Here, open the chests for another Orichalcum and Mythril Crystal. Again, defeat any Nobodies, before exiting through No. 1, Sunset Terrace. You should remember this place from your Roxas days (boy that was a long time ago). It was here that you investigated those Seven Duds of Twilight Town. There are chests galore here. Open them all for a Mythril Crystal, Orichalcum+, Mythril Shard and AP Boost. There is nothing up on that Hill, so don't go there. You can save it at the Station here if you want to. When your ready, go back to the Concourse. Exit at No. 4, Tram Common. Proceed to The Woods, then to The Old Mansion. Olette, Pence and Hayner are dazed from their encounters from Nobodies. More attack, but an old friend pops up. Defeat all the Nobodies. When they're gone, Sora and Goofy get a HP Boost, and Donald learns the Lucky Lucky Ability. Enter the Mansion, as time for treasure hunting. Grab the chests here for a Mythril Crystal, Mythril Stone, and Elixir. Head through the door downstairs to go to the Dining Room. Defeat the Nobodies to open the chests for a Mythril Crystal and Mythril Stone. Go back to the Foyer. Go up the stairs and to the White Room and Save. Have a closer look at those pictures on the Walls. Some of them should make more sense now. When ready, go through the other door to the Library. Open the chest here for an Orichalcum, then proceed to the Computer Room. After a cutscene, save, then talk to Pence. Choose 'Sea Salt Ice Cream'. If you choose any other, nothing will happen. A light ray will appear, but before you go and touch it, go to the Basement Hall, then to the Basement Corridor to find the Ultimate Recipe. Pod Room is completely empty, so ignore that. Go back to the Computer Room, save again, then 'Touch' the beam. Secret Ansem's Report 10 is yours. You're now in the alternate Twilight Town. The computer here is in complete ruins. You should know how that happened. Save, and go to the Basement Hall. You can't go anywhere else, as according to Sora it just doesn't feel right. In the Basement Hall, go through the Dark Portal in the corner. You'll be in Betwixt and Between. Like its name, this place looks incredibly weird. Full of bright lights and such. Proceed forward till your ambushed by Nobodies. Fortunately, someone comes along and helps you. Unfortunately, he gets badly hurt after the battle, while Sora gets an MP Boost. Another full on emotional scene occurs, where he gives Sora the Bond of Flame Keyblade. Once you've calmed yourself down after that, continue forwards to the final world left to explore. ____________________________ / The World That Never Was \ =============================================================================== --Items: Mythril Gem x2, Mythril Stone x3, Mythril Crystal x4, AP Boost x3, Orichalcum x3, Orichalcum+, Dark City Map, Castle That Never Was Map, Secret Ansem's Report 3, Secret Ansem's Report 8, Secret Ansem's Report 9, Secret Ansem's Report 11, Secret Ansem's Report 12, Secret Ansem's Report 13 --Enemies: Creeper, Shadow, Neoshadow, Samurai, Berserker, Assassin, Sorcerer, Sniper, Dragoon, Dancer, Xigbar (B), Luxord (B), Saix (B), Xemnas (B) --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Oblivion Keyblade, Cosmic Belt --Game Recommended Level: 50 =============================================================================== WOOHOO! Its time to end this. Are you beating yourself off in self satisfaction? You shouldn't be, because you still got a long way to go before this is all over. This city should be very familiar to those who have watched the secret movies from Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts FM. Youtube the movies if you haven't seen them. If you read the items section above, you'll see you're going to find a hell of a lot of Secret Ansem's Reports. Now, if you haven't been reading these along the way, then read them now. A lot of what occurs from now revolves around those, and if you don't have any knowledge of them, you're going to be very confused. The storyline from here on in will unravel very fast, so make sure your paying attention. Also, because of spoilers sake, I absolutely will not say a word of what's happening, because its absolutely great. All I will do is give directions, locations of treasures and boss strategies, so I will keep it brief. You begin at the Alley to Between. There is a save point here, so utilise it. Head forward to the Fragment Crossing. This place is brimming with Shadows, Shadows, and more Shadows, and that's it really. An excellent place to level up your Wisdom Drive Form, so you should stay and fight them for a while. You'll also find a Mythril Stone, Mythril Crystal, AP Boost and Orichalcum in chests. Keep going forward when you're ready. You'll be at the Memory's Skyscraper. After a scene, you'll get the Secret Ansem's Report 8. Also, from this point onwards, if you drive when there are enemies around, you may encounter Final Form. This is your last drive form available. It will pop out randomly, but once you get it once, it appears on your drive list. Shadows will this time be accompanied by their cousin, the Neoshadow. Loot three chests for an AP Boost, Mythril Crystal and Mythril Stone. Head to the next area. You'll be in The Brink of Despair. The names just keep getting better and better :p Save at the save point. Open the chests for the Dark City Map, and seek out the Orichalcum+, which is well hidden. Moogle shop here. He sells the Wisdom Wand for 2000m, Knight Defender for 2000m, Potion for 40m, Hi-Potion for 100m, Ether for 120m, and Tent for 100m. You should have enough for the Wisdom Wand and Knight Defender, so buy them. When you're ready, enter the castle. You'll be in Nothing's Call. A new Nobody is here. The Sorcerer is one hell of a fighter. It's immune to magic, but just try to tell that to Donald. It uses cubes to attack, so stay clear of them. You'll have to get very close to it to attack them, but they counterattack when you attack, so press square to use Retaliating Slash. They can be quite annoying, but they're manageable, and have hefty experience. Loot the two chests here for an Orichalcum and a Mythril Gem while your at it. Continue forward to Crooked Ascension. Dragoons will appear. Defeat them, and when the room has stopped moving, continue again. Twilights View contains an all important Save Point. Moogle will be back here, so give him your synthesis stuff. Continue again to the Hall of Empty Melodies. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Xigbar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: World That Never Was Strategy: When the battle begins, Xigbar will jump onto a balcony and start sniping at you through his visor. Just run around like a crazy man (you'll do this a lot during this battle) till you're requested to his the reaction command "Break". Then use some "Warp Snipes" and he'll fall back down to earth. Now lets begin the real fight. Xigbar is a lot like a Sniper Nobody. He has similar attacks, and he teleports around a lot. He begins by shooting out lasers at you, which you can block with Guard and Reflect, sending those lasers back at Xigbar. During this time, run at him (Quick Run to makes things faster), guarding whenever, and attack when your close. He'll teleport away after a combo, so just keep this charade up for a while. When he says 'Reloading' he'll stop for a while, so use this time to advance on him and pound him away. You could probably get two or three combos on him before he recovers. When he does, he'll teleport away again. After a while, Xigbar also makes these holes appear in the floor. You cant jump over them, you have to go around. It's not a major hassle, really. When you've taken a third-half of his HP, Xigbar will yell 'Take This', and send a large laser at you. Reaction command 'Warp Snipe' will appear, and use it like with the Sniper Nobodies to hurt Xigbar a lot. When about a third of his HP is left, Xigbar will yell 'You're gonna pay'. The instance you hear him say this, HEAL! Everything will go dark, the floor will become a tiny square. Xigbar will be all over the place, teleporting and shooting at you. Start running in a circle, and keep running. Don't stop running, not even to heal. You've just got to hope Donald will heal for you. Once it's over, though, you've got a chance to attack him. As the battle progresses, Xigbar gets crazy with his attacks. He becomes faster and more heretic. He'll send more of those large lasers, which you can use "Warp Snipe" on, so make sure you do so. Magic is alright in this, Thunder is probably the best when your far away. Don't drive, and don't use Limits. You want that MP for Cure, and you can't risk driving to Anti-Form, even if you've got Final Form. Oh, and if the battle goes on for a while, he'll use that 'You're gonna pay' attack more and more often, so kill him off as soon as you can. Remember, RUN! ATTACK! RUN! HEAL! RUN! ATTACK! Etc etc. If you've got Quick Run, then use it. After this battle, Sora will obtain the Magnet Ability. Donald will get an Item Slot, and Goofy a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Secret Ansem's Report 3 is yours. Save back at Twilight's View before continuing. At Naughts Skywalk, open the chests for Mythril Gen, Mythril Crystal, and Orichalcum. Berserkers are around here, so be careful. In the next area, after the cutscene, you get the Oblivion Keyblade. Excellent! Equip that as your main Keyblade, the Decisive Pumpkin as the Valor Keyblade, and the Sleeping Lion as your Master. Also, the Castle That Never Was Map is yours. Proceed to the Proof of Existence. Here, save. And prepare for another Boss battle. You'll be fights with Sora alone, no Donald or Goofy. Keep some Ethers on you. Now proceed to the Havoc's Divide =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Luxord =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The World That Never Was Strategy: Firstly, this is no ordinary battle. Luxord doesn't have a HP bar. Instead, he's got a time meter. Sora has both HP and Time Meters, so you're at a disadvantage. To win, his Time Gauge has to run out before yours. It will be game over if your Time runs out first, or if your HP depletes. You have two ways of dying, he has only one. Go figure. The time gauges of both characters will always keep falling, but there are ways to take chunks of it out. Physically attacking Luxord will take out some of his time, and vice versa. Albeit, it hardly takes away much, and is not the key to victory. The real key is minigames. Luxord is based around the Gambler Nobody, and has similar minigames to them. You win some minigames, and you'll hack and big chunk of his time. Lose a minigame, and you'll lose a lot of time. When the battle begins, you're turned into a die. You can't use magic or items as a die, so all you can do is jump around, and wait till the drive gauge hits zero so you can turn back into Sora. While you're a die, Luxord will summon some cards, which will encircle Sora and slice into him for moderate damage to both HP and time. You have two options. You can either run/bounce away from Luxord and keep bouncing away in hope of avoiding those cards. Or you can bounce towards Luxord and attack him by bouncing into him. Attacking him will interrupt his card summoning thing, plus it takes away some of his time. I recommend attacking him till your back to Sora. When your back as Sora, heal any HP damage you got. Your HP will deplete relatively quickly, so keep your HP and MP up. Now its time for his minigames. I'll explain what his minigames are, however, he does them randomly, so don't expect them to be in the order that I explain them in. One of his minigames is exactly like the Gambler Nobody. You'll receive a Reaction Command "Begin Game". Your command menu will change into 3 X's and 1 Circle. These will cycle through the command menu quickly, but will slow down over time. You have to press X when the Circle occupies the top command box. Wait for the cycling to slow before you press. If you get it right, Luxord will take a heavy hit in time, will stun him so you can attack him and HP orbs will come out of him. If you mess up, you take a hit in time, and you're turned into a Card. Like in die mode, you have to wait for your drive gauge to deplete to turn back into Sora. You can only attack, so attack Luxord to interrupt his attack. Another minigame is where Luxord turns himself into a card, and then hides himself among lots of other cards. Keep and eye of which card is Luxord, approach it and use the reaction command "Flip". The trick is to see the back of the card. If the back of the card is blank, flipping them will just make those cards disappear, so flip them to make finding Luxord easier. Flipping a card with a picture of a clock on the back will make you lose time, and flipping a card with balls on the back will cause balls to hit you. Obviously, don't flip those cards. The card which has a picture of Luxord on the back is the card you want to flip. Move the camera around to see the backs of cards, find the one with Luxord on it, Lock it if you can, and flip it. Not that hard, now is it? He'll use the above two minigames often, randomly and possible consecutively. He'll only use his last minigame when his Time is nearly gone, and when I say last, I mean last. This minigame has easily kill Luxord, and just as easily destroy you. Many cards will fall to the floor, and the room will go dark. This is the signal, so be prepared. Luxord will hack and slash violently at you with cards, while teleporting around the room. To avoid these cards, use Quick Run, or if you've got it, Glide. They can easily be avoided with the Drive Abilities. Once he's done with this, you'll be surrounded by a barrier of cards, and you'll have to play another one of his minigames. Like before, X's and Circles will occupy the command menu. However, unlike last time, there will be multiple Circle, and this time, you have to hit a circle in all 4 boxes in the menu. The Circles can come in groups, so it does make is a bit easier. Just do the first box, go down to the second and do that and continue till you do all 4. If you got it Circles for all 4 boxes, Luxord will take a massive hit in time, possibly enough to get rid of all his time. If you miss just one box, Sora will take just as big of a hit in time, and turn into a die if he's still alive. When Luxord's time meter is empty, you'll need to get a physical attack on him to finish the battle. It does sound confusing, and you may die on your first go simply because you have no idea what the hell you are doing, but once you get your head around it, it's a very simple battle. Make sure you have good timing, so you can blitz those minigames. Just win 3-4 of his minigames, then his massively last minigame, and add a couple of hits to him, and it's a win for Sora. After the battle, Sora gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Secret Ansem's Report 9 is your's. Proceed back to the Proof of Existence, save, and head to the Addled Impasse, which is to the right. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Saix =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The World That Never Was Strategy: After the last two, you're probably expecting one hell of a hard boss fight, especially since Saix is based on the Berserker Nobody, right? Well, you're going to be sordidly disappointed. Saix is the easiest Organization member. Donald and Goofy are back too. You'll notice early on that there is a Berserk bar at the top left corner. When this fills, Saix goes absolutely insane! He'll attack all over the place, hitting you a lot, but fortunately, the attacks don't do that much damage. Just heal when you need to. A word on warning: Stay away from corners. Get trapped when he's berserk, and you're finished. When he is in this insane mode, he'll often drop his weapon around the place. Like the Berserker Nobodies, approach the weapon and use "Berserk". Now you're gliding along with the weapon, so approach the insane Saix and use the chain Reaction Commands "Eclipse" and "Magna Storm". Successful completion of both will result in Saix's Berserk bar going down to zero and Saix returning back to normal. When he's not insane, Saix is incredibaly easy. Just keep attacking and healing on that rare occasion, and you'll be fine. He's prone to magic, so use spells often. Don't drive or use limit, simply because you're just wasting them. It's simply not necessary. If you're lucky enough to grab his weapon, you can do the "Berserk" "Eclipse" "Magna Storm" reaction chain. This will take a super amount of HP off him, but might also fill his Berserker gauge. It's no big deal, really. A simple battle, just keep on the attack, and it will be over in no time After the battle, Sora gets another Drive Gauge. Donald gets a HP Boost and Goofy gets an extra Item Slot. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Secret Ansem's Report 12 is now yours. Save back at the Proof of Existence. Go north to the Naughts Approach. Secret Ansem's Report 11 and a new party member will join you. Keep the new party member with Donald. With this new guy, you'll get a ton of reaction commands, which you can use as often as you want. Continue through to the Ruin and Creation's Passage. There are these invisible paths which leads to platforms, so use the map to find the chests containing a Mythril Stone, another path leads to an AP Boost, the next platform has a Mythril Crystal, and the last platform has last treasure chest of the entire game (if you've been following my walkthrough), an Orichalcum. Proceed to The Altar of Naught. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Xemnas =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The World That Never Was Strategy: This battle takes place at Memory's Skyscraper, the place outside the castle with the tall building. Its quite a simple fight really. Oh, and you're by yourself for this fight. No allies. When the battle begins, Xemnas will jump high to the top of the skyscraper. Run towards the skyscraper and use the reaction command "Facedown". Now pay attention to what I'm about to say. During the scene, 3 reaction commands will pop up in very quick succession. You can only press one of them. The first one that pops up is "Clash". This reaction command does nothing, so don't press Triangle when this comes up. The second one is "Break Through". This one damages Xemnas, but not by that much. The third and last one, "Finish" will severely damage Xemnas and stun him. You'll want to press Triangle when "Finish" pops up. However, they pop up very quickly, so if you miss all three, Xemnas will kick your ass for a bit. After all of that, its time for the real battle. Xemnas wields these light sabres which are awesome. His attacks don't do that much damage, however, he is fast and teleports around a lot. Use Quick Run to dodge some of the attacks. If he teleports right next to you, press Guard to block his attack, before unleashing onto him. Attacking him is quite easy, despite his agility. Just keep up with him, and attack. You'll take some hits, but its no worry. Just heal when you need to. When Xemnas is some fare distance away, use Thunder, which will stun him, cut the distance with Quick Run, and get in a combo or two. In fact, use Thunder often, it's a great way to stun him. Occasionally, Xemnas will yell out "Guard". A shield will erect in front of him. Trying to attack the shield will damage you. However, with high jump or quick run, you can get around the shield and attack Xemnas from behind. Xemnas can't attack you, so you can get massive damage here till he puts his shield down. This is quite an easy battle. Nothing to fear, really. After the battle, Sora gets a rare MP Boost =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= We receive the last Ansem's report, Secret Ansem's Report 13. All is finally revealed. ______________________ / Point of No Return \ =============================================================================== You've finally made it! The Point of No Return. The games tells you this. For those who don't know, if you proceed with the storyline from the point of no return, be warned. There are no save points, no rest points, and no turning back. There truly is, no return. The Point of No Return is at the Altar of Naught. From where you are now, there is a save point, so use it. Talk to the people which are around, if you wish. The big door up ahead is the door to the last area. Proceed through there, and the only way to stop is the power button on your PS2. You don't want to continue just yet. Why? There's still so much to do. So much to complete. And besides, you probably will need to level up a bit. The game gives you a little present for getting this far. All the hidden points in Jiminy's Journal is unlocked. Albeit, they're as question marks, but now you know what you're missing. Also, a new Coliseum Tournament, the Goddess of Fate cup, is open. So check it out. So what is there still to do? There's the Coliseum Tournaments, Atlantica, and 100 Acre Woods (although you should have completed them if you've been following my walkthrough). There's the wonderful items you can synthesis, including the Ultima Weapon. And how could you forget the great Sephiroth Battle, and the Paradox Cups, and to complete that, you need to level up, a lot. Lets get started with levelling up. ________________ / Levelling Up \ =============================================================================== To level up properly, efficiently and quickly, you need to know some of the tricks of the trade. Here, I will detail some of the tricks so you can be at lvl 99 in no time. Firstly, let me just say that you don't need to be at level 99 to finish the storyline game. You can defeat the final boss at around level 60-70. However, it would be harder to do so, which is why I recommend to level up to at least high 70's/low 80's. At to defeat those little extra's the game throws at you, you should be at 99. Now, lets get started on this tedious task. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Equipment =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Obviously, you'll be needing the best equipment for this task. Undoubtedly, the best weapons are from synthesis. Sora's best keyblade is the Ultima Weapon. This is arguably the best keyblade in the game, with 6 attack, 4 magic and MP Hastega. To obtain such a keyblade, you need to fill 3 requirements. 1) Your Synthesis level must be minimum level 3. You need to be able to use the Serenity items. 2) You need the Ultimate Recipe, found at Twilight Town in the Mansion's Basement. 3) You need all 7 Orichalcum+, an Orichalcum, a Mythril Crystal, a Dense Crystal, a Twilight Crystal, a Serenity Crystal, and an Energy Crystal. For Donald and Goofy, only go as far as to synthesis their Save the Queen and Save the King. There is no need to go one step further and do their Save the Queen+ and Save the King+. There is no difference in stat, only a difference in the ability it gives. If you really like the abilities, go for it, but I see it as a waste of time. With the Armour, the best Armour to have is a Ribbon. If you want a greater % increase in the elements, then go for the Acrisius+, or the Cosmic Chain (You only get one Cosmic Chain, but you can synthesis the Acrisius+). There isn't much you can do with Accessories. Obviously, your priority should be AP Boosting. The maximum strength and magic boost you can get is +2, which is given from a Moon Amulet. However, focus on the AP raising Accessories first. Now, I guess your wondering, how the hell do I get those synthesis items? There are tricks to make gathering the rare items so much easier. The 'Lucky Lucky' ability will help the drop rate of rare items. And I mean really help. You can have a maximum of 7 Lucky Lucky's equipped. How do you get all seven equipped? Here's how: You get Lucky Lucky from the Sweet Memories Keyblade, Donald's Meteor Staff and Goofy's Genji Shield. You also get one Lucky Ring, from completing the Panic and Pain Cup. And, of course, you equip them as abilities. Donald's and Goofy's are all obtained from bonus levels, so you will have them by the time you reach the Point of No Return. Sora's, however, is obtained at a different level, depending on which weapon you chose at the beginning. It's level 41 if you chose the Sword, level 53 if you chose the Shield, and an agonising level 99 if you chose the Staff. If you chose the Staff, then you should only deal with 6, which is still more than enough. Check the Synthesis Section for more info on what items are needed for an item, what enemies hold what items and such. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Of course, when you got some of the necessary equipment, its time to focus on the actual task of levelling up. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Levelling up =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You should have remembered my levelling up trick I gave you after you completed the Pride Lands for the last time. In case you've forgotten, I'll just c+p it back here. Do know where the Peak is in Pride Lands? It's on top of Pride Rock, where you fought Scar on your first visit. Here, this area is just swarming with Rapid Thrusters. Hundreds of them, all here. Rapid Thrusters give a medium amount of EXP, but you can increase that with a number of techniques. First, have Goofy and Simba. Save your game first before proceeding, in case something profound happens, like you end up dying. Unequip Simba's Healing Herb ability, take off any healing items they might have. Have Magnet as one of your magic shortcuts. Equip the Gull Wing Keyblade (found at the Postern in Hollow Bastion), and equip Experience Boost on Sora. Experience Boost increases the EXP gained when Sora is in critical Health. Obviously, go to the Savannah, and get Sora down to critical health (when his HP bar is flashing and the siren is sounding). If you feel your HP is just a tad bit low for comfort, go to the save point, and quickly run on and off it. It will boost you HP a bit, but not enough to get it out of critical if you're fast. Head to the Peak, and start killing the Rapid Thrusters. You should be skilled enough not worry about dying. Use Magnet as an easy way to kill multiple at a time. In fact, don't even attack, just keep using Magnet. Also note, you only get the EXP boost when Sora kills a Rapid Thruster. You'll only get normal EXP when Goofy or Simba kills any, so try to get the majority of kills. You might also want to set Goofy and Simba on Sora Attack. Also, when there are only a handful left, leave the Peak, then return. This respawns all the Rapid Thrusters. If you kill all the Rapid Thrusters, then you have to go through a lot of screens, fight more Heartless and do more crap just to get them all to respawn. If you use this trick, just watch the EXP roll. In case you're afraid of dying, or if you're a traditionalist who wants to do it the old fashion way, then head to The World that Never Was. Land at The Brink of Despair, and just head through the Castle all the way to the Altar of Naught, killing off all the Nobodies in the way. There is no point landing all the way back at the Alley to Between, because all that's there is Shadows and Neoshadows, with worthless EXP. This technique will take longer, but you should still gain a level every time you go through the castle, till you reach the 90's, where it may take 2 rounds through the castle to gain a level. When you've reached the Altar of Naught, just zoom back to your gummiship, and land back at the Brink of Despair. If you really want to be daring, you could try the Experience Boost trick at The World that Never Was. However, I do not recommend it, as it would be too easy for you to die. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Boosting Drive Forms =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= While you're levelling up your characters, you should take some time off to focus on levelling up your Drive Forms. Levelling up your Drive Forms is important, because it gives you some very important Form Abilities, like Quick Run, Aerial Dodge and Glide, which are very important for some of the Boss Battles that lie ahead. The maximum level a Drive can be is Level 7. I'll briefly detail some tips on levelling up the Drives. Firstly, Remember these handy tips on how to refill your drive gauge: - Entering a Coliseum Tourney and quitting refills your Drive Gauge to Max - Zooming to the World Map while still in Drive refills your Drive Gauge - If you go to an area where Donald and Goofy are walking around and you can talk to them while your in Drive, this will refill your Drive Gauge. The only place this is by this point in the game is the Altar of Naught (Point of No Return). WARNING: Turning into Anti-Form will automatically reduce your Drive Gauge to zero! VALOR: Valor gets 1 exp for every hit you do an enemy. Because of this, you'd have probably unintentionally levelled this up to at least level 4 by the time you reach the Point of No Return. I've tried a lot of area's and this is the fastest way to level up Valor. The easiest way to level this up is to equip the two weakest keyblades you have (Hidden Dragon and Sweet Memories), land at the Throne Room in the Land of the Dragons, and attack the Assault Riders in the Antechamber. Because they have such a high HP, they'll take a while to die, enabling you to be able to pound away and get a lot of exp. When those Assault Riders do die, and if you're still in Valor, just head out of the castle to encounter some more Assault Riders. You should have 6 drive gauges, so let this Valor die out, head back to the save point, activate Valor again, and go back to the world map to respawn Assault Riders and refill Drive Gauge. WISDOM: Wisdom gains 1 exp for every heartless you kill in this form. Lucky, the game doesn't specify which Heartless, so there's this special trick which will make levelling Wisdom an absolute Breeze. Land at the Alley in Between at The World that Never Was. Proceed to Fragment Crossing, where is just littered with hundreds of Shadows. Just Drive to Wisdom, and proceed to destroy the Heartless which are around. Use magic like Magnet, Thunder and Fire to make gathering those insignificant worms easier. You'll reach Level 7 in no time. MASTER: Master gains 1 exp for every small Drive Orb gained, and 3 exp for every large Drive Orb gained. I tried numerous different methods for this, and while none was overly effective, I found that this was the best method. Its exactly the same as the Valor Method, except this time, equip your strongest keyblade and the Wishing Lamp Keyblade, along with any Jackpot abilities. Because Master uses 4 Drive Gauges, you can either let the Drive Gauge die then refill it at the Coliseum, or you can use the save point to go back to the world map before it runs out. This one might take a while to fill up. FINAL: Final gains 1 exp for every Nobody you kill in this form. Nobodies are a rarity, and you've only got two options, Twilight Town and The World That Never Was. This will be the more tedious form to level up, as there aren't any standout places to go and level. However, the best place to go is to land at Twilights View in The World That Never Was, and proceed to Naughts Skywalk. This area is brimming with Creepers, and you should get around 30 exp every time. However, the bad thing is that Final uses up 5 Drive Gauges, so I recommend you let Final run out, and just refill at Coliseum. Final will take the longest to level, but has the best reward, as Glide is absolutely awesome! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You can finish the final boss at around level 70, however, like I said, Sephiroth and the Paradox Cups will take a higher level. Hell, for the Hades Paradox Cup you *must* be at level 99. No buts about it. Well, when you think you're ready, its finally time to end this. ____________________________ / The World That Never Was \ =============================================================================== WARNING: FINAL BOSS BATTLE APPROACHING =============================================================================== WOOHOO! The end of the game! Land at the Altar of Naught, make any last minute preparations (Have your new member and Donald in your party), save, approach the big ass door and select "Let's end this!" Because it is the last area and there is no save points, don't be afraid to equip more valuable items on your party members, like Elixirs and such. I'm going to keep things simplistic here. Because it's the last area, I definitely will not spoil anything. Watch the cutscenes which unfold, then when you gain control of Sora, run forward. Use the "Slicer" reaction command when prompted. Proceed to the next area. Keep running forward. The platforms will rise, but don't let that distract you. Hit "Escablade" when prompted, then repeatedly use "Sky Scraper" till your at the next area. In this area, you'll see three bars on top of your screen. The left and right ones are the HP of the left and right cores. The middle one is the Charge gauge. To damage the cores, you knock the Heartless which appear into the Core. To do this, you just attack them. When the Charge Gauge is almost filled, it means the Core is about to attack you. You'll get a reaction command "Stunt Dodge" which would make Sora jump to the other core, missing the attack. You'll lose quite a bit of HP if your caught in a charge, but you wont die with a full life bar. However, when the HP of the core is gone, it will explode, so you need to use "Stunt Dodge" to get off the exploding core. This time, a dying core will kill you if you're stuck on it. Kill both cores and use "Stunt Dodge" to proceed. In the next area, you'll be in the core. Attack the core, until a shield pops up and Nobodies attack. When the Nobodies are gone, the shield will go down again, so attack the core. Again, a shield will pop up and Nobodies will attack, so keep this going till you destroy the core. Use "Proceed" when your done. You'll be attacking this Armoured statue thing which is sitting on a throne. This thing has some of the attacks previous Organization members had. Just attack it mercilessly. Drive if you need to, but all you need to do is attack it. Use "Wild Form" if it releases those Water Forms, which would also hit him. Sometimes the Throne will send you flying backwards away from you, but use Aerial Recovery or Retaliating Slash to recover. It will end quickly. WOOHOO! YEAH! You've just finished the greatest game ever! Or have you? Watch the sad cutscenes which unfold in front of you. Just when you think its over, there's one last surprise :p For the next few battles, it will just be you and your new party member. No Donald or Goofy. They ran off thinking the whole ordeal was finished :) Now its time for part two of this ending. This next battle is a weird one. You'll be on this mini flying racer, and you're chasing down this huge flying dragon Heartless. Firstly, take not that you cannot use magic or items. That means you can not heal yourself. So your priority should be to keep your HP up, and avoid getting hit. You can use three buttons to initiate commands. X makes you attack with your keyblade, Square makes you attack with a Laser, and Circle puts this absorbing shield around you. Circle is the key, as the absorbing shield absorbs the pink lasers that the Dragon shoots at you. When you absorb enough, you can use Triangle to shoot a Mega-Laser at the Dragon for huge damage. When the battle begins, you'll be facing off against its tail. Just attack with your laser, and Absorb when it shoots his pink lasers at you. When the gauge is full, initiate Mega-Laser, which should kill the tail. When the tail is gone, you'll be attacked by these floating things which shoot these silver lasers at you. These floating things are in fact the Nobody Symbols. You can't absorb them, so just fly around in a circle to avoid them. You'll be flown to another part of the Dragon, one of the cores, and this time, those bomb Heartless will appear. You can attack them with your Keyblade and send them flying into the core for some damage to the core. Again, absorb when it shoots pink lasers at you, but watch out for the Nobody Symbols which would shoot its white lasers at you. When Mega-Laser is ready, wait until the core is in the middle of the screen before you fire. Mistime it, and your Mega-Laser could miss it completely. You might have to use 2 Mega-Lasers on it before it dies. Do the same for the second core. You'll be fighting its wings now. Again, go with the same routine, although you need to time Mega-Laser well, as it's harder to hit. Destroy one of the wings, then the other one, and the Dragon is dead. You'll be fighting that Armoured statue thing on the throne again. But there's a twist. You'll now be on floating platforms, and the Throne is on one of the platforms. You're also given new commands. Circle makes you able to jump in the air very hight, and repeatedly pressing Circle makes you jump repeatedly. Very handy if you fall off a platform. Square allows you to use Glide. Pretty much the same at Level 7 Final Form Glide, but this time you're using it while out of Final Form. Use Glide to fly to the platform the Throne is on. When you're on the Throne, attack the Throne thing repeatedly. Like the last time you fought it, its not a huge threat. Pretty much the same strategy as before. But unlike last time, when the Throne sends you flying backwards, you do fly far from the Throne. Off the platform, in fact. Recover quickly with Aerial Recovery, jump till your level with the platform again, and glide back. When you're flying, some of the buildings and debris will fly at you. Avoid the spinning ones, but you can land on the stationary ones. Those Nobody symbols will also be back, so be careful. Sometimes the Throne will shoot lasers at you when your flying. When you see lasers coming at you, stop flying and fall. When they stop, jump back up and resume flying. Sometime along the flight path, the "Riding Shot" reaction command will pop up. Press it, then follow it up with a "Meteor Rain". This will break the shield the Throne has around it. Keep up with this routine. It might take a while, but shouldn't be any trouble. You'll have to fly back to him about 3 or 4 times before he dies. When the Throne is gone, then its time for the Final Boss Fight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FINAL BOSS: Mr. X =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The World That Never Was Strategy: WOOHOO! This is it! The Ultimate Orgasm has arrived! Prepare yourself, grab the Kleenex's and lets begin the ride of your life. Do you really think I'm going to reveal who the final boss is? I know how annoying it is to stumble upon this when you're scrolling through a Walkthrough. I'll call him Mr. X, but by the time you'll be needing to read this, you should know who Mr. X is. And its going to be hard to guess who this is, as there are a lot of people with X's in their name :P Like you already guessed, its just going to be you and your partner for this battle. No Donald or Goofy. Firstly, let me just say that Curaga is a must for this battle. Some of Mr X's attacks only do moderate damage, but he's got the odd few which does devastating damage. You're priority should be to avoid his attacks. Attacking him should be your secondary concern. When the battle begins, before you even do anything, Mr X will shoot some lasers at you. Immediately use the Reaction Command "Reversal", and continuously press Triangle till its over. Don't even think about attack at the moment. Just keep pressing Triangle. Be prepared, because if your late with the "Reversal" you'll lose a chunk of HP. It will stop when you and Mr X drop back down to the ground. Now its time to fight. Do you remember Twilight Thorn? It was the first boss you faced with Roxas (Boy, that was a long time ago). Mr X has some attacks very similar to it. These long waves of black thread will shoot out of Mr X, but you can use "Reversal" to avoid them. This is also a very good time to attack Mr X if you can get close enough, preferably with an air combo. Use some of your partners Reaction Commands at this point as well. Another one if his attacks is that he loves to teleport around. A lot of the times, he'll teleport behind you, which is annoying. Retaliating Slash is your friend here. Another problem is that when he does teleport, he leaves behind an image of himself, and since he teleports over and over again, you often find yourself seeing multiple Mr X's. This is confusing, but this also opens up a weakness. Keep locking on, and re locking, and keep running. After a while you should be in a good position to combo is ass good. When you do have a combo on him, you can extend that to two or three combos, which is nice. He'll usually end your combos with an energy ball of sorts which send you flying back if your too close. Not that damaging. He'll keep up with these attacks for a while. Remember to keep your HP up, that should be your priority. After you get some nice damage on him, he'll add a new attack to his arsenal. He'll shoot some homing lasers at you, and since they're homing, they're very hard, close to impossible, to avoid them all. A mixture of jumping and gliding should allow you to avoid most of them. One of Mr X's worst attacks will follow after a decent amount of HP is vaporised. A short cutscene will appear, showing Sora getting trapped by Mr X, and then you gain control of your partner. This is most confusing, and most irritating part of this battle. Unlike controlling Sora, your Partner is very hard to control. He doesn't have the same commands either, and his HP is very low. What you have to do is reach Sora and Mr X, who are on the other side of the battlefield. Sora's HP will forever be decreasing, and you need to reach them before Sora's HP reaches 0. However, there will be Mr X clones who will get in your way. What you do is start running, and whenever a clone approaches you, press Square to use Dark Aura. Don't worry about the other commands, Dark Aura is the only one worth using. Keep up this routine of Dark Aura and running, and you should hopefully reach Sora in time. When you do reach them, use the reaction command "Rescue" to free Sora. This also stuns Mr X, so use this opportunity to combo him. This only ever happens once in this battle. After that, Mr X will resume his previous attacks of Lasers, teleporting and black thread, although will be more relentless with his attacks. Remember, keep HP up! When there's only a life bar left for Mr X, make sure you Heal, because Mr X is going to unleash all hell on you. You and your partner will be surrounded by darkness, where you will be hit by hundred and thousands of Lasers! You'll have the reaction command "Reflect", and the X command will also change to "Reflect" to survive this, you need to simultaneously mash both Triangle and X. (I learnt this the hard way, pressing only Triangle -_-). Keep this up and the screen starts to fade, but don't stop. Make sure you time it correctly, because any missteps will hurt, badly. This is why I told you to heal beforehand. If you survive, you'll see a small cutscene, before Mr X will be all stunned and confused. Heal yourself, then combo his ass pretty, to get rid of that last health bar. Hell, don't bother healing and just use Trinity Limit, because that should completely wipe off that last health bar. And That, my friends, is That! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Congratulations! You've just completed one of the best RPG's on the PS2. Feel proud! Now you can enjoy the wonders of the Sephiroth Battle, the Paradox Cups and completing Jiminy's Journal. Also, if you're playing this in Proud Mode, you'll get the Secret Movie at the end of the credits. If your in Standard Mode, then you'll need to complete the Journal to enjoy the movie. Can't be fucked? Just search for it on Youtube :P =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) Atlantica [atlata] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== _____________________________ / Chapter 1 - Swim This Way \ =============================================================================== --Items: Undersea Kingdom Map =============================================================================== First of all, there are no Heartless in Atlantica, nor any Nobodies. This is just one fun filled world! Chapter 1 becomes available after you complete the events at Disney Castle and Timeless River, and I recommend you complete it then. Anyway, you'll see a cutscene with Ariel saving a man on the beach, and singing her signature song "Part of your World." Similar to the actual movie. Sora is again a super hot dolphin, Donald is an Octopus and Goofy is a turtle. Sora forgets how to swim, so you'll have to learn. The controls are different from KH, so you'll have to get used to the controls all over again. When your swimming, you use both analog sticks, similar to an First Person Shooter. The left analog stick moves Sora left and right, while the right analog stick makes Sora move up and down (If you have set the Right analog stick to control the command menu, then you either have to hold R2 to move or you're going to have to change it in Config). Pressing X makes Sora swim fast, and if you lock on to something and press O, you'll swim to it automatically. Now, go talk to Flounder, the fish. Sebastian asks Sora to participate in their concert, and you have to go through a small tutorial. You have to press X when the bar reaches the Yellow at the end. This gives you an Excellent. If you press it at the orange, it's a Good, and if you press it at the Blue or it runs out before you press, you get a Bad. Try it a couple of times. You'll get the Undersea Kingdom Map after this. Talk to Sebastian to begin the Concert. Warning: Don't press Start during the concert, because there is no way to unpause the game after pressing Start, and your only option is to press Restart and doing the musical from the beginning. In the concert, for every Excellent Sora does, he gains a note. For every Good, nothing will happen, and for every Bad, Sora loses a note. You have to have at least one note upon completion to win. Quite simple really, so just enjoy watching Sora dance and Donald sing. Ariel still seems interested in the surface after the concert, but Flounder seems to have found something to her liking. It's a statue, but its stuck and Sora and co. can't move it. The game tells you that you need the Magnet Spell to continue with Atlantica, so come back when you've learnt it. If your doing this and you do know Magnet, then you'll move the statue and go on to the next chapter. __________________________________ / Chapter 2 - Part of your World \ =============================================================================== --Items: None =============================================================================== Chapter 2 becomes available after you complete Halloween Town for the first time. Talk to Flounder and choose "Let's get it." You moved the statue, which make Aerial happy. Now lets practise the next Musical. For this musical, it's similar to last time with the gauges. But this time, you either have to press X or /\, depending on what appears. Also, you have to get 5 excellents in a row. Bit more difficult than last time, but its shorter than last time as well. Sebastian has a new musical up and ready, but Sora is unable to understand it. The game tells you to come back when you get a Drive Gauge of 5. If your doing this and you have a Drive Gauge of 5, then you'll go on to the next chapter. _____________________________ / Chapter 3 - Under the Sea \ =============================================================================== --Items: None =============================================================================== Chapter 3 becomes available after you complete Space Paranoids for the first time. Talk to Sebastian when you arrive to start the next musical. I like this musical, as Sora takes some roles in singing solo :p This minigame is a bit different from the other times. You have the same gauge, with the bad, good and excellent system. But your pressing square this time, and you only press when Aerial appears in the gauge. If its Sebastian which appears, then you don't press. Sometimes, Sebastian will show, but it will change to Aerial last moment, so be on your guard. To win, you have to have Aerial in a good mood. Her mood is the gauge at the side, and you need it to be high. Should be easy, really. You travel to the surface, and see the Prince. He drops his pendant, which gets stuck between some rocks. You have to come back when you get the Magnera ability. If your doing this after you have the Magnera ability, you'll go on to Chapter 4. ________________________________ / Chapter 4 - Ursula's Revenge \ =============================================================================== --Items: None --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Mysterious Abyss Keyblade =============================================================================== Chapter 4 becomes available after you complete Port Royal for the second time. When you appear, save at the clam if you wish. Talk to Ariel to get the Pendant. Watch the long cutscenes. Ursula makes her reappearance. Huge plot hole here, as she was banished in KH, so how she reappears is a mystery. After the long cutscene, talk to Sebastian to initiate even longer cutscenes. When they're finally finished, you have to fight Ursula, in a musical fight. How corny :p Easy musical. A new Drive gauge will appear, this is where you have to press X as many times as you can. Combine this with the original Drive gauge from the first musical. You have to bring down Ursula's gauge at the top of the screen by doing well with the gauges. Really easy, and quite cheesy really. You get the Mysterious Abyss Keyblade after this. By the time your completing this, its a crap Keyblade, so don't bother with it. You need Thundaga to try out the next musical. ____________________________________ / Chapter 5 - A New Day is Dawning \ =============================================================================== --Items: Blizzard Element, Orichalcum+ =============================================================================== The final musical of Atlantica. This becomes available after completing Pride Lands for the second time. Talk to Sebastian to begin the musical. For some reason, the final musical ends up being the easiest. This musical contains every gauge you've used at Atlantica. You have to score 30,000 points, but surprisingly, getting that total is extremely easy, and you'll find yourself effortlessly hitting 100,000 points on your first try. Also, you don't lose points for scoring a bad. You get the Blizzard Element, which enables Blizzaga, and the important Orichalcum+. Atlantica is finally over! Good riddance. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) 100 Acre Woods [100wod] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== With 100 Acre Woods, there are five Torn Pages for you to recover. All of them are in chests and they are located at: Torn Page 1 - The Library at Disney Castle Torn Page 2 - The Oasis at Pride Lands Torn Page 3 - The Crystal Fissure at Hollow Bastion Torn Page 4 - The Throne Room at Land of the Dragons Torn Page 5 - The Tower at Agrabah This is also the order which you can obtain them, but if you skip one accidentally, then you can easily go back and get it. I recommend you get complete them as you obtain them. Saving the world can wait. Note: You would have already visited Pooh's House when you first got the book at Hollow Bastion, as that is compulsory for the storyline. Also, there are no enemies in 100 Acre Woods, so you can relax while here. __________________ / Piglet's House \ =============================================================================== --Items: Mythril Gem, AP Boost, Defence Boost =============================================================================== Approach the new area. This is Piglets House. Before you do anything, grab the chests for Mythril Gem, AP Boost, and Defence Boost. Now go save Piglet. You save him, but Pooh doesn't remember Piglet, nor does he remember Sora. Another gust of wind blows and Piglet goes for another joyride. Time to save piglet again. For this minigame, Sora and Pooh are flying on a balloon. Bits and pieces will fly at them, but Sora can destroy them by hitting them. When you approach a Whirlwind you can press /\ to destroy a number of the objects. Pooh will fall if you get hit, and you have to get him. When you start to hear Piglets cry's, your nearing the end. When you see Piglet, approach him and press /\ to rescue him. Looks like by saving Piglet's life, Pooh miraculously remembers Piglets, but his amnesia remains as he still forgets Sora. Oh well :( __________________ / Rabbit's House \ =============================================================================== --Items: AP Boost, Mythril Crystal --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Draw Ring =============================================================================== Pooh is riding a balloon again. But his steering is way off, and he ends up landing on Eeyore's house. Poor Eeyore. I always felt sorry for him. Pooh doesn't remember who Eeyore is, and still doesn't remember Sora. Pooh's tummy starts rumbling, which gives Piglet the idea that he is so hungry that he's forgotten everything. So we need to find some honey, and Eeyore knows just where to find some. Before you follow the group, search the veggie patch for an AP Boost and a Mythril Crystal. A Draw Ring is also hidden behind the clothes line. Now go to Eeyore to start the cutscene. Pooh eats up all the honey pots, before Rabbit arrives. Looks like it was his honey, which he was trying to hide from Pooh. Pooh even snatched a honey pot right out of Rabbits hands. His manners must have gone along with his memory. Rabbits gets worried when Pooh doesn't remember who he is, and says that he has more honey hidden away for an emergency. Thing is, he hid them so well, that not even he remembers where he left them. Now starts the minigame. The minigame is a race of some kind. Sora is sliding down, and has Pooh on his back. You have to avoid any obstacles, and collect honey on the way. Hitting an obstacle will dislodge Pooh from Sora's back, and you have to press /\ to get him back on your back. By pressing [], Sora can move quicker, which will help when avoiding obstacles. Gopher will also help out by destroying some obstacles, but you have to grab him by press /\ when your near him. Pooh has 10HP, so try not to lose him often. Pooh gets all the honey he wants, yet is still hungry. He tries to enter Rabbits house from the small hole in the wall, and gets stuck. Sora pulls him out, and he suddenly regains his memory. He remembers Rabbit and Eeyore, but still doesn't remember Sora. _________________ / Kanga's House \ =============================================================================== --Items: Magic Boost, Orichalcum, AP Boost =============================================================================== Kanga has created a medicine for Pooh to help him regain his memory. But Tiger mistakes it as a present for him and takes it. Before you go get it from Tigger, look around and grab the chests for Magic Boost, Orichalcum and AP Boost. Talk to Tigger, who is distraught at Pooh's Amnesia. He proposes that bouncing will make him remember. Now the next minigame. You're bouncing on a trampoline, and your objective is to pop 10 balloons in a minute. Press /\ at the right moment to jump, and use the analog stick to move in the air to land on a balloon. When you land on a balloon, press /\ to pop the balloon. This will also cause Sora to jump again, allowing him to jump to another balloon. Popping the bigger, green balloons will cause Sora to go really high in the air. One minute is too much time really, it should be over quickly. At first Pooh doesn't remember Tigger, but after Tigger starts sulking because Pooh still doesn't remember, Pooh suddenly remembers. But Sora is still a mystery to him. Maybe Sora should also start crying as well. _______________ / Spooky Cave \ =============================================================================== --Items: AP Boost x2, Mythril Gem, Mythril Crystal, Orichalcum, Guard Recipe, Spooky Cave Map --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Sweet Memories Keyblade =============================================================================== Enter Spooky Cave. Pooh has wondered into here, and the gang is afraid a 'jagular' is in there. You've got to go rescue Pooh, but instead of going by himself, the others decide to tag along. All the items, apart from the map and Keyblade, are found in chests in the actual cave, and the cave can only be accessed through the minigame. I recommend you find Pooh first before going treasure hunting, as after you find Pooh, you get the map which will make it a lot easier. To find Pooh easily, just stick to the left hand side as you start. You'll eventually come across Pooh. The problem is that the others have to come with you, and they have a courage gauge. The courage gauge will always be dropping, no matter what your doing. As you progress, Bees will appear. You've got to get rid of them. One or two strikes with the Keyblade will do it, and Thunder and Magnet is an easy way for those Bee far away. If the gauge completely empties, then you've got to use the reaction command to calm them down. If you see a small amount of rock fall, use the reaction command "Company Halt" to stop, as a big boulder will fall from the ceiling. If the floor starts shining, jump or Sora will slip and fall. Keep left and you'll find Pooh. After you meet up with Pooh, you get the Spooky Cave Map and the Sweet Memories Keyblade. Now that you've got the map, searching around for those chests are a lot easier, so when you've been automatically transported back to Hollow Bastion, head straight back into Poohs Book to Spooky Cave. _______________ / Starry Hill \ =============================================================================== --Items: Cure Element, Style Recipe, Orichalcum+ --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Cosmic Ring =============================================================================== Pooh is here, and he's got his head stuck in a honey pot. Before you help him, look behind the hill for two chests containing the Style Recipe and the Cosmic Ring. Both are extremely important and useful items. Approach Pooh. Owl is also up here. Why doesn't he just help Pooh out of the pot? Talk to Pooh to start the minigame. It's the easiest really, just press triangle when the power gauge is full, and press triangle again to knock Pooh out. After a very touching cutscene with Sora and Pooh and the rest of the 100 Acre Woods gang, you get the all vital Cure Element, which gives you Curaga, and Orichalcum+. I got a tear in my eye watching the ending scenes in 100 Acre Woods, and if you didn't feel at least a little bit emotional, then you've got no heart. 100 Acre Woods is now complete, and you can see why I emphasised you do it early, as the items you obtain, Curaga in particular, are incredibly valuable for the end of the game. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) Coliseum Tourneys [torney] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Underdome =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ______________________ / Panic and Pain Cup \ =============================================================================== --Items: Serenity Stone --Enemies: See Below --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Lucky Ring =============================================================================== The Panic and Pain cup becomes available after the events at Disney Castle and Timeless River for the first time. Unlike the tournaments in KH, these tournament are held in the Underworld because the Coliseum is still in ruins. Talk to Panic to initiate the Tournament. You will have Donald and Goofy to help, but you can't use Drives or Summons. Fortunately, you can use Limits, and Limits use a lot less MP than Normal, so use Limits often. To make using Limits easier, equip the Auto Limit Ability. Also, I'll only include a brief strategy on fights which I believe are hard enough to deserve one. Match 1: 5x Shadows, 5x Hook Bats Match 2: 1x Large Body, 6x Minute Bomb Match 3: 5x Rabid Dog, 2x Soldiers Match 4: 2x Hot Rods, 4x Shadows Match 5: 5x Rapid Thrusters, 2x Bolt Towers, 4x Hook Bats Match 6: 3x Gargoyle Warrior, 4x Minute Bomb, 4x Lance Soldier Match 7: 2x Soldiers, 6x Aeroplanes, 1x Rabid Dog, 2x Assault Riders Match 8: ???x Rapid Thrusters Strategy: This is like the time you were in Land of Dragons, where an unlimited amount of Rapid Thrusters attacked you. Again, you have to survive for one minute. Explosion ability is good. Match 9: 2x Gargoyle Knight, 4x Creeper Plant Match 10: Leon and Yuffie Strategy: They have similar fighting style to KH, but unlike KH, Yuffie is actually the hardest and Leon is the easiest. Focus on Leon first and he should go easily. Yuffie is harder because of her long range attacks and its hard to finish a combo on her. Magic is best against her, as well as limits. Try to use Guard when she throws stuff at you. After this, you get the Lucky ring and the Serenity Stone. ________________ / Cerberus Cup \ =============================================================================== --Items: None --Enemies: See Below --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Protect Belt, Rising Dragon =============================================================================== The Cerberus Cup becomes available after you complete the Pride Lands for the first time, although you may not be able to complete it at this time. The problem isn't that the enemies are hard, it's the fact that you'll probably run out of time during the final fight against Cerberus. The key to this Tournament is Drives. The Drive gauge will restore quicker than in normal battles. Although you don't have Donald and Goofy, you can still use all your Drives. I recommend you use a Drive as soon as your gauge is full. Both Valor and Wisdom is handy, although you should choose the one that's the higher level. If you have Master Form, then your prepared. In fact, you probably won't be able to complete this till after you get the Master Form. Don't be surprised if you turn into Anti-Form, as it happened to me a lot during this Tournament. Match 1: 2x Air Pirates, 2x Trick Ghost Match 2: 3x Driller Mole, 3x Hammer Frame Match 3: 3x Tornado Step, 3x Wight Knight Match 4: 4x Silver Rock, Living Bone Match 5: 5x Icy Cube, 5x Fiery Globe, Shaman Match 6: 2x Fortuneteller, 2x Aerial Knocker Match 7: 3x Cannon Gun, Toy Soldier Match 8: 5x Luna Bandits Strategy: This battle is fought in the dark, which can be a bit difficult. Lock on to make it easier, and use Wisdom so you can shoot easily as them. Match 9: 4x Emerald Blues, Fat Bandit Strategy: Again, in the dark. Use Wisdom to defeat the Fat Bandit, as it bypasses their front invincibility. Match: 10 Cerberus Strategy: Again, a dark battle. Cerberus fights the same way as last time, but with almost unlimited Drives, it's a lot easier than your last meeting with him. Valor and Master are the best here, choose the one with higher strength. Again, time might be the only problem when battling him. Check out the Cerberus Boss Strategy for more information on him. You get the Rising Dragon, which is a staff for Donald, and the Protect Belt for winning this. _____________ / Titan Cup \ =============================================================================== --Items: None --Enemies: See Below --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Genji Shield, Skillful Ring =============================================================================== This becomes available straight after you've completed Olympus Coliseum for the second time. Titan Cup is fought by Sora alone, and the key to this is Summons. If you're someone like me who never used his summons before this Tournament, then you're not in the best of shape. Sora has points which is indicated at the top left of the screen, right below the time. You start of with 500 points, and for every hit Sora takes, he loses points. Unlike your HP, this isn't healable. You'll find yourself early on you run out of points, but once you've levelled up, the points become non-existent. Match 1: 3x Dusk, 2x Magnus Loader Match 2: 4x Assassin, Morning Star Match 3: 4x Strafer, 2x Berserker Strategy: The Berserkers will annoy you, as one measly hit from them can take out a lot of points. Grabbing their sword early is a must. Match 4: 3x Trick Ghost, 2x Sniper Match 5: 3x Neoshadow, 3x Dancers Match 6: 2x Dragoon, 2x Air Pirate, Bookmaster Match 7: 2x Crimson Jazz, 2x Samurai Match 8: 3x Minute Bomb, 2x Sniper, 2x Assassin Match 9: 2x Berserker, 2x Dancer, Devastator Strategy: You'd probably begin to loath this battle. All of them have high HP and will take time to dispose of. If the Dancers grab your head and fling you, expect a lot of points to go bye bye. Focus on grabbing the Berserker's sword early on. Match 10: Hercules Strategy: Hercules has regained his confidence, but he's also regained his arrogance. He's very slow, which makes dodging easy. All he really does is punch, and if one connects, he'll just stand there gloating and will say a witty remark. Take this chance to get a combo or two on him. When he begins to glow, he's invincible, so back off till it disappears. Not as hard as Match 9, although your points may be very low if your on a low level. Luckily Herc is easy to dodge, so you shouldn't lose much points. After the Tournament, you get the Genji Shield for Goofy, and a Skillful Ring. ___________________________ / The Goddess of Fate Cup \ =============================================================================== --Items: Orichalcum+ --Enemies: See Below --Weapons/Armour/Accessories: Fatal Crest Keyblade =============================================================================== This becomes available once you reach the Point of No Return in The World That Never Was. Unlike previous tournaments, there is no specific rule. But each match might have their own quirky rule, so be prepared for anything. Match 1: Morning Star, 2x Emerald Blues, 2x Snipers. 4x Morning Stars (once those previous 5 are dead) Match 2: 3x Hammer Frame, Living Bone Strategy: You have one minute to defeat them. Shouldn't worry you Match 3: 3x Creeper Plant, Toy Soldier Strategy: You start of with 50 points, and like in the Titan Cup, you lose points when you get hit. Match 4: 2x Crimson Jazz, 2x Nightwalker Match 5: 4x Shaman, 2x Assassins (appears a little later in battle), 3x Devastators (appears after previous 6 are dead) Match 6: Fat Bandit, Large Body Strategy: You've got 1 minute to defeat both. Magic will bypass their frontal invincibility, and Drive to Wisdom is useful. Match 7: 2x Assault Rider, 2x Lance Soldier Strategy: You start of with 50 points, and like in the Titan Cup, you lose points when you get hit. Match 8: ???x Rapid Thrusters Strategy: This is like the time you were in Land of Dragons, where an unlimited amount of Rapid Thrusters attacked you. Again, you have to survive till time runs out. Explosion ability and Magnet is good. Match 9: 2x Hot Rod, 2x Bolt Tower Strategy: You're fighting in Dark. Use Wisdom to hurt Hot Rods with ease. Match 10: Hades, ???x Hammer Frames Strategy: Hades is your priory. Focus solely on him, and not the Hammer Frames. Unlike last time, Hades doesn't turn red, nor becomes invincible. Will be simple. Fatal Crest Keyblade and Orichalcum+ are yours. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradox Battles =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Paradox Battles are different to the Underdome Cups. To engage in The Paradox Battles, talk to Hades in his chamber. The first three battles, Pain and Panic, Cerberus and Titan, are no different to their Underdome Counterparts except for the enemies being at higher levels. They have the same rules as their counterparts, so check their respective Underdome Section for more information. To unlock the Pain and Panic Paradox Cup, you must complete every other Underdome Tournament. To unlock the Cerberus Paradox Cup, you must have Valor, Wisdom and Master Drive forms levelled up to Level 5, and have unlocked Pain and Panic Paradox Cup. To Unlock Titan, you much have your summons levelled up to Level 5, and have unlocked Pain and Panic Cup. The real challenge is the last Paradox Cup. No, it's not the Goddess of Fate, but instead, it's the dreaded Hades Cup. Those who have played Kingdom Hearts would remember this. 50 rounds long of battles. No breaks in between, and assorted rules to make your life a misery. To unlock the Hades Cup, you must clear all previous cups, have all your Drives levelled up to Level 7, summons levelled up to Level 7, and have completed Hollow Bastion. But to complete this challenge, you should also complete some of my requirements. You must have everyone at Level 99. You must have Ultima Weapon for Sora (not Fenrir, you'll be relying on Magic for this), and Save the Queen/King for Donald and Goofy. You must have the final forms for all your magic, especially Curaga and Magnega. You must have enough AP to equip essential abilities, especially ones like Second Chance and Once More. And finally, you must have a lot of patience (that would rule out half of you :P) Keep note that if you die, you can restart at the begging of the round you died at (For example, if you die at Match 37, you can begin at Match 31). But you loose all your points you accumulated before, so be aware of that if you're going for Jiminy's Mission of 15000 points. _____________ / Hades Cup \ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Here, I'll just outline what each battle will consist of, the enemies, what rule it has if applicable, and a strategy if necessary. Good Luck :) -- Rounds 1-10, no specific rules Match 1: 3x Shadows, 3x Soldiers Match 2: 4x Driller Moles, 2x Hook Bats Match 3: 3x Rapid Thrusters, 2x Surveillance Robots Match 4: 5x Rabid Dogs, 2x Creeper Plants Match 5: Volcanic Lord, 2x Soldiers Strategy: Ignore the Soldiers. Let Donald and Goofy kill those off. Focus on Volcanic Lord. He's the same as when you fought him with the Blizzard Lord in Agrabah. You can use the Reaction Command "Firagun" when it starts bouncing. Also, its weak against Blizzard. No need to Drive here, just fight normally. Match 6: 3x Cannons, 2x Silver Rocks Strategy: This match is fought in the Dark. Match 7: 3x Icy Cubes, 4x Shadows, 8x Minute Bombs (appears after previous 7 are dead) Match 8: 2x Silver Rocks, 3x Soldiers, 5x Armoured Knights (appears after previous 5 are dead), 1x Large Body (appears after previous 10 are dead) Match 9: 1x Samurai, 4x Creepers Match 10: Yuffie, Tifa Strategy: This will be the first time you're fighting Tifa in a Kingdom Hearts game. And you'll notice straight off she's one good fighter. And easy way is to drive to Final Form, and go nuts. Focus on Yuffie first, as she's the weakest, but when in Final, these bitches can't touch you. Use a good combination of physical attacks and magic. You should get at least one of them dead before Final runs out, both if your lucky. When out of Final, be defensive and use Magic more. -- Rounds 11-20, Titan Cup Rules. No allies, no drives, but you can Summon and use Trinity Limit. You've got 500 points, and you lose points every time you get hit. Match 11: 5x Rapid Thrusters, 3x Aeroplanes Match 12: 4x Minute Bombs, 2x Air Pirates, 1x Magnum Loader Match 13: 3x Luna Bandits, 2x Armored Moles Match 14: 2x Armored Knights, 2x Lance Soldiers, 2x Tornado Steps Match 15: Blizzard Lord Strategy: Easier than his brother you faced earlier. Just don't get hurt. Trinity Limit and Berserk would make his battle a pushover. Match 16: 4x Soldiers, 2x Wight Knights Match 17: 4x Strafers, 4x Neoshadows, 4x Aerial Knockers (appears after previous 8 are dead) Match 18: 2x Air Pirates, 2x Luna Bandits, 3x Creeper Plants (appears after previous 4 are dead), 3x Wight Knights (appears after one Creeper Plant is dead) Match 19: 2x Dusks, 2x Assassins, 1x Dragoon Strategy: This wouldn't need a strategy, if it wasn't for the fact of the points system. Magnega to start with, then focus on the Dragoon first. Once that's out of the way, the rest should fall, but be careful of your points. Trinity Limit/Berserk also makes this match easier. Match 20: Pete Strategy: He should be a breeze to beat. The problem lies with how many points you've got left. Depending on how well you fared in the last battle, you probably don't have much to spare. If you don't have much points, keep your distance and use magic. Trinity Limit/Berserk is also a good idea. His high HP will make this strategy take a while, but you don't want to die now, do you. -- Round 21-30, Pain and Panic Cup Rules. No Drives. Summons and Allies are available. Limits use less MP. Match 21: 3x Gargoyle Knights, 3x Armoured Knights Match 22: 2x Trick Ghosts, 2x Fortune Tellers, 1x Aeroplanes Match 23: 2x Soldiers, 2x Creeper Plants, 2x Shamans Match 24: 3x Bulky Vendor Strategy: Take this time to breathe, restore any HP and MP, and let the Bulky Vendors kill themselves off. You don't get any prizes in this Tournament, remember that. Match 25: Cloud, Tifa Strategy: This battle could have been a lot harder. No Drives, which sucks, but Trinity Limit, and the fact it uses less MP than usual, can make this battle a lot easier than what it was meant to be. Otherwise, watch out for Tifa. Her attacks can come very randomly, like when you are attacking Cloud. Cloud itself is vulnerable after he does a combo, so Aerial Recovery or Retaliating Slash is useful. Remember to keep that HP up. OOOHHH! We're half way there!!! Match 26: 2x Bolt Towers, 2x Hammer Frames, 1x Neoshadow Match 27: 4x Rabid Dogs, 2x Gargoyle Warriors, 4x Nightwalkers (appears after previous 6 are dead) Match 28: 2x Bookmasters, 2x Emerald Blues, 3x Shamans (appears after previous 4 are dead), 2x Emerald Blues, 4x Silver Rocks (these appear after previous 7 are dead) Match 29: 2x Gamblers, 2x Snipers Match 30: Hades Strategy: This battle is in the Dark. Hades is still quite easy. You could just keep combo smashing him, and healing whenever necessary, and you'll survive. For a quick battle, just use limits. -- Rounds 31-40, Cerberus Cup Rules. No allies. You can drive and Drive Gauge restores faster. And you've got 10 minutes to make it to Round 40. Match 31: 2x Creepers, 2x Samurai, 1x Berserker Match 32: 3x Dancers, 3x Demyx's Water Forms Strategy: Dancers are horrid here. Drive to Wisdom to keep as far away as possible. Match 33: 4x Samurai Match 34: 2x Sorcerers Match 35: ???x Rapid Thrusters Strategy: This isn't an unlimited supply of Rapid Thrusters, but there's a whole swarm, and it's too much to count. Remember that you've got a time limit, so kill them all as fast as you can. Magnega makes this easy work, no need to waste a Drive. Match 36: 3x Berserkers Strategy: Magnega as soon as the battles starts, then start a combo on them and hope one of them drops a sword. If you can get a sword, use it to kill all three. Otherwise, Drive to Final and keep using Magnega. Match 37: 3x Assassins, 2x Snipers, 4x Dragoons (appears after the previous 5 are dead) Match 38: 6x Dusks, 4x Dancers (appears after previous 6 are dead), 5x Samurai (appears after previous 10 are dead), 4x Gamblers (appears after previous 15 are dead), 1x Sorcerer (appears after previous 19 are dead) Strategy: This battle can be a killer, especially to your time. Final Form is the best here, but only drive after the Dusks are dead, as you don't need to Drive to kill those petty Dusks. Match 39: 4x Dragoons Match 40: Leon, Cloud Strategy: Final Form immediately, and start bashing the hell out of them. Focus on Cloud first, then Leon. Surprising Easy, just keep an eye out for that Time Limit. -- Rounds 41-50. No Allies, no summons, no drives. It's just Trinity Limit, Magic and Sora only. These last 10 rounds will be hell. Firstly, be patient. Don't be a fool and rush in, take your time, concentrate, use a mixture of physical and magic attacks. You've got all the time in the world, so just keep your HP high, and Good Luck Match 41: 2x Toy Soldiers, 2x Graveyards Match 42: 2x Fortune Tellers, 1x Living Bone Match 43: 2x Morning Stars, 2x Large Bodies Strategy: This can be difficult, but Magnega makes it easier. Go for the Morning Star first, and then use magic on the Large Bodies. Match 44: 3x Living Bones Strategy: Cast Magnega immediately, and attack to take them out. Match 45: Battle of 1000 Heartless Strategy: You remember this, right after you fought Demyx at Hollow Bastion. You've got the same 1000 heartless comprising of Armoured Knights and Surveillance Robots, but instead of killing them all, you just need to survive for 1 minute. Use the reaction commands and Magnega. Match 46: 2x Hot Rods, 1x Devastator Strategy: Go after the Devastator first with aerial attacks. As long as you're in the air, you're safe from the Hot Rods. Use magic on the Hot Rods, don't try to attack them physically. Match 47: 1x Bulky Vendor, 1x Living Bone, 2x Lance Soldiers (these 3 appear after Bulky Vendor is dead), 2x Assault Riders, 2x Emerald Blues (these 4 appear after previous 4 are dead), 5x Crescendos, 3x Morning Stars (these 5 appear after previous 8 are dead) Strategy: When the Bulky Vendor is on screen, use this time to heal. Wait till your MP has finished charging before you kill it off. Then on will come the Living Bone and Lance Soldiers. Immediately cast Magnega, and then attack. They won't take long to fall. Use the same tactic for the Assault Riders and Emerald Blues, with more magic than physical attacks. For the Crescendos and Morning Stars, pick off the Morning Stars one by one, and then go after the Crescendos. Match 48: Cerberus Strategy: He's easier than when you last met him. Glide your way around the battle field, and watch out for the shockwaves. Lock-on to the middle head, and attack that one, in hope of getting the reaction commands which will seriously hurt Cerberus. When you need to Heal, glide away from him and cast Curaga. Another thing to keep note off, keep an eye on him HP, and make sure you end the battle on as full HP and MP as you can, because you'll need it. Match 49: Tifa, Yuffie, Leon, Cloud Strategy: This is it, The Killer of Hades Cup. Firstly, watch out for Cloud, he's the most annoying of the lot. Start off by locking on Tifa, and just start Gliding around the field. By Gliding, you'll reduce the number of attacks the enemies hit on you. While gliding, slowly chip away at Tifa's HP with Thunder. Whenever Leon sends a Fireball at you, use Reflect or Guard, and this will send the Fireball at whoever you're lock-on to, in this case, Tifa. This will take a VERY long time to kill Tifa, but it's the safest. Remember than when Tifa's HP is down to 1, you'll need to physically attack her to kill her off. Next, focus on Cloud. Thunder doesn't work on him, so you'll need to lock on and glide, waiting for the opportunity to attack. It's usually after he's done a combo that he'll be vulnerable, so combo him here. Quick Run can get you close to Cloud quick enough to attack him. While doing this, keep an eye out for Yuffie and Leon, they can get annoying, but gliding is the best way to dodge their attacks. When Cloud does fall, the last two are so much easier. Take your pick as to who to attack first. Trinity Limit on these last two can also be very effective, but make sure your HP is high enough because you don't want to be left with low HP during an MP Charge. This match is more intimidating than hard, but it still might take 2-3 long goes before you kill them. Match 50: Hades Yep, it's Hades again. But for some reason, you've got Hercules to help you fight. It's exactly the same as when you fought him on your second play through of Olympus Coliseum. Use Herc's Reaction Commands to make Red Hades turn into a Blue Hades, and a Trinity Limit will take out most of his HP. Considering what you were put through last battle, you won't have any trouble with the final battle. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) Sephiroth [sphrth] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== I have dedicated a whole chapter in my guide to the great villain himself, Sephiroth. Sephiroth is the hardest boss in the game, but luckily, it's an optional boss, so defeating him is not compulsory to complete the game. The Sephiroth battle becomes available after you complete every world's scenario twice, and is pretty much available straight after Hollow Bastion is renamed to Radiant Gardens. Sephiroth is located at the Dark Depths at Radiant Gardens. The easiest way to get there is to land at the Crystal Fissure, go through the Great Maw then to the Dark Depths. Sephiroth will be at the far end, waiting for you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Sephiroth =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Okay, this method is just one of many methods out there. This is also the method I first used to defeat Sephiroth, and what I found was the easiest and quickest method. Firstly, lets go through some requirements. You must be at least Level 70, recommended Level 99 You must have Ultima Weapon on Sora (more so for MP Hastega). You must have all your Drive levelled up to level 7 (This is for their abilities). You must have the ability Berserk Charge (Level 65 on Sword, Level 85 on Shield, and Level 49 on Staff) and any MP Rage's and MP Haste's you have. You must have Curaga, and have Ethers and Elixirs on your shortcuts. The key to this method is Trinity Limit, and Berserk Charge. How does this work? Trinity Limit will take out a large chunk of Sephiroth's HP, just keep pressing Triangle. As with all limits, this will reduce Sora's MP to 0, but then Berserk Charge comes into play. This will induce an infinity Combo with no end, and you can trap Sephiroth in this for a very long time. He will escape eventually, but you can easily get him trapped again. When your MP has recharged, either do Trinity Limit again or cast Curaga, what ever is necessary. When the battle begins, immediately use the reaction command "Block" to block his attack. Straight after, choose Trinity Limit. Trinity Limit is unblockable, and you're invincible in Trinity, so keep going with that till it finishes. Then, your attack will change to Berserk. Just keep mashing X immediately when Trinity finishes trapping Sephiroth in a Berserk attack. He will escape at some point, but be assured that by then you'd have taken a handful of his life bars out. When your MP charge has finished, go for another Trinity Limit. Usually, when he escapes from a Berserk Charge, be prepared for some attacks. He'll rarely get an opportunity to do all his attacks, but these are the ones I found he most often used with this method. If the screen goes Dark, get ready to use the reaction command "Block" again. If done successfully, you'll have a nice opportunity to attack Sephiroth again with Berserk. He might also rain down Meteor's onto you. A mixture of Jumping/Gliding/Quick Running should enable you to avoid most of them. His other dangerous attack is when he cast's pillars of Fire around him, sucking Sora towards him. Try to Glide/Quick Run out of there, but if you're close to Sephiroth then you're going to take some damage. If you can, initiate a Trinity Limit, because you won't take any damage in Trinity. After like 2-3 Trinity/Berserk Charges, he'll do his major attack, "Descend, Heartless Angel". He'll fly into the air and the screen will go dark, and you hear him say "Descend, Heartless Angel". Immediately get ready with an Elixir, because your HP will drain to 1 and MP to 0. To avoid this, you can jump and Glide and try to attack Sephiroth to interrupt his attack, but it's difficult. Keep note that this is the only attack Sephiroth has which Trinity Limit's invincibility won't block. If this attack does hit you, immediately use an Elixir, then be ready to unleash another Trinity Limit on Sephiroth. The rest of his attacks are ground attacks/combo which he'll rarely have time to do because of Berserk. When you've taken off more than 2/3rds of his HP, you're tactic doesn't change. Keep up the Trinity/Berserk/Curaga phase throughout the match. Always go for Curaga ahead of Trinity if necessary, because the Berserk will make up for another MP Charge, or you could use Ether immediately after and go straight for a Trinity Limit. Keep Note; to defeat Sephiroth when he has 1 HP left, you need to do a finishing move. Since Berserk doesn't have a finishing move, you could replace that with a Horizontal Slash or Upper Slash, or wait till Berserk finishes and do a regular combo. When you compare this to the other tactics around, this is obviously easier and quicker. In the end, you'll find that Sephiroth is a hard battle, just a long one. Due to his very high HP, he'll still take around 15-20 minutes. But don't expect you to defeat Sephiroth on your first go. It might still take 3-4 goes before you do defeat him, but that's still less goes compared to other ones. After the battle, your Drive Gauge gets an extra gauge, so it should be at its Maximum of 7 now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Go speak to Cloud at the Marketplace. He'll go to see Sephiroth, so go back to the Dark Depths. Watch the cutscenes, and when that finishes, you'll get the Fenrir Keyblade. This is a very strong Keyblade. It's more attack base compared to the Ultima Weapon. Its ability is Negative Combo, and when you equip that with another Negative Combo, all your attacks are finishers. Very strong, but it's your choice whether you choose this or the more all rounded Ultima Weapon. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14) Weapons [wepons] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Here I will list all the Keyblades, Shields and Staffs available, their stats increase and how to acquire them. The Keyblades are listed in order of when you obtain them in the Storyline, and the Shield and Staffs are listed from their strength lowest to highest. Also note, spoilers are sometimes revealed in the 'Found' section, especially for the Keyblades. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Keyblades =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Kingdom Key STR: 3 MAG: 1 Ability: Defender Found: Default Keyblade Star Seeker STR: 3 MAG: 1 Ability: Air Plus Combo Found: When you get Valor Form at The Tower Hidden Dragon STR: 2 MAG: 2 Ability: MP Rage Found: Defeat Shan-Yu in Land of Dragons Hero's Crest STR: 4 MAG: 0 Ability: Air Combo Boost Found: Defeat the Hydra at Olympus Coliseum Monochrome STR: 3 MAG: 2 Ability: Item Boost Found: Defeat Pete at Timeless River Follow the Wind STR: 3 MAG: 1 Ability: Draw Found: Defeat Barbossa at Port Royal Circle of Life STR: 4 MAG: 1 Ability: MP Haste Found: Get when Simba joins Oathkeeper STR: 3 MAG: 3 Ability: Form Boost Found: Save Seifer at Twilight Town Photon Debugger STR: 3 MAG: 2 Ability: Thunder Boost Found: Defeat Hostile Program in Space Paranoids Gull Wing STR: 3 MAG: 0 Ability: Experience Boost Found: Talk to Yuna after defeating the 1000 heartless in Hollow Bastion Sweet Memories STR: 0 MAG: 0 Ability: Lucky Lucky Found: Complete 'Spooky Cave' mini game in 100 acre woods Rumbling Rose STR: 5 MAG: 0 Ability: Finishing Plus Found: When Beast joins you on your second visit Guardian Soul STR: 5 MAG: 1 Ability: Reaction Boost Found: Defeat Hades on your second visit to Coliseum Mysterious Abyss STR: 3 MAG: 3 Ability: Blizzard Boost Found: Complete 'Ursula's Revenge' in Atlantica Wishing Lamp STR: 4 MAG: 3 Ability: Jackpot Found: Defeat Jafar on second visit to Agrabah Decisive Pumpkin STR: 6 MAG: 1 Ability: Combo Boost Found: Defeat Experiment the second time in Halloween Town Sleeping Lion STR: 5 MAG: 3 Ability: Combo Plus Found: Visit Leon in Hollow Bastion after clearing all the worlds a second time Bond of Flame STR: 4 MAG: 4 Ability: Fire Boost Found: Fight with Axel in Twilight Town Oblivion STR: 6 MAG: 2 Ability: Drive Boost Found: Defeat Xigbar and meet up with Riku in The World That Never Was Ultima Weapon STR: 6 MAG: 4 Ability: MP Hastega Found: Synthesize Fatal Crest STR: 3 MAG: 5 Ability: Berserk Charge Found: Complete the 'Goddess of Fate' cup Fenrir STR: 7 MAG: 1 Ability: Negative Combo Found: Defeat Sephiroth and have Cloud meet him =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Shields =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Knights Shield STR: 1 Ability: None Found: Default Shield Adamant Shield STR: 2 Ability: None Found: Twilight Town Weapon Shop Cost: 100 munny Falling Star STR: 3 Ability: None Found: Olympus Coliseum Moogle Shop Cost: 200 munny Chain Gear STR: 3 Ability: None Found: Port Royal Moogle Shop Cost: 400 Dreamcloud STR: 4 Ability: None Found: Pride Lands Moogle Shop Cost: 600 Ogre Shield STR: 5 Ability: Defender Found: Chest in Land of the Dragons Throne Room Genji Shield STR: 6 Ability: Lucky Lucky Found: Complete the Titan Cup Knight Defender STR: 7 Ability: None Found: World that Never Was Moogle Shop Cost: 2000 Akashic Record STR: 7 Ability: MP Haste Found: Dropped by Bookmaster Heartless Nobody Guard STR: 8 Ability: Hyper Healing Found: Dropped by Gambler Save the King STR: 9 Ability: Item Boost Found: Synthesize Save the King + STR: 9 Ability: MP Rage Found: Synthesize =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Staffs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mages Staff STR: 1 MAG: 1 Ability: None Found: Default Staff Hammer Staff STR: 2 MAG: 1 Ability: None Found: Twilight Town Weapon Shop Cost: 100 Comet Staff STR: 2 MAG: 2 Ability: None Found: Olympus Coliseum Moogle Shop Cost: 200 Victory Bell STR: 3 MAG: 2 Ability: None Found: Port Royal Moogle Shop Cost: 400 Lord's Broom STR: 3 MAG: 3 Ability: None Found: Pride Lands Moogle Shop Cost: 600 Meteor Staff STR: 4 MAG: 3 Ability: Lucky Lucky Found: Chest in Port Royal Rising Dragon STR: 4 MAG: 4 Ability: Item Boost Found: Complete the Cerberus Cup Wisdom Wand STR: 4 MAG: 5 Ability: None Found: World That Never Was Moogle Shop Cost: 2000 Shaman's Relic STR: 4 MAG: 5 Ability: MP Rage Found: Dropped by Shaman Heartless Nobody Lance STR: 5 MAG: 5 Ability: Defender Found: Dropped by Dragoon Save the Queen STR: 5 MAG: 6 Ability: Hyper Healing Found: Synthesize Save the Queen + STR: 5 MAG: 6 Ability: MP Hastega Found: Synthesize =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15) Armour [armour] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Armour does more than just increase Defence, they also increase Fire, Blizzard, Thunder and Dark resistance. Armour can either be bought in shops, found in chests, given to you after you complete something or synthesised. Everyone can wear every Armour. The location given is the soonest time you can get it in the game. Champion Belt DEF: 0 Fire: 20% Bliz: 20% Thun: 20% Dark: 20% Location: Beat Setzer as Roxas Elven Bandana DEF: 1 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Chest in Dining Room, Old Mansion, Twilight Town Shadow Anklet DEF: 1 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 20% Location: Twilight Town Shop Cost: 150 Fire Bangle DEF: 1 Fire: 20% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Land of Dragons Moogle Shop Cost: 150 Blizzard Armlet DEF: 1 Fire: 0% Bliz: 20% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Land of Dragons Moogle Shop Cost: 150 Thunder Trinket DEF: 1 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 20% Dark: 0% Location: Land of Dragons Moogle Shop Cost: 150 Divine Bandana DEF: 2 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Disney Castle Moogle Shop Cost: 200 Dark Anklet DEF: 2 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 20% Location: Disney Castle Moogle Shop Cost: 300 Fira Bangle DEF: 2 Fire: 20% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Agrabah Moogle Shop Cost: 300 Blizzara Armlet DEF: 2 Fire: 0% Bliz: 20% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Agrabah Moogle Shop Cost: 300 Thundara Trinket DEF: 2 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 20% Dark: 0% Location: Agrabah Moogle Shop Cost: 300 Aegis Chain DEF: 2 Fire: 20% Bliz: 0% Thun: 20% Dark: 20% Location: Agrabah Moogle Shop Cost: 500 Protect Belt DEF: 3 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Complete Cerberus Cup Gaia Belt DEF: 3 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 20% Dark: 20% Location: Chest in Communication Room, Space Paranoids Cosmic Chain DEF: 3 Fire: 30% Bliz: 30% Thun: 30% Dark: 30% Location: Heartless Manufactory, Hollow Bastion Cosmic Belt DEF: 6 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Twilight View, World That Never Was Firaga Bangle DEF: 3 Fire: 20% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Synthesis Firagun Bangle DEF: 3 Fire: 25% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Synthesis Blizzaga Armlet DEF: 3 Fire: 0% Bliz: 20% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Synthesis Blizzagun Armlet DEF: 3 Fire: 0% Bliz: 25% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Synthesis Thundaga Trinket DEF: 3 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 20% Dark: 0% Location: Synthesis Thundagun Trinket DEF: 3 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 25% Dark: 0% Location: Synthesis Midnight Anklet DEF: 3 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 20% Location: Synthesis Chaos Anklet DEF: 3 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 25% Location: Synthesis Acrisius DEF: 3 Fire: 20% Bliz: 20% Thun: 20% Dark: 20% Location: Synthesis Acrisius+ DEF: 3 Fire: 25% Bliz: 25% Thun: 25% Dark: 25% Location: Synthesis Power Band DEF: 4 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Synthesis Buster Band DEF: 5 Fire: 0% Bliz: 0% Thun: 0% Dark: 0% Location: Synthesis Petit Ribbon DEF: 4 Fire: 10% Bliz: 10% Thun: 10% Dark: 10% Location: Synthesis Ribbon DEF: 4 Fire: 20% Bliz: 20% Thun: 20% Dark: 20% Location: Synthesis =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16) Accessories [acsris] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Accessories help improve your strength, magic and AP. Two of the accessories give you a special ability instead of an upgrade. Anyone can wear any accessory. Medal STR: 1 MAG: 0 AP: 0 Location: Lose to Setzer as Roxas Ability Ring: STR: 0 MAG: 0 AP: 1 Location: Chest in Sunset Terrace, Twilight Town. Twilight Town Shop. Cost: 80 Sardonyx Ring STR: 1 MAG: 0 AP: 1 Location: Land of Dragons Moogle Shop Cost: 160 Silver Ring STR: 0 MAG: 1 AP: 1 Location: Land of Dragons Moogle Shop Cost 160 Engineer's Ring STR: 0 MAG: 0 AP: 2 Location: Timeless River Moogle Shop Cost: 160 Tourmaline Ring STR: 1 MAG: 0 AP: 2 Location: Timeless River Moogle Shop Cost: 320 Gold Ring STR: 0 MAG: 1 AP: 2 Location: Timeless River Moogle Shop Cost: 320 Lucky Rings STR: 0 MAG: 0 AP: 0 Ability: Lucky Lucky Location: Complete Pain and Panic Cup Skill Ring STR: 0 MAG: 0 AP: 4 Location: Chest in Palace Walls, Agrabah Technician's Ring STR: 0 MAG: 0 AP: 3 Location: Halloween Town Moogle Shop Cost: 240 Aquamarine Ring STR: 1 MAG: 0 AP: 3 Location: Halloween Town Moogle Shop Cost: 480 Platinum Ring STR: 0 MAG: 1 AP: 3 Location: Halloween Town Moogle Shop Cost: 480 Draw Ring STR: 0 MAG: 0 AP: 0 Ability: Draw Location: Chest in Rabbits House, 100 Acre Woods Skillful Ring STR: 0 MAG: 0 AP: 5 Location: Complete Titan Cup Cosmic Ring STR: 0 MAG: 0 AP: 8 Location: Chest in Starry Hill, 100 Acre Woods Cosmic Arts STR: 2 MAG: 2 AP: 7 Location: Chest in Central Computer Mesa, Space Paranoids Garnet Ring STR: 1 MAG: 0 AP: 4 Location: Synthesis Diamond Ring STR: 1 MAG: 0 AP: 5 Location: Synthesis Mythril Ring STR: 0 MAG: 1 AP: 4 Location: Synthesis Orichalcum Ring STR: 0 MAG: 1 AP: 5 Location: Synthesis Soldier Earrings STR: 2 MAG: 0 AP: 4 Location: Synthesis Fencer Earrings STR: 2 MAG: 1 AP: 5 Location: Synthesis Mage Earrings STR: 0 MAG: 2 AP: 4 Location: Synthesis Slayer Earrings STR: 1 MAG: 2 AP: 5 Location: Synthesis Expert's Ring STR: 0 MAG: 0 AP: 6 Location: Synthesis Master's Ring STR: 0 MAG: 0 AP: 7 Location: Synthesis Moon Amulet STR: 2 MAG: 2 AP: 3 Location: Synthesis Star Charm STR: 2 MAG: 2 AP: 5 Location: Synthesis =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17) Items [iitems] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Here, I will list only the useable items, and will not include Synthesis Items. I'll also list under each one of them what they do, how much they can be bought for, if applicable, their selling price, and whether they can be equipped and used in battle. As a general note, if an Item can't be bought, then they are available to synthesise. If you can buy them, then you can't synthesise them. Because Items can be found everywhere in chests, and numerous shops sell the ones that are sellable, I won't include their locations. Potion What they do: Restore 40% of Max HP Price to Buy: 40 Price to Sell: 10 Use in Battle: Yes Hi-Potion What they do: Restore 60% of Max HP Price to Buy: 100 Price to Sell: 25 Use in Battle: Yes Mega-Potion What they do: Restore 40% of Max HP to party Price to Buy: N/A Price to Sell: 30 Use in Battle: Yes Ether What they do: Restore one characters MP gauge, or stops MP charge Price to Buy: 120 Price to Sell: 30 Use in Battle: Yes Mega-Ether What they do: Restores party's MP gauge, or stops MP Charge Price to Buy: N/A Price to Sell: 30 Use in Battle: Yes Elixir What they do: Restores one characters HP and MP Price to Buy: N/A Price to Sell: 50 Use in Battle: Yes Megalixir What they do: Restores party's HP and MP Price to Buy: N/A Price to Sell: 100 Use in Battle: Yes Tent What they do: Restores party's HP and MP gauge Price to Buy: 100 Price to Sell: 25 Use in Battle: No Drive Recovery What they do: Restores 1 Drive Gauge Price to Buy: N/A Price to Sell: 20 Use in Battle: No High Drive Recovery What they do: Restores 3 Drive Gauges Price to Buy: N/A Price to Sell: 30 Use in Battle: No Power Boost What they do: Increases Strength by 1 Price to Buy: N/A Price to Sell: 10 Use in Battle: No Defence Boost What they do: Increase Defence by 1 Price to Buy: N/A Price to Sell: 10 Use in Battle: No Magic Boost What they do: Increase Magic by 1 Price to Buy: N/A Price to Sell: 10 Use in Battle: No AP Boost What they do: Increase AP by 1 Price to Buy: N/A Price to Sell: 10 Use in Battle: No =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18) Boss Encyclopaedia [bssecy] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Here, I'll list every boss in chronological and their fool-proof strategy. Just skim through this till you find the boss your looking for. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Seifer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Twilight Town (Day 1) Strategy: Seifer isn't very fast, and he doesn't really attack very often. When he does though, he can take quite a bit of HP off of you. Lock on to him and keep running around and don't stand still. Jump to dodge attacks and keep pressing X to attack. Push him into a corner and get a combo or two on him. Hopefully, if you keep pressing X, you will attack at the same time he does. This will stun both of you, but you will recover first, so get a combo in. Mashing X is a good way to win, and so it timing you attacks. Either way, it should be an east fight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Twilight Torn =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Twilight Town (Day 3) Strategy: The key to this battle is Reaction Commands. Press /\ whenever it pops up. Take note that the only attackable part of Twilight Torn is the Head. It can release energy strings at you, but you can dodge these through the reaction command 'Reversal'. It sometimes spins its arms across the field, so just jump to avoid this. It also summons more Nobodies called Creepers, but they aren't any threats. Tip: if you're low on health and out of potions, then make use of the green health orbs dropped by them when you kill them. Other than that, just ignore them. Once you're thrown into battle, Roxas will hung by his arms and legs in the air. Keep an eye out for a green triangle to appear, and press /\ whenever it pops up. The first Reaction Command is 'Key Counter'. If you miss this, you will take a couple of punches. Then it will throw Roxas into the air, whether you were successful in the first reaction command or not. You then have to press /\ again for the Reaction 'Lunarsault'. After this, you will have to do the reaction 'Break Raid' to hit a ball of energy away from you. If successful, Twilight Torn will fall to the platform and will be stunned, so take this opportunity to attack its head. If you did not succeed, you will lose a bit of HP, so use a Potion. You should have a couple after getting them from chests and dropped from Dusks earlier. After this, jump to avoid the arms that will swing across the field. Then it will send energy stings at you. Using the 'Reversal' Reaction Command, you can dodge this. Also, constant 'Reversals' will result in Roxas getting closer to the head, so when you're close enough, do a couple of attacks, Reverse, then do more attacks. Don't finish a combo or you may fall or get hit by a Energy Spike. It will also summon more Creepers here, leave them unless you need HP orbs. After a while, the screen will go white again and you will have to do the beginning sequence again. But this should be easier than last time, because you're expecting and know when to press /\. You should be able to get all three Reactions in. After this it will start over again. Just keep locked on to the head, use potions to revive HP, keep using Reversals and attack whenever possible. May take a while, but it's an easy fight. After the battle, you gain the ability Guard, and you get a boost in HP. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Axel =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Twilight Town (Day 4) Strategy: He is a very difficult boss, the toughest you have to face to date. He prefers to fight from a distance than close up. He has four main attacks. His first is that he throws his rings at you, his seconds is that he rushes behind Roxas to do a combo, his third is that he burns Roxas by raising fire from the ground (Tip: He yells 'Burn' right before doing this) and his last attack is when flames surround his body and he does a massive combo on Roxas. Once the fight starts, you must hit him immediately with a combo. After you finish a combo, Axel will strike back, so block the attacks with Guard. Keep your distance from Axel, and use Jump and Guard to dodge attacks. Attack when he misses an attack. When he charges at you, just either Jump or Guard to dodge. Using Guard gives you a chance to counter attack, but if your timing isn't great, use Jump. This is why you need to keep your distance, otherwise you wont have enough time to dodge the attack. But if you're close enough when he crouches, then attack him, but you have to be quick so that's why I recommend you keep your distance. His third attack is easy to dodge, as he yells 'Burn' before he raises fire from the ground. Its best you jump, and try to jump behind him so you can attack him from behind. Use healing items whenever necessary, and attack whenever possible while staying away from Axel. This is a good battle for beginners. Unlike previous battles you have had, it is designed to make players more defensive, than the full on attack, button mashing which worked in previous battles. If you try that in this battle, then you will surely be disappointed. After the battle, you get... Absolutely Nothing! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Axel =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Twilight Town (Day 6) Axel has the same four attacks from your last meeting with him, plus two more. One is that the entire floor is covered with flames, so this slowly depletes your HP every time your on the floor. The other is that a wall of flames covers him, then he charges out with a powerful attack. These two attacks makes Axel harder than the last time you fought him. However, if you levelled up by fighting Seifer like I said, then it won't be as difficult. Because your HP will be hurt every second your on the floor, focus on Aerial Attacks at the beginning for a combo or two. After you finish your Aerial attacks, attack with ground attacks. This should open up the Reaction Command 'Overtaker', then 'Clear Light' when prompted. This clears the fires from the floor, making the battle a lot easier. If Axel goes behind a Wall of fire, just stay still and wait. When he charges out, Guard it. It may be hard to time it. He will probably cover the ground again with flames, so just start again with Aerial attacks. If done correctly, he'll die before the next 'Overtaker/Clear Light' comes up. After the battle, you get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Shan-Yu =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The Land of dragons Strategy: Shan-Yu isn't a hard boss. He has 3 main attacks. His first is when he runs across the floor with his sword outstretched. His second is when he leaps into the air, spinning with his sword again outstretched. His third is just a sword combo. Shan-Yu also spawns heartless to attack the gate, and the gate also has a HP bar. If it empties, its game over. When the battle starts, change to Valor form immediately. Combo him over and over again. You should be able to remove a bar of his health before Valor runs out. Focus solely on Shan-Yu. The others can take care of the heartless around the gate. Also, though his falcon can be a pest at times, refrain from attacking it, as when it leaves it returns soon after. Just repeatedly combo Shan-Yu, use the Red Rocket Limit break if you want to. All in all, it should be over quite quickly. After the battle, Sora will get a HP boost, and the Aerial Sweep Ability. Donald and Mulan will get a HP boost. Goofy will get the Goofy Turbo Ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Thresholder and Possessor =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Beast's Castle Strategy: These are pretty much two enemies in one boss. The Thresholder is the door itself, and the Possessor is the floating purple ball. The Possessor has possessed the door and making it attack you. The door has three attacks, it swipes at you with its extended arms, it breathes out which pushes you away, and it creates ball on energy which attack you. The Possessor itself has no attacks. Also, it sometimes summons Heartless to attack you. The first thing you should do is change to Valor and give it everything you got! When its HP is gone, the Possessor should leave the door and float around the room. If there is still some Valor left, then attack it till Valor dies. If Valor is already gone, then still attack it. It HP bar will be near empty before it decides to go back to the door. Because you don't have Valor this time, keep your distance for a while. Take out some Heartless if you want to, then when ready, charge at it from the side to avoid the arms. Keep attacking it, combo after combo, and the Possessor should leave again. Attack the Possessor till it dies. After the battle, Sora gets the Upper Slash Ability, Donald gets the Donald Fire ability, and Goofy gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Beast =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Beast's Castle Strategy: Beast only has one attack, that that's when he attacks you will his claws. Just attack him merciless. Use the reaction command 'Wake Up' now and again. When his HP is empty, continually press /\ to charge Cogsworth so his beg to his master will be at its highest. If you fail to charge him high enough, his HP regenerates to full and you have to start all over again. If you do the beg successfully, then the battle is over. After the battle, Sora gains an extra Armour Spot, Donald gets a HP Boost, and Goofy gets the Defender Ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Shadow Stalker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Beast's Castle Strategy: Shadow Thorn has four main attacks. Firstly, it hides behind a window, and will shoot shockwaves across the room. Secondly, it will disappear into the ground and will try to eat Sora. Thirdly, it will have power over a pillar. Fourthly, it will have power over the chandelier, causing it to drop and shoot rays of energy at you. Shadow Stalker is also very quick, so make sure you lock on to it immediately, and keep it locked on, as it's very easy to lose track of it. Its first attack is random, but try to combo it before it does it's first attack. I know it may be tempting, but don't use Valor yet, you need to save it! If it hides behind a window, hind behind a pillar to avoid the shockwaves. Otherwise, just try to dodge or just take the damage. When it leaves the window, attack it relentlessly. If it goes into the ground, you can watch where it is as it emits a light from the ground. When its almost underneath you, jump to dodge the attack. When it comes up from the ground, attack again. If it takes over a pillar, just attack the pillar till its HP is gone, then use the reaction command 'Release' to release the Shadow Stalker. Again, attack it. If it takes over a chandelier, attack it unforgivingly till its HP is gone, then Release it. Whenever the Boss isn't doing any of the afore mentioned attacks, then attack it over and over again. It should be over in no time. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Dark Thorn =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Beast's Castle Strategy: Dark Thorn is a lot harder than the previous battle. It has four attacks. First, it attacks you with its claws. Secondly, it can go invisible and attack you. Thirdly, it will grab the chandelier. Fourthly, it will throw you across the room. If you saved Valor like I said before, use it straight away and attack. Keep attacking till the three drive gauges are empty. If Dark Thorn becomes invisible, lock onto it and attack it. Sometimes, the 'Step Vault' command will become available, so use it to be launched into the air. Press /\ again to catch the Chandelier when prompted, and use the 'Pendulum' reaction command to swing across the room. This catches the Dark Thorn and makes it visible again. It will also stun it for a short time, to attack it. Sometimes, Dark Thorn himself will grab the chandelier and do the same attack that you can go. To avoid this, run behind the pillars and wait. If you don't do this in time, be prepared to take a bit of damage. Sometimes, Dark Thorn will throw you across the room. Use 'Slingshot' reaction command to rebound back to him. Just keep on attacking and if you your reaction commands, it will be over quicker than you expect. After the battles, Sora gets the Retaliating Slash ability and a HP Boost. Donald gets a HP Boost. Goofy gets the Item Boost ability. Beast gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Cerberus =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Olympus Coliseum Strategy: Though it may look intimidating, and it may bring back sour memories from Kingdom Hearts, its a lot easier than you think. Cerberus had five attacks. It bites (like any normal dog), it hits you with its tail, it jumps and causes shockwaves, its two outer heads crash together with the middle head and trapping Sora, and it creates dark ball of energy which follow Sora around. Also note, you don't have Donald or Goofy for this. You do have Auron though. The first thing you should do, is use your limit immediately. Attack the heads with all your glory. When the limit runs dry, lock on to a head, preferable the middle one, and attack like mad! Unlike in KH, you have less chance of getting bitten. By attacking the middle head, you increase your chance of the two outer heads crashing together and trapping you. Why is this a good thing? Because this initiates a series of Reaction Commands which can seriously harm Cerberus. The dark balls it releases are slow and easy to run away from. If your low on HP, run away, heal, then run back in. Cerberus is so slow you can do that with little fear of being hit. After the battle, Sora gets the Dodge Slash Ability, and Auron gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Demyx =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Olympus Coliseum Strategy: Demyx doesn't actually fight you, nor do you fight him. He summons water ghosts, and you have to defeat 100 in 80 seconds. Each water ghost is easy to defeat as they have low HP, but defeating them one at a time will take too long. Use the reaction command 'Wild Dance' to wipe out a number of then in one go. After the battle, Sora will get a HP Boost, Donald will the MP Rage Ability, and Goofy will get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Pete (first) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Olympus Coliseum Strategy: Pete has four attacks. He throws bombs at you, which can easily be deflected by Guard, he can attack you with a physical combo, he sends shockwaves across the ground, and rocks fall from the ceiling. Also, he summons Hook Bats. Meg has a life bar here, you have to protect Meg. The first thing you should do is concentrate on the Hook Bats while also staying close to Meg. When all the Hook Bats are dead, Drive to Valor and attack Pete. After a few combos, Pete will summon a shield around him. Just wait a moment, then continue attacking when it disappears. You should deplete almost all of Pete's HP before Valor runs dry. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Pete (second) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Olympus Coliseum Strategy: With Herc on your side, the battle should be easy. Pete has the same attacks as last time. You have two minutes to win, otherwise the cave collapses on you. When Pete puts a shield around him, you can now use the reaction command 'Pinball' to knock him into Herc to dislodge the shield. You can also use the reaction command 'Aura Guard' when your near Herc, so Herc can protect you from falling rocks. If you keep attacking and use the reaction commands, you should win easily. After the battle, Sora gets the Trinity Limit Ability, Donald gets a HP Boost, and Goofy gets the Hyper Healing Ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Hydra =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Olympus Coliseum Strategy: The Hydra has four attacks. First, it can attack you with its tail. Secondly, it uses lighting against you. Thirdly, it shoots black balls. Lastly, it bites. Meg is cheering you on from the eastern sideline. She throws MP, HP and Drive orbs to you, if necessary. The Hydra has one head, for now. Lock on to the head, and watch out for the tail swipes and lighting. Whenever the head comes close to the ground, attack it with everything you've got. When it's HP is gone, or near gone, use the reaction command 'Vanquish' to cut off the head. Now three heads will pop up from the ground. Attack a head, and after a while, Phil will be yelling at you to "Get up on the Hydra's back." Go up on the back by climbing up its tail from the left. Press /\ when prompted to initiate 'Phil One-Two' so Phil can throw a big pot at you. Use the Reaction Command 'Urninator' to hit the hit into the Hydra's back. This stuns all three heads. Use this opportunity to attack a head, take off all its HP and use Vanquish to get rid of the head. You may have to do the reaction commands a couple of times. When all three heads are gone. The Hydra pops out again, this time with seven heads! Its here it will shoot black balls at you. If you got your Drive full, then I recommend you Drive to Valor. If not, the go see Meg for Drive Orbs, fill up the gauges, and then Drive and attack. Some of the Hydra's heads will come close to the ground, while some are high in the air. Just attack the ones close, and when it rises back up, lock on to another head that's at ground level. After a couple of attacks, 'Pegasus Run' reaction command will become available. This will call Pegasus, who Sora will jump on, and will fly around the Hydra's heads to allow Sora to attack by pressing /\. You'll have to be quick, the 'attack' reaction command doesn't last long. You may have to so this a couple of times. When the Hydra's HP is empty, use Vanquish to finish of the battle. After the battle, Sora will get a HP Boost and the Thunder Element. Donald will get an extra Armour Slot, and Goofy will get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Past Pete =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Timeless River Strategy: This Pete is easy to defeat. He has three main attacks. First, he has a normal punch. Secondly, he charges at you. Thirdly, after his charge, he jumps on the ground sending shockwaves across the arena. Now, when the battle starts, just beat the daylights out of him. When he charges at you, you can use 'About Face' to send him the other way, then continue attacking. You get nothing from this battle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Steamboat Pete =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Timeless River Strategy: Pete is on the Steamboat, the one he stole from Past Pete. The Cornerstone of Light is on the back of the boat. There is a bar at the top of the screen, which shows how far Pete is escaping. If he goes too far, its game over. Pete has only one attack, which he throws stuff at you from afar. You can block the stuff he throws back at you with /\, and this also sends back the stuff at Pete. After a couple of hits, he will lose control and the steamboat will hit the shore. Use /\ to grab on to the crane. This will swing you next to the cage which contains the Cornerstone. Attack it, but watch out. The crane will swing back to its original position, and you have to press /\ when prompted to continue hanging. If you don't, you will fall, then Heartless will appear. Keep in mind that the Heartless only appear when you fall. So don't. After the battle, Sora learns the Slapshot ability. Donald learns the Fantasia Limit and the Auto Limit Ability. Goofy gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Pete =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Timeless River Strategy: Past Pete also fights Pete in this battle. Pete has three attacks. First, he just punches. Secondly, he throws bombs. Thirdly, he sends shockwaves through the floor. Also, he can shield himself, but unlike the time you fought with Herc, the shield is impossible to triumph over. You can also use Past Pete to your benefit. If you see Past Pete rolling around the place, use 'About Face' top knock him straight into Pete. You can also hit Past Pete, so he fly's into the air, lands ands sends shockwaves to Pete. When you begin the battle, you'll be fighting him at the Wharf. Change to Valor immediately and attack him continuously. Valor should prevent him attacking very often. After a certain amount of Pete's HP is gone, he will change the setting of the battle from the Wharf to the Scene of Fire. At the Scene of Fire, if Valor is still in effect, attack him with all you've got. If Valor runs out, then attack him, but not full on. Try to keep some distance between you, while also attacking. Magic is good here. If his shield goes up, just back away and wait for it to go down. There is nothing you can do to stop the shield. Again, after a while Pete will change the scene again. You'll be in Mickey's house. When you land here, attack immediately and get a combo or two in, then back away again. Again, just wait out the shields and ignore the huge black vortex in the centre of the room. The next area is the Lilliput. The cannons in the centre will shoot at you, but its nothing to worry about, as there is little you can do to stop it. Just do the same thing as you did at Mickey's House. Pete will change scenery for the last time, this time to the building site. The scaffolding will bounce you up and down. Use 'Air Slash' against Pete to get massive damage against him. Watch out for his bombs, as they bounce around the scaffolding. After the battle, Sora gets the Reflect Element and a HP Boost. Donald gets a HP Boost and Goofy gets the Goofy Tornado Ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Barbossa and the Illuminator =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Port Royal Strategy: Two bosses? Not really. The Illuminator doesn't attack, it just sucks all the light. This is bad, as without moonlight, we can not defeat Barbossa. On the other hand, Barbossa has five attacks, all downright deadly. Firstly, he attacks with his sword. Secondly, he tackles before hacking with his sword. Thirdly, he throws bombs. Fourthly, he shoots with his pistol. Lastly, he combos with stabs and slashes. First, you'll have to find and kill the Illuminator. You'll find it as it has glowing eyes. Kill it in a couple of hits. The room has light again. Lock onto Barbossa immediately, then Drive. You can either drive into Valor or Wisdom. In my opinion, Wisdom is better because the room is so large and Barbossa likes to run around a lot. Just lock on to him and just shoot. This way you can also keep your distance and won't be attacks by his swords very often. When Wisdom does run out, you'll have to attack him. Using limits here is great. Also, use the reaction commands when the appear. You can use 'Land' then 'Reverse Blade' to do a lot of damage to Barbossa. 'Twin Counter' then 'Sonic Dive' can also be used if Jack is close. If the Illuminator reappears, just take it out again. It will have a larger HP gauge, but its still weak. Again, when he's gone attack Barbossa. Drive back to Valor or Wisdom if your Drive gauge regenerates. After the battle, Sora obtains an extra Drive Gauge and the Aerial Finish ability. Donald gets a HP Boost. Goofy learns the Teamwork Limit and the Auto Limit ability. Jack gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Volcanic Lord and Blizzard Lord =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Agrabah Strategy: Two Bosses? This time, yes. Each have their own separate attacks. The Volcanic Lord is fire bases, and has four attacks. First, it uses its staff to attack. Secondly, it throws fireballs. Thirdly, it gets surrounded by flames and attacks. Fourthly, it jumps around, trying to squash everyone. The Blizzard Lord is Blizzard base, if you haven't figured it out by now. It also has four attacks. It also attacks with its staff, and instead of throwing fireballs, it throws ice blocks. It also freezes Sora and co. with ice, and it breathes ice onto the floor. Both Heartless have their own Reaction Command. You can use 'Firagun' to throw Volcanic Lord into Blizzard Lord when Volcanic Lord in jumping around the place. Use 'Blizzagun' to throw Blizzard Lord into Volcanic Lord when Blizzard Lord when it breathes ice onto the floor. Use both whenever possible. Now, the battle is a lot easier than it seems. They may be intimidating, but its all just looks. Focus on Volcanic Lord first, and you'll be able to use 'Firagun' early. Drive to Valor and attack till it breaks up into Fiery Globes. These are easy to dispose of, so take them out before focusing on Blizzard Lord. Again, attack Blizzard Lord and use limits often. Again, Blizzard will also break up into Icy Cubes. Focus on Volcanic Lord again. If your Drive Gauges fills up, then Drive to Valor to do major damage. Keep attacking and it will be over before you know it. After the battle, Sora learns the Explosion Ability. Donald and Aladdin gets a HP Boost and Goofy gains an extra armour slot. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Prison Keeper =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Halloween Town Strategy: The Prison Keeper has got the trio in a cage. His attacks depends on who he swallows, whether its Lock, Shock, Barrel or all three. You'll know who he does swallow because the trio yells out who it is. Your plan to defeat Prison Keeper will also change as to who he swallows, so its important to know what he does, and what you should do. When he swallows Lock, Prison Keeper will throw balls of energy at Sora. They're hell easy to dodge as they're extremely slow, and if you time Guard well, the balls will head straight back to Prison Keeper. But don't get too close to Prison Keeper when he has Lock, as he attacks very quickly which is hard to dodge. If Shock is swallowed, it will jump high in the air and will shoot bombs at you. These bombs are hard to avoid and can't be guarded. Run up Curly Hill, so you can jump and attack him. If you complete a full combo, he will be sent back to earth. On the ground, he uses Fire, but that shouldn't be too much of a worry. Barrel is the hardest, as when he does swallow Barrel, he just attacks relentlessly. For this, button mashing is your best bet, or if you haven't used it, Drive to Valor. Valor is more of a defensive method that attacking method, as it will sort of prevent Prison Keeper from attacking too often. Also, the reaction command 'Inside Combo' is mega useful. If your close enough when he is swallowing a kid, you can use it to jump inside Prison Keeper and do massive damage. But you'll only be able to do this once, as after this, Prison Keeper will stay in the air when he swallows someone. After the battle has been going on for a while, Prison Keeper will swallow all three. When he does this, he will use every attack in his repertoire. Limits are great here, so is Wisdom, and Genie summon. After the battle, Donald will learn the Hyper Healing Ability, and Sora, Goofy and Jack will get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Oogie Boogie =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Halloween Town Strategy: Oogie, like in KH, has set up a mechanical trap for you. Though you don't fight Oogie directly, he still does four attacks on you. Firstly, he throws dice which explodes on impact with the floor. Secondly, a giant boxing glove will pound the conveyer belt four times. Thirdly, Oogie sends lightning bolts down. Lastly, Oogie will send bags onto the conveyer belt which contain Heartless. Now, lets talk about the battle arena, as its more complicated than usual. You'll be travelling on conveyer belts. There are three conveyer belts, each lined up parallel to each other. All the conveyer belts are moving backwards. At the front of each belt are holes which will enable Sora to travel from one conveyer belt to another. Which conveyer belt you go to is decided by what colour the holes are. You will proceed from one blue hole to another, as you can't travel to a red. The colours randomly change often, so you'll have to wait till you get the door you want. At the back of each conveyer belts are spikes, which when touched by either Sora, Donald, Goofy or Jack will take of quite a bit of HP. As the conveyer belts are moving backwards, they are moving towards the spikes. So its recommended you keep moving and jumping. Oogie Boogie is on a lift at the front, and to get him off that lift, you have to hit presents back at him. Though this battle may sound hard, once you know what to do, its easy. At the start of the battle, you can approach presents and press /\ to send them back at Oogie. Oogie will throw dice at you and send the glove down a couple of times as well. Try to time where to move to avoid the gloves, and be careful not to move too far back so you don't reach the spikes. Now and again, Oogie's lift will move from the front of one conveyer belt to another. This is totally random as to where and when. When he does move, you have to approach the hole, and wait till the hole of the your door and Oogie's door are both blue, then press /\ to go through. Donald, Goofy and Jack will follow you without trouble, but you shouldn't worry about them. After a while into the battle, Oogie will send out his packages which contain Heartless. You should ignore these and leave them for Donald, Goofy and Jack to take care of, and just focus on hitting boxes at him. The lightning attacks will come late in the battle. They are easy to avoid, as they just stay in one spot and just move down the conveyer belt. After you keep hitting boxes at Oogie, his lift will get too heavy, will break and Oogie will fall right in front of you. When he first does this, Driving to Valor is a good idea. Just continually attack Oogie, he doesn't attack much on the floor as he did on the lift. Oogie will soon jump back to the lift, but you should of got at least a full bar of his HP. You may have to repeat the cycle once or twice more to defeat Oogie. After the battle, Sora gains an extra item slot, Goofy learns the Once More ability, and Donald and Jack both get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Shenzi, Banzi, and Ed =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Pride Lands Strategy: Pumbaa has a damage bar over him, and you have to protect him from the Hyenas. The Hyenas really only have two attacks. They either tackle you, or they just attack you. Simple battle, you just have to attack the Hyenas ruthlessly. Thunder is good here whenever the Hyenas are a distance away from you. Use Dash to close the distance. If Pumbaa is in danger of being attacked, you can use "Call Over" which will make Pumbaa run to Sora, and might cause the Hyenas attacking each other, stunning them. Try not to be put off by the sad, dog squeals whenever you hit them. After the battle, Sora and Donald gets a HP Boost, and Goofy gets the Lucky Lucky Ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Scar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Pride Lands Strategy: Scar is a very difficult boss. He has five main attacks. Firstly, he spins in the air. Secondly, he jumps on Sora. Thirdly, his body gets covered by fire, and lets out fire. Fourthly, his body gets covered by thunder, and lets out thunder. Lastly, he charges around the arena. Because you got to have Simba in for the fight, his Wildcat ability is extremely useful. Use it often, as without Drives or your other limits, this limit is god. Also, if Scar jumps on Sora, use the reaction command "Counter". It doesn't really matter who else you have in, both Donald and Goofy are useful. The first thing you should do when the battle begins is use Wildcat. When the limit is over, Scar will be stunned for a very short time, so combo him now. He is very fast, so it will be hard to attack Scar, and it may seem like your not doing anything, but you are. Keep attacking him, moving back to heal at anytime. If Scar does his lightning attack, stay clear from him and wait out the attack. If your far away from him, the lightning wont strike you. If you try to attack, you'll be continuously stuck by lightning and you can't even get an attack in. His fire attack isn't as dangerous. But when he starts charging across the arena, he's practically invincible. You'll have to outrun Scar to not be attacked, so keep using Dash to steer clear of him. When he finished his run, Scar will be stunned for a while, as if exhausted. You can get is a combo or two is your early to attack him. Keep on the offensive, but don't feel bad if you have to do this battle more than once. After the battle, Sora gets a MP Boost. Goofy and Simba gets a HP Boost and Donald learns the Fire Boost ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Hostile Program =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Space Paranoids Strategy: This boss battle is different from others. The key is to collect orbs its drops to fill up your Clusters Gauge. When its Full, you can freeze it before doing numerous combos on it before it unfreezes. This is the key to winning the battle, and is why Draw comes is handy. Hostile Program also has five HP bars, so this will be a long battle He has many attacks at his disposal. Firstly, he has a normal physical attack which sends you flying across the room. Secondly, he shoots small energy bolts across the room. Though this only takes out a small HP, try not to get hit by many. Thirdly is his most strange attack. He shoots energy balls at you, but they don't really fly at you. They fly at you, stop, fly at you again, stop and continues this pattern till it either hits you or disappears. You can use guard to stop these from hitting you, but you could easily outrun them. It is when he does this attack that is the best time to attack him. After you freeze him and do more damage on him, he upgrades his attacks. He will send more homing energy balls at you. He will also be able to fly around the room. Though easy to dodge, getting hit will lose a lot of HP. A dangerous attack is when he shoots two beams on Lasers across the room. He will either sweep them across the room, which is easy to avoid, or will shoot them in any angle in any random direction, which is harder. Tron's Limit here is useful. But it his third attacks with his lasers which is move dangerous. He goes to the centre of the room, and spins around, sweeping his lasers everywhere. Extremely hard to dodge, and difficult to get anywhere near Hostile Program. This is why the key to the battle is Freeze. It will stop all of his attacks, and you can do nice damage to it. Also, Wisdom is useful when its starts using its laser attacks, because you can move around quickly and shoot at it from afar. The first half of the battle will be easy, just don't get complacent. The second half is a lot longer, but if you use Freeze every time you get the chance to, then it will be easier. After the battle, Sora gets an extra Drive Gauge, and learns the Horizontal Slash ability. Goofy learns the Jackpot Ability, and Donald and Tron gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Demyx =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Hollow Bastion Strategy: Unlike when you met him at Olympus, he's now tougher and stronger. Before the battle begins, he will summon 50 of his Water Forms. You have to defeat them in 40 seconds. The key to this is "Wild Dance" as it can take out a number of them in a couple of seconds. If you don't kill them off in time, then its game over before the battle even begins. After you've taken out those 50 forms, you now can attack Demyx. All of Demyx's attacks are water based and are extremely dangerous. He charges at Sora attacks with his sitar and leaves pillars of water behind him, shoots water, sends balls of water from the sky, creates a wall of water and makes pillars of water around him. He also summons more Water form now and again, though these are untimed and just a distraction. Also, "Wild Dance" can be used to hurt Demyx and get close to him to attack. You have little control over what Demyx does. When the battle starts, try to get a combo on Demyx early. Water will fall from the sky, but they don't do much damage. Throughout the battle, it will be extremely difficult to get close to him and attack, because his constant water attacks pushes you away from him. Combo-ing Demyx doesn't usually stop him from making attacks, which is frustrating. Try to hit him into the air with Retaliating Slash ability, if you've got it equipped, and air combo him. This will take out a lot of HP. If you get hit by the water and get sent into the air, you can use Aerial Recovery to recover and if your close to Demyx, you can possibly do an air combo on him. Though be careful, as his water strikes is damaging. If he starts charging at you, be very cautions. Evade with all you've got. If he gets to you, you'll lose a lot of HP. The bad thing is that he usually does numerous of charges at the same time, and if a couple of them connects, then it can be fatal. Don't try to Guard it. I tried numerous of times, and it seems impossible. I just ended up dying or close to it, and the same will happen to you. Though this is rare, you can use the reaction command "Show Stealer" when Demyx says 'Ain't this a blast' to do massive damage on Demyx. But if you don't press triangle in time, you'll be hit my massive damage which can be lethal if your HP isn't very high. If he yells "Dance, Water Dance!" any time during the battle, he will summon 10 water forms and you have to defeat them in 10 seconds. Wild Dance is a must here. He will do this two or three times in the battle, so watch out. If your too late to react, its game over. I got caught out here a couple of times, so watch out! When you've taken out a lot of his HP, he becomes even deadlier. His water attacks become more powerful, he erects water shields around him, and your HP siren will probably go off a couple of times. Make sure Donald and Goofy have a lot of Hi-Potions and Potions on them, and Donald should have Cure. You won't have time to heal yourself, so you'll be relying on them a lot. This battle will probably frustrate the hell out of you. You might be caught out by his 10 sec water forms as you first try this battle, which will no doubt irritate you. Drives aren't the best here, but Wisdom is the really good. You can keep your distance while seriously hurting him. The problem is that if you're in Drive when he summons his 10sec water forms, then you could pretty much say goodbye. Its harder to use Wild Dance in Drive, and if you revert out then start to attack, you'll probably run out of time. But it still very effective against Demyx, so try it out if you want. If you turn into Anti-Form, then be very cautious. If he summons his 10sec water forms while your in Anti- Form, then there is little you can do. Fira can hurt Demyx, but you have to be close for it to work, which will be difficult. Watch out for him in the second half of the battle. Don't use Limits, and conserving MP for Cure is a must. If your skilled enough to defeat Demyx on your first go, then I congratulate you because you're perfectly prepared for the rest of the game. After the battle, Sora gets an extra Armour Slot and the Blizzard Element. Donald learns the Blizzard Boost Ability and Goofy gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Mysterious Man =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The Land of Dragons Strategy: Not only will you be fighting the Mysterious Man, but an endless supply of Rapid Thrusters. Don't let this discourage you, as this is a typically easy fight. The Mysterious Man doesn't have many attacks to begin with. It usually just comprises of melee attacks and combos. When his HP starts to decrease, he will send out balls of energy at you, which are pathetically weak, and will do a charge attack. Take out more HP, and he will use a Thunder attack. Don't worry about the Rapid Thrusters, as they're more of a nuisance than a threat. When the battle begins, lock onto the Mysterious Man and keep him locked, otherwise you'll see some of your attacks attacking the Rapid Thrusters instead of your intended target. He is very slow moving, and many of his attacks can be easily parried with Guard. Also, you could possibly get two or three combos on him at a time because he takes an awfully long time to recover. If you begin to get bored, you could easily just focus on the Rapid Thrusters for a while to grab exp. Use Magnet against the Rapid Thrusters for easy exp. The battle will end when the Mysterious man has one HP bar left, so you don't get to kill him off. After the battle, you get nothing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Storm Rider =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The Land of Dragons Strategy: This boss has massive amount of HP, and you won't get many opportunities to attack, so it will be a very long fight. The boss is a flying Heartless, and will be in the air for the majority of the fight. Storm Rider has many attacks, which mainly focus on Thunder, but they don't do much damage. Before the battle, you'll probably want to equip any Thunder Resistance Armour on Sora. When the battle begins, Sora will be on the Storm Rider's back. Be prepared for a Reaction Command immediately. "Hang On" will appear, and use it. The Storm Rider will do a loop-the-loop. If you failed to use "Hang On," you'll fall of. If you succeeded, you'll still be on its back. If you're ever on its back, attack the two cones on its shoulder, before moving on to the horns at its head. Getting rid of those cones will stun Storm Rider for s short amount of time, so you can attack the main part of him, the horns on the head. It will use Thunder while your on its back, though this doesn't do any real damage. The "Hang On" Reaction Command may pop up now and again at irregular times, so press it otherwise you'll fall off. Also, you may just fall off for no apparent reason, other than your own clumsiness. If you're on the ground, then Storm Rider does a lot more attacks. He will fly across the field, releasing multiple small bombs from his belly like an Air Force bomber. This isn't too dangerous, and the main damage can be avoided if you run to the side. He again uses Thunder a lot, but if you're moving, then it will miss. But his most useful attack is when he fly's high in the air, fly's straight down, then horizontal to the ground, he fly straight towards you. Why is this useful, because you can use he reaction command "Slide" to slide under him, then use "Vertigo Toss" which will make Sora attack the Storm Rider's belly, sending him into the air, then he will fall on the floor, completely stunned. This is really the only time in the battle where you can actually get a nice amount of damage to him. You could probably get two or three combos on him before he awakes. To increase that damage, Drive to Valor or Master. He doesn't use this attack often, to take the opportunity when it arises. To get back onto the Storm Rider's back is difficult. You have to approach one of the swirling whirlwinds on the floor, and use "Ride the Wind." Then you can move around the arena till you think your in a good position, then use "Soar" to send Sora straight into the air. Try to move around in the air, so you'll land on the Storm Rider. At the beginning of the battle, its not hard to get on its back. But as the battle progresses, it gets a lot harder as his attacks become more inconsistent and his movement is erratic. The Storm Rider will do his most dangerous attack when a fair amount of his HP is gone. He will fly toward the bridge and land there. Two force fields will appear on either side of him, and will gradually move closer together towards the centre, where the Storm Rider is. The Storm Rider does a massive beam on Thunder directly down the centre, and because of the force fields, its hard to avoid. This can do a lot of damage on Sora. He will do this three times, but even if all three lands on Sora, it shouldn't be fatal because you should still have high HP because of the Storm Riders weak attacks. I recommend you use Cure immediately when you see the force fields appear. To avoid these attacks, stand right next to the Storm Rider, close to its foot. You'll avoid at least the majority of it, and will hardly take any damage. Also, between each beam, this is an opportunity to get a combo or two in before the next one. Remember to pull out of the combo when its about to use its beam, or you'll get the full blast. After its third beam, it will fly away, releasing a Thunder attack around him, so move away as its about to fly. When the majority of his HP is gone, he will use his Thunder Beams and his aerial bombings more often. He will fly around faster, so trying to land on his back becomes a pain in the ass. But he'll also do his attack where you can use "Slide/Vertigo Toss" more frequently as well, so you can attack him more. The Storm Rider doesn't have many damaging attack, but his high HP and once in a blue moon opportunity to attack him makes it a long, but simple fight. After the battle, Sora gets the Thunder Element. Donald and Mulan gets a HP Boost, while Goofy learns the Tornado Fusion Ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Xaldin =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Beast's Castle Strategy: This battle is exceptionally difficult, although in my opinion its not as hard as your last encounter with an Organization member, but only just. However some people beg to differ with this, and believe Xaldin is harder. Before the battle begins, make sure Sora, Donald and Goofy are equipped to the brim with Hi-Potions and Potions. I also recommend that you use Donald and Goofy for this, as they have more long range attacks than Beast. Xaldin is very fast, and getting attacks on him will be difficult. Lock on to him the second the battle begins. Losing site of him can be fatal within seconds. The key is to try to keep your distance at certain times, and knowing when to close the distance to attack. Early on in the battle, Xaldin has many ground attacks with his lance. He sweeps his lances around the arena, which if your timing is spot on, you can jump to dodge, but don't hold your breath as to being able to do this. His most common attack early is that he charges at you with his Lance's ready to swipe at you. If you have Quick Run from levelling up Wisdom, then this is the easiest way to dodge. Otherwise try to run and jump away. He doesn't give much warning at to when he does this, so as I said before, keep your distance so you have time to dodge. If you get hit, you'll lose a lot of HP, and you'll be knocked back into the air. Aerial Recovery here to recover quickly. Another attack is that Xaldin will simply have his lances circling around him. This is a trap, making you think he's vulnerable. Just try to avoid him, or if you're a risk taker, you can slowly approach him, wait until he attacks you, dodge it then combo him. Risky but a success will pay off. He will also use his lances as a normal combo attack. Though doesn't sounds intimidating, its deadly. If your struck by this, a lot of HP will vanish and you'll be knocked back. Use Aerial Recovery immediately to try to get away from him. During this combo, his lances will begin to glow, and his attacks become stronger. This combo will last for a long time, so keep your distance, dodge, or risk a game over. Xaldin may fly into the air, and use a Thunder or Wind like attack on you. If you keep running and jumping, you'll dodge these easily. Quick Run is also handy. Throughout this battle, you'll encounter a Reaction Command "Learn" which, just like the Dragoon Nobody, changes the Attack command to the Jump command. This is really the only way to do some serious damage to Xaldin. If you can use "Learn" consecutively to learn many Jumps, then you can use all the Jumps at once to take of an extraordinary amount of HP of Xaldin. You can gain a maximum of nine Jumps at once. Make sure your locked on to Xaldin before you use Jump, otherwise you'll find your Jumps missing their targets. Once a considerable amount of HP is gone, Xaldin will do his most dangerous attack. His lances will turn into dragon thing, and he will jump on it. The dragon will ride of the bridge on the left hand side, and will execute a large beam of energy which will sweep across the Bridge from left to right. Extremely hard to dodge, if not near impossible. Your only bet is to try not to get 'caught' in the beam, but instead for the beam to hit and pass over you. To do this, stay far away from Xaldin's side of the bridge, and either just full on run to either the left or right of screen, or jump when the beam reaches you. You will get hurt, but not as much as if you stood still or got caught. Also, when he jumps on his dragon, you've got a significant amount of time to heal up, otherwise the beam could kill you. The only way to perfectly dodge this, is to use a Jump command when its about to reach you. When more HP is off Xaldin, his charging attacks will become more frequent and deadly. He will also do charges consecutively. His combo attack will also appear regularly. Keep "Learning" and "Jumping" when you've got the chance. Some of you will find this battle harder than Demyx, some will find it easier. If you were able to defeat Demyx without any major trouble, then the same should happen here. If you struggled against Demyx, you'll struggle here. I suggest you don't Drive, although if your in trouble, then Drive to Wisdom. You can keep distance while still attacking him. If you turn into Anti-Form, then you have to stay as far away from him as possible. You can't heal in Anti, and his attacks do more damage. Turn into Anti, and 9 out of 10 times you'd die. Don't use any Limits, as you'd want to save your MP for Cure. Magic as a whole isn't overly useful, although Thunder can do some damage while being far away. Just remember to use "Learn" and "Jump." Be cautious when you're going in for a combo, but if you've timed it well, you can get damage on him. Xaldin has a very quick recovery time, so run away after hurting him, preferably using Quick Run. This battle will take some time, so be prepared. After the battle, Sora, Goofy and Beast get a HP Boost. Sora also gets the Reflect Element and Donald learns the Auto Healing ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Grim Reaper (first) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Port Royal Strategy: You'll be laughing yourself to death with how pathetic this 'Boss' is. No need for a real strategy, just attack like crazy. He's also weak against magic, the same way Undead Pirates are weak to magic, so exploit this as well. After the battle, Sora gets the Summon Boost Ability. Goofy learns the Draw Ability. Donald and Jack both get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Grim Reaper (second) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Port Royal Strategy: Don't expect another pathetic boss, it seems to of had an upgrade. Though it's a simple battle once you know the routine. The basics is that the Grim Reaper will steal some coins from the Aztec Treasure Chest, which makes it an Undead and invincible. Sora has to collect all the Medallions from the Grim Reaper by making him drop them, collect them, and put them back in the chest. As long as the chest is missing one gold coin, the Reaper is invincible. The counters at the top of the screen tell you how much coins the Reaper has, how much you have, and how much the chest has out of the total amount of coins. To make it drop coins, you have to use magic. To make this part easier, have Donald in your party. Blizzard and Thunder seem to be the best for him to drop coins. Physical attacks don't hurt him, nor do they make him drop coins, but it does makes him drop MP orbs. When coins are dropped, run around and collect them, go to the chest and use the reaction command "Replace" to put all the coins back. The coins are very small and can be hard to see, which is why I suggest Draw. If you get hit, you drop any coins you had on you, so replace them often. When all the coins are back in the chest, the curse is broken and Grim Reaper becomes vincible. Now is a good time to drive to Valor, and absolutely belt him. After it takes a beating, it will take more coins, initiating the curse again. After you've done the above a couple of times, it will do a move where it will suck coins out of the chest. Approach it and use the "Hinder" reaction command, then "Loot Launch." This will cause the Reaper to be launched into the air, making it drop the majority of the coins he took on the floor. The Reaper's attacks while invincible are slow and not damaging. Really his only dangerous attack is swinging his arms across the floor. This shouldn't worry you, as you shouldn't be anywhere near the Reaper at this point. When he's vulnerable, his attacks become faster and more erratic. He summons energy balls which follow you, and uses his axe more often. When a majority of his HP is depleted, he will disappear from the battle field, and flaming skulls will appear, following you and slamming down on the floor. Constant running and jumping really the only way to dodge them. He'll do his sucking-from-the-chest ability more when his HP is near gone. After the battle, Sora learns the Magnera Ability. Donald learns the Flare Force Ability. Goofy and Jack get HP Boosts. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Hades =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Olympic Coliseum Strategy: When the battle begins, Hades will be invincible. Nothing you can do. Just wait a while attacking uselessly to initiate a cutscene. Herc has become his former self again, and with him now fighting, Hades will be a breeze. Whenever Hades is red, he's invincible. When he's blue, he's vulnerable. How do you get him blue? Herc will create balls of light across the field. Approach these balls, and use the reaction command "Aura Sphere" to knock the balls into Hades. These will take out some HP, as well as making him blue. Use this often. If your close to Herc, you can use "Aura Guard" to make Herc Shield you from danger, enabling you to heal with safety. Hades begins with the normal one-two punches. Nothing to dangerous. As the battle progresses and his HP depletes, he will teleport around the field and use magic attacks. He shoots fireballs after saying "Feel the Heat" and when he says "That's is," a column of fire will surround Hades, hurting anyone near it. It's range is short, so just move away when he says this. When the column disappears, Hades will turn red again. Driving to Valor or Master when you've just turned Hades blue is a good idea. Auron's Limit is also useful. Its an easy battle, but Hades high HP count may make this battle take a while. After the battle, Sora gets an MP Boost and learns the Counterguard Ability. Donald gains an Accessory Slot. Goofy and Auron gain a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Jafar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Agrabah Strategy: You're again on Carpet, with no help from friends. Jafar has transformed into his large Genie form. Jafar has a large HP bar, so it will be a long battle. When the battle starts, you can lock-on to and attack two parts of him. The head, and his torso. Although you can also attack his hands, I see no point in doing so. The head is his main life source, and defeating that will kill him. Unfortunately, attacking the head will be hard, as strong winds and Jafar's attacks will knock you around. The torso doesn't have much HP, and is easier to attack. This is the key to defeating Jafar. When you deplete his stomach HP, he'll kneel over stunned, but only for a short time. Now you can either get a short combo in before he awakes, or you can use the reaction command "Roll Up" to make Sora grab Jafar's tail and "Spin Burst" to make Jafar spin around. This causes Jafar to be stunned for a lot longer, and now is the best time to get at least two combos on him. Jafar creates strong winds, which is more of an annoyance than anything else, as it makes Carpet's flying slow. Buildings will be flying around in the air, but they are few and should be easy to look out for. He has a Thunder attack, which does moderate damage and stuns you. This is only available when you've taken quite a bit of HP of Jafar's head. When Jafar is really hurt badly, he will transfer Sora to the darkness, where he is invincible, and a lot of buildings and debris will be flying around. Your best bet to avoid these is to fly around like a crazy man, and use Guard and Reflect. This doesn't last long though, and when it does end, you've got the perfect opportunity to attack his torso again. As long as you repeat the above steps, you shouldn't be troubled. After the battle, Sora gets a Fire Element. Firaga is now ours! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Lock, Shock and Barrel =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Halloween Town Strategy: This is one of the weirder battles of the game. The trio aren't a threat in themselves. They rarely do any attacking, and its piss weak anyway. All they do is run around and create havoc for you. There's two parts to the battle. Each has their own HP bar, and you have to deplete it. This doesn't kill them, just makes them tired. You now have to approach a box and, while having that kid locked on, use the reaction command to trap that kid under the box. You'll find that this battle is more tiresome and annoying than difficult. After the battle, Sora gets an extra Item Slot. Goofy gets the Auto Change ability. Donald and Jack gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: The Experiment =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Halloween Town Strategy: The Experiment is a hard hitting boss. It has numerous attacks right from the start, and you'd find yourself getting hit before you can finish a combo. A simple attack it does is creates shockwaves across the ground. Really easy to dodge, as its range is unbelievably short. Also, if you get hit, you won't get much damage, but you will be thrown into the air. The Experiment likes to *experiment* with a Laser attack :p The Laser, if you get hit, will knock you into the air as well. The Laser hits twice on you, so will be moderate damage. The Experiment loves this attack, and you'd probably see this often, so look out. Sometimes, while its doing this Laser, it will also create strong winds, which will pull Sora towards The Experiment, making the Laser even harder to dodge. Getting a combo in is difficult, as his frequent attacks stops you, but the best time to do so is straight after his Laser attack, especially if he also does his wind attack with it, as you'll practically next to him when he stops. Magic is also very useful from afar, use Blizzard and Thunder. The Experiment will sometimes split into many pieces, which makes him more dangerous. Watch out for its head, as it will continue with the Lasers, and its other parts will also attack, but concentrate on the Torso. It will be flailing around madly, so attacking isn't a good option, but wait till the reaction command "Kickspring" appears. This will cause Sora to toss the Torso into another body part, causing them to combine again. When its partly together, it will only to physical attacks, so it's the perfect time to slaughter it with hard hitting combos. Limits and Drives are a nice option at this time. After the battle, Sora gets the Finishing Leap Ability. Donald learns the Jackpot Ability, while Sora, Goofy and Jack all get a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Shenzi, Banzi and Ed =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Pride Lands Strategy: This is no boss battle at all, because the three Hyena's hardly attack you at all. This instead is a game of cat and mouse. You have to chase all three Hyena's and bring their HP down to zero. You have to do this for all three. Easy right? Wrong. The Hyena's are super fast, and its extremely difficult to lay attacks on them. Also, they split and run in different directions, making it very confusing. Don't focus on one at a time. Just go after any Hyena in sight. Lock on to a Hyena so you don't lose them, but if you do, concentrate on the next Hyena closest to you. The trick to this is Dash and Thunder. Dash at least keeps you in striking range, but Thunder is the bomb. If it connects (lock-on to them), it sends the Hyena flying into the air and stuns them for a short while. Now is the time to Dash and combo them when you reach them, and if your still to far when they wake up, send down Thunder again. Also, you could try going in the opposite direction, so you meet them head on, but I don't recommend it, as Elephant Graveyard has many routes and forks and you'd probably get lost. When their HP keeps getting lower, they keep getting faster, so ending it may get difficult. Just keep using Thunder, and having Donald for this is a must. Although probably the easiest boss battle, it also long and frustrating. After the battle, Sora gets an extra Accessory Slot. Goofy learns the MP Rage ability. Donald and Simba gets some HP Boosts. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Groundshaker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Pride Lands Strategy: This heartless is huge, obviously. Now, while Sora is on the Savannah, he runs automatically. Some of its attacks are that it physically attacks you and shoots lightning bolts at you. When the battle starts, be aware that Reaction Commands pop up often. The first Reaction Command should be 'Leap', and this should be immediately when the battle starts. It's a continuous Reaction Command, popping up around 4 times, so just mash triangle till it stops. 'Fend' should be soon after 'Leap'. This will stun the Groundshaker. He'll be lying on the ground, his eyes (which are the only damageable part of him for the time being) in a perfect position to have the crap belted from them. Use Simba's Limit for awesome damage. He'll soon wake up, and start running around again. His lightning bolts will be common from here on in. Now, you'd want to get as close to the body of the Groundshaker as possible, and hope to God that the Reaction Command 'Leap' pops up. This is a different 'Leap' to last time. This makes Sora jump high into the air. There is a chain of 'Leaps' so mash triangle till your on the Groundshaker's back. On its back, you'll see something incredibly weird. Its like a tree with a face on it or something. This is it core, or something. Attack it, and you'd be able to get 2 or 3 combos on it before it starts attacking for itself. When it starts attacking, you'll be knocked off the Groundshaker, and the whole cycle starts again. Again, dodge lightning and wait. The eyes should e attackable again after this. What you should do is try to run underneath one of the Groundshaker's foot. This brings up 'Fend', and the rest is common knowledge. After this, try to get back up on its back and attack the thing on its back. When you get knocked off, use 'Fend' etc etc... This battle seems complicated, but its simple when you know what to do. Watch out for Simba, he will probably die on you a couple of times. Just keep using Cure, keep moving and you should win. After the battle Sora and Simba both get a HP Boost. Sora also obtains the Thunder Element. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: MCP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: Space Paranoids Strategy: While Giant Sark is also present, you can't actually defeat him, nor is he your primary objective. Your target is the MCP, the core in the centre of the room. But to get to the Core, you got to temporary get Sark out of the way. Sark isn't very strong. He's very slow, and doesn't have an overload of attacks. He can create shockwaves across the floor, for minimal damage. Also, he has a lightning attack, which while can hurt, its nothing to worry about. He also throws a disc of sorts at you, which is near impossible to dodge, and those Reaction Commands from the previous fight with Sark are no longer present. Because he is so tall. Attack his legs. When both are gone, he will bend over in exhaustion. Now attack the head. He'll recover and get up, so you're going to have to do this twice. When the head is gone, its time to get the MCP. Attack the Walls which are surrounding the core. It will take two combos to destroy one. Sometimes, the walls will spin around, which will knock you back. Annoying, but not very damaging. When one wall is gone, approach the gap and use the Reaction Command "Delete". Now start mashing triangle to use the chain Reaction Command "Charge". Keeping mashing triangle to get maximum damage. While your "Charging" The MCP will send small beams of light at you, but it shouldn't worry you, focus of hurting the MCP. Near the end of your Reaction Command, the MCP will have one last crack at you. The walls, will start spinning and rising, and when they fall, a big beam of laser will go straight at you. This can hurt, but you should have your HP high enough not for it to be fatal. After you do this, Sark will wake up. Again, just repeat the process. While Sark does get more powerful and angrier after you attack the MCP, he's still an easy target. Also, those walls can get more troublesome. They like to spin a lot, and produce electricity and lasers often. This boss battle should be a piece of cake for you, considering that you've battle more difficult bosses earlier, like those Organization members. After the battle, Sora, Donald and Tron get a HP Boost. Sora gets the Reflect Element and Goofy gets an extra Accessory Slot. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Xigbar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: World That Never Was Strategy: When the battle begins, Xigbar will jump onto a balcony and start sniping at you through his visor. Just run around like a crazy man (you'll do this a lot during this battle) till you're requested to his the reaction command "Break". Then use some "Warp Snipes" and he'll fall back down to earth. Now lets begin the real fight. Xigbar is a lot like a Sniper Nobody. He has similar attacks, and he teleports around a lot. He begins by shooting out lasers at you, which you can block with Guard and Reflect, sending those lasers back at Xigbar. During this time, run at time, guarding whenever, and attack when your close. He'll teleport away after a combo, so just cheap this charade up for a while. When he says 'Reloading' he'll stop for a while, so use this time to advance on him and pound him away. You could probably get two or three combos on him before he recovers. When he does, he'll teleport away again. After a while, Xigbar also makes these holes appear in the floor. You cant jump over them, you have to go around. It's not a major hassle, really. When you've taken a third-half of his HP, Xigbar will yell 'Take This', and send a large laser at you. Reaction command 'Warp Snipe' will appear, and use it like with the Sniper Nobodies to hurt Xigbar a lot. When about a third of his HP is left, Xigbar will yell 'You're gonna pay'. The instance you hear him say this, HEAL! Everything will go dark, the floor will become a tiny square. Xigbar will be all over the place, teleporting and shooting at you. Start running in a circle, and keep running. Don't stop running, not even to heal. You've just got to hope Donald will heal for you. Once it's over, though, you've got a chance to attack him. As the battle progresses, Xigbar gets crazy with his attacks. He becomes faster and more heretic. He'll send more of those large lasers, which you can use "Warp Snipe" on, so make sure you do so. Magic is alright in this, Thunder is probably the best when your far away. Don't drive, and don't use Limits. You want that MP for Cure, and you cant risk driving to Anti-Form, even if you've got Final Form. Oh, and if the battle goes on for a while, he'll use that 'You're gonna pay' attack more and more often, so kill him off as soon as you can. Remember, RUN! ATTACK! RUN! HEAL! RUN! ATTACK! Etc etc. After this battle, Sora will obtain the Magnet Ability. Donald will get an Item Slot, and Goofy a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Luxord =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The World That Never Was Strategy: Firstly, this is no ordinary battle. Luxord doesn't have a HP bar. Instead, he's got a time meter. Sora has both HP and Time Meters, so you're at a disadvantage. To win, his Time Gauge has to run out before yours. It will be game over if your Time runs out first, or if your HP depletes. You have two ways of dying, he has only one. Go figure. The time gauges of both characters will always keep falling, but there are ways to take chunks of it out. Physically attacking Luxord will take out some of his time, and vice versa. Albeit, it hardly takes away much, and is not the key to victory. The real key is minigames. Luxord is based around the Gambler Nobody, and has similar minigames to them. You win some minigames, and you'll hack and big chunk of his time. Lose a minigame, and you'll lose a lot of time. When the battle begins, you're turned into a die. You can use magic or items as a die, so all you can do is jump around, and wait till the drive gauge hits zero so you can turn back into Sora. While you're a die, Luxord will summon some cards, which will encircle Sora and slice into him for moderate damage to both HP and time. You have two options. You can either run/bounce away from Luxord and keep bouncing away in hope of avoiding those cards. Or you can bounce towards Luxord and attack him by bouncing into him. Attacking him will interrupt his card summoning thing, plus it takes away some of his time. I recommend attacking him till your back to Sora. When your back as Sora, heal any HP damage you got. Your HP will deplete relatively quickly, so keep your HP and MP up. Now its time for his minigames. I'll explain what his minigames are, however, he does them randomly, so don't expect them to be in the order that I explain them in. One of his minigames is exactly like the Gambler Nobody. You'll receive a Reaction Command "Begin Game". Your command menu will change into 3 X's and 1 Circle. These will cycle through the command menu quickly, but will slow down over time. You have to press X when the Circle occupies the top command box. Wait for the cycling to slow before you press. If you get it right, Luxord will take a heavy hit in time, will stun him so you can attack him and HP orbs will come out of him. If you mess up, you take a hit in time, and you're turned into a Card. Like in die mode, you have to wait for your drive gauge to deplete to turn back into Sora. You can only attack, so attack Luxord to interrupt his attack. Another minigame is where Luxord turns himself into a card, and then hides himself among lots of other cards. Keep and eye of which card is Luxord, approach it and use the reaction command "Flip". The trick is to see the back of the card. If the back of the card is blank, flipping them will just make those cards disappear, so flip them to make finding Luxord easier. Flipping a card with a picture of a clock on the back will make you lose time, and flipping a card with balls on the back will cause balls to hit you. Obviously, don't flip those cards. The card which has a picture of Luxord on the back is the card you want to flip. Move the camera around to see the backs of cards, find the one with Luxord on it, Lock it if you can, and flip it. Not that hard, now is it? He'll use the above two minigames often, randomly and possible consecutively. He'll only use his last minigame when his Time is nearly gone, and when I say last, I mean last. This minigame has easily kill Luxord, and just as easily destroy you. Many cards will fall to the floor, and the room will go dark. This is the signal, so be prepared. Luxord will hack and slash violently at you with cards, while teleporting around the room. To avoid these cards, use Quick Run, or if you've got it, Glide. They can easily be avoided with the Drive Abilities. Once he's done with this, you'll be surrounded by a barrier of cards, and you'll have to play another one of his minigames. Like before, X's and Circles will occupy the command menu. However, like last time, there will be multiple Circle, and this time, you have to hit a circle in all 4 boxes in the menu. The Circles can come in groups, so it does make is a bit easier. Just do the first box, go down to the second and do that and continue till you do all 4. If you got it Circles for all 4 boxes, Luxord will take a massive hit in time, possibly enough to get rid of all his time. If you miss just one box, Sora will take just as big of a hit in time, and turn into a die if he's still alive. When Luxord's time meter is empty, you'll need to get a physical attack on him to finish the battle. It does sound confusing, and you may die on your first go simply because you have no idea what the hell you are doing, but once you get your head around it, it's a very simple battle. Make sure you have good timing, so you can blitz those minigames. Just win 3-4 of his minigames, then his massively last minigame, and add a couple of hits to him, and it's a win for Sora. After the battle, Sora gets a HP Boost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Saix =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The World That Never Was Strategy: After the last two, you're probably expecting one hell of a hard boss fight, especially since Saix is based on the Berserker Nobody, right? Well, you're going to be sordidly disappointed. Saix is the easiest Organization member. Donald and Goofy are back too. You'll notice early on that there is a Berserk bar at the top left corner. When this fills, Saix goes absolutely insane! He'll attack all over the place, hitting you a lot, but fortunately, the attacks don't do that much damage. Just heal when you need to. A word on warning: Stay away from corners. Get trapped when he's berserk, and you're finished. When he is in this insane mode, he'll often drop his weapon around the place. Like the Berserker Nobodies, approach the weapon and use "Berserk". Now you're gliding along with the weapon, so approach the insane Saix and use the chain Reaction Commands "Eclipse" and "Magna Storm". Successful completion of both will result in Saix's Berserk bar going down to zero and Saix returning back to normal. When he's not insane, Saix is incredibaly easy. Just keep attacking and healing on that rare occasion, and you'll be fine. He's prone to magic, so use spells often. Don't drive or use limit, simply because you're just wasting them. It's is simply not necessary. If you're lucky enough to grab his weapon, you can do the "Berserk" "Eclipse" "Magna Storm" reaction chain. This will take a super amount of HP off him, but might also fill his Berserker gauge. It's no big deal, really. A simple battle, just keep on the attack, and it will be over in no time After the battle, Sora gets another Drive Gauge. Donald gets a HP Boost and Goofy gets an extra Item Slot. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Xemnas =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The World That Never Was Strategy: This battle takes place at Memory's Skyscraper, the place outside the castle with the tall building. Its quite a simple fight really. Oh, and you're by yourself for this fight. No allies. When the battle begins, Xemnas will jump high to the top of the skyscraper. Run towards the skyscraper and use the reaction command "Facedown". Now pay attention to what I'm about to say. During the scene, 3 reaction commands will pop up in very quick succession. You can only press one of them. The first one that pops up is "Clash". This reaction command does nothing, so don't press Triangle when this comes up. The second one is "Break Through". This one damages Xemnas, but not by that much. The third and last one, "Finish" will severely damage Xemnas and stun him. You'll want to press Triangle when "Finish" pops up. However, they pop up very quickly, so if you miss all three, Xemnas will kick your ass for a bit. After all of that, its time for the real battle. Xemnas wields these light sabres which are awesome. His attacks don't do that much damage, however, he is fast and teleports around a lot. Use Quick Run to dodge some of the attacks. If he teleports right next to you, press Guard to block his attack, before unleashing onto him. Attacking him is quite easy, despite his agility. Just keep up with him, and attack. You'll take some hits, but its no worry. Just heal when you need to. When Xemnas is some fare distance away, use Thunder, which will stun him, cut the distance with Quick Run, and get in a combo or two. In fact, use Thunder often, it's a great way to stun him. Occasionally, Xemnas will yell out "Guard". A shield will erect in front of him. Trying to attack the shield will damage you. However, with high jump or quick run, you can get around the shield and attack Xemnas from behind. Xemnas can't attack you, so you can get massive damage here till he puts his shield down. This is quite an easy battle. Nothing to fear, really. After the battle, Sora gets a rare MP Boost =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FINAL BOSS: Mr. X =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Location: The World That Never Was Strategy: WOOHOO! This is it! The Ultimate Orgasm has arrived! Prepare yourself, grab the Kleenex's and lets begin the ride of your life. Do you really think I'm going to reveal who the final boss is? I know how annoying it is to stumble upon this when you're scrolling through a Walkthrough. I'll call him Mr. X, but by the time you'll be needing to read this, you should know who Mr. X is. And its going to be hard to guess who this is, as there are a lot of people with X's in their name :P Like you already guessed, its just going to be you and your partner for this battle. No Donald or Goofy. Firstly, let me just say that Curaga is a must for this battle. Some of Mr X's attacks only do moderate damage, but he's got the odd few which does devastating damage. You're priority should be to avoid his attacks. Attacking him should be your secondary concern. When the battle begins, before you even do anything, Mr X will shoot some lasers at you. Immediately use the Reaction Command "Reversal", and continuously press Triangle till its over. Don't even think about attack at the moment. Just keep pressing Triangle. Be prepared, because if your late with the "Reversal" you'll lose a chunk of HP. It will stop when you and Mr X drop back down to the ground. Now its time to fight. Do you remember Twilight Thorn? It was the first boss you faced with Roxas (Boy, that was a long time ago). Mr X has some attacks very similar to it. These long waves of black thread will shoot out of Mr X, but you can use "Reversal" to avoid them. This is also a very good time to attack Mr X if you can get close enough, preferably with an air combo. Use some of your partners Reaction Commands at this point as well. Another one if his attacks is that he loves to teleport around. A lot of the times, he'll teleport behind you, which is annoying. Retaliating Slash is your friend here. Another problem is that when he does teleport, he leaves behind an image of himself, and since he teleports over and over again, you often find yourself seeing multiple Mr X's. This is confusing, but this also opens up a weakness. Keep locking on, and re locking, and keep running. After a while you should be in a good position to combo is ass good. When you do have a combo on him, you can extend that to two or three combos, which is nice. He'll usually end your combos with an energy ball of sorts which send you flying back if your too close. Not that damaging. He'll keep up with these attacks for a while. Remember to keep your HP up, that should be your priority. After you get some nice damage on him, he'll add a new attack to his arsenal. He'll shoot some homing lasers at you, and since they're homing, they're very hard, close to impossible, to avoid them all. A mixture of jumping and gliding should allow you to avoid most of them. One of Mr X's worst attacks will follow after a decent amount of HP is vaporised. A short cutscene will appear, showing Sora getting trapped by Mr X, and then you gain control of your partner. This is most confusing, and most irritating part of this battle. Unlike controlling Sora, your Partner is very hard to control. He doesn't have the same commands either, and his HP is very low. What you have to do is reach Sora and Mr X, who are on the other side of the battlefield. Sora's HP will forever be decreasing, and you need to reach them before Sora's HP reaches 0. However, there will be Mr X clones who will get in your way. What you do is start running, and whenever a clone approaches you, press Square to use Dark Aura. Don't worry about the other commands, Dark Aura is the only one worth using. Keep up this routine of Dark Aura and running, and you should hopefully reach Sora in time. When you do reach them, use the reaction command "Rescue" to free Sora. This also stuns Mr X, so use this opportunity to combo him. This only ever happens once in this battle. After that, Mr X will resume his previous attacks of Lasers, teleporting and black thread, although will be more relentless with his attacks. Remember, keep HP up! When there's only a life bar left for Mr X, make sure you Heal, because Mr X is going to unleash all hell on you. You and your partner will be surrounded by darkness, where you will be hit by hundred and thousands of Lasers! You'll have the reaction command "Reflect", and the X command will also change to "Reflect" to survive this, you need to simultaneously mash both Triangle and X. (I learnt this the hard way, pressing only Triangle -_-). Keep this up and the screen starts to fade, but don't stop. Make sure you time it correctly, because any missteps will hurt, badly. This is why I told you to heal beforehand. If you survive, you'll see a small cutscene, before Mr X will be all stunned and confused. Heal yourself, then combo his ass pretty, to get rid of that last health bar. Hell, don't bother healing and just use Trinity Limit, because that should completely wipe off that last health bar. And That, my friends, is That! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20) Magic [mmagic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== In this chapter, I'll list each magical spell, a description of what they do and when you get their upgrades. Fire MP Cost: 10MP First Obtained: After you defend the gates at Hollow Bastion on your first visit. Upgrade to Fira: After you defeat Scar at Pride Lands on your first visit. Upgrade to Firaga: After you defeat Jafar at Agrabah on your second visit. Description: Fire is one of your more earlier magical spells learnt, and out of the three elemental based spells, costs the least. Its opposite spell is Blizzard. Using Fire causes a ring of Fire to appear around Sora, so it's a close range attack which is only effective against enemies close to you, and on the ground. You'll probably find that out of the three elements, you use this offensive spell the most. Blizzard MP Cost: 12MP First Obtained: After you meet Merlin at Hollow Bastion on your first visit. Upgrade to Blizzara: After you defeat Demyx at Hollow Bastion Upgrade to Blizzaga: After you complete "Chapter 5: A New Day is Dawning" at Atlantica Description: Blizzard will be your first magic spell learnt. Its opposite spell is Fire. When you use Blizzard, it will shoot an ice bullet of sorts towards your intended target. Blizzard is a long range attack, although can still be used for enemies close to you. The beauty about Blizzard is that you can use Blizzard in quick succession, and is not blocked by most enemies defences, like Fat Bandits, Large Bodies and Hot Rods, so use it often. Thunder MP Cost: 15MP First Obtained: After you defeat Hydra at Olympus Coliseum on your first visit. Upgrade to Thundara: After you defeat the Storm Rider at The Land of Dragons on your second visit. Upgrade to Thundaga: After you defeat the Groundshaker at the Pride Lands on your second visit. Description: Thunder is your most costly elemental magic spell. This spell is very multipurpose, as it has no opposite spell to it. It will send down Thunder upon the target when using this spell. It can be used for long and short range enemies, as well as flying. It very effective, and deals a lot of damage, and in my opinion, is very underrated. Cure MP Cost: All First Obtained: After you defeat the Dark Thorn at Beast's Castle on your first visit. Upgrade to Cura: After you finish fighting with four Final Fantasy Characters at Hollow Bastion. Upgrade to Curaga: After you complete the last minigame, the Hunny Pot minigame, at 100 Acre Woods. Description: The most important spell in the entire game. And it's a vastly improved version of the one in Kingdom Hearts. Firstly, using Cure casts Cure on EVERYONE in your party. Not just on one character at a time like in KH, but everyone. It does use up all your MP, but with the MP charge, you'll find that its no biggie really, and that it fills up in no time. Another great thing is that because there is no set amount of MP needed, you can use most of your MP on offensive magic, and when there is only a small amount left, you can use that for Cure. AWESOME :p Magnet MP Cost: 30MP First Obtained: After you defeat Oogie Boogie at Halloween Town on your first visit. Upgrade to Magnera: After you defeat the Grim Reaper 2 at Port Royal on your second visit. Magnega: After you defeat Xigbar at The World That Never Was. Description: Using Magnet causes a vortex to appear above Sora, which sucks all the Enemies into the vortex, allowing Sora to attack them with ease. It's effective against multiple enemies. While it does use up 30MP, you'll find that you can spare it, because the MP system in KH2 is brilliant. Reflect MP Cost: 10MP First Obtained: After you defeat Pete at Timeless River Upgrade to Reflera: After you defeat Xaldin at Beast's Castle on your second visit. Upgrade to Reflega: After you defeat the MCP at Space Paranoids on your second visit. Description: Reflect is a defensive attack. It's used to reflect both physical and magical attacks. Although its effective, you've got to get the timing right. I really never use this spell. Guard pretty much does the same, and I've never found the need to use this. Most useless spell in the game, and I mean useless. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21) Drives [drives] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Here, I will dictate the Drive Forms that you learn in the game. Drives are forms Sora gains during specific times during the game. As you progress through the Story, you get more drives. There are a total of 4 Drives to obtain. When you use a Drive, you either lose Goofy from the field, Donald, or even both, depending on what Drive you choose. A small price to pay for the awesomeness that is of Drives. Every time you activate a Drive, it uses up gauges from the Drive Gauge. The Drive Gauge is a bit like the MP Bar. To fill a Drive Gauge you can either collect Drive Orbs, which certain enemies drop, as well as breakable items around the place. A Save Point DOES NOT restore the Drive Gauge. A trick to quickly restore your drive gauge is to enter a Tournament at the Coliseum, quit immediately and you'll have a full gauge. Another trick is to jump to the World Map while in a Drive. When you land, you'll be out of your Drive but with a Full Drive Gauge again. As you progress through the game your Drive Gauge will be upgraded to include more Gauges. You begin with a Drive Gauge of 3. The Maximum Gauges you can have is 7. When you do Drive, your Drive Gauge turns grey and becomes a Form Gauge. The Form Gauge is how long you will be in that Drive Form for. When that hits Zero, your back to Sora. How big that Form Gauge will be depends on what Drive you choose, and what level that Drive is. You get an extra Drive Gauge when: - Defeat Barbossa at Port Royal - Defeat Hostile Program at Space Paranoids - Defeat Saix at The World That Never Was - Defeat Sephiroth at Radiant Gardens =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Valor =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Valor is the very first Drive form you obtain, at The Tower in Twilight Town. Valor uses up 3 Drive Gauges, and begins with a Form Gauge of 3 which extends to a maximum of 9. Valor uses Sora and Goofy, and allows Sora to wear a bright Red Uniform, and wield 2 Keyblades. Sora's strength increases by 5, he runs faster and he also inherits the bonus's the second Keyblade gives him. Valor's special ability is High Jump. This allows Sora to jump higher, and is effective when trying to get out of a dangerous situation. However, you can not use any magic in this form, so be watchful of your HP. Valor is a very effective Form early on, as its ability to deal major damage quickly will make boss battles easier. However, it easily becomes outdated to later Drive Forms. Valor gets 1 exp for every hit you do an enemy. Not kill, just hit. Just by using Valor as you progress through the game, you'd probably find you have levelled it up unintentionally. I've tried a lot of area's and this is the fastest way to level up Valor. The easiest way is to equip the two weakest keyblades strength wise you have (should be the Hidden Dragon and Sweet Memories), land at the Throne Room in the Land of the Dragons, and attack the Assault Riders in the Antechamber. Because they have such a high HP, they'll take a while to die, enabling you to be able to pound away and get a lot of exp. When those Assault Riders do die, and if you're still in Valor, just head out of the castle to encounter some more Assault Riders. Level 1: 0 exp, Form Gauge 3 Level 2: 100 exp, Form Gauge 4, Abilities: Auto Valor (Sora) Level 3: 400 exp, Form Gauge 5, Abilities: High Jump Lvl 1 (Sora), High Jump Lvl 2 (Valor) (Obtain Wisdom Form to level up beyond this point) Level 4: 760 exp, Form Gauge 6 Abilities: Combo Plus (Sora) (Obtain Master Form to level up beyond this point) Level 5: 1210 exp, Form Gauge 7 Abilities: High Jump Lvl 2 (Sora), High Jump Lvl 3 (Valor) (Obtain Final Form to level up beyond this point) Level 6: 1750 exp, Form Gauge 8 Abilities: Combo Plus (Sora) Level 7: 2500 exp, Form Gauge 9 Abilities: High Jump Lvl 3 (Sora), High Jump MAX (Valor) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Wisdom =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Wisdom is acquired after the completion of Timeless River. Like Valor, Wisdom uses up 3 Drive Gauges, and begins with a Form Gauge of 3 which extends to a maximum of 9. Wisdom combines Sora with Donald, and turns Sora into a magic machine. He wear's a dark blue uniform, wields only the one keyblade, and Sora hovers above the ground enabling him to move super fast. His magic power increases, so his spells do more damage, and instead of attacking enemies, he shoots lasers at them from the Keyblade. The higher your magic, the more damage this does. This is very effective against enemies you don't want to get close too, and the lasers also negates an enemies defences, so you can destroy those Fat Bodies, Large Bandits and Hot Rods with ease. Wisdom's special ability is Quick Run. Very effective in avoiding ground attacks and dodging enemies. Wisdom gains an exp for every Heartless you kill while in Wisdom form. Lucky, the game doesn't specify which Heartless, so there's this special trick which will make levelling Wisdom an absolute Breeze. Land at the Alley in Between at The World that Never Was. Proceed to Fragment Crossing, where is just littered with hundreds of Shadows. Just Drive to Wisdom, and proceed to destroy the Heartless which are around. Use magic like Magnet, Thunder and Fire to make gathering those insignificant worms easier. You'll reach Level 7 in no time. In case you haven't reached The World That Never Was yet, then the next best way to level up Wisdom is the 4 window's at Timeless River. These rooms are filled with Shadows and Soldiers, as well as Hot Rods and Fat Bodies. Very easy to dispatch these heartless. Level 1: 0 exp, Form Gauge 3 Level 2: 20 exp, Form Gauge 4 Abilities: Auto Wisdom (Sora) Level 3: 80 exp, Form Gauge 5 Abilities: Quick Run Lvl 1 (Sora), Quick Run Lvl 2 (Wisdom) Level 4: 152 exp, Form Gauge 6 Abilities: MP Rage (Sora) (Obtain Master Form to level up beyond this point) Level 5: 242 exp, Form Gauge 7 Abilities: Quick Run Lvl 2 (Sora), Quick Run Lvl 3 (Wisdom) (Obtain Final Form to level up beyond this point) Level 6: 350 exp, Form Gauge 8 Abilities: MP Haste (Sora) Level 7: 500 exp, Form Gauge 9 Abilities: Quick Run Lvl 3 (Sora), Quick Run MAX (Sora) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Master =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Master is obtained after you find the Door To Darkness at Hollow Bastion/Space Paranoids. Unlike your previous two, Master uses 4 Drive Gauges, and begins with a Form Gauge of 3 which extends to a maximum of 9. Master combines Sora with both Donald and Goofy, so both need to be in your party to be able to use Master. It's a great balance of both magic and strength. Sora wields 2 Keyblades to deal greater damage, and can also attack and heal with an amplified magic power. Master's special ability is Aerial Dodge. This is more useful when Sora is not Driving than when Sora is in Master. Master gains 1 exp for every small Drive Orb gained, and 3 exp for every large Drive Orb gained. I tried numerous different methods for this, and while none was overly effective, I found that this was the best method. Its exactly the same as the Valor Method, except this time, equip your strongest keyblade strength wise and the Wishing Lamp Keyblade, along with any Jackpot abilities. Level 1: 0 exp, Form Gauge 3 Level 2: 60 exp, Form Gauge 4 Abilities: Auto Master (Sora) Level 3: 240 exp, Form Gauge 5 Abilities: Aerial Dodge Lvl 1 (Sora), Aerial Dodge Lvl 2 (Master) Level 4: 456 exp, Form Gauge 6 Abilities: Air Combo Plus (Sora) Level 5: 726 exp, Form Gauge 7 Abilities: Aerial Dodge Lvl 2 (Sora), Aerial Dodge Lvl 3 (Master) (Obtain Final Form to level up beyond this point) Level 6: 1050 exp, Form Gauge 8 Abilities: Air Combo Plus (Sora) Level 7: 1500 exp, Form Gauge 9 Abilities: Aerial Dodge Lvl 3 (Sora), Aerial Dodge MAX (Master) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Final =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Final Form is the last, and best Drive Form in the game. To get this Drive, you have to fulfil some guidelines. Firstly: - Encounter the fight scene at Memory Skyscraper when you first enter The World That Never Was. - Make sure your Drive Gauge is 5 or higher. - When your in a battle, drive to any form. You MUST be in a battle. - Hopefully, you'll randomly drive into Final Form. If you don't, just try again. You've got a 25% chance of getting it your first time, 50% chance your second time, and if you still haven't got it, then a 100% chance of getting it on your third time. Once you have randomly obtained Final Form, it becomes one of your Drives which you can choose from the Drive Lists. Final Form uses a whopping 5 Drive Gauges, and begins with a Form Gauge of 3 which extends to a maximum of 9. Final Form uses both Goofy and Donald, so like Master, you lose your allies. But that's a worthwhile sacrifice to use Final Form. You're a duel wielder of Keyblades, your super fast, overly powerful, and super magic caster. Think of Final Form as Master x2, or x3 even. Final's special ability is the long overdue Glide ability. This ability, combined with the other Drive Abilities, will make even the hardest boss battle become a piece of cake. Final Form is the most tedious and longest drive to level up. Similar to Wisdom, but this time you get 1 exp for every Nobody you kill. Because Nobodies only exist in The World That Never Was and Twilight Town, this limits your options. However, the best place to go is to land at Twilights View in The World That Never Was, and proceed to Naughts Skywalk. This area is brimming with Creepers, and you should get around 30 exp every time. However, the bad thing is that Final uses up 5 Drive Gauges, so I recommend you let Final run out, and just refill at Coliseum. Final will take the longest to level, but has the best reward, as Glide is absolutely awesome! Level 1: 0 exp, Form Gauge 3 Level 2: 20 exp, Form Gauge 4 Abilities: Auto Final (Sora) Level 3: 80 exp, Form Gauge 5 Abilities: Glide Lvl 1 (Sora), Glide Lvl 2 (Final) Level 4: 152 exp, Form Gauge 6 Abilities: Form Boost (Sora) Level 5: 242 exp, Form Gauge 7 Abilities: Glide Lvl 2 (Sora), Glide Lvl 3 (Final) Level 6: 350 exp, Form Gauge 8 Abilities: Form Boost (Sora) Level 7: 500 exp, Form Gauge 9 Abilities: Glide Lvl 3 (Sora), Glide MAX (Final) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Anti-Sora =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Anti-Form is the Drive nobody wants to get. This will randomly appear whenever you select Valor, Wisdom or Master. For some reason, Final is free from this curse. When you do turn into Anti-Sora, you lose all your allies, and it uses up all your Drive Gauges. Anti-Form does have its advantages. It's the fastest form in the game, and you'll notice the speed difference. It deals weak damage, but its speed makes up for that, so in the end you'll do quite considerable damage to enemies. However, Anti has a number of bad points. Once your in Anti, you can't revert out of it until the battle is complete. Your stuck as Anti till the Form Gauge runs dry, or you leave this screen and go to another area. You get no experience when your in Anti, you can't use magic, you can't use items, you can't do reaction commands, you can't pick up HP orbs, and you take 50% more damage than what you usually take. So as you can see, you can easily die in Anti-Sora, and in the end, you do not want to get Anti-Sora. There is something called an Anti Count, which is like the probability which you'd turn into Anti Form. You can't see this Anti Count, but these are the ways of increasing and decreasing the count. - Driving to Valor, Wisdom and Master will increase the count by 1 - Driving to Valor or Wisdom when one of your party members in KO will do nothing to your Anti Count. - Driving to Final Form will decrease the Count by 10 - Randomly Driving to Anti-Sora decreased the count by 4 - Obtaining a new drive form resets the count Basically, the more points you have, the greater chance you have of becoming Anti-Sora. 0 to 4 points - 0% chance 4 to 10 points - 10% chance 10+ points - 25% chance Other aspects effects how often you get Anti-Sora - Boss Battle's double your chance of getting Anti (For example, if you've got a 25% chance, then in a boss battle its 50%) - Organization XIII Battles quadruple your chance (For example, if you've got a 25% chance, then in a XIII battle it's a 100% chance) - Battle against Armored Xemnas times your chances by 10 - Battles with NPC's (For example, Herc or the Final Fantasy Characters), you have no chance of getting Anti-Sora If you want to prevent getting Anti-Sora, just keep using Final Form. Not only do you have zero chance of getting Anti-Sora, but you'll also drop your count by 10. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22) Summons [sumons] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Summons are when you summon friends to the battle field. They replace whoever is in your party. A summon uses up 3 Drive Gauges, and that turns into their Summon Gauge (similar to a Form Gauge for Drives). When you summon a Summon, you have the opportunity to use their limit. Using a Limit depletes the Summon Gauge, but a big Summon Gauge will let you use a couple of limits before it empties. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Chicken Little =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Merlin gives you Chicken Little when you first visit Hollow Bastion. He draws enemies closer so you can attack them easier. His Limit, FPS Mode, lets you shoot balls and firecrackers an enemies, stunning them =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Genie =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Complete Agrabah for the first time to obtain Genie. All he does is heal Sora, but his Limits are good. He can Limit to any Drive Sora has acquired, and his attacks are strong. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stitch =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stitch is acquired when you get the Ukulele Charm from Ansem's Study in Hollow Bastion. Stitch makes enemies drop HP orbs, and restores Sora's MP, and counterattacks for Sora. Stitch's Limit can either let Stitch to attack the enemy or make them drop HP orbs, all while Sora is out of reach of them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Peter Pan =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Get the Feather Charm on your second play through of Port Royal to get Peter Pan. Peter Pan fly's around the battle field, attacking enemies. Tinker Bell is also here, and if Sora is to die, Tinker Bell will revive Sora. She will only do it once. Peter's Limit allows you to fly with Peter, attacking enemies. You don't have to level up each summon individually (Thank God). The summon level is collective for all the summons. You get 1 exp for every summon gauge that depletes. The easiest way is to go to the Olympus Coliseum, activate any Summon, fight away, and time it so when the enemy drops Drive Orbs, collect them so the Summon Gauge ticks forward one. Level 1: 0 exp, Summon Gauge 3 Level 2: 6 exp, Summon Gauge 4 Level 3: 22 exp, Summon Gauge 5 Level 4: 47 exp, Summon Gauge 6 Level 5: 89 exp, Summon Gauge 7 Level 6: 152 exp, Summon Gauge 8 Level 7: 250 exp, Summon Gauge 9 =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23) Abilities [abltes] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sora's Abilities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --Picked Sword: Level 4: Scan 7: Combo Boost 9: Experience Boost 12: Magic Lock on 15: Reaction Boost 17: Item Boost 20: Leaf Bracer 23: Fire Boost 25: Drive Boost 28: Draw 31: Combination Boost 33: Damage Drive 36: Air Combo Boost 39: Blizzard Boost 41: Lucky Lucky 44: Negative Combo 47: Drive Boost 49: Finishing Plus 53: Thunder Boost 59: Defender 65: Berserker 73: Jackpot 85: Second Chance 99: MP Rage --Picked Shield: Level 4: Scan 7: Item Boost 9: Combo Boost 12: Magic Lock on 15: Damage Drive 17: Experience Boost 20: Leaf Bracer 23: Reaction Boost 25: Drive Boost 28: Drive Boost 31: Defender 33: Fire Boost 36: Jackpot 39: Combination Boost 41: MP Rage 44: Air Combo Boost 47: Draw 49: Second Chance 53: Lucky Lucky 59: Blizzard Boost 65: Finishing Plus 73: Negative Combo 85: Berserk Charge 99: Thunder Boost --Picked Staff: Level 4: Scan 7: Experience Boost 9: Item Boost 12: Magic Lock-On 15: Fire Boost 17: Combo Boost 20: Leaf Bracer 23: Damage Drive 25: Draw 28: Draw Boost 31: Blizzard Boost 33: Reaction Boost 36: Negative Combo 39: Defender 41: Thunder Boost 44: Jackpot 47: Drive Boost 49: Berserk Charge 53: MP Rage 59: Combination Boost 65: Second Chance 73: Air Combo Boost 85: Finishing Plus 99: Lucky Lucky --Bonus Upgrades: Aerial Recovery: Defeat the Dusks on Day 3 as Roxas Guard: Defeat Twilight Thorn as Roxas Slide Dash: Defeat the enemies in the Village Cave in Land of the Dragons Aerial Sweep: Defeat Shan-Yu in Land of the Dragons Upper Slash: Defeat Thresholder in Beast's Castle Retaliating Slash: Defeat Dark Thorn in Beast's Castle Dodge Slash: Defeat Cerberus at Olympus Coliseum Aerial Spiral: Complete Phil's training at Olympus Coliseum Trinity Limit: Defeat Pete at Olympus Coliseum Auto Summon: Take Minnie to the Throne Room at Disney Castle Slapshot: Defeat Pete in Timeless River Aerial Finish: Defeat Barbossa at Port Royal Explosion: Defeat Volcanic and Blizzard Lord in Agrabah Horizontal Slash: Defeat Hostile Program in Space Paranoids Guard Break: Defeat the 1000 Heartless at Hollow Bastion Summon Boost: Defeat Grim Reaper at Port Royal Counterguard: Defeat Hades at Olympus Coliseum Finishing Leap: Defeat Experiment at Halloween Town --Form Abilities: Auto Valor: Valor Level 2 High Jump Lvl 1: Valor Level 3 Combo Plus: Valor Level 4 High Jump Lvl 2: Valor Level 5 Combo Plus: Valor Level 6 High Jump Lvl 3: Valor Level 7 Auto Wisdom: Wisdom Level 2 Quick Run Lvl 1: Wisdom Level 3 MP Rage: Wisdom Level 4 Quick Run Lvl 2: Wisdom Level 5 MP Haste: Wisdom Level 6 Quick Run Lvl 3: Wisdom Level 7 Auto Master: Master Level 2 Aerial Dodge Lvl 1: Master Level 3 Air Combo Plus: Master Level 4 Aerial Dodge Lvl 2: Master Level 5 Air Combo Plus: Master Level 6 Aerial Dodge Lvl 3: Master Level 7 Auto Final: Final Level 2 Glide Lvl 1: Final Level 3 Form Boost: Final Level 4 Glide Lvl 2: Final Level 5 Form Boost: Final Level 6 Glide Lvl 3: Final Level 7 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Donald's Abilities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --Initial Abilities Donald Thunder Donald Cure --Bonus Upgrades: Donald Fire: Defeat Thresholder at Beast's Castle MP Rage: Defeat Demyx at Olympus Coliseum Fantasia: Defeat Pete at Timeless River Auto Limit: Defeat Pete at Timeless River Draw: Protect the Medallion at Port Royal Donald Blizzard: Defeat the Trap in Cave of Wonders: Stone Guardian in Agrabah Hyper Healing: Defeat the Prison Keeper in Halloween Town Thunder Boost: Freeze the monitors at Space Paranoids Blizzard Boost: Defeat Demyx at Hollow Bastion Auto Healing: Defeat Xaldin at Beast's Castle Flare Force: Defeat Grim Reaper (second) at Port Royal MP Hastera: Defeat the Heartless on Solar Sailer at Space Paranoids Lucky Lucky: Defeat Nobodies in Old Mansion at Twilight Town =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goofy's Abilities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --Initial Abilities Goofy Bash Item Boost --Bonus Upgrades: Goofy Turbo: Defeat Shan-Yu in Land of the Dragons Defender: Defeat Beast at Beast's Castle Hyper Healing: Defeat Pete at Olympus Coliseum Goofy Tornado: Defeat Pete at Timeless River Second Chance: Stop the Interceptor from being destroyed in Port Royal Teamwork: Defeat Barbossa at Port Royal Auto Limit: Defeat Barbossa at Port Royal Auto Healing: Defeat 50 Heartless at Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room in Agrabah Once More: Defeat Oogie Boogie at Halloween Town Lucky Lucky: Defeat Shenzi, Banzi and Ed at Pride Lands Jackpot: Defeat Hostile Program at Space Paranoids Tornado Fusion: Defeat Storm Rider in Land of the Dragons Draw: Defeat Grim Reaper (second) at Port Royal Auto Change: Defeat Lock, Shock and Barrel at Halloween Town MP Rage: Defeat Shenzi, Banzi and Ed at Pride Lands =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mulan's Abilities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --Initial Abilities Mushu Fire Flametounge Dragonblaze Draw Fire Boost Item Boost Auto Limit Hyper Healing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Beast's Abilities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --Initial Abilities Furious Shout Ferocious Rush Howling Moon Item Boost Defender Second Chance Auto Limit Hyper Healing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Auron's Abilities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --Initial Abilities Divider Healing Water Overdrive MP Rage MP Haste Once More Auto Limit =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jack Sparrow's Abilities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --Initial Abilities No Mercy Rain Storm Bone Smash Treasure Isle Draw Lucky Lucky Item Boost Defender Auto Limit Auto Healing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Aladdin's Abilities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --Initial Abilities Slash Frenzy Quickplay Trick Fantasy Jackpot Item Boost MP Haste Once More Auto Limit Auto Change =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jack's Abilities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --Initial Abilities Blazing Fury Icy Terror Bolts of Sorrow Applause, Applause Lucky Lucky Fire Boost Blizzard Boost Thunder Boost MP Hastera Auto Limit Auto Healing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Simba's Abilities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --Initial Abilities Fierce Claw Groundshaker Healing Herb King's Pride MP Rage Defender Auto Limit Hyper Healing Auto Healing =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tron's Abilities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --Initial Abilities Scouting Disk Pulsing Thunder Complete Compliment Jackpot Thunder Boost Item Boost MP Haste Auto Limit Auto Change =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Riku's Abilities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --Initial Abilities Dark Aura Dark Shield Cure Potion Eternal Session Item Boost MP Hastega Defender Second Chance Once More Auto Limit Hyper Healing =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24) Minigames [mnigms] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Minigames are in most worlds. Jiminy will keep record as you complete minigames, as well as giving Missions for you to complete. You need to complete these to complete Jiminy's Journal. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Twilight Town =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- Mail Delivery [ ] Try Again - Self Explanatory [ ] Complete within 15 seconds - Very Simple. Should be able to do this on your first go -- Cargo Climb [ ] Try Again [ ] Complete within 15 second - Equip Negative Combo and do Aerial Attacks. -- Grandstander [ ] Try Again [ ] Complete with 100 points or more - get yourself caught in the corner near the stair, and just keep timing X. Shouldn't be too hard -- Poster Duty [ ] Try Again [ ] Complete within 30 Seconds - Glide and Aerial Dodge, both preferably at Level 3. It's too difficult to try and write out a good route to take, as nothing is better than seeing it first hand. There are tons of videos on YouTube. Watch a couple, pick out a route and you'll be hitting 20 seconds in no time. -- Bumble-Buster [ ] Try Again [ ] Complete within 10 seconds - Magnet makes this look pathetic -- Junk Sweep [ ] Try Again [ ] Complete with less than 6 points - Equip Negative Combo and Fenrir, and unequip Explosion. Aim carefully and you'll succeed. -- The Struggle: Hayner [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Win by a margin of 100 points or more - Aim to get all 200 orbs, its easy -- The Struggle: Setzer (Defeat Hayner 10 times to unlock) [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Win by a margin of 150 points or more - Same Deal, aim for 200 -- The Struggle: Seifer (Defeat Setzer 10 times to unlock) [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Win by a margin of 200 points - Might take a couple of goes, but same deal -- SB Street Rave [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Finish with 1000 points or more - Ride to a high place, jump off and keep pressing X and O alternately. Do this 5 times, and you should get more then 1000 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hollow Bastion =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- Event Quest [ ] Meet the Three Girls again - YRP are at the Postern. Talk to Yuna [ ] Meet Sephiroth Again - You'll have to fight him here, see [sphrth] for more details. -- SB Freestyle [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Finish with 200 points or more - Just off the ledge and mash buttons. Keep doing this till you get over 200. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Olympus Coliseum =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- Phil's Training [ ] Try Panic Mode [ ] Try Maniac Mode [ ] Complete with a score of 1000 or more - Fenrir and Negative Combo equipped. Explosion unequipped. Might take a couple of goes. -- The Underdome: Panic and Pain [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Win with a score of 2000 or more - Magnega, especially on the Rapid Thruster's. -- The Underdome: Cerberus [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Win with a score of 1000 or more - Magnega again. -- The Underdome: Titan [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Win with a score of 5000 or more - Summon Stitch, use Ohana! Limit, and keep using Ukelele as much as possible. -- The Underdome: Goddess of Fate [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Win with a score of 3000 or more - Stitch throughout the rounds, and Magnega in Round 8 against the Rapid Thrusters -- The Paradox Battles: Panic and Pain [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Win with a score of 3000 or more - Same deal as Underdome version -- The Paradox Battles: Cerberus [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Win with a score of 1300 or more - Magnega won't be enough, so combine that with regular magic, like Thunder, or with physical attacks -- The Paradox Battles: Titan [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Win with a score of 10000 or more - Overuse Stitch again. Will take a long time though -- The Paradox Battles: Hades [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Win with a score of 15000 or more - Use Stitch in the first couple of rounds and you will get 15000 before round 20. The hard part is getting through the rest of the cup :P =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Agrabah =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- Event Quests [ ] Redo The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges -- Magic Carpet [ ] Try Again [ ] Finish with a score of 65 or more - Try to hit as many heartless as you can. Especially the ones that usually hit the walls. May take a couple of goes but you'll get the hang of it. -- SB Sand Slider [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Finish with 10 or more - Easy Peezy. Once you know what to do, your cooking. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 100 Acre Woods =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- A Blustery Rescue [ ] Try Again [ ] Finish with a score of 18000 or more - Hit everything in your path. Use the Tornado's, and keep an eye out for the clusters at the end. Will take a number of goes. -- Hunny Slider [ ] Try Again [ ] Finish with a score of 8000 or more - Follow the honey trail, and make use of Dash and Gopher -- Balloon Bounce [ ] Try Again [ ] Finish with a score of 2000 or more - Every time you touch the cloth, you lose a try, so avoid that. The trick is to do all the balloons in one row, then the next row and so on till you reach the top balloon. And when you reach the top balloon, try to land on another balloon on your way down. -- The Exposition [ ] Try Again [ ] Finish within 90 seconds - Just keep running, jumping and Magnet on the bee's. -- The Hunny Pot [ ] Try Again [ ] Finish with a score of 8000 or more - Power as high as possible and the throw dead straight. This is a bit of luck, as it may take a few goes to get that 8000. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Atlantica =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- A Musical Challenge [ ] Perform "Swim This Way" again [ ] Perform "Part of your World" again [ ] Perform "Under the Sea" again [ ] Perform "Ursula's Revenge" again [ ] Perform "A New Day is Dawning" again NOTE: You don't have to 'perform' each of them. Just start it up, quit immediately, and it will count as if you performed it again. Saves time and the embarrassment if there are people in your house :P =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Halloween Town =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- Gift Wrapping [ ] Try Again [ ] Finish with 150 or more - The three kids are a big annoyance. It depends on luck, where the big boxes land and what those kids do. Concentrate on the big boxes as soon as they appear and hope to God one of those kids are not near by. -- SB Rave Workshop [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Finish with 1000 points or more - Grind the ledge and button smash all button. You'll get close to 3000 this way. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Port Royal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- SB Time Attack [ ] Give it a Try [ ] Finish within 40 seconds - 23 checkpoints, all practically next to each other. Once you know where they are, you'll be fine. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Space Paranoids =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- Light Cycle [ ] Try Again [ ] Finish with 30 points or more - Kill as many enemies as you can. Charge is the best way. You're HP should be so high you can crash at every corner and survive. This way the enemies won't crash as well, so they're all yours. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25) Synthesis [syntis] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Ok, this is one of the games more lengthy sidequests, which you begin pretty much right at the beginning of the game by collecting Synthesis Items. Synthesis has its advantages, particularly late in the game when you've got some hard quests to complete. You can find Synthesis Items by opening chests, or they might be dropped by enemies, or you can buy them from Moogle Shops when you've gotten the required amount of them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Synthesis Menu =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Creations: After you've synthesised something from the Free Development or the Recipes section, it will appear here. These can still be synthesised. There are a total of 45 creations. Free Development: This is a list of items which you can synthesis. The Free Development list will expand when you fulfil some requirements. List 1 is unlocked when you get 5 types of Materials, List 2 when you get 20, and List 3 when you get the Moogles level to Level 8. Recipes: You'll find Recipe's in chests. Here, you can synthesis those Recipes. Once Synthesised, they'll appear in Creations. Materials: This is where all the Materials are stores for you to use. Material Log: You can have a look at all the Materials you've collected on your journey. List's also the Materials Rank, type and such. Lists: Here you can see the special requirements you've fulfilled, and what's still needs to be done. Quit: Self Explanatory. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Synthesis Materials =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Blazing Shard Rank: C - Dropped by Hammer Frames (10%). Found at Timeless River, Port Royal and Beast's Castle - Dropped by Minute Bomb (6%). Found at Timeless River, and Coliseum - Buy from Moogle Shop for 100 munny after you collect 100 of them Blazing Stone Rank: B - Tornado Step (8%). Found at Port Royal and Coliseum - Cannon Gun (6%). Found at Port Royal, Space Paranoids and Land of the Dragons - Buy from Moogle Shop for 200 munny after you collect 25 of them Blazing Gem Rank: A - Fat Bandit (12%). Found at Agrabah - Fiery Globe (4%). Also found at Agrabah - But from Moogle Shop for 400 munny after you collect 20 of them Blazing Crystal Rank: S - Crimson Jazz (12%). Found at Hollow Bastion, Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, and Agrabah - Crescendo (6%). Found at Olympus Coliseum Frost Shard Rank: C - Lance Soldier (10%). Found at Beast's Castle, Port Royal and Olympus Coliseum - Hook Bat (6%). Found at Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, Land of the Dragons and Agrabah - Buy at Moogle Shop for 100 munny after you collect 30 of them Frost Stone Rank: B - Hot Rod (12%). Found at Timeless River - Aeroplane (8%). Also found at Timeless River - Buy from Moogle Shop for 200 munny after you collect 25 of them Frost Gem Rank: A - Fortuneteller (8%). Found at Agrabah - Icy Cube (4%). Also found at Agrabah - Buy at Moogle Shop for 400 munny after you collect 20 of them Frost Crystal Rank: S - Living Bone (12%). Found at Pride Lands Lightning Shard Rank: C - Bolt Tower (10%). Found at Pride Lands and Land of Dragons. Also at Disney Castle before the Heartless disappear from there - Rapid Thrusters (4%). Found at Pride Lands, Land of Dragons, Port Royal and Agrabah - Buy from Moogle Shop for 100 munny after you collect 30 of them Lightning Stone Rank: B - Emerald Blues (10%). Found at Land of Dragons, Agrabah, Halloween Town and Pace Paranoids - Driller Mole (6%). Found at Olympus Coliseum - Buy from Moogle Shop for 200 munny after you collect 25 of them Lightning Gem Rank: A - Surveillance Robots (6%). Found at Hollow Bastion, Port Royal and Space Paranoids - Armoured Knights (4%). Found at Hollow Bastion, Beast's Castle, Port Royal, Halloween Town and Pride Lands - Buy from Moogle Shop for 400 munny after you collect 20 of them Lightning Crystal Rank: S - Devastator (12%). Found at Space Paranoids - Strafer (8%). Also found at Space Paranoids Lucid Shard Rank: C - Trick Ghost (10%). Found at Halloween Town. - Rabid Dog (6%). Found at Port Royal. - Buy from Moogle Shop for 100 munny after you collect 30 of them Lucid Stone Rank: B - Graveyard (12%). Found at Halloween Town - Toy Soldier (12%). Also found at Halloween Town - Wight Knight (8%). Also found at Halloween Town - Buy from Moogle Shop for 200 munny after you collect 25 of them Lucid Gem Rank: A - Bookmaster (10%). Found at Hallow Bastion and Space Paranoids - Magnum Loader (8%). Found at Space Paranoids (rare) - Buy from Moogle Shop for 400 munny after you collect 20 of them Lucid Crystal Rank: S - Neoshadow (8%). Found pretty much everywhere after the second half of the game. They'll come to you when you're searching for other synthesis items. Power Shard Rank: C - Large Body (12%). Found at Timeless River, Beast's Castle and Olympus Coliseum - Creeper Plant (8%). Found at Halloween Town and Olympus Coliseum. - Buy from Moogle Shop for 100 munny after you collect 30 of them Power Stone Rank: B - Luna Bandit (8%). Found at Agrabah - Silver Rock (6%). Found at Agrabah, Halloween Town and Pride Lands - Buy from Moogle Shop for 200 munny after you collect 25 of them Power Gem Rank: A - Shaman (10%). Found at Pride Lands - Aerial Knocker (8%). Found at Pride Lands - Buy from Moogle Shop for 400 munny after you collect 20 of them Power Crystal Rank: S - Morning Star (12%). Found at Hollow Bastion, Port Royal, Beast's Castle and Olympus Coliseum Dark Shard Rank: C - Soldier (8%). Found at Timeless River. - Shadow (4%). Found at Timeless River and The World That Never Was. - Buy from Moogle Shop for 100 munny after you collect 30 of them Dark Stone Rank: B - Assault Rider (12%). Found at Land of Dragons - Nightstalker (10%). Found at Land of Dragons - Buy from Moogle Shop for 200 munny after you collect 25 of them Dark Gem Rank: A - Gargoyle Warrior (10%). Found at Beast's Castle - Gargoyle Knight (10%). Found at Beast's Castle - Buy from Moogle Shop for 400 munny after you collect 20 of them Dark Crystal Rank: S - Air Pirate (8%). Found at Land of Dragons and Port Royal Dense Shard Rank: C - Dragoon (12%). Found at Twilight Town and The World That Never Was - Creeper (8%). Found at Twilight Town and The World That Never Was - Buy from Moogle Shop for 200 munny after you collect 30 of them Dense Stone Rank: B - Sniper (12%). Found at The World That Never Was and Twilight Town - Buy from Moogle Shop for 400 munny after you collect 25 of them Dense Gem Rank: A - Samurai (12%). Found at The World That Never Was and Twilight Town - Buy from Moogle Shop for 800 munny after you collect 20 of them Dense Crystal Rank: S - Berserker (12%). Found at The World That Never Was Twilight Shard Rank: C - Gambler (12%). Found at The World That Never Was, and Twilight Town - Dusk (10%). Found in Twilight Town - Buy from Moogle Shop for 200 munny after you collect 30 of them Twilight Stone Rank: B - Dancer (12%). Found at The World That Never Was and Twilight Town - Buy from Moogle Shop for 400 munny after you collect 25 of them Twilight Gem Rank: A - Assassin (12%). Found at The World That Never Was - Buy from Moogle Shop for 800 munny after you collect 20 of them Twilight Crystal Rank: S - Sorcerer (12%). Found at The World That Never Was NOTE: The Mythril Items are found exclusively in chests. If you've been following my guide, then you should have found all the chests, therefore all the Mythril Items. Mythril Items are also the ONLY Synthesis Item which can be synthesised if necessary. Mythril Shard Rank: C - Chests found at Twilight Town, Hollow Bastion, Land of Dragons, Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, Disney Castle, Timeless River, Halloween Town, Port Royal, and Pride Lands - Synthesis using 3x Dense Shard, 1x Dense Stone, 3x Twilight Shard, 1x Twilight Stone Mythril Stone Rank: B - Chests found at Twilight Town, Hollow Bastion, 100 Acre Woods, Olympus Coliseum, Disney Castle, Timeless River, Agrabah, Halloween Town, Pride Lands, Space Paranoids and The World That Never Was - Synthesis using 3x Dense Shard, 1x Dense Stone, 3x Twilight Shard, 1x Twilight Stone, 1x Serenity Shard Mythril Gem Rank: A - Chests found at Twilight Town, Hollow Bastion, 100 Acre Woods, Agrabah, Port Royal, Halloween Town, Pride Lands, Space Paranoids and The World That Never Was - Synthesis using 3x Dense Gem, 1x Dense Crystal, 3x Twilight Gem, 1x Twilight Crystal Mythril Crystal Rank: S - Chests found at Twilight Town, Hollow Bastion, 100 Acre Woods, Land of Dragons, Port Royal, Space Paranoids, The World That Never Was - Synthesis using 3x Dense Gem, 1x Dense Crystal, 3x Twilight Gem, 1x Twilight Crystal, 1x Serenity Stone Bright Shard Rank: C - Bulky Vendor (100%). Found at Land of Dragons, Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, Agrabah, and Halloween Town. Obtained when you use the Reaction Command "Capsule Prize" - Soldier (4%). Found at Timeless River - Creeper Plant (4%). Found at Halloween Town and Olympus Coliseum. - Hook Bat (3%). Found at Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, Land of the Dragons and Agrabah - Rabid Dog (3%). Found at Port Royal - Minute Bomb (3%). Found at Olympus Coliseum and Timeless River Bright Stone Rank: B - Bulky Vendor (100%). Found at Land of Dragons, Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, Agrabah, and Halloween Town. Obtained when you use the Reaction Command "Rare Capsule" - Aeroplane (4%). Found at Timeless River - Tornado Step (4%). Found at Olympus Coliseum and Port Royal - Driller Mole (4%). Found at Olympus Coliseum - Wight Knight (4%). Found at Halloween Town - Luna Bandits (4%). Found at Agrabah - Silver Rocks (3%). Found at Agrabah - Cannon Gun (3%). Found at Port Royal and Space Paranoids Bright Gem Rank: A - Bulky Vendor (100%). Found at Land of Dragons, Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, Agrabah, and Halloween Town. Obtained when you use the Reaction Command "Limited Capsule" - Aerial Knocker (4%). Found in Pride Lands - Air Pirate (4%). Found at Land of Dragons and Port Royal - Neoshadow (4%). Found everywhere - Crescendo (3%). Found at Olympus Coliseum Energy Shard Rank: C - Gargoyle Warrior (4%). Found at Beast's Castle - Gargoyle Knight (4%). Found at Beast's Castle - Bolt Tower (4%). Found at Pride Lands and Land of Dragons. Also at Disney Castle before the Heartless disappear from there - Nightwalker (4%). Found at Land of Dragons Energy Stone Rank: B - Hammer Frame (4%). Found at Timeless River, Port Royal and Beast's Castle - Lance Soldier (4%). Found at Beast's Castle, Port Royal and Olympus Coliseum - Trick Ghost (4%). Found at Halloween Town. Energy Gem Rank: A - Fortuneteller (4%). Found at Agrabah - Emerald Blues (4%). Found at Land of Dragons, Agrabah, Halloween Town and Pace Paranoids Energy Crystal Rank: S - Bookmaster (4%). Found at Hallow Bastion and Space Paranoids - Shaman (4%). Found at Pride Lands Serenity Shards Rank: C - Chest found at Agrabah - Graveyard (4%). Found at Halloween Town - Toy Soldier (4%). Found at Halloween Town - Hot Rod (4%). Found at Timeless River - Large Body (4%). Found at Timeless River, Beast's Castle and Olympus Coliseum - Fat Bandit (4%). Found at Agrabah - Assault Rider (4%). Found at Land of Dragons - Creeper (2%). Found at The World That Never Was and Twilight Town - Prize for finding a total of 50 materials - Prize for finding every Rank C material Serenity Stone Rank: B - Chest found at Pride Lands - Morning Star (4%). Found at Hollow Bastion, Port Royal, Beast's Castle and Olympus Coliseum - Crimson Jazz (4%). Found at Hollow Bastion, Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, and Agrabah - Living Bone (4%). Found in Pride Lands - Devastator (4%). Found in Space Paranoids - Dusk (2%). Found in Twilight Town - Prize for finding a total of 100 materials - Prize for finding every Rank B material - Complete Pain and Panic Cup at Olympus Coliseum Serenity Gem Rank: A - Gambler (4%). Found at Twilight Town and The World That Never Was - Sniper (4%). Found at Twilight Town and The World That Never Was - Dragoon (4%). Found at Twilight Town and The World That Never Was - Dancer (4%). Found at Twilight Town and The World That Never Was - Prize for finding a total of 250 materials - Prize for finding every Rank A material - Prize for finding every Dense material Serenity Crystal Rank: S - Sorcerer (4%). Found at The World That Never Was - Assassin (4%). Found at The World That Never Was - Samurai (4%). Found at Twilight Town and The World That Never Was - Berserker (4%). Found at Twilight Town and The World That Never Was - Prize for finding a total of 500 materials - Prize for finding every S Rank material - Prize for finding every Twilight material Orichalcum Rank: A - Chests found at Twilight Town, 100 Acre Woods, Land of Dragons Port Royal and The World That Never Was - Bulky Vendor (18%). Found at Land of Dragons, Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, Agrabah, and Halloween Town. Obtained when you use the Reaction Command "Prime Capsule" - Bulky Vendor (16%). Found at Land of Dragons, Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, Agrabah, and Halloween Town. Obtained when you use the Reaction Command "Limited Capsule" - Bulky Vendor (12%). Found at Land of Dragons, Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, Agrabah, and Halloween Town. Obtained when you use the Reaction Command "Rare Capsule" - Bulky Vendor (10%). Found at Land of Dragons, Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, Agrabah, and Halloween Town. Obtained when you use the Reaction Command "Capsule Prize" - Prize for finding 45 different materials - Prize for finding a total of 1000 materials NOTE: Orichalcum+'s are the rarest Synthesis item in the game. Their only purpose is to create the Ultima Weapon. There are a total of 7 to be found, and all 7 must be used in making the weapon. 3 are found in chests, their location below Orichalcum+ Rank: S - Chest in the Central Computer Mesa at Space Paranoids - Chest in the Sunset Terrace at Twilight Town - Chest in the Brink of Despair at The World That Never Was - Complete Goddess of Fate Cup at Olympus Coliseum - Complete Atlantica - Complete 100 Acre Woods - Prize for finding 50 different materials =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Moogles Level =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 1: Amateur Moogle Next Level: 40 exp "Decipher recipes and synthesize items!" Level 2: Novice Moogle Next Level: 60 exp "Use Brightness and Energy Materials!" Level 3: Junior Moogle Next Level: 80 exp "Use Serenity Materials!" Level 4: Skilled Moogle Next Level: 100 exp "Use up to two extra Materials!" Level 5: Senior Moogle Next Level: 200 exp "Rank C recipe Materials cut by half!" Level 6: Artisan Moogle Next Level: 350 exp "Rank B recipe Materials cut by half!" Level 7: Master Moogle Next Level: 500 exp "Rank A recipe Materials cut by half!" Level 8: Superior Moogle Next Level: 650 exp "Make new items in Free Development!" Level 9: Primo Moogle "Rank S recipe Materials cut by half!" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Recipe Locations =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Guard Recipe Synthesis's: Defence Boost, Power Boost Found: Spooky Cave at 100 Acre Woods King Recipe Synthesis's: Save the King, Save the King+ Found: Seadrift Graveyard at Port Royal (second half of game) Mega-Recipe Synthesis's: Mega-Potion, Mega-Ether Found: Beast's Room at Beast's Castle Moon Recipe Synthesis's: Moon Amulet, Star Charm Found: Restoration Site at Hollow Bastion (second half of game) Queen Recipe Synthesis's: Save the Queen, Save the Queen+ Found: Throne Room at Land of Dragons (second half of game) Recovery Recipe Synthesis's: Drive Recovery, High Drive Recovery Found: Mountain Trail at Land of Dragons Skill Recipe Synthesis's: AP Boost, Magic Boost Found: Ansem's Study at Hollow Bastion Star Recipe Synthesis's: Elixir, Megalixir Found: Courtyard at Disney's Castle Style Recipe Synthesis's: Petit Ribbon, Ribbon Found: Starry Hill at 100 Acre Woods Ultimate Recipe Synthesis's: Ultima Weapon Found: Basement Corridor at Twilight Town (right before you enter The World That Never Was) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Synthesis Items =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Elixir Rank: A Exp: 15 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Stone, 1x Dark Stone, 1x Power Stone Megalixir Rank: A Exp: 15 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Stone, 1x Dark Stone, 1x Power Stone, 1x Serenity Gem Mega-Potion Rank: B Exp: 12 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Shard, 1x Power Shard, 1x Blazing Shard, 1x Lucid Shard Mega-Ether Rank: B Exp: 12 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Shard, 1x Power Shard, 1x Blazing Shard, 1x Lucid Shard, 1x Serenity Stone Drive Recovery Rank: C Exp: 16 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Shard, 3x Dark Shard, 1x Lightning Shard, 1x Frost Shard High Drive Recovery Rank: C Exp: 16 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Shard, 3x Dark Shard, 1x Lightning Shard, 1x Frost Shard, Serenity Shard AP Boost Rank: S Exp: 49 Synthesis: 1x Mythril Gem, 3x Power Crystal, 3x Dark Crystal, 3x Frost Crystal Magic Boost Rank: S Exp: 49 Synthesis: 1x Mythril Gem, 3x Power Crystal, 3x Dark Crystal, 3x Frost Crystal, 1x Serenity Crystal Defence Boost Rank: S Exp: 50 Synthesis: 1x Mythril Crystal, 3x Blazing Crystal, 3x Lightning Crystal, 3x Lucid Crystal Power Boost Rank: S Exp: 50 Synthesis: 1x Mythril Crystal, 3x Blazing Crystal, 3x Lightning Crystal, 3x Lucid Crystal, 1x Serenity Crystal Firaga Bangle Rank: C Exp: 15 Synthesis: 5x Mythril Shard, 1x Blazing Shard, 1x Blazing Stone Firagun Bangle Rank: C Exp: 15 Synthesis: 5x Mythril Shard, 1x Blazing Shard, 1x Blazing Stone, 1x Serenity Shard Blizzaga Armlet Rank: C Exp: 15 Synthesis: 5x Mythril Shard, 1x Frost Shard, 1x Frost Stone Blizzagun Armlet Rank: C Exp: 15 Synthesis: 5x Mythril Shard, 1x Frost Shard, 1x Frost Stone, 1x Serenity Shard Thundaga Trinklet Rank: C Exp: 15 Synthesis: 5x Mythril Shard, 1x Lightning Shard, 1x Lightning Stone Thundagun Trinklet Rank: C Exp: 15 Synthesis: 5x Mythril Shard, 1x Lightning Shard, 1x Lightning Stone, 1x Serenity Shard Midnight Anklet Rank: C Exp: 15 Synthesis: 5x Mythril Shard, 1x Lucid Shard, 1x Lucid Stone Chaos Anklet Rank: C Exp: 15 Synthesis: 5x Mythril Shard, 1x Lucid Shard, 1x Lucid Stone, 1x Serenity Shard Acrisius Rank: C Exp: 24 Synthesis: 5x Mythril Stone, 1x Blazing Stone, 1x Frost Stone, 1x Lightning Stone Acrisius+ Rank: C Exp: 24 Synthesis: 5x Mythril Stone, 1x Blazing Stone, 1x Frost Stone, 1x Lightning Stone, 1x Serenity Stone Power Band Rank: B Exp: 24 Synthesis: 5x Mythril Stone, 1x Power Stone, 1x Lucid Stone, 1x Dark Stone Buster Band Rank: B Exp: 24 Synthesis: 5x Mythril Stone, 1x Power Stone, 1x Lucid Stone, 1x Dark Stone, 1x Serenity Stone Garnet Ring Rank: C Exp: 16 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Stone, 1x Dark Shard, 1x Power Shard, 1x Power Stone Diamond Ring Rank: C Exp: 16 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Stone, 1x Dark Shard, 1x Power Shard, 1x Power Stone, 1x Serenity Shard Mythril Ring Rank: C Exp: 17 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Stone, 1x Dark Shard, 1x Dark Stone, 1x Power Stone Orichalcum Ring Rank: C Exp: 17 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Stone, 1x Dark Shard, 1x Dark Stone, 1x Power Stone, 1x Serenity Shard Soldier Earring Rank: B Exp: 24 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Gem, 1x Dark Gem, 1x Frost Gem, 1x Lucid Gem Fencer Earring Rank: B Exp: 24 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Gem, 1x Dark Gem, 1x Frost Gem, 1x Lucid Gem, 1x Serenity Stone Mage Earring Rank: B Exp: 24 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Gem, 1x Power Gem, 1x Lightning Gem, 1x Blazing Gem Slayer Earring Rank: B Exp: 24 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Gem, 1x Power Gem, 1x Lightning Gem, 1x Blazing Gem, 1x Serenity Stone Experts Ring Rank: A Exp: 29 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Crystal, 1x Dark Shard, 1x Dark Stone, 1x Dark Gem, 1x Dark Crystal Masters Ring Rank: A Exp: 29 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Crystal, 1x Dark Shard, 1x Dark Stone, 1x Dark Gem, 1x Dark Crystal, 1x Serenity Gem Mythril Shard Rank: C Exp: 18 Synthesis: 3x Dense Shard, 1x Dense Stone, 3x Twilight Shard, 1x Twilight Stone Mythril Stone Rank: C Exp 18 Synthesis: 3x Dense Shard, 1x Dense Stone, 3x Twilight Shard, 1x Twilight Stone, 1x Serenity Shard Mythril Gem Rank: B Exp: 34 Synthesis: 3x Dense Gem, 1x Dense Crystal, 3x Twilight Gem, 1x Twilight Crystal Mythril Crystal Rank: B Exp: 34 Synthesis: 3x Dense Gem, 1x Dense Crystal, 3x Twilight Gem, 1x Twilight Crystal, 1x Serenity Stone Petit Ribbon Rank: A Exp: 24 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Crystal, 1x Dense Shard, 1x Dense Stone, 1x Orichalcum Ribbon Rank: A Exp: 24 Synthesis: 3x Mythril Crystal, 1x Dense Shard, 1x Dense Stone, 1x Orichalcum, 1x Serenity Gem Moon Amulet Rank: A Exp: 22 Synthesis: 1x Mythril Crystal, 1x Twilight Shard, 1x Twilight Stone, 1x Orichalcum Star Charm Rank: A Exp: 22 Synthesis: 1x Mythril Crystal, 1x Twilight Shard, 1x Twilight Stone, 1x Orichalcum, 1x Serenity Gem Save the Queen Rank: S Exp: 78 Synthesis: 9x Dense Shard, 7x Dense Stone, 5x Dense Gem, 3x Dense Crystal, 1x Orichalcum Save the Queen+ Rank: S Exp: 78 Synthesis: 9x Dense Shard, 7x Dense Stone, 5x Dense Gem, 3x Dense Crystal, 1x Orichalcum, 1x Serenity Crystal Save the King Rank: S Exp: 78 Synthesis: 9x Twilight Shard, 7x Twilight Stone, 5x Twilight Gem, 3x Twilight Crystal, 1x Orichalcum Save the King+ Rank: S Exp: 78 Synthesis: 9x Twilight Shard, 7x Twilight Stone, 5x Twilight Gem, 3x Twilight Crystal, 1x Orichalcum, 1x Serenity Crystal Ultima Weapon Rank: S Exp: 119 Synthesis: 7x Orichalcum+, 1x Mythril Crystal, 1x Dense Crystal, 1x Twilight Crystal, 1x Orichalcum, 1x Serenity Crystal, 1x Energy Crystal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Synthesis Prize Lists =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Get 1 type of Material Prize: Elixir Get 5 types of Materials Prize: Free Development Get 10 types of Materials Prize: High Drive Recovery Get 15 types of Materials Prize: Megalixir Get 20 types of Materials Prize: Free Development 2 Get 25 types of Materials Prize: AP Boost Get 30 types of Materials Prize: Defense Boost Get 35 types of Materials Prize: Power Boost Get 40 types of Materials Prize: Magic Boost Get 45 types of Materials Prize: Orichalcum Get all Materials Prize: Orichalcum+ Obtain total amount of 50 or more Prize: Serenity Shard Obtain total amount of 100 or more Prize: Serenity Stone Obtain total amount of 250 or more Prize: Serenity Gem Obtain total amount of 500 or more Prize: Serenity Crystal Obtain total amount of 1,000 or more Prize: Orichalcum Obtain all Dense Materials Prize: Serenity Gem Obtain all Twilight Materials Prize: Serenity Crystal Obtain all Mythril Materials Prize: AP Boost Obtain all Bright Materials Prize: Defense Boost Obtain all Energy Materials Prize: Power Boost Obtain all Serenity Materials Prize: Magic Boost Obtain all Rank C Materials Prize: Serenity Shard Obtain all Rank B Materials Prize: Serenity Stone Obtain all Rank A Materials Prize: Serenity Gem Obtain all Rank S Materials Prize: Serenity Crystal Obtain 30 or more Blazing Shards Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 25 or more Blazing Stones Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 20 or more Blazing Gems Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 30 or more Frost Shards Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 25 or more Frost Stones Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 20 or more Frost Gems Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 30 or more Lightning Shards Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 25 or more Lightning Stones Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 20 or more Lightning Gems Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 30 or more Lucid Shards Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 25 or more Lucid Stones Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 20 or more Lucid Gems Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 30 or more Power Shards Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 25 or more Power Stones Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 20 or more Power Gems Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 30 or more Dark Shards Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 25 or more Dark Stones Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 20 or more Dark Gems Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 30 or more Dense Shards Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 25 or more Dense Stones Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 20 or more Dense Gems Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 30 or more Twilight Shards Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 25 or more Twilight Stones Prize: Sell at Shop Obtain 20 or more Twilight Gems Prize: Sell at Shop =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26) Previous Updates [prvupd] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== V1.00 30 Nov. 07 - WOOHOOT! The Main Walkthrough is 100% Complete! YATTA! V0.99 28 Nov. 07 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU :D - One year ago, I started this guide. Oh Joy, what I fool I was back then :/ V0.95 11 Oct. 07 - ALMOST DONE! - Completed the Levelling up stage. All that's left is the finals boss and crap :) V0.90 9 Oct. 07 - Woot! Completed The World That Never Was, part one anyway - Onto the Point of No Return, end of walkthrough coming soon V0.86 24 Jul. 07 - Schools been a real bitch lately. >_< - Added more websites to the Legal info section V0.85 20 July .07 - Whoop! I'm OK peoples. - Will get more of this done later. Promise :p V0.80 18 Apr. 07 - Completed Twilight Town for the last time - Started The World That Never Was. How Exciting! V0.76 17 Apr. 07 - Completed the Magic entry - Completed Coliseum Tourneys - Started the last section for Twilight Town V0.73 16 April .07 - Bah! Long time since last update. Damn school *shakes fist* - I've completed Hollow Bastion and Space Paranoids. Now every world's scenario is now complete. Whoop! - All that's left of the walkthrough is the final worlds. V0.67 24 Feb. 07 - Completed Pride Lands 2nd Visit V0.66 18 Feb. 07 - School has been piling up to the point where I'm on the computer only on weekends. ONLY ON WEEKENDS! It going to take longer to complete from here on in, but I will complete it! V0.65 30 Jan. 07 - Completed Halloween Town 2nd Visit V0.63 29 Jan. 07 - Completed Walkthrough up to Agrabah 2nd visit V0.62 26 Jan. 07 - WOMG! I must have died the last couple of days - Fully completed 100 Acre Woods V0.60 13 Jan. 07 - Completed Walkthrough up to Agrabah second visit - Completed Atlantica Sidequests - Completed Titan Cup for Olympus Tourney - Did some work on Sephiroth Strategy - Completed Spooky Cave in 100 Acre Woods V0.55 12 Jan. 07 - Long time since last update - Completed more Walkthrough, up to Beast's castle 2nd visit - Completed Chapter 4 of Atlantica V0.53 7 Jan. 07 - Completed Cerberus Cup in Coliseum Tourneys - Did more to walkthrough. Its complete up to Land of Dragons second visit V0.50 3 Jan. 07 - Completed Walkthrough up to Hollow Bastion after Space Paranoids - About to start each world's second visit - Completed Kanga and Roo's House for 100 Acre Woods - Completed Chapter 3 for Atlantica - Completed Armour - Completed Accessories - Completed Items V0.46 2 Jan. 07 - Added more people to the Credits - Format changes - Completed Walkthrough up to Space Paranoids V0.45 1 Jan. 07 - HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Just some format changes. Too tired V0.44 31 Dec. 06 - Completed 100 Acre Woods up to Rabbits House - Completed Walkthrough up to Twilight Town 2nd Visit V0.43 30 Dec. 06 - Started and Finished Pride Lands V0.42 29 Dec. 06 - Started and finished Halloween Town V0.41 27 Dec. 06 - Finished Agrabah V0.40 25 Dec. 06 - MERRY CHRISTMAS! - Started Agrabah, but its Christmas! So I didn't do much. V0.39 24 Dec. 06 - Started and Finished Port Royal - Finished Panic and Pain Cup for Olympus Coliseum - Finished Piglets House for 100 Acre Woods V0.37 23 Dec. 06 - Changed contents. Replaced Sidequests with Atlantica, Poohs Book and Olympus Tourneys separately. - Finished Atlantica Chapter 1 V0.35 20 Dec. 06 - Finished Timeless River V0.34 16 Dec. 06 - Small update. Busy today - Added a small amount to Timeless River V0.33 15 Dec. 06 - Finished Disney Castle - Started Timeless River V0.32 14 Dec. 06 - Finished Olympus Coliseum - Started Disney Castle V0.31 13 Dec. 06 - God! What am I doing? - Added more to Olympus Coliseum - Completed Weapons V0.30 12 Dec. 06 - Another big update today - Started and finished Beasts Castle - Started and Finished Hollow Bastion and 100 Acre Woods - Started Olympus Coliseum - Put the headings for all the parts of the guide - Started the Credits - Added 'Concluding Words' to the contents - Deleted the Walkthrough Contents. It will just make the guide too cluttered. V0.26 10 Dec. 06 - Updated Contents. Added Special Code and % of completion - Finished Land of Dragons V0.22 9 Dec. 06 - Finished Tower and Hollow Bastion - Started Land of Dragons V0.20 7 Dec. 06 - Big Update Today. More to come as school has finished - Finished Prologue - Twilight Town - Started Sora's Chapter - Started and Finished Twilight Town - Started The Tower V0.12 4 Nov. 06 - Finished Day 5 - Starting Day 6 V0.10 28 Nov. 06 - Hazza! First day working on this mammoth of a Guide - Completed walkthrough up to Day 4 - Started Walkthrough Contents - Also completed introduction, prologue, controls, game screen, and some sub headings in the Game Basics - NOTE: This is the first day I've started writing, not when I first released it to GameFAQS. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27) Credits [credit] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== This section is dedicated to all those people and companies who have help me create this walkthrough, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. I thank you all whole heartedly. If you believe you should be here and is not, then please just email me. I just most likely forgot, and I apologise for the inconvenience and I will add you in promptly. - Square-Enix. For creating some of the best games ever! - Disney. For paring up with Square to create such a brilliant series. Also, their cartoons and such have given me a lively upbringing. - Tetsuya Nomura. For creating this game. - CJayC. For creating GameFAQs. - All the guys at ANZ! I thank you all for everything. Also, these FAQs have also helped me, and I would like to express my gratitude to those Authors: - ElectroSpecter. This man's guide is the bomb and is second best only to mine :p So check it out here: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/kingdom_hearts_ii_d.txt - LionHart627. Although his guide is incomplete at the time I was writing this, it's still very well detailed. Check it out here: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/kingdom_hearts_ii_j.txt - Dallas Scott and AstroBlue. Their guide called "How to Write a Video Game FAQ" helped me greatly. I implore everyone who has a slight inclination for writing an FAQ to check it out here: http://members.optusnet.com.au/astroblue/writing_guide.txt =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28) Concluding Words [cncldw] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== WOOHOO! This is the end of this elaborate guide for one of better RPG on the PS2. It took a lot longer than I anticipated finishing this guide. School and work didn't help. But I loved writing this guide, and I hope to write many more guides in the future, and I hoped you loved reading this guide. If you did love it, then please recommend my guide on GameFAQs. Feel free to send anything related to the guide to me at my email address, . I bid you all farewell! "A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory. A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream. I wanna line the pieces up--- yours and mine." - holybishop15