============================================================= K I N G D O M H E A R T ' S 2 ============================================================= Version 1.32 By Sora250 Email: shadowtosin@yahoo.com Date Started: Jan.24-2007 ============================================================================ This Faq is only allowed to be hosted on Gamefaqs, Neoseeker, Super Cheats, and IGN Sites banned from using this: cheat CC. ============================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Make sure to use ctrl + F to find stuff faster) 1. Controls 1.5 version history 2. Walkthrough 2.01 Twilight Town- Roxas 2.01A the first day 2.02 The second day 2.03 The Third day 2.04 The Fourth day 2.04A Axel 2.05 The Firth day 2.06 The Sixth day 2.06A Axel 2 2.07 Twilight Town- Sora 2.07A The mysterious Tower 2.08 Hollow Bastion 2.09 The land of dragon 2.09A Shan-Yu 2.10 Beast Castle 2.10A Dark Thrown 2.11 Olympus Coliseum 2.11A Cerberus 2.11B Organization XIII Demyx 2.11C Pete 2.11 D Hydra 2.12 Disney Castle 2.13 Timeless River 2.13A Pete 2.14 Port Royal 2.14A Barbossa 2.15 Agrabah 2.15A Volcanic Lord and Blizzard Lord 2.16 Halloween Town 2.16A Oogie Boogie 2.17 Pride Lands 2.17A Scar 2.18 Twigilight Town Second Trip 2.19 Hollow Bastion Second Trip 2.20 Space Paranoids 2.20A Hostile Program 2.21 Hollow Bastion Third Trip 2.21A Organization XIII Demyx 2.21B 1000 Heartless battle 2.22 The land of Dragons Second Trip 2.22A Storm Rider 2.23 Beast’s castle Second Trip 2.23 Organization XIII Xaldin 2.24 Port Royal Second Trip 2.24A Grim Reaper 2.24B Grim reaper second time 2.25 Olympus Coliseum second Trip 2.25A Hades 2.26 Agrabah Return Trip 2.26A Jafar 2.27 Halloween Town Second Trip 2.27A The experiment 2.28 Pride Lands Second Trip 2.28A groundshaker 2.29 Atlantica 2.30 100 Acre woods 2.31 Hollow Bastion Fourth Trip 2.32 Space Paranoids Second Trip 2.32A Sark and the MCP 2.33 Radiant Garden and Sephiroth 2.34 Twigilight Town Third Trip 2.35 The world that never was 2.36A Organization XIII Xigbar 2.36B Organization XIII Luxord 2.36C Organization XIII Saix 2.36D Organization XIII Xemnas 2.37 Xemnas fight one 2.38 Xemnas fight two 2.39 Xemnas fight three 2.40 Xemnas fight four (the end) 3.0 Extras 3.1 keychain list 3.2 Item Synthesis list 3.3 Sanctuary lyrics 3.4 Donald weapons 3.5 Goofy weapons 4.0 Jimmy Journal 4.0A Ansem Reports 4.0B Characters 4.0C Heartless 4.0D Nobodies 4.0E Treasures 4.0F Story 4.0G Maps 4.0H Combo Attacks 4.0I Character Links 4.0J Synthesis Notes 4.1 Missions 4.1B Olympus Coliseum 4.1C Agrabah 4.1D 100-Acre Wood 4.1E Halloween Town 4.1F Space Paranoids 4.1G Port Royal 4.1H Atlantica 4.1I Twilight Town 5.0 Kingdom hearts 2 Final Mix + section 5.1 KH2 FM+ New Ability 5.1A New keyblades 6.0 Frequently asked questions 7.0 credits 8.0 Copyright ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Controls ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directional Pad - Moves Cursor and command options Left Analog Stick - Moves players’ character and cursor in Main Menu Right Analog Stick - Rotate Camera and hold L2 to move through command options L1 - Shortcut Menu L2 - Hold to make Right Analog Stick change in to Command Control options and Press R3 to confirm R1 - Lock-on target, hold R2 and move the Right Analog Stick to switch targets R2 - Switches between Auto and Manual Camera options R3 - Centers camera behind player or the current locked on target Start - Main Menu when able, Pauses when in battle, check mission objectives, Skip Cut Scene option Select - Toggles First Person View X - Confirms selection, Attack Triangle - Reaction Command Circle - Jump, Cancel, Drop from hanging ledge, ability Square - Abilities =========================== 1.5 Version history =========================== Version1.0: March 16,2007 Walkthrough done, Jimmy Journal done, FAQ done, Legal Information done, and some extra section done. Version 1.10 March 19 2007 Added organization power section to the extra section and added Neoseeker to people who can use my faq at the top. April 1, 2007 Version 1.11 Just fix a few stuff, added super cheats to the list and answer one question. April 23,2007 Version 1.12 Fix some line error and added a part to Sark and Mpc. Also added, Game cheats World to banned sites for hosting my faq. May 24, 2007 Version 1.13 Added a tip from goku43000@yahoo.com in the Olympus Coliseum mission mode section. June 07, 2007 Version 1.15 Added a tip from ChineseBirdy of gamefaqs and added some Synthesis stuff. June 24, 2007 Version 1.16 fix some stuff on section 2.15 and added a person to the credits. September 19, 2007 Version 1.30 Added a new section for Final Mix +. No, It not a Full FAQ for it but just some list of stuff in final mix + not in the normal KH2 game. Also, in this version, the Item Synthesis list is finish, Grammer has been improved by a lot, and some stuff has been fix. Sorry it took so long to do this update guys. There is not going to be a gimmi ship update in my FAQ so don't send me emails about it. January 12, 2008 Version 1.31 Added a boss help guide for Xigbar by gamefaqs user Infernocorpx. There really nothing to update anymore on this lol. January 28, 2008 Version 1.32 Added another way to contact me since I don't check my email a lot anymore. Thanks to all who read this guide. You can find the contact link at the Copyright section of my FAQ along with my normal email. Also, fix up a couple of small stuff. June 23, 2008 Version 1.32 Added one question that everyone is asking me. Is this the last update? Maybe, maybe not. I'll update whenver I need to but I'm working on other stuff right now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Walkthrough ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================== 2.01- Twilight Town - Roxas =============================================================== This is a prelude to the real part of the game. (Difficulty will be rated for the boss by: Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard, and Extreme. =============================================================== 2.01A The First Day =============================================================== The game will start you as Roxas as he goes out with his friend. Throughout the day, you learn the basics of the game such as fighting people and learning what the bars are. Roxas and friends have been getting blame for stealing Photos and now they are trying to clear their names. They all decide to go see Seifer and see what he knows about this. Once you get There, Roxas will have to pick a weapon so choice one and battle Seifer. Boss: Seifer, Just do five or six hit combos and you can beat him. After you defeat Seifer, you see the real Their of your photos. Chase after the Dusk. Once you catch up to him, Roxas and the Dusk will battle. At first you cannot hit him but then after some combo, your weapon will change into a keyblade. Once you have it, you can finish him off. Once you beat him, you will get your photos back and after two to three cut scenes, the day will end. =============================================================== 2.02 The Second day =============================================================== Roxas goes outside after his dream and starts thinking about the keyblade. He picks a stick and starts swinging with it, he throws it backwards hitting a person in a black cloak whom just walks away. After that Roxas goes to talk to his friend and they all make up there mind that they are going to the beach today but need Munny to ride the train. The game will then teach you have to save, save and go outside. The whole gang goes to Market Street. There, you guys will do odd jobs or minigames. The more munny you get, the more Ap bonus you get. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | AP BONUSES FOR MUNNY | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | AMOUNT EARNED | AP BONUSES | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~O | 50 to 649 | 0 AP | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~O | 650 to 1049 | 1 AP | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~O | 1050 to 1850 | 2 AP | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~O You get to choose from six minigames, Poster Duty, Bumble-Buster, Junk Sweep, Mail Delivery, Cargo Climb, and Grandstander. You can make as little as 50 munny and tell Hayner that you have a lot. Roxas goes back to his friend with the money; Roxas get a munny pouch with 5000 munny in it. Then the same stick by the man in the black cloak and falls to the ground hits Roxas. The man in the black cloak grabs Roxas. Then Hayner yells at Roxas and the man in the black cloak lets him go. Roxas tells them that he was attack but they did not see anything. Once inside the train station, Roxas lost his pouch of munny. Leavening Roxas and his friends stuck in the town. =============================================================== 2.03 The Third day =============================================================== More dreams happen back from Kingdom Hearts 1 and Roxas wakes up from the dream. Once the day starts go to Market Street. Once the cut screen starts, your friends will freeze. You will meet this girl with a white dress. Then she will leave and your friends will come back to normal. Roxas goes to the manson to look for this girl but when he is in the forest, he sees nobodies. Roxas heads back but the nobodies catch up with him. You will have to fight them but you cannot hurt them so just keep on attacking. Time will freeze again and you see the girl with the white dress again. Roxas falls and you are put into a dream area just like in kingdom hearts 1. Choose a weapon and then you will get the keyblade and now can fight the nobodies. After you grab the item, you will see a door, go though it. Now go up the stairs and go though the next door. You will then see a huge nobody. This is your first real boss battle. Boss: Twighlight Thorn 300 HP Difficulty: Easy As the boss battle start, you will be stuck for a couple of seconds. Make sure to press triangle. Once he lying on the floor he will go away. Wait for him. Once he you fall, make sure to quickly press triangle. Both of you will land on the ground and you can attack him now. Once he gets up, use the reaction commands to use reversal so you won't get hit. Attack him, after that, nobody’s will appear, destroy them. Then it will repeat until you beat him. After the battle, you will again see the girl in the white dress saying her name is namine. A person in a black cloak will put her away and send Roxas back into his world. You will then wake up from the dream. Hayner will see that you are with Seifer and the gang. He gets mad and leaves. Roxas meets up with him to explain what happen and that’s ends day 3. =============================================================== 2.04 The Fourth day =============================================================== Roxas will be at the sandlot for the tournament. Go listen to the rules. After that, go to the ring and start your match. Once the match starts, just keep on attacking Hayner and you will win. Roxas and Hayner make up after the match and then Vivi beat Seifer. Now it your turn to fight Vivi, Get ready and then fight Vivi. Beat Vivi and then time will freeze again. Then Vivi turns into a nobody, fight the nobodies. Once defeated, a guy in the black coat will come back. The person is Axel, and asks Roxas if he remembers the past. Roxas, fed up with not knowing what going on throws his keyblade on the floor but then gains it back and is ready to fight Axel. =============================================================== 2.04A Axel =============================================================== 105 HP Difficulty: Very Easy This is your second boss battle, he will use fire moves to attack you, make sure not to get by them, if you do, use a potion and you will be fine, After you defeat Axel, A guy with a mask will Tell you not to go with Axel and Axel will tell you not to go with the mask guy. Roxas will get confuse and call his friends names to unfreeze time. Roxas wins the tournament but has to fight Setzer. Once your ready goes fight him, once you beat him, you will become the champion. Roxas and friends will go to the top of the tower and look at the sunset. Roxas falls off and then you see Kairi on the island. She will say that she cannot remember Sora, While Roxas is falling, Roxas connect with Kairi and then Sora tells Kairi one letter of his name. Kairi then goes to the island and ship off a letter at sea hoping Sora will get it. Then the mask guy will ask for the person name behind him, he said that he is Ansem and the day ends. =============================================================== 2.05 The Firth day =============================================================== Roxas will again wake up and goes to his friends. They have to do homework today so they go study on what been going on ever since the photo have been stolen. Then all agree to go around town to find out what been going on around this town Go to the TRAIN STATION and head for SUNSET STATION, you will need to find the mysteries. =============================================================== The Mysteries =============================================================== - The Mysterious Stone Steps - This one is done automatically so nothing to worry about here. - The Friend Of The Other Side Of The Cave - Go and examine the wall and a number of white balls will jump out avoid them And go to examine inside the wall. - Yourself Again - Examine the waterfall and a shadow will attack you, defeat it. - The Echo in the Tunnel - Examine the tunnel after about a dozen times Vivi will attack you, hit him once, to defeat him. - The Wriggling Luggage - Examine the luggage and it will start to move press Triangle to jump on use the REACTION Command’s to avoid the upcoming obstacles. - Next go to sunset hill for the final mystery - Head to Station Plaza. You will be told about a haunted house. Head to the Tram Plaza and from there make your way to the go to the old Mansion, by going through the hole in the wall, and traveling through the Forest and the day will end after the cut scene. ============================================================== 2.06 The Sixth day ============================================================== The last cut scene for Sora dreams will happen before Roxas wakes up. Once Roxas wakes up, he goes to see his friends but they time freeze again, he goes outside and see Axel again. The nobodies will come back and you will have to fight them. After you defeated them, time will freeze again and a voice will tell you to go to the old mansion. Once you get inside the mansion, fight the nobodies and go inside the white room. After the cut scene, go to the library then go downstairs. Once the cut scene is over go to the next room. Once you are there, fight the nobodies and defeat them. Axel will come back and you will have to face him again. =============================================================== 2.06A Axel 2 =============================================================== 345 HP Difficulty: Easy You will get two key blades for this battle. Keep on attacking him; don’t get hit by his flame attacks. Once the reactions commands start, use it. Axel will be faster this time and make sure not to stay on the magma floor too long or you start to lose HP. Repeat until you defeat Axel. Once you defeat Axel, go to the next room. You will see both Donald and Goofy sleeping. Go into the next room and a cut scene will happen. Once Roxas sees Sora, he says his summer vacation is over and the Kingdom hearts 2 logo comes up starting the real game. =============================================================== 2.07 Twilight Town - Sora =============================================================== You will see Mickey come out of a train. Sora will wake from his one year sleep along with Donald and goofy. They recap what happen before they went to sleep. Jimmy checks his journal but their only one sentence in there. They decide to find out where they are. They all head to the spot where hayner and his friends hang out. They all meet Hayner and friends. Sora, Donald, and Goofy decide to look for the king. Head for the station and you will see nobodies. You have to fight them but they keep jumping all over you, lucky, at the last second king Mickey comes in and saves you. He tells you to take some things and he leaves. He gives you a bag and inside is the Munny Pouch is the 5,000 munny that was stolen from Roxas back on the Second Day and the Crystal Orb Roxas lost from the trophy he won. Secret Ansem's Report will now be yours. You can go back to the shops and buy stuff but after that head inside the train station. You will go onto the train and say your goodbyes to Hayner and the gang and you will head to the tower. =============================================================== 2.07A the mysterious tower =============================================================== Once you are there, you will see Pete, he will send heartless after you, defeat them and go inside the tower. As you go up the stair of the tower, you see more heartless. Keep on killing them to advance up the tower. Open the chest to the right of the chalkboard to get the Tower Map, and then save at the saving point. Yen Sid will tell you to read his book, read it if you want to. Yen Sid will tell you about how the heartless are back and there are a new enemy calls the nobodies. After that talk, Yen Sid will tell you to go the next room to get new clothes. You will meet three fairies who will give you a black uniform, a new keychain called the star Seeker and a whole new form call Valor form in which you fuse with goofy to use. There more to using it but that will come later. Chip and Dale are in the Gummi Ship as its Engineers, head over to Hollow Bastion and land. =============================================================== 2.08 Hallow Bastion =============================================================== Once you enter the world, go ahead the go to the shops. You can buy stuff like weapons if you want to. After that, go and talk to Uncle Scrooge and then go down and meet up with Yuffie. Dusk will attack you. Defeat them, after the fight Sora will get a map. After that, go to Merlin's house. Once you are there, you will get the Blizzard Element because Sora has forgot magic from being a sleep for one year. Save your game and exit out the door. Go to the gate to get the next cut scene. A lot of nobodies will come at you and you will have to protect the gate. Leon will help you for this battle. Once you defeat them all and the gate is still standing Sora receives the Fire Element. You will also receive Secret Ansem's Report 7. You will then meet more people in black cloaks. After that, hallow bastion world will be finishes for now. You will now be sent to the Gummi Ship to head to one of two new destinations. You can go back to hallow Bastion to buy item and play minigames. On the World Map head to the top door called Asteroid Sweep to continue on. Enter The Land of Dragons to continue on your adventure. =============================================================== 2.09 the land of dragon =============================================================== When you enter this world, you will meet Mulan "Ping" and Sora’s old friend Mushu from the Kingdom hearts 1. Ping will be in your party perm for now so replace someone for now, Donald since you can drive with Goofy but you can switch at any time. Buy stuff if you need to then head down to the encampment. Head to the guards to start a cut scene. The Heartless will attack. In certain battles in this world you will be given a Morale gauge. If that morale gauge runs out then you die. To fill up the morale gauge, fight and defeat heartless that will leave orbs for you to built up your gauge again. Talk to the captain when you are ready for your mission. You will have a list of three missions to choose from. The surprise attack: You attack 15 Shadows and Nightwalkers. The Ambush has Shadows, Nightwalkers, and Assault Riders. The Search: You running around the encampment looking for eight enemies hidden around the camp. Once you defeat them all you will get an AP Boost. After you do the mission the captain will ask you to do another one. Talk to the captain when you are ready. He will have you secure a path through the summit so his army can pass through safely. Head out the north exit and keep on taken out heartless. Go though the path to start the summit climb. You will have to climb the summit while fighting heartless, unblock the path from the rubble, and keep your Morale gauge full. Keep on doing this until you get to the top. Take out the heartless there, and then continue on. You will get the village map in the end. Once you are at the top, head to the cave but save before you do. Once inside the cave, get the item that in there. When you enter the big room, you will block off from Donald and Goofy, it will Sora and Ping, against some heartless. In this battle, make sure to use your magic; stay back from them because they can finishes you off easy. Once you win get out of the cave. As you leave the cave grab the AP Boost in the chest beside the fireworks. Exit the cave to watch another cut scene. Save the game and head through the north exit. You will swarm by heartless and will have to survive for one minute. Use the reaction commands and you should fine. Head back to the ridge to see another cut scene. Head back down to see that Ping village is burned down. Go down the mountain and to the checkpoint use the get inside the lock gate. Once you are in the city, you will have to fight heartless to protect the emperor. Head to the bridge where you will face a boss. =============================================================== 2.09A Shan-Yu =============================================================== 442- HP Difficulty: Easy First off, you need to attack Shan- Yu not the heartless. Start the battle by going Valor, which will help you take out the heartless. When heartless attack you, just defeat them, and then go backto fighting on Shan- Yu. You can fill up the gate protection by getting orb that the heartless drop. When Shan Yu goes dark on you, watch out for his attacks. When you can engage in a grapple with Shan-Yu with the Triangle button and rapidly tap it for more power. After you defeat Shan Yu everyone will receive Get Bonus’s. Sora receives a Maximum HP increase and Aerial Sweep. Donald gets a Maximum HP increase. Goofy receives Goofy Turbo. Mulan also receive a Maximum HP increase. You will also get the Hidden Dragon Keyblade. After the cut scene, you will be back on the ship. Head over to Stardust Sweep on the path we skipped before to continue on . After this level, you will head to Beast’s castle. =============================================================== 2.10 Beast’s Castle =============================================================== Sora and the group go inside the castle and they can tell they are in Beast’s castle. A door opens so the group goes in to attack. Fight and defeat all the heartless in the room. There will be too many heartless for you to take on and just then, Beast will come and help you but he not the same. Go out to the main hall and take out more heartless and go to door on the right. There, you will meet up with Bell who will greet Sora and friends. Next, go back to the main room, and then enter the stairs to the left. Go to the wardrobe and press the triangle button. The wardrobe is alive but move her without waking up. Enter the door once it moves. You will come up to a mini boss fight Thresholder and Possessor has 137 HP. Once you defeat the mini boss, everyone gets a Get Bonus! For Sora he gets he Upper Slash ability. Donald gets the Donald Fire! Ability. Goofy gets a HP increase. Enter the block door from before. Once the cut scene is over, save your game and then climb the piled up furniture and talk to the clock to move the armor. You will play a mini game where you use your keyblade to light out the dark flames. Lumiere and Miss. Potts will put in the flames again. Once you finish the minigame you will have to fight another mini boss, the beast. Beast: HP- 156 Difficulty: Very Easy Once you start the battle, keep on attacking the beast. Use the wake up command to help the beast get out of the darkness. Once Beast HP reaches zero. Recharge for the final wake up reaction command. Once it over, everybody will get bonuses. Once it over, Beast tells Sora that he was control by a guy named Xaldin. Save the game then head back to Bell bedroom. Once there, the Wardrobe will be the only one in the room. She will tell the beast that Bell went after Xaldin. Save the game then Entrance Hall. Bell will scream for the beast to come. Head to the ballroom to save bell and fight the boss. Shadow Stalker- 176 HP First off, don’t use the valor form right now. Just make sure you don’t get hit. Watch out for his attack when you lose your lock on. After the battle, the shadow Stalker will change into the Dark Thrown. =============================================================== 2.10A Dark Thrown =============================================================== HP-390 Difficulty: Easy Once the boss battle starts, lock on the boss. Use valor form if you can, if not, then just attack in your normal form. If the Dark Thrown picks you up, use the reaction commands to protect yourself and attack him. Once in a while, you will get a reaction command that you will use the chandelier. Once you win, everyone receives some Get Bonus!'s. Sora gets an HP Increase and the Retaliating Slash attribute. Donald gets an HP increase. Goofy gains an Item Slot. The Beast gets an HP Increase. You will also receive cure magic. Watch the final cut scene. When you go back to the ship, you will have to go to hallow Bastion with no choice. Merlin will tell you that he found the Winnie pooh book. Go inside the book and meet up with Pooh. Talk to him, after that, you will get kick out of the book. Sora goes back to fight heartless. The pages get stolen again and Sora has to collect them. Merlin will give you the baseball pendant. I won’t cover this world right not until you are able to get all the pages. Go back to the ship to head to the Gummi Ship level Phantom Storm to head to the Olympus Coliseum. =============================================================== 2.11 Olympus Coliseum =============================================================== Once you start this world you will notice that your drive bar is lock up in chains. You cannot use it in the underworld for right now. Go and help Meg then watch the scene. Buy weapons for both Donald and Goofy and save. After that, start your adventure though the underworld. If you are not at level 15 or above, use this area to level up if you need to. Also, get all of the items in they’re for the Journal. Go to the end of the road and go inside the next area. Save your game then go to the Valley of the Dead. Go to the top while taking out the heartless. Go inside Hades Chamber. You have to fight Hades but you cannot hurt him right now so just keep on attacking him. After the cut scene, Hades will just to fight you guys. Make sure Auron and make sure to have everybody with a potion. During this battle, make sure to use Auron limit a lot. Once your done with that battle, save the game, and head back to the area where you started. You will have to fight Cerberus without Donald and Goofy so be ready and make sure Sora and Auron have a potion. =============================================================== 2.11A Cerberus =============================================================== Hp: 440 Difficulty: Easy This battle is easy because if you die, Mickey will come in and replace you. At the start of the battle, Cerberus will jump into the air, make sure to do the same thing and not get hit by the attack. Target one of it head and start attacking like hell. Unlike in KH1, He does not come up and bite you so you have time to attack. If you need to heal yourself, use your potion. Make sure to go to far off from the battle area or else Cerberus will come to attack you. After a while, Cerberus will get mad and try to attack Sora with it mouth, use this to your advantage by using the reaction command to attack Cerberus. It will go to the ground. Now if you want to, use Auron Limit to attack Cerberus. After that, just repeat and he should down easy. Like I said, even if you die, you still have Mickey to protect you. After the battle, Sora and Auron get a GET Bonus, Auron gets an HP Increase and Sora gets the Dodge Slash ability. After the cut scene, go save and head up to the Coliseum. Meet up with Hercules, He goes off to get the stone but has a match first and tells you train with Phil for right now. You will get the map, save and then head to the stadium. The first training practice you do is very easy so no need help here. For the second one, just make sure to smash big pots into little ones and you will get 100 orbs. After talking to Hercules, Go back to the underworld and head to the new area. Keep heading forward until you meet up with Demyx. =============================================================== 2.11B Organization XIII Demyx =============================================================== Hp: None Difficulty: Easy After the cut scene, you will have to take out 100 water mirrors in 1:20. Use the reaction command. Keep on repeating until you take out 100. After the battle everybody gets a GET Bonus! Sora gets an HP Increase. Donald gets the MP Rage ability. Goofy gets an HP Increase. Once you defeat Demyx, you will get the stone and an Ansem report. With this stone, you can use your drive in the underworld. Save your game, and then head forward. =============================================================== 2.11C Pete =============================================================== HP: 264 Difficulty: Normal Make sure to protect Meg. Use the bat cry reaction command to defeat the heartless faster. It now you against Pete. At the start, just attack him, but soon after, he will summon some shadows. Defeat them and then go back on Pete. After the battle, everybody gets a Get Bonus! Sora receives the Trinity Limit ability. Donald gets an HP Increase. Goofy gets the Hyper Healing ability. Herc will soon take Meg away to safety and he will help you in your match. Now, there is a two-minute time limit on this. Use Valor form and attack him, you can also use the reaction command with herc. After the battle, go up, save and then get ready for one of the most stupid lines in kingdom hearts history and a boss battle. =============================================================== 2.11D Hydra =============================================================== Hp: 462 Difficulty: Normal The start of the boss battle will have the Hydra with one head, so make sure not to get hit by it tail. When you stunned the Hydra, run up to it neck and use the reaction command to cut off it head. They are striking the ground so you have to (get ready for the worst line ever) GET UP ON THE HYDRA BACK and make sure to quickly use the reaction command or else you will hear it repeat. Then jump down attack one of the heads and use Vanquish, repeat until all three heads are gone. Now the hydra will grow seven heads, they can cause a lot of damage if you are not careful. Use Valor when it head it lower to attack him. Almost to the end of the battle, Pegasus will come and you can do a reaction command with it. After it Hp is at zero, use one final Vanquish to defeat it. After the battle everyone receives a Get Bonus! Sora gets an HP Increase and Thunder magic. Donald gets an extra Armor Slot. Goofy receives an Increase in HP. You will get the Hero’s crest keyblade. Now go to Disney castle and you won’t need to play a play a gummi ship mission. Great. =============================================================== 2.12 Disney Castle =============================================================== After the cut scene, head inside the castle to the library but before that, take out some heartless outside in the courtyard. Once inside the castle, a near unlimited amount of shadow will come. Walk to the end while taking them out, this is also a good time to level up your valor form. Enter the door, save the game and get the torn page in the chest. Talk to the Queen. She needs your help to get to the audience chamber. Donald and Goofy will go warn the castle and get people to safety. You will get the castle map and you and Minnie will fight together. Take out the heartless to protect her. After the cut scene, enter the new door in the middle. Once inside, you will have to take out more heartless. Make sure to use Minnie Faith attack to get the heartless off you. Sora will be rewarded with an Accessory Slot and the Auto summons ability at end of the battle. Queen Minnie wants Sora to go to Hollow Bastion to get Merlin. So get out of the world, and go to Hollow Bastion. Meet up with Merlin and you guys will teleport to Disney Castle. Merlin will make a door to another world. Once the cut scene is done, go though the door to find out what on the other side. =============================================================== 2.13 Timeless River =============================================================== Sora is in black and white now. Go and get the map for this area and then head to the pier to find Pete. Go up to him to fight him. This fight is really easy and you won’t need my help on it. This Pete is not bad and wants you to help him find his steamboat. Go back to the main area and then there will four different doors. When you do these battles, don’t let your meter fill up. After the first battle, Mickey in black and white will thank you. Do the same thing for the other three battles. Pete, the bad one will try to steal the Cornerstone of Light. Head to the waterway area. Pete is trying to take of with a boat and the Cornerstone. IN this battle, make sure to use the reaction commands to avoid his attack. After doing this five to six times. You can attack him. Keep on doing this until you get the cornerstone. After the battle Pete runs away to the whale. Go after him and fight him. =============================================================== 2.13A Pete =============================================================== Hp- 784 HP Difficulty: Normal For this battle you will have the good Pete helping you against bad Pete. Watch out when Pete try to throw stuff at you. Once thing about this match is that the background will keep on chancing when you took out more of his health. On each background be careful because they will be traps for you. Once you get rid of Pete, he will leave which then Sora will be able to lock the door to this world. Sora will get the Monochrome Keyblade. They all decide to go check on Disney Castle to see if it under control. You will see the cut scene then you will get wisdom form. Back on the ship, a new episode will open up at the Olympus Coliseum. Instead, head to the Gummi ship Mission Floating Island so you can head to Port Royal. =============================================================== 2.14 Port Royal =============================================================== When Sora and friends come into the new world, they hear someone scream far away. Go save and then head to the exit. You will meet Pete again and some pirates that are under a cruse. Go and fight the Pirates but as you can see, your attack won’t do anything to them. Wait for the cut scene then when the moon is out, you can attack them. Head to exit west from you after you defeat the pirates. After that cut scene, fight the heartless. After that, a guy named William Turner will need your help to save a girl. From the Rampart area, head back to the southwest exit closest to the save point to trigger a cut scene. You will meet a new party member, Jack Sparrow. Talk to William when you are ready. Save the game if you need to then head on the black pearl. You will now have to fight pirates, defeat them to go to the next area. You will reach Isla de Muerta. Save your game then go on. You will meet Will and Elizabeth. You will wait while Will and Elizabeth get the ship ready. After the cut scene, you will get the map. More pirates will come, take them out. They will try to steal the medallion back. Get the pirates to once again head in to the moonlight to be able to deal some damage to them. Once you defeat them, everybody will get a GET BONUS. The ship will have explosives and Heartless trying to stop you from defusing the bombs. Fight the heartless and defuse the bomb. After this battle, everybody will get another GET Bonus. You will have to return to Isla de Muerta to save will. Once you are there, keep on fighting the heartless and pirates. Keep on moving forward until you get to the boss. =============================================================== 2.14A Barbossa =============================================================== HP- 612 Difficulty- Normal When the battle starts, make sure to look for glowing Eyes because they thing will blocks moonlight in which you won’t be able to attack Barbossa. Make sure to get Barbossa to the moonlight to attack him. Attack him from the back or side when he is concentrating on the group to safely get at him. Once you defeat Barbossa, everybody will get another GET bonus. You will get the Follow the Wind Keyblade and transported back to the Gummi Ship. Go to the Ancient Highway Gummi mission and then you will be in Agrabah. =============================================================== 2.15 Agrabah =============================================================== After the cut scene, you will have to fight some heartless. After a while, another cut scene will happen and after it, you will get the map for this area. Save the game then go outside. Go look around for some items and stuff like AP Boosts. You will see a cut scene where Abu is trying to steal the lamp form the peddler but thanks to Aladdin, the peddler get it back Iago will see that the lamp is the same one that Jafar was trap in. Aladdin will then join your party and can be switch between him, Donald, and Goofy. Go to the peddler shop. He will want you to go to the cave of wonders. Go to the next area where you will see another marketplace, defeat the heartless there and then head to the exit. Once you get to the Cave, you will have to fight some heartless. After that, enter the cave. Go through the first area of the cave taking out the heartless and getting the items. Keep on heading down the path and killing them. Once you are in the next area, examine the jewel in the air and then the statue in front. Examine the hole and the cut scene will begin. You must get Abu with the jewel to the other side of the room to place it in the alter in front of you. After this is done, you will get a GET Bonus. continue on into the next couple of rooms until you get the cut scene of Pete trying to steal the lamp. Sora and friends will then head back and see Pete trying to get the lamp. After that, go to the palace for a boss battle. =============================================================== 2.15A Volcanic Lord and Blizzard Lord =============================================================== Hp- 351 HP Difficulty- Normal The Blizzard lord comes first; he will be in the air and will be hitting you with ice. When you see Blizzard lord start to hold his breath, use the reaction command to get in some damage. Repeat this and you will defeat him. The volcanic lord will leave fire on the ground as he bounces around on the ground. During this time, use the reaction commands and attack him the same as blizzard lord. When you are fighting against both of them, fight the one that is attacking more first. Do the same thing as before and if you have to, use your forms. Once it over, everybody get a bonus and you will get the lamp charm to summon genie. One the cut scene is over, head over to Halloween town. =============================================================== 2.16 Halloween Town =============================================================== Once your welcome back is over, get out of the lab and go kill the heartless and go to the graveyard. Keep on going and in the next area you will see a Christmas tree picture. Examine it and you will go to a new area. Defeat all the heartless here. Go and meet Santa and then you will have to chase three kids back to Halloween town. Prison Keeper HP: 1140 Difficulty- normal This boos will be in the air which makes it seems like you cannot attack it at all. You will have to climb to the top of the hill and try to attack from there but it won’t let you. If the boss gets up close, use your valor form and attack it to do more damage and get good combos in. Once the boss battle is done, everybody will get a BONUS. Once it over, sally will come to Jack and tell him that Oogie Boogie kidnapped Santa. Go back to Christmas town go into the house and head to the shipping area to fight the boss. =============================================================== 2.16A Oogie Boogie =============================================================== HP: 371 Difficulty- Hard Once the battle starts, presents will come down, is Boogie is in the same line as the presents then press triangle and hit him with the presents. Make sure not to get hit with by the spikes in the back. Once you hit him with 10 presents, he will fall down and you will be able to attack him, turn valor and do combo on him. After some good combo, he will go back up and you will have to repeat it over again. Make sure to not hit the heartless bag or you will have to fight them and don’t get hit by the thunder. Once Boogie is defeated, everybody will get a Bonus. Once the cut scene is over, Sora will get the Magnet magic. Sora and friends will be back in the ship. Go on to the next mission and then on to Pride Lands. =============================================================== 2.17 Pride Lands =============================================================== Coming into this world, you will turn into a Lion while Donald becomes a bird and Goofy becomes a Turtle and with this form, you cannot change your form sadly. Get the map for the area then go forward. You will see Nana being attacked by heartless, go fight them and then you will see a cut scene. Go to the next area, you can follow it on your map. Head to the Gorge. Look for items if you want to. Keep on going until you make it to Pride Rock, which is north of the Savannah. Head back to the Savannah and you will meet with Scar. Pete will also be there in Lion form. Nana will help you get out and you will go to Wildebeast Valley, which is a safer place to talk about Simba. Keep on killing heartless at you go on. Once you get to the jungle, you will meet up with Simba. You will then try to help Simba and he wants to become the real king. You will then get the keyblade Circle of Life. You will then have to fight the hyenas, which they are not hard but you will also have to keep Pumba safe. After this battle, get ready and save because you will have to fight Scar next. =============================================================== 2.17A Scar =============================================================== HP: 915 Difficulty- Normal This battle is not hard, he just fast. To get near him, just use dash. Avoid his attacks once in a while and makes sure to use your Limit with Simba. After the battle, everybody will get a Bonus and Sora will get another fire magic ability. Your back in the ship, you can ether head to the Olympus Coliseum or Twighlight Town, for right now, we will head to Twighlight Town. =============================================================== 2.18 Twigilight Town Second Trip =============================================================== Once you come back, vivi will tell you that there is a problem at the sandlot. If you want, you can go buy stuff but head to the sandlot afterwards. Seifer and his friends will be on the ground while nobodies are there. Take out the nobodies here. After the cut scene, you will get a trophy from Seifer. Pence will tell Sora to go the train station to ask about Kairi. Sora will then learn that Axel has token Kairi before Sora come here. Once the cut scene is done, you will get the Oath keeper Keyblade. Once thing are over here, you will be back in the ship. You will see that hollow Bastion is in darkness, head over there to find out why. =============================================================== 2.19 Hollow Bastion Second Trip =============================================================== Once you get there, you will see that heartless are running from nobodies. You will then see Cloud. After that, take out the heartless and head to Merlin’s house. Save your game then keep on moving forward. You will meet new characters called the Gull wings. Head down the stair and into the next area. You can kill the heartless here if you want to but keep on going forward. Once you go to Ansem Study, talk to Leon to open a door to the computer room, a cut scene will happen and you will be in Space Paranoids. =============================================================== 2.20 Space Paranoids =============================================================== Once you there, Sora will get a new blue outline. You will prison in this place along with Donald, goofy, and Tron. Once you are in control, keep on hitting the door for orbs so you can get out and make sure to save your game. After the cut scene, Tron will become a part of your party. Get out of the area and go to the next platform. Go to the center of the area and you are supposed to find and destroy the red box. After all of the boxes stop spinning, try and find the right one, once you attack a box, the real red one will appear, if you got orbs than you will be able to freeze the box so you can attack it. Go back to the Pit cell and use the computer to go back to Hallow Bastion. Look at the wall where Ansem picture is and examine it. Mickey will give you the password you need along with a new form, Master. Go back to the Pit cell and get Tron; you will then play mini game called Light cycles. The game will teach you the controls, for this game, make sure you do not get hit or else it takes a lot of damage and makes sure you press L2 and R2 to turn when you need to. The first goal is just to beat five heartless which should be no problems. The second one is to get out of there because of the enemy trying to get you, make sure you don’t hit walls doing this game. Once you beat it, Sora is back at the Pit cell, move to the Canyon and then go to the red color room. When you reach the next area, use the computer and you will have to play another game. Once you have finish this game, go to Communications Room and save then head out for the next boss battle. =============================================================== 2.20A Hostile Program =============================================================== HP: 640 Difficulty- Easy Once the battle starts, attack him, when you do, orbs will fall out, once the meter is full, you can perform the Freeze command. When this happens, you can ether just attack it, use valor, wisdom, master, or use Torn limit, does not really matter because they all do damage but I took the way of using Wisdom. Keep on doing this until you beat the boss in which everybody will get a Bonus. Once you beat the boss, Tron will send you back to your own world and you will get the Photon Debugger Keyblade as you leave. =============================================================== 2.21 Hollow Bastion Third Trip =============================================================== Once the scene is over, look at the computer to see another scene. Once this one is over, get out of the area for what, another scene. Once this one is over, you have to fight heartless and nobodies. Make sure to get ready for the next fight and have all your characters ready. =============================================================== 2.21A Organization XIII Demyx =============================================================== HP: 1005 Difficulty- Hard When you start this battle, you will have to defeat 50 of his water things in 40 seconds. If you do not do this, auto game over. When you defeat those, you get to fight Demyx. He will use a dash attack to try and attack you. When you hear the words Dance water Dance, more water forms will appear and you will have to defeat them in 10 seconds. Goofy limits are very useful here and make and break if you can beat this boss or not. After this, use a form to take out more of his HP. He will have some other moves that you will have to be careful about. Once you finish the battle, everybody will get a Bonus. After the battle, Goofy will get knock over by a huge rock. Donald, Mickey, and Sora in anger go all out on the heartless. Once this battle starts, Yuffie will help you, then Leon, then Tifa and then finally Cloud. Once the battle is over, you will again meet up with Donald and Mickey, Goofy comes back and he was never dead. Get the items there and get ready for a long heartless battle. =============================================================== 2.21B 1000 Heartless Battle =============================================================== This battle easy, just use the two reaction command they give you and you should do just find. After the battle, you will meet more members of Org 13, Mickey will go into the dark hole and you will be left to face the heartless, a person from kh1 comes back to help you get out and back on your ship but Sora feels that he is useless that even if he uses the keyblade, he will still cause the org 13 to get what they want. Donald and Goofy try to cheer you up. You will then go to the land of dragon’s world to start taking out the Org 13. =============================================================== 2.22 The land of Dragons Second Trip =============================================================== Once you are here, go get that guy in black. Defeat the nobodies he sends at you. He will then have to face this person alone. Makes sure to avoid his attacks and you will be fine. You will then have to fight a lot of heartless. Your friends will join you and then you guys will go to the city to protect it again from an enemy. Once you got to the Imperial Square, take out the heartless. Go inside the Palace and you will meet up with that guy again. Defeat the Snipers there and go outside to fight another boss. =============================================================== 2.22A Storm Rider =============================================================== HP: 1216 Difficulty- Hard You can us Mickey for this battle just incase you die but for now, aim for the horn and attack the horn. Makes sure to look when you see the reaction command come up so you won’t fall. You will later get to use another reaction command so you can attack him freely. Makes use to avoid his beam and you will be fine with this boss. Like every battle, once the battle is over, everyone will get a Bonus. Once everything is over, you will be back on the ship, go to Beast’s Castle to fight more of the Org 13. =============================================================== 2.23 Beast’s castle Second Trip =============================================================== When you get here, talk to Beast then kills the heartless and nobodies. Beast will go to his room to look at the rose. Go to his room and try to talk Beast in to rejoining you guys. Return to the area you started when you first started the world and then if you your drive a lot, use it now, transform to any form because when you face this boss, if you use it over 10 times without going anti then you will go into it 100% because it a org battle and make sure to prepare yourself because this is one of the if not the hardest battles in kingdom hearts 2. Head out of the castle and get ready for the battle. =============================================================== 2.23A Organization XIII Xaldin =============================================================== HP: 1155 Difficulty- Extreme This is going to be one of the hardest battles you have ever faced. When you start, don’t get close to him, he will be able to attack you with ease. After a while, he will jump out, and attack you with a beam that is like most likely not avoidable. When you can save up the jump reaction command, do it, it not might look like much now but it will save you later on in the battle. When you can, make sure to use Goofy limit (it a boss killer). If you lose, Mickey will come to help you but still, you have a very hard time with this boss. Once you win, everybody gets a Bonus. Beast and Bell will have a happy ending and you will go back to your ship. Tip on how to beat Xaldin from ChineseBirdy of gamefaqs. How I beat Xaldin was I gave all my team potions and put the restock on them and put them on use in emergency. then I stock up to 10 jump each time and waste them on Xaldin. When my life gets low Donald/Goofy/Beast would heal me with their potions. I would keep doing that until Xaldin did that faster combo where u can learn up to jump each time he comes after you. Then I used the same tactic and on his last bar of health I stocked up to 10jumps, turned into master and killed him. If he doesn’t die just keep on Mashing (x) and he'll fall easily. This fight was really easy so I saved before hand and played this level when ever I felt like beating someone fun. =============================================================== 2.24 Olympus Coliseum second Trip =============================================================== You will have to enter into a tournament, talk to Pain to enter. The first round will be some weak heartless that you will have to take out. The second round is just a bigger group of heartless that you can still take out. You will then see a cut scene in which Auron is acting wired. So you will follow him. Once the cut scene is over, head to him for yet another cut scene. Head back and watch out for falling rocks. Go to the inner chamber and save if you want to. Use the exit to the south to get another cut scene. When you get to the next room, nobodies will come and attack you. Once the cut scene is over, you will get Auron's Statue. Go to Pain and tell him to take you to the Underdrome. Auron will come back to your party and you will take on Hades. =============================================================== 2.24A Hades =============================================================== HP: 1230 Difficulty- Normal Hades will be able to throw fireball at you but you can just fire them back. Hercules will be able to make orbs. Use the reaction command that comes with this so Hades can be attacked. IF Hades makes fire around him self, get away from hit or you will be hit. Just be careful during the match and you will win. Once the battle is done, everybody will get a bonus and Sora will get the Guardian Soul Keyblade. You will be back in your ship with new tournaments open there but if you are not interested, go to Port Royal. =============================================================== 2.25 Port Royal Second trip =============================================================== When you get here, go to the harbor where you will have to save Jack from the pirates. Once you defeat them, go to Isla de Muerta so you can see Will. Sora will then be on the black Pearl. Once you are on board, ask jack to go, you will then fight the Grim Reaper. This battle is easy, just attack him without stopping. After the battle, go to the ship graveyard. Kill the nobodies to get the medallion. Tell jack to go back to the ship graveyard, now you will have to defeat the nobodies again to get the medallion. There will be another medallion in the graveyard. Get it then tell Jack to take you to Isla de Muerta: Cave mouth to get the last medallion. After that, get back to port royal and then there will be a boss battle. =============================================================== 2.25A The Grim Reaper =============================================================== Make sure the medallion is in the chest so you can attack the monster. Make sure to pick up what he drops and then use the reaction command to put it in the chest. When the entire medallion are replace, attack it. With the other two reaction commands you should be able to defeat it. Once you defeat it, everybody will get a bonus. After the cut scene, you will get the Secret Ansem's Report 6. Now you will be back on your ship, go to Agrabah. =============================================================== 2.26 Agrabah Return Trip =============================================================== Go outside once you are here. Head to the Palace Walls and go to the Ruins. You will notice once you are their, you will be riding a carpet and read the controls of the carpet. Once you know the controls, chase after Jafar shadow, once you get near it, you will have to defeat some heartless. After this, you will have to open a door, to be able to do so; you will need to hit three different triggers. After you do all three triggers, you will have to get out of there. Get heartless off you and keep on moving. Once you are back. Talk to the peddler and soon you will fight a boss. =============================================================== 2.26A Jafar =============================================================== HP: 840 Difficulty- Very hard When you face this battle, get use to the air controls. You will be by yourself in the air. You are only able to attack him in the stomach and the head. You will have to get rid of his head HP To win the battle while the stomach hp will stop him from moving for a while. Once Jafar hp goes way down, he will throw you back and start throwing stuff at you. Avoid all of it and then attack him. Once you win the match you will get a Bonus and a new keyblade, Wishing Lamp. You will be back in the ship after a while and you will go to Halloween Town. =============================================================== 2.27 Halloween Town Second Trip =============================================================== Jack says that he has found some presents in Halloween Town. You will return them to Santa but they want to find out that took them. Go into the Toy Factory and you will find Lock, Shock, and Barrell. You will have to fight them. Attack all three until there is no hp then trap all three in each box at the same time. Once that over go back to Halloween town and fight the heartless and get the presents. Then go back to Christmas town, talk to Santa, and then go back to the toy factory. You will then play a mini game here. You will soon learn that Dr. Finklestein's experiment took the presents and now you will have to fight it. =============================================================== 2.27A The experiment =============================================================== HP: 1290 Difficulty- Hard When you start the battle, wait until the torso comes off. Once it does, go other there and use the reaction command and everything will come off. As you attack it, more parts come off, after a while they will all rejoin each other. If the head comes off, it will start shooting beams at Sora. Once you defeat the boss, everybody will get a Bonus and Sora will get the Decisive Pumpkin Keyblade. Once that over, you will see a cut scene with Sora and Kairi and then you will be back in your ship. Since there is only two more Disney world to go to, go to Pride Lands. =============================================================== 2.28 Pride Lands Second Visit =============================================================== Once you are here again, the hyenas will talk about Simba. Sora will than later see the ghost of Scar. Tell Simba about it, he will be in the king’s den. When you talk to Rafiki, he will tell you more about Scar ghost. Head to the Elephant Graveyard. You will see the hyenas again and they will start running. Keep on chasing and attacking them. Scar ghost will appear which will make Simba run off. Now go talk to Nala and Rafiki at Pride Rock. Then head to the Oasis to find Simba, you will soon fight a boss battle. =============================================================== 2.28A groundshaker =============================================================== HP: 1424 Difficulty- Hard When you start the battle, you lose control of Sora, when you see the reaction commands come up, use it. After a while, the boss will fall, this is your time to attack. Attack the eye and then when he gets up, go to his head to do another reaction command then jump up to his back. Attack the heartless on top . Soon, the heartless will start to attack you, just to avoid them. When you get back on the ground, use dash so you can avoid him. Get on it back and start attacking again. Once a lot of hp is taken, make sure to use your reaction command so you won’t die. Once it falls, finish it once and for all. You and Simba will get a Bonus and Sora get another thunder magic. Once everything is over, go to Hallow Bastion or if you want to, go to Atlantica, which is cover next. =============================================================== 2.29 Atlantica =============================================================== 1.Start of world Sebastian will meet you guys and telling you if you can help with his musical. There will be a tutorial just to teach you swim and how to play the musical part of the game. During the music, try to get as many excellent as you can. 2.Part of your world When you get the magnet Ability, come back and go talk to Flounder. The beat this music, you need to get 5 or more excellent in a row, if you get a good or bad, you will have to start all over again. It easy and you should not have a problem with it 3.Under the Sea You have to get your drive gauge to level 5 before you can do this song. Once you have it, talk to Sebastian. Sora will be trying to help Ariel become happy. Push square when it shows Ariel and don’t push it when Sebastian is on it. 4. Ursula’s Revenge Come back when you get the magnera magic ability. Go to Ariel to get the retrieve the locket. Trident will be angry and will destroy Ariel statue. Ursula will see this and make sure she will get something from this situation. When you battle Ursula, press x rapidly and it will make Ursula hp go down. The normal gauge appears so think of it that way. After you defeat her, you will get the Mysterious Abyss Keyblade. 5.A new day is Dawning You will need the Thundga magic ability to play this stage. The goal is to get 30,000 point or more. All of the older gauges will appear so make sure to know what you are pushing. It will be easy to 30,000 so don’t worry if you think it is hard. Once you complete the world, you will get the Blizzard element and Orichalcum +. =============================================================== 2.30 100 Acre woods =============================================================== Where you can get the pages: The Library at Disney Castle Oasis at the Pride Lands Crystal Fissure at Hollow Bastion The Throne Room at the Land of the Dragons The Tower in Agrabah on second trip. First area: Piglet’s house. Piglet will be stuck in a tree, go up to him and take him out. He then get blow away by the wind. You will have to now have to play "A Blustery Rescue" game. When doing this game, you will have to hit all nuts and trees. You will do this until you get to the end and save piglet. Then your done for now Second area: Rabbit's House Pooh friends think pooh is hungry and might not remember them because of that. Maybe if you find some honey, you will get his memory back. You will know play the game Honey Slider. You will go though the book getting honey and trying not to get hit. This is a easy mini game. Third area: Kanga's House Tigger thinks if pooh bounce with him, he will get his memory back. You will play Balloon Bounce. Just keep on jumping on balloon for the high score and you got three try. Fourth area: The Spooky Cave Pooh is gone and you guys will go looking for him. This mini game is The Expotition. The point of this game is to find pooh as fast as you can. Make your group follow you through the whole way. Make sure they don’t get scared and you should be alright. Last Area: Starry Hill Pooh will have a pot stuck on him, help him pull it out. Make sure to have your power gauge is up and press triangle to send him flying. After this is done, Sora will leave the world and everyone will say their good byes. =============================================================== 2.31 Hollow Bastion Fourth Trip =============================================================== Once you are back here for the last time, go talk to Leon. Sora will have to fight some more heartless that’s come from Space Paranoids and the town defense system is going against you now. Go to the Postern, the gull wings with give you a new keyblade, gullwing. Go to Ansem study and you will get another keyblade, Sleeping Lion. Now go to the Pit cell. =============================================================== 2.32 Space Paranoids Second Trip =============================================================== When you are here, use the computer to warp to the light cycles. When you meet up with Tron again, help him kill the heartless. Now head to the I/O tower, and then from there, head to the Communications Room. Then go back and head for the red door. Then move ahead to the square shape platform with the lights on it. When you move away from Solar Sailer Simulation you will have to fight three rounds of heartless. Once that done save and then move on to Sark and the MCP. =============================================================== 2.32A Sark and the MCP =============================================================== HP: 920+ 230 Difficulty: Hard When you start, you will fight Sark. Just attack him and the heartless and the first part of the fight will be over. The second part is harder; the MCP will make Sark come alive again and bigger. Once the battle starts, attack Sarks legs then head his head. Repeat this until his hp on his head is gone. Now go to the barriers and attack it until it gone. Then use the reaction command and keep on pressing triangle. Once he recovers, don’t get hit by the lasers. Now try to attack the barrier again until Sark recovers. Repeat what you did last time. Now a lot of laser will come at you, try to not get hit by it. Sark will recover again. Repeat what you did before and watch out for Sark Thunder. After a while of the same thing, a wall will for so you cannot run away. Do the same thing as last time until he runs out of Hp and everybody will get a Bonus. (note: this battle a strategy that makes the fight MUCH easier is to run from sark. When you do this he says "where do you think you're going?" and makes a wall. approach the wall and a reaction command appears. When you do this command you instantly take out Sark. then you can easily break the panels and defeat the mcp.) Once you come back to hollow bastion, it will get it name change to Radiant garden. Sora will return to the main map and if you are at a high level then go fight Sephiroth. If you are not, then go to Twigilight town. =============================================================== 2.33 Radiant Garden and Sephiroth =============================================================== When you come back here, go to the Dark Depths when you will fight Sephiroth. Make sure you equip Second chance and once more and get ready for a real fight. Sephiroth HP: 3000 Difficulty- Very hard to new players, to skilled players: Easy Once the cut scene is over, you will fight Sephiroth. When you start, use the reaction command so you won’t lose half of your hp. Then attack him. After one combo, start gliding so you won’t get hit. Once you see an opening, attack. When he gets ready to do what he did when you started the battle, press triangle. Then attack him again. He will then disappear and reappear, make sure to attack him when he has an opening. You are going to repeat this for a while. Once you see blue org appearing, try to fly away from it. Then attack him, if you lost a lot of hp, heal now. Once a wall of fir starts, move away from it then attack him. He will then come will the blue orb again. He will then tries to cruse you, attack him, if it lands on you, you will die will ease. Blue orb will come and then he will repeat what he did when the battle started. After three times, he will try to put the cruse on you again, attack him. He will then start the wall of fire again. He will then put blue orbs and then fly and start attacking you. Attack him and then wall of fire again. He will then fly up again and attack you. He will repeat the cruse. He will then repeat the flying part then wall of fire. Then finally something new, he will start throwing fireballs at you. Fly away from them then he will go back to wall of fire, you know what to do. Blue orbs with flying attack will happen again and then the cruse. By now he should only have two hp bars left, he will repeat what he first did in the battle yet again. Will now do the fireballs. Then the blue orbs along with the wall of fire. Repeat first part, hit him and then if he not dead, he will use the cruse one more time, hit him again in a combo and he dead. You will get a bonus for this battle. Once the cut scene is over, go back to the marketplace and get Cloud. Follow him back to where you fight Sephiroth. Once the cut scene between them is over, you will get the Fenrir Keyblade, which is one of the best keyblades from Tifa. You will be back in the ship, now there a new Twigilight town. Go do the mission for it and then you will be in Twigilight town. =============================================================== 2.34 Twigilight Town Third Trip =============================================================== When you come here, you will be at the train station. Go to the old Mansion through the Underground Concourse, which will let you travel places in TT quicker. Once you reach there, you will see that Hayner and his friends are on the ground. After Hayner talks to you, Mickey will be here to help you defeat the nobodies. Mickey will tell you that he has found the Ansem. Go into the Mansion and then head up the stairs and enter the library. Move down the stairs and go though the next door. Tell Pence the password is Sea-Salt Ice cream and go use the reaction command to go to the other TT. You will then be in Roxas fake TT. Go to the next room and go the orb in the corner. Kill all the nobodies and then a cut scene will happen where Axel comes to help you. Once you and Axel fight and kill all the nobodies you will get the new keyblade, Bond of Flame and now go to the next world. =============================================================== 2.35 The world that never was =============================================================== Once you get here, take out the weak shadows and keep on moving down the streets. Once you get to the middle, you will see a guy in a black cloak. It will be Roxas, he will try to take the keyblade away from you but you will win the fight. Once that over go to the end and go though the bridge. Take out the new nobodies and go inside the tower. Once you get to area after going up to fight the nobodies, you will finally get to meet up with Kairi again but also a Org 13 member. Xigbar. =============================================================== 2.36A Organization XIII Xigbar =============================================================== HP: 1300 Difficulty- Extreme Once this battle start, he will try to shoot you, use the reaction command and block it. Once he comes to you down to you, he will start shooting at you, make sure to use your limits because it will help a lot in this battle, once he start shooting a lot, make sure to protect yourself in some way. If you don’t use the limits and you don’t take control and do not know what you are doing, this is going to be one of the hardest battles in this game. Added hint from gamefaqs user Infernocorpx. Once the battle starts move to the left or right and then start using the reaction command=Warp Snipe. Soon enough he will come downand start shooting crystals just jump at him and keeping attacking him. He will soon enough shooting big blue crystal which you can use warp snipe on. He will also start changing the terrain. When he makes the terrain into a square shaped terrain he will start shooting everywhere, to dodge these all you need to do is run around the edge of the sqaure but if you stop they will keep attaking you. Soon just keep repeating this method and you should beat him. Once it over, everybody will get a Bonus and then you will meet up with Kairi and go on forward and then you will meet with your best friend Riku. After that, go to the portals where they show each weapon of the org 13. =============================================================== 2.36B Organization XIII Luxord =============================================================== HP: none (it a time battle) Difficulty- Hard Hp will not come in to this battle. For this battle only, you may sometimes turn into a card or dice in which, means no magic. If you are in this form, makes sure to avoid him. Makes sure to attack him in your Final form to make his time go down. Once he get to his danger zone, he will start putting cards all over the floor. Make sure to try to avoid damage from them. When you see the reaction command, use it so you won’t be turn into a card again. After the battle, you will get another Ansem report and will also get a Bonus. Go back to the main room then a new area will open up, go inside there and after a cut scene, you will have to fight Saix. =============================================================== 2.36C Organization XIII Saix =============================================================== HP: 1500 Difficulty- Hard Makes sure you are ready for this battle, So you know, he will have a Berserk meter, when it fills up he will go crazy and start attacking like hell. He will dash around with his weapon will hurt you. If Saix is not in berserk mode then attack him with goofy limit again like any boss. After that battle, you will be back in the main room. You will watch a cut scene then Riku will join your party. Keep on moving up the ramp taking out heartless. Once you get to the Ruin and Creation's Passage, don’t worry about not being a bridge, just keep on going up while talking out all the nobodies and heartless. A lot of heartless will invade the castle. Pete and Maleficent well come to help you while you go fight Xemnas. =============================================================== 2.36D Organization XIII Xemnas =============================================================== HP: 1500 Difficulty- Hard When the battle starts, you cannot attack Xemnas and you will start losing hp. Head to the skyscraper and use the reaction command. So the crystal on Sora will disappear. Xemnas will be on the top, run up the skyscraper and use the reaction command when you see it. You will both land on the ground and then you can attack him. If Xemnas put up a shield, Then ether attack from the side or run away. Xemnas will also go into darkness and come out to attack you. After a while though the battle, Xemnas will put up his shield again but instead of just doing that, he will attack you from it. Once the battle is done, Sora get a Bonus. You will get the last Secret Ansem's Report and then they will tell you if you want to go back and do any world mini games. If you do then go back, if you don’t then move forward to the door and tell it you want to go on to defeat Xemnas. =============================================================== 2.37 Xemnas fight one =============================================================== Before you can even fight Xemnas, you will have to go though a lot of stuff. When you start running. Building will start to come at you, use your reaction command to attack them and move forward. Keep on doing until Sora gets to the next section of the area. This section will have you trying to fight heartless while avoiding a cannon. Keep on fighting the heartless and when it tell you to jump, do it. You will be on the other side, keep on doing this until both cannon bar are full. Once that happen, do another reaction command to get off the cannon. In the next area, you will have to get rid of the energy core hp. Keep on attacking it and when a barrier is around it and nobodies are there, attack them. When you get rid of the energy core hp. You will fight Xemnas =================================================================== Xemnas first round =================================================================== HP 1000 Difficulty- Hard When the battle starts, make sure to turn into Valor form so you will have more power. Xemnas will have some attacks he can hit you with but this battle should not be hard. Once the battle ends, a cut scene will happen and get ready for battle 2. =============================================================== 2.38 Xemnas fight two =============================================================== HP 1200 HP 1500 Difficulty- Hard When you start this battle, you will be in an air ship; it plays like the gummi ships so don’t worry. When you get close to heartless, use X button to use Sora to attack them. When you are far away from the heartless, use the square button. When the heartless are shooting at you, make sure to use circle so you can have their power. When your ship power is full, use the triangle button to attack the ship with a huge beam. Once you destroy all five part of the ship, you will move on to boss fight number three. =============================================================== 2.39 Xemnas fight three =============================================================== HP 1000 Difficulty- Hard This battle will be the same as last time. Once thing different is that Donald and Goofy are gone. Make sure not to get hit by his sword. After a while, he will send Sora to space. Glide then when you se the reaction command, use it to get back to the platform. Make sure to end it with a Limit attack. When you win, you will have to fight him one more time. =============================================================== 2.40 Xemnas fight four (the end) =============================================================== HP 1500 Difficulty- Very Hard When you start the battle, Xemnas will send you flying, you will have to use the triangle button a lot. Keep on doing it until you drop to the ground. Watch out for Xemnas clone when he attacks. Make sure to not get hit by his lasers. After a while, Xemnas will get a hold of Sora, you will now use Riku for the first time ever in kingdom hearts 2 and will be the only time. Go to Sora while using your reaction command to get the clone away from you. When you get near soar, use the reaction command to gain back control of Sora. When you are near the end of the match, Xemnas will throw a lot of lasers at you. Press the X and Triangle button at the same time without stopping. Once that happen, hit Xemnas with one more combo and you will have finish kingdom hearts 2. You have beaten kingdom hearts 2. Watch the cut scene which will be the longest one in this game and if you beat the game with 100% in normal mode or beat all the world in proud mode, you will get a secret ending after the normal ending. At the end, it will show your battle data of what you did through the game, off the game and you can tell people that you beat the newest chapter in kingdom hearts. =============================================================== 3.0 extras =============================================================== This section is for stuff not in the main FAQ =============================================================== 3.1 keychain list =============================================================== Keychain Name Atk Mag Ability Location Kingdom Key 3 1 Defender Default Oathkeeper 3 3 Form Boost Twilight Town (2nd Visit) Oblivion 6 3 Drive Boost World That Never Was (After Xigbar) Star Seeker 3 1 Air Combo Plus Mysterious Tower Hidden Dragon 2 2 Damage Aspir Shan Yu (Land Of Dragons) Hero's Crest 4 0 Air Combo Up Olympus Coliseum (Hydra) Monochrome 3 2 Item Up Timeless River (After Pete) Follow The Wind 3 1 Draw Port Royal (After Barbossa) Circle Of Life 4 1 MP Haste Pride Lands (Simba in Oasis) Photon Debugger 3 2 Thunder Up Space Paranoids Gullwing 3 0 EXP Chance 1000 Heartless (Talk to Yuna in Postern) Rambling Rose 5 0 Finish Plus Beast's Castle Talk to Beast Guardian Soul 5 1 Reaction Up Olympus Coliseum (2nd Visit: After Hades) Wishes Lamp 4 3 Prize Up Agrabah (2nd Visit: After Jafar) Holy Pumpkin 6 1 Combo Up Halloween Town (2nd Visit: After Test Object) Sweet Memory 0 0 Luck Up 100 Acre Wood (After Spooky Cave) Mysterious Abyss3 3 Blizzard Up Atlantica (Chapter 4) Sleeping Lion 5 3 Combo Plus Hollow Bastion (Ansem's Study) Bond Of Flame 4 4 Fire Up Before World That Never Was (After Axel) Fatal Crest 3 5 Charge Berserk Olympus Coliseum (Goddess Of Fate Cup) Fenrir 7 1 Combo Minus Radiant Garden (After Showdown of Fate 2) Ultima Weapon 6 1 MP Hastega Synthesize Using Ultima Recipe Roxas' Keyblades Keychain Name Atk Mag Ability Location Kingdom Key 3 1 Defender Default Oathkeeper 3 3 No Ability During the last fight with Axel in Twilight Town Oblivion 6 3 No Ability During the last fight with Axel in Twilight Town Riku's Keyblades Keychain Name Atk Mag Ability Location The Way To Dawn 3 0 No Ability Default =============================================================== 3.2 Item Synthesis list =============================================================== List of Synthesis items that you can make in the game what you have to use to make them. Elixir- 3 Mythril Stones, 1 Power Stone, 1 Dark Stone. Megalixir- "Elixir" recipe + 1 Serenity Gem. Mega-Potion- 3 Mythril Shards, 1 Power Shard, 1 Blazing Shard, 1 Lucid Shard. Mega-Ether- "Mega-Potion recipe" + 1 Serenity Stone. Drive Recovery- 3 Mythril Shards, 3 Dark Shards, 1 Frost Shard, 1 Lightning Shard. High Drive Recovery- "Drive Recovery" recipe + 1 Serenity Shard. AP Boost- 1 Mythril Gem, 3 Power Crystals, 3 Dark Crystals, 3 Frost Crystals. Magic Boost- "AP Boost" recipe + 1 Serenity Crystal. Defense Boost- 1 Mythril Crystal, 3 Blazing Crystals, 3 Lightning Crystals, 3 Lucid Crystals. Power Boost- "Defense Boost" recipe + 1 Serenity Crystal. Firaga Bangle- 5 Mythril Shards, 1 Blazing Stone, 1 Blazing Shard. Firagun Bangle- "Firaga Bangle" recipe + 1 Serenity Shard. Blizzaga Armlet- 5 Mythril Shards, 1 Frost Stone, 1 Frost Shard. Blizzagun Armlet- "Blizzaga Armlet" recipe + 1 Serenity Shard. Thundaga Trinket- 5 Mythril Shards, 1 Lightning Stone, 1 Lightning Shard. Thundagun Trinket- "Thundaga Trinket" recipe + 1 Serenity Shard. Midnight Anklet- 5 Mythril Shards, 1 Lucid Stone, 1 Lucid Shard. Chaos Anklet- "Midnight Anklet" recipe + 1 Serenity Shard. Acrisius- 5 Mythril Stones, 1 Blazing Stone, 1 Frost Stone, 1 Lightning Stone. Acrisius+- "Acrisius" recipe + 1 Serenity Stone. Power Band- 5 Mythril Stones, 1 Power Stone, 1 Dark Stone, 1 Lucid Stone Buster Band- "Power Band" recipe + 1 Serenity Stone Garnet Ring- 3 Mythril Stones, 1 Power Stone, 1 Power Shard, 1 Dark Shard. Diamond Ring- "Garnet Ring" recipe + 1 Serenity Shard Mythril Ring- 3 Mythril Stones, 1 Power Stone, 1 Dark Stone, 1 Dark Shard. Orichalcum Ring- "Mythril Ring" recipe + 1 Serenity Shard. Soldier Earring- 3 Mythril Gems, 1 Dark Gem, 1 Frost Gem, 1 Lucid Gem. Fencer Earring- "Soldier Earring" recipe + 1 Serenity Stone. Mage Earring- 3 Mythril Gems, 1 Power Gem, 1 Blazing Gem, 1 Lightning Gem. Slayer Earring- "Mage Earring" recipe + 1 Serenity Stone. Expert's Ring- 3 Mythril Crystals, 1 Dark Crystal, 1 Dark Gem, 1 Dark Stone, 1 Dark Shard. Master's Ring- "Expert's Ring" recipe + 1 Serenity Gem. Mythril Shard- 1 Dense Stone, 3 Dense Shards, 1 Twilight Stone, 3 Twilight Shards. Mythril Stone- "Mythril Shard" recipe + 1 Serenity Shard. Mythril Gem- 1 Dense Crystal, 3 Dense Gems, 1 Twilight Crystal, 3 Twilight Gems. Mythril Crystal- "Mythril Gem" recipe + 1 Serenity Stone. Petit Ribbon- 3 Mythril Crystals, 1 Orichalcum, 1 Dense Stone, 1 Dense Shard. Ribbon- "Petit Ribbon" recipe + 1 Serenity Gem. Moon Amulet- 3 Orichalcums, 1 Mythril Crystal, 1 Twilight Stone, 1 Twilight Shard. Star Charm- "Moon Amulet" recipe + 1 Serenity Gem. Save the Queen- 1 Orichalcum, 3 Dense Crystals, 5 Dense Gems, 7 Dense Stones, 9 Dense Shards. Save the Queen+- "Save the Queen" recipe + 1 Serenity Crystal. Save the King- 1 Orichalcum, 3 Twilight Crystals, 5 Twilight Gems, 7 Twilight Stones, 9 Twilight Shards. Save the King+- "Save the King" recipe + 1 Serenity Crystal. Ultima Weapon- 7 Orichalcum+s, 1 Orichalcum, 1 Mythril Crystal, 1 Dense Crystal, 1 Twilight Crystal, 4 Serenity Crystals, 1 Energy Crystal (You will need the last one on the list) List that the heartless give out Blazing Shard- Hammer Frame, Minute Bomb Blazing Stone- Tornado Step, Cannon Gun Blazing Gem- Fat Bandit, Fiery Globe Blazing Crystal- Crimson Jazz, Crescendo Bright Shard- Bulky Vendor, Creeper Plant, Soldier, Hook Bat, Minute Bomb, Rabid Dog Bright Stone- Bulky Vendor, Aeroplane, Driller Mole, Luna Bandit,Tornado Step Wight Knight, Cannon Gun, Silver Rock Bright Gem- Bulky Vendor, Aerial Knocker, Magnum Loader, Surveillance Robot Bright Crystal- Bulky Vendor, Air Pirate, Neoshadow, Strafer, Crescendo Dark Shard- Soldier, Shadow Dark Stone- Assault Rider, Nightwalker Dark Gem- Gargoyle Knight, Gargoyle Warrior Dark Crystal- Air Pirate Dense Shard- Dragoon, Creeper Dense Stone- Sniper Dense Gem- Samurai Dense Crystal- Berserker Energy Shard- Bolt Tower, Gargoyle Knight, Gargoyle Warrior, Nightwalker Energy Stone- Hammer Frame, Lance Soldier, Trick Ghost Energy Gem- Emerald Blues, Fortuneteller Energy Crystal- Bookmaster, Shaman Frost Shard- Lance Soldier, Hook Bat Frost Stone- Hot Rod, Aeroplane Frost Gem- Fortuneteller, Icy Cube Frost Crystal- Living Bone Lightning Shard- Bolt Tower, Rapid Thruster Lightning Stone- Emerald Blues, Driller Mole Lightning Gem- Armored Knight, Surveillance Robot Lightning Crystal- Strafer, Devastator Lucid Shard- Trick Ghost, Rabid Dog Lucid Stone- Graveyard, Toy Soldier, Wight Knight Lucid Gem- Bookmaster, Magnum Loader Lucid Crystal- Neoshadow Orichalcum- Neoshadow Orichalcum +- There are only seven of these, here are the areas: Space Paranoids - Central Computer Mesa in a chest Twilight Town - Sunset Terrace in a chest The World That Never Was - The Brink of Despair in a chest 100 Acre Wood - Finish Starry Hill Atlantica - Finish "A New Day is Dawning" Olympus Coliseum - Beat Goddess of Fate Cup Any Moogle Shop - Get at least one of every other material Power Shard- Large Body, Creeper Plant Power Stone- Luna Bandit, Silver Rock Power Gem- Shaman, Aerial Knocker Power Crystal- Morning Star Serenity Shard- Assault Rider, Fat Bandit,Graveyard, Hot Rod, Large Body, Toy Soldier, Creeper Serenity Stone- Crimson Jazz, Devastator, Living Bone, Morning Star,Dusk Serenity Gem- Dancer, Dragoon, Gambler, Sniper Serenity Crystal- Assassin, Berserker, Samurai, Sorcerer Twilight Shard- Gambler, Dusk Twilight Stone- Dancer Twilight Gem- Assassin Twilight Crystal- Sorcerer =============================================================== 3.3 Sanctuary lyrics =============================================================== The theme song for Kingdom hearts 2 In you and I, there's a new land Angels in Flight wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I My Sanctuary, my Sanctuary yeah Where fears and lies melt away *Music will tie wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I What's left of me, what's left of me now I watch you, fast asleep All I fear means nothing In you and I there's a new land Angels in flight wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I My Sanctuary, my Sanctuary yeah Where fears and lies melt away *Music will tie wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I What's left of me, what's left of me snwod dna spu ynam os My heart's a battleground snoitome eurt deen I wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I snoitome eurt deen i You show me how to see That nothing is whole and Nothing is broken in you and I there's a new land Angels in flight wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I My Sanctuary, my Sanctuary yeah Where fears and lies melt away *Music will tie wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I What's left of me, what's let of me now My fears and our lies Melt away Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I =============================================================== 3.4 Donald Weapons =============================================================== Mage's Staff Hammer Staff Comet Staff Victory Bell Rising Dragon Lord's Broom Meteor Staff Wisdom Wand Shaman's Relic Nobody Lance Save the Queen Save the Queen+ =============================================================== 3.5 Goofy weapons =============================================================== Knight's Shield Adamant Shield Falling Star Chain Gear Dreamcloud Genji Shield Ogre Shield Knight Defender Nobody Guard Akashic Record Save the King Save the King + =============================================================== 4.0 Jimmy Journal =============================================================== This Journal is the main extra of kingdom hearts 2. To get 100%, you need to complete this whole Journal and everything in it. This section will show the main stuff in the Journal. ======================== 4.0A Ansem Reports ======================== Ansem reports will tell you more about the back story of the game that is not told though the cut scene. They are important to the game and teach you a lot. ======================== 4.0B Characters ======================== This talk about all the main or world characters in kingdom hearts 2 along with a picture of them. ======================== 4.0C Heartless ======================== This part is a list of all the heartless in the game. What reaction commands you can do on them and a picture of them. ======================== 4.0D Nobodies ======================== The same as heartless but with nobodies now. ======================== 4.0E Treasures ======================== Show a list of all the Treasure for each world in order. ======================== 4.0F Story ======================== Shows all main parts of each world just incase you skip a scene or want to reread the story. ======================== 4.0G Maps ======================== All the maps in this game that you get from chest or main plot points. ======================== 4.1 Mission ======================== This will talk about each mission in the journal. It will be separated though out different worlds. ======================= 4.1A Hollow Bastion ====================== 1. Meet the three girls again (just return to the Postern where you will also acquire the Gullwing Keyblade) 2. Meet Sephiroth again Sephiroth is in the Dark Depths, an area just past where you fought the 1000 Heartless battle. 3. SB Freestyle (talk to Scrooge McDuck) a. Give it a try b. Finish with 200 or more points. ================== 4.1B Olympus Coliseum ================== 1. Phil's Training a. Try Practice mode b. Try Maniac Mode c. Complete with a score of 1000 or more points 2. The Underdrome: Pain and Panic a. Give it a try b. Win with a score of 2000 or more 3. The Underdrome: Cerberus a. Give it a try b. Win with a score of 1000 or more 4. The Underdrome: Titan a. Give it a try b. Win with a score of 5000 or more 5. The Underdrome: Goddess of Fate a. Give it a try b. Win with a score of 3000 or more 6. The Paradox Battles: Pain and Panic a. Give it a try b. Win with a score of 2500 or more 7. The Paradox Battles: Cerberus a. Give it a try b. Win with a score of 2500 or more 8. The paradox battles: Titan a. Give it a try b. Win with a score of 1300 or more 9. The paradox battles: Hades a. Give it a try b. Win with a score of 15000 or more Tip for Hades paradox battle from goku43000@yahoo.com: In rounds 31 to 40, it helps to use lightning in Final Form. The lightning attack in Final Form is much stronger than the other previous forms. With Final Form attacks and lightning used together, I was able to get three minutes left for round 40. you can also just use the Fenrir keyblade and Ultimate keyblade together when in Final Form. The lightning attack would inflict similar damage as in Final Form. ============ 4.1C Agrabah ============ 1. Redo the Cave of Wonders: Chasm Challenges 2. Magic Carpet a. Try again b. Finish with a score of 65 or more 3. SB Sand Slider a. Give it a try b. Finish with 10 or more points ============ 4.1D 100-Acre Wood ============ 1. A Blustery Rescue a. Try again b. Finish with a score of 18000 or more 2. Hunny Slider a. Try again b. Finish with a score of 8000 or more 3. Balloon Bounce a. Try again b. Finish with a score of 2000 or more 4. The Expotition a. Try again b. Finish within 90 seconds 5. The Hunny Pot a. Try again b. Finish with a score of 8000 or more =========== 4.1E Halloween Town =========== 1. Gift Wrapping a. Try again b. Finish with a score of 150 or more 2. SB Workshop Rave a. Give it a try b. Finish with 1000 or more points ========== 4.1F Space Paranoids ========== 1. Light Cycle a. Try again b. Finish with 30 points or more =========== 4.1G Port Royal =========== 1. SB Time attack a. Give it a try b. Finish within 40 seconds ------------ 4.1H Atlantica ------------ 1. Perform "Swim This Way" again 2. Perform "Part of Your World" again 3. Perform "Under the Sea" again 4. Perform "Ursula's Revenge" again 5. Perform "A New Day is Dawning" again ---------------- 4.1I Twilight Town ---------------- 1. Mail Delivery a. Try again b. Complete with in 14 seconds 2. Cargo Climb a. Try again b. Complete within 15 seconds 3. Grandstander a. Try again b. Complete with 100 or more points 4. Poster Duty a. Try again b. Complete within 30 seconds 5. Bumble Buster a. Try again b. Complete within 10 seconds 6. Junk Sweep a. Try again b. Complete with less than 6 points 7. The Struggle: Hayner a. Give it a try b. Win by a margin of 100 or more points 8. The Struggle: Setzer to fight Setzer you must defeat Hayner 10 times a. Give it a try b. Win with 150 or more points 9. The Struggle: Seifer to fight Seifer defeat Hayner and Setzer 10 times a. Give it a try b. Win with 200 points 10. SB Street Rave a. Give it a try b. Finish with 1000 points or more ======================== 4.0H Combo Attacks ======================== These are attacks you can do with your friends. -Donald/Fantasia -Donald/Flare Force -Goofy/Twister Fusion -Goofy/Teamwork -Beast/Howling Moon -Auron/Overdrive -Mulan/Dragonblaze -Aladdin/Trick Fantasy -Jack/Applause, Applause -Jack Sparrow/Treasure Isle -Simba/King's Pride -Tron/Complete Compliment -Riku/Eternal Session -Sora/Trinity Limit -Peter Pan/Never Land -Chicken Little/FPS Mode -Stitch/Ohana -"Valor" Genie/Sonic Rave -"Wisdom" Genie/Strike Raid -"Master" Genie/Final Arcana -"Final" Genie/Infinity ======================== 4.0I Character Links ======================== These are links that show the main characters and how they link to each other. This is just a list of them. Sora Riku Roxas Kairi Pete Xehanort Goofy Donald Ansem the Wise King Mickey Maleficent Namine Xigbar Xaldin Vexen Zexion Lexaeus Axel Luxord Demyx Larxene Marluxia ======================== 4.0J Synthesis Notes ======================== Just a copy of the game Synthesis notes from the Journal -Moogle Level -Types of materials obtained 50/50 -Complete collection lists 50/50 -Synthesized Recipes 45/45 -Get 1 type of Material (Elixer) -Get 5 types of Materials (Free Development) -Get 10 types of Materials (High Drive Recovery) -Get 15 types of Materials (Megalixer) -Get 20 types of Materials (Free Development 2) -Get 25 types of Materials (AP Boost) -Get 30 types of Materials (Defense Boost) -Get 35 types of Materials (Power Boost) -Get 40 types of Materials (Magic Boost) -Get 45 types of Materiasl (Orichalcum) -Get all Materials (Orichalcum+) -Obtain total amount of 50 or more (Serenity Shard) -Obtain total amount of 100 or more (Serenity Shard) -Obtain total amount of 250 or more (Serenity Gem) -Obtain total amount of 500 or more (Serenity Crystal) -Obtain total amount of 1000 or more -Obtain all dense materials (Serenity Gem) -Obtain all twilight materials (Serenity Crystal) -Obtain all mythril Materials (AP Boost) -Obtain all bright Materials (Defense Boost) -Obtain all energy Materials (Power Boost) -Obtain all energy Materials (Power Boost) -Obtain all serenity Materials (Magic Boost) -Obtain all rank C Materials (Serenity Shard) -Obtain all rank B Materials (Serenity Stone) -Obtain all rank A materials (Serenity Gem) -Obtain all Rank S Materials (Serenity Crystal) -Obtain 30 or more Blazing Shards (Sell at shop) -Obtain 25 or more Blazing Stones (Sell at shop) -Obtain 20 or more Blazing Gems (Sell at shop) -Obtain 30 or more Frost Shards (Sell at shop) -Obtain 25 or more Frost Stones (Sell at shop) -Obtain 20 or more Frost Gems (Sell at shop) -Obtain 30 or more Lightning Shards (Sell at shop) -Obtain 25 or more Lightning Stones (Sell at shop) -Obtain 20 or more Lightning gems(Sell at shop) -Obtain 30 or more Lucid Shards (Sell at shop) -Obtain 25 or more Lucid Stones (Sell at shop) -Obtain 20 or more Lucid Gems (Sell at shop) -Obtain 30 or more Power Shards (Sell at shop) -Obtain 25 or more Power Stones (Sell at shop) -Obtain 20 or more Power Gems (Sell at shop) -Obtain 30 or more Dark Shards (Sell at shop) -Obtain 25 or more Dark Stones (Sell at shop) -Obtain 20 or more Dark Gems (Sell at shop) -Obtain 30 or more Dense Shards (Sell at shop) -Obtain 25 or more Dense Stones (Sell at shop) -Obtain 20 or more Dense Gems (Sell at shop) -Obtain 30 or more Twilight Shards (Sell at shop) -Obtain 25 or more Twilight Stones (Sell at shop) -Obtain 20 or more Twilight Gems (Sell at shop) =============================================================== 5.0 Kingdom hearts 2 Final Mix + section =============================================================== Welcome to the brand new Kingdom hearts 2 Final mix section. This section will just list the basic of what has change from the normal KH2 game to the All new Final Mix game. Now we shall go into the world of Final Mix +. =============================================================== 5.1 KH2 FM+ New Ability =============================================================== Only ones from Final Mix + Sora Normal: Combo Master Drive Converter Crisis Half Light&Dark (Use with keyblade People Come Across) Zero EXP Dodge Roll Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 Sora Limit form: Sonic Rave Last Arcanum Strike Raid Ragnarok Zantetsuken Ripple Drive Hurricane Beyond Zantetsu Counter Reflect Combo Reflect Guard Snap Shot Slide Dash Aerial Sweep Donald: None as I can see. Will check later. Goofy: Crisis Half Protect Protectra Protectga =============================================================== 5.1A New keyblades =============================================================== There are now two new keyblades added just for this edition of KH2. People Come Across http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q311/sora250/roxasbattlekeyblade.png The first of the two new keyblades for KH2FM+. It has good attack power. All right magic power but this keyblade is know for it ability, light and dark. This will mostly be use if you want to use Anit form on purpose. You get this keyblade by beating Roxas. Winner's Proof http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q311/sora250/mushroomkeyblade.png This keyblade has great magic power but it ability can hurt you(Zero EXP gain) unless you are at your final level. you get this keyblade by defeating all of the 13 black mushrooms. (There more to it but I don't own the game so I would not know much.) =============================================================== 6.0 Frequently asked questions =============================================================== Q: What is kingdom hearts? A: Kingdom hearts is a playstation 2 game made by square Enix back in 2002. Q: How do I get Final form A: People stop asking me this. Okay, this is how you get Final form. After you watch the cutscreen of Roxas fighting Sora in the World that never was, transform into one of your other forms and at random, you will get final form. You can't force it, you just have to be lucky. Q: When is kingdom hearts 3 coming out? A: Don’t ask me, I don’t work at square of Japan. But Three spin off of KH series are coming out for the PSP, DS and Cell Phone. Q: Who made kingdom hearts? A: Tetsuya Nomura Q: Who owns the characters to kingdom hearts? A: With the exception of Final fantasy, Disney owns everything else in the game. Q: What are some AR codes for this game? A: Do not ask me or email this question, I don’t hack so I won’t answer it. Q: How do you get past this hard boss? A: Read my FAQ, if you really need help you can email me and I will be happy to help you. Q: Q. Well, what does Mickey do? A: He like an extra life, in some bosses if you die, he will come to help you but beware because if Mickey comes once, the chance of him coming again go low. Q: I can’t get back to this certain world? A: Don’t worry about it, it will come back later in the game for you to complete. Q: I beat the game, and watched the credits, but now I'm stuck on this Battle Report scene. I've tried pressing every button but nothing seems to work! What do I do? A: Reset the game and go back to the point where you saved. Q: May I add my own information to this Game Guide? A: email me at (shadowtosin@yahoo.com) and tell me what to add. I will review it and if it looks good, I will put it in the FAQ and give you credit of course Q: Can you answer my question about the first game or chain of memories? A: E-mail, I will get back to you, this FAQ is only for kingdom hearts 2. Q: What is kingdom hearts 2 Final Mix + A: A remake of kingdom hearts chain of memories in 3D and a remake of kingdom hearts 2 with extras. Only in Japan until square Enix says it comes to America. Q: Well you get kingdom hearts 2 Final Mix + A: If I have the time and money to import one day, I will. Q: What is the theme song of the game? A: "Sanctuary" by Utada Hikaru (Japanese version called Passion) Q: Which one is better, Sanctuary or Passion? A: It all opinion, but for me, passion is better but that does not mean Sanctuary is a bad theme song. Q: Who does the voice acting for Sora? A: Haley Jones Osment. Q: Why won’t my drive level go pass (certain level)? A: You must get a certain form. Level 3: Starting level Level 5: Get master form Level 7: Get Final form Q: Why do you answer your own Question? A: Don’t ask me. Q: Who is the most powerful organization member out of the 13 and which one is your favorite? A: Xemnas is the most powerful and my favorite is Roxas. Q: Why won't you answer my email? A: You have bad grammar in the email you sent to me. I won't answer it. =============================================================== 7.0 credits =============================================================== I like to thank. My parents: For making me alive to even type this. CjayC: For making gamefaqs for me to put this FAQ on. Darkjak09: A member of gamefaqs who help start this FAQ and help me with some parts of the faq. ffrebirth.com: For the great huge keyblade list. Team chaos: For helping me with the FAQ. Animelyrics.com- for the lyrics to the song that is in this FAQ. Sepirorc of gamefaqs- A member of gamefaqs who gave me a secret to helping beat Sark and the MPC faster. Goku43000@yahoo.com:Tip for Hades paradox battle. ChineseBirdy of gamefaqs: For a tip on how to beat Xaldin You: for reading this FAQ westsidegrl133@aol.com: Saw a mistake on section 2.15 Infernocorpx of gamefaqs: For added a hint on how to beat Xigbar. =============================================================== 8.0 Copyright =============================================================== - Copyright (c) 2007 Tosin Ajayi (Shadowtosin@yahoo.com) This guide cannot be sold, as it is free to use also this guide Cannot be posted on any website or forum without my permission, if you wish to show this on your or a website please email me with the address shown above so I can add a link and the up loaders name in to the guide. This game and all characters and environments within it are copyright their Respective owners. THE END.