-Kingdom Hearts II- -Gummi Guide- -By Dan and Timdean- -Version 2.0- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Contact Information- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can contact me by emailing me at: Cookiecat10@comcast.net. Or you can contact This FAQ's helper at: timdean-myrda@comcast.net I do not accept spam mail or complete flames. I will accept Suggestions, questions, any info that is not listed or just comments. I will not post how to get a certain gummi piece unless you email me, then I will post it after replying to you. Then everyone who is having the same trouble doesn't have to email me too. Are we clear, good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -What this is- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is my first FAQ on Gamefaqs so it might not be the greatest. But I am hearing a lot of questions on the board about gummi ships so I figured, Hey, I might as well make one. So this guide lists all the gummi pieces, where to get them, info on them, tips on stages, and how to get the strange treasure pieces like the one on ancient highway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Updates- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -April 7, 2006 - This faq was just created and I just started making the info on the gummies. -April 8, 2006 - I finished gummi info on each piece and have started level treasures. -April 9, 2006 - I have finished the treasure charts for every level, maybe now, the forums will be less crowded with gummi topics. -April 14,2006 - I have added ways to get some hard to get pieces like the ones in ancient highway and floating island. Also, this is now a joint project by me and Timdean. -April 16,2006 - I added the enemy section and made tips on how to beat the Hunter-X. I also added some more gummi pieces tips. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Contents- (ctrl+f) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Changes (By: Timdean) (chngs) -All About Gummies (abtgs) -Material gummies (mtrlg) -Deco-Gummies (decog) -Abilities (ablts) -Upgrades (upgrt) -Asteroid Sweep (astrd) -Stardust Sweep (stdst) -Phantom Storm (phnts) -Splash Island (slshi) -Floating Island (fltgi) -Ancient Highway (ancnt) -Broken Highway (brknh) -Sunlight Storm (snlts) -Assault of the Dreadnought (aotdn) -Standard enemies (stnde) -Pirate Ship enemies (prtse) -Special enemies (spcle) -Gummi Building Tips (gibgt) -Gummi Building Steps (gibgs) -Gummi Piece Checklist (chckl) -Frequently Asked Questions (faqsg) -Credits (crdts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Changes- (By: Timdean) (chngs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are the main changes I noticed between the KH and KHII gummi systems. If you need one in more detail send me an email and I will help you out. -Cost. Mainly this just stops you from making your gummi ship too powerful. -There are no restrictions on what you can build. If you want your gummi ship to be a bunch of floating guns then the game won't stop you. -Deco/Material menus. More of a nuisance than anything else. Wings and body parts are on one menu, and weapons, engines, cockpits, and stuff like that go in the other. -No in game parts/help. All gummi flyers loved 99 puppies and Geppetto but there is nothing gummi related in the rest of the game this time. -Medals. Not too much of a purpose to these, mostly for a level one route and berserk. -Berserk. When you hit a level 30-medal berserk activates. In berserk you power up immensely this only lasts until you get hit but because of the power up that can take a while. -Camera Angle. In this game you can fight enemies in front of you, behind you, to your left, and to you right. For the most part this is automatic and does not affect game play. -Levels. In this game each route has three levels. Level one is a fight for medals. Level two is for enemy destruction. Level three is also for enemy destruction but with a twist, you have to man the camera. -Item Holders. Now there are certain enemies that hold items. These are identified by off colors, usually red or yellow, and will give you one item only. -Abilities. Just like your abilities during game play your gummi ships now have abilities ranging from cannon power upgrade to a full heal when you die. -Tiny Ships. These can block your attacks and help you destroy enemies. For the most part just think of this as an extension to your gummi ship. Those were the just the main ones there are several more but you should find those fairly quickly. If you find anything you think should be on this list let me know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -All about Gummies- (abtgs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, let's get started. You're probably here because you don't understand how the gummi system works. Let me start with the basics. After running a few tests, I have figured out what the five stats in the bottom right corner of a gummi stands for. HP - Ok, so the top icon is a shield. That does not stand for defense. That is simply HP. That just says how much damage the ship can take before it crashes into space. I know this by simple putting a single gummi lump as the ship. Shields do not affect the gummi's HP in any way except by adding 1 HP per shield attached to the gummi. Offense - The next one going clockwise looks like a cannon gummi. It's the picture of a simple fire/G gummi piece. But what does it really stand for? By adding a single Fire gummi with an offense of 25 as the ship itself, I saw that only the offense stat changed. The one below it did not change. Now I add another Fire/G piece. The stat is now 50, but the stat below it did not change again. So therefore, adding cannon gummies and Laser gummies only changes the offense stat. But is offense the only thing that matters? What about power, what does that have to do with anything? It did take a few seconds to kill a simple knight head, so let's see how power effects offense. Does adding more of the guns affect how fast an enemy dies if only one gun is hitting the enemy? Let's find out. I have a single fire/G on one side of the ship and 10 on the other, My offense is 275. But does this affect the total power of each gummi piece? I tested it out only hitting enemies with the side with one fire/G. They were dying just as slow as they were before using only one Fire/G total. Power - Power is the confusing stat here. Power is the stat that looks like a cannon shooting out a blast. It is next in clockwise order. So to test this, I added about 14 neon orbs and 14 neon bars. That made my power 224. I tested the same thing using the same setup as before and found that I am destroying my enemies much faster. I did one final test to see if having high offense and Power effected how strong a single shot is. So I added a whole 2 rows of fire/G pieces on one side of the ship and a single fire/G on the other and attacked with the one side with one fire/G. I concluded that having high offense does nothing for your ships overall power. So even though Offense and Power are correlated, they are very different. Power effects how strong each shot of a weapon gummi is and Offense is simply the total offense power of each gummi piece put together. Power effects offense, not vice versa. So basically, you want a high offense because that means you have a lot of guns on your ship, nothing more. You want Power because that affects how much damage each gummi piece does. The more power it has, the more damage is done. I hope this does not confuse you and helps you understand these two confusing stats. Mobility - The next stat going clockwise. It is the picture of a wing. Mobility effects how mobile the ship is. With high mobility comes much farther spins and more free movement. You won't feel like you're restricted to just up, down, left, and right movements. There is not much else to say about this stat. I don't really feel it is that important. Speed - This is the final stat going clockwise. It is just a picture of a Booster/G. Speed is very important. It affects how fast a ship moves in various directions. With high speed, comes great dodging a very far and fast spins. You will look like a fly moving around in space if you have your speed high enough. Speed is very important and should not be looked over one bit. So those are the five gummi stats that matter to a ship. Now what are shields? It does not matter where on the ship the shields are. Most hits will be blocked by the shields no matter the location. Shots from your cannons and lasers will go through the shield so you don't have to worry about that. Personally though, I don't see shields as useful gummi pieces. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Material Gummies- (mtrlg) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are gummies that have no name. The fact that they have no name makes them very difficult to explain, but just know that all of the Bevelled Gummies cost one point of space, two cost, and are all 1x1x1 in size. The Curved Gummies sort of follow the same pattern as the Bevelled Gummies. They cost differently though, and have different HP stats, but they are still 1x1x1 in size. Aero Gummies work a bit differently that the other two previously mentioned. You see, they not only increase Hp, but also mobility. They each cost 1 point, they each give you 1 HP, 3 mobility and vary in size, but are relatively small. Finally, there are the Gummi Lumps. They are pretty much pre-made gummies put together, hence the name Gummi Lumps. They cost as low as 4 points and as high as 96 points. But they increase HP a bit. HP goes anywhere from 8 HP to 108 HP, not bad, huh? These lumps can get pretty big and all vary in size. That's really all there is to say on these gummies. Let's move on to the Deco- Gummies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Deco-Gummies- (decog) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Weapon Gummies- ------------------------------------------------- Name- Obviously the name of the gummi piece Cost- How much cost the piece takes up HP- The HP you gain for using this gummi piece Offense- The offensive power of the gummi piece Size- The length, width, and height of the piece Max- How many there are in the game that you can obtain total Damage- How much the attack does for that gummi alone ----------------------------- -Projectile Gummies- ----------------------------- Name- Fire/G Cost- 35 HP- 1 Offense- 25 Size- 1x1x1 Max- 16 Damage- 35 ----------------------------- Name- Fira/G Cost- 41 HP- 1 Offense- 30 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 17 Damage- 41 ----------------------------- Name- Firaga/G Cost- 53 HP- 1 Offense- 40 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 17 Damage- 53 ----------------------------- Name- Blizzard/G Cost- 71 HP- 1 Offense- 50 Size- 1x1x1 Max- 23 Damage- 35 ----------------------------- Name- Blizzara/G Cost- 108 HP- 1 Offense- 75 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 8 Damage- 35 ----------------------------- Name- Blizzaga/G Cost- 138 HP- 1 Offense- 100 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 8 Damage- 35 ----------------------------- Name- Gravity/G Cost- 145 HP- 1 Offense- 100 Size- 1x1x1 Max- 8 Damage- 15 ----------------------------- Name- Gravira/G Cost- 155 HP- 1 Offense- 110 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 6 Damage- 40 ----------------------------- Name- Graviga/G Cost- 184 HP- 1 Offense- 130 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 4 Damage- 60 ----------------------------- Name- Comet/G Cost- 82 HP- 1 Offense- 60 Size- 2x1x1 Max- 14 Damage- 200 ----------------------------- Name- Meteor/G Cost- 156 HP- 1 Offense- 120 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 7 Damage- 250 ----------------------------- -Lock-on Gummies- ----------------------------- Name- Thunder/G Cost- 132 HP- 1 Offense- 100 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 9 Damage- 400 ----------------------------- Name- Thundara/G Cost- 222 HP- 1 Offense- 150 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 4 Damage- 400 ----------------------------- Name-Thundaga/G Cost- 312 HP- 1 Offense- 20 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 3 Damage- 400 ----------------------------- Name- Ultima/G Cost- 328 HP- 1 Offense- 230 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 3 Damage- 500 ----------------------------- Name- Drain/G Cost- 395 HP- 1 Offense- 1000 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 1 Damage- N/A ----------------------------- -Slash Gummies- ----------------------------- Name- Orichalcum/G Cost- 129 HP- 1 Offense- 300 Size- 1x2x1 Max- 4 Damage- 500 ----------------------------- Name- Masamune/G Cost- 134 HP- 1 Offense- 300 Size- 1x3x1 Max- 4 Damage- 500 ----------------------------- Name- Excalibur/G Cost- 126 HP- 1 Offense- 300 Size- 1x3x1 Max- 4 Damage- 500 ----------------------------- Name- Infinity/G Cost- 100 HP- 1 Offense- 300 Size- 1x3x1 Max- 4 Damage- 500 ----------------------------- -Impact Gummies- ----------------------------- Name- Drill/G Cost- 8 HP- 1 Offense- 50 Size- 2x3x2 Max- 9 ----------------------------- Name- Saw/G Cost- 13 HP- 1 Offense- 100 Size- 4x4x1 Max- 9 ----------------------------- Name- Gungnir/G Cost- 8 HP- 1 Offense- 200 Size- 1x3x1 Max- 6 ------------------------------------------------- -Movement Gummies- ------------------------------------------------- Name- The name of the gummi piece Cost- How much cost the piece takes up HP- The HP gained for using this gummi piece Speed- The speed the piece adds to the total speed Power- How much power you gain from the piece Size- The length, width, and height of the piece Max- How many pieces of that piece total ----------------------------- -Engine Gummies- ----------------------------- Name- Vernier/G Cost- 17 HP- 1 Speed- 11 Power- -10 Size- 1x1x1 Max- 14 ----------------------------- Name- Booster/G Cost- 23 HP- 1 Speed- 14 Power- -10 Size- 2x2x2 Max- 10 ----------------------------- Name- Thruster/G Cost- 14 HP- 1 Speed- 10 Power- -10 Size- 1x1x1 Max- 14 ----------------------------- Name- Mini-Propeller/G Cost- 9 HP- 1 Speed- 8 Power- -10 Size- 1x1x1 Max- 11 ----------------------------- Name- Propeller/G Cost- 12 HP- 1 Speed- 9 Power- -10 Size- 2x1x2 Max- 12 ----------------------------- Name- Screw Propeller/G Cost- 9 HP- 1 Speed- 8 Power- -10 Size- 2x1x2 Max- 12 ----------------------------- Name- Rotor/G Cost- 9 HP- 1 Speed- 8 Power- -10 Size- 4x4x1 Max- 8 ----------------------------- Name- Large Rotor/G Cost- 9 HP- 1 Speed- 8 Power- -10 Size- 6x6x1 Max- 8 ----------------------------- -Wing Gummies- ----------------------------- Name- Sonic Turbo/G Cost- 18 HP- 1 Speed- 54 Size- 2x2x2 Max- 10 ----------------------------- Name- Tempest/G Cost- 8 HP- 1 Speed- 24 Size- 3x2x1 Max- 12 ----------------------------- Name- Hurricane/G Cost- 8 HP- 1 Speed- 24 Size- 2x3x1 Max- 10 ----------------------------- Name- Typhoon/G Cost- 8 HP- 1 Speed- 24 Size- 3x2x1 Max- 10 ----------------------------- Name- Cyclone/G Cost- 8 HP- 1 Speed- 24 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 10 ----------------------------- Name- Vortex/G Cost- 11 HP- 1 Speed- 33 Size- 3x2x1 Max- 10 ----------------------------- Name- Storm/G Cost- 8 HP- 1 Speed- 24 Size- 2x2x1 Max- 10 ----------------------------- Name- Angel/G Cost- 24 HP- 1 Speed- 72 Size- 3x2x1 Max- 8 ----------------------------- Name- Darkness/G Cost- 20 HP- 1 Speed- 60 Size- 3x2x1 Max- 8 ------------------------------------------------- -Auxiliary Gummies- ------------------------------------------------- Name- The name of the gummi piece Cost- how much the piece costs to use HP- How much HP you get from the piece Power- How much average power you gain Speed- How much average speed you gain Size- The length, width, and height of the piece Max- How many can be obtained in the game ----------------------------- -Cockpit Gummies- ----------------------------- Name- Flat Helm/G Cost- 8 HP- 1 Power- 33 Speed- -50 Size- 2x2x2 Max- 4 ----------------------------- Name- Bubble Helm/G Cost- 9 HP- 1 Power- 29 Speed- -40 Size- 2x2x2 Max- 4 ----------------------------- Name- Solid Helm/G Cost- 11 HP- 1 Power- 41 Speed- -60 Size- 2x3x2 Max- 4 ----------------------------- Name- Sphere Helm/G Cost- 9 HP- 1 Power- 44 Speed- -70 Size- 2x3x2 Max- 4 ----------------------------- Name- Bridge/G Cost- 19 HP- 1 Power- 59 Speed- -80 Size- 2x2x3 Max- 4 ----------------------------- Name- Big Bridge/G Cost- 10 HP- 1 Power- 60 Speed- -100 Size- 2x2x3 Max- 4 ----------------------------- -Shield Gummies- ----------------------------- Name- Shield/G Cost- 8 HP- 1 Size- 3x1x3 Max- 2 Description- Blocks normal enemy fire. ----------------------------- Name- Large Shield/G Cost- 7 HP- 1 Size- 4x1x4 Max- 2 Description- Blocks normal enemy fire. ----------------------------- Name- Shell/G Cost- 8 HP- 1 Size- 3x1x3 Max- 2 Description- Blocks enemy lasers. ----------------------------- Name- Large Shell/G Cost- 7 HP- 1 Size- 4x1x4 Max- 2 Description- Blocks enemy lasers. ----------------------------- -Optional Gummies- ----------------------------- Name- Neon Orb/G Cost- 8 HP- 1 Effects- 8 Power Size- 1x1x1 Max- 18 Description- Increases the Gummi Ship's power. ----------------------------- Name- Neon Bar/G Cost- 8 HP- 1 Effects- 8 Power Size- 1x2x1 Max- 18 Description- Increases the Gummi Ship's power. ----------------------------- Name- Wheel/G Cost- 15 HP- 1 Effects- 45 Mobility Size- 1x2x2 Max- 14 Description- Increases the Gummi Ship's Mobility. ----------------------------- Name- Parabola/G Cost- 23 HP- 1 Effects- -10 Speed Size- 1x1x2 Max- 4 Description- Can lock on quicker. Can attach multiple. ----------------------------- Name- Antenna/G Cost- 20 HP- 1 Effects- -10 Speed Size- 1x1x2 Max- 2 Description- Can lock on quicker. Can attach multiple. ----------------------------- Name- Radar/G Cost- 10 HP- 1 Effects- -10 Speed Size- 4x4x1 Max- 4 Description- Can lock on quicker. Can attach multiple. ----------------------------- Name- Round Light/G Cost- 13 HP- 34 Effects- -20 Power Size- 1x1x1 Max- 8 Description- Expends power and increases Gummi Ship's HP. ----------------------------- Name- Square Light/G Cost- 8 HP- 19 Effects- -10 Power Size- 1x1x1 Max- 8 Description- Expends power and increases Gummi Ship's HP. ----------------------------- Name- Crown/G Cost- 15 HP- 1 Effects- Reduces HP down to 1, but the Ship will start missions in berserk mode. Size- 2x2x2 Max- 1 Description- Must receive 100% on all missions in all Gummi stages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Abilities- (ablts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name- Cannon upgrade AP- 5 AP Max- 3 Description- Each upgrade increases damage dealt by Cannon Gummi attacks by 30%. ----------------------------- Name- Laser Upgrade AP- 5 AP Max- 3 Description- Each upgrade increases damage dealt by Laser Gummi attacks by 30%. ----------------------------- Name- Slash upgrade AP- 5 AP Max- 3 Description- Each upgrade increases damage dealt by Slash Gummi attacks by 30%. ----------------------------- Name- Draw AP- 4 AP Max- 2 Description- Attracts orbs that are normally out of reach. ----------------------------- Name- Medal Converter AP- 4 AP Max- 2 Description- Causes medal orbs to appear more often than HP Orbs, 50% for the first and 75% for the second. ----------------------------- Name- Heal Upgrade AP- 2 AP Max- 3 Description- Increases the recovery effect of HP Orbs. ----------------------------- Name- Auto-Life AP- 3 AP Max- 1 Description- Restores HP after the first time it drops to 0. ----------------------------- Name- Auto-Regen AP- 2 AP Max- 3 Description- Restores HP automatically over time. ----------------------------- Name- Auto-Counter AP- 3 AP Max- 1 Description- Fires lasers automatically when hit by enemy attacks. ----------------------------- Name- Slash Haste AP- 2 AP Max- 3 Description- Increases the speed at which the Slash Gauge fills. ----------------------------- Name- Slash Precharge AP- 2 AP Max- 3 Description- Charges the Slash Gauge so it can be used at the start of the course. ----------------------------- Name- Formation Change AP- 1 AP Max- 1 Description- Allows you to change the formation of Teeny Ships with L2 and R2. ----------------------------- Name- Active Formation AP- 1 AP Max- 1 Description- Allows you to power Teeny Ship formation into Active Mode with Square. ----------------------------- Name- Cost Converter AP- 1 AP Max- 2 Description- Allows you to leave one Teeny Ship behind and add its cost to the Gummi Ship. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Upgrades- (upgrt) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Upgrade- Limit Upgrade Description- Increases Gummi Ship Cost by 100 (New Cost = 700). ----------------------------- Upgrade- Limit Upgrade 2 Description- Increases Gummi Ship Cost by 100 (New cost = 800). ----------------------------- Upgrade- Ability Description- Enables the use of abilities. ----------------------------- Upgrade- AP Upgrade Description- Increases maximum AP by 4 (New AP = 12). ----------------------------- Upgrade- AP Upgrade 2 Description- Increases maximum AP by 4 (New AP = 16). ----------------------------- Upgrade- AP Upgrade 3 Description- Increases maximum AP by 4 (New AP = 20). ----------------------------- Upgrade- Designs Description- Enables the use of patterns within Paint. ----------------------------- Upgrade- Teeny Ship Description- Enables the use of Teeny ships. ----------------------------- Upgrade- Teeny Upgrade Description- Increases Teeny Ship Cost by 100 (New cost = 200) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Asteroid Sweep- (astrd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 1- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------ | Rank | Medals | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------ | S | 30 | Pattern |Patterned Skin A | | A | 26 | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | | B | 22 | Gummi |Mini-Propeller/G | | C | 18 | Gummi |Fira/G | | D | 14 | Gummi |Thundara/G | | E | 10 | Ability |Laser Upgrade | ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Gravity/G | N/A |N/A | | Gummi |Thunder/G | Left |Ring Tank | | Gummi |Fire/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Blizzard/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Material/G x10 | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Front |Knight Head (G) | | Gummi |Square Light/G | Front |U.F.O. (R) | | Gummi |Flat Helm/G | Front |U.F.O. (R) | | Gummi |Typhoon/G | Front |Knight Head (G) | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 2- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S | 500 |Blueprint |Highwind a Model | | A | 440 | Gummi |Propeller/G | | B | 380 | Gummi |Large Shield/G | | C | 320 | Gummi |Fira/G | | D | 260 | Gummi |Saw/G | | E | 200 | Gummi |Gravira/G | ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Fire/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Tempest/G | Back |U.F.O. (G) | | Gummi |Tempest/G | Right |Ring Tank (G) | | Gummi |Blizzard/G | Front |U.F.O. (R) | | Gummi |Propeller/G | Front |Spider (R) | | Gummi |Fire/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Blizzard/G | Front |Mega Tank (R) | |Blueprint |Kingdom Model | Front |Spider (G) | | Gummi |Vernier/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Storm/G | Front |Bomb Bell (G) | | Gummi |Vernier/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 3- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S |1,000,000| Gummi |Flat Helm/G | | A | 900,000 | Gummi |Hurricane/G | | B | 800,000 | Gummi |Thruster/G | | C | 700,000 | Gummi |Radar/G | | D | 600,000 | Gummi |Gungnir/G | | E | 500,000 | Gummi |Masamune/G | ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Back |U.F.O. (G) | | Gummi |Wheel/G | Right |Ring Tank (G) | | Gummi |Thunder/G | Front |U.F.O. (R) | | Gummi |Blizzard/G | Left |Ring Tank (R) | | Gummi |Gravity/G | Front |Bomb Bell (R) | | Ability |Slash Haste | Front |Spider (R) | | Gummi |Vernier/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Tempest/G | Right |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Fire/G | Left |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Typhoon/G | Back |Knight Head (G) | | Gummi |Vernier/G | Back |Knight Head (G) | | Gummi |Sonic Turbo/G | Front |Knight Head (G) | | Ability |Slash Precharge | Front |Spider (G) | | Gummi |Tempest/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Fire/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Typhoon/G | Front |Bomb Bell (G) | ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Stardust Sweep- (stdst) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 1- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------ | Rank | Medals | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------ | S | 30 | Pattern |Patterned Skin B | | A | 26 | Gummi |Rotor/G | | B | 22 | Gummi |Shield/G | | C | 18 | Gummi |Solid Helm/G | | D | 14 | Gummi |Blizzara/G | | E | 10 | Ability |Cannon Upgrade | ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Ability |Heal Upgrade | N/A |N/A | | Gummi |Blizzard/G | Front |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Fire/G | Back |Hex Ring (R) | | Gummi |Fire/G | Left |Cyclops (R) | | Gummi |Bubble Helm/G | Right |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Fire/G | Right |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Material/G x10 | Back |Hunter | | Gummi |Vernier/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Thunder/G | Left |Cyclops (R) | | Gummi |Blizzard/G | Front |Cyclops (R) | | Gummi |Vernier/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Thunder/G | Front |Spider | | Gummi |Blizzard/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Typhoon/G | Front |Knight Head (G) | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Front |Bomb Bell (G) | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 2- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S | 500 |Blueprint |PuPu Model | | A | 440 | Gummi |Thruster/G | | B | 380 | Gummi |Parabola/G | | C | 320 | Gummi |Blizzara/G | | D | 260 | Gummi |Radar/G | | E | 200 | Gummi |Orichalcum/G | ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Ability |Heal Upgrade | Back |Spider | | Gummi |Storm/G | Back |Knight Head (G) | | Gummi |Gravity/G | Front |Bomb Bell (R) | | Gummi |Tempest/G | Front |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Vernier/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Fire/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Thunder/G | Front |Hunter | | Gummi |Screw Propeller/G| Front |Cyclops (G) | | Gummi |Vernier/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Ability |Slash Precharge | Front |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Fire/G | Front |Spider | | Ability |Slash Haste | Front |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Blizzard/G | Front |Spider | | Gummi |Tempest/G | Front |Gatling Ship (R) | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 3- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S |1,000,000| Gummi |Bubble Helm/G | | A | 900,000 | Gummi |Sonic Turbo/G | | B | 800,000 | Gummi |Booster/G | | C | 700,000 | Gummi |Drill/G | | D | 600,000 | Gummi |Antenna/G | | E | 500,000 | Gummi |Comet/G | ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Booster/G | Back |Spider | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Back |Knight Head (G) | | Gummi |Fire/G | Front |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Cyclone/G | Left |Cyclops (R) | | Gummi |Thruster/G | Front |Cyclops (R) | | Gummi |Cyclone/G | Back |Cyclops (R) | | Gummi |Thruster/G | Back |Cyclops (R) | | Gummi |Drill/G | Back |Cyclops (G) | | Gummi |Large Rotor/G | Left |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Fire/G | Right |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Parabola/G | Front |Hunter | | Gummi |Tempest/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Rotor/G | Front |Cyclops (G) | | Gummi |Fire/G | Front |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Blizzard/G | Back |Spider | | Gummi |Round Light/G | Back |Knight Head (G) | | Gummi |Tempest/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Back |Bomb Bell (G) | | Gummi |Gravity/G | Front |Spider | | Gummi |Mini-Propeller/G | Front |Spider | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Phantom Storm- (phnts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 1- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------ | Rank | Medals | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------ | S | 30 | Pattern |Realistic Skins | | A | 26 | Gummi |Hurricane/G | | B | 22 | Gummi |Flat Helm/G | | C | 18 | Ability |Cannon Upgrade | | D | 14 | Gummi |Gravira/G | | E | 10 | Ability |Auto-Life | ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Upgrade |Teeny System | N/A |N/A | | Gummi |Square Light/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Material/G x10 | Front |Grappler (R) | | Gummi |Blizzara/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Fira/G | Front |Grappler (R) | | Gummi |Thruster/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Square Light/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Front |Grappler (G) | | Gummi |Gravity G | Front |Skull | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 2- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S | 500 |Blueprint |Tonberry Model | | A | 440 | Gummi |Storm/G | | B | 380 | Gummi |Sonic Turbo/G | | C | 320 | Gummi |Radar/G | | D | 260 | Gummi |Gungnir/G | | E | 200 | Gummi |Thundara/G | ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Gravity/G | Back |Grappler (R) | | Gummi |Fira/G | Back |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Screw Propeller/G| Back |Grappler (R) | | Gummi |Cyclone/G | Back |Spiked Roller (G) | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Front |Gatling Ship (G) | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Front |Grappler (G) | | Gummi |Gravity/G | Front |Grappler (R) | | Gummi |Meteor/G | Front |Driller (R) | | Gummi |Drill/G | Front |Driller (R) | | Gummi |Thruster/G | Front |Spiked Roller (R) | | Gummi |Booster/G | Front |Skull | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 3- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S |1,000,000| Gummi |Drill/G | | A | 900,000 | Gummi |Storm/G | | B | 800,000 | Gummi |Large Rotor/G | | C | 700,000 | Gummi |Bridge/G | | D | 600,000 | Gummi |Blizzara/G | | E | 500,000 | Gummi |Thundaga/G | ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Thruster/G | Back |Grappler (R) | | Gummi |Fira/G | Back |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Thruster/G | Back |Grappler (R) | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Back |Spiked Roller (G) | | Gummi |Antenna/G | Front |Skull | | Gummi |Fira/G | Left |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Vortex/G | Right |Gatling Ship (G) | | Gummi |Storm/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Storm/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Vortex/G | Back |Gatling Ship (G) | | Gummi |Thruster/G | Back |Grappler (R) | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Back |Grappler (G) | | Gummi |Blizzara/G | Right |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Comet/G | Back |Spiked Roller (R) | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Splash Island- (slshi) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 1- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------ | Rank | Medals | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------ | S | 30 | Pattern |Decal Skins | | A | 26 | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | | B | 22 | Gummi |Screw Propeller/G | | C | 18 | Gummi |Bridge/G | | D | 14 | Upgrade |AP Limit Upgrade | | E | 10 | Ability |Heal Upgrade | ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Ability |Auto Counter | N/A |N/A | | Ability |Formation Change | Front |U.F.O. (R) | | Gummi |Fira/G | Right |Bomber (R) | | Gummi |Sphere Helm/G | Front |Bomber (R) | | Gummi |Screw Propeller/G| Front |Bomber (G) | | Gummi |Thundara/G | Front |U.F.O (R) | | Gummi |Material/G x10 | Left |Shield (R) | | Gummi |Booster/G | Front |Bomber (R) | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 2- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S | 350 |Blueprint |Moogle Model | | A | 300 | Gummi |Storm/G | | B | 250 | Gummi |Round Light/G | | C | 200 | Gummi |Antenna/G | | D | 150 | Ability |Laser Upgrade | | E | 100 | Gummi |Thundaga/G | ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Screw Propeller/G| Left |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Front |Gatling Ship (G) | | Gummi |Fira/G | Right |Bomber (R) | | Gummi |Comet/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Screw Propeller/G| Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Orichalcum/G | Back |Shield (R) | | Gummi |Large Rotor/G | Front |Shield (G) | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 3- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S |1,000,000| Gummi |Solid Helm/G | | A | 900,000 | Gummi |Storm/G | | B | 800,000 | Gummi |Screw Propeller/G | | C | 700,000 | Gummi |Firaga/G | | D | 600,000 | Gummi |Blizzaga/G | | E | 500,000 | Gummi |Meteor/G | ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Rotor/G | Front |U.F.O. (R) | | Gummi |Fira/G | Left |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Comet/G | Front |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Front |Bomber (G) | | Gummi |Storm/G | Back |Bomber (R) | | Gummi |Firaga/G | Front |Bomber (R) | | Gummi |Vortex/G | Front |Bomber (G) | | Gummi |Square Light/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Screw Propeller/G| Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Flat Helm/G | Front |Shield (R) | | Gummi |Propeller/G | Front |U.F.O. (R) | | Gummi |Vortex/G | Back |Shield (G) | | Gummi |Large Rotor/G | Front |Shield (R) | | Gummi |Thruster/G | Front |Bomber (R) | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Floating Island- (fltgi) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 1- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------ | Rank | Medals | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------ | S | 30 | Pattern |Variety Skins A | | A | 26 | Gummi |Propeller/G | | B | 22 | Gummi |Shell/G | | C | 18 | Gummi |Sphere Helm/G | | D | 14 | Gummi |Orichalcum/G | | E | 10 | Ability |Active Formation | ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ----------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ----------------------------------------------------------- | Upgrade |Cost Limit Upgrade| N/A |N/A | | Gummi |Material/G x10 | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Mini-Propeller/G | Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Fire/G | Front |Mega Tank (R) | | Gummi |Propeller/G | Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Mini-Propeller/G | Right |Crawler | | Gummi |Propeller/G | Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Mini-Propeller/G | Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Booster/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Blizzard/G | Back |Bomber (R) | | Gummi |Storm/G | Back |Bomber (G) | | Gummi |Mini-Propeller/G | Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Thunder/G | Front |Tank (R) | | Gummi |Solid Helm/G | Front |Bomber (R) | | Gummi |Propeller/G | Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Gravity/G | Back |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Drill/G | Back |Phoenix (G) | ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 2- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S | 300 |Blueprint |Mandragora Model | | A | 260 | Gummi |Large Rotor/G | | B | 220 | Ability |Cost Converter | | C | 180 | Gummi |Excalibur/G | | D | 140 | Gummi |Firaga/G | | E | 100 | Gummi |Graviga/G | ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Masamune/G | Back |Driller (R) | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Left |Crawler | | Ability |Auto-Regen | Front |Bomber (R) | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Back |Crawler | | Gummi |Fira/G | Back |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Rotor/G | Back |Bomber (R) | | Gummi |Fira/G | Back |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Propeller/G | Front |Phoenix (G) | | Gummi |Mini-Propeller/G | Front |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Left |Crawler | | Gummi |Gungnir/G | Front |Driller (R) | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Right |Crawler | | Gummi |Bridge/G | Right |Tank (G) | ---------------------------------------------------------- Propeller/G from Phoenix (G) - (Submitted by LegacyWeaponX) The propeller piece is tricky to get and a little tough but bare with me. To get it, you must destroy all of the phoenixes that appear after the 2 crawlers. You must also destroy them all pretty much right when they get on the screen. After about 10 of them, a golden one will appear after the red one is destroyed. ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 3- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S |1,000,000| Gummi |Sphere Helm/G | | A | 900,000 | Gummi |Square Light/G | | B | 800,000 | Gummi |Mini-Propeller/G | | C | 700,000 | Gummi |Saw/G | | D | 600,000 | Gummi |Firaga/G | | E | 500,000 | Gummi |Ultima/G | ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Masamune/G | Back |Driller (R) | | Gummi |Fira/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Mini-Propeller/G | Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Screw Propeller/G| Front |Bomber (R) | | Gummi |Large Rotor/G | Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Comet/G | Back |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Round Light/G | Back |Bomber (R) | | Gummi |Saw/G | Back |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Rotor/G | Right |Crawler | | Gummi |Mini-Propeller/G | Left |Crawler | | Gummi |Propeller/G | Right |Crawler | | Gummi |Blizzara/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Angel/G | Front |Phoenix (G) | | Gummi |Bubble Helm/G | Back |Bomber (R) | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Back |Bomber (G) | | Gummi |Comet/G | Front |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Screw Propeller/G| Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Propeller/G | Front |Crawler | | Gummi |Angel/G | Back |Phoenix (G) | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Ancient Highway- (ancnt) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 1- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------ | Rank | Medals | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------ | S | 30 | Pattern |Variety Skins B | | A | 26 | Gummi |Cyclone/G | | B | 22 | Gummi |Wheel/G | | C | 18 | Ability |Slash Upgrade | | D | 14 | Gummi |Firaga/G | | E | 10 | Ability |Auto-Regen | ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Comet/G | N/A |N/A | | Gummi |Blizzara/G | Front |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Wheel/G | Back |Reaper's Wheel | | Gummi |Sonic Turbo/G | Front |Speeder (G) | | Ability |Cannon Upgrade | Front |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Material/G x10 | Front |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Sonic Turbo/G | Left |Hunter | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Front |Phoenix (G) | ---------------------------------------------------------- Sonic Turbo/G from Speeder (G) - (Submitted by Me) To get the golden speeder to appear after the Reaper's Wheel, you must kill the wheel in 1 hit. It's easiest to use lasers to kill it but also have so cannons for the speeders you must kill after the wheel is dead. The speeders come in rapidly and you must be quick to kill them or the golden speeder won't show up. ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 2- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S | 350 |Blueprint |Chocobo Model | | A | 300 | Gummi |Angel/G | | B | 250 | Gummi |Shell/G | | C | 200 | Upgrade |AP Limit Upgrade | | D | 150 | Gummi |Fira/G | | E | 100 | Gummi |Ultima/G | ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Hurricane/G | Front |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Angel/G | Front |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Sonic Turbo/G | Left |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Angel/G | Left |Phoenix (G) | | Gummi |Sonic Turbo/G | Back |Reaper's Wheel | | Gummi |Typhoon/G | Back |Hex Ring (G) | | Gummi |Hurricane/G | Front |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Typhoon/G | Front |Phoenix (G) | | Gummi |Antenna/G | Front |Hunter | | Gummi |Wheel/G | Front |Knight Head (G) | ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 3- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S |1,000,000| Gummi |Saw/G | | A | 900,000 | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | | B | 800,000 | Gummi |Wheel/G | | C | 700,000 | Gummi |Sphere Helm/G | | D | 600,000 | Gummi |Gravira/G | | E | 500,000 | Gummi |Infinity/G | ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ---------------------------------------------------------- | Gummi |Wheel/G | Back |Reaper's Wheel | | Gummi |Cyclone/G | Front |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Darkness/G | Front |Speeder (G) | | Gummi |Blizzara/G | Left |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Darkness/G | Left |Speeder (G) | | Gummi |Rotor/G | Left |Phoenix (G) | | Gummi |Wheel/G | Back |Reaper's Wheel | | Gummi |Cyclone/G | Front |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Firaga/G | Back |Hex Ring (R) | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Front |Hex Ring (G) | | Ability |Slash Haste | Left |Hunter | | Ability |Draw | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Saw/G | Left |Phoenix (G) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Darkness/G from Speeder (G) - (Submitted by Drakath) You have to kill the Reaper Wheel in one to two hits and then focus on all the speeders that appear in the front/left. It's kind of like that tough one in Floating Island, you just have to keep killing them as they appear until you get the gold one, but they won't appear unless the Wheel is dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Broken Highway- (brknh) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 1- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------ | Rank | Medals | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------ | S | 30 | Pattern |Neon Skins A | | A | 26 | Gummi |Typhoon/G | | B | 22 | Gummi |Booster/G | | C | 18 | Gummi |Large Shield/G | | D | 14 | Gummi |Blizzaga/G | | E | 10 | Ability |Medal Converter | ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ | Treasures | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Upgrade |Teeny Limit Upgrade| N/A |N/A | | Gummi |Rotor/G | Front |Knight Head (G) | | Gummi |Wheel/G | Back |Reaper's Wheel | | Gummi |Hurricane/G | Front |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Shield/G | Right |Shield (R) | | Ability |Laser Upgrade | Right |Gatling Tank (R) | | Gummi |Material/G x10 | Back |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Fira/G | Left |Gatling Tank (R) | | Gummi |Gravira/G | Front |Gatling Tank (R) | | Gummi |Radar/G | Left |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Wheel/G | Back |Reaper's Wheel | | Gummi |Blizzara/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Hurricane/G | Back |Gatling Tank (R) | | Gummi |Cyclone/G | Back |Speeder (G) | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 2- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S | 350 |Blueprint |Cactuar Model | | A | 300 | Gummi |Darkness/G | | B | 250 | Gummi |Wheel/G | | C | 200 | Gummi |Big Bridge/G | | D | 150 | Gummi |Blizzara/G | | E | 100 | Gummi |Masamune/G | ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ | Treasures | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Gummi |Saw/G | Back |Reaper's Wheel | | Gummi |Thruster/G | Back |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Vernier/G | Right |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Screw Propeller/G | Right |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Booster/G | Back |Reaper's Wheel | | Gummi |Firaga/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Blizzaga/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Thruster/G | Front |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Round Light/G | Back |Shield (R) | | Gummi |Darkness/G | Back |Gatling Ship (G) | | Gummi |Thruster/G | Left |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Vernier/G | Left |Speeder (G) | | Gummi |Screw Propeller/G | Back |Reaper's Wheel | | Gummi |Darkness/G | Back |Knight Head (G) | | Gummi |Sonic Turbo/G | Back |Reaper's Wheel | | Gummi |Firaga/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 3- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S |1,000,000| Gummi |Gungnir/G | | A | 900,000 | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | | B | 800,000 | Gummi |Wheel/G | | C | 700,000 | Gummi |Solid Helm/G | | D | 600,000 | Gummi |Thundara/G | | E | 500,000 | Gummi |Excalibur/G | ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ | Treasures | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Gummi |Vortex/G | Back |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Back |Knight Head (G) | | Gummi |Fira/G | Right |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Typhoon/G | Right |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Saw/G | Back |Reaper's Wheel | | Gummi |Vortex/G | Back |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Gravira/G | Back |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Typhoon/G | Front |Shield (R) | | Gummi |Wheel/G | Back |Gatling Ship (G) | | Gummi |Firaga/G | Front |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Saw/G | Back |Reaper's Wheel | | Gummi |Blizzaga/G | Back |Gatling Ship (R) | | Gummi |Square Light/G | Back |Speeder (G) | | Gummi |Hurricane/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Hurricane/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Back |Knight Head (G) | | Gummi |Fira/G | Back |Knight Head (R) | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Sunlight Storm- (snlts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 1- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------ | Rank | Medals | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------ | S | 30 | Pattern |Neon Skins B | | A | 26 | Gummi |Sonic Turbo/G | | B | 22 | Gummi |Large Shell/G | | C | 18 | Gummi |Thundaga/G | | D | 14 | Upgrade |AP Limit Upgrade | | E | 10 | Ability |Draw | ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ | Treasures | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Gummi |Ultima/G | N/A |N/A | | Gummi |Comet/G | Front |Mystic Flyer (R) | | Gummi |Firaga/G | Right |Knight Head (R) | | Gummi |Round Light/G | Back |Spiked Roller (R) | | Gummi |Material/G x10 | Front |Spider | | Gummi |Round Light/G | Front |Mystic Flyer (R) | | Gummi |Darkness/G | Front |Mystic Flyer (G) | | Gummi |Blizzara/G | Front |Spiked Roller (R) | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Front |Grappler (R) | | Gummi |Gravira/G | Front |Grappler (R) | | Gummi |Blizzaga/G | Front |Mystic Flyer (R) | | Gummi |Comet/G | Front |Mystic Flyer (R) | | Gummi |Darkness/G | Front |Spiked Roller (G) | | Gummi |Saw/G | Front |Hunter | | Gummi |Drill/G | Front |Driller (R) | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 2- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S | 600 |Blueprint |Cait Sith Model | | A | 500 | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | | B | 400 | Gummi |Drill/G | | C | 300 | Gummi |Parabola/G | | D | 200 | Ability |Slash Upgrade | | E | 100 | Gummi |Infinity/G | ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ | Treasures | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Gummi |Round Light/G | Left |Spider | | Gummi |Meteor/G | Left |Spiked Roller (R) | | Gummi |Square Light/G | Left |Grappler (R) | | Gummi |Vortex/G | Left |Mystic Flyer (R) | | Gummi |Mini-Propeller/G | Left |Knight Head (G) | | Gummi |Parabola/G | Front |Driller (G) | | Gummi |Wheel/G | Front |Mystic Flyer (R) | | Gummi |Firaga/G | Left |Spider (R) | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Left |Grappler (G) | | Gummi |Wheel/G | Back |Mystic Flyer (R) | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Back |Mystic Flyer (G) | | Gummi |Vortex/G | Back |Mystic Flyer (R) | | Gummi |Comet/G | Back |Spiked Roller (R) | | Gummi |Firaga/G | Front |Spider (R) | | Gummi |Blizzaga/G | Front |Spider (R) | | Gummi |Gungnir/G | Back |Hunter | | Gummi |Propeller/G | Front |Knight Head (G) | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 3- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S |1,000,000| Gummi |Bridge/G | | A | 900,000 | Gummi |Cyclone/G | | B | 800,000 | Gummi |Typhoon/G | | C | 700,000 | Gummi |Orichalcum/G | | D | 600,000 | Gummi |Comet/G | | E | 500,000 | Gummi |Graviga/G | ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ | Treasures | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Gummi |Comet/G | Front |Mystic Flyer (R) | | Gummi |Fira/G | Back |Hunter | | Gummi |Thruster/G | Left |Spiked Roller (R) | | Gummi |Rotor/G | Back |Spiked Roller (R) | | Gummi |Large Rotor/G | Front |Spider | | Gummi |Comet/G | Front |Mystic Flyer (R) | | Gummi |Drill/G | Left |Grappler (R) | | Gummi |Excalibur/G | Back |Mystic Flyer (R) | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Back |Mystic Flyer (G) | | Gummi |Meteor/G | Back |Mystic Flyer (R) | | Gummi |Blizzara/G | Back |Spiked Roller (R) | | Gummi |Booster/G | Back |Hunter | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Back |Spiked Roller (G) | | Gummi |Propeller/G | Front |Spider | | Gummi |Firaga/G | Front |Hunter | | Gummi |Gungnir/G | Front |Driller (R) | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Assault of the Dreadnought- (aotdn) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 1- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------ | Rank | Medals | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------ | S | 30 |Blueprint |Mushroom Model | | A | 26 | Gummi |Vortex/G | | B | 22 | Gummi |Big Bridge/G | | C | 18 | Gummi |Excalibur/G | | D | 14 | Gummi |Meteor/G | | E | 10 | Ability |Cost Converter | ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ | Treasures | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Upgrade |Cost Limit Upgrade | N/A |N/A | | Gummi |Firaga/G | Front |Cruiser | | Gummi |Big Bridge/G | Front |Cruiser | | Gummi |Graviga/G | Front |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Meteor/G | Front |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Angel/G | Front |Cruiser | | Gummi |Large Rotor/G | Front |Cruiser | | Gummi |Firaga/G | Front |Cruiser | | Gummi |Angel/G | Front |Phoenix (G) | | Gummi |Blizzaga/G | Front |Speeder (R) | | Gummi |Material/G x20 | Front |Core | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 2- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S | 650 |Blueprint |Fenrir Model | | A | 560 | Gummi |Square Light/G | | B | 470 | Gummi |Vortex/G | | C | 380 | Gummi |Large Shell/G | | D | 290 | Ability |Auto-Regen | | E | 200 | Gummi |Drain/G | ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Gummi |Booster/G | Front |Cruiser | | Gummi |Neon Orb/G | Front |Mystic Flyer (G) | | Gummi |Firaga/G | Left |Phoenix (R) | | Gummi |Blizzaga/G | Front |Spider | | Gummi |Infinity/G | Front |Spider | | Gummi |Neon Bar/G | Right |Core | | Gummi |Slash Haste | Left |Spider | | Gummi |Slash Precharge | Left |Spider | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -Mission Level 3- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | Completion Bonus | ------------------------------------------------- | Rank | Score | Type | Name | ------------------------------------------------- | S |1,000,000| Gummi |Big Bridge/G | | A | 900,000 | Gummi |Darkness/G | | B | 800,000 | Gummi |Angel/G | | C | 700,000 | Gummi |Meteor/G | | D | 600,000 | Gummi |Graviga/G | | E | 500,000 | Gummi |Firaga/G | ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- | Treasures | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Piece | Screen | Enemy | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Gummi |Drill/G | Front |Cruiser | | Gummi |Hurricane/G | Front |Cruiser | | Gummi |Booster/G | Front |Cruiser | | Gummi |Round Light/G | Front |Mystic Flyer (G) | | Gummi |Hurricane/G | Front |Cruiser | | Gummi |Infinity/G | Back |Spider | | Gummi |Comet/G | Back |Spider | | Ability |Medal Converter/G | Right |Core | | Gummi |Sonic Turbo/G | Left |Spider | |Blueprint |Secret Model | Front |Hunter-X | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -How to beat Hunter-X- ------------------------------------------------- This is the final boss on the gummi missions, so many people have trouble beating it. So here is some ways you can beat it. Drain Technique - (Submitted by me) This is the simple way to beat the Hunter-X. Chances are you won't die once. But first, Put in two cost converters (2AP), 3 Auto-Regens (6AP), Auto Life (3AP), and anything else you want. Then You want to Just add a drain gummi and a couple of other weapons and a bunch of gummi lumps for HP. Also add a couple of wheels if you want. Then, when you get up to the boss, press square to absorb his lasers, then press X to let the drain go once the orb get big enough and doesn't grow anymore. Repeat about 5 to 10 times and then the boss falls down into space. Make sure you are aiming the drain so it hits the Hunter directly for a more effective attack. Doughnut Technique - (Submitted by board members) To make this ship, equip the same abilities as above and get ready to build. Ok, first, make sure the gummi ship building arrow is pointing toward you. Then with only square blocks, make a square around the perimeter of the box, that way, you get a hollow square. Extend that square so instead of the square being one block in length, it is about 4. Just try to make the insides hollow and the outside going from the bottom left corner to every other corner in a straight line. Add a few gummi cannons, not lasers on each of the four corners of the ship. I recommend Blizzaga just because it won't be hard to hit the Hunter-X. Finally, Put a shell gummi in the middle of the front of the square so its right up in the front absorbing most lasers shot at you. You might want to add some Neon items and Cockpits with the cost that you have left too. This guy will die slowly, but most of his attacks will miss you and plus, you will gain back most of the HP you lost because of the Auto-Regens. The laser technique - (Submitted by board members) This is another simple way to beat the boss. You must Make a gummi ship with 3 Auto-Regens (6AP), Auto Life (3AP), 2 Cost converter (2AP), A laser Upgrade (5AP), and an auto counter (3AP). Now, put an Ultima/G on your ship and fill the ship with cockpits until you either, A)Run out of cockpits B)Run out of cost Then if you have remaining cost, simply fill the rest of the ship with neon Orbs/Bars. When you get up to the Hunter, lock on to him and you will do major damage to him when you hit him. This is the simple way to beat him and doesn't take much skill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Standard Enemies- (stnde) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For each standard enemy, there are 3 colors. There is Basic, Red, and Gold. -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bomb Bell | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These are those annoying enemies that float around a bit then get up| |to you only to explode in your face. The basic color is yellow with | |blue tips at the ends of each arm. They sort of look like a cross. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bomber | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |This enemy has a basic color of yellow. It looks like a knight head | |but with a Gun on the bottom of it. It shoots red missile Balls. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cyclops | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are green so they are hard to miss. They really look | |like an H. Not much else to say about them. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Driller | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are big and look really, well, fat. They are a robot | |heartless enemy with blue drills as arms. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Gatling Ship | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are Dark blue and have big guns as arms. They fly in from| |the side of the screen usually shooting you with guns immediately. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Grappler | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are annoying because they grab you a lot. You then have | |to roll to get them off you. These guys are medium sized and are | |mostly Red, gray and yellow with big claws. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Hex Ring | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are fast and look like a plus sign with a circle on the | |of them. They are mostly red and black. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Knight head | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are the ones you find in groups of 10 or 20. They are | |blue and are very weak. One shot usually kills them. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mega Tank | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |The basic form of these guys are black with yellow on the wheels. | |They stay on the ground and shoot a lot. They don't move much. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mystic Flyer | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are cool. They are purple and white and look similar to a| |Bomb bell. They are fast and have pointed edges. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Phoenix | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are annoying. They are a reddish pink color and shoot a | |whole lot of lasers that are tough to dodge. They have two big wings| |and they are hard to not recognize. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ring Tank | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys look very similar to Mega Tanks but are all black and | |grey and have a strange circle thing with points on them instead of | |a cannon. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Shield | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are not hard to miss at all. They are a big grey blue | |shield That can't be hurt unless you hit their backs. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Speeder | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are weird. They are light blue and come in fast shooting | |lasers then leave. They don't appear until later levels. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Spider | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are hard to miss because you have to fight them. They | |have six arms that can be destroyed, a tail, and a body. They are | |mainly different tints of yellow. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Spiked Roller | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are red too and roll on the floor with pointed wheels, | |hence the name Spike Roller. These gars are pretty small too. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Tank | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are all over the place and are yellow. They are usually | |beaten in one hit, but appear on the ground in huge numbers. They | |are mega tanks without any add on accessories. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | U.F.O. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are light blue and yellow, and pretty annoying too. They | |slowly spin but move pretty fast in an annoying pattern. They are | |hard to hit but easily beaten. They are hard to describe too. | |They have a single spike going down and a wheel with four spikes in | |the middle of that. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Pirate Ship Enemies- (prtse) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bow Ornament | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |This is just the big pointed bow on the tip of the ship. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cannon Ball | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These are just the enemies shot from the cannons on the Pirate Ship.| -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ghost | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These are just giant white ghosts. Not much else to say. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ghoul | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |They are black form of ghosts. They are very easy to kill. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Large Shaft | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These are the bullets that some cannons shoot out (If I remember | |corectly) They are pretty big and strong. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Medium Cannon | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These are just the cannons you see on the top of the ship in groups | |of five or six. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mega Cannon | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These are the other cannons on the ship. They are attached to the | |mast of the ship. They are very big and strong, but there is only | |two of them. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mini Cannon | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These are very small and are on the back of the ship and the sides. | |They simply keep re-spawning so you can't kill them forever. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Skull | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |This is the boss of the Pirate ship. This thing takes a while to | |kill and will have a lot of enemies nearby it making it tough to | |beat. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Small Shaft | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |This is simply the small ammo that is shot at you from the Mini | |Cannon. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Special Enemies- (spcle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Core | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |This is what you fight at the end of Assault of the Dreadnought on | |Mission one and two. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Crawler | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These are those big guys in the floating island level. They have | |four legs and are tough to kill, unless you put some impact gummies | |on your ship and then ram into these guys. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cruiser | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These are the big crafts on the Assault of the Dreadnought. Only the| |big cruisers actually drop gummi pieces, so ignore the small ones. | |An easy way to get rid of these is to ram them with impact gummies | |just like you did with crawlers. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Dragonfly | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are very annoying and are those green bugs with yellow | |wings on the floating island level. They just keep shooting out | |lasers if you don't kill them fast enough. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Hunter | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |Don't fear these guys, eve if they do look intimidating. They are | |blue with four legs and sometimes come with their little bomb | |companions. Hunters aren't very tough to kill at all. Just dodge | |their attacks and try to actually shoot them. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Hunter Bomb | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These guys are weak, but can be a little annoying. Don't worry to | |much about them as they will die fast. They only come with certain | |Hunters on certain levels. So don't always expect them. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Hunter-X | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |This is the mother of all fears, you should be afraid of this guy. | |He only appears at the end of Assault of the Dreadnought Mission 3. | |This thing is red and you had better watch his fist attack from the | |the side of the screen or it will kill you. This guy has so much HP,| |That it will take minutes to kill, so that means minutes of | |surviving his deadly attacks. After about 2 minutes of non stop | |lasers and blasts, he will stop firing and unleash his most deadly | |attacks of all. He will fire beams in the form of X's and +'s. He | |alternates those attacks so be ready to move from the bottom to the | |bottom left, and then back again, and again. In the end, just be | |proud if you beat him. If you can't, look on the tips of the mission| |that go along with the treasure charts on strategies to beat him. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Hunter-X Bomb | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |This thing is quite annoying too. Just know that it accompanies the | |Hunter-X and that it will help the Hunter-X defeat you. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mad Rider | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These are those things in the highway levels that are red and just | |ride around on the track. These are not of any harm to you so don't | |worry about them. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mini Cruiser | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |This is just those small cruisers that you find on Assault of the | |Dreadnought. They don't drop any gummi pieces and should not be | |worried about at all. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Reaper's Wheel | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |This is that giant wheel on the highway levels. They usually need to| |be killed in one hit to get the golden enemies that appear after | |them to spawn. To kill them, once they get close to you, one of the | |two capsules on the top left or right will open, that is where you | |hit them. They will usually take 2 or three hits to beat. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Submarine | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |On splash island, there are these fish that pop out of the water. | |These are those fish. They take a few hits to beat if you are weak, | |but they only have a little HP. They appear in groups of five to | |six usually and shoot out laser rings. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Frequently Asked Questions- (faqsg) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: Can you have more than 600 cost for a gummi? A: Yes, there are gummi Limit upgrades in Floating Island and Assault of the Dreadnought. Plus there are two cost converters making the total cost 1200. Q: What is the highest AP you can have for a gummi ship? A: The maximum AP you can have is 20. Q: Do you have to beat the gummi ships 100% to get the secret ending? A: No, the gummi ships don't count towards unlocking the secret ending on Standard difficulty. Q: What is the highest rank you can get on the level 3 Missions? A: The highest rank you can get is an S+10 Rank. Q: I built a teeny ship and it won't let me use it, why not? A: You either are using cost converters to boost you limit, or you are using pieces that are on the gummi ship already. If you have one Firaga/G total and put one on the gummi ship and one on the Teeny ship, you won't be able to use that teeny ship because you don't have enough pieces. Q: Are the pre-made ships any good? A: The pre-made ship like Highwind and falcon are good until you get enough Pieces to make your own, better ships. Q: Are the Secret model ships any good? A: The secret ships are just for show and are far worse than the other pre-made ships. They are not recommended for use during flight. Q: How many types of the regular pre-made ships are there? A: There are three different types, Highwind, Falcon, and Invincible. Each of Them have 8 levels and a peak form. Q: I can't get to the menu where it allows me to put cannons and accessories On my ship, how do I get there. A: Try pressing triangle. Q: Err, I can't beat the that boss on the assault of the Dreadnought. A: This isn't really a question, but look after the treasure chart in the mission Assault of the Dreadnought Level 3. There are a bunch of ways to Beat him there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Credits- (crdts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -The Official Bradygames Strategy guide - Status on each gummi piece and treasure list -Timdean - For helping me create a great guide by letting me use some of his info from his guide. -Cjay - For creating this site -Square Enix - For creating such a marvelous game -Disney - For helping make a great game. -All the people who helped me and gave me suggestions on the guide -The places that this guide can be found: Gfaqs