JIMINY'S JOURNAL TRANSCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Transcribed by Amanda This FAQ contains a complete transcript of the contents of Jiminy's Journal from Kingdom Hearts II. Obviously, this spoils just about everything in the game, so tread with caution if you're not finished. All of this material is transcribed directly from the game and is copyright Disney and Squaresoft. Please send your questions to cool_groovy@hotmail.com. |----------| | CONTENTS | |----------| I. Ansem Reports II. Character Files III. The Heartless IV. The Nobodies V. Treasures VI. Maps VII. Missions VIII. Minigames IX. Combo Attacks X. Synthesis Notes XI. Character Links XII. Worlds XIII. Conclusion |------------------| | I. ANSEM REPORTS | |------------------| SECRET ANSEM REPORT 1 My efforts these many years have come to fruition, with the world I govern having become a paradise worthy of being called "Radiant Garden." Nurtured by the pure water that is the source of life, fragrant flowers bloom in abundance, and the people face each day with hopeful smiles. But where there is light, darkness also lurks. As noted in my earlier reports, I must solve the mystery of this "darkness of the heart." This paradise depends on it. I shall perform an experiment to probe the depths of a person's heart. One of my own apprentices, Xehanort, has volunteered to be a subject. The young man has served me ever since I nursed him back from death's door some years ago. He had lost all his memories at the time, but later showed remarkable intellectual curiosity and readily absorbed my teachings, gaining deep wisdom. Any mental immaturity is surely due to his young age. If I explore Xehanort's heart with psychological tests, I may be able to recall the past locked away within. My apprentice Even has also shown great interest in Xehanort's memories. But is he really the right subject? Xehanort does indeed exhibit extraordinary talents... Too extraordinary... Perhaps they are even superhuman. SECRET ANSEM REPORT 2 I have made a grave mistake. My study of the "darkness of the heart" began with a simple psychological test and quickly snowballed. Spurred on by my youngest apprentice Ienzo, I constructed a massive laboratory in the basement of my castle. Unbeknownst to me, my six apprentices then began collecting a large number of subjects on which to perform dangerous experiments into the "darkness of the heart." As soon as I found out, I called my apprentices together and ordered them not only to cease their studies, but to destroy the results of their research thus far. What on earth was happening within the hearts of my six beloved apprentices? While pursuing the mystery of the darkness of the heart, could they themselves have strayed into its depths? Yet I remain the most foolish of all, for having begun these experiments. We are not meant to interfere in the depths of another's heart, no matter what our reasons for doing so... And my error plunged me into despair. A visitor from another world soothed my dejected soul. A tiny king named Mickey came wielding a legendary key - the infamous "Keyblade," said to bring both chaos and prosperity to the world. He was very knowledgeable on many topics, and we deepened our friendship as we conversed companionably. Upon his advice, I decided to review the data obtained at my basement lab. That is when I discovered the "Ansem Reports." Though they bore my name, the only one I had written was number 0. Apparently he had gone on to pen numbers 1 through 8 himself. Yes - the first subject in my foolish experiments. SECRET ANSEM REPORT 3 Chaos affects not only this world, but many other worlds besides. In the "Ansem Reports" my apprentice Xehanort had written under my name, I found the records of his hideous experiments along with his hypothesis about the door that had appeared out of the darkness in my basement. All living things have hearts, and all hearts hold darkness deep within. Worlds are no exception. If a world is a being, the heart it holds must be colossal... ...and the darkness at its core must be monstrous indeed. Did Xehanort pass through that door in an attempt to contact that dark realm? No, not only Xehanort. It appears my other five apprentices, believing it was for the sake of research, stared deep into the darkness and were pulled into it. Even, Ienzo, Bleig, Dilin, and Eleus... They have ceased to be human. I, too, have had everything taken away from me, banished to a hollow realm of nothingness. What is Xehanort hoping to gain with my pilfered existence? Will my people cease to smile? If the light of hope has been extinguished, I shall henceforth walk with darkness as a friend. Here, in the realm of nothingness to which I have been relegated. Darkness in the midst of nothing. "Darkness in Zero." Thus, I shall be known as DiZ. Discarding the stolen name "Ansem"... And going in search of revenge. SECRET ANSEM REPORT 4 The distant days spent in that beautiful paradise are an illusion to me now. How long have I been here, banished to the realm of nothingness? It is only by relying upon my anger and hatred that I have been able to retain my sense of self here, where all existence is nullified. My heart is being overcome with hatred toward my apprentices, possessed by the darkness, and with the anger I feel for stupidly allowing myself to be betrayed. Is this darkness, eating away at my heart? I cannot continue to idle away my time here. What are Xehanort and the others attempting to do? I must unravel the mystery of these Ansem Reports, intercept my apprentices, and defeat them. That is my mission... the only way to repay the world for my sins. Those beings who lack hearts - the Heartless - must be the key. The darkness of the heart, made flesh. Cursed shadows who not only lack hearts, but multiply by seizing hearts from any and all living things. Where have they come from, and where are they going? Three elements combine to create life: a heart, a soul, and a body. But what of the soul and body left behind when the heart is lost? When the soul leaves the body, its vessel, life gives way to death, but what about when the heart leaves? A being does not perish when its heart leaves its body. The heart alone disappears into darkness. There is little time. If I remain in this realm much longer, I will certainly learn these answers the hard way. My heart is already a captive of the darkness. SECRET ANSEM REPORT 5 In this realm, where all existence has been disintegrated, I have just barely managed to preserve my sense of self by continuing to think and write. It is a place where even time has lost all meaning. Eternity is as but a moment here. I must make haste. Certainly their plans are already underway. The Heartless must be the key to unraveling this mystery. The six traitors were operating a laboratory that churned out those cursed shadows. Not only did they generate "pureblood" Heartless from living hearts, but they then used those Heartless to synthesize artificial versions of the creatures as well. These synthetic Heartless bore insignias and were called "Emblems." Pureblood or Emblem, these Heartless act only to fulfill their instinctive needs. They single-mindedly detect hearts and swarm around them. A human's commands would be ineffective: the Heartless would easily steal the human's heart and use it to increase their own ranks. But what if an even stronger Heartless was giving the orders? If he cast aside his own soul and body and became a Heartless, wouldn't he be able to control the otherwise intractable Heartless? Furthermore, wouldn't he be planning to make use of the creatures' instincts? If the heart-seeking Heartless have their sights set on a larger, more powerful heart, their ultimate goal is crystal-clear. The largest heart in existence - the heart of the world. This is all conjecture, but it would seem he is utilizing the Heartless in his search for a path leading to the heart of the world. SECRET ANSEM REPORT 6 My choice to befriend darkness here in the midst of nothingness was a sound one. The moment I stared straight ahead with a calm heart, neither rejecting darkness nor fearing it, I gained a newfound power. A superhuman power - the power of darkness. It is likely Xehanort and the others were enraptured by this power, eventually becoming its prisoners. I do not intend to allow my heart to be devoured by the darkness as they did, of course. With this new power, I uncovered a "corridor of darkness" that connects the realm of nothingness to the outside world. While it is still difficult to come and go as I please, my banishment is now a thing of the past. To deceive Xehanort and my apprentices, I first used my power to change form before returning to the realm of light. As I had suspected, Xehanort had become a Heartless. Under my name, he commanded other Heartless in quests to snatch away the hearts of many different worlds. At the center of the hearts Xehanort had stolen was "Kingdom Hearts," which attracts tremendous darkness to itself and attempts to send any and all matter back into its depths. The other five have disappeared. Have they become Heartless, like Xehanort? Or did they vanish after Xehanort exploited them? I became familiar with an unusual "entity" while pursuing the truth. It is the soul and body that remain when a being loses its heart. When a Heartless is born, these entities disappear from the realm of light, to be reborn as entirely new beings in a completely different realm. SECRET ANSEM REPORT 7 While beings born of darkness and those lacking hearts may find them convenient, it is dangerous for others to make much use of the corridors of darkness. Darkness erodes the heart. In search of place to proceed with my research and planning away from prying eyes, I found myself in "Twilight Town." It is a quiet village, forgotten in the chasm between light and darkness. I situated myself in the basement of an abandoned mansion standing beyond the woods. My underground research resulted in one new discovery after another. When a Heartless is born, the body and soul left behind are reborn into this world as a different being. They possess different intentions than their Heartless brethren, and while it is unclear what these sentient "things" are after, it would appear they are responsible for much bedlam in the world. My erstwhile friend the King and his subjects, along with a hero wielding the Keyblade, are battling the Heartless even as a new threat approaches. This new threat... they have given themselves a fitting name, I suppose. These non-beings: "Nobodies." A great number of Nobodies have lost human form, as have the Heartless. Yet the Nobody born of someone with a strong heart retains its shape, with but the faintest visible changes. It appears my betrayers have retained their human forms as Nobodies, and are gathering more followers in hopes of furthering a new scheme. "Organization XIII," formed of 13 Nobodies with my betrayers at its core, has divided into two; they are said to be carrying out some sort of research. Seeking to uncover the plans of this Organization, I have decided to head for where six of its members have gathered. Towering over the outer limits of the realm between darkness and light: Castle Oblivion. SECRET ANSEM REPORT 8 It appears that I have been too distracted by the behavior of Xehanort and his cohorts, and by the events occuring in their vicinity. My friends' struggle to protect the realm of light from the threat of Heartless is now over, with Xehanort's Heartless - going by the name Ansem, Seeker of Darkness - defeated at last. The other wielder of the Keyblade, this "hero," traveled from world to world sealing up keyholes and laying Heartless low. Meanwhile, the King, who had dived into the realm of darkness, worked with the Keyblade-wielding hero to close the door to Kingdom Hearts from the realms of both darkness and light, thus holding off the threat of tremendous darkness. But there are still a great number of Heartless afoot, and Organization XIII and the Nobodies continue to be active in the shadows. Indeed, the world is still a very dangerous place. We must find a way to do battle with these enemies. Thus I will both make amends and have my revenge. It is for this reason that I infiltrated Castle Oblivion. It consists of 13 floors above and 12 floors below ground, with the contents of its "White Rooms" transforming in response to its visitors' memories. Organization XIII was conducting experiments on memory here. The subject in these experiments, a girl named Namine, appeared to possess extremely unusual abilities. Were they attempting to derive something from these powers? Refusing to be distracted by Organization XIII, I had returned to my own secret research when a new visitor appeared at the castle today. It was Sora, the Keyblade-wielding hero who had defeated Ansem, and his companions. Deep underground, the stench of darkness arose. All the players are coming together, it would seem. SECRET ANSEM REPORT 9 I should have expected nothing less from a Keyblade-wielding hero. Sora and friends defied the machinations of Organization XIII and rescued Namine. Namine was a witch who controlled the memories of others. Most likely these powers were achieved through a special process when she was born. Namine is a Nobody, created when a young girl's heart left her body. Yet she has no corresponding Heartless. This is because the "young girl" in this case was a princess. Kairi, a resident of Radiant Garden over which I ruled, was one of the Seven Princesses that uphold the realm of light. With no darkness in her heart, Kairi produced no Heartless, and instead of vanishing, her body remained in the realm of light. In other words, both the Nobody called Namine and the Heartless - proof of a lost heart - are extremely unstable beings who lack the bodies needed to produce a Nobody. Therefore, they also lack Kairi's memories. One reason for this may be that Kairi's heart did not return to the darkness when separated from her body, but rather migrated to another vessel... deep within Sora's heart. That is, Namine is an alter ego of Kairi who has directly interfered with Sora's heart. Could this be why Sora and those whose hearts are connected to him were able to have their memories controlled? She is a "non-being" in the truest sense of the word; having not even become a Nobody and with nowhere left to go, she is but the most fleeting of shadows. SECRET ANSEM REPORT 10 Sora went to sleep in order to recover the memories he lost in Castle Oblivion. It would take quite some time to bring back all the memories he had created in his lifetime. But Organization XIII held sway over Castle Oblivion. Sora would need to be kept someplace more secure. I persuaded Namine to move the slumbering Sora to Twilight Town for safekeeping. Namine. As I have written here before, she is a most unusual being. Born of the same process as a Nobody, but lacking virtually all the elements of a Nobody. Perhaps she continues drawing in hopes of capturing that which she lacks: the memories of others, especially Sora. I have arrived at a hypothesis. I believe that Namine was born as a special type of Nobody when Sora attacked himself with the Keyblade, causing his and Kairi's hearts to leave their bodies simultaneously. Namine emerged as Kairi's Nobody... but the body and soul necessary to exist as a Nobody belonged to Sora. When a person's heart is stolen, a Heartless is born with no sense of self, and the body and soul left behind give rise to a Nobody. But what if one willingly releases one's heart from one's body? Sora and Xehanort retained their selfhood even after becoming Heartless. Then there are Kairi and Namine. Kairi was exceptional for having had no darkness within her heart. Also exceptional was that her heart, once freed, migrated to a new vessel - Sora. The combination of these two theoretically unlikely exceptions may be behind this anomaly. There are matters I must attend to while Sora is sleeping. A new ally has appeared on the scene: Riku. SECRET ANSEM REPORT 11 I was reunited with an old friend at Castle Oblivion, but was unable to disclose my identity. If he knew the situation, he would likely try to stop me from carrying out my revenge. As much as I would dearly love to converse with him as in the old days... that is now but a hopeless dream. My friend has been fighting in the realm of darkness. Most likely he found his way there through Traverse Town. Like Castle Oblivion, that village also rests in the cleft between light and dark. It consists of the remnants of worlds whose hearts have been stolen by the Heartless. It is where those who have barely escaped the destruction of their worlds eventually find themselves. This "realm between" is quite unstable, with corridors of darkness appearing from time to time. Whenever a world disappears, some of its inhabitants must arrive here through these corridors. Surely Sora traveled these same corridors of darkness when he first came to Traverse Town. It seems my friend, fighting in the realm of darkness, appeared in Castle Oblivion through a corridor of darkness constructed by Organization XIII. My new ally Riku also effected his return via one of these corridors. He swore to me he would give his all for his best friend Sora. In fact, Sora's memories have been slow to return. Thus I have asked Riku to bring me another Sora - his Nobody. Sora is indispensable if I am to achieve my goal. I require the Keyblade-wielding hero to fly through the realm of light and defeat Organization XIII. SECRET ANSEM REPORT 12 Apart from Namine, Nobodies retain their memories of their time as humans, but Sora's Nobody, Roxas, has lost Sora's memories. This is likely because Sora's time as a Heartless was short, having recovered his heart and returned to his human form soon after leaving behind Roxas, his Nobody. It would seem Roxas is much like Namine. Namine is Kairi's Nobody, but came into being via Sora's body and soul. Likewise, Roxas is Sora's Nobody, but was left behind because Sora's Heartless regained human form using Kairi's heart instead of his own. It may be that Sora's memories are slow to return because the half of him that is Roxas is still lacking. I must convert Roxas into data and return him to Sora. As a member of Organization XIII, it was exceedingly difficult to bring Roxas in. Having lost to Roxas once, Riku laid everything on the line and used the power of darkness in the second battle, only just maninging to bring Roxas back with him. But Organization XIII grows ever nearer. Here, Twilight Town, is where Roxas was reborn as a Nobody. This is where Roxas first encountered Organization XIII and joined its ranks. They are bound to search this place thoroughly. First I shall convert all of Twilight Town into data and construct a "world duplicate" in Sora's memories. I shall place Roxas within that world to live out his days and regain those memories. There is little time. The Organization's schemes must be making steady progress as well. SECRET ANSEM REPORT 13 Tomorrow Sora awakens. My long and drawn-out revenge is nearing its end. Xehanort, who took everything away from me. Though as a Heartless he is no more, as the leader of Organization XIII his ambition once again is to capture Kingdom Hearts, the most colossal heart of all. His Heartless had attempted to draw out the great darkness of Kingdom Hearts, created from the hearts of all worlds. His Nobody, however, is now almost finished gathering human hearts to be assimilated into Kingdom Hearts as well. The fool! Only one mystery remains. How did Xehanort manage to open the door that appeared in the basement of my castle...? No... any theory posited now, when everything is nearing completion, would be meaningless. Roxas, Ansem, Namine... They defy all logic, yet there they are: singular exceptions to the rule. The theories proposed by me and by Organization XIII have been blown to pieces by a handful of strong-hearted individuals. Sora, Kairi, Riku. Ah, yes - Riku. Though his heart had its weaknesses, making it prone to darkness, he found support in the hope he discovered beyond suffering. This hope allowed him to stand his ground and turn the darkness in his heart from an enemy into his greatest weapon. When all this is over, it is my foremost hope that he will be able to return with Sora to his island. If I can, I should like to return to Radiant Garden, to look once more upon the beautiful water, the lovely flowers, and the hopeful smiles of the people. Dear King, my friend! I believe that, at some point in time, you will come across these, my truthful accounts. How I wish I could have chatted with you again. I was a fool, obsessed with revenge. Forgive me. |---------------------| | II. CHARACTER FILES | |---------------------| 1. OTHER SORA A boy chosen by the Keyblade, a mysterious weapon. Not long ago, Sora journeyed with Donald and Goofy in search of his longtime friend Kairi, who had been spirited away into the darkness. In the end, they saved the world of all worlds from the darkness that was closing in. Then, somewhere along the way, Sora fell into a deep slumber. Now that he is awake, he can't recall why he fell asleep to begin with. SORA A boy chosen by the Keyblade, a mysterious weapon. Not long ago, Sora journeyed with Donald and Goofy in search of his longtime friend Kairi, who had been spirited away into the darkness. In the end, they saved the world of all worlds from the darkness that was closing in. After that, Sora continued journeying in search of Riku, his best friend who was trapped on the other side of the door to darkness. And somewhere along the way, Sora fell into a deep slumber. With a new outfit and strengthened resolve, Sora has set out once more on a search for his friend Riku. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. Not long ago, Donald left Disney Castle with Goofy to search for King Mickey. During that quest, they met Sora and became fast friends. After they helped Sora save the worlds from darkness, Donald and Goofy continued their search for King Mickey, who had decided to stay behind in the realm of darkness. But before they could find the King, the three friends were plunged into a deep sleep. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. Not long ago, Goofy left Disney Castle with Donald in search of King Mickey. Along they way, they joined Sora, obeying the King's command to "follow the Keybearer." After helping save the worlds from darkness, Goofy continued on his quest to find the King. But like Donald and Sora, he fell into a deep slumber before he could finish the quest. Wonder what Goofy was doing just before he fell asleep? KAIRI Longtime friend of Riku and Sora, and one of the Seven Princesses with ties to the Keys and Keyholes. Not long ago, when she was lost in darkness, Riku and Sora both tried to save her, each in his own way. Thanks to them, Kairi was able to return to her home islands, but her memories of Sora were gone, and she soon stopped visiting the islet where they once played. KAIRI Longtime friend of Riku and Sora, and one of the Seven Princesses with ties to the Keys and Keyholes. She had lost her memories of Sora, and after they returned, she wanted to see him more and more with every passing day. Falling through an unexpected hole in the darkness, she arrived in Twilight Town and befriended Hayner, Pence, and Olette before being captured by Axel. Kairi is fervently hoping to meet up with Sora once more. ANSEM Mysterious wielder of darkness. What could his true purpose be? RIKU The form Sora's longtime friend Riku chose. Though Xehanort tried to control Riku from within, Riku's heart proved stronger. But the only way to wield the darkness fully was to become it. Riku began calling himself "Ansem," perhaps as a sign of resolve. He would live in darkness if that's what it took to wake Sora. RIKU Sora's longtime friend. He had clad himself in darkness in order to wield it, and had even changed in appearance. But when the real Ansem's Kingdom Hearts Encoder exploded, Riku returned to his own form. You could say it was a miracle - worked by a heart no darkness could eclipse. SELPHIE Final Fantasy VIII A girl who lived on the same islands as Sora. She always played with Sora and the other boys. Selphie's whereablouts were in question after Destiny Islands vanished some time ago, but thanks to Sora's help, she was able to return home. STITCH Lilo and Stitch (2002) A strange visitor from a distant planet. Stitch is very strong for his small size and prone to mischief. He's always ready to help his friend Sora whenever Sora needs him. PETER PAN Peter Pan (1953) The boy who can fly. He's from Never Land, where children never grow up. Not long ago, Peter helped Sora and the others defeat the Heartless. During this new adventure, Peter and his friend Tinker Bell help Sora out once again. CHICKEN LITTLE Chicken Little (2005) Chicken Little has more pluck and heart than most boys twice his size. He never turns away from a challenge, no matter how big it is. He's a loyal pal of Sora's, and is always quick to answer a call for help. PETE Steamboat Willie (1928) A tough and mean former steamboat captain, Donald and Goofy know Pete real well - he's so bad that King Mickey was forced to banish him to another dimension. Maleficent found Pete there and helped him escape from exile. Since then, he's been traveling the worlds, assembling an army of Heartless for Maleficent. It's pretty certain that the two of them are planning to take over and rule all the worlds. MALEFICENT Sleeping Beauty (1959) A sorceress of frightening power. In the last adventure, she controlled the Heartless and led a group that was trying to harness the power of darkness. As part of her villainous plan, Maleficent tricked Riku into making the choice to dive into the realm of darkness. In the end, Maleficent yielded to the power of darkness herself and was defeated by Sora and his friends. But by using her last bit of evil power, she was able to come back again some time later. JIMINY CRICKET Pinocchio (1940) Glad you could join us! Cricket's the name - Jiminy Cricket. Queen Minnie asked me to come along on this quest as the Royal Chronicler. And what an adventure it's been! You might remember that I also help my pal Pinocchio out as his official conscience. I try to keep the little fellow on the straight and narrow and show him right from wrong. He sure can be a handful sometimes. MOOGLES Final Fantasy III A strange race that pops up in even stranger places to open shop. Moogles hate having their pompoms ruffled (don't we all?), but the pompom rufflers just keep coming in droves. Maybe that's why the moogles use holograms to run their shops now, while they kick back at home. KING MICKEY Steamboat Willie (1928) The king of Disney Castle. It's been a while since he set off alone to fight the darkness threatening the worlds. King Mickey and Riku stayed behind in the realm of darkness to keep the Heartless from escaping again. Donald, Goofy, and Sora will keep searching until they're reunited with the King. KING MICKEY Steamboat Willie (1928) The king of Disney Castle. He was the first to realize what a threat the darkness was, and the first to act. King Mickey travels across the worlds, battling the Heartless and searching for an answer to the riddle of Organization XIII and the Nobodies. After many great battles, the King seems even more determined than ever to fight against the darkness. PLUTO The Chain Gang (1930) The King's faithful dog. But Pluto's more than a pet. He and King Mickey are bound together by the strongest ties there are: friendship and loyalty. When the King disappeared, Pluto set out with the others to find his master. I hope that famous nose of his will lead him to the King. NAMINE A girl with the power to manipulate memories. She seems to have some strong connection to Sora. DIZ An entity shrouded in mystery. ANSEM THE WISE The man who called himself "DiZ" and dressed his face in bandages in order to conceal it, now revealed to be none other than Ansem the Wise. The true Ansem once studied hearts and the Heartless, but soon ceased his research for fear of disrupting the order of the worlds. But his apprentice Xehanort betrayed him, robbing Ansem of his discoveries and his pride. Since that time, Ansem was driven by vengeance - but when he saw Riku go so far as to give up his physical form to help his friend Sora, he had a change of heart. XEHANORT The former apprentice of Ansem the Wise. Even after becoming a Heartless, Xehanort persisted in his research of the doors and the heart of all worlds - all in the name of "Ansem," of course. Meanwhile, his Nobody Xemnas had taken leadership of Organization XIII. ORGANIZATION XIII Organization XIII's Number I. He directs the group as its leader. Organization XIII is a unique presence among the Nobodies. They think and plan, and seem to have a greater goal. What that is remains to be seen, but they appear to know a bit about the Keyblade. XEMNAS Organization XIII's Number I. He directs the group as its leader. In truth, he is the Nobody of Xehanort, who was apprenticed to Ansem the Wise. In secret, Xehanort studied the doors and the heart of all worlds, ultimately stealing his master's name, Ansem. When Xehanort became a Heartless, his Nobody Xemnas came into being. Xemnas is using Sora, collecting the hearts released every time a Heartless falls to his Keyblade. ORGANIZATION XIII Organization XIII's Number II. Nothing else about him has come to light. He vanished, leaving Sora with naught but puzzling words. Apparently Organization members can use the darkness to come and go as they please. XIGBAR Organization XIII's Number II. When Sora called out to him, thinking he was Riku, Xigbar gave a curt reply. His motives and his methods remain unclear. Surely he has a greater goal in mind, but what could it be? ORGANIZATION XIII Organization XIII's Number III. Nobodies like him are made whenever people strong of heart and mind become Heartless. The empty shell they leave behind acts of its own will. Are they empty vessels devoid of hearts? Are they roaming spirits? Or are they simply nothing at all? XALDIN Organization XIII's Number III. He sought the Beast's Heartless and Nobody in order to acquire Kingdom Hearts. He was a master of wind who wielded six lances - but he met his end at the hands of Sora. VEXEN Formerly Organization XIII's Number IV. He has been eliminated. Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion were among Organization XIII's founding members, and there was no love lost between them and neophytes like Marluxia. Vexen apposed Marluxia's plans to take over the Organization, and was consequently destroyed by Axel. LEXAEUS Formerly Organization XIII's Number V. He once brandished a giant tomahawk, but now he has been eliminated. Lexaeus rejected Marluxia's bid to dominate the Organization, and formulated his own plans - but the plans failed and he met his end. ZEXION Formerly Organization XIII's Number VI. He has been eliminated. Zexion disliked dirtying his own hands, and relied on his wits to despose of any rivals - but it was one of his own schemes that wound up destroying him. ORGANIZATION XIII Organization XIII's Number VII. Nobodies like him may look like they respond emotionally, but this is, in fact, a ruse. Nobodies have no hearts. SAIX Organization XIII's Number VII. He was in pursuit of the renegade Axel, but forsome reason seemed more concerned about Sora's well-being. Saix has no heart, but knows all too well how to injure one. No doubt his poise belies a more savage nature. He also insinuated he knew something about Riku. AXEL Organization XIII's Number VIII. He commands fire and carries a uniquely-shaped weapon. He has proven to be an odd duck of sorts within the Organization, lashing out against treachery, yet stirring troubles with his own betrayals all the while. He claims he and Sora share some sort of bond, but Sora can't imagine what that might be. ORGANIZATION XIII Organization XIII's Number IX. Organization members all wear black coats, and it's said their numbers were assigned in the order they joined. In addition, their names share something as a mark of their brotherhood. DEMYX Organization XIII's Number IX. He used a type of instrument called a "sitar" to control water... but he wasn't very good at fighting. Demyx was under orders to "liberate Sora's true disposition" while surveying the world of Olympus. ORGANIZATION XIII Organiztion XIII's Number X. The Organization has hinted that not only do they know about the Keyblade, but they may know things about Sora himself. Are they playing mind games, or is there truth to their words? LUXORD Organization XIII's Number X, a gambler who can manipulate time. Having shaken Sora and his companions with wily words, Luxord entertained himself by drawing them into a game-like battle. In Port Royal, Luxord used Heartless and the cursed medallions to conduct experiments on the Organization's behalf and collect hearts. MARLUXIA Formerly Organization XIII's Number XI. He has been eliminated. He plotted an Organization rebellion and tried to seize the power of the Keyblade, but Axel's betrayal led to his destruction. LARXENE Formerly Organization XIII's Number XII. She has been eliminated. Larxene conspired with Marluxia to turn on the Organization. Larxene was unfeeling and loved nothing more than to bring people down, but she met her demise when that malice came full circle. ROXAS Organization XIII's Number XIII, a Keyblade wielder and denizen of darkness. He vanished with a satisfied look after battling Sora - but Sora was the only one who could see him in the first place. 2. TWILIGHT TOWN SORA The chosen hero of the Keyblade who, not long ago, saved the world of all worlds. He has been deep asleep in a mysterious mansion with his friends Donald and Goofy. It looks like he's grown a few inches while he's been napping. SORA The boy chosen by the Keyblade, truly the "key" to everything. The magic of Merryweather and her fairy friends has prepared new clothes for Sora. These garments appear to come complete with various abilities, such as the power of transformation. With renewed resolve, Sora sets out for adventure once more. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. Like Sora, Donald had fallen into a deep slumber, but woke up moments before Sora did. They're happy to be reunited after all this time... but what lies ahead? GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. Like Sora, Goofy had fallen into a deep slumber. He doesn't remember why he was asleep, but he's thoroughly refreshed after sleeping so well. Who can say what's in store for our three reunited friends? ROXAS A boy who lived in Twilight Town and saw Sora's memories in dreams. His summer vacation has come to an end, and many of his thoughts and feelings with it. HAYNER A boy who lives in Twilight Town who has a bit of an attitude problem. Once he gets an idea, he has to LIVE it - and Pence and Olette get dragged along for the ride. There's bad blood between Hayner and Seifer - the town's self-appointed "disciplinarian." PENCE A boy who lives in Twilight Town. He hangs out with Hayner (their "leader") and Olette (the responsible one). As for Pence himself, he's relatively laid back. When there's a problem, he takes his time and approaches the problem realistically. He likes spending time with his friends - especially when there's Sea Salt ice cream. OLETTE A girl who lives in Twilight Town. She spends most of her time with Hayner and Pence. Olette makes sure to look after the two of them, and won't stand for unfinished homework. She likes to go shopping on Market Street and watch the sunset while talking with her friends. SEIFER Final Fantasy VIII Self-appointed head of the "Twilight Disciplinary Committee." Seifer does his best to keep the town up to his own rigorous standards, but not everyone appreciates his high-handed tactics - take Hayner's gang, for example. His followers Fujin and Raijin are never far away. RAI (RAIJIN) Final Fantasy VIII One of Seifer's followers... y'know? Rai tends to get carried away - and truth be told, he feels like he can't hold a candle to Fuu. FUU (FUJIN) Final Fantasy VIII One of Seifer's followers. She never says a word more than she has to, leading to some very unusual "one-worders." Fuu has Seifer's complete trust, and sees her mission in life as making herself useful to him. SETZER Final Fantasy VI A wayfaring gambler who's ready for any game and any challenge. He'd even cast his life to the chips and let luck choose its course. Setzer is the Struggle's prior winner. He tends to be followed by an army of lovestruck, screaming girls. VIVI Final Fantasy IX A boy who lives in Twilight Town. It's not so much that he follows Seifer. But he's so meek he does whatever he's told anyway, and usually gets stuck with the chores. In spite of all that, Vivi likes Seifer and admires his strength. YEN SID The Sorcerer's Apprentice (1940) A powerful sorcerer, second to none. He tutored the King in magic. From conjuring up skies full of beautiful butterflies to parting an ocean, Yen Sid's feats of wizardry are... well, amazing. His name alone fills some folks with awe. Yen Sid shared some of his wisdom with Sora and his friends. He also taught them some valuable techniques to help prepare them for what they'll face on this new quest. FLORA Sleeping Beauty (1959) A kind and good fairy, Flora is always dressed in red. The leader of the group, she helps Fauna and Merryweather make the right decisions. Flora helped Sora prepare for his journey with just the right traveling clothes. FAUNA Sleeping Beauty (1959) A sweet and gentle fairy, Fauna dresses in green. Always eager to please, she only uses magic to help others. Fauna helped Sora prepare for his journey with just the right traveling clothes. MERRYWEATHER Sleeping Beauty (1959) A spirited fairy dressed in blue, Merryweather can sometimes be a bit stubborn. Together with Fauna and Flora, she tries to stop Maleficent from harming others. Merryweather helped Sora prepare for his journey with just the right traveling clothes. 3. HOLLOW BASTION / RADIANT GARDENT SORA The chosen hero of the Keyblade. He's looking for his friend Riku so they can return to their island home together. Not long ago, Sora waged a great battle here against Maleficent, whose Heartless filled the castle corridors. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. He's traveling the worlds with Sora and Goofy in search of King Mickey, who's battling the forces of darkness. Not long ago, Donald helped fight a great battle here against Maleficent, whose Heartless filled the castle corridors. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. He's traveling the worlds with Sora and Donald in search of King Mickey, who's battling the forces of darkness. Not long ago, Goofy helped fight a great battle here against Maleficent, whose Heartless filled the castle corridors. LEON Final Fantasy VIII A swordsman who carries a gunblade. His real name is Squall Leonhart. He took the name Leon to distance himself from his past self - the man who stood helpless as Heartless invaded his home. For some time he took refuge in a different town, but thanks in part to Sora's help, Leon was able to reclaim this, his hometown. Now he works tirelessly towards its restoration. CID Final Fantasy VII An engineer, tech wizard and first-rate pilot. He met Sora as a castaway, while he was running a shop away from his hometown. Now that he's back home, Cid is an active member of the town's Restoration Committee. CLOUD Final Fantasy VII A "SOLDIER" who effortlessly wields a hefty sword. He once fought against Sora and his friends under contract with Hades. Cloud hates letting other people see what he's thinking, so he can be an enigma to other people. He searches for Sephiroth, hoping to settle things once and for all with his inner darkness. AERITH Final Fantasy VII A young woman whose quiet eyes belie an unbreakable will. Like Leon, she met Sora while living away from her hometown, and helped him now and then on his journey. Now Aerith works with Leon and Yuffie to restore the town to its past splendor. TIFA Final Fantasy VII A young woman in search of a certain someone. Unflinching, unrelenting, Tifa has looked far and wide. Her journey won't be over until she finds the person she seeks. YUFFIE Final Fantasy VII One member of the town's Restoration Committee, a spirited girl who actively does her part to keep tabs on the town. Yuffie met Sora when she was living away from her hometown. Thanks to his help last time, the Heartless were ousted and she got to come home - so she's very grateful to him. MERLIN The Sword in the Stone (1963) A powerful wizard who's currently living in Hollow Bastion. He's letting the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee use his house as a meeting place. Merlin has wisdom and magical powers that are second to none, and he taught Donald most of what he knows about magic. He also has a mysterious bag that can hold anything, no matter how big it is. SCROOGE MCDUCK Scrooge McDuck and Money (1967) Donald's uncle. Before the Heartless appeared, he was using the Gummi Ship to travel across the worlds, setting up a big business empire. Scrooge has more money than most folks can count. But for some reason, he's pretty stingy about spending it. Nowadays Scrooge is working on an ice cream venture he hopes will make him millions. HUEY Donald's Nephews (1938) One of Donald's three nephews, Huey is the leader of the bunch. He keeps Dewey's plans in line and makes sure Louie doesn't fall behind while they help out with Uncle Scrooge's ice cream business. You can spot him by his trademark red cap. The last time we saw Huey, he was working in Traverse Town, saving up for an expedition. DEWEY Donald's Nephews (1938) One of Donald's three nephews who's helping out with Uncle Scrooge's ice cream business. Dewey always wears a blue cap. He's smart and cheerful and likes to come up with plans to have fun. The last time we saw Dewey, he was working in Traverse Town, saving up for an expedition. LOUIE Donald's Nephwes (1938) One of Donald's three nephews helping out with Uncle Scrooge's ice cream business. Louie is gentle and carefree, but notices a lot of things others miss. To find him, look for his green cap. The last time we saw Louie, he was working in Traverse Town, saving up for an expedition. SEPHIROTH Final Fantasy VII An unsurpassed swordsman who was once revered as a hero. For a long time Sephiroth's whereabouts were unknown, and on one can say for sure why he has returned. He seems to have some connection to Cloud's past. YUNA Final Fantasy X-2 One of a teenybopping trio of Friendly Neighborhood something-or-others. They were looking for Leon, but... why? RIKKU Final Fantasy X-2 One of a teenybopping trio of Friendly Neighborhood something-or-others. It looks like these three have been hired by someone for some kind of mission... but what? PAINE Final Fantasy X-2 One of a teenybopping trio of Friendly Neighborhood something-or-others. They claim to come in peace... but, really, what ARE they? 4. BEAST'S CASTLE SORA The hero of the Keyblade who fights against the Heartless and the Nobodies. His journey in search of his lost friend Riku continues. Sora joined forces with the Beast during his travels last time, when the Beast was trying to free Belle. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. Donald left Disney Castle in the Gummi Ship to search for King Mickey. Donald already knows the Beast. The last time they met, they fought together to free Belle from her captors. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. Goofy left Disney Castle in the Gummi Ship to search for King Mickey. Goofy already knows the Beast. The last time they met, they fought together to free Belle from her captors. THE BEAST Beauty and the Beast (1991) A hideas beast with sharp teeth and claws. A mysterious rose is his most important possession, kept in a glass case. Sora and his friends helped the Beast free Belle from Maleficent's clutches once before. THE BEAST Beauty and the Beast (1991) A cold-hearted prince. Because of his selfish heart, he was changed into a beast by a beautiful enchantress. He was so ashamed of his hideous appearance that he turned his back on the world. Meeting Belle softened his heart and gave him hope for the future. THE BEAST Beauty and the Beast (1991) A spoiled and selfish prince. As punishment for his cold heart, a beautiful enchantress changed him into a beast. Unless he can learn to love and earn love in return before the last petal falls from the enchanted rose, he'll remain a beast forever. When Belle came into his world, he felt something change in him for the first time in his life. BELLE Beauty and the Beast (1991) A girl who was held captive in the Beast's castle. At first he frightened her, but little by little, she noticed the injured heart he was hiding from the world. Belle is one of the Seven Princesses needed to open the final door to the realm of darkness. She's very grateful to the Beast and to Sora for saving her after she was kidnapped by the Heartless. BELLE Beauty and the Beast (1991) Belle saw through the Beast's rough exterior and helped him find the heart he'd been hiding from the world for such a long time. Belle loves to read books about exciting adventures in faraway places. COGSWORTH Beauty and the Beast (1991) The Beast's majordomo. He became a clock when an enchantress put a spell on the castle. Cogsworth is very particular about order and punctuality. Maybe that's why he turned into a clock? LUMIERE Beauty and the Beast (1991) The castle's maitre d'. He became a candlestick when an enchantress put a spell on the castle. Lumiere has a way with words and can be quite a charmer. MRS. POTTS Beauty and the Beast (1991) The Beast's housekeeper and Chip's mother. She became a teapot when an enchantress put a spell on the castle. Mrs. Potts is always ready to warm your heart with a comforting cup of tea. CHIP Beauty and the Beast (1991) Mrs. Potts's little boy. Chip became a teacup when an enchantress put a spell on the castle. His missing front tooth became a little chip on the rim of this teacup. THE WARDROBE Beauty and the Beast (1991) The castle's lady's maid. She became a wardrobe when an enchantress put a spell on the castle. XALDIN Organization XIII's Number III. His wiles have clouded the Beast's heart. The Organization's motives are a string of mysteries - what could their true goal be? XALDIN Organization XIII's Number III. He wanted the Beast's Heartless and Nobody in order to acquire Kingdom Hearts. In the end, however, Sora and his friends destroyed Xaldin. 5. OLYMPUS COLISEUM SORA The hero of the Keyblade, whose journey in search of Riku continues. Not long ago, he and Hercules put the freeze on Hades' plans to take over the world. Phil has dubbed him an honest-to-gods "Junior Hero." DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. Donald and Goofy are traveling with Sora because the King's letter told them to "follow the Keybearer." Not long ago, they helped Hercules stop Hades from taking over the world. Phil has dubbed him a "Junior Hero." GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. Goofy and Donald are traveling with Sora because the King's letter told them to "follow the Keybearer." Not long ago, they helped Hercules stop Hades from taking over the world. Phil has dubbed him a "Junior Hero." HERCULES Hercules (1997) A legendary hero with super strength - and a pretty great fellow, too. Hercules is the son of the gods Zeus and Hera, but he's not a god himself. Not long ago, he joined forces with Sora and his friends to stop Hades from taking over the world. Hercules really impresses the crowds when he battles in the Coliseum. He's never lost a match yet. HERCULES Hercules (1997) A legendary hero with super strength. When the Hydra destroyed the Coliseum, Hercules thought he'd let everyone down. Now he isn't sure he's the hero he thought he was, and he seems to have lost his fighting spirit. PHILOCTETES Hercules (1997) Or "Phil" for short. Phil is a veteran trianer of heroes and Hercules' mentor. He also trianed Sora and his friends during their first adventures with Hercules. These days Phil is busy running the Coliseum and screening contestants for games. MEGARA Hercules (1997) Or "Meg" for short. She's tough, witty, and a true friend to Hercules. Since she met him, Meg's been trusting folks a bit more than she did before. Meg set out alone for the Underworld. She knew Hercules was exhausted and wanted Hades to give him a break from fighting in the Coliseum. PEGASUS Hercules (1997) A beautiful horse that can fly just like an eagle, Pegasus is Hercules' loyal partner. Hercules' father Zeus created Pegasus from a cloud and gave him to Hercules when he was a baby. Hercules and Pegasus were separated for a while, but they were reunited again when they grew up. AURON Final Fantasy X A warrior that Hades called forth from the Underworld. In exchange for his freedom, Auron was commanded to defeat Hercules. But he refused to work with Hades, saying, "This is my story." He doesn't talk about himself very much. What sort of story has he written thus far? PAIN Hercules (1997) One of Hades' lackeys. Pain tried to attack Hercules when the great hero was just a little baby, but Hercules just clobbered him. Pain can change form whenever he likes, but he's a bit of a bumbler. He's never far from his evil partner Panic. PANIC Hercules (1997) One of Hades' lackeys. Panic tried to attack Hercules when the great hero was just a little baby, but Hercules just clobbered him. Panic can change form whenever he likes, but he's a bit of a bumbler. He's never far from his evil partner Pain. HADES Hercules (1997) Lord of the Underworld. The last time Sora and his friends tangled with Hades, he was using the Heartless to try to take over the world. Together with Hercules, the three friends put a stop to his plans. But Hades is as evil as ever, and won't rest until he sends Hercules to the Underworld - for eternity. CERBERUS Hercules (1997) Guardian of the entrance to the Underworld and Hades' loyal "pet." Hercules, Sora, Donald, and Goofy teamed up to defeat him last time, but Hades brought him back - and he's as dangerous as ever. THE HYDRA Hercules (1997) A legendary monster with many heads, sent by Hades to fight Hercules. If you cut off one of its heads, two more grow back. DEMYX Organization XIII's Number IX. He was surveying the world of Olympus, and even swiped the Olympus Stone. He's a lousy fighter. Demyx called Sora "Roxas." PETE Steamboat Willie (1928) King Mickey's nemesis. Pete is collecting an army of Heartless and helping Maleficent in her scheme to take over all the worlds. He's also lending Hades a hand with his collection of Heartless. 6. AGRABAH SORA The hero of the Keyblade who fights against the Heartless and the Nobodies. His journey in search of Riku continues. In his travels last time, he helped stop Jafar from taking over Agrabah by trapping him inside a magic lamp. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. He's traveling the worlds with Sora and Goofy in search of the King. The last time he visited Agrabah, Donald fought side by side with Aladdin to defend the city from Jafar. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. He's traveling the worlds with Sora and Donald in search of the King. The last time he visited Agrabah, Goofy fought side by side with Aladdin to defend the city from Jafar. ALADDIN Aladdin (1992) A young man from the desert city of Agrabah. Not long ago, Sora and his friends helped Aladdin defeat Jafar and free Genie from the lamp. Aladdin used to worry that someone known as a "street rat" couldn't really earn the love of a princess. But Jasmine taught Aladdin that it's what's inside a person's heart that really counts. Aladdin's friend Abu, the monkey, is never far from his side. THE MAGIC CARPET Aladdin (1992) A magical flying carpet. Carpet is an old friend of Genie's. Ever since Aladdin found him in the Cave of Wonders, Carpet will do anything to help him. Carpet can carry Aladdin across the vastness of the desert in the blink of an eye. IAGO Aladdin (1992) Jafar's boisterous and cunning parrot. He's Jafar's eyes and ears for everything going on in Agrabah. Iago's mischief finally landed him inside the lamp, imprisoned with Jafar. Now that he's finally free again, he swears he's turned over a new feather. But I wonder... ABU Aladdin (1992) Aladdin's faithful and rather furry sidekick. Abu doesn't talk a lot, but he always understands what Aladdin needs. Unfortunately, Abu can't resist treasure, even if it belongs to somebody else. PRINCESS JASMINE Aladdin (1992) The princess of Agrabah and one of the Seven Princesses needed to open the door to the realm of darkness. Jasmine met Aladdin after she fled the palace to try and lead her own life. She's very grateful to Aladdin, Sora, and his friends for saving her city from Jafar. GENIE Aladdin (1992) Genie spent ten thousand years stuck inside the magic lamp until Aladdin found him. After Genie helped Aladdin defeat Jafar, Aladdin used his third and final wish to set Genie free. For Genie, it's a dream come true. Instead of being at every master's beck and call, he's enjoying a carefree life. JAFAR Aladdin (1992) Before he became an evil genie, Jafar was the Sultan's royal vizier. The last time we were in Agrabah, Jafar was trying to use the Heartless to take over the city. He even got control of Aladdin's pal Genie and wished to become a powerful genie himself. Aladdin, Sora, and his friends joined together to defeat Jafar, and imprisoned him in his own lamp. JAFAR Aladdin (1992) When he was master of the lamp, Jafar used his last wish to become an all-powerful genie. He was imprisoned in the lamp, but eventually made his escape, thanks to the Peddler. Jafar then used his magical power to grow to a colossal size. He tried to take over Agrabah, but Sora and his friends defeated him once more. THE PEDDLER Aladdin (1992) He runs a shop offering all kinds of merchandise. There's definitely something suspicious about this fellow, though. 7. THE LAND OF DRAGONS SORA The hero of the Keyblade who fights against the Heartless and the Nobodies. Sora continues to hunt for clues to Riku's whereabouts since the two were separated some time ago. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. He left Disney Castle on a journey to find the King, who had disappeared. He's traveling the worlds with Sora in search of clues to the whereabouts of King Mickey. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. He left Disney Castle on a journey to find the King, who had disappeared. Goofy's loyalty to King Mickey is second to none, and he's always ready to help his pal Sora when the going gets tough. PING Mulan (1998) The only daughter of the distinguished Fa family. Her real name is Fa Mulan. She disguised herself as a man and joined the Imperial Army in her father's place to fight the Huns and uphold the family's honor. The other soldiers know her as Ping. MULAN Mulan (1998) The only daughter of the distinguished Fa family, Mulan has a hard time acting the way everybody wants her to. She's sure she'll never fit in. But when her aging father was ordered to join the Imperial Army, she sneaked away and risked her life to take his place. MUSHU Mulan (1998) He used to be one of the Fa family guardians, but Mushu's mistakes got him demoted to the lowly job of gong ringer. He hopes to prove himself and win back his place among the other guardians by helping Mulan. Mushu gave Sora and his friends some valuable help during their last adventure. CAPTAIN LI SHANG Mulan (1998) A talented young officer whose father is a distinguished general in the Imperial Army. Captain Shang has to train a disorganized group of recruits who've been drafted to help fight the Huns. He sure is a stickler for discipline, so he must have his hands full getting his inexperienced troops into shape. YAO Mulan (1998) One of the men drafted to help defend China from the Hun invasion. Yao's a compact sort of fellow who likes to brag that he's tougher than anybody else. CHIEN-PO Mulan (1998) One of the men drafted to help defend China from the Hun invasion. Chien-Po sure does love a good meal. In fact, he'd probably rather dream about food than glory or adventure. LING Mulan (1998) One of the men drafted to help defend China from the Hun invasion. Ling loves to talk and tell jokes. THE EMPEROR Mulan (1998) The Emperor rules China with wisdom that's said to be as vast as the ocean, and with a resolve that's as unshakable as a mountain. He is deeply grateful to Mulan and Captain Shang for saving China from the Huns. SHAN-YU Mulan (1998) Leader of the Huns. He wants to take over all of China. Shan-Yu and his enormous army are fearsome fighters who have defeated some of the Emperor's best troops. Now Shan-Yu plans to use the Heartless to invade the Empire. Shan-Yu has fierce eyes, and is always seen with a hawk who serves as his eyes and ears from above. XIGBAR Organization XIII's Number II. When Sora called out to him, thinking he was Riku, Xigbar gave a curt reply. His motives and his methods remain unclear. Surely he has a greater goal in mind, but what could it be? 8. 100 ACRE WOOD SORA A boy who wields the Keyblade. Not long ago, he gathered up the scattered pages of a storybook and became friends with everyone inside. WINNIE THE POOH Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) A bear who lives in the Hundred Acre Wood. Known as "Pooh" for short. He loves to eat, and his very favorite thing to eat is honey. Pooh likes to exercise every morning. He says it improves his appetite. TIGGER Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) Tigger sure is energetic. He loves to use his tail to bounce all over the Hundred Acre Wood. Sometimes his bouncing gets to be a bit much, but he doesn't mean any harm. Underneath that happy-go-lucky exterior, there's a sensitive, gentle heart. PIGLET Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968) One of Pooh's friends in the Hundred Acre Wood. Piglet's tiny and startled by just about anything. But knowing he has friends like Pooh always helps Piglet feel a little more courageous. RABBIT Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) Rabbit is proud of all the vegetables he grows in his garden - especially the carrots. Pooh likes visiting Rabbit, as Rabbit always seems to have some honey to share. Rabbit is a very hard worker, and wishes Tigger wouldn't bounce so close to his prized carrots. EEYORE Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) Eeyore always seems to be a bit gloomy. His usual residence is a house built out of sticks. His tail is held on by a tack, but it keeps falling off and getting lost. Eeyore spends quite a lot of time wandering the Hundred Acre Wood looking for a new home, because his stick house is always falling down. OWL Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) Owl seems to be the wisest resident of the Hundred Acre Wood. Whenever anyone has a question they can't answer, they ask Owl. He's always happy to help, but his answers aren't always exactly right! KANGA Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) Roo's mother. When she leaves her house, she just pops little Roo into her pouch and off they go. Kanga is always ready with kind and gentle advice for her neighbors in the Hundred Acre Wood. ROO Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) The youngest resident of the Hundred Acre Wood. Roo looks up to Tigger, and dreams of bouncing just like him someday. GOPHER Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) Gopher is an excavation expert. That is, he's a specialist at digging holes. Whenever you need to find him, just look for a mound of fresh dirt. 9. PRIDE LANDS SORA A boy who fights with Keyblade in hand, opening the way before him as he searches for Riku and a way home. Sora has taken a feline form in this world, but he seems to have two left feet... four left paws? Whatever. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. He's traveling the worlds with Sora and Goofy in search of the King. Donald's got new wings in this world. So, naturally, he got the hang of it right away. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. He's traveling the worlds with Sora and Donald in search of the King. Goofy's been transformed into a turtle in this world, and it seems to suit him just fine. SIMBA The Lion King (1994) Son of the great Mufasa who grew up to succeed his father and rule the Pride Lands. As a young cub, Simba mistakenly thought he was responsible for his father's death. He left the Pride Lands and met two new friends: Timon and Pumbaa. They taught him to lead a carefree life. During their first quest, Simba helped Sora, Donald, and Goofy whenever they called on him. TIMON The Lion King (1994) A meerkat and one of Simba's closest pals. He found Simba, almost dead of thirst, when he was just a cub. Timon and his best buddy Pumbaa taught Simba their motto, Hakuna Matata, which means "no worries." And that's how Simba grew up - with no worries, taking life one day at a time. PUMBAA The Lion King (1994) A warthog and one of Simba's closest pals. He found Simba, almost dead of thirst, when he was just a cub. Pumbaa and his best buddy Timon taught Simba their motto, Hakuna Matata, which means "no worries." Some folks are a bit put off by Pumbaa's pungency, but a kinder fellow you'll never find. NALA The Lion King (1994) Simba's childhood friend Nala has grown up to be a strong lioness. She's searching for help to save the Pride Lands, which have fallen into a terrible state. MUFASA The Lion King (1994) A great king of the Pride Lands who was loved by all the animals who lived there. He passed on the wisdom of generations of kings to his son Simba. Mufasa tried to climb to safety after saving young Simba from a stampede, but Scar sent him falling to his death. RAFIKI The Lion King (1994) A mandrill who lives in the Pride Lands. Rafiki is a wise old shaman. Rafiki was a trusted advisor to Mufasa, and has always looked forward to the day Simba would take his father's place as king. SCAR The Lion King (1994) Simba's evil uncle and brother of Mufasa. After Mufasa's death and Simba's disappearance, Scar became king of the Pride Lands and used the hyenas to do his dirty work. Scar hasn't taken care of the Pride Lands, and almost all the animals have been forced to leave. THE GHOST OF SCAR The Lion King (1994) This phantom appeared in the Pride Lands after Scar's death. It seems to have been created from the evil in Scar's heart, and it preys on the weakness in Simba's. The ghost may be a sign of more evil to come. Simba still can't seem to believe in himself, and the other lions are getting more and more worried. SHENZI The Lion King (1994) A cowardly hyena who hates lions. Shenzi takes the lead when she and her friends are up to mischief. She's always quick to follow the strongest leader. BANZAI The Lion King (1994) A cowardly hyena who hates lions. Banzai likes to complain but doesn't like to work. He's always looking to find an easy meal. ED The Lion King (1994) A witless hyena who's not very smart, but loves to laugh. He takes a lot of ribbing from his pals Shenzi and Banzai, but he doesn't seem to care. PETE Steamboat Willie (1928) Pete's using the Heartless to get control over all worlds. He's helping Scar's phantom, too. Seems like Pete's trying to cover all his bases. 10. ATLANTICA SORA Hero of the Keyblade. Sora continues his search for Riku, separated from him in the great battle some time ago. In his previous travels, Sora defended Atlantica when Ursula tried to take the Trident. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. He's traveling the worlds in search of clues to the whereabouts of King Mickey. In his previous travels, Donald and his friends helped to defend Atlantica from Ursula, the sea witch. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. He's traveling the worlds in search of clues to the whereabouts of King Mickey. In his previous travels, Goofy and his friends helped to defend Atlantica from Ursula, the sea witch. ARIEL The Little Mermaid (1989) The seventh daughter of Triton, king of Atlantica. Ariel has the most beautiful singing voice of all the merpeople. Ariel wants to see the world outside her ocean home. She even keeps a collection of things from the human world in a secret grotto. Sora and his friends helped her the last time Ursula tried to take over Atlantica. ARIEL The Little Mermaid (1989) The seventh daughter of Triton, king of Atlantica. She made a deal with Ursula to become a human, but lost her beautiful voice in the bargain. Ariel has three days to make Prince Eric fall in love with her. If she doesn't, she'll become a mermaid again and belong to Ursula. KING TRITON The Little Mermaid (1989) The Sea King who rules Atlantica; the trident is the symbol of his power. Triton dearly loves his daughter Ariel, but to ensure her safety and the security of his kingdom, he's strictly forbidden her to have contact with anyone from the human world. KING TRITON The Little Mermaid (1989) The Sea King who rules Atlantica. At least, he used to - until Ursula changed him into a small, ugly sea creature. But he was willing to pay that price to save Ariel from Ursula's evil magic. SEBASTIAN The Little Mermaid (1989) King Triton's court composer. You could almost say he's a musical genius. Sebastian's also in charge of keeping an eye on Ariel to make sure she stays safe. Right now, he's working on a very special musical. FLOUNDER The Little Mermaid (1989) Ariel's trusted friend Flounder would do anything for her. He's small and not exactly brave, but he'll never leave Ariel's side, even when it means facing danger. PRINCE ERIC The Little Mermaid (1989) A prince from the world on land who loves the sea. Ariel saved him from drowning when his ship sank one stormy night. Prince Eric doesn't remember anything from that night except Ariel's enchanting voice. Now he's searching everywhere for the girl who saved him. VANESSA The Little Mermaid (1989) Ursula changed herself into a beautiful girl to ruin Ariel's chances with Prince Eric. Ariel gave her voice to Ursula when she signed their contract... and Ursula used Ariel's voice to mesmerize Prince Eric. URSULA The Little Mermaid (1989) A sea witch who lives in a cave far from the palace. She used to serve King Triton, until her evil scheming got her banished. Some time ago, she tried to get rid of King Triton and take over Atlantica. Sora, Donald, and Goofy helped Ariel defeat her, but she used the power of darkness to return. Her grudge against King Triton is as strong as ever... and now she's looking for revenge. JETSAM The Little Mermaid (1989) An evil eel who works for Ursula. His right eye shines with a menacing golden gleam. Jetsam is a smooth talker, and he knows how to manipulate the hearts of others. He was defeated by Sora and his friends in the last battle, but Jetsam returned along with Ursula. FLOTSAM The Little Mermaid (1989) An evil eel who works for Ursula. His left eye shines with a menacing golden gleam. Flotsam uses empty promises to lure unsuspecting mermen and mermaids into Ursula's clutches. He was defeated by Sora and his friends in the last battle, but Flotsam returned along with Ursula. 11. DISNEY CASTLE SORA The hero of the Keyblade, a boy who fights against the Heartless and the Nobodies as he continues his journey. He is looking for the King, who in turn should know where Riku is. Sora came to Disney Castle in response to Queen Minnie's wish. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician He woke one morning and found a letter the King had left behind before he disappeared. That's when Donald left Disney Castle on this long journey. His one wish is to be reunited with the King and for them to return to Disney Castle together. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. A letter the King wrote before he disappeared is the reason why Goofy left Disney Castle on this long journey. His one wish is to be reunited with the King and for them to return to Disney Castle together. QUEEN MINNIE Mickey's Surprise Party (1939) Queen of Disney Castle. She is ruling in Mickey's absence. At her request, I'm tagging along with Donald and Goofy as the Royal Chronicler. Queen Minnie is quite concerned about the King, but she knows in her heart that he'll be all right. DAISY DUCK Don Donald (1937) A lady-in-waiting to Queen Minnie at Disney Castle and Donald's girlfriend. She's helping Queen Minnie run the castle while the others are away. CHIP Private Pluto (1943) One of the kingdom's mechanical specialists. He helps maintain the Gummi Ship, which can travel to any destination. Chip is diligent and follows through on his plans. Chip looks almost exactly like his pal Dale, but you can tell them apart by the color of their noses and the shape of their front teeth. DALE Private Pluto (1943) One of the kingdom's mechanical specialists. He helps maintain the Gummi Ship, which can travel to any destination. Dale's pretty impulsive, but he works slow and steady to finish a job when it's important. Dale looks almost exactly like his pal Chip, but you can tell them apart by the color of their noses and the shape of their front teeth. BROOMS The Sorcerer's Apprentice (1940) King Mickey cast a spell on these brooms and turned them into hard workers. They clean and help maintain the Gummi Ship, and do just about any other necessary work. 12. TIMELESS RIVER SORA A boy who searches for Riku and the King, his Keyblade opening the road before him. To save Disney Castle from a thorny fate, Sora passed through Merlin's doorway into a world of black-and-white. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. To save Disney Castle, Donald went through a doorway Merlin conjured up into a black-and-white world that seemed strangely familiar. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. To save Disney Castle, Goofy went through a doorway Merlin conjured up into a black-and-white world that seemed strangely familiar. PETE (?) Steamboat Willie (1928) Captain of a river steamboat; this is a different Pete than the one we know. He doesn't seem to have any connection with the Heartless. Why, he doesn't even recognize Sora, Donald, and Goofy! I wonder if he's just trying to trick us. PETE Steamboat Willie (1928) Captain of a river steamboat. He's Pete, but from the past. A long time ago, King Mickey started out working for Pete on his boat. Somehow, Pete's managed to get his boat stolen by himself - that is, by the Pete from the future! HORACE HORSECOLLAR The Plowboy (1929) An old friend of King Mickey, Queen Minnie, and the other folks at Disney Castle. Horace wouldn't be Horace without his big plow collar. He's also close friends with Clarabelle Cow. CLARABELLE COW Plane Crazy (1928) An old friend of King Mickey, Queen Minnie, and the other folks at Disney Castle. Clarabelle is also close friends with Horace Horsecollar. She loves any kind of gossip. CLARA CLUCK Orphan's Benefit (1934) A famous opera-singing hen. Clara's an old friend of King Mickey, Queen Minnie, and the other folks at Disney Castle. KING MICKEY (?) Steamboat Willie (1928) It's King Mickey all right, but in this world, he doesn't have a lot to say, and he doesn't look exactly like the king we all know. His Majesty's acting like he's somebody completely different. I wonder what's going on. KING MICKEY Steamboat Willie (1928) It's King Mickey, but back when he was working on Pete's steamboat. One thing sure hasn't changed - His Majesty was just as brave back then as he is now. PETE Steamboat Willie (1928) King Mickey's old nemesis. He traveled back in time on Maleficent's orders. As part of Maleficent's scheme to take over Disney Castle, Pete plans to destroy the Cornerstone of Light. Without the Cornerstone, Disney Castle will be defenseless. MALEFICENT Sleeping Beauty (1959) A sorceress of frightening power who's behind the strange goings-on at Disney Castle. Maleficent is determined to take over Disney Castle, and she's using the power of darkness in her evil scheme. 13. HALLOWEEN TOWN SORA The hero of the Keyblade who fights against the Heartless and the Nobodies. Not long ago, he helped unravel Oogie's scheme to take over Halloween Town. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. He's traveling the worlds with Sora and Goofy in search of the King. Not long ago, he helped unravel Ooogie's scheme to take over Halloween Town. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. He's traveling the worlds with Sora and Donald in search of the King. Not long ago, he helped unravle Oogie's scheme to take over Halloween Town. JACK SKELLINGTON The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) The Skeleton King. He loves scaring folks more than just about anything. When Sora and his friends first met Jack, he wanted to use the Heartless to spice up his frightening Halloween celebration. But things didn't work out quite like Jack planned. Now Jack's enchanted by Christmas. He's determined to give Santa a rest and show he can do a top-notch job running the big day. JACK SKELLINGTON The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) He loves to scare people silly - but when Jack discovered Christmas, he was captivated. He even thought he could improve it by adding his own special brand of fright. Jack wanted to deliver presents to the children of the world for Santa. Santa helped him realize that his talents were really meant for Halloween. But Jack still has the Santa suit Sally made for him! SALLY The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) One of Dr. Finkelstein's creations, Sally's patched together with parts that sometimes come off and move around on their own. She's gotten very good at mending herself with a needle and thread. Sally usually helps Dr. Finkelstein around the lab, but she'd much rather spend time with Jack. DR. FINKELSTEIN The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) The mad scientist of Halloween Town. Sally is one of his creations. The first time Sora and his friends met the doctor, he was trying to create a heart. He failed, but he hasn't lost his appetite for strange inventions. The doctor's head is made out of steel plates that open up for maintenance. ZERO The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) Jack's ghost dog. He comes out of his grave whenever Jack calls, and never gets tired of playing fetch with his master. THE MAYOR The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) The two-faced mayor of Halloween Town. His face switches from a happy version to a sad one depending on mood, which seems to change pretty often. The Mayor relies on Jack to make preparations for Halloweeen. In fact, the Mayor can't decide a thing without Jack's help. LOCK The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) A member of the prankster trio that includes Shock and Barrel. Their walking bathtub helps them get around while they commit all kinds of mischief. They sometimes help Oogie, but they're not really loyal to him. SHOCK The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) Another member of the trio of troublemakers. Shock is the most cunning of the three, and comes up with a lot of their ideas for mischief. Last time Oogie was defeated, she started behaving better - well, just a little bit better. BARREL The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) A member of the trio that includes Lock and Shock. He's often the object of his partners' pranks and practical jokes. SANTA CLAUS The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) Known to some as Father Christmas, Santa Claus makes children's dreams come true every year on December 25th, delivering presents in a sleigh drawn by flying reindeer. To get ready for Christmas, he depends on his list of this year's good little girls and boys. It seems our friend Jack Skellington is a bit confused. He thinks Santa's name is actually Sandy Claws. BATHTUB The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) The walking bathtub Lock, Shock, and Barrel use to get around. It's also big enough to carry any mischief-making tools they need to bring along. REINDEER The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) A special set of Halloween-style reindeer, custom-made by Dr. Finkelstein for Jack. They're just right for pulling Jack's coffin sleigh through the Christmas Eve sky. OOGIE BOOGIE The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) An evil bag of bugs who loves gambling with dice and dreams of causing trouble for Jack in Halloween Town. Sora and his friends defeated Oogie once before, but Maleficent brought him back as part of her evil plan. THE EXPERIMENT Dr. Finkelstein's puppet creation. Unlike Sally, it didn't have a heart - so it went to find one in the love that's bundled with all presents. MALEFICENT Sleeping Beauty (1959) A sorceress of frightening power. She's using the Heartless as part of her scheme to bring all the worlds under her control. Lock, Shock, and Barrel are just what Maleficent needs to make trouble for Sora and his friends while they're in Halloween Town. 14. PORT ROYAL SORA The hero of the Keyblade, a boy destined to battle the Heartless and the Nobodies. Sora searches for Riku in hopes they can return to their island home together. When he arrived at Port Royal, Sora couldn't hide the wonder he felt at how different it was from other worlds he'd visited. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. He's traveling the worlds in search of King Mickey, who set out to solve the riddle of Organization XIII. When he arrived at Port Royal, Donald couldn't hide the wonder he felt at how different it was from other worlds he'd visited. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. He's traveling the worlds in search of King Mickey, who set out to solve the riddle of Organization XIII. When he arrived at Port Royal, Goofy couldn't hide the wonder he felt at how different it was from other worlds he'd visited. CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) A pirate who sails the high seas. He sure is a colorful character, and one who really values his freedom. He says he's a captain, but he doesn't seem to have a crew. Jack was arrested in Port Royal and thrown in jail, but Will Turner helped him escape during a pirate attack. Jack seems to know something special about Will's name. Wonder what it could be? WILL TURNER Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) A very talented swordsmith. As a boy, Will was rescued at sea after pirates burned his ship and left him to drown. About the same time he was rescued, the pirate medallion his father had given him disappeared. Young Elizabeth Swann was aboard the ship that rescued Will, and they've been friends ever since. As Elizabeth's father is governor of Port Royal, Will is a bit shy and rather formal around her. ELIZABETH SWANN Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) Daughter of Port Royal's governor. To protect Will, she kept his pirate medallion hidden from his father and her men. A bit romantic about pirate life, she likes to steal a glance at the medallion every now and then. Will is a bit shy and formal around Elizabeth because of her father's position. She kind of wishes he wouldn't be. CAPTAIN BARBOSSA Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) Captain of the Black Pearl and leader of the undead pirates. The medallions' curse keeps Captain Barbossa and his men in a kind of limbo between life and death. Their true form is revealed in moonlight, and it's a terrifying sight to see. These days, Captain Barbossa has joined up with Pete in a search for... something. UNDEAD PIRATE A Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) A pirate cursed by the Aztec treasure. By moonlight, his appearance is terrifying. UNDEAD PIRATE B Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) A pirate cursed by the Aztec treasure. By moonlight, he becomes a skeleton and is vulnerable to magic attacks. UNDEAD PIRATE C Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) A pirate cursed by the Aztec treasure. He and Captain Barbossa are searching for something that will break the curse. PETE Steamboat Willie (1928) Pete's been a thorn in King Mickey's side ever since the days the King served on Pete's steamboat. Now Pete's teamed up with Captain Barbossa and his men. He's planning something bad - that much is certain. LUXORD Organization XIII's Number X, a master of rhetoric whose words left Sora and his companions quite perplexed. Luxord was using the cursed medallions to conduct experiments on behalf of the Organization. 15. SPACE PARANOIDS SORA A boy who carries the Keyblade, opening the world-gates in search of Riku. Tinkering with Ansem's computer triggered some kind of unique device that warped Sora inside the computer program. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. He left Disney Castle on a quest to find King Mickey. Donald tried to use Ansem's computer to find the King, but his impatient banging caused the MCP to transport the three friends into the world inside the computer system. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. He left Disney Castle on a quest to find King Mickey. Donald tried to use Ansem's computer to find the King, but his impatient banging caused the MCP to transport the three friends into the world inside the computer system. TRON Tron (1982) A security program created by a computer user to watch the MCP. Tron is very dedicated, and he'll do just about anything for his user. TRON Tron (1982) A security program that was improved and upgraded by Ansem the Wise. He's the fellow who also reprogrammed the MCP. Tron is dedicated to making sure the system functions correctly, but the MCP wants to take control away from the users. Only Ansem knows why these two programs behave so differently. SARK Tron (1982) A powerful program who doesn't serve any user - just the MCP. Commander Sark is pretty harsh to any program that tries to resist his master's power. MCP Tron (1982) The Master Control Program. He rules the system as the chief control program. Instead of working for the users, the MCP is planning to take over the system for himself. By refusing to follow the users' orders and trying to enact his evil plan, he's causing chaos among the other programs. HOSTILE PROGRAM An executable called from the DTD dataspace to destroy the town. 16. THE WORLD THAT NEVER WAS SORA The chosen hero of the Keyblade. With Donald and Goofy at his side, he has carried on in search of Kairi and Riku. On the way he has met many people and overcome many trials. And now, at last, he has passed through the alternate Twilight Town and darkness itself to reach the final battleground. Beyond it, will he find light... or something else? Destiny rests on Sora's shoulders. DONALD DUCK The Wise Little Hen (1934) The Royal Court Magician. Donald, Goofy, and Sora have made lots of friends during their long journey. Donald's loyalty to the King and his friendship to Sora keep his spirits high as they approach the biggest battle of all. GOOFY Two Weeks Vacation (1952) Captain of the Royal Knights. Goofy, Donald, and Sora have made lots of friends during their long journey. Courageous and dependable, Goofy's ready to fight the biggest battle of all to save his king and friends. XEMNAS Organization XIII's Number I, who acts as leader of the group. Xemnas is the Nobody of Ansem's apprentice Xehanort. He used Sora and his Keyblade to collect hearts from the Heartless and see Kingdom Hearts to its completion. XIGBAR Organization XIII's Number II. He told Sora once that he reminded him of someone else. Puzzling words, indeed... Some part of him did seem to be enjoying Sora's reaction. SAIX Organization XIII's Number VII. Saix relentlessly chased the renegade Axel. It was also he who caught Kairi after she eluded Axel, and threw her into the castle dungeon. If Saix sees something he can use, he will - and without a second thought. LUXORD Organization XIII's Number X, a gambler who can manipulate time. Having shaken Sora and his companions with wily words, Luxord entertained himself by drawing them into a game-like battle. In Port Royal, Luxord used Heartless and the cursed medallions to conduct experiments on the Organization's behalf and collect hearts. ROXAS Organization XIII's Number XIII, a Keyblade wielder and denizen of darkness. He vanished with a satisfied look after battling Sora - but Sora was the only one who could see him in the first place. KING MICKEY Steamboat Willie (1928) The King of Disney Castle. He faced incredible danger as he sought out the secrets of Organization XIII on his own. The King seems to know something about what happened to Riku. Whatever it is, he's keeping it to himself. ANSEM THE WISE The man who called himself "DiZ" and dressed his face in bandages to conceal it, now revealed to be none other than Ansem the Wise. The true Ansem once studied hearts and the Heartless, but soon ceased his research for fear of disrupting the order of the worlds. But his apprentice Xehanort betrayed him, robbing Ansem of his discoveries and his pride. Since that time, Ansem was driven by vengeance - but when he saw Riku go so far as to give up his physical form to help his friend Sora, he had a change of heart. |--------------------| | III. THE HEARTLESS | |--------------------| SHADOW Slain It sinks into the ground while moving, so timing is the key to defeating it. The moment it surfaces, attack away! SOLDIER Slain It unleashes decent attacks from every angle. Stay alert while fighting it! It counterattacks with a kick, so retaliate with Cyclone to float in midair and unleash combo attacks! Cyclone LARGE BODY Slain It will block attacks dealt from the front, so a good option is to perform a series of combos from behind, finishing with Full Swing. When enraged, it will repeatedly tackle its target. That's the time to use reaction commands. Use Kickback to finish the battle! Guard Full Swing Kickback SILVER ROCK Slain It quickly disappears into a ball of light, setting off an explosion when it reappears. Use reaction commands when it's in light form. It easily resists magic, so don't be shy about using the Keyblade! Shift Shot EMERALD BLUES Slain Attack from a safe distance, while watching out for its sudden tackle. When its HP gets low, a tornado forms, drawing the enemy close. It easily resists magic, so don't be shy about using the Keyblade! CRIMSON JAZZ Slain It chases its target with determination while scattering mines, so be wary when fighting this creature. When its HP gets low, it places a large mine. Avoid it before it explodes. It easily resists magic, so don't be shy about using the Keyblade! AIR PIRATE Slain Its swiftness makes it hard to attack, so wait until it is still before attacking. Use magic to stop its movements. Avoid its retaliating tackle kicks by using the reaction commands! TRICK GHOST Slain It has two faces, both of which need to be fought differently. When in the air, move in close to seal its long-range attacks. When on the ground, move far away to avoid its short-range attacks. RABID DOG Slain It won't move until approached, so move in swiftly and attack. It becomes tired and lets its guard down after counterattacks. Attack then for an easy battle. HOOK BAT Slain It generally flies around scoping the area. When it swoops, use Bat Battery to capture it and attack surrounding enemies. After this attack, use combos while in the air to defeat it. Bat Cry BOOKMASTER Slain A great mage who can handle all three types of elemental magic. It bears a striking resemblance to Red Nocturne, Blue Rhapsody, and Yellow Opera when changing stance for use of each magic. It is immune to all magic, and should be defeated immediately. MINUTE BOMB Slain When attacked, it counts down for self-destruction. Use Dodge Roll seconds before the explosion to lure surrounding enemies into it. To play it safe, parry its tackles to make it lose its will to fight. Dodge Roll HAMMER FRAME Slain It taps the ground to create a sonic wave. Jump to avoid the wave and defeat it with combos. When its HP gets low, it attacks with a series of tackles, so defeat it immediately! BULKY VENDOR Slain A rare Heartless that can be found in certain worlds. It appears when you poke around various areas of the map. It only appars in certain areas, and once it appears, it will not appear in that area for a while. Use the reaction command to get items. Figure out its secret pattern to get specific items. Prime Capsule Rare Capsule Capsule Prize FORTUNETELLER Slain It uses and is immune to all ice magic. When its HP gets low, it uses magic to try to freeze the target. Try counterattacking with Clear Shot. Clear Shot CANNON GUN Slain It shoots bombs from afar, so defeat it immediately. Avoid areas of potential bomb drops while attacking. It runs off when approached, so follow it closely and defeat it. RAPID THRUSTER Slain It attacks in a group, so be ready to attack with reaction commands. Start with Speed Trap, followed by the wide Aero Blade attack. It chases its target with determination when counterattacking. Run! Aero Blade Speed Trap DRILLER MOLE Slain It moves underground, so follow the clouds of dust for its position. Use a finishing move to lure it out of the ground. Attack when its face pops out of the ground! LANCE SOLDIER Slain The soldier and lance don't get along, so it will be easy to catch this enemy off guard. When its HP gets low, the lance goes nuts. Grab it with Lance Tug to attack surrounding enemies. A good strategy is to lower its HP and wait for the chance to use Lance Tug. Lance Tug MORNING STAR Slain When its HP gets low, it unleashes its Press attack. Use Bump and Meteor Strike for a counterattack combo! Meteor Strike can be done in succession, so make sure to grab surrounding enemies as well! Meteor Spike [sic] Bump FIERY GLOBE Slain It runs before it attacks, making its movements easy to read. It has little HP and is weak against ice. Use ice magic to defeat it. ICY CUBE Slain It jumps before it attacks, making its movements easy to read. It has little HP and is weak against fire. Use fire magic to defeat it. FAT BANDIT Slain Immune to fire magic, it parries most attacks dealt from the front. Use the Rush attack from behind and defeat it with a combo attack. Parry its fire bombs for a chance to unleash Full Swing! Full Swing LUNA BANDIT Slain It backs away during combat, so close in with thrust attacks. Catch it off guard after parrying its attacks to defeat it. GARGOYLE KNIGHT Slain Although it looks like an ordinary statue, it attacks with no warning. Immune to magic, it can attack from any range. Parry its attacks for a chance to use reaction commands. Release GARGOYLE WARRIOR Slain Although it looks like an ordinary statue, it attacks with no warning. Immune to magic, it is skilled in ranged attacks. Fully avoid its spinning attacks for reaction commands. If timed well, it can be defeated in a single blow. WIGHT KNIGHT Slain It merely wanders around, but once attacked, it attacks persistently. Parry its attacks to ward it off. GRAVEYARD Slain It boldly approaches its target, but catch it off guard after it attacks. It summons persistent ghouls when it turns into a headstone. Defeat it before it has a chance to call forth these annoying ghouls. TOY SOLDIER Slain It merely sits and waits for the enemy to come closer, so attack from afar. When it turns into a box, it begins to attack from a distance, making it impossible to close in on. AEROPLANE Slain It shoots bullets from midair, but only in a forward direction. Its movement and speed increases when retaliating, so defeat it when it's flying slowly. HOT ROD Slain It attacks and withdraws quickly, making it hard to hit. Use magic to defeat this enemy. When its HP gets low, it moves around even quicker, so be sure to defeat it as soon as possible. ASSAULT RIDER Slain Avoid getting hit with its spear by using the well-guarded Jump attack to defeat it. When HP gets low, its attacks begin to get bold. Use big attacks to defeat it before it uses its explosive attack. NIGHTWALKER Slain It jumps around while attacking persistently, so attack it and defeat it immediately. Watch out for its powerful counterattack. BOLT TOWER Slain It has very high defense, and can only take damage in the face. Attack the face! If caught by its snag laser, use the reaction command Bolt Reversal continuously to escape. If successful, a big explosion will unleash damage upon nearby enemies. Bolt Reversal MAGNUM LOADER Slain It moves in a clockwise motion around its target, so keep that in mind while attacking. It moves swiftly, so attack it in the few instances it slows its movements. Keep an eye out to avoid and counter its high-speed tackle with Quick Blade. Quick Blade STRAFER Slain It moves in a clockwise motion around its target, so keep that in mind while attacking. Make sure to close in, as it attacks far away targets with a laser. DEVASTATOR Slain It can fly around or transform into a tank. In the air, it follows its target around, so keep a fair distance. The tank attacks from afar, so close in while dodging the cannons. Watch out for the electric attack unleashed during its transformation! LIVING BONE Slain Make sure to dodge its strong attacks as they deal huge damage. Weaken it instantly by crushing its head with the reaction command! With a shaman, it powers up to unleash deadly curses, but merely defeat it as you would a shaman. Grand Cross Rodeo SHAMAN Slain It attacks from afar and moves around very little. It is very magic-resistant and nullifies all attacks while taking on its mask form. The cursed flame it occasionally unleashes firmly chases its target, but it can be used advantageously with reaction commands! Dispel AERIAL KNOCKER Slain Once the battle begins, there is no fleeing. It has three types of punches, so figure out which it will unleash and choose an appropriate strategy. Its tackling punch is powerful, so defeat it quickly with successive reaction commands! Rapid Blow TORNADO STEP Slain It attacks as it moves, so once it starts spinning, stop its movements with reaction commands. Use Tornado Ride and grab the enemy for a free ride while attacking surrounding enemies. Tornado Ride CRESCENDO Slain It restores the HP of surrounding enemies. Use Heal Stomp with the right timing to heal the party. When attacked, it may call for help, so be sure to defeat it immediately. Heal Stomp CREEPER PLANT Slain It stays in place and shoots seeds. Use reaction commands when it counterattacks with its roots. Use Root Ravager to uproot and attack surrounding enemies at once! Root Ravager ARMORED KNIGHT Slain It charges its target in a group. Use the reaction command Rising Sun when it jumps into the sky, as it is about to unleash a tackling attack. Use Rising Sun in succession for various combos! Rising Sun SURVEILLANCE ROBOT Slain Use reaction commands Snag, then Sparkle Ray to attack surrounding enemies with a laser! Keep an eye out for opportunities to use reaction commands even if the laser attack is parried! Sparkle Ray Snag NEOSHADOW Slain It produces a shadow on the ground before attacking. Catch it off guard right after it attacks. Once it tries to jump and attack, use the reaction command Aerial Dance for a flurry of attacks! Aerial Dance VOLCANIC LORD A Heartless called forth by greedy Pete in Agrabah. It appeared with Blizzard Lord. It was weak against ice, but it tormented Sora and his friends with its use of fire. BLIZZARD LORD A Heartless called forth by greedy Pete in Agrabah. It appeared with Volcanic Lord. It was weak against fire, but it tormented Sora and his friends with its use of ice. THRESHOLDER The doors possessed by Possessor that attacked Sora and his friends. Possessor was separated from the doors with Release, in which the power of the Keyblade was poured into the keyhole blocked by its arms. POSSESSOR A Heartless that appeared in Beast's Castle. It possessed the dungeon doors, turning it into Thresholder. It had the power to conceal itself, but had very few other powers. SHADOW STALKER A Heartless that attacked Belle in Beast's Castle. It jumped around on the floor, pillars, and chandelier of the ballroom, creating mayhem. DARK THORN A liberated version of Shadow Stalker that appeared in Beast's Castle. It appeared and disappeared while running wild, creating a chaotic battle for Sora and his friends. ILLUMINATOR A Heartless called forth in Port Royal by Pete. It had glowing eyes and a lantern on its tail, which was used to absorb light and create darkness to help Barbossa, whose weakness was moonlight. GRIM REAPER A Heartless that appeared in Port Royal, it was said to be born from the curse of the Aztec gold. Using the curse to become undead, it became a ghoul, making it hard to be defeated. GROUNDSHAKER A giant Heartless that appeared in the Pride Lands. It was created by the many illusions of Scar. The main body on the back of the creature controlled its bones, creating chaos in the savannah. PRISON KEEPER A Heartless called forth in Halloween Town by Maleficent to get revenge on Sora. It held Lock, Shock, and Barrel captive while dealing various elemental attacks. STORM RIDER A giant Heartless that appeared in the sky of the Land of Dragons. An intense battle was fought by Sora above the palace. Originally a creature that gave strength to the earth and people, it was turned into a Heartless. |------------------| | IV. THE NOBODIES | |------------------| DUSK Slain It is difficult to read this creature's next move, so catch it off guard with a Reversal to stop its actions. A series of attacks and Reversals can also look cool in battle! Note: It lets its guard down when its attack is parried. This is also true for all Nobodies. Reversal CREEPER Slain The weakest of the Nobodies. It takes on various shapes, making it difficult to read its next move. When it is paired with Dusk, use Reversal to stop its movements before attacking. DRAGOON Slain A dragoon. A high-ranking Nobody. When a ball of light appears after parrying its attacks, use Learn. Time it accurately, to use Jump to attack. Learn can be used as often as possible, so a series of Jump attacks is one strategy option. Jump Learn ASSASSIN Slain An assassin. A high-ranking Nobody. It hides in the ground and attacks quickly from behind. It cannot be attacked while it is in the ground. Parry its attacks to get it to surface. When it starts running around, look out! It'll begin to unleash powerful attacks. Don't miss any chances to use the reaction commands to defeat as many as possible at once! Fail-Safe SAMURAI Slain A samurai. A high-ranking Nobody. Using swords and their sheaths as weapons, it can handle up to four weapons at a time. It attacks with calmness and efficiency. Make sure not to lose sight of it once it hides beneath the ground. After parrying its attack, it sits and waits, giving an opportunity to use reaction commands. Fight one-on-one while the others sit back and watch. Duel Stance SNIPER Slain A sniper. A high-ranking Nobody. It is very agile as it moves around defying gravity. Use magic to stop its movements for an easier battle. It attacks using arrows of light. Ward them off with Warp Snipe. Use this in succession for victory! Warp Snipe DANCER Slain A dancer. A high-ranking Nobody. It skates around the ground and quickly moves away when approached. Wait for the end of its attack to retaliate. When it approaches with a low posture, look out! If cornered, it retaliates with its buddies with kicks and other attacks. Fight carefully when outnumbered. BERSERKER Slain A berserker. A high-ranking Nobody. Its attacks are hard to read as it is dragged around by a cursed hammer. Attacks from the front will only be parried by its hammer. Knock it down to make it let go of the hammer. Then pick up the hammer to unleash a flurry of attacks with Berserk. Berserk GAMBLER Slain A gambler. A high-ranking Nobody. It doesn't seem to like fighting, and just floats around aimlessly. Use the reaction command when it attacks with cards and dice, and let the games begin! Don't lose, for something terrible happens. Win for a chance to attack - and maybe even for a little something extra! Begin Game Stop Dice SORCERER Slain A sorcerer. A high-ranking Nobody. Immune to magic, it attacks with invulnerable cubes. Watch out for the cubes while attacking the main body. The cubes disappear when the body is defeated. TWILIGHT THORN A giant Nobody who Roxas fought at the Station of Awakening. Although it tried to capture Roxas with its thorns, it was overpowered and defeated by the strength of the Keyblade master. |--------------| | V. TREASURES | |--------------| 1. Twilight Town First Row: Potion, Mythril Shard, Potion, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Tent Second Row: Mythril Shard, Potion, Mythril Shard, Potion, Tent, Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Potion Third Row: Hi-Potion, Ether, Ether, Mythril Shard, Tower Map, Mythril Stone, Mythril Gem, Orichalcum Fourth Row: AP Boost, Mythril Crystal, Orichalcum, Mythril Crystal, Orichalcum+, Mythril Shard, Mythril Crystal, AP Boost Fifth Row: Mythril Crystal, Mythril Stone, Elixir, Mythril Crystal, Mythril Stone, Orichalcum, Ultimate Recipe 2. Hollow Bastion / Radiant Garden First Row: Drive Recovery, AP Boost, Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Tent, Castle Perimeter Map, Mythril Gem, AP Boost Second Row: Mythril Stone, Mythril Crystal, Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Skill Recipe, Ukulele Charm, Moon Recipe, AP Boost Third Row: Torn Pages, The Great Maw Map, Elixir, AP Boost, Gull Wing, Cosmic Chain 3. Beast's Castle First Row: AP Boost, Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Castle Map, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Tent, Hi-Potion Second Row: Mythril Shard, Drive Recovery, Mythril Shard, AP Boost, Tent, Basement Map, AP Boost, Mythril Shard Third Row: Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion, Mythril Shard, Tent, Mega-Recipe 4. Olympus Coliseum First Row: Power Boost, Mythril Shard, Mythril Stone, Ether, AP Boost, Hi-Potion, Underworld Map, Mythril Shard Second Row: Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Ether, Mythril Shard, Mythril Stone, Tent Third Row: AP Boost, Caverns Map, Mythril Shard, AP Boost 5. Agrabah First Row: Drive Recovery, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Mythril Stone, Mythril Shard, Mega-Ether, Mythril Gem Second Row: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Mythril Shard, Skill Ring, Mythril Stone, Drive Recovery, Mythril Shard Third Row: Mythril Stone, AP Boost, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Cave of Wonders Map, AP Boost, AP Boost, Serenity Shard Fourth Row: Torn Pages, Ruins Map 6. The Land of Dragons First Row: Hi-Potion, Ether, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Recovery Recipe, Ether Second Row: Mythril Shard, AP Boost, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Torn Pages, Palace Map, AP Boost Third Row: Queen Recipe, AP Boost, Ogre Shield, Mythril Crystal, , Orichalcum 7. 100 Acre Wood First Row: 100 Acre Wood Map, AP Boost, Mythril Stone, Defense Boost, AP Boost, Mythril Gem, Draw Ring, Mythril Crystal Second Row: AP Boost, Magic Boost, AP Boost, Orichalcum, Mythril Gem, AP Boost, Orichalcum, Guard Recipe Third Row: Mythril Crystal, AP Boost, Cosmic Ring, Style Recipe 8. Pride Lands First Row: Savannah Map, Ether, Mythril Stone, Hi-Potion, Mythril Stone, Ether, AP Boost, Mythril Shard Second Row: Pride Rock Map, Mythril Stone, Mega-Ether, Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Mythril Gem, Mythril Stone, Tent Third Row: Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Mythril Stone, Serenity Stone, Mythril Stone, Hi-Potion, Oasis Map, Torn Pages Fourth Row: AP Boost 9. Disney Castle Mythril Shard, Star Recipe, AP Boost, Mythril Stone, Ether, Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Torn Pages 10. Timeless River Cornerstone Hill Map, Drive Recovery, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Mythril Stone, AP Boost, Hi-Potion 11. Halloween Town First Row: Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Halloween Town Map, Mythril Stone, Mega-Potion, Hi-Potion, Mythril Stone, AP Boost Second Row: Hi-Potion, Mythril Gem, Ether, Mythril Stone, Christmas Town Map, AP Boost 12. Port Royal First Row: Naval Map, Mythril Stone, Ether, Ether, AP Boost, Mythril Shard, Mythril Gem, Ether Second Row: Mythril Shard, AP Boost, AP Boost, Mythril Shard, Ether, Mega-Potion, Feather Charm, AP Boost Third Row: Orichalcum, Meteor Staff, High Drive Recovery, King Recipe, Mythril Crystal 13. Space Paranoids First Row: Pit Cell Area Map, Mythril Crystal, Mega-Potion, Mythril Stone, Mythril Gem, Drive Recovery, Tent, AP Boost Second Row: I/O Tower Map, Gaia Belt, AP Boost, Orichalcum+, Cosmic Arts, Central Computer Core Map 14. The World That Never Was First Row: Mythril Stone, Mythril Crystal, AP Boost, Orichalcum, Mythril Crystal, AP Boost, Mythril Stone, Dark City Map Second Row: Orichalcum+, Mythril Gem, Orichalcum, Cosmic Belt, Mythril Gem, Orichalcum, Mythril Crystal, Mythril Stone Third Row: AP Boost, Mythril Crystal, Orichalcum |----------| | VI. MAPS | |----------| Twilight Town: Tower Map, Twilight Town Map, Mansion Map Hollow Bastion / Radiant Garden: Castle Perimeter Map, The Great Maw Map, Marketplace Map Beast's Castle: Castle Map, Basement Map, Castle Walls Map Olympus Coliseum: Underworld Map, Caverns Map, Coliseum Map Agrabah: Cave of Wonders Map, Ruins Map, Agrabah Map The Land of Dragons: Palace Map, Encampment Area Map, Village Area Map 100 Acre Wood: 100 Acre Wood Map, Spooky Cave Map Pride Lands: Savannah Map, Pride Rock Map, Oasis Map Atlantica: Undersea Kingdom Map Disney Castle: Disney Castle Map Timeless River: Cornerstone Hill Map, Window of Time Map Halloween Town: Halloween Town Map, Christmas Town Map Port Royal: Naval Map, Isla de la Muerta Map, Ship Graveyard Map Space Paranoids: Pit Cell Area Map, I/O Tower Map, Central Computer Core Map The World That Never Was: Dark City Map, Castle That Never Was Map |---------------| | VII. MISSIONS | |---------------| 1. TWILIGHT TOWN Mail Delivery: Try again Mail Delivery: Complete within 14 seconds Cargo Climb: Try again Cargo Climb: Complete within 15 seconds Grandstander: Try again Grandstander: Complete with 100 or more points Poster Duty: Try again Poster Duty: Complete within 30 seconds Bumble-Buster: Try again Bumble-Buster: Complete within 10 seconds Junk Sweep: Try again Junk Sweep: Complete with less than 6 points The Struggle: Hayner: Give it a try The Struggle: Hayner: Win by a margin of 100 or more points The Struggle: Setzer: Give it a try The Struggle: Setzer: Win with 150 or more points The Struggle: Seifer: Give it a try The Struggle: Seifer: Win with 200 points SB Street Rave: Give it a try SB Street Rave: Finish with 1,000 points or more 2. HOLLOW BASTION / RADIANT GARDEN Event Quests: Meet the three girls again Event Quests: Meet Sephiroth again SB Freestyle: Give it a try SB Freestyle: Finish with 200 or more points 3. OLYMPUS COLISEUM Phil's Training: Try Practice Mode Phil's Training: Try Maniac Mode Phil's Training: Complete with a score of 1,000 or more The Underdrome: Pain and Panic: Give it a try The Underdrome: Pain and Panic: Win with a score of 2,000 or more The Underdrome: Cerberus: Give it a try The Underdrome: Cerberus: Win with a score of 1,000 or more The Underdrome: Titan: Give it a try The Underdrome: Titan: Win with a score of 5,000 or more The Underdrome: Goddess of Fate: Give it a try The Underdrome: Goddess of Fate: Win with a score of 3,000 or more The Underdrome: Paradox Panic: Give it a try The Underdrome: Paradox Panic: Win with a score of 2,500 or more The Underdrome: Paradox Cerberus: Give it a try The Underdrome: Paradox Cerberus: Win with a score of 1,300 or more The Underdrome: Paradox Titan: Give it a try The Underdrome: Paradox Titan: Win with a score of 10,000 or more The Underdrome: Paradox Hades: Give it a try The Underdrome: Paradox Hades: Win with a score of 15,000 or more 4. AGRABAH Event Quests: Redo the Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges Magic Carpet: Try again Magic Carpet: Finish with a score of 65 or more SB Sand Slider: Give it a try SB Sand Slider: Finish with 10 or more points 5. 100 ACRE WOOD A Blustery Rescue: Try again A Blustery Rescue: Finish with a score of 18,000 or more Hunny Slider: Try again Hunny Slider: Finish with a score of 8,000 or more Balloon Bounce: Try again Balloon Bounce: Finish with a score of 2,000 or more The Expotition: Try again The Expotition: Finish within 90 seconds The Hunny Pot: Try again The Hunny Pot: Finish with a score of 8,000 or more 6. ATLANTICA A Musical Challenge: Perform "Swim This Way" again A Musical Challenge: Perform "Part of Your World" again A Musical Challenge: Perform "Under the Sea" again A Musical Challenge: Perform "Ursula's Revenge" again A Musical Challenge: Perform "A New Day is Dawning" again 7. HALLOWEEN TOWN Gift Wrapping: Try again Gift Wrapping: Finish with a score of 150 or more SB Workshop Rave: Give it a try SB Workshop Rave: Finish with 1,000 or more points 8. PORT ROYAL SB Time Attack: Give it a try SB Time Attack: Finish within 40 seconds 9. SPACE PARANOIDS Light Cycle: Try again Light Cycle: Finish with 30 points or more |-----------------| | VIII. MINIGAMES | |-----------------| 1. TWILIGHT TOWN Mail Delivery Cargo Climb Grandstander Poster Duty Bumble-Buster Junk Sweep SB Street Rave 2. HOLLOW BASTION SB Freestyle 3. OLYMPUS COLISEUM Phil's Training The Underdrome: Pain and Panic The Underdrome: Cerberus The Underdrome: Titan The Underdrome: Goddess of Fate The Underdrome: Paradox Panic The Underdrome: Paradox Cerberus The Underdrome: Paradox Titan The Underdrome: Paradox Hades 4. AGRABAH Magic Carpet SB Sand Slider 5. 100 ACRE WOOD A Blustery Rescue Hunny Slider Balloon Bounce The Expotition The Hunny Pot 6. HALLOWEEN TOWN Gift Wrapping SB Workshop Rave 7. PORT ROYAL SB Time Attack 8. SPACE PARANOIDS Light Cycle |-------------------| | IX. COMBO ATTACKS | |-------------------| DONALD/FANTASIA Attack flow Comet -> Comet Rain Notes: Comet Rain is a finishing move that is executed around Sora. Move in close to the enemy to get in as many hits as possible. Sora can move freely during this limit, so stay close to the enemy and attack away! DONALD/FLARE FORCE Attack flow Duck Flare -> Rocket Flare -> Megaduck Flare Notes: Duck Flare attacks enemies in front. This magic attack cannot lock on to any targets. Rocket Flare unleashes rockets at the enemy. Use this attack after collecting plenty of rockets. Unleash Megaduck Flare towards a group of enemies, as it not only attacks the main target, but surrounding enemies as well. Sora can move freely during this limit, so use him to get in many, many hits! GOOFY/TWISTER FUSION Attack flow Whirli-Goof -> Whirli-Goofra -> Whirli-Goofga Notes: Whirli-Goof and Whirli-Goofra unleash many hits but have a small attack range. Move in close to the enemy before attacking. Whirli-Goofga can be executed while moving, so make sure to grab surrounding enemies as well. Execute the attacks quickly, or the limit will be cancelled! GOOFY/TEAMWORK Attack flow Knocksmash -> Duo Raid -> Cosmo Boost Notes: Knocksmash has a short duration, so get in as many attacks as possible. Duo Raid deals successive damage while bringing the enemy closer. Execute the attacks quickly, or the limit will be cancelled! BEAST/HOWLING MOON Attack flow Twin Howl -> Stalwart Fang / Outcry -> Last Howl Notes: Outcry hits successively, but has a small range. Stalwart Fang deals damage to nearby enemies with a sonic wave. Use both attacks appropriately, depending on the situation. AURON/OVERDRIVE Attack flow Bushido -> Shooting Star / Banishing Blade -> Spiral Notes: Alternate attacks between Auron and Sora. After Auron attacks, Sora's command will charge. Unleash it immediately! Sora cannot move freely during this limit, so concentrate on inputting commands. MULAN/DRAGONBLAZE Attack flow Red Rocket -> Heat Lance / Flametongue -> Red Meteor Notes: Use Heat Lance, then follow it up with Flametongue for a nice, clean combo. Sora can fly freely during this limit. Move up and down with the right analog stick. ALADDIN/TRICK FANTASY Attack flow Speedster -> Quickplay -> Trickster Notes: Move close to as many enemies as possible when dealing Speedster and Trickster, as they hit all nearby enemies. Both Aladdin and Sora can use Quickplay, so alternate this attack for a quick end to the battle. JACK/APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE Attack flow Dance Call -> Downbeat / Synchronization -> Finale Notes: Downbeat and Synchronization hit close enemies in front, so move in when using these attacks. Sora can move freely during this limit, making it easy to earn combo points! JACK SPARROW/TREASURE ISLE Attack flow Bluff -> Jackknife / Slasher -> Final Trap Notes: Bluff lures enemies to one place, making it useful against group battles. After Jack executes Jackknife, Sora can unleash Slasher for quick attacks. The key to a winning battle is to alternate Jack's and Sora's attacks. Sora cannot move freely during this limit, so concentrate on inputting commands. SIMBA/KING'S PRIDE Attack flow Wildcat -> High Fang / X-Claw -> Proud Roar Notes: High Fang and X-Claw are rapid attacks that should be dealt in succession as soon as the limit begins. Keep unleashing these attacks until it's time to execute the finishing move - Proud Roar. TRON/COMPLETE COMPILEMENT Attack flow Setup -> Cluster Code / Burst Pulse -> Reprogram Notes: Use Burst Pulse on close enemies, and Cluster Code on far enemies. Use Cluster Code during Burst Pulse for extra attack power. Reprogram continues to search for enemies after the limit is over. Select Stop to cancel this attack. Sora can move freely during this limit, so use him to get in many, many hits! SORA/TRINITY LIMIT Attack flow Trinity -> Break / Ultima / Major Drive -> Begin Combo Notes: After selecting an attack, Begin Combo will take the place of the chosen attack. Begin Combo unleashes the total number of hits dealt by the other three attacks. Save Begin Combo until many hits have been dealt by the other attacks! This limit can be done when Sora is alone, but his two friends will not come to help him. PETER PAN/NEVER LAND Attack flow Tiny Fairy / The Flying Boy Notes: Grab nearby enemies and fly around! Tiny Fairy deals great damage and blows the enemy away. CHICKEN LITTLE/FPS MODE Attack flow Balls / Firecracker Notes: A first person shooter mode with Sora and Chicken Little as a team. The camera movement is the key to this attack. Lock on to enemies when shooting Balls. Use Firecracker to stop enemy movements if necessary. Sora can move around during this limit. Select Stop to cancel the limit. STITCH/OHANA! Attack flow Shoot / Ukelele -> Blast Notes: The camera movement is the key to this attack. Use Shoot to attack an enemy in sight, and use Ukelele to attack all. Sora cannot move freely during this limit, so concentrate on the commands and camera! "VALOR" GENIE/SONIC RAVE Attack flow Sonic -> Rave Notes: Sonic continuously attacks close enemies in front. Follow it with Rave for big damage. Execute the attacks quickly, or the limit will be cancelled! "WISDOM" GENIE/STRIKE RAID Attack flow Strike -> Judgment Notes: Strike continuously attacks far enemies in a forward direction with magic bullets. Use Judgment to attack all nearby enemies at once! Execute the attacks quickly, or the limit will be cancelled! "MASTER" GENIE/FINAL ARCANA Attack flow Arcana -> Bash Notes: Arcana continuously attacks all nearby enemies. If Genie's and Sora's Bash is successful, far enemies will be attacked as well. Execute the attacks quickly, or the limit will be cancelled! "FINAL" GENIE/INFINITY Attack flow Infinity -> Impact Notes: Sora can move while executing Infinity, an attack that unleashes the Keyblade's power, so grab nearby enemies! Follow up with Impact to finish the battle. Execute the attacks quickly, or the limit will be cancelled! |--------------------| | X. SYNTHESIS NOTES | |--------------------| Moogle level Types of materials obtained 50/50 Complete collection lists 50/50 Synthesized recipes 45/45 |---------------------| | XI. CHARACTER LINKS | |---------------------| Ansem the Wise, King Mickey Pete, Maleficent, Xehanort Donald Duck, Goofy, Riku, Sora, Kairi Namine Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Saix, Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas (see Character Files above) |-------------| | XII. WORLDS | |-------------| 1. TWILIGHT TOWN Characters: Seifer, Vivi, Rai (Raijin), Fuu (Fujin) Setzer Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy Pence, Hayner, Olette Yen Sid, Flora, Merryweather, Fauna Roxas (see Character Files above) Story: Guided by a voice calling out to him, Sora awoke in a mysterious old mansion. He must have been sleeping there for a long time, but he couldn't remember a thing. Stepping outside, he found the town strangely familiar, even though he had never been there before. Sora was wandering around Twilight Town as puzzled as ever when he met Hayner, Pence, and Olette in the back alley. They said they'd seen someone at the station who was looking for Sora and his friends. From the sounds of things, it must be the King. Sora and his friends hurried to the station, but suddenly found themselves surrounded by swarms of foes. The black-clad warrior who rescued them from their predicament was none other than the King himself! There was little time to celebrate their reunion. "You gotta board the train and leave town!" said the King, who gave Sora a pouch of munny before disappearing. But if the King had been locked away in the realm of darkness and was safe and sound, that meant Riku must be, too. Sora made up his mind to search for Riku: "He and I can go back to the islands together. Kairi's there waiting for us!" Donald and Goofy agreed to come along too, of course. It was time for them to set out on their next journey. Just like the King said, they had to take a train out of town; they said goodbye to Hayner and the others, who had come to the station to see them off. It was a tearful farewell, even though Sora had only just met the three friends... Still feeling strangely sad, they rode the train to the base of a lonely tower. Donald and Goofy knew the fellow at the tower entrance - Pete, who was never up to any good. The King had banished him to another dimension, but the sorceress Maleficent freed Pete, who served her now. He was gathering an army of Heartless and had his eye on making a Heartless out of the King's teacher, Master Yen Sid. The tower was overflowing with Heartless. Master Yen Sid was waiting for Sora and his friends when they finally made their way to the top: "Chosen wielder of the Keyblade! You are the key that will open the door to light." According to Yen Sid, the light was under a new threat from the enemies called "Nobodies." These were the empty shells left behind when someone with a strong heart became a Heartless, yet they had purpose and will they could act on. A group called Organization XIII was controlling these Nobodies, although their goals are still unknown. The King is on a journey to discover what exactly Organization XIII is trying to accomplish, and if they find the King, they'll likely know where Riku is, too. Sora decided to go out in search of the King, but needed to change out of his too-small outfit first. The three good fairies gave Sora enchanted garments in preparation for his journey. All that was left was to set sail in the Gummi ship Master Yen Sid had prepared. If they opened the gates as indicated by the beam of light streaming from the Keyblade, new paths should appear one after the other, connecting the worlds once mre. Yes, everything is connected, even hearts that are far apart and out of reach. A new adventure awaits! They arrived in Twilight Town again to find Vivi desperately searching for help. Sora and friends ran to the sandlot and defeated the Nobodies who were threatening Seifer and his gang. Saix, a member of Organization XIII, appeared to give the group a warning. It seems Axel had gone AWOL and was aiming to turn Sora into a Heartless. He then made a fleeting remark about Riku before vanishing into the darkness. Seifer tried to get Sora to accept a trophy proclaiming him the strongest guy in town. That's when a flustered Pence came by and asked, "You know somebody named Kairi?" Kairi had come to Twilight Town in search of Sora, but Axel had kidnapped her. "I gotta help Kairi!" Sora exclaimed. Just then the crystal from Seifer's trophy began to glow, and a new road was opened. Surely this road led to Kairi and Riku - and so believing, Sora and his friends were on their way to find them. The box found in the realm of darkness held some ice cream and photos of the old mansion in Twilight Town. Sora and his friends came by the mansion searching for clues, only to find Hayner and his friends recovering after being attacked by Heartless. Olette said they thought the old mansion was some kind of gateway to an alternate Twilight Town. "What do you mean, alternate?" For some strange reason, Sora and friends found they had duplicates of the handmade pouch and crystals that had supposedly been one of a kind. This proved that there was a Twilight Town "out there" that closely resembled the one "over here." "That other town must be where whatever's missing from here went!" said Pence. If Kairi had disappeared from this Twilight Town... could she be waiting in the other one? That's when the King appeared. He was on the trail of Ansem the Wise, who was heading for Organization XIII's stronghold. Though he was pretty vague about it, it sounded like Sora might be able to meet up with Riku if he tagged along, too. According to the King, the old mansion's computer was connected to the Twilight Town "over there," where they should be able to find a way into the realm of darkness. The computer was password-protected, but Sora and his friends remembered a likely hint: the ice cream that had been in the box with the photos of the mansion! Turns out the password was "Sea-Salt Ice Cream." Entering the name of Ansem the Wise's favorite treat activated the device, which shot out a beam of light. The road to the other Twilight Town had been opened. Sora and his friends arrived in the other Twilight Town and joined the King in his search for a way into the dark realm. The entrance was an eerie gaping hole in the basement hall of the old mansion. Sora and his friends headed into the darkness, but were beset by enemies on all sides. Axel was the one who got them out of their predicament. He apologized for kidnapping Kairi and put everything he had into wiping out the marauding foes. When Sora asked why, Axel muttered, "I just wanted to see Roxas again. He made me feel like I had a heart," before fading away. Though it had cost him his life, Axel had used every last drop of his strength to open the final path Sora had to follow - the path that led to the kidnapped Kairi. Album A Message: Thank Namine. Awakening: Sora awakens from a long slumber and reunites with friends Donald and Goofy The King's Teacher: The mysterious tower was inhabited by Yen Sid, the king's teacher Kairi Arrives: Kairi arrived in Twilight Town in her search for Sora The Road Onward: Sora's Keyblade began to glow and a path to another world was opened Another World: Sora and friends had traveled to an alternate Twilight Town Into the Darkness: Axel's power revealed the path leading to Organization XIII's headquarters Recorded Data Treasures First Row: Potion, Mythril Shard, Potion, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Tent Second Row: Mythril Shard, Potion, Mythril Shard, Potion, Tent, Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Potion Third Row: Hi-Potion, Ether, Ether, Mythril Shard, Tower Map, Mythril Stone, Mythril Gem, Orichalcum Fourth Row: AP Boost, Mythril Crystal, Orichalcum, Mythril Crystal, Orichalcum+, Mythril Shard, Mythril Crystal, AP Boost Fifth Row: Mythril Crystal, Mythril Stone, Elixir, Mythril Crystal, Mythril Stone, Orichalcum, Ultimate Recipe Maps: Tower Map, Twilight Town Map, Mansion Map Missions Mail Delivery: Try again Mail Delivery: Complete within 14 seconds Cargo Climb: Try again Cargo Climb: Complete within 15 seconds Grandstander: Try again Grandstander: Complete with 100 or more points Poster Duty: Try again Poster Duty: Complete within 30 seconds Bumble-Buster: Try again Bumble-Buster: Complete within 10 seconds Junk Sweep: Try again Junk Sweep: Complete with less than 6 points The Struggle: Hayner: Give it a try The Struggle: Hayner: Win by a margin of 100 or more points The Struggle: Setzer: Give it a try The Struggle: Setzer: Win with 150 or more points The Struggle: Seifer: Give it a try The Struggle: Seifer: Win with 200 points SB Street Rave: Give it a try SB Street Rave: Finish with 1,000 points or more Minigames: Mail Delivery, Cargo Climb, Grandstander, Poster Duty, Bumble-Buster, Junk Sweep, SB Street Rave Character Links: see Character Links above 2. HOLLOW BASTION / RADIANT GARDEN Characters: Sephiroth Yuna, Rikku, Paine Cloud, Aerith, Cid, Merlin, Tifa, Leon, Yuffie Goofy, Sora, Donald Duck Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey, Louie (see Character Files above) Story: Once again we came to Hollow Bastion. Things were different, but peace remained as far-off as ever. While wandering through a town still plagued by Heartless, we were reunited with Yuffie. "Welcome to the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee!" We were led to Merlin's house and found Leon and all our old friends there. Apparently they had all only recently remembered us. We agreed to help rebuild the town, but some big obstacles remained. In Villain's Vale the Heartless were swarming, as Nobodies darted about. Sora was ready to take the entire horde on, but just then Organization XIII appeared, mocking Sora with puzzling words. But with no time to reflect on this, the Keyblade shone, opening the way to another world. Remembering Yen Sid's words, we set off once again. Guided by Merlin, we returned to Hollow Bastion. And what did he have? The Book of Pooh! But the Heartless tore out the pages, and Pooh's memories with them. To put things back in order, we had no choice but to find all the torn pages. Thorns had appeared in Disney Castle. If we didn't hurry, it would fall to the darkness. With Merlin's assistance, we found out a way to save Disney Castle. Thanks to Sora and his friends, peace returned to the castle once more. The Heartless and Nobodies in Hollow Bastion continued to grow in number. Upon returning to Merlin's house, we learned of a computer Ansem used in his research. What's more, we found out the King was with Leon! But when we got to Ansem's study, there was no King and no computer. The door to the computer room was concealed by a hidden switch. Hardly computer savvy, Sora and Donald pounded on the computer's keys, until a strange device activated and sucked us all into a strange world. The world we found ourselves in was the computer system itself! With the help of a security program named Tron, we got back to the outside world and began looking for the password to a dataspace inside the computer. Inside that dataspace was all of Ansem's research data. Back in the outside world, we used scribbles on a blueprint ("Door to Darkness") and the King's own hints to figure out the password: the names of the Seven Princesses that were used to open that very door. We headed back into the computer world to keep our promise to Tron. We unlocked the dataspace and returned to Hollow Bastion. Now we could get the data inside the DTD. But nearly all the data was corrupted, and no entries on Riku or Kairi were to be found. While poking around, we dug up someone's portrait. The King said it was Ansem, but he wasn't the Ansem we knew! The Ansem we knew was just the Heartless of someone who was pretending to be Ansem, and the Nobody of that same guy was the leader of Organization XIII. Whew! The King said he was searching for the real Ansem, who would know who the fake Ansem was. With all that said, the room lurched with a loud noise. Outside, the Heartless and Nobodies were swarming into the town. Leon and our other friends confronted the enemy horde. Everyone charged fearlessly into the sea of foes pouring from the valley's great maw. And who showed his face at the end? Xemnas, leader of Organization XIII. His true identity was Xehanort, pupil of Ansem the Wise. Sora tried to ask about Riku and Kairi, but Xemnas told him to "ask your King" and disappeared into the darkness. Then Axel appeared, warning Sora that the Organization was using him. Lost for answers, Sora was surrounded by Heartless -- and then a ray of light appeared... Amidst much speculation, the battle drew to a tentative close. Hollow Bastion was supposed to be at peace... But something was wrong. The MCP hijacked the computer system and sent Heartless after Heartless into the town. We headed off to see Tron again. The source of the crisis was the MCP, which hoped to seize power. After destroying the MCP, we recieved a present from Tron. It was a picture of the town in its early days. Seeing the old sights brought back our friends' memories. When the name Hollow Bastion came into use, they did not know - but the town's true name was "Radiant Garden." Album The Committee: Leon and friends prepared for the reconstruction of Hollow Bastion Organization XIII: Members of Organization XIII stood on Sora's way The Journey Begins: The Keyblade opened a new gate between the worlds Ansem the Wise: Sora and friends hadn't defeated the real Ansem, but his apprentice Xehanort. Battle Royale: Swarms of Heartless and Nobodies descended on Hollow Bastion A King Decides: The King took a stand in the midst of a fierce battle Heartless Again: The once peaceful town was invaded by Heartless yet again Its True Name: Peace reigns anew, and all remember the town's true name: Radiant Garden Treasures First Row: Drive Recovery, AP Boost, Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Tent, Castle Perimeter Map, Mythril Gem, AP Boost Second Row: Mythril Stone, Mythril Crystal, Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Skill Recipe, Ukulele Charm, Moon Recipe, AP Boost Third Row: Torn Pages, The Great Maw Map, Elixir, AP Boost, Gull Wing, Cosmic Chain Maps: Castle Perimeter Map, The Great Maw Map, Marketplace Map Missions Event Quests: Meet the three girls again Event Quests: Meet Sephiroth again SB Freestyle: Give it a try SB Freestyle: Finish with 200 or more points Minigames: SB Freestyle Character Links: see Character Links above 3. BEAST'S CASTLE Characters: Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy The Beast, Belle, Cogsworth, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, Wardrobe, Chip Xaldin (see Character Files above) Story: We stopped by the castle, but the Beast wasn't being very friendly. It seemed all he was interested in was his precious rose. We asked Belle what was going on. Belle told us the Beast had been acting strange lately, and had locked up the servants in the dungeon. We went to the west hall to rescue the servants and learn more. But a wardrobe was blocking the door to the basement. When we tried to move the wardrobe, it talked! It was a human who had been magically transformed. When an enchantress turned the young master, a prince, into a beast because of his cruelty, she transformed all of his servants as well. We defeated the marauding door and entered the dungeon, where we found the enchanted servants. Having served the Beast for many years, they believed Heartless had caused the change in his demeanor. We stepped up to the plate at the first mention of Heartless. The servants showed us to a secret passage. We opened the hidden door and headed for the Beast's room. Inside was Xaldin from Organization XIII, stoking the flames of the Beast's anger. Enraged, the Beast set upon us, but he recovered his senses with the servants' help. The Beast worried that he had done something terrible to Belle while his mind was not his own. Wanting to talk to Belle, the Beast went in search of her, but she was nowhere to be found. Just then, her voice came from the ballroom, calling for help! We fought the Heartless that had come after Belle. She was unharmed, although Xaldin escaped. The Beast apologized for his behavior and the two became closer than ever. Still, it may be some time before the spell is broken. Peace had returned to the Beast's castle - for now... We visited the castle again. The Beast was restless and ill at ease. It was a special day indeed, when he would enjoy an elegant dance with Belle. As the dance was beginning, however, Xaldin appeared and said he had taken that which the Beast held "very dear." Xaldin had taken the Beast's precious rose. Brokenhearted, the Beast tried to send Belle and us out of the castle. The rose was the key to breaking the spell cast on the Beast and his servants; it was their only hope. But there was no time to mope. "Don't throw away your last chance," encouraged Sora. The Beast found the strength to fight again. The fearless Xaldin looked down upon the revitalized Beast. "When Kingdom Hearts is ours, we can exist fully and completely." Xaldin tried to kidnap Belle as a way of trapping the Beast, but she fought back. We seized that moment to defeat Xaldin. The rose was returned safely, and the Beast realized what was truly dear to him. Their dance began. The spell will surely be broken any day now... Album Reunion with Beast: Sora and his friends see the Beast again, but he's obsessed with his rose The Castle Secret: The dungeon held servants who had been transformed into household items The Beast Decieved: The Beast was misled by Organization XIII Ballroom Battle: Sora and friends fought the Heartless attacking Belle in the ballroom Dressed-Up Duo: The two dressed in their very finest for a fancy formal dance, but... The Most Precious: His rose stolen, the forlorn Beast orders Belle to leave the castle Belle's Victory: Belle seizes just the right moment to get the rose back from Xaldin Together Forever: Belle smiles at the Beast's words: "Belle, I'd like you to stay." Treasures First Row: AP Boost, Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Castle Map, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Tent, Hi-Potion Second Row: Mythril Shard, Drive Recovery, Mythril Shard, AP Boost, Tent, Basement Map, AP Boost, Mythril Shard Third Row: Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion, Mythril Shard, Tent, Mega-Recipe Maps: Castle Map, Basement Map, Castle Walls Map Character Links: see Character Links above 4. OLYMPUS COLISEUM Characters: Megara, Hercules, Pegasus, Philoctetes Demyx Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy, Auron Hades, Pain, Panic, Cerberus, The Hydra, Pete (see Character Files above) Story: We arrived a short distance from the Coliseum and spotted Heartless closing in on a woman. It turned out to be Hercules' friend Megara, who was on her way to ask Hades to give Herc some time off. We were worried for her safety, so we headed for the Underworld in her place. Meanwhile, Hades was trying to make the warrior Auron, who had been summoned from the Underworld, go up against Hercules. Auron refused. We arrived in time to help Auron fight Hades, but the curse of the Underworld sapped our strength. After a bitter struggle, we managed to contain Cerberus and escape the Underworld. At the same time, Hades was looking for a way to use Sora's Keyblade to unlock the Underworld's coliseum. We met up with Hercules at the Coliseum. When we told him we wanted to "teach Hades a thing or two," Herc offered to get us the Olympus Stone, which keeps its bearer safe from the power of the Underworld. While Hercules was away, we trained hard under Phil's watchful eye. When Herc returned, it was with a heavy heart. The Olympus Stone had been stolen by someone dressed in black. Just then, Hades arrived to say he'd dragged Meg down into the Underworld. Herc wanted to go save her right away, but he had a match with the Hydra to worry about. Phil, too, was attacked by someone in black. We were the only ones who could unravel this mystery. Still suffering from the Underworld's curse, we made our way deeper into Hades' lair. We found and defeated a member of Organization XIII and won back the Olympus Stone. The curse could no longer touch us. Sora discovered a suspicious lock deep within the Underworld and unlocked it with the Keyblade. That's where Meg was! But why did Hades look so happy as he left the scene? Hercules caught up to the party and distracted the enemy so we could take Meg back up to the surface. Meg, however, was worried about Herc. We went back to lend a hand and take down Pete, who had been working for Hades. Hades left the party with these chilling words: "Maybe you should go check on that Hydra..." Hercules was sure he'd defeated the Hydra, but it had revived somehow - and now the Coliseum was in ruins. Though we managed to get rid of the beast for good, Herc lost his will to fight. We were concerned, but all we could do was trust Meg to take good care of him. Something huge and mysterious had appeared at the Underworld entrance. The Underdrome that Zeus had locked up had apparently been unlocked and put back in business. All of us, including Hercules, were forced to participate in the Hades Cup. If we made it all the way to the finals, we would have to face Auron. Hercules was still down on himself, but kept moving up the ranks. The final challengers were decided! But what was wrong with Auron? He was acting stange. Hades, the big baddie we'd all been after, had been controlling Auron with a magical statue. If we could find that statue, Auron's will would be his own again. We headed for the Underworld as Herc's clash with Auron commenced. We finally found the statue, which contained remnants of Auron's difficult past. His heart was strengthened by the very suffering he had had to endure. We recovered Auron's heart, and Herc's feelings for Meg restored his strength as well. We all worked together to defeat Hades once and for all, and our heroism was commemorated in a constellation that will shine brightly in the night sky forevermore. Album Auron vs. Hades: Auron is called from the Underworld to be an assassin, but refuses to cooperate Heroic Reunion: Sora and friends reunite with the hero Hercules at the Coliseum Megara the Captive: Sora goes to rescue Meg and fights Pete, who is in cahoots with Hades Destroyed Coliseum: The once-defeated Hydra returns to destroy the Coliseum The Hades Cup: Hades plots to put the weakened Hercules in his Hades Cup tournament Hades' Puppet: Hades was controlling Auron so he could do away with Hercules The Hero Returns: Hercules rescues Megara and feels like a real hero again Heroes at Last: Sora and friends become honorary heroes Treasures First Row: Power Boost, Mythril Shard, Mythril Stone, Ether, AP Boost, Hi-Potion, Underworld Map, Mythril Shard Second Row: Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Ether, Mythril Shard, Mythril Stone, Tent Third Row: AP Boost, Caverns Map, Mythril Shard, AP Boost Maps: Underworld Map, Caverns Map, Coliseum Map Missions Phil's Training: Try Practice Mode Phil's Training: Try Maniac Mode Phil's Training: Complete with a score of 1,000 or more The Underdrome: Pain and Panic: Give it a try The Underdrome: Pain and Panic: Win with a score of 2,000 or more The Underdrome: Cerberus: Give it a try The Underdrome: Cerberus: Win with a score of 1,000 or more The Underdrome: Titan: Give it a try The Underdrome: Titan: Win with a score of 5,000 or more The Underdrome: Goddess of Fate: Give it a try The Underdrome: Goddess of Fate: Win with a score of 3,000 or more The Underdrome: Paradox Panic: Give it a try The Underdrome: Paradox Panic: Win with a score of 2,500 or more The Underdrome: Paradox Cerberus: Give it a try The Underdrome: Paradox Cerberus: Win with a score of 1,300 or more The Underdrome: Paradox Titan: Give it a try The Underdrome: Paradox Titan: Win with a score of 10,000 or more The Underdrome: Paradox Hades: Give it a try The Underdrome: Paradox Hades: Win with a score of 15,000 or more Minigames: Phil's Training, The Underdrome: Pain and Panic, The Underdrome: Cerberus, The Underdrome: Titan, The Underdrome: Goddess of Fate, The Underdrome: Paradox Panic, The Underdrome: Paradox Cerberus, The Underdrome: Paradox Titan, The Underdrome: Paradox Hades Character Links: see Character Links above 5. AGRABAH Characters: The Peddler Genie, Aladdin, The Magic Carpet, Abu, Princess Jasmine Jafar, Jafar Iago Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy (Seee Character Files above) Story: We ran into Iago, former lackey of our old nemesis, Jafar. He swore he was a new bird, and so we took him along to the palace to see Aladdin. We found Jasmine, who was surprised and upset to see Iago. She must've suspected he was up to no good. Walking into town, we heard a peddler shout "Stop, thief!" He was chasing after Abu and Aladdin. It looks like Abu had swiped a lamp from the peddler. Aladdin returned it to its rightful owner... but that was the lamp with Jafar in it! We couldn't let things stand like that, so we tried to get the peddler to give us the lamp. However, his asking price was a treasure fit for a sultan. We couldn't just go looting the palace to buy a measly lamp, though. Iago pointed out that there might be an appropriate treasure in the Cave of Wonders. We arrived at the Cave of Wonders, former home of the magic lamp, in search of treasure. We disarmed the traps set within the Cave and moved further in. At long last, a staircase appeared before us. We opened the door. Just beyond it was a room filled with treasure! We chose a suitable prize and returned to Agrabah, but the peddler's shop was empty. The peddler was being pursued by Pete, who wanted the magic lamp. Pete conjured up some Heartless to nab the lamp, but they were no match for us. The lamp was sealed away, deep inside the palace. Maybe Iago really had gone straight after all... Things should have been back to normal in Agrabah... Jafar had returned - the peddler let him out of the magic lamp! Iago said he was in the desert ruins. Iago led us to an oasis. A sandstorm blocked our way, but Genie's magic helped us get through and continue toward the ruins. But Jafar was nowhere to be found. In fact, Iago had tricked us into going to the ruins. It was a scheme of Jafar's to get them away from the palace! We rushed back to the palace and put an end to Jafar's evil ambitions. Genie restored the battle-scarred town, and peace returned once more. Album The Lamp Thief: Aladdin was chasing Abu and the lamp through the streets of Agrabah Quest for Treasure: Sora and friends headed for the Cave of Wonders to get a treasure for the peddler Ordeals Overcome: The Cave of Wonders held mountains of treasure Bottled Up: The lamp Jafar was trapped in was safe deep in the palace basement Jafar Is Released: The peddler released Jafar from his lamp prison The Flying Carpet: Sora and friends ride Carpet to the ruins to face Jafar Jafar's Trap: Iago led them to the ruins, but Jafar was nowhere to be seen Working His Magic: Genie restores Agrabah after the destructive battle with Jafar Treasures First Row: Drive Recovery, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Mythril Stone, Mythril Shard, Mega-Ether, Mythril Gem Second Row: Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Mythril Shard, Skill Ring, Mythril Stone, Drive Recovery, Mythril Shard Third Row: Mythril Stone, AP Boost, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Cave of Wonders Map, AP Boost, AP Boost, Serenity Shard Fourth Row: Torn Pages, Ruins Map Maps: Cave of Wonders Map, Ruins Map, Agrabah Map Missions Event Quests: Redo the Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges Magic Carpet: Try again Magic Carpet: Finish with a score of 65 or more SB Sand Slider: Give it a try SB Sand Slider: Finish with 10 or more points Minigames: Magic Carpet, SB Sand Slider Character Links: see Character Links above 6. THE LAND OF DRAGONS Characters: Shan-Yu Xigbar Mushu, Mulan, Captain Li Shang, Yao, Chien-Po, Ling, The Emperor Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy (See Character Files above) Story: We arrived in a bamboo grove and spotted what looked like a huge Heartless nearby. It turned out to be Mushu, who had journeyed with us before. Sora met Mulan, and learned that Mushu is a guardian dragon for her family. She was pretending to be a man so she could join the Imperial Army and face the Huns. Mulan attempted to join the army under the name Ping, but she was turned away. Sora proposed a way for Ping to prove himself: he must complete the captain's assignments as a test of his worth. Ping worked hard on his assignments and grew ever stronger. Although Ping was allowed to join the army, he still wasn't recognized as much of a soldier. That's when Mushu spotted Shan-Yu walking into a cave. Ping would be a hero if he could defeat the mighty Hun leader. We helped Ping search the cave for Shan-Yu, but he was gone. We cleared out a swarm of Heartless who had appeared in the cave instead. When we returned to camp to tell the captain of Ping's heroic deed, we found both the village and the troops had been decimated by Shan-Yu's army. We faced off against the enemy army at the mountain peak. Ping devised an ace strategy for defeating both Shan-Yu and his Heartless hordes, but she was revealed to be a woman and expelled from the army. Mulan was ready to give up and go back home. Then she spotted Shan-Yu, who she thought had been defeated, heading for the Imperial City. The Emperor was in real trouble! We arrived just in tie to defeat Shan Yu (sic) and keep the Emperor safe. Mulan was praised by both the Emperor and the Captain as China's bravest woman. Peace reigned in the Land of Dragons... or did it? We stopped by the village again and spotted someone dressed all in black. Mulan joined us as we pursued the man to the mountain's peak. Sora felt something as he came face to face with the man. Could it be Riku? He ran away before Sora could find out. A giant Heartless showed up instead, and it was headed for the Imperial City! We ran toward the Imperial City, but everything was fine. A black-cloaked man had been spotted nearby. We hurried to the palace. The doors were shut tight, but Mulan's quick thinking got us inside, where we found the man in black... "Riku?" The man revealed his identity after Sora called out to him. It was Xigbar from Organization XIII. We held off the enemies Xigbar sent after us. We went to make sure the Emperor and the Captain were safe. They both said they had met a black-cloaked man earlier - and it wasn't Xigbar. Was it Riku? Just then a huge tremor shook the palace. The giant Heartless we saw on the summit had arrived. We all worked together to defeat it and protect the Imperial City. Mulan's brave feats were recognized as she was asked to serve alongside the Captain. Sora was confident that Riku was all right. Album Mushu and Ping: The bamboo grove held Mushu and Mulan - or "Ping" - who was pretending to be a man Avalanche!: To defeat Shan-Yu, Mulan used a cannon to cause a huge avalanche Mulan Revealed: When Captain Shang discovers Mulan is a woman, he dismisses her from the army China's Bravest: The Emperor thanked Mulan for defeating Shan-Yu and saving China A Man in Black: Sora spots a man in a black coat on Tung-Shao The Earth Shakes: The Heartless that emerged from Tung-Shao flew toward the city Could It Be Riku?: The black-coated man at the palace wasn't Riku, but Xigbar from Organization XIII Good Friends: Mulan is recognized for her efforts and now serves the Emperor alongside Captain Shang Treasures First Row: Hi-Potion, Ether, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Recovery Recipe, Ether Second Row: Mythril Shard, AP Boost, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Torn Pages, Palace Map, AP Boost Third Row: Queen Recipe, AP Boost, Ogre Shield, Mythril Crystal, , Orichalcum Maps: Palace Map, Encampment Area Map, Village Area Map Character Links: see Character Links above 7. 100 ACRE WOOD Characters: Owl, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore, Tigger, Kanga, Roo, Gopher, Sora Story: Sora was back in the Hundred Acre Wood once again. Pooh was in front of his house, thinking hard about something or other. When Sora spoke with Pooh, a strange force blew him back out of the book, which was about to be stolen by Heartless. Sora got it back and went inside, only to find that Pooh's house was all that was left. Sora was relieved to learn that Pooh was safe and sound. But something was wrong. The pages the Heartless had torn out had affected Pooh's memory. He could hardly remember a thing. When Sora arrived with the torn page, a tree with a tiny door appeared. Sora spotted Piglet being blown around by the wind. Piglet was finally rescued, but was so stunned that Pooh had forgotten him that he was carried off by the wind yet again. Sora tried to help Piglet, who had to jump down from a high perch. This courageous act jogged Pooh's memory a little: he remembered Piglet, but still didn't recognize Sora. When Sora arrived with the torn page, a tree surrounded by a garden appeared. Pooh didn't remember Eeyore, either. The donkey suspected Pooh's memory would improve with a full stomach, so he led him to a stash of honey. But the honey didn't seem to help Pooh remember a thing. Rabbit, whose honey Pooh was eating, thought the bear might need even more of the sweet and gooey treat. That didn't help, either. Watching Rabbit rack his brain, Pooh remembered both Rabbit and Eeyore, although Sora was still a stranger to him. When Sora arrived with the torn page, a tree full of packages appeared. Worried about Pooh, Kanga and Roo brought over some medicine for him, but Tigger bounced away with it. Tigger suggested that Pooh's memory might return if everyone bounced together. But Pooh's mind remained as blank as ever. Seeing the downhearted Tigger brought back Pooh's memories of the rest of his friends. Then, in a dream, Pooh seemed about to remember something else... When Sora arrived with the torn page, a spooky-looking cave appeared. It looked like Pooh had gone into the cave all by himself. He had been looking for someone who'd made him a very special promise. That turned out to be Sora. Pooh and Sora took each other's hand and headed back happy, surrounded by their friends. When Sora arrived with the torn page, a hill surrounded by a starry sky appeared. Pooh had gotten his head stuck in a honey pot. Silly bear! Pooh was looking for a way to keep Sora from leaving. "What should I do so you won't go far away?" he asked. Sora pointed to Pooh's heart and told him he'll always be right there. Album Memories Lost: The Heartless tore up the storybook and now Pooh can't remember a thing Memories Found: Pooh's memories of his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood started coming back Sora Remembered: Pooh suddenly remembered Sora I'm Always Here: Sora promises Pooh and friends: "I'll always be with you - right here." Treasures First Row: 100 Acre Wood Map, AP Boost, Mythril Stone, Defense Boost, AP Boost, Mythril Gem, Draw Ring, Mythril Crystal Second Row: AP Boost, Magic Boost, AP Boost, Orichalcum, Mythril Gem, AP Boost, Orichalcum, Guard Recipe Third Row: Mythril Crystal, AP Boost, Cosmic Ring, Style Recipe Maps: 100 Acre Wood Map, Spooky Cave Map Missions A Blustery Rescue: Try again A Blustery Rescue: Finish with a score of 18,000 or more Hunny Slider: Try again Hunny Slider: Finish with a score of 8,000 or more Balloon Bounce: Try again Balloon Bounce: Finish with a score of 2,000 or more The Expotition: Try again The Expotition: Finish within 90 seconds The Hunny Pot: Try again The Hunny Pot: Finish with a score of 8,000 or more Minigames: A Blustery Rescue, Hunny Slider, Balloon Bounce, The Expotition, The Hunny Pot Character Links: see Character Links above 8. PRIDE LANDS Characters: Pete Scar, The Ghost of Scar, Ed, Shenzi, Banzai Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy Simba, Timon, Rafiki, Nala, Pumbaa, Mufasa (See Character Files above) Story: We arrived in a gorge, only to be threatened by hyenas. We had to practice moving around so Sora, Donald, and Goofy could get used to their new jungle "attire." Then they met Nala, a lioness cornered by Heartless. She told us about the sad state of her homeland, and Sora agreed to help make things right. But according to the prophet, Rafiki, whoever saved the Pride Lands would be king. Sora just wasn't qualified. As we started to leave the Pride Lands, we were surrounded by King Scar and his hyena henchmen, but Nala helped us escape. When Sora asked her if there was anyone else who could be king, she muttered, "If only Simba were here..." Simba had fought alongside Sora a year earlier. Nala was thrilled to hear this news! Scar had told Nala that Simba had died along with Mufasa, their last king. Just then, Rafiki appeared and pointed toward the oasis. That's where Simba was. Nala asked him to come back to the Pride Lands, but Simba declined, saying it was better to forget the past and live for today - "hakuna matata." Simba had been blaming himself for his father's death when he saw a vision of his father, who gave him the courage to return to the Pride Lands. Simba challenged Scar to a fight, during which he learned the truth: Scar had killed his father Mufasa. Simba roared with anger! Simba defeated Scar and let out a roar of triumph from the Pride Rock overlook. The lionesses responded to his call as their new king ascended to his throne. Simba is king of the Pride Lands. We met up with the hyenas on the savannah. They could only laugh at the very mention of Simba, the new king. Thinking this was strange, we set off to see Simba when Scar's ghost appeared. Although this may have been a sign that the kingdom was in decline, Simba seemed unwilling to take any action. His choice caused great unease among his subjects. But Simba had a reason for his inability to act - he was tied up in thinking "What would my father have done?" We helped him realize that his own decisions were more important, and Simba regained his confidence as a leader. According to Rafiki, Scar's ghost was a manifestation of Simba's weakness. We headed for the elephant graveyard to learn just what the mystic mandrill meant by these words. We asked the hyenas about Scar's ghost, who suddenly reappeared. Simba ran away. We gave Simba some much-needed encouragement, and he in turn realized how his many friends were there for him. Simba defeated Scar's ghost at last. Simba rescued Nala from the hands of a giant Heartless, and peace reigned over sthe Pride Lands once again. Album Animal Kingdom: Sora and friends arrive at the Pride Lands, the kingdom of the animals Reunion with Simba: The three reunite with Simba Finding Yourself: Simba overcomes the past and takes a stand to save the kingdom The New King: Having defeated Scar, Simba becomes the new king of the Pride Lands Scar's Phantom: Scar's ghost was showing up throughout the kingdom Losing Yourself: Cornered by Scar's ghost, Simba loses his self-confidence Simba, Renewed: A heartened Simba resolves to rule the kingdom in his own way Giant Heartless: Scar's ghost became a giant Heartless and attacked the Pride Lands Treasures First Row: Savannah Map, Ether, Mythril Stone, Hi-Potion, Mythril Stone, Ether, AP Boost, Mythril Shard Second Row: Pride Rock Map, Mythril Stone, Mega-Ether, Hi-Potion, AP Boost, Mythril Gem, Mythril Stone, Tent Third Row: Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Mythril Stone, Serenity Stone, Mythril Stone, Hi-Potion, Oasis Map, Torn Pages Fourth Row: AP Boost Maps: Savannah Map, Pride Rock Map, Oasis Map Character Links: see Character Links above 9. ATLANTICA Characters: Ursula, Jetsam, Flotsam Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy Prince Eric, Ariel, Flounder, King Triton, Sebastian (see Character Files above) Story: Sora and friends paid a visit to Atlantica, the kingdom under the sea, and got to see Ariel again. Everyone was gearing up for a big musical, but Ariel just couldn't stay focused on rehearsals. Sebastian asked Sora, Donald, and Goofy to perform, but even then Ariel's mind seemed to be somewhere else. It turned out she was curious about the human world. Flounder suggested showing her a statue he found, thinking it would cheer her up, since Ariel loves things from the surface. Ariel was spellbound by Flounder's gift. It turned out to be a statue of the man she'd had her eyes on. Ariel was in love with a human prince. But he lived in the human world, and Ariel would have to become a human to be with him. Ursula convinced her to trade her voice for a chance to do so. Ariel and Eric had a lovely time together... but Ursula had other plans. Sora stopped her from using Ariel's voice to steal Eric away, but King Tritan was transformed when trying to stand up for his daughter. Thankfully, Eric came to the rescue! He joined forces with Sora and his friends, and they defeated the sea witch. Eric learned that Ariel is a mermaid, but that didn't change his feelings for her. They were meant to be together. Sebastian's musical was a big hit, with Sora, Donald, and Goofy playing major roles. Thus land and sea came together as one. Album A Chance Meeting: Ariel rescues a drifting Eric on a stormy night Ariel the Human: Ariel signs a contract with Ursula, trading her beautiful voice in exchange for human form Battle with Ursula: Wielding the trident, the super-sized Ursula attacks Sora Two Worlds Now One: Ariel's wishes come true as land and sea come together at last Maps: Undersea Kingdom Map Missions A Musical Challenge: Perform "Swim This Way" again A Musical Challenge: Perform "Part of Your World" again A Musical Challenge: Perform "Under the Sea" again A Musical Challenge: Perform "Ursula's Revenge" again A Musical Challenge: Perform "A New Day is Dawning" again Character Links: see Character Links above 10. DISNEY CASTLE Characters: Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy Queen Minnie, Daisy Duck, Chip, Dale, Brooms (see Character Files above) Story: We stopped by Disney Castle, but something wasn't quite right. Heartless had appeared in the peaceful castle. We got the specifics from Queen Minnie, then split up to get to the bottom of things. Sora and Queen Minnie headed for the audience chamber, mowing down Heartless along the way. The reason for the crisis was revealed in the Hall of the Cornerstone, hidden beneath the throne. The Cornerstone of Light that kept the castle peaceful was being overgrown by thorns. This was Maleficent's doing! We took Queen Minnie's advice and headed for Hollow Bastion. Merlin created a mysterious door for us. He said we could restore the castle by closing another door beyond this one. We stepped into the world beyond the mysterious door, where we came face to face with a rather nostalgic black-and-white world. The door was connected to the past. Maleficent and Pete wanted to change the past and make the castle their own, but we put an end to their devious plans, and the castle was peaceful once more. Album Disney Castle: Sora arrives at Disney Castle, guided by Queen Minnie's fervent wish Meeting the Queen: Sora and friends speak with the Queen about the trouble at the castle The Cornerstone: Maleficent was behind the thrones filling the Hall of the Cornerstone Peace Returns: By protecting the Cornerstone in the past, the castle grew peaceful once more Treasures: Mythril Shard, Star Recipe, AP Boost, Mythril Stone, Ether, Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Torn Pages Maps: Disney Castle Map Character Links: see Character Links above 11. TIMELESS RIVER Characters: Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy King Mickey Pete Maleficent, Pete Horace Horsecollar, Clarabelle Cow, Clara Cluck (see Character Files above) Story: We made our way through Merlin's door and into a black-and-white world on a quest to save the castle. We ran into Pete, but he was a completely different person. Maybe he wasn't the one who fooled with the castle. While searching for another mysterious door, we discovered a suspicious window. We tugged on the pull cord and saw what had happened in this world moments before we arrived. We knocked on another window and saw Maleficent angrily scolding... someone. Yet another window showed a door identical to the one Merlin had made. It must lead to the same black-and-white world. Finally we learned the truth: these mysterious doors were connected with the past - and that's exactly where we were. The final window showed Pete not as he was when we first met him in this world, but as old Pete the villain. We brought Pete's boat to a halt and kept the Cornerstone of Light safe from harm. Sora's Keyblade sealed the door shut, so Pete wouldn't be able to come back to the past. The Cornerstone of Light was returned to its rightful home, banishing darkness from the castle for good. Album Pete?: Pete in the black-and-white world was the Pete of the past The King?: Sora and friends fought the Heartless and rescued the King of the past Pete and RePete: Pete fought with his past self over his own steamboat All Aboard!: As thanks for recovering the steamboat, Sora got to take it for a spin Treasures: Cornerstone Hill Map, Drive Recovery, Mythril Shard, Hi-Potion, Mythril Stone, AP Boost, Hi-Potion Maps: Cornerstone Hill Map, Window of Time Map Character Links: see Character Links above 12. PORT ROYAL Characters: Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy Captain Jack Sparrow Captain Barbossa, Undead Pirate A, Undead Pirate B, Undead Pirate C Luxord Pete (see Character Files above) Story: When we arrived at Port Royal, there was some kind of disturbance down at the harbor. There we found Pete and a crew of undead pirates. They said something about a medallion and headed into town. We followed them just in time to see the governor's daughter Elizabeth get kidnapped by the pirates. We went after them along with a young man named Will. But the pirates had already set sail. We managed to persuade Jack Sparrow, a lone pirate we met at the harbor, to take the Royal Navy's Interceptor and go after the pirate's ship, the Black Pearl. Meanwhile Barbossa was divulging his secret: because they stole certain Aztec medallions, he and his crew were put under a horrible curse. To break the curse, all the medallions must be restored to their chest and the blood repaid... It turned out the Black Pearl was Jack's boat, which Barbossa had stolen. The reason Jack helped us was so he could get his boat back. With compass in hand, Jack guided the Interceptor across the seas... We arrived at Isla de la Muerta, the resting place for the cursed gold. We were told to watch the boat while Will and Jack set off to rescue Elizabeth, but when no one returned, we started to worry. Inside the island cave, the raucous pirates stood before all the medallions they had finally tracked down. Now the blood could be repaid, and the curse broken... ...except that Elizabeth's blood had no effect at all. While the pirates bickered over their plight, Will escaped with Elizabeth. The truth came to light on the way back to Port Royal. The key to breaking the curse wasn't Elizabeth's blood, but that of Will's father - the blood of a pirate. The blood to be repaid ran in Will's veins. The scheming Barbossa tracked down the Interceptor, kidnapping Will and rigging the ship with gunpowder. All of us, including Jack, were in a real pinch, but together we overcame the crisis and set off to rescue Will. Our battle with Barbossa ended in victory, and thanks to Jack himself being cursed, no less! Will and Elizabeth were elated to be together again, and Jack set sail on the Pearl once more. The town looked peaceful - but was it? Our return to Port Royal was once again met with some sort of fuss down at the harbor. The curse was supposed to be lifted, but sure enough, undead pirates were the source of the ruckus. With Jack's help we put them in line, and then Elizabeth showed up. Will, thinking the medallions might be the source of the problem, set off for Isla de Muerta. We went out to sea per Elizabeth's wishes, and found Will drifting on a shipwreck. He said Organization XIII took the medallions. Jack wanted nothing to do with it, but then a member of the Organization showed up. He invoked "parley" from the Pirates' Code and made off with several of the gold medallions. In all the fuss we were attacked by a monster, and the Interceptor was sunk. We washed up in a ship graveyard. For some reason, Jack alone had fallen under the monster's curse. "They're making pirates look like proper gents," said Jack, as we set off after the Organization and the gold. The final battle was to be in Port Royal. We defeated the monster and removed Jack's curse. The Organization got away, but Port Royal would be at peace once the Aztec gold was at the bottom of the sea. The legendary pirate Jack Sparrow set off on the Black Pearl for another adventure. Album Steadfast Friends: Sora and friends go with Will in search of the pirates who took Elizabeth The Undead Curse: Cursed treasures made the pirates horrifically skeletal in the moonlight A Close Call: Barbossa's scurvy scheming put Sora and friends in a real fix Lifting the Curse: Jack used the power of the curse to defeat his old nemesis Barbossa The Curse Returns: The curse should have been lifted, but the undead pirates were back again Parley!: Luxord of Organization XIII sees his chance to call a Heartless To Port Royal: Determined to put a stop to the Organization, Jack, Sora, and friends head for Port Royal Battle Spoils: After sinking the Aztec gold, Jack asks for the Keyblade as a reward Treasures First Row: Naval Map, Mythril Stone, Ether, Ether, AP Boost, Mythril Shard, Mythril Gem, Ether Second Row: Mythril Shard, AP Boost, AP Boost, Mythril Shard, Ether, Mega-Potion, Feather Charm, AP Boost Third Row: Orichalcum, Meteor Staff, High Drive Recovery, King Recipe, Mythril Crystal Maps: Naval Map, Isla de Muerta Map, Ship Graveyard Map Missions SB Time Attack: Give it a try SB Time Attack: Finish within 40 seconds Minigames: SB Time Attack Character Links: see Character Links above 13. HALLOWEEN TOWN Characters: Santa Claus Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy Sally, Reindeer, Jack Skellington, Dr. Finkelstein, the Experiment, Zero, The Mayor Maleficent Oogie Boogie Barrel, Lock, Bathtub, Shock (See Character Files above) Story: We stopped by Halloween Town, puzzled by its new appearance. Obsessed with Christmas, Jack had decorated the town in the hopes of handling the holiday himself this year. Unaware of Sally's feeling of dread, Jack set off to see Santa Claus. Just then, Heartless appeared in town. "How is Santa supposed to relax with all this going on?" Jack fretted, and asked us to be Santa's bodyguards. Santa lived in Christmas Town, where a colorful scene unfolded before us as we walked through the gates. But there were Heartless here, too. We fought as one and made our way to Santa's house. We were happy to see that Santa was safe and sound when a loud noise came from a back room. Lock, Shock, and Barrel were spotted running out of the toy workshop. We followed the trio's footsteps back to Halloween Town and found the three pranksters, who said Oogie had returned - just before running away. It was then that the party learned that Maleficent had brought Oogie back to life! Sally's intuition had been right on. The newly revived Oogie kidnapped Santa! We hurried back to Christmas Town in pursuit of Oogie. Oogie was trying to take over the toy workshop, but we defeated him handily. With that taken care of, Jack told Santa that he'd like to deliver the presents this time. Santa reminded Jack that he had his own special role to play, so Jack returned to his post as the Pumpkin King. Christmas was right around the corner. We stopped by Halloween Town and found presents scattered all over the place. We returned them to Santa, who said they had been stolen. We were about to set out with Jack to find the culprit when we heard a noise come from the toy workshop. We went into the workshop, where we found Lock, Shock, and Barrel, who said they were only looking for parts for the doctor's experiment. Sally arrived and said that Heartless had appeared in the town square. Could they have been responsible? The Heartless didn't steal any presents. And now the doctor's experiment had been stolen, too. Who on earth could the thief be? We would have to lure them in somehow. We borrowed Santa's workshop to make decoy presents. We used these presents to set a trap for the thief. The plan was a great success! We caught the thief right away - and it turned out to be the doctor's experiment. It had been searching for a heart of its own in all the wrapped presents. As the snow fell, Jack recieved a precious gift from Sally, who shared her feelings with him. Album Merry... Halloween?: Jack was all fired up about bringing Christmas to Halloween Town Sandy Claws: Sora meets Santa Claus in Christmas Town Oogie's Back: Maleficent brought the malevolent Oogie Boogie back to life Santa Jack: Santa helps Jack remember what he does best The Present Thief: Accused of stealing presents, Jack goes in search of the real thief Mischievous Trio: Lock, Shock, and Barrel had nothing to do with the theft The Real Culprit: Dr. Finkelstein's experiment had pilfered the presents From the Heart: What counts isn't what's in the present, but the act of giving it Treasures First Row: Hi-Potion, Mythril Shard, Halloween Town Map, Mythril Stone, Mega-Potion, Hi-Potion, Mythril Stone, AP Boost Second Row: Hi-Potion, Mythril Gem, Ether, Mythril Stone, Christmas Town Map, AP Boost Maps: Halloween Town Map, Christmas Town Map Missions Gift Wrapping: Try again Gift Wrapping: Finish with a score of 150 or more SB Workshop Rave: Give it a try SB Workshop Rave: Finish with 1,000 or more points Minigames: Gift Wrapping, SB Workshop Rave Character Links: see Character Links above 14. SPACE PARANOIDS Characters: Sark, MCP, Hostile Program Tron, Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy (see Character Files above) Story: When we fiddled with Ansem's computer, the MCP sucked us into the computer system. Caught by Commander Sark, we were sent to a pit cell, where we met Tron, a security program. With Tron's help, we broke out of the cell and headed for the energy core in the canyon. We needed it to restore power to the terminal leading back to the outside world. With everything for our return journey in order, Tron asked us a favor. To gain access to the dataspace known as the DTD, we needed to find Tron's user and ask him the password. And the User? None other than Ansem. Back in the outside world, we used scribbles on a blueprint ("Door to Darkness") and the King's own hints to figure out the password: the names of the Seven Princesses that were used to open that very door. Tron tried the password right away, unlocking the dataspace, but the MCP sent a hostile program, putting the town itself in danger. We hurried to the I/O tower, but the program remained undisrupted. By destroying the hostile program, we were able to save the town. After the battle, Tron told us more about Ansem. Both Tron and the MCP were improved by Ansem, but why would the same person restore two opposing programs? The mysteries remained, but we figured we'd find the answer eventually. Having gained a special connection to Tron, we returned to the outside world. Things should have calmed down in the computer world... The town was facing a crisis because of the MCP, so we headed back into the computer world. It seemed the MCP was ready to wage all-out war against the Users. Reunited with Tron, we went to download a program designed to destroy the MCP for good. Leon was doing his part in the outside world, too. At the I/O tower, we downloaded the program, powering up Tron and getting us access to a solar sailer in the process. The final battle was at hand... We boarded the solar sailer and headed for the MCP's mesa. We defeated Sark, and thwarted the MCP's plans to conquer all. We made a promise with Tron to meet again and parted ways. Tron used his control of the system to send us a gift: a view of the town in its early days. Album Meeting Tron: Sora and friends meet Tron inisde a computer program Playing the Game: Commander Sark forces Sora and friends onto the game grid Hostile Program: The MCP extracts a program from the dataspace that will destroy the town Tron's User: Ansem the Wise produced Tron and the MCP MCP Runs Amok: The MCP churned out Heartless to invade the real-life town The Solar Sailer: Sora and friends ride the solar sailer toward the MCP's central computer core. MCP Face-Off: Sora and friends have a showdown with the MCP Farewell, Tron: Tron bids his new friends farewell Treasures First Row: Pit Cell Area Map, Mythril Crystal, Mega-Potion, Mythril Stone, Mythril Gem, Drive Recovery, Tent, AP Boost Second Row: I/O Tower Map, Gaia Belt, AP Boost, Orichalcum+, Cosmic Arts, Central Computer Core Map Maps: Pit Cell Area Map, I/O Tower Map, Central Computer Core Map Missions Light Cycle: Try again Light Cycle: Finish with 30 points or more Minigames: Light Cycle Character Links: see Character Links above 15. THE WORLD THAT NEVER WAS Characters: Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy King Mickey Ansem the Wise Xemnas Xigbar, Luxord, Saix, Roxas (see Character Files above) Story: Axel used the last of his strength to help us escape the darkness. We then found ourselves in a town bathed in eerie moonlight. It seemed Kairi was being held in the dungeon of this town's castle. We were on our way to the castle when a man in a black coat blocked our path. He was wielding a Keyblade and bragging about how he'd defeated Riku... but Sora was the only one who saw him. "Tell me. Tell me why he picked you!" he said,and after losing his battle with Sora, disappeared - looking somehow satisfied. Organization XIII's Saix was waiting for us in the pitch-black castle, and pointed at the moon in the night sky. But that was no moon - it was Kingdom Hearts, and it must have absorbed countless hearts to grow to that size. "The Organization doesn't need you anymore," Saix scoffed, and summoned masses of Heartless to do Sora in. That's when we heard an old familiar voice: Kairi! But there was no time to celebrate, as the enemies kept coming in droves. Kairi stepped in to end the battle and rescue Sora. The one who had lent a hand to Kairi was the false Ansem: Xehanort, apprentice to Ansem the Wise. Sora was at a loss... and then there was the fact that Organization XIII's Xigbar called him Roxas. Defeating Xigbar, however, brought Sora no closer to the truth. Sora finally pushed through the throngs of Heartless and made his way to Kairi. Watching over the two as they embraced in joyous reunion was Xehanort's Heartless - Riku. DiZ, who had observed the battle, told the King his true identity. DiZ was the real Ansem the Wise, and his apprentice Xehanort's Nobody was Xemnas, leader of Organization XIII. We had already defeated Xehanort's Heartless in battle once before, when he went by the name "Ansem, Seeker of Darkness." After his defeat, however, he latched on to Riku's heart and began drawing him into the darkness. Though Riku didn't give in to the darkness, he needed to use its power. "Riku chose that form so he could harness the power of darkness." Everyone agreed with Sora: "You're still Riku, no matter what!" If the battle was what was keeping the power of darkness around, it was time to finish that fight once and for all. After taking on Luxord and Saix, we learned the truth about Roxas. "Roxas... is your Nobody, Sora." Roxas had been taken in by Xemnas and made a member of Organization XIII, but, wanting to meet Sora, had seemingly abandoned the shady group. "I wish I could've met him too," muttered Sora; Riku pointed to Sora's heart, indicating that Roxas was within. Meanwhile, the King and Ansem the Wise were using a device to try to stop Kingdom Hearts, but it began to malfunction. It seemed no one could contain the power of hearts within the massive Kingdom Hearts... Once Ansem realized the truth about the human heart, he decided to listen to what his own heart was telling him. He accepted his fate at the hands of the device, which had run amok and was going to explode. The explosion scattered the hearts that had amassed within Kingdom Hearts, raining them down on us all. When the "heartshower" had lifted, Riku had regained his true form. Maleficent and Pete opened the path to the final battle. They, too, had chosen to do what their hearts commanded, and no one could interfere with their resolve. We joined together to battle Xemnas. When we cornered him, he extracted the power of Kingdom Hearts and vanished. The worlds would be in great danger if we just let him escape! A door appeared in a brilliant flash of light, just waiting for us. "The worlds opened this path for us. Looks like they're dependin' on us to make sure they stay safe." With strong hearts, we went on to fight our final battle, our dear friends by our side. Album A Man in Black: A man in a black coat suddenly appears. But who is he really...? Reunion: His journey over, Riku reunites with Sora and Kairi, but has taken Ansem's form What Will Happen?: When Kingdom Hearts exploded, Riku got his old look back The Final Door: Xemnas, the last member of Organization XIII, vanished through the final door Treasures First Row: Mythril Stone, Mythril Crystal, AP Boost, Orichalcum, Mythril Crystal, AP Boost, Mythril Stone, Dark City Map Second Row: Orichalcum+, Mythril Gem, Orichalcum, Cosmic Belt, Mythril Gem, Orichalcum, Mythril Crystal, Mythril Stone Third Row: AP Boost, Mythril Crystal, Orichalcum Maps: Dark City Map, Castle That Never Was Map Character Links: see Character Links above |------------------| | XIII. CONCLUSION | |------------------| I hope you enjoyed this transcript. It's taken a few hours plus many years of well-honed obsessiveness to complete. Just for fun, here's a list I like to call "Are You Now, or Have You Ever Been, Ansem": Ansem, Riku, DiZ, Ansem the Wise, Xehanort, Organization XIII (Number One), Xemnas. Got it memorized? I would like to thank DISNEY for being the greatest force of entertainment the world has ever known, SQUARESOFT for making this magnificent game, THE AMANDA because I am awesome, and JOHN LASSETER just because he is now the head of Disney Feature Animation (Hey, there should be a Kingdom Hearts movie. Just sayin'.). "Also, I'm better than you." --Tron KINGDOM PANTS IS LIGHT. ................................................................................