Copyright (c) 2006 by the author piecemealcranky. All rights reserved. K I N G D O M - - - - - - - - H E A R T S - - - - - - - - I I [SAVE POINT LOCATIONS GUIDE] by piecemealcranky `~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ Game Title: Kingdom Hearts 2 Platform: Sony PlayStation 2 Started on: 11th of April 2006 Written by: piecemealcranky Contact: Version: 2.0 (complete) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Table of Contents \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 1. About The Guide 2. Copyright Notice 3. Save Locations 1. Twilight Town 2. Hollow Bastion 3. The Land of Dragons 4. Beast's Castle 5. 100 Acre Wood 6. Olympus Coliseum 7. Disney's Castle 8. Timeless River 9. Port Royal 10. Agrabah 11. Halloween Town 12. The Pride Lands 13. Twilight Town 14. Hollow Bastion 15. Space Paranoids 16. Hollow Bastion 17. The Land of Dragons 18. Beast's Castle 19. Olympus Coliseum 20. Port Royal 21. Agrabah 22. Halloween Town 23. The Pride Lands 24. Hollow Bastion 25. Space Paranoids 26. Radiant Garden 27. Twilight Town 28. The World that Never Was 4. Save Locations List 5. Credits \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ #1. About The Guide \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ This FAQ is written for the sole purpose of providing information for readers on each save location through the worlds in Kingdom Hearts 2. It does not contain any specific walkthrough, and I will not respond to emails regarding the game whatsoever. The guide itself is self-explanatory. You basically should not have questions at all, since there aren't much to ask about, unless if you spot mistakes in the guide. If you do see mistakes however, please let me know immediately. I give credit where credit is due. So, if you happen to spot even those teeny weenie flaws in the FAQ, inform me ASAP at The guide is broken down, basically into two sections; the first section, "Save Locations", explains in detail the save locations you see or you are able to access during gameplay, and I write them in order of how you progress through the game. This may even include the same save points written twice. As for the second section, Save Locations List, shows you the list of all accessible save points which you may visit again. This list consists of all grouped save locations in a particular world, so you may view here for all the save points. I hope that explains quite a bit about the FAQ. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ #2. Copyright Notice \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ All further questions NOT available within the FAQ/Guide can be emailed to the following address: Please include a proper title (with proper grammar) in the subject column associated with the game Kingdom Hearts 2. The author may discard emails without a proper subject in the "subject" column. _-__------_--_-__--_--__-_--__-_____ No part of this FAQ may be reproduced in any form, shape, or transmitted, in any ways, or in any forms by any means (electronically, mechanically, through various recording devices, or otherwise) without prior permission from the author. This means no copying, no publishing, or any other illegal activities. This FAQ is for personal use and for viewing purposes only. Readers may print a copy of the FAQ for he or she's own personal use without publicly or discreetly distributing a copy in order to earn money or make profit. This FAQ is protected by the International Copyright Law and all its contents are limited for the use of the websites which hold responsibility and have authorized permission to host it. This FAQ is hosted by sites which hold the responsibility of not permitting any sort of publishing, selling, or copying the contents and materials present in the FAQ. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ #3. Save Locations \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Here, I will list the save locations for all the worlds, as you progress through the game. They are written as the game moves from point A to point B, so I may post the save point twice from the very same world as you visit it again. I assume you realize you could save your game during your journey on the World Map; access the menu through the START button. Before you go on with the guide, you may choose to read the following to help you understand the guide faster and easier. [Regarding Moogle Shops] If there's a Moogle shop nearby, I will notify you as well (see below for instructions). This does not imply to the shops however, only Moogle shops. [Regarding Save Points] Do take note that before you could travel through all the worlds, your save points appear differently. It appears as a spiral, hovering above the ground. This means that you cannot get out of the world through this save point into the World Map. The other one, which allows you to go to the World Map, is a little different, with a light on the floor. So, you could tell if you could jump to the World Map or not by looking at the save point. The ones where you cannot jump onto the World Map will be around you as you start the game. As you progress, you'll find these a few more times, in certain worlds. {Regarding Temporary Save Points] Whenever you see "temporary" beside the name of a save point, it could only mean 2 things; one, is that you will not be able to go through that area again (not be able to visit the area) or two, is that later on you cannot access that area through the save point using the World Map (which means it is not accessible). On situation number 2, you may visit that area again through the World Map only if you manually reach that area. Example; later on, in Beast's Castle, Belle's Room will not be accessible through the World Map. To get it accessible again, you have to make your way into the room through other areas and then it will appear on the World Map again, savvy? On rare circumstances, a save point could also be "terminated" from the game. Example of this is the Sandlot in Twilight Town, which serves as just a temporary save point for your Struggle Battle. [Regarding Unavailable Save Points] This simply means, that the save point cannot be accessed temporarily; you cannot click on it or start at that particular save point through the World Map. Why? This is because; the game does not allow you to. Towards the end of the game, you'll discover Port Royal holds a few unavailable slots in their place; with a big X on the screen. In other words, this simply means, that the ones marked (temporary) before has now turned unavailable because you have to manually return to that area to restore it to the World Map, so you may land there the next time you give that same place a visit. [Regarding Torn Pages] One of your objectives is to search for the missing (torn) pages from Merlin's book, the 100 Acre Wood. Usually they are available at places with save points. So, I shall include this to. I'll add a side note at a particular save point to remind you of one. [Legend]: "*" means that the save point has a Moogle Shop nearby and that this will be written at the side of a save point, if it has one. 1. Twilight Town - The Usual Spot - Station of Serenity (temporary) - Sandlot (temporary) - Sunset Station - Mansion: The White Room - Mansion: Computer Room - Tower: Entryway - Tower: Sorcerer's Loft 2. Hollow Bastion - Merlin's House (For the time being, this is the only save point accessible during gameplay) 3. The Land of Dragons - Bamboo Groove * (temporary) - Village * 4. Beast's Castle - Parlor * - Belle's Room - Dungeon - The Beast's Room 5. 100 Acre Wood - The Hundred Acre Wood Note: The 100 Acre Wood has one save point, which is outside on the book. Take note that I shall not repeat on this save point any longer since the missions in here are optional, and there is well... only one save point. 6. Olympus Coliseum - Underworld Entrance * - Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber - Coliseum Foyer (temporary) - The Lock - Coliseum Gates 7. Disney's castle - Gummi Hangar - Library * (you find the torn pages here) - The Hall of the Cornerstone 8. Timeless River - Cornerstone Hill * Note: There is only one save point here. 9. Port Royal - Rampart - The Interceptor: Ship's Hold * (temporary) - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face (temporary) 10. Agrabah - The Peddler's Shop * - Palace Walls - The Cave of Wonders: Stone Guardians (temporary) - The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges (temporary) 11. Halloween Town - Dr. Finkelstein's Lab (temporary) - Yuletide Hill * - Santa's House 12. Pride Lands - Gorge (temporary) - Stone Hollow - Oasis * (you find the torn pages here) 13. Twilight Town - The Usual Spot 14. Hollow Bastion - Merlin's House - Postern 15. Space Paranoids - Pit Cell * - I/O Tower: Communications Room 16. Hollow Bastion - Merlin's House - Postern - Ansem's Study - Crystal Fissure (you find the torn pages here) 17. The Land of Dragons - Bamboo Grove * (unavailable) - Village * - Throne Room (you find the torn pages here) 18. Beast's Castle - Parlor * - Belle's Room (unavailable) - Dungeon (unavailable) - The Beast's Room 19. Olympus Coliseum - Underworld Entrance * - Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber - The Lock (unavailable) - Coliseum Gates 20. Port Royal - Rampart * - The Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom - Ship Graveyard: The Interceptor's Hold (unavailable) - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face (unavailable) 21. Agrabah - The Peddler's Shop * - Palace Walls - The Cave of Wonders: Stone Guardians (unavailable) - The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges (unavailable) - Ruined Chamber (you find the torn pages here) 22. Halloween Town - Dr. Finkelstein's Lab (unavailable) - Yuletide Hill * - Santa's House 23. The Pride Lands - Gorge (unavailable) - Oasis - Stone Hollow 26. Hollow Bastion - Merlin's House - Postern - Ansem's Study 25. Space Paranoids - Pit Cell * - I/O Tower: Communications Room - Central Computer Mesa 26. Radiant Garden - Merlin's House - Postern - Ansem's Study - Crystal Fissure (unavailable) 27. Twilight Town - The Usual Spot - Central Station - Sunset Station (unavailable) - Mansion: The White Room (unavailable) - Mansion: Computer Room (unavailable) - Tower: Entryway (Unavailable) - Tower: Sorcerer's Loft (unavailable) 28. The World that Never Was - Alley to Between (Note: Going through the portal takes you directly back to The Mansion; Twilight Town) - The Brink of Despair * - Twilight's View * - Proof of Existence - The Altar of Naught \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ #4. Save Locations List \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ This section provides you the complete list of every single save point for each of the world. This section DIFFERS from the above section, where the above section shows you the save points as you progress AND shows you if there's a Moogle Shop nearby or if the save point is a temporary one or not. This section shall ONLY list down all the save points available, as placed in the columns in the game through the World Map. 1. Twilight Town - The Usual Spot - Central Station - Sunset Station - Mansion: The White Room - Mansion: Computer Room - Tower: Entryway - Tower: Sorcerer's Loft 2. Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden - Merlin's House - Postern - Ansem's Study - Crystal Fissure 3. Beast's Castle - Parlor - Belle's Room - Dungeon - The Beast's Room 4. Olympus Coliseum - Underworld Entrance - Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber - The Lock - Coliseum Gates 5. Agrabah - The Peddler's Shop - Palace Walls - The Cave of Wonders: Stone Guardians - The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges - Ruined Chamber 6. The Land of Dragons - Bamboo Grove - Village - Throne Room 7. 100 Acre Wood - The Hundred Acre Wood Note: You can't visit the World Map through this save point. 8. Pride Lands - Gorge - Oasis - Stone Hollow 9. Atlantica - Undersea Courtyard 10. Disney Castle - Gummi Hangar - Library - The Hall of the Cornerstone 11. Timeless River - Cornerstone Hill Note: You can't visit the World Map through this save point. 12. Port Royal - Rampart - The Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face - Ship Graveyard: The Interceptor's Hold 13. Halloween Town - Dr. Finkelstein's Lab - Yuletide Hill - Santa's House 14. Space Paranoids - Pit Cell - I/O Tower: Communications Room - Central Computer Mesa Note: You can't visit the World Map through these save points. 15. The World That Never Was - Alley to Between - The Brink of Despair - Twilight's View - Proof of Existence - The Altar of Naught \/\/\/\/\/\ #5. Credits \/\/\/\/\/\ I'd give credit to GameFAQs for hosting my guides and successfully maintaining its name at the top (always one step ahead). To myself, for taking this opportunity to write a guide for the Kingdom Hearts series. Thank you Square Enix for such a marvelous game. To a friend of mine, Horace for being a good friend, introducing me to the series and best of all, for inviting me as his co-author for yet another guide. =) And of course, my fellow readers! Where would I stand without your comments? Feel free to compose a message to me anytime. Copyright (c) 2006 by the author piecemealcranky. All rights reserved. - - E O F - -