____ __.__ .___ | |/ _|__| ____ ____ __| _/____ _____ | < | |/ \ / ___\ / __ |/ _ \ / \ | | \| | | \/ /_/ > /_/ ( <_> ) Y Y \ |____|__ \__|___| /\___ /\____ |\____/|__|_| / \/ \//_____/ \/ \/ ___ ___ __ / | \ ____ _____ ________/ |_ ______ / ~ \_/ __ \\__ \\_ __ \ __\/ ___/ \ Y /\ ___/ / __ \| | \/| | \___ \ \___|_ / \___ >____ /__| |__| /____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( F | i | n | a | l ) ( M | i | x ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ キングダムハーツ・ファイナルミックス ["We'll go together."] You never know who you will run into next. .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Guide version 2.1e | | Last updated : 31st May 2003 | | Created by : Clement Chan Zhi Li | | E-mail address : saigoheiki@gmail.com | .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. .-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-. |Table of Contents| .-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-. <1> Introduction <1> [1.1] Copyright and Legal Information <2> Walkthrough <2> [2.1] Beginning - Awakening [2.2] Destiny Islands [2.3] Traverse Town [2.4] Wonderland [2.5] Deep Jungle [2.6] Olympus Coliseum [2.7] Agrabah [2.8] Monstro [2.9] Atlantica [2.10] Halloween Town [2.11] Hollow Bastion [2.12] End of the World <3> Side Quests <3> [3.1] 100 Acre Wood [3.2] 99 Dalmations i. Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix New Dalmations Locations [3.3] Trinity Marks Locations i. Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix New Trinity Mark Location <4> Frequently Asked Questions <4> <5> Miscellaneous <5> [5.1] Lyrics [5.2] Secret Ending (SPOILERS AHEAD!) i. Another Side, Another Story ii. Another Side, Another Story [deep dive] <6> Final Mix 「ファイナルミックス」 <6> i. New Weapons ii. New Accessories iii. Weapons' Statistic Changes iv. Accessories' Statistic Changes v. New Abiltiies vi. New Gummi Ship Blueprints vii. New Scenes viii. New Heartless ix. New Synthesizing Items x. Difficulties [6.1] Fighting Unknown [6.2] Showdown of Fate 「運命の再開」 [6.3] Extra Scenes i. Riku Scene ii. Unknown Scene [6.4] Ansem Report 「アンセムレポート」 [6.5] Abilities [6.6] Battle Report <7> Credits and Thanks <7> <8> History <8> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <1> I n t r o d u c t i o n <1> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This FAQ is done in my free time, and I hope it'll worth it more than the guides that you'll have to buy, since this is free anyway. I sincerely hope that you guys could help me with information that I didn't have in this guide, because I couldn't possibly obtain every single information by myself. With Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix, I decide to focus more on Final Mix itself, and have Japanese text here (as translations, etc) if possible; which means, your computer must be able to view Japanese text (just download some software over the Internet). Thanks a BIG lot to Thorf who had been helping me with my Japanese, and this Japanese IME which I'm currently using. ^^ Please send any information, comments and criticism that you might have to me at saigoheiki@gmail.com. I'll credit you for the information that you send to me, definitely. So, here's the start of my FAQ, I hope it'll help you as much as possible. Enjoy reading. - C l e m e n t C h a n Z h i L i    クレメン・ チャン・ジ・リ E-MAIL ALERT _____________________________________________________________________________ * I will no longer be replying to e-mails. This is due to my important examination this year (2003), the PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah), and I would be studying hard for it. Furthermore, I recieve about 10-20 Kingdom Hearts-related e-mails everyday, and it has been clogging up my Hotmail inbox. * If you ever have a question, don't e-mail to me. Try other authors of other FAQs instead. Or head to the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts message board at: http://s2.cgi.gamefaqs.com/boards/gentopic.asp?board=3080. The users (in majority) are helpful, and they should assist you in any problems you have. * BUT, if you have any information or hints/tips/strategy that I didn't include here, please e-mail me about it. These are the e-mails that I will definitely reply. * Nonsensical, rude and e-mails that doesn't make sense (ie: horrible spelling and grammar) will be ignored and deleted. E-mails like "I lurve Kairi!" and "Ur fAq SuX! I own j00!" will be demolished at first sight. * If you ever have a problem, refer to the newly created <4> Frequently Asked Questions <4> section below. More likely than not, your question should be answered there. If not, as I had already said, _DO NOT_ e-mail to me about them. * I will never ever entertain requests to be added to MSN Messenger. It's not that I don't want to help you guys answer a certain question, it's just that I have my own life, and am terribly busy with it. * Please DO NOT ever, ever e-mail the people listed in the Credits. ============================================================================= [1.1] Copyright and Legal Information ============================================================================= This Kingdom Hearts FAQ/Guide is Copyright (c) Clement Chan Zhi Li 2002-2003. This Guide may not be altered, published or reproduced in anyway, especially if it makes profit or have any advantage to you in anyway. Legal action will be taken if you breached any of the above. All the contents of this Guide is Copyright (c) Clement Chan Zhi Li, unless otherwise stated, as the Guide may use information from other sources and people who had contributed to this Guide. Kingdom Hearts(r) is Copyright (c) Squaresoft and Disney. Final Fantasy(r) characters are Copyright (c) Squaresoft. Disney(r) characters are Copyright (c) Disney. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <2> W a l k t h r o u g h <2> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Before you proceed further, please take note that there are SPOILERS abound - obviously. I wouldn't recommend you to read this if you're spoiler-sensitive, and you should only read this walkthrough if you're having extreme difficulty in some areas. This walkthrough will be simple, yet it'll provide extensive coverage for all areas, so you'll be able to get through them at ease.. ============================================================================= [2.1] Beginning - Awakening ============================================================================= Choose the difficulty setting that you like, but of course I do recommend Normal for all of you; unless you consider yourself an ultimate undefeatable expert in action-RPGs or had already completed this game, then choose Expert. Once you're done with choosing the settings, proceed. ------Final Mix-------------------------------------------------------------- For Final Mix, there will be three choices of difficulty in the beginning. [Refer to <6> Final Mix <6> section below for further info.] 1st option: Final Mix: Beginner 2nd option: Final Mix 3rd option: Final Mix: Proud This will be followed by: Skip Events Camera Mode Thanks to jcaliff of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board for the corrections^^: "This isn't what the second option says. The second option is Camera Mode, and the two choices are Auto (camera tries to adjust itself in the field automatically) Manual (control the camera rotation with the L2,R2 buttons) This can be changed from the config option in the game menu during play (the last line is basically what the yellow line says at the bottom of the screen). The option to skip scenes is given to you when you choose continue after you die during a boss fight - it doesn't have anything to do with the initial choices." Lastly, you'll be asked whether you'd like to have vibration mode turned on: ON OFF ------Final Mix-------------------------------------------------------------- There will be an FMV sequence, together with Kingdom Hearts' theme song called Simple and Clean (PLANITb Remix), performed by Utada Hikaru. Once you can control your character, there will be a mini-tutorial to teach you the basic controls. Move forward and three other platforms will appear, asking you to choose either a sword (for attack), a rod (for magic) or a shield (for defense). Once that's done (and you had confirmed your selection), the voice will ask you to choose the item that you wish to discard. The calculation of stats that will increase or decrease can be looked through the chart here, thanks to Ryan Cheang: Keep | Give up | HP | MP | AP | Str | Def | Sword | Shield | 18 | 2 | 3 | 6 | 1 | Sword | Staff | 18 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 2 | Shield| Sword | 18 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4 | Shield| Staff | 18 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 4 | Staff | Sword | 18 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | Staff | Shield | 18 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 1 | You will then be sent to the Cinderella platform where there a mini-tutorial will guide you on the basics of attack. Slash your way through to reach the Three Hearts Platform. Here you'll be given information on the basics of items, opening treasure chests and using the items. Open the door to reach another place. Talk to Tidus (from Final Fantasy X), Wakka (from Final Fantasy X) and Selphie (Final Fantasy VIII). Choosing the appropriate answers will determine how fast you could level up, and the info below is again, thanks to Ryan Cheang: To level up quickly, choose the answers: Tidus - Getting old Wakka - To see rare sights Selphie - Being number 1 To level up normally, choose: Tidus - Being different Wakka - To broaden my horizons Selphie - Friendship To level up slowly, choose: Tidus - Being indecisive Wakka - To be strong Selphie - My prize possesions. At the next platform, make your way through the group of Shadows and save your game. Continue on to meet your first and easy boss, the Darkside. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss - Darkside - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- He's very simple, so keep attacking his hand. Don't even bother with his energy attack on the ground. He will create some Shadows that, on defeating them will produce HP balls to restore your health. After defeating it, you'll be snapped back to reality, Destiny Islands. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= [2.2] Destiny Islands ============================================================================= Talk to Kairi and choose to help her find some things. She'll send you to collect a few things, 2 Logs, 1 Cloth and 1 Rope. 1 Log - Could be found on the beach nearby after you talked to Kairi. 1 Log - Could be found at where Riku stands. 1 Cloth - Could be found at the wooden tree-house-like building. 1 Rope - Could be found on the place where Tidus is. Give them to Kairi who will reward you with a Hi-Potion. You can now choose to fight Tidus, Wakka, Selphie or Riku individually, and you can even earn extra points to level up, to make your future areas easier. These battles are optional, but could let you get used to the various battle techniques used by the enemies. Wakka's ball is repellable (by attacking the ball at the right time) while Selphie is the easiest of the lot. Tidus will a bit tough but Riku will be even harder to beat. All in all, you can even fight Tidus, Wakka and Selphie together, if you're up to the challenge. And here are some tips to fighting Wakka from Alex : "At the beginning, when you fight Wakka, at a point where you have just hit him with one of his Blitzballs, he will start lobbing Blitzballs into the air, higher than he would normally throw them. He should appear to be dizzy. Those balls land about the same distance every time. When he throws them normally, you should stand where the Blitzballs would land if Wakka was dizzy. If you are always standing at that distance or a little closer, you should hit him everytime. Also, when Wakka throw the Blitzballs into the air when he's dizzy, hit them at whatever angle and it will still hit him. This way, you can get a lot of Potions at the beginning. It is much easier than battle somebody else if you do it right." And more training tips from: During the early part of the game, you can level up quickly by parrying Tidus's attack. Start a duel with Tidus and run toward him. When the distance is close enough for you to hit him, do it and hope that he did the same. If timed right (don't worry, shouldn't be too hard) your attack should be deflected, along with his. There should also be a word displayed, Tech 2. That means you successfully deflect his attack and gained 2 Exp. Points. Now flee from him. He might do some gesturing like taunting or doing flips for next attacks. If you hear him moaning, hit him once and he should be chasing you. WHILE he's chasing you, turn back and measure distance to perform another parry. It should work (hopefully). Repeatly do this and you'll level up in no time. Beats how you train against Riku since he only offer 5p and parry offers Tech 1. If you think you're ready, you can gain Potions by fighting against all three of the Final Fantasy Characters (Tidus, Wakka, Selphie) and gain Exp. Points plus a Potion. After talking to Kairi, the next cut-scene brings you to Disney Castle, so enjoy it. After that's over, go to the cave that Kairi has been blocking. She will be at the end of the cave, so go and talk to her. Talking to Riku will initiate a race against him. Losing it won't affect anything, but you can try a few times to win a Pretty Stone from the race. Talk to Kairi and you'll be asked to get a few more items, 1 Seagull Egg, 3 Mushrooms, 2 Coconuts, 3 Fish and Drinking Water. She'll give you a container to store the water. 1 Mushroom - Push the rock away near the raft, and walk into the cave. You'll find your first mushroom. 1 Mushroom - Can be found near the tower with the hanging rope. 1 Mushroom - Talk to Wakka where he'll show you the Secret Place. This is where the final mushroom is. 1 Seagull Egg - In one of the three trees on top. Climb from tree to tree to reach it. 3 Fish - Located at the shore near Selphie, the three fish will be swimming there. 2 Coconuts - Near Tidus where there are some coconut trees. Knock the trees to make two coconuts fall, where you can take them. Drinking Water - Near where Wakka is, where you should be able to see the spring. Talk to Kairi once you had found all of the items. Before you continue, make sure you had already done everything you wanted to, because you can't return here... And before you move on, move the box away in that cove and climb up to get a Protect Chain. Should be useful for now. Talk to Kairi again, and it will initiate a long cut-scene. After that, the whole place will be crawling with Shadows, but don't bother fighting them. Your wooden stick won't hurt their puny lives, and you'll need the Keyblade which you will be getting later. Rush to the wooden dock to find Riku, and then you'll get the Keyblade, which you can use to defeat the Shadows (but pointless anyway, since they give you so little experience points, plus they keep appearing infinitely). Go to the Secret Place, and here's where you'll find Darkside again... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss - Darkside - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uh, not worth mentioning, actually. Same strategy applies here, and one or two new pathetic moves. If you've been battling Tidus, Wakka, Selphie or Riku, this one shouldn't pose any trouble to you at all. Thanks to Nick Warrior for this info: "Did you know that if you jump on Darkside's arm and attack his head, and defeat him by doing this, you get 20 EXP, and each time you attack his head, you get 2 EXP?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= [2.3] Traverse Town ============================================================================= A cut-scene showing Donald and Goofy will appear. Keep in mind - You're now in the First District. There are three districts in all here. Go up the stairs and into the Accessories Shop, for your save point. Go up to the back of the Accessories Shop and into the big door to the Second District. It's best you get yourself familiarized with the surroundings as Traverse Town might be slightly big for some of you. In the Second District, you'll be attacked by a wave of Heartless. Run back into the First District; go inside the Accessories Shop and leave again. You'll then have a battle with Leon (who is actually Squall, from Final Fantasy VIII). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss - Leon - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, not much of a boss, and it's almost guarenteed that you'll lose anyway. If you have been honing your battle skills, you should be able to defeat him. Defeating Leon will let you acquire an Elixir later on. Losing or winning won't have any profound effect except the Elixir you'll get later. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll end up in the Hotel room, with Yuffie and Leon (Squall) giving you an explanation on basically everything, plus Aerith giving info to both Donald and Goofy. Go out from the Hotel and head to the Third District; the exit could be found near a large white building. A cut-scene will ensue as you proceed, and you'll have Donald and Goofy in your party, for the very first time - and fighting a boss with them as company. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss - Guard Armor - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- All parts of his body is defeatable, so concentrate on one part at a time. Not too hard, but at the same time, not too easy either. Having a couple of Potions equipped is useful, and if you ever lose to this boss, get some more Potions and level yourself up. ------Final Mix-------------------------------------------------------------- In Proud Mode, beware of the incredibly strong attacks he'll use. Try and level up a little before, avoid his attacks and then attack him when you have the chance. His spinning attack is the one that you must try and avoid the most. ------Final Mix-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After another cut-scene (it seems that Kingdom Hearts is full of cut- scenes...), you'll learn your first magic, Fire, from Donald and the ability Dodge Roll from Goofy (which is extremely useful). There should be a few blue Trinity Jump marks for you, an easy one is at the caf? on the left side at First District. You might want to stock up on some Potions, Ethers, and buy new weapons for Donald and Goofy if you have the money. Once you're ready to leave, you can exit by using the Save Point in the Accessories Shop on by using the main door. Choose to pilot over to the world above (the world with 1 Battle star, which signifies a world's difficulty level). Flying a Gummi ship can be quite annoying, but heck, it's some kind of rest you can take after mashing the controller's buttons during battles. Shoot your way through to reach Wonderland. ============================================================================= [2.4] Wonderland ============================================================================= Follow the White Rabbit who's late to see the Queen. Talk to the Doorknob and a table with two potions atop it will appear. Before you drink them, push the bed away to reveal a small passageway, so you access to it later. Drink the potion (it'll automatically select the right potion for you to drink) to become smaller. Proceed through the next area by the door. Some Heartless will appear and it's up to you whether you want to fight them or dash away. Alice will be in trial ("Even though you're Queen, you can't be so mean!", at least, something like that), and Sora wishes to save Alice. The Queen of Hearts demands evidence to prove Alice's innocence. A save point and a new exit will appear, so save first. Head to the exit near the guards to Lotus Forest. The Chesire Cat will appear and said that there are four pieces of evidence to get (you can always get at least one of them, but that will decreases your odds in something-that-will- happen-later-on and you will not get Blizzard from the Chesire Cat, which means that it's better to get all the evidence. Footprints - Explore the right side area to get your first piece of evidence, which is near two mushrooms. Stench - After discovering the footprints, jump on top of the two mushrooms all the way above, and you'll see a passageway leading to Bizzare Room, on top of the fireplace. Here's where you'll find your second evidence. Antenna - Exit Bizzare Room through a flip of a button, and re-enter Lotus Forest again (you might want to save too). Head all the way ahead where you'll find 3 mushrooms. Jump on the middle mushroom, and head right, to find your third piece of evidence. Claw Marks - Give the yellow flower a Potion (you must have it equipped), and it'll make you big. Jump on the tree stump and hit the tree a few times, take the seed and eat it. It'll make you grow smaller. Jump to the two small mushrooms, go across the leaves and head for the entrance for Bizzare Room. Look around for that usual pink box and grab your evidence. The Chesire Cat will present you Blizzard. As I haven't put in the 101 Dalmations info in the FAQ yet (don't have time, school reopening soon), Alexis Craig helped me a bit for the dalmations in Wonderland: "In the side quest for 101 Dalmations, there are three puppies in Wonderland that you haven't noted. They can be found by going up some of the mushrooms but i'm not sure which mushroom patch and then the leaves before you hit the tree. It is in the blue chest that you can see in a high leaf. If you look hard enough, you can see it if you press select and look up, then follow the leaf path, you can get it." Now jump down and head back to the Queen's castle. Save first, and talk to one of the guards below. The Queen will not look at the evidence, and instead, ask you to choose one of the 5 boxes to present the evidence to her. If you get all the 4 evidences, there's a 1/5 chance you'll get Donald and Goofy appearing as the culprits (where you'll battle alone later). If you pick up the right evidence, a Shadow will appear (Should you make a mistake, just restart the game by doing a soft reset [LI+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start]). Whichever evidence you choose, you'll have to fight a battle anyway. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss - Cards and Tower - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have Donald and Goofy, it'll be even easier. They will support you by attacking the cards, heal you or attack the tower itself. You can ignore the cards, but you should fight off a few because they can be distracting. Your main key item to fight is the tower, attack it repeatedly and tada!, it's all over. A nifty hint from Ryan Domingue: "In Wonderland, If you hit the cages enough times that Donald and/or goofy are trapped in, the cage will break and they can help you fight the cards." Another interesting point which my brother found: Try smacking the queen! ^^ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save, and head back to the forest again, and into the Bizzare Room, located after the Tea Party Garden. The Chesire Cat will tell you to light up the oil lamps, so do as he says. That cat will appear again, then head back to the Queen's Castle and save - again. Head out to the Bizzare Room (the _other_ Bizzare Room, the one which you came in through the first time), and the cat will talk to you again, where you'll fight a boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss - Trickmaster - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing to worry about. Lock on to him and attack repeatedly till he falls. Get in some combo. Repeat. Dodge some of his attacks and heal occasionally. Finishing him off will get you Ifrit's Horn to equip and a Navi-G piece. Sora will then discover the keyhole which is in the doorknob, and lock it. Alice had been kidnapped and the party determines to find her. With additional info from Michelle Hall: "While facing Trickmaster,hide under the table for defense and lock on to him and press Triangle so Donald and Goofy go after him and when hes down go and attack him.If he destroys the table,and you still have a party member alive,lock on and press Triangle and run around the in a circular form until he starts walking towards you,the go a different way.When the table returns just repeat.If your at least at level 17 when you fight him(Complete everything in Wonderland except the boss and go to Deep Jungle and beat that world then go back to Wonderland and face the boss.)Make sure you have Scan and Combo Plus and of course Dodge Roll.He should be quite easy if you follow that." Anyway, your job with this world has ended, so head to the Save Point and get on your Gummi Ship. Proceed to the next world, the one after Wonderland. You might want to get back to Traverse Town to stock up some useful items. ============================================================================= [2.5] Deep Jungle ============================================================================= The party will get separated in the beginning, and Sora will see that he is all alone (emphasis on _alone_). You'd probably expect this, as mean ol' Sabor appears and attacks Sora. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss - Sabor - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardly a boss fight, since you'll encounter him randomly afterwards. He's easy, and shouldn't pose much of a challenge. The basics is, attack, dodge- roll, attack, dodge-roll, etc. His leap attack can be avoide easily, but, as in all boss fights, just go ahead to the enemy and put in all your combos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tarzan will then join you after yet another cut-scene. Go out from this tree- house and jump down. Save at the Tunnel, and into the tree trunk where a mini-game of surfing will commence. This mini-game will not give you any items until later on in the game. Head inside the tent to rediscover Donald and Goofy. You can regroup your party now (according to the manual, it's stated that a character will gain experience points even if not in the party, so can anyone confirm this?), and I do recommend to kick out Donald and bring in Tarzan if what I had stated is true. This should make the game throughout even easier. UPDATE 28th November 2002---------------------------------------------------- According to Ra' Sutherland, he confirmed that all members do power up even though they're not in the party. "I confirmed this after reading your FAQ and checking Donald's experience before and after fighting Sabor a few times." So, there you go. UPDATE 28th November 2002---------------------------------------------------- Now, you should find 6 slides around the Camp only, which is easy because they're noticeable. Some should be on top of the tents, so look around. Once done, head back to the tent to activate the projector, where you'll continue the story. Go to the Hippo's Lagoon. You should be able to see a vine on your left, so climb it to reach Jungle: Vines. Jump your way through all the way to the next area, Jungle: Vines 2. You'll see another cut-scene, so jump on the vines to the next area. You should be able to find some vines to climb to above, Climbing Trees. Thanks to Holly Clark for the following info (actually I knew it but forgotten to put this in, so thanks anyway! ^^): Instead of having to jump from Vines to Vines 2, just head to the end of the Hippo's Lagoon and you should see a vine. Take that to reach straight to the end of Vines 2. Exit the area by going all the way to the top to the Tree House, which is where you start off earlier. Go inside the tree house to watch another cut- scene. Then jump down from the netting, into the tree trunk and back to the Camp again. Enter the tent for another cut-scene, then head to the Bamboo Thicket. Fight through the wave of enemies then enter to the next area, where you'll get your Gummi pieces. Go all the way back to the Hippo's Lagoon. From there, climb the vine, and go all the way to Climbing Trees, which means that you'll have to go to Jungle: Vines and Jungle: Vines 2. From the Climbing Trees, head to the Tree House to get your final Gummi piece. Then jump all the way down to reach the Camp, again. Well, save at the tent if you want and prepare for the upcoming tough boss fight. It's recommended that you bring Tarzan along, because, as I had said before, it _is_ tough. Go all the way to the Bamboo Thicket, and you'll fight against Sabor again. The same rules apply here, and even easier since your partners will help you. And nope, this is not the battle I'm talking about. Go back to the tent and save, and go all the way to Climbing Trees. Fight through this easy battle and then you should go to the Cliff, which is the area after Bamboo Thicket. Hit Clayton repeatedly till he calls upon Stealth Sneak. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Clayton, Stealth Sneak - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concentrate on Stealth Sneak only, the look-like chameleon monster. Hitting it enough times will make it drop Clayton, which will be good considering Stealth Sneak is more of a support type to Clayton. Target Stealth Sneak and attack it till it dies, using dodge-roll to avoid its attacks and magic powers. Once Stealth Sneak is dead, the only means preventing you from winning this battle would be Clayton. So attack him with all you got, since he only has a miserable piece of peashooter (okay, actually a hunting gun). Winning this battle will let you gain the magic Cure, which is extremely essential for the areas to come. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proceed to the new area, and you'll be kicked up to Waterfall Cavern. You'll need to jump all the way to the top (jump from ledge to ledge) to reach another new area. Sora will then lock the Keyhole, gain the Trinity Smash and the Jungle King keychain. Since you had sealed the hole here, it's time to move back to Traverse Town. --- At Traverse Town, go to the Second District. Head to the area behind the Hotel, and use the Trinity Smash (Red). You should then proceed to the Sewers. Talk to both Leon (Squall) and Aeris, and you should get the Earthshine from Leon, which is actually a summon gem. Anyway, talk to Cid at the Acessories Shop in the First District. He'll then direct you to take a book to Merlin. Head to the Third District. Cast Fire on the red, fire-looking door to open it. Go across the water by stepping on the weird watery thing to reach the house. Talk to the Fairy Godmother to change the Earthshine into your first summon, Simba. You can examine the book, which is actually the world of 100 Acre Wood. Leave the house and head back outside, where you'll encounter Riku. There should be an empty house previously, so go into it to talk to Cid. Now go to the Second District, and go to the Gizmo Shop and exit it by the other door. Climb the ladder and you'll see the Red Trinity mark on the wall. Use it, and ring the bell thrice. Then go to the keyhole that appeared. This should activate a boss fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Opposite Armor - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is entirely easy...or perhaps not. You'll fight with the Guard Armor who then will transform into the Opposite Armor. Take a different approach and attack the body. Dodge-roll his attacks, attack, dodge-roll, attack. Repeat. Thanks to Michelle Hall: "After beating Opposite Armor, you'll get Ray of Light which raises your HP and MP." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyhow, Sora'll lock the keyhole and secure the magic Aero, a protective spell. ============================================================================= [2.6] Olympus Coliseum ============================================================================= Go through the main door and talk to Phil. Try and push the big block, then talk to Phil. He will then 'train' you to become a hero. The first one's easy, just keep locking on the barrels and attack. The second one should be tougher, but use the same 'locking-on' technique and you should pass through, even though you may need a couple of tries to succeed. Anyway, from the Lobby, head back to the Gates where Hades will give Sora a ticket for the tournament. Save first, then talk to Phil again. Choose to enter the tournament, and you'll have to fight through seven battles, most of them you had fought before, so it should be very easy. But your final fight against Cloud will be a problem. Losing in this battle won't affect the entire game, but of course, who would want to lose? It's just that you'll lose the experience points that the battle offers. Since I couldn't win this fight either, I'm guessing that it mainly involves firing up your magic, and most importantly, dodge-roll. Use Cure often, as it's very helpful. A couple of Ethers should help out too. Ah, Ted Bergstrand puts in some useful input about Cloud: "You mentioned in your walkthrough that you could not defeat Cloud. I found that jumping when he attacks is a very helpful tool. When he uses his charge, where he shoots across the stage use the roll. When he slams his sword into the ground, quickly jump over to him and whack him. When his sword is in the ground, he has to stay stationary (he's pulling his sword up). The only other thing I can suggest is to use cure a lot, or use potions. I didn't use any magic besides cure when I defeated him. Hope this helps." After fighting with it, save, and run back to fight Cerberus. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Cerberus - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Easy? Well, mediocre, in my humble opinion. Cure is an absolute must, but if you don't have it (which means that you didn't follow my order of areas), you'll need tons of Potions and Hi-Potions and whatnot. In the beginning, keep attacking the heads until it starts firing dark balls at you. Dodge them, then attack. Repeat. Heal when necessary. The battle should then end soon. Additonal info for fighting it by Jeffrey Walton: "When you begin the fight go to the bleachers, if he follows you (which he will), wait till he ducks his head to attack or spit that black stuff into the ground. When he does, hop on his back. Now he can't hurt you. When he attacks (with his jaw, as in bite attack) walk (very carefully) onto his neck. Slash like crazy at his MIDDLE HEAD! I have learned he dies faster if you attack his middle head. Keep using this strategy until he dies." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, save then head back outside to meet Cloud and get his autograph (okay, just kidding ;)); you'll learn Sonic Blade from him. Anyway, there is nothing more to do at the moment so quit from this place. Fly the Gummi Ship to Agrabah. ============================================================================= [2.7] Agrabah ============================================================================= Some cut-scenes flash through. Prepare to fight immediately, and later, you might want to save at the Storage. Head to the next area, fight the enemies then look around for a pole to climb, which is where Aladdin's house is located. Move the chest away to reveal the Magic Carpet; there's also a hidden key to unlock another area behind the drawers. Anyhow, move to the next area for a cut-scene and a short battle. Use the key to unlock another area, but since there's nothing to do here, leave the city through the Main Street to reach the desert, where you'll encounter the Magic Carpet. It'll bring you to Aladdin, who's ambushed by some Heartless thugs. Defeat them and you're back in Aladdin's house again, where Genie will follow you as a summon. Anyhow, I'm quite lazy at this part, but to continue, you'll need to use the high areas mostly and proceed through yourself. You'll need to unlock a few areas to proceed. Try and reach Castle Gates. And heck, here's the rather humorous pots boss fight. Basically, you destroy every spider pots in sight to complete the battle. Once over, head back to Aladdin's house and to talk to the Magic Carpet. Head out to the Cave. You'll then encounter another boss fight... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Tiger Head - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump onto the head and concentrate on attacking one eye. You'll fall a lot of times but repeat the procedure above. It'll also shoot out something from its eye, and Heartless for you to fight. Heal very often, including your teammates. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you're done, head into the mouth. Falling down the endless pit won't kill you, but you'll just land into another place. Here, it's recommended that you get Aladdin in your party to proceed to the various points in the game, so that he can call his monkey to activate gems on those statues. And here are some tips from Lam Diep: - Infinite Fight - During the Tarzan Stage, where you have to try and destroy a giant fruit, there would be an infinite number of enemies. Have Donald and Goofy at this part so they'll gain useful abilities. Stand on one of the branch or whatever that is and stay away from enemy assaults. Donald and Goofy will repeatly destroy the enemies while you stand there doing nothing. At this point, you can wait for a day or two and gain good level up. Your 2 companions won't 'die', they'll just get KO (Knock Out for the uneducated) and slowly recover. You can leave the game motionless at this point and let Donald and Goofy do all the fighting. Grab a bag of chips, go to your friend's house, play online while leaving the TV turned off (but the PS2 on) and let the Exp. Points flow. Anyway, land underground and proceed through by swimming to the various chambers. Activate the gems held by statue monkeys by letting Aladdin whistle for his monkey. Get through all the way until you unlock a door at the Treasure Room. Now, head back where you came through before from the tiger's mouth. You should now make absolute caution to prevent yourself from falling down the holes because you'll need to go across three screens to reach the Treasure Room. Save first, then prepare for two boss fights. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Jafar - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll have to chase Jafar around and attack him with your Keyblade. Avoid Genie's attacks, which I think you'll hardly get hurt by Genie's attacks, and rush after Jafar when he goes from platform to platform. You should be able to finish him off after a while. You'll upgrade Blizzard to Blizzara after the fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to the previous room, save, and reenter again. Talk to Jasmine to activate another cut-scene, then jump down the hole for another boss fight. Again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Jafar (Genie) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your target is not Jafar, but the flying parrot itself, who's holding Jafar's source of power - the lamp. Attack the lamp the parrot's carrying, and avoid Jafar's attacks occasionally. Heal when your life's low. Other than that, there's nothing else to say. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cut-scenes after cut-scenes, exit Agrabah and go back to Traverse Town to stock up some useful items. ============================================================================= [2.8] Monstro ============================================================================= Now, head inside the big mean whale's inside. It's pretty confusing but: Chamber 1 -> Chamber 2 -> Chamber 3 -> Chamber 2 -> Chamber 5 -> Chamber 6 -> Chamber 5 -> Chamber 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Parasite Cage - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack it repeatedly, and since you have Riku to help you too, this battle should be easy. Dodge its attacks (duh); try and balance long-range attacks (magic) and short-range, once you had run out of magic. Calling Bambi for help is useful too, if you have it, as Bambi will unleash plenty of MP balls to replenish your used MP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, return to Mouth and onto the boat. Get the High Jump shared ability from the treasure box, then save. Use the newly acquired High Jump to get into the Throat, then jump all the way to the top to reach the Stomach. Here, Parasite Cage appears again.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Parasite Cage - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the same strategy above, except that this time around, it's meaner and it'll attack with poison which will reduce your HP little by little. Magic and short-range attacks work well here. You'd probably need a few tries before you can actually defeat this big meanie. Defeating this will let you acquire another new magic, Stop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, Monstro will sneeze you out. There will be another tournament at the Coliseum, and join it if you like, as you'll gain many items and useful magic there, other than training yourself up. Return to Traverse Town to stock up on items, if you like. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Once you're out from Monstro, it is possible to return again by warping to that location. Either Donald or Goofy will say something like 'Monstro's gone, let's go before he gets back', but keep warping or Normal Drive to there, you'll eventually find him again. It took me around 6 tries. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= [2.9] Atlantica ============================================================================= Aha. This is where things get funny, Sora turned into a merman of sorts, Donald into octopus and Goofy a turtle. You'll learn how to swim from Sebastian. Follow them (as they had told you to follow the arrows) all the way to Triton's Palace. On the way, to open up those clams that contain items or save points, you'll need to fire it up with the right magic according to the colour. Red for Fire, blue for Blizzard and yellow for Thunder. Head back outside and into Ariel's Grotto, as she had told you. Exit and head back to Undersea Valley. You'll need to defeat all the Heartless in this area to make the dolphin let you grab onto it. It'll then bring you to the Sunken Ship. Go inside the ship and get the crystal trident. Go out and attack bad ol' Sharky. Shouldn't be too difficult, and heal at times. Now, back to Ariel's Grotto and put in the crystal trident at that particular spot in the middle. Cut-scene on Triton, then back to Triton's Palace. Next, Undersea Valley, kill Heartless, grab dolphin to go back to Sunken Ship. Look around for a large rock, where Sebastian will get behind it to push it for you. Go past into the next couple of areas and save after opening a certain clam. And tada! The big Ursula meanie is prepare to fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Ursula - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- She's a tough cookie. Watch the cauldron and cast the appropriate magic on it based on the colour; it's actually the same thing to the clams that you had opened previously. Red for Fire, blue for Blizzard and yellow for Thunder. Successfully in casting the right spell with stun the poor evil thing, so attack it with all you got. Avoid her as she spins and laugh horrendously. If you're out of magic, just smack those two eels around to get some HP and MP balls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ariel will then give you the shared ability Merman Kick, so equip it. Go to the Calm Depths and use the acquired ability to go to ??? (the same torrent of water which the dolphin had let you go through). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Ursula - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horror upon horror. She render herself ugly as she grow maniacally big, so just attack her head. Only her head, nowhere else. Avoid her attacks, and heal your companions and yourself as her attacks are quite powerful. Other than that, she's easier than the first fight against her. ------Final Mix-------------------------------------------------------------- In Final Mix (Proud Mode), this will be the ultimate horror. Get Ariel in the party, and be on the defensive. When she try to suck you in, swim away (but not too far from the face) and when she stops, go back and smack her. The same goes to that horizontal fiery attack. Just Merman Kick away from it then rush in to attack her. Once she starts the "This won't be pretty!" technique, be very, VERY careful. I don't know about you but I let Ariel and Goofy attack her while I swim aroun as bait. Of course, they will die occasionally but I let them be revived automatically. Might be long, takes about 20 minutes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After sealing the ever elusive keyhole in Ariel's Grotto, you can now fly to a new world. At least, head back to Traverse Town again to stock some potions and useful items if you want. ============================================================================= [2.10] Halloween Town ============================================================================= From where you are, head to the Guillotine Plaza. Go to the laboratory after a cut-scene, and you're asked to find Memory. Then, head to the Graveyard to find Sally with the Memory. Return to lab to give the item to the doctor, then back to the Graveyard again. Open the coffin to enter to a new area. Talk to the Mayor, then play a mini-game where you'll have to choose the right tombstone according to the order where the ghosts appear. Take Jack-in- the-Box, back to the lab, give it away, cut-scene, Graveyard, Boneyard and to Moonlight Hill. Activate the tombstone at the foot of the curly thing, and then head to the Bridge to fight more Heartless than ever. Head to Oogie's Manor and go all the way up to Evil Playroom. Save beforehand. The three kids are simple, so just attack, attack and attack. Activate the lever, head all the way down to the foot of the tower and left at the main door (you'll need to do some hunting around here). Then go inside the Torture Chamber. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Oogie Boogie - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare from childhood? He's actually quite easy if you know what to do. Dodge all his attacks as much as possible, and keep your party alive at all cost to make this battle easier. Wait until the lights start glowing and hit the switch when you're at the same side as mean Oogie. If you do it correctly, you'll end up at the same portion as Oogie Boogie so smash him around. Repeat. Oogie dies. Not. I don't know whether this is the second form or not, as his whole mansion collapses and he begin transforming into the ugliest beast alive, but probably Ursula bags that prize. Attack the seven dark orbs that he has on his body, you'll need to do some climbing around and attacking the normal Heartless. Succeeding that will finish off Oogie for good. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As usual, save, then proceed back to Traverse Town to stock up. Then head over to the new world. ============================================================================= [2.11] Never Land ============================================================================= "I can fly! I can fly!". Not - at least, not at the moment. After some cut- scenes, Peter Pan's all yours for him to join your party, though he seem relunctant about it. Proceed all the way (a long way) to the Freezer, climb up and then to the Galley, and to the room above. Save, then activate the Trinity Tower (green) to get into the Captain's Cabin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Shadow Sora - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Sora can be quite tough. He basically use some Keyblade techniques, and after attacking and avoiding his attacks for sometime, he'll start using his image-splitting technique. That will be the time where you'll need consecutive tries to try and attack the real one. Other than that, he's not that hard to defeat. Winning this battle will earn you Raven's Claw. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examine the hatch and save here. Go back to the Captain's Cabin and exit through the other door. At the deck, watch the cut-scene and get your Cure upgraded to Cura. Then it's another boss fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Captain Hook - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- He's not alone, so fly around and attack the pirate ships and the rest that kept popping up, but at the same time, deliver some attacks toward Captain Hook. He can't fly, so use this advantage to attack him from above but be careful, you can't do much combos while flying. Anyway, he's easy to defeat so... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's the end of the battle, and another cut-scene shall land you at the Clock Tower. Fly around at the four sides of the clock tower and you'll noticed that one of them is set at the wrong time. Attack the hand responsible for the mistake repeatedly, and you should be able to set the clock to 12, hence revealing the keyhole (isn't this weird?). Sora will lock it, and apart from that, you'll get a Fairy Harp, the shared ability Glide and Tinkerbell as your summon. The only useful summons in the game would be only Bambi and Tinkerbell. According to Ryan Domingue: "In one of the doors (you have to search, but it's a bottom right) above the Big Ben, in Neverland, there is an Orichalcum. Also, after you have defeated Hook, you can go back to his ship, and in one of raven's nests (or whatever they're called, the things above deck at the top of the boat; they are round) there is a chest." --- Head back to Traverse Town and give Cid the new NaviGummi. He'll then upgrade it. Stock on items and before you proceed further, it's recommended that you join in the tournaments at Coliseum, if you want. Anyhow, warp to Neverland and Normal Drive to the new mysterious area. ============================================================================= [2.12] Hollow Bastion ============================================================================= At Rising Falls, save at the save point and proceed all the way up by gliding through from platform to platform. A cut-scene will ensue and you'll be separated from Donald and Goofy again, armed with the measly wooden sword that _will not_ hurt any Heartless at all. But fear not as Beast joined your team. Proceed forward to reach the Castle Gates. Turn right and hit the red switch, then take the elevator down. Here, almost everything would have the same procedure. Go to the bubble thingy which will bring you to the new area. Activate switches after switches, go new areas until you snapped on the final switch which should unlock the main gate. Head all the way back to the elevator that you came from and head all the way up. Go to the double doors, cut-scene and a boss fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Riku - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beast now leaves you, but you'll get back Donald and Goofy plus your Keyblade. Attack him repeatedly, dodge attacks, attack, dodge, heal, attack, dodge, etc. He's quite easy really. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that battle, you'll gain the final Trinity ability, Trinity Touch (white). Climb the stairs and head to the left to the Library. Here, it's a puzzle for you to solve which involves taking the misplaced books and putting them at the right place. Should be very easy. Once all the books are in place, hit the switch, save and through the unlocked door. At the next area, you'll need to get 4 emblem pieces. One can be obtained by activating the red Trinity, the second Emblem obtained by breaking those pots at the sides of the statues, the third Emblem can be obtained by casting Fire on all the candles, and the final Emblem can be obtained by pushing a particular statue. You can also cast Thunder on some plaque to activate two moving platforms. Take all the Emblems and place them at the door in the middle (the same floor as the entrance to the Library). You'll get to the Lift Stop but avoid it at the moment, as they just bring you to items (if you intend to take them, then go ahead; the switch is to change the direction of the moving elevator). The road here's pretty straight, snap onto the switches and head all the way above, pass Castle Gates, Great Crest, High Tower and finally into Great Chapel. Nasty little Maleficent appears. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Maleficent - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ooh. Attack her repeatedly and when her platform that she's standing on gets too high, attack it as well to bring it down. Avoid her magical attacks, as well as those useless normal Heartless enemies (slash down a few if you want). Quite easy, so keep slashing her and heal when your life's low. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save, then proceed through. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Maleficent (Dragon) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- She gets ugly fast, but still not as ugly as poor Ursula. Call out Tinkerbell and cast Aero on yourself, also on your party members if possible. Then, keep the slashing at her head, and avoid her attacks if possible (which is hardly possible, since you're keeeping a close-range). She's quite easy for me, and I hardly need to avoid her attacks as Tinkerbell keep healing me; also make sure to keep an eye on your life bar so that you can heal yourself manually if Tinkerbell didn't manage to heal your life too soon. You'll obtain Fireglow, the final summon gem after the battle. ------Final Mix-------------------------------------------------------------- In Final Mix, this gets INSANELY tough. Very, very tough. I don't really have any 'proper' tips on fighting her but there is one easy, 'cowardly' way, as Keyblade Master puts it (thanks man!). At the start, head right and jump on the tree branch. Make sure you can get a good look at Maleficent. Lock on to her and tap Triangle repeatedly to make Beast (you must have him in your party) and Goofy attack. If they die, leave them be (or heal them if you want to, but that'll be a waste of Potions and MP) until they are revived. You are VIRTUALLY safe on that tree branch, but once she starts her 'green homing balls' technique, dodge roll to the left and right to avoid them. And yeah, I forgotten, SUMMON TINKERBELL at all costs. Once her life gets down to a tiny, pathetic bit (which, as I had said, will take sometime), drop down (if you want) and smack the living darkness out of her. And she's dead. This takes about 20 minutes but it's better than trying an hour of repeated tries in trying to defeat her. Good luck! Here's a strategy from Tuesday Mirracolai: "I read your FAQ on Kingdom Hearts, it's really, REALLY helpful. And free :). Anyway, I beat maleficent as the dragon really easily in Final Mix. First off, fill your items slots with Ethers and two Hi-Potions. Equip the Spellbinder keychain and go into the black and purple swirl-hole-thing(duh). As soon as the battle starts, run around maleficent until you find a branch that you can stand under it blocks most of the attacks). Then summon Simba. Charge the meter-thing all the way up and keep doing that until he goes away. Then summon Genie. Lock on to the dragon and repeatedly press "Showtime" until the Genie goes away. Then summon Dumbo and spray Maleficent's head until you fall off of Dumbo. By this time Maleficent should be almost dead. Run back to your spot and summon Tinkerbell. Lock on to the dragon's head and attack until she's dead. It's that simple! I hope someone finds this useful. It worked for me. Oh, if it won't let you summon, make sure you party is alive." Additional help from Rebekah Mason: "I've found the best and easiest way to beat Maleficent in her dragon form in to jump up on her back and stay in between her wings then cast your most powerful spell on her (I used Firaga). Make sure your party is equiped with lots of ethers and change the settings on Donald and Goofy (or Beast) to use MP items constantly. Also make sure that Donald, Goofy, or Beast have the ability to recover from KO status quickly. This way you can concentrate on Maleficent instead of healing the rest of your party. If you get knocked off, which will happen occasionally, just jump back on. You avoid her bitting attack, as well as her earthquake-like attack. If you have scan equiped, wait until she drops to her green bar and then some then slash like crazy at her." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to where you came from, and save. Prepare some Potions for the upcoming boss battle. Head through the door and pass the princesses in captive until you reach a very long cut-scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Riku (Ansem) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- He's tough, _very_ tough, and I mean it. I usually won't say tough unless it is indeed difficult. I lost to this guy more than five times, watching the cut-scene over and over again till I practically could memorize the entire dialogue that went through the cut-scene. The mistake I've done is by not using Glide. In the beginning, slash all the way you want; you might also want to use Arcanum on him, but I still recommend the normal slash-and-slash. Wait until he mutters something and begins attacking (usually dashing madly). I did a horrible mistake by dodge-rolling, which fails miserably here as he is quite fast. The only thing you can do is _glide_. Glide over him and hover around and when you see the chance, land down, jump and glide again until he stops. When he did stop, attack him repeatedly; you might want to deflect his sword attacks by pressing the Square button only. Repeat all the above and you should be able to defeat him. Beating him will let you have the ability Ragnarok. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once that's over, you'll watch a cut-scene and Sora will transform into a Shadow. Make your way all the way down (jumping down is the best bet). You'll more than likely land into the water area, so take the elevator up and into the main entrance of the castle so that you'll enter Entrance Hall. Watch another cut-scene and Sora's back to normal. After all this, the Heartles in all worlds will be extremely difficult, but offering more experience points at the same time. At the same time, this is the time to fight the optional bosses, get all the items that you want in every world, complete the side-quests, levelling up, enter the tournaments at the Coliseum, etc. --- You'll be transported back to Traverse Town automatically, the secret base of the gang. Head to Mystical House to transform the newly acquired Fireglow to get your final summon, Mushu (from Mulan; he's that tiny dragon that likes to crack up jokes). Now head to the Sewers where Leon and Aerith were there previously (now Kairi's there), and examine the sun painting on the wall to get a NaviGummi. Before you leave, a cut-scene should appear between Sora and Kairi. Sora will then get a Keychain, Oathkeeper. Go back to Cid and let him fix the NaviGummi on your Gummi Ship. It's best now to do everything you want to do, because you're rather close to finish the game at this part. Use the new warp hole to go to Hollow Bastion. --- From where you are, go all the way to the Library for a cut-scene. Now, go all the way to the Grand Hall where you fought Riku (Ansem) before. Go to the dark keyhole to fight against another boss (?). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Behemoth - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know whether this beast can be considered as a boss, as you'll fight with him lots of times to come after this. Anyway, cast Aero on yourself and jump onto its body; you might not succeed if it's moving, so jump onto its legs, followed by his body. Lock on his head and attack it repeatedly. Try not to fall but if you do, just climb onto its body again and attack. It's quite easy really, but your partners will be so stupid (Donald and Goofy, obviously) that they'll keep staying down below Behemoth's head and get hurt tremendously, so heal them constantly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that the keyhole of Hollow Bastion is finally locked, you can now proceed even further to the game. Talk to Aerith repeatedly in the Library to get four Ansem reports and an upgrade to Cure (to Curaga). Talking to Belle will enable you to obtain the Divine Rose, a Keychain for Sora. Save and get on the Gummi Ship to the final destination. ============================================================================= [2.13] End of the World ============================================================================= From where you are, you will see item boxes scattered around. Most of the time, touching or opening them will initiate a battle against new Heartless monsters such as the Envy Devils, that are quite tough if you haven't level up properly. It is recommended that you complete Hades Cup before you come here, because I was around level 55-60 when I reached here, dealing massive damage to them easily. Anyway, whether you take those items or not, go all the way to the end at the vortex to reach another area. Here, for approximately nine areas onwards, you'll encounter the save stuff. There will be a red beam which you should jump in, and it'll bring you to previous worlds where you'll need to defeat all the enemies that appear. You can also get an item in a treasure box but that's optional. The worlds that you'll go through will be according to this order: Traverse Town Wonderland Olympus Coliseum Deep Jungle Agrabah Atlantica Halloween Town Never Land 100 Acre Wood ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Chernabog - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luckily, you can fly. Just lock on and smack him repeatedly, preferably that you cast Aero (hopefully it'll be at least Aerora now...) on yourself. Attack him with all you got, even though you might not hurt him a tiny bit, 'cause it's still that 'invisible shield' situation (like in the tough boss fights in the tournaments in Coliseum, Hades will be a good example) where you need to deliver a certain damage in order to really hurt it. You'll gain the shared ability SuperGlide after this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, go inside the volcano and go portal after portal and Heartless after Heartless. It's possible you could die fighting those Heartless so keep your health up at all times. Then, you'll finally reach your final save point at Final Rest. It's best to do everything you want to do now, side quests and all, as you won't be able to do it anymore after proceeding. Which means that you'll need to stock up tons of all your best items since you're not going to use them anyway (like Elixirs, Mega-Ethers, etc) after completing the game. Oh yeah, and make sure you have at least 30 minutes to spare for the upcoming boss fights. Before you regret it, make sure you fulfil the requirement to view the secret 'ending' later: 100 Acre Wood locked All 99 Dalmations found All the four tournaments at the Coliseum completed (including Hades Cup) Examine the door twice. It'll bring you back to Destiny Islands. Enter the cave with Sora's and Kairi's drawing on the cave walls to initiate a cut- scene. Find Riku...erm, Ansem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Ansem (First Form) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- He's not that easy and not that tough, but it's annoying with that Darkside protecting him and disturbing you by 'capturing' you for a short moment. Dash after him and attack with what you got; your partners will be almost hopeless except for cracked yells of "Sora!" which meant healing for you. Cast Aeroga on yourself too, it'll be very useful. Other than that, there are nothing else to say 'bout him... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now's the time to prepare your final stocking up and preparation; ignore your partners as they won't be participating at the next one. Anyway, walk to the place that appear quite suddenly on the island. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Darkside - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- He's absolutely toughened up, so heal often but otherwise, technique remain the same. Attack his hand, avoid attacks, Aeroga, attack, avoid, attack, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Ansem (Second Form) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tougher since your partners are gone, and they won't be able to support you at this battle. Use the same strategy as above; Ansem has one or two new moves but otherwise, he remains the same with the annoying Darkside. Remember to HEAL constantly, and cast AEROGA on yourself. Use Elixirs if you're running out of HP and MP. Avoid his attacks by dodge-rolling. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Ansem (Finale) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh yes, the longest battle ever, but he's not _that_ tough, comparing with fighting with Sephiroth... Stay near his hideous face and smack it. Almost the same strategy applies here, cast Aeroga, attack, heal. After that, you'll be in total darkness, but enemies will attack you (since they're darkness, it'll be impossible to see them). Keep locking on those Heartless and whack away, producing plenty of HP and MP balls for you to replenish your life and MP bar. Once finish, hit that thing at the end. At the next part, attack it repeatedly, together with things that started to sprout on its body. Once you defeat it, head into that vortex of darkness again. Here, you'll encounter Goofy so rejoice and start to protect him by attacking the countless of Heartless that appear. It is recommended that you cast Aeroga on both of you. Hit that thingy again at the end. Now, smack that evil head again, and whack the sprouting things. Vortex, Donald, Aeroga, attack Heartless, thingy at the end. Get it? Ah...now's the real final battle, so keep the word 'finale' fixed on your mind. Use all the Elixirs you want since you won't need it anymore, and now attack his sorry face. With Donald and Goofy, it should be a no problem but keep their lives as well as Sora's life up all the time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tada! Anticipate the next fireworks, the ending and credits. You earned it. But wait! If you had successfully completed all the following: 100 Acre Wood locked All 99 Dalmations found All the four tournaments at the Coliseum completed (including Hades Cup) You'll be able to view a secret ending, called 'Another Side, Another Story' which has been the most controversial topic around lately, saying that it's a preview for a Kingdom Hearts 2. Pray for it to appear. ---Final Mix ---------------------------------------------------------------- The secret ending for Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix is entitled 'Another Side, Another Story [deep dive]'. It is a longer version than the one in Kingdom Hearts, and well worth getting, as it has many interesting parts in it. Refer to [5.2] Secret Ending (SPOILERS AHEAD!), ii. Another Side, Another Story [deep dive]. ---Final Mix ---------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <3> S i d e Q u e s t s <3> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ============================================================================= [3.1] 100 Acre Wood ============================================================================= This world is located at the book in Merlin's house. Pages scattered around the worlds will be used to open up more locations (unlike what some people say, the pages do not open up other pages, just more locations on those two pages). Below is the Torn Page locations: Agrabah: Located in the Dark Chamber at the Cave of Wonders, in a treasure chest. Monstro: You'll need to have the ability Glide here. In Chamber 6, one of the high platforms. Atlantica: Ariel's Grotto, somewhere in those shelves. Halloween Town: In the bookshelf at Research Lab. Traverse Town: Acquire at least 51 Dalmations, then go to the Dalmations House to recieve a gift of the Torn Page. Each page will open up a new location, as well as a mini-game. The final mini-game would be finding Pooh's friends (which took me more than 10 minutes). Finally, after completing all mini-games, there would be a touching moment between Pooh and friends and Sora, and hence, the world is locked. ============================================================================= [3.2] 99 Dalmations ============================================================================= I'd like to credit Mogg13-42 and asa2377's FAQ for this! Check out their FAQ too. ^^ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #01-03 | - Traverse Town - In a chest on a platform behind the Magician's | | Study. (Requires Glide to reach.) | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #04-06 | - Traverse Town - Activate the red trinity mark behind the Item | | Shop. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #07-09 | - Traverse Town - In a chest at the Synthesis Shop | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #10-12 | - Traverse Town - Secret Waterway - In a chest located in front | | of the stairs going up | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #13-15 | - Wonderland - Queen's Castle - In the inverted Bizzare Room, | | release the lock to reveal an exit to the upper section of the | | castle. Open the treasure chest to get the puppies. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #16-18 | - Wonderland - Lotus Forest - Go to the section with 3 yellow | | mushrooms. Jump on them and make your way through the platforms.| | You should see a blue chest. Open it to get the puppies. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #19-21 | - Wonderland - Tea Party Garden - Use the exit behind the clock | | at the normal Bizzare Room to get to the upper section of Tea | | Party Garden. The puppies are in a red chest. (Requires Glide | | to reach.) | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #22-24 | - Olympus Coliseum - Coliseum Gates - Activate one of the blue | | trinity marks there to reveal a chest with the puppies. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #25-27 | - Deep Jungle - Hippo's Lagoon - Jump on the platforms on the | | water to get to the northmost area. Open the chest for the | | puppies. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #28-30 | - Deep Jungle - Vines 2 - Swing across the vines until you see a | | red treasure chest. Open it to get the puppies. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #31-33 | - Deep Jungle - Climbing Trees - Activate the blue trinity mark | | near the entrance to the Tree House. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #34-36 | - Deep Jungle - Camp - Activate the blue trinity mark there for a | | treasure chest with the puppies. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #37-39 | - Agrabah - Aladdin's House - Get these puppies from a chest | | there. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #40-42 | - Halloween Town - Bridge - In a chest on one of the small brown | | platforms. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #43-45 | - Neverland - Clock Tower - Get these from a green chest. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #46-48 | - Agrabah - Palace Gates - In one of the chests on top of the | | buildings. (Requires High Jump to reach.) | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #49-51 | - Agrabah - Cave of Wonders - Entrance - In a blue chest on top | | of a pedestal. (Requires Glide to reach.) | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #52-54 | - Agrabah - Cave of Wonders - Treasure Room - Have Aladdin in | | your party and use the "Call" special command to get these | | puppies from a chest. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #55-57 | - Monstro - Chamber 3 - In a chest on a platform. (Requires High | | Jump to reach.) | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #58-60 | - Wonderland - Queen's Castle - Use the alternate entrance to | | Bizzare Room at the upper sections of Lotus Forest. You'll be | | in the kitchen. There, turn the faucet to fill the pot with | | water. Exit through the pot to get to the upper section of the | | castle. Open the chest there for the puppies. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #61-63 | - Hollow Bastion - Grand Hall - In a green chest. Come back after | | you seal the keyhole here. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #64-66 | - Halloween Town - Moonlight Hill - Go through the door beside | | the elevator platform. The one that was once shut tight. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #67-69 | - Halloween Town - Guillotine Square - Check under the stairs of | | the house with a door bell. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #70-72 | - Halloween Town - Guillotine Square - In a chest inside a large | | wooden jack-o'-lantern. Use the first-person view and look up | | to see it. (Requires Glide to reach.) | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #73-75 | - Monstro - Mouth - In one of the many chests that becomes | | accessible after the water-level drops. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #76-78 | - Monstro - Chamber 3 - At the upper section, place a barrel in | | front of the platform above. Jump on the barrel and onto the | | platform to get a chest with these puppies. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #79-81 | - Monstro - Chamber 5 - At the upper section. Located on top of a | | barrel. (Requires High Jump to reach.) | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #82-84 | - Neverland - Ship Hold - Fly and you'll see a chest on a | | platform. Open that one to get these puppies. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #85-87 | - Neverland - Ship Hold - Activate the yellow trinity mark at the | | door. Get these puppies from a chest inside. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #88-90 | - Neverland - Captain's Quarters - On top of a bed. | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #91-93 | - Hollow Bastion - Rising Falls - Drop off from any of the | | platforms to find a chest with these puppies in the water | -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #94-96 | - Hollow Bastion - Castle Gates - Activate the elevator here and | | ride it to the orange platform. There, you should see a chest | | above you. Cast whichever Gravity magic you have to get it down.| -------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| #96-99 | - Hollow Bastion - High Tower - You should see a chest on a small | | platform above you. Cast whichever Gravity magic you have to | | get it down. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i. Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix New Dalmations Locations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'd love to thanks enigmaopoeia for finding out about this from a source: http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~tororonn/king/f101.html ^^ I elaborated in a greater detail for some of the obscure locations, thanks to Keyblade Master and Xenoserphia of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board ^^. Thanks guys! Without you three, I would have never obtain all of them. ^^ Puppies 37, 38, 39: Agrabah. Before the King's Palace. Puppies 40, 41, 42: Halloween Town. Check the remains of Oogie Boogie's Mansion. Puppies 43, 44, 45: Neverland. On the deck of the Pirate Ship. Puppies 46, 47, 48: Agrabah. In the Hidden Room of the Cave Of Wonders. Puppies 52, 53, 54: In Agrabah, there are 3 main screens. The treasure chest with Dalmatians is in the 3rd screen. You can see the palace gates in this screen. The chest is located on the left corner of the screen. You'll need to double jump to get it. On the left side, there are 2 treasure chests. It's in the red colour one. Thanks zhenjock for the info! ^^ Puppies 58, 59, 60: Wonderland. Lotus Forest. Head to the Bizarre Room (the one with the picture that leads you to a Trinity Mark), go inside the picture, then cast Thunder on the string of yellow flowers. Thanks Xenoserphia! Puppies 67, 68, 69: Halloween Town. The Hill where you can see the Moon [Which is surrounded by pumpkins and has that "curl".]. Puppies 76, 77, 78: Monstro. Abdomen 6. Puppies 97, 98, 99: Hallow Bastion. Truck Bus Stop [Entering from the Library.]. This is actually the secret room that you unlocked when completing that 'bookcase maze'. The room is located on the second floor of the Library, and you should cast Gravity on it to bring it down. Then, open the chest. [Thanks Keyblade Master! ^^] ============================================================================= [3.3] Trinity Marks Locations ============================================================================= Thanks to Mogg13-42 and asa2377's FAQ again for this! ^^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLUE TRINITIES (17 TOTAL) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | - Traverse Town - Near World Exit (1st District) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 2. | - Traverse Town - In front of Cafe (1st District) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 3. | - Traverse Town - Located near the place where a cord is sticking | | out (3rd District) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 4. | - Traverse Town - Magician's Study (3rd District) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 5. | - Wonderland - Lotus Forest | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 6. | - Wonderland - Lotus Forest | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 7. | - Olympus Coliseum - Coliseum Gates (near entrance to Lobby) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 8. | - Olympus Coliseum - Coliseum Gates (near entrance to Lobby) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 9. | - Deep Jungle - Camp (near exit to Hippo's Lagoon) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 10. | - Deep Jungle - Climbing Trees (near entrance to Tree House) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 11. | - Agrabah - Bazaar | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 12. | - Agrabah - Cave of Wonders - Silent Chamber | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 13. | - Monstro - Chamber 5 | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 14. | - Monstro - Mouth (after water level changes) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 15. | - Monstro - Throat | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 16. | - Hollow Bastion - Waterway | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 17. | - Hollow Bastion - Great Crest | --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RED TRINITIES (6 TOTAL) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | - Traverse Town - Behind Item Shop (1st District) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 2. | - Traverse Town - Go up the ladder behind the Gizmo Shop | | (2nd District) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 3. | - Traverse Town - Alleyway - In water (2nd District) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 4. | - Agrabah - Cave of Wonders - Treasure Room | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 5. | - Halloween Town - Oogie's Manor | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 6. | - Hollow Bastion - Entrance Hall (2nd floor) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREEN TRINITIES (9 TOTAL) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | - Traverse Town - Accessory Shop (1st District) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 2. | - Wonderland - Rabbit Hole | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 3. | - Wonderland - Bizzare Room - Fireplace | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 4. | - Olympus Coliseum - Coliseum Gates | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 5. | - Deep Jungle - Vines (somewhere among the platforms)/Treetop | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 6. | - Agrabah - Storage | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 7. | - Monstro - Mouth - On top of ship (requires Glide to reach) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 8. | - Neverland - Ship Cabin | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 9. | - Hollow Bastion - Library (2nd floor) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW TRINITIES (4 TOTAL) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | - Traverse Town - Behind Magician's Study (3rd District) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 2. | - Olympus Coliseum - Lobby | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 3. | - Agrabah - Cave of Wonders - Hall (near the rolling boulder) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 4. | - Neverland - Ship Hold | --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHITE TRINITIES (10 TOTAL) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | - Traverse Town - Secret Waterway (2nd District) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 2. | - Wonderland - Lotus Forest (go through the painting at Bizzare | | Room) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 3. | - Olympus Coliseum - Coliseum Gates | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 4. | - Deep Jungle - Waterfall Cavern (in the cave with the keyhole) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 5. | - Agrabah - Cave of Wonders - Entrance | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 6. | - Monstro - Chamber 6 (lower section) | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 7. | - Atlantica - Triton's Palace | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 8. | - Halloween Town - Moonlight Hill | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 9. | - Neverland - Ship Deck | ----|---------------------------------------------------------------------| 10. | - Hollow Bastion - Rising Falls | --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i. Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix New Trinity Mark Location ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Er, there's only 1 new Red Trinity Mark location. Can you guess which? Obviously the one in Halloween Town (the one which you CANNOT obtain after Oogie's Manor is destroyed. The location of the Red Trinity Mark had been moved. Simply head towards where Oogie Boogie's Manor _was_, then look at the gate. There should be a treasure chest on top of the gate that you cannot get. Near it (on the right side of the gate) should be a Red Trinity Mark for you to knock the chest down. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <4> F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please read through this if you have any questions. Of course, spoilers can never be avoided. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - How do I get to [insert world here]? There's a question mark on it and no matter what button I pressed, it won't let me go there! Help! - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You had mostly tried to warp there. Instead, warp to the nearest world to the particular world you'd like to go (ie: you want to go to Hollow Bastion, so warp to Neverland), then NORMAL DRIVE there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - What do the [insert Spell here] Arts from the White Mushrooms do? - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have all seven Spell Arts (Fire, Water, Lightning, Cure, Gravity, Aero and Stop), go back to Merlin's house and talk to him. He should give you the Dream Shield for Goofy. Note that this is weaker than Save the King, which is Goofy's strongest weapon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - How do you unlock Hades Cup? - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You should be able to unlock it AFTER you LOCKED Hollow Bastion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I completed Hollow Bastion, but Hades Cup is still not available in the Coliseum! - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I said LOCKED, not COMPLETED. What you had probably done so far is just defeating Maleficent, Dragon Maleficent and Riku (Ansem) and then return to Traverse Town. After defeating Behemoth, you should lock Hollow Bastion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - How do I reattach the Torn Pages? I got all of them and the pages didn't attach at all! - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perhaps there's a little miscommunication. 'Torn Pages' doesn't mean they have to be reattached, as in more pages appearing. The pages reattach themselves somehow as NEW LOCATIONS on the book. You can not, however, get all the new locations at once. You must first complete the first mini-game (help Pooh get his hunny), then proceed to the newly available location. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - What's the second strongest weapon? I don't want to get Ultima Weapon, the requirements are too high! [This is true in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix] - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The second strongest you'll get would be Oblivion, obtainable in Hollow Bastion after revisiting it for the second time. For Final Mix however, it will be the Divine Rose. O.o Yes, I know you might say it's weaker than Oblivion but that's the truth, since Oblivion got downgraded. Divine Rose has a shorter range than Oblivion but far more powerful. Even the new weapons Diamond Dust and One-Winged Angel is far weaker than the 'supreme' Divine Rose. *vomits* Personally, I don't really like Divine Rose, but I won't bother collecting about 20 items to obtain Ultima Weapon (in KHFM). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I don't know where to go [insert place here]! Please help! - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you read carefully in my FAQ? If you still can't find a solution to your problem, please e-mail other FAQ authors, or post a message at GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts message board. They're sure to help you, unless you're rude. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I can't lock Monstro! Does that mean I can't meet the requirements to view the secret ending? - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can never lock Monstro. After all, he's a whale. I wonder where that keyhole could be...^^ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I can't get to Monstro again! And I missed dalmations/trinity marks/items there! - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can get back there. Although I had replied to some e-mails that they are random (and more on luck), Mogg13-42 and asa2377's FAQ stated that "Aboard your Gummy Ship, use the RED portal located southeast of Olympia Coliseum. Once you're in control of your ship, keep flying! (Be sure to go through the portal! Don't skip it!) You'll meet up with Monstro eventually." For KHFM players, Monstro is no longer randomly available. ^^ Thanks to Squaresoft, you can get to him as easily as any other worlds. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - How do I get the Yellow Trinity? - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete Hercules Cup in the Coliseum. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I want to finish the game but I'd like to know whether you can save after completing it? Should I do the sidequests first? - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- No, you CANNOT save after completing the game. The final savepoint would be at Final Rest, End of the World. It depends on you whether you'd like to do the sidequests first. As for me, I defeat him first, watch the ending then try and get everything else. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - What is Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix? Everyone's been talking about it lately! - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's basically an enhanced version of the US version of Kingdom Hearts. This is ONLY available in Japan though. It is NOT a sequel. This game has new scenes, a new secret ending, new enemies, new abilities, new weapons, fixed camera and new bosses. This is probably why everyone (including me ^^) has been going crazy about it. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <5> M i s c e l l a n e o u s <5> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ============================================================================= [5.1] Lyrics ============================================================================= Here are the lyrics to the theme of Kingdom Hearts: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go You're giving me too many things Lately, you're all I need You smiled at me and said, Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to meet your father? When we are older you'll understand What I meant when I said "No, I don't think life is quite that simple" When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go [so simple and clean] The daily things [like this and that and what is what] That keep us all busy Are confusing me That's when you came to me and said, Wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have to walk on water? When we are older you'll understand It's enough when I say so And maybe some things are that simple When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Simple and Clean (PLANITb Remix) by Utada Hikaru -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Spoken: I've been having these weird thoughts lately. Like, is any of this for real... or not? You're giving me Too many things lately You're all I need You smiled at me And said "Don't get me wrong or nothing But does that mean I have to meet your father? When we are older you will understand What I meant when I said no." I don't think life is quite that simple When you walk away You don't hear me say "Please, oh baby Don't go." Simple and clean is the way you are making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go Hold me Whatever words we yelled this morning It's a little late and old Regardless of warnings The future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before Hold me Whatever words we yelled this morning It's a little late and old Regardless of warnings The future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hikari by Utada Hikaru -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= donna tokidatte tada hitoride unmei wasurete ikitekitanoni totsuzen no hikari no naka megasameru mayonakani shizukani deguchini tatte kurayami ni hikari wo ute imadoki yakusoku nante fuan ni saseru dakekana negai wo kuchi ni shitaidake sagasou kunimo shoukai suruyo kitto umaku ikuyo donna tokidatte zutto futaride donna tokidatte soba ni irukara kimi to iu hikari ga watashi wo mitsukeru mayonakani urusai toori ni haitte unmei no kamen wo tore saki wo mitooshi suginante imi no nai koto ha yamete kyou ha hoshii monomo tabeyouyo mirai wo zutto sakidayo bokunimo wakaranai kansei sasenaide motto yokushite one scene zutsu totte ikeba iikara kimi to iu hikari ga watashi no scenario utsushidasu motto hanasouyo mokuzen no ashita no koto mo terebi keshite watashi no koto dake wo miteiteyo donnani yokutatte shinji kirenaine sonna toki datte soba ni irukara kimi to iu hikari ga watashi wo mitsukeru mayonakani motto hanasouyo mokuzen no ashita no koto mo terebi keshite watashi no koto dake wo miteiteyo motto hanasouyo mokuzen no ashita no koto mo terebi keshite watashi no koto dake wo miteiteyo ============================================================================= [5.2] Secret Ending (SPOILERS AHEAD!) ============================================================================= I will write about the secret ending located in the two versions of Kingdom Hearts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i. Another Side, Another Story ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I typed this all by myself by downloading the secret ending and pausing it repeatedly. :P Of course, I won't be able to translate the Japanese text, so please bear with that. The ending starts with the words: -Special Secret- "Another side, Another story..." Thunder could be heard, ripples of water seen and the movie zooms in at a mysterious man (now known as Unknown) walking in the rain in the middle of a city. As he reached to the middle, tons of Neo-Shadows (new Heartless in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix) appear. The screen shifts rapidly between TWO (previously thought as the same person) Unknowns, the one preparing to fight Neo-Shadows and another Unknown wearing blindfold on top of the building. The Unknown took out two Keyblades (one of them apparently looked like Oblivion). A symbol of the Kingdom Hearts (or was it the Heartless? I'm not sure which) appears in bright pink on the ground, and the Neo-Shadows back away a little. The Unknown mimes some words (since no voice could be heard) with the text flashing across quickly and rapidly: "Where's Sora?" Door of light Behind the darkness HEARTLESS ENDLESS NOBODY ID [in Japanese text; this is the one I can remember from enigmaopoeia's post ^^] 13th Anthem/Ansem Report "This is the world in its true form" "We have come for you, My Liege" "You are the source of all Heartless." "Sora...Why?" "Who is Nobody you ask? They are the non-existent ones." "His voice, I don't hear it anymore." "Maybe our journey meant nothing after all." "Can we do it? Against that?" "Your Highness! But why!" "Is this the answer you've been looking for?" "What is this place!?" "Sora?" "You are not my concern!" "This time...I'll fight." "It's not over yet." "Sora" "What took you so long, Kairi?" It ends with a bright light, "We'll go together." And lastly, it showed a short clip of Kairi overlooking the sea with a meteor over the sky (it IS NOT Rikku, or Tifa, or whatever Final Fantasy female characters you can think of). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ii. Another Side, Another Story [deep dive] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since A LOT of people had e-mailed me about the requirements for [deep dive], I'm including the info below, thanks to Thorf (and his Ultimania revised guide) ^^. Bow before him. :P The conditions depend on what difficulty level you are playing the game on. Neither movie can be seen on Beginner mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Mix ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Secret Movie (Another Side, Another Story) - Finish the story on all worlds - Rescue all of the 101 Dalmatians Final Mix Secret Movie (Another Side, Another Story [deep dive] - Fulfil the conditions for the Original Secret Movie - Complete the Jiminy Memo section so that a yellow Mickey icon appears Finishing the story on all the worlds presumably entails following the story to the end on each world, i.e. locking all the keyholes and finishing the Jiminy Memo Story So Far section, so that you get the yellow Mickey icon for it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Mix: Proud ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Secret Movie (Another Side, Another Story) - Just finish the game; no special conditions Final Mix Secret Movie (Another Side, Another Story [deep dive] - Finish the story on all worlds - Win the normal round of the Hades Cup [deep dive] is completely transcripted by myself. It involves a painstaking process of recording it and pausing A LOT of times to view the obscure and fast parts of the ending. Therefore, you _may not_ use this on any website or FAQ without giving me proper credit ^^. Sorry, hope it's not too much to ask. ^^ There are many important words and quotations that appear in [deep dive]. I had already added in the Japanese Kanji/Kana, though I am not entirely sure whether it could be 100% correct. - The second secret ending for Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix starts with the words: Special Secret Movie Another Side, Another Story [deep dive] - The first scene shows Sora standing in the middle of four crossed roads, followed by the following words: 無音の空気 Utter silence - Then the scene shifts to a bottle lying on the water: 断にの物語 A fragmented tale 君のいない世界 A world without you 目を閉じる The eyes will close - Unknown walks out from a rock, with glowing eyes. ―当たり前なこと― Something so natural - Unknown walks in the rain, with ripples of water around (this is the scene from Another Side, Another Story). Neo-Shadows surround him; he fights them with his dual Keyblades, Oblivion and Oathkeeper while twisting his body around in this cool battle scene. その先の記憶 The memory beyond - He slashed away with his 2 Keyblades (and even kicked one Neo-Shadow away), then jumped onto the facade of the building. A brief shot of Kairi can be seen on a TV on top of a building. ―単純な答え― Something so simple - He then ran across on the side of the building while slashing the Heartless away. The camera zooms to the blindfolded Unknown. XIII 「ンラは何処だ?」 "Where's Sora?" 「彼を見つけなければ・・・」 "We must find him..." - Unknown throws the spinning Keyblade, slashing the Neo-Shadows coming towards him from the opposite direction. (Xenoserphia noted that he also took out the third Keyblade, the Kingdom Key.) The blindfolded Unknown jumped down. 12 法則 [裏アンセムポート] 「無知力ゝら生まわし創造」 [Ansem's other report] "A creation born of ignorance." - The blindfolded Unknown caught the flying Keyblade, Oblivion. (The words below passed very quickly, so I'm not completely sure whether it's right but I can guarantee you it's 95% correct ^^) 11 闇の裏側≠光の厳 Behind the darkness ≠ Door to light - The two of the Unknowns met, passing each other as the time moves slowly. X 祕蜜の場所 「ずつと聞こえていた彼の声が消えたの」 「今度は・・・私が戦う」 The secret place "His voice... It's left me." "This time... I'll fight." - As they passed each other, the blindfolded Unknown head down while the other went up. Brief symbol of the Kingdom Hearts in pink can be seen. 9 挟間の世界=忘れられし場所 集いし者達 A world between = A forgotten world The gathering VIII 第3の敵=NOBODY「ノーバディ・・・?存在しない者」 The third enemy = Nobody. "Who is Nobody you ask? They are the non-existent ones." - Then it briefly shows a scene of Sora floating in the introduction of Kingdom Hearts. VII --- ENDLESS --- 「力イリ遅かったな」 「やれるか?この数」 ENDLESS "What took you so long, Kairi?" "Can we do it? Against that?" - Flashes of Unknown, Sora falling, Riku and Kairi could be seen. Then is shows Unknown walking to another Unknown (don't know which is which). HEARTLESS 「お迎えに参りました、我らか主人よ」 「あなたこそが全てのハートレスの起源なのです」 HEARTLESS "We have come for you, My Liege." "You are the source of all Heartless." - Briefly shows Kairi reaching out. The below words will have scenes of the blindfolded Unknown and the other Unknown passed each other slowly. It also shows extremely briefly the (future) Kairi at the beach. 6 [XII機関] [The Thirteenth Order] Metamorphosis --- 変身:変貌 --- 「ソラ?」 「なぜなんだソラ」 「王様!なぜなんです?」 "Sora?" "Sora... Why?" "Your Highness? But why?" 5 -- 変化--------第3の鍵 Change The third key - The words below flash across extremely quickly. ----------- 闇の裏側≠光の厳 ----------- Behind the darkness ≠ Door to the light 4 この世の果て 「何なんだ!ここは!?」 「これが求めていた答えなのか?」 「これが真実の世界」 「俺たちのやってきたこと輪無意味だったのかもしれない」 End of the world "What is this place?" "Is this the answer you've been looking for?" "This is the world in its true form." "Maybe our journey meant nothing after all." - A flash of Kairi; Unknown falling down from the building. Briefly shows the Kingdom Hearts symbol in pink. 3 --- 楽園 --- Paradise - A short flash of four pictures of (possibly different) Unknown. The first picture shows the Unknown coming out from a rock (with glowing eye), the blindfolded Unknown on top of the building, the Unknown fighting Neo-Shadows and finally the Unknown looking out to the sea (the picture just shows his back). 一緒に行こう "We'll go together." - Then it shows: II - And an Unknown spins down from a building, with noticeable protruding round ears and a Kingdom Key. It's Mickey, with that (perhaps) evil look in his eyes. KINGDOM HEARTS - Followed by the subtitles in Japanese. 「彼に会って来た」 - Unknown walking to another Unknown that was sitting down, with the moon in the horizon. The Unknown who sat down mimes some words. (The Japanese words below are in subtitles) "He looks just like you." 「彼は君に艮く似ている」 - Sora's body fly across the raging sea. "Everything is coming back to me, the true..." 「思い出し始めたんだ、本当の・・・」 And so ends [deep dive]. If Kingdom Hearts 2 or whatever the sequel named is going to be released, it sure will have a dark storyline. With Xenoserphia and Keyblade Master's theories (emphasis on THEORIES, to note that this is uncertain), there could be a future Sora and a future Riku, with possibly a future Mickey. And the girl on the beach in Another Side, Another Side can be (obviously) future Kairi. ^^ And the three Unknowns are notably to be dark counterparts than Sora, Riku and Mickey. But note, DO NOT send me any theories of yours. So far, the possibilities point to 5 different Unknowns available, as the four pictures that appear in [deep dive] depicted: the Unknown coming out from a rock with glowing eye, the blindfolded Unknown on top of the building, the Unknown fighting Neo-Shadows and the Unknown looking out towards the sea (as shown in the end of [deep dive]. The fifth one is obviously Mickey. O.o -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <6> F i n a l M i x 「ファイナルミックス」 <6> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In this section, I referred to Enigmaopoeia's Final Mix FAQ. And also THANKS A LOT to Thorf, who gave me permission to use some of the Final Mix info below. ^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i. New Weapons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A big, big thanks to Thorf for the information below. :D -= Sora / Keyblades =- - Diamond Dust 「ダイヤモンドダスト」 Attack Power: +3 Maximum MP: +3 Critical Rate: x1 Critical Adjustment: 0 Kick: 1 Size: Mid-length Obtained by defeating the Ice Titan in the Gold Match at the Olympus Coliseum. - One-Winged Angel「片翼の天使」 Attack Power: +8 Maximum MP: -2 Critical Rate: x0.5 Critical Adjustment: +16 Kick: 90 Size: Long Obtained by defeating Sephiroth in the Platinum Match at the Olympus Coliseum. -= Donald / Staffs =- - Fantasista 「ファンタジスタ」 Attack Power: +3 Maximum MP: +3 Critical Rate: x0 Kick: 30 Size: Long The 31st Item Synthesis item. - Meteo Strike 「メテオストライク」 Attack Power: +13 Critical Rate: x1 Critical Adjustment: +4 Kick: 90 Size: Long End of the World: Giant Crevasse, in a treasure chest. -= Goofy / Shields =- - Massive Bumper 「マッシブバンパー」 Attack Power: +15 Critical Rate: x0 Kick: 90 Size: Small End of the World: Neverland section, in a treasure chest. - Seven Elements 「セブンエレメンツ」 Attack Power: +4 Maximum MP: +3 Critical Rate: x0 Kick: 1 Size: Medium The 32nd Synthesis item. Thorf's post at the message board is really interesting, about the stats above so I'll include it here ^^: "Hey I was right! Critical Rate is of course the rate at which you do critical hits, 1 being the default value (naturally). This one is given as a multiplier, so x2 would mean twice as many criticals. Critical Adjustment (maybe I'll rename it to Critical Power Boost or something) is the amount of extra power a critical hit gives. Whoa, this means that One Winged Angel's description really wasn't kidding when it said it does critical hits less often but when they come they're extremely powerful!! Up until Final Mix, the most powerful Critical Power Boost was +4, and actually it was on quite a few of Sora's weapons: Fairy Harp, Wish Star, Power of Hero, Memories Past and Ultima Weapon. Donald's Critical Mace was the best weapon for Critical Power Boosts, with a whopping +9. But now, it has been reduced to +7 and all of Sora's have been reduced to +4. And along comes One Winged Angel with an absolutely astounding +16!!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ii. New Accessories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Firaga Wrist - Attack Power: + 2 Defence Power: + 2 Effect: Fire damage x 0.8 Buy in the Accessory Shop for 8000. - Blizzaga Wrist - Attack Power: + 2 Defence Power: + 2 Effect: Blizzard damage x 0.8 Buy in the Accessory Shop for 8000. - Thundaga Wrist - Attack Power: + 2 Defence Power: + 2 Effect: Thunder damage x 0.8 Buy in the Accessory Shop for 8000. - Black Ring - Attack Power: + 1 Buy in the Accessory Shop for 1000. - Moogle Badge - Maximum HP: + 6 Maximum MP: + 1 Maximum AP: + 2 Obtained through Item Synthesis. - Cosmic Arts - Maximum HP: + 9 Maximum MP: + 2 Maximum AP: + 2 Obtained through Item Synthesis. - Royal Crown - Maximum MP: + 2 Attack Power: - 3 Effect: Fire, Blizzard and Thunder damage x 0.8 Found in a chest in Hollow Bastion Tram Station. - Premium Cap - Attack Power: - 5 Defence Power: + 5 Hit a Pink Agaricus 100 times and it drops a Premium Cap. - Ifrit Belt - Attack Power: + 3 Effect: Fire damage x 0.6 Found in Agrabah's Magic Cave: Entrance. White Trinity. - Shiva Belt - Maximum MP: + 2 Effect: Blizzard damage x 0.6 Obtained at the Olympus Coliseum. Use Blizzaga to put out all the braziers. - Ramuh Belt - Maximum AP: + 2 Effect: Thunder damage x 0.6 Found in a chest in Hollow Bastion Tram Station. - EXP Pierce - Effect: Experience from enemies goes up by 20 % Obtained through Item Synthesis. - EXP Ring - Maximum MP: + 1 Effect: Experience from enemies goes up by 20 % Obtained upon completing the Pooh's Muddy Path minigame. - EXP Bracelet - Attack Power: - 2 Defence Power: - 2 Effect: Experience from enemies goes up by 30 % Obtained through Item Synthesis. - EXP Necklace - Maximum MP: + 2 Effect: Experience from enemies goes up by 30 % Obtained by defeating Unknown in Hollow Bastion. Players on Beginner Mode start the game with one of these. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iii. Weapons' Statistic Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To take Thorf in his words, ^^: "A few weapons have had their stats tweaked in Final Mix. In general, Critical Power and Attack Power have been lowered on Keyblades. Some weapons have had their Attack Power raised, though; mostly Staffs and Shields." -=Sora / Keyblades =- La Vie En Rose has overtaken Memories Past as the second most powerful Keyblade, although One Winged Angel is a rival for that position now too. Ultima Weapon remains the best with a power boost of its own, though its Critical Power takes a dive, as with all Sora's other + 4 weapons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fairy Harp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Critical Rate: x 1 > x 0.5 Critical Power: + 4 --> + 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wish Star ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Critical Power: + 4 --> + 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metal Chocobo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 10 --> + 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power of Hero ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 9 --> + 10 Critical Rate: x 1.5 --> x 1 Critical Power: + 4 --> + 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Resort ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 8 --> + 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Vie En Rose / Divine Rose / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 10 --> + 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memories Past ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Critical Power: + 4 --> + 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima Weapon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 12 --> + 14 Critical Power: + 4 --> + 2 -= Donald / Staffs =- It's power ups galore for Donald, with the only exceptions being Critical Mace and Rod of Dreams. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lord Fortune ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 6 --> + 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Critical Mace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 9 --> + 11 Critical Power: + 9 --> + 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wizard's Relic ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 5 --> + 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rod of Dreams ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 8 --> + 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save the Queen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 9 --> + 10 Goofy / Shields Less changes for Goofy: three attack power boosts and the Guard of Dreams gets a power down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genji's Shield ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 8 --> + 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defender ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 10 --> + 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guard of Dreams ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maximum MP: + 2 --> + 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save the King ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Power: + 10 --> + 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iv. Accessories' Statistic Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Three Stars - Defence Power: + 3 --> + 4 - Chaos Ring - Defence Power: + 1 --> + 2 - Rune Brace - Defence Power: + 1 --> + 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v. New Abilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to Thorf for some of the details below. - Slide Dash 「スライドダッシュ」 A very useful ability. Used to slide-attack enemy from a distance. Available in the earlier parts of the game. - Gravity Break 「グラビティブレーク」 - Hurricane Period 「ハリケーンピリオド」 - Ripple Drive 「リップルドライブ」 - Stun Impact 「スタンインパクト」 - Slap Shot 「スラップショット」 [sounds like a Blitzball move O.o] AP: 1 MP: 0 Type: Weapon attack Power: Same as Attack Power Critical Rate: 20% Critical Power: + 4 Reflect Enemy Attacks: Yes Kick: 0 When you Attack nearby enemies, Sora uses a fast up-swing attack. While moving, Sora strikes up and to the left. Enemies up above will also be hit by his attack. - Zantetsuken 「ザンテツケン」 Available after defeating Kurt Zisa. According to Xenoserphia, it will have a 30% chance dealing instant death to normal Heartless. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vi. New Gummi Ship Blueprints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Bahamut - Cerberus - Moogle - Tonberry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vii. New Scenes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Plenty of new scenes include Showdown of Fate, before and after fighting Unknown, flashbacks to the past (as seen in the early parts of the game, and after fighting Ansem...And finally, Another Side, Another Story [deep dive]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ viii. New Heartless ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most of the Heartless has been given a new colour palette. Anyway, thanks to Xenoserphia for most of the strategy!^^: - Sniper Wild 「スナイパーワイルド」: (Appears in 2nd District, Traverse Town) You must not let them target you. Finish them off and you will get the rare item. Meaning, if they appear, quickly kill item before they start to attack you [kill at least 5 of them]. There's some mini-strategy I developed for Sniper Wilds, as it struck me quite suddenly, and I tried it for the first time and it worked - quite easily too, even though you might need a few tries for it to work. First, hide behind the wall (to identify it easily, go to the 2nd District by heading to the 3rd District first, and that 'wall' is actually behind a stairs, behind where the Sniper Wilds would appear; the door to the 2nd District is near the house/room where Yuffie, Leon and the rest are). Kill the first Sniper Wild you see and quickly run back behind the wall to wait for the other two to appear. At the moment the two Sniper Wilds appear, finish off one after another quickly. Now, for the most important and crucial moment where most of you likely fail. Cast Stopra/ga while you're still behind the wall by locking on to them (I used Stopga, but I don't think there are any difference). This should Stop two out of three Sniper Wilds. Kill the one that's still moving then quickly rush back behind the wall and recast Stopra/ga. Kill the remaining two. Oddly enough, I can only get one Power Goo when I kill at least six Sniper Wilds. I don't know if it's true to you guys, so kill the one Sniper Wild that appear after. - Gigantic Shadow 「ギガントシャドウ」: There are 5 of them, finish them before they disappear. And they will drop the rare item. - Black Ballade 「ブラックバラード」: Guess the right Blade Ballade at least twice ot thrice and they will drop the item for you (rare item, but sometimes it's random, however, you don't need to guess it all correct to get the item) - Pot Scorpion 「ポットスパイダー」: "Quite easy if you know how, and I want to correct something about my previous posts there, First, cast Aero, and quick bash him, once he start to use it's claw to attack, it will rush to a certain place, if you cast Aero/Aerora/Aeroga, you will make him dizzy!" And thanks to Joseph Roland for finding this interesting tip out, which I've tried and tested. When you fight the Pot Scorpion, there will be other pots around too. You can push around the pots, and the pot that doesn't move at all would be the Pot Scorpion. Successfully in destroying all pots without revealing the Pot Scorpion first will earn you 100 tech points, in addition to other tech points you earn while destroying the pots. - Chimera 「キマイラ」: Once you manage to disable his movement (defeat its armor) there are some colourful spheres right? crush them before it goes back to Chimera's body, defeat it and you'll get the item (The Item is same as Pot Scorpion drops) - Pink Agracius/Agaricus 「ピンクアガリクス」: (Appears in Tree House, Deep Jungle and Atlantica (forgotten the name...)) Thanks to Enigmaopoeia for translating this: [BASIC MATTER] If you cast "Stop" on the three White Mushrooms, in a certain pose, it would reveal itself to be the Pink Agaricius. According to Thorf (for the tricky White Mushrooms' locations), "In my experience the two hardest to find ones were the one on the little platform above the boat. And the one hiding on the piece of wood jutting out from the back of the house. For both of these you have to climb to the very top of the roof in order to get to their hiding places." It seems that when it is dancing, cast "Stop" on it and attack it. Every 10 hits, you would receive an Item. HIT AMOUNT = REWARD 10 - 30 times = Potion 20 - 60 times = Hi-Potion Random?* = Fulfilling Force [NOTE: * = This person seems to get it on 40 hits.] [DOUBLE NOTE: It's been proven that you must get at least 50 hits. Use Ars Arcanum, Aeroga and lock-on to it while tapping Triangle to get Goofy and Donald to help] SOURCE: http://pangaea.s4.xrea.com/game/kingdom/kontakt.html Another tip by desertEagle of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board for his strategy, which I've tried and tested. Equip Ragnarok instead of Ars Arcanum (do not equip other abilities, like Strike Raid, Ars Arcanum, Sonic Blade, etc). Cast Aeroga on your party members, Stop Pink Agracius/Agaricus, use the L2 or R2 to lock on his head instead, then fire away your Ragnarok, while tapping Triangle to get Goofy and Donald to attack. I got over 50 hits easily with this. ^^ - Gigant Ghost 「グランドゴースト」: Don't attack it. Instead, use 1 Elixir, and 2 Hi-Potions on this guy, he will definitely drop 1 or 2 in per battle. (chances of dropping = 80 - 100 %) - Jet Balloon & Missile Diver: 「ジェットバルーン&ミサイルダイバー」 Appears on Neverland: deck, where you fight Captain Hook, it looks like Aqua Tank in Atlantica (the fat o tank....) But it can fly! So don't fly while you fight it. Don't let its missiles hit you and finish him fast. Once he drops the item quicky GET IT because the item will disappear once you left it for around 3-4 sec. - Neo-Shadow 「ネオシャドウ」: Appears in the room before Final Rest. Just finish them off as quickly as possible to get the items. - Stealth Soldier 「ステルスソルジャー」: Thanks to Barry Benson for telling and reminding me about this. You can fight a Stealth Soldier at the Grand Hall (the big hall, which has the entrance to the Library and a door where you need to fit in the emblems), and the place where you fought Riku (Ansem) and obtained Oblivion (forgot the name). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ix. New Synthesizing Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to Xenoserphia once more for most of the guide below. ^^ Rising Goo = Dropped by Stealth Soldier, found in Hollow Bastion - Where you fought Riku one on one, and Grand Hall. Randomly drop (Chances of Dropping - 80%) Thunder Goo = Dropped by Black Ballade, Guess the right answer at least once or twice and it will drop it. Found on the Deep Jungle - Bamboo Thicket (Randomly drop, chances of dropping = 70%) Shiny Goo - Dropped by Armor Tank (???), found at Neverland - Deck, where you fought Captain Hook. Quickly kill this guy and you will get it. Once you success, you will get 2 of them. (90% chances) Mythril Goo - Dropped by Pot Scorpion, Found at Agrabah - Entrance to Palace Gates. Use Aero at the start of battle and make him dizzy by attacking him and let it go to your direction, you will bounce him back and make him dizzy. A better way to get this item is destroy all the pot (around 15 I think) WITHOUT waking up the Pot Scorpion, sometimes, you will get 2 of Mythril Goo's if you are lucky. Chances Dropped = 50% Gale Goo - Dropped by Neo-Shadows, Found at End of The World - Final Rest. Quickly kill those guys before they call their companions and you will get it. (thanks to Thorf for correcting the name).(Chances Drop = 50%) Power Goo - Dropped by Sniper Wild, Found at Traverse Town - 2nd District, Quicky kill those guys before they AIM AT YOU! it's best to kill it without alerting them, your controller will vibarate if they found out your presence (Chances of Dropping = 100% if you success) Blaze Goo - Dropped by Chimera, found at Halloween Town -Oogie Boogie's mansion (after it is destroyed), Make him drop the item is quite random, for a better effect, try to kill the colour spheres before they get back into Chimera's body after you difuse his armor, and kill him, you will get it. (chances of dropping = 60%) Frost Goo - Drop by Gigant Ghost. Found at Monstro, where you fought Parasite Cage, 2nd time. Don't attack it. Instead, use 1 Elixir, and 2 Hi-Potions on this guy, he will definitely drop 1 or 2 in per battle. (chances of dropping = 80 - 100 %) Spirit Goo - Dropped by Gigantic Shadow, found at Wonderland, Blizzare Room, where the place you need to drink that thing to get you smaller. If you kill all the Shadows, they will appear. 5 of Them, kill it all before they disappear, and they will 100% drop the item Fulfilling Force - Dropped by Pink Agracius. Found at Atlantica - Undersea Hole, and Deep Jungle - Tree House. Cast Aeroga, stop this funny guy, hit hit him hard, press triangle twice to ask Donald and Goofy to attack it. Abuse your Ars Arcanum, and you will get it to 56 hits, and it will sometimes drop the item (x2) for you. Best to encounter it at Deep Jungle - Tree House. (chances of dropping = 40%) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x. Difficulties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'd like to give full credit to Thorf who used the Ultimania revised guide. ^^ Final Mix: Beginner 「ファイナルミックス:ビギナー」 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- An easy game mode designed for those new to games, in which you have rare items from the start and battle conditions are shifted in your favour. - Sora starts the game with a Ribbon, an EXP Necklace, 8 Power Ups, 8 Guard Ups and 4 AP Ups. - The Drill Gummi's Attack Power is 9,999. (It's usually 35.) - Neither secret movie is shown at the end of the game. - The save file is recorded as FMBG. Final Mix 「ファイナルミックス」 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The recommended level to play Kingdom Hearts on your first play through, the standard difficulty level has a good balance between easy and hard. Note that it is not the same as the original version of Kingdom Hearts; the game balance has been fine-tuned. - In the Gummi Ship sections, damage from enemy ships is twice that in the original game. Your own ship's Attack Power is only 2/3 what it was in the original game. - Either of the secret movies can be viewed under certain conditions (thanks a billion to Thorf for these). = Another Side, Another Story - Finish the story on all worlds (lock all worlds) - Rescue all of the 101 Dalmatians = Another Side, Another Story [deep dive] - Fulfil the conditions for Another Side, Another Story - Complete the Jiminy Memo section so that a yellow Mickey icon appears - The save file is recorded as FM. Final Mix: Proud 「ファイナルミックス:プラウド」 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strong enemies and thrilling battles make for a challenge for veteran players. - Damage received from enemies is twice that in the original game. - In the Gummi Ship sections, damage from enemy ships is four times that in the original game. Your own ship's Attack Power is only 1/2 what it was in the original game. - Either of the secret movies can be viewed, and the conditions are much easier than in the normal difficulty level. Also, the picture displayed at the end of the end sequence changes depending on certain conditions. - A Battle Report is shown at the end of the end sequence. - The conditions to view Another Side, Another Story [deep dive] is as follows: = Seal all keyholes, including 100 Acre Wood = Complete Hades Cup - The save file is recorded as FMPR. ============================================================================= [6.1] Fighting Unknown 「戦い謎の男」 ============================================================================= According to Xenoserphia, and thanks to Keyblade Master, maikuraki and Barry Benson for the corrections, you must complete the following to get to him (this is according to Proud mode): - Get all 99 Dalmations Go to the Chapel in Hollow Bastion, where the 5 other princesses are there chit-chatting and gossiping (okay, just kidding). To make it easier, just select the bottom option when you warped to Hollow Bastion. That should take you directly to the Chapel. I varied my strategy on fighting Unknown, thanks to both Xenoserphia and Keyblade Master for providing info that helped drastically to defeat him. The level possible for defeating Unknown is 75 (as confirmed by Xenoserphia), but it's highly recommended that you get to level 80 or higher, or else you won't stand a chance at all. If anyone cared to know, I was at level 90 when I defeated him. :P And that was rather easy too. Equip as many MP Rages and MP Haste as possible, on all party members. You MUST equip Counter and Leaf Viel. Equipments doesn't matter, the better they are, the more chance you stand to win (by the way, I even equipped an EXP Necklace while fighting him..O.o). Of course, it's best to get Divine Rose as your weapon of choice. Xenoserphia mentioned equipping only one Combo Plus, but I equipped two or more :P. It's up to you, really. Your shortcut should include Aeroga and Curaga. Your party members MUST include Donald. You can choose between Goofy or Beast but I take Goofy. My Beast died in Unknown's first life bar O.o. I highly recommend putting Elixirs and Megalixirs in Donald and Goofy's (or yours too, if you want) item menu. They shall heal your MP and HP too then. After all, why waste those Elixirs and Megalixirs when you didn't use them? [At least, I had never used an Elixir or Megalixir in KHFM, Proud Mode :P]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boss: Unknown - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the beginning of the battle, summon Tinkerbell. Even if you're hurt, just concentrate on summoning her. Then quickly cast Aeroga (yes, Aeroga, not Aerora. You should have it after getting all 99 Dalmations anyway, the requirement to fight Unknown ^^). There are different phases to its attacks. I shall name most of the moves as Xenoserphia names them, in honour. ^^ In his first (purple) life bar, he will either use Sword Slash or Teleport. When he attacks with Sword Slash, just keep attacking and countering its attacks. Donald and Goofy (who will be stronger than you) will constantly heal you, so don't bother healing (except on rare occasions, if Donald or Goofy dies (which mine doesn't, I think it's because I was on Level 90...O.o). Once you get his life down to his second life bar (pink), he will start using new moves, the Big Bang attack, Mirror Wall Stance, Prismic Missile (Blue), Dancing Twin Sword Slash and Roulette. The Big Bang attack is actually two circular blue electrical stuff shot out from Unknown's hands. Easily avoidable, but if you ram into it (as I always do), just attack him. Yes, my entire strategy consists of 'just attack him'. His Mirror Wall Stance is an attack where he'll build a mirror-like wall, and if you go too near to it, you'll be hurt slightly. Attacking the mirror will result a 'deflection', when you equip Counter. And when you attack him again, there's a chance it'll hit him. Once he's finished with his mirror-like wall, he'll go through it and then perform other attacks, most likely Teleport. Roulette is the most unavoidable, irritating, annoying and frustrating technique EVER. Worst than Sephiroth's Sin Harvest/Send Heartless Angel. He'll trap you in a wave of electric in the air, and drop you. You have some time to choose between four choices, Shock and Release (refer to Enigmaopoeia's Final Mix translation .gif files). If you had casted Tinkerbell as I had told you (thanks to Keyblade Master for telling me this! I was stupid enough to forget the most important summon of all), the choices will mysteriously be reduced to only three, so it'll be easier for you to concentrate. And please just concentrate on only ONE of the three/four choices, so it will not confuse you (for me, I just concentrated on the second choice and when it changed to Release, I quickly tapped Circle). This attack is mostly based on luck, or extreme concentration if you ever had it, so pray to Lady Luck for your safe release. Choosing Shock will result you in getting even further damage (as long as you're trapped in Roulette, your life will continue to drain). It also doesn't help that he will also attack you at times, making you panic even more (so don't). Choosing Release will let you be released safely, without further damage dealt. Also, when you're trapped in Roulette, it's an extremely good thing to have Tinkerbell to heal your life constantly and Donald and Goofy to heal you. Prismic Missiles (Blue) is easily avoidable, He'll shoot out ten circular blue things rotating, and they'll home at you, so just dodge-roll to the left or right. Dancing Twin Sword Slash involves him flying around while slashing very quickly with his swords. Just attack and counter him. And yeah, you _will_ get hurt. Getting his life to the orange bar, then yellow, will result in him doing his final wave of attacks. He will start with All Way Laser, with his body surrounded by bright light while lasers shoot out from it. Just dodge-roll it, where there's an open space between the lasers. Prismic Missile (Red) is faster and more than the blue one, but can be avoidable rather easily too, by dodge-rolling to the left or right when you see him shooting out his rotating things. He WILL once in a while perform Roulette. You will get hit by that move at least thrice in the entire battle. Finishing him off will get you 14,000 experience points, EXP Necklance and an Ansem Report 12/Anthem Report 13. It might take a few tries (duh, obviously) to defeat him, since you need to be familiarized with his moves. If you kept on dying without any success (ie, you can't get his life down below the pink bar), level up at Traverse Town, 2nd District, especially the Gizmo Shop. It really helps a lot. I honestly think that Unknown is easier than Sephiroth O.o. But since I defeated Sephiroth in my first try, I might take back those words (and it's in PROUD Mode...:P). ^^ Jeffrey Ooi (m0nk3y) had some additional info for fighting Unknown: "If YOU (not Donald) cast Gravity magic on him, you will get 100 Tech Points, flashy light effects will come out of him, and he will get stunned by it for 3 to 4 seconds. It even works when he is teleporting!!!(very hard to do that though, he's quite fast). When you cast it, it will only work when he's walking/standing still, when he's casting Big Bang Attack, Mirror Wall Stance and Teleportation. It will not work when you cast it while he is doing his Sword Attacks, Laser Attacks and Catch. _If_ you can successfully stun him, walk up to him and kick his butt. If you did Gravity Magic on him but didn't stun him (which will happen most of the time), you will get 10 tech points and cause a bit of damage. If you worry about MP, let Goofy use MP Gift." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= [6.2] Showdown of Fate「運命の再開」 ============================================================================= Showdown of Fate can be viewed after you defeated Sephiroth. Just exit the Coliseum after fighting him. Below is the translation, thanks to Xenoserphia! ^^ He mentioned that it is not 100% correct. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Sora defeats Sephiroth, he leaves Collesium, scene switches....... Cloud, goes into the Collesium Arena, wandering around, he feels that something from the Darkness is coming. Thus after a distance, he stop. A feather drop on the ground, lightly, A footstep, steps to ground. Sephiroth, had a little smile on his face........They stared at each other. Cloud : "So we finally meet again......" Sephiroth: "I was searching for you" Cloud : "Although my existance is limited, I can still feel you in the depths of my own nightmare... The darkness that existed in front of my own eyes" Sephiroth: "I was the one who invited you to the darkness" Sephiroth: "Taking away all the Light, realized that there is no path of yours but darkness that awaits for you" Cloud draws his sword, Sephiroth does the same thing, they prepare to engage into the Showdown of Fate. As they were posing themselves, the earth shakes, tense of the atmosphere is too strong that the controller vibarates...... They then charge foward, Sword and sword clashed, and they move back, charges foward again, Cloud turn his body, and blocks Sephiroth's attack, thus they did a lot of consecutive attacks from the ground to the air. But they both drawed, Cloud flies foward to slash Sephiroth, but Sephiroth teleports away, into the higher air. Cloud looking up, and they both stared at each other again, and then they charges towards, and their swords clashes again, screen whites out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The translation below is provided by Thorf ^^: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Cloud versus Sephiroth scene, Translation and Description --- (After Sora defeats Sephiroth in the Platinum Match for the first time, the following scene plays when he exits the Arena's antechamber.) Night. Cloud, sword drawn, walks into the arena. He stops as he sees a black feather slowly drifting down to the ground. Still focussed on the feather, Cloud sees a shadow quickly appear behind it, and just as quickly two feet land softly on the shadow. He looks up to see Sephiroth. The arch-enemies stare at each other. Cloud So we meet at last. Sephiroth I was searching for you too. Cloud As long as you exist, I can't wake from this nightmare. You are my darkness. Sephiroth (gesturing widely) If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken. Cloud raises his sword. Sephiroth slowly reaches for his. The two flicker with electrical energy, Cloud red, Sephiroth blue, and the pent up force draws small pebbles upwards off the ground. Suddenly they charge, and their swords clash violently as One Winged Angel begins to play in the background. Again and again they trade blows, with no sign of weakness on either side. They separate and again Cloud charges, this time pushing Sephiroth back. But Sephiroth vanishes, leaving only feathers, reappearing above in the air. Sephiroth holds out his hand to Cloud, and Cloud immediately charges. As their swords again clash, everything fades to white. --- end --- Kuraudo Yatto aeta na Sefirosu Ore mo sagashi-te ita Kuraudo Omae ga sonzai suru kagiri ore wa akumu kara sameru koto ga dekinai Omae wa ore no yami da Sefirosu Naraba yami e to saso? Eien ni hikari o ubai, sameru koto no nai akumu no naka e ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= [6.3] Extra Scenes ============================================================================= I'd like to credit jcaliff of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board for the following translation of the Riku scene ^^: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i. Riku Scene ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sora Kairi I'm sorry Is this the world of death? (Riku appears and he stumbles, his body starts to glow with a white aura) I won't disappear yet Until I meet Sora and Kairi one more time (a mysterious voice from the darkness) Riku Can you hear me? I'll be there soon (Riku) Who are you? (voice) There is another Keyblade I've acquired the Keyblade from This Side (Riku) ? (From Jennifer: That's really what it says, just a question mark) (voice) I've been talking to you, all along But the darkness covering your heart prevented you from receiving my message (Riku) I don't know who you are, but what happened to me? (voice) Your heart has overcome (the darkness) But your body has not been returned Because the changed hearts were collected in this Side of Darkness Only your heart has been returned (From Jennifer: I assume this means that Ansem is still using his body, but his (Riku's) heart has gone to the place where the hearts of the people who were overcome by the darkness went, so this is just his spirit exisiting in another plane, so to speak) (Riku) What should I do? (voice) Soon a doorway from the darkness will appear We can't leave through that door In order to close it from both sides Two keys and two hearts are necessary Perhaps you, too, are here for the same reason I am Maybe it was fate (Riku) Fate... You know everything, don't you But I want you to tell me one more thing Are Sora and Kairi safe? (voice - as the voice speaks, an image of Sora runs towards the viewer) You should be able to sense their hearts yourself Your companion is a reflection of yourself And the condition of your own heart (From Jennifer: these last two lines were really weird to translate) (Riku opens his eyes as the image of Sora disappears) Thank you And that's the end of that scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- And here's Thorf's translation for this scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Riku in the World of Darkness / Yami no Sekai no Riku (After Sora finds the Navi Gummi and speaks to Kairi in the underground waterway in Traverse Town.) Darkness. A white path winds gently through the black nothingness. Riku Sora... Kairi... The path slowly turns in our view, and comes onto a horizontal plane. Riku I'm sorry... We follow the path back... Riku Is this... the world of death? ...and find Riku, head hung and looking lost, walking along the path. He flickers slightly as if not quite totally real. Then he stumbles and stops as a blue light surrounds him. Clutching his chest he talks to himself. Riku I can't disappear yet. The aura subsides. Riku Not until I've met Sora and Kairi one more time... A voice from the darkness... Riku, can you hear me? Riku raises his head only fractionally, but looks about warily. I'll be there soon. Riku turns abruptly to see who's there. Riku Who's there? But he faces only darkness. Another Keyblade... I've gotten the Keyblade for this side. Riku ? I've been talking to you all along. But my words were hindered by the darkness covering your heart. Riku I don't know who you are, but... What's happened to me? Your heart has overcome the darkness. But you couldn't take back your body. So only your heart was left behind In this dark side where stolen hearts were gathered. Riku What should I do? Riku turns to face the way onwards again. The door of darkness that is soon going to appear... That door, through which we cannot pass... In order to close it, Two keys and two hearts are needed. Perhaps you too, like me, come here for that purpose. Maybe it was fate. Riku Fate... You know everything, don't you? If that's so, I want you to tell me one more thing... Are Sora and Kairi safe? On this last line, Riku seems concerned. You yourself should be able to feel their hearts. From the distance, Sora comes running through the darkness towards Riku. How your friends reflect in you... Is dependent on your own heart. Sora is very close now. He is smiling. Riku has his eyes closed. He has been imagining Sora. He opens his eyes, seemingly much more at ease. Riku Thank you. Fade to white. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ii. Unknown Scene ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are the scenes before and after fighting Unknown. Thorf did the translations below, and I'd like to thank him A LOT for permitting me to use this. ^^ - Unknown / Nazo no Otoko - Translation by Thorfinn Tait. Do not use or post anywhere without permission. After the conversation with Donald and Goofy upon entering the End of the World, a mysterious portal appears in Hollow Bastion's Chapel (Room of the Dragon), in the same place as the portal to fight Maleficent Dragon was. The five princesses gathered here all comment on the portal's appearance. - Cinderella - I wonder, could that gate's appearance be a sign of something bad? - Aurora (1st time) - From that gate that suddenly appeared, the darkness... No, not darkness. I can feel a different power. - Aurora (2nd time) - Maybe it's a power even more dangerous than darkness. - Snow White - On the other side of that gate... I have a bad feeling about this. - Jasmin (1st time) - If it were the power of darkness, we would be able to hold it back a little. But, this power is different. A power other than darkness. - Jasmin (2nd time) - Light, darkness and one more power... - Alice - What on earth is that?! A different feeling from darkness... Sora, be careful! Sora, Donald, Goofy and Beast go through the portal, which disappears after them, to find themselves in a large circular room like the one they fought Maleficent Dragon in. Behind them a shrouded form which seems to be fading in and out of existence appears, following them. Sora turns in time to see it almost upon him, gasping and falling back as it reaches him. But it continues, walking straight through him. As it does so Sora's has a rapid flash of memories... (Sora remembers many of the things he has said in his adventures.) (I have all of these words of Sora's written down, but I have a slight problem here in that I haven't played the English version of the game. I have of course played Final Mix, but I don't think I'll be able to match all of these to their official translations. Anyway got any ideas? Should I just translate them and let you guys correct me?) Sora stumbles back and falls to the ground as the figure continues past him. He turns to look at the now apparently solid figure, a man completely shrouded by a dark grey hooded coat with a long zip, and two drawstrings hanging from the collar. The man stops. Sora gets up. - Sora - Who are you? = The man does not talk, the words simply appear in Sora's mind. Ah... It seems you are special too The words cause him to momentarily see only darkness... - Goofy - Ansem...? = The man turns to look over his shoulder. That's a familiar resonance... Once again the momentary darkness... = The strange man's black gloved hand opens and a strange, blue light filled with a lattice of hexagonal shapes begins to fizzle in it. You look like him. The darkness seems fractionally longer this time... - Sora (getting slightly angry) - What's that supposed to mean?! Sora gasps as the man begins to turn and he sees the energy. As the man turns he brings the Keyblade to his hand and with both hands he holds back the tremendous blue lightning-like energy that the strange figure aims directly at him. For a few seconds Sora strains against the energy, then he pushes it away. The reflected energy hits the ceiling, causing a shower of mortar and fine stone. The shrouded man stands facing Sora. He seems to be staring, thinking, but we can only see black within his low hood. Which means, you are not complete. Again the darkness... = Sora stands straight, with his Keyblade at the ready. Incomplete one... And again... That power... Darkness... = In the background, music begins to play, a quiet but fast tune. Allow me to test your power. = One last time Sora's world goes dark as the man "speaks". = Sora readies himself for battle. A ferocious battle ensues. The shrouded man uses blue surges of energy, walls of energy, a red sabre of light, and once again his hexagonal lattice-styled energy bolts, attacking in a dazzlingly fast array of magic and sword blows. Sora and company do their best to hold off his attacks while getting in their own. Soon Sora learns how to dodge the unknown man's attacks, but the man pulls out a second red sword and becomes a whirlwind of blows. He uses more energy attacks, creating red laser-shooting balls of energy and assaulting Sora with blue energy bolts. Finally the man seems finished as Sora lands a heavy blow, causing the figure to be enveloped in a sphere of his lattice-etched blue energy. Stumbling backwards he clutches his chest... But he pushes the energy away with his hand! It dissipates in a wave of blue and black energy. ...Truly interesting. = Again darkness follows his words. = Sora gasps. From now, this is going to be enjoyable. = Once more the darkness envelops Sora's mind. = As the light comes back Sora begins to run towards the man. - Sora - What're you talking about? He charges and leaps, Keyblade held high. But at the zenith of his leap, the world turns black and white for a split second, there is a buzzing sound and the man half-fades once more. Sora lands behind the unknown man, having jumped straight through him. Behind him, the man seems solid once more. Sora turns to him, annoyed. In your present state you probably cannot understand. The world turns black... = The man half turns, looking down at Sora. In any case, the time when we can meet again will doubtless come. Blackness... - Sora - Wait, who are you---! = Sora gasps as the man disappears before his eyes. I am... Again the darkness... = The man fades in again briefly, and then is gone. His invisible form ripples as he moves, subtly revealing his movement, walking away from Sora. But Sora continues to stare at the space where he vanished. A mere shell. = The darkness comes one last time. When it lifts, there is no sign of the unknown man ever being there. ============================================================================= [6.4] Ansem Report 「アンセムレポート」 ============================================================================= Below is the Ansem Reports translations. Thanks a lot to Thorfinn Tait (thorf13@hotmail.com) for letting me use the translation below in my FAQ. ^^ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ansem Report 10 (Japanese) / Ansem Report 11 (English) - Available by defeating Kurt Zisa In opening the door that stores a world's hearts, the wall around that world is broken down. We see this as a shooting star. Through this, I have been able to understand the reason why the material known as Gummi Blocks has the ability to allow travel to other worlds. The cause of a world's wall collapsing is the appearance of the Heartless, but finding a world's door takes time. And claiming a world's heart is a similar case. If the door has been closed by the key known as the Keyblade, you probably cannot reach that world's heart again. Before the one with the Keyblade appears in this world, I must take measures to do something. Supposing that there is a close relationship between the Princesses and the Keyblade, it seems likely that they will resonate with each other... I have chosen one special girl. I do not know if she possesses a power like that of the Princesses. But, there is a chance, and this is an experiment. She may lead me to the place where the one holding the key is... I shall send her off to the ocean of different skies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ansem Report 11 (Japanese) / Ansem Report 12 (English) - Available by defeating Sephiroth I have transcended to an existence of only the heart. I should have come back as a Heartless, but there is no sign of such a transformation. My body has surely perished. However, I am different from the other Heartless, keeping the memories of before, and I have not taken on the form of a Heartless. It is clear that there are still many things to be studied. In order to cross over to the dark side, which is not this world, you must go beyond the door of Kingdom Hearts, the place connected to the world's heart. The innermost part connected to the world's heart, the place connecting to the world of darkness. (I will record the details in another report...) There are still so many unknown worlds. The present world. The world of darkness. The world of light. And, The world in-between. Where does the true paradise lie, I wonder? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ansem Report 12 (Japanese) / Ansem Report 13 (English) - Available by defeating Unknown When the heart casts off the flesh, where does the body go? Heart and soul are separate, and the spirit remains in the body. But can we assume that the leftover body and soul perish? Certainly when the heart changes into a Heartless the body disappears. However, that is only this world's story; in another world, mightn't they change forms like the Heartless and exist there? If we take that to be the case, there must be a you other than yourself existing somewhere. An existence neither of darkness nor of light. An in-between existence. Cast off by the heart, a mere shell, one who begrudges both the darkness and the light. This mystery cannot be easily resolved. The relationship between the heart and the flesh is a complex one. But since we exist here, they cannot be termed as existent. Therefore I shall call them... "The non-existent ones." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= [6.5] Abilities ============================================================================= Thanks to Thorf who allowed me to use the info below, and also thanks to Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Ultimania Revised Edition strategy guide. ^^ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donald's Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level | Ability | にほん ------|---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | Berserk | バーサク 14 | MP Haste | MPヘイスト 19 | MP Rage | ダメージアスピル 24 | Treasure Magnet | ドロー 29 | Second Wind | ハイパーヒーリング 34 | Leaf Veil | リーフベール 39 | Treasure Magnet | ドロー 44 | Lucky Strike | ラックアップ 49 | MP Rage | ダメージアスピル 54 | Jackpot | プライズアップ 59 | Second Chance | ラストリーヴ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goofy's Abilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level | Ability | にほん ------|---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | Rocket | グーフィーロケット 12 | Jackpot | プライズアップ 15 | Charge | グーフィーアタック 18 | Treasure Magnet | ドロー 21 | Tornado | グーフィートルネド 24 | Lucky Strike | ラックアップ 30 | Evolution | エボリューション 33 | Second Wind | ハイパーヒーリング 36 | Second Chance | ラストリーヴ 39 | MP Rage | ダメージアスピル 42 | MP Gift | MPギフト 45 | Berserk | バーサク 48 | MP Haste | MPヘイスト 51 | Treasure Magnet | ドロー 57 | MP Rage | ダメージアスピル New Ability - Evolution エボリューション AP: 3 MP: 3 Power: 30 Critical: 0% Heal 30 HP damage to all party members (the same effect as a Megapotion). New Ability - Leaf Veil リーフベール AP: 5 MP: 0 While you are casting a cure spell on yourself, enemies can't hit you. New Ability - Tech Up テックアップ Increases the amount of Tech Points you get. ============================================================================= [6.6] Battle Report ============================================================================= Thanks to Thorf for the info below ^^: The Battle Report gives you stats on your play through the game. It provides the following statistics in order from top to bottom: Heartless Killed Continues Used Deflected Attacks Damage Taken Items Used Times Friends were KO'ed Times you cast Heal on your Friends -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <7> C r e d i t s a n d T h a n k s <7> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - CJayC - I did referred to his FAQ for some double check on places I got stuck with. - Jonathan Loh - Thanks for helping me through various places I got stuck too. ^_^ - AnimeLyrics - For the Simple and Clean as well as the Hikari lyrics! - Ryan Cheang Soon Ket - A big thanks to him for sending in info on the chart of the stats that got affected when choosing/giving up either a sword, staff or shield, and for the info on which answers to choose to level up quickly. - Alex - Thanks for the tips for fighting Wakka. - Ra' Sutherland - Confirmed about all members will gain experience even though they're not in the party. Thanks! - Lam Diep - A big thanks for the two big tips on fighting the three characters on Destiny's Island, and at Agrabah. - Michelle Hall - Thanks for the info on the Trickmaster! - Nick Warrior - Thanks too, for additional info on Darkside. - Alexis Craig - Thanks for the slight info on Dalmations in Wonderland. - Ted Bergstrand - Info on Cloud really appreciated. - Mogg13-42 and asa2377's FAQ I used certain parts of their FAQ like the 99 Dalmations and the location of the Trinities. ^^ Thanks guys! - Holly Clark - I'd like to thank her for 'reminding' me about the 'shortcut' to Vines 2 in Deep Jungle. - Ryan Domingue - Thanks for a nifty info for releasing Donald and Goofy in Wonderland, and more info on treasure chests in Neverland. - Keyblade Master of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board Thanks A LOT for all the help you gave to me for Final Mix ^^ - Luna~Holybell~Enzoera aka Xenoserphia of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board The 'first user' in KH Message Board that defeated Unknown. ^^ Thanks A LOT for all your undying help on the problems I have. ^^ - Enigmaopoeia of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board Thanks for the KHFM info! ^^ And the translations! And possibly everything you've done for us KHFM players. ^^ - jcaliff of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board For the translation of the Riku scene in GameFAQs. ^^ Splendid job, I must say. - zhenjock of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board Thanks for telling me the new location for dalmations 52-54. ^^ Thanks! - Thorfinn Tait of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board Big thanks for letting me use his translations on the Ansem Report 10 (11 in the English version) and the Showdown of Fate. ^^ Thanks a LOT too for letting me use the info he got from Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Ultimania Revised Edition. One of the people who helped me tremendously by letting me use the Final Mix info he got. ^^ ども ありがと. - jcaliff (Jennifer Califf) of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board Thanks a lot for e-mailing the corrections on the choices made in the beginning of the game of Final Mix. ^^ - Barry Benson Thanks for correcting the requirements to fight Unknown, and reminding me about Stealth Soldier which I had forgotten completely. ^^ - maikuraki of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board Thanks for correcting the requirements to fight Unknown, and sorry for sounding impatient on the previous posts at the message board. ^^ :P - Jeffrey Walton For the additional strategy on fighting Cerberus. - Jeremy Ooi (m0nk3y) of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board Thanks for the additional 'Gravity' info for Unknown. =) - Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Ultimania Revised Edition Deserves a special place here. ^^ - http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~tororonn/king/ I don't know what's the website's name but an excellent source for everything Kingdom Hearts. ;) - Annia Gellar violalight@hotmail.com For suggesting me to add some more specific info for Wonderland. - desertEagle of the GameFAQs Kingdom Hearts Message Board Thanks for the useful Pink Agracius/Agaricus strategy! ^^ - Joseph Roland For his interesting tip on the Pot Scorpion. - Tuesday Mirracolai Thanks for the additional strategy for Maleficent (Dragon) in Final Mix! - Tsu-Yi Liew For the correction (which is currently not confirmed, but added just in case) of the location of Green Trinity in Deep Jungle. - Rebekah Mason Thanks for the extra help for Maleficent (Dragon). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <8> H i s t o r y <8> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Version 2.1e - 31st May 2003] Corrected some mistakes and added some help for Maleficent (Dragon). [Version 2.1d - 23rd February 2003] A Maleficent (Dragon) strategy thanks to Tuesday Mirracolai. ^^ [Version 2.1c - 6th February 2003] Slight correction, thanks to Thorf. [Version 2.1b - 26th January 2003] Added some hints for the Final Mix's new Heartless, thanks to a few people. Added bits and bits of stuff for the Final Mix section. Added a Sniper Wild strategy which I developed. [Version 2.1a - 22th January 2003] Thanks to Thorf for permitting me to use his translations and information from the Ultimania Revised strategy guide. ^^ [Version 2.1 - 19th January 2003] Added Japanese text as translations and for better viewing, thanks to Thorf for letting me use some of the text from his upcoming FAQ. ^^ Together with all Ansem Reports (10/11, 11/12, 12/13 fully translated). Added in Japanese Kanji/Kana for Another Side, Another Story [deep dive]. [Version 2.0d - 17th January 2003] Thanks to Thorf (and the Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Ultimania Revised Edition), whom without I cannot have updated plenty of things here. The same goes to the rest who corrected me. ^^ [Version 2.0c - 13th January 2003] Corrected the requirements to fight Unknown, added Stealth Soldier to the New Heartless list, and added a few more things at E-MAIL ALERT. [Version 2.0b - 11th January 2003] Added the new location for Dalmations 52-53-54 in Final Mix, corrections on the choices in the beginning and translations for Ansem Report 10/11 and Showdown of Fate. [Version 2.0a - 7th January 2003] Minor corrections on [deep dive] and Final Mix section. [Version 2.0 - 6th January 2003] After about SIX HOURS in total of updating, changing the outlook of this FAQ, researching, recording [deep dive] and chatting (with Xenoserphia and Keyblade Master), finally got this done. ^^ Enjoy my hard work! Though I could never complete this without a lot of people's help! ^^ [Version 1.0h - 29th December 2002] Added plenty of hints, thanks to the people listed in Credits. ^^ Well, since I just bought Final Mix, hopefully I should be able to add something about it. ^^ [Version 1.0g - 24th December 2002] More info. [Version 1.0f - 1st December 2002] Added more tips. [Version 1.0e - 28th November 2002] Added some confirmation. [Version 1.0d - 19th November 2002] Add some tips for fighting Wakka. [Version 1.0c - 4th November 2002] Fixed more tiny mistakes, but nothing too important. ^^ [Version 1.0b - 27th October 2002] Corrected a few mistakes, added a new section of <3> Side Quests <3>, [3.1] 100 Acre Wood. [Version 1.0a - 26th October 2002] Updated some info. [Version 1.0 - 22nd October 2002] Completed everything. A possible miscellaneous list might appear soon, if I ever have the time. ;)