1-26-2009 .` .` | _ / |.--` / .----. ''| | \ / .`| .-. .`| .----. .---. .--. / .-. '.----. ` | | / / / | | \' | | .--. | | .-. ' / .. \ | | | .--. \ | |/ / `'. |< . \| |< | ` < | | || | | || | | | ` | | < | | | |\ | | | .-. | | | || | | || | | | | | | |\ \ | |' | \ | | | /. | | |_.' .| | | || | | | ' | | | \ `. | | \ | .' |'. .--' |'. _.' \ '' / | | '. | / / / | _\ `.\| '. '._.` \.--. | \.' '--' . | \| .' .' '. | `.-----` \| \ | / .' \ | .` ' | ' / \|.` | ' /||' / | _.| . .--' | ''| | .| .----. _.' | .---. ..____.`|.' __ | ` | |.' | | .--. | '. .. | | .-. ||.._ .' | .' \' | |_| |< |_. ` \`' | | |.' '` < | `. '. | _ | | _ > .' | | _ \ / | | `. \ | | | | | | ' /| ' .'. '.| | ` | '' | | ' ' | | | |_' '.-' \ \ \.| |. |.' / | \| |_ |' \ | | | '._.`'.-----` `.' '/ \.| '._ '.____\ | '_.' / / | '..-` | ' '. | | __.` \ | | / \| |/ .-------------------------------------------------------------. \ Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough/FAQ (US release) / \ Guide and ASCII art by ElectroSpecter / \ Version 2.0 / \ E-Mail: ElectroSpecter26@hotmail.com / '-----------------------------------------------------' o=============================================================================o \ Introduction / o=========================================================================o After coming back to this guide after a few years, I realized it was a living testament to how much of a newbie to guide writing I was when I wrote it. Therefore, I've gone through the game again and changed things around a bit in the guide. I've tried to preserve much of the original feel of the guide while making it flow better and correcting the errors I made. It's time I listened to the hundreds of reader emails pointing out technical or strategical flaws ;] Anyway, if you're using this guide for pretty much anything related to the first Kingdom Hearts, you've most likely come to the right place. The only things this guide doesn't comprehensively cover include: - The Gummi Ship system, since I can't be bothered to write about a part of the game I (and most people) dislike. I've listed blueprint locations, however. - Content related to Final Mix. Other than that, you should hopefully find what you're looking for! Please enjoy the guide and the game! o=============================================================================o \ Table of Contents / o=========================================================================o 1. Story --------------------------------------------------> [stry] [100%] 2. FAQs and Interesting Stuff -----------------------------> [frqs] [N/A%] 3. Walkthrough --------------------------------------------> [wkth] [100%] 4. Flowchart ----------------------------------------------> [flwc] [100%] 5. Journal ------------------------------------------------> [jrnl] [100%] 6. Dalmatians ---------------------------------------------> [dlma] [100%] 7. Trinity Marks ------------------------------------------> [trma] [100%] 8. Mini Games ---------------------------------------------> [mgms] [100%] 9. Postcards ----------------------------------------------> [pscd] [100%] 10. Torn Pages ---------------------------------------------> [trnp] [100%] 11. Mushrooms ----------------------------------------------> [mshr] [100%] 12. Synthesis Shop -----------------------------------------> [snth] [100%] 13. Gummi Ship ---------------------------------------------> [gmmi] [100%] 14. Magic --------------------------------------------------> [magc] [100%] 15. Summon Spells ------------------------------------------> [smsp] [100%] 16. Items --------------------------------------------------> [itms] [100%] 17. Weapons ------------------------------------------------> [weps] [100%] 18. Accessories --------------------------------------------> [accs] [100%] 19. Abilities ----------------------------------------------> [abls] [100%] 20. Enemies ------------------------------------------------> [enms] [100%] 21. 'Simple and Clean' Lyrics ------------------------------> [lrcs] [100%] 22. Version History ----------------------------------------> [vrhs] [N/A%] 23. Thanks -------------------------------------------------> [thx!] [N/A%] For a quicker way to jump around the guide, use Ctrl+F to search for any of the abbreviations in the brackets. For an even easier time, jump to the Flowchart and then find where you are in the game. From there use Ctrl+F again to jump to a section or Boss Fight. o=============================================================================o \ 1. Story [stry] / o=========================================================================o This is the basic story behind Kingdom Hearts, taken from the instruction book: The Destiny Islands are a beautiful paradise where children's laughter abounds. Day after day, Sora, Riku, and Kairi talk and dream of new places, new worlds beyond their islands. They ponder the usual questions that adolescents do-about the world outside, about their existence. Little do they know a great destiny awaits them. One stormy night, a terrible darkness invades the Destiny Islands. Thus does their journey begin... Sora awakens in another world, in a place called Traverse Town. His hopes of seeing new worlds are realized, but his friends Riku and Kairi are nowhere in sight. Meanwhile, Donald and Goofy have also arrived in Traverse Town. They have come from Disney Castle in search of a "key" and its owner. Their king, who has mysteriously disappeared, has left them a cryptic message: "Now, there's somebody with a 'key'-the key to our survival... we need that key." What is happening to this world? The "somebody" mentioned by the missing king turns out to be Sora. To find Kairi and Riku, Sora joins Donald and Goofy and embarks on an epic journey. o=============================================================================o \ 2. FAQs and Interesting Stuff [frqs] / o=========================================================================o Q: Hey, I'm at the end of the game and I'm missing a Red Trinity Mark. I visited all the spots you mentioned, but I can't figure out which one I'm missing! A: You're probably missing the one that was in Oogie's Manor. If you miss it the first time through, you'll never be able to get it... Sorry. ----- Q: How do I get back to Monstro?! A: Calm down, sir / madam. Just fly back and forth in between Agrabah and Atlantica until you are mercilessly swallowed again. ----- Q: Whenever I visit Monstro (post Hollow Bastion) there are different enemies there! Do you know what affects which enemy groups I'll encounter, or which enemies will never appear in Monstro? A: No, and I don't plan on trying to find out. Even getting in to Monstro takes way too long, and I hate flying all the way there just to have Goofy tell me that Monstro is gone and that we should keep moving. I have also searched for any documents on the web pertaining to this phenomena, but so far I have not had any luck. If anyone knows the general programming idea they used with Monstro's enemy groups, let me know: I'm interested, but too frustrated to find out myself. ----- Q: So I'm at the end of the game, I have a battle report screen, but it won't let me do anything. I can't save. Is my game frozen? A: No, this is just the ending screen. If you are lucky enough to have any other Kingdom Hearts games, try playing those instead! Alternately, reset the game and try other things you may have skipped / missed. As a last ditch option, you could always try reading a book, going outside, or... wait, am I just being a jerk now? A: Yes. ----- Q: I can't open some of the game's chests! Is there any way to get rid of Gummis so that I can open them up? A: Cid will buy wing and body Gummis (Float, Dispel, Protect, etc.) but nothing else. If you want to open all the game's chests, you would have to open them BEFORE getting all 99 Dalmatian puppies and accepting the prize. Otherwise you'll have all the game's Gummis and no way to sell them. However, if you open up all the chests and then return to the Dalmatians, you can still accept their prize even if you're completely full of Gummis. ----- Q: What is this bat-like Heartless I have heard about? A: Back when I first got this game, my sister complained of bat-like Heartless killing her when she tried to fight the final boss. I had no idea what she was talking about until she showed me what exactly she was doing: flying up really high so that she could heal. When you do this, these guys will chase you. They release HP balls when defeated, and that's pretty much the only point of them existing. ----- Q: During the Destiny Islands series of cutscenes involving Donald, Goofy, Daisy, and Queen Minnie, Donald asks Daisy if she can "take care of-," at which point Daisy cuts him off and says, "Of course." What are they talking about? (This was a question that had plagued me for a while. In fact, no one has actually asked me about this before, but I had someone write in and explain). A: "It looks to me like they just poorly translated that scene. In the Japanese version, Donald says something along the lines of 'Daisy, the king...' His complete sentence would be Daisy, the king we will find. (This obviously means Daisy, we will find the king) She cuts him off and says 'It'll be fine. Make sure to take care of yourself as well.'" - scyko42 o=============================================================================o \ 3. Walkthrough [wkth] / o=========================================================================o ~=============================================================================~ | A. AWAKENING [A0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Potion .............. [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Darkside (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' The beginning of the game can be quite disorienting for new players, as there is no indication as to where you actually are. After the lovely opening cinema, you take control of Sora, our main character. You are asked to choose between a staff, a shield, and a sword. After you choose one, you are asked to sacrifice one of them. The combination you pick will determine your starting statistics, and what weapon you carry for this brief sequence. Finally, your initial choice affects when Sora will learn certain abilities. How your choice affects your beginning stats: .---------------------------------------------------. | CHOOSE | SACRIFICE | STR | DEF | MP | AP | ITEM | KEY |========|===========|==============================| --- | Staff | Shield | 5 1 3 3 +0 | |--------|-----------|------------------------------| STR -> Strength | Staff | Sword | 3 3 3 3 +0 | DEF -> Defense |--------|-----------|------------------------------| MP -> Magic Points | Shield | Staff | 5 4 2 1 +2 | AP -> Ability Points |--------|-----------|------------------------------| ITEM -> Number of Item | Shield | Sword | 4 4 2 3 +2 | Slots * |--------|-----------|------------------------------| | Sword | Staff | 6 2 2 1 +1 | |--------|-----------|------------------------------| | Sword | Shield | 6 1 2 3 +1 | '---------------------------------------------------' * For the number of Item Slots, you won't see the difference initially. Rather, these extra slots will be awarded to you as you level up, later in the game. I used 6 item slots as the default number, so add whatever number is in the ITEM column to 6 to figure out how many item slots you'll have by the end of the game. The decision really banks on your playstyle. I could say, "Go for the extra MP so that you can use more magic later on the game, when you need to use it more!", but there would be some that would say there's no need to rely on lots of MP with the right abilities equipped (and they are absolutely right), or I could say, "Go for the extra Item Slots, so you are better prepared with items later on in the game when things get tough!", though a smart player may retort, "Well, why don't you rely on magic to heal, and allies to use items?" Sure, that's smart too. What you'll really want to consider is the following chart, which details when Sora learns his abilities, and how your choice affects this. .===================================================================. | Lv. | Picked Sword | Picked Shield | Picked Staff | |===================================================================| | 9 | Combo Plus | Guard | Scan | | 12 | Vortex | Scan | Treasure Magnet | | 15 | Scan | Lucky Strike | MP Haste | | 18 | Blitz | Second Chance | Counterattack | | 21 | Berserk | Counterattack | Critical Plus | | 24 | Counterattack | Jackpot | Guard | | 27 | Air Combo Plus | Treasure Magnet | Aerial Sweep | | 30 | Aerial Sweep | -- | Treasure Magnet | | 33 | Treasure Magnet | Blitz | MP Rage | | 36 | Guard | MP Rage | Berserk | | 39 | -- | Treasure Magnet | Lucky Strike | | 42 | -- | Combo Plus | -- | | 45 | MP Haste | Vortex | -- | | 48 | Critical Plus | Berserk | Second Chance | | 51 | Second Chance | Critical Plus | MP Rage | | 54 | -- | -- | Jackpot | | 57 | MP Rage | Air Combo Plus | Vortex | | 60 | Treasure Magnet | Aerial Sweep | Air Combo Plus | | 63 | Jackpot | MP Haste | Blitz | | 66 | MP Rage | MP Rage | Combo Plus | | 69 | Lucky Strike | Critical Plus | Critical Plus | | 72 | Combo Plus | -- | -- | | 75 | Air Combo Plus | Combo Plus | Air Combo Plus | | 78 | Critical Plus | Air Combo Plus | Combo Plus | | 84 | Combo Plus | Combo Plus | Combo Plus | | 90 | Critical Plus | Critical Plus | Critical Plus | | 96 | Combo Plus | Combo Plus | Combo Plus | '===================================================================' I'm really no expert on different playstyles, but I can tell you that I like to pick the Staff, mostly because you will learn MP Haste and MP Rage(s) early, which will help immensely while healing (you will basically be able to heal almost always). It's nice to have Treasure Magnet(s) and Scan so early as well. In a cosmetic sense, picking the Staff is also nice, because you will have a super long MP bar if you max yourself out at the end of the game. However, I am somewhat certain that the max MP for Sora is 15. So if you chose the Staff, you have a potential for 16 MP at the end (three Crystal Crowns). Since you max out at 15 MP anyway, you'll never reach 16 MP, and you could pick the Shield in the beginning instead. This way you would have the two extra item slots AND 15 MP! Holy crap! I'm so done discussing this now. ;) After choosing, you will fall onto another platform similar to the first. Here is your first real battle with the Heartless. This is a simple battle, and you really shouldn't lose. Just keep attacking, and practice dodging. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Shadow (Opening Dream) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 10 ATK: 2 | | | EXP: 1 DEF: 2 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Shadows are the basic creatures that you will fight in Kingdom Hearts. They | | don't have a lot of HP, and they aren't very strong either. They tend to | | attack in large groups, and will sink into the floor sometimes. You can't | | hit them while they are in the floor. The only attack they seem to possess | | is a scratching attack. For now, they only drop HP balls, but later they | | drop munny, and items like Potions and Lucid Shards. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Once you have defeated all of the enemies, you will fall onto yet another platform. Inspect the door (use the d-pad or right analog stick to choose the "Examine" command) and a chest will appear behind you. Go ahead and open that to make a box appear. Push it around if you want, but you need to hack it open to make a barrel appear. You will also find a POTION in the crate. Walk over to the barrel and choose lift, and the door finally opens. Walking through this door brings you outside, where you will see three familiar faces (familiar if you have played a lot of Final Fantasy, at least). You need to talk to all three characters to continue. This is another little choice that will affect the difficulty of the game. Depending on the responses you give, you will get one of three messages. Each message represents a different leveling "curve" that you can pick from. If the game mentions leaving at dawn, you can expect to level up fairly fast in the beginning of the game, and slow down towards the end. Leaving at noon will allow even leveling throughout the game, and leaving at night will make the end of the game a much easier time to level up, while making the first part of the game difficult. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the questions that the three characters will ask you, followed by potential responses: Selphie: "What's most important to you?" 1. Being number one. 2. Friendship. 3. My prize possessions. Wakka: "What do you want outta life?" 1. To see rare sights. 2. To broaden my horizons. 3. To be strong. Tidus: "What are you afraid of?" 1. Getting old. 2. Being different. 3. Being indecisive. The following chart is a bit odd, so bear with me. To use it, answer Selphie and Wakka first, and take the responses that you gave them and put the numbers in that order. For example, if you told Selphie friendship, and Wakka to be strong, then you would take the number 23. Find that number on the chart and go down until it meets the number you chose for Tidus. You picked (Selphie, Wakka) | 11| 12| 13| 21| 22| 23| 31| 32| 33| ----------------------------------- You 1 | A | B | A | A | B | B | A | B | C | Picked 2 | A | B | B | B | B | B | C | B | C | (Tidus) 3 | A | B | C | B | B | C | C | C | C | A = Level up fast early, slow later. Your journey begins at dawn. B = Normal leveling up. Your journey begins at noon. C = Level up slow early, fast later. Your journey begins in the dead of night. For those of you who don't want to be confused by weird charts, just give the three characters the first three answers to get early leveling up, the second answers for normal leveling up, or the last three answers for late leveling up. There, it didn't have to be that complicated did it? HOW IT SPECIFICALLY WORKS - I received an email from SonoJimmy that said the following: "From my experience, if you pick all three of the first answers then you will level up speedily until level 50, then you will level up slowly from then on until level 100. The second answers will make you level up at the same speed for the whole game, of course at a gradient equal to your level. If you were to pick all of the third answers then it would be vice versa of picking the first ones, obviously, you will level up slowly to level 50 and then reverse to level up swiftly from that point." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you have the knowledge, can you make a decision? I personally feel that the beginning of the game is a major pain in the butt, and the resources you gain later more than make up for low levels. In this line of thinking, choosing to leave in the dead of night (slow leveling at first, faster leveling at the end of the game) would be the most difficult, making either of the other two options the easier ones. Once that ordeal is over with, you find yourself back in the dark place. After fighting more Heartless, you will learn about a new feature, the Save Point. After saving, continue up the new ramp that was built until you reach the next platform. Be prepared for the bad part of the dream. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Darkside (Opening Dream) [A1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 240 ATK: 2 | | | EXP: 18 DEF: 2 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This boss shouldn't give you too much trouble, but it doesn't matter if you | | die, as this is just a dream, after all (or is it... oooooh). | | | | Darkside isn't very agile, and you will be able to anticipate his attacks | | with ease. | | | | Attack 1: Summon Heartless | | | | Darkside's first attack isn't direct. He shoves his hand into the ground to | | summon Heartless. This gives you an advantage. You can easily attack the | | submerged hand from here, and you can kill the smaller creatures for HP | | orbs. Also, if you're good, climb up onto his hand and walk along his arm. | | You will get 2 tech points every time you hit Darkside's head. | | | | Attack 2: Energy Blast | | | | This attack IS direct, and much more deadly than attack #1. Darkside | | releases charged energy that homes in on your position. If you feel | | inexperienced, and want to conserve HP, keep moving, and you ought to be | | able to dodge the blasts. If you feel lucky enough, stand your ground and | | deflect the energy back at Darkside by swinging your weapon at just the | | right moment. You will get Tech points for this, and it takes a good chunk | | of his HP away, especially if you hit him with multiple blasts. Try to lock | | onto his head before you try this to maximize the amount of Tech points you | | get. As the battle wears on, he will start to shoot three energy balls | | instead of one (and five for his finishing move instead of three). | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Regardless of the outcome of the battle, you will finally wake up, back on Destiny Islands. ~=============================================================================~ | B. DESTINY ISLANDS [B0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Potion(s) ........... [ ] Coconut ................. [ ] | | Hi-Potion ........... [ ] Cloth ................... [ ] | | Hi-Potion ........... [ ] Empty Bottle ............ [ ] | | Pretty Stone(s)...... [ ] Drinking Water .......... [ ] | | Fish ................ [ ] Rope .................... [ ] | | Fish ................ [ ] Mushroom ................ [ ] | | Fish ................ [ ] Mushroom ................ [ ] | | Log ................. [ ] Mushroom ................ [ ] | | Log ................. [ ] Seagull Egg ............. [ ] | | Coconut ............. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACCESSORIES: Protect Chain ....... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KEYBLADES: Kingdom Key ......... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Darkside (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Sora lives with his friends Kairi and Riku on the Destiny Islands. They have always dreamt about exploring faraway worlds that they could only guess existed. Lately, the three friends have been building a raft, and this is exactly what your first task is. ===== Day 1 ===== After the great cut scenes, you are given control of Sora again. Your task is to find material for the raft, because everyone else is a lazy bum. Your task is to find the following items: 1 Cloth 2 Logs 1 Length of Rope Kairi asks you to return when you have found them all. Turn around and walk along the shore to start your search. You will almost immediately find the first LOG underneath the pier. Continue onward, but turn right to see a small shack. Inside is a Save Point, and an exit to the upper level. Exit the shack on the upper level. You can also get up here by jumping onto the roof of the shack from outside. Cross the pier and search the small island for another LOG. The last two items are on the other end of the current half of Destiny Island (you cannot access the other half of the island quite yet). Trek across the beach to the next development of shacks. Head up the ramps connected to the massive tree and enter the hut here. On the wall is the CLOTH you are looking for, so just walk into it to grab it. Back outside on the balcony, look down and to the right until you see a little kid swinging a stick. Head towards him to a small deck area (the place you were questioned in before, in the dream world). Check the corner of the platform for the ROPE. Congratulations! That's all we need for the raft. ======= DUELING ======= You have probably talked to many of the characters by now, and noticed that they ask you to duel. Accept the offer to duel, and get ready to fight. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | DUEL: Wakka [B1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wakka is on the beach with his Blitzball, and he's pretty easy to beat too. | | When the match starts, wait until he throws the ball, and hit it back at | | him, much like you may have done with Darkside. When done correctly, Wakka | | will sustain damage, and be stunned, giving you an opportunity to pull off | | a single combo on him. You also get 1 Tech point for doing it. If he jumps | | in the air to chuck the ball at you ("Take this!"), try to hit it back, and | | you will get 2 Tech points. Wakka will stretch his arm by rotating it | | before attempting this attack. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | DUEL: Selphie [B2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Not too much strategy here. You will get tech points if you can hit her | | weapon back at her (a jump rope I guess? Apparently it is according to | | Julie Lee. Thanks for the tip). Other than that, just keep hitting her, and | | she'll go down in no time. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | DUEL: Tidus [B3] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tidus is on a higher platform where you found the Rope for the raft. | | Fighting Tidus is a little harder than his two friends. Tidus likes to jump | | and swing his stick a lot, and it causes a lot of damage. He's also adept | | at constantly sidestepping after his attacks, which tends to add up to an | | annoying combo. Try to avoid these assaults while getting attacks of your | | own in. Aerial combos work well here, so you shouldn't have too much of a | | problem. Try to get a few good combos in if you get behind him, especially | | if he decides to stand there like a fool and taunt you. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' ========== 3-Way Duel ========== Talk to Tidus after defeating all three of them in single battle, and you can now choose to fight all three of the characters. This is obviously very tough. The strategy that I found most effective was to focus on them one at a time, starting with Selphie. Corner her, but keep moving to avoid Blitzballs. She should go down eventually. After Selphie, focus your attacks on Tidus. You'll still have to constantly avoid Wakka's attacks, but with only two opponents, it may be much easier to predict when they are coming. When only Wakka is left, you should feel fairly safe. Don't try to run in and attack him, as he tends to use a spin attack that will knock you back. Of course, you will probably find an easier way of winning; it just depends on luck and skill. I am typically around level 6 when I finally manage to defeat them. You will receive a POTION whenever you win this duel. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | DUEL: Riku [B4] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Riku is found on the tall island where you found the second raft Log. This | | is by far the toughest of the duels, as Riku is a skilled swordsman (at | | least compared to everyone else), and his ground recovery attack is lethal. | | This is definitely a hit and run battle, because if you button mash, I | | guarantee you will fail (unless you are very, very lucky). What I like to | | do is rush in after he attacks, hit him once, and jump away. If you get | | around to his backside (for example, when he is taunting) you can risk | | pulling a combo on him. This takes a while, but once you get the hang of | | it, you will be able to defeat him any time you try. Be VERY careful when | | you knock him on his back, his recovery move kicks you right in the face | | and takes about 1/4 of your HP away. Winning this battle nets you another | | POTION, and also changes the score. (The score doesn't affect anything in | | particular, as far as I know). This battle really isn't too tough if you | | are at least Level 6. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' When you are all tuckered out from battling, return to Kairi to give her the pieces. In return, you get a HI-POTION, and the well-deserved chance to rest. Choose to go to bed, and the story will progress. ===== Day 2 ===== The second half of the island is now open, and there are new tasks to complete. You can't go on a journey without food and water, after all. You can reach the second half of the island by going through the door Kairi was blocking earlier, or by going over to the massive tree and jumping into the hole in the cliff wall to the left of it. Riku and Kairi are chillin' on this side of the island, and you should talk to both of them. Start with Riku, who will challenge you to a race. The winner gets naming rights of the raft! Start the race by running along the wooden pier, but be careful because it falls. Riku can fall through too. Head right around the tower, and beeline straight for the ramp in the far distance (even better, go a little to the left, so you can jump on the ramp). An alternate strategy is to jump at the ladder on the tower, and climb up to use the zip line. This gets you to the ramp very quickly, but the sacrifice is the long climb up the ladder. Head up the ramp, and jump across to the star shaped plant. Jump up and touch it, and then face back the way you came, and jump across the trees. Fall from this platform, and then take the pier back to Kairi. Don't worry if you don't win, you can always race again. Riku, however, will still name the raft. If you do win, you will get a PRETTY STONE. You can sell these for 30 munny later on, and that's about it. If you want more of them (which is way more trouble than it's worth, believe me), you will win one for each time you beat Riku in the race. =============== COLLECTING FOOD =============== It's time to collect more items for the lazy denizens of the island. Kairi gives you a list of food needed, and she will give you some really good hints on where to find most of it. Try it yourself before you use this guide, but if you are stuck, here's a list. COCONUTS: Behind Kairi is a grove of Coconut trees. Keep striking the trees until you find an edible Coconut, and pick it up. The edible ones are colored yellow. Keep striking the trees for the second Coconut. You can also get the Coconuts by striking the trees on the island that you fought Riku on. MUSHROOMS: You will find some Mushrooms at the base of the watchtower on the side of the island with the raft. Still on this side of the island, look for a boulder behind the raft that you can move out of the way. The second Mushroom is right in here. The third one is kind of tricky to find. Back on the first half of the island, talk to Wakka to learn of the "Secret Place". The camera will zoom in on where you should explore. Enter this area and go all the way to the end to find the Mushroom. Take a look around while you are in there. Try to find the chocobo! FISH: This isn't too hard. Though the fish are rather small, you should be able to see them from a distance and swim out to catch them. You need three. DRINKING WATER: Go to any of the springs that flow from the cliffs on the island, and you will receive the water. SEAGULL EGG: Right before the pier that leads to the island that you fought Riku on are three trees. Climb up the skinny one, and jump backwards off of it to get the egg. That's all of the items! There is one more item you can get right now. You may have noticed a hole in the wall next to the watchtower with a chest in it. Simply bring the crate in the nearby bushes over, and use it to climb into the hole. The chest contains a PROTECT CHAIN, which you should equip. Back at the raft, you get another HI-POTION and the chance to rest. Choose to do so. ========= INVASION! ========= This cutscene confused me a bit at first: Sora and his friends live on the Destiny Islands, meaning there's more than one. Sora's reference to Kiari's and Riku's boat is meant to imply that they all live on a different island that happens to be in the immediate area (they take boats over to this island from their homes on the other one). Anyway, back to business. Later that night, Sora is checking things out during the storm, when suddenly, the Heartless appear again. Don't bother attacking them, as they are impervious to your weapon. Instead, go back to Riku's island, where you will find him greeting the darkness. Sora will obtain the Keyblade, and now you can destroy the shadow creatures! Spend some time leveling up if you want, but eventually you want to head to the door that appeared in front of the Secret Place. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Shadow (Destiny Islands) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 12 ATK: 6 | | | EXP: 1 DEF: 6 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Items: Potion - 5% | |__________________|__________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Darkside (Destiny Islands) [B3] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 300 ATK: 6 | | | EXP: 60 DEF: 6 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This is basically the same fight as before, except he has a new attack and | | more HP. If you are around level 7, you should have no problem at all. | | Darkside uses the same Attack #1 and Attack #2. | | | | Attack 3: Darkside throws a giant sphere of darkness into the air, causing | | it to rain little blobs of energy that hurt you. Keep moving! | | | | Remember that you need to win this battle, so don't hesitate to use any | | Potions you have stocked. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' ~=============================================================================~ | C. TRAVERSE TOWN [C0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Potion .............. [ ] 100 munny ............... [ ] | | Mega Ether .......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Mega Ether .......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Mega Potion ......... [ ] Mythril Shard............ [ ] | | Mega Potion ......... [ ] Mythril ................. [ ] | | Mega Potion ......... [ ] Mythril ................. [ ] | | Elixir .............. [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] | | Elixir .............. [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] | | Elixir .............. [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] | | Camping Set ......... [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] | | Pretty Stone ........ [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] | | Pretty Stone ........ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACCESSORIES: Brave Warrior ....... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Fire ................ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: Dodge Roll .......... [ ] Blue Trinity ............ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Blue Trinity #1 ..... [ ] Blue Trinity #3 ......... [ ] | | Blue Trinity #2 ..... [ ] Blue Trinity #4 ......... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Leon (Boss) | | Soldier Guard Armor (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Sora is awakened by Pluto, and finds himself in a strange new environment. You are in Traverse Town, where people from all different worlds are showing up after their own worlds are destroyed by the Heartless. You will come back here often after completing other worlds to buy new weapons, armor, and items and to check up on certain things you find (I'll explain all of that later). For now, start to explore the First District, the one you are in now. Down at the lowest part of the district is the Item Shop, which is run by Donald's nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie. You don't have any munny yet, so you can't buy anything. You can, however, sell your Pretty Stone for 30 munny. Also, use R1 to target the fan (press L2 until it's targeted) and then jump from the counter and strike it to get a POSTCARD. Sweet. Take it and mail it in the big mailbox down near the Item Shop. You get a COTTAGE for mailing it, and another item every time you mail more. There are a total of 10 Postcards in Traverse Town. Take the stairs to the right of the Accessory Shop (which is the big building right in the middle of the district on the middle level). Look to the right and you will see crates in the corner. Push the big crate over to the Accessory Shop, and jump onto the roof from here. There is a POSTCARD up here in a chest to the left. Mail this one for a MYTHRIL SHARD. Well, after you've explored the district, head into the Accessories Shop, which is on the first raised platform of the district. The shop is run by none other than Cid from FFVII! Talk to him, and he will suggest you explore other districts to find your friends. Open the chest on the shelf for a MYTHRIL SHARD. Behind the Accessories Shop on the upper level is another shop run by moogles. It isn't open yet, unfortunately. Beyond this shop is the door to the Second District. As soon as you enter this new area, you are attacked by Heartless again! They just don't stop do they? Run around the entire District to clear it of enemies. This is a very good way of gaining Experience and munny. If you want to fight more of them, leave the area and return. There are a couple of chests you can get now. Immediately to the right when you enter is an awning with a chest on it. Jump on the raised corner of the wall (it looks like a lantern) and jump from here to the awning to grab onto it. The chest contains a POSTCARD, which you can mail back in the First District for an item. You get a MEGA-POTION for the third Postcard. At the other end of this district is a church type building with stained glass windows. As you are walking towards it, look to the right and jump onto a low roof. From here, jump straight across to the church type building (the ledge is a bit hard to see, but you should be able to grab onto it). From here, look to the left, and jump towards the treasure chest, jamming the analog stick to the right so that you grab the ledge. The chest here contains a MEGA-POTION. As you enter different houses in this District, Goofy and Donald will just miss you as they look for Leon. You won't find much of interest in the Dalmatian's house just yet. Pongo and Perdita's 99 puppies are missing, ever since their world was destroyed. It is your job to find them and bring them back for prizes! See the detailed section near the end of the guide for more details. You won't find much in the Hotel and the Gizmo Shop, except you can fight a LOT of Heartless here. They stop coming after a while, but not before you fight a good 40 of them. You can get a lot of Experience and munny for killing them all! There is a door you can access from the lower part of this district that leads to the Alley. You can also head into the alley through the Dalmatian's House. There is a single chest to the left in the corner containing a POTION, and you can get two more chests if you jump up onto the Hotel balconies. You can get up there via the low roof in the middle of the alley. The chest on the far right balcony contains a PRETTY STONE (it is kind of hidden, look over the ledge of the balcony), and the one on the far left balcony holds a POTION. Head back into the Second District and enter the Third District from there (if the Gizmo Shop and church are to your left, face the two alleys and follow the right alley to the end to reach the Third District). You won't find much here except for a bunch of battles with the Heartless. Fight to your heart's content, and then return to the first district. Back in the Accessories shop, talk to Cid who tells you to keep looking for your friends. As you exit the Shop, something will finally happen. In fact, you will be drawn into battle! _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Leon (Traverse Town) [C1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 120 ATK: 8 | | | EXP: 30 DEF: 8 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | I recommend that you are at level 9 if you plan to win this battle. You | | will earn your first ability by level 9, but the ability you learn will | | depend on what weapon you used in the beginning. Scan isn't much use, but | | equip Combo Plus or Guard if you have learned either. | | | | Leon seems pretty intent on obtaining your Keyblade, but Sora just ain't | | gonna let that happen. Instead, he decides to fight this Gunblade wielding, | | magic using warrior. This is a tough fight. | | | | Squall... um, Leon will attack normally with his gunblade (he does use the | | trigger) and this causes massive damage to Sora. You should deal with this | | fight exactly how you did with Riku. Keep your distance, and use a hit and | | run tactic. This should prevent Leon from dealing too much damage. | | | | If you keep your distance for too long, Leon will start to cast a fire | | spell on you. Don't let it hit you! Run up and combo him, and quickly run. | | If you are quick on the draw, a well swung Keyblade will deflect the fire | | spell and stun Leon for a good while. This is a good chance to do some | | damage. | | | | Don't worry if you don't win, it's not necessary. If you do win, however, | | you will get an Elixir later, as well as a bunch of Experience points. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the cutscenes, talk to Yuffie and then open the chest on the table to get an ELIXIR (make sure you talk to Yuffie, you need her advice to open the chest!). Before you talk to Leon, hit the right side of the clock until it reads 7:00. This causes a chest with a MYTHRIL to appear. Talk to Leon again. Out in the alley, he suggests that you go for the leader, but you should fight for Experience and items. Your goal is the Third District, but return to the First District to get a MEGA-POTION from Aerith (in front of the Accessory Shop). It is also a wise choice to save. Also, when entering the First District from the second, look to the right and jump over this small wall to find a safe. Open it for a POSTCARD. Mail this one for a MEGA-ETHER. Before continuing, make sure you are around level 10 (at least learn your first ability). _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Soldier | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 24 ATK: 8 | | | EXP: 3 DEF: 8 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Potion - 2% | | | Spirit Shard - 8% | | | Protect Chain - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Soldiers are bigger than Shadows, but you usually won't fight as many at | | one time as you did with Shadows. These Heartless attack by quickly | | dashing at you. You can block their attacks by swinging your Keyblade | | right when they dash, and you will get Tech Points. Aerial combos tend | | to work very well against them. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' In the Third District, Goofy and Donald will finally meet you. Suddenly, parts of armor fall from the sky and form into a huge enemy! It's a good thing you found Goofy and Donald when you did. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Guard Armor (Traverse Town) [C2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Arm Stats | HP: 84 ATK: 11 | | | EXP: -- DEF: 10 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Leg Stats | HP: 196 ATK: 11 | | | EXP: -- DEF: 10 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Body Stats | HP: 120 ATK: 8 | | | EXP: 110 DEF: 8 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Brave Warrior | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | This boss has multiple targets that you will have to eliminate one by one. | | The most devastating part of this boss is the hands. You will probably want | | to take them out first. The boss has a spinning attack that will send you | | flying, and will take a fair amount of HP away. Attempting to strike the | | hands during this spinning attack is risky, but there's a chance this will | | interrupt Guard Armor's attack and stun the hands for a bit. | | | | Similarly, when the feet have detached and are stomping around, there's a | | chance you can stun one and knock it over. While it's on the ground | | twitching like a fish out of water, try to chip away at the large life bar. | | | | Whenever you destroy a limb, it will disappear, leaving many HP balls | | behind. If Donald or Goofy are hurting bad, let them get the Spheres. Goofy | | and Donald come equipped with many potions that they won't be afraid to use | | if anyone is hurt. If they run out, it's up to you to do the healing. | | | | The torso is the hardiest part of the Guard Armor. Just keep hacking away | | at it once the limbs are gone, and you should emerge victorious. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' You get a BRAVE WARRIOR accessory when you win the battle. Back in town, Leon will give you 100 MUNNY and he will give you an ELIXIR if you managed to beat him. Also, Donald and Goofy will teach you the FIRE SPELL and the DODGE ROLL ability. You can also now access the Journal. Walk over towards the Cafe, where you will see a strange blue mark on the ground. This is a Trinity Mark, and they allow you to access certain areas when Goofy and Donald are in your party. There are a certain number of each color scattered around the worlds. To help out a bit, I've kept a running tally of each type. This one would be BLUE TRININTY MARK (1/17). Choose the Trinity option to be transported up to a ledge with another POSTCARD. This one can be mailed for a MYTHRIL. There is another BLUE TRINITY MARK (2/17) in the corner of this district near the front gates. Use it to get a bunch of MUNNY. In the second district, enter the Hotel and pick up a PRETTY STONE in the Red Room. Enter the Gizmo Shop and exit through the other door. Outside there is a ladder that leads to a higher ledge. From here, turn left and travel down the length of the brown-roofed building. There is a small hole that leads to the Third District. Before you go through, look to the left to see a treasure chest right on the ledge. Open this for a MYHTRIL SHARD. Now head through the hole to the Third District. Press R1 to lock onto an object in the corner. Another POSTCARD! Mail this one for an ELIXIR. Still in the Third District, walk behind the Lady and the Tramp Statue to find another BLUE TRINITY MARK (3/17). This one gives you a CAMPING SET and a bunch of MUNNY. You can quickly get back to the First District by unlocking the large double doors in this area (examine the keyhole). One last thing to do. Back in the Third District, look for the door with the flame on it. Cast your new fire spell on it to open it, and you will find yourself in a darkened cavern area. Jump carefully across the moving stones to the house on the other side (make sure not to fall off, you'll have to start over again). Enter the hole on the left side of the house. Here you will meet Merlin and the Fairy Godmother. You can't do much here for now, but there is a save point and a BLUE TRINITY MARK (4/17) nearby. Use it to get a bunch of munny and a MEGA-ETHER. That's about it for now. You can practice your magic if you want. Before you set off on your adventure, make sure to equip any abilities, buy and equip new weapons and armor, and equip items. You should buy about 10 Potions, and Donald's Morning Star and Goofy's Smasher. Also consider going into the menu and reconfiguring Goofy and Donald's AI menu. It may help you out in a pinch. When you are ready, find a save point and teleport to the Gummi Ship. After a long and somewhat tedious tutorial (especially if you choose to watch any of the other ones) you will be able to choose where to fly to next. You have two choices. When you select one of the mystery worlds, you will see a little message appear that says "battle lv. __". This is just rating how hard the Heartless on this world will be. For now, you can only choose two different worlds, one with a battle level of one, and the other with a battle level of two. For now, let's head to the level one battle world. The Gummi ship battles are quite possibly the most boring parts of the game, (I apologize in advance if you're a fan of these types of games; however, I enjoy shoot-em-ups, and I still dislike the Gummi system). The aiming is tough, and objects that you think are below you are usually deceivingly high, causing you to often run into them. Anyway, this first battle isn't too tough. Just keep shooting the spaceships, asteroids, and panel-type things to collect items. You may find it easier to collect items if you hold O to slow down. After a while, you will seethe new world looming in the distance as it gets closer and closer, until you finally realize that it's... ~=============================================================================~ | D. WONDERLAND [D0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Potion .............. [ ] Camping Set ............. [ ] | | Potion .............. [ ] Defense Up .............. [ ] | | Potion .............. [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Potion .............. [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Potion .............. [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Potion .............. [ ] Thunder-G ............... [ ] | | Ether ............... [ ] Aero-G .................. [ ] | | Ether ............... [ ] Aeroga-G ................ [ ] | | Hi-Potion ........... [ ] Navi-G .................. [ ] | | Hi-Potion ........... [ ] Footprints .............. [ ] | | Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Stench .................. [ ] | | Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Antenna ................. [ ] | | Elixir .............. [ ] Claw Marks .............. [ ] | | Tent ................ [ ] Dalmatians 13, 14, and 15 [ ] | | Camping Set ......... [ ] Dalmatians 16, 17, and 18 [ ] | | Camping Set ......... [ ] Dalmatians 58, 59, and 60 [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACCESSORIES: Ifrit's Horn ........ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Blizzard ............ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Blue Trinity #5 ..... [ ] Blue Trinity #6 ......... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Large Body | | Red Nocturne Trickmaster (Boss) | | Soldier | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Are you ready for the first Disney world (no pun intended) of the game? You'd better be, because they picked a pretty trippy movie for the first world. Sora starts out in the rabbit hole, much similar to the movie. The first character you see is the White Rabbit, who, as always, is late for a very important date. You will see just how important very soon. Follow him into the next room. The Doorknob will greet you here (this is what I mean when I say that this movie is a bit stranger than most other Disney movies). You can drink one of the drinks on the table to shrink small enough to fit through the door. What door you ask? Well, before you drink the bottle, check the bed, and push it into the wall. This reveals the doorway. Now you should drink the bottle and head through the door. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Red Nocturne | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 24 ATK: 9 | | | EXP: 1 DEF: 9 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Ether - 1% | | | Blaze Shard - 6% | | | Fira Ring - 0.5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | After you shrink, you will probably encounter a new enemy called the Red | | Nocturne. These pests like to fly around the room and cast Fire spells | | at you. You have to be quick at eliminating them before they decimate | | you with their spells. If you are skilled at deflecting, you can hit their | | spells back at them to stun them. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Meet Alice and the Queen of Hearts. Alice is on trial for attempted theft of the Queen's heart, and she is pretty much helpless. It seems that the Queen only does things that are convenient to her, and Alice is the easiest person for the queen to lay the blame on. Sora decides to help out, so you're stuck searching for evidence. While you're here, you can continuously talk to Alice for some interesting conversations. Keep talking to her until she repeats herself. Save at the Save point, and then take the door to the Lotus Forest (left of the Queen). Here in the Lotus forest you will meet the mysterious, very cool looking Cheshire Cat, but he tends to talk in riddles, so he can be more annoying than helpful. There are four pieces of evidence. You only have to find one, but it is very beneficial to find all four of them. Start by searching the small alcove to the right. If you walk straight forward from the door that you came in, you will walk past a red flower, and the alcove is right there to your right. There is a small pink chest containing FOOTPRINTS, which is one of the pieces of evidence (footprints in a box?). There is also a BLUE TRINITY MARK (5/17) here as well. Use it to obtain a POTION, an ETHER, a TENT, and some MP balls. You can also give the flower a Potion for a HI-POTION and more MP balls. There are also a couple of red flowers, the one near the entrance, and one on the other side of the forest. Give them both Ethers to get a CAMPING SET from each one. Do this only if you have some extra Ethers. These flowers also spit out HP balls. Back in the alcove with the Trinity mark, jump up the mushrooms until you reach a door on the side of the big tree. This will take you back to the Bizarre Room. You will land on the fireplace next to a chest containing the STENCH. Just two more pieces of evidence! In the back of the forest, past the second red flower, are more mushrooms. Jump on the little one, and then jump on to the mushroom to the right. From here, you can see another evidence box. Jump across to it, and open it for an ANTENNA. Look to the corner of the room to see a blue chest. The jump to the ledge is really hard, but Sora will grab on if you jump at the last possible second while running off the edge. The chest here contains a THUNDER-G. Back at the three mushrooms, jump on the small mushroom again and then jump to the left. There is a chest here that contains DALMATIANS 16, 17, and 18. Congrats, it's a tough jump. Back at the entrance, look for the other yellow flower next to the fake lake. Give this one a Potion to grow bigger. Step on the nearby stump (right next to the entrance, you'll get the message "see ya"... maybe because the tree isn't facing you anymore; hooray for pointless dialogue) to raise a platform, and then head over to the big tree in the middle of the area. Choose to "take" the seed after examining it, but leave it on the ground. Hit the tree to change its direction, and then eat the seed to shrink again. Back in the alcove where you found the first piece of evidence, jump up the mushrooms again and follow the platforms to a new opening on the wall that leads to the Bizarre Room. Be careful when you land! You don't want to fall off. Use the first person view to spot the last chest. Carefully jump across to it, and open it for the CLAW MARKS. The Cheshire Cat appears to give you BLIZZARD magic. Yay! Now you can blast those pesky little mages out of the air, and get Tech points for it! Blizzard magic will be important to use from now on for a while. It acts as a shotgun-style blast and can strike multiple enemies for decent damage. Try to experiment with it in the near future. For now, jump back down and head back to present the evidence to the Queen. First things first: save your game. Now talk to the Cards in front of the Queen to present the evidence. The court system is still very corrupt, and you will have to choose a box that contains your evidence. There are now five boxes, and you need to choose one of them at random. The more Evidence you collected, the better your chances of getting back one of the pieces of evidence. If you choose the wrong box, Donald, Goofy, or both of them will pop out and will be put in cages. You will want them for the next fight, so it may be wise to reload if they are imprisoned. However, you can break the cages that they're in by repeatedly striking them. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Cards and Tower [D1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Heart Card Stats | HP: 60 ATK: 9 | | | EXP: -- DEF: 9 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Spade Card Stats | HP: 45 ATK: 9 | | | EXP: -- DEF: 9 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tower Stats | HP: 24 ATK: N/A | | | EXP: 100 DEF: N/A | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Crank Stats | HP: 9 ATK: N/A | | | EXP: -- DEF: N/A | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | MP balls | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Queen Stats | HP: 10 ATK: 9 | | | EXP: 100 DEF: 9 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This is a tough battle, unless you know how to fight it. First of all, you | | can knock the cards unconscious, but they will get back up eventually. Your | | goal is to release Alice from the cage by destroying the Tower. | | | | If Donald and Goofy are imprisoned, focus on destroying the cages, as you | | will need all the help you can get in this battle. | | | | Knock out a few of the Cards until you have a clear shot at the Queen. | | Blast her in the face with a Fire Spell (lock on first), and the cards will | | be distracted for a few precious moments. Take this opportunity to hack | | away at the tower. | | | | Every time you destroy a gear, HP balls will fly out. This is your key to | | survival in this battle. Once the gears are gone, you must rely on items | | for healing, so finish the battle quickly. After a few hits to the main | | body of the tower, a bunch of munny flies out. It's up to you whether you | | want to collect it all or not. Use your best judgment. When the Tower is | | destroyed, the Cards will stop attacking you. | | | | Alternately, you could blast the Queen in the face with fire and then run | | away from the cards. Lock onto the tower and cast Fire rapidly to break the | | tower quickly and at a safe distance. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' As soon as everyone realizes that Alice is gone, another search is put upon the group. You must find out where Alice went! Don't worry about being attacked by the cards again either. It seems that all is forgiven for the time being! If you return to the Rabbit Hole (where you entered) you can fight some enemies to make a chest with a MEGA-POTION appear. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Large Body | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 160 ATK: 11 | | | EXP: 7 DEF: 10 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 4% | | | Spirit Shard - 12% | | | Protera Chain - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These hulking Heartless enemies are quite annoying. It may be tempting | | to get rid of them in the beginning of a battle because of the annoying | | belly attacks, but wait until you have at least killed any Red Nocturnes | | nearby. Try to save the Large Body for last. When attacking it, keep | | moving, as it is surprisingly nimble for its girth. You don't want to be | | in front of it when it jumps forward. Try to get around to its back and | | combo it from there. If it taps its stomach, there is an extremely high | | chance it will ram into you unless you find higher grounds or blast it with | | magic. It also swings its arms at you after combos. The Large Body has a | | lot of HP so it will take more than a few hits to bring one down. | | | | When you have singled out a Large Body, wait for it to attack. After you | | dodge it, the Large Body's back will be exposed for a combo. If you prefer | | a face-to-face encounter, you'll have to rely on magic to bring down its | | HP. If you've tailored Sora to use magic, you'll have a distinct advantage | | when fighting these guys. | | | | Large Bodies tend to become extremely dangerous when low on HP. When you | | them start to glow, be ready for them to relentlessly run at you. The best | | thing you can do at this point is to wait for them to get close, and hit | | them in the stomach with the Keyblade. While this won't damage them, it | | does completely stop the attack and daze the enemy, letting you close in | | for the kill. Magic is also a good alternative at this point, though it | | won't stop the charge attack. A few quick Fire spells will kill one off. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Back in the Lotus forest, feed the yellow flower another potion to grow large. Slide the nearby boulder into the pond to raise two mushrooms. Hit the big tree to access the nut again, and choose to take it. Before eating it, hit the tree again to keep it facing away from you. Now eat the acorn to shrink back to small size. Back at the pond, use the newly raised mushrooms to access a closed off area. Feed the yellow flower a Hi-Potion to receive a MEGA-POTION and some MP balls. Use the BLUE TRINITY MARK (6/17) to get a CAMPING SET and even more MP balls. Ignore the bellflowers for now, and enter the nearby door to find yourself back in the Queen's Castle. Open the nearby chest for an AERO-G. From here, drop down and reenter the forest. Back in the forest, head to the back again, and jump on the mushrooms (use the larger mushroom on the left) to reach the branch with the acorn. From here, enter the nearby door set into the leafy canopy to enter the Bizarre Room... but I think Bizarre Room is a gross understatement for what you find next. The whole room has been turned on its side! Check the first lamp to light it, and you will receive a chest with a DEFENSE UP. When you light the second lamp, a picture appears. Examine this to reenter another closed off section of the Lotus Forest. Feed a Potion to the flower on the right to get a HI-POTION and MP balls. You can give the other flower an Elixir for a MYTHRIL SHARD and some munny, but it's up to you whether or not you make the trade in. You'll get about 180 munny for this. Exit this section of the forest the way you came in. Back in the Bizarre Room, examine the shelf with the teddy bear, and attack the latch to make the shelf drop the bear. This affects events a bit later. Exit the Bizarre Room the way you came in. Here in the forest, go back to the entrance, and jump up the mushrooms in the alcove (the mushrooms I'm referencing are the ones near the yellow flower and where you got Trinity #4). Head up toward the door above the entrance, and you will exit back out into Bizarre Room, this time on the other wall. Turn the faucet to make the pot become real, and jump into it to return to the Queen's Castle area. The nearby chest contains DALMATIANS 58, 59, and 60. Save here, return to the Bizarre Room through the nearby door, and grow big again. The book that appeared in the corner contains a MYTHRIL SHARD. Move the teddy bear to the other chair to create a clock. Move it to reveal another entrance. Turn small again and exit to the Tea Party Garden. When you enter, take the AEROGA-G from the chest before hopping down. Read the sign near the portrait a couple of times. You can sit in any of the chairs once, and 5 of them will yield very good items. The other two trigger battles that you may or may not wish to fight. Here's a chart of what you get (starting with the head of the table at the top of the chart): ____ | | Battle |____| __________________ | | ____ | | ____ POTION, | | | | | | ETHER, munny |____| | | |____| HP Balls | | ____ | | ____ Battle | | | | | | POTION, |____| | | |____| MP Balls | | ____ | | ____ ELIXIR, | | | | | | POTION, HP Balls|____| | | |____| HP Balls |__________________| Wow, that's a lot of stuff! Have fun! And a very merry un-birthday to you! (Many apologies if it is your birthday.) Starting now, there is a chance that you will encounter White Mushrooms on your travels throughout the game. Do not pass up an opportunity to get items from these creatures! Please see the respective Mushroom section at the end of the guide. Enter the door nearby that leads to the Bizarre Room. Now you're on the ceiling! Jump onto the table from the nearby ramp and light the candles to talk to the Cheshire Cat again. Down on the wall is a small latch that opens a hidden door. Jump through to find yet another chest in the Queen's Castle area. This one contains DALMATIANS 13, 14, and 15. Nine down, ninety to go. Yipee! Enter the Bizarre room again (right side up), and check the plant to get a couple of POTIONS and a MYTHRIL SHARD, as well as some HP balls. Make sure to go back into the Queen's Castle area to save before talking to the Cheshire Cat. You should be around level 13 if you want an easy battle. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Trickmaster [D2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 600 ATK: 9 | | | EXP: 150 DEF: 9 | | | | | Stunned | HP balls | | | | | Extinguish Clubs | MP balls | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Ifrit's Horn | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This will most likely be the toughest fight you have encountered thus far. | | The Trickmaster is tall enough to be able to keep Sora out of reach most of | | the time. Goofy and Donald will immediately swarm the Trickmaster to | | attack. They will get hit often if they stay in close. If you feel they | | aren't strong enough, set their AI before the battle so that they don't | | attack as often. | | | | The Trickmaster carries his fair share of powerful attacks. He can send you | | flying very far, and can take a lot of HP away. The two sticks that he | | carries will become a fiery nuisance later in the battle. In addition to | | regular attacks, he can also interact with the environment. Though the | | table in the center of the room will be your main stepping stool when | | attempting to hit the Trickmaster, he can push the table down into the | | ground, putting you at a disadvantage. The table will eventually pop back | | out if you wait, however. | | | | When the battle begins, you will have an easy time attacking him, so take | | this opportunity to deal some major damage. In compensation for his | | powerful attacks, the Trickmaster will release HP balls every once in a | | while. When the Trickmaster straightens out, you will find it difficult to | | hit him from the ground. Climb atop the table and jump at him to do an air | | combo. Every once in a while, he will keel over, giving you a fine attack | | opportunity. Forget using magic in this battle, it's not worth it. | | | | Also, he occasionally walks over to the fireplace to light his sticks on | | fire. When this occurs, try to keep a distance for a while. The Trickmaster | | will begin shooting fireballs at you. While it's possible to deflect them | | back and stun him, you're better off just Dodge Rolling out of their way, | | as the sticks will eventually blow out. | | | | Curiously, you can target the grate in front of the fireplace where the | | Trickmaster lights his sticks. Also, when the Trickmaster is stunned, you | | can target his sticks. While I haven't found any use for either of these | | curiosities, it's definitely something worth looking into. If anyone knows | | the purpose of being able to target these things, let me know. | | | | By far, the easiest way I've found to defeat him is to stick to the chairs | | and shelf in the corner of the room. He can't push these into the ground, | | so you'll have a unique advantage. He also typically ignores the fireplace, | | meaning you won't have to deal with his sticks lighting on fire. In fact, | | I've gotten him to just stand stupidly in front of me the entire battle. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' An IFRIT'S HORN is yours for completing this battle. Following the post-battle cutscene, you will receive a NAVI-G PIECE, and that's about all that's left to do in Wonderland, for now. ~=============================================================================~ | * TRAVERSE TOWN [Z0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Defense Up .......... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' On the world map, choose to fly back to Traverse Town to buy new items and such. You should definitely buy at least 20 Potions for the next part of the game, and probably some Hi-Potions too. You can get a Defense Up as well. Head over to the outdoor Cafe and destroy the chairs. Target the candles and use your new Blizzard spell to put all four of them out. You will hear some musical notes, and the chest will open, revealing a DEFENSE UP. If Donald has been having a hard time staying alive, give it to him, otherwise, give it to Sora. Now it's time to go to Olympus Coliseum! Hop in the Gummi Ship, and set a course to the Lv. 2 battle world. ~=============================================================================~ | E. COLISEUM [E0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Mega Potion ......... [ ] Hero License ............ [ ] | | Mythril Shard ....... [ ] Dalmatians 22, 23, and 24 [ ] | | Entry Pass .......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACCESSORIES: Inferno Band ........ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Thunder ............. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: Sonic Blade ......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Blue Trinity #7 ..... [ ] Blue Trinity #8 ......... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Blue Rhapsody | | Soldier Cloud (Boss) | | Large Body Cerberus (Boss) | | Red Nocturne | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' You start out in front of the mystical Coliseum. This is where competitors from all over the world join together and test their skills to determine who the best fighter is. As of late, warriors from other worlds have been appearing as well. Those who have lost their own worlds to the Heartless come here to fight to get revenge on those who destroyed their world. There are a few things you can do immediately in front of the Coliseum. There are BLUE TRINITY MARKS (7/17) (8/17) to your right and left under the enormous warrior statues. The one on the left drops a chest containing a MYTHRIL SHARD, and the one on the right drops a chest with DALMATIANS 22, 23, and 24. Also, look for a chest behind the pillars to the left of the door. This contains a MEGA-POTION. Now enter the double doors to enter the Lobby of the Coliseum. Inside the Lobby, talk to Phil, and he will ask you to move the stone slab on the wall. Try pushing it until Sora comments on how it is too heavy. Talk to Phil again, and he will let you enter the trials. Make sure to unequip the Vortex ability if you have it equipped. It just makes the trial harder. For the trials, you have to break 20 barrels within 30 seconds. This first trial is simple. Hit the middle of the three barrels until Sora finishes his combo. This should break all three barrels, and possibly launch one into another group of barrels, breaking even more! Keep going in a straight line destroying the barrels, and you should get past the first trial no problem. The second trial is a bit harder. You must destroy 25 barrels in 60 seconds, but the barrels are spread out and on different platforms. Start out the trial by destroying the barrels around the perimeter. Always try hitting barrels into others to break them. Next, jump onto the lowest platform, and make your way up, destroying groups of barrels as you go. On the highest platform, hit the lone barrel into the one on the floating platform. If you miss, target it and shoot off two consecutive fire spells to destroy it. That should be the last barrel. This might take a few tries, but you can do it until you win. After this trial, equip Vortex if you took it off. Phil still won't let you into the games but he does give you the THUNDER spell. Head outside. Meet Hades, god of the Underworld. Don't let his calm demeanor deceive you. Why is he giving you an ENTRY PASS? His intentions will become clear later. Oh well, might as well use it. Go back to the Lobby and show it to Phil. Yay, the preliminaries! This part is very tough, especially if your levels are low. You have to fight through 7 battles without a chance to restock your items. Make sure to fill up all your slots. Take plenty of Potions, and a couple of Ethers for later. The first six battles you fight are Heartless enemies, and the last one is Cloud. You don't have to win the last battle, but you do have to win the first six. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Blue Rhapsody | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 24 ATK: 11 | | | EXP: 1 DEF: 10 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | MP balls | | | Items: Ether - 1% | | | Frost Shard - 12% | | | Blizzara Ring - 0.5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | A new type of wizard enemy will greet you in the Coliseum games. Much like | | their Red counterparts, Blue Nocturnes like to fly around and cast Blizzard | | spells at you. You have to be quick at eliminating them before they | | decimate you with their spells. Obviously, they are weak against fire, | | though your advantage has been lessened since Fire targets only single | | enemies. Still, Fire uses less MP, and you can shoot them off pretty fast, | | so you shouldn't have a problem. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' .===========================================. | Round # | Enemies | |===========================================| | 1 - Shadow Scout | Soldier X4 | | | Blue Rhapsody X3 | |====================|======================| | 2 - Sinisters | Shadow X10 | | | Blue Rhapsody X3 | |====================|======================| | 3 - Heat & Freeze | Red Nocturne X5 | | | Blue Rhapsody X5 | |====================|======================| | 4 - Shadow Platoon | Shadow X2 | | | Soldier X2 | | | Red Nocturne X3 | | | Blue Rhapsody X3 | |====================|======================| | 5 - Blue Revenge | Blue Rhapsody X9 | |====================|======================| | 6 - Big One | Large Body X1 | | | Red Nocturne X4 | | | Blue Rhapsody X4 | |====================|======================| | 7 | Cloud | '===========================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Cloud (1) [E1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 300 ATK: 11 | | | EXP: 80 DEF: 10 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Keep in mind that this is an OPTIONAL win. If you lose, the story will | | progress regardless. If, however, you choose to beat Cloud's sorry butt | | into submission, I suggest being at least level 14, and having an almost | | full inventory of Potions. Also, you definitely should have Dodge Roll | | equipped, or you're dead meat. | | | | When the battle begins, lock onto Cloud and keep it that way. This way, | | when Cloud starts lunging forward repeatedly, you can hold one direction | | and continuously Dodge Roll to avoid the attack. | | | | You will want to wait until Cloud leaps into the air before you can attack | | him. The second he hits the ground, Dodge Roll away from him so you don't | | get hit, and pull a couple of combos on him. He will probably start lunging | | at you again at this point, so just repeat the strategy until he is | | defeated. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battles, you will find yourself back in the lobby ready to make an important decision. If you think you are strong enough at this point, you should go back in to fight Cerberus. If you beat Cloud, then you should be good enough to beat Cerberus. If you think your levels are too low, just exit out of the main gate and level up somewhere else. After restocking your inventory with Potions and saving your game, enter the Coliseum to engage the three-headed dog. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Cerberus [E2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 600 ATK: 11 | | | EXP: 200 DEF: 10 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Inferno Band | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This boss fight can be won without getting hit, and it's very easy to do | | too. Any of Cerberus' heads can be struck to bring down the creature's | | life, but you will have to jump to reach the heads properly. Following are | | a list of Cerberus' attacks and how to avoid them. | | | | Attack #1 - Cerberus will shoot fireballs from its heads, and they can | | easily be dodged by targeting it and Dodge Rolling to its side. | | | | Attack #2 - Cerberus will roar and then start snapping its teeth at your | | party members. While Goofy and Donald get eaten, you should stay off to the | | side of Cerberus, and wait for the closest head to chomp. Quickly jump up | | in the air and strike the head 2 or 3 times, and then wait for the next | | chomp. Not only will you not get hit this way, Cerberus will also lose a | | lot of health. Typically used after attack #2. | | | | Attack #3 - Cerberus rears on his hind legs and slams into the ground, | | creating a shockwave that shoots outward and damages anything standing on | | the ground. How do you avoid it? Jump. | | | | Attack #4 - Black mist emits from Cerberus' mouths as it starts vomiting | | dark energy onto the field. Numerous black swells of energy rise from the | | ground, and will rise under you and damage you if you stand in one place. | | The best thing to do is Dodge Roll about the arena while targeting | | Cerberus. It usually will use attack #1 at this time as well. | | | | Although Cerberus has a lot of HP, you should be able to come through | | unscathed (if you're good at the Dodge Roll). | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' You will receive an INFERNO BAND accessory for completing this battle. Phil will give you the HERO LICENSE as you leave, and Cloud will also show up to give you the SONIC BLADE ability. You should equip this nifty technique on Sora right away. You may need to gain another level or two to get enough AP to equip all of Sora's abilities. Now that you have the Thunder magic at your disposal, there are a few things you can do. Plot a course back to Traverse Town for now. To leave, use the giant double doors (the Save Point doesn't work). ~=============================================================================~ | * TRAVERSE TOWN [Z1] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Megalixir ........... [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] | | Orichalcum .......... [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] | | Curaga-G ............ [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Back in Traverse Town, enter the Third District and look in the corner. You should see a pipe with a broken wire protruding from it. Zap this with your new Thunder spell and you should hear a musical chime. Now go to the Second District and enter the Gizmo Shop. As always, there is a boatload of enemies in here, so after you've gotten rid of them take a look around the room. You'll notice that the small platforms have been raised, allowing you to reach the upper section of the Gizmo Shop. There are three switches up here, and when you step on all of them, you'll hear another chime. Now drop down and wait until the clock stops. Examine it for 2 POSTCARDS. Mail these in the First District for a MEGALIXIR and an ORICHALCUM. Also, the clock stops at 6:54. Is there any significance to this? Probably not. I sometimes wish this game made a bit more sense. Also, you should have enough puppies by now to get your first prize from the Dalmatians. Enter the Dalmatians' house in the Second District to receive a CURAGA-G. That's it for items in Traverse Town for now, unless you want to buy more items. Back on the Gummi Ship, plot a course back to Wonderland to pick up a couple more items. ~=============================================================================~ | * WONDERLAND [Z2] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Shell-G ............. [ ] Thundara-G .............. [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Back at Wonderland, get off at the Queen's Castle and enter the Lotus Forest again. Jump up the two mushrooms in the fake lake to the left and drop down into the clearing. Use Thunder on the nearby Bellflowers to get a SHELL-G. Jump back out of the clearing and head next to the back of the forest where the three mushrooms are. Jump onto the small mushroom and then jump to the left so that you can get on the branch with the acorn. From here, jump to the door against the leafy canopy and you'll arrive in the Bizarre Room again. Head through the painting to arrive in the Lotus Forest secret place thing. Shock the flowers in here with Thunder to get a THUNDARA-G. And that's really all you can do right now, so leave this stinky place. Back on the world map, you may be wondering about all these Gummi Blocks we've been collecting. Why not give ship building a try? You should have some good parts now, and it would help to have a stronger ship. Slapping on random pieces should suffice and get you to the next world. When you are ready, choose to travel to the only remaining mystery world. I am typically level 16-17 before heading to the next world. ~=============================================================================~ | F. DEEP JUNGLE [F0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Hi-Potion ........... [ ] Esuna-G ................. [ ] | | Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Protect-G ............... [ ] | | Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Protect-G ............... [ ] | | Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Aeroga-G ................ [ ] | | Ether ............... [ ] Aeroga-G ................ [ ] | | Ether ............... [ ] Navi-G Piece ............ [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Slide 1 ................. [ ] | | Mythril ............. [ ] Slide 2 ................. [ ] | | Mythril ............. [ ] Slide 3 ................. [ ] | | Mythril Shard ....... [ ] Slide 4 ................. [ ] | | Mythril Shard ....... [ ] Slide 5 ................. [ ] | | Mythril Shard ....... [ ] Slide 6 ................. [ ] | | Orichalcum .......... [ ] Dalmatians 25, 26, and 27 [ ] | | Shell-G ............. [ ] Dalmatians 28, 29, and 30 [ ] | | Shell-G ............. [ ] Dalmatians 31, 32, and 33 [ ] | | Fire-G .............. [ ] Dalmatians 34, 35, and 36 [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACCESSORIES: White Fang .......... [ ] Protera Chain ........... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KEYBLADES: Jungle King ......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Cure ................ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: Red Trinity ......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Blue Trinity #9 ..... [ ] Blue Trinity #10 ........ [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Clayton (Boss) | | Powerwild Sabor (Boss) | | Bouncywild Stealth Sneak (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Mere minutes after landing, Sora is without Donald or Goofy, and is thrown into a Boss fight! _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Sabor [F1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 90 ATK: 12 | | | EXP: 15 DEF: 11 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sabor's attacks simply consist of leaps and swats, and it doesn't really | | matter if you get hit once or twice. Sabor is quite agile however, so you | | will want to take care of him before his attacks start adding up. He | | doesn't have much HP, so just wail on him, and he'll go flying across the | | room... it's quite amusing actually. Sonic Blade and magic work well too. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' When you regain control of Sora and Tarzan, jump down from the tree house to the netting. If you look under the tree house carefully, you can find a chest with a MEGA-POTION on a slightly higher ledge. From here, just jump off the netting anywhere into the trees. You will land in a small area with two exits and a save point. You can either take a shortcut to camp by jumping in the log, or you can take the long way to collect items. It probably makes more sense to take the shortcut now, so you can come back through with a full party to access all of the Trinity marks. There is a chest on the platform above the save point with a MEGA-ETHER in it. Jump in the stump when you are ready. The slide doesn't last too long, and there's not much to do on the way down except to dodge a few branches and watch as Tarzan doesn't. After the ride, you'll fall to the Camp area. Inside the tent, you will be reunited with Donald and Goofy, and you will also receive a PROTECT-G. When asked to choose party members, choose Goofy and Donald for now, so that you can use the Trinity mark just outside the tent. Open the chest inside the tent for a MYTHRIL SHARD. Outside, head to the left to find a BLUE TRINITY MARK (9/17) behind the table. This one releases DALMATIANS 34, 35, and 36. Also, there is a barrel near the clothesline that will yield HP balls, and occasionally a POTION, if you break it. There is a small mini-quest that you can do here as well. Certain Recipe Cards have been scattered over the campsite, and if you read them all, you can make some items. First, look in the grandfather clock near Clayton to get the first recipe card. Turn around and find the flagpole with the British flag in front of the tent. If you search the base of it, you will find the second Recipe Card. Now go to the stove and put the Potion in by examining the pot. Now open the stove door by hitting it and cast a fire spell at the stove to light it. You'll get a HI-POTION for this. Now go back to the clothesline kind of near Clayton. Examine the pink shirt for the first Research Note. Turn around and examine the globe to the right of the tent for the second Research Note. The third can be found in the record player to the left of the tent. Go back over to the lab table and examine the instruments. When you are prompted to ice the Potion, cast Blizzard to receive 2 ETHERS. Once you are done with that stuff, you can begin your search for Jane's Slides. Here are the locations of all of them. SLIDE 6 - Use the boxes to the right of the tent to reach this one. SLIDE 1 - From where you found Slide 6, jump to the top of the tent to reach the next one. SLIDE 5 - Jump from the tent to the white canopy to reach Slide 5. SLIDE 2 - Jump down from where you got Slide 5 and look under the white canopy for Slide 2 on a dresser. SLIDE 4 - In front of the tent is a bamboo flagpole and a stack of boxes. Slide 4 rests on top of them. SLIDE 3 - To the right of the tent is a chalk drawing of Tarzan. The slide rests just to the left of the chalkboard. Upon returning the slides to Jane, Tarzan will agree to take you to see Kerchak. Just as you think you're on your merry way, Sabor ambushes you again! Use the strategy detailed above to defeat him, although you now have Donald and Goofy, so it will be a lot easier. You may want to heal in the tent after the fight. Head left out of the tent to enter Hippo's Lagoon. Jump across the water by using the hippo as a stepping-stone, and then jump across the next two hippos again to reach a treasure chest containing DALMATIANS 25, 26 and 27. Turn around and jump into the water, and swim to a small island to your right. Jump up the low trees to your right to collect a MEGA-POTION. From here, turn the camera until you see a chest in the distance. Jump to the closer platform to the right of the chest (this may take a few tries; try swinging your Keyblade for extra distance) and then jump across to get an ESUNA-G (if you are having trouble getting this chest, you can always just come back with the Glide ability way later in the game). Now jump back into the water and return to the entrance. There is a sunlit vine on the tree that you can climb up to reach Vines. Save at the save point and jump on the first vine by selecting "Jump On". Swing across to the first platform, and from here, swing across to a chest containing a MYTHRIL. Swing across the next set of vines, and then swing across the other vines to your immediate right when you land. This should take you to the Vines 2 area. Kerchak will leave without saying a word, and it appears he's heading towards the tree house. Well, for now, swing across the long series of vines to the other platform. Follow the platform to the left and jump across the gap to get a chest containing DALMATIANS 28, 29, and 30. Swing back across the same vines you just used (i.e. return to the platform where Donald and Goofy are patiently waiting for you), and climb the vine on the side of the tree to reach the Climbing Trees area. In this new area, follow the path until you reach a BLUE TRINITY MARK (10/17). This one releases a chest containing DALMATIANS 31, 32, and 33. If you don't have either Donald or Goofy in your party, you will have to switch Tarzan out at the next save point and come back. A quick save point to reach is through the door to the right of the one next to the Trinity Mark. Head straight across the Treetop area to reach the Tunnel area (where you've been before) to access the save point. Either way, head back to the Trinity Mark. The flowers in this area do nothing yet, by the way, so ignore them for now. Head through the door next to where the Mark was. After a cut scene, stay in the tree house. Look for the broken steps and jump up them by swinging your Keyblade at the top of your jump. Ignore the ladder and head through the hole in the wall. Out on the boardwalk, head left until you reach a dead end. Look beyond the debris for a ladder obscured in shadows. At the top of the ladder, you'll reach the roof of the tree house. Open the chest here for a PROTERA CHAIN. Approach the edge of the roof beyond where the chest was and use the first-person view to spot a plank with a string at the end of it. Jump in the general direction of the plank so that you fall through the trees and land in the Cliff area. Here you will be ambushed by Sabor, but he should be no match for you. There is a vine you can climb to get to a higher platform containing a MEGA-POTION and a MYTHRIL SHARD. Head back to the Camp and enter the tent. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Powerwild | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 30 ATK: 12 | | | EXP: 4 DEF: 11 | | | | | Slips on Peel | Munny | | | Items: Ether - 20% | | | Mega-Ether - 4% | | | Power Shard - 16% | | | Potion - 2% | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Power Shard - 8% | | | Protera Chain - 0.5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These monkey-like heartless will jump around and dodge many of your | | attacks, and they are good at blocking too. Just keep your ground and close | | in to attack. They yield lots of munny and HP balls. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Bouncywild | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 30 ATK: 12 | | | EXP: 4 DEF: 11 | | | | | Slips on Peel | Munny | | | Items: Ether - 20% | | | Mega-Ether - 4% | | | Power Shard - 24% | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Power Shard - 12% | | | Protera Chain - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Much like the Powerwilds, Bouncywilds will jump around and dodge your | | attacks, although they are much more agile. They also will disappear after | | a while, so close in fast! They give a LOT of munny when defeated, and will | | even lose munny and items when they slip on their own banana peels. Watch | | out though, you will lose munny as well if you slip on one. Bouncywilds | | will also throw things at you from a distance. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Hm, it seems Jane has a few misguided opinions on Clayton... Anyway, heal and save, and then head outside. New enemies have arrived, and you'll be fighting them for the rest of this world. You'll also have to save a bunch of gorillas from these enemies, so start right here in the Camp. Every time you save a gorilla, it will give you an item. The following list details where the gorillas are, and which item you get for saving them. Camp - PROTECT-G <----- Make good use of your Blizzard spell Bamboo Thicket - FIRE-G when saving the first three gorillas; Cliff - AERORA-G You're near a save point anyway. * Climbing Trees - AERORA-G Tree House - SHELL-G * Fight back to Camp and save. Head to Hippo's Lagoon and jump across the hippos to the back of the area, where you can reach Vines 2. Immediately upon entering Vines 2, climb the vine to your left to reach Climbing Trees. After saving all five gorillas, head back to the Camp area any way you'd like. Enter the tent to save and heal, then talk to Jane. Outside the tent, you will hear Clayton's gun go off. Head into the Bamboo Thicket again. Sabor will ambush you one last time here. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Sabor (2) [F2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 180 ATK: 12 | | | EXP: 150 DEF: 11 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | White Fang | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sabor is faster and tougher this time around, and packs a bit more HP. He | | can also jump into the bamboo and jump out of the other side at you. This | | shouldn't be too tough if you are at least level 17. Just attack him and | | heal as needed. Again, Sonic works well, and you're healed at the end of | | the battle anyway, so let him have it! | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' For finally defeating Sabor, you receive a WHITE FANG accessory. Looks like trouble's a-brewin' back at the old campsite. Fight your way back and enter the tent. OKAY, so Jane is at the tree house... so you're going to have to go back. Argh. Head back into Hippo's Lagoon, jump across all three hippos, and climb two vines up to the Climbing Trees area. Jane and Terk are imprisoned in a vine cage. If the fact that they're your friends and you're morally obligated to rescue them isn't enough reason to break them out, maybe the fact that the cage is blocking your path onward is. Lock onto the weird fruit thing and attack it until you hear a chime. If you want to bother with the Powerwilds, you can keep killing them to your heart's content, though they do appear rather slowly. To prevent them from continuously spawning, locate the five black flowers around the area and cast Blizzard on them to make them bloom. This will stop the onslaught. Of course, this is somewhat pointless and a big drain on your MP. Enter the Treetop area, and cross over to the Tunnel area. Use the stump to slide down to the campsite so you can save and heal. To prepare for the tough battle ahead, you should make some changes to your party. Replace Donald with Tarzan, and remove Healing Herb and Wind Armor from Tarzan's abilities. Replace them with both of his Critical Plus abilities and fill his and Goofy's item slots up with healing items. Now head through the Bamboo Thicket to the Cliff area. At first, you are pitted against Clayton, and a bunch of Powerwilds. This isn't the real battle, not by a long shot. Take care of the Powerwilds while avoiding Clayton's shots. Then focus on Clayton. After a few hits, he'll keel over in pain. AUTHOR'S NOTE: In previous versions of my guide, the following boss tactics sucked, hardcore. I apologize. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Clayton and Stealth Sneak [F3] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Clayton Stats | HP: 250 ATK: 12 | | | EXP: 240 DEF: 11 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Cure Magic | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stealth Sneak | HP: 750 ATK: 12 | | Stats | EXP: 30 DEF: 11 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Items: Mega-Potion | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Start this battle by continuously attacking the Stealth Sneak with all | | you've got. After you deplete one of its life bars, it will turn visible, | | making this battle a little easier. The Stealth Sneak tends to move too | | fast to predict any of its kick attacks, so keep hitting it and healing | | when needed. | | | | During the battle, look out for the glowing green energy attack from the | | Sneak. These attacks are very fast, but if you're staying in close and | | keeping the pressure on with aerial combos, you'll typically not get hit. | | | | If you do choose to fight this battle from a distance, you'll have to deal | | with Clayton shooting at you. This can be predicted when he says, "Gotcha!" | | Use a Dodge Roll at this time to avoid the shot. This doesn't always work | | though, so you're better off staying close. | | | | After a while, Clayton will fall off and the Stealth Sneak will be stunned. | | Take this opportunity to attack it with all you've got. The Stealth Sneak | | should have around a bar of health left, so attempt to finish it off before | | concentrating on Clayton. The reason you want to go after the Sneak first | | is due to the new attack it will begin using. Its eyes will glow white, and | | homing energy balls will follow Sora. Typically, the best you can do to | | avoid these is try to stay close to the Sneak, again using aerial combos. | | | | Occasionally, for whatever reason, the Stealth Sneak won't accept damage | | from any sort of attack you use. At this point, back off, try to heal, and | | maybe focus on Clayton a bit. Unfortunately, more often than not, Clayton | | will use Potions around this time to heal himself. If you can manage to off | | Clayton in this time, the battle will end (much easier to do if you're not | | playing on Expert). | | | | By the time the Stealth Sneak is defeated, Donald, Goofy, or Tarzan | | (whoever is in your party) should have taken enough health off of Clayton | | to bring him into critical condition. A few hits should finish him off at | | this point. Just watch out for his gun, as always. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' You get CURE magic for winning this battle. In thanks for saving the gorillas, Kerchak will use the raw massive strength of his big meaty ham arms to chuck you onto a cliff. Thanks, Kerchak! Enter the Waterfall Cavern. Go all the way to the end of the path, fight with bad camera angles for a moment, and jump up the ledge with the tiny waterfall running down it to get a MYTHRIL SHARD. Turn around and jump across to another platform that has a chest with a SHELL-G in it. Turn around from this chest, and jump up to get a MYTHRIL. Crawl sideways along the ivy on the wall to reach another chest with an ORICHALCUM in it. Climb up the vine in the alcove behind the chest. Only climb a little ways up, and jump backwards to a new platform. Jump up to the ledge with green ivy on its edge, and then turn around and jump to the new ledge. From here, jump across to another ledge and enter the ??? location to your right. Sora will seal the keyhole to Deep Jungle, and everyone will be happy. :) You will also get a NAVI-G PIECE and an awesome new Keyblade, the JUNGLE KING! Sweet! As an added bonus, the team can even use the RED TRINITY ability now! Before you leave Deep Jungle, you may want to stick around and fight the White Mushrooms that randomly appear in the Camp area. Try to get Arts items for all of your current spells. Refer to the Mushroom section for more detail. If you get extra Arts items, you can sell them for 250 munny apiece! Remember to keep at least one of each though. Back on the World Map, upgrade your Gummi if you wish, and head back to Traverse Town. ~=============================================================================~ | G. TRAVERSE TOWN [G0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Earthshine .......... [ ] Warp-G .................. [ ] | | Old Book ............ [ ] Navi-G Piece ............ [ ] | | Firaga-G ............ [ ] Dalmatians 4, 5, and 6 .. [ ] | | Thundara-G .......... [ ] Dalmatians 10, 11, and 12 [ ] | | Comet-G ............. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Aero ................ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SUMMONS: Simba ............... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Red Trinity #1 ...... [ ] Red Trinity #3 .......... [ ] | | Red Trinity #2 ...... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Yellow Opera | | Soldier Green Requiem | | Large Body Air Soldier | | Blue Rhapsody Guard Armor (but not really) | | Red Nocturne Opposite Armor (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Land in the First District to begin the next adventure right here in Traverse Town! There isn't anything new in the Item Shop yet, but purchase some Potions or Ethers if you are running low. Remember to sell any extra Arts items for quick cash. There isn't anything new in the Accessory Shop either, but buy some if you think you need to. To the left of the Accessory Shop in the alley that you started in at the beginning of the game is a RED TRINITY MARK (1/6). Use this to enter a closed off section of the Alleyway. The chest here contains DALMATIANS 4, 5, and 6. Return to the First District. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Yellow Opera | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 24 ATK: 15 | | | EXP: 3 DEF: 12 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Ether - 1% | | | Thunder Shard - 8% | | | Thundara Ring - 0.5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This third type of wizard will cast--you guessed it--Thunder spells at you. | | They aren't much different from their red or blue cousins, so you shouldn't | | have too much trouble with them at this point. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Green Requiem | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 15 ATK: 15 | | | EXP: 4 DEF: 12 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | MP balls | | | Items: Ether - 4% | | | Bright Shard - 10% | | | Protera Chain - 0.5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The final type of small wizards that you'll face are these tiny green ones | | that fly around and cast Cure spells on other enemies. This is not a good | | thing, so you should definitely take care of them first. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Enter the Second District and fight the Heartless here. Once they are cleared out, head towards the Dalmatians' House and enter. If you've been collecting all the puppies so far, you should have 27 by now, which is enough to get you a FIRAGA-G. Head through the rest of the Dalmatians' House to reach the Alleyway. Destroy all of the enemies in the Alleyway, and then head over to the grate that the water is pouring through. You will notice that there is a RED TRINITY MARK (2/6) right by the gate. Use it to open up the door to the Secret Waterway. Swimming forward, you'll find Aerith and Leon. Keep talking to Leon until he suggests you see Cid. He will also hand over the EARTHSHINE GEM. We will use this in a second. Things will be easier if we return to Cid first. Before you go, check the stairs behind Leon and Aerith. There is a chest at the base containing DALMATIANS 10, 11, and 12. Exit the way you came in. Back in the Alleyway, enter the Dalmatians' House to get another prize. This time it's a THUNDARA-G. Sweet. Exit back to the Second District and head back to the Accessory Shop. Cid will install your Navigation Gummi in exchange for a favor. He wants you to deliver an OLD BOOK to Merlin. You will suddenly hear the bell at the Gizmo Shop ring. Strange. First things first though: we have to deliver the book and complete Merlin's favor. Head back to Merlin's Study either by the Third District, or riding the platform at the top of the stairs in the Secret Waterway. If you opt to take the path through the Third District, you will encounter a new enemy. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Air Soldier | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 33 ATK: 15 | | | EXP: 5 DEF: 12 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Potion - 2% | | | Hi-Potion - 1% | | | Spirit Gem - 4% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The Air Soldier is basically a winged version of the lesser Soldiers. These | | aerial menaces shouldn't pose too much of a threat, but they can get | | annoying while hovering a lot. Aerial combos work well, obviously. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Once you are in the Magician's Study, talk to Merlin. After the conversation, give the Fairy Godmother your Earthshine to gain the power to summon SIMBA. You can test out the summon by having Merlin bring you up to the training area. For more information, please read the Summon section after the walkthrough. You may be curious about that book in the corner... well, we'll leave it alone for now, for the sake of the walkthrough. There isn't much you can do with it for now, but after you're done with Traverse Town, I will have a little section on it. Head back to the Third District to find a familiar face. Once you are done chit-chatting, head up the stairs near the entrance to the Second District and enter the lit up house here. Inside the Small House, talk to Cid. After talking about stuff, he hands over a WARP-G, a very helpful Gummi indeed. You won't have to manually fly to worlds that you've been to before. After the chat, head back to the Second District and enter the Gizmo Shop. After fighting off the enemies, exit through the other door and climb the ladder to the roof. Defeat the enemies here, and then use the RED TRINITY MARK (3/6) on the wall. Pull the rope inside three times to reveal the keyhole to Traverse Town. Unfortunately, when you jump down, a familiar nemesis appears. It's Guard Armor again! Level 21 is a fair level to be at for this fight. Remember to equip as many abilities as possible, and to fill up everyone's item slots. Also, equip Cure on a shortcut button of your choice. If you'd like to save, head through the Third District so you can avoid getting near the keyhole and triggering the battle. This way, you can return to the Accessory Shop. The battle starts out simple enough, but when you cause some damage, Guard Armor will suddenly transform into a different boss. Opposite Armor! _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Opposite Armor (Traverse Town) [G1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Arm Stats | HP: 135 ATK: 15 | | | EXP: -- DEF: 12 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Leg Stats | HP: 135 ATK: 15 | | | EXP: -- DEF: 12 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Body Stats | HP: 900 ATK: 15 | | | EXP: 390 DEF: 12 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Aero Magic | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Do not take this fight lightly! Opposite Armor is much more deadly than its | | lesser kin. Once again, you will want to concentrate on the limbs first to | | lessen the number of attacks that it has. | | | | Specifically, when a pair of either limbs is present, they will "connect" | | with the head of the Opposite Armor and spin very fast. At this point, your | | safest option is to Dodge Roll away, though you can try to strike the | | flailing limbs for tech points. Begin the battle by destroying the limbs | | with the least HP (feet? hands? I get confused), and you won't see as many | | of these attacks. | | | | The torso will disconnect from the body and shoot highly concentrated beams | | of energy at you that do quite a bit of damage. Hit it with your Keyblade | | as soon as you see one coming towards you (this will cause the energy to | | dissipate; no reflected damage this time). It also seems that the torso is | | invulnerable unless the head is attached, so watch out. | | | | Remember to take full advantage of the many HP balls that fly out of | | defeated limbs. Oh, and don't bother trying out your new summons; Simba is | | a lot more trouble than he's worth in this tricky battle. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the fight, you will learn the AERO spell. Excellent. After sealing the keyhole, you will get another NAVI-G PIECE. Excellent again. Return to the First District and talk to Cid for a COMET-G. He will also open up a Gummi shop, and if you want to buy something, buy a COM. LV2. This allows you use more Gummi Blocks in construction. If you enter the Accessory Shop now, there is a scene with Pinocchio. This isn't quite necessary, but it gives you some information on later events. If you were curious about the Old Book you gave to Merlin, you should go there now. Examine the book to enter a new world. ~=============================================================================~ | * 100 ACRE WOOD [Z2] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Elixir .............. [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Wow! You're actually on the book. There aren't any enemies in the 100 Acre Wood, so you don't have to worry about anything like that. Also, curiously, your "Attack" option has become "Hit." Apparently there's no room for violence here. The whole world is pretty much just mini games that you can play whenever you want. Most of the areas are whited out right now, but once you find Torn Pages, you can begin unlocking different mini games. For now, enter the area all the way to the right. Here you will encounter Pooh. After talking with Pooh, open the chest inside the log he was sitting on for a MYTHRIL SHARD. Exit the meadow by walking out of one of the sides of the map. Walk to the left side of the book to find Pooh's House. Enter the area. Before you enter the actual house, run around back and hit the chimney to make a chest fall in the house. Now enter. Pick up the MEGA-ETHER that fell from the chimney, and then check the cabinet next to it for an ELIXIR. While you're here, check out the cuckoo clock and open the window. Just some more interesting little things you can interact with. When you exit the house, Owl will explain what you need to do. Unfortunately, you don't have any Torn Pages yet, so return to the world map, and from there, check the compass in the upper right hand corner of the book to return to Traverse Town. From there, hop aboard the Gummi Ship. We can go to the new world now, but there are a few things you may want to do first (in fact, I highly suggest that you do). First of all, Chip and Dale will tell you there is a new tournament being held at the Coliseum. Head there now. ~=============================================================================~ | * COLISEUM - PHIL CUP [Z3] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: AP Up ............... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Gravity ............. [ ] | |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Powerwild Yellow Opera | | Soldier Green Requiem | | Large Body Shadow | | Blue Rhapsody Hammerlegs | | Red Nocturne Gauntlets | | Armored Torso | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' When you talk to Phil inside, he'll give you the choice of entering the Phil Cup. For now, you can only choose to enter the tournament with Donald and Goofy. This is the easiest of all of the Cups, so you shouldn't have much trouble. Equipping MP Haste/Rage and utilizing Blizzard should help a lot. .=============================================. | PHIL CUP | |=============================================| | Seed # | Enemies | |=============================================| | 9 - Jungle Vice | Powerwild X4 | | | Soldier X3 | |======================|======================| | 8 - Monkey & Magic | Powerwild X1 | | | Green Requiem X2 | | | Red Nocturne X2 | | | Yellow Opera X5 | |======================|======================| | 7 - Big Feet | Hammerlegs X1 | | | Powerwild X4 | |======================|======================| | 6 - Magic Alert | Red Nocturne X5 | | | Yellow Opera X5 | |======================|======================| | 5 - Nightwalkers | Large Body X1 | | | Powerwild X5 | |======================|======================| | 4 - Hard Hitters | Gauntlets X1 | | | Blue Rhapsody X3 | | | Shadow X4 | |======================|======================| | 3 - Indomitable | Large Body X2 | | | Green Requiem X6 | |======================|======================| | 2 - Wild Corps | Gauntlets X1 | | | Hammerlegs X1 | | | Powerwild X4 | |======================|======================| | 1 - Shadow Battalion | Armored Torso X1 | | | Yellow Opera X4 | | | Blue Rhapsody X4 | '=============================================' After fighting through all 9 battles, you will receive the GRAVITY spell. Talk to Phil again, and choose the Phil Cup. Now you have the choice of fighting through the tournament with just Sora. This is a little bit harder, but as long as you bring plenty of Potions and make good use of your Cure spell, you should be okay. For winning the Phil Cup with just Sora, you receive a MYTHRIL SHARD. If you talk to Phil AGAIN, you can enter the tournament under a time limit. Completing the Phil Cup in less than 3 minutes gets you an AP UP. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MINI GAME: Phil Cup Time Trial | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Attempting this challenge at this point in the game is so annoying that it | | makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a hot object. You are better off | | just coming back to finish it when you are more powerful. | | | | Magic adepts: use Gravity to your advantage against the Large Bodies. Make | | sure to bring tons of Ethers into the battle with you, and you may be able | | to complete the trial at this point in the game. | | | | It helps to look at the time trial this way, if you are intent on winning | | now: you need to average 20 seconds a battle. If you feel that you aren't | | making this, just pause and select Restart. I was level 24 before I could | | actually do this, and I had 00' 29" 23 seconds left on the clock at the | | end. | | | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' After completing these three scenarios, you are free to choose single battles from the Phil Cup any time you like. You cannot enter the next cup until later, so head out the main gates and use your new Warp-G to travel to Deep Jungle (select Deep Jungle, and press down on the control pad to choose Warp Drive). ~=============================================================================~ | * DEEP JUNGLE [Z4] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Megalixir ........... [ ] AP Up ................... [ ] | | Power Up ............ [ ] Orichalcum .............. [ ] | | Defense Up .......... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Disembark at Jungle: Tunnel. A new mini game has opened up, and you will get a brief message about it. Jump in the log to begin. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MINI GAME: Jungle Slider | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Basically, this is a five stage mini game where you have to gather fruit | | while avoiding dangerous situations and while taking the correct path at | | forks. | | | | You'll find yourself playing the earlier courses much more often than the | | later ones, since you have to start from the beginning after each course, | | even if you get all 10 fruits. This is because the new path won't open | | until you've gotten all 10 fruits AND retried the course. So even if you're | | perfect, you'll end up going through the courses 15 times (five for the | | first, four for the second, three for the third, etc.). Each path you take | | that doesn't lead to the new course (which, as I mentioned, you'll be | | forced to take sometimes) will deposit you somewhere near the Camp area. | | | | There are two ways of going about this mini game. The fastest way is to | | pause the game and select Restart from the menu AFTER you collect all 10 | | fruits in an area, but BEFORE you slide off the end of the course. | | Otherwise, you'll find yourself having to climb all the way back up to the | | Tunnel area. Selecting Restart will prevent this trek back, BUT you won't | | get credit in your Journal (even though a new course will open up next | | run). The other, longer way has you just dropping off at the wrong branch | | at the end of each successful course, and trekking back up (or using a Save | | Point to "warp" there), and, in this case, getting credit in your Journal. | | | | Stage #1 - Green Serpent | | | | This one is fairly easy, and you've been on it before. The first 3 fruits | | are on the left side of the track, and the next three are on the right side | | of the track, after you go around a curve. The next three fruits are kind | | of in the middle of the track, and just after them, you will have to | | carefully jump over two branches in a row (try attacking while in the air | | to make it over both) and then over a third one. You should land right next | | to the tenth fruit, so hold left after that to enter the new area. If you | | collect all 10 fruits, you get an AP UP. | | | | Stage #2 - Splash Tunnel | | | | This stage is a bit harder. The first three fruit appear almost | | immediately, right in the middle of the track. A little ways on, the next | | three lie in the middle as well. Dodge all the stalagmites until you get to | | a large open room. The next three fruits require a bit of maneuvering, and | | after the third fruit, take a sharp right to collect the last one behind a | | pillar. Now keep Sora to the left to enter the next area. You get an | | ORICHALCUM for getting all 20 pieces of fruit. | | | | Stage #3 - Jade Spiral | | | | The first three fruits are easy enough to get. The next three are too, | | although you'll have to stay to the left. Right after these three are the | | next set of three, right in the middle of the track. The final fruit is | | easy to get as well. Stay to the right to enter the next area. You get a | | MEGALIXIR for getting all 30 pieces of fruit to this point. | | | | Stage #4 - Panic Fall | | | | There are four fruits right in the beginning of this area. The first three | | are easy to see, but the fourth is hidden behind the branch. Don't worry | | about the branch by the way, it won't hurt you. After a few sharp corners, | | you will encounter six more fruits that require some tricky maneuvering to | | get. Lean right for the first two and then immediately left for the | | remaining four. Take a left at the fork to enter the new area. You get a | | DEFENSE UP for getting all 10 fruits in this area. | | | | Stage #5 - Shadow Cavern | | | | All ten pieces of fruit are immediately in front of you, but that doesn't | | mean they're easy to get! In fact... it is incredibly frustrating if you | | miss even one fruit because you'll have to start over! Try holding back on | | the control stick to slow down and you should get it. You will receive a | | POWER UP as a final prize. | | | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' You'll land back in the Cavern that Kerchak threw you up to. From here, head back to the Camp, and then into Hippo's Lagoon. Climb up the ivy on the tree here to enter the Vines area. Talk to the nearby flower to start another game. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MINI GAME: Vine Jump | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | The Vine Jump is a short mini game that times you as you use the vines in | | the area. The game follows the same route for each course, but the vines | | will actually turn into different things, making jumping to and from each | | more difficult. | | | | Course #1 - Jump Course | | | | Nothing changes regarding the vines when you choose this course. This is | | your standard practice course, and you should use it to get used to the | | route. As you start, jump across the vines in front of you. When you land, | | make a somewhat loose turn to the left and you'll see another vine. Swing | | across these, land on the platform, run straight to more vines, and swing | | across to yet another platform. Make a loose turn to the right, and swing | | across the final vines to land on a platform that will take you to Vines 2. | | | | In Vines 2, swing across the vines in front of you. When you land on the | | platform, turn around and jump back on the vine that deposited you where | | you are. It will now swing you towards a new vine. At the end of this long | | row of vines, you will land on the finishing platform. | | | | Course #2 - Trap Course | | | | This course tests your ability to smoothly jump in between vines without | | hanging on for too long. The lighter colored ropes will cause you to slip | | off if you don't react in time to jump to the next one (Sora typically | | falls off after you've missed your chance to jump). Even with these | | slippery ropes, you shouldn't have too much of a problem reaching the end | | of the course. | | | | Course #3 - Acrobatic Course | | | | Your reaction time will be tested in this course. Although there are many | | of the lighter colored ropes interspersed throughout the course, there are | | not as many as last time, and you'll be focusing more on the crazy command | | bar. "Jump Off" is not your friend in this course, as the window of | | opportunity for hitting X and selecting it is quite small for most jumps. | | The hardest part of the course is the very last jump. "Jump Off" won't be | | available, and you'll just have to hit O and jump off yourself, hoping that | | you'll land on the finishing platform (and you better do it quick, because | | you're on a light-colored rope!). | | | | Course #4 - Expert Course | | | | Now, "Jump Next" and "Jump Off" have both become a pain, and your window to | | press X and utilize these options is very tiny. All of the ropes are light- | | colored as well. If you miss a chance to jump to the next rope, you'll have | | to take a little risk and try it manually using O. Strangely, the Vines 2 | | section seems a tiny bit easier than the Vines 1. | | | | Cheating! | | | | Of course, the absolute easiest way to complete this mini game is to use | | Glide or Superglide. The game won't penalize you. You can get incredibly | | low times, especially if you turn to the left after entering the Vines 2 | | area--you can fly directly to the finishing platform! You of course won't | | have these abilities yet, so if you are having trouble with a particular | | course, just remember to come back later with Glide, at least. | | | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Once you are done with these frustrating mini games, head back to the Gummi Ship and fly towards Wonderland. When you get the chance, head into the warp hole, and you will end up in Agrabah. ~=============================================================================~ | H. AGRABAH [H0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Defense Up .............. [ ] | | Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Torn Page ............... [ ] | | Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Mythril ................. [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Shell-G ................. [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Shell-G ................. [ ] | | Elixir .............. [ ] Shell-G ................. [ ] | | Elixir .............. [ ] Thunder-G ............... [ ] | | Megalixir ........... [ ] Dispel-G ................ [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Ansem's Report 1 ........ [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Dalmatians 37, 38, and 39 [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Dalmatians 52, 53, and 54 [ ] | | Power Up ............ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACCESSORIES: Fira Ring ........... [ ] Ray of Light ............ [ ] | | Protera Chain ....... [ ] Thundara Ring ........... [ ] | | Protega Chain ....... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KEYBLADES: Three Wishes ........ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Blizzara ............ [ ] Fira .................... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SUMMONS: Genie ............... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: Green Trinity ....... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Blue Trinity #11 .... [ ] Red Trinity #4 .......... [ ] | | Blue Trinity #12 .... [ ] Green Trinity #1 ........ [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Fat Bandit | | Yellow Opera Black Fungus | | Bandit Pot Centipede (Boss) | | Pot Spider Cave of Wonders (Boss) | | Air Soldier Jafar (Boss) | | Green Requiem Genie Jafar (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Agrabah is the home of Aladdin and the home of Princess Jasmine, who just so happens to be one of the Princesses of Heart. Looks like you have some work ahead of you! Jafar and Maleficent are after the Princess, and Aladdin is nowhere to be seen quite yet. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Bandit | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 39 ATK: 18 | | | EXP: 7 DEF: 15 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Potion - 2% | | | Blaze Gem - 4% | | | Protera Chain - 0.5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bandits are agile and skilled with their swords, though they tend to pause | | before attacking. They are very skilled at blocking attacks, so equip | | Counterattack if you have it. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Defeat the enemies in this first area. There is a MEGA-POTION to the right of one of the marketplace booths. The pot next to the chest contains munny, and you will find a lot of these on your journey through Agrabah. Across from the alcove with the chest is an alcove with a stack of crates. Climb up and open the chest here for a MEGA-ETHER. There is a door in this area that leads to a Storage room, so head in there. Break the barrels and pots in here for munny, and open the chest for a MEGA-POTION. There is also a save point here that you may want to remember. Back outside, head into the Main Street area. Watch out while smashing pots in this area, as some of them are Pot Spiders, and will grow legs and attack you. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Pot Spider | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 21 ATK: 18 | | | EXP: 2 DEF: 15 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Munny | | | Items: Tent - 1% | | | Camping Set - 0.5% | | | Mythril Shard - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | What can I say? Other than tricking you into thinking they're a regular pot | | (which only works a few times at the most), they don't do much, really. | | Just attack them for lots of munny. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Now locate the yellow pot with a board over it. Use this to jump up a series of platforms until you are standing on one of the canopies. Jump across the street below to another canopy, and from here, jump to down and to the right to reach a ledge with a MEGA-ETHER. Jump down and enter the Alley on the other side of the area. Jafar will release some Bandits on you, but they shouldn't be too much of a problem. After dispatching them, use the nearby crates to get up to a higher level. There is a chest here containing a MEGA-POTION. You can use the keyhole to the right to open a door higher up. To reach it, jump over the nearby window shutters to the other side. Be careful while on the shutters, as they will fall if you stand on them too long. The door up here leads back to Main Street. You didn't have to take this route back into Main Street, but remember that it's there for future reference, if you really want to. Jump down from the canopy and head to the small door with the pole inside it. This leads to Aladdin's House. Other than the save point here, there are also two, count 'em, two chests. They contain DALMATIANS 37, 38, and 39, and a MEGALIXIR. As you look around the room, you will see Carpet trying to escape from under a bureau. How he got there I can only guess. Free him from under it by selecting Move. There is also another bureau to the left of the door that leads to the Plaza. Move this to reveal another keyhole that you can use to unlock another door. Now take the door out to the Plaza. Use the window shutters to jump across to another platform, and jump to the chest from here. Be careful though, there are a couple of Pot Spiders along the way. Open the chest here for a COTTAGE. Jump back across the gap and enter the newly opened door to Main Street. Jump on the crates here to reach a higher platform, which you can jump to a chest from. The chest contains a SHELL-G. That's about it for the items, so head back to the Plaza and exit to the desert. Carpet offers to give you a ride to where everything is going on. Take him up on his offer; you won't get very far if you don't. We arrive at the scene just as Al is drowning in quicksand, and as more Bandits appear to hinder you! Take 'em all out! After Aladdin pulls himself out from the quicksand without your help (yeesh, why did we come all the way out here anyway?), you are prompted to change party members. It's up to you if you want to put Aladdin in your party, but there is a Trinity Mark coming up soon. Things have changed here in Agrabah. Many of the normal pots have turned into Pot Spiders, the streets have been blocked off, and there are new enemies. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Fat Bandit | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 240 ATK: 18 | | | EXP: 20 DEF: 15 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 4% | | | Blaze Gem - 8% | | | Firaga Ring - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fat Bandits are much different than the little Bandits. Much like Large | | Bodies, you cannot damage them from the front. They like to breathe fire at | | you, and will turn around quickly to do so if you are behind them. They | | also spit high velocity fireballs at you, but they aren't too hard to | | dodge. They have a lot of HP, but persistence is the key to defeating them. | | Gravity works particularly well in this case. Also, if you have MP to | | spare, throw a Sonic in once in a while to really damage these guys. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Before continuing, you may want to consider placing Gravity in one of your shortcuts, so the Fat Bandits won't give you as much trouble. In order to travel around effectively now, you will need to use the doorways on top of many of the buildings. Some of them are locked, and require Sora to find more of the keyholes on the walls. After destroying the enemies here, look for the crates in the corner (they are to your right as you enter the town), and use these to jump up to the roof of the building. Looking across the street, you'll see another door. Jump across to enter the Alley. You'll have to jump across the closing shutters again to reach another door that takes you to the Main Street. Drop down off of the roof and destroy all the enemies in this area, just so that they don't bother you as you jump around this area. When you have cleared this area out, look for the pot with the board on it near the blocked off entrance to the Plaza. Climb up the building until you reach the colored canopies in front of Aladdin's house. Run all the way to the end where a big red one juts out, and use this to jump across to the lower door. Here in the Bazaar, drop down to the center and destroy the enemies. After they are cleared out, use the nearby BLUE TRINITY MARK (11/17) for a MEGA-ETHER and some munny. Leap back up to the entrance, and across more shutters to reach a chest with a SHELL-G. The other chest on the higher platform contains a FIRA RING. After you have cleared out the area, look for the keyhole near the Fira Ring. This opens another locked gate. Back on Main Street, clear out any enemies that appear, and head up the pole into Aladdin's House. Use the nearby Save Point, and equip your party with curative items and the best equipment. After you've done that, head out of Aladdin's house. Back on Main Street, use the pot with a board on it to reach the awnings again. This time, jump from the blue one to the yellow one to reach the door you just opened. Make sure you are around level 26 or so, and consider placing Blizzard in your quick cast menu. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Pot Centipede [H1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 600 ATK: 18 | | | EXP: 250 DEF: 15 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Ray of Light | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This is a pretty tough boss, even if you know how to defeat him. As soon as | | the battle begins, use the auto lock feature. This will target the | | creature's head, but you will want to take out the other pots roaming the | | area, as they will form with the head and the tail to make a giant Pot | | Centipede, and you definitely don't want that. Start using Blizzard to | | decimate huge numbers of the stray pots. After that stops being effective, | | start breaking them with physical attacks. | | | | Once a fair amount of the Pot Spiders are gone, cast Aero on Sora and focus | | on the tail of the creature. Without the annoying Spider Pots to bog you | | down, you should be able to finish off the boss much faster. If, for any | | reason, the centipede has a chance to get fully formed, try using Thunder | | or Blizzard on its midsection to break apart the creature's body. | | | | Once most or all of the Pot Spiders are gone, you'll just be facing the | | head and tail. They share the same HP bar, so don't worry about picking a | | specific target. They will each attempt to attack you, though rarely at the | | same time. Keep switching between the two to administer damage while | | avoiding damage of your own. | | | | If you're really having trouble, try this trick: equip Counterattack before | | the battle and hit the centipede's face repeatedly. This may eventually | | break the creature apart and grant you HP balls. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' You will receive a RAY OF LIGHT accessory for winning the battle. Return to Aladdin's House to rest and save. The merchant from the movie will be in here as well, in case you need supplies. Drop down the hole to the left of him, and jump back across to the yellow awning to reach the Palace Gates area. To the left of where you enter is a chest that you can reach by jumping from the awning. It contains a PROTERA CHAIN. Now head all the way back to the Plaza and save in the Storage room if you want (don't worry, getting around will be easy again now that the Pot Centipede broke all the barriers). Also, it's a very good idea to place Cure and Aero in the quick spell menu. As you head out into the Desert, Carpet will take you to where you need to go. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Cave of Wonders [H2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 380 ATK: 18 | | | EXP: 400 DEF: 15 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Compared to the battle with the Pot Spider, this battle should be a cinch. | | As you walk forward, the Cave of Wonders rises from the sand. As the battle | | starts, the tiger head will summon Heartless to attack you. This is a mixed | | blessing, as you may find them annoying, yet they will give you HP balls | | when defeated. | | | | You may begin the battle by immediately climbing up the head by walking up | | the mane. From here, it is tricky to get into a good position, but | | sometimes you can get Sora jammed in the corner of one of the eyes. Once | | you're up here, cast Aero and keep it on Sora. The slow moving energy beams | | shot from the Cave of Wonders won't typically hit or bother you, but the | | swords thrown from the Bandits will, unless you have that beautiful wind | | shield up. | | | | Occasionally, the Cave will chuck you off. At this point, kill some enemies | | and wait until the Cave buries its nose again to climb back on (the mane | | tends to be difficult to climb on once the Cave starts flailing like an | | idiot later in the battle). | | | | Each eye holds exactly one half of the HP value of the boss. Make sure | | you're not trying to attack an eye that isn't glowing, or you're wasting | | your time. | | | | This could prove to be a tricky battle, depending on how unlucky you get | | with the Bandits throwing swords at you (keep Aero on!). | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, you are free to enter the Cave of Wonders. Try not to fall off the cliff as you deal with the enemies here, as the Walkthrough will continue as if you hadn't fallen. If you do fall, head up the nearby stairs to get back to the Entrance. After the enemies are defeated, collect the MEGA- ETHER from the chest on the platform. Now head through the door into the Hall. Again, try not to fall when fighting the enemies here. When you reach the small set of stairs with the three water spouts along its length, look first to the left. The barrel here will allow you to get the ELIXIR on the ledge above, and skip the stairway entirely, since the water jets are able to propel you off the ledge. After dispatching of the enemies below, look for a ledge in the side of the platform in the middle of the room. From here, you can jump to the chest to the left of the door. It contains a MYTHRIL SHARD. Back near the beginning of the chamber, look for a set of seemingly unreachable stairs in the pit. If you look closely, however, you will see a water spout platform attached to the pillar. Use this to reach the stairs, and enter the Bottomless Hall. Open the chest here for a MEGA-POTION, and then push the giant stone slab off the cliff. Now return to the Hall, and jump across to the platform to your left. To the right is the other door that leads to the Bottomless Hall. Directly to the right when you enter is an ELIXIR on a pillar out in space. The jump is tricky, but it is possible. Hop back across, and jump on the waterspout to reach a higher platform. The chest here is a COTTAGE. Fight the remaining enemies in the room, and enter the Treasure Room now. More enemies abound in this room, so take care of them first, before you do anything. Also, you may encounter White Mushrooms in here if you are lucky. Use the RED TRINITY MARK (4/6) nearby to collect a MYTHRIL SHARD and a lot of munny. The green chest on top of the idol with the flame in it contains a DEFENSE UP. After collecting that, turn around and jump to the next pile of gold for a chest with another MYTHRIL SHARD. The chest on the walkway in front of you contains a SHELL-G. Now it's finally time to go underground. Return to the Hall area. Take the first set of stairs to your left (walk around the platform) and ride the stone slab down. The BLUE TRINITY MARK (12/17) here contains a THUNDER-G. Head back up the stairs and continue to the left. Take the wooden stairs near the entrance to the, um, Entrance, and the stone slab will take you down to the Dark Chamber. Use the Save Point here to switch Aladdin into your party. You need him to do a few things. Head back up into the Hall, and enter the Entrance area. Deal with the enemies here, and take the stairs down into the Relic Chamber. At the base of the stairs, you are given the option of Calling Abu, but only if Aladdin is in the party. Do so, and he will run up to the monkey statue and lower some stairs for you to use. If you pushed that stone down that I told you to push down a while ago, you will be able to reach a MYTHRIL in a chest in the corner. There is also an easy to reach chest containing a THUNDARA RING. After getting these items, use the secret passageway that you just had Abu open. In the Dark Chamber, you can now reach a chest containing a DISPEL-G. You can actually swim up the waterfall from here. Use Abu from the water to lower a platform containing a chest with a PROTEGA CHAIN. The next chest contains a TORN PAGE, and the one beyond that has a COTTAGE. Save here if you want, and head up the nearby waterfall into the Silent Chamber. Go down the waterfall to the right and use the monkey statue to open another passage. You can't do anything with this... yet. Swim back up the waterfall and head into the Hidden Room, beyond the steps. Jump at the pillar in this room and attack it to bring it down. This opens a passage in the Treasure Room and prompts a cutscene. Return to the Treasure Room and save your game. Use the monkey statue to the right to reach a chest with DALMATIANS 52, 53, and 54. The other monkey statue doesn't help much. When you are ready, enter the Lamp Chamber. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Jafar [H3] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 500 ATK: 18 | | | EXP: 600 DEF: 15 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Blizzard Upgrade | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This battle is moderately difficult, but if you're around level 28, you | | should be okay. Genie isn't much of a threat in this fight. He will hit you | | against his will, but will apologize and spit out HP Balls. Your main | | concern should be Jafar. | | | | As soon as the battle starts, run towards him and hide next to the platform | | he's standing on. In these close quarters, his spells will be less | | effective. Follow him as he floats to new platforms. Attack him when he | | lands, and hide when he starts performing his incantations. If he starts | | chanting in midair, immediately find a spot where you are out of his direct | | line of sight. This will prevent his spells from hitting you again. If he's | | creating an ice storm, take the opportunity to attack him from the air. | | Fortunately, he has a pretty low amount of HP for such a powerful boss, so | | the battle should end fairly quickly. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, your Blizzard magic is upgraded to BLIZZARA. Now head over to check on Jasmine and the Keyhole. Oops, it looks like Jafar wasn't done for after all. Guess you'll have to fight him again. Jump down to begin the battle. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Genie Jafar [H4] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 750 ATK: 18 | | | EXP: 730 DEF: 15 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Fire Upgrade | | | Ansem's Report 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This battle is REALLY easy, trust me. Don't even look at Jafar. Find Iago | | and chase him around the room, hitting the lamp as much as you can. Oh | | yeah, and you'll have to deal with moving platforms and fireballs and slaps | | and rocks from Jafar, but that's no big deal, right? | | | | You may occasionally notice that Iago can get knocked out. When this | | happens, he'll spit out HP balls... Not that you need 'em though, right? | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Your Fire magic is upgraded to FIRA magic after the battle, and you get ANSEM'S REPORT 1. Jasmine is missing, but Sora seals the keyhole to Agrabah. I don't really understand the next part, as it is incredibly easy to get through, even if you run into everything on the way. Okay, well maybe you need to try a little, but not much. Use Carpet to fly out of the collapsing cave. Anyway, after a couple of scenes, you are awarded with the THREE WISHES keychain, which you should probably equip. Also, you will now be able to access GREEN TRINITY marks. Finally, you will be able to summon GENIE from now on. So it's not meddling for Genie to come along, but Al just gets shafted? Poor Al. Head back to the Plaza before you leave, and enter the Storage Room. The GREEN TRINITY MARK (1/9) in here will net you a new POWER UP. Excellent. Use the nearby Save Point to return to the Gummi Ship. ~=============================================================================~ | * TRAVERSE TOWN [Z6] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Defense Up .......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Postcard ............ [ ] Dalmatians 7, 8, and 9 .. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Green Trinity #2 .... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' First of all, hit the shops to stock up on any items you need. There are some nifty new weapons you can pick up for Donald and Goofy. You should think about picking up a Magus Staff for Donald and a Gigas Fist for Goofy. Now head up to the Accessory Shop. You can finally use that GREEN TRINITY MARK (2/9) you've seen since you reached Traverse Town! Use it, and the team will pull a ladder down from the ceiling, allowing you access to the Moogle Synthesis Shop. You see, there's apparently a ladder shortage in town, and the Moogles had to wait for a team of adventurers to be prompted by a bright green mark on the ground to stand on each other's shoulders and pull down a ladder. The two chests in the back of the Moogle shop contain DALMATIANS 7, 8, and 9, and a MYTHRIL SHARD. Also, check to the left of the fireplace for a POSTCARD. Talk to the Moogle on top of the desk for an explanation of how to synthesize items. Talk to the one in front of the fireplace to start synthesizing. For tips on synthesizing, refer to the dedicated section after the walkthrough. Go ahead and start synthesizing whatever you want right away. Try to get a Dark Ring if you have enough ingredients. Also, when you're done, head out the door instead of dropping back through the hole. This unlocks it, and you can use this door from now on. Back outside, mail the Postcard for a DEFENSE UP. Now head into Merlin's Study. To the right of the Save Point is the book that you delivered to Merlin. When you check it, the Torn Page is automatically placed in the book. This opens up a new area on the map. ~=============================================================================~ | * 100 ACRE WOOD [Z7] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Naturespark ......... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Check the tree in the upper right corner of the book to enter a new area. Sneak up on Piglet by going the opposite way he does. After talking to him, Pooh shows up. Talk to him to begin a mini game where you have to keep the bees away from Pooh until he gets his honey. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MINI GAME: Pooh's Hunny Hunt | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Basically, during this mini game, you're locking on and hitting the bees as | | they get close to Pooh. If you fall, you have the use of the Rush command | | to get back up. | | | | The key to doing well here is to press the least amount of buttons | | possible. When a swarm of bees are nearby, jump at them, let go of the | | analog stick entirely, and swing your Keyblade. As long as you hit the bees | | and aren't pressing in any direction, Sora will automatically land back on | | a branch. This even works for the branches you normally can't jump to | | without the aid of Rush. | | | | If you are having trouble, it may help to know that hitting bees will add 5 | | to 10 licks (the difference comes from being airborne versus swinging while | | standing on a branch, respectively), and Rush will subtract 5. Use Rush | | only when Pooh is at the higher branches. The excellent, in-depth FAQ by | | Vrooney and Kngdmhrtsgmr (found at GameFAQs) has more information. | | | | Try to get at least a score of 100. Later, when all of the mini games have | | been unlocked, you can win a special ability if you meet certain | | prerequisites in each game. As I mentioned, this game requires that you get | | a score of at least 100 if you want that ability. | | | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' After completing the mini game (whether you get 100 or not) the torn page turns into the NATURESPARK. Use the compass rose to exit back to Traverse Town. ~=============================================================================~ | * TRAVERSE TOWN [Z8] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | SUMMONS: Bambi ............... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Back in Merlin's Study, talk to the Fairy Godmother in the corner (the little pumpkin coach) and she will release BAMBI from the Naturespark that you just acquired. Bambi is an excellent Summon for a couple reasons. The most obvious one is the fact that he releases tons of MP balls. Once the summon is over, you should have full MP, or you can use the duration of the summon to cast spells like crazy. The other main reason, which may not be apparent at first, is Bambi's charge meter. Whenever you kill an enemy, 1/6 of the meter will fill up. When it becomes full, Bambi releases items depending on what world you are currently in. This is a very handy tip for getting synthesis items easy. For an in depth look on how to get the items, check out Bambi's description in the Summons section [smsp]. ~=============================================================================~ | * COLISEUM [Z9] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Mythril ............. [ ] Firaga-G ................ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Green Trinity #3 .... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' There's not much to do here yet, but if you use your new Blizzara spell on the eight torches around the lobby, a chest with a FIRAGA-G will appear. Also, look for the GREEN TRINITY MARK (3/9) in between two of the torches that you put out. Apparently, there's a MYTHRIL lodged in the wall or something. And uh, that's about it. ~=============================================================================~ | * WONDERLAND [Y0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Elixir .............. [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Green Trinity #4 .... [ ] Green Trinity #5 ........ [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Land in the Rabbit Hole and use the nearby GREEN TRINITY MARK (4/9) to get an ELIXIR. Enter Bizarre Room and use drink to shrink down to a smaller size. There is another GREEN TRINITY MARK (5/9) in the fireplace which gives a MYTHRIL SHARD. Sora's a pretty good chimney sweep. And, that's it for here too. ~=============================================================================~ | * DEEP JUNGLE [Y1] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Mythril Shard ....... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Green Trinity #6 .... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Land in the Tunnel area of Deep Jungle. Climb into the door above that leads to the Treetop area. There is a GREEN TRINITY MARK (6/9) here that is hard to see. This one gives a MYTHRIL SHARD and a bunch of HP Balls. And, yep, you guessed it, that's it. ~=============================================================================~ | I. MONSTRO [I0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Potion .............. [ ] Mythril ................. [ ] | | Potion .............. [ ] Mythril ................. [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Torn Page ............... [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Watergleam .............. [ ] | | Megalixir ........... [ ] Dispel-G ................ [ ] | | Megalixir ........... [ ] Dispel-G ................ [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Tornado-G ............... [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Tornado-G ............... [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Dalmatians 55, 56, and 57 [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Dalmatians 73, 74, and 75 [ ] | | Mythril Shard ....... [ ] Dalmatians 76, 77, and 78 [ ] | | Mythril ............. [ ] Dalmatians 79, 80, and 81 [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Stop ................ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: Cheer (Goofy) ....... [ ] High Jump (team) ........ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Blue Trinity #13 .... [ ] Blue Trinity #15 ........ [ ] | | Blue Trinity #14 .... [ ] Green Trinity #7 ........ [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Yellow Opera | | Green Requiem Search Ghost | | Large Body Rare Truffle | | Barrel Spider Parasite Cage (Boss) | | Air Soldier | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' When you are ready, go to the battle level 5 world to the right of Agrabah. On the way, Monstro will eat you, and there's not much you can do about it. After the cutscenes, go to the back of Monstro's mouth and climb aboard Geppetto's ship. Pinnochio will run away, so follow him down Monstro's throat after saving. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Search Ghost | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 45 ATK: 21 | | | EXP: 10 DEF: 17 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | MP balls | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Mega-Potion - 1% | | | Bright Gem - 4% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Search Ghosts don't have very many attacks. They charge at you and flail | | their arms, and they can also phase out and appear behind you. When | | defeated, they give out big HP and MP balls. Use Fire for faster kills. | | | | Also, if you kill them when they are glowing, you'll get more HP and MP | | balls. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' In Chamber 1, destroy the enemies and head through the lower door into Chamber 3. There is a MEGA-ETHER in a chest here. Now go back to Chamber 1. Jump up the ledge, and go through the door to Chamber 2. The chest here contains a COTTAGE. Grab that and continue on to Chamber 3 again. This time, you are on a higher ledge, so try not to fall off. Also, try not to break either barrel here. Use one to reach a higher platform with DALMATIANS 76, 77, and 78. Then drop down to the same platform and use the other door that leads to Chamber 2. Again, try not to fall off as you fight enemies on these raised platforms. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Barrel Spider | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 24 ATK: 21 | | | EXP: 3 DEF: 17 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Munny | | | Items: Camping Set - 1% | | | Cottage - 0.5% | | | Mythril Shard - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These are basically the same as the Pot Spiders you fought in Agrabah, | | except these ones can charge into you and explode, so look out for that. | | Just attack 'em for lots of munny. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After dealing with the enemies here, jump across to the empty ledge, and then to the ledge with the chest. The chest contains a MEGALIXIR. Jump back to the main ledge and enter the door to Chamber 5. Fight your way through this area to Chamber 6. Take a left as you enter this room and drop down the ledges to reach a chest containing a DISPEL-G. Now use the nearby door into Chamber 5. There are a lot of Heartless in this area, but once they are beaten, use the BLUE TRINITY MARK (13/17) here to get a COTTAGE and munny. The chests in this room contain a MEGA-ETHER and another DISPEL-G. Exit back out to Chamber 6, and then hop back up the ledges again and stop at the highest one. Use any remaining barrels to reach the blue ledge. The chest here contains a TORN PAGE. Now drop down and fall off the highest step at the top. Enter the door to Chamber 3. Open the chest here for DALMATIANS 55, 56, and 57. Also, use the barrel to reach a higher platform with a TORNADO-G in it. Now drop down from this ledge and enter the door that takes you back to Chamber 1. From here, retrace your steps back to Chamber 6. Enter the door that leads to Chamber 5 (which is located in the middle of the series of ledges; it's to your right as you enter the room). Use the barrel on this ledge to reach the blue platform (while carrying it, press O to drop it as close as you can on the ledge; you can actually get away with putting it more on the edge than you might initially think). The chest contains a MYTHRIL. Jump across another blue platform to a strip of land beyond. The chest on the barrel here contains DALMATIANS 79, 80, and 81. After opening it, jump back across the blue platforms and down to the narrow ledge that you came in on. Enter the door to Chamber 4. After the cutscene, save your game. Follow Pinocchio into the Bowels area. Be sure to be about level 30 for this next encounter. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Parasite Cage [I1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 450 ATK: 21 | | | EXP: 500 DEF: 17 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Riku is helping you out for this battle, which is nice of him. Start the | | battle off by casting Aero on Sora and then using the rest of your MP on | | Fira spells. This should take a fair chunk of his HP away. You can actually | | stand on one of the ledges to the side of the Parasite Cage, summon Bambi, | | and just keep shooting Fira spells as fast as you can. This way, you'll | | take a huge chunk of life away from it before you need to get close and | | personal. After that, hack away at the Parasite Cage until it is destroyed. | | You may want to think about backing off and shooting Fira spells if you | | regain enough MP. | | | | The Parasite Cage flails about a lot, so close range combat is tricky. | | Flailing its limbs is really the extent of its abilities, however. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Following the battle, Goofy learns CHEER. Jumping into the hole, you will find yourself back near Geppetto. Save here, and then open the chest next to Cleo (I think that's the fish's name, I haven't seen Pinocchio in a while) to get the HIGH JUMP shared ability. Equip this immediately, as it's very helpful in getting to those hard to reach places. You can try this ability out immediately in this area. You can jump on top of the roof-thing above Geppetto. But you'll have to stand on the higher ledge on the very side of the ship to make it. There is a GREEN TRINITY MARK (7/9) up here that gives you a MYTHRIL SHARD. Jump into the water in front of the ship, and swim to the platform on the wall to the left. Continue up to collect DALMATIANS 73, 74, and 75 from the chest. Look to the left-ish to see a pile of wood in the middle of the water (not against any walls). Make a long leap to the platform jutting out. From here, look back to the wood pile you just came from. Leap to the nearer ledge, and continue upward to find a chest with a COTTAGE. Jump back in the water, and swim over to the platform with the BLUE TRINITY MARK (14/17) on it. This one gives you 2 POTIONS, a COTTAGE, and some munny. Jump up the series of platforms right near you to reach a chest containing a WATERGLEAM. From the platform where you activated the Trinity, make a long jump across to a platform. Jump up the series of ledges here to reach a chest with a TORNADO-G. Follow the ledges up here to reach a door that leads to Monstro's Throat. Before you go in, however, drop down below and enter the door here. Backtrack to Chamber 6. Jump up to the highest ledge again, and jump to the blue platform. You don't need to worry about the barrel, as your new jumping abilities will do quite nicely. Use a really long jump followed by a Keyblade swing to reach the other platform (swing sooner rather than later so that you give Sora a chance to grab the ledge). Open the chest here for a MEGALIXIR. Jump again to another hard to reach strip of land. The chest here contains a MYTHRIL. Use the door here to return to Chamber 1, and from there, Monstro's Mouth. Return to the Throat area (the door above the one that leads to Chamber 1) and enter. You will probably encounter Rare Truffles the first time you enter here. To find out what to do with these creatures, check out the section after the Walkthrough that has to do with the Mushroom enemies in the game. Anyway, use the BLUE TRINITY MARK (15/17) in the middle of the room for a MYTHRIL SHARD and munny. Use the platforms here to climb up and into Monstro's Stomach (is it just me, or is Monstro a REALLY screwed up whale, in terms of his anatomy...?) _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Parasite Cage (2) [I2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 900 ATK: 21 | | | EXP: 1000 DEF: 17 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Riku ditches you this time, so you're on your own. Parasite Cage has a new | | attack now. It uses a blast of green gas to poison Sora. It goes without | | saying that you want to avoid this at all costs, if that's even possible (I | | find it hard to avoid). It can also throw its entire body at you to damage | | you. It has a lot more HP this time around, too. | | | | You can and should use the Bambi trick described in the last battle, but | | you'll want to make sure you still have MP by the time Bambi disappears. | | Stick to mainly physical attacks at this point and conserve your MP for | | healing. When the Parasite Cage keels over, hit the orb inside the cage for | | HP balls. This is also a good time to inflict some damage, as well. Your | | physical attacks seem more effective in this battle than in the first one, | | so Parasite Cage should go down sooner than you would expect. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After this battle, you receive STOP magic. There's a lot you can do before attempting annoying Atlantica. Start off by heading back to Traverse Town. ~=============================================================================~ | * Traverse Town [Y2] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Power Up ............ [ ] Postcard ................ [ ] | | Mythril ............. [ ] Torn Page ............... [ ] | | Mythril Shard ....... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KEYBLADES: Wishing Star ........ [ ] Spellbinder ............. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SUMMONS: Dumbo ............... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' As usual, hit the shops to restock any items you may need. Also, try synthesizing more items. You're gonna need to synthesize each item at least once if you want Sora's ultimate weapon. After you're set with all that, check out Geppetto's House, which recently opened up just to the right of the Accessory Shop. Inside, talk to Geppetto, and he will be happy to talk about Gummi Ships and blueprints. If you want to start collecting the blueprints, check out the Blueprint Locations Section after the Walkthrough. There is also a chest in the corner of the room that contains a WISHING STAR key chain. Also, check the shelf for the last POSTCARD. Mail this outside for a POWER UP. If you're interested, talk to Cid and buy some of the new items he has in stock for your Gummi ship. In the Second District, check in on the Dalmatians. They will give you a MYTHRIL SHARD, a TORN PAGE, and a MYTHRIL. Now head to Merlin's Study. Since you have all of the level 1 spells at your disposal, Merlin will give you the SPELLBINDER key chain. It's up to you whether or not you want to equip any of your new Keyblades, but I prefer the Spellbinder key chain, since magic is still quite effective this early in the game. You won't regret it in Atlantica. After you're done with Merlin, talk to the Fairy Godmother to unlock DUMBO from the Watergleam. Dumbo is an interesting summon. While riding Dumbo, Sora can't be hurt, which is a decided advantage. Use Dumbo when you're facing large amounts of Heartless. After that, check the book on the table again to use your two new Torn Pages. ~=============================================================================~ | * 100 ACRE WOOD [Y3] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Potion(s) ........... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Stopra .............. [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' The next mini game takes place at Rabbit's House in the upper left corner of the map. In Rabbit's garden, you can pull up vegetables for items like POTIONS. To receive even more Potions, leave the area and return. Though this may seem like a nice trick, you're better off fighting enemies for munny and buying Potions in bulk. After you're done destroying Rabbit's garden (also check the mailbox to read a letter from Pooh), head around to the back of his house. Apparently, Rabbit doesn't want company, so head in the house yourself and talk to him. Now Pooh needs his honey fix, so you're going to have to search for some in here. Check the roots in the ceiling to find the honey pot. Examine it to get it down. It seems things are peachy now, huh? Well, guess again, fool! Try to leave, and Pooh will get stuck in the window. Exit the house and talk to him from the other side, and Tigger will come in at the last moment to ruin everything! .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MINI GAME: Block Tigger | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | This mini game is moderately difficult. You have to block Tigger as he | | tries to jump on the vegetables, or else they will get buried far into the | | ground. To block him, just look for where his shadow is, and stand there. | | He will bounce harmlessly off of Sora's head, missing the carrot entirely. | | If he bounces on a carrot twice, it's buried in the ground permanently, and | | this will lower your score. | | | | The absolute rule you must abide by if you don't want to get super | | frustrated is that Rush NEEDS to be used. Once you know how to use it | | effectively, you will have a much easier time. In order to use it | | effectively, you MUST STAND ON A CARROT THAT ISN'T PUSHED INTO THE GROUND. | | Otherwise, the Rush command won't appear. When the mini game begins, | | manually run to the nearest carrot so that Rush appears, and use it just as | | Tigger begins his jump. This should give you enough time to adjust Sora if | | necessary (using Rush can make Sora overshoot the carrot by a bit). If you | | saved the carrot from Tigger, you should obviously still be standing on it | | with the Rush command still available. From here, just repeat the process | | until the end of the game, and you should barely have to use the analog | | stick at all. | | | | Your score is calculated by the amount of carrots saved times the number of | | times you blocked Tigger. Try to get a score of at least 150 if you want | | that special ability later. | | | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' After you unstick Pooh, the Torn Page will become a MYTHRIL SHARD. The next mini game is quite uncomplicated and rather funny. Head to the lower right hand corner of the book to find a tree on a cliff. You'll have to save Eeyore from the river first off. Jump in next to him, and he will automatically be saved. After that, head up the hill where the swing is. You'll have to target Pooh and walk slowly to make it up the hill with him. Pooh walks pretty funny by the way. He can also get distracted by those honey pots sitting around the hill. If this happens, just target and talk to him to get him to continue. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MINI GAME: Pooh's Swing | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Now you get to swing Pooh! You will need to press R1 when Owl opens his | | wings. To complete the mini game, you need Pooh to land on Eeyore's house. | | Press R1 when Owl's wings are fully spread each time to land on the house. | | If you don't make it the first time, keep trying until you do. You get the | | STOPRA spell for completing this mini game. | | | | You should also try to get more than 40 yards on this mini game to get the | | special ability later. The best way to do this is to press R1 is after Owl | | starts closing his wings and they are just reaching his sides. Any farther | | than 40 and Pooh will go skyrocketing into the distance, which is actually | | pretty funny. | | | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ~=============================================================================~ | * AGRABAH [Y4] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Mythril ............. [ ] Aeroga-G ................ [ ] | | Meteor-G ............ [ ] Thundara-G .............. [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Fly back to Agrabah to collect a few items. Land in Aladdin's House first. From Aladdin's House, exit down the hole to the right of the Save Point. Turn right and jump across to the door that leads to the Palace Gates area, but don't enter it yet. Instead, turn to the right and High Jump to a chest with a MYTHRIL. Now enter the door that leads to the Palace Gates area. Turn left and use the High Jump to reach a chest containing an AEROGA-G. Now head back to the Plaza and enter the Desert from there. Enter the Cave of Wonders, and jump into the pit to enter the Relic Chamber. Swim up the waterfall into the Dark Chamber, head past the Save Point, and swim up the next waterfall into the Silent Chamber. Climb up the steps in front of you, and high jump to the ledge across the water. Touch the monkey statue here to open a door with two treasure chests. They contain a METEOR-G and a THUNDARA-G. Now head back to a Save Point and head to the Coliseum. ~=============================================================================~ | * COLISEUM - PEGASUS CUP [Y5] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Defense Up .......... [ ] Mythril ................. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: Strike Raid ......... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Search Ghost Bandit | | Air Soldier Barrel Spider | | Shadow Fat Bandit | | Large Body Pot Spider | | Yellow Opera Yuffie (Boss) | | Black Fungus Leon (Boss) | | Green Requiem | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' .=============================================. | PEGASUS CUP | |=============================================| | Seed # | Enemies | |=============================================| | 9 - Ghost Bandits | Search Ghost X2 | | | Bandit X1 | | | Air Soldier X3 | |----------------------|----------------------| | 8 - Marauders | Bandit X2 | | | Barrel Spider X3 | | | Shadow X4 | |----------------------|----------------------| | 7 - Sluggers | Fat Bandit X1 | | | Large Body X2 | | | Pot Spider X1 | | | Barrel Spider X1 | |----------------------|----------------------| | 6 - Pots & Bolts | Pot Spider X5 | | | Yellow Opera X3 | | | Green Requiem X2 | |----------------------|----------------------| | 5 - The Big Combo | Fat Bandit X2 | | | Search Ghost X4 | |----------------------|----------------------| | 4 - Toadstool | Black Fungus X3 | |----------------------|----------------------| | 3 - Pots & Barrels | Pot Spider X5 | | | Barrel Spider X5 | |----------------------|----------------------| | 2 - Giant Impact | Fat Bandit X3 | | | Large Body X2 | |----------------------|----------------------| | 1 - Leon & Yuffie | Leon | | | Yuffie | '---------------------------------------------' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Leon and Yuffie [Y6] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Leon Stats | HP: 600 ATK: 21 | | | EXP: 400 DEF: 18 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Yuffie Stats | HP: 300 ATK: 21 | | | EXP: 300 DEF: 18 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This fight is pretty tough, considering you have two targets to contend | | with. You should probably deal with Yuffie first, considering she will | | constantly heal Leon if you attack him first. She can also jump into the | | air and throw ninja stars at you, and she can also make a giant one that | | cuts right through you and damages other part members. She's easy enough to | | get into a corner, but watch out for Leon's attacks as you fight. Make sure | | that you have Aero cast on Sora for most of the fight. | | | | Next, focus your attacks on Leon. He can still cast his Fire spell at you, | | so watch out for that. Just keep hitting him now that Yuffie is out of the | | way. When he yells power, he uses his Limit Break to create a giant sword | | that you need to definitely avoid. You'll be disappointed to find that it's | | nearly impossible to avoid in close quarters. All you can do is keep Aero | | cast on Sora and hope that you will be able to outlast his attacks. The | | best time to hit him is right after he yells, "It's over!" Use a dodge roll | | to avoid the initial attack and combo his back. You could easily win at | | this point if you only hit him after he does this attack. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' For winning the Pegasus Cup as a team, Sora learns the STRIKE RAID ability. For winning the Pegasus Cup with just Sora, you get a MYTHRIL. For completing it in under 3 minutes, you get a DEFENSE UP. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MINI GAME: Pegasus Cup Time Trial | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | The main issue here is the Black Fungus round. It can take forever to kill | | these little annoyances, especially if they turn to stone (even once!). If | | you have any abilities or Keyblades that enhance critical hits, try | | equipping them. If you are still having trouble, you can always just come | | back and try much, much later. | | | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ~=============================================================================~ | J. ATLANTICA [J0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Mythril Shard ........... [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Mythril ................. [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Mythril ................. [ ] | | Elixir .............. [ ] Mythril ................. [ ] | | Elixir .............. [ ] Orichalcum .............. [ ] | | Elixir .............. [ ] Torn Page ............... [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Crystal Trident ......... [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Ansem's Report 3 ........ [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KEYBLADES: Crabclaw ............ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Thundara ............ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: Mermaid Kick (shared) [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Search Ghost Shark (Boss) | | Screwdriver Flotsam (Boss) | | Aquatank Jetsam (Boss) | | Sea Neon Ursula (Boss) | | Sheltering Zone Ursula (2) (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' The battle level 5 world just beyond Monstro is Atlantica, so head there now. The first thing you need to do in this world is learn how to swim. It's easy to learn the controls, but getting good at it is an entirely different matter. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you never get the hang of it. The controls are pretty bad. Just follow Flounder around the room and tag him a few times. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Sea Neon | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 30 ATK: 22 | | | EXP: 8 DEF: 19 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Ether - 1% | | | Frost Gem - 4% | | | Blizzaga Ring - 0.2% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sea Neons don't do much more than charge at you. Use Fira on them to get | | rid of them quickly. The MP balls they drop will more than make up for your | | expended spell. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After taking care of the enemies here, open the clamshell by hitting it and use the Save Point. You can't use the only Trinity Mark in this world yet, so you may want to keep Ariel in your party for the duration of this world. She utilizes magic-type abilities, so you should consider switching her into the party. I would suggest replacing Goofy, as magic is extremely useful in this world at destroying enemies. In the large room beyond, you can search for treasure hidden in clams. From where you start out, look in the distance for a red clam on a rock. After defeating the enemies that surround it, cast a Fira spell at it. Inside is a MYTHRIL SHARD. Now look towards the wall and find the blue shell in an alcove. Hit this one with your Keyblade for a MEGA-ETHER. Turn around and head to the red shell again. Look towards the geyser in the middle. To the right in the distance, you should see a waterspout and another blue shell. Head over to this one and hit it to receive a COTTAGE. Look towards the geyser again and you will see another shell in the foreground. Swim up to this one and hit it for an ELIXIR. Return to the red shell again, and swim down to the base of the pillar its resting on. The shell down here contains a MEGA- POTION. The hole in the wall nearby (swim a bit up to reach it) leads to another shell with a MYTHRIL. Now follow the tridents on the walls. They lead you down into a trench where you can enter the Calm Depths area. Go up to the edge of the current and turn the camera so you can see downstream. The trident markers point to that cave on the right, so hold right as you enter the current to reach a new area. Fight the Search Ghosts here, but try not to get pushed up by the current. Follow the trident to the Undersea Cave. Enter the hole near the bottom of this area to find a shell with a COTTAGE. Now swim up to enter the Undersea Gorge. Take a sharp left as you enter this area, and descend into the trench to find a dark blue clam. Use Blizzara on it to get a MYTHRIL SHARD. Turn around and stay at the bottom to come across a regular clamshell containing a MEGA-ETHER. If you follow the tridents, you will see one pointing into a tunnel. Before you enter, look to the left and enter the tunnel there. In the Undersea Garden (recognize it?) hit the clam for a MEGA-POTION. Now return to the previous room and follow the trident down the tunnel. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Screwdriver | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 48 ATK: 22 | | | EXP: 15 DEF: 19 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Thunder Gem - 4% | | | Thundaga Ring - 0.2% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Screwdrivers are basically underwater Soldiers. They attack using their | | spears, and have some pretty annoying charge attacks. Try to take care | | of these guys first whenever fighting large groups of enemies. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Fight the enemies scattered around the room before proceeding onward. From when you enter, look down to your immediate left. On the ground is a clamshell that contains a COTTAGE. To your immediate right from when you enter, there is another clamshell with a MEGA-ETHER inside. After getting that, turn around and look for the yellow clam in the distance. Open it using Thunder to get a MYTHRIL SHARD. From the yellow shell, turn and face the giant conch in the middle. Swim to the right of it until you pass over the walkway that leads through it. Drop down to find another shell that has an ELIXIR in it. Now head off to Triton's Throne, which you can see in the distance. After the cutscene, turn around and reenter the Throne area. Hit the clam here to reveal a Save Point. I would suggest using it. It's always a good idea! Now exit back into Triton's Palace area. Now return to the Undersea Gorge. I think you have to ride the dolphin you find here, so ride him for a while, and get off back at Ariel's Grotto. I believe it triggers the appearance of another dolphin later, and you'll need that one. Anyway, after that, check out the boulder blocking the Grotto. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Sheltering Zone | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 90 ATK: 22 | | | EXP: 20 DEF: 19 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Ether - 4% | | | Frost Gem - 8% | | | Blizzaga Ring - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These are just slow giant versions of the Sea Neons. They don't attack | | often, and when they do, it's easy to avoid. When defeated, they split into | | a bunch of Sea Neons. Try not to touch their bodies either, as this will | | harm you. If you finish a Sheltering Zone with a Fira attack, it won't | | split into Sea Neons, and you will get munny and MP Balls. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Inside of Ariel's Grotto (peaceful music, huh?), sink to the bottom level to find a chest with a MEGA-POTION. Hitting the barrel on the other side of the room gives you some MP Balls and sometimes an Ether. Head upward, looking for chests you can open. One contains a COTTAGE and the one near the top has a TORN PAGE. Head out of Ariel's Grotto when you're ready. From here head to the Undersea Cave, which is the entrance opposite the tridents. The hole at the bottom of this area leads to the Calm Depths. Use the current to head upward into the Undersea Valley. Alternately, you could just hit the urchin on the wall with a Fira spell to create a shortcut. Locate the dolphin here, and ride him to a new area. Enter the door here to the Sunken Ship. Before you enter the ship, swim straight down to find a different ship in much worse condition than the big one in the middle. The hole in the hull leads to a chest, containing an ELIXIR. Head to Sora's left after you exit the hole to find another chest behind a piece of the ship. This one contains a MYTHRIL SHARD. Now you should head inside the ship. Head a bit forward, and go for the chest. Suddenly, the shark comes right up and crashes through the window! Fortunately, he can't get you for the time being. The chest contains the CRYSTAL TRIDENT. Turn around and look in the corner to the left of the stairs. A chest here contains a MYTHRIL SHARD. Hit the debris under the staircase to reveal an opening. The clam here contains a MYTHRIL. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Shark [J1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 200 ATK: 22 | | | EXP: 100 DEF: 19 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Items: Hi-Potion - 4% | | | Ether - 8% | | | Mega-Potion - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | You don't even have to fight this battle, but you get some pretty good | | items and experience for it. When you leave the ship, you'll find that the | | shark is patrolling the area. He actually isn't that much of a boss. Cast | | Aero to begin and start attacking him. Try to stay to his side to avoid | | being bitten. If you can get him to charge at you and hit a wall, he'll be | | stunned for a precious few seconds, so let him have it! He'll go down in no | | time flat. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, look for the broken off front end of the ship to the left of the boulder with the weird symbol on it. You'll see something behind it, but unfortunately, Sora doesn't have much to say about it. Swim to the left, and enter the hole that leads to the Undersea Gorge. Hit the geyser with your Keyblade to release a giant chest. Open it up for an ORICHALCUM. Now return to Ariel's Grotto, which happens to be nearby. Inside, check the indentation on the wall where the trident you picked up would fit. After the exciting cutscene, head back towards the Palace Area, and fight your way to Triton's Throne. Make sure you save once you get there. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Aquatank | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 120 ATK: 22 | | | EXP: 30 DEF: 19 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Mega-Potion - 4% | | | Thunder Gem - 8% | | | Thundaga Ring - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Aquatanks are giant fish type creatures that hold Screwdrivers on their | | undersides. They don't do much other than carry the Screwdrivers, but will | | occasionally charge at you, which can be dangerous sometimes. When you kill | | them, you get a lot of munny. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Now head back to the Sunken Ship area. Enter through the hole to the right of the entrance to Ariel's Grotto. There's a chance that the Shark may be back for more, so check back to the strategy if you need to (or just cast Aero and hit him). Head back to the rock with the weird symbol on it. When you check the thing behind the ship next to the rock again, Sebastian will help you. Enter the Den of Tides area. Stay to the right as you pass the fork to enter a room with a Save Point and a MEGA-ETHER. Make sure to equip any abilities you may want, and any armor you feel is necessary. For Sora, put Fira in his shortcut menu. Make sure you're around level 34 as well. Finally, make sure everyone has plenty of Ethers, Potions, Mega-Potions, and Mega-Ethers. When you're ready, head on out and take the other path in the fork to reach Ursula. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Ursula, Flotsam & Jetsam [J2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ursula Stats | HP: 450 ATK: 22 | | | EXP: 1000 DEF: 19 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Mermaid Kick | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Flotsam / | HP: 60 ATK: 22 | | Jetsam Stats | EXP: 150 DEF: 19 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The two eels shouldn't be too much of a problem during this fight, and you | | can knock them out by hitting them enough. If you run out of MP in this | | battle, these guys are a good way to restore it. What you have to do in | | this fight to damage Ursula is hit her cauldron with spells. Just keep | | casting rapid Fira spells on her pot until it backfires and hits her. She | | will be stunned for a little while, so you should use every last second of | | this opportunity to beat the crap out of her. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, you will learn the shared ability, MERMAID KICK. If you exit this area and head back in, you can find a sea urchin floating near the clamshell that contains a MYTHRIL. Shoot a Fira spell at the urchin and wait to obtain it. Return to the Cavern Nook area and use the Save Point. Make sure you have Aero as a shortcut for the next battle, it's absolutely a must. From the Sunken Ship area, head into the Calm Depths area. Using the Mermaid Kick (be sure to equip it!), head across the hall swimming against the current to the hole on the other side. Enter the area labeled ???. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Ursula [J3] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 900 ATK: 22 | | | EXP: 1500 DEF: 19 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Thunder upgrade | | | Ansem's Report 3 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Argh. Yes, this is a really tough battle. Start by casting Aero on Sora. | | One of the worst attacks of Ursula's occurs when she opens her mouth very | | wide. Immediately start swimming away from her using the Mermaid Kick, | | because she's about to suck you in. She also shoots bubbles at you, which | | are easier to avoid the farther away you are. Also, she will zap you with | | a Thunder spell every once in a while, but as you fight, you will begin to | | recognize what attack she's using. She uses Thunder after she says, "Time | | to teach you some respect!" | | | | There is a certain way you can easily defeat her, if you manage to get | | stuck behind her head. This is hard, considering she tries to face you at | | all times. The best time to get behind her is right after she shoots the | | energy beam from her mouth and gets tired. She won't follow your movement | | as she stops to take a breath. If you do somehow manage to get behind her | | head, good job, you just made this boss fight bearable. Hit her as much as | | you can before you get unstuck, and you'll be a happy gamer. Don't feel bad | | if you don't win the first time, as this is one of the toughest regular | | bosses in the game. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, you get the THUNDARA spell and ANSEM'S REPORT 3 for your Journal. Back in Ariel's Grotto, Sora seals the keyhole and gets the CRABCLAW Keyblade. Return to a Save Point and head back into Traverse Town. There isn't much to do there at this point, so head into Merlin's Study and use the next Torn Page. ~=============================================================================~ | * 100 ACRE WOOD [Y7] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Power Up ............ [ ] Orichalcum .............. [ ] | | Defense Up .......... [ ] Dispel-G ................ [ ] | | AP Up ............... [ ] Thunder-G ............... [ ] | | AP Up ............... [ ] Rare Nut ................ [ ] | | Mythril Shard ....... [ ] Rare Nut ................ [ ] | | Mythril Shard ....... [ ] Rare Nut ................ [ ] | | Mythril ............. [ ] Rare Nut ................ [ ] | | Mythril ............. [ ] Rare Nut ................ [ ] | | Mythril ............. [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Enter Pooh's house again (the one right near you as you enter) and talk to Pooh. Light his fire with a Fira spell, and he'll give you a MYTHRIL. Back out on the map, enter the new area that opened up east of Pooh's house. Go and talk to Tigger and Roo, and then follow them to the stump. Tigger asks you to follow his lead as he jumps from stump to stump. Just use the same stumps he uses in the same order to reach him. This is repeated three times, and the third time, you are required to make a tricky jump from a tree branch to a stump below. Try going into first-person to aim yourself up, and just stepping off the branch. It may take a few tries, but you'll get it eventually. This isn't even the mini game of the area. That comes next. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MINI GAME: Tigger's Giant Pot | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Talk to Tigger again, and then to Roo. You have to hit nuts back at the | | giant pot to break it open. If you attempt to understand the scoring system | | in this mini game, you'll end up scratching your head. It makes little to | | no sense. Fortunately, the great 100 Acre Wood FAQ by Vrooney / | | Kngdmhrtsgmr puts things into perspective for us. | | | | Basically, you'll need High Jump and your longest Keyblade. Hit the nuts at | | the peak of your jump (and at the peak of the nut's trajectory) and your | | score will increase higher than if you just hit them back randomly. At the | | moment, your longest Keyblade is most likely the Jungle King, so try that | | out. | | | | Try to break the pot within 30 seconds to obtain that special ability | | later. | | | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' But wait, that's not all you can do here! There are a lot of items here as well. If you look in the tree trunk where the pot was, you can find an AP UP. Also, there is a log on the ground nearby. Hit the middle of it to obtain a MYTHRIL. Find Tigger nearby and talk to him, so that he gets on the seesaw. Ask Tigger to bounce with you, and you'll land on a high branch. Jump up the branches to your right when you land (the ones that are part of the same tree you're currently on), and look for the tree with the hole in it. You can land on the leafy canopy that surrounds the tree. From here, look to the left to spot a red chest. Jump to it and open it for a MYTHRIL SHARD. Jump back to the tree with a hole in it, and jump through. This knocks loose a DISPEL-G. Now head back and use Roo as your partner for the seesaw. There is a branch under the one you landed on that has a chest with a THUNDER-G. You need to jump off this branch and land on the one below. A bit tricky. If you can't find the hole, jump down and search for it in first person view. Now it's time to collect RARE NUTS for Owl, who is standing by the entrance. Use Roo again to get to the same branch, and take one of the nuts here. Give this one to Owl for a POWER UP. Use Roo again, and take the remaining nut back to Owl for a DEFENSE UP. There is a tree stump in the back of the area, right of where Pooh is standing. Stepping on it causes the geyser near the seesaw to raise. Use it to obtain a Rare Nut. Bring this one to Owl for a MYTHRIL SHARD. Use Tigger on the seesaw again, and from here, jump to the branch to your right (the branch that isn't part of the tree you're currently on). You should be able to see the nut from here, so jump to it and return it to Owl for an AP UP. Now go back towards the log that you broke earlier. The stump here raises a piece of bark on a geyser. Use the High Jump to reach it, and the last Rare Nut will be nearby on a leafy canopy. Owl will give you an ORICHALCUM for your hard work. As you exit, your Torn Page will turn into a MYTHRIL. ~=============================================================================~ | K. HALLOWEEN TOWN [K0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Ether ............... [ ] Dispel-G ................ [ ] | | Ether ............... [ ] Forget-Me-Not ........... [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Jack-in-the-Box ......... [ ] | | Elixir .............. [ ] Torn Page ............... [ ] | | Defense Up .......... [ ] Ansem's Report 7 ........ [ ] | | Mythril Shard ....... [ ] Dalmatians 40, 41, and 42 [ ] | | Dispel-G ............ [ ] Dalmatians 67, 68, and 69 [ ] | | Dispel-G ............ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACCESSORIES: Holy Circlet ........ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KEYBLADES: Pumpkinhead ......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Gravira ............. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Red Trinity #5 ...... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Lock (Boss) | | Black Fungus Shock (Boss) | | Gargoyle Barrel (Boss) | | Search Ghost Oogie Boogie (Boss) | | Wight Knight Oogie's Manor (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Set a course for the six star battle world to reach Halloween Town. Disembark, and be ready for a visual treat. This is one of the best areas in the game as far as graphics go, and the way Oogie Boogie is animated is really great. Also, the costumes of your team members will change, making them look pretty neat. Use the nearby Save Point and head through the gates into Guillotine Square. The Heartless here won't attack yet, so don't worry about them. If you head over near the guillotine, a small cutscene will play. To the left of the guillotine is Dr. Finkelstein's Lab, so enter the door. Upstairs in the lab, Jack is trying to experiment with the Heartless. After they start the experiment, you are given the chance to swap party members. Jack is really cool, o you should put him in your party (YES, that's reason enough :p ). He has some pretty nifty attacks too. After that's done, search the bookshelf for a TORN PAGE. Outside, the Heartless have acted up because of Jack's failed experiment. To the right of the door to the lab is a gate that leads to Jack's house. Under the stairs is a chest containing DALMATIANS 67, 68, and 69. If you go up to the doorbell and ring it three times, you get an ELIXIR. To the right of the gate you just entered is another entrance which leads to the Graveyard. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Wight Knight | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 60 ATK: 24 | | | EXP: 16 DEF: 20 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Mega-Potion - 0.5% | | | Lucid Gem - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These tall lanky creatures are rather hard to hit. They jump around a lot | | and block many of your attacks. They like to jump behind you and attack, | | and will often attack in the air. Guard and Counterattack are two great | | abilities you can use to defeat these guys. When they jump straight up in | | the air and attempt to attack you from behind, quickly hit Guard and then | | press X to Counterattack and break through their defenses. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After defeating the Heartless in the graveyard, Sally will show up to give you the FORGET-ME-NOT. Bring this back to Dr. Finkelstein. Unfortunately, you need one more ingredient. Now head back to the Graveyard area. After defeating the enemies again, search the casket near the back of the area (where Lock, Shock, and Barrel came out of) to reach new area. Talk to the Mayor here and he'll challenge you to a little game. Just check the gravestones in the order that ghosts come out of to get the JACK-IN-THE-BOX. Now head back through the door to the left and return to the Lab. Well, the heart gets stolen, so it's your job to get it back. Follow Zero through the Graveyard. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Gargoyle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 70 ATK: 24 | | | EXP: 20 DEF: 10 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Items: Ether - 2% | | | Mega-Ether - 0.5% | | | Lucid Gem - 4% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Gargoyles are flying enemies that don't pose too much of a threat. They | | will usually try to dive bomb you, but you should be able to kill them | | before they can even attack. They drop a lot of MP Balls when defeated. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Enter the casket again and go around the broken pumpkin to reach another door. This is Moonlight Hill. As you head up the hill, examine the small gravestone to uncurl the hill. First things first: take care of all the enemies in the new area, and then jump into the gorge. The chest under the bridge contains a DISPEL-G. Climb back up the stairs and jump from the blue platform to the chest on the other side of the gorge. This chest contains DALMATIANS 40, 41, and 42. The chest on the other side of the gorge is actually possible to get. If you jump towards the ledge without quite landing on it, you'll land on a small ledge underneath that doesn't look like it would hold you. From here, just jump to the chest, which contains a DEFENSE UP. Now head across the bridge to reach Oogie's Manor. There are a lot of enemies in this new area, so if you fall off, look for the bathtub to take you back up to the top. The chest outside of the door contains an ETHER. When you're ready, examine the door to enter. There is a red Trinity Mark inside the entrance, but if you have Jack in your party, wait until you reach a Save Point to switch him out. There is a Save Point coming up soon anyway, so just wait. The chest here has an ETHER. Shoot off a Fira spell at the platform to reach a higher platform. Keep heading up the path until you reach a big blue broken tower where you have the choice of going left or right. Take a left first. Head over to the jagged mouthy type thing. If you jump on the roof of it, you can reach a cage. The chest inside contains a MEGA-ETHER. Back at the broken tower, take a right. At the top of the area, enter the Evil Playroom. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Lock, Shock, and Barrel [K1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Lock Stats | HP: 150 ATK: 24 | | | EXP: 180 DEF: 20 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Shock Stats | HP: 120 ATK: 24 | | | EXP: 120 DEF: 20 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel Stats | HP: 180 ATK: 24 | | | EXP: 240 DEF: 20 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | I'm not sure how the experience points are counted for this fight, but I | | know if you defeat Barrel last (the fat one), you get the most experience | | points (260). If you defeat Shock last (the girl), you get 132. If you | | defeat Lock last (the red faced one) you get 114. As far as strategy goes | | for this fight, just attack and heal, and it shouldn't be too much of a | | problem. Barrel Spins around a lot, and can get quite annoying, and Lock | | jumps around a bit. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, use the nearby Save Point and switch your party so that you can use the red Trinity Mark. First, though, search the room for a lever. Hit it to start up some machinery. Now head all the way down to the RED TRINITY MARK (5/6). Use it to get a MYTHRIL SHARD. Head back up to the first set of big blue block stairs (don't go up them, I'm just using them as a point of reference) and look to the right. You will see that one of the cages has been lowered, so jump off to the wooden walkway that leads to it. Open the chest inside for a DISPEL-G. Now jump down to the walkway. Enter the door here to reach a tree root. Head down the root, and you'll reach a green door. Sora should be around level 36. Equip Donald and Goofy with restorative items, and enter the green door. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Oogie Boogie [K2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 450 ATK: 24 | | | EXP: 2500 DEF: 20 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Holy Circlet | | | Ansem's Report 7 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | As the battle starts, Oogie Boogie starts throwing explosive dice at you. | | Defeat the Gargoyles he sends your way before you do anything else. After | | you've done that, get a lock on Oogie as he runs around the perimeter. | | He'll start throwing regular dice to determine what type of attack his | | giant roulette wheel will use. Some of the attacks include spinning and | | dicing blades that you must jump or run from to avoid, toy soldiers | | shooting guns, which you also must jump to avoid, and buzz saws, which, you | | guessed it, you have to jump or run away from. | | | | LEVELING UP: If you're interested in some quick experience points, try | | using Guard to deflect Oogie's dice. Each one you successfully deflect will | | give you 49 tech points, and he throws three at a time! You can easily gain | | three or four levels here if you're patient (and you have the resources to | | endure the battle for that long). | | | | When the little symbols near the inside of the circle light up, step on the | | one nearest Oogie. This creates a fenced in area in which the platform | | rises and you are carried to Oogie Boogie. From here, it's just a matter of | | hitting him with physical attacks. The battle will be over after a few | | rounds of this. Also, although magic doesn't hurt him, you can summon Genie | | to help anytime. | | | | A curious note: if you are just messing around in the battle when Oogie has | | little HP left, he can charge himself up with dark energy to restore his | | HP. It's nothing that will seriously turn the tides of battle though. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, you get a HOLY CIRCLET and ANSEM'S REPORT 7. But, another battle is just around the corner! _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Oogie's Manor [K3] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Orb Stats | HP: 90 ATK: 24 | | | EXP: 2500 DEF: 20 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jump down from the initial starting point to begin the assault. You must | | focus on the dark orbs surrounding the Manor to bring this massive | | structure down. There are seven orbs in all. Oogie's lanterns will be | | shooting fire at you the whole time, but you can destroy all of them at 250 | | EXP a pop. Not too shabby. This is a fairly easy, albeit long battle. Use | | your best jumping skills to find all the blobs! Also, watch out for | | Gargoyles, they can mess you up. If you need MP, you can always fight them | | down on ground level. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, the keyhole reveals itself, and you get GRAVIRA magic. Talk to Jack to receive the PUMPKINHEAD keychain (it's too bad we're done here, the new Keyblade looks more at home here than your other Keyblades!). Before you head back to Traverse Town, return to where Oogie's Manor was to find a hole in the ground. There is a chest here containing a DISPEL-G. Return to town through the river. Now head back to Traverse Town. Buy items, accessories, weapons, check in on Geppetto, synthesize, etc. You might also think about seeing Cid to upgrade your Gummi Ship, if you have the money. When you're done with all that, head into Merlin's Study to visit Pooh again. This is the last mini game available. ~=============================================================================~ | L. 100 ACRE WOOD [L0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Orichalcum .......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: Cheer (Sora) ........ [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Now is a good time to use your Pumpkinhead Keyblade if you couldn't quite beat the 30 second challenge in the somewhat silly Giant Pot mini game. The last area to explore is in the lower left corner. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MINI GAME: Pooh's Muddy Path | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Talk to Pooh when you enter, who reveals that he is looking for his | | friends. Start by locking on to Pooh, and leading him around the bush to | | where you can Examine the shrubs to find Eeyore. Now lead Pooh around the | | bush the other way, and walk under the root to find Roo. Talk to him to get | | him in the central bush. | | | | Use the windy well to rocket up to a log with Tigger. Talk to him to get | | him to return to the bush. | | | | Walk all the way to the back of the area with the holes in the wall. Rabbit | | will occasionally pop out of a hole, so talk to him then. | | | | Use the air vent again to reach the log. Walk across and jump up some | | ledges to find Owl. Talk to him too. | | | | Finding Piglet takes a bit of intuition. Return back up to the log and | | target the webs inside the log (you'll have to run across the log first and | | target the webs from the other side). Use a Fira spell to burn them up. | | Jump down and target Pooh. Bring him to the blue flowers, and he will float | | up to the next level. Use the air vent again to get back up. Now target him | | so that he goes through the log as you walk over it. Lead Pooh to the next | | patch of flowers, and after he floats up, to the hole in the tree | | containing Piglet. Talk to him after he goes through the hole and appears | | at the bottom level. | | | | Finishing this mini game in under 5 minutes is the prerequisite for getting | | that special ability later on. | | | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Your Torn Page turns into an ORICHALCUM. After all this, the 100 Acre Wood is sealed. If you meet the following requirements... .===========================================. | Mini game | Prerequisite | |----------------------|--------------------| | Pooh's Hunny Hunt | 100+ points | | Tigger bouncing game | 150+ points | | Pooh's Swing | 40+ yards | | Tigger's Pot | 30 seconds or less | | Friend Search | 5 minutes or less | '===========================================' ...then go talk to Owl at Pooh's House to get Sora's CHEER ability. Sweet. ~=============================================================================~ | M. NEVERLAND [M0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Dispel-G ............ [ ] Ansem's Report 9 ........ [ ] | | Dispel-G ............ [ ] Dalmatians 43, 44, and 45 [ ] | | Shell-G ............. [ ] Dalmatians 82, 83, and 84 [ ] | | Navi-G Piece ........ [ ] Dalmatians 88, 89, and 90 [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACCESSORIES: Raven's Claw ........ [ ] Protega Chain ........... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KEYBLADES: Fairy Harp .......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Cura ................ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SUMMONS: Tinker Bell ......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: Ars Arcanum ......... [ ] Glide (Shared) .......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Green Trinity #8 .... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Pirate | | Rare Truffle Air Pirate | | Shadow Sora Antisora (Boss) | | Battleship Captain Hook (Boss) | | Barrel Spider | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Head for the last remaining world on the map. This is Neverland, where people never get older. Woohoo! Hook me up with some of that. Get it? Hook? Captain Hook? Hahaha... sorry. Well, on the way to Neverland, you get captured by Captain Hook himself, and you have to find your way out. You may want to place Peter Pan in your party for now to see how he fights, and whether you like him or not. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Pirate | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 105 ATK: 27 | | | EXP: 28 DEF: 21 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Mega-Potion - 1% | | | Power Gem - 4% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fighting Pirates is much the same as fighting Bandits in Agrabah. Use the | | same tactics you used back then. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Shadow Sora | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 120 ATK: 27 | | | EXP: 150 DEF: 21 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Munny | | | Items: Mega-Potion - 40% | | | Elixir - 5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | You'll encounter these clones of Sora occasionally. They are able to fly | | around the room even before you get the Glide ability, and they like to | | kick you a lot. Defeating them shouldn't be too tough. If you get kicked by | | one, Sora's munny will fly outward. You'll have to collect it again if you | | want it back. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Climb up the ladder in the next room and enter the door to the next room. Drop down the hole here and fight the legions of Heartless that appear. When you are finished fighting, head up the other ladder in the opposite corner. The chest in this room contains a DISPEL-G. Above the ladder that you used to enter the room is a shelf. Use it to reach a hole in the grate above. Use the hole to the right. Use the Save Point in this room, and then use the GREEN TRINITY MARK (8/9) near the door. This lowers a ladder to a new area. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Antisora [M1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 750 ATK: 24 | | | EXP: 2000 DEF: 20 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Raven's Claw | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This fight is a bit unique in the fact that it's as if you are fighting | | yourself. Cast Aero as soon as you start out, and start wailing away on | | Antisora. He uses all the same attacks that you would expect Sora to use, | | and he even uses an attack where he splits into three. You have to hit the | | correct Antisora, as two of them are false. If you hit the wrong one, it | | will simply vanish. Special Abilities are very useful in this battle as | | well, so keep that in mind. Keep your HP up, and you will win this battle. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' You receive a RAVEN'S CLAW for winning this battle. Open the green chest on the bed to release DALMATIANS 88, 89, and 90. Search for a door in the floor and Examine it to open it. The chest down here contains a PROTEGA CHAIN. Exit the room into the hallway and enter the door on the same side of the hall. Climb up the ladder here to return to the Captain's Cabin. This time, exit through the door to go above deck. After the cutscene, your Cure spell is upgraded to CURA, and you get the power to fly. You are also asked if you want to switch party members. Make sure Sora is around level 40. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Battleship | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 300 ATK: 27 | | | EXP: 100 DEF: 21 | | | | | Drops (Mast | HP balls | | Broken) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Elixir - 1% | | | Power Gem - 8% | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Munny | | | Items: Elixir - 1% | | | Power Gem - 16% | | | Element Ring - 2% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These giant floating ships are a strange type of Heartless. They charge at | | you pretty fast, and it goes without saying that you don't want to be in | | the way when this happens. You can either attack the mast, or the ship | | itself. They will also shoot their cannons at you, which is especially | | annoying during the battle with Captain Hook. Attacking the mast first will | | net you more EXP. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Air Pirate | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 120 ATK: 27 | | | EXP: 40 DEF: 21 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Mega Potion - 1% | | | Power Gem - 4% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These are flying versions of the Pirates you fought in the ship, though | | they don't look much like their swashbuckling companions. They fly around | | and attack with their fists, but they aren't much of a problem now that you | | have the ability to fly. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After fighting the enemies on the ship, Captain Hook himself will appear. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Captain Hook [M2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 900 ATK: 24 | | | EXP: 3400 DEF: 20 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Ansem's Report 9 | | | Ars Arcanum | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This fight is complicated due to the other enemies swarming around the | | area. Your main concern should be Captain Hook, however. Casting Fira at | | him will cause him to run around the ship's deck on fire, and if he runs | | into you, you will take damage, so that's not your best option. Sora's | | special abilities, however, work well. Just keep hitting him and flying | | away when you need MP or HP. This should be a short lived battle. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, you receive the ARS ARCANUM ability and ANSEM'S REPORT 9. After the cutscene, you will find yourself in London by Big Ben. Anyway, fly upward from where you are now to reach a Save Point. Drop back down and search along the perimeter for a chest containing DALMATIANS 43, 44, and 45. Talking to Wendy will reveal that one of the clocks if off. Find the clock face that doesn't say midnight, and strike the tip of the minute hand until it does. This reveals the world's keyhole, which is promptly sealed. You'll get a NAVI-G Piece as well. Finally, you get the TINKER BELL summon, the FAIRY HARP keychain, and the shared ability GLIDE. Excellent. The Fairy Harp is a great weapon, though it has a short reach. Use the Save Point to board the Gummi Ship, and enter Neverland again. Choose to land in the ship's Hold. Go through the door into the large room beyond. The chest near the ceiling contains DALMATIANS 82, 83, and 84. The other one has a SHELL-G. If you return to the deck of the ship, you can fly to the crow's nest to find a chest containing a DISPEL-G. ~=============================================================================~ | * TRAVERSE TOWN [Y8] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Megalixir ........... [ ] Dalmatians 1, 2, and 3 .. [ ] | | Transform-G ......... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' First of all, take care of your usual shopping business, and then talk to Cid. After a bunch of stuff happens, he gives you a TRANSFORM-G. If you enter the Dalmatians' House at this point, you will get a MEGALIXIR. Now head to Merlin's Study, but don't enter. Instead, loop around to the back of his house and Glide across the water to reach a chest that contains DALMATIANS 1, 2, and 3. Now enter the Study and use the Save Point to travel to Wonderland. ~=============================================================================~ | * WONDERLAND [Y9] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Mythril ............. [ ] Aeroga-G ................ [ ] | | Orichalcum .......... [ ] Dalmatians 19, 20, and 21 [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Disembark at the Queen's Castle and enter the Lotus Forest. You can now reach a chest that you weren't able to get before. It's on a mushroom above the fake pond. Jump on the mushrooms in the alcove to the right and use Glide to reach it. It contains an ORICHALCUM. The door nearby leads to the Tea Party Garden. The chest you land next to contains DALMATIANS 19, 20, and 21. The chest behind you contains an AEROGA-G. From here, you can see another chest. Glide to it to get a MYTHRIL. Now head back to a Save Point and travel to Deep Jungle. ~=============================================================================~ | * DEEP JUNGLE [X0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Mythril ............. [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Return to the Tree House area (by landing in the Tunnel area) to get an item. If you glide over to the hanging boat, you can grab a MYTHRIL. Also, if you weren't able to complete the vine jumping games before, you will be able to now that you have enhanced jumping and gliding abilities. Of course, you don't get anything for completing them, except an entry in your Journal, so it's up to you if you want to go back and do it. Now head to Agrabah. ~=============================================================================~ | * AGRABAH [X1] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Dalmatians 46, 47, and 48 ... [ ] | | Dalmatians 49, 50, and 51 ... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Start off in Aladdin's House, and return to the Palace Gates area. High Jump your way up to the highest point you can go, and then Glide across to reach a chest containing DALMATIANS 46, 47, and 48. Now return to the Save Point and exit the world. Reenter the world in the Dark Chamber. Head up the steps and return to the Entrance area of the Cave of Wonders. Destroy the enemies and jump on the platform to Glide to a chest on a pillar. This contains DALMATIANS 49, 50, and 51. Now head to Halloween Town. ~=============================================================================~ | * HALLOWEEN TOWN [X2] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Elixir .............. [ ] Esuna-G ................. [ ] | | Power Up ............ [ ] Dalmatians 64, 65, and 66 [ ] | | Thunder-G ........... [ ] Dalmatians 70, 71, and 72 [ ] | | Dispel-G ............ [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' In Guillotine Square, look for the two big orange pumpkins in the wall. Use first-person view to look up and to the right of the pumpkins. There is a small ledge sticking out that you can grab on to. Jump up into the room to reach a chest with a POWER UP. From here, glide the to the giant mouth to the right. The chests contain an ELIXIR, and DALMATIANS 70, 71, and 72. Now head back to Moonlight Hill. Head to the right when you enter to reach a door that wouldn't open before. Inside, you'll find an ESUNA-G, a DISPEL-G, and a THUNDER-G, as well as DALMATIANS 64, 65, and 66. Now, go back to the Save Point and head to Neverland again. ~=============================================================================~ | * NEVERLAND [X3] | ~=============================================================================~ Land back in the Clock Tower area. The clock face shows a certain time, and a corresponding door will open up according to what time it is. The time is determined by what the in-game clock says. The door above the clock should be lit up. Open it to receive a gift. Every hour, come back to open a new door. For example, if you had been playing for 33:00, then the clock would be at midnight, and you would get the gift for midnight. If you came back when the game clock said 34:00, you would get the gift for 1:00. Here's the chart of what you get. 12:00 - Megalixir 1:00 - Orichalcum 2:00 - Power Up 3:00 - Mythril Shard 4:00 - Power Up 5:00 - AP Up 6:00 - Mythril 7:00 - AP Up 8:00 - Defense Up 9:00 - Orichalcum 10:00 - Defense Up 11:00 - Mythril Shard ~=============================================================================~ | N. COLISEUM - HERCULES CUP [N0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Power Up ............ [ ] Orichalcum .............. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KEYBLADES: Metal Chocobo ....... [ ] Olympia ................. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | WEAPONS: Herc's Shield ....... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: Yellow Trinity ...... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Yellow Trinity #1 ... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Gargoyle Air Pirate | | Wight Knight Battleship | | Barrel Spider Cloud (Boss) | | Rare Truffle Hercules (Boss) | | Shadow | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' If you haven't finished the Pegasus Cup, you should do that now. The Black Funguses may still be giving you trouble in the time trial though. .==============================================. | HERCULES CUP | |==============================================| | Seed # | Enemies | |==============================================| | 9 - Dusk Vanguard | Gargoyle X5 | | | Shadow X3 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 8 - Minions of Horror | Wight Knight X4 | | | Air Pirate X1 | | | Barrel Spider X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 7 - Buccaneers | Battleship X1 | | | Pirate X4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 6 - Stray Phantom | Gargoyle X4 | | | Wight Knight X3 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 5 - Mad Truffle | Rare Truffle X1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 4 - Cloud | Cloud | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 3 - Dark Squadron | Wight Knight X1 | | | Gargoyle X2 | | | Pirate X2 | | | Air Pirate X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 2 - Flying Pirates | Battleship X2 | | | Pirate X2 | | | Air Pirate X1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 1 - Hercules | Hercules | '----------------------------------------------' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Cloud (2) [N1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 450 ATK: 29 | | | EXP: 500 DEF: 23 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Metal Chocobo | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fight Cloud like you did the first time you fought him, and you'll be fine. | | The major thing you must be careful of is his new "flight" mode. When Cloud | | gets low on HP, he will grow a wing and fly around, striking you very fast. | | Just throw Aero on and Dodge Roll around until the onslaught has ended. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' You get the METAL CHOCOBO keychain for defeating Cloud. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Hercules [N2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 450 ATK: 29 | | | EXP: 700 DEF: 23 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Herc's Shield | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sora fights this tricky battle alone. Hercules starts out glowing yellow, | | meaning he's invincible to your attacks. Just continue dodging him until | | barrels start appearing. When he says something like, "Hey, give up yet?" | | he'll flex his muscles. Take this opportunity to huck a barrel at his head. | | This causes the glow to disappear temporarily, and this is when you should | | go in and attack. | | | | One if the more noticeable attacks is when he tries to ram you. At this | | point, use the Guard ability to stun him. | | | | When he says, "Try this on for size!" run away or be hurt. He lunges and | | punches a lot, but a dodge roll should avoid this attack easily. He also | | jumps into the air and slams into the ground, causing a shock wave to | | radiate outward. Another attack he has is a spinning one in which he spins | | about the battlefield. Outlast this attack, and Herc will be dizzy for a | | bit. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' You obtain HERC'S SHIELD (for Goofy) after the battle. You also obtain the OLYMPIA keychain if you have beaten the Phil, Pegasus, and Hercules Cups (this doesn't include the solo or timed matches). Finally, you learn the YELLOW TRINITY ability. For winning the solo match in the Hercules Cup, you win an ORICHALCUM. For the time trial, you get a POWER UP. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MINI GAME: Hercules Cup Time Trial | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Most of the battles in this cup are simple, and can be won fairly quickly. | | The Rare Truffle round is an obvious gift, and you should be able to end it | | almost as soon as it begins. | | | | Cloud is the first real challenge during the time trial. The quickest way | | to kill him is to use constant limits on him. This burns MP fast, but there | | really is no better way to bring his HP down quick. Make sure to bring | | plenty of Ethers along! | | | | Unfortunately, the fight with Herc is a different story. Sora doesn't have | | his friends with him, so you'll just have to rely on barrels appearing | | where you need them, when you need them. Throw them at Herc and let him | | have it with whatever you've got. This will be the battle that makes or | | breaks your run. | | | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Now that you have the Yellow Trinity ability, there are a few things you can do. Start off by using the YELLOW TRINITY MARK (1/4) in the Lobby. This reveals the Coliseum's keyhole, and Sora promptly seals it. MAJOR STRATEGY CHANGE: If you've been using magic all throughout the game, you're about to get a big kick in the face after you complete Hollow Bastion and enemies suddenly don't die after a few Fira spells. I tend to use Olympia for a HUGE chunk of the upcoming game because of the way it breaks through enemy defenses. Coupled with Counterattack, you'll be unstoppable. If you've focused Sora on physical attacks thus far, you needn't change anything about how you've been playing. Personally, I ignore all new Keyblades until the Divine Rose, which is (almost) a better weapon all-around. ~=============================================================================~ | * AGRABAH [X4] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | TRINITIES: Yellow Trinity #2 ... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Land in the Dark Chamber, and head up the stairs into the Hall. Look for the yellow Trinity Mark near the idol. Using the YELLOW TRINITY MARK (2/4) pushes the giant head down into the pit, but this serves no purpose at this point, if you've already used High Jump to reach the chests here. So, it was pretty pointless to come here, other than to fill out your Journal. ~=============================================================================~ | * NEVERLAND [X5] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Orichalcum .......... [ ] Dalmatians 85, 86, and 87 [ ] | | Dispel-G ............ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Aerora .............. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Yellow Trinity #3 ... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' This YELLOW TRINITY MARK (3/4) is located in the ship's Hold. Head out the door into the larger room beyond, and climb up the ladder (or fly up, I was just using the ladder as a point of reference). The yellow Trinity Mark here leads to a room with several chests. They contain a DISPEL-G, an ORICHALCUM, DALMATIANS 85, 86, and 87, and an upgrade for your Aero spell, which becomes AERORA. ~=============================================================================~ | * TRAVERSE TOWN [X6] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Power Up ............ [ ] Ultima-G ................ [ ] | | Orichalcum .......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Yellow Trinity #4 ... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Head into the Dalmatians' House again to pick up two new prizes, an ORICHALCUM and an ULTIMA-G. Also, head to Merlin's Study, and head around to the back of the house. Use the YELLOW TRINITY MARK (4/4) here to obtain a POWER UP. Now may be a good time to try some of the Mushroom side quests, or to obtain new Blueprints for your Gummi Ship. Check out the respective sections after the Walkthrough. TREASURE HUNTER TIP: If you're concerned with emptying all the game's chests, you'll certainly want to sell three of your Float-Gs to Cid if you are at maximum capacity for them. You'll be picking up a couple from some chests, but the game won't let you open the chests if you have too many in your inventory. Not a huge detail, but I thought it would be nice for me to let you know if you are a chest-emptier (like moi). When you feel you are ready, head to the final mystery world on the map. ~=============================================================================~ | O. HOLLOW BASTION [O0]| ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Esuna-G ................. [ ] | | Mega-Potion ......... [ ] Tornado-G ............... [ ] | | Mega-Ether .......... [ ] Tornado-G ............... [ ] | | Elixir .............. [ ] Tornado-G ............... [ ] | | Megalixir ........... [ ] Flare-G ................. [ ] | | Megalixir ........... [ ] Holy-G .................. [ ] | | Megalixir ........... [ ] Ultima-G ................ [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Fireglow ................ [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Mava vol. 3 ............. [ ] | | Cottage ............. [ ] Mava vol. 6 ............. [ ] | | Power Up ............ [ ] Azal vol. 3 ............. [ ] | | AP Up ............... [ ] Hafet vol. 4 ............ [ ] | | Mythril ............. [ ] Theon vol. 6 ............ [ ] | | Mythril ............. [ ] Khama vol. 8 ............ [ ] | | Mythril ............. [ ] Salegg vol. 6 ........... [ ] | | Orichalcum .......... [ ] Nahara vol. 5 ........... [ ] | | Orichalcum .......... [ ] Emblem Piece ............ [ ] | | Orichalcum .......... [ ] Emblem Piece ............ [ ] | | Dispel-G ............ [ ] Emblem Piece ............ [ ] | | Dispel-G ............ [ ] Emblem Piece ............ [ ] | | Dispel-G ............ [ ] Ansem's Report 5 ........ [ ] | | Dispel-G ............ [ ] Dalmatians 91, 92, and 93 [ ] | | Float-G ............. [ ] Dalmatians 94, 95, and 96 [ ] | | Float-G ............. [ ] Dalmatians 97, 98, and 99 [ ] | | Float-G ............. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACCESSORIES: Blizzaga Ring ....... [ ] Firaga Ring ............. [ ] | | Thundaga Ring ....... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: White Trinity ....... [ ] Cheer (Donald) .......... [ ] | | Ragnarok ............ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: Blue Trinity #16 .... [ ] Red Trinity #6 .......... [ ] | | Blue Trinity #17 .... [ ] Green Trinity #9 ........ [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Defender | | Darkball Riku (Boss) | | Wizard Maleficent (Boss) | | Wyvern Dragon (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Hollow Bastion isn't from any specific Disney movie, but it's cool nonetheless. If you walk off the first platform, you will find that you can walk on the water. Behind the row of rocks is a chest containing DALMATIANS 91, 92, and 93. Back at the Save Point, head across the floating platforms until you reach a moving one. This one takes you to a big platform. Look for the nearby bubble, and jump into it. Open the nearby chest for a DISPEL-G before your time runs out and you are returned to the surface. Now head up the platforms again. After the cutscene, you're left with a crappy wooden sword, and Donald and Goofy ditch you. Fortunately, Beast joins you for the time being. Now, look back down towards where the Save Point is. There is a moving platform to your left. Glide from platform to platform collecting the three chests. They contain (in order) a MEGALIXIR, a BLIZZAGA RING, and a DISPEL-G. Now head back up to the platform with the white Trinity Mark, and jump on the same moving platform. Use it to reach the entrance to the grand castle in the distance. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Wyvern | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 135 ATK: 31 | | | EXP: 65 DEF: 24 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Elixir - 0.5% | | | Power Crystal - 2% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wyverns typically hover just out of your reach, or over pits that you don't | | want to fall into. They will try to ram and dive bomb you, but they aren't | | too much of a threat compared to the other monsters in Hollow Bastion. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Darkball | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 60 ATK: 31 | | | EXP: 32 DEF: 24 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 1% | | | Lucid Crystal - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Darkballs can be quite annoying at first, especially without your Keyblade. | | They can charge at you and bite you, and they can also flip out and move | | around really fast, which deflects your attacks. Watch out when they | | disappear. They move around as smoke for a while, and when they reform, the | | energy emitted can hurt you. They tend to target you while reforming. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Defender | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 240 ATK: 31 | | | EXP: 120 DEF: 24 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Elixir - 1% | | | Bright Crystal - 2% | | | Defender - 0.2% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These large Heartless defend themselves with a large shield. The shield | | itself can spit out fire and blizzard magic. The fireball can be deflected | | with a properly timed swing of the Keyblade, but the resulting damage is | | minimal. Watch out for the icy spread of the blizzard spell though, as you | | can't deflect it. To quickly destroy these monsters, use Gravity. Circle | | around to their backs while they are flattened and finish them off with a | | few attacks. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Wizard | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 75 ATK: 31 | | | EXP: 90 DEF: 24 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Items: Ether - 2% | | | Shiny Crystal - 2% | | | Wizard's Relic - 0.2% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wizards are the opposite of Defenders. They fly around the room casting all | | different types of magic at you. When they use thunder magic, they are | | impervious to attack, so watch out. They can also disappear and reform | | somewhere else. On rare occasions, they will drop Donald's Wizard's Relic | | staff. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' It is certainly best to run from the enemies that appear, because your wooden sword is useless, and you cannot rely on Beast too heavily. Magic will still be somewhat effective, but you will find yourself running out of MP somewhat quickly. Head to the right as you enter this area, and head through the gates. Examine the red shimmering crystal to activate a platform higher up. The shimmering blue crystal brings you down to a different area. Let Beast take care of the enemies in here, and then jump into the higher bubble. Jump on the platform to reach a chest on a ledge with a MYTHRIL. From here, you can jump to another ledge (the one you just traveled under while in the bubble) to get a TORNADO-G. Use the spiky ice crystal nearby to make a platform slide out. Jump to the blue ledge to your left, and from there, Glide to another chest containing another TORNADO-G. Return to where you found the Mythril and push the blue block so you can reach the floating platform. Jump to the ledge and Release the other crystal to make the other platform slide out. Jump across, and enter the door to the Waterway. To your left is a gate. Use the Call command to have Beast smash it open. The chest in here contains an ESUNA-G. Now go back to Base Level, and jump down to where the bubbles are. Use the lower one this time to enter the Waterway again. Utilize the nearby Save Point and open the chest for a FIRAGA RING. Turn around and use Beast again to break open the nearby gate. Use Blizzara on the bubble to freeze it into a platform. Jump up to the top of the wall that separates the areas. From here you can reach a chest containing a FLARE-G. Return to the (now unfrozen) bubble and use it. Use Beast again to break the stone wall that is near where the bubble deposits you. Let Beast take care of the Heartless, and open the chests to find a FLOAT- G in each. Now head back to the Waterway. Take a left as you exit the Dungeon area, and take a sharp turn around the corner. There, on the wall, press the switch. Head over to where the gate moved, and press the switch near it. To the right is another switch. Press this one too. Head down the new corridor you just made for yourself, and hit the switch on the ground. Use the bubble to reach a new section. Hit yet another switch to activate the elevator. Let Beast take care of the Defender in this area (a Gravity spell will help out here) and then hit ANOTHER switch. This is the final one, however. Now head back to the front of the castle, doing the switch-pressing puzzle in reverse to get out. Back at the front, head towards the castle gates. Enter the main double doors, and be ready for a long expected encounter. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Riku [O1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 500 ATK: 31 | | | EXP: 2000 DEF: 24 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | White Trinity Ability | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Thankfully, you get your Keyblade back for this encounter, and Donald and | | Goofy come to their senses. This battle is reminiscent of old times. You'll | | want to use Dodge Roll to get behind him and combo his back. He doesn't | | have any extra special attacks that you need to worry about, so this should | | be a fairly straightforward battle. Keep your health up, and you'll be | | fine. | | | | In fact, if you summon Tink and keep Aerora cast, you really can't lose | | unless you absolutely try. Seriously, test it out, you'll be happy. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, you learn the WHTIE TRINITY Ability. The pots around the room contain HP Balls, and sometimes even HI-POTIONs. Head into the short hallway that leads to the door with the Heartless symbol at the top of the steps, and look at the pillar to the right. Jump up to grab onto the tiny ledge, and jump up to the top of the pillar to reach a chest with a POWER UP. Head to the right as you exit the hallway to reach a set of double doors that lead to the Library. This is probably the biggest puzzle in the game. By moving around books and placing them in the correct areas, you will open up passages and obtain items. As you round the corner, pick up the red book on the ground. This is KHAMA VOL. 8. To the right is a row of red books with a space in it. Place the book into the slot to open the passage. The pillar to your left has a hole in it. Examine it until the chest is out front. Open it for an ELIXIR. Now head up the nearby stairs and repeat the process for the two pillars up here. These ones contain a MYTHRIL and a MEGA-POTION. On the desk near the Save Point is THEON VOL. 6. The GREEN TRINITY MARK (9/9) near the Save Point gets you AZAL VOL. 3. Past the pillar that contained the Mega-Potion is a bookshelf with a green book mixed up with the orange ones. Take this one out to receive MAVA VOL. 6. Examine the same spot again to insert Theon. The switch unlocks the door nearby. Turn first though to see that you can now jump on top of the bookcases that are on the lower level. The chest that you can see immediately contains a DISPEL-G. Follow this bookcase around the corner to reach another pillar. Spin this one until you get an AP UP. Walk off the ledge in front of the Save Point to drop into a small sealed off area. Take the blue book from among the green ones. This is SALEGG VOL. 6. Turn around and place it into its rightful place on the bookshelf to reveal an exit. Return to where you entered the area and place the yellow book on the shelf. Run around to the other side of the bookshelf you just moved to find NAHARA VOL. 5. Head back up to the Save Point and to the yellow books across from it. Place the book in the gap and take the green book from behind the bookshelf. This is MAVA VOL. 3. Drop down to the bottom level again and use the two green books in their missing spaces. Take HAFET VOL. 4 from the desk, and place it in the row of books across from the Save Point. The library is a completely different place now, isn't it? Head through the door to the Lift Stop area. To the left of the glowing crystal is a platform floating above Sora's head. Target it and use Gravira to lower the platform. The chest contains a TORNADO-G. Now use the blue crystal to ride to a higher platform. Use Gravira on the next floating platform for an ULTIMA-G. Now head back to the Library. Use the Save Point to restore lost MP, and head through the nearby double doors to the Entrance Hall. WARNING: The next puzzle is much smaller and is pretty fun. Try to figure it out on your own if you'd like. If not, just read the following sections. Start out by heading to the right as you enter. Hit the two pots on either side of the stone head to make a waterfall drop a piece of something out. Don't drop down to get it yet, however. Continue along the perimeter, and use Fira magic on the candles. Nothing happens yet, you have to light more candles around the room. Pass up the red Trinity Mark for now, and continue lighting candles. Once all eight are lit, something appears on the central platform. Now search for the stone with the lightning bolt on it. Casting Thundara on it lowers the platforms leading to the central area. Fly across to grab an EMBLEM PIECE. On the side of the circle opposite the doorway is a statue. Push it until it reveals a chest. Now head back to the RED TRINITY MARK (6/6) and use it to reveal the last EMBLEM PIECE. You may want to return to the Library before jumping down and retrieving the pieces to restore your MP. After that, jump down and collect the remaining three pieces. The chest that appeared is to the right of the door with the Heartless symbol on it. Now go to this door, and Examine it four times. The door will then open. After the cutscene, enter the door to the Lift Stop. Head first to the red crystal to turn it blue. Return to the blue crystal to head up. Use Gravira on the chest platform here to receive an ORICHALCUM. Now head back down. Turn the other crystal back to red again, and ride the platform down this time. Head into the Waterway. There are two platforms you can take from here. Take the one to the right to get to the Lift Stop area again. The red crystal here shoots out MP Balls and a MYTHRIL when you examine it. Head back down and take the other platform to the Dungeon area. You've been here before, remember? Use the BLUE TRINITY MARK (16/17) nearby to get a MEGA-POTION, a MEGA-ETHER, and a COTTAGE, as well as HP Balls. Now head back up to the Waterway, and head through the door back to the Lift Stop area. Ride the platform back up, and exit the area past the red crystal to reach the Castle Gates. Be incredibly careful when fighting in this area, as you don't want to fall off back into the Waterway area again. Wait for the Wyverns to come to you before attacking them. Head around the corner and activate the red crystal. Wait for the newly activated platform to come by, and use it to cross the gap to another chest. Use Gravira to bring it down, and open it for DALMATIANS 94, 95, and 96. Hop on the moving platform again, and ride it all the way back to the opposite end of its track. Glide to the other floating platform from here, and ride this one to a chest on a pillar. It contains a HOLY-G. Glide to the chest in the distance on a pillar to get an ORICHALCUM. Simply gliding to the chests themselves works too... Now head back to the main platform, and use the blue crystal to ride to a new area. Continue up the steps to reach another red crystal. Use this to enter the large platform nearby. When it stops moving, fight the enemies and use the crystal to get it started again. Use the nearby BLUE TRINITY MARK (17/17) to get MP Balls, a MEGALIXIR, and two COTTAGES. You should have used all the trinities now except for the white ones. Check your journal in case you are missing any, and try to find them later on. They have all been covered in my walkthrough, so you might want to give it a skim if you've missed any. The nearby chest contains a DISPEL-G. Head through the door into the Lift Stop. Use the blue crystal in here to reach a higher platform. Exit to the Great Crest area. To the left is a chest with an ORICHALCUM. To the right is a blue crystal which you can use to reach another area. After the enemies out here are defeated, use Gravira on the chest to lower it and obtain a THUNDAGA RING. Head over to where the blue crystal is, but jump off the ledge and turn right to glide along the wall. There is an opening to the right as you glide under the giant yellow blocks. Enter the door here. Using Gravira on the platform here gets you a FLOAT-G. Was it worth it? I dunno, probably not. Anyway, exit this area back out to the High Tower area. From here, glide to the left towards the blue line. You will automatically land on the platform below next to the blue crystal. Use it to return to the area you were just at. Use the red crystal in the corner to make the block lower itself. Turn around and enter the nearby doorway to the Lift Stop. Head through the other doorway to the High Tower area again. After defeating the enemies out here, use Gravira on the chest to get DALMATIANS 97, 98, and 99. Only three more to go! Examining the red crystal lowers the other block. Head up and Use the yellow crystal to raise the other block back up. Now you can reach the MEGALIXIR on the ledge. Use the red crystal to trigger a change in the platform way back in the secret room of the Library. Go back down the yellow blocks, and enter the Lift Stop. Head into the Castle Chapel area. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Maleficent [O2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 900 ATK: 31 | | | EXP: 6000 DEF: 24 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Donald's Cheer | | | Ansem's Report 5 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | As the battle starts, target the platform Maleficent is on, and cast | | Gravira on it. This causes it to sink to the ground, where you have a few | | good shots at Maleficent herself. If you find yourself running out of MP at | | any time during the battle, you can simply hit the platform to bring down | | its HP. This has the same affect as Gravira, but just takes longer. | | | | Anyway, while you are hitting Maleficent, she can hit you away with her | | staff, and summon meteors to hit you. When you hear her about to call her | | space rocks, run away to the side of the huge vortex or suffer a meteor to | | the face. That's never too fun. | | | | You'll also have to contend with constant Defenders and Darkballs that she | | summons into the room. You can focus on them when Maleficent is busy with | | her meteor shower if you want the munny. | | | | This battle shouldn't be too hard at this point. Again, Tink and Aerora | | will leave you wondering where the challenge was, so remember this somewhat | | cheap strategy if you are having difficulties. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, Donald learns CHEER and you receive ANSEM'S REPORT 5. Take the opportunity to save and restock items as well. I would suggest being at least level 45 for the upcoming battle. Place a lot of Ethers in Sora's shortcut menu and SAVE. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Dragon [O3] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 1200 ATK: 31 | | | EXP: 6000 DEF: 24 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Fireglow | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | As this is a very tough battle, I highly recommend the coveted Tink and | | Aerora combination. Though this prevents you from using the OTHER cheap | | strategy against the Dragon, it doesn't rule it out. You can use the | | Tink / Aerora strategy for Plan A, and the upcoming strategy for Plan B. | | While you have Tink out, I suggest just attacking the Dragon's head | | directly from the front, although somewhat cautiously. If you get low on | | HP, back off for a bit to let Tink bring you back up. Save your MP for | | casting Aerora. | | | | Attacks include green dragon breath that stays burning on the floor, | | continuous shockwaves that cover the entire area EVERY time the Dragon | | takes a step, claw swipes, devastating bite attacks, and homing fire. This | | is a nasty battle, even for the well prepared gamer. If you see the Dragon | | pause and lift its head up a little, be prepared to be launched from its | | back, taking minor damage. | | | | Hopefully Plan A brings you through the battle. If not (i.e. if you run out | | of HP and Tink saves you and is dismissed), glide around back of the Dragon | | and jump on its hind leg. Walk on to its back and stay there. Now use | | Strike Raid over and over again, using Ethers when you need to replenish | | your MP. If you get thrown off, simply climb back up again and continue | | this process. | | | | Finally, you could just stay on the Dragon's back until Goofy and Donald | | take care of it, but that would take quite a long time. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' You obtain the FIREGLOW after the battle. Head out the glowing orb, and a new passageway beyond the Save Point is revealed. Save here, and restock your items once again. Make sure you have Guard, Counterattack, and the Olympia Keyblade equipped. Fight the Shadows in the next room, and enter the Grand Hall. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Riku (2) [O4] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 900 ATK: 31 | | | EXP: 8500 DEF: 24 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Ragnarok ability | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Argh, not another Boss Fight! Shame you can't summon Tink this time around. | | Well, start the battle off by casting Aerora on Sora, and try to keep it | | that way. If you have the Guard ability equipped, use it wisely and deflect | | Riku's attacks. He will be stunned momentarily, giving you a few quick | | hits. If you find you need to heal, fly away from him and cast Cura. If he | | goes berserk, then you should fly around the room until he calms down. If | | he starts throwing his Keyblade at you, you can hit it right back at him to | | cause damage, but this is risky. It's best just to avoid this attack. | | | | There is a certain pattern that you can get into that lets you take | | enormous chunks of life from Riku. After using Guard to block any of his | | attacks, you'll have just enough time to pull a full combo on him. After | | your last blow, spam Guard until he tries to attack you again. This way, he | | won't be able to hit you, while you take big amounts of his HP away. If | | you're lucky, you will be able to hold this pattern for quite a while. | | | | Also, take note that the faster you finish him off, the less likely he will | | be to stay in his powered up form permanently. This is definitely a great | | thing to remember. | | | | If you can pull off using Ars Arcanum on him, that would be great, | | especially if he has only half a life bar left. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Sora receives the RAGNAROK ability after this tough battle. After a few touching scenes, you will suddenly find yourself in a new body. Head through the door to the Lift Stop area. Just keep falling off ledges until you are back at the Entrance Hall. Then get ready for some cool stuff. Then, after the cool stuff, get ready to head to Traverse Town. ~=============================================================================~ | * TRAVERSE TOWN [X7] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Orichalcum .......... [ ] Comet-G ................. [ ] | | Orichalcum .......... [ ] Comet-G ................. [ ] | | Orichalcum .......... [ ] Meteor-G ................ [ ] | | Thundaga-G .......... [ ] Navi-Gummi .............. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACCESSORIES: Ribbon .............. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KEYBLADES: Oathkeeper .......... [ ] Lady Luck ............... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | WEAPONS: Lord Fortune ........ [ ] Violetta ................ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SUMMONS: Mushu ............... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: White Trinity #1 .... [ ] White Trinity #6 ........ [ ] | | White Trinity #2 .... [ ] White Trinity #7 ........ [ ] | | White Trinity #3 .... [ ] White Trinity #8 ........ [ ] | | White Trinity #4 .... [ ] White Trinity #9 ........ [ ] | | White Trinity #5 .... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' It is important to note that everything from here on end will become harder, due to the increase in the amount of Heartless in each world. There are many Heartless like Darkballs and Defenders in places like Traverse Town. Also, every type of enemy is much more difficult to defeat, but they yield more EXP. The Gizmo Shop is now a great place to level up and gain rare items. Also, the battle levels for each world have increased a lot. When you are done talking to people, head back to the First District to talk to Cid. Okay, so you need to take a new route to Hollow Bastion. To do that, you need a Navi-Gummi, and Cid says he stored one in the Secret Waterway. Enter the Alleyway and head there now. Use the WHITE TRINITY MARK (1/10) here for an ORICHALCUM. Now talk to Kairi and head over to the mural to receive the NAVI-GUMMI. Talk to Kairi again to receive the OATHKEEPER keychain. While this Keyblade is certainly an upgrade, you may find the Olympia to be much more useful due to its ability to break through defenses (the Oathkeeper tends to cause Sora to be stunned after hitting anything solid). Head up the stairs in the back of the area to Merlin's Study. Talk to the Fairy Godmother, and have her release MUSHU from the Fireglow. Donald will obtain the LORD FORTUNE weapon if you have all of the other summons by now. Now head to the Dalmatians' House to get a RIBBON for a prize. This is a great Accessory, by the way. Check it out. Back in the First District, speak with Cid again. He'll install the Gummi that allows your ship to return to Hollow Bastion. First, we can use that White Trinity Ability that we so recently got. Wonderland: Land in the Queen's Castle area. In Lotus Forest, head to the back of the area and use the mushrooms to reach the branch with the acorn on it. Use the nearby door to reach the wall of Bizarre Room. Check the painting to return to a closed off area of Lotus Forest. Use the WHITE TRINITY MARK (2/10) here to get the LADY LUCK keychain (another great Keyblade...). Coliseum: Use the WHITE TRINITY MARK (3/10) right in the middle of the Lobby to get Donald's VIOLETTA. Deep Jungle: Return to the cave that leads to the keyhole of Deep Jungle (called the Cavern of Hearts). The WHITE TRINITY MARK (4/10) right in front of the keyhole here reveals an ORICHALCUM. Agrabah: Return to the Cave of Wonders (the Entrance area) and look for the WHITE TRINITY MARK (5/10). This one nets you a COMET-G. Monstro (fly between Agrabah and Atlantica until you are swallowed): Return to Chamber 6 to activate the WHITE TRINITY MARK (6/10) here. This one contains a THUNDAGA-G. Atlantica: Return to Triton's Palace (the area right before Triton's Throne) and check under the giant conch for the WHITE TRINITY MARK (7/10) of this area. Using it reveals a chest with an ORICHALCUM. Halloween Town: Return to Moonlight Hill and look for the WHITE TRINITY MARK (8/10) here. This one gives you a COMET-G. Neverland: The WHITE TRINITY MARK (9/10) in Neverland is located on the deck of the Pirate Ship. Use it to gain a METEOR-G. ~=============================================================================~ | P. HOLLOW BASTION [P0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Defense Up .......... [ ] Ansem's Report 4 ........ [ ] | | Firaga-G ............ [ ] Ansem's Report 6 ........ [ ] | | Thundaga-G .......... [ ] Ansem's Report 10 ....... [ ] | | Flare-G ............. [ ] Dalmatians 61, 62, and 63 [ ] | | Ansem's Report 2 .... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACCESSORIES: Omega Arts .......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KEYBLADES: Divine Rose ......... [ ] Oblivion ................ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Firaga .............. [ ] Curaga .................. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRINITIES: White Trinity #10 ... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Shadow Wyvern | | Darkball Defender | | Wizard Behemoth (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' First off, hop up the platforms until you reach the last WHITE TRINITY MARK (10/10). This one contains a FIRAGA-G. Also, if you turn around and jump down to the stationary platform below you, there is a new bubble that takes you to a DEFENSE UP. If you return to the Library at this point, Beast will be reunited with Belle. If you talk to her after, she will give you the DIVINE ROSE Keyblade. This Keyblade is a worthy replacement for the Olympia Keyblade, though the reach is a bit short. If you enter the Lift Stop area behind the Save Point, you will reach that new area that I mentioned a while ago. The chest here contains a THUNDAGA-G. Enjoy the long rides >=]. Now head back to the Entrance Hall and make your way back up to the Castle Chapel once again. Talk to the freed Princesses here, and then head through the Lift Stop to the Grand Hall. Head up the steps on the right to grab a chest with a FLARE-G. From the platform with the giant keyhole, look back across the room and look up. The chest up here can easily be reached by jumping up on the ledge and walking around the perimeter. It contains the OBLIVION keychain. Though its higher attack power (and great appearance) might make you want to instantly equip this Keyblade, the Divine Rose seems to deal higher damage consistently. To the left of the giant keyhole is a chest on a ledge containing DALMATIANS 61, 62, and 63. Those should be your last three Dalmatians. Now head through the giant keyhole. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Behemoth [P1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 1350 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 16000 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Omega Arts | | | Fire Upgrade | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Begin this battle by summoning Tink and casting Aerora, as usual. You can | | only damage this creature by attacking the horn, so get up on its back as | | soon as possible to begin the assault. | | | | One of the attacks the Behemoth has is a Thunder style spell. When it bows | | its head, you'll have to jump down in front of it to continue attacking. | | However, you'll want to only pull off a few combos and run out of the area | | of effect of the spell. Otherwise, you'll suffer damage. | | | | When the horns are glowing, the Behemoth is about to summon a giant black | | ball of energy. It will split soon after into homing balls, so jump off the | | back at this time and Dodge Roll around under the Behemoth to attempt to | | avoid the attack. | | | | Of course, both of these attacks won't do much to you if you have plenty of | | MP, healing items, and Aerora. So you can just take these attacks as they | | come, let Sora get hit, and just attack like mad to get the battle over | | faster. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' You receive an OMEGA ARTS accessory for winning the battle. Also, your Fira spell is upgraded to FIRAGA. Now head back to the Library. Find Aerith on the bottom floor and speak to her to receive ANSEM'S REPORTS 2, 4, 6, and 10. Talk to her two more times to have your Cura spell upgraded to CURAGA. Now use the Save Point to fly back to Traverse Town. ~=============================================================================~ | * TRAVERSE TOWN [X8] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Megalixir ........... [ ] Full Gummi Set .......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Aeroga .............. [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' TREASURE HUNTER TIP: You're about to get a full set of Gummis. If you want to empty all the chests in the End of the World, DON'T visit the Dalmatians yet. Some of the pieces they give you cannot be sold, so you will never be able to open some of the chests in the final world. You can always come back after finishing that world (and after Olympus Coliseum, for the final stray Gummi). The Dalmatians have two surprises for you this time. The first is the AEROGA spell upgrade, and the second is a complete Gummi collection! See, wasn't it worth it to collect all the puppies? Now you can build a really awesome Gummi Ship! As a small side trip, you can return to Wonderland and fight new enemies in the Rabbit Hole area and get a MEGALIXIR. Now, you have a choice at this point. Level up at the Coliseum to get ready for the End of the World, or head to the End of the World to level up and get rare items so that you are prepared for the Coliseum. This walkthrough is going to take you through most of the End of the World so that the player can acquire Sora's Ultima Weapon. Also, leveling up at the End of the World will allow Sora to gain helpful (even necessary) abilities for fighting in the Hades Cup. Head there now. ~=============================================================================~ | Q. END OF THE WORLD [Q0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Megalixir ........... [ ] Defense Up .............. [ ] | | Megalixir ........... [ ] AP Up ................... [ ] | | Megalixir ........... [ ] Thundara-G .............. [ ] | | Megalixir ........... [ ] Esuna-G ................. [ ] | | Megalixir ........... [ ] Haste-G ................. [ ] | | Power Up ............ [ ] Haste2-G ................ [ ] | | Power Up ............ [ ] Ultima-G ................ [ ] | | Defense Up .......... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ACCESSORIES: Omega Arts .......... [ ] Angel Bangle ............ [ ] | | Three Stars ......... [ ] Dark Ring ............... [ ] | | Brave Warrior ....... [ ] Ifrit's Horn ............ [ ] | | Inferno Band ........ [ ] White Fang .............. [ ] | | Ray of Light ........ [ ] Holy Circlet ............ [ ] | | Raven's Claw ........ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: Superglide (Shared) . [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Darkball Invisible | | Angel Star Shadow | | Behemoth Chernabog (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Invisible | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 300 ATK: 40 | | | EXP: 120 DEF: 30 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | MP balls | | | Items: Gale - 6% | | | Elixir - 5% | | | Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Orichalcum - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These frightening new enemies are giant shadows with swords. They are | | incredibly quick and agile, and it can be tough to hit them at times. They | | have an attack where they float out of reach and rain energy down on Sora. | | When you see one stick its sword in the ground, it turns into smoke (much | | like the Darkballs) and follows you around. When you see the smoke pause, | | use a Dodge Roll to move out of the constricting energy. Invisibles drop | | Gales quite often (especially with Lucky Strike equipped). | | | | Gravity is effective, but they move around a lot, so you may miss a few | | times while casting. Still, your spell could catch a different Invisible | | during a battle, or even multiple ones! To easily catch a targeted | | Invisible in a Gravity spell, cast it JUST after the enemy has moved. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Angel Star | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 220 ATK: 40 | | | EXP: 150 DEF: 30 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Gale - 6% | | | Ether - 2% | | | Mythril - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These creatures fly around the room generating tornadoes and shooting off | | energy. They aren't as tough as Invisibles, but when in a heated battle | | with Darkballs and Invisibles, they can be more than just a nuisance. They | | are also able to hide within their own wings and shield themselves from any | | attacks. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Head through the door near the Save Point to enter a strange new world. Rather, a multitude of broken worlds. Walk forward towards the first chest on the rock. Before you get there, you'll have to take care of some Invisibles first. These are the enemies that drop Gales, which you need for Sora's Ultima Weapon. Keep that in mind. After the battle, wait until the screen fades, and open the chest for a POWER UP. In this section, utilize the stone platforms as arrows. Each has a pointed end that you can use as a reference to run to the next platform. If you don't use them in this manner, you will find yourself running into invisible walls. For the sake of the walkthrough, I'll attempt to guide you as if you didn't have the arrows, but you can just ignore my following directions and just use the platforms as reference. Now head towards the chest to your right. When opened, you will be transported to another battlefield. After the encounter, you get a DEFENSE UP. After you exit that area, look to your left and walk across to get this chest. This one contains a MEGALIXIR. Now turn to your right and head for the next chest. After battling the Behemoth here, you receive an OMEGA ARTS again. Turn to the right and head for the next chest. You are intercepted by Angel Stars this time around. These enemies drop Gales as well. The chest nearby contains an ANGEL BANGLE. Turn around and head for the close chest. There is another MEGALIXIR in this one. There are four chests left in the area. First head to the one to your right. This one triggers a battle and contains a DEFENSE UP. The red chest to your right contains a THREE STARS. There are two chests left all the way across the area, but there are invisible walls in your way. Just follow the arrow platforms (you'll have to head the OPPOSITE way the arrow is pointing to obtain the final chest) for a POWER UP and a DARK RING. You'll have to fight enemies for each. From here, you can reach the back of the area. You must fight another Behemoth to proceed however. In the new area, you can jump and glide from your starting point to reach a platform with the big colored crystals on it. You should be able to just grab onto the ledge. The chest here contains a HASTE2-G. Keep in mind that if you fall at any time, you'll have to use the various ice ledges and green nasty webbing to make your way back up. You can inch your way along the long narrow ice ledges, and use the tiny ones as handholds. Anyway, from where you got the Haste2-G, face away from where you entered and fly to the platform in front of you. Go to the upper left corner of the ledge and look down. There, you should see a nasty webbed enclosure that can only be entered by jumping in. So do that. After you destroy the enemies, drop down the hole and open the chest for an ULTIMA-G. Now, start flying back towards the entrance. The first chest you come across contains an ESUNA-G, which is on the left end of a path that crosses the area. Use the ice ledge to walk along the wall upwards. After that, look across the room to see a series of little ledges leading up to a platform. Fly across and use these as handholds to reach a chest containing a HASTE-G. Now, turn around and glide your way down the chasm and look for another nasty webbed enclosure to your right. Drop into it, defeat the enemies, and drop through the hole. The chest here contains a THUNDARA-G. This last chest is a bit hard to find in this manner. You could alternately find the Save Point (which is much more noticeable) and glide to the chest. Now glide to the Save Point at the bottom from here, and jump into the glowing light. Head to the glowing ball to be transported to a pillar of light. The following series of rooms mirror the worlds you have fought through thus far. Each of the rooms contain enemies to fight and a chest to open, which (for the most part) contain accessories that you've already obtained. The following list will tell you which "worlds" you revisit, and what the chests contain in each. To exit each "world," you'll just have to find the door (pretty intuitive, in most cases). .==============================================================. | World | Accessory | |----------------|---------------------------------------------| | Traverse Town | BRAVE WARRIOR | | Wonderland | IFRIT'S HORN | | Coliseum | INFERNO BAND (behind the foot of a statue) | | Deep Jungle | WHITE FANG | | Agrabah | RAY OF LIGHT (high up in Palace Gates area) | | Atlantica | AP UP | | Halloween Town | HOLY CIRCLET | | Neverland | RAVEN'S CLAW (back of one of the rooms) | '==============================================================' The 100 Acre Wood has no enemies. You'll find a MEGALIXIR and a Save Point. After you save your game, head out into the final glowing ball. Step into the column of fire to be transported to a new area. Can you guess whose world this is a part of? If you haven't been reading those reports you've been collecting, I suggest you skim them at some point before the end of the game (they're not too extensive). Enter the door to the left and take the MEGALIXIR from the chest. After examining the machine, defeat the enemies and head back out into the hall. Head back through the burning hole you came from, and then back on the new hole that appears. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Chernabog [Q1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 1500 ATK: 40 | | | EXP: 15000 DEF: 30 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Superglide ability | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | You are granted the ability to fly during this battle. Chernabog has some | | pretty nasty fire attacks and fire breath, but if you stay behind its head | | for most of the battle, you should be fine. He can cause a fiery inferno to | | surround himself, so watch out for this attack at all costs. It keeps | | hitting Sora, and if you stay engulfed for too long, you won't even get a | | chance to heal. If you have the Second Chance ability equipped, this attack | | won't be able to kill you, but it will take you down to 1 HP. He can also | | blow back Sora with a gust of wind. Simply fly back up and hit him more. | | | | Something interesting I recently figured out: you can land on his shoulder | | and summon Tinker Bell. This should dramatically decrease the difficulty of | | the battle. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, you obtain the SUPERGLIDE shared ability. This is a faster version of Glide, invaluable for tougher bosses to come. Descend into the now dormant volcano. Continue your descent into the volcano. Head through a few rooms until you come to another Behemoth. After defeating it, a part of the Heartless symbol breaks away. Defeat enemies in this room until the door has totally disappeared. You may find that you'll need the Tink + Aeroga combo to make this part go smoothly. After, jump through and grab the MEGALIXIR from the chest. You don't want to go any further just yet, as the final Boss lies just around the corner. Use the Save Point to return to the world selection screen. ~=============================================================================~ | * LOOSE ENDS / POWERING UP! [PWR] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Mystery Mold ........ [ ] Matsutake Rank .......... [ ] | | Shiitake Rank ....... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KEYBLADES: Ultima Weapon ....... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | WEAPONS: Dream Shield ........ [ ] Wizard's Relic .......... [ ] | | Defender ............ [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' STRAY WEAPONS ------------- One of the first and easiest things you can do at this point is collect any of your teammate's weapons that you have missed. Most of them can be bought at the Item Shop in Traverse Town, but a few require a bit of work. - Goofy's Dream Shield - ------------------------ To get Goofy's Dream Shield, you'll have to collect all the "Arts" items from the White Mushrooms. By now, you probably know what to do when you encounter them (if you don't, look for the more detailed explanation in the Mushrooms section of the guide). All you should need is the following chart to determine where you should head to collect any Arts items you don't have. .==============================================. | Location | F | B | T | C | A | G | S | F - Fire |------------------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| B - Blizzard | Traverse Town | X | X | X | | | | | T - Thunder | Wonderland | X | X | X | | | | | C - Cure | Deep Jungle | X | X | X | X | | | | A - Aero | Halloween Town | X | X | X | | X | | | G - Gravity | Agrabah | X | X | X | | | X | | S - Stop | Atlantica | X | X | X | | | | X | | End of the World | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | '==============================================' .====================================================. | White Mushrooms appear in the following locations: | |----------------------------------------------------| | Traverse Town --------> Red Room (in the Hotel) | | Wonderland --------> Lotus Forest | | Coliseum * --------> Hades Cup, Seed 6 | | Deep Jungle --------> Camp | | Deep Jungle --------> Treehouse | | Agrabah --------> Treasure Room | | Atlantica --------> Undersea Cave | | Atlantica --------> Sunken Ship | | Halloween Town --------> Graveyard | | End of the World --------> Final Rest | '====================================================' * White Mushrooms don't drop any items in the Coliseum, and are therefore a waste of time and MP. After you have the required items, head to Merlin's Study and talk to Merlin for the Shield. - Donald's Dream Rod - ---------------------- You can't get this until you've upgraded all of your spells. Rest assured I'll let you know when you can come back and get this though. - Defender and Wizard's Relic - ------------------------------- Each of these very useful weapons is a rare drop off of the Defender enemy and Wizard enemy respectively. The drop rate is abysmally low (0.2%), but you can increase the chances they will drop their items by equipping the party with the Lucky Strike ability. - Sora learns Lucky Strike at: - Sword: Level 69 - Shield: Level 15 - Staff: Level 39 - Donald learns Lucky Strike at Level 55 - Goofy learns Lucky Strike at Level 27 Even with these three abilities equipped, you will still find that the weapons drop very infrequently. Try hunting for them in Traverse Town. The loop I like to take is: SECOND DISTRICT -> HOTEL -> RED/GREEN ROOM -> ALLEY -> SECOND DISTRICT This way, the enemies continue to respawn, and you get a good mix of Wizards and Defenders. LEVELING UP ----------- I've never found any real trick to leveling up in the game. Sora will usually reach an extremely high level just fighting enemies for synthesis items. Traverse Town (specifically, the Gizmo Shop) is a great place to kill Heartless and earn munny, and later, the Hades Cup at the Coliseum (minus the munny, of course). Personally, I suggest sticking to synthesizing now, and fleshing out Sora's remaining levels after. The maximum level any character in the game can attain is 100. EARNING MUNNY ------------- As I mentioned, earning munny boils down to simply killing enemies. Equip Jackpot to your entire team and fight enemies in the Gizmo Shop in Traverse Town. You won't really find much use for munny at this point in the game, however. - Sora learns Jackpot at: - Sword: Level 63 - Shield: Level 24 - Staff: Level 54 - Donald learns Jackpot at Level 50 - Goofy learns Jackpot at Level 12 The maximum amount of munny you can carry is 99,999. SYNTHESIZING ------------ You will want to do the bulk of your synthesizing now, before the real challenges of the game begin. Here I will detail the six most important items you can synthesize, and good routes to take when searching for materials for them. Also keep in mind that you must synthesize many of the current items on your list to keep it growing, until you finally are able to synthesize the Ultima Weapon. - AP Up - --------- Spirit Shard X 3 Spirit Gem X 2 Mythril X 3 You could go so far as to give your alternate party members (e.g. Tarzan, Ariel, etc.) enough of these to allow them to equip all their skills, but you'll mostly want to focus on Sora, Donald, and Goofy. You probably have all of your favorite abilities equipped, but don't have enough for Trinity Limit. Maybe you just want to equip them all and feel good about yourself. Well, the only way to do that is to synthesize these babies. - Spirit Shards / Gems - The first way to collect Spirit Shards and Gems is to head to Neverland and use the Bambi trick. With three Cheer abilities equipped, Bambi should stay summoned long enough for you to collect some of his items (see the Summons section if you want to know exactly how Bambi works). Fight enemies in the Captain's quarters (above the Cabin area that you can land in) and the lowest part of the ship (the darkest area you can fall into). - Spirit Shards are dropped by Soldiers and Large Bodies. You'll want to fight the Large Bodies for them. I have the best luck in Agrabah, running around the town area. - Spirit Gems are dropped by Air Soldiers, who appear now in great numbers in Wonderland. However, they seem to have death grips on their items, and rarely part with them. I prefer sticking to the Bambi trick for the gems. - Mythrils - Mythrils can be obtained from Behemoths and Angel Stars. Obviously, this means that you'll be searching at The End of the World. However, these two enemies are far and in between. Angel Stars are best encountered by landing in the Final Rest area and backtracking to the previous room. Behemoths can be encountered by landing in the first area and navigating the large room with invisible walls. You will always fight a Behemoth at the end. Personally, I prefer fighting the Behemoths. - Defense Up - -------------- Lucid Shard X 5 Lucid Gem X 3 Lucid Crystal X 1 Mystery Goo X 1 Defense Ups are good. Don't make me elaborate. I'm not an expert on how the various damage formulas work. Just know that they are good and you won't die as easily. - Lucid Shards / Gems - Bambi is once again your friend. Using Bambi in Monstro in an area with lots of enemies will net you lots of Lucid Shards and Gems. - Lucid Shards are dropped by Shadows. Unfortunately, the large quantities you were used to in each world have shrunk. The only place you can find them now is Halloween Town (in the Graveyard) and the bottom dark area of the ship in Neverland. - Lucid Gems are much easier to get by killing enemies. Specifically, in Halloween Town, you'll find many Wight Knights and Gargoyles. Still, you may find Bambi to be a faster option. - Lucid Crystals - Darkballs will drop these, though somewhat rarely. They can be found now in any world EXCEPT Hollow Bastion and End of the World, so you shouldn't really have any problem finding them. If you're in Halloween Town searching for the Shards and Gems, you'll find plenty of Darkballs in the graveyard with the curly hill. Other than that, I like to fight them right in Traverse Town (check the Gizmo Shop and the roof of the Gizmo shop, as well as the Hotel rooms and Alley). - You can also use Bambi to collect Lucid Crystals in Hollow Bastion. Try fighting the enemies in the room where you fought Riku a second time (the one with the giant keyhole). - Mystery Goos - Any of the mushrooms drop this item. Search in areas (like Deep Jungle) where you encounter a lot of White Mushrooms, since they will frequently drop a Mystery Goo if you use the same spell three times on them. Alternately, look for areas with Rare Truffles if you're good at juggling them, as you can collect up to three Mystery Goos from each. - Power Up - ------------ Power Shard X 5 Power Gem X 3 Power Crystal X 1 Mystery Goo X 1 Orichalcum X 2 Power Ups are obviously quite nice. A high Strength stat means that Sora (and his friends) will be tearing through enemies mindlessly in short amounts of time. - Power Shards / Gems - Bambi is a great help here if you bring him to Halloween Town. Most of the areas that contain enemies will be populated enough to net you the items you need. You may be better off searching for these items as drops from the following enemies, however. - Power Shards are dropped by Powerwilds and Bouncywilds, and quite frequently at that. If you head to Deep Jungle, scout around the Treehouse area for Bouncywilds. You'll find them inside the treehouse itself, on the higher walkways that run the perimeter of the treehouse, and a bunch on top of the treehouse itself. If you would prefer to search in Monstro, look in the Stomach and Bowels areas for many Bouncywilds. - Power Gems are dropped by Pirates, Air Pirates, and Battleships in Neverland. Head to the deck of the ship and attack the masts of the Battleships for some good chances for the Gems. - Power Crystals - These drop off Wyverns. These enemies can now be found fequently in Traverse Town and Deep Jungle, and to a lesser extent in Agrabah and Hollow Bastion. If you're hunting for the Power Shards in Deep Jungle, you might as well hunt for the Wyverns there too (in the Treehouse area, check the tree root with the pathway on it, the netting underneath the treehouse, and the pathways around the treehouse). If you're in Traverse Town, you really shouldn't have any difficulty finding them in the Second District (especially if you've reached the rooftops through the Gizmo Shop). - Mystery Goos - Any of the mushrooms drop this item. Search in areas (like Deep Jungle) where you encounter a lot of White Mushrooms, since they will frequently drop a Mystery Goo if you use the same spell three times on them. Alternately, look for areas with Rare Truffles if you're good at juggling them, as you can collect up to three Mystery Goos from each. - Orichalcums - These are dropped by both Invisibles and Behemoths. Both are located at The End of the World. You're best off fighting the Behemoth (land at the first landing point and head through the giant room with invisible walls until you fight the him; this technique can be repeated). If you prefer the Invisibles, check for them by landing in the Final Rest area and jumping through the Heartless symbol. There's a chance you'll encounter them here (though you won't find many of them, and there might be a bunch of Mushrooms instead). - Ribbon - ---------- Blaze Gem X 5 Frost Gem X 5 Thunder Gem X 5 Bright Gem X 5 Gale X 3 Ribbons are nice, since they add resistance to elemental attacks. Some people really like them, and some don't even use them. I prefer Crystal Crowns myself. - Blaze Gems - Use Bambi in the Gizmo Shop of Traverse Town. - Fight Bandits and Fat Bandits in the Cave of Wonders in Agrabah. - Frost / Thunder Gems - Don't bother with Atlantica for these, as it's stupid and annoying to fight enemies there. Hit up Wonderland with Bambi for Frost Gems (try the main area of the Lotus Forest or the main area of the Bizarre Room). Use Bambi in Deep Jungle (the Cliff area or the Treehouse) for the Thunder Gems. - Bright Gems - Search Ghosts are plentiful in Traverse Town. Fight them in the Second District and in one of the Hotel rooms. - You can net Bright Gems in Agrabah using Bambi, though you're probably better off fighting Search Ghosts. - Gales - Angel Stars and Invisibles drop these with some frequency. Head to the Final Rest area of End of the World and jump through the Heartless symbol to the large room. It's usually populated by Angel Stars and Invisibles. - Crystal Crown - ----------------- Lucid Crystal X 3 Power Crystal X 3 Shiny Crystal X 3 Bright Crystal X 3 These are great accessories, and should fill up most of Sora and his teammates accessory slots, if you have the patience to synthesize them. - Lucid / Power / Shiny / Bright Crystals - Since the four enemies that drop these items appear in large numbers in Traverse Town, use the following route to collect the needed items: SECOND DISTRICT -> HOTEL -> RED/GREEN ROOM -> ALLEY -> SECOND DISTRICT In case you were wondering, Darkballs drop Lucid Crystals, Wyverns drop Power Crystals, Wizards drop Shiny Crystals, and Defenders drop Bright Crystals. - Ultima Weapon - ----------------- Lucid Gem X 5 Power Gem X 5 Thunder Gem X 5 Mystery Goo X 3 Gale X 3 - Lucid Gems - Either fight enemies in Halloween Town or use the Bambi trick in Monstro. - Power Gems - Power Gems are extremely easy to collect. Simply land in Neverland and head to the deck of the ship. Pirates, Air Pirates, and Battleships all drop the Gems. Strike the masts of the Battleships to break them and increase your chances of getting them. - Thunder Gems - Your choices here are fighting in Atlantica or summoning Bambi in Deep Jungle. Go with Bambi and fight enemies in the Cliff area (MANY Green Requiems appear on the ledges in this area) and the Treehouse area. - Mystery Goos - Any of the mushrooms drop this item. Search in areas (like Deep Jungle) where you encounter a lot of White Mushrooms, since they will frequently drop a Mystery Goo if you use the same spell three times on them. Alternately, look for areas with Rare Truffles if you're good at juggling them, as you can collect up to three Mystery Goos from each. - Gales - Angel Stars and Invisibles drop these with some frequency. Head to the Final Rest area of End of the World and jump through the Heartless symbol to the large room. It's usually populated by Angel Stars and Invisibles. MORE MUSHROOM STUFF ------------------- There are a few thoroughly useless items concerning Mushroom hunting that you may not have collected yet. Mystery Mold ------------ - This is an extremely rare drop from the Black Fungus. From what I've heard, you must kill the Black Fungus with a finishing move at the end of a combo, and even then get lucky enough to receive this as a drop. The only thing you can do with it is sell it for a decent chunk of change. Or you could keep it as a trophy. Shiitake / Matsutake Rank ------------------------- - You may have gotten these two items already for juggling the Rare Truffles. You will get the Shiitake Rank for juggling one 50 times consecutively, and the Matustake Rank for juggling one 100 times consecutively. They act simply as testaments to your tenacity and skill. THE NEVERLAND CLOCK ------------------- You didn't forget about this, did you? Well, chances are, probably. Just remember it's there, and you can even pick up an Orichalcum or two if you haven't already. ~=============================================================================~ | * COLISEUM - HADES CUP [X9] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ITEMS: Holy-G .............. [ ] Orichalcum .............. [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KEYBLADES: Lionheart ........... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | WEAPONS: Genji Shield ........ [ ] Save the Queen .......... [ ] | | Save the King ....... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Blizzaga ............ [ ] Thundaga ................ [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ABILITIES: Trinity Limit ....... [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Soldier Pirate | | Wight Knight Powerwild | | Hammerlegs Pirate | | Pot Spider Rare Truffle | | Yuffie Bandit | | Defender Large Body | | Fat Bandit Behemoth | | Search Ghost Red Nocturne | | Black Fungus Green Requiem | | Yellow Opera Stealth Sneak | | Guard Armor Blue Rhapsody | | Wizard Angel Star | | Cerberus Air Pirate | | Air Soldier Gauntlets | | Gargoyle Opposite Armor | | Darkball Wyvern | | Battleship Cloud | | Leon Rock Titan (Boss) | | White Mushroom Hades (Boss) | | Invisible | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' By the time I was done searching for Sora's Ultima Weapon, I was at level 68. There are certain abilities that are necessary for having an easy run through the Hades Cup. Make sure to equip Sora with the MP Haste ability, as well as two MP Rage abilities. This way, you'll always be able to heal Sora after every battle, and regain your MP in the next. Also, use any Power Ups you have on Sora. The following Accessories are what I suggest you use. Omega Arts Omega Arts Titan Chain Or, if you've been diligent at synthesizing, you could have something like this: Crystal Crown Crystal Crown Ribbon If you have all this and the Ultima Weapon, you should be able to tackle the Hades Cup without even stopping. (Actually, you CAN take breaks from the fighting and pick up where you left off; this occurs after every 10 battles). .==============================================. | HADES CUP | |==============================================| | Seed # | Enemies | |==============================================| | 49 - Shadow Brothers | Soldier X3 | | | Shadow X7 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 48 - Wild Dance | Wight Knight X3 | | | Powerwild X4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 47 - Terrible Feet | Hammerlegs X1 | | | Pirate X4 | | | Shadow X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 46 - Dirty Claws | Powerwild X1 | | | Pot Spider X8 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 45 - Mad Truffle | Rare Truffle X1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 44 - Yuffie | Yuffie | '----------------------------------------------' * You get 600 EXP for defeating Yuffie, and you receive Goofy's GENJI SHIELD .----------------------------------------------. | 43 - Outlaws | Bandit X3 | | | Pirate X4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 42 - Dark Garrison | Defender X1 | | | Wight Knight X3 | | | Soldier X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 41 - Bad Union | Bandit X1 | | | Powerwild X2 | | | Large Body X1 | | | Fat Bandit X1 | | | Soldier X1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 40 - Behemoth | Behemoth | '----------------------------------------------' * You get 600 EXP for defeating the Behemoth, and you receive an ice upgrade to BLIZZAGA .----------------------------------------------. | 39 - Red Legion | Search Ghost X1 | | | Red Nocturne X8 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 38 - Blue Legion | Blue Rhapsody X7 | | | Gargoyle X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 37 - Sorcerous Armor | Guard Armor X1 | | | Blue Rhapsody X2 | | | Red Nocturne X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 36 - Mad Fungus | Black Fungus X1 | | | Green Requiem X4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 35 - Spiders & Magic | Red Nocturne X3 | | | Yellow Opera X3 | | | Pot Spider X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 34 - Optical Trick | Stealth Sneak X1 | | | Blue Rhapsody X2 | | | Green Requiem X4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 33 - Magic Force | Wizard X1 | | | Red Nocturne X2 | | | Yellow Opera X4 | | | Blue Rhapsody X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 32 - Shadow Summoners | Wizard X3 | | | Shadow X6 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 31 - Mystic Mages | Angel Star X1 | | | Wizard X4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 30 - Cerberus | Cerberus | '----------------------------------------------' * You get 1000 EXP for defeating Cerberus, and you receive a thunder upgrade to THUNDAGA .----------------------------------------------. | 29 - Sky Raiders | Air Soldier X4 | | | Air Pirate X3 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 28 - Spookies | Search Ghost X6 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 27 - Terrible Fists | Gauntlets X1 | | | Gargoyle X5 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 26 - Shadow Storm | Shadow X? | '----------------------------------------------' * Any time the amount of enemies is indicated by a question mark, they will continuously spawn into battle as you fight .----------------------------------------------. | 25 - Avengers | Bandit X1 | | | Wight Knight X1 | | | Pirate X1 | | | Soldier X1 | | | Powerwild X1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 24 - Dark Knights | Opposite Armor X1 | | | Darkball X6 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 23 - Black Flap | Gargoyle X2 | | | Air Soldier X3 | | | Air Pirate X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 22 - Night Soarers | Wyvern X3 | | | Search Ghost X2 | | | Wight Knight X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 21 - Air Corsairs | Battleship X1 | | | Wyvern X2 | | | Darkball X4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 20 - Cloud & Leon | Cloud | | | Leon | '----------------------------------------------' * You get 1000 EXP for defeating Cloud, and 800 EXP for defeating Leon. You also receive the LIONHEART Keyblade. .----------------------------------------------. | 19 - The Large Trio | Large Body X3 | | | Wight Knight X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 18 - Blaze Bandits | Fat Bandit X3 | | | Red Nocturne X4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 17 - False Angels | Angel Star X2 | | | Wyvern X2 | | | Large Body X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 16 - Dark Storm | Darkball X? | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 15 - Air Brigade | Wyvern X1 | | | Air Pirate X1 | | | Air Soldier X1 | | | Gargoyle X1 | | | Search Ghost X1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 14 - Violent Bunch | Fat Bandit X2 | | | Invisible X1 | | | Wizard X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 13 - Heavy Warriors | Fat Bandit X2 | | | Defender X1 | | | Large Body X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 12 - Interceptors | Defender X3 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 11 - Elder Force | Invisible X3 | | | Angel Star X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 10 - Hades | Hades | '----------------------------------------------' * After the battle, your Gravira magic is upgraded to Graviga, and you receive ANSEM'S REPORT 8. .----------------------------------------------. | 9 - Night Rave | Shadow X5 | | | Darkball X3 | | | Invisible X1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 8 - The Requiem | Red Nocturne X2 | | | Blue Rhapsody X2 | | | Yellow Opera X2 | | | Wizard X2 | | | Angel Star X1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 7 - Invisible Fear | Stealth Sneak X1 | | | Invisible X3 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 6 - Mad Mushroom | White Mushroom X3 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 5 - Black Storm | Shadow X? | | | Darkball X? | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 4 - Twin Mirage | Stealth Sneak X2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 3 - Shadow Troopers | Wyvern X? | | | Wizard X? | | | Defender X? | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 2 - Final Battalion | Darkball X? | | | Angel Star X? | | | Invisible X? | |-----------------------|----------------------| | 1 - Rock Titan | Rock Titan | '----------------------------------------------' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Hades [W0] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 1800 ATK: 42 | | | EXP: 3000 DEF: 34 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Gravity upgrade | | | Ansem's Report 8 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hades is a big Fire user, so you'll constantly have to dodge his many | | attacks. Of course, you could always blindly attack him regardless of what | | he throws at you, and heal after (if you equipped those 3 MP abilities, | | you'll be able to constantly attack and heal with little to no use of MP). | | | | While Blizzard doesn't drain Hades' HP particularly fast, it can be used to | | interrupt his most annoying attack. He can slowly float at you with a | | continuous stream of fire that can be hard to dodge. To stop this, Dodge | | Roll away from him a couple times to get some distance, and throw off a | | Blizzard spell to stagger him. | | | | When he says, "Feel the heat," he shoots fire out of his arms and spins in | | a circle. Lock onto him if you aren't already and Dodge Roll in a circle | | around him. When the flames let up, let him have it with a few combos. He | | is also vulnerable when shooting fireballs at you. Using Guard to reflect a | | fireball back at him stuns him for an unusually long time. Take this | | opportunity to attack him with all your might. This isn't a tough battle, | | as Hades has a very low defense. His life bar goes down faster than even | | Leon's or Cloud's. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Rock Titan [W1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 2100 ATK: 42 | | | EXP: 4000 DEF: 34 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Items: Trinity Limit | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Although this creature is massive, you'll find no difficulty in defeating | | it. When the battle begins, lock onto its leg and start attacking like | | crazy. When it lifts up its foot, jump over the small shockwave. After a | | bunch of hits, it will fall on its back, giving you time to run up to its | | heads and attack. Watch out, because this boss bites. Even though the life | | bar may not be depleting during the first part of the battle, rest assured | | you're still doing damage. The game just won't display the damage for a | | bit. After a while, the purple bar will start going down. It is actually | | possible to stay on the head longer after it gets up. Use Ars Arcanum a few | | times on the head and the feet to end this battle quickly. That wasn't so | | bad, was it? Also try casting Aero while standing in between the two heads | | to rack up tech points as you attack! | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, you receive Sora's TRINITY LIMIT. This is a great ability, so equip it as soon as you can. For completing the Hades Cup with Sora alone, you receive Donald's SAVE THE QUEEN staff. For completing the time trial for the Hades Cup, you receive Goofy's SAVE THE KING shield. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | MINI GAME: Hades Cup Time Trial | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | There's little to no challenge here. When you get to the Rock Titan with an | | easy five minutes to spare, spam Ars Arcanum on him until you kill him | | dead. | | | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Also, now that you have Blizzaga, go out to the Coliseum lobby and use it on the torches to receive a HOLY-G. Then check under one of the statues to find a purple pot containing an ORICHALCUM. When you are done with all you wanna do at the Coliseum (leave the two mystery challenges alone... for now), head off to Neverland. ~=============================================================================~ | * NEVERLAND [W2] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | WEAPONS: Dream Rod ........... [ ] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | MAGIC: Stopga .............. [ ] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Phantom (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' You'll notice you can no longer land in the Clock Tower area, so head to the Ship: Cabin area. Place Peter in your party and then talk to Tinker Bell, who is hanging out in a corner of the room. Who you replace depends on your situation. If you are confident that you have enough MP restoring items and abilities (MP Rage is a HUGE help; the next boss hits so hard that he'll restore enough MP for you to cast a Cure spell and then some), then leave Donald in your party. If you think you don't have enough resources, leave Goofy in your party and equip all of his MP boosting abilities (MP Haste, etc.) and finally MP Gift. This will allow you to maintain a lot of MP. You'll be using Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Curaga, and Stopra throughout the battle, so it's up to you which spells you want in your shortcut menu. I would suggest putting Stopra and Curaga there, since these two spells will definitely be needed in a pinch. The three elemental spells can be cast somewhat more leisurely. As you are on your way to the Clock Tower, a sinister figure appears and challenges you to a battle. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Phantom [W3] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 1200 ATK: 42 | | | EXP: 9999 DEF: 34 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Stop upgrade | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | As soon as this battle begins, fly over to the clock and cast Stopra on the | | minute hand. This causes the clock to stop for a short while. If the clock | | reaches the 12, you can kiss one of your party members goodbye for the rest | | of the battle. Needless to say, you don't want this to happen a third time, | | or you lose the battle. When the Stopra spell wears off, cast another one. | | In fact, you can cast a new Stopra before the spell wears off if you don't | | want to cut it close (which you shouldn't). | | | | Anyway, you have to look under Phantom in order to find out how to hurt it. | | If the orb under it is red, cast a Firaga spell. If the orb under it is | | blue, cast a Blizzaga spell. Yellow is Thundaga, and white is a physical | | attack. Once in a while, he'll fly in front of one of the clock faces and | | shoot energy balls at you that deplete your HP, but this shouldn't be a | | problem if you are flying away from it. To avoid this attack, simply fly | | around to the other side of the Clock Tower when you see it pause in front | | of the clock face. Follow the rules of this battle, and you should emerge | | victorious (especially if you're around level 77). | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, your Stopra magic is upgraded to STOPGA. You can now return to Merlin to obtain Donald's DREAM ROD (which isn't very useful if you have his Save the Queen staff). ~=============================================================================~ | * AGRABAH [W4] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Kurt Zisa (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Return to Agrabah and land in Aladdin's House. Place Elixirs in everyone's item slots. After saving, talk to Carpet, who is flipping out. He takes you into the Desert where you find a strange mechanical Heartless. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Kurt Zisa [W5] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 1500 ATK: 42 | | | EXP: 20000 DEF: 34 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | As the battle starts, cast Aeroga quickly, because your magic is about to | | get locked. You could attempt to summon Tink, though this takes a bit | | longer and carries some risk--you could end up not being able to cast | | anything. | | | | Superglide over to Kurt Zisa and attack the glowing orbs in his hands. | | After you kill each one, generous large HP Balls will be released. When it | | falls over, immediately start attacking its head. You should be able to | | deplete its life to at least the orange bar. Remember that your magic is | | back the second those two white orbs are gone, so heal if the head smacks | | you. | | | | If you haven't summoned Tinker Bell yet, wait until you can't hit Kurt's | | head anymore, and summon her. You won't regret it, especially the next time | | your magic gets locked out. | | | | When Kurt Zisa gets up again, it casts a protective barrier around it which | | can only be destroyed by magic. From my experience, Blizzaga works best IF | | you are patient with Kurt. He moves around fast, but if you can get in | | close and hit him with a full blast of Blizzaga, it takes the most HP away | | from his shield at the lowest MP cost. Firaga and Thundaga work as well, | | but Firaga does too little damage, and Thundaga takes way more MP away. If | | you don't have Tink out yet, summon Mushu to bring the shield down extra | | fast (tip from my friend Ryan). | | | | Occasionally, when you hit the shield, MP Balls fall out, so try and stay | | in close. When the shield is destroyed, continue hitting Kurt. When it gets | | back up, it will start the pattern over again by sealing your magic. | | | | If you have two MP Rages and MP Haste equipped, then just follow Kurt Zisa | | when it puts up the magic barrier. Donald will cast spells, making it shoot | | out MP Balls, and if any of the attacks hit you, you will gain MP and be | | able to heal. This is a good way to recharge. | | | | The second time it seals your magic, it uses a spinning blade attack that | | can be extremely difficult to dodge (apologies for saying before that it | | was undodgable). When the spin attack is vertical, you'll have to Dodge | | Roll to the left or right at the last second to avoid it. When the attack | | is horizontal, jumping at the last second (hopefully you have High Jump | | equipped!) will allow you to avoid damage. He will usually use these | | attacks in quick succession, around 5 times, randomly switching between the | | horizontal and vertical attacks. Your only hope is to either get very used | | to predicting and timing your aversion to these attacks, or be quick with | | your Elixirs. | | | | Kurt Zisa should go down after he uses his barrier for the second time, if | | you're lucky. If not, you're probably looking at going through the cycle a | | third time. | '=============================================================================' If you've defeated Kurt Zisa, you're definitely ready for the Ice Titan and Sephiroth. Head back to the Coliseum. ~=============================================================================~ | * COLISEUM [W6] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Ice Titan (Boss) Sephiroth (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' The first mystery match pits you against the fearsome Ice Titan. Be sure to be around level 78. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Ice Titan [W7] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 1500 ATK: 46 | | | EXP: 5000 DEF: 46 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The trick to winning this battle is the MP trick I mentioned earlier. Equip | | the MP Rages and the MP Haste abilities. This way, you can heal whenever | | you get hurt. The Ice Titan has many attacks you should look out for. The | | most basic attack it has is shooting icicles at you. If you lock on to its | | head, you can hit the icicles back at it. USE THE GUARD ABILITY! It's so | | much easier than trying to use the Keyblade to do this. This is actually | | the only effective way to cause damage to this boss (for now). | | | | It is important that you do not cast Aeroga during this battle. Doing so | | will cause the icicles to become too big to hit back at it. Also, seeing as | | you don't have your friends, you will not be able to summon Tinker Bell. | | Yes, this means you'll have to TRY. | | | | Another attack it uses early on involves it shoving its hand into the | | ground. Icicles pop up all over the battlefield, and the first one will | | usually target you automatically. Use Dodge Roll to avoid this attack. | | | | It can also summon three large ice boulders that fall on you. When you see | | it spread its claws (you'll get familiar with the attack pattern) run | | horizontal across the screen to avoid the boulders. | | | | It can sweep the arena with its icy breath. If you are hit by this attack, | | you'll freeze into and ice block. If you jump over it, be sure to glide | | forward a little, so you don't slip on the icy residue. A flurry of icicles | | always follows up this attack. | | | | Oh yeah, and watch out for the shockwaves that emanate from the feet. | | | | Use the icicles to cause small damage to the head (after locking on of | | course). After a while, the Ice Titan will keel over for a few precious | | seconds. Use special abilities sparingly, unless you have a lot of Ethers | | in stock. After taking a chunk of health away, the Ice Titan will rise once | | again. | | | | After every time it gets knocked down, the Ice Titan will modify its attack | | pattern. After it gets knocked down a second time, you'll want to stand on | | the bleachers as far away as possible. It has an attack that covers | | everything in its immediate range and then some. If you are far enough | | away, you won't even be hit. If you are too close, prepare to be frozen | | several times. A flurry of icicles (and later ice boulders) always follows | | this attack. | | | | And there you have it. This is a tricky battle, but the worst is yet to | | come. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' And now for the last boss fight in the Coliseum... be sure to fill Sora's item slots with Elixirs. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Sephiroth [W8] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 1800 ATK: 46 | | | EXP: 18000 DEF: 46 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wow. Yeah, this is the infamous last boss of Final Fantasy VII and now he's | | back, to challenge Sora to a one-on-one duel to the death... er, winning | | the tournament, rather. | | | | Sephiroth isn't a single strategy boss, so I'll break it up. | | | | When the battle begins, target him and keep it that way. He will get many | | hits on you during this phase (oh, it gets worse), so be ready to heal for | | every two or so hits you take (jump away and quickly heal while in the | | air). To attack Sephiroth, jump at him (do not glide) and use your Keyblade | | to close the distance. If you glide towards him, it takes you longer to | | pull out your Keyblade, and it's much easier for him to hit you. As you | | close the distance with your Keyblade strike, finish up with a combo. This | | may or may not cause him to disappear. If he does, quickly jump out of the | | way or use Guard and target him again. | | | | During this time, you'll also have to look out for his "Power" attacks. A | | column of fire surrounds him, and if you're caught in it, you'll get hit | | once or twice. He uses it if you don't finish up a combo while attacking | | him, or if he blocks you with his sword. There's nothing to do other than | | heal after this onslaught. If you happen to hit him and interrupt him | | during this time, don't be surprised when he decides to use this attack | | again. | | | | When you start depleting his pink bar, he changes strategy a little. You'll | | know when this happens if he just stands there taunting you. When you see | | him teleport away, and not appear behind you, *very* quickly target him and | | Superglide to him as he's saying "Descend Heartless Angel" (for a while, | | everyone thought he was saying "Sin Harvest"; it's a shame, Sin Harvest | | sounds so much cooler). If you feel that you aren't going to make it in | | time, head instead to the other side of the arena and get an Elixir ready | | to the point where it asks you who you are giving it to. As soon as your MP | | depletes and your HP reaches one, press the button to use the Elixir. This | | refills everything, but Sephiroth will probably hit you anyway. You will | | lose if you don't use an Elixir or even just a Potion and Ether. | | | | Also at this point in the battle, he starts teleporting a lot more, and | | running around, making it extremely hard to hit him, except when he's using | | Descend Heartless. It's easier to focus on avoiding the Descend Heartless | | attack if you don't attack him AT ALL during this time EXCEPT during the | | Descend Heartless attack. This gives you time to stay in the middle of the | | arena and easily be close to wherever he appears. | | | | When you start depleting his orange bar, he says something like, "Come, | | power!" and the screen will darken. During this time, he is invulnerable to | | attack, and he hits you unmercifully. Since it's extremely hard to pull off | | a Curaga spell during this onslaught, use Aeroga before or during it to | | lessen the damage. Continuously hit the Guard button and he won't even | | touch you (well, maybe once or twice, but that's not a problem if you have | | Aeroga on). Be ready to stop another Descend Heartless attack after this | | "Come Power" portion. | | | | When you get him to his yellow bar, he changes his attack pattern yet | | AGAIN. When green energy wells up around him, orbs appear, so try to avoid | | those. After he absorbs them, he summons meteors and is invulnerable to | | your attacks again. Glide around Sephiroth to avoid the several meteors | | that create shockwaves as they hit the ground. The meteors begin to spin | | around him, and they will probably hit you unless you're very lucky or very | | good. Watch out for the giant meteor that appears above his head. When it | | starts to fall towards you, Superglide away to avoid it. That ends this | | portion of the battle. | | | | At this point, you'll want to keep Aeroga cast. He uses a spinning tornado | | attack at you, and it's pretty tough to dodge. You'll have to stay | | relatively close if you want to attack. It's best to attack right after one | | of these spinning attacks, but watch out for his teleport again, he still | | uses it, this time in conjunction with the tornado attack. Using Ars | | Arcanum at this time can pretty much seal the battle, depending on your | | strength and MP remaining, and depending on Sephiroth's life bar. | | | | This last part of the battle is actually a relief compared to the Descend | | Heartless / "Come Power" portion. Just keep Aeroga on, and heal as often as | | you are able, and you will finally win this frightening battle. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Now that you've done everything there is to do, it's finally time to return to the End of the World and end some unfinished business with Ansem. You don't even have to be a high level to finish the game. Level 65 suffices, but if you've followed the guide, you should be around level 81. Well that's fine too, eh? By the way, if you are missing any Trinity Marks, Dalmatians, Gummi Blueprints, etc., now is the time to collect them. Check their respective sections after the walkthrough. ~=============================================================================~ | R. END OF THE WORLD [R0] | ~=============================================================================~ _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ENEMIES: Ansem (Boss) World of Chaos (Boss) | | Darkside (Boss) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' Return to the Final Rest area and save. Now, head through the final door. Back on Destiny Islands, head to where the Secret Place is to trigger a cutscene. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Ansem [R1] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 1500 ATK: 40 | | | EXP: 10000 DEF: 30 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ansem's guardian shadow thing is a real nuisance in this battle. He can get | | in front of Ansem and block any attacks coming from your end. It also | | shoots out blades and such, but after coming out of that battle with | | Sephiroth alive, can you really complain? | | | | The only really special thing you can do to mix the battle up a little more | | is to use Guard against the blades. They'll deflect back and hit Ansem for | | a teensy bit of damage. | | | | Sometimes, the demon thingie will possess Sora and changes his attack | | command to Freeze for tiny bits of time. If you try attacking during this | | time, the guardian will come out and grab Sora for a while. If you sit idly | | by while Sora is possessed, the demon will occasionally come out and damage | | Sora. This is a good time to go after Ansem and give him all you've got, | | however (while the guardian is dormant). | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' After the battle, restock Sora's supply of items if need be. Sora fights the next two battles alone. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Darkside (3) [R2] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 900 ATK: 40 | | | EXP: 8000 DEF: 30 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Darkside is back yet again, but he's no different (other than a larger HP | | meter). You shouldn't have any trouble defeating him. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: Ansem (2) [R3] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 1200 ATK: 40 | | | EXP: 20000 DEF: 30 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | -- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ansem uses a few new attacks in this battle. He charges at you back and | | forth across the battlefield, which is a little tough to dodge, even when | | using Superglide. He also likes to use a lightning attack, but it's not | | very damaging. | | | | Your best bet is to keep Aeroga on during the entire battle, and not only | | to mitigate damage. Aeroga can block Ansem's charge attack without you | | having to press anything, and Aeroga can (somewhat slowly) drain Ansem's | | life, even when the guardian is blocking him! | | | | When he says something like, "My strength returns..." the guardian will pop | | up from the ground several times and try to hit you. Just use Dodge Roll | | back and forth and you'll be fine. | | | | He uses the guardian to possess you again. During this attack you should | | use special abilities like Ragnarok. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BOSS FIGHT: World of Chaos [R4] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This strange floating ship is the giant series of battles between you and | | the end of the game. You'll have to systematically take down the ship and | | get your friends back. | | | | A note before you begin: flying to the top of the area at any time will | | cause Ansem to release bat-like Heartless to attack you. While this may | | seem like something not worth mentioning, they DO give you a lot of HP | | balls if you kill them (helpful if you're out of MP and items for whatever | | reason). | | | | Go after Ansem first. He uses his staff to knock you away and shoot energy | | beams at you, but you should be fine if you just keep attacking. After you | | deplete his life bar, he protects himself with a Heartless symbol, and Sora | | flies into a portal. | | | | In the portal, attack the Shadows that appear, and look for the giant | | floating nasty thing. Attacking this will cause a black portal to appear in | | front of Ansem. Attack the weird blubbery things in front of it, then fly | | over to it again and enter. Destroy the Darkballs and the nasty thing here | | to release Goofy. | | | | Now the face has opened up, but you'll want to take care of the blubbery | | things under it first so that they don't distract you. Ignore the energy | | and lightning damage, and attack the face, healing when necessary. You get | | 3000 EXP for defeating the face. After that, it opens, and you can enter a | | new portal. Destroy the Invisibles here and the final nasty thing to free | | Donald and blow up the face. | | | | That makes the shield around the core of the ship go away, but you'll have | | to take care of more blubbery things before you can commence attacking. The | | mound of blubber with the jack-o-lantern face is your target. Attack it | | until it implodes. Or explodes. Or whatever. | | | | Ansem is no longer protected by the Heartless shield, so go attack him | | again. This is the last portion of the battle. You'll have to contend with | | more lasers than ever, in addition to a powerful new vortex attack. When | | you see the big black sphere of destruction open up, fly quickly away or | | kiss most of your HP goodbye. | | | | When Ansem has just over a life bar left, land down on the bottom part of | | the ship and summon Dumbo for a cheap and somewhat hilarious win. | | | | You get a generous (but rather pointless) 20,000 EXP for winning the | | battle. | | | | If you really ARE having trouble (my strategy is assuming that you beat | | Sephy), try using more summons, more magic, or more items. Give it your | | all! It's the last battle after all. If you're really stuck, I suggest | | leveling up more and getting better equipment. Good luck! | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' And that's it! Enjoy then ending sequence, you've certainly earned it. If you have all the Dalmatians, sealed every keyhole, and beat the Hades Cup, then you will get an extra special ending movie... it's a trailer to Kingdom Hearts 2! Most excellent. SHAMELESS PLUG!: Need a guide for Kingdom Hearts II? Why not use mine!? Find it here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/915410/42235 ...Now try beating the game on Expert. The art at the end changes. Also, if you unlock the movie trailer again, you get yet another art piece. You also get a statistics screen every time you beat it on Expert. I received a request from genkaku666 asking to include the end of game tallies displayed on the Battle Record. Here are the various categories the game keeps track of, along with some sample statistics from my current save file: - Heartless defeated: 9561 - Times defeated: 0 - Attacks deflected: 1073 - Times hit by an enemy: 2870 - Total item usage: 21 - Party member knockouts: 128 - Curative spells cast on a friend: 40 As you can see, it shows a lot about playstyle. o=============================================================================o \ 4. Flowchart [flwc] / o=========================================================================o A. AWAKENING -------------------------------------> [A0] ~Boss Fight - Darkside ---------------------> [A1] B. DESTINY ISLANDS -------------------------------> [B0] ~Duel - Wakka ------------------------------> [B1] ~Duel - Selphie ----------------------------> [B2] ~Duel - Tidus ------------------------------> [B3] ~Duel - Riku -------------------------------> [B4] ~Boss Fight - Darkside (2) -----------------> [B5] C. TRAVERSE TOWN ---------------------------------> [C0] ~Boss Fight - Leon -------------------------> [C1] ~Boss Fight - Guard Armor ------------------> [C2] D. WONDERLAND ------------------------------------> [D0] ~Boss Fight - Cards and Tower --------------> [D1] ~Boss Fight - Trickmaster ------------------> [D2] * TRAVERSE TOWN ---------------------------------> [Z0] E. COLISEUM --------------------------------------> [E0] ~Boss Fight - Cloud (1)---------------------> [E1] ~Boss Fight - Cerberus ---------------------> [E2] * TRAVERSE TOWN ---------------------------------> [Z1] * WONDERLAND ------------------------------------> [Z2] F. DEEP JUNGLE -----------------------------------> [F0] ~Boss Fight - Sabor ------------------------> [F1] ~Boss Fight - Sabor (2) --------------------> [F2] ~Boss Fight - Clayton and Stealth Sneak ----> [F3] G. TRAVERSE TOWN ---------------------------------> [G0] ~Boss Fight - Opposite Armor ---------------> [G1] * 100 ACRE WOOD ---------------------------------> [Z2] * COLISEUM - PHIL CUP ---------------------------> [Z3] * DEEP JUNGLE -----------------------------------> [Z4] H. AGRABAH ---------------------------------------> [H0] ~Boss Fight - Pot Centipede ----------------> [H1] ~Boss Fight - Cave of Wonders --------------> [H2] ~Boss Fight - Jafar ------------------------> [H3] ~Boss Fight - Genie Jafar ------------------> [H4] * TRAVERSE TOWN ---------------------------------> [Z6] * 100 ACRE WOOD ---------------------------------> [Z7] * TRAVERSE TOWN ---------------------------------> [Z8] * COLISEUM --------------------------------------> [Z9] * WONDERLAND ------------------------------------> [Y0] * DEEP JUNGLE -----------------------------------> [Y1] I. MONSTRO ---------------------------------------> [I0] ~Boss Fight - Parasite Cage ----------------> [I1] ~Boss Fight - Parasite Cage (2) ------------> [I2] * TRAVERSE TOWN ---------------------------------> [Y2] * 100 ACRE WOOD ---------------------------------> [Y3] * AGRABAH ---------------------------------------> [Y4] * COLISEUM - PEGASUS CUP ------------------------> [Y5] ~Boss Fight - Leon & Yuffie ----------------> [Y6] J. ATLANTICA -------------------------------------> [J0] ~Boss Fight - Shark ------------------------> [J1] ~Boss Fight - Ursula, Flotsam & Jetsam -----> [J2] ~Boss Fight - Ursula -----------------------> [J3] * 100 ACRE WOOD ---------------------------------> [Y7] K. HALLOWEEN TOWN --------------------------------> [K0] ~Boss Fight - Lock, Shock, & Barrel --------> [K1] ~Boss Fight - Oogie Boogie -----------------> [K2] ~Boss Fight - Oogie's Manor ----------------> [K3] L. 100 ACRE WOOD ---------------------------------> [L0] M. NEVERLAND -------------------------------------> [M0] ~Boss Fight - Antisora ---------------------> [M1] ~Boss Fight - Captain Hook -----------------> [M2] * TRAVERSE TOWN ---------------------------------> [Y8] * WONDERLAND ------------------------------------> [Y9] * DEEP JUNGLE -----------------------------------> [X0] * AGRABAH ---------------------------------------> [X1] * HALLOWEEN TOWN --------------------------------> [X2] * NEVERLAND -------------------------------------> [X3] N. COLISEUM - HERCULES CUP -----------------------> [N0] ~Boss Fight - Cloud (2)---------------------> [N1] ~Boss Fight - Hercules ---------------------> [N2] * AGRABAH ---------------------------------------> [X4] * NEVERLAND -------------------------------------> [X5] * TRAVERSE TOWN ---------------------------------> [X6] O. HOLLOW BASTION --------------------------------> [O0] ~Boss Fight - Riku -------------------------> [O1] ~Boss Fight - Maleficent -------------------> [O2] ~Boss Fight - Dragon -----------------------> [O3] ~Boss Fight - Riku (2) ---------------------> [O4] * TRAVERSE TOWN ---------------------------------> [X7] P. HOLLOW BASTION --------------------------------> [P0] ~Boss Fight - Behemoth ---------------------> [P1] * TRAVERSE TOWN ---------------------------------> [X8] Q. END OF THE WORLD ------------------------------> [Q0] ~Boss Fight - Chernabog --------------------> [Q1] * POWERING UP! ---------------------------------> [PWR] * COLISEUM --------------------------------------> [X9] ~Boss Fight - Hades ------------------------> [W0] ~Boss Fight - Rock Titan -------------------> [W1] * NEVERLAND -------------------------------------> [W2] ~Boss Fight - Phantom ----------------------> [W3] * AGRABAH ---------------------------------------> [W4] ~Boss Fight - Kurt Zisa --------------------> [W5] * COLISEUM - HADES CUP --------------------------> [W6] ~Boss Fight - Ice Titan --------------------> [W7] ~Boss Fight - Sephiroth --------------------> [W8] R. END OF THE WORLD ------------------------------> [R0] ~Boss Fight - Ansem ------------------------> [R1] ~Boss Fight - Darkside (3) -----------------> [R2] ~Boss Fight - Ansem (2) --------------------> [R3] ~Boss Fight - World of Chaos ---------------> [R4] o=============================================================================o \ 5. Journal [jrnl] / o=========================================================================o So you want to fill out the journal, but you don't know where to start? Well, this section will give you the overview of each Journal entry and tell you which of the supplementary sections of the guide to browse to complete your journal. Getting right down to business, we have the breakdown of the Journal: - CHRONICLES - The Chronicles section of the Journal isn't something you can truly complete, per say, as it's constantly changing and updating with the story. However, the game only goes so far in terms of plot before it ends, so you should end up with "completed" story summaries for the following subjects (the quote after each is a line from the end of each summary you can use as a reference): [ ] - Sora's Story - "...a light shines within." [ ] - Wonderland - "...Alice's whereabouts remained unknown." [ ] - Olympus Coliseum - "...Sora and company defeated Hades." [ ] - Deep Jungle - "...said goodbye to Tarzan and the others..." [ ] - Agrabah - "...Genie agreed and joined the party." [ ] - Monstro - "...leaving Sora bewildered..." [ ] - Hundred Acre Wood - "A happy ending." [ ] - Atlantica - "...Sora found the keyhole and sealed it." [ ] - Halloween Town - "Sora sealed the keyhole in Halloween Town." [ ] - Neverland - "...Sora and his friends continued with their journey." - ANSEM'S REPORT - Ansem's Reports are found mostly from big bosses and villains. However, a few are picked up from Aerith later in the game. Use the following list if you are missing any. [ ] - Ansem's Report 1 - Defeat Genie Jafar in Agrabah [ ] - Ansem's Report 2 - Talk to Aerith in Hollow Bastion's library after defeating the Behemoth [ ] - Ansem's Report 3 - Defeat Ursula (2) in Atlantica [ ] - Ansem's Report 4 - Talk to Aerith in Hollow Bastion's library after defeating the Behemoth [ ] - Ansem's Report 5 - Defeat Maleficent in Hollow Bastion [ ] - Ansem's Report 6 - Talk to Aerith in Hollow Bastion's library after defeating the Behemoth [ ] - Ansem's Report 7 - Defeat Oogie Boogie in Halloween Town [ ] - Ansem's Report 8 - Defeat Hades in the Hades Cup at Olympus Coliseum [ ] - Ansem's Report 9 - Defeat Captain Hook in Neverland [ ] - Ansem's Report 10 - Talk to Aerith in Hollow Bastion's library after defeating the Behemoth - CHARACTERS - The Characters section is filled out as you meet the characters of the game. Some of the descriptions may stay the same the entire game. Others change as the plot unfolds. As long as you follow the course of the game and fight all the optional bosses, you should fill out this section without trying too hard. - Characters 1 - - Characters 2 - - The Heartless - [ ] Sora [ ] Dumbo [ ] Shadow [ ] Riku [ ] Bambi [ ] Soldier [ ] Kairi [ ] Mushu [ ] Large Body [ ] Mickey Mouse [ ] Simba [ ] Red Nocturne [ ] Donald Duck [ ] Alice [ ] Blue Rhapsody [ ] Goofy [ ] Queen of Hearts [ ] Yellow Opera [ ] Minnie Mouse [ ] Cards (Hearts) [ ] Green Requiem [ ] Daisy Duck [ ] Cards (Spades) [ ] Powerwild - - - [ ] Pluto [ ] White Rabbit [ ] Bouncywild [ ] Chip [ ] Cheshire Cat [ ] Air Soldier [ ] Dale [ ] Doorknob [ ] Bandit [ ] Huey [ ] Hercules [ ] Fat Bandit [ ] Dewey [ ] Philoctetes [ ] Pot Spider [ ] Louie [ ] Hades [ ] Barrel Spider [ ] Merlin [ ] Cerberus [ ] Search Ghost [ ] Fairy Godmother [ ] Rock Titan [ ] Sea Neon - - - [ ] Pongo [ ] Ice Titan [ ] Sheltering Zone [ ] Perdita [ ] Tarzan [ ] Screwdriver [ ] 99 Puppies [ ] Jane Porter [ ] Aquatank [ ] Brooms [ ] Clayton [ ] Wight Knight [ ] Leon [ ] Terk [ ] Gargoyle [ ] Yuffie [ ] Kerchak [ ] Pirate [ ] Aerith [ ] Kala [ ] Air Pirate [ ] Cloud [ ] Sabor [ ] Battleship - - - [ ] Sephiroth [ ] Aladdin [ ] Darkball [ ] Cid [ ] Genie [ ] Defender [ ] Tidus [ ] Jasmine [ ] Wyvern [ ] Selphie [ ] Jafar [ ] Wizard [ ] Wakka [ ] Jafar-Genie [ ] Behemoth [ ] Moogles [ ] Abu [ ] Invisible [ ] Snow White [ ] Iago [ ] Angel Star [ ] Cinderella [ ] Carpet [ ] White Mushroom - - - [ ] Aurora [ ] Pinocchio [ ] Black Fungus [ ] Belle [ ] Gepetto [ ] Rare Truffle [ ] Beast [ ] Jiminy Cricket [ ] Darkside [ ] Maleficent [ ] Ariel [ ] Guard Armor [ ] Dragon [ ] King Triton [ ] Opposite Armor [ ] Ansem [ ] Ursula [ ] Trickmaster [ ] Sebastian [ ] Stealth Sneak [ ] Flounder [ ] Pot Centipede - - [ ] Jetsam [ ] Parasite Cage [ ] Flotsam [ ] Kurt Zisa [ ] Jack Skellington [ ] Phantom [ ] Sally [ ] Oogie Boogie [ ] Dr. Finkelstein [ ] Zero [ ] Lock - [ ] Shock [ ] Barrel [ ] The Mayor [ ] Peter Pan [ ] Tinker Bell [ ] Wendy [ ] Captain Hook [ ] Mr. Smee - [ ] The Crocodile [ ] Winnie the Pooh [ ] Piglet [ ] Tigger [ ] Owl [ ] Rabbit [ ] Eeyore [ ] Roo - 101 DALMATIANS - For a more in-depth look at the Dalmatian locations, check out the Dalmatians section [dlma]. Here's an accompanying checklist: [ ] - Dalmatians 1, 2, and 3 [ ] - Dalmatians 52, 53, and 54 [ ] - Dalmatians 4, 5, and 6 [ ] - Dalmatians 55, 56, and 57 [ ] - Dalmatians 7, 8, and 9 [ ] - Dalmatians 58, 59, and 60 [ ] - Dalmatians 10, 11, and 12 [ ] - Dalmatians 61, 62, and 63 [ ] - Dalmatians 13, 14, and 15 [ ] - Dalmatians 64, 65, and 66 [ ] - Dalmatians 16, 17, and 18 [ ] - Dalmatians 67, 68, and 69 [ ] - Dalmatians 19, 20, and 21 [ ] - Dalmatians 70, 71, and 72 [ ] - Dalmatians 22, 23, and 24 [ ] - Dalmatians 73, 74, and 75 [ ] - Dalmatians 25, 26, and 27 [ ] - Dalmatians 76, 77, and 78 [ ] - Dalmatians 28, 29, and 30 [ ] - Dalmatians 79, 80, and 81 [ ] - Dalmatians 31, 32, and 33 [ ] - Dalmatians 82, 83, and 84 [ ] - Dalmatians 34, 35, and 36 [ ] - Dalmatians 85, 86, and 87 [ ] - Dalmatians 37, 38, and 39 [ ] - Dalmatians 88, 89, and 90 [ ] - Dalmatians 40, 41, and 42 [ ] - Dalmatians 91, 92, and 93 [ ] - Dalmatians 43, 44, and 45 [ ] - Dalmatians 94, 95, and 96 [ ] - Dalmatians 46, 47, and 48 [ ] - Dalmatians 97, 98, and 99 [ ] - Dalmatians 49, 50, and 51 - TRINITY LIST - For a more in-depth look at the Trinity locations and how to learn each ability, refer to the Trinity Marks section [trma]. Here's an accompanying checklist: - Trinity Jump (Blue) - Trinity Charge (Red) - Trinity Push (Yellow) [ ] Trinity Mark #1 [ ] Trinity Mark #1 [ ] Trinity Mark #1 [ ] Trinity Mark #2 [ ] Trinity Mark #2 [ ] Trinity Mark #2 [ ] Trinity Mark #3 [ ] Trinity Mark #3 [ ] Trinity Mark #3 [ ] Trinity Mark #4 [ ] Trinity Mark #4 [ ] Trinity Mark #4 [ ] Trinity Mark #5 [ ] Trinity Mark #5 [ ] Trinity Mark #6 [ ] Trinity Mark #6 - Trinity Detect (White) [ ] Trinity Mark #7 [ ] Trinity Mark #8 - Trinity Ladder (Green) [ ] Trinity Mark #1 [ ] Trinity Mark #9 [ ] Trinity Mark #2 [ ] Trinity Mark #10 [ ] Trinity Mark #1 [ ] Trinity Mark #4 [ ] Trinity Mark #11 [ ] Trinity Mark #2 [ ] Trinity Mark #5 [ ] Trinity Mark #12 [ ] Trinity Mark #3 [ ] Trinity Mark #6 [ ] Trinity Mark #13 [ ] Trinity Mark #4 [ ] Trinity Mark #7 [ ] Trinity Mark #14 [ ] Trinity Mark #5 [ ] Trinity Mark #8 [ ] Trinity Mark #15 [ ] Trinity Mark #6 [ ] Trinity Mark #9 [ ] Trinity Mark #16 [ ] Trinity Mark #7 [ ] Trinity Mark #10 [ ] Trinity Mark #17 [ ] Trinity Mark #8 [ ] Trinity Mark #9 - MINI GAMES - There are a smattering of mini games in Kingdom Hearts (not nearly as many as Kingdom Hearts two, however). Use the following list for a quick reference or simply skip to the Mini Games section [mgms] for more details. [ ] Jungle Slider [ ] Green Serpent [ ] Splash Tunnel [ ] Jade Spiral [ ] Panic Fall [ ] Shadow Cavern [ ] Vine Jump [ ] Jump Course [ ] Trap Course [ ] Acrobatic Course [ ] Expert Course [ ] Pooh's Hunny Hunt [ ] Block Tigger [ ] Pooh's Swing [ ] Tigger's Giant Pot [ ] Pooh's Muddy Path [ ] Olympus Coliseum [ ] Phil Cup [ ] Pegasus Cup [ ] Hercules Cup [ ] Hades Cup o=============================================================================o \ 6. Dalmatians [dlma] / o=========================================================================o As you travel throughout different worlds, you will find Pongo and Perdita's missing children (well, technically, not all of them are their actual children; if you saw the movie you'd understand). For every 9-12 puppies you save (starting at 12), you will receive a gift. The gifts get better and better, so it is worth it to get all 99 puppies. .=========. | Puppies |====================================. | Rescued | Prize | |---------|------------------------------------| | 12 | Curaga-G | |---------|------------------------------------| | 21 | Firaga-G | |---------|------------------------------------| | 30 | Thundara-G | |---------|------------------------------------| | 42 | Mythril Shard | |---------|------------------------------------| | 51 | Mythril, Torn Page | |---------|------------------------------------| | 60 | Megalixir | |---------|------------------------------------| | 72 | Orichalcum | |---------|------------------------------------| | 81 | Ultima-G | |---------|------------------------------------| | 90 | Ribbon | |---------|------------------------------------| | 99 | All Gummi blocks, Aero is upgraded | '==============================================' Dalmatian Locations =================== Note: The "Availability" notes are the first time you can get the Dalmatians. These aren't the only times, however; you can access the Dalmatians anytime after the given events. .=============================================================================. | Dalmatians 1, 2, and 3 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After completing Neverland and obtaining the Glide ability. | | | | Location: When you're outside of the Mystical House (Merlin's place; | | reached by heading through the door with the flame in the Third District), | | head around to the back and use Glide to reach the platform with the chest. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 4, 5, and 6 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After completing Deep Jungle and obtaining the Red trinity | | ability. | | | | Location: There is a Red trinity mark in the alley in the First district | | that Sora first wakes up in. Use the Trinity Mark to reach an area with the | | chest that contains the Dalmatians. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 7, 8, and 9 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After completing Agrabah and obtaining the Green trinity | | ability. | | | | Location: There is a Green trinity mark in the Accessory Shop in the First | | district. Use the Trinity Mark to reach the Moogle Synthesis Shop. There's | | a chest that contains the Dalmatians in the back. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 10, 11, and 12 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After completing Deep Jungle and obtaining the Red trinity | | ability. | | | | Location: In the Alley (you can reach the Alley from the Second District), | | use the Red trinity mark in the water near the gate to enter the Secret | | Waterway. Near the stairs here is a chest with the Dalmatians. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 13, 14, and 15 Wonderland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Wonderland. | | | | Location: Make your way to the Tea Party Garden and head through the door | | to the Bizarre Room. From here, find the latch on the wall and open it. The | | newly opened door leads to the Queen's Castle area on a hedge where the | | chest with the Dalmatians sits. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 16, 17, and 18 Wonderland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Wonderland. | | | | Location: In the Lotus Forest, head to the back and jump on the short | | mushroom. From there, jump left to a tall one, and jump to the chest that | | contains the Dalmatians. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 19, 20, and 21 Wonderland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After obtaining High Jump from Monstro and Glide from | | Neverland. | | | | Location: Head into the Lotus Forest and jump up to the mushroom above the | | fake pond. From here, glide to a chest with an Orichalcum. Enter the nearby | | door to the Tea Party Garden. You'll land next to the chest. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 22, 23, and 24 Coliseum | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Available from when you first visit the Coliseum. | | | | Location: When you first enter the Coliseum, head underneath the giant | | statue on the right. The Trinity mark here will allow you to get the chest. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 25, 26, and 27 Deep Jungle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Deep Jungle. | | | | Location: From the camp area, enter the green foresty area near the | | chemistry equipment (Hippo's Lagoon). Use the hippos as stepping stones to | | reach an island with the chest. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 28, 29, and 30 Deep Jungle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Deep Jungle. | | | | Location: Head through Hippo's Lagoon and then through the first Vines area | | to reach Vines 2. Swing across the series of vines to land on the opposite | | ledge. Follow this ledge left and jump across to the chest. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 31, 32, and 33 Deep Jungle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Deep Jungle. | | | | Location: After entering the Climbing Trees area (one way is to enter | | through the Vines 2 area), find the Blue Trinity mark and use it to find | | the puppies. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 34, 35, and 36 Deep Jungle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Deep Jungle. | | | | Location: In the Camp area, find this Trinity mark behind a table. Use it | | to find the puppies. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 37, 38, and 39 Agrabah | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Agrabah. | | | | Location: From Main Street, locate Aladdin's House (there's a pole you can | | climb up to get there) and find the chest inside. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 40, 41, and 42 Halloween Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Halloween Town. | | | | Location: After using the curly hill at Moonlight Hill, you'll be in an | | area with a gorge. If you look into the gorge, you should see a blue ledge | | that you can jump from to reach a chest. It contains the puppies. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 43, 44, and 45 Neverland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Neverland. | | | | Location: After defeating Captain Hook, you'll appear at the Clock Tower. | | There's a ledge with a Save Point, and a ledge below that one. Drop down | | from the Save Point to land on this ledge and search the perimeter for the | | chest. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 46, 47, and 48 Agrabah | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After obtaining High Jump from Monstro and Glide from | | Neverland. | | | | Location: Disembark from the Gummi Ship at Aladdin's House. Enter the | | Palace Gates area from here. Keep High Jumping upward until you are as high | | as you can go. From here, look for the chest and glide to it. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 49, 50, and 51 Agrabah | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After obtaining High Jump from Monstro and Glide from | | Neverland. | | | | Location: Disembark from the Gummi Ship at the Dark Chamber. Head up the | | steps to return to the Entrance area of the Cave of Wonders. There's a | | platform you can use to glide to the chest, which is on a pillar. Use the | | first-person view to find it. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 52, 53, and 54 Agrabah | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Agrabah. | | | | Location: Jump on one of the monkey statues in the Treasure Room of the | | Cave of Wonders to reach this chest. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 55, 56, and 57 Monstro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for Pinocchio in Monstro. | | | | Location: Enter Chamber 1, jump up to the ledge and enter Chamber 2, and | | from there to Chamber 3. Enter the other door here to get back to Chamber 2 | | on a higher level. Staying up on this ledge, continue through the door to | | Chamber 5, and from there enter Chamber 6. Head up the giant steps in this | | area and drop down to the door that leads to the top section of Chamber 3. | | The chest here contains the Dalmatians. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 58, 59, and 60 Wonderland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Wonderland (after | | defeating the Cards and Tower). | | | | Location: After growing big from feeding the flower a Potion, make sure the | | branch of the big tree in the middle of the area is facing away from you by | | hitting it. In the alcove where you found your first piece of evidence, | | jump up the mushrooms and follow them to a hole in the wall (the one you | | used to find the fourth piece of evidence). On the wall of the Bizarre | | Room, hit the faucet to make the pot real. Jump in and you'll end up in the | | Queen's Castle area on a hedge with the chest. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 61, 62, and 63 Hollow Bastion | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Second trip to Hollow Bastion after defeating Dragon and | | Riku. | | | | Location: Find this chest in the area where you fought Riku for the second | | time (after defeating Maleficent in Dragon form). It's to the right of the | | giant keyhole. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 64, 65, and 66 Halloween Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After sealing Neverland's keyhole. | | | | Location: Return to Moonlight Hill (the big curly one) and head to the | | right when you enter to find a door that wouldn't open previously. Head | | through to find the chest. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 67, 68, and 69 Halloween Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Halloween Town. | | | | Location: Under the stairs of Jack's house in Guillotine Square. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 70, 71, and 72 Halloween Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Halloween Town. | | | | Location: In Guillotine Square, look for the two big orange pumpkins in the | | wall. Use first-person view to look up and to the right of the pumpkins. | | There is a small ledge sticking out that you can grab on to. Jump up into | | the room to reach a chest with a Power Up. From here, glide the to the | | giant mouth to the right. The chest is up here. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 73, 74, and 75 Monstro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Parasite Cage the first time and getting | | the High Jump ability from Gepetto. | | | | Location: If you're just entering Monstro, the pile of debris you see to | | the right is what the chest is sitting on. High jump to the top to reach | | it. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 76, 77, and 78 Monstro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for Pinocchio in Monstro. | | | | Location: Enter Monstro. From Chamber 1, jump up to the ledge and enter | | Chamber 2, and from there to Chamber 3. Jump onto a barrel here and jump to | | a ledge with the chest containing the Dalmatians. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 79, 80, and 81 Monstro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for Pinocchio in Monstro. | | | | Location: Enter Chamber 1, jump up to the ledge and enter Chamber 2, and | | from there to Chamber 3. Enter the other door here to get back to Chamber 2 | | on a higher level. Staying up on this ledge, continue through the door to | | Chamber 5, and from there enter Chamber 6. Head down giant steps in this | | area and enter the lowest door. Use a barrel to jump up to the higher | | platform in this area. From here, find the outcropping on the wall and use | | a barrel to jump to it. Keep jumping up until you reach a barrel with a | | chest on top of it. Break the barrel and open the chest for the Dalmatians. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 82, 83, and 84 Neverland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Any time after sealing Neverland's keyhole. | | | | Location: Choose to land in the ship's Hold. Go through the door into the | | large room beyond. The chest is near the ceiling on the beam. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 85, 86, and 87 Neverland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After receiving the Yellow Trinity ability for beating the | | Hercules Cup. | | | | Location: There is a Trinity Mark located in the ship's Hold. Head out the | | door into the larger room beyond, and climb up the ladder (or fly up, I'm | | just using the ladder as a point of reference). The yellow Trinity Mark | | here leads to a room with several chests. One of them contains the puppies. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 88, 89, and 90 Neverland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Neverland. | | | | Location: After defeating Antisora, check the chest in the corner to find | | the Dalmatians (Captain's Cabin, reached by using the Green Trinity Mark in | | the Cabin area). | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 91, 92, and 93 Hollow Bastion | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Anytime after traveling to Hollow Bastion for the first time. | | | | Location: After landing at Hollow Bastion, jump down to land on the water. | | Ahead of you behind the rocks is the chest with the Dalmatians. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 94, 95, and 96 Hollow Bastion | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Riku at Hollow Bastion for the first time. | | | | Location: Head through the door in the Entrance Hall that you put the | | emblem pieces in. In the Lift Stop area, ignore the crystals and head | | through the other door to the Castle Gates area. Find the red crystal and | | activate it. Use the now moving platform to reach an area with a chest | | floating on a platform. Use Gravity magic to bring it down to get the | | puppies. | | | |=============================================================================| | Dalmatians 97, 98, and 99 Hollow Bastion | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Riku at Hollow Bastion for the first time. | | | | Location: Head through the door in the Entrance Hall that you put the | | emblem pieces in. In the Lift Stop area, ignore the crystals and head | | through the other door to the Castle Gates area. One of the crystals in | | area takes you up to a higher level. From here, use the crystal to hop onto | | the big floating platform and ride it across. Enter the Lift Stop area | | here, ride up one level, and go back outside. Use another crystal to go up | | another level. Enter the Lift Stop yet again, and go through the other door | | here. Finally you'll reach the chest which is on a platform. Use Gravity | | magic to lower it. | | | '=============================================================================' o=============================================================================o \ 7. Trinity Marks [trma] / o=========================================================================o Trinity Marks are small colored marks that are scattered throughout the various worlds you'll travel to. When you see one, you'll want to be ready to use it. If you already have the correct Trinity ability and you have Donald and Goofy in your party, you can activate the mark and reap the rewards. If you haven't obtained the correct Trinity ability yet, you won't be able to activate it. Also, if you don't have either Donald or Goofy in your party (or neither one), you won't be able to activate it. So be ready! .=============================================================================. | Blue Trinity Ability ------> Learned after defeating Guard Armor | | Red Trinity Ability ------> Learned after locking Deep Jungle | | Green Trinity Ability ------> Learned after locking Agrabah | | Yellow Trinity Ability ------> Complete the Hercules Cup | | White Trinity Ability ------> Defeat Riku the first time in Hollow Bastion | '=============================================================================' ============== BLUE TRINITIES ============== .=============================================================================. | Blue Trinity #1 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Guard Armor. | | | | Location: First District near the cafe. | | | | Event: Postcard | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #2 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Guard Armor. | | | | Location: First District near the World Exit door. | | | | Event: Munny | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #3 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Guard Armor. | | | | Location: Third District on the ramp behind the Lady and the Tramp statue. | | | | Event: Camping Set and some munny | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #4 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Guard Armor. | | | | Location: Cast a Fire spell on the door with a flame in the Third District | | to gain access to the Mystical House area. Once inside, find the mark by | | Save Point. | | | | Event: Mega-Ether and some munny | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #5 Wonderland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Wonderland | | | | Location: Enter the Lotus Forest, head forward, and head right into the | | alcove to find the mark. | | | | Event: Potion, Ether, Tent, and MP Balls | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #6 Wonderland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Wonderland (After | | defeating the Cards and Tower). | | | | Location: Grow big by feeding the flower a Potion. Push the nearby rock | | into the "lake" to raise two mushrooms. Jump up them and land in the small | | area to reach it. | | | | Event: Camping Set and some MP balls | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #7 Coliseum | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Accessible from the first time you land here. | | | | Location: Look for this mark forward and to the left of where you land at | | the Coliseum. Look under the statue of the gladiator. | | | | Event: Mythril Shard | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #8 Coliseum | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Accessible from the first time you land here. | | | | Location: Look for this mark forward and to the right of where you land at | | the Coliseum. Look under the statue of the gladiator. | | | | Event: Dalmatians 22, 23, and 24 | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #9 Deep Jungle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Deep Jungle. | | | | Location: Look near the table with the lab equipment in the Camp area. | | | | Event: Dalmatians 34, 35, and 36 | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #10 Deep Jungle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Deep Jungle. | | | | Location: Find this mark just sittin' there in the Climbing Trees area | | (accessible from the Treetop or Treehouse area). | | | | Event: Dalmatians 31, 32, and 33 | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #11 Agrabah | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Agrabah. | | | | Location: First you have to reach the Bazaar area. To do this, jump up to | | the red awning just outside of Aladdin's house. You'll see a doorway in the | | corner to the right. Enter the door and drop down in the next area to reach | | the mark. | | | | Event: Mega-Ether and some munny | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #12 Agrabah | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Agrabah. | | | | Location: When in the Hall of the Cave of Wonders, look into the pit. The | | steps that lead into it on the left are what you're looking for. Walk down | | the steps and ride the stone down to a platform with the mark on it. | | | | Event: Thunder-G | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #13 Monstro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for Pinocchio in Monstro. | | | | Location: Enter Chamber 1, jump up to the ledge and enter Chamber 2, and | | from there to Chamber 3. Enter the other door here to get back to Chamber 2 | | on a higher level. Staying up on this ledge, continue through the door to | | Chamber 5, and from there enter Chamber 6. Head down giant steps in this | | area and enter the lowest door. In the new area, defeat the enemies and use | | the mark. | | | | Event: Cottage and some munny | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #14 Monstro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After getting the High Jump ability from Geppetto. | | | | Location: In Monstro's Mouth, find the mark on the pile of wood in the | | middle of the water. | | | | Event: 2 Potions, a Cottage, and some munny | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #15 Monstro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After getting the High Jump ability from Geppetto. | | | | Location: In Monstro's Throat, find the mark in the middle of the room. | | | | Event: Mythril Shard and some munny | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #16 Hollow Bastion | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the first trip to Hollow Bastion. | | | | Location: From the Grand Hall, head through the door that you opened with | | the Emblem Pieces to the Lift Stop. Use the blue crystal and head down. | | Head into the Waterway and take the lift to the left down. The mark is | | here. | | | | Event: Mega-Potion, Mega-Ether, Cottage, and some HP Balls | | | |=============================================================================| | Blue Trinity #17 Hollow Bastion | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the first trip to Hollow Bastion. | | | | Location: Head through the door in the Entrance Hall that you put the | | Emblem Pieces in. In the Lift Stop area, ignore the crystals and head | | through the other door to the Castle Gates area. One of the crystals in | | area takes you up to a higher level. From here, use the crystal to hop onto | | the big floating platform and ride it across. The mark should be in front | | of you. | | | | Event: 2 Cottages, Megalixir, and some MP Balls | | | '=============================================================================' ============= RED TRINITIES ============= .=============================================================================. | Red Trinity #1 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After sealing the keyhole in Deep Jungle. | | | | Location: In the alley where you started your adventure in Traverse Town | | (behind the Accessory Shop). | | | | Event: Access to chest with Dalmatians 4, 5, and 6 | | | |=============================================================================| | Red Trinity #2 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After sealing the keyhole in Deep Jungle. | | | | Location: In the Alley, find the grate with water pouring out. The mark is | | slightly hidden underwater. | | | | Event: Access to Secret Waterway | | | |=============================================================================| | Red Trinity #3 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After delivering the Old Book to Merlin. | | | | Location: Enter the Gizmo Shop and exit through the other door. Climb the | | ladder up here and the mark is to the right. | | | | Event: Access to bell. | | | |=============================================================================| | Red Trinity #4 Agrabah | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Agrabah. | | | | Location: Tucked away in the Treasure Room of the Cave of Wonders. | | | | Event: Mythril Shard and some munny | | | |=============================================================================| | Red Trinity #5 Halloween Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Halloween Town | | (accessible from when you first reach the Manor, but make sure you use it | | before sealing the keyhole or you'll never be able to access it; this is | | the only mark that you need to get immediately). | | | | Location: Lowest room of Oogie's Manor. | | | | Event: Mythril Shard | | | |=============================================================================| | Red Trinity #6 Hollow Bastion | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the first trip to Hollow Bastion. | | | | Location: Upper portion of the Grand Hall accessed by the Library. | | | | Event: Emblem Piece | | | '=============================================================================' =============== GREEN TRINITIES =============== .=============================================================================. | Green Trinity #1 Agrabah | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After locking the keyhole in Agrabah. | | | | Location: Enter the Storage Room from the Plaza area to find the mark. | | | | Event: Power Up | | | |=============================================================================| | Green Trinity #2 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After locking the keyhole in Agrabah. | | | | Location: Accessory Shop. | | | | Event: Access to Synthesis Shop | | | |=============================================================================| | Green Trinity #3 Coliseum | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After locking the keyhole in Agrabah. | | | | Location: When you land at the Coliseum, turn left to find this mark. | | | | Event: Mythril | | | |=============================================================================| | Green Trinity #4 Wonderland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After locking the keyhole in Agrabah. | | | | Location: Land and look for it in the Rabbit Hole. | | | | Event: Elixir | | | |=============================================================================| | Green Trinity #5 Wonderland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After locking the keyhole in Agrabah. | | | | Location: Shrink in the Bizarre Room and look for it in the fireplace. | | | | Event: Mythril Shard | | | |=============================================================================| | Green Trinity #6 Deep Jungle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After locking the keyhole in Agrabah. | | | | Location: Land in the Tunnel area and enter the door above that leads to | | the Treetop area. Find the hard-to-see mark in the middle of the area. | | | | Event: Mythril Shard and HP balls | | | |=============================================================================| | Green Trinity #7 Monstro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After getting the High Jump ability from Geppetto. | | | | Location: Use your new ability to jump to the top of the ship and find it. | | | | Event: Mythril Shard | | | |=============================================================================| | Green Trinity #8 Neverland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the search for the keyhole in Neverland. | | | | Location: You'll use this mark automatically during your adventure. | | | | Event: Lowers ladder | | | |=============================================================================| | Green Trinity #9 Hollow Bastion | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: During the first trip to Hollow Bastion. | | | | Location: Near the Save Point in the Library. | | | | Event: Azal vol. 3 | | | '=============================================================================' ================ YELLOW TRINITIES ================ .=============================================================================. | Yellow Trinity #1 Coliseum | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After winning the Hercules Cup. | | | | Location: In front of the pillar in the Lobby. | | | | Event: Seals world keyhole | | | |=============================================================================| | Yellow Trinity #2 Agrabah | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After winning the Hercules Cup. | | | | Location: Land in the Dark Chamber, and head up the stairs into the Hall. | | Look for the yellow Trinity Mark near the idol. | | | | Event: Pushes giant head into pit so you can reach a chest | | | |=============================================================================| | Yellow Trinity #3 Neverland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After winning the Hercules Cup. | | | | Location: This Trinity Mark is located in the ship's Hold. Head out the | | door into the larger room beyond, and climb up the ladder (or fly up, I was | | just using the ladder as a point of reference). | | | | Event: Opens a room with several chests | | | |=============================================================================| | Yellow Trinity #4 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After winning the Hercules Cup. | | | | Location: Behind Merlin's Study. | | | | Event: Power Up | | | '=============================================================================' =============== WHITE TRINITIES =============== .=============================================================================. | White Trinity #1 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Riku the first time. | | | | Location: Secret Waterway. | | | | Event: Orichalcum | | | |=============================================================================| | White Trinity #2 Wonderland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Riku the first time. | | | | Location: Head up the mushrooms in the back of the Lotus Forest. Jump to | | the branch with the acorn and jump to the door in the leafy canopy. On the | | wall of the Bizarre Room, examine the picture to end up in the secret | | alcove. The mark is here. | | | | Event: Lady Luck Keychain | | | |=============================================================================| | White Trinity #3 Coliseum | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Riku the first time. | | | | Location: Smack dab in the middle of the Coliseum Gates area. | | | | Event: Violetta Staff | | | |=============================================================================| | White Trinity #4 Deep Jungle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Riku the first time. | | | | Location: Area where you sealed the keyhole (past the Waterfall Cavern). | | | | Event: Orichalcum | | | |=============================================================================| | White Trinity #5 Agrabah | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Riku the first time. | | | | Location: Head to the Entrance area of the Cave of Wonders and there it is. | | | | Event: Comet-G | | | |=============================================================================| | White Trinity #6 Monstro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Riku the first time. | | | | Location: Enter Chamber 1 jump up to the ledge and enter Chamber 2, and | | from there to Chamber 3. Enter the other door here to get back to Chamber 2 | | on a higher level. Staying up on this ledge, continue through the door to | | Chamber 5, and from there enter Chamber 6. Head up the giant steps in this | | area and drop down into the lower area. You'll land near the mark. | | | | Event: Thundaga-G | | | |=============================================================================| | White Trinity #7 Atlantica | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Riku the first time. | | | | Location: Return to Triton's Palace (the area right before Triton's Throne) | | and check under the giant conch for the mark. | | | | Event: Orichalcum | | | |=============================================================================| | White Trinity #8 Halloween Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Riku the first time. | | | | Location: Moonlight Hill. | | | | Event: Comet-G | | | |=============================================================================| | White Trinity #9 Neverland | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Riku the first time. | | | | Location: Deck of the pirate ship. | | | | Event: Meteor-G | | | |=============================================================================| | White Trinity #10 Hollow Bastion | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Riku the first time. | | | | Location: Land at Hollow Bastion and jump up the platforms in the beginning | | area to find this mark. | | | | Event: Firaga-G | | | '=============================================================================' o=============================================================================o \ 8. Mini Games [mgms] / o=========================================================================o .=============================================================================. | MINI GAME: Phil Cup Time Trial Coliseum | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | AVAILABLE: Seal the keyhole in Traverse Town to open the cup. Complete the | | normal run through the cup and the solo run through to open the | | time trial. | | | | Attempting this challenge as soon as it is available is very annoying. | | Large Bodies will be the bane of your existence. | | | | Magic adepts: use Gravity to your advantage against the Large Bodies. Make | | sure to bring tons of Ethers into the battle with you, and you may be able | | to complete the trial early in the game. | | | | Fortunately, there's nothing stopping you from coming back when you are a | | ridiculously high level to get some good times on the score sheet (except | | maybe pride). | | | | It helps to look at the time trial this way, if you are intent on winning | | now: you need to average 20 seconds a battle. If you feel that you aren't | | making this, just pause and select Restart. I was level 24 before I could | | actually do this, and I had 00' 29" 23 seconds left on the clock at the | | end. | | | '=============================================================================' .=============================================================================. | MINI GAME: Jungle Slider Deep Jungle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | AVAILABLE: Seal the keyhole in Deep Jungle and then return. | | | | To begin this mini game, jump into the hollow stump in the Tunnel area. | | | | Basically, this is a five stage mini game where you have to gather fruit | | while avoiding dangerous situations and while taking the correct path at | | forks. | | | | You'll find yourself playing the earlier courses much more often than the | | later ones, since you have to start from the beginning after each course, | | even if you get all 10 fruits. This is because the new path won't open | | until you've gotten all 10 fruits AND retried the course. So even if you're | | perfect, you'll end up going through the courses 15 times (five for the | | first, four for the second, three for the third, etc.). Each path you take | | that doesn't lead to the new course (which, as I mentioned, you'll be | | forced to take sometimes) will deposit you somewhere near the Camp area. | | | | There are two ways of going about this mini game. The fastest way is to | | pause the game and select Restart from the menu AFTER you collect all 10 | | fruits in an area, but BEFORE you slide off the end of the course. | | Otherwise, you'll find yourself having to climb all the way back up to the | | Tunnel area. Selecting Restart will prevent this trek back, BUT you won't | | get credit in your Journal (even though a new course will open up next | | run). The other, longer way has you just dropping off at the wrong branch | | at the end of each successful course, and trekking back up (or using a Save | | Point to "warp" there), and, in this case, getting credit in your Journal. | | | | Stage #1 - Green Serpent | | | | This one is fairly easy, and you've been on it before. The first 3 fruits | | are on the left side of the track, and the next three are on the right side | | of the track, after you go around a curve. The next three fruits are kind | | of in the middle of the track, and just after them, you will have to | | carefully jump over two branches in a row (try attacking while in the air | | to make it over both) and then over a third one. You should land right next | | to the tenth fruit, so hold left after that to enter the new area. If you | | collect all 10 fruits, you get an AP UP. | | | | Stage #2 - Splash Tunnel | | | | This stage is a bit harder. The first three fruit appear almost | | immediately, right in the middle of the track. A little ways on, the next | | three lie in the middle as well. Dodge all the stalagmites until you get to | | a large open room. The next three fruits require a bit of maneuvering, and | | after the third fruit, take a sharp right to collect the last one behind a | | pillar. Now keep Sora to the left to enter the next area. You get an | | ORICHALCUM for getting all 20 pieces of fruit. | | | | Stage #3 - Jade Spiral | | | | The first three fruits are easy enough to get. The next three are too, | | although you'll have to stay to the left. Right after these three are the | | next set of three, right in the middle of the track. The final fruit is | | easy to get as well. Stay to the right to enter the next area. You get a | | MEGALIXIR for getting all 30 pieces of fruit to this point. | | | | Stage #4 - Panic Fall | | | | There are four fruits right in the beginning of this area. The first three | | are easy to see, but the fourth is hidden behind the branch. Don't worry | | about the branch by the way, it won't hurt you. After a few sharp corners, | | you will encounter six more fruits that require some tricky maneuvering to | | get. Lean right for the first two and then immediately left for the | | remaining four. Take a left at the fork to enter the new area. You get a | | DEFENSE UP for getting all 10 fruits in this area. | | | | Stage #5 - Shadow Cavern | | | | All ten pieces of fruit are immediately in front of you, but that doesn't | | mean they're easy to get! In fact... it is incredibly frustrating if you | | miss even one fruit because you'll have to start over! Try holding back on | | the control stick to slow down and you should get it. You will receive a | | POWER UP as a final prize. | | | '=============================================================================' .=============================================================================. | MINI GAME: Vine Jump Deep Jungle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | AVAILABLE: Seal the keyhole in Deep Jungle and return (maybe available | | sooner?). | | | | To begin this mini game, climb up the ivy in Hippo's Lagoon to reach the | | first Vines area. Once you are there, talk to the little closed flower to | | begin. | | | | The Vine Jump is a short mini game that times you as you use the vines in | | the area. The game follows the same route for each course, but the vines | | will actually turn into different things, making jumping to and from each | | more difficult. | | | | Course #1 - Jump Course | | | | Nothing changes regarding the vines when you choose this course. This is | | your standard practice course, and you should use it to get used to the | | route. As you start, jump across the vines in front of you. When you land, | | make a somewhat loose turn to the left and you'll see another vine. Swing | | across these, land on the platform, run straight to more vines, and swing | | across to yet another platform. Make a loose turn to the right, and swing | | across the final vines to land on a platform that will take you to Vines 2. | | | | In Vines 2, swing across the vines in front of you. When you land on the | | platform, turn around and jump back on the vine that deposited you where | | you are. It will now swing you towards a new vine. At the end of this long | | row of vines, you will land on the finishing platform. | | | | Course #2 - Trap Course | | | | This course tests your ability to smoothly jump in between vines without | | hanging on for too long. The lighter colored ropes will cause you to slip | | off if you don't react in time to jump to the next one (Sora typically | | falls off after you've missed your chance to jump). Even with these | | slippery ropes, you shouldn't have too much of a problem reaching the end | | of the course. | | | | Course #3 - Acrobatic Course | | | | Your reaction time will be tested in this course. Although there are many | | of the lighter colored ropes interspersed throughout the course, there are | | not as many as last time, and you'll be focusing more on the crazy command | | bar. "Jump Off" is not your friend in this course, as the window of | | opportunity for hitting X and selecting it is quite small for most jumps. | | The hardest part of the course is the very last jump. "Jump Off" won't be | | available, and you'll just have to hit O and jump off yourself, hoping that | | you'll land on the finishing platform (and you better do it quick, because | | you're on a light-colored rope!). | | | | Course #4 - Expert Course | | | | Now, "Jump Next" and "Jump Off" have both become a pain, and your window to | | press X and utilize these options is very tiny. All of the ropes are light- | | colored as well. If you miss a chance to jump to the next rope, you'll have | | to take a little risk and try it manually using O. Strangely, the Vines 2 | | section seems a tiny bit easier than the Vines 1. | | | | Cheating! | | | | Of course, the absolute easiest way to complete this mini game is to use | | Glide or Superglide. The game won't penalize you. You can get incredibly | | low times, especially if you turn to the left after entering the Vines 2 | | area--you can fly directly to the finishing platform! | | | '=============================================================================' .=============================================================================. | MINI GAME: Pooh's Hunny Hunt 100 Acre Wood | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | AVAILABLE: The mini game will unlock when you use your first Torn Page. | | | | Basically, during this mini game, you're locking on and hitting the bees as | | they get close to Pooh. If you fall, you have the use of the Rush command | | to get back up. | | | | The key to doing well here is to press the least amount of buttons | | possible. When a swarm of bees are nearby, jump at them, let go of the | | analog stick entirely, and swing your Keyblade. As long as you hit the bees | | and aren't pressing in any direction, Sora will automatically land back on | | a branch. This even works for the branches you normally can't jump to | | without the aid of Rush. | | | | If you are having trouble, it may help to know that hitting bees will add 5 | | to 10 licks (the difference comes from being airborne versus swinging while | | standing on a branch, respectively), and Rush will subtract 5. Use Rush | | only when Pooh is at the higher branches. The excellent, in-depth FAQ by | | Vrooney and Kngdmhrtsgmr (found at GameFAQs) has more information. | | | | Requirement for Cheer: 100+ Licks. | | | '=============================================================================' .=============================================================================. | MINI GAME: Block Tigger 100 Acre Wood | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | AVAILABLE: The mini game will unlock when you use your second Torn Page. | | | | This mini game is moderately difficult. You have to block Tigger as he | | tries to jump on the vegetables, or else they will get buried far into the | | ground. To block him, just look for where his shadow is, and stand there. | | He will bounce harmlessly off of Sora's head, missing the carrot entirely. | | If he bounces on a carrot twice, it's buried in the ground permanently, and | | this will lower your score. | | | | The absolute rule you must abide by if you don't want to get super | | frustrated is that Rush NEEDS to be used. Once you know how to use it | | effectively, you will have a much easier time. In order to use it | | effectively, you MUST STAND ON A CARROT THAT ISN'T PUSHED INTO THE GROUND. | | Otherwise, the Rush command won't appear. When the mini game begins, | | manually run to the nearest carrot so that Rush appears, and use it just as | | Tigger begins his jump. This should give you enough time to adjust Sora if | | necessary (using Rush can make Sora overshoot the carrot by a bit). If you | | saved the carrot from Tigger, you should obviously still be standing on it | | with the Rush command still available. From here, just repeat the process | | until the end of the game, and you should barely have to use the analog | | stick at all. | | | | Your score is calculated by the amount of carrots saved times the number of | | times you blocked Tigger. | | | | Requirement for Cheer: 150+ points. | | | '=============================================================================' .=============================================================================. | MINI GAME: Pooh's Swing 100 Acre Wood | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | AVAILABLE: This mini game will unlock when you use your third Torn Page. | | | | Now you get to swing Pooh! You will need to press R1 when Owl opens his | | wings. To complete the mini game, you need Pooh to land on Eeyore's house. | | Press R1 when Owl's wings are fully spread each time to land on the house. | | If you don't make it the first time, keep trying until you do. You get the | | STOPRA spell for completing this mini game. | | | | You should also try to get more than 40 yards on this mini game to get the | | special ability later. The best way to do this is to press R1 is after Owl | | starts closing his wings and they are just reaching his sides. Any farther | | than 40 and Pooh will go skyrocketing into the distance, which is actually | | pretty funny. | | | | Requirement for Cheer: 40+ yards. | | | '=============================================================================' .=============================================================================. | MINI GAME: Pegasus Cup Time Trial Coliseum | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | AVAILABLE: Complete Monstro to unlock the cup. Complete the normal run | | through the cup and the solo run through to unlock the time | | trial. | | | | The main issue here is the Black Fungus round. It can take forever to kill | | these little annoyances, especially if they turn to stone (even once!). If | | you have any abilities or Keyblades that enhance critical hits, try | | equipping them. They can present a problem, even at high levels. Try | | targeting one, pressing Triangle to have your friends attack it, switching | | targets, and attacking a different one with Sora. You can probably kill two | | this way (maybe even all three) before they turn to stone. | | | | If all else fails, come back when you're level 100 and scream in laughter | | as you mercilessly destroy them all. | | | '=============================================================================' .=============================================================================. | MINI GAME: Tigger's Giant Pot 100 Acre Wood | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | AVAILABLE: This mini game will unlock when you use your fourth Torn Page. | | | | Talk to Tigger again, and then to Roo. You have to hit nuts back at the | | giant pot to break it open. If you attempt to understand the scoring system | | in this mini game, you'll end up scratching your head. It makes little to | | no sense. Fortunately, the great 100 Acre Wood FAQ by Vrooney / | | Kngdmhrtsgmr puts things into perspective for us. | | | | Basically, you'll need High Jump and your longest Keyblade. Hit the nuts at | | the peak of your jump (and at the peak of the nut's trajectory) and your | | score will increase higher than if you just hit them back randomly. Try | | Keyblades like the Jungle King or the Pumpkinhead. Ultima Weapon would, by | | these rules, be the best Keyblade to use. | | | | Requirement for Cheer: Break in less than 30 seconds. | | | '=============================================================================' .=============================================================================. | MINI GAME: Pooh's Muddy Path 100 Acre Wood | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | AVAILABLE: This mini game will unlock when you use your fifth Torn Page. | | | | Talk to Pooh when you enter, who reveals that he is looking for his | | friends. Start by locking on to Pooh, and leading him around the bush to | | where you can Examine the shrubs to find Eeyore. Now lead Pooh around the | | bush the other way, and walk under the root to find Roo. Talk to him to get | | him in the central bush. | | | | Use the windy well to rocket up to a log with Tigger. Talk to him to get | | him to return to the bush. | | | | Walk all the way to the back of the area with the holes in the wall. Rabbit | | will occasionally pop out of a hole, so talk to him then. | | | | Use the air vent again to reach the log. Walk across and jump up some | | ledges to find Owl. Talk to him too. | | | | Finding Piglet takes a bit of intuition. Return back up to the log and | | target the webs inside the log (you'll have to run across the log first and | | target the webs from the other side). Use a Fira spell to burn them up. | | Jump down and target Pooh. Bring him to the blue flowers, and he will float | | up to the next level. Use the air vent again to get back up. Now target him | | so that he goes through the log as you walk over it. Lead Pooh to the next | | patch of flowers, and after he floats up, to the hole in the tree | | containing Piglet. Talk to him after he goes through the hole and appears | | at the bottom level. | | | | Requirement for Cheer: Finish in under 5 minutes. | | | '=============================================================================' .=============================================================================. | MINI GAME: Hercules Cup Time Trial Coliseum | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | AVAILABLE: Seal the keyhole in Neverland to unlock the cup. Complete the | | normal run through the cup and the solo run through to unlock | | the time trial. | | | | Most of the battles in this cup are simple, and can be won fairly quickly. | | The Rare Truffle round is an obvious gift, and you should be able to end it | | almost as soon as it begins. | | | | Cloud is the first real challenge during the time trial. The quickest way | | to kill him is to use constant limits on him. This burns MP fast, but there | | really is no better way to bring his HP down quick. Make sure to bring | | plenty of Ethers along! | | | | Unfortunately, the fight with Herc is a different story. Sora doesn't have | | his friends with him, so you'll just have to rely on barrels appearing | | where you need them, when you need them. Throw them at Herc and let him | | have it with whatever you've got. This will be the battle that makes or | | breaks your run. | | | '=============================================================================' .=============================================================================. | MINI GAME: Hades Cup Time Trial Coliseum | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | AVAILABLE: Seal the keyhole in Hollow Bastion to unlock the cup. Complete | | the normal run through the cup and the solo run through to | | unlock the time trial. | | | | There's little to no challenge here. When you get to the Rock Titan with an | | easy five minutes to spare, spam Ars Arcanum on him until you kill him | | dead. | | | '=============================================================================' o=============================================================================o \ 9. Postcards [pscd] / o=========================================================================o Postcards are items that are found exclusively in Traverse Town. They can be mailed at the mailbox in the First District. There are 10 in all and each one gives you an item when mailed. It's a good idea to get them all and benefit from the items gained by doing so! .===========. | Postcards |====================================. | Found | Prize | |-----------|------------------------------------| | 1 | Cottage | |-----------|------------------------------------| | 2 | Mythril Shard | |-----------|------------------------------------| | 3 | Mega-Potion | |-----------|------------------------------------| | 4 | Mega-Ether | |-----------|------------------------------------| | 5 | Mythril | |-----------|------------------------------------| | 6 | Elixir | |-----------|------------------------------------| | 7 | Megalixir | |-----------|------------------------------------| | 8 | Orichalcum | |-----------|------------------------------------| | 9 | Defense Up | |-----------|------------------------------------| | 10 | Power Up | '================================================' Postcard Locations ================== Note: The "Availability" notes are the first time you can get the Postcard. These aren't the only times, however; you can access the Postcard anytime after the given events. .=============================================================================. | Postcard #1 Item Shop | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Always. | | | | Location: Enter the Item Shop. Target one of the duck kids and switch | | targets until you target the fan. Jump from the counter and hit the fan to | | get the Postcard. | | | |=============================================================================| | Postcard #2 First District | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Always. | | | | Location: In an alcove to the right of the Accessory shop are a bunch of | | crates. Push a big crate over to the side of the building so you can get | | onto the roof. Once up here, look to the left to see the chest with the | | Postcard. | | | |=============================================================================| | Postcard #3 Second District | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Always. | | | | Location: When entering the Second District from the First, look to the | | right to see a chest on an awning. Jump from the raised corner of the wall | | to reach it. | | | |=============================================================================| | Postcard #4 First District | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After Yuffie teaches you to unlock things with the Keyblade. | | | | Location: When entering the First District from the Second, look to the | | right to see a blue safe in an alcove. Jump over the raised wall to reach | | it. | | | |=============================================================================| | Postcard #5 First District | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After learning the Blue Trinity ability. | | | | Location: You'll find the Trinity Mark near the cafe. Use it to be | | transported up a ledge with the chest containing the Postcard. | | | |=============================================================================| | Postcard #6 Third District | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After defeating Guard Armor. | | | | Location: Enter the Gizmo Shop and exit through the other door. Climb the | | ladder that's outside and look to the left once you're at the top to spot | | the roof of a building that you can leap to. Travel down the length of the | | brown building and enter the hole that leads to the Third District. Turn | | right when you enter and walk into the corner. Press R1 to lock onto an | | invisible object in the corner. This is the Postcard. | | | |=============================================================================| | Postcard #7 Gizmo Shop | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After getting Thunder magic. | | | | Location: In the Third District, locate the broken pipe behind the barriers | | and cast Thunder on it. Now enter the Gizmo Shop and kill all the enemies | | in here. Now that the platforms around the room are moving up and down, you | | can reach the higher areas of the shop. Step on the three switches up here | | to start the lower clock. Hop down and wait until it stops. Examine it for | | Postcard 7 and 8. | | | |=============================================================================| | Postcard #8 Gizmo Shop | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After getting Thunder magic. | | | | Location: In the Third District, locate the broken pipe behind the barriers | | and cast Thunder on it. Now enter the Gizmo Shop and kill all the enemies | | in here. Now that the platforms around the room are moving up and down, you | | can reach the higher areas of the shop. Step on the three switches up here | | to start the lower clock. Hop down and wait until it stops. Examine it for | | Postcard 7 and 8. | | | |=============================================================================| | Postcard #9 Synthesis Shop | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After learning the Green Trinity ability. | | | | Location: Enter the Accessory Shop and use the Green Trinity Mark on the | | floor. Now you'll be able to enter the Synthesis Shop. Once inside, check | | to the left of the fireplace for the Postcard. | | | |=============================================================================| | Postcard #10 Geppetto's House | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: After completing Monstro. | | | | Location: To the right of the Accessory Shop is where Geppetto's House is. | | Enter and check the shelf for the Postcard. | | | '=============================================================================' o=============================================================================o \ 10. Torn Pages [trnp] / o=========================================================================o Throughout the game, you'll collect Torn Pages from the book in Merlin's Shop. For every page you collect, a new mini game is opened up in the Hundred Acre Wood. Finding them is also the only way to lock the Hundred Acre Wood keyhole. Finally, Torn Pages turn into items when used to restore the book. .===========. | Torn Page |==========================================. | Found | Game Unlocked | Prize | |-----------|---------------------|--------------------| | 1 | Pooh's Hunny Hunt | Naturespark | |-----------|---------------------|--------------------| | 2 | Block Tigger | Mythril Shard | |-----------|---------------------|--------------------| | 3 | Pooh's Swing | Stop Magic upgrade | |-----------|---------------------|--------------------| | 4 | Tigger's Giant Pot | Mythril | |-----------|---------------------|--------------------| | 5 | Pooh's Muddy Path | Orichalcum | '======================================================' Torn Page Locations =================== Note: The "Availability" notes are the first time you can get the Torn Page. These aren't the only times, however; you can access the Torn Page anytime after the given events. .=============================================================================. | Torn Page #1 Agrabah | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Available from the first time you enter Agrabah. | | | | Location: Enter the Cave of Wonders and head through the Entrance area to | | the Hall. Turn right and jump into the abyss. Climb up the steps in front | | of you and open the chest for the Torn Page. | | | |=============================================================================| | Torn Page #2 Monstro | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Available from the first time you enter Monstro. | | | | Location: Enter Chamber 1 jump up to the ledge and enter Chamber 2, and | | from there to Chamber 3. Enter the other door here to get back to Chamber 2 | | on a higher level. Staying up on this ledge, continue through the door to | | Chamber 5, and from there enter Chamber 6. Head up the giant steps in this | | area and stop at the top step. There should be a platform just above you. | | Use a barrel to reach it. | | | |=============================================================================| | Torn Page #3 Traverse Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Prize for rescuing 51 Dalmatians. | | | | Location: Dalmatian's House. Walk inside to get it. | | | |=============================================================================| | Torn Page #4 Atlantica | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Available from the first time you enter Atlantica. | | | | Location: Located in a chest near the top of Ariel's Grotto. | | | |=============================================================================| | Torn Page #5 Halloween Town | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Availability: Available from the first time you enter Halloween Town. | | | | Location: Located on a shelf in Dr. Finkelstein's Lab. | | | '=============================================================================' o=============================================================================o \ 11. Mushrooms [mshr] / o=========================================================================o The Mushroom side quest in this game deals with three types of Mushrooms that you may encounter during your journeys, and the rare items that they drop. The trick to getting these items is knowing how to fight them. It is very hard to find any specific types of Mushroom, but there is a trick you can use to greatly increase your chances, which I will detail later. White Mushrooms =============== White Mushrooms are friendly Mushrooms, though you can still hit them with your weapon. Doing so will cause it to flee, however. White Mushrooms do not attack you, but instead they show what they are feeling through their actions, and you should cast a spell to suit their needs. If you cast the wrong spell, or do it too late, the Mushroom will get mad and run away. If you correctly use the right spells three times, you will be rewarded with rare items! Here is a chart of the Mushroom's actions, and what spell you should cast accordingly. .========================================. | Action | Spell | |--------------------------|-------------| | Hot, fanning itself | Blizzard | | Cold, shivering | Fire | | Light appears above head | Thunder | | Spinning | Aero | | Pleading (on the ground) | Cure | | Stops moving | Stop | | Floats into air | Gravity | '========================================' You will get specific items depending on which spell you cast last. Here is a chart of what you can receive from the Mushrooms. It is possible to get all three items at once. .=========================================. | Last spell | Items dropped | % chance | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Blizzard | Frost Shard | 100% | | | Frost Gem | 10% | | | Mystery Goo | 10% | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Fire | Blaze Shard | 100% | | | Blaze Gem | 10% | | | Mystery Goo | 10% | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Thunder | Thunder Shard | 100% | | | Thunder Gem | 10% | | | Mystery Goo | 10% | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Aero | Spirit Shard | 100% | | | Spirit Gem | 10% | | | Mystery Goo | 10% | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Cure | Bright Shard | 100% | | | Bright Gem | 10% | | | Mystery Goo | 10% | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Stop | Power Shard | 100% | | | Power Gem | 10% | | | Mystery Goo | 10% | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Gravity | Lucid Shard | 100% | | | Lucid Gem | 10% | | | Mystery Goo | 10% | '=========================================' If you cast the same spell three times in a row, then the items you receive will change. Any shard item automatically becomes an Arts item for the specific spell you used (collect all 7 Arts items and talk to Merlin for Goofy's Dream Shield), and the percentage that you will get a Gem item or a Mystery Goo increases. .=========================================. | Last spell | Items dropped | % chance | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Blizzard | Blizzard Arts | 100% | | | Frost Gem | 40% | | | Mystery Goo | 20% | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Fire | Fire Arts | 100% | | | Blaze Gem | 40% | | | Mystery Goo | 20% | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Thunder | Thunder Arts | 100% | | | Thunder Gem | 40% | | | Mystery Goo | 20% | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Aero | Aero Arts | 100% | | | Spirit Gem | 40% | | | Mystery Goo | 20% | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Cure | Cure Arts | 100% | | | Bright Gem | 40% | | | Mystery Goo | 20% | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Stop | Stop Arts | 100% | | | Power Gem | 40% | | | Mystery Goo | 20% | |-------------|----------------|----------| | Gravity | Gravity Arts | 100% | | | Lucid Gem | 40% | | | Mystery Goo | 20% | '=========================================' When casting a spell three times in a row, you will have to wait until the Mushroom uses the desired action. Don't worry about skipping one or two of its actions; just wait for the one you want. .====================================================. | White Mushrooms appear in the following locations: | |----------------------------------------------------| | Traverse Town --------> Red Room (in the Hotel) | | Wonderland --------> Lotus Forest | | Coliseum * --------> Hades Cup, Seed 6 | | Deep Jungle --------> Camp | | Deep Jungle --------> Treehouse | | Agrabah --------> Treasure Room | | Atlantica --------> Undersea Cave | | Atlantica --------> Sunken Ship | | Halloween Town --------> Graveyard | | End of the World --------> Final Rest | '====================================================' * White Mushrooms will not drop any treasure or MP balls in the Coliseum, so catering to them is a waste of time and MP. Most of the Mushrooms perform the gestures for the basic spells (Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, and Cure), but you'll have to search for the specific Mushrooms that use some of the later spells. .==============================================. | Location | F | B | T | C | A | G | S | F - Fire |------------------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| B - Blizzard | Traverse Town | X | X | X | | | | | T - Thunder | Wonderland | X | X | X | | | | | C - Cure | Deep Jungle | X | X | X | X | | | | A - Aero | Halloween Town | X | X | X | | X | | | G - Gravity | Agrabah | X | X | X | | | X | | S - Stop | Atlantica | X | X | X | | | | X | | End of the World | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | '==============================================' Rare Truffles ============= Much like the White Mushrooms, the Rare Truffles don't attack. The secret to getting the rare items from these guys is by hitting them up in the air and keeping them that way. If they touch the ground even once, they get angry and disappear. The easiest way to do this is to lock onto it and hit it up in the air the first time, and then hit O and X in a steady pattern, tapping each button lightly. Sora will jump in the air and hit the Truffle back up every time. Having Sora's Aerial Sweep ability equipped complicates things when trying to satisfy a Rare Truffle, so make sure you take it off. You get 1 Tech Point for the first hit, 2 for the second, 3 for the third, and so on. As you can imagine, this adds up to a lot of experience, especially if you hit it 100 times. It totals up to around 5000 experience points! Another trick is to cast Aeroga on Sora so that the Truffle bounces off his head, but it's hard to constantly stay under the Truffle. You get prizes depending on how many times you hit the Rare Truffle into the air. .=======================================. | # of hits | Item dropped | % chance | |---------------------------------------| | 10 | Elixir | 100% | | | Mystery Goo | 20% | |-----------|----------------|----------| | 50 | Elixir | 100% | | | Shiitake Rank | 100% | | | Mystery Goo | 40% | |-----------|----------------|----------| | 100 | Megalixir | 100% | | | Matsutake Rank | 100% | | | Mystery Goo | 100% | '---------------------------------------' .==================================================. | Rare Truffles appear in the following locations: | |--------------------------------------------------| | Coliseum * ---------> Hercules Cup, Seed 6 | | Coliseum * ---------> Hades Cup, Seed 46 | | Monstro ---------> Throat | | Halloween Town ---------> Bridge | | Neverland ---------> Ship's Deck | | End of the World ---------> Final Rest | '==================================================' * Rare Truffles will not drop treasure in the Coliseum (but you can still get those experience points!) Black Fungi =========== Black Fungus enemies are tough to defeat for a few reasons. They have an incredibly high defense, forcing you to attack it many times before you can even see a dent in its tiny life bar, they attack with a poison cloud that poisons any character that comes in contact with it, and they will turn to stone if you don't defeat them in time. You can't hit them while they are stone, and you have to wait until they turn back to resume your attack. Unfortunately, they attack even while they are stone, and Donald and Goofy often try to attack even at this point. These creatures yield a fair amount of experience points, especially if you are fighting them early on the game. The main reason you should fight them, however, is that they drop Mystery Goos (used for synthesizing) and Mystery Molds (used for selling, at 9,999 munny each!). Unfortunately, simply defeating them wont give you an item. You have to finish them off with a critical hit at the end of a combo to get anything. This can prove to be difficult, especially when there are other Black Fungi around and they have turned to stone. If you do manage to do this, you'll know because munny will shoot everywhere, and your item will pop out. If small munny balls pop out, then you will always get the Mystery Goo, but there is a small (10%) chance that you will get the Mystery Mold. If big munny balls appear, you will automatically get both items. .================================================. | Black Fungi appear in the following locations: | |------------------------------------------------| | Coliseum * --------> Pegasus Cup, Seed 4 | | Coliseum * --------> Hades Cup, Seed 36 | | Agrabah --------> Bazaar | | Halloween Town --------> Moonlight Hill | | Hollow Bastion --------> Dungeon | | End of the World --------> Final Rest | '================================================' * Black Fungi will not drop treasure in the Coliseum, unfortunately. Finding Mushrooms Fast ====================== If you are having trouble making certain Mushroom types appear, do this: Go to the Final Rest area in the End of the World, and save your game. Do a soft reset (L1, R1, L2, R2, Start, Select), and reload your game. When you exit back out to where you fought the Behemoth, there is a very high chance that you will see one of the three types of Mushrooms. After you have what you want from the mushrooms, head back to the Save Point, save your game, soft reset, and repeat the process all over again! This technique is particularly useful for finding Rare Truffles, and the large, circular-ish room is ideal for batting them around. If you're looking for White Mushrooms, you're best off searching elsewhere, where they will request more specific spells. Things can get quite frustrating since they have all 7 spells to pick from at the End of the World. As well as this trick works, I barely ever find Black Fungi here. Instead, I like to hunt them in Hollow Bastion. Ride the platform down into the Dungeon area, and fight whatever appears (hopefully the Black Fungus), and then head back up, and take the elevator to your left up again. When you head back down to the Dungeon, the enemies should have respawned. I find that the Black Fungus enemies appear a lot here. o=============================================================================o \ 12. Synthesis Shop [snth] / o=========================================================================o After using the green Trinity Mark in the Accessory shop, the moogles will allow you synthesize items if you bring them materials. This is the only way to get Sora's ultimate weapon, and many strong Accessories. You won't be able to synthesize anything you want right away, however. You will need to synthesize a certain number of items before the Moogles will be skilled enough to make better items. .===============. | Level 1 Items | .=============================================. | Item | Materials Required | '=============================================' | Cottage | Bright Shard X 2 | | | Blaze Shard X 3 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Elixir | Blaze Shard X 2 | | | Frost Shard X 2 | | | Thunder Shard X 2 | | | Mythril Shard X 4 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Energy Bangle | Power Shard X 2 | | | Frost Shard X 1 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Power Chain | Spirit Shard X 2 | | | Power Shard X 2 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Guard Earring | Spirit Shard X 2 | | | Thunder Shard X 1 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Dark Ring | Lucid Shard X 2 | | | Bright Shard X 1 | | | Mythril Shard X 2 | '=============================================' Synthesize four items to get the Level 2 Item list. .===============. | Level 2 Items | .=============================================. | Item | Materials Required | '=============================================' | Mega Potion | Blaze Gem X 1 | | | Frost Gem X 1 | | | Thunder Gem X 1 | | | Mythril Shard X 2 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | AP Up | Spirit Shard X 3 | | | Spirit Gem X 2 | | | Mythril X 3 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Angel Bangle | Spirit Shard X 3 | | | Power Shard X 3 | | | Bright Gem X 3 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Magic Armlet | Blaze Shard X 3 | | | Frost Shard X 3 | | | Thunder Shard X 3 | | | Mythril X 2 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Golem Chain | Power Shard X 3 | | | Power Gem X 1 | | | Lucid Gem X 1 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Master Earring | Lucid Shard X 3 | | | Lucid Gem X 2 | | | Spirit Gem X 2 | '=============================================' Synthesize ten items to get the Level 3 Item list. .===============. | Level 3 Items | .=============================================. | Item | Materials Required | '=============================================' | Mega Ether | Blaze Gem X 3 | | | Frost Gem X 3 | | | Thunder Gem X 3 | | | Bright Shard X 5 | | | Bright Crystal X 1 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Defense Up | Lucid Shard X 5 | | | Lucid Gem X 3 | | | Lucid Crystal X 1 | | | Mystery Goo X 1 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Gaia Bangle | Power Shard X 5 | | | Power Gem X 3 | | | Bright Crystal X 1 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Rune Armlet | Blaze Gem X 2 | | | Frost Gem X 2 | | | Thunder Gem X 2 | | | Mythril X 3 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Heartguard | Spirit Shard X 3 | | | Power Shard X 3 | | | Power Crystal X 1 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Three Stars | Blaze Shard X 3 | | | Frost Shard X 3 | | | Thunder Shard X 3 | | | Orichalcum X 1 | | | Shiny Crystal X 1 | '=============================================' Synthesize fifteen items to get the Level 4 Item List. .===============. | Level 4 Items | .=============================================. | Item | Materials Required | '=============================================' | Megalixir | Bright Shard X 5 | | | Bright Gem X 3 | | | Bright Crystal X 1 | | | Shiny Crystal X 1 | | | Gale X 2 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Power Up | Power Shard X 5 | | | Power Gem X 3 | | | Power Crystal X 1 | | | Mystery Goo X 1 | | | Orichalcum X 2 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Titan Chain | Spirit Shard X 5 | | | Spirit Gem X 3 | | | Lucid Crystal X 1 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Atlas Armlet | Shiny Crystal X 2 | | | Mystery Goo X 1 | | | Orichalcum X 3 | | | Gale X 1 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Crystal Crown | Lucid Crystal X 3 | | | Power Crystal X 3 | | | Shiny Crystal X 3 | | | Bright Crystal X 3 | |-------------------|-------------------------| | Ribbon | Blaze Gem X 5 | | | Frost Gem X 5 | | | Thunder Gem X 5 | | | Bright Gem X 5 | | | Gale X 3 | '=============================================' Synthesize all of the previous items to get the Level 5 Item list. .===============. | Level 5 Items | .=============================================. | Item | Materials Required | '=============================================' | Ultima Weapon | Lucid Gem X 5 | | | Power Gem X 5 | | | Thunder Gem X 5 | | | Mystery Goo X 3 | | | Gale X 3 | '=============================================' Once you have emptied most of the game's chests, you will have to rely on enemies dropping synthesis items. The best way to obtain these items is to equip the entire party with the Lucky Strike ability. This increases your chance of getting rare items by a lot. If anyone knows the specific formula used in this ability, let me know, I'm quite curious. In addition to the enemy locations below, keep in mind that any of the enemies could appear in Monstro. Also, most of the enemies will appear in the various "world terminals" at the End of the World. For simplicity sake, I don't mention this in every single location box. Just remember that there are these other options. _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | MYTHRIL SHARD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Pot Spider (1%): Pot Spiders appear in Agrabah. While you will find | | plenty of them hiding around in nooks and crannies, they won't be a good | | source of Mythril Shards, as the drop rate is so low. | | | | - Barrel Spider (1%): Barrel Spiders appear in somewhat large amounts in | | Monstro. Again, the drop rate here is low, so forget about them. | | | | - Behemoth (20%): A Behemoth can be fought time and time again at the End | | of the World. Land in the first area and navigate through the area with | | invisible walls. You will eventually fight the Behemoth before getting to | | the next area. | | | | - Bambi (End of the World - 40%): Land at the World Terminus section of the | | End of the World and proceed to go back through each battle area. Within | | each, summon Bambi so that you'll have a good chance for a Mythril Shard. | | [RECOMMENDED] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | MYTHRIL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Angel Star (1%): You'll only face these enemies in the area before the | | Final Rest area (there are a few encounters with them before that, but | | you won't be able to repeat them). Don't even bother. | | | | - Behemoth (20%): A Behemoth can be fought time and time again at the End | | of the World. Land in the first area and navigate through the area with | | invisible walls. You will eventually fight the Behemoth before getting to | | the next area. | | [RECOMMENDED] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BLAZE SHARD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Red Nocturne (6%): Red Nocturnes appear in great quantities in Traverse | | Town and Wonderland. Later, after the events at Hollow Bastion, look for | | them in Monstro and Hollow Bastion. | | | | - Bambi (Traverse Town - 40%/60%): Summon Bambi anywhere you're fighting to | | collect many Blaze Shards in a quick fashion. Especially focus on the | | Second District and the Gizmo Shop. | | [RECOMMENDED] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BLAZE GEM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Bandit (4%): An enemy that only appears in Agrabah, and in decent numbers | | too. You can pretty much search anywhere for them, but later in the game | | you should stick primarily to the Cave of Wonders. | | [RECOMMENDED] | | | | - Fat Bandit (8%): These enemies are also Agrabah exclusive. Again, stick | | to the Cave of Wonders later in the game to face more of them. | | [RECOMMENDED] | | | | - Bambi (Traverse Town - 30%): Summon Bambi pretty much anywhere and you're | | guaranteed a Blaze Gem or two. Focus on fighting in the Second District | | and the Gizmo Shop. | | [ALTERNATE RECOMMENDATION -> only if you're hunting Blaze Shards] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | FROST SHARD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Blue Rhapsody (12%): Blue Rhapsodies are at first limited to Traverse | | Town, but after the events at Hollow Bastion, you'll find many in | | Wonderland, Monstro, and Hollow Bastion. I would stick mainly to | | Wonderland if you're searching for these little pests. | | | | - Bambi (Wonderland - 40%/60%): Summon Bambi pretty much anywhere and | | you're guaranteed a Frost Shard. Fight in rooms with many Blue Rhapsodies | | for even better results. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | FROST GEM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Sea Neon (4%): If the fact that these creatures appear in Atlantica | | doesn't send you instantly running to the hills, you need help. Don't | | bother with these guys. | | | | - Sheltering Zone (8%): Atlantica. No. | | | | - Bambi (Wonderland - 30%): YES! Much better. Fight in areas with lots of | | Heartless. Even if you're only averaging one Gem every five minutes | | (which you shouldn't be), you're still better off than swimming around | | like a fool in Atlantica. | | [SUPER ULTRA MAMBO-TANGO-FOXTROT RECOMMENDED!] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | THUNDER SHARD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Yellow Opera (8%): Yellow Operas will first appear in Traverse Town, | | Agrabah, and Monstro. Later in the game, after the events at Hollow | | Bastion, search for them in Wonderland and Neverland. I tend to use | | Wonderland. | | | | - Bambi (Deep Jungle - 40%/60%): Again, it's very easy to summon Bambi | | anywhere and be guaranteed many Shards. The Cliff area and Treehouse area | | work exceptionally well. | | [RECOMMENDED] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | THUNDER GEM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Screwdriver (4%): NOPE. Well, maybe. There's just barely enough to make | | it POSSIBLY worth your while. | | | | - Aquatank (8%): Really no. | | | | - Bambi (Deep Jungle - 30%): Stick to the Treehouse and Cliff area, and you | | wont regret never going back to Atlantica. | | [RECOMMENDED SO HARD, IT HURTS.] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | SPIRIT SHARD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Soldier (8%): Yes, the drop rate is high, and yes they do appear in large | | amounts during the first half of the game (look in Traverse Town and | | Wonderland). Unfortunately, you can only find them in Agrabah and Hollow | | Bastion after the events at Hollow Bastion, and not in particularly large | | numbers. | | | | - Large Body (12%): Another example of an enemy that is plentiful in the | | first half of the game, but not in the second. Before the events at | | Hollow Bastion, you'll find a lot of them in Traverse Town, Wonderland, | | and Monstro. However, after the Hollow Bastion stuff, you can only find | | them in Agrabah and Hollow Bastion. | | | | - Bambi (Neverland - 40%/60%): You can find plenty of Heartless fodder for | | Bambi if you know where to look. The very bottom area of the ship (the | | dark part) has a boat-load of enemies (pun somewhat intended), and the | | captain's quarters has plenty as well. | | [RECOMMENDED] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | SPIRIT GEM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Air Soldier (4%): Plenty of Air Soldiers will scrap with you in Traverse | | Town, Agrabah, and Monstro. Later in the game, after the events at Hollow | | Bastion, look for them in Wonderland, Agrabah, and Hollow Bastion. The | | Bizarre Room (the floor of it) has plenty of Air Soliders. | | | | - Bambi (Neverland - 30%): You can find plenty of Heartless in the bottom | | area of the ship (the dark part), and the captain's quarters, accessible | | from the deck through one of the doors. | | [RECOMMENDED] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | POWER SHARD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Powerwild (8%/16%): Powerwilds are a mainstay enemy of Deep Jungle. They | | are very nice about their drops, and appear quite a lot in the first half | | of the game. Their numbers thin out a bit after the events at Hollow | | Bastion. If you are engaged in combat with both a Powerwild and a | | Bouncywild, you may get lucky and have a Powerwild slip on a banana peel. | | This doubles the chance you'll get a Power Shard. | | [RECOMMENDED] | | | | - Bouncywild (12%/24%): Bouncywilds aren't as common as Powerwilds, at | | least until the second half of the game, after the events at Hollow | | Bastion. At that point, they outnumber their "male" counterparts, making | | searching for Power Shards that much easier. You will find a ton of them | | in the Treehouse area. Search inside the treehouse itself, on the | | boardwalks around the treehouse, and on the roof of the treehouse itself | | to find these creatures. You should find around 12 or 13 of them easily. | | Again, their chances of dropping a Power Shard double when they slip on | | their own bananas. | | [RECOMMENDED] | | | | - Bambi (Halloween Town - 40%/60%): You won't really have a difficult time | | finding enough enemies here to use the Bambi trick, but fighting the | | Bouncywilds in the Deep Jungle Treehouse just seems faster. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | POWER GEM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Pirate (4%): Neverland natives, the Pirate Heartless densely populates | | the inside areas of the ship. Go almost anywhere to find them. | | | | - Air Pirate (4%): Also appear only in Neverland, but outside on the deck. | | [RECOMMENDED] | | | | - Battleship (8%/16%): Again, only in Neverland and only outside. Break the | | mast first to double your chances of a Power Gem, and finish the enemy | | off for yet another chance! | | [RECOMMENDED] | | | | - Bambi (Halloween Town - 40%/60%): You won't really have a difficult time | | finding enough enemies here to use the Bambi trick, but fighting the | | enemies on the deck of the ship in Neverland is better. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | POWER CRYSTAL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Wyvern (2%): You're stuck with killing Wyverns here. They first appear in | | Hollow Bastion, and then, following the events there, Traverse Town, Deep | | Jungle, Agrabah, and Hollow Bastion. I like Traverse Town due to the | | sheer numbers of them that appear in the Gizmo Shop and Second District | | (especially on the rooftops). However, if you're looking for Power Shards | | in Deep Jungle, you can find these guys around the Treehouse. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | LUCID SHARD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Shadow (6%): At first, you'll find Shadows in every world except for | | Atlantica. In fact, during the course of the game, you'll probably find | | more Lucid Shards than you'll ever need. However, if you've completed | | the events at Hollow Bastion, you're sort of resigned to searching for | | Shadows in Halloween Town and Neverland. They will appear in the | | Graveyard section of Halloween Town, and the bottom of the ship (the dark | | part) in Neverland. | | | | - Bambi (Monstro - 40%/60%): There are insane amounts of enemies in | | Monstro. You really won't have much trouble using the Bambi trick. | | [RECOMMENDED] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | LUCID GEM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Wight Knight (4%): Wight Knights appear in decent numbers in Halloween | | Town. Run around and you'll find them. | | | | - Gargoyle (4%): Ditto. They're all over the place in Halloween Town. | | | | - Bambi (Monstro - 30%): Again, there's a ton of enemies in Monstro. | | However, there's a better place to use the Bambi trick, mostly because | | getting to Monstro can be a pain. | | | | - Bambi (Hollow Bastion - 40%/60%): Head to the room with the giant keyhole | | to find a great Bambi fodder spot. You'll get plenty of Lucid Gems and | | Crystals this way. There may be other places in Hollow Bastion that work | | better for you. | | [RECOMMENDED] | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | LUCID CRYSTAL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Darkball (1%): Darkballs make a first appearance in Hollow Bastion. Once | | you complete the initial events there, they will appear in every single | | other world, EXCEPT Hollow Bastion and End of the World. I like to fight | | them in Traverse Town. There's a lot of them in the Gizmo Shop and on the | | Gizmo Shop roof. | | | | - Bambi (Hollow Bastion - 30%): As previously mentioned, you can get Lucid | | Crystals and Lucid Gems alike by heading to the room in Hollow Bastion | | with the giant keyhole. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BRIGHT SHARD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Green Requiem (10%): In the beginning of the game, you'll find Green | | Requiems in Traverse Town, Agrabah, and Monstro. Later, after the events | | at Hollow Bastion, you'll find them in Deep Jungle and Hollow Bastion. | | I like to fight them in Deep Jungle. Head to the Cliff area and jump up | | on the ledge (to your right as you enter), and you'll find a ton of these | | dudes. | | [RECOMMENDED] | | | | - Bambi (Agrabah - 40%/60%): Finding enough enemies to fight in Agrabah | | should be simple enough. Head deep into the Cave of Wonders, and scout | | around there. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BRIGHT GEM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Search Ghost (4%): At first, you'll be able to fight Search Ghosts in | | Monstro, Atlantica, and Halloween Town. Later, after the events at Hollow | | Bastion, look for them in Traverse Town, Atlantica, and Halloween Town. | | I prefer Traverse Town, since you can fight the Darkballs, Defenders, | | Wizards, and Wyverns as well, which all drop great materials. | | | | - Bambi (Agrabah - 30%): Again, you should be able to find enough enemies | | for Bambi within the Cave of Wonders, but you're probably better off | | fighting the Search Ghosts. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | BRIGHT CRYSTAL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Defender (2%): Defenders make their first appearance in Hollow Bastion. | | After you complete Hollow Bastion the first time, they will begin | | appearing in Traverse Town, Wonderland, and Hollow Bastion. Fight them in | | the Third District and in the Hotel hallway. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | SHINY CRYSTAL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Wizard (2%): Wizards make their first appearance in Hollow Bastion. After | | you complete Hollow Bastion for the first time, they will begin appearing | | in Traverse Town, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, Agrabah, Halloween Town, and | | Hollow Bastion. Again, I prefer to fight the ones in Traverse Town (the | | Hotel hallway and the Alley rule), but you may prefer Deep Jungle, or | | have somewhat limited luck elsewhere. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | GALE | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Angel Star (6%): Angel Stars, after you complete the first section of the | | End of the World, will only appear in the area before the Final Rest | | area. This will be your only way to get Gales. | | | | - Invisible (6%): Oh, and these guys appear in the same area. Same deal. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | ORICHALCUM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Behemoth (20%): A Behemoth can be fought time and time again at the End | | of the World. Land in the first area and navigate through the area with | | invisible walls. You will eventually fight the Behemoth before getting to | | the next area. | | [RECOMMENDED] | | | | - Invisible (1%): Invisibles appear at the End of the World in the area | | before the Final Rest area (once you've exhausted the one-time-only | | supply in the first area). Fighting the Behemoth is probably faster. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | MYSTERY GOO | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Any of the Mushroom enemies will drop this item. If you're skilled with | | juggling the Rare Truffles, stick to them. If you're good at casting | | spells on the White Mushrooms, try them out. The Black Funguses are | | pretty much unreliable. I like to land in the Final Rest area and enter | | the previous area. Most of the time you'll find the White Mushrooms or | | the Rare Truffles. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' o=============================================================================o \ 13. Gummi Ship [gmmi] / o=========================================================================o There are bigger and better in-depth FAQs about Gummi Ship creating out there, but I'm going to attempt a small section on how to acquire the blueprints for the sake of convenience. The Blueprints awarded for defeating the Heartless can be picked up after you save Geppetto and he returns to the First District. Talk to him inside his house to get any of these Blueprints. The other Blueprints are left behind after you defeat its respective ship while flying in between worlds. Once you have a Blueprint of a specific ship, you won't be able to get more of the same one. .=============================================================================. | Name | DEF | SPD | ATK | Obtained | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Kingdom | *** | * | * | Default blueprint | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Hyperion | *** | *** | *** | Defeat 5000 Heartless and learn all summons | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Geppetto | *** | * | * | Talk to Geppetto in his house | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Cid | *** | * | | Defeat 500 Heartless | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Leon | *** | ** | ** | Defeat 4000 Heartless | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Yuffie | *** | * | | Defeat 1500 Heartless | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Aerith | *** | * | ** | Defeat 3000 Heartless | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Cactuar | *** | * | | Defeat 1000 Heartless | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Chocobo | *** | * | | Enter Geppetto's house 30 times and talk to | | | | | | Pinocchio | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Cindy | ** | * | * | Between Wonderland and Deep Jungle | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Shiva | *** | * | * | Between Deep Jungle and Coliseum | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Lamia | ** | * | | Between Atlantica and Neverland | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Sandy | *** | * | | Between Halloween Town and Agrabah | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Sylph | *** | * | * | Between Wonderland and Deep Jungle | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Carbuncle | ** | * | | Between Halloween Town and Agrabah | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Mindy | *** | ** | ** | Between Agrabah and Atlantica | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Goblin | *** | * | * | Between Traverse Town and Coliseum | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Bomb | ** | * | | Between Atlantica and Neverland | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Remora | ** | * | * | Orange colored Warp Hole | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Ahriman | *** | ** | | Purple colored Warp Hole | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Imp | ** | * | | Orange colored Warp Hole | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Siren | ** | * | | Orange colored Warp Hole | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Stingray | * | * | | Between Atlantica and Neverland | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Catoblepas | ** | * | | Between Atlantica and Neverland | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Adamant | *** | * | * | Between Agrabah and Atlantica | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Serpent | *** | ** | * | Between Hollow Bastion and Neverland | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Ifrit | *** | * | * | Purple colored Warp Hole | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Odin | *** | * | ** | Purple colored Warp Hole | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Atomos | *** | * | * | Between Agrabah and Halloween Town | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Golem | *** | * | * | Between Agrabah and Halloween Town | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Diablos | *** | *** | *** | Between Agrabah and Atlantica | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Deathguise | *** | ** | * | Between Agrabah and Atlantica | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Typhoon | *** | ** | * | Between Agrabah and Halloween Town | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Alexander | *** | * | * | Between Traverse Town and Wonderland | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Leviathan | *** | *** | *** | Blue colored Warp Hole | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Ramuh | *** | *** | * | Between Deep Jungle and Coliseum | |-------------|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------------------------| | Omega | *** | * | | Between Hollow Bastion and the End of the | | | | | | World | '=============================================================================' Most of the locations for these Blueprints are just suggestions. You'll find that you'll encounter these ships in many different locations other than the ones listed here. Also note that it doesn't matter which world you're flying from and which one you're flying to, as long as you fly in between the specified worlds. o=============================================================================o \ 14. Magic [magc] / o=========================================================================o In my opinion, tailoring Sora towards magic at the beginning of the game is the easiest way to get through some of the tougher parts at first. You'll find that some spells decline in usefulness as the game wears on, while some stay useful or become vital to your sanity. Specifically: FIRE - Extremely useful early in the game, especially for its low MP cost. After your first trip to Hollow Bastion, it declines in effectiveness. - Hits a single target. - Useful from any range. - Can be fired off in rapid succession. - Higher levels of the spell do more damage. BLIZZARD - Same idea, though seems to decline in effectiveness a bit faster than Fire. - Useful in close range. - Acts like a shotgun with an icy spread. - Higher levels of the spell have greater range. THUNDER - Never really effective, in my opinion. It's only damaging early in the game, at which point it takes too much MP to use. Toward the end of the game, with lots of MP and with Sora at a stupidly high level, Thunder can actually be fun to play with though. - Targets any enemies within the area of effect (Sora being the center). - Use when overwhelmed by enemies. - Higher levels of the spell do greater damage. CURE - Useful throughout the entire game, no question. - Can be used on Sora or a teammate. - Use it while in the air to shorten the delay it causes. - Higher levels of the spell restore more HP. GRAVITY - When fire stops doing massive damage to enemies (after your first trip to Hollow Bastion), Gravity becomes key to killing enemies like Large Bodies, Fat Bandits, Defenders, and Invisibles. Also useful for when you start to encounter flying enemies, as it will bring them in range for you to hit them. - Targets one enemy but affects any number of enemies that happen to be in the spell's area of effect. - Higher levels of the spell have a bigger area of effect and take a larger percent of HP away. AERO - Start using it for boss battles when you get it, you won't regret it. - Decreases damage done by enemy attacks. - Decreases MP gained by MP Rage. - Aerora hurts some enemies when it touches them. - Aeroga hurts some enemies when it touches them and deflects some attacks. STOP - Meh. It's nice when Donald uses it, but I've never found myself specifically needing it against any sort of enemies. - Any damage administered on an enemy during the time it's Stopped will catch up when it returns to normal. - Higher levels of the spell have a larger area of effect and stop enemies for longer. .=============================================================================. | Spell | MP use | Location | |-----------|----------|------------------------------------------------------| | Fire | 1 charge | Traverse Town, after defeating Guard Armor | | Fira | 1 charge | Agrabah, after defeating Genie Jafar | | Firaga | 1 charge | Hollow Bastion, after defeating Behemoth | |-----------|----------|------------------------------------------------------| | Blizzard | 1 charge | Wonderland, collect all 4 evidence pieces | | Blizzara | 1 charge | Agrabah, after defeating Jafar | | Blizzaga | 1 charge | Coliseum, defeat Behemoth in Hades Cup | |-----------|----------|------------------------------------------------------| | Thunder | 1 MP | Coliseum, speak to Phil after passing preliminaries | | Thundara | 1 MP | Atlantica, after defeating Ursula | | Thundaga | 1 MP | Coliseum, after defeating Cerberus in Hades Cup | |-----------|----------|------------------------------------------------------| | Cure | 1 MP | Deep Jungle, after defeating Clayton & Stealth Sneak | | Cura | 1 MP | Neverland, before battle with Captain Hook | | Curaga | 1 MP | Hollow Bastion, defeat Behemoth, talk to Aerith | |-----------|----------|------------------------------------------------------| | Gravity | 1 MP | Coliseum, complete the Phil Cup | | Gravira | 1 MP | Halloween Town, after defeating Oogie's Manor | | Graviga | 1 MP | Coliseum, after defeating Hades in Hades Cup | |-----------|----------|------------------------------------------------------| | Aero | 2 MP | Traverse Town, after defeating Opposite Armor | | Aerora | 2 MP | Neverland, use yellow Trinity mark | | Aeroga | 2 MP | Traverse Town, find all 99 Dalmatians | |-----------|----------|------------------------------------------------------| | Stop | 2 MP | Monstro, after defeating Parasite Cage twice | | Stopra | 2 MP | 100 Acre Wood, Torn Page turns into it | | Stopga | 2 MP | Neverland, after defeating the Phantom | '=============================================================================' "1 charge" refers to the yellow bar that fills around your MP meter when you hit enemies. A charge of this yellow bar is as long as a bar of 1 MP. If you don't have any yellow bar left, Fire or Blizzard will just take away 1 MP and fill up the yellow bar. As a final note, the power of your magic spells (damage and healing) is not only determined by the level of the spell, but also by how much MP you have. o=============================================================================o \ 15. Summon Spells [smsp] / o=========================================================================o To activate a summon spell, you simply select it from the battle menu. You can only summon when you're in battle, you have enough MP, and your teammates are available and nearby. ============ Simba - 2 MP ============ You obtain Simba when you bring the Earthshine Gem to the Fairy Godmother. The gem is found in the Secret Waterway, and you need to talk to Leon to get it. When summoned, Simba appears and is ready to attack. Select Charge Up in the command menu, and hold the button to charge. The longer you hold, the more devastating Simba's attack will be. While you are charging, Sora is vulnerable to attack. Before using Simba, make sure you're in an area where you can easily hide from enemies for a tiny bit; getting hit while charging is dangerous and will knock your charge gauge down to 0. Sora cannot attack or defend while charging. Simba's attack targets all enemies around you. The longer you charge, the stronger Simba's attack will be. There's a somewhat "hidden" gauge in Simba's charge bar that you can actually notice if you count the number of times he flashes during a charge. According to Varie's awesome Magic / Summons FAQ on GameFAQs, Simba will do the following damage: 1 - Normal damage 2 - Normal damage 3 - Normal damage + stun 4 - Normal damage + stun 5 - Gravity type damage ( > 300%) ============ Bambi - 1 MP ============ You obtain Bambi after releasing him from the Naturespark Gem when you give it to the Fairy Godmother. After you win Pooh's Hunny Hunt, the Torn Page will turn into the Naturespark. When summoned, Bambi jumps around the room shooting MP Balls out all over the place. As you defeat enemies, the blue charge bar will fill, causing Bambi to shoot out more MP Balls and synthesis items. Thanks again to Varie's FAQ for bringing the usefulness of Bambi to my attention. According to his FAQ, Bambi will drop different items depending on which world you are currently in. The specifics of getting Bambi to drop items aren't that hard to understand. You'll have to find an area in the world you're in that has at least 18 enemies. Every six enemies you kill will add a unit to Bambi's charge gauge. When it's full, he will release his first set of items. When you fill it again, you'll move on to the second tier of items. Fill it a third time, and you'll get the best items he has to offer for that world. Fill it a fourth or even fifth time, and you'll still get the third tier of items. Don't underestimate Bambi! Getting synthesis items from him is often the best and quickest way to collect! Here's the breakdown of what Bambi will drop for each world: - TRAVERSE TOWN - - WONDERLAND - .-----------------------------. .-----------------------------. | Tier 1 | Hi-Potion - 100% | | Tier 1 | Hi-Potion - 100% | |--------|--------------------| |--------|--------------------| | Tier 2 | Ether - 100% | | Tier 2 | Ether - 100% | | | Blaze Shard - 40% | | | Frost Shard - 40% | |--------|--------------------| |--------|--------------------| | Tier 3 | Mega-Potion - 100% | | Tier 3 | Mega-Potion - 100% | | | Blaze Shard - 60% | | | Frost Shard - 60% | | | Blaze Gem - 30% | | | Frost Gem - 30% | '-----------------------------' '-----------------------------' - DEEP JUNGLE - - AGRABAH - .-------------------------------. .------------------------------. | Tier 1 | Hi-Potion - 100% | | Tier 1 | Hi-Potion - 100% | |--------|----------------------| |--------|---------------------| | Tier 2 | Ether - 100% | | Tier 2 | Ether - 100% | | | Thunder Shard - 40% | | | Bright Shard - 40% | |--------|----------------------| |--------|---------------------| | Tier 3 | Mega-Potion - 100% | | Tier 3 | Mega-Potion - 100% | | | Thunder Shard - 60% | | | Bright Shard - 60% | | | Thunder Gem - 30% | | | Bright Gem - 30% | '-------------------------------' '------------------------------' - MONSTRO - - HALLOWEEN TOWN - .-----------------------------. .-----------------------------. | Tier 1 | Hi-Potion - 100% | | Tier 1 | Mega-Potion - 100% | |--------|--------------------| |--------|--------------------| | Tier 2 | Ether - 100% | | Tier 2 | Mega-Ether - 100% | | | Lucid Shard - 40% | | | Power Shard - 40% | |--------|--------------------| |--------|--------------------| | Tier 3 | Mega-Potion - 100% | | Tier 3 | Elixir - 100% | | | Lucid Shard - 60% | | | Power Shard - 60% | | | Lucid Gem - 30% | | | Power Gem - 30% | '-----------------------------' '-----------------------------' - NEVERLAND - - HOLLOW BASTION - .------------------------------. .-------------------------------. | Tier 1 | Mega-Potion - 100% | | Tier 1 | Mega-Potion - 100% | |--------|---------------------| |--------|----------------------| | Tier 2 | Mega-Ether - 100% | | Tier 2 | Mega-Ether - 100% | | | Spirit Shard - 40% | | | Lucid Gem - 40% | |--------|---------------------| |--------|----------------------| | Tier 3 | Elixir - 100% | | Tier 3 | Elixir - 100% | | | Spirit Shard - 60% | | | Lucid Gem - 60% | | | Spirit Gem - 30% | | | Lucid Crystal - 30% | '------------------------------' '-------------------------------' - END OF THE WORLD - .-------------------------------. | Tier 1 | Mega-Ether - 100% | |--------|----------------------| | Tier 2 | Elixir - 100% | | | Mythril Shard - 40% | |--------|----------------------| | Tier 3 | N/A * | '-------------------------------' * While there is apparently a table for Bambi's tier 3 drop at the End of the World (you would get a Mythril for the third item), there is never an area where you can fight 18 enemies. ============ Genie - 2 MP ============ After sealing the Agrabah keyhole, Aladdin sets Genie free with his final wish. Genie then joins Sora and his companions. When summoned, Genie floats behind you until you order him to attack. Just use the Showtime command at the bottom of the command menu. His attack can hit more than one enemy as well. The enemies that he will hit have a Genie face on them. ============ Dumbo - 3 MP ============ You obtain Dumbo after giving the Fairy Godmother the Watergleam Gem. This Gem is found in the Mouth area of Monstro. You need the High Jump ability to get it. When summoned, Dumbo appears and Sora jumps on him. Using Dumbo's ability makes him squirt water at enemies. Dumbo can be controlled, as well. Also, you cannot be hurt by enemies when on Dumbo. And of course, Dumbo can fly. ================== Tinker Bell - 3 MP ================== After you lock the Neverland keyhole, Tinker Bell gets a bit jealous and decides to travel with Sora. Tinker Bell flies around the battle as you fight, healing you constantly. If you get knocked out, she will revive you once and then disappear. Extremely useful! Do not underestimate or forget about her! ============ Mushu - 3 MP ============ After defeating the Dragon in Hollow Bastion, you get the Fireglow Gem. The Fairy Godmother releases Mushu from this. Mushu sits on Sora and shoots out fire. Increasing his flame output consumes more of his MP. A continuous stream of fire can be shot for rapid damage. o=============================================================================o \ 16. Items [itms] / o=========================================================================o .=============================================================================. | Item | Description | |=============================================================================| | Potion | Restores 30 HP (single) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Hi-Potion | Restores 60 HP (single) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Mega-Potion | Restores 30 HP (all members) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Ether | Restores 3 MP (single) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Mega-Ether | Restores 3 MP (all members) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Elixir | Fully restores HP and MP (single) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Megalixir | Fully restores HP and MP (all members) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Tent | Fully restores HP (all members, use in menu) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Camping Set | Fully restores HP and 3 MP (all members, use in menu) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Cottage | Fully Restores HP and MP (all members, use in menu) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Power Up | Raises max. Strength by 1 (use in menu) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Defense Up | Raises max. Defense by 1 (use in menu) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | AP Up | Raises max. AP by 1 (use in menu) | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Pretty Stone | Sell it for 30 munny | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Mythril Shard | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Mythril | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Lucid Shard | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Lucid Gem | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Lucid Crystal | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Spirit Shard | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Spirit Gem | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Power Shard | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Power Gem | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Power Crystal | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Shiny Crystal | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Bright Shard | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Bright Gem | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Bright Crystal | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Blaze Shard | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Blaze Gem | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Frost Shard | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Frost Gem | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Thunder Shard | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Thunder Gem | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Gale | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Mystery Goo | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Orichalcum | Synthesis item | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Empty Bottle | Fill it up with Drinking Water | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Log | Material used to build a raft | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Cloth | Material used to build a raft | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Rope | Material used to build a raft | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Drinking Water | Supplies for a sea voyage | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Seagull Egg | Supplies for a sea voyage | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Fish | Supplies for a sea voyage | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Mushroom | Supplies for a sea voyage | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Coconut | Supplies for a sea voyage | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Matsutake Rank | Juggle a Rare Truffle 50 times | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Shiitake Rank | Juggle a Rare Truffle 100 times | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Mystery Mold | Sell for 9,999 Munny | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Fire Arts | Cast a fire spell on a White Mushroom 3 times | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Blizzard Arts | Cast a blizzard spell on a White Mushroom 3 times | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Thunder Arts | Cast a thunder spell on a White Mushroom 3 times | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Cure Arts | Cast a cure spell on a White Mushroom 3 times | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Gravity Arts | Cast a gravity spell on a White Mushroom 3 times | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Stop Arts | Cast a stop spell on a White Mushroom 3 times | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Aero Arts | Cast an aero spell on a White Mushroom 3 times | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Navi-G Piece | Collect these to travel to new worlds | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Old Book | Give to Merlin to unlock the 100 Acre Wood | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Emblem Piece | Used to unlock a door in Hollow Bastion | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Crystal Trident | Used to reveal the keyhole to Atlantica | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Postcard | Mail these in Traverse Town to receive items | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Torn Page | Missing pages from Pooh's storybook | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Slide 1-6 | Jane's slides that she wants to show Tarzan | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Footprints | Evidence used in Alice's trial | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Claw Marks | Evidence used in Alice's trial | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Antenna | Evidence used in Alice's trial | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Stench | Evidence used in Alice's trial | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Forget-Me-Not | The "memory" of a heart | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Jack-in-the-Box | The "surprise" of a heart | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Hero License | Proves that you are a "Junior Hero" | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Entry Pass | Allows you to enter the Coliseum games | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Azal vol. 3 | Book used to open passages in Hollow Bastion | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Hafet vol. 4 | Book used to open passages in Hollow Bastion | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Khama vol. 8 | Book used to open passages in Hollow Bastion | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Mava vol. 3 | Book used to open passages in Hollow Bastion | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Mava vol. 6 | Book used to open passages in Hollow Bastion | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Nahara vol. 5 | Book used to open passages in Hollow Bastion | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Salegg vol. 6 | Book used to open passages in Hollow Bastion | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Theon vol. 6 | Book used to open passages in Hollow Bastion | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Watergleam | Stone used to acquire the Dumbo summon | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Naturespark | Stone used to acquire the Bambi summon | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Earthshine | Stone used to acquire the Simba summon | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Fireglow | Stone used to acquire the Mushu summon | '=============================================================================' o=============================================================================o \ 17. Weapons [weps] / o=========================================================================o When choosing a Keyblade for Sora, there are five main things you'll want to look for: Attack - This is the basic attack power of the Keyblade, and actually may be the stat that should least trouble you when choosing a Keyblade. Reach - This is how long the Keyblade physically is. If you don't like getting right up in the fray with enemies, choose a longer Keyblade. Conversely, if you feel safe being up in the enemy's face, stick with a shorter one, as the short ones tend to have exceptional abilities. MP - Many Keyblades affect your MP stat. The amount of MP Sora has determines his magic and summon power. In the first half of the game (before Hollow Bastion) and at much higher levels (80+) you'll want to rely on Keyblades that boost your magic and summon power. Deflect - A few Keyblades are difficult to deflect. In other words, when you hit an enemy that is actively blocking your attack, the hard-to- deflect Keyblade will allow you another strike. With Counterattack equipped, you can create an endless string of blows during which Sora is almost impervious to damage, at least until the enemy stops blocking and you hit them! This is an important Keyblade ability (much more important than Attack) after you've completed Hollow Bastion and the enemies get harder. Crits - Some of the Keyblades have special critical hit abilities. This is an important aspect to consider if you've tailored Sora to be a physical fighter. It's also nice to look at if you're hunting Black Funguses and want their items (as a critical blow is needed when you defeat them if you want them to drop anything). KEY --- ATK - Keyblade's attack power (i.e. how it affects Sora's strength). RCH - The Keyblade's reach. S - Short M - Medium L - Long XL - Extra Long XXL - The Longest! MP - How it modifies Sora's MP (and subsequently, his magic and summon power). DEF - Deflection, not Defense. D - Difficult to deflect .======. | Sora | |=============================================================================. | Name | ATK | RCH | MP | DEF | How it's obtained / Critical notes | |=============================================================================| | Kingdom Key | 3 | M | +0 | - | Sora starts with it | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Jungle King | 5 | L | +0 | - | Complete Deep Jungle | | | | | | | Note: Seldom deals crits | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Three Wishes | 6 | M | +0 | D | Complete Agrabah | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Crabclaw | 6 | M | +1 | - | Complete Atlantica | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Pumpkinhead | 7 | L | +0 | - | Complete Halloween Town | | | | | | | Note: Can deal a string of crits | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Fairy Harp | 8 | S | +1 | - | Complete Neverland | | | | | | | Note: Sometimes deals powerful crits | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Wishing Star | 5 | S | +0 | - | Found in Gepetto's house | | | | | | | Note: Deals a crit at the end of | | | | | | | each combo | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Spellbinder | 4 | M | +2 | - | Merlin gives it to you when you | | | | | | | learn all of the first level spells | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Metal Chocobo | 10 | XL | -1 | - | Defeat Cloud (Hercules Cup) | | | | | | | Note: Critical blows are rare | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Olympia | 9 | M | +0 | D | Win the Hercules Cup | | | | | | | Note: Very strong critical blows | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Lionheart | 10 | L | +1 | - | Defeat Leon and Cloud (Hades Cup) | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Lady Luck | 8 | M | +2 | - | White Trinity mark in Wonderland | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Divine Rose | 10 | S | +0 | D | Receive from Belle in Hollow Bastion | | | | | | | Note: Can deal a string of crits | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Oathkeeper | 9 | M | +1 | - | Receive from Kairi in Traverse Town | | | | | | | Note: Can deal a string of crits | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Oblivion | 11 | L | -1 | - | Found in Hollow Bastion | |---------------|-----|-----|----|-----|--------------------------------------| | Ultima Weapon | 12 | XXL | +2 | D | Level five synthesis item | | | | | | | Note: All attributes | '=============================================================================' TYP - Donald's staves are either suited for magic use or attacking. C - Combat staff M - Magic staff B - Both combat and magic staff .========. | Donald | .=============================================================================. | Name | ATK | TYP | MP | How obtained | |=============================================================================| | Mage's Staff | 1 | M | +0 | Donald comes equipped with it | |----------------|-----|-----|----|-------------------------------------------| | Morning Star | 2 | M | +0 | Purchase at Item Shop: 150 munny | |----------------|-----|-----|----|-------------------------------------------| | Shooting Star | 4 | M | +0 | Purchase at Item Shop: 750 munny | |----------------|-----|-----|----|-------------------------------------------| | Magus Staff | 3 | M | +1 | Purchase at Item Shop: 1000 munny | |----------------|-----|-----|----|-------------------------------------------| | Wisdom Staff | 5 | M | +1 | Purchase at Item Shop: 4000 munny | |----------------|-----|-----|----|-------------------------------------------| | Warhammer | 4 | C | -1 | Purchase at Item Shop: 250 munny | |----------------|-----|-----|----|-------------------------------------------| | Silver Mallet | 7 | C | -1 | Purchase at Item Shop: 1000 munny | |----------------|-----|-----|----|-------------------------------------------| | Grand Mallet | 9 | C | -1 | Purchase at Item Shop: 4000 munny | |----------------|-----|-----|----|-------------------------------------------| | Lord Fortune | 6 | B | +1 | Get all summons then talk to the Fairy | | | | | | Godmother | |----------------|-----|-----|----|-------------------------------------------| | Violetta | 9 | C | -1 | White Trinity mark at Coliseum gates | |----------------|-----|-----|----|-------------------------------------------| | Wizard's Relic | 5 | M | +2 | Drop: Wizard (0.2%) | |----------------|-----|-----|----|-------------------------------------------| | Dream Rod | 8 | M | +2 | Get highest level in ALL spells then | | | | | | speak to Merlin | |----------------|-----|-----|----|-------------------------------------------| | Save the Queen | 9 | B | +2 | Win Hades tournament only using Sora | '=============================================================================' TYP - Goofy's shields are either suited for defense or attacking. D - Defensive shield O - Offensive shield B - Both offensive and defensive shield .=======. | Goofy | .=============================================================================. | Name | ATK | TYP | MP | How obtained | |=============================================================================| | Knight's Shield | 1 | O | +0 | Goofy starts with it | |-----------------|-----|-----|----|------------------------------------------| | Mythril Shield | 4 | B | +0 | Purchase at Item Shop: 750 munny | |-----------------|-----|-----|----|------------------------------------------| | Onyx Shield | 6 | B | +0 | Purchase at Item Shop: 2800 munny | |-----------------|-----|-----|----|------------------------------------------| | Smasher | 3 | O | +0 | Purchase at Item Shop: 250 munny | |-----------------|-----|-----|----|------------------------------------------| | Gigas Fist | 7 | O | +0 | Purchase at Item Shop: 1000 munny | |-----------------|-----|-----|----|------------------------------------------| | Stout Shield | 1 | D | +0 | Purchase at Item Shop: 250 munny | |-----------------|-----|-----|----|------------------------------------------| | Golem Shield | 3 | D | +0 | Purchase at Item Shop: 1000 munny | |-----------------|-----|-----|----|------------------------------------------| | Adamant Shield | 5 | D | +0 | Purchase at Item Shop: 4000 munny | |-----------------|-----|-----|----|------------------------------------------| | Herc's Shield | 9 | O | +0 | Defeat Hercules in the Hercules Cup | |-----------------|-----|-----|----|------------------------------------------| | Genji Shield | 8 | B | +0 | Defeat Yuffie in the Hades Cup | |-----------------|-----|-----|----|------------------------------------------| | Defender | 10 | B | +1 | Drop: Defender (0.2%) | |-----------------|-----|-----|----|------------------------------------------| | Dream Shield | 6 | D | +2 | Get seven spell Arts from the White | | | | | | Mushrooms and speak to Merlin | |-----------------|-----|-----|----|------------------------------------------| | Save the King | 10 | B | +2 | Beat the Hades Cup in the time limit | '=============================================================================' o=============================================================================o \ 18. Accessories [accs] / o=========================================================================o DEF - Defensive boost HP - Hit Point boost MP - Magic Point boost AP - Ability Point boost STR - Strength boost D - Protection against dark damage L - Protection against lightning damage F - Protection against fire damage I - Protection against ice damage .====================================================================. | Name |DEF | HP | MP | AP |STR | F | I | L | D | |====================================================================| | Protect Chain | +1 | | | | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Protera Chain | +2 | | | | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Protega Chain | +3 | | | | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Fire Ring | +1 | | | | | 20% | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Fira Ring | +2 | | | | | 20% | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Firaga Ring | +3 | | | | | 20% | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Blizzard Ring | +1 | | | | | | 20% | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Blizzara Ring | +2 | | | | | | 20% | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Blizzaga Ring | +3 | | | | | | 20% | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Thunder Ring | +1 | | | | | | | 20% | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Thundara Ring | +2 | | | | | | | 20% | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Thundaga Ring | +3 | | | | | | | 20% | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Chaos Ring | +1 | | | | | | | | 20% | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Dark Ring | +3 | | | | | | | | 20% | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Element Ring | +2 | | | | | 20% | 20% | 20% | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Three Stars | +3 | | | | | 20% | 20% | 20% | | |====================================================================| | Name |DEF | HP | MP | AP |STR | F | I | L | D | |====================================================================| | Energy Bangle | +1 | +3 | | | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Angel Bangle | +2 | +6 | | | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Gaia Bangle | +3 | +9 | | | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Magic Armlet | | | +1 | | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Rune Armlet | +1 | | +1 | | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Atlas Armlet | +2 | | +2 | | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Ability Stud | | | | +2 | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Guard Earring | +1 | | | +3 | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Master Earring | +2 | | | +4 | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Power Chain | | | | | +2 | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Golem Chain | +1 | | | | +3 | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Titan Chain | +2 | | | | +4 | | | | | |====================================================================| | Name |DEF | HP | MP | AP |STR | F | I | L | D | |====================================================================| | Brave Warrior | | +3 | | | +1 | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Ifrit's Horn | +1 | | | +1 | | 20% | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Inferno Band | +2 | | | | | 20% | | | 20% | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | White Fang | +1 | | | +1 | +1 | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Ray of Light | | +3 | +1 | | | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Holy Circlet | | | | +3 | | 20% | 20% | 20% | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Raven's Claw | +2 | | | | +2 | | | | 20% | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Omega Arts | +3 | +3 | | | +3 | | | | | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Heartguard | +4 | +3 | | | | | | | 20% | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Ribbon | +3 | | | | | 20% | 20% | 20% | 20% | |-------------------|----|----|----|----|----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Crystal Crown | +2 | +6 | +1 | +3 | +2 | | | | | '====================================================================' Accessory locations: .=============================================================================. | Name | How obtained | |=============================================================================| | Ability Stud | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 200 munny | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Angel Bangle | - Synthesize: Tier 2 | | | - Chest: End of the World | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Atlas Armlet | - Synthesize: Tier 4 | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Blizzard Ring | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 250 munny | | | - Equipped on Beast | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Blizzara Ring | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 1000 munny | | | - Drop: Blue Rhapsody (0.5%) | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Blizzaga Ring | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 4000 munny | | | - Drop: Sea Neon (0.2%) | | | - Drop: Sheltering Zone (1%) | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Brave Warrior | - Drop: Guard Armor (100%) | | | - Chest: End of the World | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Chaos Ring | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 600 munny | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Crystal Crown | - Synthesize: Tier 4 | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Dark Ring | - Synthesize: Tier 1 | | | - Chest: End of the World | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Element Ring | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 4800 munny | | | - Drop: Battleship (2%) | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Energy Bangle | - Synthesize: Tier 1 | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Fire Ring | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 250 munny | | | - Equipped on Aladdin | | | - Equipped on Jack | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Fira Ring | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 1000 munny | | | - Drop: Red Nocturne (0.5%) | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Firaga Ring | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 4000 munny | | | - Drop: Fat Bandit (1%) | | | - Chest: Hollow Bastion | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Gaia Bangle | - Synthesize: Tier 3 | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Golem Chain | - Synthesize: Tier 2 | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Guard Earring | - Synthesize: Tier 1 | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Heartguard | - Synthesize: Tier 3 | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Holy Circlet | - Drop: Oogie Boogie (100%) | | | - Chest: End of the World | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Ifrit's Horn | - Drop: Trickmaster (100%) | | | - Chest: End of the World | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Inferno Band | - Drop: Cerberus (100%) | | | - Chest: End of the World | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Magic Armlet | - Synthesize: Tier 2 | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Master Earring | - Synthesize: Tier 2 | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Omega Arts | - Drop: Behemoth (Hollow Bastion only) (100%) | | | - Chest: End of the World | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Power Chain | - Synthesize: Tier 1 | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Protect Chain | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 150 munny | | | - Drop: Soldier (1%) | | | - Chest: Destiny Islands | | | - Equipped on Aladdin | | | - Equipped on Ariel | | | - Equipped on Jack | | | - Equipped on Peter Pan | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Protera Chain | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 750 munny | | | - Drop: Green Requiem (0.5%) | | | - Drop: Large Body (1%) | | | - Drop: Bandit (0.5%) | | | - Drop: Powerwild (0.5%) | | | - Chest: Deep Jungle | | | - Chest: Agrabah | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Protega Chain | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 2800 munny | | | - Chest: Agrabah | | | - Chest: Neverland | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Raven's Claw | - Drop: Antisora (100%) | | | - Chest: End of the World | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Ray of Light | - Drop: Pot Centipede (100%) | | | - Chest: End of the World | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Ribbon | - Synthesize: Tier 4 | | | - Prize for finding all 99 Dalmatian puppies | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Rune Armlet | - Synthesize: Tier 3 | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Three Stars | - Synthesize: Tier 3 | | | - Chest: End of the World | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Thunder Ring | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 250 munny | | | - Equipped on Ariel | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Thundara Ring | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 1000 munny | | | - Drop: Yellow Opera (0.5%) | | | - Chest: Agrabah | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Thundaga Ring | - Purchase at Accessory Shop: 4000 munny | | | - Drop: Screwdriver (0.2%) | | | - Drop: Aquatank (1%) | | | - Chest: Hollow Bastion | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | Titan Chain | - Synthesize: Tier 4 | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | White Fang | - Drop: Sabor (100%) | | | - Chest: End of the World | '=============================================================================' o=============================================================================o \ 19. Abilities [abls] / o=========================================================================o As you gain levels in Kingdom Hearts, you will learn new abilities that you can use by equipping them in the menu. Sora, Donald, and Goofy will gain abilities throughout the game, whereas, world specific characters like Ariel or Jack will already know a number of abilities. - THE MAIN TEAM - The order in which Sora learns abilities depends on what weapon you chose at the beginning of the game. .======. | Sora | .===================================================================. | Gained Abilities | |===================================================================| | Lv. | Picked Sword | Picked Shield | Picked Staff | |===================================================================| | 9 | Combo Plus | Guard | Scan | | 12 | Vortex | Scan | Treasure Magnet | | 15 | Scan | Lucky Strike | MP Haste | | 18 | Blitz | Second Chance | Counterattack | | 21 | Berserk | Counterattack | Critical Plus | | 24 | Counterattack | Jackpot | Guard | | 27 | Air Combo Plus | Treasure Magnet | Aerial Sweep | | 30 | Aerial Sweep | -- | Treasure Magnet | | 33 | Treasure Magnet | Blitz | MP Rage | | 36 | Guard | MP Rage | Berserk | | 39 | -- | Treasure Magnet | Lucky Strike | | 42 | -- | Combo Plus | -- | | 45 | MP Haste | Vortex | -- | | 48 | Critical Plus | Berserk | Second Chance | | 51 | Second Chance | Critical Plus | MP Rage | | 54 | -- | -- | Jackpot | | 57 | MP Rage | Air Combo Plus | Vortex | | 60 | Treasure Magnet | Aerial Sweep | Air Combo Plus | | 63 | Jackpot | MP Haste | Blitz | | 66 | MP Rage | MP Rage | Combo Plus | | 69 | Lucky Strike | Critical Plus | Critical Plus | | 72 | Combo Plus | -- | -- | | 75 | Air Combo Plus | Combo Plus | Air Combo Plus | | 78 | Critical Plus | Air Combo Plus | Combo Plus | | 84 | Combo Plus | Combo Plus | Combo Plus | | 90 | Critical Plus | Critical Plus | Critical Plus | | 96 | Combo Plus | Combo Plus | Combo Plus | '===================================================================' .===================================================================. | Other Abilities | |===================================================================| | Dodge Roll | Defeat Guard Armor the first time | | Sonic Blade | Defeat Cerberus the first time | | Strike Raid | Prize for winning Pegasus Cup | | Ars Arcanum | Defeat Captain Hook | | Cheer | Beat certain times or scores in 100 Acre Wood | | Ragnarok | Defeat Riku the second time | | Trinity Limit | Prize for winning Hades Cup | '===================================================================' .========. | Donald | .======================================. | Gained Abilities | |======================================| | Lv. | Ability | |======================================| | 10 | Berserk | | 15 | MP Haste | | 20 | MP Rage | | 25 | Second Chance | | 30 | Treasure Magnet | | 35 | Second Wind | | 40 | MP Rage | | 45 | Treasure Magnet | | 50 | Jackpot | | 55 | Lucky Strike | '======================================' .======================================. | Other Abilities | |======================================| | Cheer | Defeat Maleficent | '======================================' .=======. | Goofy | .========================================================. | Gained Abilities | |========================================================| | Lv. | Ability | |========================================================| | 9 | Rocket | | 12 | Jackpot | | 15 | Charge | | 18 | Treasure Magnet | | 21 | Tornado | | 27 | Lucky Strike | | 30 | MP Gift | | 33 | Second Wind | | 36 | Second Chance | | 39 | MP Rage | | 42 | Treasure Magnet | | 45 | MP Rage | | 51 | MP Haste | | 54 | Berserk | '========================================================' .========================================================. | Other Abilities | |========================================================| | Cheer | Defeat Parasite Cage the first time | '========================================================' .========. | Shared | .=============================================================================. | High Jump | Defeat Parasite Cage (1) and open a chest in Monstro's mouth | | Mermaid Kick | Defeat Ursula (1), Flotsam, and Jetsam in Atlantica | | Glide | Seal Neverland's keyhole | | Superglide | Defeat Chernabog at the End of the World | '=============================================================================' - SECONDARY PARTY MEMBERS - .========. .=========. | Tarzan | | Aladdin | .================================. .=================================. | Ability | | Ability | |================================| |=================================| | Raging Boar | | Crescent | | Asp's Bite | | Sandstorm | | Healing Herb | | Cheer | | Wind Armor | | Treasure Magnet | | Second Wind | | Lucky Strike | | Second Chance | | Jackpot | | Berserk | | Treasure Magnet | | Critical Plus | | Critical Plus | | Critical Plus | '=================================' '================================' .=======. .==================. | Ariel | | Jack Skellington | .================================. .=================================. | Ability | | Ability | |================================| |=================================| | Spiral Wave | | Applause! | | Thunder Potion | | Blazing Fury | | Cure Potion | | Icy Terror | | Aero Potion | | Bolts of Sorrow | | MP Haste | | Ghostly Scream | | MP Rage | | MP Rage | | Lucky Strike | | Jackpot | | Second Wind | | Cheer | | MP Rage | | Treasure Magnet | | Treasure Magnet | | Treasure Magnet | '================================' '=================================' .===========. .=======. | Peter Pan | | Beast | .================================. .=================================. | Ability | | Ability | |================================| |=================================| | Hummingbird | | Ferocious Lunge | | Time-Out | | Furious Bellow | | Storm's Eye | | Berserk | | Jackpot | | MP Rage | | Lucky Strike | | MP Rage | | MP Haste | | Second Chance | | Critical Plus | | Second Wind | | Critical Plus | | Critical Plus | | Treasure Magnet | '=================================' | Treasure Magnet | '================================' o=============================================================================o \ 20. Enemies [enms] / o=========================================================================o Enemy locations prior to the initial events at Hollow Bastion: .=======================================================================. | | TTN | WND | DJG | AGR | MON | ATL | HAL | NEV | HBS | |=================|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====| | Shadow | X | X | X | X | X | | X | X | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Soldier | X | X | | | | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Red Nocturne | X | X | | | | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Yellow Opera | X | | | X | X | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Blue Rhapsody | X | | | | | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Green Requiem | X | | | X | X | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Large Body | X | X | | | X | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Powerwild | | | X | | | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Bouncywild | | | X | | | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Air Soldier | X | | | X | X | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Bandit | | | | X | | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Fat Bandit | | | | X | | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Pot Spider | | | | X | | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Barrel Spider | | | | | X | | | X | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Search Ghost | | | | | X | X | X | | | |=================|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====| | | TTN | WND | DJG | AGR | MON | ATL | HAL | NEV | HBS | |=================|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====| | Sea Neon | | | | | | X | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Screwdriver | | | | | | X | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Sheltering Zone | | | | | | X | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Aquatank | | | | | | X | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Wight Knight | | | | | | | X | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Gargoyle | | | | | | | X | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Pirate | | | | | | | | X | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Air Pirate | | | | | | | | X | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Battleship | | | | | | | | X | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Wyvern | | | | | | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Wizard | | | | | | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Defender | | | | | | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Darkball | | | | | | | | | X | '=======================================================================' Enemy locations after the events at Hollow Bastion: .=============================================================================. | | TTN | WND | DJG | AGR | MON | ATL | HAL | NEV | HBS | END | |=================|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====| | Shadow | | | | | ? | | X | X | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Soldier | | | | X | * | | | | X | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Red Nocturne | | | | | X | | | | X | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Yellow Opera | | X | | | ? | | | X | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Blue Rhapsody | | X | | | X | | | | X | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Green Requiem | | | X | | ? | | | | X | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Large Body | | | | X | * | | | | X | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Powerwild | | | X | | * | | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Bouncywild | | | X | | * | | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Air Soldier | | X | | X | * | | | | X | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Bandit | | | | X | * | | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Fat Bandit | | | | X | * | | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Pot Spider | | | | X | * | | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Barrel Spider | | | | | X | | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Search Ghost | X | | | | ? | X | X | | | X | |=================|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====| | | TTN | WND | DJG | AGR | MON | ATL | HAL | NEV | HBS | END | |=================|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|=====| | Sea Neon | | | | | | X | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Screwdriver | | | | | | X | | | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Sheltering Zone | | | | | | X | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Aquatank | | | | | | X | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Wight Knight | | | | | ? | | X | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Gargoyle | | | | | ? | | X | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Pirate | | | | | * | | | X | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Air Pirate | | | | | * | | | X | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Battleship | | | | | ? | | | X | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Wyvern | X | | X | X | | | | | X | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Wizard | X | X | X | X | | | X | | X | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Defender | X | X | | | | | | | X | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Darkball | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | | | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Behemoth | | | | | | | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Angel Star | | | | | | | | | | X | |-----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | Invisible | | | | | | | | | | X | '=============================================================================' * Monstro is an interesting whale. Apparently, he dines out a lot and collects enemies from most worlds! While I haven't extensively researched Monsto's enemy patterns, be prepared for different sets of enemies whenever you visit him. A * means that I have confirmed that an enemy will appear in Monstro sometimes, a ? means that I have speculated that the enemy could appear, and an X means that the enemy will always be there. Considering how difficult it is to get in to Monstro, I don't plan on ever figuring out which enemies appear and which don't. Enemy groups in Monstro will stay the same until you leave him and head somewhere else. Even then, you might encounter the same enemies the next time you pay him a visit. Enemy data in alphabetical order. Pre HB - Enemy stats before the initial events at Hollow Bastion Post HB - Enemy stats after the events at Hollow Bastion _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Air Pirate | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 120 ATK: 27 | | | EXP: 40 DEF: 21 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 135 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 120 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Mega Potion - 1% | | | Power Gem - 4% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These are flying versions of the Pirates you fought in the ship, though | | they don't look much like their swashbuckling companions. They fly around | | and attack with their fists, but they aren't much of a problem now that you | | have the ability to fly. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Air Soldier | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 33 ATK: 15 | | | EXP: 5 DEF: 12 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 120 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 90 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Potion - 2% | | | Hi-Potion - 1% | | | Spirit Gem - 4% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The Air Soldier is basically a winged version of the lesser Soldiers. These | | aerial menaces shouldn't pose too much of a threat, but they can get | | annoying while hovering a lot. Aerial combos work well, obviously. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Angel Star | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 220 ATK: 40 | | | EXP: 150 DEF: 30 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Gale - 6% | | | Ether - 2% | | | Mythril - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These creatures fly around the room generating tornadoes and shooting off | | energy. They aren't as tough as Invisibles, but when in a heated battle | | with Darkballs and Invisibles, they can be more than just a nuisance. They | | are also able to hide within their own wings and shield themselves from any | | attacks. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Aquatank | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 120 ATK: 22 | | | EXP: 30 DEF: 19 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 300 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 240 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Mega-Potion - 4% | | | Thunder Gem - 8% | | | Thundaga Ring - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Aquatanks are giant fish type creatures that hold Screwdrivers on their | | undersides. They don't do much other than carry the Screwdrivers, but will | | occasionally charge at you, which can be dangerous sometimes. When you kill | | them, you get a lot of munny. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Bandit | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 39 ATK: 18 | | | EXP: 7 DEF: 15 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 120 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 90 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Potion - 2% | | | Blaze Gem - 4% | | | Protera Chain - 0.5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bandits are agile and skilled with their swords, though they tend to pause | | before attacking. They are very skilled at blocking attacks, so equip | | Counterattack if you have it. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Barrel Spider | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 24 ATK: 21 | | | EXP: 3 DEF: 17 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 60 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 30 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Munny | | | Items: Camping Set - 1% | | | Cottage - 0.5% | | | Mythril Shard - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These are basically the same as the Pot Spiders you fought in Agrabah, | | except these ones can charge into you and explode, so look out for that. | | Just attack 'em for lots of munny. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Bat Thing | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: ?? ATK: ?? | | | EXP: ?? DEF: ?? | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These strange bat-like Heartless only appear during the final boss fight, | | and only if you fly up way too high. In fact, most gamers may go through | | the game not knowing anything about them. Their point? I guess to restore | | Sora's HP. They're weird. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Battleship | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 300 ATK: 27 | | | EXP: 100 DEF: 21 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 450 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 240 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Mast | HP balls | | Broken) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Elixir - 1% | | | Power Gem - 8% | | Drops (Defeated) | Munny | | | Items: Elixir - 1% | | | Power Gem - 16% | | | Element Ring - 2% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These giant floating ships are a strange type of Heartless. They charge at | | you pretty fast, and it goes without saying that you don't want to be in | | the way when this happens. You can either attack the mast, or the ship | | itself. They will also shoot their cannons at you, which is especially | | annoying during the battle with Captain Hook. Attacking the mast first will | | net you more EXP. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Behemoth | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (End of | HP: 1050 ATK: 40 | | the World) | EXP: 450 DEF: 30 | | | | | Stats (Coliseum) | HP: 1500 ATK: 42 | | | EXP: 600 DEF: 34 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP Balls | | | MP Balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Mythril Shard - 20% | | | Mythril - 20% | | | Orichalcum - 20% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The Behemoth will become a normal enemy once you reach the End of the | | World. There's only one area you can encounter it: at the end of the first | | area with all the broken arrow platforms. It will constantly respawn here | | if you leave and come back. | | | | One of the attacks the Behemoth has is a Thunder style spell. When it bows | | its head, you'll have to jump down in front of it to continue attacking. | | However, you'll want to only pull off a few combos and run out of the area | | of effect of the spell. Otherwise, you'll suffer damage. | | | | When the horns are glowing, the Behemoth is about to summon a giant black | | ball of energy. It will split soon after into homing balls, so jump off the | | back at this time and Dodge Roll around under the Behemoth to attempt to | | avoid the attack. | | | | Of course, both of these attacks won't do much to you if you have plenty of | | MP, healing items, and Aerora. So you can just take these attacks as they | | come, let Sora get hit, and just attack like mad to get the battle over | | faster. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Black Fungus | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 9 ATK: 18 | | | EXP: 96 DEF: ?? | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Munny | | | Items: Mystery Goo - ??% | | | Mystery Mold - ??% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The drop rate and defense data for these guys is still a bit of a mystery | | to me (the Brady Games guide's defense value doesn't seem quite right to | | me, considering it takes forever to kill these guys). Anyway, the idea here | | is that you should kill these guys before they either poison you or turn to | | stone. | | | | You'll be poisoned if you are caught in their spore cloud. This attack is | | easily predicted, as the cloud will surround them every time they land | | after a jump. Being poisoned will slowly deplete your HP, so back off and | | use Cure or a healing item. | | | | The other thing that these Heartless do after a while is turn to stone. | | While they are stone, they are impervious to any sort of attack (this, | | unfortunately, doesn't stop your teammates from trying). At this point, all | | you can do is wait until they turn purply-black again. | | | | As far as the drop rate goes, you won't get anything (munny or items) if | | you kill them with anything OTHER than a finishing blow. Even when you do | | kill them with a finishing blow, there's only a 20% chance that they'll | | drop items. This 20% chance is broken up into two tables. | | | | 18% of the time, you'll get this drop table: | | | | Munny | | Items: Mystery Goo (100%) | | Mystery Mold (10%) | | | | 2% of the time, you'll get this drop table: | | | | Munny | | Items: Mystery Goo (100%) | | Mystery Mold (100%) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Blue Rhapsody | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 24 ATK: 11 | | | EXP: 1 DEF: 10 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 60 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 60 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | MP balls | | | Items: Ether - 1% | | | Frost Shard - 12% | | | Blizzara Ring - 0.5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | A new type of wizard enemy will greet you in the Coliseum games. Much like | | their Red counterparts, Blue Nocturnes like to fly around and cast Blizzard | | spells at you. You have to be quick at eliminating them before they | | decimate you with their spells. Obviously, they are weak against fire, | | though your advantage has been lessened since Fire targets only single | | enemies. Still, Fire uses less MP, and you can shoot them off pretty fast, | | so you shouldn't have a problem. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Bouncywild | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 30 ATK: 12 | | | EXP: 4 DEF: 11 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 90 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 60 DEF: 27 | | | | | Slips on Peel | Munny | | | Items: Ether - 20% | | | Mega-Ether - 4% | | | Power Shard - 24% | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Power Shard - 12% | | | Protera Chain - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Much like the Powerwilds, Bouncywilds will jump around and dodge your | | attacks, although they are much more agile. They also will disappear after | | a while, so close in fast! They give a LOT of munny when defeated, and will | | even lose munny and items when they slip on their own banana peels. Watch | | out though, you will lose munny as well if you slip on one. Bouncywilds | | will also throw things at you from a distance. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Darkball | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 60 ATK: 31 | | | EXP: 32 DEF: 24 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 90 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 60 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 1% | | | Lucid Crystal - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Darkballs can be quite annoying at first, especially without your Keyblade. | | They can charge at you and bite you, and they can also flip out and move | | around really fast, which deflects your attacks. Watch out when they | | disappear. They move around as smoke for a while, and when they reform, the | | energy emitted can hurt you. They tend to target you while reforming. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Defender | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 240 ATK: 31 | | | EXP: 120 DEF: 24 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 300 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 240 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Elixir - 1% | | | Bright Crystal - 2% | | | Defender - 0.2% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These large Heartless defend themselves with a large shield. The shield | | itself can spit out fire and blizzard magic. The fireball can be deflected | | with a properly timed swing of the Keyblade, but the resulting damage is | | minimal. Watch out for the icy spread of the blizzard spell though, as you | | can't deflect it. To quickly destroy these monsters, use Gravity. Circle | | around to their backs while they are flattened and finish them off with a | | few attacks. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Fat Bandit | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 240 ATK: 18 | | | EXP: 20 DEF: 15 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 300 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 240 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 4% | | | Blaze Gem - 8% | | | Firaga Ring - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fat Bandits are much different than the little Bandits. Much like Large | | Bodies, you cannot damage them from the front. They like to breathe fire at | | you, and will turn around quickly to do so if you are behind them. They | | also spit high velocity fireballs at you, but they aren't too hard to | | dodge. They have a lot of HP, but persistence is the key to defeating them. | | Gravity works particularly well in this case. Also, if you have MP to | | spare, throw a Sonic in once in a while to really damage these guys. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Gargoyle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 70 ATK: 24 | | | EXP: 20 DEF: 10 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 135 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 120 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Items: Ether - 2% | | | Mega-Ether - 0.5% | | | Lucid Gem - 4% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Gargoyles are flying enemies that don't pose too much of a threat. They | | will usually try to dive bomb you, but you should be able to kill them | | before they can even attack. They drop a lot of MP Balls when defeated. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Green Requiem | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 15 ATK: 15 | | | EXP: 4 DEF: 12 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 45 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 90 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | MP balls | | | Items: Ether - 4% | | | Bright Shard - 10% | | | Protera Chain - 0.5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The final type of small wizards that you'll face are these tiny green ones | | that fly around and cast Cure spells on other enemies. This is not a good | | thing, so you should definitely take care of them first. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Invisible | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (End of | HP: 300 ATK: 40 | | the World) | EXP: 120 DEF: 30 | | | | | Stats (Coliseum) | HP: 300 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 120 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | MP balls | | | Items: Gale - 6% | | | Elixir - 5% | | | Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Orichalcum - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These frightening new enemies are giant shadows with swords. They are | | incredibly quick and agile, and it can be tough to hit them at times. They | | have an attack where they float out of reach and rain energy down on Sora. | | When you see one stick its sword in the ground, it turns into smoke (much | | like the Darkballs) and follows you around. When you see the smoke pause, | | use a Dodge Roll to move out of the constricting energy. Invisibles drop | | Gales quite often (especially with Lucky Strike equipped). | | | | Gravity is effective, but they move around a lot, so you may miss a few | | times while casting. Still, your spell could catch a different Invisible | | during a battle, or even multiple ones! To easily catch a targeted | | Invisible in a Gravity spell, cast it JUST after the enemy has moved. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Large Body | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 160 ATK: 11 | | | EXP: 7 DEF: 10 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 300 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 240 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 4% | | | Spirit Shard - 12% | | | Protera Chain - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These hulking Heartless enemies are quite annoying. It may be tempting | | to get rid of them in the beginning of a battle because of the annoying | | belly attacks, but wait until you have at least killed any Red Nocturnes | | nearby. Try to save the Large Body for last. When attacking it, keep | | moving, as it is surprisingly nimble for its girth. You don't want to be | | in front of it when it jumps forward. Try to get around to its back and | | combo it from there. If it taps its stomach, there is an extremely high | | chance it will ram into you unless you find higher grounds or blast it with | | magic. It also swings its arms at you after combos. The Large Body has a | | lot of HP so it will take more than a few hits to bring one down. | | | | When you have singled out a Large Body, wait for it to attack. After you | | dodge it, the Large Body's back will be exposed for a combo. If you prefer | | a face-to-face encounter, you'll have to rely on magic to bring down its | | HP. If you've tailored Sora to use magic, you'll have a distinct advantage | | when fighting these guys. | | | | Large Bodies tend to become extremely dangerous when low on HP. When you | | them start to glow, be ready for them to relentlessly run at you. The best | | thing you can do at this point is to wait for them to get close, and hit | | them in the stomach with the Keyblade. While this won't damage them, it | | does completely stop the attack and daze the enemy, letting you close in | | for the kill. Magic is also a good alternative at this point, though it | | won't stop the charge attack. A few quick Fire spells will kill one off. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Pirate | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 105 ATK: 27 | | | EXP: 28 DEF: 21 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 120 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 90 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Mega-Potion - 1% | | | Power Gem - 4% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fighting Pirates is much the same as fighting Bandits in Agrabah. Use the | | same tactics you used back then. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Pot Spider | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 21 ATK: 18 | | | EXP: 2 DEF: 15 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 60 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 30 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Munny | | | Items: Tent - 1% | | | Camping Set - 0.5% | | | Mythril Shard - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | What can I say? Other than tricking you into thinking they're a regular pot | | (which only works a few times at the most), they don't do much, really. | | Just attack them for lots of munny. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Powerwild | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 30 ATK: 12 | | | EXP: 4 DEF: 11 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 120 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 90 DEF: 27 | | | | | Slips on Peel | Munny | | | Items: Ether - 20% | | | Mega-Ether - 4% | | | Power Shard - 16% | | | Potion - 2% | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Power Shard - 8% | | | Protera Chain - 0.5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These monkey-like heartless will jump around and dodge many of your | | attacks, and they are good at blocking too. Just keep your ground and close | | in to attack. They yield lots of munny and HP balls. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Rare Truffle | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 200 ATK: N/A | | | EXP: None DEF: N/A | | | | | Hit 10 times | Items: Elixir - 100% | | | Mystery Goo - 20% | | | | | Hit 50 times | Items: Elixir - 100% | | | Mystery Goo - 40% | | | Shiitake Rank - 100% | | | | | Hit 100 times | Items: Megalixir - 100% | | | Mystery Goo - 100% | | | Matsutake Rank - 100% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rare Truffles won't attack you, so there's nothing in terms of battle | | strategy that you need to know. They also won't give you experience points | | when you defeat them. However, you can accumulate a lot of technical | | experience points and nice items if you follow the rules of their game. | | | | The point of their game is to keep them up in the air as long as possible | | by hitting them with your keyblade. If you let it touch the ground once, | | your're done--the Truffle will get mad and disappear. Your best bet is to | | remove any extravagant abilities from Sora that will cause simple jumping | | and keyblade swings to not work well. | | | | To begin the bouncing game with the Truffle, hit it once to send it flying | | into the air. From here, tap O and X rythmically to keep the fellow | | airborne and content. After 100 hits (at which point its HP will run out) | | the mushroom will disappear and leave you with its final table of prizes. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Red Nocturne | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 24 ATK: 9 | | | EXP: 1 DEF: 9 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 60 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 60 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Ether - 1% | | | Blaze Shard - 6% | | | Fira Ring - 0.5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | After you shrink, you will probably encounter a new enemy called the Red | | Nocturne. These pests like to fly around the room and cast Fire spells | | at you. You have to be quick at eliminating them before they decimate | | you with their spells. If you are skilled at deflecting, you can hit their | | spells back at them to stun them. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Screwdriver | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 48 ATK: 22 | | | EXP: 15 DEF: 19 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 120 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 90 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Thunder Gem - 4% | | | Thundaga Ring - 0.2% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Screwdrivers are basically underwater Soldiers. They attack using their | | spears, and have some pretty annoying charge attacks. Try to take care | | of these guys first whenever fighting large groups of enemies. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Sea Neon | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 30 ATK: 22 | | | EXP: 8 DEF: 19 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 60 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 60 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Ether - 1% | | | Frost Gem - 4% | | | Blizzaga Ring - 0.2% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sea Neons don't do much more than charge at you. Use Fira on them to get | | rid of them quickly. The MP balls they drop will more than make up for your | | expended spell. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Search Ghost | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 45 ATK: 21 | | | EXP: 10 DEF: 17 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 120 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 120 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | MP balls | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Mega-Potion - 1% | | | Bright Gem - 4% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Search Ghosts don't have very many attacks. They charge at you and flail | | their arms, and they can also phase out and appear behind you. When | | defeated, they give out big HP and MP balls. Use Fire for faster kills. | | | | Also, if you kill them when they are glowing, you'll get more HP and MP | | balls. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Shadow (Opening Dream) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 10 ATK: 2 | | (Opening Dream) | EXP: 1 DEF: 2 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | | |------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Stats | HP: 12 ATK: 6 | | (Destiny Islands)| EXP: 1 DEF: 6 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Items: Potion - 5% | | | | |------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Stats | HP: 12 ATK: 8 | | (Traverse Town) | EXP: 1 DEF: 8 | | | | | Stats | HP: 12 ATK: 9 | | (Wonderland) | EXP: 1 DEF: 9 | | | | | Stats | HP: 12 ATK: 11 | | (Coliseum) | EXP: 1 DEF: 10 | | | | | Stats | HP: 18 ATK: 12 | | (Deep Jungle) | EXP: 1 DEF: 11 | | | | | Stats | HP: 21 ATK: 18 | | (Agrabah) | EXP: 2 DEF: 15 | | | | | Stats | HP: 36 ATK: 21 | | (Monstro) | EXP: 4 DEF: 17 | | | | | Stats | HP: 39 ATK: 24 | | (Halloween Town) | EXP: 6 DEF: 20 | | | | | Stats | HP: 42 ATK: 27 | | (Neverland) | EXP: 8 DEF: 21 | | | | | Stats | HP: 54 ATK: 31 | | (Hollow Bastion) | EXP: 16 DEF: 24 | | | | | Stats (End | HP: 60 ATK: 40 | | of the World) | EXP: 30 DEF: 30 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 60 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 30 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Items: Potion - 1% | | | Lucid Shard - 6% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Shadows are the basic creatures that you will fight in Kingdom Hearts. They | | don't have a lot of HP, and they aren't very strong either. They tend to | | attack in large groups, and will sink into the floor sometimes. You can't | | hit them while they are in the floor. The only attack they seem to possess | | is a scratching attack. Spells like Blizzard and Thunder work well for | | thinning the ranks. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Shadow Sora | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: 120 ATK: 27 | | | EXP: 150 DEF: 21 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | Munny | | | Items: Mega-Potion - 40% | | | Elixir - 5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | You'll encounter these clones of Sora occasionally. They are able to fly | | around the room even before you get the Glide ability, and they like to | | kick you a lot. Defeating them shouldn't be too tough. If you get kicked by | | one, Sora's munny will fly outward. You'll have to collect it again if you | | want it back. These enemies will stop appearing after certain events in the | | game. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Sheltering Zone | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 90 ATK: 22 | | | EXP: 20 DEF: 19 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 240 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 150 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Ether - 4% | | | Frost Gem - 8% | | | Blizzaga Ring - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These are just slow giant versions of the Sea Neons. They don't attack | | often, and when they do, it's easy to avoid. When defeated, they split into | | a bunch of Sea Neons. Try not to touch their bodies either, as this will | | harm you. If you finish a Sheltering Zone with a Fira attack, it won't | | split into Sea Neons, and you will get munny and MP Balls. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Soldier | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 24 ATK: 8 | | | EXP: 3 DEF: 8 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 120 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 90 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Potion - 2% | | | Spirit Shard - 8% | | | Protect Chain - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Soldiers are bigger than Shadows, but you usually won't fight as many at | | one time as you did with Shadows. These Heartless attack by quickly | | dashing at you. You can block their attacks by swinging your Keyblade | | right when they dash, and you will get Tech Points. Aerial combos tend | | to work very well against them. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | White Mushroom | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats | HP: N/A ATK: N/A | | | EXP: None DEF: N/A | | | | | Satisfy with 3 | MP balls | | spells | Items: X Shard - 100% | | | X Gem - 10% | | | Mystery Goo - 10% | | | | | Satisfy with the | Items: Z Arts - 100% | | same 3 spells | Y Gem - 40% | | | Mystery Goo - 20% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | White Mushrooms are harmless. They exist solely for you to cater to their | | fickle whims. You do this by casting whatever spell they crave upon them. | | By watching their actions, you can determine which spell is the correct one | | to cast. Casting the incorrect spell, casting a spell when they aren't | | asking for one, or hitting them will cause them to disappear. | | | | The items each mushroom will drop depend on the final spell you cast on | | them. To fill in the X or Y on the drop table, use the following chart to | | see which spells will earn you which item: | | | | Fire - Blaze | | Blizzard - Frost | | Thunder - Thunder | | Cure - Bright | | Aero - Spirit | | Gravity - Lucid | | Stop - Power | | | | The Z for the Arts item is merely the name of the spell you happen to | | choose. | | | | For much more detail, check out the Mushrooms section. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Wight Knight | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 60 ATK: 24 | | | EXP: 16 DEF: 20 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 120 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 90 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Mega-Potion - 0.5% | | | Lucid Gem - 1% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | These tall lanky creatures are rather hard to hit. They jump around a lot | | and block many of your attacks. They like to jump behind you and attack, | | and will often attack in the air. Guard and Counterattack are two great | | abilities you can use to defeat these guys. When they jump straight up in | | the air and attempt to attack you from behind, quickly hit Guard and then | | press X to Counterattack and break through their defenses. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Wizard | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 75 ATK: 31 | | | EXP: 90 DEF: 24 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 90 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 150 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Items: Ether - 2% | | | Shiny Crystal - 2% | | | Wizard's Relic - 0.2% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wizards are the opposite of Defenders. They fly around the room casting all | | different types of magic at you. When they use thunder magic, they are | | impervious to attack, so watch out. They can also disappear and reform | | somewhere else. On rare occasions, they will drop Donald's Wizard's Relic | | staff. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Wyvern | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 135 ATK: 31 | | | EXP: 65 DEF: 24 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 150 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 120 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | HP balls | | | Items: Hi-Potion - 2% | | | Elixir - 0.5% | | | Power Crystal - 2% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wyverns typically hover just out of your reach, or over pits that you don't | | want to fall into. They will try to ram and dive bomb you, but they aren't | | too much of a threat compared to the other monsters in Hollow Bastion. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' _____________________________________________________________________________ |=============================================================================| | Yellow Opera | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stats (Pre HB) | HP: 24 ATK: 15 | | | EXP: 3 DEF: 12 | | | | | Stats (Post HB) | HP: 60 ATK: 35 | | | EXP: 60 DEF: 27 | | | | | Drops (Defeated) | MP balls | | | Munny | | | Items: Ether - 1% | | | Thunder Shard - 8% | | | Thundara Ring - 0.5% | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This third type of wizard will cast--you guessed it--Thunder spells at you. | | They aren't much different from their red or blue cousins, so you shouldn't | | have too much trouble with them at this point. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| '=============================================================================' o=============================================================================o \ 21. 'Simple and Clean' Lyrics [lrcs] / o=========================================================================o There's nothing like a little J-Pop, huh? Simple And Clean written by Utada Hikaru ----------------------- You're giving me too many things Lately you're all I need You smiled at me and said, Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to meet your father? When we are older you'll understand What I meant when I said "no, I don't think life is quite that simple" *When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go The daily things that keep us all busy Are confusing me That's when you came to me and said, Wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have to walk on water? When we are older you'll understand It's enough when I say so And maybe some things are that simple repeat* **Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before repeat* repeat** repeat** o=============================================================================o \ 22. Version History [vrhs] / o=========================================================================o 0.1 - (9-24-02) - Completed the Story section - Worked on the Characters section - Finished the Controls section - Started the Weapons section - Wrote the 'Simple and Clean' lyrics - The walkthrough goes up through Wonderland. - I have a lot of work to do. :p 0.2 - (9-29-02) - Added new ASCII art at the top - Added new Summon Spells section (I haven't started it yet) - Added the Gummi Ship Builder Section (haven't started this either) - I added part of the Coliseum to the walkthrough and touched up a few mistakes, especially in Traverse Town. The Coliseum section needs work, and I need to wait for a new PS2 (mine is broken) to touch up the section. - I realized that munny doesn't start with a capital letter, so I went through the document and fixed that. - Finished the Magic section - Finished the Items section - Finished the Weapons section 0.5 - (10-22-02) - Added more to the Characters section; I took descriptions from the game - Completed the insanely detailed Synthesis Shop section. Check it out! - Completed the ability section - Added more to the Items section (it wasn't complete after all) - Finished the Dalmatians section - Implemented the Perfectionist's Challenge Section 0.6 - (12-08-02) - I added a lot to the walkthrough, and I'm sure you'll find it much less confusing - I added many new lists after the walkthrough, and I also touched up a few others - Deleted the Perfectionist's Challenge Section... I didn't like it - Deleted the Character Section 0.9 - (2-24-03) - I'm really almost done this time. - Finished the Accessories Section - Finished the Summons Section - Finished the Mushrooms Section - Finished the Enemies Section - Completed an enormous chunk of the Walkthrough and touched up some other parts Final - (2-28-03) - Finished the Walkthrough - Finished the Blueprint Locations section - I'm done... my first Walkthrough ever. Final - (9-1-05) - Apparently I'm dyslexic. Changed many instances of "left" to "right," or vice versa - Capitalized items in the strategy - Fixed borders - Added more to the boss strategies (check 'em out!) - Fixed... other stuff... like uh, appendixes and added some other stuff... shut up I forget. 1.75 - (12-22-08) - Learned my lesson about calling anything "Final" - Massive revamp, much better everything 2.0 - (1-26-09) - Annnnnd... I think that's it. That's all folks. The End. o=============================================================================o \ 23. Thanks [thx!] / o=========================================================================o Bubs! Sbmacias, thanks for the idea to put a section on summons in. TestaALT, thanks for Donald's list of weapons, it saved me some time. :) Michael Crisefi, thanks for the tip on the torches in the Coliseum. SonoJimmy for the info on leveling. Brady Games Kingdom Hearts guide for the info on the enemies. I'd like to thank the following sites for hosting and support: www.gamefaqs.com www.gamespot.com www.kh13.com www.supercheats.com www.robsgaming.com www.pregaming.com www.gamestats.com www.rpgdreamers.com www.ign.com www.cheatplanet.com This document is copyrighted by law, meaning you shouldn't steal it and use it without permission by me. I would be glad to give permission, just ask me first. Plagiarism is bad. Do, however, feel free to print out the guide, but just don't sell it or rip it off, or whatever. _____ _____ _#############. .#############_ (#################. .################## #######"" ""#####) #####"" `"####### (##### .## (###_###) ##_ #####) ####) ##" (###### `##. (#### ####) ###_. ####)#### _###) (#### (###) `######### #########` (#### (#### """"" """""` ####) ##### ##### ######. ###### ######. .###### `#####_ _#####` #####_ _##### `##### ##### `####. .####` `#### ####` `### ###` `### ###` ##### `### ### `#`