@ @ @@@ AUTHOR'S APPEAL @@@ @@@@@ __________________________________________ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ | | @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ | If you enjoy this FAQ, then PLEASE click | @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ | the recommendation link above! Referring | @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ | my guide to others is one great way for | @@@@@ @@@@@ | you to help me AND help others. Thanks! | @@@@@ @@@@@ | | @@@@@ @@@@@ | Also, please consider donating. See the | @@@@@ @@@@@ | Table of Contents for it. Thanks again! | @@@@@ @@@@@ |__________________________________________| @@@@@ _ ___ _ _ _ _ | |/ (_) | | | | | | | | | ' / _ _ __ __ _ __| | ___ _ __ ___ | |__| | ___ __ _ _ __| |_ ___ | < | | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| __ |/ _ \/ _` | '__| __/ __| | . \| | | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | | | | | | | | | __/ (_| | | | |_\__ \ |_|\_\_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|\___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_|\___|\__,_|_| \__|___/ __/ | |___/ Kingdom Hearts © Squaresoft THIS GUIDE USES A U.S./NTSC GAME VERSION O===================================O |INTRO, COPYRIGHTS, and CONTACT INFO| O===================================O Please send any emails to me about this FAQ as titled [ KINGDOM HEARTS PS2 FAQ ] to the email address [ maidenrocks99@gmail.com ] Any questions, comments, information that may be helpful for me is welcome. If you wish to place this guide onto your website, please request permission for that as well. And if you simply wish to tell me "Attaboy!" then that is welcome too, for thanks, while not everything, is still a happy thing to receive. This is a non-profit FAQ with no connections to Squaresoft or any other companies involved with the creation/distribution of this game. This FAQ is Copyright © 2006-2013 Duane Niles. Usage of this guide without permission is Copyright infringement, which is against the law, AND punishable by law. The following sites have permission to "host" this guide: http://www.gamefaqs.com (most recent update) Please, PLEASE let me know if you see this guide on any website other than those above via the email address given. ________________________________ | | O===================| |===================O | Table of Contents | 00.00 O===================| |===================O |________________________________| Easier navigation through this guide has been made by the use of Find Codes. You can use the Find tool in your browser (Ctrl + F) and type in the correct code listed by what you wish to find from the Table of Contents below. Table of Contents- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00.00 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01.00 1. About Me / Donations- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01.01 2. Story - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01.02 3. Controls- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01.03 4. Game Mechanics- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01.04 Logbook, A History of Changes- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 02.00 Walkthrough- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.00 1. Awakening - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.01 2. Destiny Islands - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.02 3. Traverse Town - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.03 4. Wonderland- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.04 5. Traverse Town II- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.05 6. Olympus Coliseum- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.06 7. Traverse Town III - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.07 8. Deep Jungle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.08 9. Traverse Town IV- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.09 10. Olympus Coliseum: Phil Cup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.10 11. Agrabah- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.11 12. Traverse Town V- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.12 13. 100 Acre Wood- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.13 14. Monstro- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.14 15. Traverse Town VI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.15 16. 100 Acre Wood II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.16 17. Olympus Coliseum: Pegasus Cup- - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.17 18. Atlantica- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.18 19. 100 Acre Wood III- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.19 20. Halloween Town - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.20 21. 100 Acre Wood IV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.21 22. Neverland- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.22 23. Traverse Town VII- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.23 24. Olympus Coliseum: Hercules Cup - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.24 25. Hollow Bastion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.25 26. Traverse Town- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.26 27. Hollow Bastion II- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.27 28. End of the World - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.28 29. Olympus Coliseum: Hades Cup- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.29 30. Agrabah: Kurt Zisa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.30 31. Neverland: Phantom - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.31 32. Olympus Coliseum: Gold/Platinum Match- - - - - - - - - 03.32 33. End of the World II- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03.33 Appendix A - Side Quests / Information - - - - - - - - - - - 04.00 1. Trinity Marks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 04.01 2. Dalmatians- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 04.02 3. Torn Pages- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 04.03 4. Synthesis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 04.04 5. Ultimate Weapons- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 04.05 6. Secret Bosses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 04.06 7. Ansem's Reports - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 04.07 Credits- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05.00 Legals, Copyright and Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 06.00 ________________________________ | | O===================| |===================O | Introduction | 01.00 O===================| |===================O |________________________________| o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | About Me / Donations 01.01 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Hi; the name's Duane! I started writing some video game guides/FAQs when I was just a kid. Across a couple years, I put out fifteen (15) guides, and then life took over and I pretty much vanished. It's been a decade or so and I'm a student trying to work my way into the world, though I have a few years before I can get there. I intend to pick up the pace, at least as much as I can, with these guides, and get some heavy hitters out there finally, but again, this passion of mine costs time, and, well, time really is money. So I would like to say, and this is by no means some requirement, that if you enjoy this guide (or any of my other guides), then PLEASE consider giving a little donation, even if it's just a tiny bit of something. ANYTHING will help me, as I have many things that I need to address, let alone the fact that gaming itself is an expensive hobby. But in the long run, the reason I ask is this MOST importantly: Donations will help me write more and more guides, and therefore give YOU more and more of what you wish to see. PAYPAL ======== If you donate through PayPal, please visit [ https:// www . paypal . com/webapps/mpp/send-money-online ] or navigate to PayPal yourself and choose "Transfer" -> "Send Someone Money" and use the following email address [ maidenrocks99@gmail.com ] If you use the link, ensure to remove the spaces from it before going! THANK YOU very much, everyone. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Story 01.02 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o From the manual: The Destiny Islands are a beautiful paradise where children's laughter abounds. Day after day, Sora, Riku, and Kairi talk and dream of new places, new worlds beyond their islands. They ponder the usual questions that adolescents do - about the world outside, about their own existence. Little do they know a great destiny awaits them. One stormy night, a terrible darkness invades the Destiny Islands. Thus does their journey begin... Sora awakens in another world, in a place called Traverse Town. His hopes of seeing new worlds are realized, but his friends Riku and Kairi are nowhere in sight. Meanwhile, Donald and Goofy have also arrived to Traverse Town. They have come from Disney Castle in search of a "key" and its owner. Their king, who has mysteriously disappeared, has left them a cryptic message: "Now, there's somebody with a 'key' - the key to our survival... We need that key." What is happening to this world? The "somebody" mentioned by the missing king turns out to be Sora. To find Kairi and Riku, Sora joins Donald and Goofy and embarks on an epic journey. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Controls 01.03 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o -=-Normal Use-=- Left Analog = Move Sora Right Analog = Move menu cursor Left Analog (press) = N/A Right Analog (press) = Select menu choice D-Pad = Move menu cursor CROSS button = Choose menu command/Use spell while L1 held CIRCLE button = Jump/Cancel TRIANGLE button = Make members attack targeted enemy/Use spell while L1 held SQUARE button = Use spell while L1 held L1 button = Hold for spell menu R1 button = Lock on target L2 button = Move camera/Cycle locked on targets R2 button = Move camera/Cycle locked on targets Start = Pause game/Display menu Select = Toggle first person view -=-Special Uses-=- SQUARE button = If Superglide is enabled, makes Sora slowly glide/Descend while flying or swimming CIRCLE button = If Glide is enabled, makes Sora glide/Ascend while flying or swimming o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Game Mechanics 01.04 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o -=-Game Screen-=- The game screen may take a little getting used to. First off, the there's usually not much on it. But later on two things will be added, including one more thing depending on a skill you have enabled. ::BOTTOM LEFT CORNER:: The bottom left area is the COMMAND AREA. The COMMAND AREA is where, obviously, your Commands are. The first Command is the Action Command. It is almost always Attack, which is to attack enemies or certain attackable items. But sometimes it changes to something context-suitable, such as Examine for an object, or Talk for a person. The second Command is not there until later in the game. This is the Magic Command, where you use spells you have acquired. The third Command is the Items command, where you use items that are equipped on each character; more on that later. The final Command is usually a question mark except for special cases, such as using a special skill on an enemy you have equipped, or for activating a Trinity mark. ::BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER:: The bottom right area is Sora's status. His picture shows how well he is doing, and will change to mimic how he is. The green bar shows his HP, or Health Points. As he takes damage, his HP will decrease. He can restore his HP by standing on a Save Point or by using Potions and other such items. The blue bar shows his MP, or Magic Points. As he uses Magic skills, his MP will decrease. He can restore his MP by standing on a Save Point or by using Ethers and other such items. Also, as his maximum MP increases, a new small bar will appear in the MP bar. It is an orange bar that increases whenever you recover MP, and when the bar reaches the end of the blue bar, a new blue MP block will be fully restored. ::TOP RIGHT CORNER:: The top right area will show the status of other party members with Sora. They act the exact same way as Sora's status, except they are only active when other people are with Sora. ::TOP LEFT CORNER:: The top left area will only operate if you have the skill Scan equipped, which is learned early on in the game. This will show the HP bar of the currently targeted or highlighted enemy or boss, except it will be a straight bar rather than Sora and the party's curved bars. ::CENTER AREA:: The center is usually where a targeted object will be moved. If you lock on to something, the screen turns until that object or thing is around the center. If you move too far away in a direction and the object is taken off the center, it will most likely be untargeted. -=-Items-=- Using items in Kingdom Hearts may be a bit different than other games. To use items, you must make sure they are equipped to characters. Thus, whenever you want to be able to use an item such as a Potion, you must first have a Potion. Then, in the menu, go to Items and then Stock. Choose the Potion, then Exchange and choose a slot on one the characters you wish to equip it too. For example, if you equip Sora with a Potion, you can use the Potion in battle or while exploring by choosing the Items Command, Potion, and finally who you wish to use it on. -=-Gummi Ship Traveling-=- Later in the game when you receive a Gummi Ship, you must travel to new worlds this way by traveling in a sort of mini-game where you destroy enemy ships. It is generally straightforward and not that hard. You just need to move the ship to aim it at enemies. Also, even later on, you'll receive a Warp Gummi piece, which will allow you to automatically Warp to a world you've been to already on the World Map. The only time you can't Warp is when you haven't been to the chosen world; you must complete the traveling mini-game to reach it. -=-Magic and Abilities-=- You will have the option to use Magic and various Abilities in Kingdom Hearts. As you learn them, you can view them in the menu. Magic normally doesn't need any tweaking, as you always have it, although you may wish to make shortcuts by choosing Customize in the menu. Here, you can map spells to button shortcuts that you wish to use. For example, you can map Fire to the Cross button. Therefore, to use the shortcut in battle, you will hold L1 and press X to cast Fire. Vice versa, you can map it to the Triangle button, and press L1 and then Triangle to cast it. Abilities are where the tweaking is needed. Abilities need to be equipped, and you can have many Abilities at once. The only thing to watch is your AP, or Ability Points. Equipping Abilities to a character will decrease their AP, and if you don't have the amount of AP needed to equip another Ability, you can't equip it. You must be careful when balancing Abilities and AP. Really think if you need that Ability or not. Don't worry though, as your AP will increase as you level up in the game. ________________________________ | | O===================| |===================O | Logbook, A History of Changes | 02.00 O===================| |===================O |________________________________| DATE REACHED : PLACE REACHED ---------------------------- 11/11/06 : I began the guide today on one of my favorite games. Even though I've beaten it a lot, I never made a guide. That's why I'm doing so now. Not to mention there's still quite a bit of people who haven't played it yet either. 11/12/06 : I didn't get much done yesterday, but now I'm working on the main game. 11/30/06 : I finally got back into the guide now. I have to admit I didn't get much done but I did finish Traverse Town. 12/02/06 : Short break and I've back to writing yet again. I completed about three worlds so I did pretty good! 12/03/06 : So far it looks like this is the first day that I've actually continued on instead of waiting for like 3 days. Hooray for me. 12/08/06 : School has been keeping me down, but I'm back on track. Got the weekend ahead of me. Just a little bit through Agrabah. 12/09/06 : Finishing up Agrabah today, I hope. Still got one more day of the weekend left. I want to get a lot more done before Christmas break as I most likely won't be doing this during that time! 12/10/06 : Back to work yet again. I got quite a bit done today. I finished all the way up to Halloween Town's beginning. Go me! 12/11/06 : Man I really hate schoolwork. Luckily it's not preventing me from working on this at the moment. I've finished up to a good portion through the first Hollow Bastion visit. Glad that I got so much done today. I should hopefully be done tomorrow or the next day. 12/12/06 : Well, just some more to go. I finished the first visit of Hollow Bastion. Almost started on the second one. Not a whole lot to go before this is finished. 12/13/06 : Back to work again. I'm very near finishing up the Walthrough and all I'd have to do is finish the Appendix sections then. Just a bit more of the somewhat end part of the game and I'll be done soon. 12/14/06 : Continuing on more and more. I just got past the first part of the last world and I'm starting on the Hades Cup. 12/15/06 : More work, more work. I'm almost at the end of the game now, I just need to finish the last optional boss. 12/16/06 : I have finally finished the whole guide! Now I'm just putting it up for review and it'll be on GameFAQs soon. Oh, and to people that actually read this logbook thing, thank you. !!! VERSION 1.0 - 12/16/06 !!! 04/05/07 : Made an update to fix the upperscore symbols. As they do not show up properly on non-Windows computers, and I did not know this, I wanted to fix it so it didn't look weird. It's a small fix, but still. 01/13/13 : Update contact information, guide info, copyrights, some stylistic changes and so on. Making a revival of my guides! ________________________________ | | O===================| |===================O | Walkthrough | 03.00 O===================| |===================O |________________________________| [NOTE 1] ONE HUGE NOTE: if you are afraid of spoilers, then be wary! I will likely divulge some things along the way, if not good portions of things. [NOTE 2] The chapters I use to split up the game are what I believe to be the best path to take in the game. You may go other ways, but you'll wind up at every spot I describe at some point, so it's best to follow the guide. [NOTE 3] This guide is being done under the Normal difficulty of the game. If you are on Expert, things may be a little bit harder for you. [NOTE 4] I highly recommend that whenever Sora learns the ability called Scan, that you equip it on him and keep it. That's how you'll tell how much health is left on the enemies and/or bosses you are fighting. I usually use the color of bosses' HP bars as waypoints, such as I'll say "when you get the bar down to yellow, then the boss..." and so on. [NOTE 5] There are different Commands in the game. You'll always have your Command Menu in the bottom left of the screen as you go around worlds. In the guide, when I capitalize certain normal words like Examine or Pull, that means I'm telling you to use that Command on the thing I tell you to. Commands like that are usually the bottom one in the Command Menu. It is always a ? mark until you target something you can use the Command with. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Awakening 03.01 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o ------------------- Snow White Platform ------------------- After the introductory video, you will be on top of a platform painted with Snow White and the Seven Dwarves on it. This will be somewhat of a tutorial. Follow what it says and move forward. Three pedestals will appear, each holding a Sword, Shield, and Staff. You must choose one to keep. After that, you'll choose one to sacrifice. Keeping the Sword makes you stronger, the Shield makes you more protected, and the Staff makes you have more MP and AP, which are Magic Points and Ability Points. Sacrificing the Sword makes you weaker, the Shield makes you less protected, and the Staff makes have less MP and AP. The most balanced out statistics is to keep the Staff, and sacrifice the Sword. Also, take notice that depending on what you keep, you'll get different skills early on. If you keep Sword, you'll have more attack abilities. If you choose Shield, it'll be defense. And if you choose Staff, it'll be magic. Personally, I chose Staff then Sword, my first two playthroughs. Then I just went random on plays after that. ------------------- Cinderella Platform ------------------- After you choose what you want, the glass shatters and you fall to the next platform. Here, you'll be holding the weapon you chose to keep. Use it to defeat the Shadow Heartless that appear, and just follow the directions that pop up. After you're finished, you'll fall to yet another platform. It will be an unknown platform, but it is still painted. It has a door on it, so choose to examine it. It won't open, but a chest appears. Open the chest to get nothing. A crate will appear, so break it for a Potion. Finally, break the barrel that appears and the door will turn into a real one. Examine it for a second time. --------------------- Destiny Islands Haven --------------------- You'll wind up in a little haven area with Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie, your friends. They'll each ask you questions. Your answers determine the speed of how you level up with EXP, or Experience Points, that you get from defeating enemies and other things. If you choose all the first answers, you'll start at Dawn. You'll level up fast until you reach around the halfway mark to Level 100, then you'll level up slower to 100. If you choose all the second answers, you'll start at Midday. You'll level up normally the whole way. If you choose all the last answers, you'll start at Dusk. You'll level up slow until you reach around the halfway mark to Level 100, then you'll level up faster to 100. Choose wisely. If you're a beginner, I recommend all the second answers. After choosing your answers, you'll be transported again. ------------------------ Sleeping Beauty Platform ------------------------ Here you will face around 10 or more Shadows. If you take more than 5 hits maximum, you probably need to practice fighting more in the game. After you defeat them, a Save Point will appear. This is only one type of Save Point. There is another you will see later on. Stand on top of it and choose Save. Save your game if you want, and follow the path that appeared in the air to another platform. -------------- Belle Platform -------------- At the top, Sora's shadow will come alive. First, it will just be a dark form of Sora, but then after the camera turns back, it will be a huge dark beast. It even has an empty space in the middle of it shaped like a heart. This is the first boss battle, however easy it may be. ______________ |BOSS: Darkside| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 18 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Darkside is basically a shadow beast who has been maximized in his | | size. He aims to beat Sora to a pulp, but we won't let that happen. He | | will not be much of a problem for you, unless you're really bad at | | fighting bosses in this game. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The first thing to do is to just run forward in front of him. He will | | probably start by slamming his fist in the ground, which is his weak | | point. Just target his hand and attack it with all your might, while | | it is stuck in the ground. After he takes it out, he'll do whatever. | | Just dodge the beams and you'll be fine. He'll go back to whatever, | | and keep alternating this pattern over and over. Just keep laying the | | smackdown on his hand to take him out. | |________________________________________________________________________| No matter if you win or lose, you will wake up from all this, as if it was a dream, on your home of Destiny Islands. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Destiny Islands 03.02 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o ------- Day One ------- After the scene that plays with Sora and his friends, you'll be in front of Kairi. Talk to her to hear what to do now. You'll have to find: Cloth x1 Logs x2 Rope x1 First, the logs are nearby. Turn around and swim out to the little island and go behind it. Climb up the wooden ladder and get the Log next to you. Riku is here, but don't duel him yet. Go to the bridge and drop off to the left. The next Log should be right by you. Now, head towards Wakka. Go up the steps and ramp next to him, then go right and up the stairs leading to a room at the top of them. Inside the room, there's a Cloth hanging on the wall. Go back out and drop to the beach by Wakka again. Go back up the steps and ramp again, then up the ladder towards the left. Follow the platform to where Tidus is, and grab the Rope nearby. Now with everything, you can do some free stuff. Talk to Tidus, who is by where you got the Rope. He will challenge you to a duel. ___________ |DUEL: Tidus| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :SUMMARY: | | Tidus is a big pushover for a duel. If he wins, you probably should | | not duel anymore people. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The easiest thing to do is just dodge an attack, then hit him three | | times. Then dodge another and keep it going. You may be able to get | | two combos in at once sometimes, but don't try it a lot. It should be | | over soon. | |________________________________________________________________________| Now, you should head back to the beach. Selphie is sitting on the pier, so you should probably duel her next if you want. _____________ |DUEL: Selphie| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :SUMMARY: | | She's a relatively easy duel too. Her weapons a little weird to dodge | | though. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Selphie is certainly the most annoying person to duel. Her voice is | | is pretty dumb and the jump rope is pretty hard to dodge. Just keep | | moving around and whenever you get a combo hit on her, just keep on | | doing it. | |________________________________________________________________________| After defeating Selphie, walk over to Wakka and duel him. ___________ |DUEL: Wakka| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :SUMMARY: | | Wakka is a pretty easy guy to duel like Tidus. His Blitz Ball is not | | a really hard weapon to avoid. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Just run around avoiding the Blitz Ball. Whenever he's open, just keep | | hitting Wakka with all your might. | |________________________________________________________________________| Now, you have no one left to duel. Oh wait, we do! Remember Riku on the little island? Head to him and challenge him. __________ |DUEL: Riku| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :SUMMARY: | | Oh, Riku is one hell of a fighter alright. He's probably the hardest | | to duel on the island. Be sure to have your Potion. Hopefully you did | | not use it up already, or else you'll have some problems with this. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The hard part is that Riku is a heavy hitter. The best thing to do is | | to him hit whenever he is open. If he has just finished and attack and | | you dodged it, try to hit is back. Just keep hitting him and dodge his | | counterattack. Remember, don't let him hit you too much. If you are | | hurt, use the Potion if you still have it. | |________________________________________________________________________| After the fight, you'll receive another Potion if you win. Now, after you're done fighting, you should head back to Kairi. She'll give you a Hi-Potion for finding everything. If you want, call it a day to start up some scenes. ------- Day Two ------- After the scenes finish playing, you'll be back at Destiny Islands for another day. If you haven't saved your game already, you probably should. Look for a door nearby that leads into a little shack room. Inside will be a Save Point much like the one you found on the Sleeping Beauty Platform. Use it the exact same way then head back out. Swim over to the island Riku was on the day before, and talk to Tidus. You can duel against the trio of kids if you want: Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka. I would recommend you do so, for more practice in fighting. _________________ |DUEL: Island Trio| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :SUMMARY: | | The trio of kids isn't really that hard a match if you're quick on | | your feet to dodge everyone. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The first one you should take out is Selphie. She's the most annoying. | | Next to defeat is Tidus, and lastly Wakka should be no problem. Just | | move fast to dodge attacks. | |________________________________________________________________________| After you finish the fight, you'll get a Potion if you win. Now, head over to the door Kairi was at the day before. Enter it and talk to Riku on the other side. Choose a name for your raft and then you'll race Riku for it. Go whatever way you can to be the fastest and after tagging the tree, just run back. Riku is pretty easy to beat even if you mess up. You'll get a Pretty Stone if you win. Now head back to tower thing and look to the right. There's a box, so pick it up and turn around towards the cliff wall with a hole. Throw it under the hole and jump on it to get up to the chest for a Protect Chain. It is best to equip this on Sora right now, to help for later. Now head over to the raft and talk to Kairi. She'll send you item hunting again so you have to find: Seagull Egg x1 Mushroom x3 Coconuts x2 Fish x3 Water x1 Turn right around and look at the rock blocking a hole in the cliff wall. Push it away for a Mushroom. Head around the cliff up to the tower, but don't go up the ladder. Next to the tower in the bushes is another Mushroom. Turn around towards the way you entered the area, and look at the waterfall in the water on the right. Run into the waterfall to get Water in the Empty Bottle. Now go up and out through the door you came in. Go right underneath the bridge and jump into the water. Swim around everywhere to get the three Fish in the water. Afterwards, head to the small island and climb the back ladder. Keep hitting one of the brown trees to make Coconuts fall. You want the yellow ones, not the brown ones. After collecting two yellow Coconuts, cross the bridge. Climb the slim tree and jump onto the top of the brown tree with the Seagull Egg on it. Collect the egg and jump down. Head over to where Wakka is, and look between the waterfall and the big tree thing, in the dark area. There's a hole in the cliff wall so enter it. Head to the back of the cave and collect the last item, the third Mushroom. After receiving it, a cutscene will show with a flashback and Sora drawing himself giving a paopu fruit to Kairi. Then, a cloaked person talking of other worlds will appear. You can examine the door if you want but nothing happens. Leave the cave and head back to Kairi. Talk to her twice and she'll give you a Hi-Potion. She'll ask if you want to call it a day again, so unless you forgot something, I'd say you should do so. Another scene will play with Sora and Kairi talking on the pier. Afterwards, another Disney Castle cutscene will play and Donald and Goofy both take off to another world. Yet again, it cuts back to Sora, but he's at his home. He notices and storm at Destiny Islands and rushes to save the raft. --------------- Heartless Storm --------------- When you arrive at Destiny Islands, there will be weird black creatures that will attack you. Your wooden sword will do no good, so run to the shack by the waterfall. Inside, save your game and make sure you have the Protect Chain equipped if you got it earlier, including any Potions you have. Head up the stairs and out of the door. Head across the bridge to the small island where Riku is standing. Riku will say that the door to the other worlds has opened, and he isn't afraid of the darkness. He offers his hand to Sora, but they are both sucked into the darkness. A light will shine through and Sora will be brought back to the small island, holding a rather large key. A voice will call it the Keyblade, and then more of the black creatures appear. This time you can fight them, so attack them and run towards the waterfall by the shack. Go to where the hole in the cliff wall was before, but there is a door now. Enter it and head to the back of the cave for another scene. Sora will see Kairi and the door bursts open, with dark winds blowing. Kairi passes right through Sora and disappears, then Sora is blown outside. Sora appears on a small floating land in the middle of the darkness tornado. A gigantic monster appears, and you will probably recognize him. It's the same one from the Belle Platform. ______________ |BOSS: Darkside| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 60 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Darkside has not changed any since you last fought him, except for one | | new attack. Otherwise, he's the same old Heartless beast. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Not much difference from the previous fight. Just pound his hands when | | you can, and occasionally his face will be in the way so you should | | jump and hit that too. | |________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, Darkside will be sucked into the giant sphere as well as Sora. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Traverse Town 03.03 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Donald and Goofy will be shown walking and they talk about Leon, whom they must meet. They walk off and Pluto the dog runs into an alley and finds Sora out cold. He licks and jumps on Sora which startles him awake, and the quest for the worlds begins at last. -----+----- Head out of the alley for a quick scene. Then turn around and enter the shop with the Accessories sign. After the scene with Cid, yet another Final Fantasy character, turn left and jump up on the cabinet with the chest. Get the Mythril Shard from it and jump down to the Save Point. Save your game and leave the shop. Go right into the door here, and you'll be in the Item shop. Unless you need to buy something, nothing to do here. You can't buy without Munny anyway. And no that's not a typo, it's actually called Munny in the game. Now go back and head behind the Accessory shop, but go all the way and through the two big doors at the end. Watch the scene where a man's heart is taken by a monster similar to the dark creatures from before. The same ones from before appear then, so either fight them until the music stops or head into the Hotel. Inside, run down the hall and out the door at the end. Go left and through the door for the white building. Inside, run to the end and out the next door. Outside, drop down to the right and run down the alley. Enter the glassy door here. This will start the 99 Dalmatians Side Quest if you wish to complete it. Run through the house and out the other end. Out in the alley, run around left and head to the very end. Go through the door leading back into the Second District. Head forward and go around the stairs to the right, not up them. Follow the alley to another door, leading to the Third District. There's a bunch of the creatures here so fight them until you want, as the leveling will do you good for soon. When you're done, just head back through the Second District and back to the First District. Enter the Accessory shop and talk with Cid again. Save your game and heal up. Exit the shop for a scene. __________ |BOSS: Leon| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 30 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Leon is a quite a rough battle for such an early stage. It doesn't do | | anything to the game if you win or lose, so this battle doesn't really | | matter, unless you want an Elixir and the EXP. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The base is to just keep moving to avoid his attacks. He's also pretty | | agile himself. I liked to just jump and do three hit air combos with | | the Keyblade. Whatever works for you, since this fight isn't that big | | of a deal. | |________________________________________________________________________| After the fight, Sora passes out and is taken by Leon and Yuffie, who shows up a minute later. Also, on the other side of town, Donald and Goofy are taken by a woman named Aerith (she's not named Aeris here, for you FF fans) and everyone talks about the other worlds and the Keyblade. After some of the story is made up here, you're free to move about again. Open the chest nearby for after talking to Leon and Yuffie once to get an Elixir. Save at the Save Point here. It's different from the main one you've been using. You can't tell the difference now, but when you get a Gummi Ship, you can. This type of spots won't let you board your Gummi Ship from them, unlike the other type. Talk to Leon again and a quick scene will happen. You'll now be outside. Fight the Heartless if you want, but what you need to do is head through the door to the Second District, then take the path to the Third District again. Here Donald and Goofy will meet you and you'll have to fight your first real boss of a world. After entering the Third District, there will be a short scene. You'll fight about five Soldiers and another small scene appears. The first boss will fall from the sky. _________________ |BOSS: Guard Armor| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 110 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | A pretty simple first real boss. Other things you've fought so far, | | not counting Leon, are just about on par with it. If you learn how to | | fight you'll have no problem. What would you expect from the first | | world's boss? | | | | :STRATEGY: | | You have to take Guard Armor down piece by piece. The first thing you | | should worry about are the hands. Target one of the hands and just let | | loose on it. After a bit, the hand will explode. Pick up any loot and | | go at the other one. After those two, attack the feet which can't do | | too much without the stomp attack. Finally, finish off the torso and | | you'll be set. The attacks aren't really that harmful. Just watch out | | for the hand spin and the stomp. | |________________________________________________________________________| After defeating Guard Armor, you'll get a Brave Ring. In the scene, Sora agrees to join Donald and Goofy. Another one will take place where villains are observing Sora and the gang through magic fire. The only face shown will be Malificent, though we know the others. Unless you really don't, then you'll find out later. Back in Traverse Town, you'll get 100 Munny and an Elixir from the three FF people. Then you'll get the magic spell Fire plus the ability Dodge Roll from Donald and Goofy. You'll be ready to go to the next world. But first, do a little sidetask: Head to the Third District and look for the door with a red fire on it, down a small alley. Target it and cast Fire on it. It will open. In the cave, jump across the rocks to the house and enter on the left side. After a short scene, Merlin will come in. You can practice magic with him if you want. First, head to the chalkboard and stand on the blue mark on the ground. Choose Trinity from the menu. You'll get a Mega-Ether and some money. Save your game and head all out back to the Third District. Go across to the door here that you haven't gone through. Examine the lock on the right to open the door. Now you can go through to the First District. Open and go through. Buy anything you want in the shops and head over to the cafe with candles. Use the Blue Trinity to reach a chest with a Postcard. Head to the door in the front of the District which is an exit, and use the last Blue trinity in this area. You'll get some Munny. Afterwards, head on out the door if you're finished with Traverse Town. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Wonderland 03.04 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o On the World Map, you'll have two choices to fly to in your Gummi Ship. The top world only has 1-star, which is the easiest difficulty. It is smartest to head there first, so choose that world. You'll begin a minigame where you fly the Gummi Ship and must shoot all enemies and obstacles as you go. These are easily the most terrible parts of the game. After completing the minigame, you will arrive at Wonderland. -----+----- After a brief scene with a rabbit, head down the hall and through the door. In here, go to the really small door. After another short scene, look for the bed and use the Push command. Then go and Drink the blue can. You'll shrink and thus engage some of the smaller enemies in this world. A new enemy you meet is the Red Nocturne, the flying fireball enemies. Take them out if you want or you can just go through the entryway opened by pushing the bed. Alice is captured by the Queen and is on trial. You must save her, so you have to find four clues to help her out. Head through the nearby exit to the Lotus Forest. You'll meet the Cheshire Cat who tells you about the clues. Head up and look for a little area on the right. There'll be a pink box containing one of the clues, Footprints. There's also a Blue Trinity here containing Ethers and Tents and Potions and Munny. Right in this area are two mushrooms sticking from the ground. Jump on them up to some green lilypad looking platforms. Jump over a couple and ignore the exit in the tree for the moment. Look for the seed on some leafy part of the tree. Jump to it, but jump as close as you can in order to reach it. Examine the seed if you want and look around a blue chest on one of the pads, containing Dalmatians 16-18. Turn and jump across more pads until you see a pink box on a pad towards the ground. Jump to that lilypad and open the box for an Antenna. While on the same lilypad, look around towards your right for another blue chest up somewhere. Run towards the lilypad near it and jump right when you're on the edge of the one you're on. Hopefully, Sora will make it and grab the ledge of the other lilypad and pull himself up. This blue chest has a Thunder-G gummi ship piece. Head all the way back to where you ignore the exit in the tree. Go through it and you'll enter the room where you shrank again, but you'll land on what seems like a stove. Open the pink box for Stench, the third clue. Drop down and go back to the Queen's area. Then head back to the Lotus Forest again. Right near the entrance is a yellow flower. Examine it and it will say it will make you bigger if you give it a Potion. Lock onto it and use a Potion on it to grow large. Right by you should be a stump raised on the ground. Step on it so another lilypad platform raises up. Head over to the tree with the seed on the leafy part. Examine the seed and Take it, but put it on the ground. Lock on to the tree and attack it to make it spin once. Then eat the seed to shrink again. Go into the small area where you found the first clue and jump up on the mushrooms and onto the lilypads again. Hop along and go to the one that you raised up by stepping on the stump. Use it to reach another exitway to go back into the Bizarre Room. When you enter, you will be falling so don't move. You'll land on a faucet. Go into FPV (First Person View) mode and look around for the last pink box on a little cabinet box thing off the wall. Carefully jump over to it and pull yourself up. Open it for Claw Marks. The Cheshire Cat reappears and congratulates you with more magic skills, a new one called Blizzard. This is to counteract the flying Red Nocturnes you've encountered. Drop down and go back to the Queen's area. Save your game and talk to one of card soldiers, telling them you have prepared your evidence. You have to choose from five pink boxes of evidence. If you collected everything, you'll most likely choose one of the boxes that have evidence pointing to the Heartless. If you're really unlucky, Donald or Goofy or both of them will show up in the box you choose. They'll be imprisoned and you'll be alone in the upcoming battle. No matter the outcome, you'll have to fight the Card Solders and the Tower. If either Donald or Goofy are imprisoned, make sure to attack their cages to break them free. _____________________ |BOSS: Cards and Tower| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 100 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This isn't that bad of a fight but if you don't have Donald and Goofy | | to help you it could become a problem. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Focus all attention on the Tower and forget the Card Soldiers. After | | you break the Tower the fight will end. | |________________________________________________________________________| Alice will have disappeared so you must find her. Head to the Lotus Forest and you'll meet Large Bodies, new enemies that are pretty big. Before that though, the Cheshire Cat will tell you that he saw Shadows running about. Head to the back of the forest and locate a new exit to the Tea Party Garden. Here you'll see a painting of the Mad Hatter and the Hare. If you sit in the chairs, you get certain rewards and punishments. Basically, you can sit in every chair except the bottom one and the middle right one, from where you are when you enter, to get rewards. There's a door on the house that leads into the Bizarre Room again. It is well said to be bizarre, as the whole room will be upside down now. Defeat all the Heartless that attack, then jump up to the two lamps and choose the Touch command to light both of them. Look for the little silver doorknob looking thing nearby and choose to Release it. Jump through and you'll be on top of a grassy hedge in the Queen's area. Run to the end of it and don't jump off. Open the chest to free Dalmatians 13-15. Jump down and go back into the Lotus Forest again. Give another Potion to the yellow flower to grow big again. Choose Move on the boulder near you and it will raise a couple lilypads. Go to the big tree and hit it to bring it back around. Choose Take on the seed, then hit the tree again to make it turn back the other way. Eat the seed to shrink back to size. Run over to the lilypads you raised and jump up them. In this little area, head into the Queen's area again through the exit. Grab the Aero-G gummi piece from the blue chest and jump down to save your game. Go back into the Forest yet again. Go to the little area where you found the first clue again, and jump up onto the lilypads again. Go across to that exit to the Bizarre Room and go through it. This time though, the Bizarre Room is on its side. Fight the Heartless and lock onto the water faucet. Turn it so the put below becomes real. Go down to it and jump into the pot. You'll be by a chest, so open it to free Dalmatians 58-60. Jump down and go back into the Lotus Forest again. You are probably getting tired of it by now. Head to the way back and jump up the mushrooms to the branch with the seed on it. Jump across and go through the new exit to the Bizarre Room. The room will still be flipped on the side, but you'll be on the opposite one this time. Defeat all the Heartless and light the first lamp. Open the chest for a Defense Up. Light the other lamp and a picture will appear. Examine the picture to enter a closed off part of Lotus Forest, with a couple goodies from the flowers if you can spare some items. Head back the same way to be back in the Bizarre Room. Go to the shelf with a teddy bear on it and hit the latch to make it drop. Go to the hole by the books on the wall and go through it. Back in the forest, jump down and head to the Queen's area again. Save the game and go to the Bizarre Room, but through the normal way so that it is right side up. Jump up the table but IGNORE THE CHESHIRE CAT. If you talk to him, you'll go into the boss battle. Unless you don't want a gummi, drink the red can to grow again. Go to the teddy bear that fell earlier and Move it. Then Move the clock that appears. Drink the blue can to shrink again and go through the opening that was behind the clock. Grab the Aeroga-G gummi from the blue chest and jump down. Head all the way back to the Bizarre Room again, through the Queen's area. Save your game before you enter though. Now jump up to the table and talk to the Cheshire Cat. Coincidentally, he'll be the trigger of the boss fight. _________________ |BOSS: Trickmaster| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 150 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This guy is a pretty rough boss if you don't know what you're doing or | | you're not really leveled up at all. Just read my strategy and don't | | be mad if you die a couple times. It will take practice but you most | | likely can whoop all the bosses in this game. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The best thing you can do in this fight is air combos by jumping off | | the table and at the Trickmaster. Most of the time you won't be able | | to reach him due to his height so that's where the table comes in. But | | don't let it make it sound easy, as it is not. Don't use magic on him | | as it isn't really effective. Blizzard does little damage, and if you | | use Fire, his sticks will catch fire which allows him to shoot more | | fire back at you. That's a bad idea. If he puts the sticks into the | | fireplace, try to shoot them with Blizzard to put them out. Just keep | | the jump combos on him. Occasionally he'll bend over in which you can | | just go to the ground near him and let loose. Try not to let Donald or | | Goofy get hurt to much, as they seem kamikaze in this fight. Set their | | AI to not attack as much if you feel they'll die fast and you really | | need them. Keep the attacks on him and eventually Trickmaster will be | | done. | |________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, a scene will play showing Trickmaster's demise. You'll be rewarded with an Ifrit's Horn and also a Navi-G gummi piece. You'll also seal up Wonderland so it is protected from the Heartless now. There's nothing really left in Wonderland at the moment, so you should probably head back to the Gummi Ship. It is recommended that you head back to Traverse Town to pick up a few things. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Traverse Town II 03.05 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o This is a short stop-in to Traverse Town again. You should probably head to the shop and pick up about 15 to 20 Potions and maybe some Hi-Potions if you can afford it. Also, if you have the Munny, pick up the stronger weapons for Donald and Goofy. Head back to the main area and go to the little cafe with all the candles lit. Use Blizzard on all of them to make them stop, and you'll be able to open up the chest for a Defense Up. Use it on Sora, or Donald if you think he needs a little more protection. Unless you need something else, exit the world. Out in the ship, your next destination is Olympus Coliseum. Choose the world on the bottom with the 2-star rating. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Olympus Coliseum 03.06 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o After the little introductory sequence here, you'll be free to roam outside. Head over to the left statue and open the chest near it for a Mega-Potion. Also there are Blue Trinity marks the sides of each of the big statues. The left one drops a chest with a Mythril Shard while the one on the right drops a chest with Dalmatians 22-24. Go inside the building and talk to Phil, the little goatman there. Try to move the block by going to the side of it and running into it to push it. Talk to Phil again for another scene. Eventually you'll have to go through some trials which involve breaking barrels and such. If you have the Vortex ability equipped, unequip it before doing the trials. Just break the barrels and stuff in the time limit required. Some of them are pretty rough. After the trials you can equip Vortex again. You won't be allowed in the games but you'll get the spell of Thunder. Leave and you'll see a scene with Hades. You'll get an Entry Pass so go back inside. Save your game and stock up on items. Talk to Phil to enter the Preliminary Battles. OLYMPUS PRELIMINARIES _____________________________________________ | Round Name/Number | Enemies | |----------------------|----------------------| | #1: Shadow Scout | Soldier x4 | | | Blue Rhapsody x3 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #2: Sinisters | Shadow x10 | | | Blue Rhapsody x3 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #3: Heat & Freeze | Red Nocturne x5 | | | Blue Rhapsody x5 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #4: Shadow Platoon | Shadow x2 | | | Soldier x2 | | | Red Nocturne x3 | | | Blue Rhapsody x3 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #5: Blue Revenge | Blue Rhapsody x9 | | | | |----------------------|----------------------| | #6: Big One | Large Body x1 | | | Red Nocturne x4 | | | Blue Rhapsody x4 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #7: Finale | Cloud | |______________________|______________________| ___________ |BOSS: Cloud| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 80 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Cloud is a pretty rough fighter but if you know how to dodge attacks | | you might have a chance of beating him. This is an optional fight so | | winning or losing has no effect on the game's story. The only change | | is that you will get some EXP and the satisfaction of defeating Cloud. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Make sure you have Dodge Roll equipped on Sora for this fight. It will | | come in handy for avoiding attacks. Basically just unleash what you | | can on him and just Dodge Roll out of his way whenever you can. After | | taking some damage, he'll constantly do his jumping forward thrust | | move which hurts a lot. Just keep laying on the constant attacks and | | use Dodge Roll a lot. | |________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, Cerberus, the three-headed giant dog owned by Hades, will show up and smash Cloud. Hercules will show up to save the day and you go running back inside to safety. In there, stock up on items again and save your game. Talk to Phil and head outside for a real boss fight. ______________ |BOSS: Cerberus| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 200 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | I personally think that this boss is easier than fighting Cloud. All | | you have to do is follow a simple pattern. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Your main thing here is to use Dodge Roll again. You basically just | | need to dodge the attacks and jump up to do air combos on the heads. | | It doesn't matter what head you attack as long as you just keep doing | | some damage to Cerburus. The only attack to really watch out for is | | the dark beams that come shooting from the sky (or ground, whichever) | | as they do a bit of damage. Just Dodge Roll everywhere and perform as | | many air combos as you can! | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll nab an Inferno Band for beating Cerberus. Another little scene will play and you'll achieve your Hero Licenses. There won't be any games for a while though as the Coliseum has to be fixed up. Outside, walk to Cloud for another short scene, and you'll obtain the ability Sonic Blade afterwards. Now, there's not much else so head towards the big door that was behind Cloud when he was sitting down. One more scene plays with Hades about him hatching his plan. Out on the world overview, choose to head back to Traverse Town once again. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Traverse Town III 03.07 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Right when you enter the town, head right and through the door to the Third District. Look for a pipe with electric wiring coming from it. Cast Thunder on it to hear a noise. Go to the Second District and enter the big white building called the Gizmo Shop. Fixing the wires allowed the platforms in it to raise up. Step on all of the switches on the top of the walkways and look at the clock on the ground level. Wait for it to stop and examine it to get two Postcards. I didn't bring up the Postcards before but these are worth it for certain purposes. Back in the First District is a mailbox in which you choose to Mail Card and you get reward for each Postcard. There's ten in all and they aren't that hard to find really. You should get some nice goodies like Mythril and Elixir or something similar. Also, if you've collected enough Dalmatians, head to the Dalmatians' House in the Second District for a Curaga-G gummi for your first reward. By now, if you haven't used the gummi pieces, you should probably do so. When you go back to the world map so to speak, you can hit the SQUARE button to go to the Gummi Garage. Follow the tutorial and start making better ships than your original one. Now unless you want to buy items, you can leave Traverse Town. On the world map, head to the last world that is unvisited at the moment. It's the one on the right with the 3-star Battle LVL. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Deep Jungle 03.08 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o The way the world starts out for you isn't good. First off, you hit a boss fight! ___________ |BOSS: Sabor| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 15 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Don't you just love tigers? Or whatever this prehistoric looking beast | | is. It's not that hard to dodge the attacks of this thing though and | | the fight doesn't last long. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Just keep Dodge Rolling and attacking the heck out of it. It's got a | | rather small HP amount. | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll meet your first temporary party member in this world. Tarzan, the ape man, can join your party in place of Donald or Goofy. But he can only do it when you are in Deep Jungle. Like this world, there are worlds later on where you can have characters join in your party at the expense of Donald or Goofy. It doesn't matter though since Donald and Goofy aren't with you at the moment. Jump down to the net where Tarzan went. Look for a chest nearby and open it for a Mega-Potion. Then jump off into the forest like Tarzan did. In this area, save your game and use the little grass platforms to jump up to a chest. Open it then jump back down. Jump into the open stump in the ground. Here will be a minigame where you slide along trees and stuff, so just jump and move your way along the branches. You'll arrive at a camp so enter the cave to meet back up with Donald and Goofy. Decide who you want in your party. I recommend that you keep both Donald and Goofy in your party at all times, in all the worlds, for when you're doing the serious stuff. If you feel like random battling with the optional character in your party, that's fine. But when you do the important stuff, Donald and Goofy should be with you unless the game forces you to have the optional character switched with one of them. The simple reason is that Donald and Goofy will be with you in the long haul so it's best to get them prepared and leveled up for later in the game. Now, open the chest inside the tent. Then head outside and use the Trinity mark near the table. It'll release a chest with Dalmatians 34-36 in it. If you want to make items, look for the recipe cards hidden around the camp and follow them. The main objective is to get the slideshow cards for now. Head outside and face the tent. To the right, jump on the boxes to find the 6th Slide. Jump onto the tent's top for the 1st Slide, then jump onto the white canopy to find the 5th Slide. Jump down and look under the canopy on some boxes to find the 2nd Slide. Afterwards, look in front of the bamboo pole for some boxes on which rests the 4th Slide. Finally, face the tent again and head right to find a chalkboard drawing of Tarzan, where the 3rd Slide is near. Go back into the tent and Examine the slideshow projector. The 1st slide will make Sora feel uneasy as the place he sees looks familiar, but the rest of them are just random slides. A scene plays after you look at all of them. You'll head off to the gorilla hideout with Tarzan, but Sabor will attack you along the way again! It's a lot easier this time though. After you deal with Sabor, head through the big bamboo area (Sabor most likely exited this way too) and then through the next area until you reach the Cliff. Here go over to the pole and climb it. In the two chests are a Mega-Potion and Mythril Shard. Head back to the camp and go to the opposite side where there is a different exit. At the Hippo's Lagoon, hop across all of the hippos to a chest containing Dalmatians 25-27. After opening it, climb the pole right next to you. When you reach the end a scene will play. Afterwards, you'll get told how to swing along the vines. Jump on the first one, then make your way all the way over to the other side. Land on the grassy platform and go around to the chest out on a ledge. It contains Dalmatians 28-30. Go back and jump on the vines again, and swing back to where you started. Look at the ivy on the tree and Examine it. You can climb it, so climb it up to the area Climbing Trees. Run to the top of this area and look for a Blue Trinity near the exit that leads to the Treehouse. Use it to get a chest with Dalmatians 31-33, then go through the Treehouse exit. Another scene will play where Clayton almost shoots a small gorilla. After it's over, head all the way back to the camp by whichever means you wish. Once there enter the tent, watch a scene, and heal and save. Go outside to fight some new monkey Heartless. Clear out the Heartless at the camp to get a Protect-G gummi. Go to the Bamboo Thicket area and clear it for a Fire-G. Follow through to the cliff and clear it for an Aeroga-G. Go back through the camp to the Hippo's Lagoon. Jump all the way across and climb the pole. Up here, turn right around and climb the vine up to Climbing Trees. Clear Climbing Trees for another Aeroga-G. Lastly, climb up to the Treehouse and clear it for a Shell-G. Now that you've saved all the gorillas from the Heartless, go back to the camp and enter the tent. Talk to Jane and save your game. Head outside and you'll hear Clayton's gun go off again. Go towards the sound into the Bamboo Thicket, but you'll be ambushed by a stronger Sabor. ___________ |BOSS: Sabor| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 150 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Sabor is a bit faster and stronger this time, but you can still whoop | | him if you have the power. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Mainly, just Dodge Roll all his attacks and unleash the strongest of | | what you have. He still shouldn't be much of a problem. | |________________________________________________________________________| After beating him for the final time, you get the item White Fang. A short scene shows trouble at the camp. Head back and enter the tent. Of course, you have to travel far away again. Head back through the Hippo Lagoon and go all the way to Climbing Trees again. Here, destroy the fruit thing on the tree, ignoring the Powerwilds (the monkey Heartless) as they keep spawning forever. Now, head back to the camp yet again. Enter the tent and heal up. Save your game and stock your characters. Go out and head through Bamboo Thicket and to the Cliff. Here will be a scene, then a small fight. Defeat all the Heartless while dodging Clayton's gun. After you defeat them, the real boss fight begins. _____________________________ |BOSS: Clayton & Stealth Sneak| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 30[SS], 240[C] | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is a pretty easy fight if you know what to do. Not much else to | | say about it! | | | | :STRATEGY: | | First off, just unleash fury on the Stealth Sneak. Eventually, Clayton | | will be knocked off of it. Don't attack him yet but finish of the | | Stealth Sneak first. If you defeat Clayton, the battle ends. So defeat | | the Sneak first, so you get its EXP too. After it is out, just beat up | | Clayton until it's over. | |________________________________________________________________________| After you win, you'll get Cure magic. A short scene happens and you'll be on a new area. There's some chests in the area, but none are too important except the one with an Orichalcum in it. Just open them all up, as they're not too hard to get to. At the top, there's an exit to an area labeled ???, so go into it. A scene where Sora seals the world's keyhole happens, just like the one at Wonderland. You'll also get a Navi-G gummi and the Jungle King, a new Keyblade weapon for Sora. Lastly, you'll be able to use Red Trinity spots now. On the world map again, head back to Traverse Town. This time you have to, but the other times were optional. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Traverse Town IV 03.09 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o When you enter the town, head towards the Accessory shop but go left and down the alley you started in at the beginning of the game. Look for the Red Trinity near the wooden gate thing and use it to bust down the wood. The chest behind it has Dalmatians 4-6. Go to the Second District and fight the Heartless. There are two new types here, the Yellow Operas and Green Requiems. If you want to know the color differences, listen up. Red uses fire, blue uses ice, yellow uses thunder, and green uses cure. Green Requiems are probably the most annoying as they heal the other enemies. Beat the Heartless and head to the Dalmatians' House. If you've been finding all the Dalmatians so far, you should be able to get a second gift, a Firaga-G gummi. Don't worry, all the rewards aren't gummis. Head through the house into the Alleyway. Defeat the Heartless here and head over to the grating in the water. Use the Red Trinity to get in the cave, then talk to Leon in here until he tells you to find Cid and he gives you the Earthshine Gem. Look for the stairs nearby and open the chest by them for Dalmatians 10-12. You can get yet another reward from the Dalmatians' House now, if you have 30 puppies. It is a Thundara-G. Now, head back to the Accessory shop and talk to Cid. Cid will help you with the Navi-G gummis if you do him a favor. Take the Old Book he gives you to the Third District. Here you will find new Heartless called Air Soldiers. They are aerial beings like the small colored Heartless, but they are harder to deal with. Anyway, look for the fire door that leads to the secret cave where you met Merlin before. Give him the book for a scene, and afterwards talk to the Fairy Godmother to give her the gem Leon gave you. It will unlock a new type of command, Summons. You can Summon certain beings you help you in battle. The first Summon you get is Simba, the lion from Lion King. Go back out to the Third District for a big scene where you meet up with someone you've been looking for for a long time now, Riku. After it is done, go and look for the door to the house that is by the exit to the Second District. Inside is Cid, so talk to him and get the Warp-G gummi from him. This is extremely helpful as it will let you automatically warp to the worlds you've been too. No more irritating Gummi Ship minigames, except for the unexplored worlds. Now there's only one main thing left to do. I'd recommend you go back to the First District and stock up on items and save your game first though. Now, head to the Second District and enter the big white building, the Gizmo Shop. Head through and out the other side. Climb the ladder to the top and look for the Red Trinity. Use it, then pull the bell 3 times. The keyhole to Traverse Town will be revealed, but when you go down to seal it, you meet the boss of this world. Oddly, it is Guard Armor again. But this time the whole body will change around, making a new and harder Heartless. ____________________ |BOSS: Opposite Armor| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 390 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is basically an upgraded Guard Armor with new attacks. Much more | | of a challenge than the original so make sure you're prepared. As odd | | as this Heartless seems, it will be a tough act to beat. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | You want to use Dodge Roll a lot here, of course. The main thing first | | is taking out the hands and the feet, but of course they're switched | | so that makes it the feet and the hands. Either way, just take them | | out in whatever order you want. After the limbs are gone, a new attack | | will start where it shoots beams at you from its main body. Just Dodge | | Roll away from this as much as you can, and keep unleashing attacks on | | the hovering body and head. | |________________________________________________________________________| After the battle you get a new spell, Aero. You'll be awarded with another Navi-G gummi, and Sora will seal the keyhole for Traverse Town. Back in the First District, talk to Cid for a Comet-G gummi and you'll see that he opens up a Gummi piece shop. There's nothing important to buy at the moment unless you're big on building Gummi Ships. Now, head out and go to the world map, as we're done with Traverse Town, for now anyway. On the map, Chip and Dale will alert you that a new tournament cup is at Olympus Coliseum. It is optional but I recommend you do so now, so choose to Warp to Olympus. You won't have to do that minigame. Hooray! o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Olympus Coliseum: Phil Cup 03.10 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Go inside the lobby and talk to Phil. There is a new tournament called the Phil Cup. Enter it and you'll be on your way. PHIL CUP _____________________________________________ | Seed Number/Name | Enemies | |----------------------|----------------------| | #9: Jungle Vice | Powerwild x4 | | | Soldier x3 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #8: Monkey & Magic | Powerwild x1 | | | Green Requiem x2 | | | Red Nocturne x2 | | | Yellow Opera x5 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #7: Big Feet | Hammerlegs x1 | | | Powerwild x4 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #6: Magic Alert | Red Nocturne x5 | | | Yellow Opera x5 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #5: Nightwalkers | Large Body x1 | | | Powerwild x5 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #4: Hard Hitters | Gauntlets x1 | | | Blue Rhapsody x3 | | | Shadow x4 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #3: Indomitable | Large Body x2 | | | Green Requiem x6 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #2: Wild Corps | Gauntlets x1 | | | Hammerlegs x1 | | | Powerwild x4 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #1: Shadow Battalion | Armored Torso x1 | | | Yellow Opera x4 | | | Blue Rhapsody x4 | |______________________|______________________| Now, after winning the cup, you can choose to fight it alone as Sora, which is not really hard unless you're a low level and forget to bring healing items. Personally, I only beat the cups normally with Donald and Goofy, but if you really want to you can try as just Sora. If you win that, then you can choose to beat it under a time limit of 3 minutes, which I think is near impossible. With some work it can be done, though. You get rewards for everything. For beating it normally, you get a new spell, Gravity. Beating it with Sora nets you a Mythril Shard. And beating the time limit gives you an AP Up. There's nothing else to do here so head back to the world map. On the map, warp to a world closest to the orange vortex, or warp hole, at the bottom right. Choose to fly there, and when you see the warp hole in the middle of the minigame, fly into it. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Agrabah 03.11 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Welcome to the world of Disney's Aladdin! You'll see Jafar talking to the witch Malificent about the keyhole to Agrabah and the Princess Jasmine. After that, you'll gain control and meet new Heartless, the Bandits. As if you couldn't have guessed, these are the ones Jafar called on. Wipe them out and look for the nearby chest. Open it for a Mega-Potion and go through the door by it into the Storage. Bash the barrel in front of the chest and open the chest for another Mega-Potion. Save your game if you want and exit. Outside, go to the opposite side from where you're at. Jump on the stacked boxes and open the chest for a Mega-Ether. Drop down and go through the path leading into the Main Street. Here, defeat all the enemies, then jump up on the block to your right exactly when you first entered. Climb up onto some canopy and jump down to the chest that's by a blocked pathway. It contains another Mega-Ether, so get it and drop down. Also, take notice of the new Heartless here, the Pot Spiders. They look like normal pots but of course they aren't, as when you get near them, Heartless pop out. Look for a little doorway opening with a pole inside it. Climb the pole to the ??? area. Inside is a green chest filled with Dalmatians 37-39. There's another green chest with a Megalixir. Save if you want and look for the carpet stuck under a wardrobe. Choose to Move the carpet out and watch the small scene. Now, look for the stairs going down and exit out back to the original Plaza. Up here, look for and jump across using the wooden planks above the windows. At the other side, dispatch the enemies without falling and jump over to the platform with two pots and a chest. Defeat the Pot Spiders and open the chest for a Cottage. Drop down and go back into the Main Street. Here, go left at the intersection and into the Alley. After the short scene, defeat the Heartless that attack you. Jump up to where Jafar was an open the chest for a Mega-Potion. Then choose Release on the keyhole in the wall. Jump across the planks on the windows to reach the door you unlocked. Out here on Main Street, jump across the canopy and go up the pole leading back to the ??? place, which is now named Aladdin's House. Up here, look for another dresser like the one Carpet was under, and Move it. You'll find another keyhole so Release it. Go down the stairs again leading to the Plaza. Here, jump across to the newly opened door back into the Main Street. Open t he chest here for a Shell-G gummi. Drop down and go back to the Plaza again. Here, go out towards the Desert. Save your game if you want and choose to ride on Carpet. Take out all the Bandits that attack you when you land, and you'll have Aladdin join you. There's an upcoming Trinity Mark so I don't recommend using him unless you don't care about them. Also, like I said at the start of the guide, these characters aren't in the long run with you. Back in Agrabah, there's more Heartless not to mention a new type, the Fat Bandits. They are basically Large Bodies that fit Agrabah's world, and they can spit fire at you. Most of the streets have been blocked off too, so you'll need to go around the upper levels. First in the Plaza, look for the crates to jump on. Go up and jump across and enter the Alley. Here, go across the planks and enter the door that leads to Main Street. Here, drop down and climb up the pole leading into Aladdin's House. The group talks for a bit and you're off again. Drop down the pole on the left and run around the canopy until you see an open door below you somewhere on a ledge. Jump to it and enter the Bazaar. Drop down here and defeat the barrage of enemies. Use the Blue Trinity to get some money and a Mega-Ether. Jump back up the crates and then jump across the windowplanks (easier than planks on the windows) to get to the other side. Open the chest for a Shell-G gummi. Then jump up the crates and across the gap to another chest filled with a Fira Ring. Go over and Release the keyhole. Jump down and go back into the Main Street, and go back up to the canopy. You should probably enter Aladdin's House and save up, equipping everyone with the best stuff. Go outside and jump to the door you just opened leading into the Palace Gates. Here you will see Jafar again and you will face a boss battle! ___________________ |BOSS: Pot Centipede| |------------------------------------------------------------------------- | EXP: 250 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | A pretty weird boss, but a hard one nontheless. If you're not at a | | decent level you should probably back down and try again later. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The first thing that you should do, assuming you have an okay amount | | of HP, is to lock on to the head and attack it just a tiny bit. After | | it takes a little damage, it will bust out of the area and head to the | | other areas. Now, don't attack it anymore. Your main objective is to | | run around everywhere and destroy the Pot Spiders. Every single pot in | | the area is a Pot Spider, none of them are normal. Destroy them all so | | they can't form with the Centipede. After most of them are gone, you | | need to attack the Centipede's tail. Either use the Aero spell if you | | have it, and let loose, you just try your best dodging and hitting the | | Centipede. If any Pot Spiders come loose, destroy them. You don't want | | the Centipede to form at all. Let loose on the tail, or the head if | | you really care. The beast is really easier if the head and tail are | | the only things left so remember to defeat the Pots. The head and tail | | can only attack you by using the electric shock things sticking from | | them. Just watch out and unleash your attacks. | |________________________________________________________________________| After the fight you'll get a Ray of Light. Now, head back to Aladdin's House in the Main Street area. Save your game and head through the Plaza and out to the Desert. Here, a lion's head will pop up, controlled by the Heartless. _____________________ |BOSS: Cave of Wonders| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 400 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This fight is a lot easier than the Pot Centipede. The only problem is | | falling off of the head and having to deal with Heartless. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The first thing you should do is just run up and jump your way to the | | top of the head. The main targets are the two purple eyes. Just lock | | on to the eyes and let loose while trying not to fall off. Avoid the | | beams that the eyes shoot and keep your balance when the head moves | | crazily. After attacking one eye for a while, you can't attack it any | | more. You'll know as it will turn yellow and stop burning. That's when | | you focus on the other eye. If you fall off, just attack some of the | | Heartless if you want to gain some HP balls or whatever, and then jump | | your way back to the head's top. | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll get a bundle of EXP from the fight, not to mention access to the Cave of Wonders. Enter it now by going through the lion's mouth. Inside the cave, do your best not to fall down below. First, get rid of the Heartless but don't go far forward. Move the camera if you need to and look for some steps leading down on the right. Go down them and stand on the platform to enter the Relic Chamber. Jump into the water and swim across to the chest, which has a Thundara Ring in it. Look for the dark exit that you can go through in the water, and swim through it. Now look for the small waterfall to the left and move into it to swim up it. Once more, look for a nearby exit in the water that leads to the Dark Chamber. Get out of the water here and use the Save Point. Turn around and look for the chest on the platform up against the wall. Jump towards it and use Attack at the height of the jump to make Sora go just a tiny bit farther. Open the chest for a Cottage. Go back to where the Save Point is and look for the chest on the long piece of ground that stretches across the water. Do the same jump and attack maneuver and you should land on it. Open the chest for a Torn Page. These are used for a bigger purpose later on. Look at the dark exit right near you and go through it back to the Relic Chamber. Climb back up the steps to the Entrance where we first started again. Go forward a bit and watch out for the rolling death balls that come down on occasion. Look for the chest nearby and defeat all the Heartless. Jump on the platform and get a Mega-Ether from the chest. Exit through the nearby dark doorway into the Hall. Go forward along the path, defeating Heartless as you go, until you reach some steps going down a bit and three faces that spit water above the steps. Jump on top of the first face that sticks out, then onto the top of the platform. Open the chest for an Elixir. Make your way towards the bottom of this area where an exit doorway is. Look around the side of the big platform for an indent where you can jump onto and use it to get to the top of the platform. Up here, look for a chest in a crevice platform. Jump to it and pull yourself up. Open the chest to find a Mythril Shard. Drop down and go through the door into the Bottomless Hall. In here, jump up on the water face and onto the top of the platform. Defeat all the Pot Spiders here and open the chest for a Cottage. Drop down and look for the gap in underneath the face sticking off the platform. Jump down the gap to go to the lower level. You should land in water. Go up the steps in front of you and use the Blue Trinity for a chest with a Thunder-G gummi in it. Look in the water ahead, and you'll see an exit. Jump into the water and swim through it into the Hidden Room. Go up the steps in front of you and turn towards the pillar. Lock onto it and Examine it, then jump and attack it. A short scene will play. Afterwards, exit the Hidden Room. Back in the Silent Chamber, go up the stairs into the Hall. Take the left path that goes towards the door leading back into the Entrance, but don't go through it. Look for a water face on a pillar above the darkness below. Jump on the face and then onto the stairs leading through a door into the Bottomless Hall. Here, open the chest for a Mega-Potion, then push the block down into the dark area. Drop down after it. In here, swim down the waterfall by you, then swim through the exit into the Relic Chamber. Go up the steps right by you and use the block you pushed down to reach the chest on the small platform. Open it for a Mythril. Now, swim up the waterfall nearby into the Dark Chamber. Jump over to the Save Point and save your game. Now, this is the first time I'll recommend you switch party members. Replace your stronger character (Donald or Goofy, most likely Goofy) with Aladdin. After you're done, swim up the waterfall by you that leads into the Silent Chamber. Then swim down the waterfall to your right into the small water room. Go up the steps to the monkey statue and use the Touch command. Jump down into the water and swim into the Relic Chamber. Get up on the stairs and lock onto the monkey statue, then use the Call command. Jump on the steps that go into the water and go through the exit behind the statue into the Dark Chamber. Hop over the small gap and open the chest for a Dispel-G gummi. Go into the water and swim up the waterfall. Use the Call command on the statue and climb onto the platform that lowers. Open the chest for a Protega Chain. Head over to the Save Point and save if you want, then head up the stairs to the Hall again. Follow the path to the exit for the Bottomless Hall. In here, jump over the gap and go through the doorway that we haven't gone through yet, into the Treasure Room. Go to the fireplace and jump on top of it, to open the chest for a Defense Up. From the fireplace, jump to the chest on the gold pile, and grab the Mythril Shard from it. Next, hop to the platforms off the wall to a green chest with a Shell-G gummi. Drop down and go to the monkey statue on the right. Use Call to be blown onto a gold pile with a chest, and open that chest to find Dalmatians 52-54. Drop down and go to the Save Point to switch Aladdin with whoever you did before, so Donald and Goofy are in your group. Ignore the other statue as all it does is blow you onto a now-empty gold pile. Look for the Red Trinity and use it to get a bunch of Munny and a Mythril Shard piece. Now, stock up your items on your party members and save your game. Head through the exit to the Lamp Chamber. There will be some small chat with Jafar and Maleficent, and a boss fight will ensue. ___________ |BOSS: Jafar| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 600 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This fight is a doozy. Still probably not as hard as Pot Centipede, | | unless you're a really low level or don't have good equipment. If it | | makes you feel better, this is harder than the next fight. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The main worry here is Jafar. Even though Genie is forced to attack | | you, he doesn't do too much damage and he'll even give you HP balls. | | Jafar is mainly annoying because he flies around the battlefield. His | | little electric attack isn't too bad, but if he uses the ice storm | | spell and you're caught in it, you better look to heal quick. If he | | starts chanting spells, just run away and hide. Whenever he lands on | | the ground, let loose on him, and try your best to attack him while he | | is airborne. He doesn't have much HP so it's not that bad. | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll get a better Blizzard spell now, called Blizzara. Check up on Jasmine and the keyhole, then you'll have to fight Jafar once more. Drop down the hole. _________________ |BOSS: Genie Jafar| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 730 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Like I said, this battle is so much easier. I can't really summarize | | it other than if you die here you probably need to level up a LOT of | | times. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Mainly all you have to do is run away from Jafar's spell and just hit | | Iago and the magic lamp. Lock onto Iago and do nothing but attack him | | the whole time. You can't damage Jafar at all so don't bother. | |________________________________________________________________________| Now your Fire spells are better now, with Fira. You'll get your first Ansem Report too, called Ansem's Report 1. How fitting! Sora seals the keyhole and a little minigame starts up where you have to fly out of the cave on Carpet. After you win, you'll get some more goodies. First is a new Keyblade weapon, the Three Wishes keychain. It's best if you make that your weapon now. Also, you'll learn to use Green Trinity marks, and lastly you'll be able to Summon up Genie into a battle. This is a lot of good stuff. Back in Agrabah, enter the Plaza, and then the Storage Room. Use the Green Trinity to get a Power Up from the chest. Now, use a Save Point to go to the world map, and set sail for Traverse Town. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Traverse Town V 03.12 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o The first thing on your to-do list is to stock up on items and weapons for Donald and Goofy. After that, go to the Accessory Shop and use the Green Trinity mark. You'll bring down a ladder so climb that to the new Synthesis Shop. Synthesis is where you take items you collect from your travels and use them to creature useable items. Such as Mythril Shards and all that, you can use them in recipes to form new items from Potions and Ethers to Power Ups and even Accessories. Talk to the three Moogles here. The one farthest back is the one you talk to for Synthesizing. You can test it out if you want. At the moment, you most likely have enough items to make all of the 6 original Synthesis items except for an Elixir and an Energy Bangle. At least it was that for me. Synthesis is also eventually the way you make the best weapon for Sora. More items will become available to be Synthesized as you go along in the game, and after you Synthesize at least one of all the 24 original items, you'll be able to Synthesize the Ultima Weapon, the strongest Keyblade. Anyway, after that, open the two chests for find Dalmatians 7-9 and a Mythril Shard. Look for a paper on the wall by one of the Moogles and examine it for a Postcard. Go outside and mail it for a Defense Up, if you've been collecting all of them so far. This should be the 9th one if you have. Now, head through to the Third District and go to Merlin's Study. Examine the book and you'll enter the book. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | 100 Acre Wood 03.13 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o On the book's top, head over to the spot that magically appeared. Examine it and choose to enter it. In the meadow, talk to Winnie the Pooh and you'll have a scene take place. After Pooh leaves, look for a green chest on the side of the log. Open it for a Mythril Shard, then walk to the edge of the area to go back to the top of the book. Head to the left page and choose to Read the house that has appeared to go to Pooh's home. Run around back and Hit the chimney. Go around front and enter the house. Get the Mega-Ether that you knocked down the chimney and grab an Elixir from the cabinet. Go back outside and Owl will come tell you about the missing Torn Pages. You'll be taken back to the top of the book. Since we have a Torn Page, we can continue. Head to the upper right corner and Read the tree that has appeared. After a scene here, you'll meet Piglet, somewhat. You have to go around the left side of the tree and creep up behind him to talk to him. Another scene takes place, and you'll have to play a minigame where you have to keep the bees away from Pooh while he flies up the tree to get honey. Later on after you get all the pages and all the games are unlocked, you can get a reward for meeting requirements in all the minigames. The requirement later on for this one is to score at least 100, so try to do that now so it's out of the way. The game finishes and you'll get your score, then the Torn Page you had will turn into a Naturespark item. Now, back on the top of the book, head to the glowing compass thing and choose to go back to the world. ------------- Traverse Town ------------- Back at the study, talk to the Fairy Godmother and she'll turn Naturespark into a new summon, Bambi. There's not much left in Traverse Town, so use the Save Point to go to the world map. On the map, choose to go back to Olympus Coliseum. ---------------- Olympus Coliseum ---------------- Here, use the Blizzara magic on the torches outside. You'll get a Firaga-G gummi. Also, look around for the Green Trinity mark and use it to get a Mythril item. Now, not much else here so go to the world map again. Choose to land at Deep Jungle. ----------- Deep Jungle ----------- Select the Tunnel as your landing spot. Climb up to the door to the Treetop. Use the very hard to see Green Trinity here for some HP and a Mythril Shard. Go back to the Tunnel and leave this world. Set sail to Wonderland now. ---------- Wonderland ---------- Land in the Rabbit Hole. Immediately here is a Green Trinity. Use it for an Elixir. Now, head to the Bizarre Room, shrink down, and use the Green Trinity for a Mythril Shard. Go to a Save Point and leave this world. -----+----- On the world map, warp to Agrabah. Choose the world that's on the bottom with the 5-star rank. While flying there, a gigantic whale will come and swallow you. Remember, don't take the warp portal this time when you're flying. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Monstro 03.14 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Looks like you're in the whale from Pinocchio! Of course, you'll meet Pinocchio and Geppetto in the introductory scene for this world, if you can call it that. After the little scene, swim forward to Geppetto's ship. Another small scene happens and Pinocchio runs off. Save your game and follow him through the exit. You'll end up meeting Riku in another scene but he takes off. You'll meet a new Heartless, Search Ghosts. They're rather annoying and these aren't just in Monstro's world, as they'll be in the next two worlds after this one. Anyway, go through the exit in front of you to Chamber 3. Defeat the Heartless and get the Mega-Ether from the chest. Return to Chamber 1 and jump on the ledge, heading into Chamber 2. Fight all the Heartless and bust open the chest for a Cottage. Head on through to Chamber 3. Jump on one of the barrels and get to the chest above, containing Dalmatians 76-78. Drop back down and go through the other exit to Chamber 2. You'll meet another Heartless, the Barrel Spiders. They're just like Pot Spider Heartless except in barrels! Defeat all the Heartless without falling, then jump along to the other ledge and again to the next one and grab the Megalixir from the chest. Hop back to where you started and exit to Chamber 5. Defeat the Heartless and continue through to Chamber 6. Once again, clear out the enemies but make sure there's one normal barrel left; don't destroy them all. Use this barrel to get to the blue ledge on the wall at the top, where you can get a Torn Page from the chest. Drop down and go to the bottom of the ledges that are there to find a chest that contains a Dispel-G gummi. Enter the Chamber 5 exit near it. Here, clear the Heartless again then use the Blue Trinity for a chest with a Cottage. Also, there's two other chests with a Mega-Ether and another Dispel-G. Go back out to Chamber 6. Go to the top ledge and drop off. Go through the exit to Chamber 3. Defeat all the Heartless here without falling down, then open the chest for Dalmatians 55-57. Make sure you didn't destroy or knock down the barrel, as you can use it to get to the ledge with another chest, containing a Tornado-G gummi. Drop down below and go back to Chamber 1. Head all the way back to Chamber 6, and go to the ledge that's kind of in the middle, and exit to Chamber 5. Jump on the barrel and onto the blue platform ledge for a Mythril in a chest. Jump to another blue platform and hop to a chest that has Dalmatians 79-81. Go back to where you started in this room and exit out Chamber 4. Here, save your game and stock up on items. Follow through to the Bowels area. ___________________ |BOSS: Parasite Cage| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 500 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This isn't really that hard as you have extra help in this one. Later | | on, then next fight will be way harder. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Riku is helping you out during this fight, so it's a little easier. It | | is still kind of easy to die though, so make sure you're leveled up. | | The easiest way of taking HP of this thing is to summon Bambi if you | | you have that spell. That way, Bambi hops around dropping MP balls for | | quite a bit of time. Just let loose with Fira over and over, picking | | up the MP balls if you run low. After the summon wears off, just use | | the rest of your MP up with Fira if you want, or keep it for something | | like Cure if need be. By this time, there shouldn't be much health on | | Parasite Cage, so just charge it, lock on, and attack it to pieces. | |________________________________________________________________________| A scene takes place and a hole in the ground opens. Goofy will learn the Cheer ability, and you can drop down to hole to go back to Geppetto's ship. Open the chest on the ship for a Shared Ability, the High Jump. This is the first Shared Ability you get. These abilites cost no AP and they are used on all of the party members. Equip this right away. Look for a small ledge sticking up on the side of the ship and stand on it, then using High Jump, hop on top of the ship to find a Green Trinity. Use it for a Mythril Shard, then jump to the water. There's some platforms nearby so jump up them and open the chest on the top one to find Dalmatians 73-75. Go back into the water and swim towards the right area and look for a platform that has a Blue Trinity on it. Use it to get a Cottage and two Potions, plus some money. Then jump up the platforms right by you until you reach the top where another chest is. Open it up for Watergleam, another Summon gem. Drop back down and go to the exit that leads to Chamber 1 again. Head back to Chamber 6 and go to the top ledge. High jump to the blue platform, then jump towards the next one and attack at the height of the jump to just push it a little farther. Open the chest on the platform for a Megalixir, then jump to the ledge nearby to get a Mythril from the chest. Go back to Geppetto's ship. Go to the front of the ship and onto the thing sticking off it. Jump to the platform on the right, then jump around to the platform above you with a chest on it. Open it for a Tornado-G gummi. Now, for the final chest here. Go to the platform where the Blue Trinity was. Jump onto the middle pillar thing platforms and jump around to the other side. Then hop up the platforms on the right wall (if you're facing the ship) and you'll find a chest with a Cottage at the top. Go back to the ship and stock up. Save your game and go to the thing sticking off the ship's front again. Jump to the platform towards the right again, then up to the one on the right again. Head along the path towards the exit that's above the one leading to Chamber 1. It leads to the Throat. Defeat any enemies that are here and use the Blue Trinity on the ground for a Mythril Shard and some Munny. Now, just jump your way up the platforms to the top where you are sucked into the Stomach. One more short scene appears, and you'll have another boss fight. ______________________ |BOSS: Parasite Cage II| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 1000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | A lot rougher this time, but if you can keep the right strategy going | | and you're at a decent level, you can get by this fight. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Riku isn't here this time, so you're on your own. Avoid falling into | | the acid on the ground. You want to use a similar strategy like last | | time. Summon up Bambi and unleash Fira on the Parasite Cage. This is | | even better if Goofy has the Cheer ability equipped. Make sure you do | | have more MP after Bambi's summon time runs out, as you'll need it for | | curing unless you have a bunch of Potions and such. You can do more | | damage physically this time than the last time, especially when the | | Cage falls over an exposes its weak spot. Keep hacking at it and you | | can defeat this thing pretty easily, as long as you avoid the acid and | | the Cage's crazy swings. | |________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you'll learn a new spell called Stop. You'll see another scene with Riku and Maleficent, as well as a lifeless Kairi. Then you'll be taken back to the Agrabah landing screen. Go back to the world map and head to Traverse Town. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Traverse Town VI 03.15 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Head on and stock up on items and such, maybe some Accessories if you feel like it. You should probably Synthesize some more items too, if you want the best weapon for Sora in the long run. Right beside the Accessory shop is a door that leads into a house, which is now Geppetto's House. Talk to him and he'll tell you that he'll help you with Gummi Ship blueprints from now on. Open the chest nearby to get a new keychain for a new weapon, the Wishing Star. I'd advise you equip it now. There's also a Postcard on the shelf nearby. It's the last one if you'd been collecting them so far, so mail it to get a Power Up. Go on to the Second District and to the Dalmatians' House. You'll get some gifts, including a Mythril Shard, a Torn Page, and a Mythril. Head to the Third District and to Merlin's Study. Talk to Merlin and if you've gotten all the spells at least at Level 1 (Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Cure, Gravity, Aero, Stop) then you will get another keychain, the Spellbinder. It's not as good as the Wishing Star to me, but oh well. Talk to the Fairy Godmother also to get the Dumbo summon from the Watergleam you collected in Monstro. Finally, check up on the book of Pooh. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | 100 Acre Wood II 03.16 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Head to the top left corner and enter the house here. Go around the back of the house for a quick conversation with Piglet and Pooh. Then head inside the house and talk to everybody. Look up at the ceiling and Examine the honey pot you find. Now, Pooh gets stuck trying to get out the hole, and Tigger comes to ruin Rabbit's crops. You have to save the crops, so just stand where Tigger's shadow is and he'll bounce off your head. Like I said earlier, that reward later requires you to get 150 points in this minigame so try to do so. Go back in the house and just choose to talk to Pooh and you'll see a short scene. Afterwards, your Torn Page turns into a Mythril Shard. Head to the bottom right part of the book. It's the tree that's on top of a hill. Enter it and you'll see a short scene. Just jump into the river and swim next to Eeyore to pull him out. Afterwards, lock onto Pooh and walk to the top of the hill where the swing is. and the game starts. You have to press R1 at the right time send send Pooh flying onto the house of sticks where the tail of Eeyore's is. Just press R1 every time Owl opens his wings. Eeyore will get his tail back and you'll go back to the book's top. Also, if you want to get the required score for the reward later, go back and play again. You need to get Pooh to go 40 yards. Afterwards, your Torn Page turns into an upgraded spell of Stop, which is Stopra. Head out back to Merlin's Study, then use the Save Point to go to the Gummi Ship. Choose to warp to Agrabah. ------- Agrabah ------- Land in Aladdin's House and drop down the pole to the left. Jump across to the exit to the Palace Gates but don't go through it. Look for the nearby chest and high jump to it for a Mythril. Drop down and go through the Palace Gates door. Look left and jump across to top of the platform and open the chest for an Aeroga-G gummi. Drop down to the right and open the chest for a Protera Chain. Now head back to Aladdin's House and use the Save Point to go back to the world map. On the map, warp to Olympus Coliseum. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Olympus Coliseum: Pegasus Cup 03.17 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o The Pegasus Cup is now here, so talk to Phil and enter the whole party into it. PEGASUS CUP _____________________________________________ | Seed Number/Name | Enemies | |----------------------|----------------------| | #9: Ghost Bandits | Search Ghost x2 | | | Bandit x1 | | | Air Soldier x3 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #8: Marauders | Bandit x2 | | | Barrel Spider x3 | | | Shadow x4 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #7: Sluggers | Fat Bandit x1 | | | Large Body x2 | | | Pot Spider x1 | | | Barrel Spider x1 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #6: Pots & Bolts | Pot Spider x5 | | | Yellow Opera x3 | | | Green Requiem x2 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #5: The Big Combo | Fat Bandit x2 | | | Search Ghost x4 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #4: Toadstool | Black Fungus x3 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #3: Pots & Barrels | Pot Spider x5 | | | Barrel Spider x5 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #2: Giant Impact | Fat Bandit x3 | | | Large Body x2 | |----------------------|----------------------| | #1: Leon & Yuffie | Leon | | | Yuffie | |______________________|______________________| ___________________ |BOSS: Leon & Yuffie| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 400[L], 300[Y] | | | | :SUMMARY: | | These two aren't on their own but together they are pretty rough. Leon | | has the powerful moves and Yuffie has the speed, with which they are a | | dangerous combination. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Yuffie is probably the first you should take out. Just rush her and go | | at the attacks. Watch out for Leon while you're attacking her and you | | should do pretty good. Now Leon is like you fought him before, except | | he's a little tougher, has a bit more health, and has a strong special | | attack. His new attack is his Limit Break where his sword turns huge | | and yields massive damage. Just avoid it at all costs. Magic isn't so | | good here, so keep on the physical attacks. Use summons if you really | | need to, like Genie. Keep dodging and attacking to win this fight. | |________________________________________________________________________| Your reward is the Strike Raid ability for Sora. Now, you can do like the Phil Cup and choose to beat it with Sora only, then the time limit one. The reward for Sora's solo win is a Mythril, and for the time limit of 3 minutes, you get a Defense Up. I'm telling you, the time limit is practically impossible unless everyone is LVL 100. Now go back to the world map and warp to Agrabah again. Choose the same world you did last time, the bottom 5-star one. There is a chance that Monstro will swallow you again. If this happens, just go to the Save Point on Geppetto's ship, go to the Gummi Ship from it, and just choose the same world again and you will continue from there. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Atlantica 03.18 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Oh how I despise this world. It is so annoying. Err...I mean, welcome to the underwater world of Atlantica! In the introductory scene, you'll meet Ariel, the little mermaid princess. Now, you have to learn the swimming mechanics so follow the directions by swimming to Flounder. After you learn the swimming routine, some Heartless will appear so fight them all. Talk to Ariel afterwards and then save your game by hitting the clam to unveil the Save Point. Follow the tridents on the wall nearby to the Undersea Valley. Descend straight down here to a purple clam below. Defeat the Heartless around it and hit it to find a Mega-Potion. Swim back up and look for a red clam nearby. Defeat the Heartless here and hit the clam with a Fira spell. How fire can work underwater gets me, but oh well. Inside the clam is a Mythril Shard. Look for a little cave alcove nearby to the right and hit the purple clam inside for a Mega-Ether then go back out to the middle of the area where the water is spouting up. Look past the big watergusher and you'll see a clam on top of a pillar. Go hit it for an Elixir, then swim to the clam down past it. It's a little bit lower down, too. Defeat the Heartless by it and hit it open for a Cottage. Look for the trident nearby pointing down. Swim down and look for another trident below the other one and go past it into the Calm Depths. Don't go into the gush of water just yet. Turn the camera so you can see around the corner. You'll see the trident pointing right, so when you go into the gush of water, hold right so you'll go into the little hole on the side. Go around the big burst of water and don't get caught in it. Follow the trident behind it into the Undersea Cave. Defeat the Heartless and swim forward into the small alcove to find another clam with a Cottage in it. Go back out of the alcove and follow the tridents up into the Undersea Gorge. Fight the Heartless that initially appear and then swim down into the little trench in front of where you entered. To the left is a little small indent where a blue clam is sitting. Cast Blizzara on it and you'll get a Mythril Shard from it. Turn the other way and swim out to the purple clam nearby. Fight the Heartless and hit the clam for a Mega-Ether. Swim past the clam until you reach a spot where a rock is up against a wall. Move into it and Sora will push it aside to enter Ariel's Grotto. Swim forward and open the chest for a Mega-Potion. Up a few levels is another chest with an Ether inside. Then up one or two more levels is another chest with a Torn Page inside. Leave the way you came. Outside, head forward and tiny bit and look right to see a trident pointing into a hole. Ignore the hole and swim past the trident to an entrance leading to the Undersea Garden. Here is a clam that you can hit for a Mega-Potion, then exit. Back out in the Gorge, go into the hole the trident is pointing at to enter Triton's Palace. Fend off the Heartless, then swim down almost directly below where you entered but go left a bit to find a clam with a Cottage in it. Turn back around and look for the three connected pillars by you. Behind them is another clam that holds a Mega-Ether. Go to the little concrete pathway and immediately after swimming through the big shell, turn left and go down below the path to find a clam with an Elixir. Go back onto the path but swim to the opposite side where a yellow clam is. Use Thunder on it to get a Mythril Shard, then follow the concrete pathway to the big palace. A cutscene will play and you'll meet King Triton. He's not such a happy fellow it seems. He'll also act suspiciously about the world's keyhole. Afterwards, head back into the throne room. Look for the white clam on the ground and hit it to find a Save Point. Use it and head back outside to the Palace. Then swim back to the Undersea Gorge, and then to Ariel's Grotto. A scene will play and then you should exit back outside. Go and swim the opposite way of the tridents and back into the Undersea Cave. In the cave, just go through the exit to Calm Depths. Here, go into the gush of water back into the Undersea Valley. Out here, find the dolphin wandering around. Defeat any Heartless near it, and then choose to Grab On and ride it to a new area. In the new area, enter the door to reach the Sunken Ship. Go forward just a tiny bit and swim directly down. There should be a tiny ship that's crushed nearby. Go into the hole on it and open the chest for an Elixir. Go out of the hole and look for another chest by another piece of the ship. Open it to get a Mythril Shard. Now go over to the big ship and swim inside it by going to the top and going down the stairs. Here, swim forward to the chest and a shark pops through the glass. It goes away, so open the chest for the Crystal Trident. Turn around and go behind the stairs, then swim down the hole. Hit the clam to get a Mythril. Go back up the hole and look for a chest in the corner nearby; it contains a Mythril Shard. Swim over and out the broken window. ___________ |BOSS: Shark| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 100 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is an optional battle but I recommend that you fight it anyway. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Not a particularly hard fight. All you have to do is just swim around | | dodging the Shark's attacks and let loose on it. You can trick him by | | going up against a wall and making him charge at you. Move at the last | | second to make him hit the wall and go unconscious for a second. Just | | attack the Shark's side and you'll win in no time. | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll get some nice restoration items from the Shark. Swim over behind the ship and go through the hole to the Undersea Gorge. In here, hit the little thing on the seafloor. Go up into the watergushing current and you'll knock off a big chest at the top. You can actually Open the chest, so do so for an Orichalcum. Now, go back to Ariel's Grotto. Another cutscene will pick up and it's an exciting one! Now, go outside and head back to the Palace, then to the throne room. After the cutscene, swim back to the entrance of Ariel's Grotto but don't go in. Just swim down the hole you opened earlier to reach the Sunken Ship. Look towards the left for a piece of a ship up against a wall. Go towards it and lock onto the thing lodged behind it. Examine it and Sebastian will get it for you, which results in the big rock with fish on it moving. Go into the Den of Tides. As you go along the path, take the right fork to reach a room with a Save Point and a Mega-Ether. Stock up on items on your party and make sure the equipment is the best. Save your game, go out, and take the left fork. _____________________________ |BOSS: Ursula & Flotsam/Jetsam| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 1000[U], 150[F/J] | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This isn't as hard a fight as it is annoying. Just remember the little | | patterns of Ursula's magic cauldron. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | To even damage Ursula, you must make her cauldron backfire. She will | | throw potions into it every once and a while to make it change colors. | | When it is red, lock onto it and cast Fira. When it is blue, lock onto | | it and cast Blizzara. And when it is yellow, lock onto it and cast | | Thunder. Whenever her cauldron turns white, that's when you lock onto | | her and let loose with physical attacks. If you run low on MP and you | | also run low on MP-restoration items, attack the two eels to regain | | your MP. | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll gain a new shared ability, the Mermaid Kick. Now, equip it and swim back to Calm Depths through the Sunken Ship. Make sure you save also! Now, with Mermaid Kick equipped, repeated tap CIRCLE while going against the current that blows, and you'll eventually reach the end where there's an exit on the right. Go through it and prepare for another fight. __________________ |BOSS: Giant Ursula| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 1500 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Sadly, I have to say this is way worse than the last fight. This is | | one of the toughest fights in the game, or at least one of the most | | annoying. Try not to get too frustrated with it, though can easily do | | so. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The lifesaver of this battle is the Aero spell. Use it all the time | | you can as to take less damage. Mainly, all you have to do is swim | | around Ursula's fat head and attack it to bits. But the only problem | | is the annoying attacks. Whenever she opens her mouth and tries to | | suck you in, Mermaid Kick away from here. When she uses the lightning | | spell, just swim everywhere to dodge it. Keep attacking her face and | | you'll pull it off eventually. | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll get Ansem's Report 3 after the fight, along with an upgraded Thunder spell called, you guessed it, Thundara! You'll be back in Ariel's Grotto for a cutscene where you get the Crabclaw keychain weapon, and Sora seals the keyhole for the world. Head to the throne room as it has the nearest Save Point, and go to the Gummi Ship. On the world map, choose to return to Traverse Town. Once there, stock up on some items and maybe Synthesize more if you can. Then head to Merlin's Study and Examine the book. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | 100 Acre Wood III 03.19 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Enter Pooh's house right beside you on the book. Go to his fire and cast Fira on it to get a Mythril from him. Back on the book's top, go right of here and go into the new opened area. Talk to Tigger and Roo when you enter. Basically, you just have to hop along the stumps and follow Tigger in the minigame here. After that, talk to Tigger again, and Roo after him. The next minigame you have to knock some nuts they throw at you back at the pot by jumping and hitting them. Each nut has different numeric values but it only matters that the score hits 20. Once it does, the pot breaks. For that reward later on, you're required to break the pot in 30 seconds. After that, jump into the hollow stump that the pot was on. Open the chest for an AP Up. Hop out and look for a log nearby. Hit it to get a Mythril. Next to the log is a stump on the ground. Jump on it to push it down and cause water nearby to gush up. Jump onto a big stump and then hop onto the small plank that's at the top of the water. Jump onto the leafy branch on the left and grab the pink Rare Nut #1. Head over to Owl and give it to him for a Power Up. Head to the opposite side of the area you got Rare Nut #1 and you will see a Rare Nut hanging from a branch. Hop over the log to your left and jump on the stump. It will cause the stump that's underneath the nut to rise with water, so jump on that and grab Rare Nut #2. Give it to Owl for a Defense Up. Head over to Tigger and talk to him, then go to the seesaw. Choose Roo as your partner and you'll go up to a branch with two Rare Nuts. Grab Rare Nut #3 and give it to Owl for a Mythril Shard. Go choose Roo again and grab Rare Nut #4. Give it to Owl for an AP Up. Finally, choose Tigger as your partner and hop along the branches and leafy canopies to get Rare Nut #5. Give it to Owl for an Orichalcum. There's just a bit more here. Choose Tigger again and hop around the branches to a chest with a Mythril Shard in it. The chest is on the ledge in the back to the left. Choose Tigger yet again and jump onto the canopy at the top of a tree with a hole in it. Go inside to knock loose a Dispel-G gummi. That's about it for this area, so head out to the book. The Torn Page you have turns into a Mythril. -----+----- As you already know, head back out to Merlin's Study again too. In here, save your game and choose to board the Gummi Ship. On the world map, choose to go to Agrabah. Once there, go to select another one and choose the 6-star world almost directly above Monstro, if you went the bottom path and encountered him. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Halloween Town 03.20 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o This is probably one of the coolest worlds in the game, at least I think so. As you start, you'll see that you're all dressed up for this world. Anyway, save if you want and head forward to the Guillotine Square. There are Heartless here but they just stand around, ignoring you. Run over to the other side to trigger a cutscene where you meet Jack Skellington, the Halloween King of the Halloween Town itself. After it is done, look for the door nearby leading into Dr. Finkelstein's Lab room. Go in and up the stairs for another scene, where Jack is experimenting on the Heartless. You can change party members now but I recommend keeping Donald and Goofy per usual. If you wish to test Jack for a bit you can, since he's a cool character. Anyway, search the nearby bookshelf to find a Torn Page. Head outside to discover the Heartless are back to life. Defeat all of them in the Guillotine Square. From where you exited the lab, head left and look for a small open gate. Behind it are some stairs leading to a house. Look under the steps to find a chest. Open it to find Dalmatians 67-69. Then climb the steps to the house and Pull the doorbell three times to get an Elixir. Go back down and out the small gate, then head left. Go around the corner of the broken wall to find an exit to the Graveyard. New Heartless are here, the Wight Knights. I find them extremely annoying until you are leveled up. Fight all of the Heartless here and a scene starts up with Sally. You'll get the Forget-Me-Not so go back to the lab. You'll need another item so go back to the Graveyard, wipe it clear of enemies, and Examine the casket in the back of the area. In the new area, talk to the Mayor. Examine the tombstones in the right order and then go to the big pumpkin behind you. Inside is a chest with a Jack-in-a-Box, which is the surprise that you need. Go back to the lab for a scene. Now, head back through the Graveyard and Examine the casket again. In the big pumpkin area, go around it and look for another door into Moonlight Hill. Destroy all the Heartless and Examine the small tombstone near the hill to make it unravel so you can cross it. At the bridge, defeat the Heartless and drop under the bridge. Open the chest for a Dispel-G gummi. Nearby, look for ledges to your left (if you're looking towards the way you entered) and jump up to a chest on a ledge in the corner. It contains a Defense Up. On the other side of the bridge is another chest, so high jump to that and open it for Dalmatians 40-42. After that, go across the bridge and through the gate to Oogie's Manor. On the bridge here, don't fall off. Just go across it and look for a chest at the end by the door. It holds an Ether. Examine the door to open it. Inside, defeat the Heartless and use the Red Trinity to reveal a chest. Open it for a Mythril Shard, and open the smaller chest for an Ether. Turn around and lock onto the metal platform thing. Cast Fira on it and let it go up. When it comes back down hop on it, then ride it to the top and hop off. Follow the wooden path all the way to the top where some stairs are. Hop up them and you'll see a split. Head left and defeat the Heartless but be very careful as to not fall off. Hop onto the top of the thing with the jagged mouth and then jump to the cage with the chest. Open it for a Mega-Ether. Go back to the split and head right. At the very top of the path are some steps and another small path, followed by a door leading to an Evil Playroom. Enter it to encounter the three evil kids you keep seeing. ___________________________ |BOSS: Lock, Shock, & Barrel| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: See below. | | | | :SUMMARY: | | These kids aren't that rough to beat, so don't worry about it so much. | | If you lose here then seriously rethink heading on and go back to do | | some leveling up. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Now, there is a weird way that EXP is spread through this fight. It | | changes depending on who you beat first, second, and last. I'm not too | | sure on how it depends, but from what I've heard, you'll get the most | | EXP if you defeat Barrel last. I'm not sure how much it matters though | | because you don't get a super lot of EXP from this battle. Just target | | one of them and attack them to death, then move on to the next one. | |________________________________________________________________________| After the fight, look for a lever nearby and use it. If you go back out to the cages, the other one will be lowered so you can jump to it for a Dispel-G gummi. Anyway, back into the Evil Playroom, stock up everyone's items. Equip the best stuff and save your game. Then go back outside and jump down to the lower walkway. Go down it and you'll find a green door towards the bottom. Go inside it. __________________ |BOSS: Oogie Boogie| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 2500 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Here's a pretty weird fight. Oogie Boogie is a cool boss though. If | | you're at a decent level and you know how to avoid some of his special | | "attacks" then you'll do okay. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | You're on a giant roulette wheel. Depending on what Oogie's roll gets | | is what you have to face. Just run from most of the stuff and jump and | | so on to avoid damage. Spots on the wheel will light up, so run to the | | lit up spot and you'll be caged it on that spot. You'll also be raised | | up to Oogie's level so let loose on the physical attacks. Eventually | | he will knock you back down and you just need to repeat the whole | | process over and over until you win. | |________________________________________________________________________| For reward you get Ansem's Report 7 and a Holy Circlet. Sadly, Oogie doesn't give up. After another scene, you'll be outside where Oogie Boogie has grown into the mansion. ___________________ |BOSS: Oogie Mansion| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 2500 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is just a weird fight, but it's nowhere near as bad as the last | | one. Just run around and find the weak spots. It's almost like a game | | of searching for items or something. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | There's not much to worry about here. Just watch out for Heartless | | that appear and watch out for fireballs flying around. That's about | | the only things that can harm you besides getting hit by Oogie's lamp | | if you're up that high. There's 7 weak spots. Two are near the bottom, | | and there's a whole lot towards the top. | |________________________________________________________________________| After the fight, you watch a scene of Sora sealing the keyhole. Your Gravity magic will upgrade to Gravira and talking to Jack nets you Pumpkinhead, the new keychain weapon. Now, if you want another Dispel-G, you can go back to Oogie's Mansion and look in the hole there. There's an awful lot of Dispel-Gs in this game though. Anyway, go back to a Save Point and back to the Gummi Ship. Choose to go back to Traverse Town. -----+----- Head to the shops and choose to stock up on some items. I recommend that you head to the Synthesis shop again, too. Synthesize some more items and whatnot. When you're ready, head to Merlin's Study again and go into the book of Pooh for the final time. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | 100 Acre Wood IV 03.21 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o This is the last time you'll be in the book, as you just collected the last page from Halloween Town. Head to the lower left area into somewhat a marshy area. Talk to Pooh and you'll have to help him find his friends. Lock onto Pooh and go to the nearest bush and Examine it. You'll find Eeyore. Head over to the other side with Pooh and talk to Rabbit when he runs out of a hole. Then go over to the blue flowers and Pooh will float up. Then you jump into the air gush from the well. On the log, talk to Tigger. Then go back up and jump over to the ledge and talk to Owl who's flying about. Now, lead Pooh back up to the top. Then target the webs inside the log and cast Fira on them. Lead Pooh through the log and then to some more flowers nearby. Talk to Piglet in the hole in the tree. Finally, you'll be back at the beginning so look for the tree root sticking down behind the bush. Target Roo and jump up and hit the root to knock him off. Talk to him and you'll take him to the bush. The special reward requires you to find everybody in 5 minutes. Here are all the requirements in a list: - 100+ points on Hunny Hunt - 150+ points on Bouncing Game - 40+ yards on Swing Game - Break Pot in less than 30 seconds - Find all friends in 5 minutes Anyway, after finding everyone, you'll see a somewhat long ending scene for the 100 Acre Wood, and your last Torn Page turns into an Orichalcum. If you want that reward, talk to Owl at Pooh's house after meeting those requirements. The reward is the Cheer ability for Sora, which is a pretty good ability. Sora will seal the keyhole for 100 Acre Wood, or the book's keyhole, and that will be the last you see of Winnie the Pooh and his friends. -----+----- Back in Traverse Town, go to a Save Point and head to the world map. Warp to either Halloween Town or Atlantica, then fly to the 7-star world. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Neverland 03.22 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o This is probably the shortest world in the game. As the world's beginning, you meet Riku yet again. This time, he's against you yet again. After some bit of conversation, you'll be dropped into the brig. You'll meet Peter Pan afterwards and man I have to say I never knew how much of a punk he is. Out of all the party members in the game so far, he is the most annoying. Anyway, save your game and go out the door. There's new Heartless, simply named Pirates. Also, you'll occasionally run into a Shadow version of Sora, but it's not too bad. Head forward and up the ladder. Go through the door on the right and then drop down through the hole in the room. In this area, you can fight quite a bit of Heartless for some nice EXP, then go up the ladder at the other side. A few scenes will start up and you'll learn a tiny more bit of information. After it's done, go open the chest in the corner for a Dispel-G. Head back to the other side and jump up the hole in the ceiling net thing on the right. Pull yourself into the room you just saw and use the green Trinity to lower a ladder down. Don't go up it yet. Save your game first, then go up it. _______________ |BOSS: Anti-Sora| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 2000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is the Shadow version of Sora that's been bothering you. Before | | you couldn't defeat it, as it just kept coming back. This time it's a | | real battle where you can destroy it. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | A pretty annoying battle if you're not strong enough. Just lock onto | | the shadow and pound it with physical attacks. You should also stick | | with using Aero to protect yourself. When the shadow splits into three | | forms, cast Thundara to easily reveal the right one and continue to | | wail on it. After a while you can pummel the shadow down. | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll get a Raven's Claw for winning. Look at the chest nearby and open it to find Dalmatians 88-90. Also, look around for a door on the floor. Open it and drop down to find a Protega Chain in a chest. Exit through the door and go through the one across the hall. Climb back up to the Cabin and go through the door to the deck. You'll watch a cutscene and your Cure magic will be upgraded to Cura. Also, you can fly now, very easily I might add. There's a bunch of Heartless out here, not to mention two new types, the Battleships and the Air Pirates. Clear them out and another cutscene starts, ending with a boss battle. __________________ |BOSS: Captain Hook| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 3400 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Not that hard of a battle, especially with the ability to fly. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Mainly, just fly around and hit Hook. If you want, cast Fira on him | | to make him run around on fire, but don't touch him while he's doing | | this. There's Heartless around but don't worry about them. Focus on | | beating Hook. | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll get Ansem's Report 9 and a new ability, Ars Arcanum for Sora. Another scene starts up and you'll end up at a giant clock tower. Run around the corner and you'll find a green chest in a corner area. Open it to find Dalmatians 43-45. Talk to Wendy and she'll tell you one of the clock faces is wrong. Fly up to the wrong one and hit it until it is right. This reveals the keyhole and a cutscene begins where Sora seals it. You'll gain the Tinkerbell summon, the Fairy Harp keychain, and a new Shared Ability of Glide, which lets you "fly" through the air in worlds other than Neverland. You also get the last Navi-G Piece that you need to give to Cid back in Traverse Town. Fly up to the Save Point and use it to go to the world map. Choose Neverland again and land in the ship's Hold. Go out the door and clear out the Heartless in the room. Fly up to the ceiling and you should see a chest. Open it for Dalmatians 82-84. There's one on the other side with a Shell-G. If you go out to the deck, there's also a chest in the crow's nest containing a Dispel-G. After you're done, go back to the Save Point and return to the world map. On the map, choose to warp back to Traverse Town. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Traverse Town VII 03.23 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Start off with the usual routine of buying items and Synthesizing stuff. Go behind the Accessory shop and talk to Cid to start up a scene. After the scene, Cid will have that Navi-G installed and he'll give you a Transform-G. With that done, head to the Dalmatians' House in the Second District and you'll get a Megalixir. Then go to the cave where Merlin's Study is, but don't go inside the study. Go around the back and use Glide to reach a chest on a very small platform across the water. It contains Dalmatians 1-3. Now, use the Save Point in Merlin's Study to go the world map. On the map, head to Wonderland. ---------- Wonderland ----------- Land in the Castle and go into the Lotus Forest. There's a chest on a lilypad above the fake pond to the left. Use Glide to get to it from the lilypad on the right of where you enter. Open it for an Orichalcum. Head to the Tea Party Garden through the nearby door and open the chest by where you enter for Dalmatians 19-21. Another chest by you has a Mythril, and you can Glide to a chest with an Aeroga-G. Head back to the map via a Save Point. Sail to Agrabah now. ------- Agrabah ------- Dock at Aladdin's House and head off to the Palace Gates. High jump to the tallest area here and Glide across to a chest with Dalmatians 46-48. Go back to a Save Point and to the map, but choose Agrabah again. Land in the Dark Chamber. Go up the steps to the Entrance and locate a chest on a pillar. Glide to it and open it for Dalmatians 49-51. Go back to the world map again. Now choose to go to Halloween Town. -------------- Halloween Town -------------- Go into Guillotine Square and look for two large pumpkins up on a wall. Head around the corner to the right of the pumpkins and look for an area to jump into the wall. Jump into it and turn around. To the right there's a ledge sticking out, so jump out and Glide right to the ledge. Pull yourself up and jump into the little room thing covered by spikes. Open the chest for a Power Up. Turn around and look to the right a bit and you'll see another small room covered by spikes. Glide into it to find two chests. One has Dalmatians 70-72 and the other an Elixir. Jump down to the ground and go to the Graveyard. Head through here and go to Moonlight Hill. Towards the right of where you enter you can see another one of those doors that if you Examine it the door opens. Do so to find a plethora of items: Dalmatians 64-66, a Thunder-G gummi, an Esuna-G gummi, and a Dispel-G gummi. Go to the nearest Save Point and head back to the world map. On the map, warp to Olympus Coliseum. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Olympus Coliseum: Hercules Cup 03.24 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o There's another cup for you to win here. HERCULES CUP ______________________________________________ | Seed Number/Name | Enemies | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #9: Dusk Vanguard | Gargoyle x5 | | | Shadow x3 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #8: Minions of Horror | Wight Knight x4 | | | Air Pirate x1 | | | Barrel Spider x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #7: Buccaneers | Battleship x1 | | | Pirate x4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #6: Stray Phantom | Gargoyle x4 | | | Wight Knight x3 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #5: Mad Truffle | Rare Truffle x1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #4: Cloud | Cloud | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #3: Dark Squadron | Wight Knight x1 | | | Gargoyle x2 | | | Pirate x2 | | | Air Pirate x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #2: Flying Pirates | Battleship x2 | | | Pirate x2 | | | Air Pirate x1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #1: Hercules | Hercules | |_______________________|______________________| ___________ |BOSS: Cloud| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 500 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Not much different than the original time, with the exception of his | | move where he flies around. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | You should be at a high enough level to take him on, especially since | | he hasn't changed much. Just watch around for when he flies. If he | | hits you in that mode it is gonna hurt. | |________________________________________________________________________| For winning this fight, you'll get the Metal Chocobo keychain. ______________ |BOSS: Hercules| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 700 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This fight is somewhat of a pushover. If you get hit of course, you | | will do bad. But Herc isn't that bad of a final boss in this cup. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Personally, I think Hercules is easier than Cloud. His attack power is | | a lot higher, yes. But if you can dodge the attacks and you get the | | pattern down, you can beat him easily. Mainly, while Hercules has gold | | light around him, he's invincible. Wait until he goes "Hey, give up | | yet?" and that's when you Pick Up a barrel and Throw it at him. The | | light fades away and he is vulnerable for a short time, so unleash a | | couple physical combos. When he is spinning around with the sword, it | | is best to just Glide away and you'll stay in the air long to enough | | to avoid it, I think. After he's taken some damage though, he'll start | | charging around the battle ground. Gliding is once again a good way to | | stay away, but you may have to use it twice as his charges usually | | last away. Just keep chucking barrels and laying on the smackdown to | | take down this hero. | |________________________________________________________________________| After you win, you'll get Herc's Shield which is a great weapon for Goofy. A cutscene will take place and you'll obtain the Olympia keychain and you'll learn the Yellow Trinity. Also, if you go back and do the Hercules Cup in solo, you can get an Orichalcum. Doing the time trial nets you a Power Up. Speaking of the Yellow Trinity, use the one that's right beside you. You'll push the big block out of the way and reveal the keyhole for the world. Sora will lock it and you'll be on your way. Head to the world map. On it, choose to go to Neverland. --------- Neverland --------- Once here, land in the Hold. Go through the door and climb the ladder in the room. Clear the Heartless out and use the Yellow Trinity here. In the room, defeat all the Heartless. Open the four chests up. You'll get a Dispel-G gummi, an Orichalcum, and Dalmatians 85-87. You'll even find a spell upgrade for Aero, which makes it Aerora. Go back to the Save Point and to the world map. On it, choose to head to Agrabah. ------- Agrabah ------- Dock in the Dark Chamber. Go up into the Hall and fight all the Heartless. Look for the Yellow Trinity by a giant head. If you've already used the High Jump to reach the chests, then the head's probably no use. If you didn't though, then you can reach them now. Go back to the world map again. On the map, select Traverse Town. ------------- Traverse Town ------------- Stock up on items and whatnot, and Synthesize more goods. Head to the Second District and to the Dalmatians' House. Pick up the Orichalcum and Ultima-G prizes and leave. Go to the cave of Merlin's Study but don't go inside the Study. Again, go around and use the Yellow Trinity on the boxes to reach a chest with a Power Up. Now, do any side things you still need to do in the game. Whatever you feel you must do. When you're ready head to the Gummi Ship. On the world map, warp to Neverland. Once there, choose the 10-star world near it that is unexplored. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Hollow Bastion 03.25 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Welcome to Hollow Bastion. Quite an inviting place it seems, and really cool to say the least. As you begin, save your game and drop down. Go forward past the rocks and look for a chest. Open it for Dalmatians 91-93. Jump back onto the platform you were on and then jump up on each platform to go up. You can go into the bubble further up and you'll be able to reach a Dispel-G gummi under water. Anyway, keep jumping until a cutscene starts. Riku will end up taking away your Keyblade somehow and you're stuck with the Wooden Sword from Destiny Islands. And to make matters worse, Donald and Goofy leave you as they have to follow the Keyblade. Luckily, you at least have Beast with you. Anyway, turn around a you'll see chests on three platforms. Glide to each of them for a Megalixir, a Blizzaga Ring, and a Dispel-G. Go back up to where the scene started and hop onto the moving platform. When you reach the castle, turn right and head through the gate. Examine the red crystal here and then the blue one to go down a level. Now if you haven't already run into the new Heartless, then you definitely will here. There are four new types: Defenders, big beasts with shields; Wyverns, dragon creatures; Darkballs, just what they are named - dark balls; and Wizards, floating little wizards obviously. Anyway, down here let Beast eliminate the enemies right now. Hop up to the bubble that's higher in the air. Over here, jump on the block and then to the chest for a Mythril. Hop to the ledge on the left for a Tornado-G in the chest. Jump around the corner to the right and grab another Tornado-G. Head back to where the block you jumped on was but Release the ice crystal thing sticking out of the ledge where the first Tornado-G was. Jump down to the block and push it to the other side. Hop on it and onto the small platform and up again to the ledge. Release the ice crystal thing here and jump across the platforms that came from the wall. Leap onto the platform ahead and go left through the exit into the Waterway. Target the little gate thing here and use Call to have Beast break it. Open the chest for an Esuna-G. Go back out to the ice area and hop down to where you first jumped into the bubble. Jump into the other bubble now. In here, go to the chest and open it for a Firaga Ring. Save your game at the Save Point, then use Call on the gate beside you for Beast to break it. Head left and go into the bubble. In the new area, turn left immediately and Call Beast to break the cracked wall. Go inside and let Beast clear out the room. Then open the two chests both for Float-G gummis. Go back out and take a left out here. Right around the corner is a blue button on the wall. Release this one, then go to the next button and Release that. Jump over to the right and Release this button, then go Release the button that was revealed on the ground. Jump into the bubble; in the new area, hit the blue button to show an elevator. Fight the Heartless, or rather let Beast do so, and hit the next and final button. Do ALL the switches you just did in reverse, and head back to the very front of the castle where you took the right and hit the shining crystal things. Save along the way and when you're at the front, head to the big double doors. A cutscene rolls when you get inside and something big happens. Riku will try to literally destroy Sora but someone, who previously had just switched to the other side, saves him. After that, you'll get your Keyblade back and you begin a boss fight. __________ |BOSS: Riku| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 2000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Riku is a dirty friend consumed by darkness. It appears he now wants | | to kill you. I guess when push comes to shove, or more in this matter, | | push comes to murder, you'll need to act back. Riku doesn't seem like | | himself anymore. In general, this fight isn't that hard, but the fact | | that you're fighting Riku is pretty weird. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | If you won against Riku at the beginning of the game, you'll probably | | have not much trouble with this. He's pretty similar except he has a | | few new techniques. Just lay down physical attacks and summon Tinker | | Bell for HP restoration. | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll be able to use the White Trinity marks after the battle. Head up the stairs and go into the small hall straight ahead. Look in the little alcoves to the right and find a pillar to jump up to. Jump on it and then onto the next one to find a chest with a Power Up. Hop down and go back to the top of the stairs. Go to the left door (from coming up the stairs) into the Library. Immediately when you enter, go around the left corner and pick up the red book, the Khama Vol.8. Use it on the empty spot in the bookshelf ahead where the red books are. After the shelf moves, go past where it was and look to the left. There's a little crevice inside of a pillar. Choose to Turn it and you'll find a chest with an Elixir. Go up the stairs and head to the next crevice thing. Keep Turning it until you uncover another chest, with a Mythril inside. There's yet one more of these nearby so Turn it until you get a Mega-Potion. From where you get the Mega-Potion, head right a bit and look around to see a chest on top of a bookshelf. Glide to it and open it for a Dispel-G. Now look on top of the bookshelf nearby that's up against the wall. Another one of the crevices that you can Turn is there, so Turn it until you get an AP Up from the chest. Drop down and head back up the stairs. Look for a table on the other side of the bookshelf to your right. By the table is a Save Point, so use it to save your game. Look on the table and pick up the orange Theon Vol.6 off it. Then go to the Green Trinity and use it to drop down a book. It is a yellowish-orange book called Azal Vol.3. Pick it up and turn around, then head over towards the shelf that has orange books with a green one stuck in it. Pull out the green one called Mava Vol.6 and stick the Theon Vol.6 into it. Behind the shelf, push the red button to unlock the door. You should ignore the door now and head over to the Save Point and look to see a space down below by it enclosed by three bookshelves. Jump down into the space. Down here, look for the shelf with green books. Pull out the blue one called Salegg Vol.6 and then put Mava Vol.6 into the spot towards the right side of the shelf. Turn around and look at the shelf with blue books and place Salegg Vol.6 in it to move the shelf away. Head back towards where you entered the library and you'll see a shelf with yellow books. Stick in the Azal Vol.3 and you'll move the shelf. Now head through the path you made back through where you just were and head back around towards the building. On this side of the shelf you just moved, picked up the other yellowish book called Nahara Vol.5. Go back upstairs and go to the yellow books in the shelf nearest the table. By moving this shelf you'll uncover another one with purple books and a green one stuck in it. Pull out Mava Vol.3 and jump back down to where the green books were. Put Mava Vol.3 in the spot towards the left of the shelf. Behind it, pick up the purple book Hafet Vol.4 off the table, then go back up to the shelf with the purple books and place it in. Save your game at the Save Point and go out the exit that's behind the bookcase. In this area, look up in the air to find a small platform with a chest on it. Lock onto it and cast Gravira to bring it down and open the chest for a gummi Tornado-G. Use the blue crystal thing and you'll go on a platform ride for a while. After it's done, look for another floating platform in the small space you arrive at. Gravira it down and open the chest for an Ultima-G. Use the blue crystal again and return to the library. Use the Save Point again if you wish. Then head over to the door you unlocked with the red switch. Out here, your job is to collect Emblem Pieces. To the right are two pots on both sides of a statue thing. Break them both and you'll see the first Emblem Piece drop out into the water below. Don't jump down yet. Look for two candles nearby on both sides of a lion face thing. Light them both with Fira, then go around the upper level lighting the rest. There's 8 candles in all. After it is done you'll see another Emblem Piece on the platform in the middle. Don't go to it yet either. To the left of where you entered is a little small gravestone looking thing that you can lock onto. It has a lightning symbol on it, so you obviously must use Thundara on it. This cause the small platform things on the sides of the big platform in the middle to drop. Now, go back to the door you entered from and turn towards the middle platform. To the right, go around and you'll find a Red Trinity by a horse statue thing. Use the Trinity to knock the statue down below and it breaks revealing another Emblem Piece. Don't get that yet either. The final thing to do is to the right of where the Trinity was (if you're facing the big platform) you'll find one more statue thing. You can Examine it and it tells you to move it. Push it to the left (if you're facing the statue thing) and it'll go onto a switch, which shows a chest down below appearing. You must collect the pieces now. First, Glide to the big middle platform for Emblem #1. Drop down below and get Emblem #2 from where the statue broke. Jump into the water in between the stairs for Emblem #3. Then go up the stairs and head to the side on the right, opposite of the library door, to find the chest with Emblem #4. You should probably go to the Save Point in the library again and restore your MP by standing on it. Save your progress and go out the door by it again, the one you unlocked with the switch. Back on the upper level, just jump down again. Go up the steps and straight into the small hall with the door that has the Heartless symbol on it. Examine it four times to place the Emblem Pieces on it for a cutscene. When it finishes, Heartless appear behind you. You can fight them for some good EXP, then head through the door you opened to the Lift Stop. Go to the red crystal and change it, then use the blue crystal. Up here, cast Gravira on another floating chest and open it for an Orichalcum. Go back down, then use the other blue crystal that used to the be the red crystal to change it back. Use the blue crystal again to ride the platform down. Go through the exit. Turn the corner and you'll fight some Heartless. Afterwards, you'll see two platforms you can take. First go right and you'll arrive at a red crystal. You can get MP balls and a Mythril by examining it. Go back and take the other one. In here, use the Blue Trinity for a Cottage, a Mega-Potion, and a Mega-Ether. Hop back onto the platform to go back up, and then back to the Lift Stop where you started. Back in there, go back up the platform to the first blue crystal. Go left and out the exit to the Castle Gates area. Head around the corner and fight some Heartless. Don't fall off though. After you beat them, Examine the red crystal. Use the platform that comes to jump across to a chest. Gravira it down and open it for Dalmatians 94-96. Jump onto the moving platform that you activated and go to the other end. Glide to both the chests here for a Holy-G gummi and an Orichalcum. Glide back to where you started the red crystal and use the other crystal to ride a platform up. In this area, go to the red crystal and Examine it. You'll have to fight some Heartless all the while you're on this big moving platform. After the fight, Examine the red crystal to make the platform move again. When you arrive at the other side, run forward towards the chest. Open it for a Dispel-G gummi and use the Blue Trinity right by you to get a Megalixir and two Cottages. Check your Journal on the Trinity List. You should have completed every one except the White Trinity marks, if you've been following the guide. Anyway, move on to the left and down the stairs. Go through the exit to the Lift Stop. Use the blue crystal here to go up, and out the exit to the Great Crest. Head left and open the chest for an Orichalcum, then go to the other side and use the blue crystal. Up here, head left and fight the Heartless. Look for a floating chest right near you and Gravira it down to get a Thundaga Ring from it. Head around the corner and you'll find a red crystal. Use it and turn back around and go through the exit that was in front of you when you came up here. Head through the next door to enter the High Tower. Defeat the Heartless here and find the floating chest. Use Gravira to bring it down and open it for the Dalmatians 97-99. Use the red crystal nearby to lower the other platform, then hop up them both to a yellow crystal. Fight any Heartless that appear and use the yellow crystal to raise the other platform, then hop up them. Go around the corner to find a chest with a Megalixir in it. Then head to the red crystal nearby and fight the Heartless. When they're gone, use the red crystal. Head back to where the yellow crystal was and head around the corner to find an exit into the Lift Stop. Go through it and then into the Castle Chapel through the next exit. A cutscene will start up and you'll have a boss fight. ________________ |BOSS: Maleficent| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 6000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Well, it was probably not hard to guess you'd be fighting Maleficent | | in this world. There's not much to say about the fight other than it's | | a tough one, somewhat. If you know what to do it is not, and that's | | what this guide is for, to help you out! So you should do well. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Target the platform that Maleficent is on, and like the floating ones | | with chests, Gravira it down. Target her and jump onto the platform to | | unleash some good physical attack goodness on her. She can summon some | | Heartless occasionally but don't worry about them too much. The main | | thing to worry about is when she says something like "Meteor fury!" as | | it is a sign to run out of the way. A lot of meteors will shower in, | | so dodge them. Pretty much all you need to do is just keep attacking | | her and run from the meteors. | |________________________________________________________________________| For winning, Donald will learn the Cheer ability and you'll get Ansem's Report 5. Stock up everyone with items and save your game at the Save Point. Head into the next area. _______________________ |BOSS: Dragon Maleficent| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 6000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is a rather tough fight. The first fight with her is nothing if | | compared to this. Just follow the strategy closely. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Using Aerora will help some of the damage in this battle. The best you | | can do is to run around the Dragon and get on the back. Attacking the | | head from here is generally safe except for when the Dragon Maleficent | | tries to knock you off. If you have Ars Arcanum and it is equipped, it | | could prove very useful for doing some damage if you get a good number | | of hits in with it. If you have a very high Strength, you can end this | | faster with long combos and air hits. Just keep on pounding the head | | and heal whenever you get down to half your HP left, as certain hits | | can knock off the rest in one move. | |________________________________________________________________________| For beating the Dragon, you'll get Fireglow, which is another summon gem. Head through the dark hole back to the Chapel and save your game. Restock your party members yet again and then head through the new opening. Fight the Heartless here and head through the exit. In here, go forward until a cutscene starts. You'll end up discovering that Kairi's heart is inside of Sora, and that the being that's taken over Riku is Ansem. Remember the Ansem Reports? This is the same Ansem. A fight will now begin. __________ |BOSS: Riku| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 8500 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Another super hard fight after another. You'll probably find this a | | bit ridiculous by now. Try your best to bring him down, and follow the | | strategy. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Sora is all alone in this fight, so it's definitely a rough one. You | | must keep Aerora cast on Sora at all times, unless you want even more | | damage taken. Try to unleash all your most powerful combos on Riku, or | | should I say Ansem. Anyway, if you have the Guard ability equipped, it | | is a good way to deflect Riku's attacks. After a while of taking hits, | | Riku will power up into a stronger mode. It is recommended you finish | | him really quickly with strong combos and maybe Ars Arcanum if you do | | have it. That can really end the fight quick. Just Glide and use Dodge | | Roll to avoid some of his attacks, and don't let off attacking him. | |________________________________________________________________________| Sora will learn a new ability, Ragnarok, and you'll watch some nice little cutscenes. When they end, you'll be in some place different, in body and mind literally. Head out the exit, then just keep falling off ledges back to the very beginning with the Entrance Hall. Some more cutscenes will begin and you will learn quite a bit. When they are finished, you'll be going to Traverse Town. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Traverse Town 03.26 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o An important thing for you to know is that now every world has a bigger Battle LVL and everything from here on out is a lot harder. All the Heartless you have encountered in the game are now upgraded and harder than they were before, but on the upside, they wield more EXP. Also, in worlds like Traverse Town where you never would see say, a Darkball for example, you will see them there now. Defenders and all those sorts are in Traverse, along with other worlds. So now, basically all the worlds have mixed and matched Heartless, along with stronger versions of their original ones. A cutscene will start your return. Afterwards, you can talk to everyone. Exit out of the house and go talk to Cid in the First District. You'll need a new Navi-G to reach Hollow Bastion again. Head to the Secret Waterway and use the White Trinity in there for an Orichalcum. Talk to Kairi and head over to the starry drawing on the wall for a small cutscene, and you'll get the Navi-G. Talk to Kairi once more for a new keychain, the Oathkeeper. Now head to the Dalmatians' House and reap your reward. You'll get a Ribbon, which is a nice Accessory. If you've been following along, you need one more set of Dalmatians for the final reward. Go to Merlin's Study now and talk to the Fairy Godmother to get a new summon, Mushu, from the Fireglow. If you have gotten all the other summons, you'll get a new weapon for Donald, the Lord Fortune. I'd advise you equip it now. Head back to the First District and talk to Cid again. He'll install the Navi-G. Finally, stock up on items once more. Synthesize what you can and go to the world map. We're gonna go do something before returning to Hollow Bastion. Do you remember the White Trinity? We're looking for those. ------------------ White Trinity Hunt ------------------ Now, we're going to some old worlds and unleashing the White Trinity marks. The list below will tell you the world, the landing point, and the White Trinity location. Wonderland ~~~~~~~~~~ Land in the Castle and enter the Lotus Forest. Go to the back and jump up some mushrooms to the branch with the seed on it. Look for the nearby exit into the Bizarre Room where you're on one of the walls. Head to the picture that we revealed towards the beginning of the game by lighting the two lamps beside it, and Examine it to enter a small area. We previously collected the goodies here but there's a White Trinity, so use it to get the Lady Luck keychain. Olympus Coliseum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The White Trinity is in the middle of the area, so use it to get Violetta, a weapon for Donald. Deep Jungle ~~~~~~~~~~~ Land at the campsite. Head back to the area where you fought Clayton (the path to the right when you're coming out of the tent) and head to the cave where you sealed the keyhole. The White Trinity is in front of the keyhole, and you'll get an Orichalcum from it. Agrabah ~~~~~~~ Land in the Dark Chamber. Head back to the Entrance and use the White Trinity (it's right near where you enter the cave) for a Comet-G gummi. Monstro ~~~~~~~ Go into Chamber 1, and jump up the ledge to the left and enter Chamber 2. In here, high jump to the ledge in front of you and go through the exit to Chamber 5, then follow through to Chamber 6. Go to the top ledge and drop down to the White Trinity. Use it for a Thundaga-G gummi. Atlantica ~~~~~~~~~ Land in Triton's Throne and head outside. Fight any Heartless and go inside that big shell to find the White Trinity. Use it for an Orichalcum. Halloween Town ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head to Moonlight Hill through the Graveyard. The White Trinity here gives you another Comet-G gummi. Neverland ~~~~~~~~~ Land in the Hold of the pirate ship. Work your way up to the deck where you fought Captain Hook and find the White Trinity. Use it for a Meteor-G gummi. - - Now you have found all of the White Trinity marks except for one. I'd advise you head back to Traverse Town and stock up again if you need to do so. Also, you should probably level up a bit. Two good spots are the Gizmo Shop in the Second District and the open area in the Third District. A good level to stop at unless you feel like going for a long while is somewhere around 50 or more. When you're ready, go back to the world map. On it, head to the warp hole right underneath Traverse Town. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Hollow Bastion II 03.27 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o To start, go up into you reach a White Trinity, the last one to be exact. Use it to get a Firaga-G gummi. There's also a new water bubble that you can use to reach a Defense Up. Anyway, hop up to the moving platform and head inside the castle. Go into the Library and talk to Belle for the Divine Rose keychain. I'd advise equipping it. Also, remember the exit that was behind the bookcase that leads to the Lift Stop? You can go through it and find a Thundaga-G by going through a new opened area. After that, head all the way back to the Castle Chapel where you had to fight Maleficent for the first time. Talk with the Princesses of Heart here and save your game. Head through to the Grand Hall and clear out the whole area of Heartless. From where you entered, go forward and to the right to find a chest by the steps. Open it for a Firaga-G. Look for a ledge nearby and jump onto it and follow it around to a ledge above where you first went up the steps. There's a chest here with Oblivion, another keychain for Sora in it. Then go to where the big darkness heart is and face it. Look left and open the chest on a ledge to get Dalmatians 61-63. This is the last of the Dalmatians if you have been following the guide. Anyway, ready up and jump into the heart of darkness. ______________ |BOSS: Behemoth| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 16000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Boy, this thing is a doozy. If you're at a good level and have some of | | your stats high up, you'll do pretty good though. Also, you probably | | will gain a level or two thanks to the high EXP you get from it. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Basically, you just need to jump up onto the Behemoth's back and hit | | the horn on its head. If the horn starts shining, prepare to dodge a | | bit of attacks. If you have Ars Arcanum, that helps a whole lot here, | | and maybe even Ragnarok. For a final battle in this area though, the | | Behemoth isn't totally hard. | |________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you'll get a great Accessory, an Omega Arts. Also, you'll have your Fira magic upgraded to Firaga. Go back down to the Library and talk to Aerith a couple times. The first time she will give you Ansem's Reports 2, 4, 6, and 10. After two more times, she will upgrade your Cura magic to Curaga which is definitely handy. Now, head to a Save Point and go back to Traverse Town. ------------- Traverse Town ------------- Head to the Dalmatians' House and you will get two rewards. First, your Aerora magic is upgraded to Aeroga. And the other is that you will get the complete Gummi Piece collection. Now, head back to the shops and stock up on whatever. When you feel you're ready, go back to the world map. Head to the world that is below Hollow Bastion. I advise you not to do the Hades Cup yet. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | End of the World 03.28 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o When you arrive, save your game. Walk forward for the short introduction of the End of the World, and you'll be on your way. Run forward to the chest nearby. You'll see (or not see) that there are invisible walls blocking your path so you have to go to each chest along the way. Before reaching the first chest, a ball of darkness falls on you and transports you to another area. You'll have to fight some Heartless, of which there are two new types in this area: there are Invisibles, the devil looking Heartless with swords, and Angel Stars, the weird yellow glass star Heartless that are annoying. Anyway, clear the Heartless and open the chest for a Power Up. Move to the next one towards the right and open it to fight more Heartless, then you'll get a Defense Up. Head left to the next chest and open it. You'll get a Megalixir without fighting. I really advise using anything like Power Ups and Defense Ups on Sora, not the other two. Now, move to the next chest which is red. If you open it, you will fight a Behemoth again, but it is even easier this time. You will probably pick up an Orichalcum from the spoils of the Behemoth, and you will get an Omega Arts afterwards. I'd also advise you equip the Omega Arts on someone, preferably Sora. It helps a lot, especially if he already has one on. Go to the next chest, but you'll have to fight before reaching it. You'll meet the Angel Stars now, as you already met the Invisibles. At the next chest, open it for an Angel Bangle. There's one more chest really close by, so open it for another Megalixir and you don't fight anything. Now, head to the chest one the right side nearest you. Open it to fight more Heartless and you'll get another Defense Up. Go to the red chest next and open it to get an Accessory that's pretty cool, called Three Stars. Run over to the chest to your left, but skip it first and go further to the chest behind it. Open it for a battle and a reward of a Dark Ring. Go back to the chest further ahead and open it for another fight. You'll get a Power Up from it too. Since we got everything here, run towards the big vortex and the rocks. When you get towards the end of the area, you need to fight another Behemoth. They should be a piece of cake by now. In this area, there's a big platform off in the distance with some rocks off of it and a chest sitting on it. High jump and Glide to it if you want to get the Haste2-G gummi from the chest. There's not much in this area but if you just carefully Glide around, you can locate some more gummis: an Ultima-G after you fight some enemies, an Esuna-G, a Haste-G, and a Thundaga-G. I didn't care that much about gummis at this point, especially since I had the whole collection from the Dalmatians. When you're ready to continue, drop to the bottom of the area and head to the Save Point by some glowing light. Use it and jump into the glowing light. You'll enter a small enclosed platform. Go to the light blue ball and you'll be transported to another platform with a light pillar. Enter the pillar and you will be in the Third District of Traverse Town. Fight the simple Heartless here and open the chest for a Brave Warrior. Then exit through the door. Back on the platform, go to the next blue ball. You'll need to be doing this process of going into the light pillars, fighting Heartless, opening the chest, and then leaving by whichever exit there is, until you reach the end. Here is a list of the places you're transported via the pillars and their rewards: Wonderland: Ifrit's Horn - right where you begin Olympus Coliseum: Inferno Band - behind right statue Deep Jungle: White Fang - on small platform Agrabah: Ray of Light - at the top of the Castle Gates area Atlantica: AP Up - opposite side of where you start on the ground Halloween Town: Holy Circlet - opposite of where you start on top of the steps Neverland: Raven's Claw - go up ladder, beat Heartless; it is in the other room The last area is the 100 Acre Wood, where there's no enemies. The chest holds a Megalixir and there's a Save Point, so use it and stock up the party. Leave and head through the next blue ball. Enter the fire pillar to find yourself in a Hollow Bastion like area. Fight the Heartless in the hallway and go into the newly opened room. Open the chest for a Megalixir and then Examine the mechanical thing to see a poem-like writing: "Ones born of the heart and darkness, devoid of hearts, ravage all worlds and bring desolation. Seize all hearts and consummate the great heart. All hearts to be one, one heart to encompass all. Realize the destiny: the realm of Kingdom Hearts. The great darkness sealed within the great heart. Progeny of darkness, come back to the eternal darkness. For the heart of light shall unseal the path. Seven hearts, one Keyhole, one key to the door. The door of darkness, tied by two keys. The door of darkness to seal the light. None shall pass but shadows, returning to the darkness. Ones born of the heart and darkness, hunger for every heart until the dark door opens." After it finishes, more Heartless attack so fight them and head back out into the hall. Go through the warp hole you came through, and back on the platform, drop down the hole that replaced the fire pillar. _______________ |BOSS: Chernabog| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 15000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | If you know how to dodge the attacks of this boss, it is simple. There | | is not much else to say about it. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The main thing you want to do is stay behind his head and unleash a | | fury of attacks. It is very helpful that you can fly around in this | | battle. Your magic probably won't be very helpful so just let the old | | normal physical attacks rule this guy. His fire attacks are pretty bad | | but you can dodge it if you fly fast enough. | |________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you will get a new ability, Superglide. It is like Glide, but you press SQUARE instead of CIRCLE and you will fly faster and farther. Now, drop down into the volcano that Chernabog was on. You'll want to continue down to the bottom of the volcano and go through the hole on the ground. Go through the next hole in the next room, and the room after that, then jump through the exit in the final room. You'll wind up in a weird room with a big Heartless symbol. There's a Behemoth, so destroy it to break away part of the symbol. Fight the rest of the enemies until the symbol is gone and go through the door that appears. Open the chest to the right for a Megalixir and save your game. This is the Final Rest, the last area before the game's ending parts. I REALLY recommend that you don't go through the door yet. One thing you should do is finish off every side quest now, including getting the Ultimate Weapons for all three characters. From this point on, we'll be doing the rest of the optional stuff I think will really help you. If you don't want to do it, even though I think it will help, you can skip the next couple sections until you reach the final section entitled "End of the World II." Now, use the Save Point to return to the Gummi Ship and head to Traverse Town. ------------- Traverse Town ------------- You should head to the shops and stock up obviously, and maybe train some more if you feel like leveling up. One of the most important things is the Synthesis Shop. You really should Synthesize one of everything so that you can Synthesize the Ultima Weapon, the best weapon for Sora. Refer to the Synthesis and the Ultimate Weapon sections down below for more information. Whenever you're ready, board the Gummi Ship again. We're off to the Olympus Coliseum for the last cup there: the Hades Cup. I recommend that you be around the Level 60 or more before trying the cup. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Olympus Coliseum: Hades Cup 03.29 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o You should definitely put your best equipment on and stock everyone up with the best items. Save your game and talk to Phil, and choose the Hades Cup. HADES CUP ______________________________________________ | Seed Number/Name | Enemies | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #49: Shadow Brothers | Soldier x3 | | | Shadow x7 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #48: Wild Dance | Wight Knight x3 | | | Powerwild x4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #47: Terrible Feet | Hammerlegs x1 | | | Pirate x4 | | | Shadow x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #46: Dirty Claws | Powerwild x1 | | | Pot Spider x8 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #45: Mad Truffle | Rare Truffle x1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #44: Yuffie | Yuffie | |_______________________|______________________| ____________ |BOSS: Yuffie| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 600 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | She is pretty much the exact same as you fought her with Leon a long | | time ago but she's got one new move. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Just use the same strategy as before. It should be even easier without | | Leon to bog you down. If you die here, you won't be able to last at | | all in the cup or even the end of the game. | |________________________________________________________________________| For winning, Goofy gains the Genji Shield, a pretty strong weapon for him. ______________________________________________ | #43: Outlaws | Bandit x3 | | | Pirate x4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #42: Dark Garrison | Defender x1 | | | Wight Knight x3 | | | Soldier x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #41: Bad Union | Bandit x1 | | | Powerwild x2 | | | Large Body x1 | | | Fat Bandit x1 | | | Soldier x1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #40: Behemoth | Behemoth | |_______________________|______________________| ______________ |BOSS: Behemoth| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 600 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | By now you should be used to the Behemoth. It should almost seem like | | a regular enemy. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Continue the strategy of hopping on the body and letting loose with | | attacks. | |________________________________________________________________________| For winning, your Blizzara magic will be upgraded to Blizzaga. ______________________________________________ | #39: Red Legion | Search Ghost x1 | | | Red Nocturne x8 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #38: Blue Legion | Blue Rhapsody x7 | | | Gargoyle x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #37: Sorcerous Armor | Guard Armor x1 | | | Blue Rhapsody x2 | | | Red Nocturne x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #36: Mad Fungus | Black Fungus x1 | | | Green Requiem x4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #35: Spiders & Magic | Red Nocturne x3 | | | Yellow Opera x3 | | | Pot Spider x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #34: Optical Trick | Stealth Sneak x1 | | | Blue Rhapsody x2 | | | Green Requiem x4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #33: Magic Force | Wizard x1 | | | Red Nocturne x2 | | | Yellow Opera x4 | | | Blue Rhapsody x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #32: Shadow Summoners | Wizard x3 | | | Shadow x6 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #31: Mystic Mages | Angel Star x1 | | | Wizard x4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #30: Cerberus | Cerberus | |_______________________|______________________| ______________ |BOSS: Cerberus| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 1000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Another fight that is like the very old one you fought long before, | | but the enemy is just a bit more beefed up. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Just let loose with physical attacks on the heads and watch out for | | the attacks that it uses. | |________________________________________________________________________| For winning, your Thundara magic will be upgraded to Thundaga. ______________________________________________ | #29: Sky Raiders | Air Soldier x4 | | | Air Pirate x3 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #28: Spookies | Search Ghost x6 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #27: Terrible Fists | Gauntlets x1 | | | Gargoyle x5 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #26: Shadow Storm | Shadow x? | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #25: Avengers | Bandit x1 | | | Wight Knight x1 | | | Pirate x1 | | | Soldier x1 | | | Powerwild x1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #24: Dark Knights | Opposite Armor x1 | | | Darkball x6 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #23: Black Flap | Gargoyle x2 | | | Air Soldier x3 | | | Air Pirate x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #22: Night Soarers | Wyvern x3 | | | Search Ghost x2 | | | Wight Knight x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #21: Air Corsairs | Battleship x1 | | | Wyvern x2 | | | Darkball x4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #20: Cloud & Leon | Cloud | | | Leon | |_______________________|______________________| __________________ |BOSS: Cloud & Leon| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 1000[C], 800[L] | | | | :SUMMARY: | | A somewhat rough fight but people that have made it this far without | | severe damage will probably do good. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | You've fought both these bad guys before, but not together. The main | | one you want to take out is Cloud first, unless you want the other | | annoyance out of the way. Remember to watch out for Cloud's special | | flying mode and Leon's giant sword mode. | |________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you'll get the Lionheart keychain. If you already have the Ultima Weapon, this is obviously useless. ______________________________________________ | #19: The Large Trio | Large Body x3 | | | Wight Knight x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #18: Blaze Bandits | Fat Bandit x3 | | | Red Nocturne x4 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #17: False Angels | Angel Star x2 | | | Wyvern x2 | | | Large Body x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #16: Dark Storm | Darkball x? | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #15: Air Brigade | Wyvern x1 | | | Air Pirate x1 | | | Air Soldier x1 | | | Gargoyle x1 | | | Search Ghost x1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #14: Violent Bunch | Fat Bandit x2 | | | Invisible x1 | | | Wizard x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #13: Heavy Warriors | Fat Bandit x2 | | | Defender x1 | | | Large Body x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #12: Interceptors | Defender x3 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #11: Elder Force | Invisible x3 | | | Angel Star x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #10: Hades | Hades | |_______________________|______________________| ___________ |BOSS: Hades| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 3000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is the only truly hard boss fight in the Hades Cup. It's pretty | | funny since you'd think Hades would be the first seed in his own named | | tournament. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Hades has two different modes he can be in. One is his normal mode, in | | which he is blue and subsceptible to attacks. But, when he goes into | | his Rage mode, he turns flaming red and is a lot stronger. The only | | time that he can't be hurt is when he is doing his spinning around | | fire attack I talk about below, as it's almost impossible to do so. | | That is the only main problem with Hades. Try to reflect his numerous | | fire spells with abilities like Guard and just dodge around whenever | | you need to. Don't let him near you when he goes into Rage mode, as I | | call it anyway. He'll also let out a powerful attack where he puts his | | arms out and creates a big circle of fire from his hands and twirls it | | around. It's best to just get close to him and run the direction that | | he is spinning, but don't touch him. Don't let off of hurting him and | | remember to heal when necessary. | |________________________________________________________________________| For winning, your Gravira magic will be upgraded to Graviga, and you will get Ansem's Report 8. ______________________________________________ | #9: Night Rave | Shadow x5 | | | Darkball x3 | | | Invisible x1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #8: The Requiem | Red Nocturne x2 | | | Blue Rhapsody x2 | | | Yellow Opera x2 | | | Wizard x2 | | | Angel Star x1 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #7: Invisible Fear | Stealth Sneak x1 | | | Invisible x3 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #6: Mad Mushroom | White Mushroom x3 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #5: Black Storm | Shadow x? | | | Darkball x? | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #4: Twin Mirage | Stealth Sneak x2 | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #3: Shadow Troopers | Wyvern x? | | | Wizard x? | | | Defender x? | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #2: Final Battalion | Darkball x? | | | Angel Star x? | | | Invisible x? | |-----------------------|----------------------| | #1: Rock Titan | Rock Titan | |_______________________|______________________| ________________ |BOSS: Rock Titan| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 3000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This fight is a mere joke. Considering it is the final seed in this so | | hard cup, it is pretty pathetic. This may even qualify as the easiest | | boss in the cup. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Just lock onto one of the feet and keep pounding it. You'll get hit a | | little but at a decent level it shouldn't affect you much. Keep moving | | and don't let off of the attacks. This is not a worthy final fight. | |________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you'll earn a new ability for Sora, Trinity Limit. It's a great ability to use in battle. The extra rewards are great too. If you finish the Hades Cup with only Sora, you get Save the Queen, which is Donald's best weapon in the game. If you finish the Hades Cup in the time limit, you get Save the King, which is Goofy's best weapon in the game. I really recommend that you get their best weapons, but you're probably not as leveled as you should be at the moment. No matter what you decide, our next destination is Agrabah. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Agrabah: Kurt Zisa 03.30 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o When you arrive, land in Aladdin's House. You should put the best equipment on everyone that you have, and you should stock up everyone with good items like Elixirs and such, not just Hi-Potions. When you're ready, save your game and talk to Carpet to go to the desert. _______________ |BOSS: Kurt Zisa| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 20000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is one really hard fight to deal with. The next few optional boss | | fights are too, so get used to it. Apparently the name of this boss is | | from some kid or guy who won a special contest. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The first thing you need to do is run over to him and attack the orbs | | he is holding. After you destroy them both he will fall on the ground | | in a helpless state. Take this chance to lock onto his head and just | | go crazy with physical attacks. With a pretty good Strength and added | | help with the Ultima Weapon for Sora, I was able to take out two and a | | half HP bars from Kurt Zisa before he got back up. When Kurt gets back | | up, he will go into a big bubble mode and fly around. You can only hit | | it with magic so let loose with whatever you want. Firaga is probably | | the fastest one but others seem to do more damage. Either way, just | | keep attacking the bubble until it is destroyed, sending Kurt back to | | the helpless state. Lock on again and just physically pound the HP out | | of him. When he gets back up, the whole thing starts all over. If you | | didn't notice already the first time, while Kurt has the two orbs in | | his hands, you can't use magic. That's why the little thing surrounds | | Sora until you destroy the orbs. Also, this time around Kurt Zisa uses | | a giant spinning sword attack. To dodge this attack, dodge roll when | | he slashes vertically and jump up when he slashes horizontally. | | (Thanks to Adam for the note about his spinning attack) | | | | Just keep doing this process over until you win, as once you get the | | hang of it you'll find it somewhat easy. If you're fast at attacking | | you might be able to get Kurt defeated by the second time you destroy | | the orbs, but usually people will defeat him the second time you break | | the bubble thing. | |________________________________________________________________________| You get quite a nice amount of EXP from this fight. Anyway, go buy more stuff from Traverse Town if you need to. Our next stop is Neverland. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Neverland: Phantom 03.31 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o You can only land in one spot, so do so. When you enter the Ship, immediately go to the Save Point and switch Goofy with Peter Pan. You have to do this to fight the boss, and Donald is definitely a person you want to help you in the next fight. Unequip the best two Accessories on Goofy and put them on Peter to help him out, and stock up your party with Elixirs and such. If Goofy had any on him, give them to Peter too. Now, head up to the prisoner's Cabin room with the Save Point. Talk to Tinker Bell to go to the Clock Tower. _____________ |BOSS: Phantom| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 9999 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is a very annoying fight so make sure you're prepared, and try to | | have a lot of good magic on you with HP and MP restoring items. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Your main worry in this battle other than the Phantom itself is the | | big clock. The hand on it constantly moves and once it touches 12:00, | | one of your members dies. Then the next time, the other dies. And for | | the third time, you're out for the count. And the party members can't | | be revived either. So you think it's impossible right? Not when you | | have Stopra. You must lock onto the clock hand and cast Stopra on it | | every time it starts moving. | | | | Now for the main problem, the Phantom. To harm the Phantom, watch what | | color the orb under it is. You don't really have to watch out for its | | attacks as they aren't super harmful unless you have low Defense. If | | the orb is red, you cast Firaga on it. If it is blue, you must cast | | Blizzaga. If it's yellow, you cast Thundaga. And finally, if it is a | | white orb, you simply physically attack it. The most you need to pay | | attention to is your HP and MP, and the clock hand especially. Keep | | casting Stopra on it and replenish yourself when needed. Whenever the | | orb is white, you definitely want to hop right onto doing combos on | | the Phantom. This is a pretty rough fight but you can do it if you won | | against Kurt Zisa, most likely. | |________________________________________________________________________| For winning, your Stopra magic is upgraded to Stopga. If you want, Merlin will give you Donald a new weapon now, the Dream Rod. If you already have the Save the Queen though, it will provide little use. Beating these two bosses are pretty hard tasks, and if you did them and you don't have Save the Queen and Save the King yet, I'd recommend you go do those extra challenges in the Hades Cup to get them now. Coincidentally, we're going to the Olympus Coliseum now anyway. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Olympus Coliseum: Gold/Platinum Match 03.32 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o You'll want to stock everyone up with goodies once again, and save your game like always. When you're ready, talk to Phil and select the top one of the "????? Match" options. This is the Gold Match with the Ice Titan. One big tip: make sure Sora has his Guard ability equipped. _______________ |BOSS: Ice Titan| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 5000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | The Ice Titan is actually kind of easier than the other bosses if you | | know what to do and if you're at a decent level or have some good stat | | raising Accessories on you. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Mainly you'll be dealing with ice in this match obviously. The most | | used move by the Titan is throwing icicles. What you want to do is be | | locked onto the Ice Titan and from a somewhat good distance away, just | | keep hitting SQUARE to Guard whenever the icicles are about to hit you | | and this will deflect them back to hit the Titan. After a bit of the | | icicles hit it, it will eventually weaken and will be open for some | | nice air combos and such, so let it have it. One thing not to do in | | this fight is to use Aeroga, because the whole fight will basicallly | | turn against you then. Keep deflecting the icicles and pound the mess | | out of the Titan. The other moves such as the ground icicles can be | | dodged by just running away, using Superglide, or using Dodge roll. It | | isn't that hard to deal with. | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll get a bit of experience and a nice, short cutscene. Now, the last one of the optional bosses to fight. This is definitely the hardest of them all and you've probably heard of him. What you want to do is stock Sora with Elixirs and put the best equipment on him possible. If Donald and Goofy are wearing better Accessories, unequip them and put them on Sora. You'll be fighting this alone, one-on-one. Also, if you're not at like an extremely high level like Level 70 or probably way higher, don't attempt this. If you're at a lower level but you have extremely good stats and Accessories, you might be able to do this. Finally, you most likely NEED the Ultima Weapon for this, so go do some Synthesizing until you get it. When you're ready, choose the bottom "????? Match" which is the Platinum Match with Sephiroth. Make sure you have the ability "Second Chance" equipped on Sora for this battle. _______________ |BOSS: Sephiroth| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 18000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | If you come into this saying it's probably not as hard as it is said | | to be, then you're dead wrong. You'll most likely die with that state | | of mind. You need to be prepared, extremely ready to fight this one | | hell of a boss. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | You definitely want to have abilities like MP Rage equipped on Sora, | | and put Curaga in one of the quick access buttons and Elixirs in one | | of the others. The third one should probably be Aeroga, as that will | | help a bit here too. Now, when you start off, lock onto Sephiroth and | | be prepared to Superglide over his sword attacks or just plain High | | Jump over them. What you want to do is get close enough to let off a | | combo or two on him, but get out of there fast as he'll usually summon | | up fire pillars when you're close to him. Keep running away and going | | back to attack him for a bit. Most likely you have Scan equipped on | | Sora too, so I'll be using Sephiroth's HP bars as marker points. At | | first his bar won't go down until you lay on him a bit. After it goes | | down to the pinkish bar and starts getting close to the orange one, he | | will change his pattern. | | | | He'll start using a new attack where he says "Descend Heartless Angel" | | (beware, he is not saying "Sin Harvest") and a magic spell is cast on | | you that hurts really badly. It will take away all of your MP and will | | kill you, but thanks to Second Chance, you'll have one HP left. You | | need to use an Elixir if you're hit so you can survive the battle. If | | you're fast, you can get to him by Supergliding and hit him to stop it | | from happening. Now mainly this part of the battle is cat and mouse, | | as Sephiroth runs around the battlefield and most of the time just | | casts Descend Heartless Angel. Whenever you get close enough, let on | | the physical attacks but remember to avoid the big fire pillar attack. | | | | When you get near the orange HP bar, he'll start using another new | | attack where he shouts something that I can't make out, then the area | | will get darker and he flies around attacking you furiously with his | | sword. Just focus on avoiding the attacks as he is invincible in this | | mode. Watch out when he lands after it, as he lets loose some electric | | pillars too. Once he is down into the yellow HP bar, he'll start a new | | approach on the battle. A green vortex opens underneath him and he | | powers up with a blue light glowing on him. Dark vortex balls start | | randomly popping around the battle field so Dodge Roll if any are near | | you, as they explode after appearing. Also, right after the green | | vortex, he will go to the middle of the area and summon meteors down, | | so keep jumping and Gliding to avoid the earthquake when they land. | | Immediately after that, start using Dodge Roll as the meteors fly | | around the battle area. When they disappear, he will take the giant | | energy ball above him and throw it at you, so Dodge Roll or Superglide | | out of the way as fast as you can. Now, it is safe to attack him | | again, but he still has the blue aura on him. Beware of the dark balls | | as they still explode around you, and his fire pillar attack is just | | a tiny bit powered up. | | | | Also, once more, he summons a new attack. He uses some sort of tornado | | and attacks you with the long sword for some good damage, so make sure | | you avoid it at all costs. He'll start teleporting a lot again too, | | so watch out as he'll usually teleport and use a tornado attack right | | after. Just keep in close and fight him to the end. Using Aeroga will | | help in this part of the battle. Avoid the tornado at all costs and | | don't let off of physical attacks. Use Ars Arcanum or something of | | that sort if you need to, as that really helps a lot here. Sooner or | | later, Sephiroth will go down. | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll get a nice amount of EXP for beating this giant of a boss. By now, you have probably done everything in the game, except for maybe getting Ultimate Weapons for all your characters. If you beat Sephiroth with the Ultima Weapon for Sora, then you are a beast I will tell you. Now, if you didn't do some of the side quests like Trinity marks and such, you need to do them now, and I mean you NEED to. When you're ready, head back to Traverse Town if you need to stock up on goodies, then go back to the End of the World. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | End of the World II 03.33 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Obviously, you should land in the Final Rest. When you do, equip everyone with the best stuff. Make sure no one is uncared for. Then save your game and go Examine the big door twice. You'll appear on Destiny Islands which is a pretty big surprise to Sora. Head over to the Secret Place, or the little hole that leads to the cave, to start up a cutscene. When it is done, head down to Riku for another cutscene, and then, a battle. ___________ |BOSS: Ansem| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 10000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is a pretty rough battle but if you did all the stuff before this | | fight, especially if you defeated Sephiroth, you shouldn't have much | | trouble with this. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | This is a simple battle, as all you must do is lock onto Ansem and | | follow him, attacking him as you go. The Darkness Guardian that hovers | | behind Ansem will occasionally pop out for some annoying problems, | | such as taking over Sora's body. If it does this, watch the Command | | Menu, as the word Freeze will pop up and if you select it, you'll be | | rendered helpless for a bit and the Guardian will attack you. Anyway, | | just focus on hurting Ansem. | |________________________________________________________________________| Another scene will start up and you'll realize that wasn't the end. You didn't think it'd be that easy did you? The next two boss fights, Donald and Goofy won't be helping you. ______________ |BOSS: Darkside| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 8000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | Do you remember the first boss of the game? This is him again, the one | | and only Darkside is back for like the 4th time. He's no different at | | this time either. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | He is completely the same just with more HP. You should take him down | | in no time. | |________________________________________________________________________| Another small part where Ansem reveals himself again and another fight! ___________ |BOSS: Ansem| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 20000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is a bit harder than the first battle with him. He's generally | | the same, with the Guardian and all, but he's got some new moves. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Use the same strategy as before, just hunt him and physically attack | | him. If you really need protection, Aeroga is your best bet in this | | fight. His new attacks are just a lightning blast attack and one where | | he flies around the field, ramming into you. Neither are the bad, but | | you should probably still avoid them obviously. If you're hit a lot, | | the ramming one can be your death. Also, the Guardian can pop out now | | to attack you itself, but you can't damage it. Just dodge everything | | and smack Ansem up when he's vulnerable. | |________________________________________________________________________| You'll be sucked into a darkness vortex and both Donald and Goofy will be taken from you again. You'll be able to get them back during this fight though. ____________________ |BOSS: World of Chaos| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 20000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is a pretty long and drawn out fight, and the EXP for winning is | | probably useless, but oh well. Follow the strategy to be the victor, | | per usual. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | As you start, you'll be flying. That's a good thing for battles where | | you fly are somewhat easier than land battles. Anyway, fly up to Ansem | | and start attacking him. Avoid his double-edge weapon and the light | | beams that shoot at you, by just simply flying away. Keep combos on | | him until he retreats into the Guardian. Sora will go into one portal | | like the one Donald and Goofy fell into. In the portal, defeat the | | Shadows and destroy the weird floating thing that appears. You will | | be taken back outside to the big ship thing. Fly up to the top and | | destroy the weird things sticking off the ship. When they're gone, the | | dark portal changes to the one like before. Fly into the Portal of | | Darkness to find Goofy. Defeat the Heartless in here and attack the | | weird floating thing again to be taken back to the ship. | | | | Out here, fly under the ship, on both sides of the ship, and the top | | area in the front (where the big monster face is) to find more of the | | weird things sticking off that you fought up towards where Ansem is. | | When they're all gone, go down to the monster face and attack it until | | a new portal appears. Go inside and you'll find Donald, then fight the | | Heartless and destroy the floating thing that appears yet again. You | | will be taken back out to the ship. | | | | The shield in the middle will be taken down, so fly there and destroy | | the weird things sticking off the ship again. When they're gone, just | | attack the weird fatty thing with a weird face on it. When that thing | | is defeat, Ansem will be vulnerable again. Fly up to the top and just | | do the same thing as before. It should be easier with Donald and Goofy | | with you now. There's a bit more lasers and he got a tad bit stronger | | but it should be nothing you can't handle if you got this far. | |________________________________________________________________________| Ansem thinks that he has won, as he calls upon Kingdom Hearts to fill him with supreme darkness. On the contrary, Sora reveals that Kingdom Hearts is actually full of light, and as a matter of fact, he is correct. The door to Kingdom Hearts opens and Ansem is hit will light at every angle, totally annihilating him. Sora, Donald, and Goofy run to close the door to Kingdom Hearts but they need help. None other than Riku appears to help them close it from the inside. Even more shocking is that King Mickey returns to defeat the Heartless that are on the other side while they close the door. Sora doesn't want Riku to leave him again, but Mickey reassures him that he will always be able to find the light. Riku tells Sora to take care of Kairi. They finally close the door with Sora, Donald, and Goofy on one side, and with Riku and King Mickey on the other. The worlds begin to be repaired back to their normal state and Destiny Islands starts to fade away from the area. Kairi is taken back to the Islands, and Sora and her are torn apart as he is on the other side of the world. As everything changes back to the way it is, everyone is separated still. Sora is with Donald and Goofy in this place. Riku is with King Mickey in who knows where. And Kairi is alone, back on Destiny Islands. On Destiny Islands, Kairi walks to the secret cave and finds Sora's drawing of him giving her a paopu fruit, the fruit where the person you give it to will be with you forever. She smiles and the camera moves, then it flicks back to show a new addition to the drawing, of her giving a paopu back to Sora. Right after, the credits roll. When the credits end, we see Sora and company walking down a long winding road, wondering what to do. Pluto comes out and they see he has an envelope in his mouth with the King's seal. When asked if he's seen Mickey, Pluto takes off down the road. With a new blink of hope, Sora, Donald, and Goofy all run off after Pluto to their new destination. -----+----- If you collected all the Dalmatians, you completed the Hades Cup, and you sealed the keyholes to all the worlds including 100 Acre Wood, you'll get a special secret after the last scene. It is called "Another side, Another story..." and is a secret video dealing with Kingdom Hearts 2. Due to the time at which I'm writing this, I already know what is going on in the video, but I won't ruin that for you if you have not played Kingdom Hearts 2 yet. Thank you for reading my guide and I hope it helped you in many spots and that it didn't ruin too much of the game for you! I tried to keep minimal spoilers but some spots I had to put them in so you'd understand what was going on. Be sure to check out my Kingdom Hearts 2 guide that will be up some time or another. Thanks again for reading! -Jet2x5 ________________________________ | | O===================| |===================O | Appendix A - Side Quests/Info | 04.00 O===================| |===================O |________________________________| Appendix A is the section for mainly side quests and other information on the game. If you want quick access to the info on them, you can check here. But if you go through my guide, I have everything a lot more detailed. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Trinity Marks 04.01 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o I will list the location of all the Trinity Marks in the game in this section, and it is ordered by type. ------------ Blue Trinity ------------ 1. Traverse Town -Near cafe in the first District. -Receive: Postcard 2. Traverse Town -Close to the wall, near the World Exit -Receive: Munny 3. Traverse Town -On the ramp leading round the back of the Lady and the Tramp statue in the third district -Receive: Munny and Camping Set 4. Traverse Town -Inside Merlin's Study by Save Point -Receive: Munny and Mega Ether 5. Wonderland -Inside the small alcove in the Lotus Forest -Receive: Ether, Potion, Tent and MP Balls 6. Wonderland -Inside the hidden area in Locus Forest. Push the big rock into the fake lake to the left and jump up the mushrooms -Receive: Camping Set and MP balls 7. Coliseum -Beneath the large statue to left of Lobby entrance -Receive: Mythril Shard 8. Coliseum -Beneath the large statue to right of Lobby entrance -Receive: Dalmatians 22, 23, and 24 9. Deep Jungle -Near the table in the camp area -Receive: Dalmatians 34, 35, and 36 10. Deep Jungle -In the Climbing Trees place -Receive: Dalmatians 31, 32, and 33 11. Agrabah -In the Bazaar, drop in the closed in area to reach it -Receive: Munny and Megalixir 12. Agrabah -In the waterways beneath the Cave of Wonders -Receive: Thunder-G gummi 13. Monstro -In the area beyond the lowest door in Chamber 6. -Receive: Munny and Cottage 14. Monstro -On wooden plank in Mouth. Accessible once you lower water -Receive: Munny, two Potions and Cottage 15. Monstro -In the middle of Throat -Receive: Munny and Mythril Shard 16. Hollow Bastion -Head through to the Lift Stop you can access via the Grand Hall, and use the blue crystal thing to go down; when there, use nearby lift to drop down again to find the mark -Receive: HP Balls, Mega-Potion, Mega-Ether and a Cottage 17. Hollow Bastion -Directly after you ride the large floating platform -Receive: MP Balls, two Cottages, and Megalixir ----------- Red Trinity ----------- 1. Traverse Town -At the end of the alley behind the Accessory Shop; up on wooden fence -Receive: Dalmatians 4, 5, and 6 on other side 2. Traverse Town -In the alley behind hotel, by the entrance to Secret Waterway -Receive: Opens gate to Secret Waterway 3. Traverse Town -On top of the Gizmo shop -Receive: Access to the bell 4. Agrabah -In the Treasure Room in Cave of Wonders -Receive: Munny and Mythril Shard 5. Halloween Town -First room of Oogie Boogie's mansion; you must get this before sealing world -Receive: Mythril Shard 6. Hollow Bastion -On the upper level of the Grand Hall, go through top door in Library to reach it -Receive: Emblem Piece ------------- Green Trinity ------------- 1. Traverse Town -In the Accessory Shop by Save Point -Receive: Drops down ladder to Synthesis Shop 2. Wonderland -In the Rabbit Hole by starting point -Receive: Elixir 3. Wonderland -In the Bizarre Room, inside fireplace (shrink to get to it) -Receive: Myrthil Shard 4. Coliseum -Near the entrance, by the cup results on the left. -Receive: Mythril 5. Deep Jungle -In the Treetop area coming from Tunnel; hard to see as it is on top of green ground -Receive: HP Balls and Mythril Shard 6. Agrabah -In the Storage Room, away from Save Point -Receive: Power Up 7. Monstro -On top of the Geppetto's ship in the Mouth -Receive: Mythril Shard 8. Neverland -Beneath the ladder in the Ship's Hold area -Receive: Lowers ladder to captain's cabin 9. Hollow Bastion -In the library, next to the save point -Receive: Azal Vol.3 book -------------- Yellow Trinity -------------- 1. Traverse Town -Outside Merlin's Study, by the stack of crates -Receive: Power Up in the chest 2. Coliseum -By the large block in the Coliseum Lobby -Receive: Reveals the keyhole of world 3. Agrabah -In the Hall area, near the big statue thing -Receive: Pushes statue down below, so you reach a chest below 4. Neverland -Right outside the Hold, climb ladder to find it in front of a door -Receive: Opens door to room with chests in it ------------- White Trinity ------------- 1. Traverse Town -On the ground in the Secret Waterway -Receive: Orichalcum 2. Wonderland -Light the two lamps surrounding painting in the sideways Bizarre Room, and go into it when the picture appears; it's near where you land -Receive: Lady Luck Keychain 3. Olympus Coliseum -Right in the middle area -Receive: Violetta (for Donald) 4. Deep Jungle -In the cave where you sealed keyhole -Receive: Orichalcum 5. Agrabah -Near where you enter Cave of Wonders -Receive: Comet-G gummi 6. Monstro -In the lower area of Chamber 6 (drop off top ledge) -Receive: Thundaga-G gummi 7. Atlantis -In the big shell in Palace area -Receive: Orichalcum 8. Halloween Town -In Moonlight Hill area -Receive: Comet-G gummi 9. Neverland -On the ship's Deck where you fought Captain Hook -Receive: Meteor-G gummi 10. Hollow Bastion -On the large platform as you jump up from the very beginning of world -Receive: Firaga-G gummi o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Dalmatians 04.02 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o When you find certain amounts of the Dalmatians, you get gifts. Here is a table showing the gifts: ______________________________________________________ | Number | Gift(s) | | Found | Received | |--------|---------------------------------------------| | 12 | Curaga-G | |--------|---------------------------------------------| | 21 | Firaga-G | |--------|---------------------------------------------| | 30 | Thundara-G | |--------|---------------------------------------------| | 42 | Mythril Shard | |--------|---------------------------------------------| | 51 | Mythril, Torn Page | |--------|---------------------------------------------| | 60 | Megalixir | |--------|---------------------------------------------| | 72 | Orichalcum | |--------|---------------------------------------------| | 81 | Ultima-G | |--------|---------------------------------------------| | 90 | Ribbon | |--------|---------------------------------------------| | 99 | Full Gummi piece collection, Aerora upgrade | | | (or Aeroga if you have Aerora then) | |________|_____________________________________________| Now, here is the locations of all the Dalmatians: ___________________________________________________________________________ |#01-03 | Traverse Town: In a chest on a platform behind the Magician's | | | Study. = Requires Glide | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#04-06 | Traverse Town: Use the Red Trinity mark behind the Item Shop. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#07-09 | Traverse Town: In a chest at the Synthesis Shop | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#10-12 | Traverse Town; Secret Waterway: In a chest located in front of | | | the stairs going up | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#13-15 | Wonderland; Queen's Castle: In the inverted Bizzare Room, release | | | the lock to reveal an exit to the upper section of the castle. | | | Open the treasure chest to get the puppies. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#16-18 | Wonderland; Lotus Forest: Go to the section with 3 yellow | | | mushrooms. Jump on them and make your way through the platforms.| | | You should see a blue chest. Open it to get the puppies. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#19-21 | Wonderland; Tea Party Garden: Use one of the upper exits in Lotus | | | Forest. If you get it right, you'll be in a room with a teddy | | | bear. Hit the bear to release the latch. Now go to the normal | | | Bizarre Room and drink the potion to grow big. Push the clock | | | to reveal an exit. Go through it and you'll be at the uperr | | | section of Tea Party Garden. Open one of the chests there to | | | get these puppies. = Requires Glide | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#22-24 | Olympus Coliseum; Coliseum Gates: Activate one of the Blue | | | Trinity marks there to reveal a chest with the puppies. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#25-27 | Deep Jungle; Hippo's Lagoon: Jump on the platforms on the water | | | to get to the northmost area. Open the chest for the puppies. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#28-30 | Deep Jungle; Vines 2: Swing across the vines until you see a red | | | treasure chest. Open it to get the puppies. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#31-33 | Deep Jungle; Climbing Trees: Activate the Blue Trinity mark near | | | the entrance to the Tree House. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#34-36 | Deep Jungle; Camp: Activate the Blue Trinity mark there for a | | | treasure chest with the puppies. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#37-39 | Agrabah; Aladdin's House: Get these puppies from a chest there. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#40-42 | Halloween Town; Bridge: In a chest on one of the small brown | | | platforms. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#43-45 | Neverland; Clock Tower: Get these from a green chest on the clock | | | building. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#46-48 | Agrabah; Palace Gates: In one of the chests on top of the | | | buildings. = Requires High Jump | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#49-51 | Agrabah; Cave of Wonders Entrance: In a blue chest on top of a | | | pedestal. = Requires Glide | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#52-54 | Agrabah; Cave of Wonders Treasure Room: Have Aladdin in your | | | party and use the Call command to get these puppies from a | | | chest. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#55-57 | Monstro; Chamber 3: In a chest on a platform. = Requires High | | | Jump | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#58-60 | Wonderland; Queen's Castle: Use the alternate entrance to | | | Bizarre Room at the upper sections of Lotus Forest. You'll be | | | in the kitchen. There, turn the faucet to fill the pot with | | | water. Exit through the pot to get to the upper section of the | | | castle. Open the chest there for the puppies. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#61-63 | Hollow Bastion; Grand Hall: In a green chest to the left of the | | | dark portal. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#64-66 | Halloween Town; Moonlight Hill: Go through the door beside the | | | elevator platform that was closed earlier. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#67-69 | Halloween Town; Guillotine Square: Check under the stairs of the | | | house with a door bell. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#70-72 | Halloween Town; Guillotine Square: In a chest inside a large | | | wooden jack-o'-lantern. Use the first-person view and look up | | | to see it. = Requires Glide | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#73-75 | Monstro; Mouth: In one of the many chests that becomes accessible | | | after the water level lowers. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#76-78 | Monstro; Chamber 3: At the upper section, place a barrel in front | | | of the platform above. Jump on the barrel and onto the platform | | | to get a chest with these puppies. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#79-81 | Monstro; Chamber 5: At the upper section. Located on top of a | | | barrel. = Requires High Jump | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#82-84 | Neverland; Ship Hold: Fly and you'll see a chest on a platform up | | | above. Open that one to get these puppies. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#85-87 | Neverland; Ship Hold: Activate the Yellow Trinity mark at the | | | door. Get these puppies from a chest inside. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#88-90 | Neverland; Captain's Cabin: On top of the bed. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#91-93 | Hollow Bastion; Rising Falls: Drop off from any of the platforms | | | to find a chest with these puppies in the water | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#94-96 | Hollow Bastion; Castle Gates: Activate the elevator here and ride | | | it to the orange platform. There, you should see a chest above | | | you. Cast your Gravity magic on the platform to get it down. | |-------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| |#96-99 | Hollow Bastion; High Tower: You should see a chest on a small | | | platform above you. Cast your Gravity magic on the platform to | | | get it down. | |_______|___________________________________________________________________| o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Torn Pages 04.03 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o This is where to find the Torn Pages that you put into the book that Merlin has in order to access new areas in the 100 Acre Wood: 1. Agrabah -Go to the Dark Chamber and open the chest in the middle on the platform in the water. 2. Monstro -Go to Chamber 6 and use a barrel on the top ledge to access the blue platforms sticking off the wall. The closest one has a chest with the page in it. 3. Atlantica -Go to Ariel's Grotto and look for a chest towards the top of the area. 4. Halloween Town -Go to the Research Lab and look in the bookcase. 5. Traverse Town -Find 51 Dalmatians and go to the Dalmatians' House to get it as a reward. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Synthesis 04.04 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o This is where I list the items that you can Synthesize in the shop in Traverse Town, along with how to get the items that you use for Synthesis. Synthesis Set 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Cottage -Bright Shard x2 -Blaze Shard x2 2. Elixir -Blaze Shard x2 -Frost Shard x2 -Thunder Shard x2 -Mythril Shard x4 3. Energy Bangle -Power Shard x2 -Frost Shard x1 4. Power Chain -Spirit Shard x2 -Power Shard x2 5. Guard Earring -Spirit Shard x2 -Thunder Shard x1 6. Dark Ring -Lucid Shard x2 -Bright Shard x1 -Mythril Shard x2 Synthesis Set 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Mega-Potion -Blaze Gem x1 -Frost Gem x1 -Thunder Gem x1 -Mythril Shard x2 8. AP Up -Spirit Shard x3 -Spirit Gem x2 -Mythril x3 9. Angel Bangle -Spirit Shard x3 -Power Shard x3 -Bright Gem x3 10. Magic Armlet -Blaze Shard x3 -Frost Shard x3 -Thunder Shard x3 -Mythril x2 11. Golem Chain -Power Shard x3 -Power Gem x1 -Lucid Gem x1 12. Master Earring -Lucid Shard x3 -Lucid Gem x2 -Spirit Gem x2 Synthesis Set 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13. Mega-Ether -Blaze Gem x3 -Frost Gem x3 -Thunder Gem x3 -Bright Shard x5 -Bright Crystal x1 14. Defense Up -Lucid Shard x5 -Lucid Gem x3 -Lucid Crystal x1 -Mystery Goo x1 15. Gaia Bangle -Power Shard x5 -Power Gem x3 -Bright Crystal x1 16. Rune Armlet -Blaze Gem x2 -Frost Gem x2 -Thunder Gem x2 -Mythril x3 17. Heartguard -Spirit Shard x3 -Power Shard x3 -Power Crystal x1 18. Three Stars -Blaze Shard x3 -Frost Shard x3 -Thunder Shard x3 -Orichalcum x1 -Shiny Crystal x1 Synthesis Set 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19. Megalixir -Bright Shard x5 -Bright Gem x3 -Bright Crystal x1 -Shiny Crystal x1 -Gale x2 20. Power Up -Power Shard x5 -Power Gem x3 -Power Crystal x1 -Mystery Goo x1 -Orichalcum x2 21. Titan Chain -Spirit Shard x5 -Spirit Gem x3 -Lucid Crystal x1 22. Atlas Armlet -Shiny Crystal x2 -Mystery Goo x1 -Orichalcum x3 -Gale x1 23. Crystal Crown -Lucid Crystal x3 -Power Crystal x3 -Shiny Crystal x3 -Bright Crystal x3 24. Ribbon -Blaze Gem x5 -Frost Gem x5 -Thunder Gem x5 -Bright Gem x5 -Gale x3 Final Synthesis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25. Ultima Weapon -Lucid Gem x5 -Power Gem x5 -Thunder Gem x5 -Mystery Goo x3 -Gale x3 Synthesis Item Locations (via Enemy Drops) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Blaze Gem =Bandit, Fat Bandit, White Mushroom -Blaze Shard =Red Nocturne, White Mushroom -Bright Crystal =Defender -Bright Gem =Search Ghost, White Mushroom -Bright Shard =Green Requiem, White Mushroom -Frost Gem =Sea Neon, Sheltering Zone, White Mushroom -Frost Shard =Blue Rhapsody, White Mushroom -Gale =Angel Star, Invisible -Lucid Crystal =Darkball -Lucid Gem =Gargoyle, White Mushroom, Wight Knight -Lucid Shard =Shadow, White Mushroom -Mystery Goo =White Mushroom -Mythril =Angel Star, Behemoth -Mythril Shard =Barrel Spider, Behemoth, Pot Spider -Orichalcum =Behemoth, Invisible -Power Crystal =Wyvern -Power Gem =Air Pirate, Battleship, Pirate, White Mushroom -Power Shard =Bouncywild, Powerwild, White Mushroom -Shiny Crystal =Wizard -Spirit Gem =Air Soldier, White Mushroom -Spirit Shard =Large Body, Soldier, White Mushroom -Thunder Gem =Aquatank, Screwdiver, White Mushroom -Thunder Shard =White Mushroom, Yellow Opera o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Ultimate Weapons 04.05 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o This is where I will tell you how to get the best weapons for Sora, Donald, and Goofy: Sora- Ultima Weapon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Location: Traverse Town, Synthesis Shop How: You must Synthesize all 24 items before it at least once, then it will appear in the menu. Synthesize it and the best weapon is all yours. Donald- Save the Queen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Location: Olympus Coliseum, Hades Cup How: You must complete the Hades Cup with Sora alone for the weapon. Goofy- Save the King ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Location: Olympus Coliseum, Hades Cup How: You must complete the Hades Cup in the 20 minute time limit mode. o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Secret Bosses 04.06 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o This is where I list where to find the secret bosses in the game and how to defeat them: Kurt Zisa ~~~~~~~~~ When: After completing Hollow Bastion the first time Where: Agrabah, Aladdin's House How: Talk to Carpet and agree to fly on him _______________ |BOSS: Kurt Zisa| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 20000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is one really hard fight to deal with. The next few optional boss | | fights are too, so get used to it. Apparently the name of this boss is | | from some kid or guy who won a special contest. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | The first thing you need to do is run over to him and attack the orbs | | he is holding. After you destroy them both he will fall on the ground | | in a helpless state. Take this chance to lock onto his head and just | | go crazy with physical attacks. With a pretty good Strength and added | | help with the Ultima Weapon for Sora, I was able to take out two and a | | half HP bars from Kurt Zisa before he got back up. When Kurt gets back | | up, he will go into a big bubble mode and fly around. You can only hit | | it with magic so let loose with whatever you want. Firaga is probably | | the fastest one but others seem to do more damage. Either way, just | | keep attacking the bubble until it is destroyed, sending Kurt back to | | the helpless state. Lock on again and just physically pound the HP out | | of him. When he gets back up, the whole thing starts all over. If you | | didn't notice already the first time, while Kurt has the two orbs in | | his hands, you can't use magic. That's why the little thing surrounds | | Sora until you destroy the orbs. Also, this time around Kurt Zisa uses | | a giant spinning sword attack that's basically impossible to dodge, so | | just heal afterwards. | | | | Just keep doing this process over until you win, as once you get the | | hang of it you'll find it somewhat easy. If you're fast at attacking | | you might be able to get Kurt defeated by the second time you destroy | | the orbs, but usually people will defeat him the second time you break | | the bubble thing. | |________________________________________________________________________| Phantom ~~~~~~~ When: After completing Hollow Bastion for the first time Where: Neverland How: Go to the prisoner Cabin with a Save Point, put Peter in your party, and talk to Tinker Bell _____________ |BOSS: Phantom| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 9999 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | This is a very annoying fight so make sure you're prepared, and try to | | have a lot of good magic on you with HP and MP restoring items. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Your main worry in this battle other than the Phantom itself is the | | big clock. The hand on it constantly moves and once it touches 12:00, | | one of your members dies. Then the next time, the other dies. And for | | the third time, you're out for the count. And the party members can't | | be revived either. So you think it's impossible right? Not when you | | have Stopra. You must lock onto the clock hand and cast Stopra on it | | every time it starts moving. | | | | Now for the main problem, the Phantom. To harm the Phantom, watch what | | color the orb under it is. You don't really have to watch out for its | | attacks as they aren't super harmful unless you have low Defense. If | | the orb is red, you cast Firaga on it. If it is blue, you must cast | | Blizzaga. If it's yellow, you cast Thundaga. And finally, if it is a | | white orb, you simply physically attack it. The most you need to pay | | attention to is your HP and MP, and the clock hand especially. Keep | | casting Stopra on it and replenish yourself when needed. Whenever the | | orb is white, you definitely want to hop right onto doing combos on | | the Phantom. This is a pretty rough fight but you can do it if you won | | against Kurt Zisa, most likely. | |________________________________________________________________________| Ice Titan ~~~~~~~~~ When: After beating Hades Cup Where: Olympus Coliseum How: Talk to Phil and choose the top ????? option _______________ |BOSS: Ice Titan| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 5000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | The Ice Titan is actually kind of easier than the other bosses if you | | know what to do and if you're at a decent level or have some good stat | | raising Accessories on you. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | Mainly you'll be dealing with ice in this match obviously. The most | | used move by the Titan is throwing icicles. What you want to do is be | | locked onto the Ice Titan and from a somewhat good distance away, just | | keep hitting SQUARE to Guard whenever the icicles are about to hit you | | and this will deflect them back to hit the Titan. After a bit of the | | icicles hit it, it will eventually weaken and will be open for some | | nice air combos and such, so let it have it. One thing not to do in | | this fight is to use Aeroga, because the whole fight will basicallly | | turn against you then. Keep deflecting the icicles and pound the mess | | out of the Titan. The other moves such as the ground icicles can be | | dodged by just running away, using Superglide, or using Dodge roll. It | | isn't that hard to deal with. | |________________________________________________________________________| Sephiroth ~~~~~~~~~ When: After completing Hollow Bastion for the first time Where: Olympus Coliseum How: Talk to Phil and choose the bottom ????? option _______________ |BOSS: Sephiroth| |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | EXP: 18000 | | | | :SUMMARY: | | If you come into this saying it's probably not as hard as it is said | | to be, then you're dead wrong. You'll most likely die with that state | | of mind. You need to be prepared, extremely ready to fight this one | | hell of a boss. | | | | :STRATEGY: | | You definitely want to have abilities like MP Rage equipped on Sora, | | and put Curaga in one of the quick access buttons and Elixirs in one | | of the others. The third one should probably be Aeroga, as that will | | help a bit here too. Now, when you start off, lock onto Sephiroth and | | be prepared to Superglide over his sword attacks or just plain High | | Jump over them. What you want to do is get close enough to let off a | | combo or two on him, but get out of there fast as he'll usually summon | | up fire pillars when you're close to him. Keep running away and going | | back to attack him for a bit. Most likely you have Scan equipped on | | Sora too, so I'll be using Sephiroth's HP bars as marker points. At | | first his bar won't go down until you lay on him a bit. After it goes | | down to the pinkish bar and starts getting close to the orange one, he | | will change his pattern. | | | | He'll start using a new attack where he says "Descend Heartless Angel" | | (beware, he is not saying "Sin Harvest") and a magic spell is cast on | | you that hurts really badly. It will take away all of your MP and will | | kill you, but thanks to Second Chance, you'll have one HP left. You | | need to use an Elixir if you're hit so you can survive the battle. If | | you're fast, you can get to him by Supergliding and hit him to stop it | | from happening. Now mainly this part of the battle is cat and mouse, | | as Sephiroth runs around the battlefield and most of the time just | | casts Descend Heartless Angel. Whenever you get close enough, let on | | the physical attacks but remember to avoid the big fire pillar attack. | | | | When you get near the orange HP bar, he'll start using another new | | attack where he shouts something that I can't make out, then the area | | will get darker and he flies around attacking you furiously with his | | sword. Just focus on avoiding the attacks as he is invincible in this | | mode. Watch out when he lands after it, as he lets loose some electric | | pillars too. Once he is down into the yellow HP bar, he'll start a new | | approach on the battle. A green vortex opens underneath him and he | | powers up with a blue light glowing on him. Dark vortex balls start | | randomly popping around the battle field so Dodge Roll if any are near | | you, as they explode after appearing. Also, right after the green | | vortex, he will go to the middle of the area and summon meteors down, | | so keep jumping and Gliding to avoid the earthquake when they land. | | Immediately after that, start using Dodge Roll as the meteors fly | | around the battle area. When they disappear, he will take the giant | | energy ball above him and throw it at you, so Dodge Roll or Superglide | | out of the way as fast as you can. Now, it is safe to attack him | | again, but he still has the blue aura on him. Beware of the dark balls | | as they still explode around you, and his fire pillar attack is just | | a tiny bit powered up. | | | | Also, once more, he summons a new attack. He uses some sort of tornado | | and attacks you with the long sword for some good damage, so make sure | | you avoid it at all costs. He'll start teleporting a lot again too, | | so watch out as he'll usually teleport and use a tornado attack right | | after. Just keep in close and fight him to the end. Using Aeroga will | | help in this part of the battle. Avoid the tornado at all costs and | | don't let off of physical attacks. Use Ars Arcanum or something of | | that sort if you need to, as that really helps a lot here. Sooner or | | later, Sephiroth will go down. | |________________________________________________________________________| o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Ansem's Reports 04.07 | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o There are several reports written by Ansem, a person who studied the Heartless and the workings of the heart very closely. As you find them in the game, they are kept in Jiminy's Journal. Here is the complete transcript: Ansem's Report 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Much of my life has been dedicated to pursuit of knowledge. That knowledge has guarded this world well. Not a soul doubts that. I am blessed with people's smiles and respect. But though I am called a sage, there are things I do not understand. I believe darkness sleeps in every heart, no matter how pure. Given the chance, the smallest drop can spread and swallow the heart. I have witnessed it many times. Darkness... Darkness of the heart. How is it born? How does it come to affect us so? As ruler of this world, I must find the answers. I must find them before the world is lost to those taken by the darkness. Ansem's Report 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is my duty to expose what this darkness really is. I shall conduct the following experiments: Extract the darkness from a person's heart. Cultivate darkness in a pure heart. Both suppress and amplify the darkness within. The experiments caused the test subject's heart to collapse, including those of the most stalwart. How fragile our hearts are! My treatment produced no signs of recovery. I confined those who had completely lost their hearts beneath the castle. Some time later, I went below and was greeted by the strangest sight. Creatures that seemed born of darkness... What are they? Are they truly sentient beings? Could they be the shadows of those who lost their hearts in my experiments? Ansem's Report 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The shadows that crawl beneath the castle... Are they the people who lost their hearts, or incarnations of darkness? Or something entirely beyond my imagination? All my knowledge has provided no answer. One thing I am sure of is that they are entirely devoid of emotion. Perhaps further study will unlock the mysteries of the heart. Fortunately, there is no shortage of test samples. They are multiplying underground even as I write this report. They still need a name. Those who lack hearts... I will call them the Heartless. Ansem's Report 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Heartless appear in groups, and are multiplying rapidly. I've provided them both living and nonliving samples. They've responded only to the living. They seem to multiply after absorbing something from the living creatures. Their prey vanishes without a trace. I believe the Heartless are taking hearts. They are born from those who've lost their hearts, and thrive on hearts seized from others. The hearts taken by the Heartless become Heartless themselves. Though I lack proof, I am confident in this hypothesis. I must also study their behavioral principles. Though they lack emotions, they do seem to have some intelligence. How to communicate with them? It's just occurred to me: Could they be the darkness in people's hearts? Ansem's Report 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To study the Heartless behavior, I picked one out for observation. It wiggled its antennae and, as if sensing a target, headed deep into the castle. In the deepest part of the castle, its antennae began vibrating, as if searching for something. Suddenly, a strange door appeared. I'd never known of its existence. I had a large keyhole, but didn't seem to be locked. SO I opened the door. What I saw on the other side mystified me. What was that powerful mass of energy. That night I observed a great meteor shower in the sky. Could it be related to the door that I have opened? Ansem's Report 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A massive core of energy lay beyond the door sought by the Heartless. It may be the ultimate goal of the Heartless. But what is that energy? I have devised a hypothesis, based upon my observations of the Heartless. The Heartless feed on other's hearts, and they yearn for that energy core. That thing beyond the door must be a heart, too--the heart of this world. There is no proof, but, having felt that immense energy, I am certain. That was the heart of the world. The Heartless are trying to take hearts not only from all living creatures, but from the planet itself. But what do they mean to do with the heart of the world? Ansem's Report 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am studying material from the meteors that rained down that fateful night. What a find! The material is foreign to our world. It is elastic to the touch, and when two pieces are combined, they bond easily. None of the records even mention such a substance. Was it introduced to this world when I opened the door? I wonder how many other such materials drift through the atmosphere of this tiny world... I wish I could soar off and find out! Could there be uncharted worlds up there? My curiosity never ceases to grow. But I should stop speaking of such unrealistic dreams. For now, there is no way to venture outside this world. My people and I are all but prisoners of this tiny place. Ansem's Report 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is no doubt that the Heartless are deeply connected to the people's hearts. Further study may unravel both their motivations and the mysteries shrouding the heart. As a start, I have built a device that artificially creates Heartless. By recreating the conditions that spawn the Heartless naturally, I should be able to produce them artificially. This device is the culmination of all my research thus far. The machine's test run successfully created a Heartless. This may be a step toward creating a heart from nothing. The artificially and naturally created Heartless showed nearly identical traits. But the two types remain distinct for the purpose of the experiment. So, I will mark the ones that are created artificially. Ansem's Report 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simply astonishing! Today I had a guest from another world. He is a king, and his vessel is built of the material that composed the meteors. He called the pieces "gummi blocks." It seemed that my opening the door has opened a path to interworld travel. We talked for countless hours, but one story in particular caught my interest: that of a key called the "Keyblade." The Keyblade is said to hold phenomenal power. One legend says its wielder saved the world, while another says that he wrought chaos and ruin upon it. I must know what this Keyblade is. A key opens doors. It must be connected to the door I have opened. Ansem's Report 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just as people have hearts, so do worlds. The same can be said of stars in the night sky. And deep within each world lies a door to its heart. The Heartless desire those hearts. Born out of darkness in people's hearts, they seek to return to a greater heart. Yes that's it. The Heartless come from people's hearts, as does the darkness. Is the core of the world's heart the world of the Heartless? I will pursue the answer there and become all knowing. My path is set. I shall seek out the wielder of the Keyblade, and the princesses. My body is too frail for such a journey, but I most do this. I will cast it off and plunge into the depths of darkness. ________________________________ | | O===================| |===================O | Credits | 05.00 O===================| |===================O |________________________________| Thanks to Squaresoft for making this game. Thanks to GameFAQs for hosting this. :) Thanks to Adam for information on fighting Kurt Zisa. Thanks to Daniel Robbins for telling me about missing ingredients for Synthesis. ________________________________ | | O===================| |===================O | Legals, Copyright and Info | 06.00 O===================| |===================O |________________________________| All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright © 2006-2013 Duane Niles This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.