~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ><><><><>Kingdom Hearts- Hades Cup FAQ><><><><><><><><> | | =By: Chocokudos= | | =With help of: Michael(mushu11@coolgoose.com )= | | >December 14, 2002 5:51 PM< | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [This FAQ does not contain any spoilers of the story line. So if you like spoilers, you're in the wrong place. Sorry!] [updated: Dec. 24, 02- At the last minute, while working on my next FAQ, I had to add something to the rewards section!!] [updated: Dec. 28, 02- Thanks you Dan Rai(missingyesterday@hotmail.com) for some tips on for the Hades Cup for this FAQ. Also for letting me know about how to get Stopga! Oh, also, I DON'T PEOPLE TO TELL ME ABOUT STOPGA NOW!! Thank you everyone!! I feel stupid, it was Ansem Report 8 from Hades! Also, I need a little help. My original FAQ that was on a disk died somehow and now I need those two people who told me how to get Stopga first to tell me their names again! GAH! I'M SOO SORRY!!! But if you see this, please e-mail me again!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR THE INFORMATION BOTH OF YOU!!] [updated: January 1, 03- Thank you Ashely(ladydiamond@socal.rr.com) for tellling me about Stopga... NO MORE PLEASE!!!!!!] [updated: January 2, 03- Sorry this update is late people because I've been sick and I've had a lot to think about lately. Okay, well, I'm going to add more to the "Rewards" section thanks to Kevin Gillette (genji_warrior75@hotmail.com) and to Cerebus thanks to Buffalo Bill (agentmaximusprimus@hotmail.com). THANK YOU BOTH OF YOU!!] [updated: January 18, 03- Thanks to Adam Smiley(larp_master@yahoo.com) for giving me a good strategy to add to defeat Hades! Thank you!! Also, I've gotten frequent e-mails about how to get the Hades Cup, so I have added that as well. Continue to enjoy this FAQ!!] [updated: February 2, 2003- Geez... I haven't updated for quite a while... lol. Well, lucky for me I got lots of stuff in my inbox and now I'm not feeling so lazy and I'll update!! First, from Avery(Averykelly@aol.com) happened to give me how to get Stopga again! Seriously people, NO MORE STOPGA E-MAILS!!!! Second, from Raven1223(NMaster1223@aol.com) a strategy on beating Leon. Last,but of course not least, is Scott Given(sleigh@wtrt.net) for a strategy on Sora alone and Cereberus. That's it for today and enjoy!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!] [updated: May 8, 2003- Long time no see everyone!! Geez... my disk deleted this once again!! Luckily I'm able to take it and copy and paste it from the webpage... *phew* Anyway, I have a lot of updating to do. First of all, I've gotten rid of my Yahoo! e-mail address because I barely use it... hehe... and I have a suggestion given by someone that I would have posted EARLIER, if it weren't for my stupid disk.... Also I added that you HAVE to SEAL the keyhole in Hollow Bastion to get the Hades Cup... I've gotten many e-mails about that, so I've clarified. I've also added more to contacts... more places to find me!!] [updated: August 15, 2003- Today's my best friend(also my cousin's) birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHANIE! Anyway, FINALLY a new update! I got one new thing for you guys! (Yipee!!) You're probably not AS excited as I am, but hey, that's just me. I get excited over the tiniest things. Anywho, this strategy covers Hades and some little helpful hints about the Hades Cup in general. So, this excellent strategy is given full credit to: Twilightangel360@aol. com. THANK YOU!!] [updated: January 19, 2004- Hapy New Year everyone! VERY late, but hey, betterlate then never, right? So, here's a new update!! FINALLY! (Am I right?) Moving on, this piece of information was contributed by Dun (tyranitar_68_duncan@msn.com). It's another tip on Hades, I haven't personally tried it out, but I should sometime! Thanks a bunch, Dunc!! (hehe...it rhymes!)] [updated: November 27, 2004] Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It's been a while. This isn't a real update on the FAQ but it's an update on my contacts. I recently changed my e-mail address to chokari601@yahoo.com and have added my MSN name and got rid of my FFWA one since I'm pretty much inactive there now. Keep enjoying my FAQ please and I'm still accepting corrections and such *EXCEPT FOR STOPGA*. (I've gotten plenty about that, but thanks anyway!) And updated with a bit about Phantom since we have finally have beaten him.] {|}Table of Contents{|} I. Intro One II. Preparation III. Abilities IV. Items V. Rewards VI. Enemies VII. Intro Two VIII. Contacting Me IX. Copyrights X. Acknowledgements Intro One: Hey everyone! This is Chocokudos here, and I'm a first timer at this FAQ thing, so bear with me! =) Well, this is an FAQ for beating the Hades Cup.I'm going to highlight on the big battles of the Hades Cup only, so if anyone wants to know the other enemies, tell me and I'll add it in for you! So, enjoy! *IMPORTANT* In order have the Hades Cup available to you, you must first finish Hollow Bastion for the first time. That means: freeing the Princesses of Heart, defeating Maleficient, beating Riku, AND SEALING THE KEYHOLE!!! That is a must to get Hades Cup.*IMPORTANT* If you're battling the Hades Cup for the first time, make sure Sora has been leveled up a lot, if he hasn't, take the time to train him so he is. His strength should be pretty high as well as his defense. There are a lot of enemies in each round. There are 50 battles in total, hence when they call it the 50th Seed. Anyway, in the Hades Cup, enemies from all the worlds are in there. That's why you can only enter after you have gone to Hollow Bastion for the first time. They're very tedious and kinda annoying, but it's worth all the struggle for. So, let's begin. Preparation: For weapons, if you have finished the Hercules Cup before, you'll have the Metal Chocobo from Cloud which is pretty powerful, but not quite the best. After your first visit to Hollow Bastion, you should have freed the Seven Princesses of Heart and beat up Riku. Well, if you go back to the the Library at Hollow Bastion, Belle will be there and if you talk to her, she'll give you the Divine Rose which is pretty good, but not the best. If you go back to where you fought Riku, there'll be a chest there and if you open it, you'll Sora's second best weapon: Oblivion. Oblivion is very good and very powerful, the only problem with it is that it lowers your MP by one. If you don't want it, you don't have to keep it. But I suggest you do unless you already have Ultima Weapon. So, the best weapons to have are the Ultima Weapon or Oblivion. If not, keep the Divine Rose. Make sure your party members are leveled up, too. They're very important in helping you beat up the hordes of Heartless ahead of you. Make sure your Magic is upgraded to its highest. The only Magic that shouldn't be upgraded by that time is Fire,Gravity and Thunder. Behemoth will give you a Fire upgrade and Hades will give you a Gravity upgrade. Cerberus will give you a Thunder upgrade. Depending if you got all the puppies, you'll have a full Aero upgrade by then. Sometimes people wonder where to get a Cure upgrade. Well, I have the answer. After you've gone to Hollow Bastion for the first time, go back and you'll find Aerith on the second level of the Library. Talk to her and she'll upgrade your Cura to Curaga. You'll definantly need Curaga. Depending on your defense, you'll need Aeroga. To be on the honest side, Stop isn't very important at all for the Hades Cup. It might work, but not for very long. Okay, now that I know how to get Stopga, here I go. You have to beat Phantom in Neverland in order to get the final upgrade of Stop magic. You must go to Neverland after you have beaten it, take Peterpan into your group and go the clock tower. There, you will be followed by a hooded figure. Yep, you guessed it, that is the almighty, Phantom. He is hard beyondbelief, believe me. He is in the difficulty level of Sephiroth. Hard? Very hard! To beat up this sucker, the color on his stomach, indicates which magic to use. You must use your Stop magic to stop the hands on the clock from moving, that is the Doom Clock. If it hits a certain number, Phantom has the ability to cast Doom on you. Doom is familiar in most Final Fantasy games, but for those who haven't played them, Doom is a spell that counts down and kills a player. So, yeah, stop that clock! We have beaten Phantom and it DOES take many attempts, but don't give up! You'll get it! Okay, update, thank you Dan Rai! After you beat Riku in Hollow Bastion, talk to the Princesses of Heart and they'll give you Fire upgrade to Fira. Training your party is a very important part of the prepartion before the Hades Cup. Because there are so many Heartless in each round, you'll need a lot of HP, strength, and defense. Any world is good to train because all the Heartless have returned to every world. But the easiest place to train to me is Traverse Town because you know where to find a save point. You can heal up and go back to training every time. But any where else works fine. For the first time we went to fight the Hades Cup, we were about level 60-64. It took us a while to win. I mean a WHILE. But we beat it in the end with the Divine Rose keyblade. Okay, in Dan Rai's e-mail, he said that he beat the Hades Cup at level 48 and didn't lose one battle. So, I'm guessing that you'll be good at either from levels 50-60. Abilities: Abilities that are definantly needed are: Dodge Roll, Glide, High Jump, Guard, and MP Rage. Strike Raid will be helpfull as well. When the opponent is far away from you and they're doing dangerous moves (AKA Squall with the huge gunblade) use Strike Raid to avoid them. Arcanum RS and Ragnarok will help with the less moving enemies and more powerful, too. These opponents include Hades and Rock Titan. I don't really consider Behemoth a "less moving enemy" even if he DOES move freakishly slow, one move and you'll fall off his back. You should have the ability Second Chance by now depending which weapon you chose in the beginning of the game. Second Chance will prevent from getting knocked out, but will keep you with one HP. It might be helpful if you are at a lower level. The strategy with this ability is when you have blinking red HP, glide away from the enemy and allow Goofy and Donald to continue the batlle while you heal up. Equip abilities such as Combo Plus, Critical Plus, Air Combo Plus,ect. that will add to your attack so that you're more powerful. Items: The items that are most useful for the Hades Cup are Hi-potions, Mega Potions, Ethers, and Mega Ethers. Elixirs and Megalixirs are your choice to put into your list. But I suggest you save those for later. If you have MP Rage, MP isn't much of a problem (you run out of MP fast). Equip Donald and Goofy with a lot because if you do, you don't have to worry too much about that at all. They usually heal each other and you. Also, Donald has Curaga, just like you. Donald and Goofy should have the Second Wind ability which allows them to come back to life after being knocked out with full health and MP. For the Hades Cup, you should save items for emergencies. Rewards: Hades Cup comes with a lot of good stuff. As well as Magic upgrades(listed in section II: Prepartions), you get weapons. From Cloud and Leon, you get the Lionheart keychain. The Lionheart keyblade is a very good weapon and it's really good looking, too. It's a lot better than the Oathkeeper that you get from Kairi. No offense to Kairi, but I still like the Oathkeeper, though. From Yuffie you get a new shield for Goofy which is the Genjin Shield. You get Ansem Report 8 from Hades as well. This isn't exactly a reward, but it maybe help out a bit. After you have beaten the Hades Cup, two more cups will open. One is the Gold Match and the other is "?????". Gold Match is the Ice Titan and "?????" is a deadly battle. Yes, as everyone may know it, it is the famous Platinum Match. Platinum Match is the deadly battle against Sephiroth, the nasty enemy from Final Fantasy VII. As you can see, the Gold Match and the Platinum Match aren't really rewards, but they do give you a load of experience. Try them out! If you beat the Hades Cup in the twenty minute time limit, you can obtain Goofy's Save the King shield that adds two MP and brings up his attack. Enemies: Time for the biggest part of this FAQ. I'm only going to cover the big enemies that are the hardest and then a little about the other rounds. Here I go! 45th Seed: Yuffie If you remember the Pegasus Cup, you'll remember Yuffie was partnered up with Leon. This time she isn't, she's totally alone. The ability needed for this the most is Guard. Yuffie is just about the same as before. Her HP is yellow guage and beyond. In total that is two guages, yellow and green. Yuffie's moves are exactly the same as before. Throwing star blades that glide close to the ground and then throwing a huge shuriken at her while jumping in the air. Her moves are very easy to dogde. Just simply run around or Dodge Roll. But Guard is important because what you can do is Guard her star blades and they'll hit her back. Or just hitting them works, too, but Guard is easier. With a good and powerful weapon, her HP should go down pretty quickly since you're probably used to more powerful enemies. ^.~ But the downside to having low HP, is that Yuffie is very fast. She moves around like a maniac! When you catch up to her, take up the opprotunity to hit her... A LOT! This is very important in the process of defeating Yuffie. During your battle with Yuffie, you'll use Cure occassionally and use Aero a lot because of her attacks. It might be difficult to dodge at times. Magic for this battle isn't going to help too much with this battle, so save your MP for Cure and Aero. All in all, Yuffie is very easy compared to what is coming up 41st Seed: Behemoth This is the first time you go against the almighty Behemoth. But really folks, it isn't that bad. Behemoth has HP from the purple guage and beyond. In total, five guages and the highest HP of any boss. So don't worry, none of the boss's will have HP guages past the purple if it makes you feel better. The ability needed for Behemoth is High Jump. This is very important because the strategy that I STRONGLY, STRONGLY suggest is using High Jump to get yourself onto Behemoth's back. When you get onto Behemoth's back, you'll be dodging a majority of his attacks except maybe his thunder move, but other than that, you'll be protected from some damage. Stay on his back and attack his horn on head. With a good weapon, the guages will go down pretty fast. Definantly use Aero and Cure because there are no guarentees that you'll stay on his back. Also, at one point, he'll charge up his horn and that might hit you. So be prepared for that. Magic is an optional choice for the battle, but it isn't all that helpful. Keep healing, casting Aero, and smashing at it and you'll be as good as gold. Behemoth is probably one of the easiest big guys in Hades Cup. 31st Seed: Cerberus Everyone remembers Cerberus, remember? From Olympia the first time you go there. Now you remember, well, it's time to beat up this over-sized, three headed dog once more. He's gotten a bit stronger from the last time you beat the stuffing out of him. He has PINK guage now! In total, four guages to bring down. Don't be too worried though, his moves are exactly the same as the first time you beat him up. The snapping bites, fireballs, and those black holes that follow you everywhere. Yep, his moves are all the same. The abilites you'll need are: High Jump and Dodge Roll. To avoid the black pits, use Dodge Roll. It's faster than running and a lot more easier and efficient than Glide. You'll need High Jump if you decide to stay safe from his black pits and fireballs. With High Jump, you can get onto his back and attack his heads. But the downside is that you won't be able to avoid his snapping bites that cause a lot of damamge. Cast Aero a lot on yourself, Aeroga is recommended, as I said in Section II: Preparation. Curaga is definantly recommended. Cerberus deals a lot of damage on you this time... (like he wasn't hard the first time!). Jumping on his back is optional, but it's easier. It's hard to stay on his back because he moves a lot to get to Donald and Goofy, so it's up to you decide on that. Keep healing, casting Aero, dodging, and dealing powerful blows to Cerberus will win your battle. Okay, here's an alternate plan to defeating Cerebus. I got this from Buffalo Bill(mentioned in my update above). He says if you should have Strike Raid, MP Gift, Glide, and High Jump. You should get onto Cerberus's back and start using Strike Raid. You might fall off, but just get back on and you're okay. Equip MP Gift to one of you allies. When you run out of MP, your ally will give back MP to you. He equipped it to Goofy and got 3 MP back each time. That's a real deal! This is really a great strategy, so try it out!! All right, something new to use!! Yay! Anyway, thanks to Scott Given (sleigh@wtrt.net), I have found out that when Cerberus is ready to take a bite outta you, you can use Guard to protect yourself and receive tech points. 21st Seed: Cloud and Leon If you thought Yuffie and Leon were hard, think again. Cloud and Leon are the death duo. They're very hard, but with enough preparation you'll win this fight! The abilities I recommend are: MP Rage, Strike Raid, Glide, and Dodge Roll. Get Cloud out of the picture because he's weaker and easier to defeat than Leon. Cloud only has two guages of HP, yellow and green. He's just the same as when you fought him the first time. He has that move that he takes his sword and dashes at you, flies in the air and plants his sword in you, and when he gets weak: flies around. Avoid his attacks with Dodge Roll and this is optional: use Glide when he starts flying around. Dodge Roll is better, but if you want to try this strategy, go ahead. Just keep dodging his moves and take a lot of hits at him. Eventually you'll knock him out. Constantly keep healing and using Aero on yourself because while you try to knock out Cloud, Cloud and Leon are trying to knock out YOU. So keep healing and avoid Leon as well as Cloud. When Cloud's out of the battle, you have Leon to fight. As always, he is very hard. Leon has all the same moves: fireballs, running and slashing, and making his gunblade huge and white. Be VERY careful of his glowing gunblade. Leon does this move randomly in this battle instead of when he's weak like in the Pegasus Cup. If you want more description, it's like Cloud's Ultima Weapon in Final Fantasy VII, but less powerful. To you though, it's VERY, VERY powerful. Keep your distance during periods when Leon has his new gunblade because it's lethal. Use Strike Raid to hit him. Leon isn't too hard to hit with Strike Raid because he walks around very slowly. If you run out of MP for Strike Raid and your HP is full, let Leon hit you and if you equipped MP Rage, you'll recover two MP. That's how powerful it is. If not, use an Ether or two to restore your MP, by then, you should have a lot of MP. Two MP is enough for Strike Raid. You can block Leon's fireballs by using Guard, isn't that convienent? Leon's huge gunblade will eventually go away, take that time to beat him up and when it returns, keep your distance once more. But if you feel you can do it, try this strategy, since he walks very slow, use Dodge Roll or Glide to get to him and start hitting him crazily and then keep your distance once more. You should try this deadly stunt when Leon has low HP. Just dodge, heal, cast Aero, Strike Raid, and smash at them and you'll win. Just be very careful around them. The big blue sword is Squall's Lionheart, but made bigger. Okie dokie, new strategy for Leon from Raven1223(NMaster1223@aol.com). When Leon has the Lionheart, use Guard to block it and it'll disappear. As well as getting that big fat thing outta the way, you'll receive tech points and Leon will stagger back and you'll have the opprotunity to hit him. 11th Seed: Hades Here's your main man: Hades. Hades is one tough fella so be prepared and ready. Even if Hades uses a lot of fire attacks, ice isn't very effective against him. The abilities I recommend are: Strike Raid and Ragnarok. His HP is purple guage and beyond. Five guages in total. He'll turn two colors: blue and red. He isn't quite that deadly when he's blue so take that opprotunity to hit at him and when he's red, he's VERY DEADLY. Be careful around him while he's red. Even though when you hit him, it seems like your not, you really are. You're just knocking down his temporary defense. It WILL take you a long time to get his purple guage moving, but after you do, the guage will go down like a noraml guage. The only move he has while he's blue is lighting up his hands with fire and chasing you around. That's just about it. Take that advantage to hit him. But when you hit him enough, he'll start to turn red. At that point, take cover and keep your distance. The moves he has when he's red is flaming up his arms and spinning around. It's like the flaming jump rope in Mario Party, but a lot worse. You can't jump the flames, but you can avoid them by following his circular movements. Just make sure you don't bump into his other arm or you'll get a lot of damage done to you. When he stops, he'll get rather angry at you and start throwing fireballs at you. Dodge those any way you wish. They're rather big so beware. Use Strike Raid a lot while he's blue and red. Use Ragnarok when he's either color, it'll do quite some damage to him. Aero and Cure will help tremendously. As I said before, Blizzard isn't too effective so you might want to try it. Heal, cast Aero, and dodge his attacks and you'll conquer over Hades. Alrighty, new strategy thanks to Adam Smiley, in Jan. 18 update. Okay, a good way to get the battle to go fast is to use the Guard ability to block his fireballs. It not only does damage to him, but it also makes him dizzy so that if gives Sora time to put in a combo or two to bring down his HP. New tip from Miguel Rizo(gardack@yahoo.com), a new way to avoid being hit by Hades flaming arms is by going into a corner and most likely his arms will not reach you. [08.15.03]Okay, this might get confusing so if you have any questions just ask. First you basically just need to bait him into attacking to find his weak spot. When he starts to throw fire, run straight at him (he is only vulnerable when attempting to attack you) and hit him with a few combos while he's busy. But if he turns and you can't avoid the flames then Blizzard magic will quickly stop his attack. His extended flame thrower attack (where the fire comes out of his arms) is a little harder, but all you have to do is watch were he is throwing his weight and run in the opposite direction, because that's the way he will start spinning. Dodge Roll comes in handy here too, to make sure you stay ahead of the flames. You can't attack him while he spins, but as soon as he stops you can attack him even when he's red. Well, that's about it, I beat him at a level 58 and it was really easy. So if your somewhere around that it shouldn't be to hard. I was also using the Lionheart keychain, if that makes any difference. And really you don't need to worry about the heartless enemies because their really not that hard to defeat. And during the battle with Hades don't really worry about Donald and Goofy, because they pretty much take care of themselves. *this was directly quoted from the e-mail I received* [01.19.04] Dunc's tip was to dodge roll in the opposite direction of Hades flaming arms when spins in a circle and Sora should roll under the flames. Again,I haven't tried this yet, but he said that it works with enough concentration. 1st Seed: Rock Titan The name may seem very intimidating and he may look deadly, but in truth, he is very easy. Rock Titan's HP is purple guage and beyong. In total, five guages. You'll have to hit at him a lot, just like Hades, for the guage to get moving. The abilities I recommend are: High Jump. You'll have to hit this thing a lot, and I mean A LOT for it to actually know it's getting hit. Rock Titan is huge and the only place you can hit it is its feet and head. Using either High Jump or Glide to get to his head is easy, but staying on isn't. Rock Titan doesn't have many moves, but one of them is his head smashing on you. Even though it doesn't have many moves, if you get hit, it takes a lot of damage. Make sure when you DO get hit, heal and cast Aero. Save your MP for Arcanum RS and Strike Raid. Arcanum RS will help you a whole lot to bring down his guages and Strike Raid just a little when he moves around. Just keep hitting at him and you'll finish off this humungous Rock Titan and TAH-DAH! You have officially beaten the Hades Cup. Congratulations!! I have just found out that if you cast Aero/Aeroa/Aeroga on yourself and are close enough to the Rock Titan, you'll damage him as well and receive lots of tech points. Other enemies include all the enemies from all worlds, except maybe Alantica. All the enemies are easy if you level up and use a good weapon. You'll encounter the Guard Armor again (remember in Traverse Town?). The Guard Armor is harder than before with more HP, but its moves are the same. Don't worry too much about it. The enemies such as the Fat Bandits shoot fireballs at you, don't sweat it. Just stay in one spot and wait for it to shoot fireballs at you. Use the Guard ability to play a little bit of baseball with it. You'll cause damage AND make him dizzy. Plus, it's fun. Another enemy such as the Pirate Ships will shoot torpedoes at you, use Guard to avoid those, too. The others are a piece of cake. There will be a lot of Envy Devils, so watch out for them. All in all, the Hades Cup will be in the bag if you train a whole lot and prepare. GOOD LUCK!! Intro Two: If you have already finished the Hades Cup and decide try it again, you're in for a treat. If you enter the Hades Cup alone and finish it successfully, you'll receive Donald's weapon, Save the Queen. Save the Queen is a very powerful and pretty weapon. You'll see how nice it looks when you get it. I said it kinda looked like a fancy coat hanger, but anyway, Save the Queen has both awesome physical and magical power. It raises Donald's strength and max MP by two. Isn't that wonderful? When you enter alone with Sora, make sure you're prepared and ready. Train more than you had when you first entered and go for it! Make sure Sora has full power Magic and MP Rage. With him alone, you'll lose MP fast since all the Heartless are centered on you only. For the second time, we entered at around level 73 and it was a piece of cake. It was no challenge, just tedious. We didn't get Ultima Weapon, but if we did, I believe it wouldn've gone very fast. I have been confirmed that if you DO get Ultima Weapon, you conquer the Hades Cup. This is thanks to Scott Given(sleigh@wtrt.net). Contacting Me: If you want to get a hold of me, you can do this through e-mail, AIM, or MSN. My e-mail address is: chokari601@yahoo.com. When you e-mail me something, please subject it Hades Cup FAQ so I know what it's about or else I'll end up deleting it. So that I don't mix it up, delete it, and then make you feel bad, please fill in the subject as, "Hades Cup FAQ". I'll know what you're talking about. My s/n for AIM is: rabidpanda601 and my MSN contact is chokari601@hotmail.com. My brother's s/n for AIM is: auron728. I appreciate any corrections/ input, comments, and even insults! *note* I do not use my MSN contact address as an e-mail address. *note* Copyrights: Kingdom Hearts is copyrighted to Squaresoft and Disney Interactive. This FAQ itself is copyrighted to me, the writer. This FAQ cannot be duplicated IF YOU DO NOT GET PERSMIION FROM ME FIRST! Get permission from me and I'll consider it.If I let you, please tell me where you are re-posting it so that I can check it myself and see if I was credited for it! THANK YOU!! Acknowledgements: Finally, this FAQ is over and done with. A lot of hard work was put into this and I never did this alone, thank goodness. I have to thank my mommy for buying this game for us, if she didn't, I'd die! The most thanks has to go to my little brother, Michael, for actually playing the game for me. He did the entire Hades Cup for me to write this up and also to how to get Save the Queen. I have to thank him for being patient with me and adding his input and suggestions for me to add and consider. I have to thank him for playing his file and not making me play mine. Also, for his hard work at Kindgom Hearts. I applaud him. Thank you Squaresoft and Disney Interactive for making this wonderful game!!!!!!!! That's about it! Enjoy the rest of the game and good luck! Look forward to other things by me! Peace out. ~Chocokudos~ Finished: December 14, 2002 10:31 PM