KING’S FIELD: THE ANCIENT CITY INTRODUCTORY GUIDE FOR EARLY LEVELS By the waynemanor © 2012. This short Introductory Guide has been written to correct the mistakes in the Guide by Seorin and provide additional information to help new players avoid some of the early time-wasting mistakes. Play tips --------- X + Up/Down to move Forwards/Backwards quickly Remember if using any two-handed weapon to re-equip a Shield after use Use of any Crystal for the first time will act as the equivalent of fungus and usually fill the blue Magic Meter. Zone of Darkness ---------------- NOTE - Avoid the two grey stone areas on the right of the cliff wall: this is hidden lava and instant death. Always collect any plants seen on the ground as these will assist in healing either damage or poison. Left through the doors to Town Square. NOTE – avoid jumping down the open well at this stage as instant death. Town Square & Outer Temple -------------------------- Obtain and equip all the items mentioned in previous Guides (e.g. wooden Club, Boots, Helmet) BEFORE engaging the Mantraps. When confronting these and other early opponents, advance to draw the Mantraps in, then retreat to force them to turn away and then attack (ARA = Advance, Retreat, Attack). Collect all plants. SAVE. Move to the open Healing Temple area. Use L1 and R1 to rotate behind the giant Molluscs and kill from behind. Collect all plants. Move up the tunnel on the far left, using the ARA tactic against the Molluscs (3 blows to kill). Collect all items. Move down the far right path to the house, enter and accept the quest for the Soul Stone and collect the shield. Move to the rear tunnels and kill the Molluscs and collect plants. Return to the Town Square and purchase multiple herbs/remedies for healing/antidotes at Ben Mason’s store. Travel to the temple area and of the two entrances set into the rear wall, take the right to the save point. SAVE. Mines & Craven Home ------------------- Take the left entrance and run over the Red Slimes to the left passage. Use a plant to cure poison and then take the left passage to the healing fountain and use. Exit and continue on, taking the right passage and down the ladder. Deal with all bats with ARA. Travel down the right passage and collect the Earth Stone. Avoid the mushrooms and body (the yellow cloud produced is poison) and return up the ladder. Continue down the passage and over the log bridge. Take the right passage. Repeat ARA against the Zombies (4 blows to kill). NOTE – In this stage Zombies yield the highest gold return, so return several times to build funds. Collect the Pick, smash the barrels to collect items and continue (now able to return to all areas with barrels and crates and smash to collect items). Clear the bottom chamber of all Zombies and collect all plants. Use the Pick to smash the “Keep Out” sign for easy access back to original crossroads at the Mine entrance. Return up and take the left passage. Kill the Bats with ARA and collect the item. Use the Pick to smash the barred doorway, then return down the same passage and back up to the sign by the log bridge. Take the left passage and kill the Red Slimes. NOTE - When poisoned here, it is better to continue attacking and if possible kill all opponents before using a remedy to cure, and so avoid having to waste Items. Only use when absolutely necessary. Heal and after exploring the area, use the lever to summon the lift. Ride down. Stay on the shore and draw as many Zombies as possible up to a safe area and kill. Facing the toxic water, walk along the plank row second from the right to the end and collect an Earth Stone. NOTE – Do not stop at any time on the planks as they will temporarily sink and contact with the water will inflict poison.Then take the far left plank row and collect the Soul Stone. Then climb over the rocks to the right and back into the chamber with the mushroom and body. Return to the ladder and climb up, and travel back to the first original crossroads and exit, using a Plant to counteract the Red Slimes’ poison. Exit the Mines and SAVE. Return to the house and deliver the Soul Stone, and collect the Fire Crystal from the NPC. Use the Pick to access the cabin to the left and collect all items. NOTE – When moving through the back door, stay as close as possible to the back of the Reaper (carnivourous Tree) to prevent line of sight. Use ARA, and if necessary use L1 to move to the other side of the Tree if it uses ground attacks. Collect the item and use the Fire Crystal. Return to Ben Mason’s store and purchase at least 5 healing/antidote plants and at least one fungus. Use the Pick to collect items from barrels nearby. Ascend the stairs out in the Town Square and move to the very end, where the rampart previously collapses. Turn left and look down to see a fungus on a broken wall. Use Fireball to knock off the wall, and then retrieve. SAVE. Return to the Mines. If the right passage is clear of Red Slimes, travel all the way down and up until at the log bridge. Cross over and take the left passage down the ladder and across to the blocked doorway. If both passages are blocked with Red Slimes, take the left, then heal, and take the right passage to the ladder and down to the blocked doorway. Use the Pick. Run straight over the Red Slimes down the right passage. Avoid all the left and right passage and continue until reaching a grotto with one huge Red Slime and two smaller Slimes in a pool of water. Cure poison and heal. Use a Fireball to kill the huge Red Slime and run into the water and collect the Soul Stone. Run out and out of the area as quickly as possible, using plants when necessary. Fireballs can also be used to destroy the poisonous mushrooms and collect a fungus and gold. Try and avoid the Red Slimes on exiting the Mines. SAVE. Caretaker’s House ----------------- Visit Ben Mason if needed, then enter the double doors in the Temple area. Kill the Gelatinous Slime (note these opponents will not use poison) in the chamber with the items and collect. Ascend to the upper level, kill the second G. Slime and speak with the NPC. Trade the second Soul Stone for the Crystal Vial, and turn around and use a Fireball to knock the Dragon Bloom off the stonework. Collect the Dragon Bloom, and return to Ben Mason to sell this and any other extra equipment so as to be able to purchase the Wind Crystal. SAVE. Return to Ben Mason’s and walk through to the back room and right through the ruined wall. Use ARA on the Skeleton and take the right landing, killing the G. Slime and the Armoured Skeleton. Take the ascending passage and kill the Mantrap by the house. Enter the back passage and use the Pick to smash the barrels for an item. Take the ascending pathway, and quickly walk to the left behind the tree and into the Chapel to avoid the Reapers. Speak with the NPC, then enter the Graveyard via the rear door. Immediately move to the grilled gate at the far right and travel through. Smash the crate with the Pick for the Morningstar and equip. This will be the principle weapon for now. Return to the graveyard and use ARA against all Skeletons. The rear area covered in stone is safe to walk across. Be sure to walk down the side of the house to collect the healing plant. Return to the Chapel, kill the last Skeleton and take the key from the NPC. Exit and kill the Reapers, using the L1/R1 tactic to stay behind their line of sight and avoid earth attacks. Unlock the front door of the house and collect the items. Return to Ben Mason if needed and purchase several fungi. SAVE. Inner Temple ------------ On the ground floor move to the open doorway on the left, and down the stairs. Smash the barrels, and press X to open the secret door at the rear. Kill the Skeleton with ARA. Open the chest but quickly retreat as an A. Skeleton is inside. Use L1/R1 to outmaneuver, kill and collect item. Cross the right doorway, and use ARA to kill the Spider. Use Fireball to burn away the webs and enter the double doors. The Ruins --------- Descend and continue to burn away webs but avoid touching as it induces a Status state. Use ARA on remaining Spiders, watching for the last Spider which will drop from the ceiling. Explore the two side rooms – speak with NPC on right and then SAVE on left. Return to NPC – now a Zombie Knight - and use ARA to kill and take Shrine key. Use key to open Shrine chamber – strafe the Giant Spider with Fireball until dead, using the doors to avoid the web spit attacks. Collect the Water Crystal and SAVE. Return and move down the corridor past the Shrine chamber and take the door on the right. Collect items from both chests and enter the grilled gates. Carefully move to down the left side of the walkway and enter the double doors on the left. Collect the plant from the rear right corner but retreat quickly as two Skeletons will instantly appear. Kill and exit. Turn left and move around and kill the Skeleton Archer (it is possible to knock the Archer off the walkway, and if still alive, finish when ready to descend). Enter the passage behind the Skeleton Archer’s original position. NOTE – the Skeleton in the far left cell CAN attack and damage from inside the cell. Use ARA even when opening the cell. Open the cell on the far right and carefully drop down by the Skeleton Archer and kill before it can attack. Open the chest and equip the item. Drop down and ascend the staircase. Kill all Skeletons, then move to the grilled gate on the right and collect the item. Unlock the gate, which leads back to the rear of Ben Mason’s store. Visit if necessary and SAVE. Return via the now open grilled gate. Take the stairs in the right corner, and kill the Skeletons. Move carefully down into the chamber and try and collect the fungi without being poisoned excessively. Exit and collect the item on the ledge to the side of the staircase. Kill the A. Skeleton on the other side of the staircase and the Skeleton at the far end of the chamber. Enter the other chamber and kill the Skeletons. Collect the item and press X against the rear wall to enter a secret passage. Kill the Skeleton and collect and equip the item. Exit and ascend the stairs, taking the double doors on the right of the room (by the hole in the floor). Kill the Skeletons and pass through the two doors. NOTE – Do not drink the water in the fountain as poisoned. Move the far end of the room and turn right. Carefully approach the hole in the wall and kill the emerging Spider. Use Fireball to burn the web, and free a Light Crystal. This can be collected from outside the chamber with the SAVE option that faces the side of the Shrine chamber. Speak with the NPC and then use the two Unsealing Rocks to open the double doors. Use a combination of Fireball and blows to kill all Skeletons, then collect all gold and the plant. Return to the NPC for an Unsealing Rock and use and collect the Healing Statuette, killing any Skeletons. Return to the Shrine chamber and use the Healing Statuette, then return to the entrance to the Temple (watching for respawning spiders) and use the Crystal Vial to fill with H20 from the healing spring. The Well -------- It is now possible to survive the fall into the Well in the Town Square. First purchase multiple healing herbs (at least 14) and fungi. Drop down, and use H20 from the Crystal Vial to recover. Stay in the tunnel and use Fireball and the AKA method to kill the Wasps. Ignore the passage on the right. Carefully descend the stairs into the water, and move around until over the main pool of water. Drop down BACKWARDS to land in front of a sluice. Press X to close. QUICKLY (L3 + X) move back up the stairs, using plants if drowning. NOTE – Drowning happens VERY quickly and several healing plants must be used repeatedly. Climb back to very top of the landing where the Wasps were located and stand at the middle of the mouth of the archway. Slowly walk BACKWARDS and drop down into the water. Press X to open the sluice and QUICKLY move up the stairs, using herbs to recover from the Piranha attacks. As the water drains walk down the previously flooded passage, collecting the Water Crystal and exiting at the rear of Ben Mason’s store. Restock on items – including H20 – and SAVE. Return down the well shaft and restore health with H20. Kill the Wasps again and move down the stairs into area with the sluices, which should now be free of Piranha. Move to the wall opposite the stairs and in the middle press X to reveal a secret door. Kill the Skeleton and claim the cursed item (Dark Hands) but DO NOT equip. Return via the back passage to Ben Mason’s store. Restock. Return to the Temple and Ruins ------------------------------ Refill H20 and SAVE. Pass down the corridor beyond the Shrine chamber. Watch for Spiders emerging from walls or dropping from the ceiling and also kill the Zombie Knight. Pass through the double doors to access the next section of the Ruins…