********************************************************************** Translation Guide for Langrisser III by Akari_Dawn [Akari_Dawn(at)t-online.de] () (()) ((())) (((((()))))) ((((((((())))))))) (((((((((((()))))))))))) ((((((((())))))))) (((((()))))) ((())) (()) () Version 1.0 ________________________________________________ Table of content ________________________________________________ ============================================= 1. Author's Notes [Auth] °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 2. Credits [Crds] °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 3. Intro and Character Creation [ICC] °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Scenario 1 - 36 [01. - 36.] °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 4. Characters [Chac] °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 5. Translation Notes [TrNo] °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 6. Tutorial [Tuti] °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 7. Special Stuff [SpSt] ============================================= ************************************************************************ 1. Author's Notes [Auth] ************************************************************************ Hey there everyone! It may has come to your ear, that there is an English patch out there for this game. However the current version only translates the in game menus, which is great for play through purposes, but otherwise a little lackluster because you have to read Mojibacke all the time and can't even improve your Japanese reading skills. The patch I'm talking about was created by the hacker Cyberwarrior X and the translators ElfShadow and Oogami and probably some volunteers. Thanks to D from Langrisser.info I was provided with all the Scripts Cyberwarrior X had dumped along with permission from Oogami to use their work. To my surprise a good part of the game was already translated but not implemented into the current patch. At this point I have finished the translation and revision. **Ever Improving** I have a strong interest in improving this translation as much as possible. This game has a lot of text and it is much less linear than one would think. There is a ton of in battle dialogue you won't see if you play this game only one time. I don't know the requirements for certain in battle dialogues. What I know is that they are there, and that I had a blast translating them without knowing what is going on. So, if you should ever think some translations are misplaced, stupid, wrong or doesn't fit in the game, feel free to let me know. (This concerns playing with the future patch mainly) Just tell me which scenario and the line you're referring to. State what you don't like about it and what you would like better and I will look to it. Naturally, please also tell me if you notice typos or messed up grammar. THX! ==================================================================== What you should know about this translation ==================================================================== This is a fan translation. I'm inclining several things : I'm free and ultimately can do as I please, there's no Boss telling me what to do, nor a deadline pressing me when to do it. This by itself feels simply great. You've got to try it yourself sometime. Of course I've got aspiration to create something enjoyable and professional but I don't have a problem changing stuff I don't like into something I like. The experience you'll have playing this game with my guide or a future patch can differ from what you would experience if you would play it in Japanese. Also note that this file is just some sort of substitute for a future patch. It's not perfect but I'm sure it'll serve its purpose nonetheless. For in battle dialogues I usually will state which event triggers a dialogue. If something seems amiss, it is likely because you did something at a different time than me. I have only played the Saturn version so far. If you know about major differences to the PC or PS2 version, that could be important, give me the word. I presume that you are aiming to get the true ending. Therefore, this guide won't include normal ending material. Refer to the walkthroughs to see what you need to do to get the true ending. *================================================* My theory why this game isn't liked so much *============================================================* Many consider this game to be the black sheep throughout the Langrisser series. This is no doubt due to its Gameplay which differs greatly from the other games. In addition to this game tries out many different new things : We have the mentioned rather drastical changes concerning Gameplay. We can use items in battle which is great and a shame they threw it out again in later installments. We have an entirely different battle simulation which is fun to watch the first three times and after that annoys you or breaks your game. The sound qualitly of the in game music is somewhat odd, but I don't know if it just applies to my version. There's a new concept for the romantic part, which seems to be one strong point since it was taken over to Langrisser IV and V. To summarize : One is confronted with changes all around with the result that this game initianally doesn't feel much like the other games of the series. *==================================================* The reasons why I like it so much *==============================================================* In my opinion its gameplay is better than the others, especially considering the Judgment system of Langrisser IV and V which cripples the much loved flying units quiet badly. I like the somewhat real time oriented combat much better. All units act at the same time; that's much more realistic in my opinion. I like the believable characters in this game very much, the possibility to "choose" a lover of your liking, as well as the great voice acting and the story with its twists. ==================================================================== 2. Credits [Crds] ==================================================================== Before anything else I want to express my thanks to all the people who made this possible, I couldn't have done this alone! Special thanks go to... **************************************************** ElfShadow, Oogami and their anonymous leprechaun **************************************************** For translating Pre and Post Battle Scenes for Scenario 3-9 and 11-29, all the menu stuff, in Battle Dialogues for Scenario 2. Thanks to Oogami for granting permission for using their files. Sadly ElfShadow has vanished without a trace. Thank you for all your work on this! I hope you're happy whatever you're doing nowadays! **************** Cyber Warrior X **************** For dumping the Japanese Script from Langrisser III. Also putted up the English patch translating all in game Menus. Thank you so much! *********************** D from Langrisser.info *********************** for the fruitful correspondence and for keeping those files safe as well as being kind enough to provide them to me! Also for the translation of the class generation questions and the Intro to scenario 29! ||*****************************************************************|| Without those mentioned above this wouldn't have been possible. Thank you so much!!! ||*****************************************************************|| +Borgor+ for his Langrisser V Story translation also found on Gamefaqs. +Fallen Wings and William Budianto+ for their Walkthroughs for this game. If you are looking for help playing the game refer to those. +All the people creating the English patches for Langrisser I+II and IV.+ +Jisho.org, Lexilogos.com+ for being a great help for translating purposes! ++The devs for trying something new with this game++ +++Special thanks to the Voice actors and charater designers!+++ ++++Gamefaqs++++ for posting this and other awesome stuff! ))************************************************(( And everyone in this world trying to make it a better place. ))************************************************(( And without further delay let the enjoyment begin! ===================================================================== Intro [ICC] ===================================================================== Lushiris : ...Young man who wishes to be a knight. ...Human child destined to alter history. Wake up, open up your eyes. My name is Lushiris. On earth I am known as the goddess of light. Under my protection the country of Larcuss enjoyed a long period of peace and grew wealthy and prosperous. But now darkness has begun to rise throughout the world. I fear that peace will come to an end and an age of unrest is dawning already. However, those who live under my providence are not helpless, nor are they mere pawns. I only assist them by opening up possible paths. Ultimately it is your heart's desire that shapes the world around you and peace can only be maintained by many joining together to uphold it. In order to see, if you truly have the potential to rescue the world, I need you to answer several questions. First of all, please tell me your name. (You can now enter a name of your choice but I highly recommend you to leave it at "Diehärte" because that's the canon name that will be used throughout this walkthrough.) Well then, please answer my questions truthfully. ==================== Character creation ==================== Question 1 What is the essential quality of a matchless unit? Leadership (Hire Infantry -> Question 2A) Mobility (Hire Fliers -> Question 2B) Destructive power (Hire Cavalry -> Question 2C) Question 2A What do you believe is required in order to become a hero? Courage (Hire Cavalry at L1O -> Question 3A) Charisma (Hire Fliers at L1O, Charisma +3 -> Question 3B) A valiant soul (Hire Spearmen at L1O -> Question 3C) Question 2B What do you believe is required in order to become a hero? Kindness (Hire Infantry at L1O, Charisma +3, Alignment +5 -> Question 3B) Courage (Hire Cavalry at L1O -> Question 3C) A valiant soul (Hire Spearmen at L1O >Question 3E) Question 2C What do you believe is required in order to become a hero? Kindness (Hire Infantry at L1O, Charisma+3, Alignment+3 -> Question 3A) Charisma (Hire Cavalry at L1O -> Question 3C) A valiant soul (Hire Spearmen at L1O -> Question 3F) Question 3A Which of these do you enjoy the most? The calm before a storm (Hire Fliers at L3O -> Question 4) The salty brine of sea air (Hire Sailors at L3O -> Question 4) Autumn gusts and fallen leaves (Hire Spearmen at L3O -> Question 4) Question 3B Which of these do you enjoy the most? The salty brine of sea air (Hire Sailors at L3O -> Question 4) Autumn gusts and fallen leaves (Hire Spearmen at L3O -> Question 4) A summer breeze across the plains (Hire Cavalry at L3O -> Question 4) Question 3C Which of these do you enjoy the most? A refreshing breeze (Hire Infantry at L3O -> Question 4) A summer breeze across the plains (Hire Spearmen at L3O -> Question 4) The salty brine of sea air (Hire Sailors at L3O -> Question 4) Question 3D Which of these do you enjoy the most? The calm before a storm (Hire Fliers at L3O -> Question 4) A summer breeze across the plains (Hire Cavalry at L3O -> Question 4) The salty brine of sea air (Hire Sailors at L3O -> Question 4) Question 3E Which of these do you enjoy the most? A summer breeze across the plains (Hire Cavalry at L3O -> Question 4) A refreshing breeze (Hire Infantry at L3O -> Question 4) The salty brine of sea air (Hire Sailors at L3O -> Question 4) Question 3F Which of these do you enjoy the most? The calm before a storm (Hire Fliers at L3O -> Question 4) A refreshing breeze (Hire Infantry at L3O -> Question 4) The salty brine of sea air (Hire Sailors at L3O -> Question 4) Question 4 Where do you believe God resides? In the heavens above (Hire Priests at L50, Alignment +1O, Sophia's Love Index +1 -> Question 5) God does not exist (Hire Mages at L50, Alignment -1O, Sophia's Love Index -1 -> Question 7) In all things (Hire Bowmen at L50 -> Question 6) Question 5 If this world collapses into crisis and ruin, what will save it? Great and powerful gods (Force Heal 1, Intelligence +5, Troop Recovery +1, Alignment +1O -> Question 8) A wealth of knowledge (Thunder, Intelligence +8 -> Question 9) My own strength (AT +1, DF +1, HP +2 -> Question 1O) Question 6 If you gained command of a new unit, what would you demand of it? More soldiers (Troops +1, Troop Recovery +1 -> Question 9) High morale (A +2, Troop Recovery +1 -> Question 1O) Perfect control (A +2, D +2 -> Question 11) Question 7 Ideally, what abilities should an excellent army possess? A powerful commander (AT +2, DF +1, HP +2 -> Question 1O) Impenetrable defense (DF +1, D +2 -> Question 11) Power to smash and destroy (AT +2, A +2 -> Question 12) Question 8 What do you most strive to obtain in this life? Power (Long Sword -> Question 13) Wealth (+80P -> Question 14) Knowledge (INT +4 -> Question 15) Question 9 To what cause do you plan to devote your life? To protect the ones I love (Protection 1, INT +1, Charisma +2, Love Index +1 -> Question 13) To strengthen myself (AT +1, DF +1 -> Question 14) To fulfill my dreams (Attack 1, INT +1 -> Question 15) Question 1O While resupplying, your enemy has launched a surprise attack. What will you do? Retreat (Move +1, Troop Recovery +1 -> Question 14) Counterattack (A +1 -> Question 15) Defend (D +1 -> Question 16) Question 11 An ally unit has been enveloped, but yours is also in danger. What would be your command? Order a retreat (Move +1, Charisma +2, Speed Boots -> Question 15) Hold out for reinforcements (Protection 1, INT +1 -> Question 16) Rush to their aid (Heal 1, INT +1, Charisma +2 -> Question 17) Question 12 If you gained a position of great power, how would you use it? To protect my people (Amulet, Charisma +2 -> Question 15) To rule over all (AT +1, DF +1 -> Question 16) To promote justice (Heal 1, INT +1, Charisma +2 -> Question 17) Question 13 What kind of thing is love to you? Something given mutually (Force Heal 1, INT +1, Love Index +1 -> Question 18) Something one receives (HP +3 -> Question 18) A source of infinite power (AT +2, DF +1 -> Question 18) Question 14 What is it you expect from this world? Love, hope and courage (AT +1, Love Index +1 except Flaire -> Question 18) Freedom to live as I please (INT +2, Troops +1 -> Question 18) Order and unity (A +1, HP +2 -> Question 18) Question 15 What ability must the ruler of a nation possess? Charisma (Troops +1, INT +2, Charisma +2 -> Question 18) Decisiveness (Quick, INT +2, Charisma +2 -> Question 18) Power to take action (Troops +1, INT +2 -> Question 18) Question 16 Before heading off to battle, you must say farewell to your lover. What do you do? Dispel her fears (INT +3, Charisma +2 -> Question 18) Hold her in a gentle embrace (HP +3, AT +1, Charisma +2 -> Question 18) Leave without saying anything (Magic Resistance +1, Charisma +2 -> Question 18) Question 17 You are a boy, aren't you? No, a romantic (INT +2, Heal 1 -> Question 18) No, a burning soul (Troops +1, AT +1 -> Question 18) No, a man of steel (D +1, HP +1, DF +1 -> Question 18) Question 18 At the outset of battle, what skills do you require of yourself? Vast tactical knowledge (INT +4 -> Question 19) Calm judgment (DF +2,D +1 -> Question 19) Mighty power (AT +2, HP +2 -> Question 19) Question 19 What do you look for in an ideal unit? A select few (A +3, D +2, Troops -1 -> Question 20) Strength in numbers (Troops +1, INT +2, Quick -> Question 20) I alone am enough (AT +2, DF +1, HP +2, INT +2, Magic Resistance +1 -> Question 20) Question 20 Lastly, for what purpose do you fight? To obtain glory and honor (AT +2, INT +2, Charisma +2) To protect my homeland (INT +2, Magic Resistance +1) To protect my loved ones (INT +1, DF +1, Protection 1, Love Index +1 except Flaire) Lushiris : Before your struggle begins, I have a gift for you. Please push the C button. Do you have need for an explanation of the fundamental order that applies to this world? (Yes or No?) (Choose no [second option]. If you choose yes your in for the games lengthy tutorial, which I didn't want to translate but did it anyway in the end. If you need it, go to the tutorial section. Search for [Tuti].) (After choosing no or clicking through the tutorial) Lushiris : I shall expect great deeds of you. ******************************** Scenario ~ 01. Assault on the Floating Castle ******************************** For times immemorial the Kingdom of Larcuss prospered and stood up against the ambitious Rigüler Empire to the north, while allying with the Barral Kingdom to the south. By the sovereign power of a floating fortress, hovering over its capital Larcussia, peace remained throughout the lands. Today, inside the same castle, a young man concludes his training as a knight by absolving the ceremony of ascension. It was Diehärte Klaus that overcame all hardships while undergoing the rigorous knightly training, whose many efforts now would finally bear fruit and thus making his dream since childhood of becoming a knight reality. Little did he know, that this happy occasion soon would be overshadowed by black wings of foreboding demise, which already approached the Floating Castle stealthily. * Victory condition Total destruction of the enemy * Defeat condition Death of Diehärte [Floating Castle ~ Underground Altar] Geriord : Diehärte. Hey Diehärte! Geriord : It is dawn already. The preparation for the knighting ceremony are complete, I assume? Diehärte : Yes! Geriord : So you've made it; getting a little nervous right now? Haha that's only natural. I was nervous at my knighting ceremony too. Diehärte : Lord Geriord..... Geriord : Now that s a bit too formal. I am thinking of you as my equal, so please just call me Geriord as you always do. Diehärte : Thank you for everything you have done for me so far. Undoubtedly you are the most honorable of the royal knights, Geriord. Geriord : Haha! I kinda expect you to go for that title before long. Well, We shouldn't let everyone waiting. Diehärte : Yes! (Geriord takes the sword and leaves) Diehärte : ...Now I finally will become a knight. I have dreamed of this day since I was a little boy....Have it really been 6 years since I began my knightly training under Lord William? Time sure flies by. I wonder how princess Flaire is doing. She should be getting 16 years old soon, she must have grown pretty much as well....... After the knighting ceremony I'm going to pay her a visit. [Mountains near the Floating Castle] Varna : Your Excellency Altemüller. We have been infiltrating the castle for 4 days now without making a move. The troops are getting restless... Altemüller : There's no need to worry. We will sortie at once. Varna : That would be unreasonable. There is a storm to come up shortly. We cannot fly like this. Altemüller : Say, did you ever hear something about the Demonic Cannon of this castle? Varna : Rumours state that its power alone is enough to annihilate a whole town. Altemüller : This very cannon is the one thing that stays in the way of the Empire's plans to expand. With it gone the castle will fall to the ground like a rock, heralding the glorious rise of the Empire. However, in order to conquer the castle one must stay undetected by the castle's guards at all costs. Varna : So what you are planning is to use the storm clouds as cover? Altemüller : Exactly. That's why this unit was made up of only veteran fliers. At least flying through the storm is safer than facing the Demonic Cannon, no? Varna : I consent. Altemüller : All units, move out! [Floating castle assembly hall ] William : ...Diehärte Claus. Before I grant you the title of a knight, you have to make the ceremonial oath. Diehärte : Yes milord! I vow to be pure of heart and renounce the lust for power and fame. King : From now on you must serve the Larcuss Kingdom honorably. Devote yourselves to serving your king and protect those that cannot protect themselves. Diehärte : Yessir! (Turns around) Geriord : Congratulations on your investiture. Tiaris : Congratulations! You've really earned it! King : In celebration of the investiture to the position of knight, a small banquet has been prepared. All of you please join us in the banquet hall. [In the sky nearby the Floating Castle] Altemüller : ...Advance quietly. Varna : According to our spy they are busy holding a knighting ceremony today. It is not unlikely that they are getting drunk by now.... Altemüller : I'm afraid we'll have to ruin that petty fun of their's. Now let's take this flying eyesore out of the sky! Soldiers : Yessir! [Floating castle banquet hall ] Tiaris : At last you have become a knight. Now you can protect this castle along with Papa and Geriord. Diehärte : Sure thing, Tiaris. King : Err....my dear guests! Today we not only have one happy occasion to celebrate. The word is yours Geriord. Geriord : ....Yes... Geriord : I'd like to announce that Layla and myself have decided to get married. Tiaris : Ehhh! Really!? Layla : It's true. Tiaris. Tiaris : Aww, I am so jealous .... King : ...Due to our regulations, you all are witnesses to the official announcement of the betrothal made today. Diehärte : You two make a great couple, everyone knows that already. Congratulations Geriord. Congratulations Miss Layla. Geriord : Thank you, Diehärte. (A soldier rushes in) Soldier : T-the enemy! Flying troops of the Rigüler Empire are attacking us! Geriord : !! How many are there and where did they appear? Soldiers : They number three units and two Commanders, they are approaching from the western skies. William : So few. That is not enough to be considered a threat, they must plan a surprise attack. Geriord : Perhaps approaching from the west side is just a feint. Their intention must be to have us on west side while launching an attack from the east side. William : I agree. Everyone, it seems the ceremony has to be adjourned. Please hurry and evacuate to the ground. Diehärte : Lord William! I will fight too! William : In that case you will secure the western side with Tiaris and intercept all approaching enemies. This is the first real battle for the two of you, so act with utmost caution! Geriord and myself will head over to the east side. Geriord : Yessir! Layla : Geriord....Please.....be careful..... Geriord : Don't worry, we will be alright. Tiaris : Be careful out there, Papa! ....So Diehärte. Let us hurry to our side too! Diehärte : Right! (Battle Preparations) [The Floating Castle] Tiaris : Honestly! Why does this has to happen at such a time.... Diehärte : They probably used the stormy weather to their advantage and hid themselves in the clouds, while approaching the castle unnoticed. Tiaris : I guess they also chose this day because today was the investiture ceremony. Diehärte : Yeah. That was favorable for them too. But complaining about this won't help us any right now. Let's go Tiaris. We have to protect the castle's magical cannon! (end of the first turn) Rigüler Flying soldier : Charge! Destroy the demonic cannon! (Beginning turn 2) William : We are in time. The enemy has yet to appear. Geriord : Let us hurry and prepare to intercept the enemy here. (next turn) William : On your positions! Geriord : Yessir! William : Diehärte, I entrust my daughter's safety to you. Diehärte : Leave her to me! Tiaris : Hey, don't treat me like a child! (Diehärte fights) Diehärte : You won't go any further than this! (On Turn 3) Soldier : The enemy has come in sight! Geriord : Lord William! William : Get ready to intercept the enemy. Rigüler flying soldier : The enemy is awaiting us. Varna : It seems our strategy has failed your Excellency . Altemüller : Hmmph. So they predicted our main force would come from the east side. This should be interesting. Alright! Destroy the central crystal whatever it takes! Diehärte : Seems like those imperials on the east side go after the crystal too. Tiaris : Yeah! If the crystal would be destroyed the magical cannon would lose its energy and the flying castle would fall right out of the sky! Diehärte : This could lead to the downfall of the whole Larcussian Kingdom. We must prevent that from happening at all cost! William : Everyone move out! Protect the crystal to the bitter end! Geriord : Understood! (Geriord engages Varna in combat) Geriord : I'd give my life for the ones I pledged to protect! Varna : You seem to be one of the top knights around... Tell me, how do they call you? Geriord : Geriord, Knight of Larcuss. Varna : Geriord it is then. I guess you will be a worthy opponent. You can call me Varna, General of the Rigüler Empire! (After the battle) Varna : Khe.....You truly are a skilled swordsman... (King William vs soldier) Soldier : Grrr! Those sword skills are really impressive! Even my elite troop can't stand up to this! William : The error is all yours. Did you really think you could take the Floating Castle easily? (Geriord vs Varna second time) Geriord : I won't take your life. But you need to be punished for attempting to invading this castle! (After the fight) Varna : W..what!? I couldn't stand up to his skill....I Altemüller : It is alright Varna, fall back for now. Varna : B..but, your Excellency..... Altemüller : Leave the rest to me. Varna : Alright. Altemüller : I thought Larcuss would rely only on the demonic cannon's power, but it seems as though they got some fight in them after all. (William vs Altemüller) William : You! So the Rigüler Field Marshal Altemüller has shown up himself. You won't leave the Floating Castle alive! Altemüller : This Floating Castle is an eyesore for the invasion the Rigüler Empire wishes to carry out. It is regrettable but this castle has to fall. William : You won't lay as much as a finger on it! Prepare yourself! (After the Battle) William : Urgghh! Tiaris : Eek! P-Papa! Diehärte : Lord William! Geriord : Milord! (Altemüller vs Geriord) Altemüller : You are the one that threw down Varna, what unexpected resistance. They say you are the finest warrior in these parts. You shall be an opponent worthy of myself. ...Do you accept my challenge? Geriord : Imperial Field Marshal, Altemüller. I shall accept your challenge. (Next turn) Diehärte : Lord William was defeated...that man Altemüller sure is a terrifying enemy. Altemüller : Knight Geriord. Now you will face me as your opponent. (Geriord vs Altemüller 2nd time, after the fight) Geriord : Urrgghh... Ghh...I didn't expected you Altemüller.. to be the first to best me in combat... Diehärte : So even Geriord... Altemüller : Hmphh. Such foolishness. Now nothing stands between me and the crystal. (When Altemüller reaches the crystal.) Altemüller : With this the fate of Larcuss is sealed. William : So this is how it ends. Even though the Rigüler field Marshal is still young, he claimed victory for himself... Diehärte... you must go to Laffel and contact our allies the Barral Kingdom. Then an army must be formed to initiate the counter attack. And please take care of my daughter and Geriord in my stead... Tiaris : Papa! Diehärte : Lord William.....Dammit! Altemüller : This crystal must be the energy source supplying the demonic cannon. Hyaa! Excellent! In the end my plan succeeded! But we shouldn't be here when this place drops down, all units fall back! Diehärte : The Floating Castle sinks!? That's not good! We have to get away from here now! Tiaris : No! Open your eyes papa! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the Battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Altemüller : Varna! Varna : This is your chance to totally destroy the enemy. Please leave me be and take on the pursuit. Altemüller : That you were injured is my responsibility, I'll carry you on my back. We are returning to headquarters for now. We'll leave sweeping up the remaining enemies to Geier. Varna : ....Your Excellency. [Mountains near the Floating Castle] Diehärte : Imperial Field Marshal Altemüller..... Geriord : .....uh.....urghh..... Layla : Geriord stay strong! Geriord! Diehärte : He suffered a terrible wound. But if we stay here to long the imperial pursuers will catch up to us. You must hold out until we make it to Laffel! Geriord : Understood...and don't you worry.. Diehärte : Come, Tiaris. We must be on our way. Tiaris : ......... (What do you want to say?) 1) Show me that smile of yours. 2) Geriord is.....* 3) You will be left behind! (After Picking 1.) Diehärte : Hey now, show me that smiling face of yours. After all you are supposed to be the cheerful and vigorous girl I know. Tiaris : .........You can go on ahead. I'll follow up right away. (After picking 2.) Diehärte : I understand well that you are in agony right now. But Geriord was seriously wounded. We have to take him to a city fast or his live will be in danger too. Tiaris : ....Okay, I understand. But...., let me stand here for a moment. I'll follow up right away. Diehärte : Tiaris..... (After picking 3.) Diehärte : How long are you planning on staying over there. You will be left behind Tiaris. Tiaris : .............. You can go on ahead. I'll follow up right away. (Same for all again) Tiaris : .....Papa. Goodbye.... ******************************** Scenario ~ 02. "Insane in Laffel" ******************************** The Rigüler field marshal Altemüller assaults Larcussia resulting in the downfall of the once majestic castle. Diehärte and his companions only barely make their escape. Still in shock of the tragedy they reach the city of Laffel. Now their only hope for striking back at the Empire is to contact Larcuss's ally, the nearby Barral Kingdom. However, short was the time for such thoughts, since the flames of war were about to engulf Laffel as well, sparkled by someone no one had suspected.... [Inside Laffel's Church] High Priest : Huff*....,this should suffice for now. Layla : High Priest. Thank you so very much. (Diehärte and the priest go to another room) Diehärte : High Priest. Will Geriord be able to recover from his injury? High Priest : ... That which lies in my power I have done for him. Truthfully speaking it is a miracle that he is alive. Diehärte : So... High Priest : He is still in a critical state. In a few days we will know what is to become of him. Diehärte : I see.. (A soldier rushes in interrupting the discussion) Soldier : Emergency! The enemy is here! All citizens must evacuate the city immediately! High Priest : H-how terrible! Out of my way! Diehärte : The enemy has come here!? The Empire has caught to up to us fast.... (Runs over to the others) Diehärte : We have an emergency! Enemy troops are threatening Laffel and its citizens, we have to help! Layla : Oh no! Diehärte : We must hurry to make preparations for leaving here as soon as possible! Layla : Yes! Tiaris we must do our part too! Tiaris : ...Okay.... you should hurry too Diehärte . (Layla and Tiaris leave) Geriord : .....Wait, Diehärte. Diehärte : Geriord!? How are you feeling? Geriord : So the enemy has come here already? Diehärte : Yeah. Geriord : You have to leave me behind and get away from here..... Diehärte : What are you saying Geriord! Geriord : I know my body best. This injury won't heal anytime soon.... I couldn't bear to be a burden to all of you. You must go without me. Right now the Larcussian army has to fall back and reorganize. You now have the chance to escape and you may not get another one.... Diehärte : But Geriord! Geriord : Diehärte.....You are a knight now. Become a splendid one and protect this great land and its people. This would be the greatest honor you can bestow upon me. One day you'll come back here. And the day you return here Laffel will be liberated. Diehärte : I got it, Geriord. I'll become a fine knight and to come back here when that time has arrived, I promise. We will form an army and come back here surely. And after we claim back Layla's and your home town, we'll liberate Larcussia as well. Geriord : Layla my betrothed, please come over here. Diehärte : Layla!? Geriord : ......Will you please listen to me? Layla : Geriord, I.... Geriord : ...Layla I must ask something of you. ....You almost became the wife of a knight. As such you must be ready to let go always.... This is my last request. You must live and escape with Diehärte. Layla : ...I'll do as you say. However, I will pray for your recovery. So you may live to meet with me again. Geriord : ....Yeah. (Layla leaves) Diehärte : ......... Geriord : .......Cough*...Go now, there is no time to lose. Diehärte : .... (Diehärte makes some steps pauses and then runs off) Geriord : I entrust this one to you, Diehärte. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Vice Capital Laffel] Dios : Listen up! Only pretend to be rough with those nonresisting grubbers! Just capture them, unless it's unprofitable to do so! Ruud : As you wish! Diehärte : Hmmm!? Tiaris : ...What's wrong, Diehärte? Diehärte : They're....not from the Imperial army. Layla : Huh? If that's so, then who on earth... Diehärte : Impossible! That's the army of the Barral Kingdom! Layla : Barral Kingdom!? Aren't they our allies!? Diehärte : What could have possibly happened?.... Anyhow, the citizens are having a hard time escaping... we've got to help them, with or without backup! (On the second turn) Diehärte : Miss Layla! Please flee through the south gate! Hurry! Layla : ...Geriord. Diehärte : Miss Layla! Layla : Y-Yes? Diehärte : Hurry to the south gate! Layla : Alright... (On the second's turn end) Ruud :General! There's a Larcussian knight over there! With his help, it looks like the citizens will be able to escape! Dios : What did you say!? He's a young one! Once he gets his first taste of cold steel, he'll change his tune! (On the third turn) Citizen : Kyaa! Dios : Round up the citizens! Ruud : But then that party will get away... Dios : It can't be helped! We can only take this pretense of cruelty so far! Damn! Diehärte : It's dangerous over there! Flee to the south gate! Citizen : O..okay! (After turn five ended) Citizen : Thank you, Sir Knight. We've made it. Diehärte : Well, let's hurry on out too. (After some more turns) Silver Wolf : Hold it right there! No longer shall you have your way in our city! Dios : Who the hell are you, bastard? Silver Wolf : If you don't recognize me, you're a full-blown Barral bumpkin! Alright, listen up: I am the heavenly-descended, grand and honorable thief, Sir Silver Wolf! This is our town! Your foul work ends here! Ruud : What can a self-styled thief possibly do? Dios : If he does try anything, he'll find it a painful experience... Silver Wolf : Hmph! I'll make you eat those words! Diehärte : Silver Wolf? That renowned honorable thief.... Silver Wolf : Hey, Mr. Knight, we'll take it from here - hurry up and escape! Diehärte : Just be careful, Mr. Silver Wolf. Silver Wolf : Do me a favor and just call me Wolf! Alright, you rascals! Let's go and teach that country bumpkin of a general how we differ from the average thief! Thieves : Will do, Boss! (Once Tiaris gets close to silver wolf) Silver Wolf : Hey, lass, we'll take it from here - hurry up and escape! Tiaris : I'll do no such thing! If I did, you might get captured, Mr. Wolf! Silver Wolf :Hey, now. Who do you think I am? Even if I get surrounded, there's no way I'd be caught by those Barral soldier-goons! Stop worrying. Tiaris : ....'kay. Thanks, Mr. Wolf. (Once you move south somewhat King Wilder and more troops show up) Barral Supreme Commander : Looks like Dios's troops are having a hard time. King Wilder : Dios, what are you doing fooling around like this! Dios : My humble apologies, King Wilder! When we were advancing, we managed to get separated from the citizens.... King Wilder : Don't worry about the lives of the citizens! Kill everyone who gets in your way! After we take Laffel from Larcuss Kingdom, we'll target the wealthy royal capital, Larcussia. Use whatever means are necessary! With this opportunity, we can invade straight to the heart of Larcuss. Dios : *chokes* ... Understood.... Ruud : General, are we really going to attack the citizens? Dios : It's our King's command. Even if it means slaying the citizens, we must fulfill our duty. Ruud : But... Dios : I know what you're saying. I don't want to do it either! Diehärte : T..that's King Wilder!? (Next turn) King Wilder : Don't let them escape! Kill all of these obstructions! Diehärte : King Wilder! Have you forgotten who I am!? I'm the son of Klaus! King Wilder : Klaus? ...Ah, that's right. You're Klaus's little boy. Tiaris : Diehärte, do know this Person? Diehärte : Yes. Barral Kingdom and the house of Klaus have always had a close relationship. ...but, why would the kind-hearted King Wilder.... Silver Wolf : Your friend in the past is your enemy today, huh. Well, they say that people change. King Wilder : Enough of this senseless jabbering. Die and be silenced! Slay them! Don't let a single one escape! (On the next turn) King Wilder : Die! Let none escape! (Silver wolf first time in Battle) Silver Wolf : Alright, you rascals! Get ready! (After Layla reaches the bottom of the map.) Layla : Geriord.... Diehärte : Miss Layla! We will come back here in a little bit. Please be patient a little longer. Layla : Okay. (More civilians escape.) Male Citizen :Wow. We've made it! Female Citizen : Farewell, Laffel... (Once Diehärte gets close to the bottom of the map) Diehärte : Just a little further! Everyone, hang in there! Silver Wolf : Right now, I can just run right through them! Citizen Will do! (Once Diehärte and Tiaris arrive at the bottom of the map) Diehärte : Alright, we can escape unhindered from here. (Scenario clear) Dios : Ugh! So they've managed to escape... King Wilder : Wretch, now only one foe remains!Those damned lucky bastards! Silver Wolf : Hmm, looks like if I do it just right, I can still escape. . Diehärte : Thanks, Wolf. Silver Wolf : Glad to have been of assistance! Layla : Geriord... Diehärte : Miss Layla, I swear I'll return and save him. Layla : I'm sorry, Diehärte. I've been such a burden, letting my emotions get the best of me. But, I'm calm now. Oh, by the way. When the citizens fled the city, they handed me this to give to you in thanks, saying "Please deliver this to the brave Sir Knight." [Received the Angel Ring!] Diehärte : Thanks. I'll be sure to use it. Tiaris : ....Hey, Diehärte. What are we going to do now? Diehärte : Good question. I think we should seek out my uncle... Viscount Raymond. His domain is removed from Larcuss Kingdom, since it is enclosed by mountains, so the Empire probably hasn't reached it yet. Tiaris : And we'll muster an army there? Diehärte : Indeed. And then, we'll retaliate. So, let's go Silver Wolf : Well, I'll be pulling out soon... Diehärte : Thanks again, Wolf. Now hurry and escape before you're captured! Silver Wolf : Of course I will! Diehärte : Unequivocally, I swear to return! Please keep alive til then. Silver Wolf : It will be a piece of cake for me to put off dying till then. Later, Mr. Knight. If we both stay alive, we'll meet again! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the Battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Laffel ~ Currently occupied by Barral] King Wilder : So the citizens managed to get away, thanks to what was his name again, Diehärte? Dios : My humble apologies. King Wilder : This lot certainly made quiet a fool out of you. Your pity is not only wasted but also allowed them to escape. And don't think looking at me with puppy eyes will make up for this. Bah, I've got enough of this place. I'm returning to the royal castle. In the meantime you will take command, consider it a chance. Oh before I forget, the appropriate tax rate will be doubled! Dios : Doubled!? But this will rob the townspeople of their livelihood! No this will lead to revolt.... King Wilder : Suits me just fine! When it comes to it they shall feel our blades! Those who dare to defy me will be shown no mercy. Dios : ... King Wilder : I think we're done here. (King Wilder leaves) Ruud : General Dios ..... Dios : Nowadays, I am asking myself if following the King's orders is truly the right thing to do. Ruud : Impossible, you couldn't be thinking of desertion? It's a crime punished with death! Surely the King would send pursuers after you. Dios : So what if? Do you think I could be sniffed out by run off the mill soldiers? You should know that I am not that weak. Ruud : Even if you could escape, do you honestly want to leave your family and home country behind, please reconsider... Dios : You're right. If it would be just me I'd do it, but I can't let my wife and children walk the plank as well. This is bad. Something strange is going on here but I don't know what just yet. For now consider it a joke. Ruud : Alright. As long as only I know about how you feel. I have to return to my duty and convey messages for the King. (Ruud leaves) Dios : King Wilder is going mad.... I hate this! Just what is he up to? Desertion means Death.....Damn it all! [Viscount Raymond' Mansion] Raymond : The Royal capital Larcussia has fallen victim to the invasion of the imperial forces. This all happened because we let our troops weak and idle. We got too used to peace and neglected to protect it. Lewin : Yes, Father. Larcuss soldier : Lord Raymond! Some guests have just arrived. Raymond : Visitors? Tell me who they might be. Larcuss Soldier : Yes, sir! It seems to be the young Sir Klaus in company of some others. Raymond : Oh, Diehärte. Let them enter forthwith. Larcuss Soldier : Yessir! Diehärte : Lord Raymond. It has been a long time. Raymond : Indeed far too long, Diehärte! Diehärte : At last I stand before you as a knight. Raymond : I see, so you have become a knight. Hm? Tell me how you became one... Diehärte : Yes, in the Floating Castle above the royal capitol of Larcussia, where Duke William reigned, I absolved my training. Raymond : I'm glad that you escaped from the catastrophe that befell the castle. Do you know of anything to report from Larcussia concerning the invasion of the Rigüler Empire? Diehärte : Yessir, we witnessed the invasion wit our own eyes. It was the Imperial Field Marshal Altemüller that lead the assault himself. In spite of fighting back desperately, Duke William fell during the attack. Raymond : So even with his masterly swordsmanship.... Tiaris : ...... Diehärte : Oh, this is the dukes only daughter Tiaris. And this is Miss Layla. Layla : It is an honor to make your acquaintance Viscount Raymond. Diehärte : She was Geriord's fiancee. Raymond : I see. Please excuse me for bringing up such painful matters... Tiaris : ....It's alright, Viscount. Layla : I won't give in to sorrow just yet. Even now we can't be certain that Geriord is dead.... Raymond : So tell me, was Geriord injured during that battle as well? Diehärte : Yes. It was when he and Altemüller engaged in a fierce duel. Raymond : So that is how. Imperial Field Marshal Altemüller. What a man.... Diehärte : Lord William. Our next step should be to recruit soldiers and prepare to reclaim Larcussia. Raymond : I agree. But first of all we will resort to the power of our allies the Barral Kingdom. Diehärte : !! That would be hopeless! As for Barrel.....they.... Raymond : What is the matter? Layla : If I may explain. We escaped from Larcussia and headed to the city of Laffel. Shortly after the town was attacked and occupied by the Barral Kingdom's troops......Ohh Geriord. Raymond : What staggering blow... Diehärte : King Wilder used to be such a kind man, so why would he...... Raymond : Ah yes, the Klaus family and the Barral royal family used to be close to another. Diehärte : Yes. Princess Flaire and I are childhood friends..... Raymond : ...Well, it can't be helped. I will shortly assemble my commanders and plan our next steps. But you seem to be worn out. For now please take your time and recover from the ordeals you've been through. [In front of the Royal Capitol Larcussia] (Lushiris tells us about the ongoing events. Summary : The Rigüler Empire invades Larcuss claiming ever more land, Barral invades Larcuss conquering Laffel Colcia, a Kingdom situated to the north-west invades Larcuss as well. Lord Raymond manages to halt the advance of the enemy. The Royal Capitol Larcussia however, falls into the Empire's clutches. [Rigüler Imperial castle ~ Audience Hall] Emperor Christ : Field Marshal Altemüller... The invasion of Larcussia was a splendid success, thanks to your efforts. If we were to conquer the Vice Capitol Laffel next, it surely would benefit the whole Empire.... Altemüller : Understood! It shall be as you wish. Emperor Christ : The future of the Empire depends.... ...Ughh! Kisama Paul : Father... Emperor Christ : Don't worry yourself... As of late, I don't feel... ....Ugh! Altemüller : Your Majesty!? [Vice Capitol Laffel] Barral Soldier : Sir, the princess has arrived. Wilder : Good. Flaire : Father, it has been a while. Wilder : Oh, Flaire. How do you like Laffel? I guess if you compare it to the Royal Capitol Larcussia it isn't much though...But no matter, sooner or later we will conquer the Capitol as well. Flaire : It seems like Larcussia has fallen into the hands of the Rigüler Empire...Father, don't tell me you are planning to go to war with the Empire!? Wilder : There's no need to be concerned. With General Dios and our newest associate even the Empire will bow down before us... Dark Knight :.... Flaire : Who is he...? Wilder : A man with a heart as black as the night... Dark Knight, would be a suitable name, no? He will act as Barral's new supreme commander. I can't wait to put him to test against the Empire... Hohohoho! (Blending over) Colcian General : The Imperials already have made their move, now it's our turn to take our slice of the cake. Glory for the Kingdom of Colcia! All troops advance! Colcia troops : Oohhh! [Half a year later ~ Raymond's mansion] =================== Introductory movie =================== ************************************ Scenario ~ 03. “The Blademaster with Sad Eyes” ************************************ The portion of the Rigüler Imperial Army led by Field Marshal Altemüller which had captured the Floating Castle used this fortress to exact tributary payment from Larcuss's capital city, Larcussia; as a result, the Larcussian Kingdom was virtually ruined. But, [diehardt's name], Tiaris, and Layla, having made good their escape to the heart of Viscount Raymond's feudal domain, muster troops there, polish their strategy to retake the Kingdom's capital, and bide their time for a counterattack. Now, half a year has passed since the fall of the Floating Castle; the troops are in order, and the day for carrying out the plan has come. Diehärte, entrusted with the command of an independent force, has gone on a journey to win over the aid of Strategos Torrand. On the way, he takes a path by a village inhabited by a man bearing the title of Blademaster. *Conditions for Victory -Defeat of Grove *Conditions for Defeat -Death of Diehärte -Death of all the villagers [Viscount Raymond's Manor] Raymond : Hmm. We've managed to amass an army. But, in doing so already half a year has passed... Diehärte : Much longer than I had initially hoped. Ah well, nothing to be done about it now. Lewin : It's a miracle we were able to gather any soldiers at all, especially under the scrutiny of the spies of the surrounding countries. Raymond : However, Lewin, Times will be even tougher from here on out. Half a year is hardly a short period of time. During that span of time, through the predations of many countries, the Kingdom of Larcuss is no more. We have not even begun to face the true ordeal of rebuilding the Kingdom from nothingness. Lewin : Yes, Father. Diehärte : But, if we don't put our plans into motion, those who would revive the country will have no chance to do so. Tiaris : Weren't a lot of people captured during the fall of Larcussia? Including Diehärte's father and mother.... Diehärte : So you've been worried about them as well, haven't you... Thank you, Tiaris. Raymond : ....You're quite right. We've been able to amass a fair army. But, we still lack in commanders. There should be another place besides my own which has retained its sovereignty through isolation. Its Landlord, Baron Torrand, is said to be a genius strategist. If we allied with him, we would be set. So, Diehärte. Will you join Lewin and Tiaris in securing the cooperation of Baron Torrand? Diehärte : Yes, sir. Raymond : In the mean time, I will command the army we've gathered thus far and fulfill the first step in our plan by driving out the invaders from Colcia. It will be a good test of our strength to see how we fare against the Colcian troops. Once you've secured the Baron's aid, I'd like you to support my main troops as you see fit, commanding a mobile diversion force. Diehärte : You wish me to take command of a mobile division? Tiaris : My, what's wrong, Diehärte? Why aren't you approaching this task with your usual enthusiasm? Lewin : It's just that as of now we don't have much experience with actual fighting. Raymond : All I ask is that you do your best. Will you do this for me? Diehärte : .......Very well. We shall head off to Baron Torrand's land immediately. Raymond : I'm counting on you all! (Highway Near Ransh Village) Lewin : Say, Diehärte. Do you mind if we make a short stop before we make our way to Baron Torrand's place? Diehärte : Something in this village you want to see? Lewin : Well, a while back I heard something from my father about a Blademaster named Gilbert who lived in this village... Tiaris : Ah, I see! Lewin, didn't you say something also about knowing such a man? Lewin : Indeed. He's the kind of man who's respected for his honor as well as his strength. Diehärte : ....Hmmm. Sure, there's no reason we don't have the time to try to meet such a person. [Ransh Village ~ Blademaster Gilbert's House] Lewin : Excuse me. Is Master Gilbert in at present? Gilbert : Who is it? Lewin : I am Lewin, son of Viscount Raymond. Gilbert : The son of Viscount Raymond, you say? Diehärte : Ah yes, the Lord Viscount who rules that mountainous region. At present, the invasion begun by the Empire has been followed up by raids by many countries, so that little remains of the Kingdom of Larcuss. Lord Raymond is gathering an army to restore the Kingdom of Larcuss. In such times, we would be most honored if you who have earned the title of Blademaster would join with us and lend your power to our cause. Gilbert : I know nothing of a...Blademaster. ....You speak of times past. Lewin : But we seek to protect our land of Larcuss from the grasp of the invaders! I beg of you, please aid us! Gilbert : I'm sorry, but I've vowed to never wield a blade again.... Tiaris : ....Such sad eyes..... Diehärte : Very well, I won't press you further for your reasons. Gilbert : Nothing we say can ever change what has already come to pass. I guess we're finished here. ...It no longer matters to me. (Gilbert walks towards a grave) Gilbert : ...a Blademaster, eh....? If I were really the Blademaster they called me, how could I have gotten you involved.....Coty my child. Grove : So this is the place. Because of the ley lines here, it is said that dead bodies decompose less quickly.....Hee hee hee, I see now. From here it looks like I can create some powerful servants. And with the servants I create here, I'll be able to kill that sorceress for sure! Hee hee hee! Oh, those who have fallen! Heed the call of the masterful Necromancer Grove! Mihari Kushizakiki Iyokana Hagujisoramu! Beautiful! Such perfect undead! Villager : Uwaaa! O..o...o..oh no! Grove : Oho, so you saw me, did you. While I have no choice... I prefer to see this as a golden opportunity... Now I get to see just how strong my servants are! So, my loyal servants! Head out and kill all the humans in this village! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Lewin : I'm sorry. After all the way we've come here.... Diehärte : Don't worry about it. It couldn't be helped. Tiaris : !? There are coming strange noises from the back of the village. Villager : H..help! It's horrible! Gilbert : What is the meaning of this!? Villager : It's awful! The dead have risen and are heading this way! Tiaris : Iiiaa! What is this!? Lewin : ....It's, a zombie...? Villager : There are still other villagers back there! Huff*, someone has to warn them! (Obviously he is not talking about himself, since he takes off, I guess we are the only ones left then, oh well.) Diehärte : Lewin, Tiaris we have to step in! Lewin : Of course! Tiaris : W..what!? Me too!? Grove : Hehehe! Oh, there are more humans around, slay them all! Diehärte : Who's that oddball!? Is he the one that controls the zombies? Lewin : It seems to be so. If we can take him out the zombies probably will cease their rampage too. Diehärte : I see. Anyway, we have no choice but to take up arms. Let's go Tiaris! Tiaris : Y..yes. I will give it my all! Grove : Now, my wonderful servants! Show me the extend of your might! Huh? There's a grave over there too? Let's see if we have anything good here! Mihari Kushizekiki Hagujisoramu! Gilbert : Coty......!? Coty : ...... (Coty attacks Gilbert) Gilbert : No don't! Please stop, Coty! Grove : Jahahaha! Struggle all you want. There is nothing you worms can do. Gilbert : Damn.... C..coty... Gilbert : Stop this, it is me! Don't you recognize me Coty? Coty : ..... D...daddy... Gilbert :Coty! Grove : !? This cheeky little thing dares to ignore my commands! Now that is something we cannot have! (Grove hurls a fireball at coty) Coty : Kyaaaa! ....my wish, daddy... Please help those people. Right now your strength is needed. Gilbert : But only because I lived by the sword you were killed. All that happened just because of my thoughtlessness... Coty : At this very moment there are many people suffering. And the sorrow in this world is yet to grow further. I'm not sad any more because I know that you love me always. My wish is that no one has to suffer any longer... Gilbert : ....I understand. I lost my way, but your kindness showed me what I must to do. Thank you. Coty : Daddy.... Gilbert : Farewell, Coty.... (Gilbert turns to Grove) Gilbert : Abomination that dares to disturb the slumber of the deceased! You shall feel my wrath! Grove : Hehehe! Be my guest, you can come right here and play with my little friends! Gilbert : Diehärte, once more I will do battle. I'm at your command! [Gilbert joined!] Diehärte : Gilbert! (Next turn) Grove : Huhuhu! Kill all you want! Diehärte : Just who is this? Lewin : He surely doesn't belong to the Rigüler Empire or the Barral Kingdom. But no matter who he is, we cannot tolerate his evil ways. (You've got to change your evil ways....baby!) Tiaris : I have a bad feeling about this. Let's get this over with fast! (After you destroy all monsters Grove will summon more) Grove : Those measly humans are doing quiet well. Let's see how they like this! Tiaris : Kyaaa! Even more have appeared! Diehärte : In such numbers they could be getting troublesome. I wonder if there is a way to make short work of them... Lewin : Undead creatures are vulnerable to holy powers. If you take your companions affinity's into consideration, you can do battle much more effectively. (After a while or if you wipe out all Undead, Grove will summon again) Lewin : Diehärte, even more enemies have shown up! Tiaris : Oh come on, I've had enough of this! Diehärte : Do their numbers know no end!? Grove : Hihihi! There are many more that'd like to have fun with you, I can assure you! (Somewhere in between) (Still more) Diehärte : Khe, still more are coming! Grove : Ohh, giving up already? Hihihi! Lewin : No longer will I permit you to disturb the slumber of the dead! This I swear by Lushiris holy name! (After the graveyard runs out of corpses) Grove : I've got everything under control, you humans cannot hope to even scratch the likes of me. Now I'm your opponent and you shall die at my very own hands! Hihihihi! (Gilbert vs Grove) Gilbert : Abomination! You will pay for what you did to Coty! Grove : Hihihi! I was quiet surprised myself to find out that you were this poor girl's father. But truly, you should be thanking me! After all it was solely thanks to me that you met your beloved daughter again! Gilbert : Keh! I'll cut you to pieces for speaking like this! (After Grove is defeated) Grove : Iiiiii! Doing such to me, doing such a painful thing to me... Your lucky I have to take care of that sorceress... But I shall remember this humiliation! Diehärte : It's over... But I'm concerned about how that lunatic managed to escape... Citizen : There is need to thank you properly. Due to your help everyone in the village was saved. As a token of our gratitude you shall have the village's secret treasure. Divine Blessing was obtained! Citizen : It is said that, if it is used by a courageous person it will grant mysterious powers. Diehärte : Thank you, everyone. Citizen : Use it well for the sake of the restoration of the Larcuss Kingdom. We are rooting for you. Another Citizen :Please keep at it! Gilbert : Sir Diehärte. My path lies clearly before me. For the sake of the people of Larcuss, I will take up a sword once more. If I may, I will follow your lead from here on out. Diehärte : We gratefully accepted your assistance, Sir Gilbert. Gilbert : Just Gilbert is fine. Please watch over me, Coty. From now on I will wield my sword for the sake of people's happiness. And one day we will restore peace throughout all of Larcuss, so make sure to watch closely. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Plains of Former Larcuss] Colcia Commander : This is the remnants of the Larcuss army? Impossible, how can they be this strong.... Viscount Raymond : Onward! Press onward! For the restoration of our country! [Former Larcuss Royal Castle - Currently Imperial Headquarters] Bortz : With this, Larcuss is virtually ours! Emaillink : We've succeeded faster than I thought possible. According to reports I've received, the ruler of a frontier land, Lord Raymond, has raised an army and is striking at the Colcian army. Altemüller : ....Such talk is worrisome. For now, continue observation of the Colcian army and the remnants of the Larcuss army. Bortz : But, with Your Excellency's might, it would be easy to crush these remnants of the Larcuss army. Altemüller : That's still no excuse for negligence, General Bortz. Rigüler Commander : I fear I have something to bring to your attention! 1O of the prisoners have managed to escape. Geier : I'd like to look into this myself. This place has grown a mite bit boring. I'd like to do something enjoyable like a hunt. Altemüller : Geier. Don't waste troops for no reason. Your tactics often result in heavy casualties. Geier : ................ Varna : ...Hunting humans, he said. Altemüller : That's just the way he likes to talk about things. Well, do as you've said. If you fulfill your duty, no questions will be asked. Until we receive orders from our homeland, though, it would be best to keep the number of executions to a minimum. But, we already know the relative strength of those we've made prisoners. If, say, they did escape, it wouldn't matter all that much in the long run. (Geier leaves) Geier : Hmmph! Damn that Altemüller! Even if he's said to be the son of the previous emperor, he's too young to be the Field Marshal! I've had more combat experience and accomplishments, yet he mouths off at me like that! But, I'll show him. Sometime soon I'll get a chance to rub his face in the dirt! Gates : That would be most excellent. That brat doesn't have a chance in the world against you, General. Geier : Damn straight. Let's go, Gates! Gates : Yessir! ************************************ Scenario ~ 04. "The Despicable General Geier" ************************************ Having won the backing of the powerful ally called "Blademaster Gilbert," Diehärte heads towards the land of Baron Torrand. Along the way, on a mountain road he notices citizens of Larcuss being harried by General Geier and the Imperial Army. In order to rescue the citizens from the Imperial Army, [diehardt's name] makes a stand against General Geier. *Condition for Victory - Annihilation of all enemies but Geier * Conditions for Defeat - Death of [diehardt's name] - Death of all NPCs Pierre : Everyone, listen up! I will try to hold them back here! You others go on ahead! Refugee : Y..Yes. Riffany : Umm, Pierre... Pierre : Ha, what is it? (Nice scream, ice cream dood.) Miss Riffany? Riffany : I might be able to help too. After all I can use magic to some extent. Pierre : ...! Geier : Hahaha, you honestly believed you could escape from me? But you see, there's nothing we enjoy more than a good manhunt! Geier's troops : Yeahh! Pierre : Please, miss Riffany! If it is getting too dangerous, you have to make a run for it. Riffany : Okay. Lewin : Baron Torrand's mansion lies beyond these mountains. Diehärte : So, we should be there soon enough. Tiaris : Oh! Diehärte, look over there! Lewin : Some Larcussian refugees are being persecuted by the imperial troops! Diehärte : We cannot simply abandon them. Let's rush to their aid! Gilbert : Understood. (next turn) Rigüler Commander : Reporting in! Remnants of the Larcussian army have appeared. They seem to be set for battle!! Geier : So there are Larcussian survivors even in such a place? Rigüler Commander : What could they possibly be up to? Geier : I'm sure they are headed towards the Landlord of this domain, Baron Torrand... He is said to be quiet the strategist. They probably plan to make use of his skills, that's bad news. Convey this piece of information to headquarters right away! Rigüler Commander : Yessir! (After the messenger reaches the edge of the map ) Rigüler Commander : Sir, I'm heading back to headquarters to deliver the message! Geier : Good. Lord Altemüller has to be informed about their activities. (Next turn) Riffany : Pierre. There seem to be friendly soldiers coming from this direction. Pierre : What stroke of luck! I bet they'll come to our help. Heey! We are being chased by those nasty Imperials! Would you mind lending us a hand here!? Tiaris : Hold out! We will be there right away. Pierre : Thanks. In that case, what do you want us to do? (What are your orders?) (1.) Hold your position (2.) Attack the enemy (3.) Escape this way (1.) Diehärte : Well then, stand by and wait for orders. Help is on the way! (2.) Diehärte : Well then, attack the enemy! We'll be right there to back you up! (3.) Diehärte : For now, make your escape this way! Pierre : Understood. We'll see to it! (Next turn) Geier : Well now, ladies and gentlemen. It's time for the hunt to begin. Flying units encircle them and cut off their path of retreat! Rigüler Commander : Leave it to us! (Diehärte being near to Lewin)* * = Needed to trigger special battle ?1 Lewin : Say, Diehärte. Do you have orders in mind for the citizens too? Diehärte : Let me think.... (Do you want to give out orders?) (1)Yes* (2)No (Which direction should the citizens escape to?) (1.) Escape to the east (2.) Escape to the west * (2.)* Diehärte : Listen up everyone, all citizens should escape to the west! Tiaris : Eehh!? Do you even listen to what you're saying!? That way they'll be caught by the imperial soldiers right away! Diehärte : O..Oh... That's right. My bad, everyone. Please escape this way! (Getting close to Pierre after the above events have been triggered) Diehärte : Are you alright? Pierre : Yeah, all thanks to you. By the way, why did you tell the citizens to go west just about now? (What do you reply?) (1.) It was a joke (2.) I've got no sense of direction (3.) I wanted to test my companion's sense of direction * (Choosing 1.) Diehärte : It was just a joke. Pierre : I see. You really got me with this one. Diehärte Hahaha... I'm sorry about that. (Choosing 2.) Diehärte : It's quiet shameful. To tell the truth, I've got no sense of direction. Pierre : So that's how it is! For one moment you really startled me. From now on you should leave the pathfinding to someone more able in that department, Diehärte. Diehärte : Yeah. I'll be more careful next time. Tiaris : Diehärte, you're such a wuss! Riffany : My? I think having such a side to oneself is quiet adorable, really. (Choosing 3.)* Diehärte : I simply was testing my comrade's sense of direction. After all, the leader needs to know the extent of his companion's abilities! Pierre : Hah... I wonder if that's the way it is... Diehärte : If you have something to say, say it straight to my face! Pierre : Sure, sure. No reason to get all angry like that. (After defeating all troops except Geier and one other enemy) Geier : Hmph, they don't play half bad... Luna : Huh!? The imperial army is here!? Geier : What? Are those enemy reinforcements!? Luna : I'm Luna, daughter to Lord Torrand, ruler of this land! Your trespassing will not be tolerated! Lewin : That's Baron Torrand's daughter over there! Diehärte : I see. Her timing is pretty good. (Closing in on Geier) Geier : That's just how far your pathetic little uprising goes. Too bad this excellent amusement will come to an end soon. Now it's time to get a bit more serious. Diehärte : Geier! The way you play with the life of others is inexcusable! Prepare yourself! Geier : Such empty threats! You miserable lot can come at me all at once, then I'll show to you the extent of your helplessness! (If you manage to defeat Geier) Geier : I..Impossible how could some rag-tag soldiers best me? It must have been because we only had light equipment for the hunt with us. I'll retreat for now. I leave the rest to you! Rigüler Commander : Y..You can't just! General!? (Once Geier is the last standing enemy) Geier : Tssk! Such feckless maggots calling themselves soldiers. What you saw today was nothing but a spearhead of our troops. For the moment I will pull back , but don't think you accomplished anything. The real war has just begun. Diehärte : Phew, it's finally over. (Only if you did everything marked with a *) Tiaris : You can say that again. But Diehärte, what on earth were you thinking when telling them to go west!? And don't give me that poor excuse that worked for Pierre... (What is your reaction?) (1.) Get upset* (2.) Apologize like a good boy (3.) Pout (1.)* Diehärte : That was no excuse! It was nothing but the truth! Tiaris : *Sigh*... Always the tough cookie... (2.) Diehärte : I'm sorry. You looked right through me. Tiaris : Hah... Your growing soft these days, [diehardt's name]. (3.) Diehärte : ... Tiaris : I can't believe it, now you're pouting? Honestly, that's so childish! (Same for all) Pierre : Thanks, you really saved our necks! I'm, Pierre. Knights apprentice hailing from the Royal Capitol Larcuss. However Larcussia is currently occupied by the Empire, that's why we all are on the run. Riffany : You can call me Riffany. I'm currently studying magic under my parents guidance. Diehärte : My name is Diehärte. As of now, we're on a mission to help rebuilding the Kingdom. Lewin : My father, Viscount Raymond is currently amassing troops to defend against the attacks of the Colcian Kingdom. We're currently on our way to enlist the help of Baron Torrand, the genius strategist. Pierre : That means you all are trying to restore the Kingdom... Alright! I'm coming with you! Riffany : If I may, I also would like to join to express my gratitude. I'm also concerned about my parents well-being in Larcussia and that way I think I can help them too. Diehärte : ..... (What do you want to say?) (1.) Welcome them (2.) Feeling uneasy about sending woman to battle ° (3.) Say nothing (1.) Diehärte : Welcome aboard, you two. (2.) Diehärte : It pains me having to send women into battle, but your help could proof indispensable, therefore I accept your offer gratefully. Nonetheless, please take special care not to get hurt, Miss Riffany. Riffany : Thank you, I appreciate your concern. (3.) Diehärte : ... (I guess they're really impressed now...) (Same for all again) Luna : Is everyone alright? Diehärte : Thanks to your intervention, everybody seems to be fine. We are here on behalf of Viscount Raymond. May I ask for an audience with Baron Torrand. Luna : Of course. Let me show you the way then. (Only if you did everything with a *) Diehärte : No wait! I will take the lead! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Former Larcuss Royal Castle ~ Currently Imperial Headquarters] Altemüller : Have your wounds healed, Varna? Varna : My thanks for your concern, Your Excellency. Up until now I have been just a source for worry, but I have recovered now. Altemüller : That's wonderful. I don't know how I could continue to live without you. Varna : Your Excellency! ...Please, do not jest so. Anyhow, does it look like the armies of Lord Raymond and Colcia are still fighting? Emaillink : Yes, and somehow it looks like the Colcian army is being pressed back. Rigüler Commander : Excuse my interruption! I have a report to offer. While General Geier pursued the escaped prisoners, he ran across some armed Larcussians near Baron Torrand's land. From their apparent route, it looks like they are trying to meet up with Baron Torrand. Imagine that. Geier giving us new information while he hunts... You have done well. Take a much-earned break. Rigüler Commander : Yes, sir! Altemüller : The genius strategist, Baron Torrand, eh... Emaillink. Using your cavalry, go and attack the Baron's manor and this... mobile Larcuss division. Emaillink : It will be difficult to capture them if they're on the run... ..but I wonder what will be the best way to attack the Baron's manor.. Might I employ an airship for this task? Altemüller : I don't believe it would stand up well against the heavy mountain winds. The land route should be faster. You should be able to make it in time if you use your cavalry. ...and if you get a chance to see how well he lives up to this reputation for genius strategy, go for it. Emaillink : My thanks for this opportunity. Well then, I shall take my leave now. Altemüller : Bortz! I leave the matter of Lord Raymond in your hands. Strike when they are at their weakest, right after they defeat the Colcians! Bortz : Yes, sir! If the circumstances have changed, I'll use my best discretion. According to the situation at hand, I'll asses the situation at hand diligently and deal with it accordingly. Altemüller : Then head on out! ************************************ Scenario ~ 05. "Wily General Emaillink" ************************************ Altemüller, Field Marshal of the Imperial Army, received the information from Geier and sent General Emaillink to the mansion of Baron Torrand, to strike before Diehärte and company make contact. But, through the guidance of the Baron's daughter, Luna, Diehärte and company arrived at the Baron's mansion more quickly than thought possible, only to find a battle already raging between the Baron and Emaillink. *Conditions for Victory -Defeat of Emaillink -Annihilation of all invading enemy units -Arrival at the mansion *Conditions for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] -Death of Torrand °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Baron Torrand's Mansion] Emaillink : Could this truly be how the famous strategist does battle? Until now, there was no resistance at all... Or is this a trap? Torrand's subordinate : Baron! Torrand : It seems like we have been surrounded. First let go those that aren't involved with the fighting... Emaillink : If you wish to evacuate the civilians, we will not interfere with them. During the evacuation the attack will be halted. Torrand : You show no signs of planing something ignoble. For that you have my gratitude. Emaillink : We as well have no intention of spilling the blood of the innocent. Torrand : So even some of nowadays youths, have a sense of honor. Commence the evacuation of all civilians. Torrand's subordinate : Yessir! Emaillink : I have an announcement for all troops! While the evacuation of the civilians takes place, all hostile acts are prohibited! Any unordered acts of aggression will be judged the same as treason against the Empire! Rigüler Commander : General Emaillink! Emaillink : What is it? Rigüler Commander : Remnants of the Larcussian army are approaching from the forest to the south. Emaillink : Could it be the unit that fought with Geier? You and your troops should take positions at the assigned location and take care of the mobile division. Most importantly do so, if I should fail to occupy the mansion. Rigüler Commander : Understood! Luna : Here we are. This road leads directly to the mansion. Lewin : We made it here sooner than I thought. Diehärte : Let's meet up with the Baron quickly to convey Lord Raymond's proposal. Gilbert : ...I'm afraid it won't be that simple. Pierre : Uwa! The imperial troops are here! Riffany : Oh my, they sure are persistent! Diehärte : In that case we must hurry even more! Luna : Please wait, Sir Diehärte. Something is suspicious, their numbers seem insufficient to invade the mansion. I'm certain there are more enemies laying in wait somewhere close. Especially the forest would be a suitable terrain for such purposes. Diehärte : ...I see. Thanks for the warning, Miss Luna. Everyone! It is to be expected that the imperials have set up an ambush for us! Advance with utmost caution! Luna : Thank you, Sir Diehärte. One more thing, I would appreciate it if you just called me Luna. Diehärte : I got it, Luna. Now, let's move out to aid the Baron! Torrand : Well then, you should make good your escape now. Civilian : B..But... Torrand : You'll be fine. The imperial General we are facing has a high sense for humanity. Emaillink : While you escape we won't take as much as another step forward. You have my word. Civilian : Alright. Baron, we will pray for your victory. Torrand : That will certainly help. (I smell slight sarcasm.) (Next turn) Diehärte : The enemy seems to employ many cavalry units. Luna : Be careful, cavalry can take out infantry units with ease. The best strategy would be to send spearmen against them. Pierre : Strategy? I heard something about that before, but I guess I was sick at that lesson...All I remember is that each type of unit has its strong points and weaknesses... Luna : That's right, mounted soldiers are strong against common infantry units but will be at a disadvantage against spearmen. Spearmen on the other hand, don't fare well against other infantry units. Gilbert : As one would expect of the daughter of a genius strategist's. With those information we should be able to do battle more effectively. Diehärte : Indeed. I'll make sure to put this knowledge to good use... (Once all Civilians reach the edge of the map) Civilian : We've made it to safety... Female Civilian ; *Huff*...that was scary... Baron Torrand. We are out of danger... Torrand's Subordinate : Baron. All civilians have evacuated to safety. Torrand : Good. Let's show them our fighting spirit. Avoid contact with the enemy and fall back to my position, since you are at a disadvantage against their advancing infantry. Torrand's Subordinate : Yessir! (One turn afterwards) Rigüler Commander : The evacuation of the civilians seems to be complete. Emaillink : Alright, continue the attack! Rigüler Commander : Yessir! (Emaillink advances into the mansion and is trapped ha!) Emaillink : Huh!? What is happening!? Torrand's Subordinate : Your plan was a success! The mouse was caught in the trap. Torrand : So it worked, excellent. Take out the commander while he's trapped! Torrand's troop : Yessir! Emaillink : ...Blasted! There has to be some kind of mechanism to open it. Rigüler Commander : What are we going to do now, General? Emaillink : Don't panic. Undoubtedly there is a counter-measure. (Next turn) Emaillink : Now, what could that countermeasure possibly be...? If I can't think of anything fast, I'll be spiked with arrows. (Next turn) Emaillink : You there, division just outside the castle, close the water gate and stop the flow of the river! Rigüler Commander : Yessir! Right away! (Around that time) Torrand : Fall back to the inner part of the mansion. Let me take care of those infantry units coming from our flanks. Spearmen, block off that path and take down the enemy General if he breaks out! Spearmen : Just leave him to our care! Torrand : Fine. Don't do anything to endanger your lives, we just have to hold out until my daughter comes back. (Emaillink being shot at) Torrand's Troops : If you hold still it won't hurt that much. Take this! Emaillink : Unbelievable... That was one clever trap, he really is as good as they say. (Once the unit closes the water gate) Rigüler Commander : The floodgate was closed! Emaillink : Good, resume the assault on the mansion now! Rigüler Commander : Yessir! Emaillink : Now, using the river and the moat of this mansion, we should be getting some interesting results... (Next turn) Emaillink : Alright, the water is entering... Torrand : The water gate was closed therefore the water level is rising, he tries using buoyancy to cross over the gates... That youth is really something else. Emaillink : Just a little bit more and we can pass over the gate. It's about time to claim victory for us. Rigüler Commander : Yeaahh! (Okay horses can swim, but can they if full armored soldiers are riding their back...maybe...Can a Horse climb over a gate while swimming? I heavily doubt it! Oh well, it's good fun nonetheless.) (Some time afterwards) Torrand : Wear them down little by little... One who thinks only all out war can lead to victory is gravely mistaken. Torrand's Subordinate : Yes! Emaillink : Charge! If we don't take over the mansion swiftly, enemy reinforcements will show up! Rigüler Commander : Understood! (Emaillink and the Spearmen fight) Torrand's Subordinate : This is the end of your road! Emaillink : Hah... Prepare to taste the power of one of the four imperial Generals. Against my skill there's nothing but defeat for you to gain! (Once the spearmen are no more, you probably will never witness that... I haven't therefore I took a good guess who is talking) Torrand : So our spearmen have been totally destroyed... Emaillink : Your only hope for victory is no more, Lord Torrand. Your ongoing struggle is in vain. Prepare yourself! Torrand : You might be right. And yet I won't let down hope until this battle is concluded. To my last moment, I will keep on fighting! (After Emaillink is defeated) Emaillink : So he being called a genius strategist was no exaggeration after all. However, this is nothing more than one lost battle of many to come. At least tell me the name of the man that thwarted our victory today! Diehärte : I'm Diehärte, Knight of Larcuss. Emaillink : I shall memorize that name. I'm Emaillink of the four imperial generals. For the moment I will retreat. However, I've got a feeling that we'll meet on the field of honor again. (Defeating all units outside the mansion/Set foot into the masnion) Emaillink : ?! The enemy has broken through our reinforcements? Being caught in a pincer attack would be perilous... You knight there! Surely you must be their commander. Tell me what your name is? Diehärte : I'm Diehärte, Knight of Larcuss. Emaillink : I shall memorize that name. I'm Emaillink of the four imperial generals. For the moment I will retreat. However, I've got a feeling that we'll meet again. (Same for all again) Luna : You did commendable, Sir [diehardt's name]. (Luna will only congratulate you and also like you more if you finish battles within 20 turns, keep that in mind.) Diehärte : Phew, somehow we managed to fend them off. Is Barron Torrand safe? Luna : Father, are you unhurt? Torrand : Yes, Luna. There's no need to worry about me. But who are those people? Diehärte : We are here at the behest of Lord Raymond, who is currently making an effort to restore Larcuss. We came to borrow the power of the famous master strategist Torrand for the said cause. Torrand : Oh, Lord Raymond you say. Your journey must have been long and hard. Tell me all the details after you made yourself at home in my mansion. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Baron Torrand's Mansion] Torrand : ....I see, so Lord William has fallen. I'm just glad you were able to escape to safety. Diehärte : Additionally, my uncle, Lord Raymond, has assembled an army so we can finally mount a counterattack. That's why we've been tasked with coming to obtain your assistance, Lord Torrand. Torrand : ....Do you truly think you can restore the Kingdom of Larcuss? Diehärte : We cannot be certain of it yet... But, if we do nothing, we'll have lost any chance we might have had. Though it has taken us half a year to gather this army in secret, we still might have time if we act now. But, we can't utilize the full power of our army to follow our hearts if we have no strategist to lead... Torrand : ...Your eyes shine brightly. I wouldn't have thought it possible, save for the sight of a person with your power and determination.... Very well. It would be a pleasure to offer my aid. Tiaris : Diehärte, Lewin, we did it! Torrand : However, upon reflection, I won't be able to travel much because of my infirmity. And, if I leave here, there will be no one left to protect the citizens of my lands. ....Luna. Luna : Yes, Father. Torrand : It would be best if you traveled with my daughter, Luna. She's learned the arts of war well and fought before. Luna : My thanks for everything you've done for me and my father. Torrand : Don't worry about her. I've personally trained Luna in tactics and strategy. With all her knowledge of strategy, she shouldn't lose to any ordinary general. Lewin : Thank you very much, Lord Baron. Torrand : But, before you leave, I'd like to share a little more of what I've learned. At present, with the Rigüler Empire occupying the center of the country, Colcia and Barral have begun invading. Since we face numerous enemy countries, if we hold off making decisive strikes and instead get our foes to fight amongst themselves, we can save our army while exhausting our enemies. Pierre : Oh, trick our enemies into fighting each other, you say? Torrand : Indeed. If we make our move then, in addition to saving our resources, we can strike with maximum efficacy when our foes are at their weakest. Riffany : You really do have a deep understanding of warfare. Torrand : Also, at the Lushiris Gate, deep in the forest of Baldea, there is said to live a great sorceress, the Lady Jessica. It would be best if you tried to meet her. Diehärte : Lady Jessica of the Lushiris Gate, eh. Torrand : ....I'm still baffled by the Barral Kingdom. That King Wilder seems to have changed past all recognition. Rumors say that he's gone completely mad. Diehärte : King Wilder.... Torrand : Speaking of which, do you know about Barral's new Supreme Commander? He always goes about all covered in jet-black armor, and it seems no one knows his true identity. Showing no mercy to his foes, this nebulous figure is called Dark Knight. Lewin : Dark Knight!? Torrand : That's about all I've been able to learn. Just ask Luna if you wish to know more at a later date. Luna : Father, you're taxing your health with this exertion. Please take a break soon. I, Luna, shall do my best to take your place and serve with honor and distinction. Torrand : I leave it to you, Luna. Oh, and I came across this. See that you put it to good use.... (Received Gleipnir!) Torrand : Sir Diehärte, look after my daughter. Take care on your journey. [Barral Castle ~ Audience Room ~ 12 Years Earlier] Wilder : Ohh! It's been such a long time since last we met; I'm so glad you came, Klaus. Klaus Senior : It is a pleasure to see you, too, King Wilder. Wilder : No need to speak so distantly. You and I are close friends, after all. Diehärte : A pleasure to meet you, King Wilder and Princess Flaire. My name is Diehärte. Flaire : ....I'm Flaire. Nice to meet you, Diehärte. Wilder : Hey, Flaire? What's the matter? Today you seem a little sunburnt and quite soft-spoken. What happened to your usual recklessness? Flaire : Sheesh! Papa, you meanie! Wilder : Ha ha ha! I didn't mean to make you nervous. Diehärte, why don't you go play a bit and have fun with your new friend, Flaire. And in the meantime, Klaus and I can have a little chat together. Flaire : .....Geeze, I can't believe how obnoxious Papa was being. Say, Diehärte, want to go play outside? Diehärte : Very well, Princess. Whatever milady does wish. Flarie : Don't be milady-ing me! Didn't you hear Papa berate your father about that? Like him, I'm not a stickler for manners. It's so tiresome to hear day in, day out! Wouldn't you agree, Diehärte? Diehärte : ....Phew. Honestly, I was afraid I was going to make a mistake if I kept talking like that. Flaire : Ahahaha! I wondered about that! Diehärte : But, King Wilder seems like such a kind man. I thought he'd be a bit more frightening. Flaire : ....You think? A lot of people say that, how Papa doesn't strike them quite like a King. Anyways, let's head on outside. We'll play tag! Diehärte : Alright! No way I'm losing! [Plains of Former Larcuss] Colcian Commander : Dammit all! Back, back! Retreeaaaaat!! Kirikaze : Somehow it looks like we've driven them all off. The Colcian Army's headed back home. Raymond : Indeed. Now we've got one less enemy country facing us. Larcuss commander : Lord Raymond! Raymond : Oh, an incoming report from the mobile division. What does it say? Larcuss commander : Sir, the mobile division has secured the aid of Lord Torrand.,Because Lord Torrand is ill and can't move much, the Baron's Daughter, Lady Luna, has come in his place. Raymond : Oho, the Baron's daughter. I hear she's quite a skilled woman, better than most men with the blade. That's excellent. Larcuss commander : Oh, there's also one more matter mentioned in the message. Lushiris Gate, in the forest of Baldea. It seems that the Lady Jessica, a mighty sorceress, resides there. They recommend that our next move should be to head there. Raymond : Lushiris Gate, I see. Kirikaze : Lord Raymond, are you knowing anything about this woman, or the Lushiris Gate? Raymond : This Lushiris Gate is on consecrated grounds, dedicated to the goddess of light who watches over our country, Lady Lushiris. Because of this strife, I have a feeling the Lushiris Gate may no longer be able to properly function. Kirikaze : Colcia should no longer be a concern of ours. Let's head to Lushiris Gate immediately! Raymond : Yes. Let's hurry. Assemble all our forces. From here we seek the Lushiris Gate! ************************************ Scenario ~ 06. "Enemies on all Sides" ************************************ Now that Luna, daughter of the genius tactician Baron Torrand, has joined Diehärte and company, the mobile division has come between the forces of the Rigüler Empire and Barral Kingdom in order to execute the Baron's cunning plan. Fighting between both countries there would deflect notice from the Larcussians' plans, buying some time to realize their goal. *Conditions for Victory -Complete annihilation of enemies -Successfully retreating with all allies to the opposite shore after initiating combat between the Imperial and Barral forces *Condition for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] [Near the Borderline between Barral and the Rigüler Empire] Luna : Sir [diehardt's name] An enemy base is just a little farther. Diehärte : Understood. Let's execute the first part of the Baron's plan. That will buy us enough time to sneak past and visit the sorceress, Jessica, at the Lushiris Gate. Riffany : You're talking about getting our enemies to fight each other, right? Diehärte : Indeed. Lord Raymond is still fighting against Colcia. If we can trick the Empire into fighting against Barral, we'll be in a much better position. Lewin : But, how can we get them to fight each other? Luna : Ahead of us is a borderline manned by the Imperial and the Barral armies. If we attack both of their armies simultaneously there, and quickly retreat, they'll fight amongst themselves. Pierre : Now I get it! Each will think the other has tried to invade, and we can move on in the aftermath! Diehärte : Precisely. Let's go, everyone! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Near the border between Barral and the Rigüler Empire] Diehärte : We will carry out an attack on both the Barral and the Rigüler troops at the same time. Our goal is to lure both armies out and incinerate a battle amongst them. Luna : We shouldn't prolong our participation in this battle, since we could get into trouble when the main body of the armies arrive. Gilbert : Decisive battle of a short duration. Pierre : To put it frankly, we anger them a little and then run away? That's child's play! Tiaris : Keep on applauding yourself for a victory you haven't won yet and our defeat will be certain! Pierre : I'm sure we'll be just fine! Diehärte : Alright, begin the operation! (Moving into sight of the Rigüler troops) Rigüler Commander : The enemy! The enemy has launched an attack! Prepare the counterattack! Now where are those Barral cowards!? We will hit those bumpkins so hard, they won't even know where it came from! (Moving into sight of the Barral troops) Barral Commander : The enemy is approaching from the other side! The Rigüler Empire has commenced an invasion! (Next turn) Rigüler Commander : We will show you the superior strength of us imperials! Barral Commander : We won't be defeated by the likes of you! Diehärte/Luna? : Perfect, our plan is working! Everyone, retreat! (Following turn) Rigüler Commander : Fend them off! After that, move out to crush Barral's forces! Barral Commander : Ready up to retaliate! Drive out the imperials and you all will get a medal! (If the one talking returns to the your starting position) Diehärte : Okay. Let's wait here for everyone to return. Tiaris : I've made it back. Everyone come quickly as well. Lewin : *Huff*.... Let us conclude our strategy by falling back. Gilbert : Please make it back to safety everyone... Pierre : Alriight, that wasn't all that bad! Riffany : It seems somehow I made it back safely. Please join up with swiftness. Luna : Once everyone returns here safely, this mission will be a great success. Do hurry if circumstances allow it. (Passing some turns) Rigüler Commander : Still no reinforcements!? The messenger was send simultaneously with the discovery of the enemy. By now, they should be in the vicinity. Once our main force arrives, our victory will be unconditional! (Some turns later) Rigüler Commander : General Varna! varna : What is occurring here!? Explain this! Rigüler Commander : As a matter of fact, Barral has started an invasion... Varna : In that case we have to teach them a lesson, no? Force them back! Luna : This is getting serious, Sir Diehärte. Reinforcement from the Empire main force have shown up. With our current troops we stand no chance against them. We have to retreat immediately! Diehärte : Understood. Everyone, hurry and retreat to the other side of the bridge! (Roughly at the same time) Barral Commander : Sir Dark Knight! Dark Knight : What is this the meaning of this unsightly battle? Barral wimp : The imperial soldiers have crossed the border... Dark Knight : You have taken your time with this opponent and I'm getting doubts about your usefulness. (Shortly after) Varna : Until his Excellency arrives, I will take command. We will charge at them full force! Dark Knight : Move out, slaughter everyone in your way! Luna : Sir [diehardt's name]! The Dark Knight has come. It will be very dangerous to stay here any longer. Please give the order to retreat right away! Diehärte : Understood. Everyone, we have to get out of here! (After ending the Battle by defeating everyone or retreating to the east) [Border Between the Rigüler Empire and Barral] Dark Knight : !! Altemüller : Hmmph! Varna : Your Excellency! Barral Commander : With the Dark Knight as your opponent, you're in for a rough time.... Another Barral Commander : But, his foe looks quite formidable too..... Altemüller : ....Impressive, you're just as strong as the rumors say. This is my first time fighting against a foe this strong. Dark Knight : .....Dastardly fiend. Let's end this now. Altemüller : Uooo! Someone : Aaaagh! The river! Varna : The bridge will not persevere! Your Excellency, it's too dangerous! Please come back! Barral Commander : Sir Dark Knight! Altemüller : Bah! We'll have to postpone our duel. .....Bleh! Varna : Your Excellency! Are you all right, Your Excellency!? Don't just stand there! Quickly, get him to a doctor! Dark Knight : ....Ugh! Barral Commander : Sir Dark Knight! (That was one pretty cool scene, it's definitely worth the comment.) [Lushiris Gate ~ Center] Raymond : This is the first time I have laid eyes on this place. Are you the great sorceress, the Lady Jessica? Jessica : Yes, I am Jessica. I don't know about the "great sorceress" part. Anyhow, what purpose draws you to this place? Raymond : We are fighting against the Rigüler Empire and Barral, in order to restore the Kingdom of Larcuss. We've come to ask you to lend your power to our cause, Lady Jessica. Jessica : Your two enemy countries are both quite strong. ...However, they are not your only foes. Raymond : Who else have we overlooked? Jessica : In the land to the northeast of Larcuss, there is a kingdom of demons, called Velzeria. Protecting against the invasion of those demons is the very reason for the Lushiris Gate to be standing here, but.... With the invasion of the Empire and Barral, some of the four gates that supply this place have been occupied. That's why the Lushiris Gate has ceased functioning. Kirikaze : Then, if the Gate does not resume functioning soon..... Jessica : The divine protection of Lushiris, the goddess of light, will no longer hold on this land. Thus, it's only a matter of time before Velzeria.... and the demons invade. Raymond : With us already fighting against the Empire, and Barral, we hardly can afford to have another foe nipping at our heels. Kirikaze : So then, what is to be done? Jessica : If we can free the four gates and occupy the land on which they stand, the power of the Lushiris Gate will be renewed. Raymond : I see. We should work with Diehärte's forces to free the four gates. Layla : Lord Raymond! Please send me as the messenger to Diehärte! Kirikaze : Lady Layla!? Layla : With everyone fighting, I'm the only one who has nothing to offer here! Raymond : ...Very well. Bring this message to him. I'm counting on you. Layla : Thank you, milord! Jessica : In the mean time, I will tell you where the four gates can be found ************************************ Scenario ~ 07. "Mountain Pass Reunion" ************************************ The strategy succeeded, inflaming hostilities between the<$FFFC> armies of the Rigüler Empire and Barral Kingdom,<$FFFC> which as hoped bought the party enough time to slip by the boarder. Their new mission [diehardt's name] and company began their travel to Lushiris southern Gate, their first objective being to pass through the Railym Mountains. But there, a precious yet sorrowful reunion was awaiting Diehärte. *Condition for Victory -Defeat of Flaire *Condition for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] [Highway Leading to the Central Lushiris Gate] Larcussian Commander : A messenger from Lord Raymond has arrived. Lewin : I see, send him in. Miss Layla!? Diehärte : Miss Layla, why are you here? Layla : Is me being the wife of a knight not enough of a reason? I get so irritated that I can do nothing, while Geriord remains in Laffel.... Diehärte : Miss Layla......Geriord... Layla : At least this way I can be of some service to everyone. My heart won't rest until Geriord has returned! Tiaris : ....... Layla : Anyhow, Lord Raymond has asked that you all work to liberate two of the four gates, the one to the south and to the east. Do you have any questions?..... Pierre : What are they? I mean, these so-called four gates? Riffany : My, you don't know about them, Pierre? The four gates are holy gates which power the Lushiris Gate and convey the divine protection of Lady Lushiris to the Kingdom of Larcuss. Lewin : You mean that in order to renew the Lushiris Gate, we need to liberate these four gates? Layla : Exactly. If we don't, it looks like we would risk to be attacked by the demons from Velzeria. Luna : And, we certainly have no desire to face yet another opponent. We must do all we can to ward our land against evil and halt the invasions of our blessed land. Diehärte : Indeed. Well then, for now let's go and liberate the southern gate. Inform all our troops! Then, let's get moving! Layla : Everyone, please do your best. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Railym presently under Barral's rule] Lewin : If we pass through here it won't be far to the southern Lushiris Gate. Luna : Please wait! There are troops stationed in this town! Diehärte : Those are!? Lewin : Barral troops... Pierre : What of it? If we can't get through here, we can't make it to the southern gate so let's just force our way through! Barral Commander : Hmm!? Princess, the enemy has appeared! Flaire : Are they remnants of the Larcussian army? Barral Commander : We got word that Lord Raymond has gathered troops around him, maybe they belong to him? Flaire : Perhaps... It seems as if they are planning to pass through the Raylim Mountains. This must mean that they plan to conduct further operations inside our country. Make all due preparations to intercept them! Riffany : That women seems to be the enemy's commander. Diehärte : It couldn't be...Princess Flaire!? Gilbert : We don't have spare time for a detour. Lewin : A battle is inevitable. Diehärte : .... Tiaris : Hey now, Diehärte! Stop just standing there looking silly! Diehärte : Y..Yeah... (Next turn) Flaire : Set up a blockades at the entrances of the town! Barral Commander : As you wish! Diehärte : Well then, what would be the best way to take the city...? Luna : Sir Diehärte. Instead of trying to break through all the gates, we should concentrate our efforts on one of them. (What is you're answer?) (1.) There's no need for that (2.) My plan exactly * (3.) You're right (1.) Diehärte : There's no need for that. We should be able breaking all the gates. Luna : Surely it would be possible for us to do so, but we would suffer unnecessary damage that way. Please consider my advice and concentrate our forces. Diehärte : I'll think about it. (2.)* Diehärte : Don't worry. That's what I was planning as well. Luna : In that case excuse me for imposing with my unneeded commentary. Diehärte : There's no need for an apology. Your opinion is much cared about, so please continue to always speak your mind openly. Luna : ...O..Okay. (3.) Diehärte : ...You're right. It would be unprofitable to divide our troops to attack all gates at once. Luna : Yes. (Afterwards) Barral Commander : 2nd Division here, the southwest gate has been secured. Barral Commander : 1st Division reporting in, the western gate has been secured. Barral Commander : 3rd Division here, the northwest gate has been secured. (Next turn) Barral Commander : Move out! Don't give them a chance to make up ground. Flaire : To ensure the prosperity of the Barral Kingdom we have to deal with those remnants of Larcuss. Everyone, I rely on you! Diehärte : ...There's no doubt about it. It really is Flaire! Lewin : What is the matter, Diehärte? Diehärte : If my eyes aren't playing a trick on me the enemy commander is Princess Flaire. Tiaris : Eeehh!? You mean she is your childhood friend Diehärte? Diehärte : Princess Flaire! Flaire : Who is calling me!? Diehärte : It's me, Diehärte! You couldn't have forgotten about me, right? Flaire : Diehärte...? ...I know no one who goes by that name! Diehärte : Flaire!? Flaire : When it comes to the enemy I have no such thing as a memory! My sole mission is to defeat you. It's unfortunate, but if you insist on attacking you will have to die! (Afterwards) Luna : Sir Diehärte. The enemy employs Archers. Please pay attention. Diehärte : They're dangerous because they can strike from a distance, without giving the chance to retaliate. Furthermore they are most effective against flying units. Luna : I see you are in the know. Provided that you can close in on them and force them into melee, even flying units can take them out with ease. Diehärte : I see. So the best way would be to stay out of range and close in on them in one fell swoop. Luna : Correct. (Once various groups of enemies are defeated) Flaire : The troops that defended the gates are no more... Now it's up to the Infantry and Archers to hold them off... The Archers have been routed too... (Once Flaire's guard is defeated) Flaire : So even my guard has been defeated... No matter how grim it looks, I will fight to my last breath! (Diehärte near Flaire) Diehärte : Flaire, it is me, Diehärte! Falire : ...It has been a long time, Diehärte. So you have become a knight by now? Diehärte : Yeah. Flaire : I see. My congratulations. Diehärte : I never would have thought it possible to meet you under such circumstances... Why did Barral...why did King Wilder tore apart the alliance and started an invasion on Larcuss!? Half a year back, I met King Wilder in the city of Laffel but there was nothing left of the once kind King I knew! Flaire : Humans change with the flow of time. Diehärte : But you haven't changed Flaire, have you!? I have no desire to fight you... Flaire : You're just going easy on me for being a woman! As things are now, we both are mutual enemies. I won't hold back anything! (Diehärte vs Flair) (triggering this is not recommended) Diehärte : Flaire... I wanted to avoid hurting you, but it seems that it cannot be helped. Please prepare yourself. Flaire : Spare me the pitiful look. Come at me with all your might! (Flaire vs Diehärte) Flaire : I hate to have to do this, Diehärte! Tell me, why did it have to come to this...? Diehärte : I don't know. I really don't know, Flaire. The only thing I do know is that if it wasn't for Barral's invasion, there would be no reason for us to fight each other like this! Flaire : I'm the princess of Barral! If the King decides to invade Larcuss I have no choice but to follow, even if it makes us enemies... We cannot go back to those merry days. Now there's let our blades speak °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the Battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Town of Railym] Diehärte : Enough is enough, Flaire. The battle is over. Flaire : ....I won't be defeated. If my blade is not enough, I'll use bare hands to keep you from invading Barral. Diehärte : Princess Flaire, I'm afraid you're going to be our prisoner..... Dark Knight : I think not. Pierre : Who's there!? Flaire : Dark Knight.... Dark Knight : Hmmph. I didn't come here to protect the princess..... There are too many incompetent soldiers in Barral. Diehärte : So you're the Dark Knight! That rat...... Pierre : Think you're all that!? Punk! Luna : Wait, Pierre! Flaire : *Huff*...wisely spoken. You'll never win against the Dark Knight. Dark Knight :I'll let you bastards take Railym. Just return the princess to me. Diehärte : Flaire! Flaire : Next time we meet, don't be foolish enough to show any lenience. I won't hold anything back when we fight. Diehärte : Flaire.... I'd heard rumors, but it felt like he was under some form of coercion.... [Plains Southwest of the Town of Railym] Flaire : It can't be, Diehärte and I....., I never wanted to fight against him..... ....Diehärte.... [Barral Castle Courtyard ~ 11 Years Ago] Diehärte : Hey waitaminute, gimme that back! That's mine! Flaire : Noo, I've always wanted it! It's mine! Wilder : Now, now, Flaire. Stop bugging poor Diehärte. [Barral Castle Courtyard ~ 6 Years Ago] (Oh my, they sure haven't grown much in those 5 years, try feeding more vegetables is my advice...) Flaire : Eh, what are you saying, Diehärte? Diehärte : I'm going to be a knight. I'm going to be apprenticed under Marquis William. That's why I won't be able to see you for a while. Flaire : But why? Don't you want to play together any longer? (Getting teary eyed how cute ^^) (How do you respond?) (1) I'm sorry. * (2) That's right. (3) I've had a lot of fun with you up to now. (1)* Diehärte : I'm sorry. But, I've always dreamed of doing this, ever since I was a child... (2) Diehärte : That's right. For now, the only thing on my mind is becoming a knight. (3) Diehärte : I've had a lot of fun with you up to now, Flaire. It would be grand if we could get together again. (Same for all) Flaire : ....Diehärte.... [Plains Southwest of the Town of Railym] Flaire : How could that have been how our reunion turned out... Father, why have we gone to war..... I have to wonder..... Was it my fault that Father changed so?..... [Former Royal Castle of Larcussia ~ Current Imperial Headquarters] Varna : How are you feeling, Your Excellency? Altemüller : Don't worry about me. However, that Dark Knight must have been hurt just as badly as I was. He won't be on the battlefield for a while. And with him out of the picture, Barral has nothing that can stand against us. Even without my presence, we should be able to capture Barral. Rigüler Commander : W..we've got a problem, sir! In the battle between that rogue mobile division and Princess Flaire, it looks like the Larcussian forces won. Afterwards, that Dark Knight appeared and rescued Princess Flaire.... Altemüller : Impossible! Varna : But he had to have been deeply wounded by His Excellency! What kind of monster is he!? Does that mean that Barral also has a healer of such high caliber? Altemüller : Geier. Use the fleet of airships, and capture Laffel! I doubt the Dark Knight will make another appearance soon. But, be careful. Geier : ...Yes, sir! [Deck on the Flagship of the Airship, Fleet] Geier : So the Dark Knight wasn't defeated by that young brat. I wonder just how strong a man he is. Gates : Even with the Dark Knight out of the picture, Laffel is the second largest city of Larcuss. Geier : Three days. No matter what kind of city it is, I'll capture it in three days. Gates the sycophant : Haha, you're the greatest, Lord Geier! Geier : Hohohoho..... I look forward to seeing the look of utter surprise on that young brat Altemüller's face! Wahahaha! [Former Royal Castle of Larcussia ~ Current Imperial Headquarters] Altemüller : Even if Geier has the use of the airships, he will be hard-pressed when fighting against the Dark Knight..... Emaillink! Attack this mobile division of Larcuss! Emaillink : Yes, sir! [Plains Near the Northern Gate of the Lushiris Gate] Raymond : Finally the time has come for our first clash against the Empire! Kirikaze : Our opponent will likely be one of the four generals, the bold general called Bortz. Raymond : We can't afford to lose here! All units, attack! Bortz : Listen up! For the prosperity of the Empire, we will destroy all the remnants of the Larcussian army! Let's charge with a spirited battle cry! Rigüler troops : Uoooo!! ************************************ Scenario ~ 08. "The Southern Lushiris Gate" ************************************ In times long past, Lushiris Gate was built in order to guard against demonic invasion. Gates were built in all four directions to complement the power of the Gate. At the time when war broke out, it seems that its functionality was interrupted; the seal binding the demons is growing increasingly weaker. The moment when the protection of Lushiris was needed, to avert the coming demonic offensive, was quickly approaching. Therefore, the party has traveled to the southern gate in order to meet its warden, Sophia. But enemies are also seeking her and have made preparations against the arrival of [diehardt's name] and company. *Condition for Victory -Defeat of Do Kahni *Condition for Defeat -Death of Diehärte [Southern gate of Lushiris] Do Kahni : Shika! Shika! Do Kahni Hero! Shika Commander : Someone coming! Do Kahni : Shika! Who're you? What you coming for? Pierre : Wow, who are those guys!? Luna : They must be the native people from the south that lived there since the old days. This is odd. Usually they don't come to this area. But it seems like the southern gate has been occupied by these people. Do Kahni : Shika! This holy place of Shika tribe! You not allowed at holy place! Diehärte : This place is their holy place? Luna : It seems as if this area is an excellent spot for hunting. Long ago there even were some minor battles between Larcuss and the native people. They must have taken the opportunity to occupy this land while the main forces are busy defending against the Empire and the Barral Kingdom. Do Kahni : Kill all intruders! Shika! Luna : It is a good thing that we came to see if everything was in order. The person in charge of this gate is a shrine maiden called Sophia, or so I've heard. I wonder what has happened to her. Pierre : Crap! You think they captured her? Diehärte : Whatever the case is, we won't accomplish anything by simply standing here. First of all let us drive out those nuisances! (On the next turn) Do Kahni : Rise, Flame! Burn them all! Shikaaa! Diehärte : We are surrounded by flames!? Have you lost your mind!? At this rate we'll all be burnt to death! Do Kahni : Do Kahni is Hero! We not fear fire! Pierre : But I'm mighty scared right now! Luna : Sir Diehärte, we should make our way to the center. The central structure is surrounded by a moat. If we can make it to that area, the flames can't threaten us any longer. Throwing down all the enemies should also extinguish the fire since it is of magical nature. Either way will take time, we'll just have to rush forward and hope for the best. (After some turns) Diehärte : The fire is expanding, we have to get away from it fast. Everyone, throw down any resistance with utmost haste! Lewin : Yes, sir. (More turns pass) Luna : The fire is still expanding. It could prove dangerous to try to throw down all the enemies. Diehärte : Understood. Everyone, break through the enemy lines and make your way to the gate! The flames won't reach us once we are there! (Closing in on Do Kahni) Do Kahni : Shika Shika! God of Shika! Arekaschi curse all invaders! Shika Tribe : Shikashika! (Defeat all troops except Do Kahni) Do Kahni : Powerful they are! But Do Kahni more powerful! Do Kahni never be defeated! Pierre : The poor thing just doesn't know when to give up... (Defeat Do Kahni) Do Kahni : Guuuaaarrgg! Diehärte : The battle is over! The fire has extinguished as well, so let's get some information concerning the shrine maiden from that fellow. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Do Kahni : I can't...lose.... Lewin : What have you done to the woman called Sophia, who used to live here? Do Kahni : We took her. She's to be sacrifice for ceremony.... Riffany : Oh, no! Diehärte : A sacrifice!? Has it already happened!? Do Kahni : Sacrifice will be at next full moon. Luna : The next full moon will occur in three nights. Let's hurry. Without the wardens of the gates, it will be impossible to properly make use of their power. Larcuss Commander : Excuse me! Sir Diehärte? Diehärte : What is it? Larcuss Commander : Lord Raymond dispatched us from the main force to come guard the southern gate! Diehärte : We need to hurry and reach the headquarters of the Shika Tribe. We'll entrust the defense of this gate to you! Larcuss Commander : Yes, sir! Diehärte : All right, we've got no time to waste. Everyone, let's hurry on out! [Plains Near the North Gate of the Lushiris Gate] Raymond : Do we have any news from the frontlines? Larcuss Commander : The enemy seems a bit stronger than we thought, superior to our regular army, preventing us from making any progress. Raymond : This brave general Bortz of the Empire is most impressive indeed. Kirikaze : Worry not. He's just a minor headache we can crush when we return with our own army. It will only be a matter of time, after we come back. Bortz : While these remnants of the Larcuss army seem fairly weak, that damned Lord Raymond is a force to be reckoned with. When he returns, we'll be in trouble. What to do.... [City of Laffel ~ Now Part of the Barral Kingdom] Barral Commander ; S..so this is that so-called Grim Reaper, the Empire's airship fleet.... Gates : Those foolish Barral soldiers have all scattered in disarray. Geier : Hmmph! As long as the Dark Knight stays absent, they have little true might to muster against us. I hadn't expected the Dark Knight to really stay absent. With Lord Geier leading us, we could take on even the Dark Knight.... Geier : Looks like I didn't need that plan for him after all. Hohohoho! ************************************ Scenario ~ 09. "Shaman Attack" ************************************ Sophia, Warden of the Southern Gate, has been taken away by the Shika Tribe. Moreover, it is said that she will be used as the sacrifice in a ceremony. As it stands, not only can she not reinstate the Gate, but her own life is in danger. The party has set foot in the mountain region, but have seen no signs of life in the vicinity of the Shika Tribe's headquarters. *Condition for Victory -Complete annihilation of enemies *Condition for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] [Forest of the Shika Tribe] Luna : From here on out move forward with great care. We are now entering the Shika Tribe's territory. Pierre : Hmm? I swear I saw something moving right over there! Kah Shind : Shikaaa! Tiaris : Iaaaaa! Luna : I'm worried about Sophia's well-being. We should finish this battle quickly. (Next turn) Kah Shind : This is our hunting ground. Entering we don't permit! Shika Tribe : Shikashika! Kill them! Gilbert : Lord Diehärte. As expected we must force our way through once again. Diehärte : It seems to be so. (After moving on) Shika Tribe : Shikaaa! Pierre ? : What? They have prepared an ambush for us!? Kah Shind : Foolish you are! Me is Kah Shind Greatest Shaman! Go! Everyone, you kill! Shika Tribe : Shikaaaa! (next turn) Kah Shind : Go! Go! Push down enemy! Shika Tribe : Shikaaa! Kah Shind : God of Shika. Grant us power to fight, Arekashi! (Some turns afterwards) Kah Shind : ShikaShika... Great mother of many souls, hear your son praying. Come forth fog, seal harmful power of evil people. Shikashika Areyashina Shi Desutsu! Diehärte : !? What's with that fog, coming up all of a sudden!? Riffany : Oh my? Something odd is happening, Sir Diehärte. Diehärte : What's the matter, Riffany? Riffany : For some reason I can no longer use my magic. Pierre : What!? How could that be happening just out of the blue? Riffany : It's quiet peculiar. Before we came here I'm sure it worked just fine. Tiaris : Same here. It's like all my magical energy was drained when this fog came up. Diehärte : Maybe this fog...? Luna, any ideas...? Luna : It is quiet possible that this fog is not a natural phenomenon but was summoned to seal magical powers... Lewin : ...That's troublesome, our strategy relies to a fair extend on the use of magic. Kah Shind : This fog being the holy fog. Evil Power is sealed! Shikaa! (Shortly afterwards) Luna : Everyone, keep your guard up. We are dealing with a crafty magic user of the Shika tribe. Riffany : A Shaman borrows powers of the spirits to cast magic. It is a fundamentally different form of magic than the one I use. Pierre : In other words those guys will be able to cast magic even in this mist? Riffany : Most certainly, after all the mist is a product of the spirits itself. Pierre : Shoot! That's so unfair! (Turn 7 for me) Diehärte : I've got to say, fighting without any kind of magic is quiet the pain in the pants... Emaillink : Hmph, it seems like you are having a hard time. Diehärte : You're, Emaillink? Emaillink : So that fog is suppressing the use of magic. Well that's certainly unfavorable for the both of us. First of all I'll strike down that shaman. (Next turn) Kah Shind : With fog, Kah Shind becomes invincible! I not be defeated, by anyone! Emaillink : If that's the case you surely won't mind me trying! (Emaillink vs Kah shind) Kah Shind : You enemy! Kah Shind is greatest tactician! Not be defeated no matter what! Emaillink : Sealing magic was not a bad plan, but doing so with fog was quiet absurd. A true tactician would have thought about all consequences of such an action. After all it was only thanks to your fog, that I could encircle you like this! Kah Shind : Shshishikaaa! (Kah Shind being defeated before Emaillink arrives, and Shika troops remain) Diehärte : The fog has cleared up. Now, strike down all remaining enemies! Everyone, press onward! (Kah Shind and all enemies defeated before Emaillink arrives, Kah Shind has to be defeated before the troops) Note : If you want to trigger this end to the scenario you must make sure, that at least one turn has passed between defeating Kah Shind and the last unit or else Emaillink will appear right away. Anyway I've got the feeling this isn't quiet right since they are talking about Emaillink even though he hasn't shown up...Oh Well! But you don't have to defeat Emaillin´k to win and you will lack some Exp so actually nothing is gained. (Kah Shind and all enemies being defeated before Emaillink arrives, troops where defeated before Kah Shind) (Emaillink pops up) Emaillink : So this is where you are, Diehärte. I've been searching you! Diehärte : Emaillink! Emaillink : May our rematch begin, Diehärte! (Kah Shind defeated by Emaillink) Kah Shind : Shi, Shikaaa! Emaillink : The fog has cleared up. Now we can do battle unhindered! Let's begin our rematch, Diehärte! Diehärte : It would be my pleasure! (Emaillink is defeated while some of his troops remain) Emaillink : You did quite well! But this is not the kind of injury that'll make me run from an unfinished battle! Rigüler Commander : We will carry on the fight from here on out. Please step back General! Emaillink : But... Rigüler Commander : Fighting on would be unreasonable and you may even loose your life. Please withdraw for now! Emaillink : Thank you, everyone... (Emaillink is defeated while none of his troops remain) Emaillink : You did quiet well... I wouldn't have believed it possible to be utterly defeated like this. The next time we meet I will use all my power to strike you down. Farewell! (Same for all solutions to the battle) Tiaris : It's over at last! Luna : You did commendable, Sir Diehärte. Diehärte : We lost an unexpected amount of time. That general Emaillink is only one of the four imperial generals. And yet he alone is an opponent not to be taken lightly... Riffany : To think that there are three others like him. I wonder if we would be able to win if we have to face them one day. (What do you reply?) (1) I guess we could? (2) If we hold together * (3) It'll be an easy victory! (1) Diehärte : I don't know. I guess we could win? Riffany : So you are worried too then. (2)* Diehärte : I wonder. Yet, we couldn't be defeated by anything if we hold together! Riffany : Well, isn't that right. (3) Diehärte : We'll be fine, it'll be an easy victory! Riffany : Rejoice, the mighty Diehärte is on our side! Luna : We have to hurry. Sophia's life is still in danger. Diehärte : Alright, Let's be on our way to the Shika Tribe headquarters! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Former Royal Castle of Larcussia ~ Currently Imperial Headquarters] Varna : Your Excellency! It's still dangerous to your health to be very active. Altemüller : Don't worry about me. Thanks to your extensive care, the wound has already closed over, as you can see. Varna : But, Your Excellency..... Rigüler Commander : Excuse me! Altemüller : What is it? Rigüler Commander : General Bortz has sent a report. General Bortz has a feeling that his main force will be overcome by the Larcuss forces led by Lord Raymond, which are stronger than initially suspected! Varna : That Bortz!? Altemüller : Ho.... That Lord Raymond sure makes things much more exciting. Rigüler Commander : What course of action would be best? Altemüller : Varna. Go and help our Bortz. Varna : Yessir! ..But, Your Excellency..... Altemüller : No need to worry about me. Just go. Varna : ....Your wish is my command. Altemüller : Hmmm..... This should be very interesting.... ************************************ Scenario ~ 10. "Ceremony of Scorching Heat" ************************************ While Lord Raymond and General Bortz engage in battle, General Geier sets out to conquer the city of Laffel, which still is occupied by the Barral Kingdom. At the same time, Dho Kahni and Kha Shind vainly try to stop the advance of Diehärte's division, which at last sets foot into the Shaki Tribe's capitol grotto. As the evening turns to night and the full moon rises, a gruesome ritual begins. [Laffel presently occupied by the Barrel Kingdom] Barral General in charge of Laffel : Uuuh, hic! It's no use, no use.... Hic!...I'm as good as dead. I knew it, I shoulda listened to may mom, be a farmer she said...damn that airship.. To make things worse that Dark Knight character isn't exactly known for his forgiveness! Shit! What is the world coming too... Dark Knight : .....Hey. Ruud : Yes, Sir Dark Knight. Dark Knight : ....Who is in charge here? (Ruud turns to the drunken general) Barral Commander : Hic! ....Yeeeas. Dark Knight : Hey, you drunken bastard. What the hell is going on here. Barral General : It's no use riight? We hick stand no chance against this airship... We we have been defeated...Hick! Dark Knight : Alcohol is not a solution but the cause of problems...in your case death.. Barral General : Guaarghh! Barral Soldier : Ahh! Ruud : He just butchered him.... Dark Knight : ... Such incompetence is intolerable. I'm in command from now on. ....Prepare the ballistas, and after that assemble the remaining soldiers. Barral Soldier : Y...yessir! Dark Knight : So you are the Aide de camp of that deserted coward Dios....I have a special mission for you. East of here lives a sacred beast. You will get a hold of that creature and present it to his majesty. The leftovers of the Larcuss Kingdom may get in your way. Dispose of them if they do. Ruud : Am I leaving right now? I'd rather protect the town... Dark Knight : Who do you think your talking back to runt? You should be thankful to be of use. Ruud : ..... Dark Knight : Now get some oil and ropes over here this instant! Ruud : ....Those eyes. At times like this I do miss General Dios sorely.... [Deck of the Rigüler Airship] Rigüler Soldier : Adjutant! He has come! The dark knight has taken command over the enemy's forces! Adjutant : This is bad news. Sir Geier.... Geier : Grrr, I'm getting tired of this. Commence an all out attack! Those fools are just prolonging the inevitable; victory is as good as ours! Rigüler Soldier : Yeaahhh! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Shika tribe hideout} Keh Shikairo : Shika, shika, shiiika! Lower the sacrifice! This make Shika tribe flourish without fail! Skiika! Shika Tribe : Shiika! Diehärte : So this is the Shika Tribe's main hideout? Pierre : We have a full moon tonight! Are we gonna be alright? Luna : Diehärte look over there that's Sophia! Sophia : ....Ah, please someone... Riffany : My, what are they doing to her!? If this rope is lowered any more she'll be burnt alive! Lewin : This is awful! We have to save her fast! Luna : If we can take out the Shika tribe's chief it should be enough. Diehärte : Understood! Everyone on the double! We have to save Sophia! (Turn 2) Keh Shikairo : Shika! Sacrifice, Sacrifice! Sophia : Kyaahh! Diehärte : !? The rope goes down gradually!? Riffany : We need to rush to her aid! Diehärte : Hang in there! We're here to help! (After turn 3) Keh Shikairo : Don't let them through! For shika tribe! Poweer!!! Shika tribe : Shikaaaa! (Some turns later) Khe Shikairo : Skikaka! Sophia : Aaa, someone.... Diehärte : Don't worry, we'll be there for you any minute now! (Some more turns pass) Sophia : Ahh, this heat.... Lushiris my goddess... Tiaris : Diehärte, Hurry up! Diehärte : I'm at it! (Turn 18) Sophia : Kyaa! Pierre : It's hopeless! We won't make it in time like this! There's no time left! Diehärte : Bring down that chief pronto! Luna : We have to concentrate all our forces on the chief! That is the only possible way to save lady Sophia! (Turn 20, game over if you didn't defeat Keh Shikairo until now) (Once Keh Shikairo is defeated) Diehärte : Now, release Sophia! Pierre : How could you make her endure something like this! Keh Shikairo : U,uhh.... Alright. Keh Shikairo admits defeat. Let the Sacrifice go. (Once Rag appears) Rag : My my, how troublesome. Diehärte : Who's there!? Rag : Ah what a shame it is, she would have made such a fine sacrifice. Without her Lushiris gate would've been done for good. Lewin : A demon from Velzeria!? Rag : Come forth my servants! Kah Shind : Shika! Gilbert : Did we not kill this one before?! So you are toying with the dead too, demon?! Rifanny : No, he isn't dead. His aura still emits life.... This demon must be manipulating his mind. Keh Shikairo : Kha Shind how did this!? Why you direct spear at me? Kah Shind : Ha! Rag : Don't bother. This one is my loyal servant now. Well then, let the dance of death begin. Once the chief is no more, my little protege here will take his place. Kah Shind : Kill her! Kill Keh Shikairo Kha Shind becomes chief! Diehärte : Here they come! Keh Shikairo : Keh Shikairo fights too! I won't let Kah Shind win! Sophia : Please wait. With such wounds you cannot fight. In one moment you'll feel better. (Sophia heals Keh Shikairo) Shika tribe : Big Wonder! Keh Shikariaro : Y-you're, goddess..... Riffany : Oh my... It seems they think restorative magic to be a miracle. Diehärte : Sophia... What do you want to say? 1) Safety must come first at all times. 2) Pity for ones opponents is futile. 3) You're very kind, aren't you? * After picking 3)* Sophia : That... That's only natural for a shrine maiden. Diehärte : By the way, Sophia. It seems like that the demons could come here because the Lushiris Gate is non-functional at the moment. That's why we need to reinstate the southern gate. Sophia : I see. First of all the Velzerian demons around here must perish. Keh Shikairo : We must help goddess. Do battle with all of strength! Shika Tribe : Shika! (Next turn) Rag : You there! Do me the favor and massacre this lot! Kah Shind : Kaa! Rag : Well then, let us enjoy ourselves, shall we!? Diehärte : Miss Sophia. Please leave the fighting to us and watch from safety. Sophia : I have to refuse, Sir Diehärte. While the Velzerian Demons roam freely, I can not stand idly by. Thus I will go to battle together with you. Diehärte : Very well. Sophia : I will follow your orders from now on. Please give me instructions. And one more thing, please just call me Sophia. (Sophia joins the party!) (On the next turn Do Kahni shows up) Do Kahni : Keh Shikairo chief. You alright? Keh Shikairo : Do Kahni comes well! Help comrades! Destroy evil man! Do Kahni : Understood! Do Kahni fights! Keh Shikairo : Leave it to you I do! (Next turn) (Once Rag is defeated) Rag : Wh..what?! I couldn't be defeated like this... This is unacceptable! Kah Shind : Shurgh! Rug : I've got to admit you just rose in my estimation, even though just a little. To show my affection, next time I'll tear you limb from limb personally! (Or once Kah Shind is defeated) Kah Shind : Shurghikaa! Rag : What inferior material to work with, it can't be helped, this battle is over...It's really such a shame! But don't be sad, we'll meet again undoubtedly! Gilbert : Hold it! Lewin : ...It seems like he escaped. Tiaris : Is it finally over? Thank goodness, I've got enough of this smelly place. Sophia : The Velzerian's got here already, we must make haste to reinstate Lushiris gate. Let us be on our way back to the shrine. Great chief of the Shika tribe, I must return to my duties now. If you are worried about your holy site, come and watch over our doings there. Keh Shikairo : You are now goddess to us. We make holy oath not to hinder you, or do battle with any of you. Diehärte : Good, it seems our battle with the Shika tribe is over. Let's go, Sophia. The southern gate awaits. (Dialogues to secret scenario ?2) Rescue Sophia. (Then get Diehärte near Do Kahni) Do Kahni : Not fight you anymore. Do Kahni respect chief's order. (What do you reply?) (1) Let's fight together! (2) Have your wounds healed?* (3) I hope we won't regret it (1) Diehärte : That's good. Let's fight together then! Do Kahni : Dho Khani is Champion. Never will lose again! (2)* Diehärte : Have your wounds from before healed already? Do Kahni : Little scratch long gone. Just come home to bring wondrous stone. Diehärte : A wondrous stone you say? Do Kahni : Pass through time. Time is warped. Chief told me to get stone, ask chief. (3) Diehärte : I hope we won't come to regret it. Do Kahni : Do Kahni is Champion. Worry not, be cool! (Then get Diehärte near Keh Shikairo) Do you want to inquire about the stone Do Kahni mentioned? Choose yes upper option Diehärte : It isn't such an urgent matter; ...but I'm curious about a wondrous stone Do Kahni mentioned. Khe Shikairo : That stone cross through time. Past, present, future, all become one with it. (What is your answer?) (1) I see (2) May I have it * (3) I doubt that (1) Diehärte : I see. That certainly sounds miraculous... (2)* Diehärte : That's one wondrous stone alright. Would you mind hand it over to me? Keh Shikairo : Not possible, request must be refused. Searched very long time, it's treasure. Very important. (3) Diehärte : There couldn't be an object with such powers. It's just some stupid superstitious belief. Keh Shikairo : Shika god made you the fool! Shika god is real. Stone has powers. (Then get Diehärte near Sophia) Sophia : Is something the matter, Sir Diehärte? Your reply? (1) There's that stone * (2) I came to protect you (3) It's nothing (1) * Diehärte : To tell the truth there's something I wanted to ask of you. Sophia : Hm, what could that be? Diehärte : The chieftain has a wondrous stone, which I would like to get a closer look at, maybe you could ask him about it? Sophia : I assume the stone is needed for something important then? ...Alright. I will ask the chief right away. (2) Diehärte : I just wanted to see if you are well, Sophia. Sophia : Thank you very much for your concern, Sir Diehärte. (3) Diehärte : Oh, it's nothing. Sophia : I see. (Then get Sophia near Keh Shikairo) Keh Shikairo : Oh..., goddess. Sophia : Umm, great chieftain. To speak frankly, I've got a request... Keh Shikairo : Goddess can ask anything. Sophia : Not long ago you came into possession of a special stone, I wondered if I by any chance could have it? Keh Shikairo : Yes. Goddess means this stone, I give after battle. Sophia : Thank you very much great chief. Keh Shikairo : Me not great before you. Serving goddess is joy. Shika family rejoices being of use. (Related conversation after winning the battle) Keh Shikairo : Here is promised stone. Sophia : Thank you, great chief. Sir Diehärte. Here's the stone you wanted. Diehärte : Thanks, Sophia. I'll make good use of it. Now then, our battle with the Shika tribe is over. Let us hurry to reinstate the southern gate! Sophia : Yes. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Sophia : Oh Gate..., may Lushiris sacred light fall upon you. To hold back the reawakened demonic forces, let your seal be renewed. As for this place everything is back in order. Lewin : I suggest we go for the eastern gate next. Luna : The warden of the eastern gate is the sage Fauvel, I wonder if the Rigüler Empire will try something there. Sophia : I'm sure father will be able to keep the gate safe. But we couldn't risk to let the Empire capture him, so please lend me your strength everyone. Diehärte : .... 1) Let's go everyone! 2) Anything else would be unjustifiable. 3) You can count us in Sophia. 4) We have to release the gate. 5) Say nothing. (1) Diehärte : Alright! Let's go everyone! (2) Diehärte : I understand that your worried about your father. But don't let it get you down Sophia. Sophia : Thank you for your concern. (3) Diehärte : We probably will have to face the Empire. This certainly will not be easy, so stay on your guard. You too, Sophia. Sophia : Yes, I will do my best. (4) Luna? : We have to act quickly now, or we may be to late to reinstate the Gate... (5) Nothing happens.....expect that all the girls hate you for not being able to shine with a good pep-talk. [Altemüller's private chamber] Rigüler Commander : Your Excellency! Your injury has yet to heal entirely, your Excellency. Please be patient a little longer... Altemüller : Don't worry yourself. How could I stay lazily in bed while everyone is fighting out there. Rigüler Commander : But I was ordered by general Varna to look after your health with utmost sincerity. Altemüller : Heh, that's much like Varna. Hasn't Lord Raymond has just been repelled and wouldn't this be the ideal time to strike back at Colcia? Rigüler Commander : Yessir, that is what they say. Altemüller : We cannot allow this opportunity to go to waste. If we grow idle, our enemies are guaranteed to get the better of us. Now make all due preparations for the attack! Rigüler Commander : Yessir! Everything shall be done as you wish. ************************************ Scenario ~ 11. "Deception" ************************************ Sophia, rescued from being sacrificed by the Shika Tribe, has now joined the party as they head towards the eastern gate. However, in the forest ahead, there is a suspicious-looking shadow which always follows them yet shies away from human contact. *Condition for Victory -Rescue of NPC *Conditions for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] -Death of NPC [Geier and the Airship Fleet vs. the Dark Knight} Geier : Hmmph. Now that fiend has come, will our dominance of the battlefield shift.. Is this Dark Knight as strong as the rumors say..... Rigüler Commander : I've received a report, sir! Several Barral aerial units have taken to flight! Geier : A full warship? Rigüler Commander : No, sir! 2 or 3 smaller units! Geier : Strengthen our anti-aircraft fire. Sink them like we did the others. Let's see how many times they try before they realize the futility of such attacks. Gates : Signal flares..... ....Hmmm..... Wh..what...!? "Oil.....been defeated"....... What could they mean...... Geier : Oh, no! Hurry out of range! Dark Knight : Just a little longer..... Soon they won't be able to escape. Now! Shoot the fire arrows! Barral Commander : Archers! Attack all at once, to keep the element of surprise! Fiiiiiirrreeeeeeeee!! Rigüler Commander : Sir! 3 ships have been lit on fire! Is oil how they burned them so quickly!? W..what should we do!? Geier : Have the 2 ships on the left block the enemy aerial units. If we get their allies in the line of fire, they won't be able to attack as strongly. Gates : A message! Move two ships to the left! Engage in evasive action and bring us behind the enemy aerial units! Rigüler Commander : Yes, sir! Geier : ....Hmmph. ....Hohoho! Damn you, Dark Knight, you and your taunting mockeries.... Then again, if you didn't offer such insolence, things wouldn't be any fun! [Mountains Near the Central Gate] Ferakia : Everyone, there's no need to run away now. The power of that old hag Lushiris has disappeared. Monster : Gohhhhhh! Ferakia : We're striking against the Lushiris Gate to ensure the victory of Velzeria. That's why we're going to kill that sorceress said to guard the central Gate, Jessica. Then Master Böser's dream, a world ruled by monsters, can be realized. Kyahahahaha! Monster : !? Worrr......!! Ferakia : What, humans, you say!? ....Hmmph! How could we lose to such feeble creatures. What a perfect opportunity for some exercise! So, everyone, its time to bloody our nails to the heart's content! Monster : Gohhhhhh! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Tiaris : Awww, aren't we there yet? I'm getting tired! Riffany : This is the last mountain we have to cross, we should be there shortly. Diehärte : We have to reactivate Lushiris gate as soon as possible to prevent the demons from invading, we would stand no chance against them, the Empire and Barral all at once. Hang in there, everyone. Luna : !? Sir [diehardt's name], there's something ahead! Sophia : It is not human, an evil aura can be felt around here. Everyone, please be careful. Girl : Kyaaa! S..Someone!? Monster : GUURRR! Pierre : The unmistakeable scream of a terrified girl! That other voice was that of some kind of monster no doubt! Lewin : There are monsters around!? Diehärte : Hurry, we have to save her! (The girl being attacked) Girl : Kyaaa! Someone, help me! (Shortly after) Luna : Sir Diehärte. There is a lot of forest on these mountains, it would be an excellent place for an ambush. Please stay alert. Diehärte : Of course. The enemy probably is lurking in the shadows, just waiting for us to get careless. We are dealing with monsters, which are much more skilled in hiding than humans to begin with. Diehärte : Alright, everyone! Expect the unexpected and stay alert at all times. Pierre : We all heard your conversation, but okay! (The girl being attacked more) Girl : Please, someone... Diehärte : Hold out! Help is on the way! Girl : Come fast, I beg of you! (If you get close to the girl) Girl : Ah..,Ah... Diehärte : Are you alright? We are here to help you. Riffany : Now that we're here you don't have to be scared anymore. Ferakia : Giggle*...,..idiotic humans.. Diehärte : ? What are you saying? Ferakia : Honestly, you're way too gullible aren't you? Letting yourselves being deceived like that! Sophia : !? A transformation!? Ferakia : Did you enjoy the little show that I, Ferakia the Shapeshiftress has put up for you? Well then my darlings, come out wherever you are! Ferakia : Kyahahaha! Oh aren't they just too adorable...? Well my darlings now you can slaughter all you want and afterwards we'll take a good nap! Gilbert : Curses! So there where troops in hiding and so many at that! Luna : This was planed from the beginning. I'm at a loss for words... (How do you react?) (1) Don't worry * (2) To err is human (3) Say nothing. (1) Diehärte : There's no need to be abashed. After all you warned us of the ambush, did you not? Luna : Sir Diehärte... Thank you for your goodwill. Diehärte : Anyway, let's just get rid of those demons already! Luna : Yes sir! (2) Diehärte : The enemy's strategy wasn't transparent. Making mistakes is part of being human. ...Don't worry about it. Luna : That's still no excuse for failing so... (3) Diehärte : ..... (Surprised?) (Or If you fail to reach her in time; happens around turn XII) Girl :Uuu... Diehärte : Damn. We didn't make it in time... Girl : Now aren't you a useless bunch. Honestly nowadays so called heroes, can't even help one measly little girl in trouble. Sophia : !? She transformed!? Ferakia : Oh, so you liked my little show? Unfortunately it will be the last thing you'll ever see! Well then, come out to play, everyone! Monster : GUGYAAAAH! GYAOOOON! Ferakia : Kyahahaha! Oh aren't they just too adorable...? (The rest ist the same as stated above) (Reinforcements from the South West) Velzerian Commander : Hehehe..... Kill them all... Ferakia : Give it to them slowly and painfully; Uhh I'm getting all fired up just thinking about the fun. Velzerian Commander : I shall do as you say. (Sometime) Ferakia : Well then, you should be the perfect warm-up exercise before I take on that sorceress. Fight hard my darlings! Monster : GAAAA! Diehärte : There got to be a way to drive them back... Sophia : If we can bring down their commander, the other demons most likely would back down as well. Diehärte : It has to be that woman, Ferakia... (First Undead reinforcements) Monster : La..dy...Fer..akia.. Excu..se..us..for..be..ing..late... Ferakia : Don't just linger around there you slow-pokes! Deliver certain death to them this instance! Pierre : We're fighting and fighting and still the number of enemies grows. Lewin : Nonetheless we have to persevere! (Shortly afterwards) Diehärte : Dammit! Still more are coming, is there no end to them!? Ferakia : Ahahaha! What laughable creatures they are. Chase them around all over the place! (All troops are defeated) Ferakia : Uh! Not half bad for a human, I've got to say. Come back in another 10 years and you may even stand a chance! (Ferakia in combat) Ferakia : So much flesh and so little time to carve it, now where should I begin? (After some action) Ferakia : Wonderful. All that crimson blood makes me so hot! Come now, let our bodies disgorge rivers of the sweetest of wines! (After defeating Ferakia) Ferakia : To act so violently against a woman! Such unseemly behavior! I'm afraid that's enough fun for today... Luna : Sir Diehärte, only thanks to your splendid commanding did we emerge victorious. Sophia : Velzeria becomes more active by the minute those are signs that the upcoming invasion is drawing near. We cannot waste another minute. Diehärte : We're moving on this instant! [Velzeria Castle] Ferakia : Master Böser.... Böser : ....What is it, Ferakia? Ferakia : My apologies! On the way, there was an unforseen intrusion, and I was unable to murder the sorceress. Böser : Even without the functionality of the Gate, some of Lushiris loathsome power remains. It couldn't be helped, since I didn't grant you your original power. But, for you to have lost like this, it must have been quite a powerful party. Ferakia :...It's just a shame I couldn't enjoy myself to the fullest. Böser : No need to brood over it, there'll be plentiful battles in the future. Hmmm, but I do wonder what our next move should be... [Plains Near the Northern Gate] Bortz : We're in deep shit now, being totally surrounded. Rigüler Commander : General Bortz, what should we do? Right now, it's only a matter of time before we're all wiped out. Bortz : There's only one way you can escape the enemy surrounding us. Let me serve as a distraction at one end, and break through the other end to escape. Rigüler Commander : !! Bortz : I'm the General of our main troops, it only makes sense I'd stay here and fight. Yet, if they see me, and think the main troops have started to move away from me, they'll gather their troops in one place to crush me. But, with their army all concentrated in one place, you'll definitely be able to break through the weakened perimeter. All of you, use that opening and get out of here. Rigüler Commander : But, General! If we do that.....! Bortz : That fast horseman who came earlier brought me word that General Varna is sending a relief army. If you join up with Varna's army, Raymond's army won't be able to keep chasing you. Rigüler Commander : General Bortz! Please don't place yourself in such danger! Bortz : But, as things stand, if you stay with me any longer you'll all be wiped out. All of you must live to meet up with Varna! That's an order! ....I'll leave the rest to you. ************************************ Scenario ~ 12. "The Wise Sage Fauvel" ************************************ Now that Diehärte and company have defeated Ferakia, Demon General of Velzeria, their path leads directly to the eastern gate, the providence of Sage Fauvel. But right when the party comes into sight of the eastern gate, the Imperial soldiers begin their invasion. *Condition for Victory -Destroy all enemies in 14 turns *Conditions for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] -Death of Fauvel -Time Up [Plains Near the North Gate] Bortz : Bring it on! Don't come near unless you're resigned to death! Raymond : Isn't that General Bortz!? Don't let him escape - the main enemy force will be here shortly! Rigüler Commander : Don't waste the General's sacrifice! All units, move out! Head the opposite way and break through! Bortz : All right, if I'm the only one they capture, my plan will have worked.....Now it's all up to me. Hmph, Uoooo! [City of Laffel ~ Currently Occupied by Barral] Rigüler Commander : Ugh! Rigüler Commander : Gwah! Geier : What are those four ships doing! They should have retreated some time ago! Gates : Sir, since they were covered with oil, they probably fear to descend any lower because of the threat of those fire arrows! Geier : Bah! Eh, why!? Why aren't they attacking!? We ruled the battlefield only up until the point that fiend came.... So this is the power of the Dark Knight! [Border between Colcia and the Rigüler Empire] Colcia Commander : The Empire currently has their hands full fighting both Barral and the remnants of Larcuss. For now the Empire can't retaliate with their full strength!! Let's go! Rigüler Commander : Here they come! Prepare to defend! Colcia Commander : They have too few to defend a national border of this size. We can break through with one strike! Altemüller : Nimrods! You imbeciles would recklessly attack the Empire's border when I'm around, would you... Colcia Commander : Ugh! Him....it can't be! Rigüler Commander : His Excellency, the Field Marshal! Altemüller : Your unclean feet won't be allowed to soil the holy land of the Empire! Colcia Commander : Blasted! With him leading the army, we're in for a rough time! [Lushiris Gate ~ West Gate] Jügler : !? Grrrr....!? .....Gr!! Ruud : We've finally found it. This is the temple of that guardian beast. All of you, spread out and search the vicinity of the temple! Barral Commander : Yes, sir! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Rigüler Commander : Come with us quietly! If you resist your life is forfeit! Fauvel : Do you only know the way of the sword? I can't let you walk through this door to erase the holy light. Rigüler Commander : Your holy place holds little importance to us! Fauvel : Are you even aware of the significance this gate holds? Rigüler Commander : This temple is a source of rebellious actions against the Empire. This will no longer stay ignored! Now, step aside! Fauvel : If there is no other way I will keep you from this place with force. Rigüler Commander : Such a stubborn old man! Riffany : Oh my, the imperial soldiers are here already. Luna : But the gate hasn't fallen. As of now the Imperials are still trying to capture it. Sophia : Father... Rigüler Commander : Hmm!? It appears that some enemy reinforcements have come. Rigüler Commander : Hmph. Annoying pests. Commence the operation we've discussed earlier. Rigüler Commander : Understood! (A little while afterwards) Sophia : Father. Please hold out a little longer. We will be there to aid you forthwith! Luna : Everyone, be extremely careful! It seems as if they are planning to blow up the bridge. Make absolutely sure not to get caught in the explosion! Sir Diehärte. The commander in front of the bridge seems to be in charge. If he is defeated we probably will be able to stop the bridge from being destroyed. (While more turns pass your comrades will tell you to hurry) (If enough turns pass the brigde gets blwon up and you lose so make sure this doesn't happen) (Once the enemy commander is dead) Rigüler Commander : Da..Damn... To die in place like this... I'll be waiting for you in the netherworld! Fauvel : What a relief. It seems like the destruction of the bridge has been prevented. (Shortly after) Tiaris : The enemy has started deploying! Diehärte : We don't have to worry about the destruction of the bridge anymore. Sweep up the remaining enemy troops! (Anyone near Fauvel) Fauvel : Oho, you come to a most favorable time. Diehärte : For now come this way! (The soldiers threatening Fauvel being defeated) Fauvel : Oh! By the grace of the goddess the attack stopped! Sophia : Take a rest for now. Please leave the remaining fighting to us, father. Fauvel : Thank you. I'm greatly indebted to all of you. (Emaillink shows up) Emaillink : I've been looking for you, Diehärte! Diehärte : Not you again, Emaillink! Emaillink : Now I will demonstrate the power of the Rigüler Cavalry Division! (Emaillink defeated) Emaillink : Well, I was defeated again... But that is fine. This place holds no strategic value. And in the long run there the Empire will conquer everything. Diehärte : Hold it! Emaillink! Emaillink : Farewell, Diehärte! I'm looking forward to our next encounter! Rigüler Commamder : Hm, you bested General Emaillink!? Receive your due punishment! (All enemies are defeated) Diehärte : ...It's over. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Lushiris Gate ~ Eastern Gate] Sophia : Father, are you all right? Fauvel : I'm unharmed, thanks to your brave intervention. Diehärte : I'm just glad we made it in time. But most importantly, is the gate safe as well? Fauvel : Yes, thanks to all of you it still shines with Lady Lushiris's light undeterred. Diehärte : So now we've liberated two of the gates. Sophia : But, I'm concerned about the last two gates. Fauvel : Just a little while ago, the light from the west gate vanished. It's probably Barral's doing. Larcuss Commander : We were late in coming because we ran afoul of the Empire on the way. My sincerest apologies. Lewin : You must be soldiers sent by my Father. That must mean things are going well on his front. Larcuss Commander : We will defend this place to our death! Please, leave this to us and hurry to liberate the western gate. Lord Raymond's battle with the Empire is still dragging on, so he doesn't have enough spare troops to liberate the western gate. Luna : Lord Raymond has headed to the northern gate, which is defended by the main Imperial forces. On the other hand, since the Imperial army has been tied up there, that's why it was so simple for us to recover this gate. Diehärte : Exactly. It seems that the demons have begun their invasion. We'd better hurry and restore the operation of the Lushiris Gate. After all we've only got one more gate to liberate. Fauvel : If that's what your planning, I'd like to come with you. I may be a bit senile, but I've still got a few tricks left. (Fauvel joined the party!) Diehärte : Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Well, everyone, let's get a move on. [Plains Near the Northern Gate] Varna : You must be Bortz's soldiers. ....Hmm? But what happened to Bortz? Rigüler Commander : So that we might escape, General Bortz charged the main enemy forces...., Taking on wave after wave of the enemy soldiers..... Varna : ....I see. You all were blessed to have such a good commander, indeed.... Bortz : Don't count someone as dead til you've seen the body! Varna : !! Bortz : Heh, so you all really did think I'd died! Varna : B..bortz!? Rigüler : General, we're so glad you made it back safely.... What a relief...... (What a crazy voice....) Bortz : I'm damned glad to see you all safe, too. And don't you cry now, it's indecent. Sorry for troubling you Varna, but please look after my men for just a little while longer. Right now I'm feeling..... incredibly.....worn out. Varna : You can count on me. Bortz : Phew...... [National Border Between Colcia and the Rigüler Empire] Colcia Commander : T..too powerful..... Guhaa! Altemüller : Hmm, that was hardly a challenge at all. Rigüler Commander : Your Excellency, you were incredible. It looks like your swordsmanship is even stronger than before! Altemüller : My true struggle in that battle was convincing my stiff muscles to move. I leave the defense from here on in your hands, while I return to our base in Larcussia. Rigüler Commander : Yes, sir! ************************************ Scenario ~ 13. "To Hunt a Holy Beast" ************************************ Diehärte's mobile division, now bolstered by the addition of Sage Fauvel, Sophia's father and warden of the eastern gate, heads towards the western gate, leaving the liberation of the northern gate to Raymond's army. It turns out that the warden of this gate is not human. However, by the time the party arrives at the western gate, Ruud and the Barral army, following the orders of the Dark Knight, have already laid siege to it. *Condition for Victory -Complete annihilation of enemies *Conditions for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] -Death of Jügler [City of Laffel - Currently Occupied by Barral] Gates : Lord Geier! Four ships, now six, now seven have been shot out the sky! If things continue like this.... Geier : Grrrrrr...... Send a message to the remaining ships! All units are to retreat! Gates : Yes, sir! Geier : Shit! Damn you, Dark Knight! Try to sink MY ship will you! ....I'll remember this day! You'll come to rue the day you humiliated me so, I swear it! [Lushiris Gate ~ Northern Gate] Kirikaze : That general called Bortz was quite an admirable man, in spite of being our enemy. Raymond : Indeed. Such true heroism, to come against us, alone so that his subordinates could escape. I'd welcome a chance to fight against him again somewhere. Priest ....I've opened the gate, but the power to ward away demons hasn't been revived! Kirikaze : Oh, is that not because only three of the gates have been opened? Raymond : It must be so. Speaking of which, I've received a report that Diehärte and company have headed to the western gate. Kirikaze : Then, how shall we proceed? Raymond : Hmm. Once Diehärte and company have opened the final gate, we should seek Lady Jessica out again, so we can quickly finalize the renewal of the Lushiris Gate. Kirikaze : As you wish. I shall go and inform the soldiers. If you will pardon me. Raymond : Lewin and Diehärte have done far more than I had thought possible....They've become quite a potent force. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Lushiris Western Gate] Barral Commander : There's nothing outside sir! Ruud : In that case we will expand the search. Split up into groups and search the interiors for the sacred beast! Lewin : Barral Soldiers!? So the enemy has come to this place as well. Sophia : I just hope that warden Jügler is still safe... Diehärte : Jügler? Fauvel : Yes. But unlike us Jügler is not a human being. Tiaris : Ehh? But if he's not human, just what is he? Fauvel : Jügler is a saintly animal that serves the goddess. Riffany : My, I can't wait to meet such a intriguing creature. Sophia : First the Barral troops have to be repelled, don't you think? It is fortunate that they have just arrived. Fauvel : Surely Jügler has hid himself somewhere in the temple. Ruud : Ugh, so they really did show up. We have to locate the beast before they do! Barral Commander : Yes sir! Ruud : All spare troops take care of those nuisances! Barral Commander : Understood! (Shortly afterwards) Diehärte : Saintly animal Jügler.... What kind of animal is he exactly? Fauvel : Jügler has the ability of metamorphosis, allowing him to take various shapes. Pierre : Wow. Such an ability sounds like fun. (If the search drags on Ruud will be getting impatient various times, complaining and telling his troops to hurry up.) (Once you discover Jügler) Jügler : ! Ruud : Blasted! They found it! Jügler : !! Grrrr....! Sophia : Jügler it is me! Sophia. Jügler : ...Fuuu my lady... Diehärte : You can relax. We've come to help you. Jügler : Gururu.... Jüügler fight! Ruud : The search is over. Bring me that animal no matter what! (Once the enemy discover Jügler) Jügler : ! Barral Soldier : Captain! We discovered the beast! Ruud : Good! Cease searching the other rooms. Search party focus on killing the beast! Now it's only a matter of minutes until our mission is complete! (Jügler in battle) Jügler : U..uuu... Sophia : Jügler! Fauvel : Oh no! Jügler is being attacked... Diehärte : Hold out, Jügler! We'll be right there to help you! (After that) Ruud : Dammit! What a persistent prey! Diehärte : The enemy is targeting Jügler! Everyone, protecting Jügler takes first priority! Gilbert : Of course. We mustn't allow them to kill him! Lewin : That's right. If we fail here against Barral, the restoration of Larcuss will be utterly impossible! We simply must win! Diehärte : That's the spirit! (Ruud being the only one left) Ruud : All my troops have been defeated!? How could such a thing... But no matter I'll even fight on alone! And I will prove my worth to that conceited Dark Knight! (After Ruud is defeated) Ruud : ...General Dios...if only..you would have been in command... instead of that heinous Dark Knight... Damn! Jügler : Gur.... Sophia : Jügler, are you alright!? Jügler : Gur... Jügler is not hurt. Fauvel : We are in time, what a great relief. Diehärte : Well Jügler, let us re-establish the gate then. (After the battle) [Lushiris Gate ~ Western Gate] Jügler : Thank you. Your help was much appreciated. Tiara : Wow! He's so fluffy-fluffy! Riffany : You wouldn't mind if I'd touched you too right? My, you really are fluffy, aren't you. Jügler : .....Guu. Fauvel : Good to see you again, Jügler. Jügler : Master Fauvel, Mistress Sophia. I am very glad to see both of you are well. Sophia : Both of us were also surrounded by enemies, until Sir Diehärte and company came and saved us. Fauvel : The demons of Velzeria are beginning to invade Larcuss. We've got to renew the Lushiris Gate as soon as possible. Jügler : ....I see. I shall open the gate immediately. Diehärte : Please do. Jügler : Holy light of Lady Lushiris, grant me the power to open this gate, to drive back the powers of darkness. Sophia : Wonderful..... Pierre : A pillar of light is shining in the northern sky, too! Gilbert : Somehow, the northern gate must have been liberated, as well. Diehärte : Guess so. Lord Raymond must have been successful. Jügler : Right now, this country faces troublesome times. I, Jügler, will help you too! (Jügler joined the part!) Riffany : My, even Mr. Fluffy-fluffy is coming with us! Tiaris : Nice to have you with us, Jügler. Jügler : Gr.... [Lushiris Gate ~ Center] Jessica : I have been waiting for your return, Lord Raymond. The gates in all four directions have been opened. Raymond : Oh, so Diehärte and company succeeded after all. Jessica : I shall open the Lushiris Gate, so that the power of Lady Lushiris shall ward against demons from now on. Shigna Noik Rahji. Grant the divine protection of Lady Lushiris to this land. Protect it against the aggression of all who are turned to evil. Shigna Noik Rahji Di Lushiris! Raymond : Ohhh! Kirikaze : Now we should be protected against the invasions of the demons. Jessica : We should not take too much comfort from this. It is true that this light shall ward against ordinary demons. However, among the demons there are those with great strength that can act even in the face of this holy light. Soon we will likely find some of them attacking us. At that time, we must have the power to overcome such demons. Raymond : If that's the case, we've got to make some kind of preparations. Jessica : Are you familiar with the Haja no Ken? It is a sword shrouded in legend, said to hold the power to vanquish those sworn to evil. It would be best if we could get ahold of it. Raymond : The Haja no Ken, eh...... But, our main forces still have to fight against the Empire. Kirikaze : And so, I guess.... Raymond : Yes. I'll have to entrust this task to Diehärte and company. This will be a much better use of Diehärte 's mobile division; it would be a waste to squander them in the fight with the Empire. Kirikaze : So, let's dispatch a messenger. [Velzeria Castle] Böser : So the Lushiris Gate has been revived.... Now none but our strongest demons can enter that country. Now we'll need a new plan. All of the countries haven't been worn out from the fighting. Indeed, the Empire is still much too strong. Grove : If that's the case, I know a human who will suit our needs well. If we use him, we should be able to assassinate the Field Marshal..... Böser : Kill Altemüller....? Intriguing, go ahead and try! Grove : Yes, Master. Böser : In all likelihood, if the ever-popular Altemüller is killed and replaced by that idiot Imperial prince, the Empire will be embroiled in the chaos of the succession. That chaos will create a gap for us to enter.... Hohoho! ************************************ Scenario ~ 14. "Dios on the Run" ************************************ Thanks to the efforts of Diehätrte, the power of the four gates has been restored. Furthermore, the Lushiris Gate now functions properly, radiating its holy light. While this protects against most demons, it will not be able to ward against the most powerful demons. For that reason, the mobile division has been ordered to seek the Haja no Ken, to take advantage of its power over demons. As the party hurries on its way to fulfill these orders, they observe General Dios being pursued by the Barral army. *Condition for Victory -Defeat of Flaire *Conditions for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] -Death of Dios [Former Castle of Larcussia ~ Currently Imperial Headquarters] Bortz : My humble apologies, Your Excellency Altemüller. I am so ashamed that I have survived ignominiously after my attack of Lord Raymond. Altemüller : No, Bortz. I've heard the rumors. You chose your course of action to prevent our invaluable troops from being completely annihilated. Furthermore, your own troops have come to petition on your behalf. You don't need to fear me, just because I'm the Field Marshal. ....I'd like it best if you retained your position, Bortz. Bortz : Yes, sir! Geier : ........ Altemüller : What is it, Geier? How have you found the conquest of Laffel? Geier : ...At first we were winning. But, when the Dark Knight destroyed a number of our airships, I was devastated and ordered a retreat..... Altemüller : .....I see. So it was the Dark Knight, eh. On top of that, Geier. He managed to defeat even you. Geier : ....I'm at a loss for words. Altemüller : He couldn't be beaten even with the power of the airship fleet....This Dark Knight is a most formidable foe. Geier : ........ Altemüller : It seems we'll need more military might than I'd initially suspected. I will return to the Imperial capitol to report the situation and request additional troops. Varna : I have already made all preparations for your entourage. Altemüller : Excellent work, Varna. Geier, Bortz, Emaillink. I'm counting on you to watch over things in my absence! Emaillink : Yes, sir! [Mountains Near the Western Gate] Larcuss Commander : Sir [diehardt's name]! A messenger has come! Diehärte : All right, have the messenger enter. Larcuss Commander : Yes, sir! Tiaris : Ah, it's Miss Layla! Layla : It's been a while, Diehärte. Diehärte : It's good to see you again. Layla : I bring a message from Lord Raymond. Lord Raymond's main troops plan to fight against the Empire to keep them busy, while your mobile division searches for and then acquires the Haja no Ken. Luna : The Haja no Ken!? Diehärte : You've heard of it? Luna : Legend has it that in times long past, this sword was crafted in a foreign country far from here and instilled with the holy power to overcome evil. Layla : Even though the Lushiris Gate has been opened now, it seems that the strongest demons will still be able to enter. When they do, we need to have an effective way to defeat these demons, so..... Diehärte : The Haja no Ken... (Who do you ask?) (1) Tiaris (2) Riffany (3) Luna (4) Sophia (5) Layla (1) Diehärte : What do you think, Tiaris? Tiaris : Eh? What I think, let's see... There's no way around this, right? So, let's hurry up and get that thingie! Diehärte : Gotcha. (2) Diehärte : What do you think, Riffany? Riffany : What's the matter, Sir Diehärte? You don't look all that eager to follow through with this..... Diehärte : No, that's not it.... I was just taken aback a little...by the demons' power...... (3) Diehärte : What do you think, Luna? Luna : The Haja no Ken will become necessary to fight against the demons. That's why we must get ahold of it as quickly as possible. Diehärte : I see. Thanks, Luna. (4) Diehärte : What do you think, Sophia? Sophia : If unchecked, the demons will probably change our world into an even more terrible place. That's why we must do whatever we can to avert their victory. But, to do so, we must have the Haja no Ken. Diehärte : It's the only guaranteed way to defeat demons...... (5) What do you think, Miss Layla? Layla : Me? Well, Lord Raymond asked me to come tell you to go and find the Haja no Ken, so....Since the battle with the Empire is going to begin in earnest, and times are going to be hard, doesn't it seem necessary to get ahold of this thing? Diehärte : So, if we don't get ahold of it, we'll all be facing even bigger troubles... Layla : That's how it seems, doesn't it? Diehärte : Certainly. Well, let's head out. (Same for all) Sophia : We should go and seek the Haja no Ken without further delay. Diehärte : All right, I'll trust your guidance! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [The Road that leads to the Estool Ruins] Barral Soldier : General Dios, please stop! Dios : Dang! They've caught up with me already? Barral Soldier : The Barral Kingdom needs your prows as a General! Dios : You seem doing fine with that Dark Knight, no? I retire as a general. I've had it with this place. Barral Soldier : Come to your senses. Do you think you can run away forever? If you return now King Wilder will reappoint you surely. That's why... Dios : Don't make me laugh! You don't really think the King would just let this slide like this!? Besides, I won't follow the orders of a king that has gone completely mad for another minute. Flaire : Your behavior is inexcusable, Dios. Dios : P..Princess... Flaire : Father's goodwill is almost exhausted, this is the last chance for you to reconsider. Dios : Princess. Do you really think he would show mercy? Not even a fragment is left of the once kind King Wilder I pledged my loyalty to. Barral Soldier : General... Dios : He once was a king that a soldier could look up to. Therefore, I have to go, for the King's sake. Just take one look at the current state of the Kingdom. He only cares about his selfish ambitions, he has become a total stranger to me. Right now he is nothing but a human beast that is to be loathed! Flaire : ..Just to make sure I understood correctly. You are not willing to turn back? Dios : Damn straight! From now on I'll live on my own volition. Flaire : Then you leave me no choice. You are hereby judged being guilty of treason against the King! Sophia : Barral troops! What could they be doing here? Riffany : Something rather strange must be occurring. Luna : There seems to be a dispute between Princess Flaire and General Dios. Diehärte : You know them? Luna : It is crucial for a tactician to know the most important persons of various countries. Tiaris : Don't you remember!? It's the guy we fought when we were fleeing from Laffel. Diehärte : Oh yeah! I wonder why he's in a quarrel with Flaire? Flaire : All troops, arrest the traitor Dios! Dios : You won't get me that easy! Flaire : Seize him! Don't let him get away! Luna : We should help him. Diehärte : Fighting Flaire? Luna : Yes. As of now we are still enemies. If we leave them be, they will get in our way sooner or later. Furthermore, that Barral General could give us some valuable information about the Kingdom's internals. Lewin : It seems this course of action would be best. Diehärte : You're right. Everyone, move out and protect that General! (Turn 1) Barral Soldier : Please come quietly General Dios! Don't force us to get rough with you. Dios : If you feel bad about it just leave me be alright! Barral Soldier : You know we can't do that! (Turn 2) Barral Soldier : Princess! Remnants of the Larcussian army are heading this way! Flaire : What is the meaning of this!? Capturing Dios takes first priority! Retaliate if the enemy makes their move! Barral Soldier : Understood! (Moving south) Barral Soldier : Remnants of the Larcussian army sighted! The enemy is upon us! Diehärte : Attention. There are Barral troops on the island up ahead! Luna : Please proceed with caution. It would be disadvantageous to do battle in the water! (Making progress) Barral Soldier : Huh!? The enemy has broken through our defensive lines! (After beating all enemies on the island) Barral Soldier : Princess! Flaire : Our troops stationed on the island have been wiped out! ...As I expected of you Diehärte. If only we wouldn't have to be enemies... Barral Soldier : Prin..cess? Flaire : Never mind that. Well then! Scatter the advancing enemies and seize the traitor Dios! We cannot allow the honor of the Barral kingdom to be soiled like that! Move out cautiously! Barral Soldier : Yessir! (Diehärte close to Dios) Diehärte : You are General Dios aren't you? Dios : I'm no longer a general. I can't approve of King Wilder's methods any more, therefore I retired. Diehärte : Then... Dios : You've guessed it.. I'm a common deserter now. Diehärte : I see. So that's why they are after you. Maybe we could lend a hand? Dios : Sure be my guest, but be careful. Other than the Larcuss army that relied on the Demonic Cannon, the Barral troops haven't neglected their training. Diehärte : I know. I once was close to the royal family...Flaire... (Next turn, Diehärte still being close to Dios) Dios : I'm sorry but I won't be much of a help. For now I'll just run straight, I'm tired of all this. Diehärte : Don't worry about it. Leave the Barral soldiers to us. Dios : ...Okay. Thanks. (Some turns later) Flaire : All troops move out! Repel the remnants of Larcuss! Diehärte : Flaire! (Diehärte close to Flaire) Flaire : Stop interfering, Diehärte. We are only here to arrest the traitor Dios. Hand him over! (What do you reply?) (1) We won't. (2)*Lower your sword Flair. (3) You'll have to get him by force. (1) Diehärte : That's not an option. We won't abandon another human to die. Flaire : I see. In that case you leave me no choice but to use force. (2)* Diehärte : Lower your sword Flaire. There's no desire within me to fight with you! Flaire : ...What a strange sensation. When you're talking to me like this I feel memories of the past submerging. But now we are enemies. My feelings for you have no place on the battlefield! Diehärte : Flaire!? (3) Diehärte : Over my dead body! You'll have to go through me first if you want him! Flaire : So be it! Your just any other opponent to me. If that's what it takes I'll deliver death to you personally! (Once all troops expect Flaire are wiped out) Flaire : That cannot be... All my troops have been defeated!? Diehärte : Please stop this, Flaire! Flaire : Silence! Even if I'm on my own I'll fight to the end! (What do you say?) (1) Calm her down (2) Stand up against her (3)*Ask her about her reason for fighting (1) Diehärte : Calm down, Flaire! Any more fighting is pointless! Flaire : You'll have to do better than this! I won't be swayed so easily! (2) Diehärte : If that's what you want. You'd better brace yourself! Flaire : You should not take me lightly Diehärte! (3)* Diehärte : Wait. I don't want to fight you Flaire. And I don't understand why we have to do battle! What is your reason behind this!? Flaire : There is no particular reason! It is solely for whom I was born that we have come to such odds. I wasn't asked for agreement neither, or if Barral should invade Larcuss. What if there is no further reason for all of this!? I'm still the princess of Barral! If the King orders to invade Larcuss, I have no choice but to do so! You and I are enemies. There is nothing but battle for us to do! (Once Flaire is defeated) Flaire : Keh... One day I'll return this favor! Diehärte : ...Flaire... Luna : Sir Diehärte, you did commendable. We should hurry on ahead. Dios : So, where are you all are heading to? Diehärte : We are on our way to the Estool ruins to claim a sword that banishes evil. But what will you do from here on out General Dios? Dios : Hey now, I already said I retired as a general. Simply Dios is fine. From what I understand you are concerned about King Wilder too. For now I think I'll join your cause. Also that's my way to say thanks. (Dios joined the party!) Diehärte : That's reassuring, Dios. Welcome on board. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Rigüler Castle ~ Emperor Christ's Sickroom] Altemüller : With the magical cannon out of the picture, our main army shouldn't be necessary, but.... A local lord, Lord Raymond, has gathered an army stronger than we suspected, and sorely pressed our troops there. Also, an enigmatic black knight has appeared in the small country of Barral, inflicting massive damage on his own. That's why I have requested additional troops in addition to permission to attack with the aerial fortress and the magically-animated giant soldier, the Galshook. Christ : The aerial fortress is still being excavated. However, I approve the use of the Galshook. I trust you will use it well..... Altemüller : Yes, sir! Paul : ......Hmmph. Altemüller : If you'll excuse me, I'll return to my work. Varna : After seeing how ill the Emperor is, I was forced to remember how we lost the last emperor. But somehow, it doesn't seem like quite the same illness. Altemüller : Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Those symptoms are the same shown by my father in his final years. But, I don't think it is an ordinary illness. Varna : But even the doctor said he'd never seen the like of that illness, so he didn't know how he could help..... I have to wonder whether it's not at illness at all, but rather poison..... Hmm!? But if that's the case, could it be that someone poisoned the last emperor, too! If the Emperor should die, the one who has the most to gain.... Altemüller : Emperor Christ IV's successor is that Imperial First Prince, Paul..... Varna : If that's so, could it be that this punk, Paul, has poisoned the Emperor!? Altemüller : Varna, that's a dangerous thing to say. Nowhere have we seen evidence for this proposed poisoning. Even I don't think Father died from an ordinary illness..... But, we have no evidence. Varna : Your Excellency..... Altemüller : I bear my uncle no grudge. But, I will watch this damned Paul well! There's no way in hell I'm letting a rat like him sit on the throne! Varna : I and the others of the four generals shall do all in our power to assure Your Excellency is restored to the line of succession. Altemüller : Thank you. Your power shall be very helpful for this cause of mine. For now, though, we shall use the Galshook to bring the Empire victory! Varna : Yes, sir! It shall be as you command! ************************************ Scenario ~ 15. "The Haja no Ken" ************************************ Dios, who has deserted from the Barral Army, has joined the party as they hurry towards the ruins of Estool, where that blade from a foreign country, the Haja no Ken, now sleeps. As so many causes coalesce into one, history is certain to be made...... *Condition for Victory -Complete annihilation of enemies *Conditions for Defeat -Death of Diehärte -Loss of the Haja no Ken [Rigüler Castle ~ Paul's Personal Quarters] Paul : Hohoho! So that ever-victorious, undefeated Altemüller is hard-pressed in battle! My heart pounds in ecstasy! Close Associate : Paul, Your Eminence. It is most gratifying indeed. Paul : Just icing on the cake. His present activities merely confirm that he is on the wane. With his father's death, my father finally became first in line to inheritor the power and privilege of the Emperorship. Furthermore, since I am Father's child, it will be difficult for Altemüller to claim the succession over me! Since he so rarely blunders, though, he always gets on my nerves. Close Associate : It's been said that General Geier also holds little love for that damned upstart. ....What do you think? Paul : Hmm....that's an interesting bit of information. I wonder if we can use him. One way or another, winning this war for the Empire will be the last thing that fool Altemüller ever does! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Estool Ruins] Thief : Is this the place? Where tons of treasure are slumbering? Thief : We must be the first visitors since ancient days! What a stroke of luck! Thief Leader : Leave the small fry alone! We are here to get something major. Is that clear? Jackpot!...look at this amazing sword! Diehärte : So this is where the holy sword is supposed to be at? Luna : Correct. It is not known to publicity but conveyed for generations by members of the nobility. So that when demons invade it could be used again. Dios : Never minding that, it seems that we aren't the only ones interested in this place! Pierre : Ahh, Thieves! Thief : Boss! Some soldiers are heading this way! Thief Leader : And it could've been such a nice day... Just make sure to get that sword, it will be enough loot. Once we get ahold of that sword we will make a run for it! Thief : Right! Lewin : How unfortunate. The thieves seem to be after the sword also. Diehärte : That sword is essential for us! We have to secure it whatever it takes! (Turn 1) Thief Leader : Oi riff-raff, listen up! Snatch everything that you can and make your escape! We'll meet at the usual place! Thief : Gotcha Boss! Sophia : This place is very narrow, doing battle will be complicated. Lewin : Unless we move diligently the thieves will get away with all the treasure. Diehärte : You're right. (After defeating all bandits) Diehärte : That takes care of the thieves. Luna : Thanks to your adaptive commanding, Sir Diehärte. Sophia : Even apart from its uses against demons the Haja no Ken is a sword of high potency. Use it with mindful. Riffany : So with its help we possibly could stand up against the Empire and the Barral kingdom. Diehärte : Maybe so. In addition to that you all have gained in strength considerably. Luna : Yes, our division is growing more accustomed to real battle day by day. Diehärte : I'll continue to count on all of you. Everyone, please keep on lending me your strength for the battles ahead! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Estool Ruins] Diehärte : Hmm, where should we head next? The royal capital of Larcussia? Or, maybe the city of Laffel? Layla : Since Lord Raymond is working towards the liberation of Larcussia, he will likely be moving his troops there. Diehärte : So, why don't we make a return trip to Laffel? Tiaris : But, isn't that where the Dark Knight is? Riffany : You think the Haja no Ken won't be enough to take him on? Sophia : The Haja no Ken does possess extraordinary powers against demons. But, we shouldn't expect it to have many additional powers against foes such as him. Diehärte : Do we have the power to defeat the Dark Knight right now? Luna : Just because we plan on returning to Laffel doesn't mean we have to fight the Dark Knight. We might be able to get him to leave Laffel. Pierre : Of course! If we can get that fiend to leave, we won't have to fight him! Dios : Even though it sounds too simple, we just need to drive the Dark Knight off elsewhere since we aren't strong enough to beat him! Pierre : Hmm, I wonder..... Luna : No, instead of driving him out, we should try to lure him out. If the Kingdom of Barral is invaded first, the Dark Knight will be called from his station at Laffel to assist. Then, once we receive confirmation that the Dark Knight has left Laffel, we can march out and reclaim Laffel. Diehärte : ........ (How do you respond?) (1) I see. (2) I think I understand. (3) You're incredible. * (1) Diehärte : I see, what a strategy. Such a profoundly thought-out plan. (2) Diehärte : Right, I think I understand. (3) Diehärte : You're incredible, Luna. Such an inspiration. Luna : However, we'll need someone to keep close watch on Laffel for this to work. But, if we're attacking the Kingdom of Barral, we won't have the troops to spare for watch duty.... Diehärte : Leave that to me. I've got friends who can keep an eye on Laffel. I'll head to Laffel immediately. Layla : Wait, let me come too! Diehärte : No, it will be easier for me alone to elude the notice of our enemies. I promise not to make a mistake and get caught. I made a promise to Geriord, after all. I promised to liberate his home town, Laffel..... [Former Larcussia Royal Castle ~ Currently Imperial Headquarters] Emaillink : You must be weary, Your Excellency. Altemüller : Indeed. What happened on the war front while I was gone? Emaillink : The strength of Lord Raymond's Larcuss patriots has grown. At present, General Bortz is ready to make an attack.... Altemüller : So good old Bortz wants to reclaim his honor, eh. Emaillink : But, he doesn't have many soldiers with which to attack. General Bortz will probably be hard-pressed in the fighting. Altemüller : Hmm, the magically-propelled giant soldier, Galshook, has just arrived. There's no need to have Bortz squander his few troops in such fighting. Altemüller : ....I've always thought this city looked lovely. Emaillink : Verily, it is so. Altemüller : I've talked it over with everyone, and all agree that this city is a perfect addition to the Empire. Such an abundant land would greatly invigorate the lives of the Empire's citizens.... Varna : That's why we'll go wherever we must and endure whatever we must. Altemüller : Indeed. Everyone's counting on our success. ************************************ Scenario ~ 16. "Call to Arms" ************************************ Strengthened by many new friends and the acquisition of the Haja no Ken, Diehärte's mobile division decides next to recapture the vice capitol of Laffel. However, since the Dark Knight is seldom absent from Laffel for any length of time, their margin for victory is slim. Yet, the Dark Knight will likely leave Laffel to answer a call to arms. A key element in the party's plan to fake a call to arms is coordination with those left behind to keep tabs on Laffel. Diehärte has asked to be given the chance to infiltrate Laffel alone. Now the day the stratagem will be executed grows near. *Condition for Victory -Complete annihilation of enemies *Condition for Defeat -Death of Diehärte [Laffel ~ Currently Occupied by Barral] Diehärte : .....He sure is late. Should I....., No, I'll hold out and wait a little longer. Even though this place has been occupied by Barral, there sure are plenty of things for sale. ....Just goes to show Larcuss has always been a bountiful country. Shopkeeper : Welcome. How are you today? See anything that catches your eye? How about this charming brooch? It's been a very popular item lately, and this is the last one I have. It's quite a deal at the low price of 100P. Diehärte : This certainly is a beautiful piece of silverwork. At only 100P, there's no reason to hold off buying it right now. But, there's only one..... [Who will you buy it for?] For Tiaris For Riffany For Luna For Sophia Don't buy it Diehärte : It looks like it would suit [~_~] well. Very well, I'd like to buy it. Shopkeeper : A present for a girlfriend, is it? Here you are; please come again. Diehärte : Haha. [~_~] will likely be delighted.... Silver Wolf : Long time no see, Diehärte. You've been a hell of a busy boy, haven't you. I've heard all about it through the grape vine. Diehärte : Good to see you safe and as perky as ever, Wolf. Silver Wolf : Heheh! It's not a simple task to catch me, the clever Silver Wolf. Diehärte : Speaking of capture, do you know anything about a knight named Geriord? Silver Wolf : Geriord? Ah, the knight who was in the sick bed that time? Well, right after Laffel was occupied, he was escorted to Barral. After that, I don't know much, maybe he never recovered from that wound. Diehärte : I see...... Silver Wolf : Did you have any other reason to come here? Diehärte : Yes, we're going to start a campaign to recapture Laffel, beginning with an invasion of Barral proper. Silver Wolf : Hey now, are you crazy!? It's always been a small country, but that doesn't mean you can conquer it with your small force! Diehärte : True, but we're doing it to get the Dark Knight to move from his watchpost here. If the Dark Knight weren't here, we'd be able to return and quickly recapture Laffel. But, to make this work I'll need your help. Silver Wolf : Alright, I think I know what your getting at. You want me to keep tabs on the Dark Knight's movements right? Leave it to me! If that's it, I'll head out now. Wouldn't be a pretty picture to get found by those Barral flunkies. Flaire : !! Diehärte : P..princess Flaire..... Flaire : !? Sshhh! Over here. You, what are you doing here! For now this place is under Barral's control...., and it looks like we're supposed to be on opposite sides, right!? Diehärte : ...Flaire. I've got something I'd like to ask you. Why did Barral invade this country? We were allied and I never would have thought King Wilder would turn against us. Flaire : ....For me it is heart-rending to see Father as he is right now! But, I am the princess of Barral! I am Father's daughter! If I abandoned him, Father's only ally would be that unfathomable Dark Knight! Diehärte : ........ Flaire : Now, why did you choose to return to Laffel? [What do you say in response?] (1) To meet with you.* (2) To fight the Dark Knight. (3) Out of concern for a friend. (this one is voiced) (1) Diehärte : Why, I wanted to meet you, of course. Flaire : ........Liar..... But, Even if it's a lie, it makes me happy. How did we ever come to such straits in our relationship..... Diehärte : Flaire..... I really couldn't say. (2) Diehärte : To defeat the Dark Knight. Flaire : The Dark Knight? Diehärte : That's right. I'm certain he's behind what's happened to King Wilder...... Flaire : I hate to say it, but that's not quite right. Father had changed quite a while before he appeared. Furthermore, this Dark Knight has some bizarre strength. Stop contemplating such folly. Diehärte : .....Agh........ (3) The time I fled the flying citadel, during the Empire's invasion, I was forced to leave behind a wounded knight, named Geriord. Right after we left, it looks like Barral took over Laffel. Do you know anything about him? Flaire : So you came back here because you were worried about this man?.....Hmm. I wasn't a part of the conquest of this place, and I'm afraid I don't know of any prisoners. Diehärte : Is that so...... (Same for all) Flaire : Ah! You have to get out of here immediately. The guards are coming! Get a move on! Diehärte : F..Flaire.... Flaire : Hurry! Diehärte : ... °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Pierre : Yaawn! So this is the stronghold! Luna : It is likely that this is the base for the invasion on Laffel. Dios : Yeah. When we launched our attack on Laffel we used this stronghold as headquarters. Diehärte : In other words, this fortress holds high importance to the whole invasion. Dios : That's right. If there would be an attack here, reinforcements would be sent from Laffel no doubt. I guess we all know what that means. Riffany : Wouldn't this be a good opportunity to take out the Dark Knight for good and to begin a counter-offensive? Luna : No. For now our objective is distracting the enemy. If we aren't careful we could get into a pincer attack. Dios : I agree. Besides that Dark Knight fellow is one heartless monstrosity, cutting down his own men if he feels like it. ...Damn! Just remembering it makes my stomach ache! Diehärte : It is time to commence the attack. Take the fortress with one dedicated charge! Tiaris : No Problem! (Turn 1) Barral Commander : Alert! It is the enemy, the enemy attacked! Another Barral Commander : What!? How many are there? Barral Commander : They number approximately 1/3 of our troops. Another Barral Commander : What fools! They must be mad believing to stand a chance with so few. All troops on battle station! Let them a taste the power of Barral! (After you defeated all enemies) Diehärte : Our maneuver was a success! Luna : This is a well earned victory, Sir Diehärte. Diehärte : Now we should hurry back to Laffel. Everyone, I know your tired but hang in there! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Outskirts of Larcussia ~ Presently Imperial Territory] Raymond : Charge! We will reclaim our country! Larcuss troops : Ohhhh!! Kirikaze : They show such passion. With such a display, we should be fine. Raymond : Indeed. If we retake the royal capitol at the same time the mobile division retakes Laffel, we'll have control of the two largest cities. Kirikaze : That would be a huge step towards reclaiming our kingdom. Raymond : ....Sir Kirikaze. Will you aid me now in our struggle to reclaim our kingdom? Kirikaze : It would be my pleasure. After all, I cannot accept death until I have defeated the demonic sorceress who destroyed my homeland. But, before I pursue my vendetta, I shall offer my service in driving out the Imperials. If you will excuse me? (Steps forth) Make way! Though I hail from a foreign land, for now I am pledged to the cause of Larcuss! My name is Kirikaze! Come forth if you dare accept my challenge! Rigüler Commander : General Bortz. Their forces seem invigorated; I have this feeling we're about to be routed! Bortz : I'd expect nothing less from Lord Raymond. He might even be able to corner me. But, don't worry! General Geier should be bringing relief forces shortly. Rigüler Commander : I see, now. The General doesn't seem disturbed in the slightest in the face of this adversity. Given that, we'll fight with our spirits high until those relief troops arrive! ***************************************** Scenario ~ 17. "Operation: Recapture Laffel" ***************************************** By attacking Fort Rogier, Diehärte's mobile division successfully drew the Dark Knight from Laffel, allowing them to switch over to their true goal, the recapture of Laffel. However, while the mobile division makes way to Laffel, the war situation on Lord Raymond's front has taken a serious turn for the worse. *Condition for Victory -Defeat of Flaire *Condition for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] [Barral Territory ~ Fort Rogier] Barral Commander : What's going on here? The fort was captured, but isn't occupied? What the hell..... Dark Knight : ....Hurry on back. Barral Commander : Sir? Dark Knight : Don't you see? It's a diversion. [Outskirts of Larcussia ~ Currently Imperial Territory] Larcussian Commander : Whoah! Just a little more! Another Larcussian Commander : Perfect! Now, victory is ours! Raymond : Sir Kirikaze, you have done well. Kirikaze : No, no, I've done little at all. It was more the high spirits of the soldiers. That's the real reason we've won. Larcuss Commander : W..what the! What's that!? Raymond : What's going on!? Bortz : I didn't want to have to rely on this kind of thing, since I find the amount of damage it lets loose excessive. Don't think too badly of me. Kirikaze : What is that strange contraption? Raymond : I don't know. I've never heard of anything that resembles that! Bortz : Go for it, magically-propelled giant soldier Galshook! Show them the magical might of the ancients! Galshook : Target acquisition.....completed. Powering up generator. ....Magic power replenished. Ready to fire magic cannon. Bortz : Attaaaaaack! Larcuss troops : Uwaa! Kirikaze : What the hell was that!? Raymond : This is very bad! All troops, retreat! Bortz : Too late! [Airship Fleet ~ Deck of the Flagship] Gates : General Geier. It seems the Galshook made it in time. Geier : Hmmph, of course it did. Because we had the airship fleet, I knew we'd be able to transport even that giant monster in two days. Gates : And you were right as always. Geier : Now, let's begin our own attack. Gates : Yes, sir! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Laffel ~ Currently occupied by the Barral Kingdom] Flaire : *Sigh*... It doesn't bode well, for the Dark Knight being called off like that. Barral : The ones attempting to capture Rogier must be pretty bold. That fortress alone is enough to withstand an army. I bet the Dark Knight has sent them all off to the Netherworld by now. Flaire : I'm well aware of what the Dark Knight is capable of. But growing overly confident could easily be ones downfall, don't you think? Barral Commander : Please excuse my rudeness! I was just thinking out loud. Flaire : ...It's alright. Speaking ones mind is something more people should be capable of. Barral Soldier : The enemy! The enemy has come! Flaire : !? Tiaris : At long last we're back. Diehärte : Yeah. We have returned. Now I will prove worthy of the oath I made to Geriord! Luna : Breaking through the gates will be no easy task. But we can't turn back after coming so far. (Turn 1) Flaire : ... So once again I have to fight Diehärte... All troops prepare for battle! Defend the town until the Dark Knight returns with our main force! (Diehärte near Flaire) Diehärte : This battle is already decided, Flaire. I don't want any more harm to come to you. Please stand down! Flaire : I'm afraid that's not possible! After all I've got my own position to live up to! (What do you reply) (1) Trash the position (2) I don't understand (3) I know something is troubling you * (After picking 1.) Diehärte : If that position binds you and puts you into harms way, you should give up on it! Before you are the Princess of Barral you are an independent woman! Flaire : You don't understand me at all! I have no choice but to obey father! Diehärte : King Wilder has gone mad. Doing his biding any longer is madness by itself! Flaire : It's true that father has changed. But his change is also my responsibility! That's why I'll never abandon him! Diehärte : Flaire... (After picking 2.) Diehärte : I don't understand you! Why are you being so repellent even though I spoke gently? Flaire : That's because I'm not the kind of person that gives up on her own believes in the wink of an eye. But you're right Diehärte, you really don't understand me at all! (After picking 3.)* Diehärte : Just what is troubling you? We always had a good relationship, right Flaire? So if something is worrying you, just tell me! Flaire : Thank you, Diehärte... But it's complicated. Right now I don't know how to feel about all of this. Diehärte : You are worried about King Wilder, are you not? You are the person who should know best just how much he changed as of late. Flaire : Father's current change is my responsibility. And that's why I can't abandon him. That's why I have to stay at fathers side no matter what. Diehärte : Flaire... (Turn 10) Silver Wolf : Yo! What's this racket all about!? Diehärte : Wolf!? Silver Wolf : You know, I'm drawn to wherever the action is. Besides I couldn't tolerate any battle in my town that I'm not involved in. Rejoice, the legendary Silver Wolf is here to save the day! Just give me some orders. (Flaire vs Diehärte) Flaire : It may looks grim for me, but I won't give in until my last breath! (What do you say?) (1) Hold back (2) I don't want to fight you * (3) Stop it (After picking 1.) Diehärte : Don't worry. I'll try to hold back somewhat. Flaire : Don't you ever mock me like this! I won't stand that kind of attitude! (After picking 2.) * Diehärte : Please stop! You know I don't want to fight you! Flaire : Oh but I'm itching to cross swords with you to repay you for last time! Prepare yourself! (After picking 3.) Diehärte : Stop this pointless struggle! This battle is already decided! Flaire : Is that so! My strategy wasn't flawless and many soldiers had to die. But don't you dare calling what they fought for a pointless thing! (After Flair is defeated) Flaire : If I'm defeated Barral will... Diehärte : Flaire... (What do you say?) (1) We have won. (2) Wasted efforts (3) Why... * (1) Diehärte : We have won. Flaire : Surely I... (2) Diehärte : Your efforts are wasted. Flaire : You think this battle was in vain? I give up on hoping you'll ever understand how I feel. (3) * Diehärte : Why are you doing this...? Flaire : It's something only I can understand... If I wouldn't, Father would... Diehärte : Flaire... Flaire : This battle seems lost. Diehärte! I will take my leave now. However, this is not the conclusion of our story! Diehärte : Flaire! Tiaris : ...There she goes... Luna : You led us magnificently during this battle, Sir Diehärte. Silver Wolf : ...That's taken care of, sure feels good to know them gone. Diehärte : Thanks, Wolf. You really know how to show up at the right moment. Silver Wolf : Hey now! Of course I want to express my gratitude. After all you went through all that to liberated Laffel, that's no small feat. I know! From now on I'll personally fight alongside you! All that's left now is to recapture the capitol, Larcussia. Diehärte : Thanks. Your assistance is highly appreciated. Silver Wolf : Leave it to me! There's nothing we can't handle with our skills combined skills! (If Wolf didn't join earlier) Silver Wolf : Hey hey! I just thought about joining the fun, but it seems you already cleared the plate yourself, no? Diehärte : Yeah. I guess our strategy worked out pretty well. Silver Wolf : I see! Anyway I think I owe you one. It's settled then! From now on I'll fight alongside you! Diehärte : Thanks. Your assistance is highly appreciated. (Same for all) Diehärte : ...The town of Laffel. I finally fulfilled my promise to Geriord. Well then, release the townspeople! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Vice Capitol Laffel] Layla : Geriord..... Diehärte : Miss Layla.. Layla : Excuse me... I'm going to look for Geriord! Luna : Well, it looks like the strategy worked. Now, if Lord Raymond..... Lewin : Mr. Kirikaze! Kirikaze : ..I have failed..... ( Oh my he looks pretty hurt.) The Empire's mechanical soldier somehow managed to decimate our main troops. Lewin : What about Father!? Kirikaze : My humble apologies. We were separated on the way back, and I don't know what happened to him..... Gilbert : He might have been captured by the enemy. Silver Wolf : I'll have my people look into that possibility and find what news they can. Diehärte : Thanks, Wolf. Sophia, escort Kirikaze to the church. Sophia : Certainly. Riffany : I'll come and help, too. Diehärte : At any rate, these circumstances change things; we need to finish up right away and hurry on to Larcussia! [Near Fort Rogier] Barral Commander : Are you all right, Princess? Flaire : ...Huh? What happened? Barral Commander : My apologies. It seems we weren't strong enough, as always..... Flaire : What are you talking about. You all did very well. I take full responsibility for this failure. Barral Commander : Princess..... Supreme Commander Dark Knight..... Dark Knight : How could this be? What is the meaning of this? Flaire : They retook Laffel.... If you must ask, it was solely my weakness which has left us with only these troops remaining. It is entirely my fault. Barral Commander : Princess.... Flaire : What do you say, Dark Knight? Will you insult me and call me an incompetent? Dark Knight : ....Their power has definitely grown. There was nothing we could have done this time. ........ It was my fault that troops were sent away on the enemy's wild goose chase. It would have been quite difficult to stop those foes with the troops I had left behind. Flaire : Dark Knight.... Dark Knight : No matter who's at fault, if this is all the military might we can muster at present, we will have to return to our homeland. Until the soldiers are prepared, we won't be able to invade Larcuss..... Flaire : I see. All units, withdraw and return to our homeland. [Velzeria Castle] Böser : So Barral was defeated that quickly..... This is quite unexpected. Ferakia : However, the main body of Larcuss troops was annihilated by the Empire. Our only remaining obstacle now is the Empire. However, the Empire's power has further increased as a result. Böser : .....No, I wouldn't call them an obstacle, since I've got word that the Empire's military might has been exhausted as well. So all that remains of Larcuss is Diehärte and his mobile division, eh. I wonder if they will fight against the Empire. But regardless, if the two fight, their armies will be even more greatly diminished. Rag : So, when they've fought it out, that would be a perfect opportunity for us..... Böser : Grove. How goes the assassination of Altemüller? Grove : We've captured the younger sister of one of the Imperial Generals. At present, we are using her as leverage. Böser : I see..... Wahahahahaha! (Do mind the exceptionally cute laughter.) *********************************************** Scenario ~ 18. "Ultimate Military Device of Antiquity" *********************************************** After Diehärte and company defeated Flaire and reclaimed Laffel, they soon found themselves faced with the problem posed by the cruel slaughter of the main troops. Without a doubt, they now had to defeat the Empire's magically propelled giant soldier and rescue Lord Raymond. *Condition for Victory -Defeat both General Bortz and the magically-propelled giant soldier, Galshook *Condition for Defeat -Death of Diehärte [Field of Battle Near Larcussia Castle] Raymond : U..ugh....... Altemüller : How's Lord Raymond's condition? Healer : Your Excellency Altemüller, as you can see here, Lord Raymond yet clings to life. However, it would be dangerous to move him right now. Altemüller : You're just as hardy as I've heard, Lord Raymond. When you've recovered from your wound, we'll take you to the Empire. Of course, you won't come as a guest, but rather as a prisoner. Raymond : U...gh..... Rigüler Commander : Your Excellency! It looks like Laffel, previously occupied by Barral, has been captured by Larcuss forces. Altemüller : ...The independent forces commanded by that Diehärte fellow, I see. They'll probably head here and try to rescue Lord Raymond. Send a message to Bortz. Tell him to use the magically-propelled giant soldier to end the threat of this force. Rigüler Commander : Yes, sir! It's about time for me to return as well. Bring word to our main headquarters as soon as Lord Raymond's condition stabilizes. Healer : As you wish. [Larcussia Defense Perimeter ~ Imperial Front-Line Base] Rigüler Commander : General Bortz! We've received orders from His Excellency Altemüller. Bortz : Great, what do they say? Rigüler Commander : We are to intercept and destroy the surviving rebel army which is headed here, using the Galshook. Bortz : There's a remaining military force headed here!? Very well. Tell him I shall accept this mission. Rigüler Commander : Yes, sir! Bortz : If possible, I'd rather not use the Galshook..... But if they were able to retake Laffel, I might not have that luxury. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Larcussia Defense Perimeter ~ Imperial Front-Line Base] Dios : The enemy has come into sight, Sir Diehärte. Pierre : Wow, that thing is huge! Dios : I've got to admit, it's pretty impressive! Lewin : So this machine incapacitated father... Bortz : Just keep standing right there. That way Galshook will deliver a quick and painless death to you! Diehärte : We won't fall for that! Bortz : In that case try your luck and make your way here. It would be my pleasure to take you on personally. Diehärte : Just you wait! Today you'll pay for what you did to Lord Raymond! Riffany : That thing emits the same energy a ruin of the ancients did that I once visited. Fauvel : I see. I can't even fathom the kind of knowledge that would be needed to built such a structure. Luna : Sir Diehärte. Lord Kirikaze has conveyed the information that Galshook has to reload it's magical cannon after it is fired. However, we don't know how long that pause will be exactly... Diehärte : But at least we will have some time to advance safely during that period of time. Luna : I think now I can guess why our troops have been defeated earlier. First Lord Raymond didn't know what he was up against and he had a huge but hard to maneuver army. Unlike his troops, we are a small number of elites. Against this foe we have to use our mobility to our advantage as much as possible. Diehärte : Understood. (After some turns) Diehärte : So that's the extent of the power of that giant... Is there anything you could learn that might help us? Luna : It seems as if the cannon can only be fired in a straight line. If we keep out of the direct line of fire, we should be fine. Diehärte : Okay. I'll make sure to keep that in mind. Bortz : Those before us are all that remains of the Larcussian army. If they are defeated today, there'll be no one left to stand up against the Empire. Lend me your strength to create an Empire unrivaled, so any further conflict will be obsolete! Rigüler Commander : We take on that request with pleasure, General! Bortz : Let's get over with this, everyone! I just hope this will go as smoothly as the battle with Lord Raymond. Rigüler Commander : Don't be concerned. If needed we will gladly give our lives to claim victory for our general! Bortz : Hah..., you really know how to embarrass me. But don't you lot dare to throw your lives away, after all I've gone through to save your hides. I hope you got that. (Shortly after) Bortz : Hold out just a little bit longer! If we are victorious today, no one will be foolish enough to resist the Empire! When that time arrives we will taste the sweet fruits of peace, and we will return home proud of what we accomplished! Let those thoughts carry you! (Bortz obviously likes to hold speeches, but he's cool doing it. Too bad he couldn't be on our side in exchange for... hmmm let's see....how about Pierre?) (Once Bortz is defeated before Galshook) Rigüler Commander : General Bortz has been injured! Leave the rest to us, General! Bortz : You think I would simply run like that!? Rigüler Commander : If we have to defend our wounded general we can't do battle with the same effectiveness! Therefore we request that you remove yourself from the battlefield temporarily. Bortz : ...So that's how it is. If you think that I'm an obstacle, I'll leave. I'll fall back to Larcussia and regroup our troops there. But you've got to promise me something. ...Don't die. Rigüler Commander : Yessir! (Once Bortz is defeated after Galshook) Bortz : How the hell...could I be defeated like this... Damn! I guess today was your lucky day. New orders! All troops retreat! Rigüler Commander : Yes, sir! Bortz : Fall back to Larcussia and regroup! (After both have been defeated) Diehärte : It's over... Luna : You commanded brilliantly today, Sir Diehärte. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Verdant Plains Distant from the Battlefield] Bortz : ....Looks like we've managed to lose our pursuers. Rigüler Commander : However, to have defeated the Galshook was no mean task.... Bortz : Whatever, even if it was crafted using incredibly ancient technology, it was still made by humans. And whatever is made is destined to be broken sometime. Nonetheless, it did a good job of cutting down our foe's soldiers. Rigüler Commander : What shall we do from here on out, General Bortz? Bortz : We'd better get the hell out of here. For now, we need to evacuate our soldiers and carry off our equipment to the airship base. The time has come to return to headquarters. No point in taking further casualties here. We can counterattack after we've managed an orderly retreat. Rigüler Commander : Roger that. With you commanding us, General, I'm certain we'll run into no difficulties in our retreat. Bortz : Hey now, don't think that flattery will get you promoted any faster! Rigüler Commander : Of course not, surely you jest, sir. I simply meant to express the pride I've learned by serving in General Bortz's army! Bortz : ........ I've been damned fortunate to have subordinates like you, too. Alright! Now that's been decided, make preparations for the withdrawal! Rigüler Commander : Yes, sir! [Larcussia Defense Perimeter ~ Imperial Frontline Base] Diehärte : General Bortz.... He was a formidable opponent. Thief : Boss, we've just gotten some news! Silver Wolf : Well done. So, what's the story? Thief : Listen to this. We found out that Lord Raymond was wounded grievously and captured with ease by the Empire. Lewin : Well, I'm glad that he's at least safe..... Thief : Also, it looks like they plan on sending him to the Imperial capitol by airship once he's recuperated. Sophia : In that case, we don't have any time to waste. Luna : Well, for now I think we should continue to pursue the routed General Bortz. He wasn't a weak foe this last battle, and I'm afraid what he'll try next after that attack using the magically-propelled giant soldier. If we let him regather his scattered troops, we'll be in trouble. Dios : I was going to say the same thing. Luna : I feel badly for Lewin, but I think it would be best if we'd hurry and continue our pursuit. Diehärte : ....... (What do you say?) (1) We should consider Lewin's feelings. (2) We've got no choice... (3) That's right. (1) Diehärte : Why don't we offer a little more consideration for Lewin's feelings? Luna : I hate to say it, but we really don't have time for skittishness or dickering around. We're at war, are we not? Sophia : And you've said yourself that we're working to restore our former homeland. If it were just me, I'd be strongly against abandoning someone who seems in such dire straits. But, if the Empire's power returns to its peak, many more people..... Diehärte : ....War is something horrible...... Luna : ....Yes. (2) Diehärte : Hmm..... I think if we move quickly enough, we should be able to overtake General Bortz. But, Lewin. Don't let it get you down. We'll definitely give our best shot at rescuing Lord Raymond. And after that, we'll work to restore this country! (3) Diehärte : The two of you have it right. We'll stick to our earlier plan and chase down General Bortz for now. Lewin : ... (Same for all) Silver Wolf : Well then, I'll trust you to keep watch until they start moving Lord Raymond to the Imperial capitol. Thief : No problem. If anything changes, I'll get word to you ASAP. Farewell. Diehärte : Alright, time for us to head out, too! **************************************** Scenario ~ 19. "A man called Bortz" **************************************** After the destruction of the Galshook, General Bortz gathered his remaining troops and began a retreat, to prevent the complete annihilation of his men. This is just like Bortz, to accept even defeat with manly stoicism and move on. However, Diehärte's mobile division refuses to allow him this chance to escape. As soon as they have reformed their troops, they continue the pursuit. *Condition for Victory -Defeat of Bortz *Conditions for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] -Bortz's arrival at the airship [Boarding Pad for the Airship, Near the Larcussia Border Defense Base] Bortz : .... So, there are still some who haven't made their escape. That bunch will probably catch up with us soon. Somehow, we've got to buy more time. ...But, what strategy can I come up with. Only one pattern comes to mind. Rigüler Commander 1 : Never mind them, General. Rigüler Commander 2 : All of us would follow you anywhere, General Bortz, even into Hell! Rigüler Commander 3 : Us, too! Please feel free to make whatever use of us you need! Rigüler Commander 4 : Heck, I owe my life to the General anyways. Now's the perfect time for us to return the favor. Rigüler Commander 1 : Please, leave this to us. You should hurry up and escape, General. Bortz : You guys...... I've sure got some good guys working under me. But, we're all getting out of here together this time. Rigüler Commander : General Bortz.... Bortz : We'll all do our damnedest to occupy them so our other soldiers can escape. We'll be the last ones to board the ship. .....After all, you guys have all become like sons to me. Just be sure not to become war orphans like me. Rigüler Commander : Hold on, General! Don't say things like that! Bortz : Sorry about that. Alright, now listen up, every one of you damned well better live to return from this! All troops: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Boarding Pad for the Airship, Near the Larcussia Border Defense Base] Diehärte : Bortz! You won't get away this time! Bortz : You took your sweet time. Almost all of our troops has been evacuated by now. Gilbert : He isn't called one of the four great generals for nothing. They coped well with the situation at hand. Rigüler Commander : General. The preparations for the last airship's lift-off are complete. Bortz : Good. At this rate we should be able to make it. It's time for us to head home. Diehärte : Damn! This will be a close call... Luna : Sir Diehärte. We should make it our goal to capture the enemie's airship. Sophia : This airship is set to fly to Larcussia, is it not? Tiaris : I get it! If we conquer it we may be able to save Lewin's Father. Diehärte : Alright. Bring down General Bortz and conquer the airship! Rigüler Commander : So that's what their after. Protect the General and the airship! (Turn 1) Bortz : Well then, let's be outta here. Rigüler Commander : We'll cover your retreat! Another Rigüler Commander : Just make your way to the airship, leave everything else to us. Bortz : Thanks, I really owe you. (Turn 2) Bortz : Crap! The wounds I received during the last fight opened up again! This is as fast as I can walk. Rigüler Commander : Please don't do anything unreasonable. We will stall the enemy until you can move onward... Bortz : Sorry for being such a bother... (Some turns later) Pierre : It sure is difficult chasing him on this terrain... Luna : Usually a wide open space is needed for an airship to maneuver. But since we're in a mountainous region this conditions hardly can be met. The only place to set up a docking port is that plateau before us. Silver Wolf : Oh. You really know your stuff. It's almost frightening. Bortz : Okay, I'm feeling better so I'll hurry on now. You should make your way to the airship too.. Rigüler Commander : Understood! (Sometime) Luna : It would be advisable to take out the archers and spearmen first. After that our flying and cavalry units can take on the chase of General Bortz. Diehärte : You're right. It wouldn't do us any good storming their defensive lines rashly. (After some time) Bortz : Somehow I managed to make it this far... Rigüler Commander : I'd say it's due to the frantic effort your subordinates are putting up... Bortz : No doubt about it.... I'm truly blessed having such fine subordinates. Now hurry everyone and join up! (Bortz being close to the airship) Bortz : Everyone! I've made it to safety! All troops cease fighting and fall back to the airship! After that we'll meet up wit the main body! Rigüler Commander : Don't worry about us just make sure to board the airship. We'll follow this instant. Bortz : Roger! Luna : We have wasted to much time dealing with the common troops, their general is escaping! Our last chance is to push through their lines. If we fail now we won't make it to Larcussia in time! Diehärte : Yeah. We can't let that happen. (After Bortz is defeated) Bortz : Guaargh! ...It seems my way ends here... If only it could've seen peace returning... Emaillink... Take good are of the Field Marshal... Luna : You did well, Sir Diehärte. Diehärte : General Bortz...you were a worthy opponent. Dios : He was a man of honor. If circumstances would have been different, we may would have gotten along just fine. Thief : Bad news! Lord Raymond is about to being transported to Teito! Silver Wolf : What!? Diehärte : When? Thief : Right about now. Taking the land rout is out of question by now. If you take that airship you may be in time! Diehärte : One hardship after another. Thief : Tell me about it. Diehärte : Everyone hurry and board the airship! We have to save Lord Raymond! Lewin : Right! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [The Captured airship] Riffany : With this we should be able to rescue Lewin's father, no? Lewin : Yes. But...... Tiaris : Cheer up! I'm sure we'll make it in time! Luna : I'm afraid our foes might have other airships around. Imperial soldiers will seek to strike at us from the skies as we approach. Diehärte : Lewin...... (What do you say?) (1) Leave it to me! (2) It'll all turn out alright. (3) All we can do is to give it our best. (1) Diehärte : Leave it to me! I'm sure we'll be able to save Lord Raymond. Lewin : ....Sure..... (2) Diehärte : I understand how you're feeling all too well. But, it will all turn out alright. Trust in us all. I promise we'll manage to save Lord Raymond! Lewin : Everyone, ...Thanks so much. (3) Diehärte : You shouldn't give up until we've at least given it a shot. Lewin : ................ Dios : Get ready to launch! Diehärte : Alright! Let's get a move on! It's time to rescue Lord Raymond!! [Former Larcussia Royal Castle ~ Presently Imperial Headquarters] Geier : It's past time to have escorted Lord Raymond to the Imperial capitol. Why don't we return there tomorrow evening..... Altemüller : I'll consider it. Rigüler Commander : Excuse me, I have a report. At the conclusion of General Bortz's clash with those Larcussian forces, his army was annihilated! Emaillink : Impossible! Altemüller : What about Bortz? Rigüler Commander : .......While his troops escaped via airships, he stayed and died an honorable death...... Varna : General Bortz....... Altemüller : ....You've done well. Please, leave us now. Rigüler Commander : Yessir! Altemüller : So he became a human shield for his troops, eh. He stayed true to form even up to his death. .....We've lost a truly valuable man. Varna : Your Excellency Altemüller. What shall we do? That company's morale is high now, and they will likely head here soon. Altemüller : ......Hmmm. Geier! Take the aerial fortress and return to the Imperial capitol. They will probably have some use for you there. Geier : Yes, sir! So that group has defeated Bortz. We can no longer afford to treat them lightly. Muster all our forces and crush them. **************************************** Scenario ~ 20. "Skirmish in the Vast Skies" **************************************** Since General Bortz fought to his last breath to let the majority of his subordinates escape, he gave a fierce accounting of himself. During that battle, he showed that even to his death, he was a true man. Having defeated Bortz and captured the airship, Diehärte quickly set sail to rescue Lord Raymond from his convoy to the Empire. And now, a fierce battle was about to ensue in the vast skies. *Condition for Victory -Defeat of the Commander in 29 turns *Conditions for Defeat -Death of Diehärte -Time up [Captured Airship] Tiaris : Wow, it's fast, soo fast! Silver Wolf : After seeing the strength of this airship and that magically-propelled giant soldier, I'm worried about what the Empire might use next. Sophia : !! Sir Diehärte! There's an Imperial airship up ahead! Diehärte : So we've caught up to it! Lewin : Father's in there...... Diehärte : Prepare the boarding planks. As soon as we touch their gunwale, we'll board them. Pierre : Eh?! That's pretty reckless! (Wimp!) Riffany : Very much so. What if the ships should jostle apart while we're on the boarding plank.... Sophia : It's dangerous, but there's no other way. At this rate, if we let them into the Empire proper, we'll never be able to perform the rescue. Luna : Since this is an aerial battle, it would be wise to prepare aerial troops. Diehärte : That's right. Dios : Match speeds and move alongside them! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Rigüler Commander : Commander, the enemy has made preparations to board our ship! Rigüler General : How on earth did they manage to get their hands on one of our airships!? Bah what do I care, we'll have to deal with them anyway! Without a doubt they are here to rescue the prisoner. Silver Wolf : Let's be off to the other side then. But don't look down or you'll get funny feelings inside the belly. Gilbert : Please try to end this fast, I don't feel too well. Luna : If you wish to conclude this battle quickly, target the enemy commander. (After some turns) Luna : Sir Diehärte. Let us commence the invasion of the enemy ship now. We shouldn't let time pass wastefully. Diehärte : Of course. I'll see to it right away. (With turns passing, dialogues will trigger telling you to hurry because reinforcements arrive and the boarding planks drift off, resulting in a game over.) (After the enemy general is defeated) Rigüler General : How...laughable... ...happening...on a simple escort mission... Diehärte : Your Commander has fallen! Put down your weapons and surrender quietly! Rigüler Commander : Understood. We surrender... Luna : Way to go, Sir Diehärte. Diehärte : The battle is over... Now then, search the ship for Raymond! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Captured Airship] Lewin : Father! Raymond : ....Lewin. You've become quite a wondrous young man. So I've been saved by my own son, eh. Lewin : It wasn't me alone. We only succeeded because of everyone's aid..... Raymond : I suppose so. .....Diehärte. It looks like you're doing well. My own troops were pretty much annihilated. I feel guilty, but I'd like to entrust the liberation of the royal capital to you all. Diehärte : Yes, sir. I've been joined by many inspirational comrades. We'll do whatever we can to pull through and finish this, now that it's down to us. Raymond : I'm so glad. I'll trust you to look after Lewin from here on. Sophia : Milord Viscount, you're pushing your body too much. Please leave the rest to us, and rest up. Raymond : Of course, thanks. Everyone, thank you so much. Riffany, Diehärte. Now, it's our turn to save your parents. Riffany : Oh, you're right. I sure hope my father and mother are safe and sound. Diehärte : Me, too. Let's head to Larcussia right away! ....Father, Mother, please hold on a little longer. We're coming to save you now! [Rigüler Imperial Castle ~ Emperor Christ's Sickroom] Geier : So, after this I'll just be heading home with the aerial fortress, eh. Oho, Your Majesty, Paul. Paul : So proper to use such a distant greeting, General Geier. I've something I'd like to ask you. Geier : Well, what matter might that be? Paul : Hmm. From what I've heard, you don't seem to hold Altemüller in the highest regard. Geier : No, I, ah... Paul : There's no need to hide your feelings on this. The fact of the matter is, I hate that bastard as well. And my father won't last much longer with his illness. When he succumbs, I'll become the emperor..... When that time comes, I think the one who should hold the office of Field Marshal is you, Geier. Geier : Me!? Paul : But, to do that, we must come across some excuse to remove Altemüller from his post. If he should make some mistake in his current defense of the Royal capitol, it would undermine his credibility. So, what do you think? Is there any reason you can come up with for discontinuing the use of the aerial fortress? Geier : So you're saying that you would prefer for me not to return with the aerial fortress? Paul : Exactly. With the might of the aerial fortress, we can retake the royal capital at any time. You can then reclaim the city of Larcussia after that bastard loses it, using the aerial fortress. He'll be dismissed, and you'll be promoted. Like that strategy? Geier : ....I think Your Majesty might be underestimating that brat's power. Even without the fortress, he'll probably still be able to hold the royal capitol. Paul : What! If that's true, what would you recommend.... Geier : .....Well, if his supply line were severed, he won't be able to sustain his side of the battle no matter how great a commander he is..... Paul : In that case, halt his supply line! Geier : But, I have no excuse to stop it. ...Nonetheless, if the supply line defenders were annihilated by troops disguised as bandits, wouldn't that work to stop the supply line? Paul : Ohh! Ohh!! In that case, leave the matter of the aerial fortress to me! If it is damaged enough, it won't be able to take flight. ********************************************* Scenario ~ 21. "The Magnificent Capitol, Larcussia" ********************************************* The mobile force rescued Lord Raymond from the convoy of Imperial airships and then hastened to the royal capitol of Larcussia to reinforce the decimated troops there. They must recapture that place if they wish to have restored the Kingdom of Larcuss in both name and truth. But, wily General Emaillink stands in their way. *Condition for Victory -Destruction of all enemies *Condition for Defeat -Death of Diehärte [Former Larcussia Royal Castle ~ Currently Imperial Headquarters] Emaillink : Your Excellency! That company has defeated the escort for Lord Raymond. Altemüller : How did they? .....I see. So they even captured an airship after they defeated Bortz. Varna : At this rate, they'll probably head here soon. What do you think? Altemüller : They won't use the airship to come here. Because of our encircling airship fleet, they'd be at a disadvantage. Varna : So, by land..... Altemüller : Indeed. Head out, Emaillink. Until Geier returns with the aerial fortress, we won't have any further reinforcements. Delay their attack as much as you can! Emaillink : Sir! It shall be as you command. [Rigüler ~ Supply Base for Larcussia] Rigüler Commander : W..why......we..... Geier :Hmmph. Show no mercy. Rigüler Commander : .....Lord Geier. Please, tell us why we're annihilating our comrades in the supply defense corps. As things stand, we just can't agree. Geier : You all will be duly rewarded for your part in this stratagem. Rigüler Commander : That's not what we wish, please give us an explanation! To us, things like rewards..... Geier : So you've said. You all must not accept everything without question. ..Oh Spirits of Flame, creator of the ten thousand dharmas. Obey our pact, and gather unto me. Immolate in flame all those I designate..... Rigüler Commander : I..it can't be! G..general!? Geier : ....Burn everything. Agnis Egdolans....... Now, accept your "reward"! Rigüler Commander : Guwaaaaaaaa! Guhaa! Wh.......Gen....Gei....... Geier : Hohoho, ....Like I'd really leave anyone living who knew of this incident. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Ruins of the Larcussian Castle] Emaillink : Listen up! The aerial fortress hasn't arrived yet. Furthermore we are running low on supplies and replenishment. To put it plainly, the circumstances for this battle aren't ideal. But let none of that bother you and head into battle with all your heart! I have high expectations for you! Rigüler Commander : Since we are waiting for the aerial fortress, wouldn't it be advisable to delay the enemy's advance with defensive tactics? Emaillink : Such tactics would require strong defensive capabilities. However, our mobile units would do rather poorly defending. They are much better suited to rush the enemy and trample them in one charge. Another Rigüler Commander : Indeed. This battle formation will give us an advantage. Yet another Rigüler Commander : The enemy! The enemy has come into sight! Pierre : We're finally back! Riffany : Although it has been only one year it feels like a very long time. Emaillink : You should contain that feelings for later. You'll have to defeat me if you wish to set foot into Larcussia. Diehärte : Emaillink!? Tiaris : You honestly believe you could stop us with so few troops? Emaillink : It's funny that you are telling me that one couldn't win with small numbers. Riffany : Don't waste our time with chatter! Let us through, I must see my parents! Emaillink : So that's why. Not long ago Geier was chasing after the daughter of a noble family, that couldn't have been you? Anyhow, I'm afraid you won't be seeing your parents any time soon, your road ends right here! (Shortly after) Emaillink : Very well, begin the maneuver! Cavalry and Aerial units advance to disturb the enemy! Rigüler Commander : Understood! Emaillink : Archers and Mages cover their advance! Rigüler Commander : Leave it to us. Emaillink : Move out! Charge at them all at once! (Somewhat later) Emaillink : If we let ourselves being defeated, Larcussia's fertil lands will be lost. Let's give it our all today! (Somewhat later) Emaillink : Is there still no report concerning Geier's arrival? Rigüler Commander : I'm afraid not. Emaillink : ...I see. (Much later) Emaillink : You there, is there still no report of the aerial fortresses's arrival!? Rigüler : My apologies, Sir! Emaillink : Curses, just how long are they planning to keep us waiting... (Diehärte near Emaillink) Emaillink : Diehärte. Is it true that you killed Bortz? (What do you reply?) (1) He died an honorable death * (2) Say nothing (3) He was no match for me (1)* Diehärte : His last moments where those of a true soldier. He was one of many good men we lost in this war. Emaillink : Well said. I'm sure he had no regrets having you as his opponent... (2) Diehärte : .... Emaillink : It was not my intention to drag personal emotions on the field of battle, but Bortz's killer must be punished. (3) Diehärte : He was no match for me. It's laughable he was one of the four great generals. Emaillink : Bastard... You can insult me as much as you want, but I won't let you soil Bortz's name! In his name I will strike you lot down! (After all troops except Emaillink are defeated) Emaillink : I wonder if one man could beat an army if his mind was truly set on it... ...Hmph. I almost expected this outcome. Even so, Geier will have to take responsibility for this! (Emaillink defeated) Emaillink : Kuh, so that's it... This should have given the aerial fortress enough time to arrive... Fare well, Diehärte! This will be the last time you claim victory over me! Diehärte : This battle is won... Luna : You have yet to fail us, Diehärte. Diehärte : Well then, it is time to retake the castle. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Former Larcussia Royal Castle ~ Before the Ramparts] Riffany : We've done it. Luna : But, even if we've managed to breach the outer wall, the battle from here on out will be our true trial. Silver Wolf : Looks like it. The occupying army's going all-out this time. Going to be one helluva party, if you ask me! Diehärte : Well, I'm worried about that aerial fortress Emaillink spoke of. Sophia : Do you think they use something similar to that magically-propelled giant soldier? Dios : That's what I'm thinking. But I'd relish another chance to pound down whatever other legacy of the ancient magical civilization the Empire whips out next. Diehärte : Well, let's advance with due caution. Reform the troops and make sure everything is in good order. [Former Larcussia Royal Castle ~ Currently Imperial Headquarters] Emaillink : My humble apologies. I was unable to halt their progress. Altemüller : Don't worry about it. The fault lies with that rat, Geier. You're damned late, Geier! Geier : I am afraid so. We had come across a defect in the flotation engine for the aerial fortress. Though I desired haste, I place priority on finishing the repairs. I have returned immediately to bring back information, not only with regards to the prospects for the repairs. Varna : What!? Geier : I have one additional matter to report. On my way back, I came across highwaymen attacking a supply defense brigade along the border. I was too late; by the time I got close enough, the highwaymen had fled and the defenders had been annihilated. Emaillink : Our supply troops? Altemüller : ....So not only has the aerial fortress been delayed, but also our supply line has been cut..... Varna : Your Excellency..... Altemüller : We're already running low on supplies. At this rate, if we try to withstand a siege, we'll suffer from hunger. Do we have any other options.....? Emaillink : Will we have to surrender this place after all..... Altemüller : We are running out of options. It looks like we will lose with no supplies. There's no point in wasting our soldiers in futile fighting. If we surrender this castle with no bloodshed, we might be able to guarantee safe passage for the soldiers..... Get in touch with the Larcussian army. Let's set a conference place. Varna : Yessir, I shall arrange everything.... [Larcuss Royal Castle ~ Several Days Later] Altemüller : We have no desire to make unnecessary sacrifices. Towards that end, we wish to arrange for the prompt surrender of Larcussia. In exchange, we wish to swear a ceasefire agreement, lasting until we reach our national border. Raymond : I also wish to avoid unnecessary conflict. If the castle is handed over with no fighting, I think it would be excellent to accept the Field Marshal's proposal. But, I'd like to hear everyone else's opinions on the subject. Luna : I am also in agreement with this proposal. I have no objections. Raymond : What do you think, Diehärte? Diehärte : I.... (How do you respond?) (1) I agree. ** (2) I disagree. * (3) I don't know. (1) Diehärte : There's no reason to fight needlessly. I agree. Raymond : I see. Then, it's unanimous. So, we'll accept the Field Marshal's proposal. (2) I disagree. Right now, our foes are in a tight spot; it's our chance to completely defeat them! Raymond : I see. There is some truth to your words. ....However, with the majority in agreement, I think we should accept the Field Marshal's proposal. Will that be acceptable? Diehärte : ....Yes. (3) Diehärte : In all honesty, I'm not sure what would be best. I will accept milord's decision. Raymond : It's certainly a confusing situation. In that case, since the majority are in agreement, let's accept the Field Marshal's proposal. Will that be acceptable? Diehärte : ....Yes. Altemüller : My thanks, Lord Raymond. In that case, we must go make preparations, so that we can surrender the castle in three days' time. This concludes the conference.... Raymond : Fare well...... I wish we could have met under different circumstances, outside of the war. Altemüller : Me, too. Fare well, and take care when you return. [Royal Capitol of Larcussia ~ Gate of Justice] Riffany's Mother : Riffany! Riffany : Mother! Father! I'm so glad you're safe.... Riffany's father : I'm relieved to know you're unhurt too.... Tiaris : That's wonderful, Riffany. Riffany : Oh, yes. Diehärte : Father, Mother..... Klaus Senior : You've become quite a fine young man..... Madam Klaus : Didn't I hear that you liberated this city? Diehärte : No, everyone played a part. But, I don't think the fighting is over yet. I'm afraid I'll be in harm's way a little longer. Klaus Senior : I understand. It's part of being a knight. If only I were younger, I'd take up my sword and join you, too... Madam Klaus : Now, now, Dear.... Tiaris : This is wonderful..... ....Everyone, I'm so glad for you. Papa...... I, I've done it. I've helped liberate Larcussia. Listen, can you hear them? Everyone's happy. Papa.....Papa......... Diehärte : ....Tiaris. (What do you say?) (1) Come over here. (2) I'm still here, aren't I. * (3) You need to set the past aside. (1) Diehärte : Come over here, Tiaris. Tiaris : Diehärte.... Diehärte : Father, Mother. This is the girl I was just telling you about, Tiaris. Klaus Senior : Ah. She's such a charming lass, isn't she. Madam Klaus : My, indeed. From now on, you can think of us as your parents, and and talk with us about everything that concerns you. Tiaris : T..thank you so very much! Klaus Senior : Now, now, you don't need to use such formal speech with us. Tiaris : Pa..Papa...... (2)* Diehärte : I'm still here, aren't I, Tiaris? Tiaris : Diehärte.... Diehärte : After what happened to Lord William, I feel a bit guilty about finding happiness on my own. But, I'm still here for you, aren't I. Tiaris : ..... Diehärte : ....But, I guess I'm just not enough. Tiaris : ....That's not it. That's not it at all! Thanks....Diehärte. (3) Diehärte : ....You need to set the past aside. Instead of dwelling on the sorrow of the past, you should live for a brighter future. Tiaris : .....Yeah. But, it's not that simple.....I can't just forget...... Diehärte : Tiaris..... [Larcuss's Royal Capitol, Larcussia ~ Royal Castle] Raymond : Even though none of the royal family remain, are you really sure you want me to take this position? Klaus Senior : What are you worried about, Viscount Raymond? You inspired our soldiers and reclaimed Larcussia. Furthermore, all of the nobles wish for you to take the throne. So, as their representative, I entreat you to accept the throne. Raymond : ...Very well. Though the duty you offer is a weighty one, I shall accept. Riffany's father : In that case, what do you think changing your name? Klaus Senior : Oh, good point! Oh New King, by what name shall we address you? Raymond : Let me think. ....Yes, let me be known henceforth as Sieghart. Riffany's father : That's an excellent name. Raymond : So, King Sieghart. What shall we call our kingdom? Sieghart : Hmm.... How about Elthlied, that mythological name said to mean "overflowing with light"? Klaus Senior : The Kingdom of Elthlied, and King Sieghart. These are excellent names. Elthlied Soldier : Very well, King Sieghart. If you would take the throne...... Sieghart : We have driven off the Empire once, but it is likely they shall try to come again. Barral also took advantage of that opportunity, and I am worried by the doings of the Demon Kingdom, Velzeria. Please everyone lend a hand a little longer, for the peace of the Kingdom of Elthlied and her people. Elthlied Soldier : Hurray for the Kingdom of Elthlied! Long live King Sieghart! [Rigüler Imperial Castle ~ Review Tribunal] Paul : Since Father's condition has worsened, I have heard the reports in his stead. So....it looks like we've got a bigger problem than the delay of the aerial fortress's launch, don't we? How could this have happened, Altemüller? Altemüller : If the aerial fortress has just been delayed, I would not have been set back too badly. However, somehow we also ran short on supplies. My miscalculation on the supplies exacerbated the impact of the aerial fortress's delay. At that point, I decided it would be best to just surrender the castle. However, I managed to return home without the massacre of my troops. Paul : And now, Raymond has become the King in Larcuss, which is now called the Kingdom of Elthlied. .....But, whatever. Finally, the launch preparations for the aerial fortress have been completed. Now, go defeat this Elthlied and recover the castle immediately. This time they'll be the ones surrendering the castle. I'll convey your report to Father... Altemüller : ...As you command. Paul : Hohoho. Did you see that, that Altemüller looked so defeated! This is the greatest feeling! Huhahahahaha! [Velzeria Castle] Böser : I see. So the Empire withdrew its troops. Ferakia : In the Kingdom of Larcuss, Raymond has taken the throne and the new name, Sieghart. Furthermore, it looks like his country is now called the Kingdom of Elthlied. Grove : No matter what new name they choose, we of Velzeria shall still crush them..... Böser : Since they have currently let the Empire's troops retreat, that gives us proof that both of their armies are exhausted from the fighting. ....The time is ripe. Now, we of Velzeria shall begin our invasion in earnest! Rag : Yes, Master! Grove : For an age of Darkness! Ferakia : For Lord Böser! Böser : Using the power of the Alhazard, we shall end this world of humans! Lushiris : It took Lord Raymond about a year to gather troops for the liberation of Larcuss. Now, he has retaken Laffel from the Barral army, and the royal capitol, Larcussia, from the Empire. The Kingdom of Larcuss has been renamed the Kingdom of Elthlied, and Raymond leads it under the new name, King Sieghart. However, the Empire regathers its strength and steadily makes preparations for the conquest of Elthlied. At the same time, Velzeria steps out of the shadows and openly begins preparations for a real invasion. And then, one month later........ ***************************** Scenario ~ 22. "To a New Battle" ***************************** About one year after Viscount Raymond mustered troops, Diehärte and company liberated the royal capitol. After that, Raymond became King Sieghart, ruler of the new country, Elthlied. Since the time Field Marshal Altemüller had to withdraw his troops due to a shortage of supplies, he has steadily made preparations for the recapture of Larcuss. In contrast, the Elthlied army's first move has been to use the speed and power of the mobile attack force to capture an Imperial base along the national border. *Condition for Victory -Destruction of all enemies *Condition for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] [Imperial Base along the Rigüler ~ Elthlied National Border] Rigüler Commander : Your Excellency Altemüller. The attack preparations have been completed. Altemüller : Good work. Mustering new troops took longer than I had expected. Now, the army of Larcuss.....no, Elthlied, has likely been bolstered as well. Varna : It looks like it won't be an easy war to win. Altemüller : Easy victories are hollow ones. This should be the perfect challenge. Emaillink, look after things in my absence! Emaillink : Yes, sir, just leave everything else to me! Your Excellency should only need to concentrate on the fighting with Elthlied. Altemüller : Geier's aerial fortress should arrive at our destination soon enough. Very well, let's sally forth. Rigüler Commander : Yeahhhh! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Imperial Base along the Rigüler ~ Elthlied National Border] Emaillink : It has been some time since our main troops has set out... I wonder if Altemüller is engaging the Elthlied troops in combat already. Barral Commander : Lord Emaillink! The enemy is here! Emaillink : What!? Riffany : My? There is only a handful of enemy troops stationed here. Gilbert : Maybe their main force haven't arrived just yet. Diehärte : Don't you think it's more likely the main troops are already marching towards Larcussia? Luna : King Sieghart and Lord Kirikaze are defending the royal capitol. There is nothing for us to worry about. Additionally this gives us the fortunate opportunity to strike where the enemy is weakest. Cutting their supply lines should be an easy task... Silver Wolf : You sure the capitol can withstand them long enough for that to matter? Luna : Certainly. Diehärte : It's settled then, we won't return to the capitol. We can help them the most by severing the enemy's chain of supply. Everyone, let's do this! (Turn 1) Emaillink : Here they come! First division slow down the enemy's advance! Second division flank the enemy! Intercept them before they can cross the river! Rigüler Commander : Yes, sir! Another Rigüler Commander : Understood! (Shortly afterwards) Emaillink : It couldn't be that Lord Altemüller have been defeated by the enemy at this time. Maybe it was risky leaving just so few men for guarding the border. With this kinds of troops a victory against Diehärte's Division seems unlikely... But if we can't hold our ground here our main forces will be cut off from supplies. If that happens we couldn't hope to implement our invasion. Now I get it! That's what they are truly after, if their plan succeeds the main force's defeat will be certain! Such a thing must be avoided no matter what. All troops, hold off the enemy with all you've got! Rigüler Commander : Of course Sir, you don't have to tell us twice! Monster : KISYAAAAHH! KSYAAAHH! Emaillink : What's that supposed to mean!? Diehärte : What's going on now!? Sophia : Demons!? ...It couldn't be..Velzeria... Fauvel : It's just too soon... Jügler : Grruuu... Pierre : How!? Isn't Lushiris gate supposed to hold them off... Tiaris : Maybe it's because Lushiris Gate lost it's power somehow? Sophia : That's not it. Lushiris magic is as strong as before. Fauvel : I dare say it's Alhazard. Diehärte : Alhazard? Fauvel : The legendary sword of black magic that amplifies the power of the demon kind. Most likely those demons have been send here utilizing the power of Alhazard. Diehärte : In any case, we have to deal with them. Afterwards we'll return to the Capitol and think about a course of action. (Shortly after) Rigüler Commander : General. What are your orders? Emaillink : The escort for the supplies may be under the demon's attack as well...Second Division! Fall back and reinforce the escort for the supplies! Rigüler Commander : Yes, sir! We'll be leaving promptly! Emaillink : We will be covering your withdrawal! Rigüler Commander : Yes, sir! (Some turns afterwards) Emaillink : Now even demons start appearing... Our luck has just turned from bad to worse, but giving up is not an option. I just wonder how we'll get out of this mess... (Emaillink being defeated before all his troops are) Emaillink : How shameful, it seems I'll be taking my last breath shortly... Rigüler Commander : Please withdraw yourself from battle, General Emaillink. You have to report this incident to the Field Marshal. We're counting on you. Emaillink : But... Rigüler Commander : Leave those demons to us! We'll follow up as soon as they are dead. Emaillink : ...Thank you. Rigüler Commander : I swear by my life that we'll throw down the demons and Elthlied's troops! Now, Hurry! Emaillink : Keh, forgive me! (After all enemies have been defeated) Diehärte : It's over at last... Luna : You did exemplary, Sir Diehärte. Sophia : It seems like Velzeria has decided to make its move. Diehärte : Yeah... Luna : Sir Diehärte, do you intend to pursue the Imperials? Or are we heading back to the Capitol? Diehärte : We will return to the Capitol. Velzeria is a thread not only to Elthlied, but to every human in existence. First we have to help King Sieghart to drive off Altemüller, after that we'll plan our further actions. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the Battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Before the Ramparts of the Elthlied Royal Capitol, Larcussia] Sieghart : So that's the power of the aerial fortress I've heard from the rumors..... Kirikaze : It is quite dangerous because it can attack from the sky. Even our aerial units are sorely pressed. Diehärte : They just don't match the mettle of the mobile division. Altemüller : At that time, if this aerial fortress had made it in time, we would have been saved a lot of unnecessary trouble. Ah well. Now, just a little longer. Their attacks are already starting to lose momentum! Varna : L..lord Altemüller! What's wrong, Varna? Altemüller : Monsters!? Gah, at this kind of time! Kirikaze : King Sieghart! Monsters...... Sieghart : Monsters? While it looks like they're still far enough away.....this is bad! Kirikaze : No, in this situation it looks like our army will profit. Because of the monsters, the Empire's aerial fortress will reduce the number of attacks it makes on us. Varna : The aerial fortress....... At this rate, the fortress might be sunk! Altemüller : ....But we came this far! Cease and withdraw! We'll recoup our losses, and return again! [Elthlied Royal Capitol, Larcussia ~ Audience Hall] Kirikaze : Somehow they seem to have been driven off. Sieghart : Indeed. I wouldn't have thought they could come this quickly with the Lushiris Gate standing. Elthlied Soldier : We've got a problem, King Sieghart! Sieghart : What's the matter? Elthlied Soldier : Countless monsters have infested the border region, causing damage everywhere! Sieghart : In that case, let's send out our mobile division. We must stop them before the damage gets out of hand! Elthlied Soldier : Yes, sir! It shall be as you command. Sieghart : Sir Kirikaze, I have a favor to ask. Kirikaze : What might you ask of me? Sieghart : I'd like you to go to Lady Jessica and discover how the monsters have been able to invade this deeply. Kirikaze : As you command. [Imperial Base along the Rigüler ~ Elthlied Borderline} Varna : I can't believe these monsters came.... I didn't think that Velzeria would start a war. Altemüller : Velzeria, the Kingdom of Demons. Do they plan on ending the age of man? Emaillink : Foul news, Your Excellency! Altemüller : What's happened? Your face has become grim. Emaillink : It's imperative that we return to the capitol! The Emperor, the Emperor has passed away! Varna : Christ IV....dead!? Emaillink : The national funeral rites are being held the day after tomorrow. Please, let us return to the Imperial capitol with all haste. Altemüller : Uncle....... This happened much too quickly...... Varna : Your Excellency, you think he was poisoned after all? Altemüller : I can't say for certain. But if so, I'll never forgive that damnable Paul..... Very well, Varna, let's return to the Imperial capitol! Varna : Yes, sir! Altemüller : Emaillink, I'll trust you and Geier to manage things in our absence. It seems that, once again, the monsters have managed to leave the confines of Velzeria. Emaillink : I'll see that they stay on the other side of our border! ************************************* Scenario ~ 23. "Necromancy, Redux" ************************************* At last, Velzeria has begun to mobilize. But, their movements have been cloaked in shadows. Now, Grove has led a legion of monsters against a village on the Elthlied border. Diehärte and company overcome their fatigue and set out towards the border village in order to save the villagers. *Condition for Victory -Defeat of all enemies *Conditions for Defeat -Death of Diehärte -Death of all NPCs [Village along the Velzeria ~ Elthlied Border] Villager : How in the world have we come to such a sordid state of affairs, that monsters infest our countryside? Village chief : Lately, they've come frequently. This village hasn't been hit hard, but the neighboring villages have been completely destroyed by the monsters. Villager : Has Lady Lushiris forsaken us? Another : Villager : O..o..oh no! Monsters, again! Village chief : Say what!? Monster : Goaah! Villager : Run! Everyone, get out of here! [Rigüler Imperial Capitol ~ Main Street] Imperial citizen : ....His Imperial Majesty.... Another Imperial citizen : ....I wonder why our country's emperor didn't rule for very long? Yet another Imperial citizen : The imperial family member's historically have lived long lives, right...... And another Imperial citizen : Think someone might have murdered him? Paul : Hey.... Rigüler Commander : Sir! What are you all chattering about? Imperial citizen : Umm.....forgive us. Rigüler Commander : Since his Imperial Highness has passed away, it would be wise to stow unnecessary chatter. Imperial citizen : My humble apologies. Paul : ....Hmmph. Altemüller : .......... Rigüler Imperial Castle ~ Altemüller's Personal Room Altemüller : Did you see that? The look on Paul's face during the time of the funeral procession. Varna : Yes, sir. Even though his father has passed he way, he had that look of smug satisfaction....Argh, what a bastard! Doctor : Excuse me. You called me, Your Excellency Altemüller? Altemüller : Thanks for responding to my summons. I've got something I'd like to ask you. Doctor : Yes, milord, how might I help you? Altemüller : You attended both my Father, the previous Emperor, and Emperor Christ IV in their final days, correct? Doctor : That is correct. Altemüller : ....Then, let me frank with you - what do you think the true cause of death was for both of them? Doctor : .......... Varna : Don't worry. Just tell us what you really think. Doctor : ....Please forgive my fear. I've tended many people to their final moments, as a healer. However, I don't believe those two honorable personages died from ordinary illnesses. Their faces turned a purple color, their skin began to turn yellowish in places, yet whatever medicine I prepared, their bodies still grew weaker... This is just a guess, but I believe someone might have poisoned them..... Varna : Poison? Doctor : I know no more; this is all just wild speculation. Because of my shortcomings in study, it might have just been some unknown disease. Altemüller : .....Thanks so much. You may leave now. ....One warning, though. Don't tell His Majesty Paul what we spoke of here, on pain of death. Doctor : Y...yes, sir...... Then, if I might be excused. Varna : So it looks like they were murdered by poison after all. .....Paul, you bastard. Your Excellency, what shall we do? Altemüller : ....We can't rush this kind of thing. I can't let them think this talk of poison is just an excuse to take the throne. I must recover my honor. Only after proving myself worthy will I ascend the throne. And to do that, now we must capture Elthlied! Varna : Sir! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparation °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Village near the Velzerian Border] Monster : GOGAAAHHH! Villager : Uwaaah! Monster : BOOOOOHHH! Villager : Run! Everyone, get out of here! Grove : Hehehe.... Yes, run away puny humans! Shiver before our might! It is providence that the world will be ruled by those who wield power. And you shall witness the unmatchable power of us demons first hand! Villager : Lushiris! Grove : Hehehehe! Ever relying on someone else's power. Those who cannot draw power from themselves have no place in this world's future! Well then, my pets. Slaughter to your heart's content! Villager : Uwaahh! Save us! Hehehe! Run for me, Run! Diehärte : Hold it! Grove : Who's there!? Silver Wolf : Having a blast it seems, but I'm afraid play time is over. Lewin : We will not allow you to bring harm to our people any longer! Riffany : Never mind me, but aren't there a bit lot of them? Tiaris : No kidding. But... Sophia : But if we don't fight all these poor villagers will be killed. Diehärte : Let's get this over with. After all we went through to form this country, we can't give up now! (Turn 1) Diehärte : All of you, hurry up and make your escape to the west! Villager : Elthlied soldiers have come!? We are saved! Pierre : Leave it to us! We'll make sure that y'all be safe! (After some turns) Luna : We have to aid those villagers fast or they'll be doomed. Hurry! (After attacking Grove) Grove : Deceased ones raise again, do my biding and haunt the living! Mihari han kimojinihi kushizekiki iyokana hagujisoramu! Diehärte : What! Walking Corpses!? Grove : Who do you think your dealing with? Grove the necromancer isn't someone you should mess around with. Gilbert : Necromancer Grove,...You'll pay dearly for this! (Gilbert near Grove) Gilbert : It's you! ...The one who would dare to toy with my daughter's remains! Grove : Your daughter, you say? I'm afraid that evades my memory. But I'm a necromancer. It is my very profession to make good use of countless of corpses! So you'll excuse me for not remembering every single one of them. Gilbert : You Bastard! Everyone, let me handle this! I'll deliver punishment for all of his atrocious acts! (Gilbert vs Grove) Gilbert : Grove, your evil deeds end here! Grove : All I'm doing is giving those corpses another purpose to live. What is so bad about this? Gilbert : To disturb the rest of the deceased like this is the most blasphemous behavior! Grove : I cannot understand. Such hate, instead of being grateful to me for offering life renewed. Gilbert : Silence! (After Grove is defeated while still there are demons) Grove : Uuh... This is getting tiresome. I'll take my leave now. Continue the onslaught unbridled in my absence! (Defeat Grove being the last enemy on the field) Grove : Guargh!? I see you posses the Haja no Ken, to think I was hoaxed by mere humans... For now I'll withdraw. But the next time we meet you'll become my obsequious underlings! Diehärte : Stop right there! ...Damn, he got away. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Village on the Velzeria ~ Elthlied Border] Riffany : Wouldn't you agree that lately, monsters have been attacking more frequently? Tiaris : Sure looks like it. Guess the Lushiris Gate isn't holding them back any longer. Sophia : That's not it. Look, the power of Lady Lushiris can be felt even here. Riffany : If that's right, then why isn't it stopping the monsters? Tiaris : Because the monsters have gotten stronger! Riffany : I think the problem's with the Gate. Sophia : That's just not possible! I'm sure it's the Alhazard! Tiaris : But, I don't think any kind of sword could have so much power! Riffany : I'd have to agree with Tiaris on that one. I'm sure the problem is with the Gate itself...... Say, Diehärte! Who do you think's right? Diehärte : Eh!? Ah..er..... (What a pleasant situation to be in!) (How do you respond?) (1) Tiaris (2) Riffany (3) Sophia (4) Ask Luna (1) Diehärte : Hmm. I think Tiaris is right. It's probably because the monsters have just gotten that much stronger. Tiaris : See? I told you so! (2) Diehärte : Hmm. I think Riffany is right. For some reason, the Gate just isn't functioning at it's full capacity. That's probably how the monsters have been able to invade. Riffany : See, that's exactly what I said. (3) Diehärte : Hmm. I think Sophia is right. It's because of the Alhazard. It certainly has more power than any of us can imagine. Sophia : But, how can we counteract its power..... Diehärte : Good question. We'd better find a way soon. Sophia : Indeed. (4) Diehärte : Hmm. That's a tough one..... Luna, what do you think? Luna : ........... I'd say the demons have found some new way to strike back. Diehärte : ....Guess so. Tiaris : ........... Riffany : ........... Sophia : ........... ( *_* You can feel the hate traversing the boundaries of virtuality...) (Same for all again) Elthlied Commander : I've got some bad news! The Imperial army's launched a surprise attack against the royal capitol! Riffany : Phew. We've got not time to waste. Diehärte : The Imperial army's at the royal capitol!? Gah, at this kind of time....! Very well. Let's hurry and head back. [Central Lushiris Gate] Kirikaze : Recently, there have been numerous monster infestations. Do you have any idea why? Jessica : The Gate itself is functioning perfectly. I'm afraid that it's the influence of the Alhazard, that demon sword rumored to be held by Velzeria. Kirikaze : The demon sword, Alhazard...... Jessica : The Alhazard is the symbol of the Demon Lord. It has the ability to amplify the power of an evil wielder. Kirikaze : Then, can you explain how we can deal with the Alhazard? If we knew that, wouldn't we be able to halt the encroachments of the monsters? Jessica : The only way to stop the monsters is to defeat the wielder of the sword......the Prince of Darkness, Böser, and then seal the Alhazard. Elthlied Commander : We've got some trouble, Sir Kirikaze! The Imperial army has attacked the royal capitol in force. Please, return immediately! We've already sent a messenger to the mobile division. Kirikaze : What, those Imperial flunkies!? Lady Jessica, I must hurry off. Fare well! ************************************************** Scenario ~ 24. "The Field Marshal's Determination" ************************************************** ================================================================= Velzeria, country of the demon kind, has begun a full-scale invasion. The mobile division was defending the border villages but got a high priority recall because of the Empire's attack on the royal capitol. But, who will ultimately win in this battle between three foes; the Empire, Velzeria, or Elthlied? ================================================================== *Condition for Victory -Defeat of all enemies *Conditions for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] -Death of Sieghart [Rigüler Imperial Castle ~ Paul's Personal Room] Paul : So, now that my father's died, it's my turn to take the throne. Advisor : But, Altemüller seems more popular within the court here. How shall we deal with those fools expected to oppose us? Paul : Let's just give Altemüller no margin for error if he blunders again. And when he does.....I'll call for his death. This plan might take some time before it can be hatched. But, it gives me such a rush. Hahahaha! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [In front of Elthlied's Capitol Larcussia] Altemüller : So I've returned, this time I won't falter... The downfall of Elthlied is already inevitable. Now there's just one more thing to do... Varna : Your Excellency, the line-up of our troops has been completed. Altemüller : Good. Lord Raymond, no King Sieghart. It is time to make up for the humiliation I suffered the last time. I assume you are well-prepared for the following? Sieghart : Tell me, what is it that makes the Empire craving for our lands so much? Altemüller : King Sieghart. I assume you can't know the situation the Empire faces? We are proud of the size the Empire has grown into. Within our borders people can live safely and peacefully. However, the majority of our land is frozen wasteland on which no crop will grow. And peace alone cannot quench the hunger of so many. That's why, for the well-being of our own people, we have to claim more fertile lands. Sieghart : If that is the case, wouldn't it be possible to trade in food with the mineral resources of your country? Altemüller : Sooner or later such as mineral resources run out. We would have food for a short period but the population soon would increase to its maximum and the stocks dwindle. Invading your fertile lands is the only substantial way to solve this dilemma. Sieghart : While what you say sounds reasonable, incinerating war always is something horrible. Altemüller : You who live in these rich lands couldn't fully understand. You and me both don't wish to wage war. But I cannot abandon the people of the country my father build and protected with his own hands. Sieghart : This may be the death of both of us. But I'm the King of this country. Protecting those who live in it is my foremost duty. To an honorable end! Altemüller : I couldn't have said it better. Diehärte : We're in time! Varna : Your Excellency, enemy reinforcements have arrived! Altemüller : Those most be units returning from an expedition. I suppose they are still fatigued from their last mission. We will carry out our strategy according to plan. Varna, you'll take some troops and smite the ones that just arrived. Varna : Understood. Luna : Sir Diehärte, it seems like the enemy has split their troops in two. Dios : Meaning that we took some pressure from the ongoing siege. If we hurry, I think we could actually win this. Sophia : But if the enemy manages to cross that bridge surely the capitol will fall. Tiaris : Yeah, simply because we were in time doesn't mean that you can relax just now! Diehärte : That's right. Everyone, I know your tired but let's give it our all! (Shortly afterwards) Varna : Cavalry move out to crush the enemy at the rear. Flying units back us up. Rigüler Cavalier : Understood. Rigüler Flier : Affirmative. (Afterwards) Varna : Now our victory over Elthlied is just one step ahead... Altemüller : Isn't that the much rumored-about Diehärte? As you know Bortz and Emaillink had a hard time dealing with him, do be careful. That Diehärte. His timing is pretty good. (Shortly afterwards) Altemüller : Move out, Varna! Varna : Yessir! Altemüller : Attack! Concentrate on throwing down Sieghart! Sieghart : The enemy is trying to break through! Hold your ground! (After some turns, or if you defeat Altemüller fast) Varna : W..What!? Diehärte : The demons of Velzeria in such a place!? Rag : Hm? It's not just Elthlied's but the Empire's troops too? He, that's fine. We'll just kill all of them. Altemüller : Impossible! That way we won't be able to end our ongoing battle. Sieghart : First the Empire and now Velzeria... Altemüller : ...King Sieghart! Sieghart : What is it? Altemüller : We would like to suggest a truce. Varna : Your Excellency!? Altemüller : The demons of Velzeria aren't just any other fiend. We can continue our own dispute after we have dealt with them. What do you say? Will you agree to the truce? Sieghart : I need some time to consider. (Do you wish to convey your opinion?) (1) Agree to the truce (2) Resist to the bitter end (3) Say nothing (1) Diehärte : I consent to his suggestion. For now we should cooperate and focus on driving away those demons! Sieghart : ...Certainly. This is not the time to fight amongst ourselves. I consent to your proposal. (2) Diehärte : Surely, this isn't the best time for humans to compete with another. However, we cannot trust the people of the Rigüler Empire! Sophia : Sir Diehärte!? Sieghart : ....I disagree, this truce is a welcome concession. We shouldn't be the ones prolonging meaningless fighting, no? While Elthlied and the Empire wage war on each other, Velzeria gets the perfect chance to strike. If we allow that, this whole world could fall under the rule of the demons. Such a risk cannot be taken for any reason. Sir Diehärte. It is as King Sieghart says. Now is not the time for humans to be at each others throat. Sieghart : Field Marshal Altemüller. I consent to your proposal. (3) Sieghart : ...Certainly. This is not the time to fight amongst ourselves. I consent to your proposal. Altemüller : Heh, that was quick. You heard him. All units, cease hostilities towards Elthlied. For now we'll cooperate with Elthlied and purge those demons! Varna : Yessir! Diehärte : Cooperate with the Empire!? Sophia : Please do. Our real enemy were the demons all along. Fighting amongst humans is such a pointless and tragic thing to do. Luna : Considering the strength and numbers of our enemies, cooperating at this point is the most advisable strategy. Rag : You can flock together as much as you want and still you're just insects before us. The triumph of darkness is set in stone. (Shortly afterwards) Altemüller : Well then, let's get rid of those nuisances. Commence the attack on the abominations of Velzerian! Varna : All troops, follow his Excellency into battle! Sieghart : This is not the time for petty quarrels! Protect this world which is home to all humans alike! Diehärte : Everyone drive back the demons! (All troops except Rag being defeated) Rag : What, all my troops were wiped out!? Seems like even those insects got something to sting with. (After defeating Rag) Rag : Interesting. Who would ever thought that the Empire and Elthlied would team up like this. In any case, I've got to report this to Master Böser post-haste... Diehärte : Alright, all demons have been taken care of. Luna : Your strategy was truly inspiring, Sir Diehärte. Sophia : If we humans cling together we mustn't be afraid of anything. And yet, I wonder if the senseless fighting will begin anew... Riffany : True, but I don't think we'll have to worry about the Empire for now. Tiaris : That guy..Altemüller...our ally... Silver Wolf : Come on, he's not the worst there is. Luna : He's undoubtedly a skilled man and could proof to be of great assistance against the demons. Altemüller : King Sieghart, I appreciate your goodwill shown by agreeing to the truce. Sieghart : Those demons are a threat to all of us. Now let us move on to the formalities of signing the truce. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the Battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Elthlied's Royal Capitol, Larcussia ~ Audience Hall] Sieghart : For now, we of Elthlied and the Rigüler Empire shall agree to a cease-fire until the defeat of Velzeria. Elthlied has barely even been established as a country. Right now we'd rather focus our efforts on settling our internal affairs than on fighting. Altemüller : We of the Empire are in the same boat. These monsters of Velzeria have even dared to invade the Empire. And with the recent death of our Emperor, the administration is in a state of instability. So, neither of us have the luxury of ignoring this mutual problem posed by Velzeria. Sieghart : As things stand now, it is mutually beneficial to formalize this truce. Altemüller : With that done, I bid you farewell. Tiaris : ........ Diehärte : What's wrong, Tiaris? Tiaris : Say, Diehärte. Do you approve of allying with that guy? Diehärte : Oh, that's what's bothering you. I think it's a good thing that we don't have to fight both Velzeria and the Empire at the same time. Tiaris : ....I guess so. If it's okay for you, I think I can live with it too. Diehärte : Tiaris..... Elthlied Commander : King Sieghart, Lady Jessica has arrived. Sieghart : Lady Jessica? Send her right in. Elthlied Commander : Yes, sir! Sieghart : My, my, Lady Jessica. You are quite a sight for sore eyes. Jessica : I have thought of a plan to strike against Velzeria. Sieghart : Many thanks for your efforts. Jessica : By using the power of the demon sword, the Alhazard, Böser has amplified his powers of darkness and been able to negate the power of the Lushiris Gate. We must obtain the power to overcome the Demon Blade, Alhazard. Diehärte : Is the Haja no Ken not sufficient? Jessica : Of course, the Haja no Ken is important. However, we can't overcome the Alhazard with just the power of the Haja no Ken. Diehärte : So the Alhazard is that powerful.... Jessica : To strengthen the power of the Haja no Ken, we need to secure the cooperation of a certain person. Please, help me escort this person to the center of the Lushiris Gate. Sieghart : I hate to ask this, but could I once more depend on you all? Diehärte : Of course. [Velzeria Castle] Böser : I can't believe this turn of events. Altemüller's very existence has become a hindrance to our plans. Grove! Hurry up the assassination of this pest! Grove : Yes, my lord! Böser : Now, what to do about Elthlied.... Ferakia : Lord Böser, please let me deal with Elthlied. Böser : Ferakia... Very well, I shall leave it to you. **************************************************** Scenario ~ 25. "Light Over Shadow" **************************************************** The great sorceress Jessica has said that as things stand now, the Haja no Ken can't defeat the evil blade held by the demons, the Alhazard. Several elements are needed to increase the power of the Haja no Ken. One ingredient is the presence of Olver. So, [diehardt's name] and company have journeyed out to meet Olver. *Condition for Victory -Defeat of all enemies *Conditions for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] -Death of Olver [Plains on the way to the Center of the Lushiris Gate] Sieghart : We'll arrive at the center of the Gate soon. My son and his companions are probably meeting that person needed to strengthen the Haja no Ken about now. Speaking of which, what in the world is this secret you mentioned? Jessica : ....... To strengthen the Haja no Ken, one additional thing is absolutely necessary. Sieghart : Well in that case, we can send out another brigade of troops soon enough. So, where should we send them? Jessica : No, we don't need to go off seeking this component. Sieghart : What do you mean? Jessica : .......... ....King Sieghart. Are you willing to give your life for the sake of this world? [Center of the Lushiris Gate] °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Olver : What is it that you want!? Rag : Hihihihi! We are here by order of our Lord Böser, we have come to claim your life. Olver : My life? Why is it that you wish me dead? Rag : As far as we know, you are the only one who can enhance the power of the Haja no Ken. Of course we couldn't allow that sword to become more powerful than Alhazard. If you are wiped from the face of this world, Velzerias triumph would be a certainty. Olver : ...Wicked Demons! Rag : Well then, my pets! Break into his house and kill him for good. Demon : Yes, master! Master Rag, the door won't budge! Rag : Use your head for once! Naturally you have to use powerful destructive magic to open it! Demon : Understood. Pierre : Uwaaah! Demons are attacking! Sophia : It would seem as if the demons are also aware of his ability to strengthen the Haja no Ken. Rag : Pfft! Elthlied forces have come. We have to get over with this fast. Luna : We should advance with utmost haste, if we wish for Olver to live. Rag : You there, tear that door apart right now! Demon :Yessir! Everyone else, move out to destroy the Elthlied forces! Monster : GAAAAAAHHHH! Tiaris : You're way too rusty and shrivelled to keep up with us, you ugly geezer! Rag : Hihihihi! Such a vigorous lass! Shortly you'll understand what mere children you all are before our power! Diehärte : Commence the Attack! Above all we must ensure Olver's safety! (Turn 1) Rag : Now then, get that door open pronto! Demon : Yessir! Demon : What, the door withstood my magic? Tiaris : Aaah! If they keep it up they'll probably break through the door before long! Diehärte : Quickly! (Next attack) Demon : What a stubborn door... Let's see how you like what I got in store for you next! (Next attack) Demon : Hmph! How dare you mock me! (After the door is broken) Olver : What's that!? They found a way to break through my door... Demon : Hahaha... The gate was broken! That's what you get for messing with me! Diehärte : That's bad! We need to hurry! Rag : Only one door remains! Take care of it before those humans get a chance to interfere! Demons : Yes, sir! (Attacking the second door) Demon : Hahaha... The prey has been cornered, I can't wait to savour the sweet taste of its spilled blood! Luna : Sir Diehärte, there's not much time left! If that door is destroyed too, we'll have a major problem to deal with. Diehärte : I know... (After the Siege-demon is defeated) Demon : Guwaaah! Rag : Well, it seems they got some wits after all. Those obnoxious kids from Elthlied! (Once someone get's near Olver) Diehärte : Are you the one called Olver? Olver : Indeed, may I inquire what business you have with me? Diehärte : We are here on behalf of lady Jessica. Olver : Lady Jessica, you say? ...I see. In that case it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance. (Rag being defeated while some demons are left) Rag : W..What...!? I..can't die..like this... But it's fine. ...My pets, run wild as much as you want... Enjoy yourselves in my stead...Uarrgh! Diehärte : Rag is done for.... But the demons haven't stopped their rampage! Luna : Sir Diehärte, there are still demons that threaten Olver's live. Riffany : Also we should purge them all, or they may cause trouble in villages around. Diehärte : You're right, we cannot allow even one of them to escape. Wipe out every single one of them! (Rag being defeated lastly) Rag : W..What...!? I..can't die..like this... Hmph.... Even though..my body is shattered..Master Böser..will..Urghh! (Clear Scenario) Luna : Sir Diehärte, I'm happy to serve under such a capable commander. Diehärte : Now the, let us hurry back to Sieghart and the others. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Diehärte : Sorry to keep you waiting. Sieghart : Ah, you're back. Olver : Good to see you again, Lady Jessica. Jessica : Good to see you too, Master Olver. My apologies for the haste, but we really need your help. Olver : No worries. These people have given me the specifics. We'll need to head to Heaven right away. Lewin : To Heaven? Olver : That's right. To make the Haja no Ken into a holy blade, we need to infuse it with Lady Lushiris's power in Heaven. Jessica : Very well, let's use the power of the Gate to teleport to Heaven. Sieghart : Please do. Jessica : Kesle Kehanitos, Kesle Kehanitos. Let the seal on the gate of the Goddess be broken so that we might be led to the Goddess's demesne. [Heaven, Home of the Goddess Lushiris] Diehärte : So this is Heaven.... Jessica : Lady Lushiris. We have brought King Sieghart of the Elthlied Kingdom. Lushiris : Good work, Jessica. Sieghart : It is an honor to meet you in person, lady Lushiris. Lushiris : I have watched over your actions from here. You have done an excellent job in dispelling the internal chaos that has plagued the land. Sieghart : I have no words to express my gratitude for such praise. Lushiris : However, you must be wary of Velzeria's current actions. The demons have always planned to rule over the world of humans. That's why humans are often manipulated into fighting each other. Diehärte : Then, this war was their doing, too!? Lushiris : I'm not completely certain. No matter what might be said of my powers, I don't know everything about the demons' movements. Just as I watch over humanity, so is there a god who watches over the demons. Lewin : So we have to be the ones who directly oppose these foes. Lushiris : Now, let's begin the ceremony of reforging the Haja no Ken. Place the Haja no Ken here. Diehärte : Yes, milady. Lushiris : Now, I must ask this one last time. King Sieghart. Are you willing to give up your life for the peace of this world? Sieghart : ...Yes. Lewin : !? Lushiris : Very well. With that settled, the ceremony can begin. Olver : ....Become the eternal vessel for this righteous soul, with limitless power..... Jessica : ....Become the eternal vessel for this righteous soul, instilled with the hope for peace..... Lushiris : From now on, the entire world shall be subject to the power of your wish throughout your limitless existence. Der Suuld ist Langrisser.... Lewin : Father!? Sieghart : Lewin, don't worry. Lewin : Father, where are you? Olver : This ceremony was the secret joining of a human soul and the Haja no Ken. Jessica : That sword is now King Sieghart. Diehärte : The sword!? ....King Sieghart is in the sword? Lushiris : ....The Langrisser. It looks like it is a success. Luna : The Langrisser? Lushiris : In the language of Heaven, it means the sanctified sword. Diehärte : The Langrisser..... Lewin : ....Father. Langrisser : Lewin. The Langrisser and I are one. I'll always be at your side. And, I shall lived for all eternity to maintain the peace for this world. Lewin : R..right..... Langrisser : Diehärte. I think you should take the throne of Elthlied.... Diehärte : ..... Tiaris : What's wrong? Diehärte : I'm not suited to being a King. I appreciate the honor, but I must decline. I think it would be best if Lewin became the King of Elthlied. That is, if Lewin agrees. Langrisser : I see. ....I guess that might work. Jessica : Very well, Lady Lushiris. We must return to the land and work to stop the plans of Velzeria. Lushiris : I leave it to you, my daughter. Luna : Lady Jessica is Lady Lushiris's daughter!? Jessica : Haha. I'm not her daughter in the way you're thinking. Lushiris : Jessica serves as my avatar, watching and warding the human world in my stead, since I cannot directly act there. However, she really is human, no different from the rest of humanity. She uses her own judgment to supporting the human worldview and decide what is best to do at any given time. Jessica : But while we're all here, Velzeria is likely trying to stir up more mischief. We'd best return to the earth right away. Diehärte : Fare well, Lady Lushiris. Using this gift on the earth, we shall work to counter Velzeria. Lushiris : I shall wish for everyone's success. [Center of Lushiris Gate] Dios : Oh! Back already! Riffany : How did it go? Were you able to strengthen the Haja no Ken? Pierre : Huh? I don't see the King...... Lewin : This is Father now. Dios : Hey now, this is hardly a good time to be telling jokes... Langrisser : He wasn't joking. Because of my desire for peace, my form has changed, but I will always be with you. Pierre : The sword spoke! Diehärte : Because King Sieghart has given his soul to the Haja no Ken, it has become the Langrisser. So, Lewin shall now become the King of Elthlied. But, for Lewin to become king, we all must fight against Velzeria and any other foes. Langrisser : Forgive my selfish request, but I ask that you all give Lewin your allegiance from now on. Gilbert : If that is your wish, King Sieghart, so shall it be. Fauvel : I'd heard rumors, but I never thought I'd see the mystery of a human soul merged with a sword with my own eyes. Silver Wolf : Anyhow, this isn't a time for tears. It's time to celebrate the ascension of a new king! Sophia : That's right. Elthlied Commander : Bad news! Sophia : What is the matter? Elthlied Commander : Someone who claims to be of the Larcuss royal bloodline has appeared at the castle! Diehärte : Impossible! Didn't the captured nobles testify that every member of the royal family was slain? Riffany : That's right. We all witnessed this, too, with our own eyes. Elthlied Commander : Well, that was what the message said. We have our own legitimate successor to this country's rule. Everyone who supports Sieghart needs to return to the royal capitol immediately! Diehärte : What in the world could be happening? Luna : Well, let's hurry back to the castle. Jessica : Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this. Diehärte : Lady Jessica..... Jessica : I'll return with you. Depending on the circumstances, I'll stand with you in battle. (Jessica joined the party!) Lewin : Thank you very much. Kirikaze : I will come as well. Diehärte : Very well. Anyhow, let's be on our way to the castle. [Rigüler- Elthlied Border ~ Outside Imperial Base] Varna : So we've entered into a ceasefire agreement with Elthlied. But, Velzeria.... A vampire bat....? Monster : Stop that jabbering, Varna. Varna : A monster!? Monster : Better not forget that we have your younger sister, Anna. If you don't kill Altemüller, her life will be in danger. Varna : Grrr, ....you underhanded scumbag! Monster : Hohoho! If you value your younger sister's life, you'd better hurry up and kill him. Use this poison...... It has no distinctive taste or smell, and will kill him quickly. Just mix it in with some sake, it should be undetectable..... Varna : Anna and Lord Altemüller both are precious to me...... I.... I, I don't know what to do..... *********************************************** Scenario ~ 26. "Suspicion" *********************************************** Is this claimant to the throne really of the Larcuss royal bloodline? Didn't the Imperial army execute every member of the royal bloodline? What could be the meaning of this sudden turn of events....? As suspicions seethe, the mobile division hurries straight to the royal capitol, struck with feelings of foreboding. *Condition for Victory -Defeat of the royal claimant Richard *Condition for Defeat -Death of Diehärte [Imperial Headquarters ~ Early Morning] Emaillink : Y..your excellency, Altemüller..... Who in the world did this to His Excellency! Varna : ........Sniff*.... Emaillink : ....Someone mixed poison with the sake. But who, who would do this to His Excellency..... Dammit! We've got to find the perpetrator! And then, I'll make a blood offering with my own hands! Geier : Hohoho! Whoever did this saved me the trouble of doing it myself..... °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Richard's residence] Lewin : I'm Lewin, Prince of the Elthlied kingdom. I'm here on behalf of a messenger you sent to my father, King Sieghart. Richard : Go back whence you came, your attempt to usurp the throne has failed. And you better be grateful if I don't charge you for the full extent of your crimes. Riffany : Oh my? Everyone thought he was killed during the attack of the Empire. But here he stands before us all healthily. And with an even snottier attitude than before. Pierre : Right! But that's preposterous! I watched him die with my very own eyes! Diehärte : Then who on earth is this guy!? Sophia : The Langrisser is shedding it's light!? Ferakia : Hmphh, it seems my cover has been blown. But no matter, it was my intention to dispose of you anyway, so we might as well apply the direct method. Kirikaze : You!? I finally found you! Cursed Witch! Diehärte : Kirikaze!? Ferakia : Huh? Do we know each other? Kirikaze : Never could I forget your visage! I hail from a country way to the east! A country that has fallen into ruin and oblivion due to your malicious doings! Ferakia : Ahahahaha! Now I remember, what divine nostalgia! I get it, you must be the lonesome survivor from back then. So you remember too, we've got so much in common! That means you're the man who ultimately failed to save his own lord's life. You poor thing, what an awful thing to live through. And now you're all fired up to return the favor to me, is that right? Kirikaze : Only if I kill you with my own sword, will my chagrin clear away! Diehärte : Ruin, we have placed ourselves in a dangerous spot. We have to consolidate with the others as soon as possible! Lewin : Yes! Ferakia : How rude! Leaving without even saying goodbye! Lewin : Blasted! We have been surrounded. Luna : Sir Diehärte! Diehärte : No use complaining. We'll just have to fight our ways out of this! (Shortly afterwards) Diehärte : Lewin, that's the perfect opportunity to try out the Langrisser! Lewin : Right! Father, please lend us strength. (Some turns later) Ferakia : Ahahahaha! What enjoyment! How about you, does shedding blood pleases you? Is the rush of battle making your heart race? Kirikaze : Silence! I won't let my mind be clouded by anger! Luna : Sir Diehärte. I fear for Sir Kirikaze's calmness. If he continues like this his life could be in danger. I suggest that you take him under your command, Sir Diehärte. (Do you want to pass out orders for Kirikaze?) (1) yes (2) no (1) Diehärte : You're right. It's probably better to coordinate our efforts. Listen, Kirikaze! Wouldn't it be beneficial if I would coordinate your movements on the battlefield as well? Kirikaze : Sir Diehärte? Very well. My only wish is to fight that person. (Kirikaze has joined the fight against evil!) (2) Diehärte : No, he's doing fine. I don't think it's necessary just yet. Luna : I see. (After defeating all demons) Ferakia : My, how worrisome! You've already killed all my little darlings! And after I put so much love into putting up this trap, shame on you! Kirikaze : You are the last one standing. Prepare yourself for your judgement! (Kirikaze vs Ferakia) Kirikaze : Prepare yourself, witch! Ferakia : So you came all the way from the east just to see me? You're quiet an untiring man, aren't you? Kirikaze : This is hardly the time for frivolous talk. My only purpose for entering this scene of carnage is to bring you down! Ferakia : My! Such rampant passion! Let's see if you, although you're just a human, can live up to my expectations! (After Ferakia is defeated) Ferakia : W..What's that power emitting from that sword!? ...This must be the reason for Rag's demise! Anyhow, I need to report this to Lord Böser... Kirikaze : Hold it! Our battle is yet to be decided! Diehärte : Tch, she got away!? Kirikaze : ...That woman! Sophia : Kirikaze. Kirikaze : Once upon a time I was attached to a kingdom far to the east. But one day an army of demons led by that woman invaded and our country was devoured by flames. Back then I wasn't able to protect my Lord... nor his wife and only son... Tiaris : So this is not even the first kingdom that's being attacked by Velzeria. Kirikaze : Lord Diehärte. If you still plan on marching against Velzeria, please allow me to offer my services! My utmost desire is to bring an end to the witch that is responsible for murdering my Lord! Diehärte : I understand. Let us cooperate closely from now on. Kirikaze : There are no words to express my gratitude! Jessica : Everyone. We have to hurry, or Velzeria might come up with new atrocities. Diehärte : Right! Let's take up the pursuit immediately! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [During Diehärte's Division's Preparations] Luna : How are the preparations for this campaign going, Luna? Luna : Well. Pretty soon, most of our preparations will be complete. The clock's ticking, so we'd best leave as soon as we can. Tiaris : At long last we'll be attacking Velzeria. Lewin : I wonder if victory will be ours..... Diehärte : Hey now, the King shouldn't worry about this kind of thing. It'll all work out. After all, King Sieghart will be with us as the Langrisser. And I'll be there too. Tiaris : That's right. Tiaris : Lewin, we're all here for you! Thanks a lot, everyone. Elthlied Commander : Bad news! Someone has poisoned the Imperial Field Marshal, Sir Altemüller. Luna : What! Elthlied Commander : It seems they haven't been able to catch the murderer yet..... Diehärte : Altemüller... That man..... [Rigüler Imperial Castle ~ Audience Room] Paul : I see, so someone's killed that damned Altemüller, eh. Geier : Yes, milord. Paul : How kind of someone to spare us all the trouble of doing it ourselves. First Father died before his time, and now that pesky Altemüller is out of the way too. That means the Empire is mine! Hohohohoho....! [Velzeria Castle] Grove : The assassination of Altemüller went off without a hitch. Böser : Hmm, I see. Well done. Ferakia : My humble apologies, Lord Böser. My attempted conquest of Elthlied has failed. Since the Haja no Ken turned out to have more power against demons than I'd expected, our power was.... Böser : ....That's fine. Now that Rag is dead, you'll need to work harder, though. Now that the Field Marshal who was responsible for much of the military strength of the Empire is gone, things should be easier. Ferakia : Altemüller!? Then, that Varna woman.....? Böser : Exactly. It seems that threatening her beloved younger sister was enough to decide the issue for her. It's such sentiment which make humans the most foolish living things. This was a most interesting strategy you thought up, Grove. Grove : Speaking of Varna, how shall we dispose of her younger sister? Böser : Interesting question. We can still use that Varna woman. So, we'll let the younger sister live a little longer, to further our ambitions. *********************************************** Scenario ~ 27. "Shapeshiftress Ferakia" *********************************************** Ferakia's attempt to throw Elthlied into chaos by taking the form of a royal claimant was easily seen through thanks to the power of the holy sword, the Langrisser. Diehärte and company have taken this chance to start their journey to Velzeria to overthrow the leader of the demons, Böser. However, in a marshland on the way, the Shapeshiftress Ferakia lay in wait, hoping for a chance to get bloody revenge, for the shameful defeat suffered. *Condition for Victory Defeat of Ferakia *Condition for Defeat Death of Diehärte [Fort Hakusan ~ 15 Years Ago] Kirikaze : Grr! Opposition is futile! Eeii! Secret sword technique, Shitsufuuzan! (Rapid Wind Death) Milord! Milord! Answer me! Liegelord : Ugh...... Gu..guhuu! Ferakia : Ahaha! Now this country is finished! Liegelord : H..how vexing.... Kirikaze : Milord! Ferakia : You're too late. Since you only reached here now, you were too slow to protect your ward! Kirikaze : You! Demonic wretch! Ferakia : Bah! You actually managed to wound me..... But, whatever. Since this country is finished anyway, it doesn't matter if I let go one miserable human! Kirikaze : Milord.....my humble apologies! My lord, you kept me in your service for so long, yet I failed to protect not only your wife and only son, Shoutarou, but also you..... I, the dishonored Kirikaze, wish to postpone committing honorable suicide for a little while longer. Please, let me live in shame until I defeat Your enemy, that cursed witch! [Road to Velzeria] Kirikaze : ..... Diehärte : What's wrong, Kirikaze? Kirikaze : It's nothing, nothing at all. I was just recalling the days of yore. ....Anyhow, it seems to have gotten colder. Velzeria must be only a little farther. Luna : Our scouts have returned. Diehärte : I see. So, what's the word? Luna : They report sightings of monsters in the marshland ahead. The marshland is covered with snow. It's the perfect place for an ambush. Diehärte : They'll probably take advantage of that. Apparently we haven't defeated them enough times to route them yet. Kirikaze : Au contraire, the facts would suggest that they are desperate, as this is their last chance. They're frantically trying to keep us away from Velzeria. Diehärte : Hmm...... (What do you say?) (1) But, it'll be fine. (2) We need to be careful. (3) We might be in over our heads. (1) Diehärte : But, we'll be fine. Everyone, cheer up! Riffany : Right. Tiaris : Yeah! Tia will also do her best! Kirikaze : As will I. (2) We'll be fighting on a battleground of their choosing. We need to be very careful. Luna : Indeed. Kirikaze : I agree. (3) Diehärte : This time, it looks like we might be in over our heads..... Riffany : No way, [diehardt's name]! What are you saying!? Luna : That's right. Aren't you our commander? Tiaris :Really! This isn't like you at all, [diehardt's name]! Diehärte : ....S..sorry...... °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Plains of Luon ~ Marshlands] Ferakia : This place is just perfect for an ambush, I can already smell the scent of carnage in the air. ...But waiting is so unnerving. If we get rid of them here, surely Master Böser would be very pleased. Demon : Lady Ferakia. The smell of humans is becoming strong. Ferakia : They are approaching. Now my little darlings, do me a favor and don't you mess this up. Demon : We won't fail you. Luna : The scouts have reported sightings of demons around here. Riffany : Undoubtedly... The presence of demons can be felt all around. Diehärte : So here it will be then. Kirikaze : ....This time I will bring a conclusion! Diehärte : Everyone, stay alert! Tiaris : You bet! (Shortly afterwards) Ferakia : You must be pretty carefree or simply stupid to think you can venture into our territory like this. Kirikaze : Spare us the act, for the time of your death draws near! Ferakia : Coincidentally this crystal here has the convenient property to enhance my magic tenfold. Today you'll witness my less timid side. You should consider yourselves lucky, not many are blessed with so much of my loving attention. (After making some way) Ferakia : You're doing quiet well, for humans. To reward your many efforts I will show you the true extent of my beauty! Diehärte : What!? Ferakia : Watch closely! Riffany : I wonder how she did this? What kind of peculiar magic is that? Ferakia : Hahaha! Now that I have taken this form, all hope for you has dwindled! Kirikaze : No matter what monstrosity you turn into, I will deliver you to justice all the same! Ferakia : Be my guest and witness this body's disastrous power with your own flesh! (After some turns) Diehärte : Blasted! Enemies are attacking from behind!? Ferakia : Hahahah! Let the bloodbath begin! Make sure our honored guests enjoy themselves to the fullest! Diehärte : The frozen ground is rather hard to tread on. Luna : Yes. Furthermore our overland units are handicapped because there's only a narrow path. It would be advisable to deploy flying and naval units to wipe out the enemy's ranged units. (Kirikaze near Ferakia) Ferakia : Tss! Here you are already, you're quiet a dashing one! Kirikaze : It's time to settle this once and for all! The Shinigami eagerly await the offering of your life! Ferakia : If you want to end your misery so badly, come right at me! This time I won't let you off the hook that easily! (All demons except Ferakia being defeated) Kirikaze : You are the only one left. Resign yourself. Ferakia : Hmmph! What use would that have if you'd kill me anyway!? (Kirikaze vs Ferakia) Kirikaze : This time you can't run away! At long last I will avenge my Lord's murder, so my anguish will be soothed! Ferakia : Hmph! Don't get your hopes up. Once I sent you to hell you're torment will continue for eternity! (After Defeating Ferakia) Ferakia : You...morons... This...is not..the last...of me... Forgive me Lord Böser...I have failed... ..I'll be watching...you...from Oblivion... my ill-mannered darlings... Kirikaze : My lord....your murder has been indemnified... Diehärte : ... Luna : You did well, Sir Diehärte. Today we have won an important victory. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Plains of Luon ~ Marshlands] Diehärte : You did it, Kirikaze. Kirikaze : Thanks to everyone's help, I was able to defeat that witch. I don't know how best to express my gratitude...... Lewin : No need to worry about that. We're all friends, after all. Tiaris : Speaking of which, Kirikaze, what do you plan to do now? Since you were able to avenge your lord, will you return now? Kirikaze : No. We may have defeated Ferakia, but the puppeteer pulling her strings, Böser, remains. Unless Böser is defeated, other monsters will eventually attack again. Until Böser is overthrown, I will travel together with you all. Jessica : I see. In that case, we have to defeat Böser and end this matter once and for all. Kirikaze : I shall make it my new duty. Come, let's move on! Diehärte : All right, everyone. None of us can rest until Böser is defeated! ******************************************** Scenario ~ 28. "Demon Defense Force" ******************************************** Diehärte and company have defeated one of the three demon generals, Shapeshiftress Ferakia, and headed on towards Velzeria Castle. However, at the gates of that castle, Necromancer Grove awaits them with a potent defense force. *Condition for Victory Defeat of Grove *Condition for Defeat Death of Diehärte [New Emperor Paul's Coronation Ceremony] Paul : Alas, my father, Heinrich Christ IV, struggled valiantly against his illness for a long time, but to our great sorrow, he finally succumbed. However, now that I have become the Emperor, in my fallen father's place, I dedicate all of my power towards the defense of the Empire and the Empire's citizens! Rigüler troops : Long live the new Lord Paul! Long live the new Emperor Paul! Paul : Furthermore, I have one additional important announcement to make. It pains me to speak of, but I fear that someone has poisoned Altemüller who has served in the Imperial army with great merit up to the present. I think that everyone held him in great esteem. His successor as Field Marshal shall be Geier. [Rigüler Imperial Castle ~ Audience Hall] Paul : Uhahaha! I can't stop laughing in joy! Now the Empire is mine in both name and truth! Speaking of which, Geier. Wouldn't you agree that it would be best for you to start acting as Field Marshal soon? You must quickly take down Elthlied. Geier : Before I do that, I ask for a little bit of time. There is a small matter that I would like to look into first. Paul : ....Hmmm. Then, as soon as this matter is dealt with, return to headquarters. I shall muster additional troops. After all, no matter what it takes, we must crush Elthlied! Geier : As you command, Emperor Paul. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Velzeria Castle ~ Before the Castle Gates] Diehärte : So this is the Velzerian Castle, huh? Sophia : I assume so. Jessica : The demonic aura around here is staggering. I'm here for the first time, but according to what Lady Lushiris has conveyed to me this has to be it. Tiaris : So the Prince of Darkness Böser is around here too? Fauvel : Most certainly. Silver Wolf : Let's give that Böser fellow a good trashing and be outta here! Grove : I'm afraid that is not going to happen. Pierre : That voice! Luna : We are surrounded! How come we didn't noticed? Dios : Suits me fine! That way they save us the trouble of chasing after them. Grove : Quiet overconfident, aren't we? I admit, I'm slightly impressed you managed to defeat Ferakia. But this time the circumstances are a bit different, no? Diehärte : It's the same thing! We defeated her, we'll defeat you and then we'll finish off that Böser character! Grove : Is that so? They say you need 3 times the soldiers to take this castle. But you are just a handful; are you telling me that you believe you can win at such odds? Diehärte : That's exactly what I'm saying! (Next turn) Pierre : Say, that talk about 3 times the soldiers was a bluff right? Luna : I'm afraid not. It is basic strategic knowledge that one needs approximately 3 times the troops to conquer a well armed defensive position. In other words, what he was saying was quiet accurate. Pierre : What!? In case you didn't notice, THEY have 3 times our troops! Dios : Now keep it cool, we're only talking about numbers here. We'll just take them on one by one, if we stick together that minor difference in numbers won't matter much. Grove : Hehehehe! You amuse me, but let's see if you can keep up with your boasting! (After all Enemies outside the castle has been defeated) Diehärte : Now all that's left is to storm the castle! Do you still plan to fight on!? Grove : Hehehe! It's to early for you to celebrate a victory you haven't won yet. Gilbert : Is that a sore loser speaking? But no matter, your time is running short anyway! (Shortly afterwards) Grove : Come perished ones, rise again and haunt the living! Kimo Jinihi Kushi Zekiki Yokana Haguji Soramu! Diehärte : Whaa? All the monster's corpses have come back to life? Grove : I'm glad you like it, considering this such a simple task for my humble self to perform. Gilbert : Enjoy your miserable life, for it won't last any longer, Grove! (Shortly afterwards) Diehärte : Dammit! We have been surrounded once again! Riffany : Umm, Sir Diehärte. Since they have been resurrected, I think it would be best using Holy and Fire magic against them. Diehärte : ... Yeah, you've got a point there. Let's give it a try. Monster : GUGAAAA! (After defeating them the second time) Grove : You ignorant humans have no sense for quality corpses! How dare you slay my beloved underlings! Gilbert : Grove! Underestimating the strength of us humans will prove a baneful fallacy! (After defeating all Monsters) Grove : KYAAAAH! They killed all of my long time minions simply like that.... You'll pay...you'll pay dearly! (After Grove is defeated) Grove : Ughh...those..Ignoramus... No human could....command such power... It's gotta be....that sword... Master Bösaaahh... Gilbert : Coty... Your tormentor is no more. You can rest peacefully now. Dios : Has anyone else noticed just how powerful we've become? Diehärte : With that all of the Velzerian Generals have been defeated by our own hands... Luna : This battle went well only because of your prudent commanding, Sir Diehärte. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Rigüler Imperial Castle ~ Audience Hall] Paul : Uhahaha! I can't stop laughing in joy! Now the Empire is mine in both name and truth! Speaking of which, Geier. Wouldn't you agree that it would be best for you to start acting as Field Marshal soon? You must quickly take down Elthlied. Geier : Before I do that, I ask for a little bit of time. There is a small matter that I would like to look into first. Paul : ....Hmmm. Then, as soon as this matter is dealt with, return to headquarters. I shall muster additional troops. After all, no matter what it takes, we must crush Elthlied! Geier : As you command, Emperor Paul. ******************************************************** Scenario 29. "Böser, Master of the Demon Blade" ******************************************************** In the lowest levels of Velzeria Castle, Böser awaits the arrival of his prey. "So the human chosen by Lushiris is this powerful. This should be fun..." Now, the fight for the world of humans shall begin in earnest..... *Condition for Victory -Defeat of Böser *Conditions for Defeat -Death of [diehardt's name] -Death of Varna's sister, Anna [Velzeria Castle ~ Before the Castle Gates] Diehärte : So Böser awaits up ahead..... Kirikaze : This will be the final showdown with the Lord of evil. Jessica : If we lose here, the entire world of humans is sure to fall to the demons. Silver Wolf : Oh please. Do excuse me for not indulging in such poignant pessimism! Lewin : Father. We've finally arrived here. Please lend us your power! Langrisser : Have a little faith...In your own power.... In your friends' power.... Diehärte : Let's go, everyone. It's time to take down Böser! Riffany : Excuse me.....Diehärte......? Diehärte : What's wrong, Riffany? Riffany : With the weight of humanity's future on our shoulders, I..... Diehärte : Riffany..... *What do you say? 1) It's a serious matter. 2) Cheer up! 3) This isn't like you! * (1) Diehärte : Yes. It's a heavy responsibility..... Riffany : Yeah, I feel really overwhelmed by all the pressure to succeed.... Diehärte : You're not the only one worried, though. Everyone's ill at ease. But, we have no other choice. We've got to do this. Riffany : You're right. I..I'll do my best! (2) Diehärte : You don't need to look at this so seriously. Cheer up. Riffany : Oh my, you're not worried at all? Diehärte : There's no reason to get all worked up over this. If we mess up, we'll worry about it when it happens. Riffany : I..I see..... Diehärte : So, let's go. Diehärte : ......... (3)* Diehärte : What's the matter, Riffany? This isn't like you at all. Riffany : Well! What are you trying to say? For sure, I..... (What do you reply?) 1)I was too flippant. 2)Sorry, sorry. * 3)The truth. (1) Diehärte : Forgive me, I was too flippant. I'm also worried about it..... Riffany : .............So doubts have started to plague you too, eh. Diehärte : Riffany..... Riffany : Oh my. Where's that confident voice you always use to calm our doubts? Come on, we'll win for sure, right? Diehärte : Right. (2)* Diehärte : Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean it; I just wanted to see you smile. I don't know if you've realized it yet, but your smile is what dispels my doubts and sets me at ease. Riffany : Y..you can't mean..... Diehärte : Don't worry. We'll win for sure. Riffany : R..right...... (3) Diehärte : Haven't I always told the plain truth before now? Riffany : H..how insensitive! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Böser : Hmm, it would seem that Ferakia and Grove are finished for now. Diehärte : You're Böser! Böser : Indeed. My name shall be Böser. As it is for all Velzerian kings and successors to the demon sword Alhazard. Although humans may also know me as, the Prince of darkness. Kirikaze : You were the one responsible for the destruction of my homeland! Böser : Hahaha, so it would seem. Certainly, it was quiet a pleasure all those years back, my what good fun. Dios : Fun!? Böser : Precisely. I can hardly think of anything more entertaining than destroying some petty human nations. And who would care about that backwater eastern kingdom in the first place. Kirikaze : Uuaarrgh, you'll pay for this Böser! Lewin : Everyone, let us be as one and smite the archfiend of humanity! We cannot allow him have his way with this world and endanger the peace so many gave their lives for! Diehärte : Well said! If you like it or not, you'll soon realize the power humans posses, Böser! Böser : Muuhahaha, now fathom the unmatchable power of Alhazard! As the successors of Alhazard by the name of Böser I command you to take shape! (A lot of demons appear out of thin air) Sophia : That can't be! Just a moment ago there was no demonic presence at all! Fauvel : It seems that they were hidden somehow. Riffany : He summoned an Arch demon and a Bahamut. Only to summon all those lesser minions is beyond difficult, good heavens. Not only that but he just summoned all those with one simple incantation. Jessica : This is the terrible might of Alhazard. The one who wields Alhazard becomes King of all Demons. All demons have unyielding loyalty to their Lord and will bid his every command. It is said Alhazard's powers to control the demon kind are infinite. Böser : Hoho. That women knows an awful lot about the demon sword. I guess one could expect as much from the offshoot of Lushiris. But after all your annoyance will end too once you are dead. Jessica : You will soon regret underestimating us, Böser. By Lushiris sacred name I vow to defeat you. For such is my holy mission. Böser : Hmph. At the moment you are nothing but a fragile bag of flesh, offshoot of Lushiris. Such is not to be feared by the likes of myself. Now, let the bloody festivities begin! (After moving somewhat towards Böser) Dark Bowmen : Kill them all! Dark Bowmen : Surround them! Böser : Show those foolish humans the power of darkness! Move out! Iron Golem : Ga! (Moving closer towards Böser!) Varna : Finally I found you Böser! Diehärte : Varna? Varna : Return my little sister Anna to me! Böser : Oho if it isn't the perpetrator that disposed of that nuisance Altemüller. Luna : What? Varna : Silence! You promised to release Anna! Böser : Well if you want to see her so badly. Here she is! Anna : S..sister! Varna : A..anna! ....Böser! Release Anna! Böser : Foolish Woman. Did you really believe a promise to a lowly human would have any meaning to me?! Varna : Damn you! ...Böser! Diehärte : So her little sister was taken hostage. And for the sake of her Altemüller was.... Luna : It seems like she was threatened into killing Altemüller.... Dios : Being all alone without any relatives is a cruel fate. ....We have to help her. Diehärte : Varna's Sister mustn't be allowed to become another of Böser's victims, like Altemüller. ?? : Truer words have never been spoken! Gilbert : Using blood relatives to further your ends... You will not get away with this, Böser! Böser : Excellent, simply Excellent! Let all those dark sentiments flow right into Alhazard! (On the Next turn) Moving closer ) Anna : Sister! Varna : Anna! Hold out a little while longer! Help is on the way! Anna : Please stop! Don't hurt my big sister! Böser : Hoho. If she decides to turn against me she chooses certain death. Humans are such brainless creatures... Varna : Hmph! You won't be so full of yourself for long! (After moving in on Böser) Böser So you've come this far. As one would expect from those who bested my three demon commanders. However, don't forget about my little trump card right here. Anna : !? Böser : Will you continue to oppose me even if this girl's life is on the line? Anna : S..Sister.... Varna : Anna! Diehärte : Dammit, he's using her as a human shield. Unknown : Worry not. Böser : Who said that!? Altemüller : It seems like I was in time. Varna : Your Excellency! Böser : H..how can this be...Varna should've killed you... Varna! You double crossed me! Varna : No, you were just too deluded to notice. Prepare yourself, Böser! Diehärte : Altemüller? How is it possible that you're still alive? Altemüller : Let's save the details for later. For now concentrate on finishing this battle! Now you can't hide behind your hostage anymore, Böser! Böser : ....Huhuhuwahahahaa! Don't forget that I hold the almighty Alhazard in my hands! Langrisser : It seems you are obsessed with power to the bitter end. ...such foolishness. Lewin : Father!? Langrisser : Employing the holy power I'm imbued with, I hereby seal away the demonic powers of Alhazard. Böser : Whhat...Alhazard's power is fading... Diehärte : Now! Bring him down with one quick sweep! (On the next turn) Altemüller : Threatening the hostage's life was your last hope for escaping your fate. Give up Böser. Böser : Ridiculous, there is nothing you lowly humans can do to me! Shortly you shall feel my mortal wrath for your insolence! Altemüller : Oh...It would be my pleasure. (On the next turn) Böser : The price for ridiculing me,is paid in blood! Altemüller : What wasteful struggle... (After defeating Böser) Böser : Such mockery....I..I'm the successors of Alhazard... this can't... °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the Battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Velzerian castle underground] Altemüller : It seems that after all the cursed swords strength depends of his wielder. Even with Alhazard's power he couldn't compete with the our combined powers. Varna : Your Excellency, you are safe. Lately I've been nothing but trouble for you. Altemüller : There's no need to feel that way. One could endure indescribable agony and overcome the most grievous hardships for the sake of someone dear. Diehärte : Altemüller... Altemüller : Varna was threatened by Böser to kill me, who had taken her sister as a hostage. To deceive everyone, I drank a medicine that put me into a death like state. All that was done to give us the chance to rescue Anna. Varna : Even the slightest mistake could have been lethal, it was a risky bet. And yet you did all of this... Truly, Thank you. Diehärte : I see, so that's what happened. Jessica : Well then, let us initiate the ceremony to seal the demon sword. Langrisser : Lewin. Lewin : Yes, Father. Langrisser : This means goodbye for us as well. Lewin : Huh!? Langrisser : In order to seal Alhazard successfully, my soul must melt with the Langrisser completely. It is the only way. Lewin : I..I see... Langrisser : Don't make such a sad face. From now on you are the King of Elthlied. You must hold your head high and lead our people. ...I have faith in you. Lewin : ...Yes father! I shall give it my all! Sophia : Awaken, sacred powers of the divine one. Saintly Sword imbued with the noble spirit of a king, take away the power from the sword of darkness, Alhazard, and put it into everlasting slumber. Luna : The dark aura is growing weaker... Diehärte : This at least should put an end to Velzeria. Geier : After all you live, Altemüller. Varna : General Geier!? What are you doing here? Geier : It is not General, call me Field Marshal! Varna : Field Marshal You!? ...Never! Geier : And I had such high hopes for the poison to put an end to you. This shouldn't be possible! Altemüller : It was just an act. Geier : You finally dead would have been to good to be true... You're nothing but an obstacle for his majesty Paul. Too bad for you that, in the meantime I have become the new Field Marshal! Altemüller : So, this is what you've been after. Geier : If I'd present your head to his majesty Paul, he'd surely be overjoyed! Fire! Varna : Watch out your Excellency! Urgh! Geier : Idiots! You missed!? Altemüller : Varna! Geier! Sophia : Ahh, don't! The sword... Altemüller : As for that sword! Rigüler Soldier : Guwargh!! Geier : Damn! Retreat for now! Altemüller : Hold it! Geier! Lamia : *giggle*... You didn't really think you could escape, you little dumbass... Diehärte : Demons have appeared? What is going on...? Rag : Alhazard has chosen its new wielder. You are now the absolute ruler of the Demon Tribe. We approve of you being our new master and pledge our livelong loyalty to you. Altemüller : ...Hmph, interesting. I accept! After we finally were able to help Anna, you had to die... You will not get away with this Geier! Paul! Sophia : This is bad! At this rate the sword will possess him! We have to stop him! Riffany : If he gets away, all our efforts so far would be in vain! Diehärte : Everyone chase after Altemüller! Rag: You will do no such thing. Diehärte ? : As for you, Rag! You are becoming an annoying obstacle. How can you still be alive? Rag : Me, Grove and Ferakia, we all are, in a way. Gilbert : Impossible! No way they could... Rag :Oh, but we are immortal. Fighting us is useless. Kirikaze : We will see if those claims are valid! Rag : Hoho. This is nothing compared to the Holy Blade. Ah it seems like you can't wait to suffer at my hands. But for today we have to say our goodbyes. We have to stand by our new master's side. Luna : It isn't too late just yet. We have to chase after him. Tiaris : So we have to seal Alhazard once more, what a pain! Silver Wolf : So much for the supposedly decisive battle... Elthlied Soldier : Emergency! Lewin : What's happening, why are you being so flustered? Elthlied Soldier : The Barral troops have crossed the border! Please return immediately! Dios : What!? Luna : It seems that they have reorganized a combat force. If we decide to stop Barral, we'll probably lose Altemüller. Diehärte : ...That may be true. However, Altemüller is just out of his mind in anger right now. After he calms down, we may be able to talk some sense into him. For now we have to stop Barral. Kirikaze : Until Alhazard is sealed and Velzeria is brought down, I shall accompany you on your way. [Plains near Velzeria Castle] Emaillink : ....Altemüller. What are your plans from here on? Altemüller : It is likely that Paul sends some pursuers this way. We will be gone when they arrive and strike back fast. He will also make a move on Elthlied shortly. And we cannot say if Elthlied will be interfering with our plans... Rag : You can leave that matter to me my lord. Altemüller : Alright, do as you please. Rag : Well then. Altemüller : In that case I entrust dealing with Elthlied to you Rag. Once I've dealt with Paul, I'll claim back the Empire. We will take our leave now. Rag : Well then. [Barrel castle during audience] Dark Knight : The combat force is ready at last. King Wilder : These are no times to sit idly by, we'll move out soon. Everything is permitted including plundering and slaughter. The attack will commence tomorrow! Dark Knight : Our first target in Elthlied territory should be the city of Nerufu.... King Wilder : This town... There was a big floodgate there, use it to our advantage... Flaire : Father you don't mean! Dark Knight : ...As you wish. Flaire : Please wait, Sir Dark Knight! Dark Knight : .... Flaire : Could you truly do such a terrible thing!? Dark Knight : ...And that coming from the princess; do you care about your own family so little, as to oppose the King's orders? Flaire : ...Argh! ***************************************************** Scenario ~ 30. "Behind the Mask" ***************************************************** Although Böser was defeated successfully the sealing of Al Hazed was not completed. At Varna's death Altemüller takes away Alhazard in a rage of fury to exact his revenge. As the chase after Altemüller is about to commence, a report of an attack from the Barral Empire comes in. Being startled by the unfolding events, Diehärte decides that protecting the citizens of Nerufu is a more urgent matter at hand. [Rigüler Castle during audience] Paul : How! Can this really be true!? Geier : It is. Although it is rather strange, since I had not few men searching for him... In his condition he shouldn't have come far. Paul : It is quiet unusual for you to fail me so, Field Marshal Geier. Geier : You may want to consider that Altemüller has allied with the Demons of Velzeria. Paul : What!? He conspires with demons? This makes him an open enemy to the Empire! Field Marshal Geier I hereby order you formally! Obliterate the traitor Altemüller! This shall be his punishment for befriending demons and betraying the Empire! Geier : As you wish. By all means, I will present his head to you my majesty! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Town of Nefuru] Ruud : Sir Dark Knight. Are we about to invade this town? Dark Knight : That is correct. Ruud : But it would seem that this town doesn't hold any strategic value. Dark Knight : That may be so. It will serve to demonstrate the might of the Barral Kingdom and our unwavering determination to conquer all. We will think of its further use afterwards. Today we make clear to the world that nothing can compare to the power of Barral, just as King Wielder desires. Barral Commander : To prove ourselves worthy we must strike swiftly and effectively. Dark Knight : Certainly. Once the floodgate is broken our victory is assured. Barral Commander : I see, that way the city will submerge. What a prudent plan. Ruud : Then nothing remains... Dark Knight : Enough idle talk, begin the maneuver. ...Forward the orders Ruud. Ruud : ..... ...All troops! The target is the floodgate. Spread out! Barral Soldier : Yessir! Diehärte : Hold it! We will not permit you to lay waste to this town! Dios : So we meet again Dark Knight! Ruud : General Dios... Dios : Ruud? ...it has been a long time. Dark Knight : Change of orders. Ruud you lead the front-line unit and stop the enemy's advance. Mobile units flank the enemy. Barral Commander : Yessir. Ruud : .... Dark Knight : What is it Ruud! He may once was your superior but now he's nothing more than a traitor. As such you will strike him down. ...Move out. (Next Turn) Dark Knight : Ruud advance! Ruud : ...Yessir! (Dios near Ruud) Dios : It's been a while Ruud. Ruud : ...Sir Dios. Dios : Just how long do you plan to stick with those guys? Ruud : One man alone can go his own way. But I could not sacrifice my wife for my own desires. ...there's little chance to escape the resulting persecution. .... In the end, one who leaves behind his wife to run away is nothing but a coward. Dios : I don't think so. Taking the opportunity to run away to stay true to oneself is certainly better than losing oneself and becoming a disfigured person. ...This would be what the person that loves you couldn't endure more than anything else. Ruud : Thank you. Your words have restored you a little. (Next turn ) Ruud : .... I wonder, is this truly the righteous way to life... (Next turn) Ruud : Sir Dios. After all it seems I too committed a terrible error. Listen, our objective is to destroy the floodgate to make this town submerge. Dios : What?! Crap! Just how low has the Barral Kingdom fallen? Ruud : ...They want Barral to be feared. It is due to the King's own wish. Dios : What absurdity. Aren't we soldiers to protect our people? Slaughtering all those civilians means betraying this ideal. We cannot allow this town to fall into their hands... Dark Knight : Ruud. Are you aware of what you just did? Leaking information to the enemy is high treason. (Next turn) Luna : If the Floodgate was destroyed it would mean the end for this town. Diehärte : Right. We won't allow this to happen! (Dios vs Dark Knight) Dark Knight : Traitor. Prepare to receive your punishment! Dios : Don't make me laugh Dark Knight! I won't forgive you for mistreating my subordinates! Today you'll regret, being so full of yourself! Dark Knight : You coward will eat those words soon! Only a fool would dream of defeating me. (Diehärte near Dark Knight) Diehärte : Prepare Yourself Dark Knight! Dark Knight : Are you ready for me? If not you will pay the ferryman soon. Diehärte : That goes without saying! (Diehärte vs Dark Knight) Dark Knight : ...Oh. That was quiet good. Diehärte : You are strong but just one person, we draw upon a different power! The strength that comes with comradeship! With it your defeat is already a certainty! Dark Knight : You're just a bunch of rebels to me. I will show you how helpless you really are! (After the Dark Knight is defeated) Dark Knight : Oh, what is this power... ..that could best even me... ...this cannot...I...guarh.. Diehärte : Geriord? Tiaris : ...N..no way... Geriord was the Dark Knight all along... Lewin : That can't be... Diehärte : ...Just what is going on?... °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the Battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Town of Nerufu] Tiaris : Geriord... Diehärte : How could Geriord be the Dark Knight... Just what is the meaning of this...? Sophia : Is he the one you had to leave behind in Laffel? Diehärte : Yeah.... Silver Wolf : So how did he end up as the Dark Knight then? Diehärte : I don't know. Geriord was the one who taught me how to wield a sword. I have only fond memories of him being a kind man, my ideal of what a knight should be like. ...He was like an elder brother to me... Luna : Seemingly both Geriord and King Wilder have undergone a complete change. This cannot be mere coincidence. Jessica : .... Kirikaze : What is the matter, Lady Jessica? Jessica : ...Hmm. It is faint, but the bewitchment of the demon family can be felt emitted from his body. Pierre : Seriously, even this is the work of Velzeria? Jessica : We have to meet King Wilder to be sure about it. If King Wilder's insanity is due to the influence of Velzeria, we have to try to rid him of it with all means necessary. Sophia : But, Lady Jessica. If we try to cleanse him with magic wouldn't his life be in danger too? Gilbert : And to think that we already have taken down Böser and his generals... Jessica : Even I don't know everything about Velzeria's true power. When worse comes to worse, we may won't be able to save King Wilder or find the cause for his madness. Luna : Nonetheless Barrel should be our next destination. Diehärte : ...Yes, we're going to Barral. We have to uncover the truth about all of this! [Flying Fortress] Altemüller : Hmph, how tiresome. Emaillink : Lord Altemüller. By the looks of it Geier has abandoned his subordinates and fled. Altemüller : Deserting ones subordinates like this. It fits Geier well. But the only thing that matters is that the Flying Fortress is ours to command now. It seems as if Elthlied was delayed somehow too, how convenient.. Emaillink make preparations for the assault on the imperial capitol! Emaillink : As you wish. Altemüller : Hehehe...Hahahaha! Emaillink : ... ***************************************************** Scenario ~ 31. "The Threads between People" ***************************************************** The Dark Knight shows his true face, being the familiar of the thought-dead Geriord. When finding out about it, Diehärte's heart becomes enshrouded in sadness. Furthermore the malicious influence of Velzeria could still be felt, in the air surrounding Geriord. Could this all be Velzeria's doing? And is this the source of King Wilder's insanity as well? To uncover the truth the fellowship moves on to the Kingdom of Barral. * Victory condition$FFFC> Defeat or persuade Flaire * Victory condition Death of [diehardt's name] [Aerial fortress in the skies above the Rigüler Capitol] Rigüler Commander : You have nowhere to run... Your miserable life ends here! Velzerian Commander : GYAAA...! Rigüler Commander : If we let them beat us here they will surge into the capitol. You won't get past this very spot! Uoohhh! Charge! Emaillink : ...Rest in peace. Altemüller : You're getting lax Emaillink. Look closely how it is done. Hmph, after all their just numbers. Emaillink : However, it saddens me to think that we fight our own kind. Altemüller : What nonsense. Those who dare resist me have no place in the new Empire. They are only good for dulling my blade. Emaillink : ..... °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Flaire : ...I still can't believe it. How could the Dark Knight be defeated? Barral Commander : When I received the report I couldn't believe my ears. I too thought the Dark Knight to be undefeatable... Barral Cleric : Princess! The enemy has appeared!FFFC> After all it seems to be the truth that the Dark Knight has fallen. Flaire : Don't panic! Our defense here has never crumbled before. Fight defensively and we surely will be victorious. Silver Wolf : Blazes! They've put up some tough looking defense. Dios : The princess is proud of this spot being the perfect place for thwarting any attempt to assault the Barral Kingdom. Pierre : She is quiet the brave princess to command the troops herself, don't you think? Dios : You can say that again. Her offensive abilities are good but her defensive skills are her real strong point. We will have a hard time here for sure. ...Luckily it seems that despite the King's and Dark Knight's madness the princess is still herself. Kirikaze : We should try to avoid any meaningless fighting with her. Diehärte : Yeah. ...Flaire! Listen to me! Flaire : What is your business here? Diehärte : Flaire. We have no desire to do senseless battle. Please let us through to meet with King Wilder. Flaire : So you are after my father's life? Diehärte : We only want to talk to him. Flaire : I cannot believe you. It is my duty to protect the King from any danger. Therefore you will not pass. You may have defeated the Dark Knight but don't think you will have so much luck a second time! Diehärte : Flaire! Jessica : What should we do, Diehärte? Sophia : If Velzeria is related to this, the longer we do nothing the worse it will get. Diehärte : ...We have to persuade Flaire somehow. Everyone if I can explain the situation to Flaire I'm sure she'll cooperate. Luna : In this case we should concentrate only on securing a path to her. Pierre : Leave it to me! I've got your back! Diehärte : Everyone, I put my faith in you! (Next turn) Flaire : How did we end up fighting like this Diehärte... Barral Commander : Princess we will protect you with our lives. Flaire : Thank you... Retreat if it gets too dangerous. There are families you need to take care of. Barral Commander : Princess... Flaire : The outcome of this battle will decide the fate of Barrel! Remember that even a small force can best a large one if the advantage is on their side! Stay strong! Barral cleric : Yeaaah! (After crossing the Bridge) Flaire : As expected they are coming across the bridge... Ranged units! Aim with utmost accuracy! Sorcerers move on to the attack! Sorceress : Understood. (Diehärte near Flaire) Diehärte : Flaire! Please hear me out! The sudden change of King Wilder's personality is just too strange. You must have noticed yourself right? Flaire : ..... Diehärte : There is the possibility that King Wilder is being manipulated by Velzeria. Wouldn't that explain everything King Wilder has done of late? Flaire : ...Not long ago, I was out in the forest hunting on my own. When I didn't come home Father and some of his subordinates came looking for me. The fleeing prey had startled father's horse and father fell from a cliff. It was a miracle that he wasn't injured seriously. However... Diehärte : ...Flaire. Flaire : ...Afterwards, the kind father I knew was no more. It was all my fault! Father only changed because of my mindlessness! That's what I believe. Please everyone you must leave here, there is nothing you can do to help!! Diehärte : Listen to me carefully Flaire! In truth the Dark Knight was Geriord. We could still sense the bewitchment around him. He was being used by the Velzerians. Perhaps his and King Wilder's transfiguration is due to some dark magic. The person affected becomes a walking corpse stripped of his own will. Flaire : Impossible! Father... Diehärte : We only want to investigate if that is the case. If fortune smiles upon us we might be able to rescue the King from the spell! Flaire : ....But... Diehärte : Please believe me Flaire! Flaire : ...I believe you. Even if chances are slim, you may be able to help my father being himself again. Diehärte : Flaire... Flaire : It's painful to admit but I can't do anything else for him. I can no longer endure seeing him in his current state... Please try to rescue my father... Diehärte : I promise this to you Flaire. We will do our utmost to rescue King Wilder! Flaire : Thank you, Diehärte. ...I'd like to help too. Diehärte : Huh?! Flaire : Well, I can handle myself in battle and my knowledge about the castle should prove somewhat useful. Diehärte : You're right, I'm counting on you. Flair joins the party! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the Battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Rigüler Royal Castle ~ In front of Emperor Paul's Chamber] Altemüller : ...At long last I've got you cornered Paul, Geier! Emaillink : Lord Altemüller. Is it really necessary to act so forcefully? The common citizens have already suffered quiet heavily and your reputation... Altemüller : Are you trying to give me advice? I don't care about the common citizens. As long as Geier and Paul lay dead at my feet, I couldn't care less about such trivial matters. Emaillink : .... Altemüller : It ends right here. Even you must understand that you can't hide from me. Prepare yourselves! Paul : Wuuah! Altemüller : You have nowhere left to run to now. Paul : G,G,Geier! Cut him down! Altemüller : You poisoned my father and your own father before. And even Varna... Geier : Uuaarh! Paul : Eehhh! Altemüller : You're next Paul. The crimes you committed can only be answered by death! Paul : Guaaaaargh! Altemüller : Hmph. He was blown away. No matter he cannot survive a fall like this. Emaillink : ...It is over. Altemüller : ...And not one moment to soon, it sure feels good to put it behind. If only there had been a way to save her. Emaillink : Lord Altemüller... ********************************************************** Scenario ~ 32. "The Insanity of King Wilder" ********************************************************** Thanks to Diehärte's wholeheartedly attempt, Flaire was convinced to put down arms. Together they set out to cure King Wilder of his madness. At last Diehärte's company arrives in the heart of the Barral kingdom. Here they expect to find out what the cause for King Wilder's insanity really is. * Victory condition Defeat Wilder * Defeat condition Death of Diehärte [Varna's Grave near the velzerian castle] Altemüller : ...Varna. The one responsible for your death paid the ultimate price, as did the murderer of my father. Now the Rigüler Empire and Velzeria are in my hands. Even so.... This sword seems to grow in power with every further battle. Rag : Yes, it was created to be this way to accustom the wielder to its power gradually. Lord Altemüller....no, you are my Lord Böser now. Altemüller : Böser? Rag : Yes. Being Böser the ruler over Velzeria, is the destiny of the wielder of Alhazard. Altemüller : The prince of darkness. So, lastly I became Böser myself. Rag : With Alhazard you wield powers greater than any other, nothing is impossible for you now. Altemüller : ...If that is the case, let me try this. Emaillink : Huh! Varna : ...Altemüller... Emaillink : T..that can't be! Altemüller : So Alhazard even can return the dead to the living. Rag : This magnificent power is yours to command. Lord Böser. Emaillink : But summoning the undead like this... Rag : She is not undead. With Böser's powers flesh can be constructed anew to be a vessel for the soul. She is completely different from the mindless zombies Grove uses. This woman is truly alive once more. Even though binded to the dark magic. Should it fade the flesh will eventually fall back into ruin. Altemüller : ...Hmph. Evidently this is a godlike power. Varna : I have fully become that women, Varna and right now I'm bursting with sense of pleasure. Let us join in this happiness you made possible. (Altemüller embraces Varna tightly) Varna : Ah... Altemüller : ...Varna. I'm so glad to have you back... To be able to meet with you once again... Varna : Altemüller... Rag : As the new Böser there won't be anything left for you to desire, and Alhazard's powers shall never fail you. Altemüller : Now I truly realize. With Alhazard's Power there is no end to my possibilities. The Empire and Velzeria are already in my hands. Wouldn't Elthlied be a suitable next trophy to claim? Haha Wahahah! Emaillink : Lord Altemüller...you have changed... °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Barral Commander : Your majesty. The Elthlied troops has breached our borders. King Wilder : What happened to Flaire? Barral Commander : Concerning that matter. Seemingly she has allied with the Elthlied troops. King Wilder : What? Flaire has betrayed me? Barral Commander : I'm afraid it seems that way... King Wilder : They surely will come here directly. Neglect all other duties, defending the castle takes top priority for all available troops! Barral Commander : Yessir! Sophia : So this is Barral Castle. Diehärte : Yeah this is it. Luna : What a skilfully crafted structure. There is no way to invade this castle from above. Diehärte : Remember, if King Wilder sees reason we shouldn't prolong this battle unnecessarily. Flaire : It sure has been a long time since you've been here... Diehärte : I would never have imagined returning here in such manner. Jessica : King Wilder must be inside. To uncover the truth, we should make our way to him as soon as possible. Dios : Easier said than done; are we just going to force our way through? Attacking this fortress will prove to be quiet the challenge. Besides King Wilder can't change for the worse any further. Silver Wolf : That's right. He's already one bloodthirsty guy as of now. But seriously you know that we could be killed here right? Our chances to make it through straight on are rather slim. Riffany : However, just standing turning tail is not really an option. Kirikaze : If we allow Velzeria to do as they please Barral soon will end like my country. Diehärte : There seems to be no other way than to use force. After coming this far already, we have to see it through to the end. Everyone move out! (Wilder's turn) Wilder : Stop this foolishness and return home to me Flaire. You should fight by my side. Or do you wish for a swift end along with your new comrades? Flaire : Please stop this father. Wilder : You dare giving me advice!? I'm growing tired of you and your treacherous ways! You are no longer my daughter! Kill them all! Flaire : Diehärte I have a request. Please help my father! Diehärte : You have my word for it! (When advancing in the castle) Wilder : This party is the elite unit of the Elthlied troops. As soon as this bunch is dealt with we will be the strongest indisputably, nothing on the continent will rival the knowledge and might of the Barral Kingdom! Barral Commander : But, the princess... Wilder : She has turned traitor. As such she is no longer the princess but a common criminal. Kill her along with the others! Barral Commander : B..but... Wilder : What is it? Are you in conspiracy with the enemy too? Hmm? Barral Commander : ...At your command. Diehärte : King Wilder.... Dios : Crap! It hurts just to look at him but can we even be sure that this is not his true self after all!? (What do you say?) 1) It maybe is. 2) There got to be a different reason.* 3) Maybe we are too late already. 4) The true character? (2)* Diehärte : No, I don't think so. There's bound to be a good reason for this. And don't we stand here right now because we want to find out what the real cause is? Dios : Heh, that's right... We have to get the King back to sanity, even if it takes some old fashioned hitting on the head! Flaire : Thank you.... Everyone... (After progressing further) King Wilder : You worthless idiots have permitted the enemy to advance this far!? Archmages destroy the bridges leading to the towers, this should slow down the enemy considerately. After that shower the enemy with your spells! Archmage : Yessir! (Bridges destroyed) Luna ?? : The bridges have been destroyed... Now it will be difficult to defeat the enemy Archmages. But, with them at our flank charging in is dangerous. Flying and Sea units should take care of this. Diehärte ?? : Now it's getting serious. We must get close to King Wilder to determine if there is a relation to Velzeria. That is the only way. (Closing in on Wilder) Diehärte : King Wilder. The end of this battle draws near. Stop your wasteful resistance... Wilder : Hehehe! I've got to admit you are an opponent worthy of my praise. But you haven't got what it takes to bring down me! Unconditionally you will fall before me... Flaire : Father, why... Wilder : Why!? Nothing less than Immortality. But don't concern yourself with that, you all shall die right now! Hehehe! Dios ? : Seems like he really lost it... I've got a bad feeling about this. (Once Diehärte comes near Wilder?) Diehärte : King Wilder. You are being controlled. And we have come release you from this malicious influence! Wilder : Controlled you say? What rubbish. I was born to rule, not to obey orders by someone else! Flaire : Father you're currently not yourself. Please hurry and return back to your true self! Wilder : What are you babbling about. This and no other is my true form. Flaire : ...Father. Diehärte : ...What should we do now? Flaire : ...Cut him down. Diehärte : Flaire? Flaire : I can no longer bear to look at my father in this state. Diehärte : .... What do you say? 1) I understand. 2) ...Are you really alright with this?* 3) I can't do it. After Picking 2) Diehärte : ...Are you really alright with this? Flaire :It is the only thing we can do for him. And because of that, I feel no regret... Diehärte : ...I understand. (Flaire near Wilder) Flaire : Father ready yourself! Wilder : Oh. You point a sword at your own father that raised you and gave you life! It saddens me to see what my own daughter has come to. The one that has gone mad is no other than you Flaire! Flaire : Ever since you changed, the people of Barral suffered from poverty and starvation. Even if it means to bear the stigma of striking down ones own father, for the well-being of my future subjects, I will not show mercy to you! (Diehärte vs Wilder) Diehärte : Come back to your senses, Wilder! Be the kind man you once were! Wilder : Sanity and Insanity, what are those? Who are you to judge another one sane or insane!? This baseless accusation is nothing short of heresy! Diehärte : Wilder... Wilder : Now... This battle will decide who is sane and who is insane. Come now and taste the power of my true self!! (Once Wilder is defeated) Wilder : What...How.... Am I..really going to die..like this... F..Flaire... Diehärte : Wilder... Flaire : Father! Wilder : Oh, Flaire... You are safe. I lost sight of you while you where chasing after your prey. Flaire : ...Fa..ther? Wilder : You mustn't go to the inner part of the forest alone. But it is safe if I come along... Luna : His memories seems to be in disorder. Wilder : Where am I.... Last thing I know is I was searching for Flaire... ..The horse run wild...and I fell of the cliff.. Flaire? : Are your memories returning to you? Wilder : My body...changed... And Flaire.. Diehärte : Wilder you've got to hang in there! Wilder : ..Who is it..what...doing...uuarghh! Diehärte : What's wrong Wilder!? Wilder : Uaargh! Flaire : Eeeaahhh! Faather! Diehärte : You idiot! Sophia : He..he cut his own head off... Dark Knight : ...It seems I'm too late. Dios : The Dark Knight?! Diehärte : ! Geriord!? Silver Wolf : What the hell, shouldn't he be kinda dead right now? Sophia : Yes, I did verify his death cautiously. His heart had already stopped... Dark Knight : I'm immortal. No common method can put my life to its end. Diehärte ?? : What are we supposed to do? Now that we know that you are Geriord I would prefer not to fight you... Tiaris : Say Geriord. I don't understand any of this. Did you just forget who we are? Answer me! Dark Knight : Oh I remember you perfectly. You are the people that deserted Laffel when the Barral Kingdom attacked. ...How could I forget. Tiaris : But that's! Diehärte : ...Tell me then, you didn't forget what you promised Layla, right!? Dark Knight : ..Layla..? Diehärte : That's right, so you do remember her Geriord! Layla still waits for you to return to her! Dark Knight : Lay..la...Uaargh! Argh, my head... Diehärte : Geriord! Geriord : *Huff*..The velzerian worm is in my head. He locked away my consciousness and took control over my body. Even when my heart stopped the power of the worm revived me. The only way to release me is to cut my head off! You have to be quick about it! Flaire : Then, my father's sudden change... Geriord : Was the result of the infection with the worm as well. The worm can only enter your body if you are close to death. Once he's inside you, all wounds heal miraculously but the heart is taken over completely. That's why you must kill me while I'm still myself! Diehärte : Dammit! Is there no other way? Jessica : ...There is another way... Diehärte : Jessica!? Jessica : I know a magic that can expel the worm. However... Diehärte : However? Jessica : With the worm gone the life extending effects will also fade away. If the worm is removed the person most likely only has some days left to live. Tiaris : You mean his life ends no matter what we do? Geriord : I cannot last much longer... Hurry, you must cut my head off! Elthlied Commander : Emergency! Corps of the Demon Tribe are attacking Laffel...! Right now Lady Layla organizes the evacuation of the citizens, but... Geriord : Layla!? Elthlied Commander : In any case, please hurry! Diehärte : Damn! At such a time! Geriord : ...Great Sorceress. Please help me with your magic. Jessica : Are you certain about this? Once the worm is gone your body will begin to fall apart. During this time you will have to endure great suffering. To escape this torment you probably will desire death over all before long. Geriord : I don't care. ...I cannot die just yet. My only purpose left in life is to protect Layla. If it is to ensure Layla's safety I will endure any measure of pain! Diehärte : ...Geriord. Jessica : ...I understand. I will prepare the cleansing. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the Battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Barral Castle] Jessica : ...I call upon thee Lushiris, oh holy goddess of light, please lend me your restoring powers. Holy light purify this one from the wicked evil that robs the freedom. Less Ibiru Dasu Remu! Worm : Kikikii! ... Diehärte : Are you alright Geriord? Geriord : ...Yes. So this is the pain I have to endure for my crimes as the Dark Knight... Uuh... Diehärte : We are leaving for Laffel without further delay. But you should take it easy and try to rest up for now. Geriord : ...I will do no such thing. I must go as well, to see Layla once more. Diehärte : We'll take our leave immediately. Everyone, let's hurry back to Laffel! Flaire : Farewell, Father. Sleep tight...sleep peacefully... ***************************************************** Scenario ~ 33. "Unwavering Loyalty" ***************************************************** The cause for the insanity of King Wilder turned out to be Velzeria after all. To save his beloved Layla and to see her one last time, Geriord chooses to have the worm expelled from his body. But with the worm gone Geriord now has only little time left. In the meantime Altemüller has launched an attack on the city of Laffel. His demonic forces show no mercy to anyone in their way. Having to witness the massacre with his own eyes, Emaillink can no longer bear to side with the demons. Conditions of Victory Defeat Rag the Wormmaster Conditions of Defeat Death of [diehardt's name] Death of Layla Death of all Citizens [City of Laffel] Rag : Kill! Kill! Slaughter to your hearts content! Demon : Gaaooo! Citizen : Guaargh! Citizen : Kyaaahhh! Emaillink : Stop this! I won't stand idly by, while you massacre innocent citizens! Rag : Emaillink, don't tell me you would betray master Böser? Emaillink : He is no longer the Lord Altemüller I hold in highest esteem. Right now it pains me just to look at him. Merciful it would be to strike down Altemüller, if this is what it takes to release him from this evil curse! Rag : Swayed by emotions, you are blind to real power ...foolish human.. Böser : Rag, tell me what this hold up is about? Rag : Yes, Master Böser. It seems that Emaillink wishes to rebel against you. Böser : ...Is that true Emaillink? Emaillink : Your Excellency, you have changed. I can follow your ways no more. Let me offer you a peaceful slumber as my last service. Böser : So you are serious. Well then, show me the extent of your resolve. Emaillink : ...Your Excellency. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Outskirts of Laffel] Böser : So this is how it will be. Do you think you can take me on? Or was it all just big talk? Emaillink : Keh! Diehärte : What is going on here? Altemüller and Emaillink are fighting each other!? Böser : So you came, Diehärte. I'll send you all to oblivion along with Emaillink. Rag : Please wait, master Böser. My plans for Barral seems to have failed. Please allow me to restore myself here. Böser : ...Hmm. Very well. Rag. I leave this matter in your hands. Don't let any of them escape! I will await good news in the castle. Rag : Yes my Lord! Emaillink : W..wait! Grr, he made his escape. Diehärte : Emaillink! What on earth is happening here? Aren't you one of the Rigüler Generals? Emaillink : Right now I'm nothing of the like. My sword now is aimed at Altemüller, it is nothing short of a rebellion. Dios : A rebellion? Emaillink : That cursed sword Alhazard...it changed his excellency. As of now his excellency is not the person I look up to. Sophia : He must be possessed by Alhazard already. Diehärte : So even a man like him can't resist the transformation Alhazard induces. Jessica : Undoubtedly the cursed sword took advantage of his rampant anger. In this state he's no longer the same person. Emaillink : That explains. But right now we have to concentrate on rescuing the citizens and rid the world of the abomination called Rag! Pierre : Oh yeah, he's exactly right! Emaillink : I will do my best to hinder the demons from entering the city! Diehärte : Just don't die on us, Emaillink. Rag : Ha, I cannot possibly loose with this many monsters. And to put the cherry on the cake, voilà! Come forth my little pests! Ah yes, this should suffice. Prepare yourselves to suffer! (First turn) Layla : Everyone, escape this way! Citizen : Y..yes! (After some fighting) Layla : Why are the imperial troops protecting us? Emaillink : First of all I'm human. Therefore I will not stand by and let the demons do as they please. Emaillink : Unfortunately they outnumber us greatly. ...Will we be able to hold them back? (Advancing to the east) Tiaris : (Diehärte near Rag) Diehärte : Stop targeting the townsfolk this once! What reason could you possibly have for this!? Rag : Hehehe... It is just too enjoyable to watch their lives being sniffed out. Their screams are the sweetest music to my ears. (The Dark Knight appears) Dark Knight : I'm in time. Layla : The Dark Kight!? ...the Barral army is here!? Diehärte : There is no need to be afraid, the Barral Kingdom has collapsed! He currently is our ally! Rag : The Dark Knight!? What kind of prank is that!? With my worm possessing him he shouldn't be able to be sane! ...I wonder what happened to the worm I placed inside Barral's King ...just what is going on? Flaire : Wh..What did you just utter?! It was you who controlled King Wilder!? Rag : Haha! But of course. When the King was searching for his daughter and fell from the cliff, I took the chance to attach one of my little darlings right to his split head! Flaire : ...You did all of this to my father! This is unforgivable! Rag : Try your worst! You'll soon realize how helpless you humans are before me! Diehärte : You won't toy with the lives of others any longer! Rag : So what, are you telling me that what you do is any better? Do you not use your companions to further your ends and hurt people that are important to others? Diehärte : That may be so but I would never toy with the lives of others like you do! What we are doing is just! Rag : You still don't understand? Good and bad are relative things but you'll have plenty of time to think about this once I send you to the netherworld. For me true happiness can only be achieved by supreme domination of the demon kind. Diehärte : That will never come to be! (After moving towards the city) Tiaris : Wait a sec, that's Layla over there. We have to save her no matter what! (Flaire vs Rag) Flaire : If it wasn't for you, father would.... This is for revenging my father! (Diehärte vs Rag) Diehärte : All of this was your doing! Rag : Yes, most certainly! Will you ever understand? Your humans are nothing but tools to be used by us superior demons! Diehärte : Shut up and die you bastard!! (Once Rag dies and Í mean it) Rag : No, worm left...my body... Dark Knight : It is futile. The power of the worm will not safe you this time. Rag : Wh..Why..would my bewitchment won't work..? Ha! That sword!? It blocks of my magic... Jessica : The Langrisser seals away the evil powers of the Demon Tribe. Your magic is no exception to that. Rag : My body is falling apart...? Save..me...Böser... Iiiaahhh! Dark Knight : It's over. He won't be able to resurrect this time. Flaire : ...Father. Your tormentor is no more. Please rest in peace now. Thank you, Diehärte. Emaillink : Still, as long as Alhazard roams freely there will be no peace. Diehärte : That's true. Say, Emaillink. What are you planning to do now that you have detached from Altemüller? Emaillink : Almost nothing of his former Excellency Altemüller is left. His heart is becoming more like one of a demon by the day. At this point it is pains me to even look at him. That's why I will put an end to his misery with my own hands. Doing so, while still a fragment of his heart remains, is proof of my unwavering loyalty to him. Pierre : Such veracity... Silver Wolf : What noble thing to say, word's like this surely aren't spoken casually. Dios : *Sniff* I understand this kind of sorrow. Diehärte : ...Alright. Let us go together then. We are Altemüller's last hope. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [City of Laffel] Dark Knight : ...Geriord asked me to give this keepsake to his beloved, Layla. Layla : Th..that's! The pendant I gave him... Dark Knight : Take it as a memento. Geriord's last wish was for you to find happiness...he's dead. Layla : ...Geriord... Dark Knight : Well then, my time has almost run out... I should not stay here any longer. Once we were enemies but let us part as friends. Thank you for keeping your promise to come back and protecting Laffel. You have become a sublime knight. I compliment you... Diehärte : ...Geriord... Dark Knight : Farewell... [That night] (Okay it is time for the much wanted confessing-love scenes. I included only the successful confessions, since if you fail you won't be getting the true ending.) Diehärte : Tomorrow we'll make our way to the imperial capitol. This will be the decisive battle... ...Maybe not all of us will return alive... We only made it this far because everyone joined their strength. Thus... Now, who is the women that enthralls your heart? 1. Tiaris 2. Riffany 3. Luna 4. Sophia 5. Flaire Do you want to confess your love to her? (After picking yes, upper option.) Diehärte : ...I don't want any regrets. (I reccomend searching for numbers and the names to get to the place you want to go for example "3. Luna" To avoid unwanted spoiler I've put up rudimentary spoiler protection, so make good use of the search funtion.) ================================================================= ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ================================================================= ************ 1. Tiaris ************ Diehärte : ...Tiaris. ... ...Well, already asleep are we? How unfortunate, and yet I feel relived in some way. Tiaris : ...U..m, who's there? Diehärte : Ah, sorry. Did I wake you up? Tiaris : No, it's alright, ...but what's the matter? Diehärte : Eh, emmm... It's just that... Tiaris : Hm? Diehärte : How do I best put it... Tiaris : What? Diehärte : Tiaris. I...love you! Tiaris : Ehh!? Diehärte : I love you. This was not the best time to say something like this, that I understand. However, I had to speak my mind before tomorrow. ...Therefore you had to know how I feel about you... Diehärte : I, I'm so sorry! Blurting out something weird like that! Tiaris : ...Ah....um Diehärte : Ehh!? Tiaris : I like you very much. ...No, I loved you all this time. Ever since you came to start your training with papa. Diehärte : ...Tiaris. Tiaris : How dreamlike. I always thought you would only think of me as a little sister... Diehärte : At the beginning I thought of you that way. However, little by little I recognized that you are more to me than that. You are the most irreplaceable woman for me. I love you, Tiaris. Tiaris : ...I love you too... (Go to "34" with a [.] at the end) ================================================================= ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ================================================================= *************** 2. Riffany *************** Riffany : My, what brings you here at such an hour? Hey, Riffany. Diehärte : Don't we have a wonderful moonlit night tonight? Riffany : That's certainly true. At such a night one could hear the howling of the werewolf. Diehärte : .... Riffany : What is the matter? Was there something else you wanted to talk to me about? Diehärte : Ehh..Well.. As a matter of fact there is something I wanted to talk to you about. Riffany : With me? Hm, what could that possibly be? Diehärte : ...Riffany. Riffany : Yes? Diehärte : To be honest, I... Riffany : Please speak clearly... Diehärte : I love you. Riffany... Riffany : .... Diehärte : I say it as any number of times. I love you. I adore you with all of my heart. Riffany : What a delightful sensation. How I have longed for you to say this ever since the first time we meet. From whence you saved me from the Empire I had a premonition that one day those words would pass your lips. Diehärte : I'm so glad you didn't reject me, I couldn't have taken the pain. Riffany : Well, I didn't believe you could be hurt by anything. My valiant Knight. Diehärte : Hey now, I'm a sensitive being too. Riffany : Hihihi. Even so, please continue to rescue me in the future. Diehärte : Gotcha. I promise. I will protect you no matter what. Riffany... (Go to "34" with a [.] at the end) ================================================================= ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ================================================================= ************ 3. Luna ************ Diehärte : I'm lucky. She is still awake. Luna : Oh,[diehardt's name]. I'm thinking of a strategy for our battle against Velzeria tomorrow. Luna. Diehärte : Up until now you have worked so hard. Without you we couldn't have made it this far. Luna : What's the matter, why are you being so formal? Diehärte : Say nothing, please just listen. ...Okay. Diehärte : ...Sometimes it's hard to say something no matter how hard you try...No, let me put it bluntly. Luna : ...Yes? Diehärte : Luna, I love! .... It's the honest truth. I love you with all my heart. Luna : ...Th..That can't...I.. I'm a tactician and so terribly unwomanly at that... Diehärte : That's not true! You are plenty woman. I can say that without any doubt! Luna : You don't mean....Hihi... Diehärte : ...What is your reply? Luna : ...Um, I don't know how to find romantic words well, but...I love you too... Diehärte : ...That was wonderful. With such an encouragement my body is itching for the battle tomorrow....Unconditionally, we will be victorious! Luna : ...Yes... (Go to "34" with a [.] at the end) ================================================================= ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ================================================================= ************* 4. Sophia ************* Sophia : Lushiris, goddess of light please grant us your protection. And please protect the one most dear to me... Huh, who's there!? I, I'm so sorry. It's just me... It wasn't my intention to be eavesdropping... Sophia : ...Um...so you heard me? ...Sorry. ... Forgive me! I won't do it again! ...So long. Sophia : Wait! Eh? Sophia : U,umm... ...This may be not the best time for it, but please listen to what I have to say. Diehärte : Sophia, I... Sophia : Please listen closely, for it takes all of my courage to say it. Diehärte : No, don't trouble yourself any further, I will speak from here on. I love you. Sophia : ...This is not a dream is it...? It is no dream. Look at me, I'm right here by your side. Sophia : Ahhh, is this really true? Can I believe it? Diehärte : I like you more than anything else, Sophia. I love you. Sophia : I love you too. ...This feels just like a dream... (GO to "34" with a [.] at the end) ================================================================= ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ================================================================= ************* 5. Flaire ************* Flaire : Huh! Ha! Diehärte : Here you are Flaire. Flaire : Oh, you've been watching? ...It seems that somehow I'm unable to sleep. Diehärte : Heh, same here. Flaire : Ah, so such a thing can befall even someone like you? Diehärte : Now your making me feel terrible. Flaire : Hihihi, I'm joking. Diehärte : Sheesh! (Both turning to the nightly sky) Flaire : ...How nostalgic. Watching the moon with you like this. Diehärte : That's right. In the old days we had a good time doing this together. ...Say, Flaire. Would you just listen and don't laugh? Flaire : What's the matter, why are you being so uptight all of a sudden? Diehärte : Long ago I vowed to you that I would become a knight and a splendid one at that. Flaire : I remember. Diehärte : As promised I became a knight. But whether I'm a fine knight or not I do not know. Flaire : You are a wonderful one. Diehärte : Thank you. When you say it with such confidence I can believe it too. I love you. Flaire : !! Diehärte : Your Answer. In what way do you think about me? ... Please answer me, Flaire! Flaire : ...I..feel the same way about you... No. I love you even more, with all my heart and my very soul. Diehärte : I'm so glad. ...Heh, it's like you to say something like this. Flaire : Huh!? Diehärte : After all, the spirit of rivalry is strong within you. Flaire : Hey! You're so tactless! Diehärte : Sorry, Sorry! I just tried to cover up my own embarrassment somehow... Flaire : ...Your the only one for me. I've loved you ever since we met for the first time when we were still kids. Yes, I felt that between you and me there was a red thread which ties us together for a lifetime. Diehärte : Flaire... Flaire : When you were starting your training as a knight and we didn't see each other, I was so worried that we may never see each other again. Diehärte : ...You can feel reassured. I won't leave you again. From now on I'll be by your side always. Flaire : ...I love you Diehärte... (GO to "34" with a [.] at the end) ================================================================= ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| You are now leaving the Spoiler-contaminated Zone. Have a nice day! ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ************************************************ Scenario ~ 34. "The Shape of a Heart" ************************************************ As the chosen of the demon sword Alhazard, Altemüller ascends to be the sovereign ruler of the Demon Tribe. Sitting on the throne of the Rigüler Empire, he patiently awaits the coming of Diehärte and his companions. The upcoming battle would be the last chance to prevent Altemüller from becoming Böser irrevocable. Now only the holy sword Langrisser carries onward the flame of hope, as it moves toward the Rigüler Capitol. [Rigüler Castle] Böser : ...Hmm? Varna : What is the matter Lord Böser? Altemüller : Rag's life force has diminished completely. It seems that he is dead for good. After all he was all bark and no bite. Varna : Well then, Lord Böser. What will be our next step? Altemüller : We needn't trouble ourselves with plans for an attack. They will come here without a doubt. With Alhazard in my hands, there is nothing that could possibly threaten me. And I have you by my side too, Varna. Varna : Alte...Lord Böser. My devotion to you knows no limit; I will follow you to all ends. Gladly would I give my very life, if it was for you... [In front of the Rigüler Castle Walls] Lewin : At last, we have made it here. Diehärte : It was only possible with the Langrisser and everyone clinging together. Tiaris : It seems almost like an eternity since the Floating Castle fell. Pierre : When the Empire suddenly invaded Laffel, for one moment I thought all hope was lost. Riffany : Now now, Pierre. I'm just glad that everyone was alright in the end. Gilbert : Before I met you I thought I'd never use a blade again. I was overwhelmed by regret, doing nothing while slowly decaying from the inside; looking back I'm ashamed of myself. You however cleared away my doubts and gave me a new purpose, for that you have my sincerest gratitude. Sophia : Also, when father was in danger it was thanks to everyone's help that he was saved... Fauvel : That's true. Jügler : Gurur...Jüg..Jügler... Dios : Damn right, the sole reason for thinking of others as our enemies is that we don't understand each others perspective, don't you think? Emaillink : Exactly. Silver Wolf : Whooah hold it there! Are you telling me once we restore peace I can't act troublesome and violently any more, that's my profession as a thief! Luna : So you're planning to continue to be a thief afterwards? Silver Wolf : Well.... Maybe Elthlied has use for someone of my trade. I wonder if there'll be need for a spy. Kirikaze : Anyhow, this will be the decisive battle for the demon sword Alhazard. Whoever can claim it will have the power to shape the world. Once this task is complete I will return to my home country. Lewin : Kirikaze... Flaire : What soothing thought. Once this matter is concluded, I'm sure even father will rejoice with us from above. Jessica : Well then, shall we? Nothing less than the future of mankind depends on this next battle. Diehärte : True enough. ...King Lewin, please give the word. Lewin : Ehm...that.. With Langrisser on our side we will not falter. Everyone, if we give it our all, we are bound to emerge victorious! Diehärte : Move out everyone! Dios : Yeahh! Your chosen one: ..... Diehärte : Is there something on your mind ? Your chosen one: Let's just make sure to win this!* roughly Diehärte : Of course! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Rigüler Castle] Diehärte : It is too quiet... Sophia : Be on your guard. There is a strong presence of the Demon Tribe around. Emaillink : The throne room is farther inside, most likely he'll be there. Altemüller : Hahaha! How nice of you to pay me a visit. And delivering the traitor Emaillink no less. Diehärte : Show yourself! Altemüller! Altemüller : I have no intention to run or hide from you. But don't be so impatient, you all will be blessed by death soon enough! Diehärte : Stay right where you are, Altemüller! (Varna's turn) Varna : Here they come!! Protect Lord Böser to the last breath! Emaillink : .... Diehärte : What's the matter, Emaillink? Emaillink : Is it...Lady Varna? (Moving on) Riffany : By the way, is it important in which way we strike him down? Pierre : What do you mean, just hit him hard! Sophia : No! He is only possessed by Alhazard. Our goal is to return him to his true self, if we simply use force he might die....If we somehow can reach the remnants of his heart we may have a chance. Diehärte : ...I see. It was his furious anger about Varna's death that made him take Alhazard. If we somehow could persuade her... we may be able to... Emaillink : Yes, I'm sure that this would be our best chance to turn him back Diehärte : But what do we do then? Jessica : Maybe... If at all, something like this would be possible with the Langrisser. Tiaris : Now I get it! Langrisser was created for the very purpose of opposing Alhazard's dark power! Jessica : The problem is, how we reach his original heart? If he can recover his own heart even a little Langrisser could expel Alhazard's bewitchment. Emaillink : ...This will be my role to play. I think I can bring him back to his senses if I get the chance to speak to him. Diehärte : Emaillink!? Emaillink : If any of us can reach him it would be me. Luna : He's right, he would be the obvious choice. Diehärte : Alright. I leave the persuasion to you Emaillink. And while Altemüller recovers some of his heart I'll confront him with Langrisser! Silver Wolf : That's some bold plan, what if it doesn't work out? Emaillink : ...If we fail and Böser fully awakens, there will be nothing we can do for his Excellency but to end his suffering! Diehärte : Emaillink... Emaillink : Not all hope is lost yet, let's do our best... Diehärte : That's the spirit! (Emaillink near Varna) Varna : Hold it right there, Emaillink! If you make one more step towards Lord Böser I won't hesitate to cut you down. Emaillink : Please hear me out Varna. The reason for me to support Elthlied is to save his Excellency. Varna : To save...his Excellency? Emaillink : Exactly. Right now his Excellency is no longer himself. Nonetheless, I believe that his noble and kind heart is still there. Please cooperate with us, Varna! Varna : Such a thing.... His Excellency has changed only because of me. There is no way I could ever betray his Excellency! Emaillink : And you mustn't! If you truly love his Excellency you won't leave him in his current state! It was his frantic love for you that brought him to madness and only your love can bring him back to his senses! I beseech you, Varna! Only with your help will we have a chance to bring him back! Varna : .... ...His true self. His Excellency's true self. The tender Altemüller of once. If that could become reality there would be no regrets left! I have no greater desire than to save Altemüller before my body decays once again! Emaillink : Thank you, Varna. After I try to persuade his Excellency, you should take over, Varna. Varna : Alright. But know this; the moment you try to bring harm to his Excellency, I will turn against you. Emaillink : Understood. (One turn after) Altemüller : Never would I have thought it possible that you betray me, Varna! Varna : Forgive me, Lord Altemüller. What I do is only for the sake of his Excellency. Altemüller : You're uttering the same as Emaillink did! If that is your wish, your life is forfeited! Altemüller : Diehärte! Not only Emaillink but also Varna was swayed by your treacherous seduction. For this you shall know my wrath, when I tear you limb from limb! Prepare yourself! (Varna near Altemüller) (or Emaillink near Altemüller) Altemüller : To think that even you would turn against me, Varna! Prepare to receive your punishment! Varna : Your excellency.... Emaillink : Your Excellency! Remember that you took Alhazard to strike down the ones that hurt your beloved Varna. Now that Geier and Paul are dead you have no reason anymore to wield that sword. Altemüller : You don't seem to understand the amazing powers of this sword. Only through them could Varna be brought back to me. Emaillink : Think about it, if it wouldn't have been for that sword, Varna wouldn't have been involved with Velzeria to begin with! In that case also your excellency's sorrow wouldn't have come to be. Everything Alhazard does is to drive you mad. Altemüller : ...If this sword wouldn't exist.... Emaillink : Exactly! Please realize! Your excellency Altemuller! Altemüller : That's right... If Alhazard didn't exist...Varna wouldn't have... And Varna's resurrection....Uarrgh! What's happening...my head...! Varna : Your Excellency! Please hold on! Your Excellency, Altemüller! Altemüller : Yes, Varna...I... Varna : Please remember! Your noble heart! That you are Altemüller! Altemüller : ...Verily, I'm Altemüller... and not the prince of darkness, Böser...Uaargh! Diehärte : What is happening to him!? Jessica : It seems that his original heart and Alhazard are fighting. Diehärte : In other words there is still something left of his true self right? This is my chance! Now all I need to do is to use Langerisser to cut off his wicked heart! (After defeating Altemüller) Altemüller : Guargh!? Diehärte : Did we do it!? Altemüller : Uh..my...body.. Varna : Your Excellency!? Are you back to yourself? Altemüller : I am; the last thing I know is that I took Alhazard to exact revenge on Varna's murderers... Varna : Altemüller... Altemüller : Huh, Varna!? How is this possible? But Geier killed you... Diehärte : Let's talk about the details later. Right now sealing Alhazard takes priority. Altemüller : Forgive me, Diehärte. It looks like I caused great turmoil. (What do you reply?) Diehärte : In the end everything worked out, so it's alright. (or) Diehärte : Don't worry about it. Sophia : Now, let us initiate the ceremony without further delay. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the Battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [During the Sealing Ceremony] Sophia : Awaken, holy powers of the divine one. Saintly Sword imbued with the noble spirit of a king, take away the power from the sword of darkness Alhazard and put it into everlasting slumber. Riffany : The malicious aura grows weaker... Sophia : *Huff*... Diehärte : Was it a success? Sophia : Yes, it has been done. Jessica : Our next steps should be to separate Alhazard and the Rod that holds the seal. Fauvel : Also if Sophia has no descendants humankind will not be able to undo the seal. Altemüller : I gave in to anger and became susceptible to Alhazard's manipulation... For that, I'm ashamed of myself... Emaillink : You mustn't be. It proves only the strength of your love towards Varna... Varna : ....That couldn't be.... Altemüller : In any case, what matters is that Alhazard is beyond the human grasp for now. Sophia : By the way, what will happen to Langrisser now? Alhazard is no threat right now but couldn't Langrisser fall into the wrong hands as well? Lewin : That's why the Langrisser was sealed too and will be kept save by the Elthlied royal family. Jessica : .... If that is so, I will assist the Elthlied royal family in safekeeping Langrisser from here on out. Sophia : So you won't return to the heavens? Jessica : Indeed. Alhazard is too dangerous to be left unwatched until a permanent solution is found. Also maybe someday someone could try to get a hold of Langrisser. Until those problems are solved, I will remain on the surface world. Sophia : But that may take decades or even hundreds of years. Jessica : Ahaha. You see, I'm no ordinary human. I command a magic that allows me to reincarnate endlessly while keeping my memories. Riffany : Oh my... To think that such magnificent magic would exist... Kirikaze : .... Diehärte : What's the matter, Kirikaze? Kirikaze : Böser was defeated and Alhazard has been sealed. Therefore my task is completed. Lewin : Kirikaze. Do you really have to leave so urgently? Couldn't you just stay.... Kirikaze : No. There is still something I can return to. My new task will be to take care of the graves of my family and my master. Right now the world has no need for a man of my vocation. Therefore... Diehärte : Hm? Kirikaze : I would like you to have my most treasured sword. You have grown into a fine man and led us to this victory. Take it as a token of my gratitude. Diehärte : But, Kirikaze... Kirikaze : Please accept it. There is still much unrest left as a result of the terrible wars that just came to an end. Use this sword in my stead to protect the peace we all have fought so hard for. Diehärte : .... Jessica : Won't you accept it? In the lands of the east ones sword is equal to ones life. Do you now understand what entrusting his sword to you means? Diehärte : Alright. I gratefully accept your gift. Kirikaze's favorite sword, ”Tiger Strike” was obtained! Kirikaze : ...Well, I will take my leave then. Tiaris : Farewell, Kirikaze. Altemüller : Right now, there is still much disorder throughout the Empire as well that needs to be settled. Let us be on our way. Emaillink : Yessir! Varna : Yes... Diehärte : Don't hesitate to ask for help if the need should arise. We will lend you our strength any time. Lewin : Indeed. There is no clear border right now so we have to pull together to restore order. Altemüller : Forgive me for troubling you. ...Farewell for now. Flaire : I as well, will be returning to Barral shortly. My father's death has undoubtedly caused much confusion. General Dios. Let us be on our way. Dios : Eh? ...Did I just hear General...? Flaire : After all you just gave up the title of General because of my father's madness. If that is the case then there is no need to stay off duty any longer. I formally request you to lend your abilities to the royal family once more. Dios : Princess... The unworthy Dios will do everything in his power to be of service to your majesty! Lewin : If everything is settled, we should depart soon too. In Elthlied there are matters that need to be taken care of as well. Silver Wolf : I agree. (The holy rod was obtained!) (The dark rod was obtained!) Diehärte : Well then, everyone! Let us return to Elthlied! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Several weeks after Alhazard was sealed by Diehärte and company... [Limbus between the realm of the living and the dead] Paul : Uuuuh, where am I? I can't see anything. My body, won't move. It was him! This is all because of him! How I despise him! More than any word could express I despise him! And with him this whole disgusting world! ??? : Paul.........Paul... Paul : Who is it, calling out to me? Chaos : My name is Chaos. I am the deity that governs disorder and renewal. Isn't your hate for Altemuller what hinders you to pass on? Is it not your foremost desire to exact revenge on Altemüller? Paul : Re..venge..! ...Yes. I'll make him pay! Not only did he steal the Empire from me, but also the freedom of my body. At the very thought of him, a sharp pain runs through my body screaming for retribution! Chaos : Look at you, you can't even walk. But he who fell ones mustn't stay helpless. ...Power..., There isn't a being not craving for it, do you want power? Paul : Po..we.r.. I want the power to tear him apart! I want the power to make every living being in existence bow before me! Chaos : I see. Such anger, such unrestrained will to dominate. You are much more suitable to become Böser than Altemüller. Only if certain conditions are met, can I enter this world. You will take the necessary steps to prepare my arrival. Paul. I will grant you a portion of my own power! Thus your life will last eternally! Paul : Yeees! Lord Chaos! Chaos : Worship me! Praise me! Henceforth your name shall be Böser! Böser : As my lord wishes! My body is overflowing with power! Magnificent... Such limitless power... Chaos : Use this one as your subordinate! Envelope this world in the deepest darkness and herald my ascension! Böser : Yes my lord! [Velzerian Castle] Böser : ...Magnificent, More and more power is rising up in me! My body almost feels like it's bursting! Geier : Lord Böser. Please give me commands. Böser : Initially we have to make a sacrifice to Lord Chaos in order to replenish his power. Geier : In that case, I will bring to you a suitable sacrifice at once. Böser : I leave it in your hands Demon General Geier! [Inside Elthlied castle] Lewin : Well, everyone. Let us enjoy ourselves tonight. The Rigüler Empire, the Barral Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Elthlied have been restored; let us raise our glasses in celebration, cheers! Pierre : Yahuu! Cheers! Riffany : I'm so glad everything worked out. Not only did the war end, but the relations between the three kingdoms are better than ever also. Sophia : It most certainly seems that way. Diehärte : At last order has been established again. Altemüller : Yes. We have to thank your many efforts for that. Diehärte : Nah, that's not true. It was mainly the cooperation of the three countries that made it possible. I just hope that peace will remain and war never breaks out again. Altemüller : Ha, that's true. But if it wasn't for the war we may never have come this far. ...What irony. ???? : Kyaaah! Diehärte : What's happening!? Altemüller : Wait! ...Geier you bastard! Geier : Hmahaha! This woman shall be the sacrificed to revive Lord chaos! Varna : You, but how...? Geier : Hehehe, if it isn't Varna. Weren't you revived by the exact same dark magic? Join us Varna. If Lord chaos grows weak your body will crumble to dust that moment! Leave behind that sorry excuse Altemüller and come to Paul's side! May Lord Chaos rise again! Muahahaha! Diehärte : Hold it! Let go of her! Damn! Damn this! How could this happen!? Altemüller : Varna, what was this all about? An explanation would be appropriate. Varna : Yes. Somehow it seems that Paul and Geier were revived by the demon's god chaos. Therefore we can assume that Paul has become the next Böser... Altemüller : What? Paul became Böser... Varna : Paul, now Böser must have ordered to sacrifice her to revive chaos. We have not a minute to waste. Diehärte : ...Even if I must go by myself. I have to rescue her! Lewin : We must make haste! Time is of the essence! Dios : I'm in! Gilbert : I'll lend you my blade too. Silver Wolf : The one who dared to blow this party, soon only will be a rubble of ashes! Varna : Altemüller. Let us offer our assistance too. Altemüller : ..But if we stop Böser and prevent the revival of chaos...,you could lose your life. Varna : ...Altemüller... Please do not worry about me. I have died already. That I live now already goes against the providence of nature. Moreover, we cannot simply leave her to her fate and allow chaos to set foot in our world! Altemüller : Hm... We shall lend to you our power as well. We cannot leave her alone nor can the revival of chaos be tolerated. Diehärte : ...Thank you, everyone... Jessica : The only place that applies for the ceremony is the Velzerian castle. Diehärte : Alright! Move out to Velezeria castle! ********************************************** Scenario ~ 35. "The True Enemy" ********************************************** At the hands of the demon deity Chaos, Paul arises from the dead as the new Böser. To serve as a ceremonial sacrifice for the revival of Chaos, Diehärte's beloved is abducted by Demon General Geier. Having its lines bolstered up by Altemüller and Varna, the division sets out one more time towards the Velzerian Castle, to prevent the revival of the God of Chaos and to rescue the abducted dearest... * Victory condition -Defeat Demon General Geier * Defeat condition [The death of diehardt's name] [Velzeria Castle] Diehärte : Hurry! To the inner part! Altemüller : So this is the country of the Demon Tribe, Velzeria... Silver Wolf : We're here again, this place is getting on my nerves. This time we'd better finish it once and for all. (Someone expresses worry about the abducted) Varna : ...It appears that she is save, still. If she had been sacrificed and the ceremony to summon Chaos would have been completed, I would have noticed an immense surge of dark energy. Diehärte : How can you be sure, Varna? Jessica : When Altemüller was Böser he used the dark power of Alhazard to resurrect her. One could say she has a strong connection to darkness. That way what she says is most likely the truth. Diehärte : Anyhow any minute that we do nothing could be her last. Let's make great haste! Geier : Not so fast! Varna : Oh, it's Geier! Geier : I can not allow you to disturb master Böser. Soon Lord Chaos will rise and we shall rule over all. But before that, I will dispose of you all right here right now! Especially you Altemüller! You'll get my special treatment! Diehärte : This is taking far too long already! Commence the attack! Luna : If we concentrate our attacks on Geier we should be able to win with relative ease. Diehärte : You said it! Let's do this! Geier : You think you can kill me that easily, how conceited of you. Let me demonstrate some of the powers Lord Chaos has bestowed upon me! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Geier : Lord Chaos will revive shortly. Delay the enemie's advance! Velzeria Commander : Yessir! Geier : The age of darkness is dawning! Everything in this world shall be ours! (Making more progress) Diehärte : Just a little further everyone. Once we finish Geier, only Paul remains! Let us fight for our comrade and for the future of this world! Altemüller : Just you wait Geier! This time my blade will put an end to you for good! Geier : With the powers granted by Lord Chaos, I no longer have anything to fear from your meager swordplay. Diehärte : Return my beloved this instant! Geier : Hehehe! I'm afraid about now she is being sacrificed to our great Lord Chaos, but don't worry you'll be seeing her shortly! Diehärte : Bastard! (Shortly afterwards) Geier : Come to our side Varna, come to your creator Lord Chaos! Varna : Never! As long as I live I will stay by Altemüller's side! Geier : If that's so, you'll die along with all of them! Hehehe, now you'll pay for what you did to me that time! Today you'll die at my very own hands! Altemüller : Hmph! So I'll have to kill you again, how tedious. (Once Geier is defeated) Geier : Ua..rgh..how could...I... No matter,...when lord Chaos arises..he will bring me back... I had...hoped for a festival of slaughter... most regrettable...Uarrgh! Diehärte : We've got no time to waste. Let's hurry onward! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° After the Battle °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Depending on who you're chosen one is, the following dialouge will differ somewhat, while Böser's parts mainly stay the same. The differences aren't that big so I didn't put up further spoiler protection. 1. Tiaris 2. Riffany 3. Luna 4. Sophia 5. Flaire (1. Tiaris) Tiaris : ...My body...won't move... Böser : Don't bother struggling. This is just one of my many arts as Böser the Prince of Darkness. The spell cannot be broken. Before long you will be sacrificed to revive Lord Chaos. Tiaris : No way....! Böser : Go ahead, cry and scream all you want but the flame of your life shall soon extinguish. When that time arrives Lord Chaos shall feast on your life force! And we demons will rise over all! Hahahahaha! (Böser does a pirouette out of happiness, how cute ^^) Tiaris : This will never happen! Everyone will come and stop you! Böser : Suits me just fine! Even more sacrifices to be offered! Tiaris : ...Diehärte...help... me... (2. Riffany) Riffany : ..I.. I cannot move.... Böser : Don't bother struggling. This is just one of my many arts as Böser the Prince of Darkness. The spell cannot be broken. Before long you will be sacrificed to revive Lord Chaos. Riffany : That can't be...! Böser : Go ahead, cry and scream all you want but the flame of your life shall soon extinguish. When that time arrives Lord Chaos shall feast on your very soul! And we demons will rise over all! Hahahahaha! (Böser does a pirouette out of happiness, how cute ^^) Riffany : ...Your efforts are in vain. Your dark magic will fail against the Langrisser. For this being so pointless, release me from this binding spell. Böser : You are welcome to try! You and Elthlied and Langrisser! Once this ceremony is completed no one can stand up against me! Riffany : ...I'm gonna be alright. He promised... I know he will come to rescue me. (3. Luna) Luna : ...Keh! Böser : Don't bother struggling. This is just one of my many arts as Böser the Prince of Darkness. The spell cannot be broken. Before long you will be sacrificed to revive Lord Chaos. Luna : That won't happen...! Böser : Go ahead, cry and scream all you want but the flame of your life will soon extinguish. When that time arrives Lord Chaos shall feast on your very soul! And we demons will rise over all! Hahahahaha! (Böser does a pirouette out of happiness, how cute ^^) Luna : No matter what you say, I won't give up hope. You stand no chance against the might of the Elthlied Kingdom. You are using me to further your ambitions, such cowardliness will not go unpunished by them. Böser : They are welcome to try! You and Elthlied and Langrisser! Once this ceremony is completed no one can stand up against me! Luna : I know, it was my faint-heartiness that allowed this to happen. But even so, he will come for me... Please forgive me, Sir Diehärte. (4. Sophia) Sophia : For what purpose have I been taken to a place like this? Böser : Don't bother struggling. This is just one of my many arts as Böser the Prince of Darkness. The spell cannot be broken. Before long you will be sacrificed to revive Lord Chaos. Böser : Go ahead, cry and scream all you want but the flame of your life will soon extinguish. When that time arrives lord chaos shall feast on your very soul! And we demons will rise over all! Hahahahaha! Sophia : How horrible....! Böser : Go ahead, cry and scream all you want but the flame of your life shall soon extinguish. When that time arrives lord chaos shall feast on your very soul! And we demons will rise over all! Hahahahaha! (Böser does a pirouette out of happiness, how adorable ^^) Sophia : Sacrificing me is a pointless endeavor. Even if Chaos is revived the Holy Blade of the Elthlied royal family will seal him back again. Böser : They are welcome to try! You and Elthlied and Langrisser! Once this ceremony is completed no one can stand up against me! I believe in you. Shortly we will know happiness, together. So please be careful [diehardt's name]... (5. Flaire) Flaire : What is happening to me...? Böser : Don't bother struggling. This is just one of my many arts as Böser the Prince of Darkness. The spell cannot be broken. Before long you will be sacrificed to revive Lord Chaos. Flaire : That can't be...! Böser : Go ahead, cry and scream all you want but the flame of your life shall soon extinguish. When that time arrives Lord Chaos shall feast on your very soul! And we demons will rise over all! Hahahahaha! (Böser does a pirouette out of happiness, how cute ^^) Flaire : ...That will never happen. Even if you call forth Chaos they will come and seal him right away. Böser : Hoho. I'm afraid you overestimate the power of your friends and your importance to them greatly. Flaire : No. He will do something. Even though I'm just one person, he will come to my aid. And then he'll deal with you and Chaos! Böser : Suits me just fine! Even more sacrifices to be offered! Flaire : ...I have no doubt, he will come. He promised... ******************************************** Scenario ~ 36. "The Birth of a Legend" ******************************************** After the division strikes down Demon General Geier and begins descending into the deeper parts of Castle Velzeria, they are welcomed by an eerie light bearing ill omen undoubtedly. From the inner part Paul's voice can be heard, offering up ceremonial chants to the God of Chaos. Should the ceremony be completed, not only would the Demonic God terrorize the world again but also would her soul fall into eternal darkness. And so the battle for Diehärte's beloved and the fate of all mankind unfolded. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Battle Preparations °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [Velzeria Castle Underground] Diehärte : Show yourself, Paul! Return her this moment! Paul : Hmph! You're already here. I thought Geier would be more useful. Altemüller : Paul! You're only holding a grudge against me, leave the others of out of this! Let go of her! Böser : Now now, don't get so worked up. Don't worry, I shall tend to you shortly. Once lord Chaos has been revived, I will make sure to bless you with an especially horrible death. Emaillink : What a twisted man. Dios : You cowardly bastard! You make me sick! Jessica : We must hurry. We don't have the luxury to waste time with him. Böser : What is that sword? Beside Alhazard, there shouldn't be a sword that powerful in existence! Pierre : Uwaah! H..how did he summon all those demons at once!? Böser : Hahahaha! Doesn't it appeal to you? My new magnificent power? This is the power Lord Chaos bestowed upon me. And it will increase even more once Lord Chaos revival is complete! Diehärte : I will turn this hopes to ashes. Everyone, lend me your strength! Have at you, Paul...no, Böser! (Diehärte vs Böser) Dehärte : Prepare for your end, I shall now claim her back! Böser : You think you can kill me!? Feel the power of the true Böser! (Defeating Böser within 17 turns) Böser : ...How...that sword stroke me with a surge of energy like there is no other... Just what is this sword...? Diehärte : This is the Langrisser. The King of Elthlied infused it with his own soul, thus the Holy Blade Langrisser was born, bearing the power to seal away the powers of you demon kind. Böser : Impossible, humans never would be able to forge a blade like this... Only with the assistance of a divine being such as Lord Chaos would it be... Diehärte : No matter how many times you'll return to haunt this world, you'll never win against those with Langerisser on their side!! Böser : Langrisser... I shall remember that name. When I will awake once more I will to get a hold of that sword right away. Once this sword is dealt with, Lord Chaos will rule supreme... What a joyous occasion it will be. ...Hahahaha! Diehärte : ...It's over. ************************************** After the Battle ~ Reunion of Love ************************************** 1. Tiaris's Ending 2. Riffany's Ending 3. Luna's Ending 4. Sophia's Ending 5. Flaire's Ending Search for the above to be directed to the appropriate ending. ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ================================================================= ******************* 1. Tiaris's Ending ******************* Diehärte : Tiaris... Tiaris : ...Uhm, I'm alright now. I was scared just a tiny bit..., because I always believed in you to come for me. Diehärte : ...Everything's alright now. I won't ever leave your side again. Silver Wolf : Uuuuh! By the way you two. Just how long are you planning on holding on to each other like that? Pierre : Really now. I'm already getting dizzy from all the heat you two are emitting! Diehärte : ...Emm... Altemüller : Anyhow, I'm just glad that everyone is safe. ...But, Varna. You... Varna : Please stop your worrying, Altemüller. My body isn't dead just yet. Besides, when Chaos was sealed the dark surges stopped instantly, so maybe there's still hope. Altemüller : ...Varna. Emaillink. Emaillink : Yes, what is it, your Excellency? Altemüller : Will you lend me your ear? Emaillink : What is troubling you...? Altemüller : I will go on a journey with Varna. I do not intend to return to the imperial capitol. Varna : Altemüller! Altemüller : Perhaps somewhere in this world, there is a method that can restore Varna to a genuine human. This I have to find out. Emaillink : Your Excellency... However, that is... Altemüller : I know. Probably Varna has only a short time left. It may be an undertaking doomed to fail from the start. But I'm ready to do everything for the person I love more than mere words could express. Know that I have set my mind on this. Please take care of the stately affairs in my absence. Emaillink : ...Understood. Your loyal subject, Emaillink, will look after the royal capitol until your Excellency returns; please try to visit sometime. Altemüller : Thank you... Well then. let us be on our way, Varna. Varna : ..., ....Yes! Lushiris : And this is how it came to be, that the revival of Chaos was prevented, King Sieghart founded the Elthlied kingdom and how the holy sword Langrisser became a legend. However, this only should be a prologue to the magnificent story, which goes around the sword. And in some distant day, the wheel of fate would eventually start turning once again... ********************************************************************** )))!Congratulations you have witnessed the true ending of the game!((( ********************************************************************** For the endings go to [E.n.B] without the .'s ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ================================================================= ********************* 2. Riffany's Ending ********************* Diehärte : Riffany... Riffany : You came for me after all. Diehärte : Didn't I promise? No matter what, I will protect you, always. Riffany : I never stopped believing in you. Diehärte : I'm sorry to have put you through such an awful experience. Riffany : I don't mind anymore, as long as we stay like this, I could forget the world around us. Silver Wolf : Uuuuh! By the way you two. Just how long are you planning on holding on to each other like that? Pierre : Really now. I'm already getting dizzy from all the heat you two are emitting! Diehärte : ...Emm... Altemüller : Anyhow, I'm just glad that everyone is safe. ...But, Varna. You... Varna : Please stop your worrying, Altemüller. My body isn't dead just yet. Besides, when Chaos was sealed the dark surges stopped instantly, so maybe there's still hope. Altemüller : ...Varna. Emaillink. Emaillink : Yes, what is it, your Excellency? Altemüller : Will you lend me your ear? Emaillink : What is troubling you...? Altemüller : I will go on a journey with Varna. I do not intend to return to the imperial capitol. Varna : Altemüller! Altemüller : Perhaps somewhere in this world, there is a method that can restore Varna to a genuine human. This I have to find out. Emaillink : Your Excellency... However, that is... Altemüller : I know. Probably Varna has only a short time left. It may be an undertaking doomed to fail from the start. But I'm ready to do everything for the person I love more than mere words could express. Know that I have set my mind on this. Please take care of the stately affairs in my absence. Emaillink : ...Understood. Your loyal subject, Emaillink, will look after the royal capitol until your Excellency returns; please try to visit sometime. Altemüller : Thank you... Well then. let us be on our way, Varna. Varna : ..., ....Yes! Lushiris : And this is how it came to be, that the revival of Chaos was prevented, King Sieghart founded the Elthlied kingdom and how the holy sword Langrisser became a legend. However, this only should be a prologue to the magnificent story, which goes around the sword. And in some distant day, the wheel of fate would eventually start turning once again... ********************************************************************** )))!Congratulations you have witnessed the true ending of the game!((( ********************************************************************** For the endings go to [E.n.B] without the .'s ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ================================================================= ***************** 3. Luna's Ending ***************** Diehärte : Luna... Luna : There is no excuse. Only because of my thoughtlessness could this... (Diehärte embraces Luna tightly) Luna : Ah... Umm... Diehärte : Just for little while, let's stay like this. Luna : ..Yes.. Diehärte : ...I'm so glad. To be able to feel your heart next to mine once again. Silver Wolf : Uuuuh! By the way you two. Just how long are you planning on holding on to each other like that? Pierre : Really now. I'm already getting dizzy from all the heat you two are emitting! Diehärte : ...Emm... Altemüller : Anyhow, I'm just glad that everyone is safe. ...But, Varna. You... Varna : Please stop your worrying, Altemüller. My body isn't dead just yet. Besides, when Chaos was sealed the dark surges stopped instantly, so maybe there's still hope. Altemüller : ...Varna. Emaillink. Emaillink : Yes, what is it, your Excellency? Altemüller : Will you lend me your ear? Emaillink : What is troubling you...? Altemüller : I will go on a journey with Varna. I do not intend to return to the imperial capitol. Varna : Altemüller! Altemüller : Perhaps somewhere in this world, there is a method that can restore Varna to a genuine human. This I have to find out. Emaillink : Your Excellency... However, that is... Altemüller : I know. Probably Varna has only a short time left. It may be an undertaking doomed to fail from the start. But I'm ready to do everything for the person I love more than mere words could express. Know that I have set my mind on this. Please take care of the stately affairs in my absence. Emaillink : ...Understood. Your loyal subject, Emaillink, will look after the royal capitol until your Excellency returns; please try to visit sometime. Altemüller : Thank you... Well then. let us be on our way, Varna. Varna : ..., ....Yes! Lushiris : And this is how it came to be, that the revival of Chaos was prevented, King Sieghart founded the Elthlied kingdom and how the holy sword Langrisser became a legend. However, this only should be a prologue to the magnificent story, which goes around the sword. And in some distant day, the wheel of fate would eventually start turning once again... ********************************************************************** )))!Congratulations you have witnessed the true ending of the game!((( ********************************************************************** For the endings go to [E.n.B] without the .'s ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ================================================================= ******************* 4. Sophia's Ending ******************* Sophia : I beg your forgiveness. Just because of me, everyone was put in such terrible danger... (Diehärte embraces Sophia tightly) Sophia : Ah... Diehärte : It's alright. Our struggles have come to an end finally. Tiaris : Righty! All villains were punished and the damsel in distress, Lady Sophia, was saved too! Lewin : Everyone wanted to help you. Besides, it is ones obligation to help a fellow human and friend in need. Sophia : Everyone... Thank you so much. Diehärte : I'm just glad your back to safety, right here in my arms. Silver Wolf : Uuuuh! By the way you two. Just how long are you planning on holding on to each other like that? Pierre : Really now. I'm already getting dizzy from all the heat you two are emitting! Diehärte : ...Emm... Altemüller : Anyhow, I'm just glad that everyone is safe. ...But, Varna. You... Varna : Please stop your worrying, Altemüller. My body isn't dead just yet. Besides, when Chaos was sealed the dark surges stopped instantly, so maybe there's still hope. Altemüller : ...Varna. Emaillink. Emaillink : Yes, what is it, your Excellency? Altemüller : Will you lend me your ear? Emaillink : What is troubling you...? Altemüller : I will go on a journey with Varna. I do not intend to return to the imperial capitol. Varna : Altemüller! Altemüller : Perhaps somewhere in this world, there is a method that can restore Varna to a genuine human. This I have to find out. Emaillink : Your Excellency... However, that is... Altemüller : I know. Probably Varna has only a short time left. It may be an undertaking doomed to fail from the start. But I'm ready to do everything for the person I love more than mere words could express. Know that I have set my mind on this. Please take care of the stately affairs in my absence. Emaillink : ...Understood. Your loyal subject, Emaillink, will look after the royal capitol until your Excellency returns; please try to visit sometime. Altemüller : Thank you... Well then. let us be on our way, Varna. Varna : ..., ....Yes! Lushiris : And this is how it came to be, that the revival of Chaos was prevented, King Sieghart founded the Elthlied kingdom and how the holy sword Langrisser became a legend. However, this only should be a prologue to the magnificent story, which goes around the sword. And in some distant day, the wheel of fate would eventually start turning once again... ********************************************************************** )))!Congratulations you have witnessed the true ending!((( ********************************************************************** For the endings go to [E.n.B] without the .'s ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ================================================================= ******************** 5. Flaire's Ending ******************** Diehärte : ...Forgive me. I should have been more dependable. Flaire : ...What are you saying? After all, you did come very dependently. You defeated Böser and prevented Chaos from being revived. You have reason to be proud of yourself! Diehärte : Weren't you scared, Flaire...? Flaire : *giggle*... I believe in you, so there is nothing I have to be scared of in the whole wide world. Silver Wolf : Uuuuh! By the way you two. Just how long are you planning on holding on to each other like that? Pierre : Really now. I'm already getting dizzy from all the heat you two are emitting! Diehärte : ...Emm... Altemüller : Anyhow, I'm just glad that everyone is safe. ...But, Varna. You... Varna : Please stop your worrying, Altemüller. My body isn't dead just yet. Besides, when Chaos was sealed the dark surges stopped instantly, so maybe there's still hope. Altemüller : ...Varna. Emaillink. Emaillink : Yes, what is it, your Excellency? Altemüller : Will you lend me your ear? Emaillink : What is troubling you...? Altemüller : I will go on a journey with Varna. I do not intend to return to the imperial capitol. Varna : Altemüller! Altemüller : Perhaps somewhere in this world, there is a method that can restore Varna to a genuine human. This I have to find out. Emaillink : Your Excellency... However, that is... Altemüller : I know. Probably Varna has only a short time left. It may be an undertaking doomed to fail from the start. But I'm ready to do everything for the person I love more than mere words could express. Know that I have set my mind on this. Please take care of the stately affairs in my absence. Emaillink : ...Understood. Your loyal subject, Emaillink, will look after the Royal Capitol until your Excellency returns; please try to visit sometime. Altemüller : Thank you... Well then. let us be on our way, Varna. Varna : ..., ....Yes! Lushiris : And this is how it came to be, that the revival of Chaos was prevented, King Sieghart founded the Elthlied Kingdom and how the holy sword Langrisser became a legend. However, this only should be a prologue to the magnificent story which goes around the sword. And in some distant day, the wheel of fate would eventually start turning once again... ********************************************************************** )))!Congratulations you have witnessed the true ending!((( ********************************************************************** For the endings go to [E.n.B] without the .'s ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ****************************************************************** Endings and Beginnings [EnB] ****************************************************************** For the following endings I presume that you never let anyone be incapacitated and you used everyone plenty, so you'll get the good endings. Stating every possible ending for each character is a tedious task. Therefore I'll just write down the endings I got and two different for each girl, one love and one no-love ending. Those are the good endings having everyone at a high level and action count and never incapacitated. The endings for the potential lovers are marked, so only read the ones you should be. otherwise just scroll down quickly when you come accross the protection signs. Needlessly to say this section contains spoiler beyond measure so be careful and enjoy! (*(*(*(* Lewin )*)*)*)* Lewin the son of Lord Raymond founder of the Elthlied Kingdom, ascended the throne when his father gave his life to forge the Langrisser. (Only if you didn't chose Tiaris) When 5 years had passed he took a beautiful lady of noble heritage as his wife. This lady was no other than Tiaris, the girl he already had learned to love during his years of fighting, who had grown into a woman of incomparable beauty and elegance. And he who should remain the youngest king in the countrie's history, would be eternally remembered for his almost limitless efforts to build Elthlied and create prosperity for his people. By his hands Elthlied should know long years of peace. (*(*(*(* Tiaris )*)*)*)* Tiaris the only daughter of Marquis William, escaped the collapsing fortress along with the knight Diehärte. Despite her young age and the grief over her own father's death, she fought valiantly. To the surprise of many she was able to overcome her sorrow and participate in battle with exemplary élan. (Not your chosen one ending) After their victory, Tiaris was taken in by the Claus family, but eventually married Lewin who was now king of Elthlied. Although being happily married to Lewin, there still was a grain of sadness left in her heart. Never had she told her older brother that she felt more for him than relatives do. And from time to time she fantasized about how it could have been to have lived a different life... But as the years passed her sorrow faded away and she went down into history as the loving first queen of Elthlied. And although the responsibility to govern a whole country demanded much of her, she lived a long and joyous life... ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ******************* Tiaris Love ending ******************* By putting up all his bravery, Diehärte confessed that he loved her as a woman. Being struck by surprise at first, Tiaris was overjoyed soon; never had she dared to hope to be something more to him than a sibling. The joy for the couple was short-termed, for Geier kidnapped Tiaris shortly after. It was none other than the god of Darkness, that Tiaris should be sacrificed to. After Diehärte puts an end to Böser, the two lovers finally could enjoy their partnership. Together Tiaris and Diehärte, who had become the Supreme Commander of the Elthlied knights, enjoyed a long and ever-exiting life. ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (*(*(*(*(* Gilbert )*)*)*)*)* There once lived a famous blademaster hailing from Larcuss Kingdom. After having thrown away his sword because of his daughter's death, it was her spirit that persuaded him, to fight for justice once more. His sword wrecked havoc among his enemies and claimed victory countless times. His prows in battle greatly benefited the mobile division and thus the funding of the Elthlied Kingdom. After their victory Gilbert was summoned to be the fencing instructor of the Elthlied Kingdom. His methods to not only hone swordsmanship but to temper ones mind as well, gave rise to many grand knights. Those who trained under him soon were known as the finest knights throughout the continent, netting him the honorific title "Gilbert, Broodmother of Knights"... (*(*(*(*(* Riffany )*)*)*)*)* Upon being saved by Diehärte, the young magician Riffany joined his quest to rebuild the Kingdom of Larcuss. She soon became an indispensable ally due to her powerful magic. (Not your chosen one) After their victory she returned to her parents in the Capitol to do research on the demon kind. In order to spread the benefits of magic she invented numerous easy spells to help people lead a better life. As a result the revolution of magic occurred. The book about magic theory that Riffany wrote, was recognized as the foundation of modern magic. Despite her many achievements she often carried an expression of lonesomeness on her face. Although attracting men and women alike, none could meet her requirements, for there was only one man she was thinking of ...one that had rescued her and the world alike... ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ********************** Rifanny Love ending ********************** Admiring him from the very first moment, her affection towards Diehärte grew ever so deeper with every battle they fought together. After confessing the mutual love, it was Geier who kidnapped Riffany and brought an abrupt end to their fresh love. His malicious intention was to sacrifice Riffany to Chaos. Against all odds Diehärte rescued her from the clutches of evil. After peace was restored, the two of them settled down in the Capitol as a newly married couple. Riffany opened up her own restaurant in the Capitol and soon her cooking was so popular that she was called a cooking genius. Before long she opened up restaurants throughout the country to spread her way of the magic cuisine. Using the spare money she funded a university to study demons and ways to fight them, always being supported by her caring husband. ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (*(*(*(* Pierre )*)*)*)* The knight's apprentice Pierre proved himself worthy by leading Larcussian refugees to safety. While attending to this task he crosses paths with Diehärte and decides to help to rebuild the ruined Kingdom of Larcuss. Pierre not only supported his friends with his cheerfulness and jokes but also with his foolhardiness in battle. During their travels he has grown from a boy into a dependable knight. He serves the Elthlied Royal delinquently and lastly was promoted to be captain of the knights. (*(*(*(* Luna )*)*)*)* Being the daughter of the genius strategos Torrand, Luna received education in all manners of warfare from an early age. Not only her mind but also her blade was sharp as a razor and many claim that Elthlied's victory was only possible due to her relentless efforts. (Not chosen ending) Several years later a massive horde of demons threatens the Elthlied border. Luna heads out to stop the enemy's advance herself but is overwhelmed by their sheer numbers. When everything seemed hopeless a lone man using two blades rushes to their aide. Living her life alone, Luna regrets to have been unable to admit her true feelings towards Diehärte. Even though being gifted with a brilliant mind, Diehärte's heart was the one thing she couldn't conquer... ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ****************** Luna Love ending ****************** In the course of many battles Luna developed a rather strong affinity towards Diehärte. When Diehärte, in a surge of bravery confessed his love to her, she almost didn't believe her ears. This was a true stroke of luck, since she surely would've stayed silent by herself. But their happiness ended abruptly when Geier kidnapped Luna. Geier's despicable motives were to sacrifice Luna to Chaos. After the war ended, Luna didn't return to her Father's lands but decided to serve the Elthlied royal family. Peace didn't last long in Elthlied as the small country was still watched by many greedy eyes. But with her unmatched strategies and Diehärte as backup only minor incidents occurred and were solved without any serious bloodshed, and for a long years to come, minstrels would praise their outstanding heroism in their songs. ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (*(*(*(* Fauvel )*)*)*)* The great sage and devoted follower of Lushiris, Fauvel, watched over Lushiris eastern gate for a long time. He joined Diehärte's cause and proved himself to be of great use due to his vast knowledge and magical powers. For his contribution in the establishment of peace he was appointed to be High Priest. He spent the rest of his life spreading his belief of Lushiris and the importance to maintain peace. His good deeds would be remembered long past his time and people spoke of him only as a holy man. (*(*(*(* Sophia )*)*)*)* Sophia, daughter of the great sage Fauvel was the guardian of Lushiris southern gate. After she was saved from a cruel sacrificial ritual of the Shika Tribe, she joined Diehärte's quest for peace. Her healing magic not only earned her the title of goddess among the Shika's but also saved her companions innumerable times. (Not chosen ending) During their shared time she developed a rather strong affection towards Diehärte. But her prayers remained unanswered. In order to distract herself and to sooth her aching heart she traveled the lands to aide those who had suffered during the war. Years went by and Elthlied grew even more prosperous than Larcuss ever had. Not few say that she and others of her kind where the ones who made this possibly with their unconditional altruism. ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ********************* Sophia Love Ending ********************* Over time her heart blossomed, being attracted to one man only. Her prayers were answered and the one she longed for confessed his own love to her. If it hadn't been for Geier who kidnapped Sophia, she and Diehärte could've enjoy a bliss from now on. Geier's despicable motives were to sacrifice Sophia to Chaos. Eventually the war ended and peace returned to the lands. But the damage done during the war was severe. Together with Diehärte, Sophia build a happy home for themselves and funded an orphanage for the youngest victims of the war. Those who were raised by those two grew up to be good people who worked hard to make Elthlied a better place for everyone. ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (*(*(*(*(* Jügler )*)*)*)*)* The saintly beast Jügler, blessed by Lushiris herself was the guardian of the western gate. He fought to protect the lands that are blessed by his goddess. His ability to transform, often was crucial to gain a strategic advantage over the enemy. His beastly strength and unmatched fluffiness were of great importance for Elthlied to claim victory. When the battles came to an end, Jügler returned to the western gate to act as a guardian once more. Waiting for him was a suspicious silhouette... To Jügler's ineffable surprise it turns out that it is a female saintly animal which he believed to be extinct... Several months later Lushiris blesses them with half a horde of healthy children. They all lead a happy and carefree family life. (*(*(*(*(* Dios )*)*)*)*)* Dios, a former general of Barral deserted due to insanity of King Wilder and joined Diehärte's division. Being a hardened battle veteran, his skills were of great use to the Elthlied Kingdom. After their victory Dios returns to Barral to reconstruct the Kingdom which still was in shambles. Once order was restored in Barral, Dios was being elected to become the new supreme commander of the Barral army. He would be remembered as the unbreakable backbone of Barral. (*(*(*(*(* Silver Wolf )*)*)*)*)* The city of Laffel is home to the self proclaimed righteousness robber silver wolf, which helped Diehärte to overcome the occupation of the Barral Kingdom. During their travels he makes friends with Lewin who offers him a position as a spy and diplomat. Apart from excelling in battle, his ability to gather information fast and efficiently made him and his many followers valuable allies for Elthlied. When the war ended, he offered his services to the Elthlied Royal family. Combining peace-oriented diplomacy with an invisibly working information network paid off more than anyone would've hoped for. Since the floating castle was no more it was thanks to Wolf's many efforts that Elthlied enjoyed long years of peace. His example of combining stealth and diplomacy became a role model for many potent agents to come... (*(*(*(* Jessica )*)*)*)* The great sorceress Jessica, evermore surrounded by a veil of mystery. As the Avatar of Lushiris on earth, it was her task to guide the human to the path of light. Her over-worldly magical powers and intelligence only were matched by her breathtaking beauty, which even rivaled Lushiris herself. No one ever doubted that her contributions were essential for the rise of the Elthlied Kingdom and the victory over demon kind. After peace was established Jessica was offered the position of court magician and adviser by the Elthlied Royal Family. With her ability to reincarnate she fulfilled her duty for many centuries and continued to guide the children and grandchildren of the Elthlied Royal family, which were called "The descendants of light" ever after. Over time she became a legend herself and almost got to be as famous as the Langrisser itself...But one who lives through all of mankind's history is also destined for solitude... (*(*(*(* Kirkaze )*)*)*)* From a ruined Kingdom far to the east hails Kirikaze, a Samurai that finally took his revenge for what the demons did to his country. His two blades sliced through Elthlied enemies like ripe corn. Without his skills, rebuilding the ruined country Larcuss and delivering the original Böser to justice wouldn't have been possible. After fulfilling his duty he entrusts his most cherished sword to Diehärte and returns to his home country. Rumors say that he, tired of bloodshed, gave up fighting and now tends to the grave of his lord and his family. Maybe one day he would set out on a journey once again... (*(*(*(* Flaire )*)*)*)* Princess Flaire not only had to suffer under the sudden madness of her own father Wilder, but also had to fight her dear childhood friend, Diehärte, in numerous battles. Being shaken by the wholeheartedly plea of Diehärte, she joins him to rescue her father from his succumbing madness. To her great sorrow, there was no way to save her father but only the possibility to finally put his soul to rest. During his last moments King Wilder shortly recovers to his true self, allowing them to see eye to eye, even though for just a fleeting moment. Furious about her father's demise, Flaire takes bloody revenge on the responsible Demon General Rag. (Not chosen Ending) After the war ended, Flaire returns to Barral to help rebuild the Kingdom her father left in disorder. As the new queen she works hard to create a better life for her people, supported by the reinstated General Dios. After long months of seemingly endless labour, order finally returns to the devastated country. Although many princes and men of noble heritage try their luck, Flaire turns them down rather determined and stays the absolute and sole ruler. The only man that ever had a place in her heart was Diehärte. Despite her solitude Flaire went down into history as the fairest and most caring queen Barral ever had. ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ******************** Flaire Love Ending ******************** After the war ended and Flaire and Diehärte hoped for a happy life together, but the resurrected Geier kidnaps Flaire to sacrifice her to Chaos. Upon mustering inhuman strength to save his beloved, Diehärte strikes down the Prince of Darkness. After their victory over the true Böser, Flaire and Diehärte return to Barral to rebuild the shattered country. Long months of hard work pass and finally order returns to the devastated Kingdom. When the situation stabilizes Flaire is reinstated as queen by the grateful citizens and doesn't hesitate to make Diehärte her king. The two of them would go down into history as the fairest and most caring monarchs Barral has ever had, creating happiness not only for themselves but also for all of their people. ====================================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (*(*(*(*(*(* Dho Kahni )*)*)*)*)*)* In order to protect the Shika Tribe it was Do Kahni who joined Sophia on her quest for peace. His bravery and wildness in battle made his enemies shiver in fear and proved him worthy of his title as a hero. After having fought many battles together, all his comrades acknowledge him as a true hero. For his many feats he was chosen to be the successor of the great chief. (*(*(*(*(*(* Emaillink )*)*)*)*)*)* Among the four Imperial Generals there's one famed for his refined intellect, his name being Emaillink. He allied with Diehärte to rescue his Lord Altemüller from the evil bewitchment of Alhazard. Only with combined efforts was it possible to save the obsessed Altemüller.Since Altemüller and Varna set out on a journey, it was his task to take care of affairs of the state in their absence. Being gifted with a brilliant intellect, he proved himself to be highly capable to handle governmental affairs. He managed to improve the citizens life significantly by applying new methods of agriculture and trade with other nations. (*(*(*(*(*(* Altemüller )*)*)*)*)*)* Altemüller the highly skilled and decorated Field Marshal of the Rigüler Empire, took up Alhazard, to avenge the death of his beloved Varna. Having his heart filled with only anger and hatred he becomes Böser temporally but returns to his true self thanks to powers of the Langrisser. Afterwards he allies with Diehärte in order to defeat Paul, who had become the new Böser. But even after the battle was won, there was no time for him to take a breath. His most beloved Varna had been resurrected by the power of darkness that was fading from the world, thus threatening her very existence. To find a way to restore Varna's humanity, they set out on a journey into the unknown. Several years after peace had been established, it occurred that a Rigüler division was attacked by remnants of the Demon Tribe. The ambushed division was heavily outnumbered and prepared for a fight to the bitter end. Out of nowhere a man and a women appear and annihilate all the demons with seemingly ease. Emaillink who rushes to the aid of the ambushed, utters the following, as he beholds the soldier's saviors, while tears swell up in his eyes..."Welcome back your Excellency." (*(*(*(* Varna )*)*)*)* Varna, known as one of the four Imperial Generals and loved as Altemüller's adjutant. Shortly after rescuing her little Sister who had been kidnapped by Böser, Varna gives her own life to protect Altemüller from being assassinated by Geier. Altemüller gives new life to her by applying the powers of darkness. When the true Böser was defeated she set out on a journey with his Excellency Altemüller.After long years of aimless traveling a method to restore her humanity is finally found and the two of them live in happiness ever after, enjoying their lives to the fullest. (*(*(*(*(* Diehärte )*)*)*)*)* Dreaming of becoming a knight since childhood, it was, Diehärte, who surpassed even his own wishes and became a hero amongst heroes. Not only did he play a major role in restoring the ruined Kingdom of Larcuss and re-establishing peace throughout the world, but also protected all of humankind from the demon's invasion. Diehärte who had confessed his love to his chosen [Tiaris, Riffany, Luna, Sophia, Flaire] was overjoyed to realize that his love was returned. Although she was kidnapped to be a sacrifice for Chaos's revival, Diehärte came to her rescue and defeated Paul in a battle of mythical scale. From now on the reunited lovers cherished every single moment together and enjoyed happiness for as long as they lived . ...And this concludes the story of the rise of the fabled Kingdom Elthlied. At that time no one imagined that those events were merely a prologue to an even greater story. For the legend surrounding the Langrisser had only just begun... |||||||||||| T|||||h|||||e ||||||||||||||e|||||n|||||d|||||||||||||||||| If you haven't checked out Langrisser I and II do so now, because they are next chronologically! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed playing this game and my humble attempt to deliver it to your understanding. ***************************************************** Scenario 36 ~ Bad Ending ~ ***************************************************** “All Hail Chaos!” I also included the semi bad ending, meaning you fail to defeat Böser, your lover dies and Chaos is revived. While most certainly you will not want that to happen the first time around, there are some very interesting conversations going on once Chaos get's talkative, meaning when he goes down. I must admit that aspects concerning Chaos's purpose are presented in a way I haven't seen in the other Langrisser installments, sooo you may want to check those dialogues out too. (getting closer to the 20th turn) Chaos : Uoo...Ah... Böser : Oho! The voice of Lord Chaos can be heard already! Soon. Very soon, the ceremony will be complete! Varna : Uuu...! This surge of dark energy... Altemüller : Are you alright, Varna? Kehh, Chaos revival is that close already!? (Once 20 turns have past) *Event Chaos is summoned Böser : Muhahaha! At last, my prayers have reached Lord Chaos! Your chosen one : “Scream”/ Calls out to Diehärte. (Diehärte calls out to her one last time...how heartrending..) Böser : Hahahaha! It has been done! Lord Chaos revival is finally at hand! Ahahahaha! Chaos : ...You did well, Böser. Böser : Yes, my lord! I'm your ever loyal servant! Diehärte : ...We..we couldn't save her... I...I... Altemüller : We have failed to prevent the revival of Chaos... Diehärte : ...Böser...Chaos... If it wasn't for you, she would still be here with me! I swear on my life that I will crush you for what you did! (Conditions of Victory and Defeat have been updated) Defeat Paul and Chaos Death of [diehardt's name] (Defeating Böser first) Böser : Th..that can't..I... Is this the consequence of not having Alhazard by my side? But no matter, Lord Chaos will simply revive me... Hahaha. Lord Chaos... It seems I must stand down a while. Chaos : You can rest for now. I have only just awoken but once I regain my full strength my powers are limitless. At the moment you can give in to death without worry. Böser : ...I'm eternally grateful..to you... (Then Chaos) Chaos : Juuaaa... Diehärte : We did it! Victory is ours, Chaos! Chaos : ...It only seems to you that way right now. This age has been in dire need of me. Diehärte : What are you saying? This age needed you..? Chaos : Yes. Order and Chaos are opposite aspects of the same thing. You are free to worship light as a symbol of law. But if order becomes absolute progress stops. And there is no live in a world where nothing is moving on and nothing new is born. Therefore to reset everything to a blank paper the destruction is needed. The force of the chaotic is needed. Diehärte : However, it is up to us humans to choose. Only because the renewal of life is needed, won't just lay down and die! Chaos : Certainly. But it would do you good to remember. The forces of chaos and order are intertwined ineradicable and work through you humans. Your own life is proof of it. The force of chaos is within every human. That is the thing you need to understand the most... Diehärte : I shall remember those words! There will be humans to seek to revive you! But no matter how many times that'll happen, there'll also be humans to seal you as well! Chaos : Your hope may be justified... Since this is the factor that keeps the world in a state of delicate equilibrium. For now, farewell. You can rest assured that we will not meet again. But one day there'll be no man or woman to hold high that noble spirit of yours and that is when I will return... ********************************* Scenario Clear/End of the Game ********************************* or (Defeating Chaos first) Chaos : ...So you have the Langrisser with you. That sword is such an eyesore. Diehärte : This sword will be your certain end. Prepare yourself! Chaos : My end, I see... Hahaha.... Diehärte : What's so funny! Chaos : What do you think chaos actually is? I and Lushiris are the keepers of a delicate equilibrium in this world. The forces of darkness and light raising up against each other are what keeps this world alive. And isn't life very much depended on an endless circle of creation and destruction? Diehärte : What do you mean... Explain yourself... Chaos : Right now you wish for me to be gone. However, I'm very much needed for this age to not end in stagnation. But, that sword is a danger to this very world. If the one wielding it should desire, he could become an even greater destructive force than I am. Diehärte : Absurd! There couldn't be a more destructive force than the god of destruction himself! Chaos : Chaos has two aspects to it, one is destruction but the other is renewal. In other words, the destruction brought by me brings forth new life and keeps the world progressing. But that sword is different. If one wields it with a corrupted heart, the power of this swords brings nothing but total annihilation. The very existence of this sword will stir up greed and lust for power in the human heart. Hehehehe... For now I shall return to darkness and watch this world from beyond... Böser. I'm leaving the rest to you. Böser : Yes, Lord Chaos. Diehärte : ...Somehow he got me thinking. Could Langrisser's existence truly be so dangerous? (Then Böser) Böser : ...How...that sword stroke me with a surge of energy like there is no other... What is this sword...? Diehärte : This is the Holy Sword Langrisser. The King of Elthlied infused it with his own life-force, thus the holy blade Langrisser was born, bearing the power to seal away the powers of you demon kind. Böser : I see...so it was due to that sword that Lord Chaos was... Diehärte : No matter how many times you will come to haunt this world you'll never win against those with Langrisser on their side!! Böser : Langrisser... I shall remember that name. When I will awake once more, I will get a hold of that sword right away. Once this sword is dealt with, Lord Chaos will rule supreme... What a joyous occasion it will be. ...Hahahaha! ********************************* Scenario Clear/End of the Game ********************************* ================================================================== Characters [Chac] ================================================================== I've put this section after the scenarios on purpose, so you wouldn't encounter spoilers about them unintentionally. Especially those few of you who start playing the Langrisser series with this game, because it's chronologically the first, should avoid this section because it contains spoiler concerning other Langrisser games. There will be two points Comment : Personal comments and or ramblings on how much I like the character. Naturally my opinion is totally subjective. Gameplay : My recommendations for each character's use. ========== Diehärte ========== Comment : He's cool and has a pretty unique name. Only his hair is a bit excessive but that's alright. Die Härte is German and means the toughness. Gameplay : He's good at anything really. My recommendation: turn him into a flyer. If you want to do something fancy turn him into a mage. ========== Tiaris ========== Comment : Basically I like her but....she's supposed to eleven years old..... It is common that many characters in this kind of games are unfittingly young but I don't know what they were thinking when they put her up as a potential lover... She seems to be much better suited for Lewin anyway and it's pretty canon that she'll become his wife. I'm sure it would've been great having them as a couple in the party. I can think of a ton of fun scenes about how Lewin asks Diehärte for advise about what do to ....and Tiaris trying to cook up a meal for Lewin tasting horrible and how Tiaris then asks Riffany to teach her how to cook...that would've been really nice. Gameplay : She's useful as a healer early on and will dispose of undead in the blink of an eye. Once she has double cast she'll be a great healer and supporter. ========== Lewin ========== Comment : He's cool, seems a bit more serious than Diehärte and probably could've been our main character, but I think it's also nice that he's not. I think everyone that played Langrisser I and II or the Ys series, agrees that we had our fare share of red-haired protagonists. Gameplay : He's your solid ground soldier. Dependable. ========== Riffany ========== Comment : I like her majorly because she is sooooo handy. Sure she got the looks and the brains...but what about everything else? Gameplay : She's my alltime strongest character. When my other characters where level 50 she was level 75. When Diehärte was Lv 60 she was Lv 99. Why? Because nothing is left standing when she casts tornado or even meteor 2 times per turn. ========== Sophia ========== Comment : I like her, but she seems a bit too holy, innocent and untouchable to me to be attractive. Wearing so few cloth for a cleric doesn't help much! ....but it doesn't hurt either I guess.... Gameplay : She's pretty good early and mid game. I thought her only disadvantage was, that she couldn't learn the double cast ability but I guess that's not quiet right. Try making her a sage. I haven't so far and I'm not 100% sure if it's possible. ========== Luna ========== Comment : I like her calm aura and cool-headedness. There are two more reasons why I like her being around. First having a genius tactician makes it more believable to me, to wipe out whole armies with such a small force. Second, having a tactician at all underlines the importance of strategy in battle, which by itself increases the feel for realism. Otherwise I'd just be tempted to feel like the inexplicably powerful hero who just pounds away at everything in sight. So thx Luna for being there, giving us a purpose. Gameplay : She rocks, keep her a flier at all times! ========== Flaire ========== Comment : Flaire is, in my opinion, the greatest character in the game. I like her the most out of all potential lovers for being emancipated but still womanly, strong but fragile, having natural authority yet being caring and just, being determined although conflicted, vigorous as a child but tragic as an adult.... Additionally you have to make a serious effort to save her from herself and to cure her sorrow-twisted heart....I just love her and I could go on and on....but that should suffice for now..... She's also the most mature emitting the vibe of a woman not a girl... carrying a majesty unmistakably that of a future queen..... she reminds me of....I said I'd stop didn't I... Gameplay : She joins very late in the game or not at all if you don't pay attention. At this point you should have a veteran team already , so turn her into anything you like, I guess sage would be good. Cavalry or special cavalry is not recommended since many of the end game maps give those some really horrible movement. She's good as an extra healer. ========== Jügler ========== He's fluffy-fluffy and I like his character art too. Gameplay : Go for flier or dragon class and he'll be one of the strongest characters. ========== Fauvel ========== The obligatory old man, but he's quiet alright. Gameplay : I guess he's pretty good. But he lacked in levels and mana in my case. Otherwise he could be a must train character for scenario 5?. ========== Jessica ========== Comment : She's irresistable, I love her. I think that's only natural after all those years of knwowing each other. Gameplay : She is your second Riffany gameplay wise so she's absolutely great and learns healing spells probably making her the best character in the game. ============ Silver Wolf ============ Comment : Brings humor to our group, that's great! Like Luna he adds a feeling of deepness to the game by underlining the importance of intelligence. Gameplay : If you equip him with some good stuff he will be a dervish of death assassinating mages, cleric's, spear men and much about anything with ease. He was my strongest and fastest ground force. ============ Kirikaze ============ Comment : Second place for coolness goes to him. Gameplay : For being such a cool character he hasn't much to offer. Since he joined he lagged in Level so maybe that's the cause for my experience of his medicoreness. He can be a ninja and a samurai, two pretty good classes so I guess he could be quiet good if you level him up enough. ============ Dios ============ Comment : Hmmm...I don't really like him that much...but he's kinda unique too and adds up well enough to the party. For being rough around the edges he's quiet the tragic figure...adding an interesting deepness. Gameplay : Since he is the only one who can get the class I turned him into a Bow-cavalry dude. He's not bad but the short range combined with the vulnerability is somewhat troublesome, maybe it's better to turn him into a cavalry or spear wieling warrior. ============ Pierre ============ Comment : Oh it's Pierre...Hi Pierre....Bye Pierre... Gameplay : He should be your Spearmen for all times. He's doing the job, so I won't mouth off about him further. ============ Gilbert ============ Comment : He makes me sad. While everyone else is fighting for their own future he already has lost everything dear to him... While thinking about it, I realized that Kirikaze and maybe also Dios have lost pretty much everything too. Gamplay : Gilbert is pretty good as a cavalry unit. ============ Do Kahni ============ Comment : I wonder how he looks under his mask... Gameplay : He's ....I don't know....how the hell can you make him join your party!?............ Okay I found out myself but it was very painful... and I didn't last long...I guess he isn't that good? Definately not worth the pain... ============ Altemüller ============ Comment : Alte Müller is German and means old miller. Somewhat of an unfitting name for someone of his heritage, but oh well he's the coolest character around here anyway. I like how we get to know almost all of his story first hand. There are many scenes telling his story. Giving "enemies" personality and presenting them in a nuanced way is a distinctive feature of all the Langrisser games. I think this was done especially well in this game, creating a feel of pluralism, which not only makes a game more believable and interesting but also is good for mental and moralistic growth. ***POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT (concerning Langrisser V)*** I want a game telling the story of Altemüller and Varna searching for a cure for Varna, being tempted by darkness, leaving their human children in the care of Emaillink and becoming immortal creatures of the night...sleeping for centuries just to find a world at the brink of destruction, meeting their own descendants (Sigmar's and Lamda's great grandchildren who might as well could be our protagonists?) , rescuing the world from hypocrites doing evil while pretending to do Lushiris will, rising to become the new Böser and wielder of Alhazard, giving birth to the descendants of darkness..... !!If any bored developers read this please make this game!! ***SPOILER ALERT THE END*** Gameplay : Altemüller is awesome. That's it. ========== Varna ========== Comment : Varna is a pretty cool character, I like her iron-will, combined with her softness when it comes to Altemüller, as well as her dark fate. Gameplay : Varna is awesome. That's all. =========== Emaillink =========== Comment : While watching the game's intro the first time I mistook him for a lovely lady...oh the embarrassment... Gameplay : He's okay. His forte definitely is persuading his friends to join our cause, that's really pretty game deciding. =========== Bortz =========== Comment : He's really cool, basically would have had the potential to be part of the party and I was kinda shocked... =========== Ruud =========== Comment : He is as side-character-like as it gets around here. Not much to have an opinion about. =========== Wilder =========== Comment : It is interesting how very different he looks from his daughter. I like the very untypical conclusion. =========== Geriord =========== Comment : Another very interesting side character. I like his story. This game manages to tell stories of many different people, not only the one of our main protagonist and the people following him. That's one of the main reasons why I like this game so much. =========== Layla =========== Comment : I like her. We don't know so much about her but enough to care for her. Characters like this make a world seem alive. Besides her, there are surprsingly many tragic characters in this game : "Layla, Geriord, Gilbert, Coty, Wilder, Flaire, Christ, Bortz, Kirikaze, Varna, Duke William and to some degree Tiaris, Dios and Sieghart." All their hardships and struggles creating an atmosphere of realism and seriousness. =========== Rag =========== Comment : An ugly old "man". He's creepy and kinda disgusting. I don't like him in a negative way. =========== Ferakia =========== *****Little Spoiler alert concerning Langrisser IV.****** Comment : Honestly it's too bad that she is no option for love action. I'd choose her any day, if it wasn't for Flaire, that is. My theory : She's the reason behind Rachel in Langrisser IV. *****Little Spoiler alert the end***** ================================= Geier, also known as Gaiel ================================= Comment : A murderous, traitorous, sly, ambitious..... [Enter your favorite vulgar word here] I like how they make you absolutely disgust Geier from the first moment you lay eyes on him. Wow I hate this guy so much...they really hit a nerve... Etymology : While going through the translations of ElfShadow I found this spelling of the name [Geier].The relevant Scenario is the 28th and the following dialogue between Paul and Geier. I always wondered why such an evil and ugly character had a name that would suit any elvish girl better. Geier is actually the German word for vulture. Vultures have a bad reputation throughout westernized mentality being bearers of bad omen and death, being ugly and somewhat evil. Now that sounds much more like the person I'm referring to! Since Langrisser is considered somewhat of a Germanic-themed world and already has many German names in it, it makes very much sense to me that this name is his real and intended name. One reason why he was named Gaiel could be the way the voice actors pronounce it. They speak the “r” at the end very clearly as and “l” but the German word Geier has a definitive” r”. =========== Grove =========== Comment : He's adorable in his own way, I like him. He's a bit on the insane side but who isn't? Same as to Geier applies to Grove. He probably should be named Grab. And I want to emphasis that he is not a druid living in a grove but a necromancer. Grab again is German and means grave, well that sounds more like him, but I left this one as he was because his name wasn't sooo way of as Geier's and the Japanese Spelling leaves many variations open for this one so I'm not sure about this as much. ====================== Original Böser ====================== Comment : I like him for having a brave hairstyle. Otherwise the information we get about him is very scarce. ====================== Paul/ True Böser ====================== ***POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT (concerning Langrisser II)**** Comment : Altemüller's evil half brother. I kinda like how they presented his character. The first time I saw him I mistook him for emperor Christ's wife... realizing the truth was quiet the shock! While being Paul he is such a treacherous and sly wimp, he's seriously upgraded in all departments when becoming Böser. He actually is the Böser that is reincarnated in all the other Langrisser games. As Böser I like him a lot, he wears a cool outfit he's evil but not beyond sanity. He doesn't seem to be sadistic like Geier and doesn't commit acts of violence senselessly. For example in Langrisser 2 he doesn't try to kill Liana even after she became useless to him, that's kinda considerate! Also he doesn't dispose of Edwin, Liana or Sonia after establishing the world of darkness. He dreams of a better world in his own way. Too bad he is always put against the guys everyone is supposed to identify with, it would be great fun to have him being the protagonist for a change. ***SPOILER ALERT END**** ================================================================== Translation notes [TrNo] ================================================================== To be able to translate Japanese somewhat decent it is crucial to know who is speaking and in what context. The exact meaning of a word can differ greatly depending on the speaker, the one addressed and the situation at hand. To be able to find a suitable translation one should play the game simultaneously to know who is talking, to get a grasp of the atmosphere the characters moods etc. There are relatively many choices to be made and there's a lot of dialogue going on in battle, so there were tons of dialogues to translate. I haven't checked every single line that was translated, so some mistakes are to be expected. ====================== Freely Translated ====================== I haven't played through the rejected love dialogues, not because I don't like them but simply because they are not available to me. Meaning that the corresponding dialogues have been translated rather freely and I had some fun with them. I don't even know if they are voiced. Apart from the fun factor no one serious would go for the rejected love scenes, if not out of curiosity or having a laugh, since you can't get the true ending if you have been rejected and of course because it hurts so much.... Scenario 12 is mostly translated on good guess. Why? because my Fauvel is at a high level and casts meteor all over the place, messing up most of the dialogues. ======================== Translation Mysteries ======================== I don't know how it is possible, but the game displays a different Kanji from the one used in the script “hen” the one from the script in this case meaning “compilation”, makes no sense. “dama” the one seen in game meaning “deceive”, makes a lot of sense. “Ferakia : Honestly, you're way too gullible aren't you? Letting yourselves being deceived like that! “ The game display's text for Lewin's Ending, that doesn't show up in the script. I just made up the first part of Lewin's ending but at this point it won't appear in the patch. ======================= Currently untranslated ======================= Special ? battles. Talking to the males and non humans. For details take a look at the Special Stuff section not too far below. ==================================================================== Tutorial [Tuti] ==================================================================== Lushiris: If you see need I may explain basic strategy that applies to this world. Do you wish for me to explain the basic flow of battle? Before each battle there will be a prologue. After that you will be directed to the battle preparation screen. During battle preparation you can hire soldiers, buy and sell items, equip your commanders and change their class. After you deploy all your commanders choose Begin battle to begin battle....ahem.... Always pay attention to the battlefield and the deployment of enemies, while placing your commanders. Battles takes place on the map and in Battle mode. Both have been overhauled. Each scenario has its own conditions for victory, fulfilling those will progress the story.Conditions of Defeat. If those are met it's game over. The conditions for victory and defeat are displayed during the prologue before the scenario but can change throughout the course of a scenario. Those conditions also can be locked up in battle through the main menu. Do you wish for a more detailed explanation about hiring troops? Only one type of troops can be hired at a time. Note that troops are balanced and will only improve majorly along with their commander. Press L and R on the recruit-screen to cycle through your commanders. Holding L while on the map will show the amount of HP a commander and his units have left.Pressing start or Z during battle will open the main menu. Do you want to be informed about the battle system in greater detailed? This installment introduces a battle system different from the previous ones. Orders are given to commanders only. It is no longer possible to give orders to single soldiers. Also a commander doesn't carry out the orders given immediately. After pressing start and selecting "Execute Turn" all units on the map will carry out their orders simultaneously. Do you want me to explain every command? [Move] Move your units across the Battlefield. An area will be highlighted indicating the maximal distance a unit can move. It is also possible to set up a route for the unit to take.[Recover] Your commander and Soldiers will recover some HP.Recovering units cannot move or attack during that turn. [Magic] Use your MP to invoke mighty spells. Casting units can't do anything else that turn.Note that spells need time to be cast. More powerful spells take longer to cast than easy ones.[Item] Items can either be equipped or used during battle.Only one item can be used at a time and the unit becomes unable to do anything else.[Use] Use items and invoke special effect of certain items.Beware though, there are items that could break upon using.[Summon] Use your MP to call powerful allies from the realms beyond.Summoned creatures can be ordered just as your other commanders. Each character is limited to summon one creature at a time. [Skill] There are skills with permanent effect and skills that can be activated manually. In battle only skills that can be activated will show upMaster the use of those commands and success will be certain. Combine commands to compensate for your allies weaknesses or to enhance their strengths can turn the tide in battle. The [Mode] and [Formation] commands will be explained separately. Until you press Start or Z and Select Execute Turn you are free to change given commands. Do you want me explain a unit's mode more accurately? There are three possible modes a unit can be set to, Defense, Normal and High Mobility. Normal is the default and most balanced mode. Choosing High Mobility as a unit's mode will increase the distance a unit can move, but will lower the attack and defense values. When choosing Defense, movement is no longer possible, but defensive power rises.Note that your soldiers have to move in order to change formation. Do you desire to know more about the unit's formations? The formation decides how unit's will place themselves in relation to their commander. A change in formation only applies after a commander moves. The Square is the default formation placing soldiers all around the commander. The Spear can help to reach far away enemies and to intercept enemies coming from the side.The Wall is useful to intercept enemies coming from the back and the front. The Tilt comes in two variations and can be handy in various situations.In battle it is of utmost importance to determine which units should make contact to the enemy. Use formations for precise maneuvers. Next, do you want me to explain battle mode? Battle mode will triggered if two units (soldiers or commanders) have contact to another or are in proximity of ranged attack. Even if only one Soldier connects, the whole unit will partake in battle Be mindful of your unit's formation to avoid having weak units getting caught in melee. When entering battle mode two pictures will show up, one unit defends and one attacks. If you are the attacker you can choose which unit you want to attack or if you'd rather do nothing. To cycle through use the directional buttons. By default you will enter a Battle scene once two units engage in battle. You will be presented by a 3D simulation of the battle. Here you can give specific orders to your Commander and Soldier Squads. If you would prefer not to watch the Battle scene, go to the main menu choose Game Options and set Battle Scenes to off. If the battle scene is turned off, the battle results will be calculated automatically. Do you want to learn more about affinities? Affinities mean the s For example infantry units are strong against spearmen, but weak against cavalry. Spearmen are strong against cavalry, but weak against infantry. Cavalry is strong against infantry, but weak against spearmen. Bowmen are strong against flying units. Monks and clerics are strong against demons, gels and the Undead. There are also specialized Anti-air and Anti-ground flying units. Sailors are very powerful in water but otherwise are of the same affinity as infantry.Choosing your troops wisely is a must to do battle effectively. Do you wish to know more about the flexible class change? Changing the class of a commander will result in a change of stat growth. Skills, magic and units that can be hired, depend on the class of a character.Select Class Changes at the battle preparation screen. At the levels 10, 30 and 50 a new class will become accessible, depending on the character.Note that the level count of the class is independent of the characters level. A newly acquired class will start out at level 1 while the character remains at his current level. Doing a class change mid-way won't result in any further disadvantages. Switching classes depending on the situation at hand is a key-element for claiming victory. Do you wish to learn more about how to level up a class? While upgraded classes have the same stat growth as the basic classes, unique spells and better units become available. There are two ways to rise the level of a class. You can use the divine blessing item, or gain 15 levels with the appropriate class. For example When you gain 15 levels as a Lord your class will automatically upgrade to High Lord. Do you want to learn more about the amount of experience gained? When a commander is defeated all his soldiers will vanish along with him. If you want to make short work of your enemies, aim for the commander. Defeating all soldiers first will net you the maximal amount of experience points. Do you want to learn about special inputs? Listen well for those hints could safe you a lot of time in battle. Press the Y button to move the cursor to the next commander. Pushing Y again will cycle through your commanders. Pushing the A button while a range indicator shows up, will limit the cursor's movement to the displayed range. You can speed up the cursor's speed by holding down either B or X, but X is recommended since you could accidentally cancel an action pressing B in some situations. ================================================================= Special Stuff [SpSt] ================================================================= There is stuff to be found in the game scripts that doesn't show up in game. If anyone knows a way to unlock any of the following, let me know. ================ Special Scenario 1? You can get a bunny suit here by insulting the food. The waitress will become hostile. If you defeat here you'll get the item. However, everyone will hate you and you'll get yourself a game over screen,so you'll never actually will get the bunny suit. ...how daunting. ================ Girl's Diaries ================ ....found in the Script for Scenario IV in battle. (Tiaris) Rough summary : She is happy about the good weather and dreams about doing a picnic with Diehärte when peace has been restored to show of her cooking skills, which she is somewhat proud of, but sometimes she mistakes salt for sugar.....(Oh my!) Then she talks about the new companions Pierre and Riffany. She likes both of them but is worried that she now has a competitor for Diehärte's attention and that she won't be easily defeated! (Riffany) Rough summary : She writes that she is likes sunny weather very much, but that she hoped for rain because it would have helped to hide from the imperial pursuers. She talks about how they escaped two days ago and how everyone is reaching the limit of their energy. Of course she writes about how heroic Diehärte saved them and she wonders about the relationship between him and Tiaris, but notices the fact that she is calling him brother even though they don't look like siblings. The best part for her is that she finally can sleep in a bed again. (I really don't know where they got one from, aren't they traveling on the road themselves??) (Luna) Rough summary : (Her whole entry is more like a report than a diary) She writes about how they found the refugees in the mountains and how Lewin and the others repelled the imperial troops. Lastly she writes something about being isolated and how they have to build up communication to be able to stand up against the Empire. (No fun with Luna, that figures.) ================================================ Talking to the males and non humans ================================================ At the end of scenario 33's script there are dialogues for meeting with the male characters of your party. I looked over them very superficially so there's no guarantee to the following Trailer. Those male conversations seem to range from pretty funny to very disturbing. The only problem is, that I have no idea how to unlock them or if they are just cut floor, give me the word if you know more. My guess would be that you'll get those if none of the girls like you enough. Trailer : Silver Wolf presents to us his haul, which includes lingerie naturally. “What a Haul!“ The conversation with Kirikaze is about how Diehärte thinks that eastish food will make him vomit, and other distinctive misunderstanding about eastern culture. Fauvel will interview us about our taste in woman and give us a summary about every girl's distinctive properties. There's something very weird going on with Lewin talking about how hot it is and wanting to undress, as well when Diehärte admires Dios manliness and screams out his name shortly after.... I guess I don't have to mention the conversation with Emaillink has some interesting revelations to it.... The “conversation” with Jügler includes some intense bodily activity and ends with someone fainting for ominous reasons. For now I'm about to faint as well, never had I thought translating a game to be so much work. Good night... See you someday... ************************************************************************ This is the end of this FAQ. Thx for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! ************************************************************************