=============================================================================== L A R A C R O F T T O M B R A I D E R T H E A N G E L O F D A R K N E S S =============================================================================== Version 1.7 By Brokaliv Email: brokaliv@yahoo.com Date Started: March 23, 2005 =============================================================================== This Walkthrough is allowed to be hosted at the following sites: GameFaqs - www.gamefaqs.com Neoseeker - www.neoseeker.com Cheat Happens - www.cheathappens.com World of Gaming - www.wogaming.com The Genie - www.thegenie.net Gamers Hell - www.gamershell.com IGN - http://faqs.ign.com Cheat Planet - www.cheatplanet.com Gamer Help - www.gamerhelp.com Super Cheats - www.supercheats.com James Games - www.jamesgames.bravehost.com Cheat Codes - www.cheatcodes.com Ak GaMeS - www.akgames.20m.com Evermore Forums - www.evermoreforums.com Video games Australia - www.atari.com.au =============================================================================== If you would like to donate some money to help pay for my college funds please send some money to me through www.paypal.com at acstupak@yahoo.com thanks for the support. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Controls 2. Walkthrough 2.01 - Parisian Back Streets 2.02 - Derelict Apartment Block 2.03 - Industrial Roof Tops 2.04 - Margot Carvier's Apartment 2.05 - Parisian Ghetto 2.06 - Le Serpeant Rouge 2.07 - Parisian Ghetto Second Time 2.08 - St. Aicard's Graveyard 2.09 - Bouchard's Hideout 2.10 - Parisian Ghetto Third Time 2.11 - Louvre Storm Drains 2.12 - Louvre Galleries 2.13 - Archaelogical Dig 2.14 - Tomb of Ancients 2.15 - The Hall of Seasons 2.16 - The Breath of Hades 2.17 - Neptune's Hall 2.18 - Wrath of the Beast 2.19 - The Sanctuary of Flame 2.20 - Hall of Seasons - With Crystals 2.21 - Red Ghost Boss Fight 2.22 - Tomb of Ancients - Return Trip 2.23 - The Archaeological Dig - Return Trip 2.24 - Galleries Under Siege 2.25 - Von Croy's Apartment 2.26 - The Monstrum Crimescene 2.27 - The Strahov Fortress 2.28 - The Bio-Dome Research Facility 2.29 - The Sanitarium 2.30 - Maximum Containment Area 2.31 - Proto Nephilim Boss Fight 2.32 - Aquatic Research Area 2.33 - The Vault of Trophies 2.34 - Boaz Returns 2.35 - The Lost Domain 2.36 - Eckhardt's Lab 2.37 - Eckhardt and Karel 3. Codes 4. Credit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walk - Press halfway on the Left Analog Stick Run - Press the Left Analog Stick all the way forward Crouch - Press and hold Triangle Crawl - Press and hold Triangle, then press the Left Analog Stick Prone Crawl - Press and hold Triangle and L2, then press the Left Analog Stick Somersault - While crawling, approach a ledge and press forward 180 Roll - Press Square Jump - Press Circle Hop Jump - Press and hold L1, then press Circle Walking Jump - Walk forward and press Circle Running Jump - Run forward and press Circle Mid-Air Grab - While jumping press and hold X Swan Dive - Press and Hold L2 when starting to jump Instant Dive - Press X when going to a ledge with water Swim - Press and hold Circle Hug the wall - Approach a wall Draw Weapon - R1 Fire Gun - X Switch Targets - Square Walking Mode - L1 Stealth Mode - L2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* 2.01 - Parisian Back Streets ******************************************************************************* 1 x Dog 1 x Enemies 2 x Chocolate Bar 1 x Large Health Pack 1 x Health Bandages 1 x 160 Euros 1 x Antique Doubloons 1 x Crowbar 1 x M-V9 1 x Necklace 1 x Gantry Gate Key Theres no reason to go to the right, except if you want to see a dog that can hurt you. Instead turn to the green dumpster and go to the doorway just the right of it to pick up a Chocolate Bar. Now walk over to the green dumpster and walk into it to climb up the side. Now get on the right side and jump straight up to grab on to the balcony above. Press up to pull Lara up before the grip bar depletes to far. Jump across the gap in the balcony to reach the other side, now perform a running jump to the left side of the gated door across the alley to pick up the Large Health Pack found on the other side. Jump over the railing and climb the green dumpster again. Now climb back up to the balcony and jump across the small gap once again. When you reach the ladder, climb it to get to the top. You will come to an opened window near another ladder. Go through the window and walk over to the first cupboard and search it for 160 Euros. In the drawer to the left you will find another Chocolate Bar. On the ground by the trash you can collect Antique Doubloons. The wardrobe chest has a padlock on it and can't be accessed right now. Exit back out the window and climb up the closest ladder. On this balcony you will find another set of Antique Doubloons in the corner. Now walk to the edge where the railing is missing and leap across the alley and grab on to the edge of the opposite roof with the Action Button (X). Climb over the railing on the left to grab another Chocolate Bar, then go the opposite direction to hop over to the bay window. Now hold the walk button and walk over the wooden plank and climb the drainpipe. When you reach the top, head to the right and drop down onto the shingled roof to regain strength. Jump back onto the edge of the roof and continue to shimmy to the right. Once you reach the broken railing pull Lara up to get on the roof. Head to the top left of the roof to find a barrel with a board on top of it. Get in front of it with Lara's back to the water tower and hold the action button and press down to pull the barrel out of the corner. Now move around to corner and walk up onto the ledge, then press the action button to hang off the edge and drop down onto the small roof. Pick up the Crowbar and jump back up to the ledge. Go down the narrow path on the left side of the shed to find some Health Bandages. Head back to the shed door and break the lock with the crowbar. Inside the closet you will find an M-V9 handgun. Now head back to the first ledge you came to opposite the barrel you pulled and make your way back to the open window. Use the Crowbar to once again break the lock and open the wardrobe. Inside you will find a Necklace. Head back to the roof of the building and drop down on to the roof of where you found the Crowbar. Move to the left edge of this roof and jump back up to grab the ledge above. Now quickly shimmy your way over to the left and you will make it over the gate just as the strength meter runs out. Before moving press the stealth button (L2) and start sneaking around the catwalk. Go against the wall and press the action button to hug against it. Now move to the left and go to the edge of the wall to peek around it. A guard will be on a balcony facing the opposite direction. Quietly sneak up and grab the key, then quietly return to the locked gate. Open the gate, turn off stealth mode, and climb down the ladder. ******************************************************************************* 2.02 - Derelict Apartment Block ******************************************************************************* 0 x Dog 3 x Enemies 1 x Health Pills 1 x Small Medipack 1 x Health Bandages 1 x Chocolate Bar 1 x K2 Impactor Battery 2 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges 1 x Lift Maintenace Key 1 x Apartment Key 1 x Vector-R35 When you can control Lara, go to the blue closet and pull it in front of the door to help keep out the guards. Now run up the stairs and wrap around the corner. The guards will break through the door and throw in gas grenades. Don't bother going down after them, you will only get arrested. Keep moving up the stairs and jump the gap. As you reach the next floor a piece of the cieling will come smashing down and break the floor boards. You will have to make a running leap and hang on the other edge to make it up. In the hallway ahead you will find a box of Health Pills. Now pull the wardrobe out of the way so Lara can continue up the stairs. In the next hallway is a Small Medipack you can pick up. Bust down the door to the left of this item. Open the two cabinets to get a K2 Impactor Battery and a V-Packer Standard Cartridge. Exit the room and make your way around to the other hallway and pick up the Health Bandages. Now run up the stairs and pull on the steel box. When there is room, run around to the other side and push it to the edge of the stairs. Climb on top of the box and jump up to the next floor. Now enter the door on the right side and take the Lift Maintenace Key off the ground and the Apartment Key off the peg board. Next to the peg board you can flip a switch to activate the lift. Exit back into the cloudy hallway and use the lift to go to Floor 1. If you go to 0 then on your way back up the guards will arrest you. Jump up the half broken stairs and go in the first hallway to open the door that was once locked. In the desks left drawer you will find a Chocolate Bar and a V-Packer Standard Cartridge in the right drawer. In the blue closet you will find a Vector-R35 handgun, now return to the elevator and take it to floor 4. Enter the maintenance room again and exit out the metal door. ******************************************************************************* 2.03 - Industrial Roof Tops ******************************************************************************* 2 x Dog 0 x Enemies 2 x Health Bandages 1 x Chocolate Bar 2 x Large Health Pack 1 x Health Pills 3 x Antique Doubloons 2 x M-V9 Clips 1 x K2 Impactor Batter 2 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges Climb on to the top of the barrel and get on the ladder to reach the roof of the apartments. Now jump straight up to grab on to the cable attached to the roof and start shimmy out to the other building. As you reach the other building a helicopter will appear and start to shoot at Lara. Jump off the wire when you reach the other flat surface and run to the back section to grab a Health Bandage. Continue further back so you are completely under covered area. You will notice a ladder leading down the roof allowing you to slowly and safely descend the roof. Start running down the ladder part of the roof and jump the gap to hang on to the next roofs edge. Pull yourself up and crawl inside the crate to grab another Health Bandage. Hop back over to the opposite building and grab on to the edge. Drop down on to the metal walkway below and enter the red steel door. Take the Antique Doubloons off the floor and go to the next door. Inside you will find an M-V9 Clip and a Chocolate Bar. Exit the room through the next door. Enter the door straight ahead and pass the ladder on the left. Once you are inside the building go to the right and carefully slide along the wall to the drainpipe. At the bottom pick up the Large Health Pack and crawl under the large door. Go to the right and grab the M-V9 Clip on the ground and continue in this direction, you will find another Large Health Pack at the end of an alley. Now go to the fence with the locked gate and move the camera so you can see the top of the fence. On the left side you will notice the barbed wire is missing in a section. Jump up and climb over, then have Lara pull out her gun. A dog will come running around the corner, kill it. Head around the corner and jump in the red dumpster to grab a K2 Impactor Battery. Now jump back over the fence and push the steel crate towards the burning barrel. Climb the crate and jump up to reach the ladder above. Get off at the balcony and enter the building once again. This time go down the stairs and walk to the edge, then hang off and drop to the platform below. Walk around the platform and perform a running jump to the opposite end and hang on the small piece of metal sticking out of the wall. Shimmy over to the catwalk and pull Lara up and climb the ladder. Pick up the V-Packer Standard Cartridges on the platform above and enter the door on the side. Go down the hallway and enter the door to the right. Get a running jump out the door and grab on to the catwalk ahead. Climb down the ramp and take the Antique Doubloons, then hang off the edge of the catwalk and drop to the ground. Pull out the gun and shoot the dog when it comes near her. Jump the fence around the corner and return to the steel crate next to the barrel on fire. Get on top of the crate again and climb the ladder all the way to the top of the roof. Take the V-Packer Standard Cartridges and slide down the side of the roof and grab the Health Pills. Go along the walkway to the ladder and climb to the top. Jump through the hole in the fence to the building on the other side and take the Antique Doubloons to the left of the shed. Head to the broken fence to continue the story. ******************************************************************************* 2.04 - Margot Carvier's Apartment ******************************************************************************* 0 x Dog 0 x Enemies 1 x Health Pills 1 x Notebook 1 x Diamond Ring 1 x Vintage Cognac You will be going through some dialogue with Mademoiselle Carvier. Choosing a certain sentence results in either receiving or not receiving a Notebook. Either way you will have to get the Notebook. To recieve the Noetbook have Lara say the following lines: Can I get you anything? Package? Obscura paintings? I wonder why exactly? We argued. I can remember that. And - gunfire! Mademoiselle, I was a good friend of Werner's. I didn't kill him. I didn't! I really am going to need Werner's notebook. Now run over to the desk's drawer and take the Health Pills. Now quickly run over to the opposite side and grab the Diamond Ring off the table to the left of the kitchen doorway, the police should be pulling up by now. Enter the kitchen and grab the green bottle on the left side to get the Vintage Cognac. Now the police will be up the stairs close to the door. Run over to the doorway that Mademoiselle Carvier went through and use the door, Lara will then jump out of the window to evade the police. If you didn't get the notebook from Mademoiselle Carvier go over to the desk and take the Health Pills out of the drawer. Now quickly run over to the opposite side of the room and grab the Diamond Ring off the table to the left of the kitchen doorway, the police should be pulling up by now. Enter the kitchen and grab the green bottle on the left side to get the Vintage Cognac. Now the police will be coming up the stairs. Now go to the right side of the kitchen and look in the drawer under the microwave for the Notebook. Quickly run out of the kitchen and down to the door that Mademoiselle Carvier used, Lara will then jump out a window to evade the police. ******************************************************************************* 2.05 - Parisian Ghetto ******************************************************************************* 0 x Dog 0 x Enemies 1 x Large Health Pack 1 x Chocolate Bar 5 x 160 Euros 1 x Bartender's Key 1 x Ex-Janitor's Keys Once you can move Lara again exit the train car through the open doorway. Head over to the fire and talk to the man roasting some meat. Head back to the train car and climb the pipe next to it, then jump up and pull Lara on top of the train car. Crawl under the fence on the opposite end and take the Large Health Pack. Now leap over to the chain link fence on the wall and grab on to it, climb up and over to reach the platform above. While you are on this platform, perform a running jump to the next platform. Now jump to the ledge with the over growing plants on it and walk to the right so you can go behind the fence. Now walk along the ledge again and hold the walk button down. Now press down and jump to do a backwards jump back on to the platform. Perform another running jump to get to the first platform. Now jump through the open fence. Speak to the man standing by the green dumpster, it doesn't matter what you pick to talk about. Now run around the fence and get the 160 Euros laying on the ground. Go back to where the man is standing and use the door to enter the city. Talk to the lady straight ahead. Now go across the street to the covered sidewalk and pick up the 160 Euros. Now turn back around and head to the left past the stairs and you will see a map on the wall. Now continue down the street to enter Renne's Pawn Shop. Talk to Renne so you can sell the valuables for cash. Go ahead and sell the items you have so far and leave the shop. Go towards the map and turn left right before you reach the map. Head up the stairs and wrap around to the right to find 160 Euros on the ground. Now head down the large path to come to a single tree, go to the right corner to pick up 160 Euros. Turn around to face the stairs you came up a few minutes ago, take the street to the left. Head all the way down the street and take the right bend in the road. Right before you reach the intersection with the truck you will come to a staircase on the left side of the road. Climb it to the top and enter the door to reach the Herbalist store. He will tell Lara that she needs to find the doorman which is Bouchard's bodyguard, she will also need money and a password. You must now decide if you want to talk to Pierre at the café Metro or Bernard at the park. 2.05.01 - PIERRE THE BARTENDER 2.05.02 - BERNARD THE JANITOR ******************************** *2.05.01 - PIERRE THE BARTENDER* ******************************** Head back up the road and around the corner, taking the street all the way to the end. You will come to a square area with a tree in the middle and a café off to the right with a motorcycle out front. Enter the café and speak to Pierre. He will ask you to get a box for him in a light that doesn't work. Leave the café and head to the right, making your way down the stairs. Go past the lady standing by Le Serpeant Rouge. Head past the front door and turn right down the little alley to the back door. As you make your way over a man that you may have seen drinking coffee at the café runs over to his motorcycle and leaves Le Serpeant Rouge. Enter the side door at the end of the alley. ******************************* *2.05.02 - BERNARD THE JANITOR* ******************************* Head back up the road and enter the gate on the left corner. Go inside the park area and talk to the man in the back. You must be nice to him or else you will have to do Pierre the bartender's route. Say the following: You're name's Bernard. Janice said I might find you here. I'm trying to find someone. Here! Now, how do I find Bouchard? He will give you the key to the garage after you pay him 160 Euros. Now run back around the corner and head down to the end of the street. Turn right and go to the door marked with the Garage sign over it. ******************************************************************************* 2.06 - Le Serpeant Rouge ******************************************************************************* 2.06.01 - PIERRE THE BARTENDER 2.06.02 - BERNARD THE JANITOR 2.06.03 - MERGED PATHS ******************************** *2.06.01 - PIERRE THE BARTENDER* ******************************** 0 x Dog 3 x Enemies 2 x Chocolate Bar 3 x M-V9 2 x Desert Ranger Clips 1 x Stage Door Key 1 x Desert Ranger 1 x Vintage Cognac 1 x Vector-R35 Clips When you have control of Lara, head away from the room with the guard and flip the switch on the power box to cut the lights out. Quickly sneak into the corner room and hide along the right side of the doorway so the guard can not see you. After he passes, sneak out the door and get behind him, then stealth kill him or shoot him and take his gun. On your way to the room the guard was in, you can get a Desert Ranger Clip on the boxes just outside the now dark room. Enter the room he was previously in and take the Chocolate Bar, Desert Ranger Clip, Stage Door Key, and Desert Ranger. Head back down the hallway and up the stairs to enter the Stage area of Le Serpeant Rouge. Kill the two guards and take there guns then head back to the door you just came through but take the left one. Go down the stairs and you will hear an electronic door malfunctioning. Go to the far end of the room and take the Vintage Cognac. Now climb down the ladder and get on top of the box for a Chocolate Bar and a Vector-R35 Clip. Now climb back up the ladder and go back in to the stage area. ******************************* *2.05.02 - BERNARD THE JANITOR* ******************************* 0 x Dog 1 x Enemies 1 x Chocolate Bar 1 x Antique Flintlock 2 x Desert Ranger Clips 1 x Socket Spanner 1 x Desert Ranger 1 x Vector-R35 Clips 1 x Vintage Cognac 1 x M-V9 Walk over to the jeep and press the lever on the side to raise it. In the orange locker you will find an Antique Flintlock in the left side and some Health Bandages on the right side. In the dark grey locker you will find a Desert Ranger Clip on the left side and a K2 Impactor Battery on the right. Now go to the table and pick up the Socket Spanner and continue down to the lever to open a hatch underneath the jeep. Before you go down the hatch, head up the stairs and bust through the door. Take the Desert Ranger Gun and the Desert Ranger Clip on the table. Leave the small room and drop down the hatch. Lara will land on some boxes. Pick up the Chocolate Bar and the Vector-R35 Clip off the boxes. Climb the ladder at the end and walk to the far wall. Pick up the Vintage Cognac and use the Socket Spanner on the lever to the right. Flip the lever and a lift will bring some ammo to the room, however the door is jammed and will start to make some noise. A guard will hear the noise, quickly bring Lara towards the door and hide to the right of the large box. When the guard starts to flash his light around stand up and kill him. Pick up his gun for ammo and head up the stairs into the stage room. ************************ *2.06.03 - MERGED PATHS* ************************ 0 x Dog 10 x Enemies (Minus one if on Bernard's Route) 3 x Chocolate Bar 1 x Health Pills 1 x Large Health Pack 1 x Health Bandages 2 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges 1 x Antique Record 10 x M-V9 (Minus one if on Bernard's Route) 1 x Trinket Box 1 x 120 Euros Kill any guards in the room and go behind the bar counter. Press the switch to get some V-Packer Standard Cartridges to come up from the floor below. Then take the two Chocolate Bars off the counter as well as the Vintage Cognac. Now go to the back right of the stage and take the Health Pills. Get on stage and take the Antique Record off chest with the record player on it. Now take out your gun and activate the switch on the back wall on stage. This will turn on the lights and music attracting two more guards, kill them then head up the stairs. Another guard will come out the door at the top of the stairs, kill him and take his gun. Now run around to the next set of stairs and push the metal crate into the indented balcony part. Climb on top of the metal crate and jump up to the lighting fixture above. Do a running jump on to the third floor balcony and two guards will come out of a door to Lara's right and behind her. Kill them and pick up there weapons, the Large Health Pack. Another guard will appear at the second floor door as well as another on the first floor. You can find Health Bandages on the end of the catwalk. Go over to the moving light display and short hop over into a hang on the structure. Pull yourself up, turn around, and wait for the structure to stop on the top. Now leap over to the balcony on the wall and go up the ladder. Slide down the broken platform and jump across to the other platform. Now jump to the next platform and perform a running jump on to the structure straight ahead. Quickly shimmy over to the left to get past the pipe and pull Lara up. Perform another running jump to the balcony with the raised bridge and have Lara kick it down. Kick down the door of the small room. Pick up the key in the room and press the left lever twice then the right lever once. Leave the small room and cross the bridge. Head up the ladder and over to the light fixture to get the Trinket Box. Look back at the small room for another guard, kill him and then enter the room. Take the ladder down and pick up the Chocolate Bar, go through the door down here. Go around the balcony and jump to the stationary structure, and climb down to the second floor. Go down the stairs and open the door behind the stairs for 120 Euros. Head back up the stairs and around to the metal crate. Use it to get back on the structure above and leap over to the balcony. Head around to the left and enter the door to climb the ladder, now use the green door at the top of the ladder to exit. ******************************************************************************* 2.07 - Parisian Ghetto Second Time ******************************************************************************* 0 x Dog 0 x Enemies 1 x Large Health Pack 1 x Small Medipack 2 x M-V9 Clips 1 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges 2 x 160 Euros 2 x Diamond Ring 2 x Vecto-R35 Clips 1 x 80 Euros 1 x Gold Watch 1 x Desert Ranger Clips Go down the ladder and drop through the hole in the balcony. Now go down the stairs and hang drop to the back alley of Le Serpeant Rouge. Now head down the alley a little ways and go in the sewer. Go straight across the intersection and climb the large box in the corner. Now jump up and climb the rubble wall to reach a platform above. Perform a backwards jump by holding the walk button down, pressing down, and the jump button. You will land on another platform on the other side. Jump up to grab on to the small ledge on the wall and shimmy over to the opening up here. Now crawl in the opening ahead and jump up and climb through the hole to reach the locked area inside the park. You can collect two M-V9 clips, V-Packer Standard Cartridges, and two sets of 160 Euros. Open the gate to the park and return through the hole in the wall. Head back to the intersection and take a left. Go over to the right and hang off the edge, then shimmy over to the rubble wall and climb downwards. When you are able to come back up diagonally to the left and get in the doorway. Inside the tunnel you can grab a Diamond Ring. Head back up and perform a running jump to reach the other side. Take the Vector-R35 Clip and climb the ladder. Bust down the door and take the Large Health Pack and 80 Euros at the end of the platform. Now return to the intersection and take a left and climb the ladder to leave the sewers. After leaving the sewers take a right out of the alley and head up the street. At the top of the street enter the St. Aicard's Church's main doors and save your game. Walk through either doorway and go talk to the large man standing by the boxing ring. You will take a one time bet of 200 Euros on his gold watch to pick the winner of the two boxers. This is completely random so reload your save if you lose. Once you win the Gold Watch, walk over to the statue and push the stone block. Push it to the left and climb on top of it to jump up to the ledge above. Now use the ledge to shimmy over to the left and take a breather on the ledge. Jump back on to the ledge and continue to shimmy to the next platform for a Small Medipack. Drop down and pull the block over to the other side and climb up to the ledge above. Grab on to the small ledge and shimmy to the right and drop on the first platform to regain strength. Now jump back on and shimmy to the next platform for a Vector-R35 Clip and a Desert Ranger Clip. Shimmy the rest of the way and drop on to the little square ledge just before the balcony. Angle Lara and side jump over the railing on to the balcony. Behind the wooden wall is a Diamond Ring. Drop down and leave the church and go to the Pawn Shop to sell any items. You can also go back to the statue and push the stone to the left, then climb up the green mossy wall and get in the stained glass window above. Then backflip on to the beams above and walk over to the piano that way. However a part of the beams will break on your way over, so you will have to jump a gap. 2.07.01 - PIERRE THE BARTENDER 2.07.02 - BERNARD THE JANITOR 2.07.03 - STRAIGHT TO THE DOORMAN ******************************** *2.07.01 - PIERRE THE BARTENDER* ******************************** 0 x Dog 0 x Enemies 1 x Health Pills 1 x Sports Watch Head back to the café to give Pierre the Trinket box. Pierre will tell you that his ex will take you to Bouchard. Leave the café and head down the road looking on the left side for a door with a keypad and the number 17 on the right side. Input the code to the door 15328 and enter. Go up the stairs and in to the house. In the drawers behind the girl you will find a Sports Watch and Health Pills. Now exit through the glass balcony door on the right. ******************************* *2.07.02 - BERNARD THE JANITOR* ******************************* 0 x Dog 0 x Enemies Head back to the park on the corner near the church and talk to Bernard. He will tell you the password, now leave the park and go back across the street to the church. Instead of using the main door go to the left of it to find a doorman standing behind a gate. After Lara says the password the doorman lets her right in. *********************************** *2.07.03 - STRAIGHT TO THE DOORMAN* *********************************** If you want to forget about Pierre and Bernard take the Trinket Box and 800 Euros straight to the doorman to the left of the main church entrance. ******************************************************************************* 2.08 - St. Aicard's Graveyard ******************************************************************************* 2.08.01 - PIERRE THE BARTENDER 2.08.02 - MERGED PATHS ******************************** *2.08.01 - PIERRE THE BARTENDER* ******************************** 0 x Dog 0 x Enemies 1 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges Perform a running jump to the next balcony, then hop the railing. Climb up the pipe and get on the ledge next to the roof. Now run along this ledge as it breaks underneath Lara and stop on the last section. Hang off the edge and shimmy towards the cable. Drop down on to the balcony, if you pulled the lever in the garage you can climb down the drainpipe and open the door to get V-Packer Standard Cartridges. Otherwise continue by going across the cable. Now go to the edge of the railless part and hang drop down into the graveyard. ************************ *2.08.02 - MERGED PATHS* ************************ 1 x Dog 0 x Enemies 1 x Small Medipack 2 x Health Bandages 2 x Desert Ranger Clip To the right of the graveyard door you will see a tombstone. Go behind it to get a Small Medipack. Now head towards the back of the graveyard where you will see a dog, kill it. When you reach the locked gate, go to the right and you will find Health Bandages behind the shrine. Turn back around and pass the dark brown door with the gated roof on your left. Climb to the roof of the building next to it, then leap over to the flat topped roof. Turn to the right and leap over to the next flat topped roof, then turn right and drop in to the closed area. Bust down the door and pick up the Desert Ranger Clip. Climb on the roof of the shrine you just broke in to and leap out of the closed area. Head towards the turn in the path and climb the shrine straight ahead. Use it to jump in to the closed area to the right and bust down the door. Inside you will find a Desert Ranger Clip and some Health Bandages. Climb on the shrine and jump over the fence to get out. Now climb back on top of the shrine to make it back in to the first closed in area. Go over to the statue and push it on top of the lid to reveal an entrance to a hidden area, drop inside to continue. ******************************************************************************* 2.09 - Bouchard's Hideout ******************************************************************************* 5 x Rat 1 x Small Medipack 3 x Vector-R35 Clips Kill the rat that comes towards Lara and run around the corner until you reach a missing section of ground. Now use the pipe to the right to hang off of and shimmy over to the other side of the pit. If you fall in the first pit, kill the rat and move forward past the hole in the wall to climb up the vines. If you fall in the second hole kill the rat and crawl through the hole then kill the second rat and climb up the vines to the right. Jump in the third pit to get in your first pool of water. Use the jump button to swim through the water and come up the other side, then climb up the vines and use the crack in the wall to shimmy to the path again. Now have Lara run around the bend in the tunnel to see a low gate on the right and a bunch of rubble straight ahead. Go to the rubble and pull on the rock to clear the cave in. Now head back to the low gate and have Lara kick it open, then crawl through. On the ground you will find a Vector-R35 Clip, exit through the next set of doors. Turn left in the tunnel and head through the previously blocked area. Jump in the pit of water you come across and swim to the other side. Climb out and enter the next room. Go through the opening in the wall and then the open doorway. In this room you will find a man on a bed with a major deformity on him, as well as a Small Medipack on his left. Exit out the next door and go straight ahead for a Vector-R35 Clip behind the last coffin on the right. Now go through the closed door to meet Bouchard. If you say the first option when you talk to Bouchard you will die and get a Game Over, instead say the second line, then it doesn't matter which you choose after that. Now go to the closed door and pull the lever to the right of it. Leave the room the way you came and head straight across passing the deformed man on Lara's right to enter another room. You will find a Vector-R35 Clip on the floor. Go to the box on the left side and push it zig-zagged towards the left side of the open door. Climb the box and jump to the ledge above the open door and pull the lever. Now head back to the room with Bouchard and go through the previously closed door, this will take you out of Bouchard's Hideout. ******************************************************************************* 2.10 - Parisian Ghetto Third Time ******************************************************************************* 0 x Dog 0 x Enemies 1 x Renne's Wallet 1 x Scrap of Paper 1 x Dart SS Tranq Darts 1 x Dart SS 1 x Map of Archaeological Dig 1 x Maps of Sewers Around Louvre 1 x Explosives 1 x K2 Impactor Battery 1 x K2 Impactor Exit the church and head over to Renne's Pawnshop. Go down the street to the left and take the curve to the right. When you reach the semi-truck take the curve to the right and head all the way to the end, Enter the last door on the right for the Pawnshop, a man will bump past Lara as she comes in to a destroyed shop. Go past the counter and in to the lower room to find Renne on the floor with a symbol written on the floor in his blood. Pick up Renne's Wallet and go in to your item selection to use it, this allows you to take out a Scrap of Paper with a code on it. Now go over to the metal door in the back of this area and put in the code off of the paper "14529" to open it. Inside you will find what Werner was supposed to have picked up: Dart SS Tranq Darts, Dart SS gun, a Map of Archaeological Dig, Maps of Sewers Around Louvre, Explosives, a K2 Impactor Battery, and a K2 Impactor. When you take the last item in the room, explosives will activate in the room outside the door as well as the steel door closing on Lara. Quickly press the button on the wall and run over to the wooden trap door to the right. Drop down and start running as the fire starts to burn. Drop in to a pipe and start running as a huge firewall starts blazing behind Lara, after running a little bit you will complete the level. ******************************************************************************* 2.11 - Louvre Storm Drains ******************************************************************************* 4 x Rats 1 x Chocolate Bar 1 x Large Health Pack 1 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges 1 x M-V9 Clips 2 x Desert Ranger Clips Move forward and kill the rat that comes from the right side of the circular path. Turn to the left and grab the Chocolate Bar on the ground. Now head up the stairs to get a Large Health Pack, then return to the circular room and walk through the water. Kill the rat ahead and go straight towards the waterfall. Go around to the back of the room and climb the drainpipe to the catwalk above. You will find a switch to flip that turns off the large fan. Climb back down the drainpipe and face the tunnel you came in from. Turn to the left and head down the tunnel, killing the rat that comes towards you. Climb the short ladder on the right side and turn the fan twice. Crawl through the open fan area to get behind the fan in to the ventilation shaft. Take the V-Packer Standard Cartridge on the ground and continue through the shaft. In the little room ahead, you will find a valve to turn. After you turn it, return to the room with the large pouring water area. Climb the drainpipe to the right again and cross the yellow and black beam to turn a valve and get an M-V9 Clip off to the right. Head down the drainpipe and turn left, heading down this tunnel. Enter the doorway and take the Desert Ranger Clips on the ground. Now go in to the next room, kill the rat, and turn the valve, now go down the ladder. Drop in the water and head through the opening to get back in to the tunnel. Now head to the left at the intersection and jump in the water in the center of the room. Swim down the hole in the middle and go down in to the piping. Take two turns to make it in to a large room where you can catch a breath. Climb the broken catwalk and jump to the black cable when Lara says "I think I can climb up on that". Go across the cable and drop on the yellow and black structure to reach the other side and turn the valve. Now go across the yellow and black structure and jump back to the catwalk and take the cable across all the way. Now climb the next broken catwalk piece and continue around to jump the gap. Land on the next catwalk and turn the handle. Now turn around and jump back to the larger catwalk, then perform a running jump to reach the platform with th door. Enter the door and take the Desert Ranger Clip, then continue to the next large room. Walk part way out of the black and yellow structure and jump up to grab the pipe above. Shimmy across to the right and turn the last valve to turn off the rushing water. Shimmy across the room to the other side and walk aorund the catwal. Jump in to the large pipe that was previously filled with rushing water and climb in to the smaller pipe and use the door. Walk to the edge and hang off the edge to drop down. Now head to the left away from the ladder next to where you just dropped. When you reach the barrel Lara will say this must be the area, so place the explosives and quickly backflip in to the water. Do not come up to the surface or you will die, instead swim through the one of the two pipes on the side wall, head to the back left corner to get out of the water. Now run through the tube, hang drop down to the platform below. Climb the ladder and jump over the next side so you don't get burned. Then climb the iron ladder to reach the catwalk above to get past the next set of flames, hang drop to reach the other side. Now enter the hole in the wall and run around to the left entering the galleries. ******************************************************************************* 2.12 - Louvre Galleries ******************************************************************************* 12 x Guards 2 x Large Health Pack 2 x Health Bandages 1 x Small Medipack 1 x Louvre Low Security Pass 1 x Louvre Guard's Key 1 x Crowbar 1 x Vector-R35 1 x Carvier's Security Pass Head up the set of stairs and the next set, but stay on the right side of this set to wait for a guard to come down the stairs. He will stop in the middle of the next set of stairs and eventually turn around to leave. Follow him up the stairs and avoid the cameras scanning ray, wrapping around to the right. If the camera sees you, another guard will come running down the stairs. Take out the guard and continue through the hallway to open a door at the end. Climb the display in the middle of the room and jump up to the display hanging on the wall to the left. You can puck up a Large Health Pack, then run and jump to the glass case on the other side of the red beams. If you break a beam, the doors will shut on both ends and a guard will come through the door behind you. To open the doors again, go back to the door you first entered and go to the button on the left (when facing the door you entered from). Drop down from this glass case and climb up the middle case. Perform a running jump over the lasers when the moving ones have lowered far enough for you to clear them. Right when you land, more lasers will appear in front of you. Wait for the lasers to turn off for a second to perform a running jump on to the next case. Now hang off the right edge and shimmy towards the door to avoid the next set of lasers. Now climb the right glass case and jump over the lasers, then open the door. In this room, if you break the beams a guard on the right and another from the back will come after you. Crawl through the middle of the crossing beams. Now go in to stealth mode and slide along the right wall by hugging it and pass the beams. Now sneak up on the guard to the right and stealthly take him out to obtain the Louvre Low Security Pass. Continue down to the end of the room to get a Large Health Pack past the security camera. If the camera spots you, a guard will appear at the opposite side of the room. Now head through the door that the guard was standing at. Sneak past the camera or else another guard will sneak up behind you. and head in to the large room. Sneak up behind the guard in here and take him out. On the wall surrounded by lasers is the Mona Lisa, if you break the beams a poisonous gas will spray through the floor. Go to the showcase on the right to pull it out of the way. Now go to the tall shocase in the middle of the room to push it towards the painting. Now go over to the card reader the small case revealed and swipe the card. Quickly climb the large case and perform a running jump towards the painting and hang on to the casing, then quickly pull Lara up and get in the vent. Run through the vent and crawl through the next low part you come across. Climb the ladder and kick the vent covering, then take care of the guard that is outside. Head to the right, as if you exited the vent, and climb the power box to jump to the ledge above. Now shimmy to the right to pass the iron bracket in the wall and climb on to the ledge to regain strength. Hang back on the ledge and shimmy further to the right to pass another iron bracket, then get on to the ledge and hang on the cable above. Shimmy across to the other side of the cable and walk along the roofs ledge. Head down the drainpipe to the open window off to the right, head inside and take out the guard to get the Louvre Guard's Key. Go back out the open window and take the drainpipe down to the bottom. Use the stairs to go to the door and unlock it. Open the door on the right for some Health Bandages, then head back up the drainpipe and go to the right. Jump over the broken railing on to the roofs ledge and run down the side of it. Head down the ladder and open the door with the key you just obtained to get a Crowbar on the table inside. Climb back up the ladder and break in to the locked gate straight ahead. Climb up the machine and crawl in to the air duct. Climb down the ladder and head through the ventalation system. Hang drop down in to the storage room and open the door, stealthy approach the guard in this hallway and take him out. Heading left from the room you came in from, go in to the second door on Lara's right. Take out the guard behind the circular sliding doors and take the Vector-R35 off the table to the right. Now use the far left computer to activate a camera allowing you to look around in the office. Zoom in on the paper on the upper right corner of the computer to get the code "14639" now exit the camera mode and leave the room to the hallway. Use the code 14639 on the door at the end of the hallway to open it. Go to the desk and open the right drawer for Carvier's Security Pass, then look on the computer for part of the story, also look at the book on the slanted table next to the door. Now leave the room and head to the opposite side of the hallyway and use the card. Climb down the stairs and enter the next room, take out the guard and use the card slider next to the door. Sneak around the security light and head left to the end of the hall. Turn left again and slide the card through the reader to raise the gate and enter the room. Go to the end of the room and exit in to the hallway and take the stairs down to where the camera is. Now bust down the door and go inside for a Small Medipack and Health Bandages. Now return to the room just past the room with all the red beams in it. Go to the end of the room and use the card reader on the back left to unlock the door and enter. Head down the stairs and peak in to the room on the right to see a guard, take him out if you want to or continue down the stairs. Go through the door and take a left turn, then head down the stairs to the right and enter the blue or silver door. ******************************************************************************* 2.13 - Archaelogical Dig ******************************************************************************* 4 x Guards 1 x K2 Impactor 1 x M-V9 1 x Second Ancient Symbol Tracing 1 x First Ancient Symbol Copy Go through the open fence and head along the right side, a guard will open the door of the small building straight ahead and see you. Take him out and enter the building. Pick up the K2 Impactor that the guard drops and flip the switch on the wall to turn on the generators. Exit the building and continue down the path, watch out for the guard that comes out of the yellow tent and take him down. Pick up the M-V9 he drops and go inside the building to the left of the yellow tent to read some information off the computer terminal as well as pick up the Second Ancient Symbol Tracing paper off the printer. Be careful with the door in here, it seems to close sometimes and lock you in permenantly. Exit the building and turn left to kill another guard coming towards you. Now turn left and enter the double doors to reach an x-ray machine. Activate the switch on the table and move the x-ray camera around with the Left Analog Stick. Head to the top left to see a symbol, Lara will then draw it on paper as the First Ancient Symbol Copy. Head out of the room and go back towards the entrance to the archaelogical dig. When you are heading along the left wall, look to the right to see an opening in the fence with a yellow ladder. Climb down the ladder and head around the left side to take another ladder down. Wrap around the catwalk and walk past the ladder, drop down to the catwalks below. Shoot the guard that is on ground level and head around the catwalk to the right. Go past the ladder and hop the rail to have an idented climbable wall on the right and a ladder to the ground level on the left. Climb up the wall to reach a ledge on the left. Now go under the land bridge and jump up to grab on to it and head to the opposite side. Now climb up the wooden platform and get on the land bridge, now go over to the catwalk and use the flip switch to lower the lift. Now go back down the small wooden platform to get on the ledge below. Perform a running jump over to the top of the lift and walk over to the spinning wheel. You must now turn the wheel to match the symbols in the correct order. You will find the first and fourth symbols in the notebook, the second symbol is from the x-ray machine, and the third symbol is from the printer. You will have to turn the wheel until a symbol appears in the correct position and then go around to the right side to pull the corresponding lever to lock that symbol in place. The correct sequence is to turn the wheel three times then lock the first lever. Now turn the wheel once and lock the fourth lever. Turn the wheel twice and press the third lever. Now turn the wheel once and the device will unlock. Perform a running jump off of the lift to get on the ledge, then climb up on the small wooden platform and get on the landbridge. Now go back over the catwalk to the left and jump in the newly opened hole. ******************************************************************************* 2.14 - Tomb of Ancients ******************************************************************************* 3 x Bats 1 x Mummified Warrior 1 x Health Bandages 2 x V-Packer Cartridges 1 x V-Packer Lara will drop in to the tomb with one way to go, hang and drop on to the wooden brace, then hang and drop from that. Now head towards the large open room to activate a cut scene, now hang off the edge and climb straight down the wall. When you get on the stone ledge under the tunnel you were just at, take out the gun and aim it at the bat hanging off the wooden brace to the right to kill it. Jump over to the wooden beam on the right, then jump to the open cave. Drop down the ledges in to the hallway below, then run and jump across the bridge and kill a bat that attack Lara. Inside the room you will find Health Bandages. Turn around and perform a running jump off the bridge to the ledge off to the right without a gargoyle on it. Jump over to the left ledge with the gargoyle on it and hang off the edge to shimmy under the statue. When you reach the left side, drop down to the ledge below. Now hang off the edge about the middle and use the climbable surface to climb down the side of the wall to the indention below. Then use the side of the wall to climb around the rock to the outter edge and down to another ledge on the outter wall. Perform a running jump over to the wooden beam to pull on the lever in the wall. Hop over to the ledge, then make your way to all the other ledges to eventually hang and drop to the ground below. Quickly shoot the Mummified Warrior found on the bottom here and crawl in to the hole on the side of the wall and pull the lever. The lever will switch around the ledges on the wall, quickly crawl out of the hole and climb the ledges. On the fourth ledge you will have to walk to the left corner and jump straight up to grab the ledge. Then perform a running jump to the fifth ledge. When you reach the top, pull the lever to unlock the grate on the bottom of the room. Climb back down the ledges and hop in the hole while dodging the mummified warrior. Quickly run down the tunnel to the door and kick it open to find two V-Packer Standard Cartridges and a V-Packer shotgun. Exit the tiny room and go down the path to the right and kick open another door. Enter the room and the door will seal behind Lara. Pull the lever to activate spikes as well as a ten second timered door on the opposite end. Right when you pull the lever stay to one side and run straight for the door jumping over the spikes and through the door before it drops. Now head in to the next room and turn left to open the door leading in to a hall. ******************************************************************************* 2.15 - The Hall of Seasons ******************************************************************************* 1 x Mummified Warrior 1 x Large Health Pack 1 x Health Bandages 3 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges Knock down the Mummified Warrior and go to the center of the room where you will find four stone buttons on the ground. Step on the button that goes out in a straight line but ends in a curl, then turn around and go through the right most door. 2.15.01 - Wind Gauntlet 2.15.02 - Water Gauntlet 2.15.03 - Earth Gauntlet 2.15.04 - Fire Gauntlet ************************* *2.15.01 - Wind Gauntlet* ************************* If you go through the incorrect door, pulling the lever will result in dropping to a lower floor and having to run a gauntlet. You must run from a grinding machine while jumping over pits of fire. An easy way to avoid the grinding wheel is to hang off the edge of a pit and let the grinder move over you. Get back up and jump the pits until you reach a narrow path. You will have to zig-zag through spikes that pierce through the wall, jump another pit and run for the hole in the wall on the right to avoid the grinder as it comes back. Pick up the items in here, then jump the next pit and run along the narrow path jumping over the pit to the left at an angle to avoid the spinning cutter wheel. Go in the right door to the lift and pull the rope to reach a few more items, then pull the rope again to exit the gauntlet. ************************** *2.15.02 - Water Gauntlet* ************************** If you go through the incorrect door, pulling the lever will result in dropping to a lower floor and having you run a gauntlet. You have to turn left and walk slowly to allow the two bladed arms to come swinging down to the ground. Once they fall down, run around them to enter the door on the left and take the lift up to exit the gauntlet. ************************** *2.15.03 - Earth Gauntlet* ************************** If you go through the incorrect door, pulling the lever will result in dropping to a lower floor and having to run a gauntlet. Pick up the Desert Ranger Clip at the left most dead end before dropping to the gauntlet. When you drop down pick up the V-Packer Standard Cartridge then enter the circular room. Head to the right and straight ahead before the spinning wheel comes down on the path. Go to the right and take the lift up to exit the gauntlet. ************************* *2.15.04 - Fire Gauntlet* ************************* When you slide down in to the gauntlet grab the Viper SMG Clip on the ground. Enter the gauntlet and take a right. Weave through the spikes as they pierce through the wall. Then take a right in to the hall to grab some V-Packer Standard Cartridges and continue along the gauntlet. Jump the pit and run down the narrow path before the spinning wheel grinds down on the path. Take a right and use the lift to exit the gauntlet. ******************************************************************************* 2.16 - The Breath of Hades ******************************************************************************* 0 x Enemies 1 x Large Health Pack 1 x Vector-R35 Clips 1 x M-V9 Clips 2 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges 1 x Air Crystal Go down the steps and go along the right ledge, push in the wall here to reveal an enclosed room with a lever and a Vector-R35 Clip and an M-V9 Clip. Pull the lever to open the gate on the opposite end and raise some pillars from the lava. Go in to walk mode to jump from one pillar to the next and wait for them to get properly spaced as they move. Watch out for the blowing wind as well, don't try to jump to the next one while the heads are blowing. Head to the far left pillar and this will activate a hidden area behind the third snake head revealing a Large Health Pack and two V-Packer Standard Cartridges. Once you reach the other side go up the steps to take the Air Crystal. Now use the pillars to jump back to the other side. Now run back through the door to re-enter the Hall of Seasons. Now stand on the button that has the carving of wavey horizontal lines, this represents water. Turn around and enter the left most door to get in the correct door. ******************************************************************************* 2.17 - Neptune's Hall ******************************************************************************* 1 x Knights 3 x Large Health Pack 2 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges 2 x Desert Ranger Clips 1 x Water Crystal You will come to a room with a knight on the opposite end of a hole in the middle of the floor. The knight will have a flaming sword that can throw fireballs at Lara. Use the V-Packer shotgun to shoot him in to the hole in the center of the room, then pick up the two V-Packer Standard Cartridges on the ground and continue in to the room with the fountain. Jump in the hole and swim down in to the large room. Head over to the door with the three blades swinging at the entrance, get through the door and pull the lever to flood the room where the hole in the center of the room is. Quickly swim back to the hole you came from and enter the room with the hole in the middle. Jump in to the hole in the middle of the room to enter the room you just flooded. Turn to face the sculpture of Neptune's head and look to the right of it to find a low tunnel entrance. Swim through it and pull the lever on the left wall to raise the water level again, then quickly swim back out of the tunnel and resurface. Above the sculptered head is a door you can now reach, inside and to the left you will find a Large Health Pack. Enter the door to the right of the sculpture to find a Desert Ranger Clip to the left as well. Now enter the door to the left of the sculptured head and drop in to the flooded pipe below. Swim forth and grab the Large Health Pack as you go by and go further down in to another pipe to grab a Large Health Pack. Turn around to see a hole in the grate and swim through it. Swim upwards when you can and reach an air pocket. When Lara catches her breath head back under the water and go through the broken grate, after passing the hole in the top, spikes will start to pierce through the pipe. Pass the first one on the right side, then swim on the bottom to get past the second one. Stay on the lower half to the left or right so you don't get hit by the center spike on the next area. After that swim through the broken grate and wait for the spikes to pierce through the pipe. Now swim around them from the lower left and go through the next broken grate, head to the right tunnel for air. Pick up the Desert Ranger Clip at the intersection and swim straight across from the tunnel with air in to the next tunnel. When you come to the large room, swim down to the column to grab the Water Crystal, then swim on the side of the column and pull the lever to open the metal covering above as well as a door under Neptune's sculpture. Swim all the way up through the now opened metal covering to get some air. Now swim down to the door under Neptune's sculpture and you will be back in the room you access from the fountain. Swim to the roof of the room and go through the two holes to reach the fountain again. Now run around the hole in the first room and exit to the Hall of Seasons. Now stand on the button that has the carving of a rock like drawing, this represents earth. Turn around and enter the center door to get in the correct door. Pick up the Viper SMG Clip to the right before entering the door. ******************************************************************************* 2.18 - Wrath of the Beast ******************************************************************************* 3 x Knights 1 x Health Bandages 2 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges 1 x Earth Crystal Step in to the room to create an earthquake that breaks apart the whole room creating a large obstacle to climb across to get to the other side. Drop to the ledge on the right side to grab some Health Bandages, then climb back up to the entrance. Head over to the left ledge and jump to the next one as a small piece of the ledge breaks off. Now go to the right and perform a running jump to the ledge on the right wall. The ledge you were just on will fall in to the abyss. Go in to sneaking mode and squeeze against the wall to walk across the narrow edge. Perform a running jump to the ledge on the left and quickly jump to the ledge on the right, the one that is on the left side of the room. Then quickly jump to the ledge in front of this one to get off it before it falls. Continue the running jump up to the back wall. Turn right and go up the steps and stop on the ledge, this one won't fall. Now quickly jump forth and climb the next two ledges quickly, turn to the right and jump to the ledge, quickly pull Lara up and get on the next ledge. Perform a running jump to the ledge ahead and pull yourself up. Start to walk across the land bridge as it crumbles away and run along the narrow piece that is left. Perform a running jump and hang off the edge of the ledge in front of the door as the rest of the bridge crumbles. You may get stuck in a cut scene as she hangs there watching the rest of the bridge fall and the strength meter decreasing. Pull up immediatly and grab the two V-Packer Standard Cartridges on the floor as well as teh Earth Crystal on the door. Taking the crystal will make the floor reconstruct with a portal in the middle of the room, as well as release three Knights with flaming swords. You can use the V-Packer to knock all three of them in to the portal in the middle of the room and pull the levers on both sides to raise the door. You can also avoid them and pull the levers on both sides of the room to raise the door. If you catch on fire, run under the water found at either side of the room to extinguish the flame. Exit the door to the Hall of Seasons. Now stand on the button that has the carving of a star like drawing, this represents fire. Turn around and enter the right most door to get in the correct door. ******************************************************************************* 2.19 - The Sanctuary of Flame ******************************************************************************* 0 x Enemies 1 x Health Bandages 1 x Fire Crystal 1 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges As you enter the room the game will move to a cut scene with flames going everywhere. You will have to complete this with one continous motion or else a large flame wall will come up behind Lara and burn her to death. **************************************************************************** *You can also stand still at the cut scene and wait for the flames to start* *at the bottom of the rocks. This will allow you to take your time to cross* *to the other side. * **************************************************************************** Quickly run down the step like rocks and jump to the small section of platforms ahead. Go around the left side and jump to the platforms straight ahead. Turn with the path to the right and jump to the platforms on the right side. Now quickly jump to the platform with the steps on it and run up to the top of the stairs. Take the Fire Crystal from the wall and go to the steps. Look to the left to see two floating platforms. Jump to the first platform then walk to the upper right piece of the platform to jump straight up to grab it. Now perform a running jump to the cave and grab the V-Packer Standard Cartridges and the Health Bandages. Soon a third platform will form allowing Lara to walk out of the cave a little bit. Perform a running jump back on to the stair platform. Now to make your way back across the room to the entrance. Go down the center steps and hop to the platform on the middle right. Some platforms will form off to the right. Turn to the right and jump over to the lower platform, then climb up to the two platforms above. Turn to the entrance door ahead and perform a running jump to the next set of two floating platforms. Now turn to the left and make a standing walk mode jump to the next two platforms lower to the lava. More platforms will construct themselves after you land on the platform. Walk over to the right platform end and wait for some more platforms to form themselves. Jump to the platform, then two more platforms will form tothe left. Perform a standing walk mode jump to them, now turn to the three platforms and jump over to them. Now jump to the main slanted platform staircase and carefully climb the platforms towards the door. Enter the door and return to the Hall of Seasons. ******************************************************************************* 2.20 - Hall of Seasons - With Crystals ******************************************************************************* 6 x Mummified Warrior 2 x Large Health Pack 1 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges Now that you have all four crystals go to the main entrance to the Hall. Place the four crystals on all four of the paintings to unlock a door located in the gauntlet below. Now activate the Wind button with the straight lines that end in curls and go through the middle door to pull the lever and drop in to the gauntlet. Take the Large Health Pack and run to the right, hang off the edge of the pit to allow the grinding machine to go past. Jump the hole and look to the left for the wooden door you just unlocked with the crystals, enter the door. Go down the stairs and pull the lever on the other side of the raising door. You will now be in a large room with a huge machine in the middle. Head along the path to the left to find the wind valve. Turn the valve, then turn around and perform a running jump across the gap to the upper level of the machine. Walk around the platform and grab on to the chain to shimmy up to the platform across the room. Go up the ladder on the side to find and turn the water valve. Head back down the ladder and go across the chain towards the machine. Perform a running jump back over to the platform by the entrance. Take the ladder down to the middle platform and then take the next ladder down to the borrom floor of the room. Watch out for the Mummified Warrior down here, take it out by shooting it in to the pit of lava around the edges if you want to. Now head around to the other side of the machine and climb the ladder. Walk over to the left and use the chain to shimmy across to the wooden plank. Climb the ladder and perform a backwards jump to the next wooden platform. Climb the ladder to locate and turn the earth valve. Climb back down the ladder and drop down the hole of the next ladder. Now shimmy across the chain and turn the fire valve on the side of the machine to activate it. Immediatly hang and drop from your current position and step on to the wooden platform at the bottom of the room. Climb up the ladder on the outter edge to get on the middle platform. Now climb the second ladder to reach the upper platform and head up the stairs. Pull the lever and go back up the winding staircase to the gauntlet. Take a left turn out of the door and jump the two pits. Now weave around the spikes as they shoot out of the wall and jump the next pit, running in to the indented wall to the right before the grinding machine starts up. Jump the next pit and run along the skinny path under the slicer before it turns and lowers to the path. Head in to the lift and use it to exit the gauntlet to the Hall of Seasons. Shoot the Mummified Warrior to knock him down, then climb on the pillar in front of the water pillar when it is at its lowest. Now jump to the pillar in front of the wind button to get a little higher. After that jump to the next pillar to the right in front of the fire button. Finally jump over to the pillar in front of the earth button. Once you reach the fourth pillar jump up to the ring above when the pillar is at its tallest. Find the flat beam and cross it to the railing, then jump it to reach the balcony. Heading left or right will make a Mummified Warrior bust through the wall. You can dispose of them by getting them to go down to the first floor. Get to the other side and head up the stairs by heading to the right. You will reach the third floor, as you enter the balcony a Mummified Warrior may be sneaking towards the staircase door. There will be two of them up here, dispose of them if you have to by sending them over the edge. Head around to the left to make it to the other side, climb the wall by the hole and reach the lever on the ledge to the right. Pulling this lever will open the door in the staircase doorway. Climb back on the wall and down to the balcony below. Head back around and in to the door that you have opened. Take the V-Packer Standard Cartridges on the ground and then push the right wall in. Take the Large Health Pack and return to the opposite side of the balcony. Climb the wall to the ledge where you pulled the lever and regain your strength. Now climb up the wall to the cieling and head over to the side and drop on the ledge to regain your strength once again. This time head straight across and out towards the center of the room to climb up in to a small room in the cieling, jump off the wall to land in the center of the room to avoid running out of strength. Head through the door and take a left to enter another door. Go up the stairs and enter the next room for a cut scene and a boss battle. ******************************************************************************* 2.21 - Red Ghost Boss Fight ******************************************************************************* 1 x Red Ghost 1 x Large Health Pack 1 x V-Packer 4 x V-Packer Standard Cartridges 1 x First Obscura Painting This boss can't hurt you if you are crouching, on hands and knees, or prone. So go around the room on hands and knees and pick up all the shotgun ammo and any other items. Notice the light moving randomly from statue to statue, you will need to grab the item. Notice the statues are on a low platform, and around the outside of the platform, there's a gutter which seems to have fire under it which can't hurt you. The gutter marks a line, if you cross the gutter the light will move to another statue, out of reach. So, on hands and knees, move to the area near the door, approach one of the statues near the door, get right near the gutter in the floor, but do not cross it. Equip the shotgun and crouch there. Wait for the light to go to the nearest statue. Blast Brother Obscura. He will fly back and forth over you, but can't hurt you if you remain crouched. Once locked on, Lara will turn to face him. Shoot him until he bows his head and moans. This takes about 15-20 shots, but could be more or less. As soon as he is stunned, get up, unequip the shotgun, run up and grab the light. You should see a book go into your inventory, and the door will open. Immediately crouch again and leave the room. Stay low, as Brother Obscura will follow you for a little while. ******************************************************************************* 2.22 - Tomb of Ancients - Return Trip ******************************************************************************* 0 x Enemies As you walk through the hallway the grate above will flood with water and open up. Have Lara quickly swim through the hole in the top of the hall and get in to the large room. Swim up and through the cave that you entered the tomb from. Go straight up in this area to exit the tomb. ******************************************************************************* 2.23 - The Archaeological Dig - Return Trip ******************************************************************************* 0 x Enemies Run forward and climb the crate against the fence, then jump up to grab on to the top of the fence and climb over. Now go through the door on the right to exit the level. ******************************************************************************* 2.24 - Galleries Under Siege ******************************************************************************* 2 x Guards 7 x Soldiers 1 x Health Pills 2 x Vector-R35 Clips 1 x Mag Vega 3 x Mag Vega Clips 1 x Respirator Mask Go up the stairs and head to the left and enter the door on the right. As you head up the staircase two guards will be walking around near the office. Kill the guards and continue up the stairs. Kill the second guard as you reach the top of the stairs. Take the guards Vector-R35 Clips and continue through the door. You will see a cut scene of some enemy soldiers storming the Gallery looking for the painting you have found. As you are able to move, shoot the soldier in front of you. Take his Mag Vega and head through the door to the left of the door you just went through. Another soldier will drop from the cieling as you enter the art hallway. Take a left turn and go up the stairs quickly as a soldier will start to chase you up them. Enter the door and kill the soldier at the end of the hall. Enter the first door on the right and enter the glass door on the right side to open a cabinet for a Respirator Mask. Go in your items list and equip it. Before you leave the room open the cabinet closest to the entrance door and get the Health Pills. Head back out in to the hallway and down the stairs as a cut scene of a door unlocking happens. Enter the room right outside the stairwell and go to the door on the left and open it. A soldier will drop down in front of Lara, kill him. Head to the left or right and shoot the soldier at the top of the stairs. Then kill the soldier that will start to come up the stairs. Head down the stairs and wrap around and down the next set of stairs. Head in to the glass gallery and watch the cut scene. ******************************************************************************* 2.25 - Von Croy's Apartment ******************************************************************************* 1 x The Cleaner 1 x Health Bandages 3 x Small Medipack 1 x Large Health Pack 1 x Chocolate Bar 1 x Crystal Shard 18 x Rigg 09 Clips 1 x Rigg 09 1 x Jackal Walking Stick 1 x Viper SMG 5 x Viper SMG Clips Don't pick up the Jackal Walking Stick until you have explored the whole apartment. Take the Rigg 09 Clips off the ground by the dining room table. You will also find the Rigg 09 by the table as well. Head over to the computer to read a little info off the computer and the book across from the computer. Under the stairs you will find Health Bandages. Pick up the four Rigg 09 Clips in the kitchen, then kick open the door under the stairs. Pick up the three Rigg 09 clips in the staircase hallway, then go up the blue stairs. Take the Rigg 09 clip off the floor and the Small Medipack on the wall. Go up the steps and kick open the bedroom door. Read the book on the desk and take the Rigg 09 clips off the floor and the Large Health Pack. Head back downstairs and pick up the Jackal Walking Stick to activate the next part of te game. Equip the Rigg 09 and shoot at him as soon as he appears. Only shoot when he is moving, otherwise start dodging the bullets. After about a dozen shots The Cleaner will run out of the apartment in to the hallway. Go to the right and kick open the red door on the end to get a Rigg 09 Clip and a Small Medipack. Head back inside and go in the open door to enter another apartment. Pick up the two Rigg 09 clips in this room to see a cut scene of The Cleaner shoot out the wall and come inside. He will switch to handguns since he wastes all his bullets on the wall. Run up to him while you unload a clip in to him then dodge to the sides while you reload and shoot at him again to have him run away through the hallway. In the room The Cleaner was in you will find The Cleaners Viper SMG, a Chocolate Bar, and two Viper SMG Clips. Exit in to the hallway and turn right, commando crawl under all three lasers to reach the other side. As you go around the corner, The Cleaner will remote controlly activate the bomb on the stairs. Now jump across the stairwell and over the railing to the other side and take the Small Medipack on the far wall. Now jump back over the railing and to the top of the stairs. Jump to the stair piece in the corner of the stairwell, drop down one floor and take the Large Health Pack off the table and the two Viper SMG Clips by the back of the stair case. Now head up the stairs and around the corner to see The Cleaner in the distance. Take the Rigg 09 Clip by the door and cross over to the next doorway to take the Viper SMG Clip on the ground. Wait for the lasers to turn off temporarily and pass through them to get an aim at The Cleaner. Shoot at him until he finally dies and activates a cut scene. ******************************************************************************* 2.26 - The Monstrum Crimescene ******************************************************************************* 3 x Guards 1 x Dogs 2 x Small Medipack 1 x Combined Claw Hammer 1 x Vasiley Full Fax 1 x Last Obscura Engraving 1 x Cellar Key 1 x Strahov Low Security Pass 1 x Scorpion X Run overto the man standing by the red car straight ahead and talk to him. It doesn't matter what you say to him so choose which you want. After you talk to him turn behind him and go down the alley and kill the guard walking around. Take the Combined Claw Hammer on the ground in the corner to the right and leave the alley. Head across the street from the red car and go right to find a manhole cover, use the hammer on the lock to bust it open. Drop inside and go down the ladder to find the Small Medipack. Leave this underground tunnel and head towards the crimescene building but turn down the first alley on the right. At the end of the alley, turn to th left and shoot the two guards and one dog. Head straight over to the sewer cover and break the lock with the hammer, climb inside and walk forward. Turn right at the intersection and enter the hole in the right wall. Head up the stairs and through the left doorway to climb more stairs. Head down the hallway to start the next cut scene. Talk to Bouchard and choose any of the options to talk, the outcome is the same. Head through the door to a large library room and head up the spiral stairs. Go around the balcony to the other side and push the chest of drawers towards the scaffolding. Now climb the scaffolding and jump to the next set closer to the large circular window. Pull the chain twice to open a secret area behind a cabinet for a Small Medipack. Jump to the other scaffolding across the large window and pull the chain a total of four times to open the clocks glass. Jump to the scaffolding by the stairs and climb down, then head to the first floor. Take the Small Medipack if you haven't already from the secret area and go over to the clock and set it to 3:00. Now the center design will turn in to a spiral staircase, head down it to find a secret art gallery. Walk up to the glass cases to examine them, then go to the desk and take the Vasiley Full Fax. On the fax you will see a code "31597". Go behind the desk and use the code box to type in 31597 to move the large painting to the left and take the Last Obscura Engraving. Head back up the spiral stairs and through the door to Bouchard. A cut scene will show that Bouchard has left his chair. Exit the door towards the sewers and head towards the door on the left to find Bouchard in the closet. Take the Cellar Key off his body and head down the stairs to the basement. Open the red door straight across from where you are and go up the stairs in the back alley. Luddick will be waiting for you by the lightpost. If you have 800 Euros he will give you a Scorpion X along with the Strahov Low Security Pass. ******************************************************************************* 2.27 - The Strahov Fortress ******************************************************************************* 10 x Guards 2 x Dogs 1 x Large Health Pack 1 x Chocolate Bar 1 x Health Bandages 8 x Mag Vega Clips 1 x Strahov Low Security Pass 2 x Mag Vega 1 x Strahov High Security Pass 1 x M-V9 Clip 1 x Scorpion X Head straight across from the starting point to enter an opened crate for a Large Health Pack. As you exit the crate turn to the right and walk over to the large metal shutter. Now climb on a crate and jump to the stacked crates. Turn to the starting point wall and perform a running jump to the air-conditioner to climb up on to it. Once you are on the air-conditioner, run and jump to the top of the wall. Get on the little platform and perform a backflip to the catwalk on the top of the wall. Now go down the ladder on the other side of the wall to get on the lower catwalk. Go in to sneak mode and sneak across the catwalk to the other side and get on the ladder. You can take the ladder on the far right catwalk to lower Lara down to the ground floor and take out the three Guards. Take the Guards clips as well as a second Strahov Low Security Pass. Now go to the pile of crates in the corner and climb them to find the broken ladder. You can jump up in the air and grab on to this ladder to climb out. Go all the way up the ladder and go through the right doorand use the keycard to enter a second door. Right next to the door is a ladder, climb about halfway up it to wait for a Guard up above. Wait for the Guard to turn back around and walk away before climbing any further. Once you reach the top, take the Guard out, take his Mag Vega, and then pull the switch on the control panel. Climb down the ladder and quickly pull out your gun to kill the Guard heading towards the ladder, take his Mag Vega Clip and go around the catwalk to kill the next Guard for his Mag Vega Clip. Climb the ladder in the right corner and walk alongthe catwalk to reach the stairs and activate a cut scene to destroy the gun cameras down below. Climb back around and get on the catwalk, then use the ladder to lower down to the ground floor. Run over to the green door on the other side and enter it to go in to the next room. Head to the right and shoot the dog on the other side of the fence. Now push the box on the left with the red markings to the pile of boxes ahead. Next push the box on the right to have it sit next to the box with the red markings. Go around the pile of boxes on the left side and climb the lower section by one level. Pull the second level box towards the corner you are on until it won't move anymore. If the second dog on the other side of the fence comes, shoot it. Now climb over the box you were pulling to the other side and push it until it is off the box you are now standing on. Climb up on it and pull the highest box towards the fence. Without climbing on top of this higher box, go to the other side and push it towards the fence the rest of the way. Hop off the pile of boxes and go to the double stacked boxes across the large circular room. Push it in the direction of the pile of boxes but just go straight ahead. Once the boxes can't move, climb it and get on top of the ventilation box. Turn the wheel on the pipe to redirect the steam coming out of the pipe. Now climb the pile of boxes again and grab on to the pipe above. Shimmy over the barbed wire fence and drop down the other side. Climb the ladder on the left wall and pull the lever on the control panel to activate the large saws. Jump up on to the ventilation system above and walk along the support beams. Go to the left and get on the air duct and head towards the saw. Hang off the edge of the duct and drop and grab the bottom edge of the duct. Crawl through the duct and drop down a level to start a cut scene. Crawl away from the camera until the view changes to see Lara at a vent opening and a guard walking by. Flip out of the ventilation system and kill the guard. Take the guards Strahov High Security Pass that he drops. Go in to the next room up and go up the stairs. The guard behind the metal door might see you as you go up the steps, take him out if he comes through the door. Take the Mag Vega Clip he drops and use the pass on the door. Examine the monitor screens to watch another cut scene and go around to the back room to find two guards on there lunch break. Kill them and take there Mag Vega Clips. Open the first cabinet to get a Scorpion X Clip and an M-V9 Clip in the next cabinet. You can also get a Mag Vega Clip on the table and a Chocolate Bar on the other. Leave the room by using the card again and enter the hallway. Head down the hallway and take a left and use the pass to open the next door. Take the Scorpion X off the bed and the Health Bandages in the cabinet, then leave the room. Run by the mine on the ground to make it explode and take the Mag Vega off the shelf on the right wall. Now head back towards the guard break room but shoot the red gas tank. This will make the large cable spindle to its right start to roll. Perform a backflip up on to the stacked spindles and wait for the rolling spindle to roll by and take out the mine. Jump down to the ground and get on one of the stacked wooden crates to backflip over the lasers. Now perform a running jump over the final two lasers and go in to the circular room again. You can also perform a commando crawl underneath all the lasers to the other side. Just have the spindle roll through first to take out most of the mines. Use the pass on the right green door and enter the Bio-Dome. ******************************************************************************* 2.28 - The Bio-Dome Research Facility ******************************************************************************* 1 x Blade-Handed Creature 9 x Crawler Bugs 4 x Guard 1 x Water Creature 3 x Health Bandages 1 x Small Medippack 2 x Health Pills 1 x Large Health Pack 4 x Vector-R35 Clips 8 x Mag Vega Clips 3 x Viper SMG Clips 1 x Botanical Low Access Pass 1 x Botanical High Access Pass 1 x Botanical Medium Access Pass Walk into the door straight ahead to get inside the Bio-Dome. Go down to the fountain and talk to the man standing near it to start a cut scene. In the upper left corner you will find a Vector-R35 Clip and a Mag Vega Clip behind the large plant and rock. On the corner in front of this area on the sidewalk is a Viper SMG Clip. Go back to the fountain in the center of the room and examine the statue in the center to discover a secret chamber. Head back to the entrance and take the right path to enter the new hallway. Climb the ladder and take the two Vector-R35 Clips and flip the switch on the wall to override the door back in the main room. When you enter the now open door back in the first room, press the yellow button on the right wall. Enter the next large room to start a cut scene. Kill the three Crawler Bugs and the Blade-Handed Creature that busted out of the pod. As you walk through the room three more crawler bugs will come down to attack you, and near the end three more will come after that. On the upper left area you can find a Mag Vega Clip on the ground by a tree as well as a second at the far end. On the upper right side you can find a Mag Vega Clip on the far end. On the left side by the stairs going to the entrance in the bushes is some Health Bandages. Go back up to the upper left area and go to the middle. Jump up and grab on to the pipe above and shimmy your way up to the top of the room. Head to the right and turn a valve, then head across the platform and perform a running jump to the other side and turn the second valve. This will make the floor in the pod where the Blade-Handed Creature came out of open up. Head back to the pipe and crawl back down to the ledge off to the side of the room. Drop down the hole in to a room with a little pool of water in it. Climb up the side and enter another room with a ladder on the far end and water rushing down both sides. 2.28.01 - Climbing the Ladder 2.28.02 - Dropping in to the Water 2.28.03 - Paths Joined ******************************* *2.28.01 - Climbing the Ladder* ******************************* Line up with the ladder and slide down the edge, jump out and grab on to the ladder and climb up. Pick up the Small Medipack and go through the door and up the stairs, enter the next door. Kill the guard on the lower catwalk and go to the broken part of the catwalk. ************************************ *2.28.02 - Dropping in to the Water* ************************************ Swim through the broken bars and quickly go up to the surface and to the back wall to climb the ladder on the lower level. Kill the guard and head up to the broken part of the catwalk. ************************ *2.28.03 - Paths Joined* ************************ Jump across the broken catwalk to the other side and climb the ladder to find a box of Health Pills, a Viper SMG Clip, and a Mag Vega Clip. Head back across the catwalk and down to the bottom section. If you fall in the water, quickly swim to one of the two ladders before the Water Creature can kill you. Now head in to the plant section and climb the left wall. Head up and to the right to make it to the ledge above, then climb up the ladder to a catwalk. Flip the switch at the end of the catwalk to send the platform to the other side. Have Lara go back down the ladder and vines. Head to the other low platform and jump over to the pipe and grab the Mag Vega Clip, then carefully go to the valve and turn it to shut off the gas. Go up the stairs to the second level and jump the broken platform. Go to the narrow ledge and carefully slide along the edge to the pipe. Climb up the pipe and shimmy across the ledge above to the left to reach a platform. Once you get on the platform climb the vine wall to reach the top of the room, then shimmy over to the platform you previously moved and drop on top of it. Climb down the ladders and press the yellow button to open the door. Press the next yellow button to open the second set of doors and walk in to the next room. As you walk around the platform another cut scene will start to play. Take the ladder down to the ground, to the left of the large mushroom is a Mag Vega Clip. Head up the stairs and move the table in the left corner. You will see four diagrams including one with a red X. The red X indicates that the employees shouldn't use this sequence to feed the plant. Turn the valves on this diagram with the black lines leading from the symbol to the plant. Valves 1, 2, and 4 from left to right. Now pull the lever on the right side and watch a cut scene of the plant dying. Now head in to the next room and sneak to the right. Take out the guard and take his Botanical Low Access Pass. Climb the low wall to the plant area and get on the ladder to climb up to the catwalk above. Go to the left and head up the stairs. Get on top of the stone square and hop forward to the next one. Now slide down the side and get on the next ledge, then hop to the fourth square ledge. Perform a running jump and grab on to the balcony above. Kill the guard down below to the right by shooting over the railing at him. Now turn to the left and kill the third guard on the same level as you. Head around the balcony and jump the gap to get the Large Health Pack. Head back around and open the locked door. Return to the large broken gap in the catwalk and jump across it. Go up the stairs and to the other end, climb the vine and get on the catwalk above. Walk to the right to activate a cut scene. Continue forth and take the Botanical High Access Pass off the dead body as well as the Viper SMG Clip at the end of the catwalk. Climb back down the catwalk, when you come down the long stairs continue straight ahead and jump to the catwalk below. Take the Botanical Medium Access Pass the guard dropped when you killed him. Head down the stairs and take the Mag Vega Clip at the end of the catwalk, then climb down the ladder and drop at the end. Now head to the opposite side of the room where you killed the first guard and enter the doorway. Slide all three cards on the readers to open the door. Enter the now open doorway and head downstairs. Go down the stairs on the left side to the gas filled room and grab the Vector-R35 Clip on the floor to the right of the hole with water in it. Jump in the water and swim through the tunnel to another room. Climb the ladder and pull the steel box towards the opening above. Jump up to the catwalk above and search the lockers for Health Pills and Health Bandages. Head back through the water in to the gas filled room and go back up the stairs. Head along the upper catwalk and enter the door at the end. Press the yellow button to open the next door. Turn to the left and enter the door over here to start a cut scene. ******************************************************************************* 2.29 - The Sanitarium ******************************************************************************* 10 x Zombies 1 x Zombie with Orange Jumpsuit (Harmless) 1 x Health Pills 2 x Chocolate Bar 1 x Large Health Pack 5 x Boran X Clips 1 x Farsee Code 1 x Strahov Assisstants Pass To the right of the circular lift straight ahead is a Boran X Clip. Hang and drop down this side to the floor below and grab another Baron X Clip. Go inside the circular lift cage and hang on the edge to drop a floor. Grab on to the edge and drop again. Climb up on to the catwalk and go around the right side to get a box of Health Pills. Drop another floor to reach the roof of the lift, open the top and drop down to the bottom of it. Now walk around to the left and climb down the two ladders. Perform a running jump up to the catwalk ahead and climb on to it. Enter the door to the left. Once you are inside a zombie will come running towards you throwing open all the chainlink doors, kill it. Now enter the doors it just opened and watch a cut scene. Take the Boran X Clip next to the dead guard and enter the open doorway and kill the zombie in here. Go in to the next open door and talk to the man sitting on the bed for a cut scene. Now exit the door and examine the keypad to use the farsee ability and get the code 06289. Use it on the keypad and run around to the other side and shoot the zombie behind the next door. Open the door and head to the other side of the hall for another door. Turn down the hallway and as you come down the steps another zombie will come towards you from the left, kill it. Head straight across to the white doors. A zombie will be running towards you right as you come through the door. Shoot at it to make it run away. Enter the door on the right to attack another zombie. Take the Chocolate Bar off the ground and go back to the hallway. As you go around the hallway curve you will be attacked by the first zombie that ran away earlier and another zombie in an orange jumpsuit. You just have to kill the normal zombie, the other is harmless. Go in to the large room to the left and shoot another zombie at the back half of the room. Go look at the white door on the right side of the hallway to see the number 38471 on the left side of it. Now continue down the hallway, kill the zombie wandering down here, then enter the white door at the end. In the next room pick up the Boran X Clip to the left of the chained monster and the Strahov Assisstants Pass next to the scientist on the right. Head back to the door you entered from and go to the large room on the right. Collect the Boran X Clip and the Chocolate Bar, shoot the zombie on the other side of the counter and head to the right. Use the pass on the door and head in to the back side of the counters. Head up the stairs on the left side and take a right to collect a Large Health Pack. Head to the other side and jump the gap in the catwalk. Use the keypad to input the door number back downstairs "38471" Go back down stairs and enter the newly opened door and up the stairs. Enter the door at the end and head to the right for a cut scene. Take out your gun and kill the zombie that starts to run towards you. Continue down the hall and enter the door to get to a vent cover. Rip out the cover and enter the ventilation system. When you reach a room where you can stand, jump up and grab the edge of a higher vent shaft to climb in. You will then drop down in to the room that you just saw in the cut scene. Go to the right and enter the next ventilation shaft. Jump up to the next ventilation shaft and crawl forward to activate a cut scene. Drop in to the next room and take the BOran X Clip off the ground. Now shoot the gas tanks next to the fan and the blast will knock the broken ladder down. Climb up to the upper part of the room and flip the switch to turn the fan off. Crawl through the gap in the fan and go through the ventilation system on the left. Head to the right and go down the stairs for a cut scene. ******************************************************************************* 2.30 - Maximum Containment Area ******************************************************************************* 6 x Enhanced Zombies 1 x Guard 2 x Chocolate Bar 3 x Boran X Clip 1 x Farsee Code 1 x Sanitarium Low Access Pass 1 x Sanitarium Medium Access Pass Head straight down the hall and open the door. Take a right and perform a running jump to the other side, Kurtis is unable to swim. Make a running jump back to the other side and enter the iron door on the right. Enter the doors at the end to reach a new corridor. Head to the right to activate a cut scene and obtain a Farsee Code 17068. If you take the other hallway and enter the single room to the left, two Enhanced Zombies will come rushing in to the room. Head back to the security room and use the code Kurtis found using his Farsee ability "17068". Enter the corridor again and turn right. Open the second door on the left. While you are in the room, an Enhanced Zombie will come through the door at any moment. Collect the Chocolate Bar on the desk, the Boran X Clip and Sanitarium Low Access Pass off the guards body. Leave the room and turn left, swipe the card on the reader. Head straight across the intersection and in to the room on the right to get a Boran X Clip. Head down the ramped path to the door and enter it. As you enter a guard will be straight ahead behind a half closed door, as well as an Enhanced zombie running at you straight ahead and another to the right. Head down the right hallway and enter the door on the left. ******************************************************************************* *Glitch to exit - you can head to the upper right corner, opposite corner of * * the guards door and use the pass to open the door early and * * leave the level. * ******************************************************************************* A cut scene will play as the proto runs past Kurtis and goes to kill the guard. Enter the room and turn around to kill an Enhanced Zombie. Head over to where the guard was standing and crawl under the door. Head down the stairs and through the hallway to open a steel door. You will enter the room where the Proto Nephilim broke out of. Head to the right and climb the ladder up to the next catwalk. Walk around the catwalk and go across the bridge towards the Proto Nephilim's containment unit. Climb on top of the unit and jump to the catwalk on the right to run around to the other side. Jump in to the ventilation system and slowly drop down all the levels. Crawl through the next section going right, left, right. Drop in to the fan shaft and climb up the ladder. Take the dead guards Sanitarium Medium Access Pass and the Chocolate Bar on the ground, then press the button to open the door. Turn left and use the pass on the card reader to open the door, head downstairs to start a cut scene. ******************************************************************************* 2.31 - Proto Nephilim Boss Fight ******************************************************************************* 1 x Proto Nephilim 1 x Large Health Pack 1 x Boran X Clips Proto will just lunge at you biting the entire fight, just walk to the right or left and walk in circles around him as you shoot. Proto will run away to the power box and climb up to the vents above. Just wait for it to come back down to you and continue shooting it. Proto will also play dead sometimes. Shoot Proto until it goes in to the ventilation shaft. Collect the Boran X Clip and the Large Health Pack. Proton will then shortly climb back down and attack again. Shoot him again and after a while it will play dead. Once it gets back up shoot it a few more times to make it go back up the ventilation system. When it comes back down shoot it until it falls back over again. Shoot it a couple times when Proto gets back up and it will return once more to the ventilation system. This time Proto will go on the catwalk above and jump down to the ground to try and surprise you. Shoot it to make it fall over again. When it gets up it will run for the ventilation system and try to drop down and surprise you again. Shoot it and have it fall over another time. This time when it gets up shoot it to finally have the killing blow cut scene start. Flip the lever to activate a cut scene. ******************************************************************************* 2.32 - Aquatic Research Area ******************************************************************************* 1 x Water Creature 1 x Guards 1 x Small Medipack 1 x Viper SMG Clips 1 x Mag Vega Clips Press the button next to the door to enter the Aquatic Research Area. Hang and drop down the side of the catwalk instead of using the ladder. Go along the back wall and head around the left side as close to it as possible. Commando crawl through the hole in the wall and turn the valve to release cold air. This will throw off the machine guns sensors to aim at you. Climb over the steel box and get on the pipe to climb up. Go to the right and shimmy to the next pipe. Once you reach the top, shimmy to the right on to the ledge and drop down on to the platform below. Press the button on the wall to look through an infrared camera down the hallway. You will see a blinking light to the left that you will want to shoot. Enter the hallway and stay to the left side. Shoot the flashing light area to blow up the machine guns. Go along the left side to avoid the gas to reach the door. Press the button on the side of the door to open it and climb the ladder. Go through the hall and enter the large aquatic room. Go down the right stairs and go over to the right. Jump in the smaller pool on the right side and dive down to the broken window below. Go to the left side of this security room and pull the lever on the wall to turn on the right side power supply. Head to the opposite side and swim through the rooms and up in to another room. Take the Small Medipack on the floor. Press the yellow button on the wall to open the door and enter the large aquatic room again. Walk across the platforms to reach the other side and enter the doorway. Press the switch on the wall to open the door. Go to the right side and flip the switch to release and open the door. Enter the lift and press the button on the side to take it down. Go down the stairs to enter the security room to flip the switch on the back wall. Head back up the lift and exit in to the large aquatic room once again. Watch the cut scene that starts and head up the stairs to the right. Go to the right and pull the bucket on to the dark square. Press the yellow switch off to the side to send the bucket across the pulley. Now push the bucket in to the room up here until it stops under a chute. Pull the lever on the wall to fill it with meat. Pull the bucket back on to the black square and press the yellow switch to send it back over to the other side. Push the bucket back on to the lift and go down the stairs. Now go back to the other side of the room and go up the stairs past the door. Climb the ladder and press both buttons to see levers one and two. Exit out the door and climb the pipe at the end of the platform and shimmy to the left to just make it to the catwalk above. Press the yellow switch and get on the movable platform when it comes by to get to the other side. Enter the door and turn left, flip the switch on the wall to feed the Water Creature the meat making the water safe from now on. Go to the other door and press the yellow button to open it. Enter and press the next yellow button to open the next door. Kill the guard inside the room and open the cabinets on both sides of the door you just came from to get a Viper SMG Clip and a Mag Vega Clip. Exit the room back in to the large aquatic room and drop down the platforms heading over to the main entrance. Get a running jump and go as close to the number one lever as possible. Quickly get to the lever and pull it, now get to the surface and climb the ladder inside this section before the Water Creature can eat you. Walk around the platform to the other side and perform a running jump towards the number 2 door on the wall to quickly swim inside. Once you surface a cut scene will play, surface once again and pull the number 2 lever. Head back through the tunnel in to the large aquatic room and swim towards the middle of the room. Watch out for the Water Creature and quickly get down the hole in the middle to finish the level. ******************************************************************************* 2.33 - The Vault of Trophies ******************************************************************************* 2 x Knights 2 x Health Bandages 2 x Aqua Lung 1 x Last Obscura Painting Swim through the tunnel and take a left turn, go through the spikes by going near the top. When you reach the intersection go to the top to get air. Take the tunnel to the right and swim through it low to avoid any spikes that may shoot out of the walls. Wrap around taking left turns to another intersection and an air pocket above. Continue straight and go down the hole in the wall to an old mine shaft. Take a right at the first choice, a left at your next choice, and a right after that. Surface for air and climb on to the surface to pick up some Health Bandages and an Aqua Lung. Head back in the water and go straight at the intersection. Go up to the wall and have Lara kick it to knock it down. Head to the other side and look at the engraving on the wall. Equip the Aqua Lung from the items menu. Right above the engraving is another weak wall that can be kicked open to reveal an air pocket. Above the two statues is the letters L and V, you must now locate two statues with the names starting with L and a V. Once you locate Vasiley and Limoux go behind there statue in to the room directly behind them and pull the chain for each of them. Watch the cut scene, then swim up through the new hole you made. Watch the next cut scene and enter the tunnel. Stay to the left side and watch out for the huge rock that comes falling down on the path repeatedly. You can run off to the left side in an area that it can't touch you. Continue forth to the large open area with a huge black void below. Pull the lever on the right wall to make platforms appear. Jump to the platform second to the left, leaving you with three total platforms. Next jump to the platform on the right and two more platforms will appear. Two more platforms will appear and most of the others will fall. Jump to the platform on the right to make another platform appear higher up. Jump up to grab on and pull yourself up. Next jump over to the inlet and grab the Aqua Lung. Jump back to the higher platform and hang drop back on to the platform to the left. Now hop to the next platform ahead and wait for another platform to appear. Jump to this platform and quickly jump to the cliff side. Wait for three platforms to appear for you to hop to and make it to the other side of the room. Head down the tunnel to enter a large library with two Knights. Go to the right and look at the book on the table. Now go to the right side of the fireplace to pull the lever. This will reveal Health Bandages on the wall, now run past the Knights and pull the chain opposite the fireplace wall to raise the tapestry. Now climb the wall that the tapestry exposed. Get to the ledge above and shimmy over to the platform. Jump up to grab on to the grate above and shimmy over to the platform ahead and drop down for a strength replenishment. Now jump back on the grate above and shimmy down to the hanging square piece in the middle to drop down on it and activate the bookshelf below. Hang drop down and avoid the Knights as you go to the Last Obscura Painting on the right side of the fire place. Once you grab the painting the flames in the fireplace will extinguish. Crawl through the fireplace and go through the door. Jump in the hole of water and swim straight through the first intersection. Turn right and swim and go down. Swim through the bends and take a left, then a right turn and you will enter a really large room. Swim to the surface for a cut scene to start. ******************************************************************************* 2.34 - Boaz Returns ******************************************************************************* 1 x Mutant Boaz 4 x Side Pods Boran X Clips The scientist you saw eaten by a pod like creature earlier in the Bio-Dome is back and mutated in to a nasty mutant. You must shoot Boaz human head underneath the large creature to stun her. You can find Boran X Clips to the left of the entrance where Boaz came out of. After she is stunned, she will open up her side flaps to expose her pods and shoot green balls at Kurtis. Change your aim to the pods and shoot them and start to destroy them. Repeat the process dodging the green balls and green liquid spray she spits out. Repeat the process until all four pods are destroyed starting a cut scene. Once the cut scene is over Boaz will have transformed in to a butterfly like human creature. Aim and shoot at it from a safe distance repeatedly until another cut scene starts up. ******************************************************************************* 2.35 - The Lost Domain ******************************************************************************* 0 x Enemies 1 x Large Health Pack Take the right tunnel at the intersection and slide down the ledge in the center to jump to the other ledge. Now jump to the next ledge and jump to the ledge with the lever on it. Pull the lever to raise the gate and climb up on to the catwalk. Walk around the path and pick up the Large Health Pack in the little cave, then go back to the normal path and take a right. Pull the lever to open a gate for approximatly 15 seconds. Make sprint jumps to each rock and pass through the gate before it closes. Head in to the next large room filled with lava. Go down the stairs and hop to the first ledge. Once you are on the ledge turn to the left and hop to the ledge with the ladder on it. Climb the two ladders and sprint jump across the broken bridge. Get against the wall and slide down the slanted platform jumping into a hang on the platform ahead. Pull the lever on this platform to deactivate the boobytrapped stairs. Hang and drop down to the ledge below and perform a running jump to the stairs with the two statues on them. Head through the door after it opens. ******************************************************************************* 2.36 - Eckhardt's Lab ******************************************************************************* 2 x Skeleton Warriors 1 x Small Medipack 1 x Large Health Pack 1 x Alchemic Phial #1 1 x Alchemic Phial #2 1 x Alchemic Phial #3 1 x Crystal Shard Slide down the tunnel on the left side and jump up to the ledge above to avoid the spikes. Perform a running jump over the fiery pit to the other side. Enter the lab and pull the lever near the hanging cage. The lever will open the pit and unlock the ladder on the wall. Two Skeletons will appear to your left, get rid of them by shooting them down in to the boiling water below. Go up the stairs and around the back of the wooden structure to crawl under the back platform for a Small Medipack. Now go to the table in the right corner and take the Alchemic Phial #1 off the table. Go over to the ladder next to the entrance and climb it. Now jump on top of the hanging cage and press the Action Button to open the top of the cage and drop down inside. Pick up the Alchemic Phial #2 and quickly climb the side of the cage as it starts to descend and press left to grab on to the side with edging to climb out on. You must be on the top of the cage before it goes all the way in to the water. Jump in to the ventilation shaft to grab Alchemic Phial #3. Go back on top of the cage and climb the right wall, perform a backflip to get out of the hole. Go up the stairs and place Alchemic Phial #1 in the slot on the wooden circle. Next go down the stairs straight ahead in to the next room and place Alchemic Phial #2 on the wall. Finally climb up the ladder and place Alchemic Phial #3 in the holder right above the first one, watch the cut scene. Perform a running jump up to the beam on the back wall to pull yourself up and get the Large Health Pack. Hang drop down to the ground and head back in to the round room with the circular water pit. Jump in since the water that poured in to it cooled the temperature down. At the very bottom is the third Crystal Shard. Taking this will open the closed gate off to the side of the laboratory. Head back to the surface of the water and enter this hallway to slide down. Open the door at the bottom to enter the final room, head to the center of the room to start a cut scene. ******************************************************************************* 2.37 - Eckhardt and Karel ******************************************************************************* 1 x Eckhardt 1 x Karel 1 x The Sleeper 1 x Eckhardt's Glove You will start the fight against Eckhardt being surrounded by a green barrier while he runs around the outside of the barrier. Don't bother shooting. He will send thunder wave like volts at you, just jump over them or crawl to avoid getting hurt. After Eckhardt throws six waves he will duplicate himself and moving around. Once three clones are made, they will come through the barrier and join eachother. Get away from the sparkles on the ground or else you will get zapped by lightning. Run to the center of the area and punch him while he is recovering to get a cut scene of shard 1. After that he will jump out of the barrier again and start the attacks over, this time with fire. You will either have to jump over it or commando crawl to avoid it. He will clone three fiery versions of himself and they will go to the center and create a fiery multi attack the same way with flashy sparkles. Go up and punch him again when it finishes to get a cut scene for shard 2. He will then go back to lightning attacks and repeat the six lightning bolt waves. Wait for him to create teh clones again to have them run in for a large attack and punch him one last time for the cut scene with shard 3. Karel can't be killed so go after The Sleeper. Karel will circle around the room throwing green energy balls at you. Go to Eckhardt's body and take his glove. Go to the pillar to the left of Eckhardt's body and examine the button on the back to drop two ladders to the grounmd floor. Run over to the ladder and climb it, then run around this platform and climb another ladder up to another platform section. Run around the next platform to get to the ladder on the back side of the last pillar. Run around to the left and walk off the edge of the platform that heads towards The Sleeper to complete the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PlayStation 2 Code Breaker Version 1+ Codes PlayStation 2 GameShark Version 3 Codes PlayStation 2 GameShark Version 2 Codes PlayStation 2 Action Replay MAX Codes /////////////////////////////////////////////// //PlayStation 2 Code Breaker Version 1+ Codes// /////////////////////////////////////////////// Mastercode FA7A006E 32B1A529 2ACCC91D 27BDFFD8 2AC8C91D AFA40000 2AB4C91D AFA50004 2AB0C91D AFA60008 2ABCC91D AFBF000C 2A58C91E 8FBF000C 2A44C91E 8FA40000 2A40C91E 8FA50004 2A4CC91E 8FA60008 2A48C91E 03E00008 2A34C91E 27BD0028 2AEF3662 08030000 Mastercode (Alternative) FA7A006E 32B1A529 Infinite Health 2A570387 42C80000 Infinite Health (Alternative) 2AA33280 3C017FAB 2A973280 AC410D54 Infinite Health (Alternative) 2AA33280 3C0142C8 2AAF3280 44810000 2A973280 E4400D54 2AD33259 00000000 2ADB3259 00000000 1 Hit Kill (Use with Infinite Health) 2ACCCD1C 3C010041 2AC8CD1C 34216D10 2AB4CD1C 10320002 2ABCCD1C AE400D54 2AA4CD1C 0804064B 2A94CCE6 0803FFC0 Disable AI 2A94CCC7 24020000 Lots of Blood 2AD338A6 3C014080 Large Explosions and Blood 2A233A17 3C013A00 Infinite Strength 2A17325E 00000000 Max Strength 2A6F34B2 24027FFF Infinite Grip 2A2F325E 00000000 Infinite Grip (Alternative) 2A17325E 00000000 Infinite Oxygen 2A733259 00000000 Infinite Money 1A212D9B 0000FFFF Max Money 2AD303C0 05F5E0FF Super Jump 2ACB30F3 3C014260 Ultra Jump 2ACB30F3 3C0142A0 Super Ultra Jump 2ACB30F3 3C0142C8 Super Running Jump 2A2F30F3 3C014260 Ultra Running Jump 2A2F30F3 3C0142A0 Super Ultra Running Jump 2A2F30F3 3C0142C8 Super Sideways Jump 2A0B30F2 3C014280 Dont Lose Health From Falling 2A7F30D3 00000000 Enable Skip Level 2A0B36B0 24060000 Enable Level Select 2AE336B0 24060000 Enable Skip Level & Level Select 0A934B4F 00000001 Enable Debug Menu 0A924B4F 00000001 Full Hyper Mode 2A4703BA 3E400000 Hyper Running Only 2ACB3291 3C033E40 2AB73291 44830800 Hyper Walking Only 2A4F326A 3C043E40 2A4B326A 44840800 Gravity Modifier (3E00-4000) 1012AC28 0000???? Matrix Jumps (Hold Left on Directional Pad for low gravity) 2ACCC91F 3C010065 2AC8C91F 3421F942 2AB4C91F 84210000 2AB0C91F 30210080 2ABCC91F 50200002 2AB8C91F 3C013DC0 2AA4C91F 3C013FC0 2AA0C91F 44811000 2AACC91F 0804AB0C 2A933271 08030080 2A9F3271 00000000 Disable FMV 2AD32361 24020001 Chest Size Modifier (00-09) 203E2E2C 000000?? 203E2E40 000000?? Infinite Item Usage 2AF7366A 00000000 Infinite Item Usage (Pawn Shop Items) 2A973664 00000000 Infinite Item Usage (Health Items) 2A0F366A 00000000 Extra Items 1AF2C045 00000001 Use Item For Max Item (Health Items) 2A0F366A 24020063 Use Item For Max Item (Pawn Shop Items) 2A973664 24040063 Infinite Ammo 2AD731B5 00000000 2AC331B5 24030063 Infinite Ammo (Alternative) 2A473186 00000000 2AC331B5 24030063 Infinite Reloads 2ACB3665 00000000 Max Reloads After Use 2ACB3665 24020063 Rapid Fire 2A5F319D 3C043E40 2A5B319D 44846000 Quick Rapid Fire 2A5F319D 3C013E40 2A5B319D 44816000 Really Quick Rapid Fire 2A5F319D 3C013E00 2A5B319D 44816000 Walk thru Doors (L1+L2/R1+R2) DAD8305D B2FF6C0E 2A2B3B01 10000235 DAD8305D B2FF6C05 2A2B3B01 13C20235 Camera Modifier-Zoom In 2AEB32F2 00000000 2ADF32F2 44810000 2AD332F2 3C014400 Camera Modifier-Zoom Out 2AEB32F2 00000000 2ADF32F2 44810000 2AD332F2 3C014600 Have Weapon 1 2AB709FD 010C0001 2AB309FD 00000003 Have Weapon 2 2AA309FD 010E0001 2AAF09FD 00000003 Have Weapon 3 2A9F09FD 01100001 2A9B09FD 00000003 Have Weapon 4 2A8B09FD 011B0001 2A7709FD 00000003 Have Weapon 5 2A6709FD 011D0001 2A6309FD 00000003 Have Weapon 6 2A5309FD 011F0001 2A5F09FD 00000003 Have Weapon 7 2A4F09FD 01200001 2A4B09FD 00000003 Have Weapon 8 2A3B09FD 01210001 2A2709FD 00000003 Have Weapon 9 2A1709FD 01230001 2A1309FD 00000003 Have Weapon 10 2A0309FD 01260001 2A0F09FD 00000003 Have Weapon 11 2AFF09FD 012B0001 2AFB09FD 00000003 Have Weapon 12 2AEB09FD 02550001 2AD709FD 00000003 Have Weapon 13 2AC709FD 02640001 2AC309FD 00000003 Start Game With M-V9 2AB8C91D 2404011B 2AA4C91D 24050003 2AA0C91D 0C05A6A6 2AACC91D 24060001 Start Game With Desert Ranger 2AA8C91D 24040110 2A94C91D 24050003 2A90C91D 0C05A6A6 2A9CC91D 24060001 Start Game With Pair Of Vector-R35's 2A98C91D 24040121 2A84C91D 24050003 2A80C91D 0C05A6A6 2A8CC91D 24060001 Start Game With V-Packer 2A88C91D 24040126 2A74C91D 24050003 2A70C91D 0C05A6A6 2A7CC91D 24060001 Start Game With Rigg 09 2A78C91D 2404011D 2A64C91D 24050003 2A60C91D 0C05A6A6 2A6CC91D 24060001 Start Game With Viper SMG 2A68C91D 24040129 2A54C91D 24050003 2A50C91D 0C05A6A6 2A5CC91D 24060001 Start Game With Boran-X 2A58C91D 24040264 2A44C91D 24050003 2A40C91D 0C05A6A6 2A4CC91D 24060001 Start Game With 99 M-V9 Clips 2A48C91D 2404011C 2A34C91D 24050007 2A30C91D 0C05A6A6 2A3CC91D 24060063 Start Game With 99 Desert Ranger Clips 2A38C91D 2404011A 2A24C91D 24050007 2A20C91D 0C05A6A6 2A2CC91D 24060063 Start Game With 99 Vector R-35 Clips 2A28C91D 24040122 2A14C91D 24050007 2A10C91D 0C05A6A6 2A1CC91D 24060063 Start Game With 99 V-Packer Standard Carts 2A18C91D 24040127 2A04C91D 24050007 2A00C91D 0C05A6A6 2A0CC91D 24060063 Start Game With 99 Rigg 09 Clips 2A08C91D 2404011E 2AF4C91D 24050007 2AF0C91D 0C05A6A6 2AFCC91D 24060063 99 Viper SMG Clips 2AF8C91D 2404012A 2AE4C91D 24050007 2AE0C91D 0C05A6A6 2AECC91D 24060063 Start Game With 99 Boran-X Clips 2AE8C91D 24040265 2AD4C91D 24050007 2AD0C91D 0C05A6A6 2ADCC91D 24060063 Start Game With 99 Antique Doubloons 2AD8C91D 2404003A 2AC4C91D 24050001 2AC0C91D 0C05A6A6 2ACCC91E 24060063 Start Game With Crowbar 2AC8C91E 24040036 2AB4C91E 24050002 2AB0C91E 0C05A6A6 2ABCC91E 24060001 Start Game With Socket Spanner 2AB8C91E 24040042 2AA4C91E 24050002 2AA0C91E 0C05A6A6 2AACC91E 24060001 Start Game With 99 Chocolate Bars 2AA8C91E 24040094 2A94C91E 24050004 2A90C91E 0C05A6A6 2A9CC91E 24060063 Start Game With 99 Health Bandages 2A98C91E 24040096 2A84C91E 24050004 2A80C91E 0C05A6A6 2A8CC91E 24060063 Start Game With 99 Health Pills 2A88C91E 24040092 2A74C91E 24050004 2A70C91E 0C05A6A6 2A7CC91E 24060063 Start Game With 99 Small Medipacks 2A78C91E 24040206 2A64C91E 24050004 2A60C91E 0C05A6A6 2A6CC91E 24060063 Start Game With 99 Large Medipacks 2A68C91E 24040095 2A54C91E 24050004 2A50C91E 0C05A6A6 2A5CC91E 24060063 Infinite Ammo & Bypass Ammo Check 2AFCCD1C 24070009 2AF8CD1C A2270032 2AE4CD1C 0804DA0E 2A8731B5 0803FFF4 Must use Infinite Ammo & Bypass Ammo Check code to use the following Always Use Gun 13 0A874B6C 0000000D Always Use Riffle 0A874B6C 0000000C Always Use M9 0A874B6C 0000000B Always Use Shotgun 0A874B6C 0000000A Always Use Gun 09 0A874B6C 00000009 Always Use Gun 08 0A874B6C 00000008 Always Use Double Guns 0A874B6C 00000007 Always Use Gun 6 0A874B6C 00000006 Always Use Gun 5 0A874B6C 00000005 Always Use Gun 4 0A874B6C 00000004 Always Use Gun 3 0A874B6C 00000003 Always Use Gun 2 0A874B6C 00000002 Always Use Gun 1 0A874B6C 00000001 /////////////////////////////////////////// //PlayStation 2 GameShark Version 3 Codes// /////////////////////////////////////////// Mastercode F0100008 00211C5F 200C0000 27BDFFD8 200C0004 AFA40000 200C0008 AFA50004 200C000C AFA60008 200C0010 AFBF000C 200C0174 8FBF000C 200C0178 8FA40000 200C017C 8FA50004 200C0180 8FA60008 200C0184 03E00008 200C0188 27BD0028 20169DDC 08030000 Mastercode (Alternative) F0100008 00211C5F Infinite Health 20417A64 42C80000 Infinite Health (Alternative) 20127B18 3C017FAB 20127B24 AC410D54 Infinite Health (Alternative) 20127B18 3C0142C8 20127B1C 44810000 20127B24 E4400D54 2012C4E8 00000000 2012C4F0 00000000 1 Hit Kill (Use with Infinite Health) 200FFF00 3C010041 200FFF04 34216D10 200FFF08 10320002 200FFF10 AE400D54 200FFF18 0804064B 20101928 0803FFC0 Disable AI 20103A28 24020000 Lots of Blood 201C59E8 3C014080 Large Explosions and Blood 201B0A98 3C013A00 Infinite Strength 2012C1A4 00000000 Max Strength 20186D5C 24027FFF Infinite Grip 2012C19C 00000000 Infinite Grip (Alternative) 2012C1A4 00000000 Infinite Oxygen 2012C448 00000000 Infinite Money 10413BE8 0000FFFF Max Money 20413BE8 05F5E0FF Super Jump 20142E00 3C014260 Ultra Jump 20142E00 3C0142A0 Super Ultra Jump 20142E00 3C0142C8 Super Running Jump 20142E9C 3C014260 Ultra Running Jump 20142E9C 3C0142A0 Super Ultra Running Jump 20142E9C 3C0142C8 Super Sideways Jump 20142DC0 3C014280 Dont Lose Health From Falling 20144E4C 00000000 Enable Skip Level 20166BC0 24060000 Enable Level Select 20166BD8 24060000 Enable Skip Level & Level Select 00413E70 00000001 Enable Debug Menu 00413E71 00000001 Full Hyper Mode 20416574 3E400000 Hyper Running Only 20128C00 3C033E40 20128C04 44830800 Hyper Walking Only 2012957C 3C043E40 20129580 44840800 Gravity Modifier (3E00-4000) 1012AC28 0000???? Matrix Jumps (Hold Left on Directional Pad for low gravity) 200C0200 3C010065 200C0204 3421F942 200C0208 84210000 200C020C 30210080 200C0210 50200002 200C0214 3C013DC0 200C0218 3C013FC0 200C021C 44811000 200C0220 0804AB0C 2012AC28 08030080 2012AC2C 00000000 Disable FMV 20219CE8 24020001 Chest Size Modifier (00-09) 203E2E2C 000000?? 203E2E40 000000?? Infinite Item Usage 201695C4 00000000 Infinite Item Usage (Pawn Shop Items) 20169724 00000000 Infinite Item Usage (Health Items) 201695BC 00000000 Extra Items 101695BC 00000001 Use Item For Max Item (Health Items) 201695BC 24020063 Use Item For Max Item (Pawn Shop Items) 20169724 24040063 Infinite Ammo 201368E4 00000000 201368F8 24030063 Infinite Ammo (Alternative) 20137974 00000000 201368F8 24030063 Infinite Reloads 20169800 00000000 Max Reloads After Use 20169800 24020063 Rapid Fire 2013806C 3C043E40 20138070 44846000 Quick Rapid Fire 2013806C 3C013E40 20138070 44816000 Really Quick Rapid Fire 2013806C 3C013E00 20138070 44816000 Walk thru Doors (L1+L2/R1+R2) D047D770 00000005 2019FCA0 10000235 D047D770 0000000A 2019FCA0 13C20235 Camera Modifier-Zoom In 20122DE0 00000000 20122DEC 44810000 20122DE8 3C014400 Camera Modifier-Zoom Out 20122DE0 00000000 20122DEC 44810000 20122DE8 3C014600 Have Weapon 1 204B2004 010C0001 204B2008 00000003 Have Weapon 2 204B2018 010E0001 204B201C 00000003 Have Weapon 3 204B202C 01100001 204B2030 00000003 Have Weapon 4 204B2040 011B0001 204B2044 00000003 Have Weapon 5 204B2054 011D0001 204B2058 00000003 Have Weapon 6 204B2068 011F0001 204B206C 00000003 Have Weapon 7 204B207C 01200001 204B2080 00000003 Have Weapon 8 204B2090 01210001 204B2094 00000003 Have Weapon 9 204B20A4 01230001 204B20A8 00000003 Have Weapon 10 204B20B8 01260001 204B20BC 00000003 Have Weapon 11 204B20CC 012B0001 204B20D0 00000003 Have Weapon 12 204B20E0 02550001 204B20E4 00000003 Have Weapon 13 204B20F4 02640001 204B20F8 00000003 Start Game With M-V9 200C0014 2404011B 200C0018 24050003 200C001C 0C05A6A6 200C0020 24060001 Start Game With Desert Ranger 200C0024 24040110 200C0028 24050003 200C002C 0C05A6A6 200C0030 24060001 Start Game With Pair Of Vector-R35's 200C0034 24040121 200C0038 24050003 200C003C 0C05A6A6 200C0040 24060001 Start Game With V-Packer 200C0044 24040126 200C0048 24050003 200C004C 0C05A6A6 200C0050 24060001 Start Game With Rigg 09 200C0054 2404011D 200C0058 24050003 200C005C 0C05A6A6 200C0060 24060001 Start Game With Viper SMG 200C0064 24040129 200C0068 24050003 200C006C 0C05A6A6 200C0070 24060001 Start Game With Boran-X 200C0074 24040264 200C0078 24050003 200C007C 0C05A6A6 200C0080 24060001 Start Game With 99 M-V9 Clips 200C0084 2404011C 200C0088 24050007 200C008C 0C05A6A6 200C0090 24060063 Start Game With 99 Desert Ranger Clips 200C0094 2404011A 200C0098 24050007 200C009C 0C05A6A6 200C00A0 24060063 Start Game With 99 Vector R-35 Clips 200C00A4 24040122 200C00A8 24050007 200C00AC 0C05A6A6 200C00B0 24060063 Start Game With 99 V-Packer Standard Carts 200C00B4 24040127 200C00B8 24050007 200C00BC 0C05A6A6 200C00C0 24060063 Start Game With 99 Rigg 09 Clips 200C00C4 2404011E 200C00C8 24050007 200C00CC 0C05A6A6 200C00D0 24060063 99 Viper SMG Clips 200C00D4 2404012A 200C00D8 24050007 200C00DC 0C05A6A6 200C00E0 24060063 Start Game With 99 Boran-X Clips 200C00E4 24040265 200C00E8 24050007 200C00EC 0C05A6A6 200C00F0 24060063 Start Game With 99 Antique Doubloons 200C00F4 2404003A 200C00F8 24050001 200C00FC 0C05A6A6 200C0100 24060063 Start Game With Crowbar 200C0104 24040036 200C0108 24050002 200C010C 0C05A6A6 200C0110 24060001 Start Game With Socket Spanner 200C0114 24040042 200C0118 24050002 200C011C 0C05A6A6 200C0120 24060001 Start Game With 99 Chocolate Bars 200C0124 24040094 200C0128 24050004 200C012C 0C05A6A6 200C0130 24060063 Start Game With 99 Health Bandages 200C0134 24040096 200C0138 24050004 200C013C 0C05A6A6 200C0140 24060063 Start Game With 99 Health Pills 200C0144 24040092 200C0148 24050004 200C014C 0C05A6A6 200C0150 24060063 Start Game With 99 Small Medipacks 200C0154 24040206 200C0158 24050004 200C015C 0C05A6A6 200C0160 24060063 Start Game With 99 Large Medipacks 200C0164 24040095 200C0168 24050004 200C016C 0C05A6A6 200C0170 24060063 Infinite Ammo & Bypass Ammo Check 200FFFD0 24070009 200FFFD4 A2270032 200FFFD8 0804DA0E 20136834 0803FFF4 Must use Infinite Ammo & Bypass Ammo Check code to use the following Always Use Gun 13 00416164 0000000D Always Use Riffle 00416164 0000000C Always Use M9 00416164 0000000B Always Use Shotgun 00416164 0000000A Always Use Gun 09 00416164 00000009 Always Use Gun 08 00416164 00000008 Always Use Double Guns 00416164 00000007 Always Use Gun 6 00416164 00000006 Always Use Gun 5 00416164 00000005 Always Use Gun 4 00416164 00000004 Always Use Gun 3 00416164 00000003 Always Use Gun 2 00416164 00000002 Always Use Gun 1 00416164 00000001 /////////////////////////////////////////// //PlayStation 2 GameShark Version 2 Codes// /////////////////////////////////////////// Mastercode 0E3C7DF2 1853E59E EE8EFE86 BCCAB7E2 Must Be On (for mastercode above) DEF2FEFE E3669A5B DEF2FEFA 6B4D9B83 DEF2FE86 6B4E9B87 DEF2FE82 6B4F9B8B DEF2FE8E 6B689B8F DEF2FD6A 4B689B8F DEF2FD76 4B4D9B83 DEF2FD72 4B4E9B87 DEF2FD7E 4B4F9B8B DEF2FD7A BF899B8B DEF2FD06 E3669BAB DE8859D2 C4AC9B83 Mastercode (Alternative) 0E3C7DF2 1853E59E EE8EFE86 BCCAB7E2 Infinite Health DEBD845A FE719B83 Infinite Health (Alternative) DE8C7B96 F8AA1A2E DE8C7B9A 68EAA8D7 Infinite Health (Alternative) DE8C7B96 F8AADD4B DE8C7B92 002A9B83 DE8C7B9A A0E9A8D7 DE8C32E6 BCA99B83 DE8C32EE BCA99B83 1 Hit Kill (Use with Infinite Health) DE8FFFFE F8AA9BC4 DE8FFFFA F0CA0893 DE8FFF86 CCDB9B85 DE8FFF8E 6AE9A8D7 DE8FFF96 C4ADA1CE DE8EE5A6 C4AC9A43 Disable AI DE8EC4A6 E0AB9B83 Lots of Blood DE82A5E6 F8AADB03 Large Explosions and Blood DE83F416 F8AAD583 Infinite Strength DE8C3D1A BCA99B83 Max Strength DE868952 E0AB1A82 Infinite Grip DE8C3D12 BCA99B83 Infinite Grip (Alternative) DE8C3D1A BCA99B83 Infinite Oxygen DE8C3246 BCA99B83 Infinite Money CEBDBBE6 BCA99A82 Max Money DEBDBBE6 C19E7B82 Super Jump DE8AC8FE F8AADDE3 Ultra Jump DE8AC8FE F8AADD23 Super Ultra Jump DE8AC8FE F8AADD4B Super Running Jump DE8AC812 F8AADDE3 Ultra Running Jump DE8AC812 F8AADD23 Super Ultra Running Jump DE8AC812 F8AADD4B Super Sideways Jump DE8AC93E F8AADD03 Dont Lose Health From Falling DE8AA842 BCA99B83 Enable Skip Level DE888B3E E0AF9B83 Enable Level Select DE888BD6 E0AF9B83 Enable Skip Level & Level Select FEBDB86E BCA99B84 Enable Debug Menu FEBDB869 BCA99B84 Full Hyper Mode DEBD916A FAE99B83 Hyper Running Only DE8C6AFE F8ACD9C3 DE8C6AFA 002CA383 Hyper Walking Only DE8C6172 F8ADD9C3 DE8C617E 002DA383 Gravity Modifier (3E00-4000) 1012AC28 0000???? Matrix Jumps (Hold Left on Directional Pad for low gravity) DEF2FCFE F8AA9BE8 DEF2FCFA F0CA94C5 DEF2FC86 40CA9B83 DEF2FC82 ECCA9B03 DEF2FC8E 0CC99B85 DEF2FC8A F8AAD843 DEF2FC96 F8AADA43 DEF2FC92 002AAB83 DEF2FC9E C4AD468F DE8C4AA6 C4AC9B03 DE8C4AA2 BCA99B83 Disable FMV DE9D5AE6 E0AB9B84 Chest Size Modifier (00-09) 203E2E2C 000000?? 203E2E40 000000?? Infinite Item Usage DE88613A BCA99B83 Infinite Item Usage (Pawn Shop Items) DE88679A BCA99B83 Infinite Item Usage (Health Items) DE886132 BCA99B83 Extra Items CE886132 BCA99B84 Use Item For Max Item (Health Items) DE886132 E0AB9BE6 Use Item For Max Item (Pawn Shop Items) DE88679A E0AD9BE6 Infinite Ammo DE8B96DA BCA99B83 DE8B96F6 E0AC9BE6 Infinite Ammo (Alternative) DE8B856A BCA99B83 DE8B96F6 E0AC9BE6 Infinite Reloads DE8866FE BCA99B83 Max Reloads After Use DE8866FE E0AB9BE6 Rapid Fire DE8B7E62 F8ADD9C3 DE8B7E6E 002DFB83 Quick Rapid Fire DE8B7E62 F8AAD9C3 DE8B7E6E 002AFB83 Really Quick Rapid Fire DE8B7E62 F8AAD983 DE8B7E6E 002AFB83 Walk thru Doors (L1+L2/R1+R2) 0EB7276E BCA99B88 DE85FA1E CCA99DB8 0EB7276E BCA99B8D DE85FA1E CF6B9DB8 Camera Modifier-Zoom In DE8CC9DE BCA99B83 DE8CC9E2 002A9B83 DE8CC9E6 F8AADF83 Camera Modifier-Zoom Out DE8CC9DE BCA99B83 DE8CC9E2 002A9B83 DE8CC9E6 F8AAE183 Have Weapon 1 DEB3DEFA BDB59B84 DEB3DE86 BCA99B86 Have Weapon 2 DEB3DE96 BDB79B84 DEB3DE92 BCA99B86 Have Weapon 3 DEB3DEA2 BDB99B84 DEB3DEAE BCA99B86 Have Weapon 4 DEB3DEBE BDC49B84 DEB3DEBA BCA99B86 Have Weapon 5 DEB3DE4A BDC69B84 DEB3DE56 BCA99B86 Have Weapon 6 DEB3DE66 BDC89B84 DEB3DE62 BCA99B86 Have Weapon 7 DEB3DE72 BDC99B84 DEB3DE7E BCA99B86 Have Weapon 8 DEB3DE0E BDCA9B84 DEB3DE0A BCA99B86 Have Weapon 9 DEB3DE1A BDCC9B84 DEB3DE26 BCA99B86 Have Weapon 10 DEB3DE36 BDCF9B84 DEB3DE32 BCA99B86 Have Weapon 11 DEB3DEC2 BDD49B84 DEB3DECE BCA99B86 Have Weapon 12 DEB3DEDE BEFE9B84 DEB3DEDA BCA99B86 Have Weapon 13 DEB3DEEA BE0D9B84 DEB3DEF6 BCA99B86 Start Game With M-V9 DEF2FE8A E0AD9C9E DEF2FE96 E0AE9B86 DEF2FE92 C8AE4129 DEF2FE9E E0AF9B84 Start Game With Desert Ranger DEF2FE9A E0AD9C93 DEF2FEA6 E0AE9B86 DEF2FEA2 C8AE4129 DEF2FEAE E0AF9B84 Start Game With Pair Of Vector-R35's DEF2FEAA E0AD9CA4 DEF2FEB6 E0AE9B86 DEF2FEB2 C8AE4129 DEF2FEBE E0AF9B84 Start Game With V-Packer DEF2FEBA E0AD9CA9 DEF2FE46 E0AE9B86 DEF2FE42 C8AE4129 DEF2FE4E E0AF9B84 Start Game With Rigg 09 DEF2FE4A E0AD9CA0 DEF2FE56 E0AE9B86 DEF2FE52 C8AE4129 DEF2FE5E E0AF9B84 Start Game With Viper SMG DEF2FE5A E0AD9CAC DEF2FE66 E0AE9B86 DEF2FE62 C8AE4129 DEF2FE6E E0AF9B84 Start Game With Boran-X DEF2FE6A E0AD9DE7 DEF2FE76 E0AE9B86 DEF2FE72 C8AE4129 DEF2FE7E E0AF9B84 Start Game With 99 M-V9 Clips DEF2FE7A E0AD9C9F DEF2FE06 E0AE9B8A DEF2FE02 C8AE4129 DEF2FE0E E0AF9BE6 Start Game With 99 Desert Ranger Clips DEF2FE0A E0AD9C9D DEF2FE16 E0AE9B8A DEF2FE12 C8AE4129 DEF2FE1E E0AF9BE6 Start Game With 99 Vector R-35 Clips DEF2FE1A E0AD9CA5 DEF2FE26 E0AE9B8A DEF2FE22 C8AE4129 DEF2FE2E E0AF9BE6 Start Game With 99 V-Packer Standard Carts DEF2FE2A E0AD9CAA DEF2FE36 E0AE9B8A DEF2FE32 C8AE4129 DEF2FE3E E0AF9BE6 Start Game With 99 Rigg 09 Clips DEF2FE3A E0AD9CA1 DEF2FEC6 E0AE9B8A DEF2FEC2 C8AE4129 DEF2FECE E0AF9BE6 99 Viper SMG Clips DEF2FECA E0AD9CAD DEF2FED6 E0AE9B8A DEF2FED2 C8AE4129 DEF2FEDE E0AF9BE6 Start Game With 99 Boran-X Clips DEF2FEDA E0AD9DE8 DEF2FEE6 E0AE9B8A DEF2FEE2 C8AE4129 DEF2FEEE E0AF9BE6 Start Game With 99 Antique Doubloons DEF2FEEA E0AD9BBD DEF2FEF6 E0AE9B84 DEF2FEF2 C8AE4129 DEF2FDFE E0AF9BE6 Start Game With Crowbar DEF2FDFA E0AD9BB9 DEF2FD86 E0AE9B85 DEF2FD82 C8AE4129 DEF2FD8E E0AF9B84 Start Game With Socket Spanner DEF2FD8A E0AD9BC5 DEF2FD96 E0AE9B85 DEF2FD92 C8AE4129 DEF2FD9E E0AF9B84 Start Game With 99 Chocolate Bars DEF2FD9A E0AD9B17 DEF2FDA6 E0AE9B87 DEF2FDA2 C8AE4129 DEF2FDAE E0AF9BE6 Start Game With 99 Health Bandages DEF2FDAA E0AD9B19 DEF2FDB6 E0AE9B87 DEF2FDB2 C8AE4129 DEF2FDBE E0AF9BE6 Start Game With 99 Health Pills DEF2FDBA E0AD9B15 DEF2FD46 E0AE9B87 DEF2FD42 C8AE4129 DEF2FD4E E0AF9BE6 Start Game With 99 Small Medipacks DEF2FD4A E0AD9D89 DEF2FD56 E0AE9B87 DEF2FD52 C8AE4129 DEF2FD5E E0AF9BE6 Start Game With 99 Large Medipacks DEF2FD5A E0AD9B18 DEF2FD66 E0AE9B87 DEF2FD62 C8AE4129 DEF2FD6E E0AF9BE6 Infinite Ammo & Bypass Ammo Check DE8FFFCE E0B09B8C DE8FFFCA 5ED09BB5 DE8FFFD6 C4AD7591 DE8B96AA C4AC9A77 Must use Infinite Ammo & Bypass Ammo Check code to use the following Always Use Gun 13 FEBD9D5A BCA99B90 Always Use Riffle FEBD9D5A BCA99B8F Always Use M9 FEBD9D5A BCA99B8E Always Use Shotgun FEBD9D5A BCA99B8D Always Use Gun 09 FEBD9D5A BCA99B8C Always Use Gun 08 FEBD9D5A BCA99B8B Always Use Double Guns FEBD9D5A BCA99B8A Always Use Gun 6 FEBD9D5A BCA99B89 Always Use Gun 5 FEBD9D5A BCA99B88 Always Use Gun 4 FEBD9D5A BCA99B87 Always Use Gun 3 FEBD9D5A BCA99B86 Always Use Gun 2 FEBD9D5A BCA99B85 Always Use Gun 1 FEBD9D5A BCA99B84 ///////////////////////////////////////// //PlayStation 2 Action Replay MAX Codes// ///////////////////////////////////////// Mastercode BNY7-BMZU-927GP EM3Q-DQBT-26PWB QFRK-FRBV-WV87Z PQE6-X5Q9-9DD03 T6TP-N157-NC4E1 0524-79CE-NRJHK ZCJB-4AGW-99G0Y FJ1T-Y9BJ-8DF9G BR2H-6NJJ-6UZQW TYDJ-TJ53-QWPUY WDNM-FH3W-QGYTX 1N4A-WUC4-JXY6V X95P-YJUQ-313P9 4KR3-7K7D-C27N1 Mastercode (Alternative) D03U-WNJT-QMPQ3 EM3Q-DQBT-26PWB Infinite Health H95E-5Y8M-R8HA7 2EUM-9H0W-DDE7H Infinite Health (Alternative) KVBF-7F7A-HBENK 9BG2-Y97U-Q3266 TPDA-K1BH-0YAC6 Infinite Health (Alternative) RD5G-QVR3-2XDV3 3R4M-0X99-KWX5U KANZ-MBU9-4G0V8 8VDW-XJ77-4M6N7 4P5N-1ZG5-F18WW FYA5-FUTT-A8T0E 1 Hit Kill (Use with Infinite Health) 9DY6-JHKJ-8JFTR 8XDA-T9VZ-20DHV UX1Q-KG2Y-0ME11 JJW4-201P-HBUT9 4HW1-9ZQR-KGVNU KP6M-DG4Y-NVB5B T5GU-HHFM-PTQJN Disable AI JFZ8-25G8-0EMRJ Z4YW-P9HD-9QZUZ Lots of Blood K51B-13YH-7RNTK 2A0M-45UG-2XZGZ Large Explosions and Blood K84F-11E8-MFG87 9CCG-HUT0-P27T7 Infinite Strength 46PA-WUW2-V86PC TF4U-TG01-AJP5U Max Strength 92XV-55PZ-H8PU0 JMTT-J5FP-KVP10 Infinite Grip RNKN-2WR0-Z1FNV XQF7-AGAU-12PXJ Infinite Grip (Alternative) W6N7-CG8H-B31QU TF4U-TG01-AJP5U Infinite Oxygen PWUQ-XNY2-YGNF4 4M4P-5JF0-V8XEG Infinite Money 88YK-3ZJ8-F93EF QUWB-84PT-GQ5M0 Max Money WHWV-4RUU-N5GCG PJY7-TJ11-RBT9N Super Jump 9HRH-48DW-39H1T H9PG-N4A4-VXBTK Ultra Jump ZXYG-QGZE-2K4AF V71R-PZPV-1710C Super Ultra Jump NEKH-GNJN-WR7K8 GW5K-2QU8-QF7QD Super Running Jump BK9H-20MG-543RN VC8Y-ZH0E-Y66GJ Ultra Running Jump WHTU-Y6NJ-TDUNJ 5QBG-KMHV-RZEQ7 Super Ultra Running Jump KZFZ-41JF-30H5N ZXVY-FWNU-UKF0H Super Sideways Jump 0DG8-M1B7-4BDA2 5VPU-M5UX-5GAC6 Dont Lose Health From Falling 9UEQ-B0V0-ZAN8J 4TUJ-MVX6-3UZRP Enable Skip Level 6E30-C7AA-TJPW1 4A3G-VNPR-6RGD6 Enable Level Select 0FFE-602Y-7TV44 ETJ8-KG6Y-U5MPW Enable Skip Level & Level Select 2EJ1-7QCD-ZYPZ9 2DNU-Z4F3-6RPEQ Enable Debug Menu FTQU-ZREJ-4EJGD 6DNR-E0K9-AP26J Full Hyper Mode B6T3-XG78-XMFRN 7HG6-BNYV-E78K0 Hyper Running Only GNA6-0VKC-ZXK6G F960-K2TK-568HB AK25-G7EF-N875V Hyper Walking Only 9R5D-FYHN-XPH4R ERF2-Q1VN-U8QDT 2V8E-JKK1-4YFWF Gravity Modifier (3E00-4000) 1012AC28 0000???? Matrix Jumps (Hold Left on Directional Pad for low gravity) QXDB-0ZPW-N7V80 XZ2K-UYQ2-HCXM8 V92A-K91V-M0JF7 73DF-U3EB-51WUH W6V7-2YKV-GAN3J 2PCH-RWG1-808UH V2CZ-ZEHH-8THMM EMB0-FB33-0951Y GKAB-YZZH-T2XQZ 6G8X-HH3G-YD8AK 2DXJ-1EWV-GDBFA M7EW-5ZJY-FB667 Disable FMV VC9Y-GKV2-WCUCT 8EVW-5FJW-E967C Chest Size Modifier (00-09) 203E2E2C 000000?? 203E2E40 000000?? Infinite Item Usage JY1C-KX96-93BAT H61C-38RT-YN5TE Infinite Item Usage (Pawn Shop Items) 8F6W-0VV3-2B521 AEBJ-Y8ED-QWZJK Infinite Item Usage (Health Items) QQQB-ZRPM-PWFC2 UJFW-4Z4T-440WE Extra Items 0E1R-N4DB-K5PFX BNRK-J8YQ-PHMXG Use Item For Max Item (Health Items) AWV2-FRG0-U3QQJ 5KW2-M4PG-9YCCH Use Item For Max Item (Pawn Shop Items) 179T-HU3B-YG1VE QQ9K-36DG-ZH7HG Infinite Ammo 9M50-BQZT-FYKPD XGYD-QRXF-8BK07 ZE1P-2ZTR-VYU7T Infinite Ammo (Alternative) HBNB-WMVH-6U5DH K5WT-YEZQ-8HJY0 ZE1P-2ZTR-VYU7T Infinite Reloads 1EH4-RF40-CCYDT ZU9Y-M4VQ-N79J1 Max Reloads After Use CY35-1H24-PR3X0 YJUQ-61BD-65EY2 Rapid Fire Y02J-3YUD-2ZR92 CXAZ-5NUT-N387W 0QZ4-4QGT-ZGUF6 Quick Rapid Fire YQGR-XQEV-6ZG1G 5H6B-ZVJP-AYM15 HF6B-11HV-RVRAE Really Quick Rapid Fire MPVA-9K9D-78RK3 WYNR-KDUD-FQJMJ HF6B-11HV-RVRAE Walk thru Doors (L1+L2/R1+R2) AMP7-NC9Y-4A3BN QF7T-DMB0-4KW6Z TX2Q-MJN6-GBXJ2 CKEV-45Q5-B54NC 384B-4TY4-MDCKY Camera Modifier-Zoom In QKR6-279G-68XKC 588F-9B0H-WJT4C V5DU-1R7J-50UQB 8KVR-UVWB-GDGQR Camera Modifier-Zoom Out Q511-09R4-UKNNB 588F-9B0H-WJT4C V5DU-1R7J-50UQB 8J0E-6QPP-ZYAC8 Have Weapon 1 ATX9-Y7JY-JY4HZ B7JA-6196-VG3X0 GV4W-YNMR-ATF01 Have Weapon 2 CEPN-FA7E-6C523 04PN-VHCJ-Y9UT1 MWX1-VTPP-XERGB Have Weapon 3 0RKK-7UBR-64QRA EN7G-CF22-M8AJ4 TB5Y-JZKW-58XPE Have Weapon 4 BEDJ-9VM6-82E3C 6DHQ-68CZ-0D44X MA63-8EXV-7MTW7 Have Weapon 5 FJE3-0CGK-XKWKR 8M7U-VTVH-1QX3E W6RN-2GM3-NX7C3 Have Weapon 6 HDMH-HQK5-NG40W A0F9-V26U-A4QQ2 BT46-BZ2U-Z0XA0 Have Weapon 7 NJ19-WT29-9EB7Y 1V2Z-TE6W-5K3DM YPF5-YX29-H2EEZ Have Weapon 8 KFHR-M5KC-GCTRY XM6J-M87N-CYE99 E0HM-AV32-5DRNJ Have Weapon 9 U02H-12UR-ZF22F PUC4-MEPP-UDFHR 2DGN-88AX-N98UU Have Weapon 10 RD6W-040B-C9MQM 4R8T-4H0K-XRT1T 9VQB-RFCQ-2RK4R Have Weapon 11 ACD3-NAB1-U4BYP VF3G-K152-PGTN3 MDUG-HEX6-Z7Q27 Have Weapon 12 BX8Q-88XF-ZKR71 1MDH-KD89-X43N2 09NK-NGU4-EJBN4 Have Weapon 13 25JW-07R9-3E2UR QYXP-HM3N-KH8YM 3VJV-UJDE-663EY Start Game With M-V9 KZZD-JZ5E-WKE76 Y5YQ-JU2N-H9ZTD BQEM-CVG7-PHZDZ ABYU-2V7H-FZG3R WJ8H-63QD-C182A Start Game With Desert Ranger 42E6-J7RJ-2DD52 89PU-1Y1C-VDQDP CK9C-34HY-6FP86 F3WR-Z9YW-HEDYE Y2JJ-M1KP-87TYU Start Game With Pair Of Vector-R35's MFCC-W2X5-NPK92 HX4G-J4N5-96PHK XVK8-MUHH-KHEBV 1M6Y-VBDK-2B28H QY3B-8M0Y-BZRQV Start Game With V-Packer 4P6N-V6XG-P40D1 FNKY-H0EG-MNV85 BE6M-DR9X-193QV 7866-5Y74-7XT9M PD0Z-7XFG-7ZMVB Start Game With Rigg 09 XTYC-KVEC-BMFEW R5MW-1TU2-XKTYE RQUG-Z6CX-159WT 0Y5T-D03G-BG0TJ 9QPR-45WQ-218JM Start Game With Viper SMG RBBJ-FPMJ-2MADN 6HGD-ERTF-KQ741 4E9W-N0DH-UFJ8K EK53-XGN0-73UNB 7GMA-YM34-Q2ZF4 Start Game With Boran-X FN99-8EQE-20MNV 93XN-W9XP-W9GMN 214P-UGEX-T8MJD K3B9-1VDX-3H9UU 9VRN-QTGQ-ENE2G Start Game With 99 M-V9 Clips J2C1-A3VU-XDMU4 NERE-VXVJ-7R2X1 W8QF-DMKA-WRU3C C138-CNN0-3M87C XUYW-PE9J-WDEUV Start Game With 99 Desert Ranger Clips E61H-QBGE-TXRBB 45Z8-4QEB-8RHWQ TTVB-BEBB-Z5RZZ 9D64-JGGP-C9604 GNXF-N985-Q7PY0 Start Game With 99 Vector R-35 Clips T75C-CMKK-RZXZR C444-0U1A-4UWWK 2E8E-7P8M-1MKQ7 3GBH-JGVN-5FUZH Q7XW-4067-2Z93A Start Game With 99 V-Packer Standard Carts VZ7Y-X6BH-CP1CD YP2Q-0166-0Q8CA JTAC-KCU5-75GTY Y0CV-68CU-RAW3T J9UJ-JA65-EMUKJ Start Game With 99 Rigg 09 Clips AU1J-1XXY-R0WEZ E9RF-1GBD-XYB72 P9C3-J5YY-VE3XX MHJU-M18D-G0KCM FE23-W1JA-GWZ7Y 99 Viper SMG Clips 3GD5-KP6C-G3FB0 8RQY-CA9R-XN46B 6MD8-3TCJ-JAPWZ TXRK-5YWF-MPA09 D0WZ-V3CH-67DGA Start Game With 99 Boran-X Clips Y6FA-GVFH-3Z0Z4 MBCN-E5UZ-P6EAE 97NY-N82U-Y97X1 JEGQ-DZ99-F0EAU BK0X-27HZ-5C9AW Start Game With 99 Antique Doubloons NDV6-PRNN-XVHK3 ZYA3-YNK9-FREW7 3UV1-9QYZ-0YKEP 3HVK-42R0-FNYG4 EKYK-9NDT-VRVV5 Start Game With Crowbar AB2Y-ETQF-D133Y RMC3-U418-T3UDW PNRR-AF9Z-N5C4T J9YQ-3XBR-63KM3 XKZ7-X1JQ-J5FCY Start Game With Socket Spanner Y0B1-X7FX-UBKGT WWBN-P8P7-EY06Z WZ2G-5W2Z-TM3T1 1B4W-5A6Z-P799N 3Y0M-9DRY-C0R0B Start Game With 99 Chocolate Bars QRV0-M50V-GYKUW NZ41-RV10-NVE5B WHWT-WZGT-VHY6U VZ43-G5WV-VAK7M PBB1-J02G-NJWG1 Start Game With 99 Health Bandages FHNA-7RKZ-HX6FM UWTK-NF45-RQK0N CH0M-H9W0-UG15A RTG6-YQ1N-7HRKM 6KG6-AXQN-DN6R7 Start Game With 99 Health Pills QW8M-96R7-D0QRY Y9Z0-WZU2-1211Z EYGF-E35F-9Y8N7 M5PG-K7MX-ZJFH4 7VEZ-RW4B-XRGT6 Start Game With 99 Small Medipacks 247H-4V3Q-70UVV Y5C2-577Q-CMPU4 PKTA-YXPT-1GWYQ R8GG-9HNN-05Z5R CWPZ-KNHW-FW4DU Start Game With 99 Large Medipacks 3NKY-3R11-MRN15 VHU3-UV5V-TMFT6 W0UF-X5JT-9G2FE FH6Y-HRYY-DMZRX M4F7-NEE6-EZJAN Infinite Ammo & Bypass Ammo Check REGP-VCUX-UFQT3 YJAR-YH02-J1YQM PHCT-PHJ4-W72KV ZA45-YYAV-0D2KU MRUC-VK7H-UNAHB Must use Infinite Ammo & Bypass Ammo Check code to use the following Always Use Gun 13 51YU-DB9J-QAENA GH99-QP3H-HPR5D Always Use Riffle AQJ8-609A-F9YQ1 G7HK-338E-0CWBN Always Use M9 703D-1Z2Y-GYCKW JV0Z-KP14-0YDPE Always Use Shotgun TANY-EH2K-3WH8T A38H-6H6F-KEVZ9 Always Use Gun 09 5VPR-CG77-47NKA Q2NW-A9AN-U2EGJ Always Use Gun 08 JQPT-QAG9-KQ20P E3ZT-T3HZ-9KXH6 Always Use Double Guns QQGE-PD6E-1KETK ER8T-H54N-6GGCD Always Use Gun 6 7HEF-X39J-FK0MK Z35Q-WMAF-JV0WD Always Use Gun 5 YCK7-A5QK-RNUYD KU5F-U73V-06WJU Always Use Gun 4 N9E6-N1WW-QTHN6 R2FA-B790-BFWTJ Always Use Gun 3 UG8Y-VDYK-1XM7G 5PJ2-80Q4-VX6ZE Always Use Gun 2 RKR4-DNR5-HZX0P 6V57-XXRF-H6XZC Always Use Gun 1 0RCH-DW7M-1QZME TWV7-N9UC-UX7N5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Credit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is for all the people that have helped contribute to the FAQ. Thanks for helping. blue butterfly fairy88 - Finding hidden items in The Breath of Hades area. Neilsargeson - Alternate method to cross the Flame Sanctuary. StalkerX - Code Breaker Codes. Code Master - Code Breaker Codes. GameShark - GameShark Codes. Code Junkies - Action Replay MAX Codes. ladyhawke2 - Alternative way past lasers in The Strahov Fortress level. Sadieanne - Alternative way past lasers in The Strahov Fortress level. Headhuntress - Tips on defeating the Red Ghost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.7 - Added some hidden items found in The Breath of Hades area, thanks to blue butterfly fairy88. Version 1.6 - Added a new method for the Sanctuary of the Flame. Version 1.5 - Added codes. Version 1.0 - Finished the guide. Version 0.6 - Added more to the levels. Version 0.1 - Put together the skeletol structure of the guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Copyright 2005-2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is the hard work of me Alan Stupak (Brokaliv). And I don't want anyone to take this guide and rip it off. This document cannot be changed or altered in any way, shape or form. You are welcome to ask my permission if you would like this guide posted on your website. This document is for private use only. You are free to print it out but you don't have permission to sell it for profit. This document is not to be published in any form of media publication unless you have the permission of me before hand. The websites listed below have permission to have this guide published on their sites. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. That is all, thank you. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2005-2006 Alan Stupak If you would like to donate some money to help pay for my college funds please send some money to me through www.paypal.com at acstupak@yahoo.com thanks for the support. GameFaqs - www.gamefaqs.com Neoseeker - www.neoseeker.com Cheat Happens - www.cheathappens.com World of Gaming - www.wogaming.com The Genie - www.thegenie.net Gamers Hell - www.gamershell.com IGN - http://faqs.ign.com Cheat Planet - www.cheatplanet.com Gamer Help - www.gamerhelp.com Super Cheats - www.supercheats.com James Games - www.jamesgames.bravehost.com Cheat Codes - www.cheatcodes.com Ak GaMeS - www.akgames.20m.com Evermore Forums - www.evermoreforums.com Video games Australia - www.atari.com.au