PS2 Legaia 2:Duel Saga Accessory Walkthrough Version 1.30 Written by Cody Beasley aka OldSkool_Jester Copyright 2011 Legal Info This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Version Update v1.00 - Initial draft v1.10 - Corrected one minor error, added a few other basic combos (I mentioned to use a few Earrings that I had not specified how to make) and decided to add "Winning Dream Match Set Ups" section. v1.20 - Corrected a few more errors. v1.21 - Corrected a few more errors. v1.30 - Added Infinite Money tricks section, and upon doing so, realized that the first few sections of the Walkthrough will need to be completely revamped to accomidate the new capabilites that are possible. The recepies will remain, with my new findings added in with my current playthrough. More updates will be coming, and soon. v1.31 - Remembered to give credit where credit is due, as I had not mentioned that CouchPotato was the one who informed me of the early IMT. Table of Contents 1 - What's in this guide and how to read it 2 - Desirable Abilities and how to get them where you want them 3 - Leveling up Accessories 4 - Infinite Money tricks (new!) 5 - Accessory Walkthrough 5.1 - Darakin before Mt Gabel 5.2 - Darakin after Mt Gabel 5.3 - Darakin after Black Sun/Return to Mt Gabel (Kenjiro) 5.4 - Yuno 5.5 - Kravia/Tanza 5.6 - Darek's Haut after ThunderMine (Kenjiro) 5.7 - Phorchoon/Secret Market 6 - Winning Dream Match Set Ups (coming soon!) 7 - Final Thoughts 1 - What's in this guide and how to read it - Technically you don't have to have beaten this game before to use this guide. I only provide information on passing on desirable abilities when combining accessories, as well as a list of recipies I compiled through hours of pain staking research. - There will be no full lists of abilities or anything, those are already covered in the Accessory Combining FAQ by JungleJim. But, there is no in depth faq for ability transfer, nor any lists of recipies beyond the basics, so again, I have taken up the task, because this game is sweet and deserves it. - However, upon thinking that I had completed this guide, and only offering combinations that I had the means to make near the end of the game, I thought that it would be more complete to offer what I call an "Accessory Walkthrough", which essentially highlights what you can make with what you have access to at certain points of the game. So, after learning all that I have learned, I did another playthrough and listed my combinations as I progressed the game. Now, a lot of this does depend on your financial situation at the time, so to do what I suggest may take some extra fighting for a little more cash, or selling of collectibles and extra equipment. But, my point is that it is POSSIBLE to create these combinations at said point in the game. - Now, some abilities have long arse names, and with how much I will be using some of them, I'll provide a list of abreviations that will be used in this guide, so you can read it better and I don't have to kill my wrists by writing the same thing out a thousand times. - Ability - Abreviation - AP Cost Down 1 - APCD1 - AP Cost Down 2 - APCD2 - AP Cost Down 3 - APCD3 - AP Boost 1 - APB1 - AP Boost 2 - APB2 - AP Boost 3 - APB3 - HP Boost 1 - HPB1 - HP Boost 2 - HPB2 - HP Boost 3 - HPB3 - MP Boost 3 - MPB3 - Art Attack Up - ArtAtkUp - Str Boost 1 - StrB1 - Str Boost 2 - StrB2 - Agl Boost 1 - AglB1 - Agl Boost 2 - AglB2 - UD Boost 2 - UDB2 - LD Boost 2 - LDB2 - Hit HP Restore - HitHPR - Hit MP Restore - HitMPR - Hit Gold - HitG - AP Attack - APAtk 2 - Desirable Abilities and how to get them where you want them - Now, there are a few rules that come into play when combining accessories and passing on the desirable abilities. - The ability that you want passed on must be active in the accessory, gained through experience, unless you are trying to pass on the accessory's initial ability. There is only one exception to this rule. - If the ability that you want to move has already been moved at least once before, and is therefore not native to the accessory that it now resides, then it can be moved to a new accessory without gaining it first. However, you can only move it to a new accessory by combining it with another one that is HIGHER on the list. This way, you can keep moving the desired ability without leveling it up every time, but your options do become limited as to where it will pass on to. But, then again, sometimes it may take 4 or 5 transfers to get it into something decent, so keep trying out new things. - Some abilities are harder to transfer than others. For instance, even with a Tireless Ribbon with maxed out experience, and a full list of accessories to combine it with, you will have a hard time getting Max AP out into another accessory, let alone one where you would want it to be. - To ensure maximum possibilities, try to keep several of every available accessory on you at all times. Even late in the game, that Cool Jewel may seem like it's a piece of garbage, but combine it with a maxed out Life Giving Orb and you can transfer Charge Heal into a Hero Bangle! And that is just one example of getting a sweet ability out of an accessory with negative abilities. - I shouldn't have to say this, but always SAVE before playing with moving abilities around, so you can try a few things, and if they don't work, you can just start over again. It was this kind of trial and error that got my list to where it is today. - When playing around with ability transfer, always try to get the desired ability into the weakest thing you can, or the lowest on the list possible. That way, you will have the maximum number of options for moving it again without having to level to it again. But, this road can also be a dead end, so don't ever save any transfer unless you've got it into something you will keep. - When moving abilities, try not to get them into a Holy Badge, Gremlin Badge, or Extract Badge, as I have found time and time again that those 3 particular accessories are likely the end of the road for the desired ability's transfer, as there are few options above these, and I guess they just don't like passing things on for you. 3 - Leveling up Accessories - To level up accessories quickly, enter any battle with the accessories to level equiped as well as another one with the ability SKILL EXP. Skill Exp only works for the person it's equiped to, so you will need a few things with it. Now, kill the enemies down to one, and use Paralysis Draughts and Stun Draughts to keep the final enemy at bay, while defending the rest of the time. Every turn that passes will give you 2 more skill exp, so after 50 rounds or so, you can gain over 100 skill exp. Each party member will gain 1 skill exp for entering a battle, one for each kill, and one for each action, and Defend counts as an action. Double these values with the Skill Exp ability, and you will be leveling your accessories in no time. Stun Draughts and Paralysis Draughts are available in Tanza. - I know, I know, what about before Tanza? Well, the above is merely how you do it when you have all of the aforementioned items and abilities, so you can do it without Skill Exp, it will just take twice as long. Also, before you have access to the Stun and Paralysis Draughts, you're pretty much going to have to stand there and take whatever the last remaining enemy dishes your way. Using the defensive ability "Special Ability" on Maya will result in her healing the party for a small amount of HP if she defends, so this can help too. Having the Prevent Escape party ability will help if you are fighting super weak enemies, as some of them are smart enough to run away after a while. 4 - Infinite Money tricks (IMT) - Yes, thats right, infinite money tricks, with an s, meaning more than one. There is the well known IMT that is not accessible until the Secret Market is unlocked, but it was recently brought to my attention that there is an IMT you can abuse early in the game. It is time consuming, but for how early it can be done, it is just awesome... Here they are: - IMT #1 - This is well known, but I'm putting it in here for completion's sake. Once the Secret Market is unlocked, simply buy 99 Earth Dragon Wings for 1.2 million, then go to Jinga and trade them for 99 Sun Faulds. Go and sell those Sun Faulds for a massive proffit of about 2 million gold. Not too bad, you just need some cash to start it up. Yes, there's nothing like complete finacial freedom in a game like this where things get ridiculously expensive lol, this is a game breaker to me, but I never shy from abusing it thoroughly. It's just too easy. You can earn about 5+ million from the Centurion Challenge, if you've got 5-7 hours to waste, or you can make that much in 5-7 minutes. I think I've made my point lol. - IMT #2 - Ok, now this one gets a little more complicated and time consuming, but once you've done it a couple of times, it becomes a piece of cake, its still just time consuming. This is available as soon as you escape Doplin Castle with Maya, literally only 5 or so hours into the game. I'll lay it out here: - Step 1 - Buy even ammounts of the following: - Padded Jacket - 360 - Nohl Weapon Shop - Zuvel Fur - 100 - Darakin Junk Shop - Noth Rock - 120 - Darakin Junk Shop - Izumo Bronze - 150 - Darakin Junk Shop - Alma Iron Ore - 200 - Darakin Junk Shop - Gorum Hemp Cloth - 150 - Darakin Accessory Shop - Step 2 - Go to the Darakin Weapon Shop and combine all of the Padded Jackets into Leather Chests, using only the Noth Rocks, then combine all of the Leather Chests into Gorgeous Jackets using the other 4 materials purchased. Sell the Gorgeous Jackets for a modest proffit of about 80%. - Each Gorgeous Jacket costs you 1080g to make, and they sell for 1900g each. So, to max it out, it costs 106920g for 99 of each item, and the results will sell for 188100g, giving you an exact proffit of 81180g. At this point in the game, that is ridiculous, but its there, and it opens the door for much better accessories much earlier. Whereas before you could barely afford the ingredients for one Power Necklace here, now you can have many. And many other things too. - Now you can do this right away, and I did a few times, but I wouldn't go whole hog with it until you return from Mt Gabel with Kazan. That way you have 3 characters to equip and level your accessories with, plus you can perform this trick in your own camp once it is available, easily earning you the Blacksmith nickname in only a single go, since it counts as 198 combinations lol. Also, the accessories available at Darakin will have changed, so doing it once or twice early helps you to stock a few of the jewels that will soon become unavailable. But with the new ones that are available, the leash is off, go nuts I say. - There is a most fortunate byproduct of these tricks as well, as the more you do them, the more loaded your Point Card gets. IMT #2 will net you over 5000 points every time you complete it fully. This fact can be incredibly abused by Maya, since she cannot attack for some time. This makes her, or anyone, your ace in the hole so to speak, and is ESPECIALLY useful in the Mt Gabel Cave. 5 - Accessory Walkthrough 5.1 - Darakin before Mt Gabel - So, now you are finally able to combine your accessories. You should have at least a few by now, you did pick up a Pickpocket Charm in Gale Canyon, and if you were lucky, then you stole a Sharpshoot Charm from Elliot. Either way, the accessories you can purchase at this point are: - Vigor Charm - Poison Charm - Cool Jewel - Tiger Jewel - Chance Jewel - Power Jewel - So, you may not have all the cash in the world right now, but you most certainly could via IMT #2. Sell off a few things to get it started, and build your way up until you can do it fully. It is time consuming but so very worth it, as then you will be able to buy and make whatever you want for now. And, when you return from Mt Gabel with Kazan, you will want A LOT of cash, might as well get some right now. On top of that, with infinite cash already, you can always be optimumly outfitted with the best weapons and armor. - Even though this is your first chance to combine accessories, you can still make a few decent things already. Do be sure to pick up the VIP Card in Darakin, as you will be able to purchase more with it. Here are a few things you can make right now: - Vigor Charm + Poison Charm ---> Speed Charm - Speed Charm + Poison Charm ---> Sharpshoot Charm - Speed Charm + Vigor Charm ---> Venom Charm - Vigor Charm + Sharpshoot Charm ---> Pickpocket Charm - Power Jewel + Sharpshoot Charm ---> Vigor Charm* w/HitRateUp1 and High Power * This may take 75 skill exp to max out, but it has HPB1, HitRateUp1 and High Power all in one thing that only weighs 8. Early in the game, that can only be described as sweeeeeet... - Poison Charm + Pickpocket Charm ---> Jab Charm - Jab Charm + Sharpshoot Charm ---> Avarice Jewel* * The Avarice Jewel is the first thing you get that has Item Increase, which increases the amount of items you receive after battle. This will give you a lot more to sell when you need cash for more accessories (which is a somewhat moot point now with IMT #2, but more items is still always better than less) - Tiger Jewel + Vigor Charm ---> Armor Charm w/StrB1 - Cool Jewel + Sharpshoot Charm ---> Dodge Charm w/HitRateUp1 - Power Jewel + Tiger Jewel ---> Charge Jewel - Jab Charm + Speed Charm ---> Lucky Jewel w/AglB1 - Jab Charm + Venom Charm ---> Winner's Jewel - Charge Jewel + Winner's Jewel ---> Handmaiden's Ring* * The second ability on this is APCD1, but it does have MP Cut 1, so put it on Lang now, since he doesn't even have MP yet ;) - Chance Jewel + Tiger Jewel ---> Lucky Jewel w/StrB1 - Chance Jewel + Speed Charm ---> Flexible Charm w/AglB1 - Avarice Jewel + Vigor Charm ---> Pickpocket Charm* w/HPB1 and Item Increase * Wow! I can't believe this one takes 150 skill exp to max, and it may seem like a lot, but you've just put Item Increase into an accessory that weighs 8. That may not seem important now, but later in the game, when you want this ability on, (and you ALWAYS want this ability on) you can get it for the least weight possible. - Charge Jewel + Power Jewel ---> Feeble Jewel* w/High Power * The Feeble Jewel is the first accessory you get that has Skill Exp, and this is a VERY important ability. - So this is probably some of the best stuff you can make at this point of the game. The thing is, once you progress through the next few scenarios at Mt Gabel, the accessories you can purchase at Darakin change, making a few no longer available forever. They are: - Tiger Jewel - Cool Jewel - Chance Jewel - Power Jewel - You can however still purchase the basic Poison and Vigor Charms from Nohl, and you can make anything from these 2 base ingredients, it's just going to take more than a couple. I advise that you buy a few extra Cool and Tiger Jewels if you can before proceeding up Mt Gabel, as the Cool Jewels will be an important ingredient later on. If you can't afford them now, then just be sure to grab a whole bunch of Vigor and Poison Charms from Nohl before their shop changes, which isn't until a lot further in the game. - I don't mention the Chance and Power Jewels, as you can create them from accessories that you can purchase at the Secret Market, which, once available, will be your best source for accessories. On the other hand, using some soon newly available accessories with the Poison or Vigor Charms can get you more Cool and Tiger Jewels, so all is not lost if you can't afford more of them now. 5.2 - Darakin after Mt Gabel - So, now that we are done Mt Gabel, we now have some new accessories available in Darakin, so let's take advantage of this. There are a LOT of things that you could create here, if you had the cash... I wish you could easily access over 200 grand here, then we could REALLY make some sweet stuff, but unless you spend a few extra hours fighting, your going to have to live with the 30-50 grand that you've got. But, however, if you can spare 31800g right now, or make it happen, then you can make a Power Necklace. Now THAT is something you want, and getting it this early would be pretty sweet, no? Here's how you do it: - Venom Ring x1 - 3800g - Eagle Ring x3 - 12000g - Black Ring x4 - 12000g - Barricade Ring x1 - 4000g - Black Ring + Venom Ring ---> Valor Ring x1 - Black Ring + Eagle Ring ---> Wizard's Ring x3 - Wizard's Ring + Valor Ring ---> Banshee Bangle x1 - Wizard's Ring + Barricade Ring ---> White Bangle x1 - Wizard's Ring + Banshee Bangle ---> Beggar's Bangle x1 - White Bangle + Beggar's Bangle ---> Power Necklace - Now that wasn't so hard, now was it? I originally had a Power Necklace made for over 45000g, but upon futhur testing, I was able to come up with this method instead, whick as you can see, is MUCH cheaper. Yay me! Oh, here are some other things you can make at the moment: - Wizard's Ring + Eagle Ring ---> Bonus Bangle - Wizard's Ring + White Bangle ---> Adept Bangle - Poison Ring + Handmaiden's Ring - White Bangle + Lucky Jewel ---> Guard Ring - White Bangle + Banshee Bangle ---> Hero Bangle - Guard Ring + Venom Ring ---> Hero Bangle w/GuardUp2 - Bonus Bangle + Valor Ring ---> Armor Bangle - Bonus Bangle + Banshee Bangle ---> Hero's Necklace - Valor Ring w/APB1 + Handmaiden's Ring w/APCD1 ---> White Bangle w/APB1 and APCD1 - Beggar's Bangle + White Bangle w/APB1 +APCD1 ---> Power Necklace w/APB1 + APCD1 - Like I said, what you can make here all depends on your funds. Spending over 31000g to make one Power Necklace will likely leave you with little to no cash left. Just go fight a few battles in the sewers and you should have enough to grab a few pieces of equipment. Also, you should be able to upgrade some as well, and that's free, so take advantage! - Once you finish the sewers, you can pop up back to Darakin and upgrade more equipment, and of course, grab a few more accessories to make a few more things. You should have leveled up a few things now, so get out to camp and see if you can make anything worth it. I don't know what you have leveled up right now, I'm only suggesting things to make, so you will have to play around with it a little yourself. - Once again, once you are done the Kabel Ruins/Doplin Castle, you can go back and make some more stuff if you want. I would suggest that you save your cash since after the next few quick scenarios, you can buy much better accessories from Kenjiro at Darakin (or to put it more accurately, you will be able to buy a few new accessories, and able to buy some you could already make, but it's a lot cheaper to buy them outright if you can). 5.3 - Darakin after Black Sun/Return to Mt Gabel (Kenjiro) - Now, Kenjiro's selection is quite good right now, and will make it easier to make more Power Necklaces and even a Passion Necklace among other things. Now is when things really start to open up as far as accessory combining goes, and there are a lot of different ways that you can go about it. I will be listing many possible combinations, but unless you fight for a few extra hours, you will not be able to get all of them. Just take what you think will work the best for you. Also note that it is much easier to create Power Necklaces now because you can buy White Bangles, and it only takes 2 steps to make more Beggar's Bangles. Here are some things you can make: - Adept Bangle + Stone Bangle - Wisdom Bangle + Bonus Bangle - White Bangle + Assault Bangle ---> Hero Bangle - Bonus Bangle + Assault Bangle - Adept Bangle + White Bangle ---> Wisdom Bangle - Bonus Bangle + Stone Bangle - Adept Bangle + Assault Bangle ---> Banshee Bangle - Banshee Bangle + Adept Bangle ---> Beggar's Bangle - Stone Bangle + White Bangle ---> Armor Bangle - Wisdom Bangle + Hero Bangle - Wisdom Bangle + Banshee Bangle ---> Savior Necklace - Savior Necklace + Adept Bangle - Savior Necklace + Eagle Ring ---> Fugitive Necklace - Savior Necklace + Banshee Bangle - Fugitive Necklace + Beggar's Bangle ---> Nomadic Necklace - Savior Necklace + Fugitive Necklace ---> Babble Necklace - Power Necklace w/ArtAtkUp + Power Jewel ---> Guard Ring w/ArtAtkUp - Power Necklace + Valor Ring ---> Passion Necklace* w/APAtk * This will be your first taste of the "Full Power" defensive ability. It will be something that you will be using throughout the rest of the game, guaranteed. True, you can buy a standard Passion Necklace once you reach Yuno, but why not start working one up right now? And this one has APAtk as an added bonus. Should have called this the "Bonus Necklace" lol. - Power Necklace w/ArtAtkUp + Hero Bangle ---> Armor Bangle w/ArtAtkUp - Armor Bangle w/ArtAtkUp + Beggar's Bangle ---> Savior Necklace w/ArtAtkUp - Fugitive Necklace w/HPB3 + Barricade Ring - Fugitive Necklace w/HPB3 + Bonus Bangle ---> Savior Necklace w/HPB3 (and StrB2 of course) - Fugitive Necklace w/HPB3 + Winner's Jewel ---> Hero Bangle w/HPB3 - Savior Necklace + Fugitive Necklace ---> Ascetic's Orb - Power Necklace + Savior Necklace ---> Life Giving Orb - Power Necklace w/ArtAtkUp + Savior Necklace ---> Life Giving Orb w/ArtAtkUp - Power Necklace w/ArtAtkUp + Savior Necklace w/StrB2 ---> Life Giving Orb w/ArtAtkUp, StrB2 - Life Giving Orb w/Charge Heal + Cool Jewel ---> Hero Bangle* w/Charge Heal * Once again, this takes A LOT more skill exp to level up, 220 in fact. This will be an unescapable trend you will constantly run into when getting awesome abilities into things with low weight. - Power Necklace w/ArtAtkUp + Hero Bangle w/HPB3 ---> Armor Bangle w/ArtAtkUp + HPB3 - Power Necklace w/ArtAtkUp + Hero Bangle w/Charge Heal ---> Armor Bangle* w/ArtAtkUp + Charge Heal * And again, this will take 220 skill exp to max out. I know this takes quite a while to build up to, since you need 220 to activate Charge Heal in the Hero Bangle before creating this, but this is a solid accessory that's light, with a couple major abilities and some good supporting abilities, UDB2, LDB2, and ReverseHPDefense respectively. - So, those are a few things that you can make at this time. To make some of the more advanced accessories does take a bit of cash and leveling, but you will likely be spending a lot of time in the Forest Maze as it is, and should have no trouble gaining the levels required. Just don't expect to make all of them, lol. But, getting ArtAtkUp and Charge Heal/HPB3 into an Armor Bangle will likely benefit you for the rest of the game, having such good abilities in such light accessories. 5.4 - Yuno - Now that you've made it to Yuno, there are a couple more accessories you can purchase now. For instance, you could already make a Passion Necklace, but it was a little expensive. But here, you can just buy them, and they will be usefull ingredients. Since there are only 3 new things to buy accessory wise, there aren't a lot of extra things to make, but if you have a few bucks, you can start to make some more advanced stuff already. And once again, it is even EASIER to make Power Necklaces now. Here are a few things you can make: - Tough Necklace + Babble Necklace ---> Hero's Necklace - Hero's Necklace + Eagle Ring w/HPB2 ---> Hero Bangle w/HPB2 - Hero's Necklace + Hero Bangle w/HitHPR ---> Nomadic Necklace w/HitHPR (and HitG and APCD2 of course!) - Passion Necklace + Babble Necklace ---> Dream Necklace - Passion Necklace + Dream Necklace ---> Power Necklace - Savior Necklace + Babble Necklace ---> Life Giving Orb - Savior Necklace + Life Giving Orb ---> Holy Orb - Holy Orb + Armor Bangle w/ArtAtkUp ---> Passion Necklace* w/ArtAtkUp * Now this is something I use for the whole game. Taking care of Full Power and ArtAtkUp in a single accessory weighing only 13 can only be called one thing: priceless. - Hero's Necklace + Dream Necklace ---> Survival Orb - Well, that's not bad at all. For the few new things available, you can make some nice stuff. If you haven't leveled up a Life Giving Orb or two to farm out Charge Heal yet, then I highly recommend that you do. Having Charge Heal in later boss fights lets you just go all out with no concern for defense, because you have the Charge Heal backup. And, as you can likely tell by now, I am very offensive-minded when it comes to accessories. 5.5 - Kravia/Tanza - Ok, I know that there aren't any accessories to buy in Tanza, but there are a few side things to do to help you get more cash. I don't know how good you are at the mini games, but if you are, you can rake in a few bucks for sure. First of all, if you sidejumped and won in Nohl, (and if you seriously lost, then stop reading now) then you can now challenge Balzac in Tanza. Once he is defeated, you can sidejump against Dein back in Nohl. Once you beat him once, every win after will get you either a Boost Bottle or Ultimate Blessing. That isn't much of a money maker, but can net you some nice stuff. But... The real money maker is rice planting... So, if you have super human dexterity (like me), or are some sort of alien being, then you can consistantly get under 20 seconds against Pai Pai. If you can do this, then you can really cash in. She will mostly give you Restore Potions and Traditional Ramens, but sometimes she gives you one of several rare paintings, all of which sell for over 60000g. Ka-ching! Oh, but to even be able to face Pai Pai, you must defeat Terao in around 22 seconds or so. And contrary to some popular belief, you don't have to get a bumper crop to defeat Pai Pai, and I swear I've had a few "wins" when she finished a hair ahead of me, and I have won against her with times of just over 20 seconds as well. - Also, in Kravia is the Hunter's Guild. You can rake in a few extra bucks here too, but they are all one time deals. Run all the way to Derek's Haut, and you will open up a few more missions. The Gold Golem at Gale Canyon mission (90000g) is a real easy money maker early, and you get a free Gaia Blade as well when you complete it. Anywho, there are A LOT of things you can make now, but even with all the cash in the world, accessory combining will plateau once you get up to the first few badges, as you can't make anything higher yet. But, some stuff you can make is: - Doomed Necklace + Savior Necklace - Doomed Necklace + Savior Orb ---> Origin Orb - Fugitive Necklace + Dream Necklace ---> Hunter's Orb - Doomed Necklace + Plague Orb - Holy Orb + Hunter's Orb - Holy Orb + Plague Orb ---> Guardian Orb - Doomed Necklace + Saintly Orb - Savior Necklace + Fugitive Necklace ---> Ascetic's Orb - Saintly Orb + Savior Orb ---> Holy Orb - Origin Orb + Guardian Orb - Hunter's Orb + Ascetic's Orb ---> Prosperous Symbol (APCD3!) - Prosperous Symbol + Survival Orb ---> Ascetic's Orb w/APCD3, Anti-Plague - Prosperous Symbol + Babble Necklace ---> Ascetic's Orb w/APCD3, Anti-Seal - Ascetic's Orb + Origin Orb ---> Vampire Symbol - Ascetic's Orb + Holy Orb ---> Sage Symbol - Ascetic's Orb + Life Giving Orb ---> Gold Symbol - Ascetic's Orb + Guardian Orb ---> Seeker's Symbol - Origin Orb + Life Giving Orb ---> Last Hit Symbol - Prosperous Symbol + Vampire Symbol - Prosperous Symbol + Sage Symbol ---> Redeeming Symbol - Prosperous Symbol + Seeker's Symbol ---> Warlock Symbol - Vampire Symbol + Redeeming Symbol ---> Leech Symbol - Leech Symbol + Sage Symbol ---> Protection Badge - Leech Symbol + Warlock Symbol ---> Knockout Badge - Well, considering that you can only buy most necklaces and a few low level orbs, you can get pretty far right now. But once you get to the Protection and Knockout Badges, you can't really get any further. But, if you take that Knockout Badge... - Knockout Badge + Tiger Jewel ---> Beggar's Bangle* w/MPSiphon (as well as GoldSiphon and HitMPR!) * This can be a particularly nasty attack boosting item, as the "Siphon" abilities do stack up. They only take a very small percentage to begin with, but having HitMPR leaves you with most if not all of the MP you used to attack back at the end of battle. Use this combo with the Mad Triumph sword for Lang, which has HPSiphon and StrB2, combine with ArtAtkUp, and just watch the damage pile up. Yeah, it's probably utter overkill, but I like to kick as much arse as humanly possible ;) 5.6 - Darek's Haut after ThunderMine (Kenjiro) - Well, there's not a lot I can say. True, now you can buy 5 more accessories that you could not purchase before, but they are all easily created with the previously available ones. So, there are no new combos to really offer at this point. You're stuck with what you can make now, basically until you reach Phorchoon. So do some story and level stuff up, or just smash your way through with the sweet stuff you've already made. 5.7 - Phorchoon/Secret Market - Ok, welcome to the big leagues of combining, because now you can make pretty much any thing you want, providing that you have the cash. And since you will have access to an infinite money trick, that shouldn't be a problem at all. - To get access to the Secret Market, you need the nickname Craftsman, and then go talk to either Kenjiro at Darek's Haut, or Monjiro at Nohl. This will give you access to the infinite money trick. Just buy 99 Earth Dragon Wings, then go to Jinga and trade them for 99 Sun Faulds, then sell them. Proffit = near %300. Just be sure to buy 99 more EDWs before spending all of your proffits, or you will have to build up cash to start the process again. - If you complete the Championship Tournament, and obtain the Dragon, then the shops in Nohl will permanently change. So, this is your last chance to go stock up on Vigor and Poison Charms from there. It may not seem that important, but there are a few early accessories that you will not be able to access at all unless you have a few of these. Case point being, if you want another Hero Bangle w/Charge Heal, or to make it into another Armor Bangle w/Charge Heal, you are going to need a Cool Jewel, and the only way to get it after the tournament is if you have a bunch of extra charms from beforehand, as they will not be available after this point, as Cool Jewels haven't been buyable for a long time now. But the point is, if you don't have any Vigor or Poison Charms, then you cannot create any Cool Jewels once you pass this point. Note that you can carry up to 200 accessories in your inventory at a time, so an extra 10 of each should not be much of a burden for you, even if you are carrying at least one of each other accessory. - So, without further ado, here is my list of some nice things you can make now, since you have access to practically everything, as well as infinite cash. One more thing though, there are a few accessories that have multiple desirable abilities already, so getting another one or two into one of these is quite highly recommended. They are: - Gladiator Ribbons come with APCD3 and APB3, a clear win already. - Iron Wall Badges come with APCD2, APB2, and APAtk, all 3 being sweet abilities. And for leveling up purposes, Barrier is a nice little defensive ability that cancels all normal damage, and halves special damage. Not bad. - Armor Bangles come with UDB2, LDB2, and ReverseHPDefense, and only weighs 12. This is a nice low weight defensive accessory that you can easily slam a few nice abilities in to compliment it, as you have seen if you've read the rest of the guide. Since Power Necklace + Hero Bangle ---> Armor Bangle, you can easily get ArtAtkUp, plus whatever extra ability you can get into a Hero Bangle, into an Armor Bangle quite easily. As I have shown, HPB3 and Charge Heal are just a few examples. - Power Necklaces have APAtk, ArtAtkUp, and No Surprises, and are great accessories all throughout the game. Also they do like to pass on ArtAtkUp, so there are a lot of nice things you can make with this, even only half leveled, since ArtAtkUp is the 3rd ability on a 100 exp accessory (but you already knew all of that, right?) - Well, that was a bit of ado, to be sure, but here is the final list of what I have come up with, I promise ;). You may notice that some of these could be created before this point, but I just hadn't come up with them yet, I can't find EVERYTHING on the first try :P - Winged Ribbon + Healing Ribbon --->Muscle Ribbon - Winged Ribbon + Muscle Ribbon ---> Sagely Ribbon - Winged Ribbon + Sagely Ribbon --->Tireless Ribbon* * As I stated in Section 2, it is quite difficult to get MAX AP out of this. Seeing as though it has 3 other nice abilities, I'd leave it right where it is. - Sagely Ribbon + Muscle Ribbon ---> Arts Earring - Sagely Ribbon + Tireless Ribbon ---> Sureshot Earring - Sureshot Earring + Arts Earring ---> Getaway Earring - Sureshot Earring + Getaway Earring ---> Hermit's Earring - Holy Orb + Arts Earring ---> Iron Wall Badge w/ArtAtkUp and Absolute Hit* * Absolute Hit can sometimes be a detrimental ability, so be careful with this one, as it disables blocking for both sides. - Muscle Ribbon + Extract Badge ---> Gladiator Ribbon w/Full Power - Fugitive Necklace w/HPB3 + Extract Badge ---> Sage Symbol w/HPB3 (and MPB3) - Gladiator Ribbon w/APCD3 + Prosperous Symbol ---> Iron Wall Badge w/APCD3 - Gladiator Ribbon w/APB3 + Extract Badge ---> Iron Wall Badge w/APB3 - Gladiator Ribbon w/APB3 + Avarice Jewel ---> Nomadic Necklace w/APB3 (and APCD2) - Gladiator Ribbon w/Charge Heal +Venom Charm ---> Passion Necklace w/Charge Heal (and Full Power) - Dead End Badge + Knockout Badge ---> Alarm Badge w/MPSiphon, GoldSiphon - Ascetic's Orb w/APCD3 + Assault Bangle ---> Power Necklace w/APCD3 - Ascetic's Orb w/APCD3, SkillEXP + Gold Symbol ---> Hunter's Orb w/APCD3, SkillEXP - Healing Ribbon + Nomadic Necklace ---> Prosperous Symbol w/APCD2 (and APCD3) - Healing Ribbon w/MPB3 + Hermit's Earring ---> Winged Ribbon w/MPB3 (and HPB3) ** Ok, this one will be a 3 step combination, but you will only need to gain Charge Heal with the Healing Ribbon that you use in the first step. For the next 2 steps, Charge Heal will move on without any leveling required, as each time you will be using something higher on the list. I did tell you that it was possible to do this in section 2, so here is a prime example: 1 - Healing Ribbon w/Charge Heal + Avarice Jewel 2 ---> Dream Necklace w/Charge Heal + Gold Symbol 3 ---> Guardian Orb w/Charge Heal + Muscle Ribbon ---> Prosperous Symbol w/Charge Heal ** And, well, here is another example, but it only has 2 steps. Again, you only need to activate Charge Heal in the Life Giving Orb: 1 - Life Giving Orb w/Charge Heal + Leech Symbol 2 ---> Protection Badge w/Charge Heal + Arts Earring ---> Gladiator Ribbon w/Charge Heal 6 - Winning Dream Match Set Ups (coming soon!) - Ok, this sections will deal with winning set ups for the full Dream Match. Each character will have different set ups, since some have equipment that have necessary abilites. The only somewhat difficult battles are the 8th and 9th rounds, and round 9 (Stiel), is the one that we are really preparing for. You will need to make sure you have these abilities: - Full Power - No Double Attack - Anti-Stun - Max AP (or ArtAtkUp if you're feeling especially brave) - Anit-Critical (if you are slower than Stiel) - Charge Heal - Now, here are each character's individual set ups - Lang - - Having all of Lang's final equipment will give you 52 weight available, - Maya - Maya's second-to-last armor, the Shining Robe, comes with Anti-Stun, so you will want this. - Kazan - - Sharon - - Ayne - Ironically, Ayne's *insert proper axe here* has Anti-Stun, so you don't need to worry about that for Stiel. 7 - Final Thoughts - Well, that seemed like a lot of work, but it wasn't really that bad. I've played through this game probably 10 times now, and I've made notes here and there over those, but they inevitably got lost, so I was left to figure it out again every time. Funny thing is, I look at my old files (there's a few lol), and I see some of the accessories I'd managed to make before, and even after all this research, I still can't come up with how I did it. There are so many possibilities, so very many... I mean, you could move one single ability through 10 different accessories, and who knows where it could go from there. Granted, that is a little extreme, but I'm sure you see my point. - I hope you found this guide useful in some capacity. There are still endless combinations possible, and I do realize that this does not exactly cover any real defensive accessories. But, with a lot of this stuff at your disposal, you will likely find that you massacre almost anything before it gets the chance to annoy you with crap like Bewitch or Spellbind or Fear. Charge Heal is the only backup I feel necessary, especially since "dying" with Charge Heal is more like healing completely, removing ailments, and most importantly not losing your AP. - I will probably update this a few times soon after it's up, as I want to move on to other projects, and there is more that I can offer to this guide, it's just going to take a bit of accessory leveling, as you may imagine. I'll try to make a few defensive pieces, and I will be adding a section specifically on accessory combos to us to beat the Dream Match with each character. - Special thanks to JungleJim and his Accessory Combining Faq, I did reference it a lot when I needed to find alternate combos for specific things (if that even made any sense lol). - Special thanks to CouchPotato for informing me of the early Infinite Money Trick, and how it is now evolving our capabilities within the game. I cannot thank you enough, it has had me rediscover my love for this game, while at the same time exploiting it to no end lol. - If you have any questions on specific parts of the guide, you can email me at, but I am not the most vigilant at checking my email. You can PM over, as I probably check gamefaqs more than my email. FIN