$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ Legaia 2 Auction FAQ $ $ Version 1.0 $ $ October 21, 2002 $ $ Written by Philip Crociata $ $ Email: zaxapac@collegeclub.com $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ -Table of Contents- 1) Revision History 2) Introduction 3) The Auction 4) Credits, Thanks, and Legal Information -Revision History- 10/21/2002 - Created this FAQ -Introduction- The purpose of this FAQ is to hopefully help all of those people out there who are wondering what is available to buy from the auction in Phorchoon. I have gone through the auction so many times trying to get the Heaven's Secret (still have yet to) that I decided to make it a little more tolerable by writing this FAQ. It is also here to help those who are confused as to what certain items exactly are. The little graphics for them during the auction can be quite deceiving at times. -The Auction- So, you show up in Phorchoon with close to a million gold and you think to yourself, "If only there was somewhere to spend all this money..." Well, look no further! Welcome to the wonderful world of auction! Of course, if you do have that much gold, I would recommend first buying up the good armor, weapons and art scrolls from the battlegrounds and casino areas respectively. You can buy coins at 100G a piece in the casino, or you could just clobber your way through the Free Fight a few times for coins. The worthwhile armor and weapons are all of Lang's armor, Sharon's arm guard and leg guard, and Ayne's armor and weapon. Otherwise, everything in the auction is either better or cheaper. So after you've done that, head over to the auction and bid like crazy. A few pointers for the auction. If you are going to do this, you might as well do it right. Before you even think about going to the auction, make sure you have plenty of gold to spend. Trust me on this. Sometimes the computer will have a field day bidding and push the price up, up and away. This FAQ is written in hopes to remove that little problem from the equation. Secondly, the auction does follow a set pattern of items. By this, I mean that it has a set order in which the items appear. Just for ease, I started with my favorite item to bid on, Fruit of the Gods, and just continued on from there. Once you get to the last item on the list, it returns to the top and repeats itself. If there is a specific item that you are looking for (other than the Heaven's Secret), just Ctrl+F to search in this text for what you are looking for. Then, follow the painful process of sitting through auction after auction after auction... until that item comes up again. Odd little bit of info: Remember Lonatello? The noble you helped with that one quest you could take in Kravia? Well, he is here bidding on items as well. The interesting thing is, if you go up and talk to him in the room, his name is now put as Donatello. ^_^ Now, how to read this list. I'll break down each section for more ease of reading. Item Name - Exactly what it sounds like. It is the given name for the item that you are bidding on in the auction. Item Type - This is what the item is used for in the game. There are a few different types of items that the auction has. In no particular order: Fruits - These items are stat building items. Each one effects a different stat for the character you use it on. More on them later. Potions - These items are used for healing, reviving, or whatever else their stated purpose is. More on them later. For Battle - These are items I tend to never use. They are to be used only in battle and usually have temporary effects. Although the two they do sell here are rather good, I personally never use them. Materials - These are the components needed to make new items either at shops or in camp. If you are just getting to Phorchoon, more than likely you have not run into any of these materials yet. Do not worry though, most of them you will get plenty of as you progress through the game. If you do need that specific material right now though, buy it soon to beat those monsters even more effectively. Weapons and Armor - These, obviously, are new weapons and armor that you can equip on your characters. Out of the ones available, the only ones that are _not_ better than what you can get at the battlegrounds are the War Handguard, Iron Armbands, and Earth Axe. Everything else is the best you are going to come across this early in the game so buy them up! Artwork and Furniture - These items are by far the most useless. They are mainly for the collector in all of us, but have no real use. If you have the extra money and feel like redecorating your room in Yuno, then by all means buy all the furniture you want. Most of the artwork usually goes for a lot of money though and have no real game purpose other than to read their descriptions in the item menu. Starting Price - This is the price that Demetrius starts the bidding at. Ending Price - This is approximately how much the item will go for. As that implies, nothing is definite. You will have some that go for less and others that go for more. Usually, it is the more. I just put down the lowest price in thousands that I have seen it go for without bidding on it myself. If you personally are bidding on the item, expect it to be going for a lot more. I just bought the Earth Axe to see if it was better or worse than the Giant Flash Axe that you can trade coins for in the battlegrounds and ended up having to spend 107100. General rule of thumb though is that it will more than likely sell for at least double what the starting price is. Always be prepared to spend more, as I said before. On to the list: Item Name Item Type Starting Price Ending Price =-------------------------------------------------------------------= |Fruit of the Gods | Fruit | 10000 | 24000 | | | | | | |Morning Glory | Artwork | 60000 | 123000 | | | | | | |Earth Axe | Weapon(Ayne) | 43000 | 88000 | | | | | | |Palatial Bed | Furniture | 20000 | 40000 | | | | | | |Fargoh Cloth | Material | 7000 | 14000 | | | | | | |St. Joprian's Cup | Artwork | 46000 | 93000 | | | | | | |Leaf of Stamina | Fruit | 2000 | 5000 | | | | | | |Dimension Linker | Furniture | 27000 | 60000 | | | | | | |Thunder Shoes | Armor(Kazan) | 35000 | 75000 | | | | | | |Monster Fossil | Artwork | 40000 | 73000 | | | | | | |Black Opal | Material | 6000 | 14000 | | | | | | |Ephemeral Hopes | Artwork | 70000 | 115000 | | | | | | |Sage's Handbook | For Battle | 2000 | 5000 | | | | | | |Kodama's Bonsai | Furniture | 8000 | 16000 | | | | | | |Wiseman's Socks | Armor(Maya) | 30000 | 60000 | | | | | | |Rozmed Tablet | Artwork | 45000 | 93000 | | | | | | |Leaf of Defiance | Fruit | 1500 | 3000 | | | | | | |Count Rembreau | Artwork | 80000 | 111000 | | | | | | |Chabu Liquid | Material | 600 | 2000 | | | | | | |Hanging Scroll | Furniture | 10000 | 17000 | | | | | | |Saint's Garb | Armor(Maya) | 48000 | 105000 | | | | | | |Filot Plate | Artwork | 30000 | 63000 | | | | | | |Merchant's Soul | For Battle | 2000 | 4000 | | | | | | |Lady Chelsey | Artwork | 80000 | 161000 | | | | | | |Cursed Shadow | Armor(Kazan) | 45000 | 86000 | | | | | | |Tekecha Plant | Furniture | 3000 | 7000 | | | | | | |Force Crystal | Material | 5000 | 11000 | | | | | | |Mysterious Clock | Artwork | 30000 | 60000 | | | | | | |Goddess's Blessing | Potion | 8000 | 16000 | | | | | | |Flower in Buraje | Artwork | 80000 | 147000 | | | | | | |Thousand Saga | Weapon(Lang) | 39000 | 76000 | | | | | | |Shigezo's Bonsai | Furniture | 30000 | 57000 | | | | | | |Orhalcon Stone | Material | 10000 | 21000 | | | | | | |Rosanne's Clock | Artwork | 35000 | 63000 | | | | | | |Leaf of Vigor | Fruit | 1500 | 4000 | | | | | | |Cabey River | Artwork | 50000 | 91000 | | | | | | |Wonder Bikini | Armor(Sharon) | 60000 | 113000 | | | | | | |Dolpheii Forever | Artwork | 100000 | 194000 | | | | | | |Holy King's Gem | Material | 6000 | 12000 | | | | | | |Particle Monitor | Furniture | 21000 | 44000 | | | | | | |Goddess's Miracle | Potion | 12000 | 24000 | | | | | | |Diamond Ring | Artwork | 36000 | 66000 | | | | | | |Night Striker | Weapon(Sharon)| 50000 | 85000 | | | | | | |A Meal with Romleo | Artwork | 55000 | 108000 | | | | | | |Inscribed Sword | Furniture | 8000 | 17000 | | | | | | |Leaf of Mysticism | Fruit | 2000 | 4000 | | | | | | |Wretched Ponelot | Artwork | 60000 | 104000 | | | | | | |Golden Dragon | Artwork | 25000 | 48000 | | | | | | |Iron Armbands | Armor(Ayne) | 36000 | 83000 | | | | | | |Rixelian Plant | Furniture | 5000 | 10000 | | | | | | |BlackDemon's Heart | Material | 12000 | 19000 | | | | | | |Statue of Arkuslam | Artwork | 43000 | 85000 | | | | | | |Angels' Miracle | Potion | 5000 | 8000 | | | | | | |Degenerate Reality | Artwork | 60000 | 118000 | | | | | | |War Handguard | Armor(Lang) | 23000 | 43000 | | | | | | |Venus | Furniture | 3000 | 6000 | | | | | | |Raw Alexandrite | Material | 2500 | 5000 | | | | | | |Gem-Covered Dress | Artwork | 36000 | 77000 | =-------------------------------------------------------------------= Now let me explain some of the better items that you can get out of this: Fruit of the Gods - The almighty stat increaser. Use this on a character and every stat will increase by one to four points. (If any of you are confused, by stats I mean the seven main points of your character. These include strength, agility, charisma, intelligence, mental power, and upper and lower defense as shown on the characters status screen.) These are something I do not pass up when going through the auction. I usually pay about 26000G and they are definitely worth it. Leaf of Stamina - Increases your max HP. Usually increases by about ten, but I have had it increase by twelve before. Leaf of Defiance - Increase both your upper and lower defense. Not a very big boost, but still nice all the same. Leaf of Vigor - Increases your strength a little. Nice to use on your heavy hitting characters to deal out more damage. Leaf of Mysticism - Increases your max MP. Usually increases by about five. Goddess's Blessing - Restores 70% of HP and MP. Angels' Miracle - Revives any downed allies and restores 50% of HP. Goddess's Miracle - Revives any downed allies and fully restores HP. Sage's Handbook - Doubles the amount of experience you gain for that battle. Merchant's Soul - Doubles the amount of gold you gain for that battle. -Credits, Thanks, and Legal Information- This document was created solely by me, Philip Crociata. You can email me with any questions that you might have about this FAQ, or if you could possibly inform me as to a sure method to get the Heaven's Secret from the auction. Your help will be recognized. Thanks go out to: Fresh Games by Eidos for making a wonderful follow up to the first game, not to mention quite a few other good games. Keep them coming guys. GameFAQS for posting this inane yet useful FAQ (I hope). My utter boredom with the auction for causing me to write this FAQ. This document is copyrighted under US and International Laws by the author, Philip Crociata. It is intended for private use only. Any attempt to alter this document and claim it as your own work is in violation of the law. Violators will be persecuted. This FAQ can be found at the following locations: GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com If you would like permission to show this FAQ on your site, email me and I would be more than happy to help. If you post this FAQ on your site without my knowledge, at least make sure to give me credit or action will be taken against you. Copyright 2002 by Philip Crociata