LEGAIA 2: DUEL SAGA FOR PLAYSTATION 2 HEAVENS SECRETS GUIDE WRITTEN BY NATHANMG (TIGER90125@AOL.COM) LLL EEEEEEEGGGGGGGGEEEEEEENNNN NNDDDDDDD LLL EEEEEEEGGGGGGGGEEEEEEENNNN NNDDDDDDDDD LLL EE GG EE NN NN NNDD DDD LLL EE GG EE NN NN NNDD DDD LLL EE GG EE NN NN NNDD DDD LLL EEEEEEEGG GGGGEEEEEEENN NN NNDD DDD LLL EEEEEEEGG GGGGEEEEEEENN NN NNDD DDD LLL EE GG GEE NN NN NNDD DDD LLL EE GG GEE NN NN NNDD DDD LLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGEEEEEEENN NNNNDDDDDDDDD LLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGEEEEEEENN NNNNDDDDDDD OF LEGAIA 2 This Guide is Copyright (C) Nathanmg (my glorious self) I thank all those in my special thanks section Version 1.52 *Table Of Contents* 1. Version history 2. About the Guide 3. The Heaven's Secrets a. Nohl HS 1 b. Nohl HS 2 c. Yuno HS 1 d. Yuno HS 2 e. Kravia HS f. Tanza HS g. Darek's Haunt HS h. Phorchoon HS 2 I. Jinga HS 1 J. Jinga HS 2 k. Supreme Weapon Shop HS l. Ultimate Armor Shop HS m. Gordinar Island HS n. Demiurge Tower HS 1 o. Demiurge Tower HS 2 4. Sidejump strategies 5. Furniture list 6. Hunters Guild quests 7. Crop planting strategies 8. Knife throwing strategies 9. Phorchoon arena strategies 10. Centurion challenge battles 11. Lang's nicknames 12. a. Lang's recipes b. Ingredients 13. Wanted Stuff 14. Special Thanks 15. Closing 1. **************Version History************** ------------------------------------------------------- 31st January 2003 - major change, found out that auction version 1.62 HS doesn't exist and replaced it with the HS that was left out. ------------------------------------------------------- 16th December 2002 - Added strategy for beating Stiel version 1.52 ------------------------------------------------------- 9th December 2002 - Added sections for all minigames version 1.5 that need one, completed the section on hunters guild quests, updated my special thanks and changed minor mistakes. Also added a sub section to the recipe lists: ingredients. ------------------------------------------------------- 8th December 2002 - Put Lang's nicknames in a version 1.2 seperate section as well as the furniture list, also added section on the centurion challenge battles. ------------------------------------------------------- 7th December 2002 - Walthrough complete with version 1.0 help on getting the furniture, nicknames and a section on Lang's recipe list has been added. Special thanks and wanted information updated. ------------------------------------------------------- 4th December 2002 - Walkthrough is version 0.5 Basically done with small (not published in exception of the two in gamefaqs) demiurge tower. Without much depth or major detail. ------------------------------------------------------- 2. **************About the Guide************** ------------------------------------------------------- Well basically I spent ages Finding the location of the Heavens Secrets and still, I have trouble looking through everything trying to get the locations when i forget. So I decided To make a Guide to all of the Heavens Secrets. Mainly to help others who have trouble with finding them. When complete this guide may most probably be in very fine detail, for example when you need to do certain things like collecting nicknames I will add a section on all of the nicknames. I have a wanted section at the bottom where I will add wanted info such as better detailed descriptions of such minute details as nicknames. Well enjoy reading :P Oh and before I forget I will write this once more This Guide is Copyright (C) Nathanmg (my glorious self) If u wanna use this guide on ur site (as many peeps want the heavens secrets info then just email me id prob let ya, as long as I get proper credit. ------------------------------------------------------- 3. **************The Heaven's Secrets************** ------------------------------------------------------- WELL HERE WE R THE GUIDE U'VE BEEN WANTING TO READ. Before i start i apologise for any inacurrate information im sorry but if u would be kind enough to email me of my mistakes and i will update the guide (if enough noticeable mistakes are found). So here you go. A. ++++++++++++++Nohl HS 1++++++++++++++ A fairly simple task, remember the Pedometer you recieved from the item shop at the begining of the game? Well as soon as you have marched around for a total of 50,000 steps or more trudge back to Nohl, Storm in the item shop and brag about ur journey and u will be rewarded with ur prize (or in other words talk to her go to leave and she'll give u the Heavens Secret) There is'nt anything else needed to be explained about this so I'll leave it at that. right well thats one down another 14 to go. B. ++++++++++++++Nohl HS 2++++++++++++++ Again fairly simple but unfortunately not as easy a task as the previous one, Despite this you can complete this task in less time than the previous one. Firstly you have to do a bit of sidejumping........ yes that thing that seemed to be easy but is not when it comes to getting the HS. Right so firstly U need to beat Maxell, this is the person who u will see standing by a house to the left of the entrance to Nohl. He will be there as soon as u get to Gale canyon. So whenever you feel like it go over to him and whip his butt hes very easy with a target of 20 to beat, at this point you may jus beat him by a bit but nevertheless u shoodnt have a problem. U will recieve the nickname 'Sidejumper' Next you will have to make your way to Tanza by the wall of the lone house to the right of the entrance you will see two people, one of which is Balzac. Talk to him to initiate the sidejump minigame, again he shoodnt pose much of a threat if you have been practicin or if you managed to easily get 40-50 against Maxell, well just get sumfing in the mid 40's and you should be able to beat him. Another nickname 'Sidejump Hero' is aquired. Finally we return once more to Nohl....... go towards your ummm house or mansion woteva it is and you will notice sum1 2 the right, y isnt that? yes it is, its Dein. well go up to him and talk to the grumpy b****rd, now once more for a final time you will need to sidejump (when i say once more i dont include the many times you will probably try again as it can be very hard.) Beat this insane pest (who'd be proud to be called a crab?) and you will recieve the nickname 'Sidejump King' and a Heavens Secret. See the section on Sidejump Strategies for help. Bloody hell if u think that was difficult some of the others are even worse, although i will tell u as reasurrance many are much easier to do but are time consuming. ok 2 down 13 more to go. C. ++++++++++++++Yuno HS 1++++++++++++++ Not much to describe here........ get all 30 pieces of furniture and show maya and bingo another Heavens Secret. This will involve gettin many from the auction, 4 from Kravia in the machine inside the hunter's guild and maybe some from other places. See furniture section for a list of them. thats the 3rd HS recovered D. ++++++++++++++Yuno HS 2++++++++++++++ Originally there was a rumoured auction heaven's secret, that was a false rumour and this HS was not found. now we know it. What we do is arrange the room so as Maya likes it, do this and she will present you with the HS that shes kept hidden somewheres for no apparent reason. Arrange the room by putting these pieces of furniture in: Futon Bedding Diamond Temple Hanging Scroll Tatami Mats Wooden Table Jinjaro Plant Tekecha Plant Shigeza's Bansai Rixelian Plant Kodama's Bansai Donjak Meow Kitty After this quit and Maya gives it to you. thank god that was cleared up and thank you to RPGMaster for this information. E. ++++++++++++++Kravia HS++++++++++++++ Another one where I cant exactly give to much description without providing information that I will be adding in a later update. Basically complete the Hunter's guild's quests, in order to do this make sure you have travelled to demiurge tower and beaten the first boss, then you will have access to all of the quests. After this simply do them all, in addition to the HS you will receive a further two nicknames 'Iron Hunter' and 'Guildmaster'. See my section on Hunter's Guild quests for help. Ok so you now have 4 of the 15 (unless you have been collecting those yet to come) time to move on. F. ++++++++++++++Tanza HS++++++++++++++ This can be considered as the hardest HS to aquire other than one which requires the nickname recieved from this one in order to get it. Right so you've been in Tanza and you've seen and most probably challenged that guy to a crop planting contest. Now you have to really whoop some crop planting A**E, beat this geeza with a time of about 22 seconds with a bumper crop (no mistakes) and he will praise you and tell you to try giving Pai Pai a match. Go to the girl at the stall who chops invisible food with her hand (she wears sum japanese clothing), go round the back of her stall and challenge her to a match. Now here is the difficult part (On a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the hardest this is 11) most people either give up on this or use a programable controller (Mad Cartz 2 or something) to beat this tough b**ch. Well the time requirement to do this is under 16 seconds, yes 16 SECONDS, I guess u'll be off to buy that controller about now. Newayz beat her to get the HS from what I have heard you dont need bumper crop but then again if u make a mistake 16 seconds is almost impossible to achieve (it is newayz but hey). Well there you go another one under the hat (thats wot they say right?) Oh and u get the nickname 'God of Rice' See section on Crop planting strategies for help Your a third of da way there now 5 of the 15 set. time for number 6 G. ++++++++++++++Darek's Haunt++++++++++++++ Ohk simple, Go here and play some darts (well knifethrowing but its the same principle) Now its not too difficult if u've got patience, a hell of a lot of patience, more patience and timing. Once u have that achieve a score of 50,000 or more, this is about 30-35 throws with a bullseye for each throw in a row. After this you will have yourself another beautiful Heavens Secret (got to find a pic of one) and a new nickname sumthing like 'knife master'. There easy but as ive said takes time (actually its the first time i said that aint it?) See section on Knife throwing strategies for help Ok so your getting stressed as this is taking way too long but be calm the weapons and armour you can make are worth all the hassle. You have your 6th ready for lucky 7th? H. ++++++++++++++Phorchoon HS++++++++++++++ Hmm remember Stiel? Some of you may have faced him in the battle arena while in a championship mode and others in one of the Hinter's Guild quests. Well now you need to beat him again. Firstly as far as I can gather you need to get to demiurge tower, have completed the guild quests and have access to dream match in the battle arena. Once these requirements have been met, time to have some battles. Right well continuosuly fight in Dream match untill u face Stiel as the final fight, then beat him. Sounds Simple but its easier to say than do. Stiel has been estimated to have about 1.4 million HP so train hard and fight with all your strength (use mystic arts a couple of times when your stong enough). This will award you with HS when u succesfully beat him. So good luck See the section phorchoon arena strategies for help Right so your feeling proud you have 8 of this material and can already make many good weapons and armour, still want more? course u do. I. ++++++++++++++Jinga HS 1++++++++++++++ Hmm remember that Centurians challenge? at the back of the elders room? Well Go there and beat the thing. There are 100 battles to do and this can take a few hours, even at high levels. So make sure you have good stuff equiped (prevent status effects such as paralyze as well as strong weapons). Now once your confident (you really must be in high levels such as 70's for a good chance) then go fight. 3 hours or so later you have yourself a load of items and experience, then teh elder gives u a shining new nickname 'Wander Fighter' and your 9th Heavens Secret See the Centurain battles section for the fights you will encounter here. Yay more more more hehe hehe :P ohk well moving on....... J. ++++++++++++++Jinga HS 2++++++++++++++ Well remember the nickname person in Jinga? In the elders room? well shes commonly known as the jinga namer. Newayz U must now collect many nicknames for Lang (all of them) yes thats right all of them even the dreaded 'God of rice' Ok so once you have (or if you have) all 45 nicknames pop off to the jinga namer and ask for a new nickname. You will recieve the name 'He of many names' and your 10th HS. See the lang's nickname section on to see how to get all these nicknames Now we're gettin sumwheres we are 2 thirds of the way now only 5 to go. K. ++++++++++++++Supreme Weapon shop HS++++++++++++++ Ok well if you already have all the nicknames then simply go talk to Kenjiro (the peddler who on the Blood Hawk in Darek's Haunt) make sure you have already been to demiurge tower and he will reveal the secret place known as the Supreme Weapon shop, if you havent been collecting the nicknames, go to camp (must be in camp) and combine 30 weapons (buy some cheap ones from Darakin Citadel materials are easy to buy) once you've done this u will recieve tha nickname 'Swordsmith' now you can talk to Kenjiro. Ohk so now your off to the Supreme Weapon shop, befor you buy any weapons talk to the shop keepers "friend", they will tell you about their Heavens Secret and will seel it to you for 1 million. no further help is required here Well there we go yet another HS collected bringin our total to 11 fancy another? L. ++++++++++++++Ultimate Armour shop HS++++++++++++++ Again very similar to the last one, this time combine 30 pieces of armour (in camp remember) to get the nickname 'Blacksmith' now off to Nohl once more to talk to Monjiro (peddler by your place) remember to have visited demiurge tower at least once. Now talk to him and he will reveal the location of this brilliant shop Again go to this new shop and buy the HS of the shopkeepers m8. again no further help is required Well I c 12 rare items in my pocket wonder whether more shall come my way? let us c. M. ++++++++++++++Gordinar Island HS++++++++++++++ Now this is Sharon's father's Legacy, a cave with crap in it. Although among the crap we find our 13th HS. So after Finishing with retrieving your last rare stone thing (the wind one) head back to Darek's haunt. Clamber aboard the ship and talk to the blokes near the wheel. After a chat agree to help them when its all over. For this you will recieve a Star bandana. With this in possesion head to Sharons room, as we are all insane we are going to have a conversation with her parrot. After waffling about the weather and hours of parrot talk (i am joking if u dont wanna sit by ur screen for a few hours talkin to a bird), the bird tells you about an island Sharon hears and exclaims its Gordinar Island. Right so your heading to the island and arrive at its shores, collect the chest f u wish and enter the cave, collect the crap I mentioned return to the intersection and go right, on the left wall of this passage is a small aclove with a chest inside, containing you Bounty you HS once more no further help required Ok so we have 13 now and 2 more remain off to demiurge tower we go. N. ++++++++++++++Demiurge Tower HS 1++++++++++++++ These HS within the tower are the most simple to get as it simply involves opening a chest. From the beggining of the tower; Go down the slope on the right and into the cave. Follow the passage north onto the elevator, follow the passage out of the cave and into another. Follow this passage to a ladder in the wall, go up it and follow the passage to the left to get to the chest containing the HS Further help not applicable One more to go for the collection to be complete O. ++++++++++++++Demiurge Tower HS 2++++++++++++++ From the location of the first Demiurge HS; Go around to the right to another elevator, follow the next passage around the spiral and continue and take the second right turn, following this to another elevator. Continue heading into the tower untill you get to a crossroad with four directions to choose from (including the one you came from), go down and out of the cave, follow the path to another cave and follow to an elevator. Go forwards and take the first left (the only left), this leads to 2 chests, one of which is the final HS no extra help needed here either At last your collection of Heaven's Secrets should be complete (unless you did these in a different order.) ------------------------------------------------------- 4. **************Sidejump strategies************** ------------------------------------------------------- There are not many stategies for this, the one that I use is to put one thumb on each stick and to move them towards and away from each other simultaniously. In other words move them towrds each other then away from each other. Like this first move them like this then like this --> <-- <-- --> Repeat this as fast as you can, oh and try not to look at the screen as it usually breaks your concentration. ------------------------------------------------------- 5.. **************Furniture list************** ------------------------------------------------------- Heres a list on the furniture aquired throughout the game: Meow Kitty--from the item machine in Kravia (In Hunter's Guild) Superhero Tinio--from the snowman building kid in yuno after a quest Donjak--Not sure but I think its automatically aquired Ponpon--I think from phorcoon, but you can get it from the planting game too Big Bear--Phorchoon casino coin exchange Dimension Linker-- Buy it in Phorchoon auction Venus--Buy it in Phorchoon auction Rixellian Plant--Buy it in Phorchoon auction Inscribed Sword--Buy it in Phorchoon auction Particle Monitor--Buy it in Phorchoon auction Shigezo's Bonsai--Buy it in Phorchoon auction Tekecha Plant--Buy it in Phorchoon auction Jinjaro Plant--from the kid of Kazan's drinking buddy after a hunter's guild quest Whimsical table--Kravia item machine (In Hunter's Guild) Obsidian table--Buy it in Phorchoon auction Wooden Table--From roulette in Phorchoon Tatami Mats--bought in Darakin Citadel Pink Carpet--casino coin exchange and from the planting game Tiger skin rug--Kravia item machine (in Hunter's Guild) Handwoven Carpet--Kravia item machine (In Hunter's Guild) Hanging Scroll--Buy it in Phorchoon auction Noa's Adventure--Kravia item machine (In Hunter's Guild) Priscilla Poster--Phorchoon casino coin exchange Lady Borgiov--Kravia item machine (In Hunter's Guild) Diamond Temple--Phorchoon casino coin exchange Kodama's bonsai--Buy it in Phorchoon auction Futon bedding--Buy it in Darakin Citadel Big Child's bed--prize from roulette Palatial bed--Buy it in Phorchoon auction Wool bedspread--Phorchoon casino coin exchange ------------------------------------------------------- 6. **************Hunter's Guild quests************** ------------------------------------------------------- Here are the quests and how to do them: =============== Tanza Tea Cakes =============== Reward: 10,000 G Poster: Yaksha Description: 'Tanza Tea Cakes' is sold in Tanza. I want you to go buy me some. This a very, very simple quest. Go to the hot spring inn, in Tanza. Speak to the boy and buy 6 Tanza Tea Cakes. Take them to the Junk Shop owner in Darakin. Then return to the guild to get your reward. ================= Mysterious Potion ================= Reward: 30,000 G Poster: Joe Description: I ordered a potion from the black market shop in Tanza. Go get it for me. Go to Tanza and speak with the black market merchant on the west side of town. He'll tell you he's missing some ingredients to make the potion. Head to the Forest Maze and snag the apple from the tree. Use Maya's Origin ability to make it grow, then have Ayne knock it down. Also make a Magic Potion if you don't have one. Take the ingredients to the merchant and he'll make the Golden Groneh. Take the potion to Joe in Darakin, then return to the guild to get your reward. ======================= Find the Rare Creature! ======================= Reward: 60,000 G Poster: Fujima Description: It's out there somewhere in the world...! Capture a rare creature called a 'Lypster' for me. After accepting the quest, go speak with Fujima who is upstairs in the inn. Now go to Hunter's Wood and you'll see Lyps' wandering around. I'm not sure if you have to fight them all, but you might as well, since you get some nice money and experience from them. You'll eventually fight a pair, and one of the Lyps' will be a glowing color. Hit it with your strongest attacks to take it down quickly. After defeating it, you'll get the Lypster. Take it back to Fujima and he'll give you a Vaccine Syringe. Now go to the guild to collect your money. ==================== My Daughter is Lost! ==================== Reward: 80,000 G Poster: Count Lonatello Description: My daughter is missing! I want you to find her. Count Lonatello's daughter is missing and it's up to you to find her. To start off, go to the Three Star Hotel in Darakin and speak to Count. He says something about his daughter missing but not leaving the hotel. This rather hints and the sewers. So, head into the sewers, and go towards the north-west part of them. Eventually, you'll see her surrounded by skeleton looking things. Now, you have to battle a trio of Warmongers. These lil suckers can do some big hurt to an unprepared party. They have quite a bit of HP and can inflict status ailments (Confusion, Spellbind, etc...). After you defeat the first pair, you immediately fight another pair of them. Afterwards, you save the half-wit girl and she goes back to the hotel. Now, head back to the guild and collect your money. You'll also receive a Lion Heart, which is armor for Sharon. ================ The Golden Giant ================ Reward: 90,000 G Poster: The Central Continental Union Description: Go to Gale Canyon. Investigate the Golden Giant you'll find there. You have to go to Gale Canyon and investigate the Golden Giant. So go to Gale Canyon and around the center you'll see him standing there. He's impossible to miss. Before you approach him, be ready to fight the bastard. He can take alot of punishment. I used Lang, Kazan and Maya for this battle. I had Lang and Kazan use their variable art at every chance possible while Maya was my healer. The giant will mostly just do some normal type attacks which aren't that bad, but as the battle goes on, he'll start doing his Crimson Heat attack. This attack hits all your characters for a good amount of damage. After you defeat him, 2 people will talk to you. After the blibber blabber, go back to the guild to get your reward. In addition to the money, you'll also receive the Gaia Blade. ==================== Mysterious Contagion ==================== Reward: 120,000 G Poster: Suda Description: There's a herbal flower that cures this strange disease. I want you to find it. This quest requires you to help find something to cure a disease. Go to Yuno and speak with Suda... she's in the first house on the left from the entrance of town. You'll find out you need to get the Gunang Weed. Now, go to Tanza to speak with Hugo. He resides in a house in the east part of town. After speaking with him, go to the Forest Maze. The weed is growing by the spring, where the camp site is. Grab it, and take it back to Suda. Now, head back to the guild to collect your reward. ======================= It Lurks in the Mist... ======================= Reward: 140,000 G Poster: Suda Description: They say that in The Forest Maze, you'll find the cause of this strange disease. Go to Yuno. Go to the first house on the right and speak with Suda. After she explains the situation to you, go to the Forest Maze via the south entrance. Head north and turn left at the second left turn. You'll eventually come to split that goes north and south. Head south and you'll find Garuze. Kill him, then return to Yuno to speak with Suda. Now go to the guild to get your reward plus an added bonus of a Maiden's Robe. ============ Reik Flowers ============ Reward: 120,000 G Poster: David Description: It's going to be sold at the auction. Make the winning bid on Reik Flowers. Head to Phorchoon and go to the auction. Speak with the one man at the entrance of the auction floor. The auction will start with you bidding for him. Don't bother with the first 2 items, as they're not what you want. The 3rd item for auction will be the painting he wants. You have 50,000 to work with, but the auction will go much higher than that (did for me anyways) but don't worry cause he'll give you more money if you need it. After winning the painting, go back to the guild to get your reward. ====================== Winged Mountain Beasts ====================== Reward: 160,000 G Poster: The Central Continental Union Description: They've escaped to Mt. Gabel. Get rid of the two wanted monsters. You have to go take care of two unwanted beasts on Mt. Gabel. So head there, and you'll find Stiel wounded. He tells you that he's killed one beast, but one is still up on the summit. So head to the top, where you'll find the winged bastard. I found the battle easy... just hit him with your best Arts and heal when needed. After you kill it, head back down and you'll run into Stiel. You discuss about splitting the reward. I agreed to split it evenly... I'm not sure if you can take it all for yourself or not... Now, head back to the guild to get your reward. You'll receive 130,000 instead of 80,000, cause the person who put up the job decided to give a bonus. ========== Find Mari! ========== Reward: 80,000 G Poster: Cammy Description: Mari is lost. I want you to find her for me. Head to Darakin, go to the hotel to speak with Cammy. She can be found upstairs in the standard room. After speaking with her, head back to the sewers. I forget the exact directions to find her 'friend', but it's in the east part of it. In one of the rooms you'll see Mari, who'll take off. Now, you must have Ayne push the crate over the hole Mari runs through. Now, head to where the Red Gate Switch is, and by there you'll find Mari. After getting her, return her to Cammy. Go to the guild and collect your reward. ============================ Writhing Monster in the Dark ============================ Reward: 160,000 G Poster: The Central Continental Union Description: Investigate a mysterious growling coming up from Doplin Castle. After you accept this quest, that muscle-bound dimwit, Balzac and his woman will rant on to you. After that head to Darakin, and enter the sewers via the ladder by the junk pile. Now, head into the Kabel Ruins. Go to the place where you fought the boss in your original visit there. You'll come across another monster there, as well as Kenjiro and the two dimwits. You'll have to fight the ugly creature... he's fairly easy I found... Just hit him with variables and whatnot, to take him down quickly. He has a couple attacks that hit your party, but they aren't hard enough to be a threat, as long as you heal. After you kill the bastard, head back to the guild to get your money plus an additional bonus of a Raging Axe. ===================== Multiplying Monsters! ===================== Reward: 180,000 G Poster: The Central Continental Union Description: Monsters continue to multiply in Gale Canyon. Get rid of these monsters. Go to the Gale Canyon via northern entrance (dunno if it matters, but that's how I did it) and you'll run into (surprise!) Balzac and his lady. They're here to kill the monsters as well, so you have some competition (if you call that competition...). Continue on and you'll run into a Larva Beast. Kill each one you can find. You'll only fight a single one per battle. Easy stuff. When you kill the second to last one, you'll hear a howling to indicate it. Go find the last one to finish the job. Head back to the guild and collect your cash. ======================= The Glow in the Thunder ======================= Reward: 200,000 G Poster: The Central Continental Union Description: Some kind of glowing object has appeared in The Thunder Mind. Please investigate. Go to the Thunder Mine and head far east. The area you must go to is far into it and with the blocks and stuff... You may have come across this the first time you were here, but couldn't get past it cause you need Ayne. You just have to destory one block with Lang's Origin powers, then have Kazan use his to ride the thingy up... have Ayne push the one block and Sharon destory the blob... then hop onto the block Ayne pushed and have Maya grow the vine, then climb it. Here, you'll find Stiel and some crystal thingy. He blabbers on, then you fight him. I never had a problem kicking his sorry ass. I used variable arts on him and after the 3rd variable he was down. His attacks were never a threat to me, either. Head back to the guild to get your reward money plus an additional 50,000. =========================== Invaders from Another World =========================== Reward: 240,000 G Poster: the Royal Knights Description: Monsters from another world have appeared in Drokonia. Get rid of them. Go to Drokonia and make your way through it again. Part way through you'll run into your two buddies, who have a falling out. Continue on and after the 2nd campsite, you'll run into some monster you'll have to take care of. After you finish him off and the scene with the two halfwits, continue into the next area to fight another monster. The 2nd one is stronger than the first and can hit pretty hard, so be prepared. Afterwards, head to the guild to get your reward. You'll receive an additional 60,000 bucks plus the Exorcist Katana. When you complete all the quests you'll earn the titles of Guildmaster and Iron Hunter. Also, you'll receive a Heaven's Secret. ------------------------------------------------------- 7. **************Crop planting stategies************** ------------------------------------------------------- Well no strategies as such but you can try one of 2 things: 1. Remember R1 L1 R1 Down X get a rythm and go as fast as you can 2. buy a controller which allows you to program the commands into it then sit back and hold one button while it does the work, this will aparently get you a time of 12 seconds (a certain Mad Cartz controller aparently allows you to do this.) ------------------------------------------------------- 8. **************knife throwing strategies************** ------------------------------------------------------- Well a very common stategy is to concentrate on the bottom bar and try to see out of the corner of your eye when the line of the vetical bar is in the middle and try to match it to when horizontal bar is the same. Another strategy is to put small bits of masking tape other the middle lines and press the X button when you cant see the yellow lines. ------------------------------------------------------- 9. **************Phorchoon arena strategies************** ------------------------------------------------------- Well here is a nice strategy for beating Stiel: Have your agility really high (over 450) then do the following: Go to Tanza and buy the Quantembeum sword (sumfign like that). Trade them in the giant people town for transparent pills. Go to the secret market and buy zonark weed and Lonkan powder to transform them to invincibility pills. After doing this you can have loads of these wonderfull pills, then you should be able to beat the likes of Stiel sooooo easily ------------------------------------------------------- 10. **************Centurian Challenge battles************** ------------------------------------------------------- Heres a list of the battles encountered in this challenge: 1. 2x Lava Drake 5279 EXP 5178 G 2. 2x Hanged Shape 6906 EXP 6008 G 3. 2x Shadow Skull 4666 EXP 6188 G 4. 2x Bloodfeather 1x Volt Spine 6417 EXP 6640 G 5. 2x Fiend Bulb 6571 EXP 7076 G 6. 2x Elegrem 1x Darkfly 4925 EXP 5024 G 7. 2x Mad Thorn 1x Subterranean 9476 EXP 13515 G 8. 2x Arus Auge 1x Kocus Karcas 8565 EXP 8574 G 9. 1x Helgigas 8184 EXP 6352 G 10. 1x Subterranean 5493 EXP 10089 G 11. 2x Lava Drake 1x Helgigas 13463 EXP 11530 G 12. 1x Shade Flower 2x Hanged Shape 9097 EXP 8156 G 13. 2x Subterranean 10986 EXP 20178 G 14. 2x Bloodfeather 1x Avenging Spirit 21223 EXP 15662 G 15. 2x Fiend Bulb 1x Prancing Jester 13105 EXP 22208 G 16. 2x Nightspawn 16368 EXP 18218 G 17. 1x Demon Dog 17558 EXP 20792 G 18. 2x Dark Warrior 24293 EXP 16748 G 19. 1x Shadow Balloon 3859 EXP 4306 G 20. 1x Bloody Idol 37400 EXP 41096 G 21. 1x Shadow Balloon 3859 EXP 4306 G 22. 2x Hanged Shape 6906 EXP 6008 G 23. 2x Verktora 1x Avenging Spirit 24368 EXP 28964 G 24. 1x Steel Beast 1x Prancing Jester 17381 EXP 33585 G 25. 1x Shadow Balloon 3859 EXP 4306 G 26. 2x Shade Flower 1x Arus Auge 7652 EXP 7483 G 27. 1x Underground King 40032 EXP 60208 G 28. 2x Dark Warrior 24293 EXP 16748 G 29. 2x Helgigas 1x Dark Warrior 28515 EXP 21078 G 30. 1x Avenging Spirit 16049 EXP 10234 G 31. 2x Raver Fly 1x Prancing Jester 9335 EXP 18492 G 32. 2x Hanged Shape 1x Demon Dog 24463 EXP 26800 G 33. 3x Shadow Skull 6999 EXP 9282 G 34. 1x Death Guardian 30093 EXP 30616 G 35. 2x Fiend Bulb 1x Wings of Death 23000 EXP 41091 G 36. 2x Elegrem 1x Darkfly 4925 EXP 5024 G 37. 1x Bloody Idol 1x Dark Warrior 49547 EXP 49470 G 38. 1x Steel Beast 2x Shade Flower 15230 EXP 22749 G 39. 3x Lazur Ma Rah 13999 EXP 15246 G 40. 1x Nether Demon 23446 EXP 33280 G 41. 2x Verktora 1x Avenging Spirit 24369 EXP 18730 G 42. 2x Steel Beast 21695 EXP 36906 G 43. 2x Cloud Eater 1x Arus Auge 5890 EXP 6295 G 44. 2x Bloodfeather 1x Prancing Jester 11719 EXP 20560 G 45. 2x Helgigas 1x Dark Warrior 28515 EXP 21078 G 46. 1x Wings of Death 21490 EXP 34015 G 47. 2x Avenging Spirit 1x Wikid 35490 EXP 23345 G 48. 2x Arus Auge 1x Kocus Karcas 8565 EXP 8574 G 49. 1x Steel Beast 1x Dark Warrior 22994 EXP 26827 G 50. 1x Wings of Death 24190 EXP 34015 G 51. 1x Demon Dog 2x Hanged Shape 24463 EXP 26800 G 52. 1x Elegrem 2x Cloud Eater 4455 EXP 4780 G 53. 1x Nightspawn 1x Shadow Balloon 12043 EXP 13415 G 54. 2x Fatal Sorcerer 47157 EXP 121204 G 55. 2x Lava Drake 1x Blaze Wheel 7229 EXP 7053 G 56. 1x Bloody Idol 1x Grotesk 62971 EXP 46063 G 57. 2x Demon Dog 35115 EXP 41584 G 58. 1x Alza Brakya 1x Nether Demon 26472 EXP 36408 G 59. 1x Wings of Death 2x Shade Flower 25872 EXP 38311 G 60. 1x Death Guardian 30094 EXP 30616 G 61. 2x Nether Demon 46891 EXP 66560 G 62. 2x Nether Demon 46891 EXP 66560 G 63. 1x Elegrem 2x Cloud Eater 4455 EXP 4780 G 64. 1x Maid of Mayhem 34875 EXP 30000 G 65. 1x Demon Dog 1x Wings of Death 58570 EXP 54807 G 66. 2x Lazur Ma Rah 9333 EXP 10164 G 67. 1x Bloody Idol 1x Dark Warrior 49547 EXP 49470 G 68. 1x Steel Beast 2x Raver Fly 13648 EXP 21813 G 69. 2x Lava Drake 1x Nether Demon 28724 EXP 38458 G 70. 2x Prancing Jester 1x Helgigas 21252 EXP 36616 G 71. 1x Death Guardian 30094 EXP 30616 G 72. 2x Subterranean 1x Avenging Spirit 27035 EXP 30412 G 73. 1x Chaos Raven 1x Night Spawn 12191 EXP 12564 G 74. 1x Avenging Spirit 2x Subterranean 27035 EXP 30412 G 75. 2x Prancing Jester 13068 EXP 30264 G 76. 1x Death Guardian 30094 EXP 30616 G 77. 2x Nether Demon 46891 EXP 66560 G 78. 1x Fatal Sorcerer 2x Shade Flare 28247 EXP 64608 G 79. 3x Dark Warrior 36439 EXP 25122 G 80. 3x Shade Flare 7002 EXP 6009 G 81. 2x Nightspawn 1x Grotesk 16368 EXP 18218 G 82. 1x Demon Dog 1x Wings of Death 39047 EXP 54807 G 83. 1x Alza Brakya 2x Nether Demon 49918 EXP 69688 G 84. 2x Grotesk 1x Avenging Spirit 25120 EXP 20168 G 85. 2x Fatal Sorcerer 47157 EXP 121204 G 86. 1x Bloody Idol 2x Prancing Jester 50468 EXP 71360 G 87. 1x Death Guardian 30094 EXP 30616 G 88. 2x Wings of Death 42979 EXP 68030 G 89. 2x Nightspawn 1x Nether Demon 39813 EXP 51498 G 90. 2x Cloud Eater 1x Arus Auge 5809 EXP 6295 G 91. 3x Avenging Spirit 48145 EXP 30702 G 92. 1x Bloody Idol 2x Dark Warrior 61693 EXP 57844 G 93. 3x Fatal Sorcerer 70735 EXP 181806 G 94. 1x Underground King 40032 EXP 60208 G 95. 2x Azul Velra 1x Helgigas 21550 EXP 22512 G 96. 1x Maid of Mayhem 34875 EXP 30000 G 97. 2x Steel Beast 1x Demon Dog 39252 EXP 57698 G 98. 1x Death Guardian 30094 EXP 30616 G 99. 1x Underground King 40032 EXP 60208 G 100. 1x Earthlord 100195 EXP 135584 G phew my hands are tired from writing that ------------------------------------------------------- 11. **************Lang's nickname list************** ------------------------------------------------------- Heres a list of Lang's nicknames: Adventurer? - Get 100% on the first quiz in Tanza Alchemist - Combine 30 Tools in camp Alley Cat - Talk to the woman in Kravia who has a 'secret', you must pay her Blacksmith - Combine 30 Pieces of armor in camp Blazing Hero - Master all of Galea's magic (Jinga Namer) Bloody Monarch - Win the Free Fight in Phorchoon Blue Cyclone - Continue using Lang's "Fang" hyper arts in the arenas Bully - Destroy the destructable snowman in Yuno multiple times. Chicken - Pass on arena fights too often Conqueror - Visit every location possible on the map (Jinga Namer) Craftsman - Combine 30 Accessories in camp Exotica - Eat all the meals in Tanza Flying Dragon - Continue using "Divine Bolt" in the arenas Fugitive - Flee LOTS of battles (Jinga Namer) Glutton King - Eat all of Sharon's meals while she plays chef in Tanza God of Gamblers - Win the Gambling Arena in Phorchoon God of Rice - Acquired after beating Pai Pai. Time requirements are unknown, but the name was acquired under 15 seconds. Gourmet Kid - Eat all the meals in Kravia Guildmaster - Complete all the Guild quests successfully Hot Swordsman - Win the Championship in Phorchoon Iron Hunter - Defeat the last Guild quest, or possibly all the quests that have you killing something Item Collector - Buy numerous things at the Auction Floor in Phorchoon Knife master - Get a score of 50,000 in the knife throwing minigame. Master Cook - 4th level cooking in camp, must cook all of his meals at least once (See later in the guide for recipe lists) Outdoorsman - Camping alot (Jinga Namer) Peeper - Run into the women's room of the Tanza Hot Springs while Maya is in there Pervert - Look through the hole that Kazan is looking through when in the Tanza Hot Springs, when he asks to look, refuse Playing Cook - 1st level cooking in camp (See later in the guide for recipe lists) Prince of War - Win the Battle Maniax in Phorchoon Pro Cook - 3rd level cooking in camp (See later in the guide for recipe lists) Rice Master - Beat the man in Tanza in rice planting Savage - After reaching a certain number of kills (Jinga Namer) Sensai - supposedly after getting all of Lang's arts (Jinga Namer) Sidejumper - beat Maxell of Nohl in sidejumping Sidejump Hero - beat Balzac of Tanza in sidejumping, must beat Maxell first Sidejump King - beat Dein of Nohl in sidejumping, must beat Balzac first Sky-Scorcher - Continue using Galea in the arena Spy? - 100% on the second quiz in Tanza Star Destroyer - Continue using "Sleeping Dragon" in the arenas Student Cook - 2nd level cooking in camp (See later in the guide for recipe lists) Swordholder - first man outside house in Nohl at the beginning Swordsmith - Combine 30 Swords in camp True Conqueror - Win the Dream Match in Phorchoon Wander-Fighter - Complete the Centurian Challenge Wanderer - Item shop in Nohl after 50,000 steps He of many names - Get the jinga namer HS ------------------------------------------------------- 12. a. **************Lang's recipe list************** ------------------------------------------------------- As to get four of lang's nicknames recipes will be needed I have added this section on his nicknames. Dish: Atomic Heat Location: Stay in the $80,000 room in Darakin Dish: Bacon & Eggs Location: Cookbook - Cooking Today Dish: Balsamic Veggies Location: Eat at Chez Snobbe in Darakin Dish: BBQ Veggies Location: Chef at Derek's Haunt Dish: Cabbage Roll Location: Chef at Darakin's Green Lynx Inn ($150) Dish: Caesar Salad Location: Chef at Darakin's Green Lynx Inn ($200) Dish: Club Sandwich Location: On a table on the Auction Floor in Phorchoon Dish: Fried Turkey Location: Chef at Derek's Haunt Dish: Hamburger Steak Location: Hostess in the Kravian Resturant ($300) Dish: Heavenly Beef Location: Eat one of the dishes at Chez Snobbe Dish: Jumbalaya Location: Chef at Derek's Haunt Dish: Lobster in Wine Location: Eat one of the dishes at Chez Snobbe Dish: Lynx Special Stew Location: Chef at Darakin's Green Lynx Inn ($300) Dish: Muddy Soup Location: Monjiro in Nohl after acquiring Slime Gelure Dish: Pancakes Location: Cook book - Upper Crust Desserts Dish: Pork Cutlet Bowl Location: Cookbook - Popular Edo Dishes Dish: Princess Cake Location: Elliot's room in Doplin Castle Dish: Rice Ball Location: Nancy in Nohl, when she's cooking in the kitchen Dish: Sirloin Steak Location: Cookbook - The Royal Gourmet Dish: Sukiyaki Location: Cookbook - Crazy About Stew Dish: Tempura Noodles Location: Woman in Yuno's Grain Mill Dish: Tomato Risotto Location: Chef at Darakin's Green Lynx Inn ($120) Dish: Yakitori Skewers Location: Hostess in Kravian Resturant ($250) ------------------------------------------------------- 12. b. **************Ingredients************** ------------------------------------------------------- Here is the list of ingredients. Animal Meat: An ingredient used in cooking. Edible animal meat, such as mutton and venison. [buy] Kravia (100) Beef: An ingredient used in cooking. Delicious, tender beef. [buy] Yuno, Kravia (80) Bread: An ingredient used in cooking. Soft, freshly-baked bread. [buy] Kravia (70) Cheese: An ingredient used in cooking. A food that keeps well. [buy] Kravia (80) Chocolate: An ingredient used in baking. A sweet candy made with cacao. [buy] Kravia (500) Cocoa Powder: An ingredient used in baking. A powder made by grinding roasted cacao seeds. [buy] Kravia (200) Cookie Set: Ingredients used in baking. The ingredients for making a variety of cookies. [buy] Kravia (100) Cooking Oil: A seasoning used in cooking. Used for frying and to add flavor. [buy] Yuno, Kravia (90) Crab: An ingredient used in cooking. Delicious crab the king of seafood. [buy] Yuno, Kravia (200) Cream: An ingredient used in cooking. Fresh dairy cream. [buy] Kravia (100) Creepy Mushroom: A gaudy, poisonous-looking mushroom. [trade] Jinga Curry Set: Seasonings used in cooking. The various spices and seasonings for making curry. [buy] Kravia (200) Dessert Set: Ingredients used in baking. The ingredients for making desserts such as cake and pie. [buy] Kravia (600) Egg: An ingredient used in cooking. The common chicken egg. [buy] Kravia, Tanza (30) Fish: An ingredient used in cooking. Fish, such as tuna, mackerel and haddock. [buy] Yuno, Kravia, Tanza (50) Fruit: An ingredient used in cooking. Fruit, such as oranges, banana and strawberries. [buy] Yuno, Kravia (60) Herbs: Seasonings used in cooking. Wonderful-smelling herbs bring out the flavor in foods. [buy] Kravia (400) Huge Eyeball: An ingredient used in cooking. A huge, squishy eyeball, as big as a human's head. [trade] Jinga Lobster: An ingredient used in cooking. Rich-tasting lobster, the king of shellfish. [buy] Kravia (150) Milk: An ingredient used in cooking. Smooth and creamy. Fresh from the dairy farm. [buy] Kravia (60) Miso: A seasoning used in cooking. Flavorful seasoning introduced into Tanza from the south. [buy] Yuno, Kravia, Tanza (500) Monster Meat: An ingredient used in cooking. Edible monster meat. Peculiar-tasting and sinewy. [trade] Jinga Pasta: An ingredient used in cooking. Pasta in a variety of shapes. [buy] Yuno, Tanza (90) Pie Dough: An ingredient used in cooking. Kneaded flour dough. Various fillings can be used. [buy] Yuno (300) Pork: An ingredient used in cooking. A cheap, satisfying meat. [buy] Yuno, Kravia, Tanza (60) Poultry: An ingredient used in cooking. Juicy poultry meat, such as chicken, duck and turkey. [buy] Yuno, Kravia, Tanza (40) Premium Beef: An ingredient used in cooking. Top-grade, marbled beef. [buy] Yuno, Kravia (500) Red Pepper: A seasoning used in cooking. A hot spice introduced from the south. [buy] Yuno, Kravia (500) Red Wine: A seasoning used in cooking. Used to season meat or add flavor to cooking. [buy] Yuno, Kravia (500) Rice: An ingredient used in cooking. A staple in Tanza, eaten there three times a day. [buy] Yuno, Kravia, Tanza (60) Shellfish: An ingredient used in cooking. Shellfish, such as clams, mussels and oysters. [buy] Yuno, Kravia (70) Shrimp: An ingredient used in cooking. Shrimp and prawns. [buy] Kravia (100) Soup Broth Set: Seasonings used in cooking. Spices and seasonings for making soup broth. [buy] Yuno, Kravia (150) Southern Noodles: An ingredient used in cooking. Noodles introduced from the south, such as soba and udon. [buy] Yuno, Tanza (80) Spices: Seasonings used in cooking. Precious spices only grown in the south. [buy] Kravia (1000) Suspicious Meat: An ingredient used in cooking. Scary-looking meat. Don't even know if it's edible... [trade] Jinga Tofu: An ingredient used in cooking. Made from soybeans. Introduced into Tanza from the south. [buy] Yuno, Tanza (400) Vegetables: Ingredients used in cooking. Vegetables, such as potatoes, onions and carrots. [buy] Kravia, Tanza (30) White Wine: A seasoning used in cooking. Used to season fish or add flavor to cooking. [buy] Yuno, Kravia (500) ------------------------------------------------------- 13. **************Wanted Stuff************** ------------------------------------------------------- Any strategies for minigames mentioned. And requests for anything you wish to see in this guide. please email me for anything on these and write the subject as Legaia 2 guide. Again my Email is Tiger90125@aol.com ------------------------------------------------------- 14. **************Special Thanks************** ------------------------------------------------------- I thank: all those that posted information on the boards that is relevant to the information contained within this guide Tydeus for his complete furniture list. CerberusWolf70SS for his recipe list and his nickname list and also those that he has thanked within his guides. JungleJim for his centurion challenge battle list. RPGMaster for his information on the second Yuno HS. Odin as his Hunters Guild faq was used in my hunters guild section. His ingredients list was also used. ------------------------------------------------------- 15. **************Closing************** ----------------------------------------- Well thats my guide done sortof it has much more to be added such as nickname locations etc and i will be adding that later but for now its done. In later updates I may improve my layout a bit any spelling mistakes will be corrected and the usual stuff. THANKS FOR READING any requests and stuff will be greatly appreciated Once more my email is Tiger90125@aol.com and again im compelled to do the copyright thing so This Guide is Copyright (C) Nathanmg (my glorious self) well dere ya go hehe :P my first ever guide for any site not just gamefaqs, hope ya enjoyed it. -----------------------------------------