-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPLIT INFINITY PRESENTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- My YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/SplitInfinity Come! Subscribe to my videos for better games' experience! My personal site : kolardamir.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Game: Legaia 2: Duel Saga (for PAL version) Type of guide: Monster & Boss In-depth FAQ Platform: Playstation 2 Version: Maya, released on 16th February 2008 Written by: Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) Copyrighted to: (c) Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) - All rights reserved Made in: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/line 77 Best viewed: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/line 77 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: To find a specific phrase, press CTRL + F, then type in word you're looking for. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 1. LATEST UPDATES ============================================================================= ============================================================================= - Version Maya (16th February 2008) # Any user submitted contributions will no longer be added to this guide. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 2. LEGAL INFORMATION ============================================================================= ============================================================================= This document is copyrighted to me, Damir Kolar. It is intended for *PRIVATE* use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic media involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way, shape, or form. It cannot be given away freely, as bonus or prize, it can't be given away with the game and so on. It cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes, regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in direct violation of copyright law. This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their respective companies. If you are a webmaster of the site that wishes to post this document, you may do so under one condition - you must e-mail me first for permission. If permission is granted, you cannot change a single character of this document, and you must leave it in txt format. Permission will *not be granted* to fan based websites. *ONLY* following sites can host this guide: - http://www.gamefaqs.com - http://faqs.ign.com - http://www.neoseeker.com ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= SECTION NUMBER AND NAME WHAT IS IT ABOUT? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Latest Updates | Read what was added in last update. 2. Legal information | Copyright protection and legal info. 3. Table of Contents | Sections of this guide. 4. Abbreviations | Explaining abbreviations used in this guide. 5. General figting tips | Basic tips about types of monsters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Regular monsters info | Info on regular monsters. 7. Regular bosses info | Info on regular bosses. 8. Arena monsters/bosses info| Info on monsters/bosses of Phorchoon arena. 9. Centurion monsters info | Enemies exclusive to Centurion Challenge. 10. Guild HQ monsters info | Enemies exclusive to Guild missions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Update history | Brief overlook of guide's past. 12. Credits | Who all has helped this guide to be as it is? 13. Contact info | Find out how to contact me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 4. ABBREVIATIONS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Here you will find out what do abbr I use throughout my guide mean. GENERAL PHRASES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- chr - character | sth - something acc - accessory | WMM - World map menu NAR - Normal Arts | SAR - Super Arts HAR - Hyper Arts | VAR - Variable Arts MAR - Mystic Arts | NA - not applicable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONSTER'S / BOSS' ATTACK PROPERTIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VS - versus | chr - single character chrs - multiple characters | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONSTER'S / BOSS' ATTACK DESCRIPTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- phd - physical damage | spd - special damage (element) phd - phd with that element | (element) spd - spd with that element ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 5. GENERAL FIGHTING TIPS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= In this section I will provide you with some fighting tips and things you should look out for when battling the monsters. - Flying enemies cannot be hit by 'Down' command attacks. Exception to this are large birds. - Short enemies cannot be hit by 'Up' command attacks. - Really short enemies (these are Jelly Melt & Co.) cannot be hit by 'Up', 'Left' and 'Right' command attacks. - This includes attacks in NAR, SAR and HAR that would hit high, low or from the side. For example, if you use Sleeping Dragon HAR against Jelly Melt, it will miss completely. - Maya's attacks will hit the target with 100% probability. True, target may still guard, but the attack will hit the target. - There are 9 classes of monsters: Beast, Chitin, Demon, Flying, Giant, Human, Plant, Soft and Spirit. Damage done to each class of monster can be increased by a corresponding VS skill that comes on weapons. There's no way to reduce damage taken from any class of monster, as there's no corresponding VS skill on armors (manual mistakenly states that you reduce damage taken, which isn't true). - There are eight elements to which monsters are tied. Wind, Water, Earth, Fire, Thunder, Void, Dark and Light. Wind and Earth, Dark and Light, Fire and Water oppose each other. Void and Thunder don't have opposing elements. If you attack an enemy with opposing element, resulting damage will be greater for 100%. Similarly, attack will be less effective, if you attack an enemy with its own element - damage is reduced by 66%. Note that damage can even be nulled or absorbed. - Many of the enemies you will meet can induce one or more negative status changes on you. So be sure to always carry an ample supply of status restoring items. - I would advise the same for camping kits. Always carry an abundance of them with you, for you never know what lies around the corner. - Following enemies from monster classes can guard your attacks: some enemies from beast class, most enemies from chitin class, most enemies from human class and most enemies from spirit class. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 6. REGULAR MONSTER INFO ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Section 6 will list all of the enemies you can meet thru the game as you venture thru the dungeons. General note applies: with some rare exceptions, almost all enemies listed in this section tend to run away if low on HP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KLAW ANT LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 2 | 94*,** | 10 | 23 | 36 | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Boost 1, HP Boost 2], while Antidote is always present Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 1, it has 99 HP. Note: ** if equipped with HP Boost 2, it has 104 HP. KLAW ANT'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Poison Spit (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + induces poison FIGHTING TIPS This is the easiest enemy in the game. Simple Blue Moon Buster or other 3- slot-tech will shoot it down. If by any odd chance you get poisoned, just shrug it off if only Klaw Ants are in battle, otherwise heal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOODY WOLF LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 3 | 117* | 40 | 30 | 50 | Beast | Wind Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Boost 3, AGL Boost 2], while STR Boost 2 is always present Carries: SlicingWind Scroll Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 3, it has 140 HP. BLOODY WOLF'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Terror Howl - VS one chr - chr affected loses current turn, but only if chr hasn't acted yet 3. Combo attack + Somersault Edge (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Can prove dangerous cos of Terror Howl's annoying turn canceling, with which your chrs can't even get to act. However, if you're faster, you can laugh as it will use that move with no effect. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLYTRAP LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 4 | 314* | 32 | 46 | 60 | Plant | Water Abilities equipped: One of following [AP Defence, HP Boost 3], while Antidote is always present Carries: Morus Spring Water Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 3, it has 376 HP. FLYTRAP'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Poison Dust - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd + induces poison FIGHTING TIPS Quite big amount of HP for this point of game. Is also fast and hits hard, plus it can poison you. Don't take any loose chances in thinking you may survive... if you're hurt badly, heal! This weed needs two or even three arts to be taken down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROCK GOLEM LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 9 | 452 | 0 | 360 | 280 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [AGL Boost 2, STR Boost 1], while Anti- Petrify is always present Carries: Iron Alma Ore ROCK GOLEM'S ATTACKS 1. Gigantes Upper + Gigantes Fall - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Another hard-hitting rock. With Lang only at beginning stages you can have some problems, but later when posse is bigger, Rock Golem can have some problems. You'll prolly need to heal after taking two beatings from Golem, but at which point it's also ripe enough to be killed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VULTURE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 8 | 307 | 55 | 180 | 255 | Flying | Wind Abilities equipped: One of following [Hit Rate Up 1], while Wind Guard is always present Carries: Black Star Sand VULTURE'S ATTACKS 1. Poison Beak and/or Clawbites and/or Rib Crunch - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Enemies that are 'annoying' just won't stop. Hard-hitter (geez) and is fast too. Don't use wind attacks against it, as they won't be effective. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAKI LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 7 | 153 | 5 | 92 | 85 | Human | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [Guard Up 1, Hit Rate Up 2], while STR Boost 2 is always present Carries: Heal Leaf BAKI'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Gimme gimme! - steals one item from your inventory - defeat it to receive stolen goods back 3. Combo attack + Ow! (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 4. Come on out! - calls for reinforcements 5. Combo attack + Take That! (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Baki is first enemy with capability of blocking your attacks. Remember, only NAR and SAR attacks can be blocked, HAR, VAR and MAR will break the block. Concentrate on killing one Baki at a time - if it's low on health, it tends to escape or can summon reinforcements. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOPLIN SOLDIER LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 10 | 306 | 38 | 296 | 240 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: STR Boost 1 Carries: Sodan Poison Cloth DOPLIN SOLDIER'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Gale Slash (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Jack Slay (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Can guard your NAR and SAR, much like Baki. Also has twice the amount of Baki's health. As a common battle tactic, concentrate on one enemy at a time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STONE BEAST LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 17 | 745 | 69 | 927 | 725 | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: Hit Rate Up 2, Guard Break 1 Carries: Broot Shell STONE BEAST'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Dark Flare - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd FIGHTING TIPS First enemy that introduces Guard Break skills, ie skills which deal certain % of damage even if target is guarding. Cos of that skill Stone Beasts should be taken out first IMO. It should also be mentioned that Dark Flare deals big damage for this part of game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAKI WARRIOR LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 14 | 400 | 10 | 298 | 294 | Human | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [Guard Up 1, Hit Rate Up 2], while STR Boost 2 is always present BAKI WARRIOR'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Gimme gimme! - steals one item from your inventory - defeat it to receive stolen goods back 3. Combo attack + Ow! (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 4. Come on out! - calls for reinforcements 5. Combo attack + Take That! (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS An upgraded version of Baki and first enemy with same attacks. FFX had same flaw - many enemies, but many generic enemies (different stats, names, appearance... but same deal). Baki Warrior can block NAR and SAR. It shares same traits as Baki - escape or reinforcements when low on health. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DINO GOL LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 20 | 570* | 46 | 750 | 605 | Beast | Earth Abilities equipped: Two of following [HP Boost 2, STR Boost 2, Hit Rate Up 1], while Anti-Berserk is always present Carries: Berserk Draught Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 2, it has 627 HP. DINO GOL'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Headbutt (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Crazy Gas - VS one chr - induces berserk FIGHTING TIPS You'll learn to hate these guys. They can bestow berserk upon you, which is a double-edged sword, as you may end up attacking your party member/s. When you fight them, TAKE THEM OUT FIRST! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPIKE LIZARD LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 15 | 481 | 22 | 330 | 380 | Soft | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Thief, Hit Rate Up 1], while Antivenom & Anti-Paralysis are always present Carries: Poison Cure SPIKE LIZARD'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Mortal Fear - VS one chr - induces venom Note: Spike Lizard's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX HP. FIGHTING TIPS I don't like them - they steal my HP! Take care of not letting venom status eat too low on your HP gauge, or else you might be in trouble. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWER POWER LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 16 | 649 | 0 | 441 | 454 | Plant | Water Abilities equipped: One of following [Hit Rate Up 1, STR Boost 2], while Antidote & Antivenom are always present Carries: Poison Draught FLOWER POWER'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Poison Dust - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd + induces poison FIGHTING TIPS Souped-up version of Flytrap. Fast, hard-[qu]hitter and can poison. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GALDUKE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 19 | 584* | 20 | 621 | 550 | Beast | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Boost 1, Hit Rate Up 1], while Anti- Blind is always present Carries: Quick Oil Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 1, it has 613 HP. GALDUKE'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Dark Blaze - VS one chr - induces blind FIGHTING TIPS It's out to piss you off and does an excellent job in doing so. Thing can guard your attacks and can blind you. If encountered with Dino Gol, bound to become your living nightmare. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVIL FLY LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 19 | 583 | 86 | 1325 | 680 | Flying | Dark Abilities equipped: One or two of following [Hit Rate Up 1, Bloodsucker, Add Poison], while Anti-Paralysis & Antidote are always present Carries: Paralysis Draught EVIL FLY'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + may induce poison 2. Combo attack + Poison Needle (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + may induce poison 3. Evil Scream - VS one chr - induces paralysis FIGHTING TIPS Fast, flying and likes status changes. It should be second on your priority list of you fight it with Netherkind. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETHERKIND LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 21 | 1125 | 102 | 3597 | 842 | Human | Water Abilities equipped: One of following [STR Boost 1, HP Boost 2, Hit Rate Up 1], while Antidote, Antivenom, Anti-Berserk & Water Guard are always present Carries: Bronze Barome Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 2, it has 1237 HP. NETHERKIND'S ATTACKS 1. Venom Splash - VS one chr - induces berserk 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Deadly Haze (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Another bastard with berserk attacks. It should be your top priority when dealing with this enemy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- JELLY MELT LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 20 | 610* | 100 | 2167 | 1047 | Soft | Water Abilities equipped: HP Boost 1, Guard Break 1, Antidote, Halve Normal, Add Poison, Antivenom Carries: Venom Star Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 1, it has 640 HP. JELLY MELT'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces poison 2. Propagate - splits into two FIGHTING TIPS Extremely high DEF makes this enemy hard to defeat. Use origin attacks instead or use Scroll items. Make sure you don't leave it hanging with too less HP, or else it will split in two making your battle last longer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONE WARRIOR LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 22 | 1499 | 99 | 2187 | 790 | Spirit | Dark Abilities equipped: Hit Rate Up 1, Anti-Spellbind, Dark Guard Carries: Revival Elixir BONE WARRIOR'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Death Count (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Branded Curse - VS one chr - induces spellbind 4. Hate Force - VS one chr - press buttons as they light up (when yellow blobs cross over them), for each blob you miss you receive damage, which is [damage = amount of missed blobs x 50]; should you manage to let no blobs pass, Bone Warrior takes damage instead, which equals 1/2 of its current HP Note: If killed by Hate Force, you lose EXP and G for it. FIGHTING TIPS If you find them with Netherkinds, eliminate them second. Statuses they can put on you are not so dangerous, whilst Netherkind's berserk is. If Hate Force is used, stay calm and press buttons accordingly. Do not give up if some blobs manage to elude you - strive to lessen the damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZURVLAI LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 21 | 1208* | 42 | 2013 | 777 | Beast | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Boost 1, Hit Rate Up 1], while Anti- Blind is always present Carries: Guard Oil Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 1, it has 1268 HP. ZURVLAI'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Dark Blaze - VS one chr - induces blind FIGHTING TIPS Galduke's brethren... exactly the same enemy as Galduke, only with beefed up stats. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKULRAPTOR LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 22 | 1320 | 99 | 2220 | 999 | Spirit | Dark Abilities equipped: One of following [Add Spellbind, Add Fear], while Dark Guard is always present Carries: Unkar Stone SKULRAPTOR'S ATTACKS 1. Orbit Shred + Bone Spike - VS one chr - phd + induces fear or spellbind 2. Deathgame - you'll be showed four cards; memorize the one most beneficial to you (you have few seconds of time); cards will be shuffled, so try to follow your card; after shuffling is done, you have 5 seconds to choose a card; what's written on the card will take effect 3. Chaos Breath - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd + induces seal 4. Abyss Whisper - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd Note: If killed by means of Deathgame, you lose EXP and G for it. FIGHTING TIPS Eliminate Skulraptors immediately. Spellbind, fear or insta-death they can chuck around is not to be laughed at, not to mention its powerful Abyss Whisper. Of course, if you succeed in Deathgame backfiring - mwahaha! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STONE GOLEM LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 23 | 3522 | 75 | 3993 | 1234 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [AGL Boost 1, STR Boost 2], while Anti- Petrify, Block Earth, Add Stun are always present Carries: StoneCrush Scroll STONE GOLEM'S ATTACKS 1. Gigantes Upper + Gigantes Fall - VS one chr - phd + induces stun 2. Crimson Heat - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd FIGHTING TIPS Be careful - Crimson Heat packs a punch, and on top of everything golem-type enemies now have the ability to stun your chrs. Luckily it's slow, so you can have time for lifting the status. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOPLIN OFFICER LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 22 | 1208 | 54 | 2495 | 1000 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: Str Boost 1, Random Blow Carries: Attack Oil DOPLIN OFFICER'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Gale Slash (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Jack Slay (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS A boring enemy, but can prove devastating to Maya. Often found in groups of four, origin attacks may be best way of quickly dealing with them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOPLIN RESERVE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 22 | 1077 | 50 | 2726 | 1100 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: AGL Boost 1 Carries: Raw Emerald DOPLIN RESERVE'S ATTACKS 1. IceNeedle Scroll - VS one chr - 1 hit, ice spd Note: Doplin Reserve attacks each second turn. FIGHTING TIPS A boring enemy, but can prove devastating to Maya. Often found in groups of four, origin attacks may be best way of quickly dealing with them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOPLIN TROOPER LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 22 | 1324 | 42 | 2600 | 1000 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: Str Boost 2, Random Blow Carries: Suzna Ice Stone DOPLIN TROOPER'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS A boring enemy, but can prove devastating to Maya. Often found in groups of four, origin attacks may be best way of quickly dealing with them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HILGIGAS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 29 | 6305 | 222 | 9642 | 2256 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: AP Charge Carries: Cress Rock HILGIGAS' ATTACKS 1. Fighting Soul - on itself - charges AP 2. Dread Buster - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 3. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 4. Combo attack + Quake Bomb (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 5. Iron Muscle - on itself - STR and DEF are raised tremendously FIGHTING TIPS Golem-type sucka, but with different skills. Randomly gigas-type enemies (at least those that aren't pumped up) decide to use Iron Muscle, which raises STR and DEF big time, making them twice as dangerous. Although they're slow, a lot of HP needs to be taken down before it's defeated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOORST LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 27 | 2924 | 106 | 3585 | 1624 | Demon | Fire Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom, Anti-Stun Carries: Wisdom Oil VOORST'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Wave Smash - VS one chr - induces stun 3. Gust Howling - VS all chrs - 1 hit, fire spd FIGHTING TIPS Fast fury of the woods, Voorst will be your curse. Likely to go first, fear it when it decides to use Wave Smash, which stuns one chr (and just as you try to lift that status, another member may get stunned). Don't take Gust Howling damage lightly as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAN GUN LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 26 | 2285 | 0 | 3288 | 1331 | Plant | Water Abilities equipped: Water Guard Carries: Stink Bulb BEAN GUN'S ATTACKS 1. Bean Blast! - summons Bean into battle FIGHTING TIPS Bean Gun may forfeit a few turns, but I still advice you kill them ASAP. You don't need to be bothered by stupid Beans, which need special attention to be taken down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAN LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 25 | 166 | 288 | 1500 | 500 | Plant | Water Abilities equipped: Block Normal Carries: Royal Seed BEAN'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd Note: Bean can only be harmed by VAR, MAR, origins or by petrifying it. FIGHTING TIPS Easy - use Scroll items, or suggested means of attacking mentioned above. If you let ot stroll around, damage it does is small anyway... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SABERWULF LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 27 | 1718 | 40 | 3255 | 1266 | Beast | Wind Abilities equipped: Suppress Strike Carries: Zuvel Fur SABREWULF'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Terror Howl - VS one chr - chr affected loses current turn, but only if chr hasn't acted yet 3. Combo attack + Somersault Edge (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Can prove dangerous cos of Terror Howl's annoying turn canceling, with which your chrs can't even get to act, but if you're faster, you can laugh as it will use that move with no effect. Be advised that damage it incurs is big. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAD HOUND LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 28 | 3220 | 88 | 4272 | 1650 | Beast | Wind Abilities equipped: Suppress Strike Carries: Quick Oil MAD HOUND'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Terror Howl - VS one chr - chr affected loses current turn, but only if chr hasn't acted yet 3. Combo attack + Somersault Edge (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Can prove dangerous cos of Terror Howl's annoying turn canceling, with which your chrs can't even get to act, but if you're faster, you can laugh as it will use that move with no effect. Be advised that damage it incurs is big. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORROSIVE TUSK LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 29 | 3981 | 96 | 4518 | 1696 | Beast | Wind Abilities equipped: No Surprises Carries: Quick Bottle CORROSIVE TUSK'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Terror Howl - VS one chr - chr affected loses current turn, but only if chr hasn't acted yet 3. Combo attack + Somersault Edge (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS As the guys you're fighting have just been tremendously improved, you're sure to have some problems with beating the stuffing out of these bastards. Terror Howl has same cancel function, but where Tusks shine is their speed and damage. Concentrating on one at a time and *healing* when needed is sure way to victory. You'll never be able to ambush them - they have No Surprises ability. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KAOS WEEGLE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 28 | 2592 | 21 | 4098 | 1428 | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom Carries: Silver Barome KAOS WEEGLE'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Poison Spit (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + induces poison FIGHTING TIPS Just an upgraded Klaw Ant with higher stats. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAD THORN LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 31 | 4274 | 54 | 5975 | 1713 | Plant | Water Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Boost 2, Hit Rate Up 2, STR Boost 2], while MP Thief, Antidote & Antivenom are always present Carries: Venom Cure Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 2, it has 4701 HP. MAD THORN'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Poison Dust (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + induces venom Note: Mad Thorn's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX MP. FIGHTING TIPS Similarly, upgraded version of Flower Power with higher stats. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LYPS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 14 | 1436* | 32 | 9000 | 5000 | Plant | Earth Abilities equipped: One or both of following [HP Boost 3, STR Boost 2], while Anti-Bewitch is always present Carries: Resurrect Bottle Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 3, it has 1724 HP. LYPS' ATTACKS 1. Escape Master - escapes from battle with 100% probability 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS These things remind me of Cactuars from FF series. They're both so funny. When you met first one in Gale Canyon, it prolly ran away unless you were leveling a lot. Note that Escape Master ensures Lyps to run from battle - not even Prevent Escape skill can't help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRONZE GOLEM LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 31 | 5955* | 178 | 6186 | 1688 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: Two of following [HP Boost 1, STR Boost 1, AGL Boost 2], while Anti-Petrify & Earth Guard are always present. Carries: Alma Iron Ore Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 1, it has 6253 HP. BRONZE GOLEM'S ATTACKS 1. Crimson Heat - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 2. Gigantes Upper + Gigantes Fall - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS How unusual - this golem-type enemy can't stun you, but can inflict great deal of damage. Taking care to be healed after each round migt be a good idea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELVERMIN LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 30 | 4011* | 95 | 5236 | 1407 | Flying | Wind Abilities equipped: One or two of following [HP Boost 2, First Strike, Hit Rate Up 1], while Block Wind is always present Carries: Black Star Sand Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 2, it has 4412 HP. HELVERMIN'S ATTACKS 1. Poison Beak and/or Clawbites and/or Rib Crunch - VS one chr - phd + induces venom (if Poison Beak is used) 2. Inferno - VS all chrs - 1 hit, fire spd FIGHTING TIPS Vulture's cousin and same deal in all aspects, except dealing bigger damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLT SPINE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 30 | 3200 | 40 | 3697 | 1212 | Soft | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Thief, Hit Rate Up 2], while Anti- Paralysis, Antivenom & Thunder Guard are always present Carries: Blinding Draught VOLT SPINE'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Thunderburst (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Mortal Fear - VS one chr - induces venom Note: Volt Spine's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX HP. FIGHTING TIPS Not a dangerous enemy - it is fast plus it may steal HP from you, but can be defeated with ease. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAKI MASTER LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 29 | 2086 | 19 | 4188 | 1301 | Human | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [Guard Up 1, Hit Rate Up 2], while STR Boost 2 is always present Carries: Guard Bottle BAKI MASTER'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Gimme gimme! - steals one item from your inventory - defeat it to receive stolen goods back 3. Combo attack + Ow! (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 4. Come on out! - calls for reinforcements 5. Combo attack + Take That! (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Moderate damage, and not counting its stupid ability to call reinforcements, can be killed quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELEGREM LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 31 | 4160 | 124 | 5743 | 1672 | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: Guard Break 2, Earth Guard Carries: Broot Shell ELEGREM'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Dark Flare - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd FIGHTING TIPS High HP and DEF, plus the ability to break thru your guard make this enemy annoying. Use stronger attacks on it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESSANOVA LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 37 | 6520* | 78 | 9888 | 2697 | Beast | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Boost 2, Hit Rate Up 2], while Anti- Blind & Add Blind are always present Carries: Mind Bottle Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 2, it has 7172 HP. TESSANOVA'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces blind 2. Dark Blaze - VS one chr - induces blind FIGHTING TIPS Can blind you, but otherwise can be put in push-up-daisies-state fast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LYPS KING LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 30 | 2688 | 64 | 10000 | 10000 | Plant | Earth Abilities equipped: Add Sleep, Anti-Sleep, Anti-Bewitch Carries: Resurrect Bottle LYPS KING'S ATTACKS 1. Escape Master - escapes from battle with 100% probability 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces sleep FIGHTING TIPS Improved version of Lyps, and not counting stats, same in all aspects - still capable of escaping regardless of Prevent Escape skill. Can be nice source of EXP and G for that point of game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGHART CRAB LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 35 | 8337 | 144 | 8043 | 2932 | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [Add Poison], while Antidote, Antivenom, Anti-Paralysis & Anti-Petrify are always present Carries: Galma Gold Dust LOGHART CRAB'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + may induce poison 2. Combo attack + Venom (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + induces venom FIGHTING TIPS Meet the first boss of the game, now fighting you as a regular enemy - except it can't summon any Klaw Ants in battle. Often found with one other enemy, it is advised you kill other enemy first, then concetrate your efforst on Crab. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DINO TAURUS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 33 | 4362* | 102 | 5484 | 2141 | Beast | Earth Abilities equipped: Two of following [Hit Rate Up 1, Add Berserk, HP Boost 2, STR Boost 2], while Anti-Berserk is always present Carries: Berserk Draught Note: if equipped with HP Boost 2, it has 4798 HP. DINO TAURUS' ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + may induce berserk 2. Combo attack + Headbutt (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd + may induce berserk 3. Crazy Gas - VS one chr - induces berserk FIGHTING TIPS These guys should be among the first enemies you fell, or else feel the berserk wrath turning onto you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOCUS KARCAS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 33 | 3548 | 200 | 6081 | 2200 | Demon | Void Abilities equipped: Absorb Special Carries: BoltStrike Scroll KOCUS KARCAS' ATTACKS 1. Stealth Shot - VS one chr - phd 2. Drill Crush - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd Note: If Kocus self-destructs by using Drill Crush, no EXP and G are awarded for it. FIGHTING TIPS Don't leave Karcas hanging with too little HP for too long, or it will choose to self-destruct on one of your chrs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAN CANNON LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 33 | 4965 | 102 | 3723 | 2011 | Plant | Water Abilities equipped: Water Guard Carries: Stink Bulb BEAN CANNON'S ATTACKS 1. Bean Blast! - summons Mrs. Bean into battle FIGHTING TIPS Should be eliminated first, but if encountered with other enemies, leave them for last. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MRS. BEAN LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 33 | 239 | 299 | 2112 | 666 | Plant | Water Abilities equipped: Random Blow, Block Normal Carries: Royal Seed MRS. BEAN'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd Notes: Mrs. Bean can only be killed by origins, VAR, MAR or by petrifying it. FIGHTING TIPS A by-product of Bean Cannon, Mrs. Bean can prove mildly annoying. Use one of kill-me-ways mentioned above to get rid of it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANGED SNAIL LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 34 | 5220 | 132 | 7179 | 2616 | Soft | Water Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom Carries: Iron Fang Stone HANGED SNAIL'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Demon Blaze - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd 3. Volcano Shot - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd 4. Rotten Breath - VS one chr - induces venom FIGHTING TIPS New enemy breed at last. Highest annoyance span definitely goes to Rotten Breath, which venoms all three chrs. Getting in Antivenom shape before battle is not a bad idea at all. Using Lang's origin can also be swift victory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DARK FLY LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 32 | 2638 | 35 | 3285 | 1680 | Flying | Dark Abilities equipped: One of following [Add Poison, Hit Rate Up 1, All Or Nothing, Pole Position], Antidote & Anti-Paralysis are always present, while Bloodsucker may or may not be present Carries: Paralysis Draught DARK FLY'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + may induce poison 2. Combo attack + Poison Needle (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + may induce poison 3. Evil Scream - VS one chr - induces paralysis FIGHTING TIPS Evil Fly's absolute copy, not counting stats and a nice addition of Pole Position skill, with which it may go first. Falls defeated easily. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD BEETLE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 34 | 19200 | 32 | 6000 | 30000 | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom Carries: Silver Barome GOLD BEETLE'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Poison Spit (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + induces poison FIGHTING TIPS Only once can this enemy by fought. In Forest Maze stand about two steps below the tree with Golden Apple and use Deva few times. Besides HP and cash it drops Gold Beetle is far from hot enemy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALZA DORGUE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 40 | 5901 | 122 | 9080 | 3128 | Chitin | Dark Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom, Anti-Sleep, Anti-Seal, Anti-Stun Carries: Sleep Draught ALZA DORGUE'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Nightmare - VS one chr - induces sleep FIGHTING TIPS Will annoy you by putting chrs to sleep, so it might be good idea to kill it off first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW SKULL LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 39 | 5995 | 99 | 7000 | 3094 | Spirit | Dark Abilities equipped: One of following [Add Seal, Add Confusion], while Hit Rate Up 2, AP Thief, Anti-Spellbind & Block Dark are always present Carries: Unkar Stone SHADOW SKULL'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces seal or confusion 2. Combo attack + Death Count (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd + induces seal or confusion 3. Branded Curse - VS one chr - induces spellbind 4. Hate Force - VS one chr - press buttons as they light up (when yellow blobs cross over them), for each blob you miss you receive damage, which is [damage = amount of missed blobs x 200]; should you manage to let no blobs pass, Shadow Skull takes damage instead, which equals 1/2 of its current HP Note: Skull's physicals may steal 1/5 of chr's MAX AP, max value stolen is 20 AP. And if killed by Hate Force, you lose EXP and G for it. FIGHTING TIPS If you find them with Alza Dork... oops, I mean Dorgue, eliminate them second. Statuses they can put on you are not so dangerous, whilst Alza's sleep is. If Hate Force is used, stay calm and press buttons accordingly. Do not give up if some blobs manage to elude you - strive to lessen the damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VURAN LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 38 | 6420 | 83 | 2930 | 1794 | Human | Wind Abilities equipped: Anti-Blind, Add Poison Carries: Leaf of Swiftness VURAN'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces poison 2. Combo attack + Nail Slash (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd + induces poison FIGHTING TIPS It's fast and can poison you, grrr. Plus it guards exceptionally well. Using Deva to get rid of it is not a bad idea at all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAVER FLY LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 37 | 3327 | 163 | 4200 | 1680 | Flying | Dark Abilities equipped: One of following [Add Poison, Hit Rate Up 2, Add Paralysis, Pole Position], Antidote & Anti-Paralysis are always present, while Bloodsucker may or may not be present Carries: Paralysis Draught RAVER FLY'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces poison or paralysis 2. Combo attack + Poison Needle (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + induces poison or paralysis 3. Evil Scream - VS one chr - induces paralysis FIGHTING TIPS You were just killing Dark Flies few minutes ago. This one is bit more dangerous, as it can paralyse you in addition to usual poison. Often found in groups, origin may be the best cure against it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KELV SOL MA LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 40 | 6003 | 286 | 8398 | 3210 | Spirit | ***** Abilities equipped: Guard Break 1, Anti-Seal, Halve Special Carries: ShadowLurk Scroll ***** - Attribute tied to Kelv Sol Ma can be easily recognized by the look of their robes - red for fire, blue for water and purple for thunder. KELV SOL MA'S ATTACKS 1. Impure Melody - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd + induces confusion 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Dark Roar - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 4. Dark Hymn - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd + induces seal FIGHTING TIPS I hate those guys - one just loves to use confusion or seal attack, leaving you hanging with limited options. And it halves special damage? WTF? If that's not enough, it can break your guard and always give you some damage unless you have Stop Guard Break skill. Pay attention to color of their robes and coordinate your attacks accordingly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NECROSKEL LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 36 | 3099 | 176 | 3105 | 1344 | Demon | Water Abilities equipped: Anti-Paralysis, Anti-Blind, Anti-Plague Carries: Paralysis Cure NECROSKEL'S ATTACKS 1. Death Smoke - VS one chr - phd + induces plague 2. Mad Sonic - VS one chr - induces paralysis FIGHTING TIPS Yay, new enemy breed. Kill fast and painless with origin attacks, preferably Galea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVIL JELLY LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 37 | 3155 | 100 | 5106 | 2618 | Soft | Water Abilities equipped: Guard Break 1, Antidote, Antivenom, Add Poison, Halve Normal, Absorb Water Carries: Gelatin Oil EVIL JELLY'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces poison 2. Propagate - splits into two FIGHTING TIPS Extremely high DEF makes this enemy hard to defeat. Use origin attacks instead or use Scroll items. Make sure you don't leave it hanging with too less HP, or else it will split in two making your battle last longer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFERNO LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 13246 | NA | 32770 | 10000 | Giant | Fire Abilities equipped: Guard Break 2 Carries: Raw Alexandrite INFERNO'S ATTACKS 1. Scatter Fist - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd, cancels all positive effects 2. Savage Fist - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 3. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS No so high in HP heaven, but pack extremely powerful attacks for this point of game. When you force yourself into one of fights with Inferno, go all out with HAR. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD WARRIOR LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 25 | 3338 | 65 | 3600 | 2011 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: Guard Up 2, Guard Break 1 Carries: Suzna Ice Stone GOLD WARRIOR'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Gale Slash (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Jack Slay (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Yawn. Kill and proceed. You're way more powerful than they are. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRONZE WARRIOR LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 25 | 3338 | 65 | 3600 | 2011 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: Guard Up 2, Guard Break 1 Carries: Suzna Ice Stone BRONZE WARRIOR'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Gale Slash (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Jack Slay (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Same as Gold Warrior. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIEND BULB LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 45 | 6588 | 200 | 9856 | 3540 | Flying | Dark Abilities equipped: AP Thief, Anti-Venom, Anti-Bewitch, Anti-Berserk, Anti- Fear Carries: Leaf of Mentality FIEND BULB'S ATTACKS 1. Blow-up - prepares for Farewell 2. Farewell - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 3. Underearth - VS one chr - phd Note: Fiend Bulb's physicals may steal 1/5 of chr's MAX AP, max value stolen is 20 AP. Also, if Fiend Bulb self-destructs, no EXP and G are awarded for it. FIGHTING TIPS Another new enemy breed, but this guys love to blow up in your face. Good thing? It needs one turn to charge, by which it will already be 6 feet under. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANGED SHAPE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 45 | 7007 | 215 | 10360 | 3010 | Soft | Water Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom Carries: Guwo Solution HANGED SHAPE'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Demon Blaze - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd 3. Volcano Shot - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd 4. Rotten Breath - VS one chr - induces venom FIGHTING TIPS Kill fast and painless with origin attacks, preferably Galea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHADE FLOWER LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 44 | 4682* | 92 | 6574 | 2145 | Plant | Water Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Boost 3, Add Venom, Hit Rate Up 2, STR Boost 2], while MP Thief, Antidote, Antivenom & Anti-Sleep are always present Carries: LightFlash Scroll Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 3, it has 5618 HP. SHADE FLOWER'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + may induce venom 2. Combo attack + Poison Dust (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + induces venom or sleep Note: Shade Flower's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX MP. FIGHTING TIPS Kill fast and painless with origin attacks, preferably Galea, but take care of venom just in case other enemies Shade Flower appears with don't get toasted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOUD EATER LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 43 | 3924 | 176 | 3810 | 1554 | Demon | Water Abilities equipped: Anti-Paralysis, Anti-Blind, Anti-Plague Carries: Plague Draught CLOUD EATER'S ATTACKS 1. Death Smoke - VS one chr - phd + induces plague 2. Mad Sonic - VS one chr - induces paralysis FIGHTING TIPS Kill fast and painless with origin attacks, preferably Galea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELGIGAS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 46 | 10417 | 222 | 24552 | 6352 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [Full Power, AP Charge], while Random Blow is always present Carries: Leaf of Defiance HELGIGAS' ATTACKS 1. Fighting Soul - on itself - charges AP or triples STR for next turn 2. Dread Buster - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 3. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 4. Combo attack + Quake Bomb (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 5. Iron Muscle - on itself - STR and DEF are raised tremendously FIGHTING TIPS These guys have gotten more serious. Able to pack Full Power skill, damage you will receive on next turn (unless it'll get killed, as it still needs to charge it) is humongous. Luckily it's fought alone, giving you another edge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PYRO HERETIC LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 48 | 4435 | 211 | 5625 | 1950 | Demon | Water Abilities equipped: Anti-Paralysis, Anti-Blind, Anti-Plague Carries: Paralysis Cure PYRO HERETIC'S ATTACKS 1. Death Smoke - VS one chr - phd + induces plague 2. Mad Sonic - VS one chr - induces paralysis FIGHTING TIPS Kill fast and painless with origin attacks, preferably Galea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAVA DRAKE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 49 | 5516* | 102 | 7920 | 2589 | Beast | Earth Abilities equipped: Two of following [STR Boost 2, HP Boost 2, Hit Rate Up 1, Add Berserk], while Anti-Berserk & Block Fire are always present Carries: Meteorite Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 2, it has 6066 HP. LAVA DRAKE'S ATTACKS 1. Crazy Gas - VS one chr - induces berserk 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + may induce berserk 3. Combo attack + Headbutt (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd + may induce berserk FIGHTING TIPS These guys should be among the first enemies you fell, or else feel the berserk wrath turning onto you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOODFEATHER LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 49 | 5504 | 139 | 7777 | 2714 | Spirit | Dark Abilities equipped: One or two of following [Add Fear, Add Spellbind], while AP Thief & Block Dark are always present Carries: Beldnuk BLOODFEATHER'S ATTACKS 1. Orbit Shred + Bone Spike - VS one chr - phd + induces fear or spellbind 2. Deathgame - you'll be showed four cards; memorize the one most beneficial to you (you have few seconds of time); cards will be shuffled, so try to follow your card; after shuffling is done, you have 5 seconds to choose a card; what's written on the card will take effect 3. Abyss Whisper - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 4. Chaos Breath - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd + induces seal Note: Bloodfeather's physicals may steal 1/5 of chr's MAX AP, max value stolen is 20 AP. And if killed by means of Deathgame, you lose EXP and G for it. FIGHTING TIPS Eliminate Bloodfeathers immediately. Spellbind, fear or insta-death they can chuck around is not to be laughed at, not to mention its powerful Abyss Whisper. Of course, if you succeed in Deathgame backfiring - mwahaha! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GARV SU TRAH LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 50 | 8523 | 302 | 12975 | 4250 | Spirit | ***** Abilities equipped: Guard Break 2, Anti-Seal, Halve Special Carries: Wisdom Bottle ***** - Attribute tied to Garv Su Trah can be easily recognized by the look of their robes - red for fire, blue for water and purple for thunder. GARV SU TRAH'S ATTACKS 1. Impure Melody - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd + induces confusion 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Dark Roar - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 4. Dark Hymn - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd + induces seal FIGHTING TIPS I hate those guys - one just loves to use confusion or seal attack, leaving you hanging with limited options. And it halves special damage? WTF? If that's not enough, it can break your guard and always give you some damage unless you have Stop Guard Break skill. Pay attention to color of their robes and coordinate your attacks accordingly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABYSGIGAS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 51 | 11169 | 220 | 14120 | 3840 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [Final Blow, AP Charge], while Random Blow is always present Carries: Leaf of Stamina ABYSGIGAS' ATTACKS 1. Fighting Soul - on itself - charges AP or increases STR x10 for next turn 2. Dread Buster - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 3. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 4. Combo attack + Quake Bomb (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 5. Iron Muscle - on itself - STR and DEF are raised tremendously FIGHTING TIPS Not High Power or Full Power, it's Final Blow they might bosses. At it can be found in pairs. Feel the tenfold power of attacks (guaranteed downed chr) or go out immediately with HAR. Again, first it needs to charge the Final Blow attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERKTORA LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 50 | 7788 | 162 | 12481 | 4256 | Demon | Fire Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom, Anti-Stun Carries: Stun Draught VERKTORA'S ATTACKS 1. Wave Smash - VS one chr - induces stun 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Gust Howling - VS all chrs - 1 hit, fire spd FIGHTING TIPS Fast fury of the volcano, Verktora will be your curse. Likely to go first, fear it when it decides to use Wave Smash, which stuns one chr (and just as you try to lift that status, another member may get stunned). Don't take Gust Howling damage lightly as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLAZE WHEEL LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 48 | 3299 | 210 | 5850 | 1875 | Flying | Dark Abilities equipped: Anti-Petrify, MP Thief Carries: Curse Remedy BLAZE WHEEL'S ATTACKS 1. Petro Shock - VS one chr - induces petrify 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Fate's Choice - VS one chr - you get five seconds to make the roulette stop on a sign; you can find negative status effect, like poison and sleep; there are also signs that halve your MP or HP; you can also run into signs that decreases stats like STR or DEF Note: Blaze Wheel's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX MP. FIGHTING TIPS Ugh, a cockatrice wannabe. Carry Anti-Petrify or Petrify Cures with you always. Good luck with Fate's Choice - what will be used is completely random. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IRON GOLEM LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 57 | 14276 | 178 | 17577 | 6168 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [STR Boost 2, AGL Boost 1], while Anti- Petrify, Add Stun & Block Earth are always present Carries: Ndiga King Stone IRON GOLEM'S ATTACKS 1. Crimson Heat - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 2. Gigantes Upper + Gigantes Fall - VS one chr - phd + induces stun FIGHTING TIPS Almost guaranteed to stun your chrs and packs enormous defense. Can be fought in pairs, in which case you may get in serious troubles, so let those HAR rip. Do assign one member to heal after Crimson Heat - taking two of those is no laughing matter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW BALLOON LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 55 | 8671 | 200 | 11577 | 4306 | Flying | Dark Abilities equipped: AP Thief, Anti-Venom, Anti-Bewitch, Anti-Berserk, Anti- Fear Carries: Leaf of Mysticism SHADOW BALLOON'S ATTACKS 1. Blow-up - prepares for Farewell 2. Farewell - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 3. Underearth - VS one chr - phd 4. Infusion - VS one chr - phd Note: Shadow Balloon's physicals may steal 1/5 of chr's MAX AP, max value stolen is 20 AP. Also, if Shadow Balloon self-destructs, no EXP and G are awarded for it. FIGHTING TIPS It loves to blow up in your face. Good thing? It needs one turn to charge, by which it will already be 6 feet under. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANGED HYDRA LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 55 | 9858 | 132 | 11700 | 3600 | Soft | Water Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom Carries: Toxin Remedy HANGED HYDRA'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Demon Blaze - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd 3. Volcano Shot - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd 4. Rotten Breath - VS one chr - induces venom FIGHTING TIPS Kill fast and painless with origin attacks, preferably Galea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARUS AUGE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 54 | 6395 | 172 | 9807 | 3187 | Chitin | Dark Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom, Anti-Stun, Anti-Seal, Anti-Bewitch Carries: Bewitch Draught ARUS AUGE'S ATTACKS 1. Chain Blast - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Mesmerize - VS one chr - induces bewitch FIGHTING TIPS Kill, kill, KILL! Bewitched chr is as good as downed chr. Otherwise it goes down under fast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIKID LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 54 | 7636 | 99 | 10179 | 2878 | Human | Wind Abilities equipped: Two of following [Add Poison, Add Venom, Add Blind, Add Plague], while HP Thief & Anti-Blind are always present Carries: Leaf of Swiftness WIKID'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces poison, blind, venom or plague 2. Combo attack + Nail Slash (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd + induces poison, blind, venom or plague Note: Wikid's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX HP. FIGHTING TIPS Stupid I-add-two-status-at-you. Proving to be extremely annoying, you may wish to use Deva to get rid of them faster. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAOS RAVEN LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 55 | 9339* | 127 | 12020 | 3455 | Flying | Wind Abilities equipped: One of following [Hit Rate Up 1, HP Boost 3], while Guard Break 1 & Absorb Wind are always present Carries: Orhalcon Stone Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 3, it has 11206 HP. CHAOS RAVEN'S ATTACKS 1. Poison Beak and/or Clawbites and/or Rib Crunch - VS one chr - phd + induces venom (if Poison Beak is used) 2. Inferno - VS all chrs - 1 hit, fire spd FIGHTING TIPS Big, easy to hit, fast and... annoying, as you may encounter up to three. Inferno times three is not a pretty sight. Deva or HAR should ensure your victory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAZUR MA RAH LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 61 | 12024 | 302 | 14000 | 5082 | Spirit | ***** Abilities equipped: Guard Cancel, Anti-Seal, Halve Special Carries: Leaf of Sagacity ***** - Attribute tied to Lazur Ma Rah can be easily recognized by the look of their robes - red for fire, blue for water and purple for thunder. LAZUR MA RAH'S ATTACKS 1. Impure Melody - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd + induces confusion 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Dark Roar - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 4. Dark Hymn - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd + induces seal FIGHTING TIPS I hate those guys - one just loves to use confusion or seal attack, leaving you hanging with limited options. And it halves special damage? WTF? If that's not enough, it can break your guard and always give you some damage unless you have Stop Guard Break skill. Pay attention to color of their robes and coordinate your attacks accordingly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETHER BEAST LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 61 | 11884 | 106 | 13950 | 5528 | Demon | Fire Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom, Anti-Stun Carries: Fear Draught NETHER BEAST'S ATTACKS 1. Wave Smash - VS one chr - induces stun 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Gust Howling - VS all chrs - 1 hit, fire spd FIGHTING TIPS Fast and furious, Nether Beast will be your curse. Likely to go first, fear it when it decides to use Wave Smash, which stuns one chr (and just as you try to lift that status, another member may get stunned). Don't take Gust Howling damage lightly as well. There are fights including 4 of those, just to show how dangerous they are. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TERRAK LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 61 | 12377 | 205 | 14622 | 4885 | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: Guard Cancel, Block Earth Carries: Sand Dragon's Eye TERRAK'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Dark Flare - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd FIGHTING TIPS Dang - will always give you 100% of damage, unless you have Stop Guard Break skill. In other aspects it's the same as its brethren Stone Beast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROTESK LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 61 | 10024 | 99 | 13742 | 4967 | Spirit | Dark Abilities equipped: Two of following [AP Thief, Add Spellbind, 2x Attack Rate, Add Fear], while Block Dark is always present Carries: Resurrect Bottle GROTESK'S ATTACKS 1. Orbit Shred + Bone Spike - VS one chr - phd + induces fear or spellbind 2. Deathgame - you'll be showed four cards; memorize the one most beneficial to you (you have few seconds of time); cards will be shuffled, so try to follow your card; after shuffling is done, you have 5 seconds to choose a card; what's written on the card will take effect 3. Abyss Whisper - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 4. Chaos Breath - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd + induces seal Note: Grotesk's physicals may steal 1/5 of chr's MAX AP, max value stolen is 20 AP. If killed by means of Deathgame, you lose EXP and G for it. FIGHTING TIPS Eliminate Grotesks immediately. Spellbind, fear or insta-death they can chuck around is not to be laughed at, not to mention its powerful Abyss Whisper. Of course, if you succeed in Deathgame backfiring - mwahaha! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHADE FLARE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 60 | 6019 | 210 | 7002 | 2003 | Flying | Dark Abilities equipped: MP Thief, Anti-Petrify, Add Petrify Carries: Petrify Draught SHADE FLARE'S ATTACKS 1. Petro Shock - VS one chr - induces petrify 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces petrify 3. Fate's Choice - VS one chr - you get five seconds to make the roulette stop on a sign; you can find negative status effect, like poison and sleep; there are also signs that halve your MP or HP; you can also run into signs that decreases stats like STR or DEF Note: Shade Flare's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX MP. FIGHTING TIPS *Carry Anti-Petrify or Petrify Cures with you always*. Good luck with Fate's Choice - what will be used is completely random. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVIZOR LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 62 | 15744 | 432 | 20414 | 7936 | Chitin | Dark Abilities equipped: One or none of following [Add Death], while Random Blow, Anti-Petrify & Anti-Critical are always present Carries: Boost Oil REVIZOR'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + may induce downed 2. Crag Buster - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd FIGHTING TIPS Kill immediately with HAR - it has very good defense rating. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AZUL VELRA LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 62 | 16833 | 448 | 20048 | 8080 | Chitin | Dark Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom, Anti-Seal, Anti-Bewitch, Anti-Stun Carries: Anvenus Gem AZUL VELRA'S ATTACKS 1. Chain Blast - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Mesmerize - VS one chr - induces bewitch FIGHTING TIPS Kill, kill, KILL! Bewitched chr is as good as downed chr. Can prove somewhat problematic cos of high HP, but if you have Anti-Bewitch stuff, you're safe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMON CARRIER LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 61 | 9916 | 200 | 13568 | 5010 | Flying | Dark Abilities equipped: One of following [2x Attack Rate, AP Thief], while Anti- Bewitch, Antivenom, Anti-Berserk & Anti-Fear are always present Carries: Leaf of Appeal DEMON CARRIER'S ATTACKS 1. Blow-up - prepares for Farewell 2. Farewell - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 3. Underearth - VS one chr - phd 4. Infusion - VS one chr - phd Note: Demon Carrier's physicals may steal 1/5 of chr's MAX AP, max value stolen is 20 AP. Also, if Demon Carrier self-destructs, no EXP and G are awarded for it. FIGHTING TIPS It loves to blow up in your face. Good thing? It needs one turn to charge, by which it will already be 6 feet under. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARZEL GOTH LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 63 | 36832 | 264 | 25000 | 12000 | Giant | Dark Abilities equipped: Anti-Bewitch, Anti-Petrify, Anti-Death, Add Critical, Dark Guard Carries: Ultimate Miracle ARZEL GOTH'S ATTACKS 1. Branterios + Xeriahalt - VS one chr - phd + induces critical 2. Dialotos - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 3. Zephyr - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 4. Trogluzer - VS one chr - phd + induces critical FIGHTING TIPS Moderately challenging. If you fight it with any other enemies, leave Arzel for last to be ass-kicked. It may surprise you with critical status after it finishes attacking, and it's not good to have some other enemy attack critical chr, downing him/her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALNOAH LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 65 | 90369 | 999 | 60000 | 55000 | Demon | Wind Abilities equipped: Anti-Seal, Anti-Petrify, Anti-Critical, Anti-Death Carries: Faust Ribbon VALNOAH'S ATTACKS 1. Zhavlack - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 2. Zobeld - VS one chr - phd 3. Zelpheed - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd + induces stun FIGHTING TIPS Carry Anti-Stun stuff or take care to lift stun immediately. Don't get too cocky or you'll be sorry, as this guy takes long to defeat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 7. REGULAR BOSS INFO ============================================================================= ============================================================================= This section contains the information on all regular, ie storyline bosses. Names of bosses that are crucial to the storyline will be shortened to one letter only, but you will know what enemy I will be talking about, don't worry. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - GATHER CRAB LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 1074 | NA | 500 | 500 | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: None Carries: Antidote GATHER CRAB'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd, 2 hits (both hands) OR 1 hit (one hand) 2. Birth - summons 1x Klaw Ant into battle, used with both hands cut off 3. Venom - VS one chr - phd + induces poison, used with both hands cut off BOSS STRATEGY Lang should be at least LV4, so that you won't have to heal too often. Mountain Crusher is preferred NAR for this fight, or you could opt for Sandstorm (it should take boss out in five-six hits). Lang is faster than crablegs for sure, so just proceed whacking at it with Mountain Crushers. Its physical attacks take off about 25 HP per strike, while Venom is worth 70 HP. When boss loses about 1/3 of its HP, Lang cuts one of its arms, reducing boss' attack to 1x combo. With 2/3 of boss' HP lost, boss can't combo anymore, but instead switches to Venom and occassional Birth (taking out Klaw Ants is nice well of EXP, but don't take too long). Heal if your HP falls below 80 - don't take any chances. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - GOLD EYES LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Human | Void Abilities equipped: None Carries: Nothing GOLD EYES' ATTACKS Has no attacks. BOSS STRATEGY Just defend for three turns and that's it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - ELFIN LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 2347 | NA | 2074 | 1940 | Beast | NA Abilities equipped: High Power, Light Guard, Hit rate up 1, HP boost 1, STR boost 1 Carries: Leaf of Vigor ELFIN'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Death Hug - VS one chr - 3 hits, phd 3. Challenge - VS one chr - chr loses all AP 4. Maiden Passion - on itself - STR for next turn is doubled 5. Combo attack + Dynamite Hip - VS one chr - phd BOSS STRATEGY Elfin's combos can take away up to 200 damage. Death Hug rips about 200 damage. Combo, which follows Maiden Passion can be worth up to 300 damage (if Lang has enough HP, guard on next turn). So first thing to remember is to heal immediately if your HP becomes 300 or less. Challenge is a pest, as this move robs you of all AP you've gained. So start the battle by immediately executing SAR, like Red Whirlwind. When your AP gets stolen, switch to Chaos Strike. Heal when you need to and you will emerge victorious. Don't give up! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - E. & M. E.'S STATS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 1193 | NA | NA | NA | Human | Dark Abilities equipped: Hit Rate Up 1 Carries: Sharpshoot Charm E.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Sharp Viper HAR (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Argent Flash HAR (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd 4. Dark Smash - VS one chr - 10 hits, dark spd + induces spellbind ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- M.'S STATS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 1445 | NA | NA | NA | Human | Dark Abilities: Guard Up 1, Hit Rate Up 1 Carries: Venom Charm M.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Rapture - on herself - STR is increased 3. Combo attack + Present Play HAR (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd 4. Combo attack + Elegant Royale HAR (8 hits) - VS one chr - phd 5. White Melody - VS all chrs - 1 hit, dark spd + induces venom BOSS STRATEGY This is another battle you're 'supposed' to lose. But alas, if you're leveled enough, it is *possible* to waste either E. or M. Either two of bosses can be attacked for damage... maybe you'll succeed in stealing their items? Once either you, E. or M. falls defeated, battle is over. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - MIGHTY B. LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 1775 | NA | 2500 | 2500 | Human | Light Abilities equipped: Block Light Carries: Attack Oil B.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Rage Wave - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd BOSS STRATEGY How can he fight with all that armor? Regular attack does 200 damage a pop. Rage Wave strikes all chrs for 250 damage (even more if Lang fights alone). If only Lang is fighting, launch two attacks (Red Whirlwind will do nicely), then use Heal Leaf on third turn and repeat until Balken falls. If both chrs fight, have Maya defend on first turn, then use Life Blessing from second onward. If you waste B. before drawbridge is up, you receive no special rewards, so do whatever. I was LV12 when I fought him and he fell with four Red Whirlwinds. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - MOUNTAIN MORG LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 896 | NA | 5000 | 3000 | NA | NA Abilities equipped: Block Normal Carries: Armor Charm MORG'S ATTACKS 1. A power punch! - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd 2. Hit you! - VS one chr - 1 hit, critical damage 3. eat Eat EAT! - prepares for 'Don't like you!' 4. Don't like you! - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd (Game over!) BOSS STRATEGY It can't be harmed with normal attacks. What do you do? Power punch will take off about 150. Defend for few turns until scene (if you wanna steal its Armor charm, try away) - Lang *must* be defeated first. It's all over now. Lang's HP/MP are restored. Use Flaming Fist twice and you win. Do not wait or you'll get hit with 'Don't like you!' attack which is sure game over, as it does over 1000 damage, and I doubt you have that much. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - SLOGAR LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 16763 | NA | 13000 | 8192 | Demon | Dark Abilities equipped: MP Thief, Stop Guard Break Carries: Leaf of Mysticism SLOGAR'S ATTACKS 1. Extinct Fall - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 2. Dust Break - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd + induces poison 3. Rapid Blast - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd Note: Slogar's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX MP. BOSS STRATEGY Do not be afraid. Boss can't be harmed, Maya is out of action for three turns... well, maybe you should be afraid... after three turns pass, Maya kicks boss' ass into oblivion. Not really, but at least you can now hit it for damage. Single chr attacks deal up to 500 damage, Extinct Fall 250 to all. If you get poisoned, shrug it off (you'll just get poisoned again) - concentrate on killing Slogar. Heal your chrs whenever HP falls below 500 - you should have a bunch of Bronze Baromes. Kazan uses Cannon Blast SAR, or Fists of Rage HAR. Lang goes way of Raging Fang. Don't forget to combo NAR afterwards to get back few AP per each move. Boss ain't hard, you just need to know what it can do to you. PS: You could also consider launching Kazan's MAR, but he must have less than half MAX HP remaining, 100 AP and at least 100 MP. Combo for MAR is: DRLURLD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - R. THE BRAVE & 2x CRIMSON WARRIOR R.'S STATS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 28067 | NA | 20480 | 12800 | Human | Light Abilities equipped: Hit Rate Up 1 Carries: Leaf of Mentality RAYNOF'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Split World - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 3. Rage Wave - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRIMSON WARRIOR'S STATS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 25 | 3338 | 65 | 3600 | 2011 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: Guard Up 2, Guard Break 1 Carries: Suzna Ice Stone CRIMSON WARRIOR'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Gale Slash (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Jack Slay (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd BOSS STRATEGY Let's see - a motormouth like his bro, only this time he brought reinforcements. Crimsons have Guard Break ability, which enables them to give 25% of damage even if you're guarding, so don't take them lightly - their combos can deal about 400 damage. R.'s combo is worth 600, while Split World gives up to 280 damage to all (Rage Wave as well). Here's the deal for quickly wasting this guy... Magic Powder + Flaming Fist = Victoly! So each turn have Lang throw Flaming Fist, Maya gives Lang Magic Powder each turn and Kazan uses Bronze Baromes to keep the team healthy. About ten Crimsons later boss falls and you get whole bunch of EXP and cash. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - ZOAN STOARA LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 27338 | NA | 30720 | 15000 | Demon | Dark Abilities equipped: MP Thief, Stop Guard Break Carries: Leaf of Sagacity ZOAN STOARA'S ATTACKS 1. Gusto Blow - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 2. Toxic Dark - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd + induces stun 3. Crackdown Buster - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd Note: Stoara's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX MP. BOSS STRATEGY Another bozo that can't be hurt yet... Toxic Dark gets one chr for 500 damage, Gusto Blow and Crackdown Buster both blow all for 200 damage. Bring some Stun Cures or acc with Anti-Stun, if you have any. Defend/heal for three turns. After the scene input Maya's commands like this and exactly like this: DURL. This will unleash Big Bang HAR, which will enable you to hit the boss. If someone gets stunned, unstun him/her immediately. This fight is almost the same as Slogar fight, with only different status annoying you. So remember to heal if your HP fall to 500 or below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - B. LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 56064 | NA | 38400 | 19200 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: AP Charge Carries: Nomadic Necklace B.'S ATTACKS 1. Burning Soul - on himself - AP Charge, fills up 30 AP 2. Dancing Revolver HAR - VS one chr - 6 hits, phd BOSS STRATEGY For big muscle-head he is strong. Usually he wastes first turn for Burning Soul - then he gets dangerous. His HAR Dancing Revolver may well down a chr - but that's a good thing... he can only attack one chr at a time. That's why I suggested buying Revival Elixirs. Start the battle with two chrs joining forces in VAR, while third one shoots off only his/her HAR. This alone should shave off about 40000 HP. Now continue the fight using NAR on B. - remember, no more than one chr can be attacked. But don't forget to heal downed chrs or you're in trouble. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - STORM IDOL LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 45248 | NA | 60000 | 30000 | Giant | Thunder Abilities equipped: AP Attack, Reverse-HP Defence, Add Thunder, Block Thunder Carries: ThunderStone Shard IDOL'S ATTACKS 1. Temperius - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 2. Branterios + Xeriahalt - VS one chr - phd 3. Gardihon - on itself - recovers all AP 4. Ozmarakia - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd BOSS STRATEGY For a boss this late in the game it doesn't have that much HP, but it can hit hard. All of its attacks will take away between 1000 and 1700 HP, so heal if your HP isn't that high. Most appropriate battle tactic would be to have two chrs attack, while third (fastest one) heals the team with Silver Baromes. This of course applies if you fight honestly. For dirty victory simply launch one VAR, followed by third chr's flurry of HAR. One dead boss, coming up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - E. & M. E.'S STATS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 78239 | NA | Check M.| Check M.| Human | Dark Abilities equipped: Hit Rate Up 1 Carries: Prosperous Symbol E.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Sharp Viper HAR (1 hit) - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd 3. Combo attack + Argent Flash HAR (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd 4. Curie Dance HAR (8 hits) - VS one chr - phd 5. Anje's Song HAR (8 hits) - VS one chr - phd 6. Dark Smash - VS all chrs - 10 hits, dark spd + induces spellbind ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- M.'S STATS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 90754 | NA | 123537 | 41812 | Human | Light Abilities: Guard Up 1, Hit Rate Up 1 Carries: Gold Symbol M.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Rapture - on herself - STR is increased 3. Combo attack + Present Play HAR (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd 4. Combo attack + Elegant Royale HAR (8 hits) - VS one chr - phd 5. White Melody - VS all chrs - 1 hit, light spd + induces venom BOSS STRATEGY This is a hard boss battle. I'll note down first damage they can do to you so you know just how much you can withstand: E.'s combo attacks hit one for 600 damage, combo attack + HAR give one chr up to 1500 damage, HAR alone also strikes one chr for up to 1500 damage and Dark Smash strikes all chrs for 1200 damage and gives spellbind. When it comes to M., don't take the attacks lightly as well: White melody strikes all chrs for around 1000 damage and venoms them. Combo attacks alone can take away 600 HP from one chr, but if followed by HAR, up to 2500! Hope that you don't see Rapture, which increases M.'s STR. Between choosing what's more annoying I decided for venom status, therefore I recommend taking out M. first (bring Antivenom and Anti-Spellbind eq-pieces. Not being able to heal is more pestering than not being able to use arts. If you have any Attack Transformers (no AP is consumed during next turn) or other items that affect AP consumption/gain, now is one of rare opportunities when it's good to use them. Assign fastest member as the healer - use Silver Baromes. For first turn unleash VAR against E., followed by third chr's HAR fury. Take the punishment (it is possible that you'll be smashed and melodied during first turn already - if this leaves you hanging with around 300 HP and you're both venomed and spellbound, and you don't have anything around which might heal you and remove statuses at the same time [Ultimate Miracle & Co.], there's almost 90% possibility battle is lost) of your enemies' attacks. With this M. should have lost about 60000 HP. To finish M. off, use Point card, which has at least 40000 points on it - if you have 99999 points on Point Card, even better... M. is out with one snap of the fingers. Don't forget to heal at start of second turn. Now only E. remains, and (with danger of being venomed out of the way) he's an easy opponent. Sure E. can spellbind you, but you can heal lost HP (were you to eliminate E. first, you'd need to keep healing venom first, and then lost HP). Keep hacking away on your way to victory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - VAL KENUS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 86028 | NA |ChekKurtz|ChekKurtz| Demon | Fire Abilities equipped: Fire Guard, Add Fire Carries: Ultimate Miracle VAL'S ATTACKS 1. Lava Storm - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd 2. Val Kenus is looking for an opening! - prepares for Nova Blast 3. Nova Blast - VS all chrs - 1 hit, fire spd ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - VAR ZELPH LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 142273 | NA |ChekKurtz|ChekKurtz| Demon | Fire Abilities equipped: Fire Guard, Add Fire Carries: Heaven's Gate ZELPH'S ATTACKS 1. Titan Fist - VS all chrs - 1 hit, fire spd 2. Mad Howling (Var Zelph saves power!) - prepares for Meteor Breath 3. Meteor Breath - VS all chrs - 1 hit, fire spd 4. Volcano Storm - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - VAR KURTZ LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 52217 | NA | 198609 | 50000 | Demon | Fire Abilities equipped: Fire Guard, Add Fire Carries: Heal Bottle KURTZ'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Lava Storm - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd BOSS STRATEGY Boss' attacks and damage estimates are as follows: Lava Storm hits 1600 vs one chr, Nova Blast 2000 to all, Titan Fist 2000 to all, Meteor Breath 2000 to all, Volcano storm 2500 to one - that is, if you don't have any Fire Guard stuff. It will be imperative to heal almost every round to recover lost HP. To start the fight, do NOT use any VAR on first boss - save it for second round. For this fight use trusted tech - start the combo by HAR and finish it with two or three NAR which will give back AP you spent on HAR. By now your chrs are already so high in level that you should see about 10000 HP being eaten away from boss life gauge. Fastest chr must be assigned as the healer so you will be at full power at start of each round. Damage estimates written above should help you decide whether you want to heal or not. After Kenus falls, there will be a scene and second part of battle is on. This time you have two targets - immediately launch VAR vs Kurtz to eliminate it (luckily it doesn't have much HP). Zelph is mostly souped up version of Kenus - inspite of Mad Howling, with which Zelph saves power (not!), damage it does is same as with Titan Fist. What you should worry about is Volcano Storm - if fastest chr, who is assigned as the healer, gets it, you're in a bit of trouble. Remedy the situation by having one of remaining two chrs use revival item on downed chr, and third one using Silver Barome on the whole team. Aside from that, I see no other danger here - keep your HP up at all times, launch VAR when you can... soon you will win. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - GORVA LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 50000 | NA | None | None | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: Anti-Paralysis, Anti-Petrify, Antivenom, Antidote Carries: Nothing GORVA'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces poison 2. Combo attack + Venom (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + induces venom BOSS STRATEGY Fairly simple fight. Most attacks I ever received were physicals for about 500 damage and occassional poison status. Otherwise it was easy, so just hack away. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - THE BLACK SWORDSMAN LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 101075 | NA | 30000 | 40000 | Human | Dark Abilities equipped: Guard Break 1, No Guard Break 1, Halve Special Carries: Immortality Potion BLACK'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Ultimate Fang HAR (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Thunder Fang HAR (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 4. Combo attack + Assault Fang HAR (7 hits) - VS one chr - phd BOSS STRATEGY Not hard. With moderate equipment you'll receive about 800 damage from his attacks. If you're faster than him, take two turns attacking, healing on the third. If he's faster, heal each second turn. Keep doing it and you win. If you get tired and you've been shopping - use Point Card. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - R. LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 220297 | NA | 120000 | 50000 | Human | Dark Abilities equipped: Guard Break 2, No Guard Break 2, Halve Special Carries: Hit Badge ***** HP count is between 219159 and 239137. R.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Ultimate Fang HAR (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Thunder Fang HAR (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd + induces paralysis 4. Combo attack + Shining Fang HAR (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 5. Destruction HAR - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd BOSS STRATEGY Attacks and damage estimates it can do: combo attacks hit for up to 2000 damage, combo with Ultimate Fang nails you up to 2500 damage. Once he goes crazy, you will be prompted to use Sleeping Dragon. Do so! If you don't, beware - his STR is increased majorly - up to 5000 damage can be received. Destruction damages all chrs for 1000, while his other attacks can tear off about 2500 damage from one chr. The good thing? Until you use Sleeping Dragon, he can only attack one chr at once. Unless you have No Guard Break 2 skills, you'll receive damage even if your chrs manage to block R.'s attacks. To start the battle, have two chrs throw VAR an R., third chr following the attack with HAR fury. If enough damage is given, scene will be triggered. Lang can use Sleeping Dragon at last - so input the combo sequence and fire away. With this move R.'s mad power is gone. For the rest of the battle keep at usual routine - start the combo by HAR and finish it with two or three NAR which will give back AP you spent on HAR. Check your items to see if you have any Attack Boosters or possibly Attack Transformers to affect AP gain/loss. Assign fastest person as the healer (Silver Baromes and 2x Item Effect skill). Remember to keep your HP up and unleashing VAR whenever possible - with this victory cannot elude you much longer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - V. & VESTRA V.'S STATS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 46016 | NA | 102400 | 102400 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: Block Special Carries: Blessing Pill V.'S ATTACKS 1. If you kill her, she gets revived in three turns 2. Combo attack + Final Wedge HAR (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd, then spd 3. Combo attack + Striking End HAR (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd, then spd + induces critical ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VESTRA'S STATS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 98880 | NA | 80000 | 80000 | NA | Void Abilities equipped: Nothing (can't be harmed with physicals) Carries: Nothing VESTRA'S ATTACKS 1. Judgement - prepares for Death Flash 2. Death Flash - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd; penetrates even invincibility 3. Acolyte's Fist - VS one chr - 2 hits, phd 4. Twisted Hell - VS one chr - 7 hits, spd BOSS STRATEGY Attacks & damage estimates: Acolyte's Fist gives up to 2000 to one, Death Flash kills chr targeted (have that chr *defend* next turn), V. combos and HAR can do around 1500 to one chr and Twisted Hell up to 2000 damage to one chr. Additionally, V. cancels all types of special damage and Vestra can't be harmed with physicals. V.'s HP is really low, so I suggest taking her out first - doing this eliminates Death Flash and Twisted Hell attacks, leaving Vestra only capable of using Acolyte's Fist. True, V. gets back after three turns, but I think this is better alternative then get shelled by Flash and Hell attacks. On another plus side, you receive more EXP and cash after the battle. For a really quick fight build 99999 points on Point Card and use it on Vestra - bam, you win. Otherwise Vestra can only be harmed with MAR and origin attacks. Fastest member heals the team when necessary - this should become a routine already, no? Take care not to run out of MP and soon double-V duo is history. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - WICKED CRYSTAL LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 60808 | NA | 65536 | 30000 | NA | Dark Abilities equipped: Absorb Dark Carries: Lord Crystal CRYSTALS'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack + Beld Zure HAR (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd, then dark spd 2. Combo attack + Iba Squa Doran HAR (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd BOSS STRATEGY Easy. Crystal's combos + HAR attacks take up to 2000 damage and it can only attack one chr at a time. It doesn't have much HP, too. Hack and slash and victory is yours. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - WICKED CRYSTAL LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 60808 | NA | 65536 | 30000 | NA | Earth Abilities equipped: Absorb Earth Carries: Lord Crystal CRYSTAL'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack + Gara Azul Sine HAR (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd, then spd + induces bewitch 2. Combo attack + Iba Squa Doran HAR (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Gan Rugus Lor SAR (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd, then spd BOSS STRATEGY Now quite as easy (that is, if you don't use VAR or Point Card way). Crystal's combos + HAR attacks take up to 3000 damage. True, it can only attack one chr at a time, but one of its attacks can bewitch, so be ready to cure the status. Apart from that, hack and slash and victory is yours. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - WICKED CRYSTAL LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 60808 | NA | 65536 | 30000 | NA | Light Abilities equipped: Absorb Light Carries: Lord Crystal CRYSTAL'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack + Zebel Ney Est HAR (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd, then light spd 2. Combo attack + Oji Reia SAR (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd, then light spd 3. Combo attack + Iba Squa Doran HAR (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd BOSS STRATEGY Damage given keeps increasing (crystal's combos + HAR attacks take up to 4000 damage and it can only attack one chr at a time), but difficulty doesn't. In case you don't use VAR on it, you may need to revive once or twice. Otherwise hack and slash and victory is yours. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - A., MATCH 1 LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 69760 | NA | 30000 | 10000 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: Max AP, No Guard Break 2 Carries: Boost Bottle A'S ATTACKS 1. Nothingness - VS all chrs - 1 hit, dark spd 2. Lavernak HAR - VS one chr - induces petrify 3. Rowanaut HAR - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd 4. Elzebreault - VS one chr - 4 hits, spd 5. Sebskswel - VS all chrs - negates all favorable conditions BOSS STRATEGY Nothingness does 1500 to all, other attacks up to 2000 to one chr. Don't use any VAR yet, instead keep using the routine - start the combo by HAR and finish it with two or three NAR which will give back AP you spent on HAR. Of course, if you possess Max AP offensive skill (it comes on Tireless Ribbon), use VAR right away. Beware, A. can petrify chrs. If you're hit with Nothingness, heal immediately on next turn with fastest chr. Don't bother with too many favorable status conditions, as they may get dispeled. Apart from keeping your HP up and taking care not to remain petrified too long A. will fall soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - A., MATCH 2 LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 257088 | NA |CheckLast|CheckLast| Human | Void Abilities equipped: Max AP, No Guard Break 2 Carries: Boost Bottle A.'S ATTACKS 1. Nothingness - VS all chrs - 1 hit, dark spd 2. Lavernak HAR - VS one chr - induces petrify 3. Rowanaut HAR - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd 4. Elzebreault - VS one chr - 4 hits, phd 5. Sebskswel - VS all chrs - negates all favorable conditions BOSS STRATEGY *Exactly* the same as before, only with increased damage done by attacks: his HAR do up to 2500 damage to one and Nothingness gives about 2000 damage to all. If you're hit with Nothingness, heal immediately on next turn with fastest chr. Don't bother with too many favorable status conditions, as they may get dispeled. Apart from keeping your HP up and taking care not to remain petrified too long A. will fall soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - INFINITE ONE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 365856 | NA |CheckLast|CheckLast| NA | Void Abilities equipped: MP Cost Down 3, No Guard Break 2, Halve Normal, Halve Special Carries: Boost Bottle ONE'S ATTACKS 1. Destruction Fist - VS one chr - induces critical condition 2. Ruler - VS one chr - induces bewitch 3. Worst Nightmare - VS one chr - induces petrify 4. Appearance Time - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 5. Lightning Purge - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 6. Silver Scythe - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd 7. Oblivion Light - VS all chrs - negates all favorable conditions BOSS STRATEGY Now it gets serious. Appearance Time nails all chrs for about 2500 damage, Lightning Purge strikes one chr for 3500 and Silver Scythe gets one chr for about 2500 damage. Healing becomes mucho importanto. Although not much, there's 50% chance boss won't use its damage-dealing attacks, but instead try to affect you with one of three status attacks it uses - Fist can be remedied easily with healing that chr on next turn, but petrify and esp bewitch are entirely different story. That's why I said at start of Mission #M19 to bring Anti-Bewitch stuff (or Vaccine Syringes - if you have these, use them at start of battle and you have nothing to worry about). Also bring out anything protective to boost your stats as well. Use those Boost Bootles you've been keeping around for so long. On minus side, boss halves both normal and special attacks, but MAR and VAR do full damage - which is what you should use. Always heal/revive immediately after taking damage from either Time, Purge or Scythe attacks. Attack routine should be changed a little - first only use NAR so you get AP needed for shooting off VAR, then release VAR ASAP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - A., FINAL MATCH LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 25709 | NA | 90000 | 30000 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: Max AP, No Guard Break 2 Carries: Boost Bottle A.'S ATTACKS Has no attacks. BOSS STRATEGY E-a-s-y. Repeat after me. He doesn't even attack. Pull few punches and he dies. With this you're victoriuos! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 8. ARENA ENEMIES INFO ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Section 8 features all enemies and boss-class enemies that Phorchoon's arena tournaments can offer. Let the extermination begin! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 1 | HP | Race | Attribute DARK JACKAL | 16009 | Beast | Wind Abilities equipped: No Surprises DARK JACKAL'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Somersault Edge (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 3. Terror Howl - VS one chr - chr affected loses current turn, but only if chr hasn't acted yet FIGHTING TIPS Easy. You either get damage or your turn canceled. No fear here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 2 | HP | Race | Attribute DANGEROUS ZONE | 13692* | Plant | Water Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Boost 3, Add Venom, Hit Rate Up 2, STR Boost 2], while MP Thief, Antidote, Antivenom & Anti-Sleep are always present Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 3, it has 16754 HP. DANGEROUS ZONE'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + may induce venom 2. Poison Dust - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd + induces venom Note: Zone's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX MP. FIGHTING TIPS It gets more serious now. Zone is likely to move before you, so grit the teeth and take damage. Don't get careless, as venom will prevent you from healing, so it's in your interest to defeat it quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 3 | HP | Race | Attribute WASTELAND OUTLAW | 14005 | Human | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [Hit Rate Up 2, Guard Up 1], while STR Boost 2 is always present WASTELAND OUTLAW'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Ow! (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Take That! (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Aside from guarding too much this enemy is a pushover. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 4 | HP | Race | Attribute GORMEKILA | 12000 | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: Guard Cancel, Block Earth GORMEKILA'S ATTACKS 1. Dark Flare - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Will always give you damage unless you have No Guard Break skills. Else it falls quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 5 | HP | Race | Attribute HELHOUND | 22500 | Demon | Fire Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom, Anti-Stun HELHOUND'S ATTACKS 1. Gust Howling - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd 2. Wave Smash - VS one chr - induces stun 3. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Anti-Stun *is* important here. Otherwise you may get downed in this round, as Helhound just loves to use Wave Smash. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 6 | HP | Race | Attribute BEEFCAKE | 30289 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [High Power, AP Charge], while Random Blow is always present BEEFCAKE'S ATTACKS 1. Fighting Soul - on itself - charges AP or doubles STR for next turn 2. Dread Buster - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 3. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 4. Combo attack + Quake Bomb (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Get High Power or Full Power, guard on first turn, then let it have it. Otherwise you'll need to duke it out the hard way. Take care to heal in time if you feel you'n defeat it in next turn. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 7 | HP | Race | Attribute DARK EXECUTIONER | 25000 | Spirit | Dark Two of following [AP Thief, Add Spellbind, 2x Attack Rate, Add Fear], while Block Dark is always present DARK EXECUTIONER'S ATTACKS 1. Orbit Shred + Bone Spike - VS one chr - phd + induces fear or spellbind 2. Deathgame - you'll be showed four cards; memorize the one most beneficial to you (you have few seconds of time); cards will be shuffled, so try to follow your card; after shuffling is done, you have 5 seconds to choose a card; what's written on the card will take effect 3. Abyss Whisper - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 4. Chaos Breath - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd + induces seal Note: Dark Executioner's physicals may steal 1/5 of chr's MAX AP, max value stolen is 20 AP. FIGHTING TIPS I'd say wait for Deathgame, then pick 'Enemy Dead' card and you win. Fact is, Executioner doesn't have much HP, so it's perfectly manageable to be taken down in first round. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When it comes to round 8, you may meet one of three opponents... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 8 | HP | Race | Attribute B. (monkey's partner) | 100000 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: Reverse-HP Defence, AP Charge B.'S ATTACKS 1. Burning Soul - on himself - charges AP 2. Dancing Revolver HAR - VS one chr - 6 hits, phd + induces bewitch 3. Lonely Armor - on himself - DEF is increased tremendously, cancels next attack's damage 4. Combo attack + Final Bullet HAR (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + induces stun 5. Combo attack + Violet 7 HAR (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 6. Golden Memory - on himself - recovers HP 7. Romance - on himself - if B. is attacked before he makes next move, counterattack is triggered BOSS STRATEGY B. can bewitch you, so bring some Anti-Bewitch stuff or use Vaccine Syringe to prevent status from happening. If you see Romance, do NOT attack him - wait until he does some other action (doesn't apply if Maya is fighting, hehe). Lonely Armor cancels next attack's damage completely. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 8 | HP | Race | Attribute S. (Dante-wannabe) | 260000 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: Hit Rate Up 2, 2x Attack Rate, No Double Attack S.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Blade of Fury HAR (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd + induces stun 3. Combo attack + Cutting Edge HAR (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd + induces critical 4. Combo attack + Quake Cutter HAR (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd BOSS STRATEGY Good thing is that he didn't ambush you. Bad things are: has 2x Attack Rate, guards exceptionally well, is fast and packs a punch. Couple that with stun/critical status and you got yourself quite a fight. To start with, you should go into battle with following skills: Anti-Stun, Anti-Critical, No Double Attack and whatever boosts your AGL. These skills will ensure that you'll never be on short end of the stick, but instead will allow you to focus on attacking and occassional healing. Or you could set up Counterattack and guard each turn... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 8 | HP | Race | Attribute V. THE GREAT (gold can) | 55000 | Human | Light Abilities equipped: Hit Rate Up 1 V.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Blessed Blast - VS one chr - 1 hit, light spd BOSS STRATEGY With physicals hitting for about 500 and Blessed Blast for 700 damage he isn't too much of a dangerous opponent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GAMBLING ARENA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 1 | HP | Race | Attribute BAKINATOR | 15029 | Human | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [Hit Rate Up 2, Guard Up 1], while STR Boost 2 is always present BAKINATOR'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Ow! (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Take That! (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Aside from guarding too much this enemy is a pushover. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 2 | HP | Race | Attribute GNASHER | 14904* | Beast | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Boost 2, Hit Rate Up 2], while Anti- Blind & Add Blind are always present Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 2, it has 16394 HP. GNASHER'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces blind 2. Dark Blaze - VS one chr - induces blind FIGHTING TIPS Can guard well, but otherwise not a serious threat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 3 | HP | Race | Attribute DOPLIN WARRIOR | 15000 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: STR Boost 2, Random Blow DOPLIN WARRIOR'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Gale Slash (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Jack Slay (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Easy. Need I say more? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 4 | HP | Race | Attribute SPICY PUDDING | 6003 | Soft | Water Abilities equipped: Guard Break 1, Antidote, Antivenom, Add Poison, Halve Normal, Block Water SPICY PUDDING'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces poison FIGHTING TIPS Use fire specials on its ass to defeat it with ease if you're using Lang, otherwise FlameBurst Scroll. If neither are available, kill it with physicals, but it will take some time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 5 | HP | Race | Attribute DINO REX | 6410* | Beast | Earth Abilities equipped: Two of following [HP Boost 2, STR Boost 2, Hit Rate Up 1], while Anti-Berserk is always present. Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 2, it has 7052 HP. DINO REX'S ATTACKS 1. Crazy Gas - VS one chr - induces berserk 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Headbutt (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Since there's only one chr fighting, who cares if we get berserked? Let it rip... ouch! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 6 | HP | Race | Attribute AJAZWORG | 33570 | Soft | Water Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom AJAZWORG'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Demon Blaze - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd 3. Volcano Shot - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd 4. Rotten Breath - VS one chr - induces venom FIGHTING TIPS Lots of HP, and can put you on venom. Fire specials are the way to go, but few nicely shot physicals will also do the job. Don't take too long though - venom, remember? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 7 | HP | Race | Attribute HECTONKEIRES | 80000 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [High Power, AP Charge], while Random Blow is always present HECTONKEIRES'S ATTACKS 1. Dread Buster - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Quake Bomb (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 4. Fighting Soul - on itself - charges AP or doubles STR for next turn FIGHTING TIPS Get High Power or Full Power, guard on first turn, then let it have it. Otherwise you'll need to duke it out the hard way. Take care to heal in time if you feel you'n defeat it in next turn. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 8 | HP | Race | Attribute ZOAN DIGRE | 150000 | Demon | Dark Abilities equipped: STR Boost 1, Reverse-HP Defence, MP Thief ZOAN DIGRE'S ATTACKS 1. Gusto Blow - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 2. Crackdown Buster - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 3. Toxic Dark - VS one chr - phd + induces berserk Note: Digre's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX MP. FIGHTING TIPS Unlike Dino Rex fight, getting berserk here *is* a bad idea. Anti-Berserk or having Vaccine Syringes is the way to go about this fight. Damage taken will pile up, so don't forget to be healed regularly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BATTLE MANIAX +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 1: DEFEAT THE ENEMY UNDER 60 SECONDS MORTARHEAD | HP | Race | Attribute | 9720 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [STR Boost 2, AGL Boost 1], while Block Earth, Anti-Petrify & Add Stun are always present MORTARHEAD'S ATTACKS 1. Gigantes Upper + Gigantes Fall - VS one chr - phd + induces stun 2. Crimson Heat - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd FIGHTING TIPS Easy. Use Point Card. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 2: DEFEAT THE ENEMY IN 5 TURNS HELLSPAWN | HP | Race | Attribute | 80257 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [High Power, AP Charge], while Random Blow is always present HELLSPAWN'S ATTACKS 1. Dread Buster - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Quake Bomb (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 4. Fighting Soul - on itself - charges AP or doubles STR for next turn FIGHTING TIPS Easy fight again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 3: ONLY FIRST HIT DOES DAMAGE GOA MUNK | HP | Race | Attribute | 16601 | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: Guard Cancel, Block Earth GOA MUNK'S ATTACKS 1. Dark Flare - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Here acc with Final Blow might come in handy. If not, use Point Card. Also note that VAR do *full* damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 4: FIRST FOUR HITS DO NO DAMAGE GOA MUNK | HP | Race | Attribute | 16601 | Chitin | Earth FIGHTING TIPS Easy as cake. Note that VAR do *full* damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 5: ENEMY IS INVINCIBLE FOR THREE TURNS HELLSPAWN | HP | Race | Attribute | 80257 | Giant | Earth FIGHTING TIPS Defend for three turns, then build your AP to 100 for all three chrs (keep 100 AP for round 7!), then bury the thing 6 feet under. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 6: DEFEAT THE ENEMY UNDER 30 SECONDS MORTARHEAD | HP | Race | Attribute | 9720 | Giant | Earth FIGHTING TIPS Use Point Card! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 7: DEFEAT THE ENEMY IN ONE TURN HELLSPAWN | HP | Race | Attribute | 80257 | Giant | Earth FIGHTING TIPS Immediately launch VAR to win instantly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND 8: ONLY ORIGIN ATTACKS HAVE AN EFFECT RAM DEMON | HP | Race | Attribute | 160968 | Spirit | Dark Abilities equipped: Two of following [AP Thief, Add Spellbind, 2x Attack Rate, Add Fear], while Block Dark is always present RAM DEMON'S ATTACKS 1. Orbit Shred + Bone Spike - VS one chr - phd + induces fear or spellbind 2. Deathgame - you'll be showed four cards; memorize the one most beneficial to you (you have few seconds of time); cards will be shuffled, so try to follow your card; after shuffling is done, you have 5 seconds to choose a card; what's written on the card will take effect 3. Abyss Whisper - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 4. Chaos Breath - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd + induces seal Note: Ram Demon's physicals may steal 1/5 of chr's MAX AP, max value stolen is 20 AP. FIGHTING TIPS Origins for that much HP? Wait for Deathgame and pick 'Enemy Dead' card for instant victory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FREE FIGHT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 1 | HP | Race | Attribute BAKI KNIGHT | 18352 | Human | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [Hit Rate Up 2, Guard Up 1], while STR Boost 2 is always present BAKI KNIGHT'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Ow! (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Take That! (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Aside from guarding too much this enemy is a pushover. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 2 | HP | Race | Attribute SALAMANDER | 14016 | Soft | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Thief, Hit Rate Up 1], while Antivenom & Anti-Paralysis are always present SALAMANDER'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Thunderburst (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Mortal Fear - VS one chr - induces venom Note: Salamander's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX HP. FIGHTING TIPS Take out occassional chance of your HP to get stolen and you get an easy enemy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 3 | HP | Race | Attribute DIREWOLF | 15021 | Beast | Wind Abilities equipped: No Surprises DIREWOLF'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Terror Howl - VS one chr - chr affected loses current turn, but only if chr hasn't acted yet 3. Combo attack + Somersault Edge (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Easy. You either get damage or your turn canceled. No fear here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 4 | HP | Race | Attribute GUST RAVEN | 16058* | Flying | Wind Abilities equipped: None, one or both of following [Hit Rate Up 1, HP Boost 3], while Guard Break 1 & Absorb Wind are always present Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 3, it has 19270 HP. GUST RAVEN'S ATTACKS 1. Inferno - VS one chr - 1 hit, fire spd 2. Poison Beak and/or Clawbites and/or Rib Crunch - VS one chr - phd + induces venom (if Poison Beak is used) FIGHTING TIPS Oh no, I'll get eaten... yawn. Easy enemy again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 5 | HP | Race | Attribute DEEP INVADER | 15480* | Beast | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Boost 2, Hit Rate Up 2], while Anti- Blind & Add Blind are always present Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 2, it has 17028 HP. DEEP INVADER'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces blind 2. Dark Blaze - VS one chr - induces blind FIGHTING TIPS We'll invade its privacy quite quickly. May guard some attacks, but nothing too worrying here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 6 | HP | Race | Attribute ABYSS SERVANT | 11988 | Human | Wind Abilities equipped: Two of following [Add Poison, Add Venom, Add Blind, Add Plague], while HP Thief & Anti-Blind are always present ABYSS SERVANT'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces poison, blind, venom or plague 2. Combo attack + Nail Slash (3 hits) - VS one chr - phd + induces poison, blind, venom or plague Note: Abyss Servant's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX HP. FIGHTING TIPS Get worried a bit. Able to put two statuses at you, not to mention the ability to steal HP, Abyss Servant may prove a bit tough. Let it have a taste of few HAR. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 7 | HP | Race | Attribute GORVA | 50000 | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [Add Poison], while Anti-Paralysis, Anti- Petrify, Antivenom & Antidote are always present GORVA'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + may induce poison 2. Combo attack + Venom (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + induces venom FIGHTING TIPS Exactly the same as Championship fight you had in Phorchoon before fighting Black Swordsman, this fight should be battle in same way. Most attacks I ever received were physicals for about 500 damage and occassional poison status. Otherwise it was easy, so just hack away. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 8 | HP | Race | Attribute MYTHICAL GIANT | 44640 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [High Power, AP Charge], while Random Blow is always present MYTHICAL GIANT'S ATTACKS 1. Dread Buster - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Quake Bomb (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 4. Fighting Soul - on itself - charges AP or doubles STR for next turn FIGHTING TIPS Get High Power or Full Power, guard on first turn, then let it have it. Otherwise you'll need to duke it out the hard way. Take care to heal in time if you feel you'n defeat it in next turn. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 9 | HP | Race | Attribute LUO DE NASH | 16120 | Spirit | Dark Abilities equipped: Guard Break 2, Anti-Seal, Halve Special LUO DE NASH'S ATTACKS 1. Impure Melody - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd + induces confusion 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Dark Roar - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 4. Dark Hymn - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd + induces seal FIGHTING TIPS Don't wait too long to be confused - throw HAR immediately. If by chance Luo moves before you and you do get confused, it's a simple hack&slash method afterwards... just heal if need be. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 10 | HP | Race | Attribute LYPS MASTER | 15072 | Plant | Earth Abilities equipped: Absorb Normal, Add Bewitch, Anti-Sleep, Anti-Bewitch LYPS MASTER'S ATTACKS 1. Kiss of Death - VS one chr - induces bewitch 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces bewitch FIGHTING TIPS Move NOW! Damage by any type of physical attacks will be absorbed, so throw that origin attacks ASAP. Fortunately Lyps Master doesn't have much HP, so it will go down in first round. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 11 | HP | Race | Attribute B. (monkey's partner) | 140000 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: Reverse-HP Defence, AP Charge B.'S ATTACKS 1. Burning Soul - on himself - charges AP 2. Dancing Revolver HAR - VS one chr - 6 hits, phd + induces bewitch 3. Lonely Armor - on himself - DEF is increased tremendously, cancels next attack's damage 4. Combo attack + Final Bullet HAR (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + induces stun 5. Combo attack + Violet 7 HAR (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 6. Golden Memory - on himself - recovers HP 7. Romance - on himself - if B. is attacked before he makes next move, counterattack is triggered BOSS STRATEGY B. can bewitch you, so bring some Anti-Bewitch stuff or use Vaccine Syringe to prevent status from happening. If you see Romance, do NOT attack him - wait until he does some other action (doesn't apply if Maya is fighting, hehe). Lonely Armor cancels next attack's damage completely. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DREAM MATCH +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. (thin man), appears with M. | HP 80000 Abilities equipped: INT Boost 2, Hit Rate Up 1, AP Attack E.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack + Anje's Song HAR (8 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Get him out of the way first, for he hits harder. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- M. (round one), appears with E. | HP 60000 Abilities equipped: MEN Boost 2, Hit Rate Up 1, Guard 1, AP Defence M.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack + Present Play HAR (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Elegant Royale HAR (8 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS She has fairly weak attacks, but she has lots of them. Still, recommendation stands - kill E. before her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- R. (red can), appears with V. and B. | HP 50000 Abilities equipped: Hit Rate Up 1 R.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Split World - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 3. Rage Wave - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd FIGHTING TIPS Kill him second. Hits for 600 damage tops. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (gold can), appears with R. and B. | HP 90515 Abilities equipped: Hit Rate Up 1 V.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Blessed Blast - VS one chr - 1 hit, light spd FIGHTING TIPS Kill him last. Hits for about 800 damage, should all his attacks connect with target. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. (blue can), appears with V. and R. | HP 40000 Abilities equipped: Block Light B'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Rage Wave - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd FIGHTING TIPS Kill him first, as he has lowest HP. Top damage he can give around 500. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOGAR | HP 100000 Abilities equipped: STR Boost 1, Reverse-HP Defence, MP Thief SLOGAR'S ATTACKS 1. Extinct Fall - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 2. Dust Break - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd 3. Rapid Blast - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd Note: Slogar's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX MP. FIGHTING TIPS Slogar's attacks can nail you for around 1000 damage, so healing if your HP becomes lower than that is recommended. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. (Elfin's partner) | HP 140000 Abilities equipped: Reverse-HP Defence, AP Charge B.'S ATTACKS 1. Burning Soul - on himself - charges AP 2. Dancing Revolver HAR - VS one chr - 6 hits, phd + induces bewitch 3. Lonely Armor - on himself - DEF is increased tremendously, cancels next attack's damage 4. Combo attack + Final Bullet HAR (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd + induces stun 5. Combo attack + Violet 7 HAR (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 6. Golden Memory - on himself - recovers HP 7. Romance - on himself - if B. is attacked before he makes next move, counterattack is triggered FIGHTING TIPS Anti-Bewitch and Anti-Stun stuff are welcome to be used - or use Vaccine Syringe to prevent status from happening. If you see Romance, do NOT attack him - wait until he does some other action (doesn't apply if Maya is fighting, hehe). Lonely Armor cancels next attack's damage completely. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. (final boss) | HP 666048 Abilities equipped: Max AP, No Guard Break 2 A.'S ATTACKS 1. Elzebreault - VS one chr - 4 hits, phd 2. Sebskswel - VS one chr - negates all favorable conditions FIGHTING TIPS Though it packs only one attack, it's extremely powerful - for whopping 5000 damage. Blessing Pills will help a bit. It is advisable to come to this battle with at least 5500 HP. I dunno why, but about 10 turns in battle A. starts using Sebskwel and keeps at it forever, heh. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- S. (Dante-wannabe) | HP 1080000 Abilities equipped: 2x Attack Rate, Hit Rate Up 2, No Double Attack S.' ATTACKS 1. Combo attack + Blade of Fury HAR (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd + induces stun 2. Combo attack + Cutting Edge HAR (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd + induces critical FIGHTING TIPS Anti-Stun and Anti-Critical are your best friends (or Vaccine Syringe), along with No Double Attack. Attack, heal, attack, heal etc... until all of his HP is down. Other skills that may come in handy are Bloodsucker, HP Recover - ie anything that helps recover HP each and every turn. If it helps to know - Cutting Edge strikes for 3000 damage and is used each fifth turn, while Blade of Fury takes away about 2000 damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- R. (black swordsman) | HP 140265 Abilities equipped: Guard Cancel, Stop Guard Break, Halve Special R.'S ATTACKS 1. Destruction HAR - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd FIGHTING TIPS Easy. You'll be seeing Destruction only for about 600 damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vestra, appears with V. | HP 80735 Abilities equipped: Halve Normal VESTRA'S ATTACKS 1. Judgement - prepares for Death Flash 2. Death Flash - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd; penetrates even invincibility 3. Acolyte's Fist - VS one chr - 2 hits, phd 4. Twisted Hell - VS one chr - 7 hits, spd FIGHTING TIPS Eliminate its partner first to disable Death Flash. Using Point Card might be a smart move if you listened to my advice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (redhaired witch), appears with Vestra | HP 140000 Abilities equipped: Halve Special V.'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack + Striking End HAR (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd, then spd + induces critical 2. Combo attack + Final Wedge HAR (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd, then spd FIGHTING TIPS Kill her before she has a chance to set up Death Flash! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 9. CENTURION MONSTERS INFO ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Featured in section 9 are monsters (and a boss!) that are exclusive to Centurion Challenge, found in Jinga in chief's house. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBTERRANEAN LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 40120* | NA | 16479 | 10089 | Beast | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Boost 2, Hit Rate Up 2], while Anti- Blind & Add Venom are always present Carries: Nothing Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 2, it has 44132 HP. SUBTERRANEAN'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces venom 2. Dark Blaze - VS one chr - induces blind FIGHTING TIPS Don't laugh this time around. Instead of blind it can now venom you and its HP has been beefed up a lot. Take care not to let venom eat away too low at your HP and release known combo: HAR, followed by NAR to retrieve back AP expended for HAR. This is also what you should use throughout the whole challenge - of course, if you have Max AP skill, throw HAR always. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVENGING SPIRIT LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 32691 | NA | 48147 | 10234 | Soft | Water Abilities equipped: Guard Break 1, Antivenom, Halve Normal, Block Water, Add Plague, Antidote Carries: Yumyl God Water AVENGING SPIRIT'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces plague & poison 2. Propagate - splits into two FIGHTING TIPS Extremely high DEF makes this enemy hard to defeat. Use origin attacks instead or use Scroll items. Make sure you don't leave it hanging with too less HP, or else it will split in two making your battle last longer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRANCING JESTER LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 20480 | NA | 19602 | 15132 | Soft | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [HP Thief, Hit Rate Up 1], while Antivenom & Anti-Paralysis are always present Carries: Guwo Solution PRANCING JESTER'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Thunderburst (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd + induces paralysis 3. Mortal Fear - VS one chr - induces venom Note: Prancing Jester's physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX HP. FIGHTING TIPS Not counting occassional paralysis this guy is easy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIGHTSPAWN LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 30389 | NA | 24552 | 9109 | Human | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [Guard Up 1, Hit Rate Up 2], while 2x Attack Rate & STR Boost 2 are always present Carries: Red Loincloth NIGHTSPAWN'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Ow! (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Take That! (4 hits) - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Well, well... 2x Attack Rate? Even with that damage received is not great, and neither is its face... oh, it's pushing up the daisies already? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMON DOG LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 20012 | NA | 52674 | 20792 | Demon | Fire Abilities equipped: Anti-Stun, Antivenom, Antidote Carries: Red-hot Stone DEMON DOG'S ATTACKS 1. Gust Howling - VS all chrs - 1 hit, fire spd 2. Wave Smash - VS one chr - induces stun 3. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Fear the Wave Smash... luckily it doesn't have much HP and can be defeated fast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DARK WARRIOR LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 20011 | NA | 36439 | 8374 | Spirit | Dark Abilities equipped: One of following [Add Seal, Add Confusion], while Hit Rate Up 2, AP Thief, Anti-Spellbind & Block Dark are always present Carries: Beldnuk DARK WARRIOR'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces seal or confusion Note: Dark Warrior's physicals may steal 1/5 of chr's MAX AP, max value stolen is 20 AP. FIGHTING TIPS I've never seen it use Branded Curse or Hate Force, which is a good thing. Else it can only land one hit, however it's annoying as it usually carries either seal or confusion. Defeating them still shouldn't prove to be difficult. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOODY IDOL LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 260577 | NA | 112200 | 41096 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [AP Charge, High Power], while Random Blow is always present Carries: Evil Jungo Stone BLOODY IDOL'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Quake Bomb (1 or 2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Fighting Soul - on itself - charges AP or doubles STR for next turn 4. Dread Buster - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd FIGHTING TIPS Huge amount of HP... even more than most bosses. However, it has the flaw of being a generic enemy and posing no real threat to giant-type enemy experts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEEL BEAST LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 50489 | NA | 32543 | 18453 | Chitin | Earth Abilities equipped: Guard Cancel, Block Earth Carries: Earth Dragon Wing STEEL BEAST'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Dark Flare - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd FIGHTING TIPS Will always give you damage unless you have No Guard Break skills. Else it falls quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNDERGROUND KING LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 60030 | NA | 120096 | 60208 | Giant | Fire Abilities equipped: Nothing Carries: Anvenus Gem UNDERGROUND KING'S ATTACKS 1. Scatter Fist - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd, cancels all positive effects 2. Savage Fist - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 3. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Kill this guy fast or you will feel big damage Scatter Fist does. Guarding for High Power or Full Power effect is useless, as Scatter Fist also has ability to dispel those effects. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEATH GUARDIAN LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 181284 | NA | 90282 | 30616 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: One of following [STR Boost 2, AGL Boost 1], while Block Earth, Anti-Petrify & Add Stun are always present Carries: Lord Crystal DEATH GUARDIAN'S ATTACKS 1. Gigantes Upper - VS one chr - phd + induces stun 2. Gigantes Fall - VS one chr - phd + induces stun 3. Crimson Heat - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd FIGHTING TIPS Huge amount of HP... even more than most bosses. However, it has the flaw of being a generic enemy and posing no real threat to giant-type enemy experts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINGS OF DEATH LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 70459* | NA | 64470 | 34015 | Flying | Wind Abilities equipped: One, two or none of following [HP Boost 3, Hit Rate Up 1, First Strike], while Guard Break 1 & Absorb Wind are always present Carries: Cle Meteorite Iron Note: * if equipped with HP Boost 3, it has 84550 HP. WINGS OF DEATH'S ATTACKS 1. Inferno - VS all chrs - 1 hit, fire spd 2. Poison Beak and/or Clawbites and/or Rib Crunch - VS one chr - phd + induces venom (if Poison Beak is used) FIGHTING TIPS Another flawed enemy - generic one, and has same attacks. Nothing new in this department... and I suppose huge HP is there to scare me? Not likely, as Wings of Death ain't really dangerous. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETHER DEMON LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 56000 | NA | 70338 | 33280 | Chitin | Dark Abilities equipped: One or none of following [Add Death], while Anti-Petrify, Anti-Critical, Absorb Special & 2x Attack Rate are always present Carries: Gold Mail NETHER DEMON'S ATTACKS 1. Crag Buster - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Careful with this guy. It can instantly down a chr, so you better move quickly and swiftly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FATAL SORCEROR LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 50296 | NA | 70735 | 60602 | Spirit | Dark Abilities equipped: Anti-Seal, Halve Special, Guard Break 2 Carries: Force Crystal FATAL SORCEROR'S ATTACKS 1. Impure Melody - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd + induces confusion 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 3. Dark Roar - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 4. Dark Hymn - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd + induces seal FIGHTING TIPS I hate those guys - one just loves to use confusion or seal attack, leaving you hanging with limited options. And it halves special damage? WTF? If that's not enough, it can break your guard and always give you some damage unless you have Stop Guard Break skill. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALZA BRAKYA LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute 40 | 5901 | 122 | 9078 | 3128 | Chitin | Dark Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom, Anti-Sleep, Anti-Stun, Anti-Seal Carries: Sleep Draught ALZA BRAKYA'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Nightmare - VS one chr - induces sleep FIGHTING TIPS This enemy is such a yawn. It's a complete copy of Alza Dorgue in Kabel Ruins. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAID OF MAYHEM LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 200290 | NA | 104625 | 30000 | Demon | Wind Abilities equipped: Anti-Seal, Anti-Petrify, Anti-Critical, Anti-Death Carries: Nothing MAID OF MAYHEM'S ATTACKS 1. Zhavlack - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 2. Zobeld - VS one chr - phd 3. Zelpheed - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd + induces stun FIGHTING TIPS Carry Anti-Stun stuff or take care to lift stun immediately. Don't get too cocky or you'll be sorry, as this guy takes long to defeat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EARTHLORD LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 600000 | NA | 300585 | 135584 | Giant | Thunder Abilities equipped: AP Attack, Reverse-HP Defence, Add Thunder, Absorb Thunder Carries: Fruit of the Gods EARTHLORD'S ATTACKS 1. Branterios + Xeriahalt - VS one chr - phd 2. Dialotos - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 3. Trogluzer - VS one chr - phd FIGHTING TIPS Yay, the almighty boss of CC is out to greet you. Even this boss is a remake of earlier boss, namely Storm Idol. It even has same abilities... no wait, Earthlord *absorbs* thunder and has more HP. Gasp, what a difference. Only Dialotos is to be afraid of - heal on next turn after you've been hit. Otherwise it's a matter of slowly chipping off its HP until it falls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 10. GUILD HQ MONSTERS INFO ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Final section features all bosses you get to meet when attempting guild HQ missions. Shoot down that invader! NOW! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - (RED) LYPS & LYPS (RED) LYPS' STATS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 16800 | NA | 10000 | 12000 | Plant | Earth Abilities equipped: Anti-Sleep, Anti-Bewitch, Add Bewitch Carries: Quick Escape Charm (RED) LYPS' ATTACKS 1. Kiss of Death - VS one chr - induces bewitch 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces bewitch BOSS STRATEGY Easy cake. Launch strongest attacks and it goes down via the potty. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - 3x WARMONGER LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 32107 | NA | 33079 | 9078 | Spirit | Dark Abilities equipped: One of following [Add Seal, Add Confusion], while Hit Rate Up 2, AP Thief, Anti-Spellbind & Block Dark are always present Carries: Leaf of Defiance WARMONGER'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd + induces seal or confusion 2. Combo attack + Death Count (3 hits)- VS one chr - phd, induces seal or confusion 3. Branded Curse - VS one chr - induces spellbind 4. Hate Force - VS one chr - press buttons as they light up (when yellow blobs cross over them), for each blob you miss you receive damage, which is [damage = amount of missed blobs x 200]; should you manage to let no blobs pass, Warmonger takes damage instead, which equals 1/2 of its current HP Note: Warmonger's physicals may steal 1/5 of chr's MAX AP, max value stolen is 20 AP. And if killed by Hate Force, you lose EXP and G for it. BOSS STRATEGY Moderately difficult. First battle is started with ambush vs 3x Warmonger, so grit your teeth and take the damage. Seal and confusion (you can still execute arts) are no big deal, but spellbind is. Releasing origin attacks is not good, as Warmongers are fairly resistant to spd. Careful that you don't mess up too much on Hate Force. Other than that, slowly chip off their health until defeated. Take care to heal when needed! Second battle is against 3x Warmonger as well, but no ambush this time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - GORGONEON LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 140260 | NA | 89800 | 20024 | Giant | Earth Abilities equipped: Anti-Petrify, Block Earth Carries: Meteorite GORGONEON'S ATTACKS 1. Crimson Heat - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 2. Gigantes Upper + Gigantes Fall - VS one chr - phd BOSS STRATEGY It may have lots of HP, but its attacks are nothing to be afraid of. Crimson Heat (pretty often used, so take care) takes off 1000 from all chrs, while combo attacks hit for up to 800 damage vs one chr. Heal when needed, release VAR if you have the chance and voila! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - GAURAZE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 180524 | NA | 100737 | 71672 | Demon | Fire Abilities equipped: Antidote, Antivenom, Anti-Stun, Add Plague Carries: Plague Orb GAURAZE'S ATTACKS 1. Wave Smash - VS one chr - induces stun 2. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd, induces plague 3. Gust Howling - VS all chrs - 1 hit, fire spd BOSS STRATEGY Remotely challenging - fast, agile and packs a punch with its attacks. Gust Howling does about 800 to all, and combo attacks (if all connect) maybe up to 2500 damage to one chr. If someone gets stunned, it may get even worse. As soon as battle starts, unleash VAR + HAR fury. If you have any Vaccine Syringes at hand, it may be wise to use some. Then keep healing wounded people. Due to Gauraze's high AGL it may happen once or twice that you lose (thanks mainly to stupid stun status it loves to use every so often). How about using 99999 worth Point Card on it for first turn, then finishing with VAR and HAR? Use MAR too if they become available. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - ZAHATULE LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 100123 | NA | 96620 | 20543 | Flying | Wind Abilities equipped: Nothing Carries: Vaccine Syringe ZAHATULE'S ATTACKS 1. Inferno - VS all chrs - 1 hit, fire spd 2. Poison Beak and/or Clawbites and/or Rib Crunch - VS one chr - phd + induces venom (if Poison Beak is used) BOSS STRATEGY Inferno will get all chrs for 600 damage, and its combo attacks hit one chr for 500 damage. All in all, moderately easy to beat - unleash your VAR during first round, having third chr follow up with HAR fury. By third turn Zahatule will lay defeated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - LATULGUS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 220571 | NA | 120416 | 85368 | Demon | Dark Abilities equipped: MP Thief Carries: Rainbow Capsule LATULGUS' ATTACKS 1. Gusto Blow - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd 2. Toxic Dark - VS one chr - 1 hit, phd 3. Crackdown Buster - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd Note: Latulgus' physicals may steal 1/16 of chr's MAX MP. BOSS STRATEGY Gusto Blow 800 to all, Toxic Dark 800 to one chr, Buster 1000 to all. Remember Zoan Stoara fight? This is almost exactly the same, except that it has much more HP and Toxic Dark doesn't stun anymore. Easy way - defend until chr's HP is below half, then throw MAR (two or three will do it in). If you wanna do it in the ordinary way, just slowly chip off its health until defeated, but take note to heal if your health is 1000 or so. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - LAVA BEAST LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 40525 | NA | 30054 | 20768 | Beast | Wind Abilities equipped: No Surprises Carries: Kamikaze Ribbon LAVA BEAST'S ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Somersault Edge (1 hit) - VS one chr - phd 3. Terror Howl - VS one chr - chr affected loses current turn, but only if chr hasn't acted yet BOSS STRATEGY It's fast and has strong bite, but... Terror Howl? Hah. Take it down with your strongest attacks. And remember to heal after each battle! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - S. LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 200371 | NA | 241185 | 91122 | Human | Void Abilities equipped: Hit Rate Up 2, Guard Up 2, No Guard Break 2, 2x Attack Rate Carries: Vake Rose S.' ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Combo attack + Quake Cutter HAR (2 hits) - VS one chr - phd 3. Combo attack + Blade of Fury HAR (2 hits) - VS one chr + induces stun 4. Combo attack + Cutting Edge HAR (2 hits) - VS one chr + induces critical BOSS STRATEGY His attacks hit for about 800 damage. Bastard! He begins with ambush. On a plus side, he can't attack more than one chr at once, but he could be faster than you (also stunning someone in the process), thus making it hard for you to heal successfully. At least one Anti-Stun equipment would be good to have to stand excellent chances against S. If that can be taken care of, having two chrs attack, while third heals entire team is a way to victory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - NOGARTARIS LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 120256 | NA | 44802 | 35392 | Chitin | Dark Abilities equipped: 2x Attack Rate, Anti-Petrify, Anti-Critical Carries: Fruit of Mentality NOGARTARIS' ATTACKS 1. Combo attack - VS one chr - phd 2. Crag Buster - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd BOSS STRATEGY Having an acc that stops 2x Attack Rate is welcome (Tireless Ribbons have this skill). Nogartaris is your usual enemy, with some heavy firepower - combo attack can get one chr for up to 1000 damage (if 2x Attack Rate isn't stopped), while Crag Buster hits all for 1000 damage. So heal if HP is 1200 or lower, and release VAR and HAR when possible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - RUGLIONAUT LV | HP | MP | EXP | Gold | Race | Attribute NA | 337568 | NA | 143082 | 58624 | Giant | Thunder Abilities equipped: AP Attack, Reverse-HP Defence, Add Thunder, Absorb Thunder Carries: Fruit of Sagacity RUGLIONAUT'S ATTACKS 1. Zephyr - VS one chr - 1 hit, spd 2. Branterios + Xeriahalt - VS one chr - thunder phd 3. Dialotos - VS all chrs - 1 hit, spd BOSS STRATEGY Dialotos gets all for 800 damage, Brant+Xeria up to 1200 damage to one, Zephyr 1500 damage to one. This fight can take a while cos of big HP Rugli has, so be prepped for some major healing during battle (its attacks aren't to be laughed at). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 11. UPDATE HISTORY ============================================================================= ============================================================================= - Version 1.1, released on 9th September 2003 # Tips for battling the enemies added. - Version 1.0, released on 31st August 2003 # All of the monsters and bosses have been added. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 12. CREDITS ============================================================================= ============================================================================= a) Internet sites - http://www.gamefaqs.com: for hosting my guide - http://www.neoseeker.com: for hosting my guide - http://www.ign.com: for hosting my guide b) Companies - Sony: without PS2 console days as I know them wouldn't exist - Eidos, Fresh Games, Prokion: for creating the game I wrote a guide for ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 13. CONTACT INFO ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 1. Send your comments, ideas for improvements, additional info, correction of mistakes I may have made, and anything else via e-mail at: lifearmor (at) gmail (dot) com This is the e-mail policy I'd like you guys and gals to follow. - as a subject of e-mail please include Legaia 2: Duel Saga - please make your e-mail be readable, ie do not send me e-mails that are written badly or in some strange gibberish - don't ask me to send you updated versions of my guide, because I won't - *make sure* to check if your question is already answered within these pages; I may reply to one of your questions, but if you'll persevere in asking more questions which are answered in my guide, I'll simply direct you to my guide - I accept e-mails in English, German, Croatian and Slovenian language - I will answer the e-mails in English, Croatian or Slovenian language; I can read and understand German well, but my writing skills of German have rusted, therefore I will answer such e-mails in English - when crediting contributors, I won't disclose their e-mails - finally, treat me as you'd like me to treat you 2. Split Infinity's Contributor page http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/6434.html 3. Split Infinity's Homepage http://kolardamir.com http://splitinfinity.50megs.com Yours truly, Split Infinity End of Document