LEGO Racers 2 Secrets Guide Timperius (c) Copyright 2004-2006 Timperius Table of Contents ---------------------- 1.0 Intro 2.0 Legal Stuff 3.0 Layout 3.1 Bonuses 3.2 Power-ups 4.0 Sandy Bay 4.1 Gold Bricks 4.2 Bonus Levels 4.3 Race Secrets 5.0 Dino Island 5.1 Gold Bricks 5.2 Bonus Levels 5.3 Race Secrets 6.0 Mars 6.1 Gold Bricks 6.2 Bonus Levels 6.3 Race Secrets 7.0 Arctic 7.0 Gold Bricks 7.2 Bonus Levels 7.3 Race Secrets 8.0 Xalax 8.1 Gold Bricks 8.2 Bonus Levels 8.3 Race Secrets 9.0 Hints 10.0 FAQ 11.0 Version History 12.0 Contact 13.0 Credits 1.0 Intro -------------- Welcome to my LR2 Guide. I didn't have anything to do this weekend, so I looked through my games for one I could do a quick walkthrough for. This is for those of you with no racing experience, and you haven't gotten all the bricks since the games release in 2001. FYI: That is 3 years. I hope nobody needs this unless you got the game 3 months ago. Thanks for reading it though. Guess what? It is 2006. I found this on a floppy I had. Looks like it almost made it to a computer with internet, but then it got left somewhere. It looked good, so I'm sending it in! I seem to have been started it in 2004. 2.0 Legal Stuff -------------------- This FAQ/Walkthrough was written by Timothy Sims, (Also known as Timperius) and it is his property. The FBI says don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. Don't copy. This is only for private use and can only be distributed by or me. Give credit where credit is due. GameFAQs is so far the best FAQ site by far, so I won't be letting any other sites have this. If I do find a site that is as good as or better than GameFAQs then I shall e-mail them. Don't e-mail me to ask if I'll put it on your site. If you do see a site other than GameFAQs that has this on their site, e-mail me. 3.0 Layout --------------- At this point I'll explain how this FAQ is ordered. I'm not telling you how to race, what to do in a race, or even what the controls are. This is just locations of Gold bricks, vortexes, and maybe some shortcuts I've found. I will describe easy ways to win the bonus levels though. 3.1 Bonuses ---------------- When you beat the bonus levels you get to choose a bonus. I will list the bonuses you should get here. 1: Grip 2: Grip 3: Shield 4: Power 5: Grip 6: Power 7: Grip 8: Shield 9: Power 10: Power Power is nothing wihtout grip. Shield isn't important as the shield you get from Riegel is sufficient. If you are a careful driver you can replace the 2 shields with Power and Grip. 3.2 Power-ups ------------------ On the tracks there are little balls with lego pieces in them. When you run over them you get a power-up, which is decided by roulette like in Mario Kart. There are 7 different kinds of Power-ups. Each has the normal mode and an advanced setting. I will also list my rating and how common it is. Projectiles: Disc Launcher: Symbol: Blue Circle Rating: 3/5 Very Common Shoot this and it will go straight and bounce on walls or other terrain until it runs out of power or it hits a car. This is simple and quick. Shoot it at the first person you see so you can get something better. Advanced Setting: Press the Look Behind button and shoot it to fire backwards. Homing Missile: Symbol: Dog Rating: 2/5 Very Common Shoot this and it will home in on the target. Goes until it hits something. I don't like it because later in the game you are so fast that you can't hit anyone. Advanced Setting: Press the target buttons to change your target. Drill Missile: Symbol: Drill Rating: 3/5 Uncommon Shoot this and it will travel in a straight line until it hits something. It has the biggest blast, taking apart nearly half of bricks on the car it hits. Though it is hard to hit someone with, it is great when it does. Advanced Setting: Hold down the fire button and the missile with drag you along until you let go of the button. Don't hold it too long! The speed is much faster than your car will ever go, which is nice. Only use this on long stretches. Trap Types: Thunder Cloud: Symbol: Thundercloud Rating: 4/5 Common This creates a bubble around your car that will expand until it bursts around you. Anyone caught in the blast will lose some bricks. This is my favorite (Excluding the Brick Disrupter) because cars trying to pass you will not last long. Advanced Setting: Hold the button for about a second and then let go, and the bubble will drop off your car. Then it will explode behind you. Be careful though, because when you hold it too long your car will start taking damage. Tornado: Symbol: Tornado Rating: 3/5 Uncommon This makes a tornado behind you and then releases it. Anyone that runs into it will go spinning out of control. I like this one because it is a great trap to pull in tight spaces. Advanced Setting: Hold the button down to make it stay behind you. This will act as a shield and deflect any projectiles coming at you. Don't hold it down too long or you'll lose control. Other Kinds: These both do not have Advanced Settings. Stealth: Symbol: Ninja Rating: 2/5 Common This makes you invisible. You cannot be targetted by homing missiles and you cannot lose bricks by running into things. You can also steal other car's power-ups. This is good, except it appears too often and it is a cheap rip-off of Mario-Kart. Brick Disrupter: Symbol: Bricks Rating: 5/5 Rare This causes all cars (Except you) to lose 6 bricks. It also makes a huge yellow glare and obscures your vision for about 3 seconds. My favorite. Here We Go! 4.0 Sandy Bay ------------------ This is the first level. There is no Foyer so you are always exploring. 4.1 Gold Bricks -------------------- 1: On the side of the mountain in the center of the island. It is near the construction site. 2: There is a platform on the cliff leading to the north beach. (The one near the Arctic Jump point) On it is the gold brick. 3: When facing the sea of the north beach, head left, over the ramp leading up. The gold brick is a little ways off. 4.2 Bonus Levels --------------------- This is the Taxi Level. You have to drive around to the people located on your map and press the talk button. They will hop in and tell you where they want to go. Then you have to take them to the area marked on the map. Pretty simple huh? It starts with Doctor Dave telling you that the taxi guy is too busy to take him to the laboratory. Sparky tells you the rules, and you're off! Time: 3 minutes 1: On top of the Mountain in the center of the island. You can't miss it. Drive up the mountain and pass through the vortex to enter the bonus level. 2: At the beach where you first found Sparky, (It has a ship you can see) go left while facing the big blue. Go past the first little beach, and there is a second. This one has the second vortex. Easy: You must pick up and drop off 3 people. Here is a list of the people and where they go. Doctor Dave: He is found right in front of you at the start. He goes to the science labs on the southeast corner of the island. Head forward, go right around the divide, then go across the bridge, through the trees and left to get him there without any trouble. Captain Geoff: In the middle of the city. He needs to get to the Arctic Jump Point. Head north out of the city and go down the slope to the beach. Turn right into the cave, then left to find the drop-off point. Fisherman: At the eastern base of the mountain, across the bridge to the left from the start. He needs to go to the north beach. Just drive over the mountain and straight down the slope. The drop-off is on the west side of the beach. Pauline: To the south of the Science Labs. She wants to see the jump gate on the west side of the island. Head west across the bridge, to the left of the divide, then west some more to the jump gate. Jimmy: On the east side of the island, just south of the construction site. The Police Station is where he wants to go. Just drive over the mountain and straight into town. Tony the Coastguard: Just to the south of the Arctic Jump point. He needs to go to the southern beach. Head over the mountain straight toward the target. You won't encounter any trouble. Workman Rob: He is just south of the northern beach outside the house. He needs to go to the road construction place. Head toward the target, avoid the Digger though. This one is pretty short. Hard: This is pretty much the same as Easy, though you have to get five instead of 3. Since I listed all the people in the easy section, I won't do it here. 5.0 Dino Island ------------------ You have to beat all the racers in Sandy Bay. Unlike Sandy Bay, there is a foyer, like in Diddy Kong Racing. This foyer lets you go to each regular race and the boss race. It also lets you do a bonus level you have already done. Talk to Sparky and he will give you some options. He lets you save your game and go exploring! We want to go exploring! Exploring lets you go find all the gold bricks and the vortexes. (Vortici?) 5.1 Gold Bricks -------------------- 1: Head to the 'Easter Island' beach with the natives' huts and go along the beach to the narrow path. Drop down along the very edge to find this one. 2: In the jungle, go toward the mountain and left to find the opening into the volcano. Head up the mountain, the brick is on top of the opening. 3: At the 'Easter Island beach there is a tunnel with a snake's head as the opening. To the left is a platform. Go up and grab the gold brick. 5.2 Bonus Levels --------------------- In this bonus game, you must find barrels of oil for the Adventurers. They are marked on the map and scattered around the map. To pick them up you must run over them. To drop them off, you must go to the target on the map. If a car hits you, all the barrels will escape. 1: From the start of the exploration, which is the tree-house, face toward the sea and cross the bridge. Go up onto the plateu. Head across the ditch and over the hill. It's right there. 2: Inside the jungle, go up to the side of the volcano. Then head right along the edge. When you get to the end, turn right and go through the vortex. Easy: This one you must get 6 barrels and return them to the target. You can hold 5 barrels at a time. I will list the order that is the fastest and when to return them to the base. Time: 5 Minutes, 30 seconds Head left and aim the arrow (Your car on the map) straight toward the barrel in front (1). Then cross the bridge, dodge the car and grab a second one (2). Head forward some more and grab a third (3), then turn right and head toward another (4). Go back to the bridge and cross. Then follow the ditch to find one more (5). You're full, so head to the base. Now you'll only need one more. Go up the side of the mountain to the closest one (6). If you're having trouble getting up, head to the second closest one, to the right. When you get it, head back to the base to win. Hard: You must find 8 this time. Follow the easy guide until your first round. Time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds Now, instead of going up the mountain, go across the bridge and head toward the first one (6). Now head for the next one in line (7). Then grab the last one (8). Now dodge the cars and go back to the base to drop off the last ones. 6.0 Mars ------------------ Cost: 8 Golden Bricks This world is the same as last, it has a foyer and you can explore by talking to Sparky. Good Luck! 6.1 Gold Bricks -------------------- 1: Near the downed spaceship is a maze of paths. Going into this place from the spaceship, keep to the right wall, going behind the rocks. The brick is behind them. 2: At the martian base, looking toward the large semi-circle track, there is a gold brick. It is on a small platform behind a tower. 3: Inside the cave with the water, there is a pile of rocks in the center. The gold brick is in the middle. 6.2 Bonus Levels --------------------- In this bonus game you must collect Power Crystals for the spaceship crew. It is just like the bonus game on Dino Island. You can hold five. If you lose some and they fall in the lava, you'll lose. 1: This one is also in the water cave behind one of the waterfalls. 2: Head to the east, which is the broken martian base. It is among the rocks. Both of the bonus levels, you must collect 10 crystals. So this guide aplies to both vortexes. Easy Time: 5 minutes Hard Time: 4 minutes Head straight forward and grab the first (1), then turn left a little to face the next one (2). When you grab it, turn left again to enter the maze. The crystal (3) is in the middle section right in front of you. Now head back to base and drop them off. Go east from the base toward the next and jump the lava to get to it (4). Then head west and then right to find another (5). Dodge the evil car and go back across the bridge, then turn right again to head toward another (6), which is on the natural bridge. Now, for safety's sake, go drop them all off. Head straight toward the one on the west (7). You can cross the bridge with #6, or you can go through the spitting tunnel. When you grab it, go through the water tunnel and head straight for the next crystal (8). Then go through the martian base and grab the next one (9). Then go up the ramp and get the last one (10), and drop them off to win. 7.0 Arctic ------------------ Cost: 8 Golden Bricks Arctic... This is slippery, and more slppery and most slippery. It is the slipperiest world. Nuff said. When you make your car it can have skis on it. 7.1 Gold Bricks -------------------- 1: Almost straight forward from the start of exploring is a bridge. Cross it and go straight forward and you'll see the brick. 2: Go up the ramp from inside the crashed ship. Turn around and go to the left, the brick is right there. 3: This one is in a pile of boxes in the main arctic explorer base. 7.2 Bonus Levels --------------------- This is a pretty hard one. Though you don't have to get as many, you are carrying balloons. So each time you get another, you lose more and more control, until you start to float away. You start floating away when you hold five. So the limit is 4. 1: This one is on top of the ship. You can easily get to it by going down the mountain straight toward the ship, then holding the brake. 2: When going into the mountain from the top, at the bottom, go right into the ice patch. This one is behind the wall. Easy: In the easy part, you'll need to get 8 balloons before the time goes out. So 2 trips with four balloons, right? Wrong! Three trips of 3, 3, and 2. Time: 6 Minutes! Head straight forward toward the first one (1), which is on the bridge into the ice maze. Enter the ice maze and get to the two that are in there. It's kind of difficult to tell you exactly how to get them. One is in the middle (2) and one is at the far end (3). When you've got all those, head back to base and drop them off. Now go for the one that is closest to the base (4). Go into the cracked ice field for the next (5), and go west onto the bridge for the third (6) this trip. Now for the last 2. Head southwest over the mountain toward the northern one (7), then south to the last (8). Now return them to base for a big thanks. Hard: This one is just the same, 8 balloons, but with one difference. Time: 5 minutes. 8.0 Xalax ------------------ Instead of Gold Bricks getting you here, you must beat all three bosses in each of the previous worlds (Except Sandy Bay, Which has no boss.) This is the final area in the game. The races are very different from the other areas. This has moving earth, a 5 lap figure eight, loop-the-loops, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Good Luck! When you beat all 4 races, you can race Rocket Racer on the big circular track. 8.1 Gold Bricks -------------------- 1: This one is near the energy tunnel. Face it and go toward the outside, then follow the ridge to the gold brick. 2: Near the loop-the-loop is a moutain-ish thing. The brick is on one side. 3: Under the jump through the ring. 8.2 Bonus Levels --------------------- In this one, you must test your racing skills with a drill used by Rocket Racer himself. You have to collect drones around a circular track. Easy? Hardly. They move around in circles. 1: This vortex is on the other side of the mountain-ish thing across from brick #2. 2: Next to the loop-the-loop near the lava. Easy: Collect 8 drones. Time: 4 Minutes Hard: Collect TEN (10) Drones... Time: In THREE (3) Minutes. Now, this is a hard one to tell you to go here and grab this one. The track is a circle, and you should just go araound, collect about 3 or 4 drones and return them. While dodging the racers. Shouldn't be too hard. Good Luck 9.0 Hints -------------- Mars: In the race with Riegel, and a few others, you pass through a cavern with water in it. There is a shortcut in the rocks. Arctic: In the race with the berg, there is a shortcut, too. Just past the checkpoint, take a left immediatly. Then get back on the road and go through the checkpoint here. Xalax: When racing Rocket Racer, don't use the jumps. This only slows you down, and you may lose control. Also, Rocket Racer is too fast for normal racing methods. Use all the power-ups you can, and try to knock him off the path. 10.0 FAQ ------------- I'm in need of some Questions, and I doubt I'll get any. 11.0 Version History ------------------------- 1.0: Completed the walkthrough 1.1: Added the extra sections, First submission 12.0 Contact ----------------- To contact me with questions, comments, corrections, fan mail, or suggestions, contact me at this e-mail adress: Please put 'Lego Racers 2' as the subject. Please don't send: Corrections that include spelling and grammar! I don't want you to e-mail me just to say 'you can't spell.' That is stupid. Corrections means if I accidentily put in the wrong directions. Ex. I say go south into the abyss and die instead of go north into the eternal glory waiting for you. Other corrections are welcome. I would like to be able to quickly read the e-mails you send me. Don't send me a file with your questions. I will delete them. Don't send an e-mail that has something like: yer faq roks, dood! Spam. Nobody likes spam, including me, so please don't ever send this. Hate mail. Why? Why would someone want to send a hate mail? The only logical explanation is if you found somewhere there was a line that if you read it in a secret code, it insulted your grandma. It wastes my time, and yours. 13.0 Credits ----------------- GAmeFAQs: For Hosting this guide Ole Kirk Christiansen: For Making Legos Me: For finding the Floppy this was on ______ |__ __| || 0 ________ ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ || || || || || | \ /___\ || \ || || || |__ || || || || || |__/ \___ || || \\_/\ ___| || || (c) Copyright 2004-2006 Timperius